#hope this gave you as much pain as it gave me haha
YOU CAN HIT A TAG LIMIT??? My ramblings in the tags have been conquered and squashed by the 30 tag limit. How silly!
#syncrovoid.txt#delete later#maybe??#ANYWAYS if i continue the story it wouldn't make much sense so i will wrap it up by saying#sleep deprivation isnt actually rhat bad and you really have to work to get bad symptoms#anyways on a totally unrelated note i have to take 2 to 4 times the amount of pain killers or sedatives for the to start impacting me#when my wisdom teeth were removed (rude! they are mine haha!) i was given 3 sedatives and full legal dose laughing gas and i was like.#just there. in the room chilling. they did local anesthetics and i remember that whole thing moreso than the average day!#even though the sedatives were supposedly supposed to make you forget or hazy?#anyways near the end of the surgery my dad is walking in the hallway and opens the door but before he fully came in i was like#“hey dad!!” and waved. but when you are supposed to lay still with your mouth held open by tools and filled with blood you are NOT#supposed to sit up and welcome people in. and because my face was covered it was by the sound of his shoes?#i dont reember that bit as much but my dad told me it after and when i went for the follow up the dentist said he'd never been#jumpscared in such a situation by someone who should've been conked out#after the surgery i got up and the dentist gave me my teeth in a small bag (i kept it as a test to see if my memory would get messed up#since how often does that happen?) and i just walked away. freaked out a bunch of people though and my parents lol#anyways it is a joke for some people i know that i am simply Built Different. i think i am just too silly to contain by mortal rules <-#i joke in a very silly way!! i am soso sleep deprived right now#dhould i be saying any of this? is my typing making sense? my fingers are numb and my brain feels three shades ourple from forest deep teal#time to sleowly pass out and time travel! farewell all ye who read this! i hope ye have wondrous days ahead of you and a lovely life!!!#@:P
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anthromimicry · 5 months
@red-hemlock asked: "I don’t need your pity." (For the Dealing With Trauma starters if you're still accepting them! =D 'Cuz yay Arkham threads, and Riv just loves talking about her lye scars lol. Also HI I LOVE YOUR OC. <3)
a patient's opposition is not necessarily automatically personal. this is a stance that misao had come up with herself and yet, a flare of annoyance almost managed to rise to the surface within her in response to the other's comment. she had honestly been having a long day so far — the warden of arkham had pretty much demanded that she fit in at least three more patients than she usually would into her schedule, after all. and although she wanted to believe that all of this wasn't draining her... it truthfully kind of was. so, after misao heard river reject her sympathy for her, a shallow breath left her mouth before she could stop it as she rearranged the position of her legs. no longer were they taking part in the ' open ' body language that misao usually tried to display in front of patients. they were crossed now instead, while she silently evaluated river from where she sat.
whatever she was going to do now, misao knew that she couldn't allow herself to vent to the other in any way, since that'd be grossly unprofessional. and she wanted to be known as a good psychiatrist; because that did mean that patients would continue to be sent to her, then subsequently (sometimes) be eaten by her, which is a cycle that she needed to keep going to live as they were her primary food source now. though she still wasn't a perfect one by any stretch as her own personal biases were running through her head right now and she had to take a step back to return back to being neutral towards river. misao tapped her fingers along the chair she sat on for a moment, before she finally spoke, head tilting faintly to the right.
❝ mm. well... i sincerely regret if i have upset you, river. that was not my intention at all when i said i'm sorry you had to suffer through that. whenever you say you don't need it, is it because you think that i am viewing you in a negative light? because i assure you that that is certainly not the case, ❞ she stated this plainly and with confidence in her voice. misao truly didn't look down at people with scars, not only because she had a few of her own, but because she'd grown up in an environment where they were viewed as signs that you had survived something. thus... she believed that you shouldn't have to hide them, especially given the fact that doing so often resulted in more negative thoughts being produced by someone than before, that usually had a close correlation to depression and anxiety. but misao supposed that maybe river saw her pity towards the unfortunate circumstances that caused them to be inflicted upon her as her believing that she was somehow more superior than river herself.
she didn't know for sure, though, which is exactly why she thought to ask river more about it the next time she had the chance. ❝ i don't think that i am better than anyone here, river, if that has something to do with it? i understand how it may not seem like this but feeling pity for someone helps us to be empathetic towards others because it is an emotion. and thus, it can break us out of our current mindset, then allow us to attune to the thoughts and feelings of another person. i'm not doing it to be malicious towards you in any way. though i do have a question regarding your attitude towards it, if you'd be so king as to answer it — do you not like receiving pity just from me personally or from others altogether? you can be honest with me, as i promise you that my skin is a lot thicker than it looks. ❞
that much she was certain of, misao thought, while she wrote something down on her notepad before turning her attention back to river. ❛ riversong has expressed disapproval towards the concept of pity during my first session with her. i intend to proceed by gently steering the conversation to figuring out why. ❜ misao gave her a blink-and-you'll-miss-it smile then to try to ease the tension in the room. if river outright told her about it now, then that was good with her, but it would also be okay if they had to circle back to it. it was true that they still had quite some time left in their session.
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edenesth · 4 months
[7:16 AM]
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"I'm gonna dieeee," you wailed, curling up on the couch. Pouting, you glanced over at Jongho, who was busy preparing breakfast—or at least you thought so—in the kitchen of your shared apartment.
He snorted and shook his head. "You say that every month, yet here you are, alive and well time and time again."
"Would it hurt to console me a little? Try being a woman for a month and see how you like it." With a scoff, you reached for a pillow, ready to throw it at him, but a wave of cramps hit your lower half. Wincing, you clutched the soft material close and waited for the pain to pass.
Damn it, being a woman sucked. If you get pregnant, you suffer for nine months. If you don't, you still suffer every month. Why did you have to be a woman? Life would be so much easier if you were a man. Like that bastard standing there, engrossed in whatever he was doing, neglecting his poor girlfriend who was in so much pain—
"Here you go, babe. I got you your heat pad."
Suddenly, you felt guilty for thinking of him that way when all he had been trying to do was ensure your comfort. Your lips quivered as you reached out to him with grabby hands. Damn your period mood swings; they were driving you insane.
His eyes widened in panic at your tears as he rushed over, kneeling beside you and gently pressing the pad onto your stomach, knowing exactly where to hold it by now. One hand on your tummy, the other instinctively cupped your face. "What is it, babe? Are you hungry? I can make you something to eat."
You shook your head, mumbling, "No, that's too much work."
He hummed thoughtfully. "I can cut you some apples, at least?"
"Break them in half, you mean."
He nodded. "Yeah, or that too."
Just as he moved to stand up, presumably to go break some apples, you whined and tugged on his hand. "No, you idiot. I don't need anything else. I just want you to stay here with me… please."
Your boyfriend finally understood the cause of your morning grumpiness. Though your period cramps were always terrible and tended to affect your mood, today you appeared even more restless than usual. He softened as he realised his mistake in fussing over you when all you really wanted was for him to stay by your side.
"Hey, hey, it's okay. I'm here now. I'll stay with you for as long as you need me to," he whispered, settling beside you and pulling your smaller frame close. His heart fluttered when you immediately snuggled up to him as if it were second nature.
"Good, then stay forever," you murmured, leaning up to kiss his jaw. He gave you a comforting squeeze, his heart skipping a beat at your words. Pressing his lips against your head, he nuzzled his face into your hair, wondering why he hadn't done this sooner.
"Maybe I will," he said, savouring the feeling of you in his arms, pressed against him. The soft sensation of your breath on his skin, the warmth radiating from you, the rise and fall of your chest against his side, and the dreamy way you looked up at him—all of it made him think that staying like this forever wouldn't be so bad. "Be careful what you wish for. You'd better not grow tired of me when I do cling to you forever."
You bit your lip. "Never, Choi Jongho. I'll never get tired of you." With that, you sealed the promise with a kiss that seemed to make all the period cramps in the world disappear.
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ATEEZ Masterlist
The way I'm tired asf but felt the need to get this out of my system before going to bed. It's that time of the month for me HAHA I'm in pain and honestly, nothing makes me feel better than being delulu🤡
Anyways, hope y'all enjoyed this random little timestamp and as always, let me know your thoughts! <3
General ATEEZ Tag list:
@aurasblue @marievllr-abg @itsvxlentine @minghaoslatina @huachengsbestie01 |
@evidive @weedforthoughtz @minkiflwr @cheolliehugs @ho3-for-yunho |
@the-kpop-simp @itstheghostofmypast @vantediary @green-agent @skzline |
@sharksandminhos @writingwieny @heyitsmetonid @tinyteezer @hollxe1 |
@pandabur666 @vampzity @tournesol155 @lilactangerine @oddracha |
@haven-cove @idfkeddieishot
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vivid-dreamscapes · 3 months
Period cuddles <3 ~Bakugou x Reader~
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(I have hella bad cramps rn and I’m waiting for the meds to kick in, so I’m writing this as a distraction)
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Tw; Swearing, cause Bakugou. Minor suggestiveness.
Themes; Fluff
Summery; You manage to rope Katsuki into cuddles to soothe your cramps.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Pain. Pain. PAIN.
You were lying on your bed in your dorm, one arm draped across your eyes as you waited for the meds to kick in.
It felt like every knife within a 700 mile radius of your was violently jabbing at your inner thighs, abdomen, stomach, and of course, the ever so lovely low room that caused this all.
Cramps. PERIOD cramps. Your heating pad was being borrowed by your best friend Mina, so the painkillers were your only hope right now. And they were failing at being the thing you were here at UA to be,
After a moment, you heard a knock on your door. You looked up to see your ever so lovely boyfriend Katsuki leaning against the doorframe, arms crossed, a plastic bag hanging from his finger.
“Oi, dumbass. You sick?” He said, raising an eyebrow at you, looking at your position. To him, it looked like you were just being lazy, but any other person out there with cramps would understand.
You groaned, clutching your stomach slightly as you looked at him. Lucky ass men. They didn’t have to deal with nothin like this. Cause they didn’t get burn with a uterus.
“I hate your dick.”
You grumbled, getting him to raise his eyebrow higher. Ironic, you had saying the exact opposite two nights ago.
“Remove the ‘H’ babe.” Katsuki said with a completely stoic face, walking over. You rolled your eyes. “Haha.” You said flatly, looking away. He sat down next to you, setting down the plastic bag. Your could see some instant ramen and a really good boba kit in the bag, causing your mouth to water.
“You on your period or somethin’?”
“Wowwww, he had a brain.”
Katsuki frowned and rolled his eyes at your sarcastic remark.
“Shut up, smartass. You don't have to be a jerk about it. But seriously, are you on your period or not? That why you're acting all moody and crap?"
“I’m on a high amount of pain killers, is what I’m on.” You responded simply. Wow. Your sarcastic self still managed to pull through at a time like this. Lucky him.
Katsuki's frown deepened as he heard your response. He knew pain killers could only help so much…
“That doesn't really answer my question, dammit." He reached out and gently pushed the hair back from your forehead, looking down at your face intently.
"How bad is the pain? On a scale of 1 to 10?"
Katsuki's eyes widened in surprise at your exaggerated response.
"Wow, really? Fuckin’ 20697? That high, huh?” He paused for a moment, his mind trying to process the pain level you mentioned. 20697? That seems impossible… “You're just shitting me, aren't you?"
“Try getting kicked in the balls for sixteen minutes straight with a metal leg. Thats about half of what I’m feeling.” You said with a small eye roll.
Katsuki winced at the thought, his hand instinctively moving down to protect his own family jewels. Which of course, almost made you laugh.
"Jesus, that sounds painful as hell. Why do girls have to deal with this shit every month?" He looked at you with sympathetic pity, unsure if there was anything he could do to help. "Is there anything I can do to help? Get you some chocolate or something?"
You paused silently before looking up at him with innocent eyes, ever so subtly poking out your bottom lip. Not in a lay someone would know you were pouting, and yet it had the same effect.
“Cuddles have been scientifically proven to help with period cramps.” You said, looking up at him.
Katsuki raised an eyebrow at your suggestion, his expression shifting from sympathy to a hint of amusement.
“Seriously? Cuddles? You're asking me to cuddle you to ease your period cramps?" He gave a small smirk, folding his arms across his chest. "And here I thought you were just being a drama queen, but you actually want me to cuddle you?"
“It works twice as well if your big spoon.”
Katsuki rolled his eyes at your insistence, but he couldn’t help but feel a little bit amused by your request.
"Of course you want me to be big spoon. Typical…" He sighed heavily, acting as if it was a big inconvenience, before reluctantly crawling into bed next to you. "Fine, you big baby. I'll cuddle you."
You immediately smiled as he got under the covers, and wrapped your arms around him. His own muscular arms found their way to your waist as you scooted closer, nestling your face square in his chest.
You could smell his natural scent as you closed your eyes with a smile. Carmel and Burnt pine. Strange but extremely comforting. Wow. You felt better already.
Katsuki wrapped his arms around you, pulling you close against his chest. He tried to maintain his usual tough and nonchalant demeanor, but couldn't help but soften a little as he held you in his arms.
“You're such a pain in the ass, you know that?" He grumbled, but his voice lacked any real venom. He gently ran his fingers through your hair, his touch uncharacteristically gentle.
“I can be a pain in your ass.” You said with the smallest of smirks, eyes remaining closed.
Katsuki let out a small scoff at hearing your suggestive remark, but a smirk tugged at the corner of his lip.
"You really have a talent for turning something romantic into something filthy, don’t you?" He tightened his arms around you, his hand moving down to rest on your lower back. “Love ya dumbass.”
“Love ya too boom boom bitch.”
“…what did you call me?”
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storiesfromafan · 1 year
Yule Ball
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A/N: back with another story, haha. This little baby hit me hard. Also quite happy with how it turned out :)
Pairing: Mattheo x Fem!Reader
Summary: what happens when you wait to be asked by our favourite Slytherin, but he ends up taking another girl. So you go screw it, lets go stag.
                                                    Yule Ball

Hogwarts was abuzz with talk of the Yule Ball. Every girl was a fuss with picking the right dress and shoes, and how they would do their hair. Not to mention getting a date for the ball. Even your best friend Pansy was a flutter with it all! She of course was going with Draco, and had picked her dress to match him. Tedious, the whole thing, you thought. But it wasn’t a common thing. Nor was the Triwizard Tournament. The Yule Ball was at the end of the week, you had reluctantly picked the dress and shoes. But did not have a date, yet.

“What do you mean you don’t have an escort for the Ball!?” Pansy said in shock, during lunch.

You rolled your eyes. “It’s no big deal” you shrugged, pushing your food around your plate.

“Yes it is, you can’t go alone” Pansy retorted as Draco, Blaise and Mattheo joined the table.

“Who can’t go alone? To what?” Draco asked, starting to put food on his plate.

“Y/N/N, she doesn’t have an escort for the Yule Ball” answered Pansy.

“Really Y/L/N? Thought you’d have a line of suitors” laughed Draco.

You rolled your eyes. “It wouldn’t be that long, but there have been a few that asked...”

“And you rejected them? Why?” questioned Pansy, with a sharp look at you.

“Keeping my options open” you replied casually. Though you knew why you rejected them, secretly hoping a curtain Slytherin heart throb would ask you.

“If I was you, I wouldn’t reject anyone else. Because before you know it there won’t be anyone available” Mattheo said matter-of-factly.

You gave him a pointed look. “And do you have a date?”

He smiled brightly, “of course. I’m going with Anna”, he looked down the table to a pretty blonde in your year, who sat in front of you in Potions class.

You felt your stomach drop at his words, and felt a sharp pain in your chest when you looked at the girl in question. So much for Mattheo asking you to the Yule Ball. But you put on a brave face, smile and congratulated him. Told him you hope they have a good time. All the while every word that left your mouth left a bad taste in its wake. The conversation dropped off about the ball, and back to classes. You had a few more bites of your food before pushing it away, appetite lost.

“I’m going to head to Potions. See you there Pans” you said getting up and grabbing your bag, then leaving before Pansy or anyone could say anything.

“Is she alright?” asked Mattheo looking at Pansy with concern.

“Yes, I believe she is” Pansy lied. Even without her friend telling her, she knew you had a thing for Mattheo and no doubt hoped he’d have asked you to go to the Ball.

The walk to Potions felt longer than normal. Students around you are conversing and laughing. Not to mention the over hearing of students asking each other to the Yule Ball. You frowned and cursed the social event. Yes you were being petty, yes you were bitter. And to cement your dislike you vowed to not even go. It wasn’t worth your time. Not when you’d see Mattheo and Anna together.

You weren’t sure when you started to like your friend. But it was obvious to you once you saw him on the train back to Hogwarts at the start of the year. It hit you like the Hogwarts Express the first time he looked at you with his deep brown eyes, flashing you a bright smile. It caused your breath to catch, and stomach to flip. After that every little thing he did, or said a curtain way, had an effect on you. How you’ve managed to hold it together, and not show it, was a surprise to you.

The rest of the week leading up to the Yule Ball was suffocating. Not to mention turning you more bitter, as Anna had started to hang around your group to be closer to Mattheo. You would sit as far away from the pair as you could, preferably on the same side as them, so you wouldn’t have any direct eye line of them. Which meant you found yourself sitting in front of Theodore Nott and Lorenzo Berkshire. Two of Mattheo’s close friends. Though loyal to Mattheo, they had become fond of you, like a sister. They could see something was bothering you, but neither chose to bring it up with you. Instead doing all they could to distract you; deep or stupid conversations, jokes, pranks, etc. And you were grateful for it.

The day of the Yule Ball, students only had morning classes to attend. Which everyone, but you, were excited about. After those morning classes, and lunch in The Great Hall, all students were left to enjoy the afternoon before those in the higher classes would attend the Ball. You laid on your bed while Pansy and the other three girls of your room got ready. They fussed over each other's hair and make up, talking about what they hoped would happen tonight. Rolling onto your back, you looked up at the room's ceiling, glaring at how happy they were, excited to be going with the guys they wanted. While you would be staying in this room, bitter over the fact Anna would get your night.

Pansy took a moment to look over at you, she felt for you. “Y/N/N, why don’t you still go to the Ball? Who cares if you have a date or not!” She said hoping you would listen to her. “Besides, you brought a beautiful dress. It would be a shame not to wear it”.

“Yeah, Pansy is right!” A few of your roommates coursed together.

You rolled back onto your stomach, eyes focusing on the girls of the room. “I’ll pass, thanks. I will see if I can return it anyways”. Then you rolled back onto your back, and went back to glaring at the ceiling.

Pansy and the girls all shared a sullen look, before going back to getting ready, but in a more sober mood. You hated to be the killjoy, but this was a hard pill to swallow. You would have rather Mattheo had gone stag with Theodore and Lorenzo. And, though it would have stung, picked up a girl at the Ball. Or maybe he would have seen you finally, and realizing you were the girl for him. Unfortunately no luck there. So you will do your best to forget tonight, and all that will go down in The Great Hall. Then tomorrow you would remove yourself from all talk of the Yule Ball.

Once the girls were ready, they headed out and to the common room where students had made plans to hang out before the start of the Ball. Pansy was the last to leave the room. She had continued to try and talk you into going. Even offered to pop down to the common room and see if she could drum up a last minute escort for you. But you declined her offer, sticking to your stubborn guns.

Pansy sighed as she reached the room’s door, looking back at you as you read a book sitting on your bed. “I know you didn’t get asked by the person you wanted too. But you shouldn’t let the hurt win, you should go and have fun for yourself”. And with that Pansy left.

You didn’t look up from your book once during her words. But part of you knew she was right. Why should you let a guy consume you, dictate your evening. Part of your mind was screaming to get up, do your hair and make up, put on that dress you love and go have fun. Show Mattheo and every male student that you don’t need them! You are Y/N Y/L/N, and you don’t need anyone!

So with that spark of determination you got up off your bed, and the first thing you did was your makeup. You kept it fairly neutral; opting for a natural smoky eye with a hint of dark green, and slightly dark nude lip. Next you put your Y/H/C locks half up with a moon shape clip, some hair falling around and framing your face. After that you managed to get into the gown you had brought, love at first sight. It was an emerald green V-neck dress that had thin straps that tied up on the top of your shoulders. The bodice was embellished in different green crystals that also cascaded down in various lengths over the lace-up A-line skirt. The material of the dress is a mix of cotton, satin and tulle, making it airy and flowy, almost whimsical. After putting on your shoes, the last item you put on was the necklace Mattheo had given you for your birthday.

At first you were unsure of wearing the dainty silver two chain necklace, that each houses a star on the top chain and a moon on the lower. Staring at the simple but beautiful piece of jewellery, you thought wearing it would go against the passion lit in you to stick it to the male students. You felt it would be like wearing a ball and chain, weighing you down with the reminder of who you weren’t there with. But in the end you chose to wear the necklace. It suited you well, telling you Mattheo knew you. And that wasn’t all that you noticed him do for you. He was always opening doors for you, greeting you first in the morning, taking a seat next to you during meals, and taking you hand at merited or random times. Which is why you had been so sure of him asking you to the Yule Ball, and the chance he liked you as much as you liked him.

Taking one final look at yourself in the room's full mirror, you made last minute adjustments before lifting your head up high and began your trek to The Great Hall. Rising from the lower level of the school, you walked down halls littered with various paintings. Many of the painting’s residents said ‘hello’ as you passed, with a few commenting on how lovely you looked, which made you smile and thank them. With every step closer to The Great Hall you could feel your heart rate pick up, breathing becoming a tad harder with nerves. You came to the staircase before the first set of doors to The Great Hall, at the bottom you spotted your friends. It was now or never.

Lorenzo was the first to spot you at the top of the stairs, a bright smile crossing his face as he pointed you out to Theodore. Who said your name in question a little loud, catching Pansy and Draco’s attention. All three’s eyes followed Lorenzo’s to where you stood. Noticing them staring at you, you knew there was no going back now. So placing your hand on the railing, you started to descend the stairs with a soft smile on your face. Mattheo was confused as to why his friends were quiet, and looking behind him. Turning around he saw you coming down the stairs dressed in the perfect shade of green for you, you looked absolutely stunning. Sure, he would say you look beautiful everyday. But right this moment, you looked like a Goddess gracing Earth with your presence.

Coming to reside on the floor before your friends, Lorenzo and Theodore were the ones to move to your sides. They offered you compliments a plenty, which made you laugh nervously and tell them to stop. Pansy was the next to come over to you, so happy you had changed your mind, and how lovely you looked in your dress.

“You clean up nicely Y/L/N” Draco complimented, to which Pansy slapped his arm.

“Never say that to a lady” she said angrily. But then turned back to you, “what made you change your mind!?” She asked. “I didn’t expect you to change your mind, but I am so happy you did!”

You laughed at her words, both Mattheo and Anna coming over to join you all. “I decided I wasn’t going to let my lack of a date bring me down. No shame in going stag”.

Both Lorenzo and Theodore agreed with you. “No shame at all, both Enzo and I are stag” Theodore said with a bright smile. “You can join us!”

You laughed at the pair. “Both of you going stag doesn’t surprise me one bit”.

All the while bantered with his two close friends, Mattheo looked at you. He was mesmerized by how beautiful you looked. He felt like this was the first time he was seeing you, the real you. He liked how your eyes lit up with laughter, enjoyed the sound of your voice, and over all adored your presence. Soon you all began to make your way into The Great Hall; Draco and Pansy taking the lead arm in arm, followed by you on either arm of Lorenzo and Theodore, while Mattheo and Anna brought up the rear. You could feel eyes on the back of you as you walked, but soon you felt many eyes on you as you entered the large room. You took note of how winter wonderland The Great Hall looked.

After finding a spot off to the side, your group took to talking and laughing. You hadn't paid Mattheo or his date any mind, not really looking at them. Instead talking with Lorenzo and Theodore, which had been fun so far. Eventually the TriWizard champions entered the hall, and kicked off the dancing. You watched in delight at the twirling and lifting of the female’s. You sighed, wishing you were a part of the dancing. And as if reading your mind, both boy’s offered you their hand but then glared at the other. After a quick round of paper, scissors, rock; you were dragged by the winner Lorenzo to the dance floor. You joined Pansy and Draco moving around the room. You weren’t the best dancer, but Lorenzo was patient with you, leading you in the current formal dance, all while you both laughed and smiled. Once that dance was done, Theodore swooped in and stole you from his friend. He led you around in the dance, as Mattheo and Anna joined this time.

Theodore was commenting on the teacher’s who had taken to the dance floor. His words had you in stitches, while Mattheo glared at the both of you while dancing with his date. Seeing you dance with Lorenzo, and now Theodore, left him cursing them. How dare they take your attention for themselves. If they hadn’t been fussing over you, he would have had your attention. Anna complained when Mattheo had stepped on her foot, too distracted by his friend and you to pay attention to his dance partner. After that dance you and Theodore left the dance floor, and Mattheo went back to focusing on Anna as best he could, knowing you were out there somewhere. Any male students coming up and talking to you made his blood boil.

You found yourself alone, leaning against a stone wall after Theodore and Lorenzo went to work the room, aka hit on girls. Of course they weren’t going to leave you on your own, but you had told them to go, you’d be fine. So here you were, being a wallflower, watching those on the dance floor. Over time the formal music and dancing was replaced by the band Weird Sisters, and students jumping around and letting loose. By this point you noted Draco and Pansy sitting down by the dance floor, they were talking while Pansy rubbed his back. Your gaze then moved to the dance floor, you laughed softly at Fred and George jumping around like idiots, their date’s not too pleased. But the other bodies on the floor weren’t that different from the twins.

Then you spotted Mattheo and Anna; they were dancing away from the jumping crowd, probably so they wouldn’t get hurt or drawn in. Seeing them hurt, a lot. That bitterness slowly returning with every second you watched them. You felt the prickling of tears in the corner of your eyes. No, you weren’t going to let them win. You would not cry. Standing up straight you took a deep breath before releasing it. That was when Lorenzo and Theodore came back to you, both taking a spot on either side of you and leaning against the wall. Their eyes followed where you were looking and it was like a light bulb went off over both of them. You were upset with Mattheo for bringing Anna to the Ball, and no doubt you fancied their friend.

“What’s a pretty girl like yourself being a wallflower?” Theodore asked, turning his head to look at you.

“I’m not a wallflower” you retorted, looking Theodore in the eyes.

“Yes you are” Lorenzo said looking at you. “Standing by yourself, watching everyone else; definition of wallflower”.

“Not entirely correct” you replied with a sigh.

“Why are you alone? Any guy here would be dying to dance with a beauty like you” Theodore with a smirk.

“Doubt it” you said, hitting his arm. “Did you spike the punch? How much have you had to drink?”

Both boys laughed. “First off; yes just about every guy here wants to dance with you” Lorenzo said matter-of-factly.

“And second; we didn't spike the punch. Snape or McGonagall would know within five minutes” Theodore finished.

You looked between them with a raised eyebrow. “Then how have you been drinking?” You asked, skipping their notion of most males wanting to dance with you.

Both boys smiled all knowingly, before Theodore looked around making sure no Professor’s were around. He then proceeded to produce a silver flask. Cheeky sod’s, they were carrying. Theodore offered you a drink, which you thought screw it and took a few sips from, before returning the flask to him. A shocked look on your face at home the whisky went down, burning your throat. Both boys laughed at your reaction. Then Lorenzo offered you some of his, which had been vodka. Not good to mix the two liquors, but you were over caring. You needed to dull the thoughts in your head, and forget, even for the night, Mattheo and Anna.

“Come on wallflower” Lorenzo said, getting up from his leaning position. “Let’s go have some fun and dance the night away!”

Feeling the numbing sensation taking over, you stood. “Alright boys, let’s go!”

Lorenzo grabbed your hand and pulled you to the dance floor, Theodore right behind you both. Once on the dance floor you grasped the skirt of your dress and lifted it slightly as you moved around with both boys to the music. You let the music take over, feeling every note and moving to its rhythm. Lorenzo and Theodore moved along with you, all three of you singing and laughing, all the while jumping and turning. You let the alcohol and energy of dancing wash away your thoughts of the Slytherin you liked, and his date. You focused on letting loose, having fun with your two friends. Every now and then, you three would sneak drinks from the flask’s the boys were concealing, just adding fuel to the fire of total freedom.

While you had been talking to the boys against the wall, then drinking with them and now dancing, Mattheo had watched almost all of your three’s doings. And he didn’t like the influence his friends had on you. He could understand talking to you, and dancing with you, but not the alcohol consumption. That wasn’t very you. Sure, during house parties you would have a few drinks. But not straight liquor. Yet there you were before, doing just that. By this time Mattheo and Anna were sitting down with Pansy and Draco, taking a rest.

“Y/N/N looks to be having fun” Pansy said with a laugh. “I wasn’t sure about those two, but they are helping her tonight”.

“Ha. Why do you say that?” Draco asked, not entirely caring.

Pansy briefly looked at Mattheo before going back to her date. “Before I left our dorm she was so adamant on not coming tonight. I know she had hoped for a particular guy to ask her to the Ball”.

“That is sad they didn’t” Anna said with a frown. “But I’m glad she did come. And is having a good time” she then smiled after those words.

Pansy half smiled at the girl, not thrilled she was with Mattheo. “Yes, I am happy too. She didn’t need him to have a good time”.

Mattheo was silent during the conversation. Wondering who would be such an idiot to not ask you. Sure, he had considered asking you but then Anna came into the picture. And he had decided to ask her. He knew you wouldn’t have had any trouble getting a date. A few guy’s from the Slytherin Quidditch team had asked at different times if you had a date yet, and he said no. Even then, a small part of him didn’t like the idea of them taking you to the Ball. He chalked it up to being a protective friend. But now he knew why. He liked you. Plain and simple.

With all the dancing and drinking you were doing, it finally started to catch up to you. And you slowed down, while your company continued to dance, and take some well needed air. You felt your head swimming from the alcohol, but it was pleasant, you felt a little giddy. But your legs and arms were starting to ache from all the jumping, shimmying and twirling with Lorenzo and Theodore. Not to mention some of the students had called it a night, yet it didn’t stop the remaining students. Thinking it was time to call it quits, you were about to look for a particular curly haired brunette, before stopping yourself. Who cares where he was or what he was doing. You have had a good time tonight.

So with a content smile you let both Lorenzo and Theodore know you were going to head off to bed. They gave you overdramatic pleas to stay, but when you said it was bedtime, they fake cried making you laugh. Bidding them goodnight you held your head high before making your way from the dance floor. Pansy noticed you leave the dance floor, and when you both saw the other looking, you waved and mouthed goodnight. She got the message, and was fine with you going to bed. You deserved a good sleep after having a fun night.

Exiting The Great Hall you climbed up the stairs you had taken to get to the hall, before swaying slowly down the hallway, almost floating down with that content smile still on your lips. Letting go of Mattheo, and the alcohol you consumed, did you wonders tonight. For once you had fun for yourself. You didn’t think about others. Didn’t worry over what anyone would think. Didn’t let the rational side of your brain ruin your night with thoughts. You had successfully detached from who you were.

“Y/N!” Call the reality train, in the form of one Mattheo Riddle.

You sighed, stopping where you were. Not even turning around. “Yes?” You asked.

“Are you alright?” He asked, concerned.

Confused, you turned around to see the Slytherin boy a meter from you. “Peachy. Why?”

“You’re leaving the Ball early” Mattheo made an excuse, knowing you were probably tired and ready for bed. But he had to speak to you. After watching you the rest of the night with his friends, he needed to have time with you.

“Well Theo, this young lady is ready to go back to her room and turn into an ordinary, average girl” you said with a small laugh.

He looked at you confused. “You’re not ordinary, nor are you average Y/N/N. Fair from it actually”.

You laughed. “Yes I am Theo, it’s fine to say it”.

“No you’re not. You are an incredible person; smart, kind, fierce. And you know you are beautiful”.

“I do look quite good tonight” you stated, straightening out your skirt.

“No, you are beautiful everyday,” Mattheo said sincerely. “Are you upset because you didn’t have a date? Because the guy you hoped to ask you didn't?”

You looked Mattheo in the eyes, he was concerned but you could see something in his eyes that made you think he was being protective of you. “Not at all. Sure it sucked he didn’t ask me” you could feel the alcohol loosen your tongue and decided to go with it. “He even brought another girl, which hurt. But it is what it is”.

“He’s an idiot” Mattheo commented, as you moved to lean against the stone wall.

“Yeah. But I can’t blame him. He doesn’t know how I feel, or how I wanted him to ask me” you said in thought. “Maybe if I was more obvious he’d have caught on”, You looked at him with a sad smile.

Mattheo hated seeing that smile on your face, and how your eyes dulled. And he felt himself bringing up thoughts he had, not sure why though. “Maybe he is oblivious to something special. A dick move on his part”, he slowly moved closer to you.

You watched him closely, still fuelled by the liquor in your system you kept going. “Maybe it is. But, again, I never said anything. I assumed from the way he would open doors for me, or greet me first thing in the morning, or even hold my hand, that there was something”.

Mattheo nodded as he came to stand before you. “Well, taking that into account, he might have felt something. But he didn’t entirely know what it meant. If you are close though, he should have asked you”, he was confessing that he knew he should have asked you when he had thought too.

The next words out of your mouth sealed it for him. “Yes, you should have asked me”.

Staring into each other's eyes, Mattheo didn’t say another word. He leaned down and planted his lips upon your own. The kiss was slightly rough, but you still felt that spark. Both of you felt the butterflies in your stomach. Your hands reached out and grasped at his white dress shirt, while he leaned his left arm on the wall next to your head, bringing your bodies closer, his right hand cupping your cheek. Pulling back briefly you looked at each other and smiled. Mattheo then went back in for another kiss, this time deepening the kiss. It sent your mind reeling, and somewhat sobering you up. This was really happening, this moment you had daydreamed about was actually happening.

While you and Mattheo made out in the hallway, Lorenzo came up the stairs and turned down the hallway. He was looking for Mattheo, at the request of Anna. For the brunet had left her without much of a reason, and he had been gone for a while which made her worry. Looking upon the hallway in confusion, Lorenzo soon spotted two familiar figures. A smug smile soon formed on his lips after seeing the two snogging away in the hallway. Chuckling to himself he turned away from the pair, and headed back to The Great Hall.

“Guess Theodore and I have a young lady to console” he said to himself walking down the staircase and going back to what was left of the Ball.
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A/N: as always, constructive feedback welcome. Also please see pocs of dress and necklace.
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hotch33tos22 · 23 days
Tomura x reader (smut)
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New message from -BRAT-
‘Y/n I'm busy’
He texts back a few minutes later, his annoyance in the short reply was almost palpable. Sheesh.
‘What ya doing?’
Tomura groans reading your next message and rolls his eyes. Did you not understand the concept of him being busy? He was in the middle of something, he didn't have time to chat
‘I told you I'm busy.’
He quickly texts back, his patience was already wearing thin.
'Right haha sorry’
Tomura can't help but scoff at how quickly you gave up-annoyed that you apologized and didn't press further. He was expecting more of a back and forth but not even a minute later you apologized and backed down.
‘Don't be such a pushover’
He texts back with a bit of annoyance, but not necessarily at you, more so he wanted you to put up a fight
He sighs, tapping his foot impatiently against the floor as he glances around the small room. It's a rather boring room-grey walls, grey carpet, and a single bed in the corner. He was staying in a shitty motel for the night since it was already getting late.
He glances at his phone, seeing you hadn't replied yet. He was hoping you'd respond but was starting to think you didn't feel like it. He didn't think he had been too rude earlier...
He mumbles quietly, scrolling through a shitty phone game to pass time. The more time that passed with you not replying, the more he started to overthink.
Usually you'd keep pushing him, yet for some reason today you hadn't. It was annoying how much you were suddenly acting so passive.
He checks his phone one more time to see if you had answered yet but sighs seeing the last message was still his.
Tomura puts his phone down on the bed, running a hand through his hair and down the back of his neck. He felt a small pang in his chest— something akin to guilt or regret. Was he being too rude earlier? He didn't think so but he was used to you being feisty and pushing back...
He rolls over onto his back and glances up at the ceiling, staring at a stain in the corner as thoughts start swirling around in his head. He really was overthinking this.
'Sorry I was taking a shower’
Tomura feels slight relief at finally getting a response from you, but also gets strangely annoyed all of a sudden. He can't understand why you apologizing again irks him this time—he just feels pissed at the fact that you're being so submissive, so obedient. Why weren't you pushing back?
‘Didn't ask’
He texts back quickly with a scoff, his response sarcastic and bitchy
Tomura doesn't expect that kind of response. His eyes widen a little in shock and he slowly sits up on the bed. He smirks at your words and laughs quietly to himself — there you were, finally putting up a fight.
‘Good to know you haven't lost your attitude’
He texts back, hoping to get some type of conversation going. It was boring as hell and he was starting to be antsy.
‘Whatever I was trying to be nice but all I see is a pissy boyfriend’
Tomura is a bit taken back at being called "pissy". He was more annoyed and bored if anything, but you were right about the boyfriend part. He was being a bit sour.
‘Shut up. I'm not pissy I'm just busy and your ass kept messaging me even though I told you so. You're the one being a pain in my ass right now.’
He texts back, a tinge of irritation in his words even though he's kinda amused
'Two messages are you dense?'
‘Doesn't matter how many times you texted. I still said I'm busy and told you to knock it off.’
He rolls his eyes, getting a tad more annoyed that you're being a smart ass but not too annoyed to not entertain it. As much as he can't admit it, he did miss your little back-and-forth. It was interesting. Plus having someone to chat with distracted him from the boredom currently taking over his thoughts.
‘Whatever are you still busy? Or are you with your side piece?'
Tomura can practically feel himself getting more irritable by the minute. How little did you trust him? Why would you automatically assume he'd go and see another woman? The fact that it kinda stung that you'd think that pissed him off
‘You know damn well I'm not with a side piece. Besides who in their right mind would even put up with me?’
He texts back, leaning back against the headboard of the crappy motel bed with a huff
‘Unfortunately me.'
‘Shut up. You make it sound like putting up with me is a chore’
He grumbles, not amused at your sarcastic comeback. He wants to say something harsh to you to get you riled up but can't find the words that won't make him sound like a jackass. So he keeps it short and simple, and thankfully his next message from you pops up on his phone before he has time to think too much on what to say next. He looks at your response and huffs, shaking his head as he types back.
'It is babe.'
Tomura can feel himself get more worked up by each text from you. You were really being a sarcastic ass today. He couldn't even deny the fact that you were correct in what you said. It was usually a chore to put up with him and he knew that... but that didn't mean it hurt any less to be reminded of it— by his own partner no less.
‘Shut it. Be nice to me damnit’
'I tried to be and you called me a pushover.'
Tomura's hands clench into fists as he reads the last message. You were right, you did try being nice and he essentially just told you to shove off. He's starting to feel guilty... but of course he can't show that
‘That's 'cause you'd been acting like one by apologizing and backing off so damn quickly’
‘I forgot you like it when I get all bitchy'
Tomura has to bite back a grin at your last message. The fact that you were fully aware of how he liked it when you were snarky and challenging was amusing to him. It was also a slight turn on too...
‘You damn right I do. I like you better when you're biting back.’
'whateverrr. Hurry up and get home.'
Tomura feels a small sense of giddyness at your next message. You wanted him to come home. You missed him? He can feel the corners of his lips tug up into a small, uncharacteristic grin
‘I will. I'm almost done up here then I'll be back. Still can't believe you're being so clingy though.’
'well I miss you and your dick.'
Tomura nearly drops his phone as he reads your message. The grin on his face grows wider into a smirk and he can't help the flush that's creeping across his cheeks. Out of all the responses he was expecting... that wasn't one of them
‘You miss my dick huh? What happened to you being so innocent I gotta remind you to watch your language?’
'Oh please you don't say that when you stuff it down my throat'
Tomura's dick twitches slightly at your last message, immediately imagining you on your knees for him. He groans quietly to himself, quickly typing a response back as his free hand comes up to run through his messy hair.
‘Watch it babe. Keep talking like that and I might never make it back’
He gets a sudden idea, one that he's not sure you'd like but it's worth a try
‘Hold on, gimme a sec. I have and idea’
Tomura quickly opens the camera app on his phone, setting it to the front camera
‘I'm gonna send you something but I want you to promise that you won't freak out.’
‘I swear if it's another one of those videos where you torture someone I'm losing it.’
Tomura rolls his eyes, not surprised that you'd think that. He can't help but laugh a little at how wrong you can be sometimes.
Although, in all fairness, he was unpredictable and the videos of him 'messing with' unsuspecting heroes probably didn't help
‘No, I'm not sending you a murder video. I'm not stupid.’
He scoffs, typing his next text
‘You gotta have more faith in me babe’
He holds up his phone so his face is visible, and with his free hand, he reaches under the hem of his shirt, his palm coming to rest just above the waistband of his sweatpants. He smirks into the camera, his eyes locking on the phone as he clicks send. He's anxious to see how you respond to the picture, since the only thing visible in the picture are his face, bare stomach, and his sweatpants that are being tugged down slightly
‘That was hot.'
Tomura reads your response and he can't help but smirk, feeling a wave of pride at how you reacted to the picture. He was so damn right to send it and get you worked up. He texts you back within the minute, the smirk still plastered on his face
‘Ya like it?’
As you viewed his picture repeatedly you quickly send him a picture of you in his favorite langire as you set the camera showing off your curved body as you stroke a sexy pose on his bed.
Tomura's eyes widen at the picture that suddenly pops up on his phone. You were in his favorite underwear that he bought for you. You were laying on his side of the bed in a seductive pose and it looks like you've already spread your legs a bit...
He whispers, feeling his sweatpants get tighter as he stares at the picture
He quickly types another message, his breaths a little shorter as he stares at the picture you sent as he takes it in slowly
‘You're trying to kill me aren't you?’
‘You started it, Do you have any idea how much I need you.?'
Tomura feels his chest tighten a bit at your words, wanting nothing more than to be able to touch you himself. His hand that's above the waistband of his sweats dips a little lower, a frustrated huff leaving his lips
‘I'll be back soon. That's a promise’
He sighs and glances away from the phone and back up at the ceiling of the crappy motel. Part of him is tempted to send you another picture but he stops himself, thinking it'll be better if he waited until he got home to get his hands on you himself.
As he tried to dose off he got another notification. You had send him a video of you folding your tits together with one hand as you looked up at the camera with those stupid lustful eyes.
Tomura's dick twitched as he watched, his need growing with every second. He could feel his pre-cum already starting to dampen his boxers as he saw his girlfriend’s naked body. You’re beginning to explore your body, cupping your breasts, squeezing and pinching your nipples, which stood erect and begging for attention. Tomura imagined it was his mouth working on those nipples, sucking and teasing them with his tongue.
Tomura couldn't take it anymore. He needed release, and he needed it now. He stripped off his clothes, his hands already working on the button of his sweats. As he threw his clothes aside, his cock sprang free, hard and dripping. He grasped it tightly, pumping it slowly as he imagined your mouth wrapping around his length, your lips kissing and sucking the tip.
He closed his eyes, letting the video play in his mind, feeling the warmth of the room and the tight pull of desire in his balls. He imagined you were there, your mouth working its way down his body, tasting every inch of him, your hands teasing his balls, playing with them, squeezing gently as your tongue flicked and teased.
Tomura's breathing quickened as he stroked his dick, faster now, a steady rhythm as the head of his cock glistened with pre-cum. His imagination was on fire, he pictured your mouth taking him deep, your throat working as you took him to the back of their mouth, sucking hard, your eyes looking up at him, full of desire.
Fuck he needed you so badly. He was this close to waiting it out, to not touch himself while he was away from your aching body. But you had to send him the most sexy video.
His hand bucked up and down his needy cock as his thump bullied his pink top just how you would.
“F-fuck-..” his voice rasped lowly as he tried to hold in his moans.
“Need you so badly.. s-shit..” he groaned as you continued his movements his balls becoming sloppy bouncing up and down his movements and his tip dripping with pre-cum.
He tilted his head back from all the lent up frustration as he groaned softly.
“H-haa..” he muffled out as he felt himself come closer to his release. His hands gripped around his cock as he hurried his movements rapidly.
“S-shit shit shit y-y/n..” he groaned and grunted as he felt his cock twitch rapidly while he released. As he continued his movements rising his high his breath rasped and hitched.
His cum oozed out his twitching cock dropping down his hand to his sloppy balls. He quickly picked up his phone snapping a quick picture of the sight sending it straight to you.
‘You’re such a damn brat. You’ll get that when I get back, You want me to get you pregnant huh? You want me to come back home and knock you up. Is that what you want?`
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I saw you were in desperate need of requests for our lovely Slytherin boys, so I figured I'd help haha.
Would you be inspired by "how the Slytherin boys would spend a rainy Sunday morning with you?" if not it's alright :)
love <3
How the Slytherin Boys Would Spend a Rainy Morning with You
Request: Would you be inspired by "how the Slytherin boys would spend a rainy Sunday morning with you?" if not it's alright :)
Hi! This is my first time doing one of these, so hopefully I do alright. Besides Regulus, I’ve never written for these characters, so please bear with me while I try and get the hang of it. Also, I’ve never read the fics Enzo and Mattheo are from, so this is just a little bit of research and a vibe I'm going with. If you think anything is out of character, please tell me, I’m happy getting any feedback to use in later work. Also, I’m ignoring that the boys' dorms are in the dungeons, since I wanted to put a window for some of them. Anyways, thank you so much for the request! I hope you like it :)
(Warnings: mentions of insomnia, insecurity, smoking, let me know if i missed anything)
Theodore Nott:
i think he’s definitely an insomniac. any amount of noise is going to wake him up, and then he’ll just be in his head till he finally forces himself out of bed. 
i do think the sound of rain would make him tired too, but it would be so distracting that he couldn’t sleep through it. he’d be so frustrated, and maybe a little grumpy.
before you, he’d use the time to smoke outside under a covering undisturbed. but with you, he just wouldn’t be able to bring himself to get out of bed. he wants to go smoke, but he’s not about to wake you up. you’d ask him if he wants to go outside once you wake up, but he’d just shake his head.
you’re a much needed distraction, and he just wants to be close to you. i think he’s a bit touch starved, and he’d want you to hold him while he rests a little while longer.
nap time if he can fall asleep for sure. you’d be able to see how tired he was, and just gently try to coax him to rest for a little while longer till the rain passed.
Theo had been up for quite a while when you finally stirred. It was still quite early, and you had not intended on getting up until you felt the empty spot in the bed next to you. You found him sitting at the foot of the bed, a far off look in his eye. You furrowed your brows in confusion, sitting up to reach out to him. He nearly jumped up as he felt your hand on his shoulder, only relaxing when he turned around to see you gazing up at him. 
“Are you alright?” You asked, running your thumb along the curve of his shoulder. “Can’t sleep?”
He just nodded his head to the window where you could see the rain breaching the wake of the Black Lake. “The rain. It woke me up a little bit ago.”
“A little bit?” You asked, trying to hide your frown when you saw the dark rings developing around and under his eyes. 
He hadn’t slept well the past couple of nights, and you were hoping he was going to do better with you sleeping with him. But the weather had other plans.
He let out a frustrated sigh, having to take a calming breath. “Just maybe an hour or two.”
You could tell how aggravated not being able to sleep was making him. He couldn't sleep when he tried–and he couldn’t stay asleep once he finally managed to drift off. It was a vicious cycle, and you wished you could ease his pain. You looked over to the pack of cigarettes on his nightstand, seeing that one had been pulled out but not lit.
You gave his shoulder a squeeze, your voice soft. “Wanna go outside and smoke? I’ll come with you if you do, just let me–”.
Theo could feel embarrassment bubbling in his chest, feeling his skin heat. You knew him so well, even when neither of you had to say anything. You just understood how he ticked, and sometimes that frightened him. 
He knew there was nothing about him that you judged or looked down on–he knew that. But sometimes, with how gentle and understanding you treated him, he’d begin to feel like a burden. Like he was something you convinced yourself you had to fix out of obligation, not because you wanted to. He couldn’t have been more wrong, but it was hard for him to see that. And when he saw you going out of your way to try and help him, he shut it down.
“No, pretty girl,” he interrupted, reaching up to cradle your cheek in his palm. “I’ll go later. Go back to sleep. You don’t need to be up for a while.”
You could feel your chest tighten. He needed your help, but he didn’t know how to ask for it–he didn’t know how to accept it. The day had barely started, and you could see how drained he was already. And with a full week of classes coming up?
He wasn't going to make it.
“Come here, sweet boy,” you pleaded, laying back down against the pillows and opening your arms. “Forget about the rain for a moment. Just lay with me for a bit. You don’t have to sleep–just close your eyes and breath.”
Theo almost said no. 
He was so close to shaking his head and brushing you off, but he couldn’t ignore the look in your eyes. You wanted to hold him just as much as he needed to be held, and he was so exhausted that he didn’t have it in him to argue. He finally relented, crawling back into bed with you under the covers. He rested his head against your chest, letting his arms settle around your waist. You threaded your fingers through his hair, pressing a kiss to the top of his head. It was quiet for a moment as you stared up at the ceiling, his gaze set on the window.
“I can hear your heartbeat,” he murmured after a moment, pressing a kiss into your skin. “It’s nice.”
You smiled, knowing he could hear how your heart fluttered at his words. “Good. Focus on that, not the rain. Close your eyes, baby. Just rest.”
Lorenzo Berkshire:
this man is 100% the kind of guy that stomped in puddles as a little kid after it rained, even if his parents yelled at him for it. 
he’d want to let you sleep, but he’d be so excited that—if you didn’t wake up fast enough—he’s easing you awake and begging you to come outside with him.
he wouldn’t want you getting wet tho, he doesn’t want you catching a cold or feeling uncomfortable. he just wants to be able to look at you while he enjoys his morning.
if you wanna splash in the puddles with him, he’ll get over himself and agree. but if you get sick, you’re getting a firm “i told you so,” but of course he’d take care of you anyways.
he’d think you look ADORABLE, even if you were soaked. once you get back inside to change, you better believe that man is throwing you one of his hoodies before you have a chance to put on something else.
You groaned as the bed shifted next to you, and a hand gently pulled at your shoulder. It was far too early for you to be up—Enzo especially, who loved nothing more than to sleep in—and you shrugged away as you buried your face in the pillows.
“Honey, please,” Enzo pleaded with you, a warm hand coming to cup your cheek. “I can’t wait any longer.”
You cracked one eye open, peering up at him with a huff of frustration. “What is it?”
“It’s raining!” He said excitedly, rolling out of bed to peer out the window.
You smiled, letting out an exasperated chuckle. You groaned as you pushed yourself up into a sitting position, rubbing the sleep from your eyes. Enzo was practically halfway out the window already, leaning over the rail to see the grounds below.
“It rains nearly every week, darling,” you said, the covers pooling around your waist.
“Not like this,” he rationalized, coming back over to the bed to put on his shoes. “The puddles down there are massive.”
You smiled wider, leaning down to the foot of the bed where he was sitting to wrap your arms around his waist. “You’re so adorable, sometimes. Still a kid at heart, I think. My life would be a lot happier if I could see it like how you see yours.”
“Actually, I’m adorable all the time,” he corrected, turning around to press a kiss to your cheek. “But you’re the reason my life is happy. Jumping in those puddles downstairs will just make me happier. Come with me?”
You nodded, throwing on some clothes before following him down the stairs to the ground below. 
You winced as he slipped before steadying himself, letting out a laugh as he continued running. You internally urged him to be more careful, but you couldn’t help but smile from under the covered archway as he splashed around in the water, a dreamy glaze over his eyes. It must have been quite the sight to anyone looking out the windows above you. 
One of the most popular Slytherins in the entire school–splashing around in puddles like a child.
After a moment, you stepped out into the rain with him. He held out a hand for you to steady yourself, before placing his hands on your waist to keep you from slipping. He smoothed your hair back to keep it from matting to your face when you stilled.
“Go back under the cover, sweetheart. It’s too cold. I don’t want you getting sick out here.”
You shook your head, letting your arms settle around his neck. “And why would I do that? You’re out here. You’re just as likely to get sick.”
“Yes, but I have you to take care of me. You’ll end up with Madam Pomfrey if you get sick, she’s a lot more capable of taking care of you than me.”
You shrugged, blinking the rain out of your eyes. “Poppy and I get along quite well.”
Enzo let you stay out with him another moment longer, before he was leading you both back inside. As soon as you got back up to his dorm, he was casting a Warming Charm on you and shoving you into the bathroom to change clothes. The second you stepped out, he was helping you pull one of his hoodies over your head.
“Better?” You asked, grinning when his cheeks flushed a rosy pink.
He nodded, pulling you close. “Better.
Mattheo Riddle:
rainy day? oh, you mean never come out from under the covers day?
he’d absolutely whine about being cold. expect cold feet touching your legs, even when you’re squirming and trying to push him away. he’s not letting go. you’re his personal heater.
he’s definitely using it as a day to just be close to you and talk. he hardly ever lets himself be completely vulnerable around you, but being this close to you makes him feel like he can. just listen as best you can, and he’ll value that time with you so much.
i do think he’d get a bit uncomfortable and restless after a while, but he’d still want to keep talking to you like this. so you’d come up with some excuse to bring him somewhere else secluded so he can still be open with you but more comfortably.
but getting wet? an absolute no from him. wherever you take him has to be dry, or you will be hearing about it from him for the rest of the day.
You woke up to ice cold feet rubbing against your shins, opening your eyes with a gasp. Mattheo had wrapped himself around you tightly, his arms trapping you in his hold.
“Mattheo!” You whined, trying to squirm away. “Matty, please get your feet off me. And, for Merlin’s sake, put on socks! I told you last time!”
“I can’t get out of bed in this weather! It’s too cold, darling.”
You could practically feel his teeth chattering. He nuzzled his head into your neck, but you could feel his grin when he slid his foot down your leg. You eventually relented, turning around in his hold to face him so he could pull you closer. 
“Come here, you big baby,” you mused, making it a point to kick his foot away before you hooked your leg around his to warm him up.
You stayed like that for a long while, his head tucked up into your neck. Every once in a while, he’d murmur something into your skin, his voice low as he talked to you. You listened, muttering praises into his ear and coaxing him to continue every time there was a moment of silence. It was unusual to have him be this open with you, and you weren’t about to let him pull away. 
After a while, Mattheo started to fidget. He’d stretch a limb one at a time before curling back into you, continuing to talk. You could see the strain on his face—you could hear it in his voice. Finally, you reached for your wand, casting a Warming Charm over you both. You stood up, pulling on a hoodie of his before passing another one to him.
“Come on, my love. Your bed is too tiny and the dungeons are too cold for us to both be cooped up in here all day. Let’s get you warm somewhere else.”
He grumbled as he pulled himself out of bed, but he eagerly took the hand you offered him. “If I get rained on I’m not talking to you for the rest of the day.”
“We both know that’s not true, darling,” you grinned, pressing a kiss to the back of his hand before pulling him out the door.
Regulus Black:
early riser for SURE.
like he’s definitely the type to wake up in the morning and just lay there and think. and with you there, he’d be more than content to just lay with you and listen to the rain. 
he strikes me as the kind of person who likes an overcast sky. the sound of rain is calming, the sight of you is calming, and he wouldn’t feel like he needed to get up or do something productive. he’d just lay there and wait till you woke up to see what you wanted to do.
he really values his alone time, but he’d also appreciate sharing that time with you sometimes. you don’t have to talk, either. silence is good sometimes, and it brings him peace. 
but he’s definitely the type that wants to stay in under the covers and just have the day with you. and if the rain stopped in the next ten minutes? he doesn’t care. he’s declared it a rainy day, and you can’t change his mind.
Regulus had been up for hours by the time you woke up. He had propped himself up against his headboard, and gently moved you to where your head was resting against his stomach. He had been absentmindedly smoothing his hand over your hair when you finally opened your eyes, looking up at him.
He felt you move your head, smiling down at you. “Morning, love.”
You took a deep breath, smiling as the fresh air from the open window gently wafted in. You reached for his free hand, intertwining your fingers with his.
“It’s finally raining,” you mused, peering out the window before dropping your head back down against his stomach. “I’ve been waiting all week for it to rain. Looks like it’s clearing up, though.”
“Is it? Well, we’ll ignore that, won’t we? I don’t feel like moving today. I’ll move tomorrow.”
You chuckled into his skin, tracing your fingertips just under the hem of his shirt. “I assume that means I’m not moving either, am I?”
Regulus just hummed, a warm feeling spreading through his chest as you settled yourself back into him. It was quiet for a moment as you both rested, feeling each other’s chests rise and fall. Regulus felt the worries of the day quite literally blow away, allowing himself this time with you. And with how relaxed you looked in his arms, he knew you felt the same way.
“Let me know if you’re getting hungry, alright?” He asked softly just as you were beginning to drift back off. “We can go down.”
You nodded, closing your eyes as you nuzzled closer to him. He smiled to himself, finally tearing his eyes away from you to look back out the window.
— A/N - Hi! I’m so sorry that some of these are a bit longer than others, I just find it easier writing for some of the boys. I have such a soft spot for Theo, and I got a little carried away. I promise to make the next one a little more even and fair. Thank you again for reading and submitting prompts, I’ll gladly take any more you have! I hope you enjoyed this :)
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crossfandomslut · 4 months
At Peace in Your Fire (pt2)
Summary: Y/n goes into the the Cauldron, and ends up in Velaris. A strange place with a sentient house and hopefully some new friends. Y/n much navigate what being fae means for her now.
Pairing: Future Eris x Reader ! Eris is in this chapter y'all! It's not much haha I'm dragging it out !
Word Count: 4,900
Notes: I'm so glad people liked the first chapter and I hope you stick with me to see where this story goes ! I wanted to get to know the reader a bit more, and have interactions with the other characters to add depth to the story and who the reader is so that she's not just some rando haha Please comment your thoughts and opinions, I love hearing what you liked about it so I can try to make each chapter better than the last ! Hugs <3
Find part 1 here
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Her life flashed before her eyes as the Cauldron scanned through her every memory, as if in search of an answer, but she didn’t know what the question was. All she felt was cold. As the Cauldron raked through images of their mother and her neglect as Feyre and Y/n did whatever they could to get her attention. Even if she was yelling at them, it was better than being ignored. It took Y/n a long time to realize that Nesta wasn’t ‘lucky’ for having all their mothers’ attention. The cold continued to settle into her bones as she watched her mother get sick and their father fall deep into depression after losing his fortune. Flashes of what she had to do with the baker’s son to feed the family some weeks, of Feyre being taken away by Tamlin, of Nesta looking so hopeless as they searched for their sister, and finally of tonight, being taken from their home in the night, the pain of her sister’s faces and the fear that shot through her as her toes touched the Cauldron’s edge. Deeper and deeper the water soaked through her too thin nightgown, into her skin, and settled in her bones. the water the warm when she first touched it, but as she felt herself drift further toward the bottom, an icy cold took over her senses.
At last, a flicker of warmth ran through her as memories played of watching Feyre, Nesta, and Elain try to fit into the too small bed of the cabin as Y/n curled up right in front of the fireplace, laughing at her sisters bickering for space and urging Nesta to move her cold feet away from them. Eventually, her sisters stopped bickering and they too started laughing. Those were the glowing moments of joy they were able to find in the darkest times. The warmth in her body spread as the next memory played; the four of them dancing around a bonfire in the late Summer, early Autumn. Laughing and dancing like idiots because Y/n was able to convince the baker’s son to sneak her a cake. They hadn’t had a real cake, with icing and candles, in years, but she had seen it through the window and knew she needed to share it with her dearest sisters. The leaves were just starting to change color and the warm fire light casted the already orange and red leaves in the most stunning light.
The last memory that played was the night that Nesta brought home paints for Feyre. In the low light of the evening fire, Y/n begrudgingly gave up her spot directly in front of the flame so that Feyre had the best light to paint in. She painted their tiny dresser drawers with something to symbolize each of them. Nesta had her own dresser, full of the beautiful-and large-dresses their mother used to make her wear. Nesta requested her dresser be painted black. Simple, but a bold sentiment. Y/n’s drawer, of course, was painted with flames. It was a well known fact to everyone who met her that Y/n was drawn to the heat and comfort of fire. Sweet Elain’s drawer was painted in the flowers she loved to tend in the rather pathetic gardens. And for a reason she didn’t understand at the time, Feyre painted her drawer with the night sky. Dazzling stars and a bright moon to look down on her wherever she may be.
Y/n’s chest started to glow at that memory and finally she felt warm again, seeing that dingy old cabin, that fireplace lit, and the lives it made brighter, warmer, safer.
A sudden rush of the Cauldron’s freezing water had Y/n gasping for air that was no where to be found. She wasn’t drowning, but she wasn’t breathing either. She was stuck in this terrible, dark, cold place and feeling like all was lost. So, she spoke into the void, “you may take my body and soul, as long as you promise to watch over my sisters. Keep them safe and happy and whole.”
“Your eldest sister took something from me. Something very dark and very important. You are in no position to make a bargain for her safety.” The voice came as a harsh whisper that sounded like death itself. “I will get back what she took, and more, but I haven’t met a being a very long time who was willing to give. For that, I will reward you. What gift I have bestowed upon you, you must find out for yourself. It will either breathe life into what you love most… or suffocate it.”
With those final words spoken straight into her heart, Y/n felt the world shift as she was dumped from the Cauldron, back onto the ice-cold stone floor, soaking wet. The King of Hybern’s magic lifts just enough for Feyre to rush to her and cling to her like life depended on it.
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The following events at Hybern will be scarred into Y/n mind for the rest of her newly immortal life. Lucien's painful screaming that Elain was his mate, the human queen going into the Cauldron and coming out old and decrepit because of what Nesta stole from it, Tamlin demanding that the King break the bond between Feyre and Rhysand, and Feyre saying that Rhys had her under a spell all this time.
If it weren’t for their relationship as twins seeming to strengthen now that they were both Fae, and for Feyre’s daemati powers, Y/n would have freaked the fuck out. Lucky for them all, Feyre explained the whole plan, albeit almost too rapidly for Y/n to understand given what she just went through in the Cauldron. Y/n played along and acted disgusted by Rhys and horrified as he winnowed her away. The cry of her sister's name was not forced or faked.
When they landed in what she could only assume was the Night Court, a beautiful female with eerie silver eyes and black hair came rushing around the corner. “Where is she?”
Rhysand explained everything. Only after calling for his best healers to help Cassian and Azriel. By the time he finished, Mor appeared after hiding Y/n's sisters away somewhere that they could rest and process.
“She is your mate, not your spy. Go. Get. Her.” The one with silver eyes, Amren, demanded.
“She is my mate. And my spy. And she is the High Lady of the Night Court.” Rhysand said softer, but not weakly.
“What?” Mor gasped.
Rhysand explained it all, and finally said, “Your High Lady made a sacrifice for her court, and we will move when the time is right.”
“Until then?” Amren asked sharply.
“Until then,” Rhysand spared each of them a glace, “we go to war.”
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Mor showed Y/n to her room, told her to ask the house for whatever she needed, and that she should rest for as long as she needed. And that they were all here for her when she was ready to come out.
The first thing Y/n asked the house for was a fire to be lit. She was ready to get on her knees and beg for the heat of it, but when the house responded immediately, Y/n let out a sob and threw herself on the floor in front of the large hearth. She sat with her legs tucked under her, staring into the dancing flames as tears streamed down her face and choked sobs rocked her body. She stared into the blaze. Fire, she thinks, looks alive but is not. It dances and sways in the phantom wind and dries the tears that had long stopped coming. Y/n wished she could climb straight into the inferno and wrap it around herself to make her bed. For a moment she wonders if her new Fae body would allow such a thing, before she grabs a plush red dyed wool blanket, and a soft enough throw pillow from the couch, and she curls up in front of the glowing heat and sparkling embers. Right where she feels the safest and most at home.
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Y/n slept off and on for four days if she’s been keeping track of time correctly. The house delivered food, that at first, she was hesitant to touch, because what does a house know about cooking? But once she got hungry enough to try the steaming soup and heavily buttered bread it delivered for dinner on night two, she ate her words. Literally. The house quickly learned that Y/n preferred black tea and something sweet to eat at breakfast, something light and fresh for lunch, and a hearty dense dinner. The fire had remained lit since the first night, when the house thought it would be okay to let it die out once Y/n fell asleep, and Y/n woke up screaming and shaking, nightmares plaguing her. The fire had not gone out again. Not even a flicker.
Y/n was feeling rested and eager to learn if there were any updates about her twin in the Spring Court. She needed to know if Feyre was okay. When she swung the door of her bedroom open, Rhysand was standing there, smirking, looking like he knew every thought in her head.
“I’ll need to teach you about mental shields.” His smirk grew, “you’re just as bad as Feyre was when she first got here, practically shouting your thoughts. I could probably hear you from the house of wind.”
Y/n blinked at him. Sure, she knew that Feyre’s daemati powers allowed her to speak into people’s minds, but to just openly heard other’s thoughts? How miserable that must be.
Rhysand gaped for a fraction of a second after hearing her thoughts, before his brows furrowed. “You- you’re not angry or afraid about the invasion of privacy?”
“I mean, would I prefer you not listen? Sure, but you just said you’d teach me to block you out, so really, I just feel bad for you both. I never want to know what’s going through other’s heads. That’s their business and it probably gets gross and annoying.”
There’s a silent pause before Rhysand throws his back and laughs, “It does get gross, and annoying,” He straightens again and says, "thank you, Y/n. Not many understand that or think about how it feels for us.”
“So then you probably already know that I was about to come find you and ask about Feyre?”
“Yes. Let’s talk about it once you’ve had a bath and change into clean clothes. Have you been sleeping and living in that for four days?” He eyes her absolutely filthy, no longer white, nightgown that she had been wearing when the Hybern soldiers took her.
“Yes. Yes, I have, Rhysand. But I will take that bath and clean clothes. I smell like the deer I killed the day we first met.” Y/n’s face scrunched at the memory of the stench that she never got used to, even after all those years of hunting with Feyre. “I’d say I would come find you, but you’ll probably know exactly when I’m ready.” She winked and tapped her finger to her temple before turning on her heel back into her room. The house must have been listening, because a hot bath was waiting for her in the bathing chambers. Soaps and oils that smelled like pine and cedar, a crackling fire, and the forest after it rains. Y/n had never smelt anything so lavish. Never smelt anything that captured the feeling of home so thoroughly.
Ridding herself of the disgusting nightgown, Y/n went to dip a toe in the steaming water and stopped. It felt so much like the Cauldron. But Y/n, like always, reminded herself to be adaptable. She was fine. This room was nothing like that place. This place had bright windows that lit up the room. She could see the bottom of the tub, nothing like the dark mirky waters she was forced into. She was fine and she was safe. Y/n prided herself on being able to choke her feelings down. She thought that if she could intellectualize her feelings, they wouldn’t be able to control her. It hadn't come to bite her in the ass yet. She calmed her racing heart, and plunged into the hot water and washed herself clean of the memories using the soaps that smelled like home. Those smells soothed her soul like a balm and she started to feel like herself again.
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After taking her merry time in the tub, the house keeping the water hot as long as she needed it, Y/n stood and grabbed a towel from the vanity in the corner of the room. Y/n hadn’t looked at herself in the mirror yet, but figured now was as good of a time as any. She sat on the round cushioned stool and slowly lifted her head. She tilted her head back and forth, examining the subtle changes that suddenly made her Fae. She tucked her hair behind her ears to reveal the exaggerated, but soft, pointed ears. Smiled at herself to get a look at the elongated canines, and noticed how bright and sharp her eyes looked. She didn’t have her twin’s steely blue eyes, her father said she had his mother’s eyes. Y/n looked into her own y/e/c eyes and just blinked a few times. She was most definitely Fae now. And she would adapt.
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Getting dressed quickly, Y/n stepped into the hall to find Rhysand, already waiting for her. He examined her loose, flowy brown pants, and the soft grey seater she chose. “No Night Court black?”
She tripped over her own foot at the words, “oh- oh no, I’m sorry, I’ve offended you. I’ll go change-!
“No! No, Y/n stop,” he gently griped her arm to prevent her from running back in her room. “It didn’t even occur to me that you might feel comfortable in something else. I’m the one who’s sorry.” He tilts his head, so their eyes meet.
“I just feel better in colors that remind me of the woods we grew up in. It makes me feel like myself in their new, strange body and this new world we’ve been brought into. I did not have any intention of disrespecting you or your home, Rhysand.”
“Please, Y/n, call me Rhys. We are family now, right? Humans would call us, ‘in-laws’?” His smile grew as Y/n’s lips twitched into their own smile, his hand dropping from her arm.
“Of course, Rhys. I’m glad to know my sister has found someone who loves her so well. I look forward to getting to know you as we work to bring Feyre home.”
“Yes, let’s get to work on that. Follow me.” Rhys guides her down the hall and through the foyer into a large seating area. Mor, Cassian, Azriel and Amren are all speaking lowly. Rhys clears his throat as he and Y/n enter the room, and all eyes fall on Y/n. More is the first to stand up and wrap her in a tight embrace. Y/n is shocked for a brief moment, before wrapping her arms around Mor in return.
Mor pulls back with tears in her eyes to say, “we love your sister so much. We are honored to have you in our family too. We will get her back.” Y/n smiles at her fondly and Mor turns to sit back down next to Cassian. Cassian and Azriel both smile and wave at her, just like they did the first time they met in the human lands. Amren and Y/n exchange nods, and Y/n predicts that is the most emotion she’ll ever see from the female.
Rhys is the first to speak next. “Let’s get started shall we?” He took a seat in the remaining armchair, and Y/n took up a spot on the floor, directly in front of the fireplace. Her favorite place to be. “Y/n, you don’t have to sit on the floor. We can ask the house to provide another chair.”
“I’m perfectly content right here, but thank you, Rhys,” Y/n went as far as to shuffle further back toward the heat.
Azriel’s usually calculated expression fell as he stared at her in total confusion. Never had he seen someone look like they wanted to be consumed by flames. He couldn’t even comprehend it. He schooled his features when he felt Cassian pop him in the ribs with his elbow and clear this throat.
“As you wish. Azriel, I know you’re still recovering, and I do not want you to push it, but have your shadows told you anything?”
“Not much. Feyre is still hardly allowed to leave the house, Lucien is still warry of her, and Tamlin is none the wiser. She isn’t eating enough.” He says the last part so quietly and with so much anger, a shiver runs down Y/n spine. She decides to never get on Azriel’s bad side.
“Have you heard from her? Can’t you two talk through your minds or something?” Cassian asks.
“Not much. We don’t want Tamlin, or Lucien for that matter, to get suspicious. But when we do speak, she sounds so far away and it’s an effort to keep the line open. Something isn’t right, but I don’t know what it is. When she was in Spring before it wasn’t this hard. It has to be Hybern’s presence there.”
“So all we can do is sit around and wait for more information?” Mor asks incredulously.
“I wish it could say otherwise, but for now, yes. Azriel and Cassian, you need to heal and get back to training, so we’re prepared when something changes and we have to move.” They call nod their agreement and accept that it’s all they can do right now.
“I want to train too.” Y/n’s voice startles them, as if they forgot she was there.
“Of course, we’ll work on your mental shields and-“
“No- I’m sorry- I don’t mean to interrupt. I mean, yes, I do want to train with you to build my mental shield, but I also want to train with Cassian and Azriel. I want to feel strong. I want to be strong. I never want what happened in Hybern to happen again. I never want to feel helpless like that and I want to help my sister.” Y/n was firm and confident when she locked eyes with Rhys, even as tears welled in her waterline.
“Okay. Whatever you need, we’ll do it.” Rhys looked at her like he could see right through her. To the scared little girl who lost her mother, who had to learn to hunt and steal and sell her body for godsdamned bread. She had never felt so vulnerable, and she quickly broke the stare.
“Are you okay with that?” Y/n asked Cassian and Azriel.
“Yes.” “Of course.” They replies in unison.
“Thank you.”
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The day turned into evening and the group is still sitting around the tiny coffee table in that grand living room. Just relaxing in each other’s presence and sharing stories with Y/n, learning more about her. “Everyone thinks that the fire painted on the drawer was for Nesta because she is so fierce, but it’s not true,” Y/n chuckles fondly as she thinks of her sharp tongued eldest sister. “I have always been drawn to the flames. Even as a baby, my parents had to keep candles far away from me.” That gets a laugh from everyone in the room. Even Amren lets out a short breath that could be considered a laugh.
“So which one was Nesta’s? Don’t tell me it was the flowers,” Cassian asked. You could tell he was attached to her, even though they had only a few brief interactions and Nesta was far less than pleasant.
“Nesta had her own full wardrobe, painted black and full of dresses our mother stuffed her into when she gave her those awful etiquette lessons.” Y/n shuddered at the memory. And then paused, just now realizing that she had no idea where her sisters were. Her heart started racing and her eyes shot to Rhys’s, knowing he had already heard every thought.
“They’re safe. They aren’t adapting as well as you are, but they’re safe and they’re okay. I promise you; I will not let anything happen to them.” Y/n laughed internally as that word. Adapting. It’s what she was best at she supposed.
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Weeks had passed and Y/n had been dedicated to training with Cassian and Azriel at least once every day, sometimes twice if her energy is pent up enough. And she has a lesson with Rhys everyday too. She’s learning to read, and her mental shield is solid. Her body had never felt so strong. It was a real hit to her ego though to learn that she had been carrying her body weight wrong and lifting deer over her shoulders incorrectly her whole life. Training with Azriel was calmer than training with Cassian. Azriel moved with so much grace and control and was making you learn all the movements and balance exercises. Cassian was intense. Teaching you how to move swiftly to block and avoid kicks and punches. The fact that was going easy on you was an even bigger hit to your ego.
On this particular day, Y/n trained with Azriel in the morning, noticing how much more balanced her body felt, could isolate muscles and utilize them. After lunch was her lesson with Rhys. She’s able to push him out of her mind now, still with some effort, but she doesn’t break out in a sweat now. She spent the afternoon resting and reading when Cassian stormed into the library and asked if she wanted to train. That brought them to the training area on the townhouse. Cassian complains that it isn’t as big as the one at the house of wind, but it did the job. Cassian had just gotten back from visiting the house of wind and he was angry. He was throwing punches and seeming to forget who he was sparring with. He was moving too fast and punching too hard, but Y/n couldn’t seem to get the words out to tell him to stop. He advanced forward and as she backed up, she stumbled, allowing Cassian to land a punch straight to her jaw. Her head rattled but before she could even register the pain, she yelled, teeth bared and fists clenched to her side, “ENOUGH CASSIAN!”
The world stopped, and after two, three, four heartbeats she realized Cassian wasn’t breathing. He was staring at her as his eyes went wide and he grabbed his throat. He crashed to his knees and reached for her hands. Releasing her tight grip on her own fists, air rushed back into Cassian’s lung. He gasped for breath as Y/n fell to her knees too and let out a sob. “I am so sorry Cassian. I am so so sorry; I don’t know what happened. I’m so sorry.” She somehow managed to get the words out between sobs and gasping for air.
“Y/n, Y/n it’s okay! I’m the one who’s sorry. I can’t believe I hit you, I am so sorry Y/n. Please, look at me, I need you to breathe. I’m okay. I’m sorry.” He held her and rocked her back and forth until her heartbeat slowed to a normal pace and she could lift her head to look at him. “Shit. Rhys is going to kill me when he sees that bruise on your face. Mor might beat him to it though. I’m so sorry.”
Y/n stands up and walks to the bathing room down the hall. Cassian ran to her when he heard her start…laughing? The picture in front of him as he skidded around the corner was one he could never have predicted. Y/n was clutching her stomach, leaning over the sink and laughing hysterically at her reflection. Cassian had punched her so hard that the bruising started at her jaw and gave her a black eye. Cassian was horrified, but Y/n just kept laughing, so eventually, he did too. Mor, Rhys, and Azriel came running around the corner too, wondering what the commotion was about. When they saw Y/n face, a collective, “what the fuck Cass?” Was sounded by the other three Fae. This made Y/n and Cassian double down and laugh even harder.
When they caught their breath again, Cassian stood up proudly, patted Y/n on the back and said, “I helped Y/n discover her powers today. No big deal,” he said with no small amount of smugness.
“You mean you needed a punching bag and I had to defend myself?” Y/n quirked a brow at him.
“Semantics!” He argued.
“Wait wait wait, Y/n has powers?” Rhys’s eyes went hazy as he mentally called for Amren. “Tell me everything.”
Y/n recounted the events of their fight and how she literally took his breath away. She didn’t know she was controlling any magic; she hadn’t felt it rise up, but it must have subconsciously come to her defense.
“You’re going to have to drop down to one lesson with Cass and Az a day and pick up an extra with me and Amren. We need to learn more about this power. Power gifted by the Cauldron itself is new territory for all of us. We don’t know what the boundaries of your power are.” The sudden seriousness in Rhys’s face felt sobering as Y/n and Cassian were pulled out of their laughter and back into the reality of who and what Y/n was. Cauldron made.
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Another few weeks passed of training non-stop. The magic was a lot harder for Y/n to figure out than the fighting. As of today, she can suck the air out of a room that’s about 12ft by 12ft and hold it for five minutes before faltering, and she can send a blast of air and knock Cassian over from 30ft away. Cassian was used as the dummy for both tests as an apology for decking her in the face.
Y/n was in the middle of her reading lesson for the day when Azriel came crashing into the room. “We found her. Feyre got out of Spring; we have to get her. We need your help and your magic.”
She was up in an instant. She didn’t care that she wasn’t in fighting leathers, she just needed to get to her sister. Before she had a chance to ask any questions, Azriel grabbed her and jumped from the balcony. Y/n hadn’t flown before. Never wanted to be a burden to the Illyrians. But wow, what an experience. Azriel quickly caught up to Cassian and the three of them flew swiftly and precisely.
“Where are we going?” Y/n noticed the moment they left Velaris and the landscape changed to an icy tundra. She missed the heat and comfort of her spot in front of the fireplace in the library already.
“The Winter Court. I’m sorry there wasn’t time to get you in warmer clothes. I know you have a hard time with the cold. I should have prepared you.” Azriel felt terrible, but Feyre needed them. Y/n would adapt.
“It’s okay, Az. Feyre is more important. I’m okay,” and she meant it.
The touchdown was quick. Not a lot of time to slow down and land gently. The Illyrians landed and shook the ground. Azriel was softer about letting Y/n down. Before her was quite possibly her worst nightmare unfolding. Her twin sister, her favorite person in the entire world, was being restrained by the thing that brought her the most peace. A strange male was standing above her sister, using his gift of fire to hold her at her wrists and her neck. Y/n was frozen in place. Her mind went blank as her body was slammed with fear and disgust at the gross misuse of the flames licking at her sister’s throat. It felt like a violation to her very core. Her very soul was raging at the sight. Not only for her sister being in danger, but because of the way the male was using the thing Y/n held closest to her heart and found the most precious, as a weapon to do harm.
“Y/n! Y/n!” She was thrust back into reality by Cassian’s large hands shaking her back to consciousness. She blinked at him a few times before looking over his shoulder to see Azriel already taking down the other red-headed males and saving another. Lucien. Lucien was on Feyre’s side? Blinking again and trying to remain present, she and Cassian turned to the male holding Feyre. “Now, Y/n.”
With those two words form Cassian, Y/n approached the male, and he had the audacity to laugh at her. Granted, she was still in her house slippers, baggy linen pants and oversized sweater, so she wasn’t looking her most intimidating. But he quickly stopped laughing as Y/n lifted her hands above her head, closed her fists, and threw her hands down to her side. It didn’t take long for the male to realize that he could no longer take a breath. So focused on clawing at his throat, he didn’t notice that his flames had no oxygen to restrain his hostage either. Cassian, being well versed in her magic, ran into the void she’d created, grabbed Feyre, who unfortunately also couldn’t breathe, and got her out of your field of magic. Azriel was there with Lucien in a second, Mor winnowing in to grab Y/n, Cassian, and Feyre.
They landed in the townhouse seconds later, Azriel and Lucien not far behind. Y/n was in her sister’s arms before anyone could blink. They held each other tightly, but Feyre looked over Y/n shoulder to Mor.
“He’s on his way. He’s far away, but he is rushing home to you as fast as he can. He felt the bond and sent us ahead to get you.” Mor was crying too, and Y/n turned to wave her into their hug. Right now, her sister was home and everything else could wait for tomorrow. Even if Y/n couldn't stop thinking about that red haired male on the frozen lake today. the way he laughed at her and made her feel small, and she sucked the air from his lungs like it was nothing. She thought it would have made her feel good. but it didn't, and she wasn't sure why. She would fall asleep picturing his fearful face for many nights.
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Taglist: @abysshaven @minaethrym @ivy-34 @stained-glass-eyes0708
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kiss-me-cill-me · 8 months
can you please do a fic with heavy praise kink and soft dom cill character?💕
Someone please tell me why I chose Robert Fischer for this after making him the biggest asshole in my last fic haha. Guess I like variety 🤷‍♀️ Thank you for requesting, anon! I think I went a little heavy on the soft and a little light on the dom, but I hope you enjoy ❤️
Pairing: Robert Fischer x Reader
Word Count: 2.3k
Summary: After a hectic day of travel, it's almost unbelievable that you can't fall asleep. Luckily, your boyfriend is around to help tire you out.
Warnings: Smut, fluff, soft dom dynamics, praise, use of pet names (mainly "princess"), nipple play, Robert (gently and lovingly) makes reader masturbate in front of him, established boyfriend/girlfriend relationship
***Please read the warnings before continuing. Minors DNI***
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Flying, you had decided, was at least the second (if not the third) layer of hell. 
You hadn’t spent much time doing it - at least not before today. But the grueling ten hour flight you had just been on certainly felt like enough for a lifetime. Not to mention the hours spent getting to and from the airport, going through security and customs, and just generally waiting around. Even if you did get to wait in a fancy lounge. 
The worst part was that your boyfriend, through his various connections, had actually managed to make the process much shorter and less painful for both of you than it would have been otherwise. You had no clue how the average traveler managed to survive this whole ordeal.
“Here we are - home sweet home for the night,” Robert announced, holding open the door of your hotel room.
Your shoulders sank. It was impossible to believe that you would have to endure even more of this tomorrow. This wasn’t even your final destination. After an overnight layover, you and Robert had a whole other flight to catch in the morning. Maybe airports were more like the fifth layer of hell.
Robert didn’t seem to notice your sour mood as he dutifully held the door open, letting you into the room before turning to motion the bellhop through with your luggage. You wandered around the spacious accommodations, letting your fingers trail over the glass coffee table. Faint classical music could be heard, drifting almost casually into the extravagant suite. You wondered if you’d ever get used to this kind of life.
Robert was certainly used to it, though, and he wasted no time tipping the bellhop and ushering them out of the room. Now, with the two of you alone, he came to wrap his arms around you, pulling you against his chest as he placed a soft kiss on your forehead.
“Did you manage to sleep on the plane?” he asked.
“No,” you sighed, melting into his touch. “Not at all.”
“Oh, princess. I’m sorry.” You scrunched your nose. You always both loved and hated that nickname. It felt strange to have it applied to you, somehow, and yet right at home on Robert’s lips. He was a man who could probably legitimately date a princess, if he wanted to. And yet, he had settled for you. Just an average girl who, frustratingly, couldn’t manage to fall asleep on a ten hour flight.
“It’s fine.” You shrugged, and buried your face in his chest. 
He smelled warm; like fresh soap and something powdery. Probably the starch on his shirt. Only Robert could somehow manage to smell like that even after a full day of travel. You breathed deep, and sighed as his arms pulled you in tight.
“Let’s go to bed, then,” he suggested.
It was already dark outside; the hum of the city far below your feet somehow felt close and far away all at once. You caught a glimpse of it through the large picture window, as neon lights crept up into the edge of the pane.
“That sounds good,” you agreed.
Robert’s hands framed your face for a moment as he gave you a quick kiss, keeping you pressed to him for a few seconds. Almost reluctantly, he broke away to walk over to the suitcases.
“I’ll get our things. Don’t worry about lifting a finger, princess.”
You smiled as Robert dug through your carry-on, hefting it up to the edge of the bed. He took out some clothes, and then sat down on the mattress.
“Come here,” he said, gently patting his thigh.
You followed, sinking into his lap so that you were half-faced toward him. His hands slowly snaked over your waist, and pulled you in for another deep kiss. You sighed, more with content than frustration this time, and felt him start to lift up your shirt.
“Tomorrow will be better,” he promised, carefully helping you to undress. He gave you a small squeeze. “You’ll get some sleep, and then you’ll be ready to go in the morning.”
You hoped that was true, though you couldn't imagine feeling ready to fly again as you leaned in to accept yet another kiss. Robert always spoiled you. Your body sank tiredly against his. He was right; you really needed some rest. You let him help you get ready for bed, and slipped gratefully under the covers.
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Hours had passed, frustratingly slow. You tossed and turned, decidedly restless. Caught in a fitful state that was just slightly too far from sleep; the promise of it taunted you as you stared up at the ornate ceiling. 
The far-off sounds of the city barely reached you up here, so you weren’t sure why you were unable to fall asleep. You should have been more than tired enough. You were exhausted, in fact, but your body just wouldn’t cooperate. Jetlag. You had been prepared for it, but you thought it would make you more sleepy, not less. You turned again to look at the clock, and then twisted to face Robert.
Laying in bed beside you, your boyfriend had no trouble getting to sleep. There was irony in that. Usually, he was the one plagued by insomnia, but apparently travel tired him out. 
Well, it had tired you out, too - but the problem was, somehow that tiredness didn’t translate to sleep. You inched a little closer, hovering next to Robert’s still form as he laid haphazardly on the mattress.
There was something incredibly cute about him while he was sleeping. His pillow had ended up down by his arms, caught in a strange hug as Robert splayed out on his back, covers tossed aside and mouth hanging slightly open. You watched the gentle rise of his chest, letting your gaze sweep up and over his closed eyelids. So peaceful.
“Glad one of us can sleep well,” you murmured, smiling as you pressed a soft kiss to his temple.
Your heart swelled with love, but then mild alarm as Robert’s head shifted. He blinked; his eyes taking some time to adjust before focusing squarely on you.
“Sweetheart? What’s wrong?” he hummed.
His voice was still burdened with dregs of sleep, but his hand came up to cradle your face, pressing you into a sleepy kiss.
“Nothing - I’m sorry,” you whispered. Although it was too late to bother. “I just haven’t been able to sleep.”
Robert made a noise of concern as he folded you up in his arms. His hand stroked your hair as he guided you over to rest your head on his chest. Your own fingers came up to grasp at his shirt, stretching out the collar slightly as you sought comfort.
“Anything I can do, princess?” he asked. “I could try to help make you sleep.”
“How?” you asked. You had already tried all your usual tricks. Nothing had worked.
“Well…” Robert answered, shifting beneath you. “I know one thing that usually makes you sleepy.”
Your back pressed into the plush mattress as Robert flipped over, taking you with him. His hands roamed; exploring your bare legs and pushing up past the hem of your sleep shirt. It was actually one of his. You always liked wearing Robert’s old t-shirts to bed, and he was more than happy to part with them. Especially the ones like this, that barely came down to your thighs. His fingers trailed over your stomach, brushing against you as his lips briefly captured yours.
“You don’t have to do that,” you laughed, pushing up slightly against his shoulders. 
Robert stayed right where he was, only breaking away enough to look down at you.
“Well, I’m awake now too, so I think we could both benefit - don’t you?”
It was hard to argue with him, especially when he had already started to drift his fingers back down your body. Your legs squeezed, trying to give yourself pressure, and you felt something starting to twist in your stomach.
“Okay,” you agreed, your breath fanning his face as he came in for one more kiss, almost before you had finished the word.
Robert’s hand that had been in your shirt came down to press past the hem of your panties. You lifted your hips, eager to feel him against you. Your boyfriend’s fingers were pure bliss; you’d felt them a thousand times, and they never once failed to draw pleasure, almost as if it were effortless. You felt yourself melt as he started to press in, testing your soft resistance.
“Hm, are you sure that you weren’t asleep?” Robert teased. “Seems like you might have been dreaming about me.”
You hummed softly, smiling against the stretch as he sank into you easily. Your eyes fluttered shut and your head arched back, giving yourself in to the pressure.
“Eyes on me, princess,” Robert commanded, his voice firm but gentle. “I don’t want you to fall asleep yet.”
You pried your eyes open to look up at him. Robert was smiling; a soft look in his eyes as his fingers inside of you pressed deeper, curling to drag a small noise out of you. You struggled to stay focused as he made you moan against his touch.
“Robert,” you gasped.
“Yes, princess?”
“F-feels so good…”
The words seemed to melt out of you as you let yourself sink back into the mattress. He’d started to pump softly in and out, curling his fingers whenever he reached that rough spot that made you gasp.
“Think you can do something for me?” he asked. His fingers urged you to obey.
“Yes,” you breathed.
Too soon, his fingers were pulled out of you. You felt yourself clench at the loss, as his hand came to pull down your panties. 
“I need you to touch yourself,” Robert said sweetly. “Use those pretty little fingers and make yourself feel good. Okay?”
His voice, deep and powerful, felt like a trance. You brought your hand down to press at your wetness, bringing a trail of it up to your clit as you started to trace soft circles.
“A little harder,” he urged. “Press down.”
Your back arched again as you pressed with your fingers, sending a jolt through your core. You cried out, and Robert brought a hand up to your face. You felt the faint wetness that coated his own fingers as he adjusted your head.
“Remember to look at me, honey.”
You hadn’t even realized your eyes had been shut again. They fluttered back open now; blinked up a few times as you focused on Robert’s face. 
“Good job, princess,” he praised. “Always so good for me.”
You felt yourself settle back more, almost sinking into the pillow as Robert’s lips pressed to the base of your neck. He kissed you, sending a new wave of pleasure throughout your whole body, and then brought his hand to the hem of your shirt.
“Keep going. You need to tire yourself out if you’re going to sleep well.”
As he talked, he slowly pushed up your shirt to reveal your bare breasts. Using his hand to hold the fabric up close to your neck, he leaned down and latched his mouth on your nipple.
“Ah!” you cried.
“Keep touching yourself, sweetheart,” Robert instructed. 
His eyes flashed up briefly to catch yours, now blown wide, and a brief glint of something passed through his soft gaze.
“O-okay,” you gasped.
“That’s right. Good girl, princess. Be good and I’ll give you my fingers again. That’s what you want, right?”
The only thing you could respond with was a moan, as Robert’s tongue flicked over your breast again, catching the hard, raised nub before pressing his lips down to soothe you. His mouth was warm; pulling you closer and closer to release as the sensation traveled straight down to your core. You stopped for a moment to squeeze your clit, making yourself buck at the feeling.
“You’re doing so well,” Robert hummed. “Gonna make yourself come for me?”
“N-need you to help,” you moaned. “To- come on your fingers.”
“You need my fingers inside you?”
“Yes. Please,” you added.
“Okay then. Since you asked nicely…”
Robert’s hand came down to press into you; two fingers filling you up just like you needed. You twisted your hips, impatient to make them move around inside you. You were so close, and pressed down again with your own fingers, bringing yourself to the edge of release.
Robert’s mouth found you again, his tongue flicking against the most sensitive place as you felt yourself finally let go.
“That’s it, baby. Good girl. Good girl.” His mouth was suddenly up by your ear, whispering praise as you went tumbling over the edge. “Slow down, slow down. Let me take care of you.”
Your hand stalled; your fingers pressed into the bundle of nerves that was still sending shockwaves throughout your body. A deeper flood of endorphins and pleasure moved steadily through your core, coaxed on by Robert’s gentle fingers as he gave you pressure and weight just where you needed it.
The bliss washed over your whole body as you collapsed back into the mattress, letting go of all the lingering tension you held. Robert’s lips were back at your neck again, leaving a trail of delicate kisses as he moved up to your face. He planted a kiss on your cheek, and let himself stay deep inside of you for a few moments as you clenched, weaker and weaker, around his two fingers.
“You did so good for me, princess.”
His next kiss was on your lips, giving you a small distraction as he slowly removed his hand. As he eased out, he tugged your shirt back down, helping you settle into the mattress. You were already wrapped in warmth, but Robert pulled the blankets up close to your shoulders and pressed his nose to your cheek.
“Feeling sleepy now?”
Your eyes were already closed, and you nodded your head, murmuring something akin to assent. Your whole body felt billowy and yet heavy, and sleep had already started to claim you. Robert tucked in the blanket a bit closer, and gave you a kiss on the forehead.
“Sweet dreams, princess.”
You smiled as you drifted off.
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darkmuffinstudios · 6 months
Was bored and decided to create a silly little one-shot of Errormare for @inkywellcrow 🤭
Who knows, I might get more motivation to make more parts, I might not haha
Baking One-Shot (Errormare) (1.7k words)
Dream’s birthday (and by extension, Nightmare’s) was only a few days away, and the two most dastardly villains of the multiverse were in the middle of making something for it.
You see, after many decades of struggle, the two guardians grew weary of the constant back-and-forth and had since settled on a truce; No more bloodshed and no more overbearing war meetings. After so long, however, the two had long since forgotten times of peace. It was nothing more than echoes of what could have been, as well as what once was… So, as always in their relationship, Nightmare decided to be the first to extend one of many olive branches that will occur down the line.
To show a sign of good faith and to celebrate the occasion, Nightmare had his boys come up with gift ideas that they would give to his brother. The dark king had hoped that, whatever the gifts may be, that the action alone would show that he intended to support this truce and to keep friendly relations with his other half.
But asking a band of miscreants and murderers was a bad decision in hindsight, and so after many, MANY days of brainstorming, he eventually caved to Horror’s insistence on a birthday cake.
Which brings us to the present…
“Error, you’re whisking batter, not pummeling it into submission.” Nightmare scolded lightly. He wiped his hands on the apron he was wearing, trying not to get too irritated at how sloppy of a job his partner was doing.
“This is stupid.” Error grumbled.
“Error— slower, slower.”
“Don’t— !” His body locked up at Nightmare’s complaining, and he drastically slowed down his pace to a glaringly slow tempo. He gave Nightmare a frustrated look, to which the king easily brushed off. “Don’t tell me what to do. I read the recipe too.”
“Uh huh.” Nightmare deadpanned, setting a metal tray on the counter. “You're also as blind as a bat without your glasses, my dear.”
“They would have just got in the way.” Error huffed. After a few more mixes, he decided that surely was enough of that, and he dropped the bowl into the counter with a loud CLANK. “There. Done mixing.”
Nightmare rubbed his temples. What was that method of reducing stress? Counting back from five? Whatever it was, it surely wasn’t working as well as he had hoped. “Please don’t slam the bowl down.”
“Mmhm.” Error leaned against the counter, dismissive.
For his own mental (and Error’s physical) wellbeing, Nightmare opted to ignore him for a little while. Once he sprayed down the baking pan, he glanced over Error’s work. There was still some dry clumps of the batter mix floating around, but he wasn’t going to correct any of it since he knows how much his partner loves to throw his tantrums. Besides, Dream has been a pain in his ass for decades— the least he can do is crunch on some raw flour to save him from future headaches.
Carefully, he lifted the bowl and poured the mixture into the baking tin. Using a tentacle, he grabbed a spatula he set out beforehand to scrape any excess, and quietly put the bowl down. He gave Error a mild look.
Error met his gaze and paused, looking to either side of himself. “… What?”
“That’s how you put a bowl down. Silently.” Nightmare said, his voice dripping honey and tar.
“Oh, fuck you.” Error griped, rolling his eyes so over dramatically that his head went with it. Nightmare couldn’t help but smile at how stupid he could be.
After making his point, he walked over to the oven with the pan. After opening it with a tentacle (fashioned with a cute little baking mitten), he placed the pan inside and shut it with his hip. Making note of the time, he finally allowed himself to slump against the counter.
Nightmare looked up at the ceiling. How the hell does Horror do this every single day? Willingly?? He couldn’t even imagine how difficult it would be to order his men around such a small space, never mind how destructive all of them already are. Just the thought started to give him a headache…
“So,” Error started. “Why didn’t you ask your uh…” He thought for a moment, his body glitching a little from the effort.
“Horror?” Nightmare offered.
“Yeah— the big, freaky guy— to do this for you? Doesn’t he do this stuff already?”
Nightmare sighed. “… Well… Monster food is magic—”
“Uh. Yeah— I know.”
“I know that you know—“
“Then why say it—?”
Nightmare turned and glared at him. “Just let me talk!” Error held up his hands defensively, glaring right back at him for a moment, before Nightmare eventually continued.
“Well, because monster food is made of magic, then cooking monster food involves magic too. It incorporates the chef’s intent, and can communicate unspoken feelings through each bite.” Nightmare idly messed with one of the spoons on the counter, staring at the oven glass as he spoke. “To put it simply, it has to be made by me. I may not be the best at baking, but he will understand and appreciate the gesture anyways. He is that kind of guy, unfortunately.” He scoffed.
“So why drag me into this?” Error groused. “I couldn’t care less about making ‘Mr.Sunshine’ feel any better than he already feels.”
“Oh.” Nightmare turned to flash a smug look at Error. “Because I didn’t want to suffer alone.”
Error stared at Nightmare. For a long, long moment. A quiet, high-pitched sound began to come from Error’s body— the telltale sign that he was starting to crash. “You’re joking.”
Nightmare shrugged. “Am I?”
Error grabbed the whisk from the counter, chucking it with all his strength at Nightmare. “YOU ASS!! I COULD HAVE LEFT AT ANY TIME?!?”
The king chuckled, letting the whisk hit his shoulder. “Of course you could have. You weren’t obligated to do any of this.”
Error threw his arms around, already hellbent on destroying the kitchen. He ripped the toaster from its electrical socket, threatening to throw it on the ground when Nightmare continued. “But you stayed because you love me.”
That got Error to freeze in place. He stared at Nightmare, bewildered for a few seconds, before slowly lowering the toaster onto the counter. “… Whatever.” He mumbled, stewing.
Nightmare smiled at Error’s obvious admission of defeat, finding himself slowly walking over to him. He stopped a good few feet away, settling on leaning against the counter once more. “You love me, and wanted to help me because you loved me.” He teased lightly.
Error bristled. “I will leave!”
“But then I’d be so sad if you did.” Nightmare touched his own chest, right over where his apple soul would be. “All alone… abandoned…”
Error huffed, crossing his arms. “Good! Feel bad!! Feel bad for tormenting me for HOURS while I slaved away in this kitchen for you!!”
“It was only an hour, dear.” Nightmare chuckled.
“NUH UH!! You’re wrong!!” Error scowled, swinging an arm out to the side and ripping a portal open to a random, unsuspecting world. He gestured wildly to the setting sun. “See!! HOURS!! It’s already growing dark!!”
Nightmare rolled his eye. “Mmhm.” He knew he wasn’t winning this fight.
Error smiled triumphantly, leaning a little closer to Nightmare. The portal fizzled next to them, disappearing soon after. “Apologize.”
Nightmare raised a metaphorical eyebrow at Error. “For what?”
“For being mean and awful and terrible!” Error demanded, counting on his fingers as he went.
Nightmare rolled his eye for the second time. “Mmmmmmno. I don’t think I will.”
Error leaned back, pouting now. “Asshole.”
Nightmare sighed. A brief moment of silence grew between them as they waited for the cake to bake before Nightmare sighed again, shoulder sagging. He looked at the clock hanging on the far wall of the kitchen, then back at the oven glass. The cake wasn’t rising at all.
“… Do you think he will like it?”
Error didn’t look at Nightmare, arms still crossed. After another beat of silence, Error’s shoulders sagged a little and he quietly responded. “What do you mean.”
Another beat of silence. Error didn’t like it. He turned back to glance at Nightmare, only to see the other have his hands folded against his chest in a sort-of self hug. His tentacles were curled inward on themselves, and Nightmare hadn’t looked up once from the oven glass.
It bugged Error. He tried again, softer. “What... do you mean by that?” Nightmare sighed again, a third time, and it was starting to get to Error. He shook his head. “No one hates chocolate cake. If I find out he does, I’m throwing him.”
“Not the cake.” Nightmare answered quietly, though he did smile a little at Error’s threat. The spectacle of the destroyer of worlds tossing his brother like a football was amusing, to say the least. He gestured vaguely, trying to find the right words. “My… message.”
“Message?” Error echoed, clearly confused.
“My intent.” Nightmare tried instead. “It’s… I want this to go well. I want this to be our first steps in making up with one another, and I tried to put as much as I could into this cake… I tried to not fill it with…” he sighed, the fourth time. “… with my lingering feelings of the past.”
Nightmare raised a hand. “I’m certain I didn’t, and I know this won’t make up for everything that has happened between us… but…” He slowly brought his hand back towards himself, back to where it was wrapped around his chest. “I don’t know… I lack the proper words at the moment.”
Not that Error needed all of the words to understand. He thought a little bit before he spoke. “That’s why you asked me to help you with this.” The dots started connecting more in his head as he turned to Nightmare. “You didn’t want to do this alone.”
Nightmare considered Error’s words. “… I suppose I didn’t.”
Error stared at Nightmare, trying to get maybe just a little bit more out of him, before turning to look back at the oven. “… I think he’ll like it.”
“You think so?” Nightmare’s voice sounded uncertain.
“Yeah.” Error shrugged. “He is that kind of guy, like you said.”
Nightmare smiled a little. “I guess you’re right.”
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miasmaghoul · 1 year
There is so much talk of creaming jorts on my blog right now and you know, it gave me a devious idea:
Mountain (or another ghoul of your choosing ofc, but it is still march haha) is getting close to the start of a rut, which has them feeling a little posessive a packmate pre-ritual. Like he needs to claim them a little to scratch the itch under their skin. What if they were having a sneaky make out session before curtain call and he unbuckled the others belt, creamed into their jorts undies and buckled them back up, just in time for them to feel him all ritual?
I love it.
Leaned more into the possessive side of things, hope you don't mind!
(This has been sitting in my drafts for months I'm SO SORRY pretend it's still March shhhh)
Mountain breathes deep through his nose, trying to focus on the book in his hand as the van trundles down the road toward tonight's venue. It's some pulpy crime novel he'd grabbed at the last airport they visited, something intended to distract more than entertain, but despite being more than halfway through it Mountain couldn't name a single character if he tried.
He can't help it. Can't think about anything but the way every inch of him has started to buzz, how the very air around him hums.
There's a specific sort of pressure in the back of his head. Rigidity in the muscles along his spine. A disquieting tingle that's come to settle into his gut. It all speaks to one thing, and it couldn't be coming at a worse time.
It had started last night, a sharp spike of nearly painful arousal that had hit him in the middle of the night. Had roused him from an otherwise very sound sleep and jolted him so badly that the oversized ghoul had hit his head on the ceiling of his bunk. It hardly registered, Mountain honed in exclusively on the sudden, urgent need for release.
Rock hard and leaking already, he'd wasted no time in shoving his hands into his sleep sweats, gripping himself and pumping his hips into the tight channel of both fists. Forced to bite his tongue to mute the harsh groan threatening to escape his throat when he blew in a matter of seconds, eyes shut so tight that colors bloomed behind his lids.
It happened again in the bus shower this morning, Mountain struck by a wave of need so intense that he'd doubled over and nearly slipped. He'd lasted a little longer that time, not that he'd needed to, and the wet sound of his soapy hand flying over his cock still echoed in his ears. That one had left him dizzy, left him panting against the shower wall while he watched his load swirl down the drain.
There really are few things worse than an unexpected rut.
He knows that the others know, but most of them don't acknowledge it. He'd caught them all staring at different points, nostrils flared, but they were quick to look away. Dew, Rain, Cirrus and Cumulus did their best to be sly about it, furtive glances cast during casual conversation. Aeon and Aurora weren't quite so subtle - he could smell the pair of them from down the length of the bus. Could see Aeon getting chubby in his too-tight jeans and Aurora squeezing her thighs together. Both tempting in their own ways, to be sure.
But then there was Swiss.
Swiss, who he'd heard noisily tugging at himself in the bunk below while he came down from his first orgasm.
Swiss, who had been standing bright-eyed and grinning just outside the bathroom after Mountain's shower.
Swiss, who had spent the entire morning tossing him hungry glances and touching him at every possible opportunity.
Swiss, who now sits pressed tightly to his side in the cramped van while Mountain does his damnedest to ignore the heat of his body, the spice of his cologne and the weight of the hand on his knee.
Mountain can hardly think for how badly he wants. Wants to wrench Swiss's arm behind his back, get a hand in his hair and shove his tongue down his throat. Wants to tug Swiss into his lap in front of everyone and feel him up, wants to suck deep, dark marks into his neck while he grinds against his ass. Wants to get Swiss's strong legs over his shoulders, wants to get so deep inside that Swiss can't do anything but writhe and beg for his -
"You're growling, big guy," Swiss informs him, voice silken gravel, and Mountain nearly tears his book in half. He gives the other ghoul a sidelong glance, and Mountain knows that if they weren't glamoured Swiss would be smiling with every fang in his mouth. "Somethin' on your mind?"
Mountain doesn't deign to answer him, instead choosing to stare at the page he hasn't turned in the last ten minutes. To pretend his dick isn't hard as granite and leaking into the two pairs of too-tight underwear he'd shoved himself into.
He's first out of the van when they finally pull up to the amphitheater, sucking down heavy lungfuls of fresh, summertime air in an effort to clear his head. To wash away the heady scent of smoky whiskey, black pepper and bitter herbs stuck in his nose. To allow himself to think about anything but the familiar warmth of Swiss's body.
About the way he always holds himself open when Mountain bends him over. The way he moans in that deliciously whorish way when Mountain pushes in. The way Swiss's voice drops to a rasp and his breathing goes shallow when Mountain grips those narrow hips with bruising force. The way he grabs at his own hair when Mountain fucks him just right. The way Swiss's pretty little hole stretches around his -
Rain's voice shakes him from his stupor, and as his cock pulses and leaks to memories of Swiss, Mountain hurries over to join his packmates. Rain gives him a worried look.
"Hey, you alright?" He reaches out to touch Mountain's arm, but seems to think better of it. Instead, he crosses his arms over his chest. "I know you're, uh..." he makes a vague southward gesture, "...struggling."
"I'm fine," Mountain grumbles, not so subtly adjusting himself and hoping he hasn't soaked a wet spot into his jeans. He catches a whiff of warm spice and old weed, and as Swiss breezes past them Mountain can practically feel his pupils narrow.
Rain seems less than convinced when Mountain proceeds to crack his knuckles, but he drops the subject nonetheless. They head inside together, and Mountain does his best to put on his game face.
He still stops in a bathroom along the way, unable to erase the image of Swiss stretched and keening from his mind. He spills into the toilet with the other ghoul's name on his tongue, and huffs out an irritated sigh when no relief follows.
This is going to be a very long show.
Still though, the hours between arrival and showtime pass in a blur. Soundcheck comes and goes, as do their myriad meetings with venue staff and conversations with their techs.
Through it all, Mountain can feel golden eyes boring into him. In the halls, on stage, in the dressing room. Mountain does his best to ignore the weight of Swiss's gaze as he applies his face paint, but the only other thing he can think of is the red-hot tangle of urgency between his legs. He meets Swiss's eyes in the vanity mirror as he slips on his helmet, the other ghoul peering at him over Rain's shoulder while they chat across the room.
He offers a wink through his lenses, and Mountain's balls ache.
The call comes for ten minutes til showtime, and the others make their way from the dressing one by one. Swiss doesn't so much as move from his position against the wall. Mountain can feel his breaths coming quicker as Aurora and Cumulus share a sideways hug, the door clicking shut behind them, and then they're alone.
They're alone, and Swiss grins.
Mountain's across the room in two stride, and before Swiss can so much as breathe he's pinned to the wall by his throat. Mountain snarls in his face, leaning in until he can feel Swiss' breath on his lips, hot and tobacco tinged.
"Why must you always insist on being such a fucking tease?"
Swiss' lips curl up at the corners despite the pressure on his neck, and something predatory prickles at the back of Mountain's mind.
"Not my fault you're thrown' off pheromones like crazy," he said, just a little strained. Swiss rolls his hips towards his pelvis and Mountain's stomach gives a mighty swoop. "Can't blame me for wanting a taste."
Swiss licks at the air, breathes deep, and Mountain squeezes his throat so tight his eyes roll back.
"Can't even ask for what you want, can you?" The taller ghoul's other hand finds Swiss' belt and Mountain unbuckles it with aggresive fingers. He knows he's growling as best he can through his glamour, and the way Swiss shivers says he gets the message. "Too stupid to use your words? Just have to be a fucking tease about it?"
Swiss gives him a hurried nod as he swallows against the pressure of Mountain's palm, and he grunts when Mountain yanks his pants and briefs down in one go. A rough hand gropes his rapidly thickening cock, and Swiss visibly winces, eyes bright.
"Don't make that face." Mountain pulls his hand from Swiss' growing chubby to unzip his own pants, to fish himself out through his already stained briefs. "You asked for this." He groans at his own touch, cock hot and heavy in his hand. He smears the wet tip of it over Swiss' shaft and the sensation wrenches a moan from him.
Swiss licks his lips, nods again as his eyes drift south, and as Mountain starts to stroke himself he chokes out a pained huff. Mountain's hold on the other ghoul's throat never slackens, not even as his chest starts to heave while his cock jumps. He pulls at himself with firm tugs, each one sounding slicker than the last. Swiss lets his helmet thud back against the wall, hands coming up to rest on Mountain's forearm. He rocks forward and Mountain growls, can't keep himself from pressing closer. From crowding Swiss to the wall and bumping his fat cock with every pass of his fist.
"I'm going to give you something special." They're close enough that Swiss's breath clouds his lenses. Mountain's balls are starting to go tight already, the tension settled into every part of his body melting into tingly heat that has his shoulders sagging. "Something to think about while you're dancing like a whore for all those people."
He works himself hard and fast, the urgent heat in his veins threatening to set his skin alight. Swiss's ignored cock bobs and bounces, the other ghoul gripping his choking arm tight and spitting tight curses through clenched fangs every time Mountain nudges it.
"Touch me," Swiss manages to spit, blunt nails digging through his shirt. He bucks as best he can, but all that accomplishes is a brief bump against Mountain's fist. "Mount - Mount you gotta -"
He gurgles when Mountain squeezes him into silence, huffing while he polishes his leaking tip.
"Shut up," he bites out, teeth clenched chest heaving. "Sluts don't get to make demands."
For once in his life, Swiss keep his mouth shut.
It's no time at all before Mountain's balls draw up, his hips twitching in animalistic jerks. He grunts with every stroke, brow knit behind his mask, and the closer he gets the better Swiss's strained gurgling sounds.
"Gonna make sure they all know you're mine."
Swiss's cock spits a blurt of pre that hits his stroking hand, and with an impossibly deep moan Mountain shoots in thick ropes that splatter against his cock, balls and muscular thighs. Heavy streaks that cling to heated skin and coarse hair. That leave him filthy and marked in a way that has Swiss's knees wobbling. Mountain doesn't release his throat until his cock dribbles its last, and the deep, starved breath Swiss sucks in is musc to Mountain's ears.
He steps away while Swiss catches his breath and struggles to keep his legs under him, heads back to vanity to clean himself up. He hisses as the hand towel he finds scratches at his sensitive flesh, and in the mirror Swiss catches his eyes once more.
"Just gonna leave me like this?" Swiss pants, gesturing at his flushed, messy cock. He sounds surprised, and Mountain really can't imagine why. A pearly stripe drips, beads up to leave a stain in his undies that has Mountain drooling.
"Deal with it," he rumbles in response, tucking himself away and fastening his belt. "I want to smell it on you tonight."
He has the pleasure of watching Swiss' eyelids droop behind his lenses at the timbre of his voice, rich with intent. Mountain grabs his sticks and heads to join the others, and the sound of Swiss's zipper makes him smirk. There's something deeply satisfying about leaving him sticky and wanting, and even though he's hard again halfway through Kaisarion Mountain finds it easy to lose himself in his musicmaking.
Until Watcher in the Sky comes up and he makes the mistake of peeking over at Swiss's platform while Dew's guitar wails. Finds him on his knees and elbows with his ass in the air.
As both of his sticks splinter in half, Mountain swears he's going to make Swiss cry tonight.
It's what the slut deserves.
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luminouslywriting · 4 months
what do you think would be the reactions of the different men when they’re falling for a single mum? I think going with the time it’s more likely a young widow than a girl with a kid out of wedlock but who knows maybe John Brady just feels the desire to make an honest woman out of a poor girl at church who’s man ran off or Bucky takes to teaching his neighbors kid baseball because he sees their mom is stressed… just whatever guys you think would fit this
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Nonny, this gave me actual brainrot so I hope you enjoy this so much 🥰🤍 as always, my requests are open and I don’t mind spam haha! More under the cut, cut for length, light spice sprinkled in:
Bucky Egan: (I had to run with the baseball idea haha)
-Absolutely the type of man who does not care about the past sexual history or life of a partner....and he's kinda looking for someone to date at the moment??
-But there's this kid on his block who's about six and he watches this kid attempt to throw a baseball every day and it just pains his soul because the form is awful and where is this kid's dad??
-So one day, he rolls on over to the yard of said kid and just starts offering pointers—he always wanted to be a baseball coach in his free-time and he just hasn't gotten around to it yet
-This sweet little boy makes him a deal that if Bucky comes over and teaches him how to throw a ball, lemonade will be made and given by you (his mom) and he will help Bucky paint his fence
-Bucky thinks it's a swell idea and it's at this surprising point to you that your son brings in the attractive war hero Bucky Egan straight to the kitchen and demands lemonade
-Well you and Bucky get to talking and you tell him that your husband died in the Pacific pretty early on in the war and your son has never really known a father
-That being said, it's a slow burn. He really enjoys getting to spend time with you and your son and he's afraid that he'll mess things up. But then your kid is inviting Bucky to dinner and you're telling him that it's no problem and you usually make too much food anyway.
-And somewhere along the way, he starts thinking of your house as more of a home to him than his own lonely home that he purchased. So naturally, this man panICS and has to call Gale and ask what he should do because he doesn't want to spook you or ruin the nice thing you've got going on.
-Gale definitely has to reassure him that if you both clearly want him there, then he should just go for it; Bucky deserves to be happy too.
-But he DRAGS his feet in the process....right up until your son accidentally calls him dad after hitting the ball with the baseball bat
-And then there's actual panic between you and Bucky and he's trying to apologize because clearly he's overstepped
-It would be at this point that you have to tell him that it's quite alright and you'd really like to get to know him more...because you like having him around and clearly your son adores him
-CUE THE FIRST KISS (first of many, might I add)
-It's the most darling domestic thing and he absolutely views your son as his son and he's never been so happy in his life
Gale Cleven:
-I think the most logical move here is that he finds you after Marge's passing. It was a short and love-filled marriage for them, but it was gone so quickly.
-He's devastated, naturally. And he doesn't really have anything left in Wyoming, so he sets out for Wisconsin.
-Now the thing about this is that John Egan has married Josephine Pitz—and Josephine Pitz's best friend is you. Your husband was a Marine during the war and died in action, leaving you with two little kids.
-You're doing your best but it's hard being a working single mom during the early 1950s.
-Cut to Josie and John setting this up just so
-Bucky makes the point that your car needs some work and you're a good friend of Josie's
-So this is how Gale Cleven is introduced to you—matchmaking via car-service haha
-Your two boys? Absolutely just wanna watch him work and wanna hear about everything that he's doing to the car
-But you're no fool and you know that Josie and Bucky are trying to set this up for the two of you
-So you just flat-out confront him about it and tell him that they're trying to be sneaky and that you're sorry he got caught up in their schemes
-But the thing is?? He's perfectly happy and used to their schemes. There's also the fact that this is the safest and calmest he's felt since Marge died.
-So he admits that he'd be willing to give this thing a chance if you are
-So it's a slow-burn for the two of you as you're trying to navigate around the fact that you've both already lost a partner and the fact that you have kids
-But he's so good with them and helps with the homework and genuinely just tries his best
-It's not a surprise to anyone when you're married a year later
Robert Rosenthal:
-On his way to the Nuremberg Trials, he meets you—a young lawyer who has recently just found out that you're pregnant (not that you're telling anyone that).
-You two become fast friends and he finds out that your husband was a British RAF Pilot who died. He's entirely sympathetic and sweet about the situation.
-The pair of you team up for the trials and it's amidst the preparations for the Trials that he finds you doubled over with morning sickness. This man assumes that it's the flu. Babe, it is not the flu.
-So a few weeks into you being sick and dealing with the trials, he's getting real concerned and you just have to spill the tea that you're pregnant.
-Not gonna lie, Rosie's heart shatters a little bit for you. It's not as if you want to leave the Trials to deal with pregnancy but you're also a whole ocean away and who do you have to rely on?
-Well he makes a promise that he's gonna help you through it
-And along the way, he's absolutely falling in love with you—with your dedication and kindness, the way that you're soft about the baby and continue to focus on work, and the way in which you're so determined to do everything entirely on your own
-He definitely very quickly makes you an offer that you're a little befuddled by
-The offer is marriage—and the thing is?? It's a damn good offer. You're a recent widow trying to do her job at the Nuremberg Trials, just found out you're pregnant, away from home, and have no support system
-So naturally you accept and this is a marriage born out of convenience and kindness to you....but there is so much affection and care.
-He's had feelings for you for a while and he's perfectly happy taking his time in the relationship and understands that you might not reciprocate the feelings in the same way.
-If nothing else, at least you'll be provided for, your child will have a father, and you'll always have a friend by your side
-It's at this point that your feelings start to develop because he's just such a good person and treats you so well and so clearly loves you
-The two of you are icons during the trials (Mr. and Mrs. Rosenthal), and he comes back from Europe with a wife and daughter on his arm....and no, he didn't tell anyone so it was quite a shock to everyone.
John Brady: (Also decided to run with it haha)
-Listen, this man has a picture perfect plan for what he wants to have happen when he gets home from the war and that's all fine and dandy, but this man was NOT planning on you haha
-You faithfully attend the same church as he does and it's pretty obvious that you're pregnant.....
-But man the gossip is bad. And he's not one to listen to idle gossip and just believe what people say. But evidently your fianceé had run off when he found out you were pregnant and had taken any chance of a reputable life. It's ROUGH, okay??
-And the thing is, John Brady is out here just trying to do his Christian duty by seeing if you need any help over at your house....because he also passes it on the way to Church and YIKES, your yard is going through it
-It's the first time that someone just offers to do something nice for you??? You're so thrilled about it
-So he comes over that summer and does your yard work for you and you make little sandwiches and he gets to have lunch with you
-The thing is, you two get to talking and he finds out that you weren't even planning on having kids for a while anyway and it was YOUR former man who wanted to do the deed and refused to help out in any way. This is entirely a man's folly and has ruined things for you.
-Now he feels bad, he does....
-But he's not trying to make a move or anything. At the moment anyway haha. Instead, he invites you to spend some time with his sisters because you need friends anyway and they all have kids so they can help you know what to expect for pregnancy.
-Well it's all going great and he's pretty happy with the fact that you now have a support system and he's starting to make some waves in work. And then the yard is done and finished.
-And for some reason he's offering to help with the plumbing and the inside work too? It's definitely not because he's worried about you and it's definitely not because he's very very attracted to you in any way shape or form lol.
-I don't think anything actually happens until you're right ready to pop....at which case YOU kiss HIM because you're just real impatient
-And he doesn't get to respond to anything because your water breaks and he's taking you to the hospital
-So while you're in labor, this man is processing the fact that he MAYBE really really likes you and has already planned out the rest of your lives together, but that's BESIDES the point
-He still feels like he's taking advantage here....right up until you have a son and you name him Johnny because Brady was the only person that was kind to you during pregnancy and this man just melts on the spot, professes love to you—and tells you that he wants to take care of you for the rest of your life.
-Chef's kiss tbh
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suugarbabe · 1 year
Hi, I hope you’re doing fine❤️ I love your fics! If it’s not a problem i would like to please request Theo Nott + soulmate trope where before the soulmates meet they sometimes throughout the day feel each other’s sensations (I don’t mean feeling, mostly just things like touch, pain, smell, taste) and Theo is kind of an annoying soulmate for the reader because he drinks black coffee all the time and the reader hates it and also he has all these quidditch practices and fights so she often wakes up with bruises and all that? But it’s all lighthearted and fluffy if it’s not a problem haha. Thanks ❤️
soulmate tropes are honestly one of my favorite because you can do so much with it, it's always a fun time.
You slouched in your seat next to Luna at breakfast as the sudden taste of straight black and bitter coffee consumed your senses. You nearly gagged, causing Luna's face to turn to one of soft concern.
"Black coffee again?" You nodded, "Yeah, and ribs are fucking killing me, I woke up with a huge purple bruise on the back of them and my jaw is sore. I swear to Merlin, whoever my soulmate is is about to get a howler from me because this is just ridiculous."
"Blaise and I think we know who it is if you'd like me to share it with you." Luna said it like she asked if you wanted to know who was on the cover of the Quibbler this month. Her ability to discuss anything like it was just normalcy and average never ceased to amaze you.
You stared at her and she just stared back, small smile on her face and a twinkle in her eyes. "Yes, Luna. Please tell me because I need to confront him."
Luna took a bite of her blueberry muffin, "Did you know that the reason why some blueberries are sweet and some are sour is because gnomes actually-"
"Oh, yes, right. It's Theodore Nott." She says it like it's obvious. Like you should have know this whole time. But now that you think about it, it makes perfect sense. The bruises, the soreness, the smell of broomstick wax that will assault your nose.
You looked toward the Slytherin table in search for sandy brown curls. "He already left for class," Luna's voice cut in to your inner thoughts. "Erm, right, thanks Luna. I'll see you at lunch?" She nodded, "The four of us can sit together. Have a good talk with Theodore."
You thanked her, setting off down the hall toward your first class. Your plan was to search for Theo during your free period, but as fate would have it, you spotted him down the corridor.
You pushed through the crowded hall until you had to practically crane your neck to look up at the man in front of you. You reached out, boldly grabbing his arm, "Theo, we need to talk."
He looked down, slight confusion on his face. "Go on, bruv. I'll see you in class," Blaise gave you a subtle wink before walking off.
You pulled Theo to the side, giving the illusion to yourself that you had some privacy. "Been smelling vanilla lately, Theo?" you crossed your arms as you leaned back against the corridor wall.
Theo quirked an eyebrow, "How did you now that?"
You sighed, "Because that's the scent of my shampoo." Theo placed a hand on the wall behind you, the other gently cupping your face as he leaned down, gently pressing his nose to the crown on your head.
"So what you're suggesting then is-"
"We're soulmates," you cut him off, "and I am seriously angry with you."
Theo scoffed, the hand that once cupped your face now placed on his own hip, "Why? What did I do?"
You lifted your school shirt high enough for Theo to see the deep purple bruise on your ribs. He quickly grabbed your hand, forcing your shirt back down and scanning the hall, making sure no one else was looking.
"Are you mental?" The slight protectiveness in Theo's tone made your stomach flutter. "Are you mental? What happened to you? Get in another fight? Because we're going to have a problem."
Theo chuckled softly, "Well the one you should have a problem with is Bole because he's the one who hit me with the bludger at practice yesterday."
You frowned, "I'll fight the git, where is he?"
Theo couldn't contain the look on his face, "Calm down, anima gemella, we can't both be fighters."
You looked up at his big blue eyes, "Oh, darling. You have no idea what you're in for."
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queerxqueen · 27 days
Has writing the Dustin Experiment changed your perspective on the ST characters in general? I’m curious as to whether you were already a Dustin or Eddie fan beforehand, or if writing this book made you feel *closer* to the characters, or simply more appreciative of them in ways you might not have been before. I can just imagine how cool it’d be to be able to write an official book for a show you’ve loved so much and wanted to know if the process has given you a new outlook on certain aspects
This is such a fun and thoughtful question, thank you!
I have so much love for every single Stranger Things character but writing them from a canon perspective definitely made me appreciate them more. Like, I always appreciated Dustin for his humor and smarts, but in doing my analysis of his character and in writing his problems, fears, and flaws, I definitely came to love him and understand him even more. I hope people reading the book also take away a new perspective of our little Dusty-bun! He's so much more than comic relief or even the voice of reason or the provider of lore for the Upside Down. He's also a kid who cares so deeply and so loyally for the people he loves while simultaneously being terrified of being unwanted and being left alone. Here's a lil snippet of the whopping 10 pages of notes I did for my Dustin Bible while doing a Dustin-centric rewatch before writing this project -
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(Disclaimer: this was completely my own personal analysis and prep, not approved by or even shared with the ST team, which is the only reason I can share it here, lol.)
Getting to that core "fear/pain" is always essential for me to understand a character. And for Dustin at this point in the timeline between seasons 3 and 4, having felt left behind by his friends in seasons 2 and 3, enduring the change of friends leaving after season 3, and going into high school, I really wanted to dive into those feelings and fears of being left behind and people changing and moving on without him. That is ultimately the core emotional conflict of the book. That's also what makes the novel tie-ins so fun--these feelings brushed off as one-liners in the show actually have the time to develop and unravel in a book focused on Dustin's character. Understanding those fears and how they play into how he goes into season 4 definitely made me love him and relate to him so much more.
The other big character I developed so much more love for was Eddie. I loved Eddie but never was wholly obsessed the way many people are, but writing him and his relationship with Dustin made me love him so much more and he ended up being amongst the most fun characters to write in the whole project. His voice and mannerisms are so fun to play with, the balance between rough-and-tough-metalhead and nerdy-softy-heart-of-gold was such a fun line to toe. He's over-the-top at times, and surprisingly restrained in others. And he cares much more than he wants to admit. Writing him from Dustin's perspective gave me so much more love and appreciation for him. I know how much people love Eddie, how protective his fans are of his character, so I really wanted to do him justice. I told friends half-jokingly while writing that if the Eddie fans are happy, I've done my job well. (No pressure, haha.)
Maybe I'll do a more formal analysis of my reading of Dustin's character as we get closer to the book's release :) I'm also eagerly awaiting permission to share even tiny snippets of the actual book... But for now - writing this story absolutely gave me a deeper understanding of most if not ALL of the characters but especially Dustin and Eddie. I hope when the book comes out, you guys feel even a small amount of the love I poured into it!
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 9 months
Hi there! So i hope you dont mind me requesting the BB league elite four members + Kieran with a disabled reader who used to be a former BB league elite four member themself (Romantic for Drayton and platonic for the others)
So basically, the reader used to be the fifth ranked member of BB league elite four but after Kieran became the BB league champion, they lost their rank to Crispin and now is the sixth ranked member. Though, they dont have any hard feelings and still see the elite four members as their friends
the reader had an accident when they were younger and now uses a wheelchair to move around. They have a gardevoir who they raised since she was a ralts and now helps her trainer with stuff (so maybe there’s something the reader needs but it’s on the top shelf, Gardevoir will then just use psychic and bring it down for them or maybe the reader wanted to try walking with a cane, if the reader fall, Gardevoir will catch them with psychic) and a Hisuian Braviary to help them get to places in the terrarium (if some hisuian pokemon still exist in this generation, who’s to say that Hisuian Braviary still exist as well)
With permission from the director, Gardevoir was allowed out of her ball to help the reader which then leads to a misconception where people think the reader is a psychic type trainer due to Gardevoir and Hisuian Braviary, when in fact they’re not. They are actually a ghost type trainer but they never bother to clear the misconception bc its funny to see people’s faces when people see their ghost type team.
Hope you have a lovely day/night btw!
- 🪷 anon
Oooh in regards to Hisuian Pokemon, I have a hc that they are extremely rare and got isekai'd to the present via space-time distortion bubbles (like opposite of how Porygon and Johtonian Sneasel were transported to Hisui)
Anyways these hcs sorta took off on their own haha, so they're under the cut!
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Despite being wheelchair-bound for most of your life, that never stopped you from joining the BB Elite Four and becoming the fifth ranked member practically overnight.
Around that time, you and Drayton were dating, and during his champion days, he always tried to make time for you and put his duties on the backburner.
He knows you value your independence and will only help you out with stuff if asked.
But usually it's your two psychic types that assist you. They don't battle much, but rather work as your medical support Pokémon.
Gardevoir, a sweet lass you've raised since she was a Ralts, uses Psychic to retrieve things for you that are just a little out of your reach in the store.
One good days, you could walk around with a cane...but if they turn bad (ie your chronic pain acts up) she'll use Heal Pulse as a temporary remedy.
She also pushes your chair around in case your arms get tired, taking you around to accessible spots.
Director Cyrano gave you permission to let her stay outside her pokeball 24/7 so she can properly work.
You also have a Hisuian Braviary--who literally travelled across time and space to meet you--that flies you around the Terarium, letting you climb on their back while their talons securely hold onto your folded chair.
With those two often out and about, there's a common misconception about you being the Elite Four's psychic specialist...when in reality you have a ghost type team.
Many challengers find that out the hard way when they clear your trial and send their ghosts against you....only for you to reveal your own ghostly duo that hit back twice as hard.
Drayton loves watching your matches from the sidelines and laughs every time he sees their shocked faces.
He even proposed an idea that your team should remain a mystery up until the moment of battle.
All is well until Kieran comes along and dethrones him, which demotes you to the sixth ranking member..while Crispin takes your spot.
It wasn't exactly a position you liked, since it's on the cusp of disqualifying you as an elite member.
But you weren't mad at anybody over this...if anything you had to make sure Drayton didn't get too mad at Kieran.
Eventually, though, he learns that he could spend more time with you and has less responsibilities on his plate (ofc he's still petty, as we all know during Indigo Disk).
Despite his lax personality, he wants to do all he can to support you and defend you from harassment.
This man would definitely find excuses to carry you around.
"Oh why don't cha give your Pokémon a break and let me help you over here?" He suggests and you end up accepting his offer, letting him carry you from your wheelchair to the sofa in the club room...which is literally five feet away.
Still, you let him do what he wants.
Plus getting to cuddle is a nice bonus.
You once knew him as this sweet shy kid who used to be scared of your Hisuian Braviary, always asking if they're gonna hypnotize him.
"No, Kiki..they just help me get around places."
"...a-are you sure? Because they're starin' at me kinda weird.."
"That's how they normally are."
Plus he (like many students) falsely believed you had a psychic team when you're actually the Elite Four's ghost-type specialist.
He admired that "element of surprise" you brought to the table and dreamed of the day he could challenge you himself.
But one trip to his hometown and back later...he's suddenly the Champion, a shell of his former self, who only sees Pokémon as tools for battle.
You wonder what happened to him, although apparently he had a bad falling out with some exchange student and took his angst out on everyone at BBA.
Getting you knocked down to the sixth rank was something he never really apologized for.
Despite that, he didn't tolerate people who talked shit about you, your ranking, your medical condition, or why your Pokémon get to roam more freely than their own.
"At least [y/n] is still out there training their team every day. At least they're turning their hardships into strength. What's your excuse?"
"I-I didn't mean any offense, Kieran! Listen, I'll apologize to them and-"
"Oh, you will...after we have a battle so I can assess your strength. No potions. No moves that boost attack, speed, or defense. If you lose, you resign. You have one hour to prepare."
Sometimes, you're not sure if he's genuinely looking out for you...or if he just wanted an excuse to bully club members around.
While he's aware that Gardevoir and Hisuian Braviary are mainly your medical support 'mons, he still thinks they can always try out battling.
"They could be the ones who help you climb the ranks again [y/n]. Surely you're tired of being in last place, aren't you?"
Yet the advice he believes is helpful is usually unwarranted half the time.
You could just be casually talking to a friend about how your opponent out-sped you and/or used Light Screen/Reflect...
Only for Kieran to barge into the conversation with "well maybe you should've taught Braviary Tailwind/Defog..but I guess you don't have the time for that" or something passive-aggressive that just makes you both uncomfortable.
Your psychic types are honestly annoyed by his new attitude..and you're just disheartened by how he acts around Drayton now.
You and him dating never bothered Kieran before, but now he just glares at your bf 24/7 and scoffs loudly if you're talking about anything except battling.
Despite everything, you knew he was going through something difficult, so you tried not to take his words to heart. You still saw him as a friend.
Someone who was just misguided in his ambitions.
After his humbling defeat and adventure into Area Zero, he comes back with extreme guilt, with you being the first elite member he apologizes to.
He especially feels shitty for distracting your psychic types from doing their jobs properly with his constant nagging to battle them.
But you forgive him, thanking him properly for all the times he's stood up for you.
And you do end up taking some of his unsolicited advice.
You invite him to a friendly double-battle when he returns from break and brought out Braviary and Gardevoir, using Tailwind and terastalizing one of them into a ghost type.
It turns out that whenever they're not working, they battle in perfect sync.
In the beginning, this chef boi wondered how your two psychic types help you with your daily life, and you just explain everything as simply as you could to him during a picnic.
"So Gardevoir pushes me around, retrieves stuff I can't reach, and helps me manage my pain. Braviary just flies me around the Terarium....any questions?"
"Just one......do you use Braviary because the taxis here don't accommodate your wheelchair?" He assumes, already starting to fume. "How outrageous! That's not-!"
"Calm down, Crispy..they do. I'm just saying that I'd rather fly with Brave most of the time. It's not only convenient, but more fun for me."
"...o-oh, right. Sorry for getting all fire-up back there.." He gushes.
After learning how hard they work, he absolutely wants to make sure they're fed well everyday! Snacks alone won't sustain them. He knows this for sure.
So he's always cooking them up something, often wanting their opinion on the meals and sandwiches: are they too spicy or not spicy enough?
The same goes for your ghost types, too (especially if you have a Chandelure, Ceruledge, and/or Skeledirge on your team).
But after Kieran becomes the new champion and Crispin takes your rung on the League's ladder..he feels really awful and constantly apologizes for pretty much replacing you.
He should feel good about climbing closer to the top, but he doesn't, as he cried over the possibility of you hating him forever or resigning from the club because of him.
When you confronted him, he tried blaming the onions.
But your Gardevoir--one of the most emotionally-intuitive Pokémon out there--saw through his lie, and you had to reassure him he was still your friend.
You kept telling him you weren't mad....until you almost got mad fr because he wouldn't stop asking if you were 100% sure of that.
To prove it you, your psychic pokemon, and your ghost team all split one of the spiciest sandwiches he's ever made.
By the time it was finished, you were convinced you just learned the move Flamethrower.
Yet seeing that bright smile return to Crispin's face made it worth the agony.
She loves hearing that you have a Gardevoir (or just cute ghost Pokémon in general).
If you have a Mimikyuu on your team, that's a plus in her book.
But regardless, she's the first to give you a warm welcome into the Elite Four, explaining the criteria and tests you had to pass in order to be accepted as a member.
Yet even outside of battle, she quickly discovers that your ghosts are still mischievous at best--always playing pranks on her fairies with moves like Phantom Force, Shadow Sneak, Astonish, and Poltergeist.
Ofc they never mean any harm, but when she hears Whimsicott squeal in fright, she's quick to come to its rescue and scold the perpetrator.
If you have a Gengar, it just laughs and mocks them both until it hears you roll up like "that wasn't very nice, y'know...apologize to Lacey and Whimsicott right now, please".
Even if it's a little defiant, a glare from Gardevoir or Hisuian Braviary is enough to make it relent and apologize.
Speaking of whom, seeing an ancient variant of Braviary did frighten Lacey upon first meeting them (especially with their hypnotic-looking faux flaming "eyes").
But over time she grows to like them, seeing how obedient and gentle they are with helping you get you around the Terarium.
If you have any decal on your chair, she'll suggest adding a few more things to make it "cuter". Like stickers of fairy types or a soft pillow for your back.
When you get demoted to the sixth rank in the League, she bought you those exact things to cheer you up, feeling bad that things turned out the way they did
But you expressed zero grudges towards anyone and appreciated her kindness.
Her Granbull always offers his tummy to you should you wanna rest somewhere--even though this makes Braviary a little jealous bc they're supposed to be your favorite resting spot.
Their rivalry is amusing, but Gardevoir often has to come to her fellow psychic type's rescue.
Meanwhile you're just sitting back and snickering at their banter, while poor Lacey begs you not to encourage this behavior.
When you both first met, you found her personality rather off-putting, assuming she was doubting your capabilities of being an Elite Four Member despite passing all the tests.
She never seemed happy for you, her face always blank.
Growing up, a lot of people have pitied you, given you odd stares, or thought you would've given up being a Pokémon trainer...and some even asked outright insensitive questions about what happened to you--and seeing how Amarys acted kinda brought some of those ugly memories back to the forefront.
But once she realizes this, she apologizes straightaway for giving you such a bad impression, clarifying that she fully believes in your battling abilities.
Since then, you've formed a better friendship with her.
She asks you respectful questions about your wheelchair (ie if it's made from any strong alloys, how well it gets you around the Terarium's biomes, etc.) and how Gardevoir and Hisuian Braviary aid you in your daily life and listens well.
Learning that you actually battle with ghost types despite the misconception circulating around the school wasn't too surprising.
If anything, Amarys believes that was quite strategic on your part.
It's no wonder you have a lot of victories under your belt.
Even after getting demoted to the sixth rank, she's impressed you're still able to bounce back from such defeat..and that you didn't hold it against Kieran or anybody.
She believes he could learn a lesson or two from you and not take his loss against Florian/Juliana so hard...but knows that's not her place to speak.
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not sure if I've already requested this so sorry if I have haha,
but how would the m6 react to a mc with sh scars? if it's not too heavy of a topic for you, if it is, I completely understand that :)
The Arcana HCs: M6 when MC has SH scars
~ not too heavy at all, anon, I'd actually been hoping to write this at some point and your request gave me that excuse! to anyone else who relates a little too much: you're not alone, your pain is valid, and there is hope for you even when it doesn't feel like it - brainrot ~
CW for: references to scarring and self-harm. I can remember points in my life when this would have been triggering for me to read. If this would be triggering for you too, please prioritize your health.
He noticed early on that you'd get a strange look on your face when he mentioned being comfortable with experiencing pain, and he's been curious about why for some time
You generally found a way to hide them - whether with your clothes or in the low lighting - until after you defeated the Devil, which was when Julian was less distracted enough to notice more details
Like the unusual textures that appeared when your clothes shifted as you moved around your daily tasks, and how hellbent you seemed on immediately adjusting them
He waits to approach the subject until he knows you're both in a calm headspace, after the day is done as the two of you lounge in front of the fire with your dinner
He wants to hear your side of things, but the first thing he's going to ask is to let him look at them. He's a doctor, he loves you, and he wants to know the extent of the damage and how he can help your healing
Might cry a little, but hides it and refuses to make it about himself by pulling you into the biggest hug instead
It throws him into some serious self reflection, which leads to lots of late-night talks about self-destructive habits and how you two can best support each other in a way that's loving and not enabling
Will get a matching tattoo if you choose to cover them that way
The first time they saw them was right after your resurrection, and their heart sank right down into their feet
Here he felt like he'd just saved you, only to find that you'd not only woken up in a miserable state, but that the life you'd had before had been far more painful for you than he had been aware of
Which is when they became determined to give you such a good life and so much platonic love and support that the scars on your body would truly belong to a past life
The first time you asked him about why you had them, he said they were leftover from an old battle that you had fought very bravely. Going into any more detail only made your headaches worse
They did watch your behavior and mood closely, though, in case you started to fight that battle again. They never judged you for them or offered to smooth them over
After you defeated the Devil together, he told you the truth about them and what they meant, even though he didn't know the details of why you had them
It was also their chance to give you an apology for not noticing before you died, when they were still your friend and cared about you. They know it's not their fault, but the guilt was still there
He kisses them every morning and night
She's heard vague stories from her family members about people who were in so much pain that they would self harm, but she'd never seen such a strong example in person
Which is why she initially assumed they were the result of some fierce battle or tragedy, and planned to ask you later
She first noticed them when she was fitting you for a new outfit, and saw how hesitant you were to let her look at them. Everything she's made for you since covers them completely
She finally asks about them several months into your relationship, expecting you to either not remember or to hear a moving story of conquering some fierce enemy or fighting for a loved one
To say that she doesn't expect your answer is an understatement. It surprises her so much that her only response is "oh," in an unusually small voice, before moving on to the next topic
She's able to process it the next time she's alone, when she's struck both by her awe at your capacity to fight something so dark and by her grief that you've been doing it without her all this time
Clears her next evening to have a private dinner with you, first so she can apologize for her initial response and second so she can invite you to tell her more about it and offer her support
Likes to dress you herself so you know you're not alone or unseen
Knew exactly what they were as soon as he saw them, which was less than half a day into your travels South with Morga
And promptly refused to talk about it because he can relate to those dark impulses more than he'd like to and because he didn't see it as being any of his business. But he does start to watch you
He watches for any sign of pain, he watches how you fix your clothes, he watches how your gaze falls on any sharp object, because even if it isn't his business he cares more than he expects
He becomes less and less discreet about how closely he's observing you until you finally notice it one evening, how the firelight falls on your scars and how his eyes fixate on them
At this point the reciprocated staring is so awkward that he'll do anything to fix the tension, so he shuffles and mumbles something along the lines of "You can talk about it if you want to. I don't mind."
So you do, and he gets hit square in the chest with how much he's come to care about you over the course of the trip
He's especially frustrated because he empathizes so deeply, and since he doesn't know how to fix himself, he's worried he'll only mess you up further
In the end, he learns to apply the kindness he feels towards you to himself as well, and sees your scars as valid as he sees his own
She's still very embarrassed (and slightly ashamed) for how things went the first time she saw them
She'd noticed something peeking out from your clothes, and how you seemed focused on covering them, and falsely assumed that it was some cool magical tattoo
Which only piqued her curiosity. This has to be juicy, and she's determined to get a closer look. Which is why, as soon as you'd become friends, she took her first chance to snatch a look
And then froze. And then dropped you, and then burst into tears. How could this happen, MC? Why would you do this to yourself? It looks like it must have hurt so much -
It's unfortunate but you're going to have to comfort her first while she works her way through the five stages of grief. She loves you, and she's heartbroken and confused about why this would happen
She needs time to process how she feels about it before she can listen to you without having a meltdown. Her normal response to self-destruction is a fist to the gut (Ilya) and that wouldn't do
Ends up following your cues when it comes to how she talks to you about it. If it's in the past, it's in the past. If it's a current struggle, then she's your partner. She'll be right next to you
She does think your fighting spirit makes you badass, though
He's not great at noticing details unless they directly correspond to physical strengths and weaknesses. Any kind of scarring from a wound is (from his experience) a totally normal thing to see
When he starts to notice how you cover yours or get weird about them being touched, he asks about it right away
You've got such cool scars, MC, why are you hiding them? You should show them off so everyone knows how battle-tested you are! Here, he'll show his off too! *cue him stripping off his shirt*
It's a little difficult to know how best to respond to this. You're each other's life partners by now, he should probably know the truth, but you don't know how to burst his bubble
You do end up telling him later, once you're settling into your inn for the night, and watching the realization and hurt dawn across his face is anything but easy
MC, why? You deserve the best, you are the best, you're his best, you're telling him that you treated someone like yourself this poorly when you were showing him so much forgiveness?
He's not trying to guilt you at all, but it comes close to having that effect. The only thing he can think to do is hug you really really tight and hope it convinces you that you deserve better
Still refers to them as your battle scars, because to him they are
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