#hope you enjoyed the post ig lmao
roxtron · 1 year
oh no i'm about to talk about trans representation in a way that might annoy some people. Obviously this discussion should have context, so, within the context of people arguing if Gwen is or isn't trans.. I saw this.
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To summarize for people who don't want to/can't read what's in the screenshot, the basic point of this person's argument is that it would actually be better for the LGBT+ community for Gwen to be an ally.. And that it would somehow be worse if she was trans herself. So naturally I'm gonna make an entire post ranting about it for as long as I want to, because this is bullshit. First off, I don't think there is ever going to be a scenario where trans people themselves will be more happy to see a character as a trans ally than to see a trans character. That's just.. no. Second off, even if we're following the logic of the comment, that allies voices and representation are somehow more important than trans people's voices and representation- Simply by the fact that allies are viewed as more 'normal' by society- I can't even write this as one solid sentence, it's just such an awful point. I thought we've gone through this enough times that you're not inherently special for being an ally, you don't need ally representation more than trans people need representation, it's literally just "congrats! you're not a transphobic asshole and are doing the bare minimum to being a decent human being." I think the community has already had enough of cishet allies trying to insert themselves into the community solely because they're allies. (Example, people trying to claim the 'A' in 'LGBTQIA+' is for 'Ally.' Obviously it's not. There's multiple identities that start with A that the acronym is for. Asexual, aromantic, agender, etc.) Either way the point about allies being better voices simply because they're only allies is just making the problem worse. The only reason the community needs allies voices in any way is because transphobes won't listen to trans people themselves. They'll only listen to the voices of allies, if they bother to listen at all. Giving more ally voices isn't going to have the same impact as making trans voices louder. They're not going to stop seeing us as freaks just because you say we're not, they're just going to be annoyed with you too for 'siding' with us. As good as allies may have intentions they can't and shouldn't speak for our experiences. And if only the voices of allies are heard, there's going to be a huge piece missing during discussions like this. But even beyond that, who says representation has to be for getting transphobes to accept us anyway? Why can't we just have representation to make us happy? Why is furthering fighting transphobes more valuable than making trans people feel seen and understood? I just wanna end this by saying: I'm tired of seeing takes like this. You claim to be allies, but if you are, why does the thought of Gwen being trans make you that upset? Why is it such a big deal to some of you if she is?
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sparky-is-spiders · 29 days
Jonelias Week Day 1 (Which is definitely today I swear), for the prompt "No Powers AU"
This one... maybe got away from me. This is actually only the first half of what I've written so far, and probably the first third overall! I do plan to post this to Ao3 at some point (although I suspect I'll need to do a lengthy round of editing first lmao). It's some very self-indulgent nonsense, which is a lot of what I write, but now it's getting put in the main tags of a ship during said ship's event week. So. It may also be a little bit "aromantic dude tries to figure out what having a crush is supposed to be like." Also a lot of "dude who took Principals of Accounting once pretending it knows what office work is like." Anyway, quick warning before we begin, and the rest will be under the read-more:
Stalking (played for laughs) for most of the fic.
Just. A weird amount of obsession.
Ok that should be it I think. Fic under the cut.
Jon's new boss was, quite possibly, the most boring man in the world. He wore the same outfit every day (pale dress shirt with dark unpatterned tie and gray slacks and matching suit jacket). The only personal effect in his entire office was a potted plant on the windowsill (some sort of succulent, and definitely fake). He always arrived to work exactly half an hour early and left exactly half an hour late. The only hobby he appeared to show any interest in was scheduling, which he seemed to find both deeply engaging and remarkably irritating. In fact, he was apparently so opposed to the idea of mixing his work with his personal life that he might as well not have existed beyond the walls of their office. Jon had never been more fascinated by anyone else in his entire life.
It stared with the transfer to the accounting department. Elias had met with him personally to get him acclimated to his new role. He had been blandly polite, and blandly handsome, and Jon had stopped listening to him about five minutes into their conversation. It was probably bad form, really. The software Elias was droning on and on about sounded like it was about to become a central feature of his days. He really should've been paying attention to it. Instead, he pretended to make eye contact while zeroing in on the top of Bouchard's forehead (a very useful trick, really) and became inordinately focused on the small lock of hair that had fallen across it. It was terribly distracting, and Jon had wondered how he hadn't noticed it. And then he wondered how it had come to be there. And then he had built up an entire story involving a murder, an illicit affair with the assistant director of marketing, and the potted succulent. And then he had noticed Bouchard eying him with what could've been suspicion or amusement or irritation or nothing whatsoever, and had been forced to rapidly pretend to care about their company's bad debt expense policy. Bouchard had indulged him, and had spoken with the calm authority of someone who knew what they were talking about, and had even managed to avoid being overtly condescending (a feat forever out of Jon's reach). At the end he had shaken Jon's hand (with a nice, firm grip), and had told him "I'm looking forward to working with you, I'm sure you'll make a wonderful member of our team." Jon had left that meeting with a mind shrouded in a fog of boredom and a faint sensation of warmth which he decided was best attributed to curiosity and left otherwise unexamined. Over the next few weeks, Jon had tried to subtly inquire into Bouchard's life. At the time, he had been naively under the impression that surely he must have let slip something about his life; some odd quirk or funny story or harmless bit of information which could justify Jon's blooming curiosity. Unfortunately; "He lives in Chelsea, I'm pretty sure?" (Sasha) "He's currently in a meeting. Honestly Jon, you'll be better off just sending an email. Now can I please get back to work?" (Rosie, probably lying about the meeting) "He actually lives here in the office. Set up a cozy little home away from home in one of the storage closets and sneaks out at night to raid the canteen. And he's having an affair with the assistant director of marketing." (Tim, definitely lying (but maybe a mind reader? Also, full of brilliant ideas for places Jon could maybe set up a cot whenever he needs to stay overnight)) Clearly, Jon would have to take matters into his own hands if he wanted answers. That was fine. It could be his own private little research project.
Jon liked to think that the entire thing had actually been quite reasonable, and that he had acted within the bounds of their pre-established relationship as employee and supervisor. Surely any rational person had to realize that nobody could possibly be that uninteresting. Anyone would be curious as to what dark secrets Bouchard his behind his well-tailored suits and polite, professional demeanor. … perhaps most rational persons would not meticulously record the movements, behavior, and daily appearance of their colleague in a discreet notebook (with annotations, color-coding, and graphs where appropriate), but Jon had always prided himself on his dedication to research and understanding. So far Jon had collected frustratingly little data. If Bouchard was hiding anything, it wasn't apparent from his schedule (see pages 8-13, figure 2.b), his eating habits (see page 22), or his lone plant (see page five, figure 1.c). His breaks did seem specially timed to avoid other people (and he appeared not to engage in many social behaviors generally), but he never acted irritated or otherwise unhappy to encounter one of his subordinates, so Jon wasn't entirely sure if it was deliberate avoidance or simple coincidence. Really, the only truly odd thing about him was his inexplicable interest in Jon. That very morning, for example, Bouchard had stopped by his cubicle for a fifteen minute discussion on the upcoming Annual Team Luncheon, an event Jon had never attended before (due to an annual migraine which coincidentally always happened to occur on the exact date of the luncheon), which Jon did not plan to attend, and which honestly sounded like some sort of violation of the Geneva Convention. The topic itself was not especially odd (small talk was an archaic tradition which had stubbornly clung on in every workplace Jon had ever set foot in), but Bouchard's low propensity for inter-office socialization combined with the fact that he had both chosen Jon specifically as his conversational partner was… highly suspicious. Most people who encountered Jon inevitably concluded that he was more effort than he was worth (an attitude Jon mostly appreciated).
And of course, there had also been their interaction two days ago, when Elias had paused briefly to inquire as to whether Jon would be staying late, and what he was working on, and if he might perhaps consider heading home soon because there was only so much overtime they could pay him. Or on Friday, when he had managed to hold two separate conversations with Jon where very little was said. Honestly, Jon somewhat suspected that Elias had spoken to him more in the past few weeks than he had spoken to any of their colleagues for the entire time Jon had been there to observe him. Most of Jon's notes were now dedicated to their interactions. From his cot in the unused storage room (which was indeed a good place to stay overnight, thank you Tim), he could jot down everything he recalled about their interaction; it had begun at 8:32 and had concluded at 8:47; the weather was warm and slightly humid, although the office interior remained at a comfortable 21 °C. Bouchard's shirt had been a nice, cool gray, which complemented the silver of his eyes. Jon (who had been busy digging for his favorite pen (the ink was a lovely deep green color, and it was usually kept on the left side of the top desk drawer, and Jon had no idea where else it could have possibly gone)) had settled on "irritation" as his tone, which Bouchard either had not noticed or had not cared enough to acknowledge. He had easily dominated the conversation, and Jon could admit in the sanctity of his research journal that his voice had been soothing enough to cool away some of Jon's annoyance. He wrote his conclusion: Subject behaved near-identically in tone, posture, body language, and apparent mood as he has in all previous communications. Subject displayed no strong thoughts or opinions on subject of discussion nor conversational partner. Interaction was pleasant but slightly dull, no new information discovered. It was almost exactly the same as every previous conclusion. Jon had to admit, so many months with so little progress was… discouraging. He shifted on the narrow mattress and winced when his movements aggravated his backache (which was surely unrelated to his frequent occupancy of the cot). It was becoming more and more apparent that the only possible solution was to do some actual, direct investigation. His first idea (break into Bouchard's office) seemed a tad far (also, he didn't know how to pick locks). His second idea (follow him home) seemed a stretch further than the previous one, and was perhaps best saved as a last resort. His third idea (something something computers? (perhaps "idea" was a bit generous)) would almost certainly require Sasha, who would have questions Jon couldn't answer. He flipped idly through his notes, half-skimming, half-thinking. It was only when his gaze landed on figure 2.b, Weekly Schedule of E. Bouchard, that he actually came up with something reasonable. Something actionable.
#wish there was a way to search for all italicized text in a wordpad document... cause tumblr de-italicized it all lol#anyway jon manages to be an eye-aligned Freak even when the eye doesn't exist#worried this is ooc tbh but fuck it we ball ig.#anyway hope you enjoyed.#i am. i am so unbelievably nervous about posting this in a way that invites the scrutiny of people beyond my trusted mutuals.#anyway i'm personally deeply entertained by the idea of elias trying to be the most boring version of himself possible.#like just for fun. he's having a great time and nobody else is sure that he has a personality. idk it just speaks to me#also i made them accountants because that's my destiny. there are spreadsheets in my future. the stars have spoken.#but that's ok because i like them. they're kinda soothing honestly.#i really enjoyed principals of accounting tbh.#i barely know what i'm typing at this point i'm super tired lmao.#but this isn't about me this is about Them.#jon saw elias (barely talks to anyone. has never mentioned a personal life. primarily focused on Work.) and went 'wow. freakish.#i've never seen this behavior in anyone before. anyway i'm going to avoid speaking w/ my coworkers whenever possible#and move into a storage closet so i can stay late whenever i want.'#elias 100% knows about that btw. i imagine its the sort of thing that would be difficult to hide. he's not gonna say anything tho <3#anyway sorting tags#jonelias#joneliasweek#joneliasweek2024#sparkwrites#anyway time for sims4 i think.
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bred-is-a-dumb-name · 9 months
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Have some holiday pokés I drew that I may or may not have completely forgotten to post before the actual holidays lmao
We got sleigh leader deerling (with its shiny having a cute Rudolph nose), cinnamon eggnog alcremie and peppermint mocha alcremie, and then gift wrap sylveon with its shiny having inverse colors :)))
Anyways happy new years!!
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averlym · 2 years
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"oh my soul, is it here? or is it rotting somewhere with my head?"
#rtc#rtc musical#ballad of jane doe#? i think those are the tags? got into rtc over the december break and like. headless blorbos ig#it's oddly similar to six in the sense that six dead people have a concert competition with varying contexts#considering my prev obsession with cats the musical maybe there is a common trend here#hm. anyways!! found the ballad of jane doe online and spooked myself watching it at 3am and in hope to combat the terror (i am not good with#the horror genre. i'm fantastically awful i Will Cry) i went to watch like. the chaos compilations and read ao3 fics to yknow. make it less#scary. so like! yes?? rtc is a good musical. the greatest of my brainrot for it is over but it is really quite fun nonetheless. i may have#added another slime tutorial to my collection.#in terms of current brainrot. i am. a bit (read: maybe a Lot) thinking too much about dovesso. ??why is lesso so attractive in the movie??#truly it is a specific mood when it's like. this character is so?? so akshdhdjsj but also clearly they belong in otps with other characters.#idk how to describe it lmao! anyway the school of good and evil movie (i just watched it) came and called me a useless gay in multiple fonts#as one of my irl friends likes to say. women✨✨#mkay this shall end the tag ramble. thank you for enjoying the last khoward post we're back to just doodles now#(but seriously thank you i look into the tags and just go 'hehehe' :>>>>> it's nice)#along with miscellaneous not six musicals i might be going back into a firebringer tangent?? idk the plot bunnies are varied and plenty
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skitskatdacat63 · 9 months
@lesharl-eclair here is the vettonso timeline I mentioned at some point!! I was gonna make a more refined version but ah, the original is fine so I'm posting it for you <3
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Its written so its as if their careers began at the same time. There's obviously some parts where they deviate from each other(I blame Fernando), but they're pretty similar, no??
Here's some notes I have:
They both started at technically the same team(if you ignore that Seb raced one race for Sauber): Minardi/STR. And they spent 3 seasons either racing for that team or testing(Fernando for Renault, Seb for BMW teams), before being promoted to the team where they won their respective WDCS.
They both spent six seasons with their WDC team. And both won their WDCs using Renault engines. Both were pretty much the golden boys of their teams, beloved by their team principal and team in general. Unfortunately both aren't consecutive because Fernando tried out McLaren lol.
They spent a similar amount of years at Ferrari(five and six respectively.) Neither could win a WDC with Ferrai(😔) And both joined Ferrari in a very similar way. When Fernando joined, he ousted Kimi and it was very uncertain where Kimi was going. I think the commentators in 2009 predicted McLaren? (But he ended up taking a sabbatical obv.) But pretty messy, right? The literal same exact thing happened with Fernando and Seb in 2014-2015. They finally announced at the end of the season, even though it was pretty obvious, that Seb would be replacing Fernando. And where did Fernando go? McLaren! The history book on the shelf is always repeating itself. I guess I find it funny that Fernando replaced his former rival under somewhat messy circumstances, only for his other rival to do the exact same thing to him years later.
Okay McHonda and Alpine blah blah blah. Anyways they're probably going to have both end up competing their careers after two years with Aston Martin. This honestly is my favorite parallel. Because it's very sweet to me that Seb replaced Fernando, in an aforementioned messy way, only for Fernando to take Seb's seat in a very peaceful, almost "passing the torch" type exchange 🥰
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lbcreations-blog · 8 months
Yandere Alastor with daughter reader
A Stag and his Fawn
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(Not proof read cause I'm tired but I need to post)
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Alastor was your adoptive father. He adopted you when you were both still alive. You were only a baby at the time, being left in a dumpster.
When Alastor was dumping bodys in the dumpster he found you, he was originally going to put you in a foster home, but when he saw you open your eyes and look at him seeming at peice, he knew it was a bad idea to put you in any foster home.
Of course, he could not just take you in. He had to get you some medical treatment. So he took you to the nearest hospital to get a check-up and other things. Then he had to do even more other things like birth certificate and adoption stuff. (You know, the essentials)
Anyways, once you were old enough, he taught you his ways of voodoo and murder. (You were already learning from about 4, lmao), and you became a perfect daughter to him (even though you were already perfect to him).
If you were to get bullied in school, those kids would regret it. He would also teach those kids' parents a lesson as well.
If you end up dying before him from it being someone's fault, he would torture that person/persons and eat that person's corpse.
Once he enters hell, he would search for you while aswell becoming a terrifying overlord. And once he finds you, he would pretend you are not his daughter in public so you would not get targeted. He knows you can look after yourself so he would let you in public by yourself, but a shadow will follow you.
But if you are an overlord, he wouldn't admit being your father, but he will treat you like his daughter in public, and he will let others' theories flow. (Overlord or not, a shadow will follow you, btw)
Now, if he dies first, he will patiently wait for you. You, of course, kill the one who mistakes your father for a deer. You then live life how he wanted you to, until you finally arrive in hell.
Once you arrive in hell, he ether will take a while to find you or find you quickly. If you quickly become an overlord just like him, he would be proud, like you have no idea.
(The ways he is with you in hell is the same as I explained in the first death choice.)
Of course, introducing you to people as Alastors' daughter, you will get interesting reactions.
The overlords would be shocked, to say the least, Carmila might like Alastor slightly more cause she has her own daughters.
Now the hotel's reactions ig
Of course, the entire hotel is shocked except for niffty and husk cause yall already probably met (I would tell you that, but that's a different kind of worm)
Anyway, sir pentious would be most likely terrified of you or just won't admit it.
Angel- well, Angel-... he's probably going to start off with sex jokes, and how unfair it is that some random bitch got to fuck Alastor. Your father was not happy.
Vaggie is very suspicious of you once you met. She knew how your father was, so you were not trustworthy. (Which was fair, you showed that same creepy smile your father did)
Charlie loved meeting you. She was and is so happy that Alastor has a daughter and she is and was happy to meet you. She was hoping to help you get redeemed, but you just told her you would rather be in hell with your father.
I was going to make Alastor more yandere but because of 𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑠𝑜𝑛𝑠, he's like that, ok? OK
I did get lazy at the end, so... Yyyeeeaaaa
Hope you enjoyed it
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- 𝐋.𝐁 𝐂𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬
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drvscarlett · 4 months
Alex Albon x Horner!Reader
Summary: Max Verstappen and Sebastian Vettel may be Christian's favorites. But Y/N Horner has her own favorites.
The Tortured Drivers' Department series
A/N: one of my favorite tracks and i hope i could give it justice. let me know what you folks think
Taglist. @tea-bobba @boiohboii @c-losur3 @haikyuen @stelena-klayley @stinkyjax @0710khj @jinimon-tr
I'll tell you something right now you ain't gotta pray for me Me and my wild boy and all of this wild joy
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LittleMissY/N what a fun winter break bonding before the 2019 season starts. aren't we cute #GiveYouButterflyWings
PierreGasly the disrespect, my face is cut off after taking so many photos of you!!!
LittleMissY/N sorry not sorry PierreGasly Seb is also upset that you didn't even include him in that photo. LittleMissY/N tell the man to make an ig first.
MaxVerstappen33 why did the rookie get a solo shot before I did???
LittleMissY/N don't be jealous maxie, atleast you're still in the family mantle MaxVerstappen33 you are not slick Y/N tsk, im telling your dad LittleMissY/N respectfully, fuck off!
Alex_Albon it was nice meeting you Y/N!
LittleMissY/N its so good to meet you too alex :))) PierreGasly suspicious behavior!
User3 enjoy your time out there with the boys!
User5 anyone notices how Y/N is literally teasing everyone and then when it comes to alex she seems shy
User7 I smell a crushhhh User9 be for real, maybe its because alex is a rookie and Y/N didn't bond well with him yet.
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LittleMissY/N dad took me to work and not bad for a rookie!
ChristianHorner I'm not taking you to work again
LittleMissY/N don't you miss me?? i thought you missed me ChristianHorner not anymore LittleMissY/N too bad, im applying for a job in f1
PierreGasly are you even watching the race??
LittleMissY/N yeah, you missed the points lmao! PierreGasly i hate you
Alex_Albon not a really good start for me but I'll try better next time!
LittleMissY/N dont stress, you have plenty more opportunities to do well! I'll see you next GP? Alex_Albon of course, I mean I'm being paid to drive that car hahaha LittleMissY/N you're funny PierreGasly are you seeing this MaxVerstappen33 MaxVerstappen33 im dying out of laughter LittleMissY/N I'm gonna pay your mechanics to miss out a few screws
User5 she is so pretty!!! how come she is christian's daughter?
User7 I met her during FP1 and girlie is so in love with a driver
User8 i think we know why Y/N is coming around the races.
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Alex_Albon happy to get some points for today! My first in my rookie year!
User2 Amazing job today Alex
User3 Alex Albon, you make us all proud!!!
Alex_Albon thanks Y/N, i can hear you shouting from Red Bull to Toro Rosso LittleMissY/N this is amazing news and everyone has to hear it!!!!!
User5 alex and Y/N are so cuteeee!!! Y/N is so excited for Alex's first points
User7 anyone else ships Y/N and Alex??
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F1Fans OOF! Albon suffers a big crash during the practice session in Shanghai. Do we think choosing Albon is the right choice for this season?
User1 nasty crash, too bad that he will be missing qualifying.
User2 c'mon be a little more lenient to the guy, shanghai is a difficult track
User3 should be sacked tbh
User4 why are they allowing albon to drive? he isn't that good.
LittleMissY/N oh get over yourself. i bet you can't even drive an f1 car even if you tried. Drivers crash every now and then, Alex Albon is a fantastic driver that's why Toro Rosso got him. This is just a bad weekend for him but I'm sure he will bounce back for the actual race. User7 my surprise when I realize that its actually Y/N Horner defending Alex Albon's honor User8 we love Y/N in this household.
User9 praying for a better race results for Alex
PierreGasly posted a story...
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LittleMissY/N replied: HOW DARE YOUUU???? WHO IS THAT RAT???
LittleMissY/N but tbh thats a genuine reaction. imagine starting from p20 and ending up into p10??? LittleMissY/N OH PIERRE QUIT IGNORING ME! LittleMissY/N i hate you so much
Alex_Albon replied: oh no, what happened to her??
PierreGasly your biggest fan has a bit of a teary moments. She is currently filling up my DMs with how much of an amazing driver you are Alex_Albon that's really nice of Y/N
MaxVerstappen33 replied: man Y/N is down bad
PierreGasly i knowwww MaxVerstappen33 christian just walked in to ask if Y/N has a crush on Alex PierreGasly its so obvioussss MaxVerstappen33 well except for alex lol
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GeorgeRussell63 with my best mate Alex_Albon !!
LittleMissY/N Well hello there georgie
GeorgeRussell63 hello miss Y/N Horner, what are you doing around here?? LittleMissY/N just saw you tag alex and figured i should say hi to his bestie GeorgeRussell63 im watching you LittleMissY/N ditto :))
Alex_Albon we look good there!
LittleMissY/N you look extremely handsome there Alex MaxVerstappen33 simppppp LittleMissY/N im gonna crash your car
User5 another bestfriends making it to formula 1 together
User7 its so funny how Y/N shows up in any tagged photos of alex, miss maam you are whippedt!!!
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LittleMissY/N I'm off to crash anyone who crashes him in the next race. Mark my words!!!!!!!! Still a great drive from AA, my favorite driver <3
Alex_Albon thanks so much for the support Y/N. No need to crash to anyone
LittleMissY/N okay but my offer will always stand
PierreGasly you are sooooo down bad
LittleMissY/N I'm going to put you down
User6 is Y/N, Alex's girlfriend.
User7 i think she likes him and alex is so oblivious User9 yeah, Y/N likes alex so much LittleMissY/N shut it.
User11 i just love how supportive she is with alex being a rookie and all
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In a recent interview, someone made a mistake of putting Y/N Horner in a bad light. Not to worry because Toro Rosso driver, Alex Albon is there to rescue. The whole thing starts with a simple question of what does Y/N contributes to the team to which Albon answers that Y/N is the social media manager. The interviewer made the mistake of commenting how anyone could do that job. This statement seems to anger the rookie as he defends her by listing down her educational achievements and how her role is important to the team. Albon refused to answer any question with that reporter and Christian Horner has placed an indefinite ban for his drivers to speak with the reporter.
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LittleMissY/N when he defends you:
PierreGasly i would have hit that reporter's face if i was there
LittleMissY/N awww pierre, i knew you always had a soft spot for me. PierreGasly only we (max, seb, danny, and me) can make fun of you MaxVerstappen33 facts! LittleMissY/N good to know
User4 red bull boys lining up to protect their princess
User5 i swear, aren't they together yet???
GeorgeRussell63 when did i consent being posted as a meme???
LittleMissY/N since you became my new bestieeeee GeorgeRussell63 i also don't recall consenting to that LittleMissY/N its only a matter of time before you accept it.
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LittleMissY/N gonna miss you so much pierreeeeeee anw time to transfer to red bull
User4 not the black and white photo
User5 its so weird to swap teammates in the middle of the season
PierreGasly dumbass.
LittleMissY/N I'll continue cheering you on always PierreGasly aren't you the sweetest? LittleMissY/N this is available for a limited time only
Alex_Albon thanks for the welcome again to RB maxverstappen33 LittleMissY/N
PierreGasly hey i gave you my seat, a little thank u would be great Alex_Albon thank you Pierre LittleMissY/N stop fighting alex, he is so kind PierreGasly oh c'mon!!!! MaxVerstappen33 mate, Y/N will always drop us for Alex. Dont forget that LittleMissY/N smartest person as ever Max
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Alex_Albon the car is feeling really good for my first race in Red Bull. Good race from p14 to p5!
User1 i swear Y/N you have notifs on for alex Alex_Albon thank you Y/N!!!
User3 Alex really deserves to be moved up with that RB seat
User4 RB proving themselves to be a big challenge to Mercedes this year
User5 sucks that max dnf this race, just imagine the next race where they can be stronger!!!!
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LittleMissY/N i hate corona so much but im facetiming my bestfriend Alex and life seems a little bit better. Stay safe everyone
PierreGasly my beSTfrIend Alex
LittleMissY/N go to hell Pierre PierreGasly lolololollllll whippedt culture
User5 im pretty sure you miss the races as much as we do
LittleMissY/N for real but we have to make sure that its safe to race again
User5 queen Y/N!
User8 i love their little livestream on twitch every now and then. Its the best thing to pass time
User10 love you queen Y/N
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LittleMissY/N BACK TO RACING AGAIN!!!!!!!!!
Alex_Albon quite excited to support us again?
LittleMissY/N of course, im red bull's biggest fan! MaxVerstappen33 red bull fan or alex albon fan? LittleMissY/N its good for you to know your place luv
User8 look at them wearing masks, you should all do that too
User9 i cant tell you how much i missed races
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F1Fans ICYMI, Checo Perez is getting that second Red Bull seat in 2021.
User1 wow checo??? congrats man!
User2 what about alex???
User3 im pretty sure a certain Horner is not happy with the decision User4 Im actually waiting for her reaction
LittleMissY/N you broke this family apart ChristianHorner LittleMissY/N BUT WHY???? User7 Y/N is just like us for real
User8 good riddance for albon, max needs a better teammate
User10 the only reason why albon has this seat is because Y/N Horner likes him a lot. LittleMissY/N everything that alex does is based on his pure talent. My dad won't even let me into meetings that's why im just as surprised as everyone regarding this decision. and fyi im gonna send this to my lawyers. User9 don't play with Y/N when it comes to alex.
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LittleMissY/N Grill the grid episode, the one where I made them cook for my birthday
ChristianHorner happy birthday dear
User1 happy birthday to our queen, i hope lando made something edible for you!
User3 look at Y/N's birthday full of red bull current, former, and reserve drivers
PierreGasly sorry I couldn't make it but happy birthday to my soul sister
MaxVerstappen1 hoping for more birthdays for you Y/N
Schecoperez happy birthday hermana!
CarlosSainz55 Happy birthday little miss Y/N
Alex_Albon Happy birthday Y/N, hope you like your birthday!
LittleMissY/N thanks alex <3 User4 everyone been commenting on her post but she only responded to alex User9 girlie u r so whipped!!!
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GeorgeRussell63 I wish you can get a seat next year mate
User5 i know, i think alex is wasting his potential being red bull's reserve driver
User7 right?? checo's chemistry with max is really good and i dont think christian will sacrifice that User8 i just want a decent team for alex
LittleMissY/N Are you cooking something georgie?
GeorgeRussell63 that depends, are you helping? LittleMissY/N for our common friend, absolutely User9 now what does this mean???? User10 anyone wanna tell me what's george and y/n conspiring together???
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F1Fans No news about Albon's contract in 2022 and today we have seen Albon talking with Christian. It doesn't seem like its about contract renewal.
User2 anyone wanna bet that Christian is talking to Alex about Y/N
User3 what is going on, where will Alex be in 2022
User4 if alex switches teams then would Y/N switch too?
User5 i mean she already did it with toro rosso and red bull User6 but this is like the same group. What if Albon goes to Mercedes or McLaren, would Y/N join there too?? User7 blood is thicker than water everyone User5 i dont think yall understand how much of a simp Y/N is that she can go anywhere Alex goes.
User9 i just want alex to be in an f1 seat in 2022.
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LittleMissY/N new hair, new color!
MaxVerstappen1 booooooooo!!! navy blue supremacy
LittleMissY/N i won't be taking any fashion advice from the man who literally wears only Red Bull merch. MaxVerstappen1 hey once upon a time you were always wearing our team merch especially when its no. 23 LittleMissY/N have fun crashing in the next race.
WilliamsRacing we like the color! Suits you!
User1 what is going onnnnn User2 i think alex is transferring to williams RedBullRacing im watching you
RedBullRacing we miss you queen!
LittleMissY/N aww, miss you!
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WilliamsRacing Albon joins Williams for 2022! He will be partnering up with Nicholas Latifi, who retains his seat.
User1 Trying to beat Y/N in commenting and liking first, failed.
User3 so this is what george and Y/N is cooking.
User8 goodluck to alex!!!
User7 hoping that this time around, he can stick around for the long run.
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Alex_Albon seas the day
User3 i think my bestie Y/N is crying somewhere rn
User4 i didn't expect alex has a girlfriend
User5 alex?? what are you doing?? this isn't Y/N
User7 have fun at your vacation alex!!!1
MaxVerstappen1 mate, who is she??
PierreGasly you should have warned us you were softlaunching someone
CarlosSainz55 congrats with the relationship bro!
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Alex_Albon exploring the city with her.
User5 she takes so good photos of alex!
User7 queen Y/N its been 36 days since you last commented
User8 i fear girlie is heartbroken User9 i hope Y/N is okay
User10 alex and his girl are so perfect together
MaxVerstappen1 who is she alex??? cmon answer your phone
PierreGasly I swear were not sent by Christian to ask about this new girl of yours
WilliamsRacing pretty girl for a pretty boy!
Alex_Albon indeed <3
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LittleMissY/N unbothered queen, so sorry for stabbing you GirlInRed
GirlInRed it hurts kind of little but anything for your therapy
User4 not Y/N fake stabbing someone because of Alex's girl
User6 this is so funny, Y/N
User8 so beautiful! you deserve better
MaxVerstappen1 well you know violence isn't always the answer.
LittleMissY/N oh really coming from you? MaxVerstappen1 cmon, I'll pick you up. Tell me where you are and lets talk LittleMissY/N i don't need to talk, im happy where i am
PierreGasly are you sure you're okay?
LittleMissY/N I have answered you a hundred times, im fine!!!!! PierreGasly Im still getting you ice cream LittleMissY/N awww pierre, you didn't have to
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Alex_Albon merry christmas everybody!
MaxVerstappen1 hold up, did i miss a chapter or something???
PierreGasly is this a joke or something???
User4 I thought you have a girlfriend???
User7 all along its Y/N??? IT WAS Y/N ALL ALONG?
User9 lucky lucky lucky
GeorgeRussell63 FINALLY! I have been laughing so much with all the conspiracy online
MaxVerstappen1 you knew and you never even told us??? LandoNorris mate why didn't you even tell me? I thought we are 2019 rookies trio Alex_Albon sorry mates, i just have to keep this a secret a little longer
WilliamsRacing what a happy couple, so can we post your photos now?
RedBullRacing she is still our girl WilliamsRacing i think you should ask her about that
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LittleMissY/N thankful for almost a year and a half with you
User4 what??? A YEAR AND A HALF???
User7 this is probably going on ever since Alex has moved to Williams
User8 my romeo and juliet!
ChristianHorner why am i not informed that it has been this long?
LittleMissY/N but daddy i love him :< ChristianHorner no. LittleMissY/N but what if im carrying his baby? ChristianHorner jesus christ, tell me you are kidding. LittleMissY/N i am but see it could be worse. i mean we just hid our relationship and not an entire family. ChristianHorner fine. invite him over and lets talk LittleMissY/N yay!!!
MaxVerstappen1 who knew you could keep a secret for that long???
PierreGasly Im more surprised that she was able to bag alex, are you sure you are perfectly sane Alex_Albon? Alex_Albon well I really really love her LittleMissY/N alex :< you used the love word Alex_Albon i mean you should have been used to it when you hear it everyday from when you wake up and before you fall asleep MaxVerstappen1 YOU TWO MAKE ME SICKKKKKK!!!!! NOT IN MY COMMENT SECTION
User10 folks i think we should apply to Y/N's school of being down bad and manifesting their dream partner
User15 what a lovely couple they are, goals!!!
649 notes · View notes
binniesbooks · 2 months
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SB 000 .F23 2024
wc 4k
pairings brother'sbestfriend!Soobin x fem!reader
warnings lot of curses, mouth to mouth passing of liquid, making out, oral sex, slight somno, degradation, protected sex, pet names, dom!soobin (idk what else did I miss)
faye's note I saw Soobin's ig post last night and the cogs and wheels of my brain started working lmao. But I wasn't able to post it immediately because of power interruption, it sucks. Tsk. Anyway, hope you enjoy this! Oh, btw, fuck Tumblr for messing it up again agh!
You had known Soobin for years now. He was your brother's best friend, the kind of guy who was always around, cracking jokes and lending a hand in whatever task you were working on. Soobin has been the most gentle person you've ever met, or so you thought.
But lately, things have shifted. You found yourself drawn to him in a way that was more than just friendship, a stirring attraction that you couldn’t seem to shake. Soobin is not that dumb to not know and knew how to connect the dots.
From the way you welcomed him even if his best friend was not around, the way you gave him water or food, the gazes he could feel you were throwing at him even if his back was turned to you, the lingering touches you were giving with simple grazes of fingers, the way you changed your hairstyle to a high ponytail, the way you kept on using thin clothes whenever he was around and the way you join them whenever they are playing because you never did these things before.
On your brother's birthday, the three of you had been hanging out in your brother's house. Laughter echoed through the rooms, and the smell of barbecue wafted from the backyard where your brother was busy grilling. The moment felt all too ordinary, yet sparkles of tension crackled between Soobin and you when you found yourselves alone in the living room, the rest of the world felt like it was fading away.
The air thickened with unspoken words as you sat close, the TV flickering in front of you. Soobin was just as aware of the shift, glancing at you from the corner of his eye, his usual carefree demeanor replaced with something more serious.
Your heart raced as your knees brushed against each other, a simple contact that sent electricity coursing through you.“Do you think he’ll be done soon?” you asked, trying to lighten the moment as you rocked yourself back and forth, but your voice trembled slightly.“Who, your brother? He loves taking his time,” Soobin replied with a smirk, but his gaze lingered on your lips for a moment too long.
"I'm done grilling, let's start drinking!" your brother announced as he marched with the container of barbeque in his hand.
The night passed with your brother's blabbering and boasting about things, like how he managed to raise you alone even when it's just the two of you, how he takes care of you and he doesn't want you to be taken by a man who didn't treat you with respect. You throw a few more glances at Soobin who's just sitting across you, and you can tell he's staring at you as well with the simple grins he shows whenever your eyes meet.
Your brother is most likely the kind of guy who can't handle his liquor, Soobin does handle his oddly fine, enough to stay conscious and aware of his surroundings. Aside from the bit of redness on his cheek and ears, you couldn't tell he was tipsy.
"He's out." You muttered as you stared at your brother snoring with his cheek pressed on the table, causing Soobin to snort as he poured the remaining alcohol into his glass. It's almost two in the morning.
"Can you carry him to the couch? I'll grab his blanket and pillows," you said dusting your shorts from anything you have sat on. Soobin just simply nodded.
"Stop staring, you'll end up making a cave in my head." You can feel how he's watching you behind your back as you are tucking your brother to sleep. Giving him pillows for him to sleep comfortably at least.
"Y/n," Soobin called the moment you're done. You replied with a simple "Hmm?" as you started to pick up the bottles, glasses, and plates cluttered around the table.
You turned your head to him when you did not hear him answer. He's sitting on one of the couches across the one you're brother was sleeping on, your eyes meet, the ends of his lips curving up.
"Have you tried drinking?" he asked, swirling the liquor in the glass he was holding. "I haven't. I wanna try though, I'm already beyond my legal age. But this asshole brother of mine does not want me to do so." You pouted as you jokingly raised the bottle you were holding to hit your sleeping brother.
"Your brother does seem to care for you so much." He grins once again, sipping on the alcohol.
"Why, of course. I'm his only family." You say as you sit at the armrest of the couch where your brother sleeps.
"Say, have you broken any of his rules?" he asked, running his hand through his hair. You nodded, causing his plump lips to stretch a bit.
You looked at your sleeping brother, "He used to tell me not to go out at night, but well, sometimes I sneak out, to be with my friends." You chuckled as you bit your lip. "Please don't tell him." You looked back at Soobin again. "Anything else?" He tilted his head to the side, still staring at you. "I...I was told not to be too close or friendly to other guys. He also told me not to like any of his friends because they're total assholes." Your voice slowly becomes faint as you fidget with your fingers.
The clink of glass he picked up on the table made you realize you were straight-out confessing, to one of his friends. You snapped back to him, "I-i mean..." You were out of words as you stared at his mused expression. Scared that he might tell your brother. You're screwed.
"Come here," he motions you to come in front of him. "You don't want me to tell this to him, is that right?" You nodded, embarrassed at what you've said and done. "Only if you do me one thing." He leaned back to the couch he was sitting on, his hand once again running through his hair. "That is...?"
"That is if you break one more damn rule of your brother. For me." He smiled at you, purposely pausing, emphasizing the last two words."I... I'll do it." He feels you're desperate as he watches you ball your fist while he can hear your thumping heart in the dead of night.
"Sit here." He tapped the space beside him as he picked up his glass of alcohol once again, his face painted with pure amusement. Just like being bewitched, you obeyed, sitting beside him.
He places his hand on the space behind you, "Pft, you're so tensed," he snickers. "One more rule, yeah?" He inquired, bringing his face closer to yours. "One..one more. Just one only..." You confirmed voice barely above a whisper.
He sipped on his glass as he held and tilted your face towards his. You breathed, gripping the couch to steady yourself. In an uncharacteristically bold move, Soobin closed the gap between you. You were too stunned to push him away. Hell, you liked it too much you couldn't push him away. He brushed his thumb on your lower lips before pressing his lips on yours, slowly letting the liquid flow out from his mouth to yours. That was it—the final push you needed. Maybe it was the fear you felt that he might tell your brother about your secrets or him being the reason you're breaking the rule, but at that moment, you wanted to break every unspoken rule. You parted your lips, you loved the taste, either his lips or the liquor, you don't know anymore. You place your hand on his chest ultimately clutching on his button-up shirt. His lips danced skillfully on yours, the liquid escaping, dripping to your chin.
He pulled away for a bit to look at you. Only to see you drooling as you look up at him with your hands tightly clutched on his button-up. "More... Please." his smile widened at you begging. "Greedy little girl, aren't you?" You lean unto his hand that is gently caressing your cheek. "Please.." you begged once more. He chugged the remaining liquor in his glass as he held your nape, crashing his lips on yours a little bit harder than last time, his other hand flew up your neck, feeling how you slowly gulped on the liquor mixed with his spit, he gently squeezed your neck, emitting a soft gasp from you as you sightly opened your mouth. He wasted no time shoving his tongue into your throat, practically making the dirtiest and nastiest kiss you've ever experienced.
You rubbed your thighs when he gently pulled at your hair, he's rough yet gentle. He's aggressive but careful. How ironic. You know this is wrong. You're kissing-- no you are making out with one of your brother's best friends, who was sleeping in front of you.
"You like this, don't you?" He taunted as he pulled your hair once more. It takes everything in you to not scream out in pleasure. His lips captured yours once more in a fervent kiss that ignited a wildfire within you. You melted into him, the taste of anticipation on your tongue, the weight of what you were doing fueling the heat of the moment. The kiss deepened, and you felt yourself surrender to what was happening. You pressed your body closer to his, your connection growing more urgent. It was reckless, forbidden—everything that made your heart race. You knew the stakes: if your brother found out, you're done. Yet, that thrill, that desire to break one of your brother's rules, is pulling you closer to Soobin.
He pulled you by your hair once again, a string of saliva hanging on both of your lips, you're panting as you snap your head towards your brother. Thankfully, he's still sound asleep. You looked back at Soobin, plump lips red from the pressure and heat of the kiss. He licked his lips, "Such a good girl for me," he chuckled, his hand still on your nape. "Now, come here, we're not done yet." He stood up and grabbed you by your wrist marching towards your bedroom, turning off the light in the living room in the process. Hearts pounding, adrenaline coursing through your veins as he locked the door behind.
The moment you two stepped inside your room, your mind immediately processed what would happen. You are in your room with a boy, Soobin. Your brother's best friend. Whom you recently grew interested in. You even made out in the living room with him. He even made sure your door was locked. What makes you think this won't reach the most intimate part? There’s no doubt about it—something significant was bound to happen. Why wouldn't it? Soobin is experienced. You've heard him and your brother talk about it multiple times. How they shared the same girl, how he ended up with a one-night stand with the girl from the bar, how he made his enemy's girlfriend sneak out with him, and many more nasty things they've done.
"Climb up the bed, pumpkin." He's ordering you around again, yet you are following him without restraint. He unbuttoned his shirt as he was staring down at you sitting tensely on the bed, with your hands in between your folded thighs. You were staring up at him, eyes blown, maybe you just can't handle the shots of liquor, or maybe you're eyes were just filled with lust. He scoffed, running his hand through his hair for the nth time today. He climbed up the bed, the black piece of cloth he was wearing long discarded.
With his back pressed on the headboard, he motioned you to move closer to him. "C'mere pumpkin. I won't tell, any of your little secrets to your brother~" his voice clearly mocking you with a sing-song tone. "Can't afford to let you get screwed, anyway." You were sitting between his legs. You can't decline to anything he wants. Aside from you being scared of your brother, deep inside you, you also wanted this. You also want to break the rules just to be with Soobin.
Your eyes ran through his long legs, his dress pants comfortably hugging the lean muscles of his legs. "Your hands are pretty, you're actually creative," he was probably referring to the artworks you've been doing, "I wonder what else these pretty hands can do." He unzipped his pants as he grabbed one of your hands, placing it on his aching bulge. He rubbed himself with your hand, humming at the sensation. His other hand flew to your lips, rubbing your lower lip as he stared at your eyes filled with need. "Soft lips that give tender and sloppy kiss," he muttered, "What else can you kiss better, pumpkin, hm?" He pressed his thumb on your lip.
You scoot closer, moving your hand on its own accord as he lets go of your hand, eyes still looking at him with unfulfilled pleasure. He pushed your head down towards his bulge, "Why not try going down on me, let's see what you can do." You carefully stroke him once more within the confinement of his boxers. "Fuck. Your hands are quite good." He moaned as he gripped your wrist. You pulled his boxers to expose his girthy length. You're not bewitched, you want him. He stroke his exposed cock as he pushed you down a little bit more, making you almost kiss the base of his cock.
Your tongue prodded out, licking the base of his cock as both of your hands were holding to his legs to keep yourself steady. "Shit!" His cock pulsated as he flinched, he was unprepared. He chuckled at your quirks. "Start. Your secrets depend here." He taunted.
Your dainty fingers wrapped around his cock got him reeling. You licked the tip of his cock, it's red and it feels burning. You slowly took him in your mouth as he puffed out muffled moans and grunts. He crossed his arms behind his head, " Wondering how your brother will react if he finds out that this precious little sister of his is doing something very very naughty behind his back." You took him whole in your mouth, gag reflex kicking in. "Fuck angel, you'll be the death of me." He huffed as he tightly closed his eyes. He's restraining himself to hold you, keeping his arms behind his head.
You continuously bobbed your head with your tongue occasionally wrapping around his cock. "You're quite skilled. Have you ever done this? You don't look and act innocent at all." His grin grew wider at the thought. You pulled away, shaking your head.
"N-never... But I f-fantasize over you." You admitted. The smug look on his face becomes heavier as he lets out a mocking laugh. "Look at you acting innocent and all. Yet you have a dirty little mind." The shit-eating grin on his face looks devilish. "My little slut." You tweaked at his words. Embarrassed at where you have put yourself into. "Now don't be shy and show me who you really are, kitten." The pet names he's been calling you, you can't react to it other than getting wet. You wanted to be degraded by him. You've wanted this for so long.
You continued giving him head, " shit, you are so dirty," his light laughs makes your heart flutter, and his degrading words make your pussy clench. He started thrusting carefully in your mouth when you started moaning, the vibrations giving him extra sensation. He holds your head to stay still as he started fucking your mouth, you could tell he does not care about hurting you but his thrust was controlled, holding you as if you'll break easily, just letting the tip of his cock kiss your precious throat. "Delicious. Fucking. Mouth." He grunts at every thrust. He stilled, your mouth overflowing with his white sticky cum.
He gently pulled you on his lap, "Did you just swallow it?" He asked, his stares at you were intense. You simply nodded "I did, am I good?" You were seeking validation amidst the forbidden thing you two have done. A playful smile shined on his face, "More than good, angel." He gently lays you on his chest, and you could feel his heart thumping as if it were about to burst out of his chest.
"Rest for a while, I'll wake you up before I leave." He said as his long fingers combed your smooth hair, he hugged you tight, pulling your blanket to cover the both of you.
He was in awe, how can you possibly sleep when it's still dangerous around you? He lays you on your bed, registering in his mind how you look. His hand travels around your body, lightly squeezing your neck as you gasp in your sleep. He pushed your shirt above your chest, scoffing at the sight, did you purposely not wear a bra the whole night he was here? He lightly pinches your nipple, rolling his fingers on it, making you squirm. His eyes traveled from your chest to your waist as he hovered above you.
His warm hands enveloped your tiny waist, smiling at how it first perfectly on his huge hand. His hands moved down, gently tugging your shorts off you. "What a little mess we have here." He mumbled, staring at how your panties stuck at your cunt. The baby blue piece of cloth was drenched with your slick. He moves it sideways, prodding his middle finger in your wet pussy. He touched you achingly slow, causing his cock to twitch inside his pants.
His hot tongue finally comes in contact with your cunt. He knows that you'll wake up anytime. "Wake up, pumpkin," he mumbles while lapping on your pussy. You grunt and squirm, feeling the uncomfortably extra wetness in your cunt. Your eyes fluttered open at Soobin eating you out. Your hands immediately clutched your mouth to refrain from being noisy. His tall nose kept on touching your clit, making it more sensitive. You clutched his blond locks, pulling him closer to your cunt as you chase your high.
"I-i'm gonna cum," you whispered, voice muffled as you were almost biting your hand. His two fingers entered you freely, pressing inside, finding your sweet spot. "Let me have a taste of you, kitten," he kept on lapping and pushing his fingers in and out of you, making you shudder and grip his hair tighter as you came on his tongue. Soobin gently sucked on your clit emitting soft whimpers from you.
He hovers above you once again, his veiny hands propped on both sides, his chest rising and falling, toned abs clenching. He pulled his wallet from his back pocket, bringing out a condom packet. He wraps his cock in one swift motion, as he prepares at your entrance. He penetrates slowly, grunting at how tight you feel on him, he covers your mouth, "Don't you make a noise-fuck, I'm warning you pumpkin." He stilled inside as you gasped for air, "Stay still, I won't move for a while," he muttered as he kissed your forehead.
The once dark and dead night is almost gone. The bluish color of the sky makes the surroundings a little bit easier to see. You two came to your senses when you heard a knock, then the rattling sound of the door knob. "Fuck!" You shout-whispered, pushing Soobin off of you. He pulled out, both of you immediately wincing at the pain.
"Y/n?" Your brother called you, you panicked as you stood against the door instead of lying down on your bed. "What the hell are you doing there?" Soobin's furrowed as he whispered enough for you to hear.
"Have you seen Soobin?" Your brother asked, you were about to answer when Soobin pinned you on the door.
"Hey, is everything fine? I heard a noise." The rattling sound of your doorknob can be heard once again.
You faked a yawn, "I-i'm good! I just fell from bed! Ouch!" You made your voice as sleepy and hurt as possible but ends up shaky. "You sure? Should I come in?" He asked. "No! No need! I'm fine! I'm good!" You panicked.
"W-what were you asking again?"
"I said if you saw Soobin? Or did he talk to you before leaving or something?"
You gasped when you felt something penetrate you once again.
"Fucking tight, pumpkin." Soobin was gripping your waist, penetrating you from behind. He covered your mouth.
"Y/n?" Your brother knocks again.
Your legs were wobbly, about to give up. "Answer him. But be careful, you don't want him to know, do you?" The grin of mockery is once again plastered on his face. He started thrusting in you. "Shit, what a dirty doll. Likes being taken from the back." He pinned you more on the door, no longer muffling your mouth, making you whine and whimper, you clenched on his cock.
"What the fuck? Are you turned on? Oh fuck, you're really dirty." Soobin whispered in your ear.
"Hey, y/n, if you don't answer I'm gonna break this door open." Your brother's voice is irritated.
"Answer him, doll." Soobin taunted.
"I... I did not see h-him.. mmhhh.. maybe..maybe he had gone h-home." Your voice ends up whiny. "Please s-stop banging the door, i-i'm... I'm gonna sleep some m-more.." you tried your best to answer your brother. Soobin smirked.
"Maybe he did go home, his things are in no sight. Well then, I'll just call him later, rest more, I'll go to my room my head is spinning." You heard the footsteps gone faint. That's when Soobin started thrusting a bit harder on you.
You clawed the door, face pressed on the cold wood. Taking every thrust he's giving you.
"Shit, such a dirty slut." Soobin has been gripping your waist for too long, that you're sure it will leave marks later on. You clenched at his words once again. He scoffed, "Wow, you really love being degraded?" His hand wrapped around your neck, squeezing it a little to restrain your lungs from acquiring oxygen. It makes you dizzy. Yet you love it. It makes you dizzy but you want him to cum inside you. It makes you dizzy but you crave for more.
"Good for nothing, cocksleeve." He keeps on pounding into you, bending you on the table near your door. You can't help but clench at his every word as he laughs lowly, enjoying what you two are sharing.
Your knees grew weaker. "Cum on my cock, I know you want it." He taunted. It was your last straw, "S-soobin.." you covered your mouth as you come undone, squirting all over his cock.
He bent down to your ear, licking your earlobe as he kept on pounding chasing his high once more. "Dirty. Fucking dirty. Fantasizing over her brother's best friend. Getting fucked and squirting on their cock." You wanted to cry at his words but it turns you on so much. He pulled out of you, discarding the condom and pumped his cock as he cums on your back.
He turned you around and kissed you, carrying you to the bed as he carefully laid you down. He picked up his discarded button-up shirt and wore it again.
"P-please don't tell him..." You tug at his shirt while he's buttoning it up.
"Your secrets are safe, my pretty slut." He saw how you melt at his words, he heard how you whine at his words. He pulled you for a kiss, a deep and passionate kiss. He removed something on his wrist and kissed your hand. His silver bracelet is now tied to yours, the cold metal kissing your skin makes you remember the heated moment you and Soobin shared.
You watch him peek outside your room as he steps out, tiptoeing to the front door.
@binniesbooks 2024
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lilacstro · 3 months
messages from someone(channeled messages pac)
hey, I wanted to post a pac for a while, so i did haha. It was hard to decide what topic should it be on, so i decided delivering messages from people who would want to come through, hoping it resonates
lmao all three piles were so different than one another, I enjoyed doing this tho. I hope you could resonate with this <3 leave suggestions and feedback in the comment or asks :) remember its a general reading and you dont have to take it if it doesnt feel right :) i love you :)
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decks used: cupid says oracle, biddy tarot deck
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pile 1 pile 2 pile 3
support me on ko-fi :)
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Pile 1
this doesnt seem to be a romantic pile specifically, feels like someone who you felt like family with, a sister, a female best friend or mother coming through, did they betray you in some way? doing something behind your back to pull you down, maybe criticizing something you wanted do or create. someone who could have cut you off or blown up on you for putting your side of feelings forward, some kind of argument could have occurred too. could be someone who thought you are doing to well, or, going after what you want, was too ambitious or man like? could be jealousy infact. Could be that they didnt intend to do so maybe? maybe it was heat of the moment? take what resonates. I see them wanting to come forward and apologize so much. Someone who is ready to rebuild what was gone, and take things forward with you, especially apologizing and creating a new emotional start, probably meaning wanting to leave everything that has happened in the past, It is in their heart to give you an apology, they might even have nightmares about it, they know they have to do it sooner or later and they have this realization. They want to take a quick-impulsive action too. They just know they have to do it. If its been a while, this person seems ready to come forward very soon.
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channeled messages: I am confused this isnt a phase it still hurts i love you more take a leap its getting very dark and cloudy as i am reading this pile.
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Pile 2
awww this feels like someone who has a crush on you. I was feeling very anxious while reading this pile trying to make meaning out of the cards even before they fell out or the spread was complete. So they might be overthinking everything(thats so cute) Also, as soon as i finished laying this deck down, the sun came back again lol.
This feels someone who you are either dating or wants to date you. Some possible scenarios I am getting are (since this is a general reading) being in an online/long distance connection or you might have not met this person yet, or atleast even if you know them they definitely seem at a little distance from you, even emotionally. Could also be cultural differences.
This person feels like someone who is walking away from something in their life. Going into the unknown, starting something new. Apart from this, they definitely want to start something with you, slowly even if its small, I see confidence issues here, feeling of not being good enough. This person wants to give you queen treatment pile 2 , but i feel they have this subconscious belief of wanting to be better, to be able to provide for you and give you what you deserve. Some of them might also be thinking what other people might think, they just dont want you to suffer with them in any way, they want the best for you before they can come forward to you. Financial stability is major here, maybe you or them have experiences or wounds around it. This person definitely is giving this a lot of time and serious thought
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Channeled messages: I think about us a lot Make me believe(yeah man ig you need to because this person is very hard on themselves for even if they deserve you) I am yours the time is now
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Pile 3
Ok so this feels like someone who has unfinished business with you, This screams to be a ex lover but could be a situationship/toxic old friend. Someone who is up at night thinking about how they couldnt give you what you deserved, not realising they slept on their chance to do that. I see it is someone you had a lot of love for, maybe you expected that the love was reciprocated but it rather caused you some kind of heartbreak. Some possible scenarios coming through are someone who probably left you without explanations, making you rely on other people for help or information, or someone who acted on what their friends or family told them to do instead or someone that caused you some kind of shame in front of people, making you some kind of "gossip topic" in the end. It could even be that you or them heard something from other people that could have caused trouble. Number 3 might be significant to someone, it was coming up a lot. Third party? 3 friends? 3 chances? March? could be, but its a general reading so take what you only believe could be confirmation
This ending could have been very fast and hurried and unexpected as well. It could be that this person chose you over thrill and enjoyment in their life, OR they were over committed to two things at once, both of which needed their time and passion. They were struggling to create a balance is what I see. This person has so much to say to you its insane, they think and reflect on this a lot. But I see this person isn't ready to take the fight as such, they have so much to say to you, so much apology for not being able to give this what it deserved, yet they are afraid of coming forward and saying what they have to, They keep on thinking and wishing, I wish I could, not realizing they are literally sleeping on their chance to do so. What a weird person lol
However what I see is this person making a choice, and a plan, to do something. I wonder how fast is that going to be because i see so much pain and doubt in this person, they don't really feel that you would take this. But I still see them contemplating and making some plan. Could be you have gone through similar some cycles with this person. You could have been hurt yet compassionate to this person it seems yet very uproar and mad and visibly upset about it (understandable tbh) In such readings I am adamant to say that they love you, because this absolutely isnt love imo, Its called guilt tripping and gaslighting but your situation might be diff. However if anyone loves you, they would not be so wishy washy and "oh I wish..." about it, They would just not want to lose you, even the second they knew or even had a realization. These kinds people irk me tbh. They do miss you a lot (more like seems the fun with you but whatever) though and do hope for a second chance. They somehow even find you even more attractive/addictive and dont seem to be over of what has went down yet.
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Channeled messages: I want you you are incredible do you know that what do you want from me i can help it i feel so guilty lets go on an adventure have I been here before? feels like deja vu we need to talk
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leclercsluvs · 5 months
CL16 | Already Over | smau
part 3 | masterlist
an: this will include sort of cheating (not really sure what to classify it as), and for that i am going to be using pics of charles and alex, however do i see any alex hate you are blocked or something, thank you very much) fc: sabrina carpenter pairing: charles leclerc x fem!reader ib: vicious by @azulpitlane and the album 'emails i can't send' by sabrina carpenter
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liked by scuderiaferrari, carlossainz55 and 1.503.666 others charles_leclerc nice weekend! i'm happy with my results, and glad to finally introduce you to my girl <3 tagged: scuderiaferrari, carlossainz55
danielricciardo mate what?
carlossainz55 i literally saw her like once
lecworld oop the tea is being spilled
pierregasly great job this weekend! (very unimpressed i find out about your relationship through insta, i'm hurt)
landonorris what's her name again?
alex_albon wow you almost cut me out
charles_leclerc sorry mate i needed to fit in carlos carlossainz55 i do look amazing in that photo
y/nswrld damn the drivers did not hold back
ricsbestglam ikrrr??? like whats going onnnn?? i need the teaaa lecs.aep riiiight?? it's a neeeed
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liked by lecslvr, sharl.aep and 693 others f1wagsupdates charles new girlfriend spotted at the race! she looks so pretty, yet we haven't been able to find out what her name is tagged: charles_leclerc
lecslvr oh my goddd she's gorgeous
leclercs.aep she looks a lot like someone i've seen around in paris. i think she goes to one of the art schools there, i think her name is alexandra or something like that
f1girl1644 we must DIG and find her! charles_lechair or maybe theres a reason charles hasn't told anyone her @ like maybe she likes that people can't stalk her account and point out every flaw
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liked by danielricciardo, yourbff and 2.562.827 others yourusername give me a second to forget i ever really meant it 🫨 fast times out now! music video out in a few days. hope you enjoy it (the dark hair is just a wig, i didn't dye my hair for a mv)
y/nsworld NEW MUSICC???
y/n.aep omg totally in love with this song!
scfty/n oh so they're like over over??
lecslvr i guess 😭 charles was literally seen kissing a girl and posting her on his ig
norris.aep oh is this going to be an album? about CHARLES??
lqvey/n omg i HOPEEE
danielricciardo so proud of you!
yourusername thank uuuu
carlossainz55 very nice song!
yourusername 🥰
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liked by danielricciardo, milomanheim and 3.413.034 others yourusername feather is out now!! thank you to everyone who's supported me, and a big thanks to milo for agreeing to be the guy in the elevator 💔 anyway here's a few sneak peaks for the music video, personally my fav, out october 31st!! tagged: milomanheim
y/nsb1tch ohhh who did you blockkk?
yourfriend so you finally listened?
yourusername well i suppose someone knocked some sense into me yourbff happy to be of help 🫡 yoursister girl you should have listened from the beginning. he was BAD NEWS yourfriend we've been telling her!! yoursister did i tell how he responded when she was in that accident? yourbff uhm no??! do spill!!! yoursister TO THE GROUPCHAT yourusername oh lord....
milomanheim thanks for giving me this opportunity. never been in a music video and i did enjoy being the guy in the elevator. even if i didn't get that happy ending
yourusername we'll work together again sometime, and you'll get your happy ending 🙃
luvmilo UHMM WHAT?? okay but like he's gonna eat that role up no matter what it is
leclercssupportsystem okay but why does that guy lowkey look a bit like charles??? i fear 'guy in the elevator' and 'not happy ending' is not good LMAO did she kill him in the mv or something?
yourusername 👀
danielricciardo proud to have been an inspiration 😌
yourusername inspiration and inspiration 🤷‍♀️ sure we were texting when the idea came, but you didn't contribute much :) carlossainz55 she owned you mate danielricciardo now that's just rude :(( yourusername sorry. thanks for the amazing inspiration daniel 🫶 landonorris did you get a sneak peak of it too? maxverstappen1 only a sneak peak? i got the whole song like a week ago 🤷‍♂️ pierregasly you guys got to hear it? kevinmagnussen you guys knew about it?
lcvssjeed some of the drivers being in the comments is making my heart super happy
y/nsvfx no because same! maybe we’ll see her back in the paddock again? 👀 yourusername: wouldn’t wanna miss lando get his first win 😉 vspxcharles OMG OMG OMG SHE REPLIED
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liked by charles_leclerc, carlossainz55 and 1.329.082 others scuderiaferrari a nice 1-2 this weekend! happy to see charles on top of that podium again! tagged: charles_leclerc, carlosssainz55
charles_leclerc felt good to be back on top!
carlossainz55 such a good weekend! can't wait for more
leclerswings hes such and angel! 😇
lecsgirl so we just decided to ignore that he supposedly cheated on y/n??
leclerc16 CHARLES P1!!! congratssss
char.aeps so once he drops y/n he starts performing great again? do we think she was the reason he couldn't perform?
angelic.y/n don't you dare try and put the blame on my baby angel! char.aeps she's not so innocent tho 💀 angelic.y/n what's that supposed to mean? was she the one running around being all flirty with two people at once? didn't think so
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liked by landonorris, yourbff and 2.562.827 others yourusername vicious out now! happy i was able to perform it at coachella! such an experience!
danielricciardo wow you never fail to amaze!
maxverstappen1 is this about a certain person we all collectively don't like?
yourusername perhaps 🤭 maxverstappen1 good to know landonorris may i ask, why you have not done something about it? maxverstappen1 what do you want me to do? pierregasly push him off the track. take revenge for 2012 maxverstappen1 do not remind me of that or i'll push YOU off the track.
carlossainz55 amazing!
y/ncore the drivers being so supportive even tho it's about charles treating y/n like shit is my roman empire
lestappenlvr love how she tries and makes it seem like charles was the bad guy 🙄
y/n.vsp maybe because he was the bad guy? lestappenlvr and how would you know?? y/n.vsp i dont, but hearing these songs, idk i dont think we should jump to any conclusions since we don't have the full story, but we all saw charles running around with that "alexandra" girl while he was definitely still with y/n lestappenlvr well if you dont know why are you speaking about it?? y/n.vsp y'know i could ask you the same thing.
leclercs.aep maybe she should have kept her legs closed lmao
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liked by yourfriend, yourbff and 2.562.827 others yourusername i wish we stayed just like we were up there </3
yourbff we should hang out soon!
yourusername uhm yes! yourfriend i better be invited! yourusername duh!! danielricciardo can i have an invite too? yourbff depends are you like *that guy*? danielricciardo uhh never 🫠 yourusername you can be there :))
y/nsangel aww how cute (who is she talking about?)
scfty/n probably charles? y/nsangel who? scfty/n charles_leclerc they used to date a little while ago, but it's suspected he cheated on her
scfty/n literally in love with her
y/nswrld who isnt?
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liked by charles_leclerc, leclercsbae and 729.362 others scuderiaferrari hoping for another 1-2 finish this weekend! tagged: charles_leclerc, carlossainz55
leclercsbae charles looks so gooooood!!
charles_leclerc definitely going to try!!
carlossainz55 better hope for a P2, i’m going for that top step 💪 charles_leclerc keep dreaming mate, i’m taking that P1 yourusername oh so you do know how to reply?? angelic.y/n oop the tea clfan girl what are you doing here? you're not with him anymore y/n.video they might not be, but her and carlos seems to be friends, so it makes sense shes still following ferrari chili55 i’ve never seen them interact? luvy/n he’s been really supportive of her music, commenting on her post and using her songs on his story
maxv3rs1appen_ i doubt it. with max and red bull being strong you should be lucky to get P3
norris.vfx nahhh lando is gonna get his win this weekend (let me be delulu i need it)
yourusername we're rooting for him 💪
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liked by charles_leclerc, yourbff and 3.927.175 others yourusername thank you to everyone who's been with me through this journey. i'm happy to finally be back on tour, emails i can't send has been out for a few days, i hope you like this album i've been working on. i will not be naming any names, but if a song is about you, you probably know 😉
yourbff SO HAPPY YOU'RE BACKKK (i better get tickets>:(!!)
yourusername i guess you'll have to buy them then 🤷‍♀️
video.y/n okay so i went to one of the first concerts of the tour AND SOME OF THE DRIVERS WERE THERE 🥹
angelic.y/n waittt you have to tell which ones!! video.y/n well carlos, daniel, lando, pierre, max, george, lewis, kevin, alex and logan all stood together (so i assume they went together???) leclercsluv no way!! i went to! i actually saw a certain charles in the crowd and i was pretty shocked
danielricciardo one of the best concerts i've been to
maxverstappen1 usually i don't go to concerts, but i'd go to y/n's again in a heartbeat danielricciardo ofc you would ;) landonorris now what is that supposed to mean daniel??? 🤨 danielricciardo 🤐 yourusername thank you all for being there 🥰 it meant a lot to me 🫶 danielricciardo especially max 👀 alex_albon daniel behave 😑
lecslover charles lurking in the likes???
charles_leclerc i truly am sorry for what i did. do you think you'd ever be able to forgive me?
youbff no. yourfriend no. yoursister no. danielricciardo no. yourusername maybe with time. not right now tho. go take care of your new girl. you'll know when i'm ready.
okay so i'm actually a little sad that this is over. i really enjoyed writing this and making it. i'm sure i'll do something like it again at one point. if you have any requests for what you'd like for me to maybe do then don't hesitate to lmk! <3
part 4
tags: @exotic-iris13 @callsignwidow
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w2sarcher · 6 months
Hi lovie could you write an insta au where y/n is dating harry but she isn't famous (like not a youtuber or celeb just v lowkey) and maybe he has a priv account where he interacts w her post but one day he makes the mistake of liking and commenting on his main account and fans find it. Thank youuuu if you do this
aahhh love this idea of secret socials!!! hope you enjoy this. thank u for the anon <3333
private life | harry lewis
summary: y/n lives a private life with harry until one day he forgets to change his account and fans finds out about their relationship
face claim: fayegreenwoody
harry's finsta in the ig au : haroldinho , y/n's account is public <333
y/nslife posted a photo!
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liked by yourfriend1 & 340 others! y/nslife oui oui i'm in france
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yourfriend1 the only person that could suit mustard yellow ↳y/nslife too kind lovely xxx
yourfriend2 bonjouuur pretty girl ↳y/nslife merci my darling xxx
haroldinho mustard is my new favourite colour ↳y/nslife said no one ever....
sidemenupdates posted a photo!
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liked by w2slover & 19,203 others! sidemenupdates W2S pictured with a fan today in France!
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harrylewislover he is soooo fit omg
harryfan1 rare harry pic with a fan>>>
w2slover new sidemen vid in france????
sidemenlover123 apparently the fan said he was with some girl walking around paris ↳harryfan2 probs just an assistant or something
y/nslife posted a photo!
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liked by yourfriend1 & 321 others! y/nslife back to london life :(
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yourfriend1 never seen someone so excited to get on the tube ↳y/nslife just love public transport xxx
yourfriend2 omg back on the hot girl runs ↳y/nslife H has dragged me into doing 75 hard with him
haroldinho day 1 of 75 cmoooon legend ↳y/nslife i hate you btw ↳haroldinho you love me :)
y/nslife posted a photo!
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liked by yourfriend1 & 392 others! y/nslife bored waiting for the boyf to come pick me up
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yourfriend1 you beauty ↳y/nslife love you!!!
yourfriend2 if harry doesn't come pick u up i bloody will ↳y/nslife please do xxx
haroldinho so fit ↳y/nslife hurry up ↳haroldinho nearly there princess
y/nslife posted a photo!
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liked by yourfriend1 & 431 others! y/nslife birthday weekend away with my lover
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yourfriend1 happy birthday you legend xxx ↳y/nslife thank you!!!
yourfriend2 prettiest bday girl ever ↳y/nslife too kind!!!
wroetoshaw love you doll ↳y/nslife oh for fuck sakes harry wrong account ↳wroetoshaw i've had a stinker
w2sloveer omg wtf w2s commented???
harryfan1 no fucking way harry has a priv insta
w2ssidemenluv as if w2s has a girlfriend wtf since when
harryfan2 is this his girlfriend??? is this who people have said they saw him w in paris???
sidemenupdates does this mean all the boys have priv accounts???
sidemenupdates posted a photo!
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liked by w2slover and 25,204 others! sidemenupdates screenshot taken from y/nslife which shows harry commenting. w2s has a girlfriend confirmed. what do you guys think?
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harrylewislover omg omg omg
harryfan1 i can't believe it omg???
w2slover makes so much sense, this is the girl hes always seen with
sidemenlover123 they seem really cute ↳harryfan2 ikr i'm lowkey obsessed w seeing harry being simp
y/nslife posted a photo!
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liked by yourfriend1 & 331 others! y/nslife cheers harry, officially a private account now :)
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yourfriend1 lmao harry's in the dog house ↳y/nslife he's such an idiot
yourfriend2 hahha good luck getting out of this one @ wroetoshaw ↳y/nslife no sympathy for him
haroldinho sorry sorry sorry ↳y/nslife so now you wanna use the right account ↳haroldinho oh nelly
sidemenupdates posted a photo!
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liked by w2slover & 18,230 others! sidemenupdates screenshotted these off of y/n’s insta before she went private. Think they've been together for 4+ years from how far the pics go back! What do you guys think?
view all 1283 comments
w2slover surprised she stayed hidden for that long
harryfan2 how tf did noone know or even find his private account
sidemenlover she's really pretty
harryfan1 they seem really cute shame they don't post publically :(
harryfan5 give them their privacy guys xxx
harryfan6 so this is who he goes w on all those 'solo' trips he's talking about on side cast lmao
a/n: hope this was ok!!!! still working on my harry full length fic but couldn't help but do this cute little anon request. made this in 20 mins so hope its not too rushed xxx
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yandere-yearnings · 1 month
Know Me Like the Devil Knows My Sins (Loser!Yandere x GN!Reader)
feat. genie's loser yan
♡ oneshot, approx 1.5k words
♡ post-specific warnings: yandere themes, implied kidnapping, violence, strangulation, implied death
♡ a/n: thank you to @moyazaika for letting me write abt his oc, loser yan!! genie, if you read this, pls ignore the fact that my characterisation sucks ass. this was over 3k but i went back and cut out the waffle bc there was a lot of it lmao, so ig it's technically edited, but not proofread.
This basement was cold. 
Heated blankets and warm meals, however many times a day they were brought to you, didn’t change much. No windows or light for even a semblance of passing time, all you had was the annoying draft that skimmed through the door at the top of the staircase — the one you weren’t allowed near. You wouldn’t have been able to escape even if you wanted to, not with the chain around your ankle. For as free as he tried to make you feel, the heavy metal was a constant reminder that there was no liberty in his love, if it could even be called that.
You were waiting for his return, less because you wanted to and more because it was the only thing you could do other than read the books he’d given you. They were all your favourites, from the stories your mother used to read you as a child to the ones you’d pick up on your way home when you’d grown up. At first, you’d found the thoughtfulness of it endearing, feeling seen and understood and catered to. Somewhere, kept within his walls, you didn’t blame yourself for becoming as delusional as he was.
How could you enjoy anything anymore, with no one to share it with?
Each new day that passed, every page you would read and read again, only accomplished you in realising the loneliness that coiled around you. Second by second, growing larger than your life had been before this. Soon, your loved ones would stop looking for you. Soon, you’d be considered dead — and in death you would be all his. You knew that was what he wanted.
You had made yourself comfortable on the vulnerabilities he presented to you, in the way he shook when your fingers stroked his skin, his shudders at your calling his name. That was all too good to be true. If you had actual control in this, he’d have surrendered to you long ago. You’d been testing it. Playing mind games, pushing limits — he’d shut you down quick, then cover the shrewdness in his eyes with a bashful smile. You were no fool, and clearly he wasn’t either.
Your bitterness surmounted with the echoing of locks clicking open. There wasn’t a need for as many as he had placed to keep you here, you weren’t sure you could even run anymore. You hadn’t used your legs in so long. He’d surely catch you. He’d rip your throat out like he did in your nightmares. You had no faith you wouldn’t become another layer of red on the white paint surrounding. Perhaps you should’ve been thankful, if fear were to be a knife, he’d certainly dulled it for you — slinking in, shoulders slumped and looking as meek as ever. Really, from the first glance, he didn’t look like he could hurt a fly.
“Darling…” there was that tone, demure, like you could do anything to hurt him from your place on this filthy mattress, your place on the floor as he stood above you. Towering. This entire thing felt like a sick joke. You’d once considered there being a chance for you. Hope crumbled just like he did, to his knees to look into your eyes. “I missed you so much today, my love.”
You blinked at him. You knew where this was going.
“I mean- I miss you every day, don’t get me wrong!” Sheepish laughter, twitching fingers — all signs of his wanting your validation. “I just… I couldn’t stop thinking about you, not at all. Work has been so hard, and you’re the only thing I can look forward to truly and- and I really, really wanted to come back home quickly and ask if you’d...”
His sentence trailed off, and it took all you had to suppress the urge to roll your eyes. He wasn’t very creative, that much was obvious. You’d initially chalked it up to some cute sort of performance anxiety that he experienced because he wanted to come off as appealing to you. Now, it had begun to dawn on you that he was simply struggling to keep up the pathetics. As you curled your digits into his hair, as you tugged him closer and let him muffle his weak moan into your neck, you wondered why either of you were bothering anymore. No audience except for the earwigs that crawled about, no one who’d watch this stupid, repetitive show.
“I’ll hold you,” you whispered, tired enough that even your dishonesty could be mistaken as gentle. “I’ll hold your heart. Don’t worry. I know.”
You could feel his lips on your skin, chapped, scraping where he tried to formulate words. You were sure he too felt this warring between the both of you, this constant fight, teasing superiority, challenging who would take the reigns in this sombre dance. Bored out of your mind, anticipating when he’d get tired of you — but you were his infatuation so that could never happen.
“Not enough about me,” he breathed, “my sweetheart, my entire world, you wouldn’t know what I’ve done for you.” His hands dug into your waist where they rested, gripping flesh over fabric like it would give him warmth. It wouldn’t, because it was freezing in here.
“Won’t you tell me?”
Quiet laughter. “You’d be scared if I did.”
“I already am.” Your words made him pull away, made him peer at you with those eyes. You held his gaze. “I already am afraid of you. I already know who you are. Tell me anyway, since-”
“Since you love me.” He interrupted you, finished your sentence with words you had not been planning to utter. He didn’t say it tentatively enough; gave himself away with that and the severe expression on his face that his hair did not hide. It was a shame that now wasn’t one of your better days, lest you’d have heeded the silent warning.
“Since I can’t leave,” you corrected. No energy for even a single ounce of regret, none to even whimper at the violent pressure of his grip on your collarbones.
Sometimes, he’d come to you with blood caked under his fingernails. Sitting there like he was sinless, mouth running for hours about you in every way he could. All your likes and dislikes, all your habits, all your life — as if you didn’t know yourself. Again, those lips were moving, spitting at you like it could quell the anger you could see bubbling beneath the surface.
Your perfect person, he spilled descriptions like the ideals you once had were his intimate study, asking you why. Why wasn’t he enough even though he’s everything you’d ever wanted? When he’d made sure of it? Your chance to answer was taken by lithe fingers on your neck, but if you could, you’d have told him that at its core, it was just that every desire you had, looked like something disgusting on him.
“Sweetheart, this isn’t like you, c’mon,” his words came ringing, buzzing, an entire choir of metal scraping metal underwater, your world spinning and head pressed back into the mattress too fast to stop him from climbing on top of you, “don’t deny your feelings for me.”
Your eyes rolled back and his hold on you only loosened a fraction. Staring at the dark inside your own skull, gasping breaths through bruised tissue. You thought you heard knocking, and surely it’d be death at your door if you didn’t backtrack now, didn’t tell him what he wanted to hear, like you had been until you’d lost yourself in your own lies.
Survival instinct should’ve kicked in, but then sight and sound returned to you, and you accepted that you wouldn’t be the hero in your story. You’d get yourself killed, yet, how could you love a man that loomed over you with eyes on fire? He’d burn you up to make it through the winter, and find another once your ashes were blown away.
Even if it made you a villain, drowning in the blood pooling from your ears, you owed yourself your last rasp to him. “I hate you,” broken and choked on tears cutting through the numbness. Your nails clawing everywhere you could reach, on this bed of springs that felt nothing like the one you so desperately wanted to return to, you mourned all you were losing. 
Limbs going numb — salt — you’d never see home again.
When under constant observation, there’s only so much one can conceal about themselves. He knew that well. From the pictures of you in his gallery and the endless notes with your name repeated over and over and over — he’d chosen to obsess, and you were forced to, and you became his mirror the longer he kept you. Going mad, crazy, insane because his was the only face you could remember anymore.
You knew his moods from his scent and his needs from his touch, you knew him to the heart of the blank slate he’d always been, you knew him rooted carnally to you because it was the only thing grounding him. He hadn’t needed to tell you anything really, and you didn’t need to push. You knew him like the devil knew his sins.
And he’d take you to hell for it.
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psychesalcove · 3 months
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„ i took a little journey into the unknown, come back changed I can feel it in my bones
𝜗𝜚 luke castellan x gn reader
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synopsis ; headcanons for going on a quest with our favorite hermes boy, luke castellan!! (not possessed by kronos au!!)
requested: yes, by anon !!
⚠️: not proofread AT ALL, being on a demigod quest, being injured, stealing cars, luke being a lil mean but then apologizing, mentions of eating, joking an British ppl (if you're sensitive to that sorta stuff ig)
💬: thanks for the request babe!! I hope you enjoy — I added a bit of writing at the end that isn't headcanons bc i felt like it so I hope that's okay!! Love you!
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⚚ going on a quest with luke will for sure feel like a fever dream
⚚ he tries to act all tough and shit and then he'll randomly turn to you and be like: "I'm kinda scared just so you know"
⚚ he's such a dork omg 😭😭
⚚ BUT he's also really good at combat, so you don't have to worry as much about monsters getting to you when you're with him
⚚ he would probably hot wire a car so the 2 of you had a way of transportation besides walking
⚚ lukes also probably really good at talking with people and making them give him things (being a child of hermes and such)
⚚ he would also make sure beforehand that you had more than enough ambrosia and nectar,
⚚ "just to be safe" he says knowing dam (see what i did there) well he'll probably be the one getting hurt
⚚ also, if he didn't end up getting you guys a car, and you're on the side of the road, he will follow the sidewalk rule and make sure you're never by the road
⚚ I also feel like he would be really good at telling if people are monsters in disguise if he pays attention to them, so you can have a higher chance to avoid them
⚚ luke also def has moodswings of being extremely serious and making sure you are on track and being completely distracted by everything
⚚ if the two of you do come across a monster, he will not hesitate to kill it as long as your safe
⚚ and, if you do ever get hurt, either from a monster or something else, he'll turn into your parent 100%
⚚ "yknow how stupid that was of you to do? Did you like not think about what could happen to you or what could've happened? Do you just not think about that sort of stuff in your head?"
⚚ yeah my guy can be a bit rude
⚚ but lukes just expressing that he loves you and doesn't want anything to happen to you while you're out there
⚚ he would realize later that he was being a dick and would apologize: "I didn't mean what I said, just so yknow, I care about you. i don't want to see you do stupid things without thinking first."
⚚ if the two of you couldn't find a hotel or somewhere to sleep, he would happily give you his sleeping bag if you show any signs that you're cold -> and he would 100% give you his jacket if he noticed you were cold as well!!
⚚ it would probably just end up with the two of you cuddling though lmao
⚚ he's also probably really good at bandaging injuries because of all the times he's hurt himself while training
⚚ so when you do get hurt, he'll bandage it for you (not as good as a child of apollo, but it's the thought that counts)
⚚ I mentioned this in another post, but I feel like luke would absolutely suck at reading or trying to understand any type of map, so do not rely on him for that
⚚ he'll look at the map for a good 10 minutes and then point in a direction saying that's where you need to go and it's the way you just came
⚚ luke: "love, I think that I found the way to the nearest gas station" and you look and where he's saying and you're like: "hon, you know that way is just thick woods for miles, right?"
⚚ and then he'll roll his eyes and get all sassy that he was wrong about it
⚚ jokingly of course
⚚ let's say you hurt your arm or something like that,
⚚ luke will gladly tie your hair up (if it's long enough) or brush it for you if it makes it easier
⚚ like the gentleman he is
⚚ he would also make sure that you got enough food, and will even give you his food if he notices that you're still hungry
⚚ if you guys were far enough from any cities at night, you two will definitely stargaze
⚚ I feel like luke would secretly be such a nerd about space, so he'll start pointing out different constellations, stars, and planets you guys can see
⚚ he'll also be really smart with the money you guys have,and I feel like him being one of the older campers let's him have that maturity over the other campers
the dimly lit diner casted a yellow glow across both yours and lukes face as you took your seat at a booth. you and like had been on the quest for around a week now, and so far, nothing extreme had happened.
it was a simple quest after all, just retrieving an item that iris had lost. the quest had taken you to a more unpopulated town surrounded by woods. being in a less populated area had its drawbacks, but it also had good qualities.
monsters would be more common and would be able to find you and luke easier, but less mortals saw you two; which meant less police reports and not being a fugitive–which is something both of you were trying to avoid.
"so what do you think you'll get?" luke asked you, snapping you out of your thoughts. he had already looked through the worn down menu, you figured, looking at how it was neatly placed back down on the table and unopened.
"probably just some waffles and hot chocolate," you said, briefly scanning the menu in your hands seeing what was available. luke nodded. "how about you,?" you asked, putting down the menu.
"a burger and some hot tea," he said. you snorted at his response.
"you gonna start speaking in a english accent when you get that tea?" you said jokingly, smiling lightly when you saw him roll his eyes playfully at your statement.
"oh definitely, going to fully embrace that part of me with some tea," he said, continuing the joke. "but, on another note, how do you think we go about handling where to go next?" he asked, motioning his head twords your bag where the map was held: as luke wasn't trusted with it anymore.
"how about we talk about that when my stomach doesn't feel like it's going shrink and die," you said as a waiter; who was probably in her 80s, headed twords your booth.
𖹭 song from title: meet me in the woods – lord Huron 𖹭
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mxnhoo · 2 months
like it (h. hj) preview
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"a no-label relationship, how thrilling can it get?" ׂ╰➤ hwang hyunjin x reader (ft jay and jungwon from enhypen, more to be added) genre : angst, toxic relationship, toxic (must emphasise this part) LAWL, aruging crying kissing in the rain (we love to see it), reader enjoys photography, more to be added! w/c : ~~ 8-10k+ warnings : toxic relationships (ig), arguments, manipulative, aggressive kissing (gasp!), more kissing than i usually write (I HOPE I DID OKAY FOR THE KISSING SCENES), hyunjin is possessive, hyunjin invades reader's privacy, hyunjin takes things without permission, more to be added! release date : early-mid august? (a/n under cut!)
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a/n : skz recently came back with ate and i've been absolutely OBSESSED with 'i like it'. i've also been on a massive writer's block for the past month and what better way to get over it than by writing a story inspired by my favourite song! i hope that i don't lose motivation writing this but so far it's been going well, i have 5k words in so far. PLUS this would be my first skz fic since i usually post enhy fics, so i hope my followers are okay with it! (if you don't stan skz already this is your sign ( ͡◉ ͜ʖ ͡◉)) hope ya'll look forward to this!
and idk if people would actually want but if you wanna be in the taglist then lmk! (minus aura if nobody asks LMAO)
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transmascaraa · 3 months
I’m submitting another request right after my last one was published, but I have no complaints
Since I found out you write for Danganronpa, I wanted to ask for headcanons where/how different male characters would react if the reader gave them different forms of affection (hugs from behind, kisses, etc.) while [character] and reader are early in a relationship.
The specific characters I am requesting are Rantaro Amami, Shuichi Saihara, Hajime Hinata, Makoto Naegi, and any other characters you feel like writing for!
Thank you, Nyx!! 💖
(I wonder if I’m the first DR headcanon request 👀)
multiple characters headcannons!
characters: rantaro, shuichi, hajime, makoto x gn!reader
author's note: YUPPPP YOU'RE THE FIRST DGR REQUEST^^(idk how many of you guys will even read it but i hope you like it if you do i suppose) so like i've been busy for the last few days blah blah blah finally done with elementary school therefore sorry for the lack of posts😭 but hopefully i'll finish these reqs asap lol i've kinda missed writing(a bit ig??) either way enjoy lmao(lmk if it's ooc at all btw)
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✿ Rantaro
-he LOVES when you're affectionate
-a LOT
-and I MEAN IT.
-he thinks it's adorable when you show him physical affection, especially while you shower him compliments and all
-like literally he adores it all
-if it's kissing, he'll kiss you just as much in return
-if you wanna cuddle, he'll cuddle with you for however long you want
-if it's random hugs, he's gonna hug you when he gets the chance
-he doesn't show it DRASTICALLY or DRAMATICALLY in public or anything he just likes it wholesome
-also i think he's also into quality time probably since he thinks it "strengthens" the relationship
♡ Shuichi
-alright he's probably my fave from v3(also a huge lover of miu and kaede— and kiibo)
-so he's not into pda at all bffr
-and like at first he's pretty surprised when receiving such affection from you
-both surprised and flustered
-so he's kinda gonna have to get used to it if he wants to be in a relationship with you
-aka someone who is really physically affectionate.
-PLEASE compliment him
-he'll compliment you back dw js let him regain himself after whatever you told him
-deep down he absolutely loves it when you hug him/ask him to cuddle or smthn
-kissing him is his weak spot definitely
-just a small peck on his lips and he's freaking out inside
✧ Hajime
-i feel like he'd also really like it but not in the same way as rantaro
-yes he'd pay you back for all of it but i still feel like he wouldn't like to show it in public AT ALL
-and if you did he would just kinda get flustered and quietly scold you "what if other people see us??!!?!?!!!??!?!!?"
-tell him to chill cuz his "scolding" won't stop you
-but definitely, when you're home alone, he's almost as affectionate towards you
-he WILL buy you something that you really want cuz he isn't an EXPERT at showing it in the same way
-not saying he's bad at it, he's just not professional in it.
-but definitely, after some time in a relationship with you, he gets used to it and SPECIFICALLY ONLY showers you with affection and compliments AT HOME
-so good luck with him ig (for some reason i can't imagine him being extremely affectionate or smthn)
⑅ Makoto
-ooh okay so likeeee
-he adores it when you're affectionate as well
-because he's affectionate towards you too^^
-unlike the last 2, he's kinda like rantaro when it comes to pda
-sure ofc js nothing too much
-but while at home DEFINITELY be ready to receive the same amount of affection in return
-cuz he's happy when you're happy and all
-has probably tried to rant to byakuya about you but it was the first and last time ever
-anyways, even throughout building the relationship, he's still the same
-he just loves it when you two cuddle or hug, especially kiss
-absolutely loves kisses before either him or you go out somewhere
-recommended imo tbh it's nice
idk it's not too bad if you ask me(don't ask me)
feels nice writing something again(hoping to get his by a truck of motivation these days)
| @run-dennys-is-on-fire | @mariaace <3
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aizenette · 2 months
Hey Ettelyn, I hope you're having a good day/night!
So I finished reading the novel, 'The Captor And Captive's Liberation Of Muken' and I really loved it, especially how direct yet refreshing the writing was and I liked how it was formatted the same way as the CFYOW novels. I'm glad the novel is post-canon and really fleshed out the canon details (especially how it mentioned Kyoraku had the main Muken key sealed in his heart like in the manga but it was revealed he extracted it so he could give it to Tanisha in the novel) so it felt as if it was an actual continuation of canon. Aizen's portrayal in the novel was also very characteristic and I really enjoyed his dynamic with Tanisha, so when she liberated him from Muken and they eloped, it felt like they were a canon ship. Ik the novel is not officially licensed or endorsed by Kubo-Sensei but it could be interpreted as semi-canon!
Here is what Chatgpt says about this matter:
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So ig we could consider AiTani semi-canon? Lol I'd love for that to happen 🤣
See ya!
Heyy Grimm, srry I couldn't reply sooner. I really love your take on the tcaclom novel and I find myself agreeing with you about AiTani and what it means for a ship to be semi-canon. It also seems as if chatgpt is on our side so it's a win-win lmao.
I also interpret AiTani and the tcaclom novel as semi-canon because the novel quite literally a continuation of post-canon events concerning Aizen as seen in the animanga. Based on chatgpt's answer, we can call the novel semi-canon because it even expands on the story and provides a narrative that does not contradict the established canon.
AiTani for life. Periodt.
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