#hopefully i did 6's expression justice
redbean-nom · 4 months
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(aka trash children, chaos children, and children who understand 98 is getting graded on this)
Inspired by @thefoundationproject! Closeups under the cut:
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jesse got this pic from jangotat:
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n3xii · 10 months
why you're an icon (pac)
maybe a year ago i started (but did not finish) a series where I did posts describing why you're an icon. Today I plan on continuing that- this reading will describe why people are drawn to you and what they love most about you. today's muse is Fairouz, also spelled Fayrouz, Fairuz in English. Her name in Lebanese (hopefully pls correct if mistranslated <3) :  فيروز, check out my services if you're interested in a personal reading : services
Fairouz is one of the most famous Lebanese singers and is considered today to be a major icon in the Arab world. Listening to her is my gateway to middle eastern music especially arabic pop in the 60's and 70's. One of my favorite things about her is the way she performed, according to her Wikipedia page she would be known to take a rigid, cold stance while performing. She claimed that the nature of her performances is because she is singing as if she were praying. a user on Pinterest called her the middle eastern lana del rey and i will never recover. anyways, select your pile and I will have a song by the queen for you to listen to.
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cards: king of cups, queen of wands, 6 of cups, mars in pisces
song: Fayek Ya Hawa
you're a captivating, magnetic person. You have a way of capturing your passion with a almost childlike wonder, you remind people of what it's like to be a kid again and to just love something from the bottom of your heart. You have an ability to channel complex emotions from such a poetic perspective, you have this ability to channel your inner child when it comes to what you're passionate about. you possess a borderline psychic ability to portray emotions especially though creativity, you communicate things in such a way that it just resonates with so many people.
with the mars in Pisces card, this tells me that you are someone dedicated to understanding, empathizing and connecting with people. you have an unlimited range of creativity and a very developed imagination. you have such a way of wanting to help people feel understood, you're strongly motivated to act based on how you feel and as well as how other people feel. this motivation may even be self sacrificing at times. people love that you have a boundless sense of empathy. you dont withhold sympathy for anyone, you have the capability to connect with people regardless of who they are or how far they are from you.
your cards- mars in leo, the emperor, two of swords
song: Sayyef ya sayf
you carry of confidence that demands power. You make decisions with certainty that regardless of what you do, you will always end up exactly where you need to be. People love that you're not the type to listen to other people, you drown out the voices of people trying to distract you and challenge the inner strength you have.
You have the tendency to take over and lead, and even if you arent aware of it, you influence people around you. the influence you have over the people in your life cannot be understated. you thrive when you are able to direct others. in fact you presence and personality type may be ''overbearing'' for some people, you're just not the type to shy away from expressing yourself and taking the lead. to some that may be perceived as confrontational and overpowering but many people actually love that you weren't born to be a follower.
people like you just know how to get things done. you excel at everything you do and take pride in your work. people love your ''ego'' and confidence. you're not afraid to overshine people. besides, its not your fault that people dim their own light.
your cards: mars in taurus, page of cups and justice
song: Saalouny el nas
first of all, this pile has a clear foundation of right and wrong and you're willing to stand on that no matter what. people love that you're almost stubborn about what you believe. you're willing to go and fight for it and defend yourself against anyone.
but at the same time, this pile is very emotional and sensitive. your morals come straight from your heart. You're raw and vulnerable and you're willing to protect your heart more than anything else in this world. Sensitivity is seen as a weakness, but for you its your number one strength. its the quality that makes you willing to fend for yourself and other people. I knew someone like this in real life- upon first meeting her you might assume she was intimidating, scary, and even mean. but i watched this girl be brought to tears at the sound of a baby crying, I watched her fight against people who were stealing, I watched her loose her temper over anything that she felt disrespected her and her friends. By no means was she considered weak; she was vulnerable about what upset her, she was vulnerable about her mental health issues, and that made her strong and intimidating to people. it made me respect her more than anyone in my life. if you fucked with her, you were the one who ended up suffering. that's who this pile reminds me of.
I also feel that this pile is strongly motivated by their taste in fashion and luxury, people love your taste and its one of the things they remember about you.
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little bean - em x fem!reader
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This is my submission to @oneforthemunny​‘s summertime writing game. I chose to do a wildcard 🃏 submission for cowboy eddie and sweet girl. I hope I did them justice and that everyone enjoys this sweet little story about dad!cowboy!eddie as much as I enjoyed writing it. 
Pairing: Dad!Cowboy!Eddie Munson x Sweet Girl!Reader
@oneforthemunny​ @munsonology
Warnings: talk of pregnancy, reader being called little mama, afab reader, brief mention of car accident. please let me know if I’ve missed anything and I’ll update my list. (This isn’t edited. hopefully it’s all good. Enjoy!)
A/N: this is heavily inspired by personal experience with one of those ride and spring ponies that my sister and i had growing up. all header pictures are from pinterest, credit to the og owners of the photos. graphics by @firefly-graphics​
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“Can you please uncover my eyes now?” you plead with your fiance as he guides you outside to see his latest surprise. You and Eddie had never really talked about having kids, always considering the many farm animals that you’d convinced him to adopt over the years as your pseudo-children. So when you’d found out that you were pregnant after a fender-bender, you and Eddie had the realization that you both wanted this little bean to be a part of your life. 
This brings you to now, 6 months into your pregnancy. The morning sickness had wrecked you for a while and your cravings had been intense and random. Pickles and peanut butter, sardines and fiddleheads, copious amounts of cheese doodles. But Eddie had taken everything in stride, making the 20 plus minute drive into town to hit the only 24 hour mini mart in the area whenever the urge for a midnight milkshake struck you. He’d truly been a saint, he’d always been good to you, treated you like a princess, but seeing you round with his child had unleashed another side of him, one that was incredibly tender. Without hesitation the two of you had decided to be surprised when the baby came, knowing that no matter what you had, it wouldn’t change the fact that you two were going to spoil, cherish and raise your little bean to be a kind person.  
“Just be patient for a second more, little mama. I don’t wanna spoil the surprise just yet,” he murmured, a grin evident in his voice. 
You huffed in fake annoyance, crossing your arms after the screen door, thwapped shut behind the two of you. 
“Alright, ready?” 
“Yes, Eds! The suspense is killing me!” you squeak, bringing your hands up to grab at your man’s calloused hands where they rested over your eyes. 
He chuckles as he lets his hands be pulled from your eyes. You blink a few times to adjust your vision before taking in his latest surprise. In your silence, your feel him lace his fingers with yours as you feel the familiar burn of tears in your eyes. 
“I know little bean won’t be able to use it for a while after they’ve made their grand entrance, but it was the last one in the store and sweet girl, I just couldn’t resist.”
You turn and kiss him softly. “It’s perfect, I love it.”
Sitting on the front porch is a ride and spring horse, almost identical to the one that you’d described to Eddie. You’d been telling him how, despite being a city girl, had spent many of your earliest summers of childhood at your grandparents. They lived in the countryside in a big white farmhouse style house.  Your grandfather was always a fan of black and white westerns, so you’d watched more than your fair share while your granny took her afternoon nap. You’d expressed to Eddie that those were some of your favorite childhood memories, especially when you’d arrived one day to find a beautiful chestnut colored ride and spring pony on your grandparents front lawn. The image of his sweet girl as child with little pigtails and her grandfather’s cowboy hat slipping down over her eyes as she bounced away the afternoon on that horse had made his heart clench. 
“Really? It isn’t too much? I know that I’ve been spoiling little bean and they ain’t even arrived yet but…”
You cut him off with a sweet kiss, cupping the back of his neck with your free hand and pouring your love and appreciation into the kiss. “It’s perfect,” you repeat as your lips part and he breaks into a grin as you bump your nose against his affectionately. “Thank you, for the horse and for taking care of me and bean. Thank you for listening to me and remembering those little details I shared with you.”
He grins wider, eyes crinkling with it. “It’s my pleasure, sweet girl. You two are my whole world.”
You grin at him, “You forgot about Medusa, can’t have her feeling left out now.” 
He chuckles and rolls his eyes at you, “Well, you’re right about that, sweet girl.”
You kiss him again. “Always am, aren’t I?”
He rolls his eyes, “I’ll give you most of the time, little mama.”
You smirk up at him, “I’ll take it. Now come on and show me what else you got.”
He furrows his brow at you, “What are you talking about?”
“I just know you didn’t leave the store with just that toy, lay it on me, what else did you get?” 
He sighs, “You know me far too well, sweet girl.”
“It’s because I love ya handsome, now show me the goods.”
He chuckles as you settle on the porch swing he’d installed for you when you’d first moved in with him. “I’ll get the bag.”
You giggle and kick your feet up resting your hands on your bump, stroking your thumb over it tenderly as Eddie ran to the pick up to grab the rest of his haul. As you watched him go through everything that he picked up for your future child, you knew that there was no way that you would wanna do this with anyone but your Eddie. 
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(Read more sacrifice)
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letters-from-eros · 4 years
Okay but like how about sakusa and kuroo with a tall s/o??? Like around (6'ft or sth because i lowkey feel left out lol) ,,,,,-all the love💜.
A/N: Yes! I'm sorry the whole short S/O thing is so overplayed to the point where u feel left out! Hopefully I can give my tall pples some justice
Pairings: Sakusa Kiyoomi, Kuroo Tetsurou x GN!Reader
Form: Headcanon.
Warnings: I cursed like once.
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He can't really.. call you chibi-chan.. like he oh so desperately wants to...
His arm is like constantly wrapped around your shoulder because its easier to do that with someone that's the same height as him.
If you play sports cause you're tall he supports you and goes to your games if he y'know doesn't have a game/practice himself. If Kuroo can get by in the sport he'll help you whenever you ask
(And if its volleyball, you guys are helping each other out and its a lot of fun).
Presses his forehead against yours a lot
And forehead kisses. That's one of his favorite place to kiss you.
If you ever get bullied because of your height Kuroo will of course, roast them using big science words.
Like did you not get enough of *this nutrient* since you're so short.
Mans a geek and your height doesn't change that lmao.
Being tall comes with stretch marks more often than not, and Kuroo does not even bat an eye to them
He really couldn't care less, this is mr. Science man here. He knows its a natural thing bound to happen when you get tall, he might have a couple himself.
Makes sure you're having enough calories to sustain your height and all that. He's the kind of guy to check up on how much water you've been drinking so it's no surprise he's a little concerned about your diet.
(Not in an overbearing way, though)
Roast Yaku with him please.
Honestly you two might just pick up Yaku... Kuroo grabs his arms and you get his legs while he just yells.
Kuroo doesn't swing around though, you guys do it to just make Yaku mildly upset and place him at a different spot than where he was.
Help him put Kenma's PSP, gameboy, or phone at high places where Kenma can't reach
And watch Kozume go feral
Anyway, he hugs you from behind a lot and rests his head on your shoulder.
Kuroo is a fantastic hugger and you can't convince me otherwise. He'll make you feel extremely safe and protected all by just wrapping his arms around you.
Kuroo didn't really particularly care that you were indeed tall, but he couldn't help but like it to hold you. You were a teddy bear just the size of him, what's there not to like.
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You still get Sakusa headpats don't worry
Hug him from behind and watch him squirm lmao
But he he grows to love getting hugged from behind though!! Shockingly enough.
He's touched starved and he eases his way into being able to be held by you. So it definitely becomes a thing he expects out of you once he starts liking it lol
So much eye contact!! If its not something you're good at giving that's alright with him, but he's still gonna be looking into your eyes.
Idk it just seems like one of his quirks to me
If you play a sport, he's gonna support you. I doubt Sakusa actually particularly likes sports asides from volleyball; so, he might not be that prone to play anything else with you
If you do play volleyball he'll help you practice every now and again, he doesn't see why not since its beneficial for both himself and you.
But even if you play a sport he doesn't enjoy, Sakusa doesn't miss any of your games if it doesn't conflict with his schedule.
He's not hard to pick out in the stands, he's sitting as far away from everyone else as he can. Also if he says he's gonna be there, he gonna be there. The last thing Omi is is a liar and promise breaker.
(This translates to general plans as well. For Sakusa to not live up to his word a catastrophe must've occured)
Really couldn't give a single fuck about any stretch marks.. Like he's so indifferent about them you can question if he even knows they're there.
Oh my god, he whispers a lot into your ear so much.
Like small things when you two are in crowded areas. Like you're gonna be confused if it's sexy or not because it'll just be pretty mundane things.
You know the one
The one he gives to the "unclean"
Its honestly golden. The expression he makes will make you instantly forget what the short-stack said to you.
Anyway, he rests his head in the crook of your neck/shoulder to look at whatever you're doing
You're the only person he lets into his personal space, don't let that go to waste.
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untitledtheunknown · 3 years
Not saying you have no reason to feel "bleh", sometimes the brain just insists, but there is so much character in the little snippets and commentary and photos you do. Even if they are similar to other people's (which is really hard not to do), they are so unique to themselves it's absolutely worth it.
Hopefully you're feeling better soon, and can find joy in creating and talking about your boys again ❤
Its late so I'm gonna kinda reply to this with what has been going on on my end and where this funk is coming from. Putting it under a read more to spare everyone, but first and foremost I do appreciate all of you beyond belief for reaching out and having such kind words to say. I know its just a me thing but sometimes it all does just get to me. With that being said, feel free to ignore the whole next bit.
I 100% understand and accept its never going to be completely possible to make completely original characters, especially given the restricted format we have for CP2077. I wish we had more power to craft our characters, more like Fallout 4's character creator (which despite the game's flaws I still go back to just to make characters lol). The problem is I see Valor in game and these screenshots of him and while I do like how he looks... its not him. Not completely. His scars are wrong, he doesn't have his tattoos, hair isn't right, he's missing the ports on his body, and overall things just aren't 100% with him. But despite all that, 3rd time around I think he looks pretty good. Again though am limited to what the game allows so a part of me does get a bit offed when I see other ppls Vs that look a bit too similar. I know its just me, I don't take it to heart, its just upsetting reminder I can't make him look how he's supposed to. Same with Umbra, he looks nothing like how he looks in our TTRPG and it really hurts because I spent a long time making him with our GM and I can't show that. Its not possible in game and my art doesn't do him any justice. So it gets frustrating because I look at some of these guys and they're not my characters, just similar figures to them, but not them.
Which is really hard especially when it comes to Val because long ago he was a self insert that I used to project how I wanted to look. I Have never done well with identifying as trans, I don't like to glamorize it or be recognized for it. I'm saving up for chest surgery but I'm fucking terrified of having the scars. I just don't want to be associated and recognized with it after my transition just because it's been really rough to go through in general. I haven't enjoyed this journey at all really, and really wish I didn't have to go through it. Valor in the RPG was my way of coping and going through stuff. Instead of gender though it was his association with cyberware and having parts of his body and "humanity" removed, replaced with machine and wires. I don't project onto him as much as I once did but he still will and forever hold pieces of that history because that's how I made him.
With all that, all I really do have is my words. Part of the problem with that is there's literally years worth of lore. I've been playing the same campaign with the same group of friends since my freshman year of college. So like 6/7 years now? There's a lot. The issue is these are people I'm really good friends with. This game has become a kind of safe zone for us. We're all a bunch of artist that mainly specialized in horror content. We were part of a movie club that mainly watched horror movies. We're the bitches that watched the Saw series during our free hour in the school library, like we are chill. That also just kinda means there's a lot of dark and twisted subject matter that ends up in our games. Characters having experienced some fucked up shit, witnessed some fucked up shit, and have done some fucked up shit. Feel kinda weird posting or sharing some of the more dark things in detail. So end up watering them down and they don't always feel right.
Top of all that, I just don't have the time to do things I wanna do. I feel so goddamn pressured at home and like I should be doing more. I honestly don't know how half these people have the time to learn and do the amount of mods and edits they do. I'm not gonna lie, I'm envious of it. I get 8-10 hours of being yelled at by customers, and then I may or may not have an hour long drive to take my brother to work or pick him up some days, and then whatever my parents have going on. I want to get back into art, I want to learn 3D modeling, I want to learn how to properly mod but I'm usually so stressed out or just exhausted nothing sticks so I don't even bother really. It sucks, because I want to learn, I want to do things, but I can't. I feel like because I have so little private and personal time now if I can't get things quick enough its not worth the effort. Its frustrating but again that's all on me.
And in other news, lotta people around me are dying or have had family die do to COVID and other things. Earlier this year a close friend of mine lost her dad to COVID and she's still struggling with that. A family friend of ours died earlier this week at the age of 35 from unknown causes. I have another friend who is in the psych ward because he is once again dealing with mental stuff and wellness check did not turn up well. Round it all off, my grandpa has basically given up on his life as well, flat out saying there's nothing worth living for anymore. Given his health issues I know its only a matter of time until I'm saying my final goodbye to him as well. So its rough, and fucking sucks. Not much I can do about it, but it makes me feel fucking worse with my own depression and suicidal thoughts. I know I'd never act on the thoughts, but seeing how death effects those around me makes me feel fucking worse for even thinking about it.
The part that sucks the most about it all, and even something I've expressed to my therapist is I'm completely self aware that its all in my head. I know I can't control these situations, and that skills take time to be acquired and grow. I am so grateful for all friends and support I do have, here, on disco, irl, I see the kind words and love and it really means a lot. I feel like a horrible friend because I don't know what to do really. I know its in my head, and I know what I can and can't control. I know what I need to do, yet I don't feel any better. I feel worse, I feel like I'm distant, and dismissive. I feel like what content I am putting out is stale and boring. I just feel lost and I'm not sure what piece I'm missing to really get things going again. I love my characters, I love making stuff with them. I love the story arch I have for Val and Ker and I want to share all of that with you all. I just feel really weird.
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psychcomposer · 3 years
Alright, I have too many feelings about a video game that’s going to come out in a month that I really just need to get out. It’s been over a decade and one of my favorite games, The World Ends With You, is finally getting a sequel. I’ve been brooding on the trailers for months, and I just finished the demo, so it is time to put down my capital T Thoughts on Neo: The World Ends With You.
As a warning, this will be entirely too long. But I’m not about to keep this bound up any longer.
TWEWY is my favorite title for the Nintendo DS. It is a JRPG starring Neku Sakuraba, an aggressively antisocial teen living in the Tokyo district of Shibuya. He is suddenly pulled into a test of survival called The Reaper’s Game, where he is forced to join forces with a partner in order to survive a week of lethal objectives in a sub-planar version of Shibuya. I love the story, its such an honest and interesting take on learning to get outside of your comfort zone. But more than that, it is a game that does so much to put a modern twist on every piece of your typical JRPG. You control two characters at once, Neku with the touch screen and his partner with the control pad, forcing you to split your attention and giving mechanic weight to the idea that Neku can’t survive alone. Armor and weapons are replaced with clothes and outfits, with a character’s ability to wear them restricted not by class but by a character’s bravery. The music list is filled with punk, alt-rock and hip-hop that are a stark contrast to the symphonic tracks of other titles. Battles aren’t random impediments, but fun diversions that sport a robust reward system that encourages players to push their limits.
But even more than that, the most modern thing I appreciate about TWEWY has to be the characters. Neku, Shiki, Beat, and Rhyme all feel like believable teens that grew up in the 2000′s. They bicker, clash, and banter like teens struggling to survive and make sense of their situation. One of my favorite little gimicks of the story is just how many nicknames there are for every character. Almost everyone has earned a few nicknames. One of my favorite examples is Sho Minamimoto. He’s a reaper with an obsession with math, often infusing his speech with mathematical jargon or expressions, and seems to enjoy erecting “art installations”, which most people can only decipher as towers of trash. Over the course of the story, he gets called Pi-face, the Grim Heaper, and another nickname I can’t even mention because of spoilers. It’s just... such a nice little human touch, these kids throwing crafted insults at a human enforcer of their doom that could almost certainly tear them apart.
I’m getting into this to try to give a sense of why I enjoy TWEWY so much, why it has such a unique place in my heart. Its a game I’ve 100% completed several times over, a task that’s no easy feat with the sheer amount of collectibles and post-game objectives. Unfortunately, for the last year or two, I’ve been kind of dreading this sequel.
Neo:TWEWY has been... a long time coming. Way back in 2007 they had a whole website counting down to some sort of announcement, with the music slowly building in intensity. I remember following it with bated breath, until it finally hit zero! And we got... An ios port of the game. Talk about a let-down. To be fair, apparently it is a solid port, even managing to re-work the old battle system, one that required a second screen to work properly, into one that only needed one. But what that really offered to someone like me was the hint of a sequel, a single image of a new character being shown. They kept flirting with the idea of bringing the series back. The main cast even featured in a Kingdom Hearts game, of all things, even if they didn’t really do a whole lot. But these acknowledgments grew sparser and sparser.
A few years ago, they released a switch port of the game. Not only that, it included an epilogue! They were finally getting a sequel rolling! Of course I bought that game, beat it yet again, and fought my way to the new content and the hint of the new story ahead.
It was... Well. I found it disappointing.
The gameplay was competent, even if it was clear that the epilogue itself really hadn’t had too much put into it. One new character,  new enemies just being reskins of old ones. It wasn’t meant to be dlc itself or anything, it was just there to herald a return to the series. That wasn’t what bugged me. What bugged me was the writing. It was heart-wrenching. It just didn’t feel right. It just felt flat compared to the story I’d enjoyed so many times. But what really killed my excitement was the new character, Coco.
Now, odd personality quirks are not too unusual among the ensemble of TWEWY. Pi-face is just one of the characters that is so infused with a particular theme that it shows in how they express themselves. It’s part of the charm of them, discovering the personalities that live in this dark underworld of Shibuya. But Coco... she talks like the most stereotypical young teenager possible. unironic lols, totez (yes, spelt exactly like that, in a speech format), OMG’s, and just, like, likes everywhere! It felt like someone who knew they needed to make a quirky character but had no idea how to write one well, and just made the most stereotypical caricature possible. I hated seeing that. It embodied every fear I had about the sequel being just a cynical project, pushed forward after so many years  by people who just didn’t understand what made the original great. That mild dread was so persistent that even the release of the first few trailers couldn’t really get me excited for the game. Neo:TWEWY was shifting into 3d from the original 2.5d, with all the problems that could cause. What I could see of the story felt so much more like a generic fantasy tale with some modern buildings than the story I had grown through my teenage years with. And, well... Just look the original Neku and the new one they showed off.
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Look at this. Look at one of the most vibrant, eye-catching character designs on the market for any JRPG in history, one that manages to mix purple and orange with striking lights and darks. And then look at the teenager edgelord bullshit they did with him. It’s atrocious. I hate it. He’s just another guy in a black outfit and just too much fucking cool guy protagonist power to not have the story be about him at this point. And look, I know that there’s Story LoreTM, I know that there could be some twist that explains this, I know that him being such a denial of his old self could be the entire fucking point. But let me tell you, when I saw this, I felt years of shifting, misplaced unease coalesce into a hard lump of dread.
And... Even... So... I did the stupidest thing I could have possibly done and preordered the game anyway. Don’t look at me like that, nostalgia is a hell of a drug.
But you know what? The damnedest thing happened. They released a demo for the new game a month before its release. And I played it, and... I enjoyed it.
Did you see that coming? I certainly didn’t. Welcome to the roller coaster.
Right off the bat, the writing soothed a lot of the fears I had. It felt right at home, like being plopped between to teens exchanging banter. One of the first exchanges is Rindo and Fret, his best friend, trying to meet up. Fret wants Rindo to meet him at  someplace called Wunafo, an area Rindo is clueless about. After some annoyed texting, it turns out Fret is actually referring to 104, a local landmark of a building. Fret insists that its a stylish improvement on the name. Rindo only gives him some grief about it..
I’m not doing the scene justice, or I could just be really desperate for half-decent writing, but I can’t deny that it quickly put a smile on my face. I am almost sure I’ve had this conversation before in years past myself. And beyond that, this game boasts voice acting that brings out a ton of personality in the large cast they are introducing (besides Rindo, which is a shame because he’s the protagonist... hopefully he gets over his apathetic teenager shtick eventually). Not everything is voiced, but it conveys so much appeal and personality, and even when the character’s aren’t voiced there is a conversation screen that occasionally breaks out some stylish layouts to convey mood and temperment and clearly draw from the style that made the original game pop so much.
The battles, of course, have been completely revamped. TWEWY had you control two characters, one of which you could customize by equipping up to 6 different pins that all used different motions and unleashed different attacks. Now you control up to four characters, but each one can only use one pin. But even so, it feels very genuine to its roots. An effective build in TWEWY was usually one that let you stagger an opponent so you can unload a bunch of attacks on them, and in Neo:TWEWY the game actively pushes you to folllow up attacks with characters in succession. It would be easy for this to devolve into a mash-fest, but even with the little time I had with the game it introduced a wrinkle in that- an attack that unleashed a single powerful blow, but couldn’t just be unleashed at the end of the previous combo. It needed to be charged for a while, long enough for the combo timer to deplete. So now an effective combo requires thinking ahead, and even after that you’re paying attention to enemies to dodge out of the way when they strike back. It’s entirely possible this system will flop in the late game, but so far it is robust enough for me to think that it will be one that could make me look forward to battles.
The music hasn’t impressed me so far, besides the tracks that have made the transition from the original. But I remember those strange tracks needing some time before I appreciated them too.
Finally, the story has hooked me. I don’t think that needs much more explanation. I want to see more of these characters and see the changes that have been made to the world in what I assume is years after Neku’s game. And to address the elephant in the room, Neku has not made his appearance in what is available in the demo. Odds are I will probably hate whatever they do with him. But there is enough happening in the space around it that I’m interested in exploring, and a bruised apple can still taste sweet.
Almost all of this, of course, is mostly just saying that Neo:TWEWY is not doomed to fail. There is still plenty of room for things to go wrong later on. There are entire systems I haven’t really seen in game, like shops, pin evolution, clothing and food (Though it looks like they have changed the food system significantly, which I approve of). The things that unnerved me so much in the trickle of information after this game’s announcement could still be enough to turn this sour. But I’m smiling as I’m strapping myself in for this ride now, one I’ve waited quite a long time for. Whatever’s coming, I’m excited.
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davidmann95 · 6 years
The Kingdom Hearts III Reaction
First thing’s first: yes, I got the responses to my initial reaction letting me know I could use L2 to cycle through triangle commands, and oh my god that made things so much more manageable, so thank you.
Gameplay wise, I said what I had to say right off the bat earlier: lot of fun, best version of the traditional playstyle. Gorgeous except for when it’s the most gorgeous. Way more game than I could handle on the margins, but it felt like fun available options I could choose whether to pursue or not rather than overwhelming.
Under the cut I’m gonna talk some broad structural stuff; I’ll avoid anything overtly spoilery, but it would certainly be understandable if you’d rather stay away. Under another bolded sign though I’m going to get into MAXIMUM spoiler territory, so those who just want my basic impressions but would prefer to hold off on more than that until they have their own go at it can know where to get off.
So this game does like 90% of everything I ever wanted it to do, plus so much MORE than I ever would have expected, resulting in a finale even more grand and resonant and satisfying than I might have imagined after nearly 13 years of waiting. The problem is that all that stuff is in the last 8 hours, and it is very, very clear that’s the part of the game Nomura and company actually cared about. This wasn’t interested in being Kingdom Hearts III, it wanted to be Kingdom Hearts III Part 3/3: The Finale after Dream Drop Distance and A Fragmentary Passage covered the other biggies, to the point of as mentioned before critically compromising the beginning of the game. It reached the point where Dream Drop Distance went from just baaaaarely pulling ahead of 358/2 Days to dead damn last in my ranking of these, because it not only set the tone for what went wrong here - even if this succeeded in the end in a way that couldn’t - but sponged off vital reveals and the conclusion to Riku’s character arc, both of which 1,000,000% needed to be in here so this could be a complete sequel rather than in an intermediary story where they were weakened by context.
Long story short, Nomura and Square are going to have to think very, very hard about what kind of a role the Disney worlds are going to play in these going forward, because the enthusiasm for them on the part of the writers is visibly dead. Not across the board, passion clearly went into the likes of the Toy Story and Big Hero 6 worlds, but it could not have been plainer that Monsters Inc. and Frozen were checkmarks being crossed off, perfunctory in a way I genuinely don’t feel the Disney worlds were in the past (though that may be in large part because this time around Sora is literally just there for level grinding, rather than an immediate search for friends, stripping away the central underlying emotional urgency of I and II). It would’ve been alright if there had been a major act break of the sort II had to provide a sense of forward momentum, but as is it really is just marking time while characters other than Sora drive the plot in the background, mostly in the form of catching up with what the audience already knows. They’ll always be a part of the franchise, and obviously the iconic Disney figures in Mickey and the rest will always be central, but unless the powers that be find a fresh new angle I think it’s getting to be time to scale the movie settings back in favor of the main story and original worlds, if not to the extent the Final Fantasy elements have received.
So I spent most of the game disappointed, figuring it would pull it all together for the finale and more than satisfy me, but not enough to retroactively redeem the game as a whole. And then it retroactively went and redeemed the game, because when I say it kicks off in the last 8 hours I don’t mean that that’s where things start getting parsed out in time for the finale. I mean it’s 8 solid hours of climax, physical and plot and character, the most intense and overwhelming of the franchise, answers to real-life-decade spanning mysteries and character resolutions and endgame-scale setpieces and catharsis being delivered just one after the other after the other. It’s the entire emotional underpinning of the game in a single titanic endrun, in an experience and at a pitch I’ve never seen before. Even the parts that should have been set up earlier in the game still have the entire rest of the series and years of anticipation leading into them, and while it’s a shame it had to bank on that advantage, it worked, because when I look back on the game in years to come it’s going to be this that I’ll remember, and when I someday a long time from now play through the franchise as a whole, I’ll go through the parts that previously irritated me with a smile on my face because it’ll just be a charming interlude rather than a dead stop. I can’t put this over II’s more well-rounded experience because of those structural issues, but while 0.2 is maybe the purest expression of intent thus far in the series, its brevity, and the fact that as good as it gets its best isn’t as good as this gets, puts III neck-and-neck with it as the franchise runner-up for me.
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So being a person who exists online in the 21st century, I had some key images of the ending spoiled for me well in advance, which sucked but was also maybe a blessing in disguise, because if I hadn’t been braced when those last three seconds came...that would have been rough. It was startlingly rough as is, which is odd because as much as I’ve always liked Sora as a character and appreciated the odd way his nature as a Disney hero in a Final Fantasy dark epic makes him a perfect lead and counterpoint, I never realized the depths of emotional investment I’d attached to his specific fate until the rug got pulled out. It would be as blatant a “but there’s no body!” moment as any there’s ever been even without the secret ending and the confirmation on Nomura’s part that Sora will remain the main character, it’s an emotional blow and a setback and a mystery for the others to solve rather than a full tragic ending (and one would have to imagine the characters themselves would believe that and will act accordingly given this entire story was itself about bringing back a bunch of Very Definitely Dead Folks), but it’s harsh as hell even if it’s very clearly the next step in a Master Plan rather than purely blueballing players for the cruel joy of it. Still, even if it’s reminiscent of stuff we’ve seen before, a melancholy-at-best ending is fully within the franchise wheelhouse; if I’m right and there’s one full trilogy of main games remaining in the series (I’m guessing without many if any spinoffs, Nomura’s bosses are definitely going to have his nose to the grindstone to get through the remainder of this thing on a sane timescale so as not to have another...well, this), maybe it’ll fully establish a sad-odd-numbered-ending, happy-even-numbered ending pattern, with IV having a gleeful reunion, V ending with all seeming lost, and the grand finale letting the heroes have their happily ever after.*
Before getting into the gushing praise for the rest of it, the reason this is at 90% of everything I wanted rather than complete: Kairi is bizarrely shortchanged here compared to every other central character, especially given her relationship with Sora is the foundation of the very end and she’s the logical main protagonist for IV. Even her ‘death’ isn’t my issue so much - by the end of the game Sora has rescued literally every other main character from beyond the veil of the afterlife or a living hell in fairly rapid succession, she’s just the last and biggest deal to him personally - as that even a few more scenes with her would have shored up so much. Not that her material isn’t good when she is there, I absolutely do think it was, and the emotional buildup from the series up to this point was more than enough in my opinion to carry her stuff through, but it’s the equivalent of, say, Lois Lane appearing out of nowhere at the end of a Justice League story to provide the impetus for Superman: obviously this works and makes sense because we know how much they mean to one another, but in the context of this as a lone narrative it’s a little out of nowhere. Riku gets it pretty bad too, if not as much so, but he has the ‘excuse’ of having his character arc resolved in Dream Drop Distance. Still though, it means the central trio is scarcely a thing in here the way it was in the past, though it looks like the next game is going to be entirely about getting them back together and hopefully they’ll stay as a complete unit from there on out.
Also prior to gushing praise: if Dream Drop Distance hadn’t happened, it would be so easy to restructure this in a way that would make the whole thing satisfying instead of just a perfect chunk of it. Open the game with Sora and Riku going into the Realm of Darkness to save Aqua, have Sora succeed but in the process of THAT lose his powers (making it a noble sacrifice on his part foreshadowing the end rather than a non-fuckup that the player pays for); Aqua has to recuperate, preferably with Kairi and Lea so they can get more screentime, Sora’s off regaining his powers and tracking down clues to the location of Castle Oblivion since it was under Organization control and therefore hidden, and Riku’s off with Mickey having his DDD arc. Stick the reveal of the real Organization XIII midgame, and keep the finale almost exactly as is. That way, plot and character’s doled out throughout, character screentime is rebalanced, and everything that worked stays working and comes to the exact same conclusion.
Gushing praise time: holy fuckin’ cow, this hit me in ways I did not see coming. The reunion of the other two trios was something I looked forward to well enough but not anything I fully expected to outright bowl me over, but by god they pushed those buttons as hard as they could and made them everything anyone could need them to be. But that was expected, to one extent or another; what I don’t think anyone could have seen coming was, in the final gasp of this saga of hilariously, broadly Arch villains, every single one of them turning out to be a real goddamn human being with understandable emotions and motivations and implied history and arcs. Monsters see the light (with the contextually hilarious exception of the one character fandom MOST wanted to see get a face turn with Vanitas, and even he finds understanding and peace) after a whole series of believing there’s one in the darkness when only one or two major characters had made a turnaround, and it doesn’t just make this game richer, it retroactively improves the entire series thematically and emotionally, as well as setting the stage for more of that approach based on what we know of what’s to come. And action-wise, it really does go for trying to beat II’s last Xemnas fight, and while I don’t know that it manages it in sheer cool thanks to that final laser blocking/dual wielding finale, it I think really does come out on top in the fights leading up to it and the spectacle and the emotional power and the beautiful interface screw (after the shit with the tornado earlier!), nevermind the absolute end where Our Nerd Dad Luke Skywalker** shows up to give his blessing to the franchise and usher out the story as it was.
As for the pair of post-credits scenes: in each instance I had something spoiled for me, but also in each instance not the BIG thing. I knew Xigbar would live and summon the Foretellers, which honestly is not that shocking for me. That he IS one of them, that he’s been putting on an act (one clearly in the shape of his teacher) and been a bigger villain than Xehanort THE ENTIRE TIME? I believe that got a literal gasp out of me, and THAT’S before it turned out that after bullheadedly clinging to the idea that she’s still a main villain for all these years, Maleficent might actually end up a main villain again. And the secret movie? I had the title spoiled - and god what a perfect twist, the most gleefully apeshit moment in the game and already probable best moment in gaming of the year coming back around in a completely serious way to define the future of the franchise - but assumed wrongly that it meant Sora would be in some way ‘reincarnated’ amnesiac as Yozora and needing to be returned to himself. But nope, Sora’s for real out there alive as himself in...something like the real world? Or The World Ends With You, which I understand is at least a lot closer? And Riku’s gonna wind up stuck out there too? And because Yozora’s there it means they’re in some kind of fuckin’ Flash of Two Worlds! situation?! Or if it’s in the same physical realm (which I have to doubt or Sora would rush home as soon as he got a ship) it’s the equivalent of that dope two-part Terra Obscura arc in Tom Strong?! Sora and Riku, trapped in a world where Kingdom Hearts is a Dark, Realistic Modern Urban Fantasy (which, if Sora got here by dying, does...does that mean Gritty Realworld! AU Kingdom Hearts fanfic is that universe’s version of hell? Because that would be beautiful) (did “This is a fantasy based on reality” end up carried over as the logline to Final Fantasy XV from Versus XIII? Because if not, absolutely use it here to keep that gag going) and having to fight their way back to their world and friends, hopefully with Kairi going on her own playable adventure on the other end of the cosmos to find them since there’s no way she wouldn’t be leading the search? And with the Master of Masters waiting in the wings, the perfect villain in general because if Sora is the MOST Disney character in this universe he appears to be the LEAST, and especially perfect here now that Sora’s symbolically if not possibly literally on his turf? Waiting I’m guessing another 3-5 years is gonna be hell (I’m guessing IV’ll be announced next year or maaaaaaaybe late this year because thus far Kingdom Hearts has never gone with no announced games on the horizon longer than the end of the next calendar year, and we’ll see how development goes after that; like I said, I imagine the pressure is on for Nomura), but this could not look more like my shit.
So that’s, after all these years, Kingdom Hearts III: an understandable, maybe unavoidable, but still crushing disappointment that undermined itself narratively before it even began production and ran on a burned-out crew that could never meet the impossible expectations surrounding it. Until it suddenly winks, brushes itself off, and lives up to damn near EVERYTHING on its shoulders in the most incredible ways possible while also transcending its previous limitations as a story right in front of you, and then breaking your heart before planting the seed to repair it and charting a path towards an even more exciting future. All said and done, I liked it a whole lot, and it’ll always be special to me.
* At this point, I really could go for the ending of the whole thing literally being Sora and Kairi walking into the sunset together, with the camera panning up into the sky and text (not mysterious narration like in the past, but old-school Disney-cartoon-style outside-the-world of the story cursive text) appearing to declare 𝒜𝓃𝒹 𝓉𝒽𝑒𝓎 𝓁𝒾𝓋𝑒𝒹 𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓅𝒾𝓁𝓎 𝑒𝓋𝑒𝓇 𝒶𝒻𝓉𝑒𝓇. That is the level of closure and myth and satisfaction it’s gotta be building towards after everything thus far and everything to come.
** If you are reading this without having played or watched the game: given I know that’s now in the realm of possibility, no, I don’t literally mean Luke Skywalker showed up.
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annaswrites · 6 years
Tag Game | Meet the Writer
I was tagged by the super @silverscreenwriter . Sorry it took me ages! I’m catching up on tags today. (And hopefully soon I’ll actually work on my book...I’m in a slump in all things.)  Rules: answer the ten questions, ask ten questions, tag ten people.
1. Why did you start writing?
I’ve always written, actually. My mom is a published author (kind of a niche market, she’s LDS (aka Mormon). She writes LDS fiction, but also historical fiction that’s christian generally. In case anyone’s interested her name is Anita Stansfield. She’s also got some books published under the pseudonym, Elizabeth D. Micheals. <-- I did the cover art for the books under the pseudonym. Go to the Amazon if you’re interested. Anyway!) My mom was always (still is) writing, and I think I inherited the need to do so from her, though our styles and subject matter vary drastically. (I’m not a Mormon, for example! My books have made up gods etc.) I always had stories in my head and I remember writing even when I was VERY young. I took creative writing classes in school and have just kept on all through my whole life! 
2. What do you use as inspiration for your stories (websites, music, photos, videos, places, etc)?
All of the above. I have two playlists on spotify for my overall series, and then playlists for individual characters or pairs.  I use photos for face claims, and I do my own art of my characters. I have pinterest mood boards for them and for my worlds. And there are certain TV shows that inspire me even though they’re not the same thing? (I kind of feel like my set up is slightly unique.) But Firefly totally has a vibe to it that inspires me, so does Game of Thrones. (Yeah, I know... what? Those two shows are PRETTY DIFFERENT.) I’ve also gotten inspiration though from random places like Legend of Zelda, Pirates of the Caribbean, Doctor Who . . . they all get my creativity flowing!  Also other fantasy novels. I love reading. Especially Branderson’s Work. 
3. If your protagonist and antagonist each had a song, what would those songs be?
Well, I have 5 main protagonists... so you get them and my antagonist. 
Protags:  Roary:     Arise by Flyleaf Jolene:    Glory and Gore by Lorde Avalette:  Suddenly by Superchick AND Castle by Halsey Ja’ek:       Iron by Woodkid and Dragonborn (Skyrim Theme) by Jeremy Soule Selnam:   Soldier by Fluerie  Antags:  Nazlanga: Castle by Halsey AND Everybody Wants to Rule the World (Lorde Cover)
4. Where is your favorite place to write?
In my room at my computer. All my stuff is together here and my room is kind of my safe haven. <3 
5. What books and/or authors have influenced your writing style?
Brandon Sanderson (Stormlight Archive, Elantris), Mercedes Lackey, (lots of them), JK Rowling and a REALLY LONG LIST. I read a lot of different things by different people. 
6. Is there any specific way you deal with self doubt or writer’s block?
I normally just shove through it. I learned to just keep typing as it were as I’ve gone through NaNoWriMo a few times. Lately though I’m in a bad slump in all things as I’m putting my horse to sleep next month and I don’t know when I’ll get back to writing.  However, really, just keep typing. It might be garbage but I can work with garbage! Putting words on the page is hard, but I’ve gotten good at just doing it. I can fix it later!  As for self doubt, I haven’t dealt with a lot of that over my writing. More with my artwork. And that’s a work in progress. I’m learning to turn my thinking around and counteract negative thoughts.  THERAPY IS COOL! (seriously 10/10 would recommend.) 
7. Out of everything you have written, what work is your favorite and why?
Well, that would be Solar Kingdoms, the main original thing I’m working on. Really the only original thing I’m working on.  I wrote a lot of pirates fanfic before that and I liked them. I still RP Jack when writing with friends. But that’s different. Haha! 
8. In your current WIP, is there a character you identify with more than the others?
Avalette, which actually makes her the most difficult to write. I feel her though, if you know what I mean? 
9. What is the best writing advice you have ever been given? The worst?
Best: Write what you would want to write, write what makes you happy. 
Worst: FOLLOW ALL THE RULES TO A T. (No. Some of them are shit, let’s face it. Rules are made to be broken. If you break them properly, then you’ll have gold.) 
10. If your WIP became a movie, what actors do you see playing your main characters?
HAHAHAHA, oh man. Okay. This is hard. Because I have face claims for them but that doesn’t mean that they’d actually work as the proper person to act them. But I’ll try.  Roary - I see Simon from Firefly, only blonde. It’s the way he talks in that show and the shape of his nose. It’s so Roary. (Can you say sassy sarcasm anyone. “My sister is incorporeal possessing a spaceship. We had a rough childhood.” and “Right, I’m sorry if she tipped anyone off to your carefully concealed herd of cattle...” Omg. So Roary.) He’s probably too old now though. But someone similar to him.  Avalette - I have no idea. She’s vaguely Kate Winslet looking in my head but that’s not quite right. And Kate is too old by now. I need Kate Winslet and Kate Blanchet to have a baby that’s short and tiny. She’d have to be short and bloody brilliant. I need someone who has incredible control of their micro expressions and can exude power AND anxiousness like a pro. Possibly Emilia Clarke?  Ja’ek - I need Charles Messure, Jason Momoa and Johnny Depp to have a baby. Realistically, Jason Momoa has the look I need. But Ja’ek is shorter and Jason would need some prosthetic on his nose to give it the weird shape Jack’s has. It’s important okay, his nose. I don’t know why. But it is. 
Jolene - Jessica Chastain maybe? Although I’d like someone English to do it. She probably could pull it off though. <nods>  Selnam - Someone similar to Omar Sharif. Only I’d like his skin a bit darker. Even though he’d be covered in burn scars. An actor of color for sure, Selnam’s world is kind of based on middle eastern stuff.  Nazlanga - Probably Stephanie Beatriz. The character is from the same world Selnam is from and I think Stephanie would be PERFECT for her. She’s the villain, yeah, but she’s got serious depth and a pretty great story arch that’s all her own.  I hope I can write her to do her justice. I think Stephanie could act her and do her justice! 
And the 10 people I’m going to tag are: @teacups-and-tealeaves @stephrawlingwrites @karsawriter @dreamswithadashofspice @leapwriter @writebruh @ruinedambitions @incipientwrites @biblio-fiend @bethanywritesbooks 
MY QUESTIONS:  1. What’s your favorite genre to write?  2. What are your top five favorite songs to write to?  3. Which if your characters is the most difficult for you to write and why? 4. What do you do when you have writers block?  5. Who is your most supportive ‘fan’? (Friend, teacher, parent etc?) and why? 6. What are your favorite types of scenes to write?  7. What Author(s) have most influenced you?  8. How do you plot your work? Or do you not?  9. If you have face claims for your main characters who are they? If not, describe them physically for me!  10. Which of your characters is most like you personality wise? 
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claudinei-de-jesus · 3 years
God's nature
1- Biblical concept (the names of God)
Who is it, and what is God? The best definition is found in the Westminster Catechism: "God is Spirit, infinite, eternal and unchanging in his being, wisdom, power, holiness, justice, goodness and truth." The biblical definition can be formulated by studying the names of God. God's "name" in Scripture means more than a combination of sounds; represents his revealed character. God reveals himself by making himself known or by proclaiming his name. (Ex. 6: 3; 33:19; 34: 5, 6.)
To worship God is to call on his name (Gen. 12: 8); fearing him (Deut. 28:58); praise him (2 Sam. 22:50); glorify him (Ps. 86: 9); it is sacrilegious to take his name in vain. (Ex. 20: 7), or to profane or blaspheme him (Lev. 18:21; 24:16). To reverence God is to sanctify or bless his name (Matt. 6: 9). The name of the Lord defends his people (Ps. 20: 1), and for his name's sake he will not abandon them (1 Sam. 12:22). The following names of God are the most common that we find in Scripture:
(a) Elohim (translated "God".) This word is used whenever the creative power and omnipotence of God are described or implied. Elohim is the Creator-God. The plural form means the fullness of power and represents the trinity.
(b) Jehovah (translated "Lord" in the version of Almeida.) Elohim, the Creator-God, does not remain oblivious to his creatures. God observing the need among men, he came down to help and save them; in assuming this relationship, he reveals himself as Jehovah, the God of the Covenant. The name JEHOVAH has its origin in the verb SER and includes the three tenses of that verb - past, present and future. The name, therefore, means: He who was, who is, and who is to be; in other words, the Eternal. Since Jehovah is the God who reveals himself to man, the name means: I have manifested myself, I have manifested myself, and I will still manifest myself.
What God works for his people finds expression in his names, and when experiencing the people his grace, that people can then say: "know his name." The relationship between Jehovah and Israel is summed up in the use of the names found in the concerts between Jehovah and his people. To those who lie in beds of sickness he manifests himself as JEHOVAH-RAFA, "the Lord who heals" (Ex. 15:26). Those oppressed by the enemy invoke JEHOVAH-NISSI, "the Lord our flag" Exo. 17: 8-15). Caregivers learn that he is JEHOVAH-SHALOM, "the Lord our peace" (Jui. 6:24). Pilgrims on earth feel the need for JEHOVAH-RA'AH, "the Lord my shepherd" (Ps. 23: 1).
Those who feel under condemnation and in need of justification, hopefully call on JEHOVAH-TSIDKENU, "the Lord our righteousness" (Jer. 23: 6). Those who feel helpless learn that he is JEHOVAH-JIREH, "the Lord who provides" (Gen. 22:14). And when the kingdom of God has materialized on earth, it will be known as JEHOVAH-SHAMMAH, "the Lord is there" (Ezek. 48:35).
(c) El (God) is used in certain combinations: EL-ELYON (Gen. 14: 18-20), the "Most High God", the God who is exalted over everything called god or gods. EL-SHADDAI, "the God who is sufficient for the needs of his people" (Ex. 6: 3). EL-OLAM, "the eternal God" (Gen. 21:33). (*)
(d) Adonai literally means "Lord" or "Master" and gives the idea of ​​government and dominion. (Ex. 23:17; Isa. 10:16, 33.) Because of what God is and what he has done, he demands the service and loyalty of his people. This name in the New Testament applies to the glorified Christ .
(e) Father, it is used in both the Old and New Testaments. In a broader meaning the name describes God as being the Source of all things and the Creator of man; so that, in the creative sense, everyone can be considered a generation of God. (Acts 17:28.) However, this relationship does not guarantee salvation. Only those who have been quickened and given new life by his Spirit are his children in the inner sense of salvation. (John 1:12, 13.)
2- Erroneous beliefs
There are other extra-biblical ideas about God. Of these, some originated in exaggerated truths. Some are disabled; others perverted or twisted. Why take the time to consider these ideas? Since it is very difficult to describe God's being perfectly, we can, knowing what he does not, come to a better understanding of what he really is.
(a) Agnosticism (an expression originating from two Greek words that mean "not to know") denies the human capacity to know God. "The finite mind cannot reach infinity", declares the agnostic. But the agnostic does not see that there is a big difference between knowing God in the absolute sense and knowing some things about God. We cannot understand God, that is, to know him fully and perfectly; but we can learn, that is, have a conception of your Person.
"We can know who God is, without knowing everything he is," writes D. S. Clarke. "We can touch the earth even though we cannot wrap our arms around it. A boy can know God while the philosopher cannot discover all the secrets of the Powerful Toddler." The Scriptures are based on the thought that it is possible to know God; on the other hand, they warn us that for now "we know in part". (See Exodus. 33:20; Joh 11:17; Rom. 11:33, 34; 1 Cor. 13: 9-12.)
(b) Polytheism (cult of many gods) was characteristic of ancient religions and is still practiced today in many pagan lands. It is based on the idea that the universe is governed, not by one force, but by many, so that there is a god of water, a god of fire, a god of mountains, a god of war, etc. This was the natural consequence of paganism, which deified finite objects and natural forces and "worshiped and served the creature before the Creator" (Rom. 1:25). Abraham was called to separate himself from paganism and to become a witness to the one true God; His call was the beginning of Israel's mission, which was to preach monotheism (the worship of one God), as opposed to the polytheism of neighboring nations.
(c) Pantheism (derived from two Greek words meaning "everything is God") is the system of thought that identifies God with the universe, trees and stones, birds, earth and water, reptiles and men - all are declared parts of God, and God lives and expresses himself through substances and forces as the soul expresses itself through the body. How did this system originate? What is written in Rom. 1: 20-23 unravels this mystery.
It may be that in the shadows of the past, the pagan philosophers, having lost sight of God and expelling him from their hearts, observed that it was necessary to find something that would fill their place, since man is always looking for an object of worship. To fill God's place, there must be something as big as God Himself. Having God withdrawn from the world, why not make God the world? In this way men reasoned and thus began the cult of mountains and trees, men and animals, and all the forces of nature.
At first glance, this worship of nature has a certain logical aspect, but it leads to an absurd conclusion. For if the tree, the flower and the star are God, then so must the worm, the microbe, the tiger and also the most vile sinner - an absolutely unreasonable conclusion. Pantheism confuses God with nature. But the truth is that the poem is not the poet, art is not the artist, music is not the musician, and creation is not the Creator. A beautiful Jewish tradition tells us how Abraham observed this distinction: When Abraham began to reflect on the nature of God, he first thought that the stars were deities because of their brightness and beauty. But when he realized that the moon exceeded them in brightness, he concluded then that the moon was divinity.
The moonlight, however, faded before the sunlight and this fact made him think that the latter was the Godhead. However, in the evening the sun also disappeared. "There must be something in the world greater than these constellations," thought Abraham. In this way, from the cult of nature, he rose to the cult of the God of nature. The Scriptures correct the perverted ideas of pantheism. In teaching that God is revealed through nature, they distinguish between God and nature.
Pantheists say that God is the universe; the Bible says that God created the universe. Where is pantheism professed today? First among some poets who attribute divinity to nature. Second, it is the basic philosophy of most religions in India, which quote it to justify idol worship. "Is not the tree, made of the image, a part of God?" they argue. Third, Christian Science is a form of pantheism because one of its foundations is: "God is everything and everything is God." Technically speaking, it is "idealistic" pantheism, because it teaches that everything is mind or "idea," and that, therefore, all matter lacks reality.
(d) Materialism denies any distinction between mind and matter; it states that all manifestations of life and mind and all forces are simply properties of matter. "Thought is secretion from the brain like bile is secretion from the liver"; "man is just a machine", are some of the materialists' favorite thoughts. "Man is simply an animal", they declare, thinking that with this they will be able to extinguish the generalized concept about the superiority of the human being and his divine destiny.
This theory is so absurd that it hardly deserves a refutation. However, in dozens of universities, in hundreds of novels, and in many other ways, the idea that man is an animal and a machine is discussed and accepted; that he has no responsibility for his actions and that there is no good or evil. To refute this error we will observe:
1) Our conscience tells us that we are something more than matter and that we are different from trees and stones. A gram of common sense in this case is worth more than a ton of philosophy. It is said that Daniel O'Connell, an Irish speaker, once met an old Irish woman, feared for her scathing language and blasphemous vocabulary. The speaker, at the meeting with the old woman, covered her with a verve of trigonometric terms: "You miserable rhomboid," he shouted, "you, unscrupulous hypotenuse! Everyone who knows her knows that you keep a parallelogram in your house", and so on he continued until he left the poor woman confused and perplexed. In the same way, modern philosophers would try to scare us with ostentatious words. But the error does not become true just because it is expressed in multisyllabic words.
2) Experience and observation show that life comes only from existing life and, therefore, the life that exists in this world had its cause in an identical life. There was never a case where life came from dead substance. A few years ago, certain scientific researchers concluded that they had achieved this phenomenon, but when the presence of microbes in the air was discovered, their theory fell to the ground!
3) The evidence of superior intelligence and design in the universe refutes blind materialism.
4) In the hypothesis that man is only a machine, even then the machine does not make itself. The machine did not produce the inventor, but the inventor created the machine. The evil of materialism lies in the fact that it destroys the foundations of morality. For if man were only a machine, then he would not be responsible for his actions. Consequently, we cannot treat the noble to the hero, nor the bad to the vile man, since he is not capable of acting otherwise.
Therefore, one man cannot condemn another, just as the circular saw cannot say to the guillotine: "How can you be so cruel?" What is the antidote to materialism? The antidote is the Gospel preached with the demonstration and power of the Spirit accompanied by signs. (e) Deism admits that there is a personal God, who created the world; but he insists that, after creation, God handed him over to be governed by natural laws. In other words, he wound the world up as if he were winding a watch and left it without any more care on his part.
That way there would be no revelation and no miracle. This system is sometimes called rationalism, because it elevates reason to the position of supreme guide in matters of religion; it is also described as a natural religion, as opposed to revealed religion. Such a system is refuted by the evidence of the inspiration of the Bible and the evidence of the works of God in history. The idea about God, propagated by the deist, is one-sided. The Scriptures teach two important truths concerning God's relationship to the world: first, his transcendence, which means his separation from the world and man and his exaltation over them. (Isa. 6: 1); second, its immanence, which means its presence in the world and its approach to man (Acts 17:28; Eph. 4: 6).
Deism stresses the first truth too much while pantheism makes the second too expensive. The Scriptures present the true and absolute idea: God, in fact, is separated from the world and above the world; on the other hand, he is in the world. He sent his Son to be with us, and the Son sent the Holy Spirit to be with us. In this way the doctrine of the Trinity avoids both extremes. to the question, "Is God separated from the world or is he in the world?" the Bible responds, "He is as separate from the world as he is in the world." ... A natureza de Deus
1- Conceito bíblico (os nomes de Deus)
Quem é, e que é Deus? A melhor definição é a que se encontra no Catecismo de Westminster: "Deus é Espírito, infinito, eterno e imutável em seu ser, sabedoria, poder, santidade, justiça, bondade e verdade." A definição bíblica pode formular-se pelo estudo dos nomes de Deus. O "nome" de Deus, nas Escrituras, significa mais do que uma combinação de filhos; representa seu caráter revelado. Deus revela-se a si mesmo fazendo-se conhecer ou proclama o seu nome. (Êxo. 6: 3; 33:19; 34: 5, 6.)
Adorar a Deus é invocar seu nome (Gên. 12: 8); temê-lo (Deuteronômio 28:58); louvá-lo (2 Sam. 22:50); glorificá-lo (Sal. 86: 9); é sacrilégio tomar seu nome em vão. (Êxo. 20: 7), ou profaná-lo ou blasfemá-lo (Lev. 18:21; 24:16). Reverenciar a Deus é santificar ou bendizer seu nome (Mat. 6: 9). O nome do Senhor defende o seu povo (Sal. 20: 1), e por amor do seu nome não os abandonará (1 Sam. 12:22). Os seguintes nomes de Deus são os mais comuns que encontramos nas Escrituras:
(a) Elohim (traduzido "Deus".) Esta palavra emprega-se sempre que sejam ou implícitos o poder criativo e a onipotência de Deus. Elohim é o Deus-Criador. A forma plural significa plenitude de poder e representa a trindade.
(b) Jeová (traduzido "Senhor" na versão de Almeida.) Elohim, o Deus-Criador, não permanece alheio às suas criaturas. Observando Deus a necessidade entre os homens, desceu para ajudá-los e salvá-los; ao assumir esta relação, ele revela-se a si mesmo como Jeová, o Deus da Aliança. O nome JEOVÁ tem sua origem no verbo SER e inclui os três tempos desse verbo - passado, presente e futuro. O nome, portanto significa: Ele que era, que é e que há de ser; em outras palavras, o Eterno. Visto que Jeová é o Deus que se revela a si mesmo ao homem, o nome significa: Eu me manifestei, me manifesto, e ainda me manifestarei.
O que Deus opera a favor de seu povo acha expressão nos seus nomes, e ao experimentar o povo a sua graça, desse povo então pode dizer-se: "conhece o seu nome." A relação entre Jeová e Israel resume-se no uso dos nomes encontrados nos concertos entre Jeová e seu povo. Aos que jazem em leitos de doença manifesta-se-lhes como JEOVÁ-RAFA, "o Senhor que cura" (Êxo. 15:26). Os oprimidos pelo inimigo invocam um JEOVÁ-NISSI, "o Senhor nossa bandeira" Êxo. 17: 8-15). Os carregados de cuidados aprendidos que ele é JEOVÁ-SHALOM, "o Senhor nossa paz" (Ju. 6:24). Os peregrinos na terra sentem a necessidade de JEOVÁ- RA'AH, "o Senhor meu pastor" (Sal. 23: 1).
Aqueles que sentem sob condenação e necessitados da justificação, esperançosamente invocam a JEOVÁ-TSIDKENU, "o Senhor nossa justiça" (Jer. 23: 6). Aqueles que sentem desamparados aprendem que ele é JEOVÁ- JIREH, "o Senhor que provê" (Gên. 22:14). E quando o reino de Deus se houver concretizado na terra, será ele conhecido como JEOVÁ-SHAMMAH, "o Senhor está ali" (Ezeq. 48:35).
(c) El (Deus) é usado em especificações: EL-ELYON (Gên. 14: 18-20), o "Deus altíssimo", o Deus que é exaltado sobre tudo o que se chama deus ou deuses. EL-SHADDAI, "o Deus que é necessário para as necessidades do seu povo" (Êxo. 6: 3). EL-OLAM, "o eterno Deus" (Gên. 21:33). (*)
(d) Adonai significa literalmente "Senhor" ou "Mestre" e dá a idéia de governo e domínio. (Êxo. 23:17; Isa. 10:16, 33.) Por causa do que Deus é e do que tem feito, ele exige o serviço e a lealdade do seu povo.Este nome no Novo Testamento aplica-se ao Cristo glorificado.
(e) Pai, emprega-se tanto no Antigo como no Novo Testamento. Em significado mais amplo o nome conhecimentos a Deus como sendo a Fonte de todas as coisas e Criador do homem; de maneira que, no sentido criativo, todos podem considerar-se geração de Deus. (Atos 17:28.) Todavia, esta relação não garante a salvação. Somente aqueles que foram vivificados e receberam nova vida pelo seu Espírito são seus filhos no sentido intimo da salvação. (João 1:12, 13.)
2- Crenças errôneas
Existem outras idéias extra-bíblicas acerca de Deus. Dessas, algumas originaram-se em verdades exageradas. Algumas são deficientes; outras pervertidas ou torcidas. Por que tomar o tempo para considerar essas idéias? Visto que é muito difícil descrever perfeitamente o que ele realmente é, podemos, sabendo o que ele não, chegar a uma melhor compreensão do que ele realmente é.
(a) O agnosticismo (expressão originada de duas palavras gregas que significam "não sabre") nega a capacidade humana de conhecer a Deus. “A mente finita não pode alcançar o infinito”, declara o agnóstico. Mas o agnóstico não vê que há grande diferença entre conhecer a Deus no sentido absoluto e conhecer algumas coisas sobre Deus. Não podemos compreender a Deus, isto é, conhecê-lo inteiramente e perfeitamente; mas podemos aprender, isto é, ter uma concepção da sua Pessoa.
"Podemos saber quem é Deus, sem saber tudo o que ele é", disse D. S. Clarke. "Podemos tocar a terra embora não conheçamos envolvê-la com os braços. Um menino pode conhecer a Deus enquanto o filósofo não pode descobrir todos os segredos do Todopoderoso." As Escrituras baseiam-se no pensamento de que é possível conhecer a Deus; por outra parte, elas nos avisam que por agora "conhecemos em parte". (Vide Êxo. 33:20; Jo 11:17; Rom. 11:33, 34; I Cor. 13: 9-12.)
(b) O politeísmo (culto de muitos deuses) era característico das religiões antigas e pratica-se ainda hoje em muitas terras pagãs. Baseia-se ele na idéia de que o universo é governado, não por uma força só, mas sim por muitas, de maneira que há um deus da água, um deus do fogo, um deus das montanhas, um deus da guerra, etc. Foi esta a consequência natural do paganismo, que endeusou os objetos finitos e as quadros naturais e "adoraram e serviram à criatura antes que o Criador" (Rom. 1:25). Abraão foi chamado a separar-se do paganismo e a tomar-se uma testemunha do único verdadeiro Deus; sua chamada foi o começo da missão de Israel, um pregar de qual era o monoteísmo (o culto a um só Deus), o contrário do politeísmo das nações vizinhas.
(c) O panteísmo (proveniente de duas palavras gregas que significam "tudo é Deus") é o sistema de pensamento que identifica Deus com o universo, árvores e pedras, pássaros, terra e água, répteis e homens - todos são declarados partes de Deus, e Deus vive e expressa-se a si mesmo através das massas e moldes como a alma se expressa do corpo. Como se originou esse sistema? O que está escrito em Rom. 1: 20-23 desvenda esse mistério.
Pode ser que na penumbra do passado dos filósofos pagãos, tendo perdido de vista a Deus e expulsando-o de seus corações, observados que era necessário achar alguma coisa que preenchido em seu lugar, visto que o homem procura sempre um objeto de culto. Para preencher o lugar de Deus, deve haver algo tão grande quanto o próprio Deus. Havendo Deus se retirado do mundo, por que então não fazer do mundo Deus? Desta maneira arrazoaram os homens e assim se iniciar o culto às montanhas e às árvores, aos homens e aos animais, e a todas as cortinas da natureza.
À primeira vista essa adoração da natureza tem certa feição lógica, mas leva a uma conclusão absurda. Pois se a árvore, a flor e a estrela são Deus, logo também o devem ser o verme, o micróbio, o tigre e também o mais vil pecador - uma conclusão absolutamente irrazoável. O panteísmo confunde Deus com a natureza. Mas a verdade é que o poema não é o poeta, a arte não é o artista, a música não é o músico, e a criação não é o Criador. Uma linda tradição judaica nos relata como Abraão observou essa distinção: Quando Abraão começou a refletir sobre a natureza de Deus, primeiramente que as estrelas criadas por causa de seu brilho e formosura. Mas quando engano que a lua as excedia em brilho, conclui então que a lua era divindade.
A luz da lua, porém, desvaneceu-se antes da luz do sol e este fato o fez pensar que este último era uma Divindade. No entanto, à noite o sol também desapareceu. "Deve existir algo no mundo maior do que estas constelações", proposta Abraão. Desta maneira, do culto à natureza, ele se elevou ao culto ao Deus da natureza. As Escrituras corrigem as idéias pervertidas do panteísmo. Ao usar que Deus é revelado por meio da natureza, fazem a distinção entre Deus e a natureza.
Os panteístas dizem que Deus é o universo; a Bíblia diz que Deus criou o universo. Onde se professa o panteísmo hoje? Primeiramente entre alguns poetas que atribuem divindade à natureza. Em segundo lugar, é a filosofia básica da maior parte das religiões da Índia, como quais a citam para justificar a adoração de ídolos. "Não será a árvore, da qual se fez a imagem, uma parte de Deus?" argumentam eles. Em terceiro lugar, a Ciência Cristã é uma forma de panteísmo porque um dos seus fundamentos é: "Deus é tudo e tudo é Deus." Tecnicamente falando, é panteísmo "idealista", porque ensina que tudo é mente ou "idéia," e que, por conseqüência, a toda matéria falta realidade.
d) O materialismo nega qualquer distinção entre a mente e a matéria; afirma que todas as manifestações da vida e da mente e todas as responsabilidades são simplesmente propriedade da matéria. "O pensamento é secreção do cérebro como a bílis é secreção do fígado"; "o homem é apenas uma máquina", são alguns dos pensamentos prediletos dos materialistas. "O homem é simplesmente um animal", declara eles, pensando que com isto é extinguir o conceito generalizado acerca da superioridade do ser humano e do seu destino divino.
Essa teoria é tão absurda que quase não merece refutação. No entanto, em dezenas de universidades, em centenas de novelas, e de muitos outros modos, discute-se e aceita-se a idéia de que o homem é animal e máquina; que não tem responsabilidade por seus atos e que não existe o bem nem o mal. Para refutar esse erro vamos observar:
1) A nossa consciência nos afirma que somos algo mais do que matéria e que somos diferentes das árvores e das pedras. Um grama de bom senso neste caso vale mais que uma tonelada de filosofia. Conta-se que Daniel O'Connell, orador irlandês, certa vez se encontrou com uma velha irlandesa, temida por sua linguagem causticante e seu vocabulário blasfemo. O orador, no encontro com a velha, cobriu-a com verdadeira salva de termos trigonométricos: "Você miserável rombóide", gritou ele, "você, hipotenusa sem escrúpulo! Todos que a conhecem sabem que você guarda um paralelogramo em sua casa", e assim por diante continuado ele até que deixa a pobre mulher confusa e perplexa. Da maneira mesma os filósofos modernos tentariam assustar-nos com palavras ostentosas. Mas o erro não se transforma em verdade somente porque se expressa em palavras multissilábicas.
2) A experiência e a observação demonstram que a vida procede unicamente de vida já existente e, por conseqüência, a vida que existe neste mundo teve sua causa em vida idêntica. Nunca se deu um caso em que a vida procedesse de substância morta. Há alguns anos, certos cientistas cientistas concluíram que conseguido esse fenômeno, mas ao ser descoberta a presença de micróbios no ar, a sua teoria caiu pela terra!
3) A evidência de uma inteligência superior e desígnio no universo refutam o materialismo cego.
4) Na mesma hipótese de que o homem seja apenas máquina, mesmo assim a máquina não se faz por si. A máquina não produziu o inventor, mas o inventor criou a máquina. O mal do materialismo não está no fato de que destrói os fundamentos da moralidade. Pois se o homem fosse apenas máquina, então não seria responsável por seus atos. Conseqüentemente, não podemos tratar de nobre ao herói, nem de mau ao homem, pois não é capaz de agir de outra maneira.
Portanto, um homem não pode condenar outro, como a serra circular não pode dizer à guilhotina: "Como você pode ser tão cruel?" Qual é o antídoto para o materialismo? O antídoto é o Evangelho pregado com demonstração e poder do Espírito Acompanhado dos sinais. (e) O deísmo admite que haja um Deus pessoal, que criou o mundo; mas insiste em que, depois da criação, Deus o entregou para ser governado pelas leis naturais. Em outras palavras, ele deu corda ao mundo como quem dá corda a um relógio e o deixado sem mais cuidado da sua parte.
Dessa maneira não seria possível haver nenhuma revelação e nenhum milagre. Esse sistema, às vezes, chama-se racionalismo, porque eleva a razão à posição de supremo guia em assuntos de religião; também se aulas como religião natural, como oposta à religião revelada. Tal sistema é refutado pelas evidências da inspiração da Bíblia e como evidências das obras de Deus na história. A idéia acerca de Deus, propagada pelo deísta, é unilateral. As Escrituras ensinam duas verdades importantes concernentes à relação de Deus para com o mundo: primeira, sua transcendência, que significa sua separação do mundo e do homem e sua exaltação sobre eles. (Isaías 6: 1); segunda, sua imanência, que significa sua presença no mundo e sua aproximação do homem (Atos 17:28; Efé. 4: 6).
O deísmo acentua demais a primeira verdade enquanto o panteísmo encarece demais a segunda. As Escrituras apresentam a idéia verdadeira e absoluta: Deus, de fato, está separado do mundo e acima do mundo; por outro lado, ele está no mundo. Ele adicionou seu Filho para estar conosco, e o Filho adicionou o Espírito Santo para estar em nós. Desta maneira a doutrina da Trindade evita os dois extremos. à pergunta, "Está Deus separado do mundo ou está no mundo?" a Bíblia responde: "Ele está tanto separado do mundo como também está no mundo."
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jaybeartodd · 7 years
💖 tag game 💖
I was tagged by the amazing @alohabucky Thank you thank you thank you <3<3
rules: answer these 85 statements about yourself, then tag 20 people.
last 1. drink - Ginger Ale 2. phone call - my sister 3. text message - my friends 4. song you listened to - Patience by Guns and Roses 5. time you cried - yesterday
ever 6. dated someone twice? - nope 7. kissed someone and regretted it - nope 8. been cheated on - nope 9. lost someone special - yes 10. been depressed - yes 11. gotten drunk and thrown up - no I hate throwing up with such a fiery passion
fave colours 12. pink 13. red 14. silver
in the last year have you 15. made new friends - yes so many and they are great 16. fallen out of love - no 17. laughed until you cried - a lot 18. found out someone was talking about you - nope 19. met someone who changed you - yes 20. found out who your friends are - sorta 21. kissed someone on your facebook friends list - nope
general 22. how many of your facebook friends do you know irl - all of them I am pretty sure 23. do you have any pets - 2 kitties and a puppy 24. do you want to change your name - nah 25. what did you do for your last birthday - watched La La Land with me friends 26. what time did you wake up today - 10 a.m.  27. what were you doing at midnight last night - writing I think 28. what is something you cant wait for - Spring Break 30. what are you listening to right now - Dancing Through Life from Wicked 31. have you ever talked to a person named tom - yes actually I had a photo op with Tom Hiddleston that I am still not over XD 32. something thats getting on your nerves - people not getting excited for me when I always get excited for them, my French class 33. most visited website - Tumblr, YouTube and IMDb 34. hair colour - blonde 35. long or short hair - verra long 36. do you have a crush on someone - no  37. what do you like about yourself - I am pretty hardworking and I am pretty good at making people laugh when they are down 38. want any piercings? - no I am such a baby 39. blood type - no idea...I should definitely work on that 40. nicknames - Lex 41. relationship status - single 42. zodiac - Sagittarius  43. pronouns - she/her 44. fave tv shows - Parks and Rec, Supernatural, Veronica Mars, Young Justice, Teen Titans, The 100 and probably a ton more I am forgetting at the moment 45. tattoos -nope but I already have one planned out 46. right or left handed - right 47. ever had surgery - yes 48. piercings - no, again big baby 49. sport - basketball but I haven’t played in so long 50. vacation - a lot of different places but I have never been outside the U.S. 51. trainers - not sure
more general 52. eating - ice cream 53. drinking - water 54. i’m about to watch - myself doing homework hopefully 55. waiting for - Spring Break 56. want - to not have to do homework anymore 57. get married - um I don’t think I want to but who knows 58. career - screenwriter
which is better 59. hugs or kisses - I am not a touchy feely person so honestly neither  60. lips or eyes - eyes 61. shorter or taller - taller 62. older or younger - older 63. nice arms or stomach - stomach 64. hookup or relationship - relationship 65. troublemaker or hesitant - troublemaker
have you ever 66. kissed a stranger - no 67. drank hard liquor - yes 68. lost glasses - nope 69. turned someone down - yes 70. sex on first date - nope  71. broken someones heart - yes 72. had your heart broken - no 73. been arrested - no 74. cried when someone died - yes 75. fallen for a friend - yes
do you believe in 76. yourself - I try to  77. miracles - yes 78. love at first sight - yes 79. santa clause - every time I watch Polar Express I do for a solid month afterwards 80. kiss on a first date - no 81. angels -yes
other 82. best friend;s name - I have two big friend groups but no main best friend 83. eye colour - green 84. fave movie - shoot there is so many.... Mad Max: Fury Road, Wonder Woman, and Cinderella (live action) right now probably 85. fave actor - AHHH AGAIN SO MANY...Tom Hardy is my current favorite tentatively 
I also realized I completely forgot to tag people....it has been a time sorry guys but everyone feel free to do this and tag me as who tagged you because I love learning about you guys :) sorry again I am super brain dead from school
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aion-rsa · 4 years
Hulu New Releases: December 2020
As the year winds down, streaming services appear to be taking a step back, licking their wounds from this strange pandemic production season, and looking to a hopefully brighter future. This is all to say that Hulu‘s list of new releases for December 2020 isn’t quite its most inspiring batch yet…and that’s OK.
Hulu’s biggest original title this month is undoubtedly The Hardy Boys. This adaptation of the classic boy detective novels is aimed at younger audiences and will premiere on Dec. 4. Then, near the end of the month, Hulu is bringing a new season of a show that is decidedly not for younger audiences. Season 9 of the very funny and very Canadian Letterkenny arrives on Dec. 26.
Hulu also has some recent movies of note coming in December including Amy Seimetz’s diabolical She Dies Tomorrow on Dec. 4 and children’s movie The Secret Garden on Dec. 6. The real appeal this month, however, is undoubtedly in the older library titles. All three installments of The Lord of the Rings trilogy arrive on Dec. 1, as do Eyes Wide Shut, 50 First Dates, and several Bond movies. With those alone, there are plenty of options for cinematic background noise through the holiday season.
Hulu New Releases – December 2020
December 1 
CMA Country Christmas: Special (ABC)     
Disney Holiday Singalong: Special (ABC) 
Lupin the 3rd Part 5:  Complete Season 1 (Dubbed & Subbed) (TMS) 
30 Days of Night (2007) 
50 First Dates (2004) 
About Last Night (1986) 
Angels & Demons (2009) 
Any Given Sunday (1999) 
Black Dynamite (2009) 
Body of Evidence (1993) 
Cake (2006) 
Charlotte’s Web (1973) 
Cliffhanger (1993) 
Con Air (1997) 
Diary Of A Mad Black Woman (2005) 
Dominion: Prequel to the Exorcist (2005) 
Dr. No (1962) 
Dragonball: Evolution (2009) 
Euphoria (2018) 
Eyes Wide Shut (1999) 
Garfield: A Tail of Two Kitties (2006) 
Goldeneye (1995) 
Goldfinger (1964) 
Hemingway’s Garden of Eden (2010) 
Here On Earth (1999) 
Hot Air (2018) 
Into the Blue (2005) 
Love Potion No. 9 (1992) 
Our Family Wedding (2009) 
Sands of Iwo Jima (1950) 
Shrink (2009) 
Sleeping with the Enemy (1991) 
Southside With You (2016) 
Strategic Air Command (1955) 
Sunshine (2007) 
The 6th Day (2000) 
The Chumscrubber (2005) 
The Client (1994) 
The Color of Money (1986) 
The Da Vinci Code (2006) 
The Fifth Element (1997) 
The Hand that Rocks the Cradle (1992) 
The Hulk (2003) 
The Hurt Locker (2008) 
The January Man (1989) 
The Lord Of The Rings: The Fellowship Of The Ring (2001) 
The Lord Of The Rings: The Return Of The King (2003) 
The Lord Of The Rings: The Two Towers (2002) 
The Mummy: Tomb of The Dragon Emperor (2008) 
The November Man (2014) 
The Spy Who Loved Me (1977) 
The Young Victoria (2009) 
True Confessions (1981) 
Two Weeks (2006) 
Under the Tuscan Sun (2003) 
Why Did I Get Married? (2007) 
December 4 
The Hardy Boys: Complete Season 1 (Hulu Original) 
Brassic: Complete Season 2 (ITV) 
Deutschland 89: Complete Season 1 (Sundance) 
My Hero Academia: Complete Season 4 (Dubbed) (Funimation) 
She Dies Tomorrow (2020) 
December 5 
Black Ops (2020) 
God’s Own Country (2017) 
It Had To Be You (2015) 
Mr. Jones (2020) 
Waiting For The Barbarians (2020) 
December 6      
How To Fake A War (2019) 
The Secret Garden (2020) 
December 7      
Valley Girl (2020) 
December 8      
Nurses: Series Premiere (NBC)
The Fairy Princess and the Unicorn (2020) 
December 10    
Dr. Seuss’ The Grinch Musical! (NBC) 
Out Stealing Horses (2019) 
December 11    
Madagascar: A Little Wild: Complete Season 2 (Hulu Original) 
Rent-A-Pal (2020) 
Spy Cat (2020) 
December 12      
Endless (2020) 
December 15      
Dirt Music (2019) 
Hitman: Agent 47 (2015) 
December 16      
Amy Winehouse: A Final Goodbye (2016) 
December 18      
The Hero (2017) 
December 21 
NOS4A2: Complete Season 2 (AMC) 
December 22 
You Cannot Kill David Arquette (2020) 
December 23 
Someone Marry Barry (2014) 
The Little Hours (2017) 
December 25 
Soldiers of Fortune (2012) 
December 26 
Letterkenny: Complete Season 9 (Hulu Original) 
December 27 
The Masked Singer: Season 5 Premiere (FOX)
American Animals (2018) 
December 28 
Hope Gap (2020) 
Our Idiot Brother (2011) 
December 31 
Bayou Caviar (2018) 
Supervized (2019)
Leaving Hulu – December 2020
December 8 
The Rocky Horror Picture Show (1975) 
The Rocky Horror Picture Show: Let’s Do The Time Warp Again (2016) 
December 14 
Baby…Secret Of The Lost Legend (1985) 
December 16 
The Good Shepherd (2006) 
December 31 
30 Days of Night (2007) 
A Beautiful Mind (2001) 
A Nanny For Christmas (2010) 
A View to a Kill (1985) 
About Last Night (1986) 
Aeon Flux (2005) 
Alien Nation (1988) 
Anti-Trust (2001) 
Antwone Fisher (2002) 
Any Given Sunday (1999) 
Back to School (1986) 
Barbershop (2002) 
Black Dynamite (2009) 
Blood Ties (2014) 
Broadcast News (1987) 
Cliffhanger (1993) 
Crimson Tide (1995) 
Diamonds Are Forever (1971) 
Diary Of A Mad Black Woman (2005) 
Dominion: Prequel to the Exorcist (2005) 
Dr. No (1962) 
Drugstore Cowboy (1989) 
Flashback (1990) 
For Your Eyes Only (1981) 
From Russia with Love (1964) 
Goldeneye (1995) 
Goldfinger (1964) 
Good Hair (2009) 
Grizzly Man (2005) 
House Of 1000 Corpses (2003) 
I Spy (2002) 
Ice Age: The Meltdown (2006) 
Interview With the Vampire (1994) 
Into the Blue (2005) 
Joe (2014) 
Justin Bieber: Never Say Never (2011) 
Kicking & Screaming (2005) 
Kiss The Girls (1997) 
Knocked Up (2007) 
Licence to Kill (1989) 
Little Giants (1994) 
Live and Let Die (1973) 
Lord Of War (2005) 
Lost In Space (1998) 
Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome (1985) 
March of the Penguins (2005) 
Moonraker (1979) 
Mr. Majestyk (1974) 
Mud (2013) 
My Bloody Valentine (1981) 
Not Another Teen Movie (2001) 
Nurse 3D (2014) 
Octopussy (1983) 
On Her Majesty’s Secret Service (1969) 
Pacific Heights (1990) 
Platoon (1986) 
Raging Bull (1980) 
Ronin (1998) 
Senorita Justice (2004) 
Sleeping with the Enemy (1991) 
Slow Burn (2007) 
Some Kind of Wonderful (1987) 
Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan (1982) 
Star Trek III: The Search for Spock (1984) 
Star Trek V: The Final Frontier (1989) 
Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country (1991) 
Star Trek: Insurrection (1998) 
Star Trek: The Motion Picture (1979) 
Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber Of Fleet Street (2007) 
Thanks for Sharing (2013) 
The 6th Day (2000) 
The Bourne Identity (2002) 
The Bourne Supremacy (2004) 
The Bourne Ultimatum (2007) 
The Client (1994) 
The Color of Money (1986) 
The Do-Deca-Pentathlon (2011) 
The End of Violence (1997) 
The Express (2008) 
The Hand that Rocks the Cradle (1992) 
The Hulk (2003) 
The Kingdom Of Heaven (2005) 
The Living Daylights (1987) 
The Lord Of The Rings: The Fellowship Of The Ring (2001) 
The Lord Of The Rings: The Return Of The King (2003) 
The Lord Of The Rings: The Two Towers (2002) 
The Man with the Golden Gun (1974) 
The Mummy: Tomb of The Dragon Emperor (2008) 
The Net (1995) 
The Saint (1997) 
The Spy Who Loved Me (1977) 
The Weather Man (2005) 
The World is Not Enough (1999) 
The Young Victoria (2009) 
This Christmas (2007) 
Thunderball (1965) 
Tomorrow Never Dies (1997) 
Under the Tuscan Sun (2003) 
Wanted (2008) 
Why Did I Get Married? (2007) 
Wild Hogs (2007) 
Wild Things (1998) 
William Shakespeare’s Romeo + Juliet (1996) 
Working Girl (1988) 
cnx.cmd.push(function() { cnx({ playerId: "106e33c0-3911-473c-b599-b1426db57530", }).render("0270c398a82f44f49c23c16122516796"); });
You Only Live Twice (1967)
The post Hulu New Releases: December 2020 appeared first on Den of Geek.
from Den of Geek https://ift.tt/3ok2IjF
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keywestlou · 4 years
I have been up since 1 this morning watching the news. The President and Melania have tested positive for coronavirus.
As much as I dislike Trump, no one wants another person to suffer and/or die. Trump who has had no empathy will receive tons of it from people like myself who oppose him. Because we have empathy!
The news has already filled everyone in on what transpired. I am not going to get into those details. However, I do have thoughts to express.
There is an old saying…..”The chickens have come home to roost.” In Donald’s case, the hoax has come home to roost.
Another applicable saying comes to mind. Concerns something coming round and biting a person on the ass….Coronavirus came around and bit Trump on the ass.
Finally…..”What goes around, comes around.” The President was a sitting duck for that one.
I am sure I will have more to say in the coming days.
The debate! The disgraceful one tuesday night. Trump made a mockery out of it.
Spencer Bokat-Lindell is a staff editor for the New York Times Opinion page. Appears to be relatively young. Deep in experience, however. Before his editorial position with the New York Times, he was an editor at the Paris Review and AXIOS.
He penned an article which appeared in the New York Times yesterday. Titled “Debatable.”
He described the debate as “an acutely cursed spectacle, the logical descent of political pornography intercourse snuff files.”
Interesting language. Is this the way today’s young describe things? Is this the new English? The language of this generation?
At 85, I have to wonder.
It is obvious I do not consider Amy Coney Barrett worthy of a Supreme Court seat. Little things keep popping up about her. Like her religion which she conveniently failed to disclose when she was going through the Senate approval process in 2017. In addition, her anti Roe v. Wade thinking concerns me.
More items not previously disclosed by her have come to light.
In 2006, she permitted her name, together with many others, to appear in an ad. The ad called for the overturn of Roe v. Wade.
When Barrett filed her Senate disclosure form for 2017 when she was a nominee for the Circuit Court, she failed to disclose her participation in the ad.
At some point also before her 2017 Senate review, she failed to report her reference to Roe v. Wade being a “barbaric legacy.”
The ad and language required disclosures . She failed to disclose. Hid her positions.
As she did her religious involvement with People of Praise. A charismatic group. Not affiliated with the Catholic Church. Its tenets make me wonder how she can render “blind justice” when sitting on the Supreme Court bench.
Politely said, the woman is a sneak.
Watched Joe Biden on one of his train stops yesterday in Ohio. Alliance, Ohio.
A sloppy performance. Where were the advance men? The people who go into a community and make sure there is a large turnout. They also know down to the minute how a speech is to be set up.
None existed in Alliance. Makes me question if he even has advance men for his two days of train stops.
I know that of which I speak. I helped the Democratic advance man who came to Utica in the 1960’s for 2 different campaigns. Rockefeller’s race against Frank O’Connor for Governor and Hubert Humphrey’s race for President.
Got to know the advance man well. The same person each time. He was our house guest each time he was in Utica.
My criticisms of Biden’s train stop are not intended to be derogatory. Hopefully someone will advise him of wrong planning as I am herein.
Biden stood on the side of a railway car. Trimmed to reflect America and his candidacy. Biden had a microphone in hand. The podium only faced one end of the crowd. All to his right. Not sure how many heard him. Also the set-up indicated someone did not know what they were doing.
Another group of Biden supporters were on the other side of the railway car. They could hear nothing.
Biden was wearing baseball cap. Take it off! It covered his eyes, he had to look up to be seen.
Trump’s people attended also. Provided music and singing to interrupt Biden’s talk. Songs like “God Bless the USA.” The group also provided via microphone clips of Biden’s gaffs.
Biden’s appearance totally lacking in political professionalism.
Permit me to share how Harry Truman did it.
It was 1948. I was 12 and in the 8th grade. Me and two of my buddies rode our bikes to the railroad station to hear Truman speak. We arrived a bit late. He was already talking when we arrived.
He too was doing a train stop campaign. From the small deck on the rear of the last car. Most important. A huge crowd was in front of him. Everyone could see Truman and he could see them.
My buddies and I were upset. We did not want to stand all the way back.
We did something only kids could get away with. We rode our bikes to the front of the crowd. There was a 5-6 feet area between Truman on the back of the train and the crowd. We moved our bikes in front and had the best seats in the house!
I mentioned this happening in 1948 to Truman when I was a senior at the Syracuse Law School. Truman was spending 2 days at the University giving talks. A luncheon had been arranged involving allegedly top University students. The University’s top 12 and Truman.
I was selected to represent the Law School.
Two round tables. Six students at one. Six students plus Truman at the other.
Seating was determined by the University. I sat to the immediate right of the President. I told him the story of my bike friends and I in 1948 at the railroad station in Utica.
Truman was excellent company. He spent 2 hours with us. Recalled vividly the 1948 election itself. He was predicted to be the loser. New York’s Governor Tom Dewey an easy winner.
Election night, some big town newspaper (I believe a Chicago one) had an extra on the streets before midnight. Headline: Dewey Wins.
H.V. Kaltenborn was a noted radio commentator. That same evening he went on national radio and said Truman had lost.
As we all know, Truman won.
Truman was obviously happy recalling the evening for us. He mimicked Kaltenborn to everyone’s delight.
Several people called this morning asking if I had watched Rachel Maddow last night. I did not. Apparently it was the best show ever from all that called. The 11 o’clock news also described Rachel’s show in glowing terms.
I understand it is being streamed on MSNBC this saturday.
Just as I was ready to write today’s blog, I received a telephone call from KONK Life’s Guy DeBoer. He has a morning talk show. Always a guest. His guest for today had called in and said she could not make it. He asked me. The show was to start in 3 minutes.
Since I could do it by telephone, I agreed.
Guy may never invite me back again. The topic was Trump and everything involving him. I consider Trump to be worthless. He has done much damage to the U.S. nationally and internationally.
One topic involved Trump leaving the White House on January 20. I said the people would storm the White House if Trump did not leave.
Guy was of the opinion getting Trump out could be done peacefully. The people and the Constitution would prevent such an occurrence on January 20.
I disagreed. Trump would stay. ICE, the Border Patrol and certain terrorist groups would protect him. A civil war in the making.
I was a bit verbose this morning. My apologies.
Enjoy your day!
  HOAX COMES HOME TO ROOST was originally published on Key West Lou
0 notes
snkpolls · 7 years
SnK Chapter 97 Poll Results
The chapter 97 poll closed with 1,235 responses. Thank you to everyone for participating.
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This is the highest rated chapter since we started asking this question 6 months ago. Many were delighted to see Eren again and felt that the plot was moving forward.
This is the chapter I've been waiting months for. Flashbacks with meaning. Plot progression. New revelations. Great chapter.
Best Marley chapter yet.
This chapter was honestly amazing, easily one of my favorite chapters. Not only do we get to see my boy Kenny again, Annie is there kicking his ass. We got Bertholdt's fortune telling sleeping positions(bless him). We got Reiner who is so fucking gone, I lost my shit for a second when I thought it was all gonna be over for him. Then we finally hear from the Tybur's and learn that Amputee-kun was Eren(no surprise with that one). Honestly just a beautiful chapter!
Made me more happy than getting a buy one get one coupon for Chick Fil A
Honestly I was expecting this chapter to be another flashback and generally boring instead I was pleasurably surprised by seeing my boi eren and Kenny ~wipes tear~ I JUST HAVE SO MANY FEELINGS ABOUT THIS CHAPTER O
This is the chapter we all needed. Finally, the plot's moving forward, and it's doing so really quickly! Hyped!
We went from "another useless flashback chapter" to "omg Isayama let us catch our breath" and this is hilarious. Not that I disliked flashback chapters, they were great...but THIS was THE chapter.
It's about time we had a chapter that pushed the plot forward and gave us some juicy reveals. The curtain has been down for far too long and it's now time for some conflict. Gimme grim reminder in the next chapter as well as more Pieck and Porky.
This chapter is just amazing. We got Eren as Amputee-kun, Willy Tybur, and a hint of Zekerets. Plus, there's also Eren's letter to look forward to. I feel like we'll be seeing the Paradis crew towards the end of Chapter 98. It serves as a great way to end the volume.
I was so happy to see the plot finally starting to move forwards again. I've loved getting the Marley perspective, but as I've said before, the pacing of these chapters has been abysmal. The plot's been largely stalled for nearly a year at this point, and I'm very excited to see it finally seeming to pick up direction again. 
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Things Involving Eren made up more than 55% of the vote. Anny vs Kenny pulled in 16.8% coming in third. And yes, I screwed up. I should’ve made Reiner’s suicide attempt a “best part” but I got caught up in the semantics of it all. I couldn’t see it as anything but a tragedy.
Reiner's attempted suicide was one of the best moments of the chapter but you only made it an option under "worst"
Voted for nothing in the first two sections as the suicide attempt my favorite  part of the chapter in terms of emotion and character development.
Annie "badass" Leonhardt was definitely a highlight of this chapter, though Eren's conversation just edged out ahead
Eren's character development and understanding Falco's situation
Loved the insight into Reiner's frame of mind on paradis. It seems like he was just as much in denial while being a warrior as he was as a soldier. Neither seem to be his genuine self. Poor kid!
MY SON IS BACK, MY SON IS BACK!!! Also I will eat my left shoe if the whole survey corps isnt nearby. This plan just seems like it has Armin written all over it.
It's so exciting to finally have the plot picking up again after an entire year of mostly exposition and development. Shit is definitely going down at that Tyber festival. Also lets just call Billy Thor because I can't deal with the idea that that is his name
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What’s more tragic, the unfortunate name of the 9th titan shifter or Reiner’s desperate situation? Rather than include Reiner’s suicide in either of these questions, I probably should’ve just asked “How much do you want to hug Reiner?” because so many people do.
Lack of best girl Pieke
Can someone like... hug reiner?  
Fucking WILLY is his name?!?!?
We thought Reiner's life couldn't get worse. Isayama works his magic yet again.
Willy is a term for dick so in actuality his name is Dick Tybur, the Wardick titan shifter
Blessed Reigner need not turn to suicide, fulfillment is in the self
Willy the Warhammer is even worse than Billy.
Reiner's  suicide attempt was WICKED.
i wanna die almost as bad as reiner
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The Best Reveal is that we were all correct about Eren being Amuptee-kun. In a series this unpredictable, we take our victories where we can.
Since we're right about Eren being Amputee-kun, we might (should) as well be right with Annie x Father Leonhardt siding with Paradis! (please)
That justice boner being exactly right about Eren being the bum.
Annie and crazy uncle Kenny did meet and were on screen together. That makes me happy. I'm trying to understand Kenny's appearance lol. Did Isayama miss him or what ?
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When we first asked this question last month only 22% thought RBA might be involved in killing the man in order to create a bullet-proof hometown alibi.  With the inclusion of Bert’s nightmares and Reiner’s shady expression, it looks like more people are coming around to the idea.
Why the hell people still think RBA or RA killed that man? It makes absolutely no sense and has no basis in the story.They kept saying it last chapter and it was proven wrong, and now they say Bert just didn't know about it? Really? Why wouldn't they tell him? They always discuss everything together, why not this? That look Reiner gave Bert was just him worried about his friend having nightmares or, if he's in his warrior mindset, worried that it might affect his performance.
I think Reiner was clearly involved in the hanged man's death, but there's little to zero evidence Annie was involved. I think this chapter also emphasized, despite his affection for Bert, how unreliable Reiner considered Bert to be.
'the man who hung himself' srsly the answers right there are u retarded?
I actually think Reiner killed the old man solo and didn't tell Bertholdt and Annie, though I'm not quite sure why he would do that.
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Annie got the most positive responses but it seems everyone is this chapter is hot except poor Magath. (That’s ok, Theo. I will continue to love you!)
Kenny is hot, Eren will be hot when he takes a shower, Reigner is hot too but is also broken beyond repair. This chapter fucked me up, everyone needs a rest.
You much awesomeness in this chapter! Willy is hot af!
I want Kenny to be my sugar daddy
My beautiful best girl Annie is back, and is cuter than ever. I love her. I want her to come back
my son looks like a hobo and I don't know how to cope with this
eren should fucking shave
Magath is making me wet with his humanity once more.
Annie is bae
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For the "who wore it better" for long hair I didn't choose because both Willy and Eren look fab
Eren always looked a lot like his mother, but now he started looking like grisha too
The old Eren can't come to the phone rn. Why? Cause he's DEAD
eren became daddy
Eren looks like a pedo-hobo hybrid just so everyone knows.
How dare you not like Eren's hair mom
  PIGTAILS (1,126 Responses)
Poor Mina. Less than 30% felt like the original was better.
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HAT (1,170 Responses)
Thank you fandom! My faith is restored.
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Eren wins for now but hopefully Falco  has a few more years to work on mastering the expression.
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  IN THIS PANEL, WILLY TYBUR IS: (1,090 Responses)
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I think if I’d included a “both” option it would’ve been a landslide. Next chapter I hope we see Willy’s “I 💖 Helos” tattoo.
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The range was from “Cinnamon Roll (1)” to “Final Boss (5)”. Most people seem to think Willy will end up the series being mostly bad news.
I almost wonder if Billy is a red flag and is going to end up dead or eaten instead of serving as a "final boss"
Billy Tybur is totes gonna be morally ambiguous , like every other villain.
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We are crazy divided on this question. While most seem confident the original Helos was an Ackerman, we have no idea who the new one will be.  Eren is narrowly ahead of Levi. Mikasa and Zeke are battling it out for third. And even Magath pulled in a  chunk of the vote with almost 7%. Gabi and Falco were popular choices. And Jean, Connie, Flocke, Sasha and Hange all got included as well.
Bertholdt rises from the dead and becomes the hero.
Obviously Mads I mean...duh
Pieck (As expected)
Falco will save marley with his cuteness
I really hope Mikasa, so she can be more relevant again.
I think Tybur referred to himself.
It's going to be Magath, but he will be used as a scapegoat; i don't see willy really trying to change the status quo.
There won't be a new Helos.  The idea of becoming Helos is the apple that Willy is using to tempt Magath into doing something horribly stupid that is probably going to get him killed and fuck up the lives of all of his Titan Children even more.  If that's even possible.
Udon, the reincarnation of Borutoruto, the God of Destruction and the right hand of Our Lord and Savior Reigner Braun.
Zofia, the true key character of this story, Helos reincarnated, Bringer of Doom and Savior of the Weak.
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Slightly more than half the fandom believe the single panel of Zeke was included because he’s on the receiving end of Eren’s letter.
zeke looked like a fucking 70s teenage girl talking to her crush on the phone in that panel and that is the best part of the chapter to me
Zeke might be listening to the Willy/Magath coversation via a bug, or Magath wearing a wire. A Zeke/Magath plot is possible.
Significance of Zeke's panel is Zekerets
zeke's totally plotting something- don't know what but there's no way he's not. oh and eren pls. the mop needs to go.
I think Zeke was plotting with Magath, not the Tybur
I feel like Zeke being on the phone IS significant but not for any of the answers listed so I just had to say none.
what if Zeke was talking to one of the SC members & said something along the lines of ""He's here"" or something like that? Just thought that would kinda be badass.
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I was a bit surprised that this chart was so lopsided. I think a strong case could be made either way as to whether or not Eren is operating alone.
The "It's hard for me to show my face to my family now" line honestly has me worried.  If the story takes it down this path as opposed to what we expect, then something ground-breaking must have happened during the time-skip.  Eren, Mikasa, and Armin have been through everything together.  If that was somehow torn apart, then so will my heart.
I wonder if Eren saying that he "can't go back" is a reference to Paradis (and he's acting on his own) or a reference to a more innocent past, where they knew nothing of the world and he didn't have all these memories inside him
I'm surprised there wasn't a question about whether or not Eren being there meant EMA separation, but I guess that'll be speculated until we get info one way or the other.
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The majority say the letter is for Zeke, but some write-ins include Pieck, Marcel and the Restorationists. Annie’s father showed up several times as well.
This question is Annie's father who happens to be harboring the Survey Corps
Armin and Mikasa explaining why he left alone without warning them
Eldian doctor that work with the owl
I think all these options are possible but I hope it's for Reiner.
I'm still debating on who it is but it's either Zeke or the SC
It could be either one of the survey corps or annie's father. I don't know, let's see in the future chapters ^^
It's not addressed to anyone, but delivering it is a signal to the others "Begin Operation Grim Reminder 2.0"
it's probably Zeke but I hope he contacts Reigner at some point
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The recipient of the letter was top pick with 54% followed by the Tybur Family Festival with 44%. “The Survey Corp” and “Reiner and Eren Reunion” tied for third with 40.4%.
I really hope we don't have to wait too long to learn more about Eren's letter like we did with Ymir. Nonetheless I'm looking forward to future chapters!
I really need to see the Warhammer Titan in action
Can Reiner just be happy for once. Like please
This is it. Next chapter we'll get to see everyone else from paradis whether they're in Marley or not. It's the end of the volume! AAAH!
Damn excited for that festival!!!
Marley final arc is clearly a go now. Eren's in place, I suspect the Survey Corps are in place, reintroductions will happen soon and then everything will get moving. I still stand that 96 felt like stalling, but I totally get it, Isayama wants a big ch. 98 moment and we're getting it.
I really want to see more of Pieck and Porco. PLUS I want to see Porco meet Historia because that'd be an interesting conversation/fight!
I want to see adult Annie and Mikasa, and also Historia
My heart is beating whenever I think about chapter 98.
I'm really looking forward to knowing what the end-game is, and what plans the Teibers and Zeke have. Also, I'm really looking forward to what Eren is up to. I think next chapter is going to be a doozy and I can't wait!
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Last month 58% would sell theirs souls to see the original cast. That was down very slightly this month to 54%. Despite Eren being included in this chapter most are still anxious for news about the rest of the Survey Corps.
With Amputee-kun being Eren, there is no reason to want to return to Paradis. The important stuff is happening in Liberio, Paradis has nothing new.
Now that eren is back i think that the story will stay in Marley till the end, barring the occasional flashback
Would like to see how the original cast looks now.
I miss Levi and it's been so long since we've seen any of the main cast.  It's nice to see the effects of the last four years on Reiner, but I'm very curious to see how Levi and the rest of the SC are dealing with their new knowledge, the loss of Erwin, their island without titans.  Please, please get back to the main cast. 
I wonder what is Mikasa's and the others' view on Eren's doings (yeah i understand that Marley is important but gimme Paradis already... please?
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Very little changed from last month. I suspect it will remain consistent from here on out.
I love the 104th with all my heart!! But they can only truly qualify as my favourite group if RBA are included...
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 We took away the “other” option on this question to simplify the results and  allowed people to check more than one. Hopefully this makes a better reflection of how we are discussing the series.
Thoughts about Reiner
Since I screwed Reiner over in the best/worst question, here’s a whole section of love for him
Plot armoured Titan strikes the feels.
#save reiner braun
Give Reiner some hapiness Isayama :(
That sequence of flashbacks interwoven with Reiner's suicide attempt are some of the strongest pages of this goddamn manga. I was so shook by it when I first saw it that I was left in a morbidly awed silence at how powerful the delivery was. I actually couldn't speak, so bravo isayama.
Reiner deserves all happines in this world
Reiner's suicide attempt made me cry and I've never been any more sad reading the manga..... Suicide is just such a realistic issue in reality that seeing it snk has affected me more than giant man-eating titans ever will
will reigner ever find happiness :(
Man I just really want Reiner to be happy :,((((
Give Reiner some happiness in his life, please ;_;
I hope ReinerxHappiness becomes canon someday.
I feel as if I lose 10 years of my life every time I see Reiner's suicide attempt.
Reiner's suicide attempt messed me up emotionally
Reiner's suicide attempt was the BEST part of the chapter
Reiner's thoughts  about  the  past  and  the  following suicide  attempt  will  fuck  me  up  for  a  whole  month. Please  help  him.  
Reiner was so heartbreaking. But so was eren GAH IT WAS SUCH A BITTERSWEET CHAPTER
Other Comments
I can’t list everything, but I read each comment and thank you for sharing your ideas. Some of the longer comments were theories that I enjoyed but don’t think belonged in the poll results. With some longer comments I extracted a few sentences rather than publish the whole thing.
Willy looks kind of handsome and Falco should stop being a warrior and become a mailman.
More Marley please, more revelations, MORE PAIN.
WhaT iS It ERen?
Apparently, in the japanese version, the warhammers identity was more ambiguous and could be anyone my bet would be the tall guard inside the room. Reiners suicide attempt was depressing, especially if you consider that he was feeling guilty for helping eren improve so much which got Bertholdt killed. Hyped to see what Zeke is up to, he may be plotting with Pieck or something against the Tybur idk.
Eren vs Armin for the final arc - you heard it here first
Everytime I see my top 3 characters (Kenny, Jean, Reiner) they are either suffering or in danger, and the fandom is more focused in others like Annie, Eren or Gabi. Then there will be Zeke with a suicidal, Erwin-like attitude. I always thought that Eren was going to meet his grandparents, but I have no clue of what will happen now. Anyways, Billy is an interesting guy, and Eren has reached Jean's maturity level (after Trost). Let's hope Falco doesn't suffer much, because of his two "teachers". Colt looks like a Farlan figure to me.
The art improvements tho. And i did not know that thor moves to snk u know "warhammer titan" stuff. Nice issayama
I am very happy to see again Eren. He is matured a lot, just thinking about the conversation with Falco. But I am sad for Reiner 'cause it was due the Falco's voice to save him from the suicide and so he went to looking for Falco, tell him that everything will be alright. Reiner is concerned to Falco, he wants to be useful for him but BAM, he found an excited Falco (after talking with Amputee-kun). Reiner can't do anything. He is still alone.
Everyone's going gaga for Eren's new look and I'm sitting here like......ehh..? Seeing Jean (stupid, bratty, Jean) for three panels was wonderful. Zeke and Billy best be plotting. I'd like to see their interactions. I like Billy's character design too, especially the nose and hair.
poll is good but you should do some spell check because you mispelled Tybur as Tyber like 9 times lol
(I know! sorry!)
Great poll, as always, and Billy totally wore wore it better. Also, fingers crossed, Grim Reminder doesn't happen.
Reiner's suicide attempt was absolutely haunting. The fact that he didn't hesitate as he loaded up the rifle (Even though doing so would consume a lot of time that could be used to be like 'Wait what am I doing'), the way it was interwoven into the flashbacks (made it seem that everything just piled and piled on him until finally he couldn't take it anymore), the fact that Reiner didn't seem to be thinking about anyone until Falco showed up outside (and that he seemed to only be motivated to live due to the Titan shifter candidates, which would imply a lot about his current connection to his mom ;_;). That shit left me in emotional pain for two days, not even joking. 
the Reiner/Eren parallels reminded me of their fairly friendly dynamic during their 104th days and gave credence to my mini-theory that Reiner asked Eren to come with him and Bertholdt because he was sentimental ;_;. 
"Deer Isayama Reiner is reindeer Jean is horse Conny is monkey Armin is rabbit Zeke has zekerets And Pieck is exactly right"
I just want to hug Reiner, telling him "it's just two more years, come on, you can do it. Help the younglings and then you'll meet Bert again". Plus, I really really hope that Isayama is showing us a lot of Annie to hint she's soon getting out of that f***ing crystal!
Finally a decent chapter; we have the plot moving forward with the Teiber-Magath convo and the Eren reveal, we have some nice flashbacks and also some character development (Eren maturing and Reiner hitting rock bottom :'( ). The pacing was great, not too much focus on one single thing like last chapter.
Eren is Daddy now and that's all my mind had been able to thoroughly process with this chapter. 
Friendship between Reiner and Bertl was strong in this one. I want... MORE. I would also like some back story on the berb turtle please thanks bye
I have a feeling that Annie is starting to side with Paradis Island (Isayama seems to keep dropping hints).
No. Annie still isn't going to switch sides.
im crying in the club
grim remind me Armin
Every time the warriors are hurt in any way shape or form a hostage dies, you've been warned Isayama-sensei.
Hoping to God Willy/Billy is actually Vili
Yeah could we stop with these flashbacks of Annie and actually see her in the present for once? Thanks bye.
Willy's nose is suspiciously like Armins. I realize they're all related, but the nose makes me wonder if he's an Arlert. If so, is Armin the true hero, as Eren predicted?
i was annoyed with the marley arc the first chapter but now am loving it & the marley mandem. i also used 2 think amputee-kun was 2 people (eren & someone else) but now idk
I think it's high time we see Pieck being exactly right again! It's been 2 WHOLE chapters man, I need my feed of Pieck
I'm worried to death that Eren is gradually losing his spark D:
When will we see the concluding conflict of this beautiful series? Who will die and survive?
can't wait for Isayama to wreck us with feels and revelations
Seeing Kenny again was such a blessing. Also, I'm super excited where the whole Tybur thing is going and can't wait for the revelations we are bound to see sooner or later.
Love it when Isayama tortures Annie and Reiner.
I think, Reiner sees himself as he sees or remembers falco (whyyy i'm crying when i see this boy???!!! And I see bertolini and reinder when they still a trainee wth i'm dying. Thank you Isayama). it give me heart attack too when seeing reiner and that gun in his hand.
although reiner's almost-suicide attempt was tragic, i feel like it was a long time coming. it seems like isayama has been building up to it for a while
"Light of of the Seven" played in my head when I was reading the chapter. I bet next month "The Rains of Castamere" will be played instead
I wonder why Isayama decided to put that panel of Zeke right before Eren gives the letter to Falco. It could have been placed somewhere else, but I think he put it there to signify that Eren's letter is to Zeke (or maybe his grandparents?). But a lot of people think its to the Survey Corps, so... 
How is Annie so much shorter than Kenny how tall is he???
Unexpected turn of events w/the Tybur controlling Marly. Such a shock! Isa will choose more shocking reveals. Im scared. The end will be the hardest choice between the lives of one side opposite the other.
I was so happy to see the Marley arc merge with the Survey Corps and pre-Marley arc events with Eren. It really marks the beginning of something new and epic. That letter is gonna set so many things in motion, and now that we have been properly introduced to the holder of the 9th titan's power, things are bound to be more interesting.
One of the best chapters so far. If not the best.
do you think they have sour cream in marley
(This last was comment played out on Reddit and Tumblr . The OP reached out to me and mentioned that they were eating mexican food while taking the poll. Mystery solved!)
168 notes · View notes
fionaharnett · 5 years
PHILOSOPHY AS METHOD LECTURE 2.  Lecture notes/slides
Philosophy as Method: Ethics, Aesthetics, Ontology of Photography Philosophy of, Religion, Science, Biology, Art, Law,History, Mind, Technology, Politics , Mathematics, Language, Photography
What is philosophy?
This is a notoriously difficult question.
One of the easiest ways of answering it is to say that philosophy is what philosophers do, and then point to writings of Plato, Aristotle, Descartes, Hume, Kant, Russell, Wittgenstein, Sartre, and otherfamous philosophers. However, this answer is unlikely to be ofmuch use to you if you are just beginning the subject, as you probably won’t have read anything by these writers. Even if you have, it may still be difficult to say what they have in common, if indeed there is a relevant characteristic which they all share.
Philosophy is an activity: it is a way of thinking about certain sorts of question. Its most distinctive feature is its use of logical argument. Philosophers typically deal in arguments: they either invent them, criticize other people’s, or do both. They also analyse and clarify concepts. They often examine beliefs that most of us take for granted most of the time. They are concerned with questions... about religion, right and wrong, politics, the nature of the external world, the mind, science, art and numerous other topics. For instance, most people live their lives without questioning their fundamental beliefs such as that killing is wrong. But why is it wrong? Is it wrong in every circumstance? And what do I mean by ‘wrong’ anyway?
Philosophical method is generally characterised by:
• Use of logical argumentation
• Systematicity, rigour
• Questioning of even the most fundamental beliefs (not necessarily in order to subvert them, but to clarify why we hold them)
• Thoroughness
• Criticality
• Openness to re-examination of issues/to change of mind where this seems necessary
• CLARITY (hopefully)
Ontology Ethics Aesthetics
Ontology asks:
“I was overcome by an ‘ontological’ desire: I wanted to learn at all costs what Photography was ‘in itself,’ by what essential feature it was to be distinguished from the community of images.” (Barthes, 1981, p.3)
What makes photography photography? What makes it different from all other forms of image making? What defines photography as a medium? What is specific about photography? What is unique about photography?
“The name of this Group is derived from a diaphragm number of the photographic lens. It signifies to a large extent the qualities of clearness and definition of the photographic image which is an important element in the work of members of this Group. Group f/64 limits its members and invitational names to those workers who are striving to define photography as an art form by simple and direct presentation through purely photographic methods. The Group will show no work at any time that does not conform to its standards of pure photography. Pure photography is defined as possessing no qualities of technique, composition or idea, derivative of any other art form.”
(From the manifesto of Group f/64, emphases added.)
“There is an urgent need to examine old opinions and look at things from a new viewpoint. There must be an increase in the joy one takes in an object, and the photographer should become fully conscious of the splendid fidelity of reproduction made possible by his technique.” (Albert Renger-Patzsch, ‘Joy before the object’, in Phillips, Christopher [ed.] 1989, Photography in the Modern Era: European Documents and Critical Writings, 1913-1940, Metropolitan Museum of Art, NY/Aperture, NY, pp.108-109.)
Realism Definition/sharpness Reproducibility Uta Barth, Field #9, 1995. Uta Barth, Field #7, 1995. Uta Barth, Field #3, 1995. Uta Barth, Field #6, 1995. Louis-Jacques-Mandé Daguerre, View of the Boulevard de Temple, c. 1839. (A photograph, but not extremely sharp, not reproducible, not particularly ‘truthful’ – all moving objects have blurred into invisibility due to the long exposure.)
Necessary and sufficient conditions:
Is quality x a necessary condition of photography? = are there images which are obviously photographs but don’t have quality x? Is quality x a sufficient condition of photography?
= are there images which have quality x but are clearly not photographs?
When a quality (or set of qualities) is simultaneously both necessaryand sufficient as a condition of images being photographs, then that quality/set of qualities is a definition of photography, and only photography.
NECESSARY CONDITIONS? DOES EVERY PHOTOGRAPH NEED TO BE... INDEXICAL? Andreas Gursky, Rhein II, 1999. (A photograph, but how indexical?) Still from Ben Lewis, Gursky World, 2002.
NECESSARY CONDITIONS? DOES EVERY PHOTOGRAPH NEED TO BE... REALISTIC? Andre Kertesz, Distortion 168, 1933. (A photograph, but how realistic?)
Jeff Wall, Odradek, Táboritská 8, Prague, 18 July 1994 1994. (Truth? A staged photograph referring to a work of fiction – Kafka.)
Indexical, realistic, objective, sharp, clear, high definition (etc.) – but not necessarily of visible light per se.
Albert Renger-Patzsch, Echeveria, 1922. SEM image of the tip of a Norway Spruce branch. Karl Blossfeldt, Columbiablatt/Leaf of A Columbia-species, 1932. Northwest Fisheries Science Center, Surface of Zebrafish Skin (SEM image). Albert Renger-Patzsch, Mesembrianthemum Becca Butans, Center for Sustainable Lehmanni, ca. 1922. Nanotechnology, Nano-Koosh-balls, 2013. ETHICS Famine War/Violence/Torture Terrorism Exploitation, slavery, pollution, greed (etc.) Natural disasters Assuming that the ontology of photography allows some level of connection with reality, we face the question of the morality of the actions/situations themselves.
But there are of course differences: natural disasters may not be attributable to a moral agent (although you can try to argue that they, or some of them, are to some extent consequences of industry, globalisation – human actions).
But there are ethical questions concerning the photography of the events: eg
• who benefits from the photographs? • who should benefit from them and how? • who should photograph these events and their victims and how? • where should such photographs be shown and to whom and why? • what should the viewers make of the images – how to respond? Most ethical questions pertaining to photography are (most likely) questions of applied ethics. • You need to think and research case by case
Pvt. (pfc.) Lynndie England holds a naked detainee by a leash in Abu Ghraib prison, Iraq. Sebastiao Salgado, Starved Child Looking for Food in the Region of the Former Lake Faguibine. Mali, 1985 Sebastiao Salgado, Starved Child Looking for Food in the Region of the Former Lake Faguibine. Mali, 1985 “[T]his beautification of tragedy results in pictures that ultimately reinforce our passivity toward the experience they reveal. To aestheticize is the fastest way to anesthetize the feeling of those who are witnessing it. Beauty is a call to admiration, not to action.” (Ingrid Sischy, 1991)
“Perhaps the camera promises a festive cruelty: ‘Oh, good, the camera’s here: let’s begin the torture so that the photograph might capture and commemorate our act!’ If so, the photograph is already at work prompting, framing and orchestrating the act, even as the photograph captures the act at the moment of its accomplishment.” (Butler, 2007, pp.958–959) But paying closer attention to your treatment of a case study, you may find that the arguments (your own and those of others) fall broadly within the two main categories of normative ethics/metaethics: But paying closer attention to your treatment of a case study, you may find that the arguments (your own and those of others) fall broadly within the two main categories of normative ethics/metaethics: • Consequentialism • Deontological ethics VERY BROADLY: Consequentialism: The moral value of an act is based on the act’s consequences: if the consequences are good, the act was good. (Close to colloquial expression, ‘the ends justify the means’.)
Deontology: You have to do your duty (Greek, δέον, deon = obligation, duty), i.e., you have to do what is right in the first place, regardless of the consequences – and you need to do the right thing because it’s the right thing to do (doing what’s right is the motivation for the act). Butler’s speculation raises a clearly deontological problem: whoever photographed these events perhaps incited the very act, and therefore s/he did the wrong thing in the first place. From a consequentialist angle, these images may be seen to have had (some) good consequences: of exposing the practice of torture, of bringing (some of) the perpetrators to justice. Sischy is clearly criticising Salgado for a consequentialist mistake: his methods of representing the tragedy of famine are wrong, since they are likely not toincite the right kind of reactions in viewers.
Whereas it’s harder to criticise Salgado from a deontological point of view: his intentions are good (he wants to do the right thing), even according to the title of Sischy’s article: ‘Good Intentions’ (New Yorker, 1991). Richard Misrach, Destroy This Memory, 2010
Richard Misrach, Submerged Gazebo, Salton Sea, California, 1984. “My career, in a way, has been about navigating these two extremes - the political and the aesthetic.” (Misrach in an interview with Peter Brown, 2011.) Often, aesthetics is thought to be the theory of the beautiful in art and nature. E.g., • What beauty is • What taste is • What aesthetic experience is (like) • Which works of art are beautiful Often, aesthetics is thought to be the theory of formal properties in images: • What colours are used (if any) • How the image is composed • What formal properties produce ‘good’ images But in photography, things are less straightforward: But in photography, things are less straightforward: • Aesthetics, as a distinct philosophical discipline, predates the birth of photography (as we use the term) • Aesthetics already as a philosophical discipline is disputed: it is also said to be, e.g., the theory of sense perception in general, and ‘the philosophy of art’ in general, i.e., not necessarily to do with beauty (Hegel). • Photography, especially in its documentary forms, does not (necessarily) deal with beauty or formal properties.
So what is aesthetics in photography theory?
Much of the discussion on photography under the rubric of philosophical aesthetics has tended to address this question: Is photography aesthetically valuable at all? Is photography in fact an art at all? E.g., Friday’s Aesthetics and Photography is a book wholly devoted to this question. So what is aesthetics in photography theory? Much of the discussion on photography under the rubric of philosophical aesthetics has tended to address this question: Is photography aesthetically valuable at all? Is photography in fact an art at all? This leads to further questions: E.g., Is photography different from painting/drawing, and if so, how? Is photography transparent (i.e., does it allow us visual contact with the object analogous to ‘naked’ perception of the object)? If photography is not different from other media of visual art, then it has no intrinsic aesthetic value. It may have aesthetic value, but this value does not derive from its being photography. If photography is transparent, then it is not a representational medium and as such it cannot create aesthetically valuable representations. (i.e., any aesthetic value possessed by photographs would be the aesthetic value of the objects depicted in photographs, not of the photograph itself) Uta Barth, Field #9, 1995. Uta Barth, Field #7, 1995. Uta Barth, Field #3, 1995. Uta Barth, Field #6, 1995. Catherine Yass, JCC:Stairs (down), 2009. Sebastiao Salgado, Workers install a new wellhead to enable the injection of a chemical mud to "kill the old well." Greater Burhan, Kuwait, 1991. Beyond the beautiful: the sublime Paul Seawright, Camp Boundary, 2002.
0 notes
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@sleepinthegardn: Today closes the chapter on a very significant part of my life. A chapter I had never imagined or even dreamt of having written. When I left collage I thought I was headed to NYC (hopefully for some jobs on stage) Little did I know life was actually taking me to Rosewood, Pennsylvania. Where they insisted I would need to do high school for about 6 more years. Life (for reasons that will continue to reveal themselves to me ) made me a Pretty Little Liar. For 8 years. For around 10,000 hours of my life it asked me to be Spencer Hastings. It took me to days where I couldn’t stop laughing, and nights when I wished I could have been sleeping in bed, instead of running in the wet and cold for the umpteenth take at 5AM but somehow we made it through and we had fun even then. Every moment with this cast and crew, in this town, every breath I took with Spencer, every text, dead body, new suspect, terrifying scream, new relationship and “kisses, A” taught me something extraordinary. It taught me patience, and how to approach my craft, how to direct, produce, it taught me about collaboration, experimentation, risk, friendship, family, empathy, sacrifice and above all LOVE. Being Spencer Hastings in this crazy world is something I still don’t quite understand, but I know it was a rare and beautiful gift. A gift that will continue to give for the rest of my days on this Earth. And I wanted to say THANK YOU to all of the people who gave it to me. To all of the people who believed in me and made it possible, to my friends and family who loved me through it and above all to YOU, the fans, who watched, who tweeted, and posted, who theorized, swooned and screamed. We got a lot out of this experience, but I would have been nothing without you. Thank you and I love you all very much. (I love you too, Spencer, you weirdo). Enjoy tonight. I know I will. #pllendgame #spencerhastings
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Troian’s Farewells 
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@lucyhale: Tomorrow 😭 #pllendgame
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@lucyhale: I can almost remember the day about 8 years ago that we took this photo. Little did we know, our lives were about to change drastically. For me to be speechless says a lot, but I'm finding it hard to find the words to express my gratitude to every single person that made this show a success. Sometimes simple is better and I just want to say ...I will miss you Pretty Little Liars. Thanks to@imarleneking --She knows what she did ❤️ , the whole cast, hardworking crew, producers and writers and all of YOU. You became part of the family. And to Aria-- you became a part of me in a way, but I'll always keep you close ❤️
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@lucyhale: I'm gonna be posting A LOT of pll stuff today so I'm apologizing in advance 🤸🏻‍♀️
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@lucyhale: group "shhh" for the last episode 😭😭😭
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@sashapieterse27: Today is the day. My friends. My forever #pllfamily . In this bittersweet moment (and always), I am forever grateful for these 8 years. There are no words to describe this incredible journey, but I'll do my best. We have truly created an impeccable love story thanks to the wonderful and one of a kind @imarleneking and our amazing cast and crew. I am so ridiculously grateful to each and every one of them. To our amazing fans I am most definitely forever grateful. You guys have been so loyal and passionate! You have made every second possible, worth it, gratifying, touching, and especially memorable. We truly shot every season, episode, scene, and second for you. You will always have a place in my heart. When we cried you cried, when we laughed you laughed, when we were scared you were scared, when we were mad you were mad, and when we loved you loved. We are always in sync and we always will be. Thank you for entrusting us with your time for 8 years. Let us celebrate all the fun and growth we've shared. I love love love you all more than you could ever know. Congratulations @imarleneking @sleepinthegardn @lucyhale @ashleybenson @shaymitchell @janelparrish @tylerjblackburn @ianmharding @keeoone @theandreaparker @vrayskull #lauraleighton @thehmc @niapeeples #chadlowe #nolannorth #lesleyfera @tamminsursok @brantdaugherty @brendanrobinson @codychristian @julianmorris #jimabele @huwcollins #lindsayshaw @torreydevitto #drewvanacker #brycejohnson @yanigellman #romamafia @diegoboneta #shanecoffey #lulubrud #annebethgish @chloebridges #ryanguzman #kararoyster #jimtitus and the many many many more amazing cast members who created magic. And congratulations & amen to @lisacochranpll & our entire crew and production team who made every day possible. We shared every day, every fraturday, every joy of birthdays, housewarmings, weddings, new baby's, etc. and we shared sadness as well. I am blessed to know all of you. You are forever family. It still hurts my soul to not see you every day. Another big thank you to @freeform of course! I could go on forever! But, I will leave it as pure love. Rosewood forever lives on and this is not goodbye. Love always, Sash
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@sashapieterse27: Yesterday marked the end of a major chapter in my life. 
As I’m sure a few of you know, the TV show Pretty Little Liars had it’s very last finale last night. I woke up feeling sick with a huge knot in my stomach! It’s so surreal that there will be no more live “previously on Pretty Little Liars” and no more “Shhh’s” at the end of that now very iconic song. But as I joined my PLL family to watch the finale, I was hit by this wave of absolute joy. It dawned on me that this is an end to an era. A very important era, but even more importantly it was a time to celebrate. To embrace the incredibly wonderful time we all shared together and to soak in every bit of joy it had brought me and others. PLL…playing Alison has been such a crucial part of my childhood and now adulthood. From starting and graduating high school, getting my drivers license, buying my first home, getting engaged to my best friend, and now wedding planning, what a trip! I just want to thank you. I wish I could give all of you a huge hug! You have seen me grow and you have grown with me. Thank you for always sticking by me, for never giving up on me or Alison. As I enter this new chapter of my life, I hope you will continue with me. There’s so many new fun adventures I’m about to journey through and I would be so honored if you all ride along with me. My blog @sashaingoodtaste is definitely one of those adventures. Sasha in Good Taste doesn’t just stop at this blog, there’s so many more things in store (very soon) that I can’t wait to show you! Creating and entertaining is such a passion of mine and having you share that alongside me, means the absolute world to me! We. are. family. and Rosewood will forever live on! I wholeheartedly ADORE YOU! Love, Sasha…-A #prettylittleliars #pllfamily #emisonfamily #emison #emisonisendgame #sashaingoodtaste
Sasha’s Live Tweets
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@ashleybenson: #bts of us watching fan videos made by all of you during our very last scene we filmed
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@ashleybenson: ❤️
A post shared by Ashley Benson (@ashleybenson) on Jun 27, 2017 at 3:08pm PDT
@ashleybenson: I LOVE YOU GUYS. Thank you for coming on this journey with me and the rest of the cast for the last seven years. Without all of you watching every week none of this would've been possible. Pll was an such amazing experience and I am so lucky I got to work with the BEST cast and crew who I am now lucky enough to call family. Hope you enjoy the last episode ever of PLL ❤️
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@shaymitchell: One of the hardest scenes I think for all of us to shoot- the last scene of this incredible journey... #PrettyLittleLiars #PLLGameOver #notadryeye
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@shaymitchell: The streets of Rosewood will always feel like home. I will hold each of these girls close to my heart always, as I will Emily. She changed me as a person and I will never be able to say thank you enough. Thanks to the cast, crew, and of course, the fans. The little show that could kept chugging along because of all of you and I am forever grateful for the impact you all have made in my life the last 7 years. So tonight, as we say our final farewell to Rosewood, I say the biggest thanks to all of you. 💋 #PrettyLittleLiars #PLLGameOver 😥
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@janelparrish: It's here. The end. Join us in watching our beautiful series finale written and directed by our fearless leader and show runner, the brilliant@imarleneking. To her, I say...thank you. Thank you for this journey...thank you for my @prettylittleliars family...thank you for Mona. Thank you for 7 years. And to the fans...thank YOU. We wouldn't be here without you. Tonight truly is for all of you. Thanks for being our #pllarmy for all these years. And never stop! To these ladies...I'll miss working alongside such beautiful and powerful women. You are all fearless warriors, my sisters✊🏻 To All of our cast and crew...my heart loves you all so much it hurts. Words don't even do this justice. I love all of you. Thank you. Enjoy our finale tonight. Xo bitches, -J
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@janelparrish: Goodbye. I love you.
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@janelparrish: Shout out to whoever made this. I adore it. I'll miss the many faces of Mona...which Mona was your favorite?
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@ianmharding: This is the actual bar in Vancouver where we shot the infamous "Aria meets Ezra" scene. I snapped this with a disposable camera because I couldn't afford a phone with a camera. Also, Lucy is noticeably absent in all of these because I didn't want to look like an amateur and ask for a picture of the two of us. #pll
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@ianmharding: Another pic from the pilot. Troian, Torrey, Julian and myself all went to Sushi one night and this is the photo I managed to grab in between sips of sake and bites Julian's favorite: Uni rolls. #pll
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@ianmharding: Another one from the archives. This is the result of Ezra's "bravery on the rooftop" #pll
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@ianmharding: This picture was taken in between takes of the noir episode and pretty much sums up how I want to remember my experience on PLL: looking classy while having the most hilarious time of my life. Thank you to all who have made the show what it is. I'm forever grateful. Enjoy tonight! #pll
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@keeoone: As we all say goodbye to@prettylittleliars tomorrow, let's take the time to honor these powerful women that brought all of us together. ALL of us. Including YOU reading this. You're a vital part of why the show was created and why it went so far. We did it for you. Everything. Each of you held these moments and shared them with us through social media, at viewing parties, with a friend or family member...I can never express in words how truly extraordinary that is. Thank you.
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@keeoone: My first day on set of @prettylittleliars - now I am watching the final minutes of the show.
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@keeoone: Troian 🖤 outstanding work in that finale and always. You brought to life the answers the pll world was waiting for. 🖤 (Photo of the back of Troian's head, Alex Drake in the foreground and Spencer Hastings in the background)
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@tylerjblackburn: DAD @keeoone #PLLGameOver
A post shared by Tyler Blackburn (@tylerjblackburn) on Jun 27, 2017 at 4:58pm PDT
@tylerjblackburn: Emotional 😩💔 #PLLGameOver (rg: @daily.tyler)
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@vrayskull: Thank you to all of the amazing@prettylittleliars fans for watching this show about extraordinary women. I've loved every second of my #Pll time. Thank you @imarleneking and the incredible cast and crew for setting a loving, silly, welcoming tone each and every day. I'll miss playing this 3 part person and it is with a heart of gratitude that I say goodbye, bitches. #cecedrake#charlottedelaurentis #charles #ceceisa#ceceischarles #hn#cecehitalisonwitharock
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@torreydevitto: The first time we ever met Melissa Hastings. Can't believe it was 7 years ago and I can't believe tonight we all say goodbye to PLL for good. What a ride, what a journey. It's been an honor to be a part of this show! Hope you all get the answers you were looking for .... 😈 #pll
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@torreydevitto: Baby Hastings. 💕I'll never forget incredible bits of the conversation from this night ... 💓 #Repost@ianmharding
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@torreydevitto: And I finally got to wear the black hoodie. It wouldn't have felt right to end Melissa without a black hoodie appearance even if it wasn't...really... her... But in all seriousness , thank you to this woman @imarleneking . What you have created marvels me. You are a force to be reckoned with and I am grateful you chose me to fill Melissa Hastings shoes. And thank you to all the wonderful PLL fans who have loved to hate and be completely confused by Melissa's motives since day one. Hope you're all satisfied ! I know I am 😜
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@julianmorris: #pll #vsc
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@julianmorris: So proud of this one. ❤️ since day one.
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@drewvanacker: not in the finale, sorry, but love the #pll family forever
A post shared by Tammin Sursok (@tamminsursok) on Jun 27, 2017 at 10:16pm PDT
@tamminsursok: Goodbye Jenna. She is immortal my darlings.
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@brantdaugherty: In honor of the #PLLseries finale tonight, here's an actual baby photo of me from my first episode as Noel Kahn. From party-throwing jock to headless murderer... You came a long way, Noel. 
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@brendanrobinson: Tonight's the night!! Happy #PrettyLittleLiars Finale!! Thank you to all of our devoted fans for supporting us for 7 incredible seasons! Hope you guys enjoy tonight!! #PLL#pllendgame #pllforever #greatful#bestfans
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@brendanrobinson: We #partied late into the night, #PLL style!! Love you guys to death @sashapieterse27 @huwcollins​ @theandreaparker @kylebown​ @empirepix @hudsonsheaffer27 #prettylittleliars #pllendgame #pllfamily #pllfinale
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@huwcollins: It's not my pig, and it's not my farm, BUT it was my distinct privilege to be part of this crazy PLL ride. I am forever thankful to @imarleneking & @lisacochranpll for allowing me to bring the eponymous Rollins to life, I made great memories and even greater friends along the way, and encountered the most wonderful fans on the planet. Farewell PLL, you'll be missed. #prettylittleliars #pllendgame
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@huwcollins: 😢❤️ #pll
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@theandreaparker: Goodbyes are hard ...#PLLGameOver #PLL #PLLEndGame#MaryDrake #Spencer 💔
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@theandreaparker: Fitting end to a fantastic night. I love my girls 💕#PLLGameOver
A post shared by Andrea Parker (@theandreaparker) on Jun 28, 2017 at 9:34pm PDT
@theandreaparker: My series wrap on#PLL...words cannot express what these girls, this show and all of you have meant to me - I love you ♥️💋🙌🏼#PLLFamilyForever #MaryDrake #MrsD
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@niapeeples: Our girls are getting married!!@shaymitchell @sashapieterse27@theandreaparker #pllgameover #pll #emison
Behind The Scenes w/ Nia Peeples Part 1 | Part 2 
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Lesley Fera’s Live Tweets
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@lfera23: Oh, how I'm going to miss these wine-toting moms! @LauraLeighton@H_Combs #PLLGAmeOver
Lesley Fera’s Photoset
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Laura Leighton’s Live Tweets 
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@thehmc: It was a honor to watch all of these sweet girls grow into lovely ladies. I hope you guys enjoy the finale as much as we did making it. Thank you again to the undying fandom and all your ships. #pllendgame #pllmemorylane #pllfamily #pllgameover
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@thehmc: Get ready. It's gonna be a wild ride. And I like everyone else am gonna miss this. #pllendgame #pllmemorylane #pllgameover
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@H_Combs: This was like the 2nd and 3rd time we met ever. Clearly we had a tough time working together. It was rough I tell you. #PLL #PLLForever
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@thehmc: Hopefully discussing the prenup. #ezriawedding #pllfinale
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@thehmc: No caption needed. Just Lucy's face. @lucyhale #ezriawedding #pllfinale
Holly Marie Combs’ Photoset
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@ichadlowe: Time to say goodbye! Thank you #pllArmy You are the best, most devoted fans ever! #PLLFinale
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@ichadlowe: Behind the scenes of the #PLLFinale
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@claireholt: My very first job in the USA 🙌. Loved working on this show. Congrats to the #PLL cast and crew on 7 A-mazing seasons (see what I did there?) 😉
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@imarleneking: This was the most difficult scene to write/shoot in the finale. We are one sleep away from the end. #PLLfinale#pllmemorylane
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@imarleneking: Thank you to our worldwide PLL family. We made it for7 years because of you! ❤❤
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@imarleneking: It's hard to wrap my brain around the ending to this incredible journey we have taken together. PLL fans are truly the most passionate and loyal people in the world. #pllmemorylane#PLLfinale
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@imarleneking: I cannot thank these beautiful souls enough for their camaraderie, ideas, dedication, passion, talent and kindness. This was the last day in our PLL Writer's Room. #Sadfaces #happypeople #prettylittleliars
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Marlene’s Farewells
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10 notes · View notes
queenrozaay · 7 years
it’s a date? | 05.29.17
bg: rosé had taken an interest in taehyung and somehow had gone through hell and back just to get ahold of his kakao. mustering up the courage she sends him a text and one thing led to another and the two have made plans to catch a movie together.
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/okay. truthfully speaking, she couldn't remember how on earth she got his kakao id, but she did and she needed him to answer an important question  for her so hopefully he wouldn't think she was too strange for messaging him out of the blue like this; [ kkt -> bwee ] oi- you got a minute?
kth: /he glanced down at his phone at the sound of the delightful 'ting', confusion running over his expression that was soon replaced by intrigue- [kkt| rosé]: For you I've got multiple. What's up?
pcy: /rosé was in the middle of finishing a dance sequence when her phone went off. in the background she could hear her members griping- something about how blackpink's comeback was next month and that she should be taking practice more seriously; oh quit it. we've been going at it for hours- let's take a short water break. /she suggested as she unlocked her lock screen to find a message from him; [ kkt -> bwee ] on a scale from one to ten, where would you rank your interest/love for superhero movies?
kth: /Taehyung, who'd been lounging on his phone, didn't waste much time with responding. Time in Korea between BTS' tour stops was always short but not having to worry about wifi was always a relief-  [kkt| rosé]: probably 9.5? There's always a part of me that thinks I won't be interested but once I'm in the theater I always love them. Honestly can't wait for Wonder Woman; Gal Godot is my hero.
pcy: /her fingers ghosted over the letters on her keyboard for the longest time unsure whether she should even suggest it or not; get it together chae- /for now she decided to play it safe; [ kkt -> bwee ] AYEE that's what I like to hear. Though to be perfectly honest with you, I'm more of a marvel movie kinda gal. D.C. Movies don't give me the same burst of excitement.. Buuut I must admit... the trailers for Wonder Woman might just be a game changer.
kth: /when it came to movies Taehyung didn't discriminate, but he did have a soft spot for DCU and their brooding emo aesthetic-  [kkt| rosé]: Ha! That's what I like to hear. Marvel has it down to a science but I feel like Wonder Woman and Justice League will officially put D.C. on the map, you know? If you'll have me I'd love to take you to see WW, I need to fully convert you.
pcy: Oh- /she voiced aloud, eyes widening some having not expected the conversation to head in this direction so soon, but was somewhat relieved he had done the hard part for her; [ kkt -> bwee ] I feel like Marvel has a tendency to play it safe most of the time. They found what worked for them and stuck with ajdjsuebzbaie /her members had snuck up behind her at some point and being the nosy punks they were tried to read over her shoulder. startled by their sudden appearance she had accidentally hit 'send' mid-reply. rosé deadpanned and excused herself out into the hallway without another word and the others knew better than to follow after her; [ kkt -> bwee ] **stuck with it. phone please- [ kkt -> bwee ] and what is this converting nonsense you s p e a k of? [ kkt -> bwee ] I may consider it if you throw in a tub of white cheddar popcorn- and since I'm feeling generous maybe I'll sneak in a box of your favorite boxed candy too.
kth: [kkt| rosé]: I'm fixated on convincing you that these books will bring about an entirely new chapter of superhero culture. White cheddar popcorn is a fair sacrifice to make if it means saving you from Marvel Hell ™. Plus candy? This is starting to sound more like a treat than a rescue mission.  /his good mood increased tenfold at her 'kind of' acceptance to his offer, big smiles and his nose stuck even further into his phone convincing a few of the members that he was in fact NOT going to be joining them for Overwatch anytime soon-
pcy: [ kkt -> bwee ] oh-ho. I must warn you though, since I haven't seen many superhero movies outside of marvel- there is a high chance I may say something stupid. feel free to- oh I don't know flick my forehead or something as punishment. [ kkt -> bwee ] aha- is that what it sounds like?? Consider these snacks a reward for contributing to a worthy cause - aka me. I am a nearly a lost cause. /rosé had caught herself smiling like an idiot. luckily, no one else was around to witness it and question her about it. just to be safe, she started down the hallway with purpose, dark brown eyes peeking into each room until she stumbled upon a vacant room where she took cover for the next few minutes or so; [ kkt -> bwee ] my phone keeps autocorrecting your name to 'beer' and I'm not sure if it's trying to tell me something or what- it's driving me nuts [ kkt -> bwee ] a n y w a y s- what are you up to? am I distracting you from your work?
kth: [kkt| rosé]: Oh, I know better then to fight a marvel stan. You guys will defend your movies to the death and I already admit my defeat when it comes to that. But c'mon, stick with me and there is yet hope for salvation 🙃  /Since his last message Taehyung has since closed his laptop 90% of the way, headphones still in despite not listening to anything so the members would stop shouting at him to do things- 
[kkt| rosé]: Beer? Maybe I should quit the idol life and start a brewing company.  [kkt| rosé]: Nah, I'm just at the dorm TRYING to have some alone time away from these hooligans. We're always together because of our tour so I'm not a bad friend for wanting them to be quiet for just five minutes, right? Maybe even just three. Please... [kkt| rosé]: What about you? Hopefully your day is more interesting than mine.
pcy: /a laugh escaped her lips, frame shaking lightly with each laugh. It was no secret that marvel stans were quick to defend themselves when they feel the least bit threatened even if the other had meant no harm by it; [ kkt -> bwee ] hey, that tub of popcorn has me sold. I'm down. The movie comes out when? Sometime next week right? I'll keep a date free. Just let me know! Ah- /before she forgot, she took it upon herself to message her groupchat and told them she wouldn't be able to make it home in time for dinner and made up some excuse about having a few errands to run; [ kkt -> bwee ] if you do, I volunteer to help you taste-test. 🤗 I've been told I'm a u i t e helpful. /after skimming through the rest of his messages, she breathed a sigh of relief. Becoming a bother to someone else was the last thing she wanted to be; [ kkt -> bwee ] LOL. Maybe I can help you with that. Have you eaten yet? I'm actually done with practice for the day. We've been slaving away these past couple of weeks and the amount of times I've seen the sun I can count on one hand. I'm not even joking..  I don't know if you've read articles recently, but we're having our first comeback of the year this June which explains the uh- slaving away thing. Can't tell if it's better or worse than yours.
kth: /he sighed, impending tour dates, their 4 year anniversary activities for the fans, and new album preparations running through his mind as he attempted to pick a date- [kkt| rosé]: I think the movie comes out June 1st? I actually leave for Osaka tonight, we'll be there for three days. After that we won't have to be in Hiroshima for a few days so anytime between the 2nd and the 6th I'm all yours. [kkt| rosé]: I've heard! I'm looking forward to it, you guys have yet to release a bad song and I'm sure this comeback will be just as good as your debut. /he grinned at the prospect of speaking to someone other than the 6 boys he spend every waking moment with, jumping out of bed while ignoring curious eyes- [kkt| rosé]: If you're offering to grab something to eat with me so I don't go crazy my answer is please. Yes please. I'll even pay.
pcy: /that's right. It's times like these she often forgot that others have been in the industry must longer than she has been, so their schedules are naturally more packed than hers; [ kkt -> bwee ] all mine aye? /rosé tore her attention away from her device and thought for a moment. Oh who was she kidding- she didn't have any major plans next week outside of practice; [ kkt -> bwee ] how about the 2nd? or the 3rd or 4th? It may be a bit crowded still, but not nearly as crowded as opening night. My work load next week is relatively easy, so whatever works best for you I can accommodate! /she picked herself up off the floor and left the room, slowly making her way to the elevator whilst crafting yet another reply; [ kkt -> bwee ] as you wish~! [ kkt -> bwee ] what are you craving? burgers? tacos? pasta-? me? [ kkt -> bwee ] Kidding. but really though. I'm not picky when it comes to food. unless there is celery involved... [ kkt -> bwee ] oh and don't worry about paying for me! I don't mind paying for my own share! I've been budgeting wisely this month so I think I can handle it 
kth: [kkt| rosé]: how about the 3rd? We can buy tickets early and even go to a showtime that no one goes to. Like 11 am or something. It's fun to see all the elderly out and filling places you'd normally see kids in! Truly proves that the soul never ages.  /he slid on his shoes near the front door despite having no clue where he was off to, shouting a simple "be back soon" over his shoulder before stepping out the door- [kkt| rosé]: You know what? Let's eat tacos. I haven't had a taco in ages. I could also go for a burger, though. Just something full of fat. [kkt| rosé]: You can think of it as a thank you. For saving my career and BTS. I don't know how much longer I could have stood being back home. [kkt| rosé]: should I meet you at your company? It's a bit intimidating compared to mine but I'm a big boy.
pcy: [ kkt -> bwee ] That'll work! I'll put it in my calendar so I don't forget. I swear, you think someone wth a goldfish memory like mine would have more creative ways to help me remember things right? /Tacos did sound pretty good and come to think of it she couldn't recall when she last had one either. Rosé had made it down to the main lobby when she received another string of texts from him. Not wanting to block anyone's way, she found a bench by the doorway and seated herself for the time being; [ kkt -> bwee ] tacos it is! I was actually reading a few comments fans had left on our wall and learned that there's this new Korean-Mexican fusion restaurant nearby. Did a little more digging and found its rated 4.5 stars on a 5 star scale! I think it'll be promising. And if it isn't? You can put the blame on me [ kkt -> bwee ] mm.. if you want to stop by, you're more than welcome to! and don't worry, you'll have me beside you at all times so I can assure you no one will try to bully you.
kth: [kkt| rosé]: don't worry, I'm not picky when it comes to what food I shove into my mouth. 🙃 [kkt| rosé]: it shouldn't take long, I'll drive there. Parking is a nightmare but I feel like it'll be safer for us? Especially with dispatch always poking their noses around. Not that I'd really care but I'm sure you don't want to get caught up in some huge scandal just for some tacos. [kkt| rosé]: even if they're 4.5 star tacos. When we find a 5 star place is when all bets will be off. [kkt: rosé]: I'm stealing (borrowing) my manager's car so it's less obvious, I'll be there soon- don't miss my bants too much. /Taehyung tossed his phone onto the passenger side seat after hitting send on his last message, promising his manager he wouldn't crash his car for the nth time as he drove off towards the YG building-
pcy: /Augh. That's right.. she can't go around frolicking in broad daylight like she used to. She could- but people could easily recognize her these days, but it helped now that her was darker and less orange creamsicle looking. Should she borrow a hoodie or something?; [ kkt -> bwee ] I'll try not to miss you too much [ ikr -> bwee ] drive safe! /She figured she'd respond to everything you had said prior in person. After hitting send, rosé got up and ran toward the lounge where she was sure there was probably a change of clothes she could wear just in case someone had been keeping a close eye on her today. The last thing she wanted to do was inconvenience him;
kth: /how he'd managed to get his license was a miracle given his short attention span but he figured him not having been in an accident yet, knock on wood, was a good sign that he was doing something right. Finding the YG building was easy enough, but finding a place to park that wouldn't get him weird looks proved to be a tad more difficult. Taehyung contemplated in the car, settling on waiting for her instead of going in- [kkt| rosé]: I made it alive [kkt| rosé]: I'm in the blue car, by the way. A bit off to the left once you step out the door. [kkt| rosé]: I doubt anyone will recognize me but I don't want to get you in trouble! I don't know your company rules about boys and stuff.
pcy: [ kkt -> bwee ] and just in time too! I'll be right out. if it helps I'm wearing a black baseball cap that says 'bless up' in white lettering on the front.  /and with that, rosé stuffed her phone back into her pocket and headed out the door. In the sea of black, grey, and occasionally a splash of red cars- it wasn't /too/ terribly difficult to locate his car. At least- she /hoped/ it was yours.  After climbing in and locking the door behind her, she breathed a sigh of relief to find him sitting in the driver's seat; oh thank god. I saw maybe two or three blue cars out there and literally did that 'eenie-meenie-miney-mo' thing in my head and picked one. I hope it wasn't too much trouble getting here?
kth: Yes, it's me and not some crazy stalker. No worries. /he shrugged, turning a bit in his seat as he continued to speak to her- Finding it wasn't too bad. Convincing those guards over there that I'm not here to kidnap one of the artists through awkward eye contact was a bit more difficult. So! /he tapped his hands against the steering wheel, his body facing forwards again. Taehyung started to drive, having absolutely no idea where he was going but he'd been in Seoul long enough to know how not to get completely and utterly lost amongst countless similar looking buildings and one way streets- where am I going? Please tell me it's not in the opposite direction. If it is we're going to have to go around the block, oops.
pcy: I mean you could be a cleverly disguised sasaeng for all I know. There are people out there who parade around as different people all the time- I think the term for it is an 'identity theft?' /she was rambling needlessly now or so it felt like. when the car started to move, she instinctively reached for her seat belt and tried to buckle herself in but for the life of her struggled. classic rosé; errr- well I thought 4.5 stars wasn't good enough for you, so we were gonna look for a 5 star one? But honestly, I'm so hungry I could eat anything and anywhere. I'm not even joking..
kth: Oh, you got me! Taehyung is the best looking member so of course I had to pick his identity to steal. /he noted her struggle so he reached one hand over, buckling the seatbelt for her with ease- Sorry about that. I keep telling my manager that this seat belt is constantly trying to kill me by getting stuck at the worst of times. It also hits me in the throat which is just lovely. /he chuckled quietly, eyebrows furrowing slightly at the thought of seeming pretentious- I'm not like that, I'd even eat street food right now. Or any time, I don't think there's anything quite like buying tteokbokki from old ladies outside.
pcy: Best looking member huh..? /she mumbled quietly to herself, still somewhat distracted by the seatbelt that wouldn't go in? But thankfully, he helped strapped her in; Ah- thank you. I was beginning to think that maybe I'm just incredibly unlucky and that your car was silently telling me I should get out and take a hike. /she half-joked. Though the mere image of that seatbelt whacking him had her chuckling some; oh- sorry. I wasn't trying to make it seem like you wouldn't settle for anything less than the best. Poor choice in words, my fault. /she bit her bottom lip out of habit, something she normally did when she was either anxious; If you're still hungry after tacos though, we can stop for some tteokbokki! It's actually my favorite street food. I live and breathe for spicy foods~ /rosé gushed while she fished for her phone once more and typed in the address to that fusion restaurant she had told him about earlier; okay- so make a left up here and drive for three more blocks.
kth: Alright! Left it is then. /he merged into the turning lane, turning off to the left once everything was clear- So, Rosé. Girl with the fancy 'E'. How's life been treating you these days? Aside from preparing for your comeback- I know how stressful that can be. /Taehyung was admittedly not the best when it came to face to face conversation, but he figured asking about her wellbeing was a good place to start given he was actually interested- Where do I go next? Not to interrupt, I just don't want to make us crash by suddenly swerving or something.
pcy: Terrible. I slept through all five of my alarms the other day and it had to be the day YG evaluated us on our performance for this month. /she made a face as the mere memory of it all came flooding back to her; -buuuttt. On the bright side- it was one of the best sleeps I've had in awhile.. I haven't been able to sleep very well sadly- oh- /rosé faced front again, eyes scanning the familiar scenery that lie ahead of them; I /think/ you take a right at this stop sign up here... or was it a left..? /she mumbled that last part under her breath. Perhaps this was why her members always joked that she'd make the worst Siri ever- er human GPS;
kth: Ouch- well, catching up on sleep is worth a scolding or two. Have you been feeling better since then? I bet it was the sleep. /he hummed, deciding on taking the right turn despite the worst word to hear when you don't know where you're going; think. The area didn't look too off, but at this point Taehyung was driving without a clue- You know, if we get lost it might be more fun. I've always wanted to do that whole go somewhere you've never been before thing but knowing me I'll drive into the ocean or something. I don't want to die trying to be an edgy cool Tumblr kid.
pcy: /the brunette got a pretty good laugh out of that and ending up along the ocean front didn't seem too bad. Well- there was a difference between driving INTO and ocean and ending up near one; i don't know about you, but I'm twenty right now and I still have a lot of things I still need to cross off of my bucket list and d r o w n I n g in the middle of the ocean with you is not one of them. I mean- not that I don't want to spend my last moments with you or anything- /And there she goes with the rambling again. Shush rosé shuush; ok I'm just gonna shut up now. /and so she did and distracted herself with her phone, pulling up the directions to the restaurant, ecstatic to learn that they were indeed going in the right direction; Oppa- make a left up at this light and it should be a white building with a black roof to our right!
kth: Don't worry! I'll roll all the windows down before we drive into the water so we have a way to escape. I changed my mind, I don't really feel like dying right now either. But yes ma'am, I'll trust your GPS. /and so they were in the aesthetic part of town full of modern shops, cafes, and restaurants where simplicity was the key to looking sleek and sophisticated. The restaurant was lively and easy to spot, but parking was a different story. After circling the block a few times an opening finally appeared and he wasted no time in pulling into the spot- Ready? I don't mean to be basic but we have to take cool photos around here. We can pretend they're candid but pose on the down low.
pcy: /she could only playfully roll her eyes at how ridiculous he sounded in the moment, but it didn't sound all that bad at all. rosé could feel the anticipation bubbling in the pit of her stomach. she couldn't tell if it was because she was hungry or if it was because she was actually having dinner with Taehyung himself. Out of all of her members, she would've thought she'd be the last person to share this moment with him; It's funny you ask, cuz I was about to suggest the same. And since we're talking photos and posing here, I figured I might as well tell you beforehand that I'm the kind of person who takes pictures of their food before eating it. /she hid her face behind her hands both out of slight embarrassment but also to hide the faint smirk that tugged at the corners of her lips; please feel free to judge me
kth: Truthfully I don't understand people who get annoyed with others when they take a lot of photos. It's like- have fun being bitter for no reason while I have lots of pictures that trigger fond memories. Totally a waste of my time. /he unbuckled his seatbelt, grabbing his phone and his wallet before stepping out of the car. Truth be told Taehyung was excited to see what type of photos Rosé would come up with. The blackpink instagram was filled with countless posts of the girls without a single flaw yet she seemed to always stand out to him the most. He met her on the sidewalk, a giant grin on his lips now that they were finally face to face- Do you want to go eat first? I know you said you didn't eat yet so I feel like we should get some food in you. I know I'm always starving after practice.
pcy: But if you're hungry I could understand why you would be semi-upset. Some people take their sweet time snapping pictures of a single dish. I once had a friend snap so many pictures my lasagna went cold. But it was still good either way! /she exclaimed, climbing out of her seat and stepped out into the street where she stretched her arms high up on the air. she met his gaze, an easy smile spreading across her face; we can if you're hungry! I think I can hold off for another thirty, but I know I'll have more energy after I've eaten. I say this but there are times where I've fallen victim to a food coma aha
kth: I'm the most indecisive person ever. You'll find that out soon enough the more we hang out. /he worried his lower lip between his teeth; a quick look around wouldn't hurt, right? He doubted they'd take more than fifteen minutes to explore their surroundings- We can have a look around, yeah? That way I can think about what kind of tacos I feel like eating. I'm sure you don't want to sit there while I have a mini existential crisis. /they could go left, right, across the street, through the alleyway next to some random pet shop. The options were endless. Taehyung huffed, turning back to Rosé- I don't know where we should go...close your eyes! I'll spin you around and whatever direction you're pointing in when you say stop is where we'll go to be typical nineties babies. /he leaned forward to be at her eye level, playfully squinting- no peeking either, miss.
pcy: But we can't have twoooo indecisive people in the same place at the same time- we'll never get anything dooneee!! /she wailed, making a big show of it by resting a hand against her forehead in a dramatic fashion, the corners of her lips tugging upward some; mmm. I don't know about that- I'm sure the stages of a very distressed Taehyung would be quite entertaining if you ask me. Well- at least for me heh- /his idea didn't seem too terrible and she was about to open her mouth to speak again but couldn't make much of a sound, not when he was inches from her face, but she managed to mirror his action, playfully squinting at him in return; -oh don't worry. I've been told I play fair and follow directions very well. /and with that her eyelids fell shut; I'm ready! Don't spin me too fast-
kth: Too late! You're stuck with me. Maybe. I think. /Taehyung joked, chuckling at how cute her overzealous reactions were. He lolled his head to the, shrugging as he playfully pretended to think- Ah...well, maybe I'll have a mental breakdown just for you. For the bants, of course. All about the bants. /he stood up straight as she closed her eyes, carefully spinning her round and round by her shoulders. People passing by on the sidewalk spared curious glances but he paid them no mind even though the two of them attracting so much attention probably wasn't the smartest idea. He'd take his chances, though; it wasn't everyday you saw Kim Taehyung out in a hoodie, baseball cap, and jeans- Tell me if you feel sick so I can run a bit that way, hah-
pcy: Just for me? Pfft. What did I do to deserve such a generous reward? Save a million lives in my past life? /rosé bit her bottom lip in an attempt to suppress her laughter. man- how long has it been since she'd been able to act this carefree? she wouldn't be able to tell you, but she knew that she would be savoring this moment for as long as she could. he made good company and it was honestly nice forgetting about work related business that had been stressing her out lately; uh I don't think so- if I'm going down, /you're/ coming down with me Tae- I take no prisoners.
kth: That's fair. Though I'd like to think I have an advantage at the moment. You're going to be pretty dizzy, so making an escape will be easy. /he stopped briefly, grabbing her hand in order to twirl her around his finger- it'd be less likely for her to wander into the street this way and he didn't exactly want to be the reason for a blackpink member's hospitalization/ but seriously, I'm glad we're doing this now and not when you've just eaten. THAT, would not be a good idea. A disaster in the making. But hey, I'd hold your hair back for you.
pcy: Honestly, it feels like I'm doing some kind of perpetual dance than anything else. /she mumbled quietly, managing to chuckle some. there was no doubt about it eyes were on them and she half wondered if they should even be doing something like this. again- the last thing she wanted to do was find their names in the news the next morning, not that she would mind- it'd just be troubling for you and she didn't want you to get in trouble or anything because of her; how /generous/ of you... //and after awhile she finally stuck her index finger out, "accidentally" poking his chest; oh. it seems like I've hit an obstacle-
kth: Dang. I think this is the universe trying to tell us something, don't you? Maybe it's saying "make up your mind Kim Taehyung, what the hell", or maybe it's a sign that we should dance? For real. /he spun her around one last time, pulling her into a ballroom position/ But okay I suck at dancing so if I step on your foot I'm sorry. /he chuckled, leading her around on the pavement with random steps that made them look like they were stumbling around rather than what he (sort of) intended/ How do I do this for a living again? Huh.
pcy: /her eyelids fluttered open the second they assumed the classic ballroom position. Her big brown eyes widened in surprise, confusion written in them, but even so she did her best and tried to follow his lead; Yah- what kind of dancing is this even? /she asked through fits of laughter, eyes disappearing into crescents. So much for lying under the radar. Oh well; You know I was wondering the same, but I mean hey- if BigHit thinks you're a great dancer I don't think we should question him. You're a lovely dancer.
kth: At least I haven't stepped on you yet? Plus, we haven't fallen either. I'd call this a success but that's just me. /Taehyung began to dance with her properly, guiding her down the pavement until they reached the corner of the cross walk. Reluctantly he let her go, gaze trailing off to the unexplored territory of the neighborhood they were in. Apparently they were traveling this way, as fate would have it/ hey, that building had a mural on the side of it. We can go take our basic photos over there?
pcy: Key word there is /yet/- /she made sure to emphasize that to him, though she was simply teasing and meant no harm by it. After the last twirl, Rosé caught her balance, curious eyes scanning their surroundings and eventually set on that very mural that captured his interest; Not only are you a great dancer, you seem to have an eye for the arts- /she mused and skipped passed him over to that building she had been looking at; you know- I s never been great at the whole modeling thing- Jisoo and Jennie unnie always have me beat.. how should I pose for this one? Should I be obnoxious and hug the wall like this? /and she does exactly that, pressing her stomach against the wall, arms spread out like a freaking starfish;  cute, right?
kth: It's a recent interest, actually. As of late I've been hitting up as many art museums as I can. The one in Chicago is my favorite so far. Everything there is gorgeous. /he followed suit, laughing at her silly pose/ You know what? That's actually perfect. /in seconds his phone was in his hand and he was snapping pictures of Rosé left and right. His personal opinion was that she was the prettiest in the group, but of course felt it wasn't in his place to say/ wow, I'm spamming you with all these photos of yourself later. You're welcome!
pcy: /rosé was about to comment about his interest in art museums and her members was never really appreciative of stuff like this so it was nice being around someone who did. but before she could even deliver her words, her attention was fixated elsewhere, eyes growing wide in a mix of both surprise and horror he instant his camera flash went off; Yah- what are you doing? Delete those this instant! /she's rushing toward him now and proceeded to make grabby hands for him- well, the phone in his hands, leaving a trail of laughter behind her while she's at it; You mustn't spoil the public with these rare photos Tae. No spamming. No nothing you hear?
kth: /he laughed loudly, wholeheartedly, raising his hands into the air in surrender/ Don't worry, these are for me. Not to be weird or anything- I just like the memories. They're actually cute. Here, take a look. /he held out his phone to Rosé, encouraging her to take the device and flip through his photo gallery/ I kind of feel like I should post something of me to the BTS twitter, but at the same time I don't want to ruin anything or make a mistake. /having a career in a field he loved was everything to him, but the tight restrictions did get irritating. He'd love to share their adventures with the world, but that'd have to wait until another time when it wouldn't potentially ruin their careers/
pcy: /she stood flat on her feet again, calming down some after seeing just how harmless he looked. rosé looked up at him with those big brown eyes of hers, lips forming into a small little pout; I don't think posting anything of you running around town would raise any suspicions. I'll even take the photo for you! Just- don't accidentally upload a photo of me by mistake.. that- might earn me a few antis, nbd. Aha. /she bit her bottom lip in thought for a moment before speaking up again; I probably won't upload anything remotely similar to yours, but I'll upload something to the blackpink Instagram, just show that I'm still alive and hey- my fans know I'm artsy fartsy anyways so I doubt they'd put two and two together. It'll be our little secret! /she chirped, giving his arm a little nudge, playful grin spreading across her face. That's if he wanted to. The pictures he'd taken of her weren't all that bad and he actually surprised her with how well she was photographed too, the light hitting her face just right. Not too much sky, not too much ground, just right; Guard these with your life. I trust you-
kth: These will be my new prized possession. A Kim Taehyung exclusive. They won't see the light of day, trust me. /he raised his left hand, the supposedly giant iPhone 7 plus looking tiny with his fingers wrapped around it, his right hand making an 'X' over his heart to nonverbally reinforce his promise of secrecy/ I'm sure I'm just overthinking things. I'm used to not even looking at people a certain way because fans will come up with countless theories out of thin air. /he laughed a bit, rubbing his nape with his free hand/ c'mon. Let's you and me take a quick photo, yeah? Just because I don't want the world to remember this doesn't mean I don't want to. /the offer was good willed and genuine, but he wouldn't be shocked if she said no. Having something like that could end in disaster; you could ruin your reputation with one wrong 'select' but he had faith in himself to not completely fuck up/
pcy: Pfft. New prized possession.. Taehyung puhleaaaseee.. /she repeated with a playful roll of her eyes. There was no hiding the amusement in her voice. It was there and it honestly  didn't surprise her when he confessed the tricks he had to learn to protect himself from weird rumors. She couldn't blame him- hell she'd even do the same if she were ever in his position; Geez. How terrible. Sometimes I wish reporters, netizens- would all understand that we're just normal people with basic needs, trying to make money to survive. But nah- privacy isn't in their vocabulary when it comes to us.. /she mumbled softly whilst shuffling closer to him. Rosé casually wrapped her arms around his waist in a side hug and moved where it seemed most natural before turning to look up at him; I'll help you burn these clothes later- /'ah- wait.' It took her half a second too late to realize the words that slipped passed her lips came out sounding a lot more suggestive than she had interested and she could feel her face growing warm at the sudden realization; -that came out wrong. I was referring to cooties- mine. My germs. Okay- i think it would be best if i just stopped talking. /Rosé coughed awkwardly and looked up toward the sky, anywhere but into his eyes. 'GG CHAE. GG.;'
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