#Maddie must be protected at all costs
thechaoticdruid · 5 months
[This Bites] (3)
Pairing: Astarion x F! Chubby MC
Content/Warnings: Sexual humor, suggestive content, animal death, blood, slight angst, no Brian yay!, Winnie freaking out again, fluff,
Quick summary: Winnie gets Star out of the house after being cooped up since his arrival. Vampire hijinks ensue.
Chapter Two: Go Back
Chapter Three: Stay here.
Chapter Four: Lets fucking goooo!
Check out this silly recreation of the chapter in The Sims I did.
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Hiding a secret pet from your parents was stressful enough, but hiding a whole grown ass man in your room would likely be a thousand times as nerve wracking.  Especially with a step douche who had a habit of barging into the room. Luckily for Winnie, her stepfather was never a quiet man, always stomping along the floor in thick combat boots. And her current stowaway was very perceptive. That still didn't cover all her issues. Winnie had searched all over Nexus Mods for that damn cheat mod she downloaded but could not find it again. It was as if the creator deleted it just after Astarion got out. To make matters worse the vampire was likely starting to get hungry. He'd been gazing at her more and more longingly each day since his escape from the computer. She'd need a way for feeding her guest which didn't involve anyone getting sucked flat like a caprisun. Of course she thought about offering him her own blood, but the idea honestly made her uneasy. In fantasy it was very appealing, having an extremely attractive and alluring man suck on your neck, what's not to like? There was the whole sharp teeth tearing into your flesh aspect, but in fantasy there was no pain, no need to worry about death. Just sweet sweet blissful fantasy. But that was not the case now.  In reality if Astarion were to sink his fangs into her neck he wouldn't need to drink all her blood to kill her. She'd probably bleed out from her jugular being punctured alone. 
Winnie stared over at him as he peeked out the window. Night had fallen and he didn't need to worry about the sun. At least not for a while. 
Winnie sighed, “I have no idea how I'm going to feed you if I'm honest.” 
“Since you're so keen on protecting our dear friend Brian I suppose that leaves me with having to go out and hunt for my next meal, well unless you'd be generous enough to offer me your lovely neck.” 
“I don't think that's a good idea, but I guess my arm might be okay…” Winnie lifted up her arm to look at it. 
“You love to take the fun out of things don’t you? But alright, I'm not about to turn down a willing meal.” Astarion's pupils practically dilated at the sight of the veins on Winnie’s arm. His mouth watering at the thought of her warm blood coating his throat and he couldn't help but lick his lips.
“Hold on! I didn't mean right this second!” Winnie hid her arm behind her back, her cheeks turning red at the hungry look he was giving her. 
“Such a tease.” Astarion huffed and crossed his arms.
“I had some things planned for tonight and I can't do them if my head is spinning from blood loss.”  Winnie said before searching through her closet.
She pulled out a large duffle bag and began to unzip it. Inside were some hoodies and other clothing. Grey and black T-shirts, some jeans and a pair of sneakers. “Here, these were my brother's, they’ll probably fit you.” Winnie said before tossing the bag onto the bed.
Astarion made a disgusted sound.
“These are so tasteless and drab!” 
“We’ll get you something more suitable to your tastes later. For now you need to be able to blend in.” Winnie explained. Astarion muttered something under his breath before he started removing his purple doublet and exposing his pale muscular chest. He was so perfect, so flawless. Winnie’s brain honestly turned off for a moment as the elf then proceeded to slide down his pants. Her eyes nearly entranced by a certain large shape in his drawers, her face turning bright red. 
“My eyes are up here, darling.~”Astarion purred, voice husky and soft. 
“A-Ah sorry! I should….” Winnie sputtered before scrambling off into the connecting bathroom. Astarion chuckled a bit, watching the flustered female dash out of the room. He couldn't help but find her rather adorable.  Winnie stood in the bathroom for a few moments, heart pounding as she pressed her back against the door. 
Oh God, why didn't I walk out sooner!?
“You can come out now, my dear.” Eventually Astarion's voice broke her from her thoughts. The human girl let out an exasperated sigh before opening the door and heading back in. The clothes were a little tight around his body, making his muscles quite visible through the light gray tee.  Winnie quickly grabbed a black hoodie and handed it to him. “Here, put this on.” She said, watching him slide the jacket on. Winnie zipped it up for him before leaning up on her tiptoes and  pulling the hood over his head.
“Hey! My hair!” He whined.
“I'll fix it for you later. Right now I don't want anyone gawking over your ears.”
“Why would anyone be doing that?” 
“Ah, right. You see, in this world there are no elves, no magic, no vampires….Just humans really.” Winnie rubbed the back of her head. 
“Really? Gods, how dull. Not that I mind being the only vampire around. That actually sounds rather delightful.” Astarion smirked a bit. 
“Please don't get in any world domination ideas. Just because there aren't any vampires doesn't mean there aren't people who can tear you a new one.” Winnie sighed before peeking out the door into the hall. “Okay, they're asleep. Now come on.” Winnie said quietly.
“Where are we going?” Astarion whispered, slowly following Winnie as they tiptoed out of the house. 
“We're heading out to town. It's probably a good idea for you to get acquainted with the area just in  case something bad happens.” Winnie explained, “plus I feel bad about keeping you locked up in my room for days.” She then took out her cellphone and shook it, causing the flashlight to turn on.
“I thought you said, you didn't have magic here.” 
“We don't. This my fanged friend is technology. It’s a machine mostly for talking to people far away, but also does a bunch of other stuff.” Winnie used her phone to navigate in the dark as they began walking down across her driveway. Winnie’s neighborhood was quiet, each of the houses were fairly spaced out with plenty of trees and brush littering the terrain.  Parked in the yard near her family’s cars was a purple motorcycle. 
“Oh, and this is my trusty steed! Or well it's basically my personal source of transportation. Think of it like a horse but made of metal. To make it even better this won't decide to turn around and bite you!” Winnie said with a smile.
“As wonderful as that sounds. I'm not quite sure about climbing onto some strange metal contraption.” 
“Well…If you'd rather walk….” Winnie said in a sing-songy tone, putting her phone into her pocket.
“Nevermind! Let's go!” 
Winnie climbed on the bike, her hands gripping the handles as she glanced over at Astarion. He looked the vehicle over curiously, nearly jumping up in the air when the girl turned on the engine. 
“Come on!” Winnie said.  Hesitantly he climbed on and immediately clung to Winnie, arms wrapped around her plush waist. 
“Oh, this is rather intimate.~” Astarion took the opportunity to nuzzle his face into her neck, growing a bit more comfortable as he held onto her soft form. Winnie immediately turned bright red, a shiver going down her spine.  She didn't really think this through did she? 
Focus! Do not let the incredibly sexy vampire elf hugging your back cause you to have a crash! 
We are not dying because of horniniess goddamnit!
Winnie mentally scolded herself as she drove off. Not that she disliked his attentions, mind you. She was just very easily flustered, never having been in any kind of romantic relationship, physical or otherwise.  Astarion sighed into her neck, The smell of lavender and cherry blossoms mixed with the delectable scent of her blood was absolutely heavenly.  It took all he had to resist the urge to sink his fangs into her neck and gorge himself on her blood.
Winnie kept her eyes on the road, the headlights of her motorcycle illuminated the street as they zoomed down it.  There weren't too many cars on the road so Winnie could be thankful for that. 
They rode away from the suburbs where Winnie’s home resided, eventually until coming towards a small shop just outside of the city. A large sign that read ‘CornerStore’ sat atop the building and illuminated the parking lot.
“This is where I work.” Winnie said as she turned into the parking lot. She parked up front in her usual spot before turning off the engine and hopping off. 
“Well this seems like a cozy little shop.” Astarion said, getting off. “What exactly could you precure here?” 
“Mostly snacks. Some hygiene products and other things. Just stuff you need around your home really.” Winnie said, leaning up on her toes to fix his hoodie before leading him inside. 
Winnie looked around the shop, thinking about anything she could get which would be useful for her new guest to have in the future. She couldn't get too much however. She only had so much room in the little trunk she had on her motorcycle. 
Bandages would be a good idea, shampoo…. Though he'd likely complain if it was some kind of cheap smelling stuff….
Astarion looked over Winnie as she scanned around the store. His tongue flicked over his fangs as he couldn't help but stare at her jugular. The gnawing pain in his stomach was crying out, demanding to be sated. He backed up as Winnie became engrossed in the products that decorated the shelves. Out of the corner of his eye he noticed a small creature outside the shop. Almost cat-like, but with a longer snout, a ringed tail and tiny black hands.  The creature appeared to be picking around in the trash outside. Not his first choice, but it had to at least be better than a rat.
Winnie kept looking through some hygiene products, wondering what her fanged friend would need when suddenly she heard what sounded like an angry raccoon. She quickly whipped her head around, heart nearly stopping when she noticed Astarion was gone. 
Quickly she rushed outside and glanced over to see a dead raccoon fall to the ground. Astarion stood over it, blood dripping down his chin. 
“Are you fucking kidding me!?” Winnie whisper-shouted. 
“I was hungry…” Astarion shrugged, looking at her with round innocent eyes, mouth still covered in blood. Winnie grimaced, kicking the dead raccoon off to the side and out of sight before grabbing hold of Astarion and dragging him off. She pulled him into the store before making a beeline for the bathroom. She dragged him inside and slammed the door. 
The young woman pinched the bride of her nose, on the verge of tearing her hair out.  
“Please…Just please….Can you not do any vampire shit out where people can see you!?” Winnie said.
“No one was even around to see me. Sweetie, you worry far too much.” Astarion said, making a sassy hand gesture. Winnie crossed her arms and huffed, her eyebrow twitching.  She turned before grabbing some paper towels and wetting them. 
“You have to understand.” Winnie said calmly, “if people find out you're a vampire they'll probably try to kill you or worse cut you open and try to find out what makes you tick. Just please be careful.” She wiped the blood off his face before crumbling up the towels and burying them in the bottom of the trashcan. Astarion crossed his arms and stepped closer to her.
“I am a master of stealth, my dear. And if you expect me to just wait about for my next meal while you flaunt around that delicious neck of yours, I might not be able to control myself for long.” He said, running a clawed finger over her jugular making her shiver. His voice was playful, a bit flirty even, but the warning was still very clear. If she kept him waiting for too long he might not even be able to think before taking a bite out of her. 
“I promise I'll figure out a way to feed you, just give me time…Please.” 
“Oh alright, but only because you're so sweet.” He tapped her nose playfully. “And that little snack should keep me sated for now, ahaha.” 
Winnie washed her hands before leaving the bathroom to continue looking around for some supplies. Astarion followed after her, red eyes inspecting the isles with interest. Some of the objects looked familiar, but somehow still foreign.
A couple of times he'd ask Winnie what something was, and she'd do her best to explain, but sometimes it was difficult. Especially with some technological items that Winnie herself wasn't even completely educated on. 
She picked up a few things she deemed would be useful for hosting her guest, bandages, hygienic stuff and a burner phone. Winnie was about to go pay for the items when she froze, eyes widening in fear. Shit. Becca was working tonight. 
“Darling, are you alright?” The vampire’s voice was gentle. Astarion noticed Winnie’s fear and placed a hand on her shoulder before looking over to what had her tense. At the cash register was a tall skinny woman with long red hair, round red glasses and a face full of freckles. There was a black visor around her neck with a name tag attached along with several different round pins, most notable ones being a colorful pin with a pattern of pink and blue with a purple line in between and a second pin with what looked like a mind flayer on it. She wore a casual blue dress and didn't look the least but intimidating so Astarion was rather puzzled as to what had Winnie's heart pounding so wildly.
Becca was probably the closest thing Winnie had to a friend these days, considering practically all her peers from high school had ran off to start their own lives (the fucking plebs) and the two were able to bond a bit over a common interest in video games. See where this is going? Becca was a gamer. A rather devoted gamer who was always quick to snatch up any of the hot new triple A releases.  Winnie turned back to look at Astarion before quietly whispering, “when we go up to the counter do not say a word, okay?”
“Why?” Astarion asked.
“I'll explain it later, just stay quiet please.” She said before the two walked up to the register. Becca glanced up from the magazine she was looking over and smiled. Astarion held the small of Winnie’s back and stayed close to her. He was still not sure why Winnie was so frightened of this very simple looking woman. Though looks could be deceiving. She could be some kind of shapeshifter in disguise! 
“Winnie! I didn't think you'd be stopping by tonight.” Becca said in a cheerful tone. 
“Hey Becca!” Winnie greeted in a tone as perky as she could muster. “I…Just needed to pick up a few things I was running low on.” She said handing over the items. Becca’s blue eyes looked over Winnie’s face as she scanned the supplies.
She noticed her nervousness, but didn't seem too concerned. Winnie was known to get anxious quite easily. But then she noticed the male standing next to her and hummed. Becca noticed the white curls peeking out from under the hoodie he wore and took a long look at his very pretty face. He seemed very familiar, but she couldn't for the life of herself figure out why. 
“Winnie,” She spoke up in a playful tone, “is this your boyfriend? He is cute.” Becca teased with a wink. Astarion couldn't help but chuckle a bit.
“A-Ah! N-No! We're just friends!” Winnie said, getting very embarrassed. Astarion suddenly snapped his head towards her, a bit shocked at her words.
Winnie ignored him the questioning looks he was giving her. She leaned over towards Becca. “I'm just helping him out. He's really really shy….” Winnie muttered to her. Astarion stood there arms crossed as he glared at Winnie slightly, eyebrow twitching.
“Oh, okay.” Becca responded, scanning and bagging up Winnie’s things. “That'll be 29.50.” 
Winnie paid for the supplies before walking out, Astarion stomping after her. She put the bags into the trunk of her motorcycle before she finally acknowledged his glaring.
“What?” She asked.
“Just friends? After everything we've been through, you and I are just friends?!” Astarion almost hissed out, but his tone sounded far more hurt than angry. 
“We literally just met a few days ago.” Winnie said, a bit confused. She backed up a bit, flinching at his tone.
“I wasn't lying when I said I fell in love with you over and over! I..I…Did something happen? Do you not like me anymore?” His voice sounded a bit hoarse. Winnie’s heart shattered as she noticed he looked like he was on the verge of tears. 
“Astarion…” She said softly before approaching him. “I do like you. I like you a lot, but you don't really know me ... .The person in the game, the brave strong beautiful adventurer. That's not me.” 
Astarion huffed, trying to blink away the glassiness of his eyes. 
“I fell in love with the sweet person who saved me, nothing else matters!” He took her hands in his. “Please…I want to be with you…” 
“Honey, you don't even know my birthday.” Winnie said with a sad smile. “And I….I'm really not sure. I know everything was probably quite real for you, but to me it was like I was just a spectator. Someone enjoying a good story. Hell I've never even kissed anyone in real life so the idea of jumping into a serious relationship out of nowhere is honestly terrifying…” Winnie said and looked off to the side. The silver haired male took a moment to regain his composure, wiping one of his eyes.
Winnie thought for a moment before looking back at him and gently squeezed his hands.
“Look, I don't have a lot of experience in this, but maybe we could start over? I could court you, maybe?” 
“Oh….Y-Yes…Yes that would make me very…happy…” The vampire blinked away his tears before mustering up a smile. Winnie released his hands, before hesitantly moving in closer. She thought about going in for a hug before she noticed him lean closer, lips puckered. 
Quickly she stopped his mouth with her index finger. 
“I'm…Not ready for that just yet…” She said with a sad smile as he pulled back. 
“Of course, apologies…I misunderstood.” He said feeling a bit embarrassed. Winnie quickly decided to just pull close for a hug before anything else happened. Astarion relaxed a bit, taking comfort in her embrace, and quickly wrapping his arms around her. It was difficult. His relationship had now practically been set back to stage one. 
After Astarion had calmed down and the two of them left the Corner Store. Winnie decided to keep her word about beginning a courtship with her flamboyantly fanged friend.  The night was still young and a date was the perfect excuse for Winnie to stop somewhere to look for something edible to sate her own hunger. Unfortunately there was little the pale elf could enjoy at such establishments, but Winnie did have one idea. 
Astarion looked over Winnie’s shoulder, his eyes widened in awe at the bright lights of the city. It was rather beautiful, making the night much more pleasant and allowing him to see so much more color than he usually would at this time.
Winnie eventually stopped, bringing the motorcycle to a halt as they arrived at a large pleasant smelling building. The air was filled with the scent of meat and other savory dishes. 
Winnie got off the bike before quickly adjusting the hood on Astarion's head, making sure his ears were not visible.  Winnie then took her vampiric companion inside before ordering a table for the two.  She sat across from him in a booth, looking down at her hands shyly. 
“I know it might be hard to believe with my charms and devastatingly good looks, but I've actually never been on a date before, not a real one anyway.” Astarion chuckled a bit.
“What about before you were turned? Surely you'd have been on a date then?” Winnie frowned.
“Perhaps, but I can't exactly remember much from before. It might as well not have happened.” He sighed, looking off as a waitress walked towards the table. She was rather beautiful, long blonde hair, blue eyes, a waspy waist and thick curves in all the right places. 
“What can I get you both?”  She asked. 
“Oh, something full bodied and red.”  Astarion said and looked back at Winnie. 
“Red wine and a pinjacolada please.” Winnie said as she glanced up at the waitress, eyes staring enviously at her nearly perfect bodice. 
“Ah and some fried chicken fingers, and um….Can you get maybe get us an extremely rare steak?” Winnie asked feeling a bit clumsy and embarrassed about how her last line was worded. 
“An extremely rare steak?” The waiter looked at Winnie like she had grown a second head. 
“I don't know if we're allowed to-”
“Be a dear, and fetch me something as bloody as possible won't you beautiful?” Astarion turned towards the waitress, his tone dripping with charm, his ruby red eyes almost hypnotic as he gave her a flirtatious wink.
The waitress’s face turned bright red. 
“Y-Yes! Yes of course!” She sputtered, a giddy grin spreading across her face. Winnie felt a twinge a jealousy shoot through her. She understood why he did that, but it didn't make it feel any better. The pudgy female took out her cellphone as Astarion began to ramble on about something. Something about how dull all of the people here seemed, and how abhorrent their attires were.
Winnie began looking on Tumblr, noticing a notification about TheRespectfulBard posting a new BG3 fanfiction. Though something else caught Winnie's eye as she skimmed through the Bard’s blog.  Apparently the bard was also looking for a mod that had been recently removed from the Nexus Mod page. However the modification they were looking for happened to be a mod that added a few new overpowered attacks to the game. Winnie quickly looked through the comments and reblogs to find someone saying the mod was made by a user named ShadowMommy69. 
Oh God…….It was made by a simp…..
“Winnie? Winnie? Are you even listening to me!?” Astarion spoke up, sounding a bit annoyed.
“Ah! Sorry…I got a bit distracted….” Winnie hearted TheRespectfulBard’s post before putting her phone in her pocket. 
“Honestly darling if you can't pay attention I might have to find a way to punish you.~” He teased, his hand reaching over to hold hers from across the table.
“Oh shut up.” Winnie rolled her eyes with a grin, her cheeks burning up. Astarion was just eating up all of Winnie’s overly flustered reactions. They were honestly all too cute. He looked at her with soft round eyes, wanting nothing more to plant kisses all over her pudgy little face. 
“I've got your order!” The waitress from before brought in their food and drinks. Her hips swayed as she strutted over and set them down on the table. Blue eyes roamed over Astarion’s face and body, though he didn't seem particularly interested. The smell of blood from the meat hit him like a truck, making his mouth water. Winnie immediately began to nibble on her chicken, but her eyes were glued on that woman. 
“I hope you both enjoy…. Especially you.~” The blonde said, seductively running a finger over Astarion's chest, making him stiffen.
“Um lady he doesn't like to be touch-” Winnie tried to object, though her mouse like voice was completely ignored.
“I'm getting off at ten just so you know.” She winked at him before wandering off. Winnie glared at her strutting form.
“Creepy bitch…” She muttered under her breath. That skank was so not getting a tip. Astarion cleared his throat before dusting off the front of his jacket, acting as if the waitress had got him dirty.  
“Well, now that that's over. I think I have something to attend to.” His looked down at the streak which was practically dripping with blood. 
Winnie bit her lip. She wouldn't lie. This was a bit gross. 
Winnie grabbed her drink, slowly sucking it down as she attempted to ignore the vampire in front of her, cutting up the steak and sucking the blood off. She couldn't imagine what was probably going through the head of any on lookers.
“Oh my God he is so fucking hot.” Winnie’s ears perked up at the waitress’s voice as she gossiped with her friends.
“Who's girl with him? Think they're together?” 
“Fuck no! Have you seen her? Probably his sister or something.” 
Winnie rolled her eyes and glanced back at her food. She didn't really feel very hungry anymore. She looked down at her stomach. The round, plumpness of it made her feel so disgusting. It wouldn't be long before Astarion realized he had more options. Better looking options.
“Are you alright my sweet?” Astarion's concerned voice brought her gaze back up. 
“I'm fine I guess…A bit tired if I'm honest…” She said tapping her fingernails to the table. 
“Well then, perhaps we should get you home so you can get your beauty rest hm? Not that you need it of course! You're already the most beautiful person here.” The elf said sweetly.  
“Yeah, let's go.” Winnie nodded, the two left their table and Winnie payed for the food at the register. She side eyes the waitress from before who was still gossiping with her friends. Winnie turned ready to head out the doors before she was suddenly snatched up by Astarion.
“I just want you to know once we get home. I am going to make you scream my name.” He said, his husky voice purposely raised loud enough for everyone to hear.  Winnie immediately buried her embarrassed face into his neck. Despite being ready to faint she also couldn't help but let out a series of giggles at his bluntness.
The waitress from before looked over with a shocked and frankly pissed expression. The vampire smirked slightly before tugging Winnie outside.
It was around eleven o'clock when they arrived back home. Winnie got off her bike with a yawn before looking over at Astarion who's hood had once again fallen off due to the motorcycle ride. 
Since they were home though, she saw no point in fixing it again.  
“I think that was an absolutely delightful first date, my love.” Astarion said as the two walked over towards the front door. “Don't you agree?” 
“Shit.” Winnie stopped in her tracks.
“Oh come on! It wasn't that bad! Actually I don't think it was bad at all!” Astarion crossed his arms with a scoff.
“No! Shit!” She pointed at the front door which was cracked open about two feet. 
“Oh, oh dear.” The vampire exclaimed before his companion rushed inside. He quickly followed after her as she zoomed into her bedroom. 
“Maddie!? Maddie!” She called looking under the bed and in her closet before checking the bathoom. Astarion went into the bedroom and inhaled, trying to pinpoint the scent of the sweet little kitten’s blood. Was it nearby? However, his red orbs suddenly shot open at the echo of barking coming from outside. 
“Maddie!” Winnie cried in fear. 
Note from The ChaoticDruid: Been so hyped to get this chapter out! We have a lead on who caused Astarion to suddenly become sentient and it looks like a Shadowheart lover lol. A Shadowheart simp if you will! Also I know a lot of people would probably think Winnie's crazy for not wanting to jump right into a serious romance with Astarion, but I just feel like there are some things we'd love to fantasize about, but might not be too sure about in real life. Besides the girl is very romantically awkward. If anyone has any ideas on how to hide Astarion's ears better I'm open to suggestions, oh and PLEASE tell me what you think of the chapter! I love hearing all the comments about stuff, really makes my day.
Also fuck, Maddie's in danger! Somebody do something!
Taglist: @astarioffsimpmain , @iamsexytrash , @tiedyedghoulette , @hp-art-studio , @gaymistakeboi @the-disaster-in-waiting
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confessedlyfannish · 9 months
DPxDC Prompt
Danny has always been able to manage his obsession with the help of his human half & also because a variety of urges were running through him when he died - curiosity (the desire to explore), service (the desire to be of use, to fix), and his overall innate nature, protectiveness (to protect this new, loving family he's found, to protect his little brother, no matter the cost)
-and underneath it all, buried deep down and an admittance he will never speak is his desire for power, because with power comes the ability to accomplish all of the above.
Still, he has seen what power does to people, to his Grandfather, and then what power had done to him, in a future where no human half had tempered his urges and his desire for power was doubled when he combined with the ghost of his godfather, obsession meeting obsession.
So he keeps himself on a tight leash except for the day he embraces Power and Ends Pariah, which is fine because the power from the suit is temporary and he still has no idea the dark future that awaits him, believes that he can temper himself. But he is something wild and dark and feral when he goes after Pariah, calling upon lessons from a past life and not hesitating to go for the kill in a way that makes Vlad, the only true witness, hesitant around him forevermore, a sliver of fear in his eyes that he cannot mask.
If he had known defeating Pariah would mean inheriting the crown, he never would've done it. Because with the power of the Crown and the Ring comes again his inability to fight his urges - not for more power, he has plenty, but to protect.
For Clockwork, for the Ancients, a King that will Protect his Realm is the ideal. But the ramifications for Danny are clear to his family the moment he wrenches Ellie from the Earth and into a room in The Keep for a week until her cheeks are flush with ectoplasm but also tears and Jazz and Maddie have successfully talked him through how safety must also mean happiness. To this day they do not know if it was their words that eventually penetrated his mind or his power settling. But he still struggles to allow them their freedom, and it is apparent to all who love him.
And so they figure out ways to manage. Systems. None of his Beloved, his Fraid will ever willingly step into danger. They will give him consistent updates, they will provide tech that manages their vitals. They will visit and allow him trespass in turn. They will sleep in his bed (less necessary, but said with a wink and an errant hand that shows they are willing to make the sacrifice).
And deep within the Zone, on one of his routine checks with nary a soul in a sight, Danny allows himself to curl into a ball and cry. Wail. Because he knows he can never go in search of his brother, nor his father, the Batman. The one reunion he craved, because with power came the ability to protect, even from one as horrible as Ra's Al Ghul, is the same reason he must deny himself. Because Damian Wayne and Bruce Wayne will always put themselves in danger. And if he comes to them, he will never let them go.
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babydollmarauders · 7 months
Maddy and Lukey are babies because they must be protected at all costs and they are the youngest
As their sister in law you should be enforcing the open door rule
i can’t enforce that rule because then they might see jack and i doing some…. things … in places besides our bedroom
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aevyternal · 3 years
“I want to hug you once more, as soft as I can.”
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                        ❝    You still haven’t let go from the first one .    ❞        It’s a murmur ,   gently curling the silvery threads of the woman’s hair around her fingers .   Head turns ,   pressing a tender kiss against Maddie’s temple ,   closing her eyes as arms wrap around her with a quiet EXHALE .   It’s difficult to not feel the trembling that the unicorn tries so valiantly to suppress ,  but the woman says nothing as she merely pulls her even closer than before .                          ❝    You don’t need to ask for permission ,   not for something like this .    ❞
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munstysmind · 3 years
OMG! Your Face Claim for Maddie is PERFECT! She’s such a precious little bean who wouldn’t hurt a fly. We must protect her at all costs.
Hi Anon,
Yes, Maddie is a precious little bean. The most precious of them all.
Don’t worry, she has along line of people ready to protect her.
@aussieez is at the front with her shovel and Evil Twin
@littleone65 is also brainstorming ways to maim Travis
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9-1-1 thoughts
- The first emergency was hilarious. Mainly the 118s reactions to everything going on. When people start coming forward to say they where the online poster and Chimney has that moment where he is like Spartcus! ME NEXT! And Hen stops him. So small but just GOLD. Eddie is the king of facial expressions this season. "Good luck with the wedding!"
- I really enjoyed seeing Hen work with her school mates. Enough said it was just enjoyable.
- Hen is going to be a kick ass doctor and I loved her putting that Dr in his place. If I could change one thing I would have some Karen there but still 👍
- Micheal and David are adorable and I love seeing them. I also love the relationship the Grant family have with each other in general. The facr that Bobby is the only one who can put up with Micheal and the fact that Micheal is just like. Nah I love you boo, but BOBBY is my pictionary partner
- Eddie, babe, Carla spent multiple days a week in your house. She doesn't care about where the pillows are positioned.
- Poor Maddie. A colic bany is a absolutely horrfifc thing to experience. They really do just cry and cry it is horrfifc to watch and I haven't experienced it as a mother but I have watched it and it must be emotionally heart wrenching to be able to do nothing and on top of what looks like potenital post partum.
- Carla's reunion scene and the hug was adorable
- Carla is also right. But now Eddie has put himself in a tough situation. It seems by the look on his face that following his heart does not lead to Ana and sadly that might hurt Chris but if that's the way he feels it needs to be sooner rather than later. A good parent needs to do right by themselves just as much as by thier kids to have a healthy relationship. Plus come on Eddie we all know you belong with Buck. I just need to see these to together for my soul.
- I enjoyed the mom and son story line. I could tell what it was but it is really great to see Eddie interacting with kids outside of Chris. He really is also amazing with kids and it is adorable that Chris wants to be Charlie's friend after 2 seconds. That kid is a gem.
- Seems like Chris is allowed video games again. The Hildy panic must have subsided. I feel Chris probs has Buck to thank for that.
- Bobby and Athena both have a point. The problem here is communication which is life is always easier said than done. I love them and they WILL get through it cause they must. I refuse anything else
- I hoenstly think Eddie my be my fav. I just love him so much and have missed him these last few weeks.
- Poor Charlie. I thought I knew this storyline and where it was going but I didn't see him giving her the posion.
- Finally EDDIE! No! We may have known this is coming but still. Watching Eddie and Buck reach out for each other and Buck's stunned face. Eddie must be protected at all costs
- The promo of Buck having to tell Chris that Eddie isn't coming home tonight breaks me. In ny head he follows that woth we are going to the hospital to see him. Me and you, he cant wait to see you. Because Eddie is FINE and just needs his boys!
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silentxxsoul · 2 years
The ‘holy shit how is it the finale already???’ reaction dump:
ayyyyyye here we gooooooo!!!
I'm simultaneously excited for tonight but hella nervous of the potential cliffhanger they'll leave us with (get it, cause the rig goes down a cliff???)
(no im not)
can we stop talking about placentas in smoothies
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oh so the real cliff hanger is gonna be early, huh? on the bright side that means we know nothing terrible happens to bobby since we know he's all healthy like at the vow renewal
I'm no firefighter but even I know yall didn't properly anchor that rig. Clipboard Buck would NEVER
Man the 118 has a shitty record with fire trucks lmao
Bobby bby don't internalize it
Buddie BFFs back on my screen doing adorable husband things
Eddie laughing at his own fix-it joke, being all sassy and shit
S6 better be the rise of Sassy Diaz, I'm just saying
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MADNEY ♥♥♥♥♥♥
Hell of a miscommunication there Chim holy god
Well, that was dramatic
I'm gonna be sick too, don't worry
Chim in the background wincing away omg I love him
But also, this gif is worth repeating since they once again are gonna make me barf
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Denny!!! He's so big!!!!
Uhm, so wait - not a henren renewal????
No complaints tho, cause Toni and Clive are fucking adorable and I love them
Someone give Karen a hug for me :(
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Maddie taking big steps for her future (starting over), we love to see it!
Buck, what was that face lmao
Ravi running interference, love it ♥
"Knowing they have your back" - Ravi ships Buddie is canon yall
JFC what was that????
Sorry, I'm still thinking about Ravi's words of wisdom and how they literally called back to Buck and Eddie's "You can have my back any day" and "Or you could have mine".
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(thats literally fox trying to gaslight me into thinking I'm not seeing the buddie moments)
This rescue is giving me too much anxiety yall
I need them to be ok
Buckley sibling moments, inject them into my veinssss ♥
Buck you are literally talking about you and Eddie, you realize that right? Like you both have been at rock bottom with each other and came out on the other side tOGeTheR
But also, Maddie listen to your brother because that accurately describes you and Chim
This couple is killing me (in a good way tho)
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I don't know that I've ever been this invested in a rescue couple but I do know that I love them and they must be protected at all costs
There's 15 minutes left for BT breakup and a wedding, how the fuck do they fit it in with the commercials ? ? I really think we needed another ep or two - the last couple have felt so packed and fast paced and they could have benefited from more time to wrap things up.
In my heart I want a Buddie "oh" moment during the vows but I know we wont get it, so fellow fic writers pls pls pls deliver k thanks bye
"I'm sorry you're still upset" is such a shitty non apology
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"Two days of traffic collisions and trash fires will take care of that" idk why that was so funny to me
Eddie looked so cute when Bobby opened that door ♥
I fucking love this scene so much, Eddie and Bobby needed this
"You saved my life, and my sons" brb sobbing and throwing up
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The 118 is such a tight knit family, they keep saving each other and half the time they don't even know they're saving each other
Toni aayyyyyye surprise vow renewal!!!!!!!!
Karen, don't worry I'll take the deviled eggs
Amicable ? Did not expect
Now to wait until September ahhhh
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Season 2
So i just finished season 2 and I’m about to embark on season 3 but just had to mention a few things:
I absolutely loved this season - so much happened, good and bad
I freaking loved the Henrietta and Chimney back story episodes - I almost wish they could have gotten their own little limited series of episodes so we could see everything, like how Hen met Karen, did Kevin’s parents stick around, did Kevin’s dad ever see Chim again, did Chim stay in touch with his family, how many captains did Hen and Chim serve under after that racist misogynistic bigoted asshole got fired until Bobby came along, when Eva got pregnant -- all of it
I loved that we got to see what happened to the firefighters that Hen and Chim got friendly with in their back stories in Bobby’s back story episode (except that paramedic that helped Chim - WHERE IS THAT PARAMEDIC? IS HE AT 217, TOO?)
I’m in love with Bobby and Athena’s relationship as I am the friendship-turned-relationship between Chim and Maddie
Maddie is a cinnamon roll that can definitely kill you and I will protect her with every ounce of my being - I stan!!!
While I wasn’t exactly sure how I felt about Eddie’s wife being back in the picture (she didn’t seem like a bad person and she seemed like she was genuinely trying), I was very sad about her end - for Eddie, for Christopher, but even more so for her - I’m ngl when she said to Eddie “I’m leaving again”, I broke down in sobs
While I’m still not sure how I feel about Allie and her relationship with Bobby, I will admit that I like her - but if I’m being honest, her connection and relationship with Buck felt a little out of left field and almost felt forced to me, even before the season finale; something just felt off about it; I like her but I don’t think her and Buck are a good match, it feels more like lust at first sight to me, not exactly that but maybe one step above it? My heart broke for Buck though because here he is, trying his best, and it looks like he has another breakup on the horizon
I was so worried for Maddie when Doug found her but I think Athena called it, Doug had no idea who he was dealing with and my girl fought for her life, literally, and I am so damn proud of her; I also like that the writers had her resolving this event herself, that she fought for herself, and Buck or anyone else didn’t save her (though they tried), I think it was very important for her story and for her character to do that and it worked so freaking well
Christopher is an angel and must be protected at all costs
I love that the show has not done away with Michael or pushed him to the side - I absolutely freaking love that they are keeping him around and maintaining his involvement in this fuller version of Athena’s family & I love the actual respect and developing friendship that he has with Bobby - it is SO nice to see
I LOVE Hen, every time she comes on screen, I just emit a happy sigh, she and I are literally the same people, I feel like if I was there in this fictional world, we would be both saying the same lines, in echo - I just love her so much
Buck and Eddie... Eddie and Buck... - I almost feel like the show is playing around with this dynamic and these two characters, teasing it to the audience very subtle-like (and sometimes, not so subtle) while also trying to figure it out themselves but...there is definitely a connection there. and the parallels, DO NOT get me started (I mean, both start romantic relationships in the same season that aren’t working as well as they could be and then the other romantic partner has some hesitance about either getting more involved with the guys or are coming to an end? This show isn’t set in Los Angeles, it’s in Parallel City, that’s where it is)
Athena truly is a goddess and she’s my goddess
I love that they also showed us how Maddie is starting to form her own life outside of Buck’s, outside of Chim’s, and we see her forming relationships within the 9-1-1 call center world - that scene where people she’s helped in the past came to thank her was very moving
I love that this show has made me care deeply about each and every single character that has come across the screen, I even cared about the firefighters Hen and Chim worked with back in the day (AND WHERE THE HELL IS THAT PARAMEDIC???) - the writing on the show is fantastic!
I need a Bobby in my life, even if it’s only to cook me dinner and to wax philosophical afterwards, hell that man can ground me for not making curfew, idc - after those scenes of every firefighter coming to him, even Chim, when he was suspended and the calm and confidence and wisdom he exuded...I just need more Bobby in my life, okay?
This was a fantastic season and I cannot wait to continue on to 3!
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Out of Time (9)
Read on AO3
Word Count: 4248
Previously: After realizing there's three possible outcomes of a looming battle with Dan, Danny asks Valerie, Dani and Vlad for their help.
Now: The calm before the storm. Aka things are about to hit the fan.
Link to the next chapter will be in the replies once posted. As always - please let me know what you think!
"Danny- you in here?" Jazz asked, opening her brother's door tentatively. To her surprise, she saw both Danny and Phantom in the room, both looking sombre and upset. She frowned slightly, looking between the two like a hawk. "Are you okay?"
Danny's eyes briefly flashed green as Phantom disappeared, smiling at his sister. "Yeah," he replied softly. His blue eyes watched her as she crossed her arms determinedly.
"Good, cause we're ready for you." Jazz observed Danny closely as he stood up straighter, a quiet reservation embodying him. She frowned as she examined him again. "You sure you're okay? We can postpone-"
"No," Danny said tiredly. "We really can't." He walked over to his sister, ignoring her suspecting gaze as he gave her a hug. Jazz bristled in surprise, but quickly returned it. "Love you," he murmured into her shoulder.
"I love you too," she replied, pulling away from the hug. She poked his nose affectionately, making the younger teen scramble away with a scowl. "Now come on, you're needed Ghost Boy."
With a devious smirk, Danny transformed and grabbed his sister by her arms. He turned them both intangible and flew up to the Ops Center. He dropped Jazz unceremoniously to the ground as he turned tangible again.
"Ugh! Danny!" Jazz protested, shivering slightly. "Give me warning next time!"
Danny chuckled, floating in the air as he watched Jazz try and recover. "You're the one who said they were ready. Where's that Ghost Getter attitude?" he teased.
Jazz glared half-heartedly at her brother before sighing. "C'mon," she said, gesturing to the crowded Ops Center.
Both Fenton children made their way into the room, weaving through many of Frostbite's subjects as they attempted to reach their parents. Maddie, Jack, Sam and Tucker were crowded around one of the screens. Jack saw them first.
"Kids! There you are!" he boomed, causing Sam and Tucker to jump in surprise. "Vladdy's on the T.V."
Danny exchanged frowns with his sister as they moved the screen. Vlad was sitting at his desk in the Mayor's office, looking stoic and political as the T.V. station ran a banner underneath him labelling it as a mayoral address.
"Citizens of Amity Park," Vlad began. Danny rolled his eyes at the condescending tone his arch-enemy used. "As you've been aware, local hero Danny Phantom has held a large dome of energy around our beloved town for the past four days. After a brief meeting with Phantom this afternoon, we now have true confirmation of what is afoot."
Maddie turned to her son, frowning in disapproval. "You went to Vlad?"
Danny shrugged. "He needed to know what was going on. The last thing we want is him making a story up and it causes people to get hurt." He turned back to the press conference.
"There is a dangerous ghost making its way through the Ghost Zone," Vlad continued. "Dangerous enough to cause many ghosts to take refuge here in our world. Phantom has put up this shield in order to protect our town from harm." Vlad folded his hands together, looking very grim. "However, this ghost has challenged our resident ghost and has thus threatened the safety of this town. Tomorrow, these two will clash somewhere in our world, with Phantom unsure of how much protection he can give us.
"The Fentons and I have created a contingency plan in case Phantom's shield is compromised, however it is very likely that this will rival our run in with the Ghost King last year. Unfortunately, it is too late to evacuate the town. Rest assured that your safety is our number one priority. We are asking you to stay indoors until we determine that it is safe to return to our normal lives. I must implore you all to be careful – the only warning we'll have is if this shield goes down.
"As for Danny Phantom – if you're watching this: Good Luck."
Vlad faded from the screen as Lance Thunder started his analysis on what he just heard. Danny let out a breath as he turned to his parents. "We ready to figure out a plan?"
Jack gave his son a reassuring smile. "You bet kiddo," he told him, leading the way to a large round table. Ethelwulf, Frostbite and Clockwork all sat waiting for them, with many more white yeti ghosts standing behind them. Frostbite grinned readily as he saw Danny approach, while Ethelwulf looked him over searchingly.
Danny ignored them, instead floated above the table and waited for his friends and family to take a seat. Green eyes found the large fold out map of Amity Park with various pieces placed strategically across it. A small frown appeared across his face as he saw the large amount of pieces outside of the shield.
"We still have about 10 hours before Dan attacks," Maddie said, snapping Danny out of his musings. He floated back, giving her his full attention. Maddie pointed to the large group that was furthest away. "Our intel shows that Dan is East of the town gathering his army." She gestured to the rest of the town. "Danny's shield will hold for a bit, but our main priority should be getting the Fenton shield up and running. Once that's up, it should cover the entire town – the only problem is we still can't isolate Dan's ecto-signature from Danny's."
"The good news is between Frostbite and his people, we're able to scan all the ghosts hiding in Amity Park," Jack told the crowd. "This way, the shield will still be able to protect the ghosts and the town from Dan's wrath."
Danny nodded, agreeing with the line of thought so far. "And you'll keep working on the shield?" His parents nodded. His frown deepened as he surveyed the plans now on the table. "We need to keep him out of the city at all costs." Danny moved closer to the table, pointing to a large structure on the map. "Until we get the Fenton shield up, we'll have to be divided." Maddie glanced at her son nervously, but stepped back as he started to take more command at the table. "We'll split up in two teams. Ethelwulf, Frostbite; you both stay here. With Ethelwulf's shield around the Fenton Portal, it's the safest point in all this. If anything goes down, you're the best people to defend it." He traced the outer layer of the map with index finger. "The Red Hunter, Danielle and Plasmius will be at the shield holding back the shadow army. If these things are anything like Vlad's copies, then there's going to be a lot of them."
Maddie and Jack exchanged surprised looks before addressing their son. "Are you sure you can trust Plasmius?" Jack asked him. "Or the Red Hunter for that matter? She did trap you and Danielle a few weeks back."
Danny didn't look up from the map, concentrating hard on his next point when he answered. "We've had truces before," he explained. "It's fine. Besides we'll need all the help we can get."
Frostbite cleared his throat. "My fellow Far Frozen brothers will also protect the town," the yeti ghost told the group in front of them, garnering murmurs of agreement throughout the crowd. "If any of the shadows make it in, we'll be ready Great One."
"Thanks Frostbite," Danny said gratefully, flashing his friend a smile. It quickly disappeared as he continued. "Unfortunately, I think that'll happen sooner rather than later." He turned his gaze to his parents. "No matter what Vlad's said during that press conference, we're going to need people to clear the streets and provide cover if needed."
Maddie stroked her chin in thought. "I think we still have time to reach out to the Ghost Emergency Response team," she said. Seeing the look of confusion on her son's face she elaborated. "We reached out to a few people after the Ghost King attack to help with evacuation efforts in the event we couldn't get to them in time. They'll be able to use some public spaces to get people to safety in a pinch. Plus, this was set up before Vlad was mayor; we don't have to go through him for his approval."
Danny eyed his Mom suspiciously at her tart tone but nodded his consent. "Okay, let's do that," he said. His eyes darted across the map in front of him, before he paused and sighed heavily. "I don't think there's any way I can keep the shield up and fight Dan."
"Especially if you're going to be an idiot and go off alone," Tucker said. Danny scowled at him. "What? We can see your self-sacrificing shtick from a mile away dude."
"Not exactly what I meant," Danny shot back, green eyes running over the map avoiding everyone's gaze. "I'm using my base powers to keep the shield up. If something's attacking it - the best place to keep it up around the town is to be right on it."
"Making you a sitting duck," Ethelwulf finished, yellow eyes scanning the map with quick precision. "Which is what Dan is counting on; he tested your abilities in your last battle. He'll wait until you're distracted before striking."
"Which is where Jazz and I come in," Sam jumped in, moving closer to the table and pointed to various sections of the town. "We can provide cover some extra cover on you from the highest points of the city." She pointed out four large buildings. "If we station ourselves up there, we can hit the ones that close in on Danny's position."
Danny stiffened slightly at the suggestion, eying the pieces outside of the shield again and the other two buildings that Sam had suggested. He let out a breath before looking up at his family and friends. "We'll need more than just you two. Mom, Dad, Jazz and Sam will be on these four buildings," Danny grabbed four mini pieces that indicated their side of the battle and placed them on the map. "Tucker, you'll be at FentonWorks working on the shield and be our eyes while we're out there. Apart from my parents, you're the only one who can work on those calculations." He moved another piece. "I'll be at the top of the shield, keeping it up until the Fenton shield is ready. Then we can regroup here and think about our next phase of attack."
"And if your shield goes down before the Fenton one is ready?" Sam asked sceptically.
Danny floated above the table, looking grim. "Then we fight," he said simply. He floated above the crowd, his face reserved as he surveyed the crowded ops center. "This won't be easy," he told the crowd. "In a different time, he destroyed the entire world. I want to say we'll make it… but there's no guarantee that we'd be back. If we fail – our worlds as we know them are doomed." The half-ghost crossed his arms. "Dan isn't invincible. If we work together, we can bring him down. Who's with me?"
A loud roar of approval echoed through the ops center from the members of the Far Frozen. Danny scanned the crowd and found Clockwork, regarding him curiously with his red eyes. Time seemed to slow as their eyes met, Clockwork searching for an answer from the young ghost. Clockwork gave Danny a brief nod of approval before Danny floated back to the ground toward his friends and family.
Danny waited until the ghosts left the Ops Center before taking a vacant seat and transforming back into Danny Fenton. Tired eyes scanned the table again, looking at the small pieces and the map with reservation. "If this doesn't work…"
"It will," Maddie told him sternly, putting a comforting hand on his shoulder. "It'll be fine." Danny couldn't tell if she was trying to reassure herself as well.
"If there's anything this year has shown us, it's how to kick ghost butt as a family," Jack added confidently.
"Dad's right," Jazz told him, coming around Danny's other side, giving him a big hug. "Dan may have the power, but we have the numbers and heart. Remember that, okay?" Both Fenton parents joined the hug at their daughter's words.
Danny smiled softly. "I'll remember," he said. His family released the boy from the hug, smiling. He took a deep breath, releasing it slowly. "This will work."
Maddie kissed the top of his head affectionately. "Get some rest sweetheart. We'll see you off in the morning." With that, the three Fentons exited the Ops Center, leaving Danny, Sam and Tucker alone.
Tucker walked over to the table, nudging Sam along the way and sat next to his best friend. "That was kinda weird…right? I mean… in a good way?"
Danny chuckled. "A bit, yeah." Sam finally moved to Danny's other side at the table, watching him intently. "This is the first time my parents are involved in such a big ghost attack and know all the stakes going in. It's made it easier….. but also so much harder."
"What do you mean?" Sam asked.
Danny shook his head, smiling softly. "It doesn't matter. I'm just glad we're on the same side for once." He pulled out a small pouch from his pocket, putting it onto the table. His logo reflected the light from the Ops Center above him. "Can one of you ask Ethelwulf about these? Vlad gave them to me."
"I'm pretty sure that's a red flag and should be thrown out," Sam said, narrowing her eyes at the pouch.
Danny shrugged. "He said they're Ecto-Enhancers – something to help give my powers an energy boost. While I don't trust Vlad with a ten foot pole, I think he's actually trying to help. I'd ask my parents, but Mom's been acting strange about me interacting with Vlad. I don't think she knows anything, but she definitely suspects."
"Hence Ethelwulf," Tucker finished, watching Danny confirm with a nod. Tucker stared at the pouch as a few ideas raced across his brain. "Apart from Ethelwulf, Plasmius is the only other person who knows about half-ghosts on a molecular level. Maybe these will help us separate the two of you."
"If there's one time for his creepy clone experiments to come in handy, it's now" Danny replied with a grimace.
"Gross," Tucker said. He reached over, grabbing the pouch of Ecto-Enhancers and waved them in the air. "I'll get started on this – hopefully we can get that shield up before morning." Tucker stood, giving Sam an exaggerated look before moving quickly to the stairs. "Sam, make sure this one doesn't do something stupid without me. I am the brains of this operation"
Danny chuckled at the joke. "Don't let it get to your head, techie."
Sam shook her head at their antics. "No promises," she said slyly as Danny made a noise in protest. Sam caught Tucker's equally sly smile as he made his way downstairs, realizing suddenly that he left her alone with Danny on purpose; she nearly groaned in annoyance.
"Jerk," Danny muttered in amusement. He rose slowly, gripping the table to hold himself up. His arms shook as he looked over the plans again, blue eyes darting back to the large amount of pieces on the ground.
Sam frowned worriedly. "You're exhausted," she stated.
Danny nodded. "We really need that shield," he told her wearily. "If these numbers are right then I'm going to be putting all my energy into defending the town."
"What you really need is sleep." Sam replied sharply. Danny ignored her and continued to glance at the figures on the table. "When was the last time you actually rested without those time visions?"
Danny shrugged, turning his face away. "Few days maybe," he replied. He traced the outer layer of the map toward the top of the shield, frowning in thought.
Sam sighed, standing up and put her hand on his shoulder. Danny's body relaxed slightly at her touch but remained focus on the map in front of him. "You need to rest," she said softly. "You've been heading straight for Dan ever since he escaped. Not to mention, you've been flying around and using your powers quite a bit today. Isn't it time to take it easy?" Danny only hummed at the suggestion. Sam sighed again, bracing herself against the table as she looked out in the other direction. A few moments passed, neither one speaking as they stood in the Ops Center. Finally, Sam let out a long breath, steeling her resolve. "About earlier…"
"You were right," Danny told her, cutting Sam off before she had a chance to continue. He glanced at her quickly before his eyes returned to the map. "Before. This isn't just some ghost fight."
Sam frowned, confused at his reserved demeanour. "You told me you weren't afraid anymore," she accused softly.
"I'm not."
Sam turned to him abruptly, violet eyes flashing dangerously. "So why are you holding back now? What changed in a few hours?"
Danny sighed tiredly, his black hair covering his face from her view. When he finally spoke, it was so quiet it made the hairs on the back of Sam's neck stand up. "If we make it through this, then we'll talk."
Sam blinked before nudging him hard with her shoulder. "When we make it through this, I'll be waiting. You hear me? When." They stood quietly, Sam's last remark hanging in the air as Danny made no attempt to answer. She nudged him again. "Danny, when you make it back. Not if."
Danny raised his head slowly, smiling as he looked at her. Sam's eyes widened slightly at the changing emotions across his face. "Yeah," he agreed softly. "You're right." He turned away as Sam looked at him, concerned. "I think I'm gonna head downstairs."
Sam frowned; something didn't feel right. "You're not going to sneak off on our own are you?" she asked searchingly.
Danny shook his head and brushed her off. "Nah – you'll miss me too much," he replied lightly. She wasn't convinced.
With a small wave, he took off down the stairs. Sam watched him go, still frowning as she tried to figure out his sudden change of mood.
"A little early for an adventure, isn't it Halfling?"
Danny didn't turn from his position on the Ops Center, opting to look at the stars through the green shield around the town with a small smile. There were still a few hours before dawn and apart from the ghosts throughout the house, everyone was asleep. "Not an adventure if I'm still here."
Ethelwulf chuckled as he walked up beside the seated young ghost. "True, but you are your ghost self on a rooftop, alone, right before we do battle with that monster. Forgive me for thinking you were sneaking off without telling us."
Danny shook his head. "I couldn't sleep," he admitted. "Stargazing helps me clear my head." They looked at the stars in silence, Ethelwulf waiting for Danny to continue. Eventually, Danny sighed, standing up to face the black wolf ghost beside him. "I keep seeing various parts of how today will play out," he said dismally. "Regardless of how much planning we do, it doesn't seem like we're going to win."
Ethelwulf opened his mouth, but a voice beat him to it.
"What have I told you before, Great One?" Frostbite floated toward them, an eyebrow raised questionably at the younger. "About fears and battles?"
"I'm not afraid of Dan," Danny told them confidently. "I'm not facing him on my own so we have more of a chance than I would normally. But…" Danny looked up at the stars again, frowning. "In order to win, we need to know his plan. With these time visions, I think I have some idea of… how he thinks."
Frostbite and Ethelwulf exchanged confused looks. "Isn't that a good thing?" Ethelwulf asked him.
"If I'm right… then it's not a good thing," Danny replied seriously. He rubbed the back of his head. "It means that our plan doesn't account for him exploiting our weaknesses – which he'll definitely do. Dan has nothing to lose, meaning he's more dangerous than ever. He doesn't care."
Ethelwulf let out a soft "Oh," as he realized what the boy was trying to say. He lowered his head close to Danny's face, big yellow eyes looking into worried green. "Danny," he said gently. "Going into battle thinking you'll lose means you've already lost. The things that you need to fight for? That makes you more dangerous too."
Danny smiled sadly. "I want to believe that. More than anything."
Ethelwulf nodded. "Then do." Ethelwulf looked him over, frowning. "Though you're not completely healed from yesterday; are you sure you'll be alright on top of that shield?"
Danny nodded. "I'm good. The faster we get that shield up, the faster I can recover and kick his sorry butt out of existence. How's that going anyway?"
Ethelwulf sighed. "Tucker gave me the Ecto-Enhancers; Plasmius seems to know quite a bit about your ecto-signature Halfling. We were able to identify more of a distinction between the ecto-signature we have of you and his. It seems like the key here is your mid-morph sample – but until you're able to recover, I believe it's unwise for us to take that sample. Though, now that we know what we're looking for, we might be able to manipulate the shield enough for us to put it up. These Ecto-Enhancers should be safe if you wish to use them."
Danny nodded in confirmation. "Good to know – probably best to leave them here for now. Last thing I want is for Dan to get a hold of them." Danny looked away, making Frostbite and Ethelwulf tense slightly. "If anyone can figure out that mid-morph sample, it'll be Tucker. He's been working with my parents for so long and knows my powers pretty well. Will you-"
"Don't worry," Frostbite assured. "We'll make sure your family is safe. No one will get through."
Danny smiled gratefully, looking up at the stars again. "Thank you," he said simply. They were quiet for a few minutes, before Danny closed his eyes and breathed deeply. "Clockwork," he called as he opened his eyes and faced his two friends.
Clockwork's spinning clock appeared promptly behind Frostbite, the latter shuffling aside for the Time Master to materialize. Once appeared, Clockwork brought his staff toward the ground, a grim smile directed at Danny.
"I think I finally understand," Danny said quietly. "When you told me that acting on the knowledge of time was a burden."
Clockwork inclined his head in acknowledgement. "I believe so," he said simply. "I'd ask you what now, but judging from that response, I can only guess."
Danny sighed again. "I need you all to promise me something," the half-ghost started, getting the attention of all three spectres on the roof. "If I….. If I stop responding on coms…..or if I go down…please don't come looking for me until my shield falls. Keep my family and friends away from it too."
The boy's request hung in the silence that followed.
"I've seen some….. things," Danny continued, green eyes pleading for them to agree. "I don't know if they're true – but I might have to make decisions out there that go against the plan to protect Amity- To protect my friends and family. I need to know that they're safe behind this shield. It's the only way I'll….Please – keep them from coming after me."
Clockwork looked at Ethelwulf and Frostbite's shocked faces as he floated past them, red eyes glued to the determined, pleading face of a fifteen year old half-ghost that started this. "I said once," Clockwork started, "That I'm inclined to trust your judgement. Through all those twists and turns of time, my view on that has never wavered Danny Phantom." Clockwork put a hand on Danny's shoulder. "Time has asked so much of someone so young – this is the least I can do."
"Are you sure this is wise, Time Master?" Frostbite asked worriedly. "The Great One is still not healed. If he goes in alone –"
"Frostbite is right," Ethelwulf said, cutting the Far Frozen leader off. "Danny, this is ill-advised. You just said you're not fighting him alone – why do you want to prevent us from helping you in your time of need?"
"We have a plan right?" Danny asked, an eyebrow raised. "No matter what happens to me, we need to make sure it gets followed. We're more likely to succeed that way. If my shield is still up, I'm okay - I'm still alive. The last thing I want is for Dan to use anyone I love as bait."
The two wolf-like ghosts looked at each other and sighed, defeated.
"I will protect them with my life Great One," Frostbite told him earnestly.
Danny turned to Ethelwulf, who sighed deeply. Yellow eyes met green once more. "You are truly remarkable, Halfling," he said proudly. Danny's eyes widened in surprise. "I will honour your wishes – however if your shield falls, I will come after you myself. I will not let you die."
Danny smiled, looking at each of the ghosts directly before nodding. "Alright, then let's-" Danny's knees buckled slightly, cutting his train of thought off as he grimaced in pain. Frostbite and Clockwork moved toward the boy. Ethelwulf winced, swearing under his breath.
"Something attacked my shield," Ethelwulf said.
"Mine too," Danny ground out as he recovered. He looked up in thought, frowning as his eyes scanned the shield. He closed his eyes, trying to find where the attack on the shield came from before sighing. He turned to Frostbite and Ethelwulf. "If I'm not back in half an hour, wake everyone else up."
"This has to be a trap," Ethelwulf said. "Danny, you shouldn't go up there alone."
"He did say he wanted to divide my attention," Danny replied bitterly. "Probably, but I don't want to chance the shield. Ethelwulf, check on the one around the portal. I'll have my Fenton Phone with me – Frostbite, head to the control station and we'll stay in contact. I'll be gone thirty minutes tops. If I'm not back, tell my family…" he paused, looking conflicted for the first time on the rooftop. "Tell them… to defend Amity. To get the Fenton Shield up and running. To…to be careful. I'll be back as soon as I can." Without warning, Danny leapt into the air and teleported somewhere outside of the shield.
Clockwork sighed, breaking Frostbite and Ethelwulf out of their surprised stupors. "Frostbite," he called. "You heard him, get to the control panel. Ethelwulf, check on that shield. The faster we do that, the faster one of you can go after him."
Frostbite and Ethelwulf exchanged confused glances. "I thought you said you trusted his judgement?" Ethelwulf asked suspiciously.
Clockwork looked at the shield above. "I do," he replied simply, a small frown on his face. "That does not mean I have to like it."
Danny held his hand to the shield, concentrating on finding the point that was attacked earlier. It's too quiet Danny thought, eyes darting from side to side looking for a threat. "Frostbite?"
"I'm here, Great One," Frostbite's voice came through the Fenton Phone urgently.
"No. All clear on the radars."
Danny frowned, more unease rising from within him. "Yeah, here too," he said, standing, on top of the shield. It was holding strong; if anything attacked while he was up here, it would hold. He looked down and saw the mass of black surrounding the town, faint dim auras outlining each of the shadows that Dan created. Danny swallowed nervously as he lost count. "I'm headed back now," he said evenly, attempting to mask his concern.
"I'll await your arrival."
As the line went dead, Danny gasped as his ghost sense came alive, the icy cold sending a small shiver down his spine. He tensed, left hand alighting in green as he readied for an attack, the right going back toward his Fenton Phone. He barely had time to react as a large amount of ecto-energy surrounded his senses. He cried out in pain as it subsided, falling onto the shield in a heap. He barely managed to see a pair of white boots before the world faded to black.
"Sam, wake up," Jazz said urgently, shaking the girl awake. Sam rolled over, squinting slightly at the person who dared disturbed her slumber. "Sam, come on." Jazz shook her again.
Sam blinked before she recognized the urgency in her voice. "Is it time?" she asked, sitting up quickly and rubbed her eyes.
"Sam, Danny's missing."
Whatever tiredness she was felt left Sam instantly. "What?!"
Jazz sat back with a worried frown on the bed, her red hair glowing slightly from the light in the hallway. "Frostbite said he went to check the shield and was supposed to be back an hour ago." Her teal eyes met Sam's violet ones. "Danny told them he was coming back – then the line went dead. Ethelwulf went looking for him, but they couldn't find him."
"Was there anything on the radar?" Sam asked, grabbing both her time medallion and the violet jumpsuit as she hastily put them on.
Jazz shook her head. "No – but Frostbite said Danny just disappeared. No teleportation or anything, just… gone. Like he was never up there; we're meeting downstairs to create a game plan."
Sam nodded, putting on her last glove. "Okay, I'll meet you down in a few minutes."
Jazz gave her a nod in confirmation. "Good, I'll go check on Dad then. He probably got an hour or so of sleep before Frostbite woke Mom." Jazz headed out of her room, a worried frown still across her face as she raced down the hall.
Sam let out a shaky breath as Jazz left. Her eyes drifted to the small clock on the bedside table - 4 am. Two hours before dawn. Two hours before the fight of their lives. Two hours to find Danny.
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agron-rps · 2 years
euphoria thoughts part 2 (halfway through season 1):
these kids are SO unsafe i feel like yelling every time they do something stupid/sketch and it makes me feel so old
jules is a precious lil bean and must be protected at all costs. her mother throwing her in an institution that way made me so upset
does anyone else worry about gia or is that just me...
zendaya definitely did bring her A+ acting game. she breaks my heart the way she looks at jules sometimes.
nate is still trash... but i kinda feel bad for him because he’s obviously struggling with his sexuality and other issues surrounding his father... but he’s still trash
speaking of daddy... we are NOT at seatle grace anymore, people. mark sloan be wildin’ out here.
maddy is lowkey toxic af too but i just want healthy relationships for her
mckay is actually a good guy i think but for someone who’s in college he cares WAY too much over what nate and fucking highschoolers think of him??? baby you’re literally too old for this drama leave it behind
cassie needs an actual storyline (i’ll regret this statement in s2, i know) besides being hot and sexy and naked half the time
there’s not enough fez or lexi
kat makes me nervous. kat’s gonna end up in a bad situation. honey ethan is right there and he seems nice can u not seek out strangers and weirdos on the internet.
they’re not full skins level awful, but half of these parents are questionable at best.
the principal is not getting paid enough for this shit
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margretta78 · 4 years
Okay...I need to get something off my chest and please feel free to discuss this with me whether you agree or not...as long as it’s done with respect and kindness.
I really hope this fandom doesn’t turn on each other with a ship war...I’ve been there, done that way too many times and I really think this fandom should be nothing but love and joy.
There are some of us that ship Luke and Julie (like myself) and there are others that ship Luke and Reggie...which I totally get because they are adorable!
What makes me a little upset is when I see people say we can’t ship Juke because of the age gap between the actors. When I see them on screen and when I write or read fics about them...I see them as a 17 and 16 year old because THAT is how old the characters are...NOT the actors.
A lot of y’all might be too young to know this, but when That 70s Show first aired, Mila Kunis was 14 and Ashton was 19 or 20...but their characters were close to the same age, and they were boyfriend and girlfriend.  Mila’s first kiss was on set with Ashton and she did say in an interview that they never made her feel uncomfortable.  Now...they are married with two kids, but that’s beside the point, lol
I don’t know where they are going with Juke in season 2, BUT...if they do have a kissing scene I have complete faith in Charlie and Kenny that they wouldn’t do anything that would make Maddie feel uncomfortable.  And maybe they will wait for future seasons until Maddie is a little older...or maybe Luke and Reggie will be a thing?  Who knows? 
Bottom line is...you can ship and love Ruke with all your heart and flail over their scenes and write and read fics like crazy.  And we can ship Juke and love them like crazy...there’s nothing wrong with it.  
And even if we can’t agree on this, I bet we can all agree that Willie and Alex are adorable and must be protected at all cost!
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another-sonic-blog · 4 years
BOO, CONGRATULATIONS ON THE 1,100 FOLLOWERS 🎉🎉🎉 Can I get uhhhh prompt Movie!Amy meeting Movie! Sonic for the first time???😳💖 I want to see your take on it so bad my guy.😖💖
Blue Meets Pink
 Sonic couldn't stop that anxious feeling whenever Tom drove off. His life has been too perfect, living the dream. He had to admit that he was scared that one day Tom will never come back and that all the good moments he spent with Tom and Maddie were a dream.
"But he always comes back ... he always does."
Sonic reassured himself as entered his school. The community of Green Hill had accepted him and kept his existence a secret, which he appreciated deeply. Just like in town, he was pretty popular in school as well. He wasn't the smartest one around, it was a bit hard for him to stay in one place and pay attention. He usually needed Maddie's help to finish his homework, Tom tried to help him as well sometimes but he usually gave up midway ... junior high's homework can be tricky. Or at least that's what Tom said.
However, Sonic was pretty good at sports. He was on every sports team at school. Football, soccer, track, tennis, volleyball, but of course he had to restrain himself from using his super speed. It was fine by Sonic, what matters to him was that he wasn't playing alone like he used to before.
Of course, Tom and Maddie will never miss a game. They were supportive of him and celebrated all of his wins and losses.
It was also fun to dress him as a normal boy before a game. Long pants, long sleeve t-shirts, a cap, and a facemask was all it took to convince the other school that Sonic was just a normal 12 years old.
Sonic stepped inside the building as everyone greeted him with a smile. Teachers, custodians, staff, and students.
It was a sunny day in Green Hills, Sonic had a chili dog packed on his Flash backpack and he was excited to see his friends.
Today was going to be a good day.
Sonic was wrong. Tom was always punctual when he picked him up but today ... he didn't show up. He waited for him for 30 minutes in the rain. What started as a good day, turned out to be horrible.
"Do they don't want me anymore? Maybe they just need a break from me ... I can be pretty annoying after all ..."
Sonic decided to walk home. Yes, he could run there but he decided to walk so he can think. He hated to be wet, overall, he hated water but for now, he will stand it.
Sonic walked through Green Hill's downtown. Coffee shops, pizzerias, small clothing shops, and small libraries were the main attraction. He passed over a dark alley, he would have kept walking if it wasn't because he heard crying coming from around the trashcans.
He was very curious at heart. Sonic also loved to help those in need, especially the townspeople who have been kind to him. He walked over the alley and walked behind the trashcans where the crying was more intense.
It was still raining but he knew for sure that he had found a pink furball.
A crying pink furball.
"What the-"
Sonic looked at the pink one up and down. She was small and pink, or so he thought. She was dirty and couldn't tell if it was pink or brown or both. She was wearing a brown dress. It looked more like a rag than anything else. The pink thing was wearing some type of sandals that looked like they could break at any moment. She was covered in mud, and if Sonic didn't know better he could tell that she was hurt as well. She has scratches on her knees and arms and a little bit of blood came out of the cuts. Unlike him, her quills were pink and down, very short and feminine, she had bangs as well. Her quills were messy and had leaves and small tree branches on all of her quills.
She had green eyes just like him.
"So, is this what Tom felt the first time he saw me?"
The pink creature in front of him had his full attention. It was obvious that they looked similar.
"What are you?," Sonic asked. He looked at her up and down.
"I am ... I am a hedgehog!" The pink one stutter. She was starting to get scared and intimidated by blue one in front of him. She walked back until she hit the alley's wall.
"I am a hedgehog too! What's your name?" Sonic asked excitedly.
The pink creature saw how the blue one expression changed. Before he was startled, now he was ... excited? It was as he had never seen another hedgehog before. She had to admit that it was a bit adorable.
"Amy," She whispered. "My name is Amy."
"Amy what?" Sonic asked.
Amy looked at him curiously, and she proceeded to ask. "What do you mean what?"
"Yes ... Amy what? What is your last name?"
"Last name?" Amy asked again.
"Yes, my name is Sonic and my last name is Wachowski," Sonic said. "I am Sonic Wachowski the Hedgehog."
"Oh ... I am just Amy," she said. "I don't have a last name."
It kept raining. Sonic looked at Amy. She looked lost and afraid. It somehow reminded him of his past self. Sonic wanted to help her at any cost.
Sonic walked closer to Amy and she flinched at his act. Sonic stopped moving and instead, he smiled at her.
"Are you hungry?"
Sonic had taken Amy to 'Mama's Pizzeria' the most famous place in town. Although he felt bad for taking it, Tom or Maddie always made sure to leave money on Sonic's backpack. Today, he was happy to find that they both had left him money. He could buy a really nice meal for Amy.
"Eat whatever you want! I'll pay!" Sonic said as they both sat on a booth. He noticed that Amy was at awe. She was fascinated by everything, well she was literally in another world. Sonic remembered to be like her the first time he arrived. He was young and got used to it quickly but for Amy, it must be interesting and scary at the same time.
"Oh, what is that?!" Amy asked and Sonic looked at what she was pointing.
"That's a lamp,"
"Oh, what is that?"
"That's a baby,"
"Oh, what is that?"
"That's a pizza,"
"Can I take your order?"
Sonic and Amy were interrupted as a human girl approached them. Her name was Maria, a blond blue-eyed girl. Maria worked for the pizzeria as a waitress to help out her grandfather. She was very lively and liked by everyone in the town. She smiled at them and Sonic felt relieved that she didn't say anything about Amy's appearance.
"We would like a large pepperoni pizza and two drinks please," Sonic said.
Maria wrote the order down on her notepad and she then focused on her attention to Sonic's new friend.
"Oh, it seems like you brought a date with you today," Maria said, she bent down to take a better look at Amy. "I am sorry, but you are covered in mud. Wouldn't you like to take a shower meanwhile Sonic waits for your food?"
Amy instantly looked at Sonic. Although she didn't know the hedgehog any better, the small amount of time and kindness he had shown her was enough for Amy to trust the blue one. As well that he seemed to know better of this world and was one of her own.
"You should go, Maria's house is above this place. I will wait for you here." Sonic reassured her and in that, Amy looked over at Maria and nodded accepting her offer.
Sonic watched how Amy followed Maria, a bit scared but he knew that she will get used to her soon enough.
There were many questions he wanted to ask her but that could wait until they have eaten.
The food has arrived already but Amy nor Maria haven't shown up yet. Sonic wanted to wait for her so they could eat together but his hunger got the best of him and using his speed, he ate a slice. He looked over the restaurant as he chews on the pizza. The restaurant had fairy lights and Italian music was playing on the background. The booth he was sitting on had a square table. On top of it, a pink rose on a crystal vase decorated the wooden table.
A few seconds after that, Maria showed up with a very cute hedgehog. Wait-
A shower can make a big difference. Amy's pink fur shined as well as her quills who looked soft to the touch. She was wearing a red and white dress with matching boots and a red hairband decorated her head.
"Wow, Amy," Sonic said as he quickly cleaned his mouth, wiping away the evidence of his previous act.
"Maria gave me this dress," Amy said as she sat down again on the booth. She moved to the side to give Maria space to sit next to her. Maria was a nice girl and she had gained Amy's trust immediately.
"I used to wear this dress when I was younger, it doesn't longer fit me so I gave it to Amy," Maria said as she accepted Amy's gesture and sat next to her. "Doesn't she look pretty, Sonic?"
"She looks um ... clean!" Sonic blurted out. He didn't know how to respond, it would be very uncool of him to say that she looked pretty. No, yeah that's not happening.
Sonic's thoughts were interrupted as he noticed Amy eating the pizza. She finished slice by slice, and Sonic thought that maybe he will have to buy another pizza.
Amy noticed the eyes on her and she felt embarrassed. She hasn't eaten anything since yesterday and she didn't know where to get food. She took a sip of her water and she gave a Sonic and Maria smile.
The two let out a small laugh and after seeing that Amy was more comfortable, Sonic proceeded to make questions.
"So Amy, where are you from?" Sonic asked.
"I am from Mobius, a planet far away from this one," Amy responded.
"And how did you get here?"
Amy looked outside the window. She didn't know if she could trust them with such information. However, noticing that they were so kind to her without knowing her, then maybe telling them about her situation could benefit her.
"I came following my friend, Tails, but I lost track of him along the way." Amy said, "Our world is in danger, a creature called Chaos has devastated our world and we came looking for a hedgehog who could save it."
"A hedgehog? Me?" Sonic asked excitedly but Amy moved her head from side to side, denying it.
"Tails was very specific ... His record shows that 50 years ago a hedgehog from our world came to this planet." Amy added, "That hedgehog was the Ultimate Life Form, he had great powers and he used them to protect Mobius ... but one day, he disappeared. After extended research, we found that this hedgehog ended up on planet Earth and that he was capture by a military organization called G.U.N. Now we are looking for him, hoping that he can help up save our world."
Amy looked over at Sonic, "It would have been great if that hedgehog was you Sonic but the one we are looking for is a black and red hedgehog."
"Wait you said G.U.N., right?" Maria interrupted as she snapped her fingers in realization. She looked over at Amy who nodded. "My grandfather used to work for them during his younger years! He even still has some of the past documents of his missions. We can look over those documents and even ask him if he knows anything on the matter and-"
The two hedgehogs and human turned to see that Tom had entered the restaurant, he looked frantic and angry as he walked towards their booth.
"Sonic, we have been looking for you like crazy!" Tom said.
"Well, if someone had picked up me at school I wouldn't be here!" Sonic said with a bit of hurt in his voice.
"In the morning I told you we couldn't pick you up today, I told you to take the bus!" Tom said, "But you were too focused eating, so it's no wonder you-"
Tom stopped midway as he noticed the pink hedgehog in front of Sonic. He was quick to take out his phone and dial a number.
"Maddie? Yes, I found him! But that's not important right now, Sonic is having his first date! Yes, yes, I will take pictures. Yes, bring the professional camera we should have this on his photo album. Yes, I will tell them to wait, ok I will wait for you we are at 'Mama's Pizzeria'."
Tom and Maddie were great but could they be any more embarrassing? Sonic covered his face with his hands.
"Oh, dear ground that is underneath me ... please eat me."
Tom began to take pictures with his phone, he was so proud of his blue son.
Sonic just couldn't take it.
"Alright, we are leaving!" Sonic said as he stood up from his seat and tried to push Tom away.
"Wait, you are not going to introduce me to your girlfriend?" Tom asked.
"She is not my girlfriend!" Sonic said and he got closer to Tom and whispered. "You are embarrassing me!"
But before leaving, Sonic needed to ask Maria for a favor.
"Oh Maria, Amy seems comfortable with you." Sonic turned to look at the blond one who stood up from her seat. Amy followed her as well. "Do you think Amy can stay with you? Looking at how Tom reacted ... I just know that at my home she will be too overwhelmed."
"You go in peace Sonic, I will take good care of Amy," Maria smiled as she looked at Amy.
Almost as if she was scared, Amy got closer to Sonic and with a panic she held his hand. "Wait, don't leave me!"
Sonic felt bad for the pink one. He saw so much of him in her. They were so similar but at the same time so different. He didn't how to express himself although he wanted to bring her comfort. Sonic wanted Amy to be safe and he made a promise to himself that he will help her and protect her.
"Don't worry, I will come back!" Sonic said as he softly grabbed her hand, caressing it.
"You promise?" Amy asked innocence filled her voice.
"I, Sonic Wachowski the Hedgehog promise to visit Amy Rose every day after school," Sonic said.
"Amy ... Rose?"
"Yes, since you didn't have a last name I thought I should give you one." Sonic smiled and for a moment Amy's heart skipped a bit. "From now on you are Amy Rose! Because you are pretty and strong like one!"
They both look at each other's eye and for a moment Amy's felt different. Her heart began to beat faster, she felt the heat rise to her cheeks especially when Sonic smiled at her with such warmness.
Tom interrupted the moment as he began to take more pictures of them.
"Don't mind me," Tom said, "You both are just too adorable!"
A/N: I hope you like this boo! Thank you again for showing me support. I love your work, keep it up
I am currently working on prompts! Thank you everyone~
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alison-anonymous · 4 years
flawsome bandits pt. 12 ♡ sonic
Flawsome Baseball Games
Hello my darlings! Hope you are all doing good and well! As promised, here’s tons of fluff coming at you!! New character introduction, she is my OC meaning she does not exist in the Sonic the Hedgehog franchise. Enjoy my darlings!
When times get rough, the Wachowski’s only know of one way to solve them.
Of course, Maddie had ended up letting Tom know about Y/n’s visit with her last night and Y/n told Sonic about the vision she had had. All of them were stumped and had little to no clue on how to help the situation other than to protect Y/n at all costs. For three hours after she had told him, Sonic refused to leave her alone and even sat outside the bathroom when she had to go. It was terrifying to think that the man they had beat after Sonic almost getting killed would be coming back, and even more terrifying that someone might try to kill their beloved icy hedgehog. Y/n was trying to do her best to prove to them that she was alright and that she wasn’t anxious every time she passed by someone wearing black or red. But it was quite obvious that she was having the hardest time out of all of them.
So, the second they all had a free period in their schedules, they packed up the two kids, a bunch of baseball bats, balls, and mitts, and drove on out to the empty baseball field near the woods. The school baseball team had played a game a couple of days ago, so the grounds were nice and used. And if you looked closely enough, you could still see some trample lines in the dirt from where Sonic had caused the power outage.
Y/n and Sonic had assured Tom and Maddie that they could handle all the other positions, so while Maddie stood with a whistle around her neck as a referee, Tom crouched behind Sonic and prepped to catch the ball. The sun shone proudly through the skies as a gentle breeze ruffled the fur underneath their baseball caps.
“Here we are ladies and gentlemen, taking back the claim from that ninth tie with exactly who you wanted to play for the game on the line, Sonic!” The electric blue hedgehog introduced himself with a perfect announcer imitation as he took his stance and looked into Y/n’s e/c eyes. She smirked and stretched her arms out behind her back, tossing the ball up into the air and catching it just as it passed her nose.
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“But staring him down from the pitcher’s mound is the fiercest hedgehog known to Green Hills, Y/n!” She sent him a wink. In the amount of time it took for Sonic to laugh softly, she was already appearing on the other side of the field, this time without her cap on. She cracked her neck and steadied herself into position.
“Hey! Hit it to the chick on the left, she’s a real lunatic!” The other three watched as a very gentle hum floated through the air, revealing Y/n standing on the other side of the field once more. She watched as a butterfly floated past her, and immediately started to chase it.
“Oh my god! Oh my god! Guys, it’s a butterfly!” 
Tom and Maddie laughed as they watched her try to jump in the air and catch it, beginning to wonder if she was still pretending or if she had actually gotten lost in the chase. 
“The one and only Y/n…” Sonic whispered to himself with the cutest lovestruck eyes anyone had ever seen, watching as she quickly snapped out of it and returned back to the pitcher’s mound. Maddie blew the whistle, signifying that it was time to start the game and Y/n reeled back her arm, making eye contact with Sonic as e/c met green. She threw the ball, watching as it soared through the air like it had wings until Sonic’s bat slapped it back into the air. Everyone was stuck staring in shock as the ball sailed through the air for a moment, even rising past the tips of the trees. It was only when Y/n heard the sound of Sonic’s feet slapping against the ground that she took off to catch it. Maddie and Tom cheered the two hedgehogs on from the sidelines, observing with awe as they used their powers to their advantages, becoming nothing but electric blurs amongst the natural shades of green and brown. 
By the time Sonic had made it to second base, Y/n had levitated herself up into the air in order to catch the ball. She landed onto the ground with ease and threw the ball as hard as she could back towards home. While they both certainly enjoyed the competition, she was also making sure to go a bit easy on him as she wanted him to win. She went a little slower than usual as she made her way back to catch the ball, checking to see Sonic sliding towards home. Mere seconds before she had touched the base with her mitt and ball in hand, he had already slid through. 
“Safe!” Tom hollered, Maddie blowing her whistle behind him. Y/n and Sonic both let out cries of joy in unison. He sprang up to his feet, emerald eyes wide with joy as he raised his dirty gloves in the air in victory. Tom and Maddie exchanged a victory hug and Y/n took the opportunity to jump onto Sonic’s back. He staggered a bit at first, but quickly hooked his arms underneath her legs and began to twirl her around.
“You did it! You’re amazing!” Y/n giggled, her hair like quills flying around in the wind. Sonic chuckled, gently setting her down on the ground and smirking at her.
“Oh, come on. We both know you’re more amazing.”
“No, I’m not!” Y/n scoffed. “You are!”
“Oh, really?” Sonic stopped short, getting an all too familiar grin on his face. Y/n’s eyes widened in fear.
“Wait. Wait! No, no, n-” She was cut off by Sonic tackling her and peppering her cheeks in kisses. Y/n let out shrieks that soon turned into giggles as she half-heartedly tried to push him off, but he persisted.
“S-Sonic! Stop, haha!” Tom and Maddie watched the scene unfold before them, Maddie having to hold Tom back from punching Sonic in the face.
“That’s my daughter, that’s my daughter, where the fuck is my shotgun?” 
“Tom!” Maddie chuckled, wrapping her arms around his waist and burying her face into the back of his shirt. “Calm down! Admit it, they’re good for one another.” Tom let out a defeated groan, lowkey enjoying the affection. He watched as Sonic and Y/n toppled onto the ground, beginning to wrestle now, their laughter filling the air around them. 
“I guess- hey, who’s that?” Maddie turned her attention towards a young teenage girl who was making her way towards them. Her direction must have been intentional since there was nothing else around them for miles. She had light fawn hair tied back into a nice ponytail, two strands of hair hanging loose on the sides of her face. They accented her bright blue eyes perfectly and kind smile. A floral school bag was slung across her shoulder, dangling down by her hip and tapping against it as she walked towards them. Once she came close enough, she raised her arm up and waved at them.
“Hello, there!” 
Tom, with an obvious “what-the-fuck” expression written on his face, raised his hand back. Y/n and Sonic immediately jumped up from their wrestling, but continued to playfully jab one another in the ribs as the girl turned towards them. 
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“Hello!” Y/n smiled politely, Tom and Maddie coming up behind the two hedgehogs as the girl came to a stop before them. 
“Hi!” The girl giggled. “I don’t know if you remember me, but I was in your class a couple years ago, Y/n. You know, back when you were human. We had physics together and I was really sad when you left! I was just passing by and I saw you guys playing out here and I just had to stop by! You two are simply amazing!” She gushed, her ocean eyes filled with passion and adoration for the two hedgehogs. Y/n’s eyes widened as a lightbulb turned on in her head.
“Oh yes, I remember you now! It’s Spirit, right?” The girl nodded, looking overjoyed that she had remembered her name after all this time.
“Yeah, I’m Spirit! Spirit Pavin.”
“It’s very nice to meet you, Spirit,” Maddie extended her hand out for the girl to shake, which she happily obliged. It was quite shocking and pleasantly surprising to them that this girl was so non judgemental and happy to see them in their true forms. “I’m Maddie, and this is my husband Tom. We’re Y/n’s parents. And this little guy here is Sonic.”
The hedgehog in question threw an arm around Y/n’s shoulders and smiled at her. “Pleasure to meet you!”
“And you as well! It’s been so long since I saw you, Y/n. You look… beautiful.” Y/n’s eyes widened in surprise. The last person she had ever expected to hear that from was a peer from school. But as she looked into Spirit’s kind, loving blue eyes, she felt a little heater turn on in her heart. 
“Thank you, Spirit. That… that really means a lot.”
“I know it wasn’t easy for you at school. People can be really mean,” Spirit grumbled the last part, twirling a strand of her hair around her finger. It was obvious that she was much more accepting than the other teenagers were. “I would love to hang out sometime, if you’d like! I mean, if you want to, we totally don’t-”
“No!” Y/n’s heart pounded with excitement. Was this actually happening? Was a teenage girl actually asking to hang out with her? And it wasn’t a dare? “I’d love to! You want my number?” 
Spirit nodded, already whipping out her phone with a big grin on her face. Once they had exchanged numbers and bid the girl a goodbye, the little hedgehog was wrapped up in a big group hug by her family. She let out a pleased giggle as she was enveloped in their warmth, snuggling her head in between her father’s shoulder and the top of Sonic’s head. 
“I’m so happy for you, sweetie,” Tom murmured as they all finally pulled away. The four began making their way back towards the car, excitedly talking about the possibility of Y/n and Sonic trying out for the baseball team. Even though it may take a bit for others to accept them, they might actually have a shot. After Y/n, Maddie, and Tom had already gotten into the car, Sonic paused outside the door, glancing back over at the bleachers. 
“One sec!” And then he was gone. 
Maddie leaned over her passenger seat and gave Y/n a confused look. She shrugged just as Sonic reappeared holding something behind his back. A blush slowly made its way across his cheeks as he placed his hand over his heart, and held his hand out towards Y/n. 
A little [favorite flower] was nestled in his palm.
“For you, M’lady.” Y/n’s eyes widened in shock, a grin slowly taking over her lips.
“Oh, Sonic…” Y/n breathed. Maddie let out an “aww” while Tom grit his teeth, but contained his anger. She slowly took the flower out of his hand, making an effort to touch his hand as she did so. Electricity currents sparked at their contact, and she smiled, turning it over in her hands. Her heart pounded against her chest and the butterflies were going haywire as he slid into the seat next to her. His own heart pounded with joy that she had accepted his gift. “I love it!”
Sonic’s emerald eyes sparkled as he gazed into Y/n’s adorable e/c orbs. A comfortable silence floated through the air until Tom decided to ruin the moment.
“You get anything for me, Bud?” 
“Huh?” Sonic asked with half-lidded eyes. He quickly snapped out of it once he realized who was talking to him and pondered for a moment. “Oh yeah!” He zipped away and came back holding a strange white and brown lump in his hands. A very putrid aroma began wafting out of the little sack. Y/n and Maddie quickly plugged their noses as Tom’s face contorted in disgust.
“What the hell is that?!”
“A dirty diaper, found fresh from the bleachers. Just for you Donut Lord!”
Later that night, a storm growled across the dark sky, concealing all of the stars with angry storm clouds. The rain pattered harshly against the closed window sills of the Wachowski residence, coupled with thunder crackling through the sky. Tom and Maddie lay sound asleep within their bed, lulled by the steady clicking of their grandfather clock and the coolness of the rain. Sonic, too, laid asleep in his race car themed bed up in the attic, his mouth slightly open to let the soft snores fill the silence of his room. 
Y/n, however, was startled awake by the sound of thunder crashing through the sky. She sat up in her f/c bed and hugged her knees to her chest. Her icy blue body trembled with sweat as she glanced towards her closed window. Rain splattered across its surface, dripping onto the wet grounds below. A flash of lightning lit up the sky, startling her even more. Storms were always a strange thing to her, but tonight seemed like it was intentionally trying to scare her.
And boy, was it working.
She was already on edge about the vision, and now having a thousand different images about possible deaths via storm float through her head wasn’t exactly helping the situation. She laid back down onto her pillow and squeezed her eyes shut, but the second another lightning bolt lit up her room, she shot back up. Her heart throbbed within her chest, the adrenaline and fear mingling to make a deadly combination in her internal chemistry.
Her ears flattened against her head.
Well, she obviously wasn’t getting any sleep here. Quietly, she slipped out of her bed and clutched her favorite stuffed animal to her chest. Sucking in a deep breath through her teeth, she padded her way out into the hallway, guided only by the light of the cloudy moon. The fear followed her every second of the way as she paused by her parents room. They looked so peaceful, spooning together… She didn’t want to disturb them. So, she pressed on towards the attic. It was a bit difficult pulling down the staircase without making much noise, but she was able to make it up into the attic without any issue. 
As soon as she properly stood up straight again, she caught sight of Sonic sleeping in his bed. The second she laid eyes on him, all fear she had been suffering from before diminished completely. He made her feel safe. He didn’t even have to be touching her in order to have that effect. 
She slowly crept towards him, doing her best not to wake him up. The hedgehog was nearly at his bed when a crash of thunder startled her into letting out a shriek. She instinctively dove into the bed with him and clung onto the sheets, burying her face into one of his pillows. Sonic shot up in shock, breathing heavily from the sudden startlement. He glanced down on his bed to see Y/n shivering next to him.
“H-hey, N/n,” Y/n’s head instantly shot up at the sound of her name and she let out a sheepish giggle.
“Hey, Sonic. I’m sorry, I just… the storm scared me and I-” Sonic began moving before she had even finished her sentence. He folded the covers back and rearranged his pillows so that she had plenty of head space. He lied back down onto his side of the bed and patted it gently, a warm smile coating his features. Without any hesitation, Y/n immediately sank into the covers and snuggled up next to him. The two lay there facing one another for quite some time, simply listening to the rain hit the ground. Even when the thunder and lightning came back for more fun, Y/n didn’t jump now that she was with him. 
Sonic’s emerald eyes were so calming and welcoming that she had slipped into her feelings before she even realized it. Sonic hesitantly began to put his arm around her, looking to her for permission to keep going. In response, she wrapped her arms around his waist and situated her head on his chest once more. He tightened his arm around her and allowed himself to grin the dopiest grin he could manage. Their hearts pounded in sync and the butterflies were going crazy in their ice-cream stuffed stomachs as they laid there. 
A deep blush rose across Y/n’s cheeks as she traced images across Sonic’s chest. “T-this might sound weird, but um… h-have you ever kissed any-anyone before?” 
Sonic’s eyes widened, but soon turned back to their loving half-lidded position as he glanced down at his partner. She couldn’t see it, but he was smiling knowingly. “No. I haven’t. Have you?” 
Y/n slowly shook her head. Her cheeks felt like they were on fire. Was it getting hot in here? “I-I just, I guess I was just worried t-that you…” She trailed off, a million thoughts racing through her mind. Her grip around him tightened as Sonic let out a small, happy sigh. She was absolutely adorable when she was flustered. And even when she was making no sense, he understood her completely. 
“You’re the only one for me, Y/n.” 
And once more, she felt like puking up rainbows. Her heart soared onto cloud nine as she snuggled even closer into him to let him know that the feeling was mutual. A comfortable silence fell over them once more as they listened to the rain slowly begin to die down. Even well after the rain had stopped, the two remained right where they were. 
It didn’t take too long until they fell asleep in each other’s embrace.
♡ a.a.
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heytheredeann · 5 years
Oh my god I found someone who loves 911 😭😭😭 this show KILLS me. Everyone is fucking perfect 10/10 best show ever
(a few spoilers for the latest episodes ahead)
There just SO MUCH that I love about this show
It caught my eye because I watch a lot of procedurals/cop shows, but this was the first time that I stumbled across one giving room to the 911 phone operators too, so I was curious and there are just. so many. amazing. characters. so many good family dynamics. this is all so good.
I’m obviously falling down the Buck/Eddie shipping pit, though if I’m being honest it has a lot to do with the two of them being the sweetest most adorable dads for Christopher, but IT’S NOT JUST THE THREE OF THEM. (though Buck is my adorable son, too precious, too pure, must protect at all costs)
Athena is  g r e a t, and I’m in love with her extended family, I love that her kids have both their dad and stepdad for support, that Michael and Athena are so close, that Michael and Bobby are such good friends (AND GOOD GOD, POOR MICHAEL. I NEED HIM TO BE OKAY. I WAS SO WORRIED ABOUT BOBBY BUT INSTEAD THEY DECIDED TO GO FOR MICHAEL AND I JUST. NO. I’M WORRIED.).
Then there’s HEN, who is amazing and has a beautiful family, she and Karen are so adorable and I’m SO HAPPY with the resolution that they’ve found for their storyline about wanting to have more kids. Also, “Hen begins” was an A+ episode. 
Maddie is so GREAT, I love how they’ve portrayed her struggle and how she’s finally rising above it, she and Chimney are precious and I hope they will be happy together forever. 
BUT ALSO so much found family! Bobby and Buck in particular warm my heart, I died a little inside when Buck was aggressively interrogating Bobby about his supposed symptoms, because he was just THAT worried.
My favourite part about the show are obviously the dynamics between the characters, but it’s also my kind of show in terms of structure, with them answering calls etc, the pacing really works for me. And I do like a lot seeing the 911 operators working for a change, they are so supportive of one another! Also, I love that they’re doing a Big Disaster per season, some drama is good for the soul LOL. 
I’m probably forgetting something, but yeah, it’s a really enjoyable show, thank you so much for giving me an excuse to ramble about it
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anotherunreadblog · 5 years
cast your mutuals as mcu characters!
Okay, I’m scared of this ask because I don’t want anyone to feel left out! But I’m gonna do it, just know I love everyone!
Captain America/Steve Rogers: @cassercole Liz is so talented, she’s almost larger than life. But under that, she’s just a very nice, caring, a very fierce friend. She's my captain, I’ll follow her anywhere. 
Tony Stark: @thetenthdoctorscompanion‘s Britt’s a genius in my mind when it comes to stories. Her head’s full of amazing ideas, she’s an OG, I think of her as like my first introduction to the OC community, just like Tony was the first to introduce us to the mcu. I’m still in disbelief every time we interact, when I see her in my notifications I’m like I made it! She reblogged it, I made it!
Thor: @luucypevensie Thor to me is a ray of sunshine and Grace is the sun of my life. It’s like “look at them so sweet” but also THE POWER. Because you can’t underestimate her, she’ll knock you over with her amazing ocs. She is worthy, worthy of everything honeslty. 
Natasha Romanoff: @perfectlystiles okay this is gonna sound stupid, but when I think of Emily I think of my fave ocs of hers which are Rosalie and Hazel, both redheads... you see where I’m going. I also think of her as a total badass and I’m sure she’d throw punches to defend her friends.
Clint Barton: @randomestfandoms-ocs Hear me out, Maddie’s ocs are her arrows. She’s got so many in her quiver and it’s like bullseye! right in the feels! Every. Time. Every edit of hers hits the mark.
Peter Parker: @megdonnellys smol. precious. must be protected at all costs. one of my faves. I have so many feelings when I think about Peter, the same with Halli. This probably the highest compliment I’ll ever pay her because Peter Parker everything to me.
Scarlet Witch: @newthomally Her edits are out of this world, it’s wizardry or some sort of weird witchy stuff. Watch her put you six feet below in awe of her creations. That’s power.
Carol Danvers: @seize-the-droid I’ll never get over Hayley’s aesthetic boards, NEVER. I literally have one of the posters she made for me as my phone wallpaper! My other captain, she’s too cool for use, too generous. The hero we’ve been needing.
Lastly, Nick Fury: @musiciatee You thought she was dead! Girl, she’s back and as strong as ever! I saw you post an update as I was still trying to process we had you back. I’m gonna get on reading it ASAP, don’t even worry.
Sleepover time, talk to me
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pollyssecretlibrary · 5 years
Tagged by @ramblingromance to list ten of my favorite heroes and ten of my favorite heroines from romance novels. I always blank with posts like this, but I’m gonna try my best. These are not listed in any particular order, just the ones that came to the top of my head were listed first.
Ash, The Duke of Ashbury - The Duchess Deal. What can I say? hurt and scarred and grumpy and so unintentionally funny. And a Batman of sorts who even has a Robin of sorts! I love all of Tessa Dare’s heroes, but I think Ash is my favourite
Sam, Lord Samuel Travis - The Rogue is Back in Town. He’s the main reason why after reading this book for Netgalley I bought the actual book, in paper, overseas. I had the ebook for free, legally, and I bought the book because I had fallen in love with a man who had stopped being a rake the moment he crossed the main door of the house of the woman he was supposed to have on the streets. Because he became family with her and her old uncle who was not quite right in the head. I wish I could go on about him, but you better read that book.
Alexander Westcott - Someone to Wed. Alex needs a wife because now that he’s an earl he must have an heir. And he’s found the woman to marry. It’s some kind of marriage of convenience; she has the money to fund his earldom and wants a husband, so she offers just that. But he will have none of it, the betrothal will come to its conclusion if and when they fall in love with eachother. In other words, he seeks romance.
Wulfric Bedwin, duke of Bewcastle - Slightly Dangerous. Another Mary Balogh hero. I remember that I read the whole Bedwin saga and until the last book, Wulfric was just the elder brother, the insufferable pain in the ass to his siblings who in each and every book proved that he actually had a heart of gold. And in his book we finally get to see why he’s the way he is, and we fall in love with him. 
Victor Bramwell, Earl of Rycliff - A Night to Surrender. I fell in love with a man who shoot cannons at sheep ok? ok
Sebastian St. Vincent - The Devil in Winter. He was the worst of the worst until Evie offered herself to him in marriage. He not only fell in love with the sweet lady but he defended her and their world. Together they made my favourite couple of all of Lisa Kleypas’ Not also that, they had many children together, one of which is...
Gabriel St. Vincent - The Devil in Spring. With parents like Evie and Sebastian, of course Gabriel had to be an outstanding hero. Sweeter and more responsible than his father was at his age, Gabriel is understanding and supportive of Pandora. And I loved him.
Edward Alcott, earl of Greyling - The Earl Takes All. The situation is, he comes back home from an expedition... with his twin brother’s coffin. His sister in law Julia is pregnant and having miscarried several times he’s scared. So he tells everyone he is his brother and tries to protect and look after the widow until she gives birth. He’s eventually discovered and all that but in the meantime and after that he’s caring, protective, loving and all the things he thinks he owes her. And even more, he provides for her and her baby because he’s so in love with her.
Gabriel Forrester, Duke of Latimer - Hero in the Highlands. He arrives in the Highlands, defends the lands he’s inherited, the people who depends on him and the love of his life from a neighbouring laird who seeks power at all costs. Not only that, Gabriel is so involved in his Scottish life, despite being an English lord, he respects the mentality and the customs so much that his people decide he should start a clan of his own and so his people will bow to no one else. They gain independence thanks to him, and that’s quite a feat.
Louvaen - Entreat Me. To save her sister she enters the lair of the beast. I mean, a man who actually turns to a beast due to an old curse. She’s the one to take the bull by its horns and defend herself, her sister, the beast and the beast’s son if needed be, from the curse and the people who mean to harm them all. 
Evie - The Devil in Winter. The shiest of the wallflowers, the one who would be called the weakest. Such a little mouse full of insecurities. Well, you’re wrong. She’s the fiercest. smartest and strongest.
Alexandra Mountbatten - The Wallflower Wager. This one is amazing. By day she’s a governess, well, if you call lessons on piracy and sailing proper for the schoolroom. She takes a wild rake and his two mischievous guards in. And by night she requests to be his pupil in lovemaking lessons.
Emma Gladstone - The Duchess Deal. Her husband is Ash ok? You need to be very special to fit that role for he’s not easy to handle. And she’s so good at it, she meets one by one all of his stupid rules and gets her way around them. Every single one of them and more. And she has a heart of gold.
Pandora Ravenel - The Devil in Spring. I connected with Pandora the moment I knew about her hearing loss. This shouldn’t be a reason, right? having more or less the same condition as her... having the same symptoms and feelings and sensations and thoughts. And the same wish to be loved.
Maddy Timms - Flowers from the storm. Taking in an injured man who happens to be a notorious rake should speak for her bravery enough. But falling in love with him and going against your whole world for it, that speaks for her courage. She’s willing to go agains her church, her family, her friends... for the love of a man. And she just wanted to have a quiet life.
Fiona Blackstock - Hero in the Highlands. She’s looked after her clan when her brother disappears. And after that, when Gabriel comes to fulfil his role as Duke of Latimer. Fiona and Gabriel are the perfect team. She’s loyal but opinionated, she’s fierce and wild. A true Scottish lass and an impressive woman.
I know I should add some Bridgertons here and there and some of Lorraine Heath’s heroes and heroines... but my brain won’t work right now so I’ll just add one couple... as together. Because they are very special to me and one doesn’t go without the other. They are the main characters of the first Mary Balogh book I ever read.
From Simply Perfect - Claudia Martin and Joseph, Marquess of Attingsborough. Their story is amazing. It’s one about learning and overcoming hardship together. He’s the father of a natural daughter who he loves with a passion. And the girl is deaf, so he asks her to take her in her school for ladies, But Claudia wants him to learn that his child is just like any other... 
I don’t know who to tag, I mean, who hasn’t done this yet? perhaps @romancingthebookworm dearest Jess? I guess you’re too busy at the moment. @hope-for-olicity how about you? @thebooklrandtheduke Miri? Were you tagged already? ANYONE?
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