#hopefully i will do two days tommorow
hl-obsessed · 8 months
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shunukitrash · 2 years
Day one of taking ashwagandha and so far I don't feel any different. It's just a stand in until I can get on actual medication anyway but I hope it helps a little.
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The Best Brothers Aren't Blood Related llll
Here we gooooo
Tw:mental health, ADHD, language
A slow burn series of Jack and Spot exploring newfound relationships, mental health, and high school as teenage brothers.
"Jack I can explain!" Spot said, trying not to let the worry show on his face, but he really didn't want to dissapoint Jack.
"Race... and Spot?? I don't see it," Davey said, bringing his finger to his chin as he pondered the idea of Jack's new favorite couple.
"Fuck you David," Spot said sharply, propping himself up on his elbows.
"Yea Davey, fuck you!" Race added on to Spot's comment, and copying his motion as well.
"Oh, yea, now I see it," Davey said, getting a laugh out of his boyfriend next to him. Spot and Race both high-fived at Davey's acceptance, getting more of a rise out of Jack.
The room went silent after that for a solid thirty seconds before Race said, "Well, this is awkward," breaking the silence.
The whole group nodded in unison as they just kind of sat there, like the awkward adolescents they were.
"Well I'm gonna go, and hopefully Davey you'll follow me," Jack said, winking at his boyfriend before exiting to his own room. Spot fake gagged loud enough for the two to hear, only for Jack to say, "Oh please you're probably about to fuck my best friend," as Davey walked out.
Needless to say that left Spot and Race both speechless.
"Why do you have a whiskey bottle on your nightstand," Race inquired, looking at the bottle of Eagle Rare whiskey on Spot's desk.
"It was my dad's before he passed away. He collected whiskey, and that was his favorite," Spot replied, and he luckily seemed pretty chill about it, as if he had come to terms with his father's death.
"Oh yea didn't he die on that trip to Ireland when he went to tour the distillery?" Race asked. Spot's dad had died when Spot was 10, five years ago, when Medda took Spot in. Mr. Conlon was on a vacation to Ireland when his plane crashed, resulting in the death of the father of everyone's favorite Irish kid- Spot.
"Yup, exactly five years and 19 days ago," Spot said, looking off at the bottle.
Race wasn't gonna question why Spot knew the exact amount of days, because Race knew better than anyone that people coped in different ways.
"My mom died when I was seven," Race said, causing a piercing silence to ring through the air. "My dad drank to cope with the pain. Took it out on me,"
"Race I'm so sorry," Spot said. "Does he still do it?"
"No, not anymore. My aunt sent him to rehab and I lived with her for a year, and when he came back it was like he was a new person." Race smiled slightly, thinking about how his father went from abusive to one of the best fathers in the world (in Race's opinion).
"Oh yea, don't you have one of those big-ass Italian families?" Spot asked. Race and Spot had known each other since they were little kids, what with Jack being best friends with Race. "Yea, Jack took me along to dinner at your house when I was ten. Just a few weeks after my dad died," Spot added.
"Oh yea, I remember my grandma got so sad just looking at you. You had puffy eyes, wouldn't talk to anyone-"
"Let's not dwell on the past," Spot joked. Spot hasn't been one to show vulnerability for a while now, he didn't need his past tainting that reputation.
"Let me take you out on a date," Race changed the subject, picking up on Spot's hints. "I'll pick you up at 6:00 tommorow,"
"Sounds great," Spot replied, biting back the biggest grin of his life.
Race's face practically beamed at Spot's acceptance.
"Can't wait," spot said truthfully.
"Me neither, Sean," Race replied. He knew just how much Spot hated his real name.
"You bastard!" Spot said, causing Race to clutch his stomach laughing.
"So what are you gonna wear?" Jack said as though they were thirteen year old girls talking about a date to Dairy Queen.
"Fuck, I dunno," Spot shrugged, stealing a bite of ice cream from Jack's bowl.
"We you better figure it out. Race is probably gonna take you to this fancy Italian restaurant he loves. I think its called Fibonacci's or something," Jack said, slapping Spot's hand when it reached for more ice cream.
"You mean like the math sequence?" Spot asked, questioning Jack's sources.
"I dunno I'm probably just fucking stupid,"
"I second that," Spot agreed.
"Asshole," Jack mumbled pointedly.
"Love you too, Spotty,"
"Call me that one more time and I'll strangle you,"
How did you guys like it? I tried to add some depth to Spot and Race's characters, but idk if it was any good. Constructive criticism welcome just don't be a bitch about it <333
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kr0ffie · 1 year
"Just almost within reach"
Whumptober day 6 - “It should have been me”
• Fandom : School Bus Graveyard (Webtoon)
• Genre : Angst, Fluff, Hurt/Comfort
• TW : Hospital, vague mentions of injuries, mentions of bullying, survivor's guilt
• Extra Note : Whumptober except im 6 days late. Gonna do prompts 1-5 and 7 tommorow. Hopefully.
This is shorter than my usual fics, as I want to get a head start on whumptober. Literally almost never wrote whump before tell me if I did good.
Now enjoy!
How can Taylor be so fucking stupid?
He was right there. If she was just a little faster- a little bit faster-
But that isn’t what happened, a voice in her head said.
No matter how fast, she knew, they knew, that she could never reached Tyler. Everything happened so fast, too fast.
It was Tyler’s fault, in a sense. It was he who was gripping the car handle, and when Ashlyn swerved the car, it was he who accidentally opened the door, resulting in him falling out.
It was not Ashlyn’s, or Aiden’s. Nor was it Ben’s, Logan’s, or even Taylor’s.
It was Tyler’s own fault.
The– phantom? No, even that thing can’t be called a phantom. The monster was just behind them. If they were a bit slower, the monster would’ve caught on to them, and they’ll die.
Ashlyn was right to leave him behind, even though none of them wanted to. They need to survive first, and then they’ll try to find Tyler.
But that didn’t happen, the voice said again. None of you found him, and now look what happened to him.
“Fuck off..” Taylor muttered to herself.
“Huh?” Logan lifted his head up from where it was resting on his knees.
“Nothing.” Taylor assured him quickly.
The hospital was silent. Logan was curled up beside her right, with Ben sitting and tapping his feet besides her left on the waiting bench they’re on. Besides their bench, was another bench where both Aiden and Ashlyn were sitting, the two of them holding hands tightly. Taylor would’ve made fun of them, if not for Ashlyn’s dried tear tracks and the distant look on Aiden’s face.
The other parents had asked if Taylor’s friends would like to go home, while Taylor and her mom waited here for news. But the five of them refused to move from their seats, and Aiden even almost had a shouting match with his parents. In the end, their families decided to go to the hospital’s canteen, leaving their kids some alone time.
Silence fell once again, with only Ben’s tapping of feet and other people’s hushed whispers accompanying the silence.
And then there’s a choked sob.
Heads turned towards Logan, who started sobbing quietly into his knees. Choked sobs and quiet hiccups filled the room. Taylor puts a hand on his shoulder, giving him some comfort.
“I- I should’ve shot the- the thing-” He quietly said between hiccups. “I- I should’ve stalled us some- some more time, so that-” He stopped talking, and started to sob more loudly.
None of them has ever seen Logan cry. Even since before they became friends, before they cared for each other. Even when they saw him getting beaten up to a pulp, pushed into the lockers, or even dunked into the toilet- none of them has ever seen him cry before.
So of course, Logan crying was the breaking point for the others too.
Taylor’s grip on his shoulder tightened, and before long, tears started going down her face too.
“No. Logan- don’t fucking say that-” A choked sob came out of her throat. “It- I should’ve moved faster- he was just within my reach- he wouldn’t have ended up like this if I just moved faster-”
Warm suddenly embraced her. Logan was hugging her. He was holding her as if she was his lifeline, as if she’s gonna fall out just like Taylor.
So she hugged him back as tightly.
“It- it should have been me Logan. He didn’t deserve- I should’ve been the one who-”
There’s a sudden screeching of chairs. Taylor looked up, only to be met with a slap to her face.
“Don’t, and I mean don’t, you fucking dare, say that, ever again.” Ashlyn was staring holes into Taylor, hand still up. A beat passed, hushed whispers turned completely quiet as strangers that none of them knew watched the scene unfolding beneath them.
Ashlyn’s figure was shaking. Her lips started to tremble, and seconds later she broke down. Tears streamed down, and with shaking hands she wrapped both Taylor and Logan into a hug.
Taylor’s cheek was still throbbing, but she couldn’t care less. The three of them cried into each other’s shoulders, ignoring everything and everyone around them. Sometime later, Ben and Aiden would quietly join their little bubble.
Something that Taylor realised while the others were still breaking down, was that they're kids. Children.
Six kids, against the world. Just trying to live, trying to survive.
Five kids, crying into each other on the floor of a hospital, desperately praying to any god out there for their other friend to survive.
No, everything will not be okay, even after Tyler wakes up- because he will wake up.
None of them will be okay, but at least they can share their pain with each other.
A voice in Taylor's head kept telling her that it's her fault Tyler is injured, but Taylor just cursed the voice before holding onto her friends tighter.
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cutesharkstudios · 8 months
Lumity Comfort CH. 4: I will be okay
(This chapter takes place two months after Watching and Dreaming but before the epilogue)
Luz tossed and turned in her sleep. She was having a vivid nightmare of Belos, who had risen from hell to kill her. In her nightmare, the bodies of her loved ones covered the feild, lifeless and limp. She heard Belos cackling, his laughter growing louder and louder and LOUDER AND-
Luz then shot up out of her sleep, panting like a marathon runner. Amity woke up right beside her, and quickly comforted her sweet potato. Luz then told her about her nightmare.
Luz: He then said something. He said "You cast me into the fiery pits, where all I will know for eternity is weeping and nashing of teeth. All because you didn't let me repent."
Amity: There is no way he would have repented for his crap. He tried to commit genocide.
Luz: You're right, you're right.
Amity: Luz?
Luz: Yeah?
Amity: You never explained how you beat Belos. You don't have to elaborate, but you may if you want to.
Luz: You'd probably think I was making stuff up.
Amity: After the events of the past few months, I'm willing to belive anything, especiallly from you.
After relaying what happened, Luz hugged Amity.
Amity: I'm just glad you're with me. So, you met the Titan. What was he like?
Luz: He was kind, funny, really inspiring. He reminds me of my dad. Hopefully they meet in Heaven, the Titan would love him.
Amity: I take it he meant a lot to you.
Luz: More than you know. And I'm glad you're here with me.
Amity: Luz?
Luz: Yeah?
Amity held out her hand.
Amity: I know my last oath was made out of pettyness and spite, and I didn't even plan to keep it for a day, but this one comes from a genuine place. I vow to be by your side for eternity, if you accept.
Luz: You sure? I know how sensitive that moment is for you.
Amity: That should tell you how much I mean it.
Luz held out her hand, as if to accept the deal, only to hug her girlfriend.
Luz: Your word is good enough. I won't hold you to a deal I know you will keep on your own terms.
Amity began to tear up. Comparing those two moments made her realize just how far she and Luz had come not just as a couple, but as people.
Luz: So, that whole "give up being a witch thing" wouldn't have lasted a day?
Amity: Even after the incidents.
Luz: Adds up, I know you wouldn't be so cruel.
Amity blushed
Now let's get some sleep, tommorow's friday.
Luz was at school, leaving Amity alone with Camilla. Camilla then asks Amity something that has been on her mind for a while.
Camilla: Hey Amity, I was wondering. Is Luz keeping something from me? I know it's nothing evil or wrong on her part, I know my daughter, but more like something that happened to her that she doesn't want me to worry about. If it's senisitive on either of y'alls part, I will drop the question right here and now. I just hope I don't do something that might ruin our relationship.
Amity: Well, Luz did open up to me about something, but I don't want to talk about it behind her back. I'm just glad she's okay, and that we don't have to worry about the future at the moment.
Camilla: Amity….
Amity: Yes?
Camilla: (inhales) I know about Luz dying.
Amity: WHAT?!
Camilla: Si, I knew from the floating lights that she had passed on. But I also saw during the fight with Belos that she, somehow, was brought back.
Amity: Well, then why ask? Why didn't you say somehing?
Camilla: Because I wanted you both to tell me on your own terms. I didn't know how sensitive that topic was for you, so I kept my mouth closed on the matter.
Amity: I see. Well, thank you for having faith in us, but I think maybe Luz should be in on this as well. If she was afraid it would scare me, God only knows how she thought it would affect you.
Camilla: She should be coming home soon, so I'll ask her when she gets back.
Amity: Would you like me to give you two some space?
Camilla: That would be for the best. Thank you.
Amity went for a walk. By the time she would get back, Luz would probably be done with her conversation with Camilla.
And surely those two would be okay after this, right?
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star-p3bbles · 3 months
Hii, if you don’t mind can you do Josh and reader’s first date? (Please and thank you!)
Hells yea!!!
Also everybody who reads this please go follow the asker, they're my moot and they write super cool stuffs :)
The stars in the sky have nothing on you
CW: murder jokes (slight dark humor)
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Josh had always been an overthinker. Even when he was young, he'd be coloring with his sisters and struggle to choose what color to use. So planning a date with you had his mind going a million miles a minute. He wanted to impress you, he really wants you to like him. The whole week up until he asked you, he was racking his brain for ideas that weren't so overdone. And as he sat and pondered this, the idea finally struck him. The stars. In the city it was almost impossible to see them at night, and he remembered a comment you had made the other night while helping him with an essay for his film class.
"I just wish I could see the stars again. The sky seems so empty here."
The look on your face almost broke his heart in two, he couldn't give a shit about the stars, only that your eyes didn't have that shine they usually do. So the plan fell right into his lap, he would take you somewhere you could see the stars.
Now asking you, that was a whole different overthinking issue. He had to practice it in his head over and over and over until he was 75% sure, at exactly 1:03 AM. When your phone pinged, your eyes immediately shot to it, and upon seeing his name you rushed to open the message.
"Hey y/n, I'm sorry it's late, but if you're not busy tommorow night I'd really like to take you out. I have an idea in mind that I think you'll really like."
You couldn't help but smile ear to ear. Sure you guys have been talking and hanging out but he FINALLY asked you out. Another ping.
"If you don't want to it's totally okay."
Fingers fumbled to respond, resulting in a lot of autocorrect assisting your reply.
"Of course I want to go with you J! What time? :)?"
Much to your delight, his response was fast.
"How about 6:30? I can pick you up, I know your car is a piece of shit :)"
Josh's only wish was to be able to hear your laugh in response.
The next day you fussed over your appearance, sure he's seen you at your most natural state, pajamas with your hair looking like you just stuck it in a light socket, but you couldn't help yourself. It was an actual date, you wanted to look your best. Josh also was currently tearing his room apart trying to find something to put together, something nice. He was finally able to settle on his nicest jeans, his flannel and your favorite shirt. You had stolen it a few times when hanging out with him to use as pajamas. It was such a simple shirt, just a silhouette graphic of a UFO abducting a cow, a shirt he barely ever even touched anymore until you had told him it was your favorite one. Now it was his favorite too.
Despite having been friends for about 2 years, you both were absolute nervous wrecks for the whole drive. You decided to break the tension by making a joke
"So, as I can see you are driving us out to the middle of the woods. Are you planning on murdering me?"
Josh looked towards you, before giving a horror movie grade evil smile. "Now why would I tell you? You'd just run and make my life harder."
You giggled, "Well if that is the plan, can you make it cool? Like, something people make movies about."
He chuckled, and the sound made your stomach warm and tingly. His warm hand intertwined with yours, cautiously, like he wasn't sure about his actions, and in response you squeezed a bit, smiling still. It was like a high, your brain was all soft and fuzzy, your heart skipped a beat and your cheeks turned pink. "No I'm not going to murder you, but hopefully I'll manage to kill your low standards with this." The car pulled up to a clearing, a meadow in a ring of trees. Flying out of the car like a squirrel on crack, he almost ran to your side of the car to open your door for you. "And they say chivalry is dead." You teased as he helped you out, before grabbing a blanket and radio from the backseat. Neither of you let go of each other's hands as he led you to the middle and set the blanket down. A gentle smile graced his lips before he kissed your middle finger knuckle on your left hand, that was currently tangled up in his right. "Sun's about 3/4s down, should be starting soon." He wasn't really talking to you in particular, it was more of a spoken thought. "What should be starting soon?" It sounded ominous as hell.
"I know it sounds sketchy, but I promise you'll really like it." He reassured with a soft, almost affectionate tone as he started setting up the blanket before flipping on the radio. After a minute of flipping through stations, you finally settled on some rock station, keeping the volume a little quieter then you normally would. You both laid side by side, just staring into the orange and pink sky.
"I missed how quiet the world can be...."
You took a brief pause, taking a deep breathe, living in the smell of the forest. The trees, the previous nights rain. It made you feel more alive. He made you feel more alive. Josh's head turned, olive eyes scanning your face. Feeling his eyes on you, you also turned your head, looking back into his.
"Thank you."
He could feel his heart about to explode out of his chest. Yeah sure, you've been hanging out and best friends since you first met but this was different. He could finally look at you and not feel guilty for having feelings for you, he could hold your hand.
Shit. He's been staring. He didn't answer you. Fuck fuck fuck. Mentally spiraling, he racked his brain for an answer, and in his panic, his first response?
Kiss you.
You were stunned briefly, before melting in his large hands cupping your cheeks. His lips were warm, delicate and kind. There was no hunger or lust behind it. It was loving and real. He could have sworn his heart stopped beating altogether when he felt your hands softly come to hold his face. When you finally parted, his eyes didn't leave you yet, the sun had set and now the stars were coming out. He looked away quickly, up at the sky before the smile you adored lit up his face. His leg nudged you, "Look up."
So you did, and it was perfect. Stars scattered the early night sky like sugar on a black countertop. Something you hadn't seen since you went to college and had to move. "Was I right when I said you'd really like it?" His tone was smug and teasing.
"I love it." You responded, almost breathless.
"Well beautiful...the stars have nothing on you."
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may-be-made-of-arsenic · 11 months
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Day 13: Arachne
OK IM BEHIND BY A LOT BUT IM STILL TRYING!! i have Helen’s drawing already done but am making separate posts for the two
i’ll do Promentheus (today’s prompt) and Circe (tommorow prompt) tomorrow. hopefully
anyhow i’m an Arachne apologist. she’s cool and hubris is bad unless she does it /j
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DESIGH WISE UHM. surprisingly, against the very warm toned shading i did, she has BLUE clothing! i gave her spiderweb patterns cause why not
i was originally giving her a hair bun on the back of her hair, but that wouldn’t be visible, so it’s a high bun ish! i made it messy to mimic the 8 legs of a spider
i may hate spiders but i like Arachne
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Anthony lockwood x injured reader
(sorry I couldn't find a. Gender neutral pic so I just went with this one also I don't draw it)
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Y/n's pov:
Urgh your head felt like it was splitting open your legs felt like they were going to snap in half and your side burned.
It was quite obvious your case hadn't gone well you had ignored the others protests and snuck of to do a solo case you had made it back now at around 2am so hopefully no one would notice and you could clean yourself up and go to bed. But of course as you entered the house and walked past the living room you saw lockwood sitting in a chair arms folded ankle balenced over his knee. "hey" you said quietly not making eye contact even though you could feel his stare burning into the front of your face.
"why did you go alone?" "We all told you not to". He spoke smoothly standing up and walking over to you placing one hand under your chin and tilting it up to look into his dark eyes. "I'm sorry but I just wanted yo earn a little money and help that poor family before anyone else got hurt."
You had met the family their eldest son had been ghost locked and almost killed by an angry type two wraith you couldn't stand the thought of the family being forced to stay their and suffer so you had gone despite having no information and it all being rushed. This meant it was no surprise that there had been more than three angry type tows you had been thrown out a window gotten smashed onto a glass cabinet and fallen down several flights of stairs. You where very lucky not to have broken anything buy your entire body was sore and stiff and you didn't know if you could cope with being lectured right now. Seemingly sensing that lockwood grabbed a first aid kit that had been purposefully set on the table next to the couch and pulled you down next to him.
Anthony's pov:
They seem very hurt I won't lecture them until tommorow I don't want them getting more stressed out I will just patch them up and get them to have some rest. "Y/n please take of your jacket and lift up your shirt" I say as carefully as I can helping them remove some of their clothes leaving them in their bra/shirtless I blushes slightly red at seeing them like this they had faint scars running over their body but I focused on the new cuts gently cleaning and covering in gauze. As I cleaned the rest of their cuts they yawned. "y/n you need to sleep let's get you to bed"
Y/n's pov:
From all the events tonight I know I won't sleep even though I'm exhausted I will have horrid nightmares of losing him I can't not tonight so I sleepily shake my head. Lockwood stands up gently but forcefully pulling me with him as I protest as we walk up the stairs u suddenly notice that we aren't in mh room but his. He walks over to his cabenit pulls out a soft grey sweatshirt and gently chucks it to me. "is this for me?" you ask confused.
"yes silly now since your insistent on not getting sleep you may aswell lay down with me since you and I both know its the nightmares that are stopping your sleep so maybe if your with me I can stop them." you blush a little as you pull on the shirt lockwood let's you change out of your trousers and pull on some of your sleeping shorts you left in here(he's let you in a couple times before)
"thank you Anthony" you say quietly as you settle next to him after you've both changed
"don't worry about it n/n I'm always here for you" he says before pulling you close as you relax and let yourself succumb to sleep as lockwood does aswell. Tommorow you will both fight over what happend and what you should and shouldn't be allowed to do but for now your both safe and have each other and that's all that matters.
Hope you enjoyed comment for a part 2 and jut for general support or ideas you have. Have a great day/night xx @givemea-dam-break
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thinking-spearingly · 2 years
Today started out good. I weighed myself and had lost over one and a half kg's in two days and I felt like I was getting back on track however, today is my brothers birthday, we went out for brunch which at least nocked out two meals at once but there was nothing low cal so I ended up having two (my mum ate the third for me) mocha (I'm so sorry that is probs not how you spell it) green tea pancakes. When we got home we had cake which I requested and received a tiny slice of. Then when we git to my dad's we decided on having dominoz which I had 3 prices of. I know tahts a lot but less would have looked suspicious to my fam and its less than I would have had two monthes ago. Once again my brothers birthday is ruining my plans of being skinny as tommorow my dad is taking us out for a pub tea instead of doing a "religous fast" which we had agreed on earlier in the week. Also being at my dad's means I can't weigh for 5 days although it will be easier to skip out on meals whilst I'm here. Hopefully I can re schedule the "religious" fast with him.
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enby-mama · 1 year
14w5d update
Ok so here goes a big catch up update, lots has happened since my last update!
We got that dating ultrasound and everything looks good, our due date is a bit off from what we thought (not surprising since ovulation after a miscarriage is rarely on schedule) but I'm now estimated to be 14 weeks 5 days as of today, with a due date of December 6th!
We told our parents at about the 8 week mark after we got our results back from the first ultrasound and saw that healthy heartbeat!
Below is that first ultrasound (6w5d)!
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Had been referred to a specialist OB before we found out we were pregnant due to repeated miscarriages, and ended up with one of the in-house OBs, but after some issues with paperwork and then him giving me medication that expired 3 YEARS earlier... I've requested to be referred to a different clinic who can hopefully help me better. I find out tommorow if they accept my referral since they don't usually accept transfers. We will see how it goes.
Our 12 week scan went well, though the dr has apparently lost half the bloodwork results so that may need to be redone at the new clinic.
Below is the 12 week scan!
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I've had a lot of issues with morning sickness and lack of appetite, and have been put on a medication that's made specifically for pregnant folks to help with both and so far it's amazing. Night and day difference. I actually had lost 5lbs between my 12 week weigh in and my 14 week weigh in which was a bit worrying, and it's only been a few days on the new medication but it's been so helpful tbh. I've been able to be less restrictive about eating and have been able to eat more often, and now that I'm in my second trimester, baby is hungry! I've been encouraged to start tracking calories to make sure I'm getting enough, but I had a eating disorder back in highschool and while I'm past the vast majority of all that, counting calories and micromanaging my food intake like that can be a bit of a trigger still, so we're planning on having that tracking happen on my spouse's phone so I don't have access to it (my idea, in case anyone gets spicy about it)
I've also started to notice more memory issues and hormonal moodiness, esp since entering the second trimester my baseline of patience is significantly reduced and I get spicy easier, but also if I get too tired I get weepy really easily too. Such is pregnancy I guess.
Also today the app I've been using to track everything told me my baby is the size of a mouse! And then I find a baby mouse in my kitchen! No adults around, not scared of the dogs, and not old enough to be out on its own. Big enough to be furred and it's eyes were open but still a baby. So I caught it and did some research and found it's an endemic species and one they're trying to help stabilize the population of due to habitat loss due to invasive European mice! So after almost an hour of trying to track down someone who could take the poor thing we drove over an hour to get to the rehabbers house. She was thrilled to see him and said he looked healthy, but definitely too small to be on his own and likely had only just opened his eyes a day or two ago. While I do love animals, idk that I would have driven over an hour each way on my anniversary to save a mouse had it not been for pregnancy hormones, but my spouse and I made an outing of it and then went for poutine afterwards, which was a good celebration of our anniversary tbh. I got my poutine with pickles and I know that sounds like a very pregnant person thing to do but good lord was it good!
And then this evening when I was getting out of the shower I felt my baby kick for the first time!!! It's so exciting and hard to describe it, and I'm just... So excited to meet this little one!
Hopefully I'll remember to update this more often, if anyone's actually reading these feel free to give me a poke every now and then if it's been a few weeks and I've forgotten to update!
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dietcokebutterfly · 1 year
Thursday May 25
messed up my fast in the morning with starbucks (grande out shaken espresso l00cals + cold foam I20cals and a birthday cakepop 170cals) restarted my fast right after that. Had a diet coke and diet pepsi now after skating. Skating was so good, I felt so light and I never jumped better, Even Mr. Folk was proud of me I'm gonna try to skip dinner and drink one diet coke for breakfast tommorow, for lunch before skating ill have a pack of dried strawberries - 57cals and maybe one or two natural flavour ricecakes-45 each. The total of today ads up to 390 cals and my limit for the next month will be 400cals a day so i can drop the weight before i go back and so that the dress my mom bought hopefully fits loose in my body. My start weight today was 69 disgusting kilogramms. After skating I weighed myself in the gym and I was 67 kg Iwas so so happy and I was even wearing clothes. I just really hope that the scale in the gym is not broken since it's the only one I can use after my host mom took her scale back out of my washroom :((
Guess what my plan did not work out and now im literary Crying in my room. Instead of keeping the light feeling, I fucking messed up. I came home ate homemade ramen, springroles, rice crispy square, yoghurt with chocolate banana and strawberry, a Granola bar, cereal, 2 slices of pizza and one chicken wing. That's more than one person eats in a hole week. You think this is normal no this is not and if you keep going like this youre not even gonna fit in your moms dress. Your fat disgusting and a piece of shit with no control this is why sara doesnt like you, dont you think? Anorexic is not what you are anymore no your a fucking binger, ugly and fat as fuck. Tomorrow im gonna do a dry fast because i literally ate for 2 today. Are you fucking pregnant or what?
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gwhite2by2 · 2 years
Daily Plan - 31/01/23
Today is the last day I get to work on the game itself and this is a small problem for me as I thought I'd have the rest of the week and had plans to implement bosses and various other things but despite that I think my games in a good enough state where I can have it done by the end of the day I'll just need to implement the character designs I made yesterday as well as any balancing and bug fixes that I think I need too. There is no real way to be able to judge how much balancing and bug fixing I can do in a day so I've decided to split the day into two, working on balancing in the morning and bringing in the characters after lunch which will hopefully mean I can get the game in a good as possible state before tommorow.
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this one wasn't as hard as day one but I had a moment where I was scared I was gonna binge I pushed through and made it now I can sleep peacefully knowing I'll be slightly skinner by the end of the week.
Cals consumed: 410
Apple 1.0 (50)
Apple juice suncup 4.0 oz (60)
Cheese pizza hut 1.0 (150)
/I was forced to eat it and I didn't know the exact cal cause it was a weird square pizza so I picked the option for 1 slice which is what I had then paced for 40 minutes to burn extra calories to make sure I didn't go over/
Dr pepper 12.0 fl oz (170)
Cals burned: 353
Pacing and walk to school + home
Net: 57
I love the feeling of checking that box and tommorow I get to do 300 which will be pretty easy hopefully as long as we don't order out again I can avoid dinner and I always have the same thing for breakfast
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ilajue · 3 years
sorry I disappeared long enough that my mutuals started putting my picture on milk cartons, I've been out of my house and very busy :(
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blossomreed · 2 years
Chapter 11 of The Dove and her Rooster [Bradley Bradshaw]
find all the parts here
Both Dove and Maverick were called into Cyclone's office the next day and they both had a gut feeling of what was gonna happen.
Right now, they both stood in the Vice Admiral's office, waiting for him to say anything.
"Well, I know this is a very difficult time for both of you. I just wanted to say if you need to take some time off, please do. I know it's not easy losing someone that close." Dove was the first one to speak up, "Thank you Sir but I want to finish the training and hopefully take part in the mission. It's what my father would want, it's what I want." Cyclone only nodded his head as Maverick started to talk.
"And I'm good too. I was picked to train those kids and I intend to finish that, so thank you but I'll be fine."
Cyclone let out a small scoff as he shook his head before looking up at the two in front of him.
"For Liutenant Dove it was a suggestion...but for you, Captain Maverick, it's an order. You're both dissmised."
Before Maverick could say anything, Dove decided to tell her disapproval of that.
"With all due respect Sir but Captain Maverick was picked for this mission by my father, Admiral Tom Kazansky, callsign Iceman, commander of the U.S. Pacific fleet, personally. He didn't pick him for no reason, he's the only one that can prepare us." Cyclone narrowed his eyes at the blonde woman.
"I am very well aware of who your father was Liutenant. But your father isn't here anymore so I am the one calling the shots now. And I say that Captain Mitchell is no longer part of this mission. Is that clear?" "But-" Dove went to protest but was cut off by Cyclone raising his voice, "I said, is that clear Liutenant?"
Maverick shook his head no at the girl, to signal her that it's okay and not to fight anymore. It wasn't worth it.
"Crystal. Sir." Cyclone nodded his head, "Good. You're both dissmised."
Maverick let Dove in front of him, basically leading her out of the door with his hand on her back but before they could exit the Vice Admiral's office they were stopped by him speaking up again.
"Oh and Liutenant Bradshaw...I highly recommend you take some time off, to grieve the great man that was your father." it took everything in Dove to hold back a scoff at the man's words, he was taunting her, waiting for her to say one wrong word.
"Thank you for your suggestion Vice Admiral but it's actually Kazansky-Bradshaw. I am still my father's daughter."
With that the woman walked out, shortly after followed by her uncle. When they got outside, the blonde let out her frustration.
"It's just not fair! Dad didn't pick you for no reason, you're the only one that can teach us and get us back alive, it's like Cyclo-bitch over there wants us all to die!"
Pete shushed the woman he tought of as his niece as he tried to hold back a laugh. That was a good one, he's gotta give her that.
"Do you want to be kicked off too?? Someone could hear you!" "Does it look like I give even a one fuck anymore? Because I truly don't, I'm done."
Pete somehow calmed her down a little before speaking.
"Look, let's just get you home and then you'll go to training tommorow like nothing happend." she started to protest but he cut her off, "No, no buts, what ifs or anything else. You were picked to train for this mission because you are the best of the best and you're not throwing all of that away because of me."
For some reason Victoria actually decided to listen to Pete and so the next day she walked into training with Bradley by her side, almost all of their colleagues were there already and at the very front was non other than Cyclone who couldn't keep his mouth shout, so while Bradley got to sit down right away, Victoria was stopped by the Admiral.
"Liutenant Bradshaw, I thought I told you to take time off to grieve." she took a deep breath before turning to the Admiral, "With all due respect, Sir. Like I told you yesterday it's Liutenant Kazansky-Bradshaw and I was chosen to train for this mission so I will do exactly that."
With that the blonde turned around and made her way towards her seat but she couldn't help but notice the slight smiles both Hondo and Warlock had on their faces. Her colleagues were either impressed or trying to hide the smiles on their faces so they wouldn't laugh.
"Captain Mitchell will no longer be training you, he has decided to take some personal days so I will be taking over from today. Now, there will be a few changes since I do not agree with Maverick's teachings. So-"
As Cyclone started to explain all the changes that will be happening, everyone was just shocked. That man was trying to get them killed, they were sure of it now.
"But Sir, that's not enough time for us to get out."
The only answer Bob got was that they'll have a chance to beat them in the dogfight. Just as Cyclone was going to continue, a bipping sound was heard from the monitor in front of them. It was Maverick, he'll fly the mission course.
Everyone was on the edge of their seats, watching Maverick fly the course perfectly. While Cyclone had a look of almost hate on his face, everyone else was, well, proud in a way. Dove jumped out of her seat with almost everyone else when Maverick hit the target perfectly.
She didn't care about swearing right now or about getting onto Cyclone's good side. All she cared about was her paternal uncle, her Captain, her teacher, sticking up for himself and everyone else that was chosen to train for this mission. He wasn't going to let anything happen to them, he was gonna make sure each person that flies the mission comes back alive and in one piece.
Even though Maverick flew the mission course perfectly, he was still in trouble. Cyclone called him back into his office almost immediately, I mean he did technically steal a plane.
"You proved that this mission can be done, and survived, but you stole a multimillion dollar aircraft...Iceman can't protect you anymore, I can have you Court-martial and dishonourably discharged."
There was a short silence as Cyclone spoke up again, "So I have a choice... Risk the life of my pilots and the mission, or risk my career by making you team leader."
Just as Maverick was about to speak up, Warlock stopped him, saying that it was a rethorical question so the man decided to keep his mouth shut.
After what felt like an eternity, Cyclone finally spoke up again.
"I will give you this chance Maverick. But I swear that if you screw up again, or if you pull out a coup like you just did, you career in the Navy is done. For good."
And that's how Maverick stole a plane and became a mission leader all in one day. If only Goose and Ice were here, they'd have a good laugh about it.
Cyclone told the older man all the information he needed to know before basically telling him to get out of his sight, but before he could fully exit the door, Warlock called out after him.
"Congratulations Captain." he said, trying to hide the obvious smile, "Thank you, Sir." Maverick gave him a smile and short nod before leaving.
The day before the mission came around quickly and currently, everyone was at Penny's bar, having sorts of a celebration, their last night before the mission tommorow. They wanted to have a little fun but not too much of course, they still needed to get up early tommorow.
Victoria excused herself from everyone as she made her way towards her uncle and Penny.
"Sorry to interrupt you two. Uncle Pete could I talk to you outside, please?"
Pete only nodded his head as he followed the blonde woman out of the Hard Deck and outside to the beach.
"Will everything go okay tommorow? Will everyone come back?" the older man was taken back a bit at the questions, but answered truthfully non the less. "I don't know but I do know I will do everything in my power for everything to go perfectly without any complications or deaths. I promise Ria."
She smiled at the childhood nickname that only her dad and her two uncles called her. She came up with it when she constantly was hearing RIO, so little her tought it was fitting. Victoria taught for a bit before turning to her uncle, telling him her troubles from the past few days.
"Are you pregnant?" the poor woman almost choked on her own spit at his question, "No, of course not! I think I would know if I was pregnant uncle Mav...it's probably from everything that went on and is going on, I mean we only lost dad a few days ago and tommorow five of us are going on a crazy dangerous mission."
Unkown to the two, Bradley was looking at them, he could see them from the window near where they all were, a small smile made its way onto his face. Feeling a nudge on his shoulder, he turned his head towards the person.
"I get why you're mad at him but you never know the full story, maybe he had other reasons too. Plus, he's an important part of Vic's life especially now with her dad gone. I'm not saying to forgive the man right away but work towards building a better relationship with him, for both your and Vic's sake....and from what you told me your parents would hate to see you two on bad terms."
Bradley nodded his head, deep in thought before speaking up, "Yeah, I guess you're right Reubs. Thank you."
The younger between the two didn't say anything as he handed Bradley another beer before giving him a clap on the back. Just as he did so, Victoria returned to Bradley's side as she took her drink that Phoenix was holding out for her.
"Everything okay sweetheart?" "Of course honey." the blonde sent her husband a smile as they shared a quick kiss before continuing to talk to their friends and colleagues.
The night didn't last too long since the next day they all had to get up early for the mission but it lasted long enough for them to have fun and talk about anything but the mission.
Maverick looked around at everyone, making a mental picture as they all would smile, laugh or even tease eachother. No matter what it costs him, even if it means sacrificing himself, the kids will be coming back home.
The next day everyone was in uniform and standing in an aircraft carrier. Maverick has just been annouced team leader and he had to pick his team but before he spoke he remembered Warlock's words, he is where he belongs.
"It's been a honour fighting along side you, each one of you represent the best of the best, and it's a very specific mission. My choice is the reflection of that, and nothing more." Cyclone spoke up, "Choose your two foxtrot teams." there was a short silence before Maverick gave his answer.
"Payback and Fanboy, Phoenix and Bob." the first pair nodded their head while the second looked at eachother slowly. This was really happening.
Now it was time to choose his wingman. Rooster kept his head down, knowing he won't be chosen while Hangman held his head high, having a feeling that he'll be the one despite everyone else thinking Dove will be chosen. Not only is she Iceman's daughter who was Maverick's former wingman, she flies like him too, if not a little better. But everyone was suprised when the callsign left Maverick's mouth.
"Rooster." the man's head shut up as he looked at the Captain with a shocked face. Hangman was the backup wingman while the rest will stay on the carrier for any reverse roles that'll be required and with that they were dissmised. Everyone went to congratulate the team that would be flying the mission, being happy for their fellow colleagues. Dove gave all five of them hugs with a small stay safe whispered to them. Rooster got a quick kiss too before the blonde woman was called over by Maverick.
The two went off to stand by the railing of the carrier, looking out at the water. There was a comfortable silence surrounding the two before Maverick spoke up.
"I'm sorry I didn't pick you to be my wingman, I know you wanted to make your dad proud and everything but if you're not feeling well I don't want to risk it. I can't let anything happen to you Ria. I would never forgive myself."
Dove hugged him tightly, even though she shouldn't since this was a profesional setting, she didn't care. He gladly returned the tight hug.
"Don't worry about it uncle Mav, seriously. Just bring them back and you come back too, I can't lose anyone else."
The Captain only let out a small okay as they let go of eachoter before returning to where everyone else was, having to attend one last briefing for the mission held by mostly Warlock but Cyclone was also with him. As Warlock finished  Cyclone spoke up, looking out at the pilots before him.
"This is the mission you all have been waiting for....Come home safe."
With those words they were dissmised once again and the real fight for their lives was about to start. Dove had special permission to be in the mission room with Cyclone, Warlock, Hondo amongst others as the rest were in another room, waiting in case they were needed.
The six people flying the mission plus Hangman who was backup went towards their planes. But Maverick and Rooster came face to face as they were making their way out towards the planes.
"You give them hell." and as Maverick left, Rooster decided to go after him and he was trying to tell him something but they got interrupted.
"We'll talk when we get back." Maverick says and starts to walk away again but turns towards his late best friend's son one last time, "Hey Bradley...you got this!" and he just gives him a nod before getting into his plane.
Soon enough everyone was in their planes, ready for take off, so one by one they announced just that.
"Dagger one, up and ready." said Maverick, followed by Hangman "Dagger spare standing by.", then Payback spoke up next with Fanboy in his backseat, "Dagger four, up and ready.", Phoenix with her WSO Bob, "Dagger three, up and ready." and last but not least, Rooster. "Dagger two, up and ready."
There was a short silence after someone annouced that everything was ready, they were only waiting for a launch decision.
"Send them." said Cyclone which was soon followed by-
"Dagger one away. Dagger two away. Dagger three away. Dagger four away."
Dove could see the planes go off one by one on the monitors. And with that the mission and fight of their life had offically started. Now, they just had to pray that they succeed and come back home alive.
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filminah · 3 years
exam season is in less than 100 days , mocks are soon (and i’m fucking screwed)
21:05 - Wednesday 16th February
SOOO IM GONE. - french mock tommorow, i’ll likely do foundation french (which i’m not too bothered about - makes sense since i can barely speak my own language let alone learn another one) je ne suis pas parle francais
- mock exams on the first week of March - that includes every subject, HOPEFULLY, i can do further maths and maths and do them well.
- ENGLISH IS A MESS.  i haven’t even STARTED macbeth and i need to cover it in a week and a half in time for the literature mock - holy shit don’t even get me started on english language - story writing can suck a dick, i’d be the sickest damn fantasy author ever to the point i’d boil my spaghetti in JK Rollings tears BUT EDUQAS REQUIREMENTS ARE THE MOST IMAGINATION LIMITING THING - it’s literally like non-magical harry potter went to a public school. - math, math, MATH - so i got dropped from set one recently, but i was given the chance of a two week trial and if i did good i’d move back up, ends in two days so wish me luck! haven’t posted lately due to being real busy but i thought i’d give you all a lil study update until next time Amimi
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