#hopefully not being able to lie around too long in bed today will help with trying to get to bed at a decent hour tonight
jcbmcdrmtt · 10 months
I’ve been feeling very down lately for life reasons, so as a pick me up I ordered some of @aredblush ‘s adorable Sterek art in sticker form (link in source). Now I normally do not buy stickers because I am forever unsure of where to put them - all of the standard destinations like my laptop or phone or water bottle will be replaced one day, which would mean losing all the stickers on them, perish the thought!! But. Stickers were the art form that I could both afford and had room for right now, so while they were in shipping I was brainstorming where to put them.
And then it hit me.
I bought 2 of Nas’ (i.e. aredblush’s) lovely art books from Lulu wayyyyyy back in 2015/2016. I treasure them, I shouldn’t ever have to replace them, and everything between the covers is well-protected. What better place to put stickers from the same artist?? It’s almost like I’m updating the books with some of her newer contributions to fandom :)
So without further ado:
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(yes I know my sticker placement/alignment in the second book was atrocious, I’m working with what I’ve got here 😂)
Also, bonus! The most recent iPhone software automatically identifies objects in photos you take and lets you create digital stickers out of them to use in chat! I’ve been having a lot of fun with it the last month or two, and that has also included many art pieces from Nas 😁 (also many, many pictures of my baby nephew 😅). So far I have not sent them to anyone because I sadly do not text with other Sterek or Andreil lovers, but it’s nice to know I could if I wanted to :) Plus this way cute art is always a tap away on my phone for me ☺️
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(side note, that last little guy down at the bottom right is a creation of @/magentasnail)
Nas, if you’re reading this, thank you for drawing soft, adorable portrayals of people quietly loving each other (or maybe not so quietly, in Stiles’ case haha). Multiple times now it has been a bright spot in a dark world for me.
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jadeylovesmarvelxo · 2 years
If you have the time for it, can I have a fluffy story with Eddie just comforting and taking care of his girlfriend with migraines? I got one during my shift today and it ended up making my vision fuzzy for a bit too. Just want some Eddie comfort 😞
Request by @yearwalker96😘 I hope you feel better 💖
Warnings; mentions of being sick, fluffy Eddie content.
From the minute she woke up her head was pounding. Everything was fuzzy, the sunlight made her wince and squeeze her eyes shut.
She hated migraines. It's not like she could just roll back over and go to sleep, she had cheer practice today and it was date night after Hellfire for her and her boyfriend Eddie
Speaking of Eddie, his arms were wrapped around her waist and she was snuggled into his chest as he snored lightly.
Hmm, it was only six am, maybe she could lie down and have a cat nap, it would help her feel better. Well... hopefully.
Eddie pulls her closer and she burrows back into his chest and is out like a light in seconds.
Eddie's soft voice is the first thing she hears as she struggles to open her eyes.
"Princess? Are you okay? It's nearly seven thirty" shit she slept that long? She shoots up her eyes wide and he kisses her shoulder.
"I'm fine babe, I just needed the sleep" she assures him because he will get very worried and overprotective if she even hints at feeling shitty.
With that said she gets up and fights the dizziness that the simple task had caused.
It was okay, she could do this. She gets dressed, has a big glass of water and a painkiller, and hopes that the migraine goes away.
Eddie keeps an eye on her, she can tell he isn't buying her insistence that she's okay.
Hopefully soon she will be.
There wasn't any luck on that. She had gone through an intense cheer practice where all the motions and practicing the routine made her feel nauseous.
Chrissy noticed she had been feeling shitty and was really sweet. They had to get this routine down though so she ignored the pounding in her head and the sickness.
As soon as practice was over Chrissy ordered her to go to the nurse. Dutifully she headed back inside the school and ran right into Eddie and Dustin who were discussing Hellfire tactics.
Smiling she kisses his cheek and ruffles Dustins hair.
By the time she gets to the nurse, she is shaky and the nausea overwhelms her as she is violently sick.
Mrs Daniels immediately fusses over her and sends her home. Thankfully she is able to call her grandmother who picks her up and at seeing how awful she looks is extremely anxious.
"Honey, you should have stayed off school, you shouldn't have gone in like this"
"Cheer practice, Eddie" she moans and her grandmother smiles.
"Honey, that handsome boy of yours will no doubt be around mine the minute he hears you're sick"
She smiles at that thought and in fact about ten minutes after she is inside, she hears the telltale screech of his tires and he bursts through the door looking panicked.
"Sweetheart? Mike told me he saw you going home from school, then Chrissy told me and Gareth you were sick at practice" he fusses over her and she cuddles into him immediately soothed by his presence.
The smell of his cologne- Old Spice never failed to make her relax or feel like she was home.
"I had a bad migraine, still do and the pain made me sick in the nurse's office" he kisses her forehead.
"We could have stayed in bed, I would have looked after you. Made you soup, extra cuddles for my princess"
Her grandmother smiles at the two of them as she sips her tea.
She feels a bit teary, she hates being sick, and feeling like shit on top of that was worse.
"I had cheer practice, you have Hellfire and it's date night"
His eyes widen and he wipes her tears away.
"Don't cry baby, I rescheduled Hellfire for Monday, my girl is sick so I am looking after you, we can have date night tomorrow, now bed" he orders.
She obliges and her grandmother tells them she will bring up some cookies and juice.
Eddie wastes no time tucking her up in bed, he lays beside her and gently massages her sore head. The pain has dulled slightly but it's Eddie's massages that help the most.
"It's okay sweetheart. I'll chase the big bad migraine away" he presses a kiss to her hair.
He fluffs up her pillow, gets extra blankets, and generally fusses over her.
"I'll be fine Eddie, the pain is easing a little" he still looks panicked.
"You're sick and I feel helpless because I'm supposed to chase away the bad things, monsters, assholes who try and hit on you, assholes who don't speak nicely to you... Carver but I can't do that with this"
She squeezes his hand.
"You're helping. Those amazing head massages for one thing but then I've always known you have magic fingers" he looks extremely proud at this and holds her close.
"Just you being here giving me lots of Eddie cuddles is helping" this relaxes him and he settles with her and is an absolute sweetheart attending to her every need.
The next morning thanks to the attentive actions of Eddie and a good night's sleep the migraine was thankfully gone.
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cryptidsurveys · 2 months
Tuesday, July 16th, 2024.
How have you been doing? I'm a little worn out from volunteering, but otherwise, I've been doing well. Cassie was telling me that I need to stay for a full day sometime, that way I can understand what they mean about the nonsense that goes on in the evenings. Basically, over the past few months, the time they actually get off work has been pushed farther and farther back. They're supposed to get off at 5pm, but Alex said the other day that she didn't get off until 6pm (and she already comes in ~30 minutes early). There also seems to be some growing animosity/resentment between the dog & cat people. Dog people are allegedly the hold-up. I'm not sure what changed, but it wasn't like this last summer. Cattery is usually finished early, often expected to help with the dog stuff; but when they ask for the final check to be done so they can go home, they're typically left for last.
I feel like that's eventually what will drive Cassie to quit. She had somewhere she had to be last night and they dragged things out until she was like, Yeah, I need to leave. She said it was "fine" in that situation; but in the future, when she has cheer practice, she's not going to be able to wait around for them because cheer won't take work as an excuse for being late. Also, I was told that Lucy might be looking for another job. Lucy told Cassie she wasn't going to quit until she found one, but after her absence last weekend, she might have just decided to go for it.
I know I'm essentially backseat managing here, lmao, but they really need to get ahead of this turnover issue. Since I started volunteering again last summer, they've lost something like 15 employees.
Anything you're looking forward to? Hopefully going for a picnic at the Mountain Park tomorrow. I haven't been there since last autumn, which is way too long. There's a certain rock in a certain stream that I just need to lie down on for a while.
Do you or anyone you know play the violin? No.
Do you have a nice view out of the closest window? It's just a view of some houses. And today, some construction. They're doing idk what on the corner diagonal from us.
What is one of your favorite breakup songs? I don't think I'm really a fan of any breakup songs.
Do you know anyone named Georgia or George? No.
What age did you learn how to ride a bike? Without training wheels? I think I was around 6 years old.
Are you currently listening to music or watching TV? I'm not. Sometimes I will listen to music while taking surveys, but it just feels like a bit much atm.
What is your morning routine? On volunteer days: depending on the day, get up somewhere between 5:15-5:45am. I'm usually awake a bit before that, though, so I just lie in bed and listen to something on YouTube. Shower, get dressed, brush my teeth, eat breakfast, gather the remainder of my things, talk with my dad for a bit. Then, depending on the day, leave somewhere between 6:20-6:45am.
On Wednesday: wake up, brush my teeth, make myself presentable, go grocery shopping, then come home and eat breakfast.
On Saturday: wake up whenever I feel like it, make breakfast, clean my bedroom, and make some art.
Are you someone who gets easily agitated by hearing someone chewing? No. It doesn't tend to bother me.
What was the last text you sent? It was a text to my mom. We might be going to see Despicable Me 4 on Saturday, and I was like, "I'll finally find out what all those little yellow minions are about."
What did you last have to eat? Some mixed veggies with sriracha sauce and a cheese and jalapeno sandwich.
What's your favorite kind of oatmeal/porridge? If we're talking about the flavored pouches, then probably brown sugar, birthday cake, strawberry, or peach. However, I typically use plain oatmeal as my base and use fruit, peanut butter, etc, to flavor it from there.
Have you ever ate a whole pizza in one sitting? I don't think so…maybe a half, though…? In elemntary school, we used to have pizza days on Friday (was it weekly? monthly? I can't recall); if you didn't "flip a card" (their disciplinary system), then you could pay some small $ amount that I no longer recall and get a half/full pizza, a cookie, and drinks.
What are some things you are grateful for? Volunteering. Even with all the drama, I can't imagine giving it up. I feel like it's a good exercise in detachment (not that I'm so detached, lmao; I'm obviously here dishing the constant tea). Like, if you ever just want to be an observer without any real expectations or responsibility for the system as a whole, go volunteer somewhere. It's an interesting experience… It's helping me learn to step back, stop trying to control everything, and just sort of let everything play out the way it will. It's not that I've given up all autonomy to the flow, but seriously, sometimes it helps to really see just how little of this teeming, chaotic world has anything to do with me. Thought I was going to make a difference; instead, found out what a cosmic speck I am. Maybe not what I wanted, but definitely what I needed. Still a speck, but now a free speck.
What's the last thing you done while outside? Drive, I guess.
How often do you do laundry? Every few days. It just depends on how quickly it piles up.
Have you already had your birthday this year? Yes, back in March. Which feels like forever ago. June 1st feels like it was last week, but March feels like it was last year.
Last thing you done before this survey? Vacuum the living room and dining room.
Do you like sleeping with multiple pillows? I have multiple pillows on my bed, but I only sleep with one.
How many candles do you have in your bedroom? A couple.
What emojis have you used the most here recently? D; and :')
What color is your favorite shirt? I don't have a favorite shirt, but my favorite hoodie is black.
Do you currently smell food cooking? No. Oh, but at the shelter earlier, I walked out of cattery to go to the bathroom and it smelled like someone was cooking hot dogs with ketchup or something. Come to find out it was ant killer. What a wild smell for such a thing…like luring them to a picnic or something…
If you were given $1,000 to spend at one store. What's your store of choice? Walmart (groceries).
How much sugar do you consume on a daily basis? Idk.
Do you have any ice cream in your freezer? Yeah. Well, it's custard, but same basic deal. It's from Culver's. Strawberry cheesecake and mint choco-chip.
What's the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the word "chaos"? Chaos theory, chaos magicians…etc.
Do you own anything that has an animated character on it? Somewhere.
Have you used a microwave today? Yeah.
What's the last book you read? Still in the midst of the third Dune book. I haven't picked it up in a while, though. I just haven't felt much like reading lately.
What's something that always makes you cringe? Idk.
What's a word or phrase you say a lot? My toxic trait is that I'm blind to my own annoying catchphrases.
What's something that always makes you emotional? Music. Not always in a good/cathartic way. Sometimes in an overwhelming/spiraling way.
How many times have you changed clothes today? Twice. From pajamas to volunteer clothes and back to pajamas.
What's on your mind currently? Just how busy this next week-ish feels. I hope I don't get a migraine…
In what ways have you changed over the past year? So many ways.
Do you really care about others opinions of you? Ehhhhh. Much less than I used to, but still to some extent.
What's your favorite pasta? Spirals, bowties, macaroni elbows.
Do you currently see anything yellow? Some watercolor flowers I painted.
What did you last try to do and failed? Not sure.
Does your bathroom have a certain theme or color scheme? Not really.
If you have Netflix or any streaming service.. what's your favorite shows to stream? N/a.
Are you currently wearing anything red? No.
What was the last thing that caught your eye while shopping? I'm not sure.
What's a social media site you have no interest in? Twitter, Facebook, Tik Tok…I don't even know what's out there these days because I don't keep up.
Have you ever tripped and fallen in a public place? Yeah.
When did you last buy a dairy product? Last Wednesday.
What's the last song you sang out loud? I'm not sure.
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littlesislovesyou · 11 days
I'm really sorry I got overwhelmed today and I'm still unable to sleep and I finally get some time to myself :c but I hope you had an okay day and if not I'd love to brighten it up if I could...I hope you're hydrated and are doing well sweet girl 💗
But to answer in order
No you didn't make me feel uncomfortable at all lol I just have...problems with my gender and identity yk? I don't know who I am or who I want to be or it changes from day to day. And idk I guess I'm used to that bothering people or them not wanting to deal with that lol but I do enjoy your company as well sweetheart and perhaps more than we both should yeah XD we're both being led by temptation mixed with a sweetness, taboo and excitement we're trying our best to resist (and failing because you're too hot to have restraint for long and my thoughts are somehow endearing and driving you nuts as well <333)
I'll see if I have the energy to respond to the other ask but I might not and if I pass out I'm really sorry. I know you look forward to my responses and it makes me happy to do drive you crazy but I'm reaching my body limitations and I just need a power nap after today lmaoo but we can always cuddle naked though and I'll hold you tight and sleepily fuck you to sleep~ 🖤
And I appreciate that you appreciate my asks and feel the passion n love behind them as well as the long, perhaps overly detailed thoughts I have in my head lol I'm gonna put some love in you- I mean uh. I'm gonna creampie you 🤭🔪
Why not both ; p
My pretty babygirl mutual~ 💕 I was gonna call you something else but I'm wondering if that's too much...?
I hope you sleep well when you do though and have the sweetest dreams about your horny, masked stranger... 🤫
I need to feel you pressed up against my back in the shower...your tits covered in soap and pushed up against me as you help me wash my back while you subtly none subtly tease my cock until we're rinsed of all soap and I pin you against the bathtub and fuck you while we're relaxing and enjoying the heat if the bath mixed with our feral desires clashing 🥵
Awe nooo please don’t feel bad for taking care of yourself first 🥺💗 I’d much rather you did, I really do understand honestly, hopefully you were able to soak up as much you time as you could💗 I’m sorry to hear that your day was overwhelming, I know how stressful that can be, so if you ever need a break or to take care of yourself, never feel bad💗 I will always understand!
You better stay hydrated too>:)💗💗 and have a wonderful day!
I’m sorry, that must be difficult for you as well, but you can’t help how you feel, we’re only human, I hope you know that’s not something that would ever bother me, I’m sure🖤 if you ever do decide to message don’t be worried about that!💗
Ugh you’re exactly right about that one 🥺🫶 you just have a hold on me! And my pussy;’) 💗 hehe I’m glad you’re enjoying yourself as well<3 I wanna make it fun for you too
Ahh they are endearing though, you say the most fucked up stuff to me and my heart is like hshsksnshdjso and then my pussy is crying 🥺💗 hehehe
Ahh that’s alright! I actually went to bed at an earlier time work wiped me out so it’s no worries and like I said I just want you to take care of yourself🥺💗 you’re not always going to be able to write me long dirty detailed scenarios all the time;’) 💗💗💗 but hey I would never say no to you fucking me sleepily<3333 just the most soft, sweet but lustful fuck, hhh I would be so tight around you I won’t lie💗
I hope the rest helped and I hope your night was good 🥺💗 today is a new day, maybe it’ll be better than yesterday<3
Really why not both hm?;’) 💗 it better than just picking one! Alsooo what were you going to call me? I’m curious ;0 I’m sure it’s not to much at all ya cutie<3
Ahh;’) I’m sure my dirty dreams are filled with you masked up and dumping your cum into me💕💕💕 the sweetest of them all hehe<3
I’m off today so hopefully I’ll be around today 🥺💗 I missed my dirty depraved lovely mutual💗💗💗
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supergeekie · 2 years
Starting My Journey
Happy Lunar New Year, Everyone!!
For those who don’t follow my twitter, I’ve been trying to better my health and I’ve found the best way to do that is to try and get the biggest support system I can and be HONEST with them.
So today, I’m going to start a weekly update on some things I’m doing and welcome any feedback and advice and hopefully we can all progress together!  I’m doing this on tumblr because it’s easier to ramble here... don’t judge me.
So welcome to my first Self-Care Sunday!
So today I am 9% to my goal which is not much but every little helps.  And today I want to talk about something important.
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Now while I am trying to improve my physical health, spiritual and mental health is a huge part of that.  So I actually make a point to mediate twice a day.  But honestly, even once or twice a week can be enough to make a huge impact on your mental state.
Now I’ve been meditating since I was in high school so it comes naturally to me but there are a lot of resources out there if you’re just getting started.  Some are free... some not so much.  Find what works for you!  And if you’re of the religious persuasion, there are many ways of connecting to the spiritual in any faith.  Morning and evening prayers, centering prayers, liturgical music... whatever you need to get in touch with the spiritual.  And if you’re atheist?  ...Sorry, can’t help you.
In my case, I actually start the day meditating.  Some people jump out of bed in the morning saying “Thank God for another glorious day!!”  But me?  I usually want to lie in bed saying “Lord, give me the strength to get through another day.”  And so I both ask for that strength and give myself that strength too.  I need a moment to adjust to being alive again, so I make it a point to hit the snooze button every morning.  And in that 3-9 minutes I just take a moment to breathe.  Just be aware of my body and my surroundings.  I try not to think about what I have to do that day quite yet (despite my hungry cats) and I just focus on being.  Now you may ask “But how do you keep yourself from falling asleep again?”  Well uh... OK, I do fall back asleep more often that I would like to admit.  But that’s OK, likely my mind and body needed that little extra rest.  I just have to be sure I’m ready to face the day when the alarm goes off a second time.
The second time I meditate is right before I go to bed.  This is a much longer mediation, usually around 30 minutes.  I have a few methods I like to use for this.  There are many videos out there for meditation.  Either walking you through one or just soothing sights and sounds to help calm you.  In my case I don’t use those for a few reasons.  As someone who has done this a long time, the instructional voice is more distracting than helpful.  And the videos cast light into my room which is what I’m trying to avoid.  I turn down the lights an hour before meditating.  I also make a point of turning off my computer and TV at this point but I will admit it’s harder to let go of my phone... but I do attempt to look at the screen more sparingly.  So instead I just listen to calming music (although white noise is just as valid).  I either listen to a half hour playlist or turn on the iheartradio app and put on the half hour sleep timer (the drawback of this is the adds but if you’re able to pay for add free it might work for you).  As you can imagine, I do this as I attempt to fall asleep.  The timer is critical but I’ll go over that later.  First, what’s important is the mental state going in.  I begin to meditate on the day.  Not everything I did wrong, but everything I did right.  Some days may seem like a failure but the best way to improve is not focus on what you got wrong but on what went well and vowing to repeat such patterns going forward.  Even if all you did was get out of bed, brush your teeth, wash your face... whatever successes you had, focus on them.  As for the limit to the music, as I mentioned I do this meditation to more easily fall asleep.  If the music ends and I’m still awake enough to be aware of it, it means I’m having insomnia and I need to restart.  I’ll go into more detail how I do this some other week.
I think that’s about it.  Let me know if you guys have any questions, tips, or ideas and I’ll see you in the coming weeks!
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our-time-is-now · 1 year
September 21, 2019 (2): Who can peel a potato the nicest?
(previous play)
You can find more information about the authors, translators, content warning and additional information about the plays in the pinned post on our blog.  
Attention! This play includes transgender topics. For more details see our interjection.
Saturday, 6:08 pm:
David: after they arrived at Alex’ he only quickly washed his hands and then Alex put a coke down for him next to the couch while Matteo disappeared to the bathroom to shower has talked to Alex in the meantime, who then immediately got up once Matteo returned from the bathroom to also have a quick shower after he called toward Matteo to just help himself if he wants to drink something watches Matteo also pour himself a coke and holds his arms out for him after he joins him on the couch humphs quietly when Matteo ignores it and when he instead sits down and pulls him into his arms instead, but actually knows that he’s right, because he himself would probably not have been able to sit in that position for too long without pain therefore gets comfortable on Matteo’s chest and peeks up to him while he starts to play with his fingers on his stomach asks quietly and a little worriedly So? Are you very tired? Or are you okay?
Matteo: plays with David’s hair while he still holds his glass of coke with his other hand now leans forward a little and puts it down on the table leans back again and wraps his other arm around David, as well hummms slightly at his question It’s okay for now… tomorrow the soreness will probably kill me… laughs slightly Jonas said that you should take care of me tomorrow and scrub my back… shakes his head But that’s not possible… but maybe I’ll really go have a bath tomorrow if the flatshare permits it… kisses him and then asks And what about you? Tired or are you okay? How’s the pain?
David: leans forward a little when Matteo puts the glass down and then cuddles closer again grimaces slightly when Matteo talks about being sore, but then grins slightly and says Then we can suffer together tomorrow… then also laughs quietly, squeezes his hand a little tighter and then looks up at him It’s worth a try, isn’t it? shrugs one shoulder and smiles slightly I would rather go have a bath together with you, but I guess that still has to wait for 5 or 6 more weeks… plans on really trying it and to coddle Matteo a little bit tomorrow should he be too sore smiles when he kisses him and then nods Everything good… But I didn’t really do much today, after all… my chest is doing really good… I barely feel any pain there now unless I lift my arms too high… the belly hurts… it also feels a little like strong muscle soreness. But I brought my painkillers. If it gets too bad, then I’ll take some and lie down on the couch again… looks up at him and smiles slightly So? Am I behaving to your satisfaction or do you have any complaints?
Matteo: laughs slightly Right, then we’ll just stay in bed and pity each other… nods immediately Yes, bathing and showering together still has to wait I guess… sighs slightly smiles when he says that everything’s good tenderly strokes over his stomach This one will hopefully calm down soon, as well… looks down at him and grins as well Yes, very satisfied. but then gets serious No, really, I think it’s really good that you rest and that you don’t overexert yourself… leans down to him and kisses him
David: laughs quietly at his suggestion Exactly, since we’re both so good at dealing with getting pitied… slightly shakes his head and makes a negating sound We can shower together! We’ll do that the next time we have the flatshare to ourselves… then nods when he talks about his stomach and smiles when he strokes over it grins very broadly at his confirmation about being a poster patient and murmurs Good… is happy that he’s really behaving in a way so that Matteo doesn’t worry but then sees him getting serious and stops grinning smiles at his words and leans into it when he kisses him then looks at him lovingly and says quietly And I think it’s really good that you can see that and that you don’t have to worry about it… leans over to him again to get another kiss
Matteo: laughs quietly as well True… well, if we pity each other then it might work… laughs again quietly when he says that they can shower together won’t mention that showering usually makes you want to do other things that aren’t possible right now Yes, well… well… we’ll see… smiles when he’s happy that he doesn’t worry then kisses him again and runs a hand through his hair says quietly I think we manage all of that quite well…
David: slightly tilts his head and grins Yes okay, we really should try that… frowns when he stammers around so much about the showering and shakes his head We can do that! Really… doesn’t really understand why Matteo doesn’t want to, because he takes a shower almost every day, anyways enjoys kissing him and humms in agreement to his words We do… then grins again slightly We’re simply the best, after all… then hears the doorbell and is surprised Someone was really fast… hears Alex calling from the bathroom: “Can one of you open the door!?” would have to move for Matteo to get up, anyways, so he immediately gets up properly and calls toward the bathroom: “We’re on our way…” then goes to the apartment door and buzzes the door open
Matteo: only laughs when David’s so insistent on the showering Okay, okay… but don’t tell me I didn’t warn you afterwards… then grins again Of course we’re the best, that’s obvious! is also surprised when he hears the doorbell Leave it, I’ll do it… but David is already on his way turns around on the sofa to see who was so fast then sees Abdi coming in with a beam: “Hello, am I the first one?” laughs Yep… did you only do a catlick?
David: looks at him skeptically because he still doesn’t really understand what Matteo is warning him about and then says hesitantly O-kay? goes to the door when the doorbell rings and grins when Abdi steps from the lift Well that was fast… sees him throw a punishing look toward Matteo at his question and sees him shake his head: “I just really hurried up. My parents are going to have visitors this evening and they’re the kind of people who ask the typical aunt-questions: “And what are you going to do with your life? Have you found a girlfriend yet?” and so on… I really didn’t want to run into them…” grins Oh man, yeah I get that… closes the door behind him and is just about to tell Abdi to sit down when Alex comes from the bathroom and comments a little ironically: “Well, then the fun can begin soon…” gives him a slight secretary’s-office-look and is happy when Alex grins slightly and shrugs his shoulders joins Matteo on the couch again, leans against him and positions Matteo’s hands where they belong
Matteo: laughs when Abdi tells them why he fled Yes, I can understand that completely… grins at Alex when he seems to be so enthusiastic Don’t tell me cooking isn’t your thing… but then sees that David’s secretary’s-office-look also has its effect on Alex and is pretty impressed was just about to wrap an arm around David when he sits down, but then grins broadly when David takes care of that for him asks quietly Like that? grins when David tuggs on his arm again then hears Alex tell Abdi: “Coke, as well?” and sees him nod and Alex go to the kitchen and grab a few glasses then hears Abdi: “You’ve got a really awesome place here…” looks at him Have you never been here before, either? Oh no, you weren’t in the yearbook-group, right?
David: grins at Matteo’s question, scoots a little more into position, readjusts Matteo’s arm again, puts his head down on his shoulder and nods says quietly Perfect! then looks at Alex and Abdi, who have now joined them on the couch and then hears that Abdi hasn’t been here before: “No, I was in the group for the sweaters… but seriously, Alex, Brudi, so awesome! Did you get it from your parents?” sees Alex shake his head: “No, from my sister…” and Abdi: “Wow… man, I’d also love to have a sister who leaves me such an apartment…” grins slightly, but then notices Alex expression freeze somehow and hears him clear his throat quietly remembers that the topic of sisters had already been weird the last time, and therefore says to distract a little from it Anyways, I’m glad that I’m not the last one to see Alex’ apartment, after all… What about Carlos and Jonas? Have they been here before?
Matteo: can see very well that Alex’ reaction to the mention of his sister isn’t the best one wonders if the two of them might have had a falling out then hears David’s question and thinks Hmmm… then hears Alex: “Jonas has been here before, for Abi Chaker, and Carlos hasn’t… only a few weeks ago, he’d rather have eaten a living insect than set a foot into my apartment.” then hears Abdi: “Oh yes, because of Kiki. Somehow I keep forgetting about that… Probably because it’s so absurd that you two had something going.” laughs slightly when Abdi laughs but Alex is looking around a little uncomfortably grins Oh, Alex hasn’t really cared about that in the past… All that mattered were tits and being willing, right? sees Alex roll his eyes: “Shut up, Florenzi… not everyone uses weed to numb their feelings.”
David: hears that Jonas has been here before but Carlos hasn’t and then says to Abdi You see, then at least you’re not the last one to see the apartment… then nods when Abdi says that he keeps forgetting that Kiki and Alex used to be together feels the same, although that was also before his time at the school lightly elbows Matteo at his comment and then looks at Alex reproachfully for his comeback to Matteo’s words Hey! Peace, please! I ran away and hid… that isn’t much better, either… grins slightly That makes it even nicer that we’re all doing so good now that we don’t need any of that anymore! hears Abdi: “I used to stutter when I was nervous… yes, okay, I sometimes still do that even today…” briefly wonders if Abdi also has something in his life that throws him off track or used to throw him off track and realizes that he actually knows hardly anything about him
Matteo: actually thought that Alex’ comeback was quite good because it’s true still smiles when David helps him out already knew this about Abdi and nods slightly Yes, somehow we all have our thing, right? looks at Alex to briefly see that he doesn’t begrudge him anything and sees him nod then hears the doorbell and sees Alex getting up Someone else was quick at showering… hears Abdi: “Surely Carlos…” nods in agreement
David: also hears the doorbell and looks at the door when Alex gets up to open it plays a little bit with Matteo’s fingers while they wait to see who’s coming now and then hears Jonas: “Yeah, jeez then go in first!” and Carlos: “Yes, because I was here first, after all!” and Jonas again: “Dude you were here 20 seconds before I was! Hi Alex…” and Carlos again: “Yes, exactly! I wasn’t the last one to arrive. You were! Hey, Brudi!” sees both of them appear in the apartment and sees Jonas looking at everyone in annoyance: “Guys can someone please tell Carlos that this wasn’t a competition!?” grins slightly and looks at everyone questioningly It wasn’t!? Alex, Matteo and I made sure to hurry up to be the first ones! sees Alex nod: “Yep! To be exact, I was the first, David and Matteo stepped over the threshold together, of course, and are sharing the second place…”
Matteo: grins slightly when he hears Jonas and Carlos also thought he’d play along when David and Alex already do laughs slightly Yees and we’re proud of our second place… sorry, Jonas, but the last place is really disappointing… grins when Jonas sighs and takes off his shoes and hears him say: “I hate all of you.” only shakes his head You don’t. hears him again: “No, I don't. But sometimes it would be easier…” watches both of them come closer and Jonas join them on the couch while Carlos joins Alex on the other side of the couch hears Carlos: “Man, Jonas, you’re just a sore loser, that’s what it is…” laughs again and then realizes that he has to go to the bathroom lets go of David’s hand I just have to go to the bathroom… waits for David to sit up a little and gets up to go to the bathroom doesn't hear Jonas say: “Okay, so let’s get to the main event… how are we going to do this? Who is going to do what?”
David: grins when Jonas claims to hate all of them and when he takes it back hears Abdi: “Am I now third or fourth? I mean, if Davenzi share second place…” and Carlos: “You’re still fourth…” and Jonas: “You could probably argue about that endlessly…” listens to them in amusement, but then looks confused for a moment when Matteo let’s go of his hand until he tells him that he has to go to the bathroom sits up a little so that Matteo can get up and then leans back again hears Jonas’ question and then hears Carlos: “I have to do something easy, I don’t have a clue about anything” and Abdi: “I’m sure you know how to chop some vegetables…” and Carlos again: “No, I don’t… I never had to… my mother cooks…” sighs quietly and says quickly before Abdi has a chance to react Maybe we’ll all chop some vegetables first… the basic recipe is the same, isn’t it? Vegetables simply are the main ingredient… I think we’ll all manage that… afterwards we’ll cook the sauce and finish with the minced meat which we’ll add to our casserole? I’m out when it comes to the sauce - Matteo will have to explain that - unless one of you knows how to cook that… sees everyone shake their heads and sees Alex getting up: “Okay… you all heard David’s plan, let’s go…” sees him pull out a big basket full of vegetable from somewhere, then get out six cutting boards and six knives and sees everyone get up to go to the kitchen therefore gets up, as well, and grabs a few carrots from the basket looks at Alex Do you have one of those peeler thingies somewhere?! sees him frown, shrug and open several drawers, but finally hold up one with a grin and hand it to him thanks him and starts peeling the carrots
Matteo: comes back from the bathroom and is pretty surprised that everyone’s already in the kitchen chopping away Umm, how long was I gone? hears Jonas laugh: “3 hours, dude, what did you do in there?” tilts his head Haha, very funny… then sees that David is peeling carrots briefly considers saying that he should maybe do a different task with different movements but then thinks that David would say something if he couldn’t do it and therefore doesn’t say anything therefore simply goes to an empty cutting board and grabs some bell pepper then hears Carlos: “Do we have some music or something? Oh and beer? So that we don’t all just stand there and chop.”
David: smiles when he sees Matteo coming back to the room and grins at Jonas’ answer to his question continues peeling his carrots and hears Alex answer Carlos’ question: “Beer’s in the fridge, the radio on top of it… you do it, my hands are dirty…” sees Carlos immediately drop the knife and go to the fridge, open it and then asks everyone: “Does everyone want one?” immediately shakes his head No, it’s okay… not as long as I’m taking the pills… hears Alex ask with interest: “For how much longer do you have to take them?” shrugs one shoulder I don’t /have/ to… I should slowly stop taking them… I’m currently at two per day and wanted to try taking only one tomorrow and next week I wanted to see if I can maybe manage without… I have a checkup appointment on Wednesday and I’ll talk about it with my doctor again. sees Alex nod and from the corner of his eyes sees Carlos putting five beers on the counter sees Alex shake his head: “No, it’s okay, I won’t have one, either… I already had a little too much yesterday…” and hears Abdi: “Dude, Brudi, you went partying without us!?”
Matteo: briefly considers not drinking for David’s sake but then thinks that David wouldn’t like that therefore grabs a beer and opens it with the handle of his knife hears Alex laugh: “Yes, with a few guys from the skate park… I figured that’s not really your thing.” hears Carlos pfff and hears him say: “If there’s alcohol then I would have come…” then hears Jonas: “Have you ever considered that this is worrisome, Carlito?” shakes his head Just let him… thinks that he has seen people who drank a lot more in their year then hears Alex: “For all I care… if I ever go out with them again then I’ll tell you guys.”
David: grins at Carlos’ question to Alex and can see from the corner of his eyes as everyone takes a beer and sees Alex go to the fridge again while he answers Carlos has already met the guys from skateboarding by now, after all, and thought most of them were actually quite nice gets a open malt beer set in front of him by Alex and can see him holding his open bottle out to him to toast grins and clinks bottles with him Cheers! And thanks… takes a sip and then reaches for his peeling knife again while Alex promises them to tell them about a meeting the next time hears Carlos and Abdi cheer smiles and thinks that he’s already looking forward to also going partying again once he’s fit again, but catches himself thinking about planning his day - if he might be able to manage to stay at home during the day in order to go out in the evening then suddenly realizes that he no longer has to do this - never has to do this again - that he’ll never have to plan in an 8-hour-rhythm, and can feel an intense feeling of happiness flooding him and realizes that he’s beaming to himself When I’m fit again I’m also in! looks at Matteo to see if he also wants to go out hears Jonas laugh: “Dude, David beams as if Alex promised him the absolute best date…” laughs quietly and shakes his head I’m just happy…
Matteo: continues chopping his bell pepper while he listens to the boys then looks up when he hears Jonas and looks at David sees that he’s really beaming finds the sight awesome but also wonders why he’s so flashed about Alex taking them along then hears Abdi: “Oh, oh, careful Luigi… usually he only beams like that when it’s about you…” laughs slightly and shrugs one shoulder Once I’ve gained some muscle mass, I’ll challenge Alex to a duel… hears Alex laugh and reply: “Don’t bother… I feel like his beaming doesn’t really have anything to do with me.” only grins and presses a kiss to David’s cheek says quietly No matter the reason, it’s nice to see…
David: laughs at Abdi’s comment and gives him a brief secretary’s-office-look then grins at Matteo and murmurs You don’t need to do that… nods slightly at Alex’ comment and beams even more when Matteo presses a kiss to his cheek then looks at him and quickly leans forward to also press a kiss to his cheek then hears Carlos: “Hey, will you now tell us why you’re beaming like that or not?!” shrugs one shoulder doesn't really feel like explaining that now, because he feels so pleasantly normal right now, and therefore only says with a quiet laugh I just feel good right now… sees Carlos looking at him skeptically and grins at him hears him sigh and sees him holding up his wonkily peeled potato: “Okay, well I don’t think Kiki will beam very much once I serve her something like that…” hears Jonas: “Well, you won’t serve her something like that, after all… we’ll still chop them up… then you won’t see any of that anymore…” has already peeled all of the carrots and is now starting to chop them into small slices slowly feels his arms starting to hurt, but continues for a little longer
Matteo: grins when Carlos naturally wants to know what’s going on but sees David only laugh quietly and thinks that he doesn’t really have to know just thinks it’s nice that he’s feeling so well but then gets distracted by Carlos and also looks over has to laugh slightly then hears Abdi: “Hang on, I’ll take a photo before you chop it up…” hears Carlos: “Yeeeah, we have to take photos and videos, hang on…” shakes his head Carlos, you can take videos once you’ve finished your part. Come on, chop, chop! The potatoes aren’t going to chop themselves. hears some people laugh and hears Alex say: “Now we’re getting serious!” grins and nods Yep.
David: grins when Abdi takes a photo of Carlos with his potato and grins at the camera when he also takes a photo of him and Matteo then hears Matteo’s orders and Alex’ comment and laughs quietly then hears Alex again: “I didn’t think you had it in you, Florenzi… I like it!” briefly looks between Matteo and Alex and has to chuckle a little but quickly looks back to his carrots and hears Carlos whinge: “But I’m completely untalented with such stuff…” laughs quietly Isn’t that the reason why we’re all here? Because you want to learn it? briefly puts the knife down and shakes his arm hears Jonas: “Exactly! /We/ all know how to peel a potato!” and Carlos again: “If I only had to cut up a broccoli then I’d also claim that… hey, Brudis… hang on… Competition… who can peel a potato the nicest?!” sees him putting a potato on each of their cutting boards and hears Alex groan: “You can’t be serious!” and Carlos again: “Yes, of course, I am… everyone can talk a big game… now I want to see the results!”
Matteo: grins over at Alex and shrugs one shoulder then turns back to his bell pepper sees David shake his arm and quickly throws him a worried glance but then gets distracted by Carlos Hey, dude, you only want to get out of it. sees Carlos shake his head: “I don’t! I want to see how you guys do it. Okay, ready, set, go!” sees everyone joining in, after all, and then also reaches for his potato peels it in quick, practiced movements and is the first to finish Done! immediately hears Carlos: “First place only gets you one point, who can do it the nicest gets 3!” hears Alex laugh: “I think your points system isn’t completely thought-through, but okay…” sees that everyone is finished and Carlos inspecting all the potatoes and finally hears him announce: “I still think that mine looks the nicest.” hears everyone laugh and Jonas say: “Dude, you just said that you didn’t know how to do it!”
David: reaches for his potato when Carlos counts down and is quite glad that he got a pretty much oval one without any weird bumps starts peeling smiles when Matteo is the first to finish but then grins slightly when Carlos immediately rethinks his points system is slow but still quite satisfied with his result looks at the other potatoes and thinks that Matteo’s is by far the most professionally peeled looking one hears Carlos’ verdict and laughs Yours definitely has the most character! hears Carlos proudly: “And that’s exactly what matters!” hears Jonas sigh: “Brudis, I think we should have started with some theory before we let him have a go at innocent vegetables…” and Carlos: “Hey, now don’t act like you’re professionals and so on… Luigi is actually the only one who can act like a teacher here… give them a speech, Luigi! The character also matters, right? That something is prepared with love, I mean, and all that…”
Matteo: laughs slightly at the discussion shrugs one shoulder when he gets asked I think what matters is that it ultimately tastes good… and with a casserole it doesn’t really matter how the potato was peeled… sees Carlos hold up his potato triumphantly: “HA!” laughs But yes, if you want to learn something, I mean really learn, then the real question is what’s important to you… is it supposed to look good or taste good? hears Carlos: “Taste good, of course.” grins Then make sure that none of the skin is left on it, but that you don’t peel off too much of the potato… hears Jonas laugh and Carlos humph slightly, but then sees him continue peeling slightly grins at David and says quietly You just have to get him to work…
David: smiles slightly when Carlos demands Matteo’s opinion and briefly looks over to him before turning back to his carrots realizes that he really needs a break and plans on chopping two more carrots and then take a break follows the conversation between Matteo and Carlos with a chuckle and briefly grins at Matteo again when he quietly addresses him murmurs back It’s only for his own good! After all, he’s the one who wants to learn something* hears Carlos: “Hey, you do realize that I can hear you?!” grins at him and lowers the knife once he’s finished with the second carrot says a little sheepishly I think I need a little break… immediately heras Carlos: “Hey, let’s switch, I can manage cutting it up in slices!” and Jonas: “He said break, Carlito! Not switching!” and Carlos again: “I’d still rather do the carrots now…” grins slightly and pushes over the ones that he has already peeled but not yet cut up stretches himself and his right arm a little and then watches the others
Matteo: only laughs when Carlos says that he can hear him then quickly looks at David when he says that he needs a break Everything okay? but sees him nod and then follows the conversation between him and Carlos in amusement Hey, Carlos, that’s not how it works… if you also want to do that for Kiki one day, then you’ll have to do everything… by yourself… hears Carlos groan: “Maybe this wasn't such a good idea, after all…” and Alex: “He says after 10 minutes of work.” only shrugs and continues
David: smiles and nods at Matteo’s question and says quietly Everything’s okay… then grins slightly at the conversation that ensues and suggests Well actually… if Carlos really wants to learn /everything/, then we’d have to… well, or now you guys, rotate… so that he has a chance to cut up each ingredient… hears Abdi: “Sounds logical - I don’t feel like cutting tomatoes anymore, anyways, have a go with those, Brudi! And hand me the potatoes…” sees that it’s getting very chaotic due to everyone switching ingredients and frowns a little worried hears Alex: “Great idea, Schreibner!” now has to grin a little, after all, and shrugs one shoulder I imagined it being a little more orderly… but then they really manage to peel and chop all the vegetable and then have Matteo show them how to steam it before he explains to them how to sear and season the minced meat observes the latter because he’s really interested in it, but then retreats to the couch because it’s getting too exhausting, after all hears Alex say that he should tell him if it gets too much for him and that he can drive him home, as well, but only smiles and shakes his head Thanks, it’s alright… I just need a little break… takes his shoes off and puts his feet up and tries to relax his back and abdominal muscles
Matteo: after they have seared the minced meat, he prepared everything and asked Alex for two casserole dishes, a small one for Kiki and a big one for them smiles slightly when Alex offers to drive David home glances at David, who went back to the sofa then explains in which order the stuff can go into the dishes and hands Carlos the spoon You do it, I’ll just go over to David real quick… sees Carlos holding the spoon a little overwhelmed: “No, hang on, do I put the carrots or the bell pepper in first?” That doesn’t matter, Carlos… Sauce, vegetable, sauce, vegetable… cheese on top… you can do that… then takes the few steps to the sofa and sits down on the edge lowers his voice If the bustle gets too much for you then we can also eat at home… they don’t need me anymore… we can go to the flatshare and order something or I’ll whip us something up?
David: barely notices what the boys are doing in the kitchen because he tunes them out pretty intentionally to rest has even closed his eyes sometimes and realizes that it really does him some good and that it’s not as hard to retreat and rest in front of the others as he had feared briefly looks toward the kitchen and hopes that Matteo isn’t worried about him sees him coming toward the sofa a little while later and smiles slightly when he sits down on the edge immediately reaches for his hand slightly shakes his head at his words and answers quietly I’m good. Just a little tired. then grins slightly But if the guys still want to go out partying or so after dinner then I’ll have to decline - I won’t be able to manage that today… slightly tugs on his hand and lifts his head a little toward him to show him that he wants a kiss, and says quietly We can go after we eat… but first I want to know how the casserole tastes.
Matteo: smiles slightly when he says that he’s okay but tired I know, that’s why I’m asking… tilts his head when he says that he can’t go out partying never even considered it then gets tugged and leans down to kiss him Alright… after dinner, then… runs a hand through his hair with his free hand and kisses him again then hears Carlos calling: “Luigi, you can make out at home, come over here and tell us if it can go in the oven.” grins and purposefully kisses David again before getting up tells everyone in the kitchen that it looks good and then lets Carlos put the casseroles in the oven Alright, now it’ll take about 20-30 minutes… no idea what Alex’ oven is like… and then it’s done… hears Carlos: “How do I know when it’s done?” grins slightly You look inside and if the cheese is melted and looks really yummy, then it’s done.
David: uses the opportunity when Matteo leans down to him when he kisses him to lift his hand and tenderly card through his hair misses doing it as often as he wants to nods and repeats quietly After dinner! then groans quietly but amused when Carlos calls for Matteo, kisses him again and then lets him go barely notices what they are talking about in the kitchen, but can see that Alex is also coming to the sofas and sees him sit down hears him say: “Since I’ve known you I’m constantly swaying between ‘It’s actually quite nice’ and ‘Why am I even doing this to myself?!’. Do you even realize that!?” grins slightly and asks In relation to me or the others? sees Alex also grin slightly and point his head toward the kitchen also looks over and sees Carlos and Abdi sitting in front of the oven like two little children laughs quietly and then grabs his stomach because it hurts then looks at Alex and says Oh come on, they’re actually quite entertaining… doesn’t hear Jonas in the kitchen saying to Matteo: “By the way, I saw your mother yesterday… well, from afar… and then I remembered that I haven’t asked you in a long time how she’s doing. Is she okay?”
Matteo: has leant against the kitchen island in amusement when Carlos and Abdi sat down in front of the oven sips his beer and looks over to David, who has been joined by Alex then looks at Jonas Oh… didn’t you say hello? She surely would have been happy about that… then nods She’s doing good so far… she has a rhythm, goes to therapy, takes her meds… this time even the right ones as it seems… nods again So everything’s good, yes… can’t hear Alex say to David: “Yes, I don’t know how that could happen, either, but somehow they’re no longer thaaat annoying, only exhausting sometimes.”
David: grins broadly when Alex says that he doesn’t know how this could happen Yes, sometimes strange things really do happen… if you consider that half a year ago, neither of us didn’t really want to have any contact with anyone… and now we’re here… sees Alex also grin a tiny bit and glance at the boys: “Now we’re here… although I have to say: “I still don’t really know them… well I kno you, I’d say… a little bit, at least… and I can see through the rest to some extent, of course…” grins slightly and nods and confirms Of course… *then listens to him further: “…but actually all of it is rather superficial… but that’s also okay as it is…”’ *gets more serious again at his words and looks at him a little scrutinizingly because he wonders if that’s really okay for him and if it also refers to himself or only to the rest of the boys* briefly looks at his knees and says quietly Well, I don’t really think it’s superficial between the two of us… and with the rest… also glances over to them and slightly shrugs one shoulder It sometimes is… but then it isn’t either. I wouldn’t mind if that changes… and I also think that this will happen one day… I’ve only known them for a few months… doesn’t hear Jonas telling Matteo in the kitchen: “I was out with Hanna… and I really only saw her very late… but I also thought that she looked really good… somehow more alive… I’m really happy for you that she’s doing good. Do you have more regular contact with her again now?”
Matteo: is happy that Jonas saw his mother like that and that this was his impression nods slightly Yes, I’d say so… we see each other every few weeks. And WhatsApp of course… although she texts more than I do… but it’s okay like that, I think… looks at Jonas I don’t want to get too invested, either… I like it quite well that we both have our own lives now… sees Jonas nod and smile: “Yep, I can understand that… you moving out did both of you good…” nods again Yep, definitely. can’t hear Alex say: “Yes, oh… you can never force something like that anyways… really… it’ll surely happen. But if you hang out with everyone as a group then it rarely comes to deeper conversations, anyways.”
David: nods when Alex says that you can’t force it, but then has to grin slightly and shrugs one shoulder Well I do think that we manage quite well to work on our /deeper bond/ despite the group… briefly looks over to the boys again and says But when it comes to the rest, then you’re probably right. With Carlos, Abdi and Jonas, I don’t even know if they have siblings… or what their relationship to their parents is like or… no idea… allergies, favorite food, favorite color, stuff like that… grins slightly, but then gets more serious again But sure, stuff like that really happens automatically if you know each other for longer… then hears Abdi calling from the kitchen: “Hey, Alex, Brudi! If you tell us where the plates and that stuff is then we’ll already set the table… the cheese has already melted almost completely.” sits up at Abdi’s words but realizes immediately that his belly hurts plans on taking a pain pill with dinner and reaches for his backpack, which is on the floor next to him, to take one out
Matteo: doesn’t hear Alex grin and add: “Well, something like that really just happens… although, you could also hand out a questionnaire… those chaotic people would probably think that’s awesome…” but then hears Abdi calling and looks over to Alex and David sees David reaching for his backpack, and was just about to move so that he’ll leave it be, when Alex already reaches for the backpack, looks at David, shakes his head slightly and then lifts it up and hands it to David can’t hear him say: “Don’t overdo it, Schreibner!” then sees him getting up, coming back over and tell Abdi: “Come on, I’ll show you where everything is.” realizes that Jonas is watching him and grins: “Na? Jealous, after all?” immediately shakes his head No, not at all… I think it’s cool… is really happy that Alex also seems to take such good care of David
David: grins when he mentions a questionnaire I think so, too… we’ll do that when we’re incredibly bored… then realizes that Alex is faster when he wants to reach for his backpack and when he looks at him a little punishingly sighs quietly at his words I really try to “not overdo” it… but it’s really difficult to sit on the couch or a throne while everyone else works… hears Alex say encouragingly: “Not for much longer, then you’ll be fit again!” takes the backpack from him Thanks… gets a pain pill out while Alex gets up and goes to the kitchen then also slowly lifts himself off the couch and goes to the kitchen sees Abdi, Carlos and Alex starting to set the table and actually don’t need any more help and that Jonas and Matteo are still standing by the counter wraps his arms around Matteo from behind, squeezes him close, presses a kiss to his neck and puts his head down on his shoulder murmurs quietly Smells good! hears Jonas laugh: “The casserole or Matteo?” grins slightly Both!
Matteo: can’t see that David’s also coming to the kitchen, because he’s turned toward Jonas and therefore has his back to the living room, because Jonas is just telling him something funny about Hanna then feels David’s hand around his stomach and smiles automatically while he leans against him laughs slightly at Jonas’ question and turns his head to press a kiss to David’s head, whatever he manages to reach The casserole smells better… then hears Jonas again: “I bet David is hungry for both.” Haha. tries to kick Jonas, but only half heartedly hears Carlos, who must have heard the rest: “Right, Brudis! You’re not allowed to do it! How are you dealing with it?” humphs slightly and then says mock cheerfully Really great. And what would help even more is if we all talked about it.
David: wraps his arms around Matteo a little tighter when he leans against him and smiles when Matteo presses a kiss to his head makes a noise in protest when Matteo says that the casserole smells better and grins at Jonas’ words tenderly bites into Matteo’s neck and then pulls him closer again after he tried to kick Jonas groans quietly at Carlos’ words and can see that he’s joining them slowly lets go of Matteo and steps beside him when he hears his words looks at him a little scrutinizingly, because they haven’t really talked about it yet, and wonders if he minds very much that they can’t do it hasn’t really thought about it yet, himself, because due to the pain and the inability to move, he's suffering more by not being able to be as close to Matteo as he wants to be hears Carlos: “I’m just saying… you’ve only got one week behind you… how many do you have to manage? Five?” looks at him and shrugs one shoulder Four to six weeks usually… the doc will give his okay eventually… sees him nod and hears him say seriously: “I couldn’t do that!” groans and then laughs quietly hears Abdi say: “Dude, what should I say?!” and Carlos: “Well at least you can take care of it by yourself…” briefly frowns and says Well, okay, we could also do that…
Matteo: wraps one arm around David when he steps beside him shrugs one shoulder when Carlos asks then laughs slightly when he says he couldn’t do it If it were about Kiki’s health then you’d also be able to do it… then grins and shakes his head when they’re talking about taking care of it by oneself But that��s not the same… heras Carlos: “But you definitely have my sympathies… more than a week is really already a bummer…” and Alex: “Hello, well not that I’d need it, but if someone deserves sympathy then it should be me…” grins slightly and nods True! Not only does Alex not have sex, but he doesn’t even have Mia here with him. immediately hears Carlos: “Oh yes, true, bummer. Huge sorry, Brudi, you’re really the worst off.” hears Alex laugh slightly: “Good that we cleared that up. Can we eat now?” looks past him to the oven I think it still takes 5 more minutes…
David: slightly leans against Matteo when he wraps his arm around him and listens to the others some more looks at Alex when he interferes and nods slightly really didn’t think of the fact that it must be a lot more difficult for Alex then grins slightly when Alex apparently ticks off the subject and demands that everyone already take a seat so that he’ll have room in the kitchen to get the casserole out then they all eat together and he takes his pain pill they have a nice conversation and decide to one day repeat the cooking class, because Carlos said that he couldn’t only make vegan vegetable casserole for Kiki all the time then they say their goodbyes shortly after dinner, because he’s really a little tired feels a little bad that Alex drives them and basically has to kick the others out, but Alex tells him that he’s planning on facetiming Mia, anyways, and Jonas, Carlos and Abdi also said that they’re really tired from painting and that they want to go home at home, he and Matteo get comfortable in their bed and they have a nice end to the evening
(next play)
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bratkook · 4 years
come over. (m) jjk
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pairing. jungkook x reader genre. smut, pwp,  warnings. jungkook is a self proclaimed pervert, smut in forms of: mutual masturbation, voyeurism through bedroom windows, rough sex, oral (m receiving), jungkook is a lil mean but just a little, dirty talk, use of vibrator, multiple orgasms, forced orgasm, overstimulation, unprotected sex word count. 7.2k summary. the guilt of being a dirty peeping tom eats Jungkook alive, not knowing this was all part of your elaborate plan to sleep with the new neighborhood eye candy. author’s note. #84 requested by @taestybae​ from this promp list! ty for sending this in bby 🖤 (requests now closed)
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Jungkook knows it's wrong, god does he know it's wrong. Acting as if he didn’t mean to leave his blinds cracked open, tilted at just the right angle that allows him to still be able to see out, the view he’s granted being your own window a few feet away. 
It’s funny now, how when he had first purchased the town house he had hated how close his neighbors were to him, and now here he was, an absolute pervert who was thankful for the narrow distance between your buildings.
The self proclaimed pervert simply sits at his desk, mindlessly going through work emails while his eyes continue to drift up, staring through his blinds for any sign of movement. 
Jungkook’s chest feels tight as he waits, eyeing the ticking clock in the corner of his screen and seeing it was nearing nine at night. Maybe you had plans tonight, going out with your friends, mind too preoccupied to indulge the filthy fantasies Jungkook had swirling in his head. It had become his favorite daily activity, sneaking a peek at you, sometimes doing simple things like relaxing with a face mask, or having a dance party. 
Of course those moments were all adorable but his favorite moments were the ones where you would walk around topless or lather lotion on your body after a shower. Sometimes you’d take the teasing a step further, blinds fully opened with only the sheer curtain coming in between him and your shadowed silhouette, caught in the act of what he could only assume was you touching yourself. 
Jungkook used to think it was purely accidental, just a careless neighbor who had no idea his bedroom had the perfect view, but he swore you had made eye contact with him far too many times for this to not be intentional.
Before his mind can spiral further, there’s suddenly a flicker of light and like a magnet, Jungkook’s eyes lock in to their target, seeing you walking into your room with a small towel draped over your shoulder, sports bra and tiny workout shorts showing him how your body was glistening in sweat. 
Pushing off his desk, his chair rolls and squeaks along his floor so he could get a better view, completely invested in seeing the way you get comfortable after your trip to the gym. Call it creepy or call it attentive but Jungkook had grown to know your schedule, you were his neighbor who enjoyed giving him peep shows so it was sort of hard for him not to realize the usual routine you had. However, this was the first time he had seen you come back from the gym this late. 
Jungkook groans now at his realization, palm coming to rub down his face as he hears his own thoughts, behaving like a man who had a notebook where he jotted down your schedule. 
He didn’t, but still, he felt like a creep. A dirty fucking creep. 
With his eyes screwed shut he shuffles the chair back to its rightful spot like a child in time out, angling his body to prevent his wandering eyes from looking through his window once more, the shame once again eating away at him like it did every time. 
Did you really do this on purpose? 
Of course you did, you weren’t stupid. 
The second Jungkook moved into your neighborhood he became the talk of the street, suburban house moms, young teenage girls, even your elderly neighbor had begun to wonder who the cute boy who went jogging down the street was. He oozed sex appeal, not even realizing how swooned he had everyone with his morning workout, he just thought everyone waved and smiled at him out of pure friendliness. 
Although he had no idea how hot he looked, you were blessed with the gift of vision and common sense. It only took you one glance of him exiting his house, long hair partially tied back, running shorts hugging his thighs so beautifully and you were sold. 
The minute you realized he was your next door neighbor it was like a lightbulb went off above your head, it was a blessing in disguise and you were not about to pass up the opportunity to have this go in your favor. Giving him a front row seat to you and everything you had to offer was the cards you chose to play and so far it had been going well. 
That is until you exit the shower, excitement coursing through you, already wondering how you’re going to tease him tonight. With your towel loosely hanging around your chest, you’re ready for the small show, but as you get into your usual position you notice that his blinds are now tightly closed, no gap between the shutters to allow him a peak of you. 
It’s a sudden and very unexpected chain of events. With a small huff of disappointment you perch yourself onto the end of your bed, directly facing your window as you sit in thought, your saucy plans for the night being ruined. 
Wondering just what could have made Jungkook flip a switch like that kept you up at night so when you see him coming in from his run the following morning as you leave for work you don’t think twice about speaking up. 
Your neighbor flinches when you greet him in good morning, not expecting to hear your voice so close to him but he could thank your connected driveways for that. 
“Oh, good morning.” he smiles politely, pulling out his airpod and pausing his music entirely to give you his full attention. The small nerves of being called out bubble up inside of him, only having talked to you once prior he wasn’t really sure where this conversation would go, were you about to call him a disgusting pervert?
“Did you call it a night really early last night?” You bite instantly, soft smile not giving away your true intentions but he knows, the way his eyes widen slightly make it obvious. 
“Yeah,” he sputters out, wiping his sweaty palms on his black shorts, nerves already making his heart skip. You knew, there was absolutely no way you didn’t and this solidified it. He had assumed you did, his guilty conscience making him believe what you did was intentional in order for him not to feel like the peeping Tom he very clearly was, but hearing you sneakily admit to knowing he hadn’t watched you last night made him feel like a bucket of cold water had been dumped over him. 
“Haven’t been getting much sleep lately so..”
You simply nod along as he trails off in a lie, lips spreading out into a smirk as your eyes very obviously give him a once over, focusing on the deep cuts of his sleeves that expose his sides and art filled arm, how the shorts he wears hit above his knee and leave his glorious thighs out for you to see. He was truly blind to his good looks. 
“Sorry I haven’t really given you a proper neighborly welcome, can I have your number?” Already fishing your phone out of your pocket because you knew he wouldn’t say no, still you tack on a helpful lie to make your flirting a little more subtle. “The neighbors have a group chat, I’ll add you to it so you can get all the hot gossip.”
If he knows you're lying he doesn’t show it, instead he looks a tiny bit disappointed that you wanted his number to add him to a neighborhood group chat. Regardless he recites his number with a smile, his phone instantly vibrating in his palm with a text from you, a friendly ‘hi neighbor’ with a waving emoji at the end. 
As he starts to save your contact you open up your car door, grabbing his attention once more. “I’ll text you if I ever need sugar...or other neighborly things.”
The suggestive teasing in your tone isn’t lost on him now, his cheeks flushing at the implications behind your words. “Yeah, whatever you need.” 
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He’s admittedly even more disappointed when your message thread runs dry, not even being added to the gossip group chat that he was sort of curious about. You hadn’t even given him a show since the night he shut his blinds but it was all part of your plan, expertly crafted to go in your favor. 
While you’re at work you get the email that sets everything in motion, a notification of your package being out for delivery. A very cute baby pink wand would be placed at your door step in discreet packaging and if things went the way you anticipated it would be making its proper debut tonight, hopefully with an audience of one. 
Jungkook is pulled away from his computer screen when his phone vibrates against his desk, your name illuminated on his homescreen. He pauses for a moment, wondering if this was simply a text initiating him into that damn group chat that he had no idea didn’t actually exist, but when he unlocks it and opens up the thread he sees it's just you. 
Y/N 3:48pm : hi jungkook, sorry to do this but im getting a suuuper important package delivered today could you please keep it safe until i get home later tonight? 🥺🖤
You wanted him to guard a package, just neighborly things, exactly what you said you would text him for. 
Jungkook 3:49pm : sure, what is it?
He feels stupid immediately after hitting send, fingers curling together into fists as his eyes glare at his screen. Why the hell would he ask what the package was? Being a peeping Tom was clearly not enough, no he had to know about your online purchases. 
Y/N 3:52pm : just something for sore muscles 😅
Just like a typical horny boy would, his mind wanders to what exactly could be in the box, quickly texting you an ‘okay!👍🏻’ before locking his phone altogether. He was going to lose his mind. 
All according to plan. 
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Jungkook guards that package with his life, placed delicately on his kitchen counter, exactly where he left it the minute he saw the postman drop it off. He’s been glued to his couch since then, regularly looking over his shoulder to ensure the brown box wouldn’t spontaneously disappear. 
Just as he feels himself getting antsy the gentle knocking from his front door has him springing up from his couch, pausing a few feet away from the door as he eyes the knob before looking back at the package. Should he greet you with it in his hands, or would that seem like he was trying to rush you away?
When you knock a second time he opts for just opening the door, seeing you standing there with that friendly smile, a small tweed skirt and matching top showing him you had just got off work, his eyes focusing on your exposed legs for a moment too long until your voice snaps him out of it. 
“Hi Jungkook,” you greet him with that honey sweet voice, the tiny glimmer in your eyes betraying you but he doesn’t spot it. “Did you get my package?”
“Hey, yeah I did.” Leaving the door ajar, he steps further into his home, quickly retrieving the light box and bringing it to you, still patiently waiting with that polite smile as if you didn’t know what was packaged inside that box. 
“You’re a lifesaver!” you cheer, holding it close to your chest with a small sigh, “I don’t know what I would’ve done if this got stolen.”
Jungkook can feel his face warm up, not able to stop his mouth from running on autopilot, unintentionally outing himself as an extremely observant neighbor. “You must be really sore from going to the gym all the time huh?”
There's a silence that falls over you both as you eye him curiously, gaze flickering with the same mischief from earlier, something he can easily spot now and he desperately wants to shrink into himself. 
“Definitely,” you agree with a laugh, “thanks again, have a good night!”
And just like that you’re gone, leaving him with his forehead pressed against his front door as he feels like an idiot. “Really, you must be sore?” He mocks his own voice, rolling his eyes before standing up straight and retreating back into his room to finish the work he had neglected in favor of protecting your package. 
The same package that you were currently clutching onto as you bolted up your stairs with a pair of scissors in the opposite hand, debatably not the safest choice but it had to be done. You feel like a crazed woman as you stab into the clear tape to break the seal, peeling back the flaps and letting out a giddy laugh when you spot the sleek white box, a photo of the device printed on the front. 
With steady hands you pull out the prized toy, carelessly tossing the empty boxes to the side, hearing them land with a light thud. The soft silicone against your thumb fills you with anticipation, a silent click against the first button dulls down the excitement when it refuses to turn on. 
“Stupid fucking chargers.” you grunt, setting the device down and making your way back to the discarded boxes, pulling out the tiny white cable to plug it in. 
The provided pamphlet states a full charge in one hour, plenty of time for you to get a grip on yourself, the last thing you needed was to rip open your blinds and come face to face with your hot neighbor with the crazy eyes you’re sure you were sporting earlier, you really didn’t need to scare him off before the main event. 
Jungkook is none the wiser as he mindlessly scrolls through the endless data in front of him, eyes floating through the numbers in a dazed manner, his mind far too occupied with that stupid package. He knew exactly what it was, proudly deciphering the code of something for sore muscles to spell out vibrator for him in giant neon letters. 
Were you using it now, in your bedroom a good feet away from his own, laid out on your bed directly in his line of sight?
His mind continues to play out salacious scenarios as you finish applying your favorite lotion after the small body shower you took, the silk robe hanging off your shoulder as you bend forward. Your pink toy lays on your bed, the buttons now blinking to indicate a full charge, your plan was now back in motion. 
As you step back into your room and slowly crack open your blinds you realize Jungkook’s are still tightly shut. Looking up into the slowly darkening sky you notice the clouds beginning to loom overhead, a smile spreading on your lips as you think of a way to get Jungkook to open up his blinds for the show. 
Jungkook’s phone buzzes with a text a few seconds later, eyes widening slightly when he realizes it’s from you. 
Y/N 7:02pm : lol does it look like its gonna rain to you?
His head tilts in confusion at your question, nonetheless he stands from his desk, fully sliding up his blinds to stare up at the sky. When he notices the grey clouds he looks down at his phone to start to type, the small flash of movement from across the way making him freeze, looking directly through your window once more and seeing you innocently sitting on your bed, staring right at him with a smile. 
Jungkook can feel how wide his eyes get as he stares at you, leg crossed over the other as you rest back onto your palms, head tilted as you wave at him in greeting. Right where you want him. 
His hand raises up to wave back at you, the voice in his head screaming every obscenity he could think of as he attempts to smile, the grimace in his face making it hard for you not to laugh. 
You start slow, wanting to give him enough time to shut his blinds if he really wants no part in this, your hand coming up to begin pushing the robe off your shoulder further, the first sliver of skin being exposed to his eyes. Jungkook wants to scream, bang his head into the glass as he sees the way your skin glimmers, already knowing you had lathered on that damn lotion of yours. 
When he doesn’t move you let the other sleeve fall down, the swell of your breasts holding up the soft material, shielding them from his sight for another moment. Your eyes never leave his face, needing to see his reaction when you sit up straight and let the material pool around your hips, tits fully exposed for him to see. 
His reaction is well worth it, jaw dropping slightly as he spots the way your nipples harden in the exposed air, forehead nearly ramming into the window when you bring your hand up to pinch and twist at the pebbled buds. He feels his cock stirring in his pants when your head drops back, lips opening up to let out what he knows is the prettiest moan, head leveling out as you bite your lip and stare at him once more. 
Jungkook doesn’t know what to do as he watches you, champagne colored robe still hooked around your elbows as you reach behind your bed and pick up the pink toy you had bought today. The metallic capped bottom shines in the light and he feels like he’s caught in a trance as you showcase it. 
For a moment your attention drops down, landing on your phone as you quickly type out a message before setting it aside once more. His phone comes to life in his hand, nearly scaring him with its vibrations. 
Y/N 7:18pm : touch yourself please
He swears he’s gonna bust his load then and there, typing out a quick ‘okay’, a message you ignore entirely in favor of turning on your toy. The excited look in your eyes is clear as day when the device buzzes in your hand, Jungkook’s eager fingers unbuttoning his jeans as you start to trail the vibrating head along your body, passing over your nipples and gasping at the ticklish feeling. 
Looking across the way once more you see Jungkook’s gaze locked onto you, his body fully illuminated by his bedroom light, allowing you to see his hands start to push his pants down, taking his black briefs with them. Your teeth bite down onto your bottom lip as he raises his palm up to messily spit into it before coming back down to fist his slowly hardening cock. His covered chest rises and falls as he huffs out a breath, slowly squeezing his shaft as he glides up towards his head, coating his palm in the stray beads of precum that drip out of it. 
This further solidified that Jungkook was a pervert, at least in his own mind, who else would be so eager to jack off to the sight of their neighbor this easily. You didn’t think so though, knowing every one of your actions had a purpose, Jungkook wasn’t a pervert for being a predictable boy, he was doing exactly what you wanted him to do. 
As the head of your toy trails down your chest you take your time, circling your navel before reaching your hips, sliding down your thighs as you lean further back and begin to spread them apart. In a slow movement that Jungkook can’t look away from, you finally reveal yourself to him, folds glistening with your arousal, coating your inner thighs, allowing the toy to glide with ease. 
Jungkook groans loudly as you pass the buzzing toy over your clit, a featherlike touch that makes you twitch and moan, his hand tightening around his cock as he twists on the way up. You were absolutely sin personified, giving him a show as you tease yourself, mouth dropped open as you finally press the toy against your clit, fingers slipping into your entrance and pumping inside of you. He can only imagine the way you sound as you stretch yourself open, hips rolling up into your hand as the pleasure jolts through you. 
Fuck, what he would do to be able to touch you, hear your moans, be the one to hold that toy against you until you were writhing around. 
You can see it in his eyes, the want clouding them as he watches you, his hand steadily pumping his length, quickening up each time your body twitches. When you pull the toy away his brows furrow, releasing his cock as he places his sticky palm against the window, wondering just what you were planning now as you reach for your phone once more. 
It only takes you a few seconds to type out the message and hit send, looking up at him with that same predatory gaze you’ve been wearing all night. As he unlocks his phone again you stand up, letting the robe fully slide off your body, pooling around your feet as you step closer to your window, arms crossed under your chest to push your tits out further as you watch him. 
Y/N 7:32pm : come over
He rereads the message three times, cock still out for you to see as he contemplates his options, finally looking back up and nearly choking when he sees the way you’re almost pressed against your own window, a sweet smile on your lips as you wave him over. That helps him make his decision, locking his phone and groaning as he slips his cock back into his briefs and shimmies his pants back on. 
Your eyes gleam as he turns to exit his room, the light dimming off as he bolts down his stairs towards his front door. When he steps out onto his porch he sees the ground is damp, small droplets now falling from the sky, the chill creeping through his thin layers as he navigates across your connected driveways with his palms covering his extremely prominent bulge. 
“Please be unlocked,” he whispers under his breath when he gets to your door, turning the knob and sighing in relief when it unlocks. Jungkook doesn’t care about manners as he steps in, locking the door behind him and instantly climbing the stairs two at a time, already knowing where your room was since your house was a mirror copy of his own. 
When he finally pushes his door open he finds you perched on your bed, fully naked and waiting for him with that same toy trailing up and down your torso. The need for introductions are thrown out the window as he crosses the room, immediately settling beside you, his large hand cupping your cheek to pull you in for a kiss. 
It catches you by surprise, the normally shy neighbor who got nervous whenever you caught him staring, never expecting him to be the type to go after what he wanted like this but the way he takes control makes you lean into his touch. His lips are tender against yours, hand guiding your face closer as he slowly licks his way into your mouth, a moan of approval leaving you as his warm tongue tickles yours. 
You’d often fantasized about kissing him, wondering if he was the type to tease, to pull back and leave you wanting more but the desperation guides his movements, stops him from not fulfilling his own desires. Jungkook kisses you with passion, hunger leading him until he’s pushing you flat on your back, hands dropping down to gently hold onto your neck. 
The toy is cast to the side, your own hands sliding through his long hair as you sigh into his mouth, the wet smacks of each kiss filling your ears. 
“Take it off,” you mumble against his lips, trailing your hands down his back and tugging his shirt up, determined to rip it off of him to finally see the glorious body you know he has. Jungkook presses a quick kiss against you before kneeling up and pulling his shirt off by his neckline, each inch of exposed skin making your mouth water. 
The way his muscles rippled, pulled taut as he stretches out and tosses the black long sleeve aside, bulging out when he finally relaxes, you can’t help but let your fingers trace each ridge on his stomach. Jungkook lets you take him in, not opposed to the lust swirling in your eyes, your tongue licking over your lips as you admire him, following the lines of each tattoo up his arm until you reach his face. 
“Like what you see?” he murmurs, looking down at you with lidded eyes, letting them roam along your body, the swell of your tits that rise with each breath, how your hips can’t keep still, searching for any bit of friction you could find. 
“You’re fucking unreal.”
He holds his breath when you begin undoing his pants, in a hurry to see his cock without the distance between you. “This is what you wanted isn’t it?” he realizes, the completely unphased look on your face, the perfectly executed texts and package delivery, just knowing that he had done everything you wanted him to do. 
“It was fun though wasn’t it Jungkook, tell me–“ he helps you tug his jeans down, his briefs going with them and joining his shirt on the floor, “What did you like more, seeing me do everyday things or watching me play with myself?”
A choked groan slips past his lips as you wrap your hand around his cock, slowly sliding up his length as you question him, enjoying the way he struggles to respond. “God you’re filthy,” he grunts, jaw slack as you sit up, face now level with his cock as he rests on his knees. 
The sly smirk you give him shows that you know this, know exactly how filthy you are, using it to your advantage to get what you wanted. With bated breath he watches the way you inch forward, tongue sticking out to gently lick the swollen head of his cock, the salty bead of precum picked up by your tongue. 
“Can’t help it.” You sink onto him as the words leave your mouth, lips wrapping around him and he sighs at the warmth that envelops him, the wetness of your tongue circling his tip making his stomach tense up, muscles flexing to keep himself from thrusting into your throat. 
The small moan you let out as he fills your mouth makes his body rattle, the feeling of his dick heavy on your tongue as you slide further down, wrapping your hand around the base to steady yourself. This was much more satisfying than seeing him play with himself a few feet away, the sighs of appreciation that float in the air each time you pull back make you keep going, wanting to see him fall apart. 
Jungkook doesn’t know when his hands tangle themselves in your hair, taking it upon himself to guide you up and down his length, starting a filthy rhythm that lit his body up. He urges you down more, hands coaxing you, pushing you further onto him until you’re choking as he fills your throat. He doesn’t think you’ve ever looked prettier, eyes full of tears, nose pressed against his stomach as you hum around his cock. 
He pulls you off of him a few seconds later, the wet gasp you let out ripping through the air as you catch your breath but that sly smile remains on your face, eyeing his messy length, bobbing slightly as he moves around. 
Leaning over you once more his hands cup your face, thumb rubbing under your eyes where he spots the unshed tears threatening to spill over, collecting against your lower lashes. “Fuck, I bet you’re pretty when you cry.”
The rasp in his voice makes your stomach flip, more wetness coating your thighs and further ruining your sheets. “Make me,” you whisper, smiling when his eyebrows raise in question. “Make me cry Jungkook.”
His cock throbs at your response, wanting nothing more than to do what you want, turn you into a crying mess as you beg for him like he often thought about. “You sure?”
With a small nod you’re crawling backwards, flipping yourself over onto your hands and knees, arching your back for him as he eyes your exposed cunt, sodden folds shining when you wiggle your hips. “I’m sure.”
Jungkook fists his cock as he approaches you, slotting his knees between your thighs, inching forward until he’s circling your entrance in a teasing motion. Flashes of the way you had spread yourself open minutes prior play in his mind as he slowly breaches your entrance, the first feeling of you taking his breath away, eyes falling shut as you let out the first moan. 
Your hands fist the sheets as he stretches you open, his size filling you up so deliciously, inch by inch splitting you open. He can’t look away from it, mesmerized with the way you take him in, molding around him like he was meant to be there. 
A whimper leaves you as he presses his palms onto your ass, holding you still once he finally bottoms out, hips pressed flush against you, walls fluttering around him as he gives you time to adjust to his size. 
“This is–“ you groan when he slides back a little, “this is just how I pictured it.” The laughter laced in your voice piques his interest, leaning over your body to see you with your face pressed against your sheets, a teasing smile on your face. 
“Yeah?” Jungkook questions, tightening his grip on your ass, fingers digging into the soft flesh, no doubt marking them for you to see later. “You pictured getting fucked from behind by your neighbor?”
“Mhm,” you squeal out, giggling when he starts to fuck into you, pulling out nearly all the way before thrusting back in, the small smack of your skin mixing in with your laughter and moans. 
“I knew it,” he grunts, trailing his hand up your spine, around your neck until his palm was pressing your face into the mattress, holding you down as he ravished you, stretched you apart and turned your impure thoughts into mush. “Knew you did it on purpose, fuck, do you know how guilty I felt?”
Your walls tighten around him and he moans out at the feeling, the warmth sucking him back in each time he pulled out, the wet squelch of you soaking his cock getting louder each time. 
“S-sorry.” It's quiet, but he knows you don’t mean it, knows the words are lace with trouble as you start to rut back onto him, the playful smile felt against his palm spelling it out for him. 
“Oh you’re sorry?” Jungkook picks up his merciless pace, knowing he found the right rhythm when you let out a cry of surprise, arching further for him and keening as he nudges against your sweet spot, the first sparks of your orgasm flashing within you. The fact that you were getting what you want sending you closer to the edge faster than expected. 
“No, I’m not,” you admit, shamelessly moaning with each thrust. There was no way in hell you were sorry, if this was the outcome you’d do it all again the same exact way. Jungkook wouldn’t argue with that, the earlier guilt he felt long gone, replaced with pure hunger, only increasing when your moans start to get breathier, the panting felt against his hand, hot and heavy as you whimpered. 
“I know you’re not, you love putting on a show for me huh, knowing I was watching you from my window while you fucked with me.”
His words make your mind spin, the intoxicating roll of his hips dragging you under into the same state of desperation he was in, weeks of mindless torture fueling the both of you with more than enough sexual frustration. 
“I loved it,” you whine when he pushes your face harder into the sheets, the roughness he’s displaying making your stomach flip, thighs spreading out further for him and you let out a trembling moan when he sinks deeper into you. 
You were going to cum, he recognized the way your body tightened up, walls clamping around him, making him curse as he continues to rut into you. Jungkook smiles as you cry out, chest pushing into your mattress, hands pulling at your sheets in desperation until suddenly, you’re cumming with a shout of his name, the feeling taking you completely by surprise. “F-fuck, Jungkook.”
He gasps as you gush around him, dripping down your thighs, creaming his cock until it's slick with your arousal. Jungkook doesn’t waste any time pulling out of you, needing to see your face as he sank back into you, now on your back with a dazed out smile. 
A soft groan drips off your tongue, thick and needy when he bottoms out once more, arms wrapping around his shoulders as he starts to rock into you, forehead sweaty with his long hair falling around his face. It frames him perfectly, a simple curtain letting you see every expression he gives you, a private show just for you to witness. 
“Wanna make you cry,” he confesses, bending down and kissing your chest, his right hand mindlessly swatting at the bed until he finds exactly what he’s looking for, that damn vibrator he had guarded with his life earlier. 
The second the small vibrations meet your ears, your eyes go wide, catching the evil smirk on his lips as he holds the toy between you, fidgeting with the settings until it’s low enough to start. “Wait Jungkook, I’m sensitive.”
He leans back enough to trail the head down your stomach, taunting you as he circles your hips and reaches your mound. “You told me to make you cry though didn’t you baby?”
The excitement rushes through you once more, letting out shaky gasp as he just barely touches your sensitive clit, your body jolting and squeezing around his cock. Jungkook shuts his eyes at the feeling, bringing it back to rest against the tiny pearl, the low settings making a hum course through you, your fingers digging into his shoulders. 
“Ah, Jungkook,” you cry, chest heaving as he starts to fuck you again, hips swirling around, unsure if you want to retreat from the toy or press against it harder, the slight sting of pain morphing into pleasure the longer he keeps it up. 
“What?” he mocks, raising the settings until you’re shouting, a delirious laugh following suit as your thighs tighten around his waist in reflex. Jungkook knows you love this, your teeth biting down onto your bottom lip as you stare at him with glassy eyes full of tears, urging him to fuck you harder, begging him for more. 
He does what you ask, pistoning his hips into you with enough force to jostle your body, the head of his cock just shy of hitting your cervix, waves of pleasure mixing in with the vibrations against your clit. Jungkook can feel his own orgasm creeping up on him, crawling up his spine, goosebumps flaring out on his skin, each wet thrust and cry from you only pushing him closer. 
Jungkook watches you carefully, lost in his own pleasure but focused enough to see the way your eyes well up further, the needy sobs you release as he fucks you just right wrapping around him and urging him on, not wanting to hold back when this is what you’ve been wanting. 
The small inkling to be mean and actually see the tears fall spurs something inside of him. With a few more clicks the vibrator hits the highest setting, buzzing intensely against your clit and you nearly thrash at the sudden feeling, back arching up as you gasp. 
Jungkook chuckles, the low timbre making you whimper as he presses the head of the toy harder against you. “You gonna cum again, make a big mess around my cock?”
“Jungkook,” it’s a choked cry of his name, your arms seeking purchase around his frame, needing something to ground you as you start to float off. 
“C’mon, wanna see you cry.” He watches in awe as your body tenses of for a moment, the pleasure catching just right to push you over. 
“Fuck, fuck–“ you chant, words slurring together as a second orgasm is pulled out of you, eyes rolling back when the euphoric feeling crashes over you, tears finally spilling over and body turning limp as he continues to fuck you through it just like the last one. He feels like he won as the wetness pools under your eyes, brows furrowing together as you mewl at the feeling of your orgasm cresting, heartbeat slowing in your chest as you come down. 
“So good,” he mumbles at the high vibrations felt against his cock, the flutters from your velvety walls keeping him from turning it off, sliding it down a bit closer to your entrance until he’s gasping as well. 
“Too much,” you plead, eyes misty as you stare at him, mouth dropping open in a quiet moan when he ruts against you in search of his own release. His free hand reaches up to cup your cheek, wiping away the stray tears that had fallen against your skin. 
“I knew you’d look pretty when you cry.” He sighs, shutting his eyes when you pulse around his length. “I’m almost there, you okay?”
His concern makes you smile, nodding as you place your hand over his own on your face, dealing with the oversensitivity for him to get his own release. “Yeah, cum inside me please.”
Jungkook groans in response, sliding the vibrator further down until it rests against the base of his cock, gliding along his length with each of his thrusts, the buzzing making his body tingle. 
“Shit,” he grunts out, hips fucking you with more urgency, rutting against you sloppily, eyes opening up to stare directly at you and the lustfilled look you give him is what pushes him over. A choked groan dies in his throat when he sinks into you as deep as he can, spurts of his cum filling you up as his face twists in pleasure, mouth dropped open to release a soft moan that you swallow with a sweet kiss.  
You hum against his lips when he thrusts shallowly a few more times until finally coming to a halt, turning off the toy and chucking it aside with no care before collapsing on top of you in pure dramatics. Jungkook has no qualms about how much he weighs, making himself right at home as he nuzzles into your chest, sighing in content when you rake your fingers through his hair. 
“I feel sweaty, and I know I made a mess on your sheets.” Jungkook mumbles out, cheek pressed against your tits, eyes slipped shut with his slowly softening cock still inside of you. No doubt would your sheets be damp with an unholy mixture of the night's debauchery, something you would surely deal with later. 
“It’s okay, I like the mess.” Your words are meant to be joking but the way his cock twitches inside you shows he takes everything you say seriously, simply rolling your eyes with a smile as you tease him further. “You’re a pervert.”
Jungkook scoffs at this now, taking full offense as he pulls out of you with an accusatory glare, eyes zeroing in on your evil smile as you prop yourself up against your headboard. “I’m the pervert?” When you nod he laughs loudly, finger pointing at you in a less than threatening manner, “Says the one who gave me free shows every night!”
“It’s not my fault you’re easy to rope in, you were hooked the second you saw me have that dance party in here huh?”
He nods instantly, knowing exactly what night you were talking about, it was the night he had moved in, before you had even realized he was your neighbor, having a full on dance party to some top 40’s from the 2000’s playlist you found. That was the first night he ever saw you and ever since then he had left his blinds cracked just to see a glimpse of you, not knowing what lewd ideas you had planned. 
“Was it the facemask that did it for you?” You laugh, playfully nudging his side with your foot as he glares, the small smile on his face showing you he wasn’t taking this seriously. 
“No, it was those sexy ass boyshorts you had on, I think they were grey. They made your ass look nice.”
He laughs with you as you squeal, knowing exactly what pair of underwear you had on, the oversized shirt doing nothing to hide them as you danced around like a lunatic. 
“Is this gonna be a thing?” he wonders, taking it upon himself to enter your bathroom to grab a towel, the least he could do was clean up the mess he had caused between your thighs. 
“Should I text you about the weather tomorrow, call you over to mine this time? I’ll let you choke me if you’re into that.” He says it so casually it catches you by surprise, a cackle leaving you as he finishes cleaning you up, handing you your robe to cover up as he slips back into his underwear. 
“Are you into that?”
“I could be,” he winks, flopping onto your bed beside you, letting his hand trail up your thigh until it reaches the hem of your robe, tracing the goosebumps that flare up because of it. 
That was definitely something you could work with, mind already planning out the next time you’d torture your neighbor, wondering just how your hands would look like wrapped around his thick neck. Maybe you could see if he looked pretty when he cried. 
He spots the mischief in your face instantly but before he could indulge you further, there was one thing absolutely eating away at his mind. “By the way, you never added me to that gossip group chat.”
Your lips purse into a tight smile as your fingers return to his hair, twirling each strand as you hold back a laugh, knowing it absolutely did not exist. You weren’t in the mood to crush his spirit, knowing he desperately wanted to know the ins of the neighborhood gossip so you simply shrug in faux apology, telling yet another white lie. “My bad, I’ll add you tomorrow.”
It’s good enough for Jungkook pressing a kiss against your thigh as he thinks of what the following night will bring, his mind also picturing just how cute your hands would look around his neck. 
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taestefully-in-luv · 3 years
Always You | JJK (Seven)
Summary: you and Jungkook have been best friends since freshmen year of college, there’s a lot of unsaid feelings and tension but neither make a move. what happens when his friend Taehyung (also your crush) needs a fake girlfriend?
Pairing: Jungkook x Female reader
Genre: friends to lovers, idiots to lovers, slight slow burn, roommate au, college au, SMUT (starting ch2), fluff, angst (in later chapters) slight crack, lots of drama
Word Count: 10.1k
Warnings: Swearing, alcohol consumption, sexual tension (!!!), mention of erection, heated make out, marking, grinding, mentions of suicide:( (If this makes you uncomfortable pls skip), mentions of cheating, quick blowjob, swallowing,
Notes: sorry this chapter is shorter than the last! But we only have 2 chapters left guys! And they are long!!! Sorry in advance lol. Hope you guys enjoy this chapter:) Anyway feel free to send an ask if you want to be added to the taglist or just want to chat about the story:)
Taglist: @mooniyooni @thisartemisnevermisses @giadalin @kookiebunny097 @cosmosjk @moonchild1 @just-jeon @anpanman-sonyeondan @starlight-night0 @yessii-i @apollukee @mikasaredscarf1 @kaye-rosales @bunnyjeonjk @dyriddle @seagulljk @hass-mich-los @peachy-skz0325 @wonusbitch @not-your-lion @flowersgirl02 @justinetingball @fiantomartell
© taestefully-in-luv
Jungkook runs his finger through your hair, his mouth hot on your neck as he leaves behind what feels like a million, slow kisses. You taste sweet and he’s reminded of the first time he got to do this with you and his heart swells at the memory. He feels you grind against him, making him impossibly harder as he grinds back. Your moans fill his ears and it sounds like a chorus of sweet, sweet music to him, he can’t help but grin into his kisses. Suddenly, the image of him kissing down your throat becomes blurry and the sound of your whines echo in the distance. He must be waking up.
Jungkook feels you hovering over him with shocked eyes and he can’t help but wonder what’s gotten into you. He can feel his head beginning to throb from the inevitable hang over that wishes to visit and he raises a hand over it. You continue to look down at him and that’s when he notices it. Them. The hickeys that spread across your skin and he goes absolutely pale.
He looks back at you with wide eyes but he can’t help but feel pride bloom all throughout his body as he looks at how he has marked you but those petals quickly shrivel up when he realizes how badly he must have messed up.
“Oh fuck.” He says under his breath.
“Yeah. ‘Oh fuck’” you repeat back.
Jungkook lifts himself up, leaning on his arms as he takes another look at the bruises that cover your skin. He releases a shaky breath contemplating what to say.
“Drunk.” His eyes slide to the side, “We were really…drunk.”
You narrow your eyes for a split second then look at him with ease,
“Yeah…right…drunk.” You quickly agree.
Jungkook and you share a moment of a silence, admiring one another’s work on the other. You hesitantly reach out, your fingers coming in contact with the side of his neck, brushing against his soft skin.
“This ones huge…I’m sorry.” You say, not sounding entirely sorry. A slight smirk graces your features.
“Ha, you don’t look very sorry.” Jungkook grabs a hold of your hand, “Plus, you don’t even want to see what I did to you.”
You retreat your hand back to touch your own skin, you shuffle out of the sheets and stand from the bed. You walk towards the little mirror over by Jungkook’s closet and take a look.
You audibly gasp, the purple marks that spread across your neck and collarbone are ones for the books.
“What the hell Jeon! How am I supposed to walk out of here today! Everyone’s going to see this!” you gesture towards yourself. “Oh my god.” You turn back to look in the mirror. “This is horrible.”
Jungkook leaves the bed to join you at the mirror,
“Holy shit.” He looks at himself, “I’m not any better!” he throws his hands up but he’s laughing. He’s fucking laughing! You watch in disbelief as he chuckles the fucking day away.
You watch him and you can’t help but start to laugh too. This is just so ridiculous.
“Wait wait…” Jungkook calms down, suddenly becoming serious. “We didn’t do anything else…right?”
“Why are you looking at me like that? Shouldn’t you also remember?”
“You’re the girl! Can’t you like tell…if we…” He motions his hands between your bodies.
“Oh my god. No, we didn’t do anything else. Do you really not remember everything?” you ask with a frown.
“I feel like I do…but I was just being you know, sure.”
Jungkook wishes he could remember everything in great detail but the reality is he was really drunk and some moments are hazier than others. Which is a fucking shame because he wants to remember the first moment you caressed his skin to his lips on yours.
“Do you remember everything?”
“I remember enough.” You admit.
You were drunk, yes. But the memory of you and Jungkook is almost crystal clear and fresh in your mind.
“Bottom line is…we were really drunk and drunk people do stuff like that all the time.” Your hands go to your hips, “I mean, I’ve literally made out with Trina before. Don’t feel special.” You wink, your tone is light and teasing and Jungkook finds you amusing.
“Just two drunk idiots.” Jungkook grins. “So no acting weird.”
“I won’t be weird, will you?”
“I’ll try my best.” He chuckles.
“I’m serious Jungkook, we can be cool about this…” you give him a smile, “It’s not like we haven’t—”
“Stop…” Jungkook lifts his hand up, “I get it.” He chuckles awkwardly.
Your small smile fades, your heart pinches. He never wants to talk about it, did he hate it that much?
“Right…” You begin walking closer towards him and he steps back, your heart pinching once again. “Well, lend me a fucking turtle neck or something so I can get outta here.”
Jungkook smirks down at you as he walks to his closet.
“Fine. Hopefully I have two…I have a black and a white one right?” he asks you from inside his closet.
“Shit, I think I have your white one at my place…”
“I don’t think Nick owns any…”
“Why do you need one? Just stay home today.”
“I’m supposed to meet Vanessa later…”
Your heart doesn’t just pinch this time, it sinks. Deep down into your lower belly until its falling to the ground.
“I’ll find a scarf or some shit.”
“I’ll bring you your white one, don’t worry.”
“Really? Thanks y/n.” Jungkook walks out of his closet smiling at you, his black turtle neck draped over his arm. “Here.” He hands it over to you.
“Turn around.”
Jungkook raises a brow at you until realization hits him.
“Okay.” He whispers out.
You quickly change into the long sleeve shirt and let Jungkook know he can turn back around.
“I feel like I should make you breakfast or something…” Jungkook scratches the back of his neck, standing here awkwardly.
“Really Jungkook?” you laugh out, “And what would you make me?”
“I think Nick has some toaster waffles.” Jungkook offers with a grin.
“I’m good. I’m gonna head out but I will be back with your shirt!”
“Sounds good, I’ll walk you out.”
You two nod at one another, exiting the bedroom and walking towards the front door. You stop to say goodbye and Jungkook steps into your space, wrapping his arms around you.
“See you in a bit.” He whispers.
“Yeah.” You pull back and smile at him. “See you in a bit.”
“Why the fuck are you wearing a black turtle neck in the middle of August?”
It’s Trina, if you haven’t guessed. It’s the first thing you hear when you step into your apartment, she is over to hang with Holly you’re assuming.
“I was a bit chilly.” You lie through your teeth, giving her a strained smile.
“Take it off.” Trina commands.
“Trina…” Holly warns softly, she’s got her hand on Trina’s shoulder and you can’t help but giggle.
“Wait, your date was last night, right? With this ‘Min Yoongi’? Ooooh, did things go well?” Trina whistles out.
“It wasn’t a date, I already told you…” you whine as you walk into the living room, sitting on the sofa.
“But it did go well! I had a really nice time.” You admit softly, smiling at the memory of your ‘thank you outing’. “He’s so cool and so sweet.” Your eyes light up, “He owns the record shop a few shops away from the bakery!”
“Owns it? Like it’s his?” Holly asks, she shares a pleased smile with Trina.
“Yes, like it’s his.”
“He sounds like a man. Marry him.” Trina gives you an aggresive thumbs up.
“Chill dude.” You laugh. “I think he and I could become really good friends…and…”
“Well, you never know.” Your eyes shift to the side as you smirk. “The world is full of mystery.”
Trina smiles brightly, “So you’re saying there’s a chance?”
“I’m saying that there’s not not a chance…”
“I’LL TAKE IT!” Trina lifts up Holly’s hand and high fives herself with it. “Whatever isn’t Jungkook.” She finishes with a grin and you feel your whole body go stiff.
“Trina…” you frown, “I really don’t like when you say stuff like that. Jungkook is a good person. He just…he messed up, yes. But he’s trying.”
“He hurt you.” Trina’s tone goes serious. “How could you forgive him for that?”
“I’m trying too. But I am able to try because I know him…he wouldn’t just hurt me without him having his own reasons…and I love him, T. Like as friends, of course but also…”
“I know.” Trina goes soft, “I know.”
Holly clasps her hands together, “And that’s that! How about we make some food and chit chat some more over some mimosas!”
“I love that idea.” You say.
“But seriously girl, please go change out of that turtle neck…you’re making me sweat just looking at you.” Trina says.
Right, the turtle neck. You told Jungkook you would drop off his white one…well, you gotta find it first.
“Okay, but I have to run an errand first then we can hang.”
“An errand?” Both girls look at you quizzically.
“Don’t worry about it.” Great, now you sound like Jungkook.
Within the hour you are quickly dropping off Jungkook’s shirt off at his place and going back to yours. He answered the door in nothing but his towel again and you tried so hard not to drool. You recall the night before when your fingers were dragging down his chest and his toned stomach. You felt every ab beneath your fingertips. Fuck, that felt good. You’re home now, you shake your head trying to rid yourself of thoughts of Jungkook’s body. But with a body like that? It’s so so hard. Just like how he was…STOP. You shake off these thoughts and try to pay attention to what Holly is saying.
“—And then I turned it in anyway and still got an A!”
“That’s amazing Holly.” You say, trying to act like you weren’t just having impure thoughts.
“Yeah, you totally kick ass.” Trina says.
You girls are a few mimosas in, you feel the champagne starting to work its wonderful magic on you but unfortunately it is making you start to sweat. You want to take off this damn turtleneck.
“I’ll be right back.” You say quickly before retreating to your bedroom. You find a baggy t-shirt and slip it on. This feels much better! But god damn. These marks on your skin are something else. You rush to the bathroom and try to cover some with makeup but it’s hardly helping. Fuck.
“Welp, maybe they won’t notice.” You whisper to yourself.
You walk back out into the living room and you notice both Holly and Trina’s eyes go comically wide.
“Wow, that date did go better than you thought!” Trina starts whooping and hollering.
“Wow y/n.” Holly really does look shocked.
Okay, so maybe they did notice. You feel so self conscious all of the sudden, your hands flying up to your neck to cover yourself.
“It’s—It’s not what it looks like.” You stammer out.
“It looks like this Yoongi guy is really into marking!” Trina yells out with a grin.
“Yoongi is really into marking…” Holly eyes you with horror in her eyes.
“Yoongi! Yoongi! Yoongi!” Trina begins chanting, she looks over at Holly and lightly taps her thigh to get her to start chanting the name as well.
“Guys…” You whine into your hands, “It wasn’t Yoongi.” You must be admitting that because you’ve had a few mimosas.
Silence. The room falls undeniably quiet.
“Wait what?” Trina asks, her wide grin beginning to fade.
“Did you meet with someone else last night?” Holly begins to pry.
“Did you go to a bar or something and meet a rando?”
“Did you bump into someone on the street?”
“Did you call up and old boyfriend? An old hookup?”
“Guys!” You yell out, “I met up with Jungkook last night!”
Once again, the room goes silent.
“You what?” Trina asks plainly, “What does that have to do with the hickeys on your neck?”
“Really Trina?” your head falls into your hands, “We kind of…”
“You guys fucked? Really?” Trina’s serious tone is back.
“No! We just got really drunk and made out! That’s it!”
“But is that really it for you?” To your surprise, it’s Holly who asks this.
“It’s fine. We were just drunk. We decided not to be weird about it. And we won’t.”
“How can you be sure of that?” Trina asks, her voice gone soft.
“Because I will text him in a few days, he’s going to text back. Or I’ll call and he will answer like normal. I’ll ask to hang out or something and we will just be two friends who hang. It will go just like that!”
Except it doesn’t go like that at all. A few days pass and you decided to text Jungkook in the morning after you woke up. You don’t expect to hear back from him for a couple of hours since he will probably sleep in. But hours and hours go by and it’s the afternoon now and you still haven’t heard from him.
“You have reached the voicemail box of…” You click the end button on your phone again for like, the 6thtime. Why isn’t Jungkook answering? It’s a Wednesday afternoon, you know you remember him saying he had today off for some reason so what is he up to? Even if he was with Vanessa, would he really ignore you like this? 6 calls in a row?
You decide to try Jimin, maybe they’re together. You look him up in your ‘Favorites’ and click clack away to calling him. After several rings the boy finally answers,
“Hey.” He says somewhat out of breath, “I’m working, what’s up?”
“Hey it’s nothing really…” you begin, “But have you heard from Jungkook…? I can’t get a hold of him…”
“Huh? No? Maybe he’s just, I don’t know, busy babe.” You can hear Jimin directing some poor child of his wrong moves on the other side of the phone.
“Look, I gotta go. But just try again in a little while, okay?”
“Can you try calling him for me?”
“Huh? Uh, sure. I’ll let you know later. Love you, bye.” Jimin hangs up and you’re left with your phone to your ear, talking to no one.
It’s Wednesday evening now, you and Holly are sharing a pie while watching some weird show on Netflix that Holly insists is good. You’re three episodes in and you’re starting to wonder when the ‘good’ part happens. It’s mostly just been weird but Holly seems invested in it. You’re trying to keep your mind busy, the thought of Jungkook making you feel antsy. You just wanted to call and see if he wanted to chill together…to prove things aren’t going to be weird between you two. Is he really going to be so fucking immature? Big deal, you made out. But to go this far to ignore you? You can’t help but feel so fucking anxious. He won’t ghost you again right?
You mindlessly stick your fork in the pie repeatedly when you feel your phone buzz. Thank God, some sort of reason to look away from this show, you think.
Jimin 6:22pm
Hey, I got a hold of Jungkook…
What the hell? So he answered to Jimin?!
Jimin 6:22pm
It’s probably best to let him be today babe, today is…not a good day
You click off your phone and throw it on the cushion to your side because what the hell does that mean? Not a good day? If he’s not having a good day then shouldn’t he like, lean on you? Wait, you’re asking for too much right? You mean, you’re the one who set boundaries. But if he’s having a bad day why ignore you? You throw the fork in the pie and set it next to Holly, she looks at you mortified that you would just throw your fucking fork. You stand to your feet and start heading to your room.
“Uh, where are you going? Things are just getting good.” Holly whines.
“I’ll be back in a little while Hol, just gotta do something real quick.” You call out from behind you, entering your room to change into some clean clothes.
Once you’re ready you grab your purse and your keys and head towards the front door, and out to your car.
It’s a really quick drive to Jungkook’s apartment, he lives so close to you it’s ridiculous. He couldn’t find an apartment that was further away from his old one? Well, still…you’re grateful it’s a short drive. You wonder how you’ll confront Jungkook. He isn’t the best at opening up so you have to go about this strategically. But knowing you, you’ll be anything but strategic. It’s just with Jungkook you really have to force it out of him—whatever it is. Even then you may get nothing.
You find a parking spot a little a ways from the building, it’s a nice refreshing two minute walk to get inside to find and ride the elevator. You remember riding this elevator with nick and oh god, cringe. You cringe so fucking hard. Speak of the devil, he’s who answers the front door after your insistent knocking.
“Oh hey y/n. What’s up?” Nick’s eyes dart from you to the rest of the hallway. “Is it just you?” he asks, “Jungkook isn’t here…”
“Can I wait inside until he gets home?” you blurt out.
“Uh, sure…” Nick opens the door wider for you to enter. You breeze past him, taking off your shoes at the entrance and make your way to the couch. Damn, you are a woman on a mission.
“Can I get you some water?” Nick offers as he closes the door.
Nick comes into the living room with a glass full of water and you couldn’t be more grateful. You didn’t even realize how dry your mouth has gotten, the anticipation of Jungkook’s arrival making you nervous.
“Do you know where he went?” you take the glass from Nick and gulp down like half the glass. “He hasn’t answered me all day.”
“Wait, he doesn’t know you’re here?” Nick asks in panicked surprise. “Should you really be here? He might be with Vanessa or like, coming back with her…”
“It’s fine. I’m waiting, is that okay?” you nibble on your lips, waiting for his response.
“Yeah, I guess.” Nick shrugs, “I’ll be in my room if that’s okay? You can watch whatever on TV or like, whatever.” He smiles at you, gesturing towards the TV.
“I’ll be fine Nick.” You smile back.
More than an hour passes, a god damn miserable hour of you sitting on Jungkook and Nicks couch when you finally hear the front door being unlocked. Jungkook.
You straighten up when you hear the door beginning to open, the soft creak sounding a million times louder in your ears.
Jungkook walks through and you notice he is alone, and you sigh in relief. His shoulders are slumped and his head hangs low as he takes his shoes off and you immediately sink in your spot. What’s with him? So, you stand to your feet and clear your throat and he doesn’t even flinch. He just continues walking inside, finding his way into the kitchen. You watch as he opens up a cabinet and reaches for a glass, next he’s fishing the fridge for some fresh water and filling up his cup. He takes a few sips of his water before his dark eyes find you.
“What are you doing here?” his low voice sends a shiver down your spine.
“You went ghost on me today…I was worried.” You leave the living room to walk into the kitchen as well.
“I…” he begins as he sets the glass on the counter. “I didn’t ghost you.”
“How could I be so sure?” you step closer to him, “How come you answered Jimin but not me?”
Jungkook’s eyes widen at your words, like a deer caught in headlights. He blinks at you repeatedly until he tries forming words.
“It’s nothing personal.” He settles for. “Can we talk tomorrow, y/n?”
“Where did you go today?” God, why do you sound like some weird, possessive girlfriend? You cringe at your own words.
“It doesn’t matter.” Jungkook’s eyes darken again, his voice low.
“It matters to me.”
Jungkook looks down at the floor and you notice him take a few deep breaths, like he is struggling to find a steady one.
“Talk to me, Jungkook.” You reach out to him, your fingers finding his and he flinches at your touch. “What’s wrong? Please talk to me.”
“I….” Jungkook’s voice cracks and you wish you could bring him in to hug you but you don’t. You just let him continue.
“I…have nothing to say.”
Oh. Of course. Of fucking course. Of course Jungkook chooses to stay silent. Of course he chooses not to talk to you.
“Is it Vanessa?” you finally find the courage to ask, “Did you two break—”
“No, we’re fine.” He cuts in. Jungkook frees himself from your hand and looks up at you with a strained smile, “I’m fine, y/n.”
Now, you shouldn’t feel upset. Or angry. But you do, you fucking do. It’s been almost 4 years of this same bullshit where he cannot open up to you and its starting to feel insulting.
“You’re…” you step closer to him again but he takes a step back until he’s backed into the counter. “You aren’t fine. Please talk to me, Jungkook.” You try to say calmly but you think the rage is a little evident in your voice.
“Nothing to talk about.”
“Is it because I’m a girl?”
Jungkook tilts his head to the side, not knowing what you mean by that. Yeah, that was a stupid thing to assume but you aren’t smart right now.
“You can’t confide in girls because you have trust issues? You know, because of your mom…how she left you…”
“That’s it right?” You volume increases as your anger shows, “Are you fucking serious? When have I ever made you feel like you couldn’t trust me? When have I ever fucking left you?”
“Shut up.”
“No! And yeah your mom left you so you like, don’t trust girls I guess but god damn, Jungkook maybe it’s time to get over—”
“I said shut up!” Jungkook’s voice rises to a volume you have never experienced with him before.
“Have you tried looking for her?” you continue to speak, not realizing you are making everything worse.
“I know where she is.” He states, his nostrils flaring.
You flail your arms around, “Then go fucking talk to her.”
Jungkook looks at you with an unreadable expression, his shoulders to his ears and his fists balled up at his sides. He’s quiet. Too quiet. His breaths are beyond shaky and you finally notice it.
Jungkook’s eyes are glossed over and you think you may have gone too far. His lip begins trembling and he tries to speak but no words come out. He struggles to speak to you and it makes you blink at him like an idiot. Why can’t he speak?
Jungkook lifts a hand up to stop you from talking any further. He inhales sharp breaths and releases shaky ones. His eyes are full of tears but none fall. He stares down at the ground just trying to do something as easy as breathing, but he falls short.
“Please.” He croaks out. Jungkook walks to the couch and sits down, his head falling into his hands and you aren’t entirely sure at first but after a few moments you really realize…he is softly and quietly crying. Your Jungkook who never cries in front of anyone is sitting on his living room couch crying. You’re speechless. You also don’t know what to do. Do you try to comfort him? Do you leave him alone? But how could you leave him alone when he sits on his fucking living room couch sniffling away?
You hesitantly walk towards the sofa and take a seat next to him. He doesn’t lift his head to look at you, just continues crying into his hands. You don’t have to think about it, you reach your hand to rub soothing circles on his back and start whispering words of comfort in his ear.
Several moments pass when Jungkook finally lifts his head from his hands, but he still doesn’t look at you.
“Mom…” he clears his throat. “Mom didn’t just leave us. She left everything. She left me.”
“I know Jungkook…I’m sorry… I just lashed out on you, you can heal at your own pace and if she wants to see you again, she will.” You continue to rub his back.
“No, you don’t get it.” Jungkook murmurs. “Mom was hurting a lot. You know?” he begins to get choked up, his throat burning.
“Dad cheated, yes. But he was also neglectful of her and she was in a lot of pain,” he sniffs repeatedly, wiping his nose on his sleeve.
“She felt like she had no one, not even me.” Jungkook face scrunches up as he resists more tears.
“She couldn’t even rely on me.”
Fuck. You know where this is going. It is all starting to make sense.
“Mom killed herself when I was 16.” Jungkook finally says, his voice barely above a whisper, like he was too afraid to say it out loud. Like it made it more real.
“Dad didn’t take it well…he started drinking and I rarely saw him around…I had to take care of myself.” Jungkook finally lets the tears fall.
“I hated him. I still do.” Jungkook clenches his jaw.
You sit on the couch unable to comprehend what Jungkook has gone through. You feel like the biggest bitch alive. You forced your best friend to reopen his wounds in front of you and you had the audacity to pour salt in them.
“Jungkook I’m so—”
“Forget it.” He’s quick to cut you off. You stare at him with wide eyes, your own tears staining your cheeks.
“Please leave me alone for a while.” He whispers and immediately you stop him from rising from the couch.
“No!” you pull him back down. He doesn’t even resist, he falls back to your side and you lead his head to rest on your beating chest.
“I’m here for you, Jungkook.”
And that’s it. That’s what it took for Jungkook to scrunch and twist his face until more tears begin flowing out of his swollen eyes. He cries into your shirt, wetting the material.
“It’s okay, it’s okay.” You pat his head, your fingers weaving through his dark locks.
Jungkook cries like this for several minutes, until he’s wiping away his tears and snot with his shirt sleeve. He rises from your chest and looks at you with a painful expression.
“Today is mom’s birthday.” He admits.
“I went to her grave today…” he sniffles, “I’m sorry I couldn’t tell you before. It’s just…” he starts crying again, “Saying it out loud. Makes it real, don’t you think?” His face is swollen and puffy from his tears and you can’t stop your own tears from sliding down your cheeks.
“Jungkook, I’m so, so sorry.” You feel awful. You can’t even fathom what he has gone through…
“It’s okay, this was bound to happen eventually right?” he laughs awkwardly, snot still dripping from his nose.
“I shouldn’t have forced it out of you…God, I am so sorry.”
“I…” Jungkook’s eyes refill with tears as he tries to speak again, “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you before, I really am. I tried so many times but I just couldn’t say it out loud. I just couldn’t.” The tears fall down his face once again, “I tried.” He begins to cry harder. “I really tried y/n.”
You heart breaks. This is a sight you never want to see again but if anyone has to see it you want it to be you.
“Baby…” you whisper. “I’m here. I’ll always be here.”
“You’d never leave me…right?” Jungkook chokes on his words as he speaks. “I couldn’t handle it.”
You shut your eyes as you think about what Jungkook has gone through. You think about why he’s been so closed off and why he has troubles with people sometimes—especially girls.
“I wouldn’t ever leave you.” You say in promise. “You’re too important to me.”
Jungkook’s face falls back into your chest, he cries into your shirt for several more minutes as you rub his back and play with his hair.
“Wasn’t I important to mom too?” You hear him whisper.
Your heart breaks even more.
“Of course you were, Jungkook.” You try to save, “I know she must have loved you a lot.”
“Then why?”
“She must of thought you were going to be strong enough without her…” Your fingers thread through his hair again, “And you are. But you know, you aren’t completely without her…” Your hand goes to his chest, over his beating heart.
“She’s here too, with you.”
And with that, Jungkook sobs harder. Like, it’s the first time he’s cried over this. And you wonder if it is. He’s gripping on to your shirt so tightly as he releases intense sob after the other. Your heart continues to fucking break.
“I’m here. I’m here.”
It’s been quiet the last 30 minutes, neither you nor Jungkook have spoken. He’s not even crying anymore, just lightly sniffling every now and then. You wonder if he has fallen asleep. You wouldn’t be surprised, all that crying will take out all the energy out of a person…
You lean your head down to get a look at Jungkook’s peaceful face…he is sleeping. You feel yourself relax as you continue to play with his hair. He needs the rest, you think.
You feel your own eye lids getting heavy and you let yourself fall asleep as well. Jungkook snuggles deeper into your side, his face nuzzling in your chest and you hold him tighter. You two sleep like this for many hours until you’re being woken up at the sound of the blender going.
The living room is lit up with sunlight and your eyes blink lazily. You realize Jungkook isn’t sleeping with you anymore and you start to panic. Where did he go? Then the blender goes off again and you decide to stand from the couch, even though your body feels so heavy.
Jungkook is in the kitchen when you walk over, he’s got his back turned to you and you creep up behind him.
“Boo.” You say, wrapping your arms around him.
“When will you realize that will never work on me?” Jungkook lightly chuckles, “Sorry to wake you up. I figure I could make us some fruit smoothies.” He turns around in your hold. You eye him up and notice how puffy his eyes are and you feel your heart drop.
“Fruit smoothie sounds delicious.” You squeeze him tighter and Jungkook laughs a wonderful laugh. It’s loud and full and filled with joy.
“Hug me back.”
Jungkook smiles down at you and circles his arms around your waist, “Sorry, sorry.”
You smile back up at him and lean your head on his body, he feels so warm it could melt you.
“About last night…” Jungkook begins pulling away from you, “I’m sorry I kind of…”
“You don’t have to apologize.” You cut in. “It’s my fault.”
“No y/n…I’m glad things happened the way they did. I actually feel so much better.” He admits, “Lighter, even.”
“Oh? Well, good. But I am still so fucking sorry.”
“It’s okay baby.” He goes back in to hug you tighter. You feel his strong arms hold on to you and you want to stay like this forever. You would if you could. But—
“Shit. What time is it?” You step back from him, digging in your pocket for your phone. “Holy hell, I’m going to be late for work.”
“Then get going. I’ll text you later?” Jungkook asks with hope filling his eyes.
“Yeah.” You smile.
Work was lame as usual, nothing eventful happened. Yoongi must have been too busy at the shop today since he didn’t come in for cookies. You decide you will go see him at the record shop tomorrow but for now…you’re dealing with something else—someone else.
“Oh? You thought Trina wouldn’t tell me?” It’s Jimin. He’s sitting on the edge of your bed with a popsicle between his lips. “Huh Miss Hickeys?”
“Jimin.” You drag his name out, “It’s not a big deal!” you throw your hands up in exasperation. “We were just really drunk and it didn’t mean anything. Just two drunk idiots.”
“Idiots, for sure.” Jimin sucks on the tip of the popsicle while he speaks.
“Seriously, it isn’t a big deal. We’re both over it.”
“Are you? You like him and he…fuck, this is getting so ridiculous. Promise me, just promise me…you will tell him the truth? You might be sur—”
“Jimin, stop.”
Jimin huffs out a deep, long breath and rolls his eyes at you.
“No.” he says matter of fact. “I won’t stop until you two talk.”
“Anyway there’s something more important we need to talk about…” you begin, “He told me about his mom.”
Jimin’s expression goes from shocked to guilty. He takes a few moments to finish the popsicle, biting the last inch or two and throwing the stick in the trashcan.
“I know. He told me.”
“He’s been wanting to tell you for a long time y/n…but he just—”
“I know. It must have been really hard for him…all this time…”
“Yeah.” Jimin bows his head, “Me and Tae are the only ones who know because we were friends with him when it happened. That’s the only reason why or else I’m not sure anyone would know.”
“Is that…is that Jungkook’s secret? That you three…”
Jimin’s eyes expand as he realizes what you are talking about.
“N-No.” He admits softly, “That’s something else. That’s something Jungkook will definitely have to tell you on his own and trust me if you guys just talked…”
You tilt your head in confusion. What’s the correlation?
“Anyway, Jimin has Jungkook ever cried to you? About it all?” you ask, curiosity getting the best of you.
“He didn’t even cry at the funeral y/n.”
Fuck. You had a feeling. But knowing for sure is a whole other thing. The way Jungkook broke down in front of you felt like it was his first time and maybe it was and that makes your heart ache.
“Did he…cry? In front of you?” Jimin asks, his voice barely above a whisper.
“Oh… he must really trust you.”
You only nod your head in response.
“If you guys just learned to communicate better…I’m really rooting for you two.”
Your heart swells at Jimin’s little confession and you nod your head again, this time with tears pricking at the corner of your eyes.
“Thanks Jimin.” Finally, you feel supported. And it makes you breathe just a little easier.
“I know things haven’t always been easy with you two ever since the Tae thing…but honestly this goes back even further. Doesn’t it?”
“Yeah. We…I don’t know what’s with us.” You chuckle bitterly.
“I do. And I am going to force you two to talk one of these days. I swear on it. I will give you guys some time but damn babe, this is just…” Jimin releases a long breath. “Just don’t give up, okay?”
“Can’t you just tell me?” you don’t mean to sound like you are begging but you kind of do.
“No. It’s truly truly not my place.”
“I can’t just assume what you are talking about, you know? I can’t hope for the best then get crushed. That’s too scary, Jimin.”
“I understand babe.” Jimin scoots closer to you until he’s within arms-reach and caresses your calve. “Just talk to him, please.”
“Too scary.”
“One of these days one of you will have the courage.”
“And what could be in this little baggy of yours?” Yoongi grins, showing his wonderful gummy smile.
“I brought you 2 cookies Mister Oatmeal Raisin!” You shake the little bag in front of his face in a teasing manner and he chuckles.
“What did I do to deserve your kindness?” He takes the baggy from you and inspects both cookies. “You decided not to be bratty today?” he questions with a smile. “These cookies are perfect.”
You decided to visit the record shop today, on this fine afternoon. It’s one of those days where it’s cloudy and looks like it could rain but it never does. You love days like that.
“This place looks so nice!” you say, bobbing your head around to get a proper look.
“There’s a section where you can sit and drink coffee…it’s not much but its cozy. Wanna check it out?” Yoongi offers, gesturing towards the other side of the shop.
“Yeah.” You say, “Lead the way.”
He guides you to the other side of the shop next to a window. There’s a table for two and he’s right—it is cozy looking.
You sit down and wait for Yoongi as he fetches two coffees, which you are so excited about since you have a fucking addiction.
He sets a cup down in front of you and takes his seat.
“So any new happy moments in life? Anything new to be grateful for?”
“That’s a trick question,” Yoongi’s eyes go small as he smiles widely, “There’s always new moments to be grateful for.”
You can’t help but laugh, you bring the steaming hot coffee to your mouth and you blow on the liquid multiple times before bringing it to your lips and taking a sip.
“Yes I guess so.” You smile.
“And what are they?”
“I’m grateful the sun is hiding today, I like the clouds a lot.”
“I love that.” Yoongi takes a sip of his own coffee. “What else?”
“I’m happy you brought me coffee.”
“I’m glad I somehow made it on your list of things.”
“What about you?” you ask.
“I’m grateful my A.C is working again!” he laughs, “It was actually broken for a couple days and I had like 5 fans plugged in around the place. I don’t think anyone wanted to come in here.”
“Oh no! Well, I’m glad it’s working!”
“How are things with your friend Jungkook? You guys were complicated last time I checked.”
You raise your brows in surprise that Yoongi would bring up Jungkook. But somehow you also aren’t surprised, it seems Yoongi takes a genuine interest in your life.
“We’re actually doing okay…” You bring the coffee back to your lips, taking another sip when—
“Have you told him your feelings yet?” Yoongi casually takes a gulp of coffee as you choke on yours.
“Excuse me?”
“Sorry…was that too forward?” Yoongi sets his cup down. “To be fair, you both are very obvious.
“What do you means us ‘both’?” You grab a napkin and wipe your chin where coffee dribbled.
“He clearly likes you too.” Yoongi stares at you as you stare back with a blank expression, and he laughs. “You two remind me of myself and someone I used to know.”
“Used to?”
“We were never on the same page…too many missed opportunities that it ruined anything we could have had.” Yoongi frowns for a split second before breaking out into a soft, gummy smile. “I’d hate to see that happen to you.”
“But if it does then better for me?” he whispers with a smile in his voice.
“What do you mean by—”
“Oh. But he has a girlfriend, right?” Yoongi cuts you off with his question.
“Not exactly but basically…”
Vanessa. Your stomach drops at the mention of her and you hate it. Why does she have to have such a strong affect on you? Why does she even have to exist? You mean, she can exist but maybe not in your life—or Jungkook’s life.
Suddenly, the doors bell goes off with a ding and Yoongi is smiling brightly at whoever just walked in. You continue to sip your coffee not giving it much mind.
“Taehyung!” Yoongi shouts out, standing from his chair to wave over his friend.
Wait, Taehyung? He can’t mean the same Taehyung—
Oh shit. You turn around in your seat and your face falls when you see him. Even on this cloudy day his skin is so golden like the sun is shining down on him, he looks bright and beautiful. As usual.
“Hi Taehyung.” You wave awkwardly. He can immediately tell how uncomfortable you are, his face deepening into a frown.
“I can come by later…” he offers to you.
“No, no. Don’t be ridiculous.” You try smiling but it’s quite tense.
Yoongi looks between you two and he points between your bodies.
“You two know each other?”
“We went to school together, had mutual friends blah blah blah.” You say.
Taehyung only agrees with the nod of his head. Yoongi blinks at your two and opens his mouth to say ‘Ah.’ And heads to the back for another cup of coffee.
“How have you been y/n?” Taehyung asks awkwardly, he shifts from one foot to the other as he stands here.
“Pretty good, I think.”
“You think?” he chuckles. “Hey, sorry if my texts bother you…”
“They don’t.” you say honestly. “Sorry I don’t always reply.”
“It’s okay, I understand. How’s…Jungkook?” Taehyung eyes shoot down to the floor. “He doesn’t answer my texts either. It really hurts to see years of friendship go down the drain…”
“He’s mad at you Tae,” You begin, “But I think one of these days he will chill out.” You laugh and this makes Taehyung ease up.
“He really fucking loves you.”
“Well we are best friends… sort of.”
“Sort of?”
“We kind of stopped talking for a little while but we’re back to being friends.” You try explaining but Yoongi is walking back in with a cup of coffee in hand. He hands it to Taehyung, which he accepts gratefully.
“You’re here for that new Jazz mix record, right? I have it behind the counter for you.” Yoongi says to Taehyung and Taehyung only gives him a thumbs up. He eyes you curiously, wondering what the hell happened between you and Jungkook.
“I have to get back to work boys!” You stand from the table, “Thanks for the coffee Yoongs”
Yoongi smiles at the new nickname.
“And maybe I’ll see you around, Tae?”
“Yeah.” Taehyung gives you his signature boxy grins and you feel like maybe things all around are getting better. Just maybe.
Jungkook has his hands knotted in Vanessa’s hair as she chokes on his cock, her lips wrapped around it fully.
“Fuck.” Jungkook whines out, “I’m so close.”
Vanessa only moans in response, she continues to bob her head up and down on his dick making his orgasm approach quickly.
“Gonna come, gonna come.”
And he does, he comes down her throat and she swallows it all perfectly. Only a drop or two left behind on her lips which she quickly wipes away with her fingers.
Vanessa stands to her feet and Jungkook pulls her in for a quick kiss.
“That was good…” he says, somewhat out of breath.
“Glad.” She says smoothly, going in for another kiss. This time she lingers, her lips lasting for a moment longer on his.
Vanessa’s fingers brush against his neck, she traces the outline of one last bruise left on the side below his ear.
“Did you think I wouldn’t notice?” she smiles coyly. “You two sure are weird.” She says flatly.
“It’s fine. I know you know I still see him. It’s not like we agreed to be exclusive.” She taps her skinny fingers on his chest.
“But we are trying aren’t we? To make this work?”
“You aren’t trying very hard, are you?” the amusement in her voice doesn’t go unnoticed by Jungkook.
“He cheated on you, Vanessa. Why are you still seeing him? I thought you said he has a girlfriend now?”
Vanessa pauses her tapping on his chest, her eyes go wide for a second. Like, for a second she wasn’t void of emotion.
“He does.” She says smoothly before she begins tapping her fingers against his chest again.
“He cheated on me with this girl.” She admits, “Little does this bitch know—”
“Is that healthy? Getting revenge?” Jungkook asks, concern lacing his voice.
Vanessa continues to tap her fingers as she narrows her eyes at Jungkook.
“You want to talk to me about what’s healthy?” her empty laugh fills the room.
“I want you to stop.” Jungkook’s hands go to her hips, “Let’s be exclusive, Vanessa.”
“I can’t stop…” she whispers softly, “I can’t let go.”
Jungkook observes Vanessa for a few moments, she looks as vulnerable as she did the first time she talked about her ex with him. He feels sorry for her. He really does want her to move on, for her own sake.
“You can move forward, Vanessa. You have me.”
Vanessa looks into his eyes, studying his serious expression. She can tell he means well but…she doesn’t have him. She never will.
“Please Vanessa, we can make this work.” He begs, yes begs.
Vanessa tilts her head to the side. Oh? This must be his desperation talking, she thinks. His desperation to get over you. She knows this. And she doesn’t hold it against him and instead she decides to help him.
“Okay, let’s make this work.”
y/n 8:09pm
On a scale of 1-10 how bad do you wanna watch spirited away right now?
Jungkook 8:15pm
11 girl don’t play
y/n 8:16pm
I thought so, I think this means you need to come over and watch it w meeee
Jungkook 8:20pm
Lemme shower and I’ll be over:)
y/n 8:22pm
Bring beer pllllssss
Jungkook 8:42pm
On my way
y/n 8:45pm
Drive safe bb
It’s around 9pm exactly when you hear soft knocking on the front door. You scurry towards the door and open it, finding Jungkook on the other side. He is wearing your favorite gray puma sweat suit and his hair is wavy and damp. He smiles at you when he sees you eyeing him up and down.
“Like what you see?” he teases.
“Wow, what a classic line Jungkook. Real original.” You scoff, letting the boy through.
Jungkook walks in, setting down a case of beer on the breakfast table.
“I brought our favorite.” He gestures towards the beer on the table. “Let’s drink it while it’s nice and chilly.”
“Agreed. I already have the movie set up.” You point towards the T.V “Ready for our viewing pleasure.”
“Where’s Holly?” Jungkook takes two beers from the case, handing one over to you.
“Her and Trina went out to some bar, I didn’t feel like going.” You take the beer and twist off the cap, Jungkook does the same. You two clank the bottles together in cheers and take a few sips.
“Ah.” You say, the refreshing beer making you feel well, refreshed.
“Because you don’t feel like going to a bar? Or because you would rather hang out with me?” Jungkook smirks, taking another sip of his beer.
“Because I didn’t feel like getting pretty.” You bring the beer to your lips, but you don’t drink from the bottle, just waiting for a response instead.
“You’re always pretty.”
You take a sip of the beer, feeling satisfied with his response. “I know.” You half joke.
“Let’s go to a bar.” Jungkook blurts out.
“Let’s go in our lounge clothes.” He smiles, “Let’s just do it.”
“No!” you laugh out, “We look like slobs. Well, I do. You look…” your hand motions towards his body, “You know, you look…”
“Are you trying to say I’m hot, y/n?” Jungkook’s sly smile grows as he drinks his beer.
“You know what I mean.” You huff out.
“Well, I think the same of you. So let’s go.”
You can’t help but laugh, you continue to drink your beer back, the liquid settling nicely.
“Okay. Fuck it, let’s do it.” You can’t help but grin, the idea of going to a bar in yoga pants and a t shirt with your sort of best friend sounds so great to you.
“But maybe a little makeup…” Jungkook starts chuckling as you hit his arm with your fist.
“Shut up.”
The bar is mostly pretty casual, maybe not as casual as you and Jungkook but still casual.
Only a small handful of people are actually dressed nicely, but mostly are in jeans and nice shirts. Somehow Jungkook is still the hottest guy here. Even in his sweat suit. You’re surprised you two even got let in, does this place not have some sort of dress code? Guess not.
It’s pretty loud inside, the place has a live band and a decent dance floor. You and Jungkook head towards the bar and take your seats.
The bartender takes a few minutes to reach you two and when she does she automatically nods at Jungkook for his order.
“Two long islands please.” He says, he smirks towards you and you smile back. Long islands? Oh you’re getting drunk drunk tonight.
“You got it.” She smiles at him with all her teeth, and turns around to start mixing the drinks.
“Long islands, huh?” you rest your head in your hand on the bar top.
“I figure neither of us are driving tonight, we might as well go hard.” Jungkook smiles at you. “I’ll buy this first round?”
“Sounds good to me.” You bump fists with Jungkook with a wide smile. “Wanna make a bet?”
“What’s that?” Jungkook quirks a brow at you.
“I bet you $5 that by the end of the night the bartender will hit on you.”
“But I also bet $5 that the bartender will hit on me.” Jungkook pouts.
You stare at him in disbelief at his cockiness and you burst out into giggles.
“Fair enough.” You say between laughs.
The bartender slides two drinks to you and Jungkook, she twists and twirls her hair in her fingers as she asks Jungkook how it tastes. He takes a sip and gives her a thumbs up, you can’t help but snicker.
“Can we also get two tequila shots?” you wave at the bartender. She turns to face you and frowns.
“Sure.” She puts on a fake smile and turns to fill up two shot glasses with tequila. She sets them in front of you a Jungkook and tells you the amount due.
“Tequila shots? Are we trying to fucking die tonight?” Jungkook chuckles from beside you. He grabs two limes and hands you one.
“To us.” You say, lifting your shot in the air.
“To you.” Jungkook whispers as you clank glasses and throw back the shots.
Holy shit, you are fucking wasted. After several tequila shots and a few long islands you and Jungkook are barely holding on. Okay, fine. It’s not that bad. But you guys are really drunk!
His hand hasn’t left your waist for hours, and it feels so fucking nice. It feels perfect. It feels right.
“y/n?” a voice calls out to you. You know this voice, really well in fact.
“Taehyung!” you cheer. You stumble forward and go in for a high five and his drunk ass high fives you back.
“Fancy seeing you again.” You giggle.
Jungkook’s hand grips your waist tighter as he narrows his eyes at Taehyung.
“What do you mean again?” Jungkook asks, his voice low.
“We ran into each other at my friend Yoongi’s” you slur out.
“Hi Jungkookie.” Taehyung awkwardly sways back and forth, his words also slurred. It’s obvious he’s on the same level as drunk as you.
“…Hey.” Jungkook hesitates to respond, he looks between you two. “y/n…is this okay? Talking to him?”
“Hm? Oh? Yeah.” You stare at Jungkook blankly. Why wouldn’t it be, you think.
“Jungkook, maybe we could talk just the two of us?”
You look between the boys and somehow you feel yourself sobering up just a bit.
“Uh. I’ll go to the bathroom.” You say, already walking away.
“You know how sorry I feel.” Taehyung begins, “About everything.”
“What’s everything?” Jungkook mumbles under his breath.
“I’m sorry for what I did to y/n. But I am also sorry for holding your secret over you like that to keep mine.”
“Yeah,” Jungkook slurs out, “That was fucked up.”
“I miss you guys…” Taehyung takes a sip of his drink, “Even Jimin barely talks to me.”
“Shouldn’t have messed with our girl.”
“You mean, your girl.” Taehyung drunkenly corrects Jungkook.
“Seriously man, when are you just going to grow the fucking balls?” Taehyung raises his voice just a bit, “It’s clear how you both feel—”
“You don’t know what you’re talking about man, plus I have a girlfriend now—”
“You guys are official now?” You walk up to the boys, cutting in. You feel like maybe he’s just saying that.
“y/n…yeah, we just made it official.” Jungkook admits, running a hand through his hair, sighing out in frustration.
Oh. You feel your heart begin to crumble. They’re dating for real now?
“Do you have feelings for her?” You blurt out.
Jungkook shifts from one foot to another, he breathes in and out in and out. He bites on his bottom lip, thinking of how to respond.
“I don’t know what to say to that.”
Well, at least he’s honest.
“Well, I’m going to head back to my friends…” Taehyung butts in awkwardly. “It was nice seeing you two.” And with that he’s slipping away in the crowd.
“Wanna dance?” you say, trying your best to change the subject. You decide you don’t want to know his answer.
“Sure.” Jungkook smiles at you, he reaches for your hand and you squeeze his tightly. You guide him to the dance floor, the song is a slow one. You two look at one another but there’s nothing awkward about this. He guides your arms to wrap around his neck and his hands circle around your waist, he pulls you in close as you two sway to the music.
“Never go 3 months without me again.” You whisper into his neck.
“W-Why are you bringing that up now?”
“I have to keep my eyes on you, Jungkook. Without my supervision you go off and get yourself a girlfriend.” Your drunken words pierce his heart.
“Is that a problem?” He whispers back. “Yes, a big problem.” You lean back to get a look at his face, he’s already staring down at you, he somehow brings you in even closer.
“Whys that?” He breathes out.
“Want you all for myself.” You admit, drunk words are sober thoughts right?
“You want me baby?” Jungkook leans down until he’s so close, like he cannot control it.
“Yes.” You blink up at him, your lips parted.
The song changes but you two continue to dance like it’s a slow song.
“I bet you $5 that some guy will hit on you in the next couple of minutes.”
You tilt your head and drunkenly giggle, “I highly doubt that.”
Jungkook reaches in his back pocket and hands you a five dollar bill.
“What’s this f—”
“You’re so fucking beautiful” and then his lips are just a mere inch away from yours before he’s pulling back with a look of horror and guilt plastered on his face.
“I—I’m sorry, I don’t know what’s gotten into me. I’m with Vanessa now. I’m just drunk. I’m really drunk. You’re really drunk. We don’t know what we’re doing.” He drunkenly rambles.
You feel your heart sink down into your lower belly, you feel it crack and break into a million pieces. That’s right. Vanessa. He’s making it work with that girl.
“Yeah, it’s okay.”
“You’re my best friend y/n.” Jungkook slurs out, “I’m trying so hard not to ruin that.”
You only nod your head.
“Let’s go home.” You say.
Your bed is comfy as ever, especially this drunk. Jungkook takes his shirt off and slips into the sheets, settling next to you.
“Wanna cuddle?” he offers.
“I don’t know if Vanessa would like that.” You slur.
“Right.” Jungkook lays on his back, his arms folding beneath his head. “Should I sleep in the living room?”
“No. I want you here.” You admit between soft breaths. “I always want you here.” You yawn out.
“Good.” Jungkook reaches out to hold you, “I don’t think Vanessa will mind if I cuddle my best friend for just five minutes.”
“Five minutes only” you tease. You shuffle closer to him, his warmth escaping his body and clinging to yours.
You two fall asleep like this. Morning comes slowly, like the world is giving you a chance to really appreciate one another’s company. Like the world knows that moments like this are so hard to come by. Like the world knows that you two need this.
When you wake up the next day, its half past noon. You’re still in Jungkook’s arms while he is dead asleep. You nuzzle into his chest and thank the world for giving you this moment. This moment to embrace him like he is yours, a moment to kiss his cheek like he is yours, a moment to whisper you love him like he is yours.
But he isn’t. He isn’t yours and that’s the reality. But you thank the world nonetheless. Because you need these moments to stay sane. But how do you two always end up like this? Can you keep blaming the alcohol? He tried to kiss you last night and that’s also the reality.
Jungkook wanted to kiss you. Can he keep saying it’s just because he’s drunk?
But he’s with Vanessa now and you have to respect that. And you will respect that.
You thank the world though, that right now he’s in your arms, breathing your air, and sharing this moment. Just you and him.
Finally, after another half hour Jungkook begins to stir in his sleep.
You stare at him as he wakes up and his sleepy eyes find yours.
“G’morning.” His voice is low and raspy and you want to swoon.
“We…” he looks between your bodies. “Didn’t do anything, right?”
You feel your chest tighten, “No, Jungkook.” You answer calmly.
“Okay…” Jungkook frowns, “We can’t keep doing this, can we?”
Somehow you know exactly what he’s talking about, you can’t keep building this tension between you two. It goes nowhere.
“No” You admit softly, “We can’t.”
You think about Jimin’s words…could Jungkook…? But you don’t want to jump to happy conclusions, put yourself out there and then be wrong. But he tried to fucking kiss you. The girls were right, is this really all for you? You can’t keep doing this. It’s not good for you. “We really can’t.” you say again.
Jungkook smiles, but its soft and sad and makes you want to kiss his pouting lips until he shows you a real smile but you can’t.
“I’m sorry about last night.” Jungkook moves to his back, he stares up at the ceiling.
“I was just really drunk.” He continues, “Drunk me is wild.” He chuckles awkwardly.
“Is that really an excuse anymore?” you feel brave enough to say.
“Forget it. We’re okay.”
“Are we?” Jungkook moves back to his side, facing you. He gives you a troubled look and you melt. Why are you always melting because of this man?
“Yeah. What’s more important is that your birthday is next week…”
“Oh yeah.”
“Can I be in charge of your party?”
“I don’t want a party, just a couple of friends.”
“Let me host it!”
“Okay, fine.” Jungkook smiles, “I can’t wait.”
“Do I have to invite Vanessa?”
“y/n.” Jungkook groans.
“Kidding!” you sing. Although, you aren’t entirely sure that you’re just kidding.
“It would be nice if you could plan this with Vanessa actually…she mentioned wanting to do something nice for my birthday too.” He sort of whispers out, like he didn’t want you to actually hear.
“Oh.” You aren’t sure what to say. You obviously don’t want co-host a get together with Vanessa but she is his girlfriend after all.
You and Vanessa? Let’s see how this goes.
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warmblanketwhump · 3 years
flight plan: part 2
no planes in this one - just some good old-fashioned sickfic! But if you want the backstory, check out part 1 here.
“A, can you hand me my glass of water? Pleaaaase?” B sticks out their bottom lip in a pout, and A can’t help but laugh.
“Okay, you. It’s been four days and I know you’re getting better, because you’re getting pesky again.” A straightens the blankets and slides their hand up to feel B’s cheek. “Still a little warm, but I think you’re on your way out of the woods.”
“So I should milk this while I can?” B flutters their eyelashes and gives a pitifully fake cough, which slips into a real one, sharp and rattling. Concern flits across A’s eyes, and they help B take a few sips from the glass.
Despite the joking, A didn’t kid themselves about how sick B had been, or how awful they’d truly felt after getting off the plane. The first two days had been nightmarish - B barely conscious, shivering with chills and sweating through their sheets, alternating between terrifying fever dreams and inconsolable moaning and weeping.
A did their best to hold them through it, but they had been minutes away from hauling B to the hospital. Thankfully B’s fever had spiked just one final time before settling into general low-grade misery.
“As long as you need me, sweetheart, you’ve got me.” B gives a tired smile and pulls the blanket to their chin, huddling around the new stuffed animal A gave them at the airport.
“Did you call C?”
“Ah, not yet. Too busy with you, ya sick little bean.” A gently fluffs B’s hair. “You rest, and I’ll give them a call now.”
But C doesn’t pick up. Nor do they pick up an hour later, leaving A stuck with the unpleasant task of leaving a voicemail.
“Um, hi…this is A. I just wanted to call and let you know that B’s on the mend. They’re still pretty weak, but I think things are looking up. So…yeah. Thanks for everything you did for B - once they were feeling better, they told me all about what you did. And I…well, I care a lot about them. Obviously. So I appreciate it. I guess you can call back if you-”
The message cuts off, and A groans. Hopefully that was enough. Still, they couldn’t shake the uneasy feeling in the pit of their stomach.
Later, they settle in with B to watch a movie, B’s head cradled in their lap as A combs their fingers soothingly through their hair, reveling in the sheer normalcy of it all. They both end up falling asleep, and when A blinks awake as the credits roll, they notice a missed call from C. B’s still out, so they click to listen to the voicemail.
“Hey, A….sorry I *coughs*…missed you earlier. Wasn’t able to *sniffs* make it to the phone. So glad to hear that B’s *cough cough* doing better. I think they did a little sharing.” C laughs weakly, but A can hear the sheer exhaustion in their voice. “Anyways, glad they had you. And if you’ve got any survival tips, feel free to pass them along…..I’m just kidding. *cough* I’ll be fine. Anyways, I’ll…see you around, I guess.” They pause briefly, like they want to say something more, but a coughing fit steals their breath away, and the message ends with a click cutting off the rough gasps.
The pit in A’s stomach comes back. C sounds sick.
“Who….who was that?” B mumbles from their spot on A’s lap.
“It was C. They called back and they….didn’t sound so good.”
B’s eyes snap to meet A’s, more alert than they have been in days. “Did they sound like me?”
C pauses. They hadn’t thought about not telling B, but in hindsight, maybe they should have. After all, it’d only flood B with guilt, and they needed all the energy they had to get well. But one look at B’s concern, and they knew they wouldn’t be able to lie.
“Yeah. They did.” Immediately B struggles to push themselves up, throwing their blanket off their shoulders and trying to stand.
“Whoa, hold it there. Where do you think you’re going?”
“To C. If they’re sick, it’s from me, and if any hints from the past four days of living with me are any indication, we gotta help them.”
A throws their hands up, pressing B back on the couch. “Hold up. We don’t know them, we don’t know if someone’s already taking care of them, and we don’t know where they live. I’m sure they’re-“
B frantically shakes their head. “You didn’t hear them. On the plane. From what they said…I don’t think they have anyone. I have to go.”
A chews their lip. “Well, let’s get things straight first. You’re in no shape to go help them. Which leaves me. A random stranger they don’t know. And you want me to check on them?”
The question was meant to be sarcastic, but B nods vigorously and fear fills their eyes with a fevered anxiety. “A, you saw how sick I was. You think anyone’s gonna be able to fight through that alone?”
A sighs wearily. They could blame it on the fact that arguing with a sick B was like arguing with a brick wall. But truthfully, what did their heart in was the thought of B alone on that plane, sick and shivering and miserable, if C hadn’t helped.
Fine. They’d send a text.
You okay? You sounded kinda rough on the phone. B was worried….
A few moments later, C responds.
Eh, I’ve felt better. But thank you for asking. And tell B not to feel bad. They were a better seatmate than most.
A smile tugs at A. At least this C was polite.
Is there anything you need? B said something about you being by yourself.
This pause was longer. The dots appeared and disappeared a few times, before a message came through.
I hate to take advantage, but is there ANY way you could bring over some cough medicine? I ran out a couple days ago. No worries if not - I can figure it out.
C’s heart sank. So they were alone. Sure, they didn’t say it - but any good friend or significant other worth their salt wouldn’t leave someone they loved without medicine for days.
I’ll bring some to you! Want to meet somewhere neutral, or just want me to drop it off?
In moments, C sends a response and an address.
Dropping off is fine. You are an actual lifesaver.
A settles B into bed with blankets, a cup of water, hot tea, and six types of medicine on the side table. “Now if you get worse, call me and I’ll turn around immediately. Nothing’s more important than you, okay?”
B shook their head. “I’ll be fine. They need someone.”
A heaves a sigh. “You’re too good, you.” They give B a quick forehead kiss, and head out into the night.
By the time they get to C’s apartment, their stomach is flip-flopping - C is a stranger. A lonely stranger, but a random stranger nonetheless. They come to C’s door and knock tentatively, gripping the paper bag of cough medicine (plus some cough drops and Tylenol for good measure), and hold their breath.
Nothing. A few minutes go by and A knocks again. They’re ready to break down the door if C doesn’t answer soon, but they realize what took so long right after they hear the click of the deadbolt.
A had seen corpses that looked more alive than C did right now. They lean heavily on the doorframe, sweat beaded on their forehead, a thick grey throw blanket clutched tightly around their shoulders. Their face is hollow and devoid of color, lips dry and cracked, their hair mussed and matted to their head. The cool night air hits their fevered body, triggering a round of chills that make them shudder. Despite their misery, a tiny light of gratitude flits across their eyes, and they stare incredulously at the paper bag in A’s hands.
“C….” A’s jaw drops to the ground.
“A, I seriously owe you one.” C tries to laugh, but it turns into a wheezing chest cough, high pitched and tense as they fight to catch their breath. Their eyes blink slowly, and they start to slide down the doorframe, but A grabs them and they both tumble inside.
Even through the blanket, A can feel C’s every bone. C weakly clings to A as they stumble toward the couch, and A deposits them on the cushions before tearing into the package of meds.
“What have you taken so far today?” A asks, trying to figure out the dosages.
“I….nothing…” C mumbles. A meets their eyes in disbelief before cracking open the blister packet and retrieving a proper dose. Grabbing an empty glass on the side table, they fill it before helping C choke the pills down. C greedily gulps the whole glass, breathing heavily once they’ve drained it.
“Water…water’s good.” C smiles blearily - they’re almost completely out of it. A presses a hand to the side of C’s neck, and C flinches at the cool touch. Their neck feels like a bank of hot coals, slick with sweat, lymph nodes sore and swollen. Their forehead isn’t much cooler either.
“C, when’s the last time you ate or drank anything?”
C cocks their head like A just asked them to recite the entire periodic table. “I….not sure? Days….kinda blurry.”
A’s seen enough. “C, you’ve got to go to the hospital. I haven’t even seen your temp, but you’re burning up even worse than B was.”
C frantically grasps at A’s wrists, sharp panic flooding their eyes. “Please…no…no hospital. I can’t. The meds….I’m fine here. Please.” A shiver wracks their body, and they hunch their shoulders, wrapping themselves back up and pulling the blanket over their nose. “Please. You can go now.”
“C, you need help-“
“I don’t.” Their voice breaks on the last word, cut off by a brief hiccuping sob.
Confusion rises through A - one minute C’s a grateful wreck, and the next moment they’re demanding they leave?
“C, I don’t understand-“
“You don’t get it. You think it feels all nice, having people care about you. Making you feel like you matter. And then they leave you. Get tired of you. Decide you’re not worth it. And it hurts worse than if they were never there at all.” C scrubs their eye with the corner of their blanket and sniffles as tears run down their cheeks. “I can’t let it happen again. I have to be alone. So just go. Please.”
A’s speechless. They kneel down next to the couch, hand tentatively hovering above C.
“C, is it okay if I put my hand on you right now?” C’s still sniffling, but they nod and mumble a weak “yes”, and A gently lets their hand rest on this stranger’s shoulder.
“C, I want to respect what you want right now. But you should know that you’re very sick. And you’ve managed in your own way - how, I have no idea - but you need some help right now. Now I can either call the hospital and let them handle it, or take you home with me. It’s up to you. Otherwise, you need to look me in the eye and tell me honestly that you want to be left alone through this.”
They squeeze C’s shoulder, and it triggers a deep gasping sob from their broken, aching body, sending a fault line straight through A’s heart. The sob turns to weeping, and A can barely make out the words C whimpers: "I don't want to hurt anymore."
God, who broke this poor thing? A bites their lip. C’s losing it. They’re running out of options short of forcing C to come with them, and that’s the last thing they want to do to a delirious, love-starved person who’s known them all of 6 minutes.
“C, I’m not gonna hurt you. I want to help you. Heck, even B wants to help you. I had to practically pin them down to the bed before leaving, they were so hell bent on this rescue.”
C’s red, swollen eyes meet A’s. “You mean….they asked after me?”
“Yes. They did. They could hardly stop talking about you once they came to their senses.” A rubs C’s knee through the blankets. “And they’d never forgive me if I left you here alone - they were very adamant about that. So if you want to save me a lot of arguing with and consoling of a very sad B, you’d actually be doing me a favor coming back with me.”
C seems to be weighing their options, all while struggling to stay awake on the couch. “I mean…if it saves you the trouble….”
A’s the one nodding vigorously now. “Please. It would.” Please. Just come back with me. I can’t leave you here like this. But I don’t know what else to do.
C presses themselves up off the couch with a single shaking arm. “Well, if it’d help you, then I accept.” And then they promptly pass out into A’s waiting arms.
It’s late when A gets back home with a limp C, and B is knocked out in their room, light still on - they’d tried to wait up, but their body still craved rest.
A carries C over the threshold and into the house. They gently lay the bundle on the bed and feel their forehead - still too hot, but the medicine seemed to be working. They manage to wake C up enough to take a few sips of broth from a mug before they pass out again.
For the briefest moment, A lets their hand touch C's shoulder again, making a silent promise they barely know how to keep: I don't know who broke you, but I'm not gonna let you hurt any more. I won't allow it.
A wave of exhaustion floods their body as they feel the effects of several late nights and long days of caretaking. They'd be no good to anyone if they didn't get any rest. A drapes an extra blanket over C’s sleeping form and heads for the couch for the night - they’d check back in an hour or so.
B’s awakened by the sound of sniffling. And it’s not theirs. They blink tentatively in the lamplight, sleep clouding their thoughts. Snatching a blanket from the top of their bed, they wrap up, stuffed animal under one arm, and shuffle across the hall to see where the sound is coming from.
It’s C, swathed in two blankets, holding a wad of tissues and trembling like a leaf. B flicks on the bedside table lamp, and C winces at the light. B can see the tear stains on their cheeks.
“Cold,” C whimpers, coughing weakly. Pity floods B - it’s like looking at a picture of themselves just a few days ago. They reach out and put their hand on C’s head, and C leans into the touch.
“Yeah, this part sucks,” B says softly, guilt flooding their core. Sure, they didn’t mean to make C sick. But they did. And they felt a certain responsibility to make sure they made it through okay - just like C had cared for them on the plane.
“Can I get you anything? Another blanket, tea, medicine?”
“Throat hurts…water…please?” B nods and places the stuffed animal next to C before beginning the long, slow shuffle to the kitchen. A’s asleep on the couch, and they can’t bear to wake them up for something this small. But by the time they get to the kitchen, their legs are trembling with exertion. Easy there. You’re still sick, too.
They brace themselves against the sink as the glass fills, and will themselves to make the final journey back to C. By the time they’ve returned, the glass feels like a lead weight in their hand, and their entire body is chilled and shivery all over. They do their best to help C take a few sips, holding the glass with trembling hands, bracing themselves on the bed so they don’t tip over.
“Thank….thank you,” C’s grateful eyes meet theirs, and in a split second B knows the effort was worth it. But the validation is replaced with a bout of lightheadedness that nearly topples them onto C.
“Sorry,” B gasps. “Still not up to marathons yet. Just...need a minute.” They tug their blanket tighter, closing their eyes. “And this body forgot how to stay warm when I do stuff.” C’s eyes flood with concern - even in their fevered haze, they can see B struggling.
"Want to sit for a minute?" C asks softly, patting the open spot next to them on the bed. “I’m still cold, too.”
B wriggles into the spot, propping themselves up on pillows and pulling blankets over them both. "Just a minute - you need your sleep."
C's already dozing. "S'okay. I'll sleep just fine. 'Sides, you're warm." C's nestled themselves into B's side, head resting on their chest, and B wraps an arm around C's shoulder and holds them close. They’re warm, too. Just a minute....
Many minutes later, A pokes their head in to check in on C - and finds two sick peas in a pod curled up together, C's head still on B's chest, B's arm curled protectively around C, stuffed animal squished between them, both tangled in blankets and Kleenexes.
In spite of their own exhaustion, A smiles. After everything that had happened, they had a feeling C wouldn't ever be alone again.
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xpeachesncream · 4 years
bands | eleven
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[ series masterlist ]
summary: jeon jungkook has it all: the looks, the fame, the money, the women. being considered the sexiest man in the industry, he finds no complaints about the way his life is going nor does he find any reason to apologize for the way he approaches it. he is a force to be reckoned with - until he meets you.
pairing: stripper!reader x idol!jjk
genre: (18+) strip club/nightlife au, post grad au | fluff, angst, smut
words: 5.2k
warnings: cussing, mature language/implied sexual content, club scene, alcohol consumption, mentions of intoxication, mentions of dancing at the club, little bit of those insecurities coming back into play, good ol’ phone sex in the hotel room, mutual masturbation, unprotected sex, oral (m. & f. receiving), multiple orgasms, fingering, breast play, doggy style, hair pulling, slight choking, creampie
tags: @brightcolorsoffendme​ @min-nicoleee​ @eggbutnotyolk​ @ra-mun-e @miinoongi​ @jimidol​ @ppeachyttae​ @thebeebi​ @bluesharksandfish​ @kooafraid​ @liriaus​ @thisartemisnevermisses​ @ggukkieland​ @preciouschimine​ @sunniejinnie​ @cypheruby​ @cyb3rbab3​ @masterlists101​ @awhnamjoon​ @redhedhoseok​ @wooya1224​ (please message me if you would like to be added to the taglist!)
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"Club tonight before we go back home?" Taehyung grips onto Jungkook's shoulders as they walked out of the venue and into their cars that would take them back to the hotel.
"Yeah, come on. Everyone said yes so far! It's been so long since all of us have gone to the club together without it being a special occasion." Jungkook sighs. That statement was true, and he did love being able to hangout with everyone all together. However, he can't lie - he missed you. He barely had time to text or call you this entire trip like he wanted, and he all he wanted was to hear your voice and see your face until he could finally have you physically in his arms again.
"Fuck." Jungkook does a slight head tilt before letting out a small sigh. "Yeah, I'll come along." Taehyung smiles from ear to ear, squeezing his shoulder.
"I'm sure your girl won't mind if we steal you for a little tonight." Jungkook doesn't respond to Tae's statement and simply shakes his head with a small smile. To be honest, the guys were a little surprised to see that whole thing erupt between Jungkook and Bigs. They didn't think he was actually serious about you, the mysterious girl. Jimin, on the other hand, wouldn't dare say a word and simply lent a small chuckle or smile as his participation during their 'lets tease jeongguk' hours. But eventually, it all became a running joke and the boys learned to leave Jungkook alone because as they've learned before, Jungkook does what Jungkook wants.
He gets away with shit.
He cleans himself up and throws on a button up shirt with ripped black jeans and boots, fluffing his hair a bit before he steps back out and meets up with the boys.
[jungkook] 9:49pm: going out with the boys tonight
[y/n] 9:51pm: lol cheer up, have fun party pooper
[jungkook] 9:52pm: fineeeeeeee :( can i call you later?
[y/n] 9:55pm: you can always call me, i just don't know if i'll always pick up :)
[jungkook] 9:57pm: try and stay up please
[y/n] 10:01pm: maybe lol
He slightly smirks to himself. Hopefully you'd stay up, but he was starting to realize you always fell asleep early and that was okay too. He'd just have to wait to see you when he gets back tomorrow.
Once the boys have arrived at the club of choice, security escorts them to their VIP section, the club already packed from wall to wall with people screaming left and right. There's already a few bottle girls, and other girls waiting for them in the VIP from lord knows where, but Jungkook knows he's not trying to mess with any of it tonight. He truly didn't wanna be here, but to keep his boys happy, he decided to tag along and hang out.
"So many beautiful ladies." Jimin swings his arm around his torso and smirks.
"Go get 'em, champ." Jungkook chuckles.
"I would, if they all weren't eyeing you." He shakes his head.
"She's not eyeing me, she's looking at you." He nods towards a pretty, fair-skinned female with long, voluminous black hair. She's definitely eyeing Jimin, biting onto the tip of her finger as she tries to seduce him through her eyes. Her look. "Go." Jungkook slightly pushes him towards her, smiling as he stood back and watched. The rest of the boys were already enjoying themselves, either dancing around alone [aka Min Yoongi and Seokjinnie] or hopping behind girls for a dance.
"Why aren't you dancing with anyone?" Yoongi laughs. "I figured you would be the first to hop on someone."
"I don't feel like it." He takes a sip of his drink, hand dug deep into his pocket.
"You don't feel like it, or you're too busy missing your girlfriend?" Jin joked.
"I don't have a girlfriend!"
"Mhm, sure." Jin laughs. "You could at least reward yourself with a dance." Jungkook shrugs. Technically, he could. It was just a dance, and you still weren't his girlfriend even though he thought of you pretty seriously. But he knew how this would go, and it would get messy quick - especially with the way females nowadays loved to create drama and claim him. He wasn't up for it. And he didn't wanna do anything to hurt you, or disappoint you. The thought alone makes him feel terrible. You were just so pure-hearted, there was no way he could do anything to hurt your feelings.
"Aye!" Jimin comes over and grabs him by the shoulders, swinging him around to face the ladies once more. "That girl I was dancing with is here with her bestfriend."
"And?" Jungkook chuckled. Okay, so? Lol.
"Bro, come on. Just go dance with her and have fun. She's interested in you." He shakes his head, but Jimin is already pushing him over, the force behind his movements stronger than what Jungkook can endure after the day they've had. He clumsily follows along, his lips pursed in a fine line as he approaches Jimin's girl [of the night] and her bestfriend. She had dark brown hair, stood at about 5'7 and wore high waisted shorts and a bralette-type of crop top. She was really trying for some dick tonight. He gives her a small, toothless smile as she beams from ear to ear, shying behind her bestfriend. She was cute, but she was no you, no disrespect.
"This is Yeji!" Her bestfriend exclaims, damn near throwing her right onto Jungkook like her life depended on it. Jungkook places his hands out to support her but brings them back once she's found her footing again. Definitely drunk.
"Hi." She blushes.
"Hey." Jungkook smiles back, sipping on his drink. Jimin is still hanging onto his shoulder, trying his best to egg him on and Jungkook can't help but smile and nod awkwardly at him. He attempts to back away, but Jimin shoves him closer while laughing.
"Have fun!" Jimin flashes him a quick look, confused at what the fuck he was doing right now trying to turn her down like that. But, he instantly flips the switch as he accompanies her bestfriend to the dance floor again.
"Can I get you a drink or something? Water, even?" Jungkook offers to be nice. He can already hear you scolding him in his head - pinching him on the arm and saying that he needs to be nicer to people. But to be honest, he really doesn't know what the fuck to do with her.
"Water's good, I should start sobering up." She giggles as Jungkook nods and pours her a cup of water. He hands it to her and stands beside her, awkwardly eyeing the crowd in front of them. "Hey, I caught your performance today. You looked good! You all looked really good."
"Thanks." He smiles.
"Do you wanna dance for a little?"
"Uh, actually—" Jungkook suddenly feels the both of their bodies press against each other before Jimin's drunk laugh erupts right behind his ear. Jungkook backs away with his hands up, shaking his head.
"Hey come on, if he doesn't wanna dance don't force him." Yoongi says, almost in a scolding manner.
"I'm sorry, I'm just not really in the best dancing mood right now. Pretty tired." He says to Yeji before he gives her an apologetic look and walks over to his hyungs who aren't busy with girls. He's getting more and more annoyed with the way Jimin has been acting lately, but he was trying to keep his cool - careful not to start anything. He knew Jimin wasn't a fan of you with the way he talked about you that one morning before the photoshoot. He loves him, that's his brother for life. But if he wanted to get disrespectful, he didn't have a problem putting him in his place.
Throughout the night, Yeji is sticking to her friend and Jimin, still hoping she could get something started between her and Jungkook, but she doesn't succeed. Jungkook purposely keeps his distance from Jimin and the rest of the girls around them in the VIP section, perfectly content to be staying around Yoongi and Jin.
When they've finally called it a night, Jimin, Taehyung, Namjoon and Hobi are all pretty drunk out of their minds - their asses more than ready to risk it all by sneaking in their girl of choice to their hotel rooms.
"Let me know so Yeji can come too." Jungkook waves his hand to dismiss the statement.
"Nah. I'm good, really, thanks."
"What, all of a sudden you're a goody two shoes for your stripper girlfriend?" Jungkook shoots him a look but brushes it off, blaming it on the alcohol in Jimin's system right now.
"I'm just tired and gonna head to bed, that's it."
"Whatever." Jimin drunkily responds, the four of their drunk asses continuing to be loud as hell in the hallway until they all separate and go off to their own rooms.
"Don't be loud and shit, I want my sleep tonight." Yoongi says before shutting his door.
Finally, peace and quiet.
Jungkook sighs as he looks at his watch, the time nearing 1:30am. He slips out of his clothes, takes a quick shower and gets himself ready for bed before he's shutting off the lights. A hotel bed has never felt so comfortable in his life, but the only thing that was missing was you.
And to be completely honest, he was pretty fucking horny. Having all this pent up sexual frustration just from missing you these past couple of days alone, he couldn't take it. He hopes to god you're awake right now because he's been wanting to hear your voice and hearing your voice alone—
"Jungkook." You say softly on the other line, Jungkook's eyes slightly shutting from the sound of your voice.
Your voice alone was enough to turn him the fuck on.
"You're awake, babygirl."
"Barely." You chuckle. "I'm snuggled into my sheets, but you told me to wait up for you."
"And you actually waited. Thank you, cutie." He smiles to himself. "What'd you do today?"
"Just work my shift at the restaurant, then head home. I don't really do anything outside of work and hangout with Kai, you know this." You chuckle. "How was the club?"
"It was alright." He sighs.
"Did all the pretty ladies get a dance with Jeon Jungkook?"
"Ah, but you're the only pretty lady I know about." He chuckles, making you blush. "But no, I wasn't necessarily in the mood."
"But you're at a club, how could you not be?"
"Too tired. Besides, just wanted to come back here and talk to you. I feel like I haven't gotten to talk to you as much since we've been here."
"It's okay, you need to do what you need to do."
"I can't wait to see you when I get back."
"I can't either."
"You and your pretty face."
"What is up with you? Are you drunk?" You softly laugh.
"No, not really. Why, I can't miss you?"
"Never said that, Jungkook. I miss you, too." You giggled, giving him some affection since it's been a couple of days and you actually missed his presence too.
"Yeah? How much do you miss me, baby?" Your eyes slightly widen cause you can most definitely pick up on his tone, plus the 'baby' pet name made your pussy hop a little. He wanted you, and he knew just the right ways to get to you worked up already.
"A lot."
"Mmm." He hums breathily, causing you to bite your bottom lip. "Are you gonna show me just how much you missed me when I get back?"
"Maybe, what?" He chuckles deeply. "Tell me, babygirl." He begins to slowly palm himself through his boxers. "How do you want me to show you?" You shut your eyes, the heat quickly building in your core.
"Jungkook." You let out a breathy moan. "What are you trying to do right now?"
"God, I just wanna feel you." He says, completely passing up your question. "I just wanna feel you all around me. Would you like that, my pretty lady? Me all up inside you?" At this point, Jungkook is hard as hell, whipping his hardened member free from its confines. He lets out a breath at how free he feels, finally able to stroke himself nice and slow. He toys with the pre-cum pooling at his tip, using it as some kind of lubricant as he strokes himself up and down, gripping a little tighter towards the base.
"Yes." Your hand slips through your shorts and your panties, gently rubbing at your clit as you listen to Jungkook's deep voice on the other line. You slip your hand a little further down, feeling how wet you already are. You silently whimper to yourself, spreading your wetness in and around your folds, picturing Jungkook doing the work for you.
"Don't be shy, baby. Tell me what you want. Use your words."
"I want you inside of me."
"Inside where?"
"My pussy." He softly groans into the phone, his grip getting tighter by the minute as he fucks himself into his hand.
"Are you touching yourself right now?"
"That's my good girl." He moans with you. "Just wanna fuck you so badly. Show you how special you are to me."
"Jungkook." You whine, as you slip in a finger and quickly fuck yourself with it, the sounds of your wetness echoing in your tiny space. "Fuck I'm so wet for you."
"That's it." He hisses. "Fuck yourself for me until I get back. Can't wait to taste you and fill you up."
"Want you so bad, want you to fuck me so good until I cry." You say, not even realizing the shit you're saying right now as you rub your clit and work your hips in tandem. You begin to whimper a little louder, ready to hurdle off the edge with the pressure you're applying.
"Yeah?" His mouth is agape, barely any noises being released due to the overwhelming sensation that's taking over his body. "Want me to fucking ruin you, baby? Are you ready for that?"
"Always." You moan. "Ahh—Kook, I'm gonna cum."
"Cum all around this dick, sweetheart. It's yours." The words are enough to unravel you, sending you spiraling out of control with the pleasure taking all over your body - inch by inch.
"Oh fuck, Jungkook! Ughhhhhhfffffuck." You groan into the phone as you continue to move your hips into your hand, fingers pressed tightly against your clit.
"Shiiiiiiiit." Jungkook moans as his hips are moving quicker and sloppier, the image of him ramming his cock into you from behind while choking you has him toppling him over the edge. "Mmmmmgod, babygirl."
"The fuck, Jungkook." He chuckles as he regulates his breathing.
"Just miss you, that's all." You hear him stirring in the back, probably cleaning himself up just as you are with yourself. "Stay on the phone with me?" When he does have the time to call you while he's been away, he's always asked for you to stay on the line - facetime or regular call - just so it seems like you're next to him. What you did to deserve this soft Jeon Jungkook, you had no idea. But you were gonna take it and run as far as you could, because fuck. You liked-liked him.
"Okay." You yawn.
"I can still take you out on a date, right?" He yawns shortly after, the domino effect hitting him.
"Of course." You softly chuckle, your eyes getting heavy from all the energy you just spent.
"Okay. I just wanna make sure cause I'm already planning this."
"Planning, huh?"
"Gotta put in the effort." Silence. "Night sweetheart, sleep tight."
"Night." You barely manage to say before you're off into a deep sleep.
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You knew Jungkook would be back today, but you weren't sure what time. From the sounds of it, it seemed like it would be really late and you'd have to wait until tomorrow to see him. Which, bums you the fuck out. You just longed for his company and to be in his arms again because it's the safest you've felt in such a long time.
Oh, well.
At least it gave you some time to plan out Kai's birthday gift and celebration cause you still had no fucking idea. He was going to spend majority of the day with his friends at their favorite arcade, but you promised him dinner.
Were you really just going to take him to get Loco Moco from the hawaiian mom and pop shop down the street for his 18th birthday?
What the fuck were you even gonna give him?
You figured you could go shopping for some clothes? Or, check out what new games came out for the playstation that he might be interested in playing. Orrrrr find some comic books and give him--
Knock, knock, knock.
You checked your clock, startled at the heavy knocks coming from your door. It was barely after dinner, the sun still up but preparing to make its way down below the horizon. You had no idea why you suddenly felt nervous and scared, afraid of who you'd see through the peephole. Bigs popped into your head, the goosebumps hitting the surface of your skin. You really hoped it wasn't him trying to cause trouble - or anyone else related for that matter.
You slowly stood up, holding your arms closely against your chest. You tippytoed to check your peephole but it was pitch black, as if someone had been covering it with their finger. Was Kai playing games with you? Did he suddenly get dropped off or take the bus? You didn't have plans with him.
You slowly open a crack, seeing a smiley Jungkook waving at you from behind the door. You swing the door open and latch onto him like a koala, causing him to drop his duffle bag and wrap his arms around you tightly.
"Jungkook, what the fuck! You scared me!" You say into his neck, taking in his scent.
"Why?" He laughs as he gently helps you down and follows you into your apartment.
"It seemed like you weren't gonna be home till late."
"Seemed." He smirked.
"Hey!" You gently push him after you close your door. "How'd you know my door code and which apart—"
"Kai." You both say in unison.
"Ugh, I'm gonna kill him." You whine.
"It's his birthday soon, though. Let him turn 18."
"Ugh, I'm gonna kill him after his birthday." You repeat as you plop back onto your bed, Jungkook dropping his duffle and plopping next to you.
"Cozy place." He says, face down onto your mattress, causing you to run your hand through his fluffy hair.
"It's teeny tiny."
"No, it's perfect. Perfectly sized and cozy." He reassures you as he finally lays on his side to face you.
"Did you just hop off the plane?"
"Sure did."
"Did you eat anything?"
"Yeah, I ate something small on the plane. I'm not that hungry."
"You sure?" You asked, genuinely concerned.
"Mhm." He throws an arm lazily across your legs as he closes his eyes for a quick minute. You continue to run your hand through his hair, a notification on his screen catching your attention.
[unknown number] 6:37pm: hi! this is yeji from the club. :) i hope you don't mind, jimin passed on your number and said we should get into contact.
First of all - Why the fuck does Jungkook have his notifications set so that you can see what the goddamn message is on the lock screen?!
Second - Yeji?
Third - Of course Jimin would have slipped her his number. He hates you for whatever fucking reason.
Another text came in from her but you pulled your eyes away from his phone. This wasn't your business. But let's be real, your heart sank a little knowing he might have been acting up at the club, dancing with hella other girls and getting hella other numbers. It kind of made your insecurities resurface all over again. You weren't his girlfriend though, none of this was exclusive. So, did you really have a right to feel this way?
You brush it off quickly, trying to remind yourself who the hell you were before Jungkook came around [but god, was he making you a softy]. He wasn't exactly yours to claim; however, you were the one he came home to. Technically. Calling you all hot and bothered cause he missed you.
Yes bitch, please.
You're pulled out of your internal battle when Jungkook stirs a little to check his phone, your hand still lightly weaving through his hair as you press your lips together. He reads the notifications, deletes it from the screen and locks his phone again.
"The boys bothering you?" You decide to ask in a way that doesn't yell 'yes I saw her pop up on your phone, sir.'
"Nah. No one important really."
"Oh okay." Bummer. You lowkey expected him to be honest with you, but was that too soon for you? You just through this in your head - this wasn't exclusive.
"Lay with me, pretty lady. Let's watch something."
"You mean finish Gone Girl?" You quickly flip the switch and smirk at him, making him laugh.
"Oh shit, that's right. Not my fault you straddled me." You slightly gasp.
"Not my fault you fucking batted your eyelashes at me, talking about ‘can I tell you something?'" He scrunched his nose and tickled your sides, causing you to yelp and crash your body back down onto the bed. He continues to tickle you until you're begging for him to stop - his body over yours, but he was careful not to put all his weight on you. "Ouch, Jungkook!" You whine.
"You finished making fun of me?"
"You started it!"
"You're so fucking cute, you know that?" He lowers himself down to your lips, pressing them gently against yours. Your hands get tangled within his hair again, pressing him down slightly onto you so you could feel him, feel his warmth. The kiss deepens quick as Jungkook settles himself in between your legs, your tongues at war with each other. He groans into the kiss, his soft, large hands roaming up your shirt and sending sparks throughout your body. "I missed you." He bites your bottom lip and sucks it gently before pulling back. He helps remove the shirt over your head before unhooking your bra in a swift motion and tossing it off to the side.
"I missed you too." You say at a whisper as he grabs both of your breasts and plants kisses along the surface before swirling his tongue around your sensitive, perked buds. He hooks onto your shorts and panties quick, aggressively tugging them down and off.
"So fucking perfect for me." He says, planting kisses along your sides
"I hate it when you do that." You hiss as he begins part your legs wider, pushing your thighs out as he lowers his lips onto your folds. You truly did hate it - you couldn't stand it only because that shit drove you crazy. Someone like Jungkook calling you perfect, god please.
"Hate what, babygirl?"
"Call me perfect like that." You let out a small whimper when you feel his wet tongue glide against your folds, slowly poking in and out of them as he stares at you from between your thighs.
"But you are. Want me to show you?"
"Hmmmm." You whine. "Quit." He slightly chuckles against your pussy, but continues going to work - slipping in two digits and curving them just to tickle you in the right spots. "Ahhhh, Kook please."
"Mhm." He says, picking up the pace with his fingers, allowing your wetness to glaze them. He suddenly removes them from you short after, a small whine leaving your lips at the loss of contact.
"Ohshiiiiiit. You're gonna make me cum." Jungkook begins to run his tongue up and down your pussy once more, his tongue penetrating your entrance ever so slightly before swiping it up to your clit to suck on it. He motorboats into your pussy, his head moving right and left in such a quick pace that you're tugging on his hair and jutting your hips into his mouth. His tongue starts to pet your clit with its tip - the repeated movements enough for you to reach your climax, your thighs almost keeping Jungkook in between until you could bring yourself back down from your high. "Aghhhhohhhmygod!" Jungkook smirks as he sits up, sticking his two fingers into his mouth before releasing himself from his sweats and boxers.
"Fuck, you taste so good." He slightly groans. Your breathing hitches seeing his hardened member, making you drool at the sight. You already feel dizzy imagining him filling you up with that thing, but you knew you wanted take care of him first - make him feel good, make him feel special. Take him, every inch. You crawl over and take his cock into your hands, spitting onto it before you slowly stroke him up and down. "Ohhhhhbabygirl." His words mesh together as he tilts his head back. You lower your lips onto his tip, tasting every single drop of pre-cum pooling at the area before running your tongue down his shaft and taking him. You get about halfway before you swirl your tongue around suck, pulling back with a slight pop. You stroke towards the base as your mouth is doing work on the other half of his cock. Jungkook has his hand in your hair, and you can feel his grip tightening as he slowly moves your head up and down along his cock. "Can you take me? All of me?" You nod. "Yeah? Fucking take it then." He spits out as he lowers you all the way down, keeping his tip against your throat until he feels you gag. "Oh, fuck!"
"Fuck!" You say, tears brimming your eyes, ready to stream your cheeks as you watch the trail of saliva from his tip to your mouth fall.
"You're doing so fucking good." He says as he watches you while guiding you down length, bobbing your head a little rougher and more aggressively this time around. Your saliva is damn near dripping out of your mouth, the entire scene getting sloppier by the minute, but you honestly didn't care. You were so turned on that all you wanted after this was for Jungkook to fuck you crazy hard, until you couldn't take it anymore. You were so fucking attracted to this man. "One more for me, baby." He moans, lowering you down his entire length again, his tip tickling your throat a lot longer than the first time that your tears are actually coming down this time around. You cough when he finally pulls you back, more saliva trailing from the tip to your mouth. "See, so perfect for me. Taking me in so well like your mouth was fucking made for me." He grabs your chin, placing a kiss against your lips before gently pushing you back down onto the bed. "Turn around and get on your knees, sweetheart."
"I want you so bad." You whine, his hand trailing down your back as he positions your ass up and gets your face as close to the mattress as possible.
"Don't you worry, princess. I'll take good care of you." He lines himself up, his dick incredibly wet from you sucking him like your life depended on it. He slides in with ease, the both of you moaning loudly at the feeling - the feeling of warmth, and feeling so fucking full, Jungkook is sure he can feel his tip ready to rearrange your guts in this position. He begins slow, one hand on a hip, while the other is in your hair, making sure your face is deep into the mattress.
"Faster, please!" You plead, Jungkook wasting no time to hammer his cock into your pussy. The sounds are incredibly loud and lewd, and you knew your walls were thin as hell. You were sure your neighbors were definitely having the time of their life listening to you getting destroyed. You cry as he groans, his hands now gripping your hair and tugging you back so that he can slightly see your face with the way he tilts it back.
"Ughhhh, shit babygirl. You feel so good, always so tight for me." He moans as he lets out a couple of breaths from pumping in and out of you so quickly. "Ready for me to make you cry again? That's what you wanted, right?"
"Yes." You say, but he tugs your hair tighter.
"I can't hear you."
"Yeeeees!" You whine. "Yes, fuck, please!"
"Say my name."
"Jungkooook." You moan. "Jungkoook, hmmmmmpfh." Your ass almost feels numb from how hard Jungkook is fucking you right now, but it all leads to the pleasure building up inside of you - pooling right at your core. You were sure you could reach your climax again any moment now, but you were trying your hardest to hold on for as long as you could, enjoying every moment of the pleasure he was bringing you. You didn't want this to be over, even though you could go rounds with him if he wanted to. His hand travels from your hair, down to your neck, gripping just right to choke you and keep your head tilted at an angle. Your yes's are becoming inaudible, moans getting lost in your throat that is feeling constricted from his grip.
"I'm gonna cum, sweetheart. Cum with me." Jungkook says as he thrusts harder, the overwhelming sensation enough to send you into the next dimension. The orgasm ripples through your body, your hand gripping onto his wrist as you tremble and look for support.
"FuckkkkknnnnngJungkook!" You manage to yell. He moans loudly as you feel his cock twitch inside of you, spurts of his cum coating your walls warmly and thickly. He gives you two good slow thrusts before he's slowly pulling out and letting his tip stick the cum back inside of you. "Ahhh, please. Kook." You whimper as you fall onto your bed, tears staining your cheeks once more. He smiles as he picks up his boxers and throws them on, tossing you your panties and his shirt to wear. You slip into them without question, Jungkook coming back onto the bed to lay next to you and caress your body to soothe you.
"You okay?"
"Yeah." You sniff, the aftermath of all the tears you've shed from tonight's fuck session catching up to you.
"Babygirl." He chuckles as he wipes your cheeks and plants a kiss on it. "You need to be careful of what you ask for."
"Shut the hell up and pull up the movie, Jungkook." He laughs, watching you shove your laptop over to him. He pulls up the movie on his Amazon Prime account and snuggles with you under your sheets.
"Sooo, ready for our date?"
"Should I be preparing?" He shrugs.
"Just want you to have a good night with me." His hands are still caressing your sides under his shirt, light kisses being pressed against the nape of your neck. The warmth, and the feeling of his body pressed against yours makes you feel content. Satisfied. Peaceful.
You felt safe. You felt wanted.
baby we can take it slow, say my name, don't let go, I can hear your body when i pull your hair, what's my name; girl I swear, I can hear your body babe
track ten: body - syd
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fallensimeon · 4 years
Take Me For A Ride (NSFW 18+)
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A spicy F!MC x Mammon smut mixed with a little angst and fluff, my first time trying out writing! Don’t judge too harshly, I tried my best y’know!
Topic warnings: F!MC, angst, smut, fluff, intercourse, car sex, fellatio, rough play (nearly BDSM-ish), biting, blood, curse words, yelling, dirty talking. Read at your own risk! 
Words: 5,419
Y/N has enough of the brothers attacking Mammon, and comforts him when he needs her the most. One thing leads to another, and, well... let’s just say they go for the ride of a lifetime.
If you like my work, please feel free to like, comment, follow, share, or REBLOG. Thank you for taking the time to read my first piece!
It was a gloomy day down in the Devildom, just one of those days where tensions were high in the House of Lamentation. You were in your room, having just completed your homework so you began studying for a test coming up in the next few days. You had a good feeling you were going to ace it, so you began to organize your books and papers and stash them away in your bag.
You were tired. You had felt overworked as of late, always having work to do, or having one of the brothers drag you into one of their troubles as usual. But today? Nobody had reached out. Everyone had seemed so distant from one another. That wasn’t normal, it was always loud in the house no matter where you went. The fact that it was so quiet for once was shocking.
You finished packing up your school supplies and leaned your backpack against your desk in your room. You just wanted to relax, so you decided to ease your chest and arms comfortably onto your desk and scroll through Devilgram for a while. Looking through the brothers’ profiles always put a smile on your face, because they sometimes posted the most hilarious pictures. However, you found yourself on Mammon’s profile for the longest. 
He was a model, of course he was stunning. Perfectly-tanned skin, luscious snow white locks gracing his head, the most beautiful blue eyes that almost glowed gold. You could never tell him how you really felt, he would just push you away. Plus, there was probably some model out there who was after him already anyways. Why would Mammon want to be with some weak human?
You jumped slightly as a text notification popped up on your screen.
“Dinner is ready, please make your way to the dining hall. You wouldn’t want Beel to get to your plate first,” Lucifer sent. You chuckled and began to make your way down to have dinner. Hopefully, it wouldn’t be as awkward as it was earlier that day.
You make it down to the dining hall, not a single of the brothers making eye contact with you. You froze in your tracks. You can’t lie, that hurt a little bit, you figured at least one of them might greet you.
“Good to see you, Y/N. Come, take a seat. I know you have been working hard up there, you need to eat well,” Lucifer stated, a slight smile on his face. He was glad that at least one of you was focused on your studies that day.
You smiled, finally someone broke the awkward silence. “Thank you Lucifer.”
You made your way around the long table to find an open seat. Your heart fluttered as you walked your way past Mammon, smelling the arousing scent of his cologne waft past your face. You smiled and let out a low but happy sigh, and he looked up for just a second having heard you, a light blush on his face. “Y’know I don’t bite, you can come sit next to me human,” Mammon said lightly, making eye contact with you for the first time that day.
You felt a shudder run down your spine. His voice is so alluring, you could listen to it all day every day. A blush forms on your cheeks as you take a seat next to him.
Everyone around you is surprisingly in their own conversations with one another, which is pretty odd after earlier. Although, you were happy to hear the voices of all of your favorite people around the room. You couldn’t dare to complain, it was nice seeing everyone let go of the awkward tension that had previously filled the House of Lamentation. This, however, was short-lived.
You were almost done with your dinner, only a few forkfuls left, when you heard an argument start. “Oh great, here we go again,” you thought to yourself as you looked up to see Lucifer standing up behind Mammon. You didn’t have a good feeling about this.
“You worthless scumbag, what did you do with my new Ruri-chan figure?!” Levi yelled, close enough to Mammon’s face to spit on him whilst speaking.
“My new perfume went missing too, I bet it had something to do with that idiot,” Asmo shouted across the table at him, a sour glare on his face.
“Come to think of it, my new mystery novel went missing last night, I was going to read it but I couldn’t find it,” Satan added to the fire.
The twins began to spew on about how much of a moron Mammon was, him having done nothing to either of them. Lucifer began to holler at Mammon about every little thing he finds wrong when you realize that was the last straw. You weren’t going to sit there and let everyone torment the demon that meant most to you. You looked over at Mammon, trembling in his seat, trying to hold back tears as his brothers kept pushing him further and further over the edge. He looked like he could break at any second. You know for a fact he didn’t take anyone’s things, he was with you all day yesterday. It couldn’t have been him.
“KNOCK IT OFF, ALL OF YOU! BACK OFF! I THINK HE’S HAD ENOUGH ALREADY!” you shouted at the top of your lungs. The boys all froze in shock and fear, never expecting that out of you. Tears began to stream down your face. You never thought you would see the day that you would have to break up an argument, especially when the only people Mammon trusted were his brothers. Seeing them all treat him like shit made you angry  and upset.
“Y/N...” Lucifer sighed and began to speak, but you weren’t going to give him the chance to continue.
“C’mon Mammon, you don’t deserve this, let’s get out of here,” you gently took hold of Mammon’s hand and dragged him away from the table towards his bedroom. The dining hall fell completely silent once again.
You make it all the way to Mammon’s bedroom door when he stops you in your tracks, pulling your arm back towards him lightly. You turn around to see his cheeks burning red, the tears that formed earlier finally starting to come down his face. He looked somewhat relieved, somewhat embarrassed at the same time. He just barely lifted his head to look you in the eyes.
“You didn’t have to go and do that for me human, ya know I can’t handle m’self, right? I-I just needed to think of what t’say...” he said softly, not enough confidence in his voice for you to believe it for a second.
He was shaking, more so than when he usually gets yelled at. You gently let go of his hand and lifted your hand to cup his right cheek, brushing away his tears with your thumb. He felt so warm.
“Mammoney, I wasn’t just going to sit there and let them stomp all over you like that. They have NO evidence to prove that you took anything from them, but they kept going anyway. I’m so sick of their bullshit, watch them find all of their things that they misplaced themselves. I hope they hate themselves for treating you like that.” You loosened your hand from his cheek and tucked your body against his, arms wrapped around his warm shoulders, bringing him in for a cozy embrace.
This broke him. He leaned into your embrace, the tears streaming down his face as he sobbed into the crook of your neck. The two of you stood in a hug for at least 2 minutes straight, neither of you daring to break away. It just felt so nice, you never wanted to let go.
“Th-thank you Y/N, I’m glad you trust me enough t’know I wouldn’t steal their boring stuff. Why would I need Asmo’s perfume, let alone Satan’s book? Y’know, I-I wonder if they think before they point f-fingers like that. C’mon human, let’s get inside, I just w-wanna relax.” Mammon explains with the slightest blushy grin on his face. He opens the door to let you in first, and closes it behind him.
You had never been in Mammon’s room before, he’s never let you in before now. Your eyes scanned around the room, in awe of how cozy it was. His plush leather sofa and a mahogany wood pool table beside it, bottles of alcohol and a few grimm strewn across it. He has a projector rather than a television, two speakers beside the coffee table below it. He has an open concept closet, adorned with studio lights, and his bed pressed flush on the other side of the wall. His room has two floors, the only things up there being his entryway door... and a car? How did he get this in here? What kind of car was it? How interesting. Rather than walking down the stairs as Mammon was expecting you to do, you made your way towards his car and leaned against the hood.
“Is this your car? It’s so amazing! I can’t imagine how much money you must have put into this beauty,” you exclaimed, being somewhat an admirer of cars, having been raised by your father who’s life revolves around them. You grazed your hand over the headlights and the grill along the front, a glint in your eyes from the spotlights shining down on you and the car.
Mammon was standing next to the door, choked up to say the very least. He was blushing furiously, gripping into his lush white hair with his hand, head tilted down and giggling. “Y’mean my Demonia? It’s nothing really, Lucifer helped me get it a while back once I got my license. Pretty cool right? Of course the Great Mammon is cool!” he chuckled, barely able to keep eye contact with you. The truth was, the car meant a lot to him and it did cost a lot, but he couldn’t focus on that right now. He was too busy staring you down, lights glistening against your soft skin, looking oh-so-hot leaned up against his car like that. Little did you know you were his treasure, he admired you every second he got, whether you realized it or not. He began to walk over to you, leaning next to you on the hood, resting his hand softly against yours, interlocking fingers with you.
Needless to say, you were surprised. You jumped slightly at his touch, hesitant to move. You returned the favor regardless, locking your fingers between his, the warmth of his body flushing through your veins, instantly calming you. He means everything to you, and now this? How can you not tell him how you feel now? This was the best opportunity you could get your hands on. You let go of his hand and made your way off of the hood of the car, locked his bedroom door, dimmed his lights slightly, and made your way back over to him. You inched closer to him, barely hugging distance away.
He was looking up at you softly, still blushing. He was shaking a little bit, but you were too, of course. Now was your chance. It was now or never. Either you tell him how you feel now, or hold it in and never find out if your feelings are reciprocated. Your heart was ready to burst out of your chest, but you couldn’t hold back any longer.
“Mammon, you know I care about you... more than myself sometimes, if I’m being honest. Any time I see you enter the room or my eyes meet up with you, I get tons of butterflies inside. You make me feel like I’m not just some useless human that nobody likes. You make me feel special, and I just want you to know that... I love you. I’m in love with you...” you paused, too nervous to continue.
Mammon.exe has stopped working. You... love HIM? The moron, the idiot, the scumbag? You deserve better, but he can’t deny how he really feels. His brothers aren’t anywhere around, so now’s his chance.
“I-human I... I love you too. Y’mean everything to me. I can’t stand seeing my brothers eyeing you up and taking all of my time with ya away from me. You’re MY human... my... my treasure. You deserve better than me, I’m just some lousy good-for-nothi-” he couldn’t speak anymore. You held him by his cheeks and pulled his face to yours, kissing him on his lips. The first tender moment shared between the two of you, your first kiss. He sits still for a moment before realizing what’s happening, leaning into your kiss and holding you by your waist. Your chests graze against one another as the kiss turns more passionate. Mammon slides his tongue against your lips asking for permission before you slide your tongue in between his. You felt higher than a kite at that moment, the butterflies seemingly flying out through the top of your head.
Before long, you were straddling his lap on the hood of his car, breathing into his neck as he planted kisses along your collarbone, nibbling at you and caressing your lower back. You both pulled away from each other to look into each others’ eyes.
“So this is really happening huh?” you blush and look down, feeling a tad bit shy. Mammon brings his hand up to your cheek, some of his fingers lacing into your hair. “We don’t have to do anything ya don’t wanna do, but first...” he places his hands lovingly on your hips and looks into your eyes. “I want you to be mine and only mine, ya hear? No mackin’ on my brothers or anythin’... you’re MY treasure. Well, if you’ll let me have ya...” he starts blushing too, barely able to keep his eyes on you. The words you have been waiting to hear, that you’re HIS and only his... it makes you melt. You hold onto his hips, and lean in to whisper into his ear. “Of course I’m yours, and only yours. You can have all of me if you want it, and I mean ALL of me...” you whisper and nibble on his earlobe, a smirk forming across your face.
He can’t hold back anymore. He slams his mouth against yours in the most passionate kiss, moaning against your lips and pulling you in closer, pressing you against his chest. His hands start to slip under your shirt, making their way up your bare back until he reaches about midway. He looks at you as if he’s asking permission, to which you respond by grazing your hands over his upper thighs. You lean in once again to whisper sensually, “So have you ever done it in your car?”
His excitement cannot be contained, his body heats up hotter as the bulge in his pants grows harder. Without another word, Mammon scoots off of the car, grabbing you underneath your thighs and carrying you into the backseat of his car, placing you gently while he pushes the seats back and reclining them back further. The open space has grown larger. He climbs his way into the car and shuts the door behind him, hovering over you.
He doesn’t waste any time before he starts to undress you. He slips your uniform jacket off followed by your tank top, revealing your black lace bralette. You whisper in his ear “You like that? I bet you’ll like it more when you see the panties I have to match.”
You set off a fire in his chest, a low growl seeping out from his throat. He sheds his uniform jacket and tears off his undershirt, a huge ripping noise emerging, making you increasingly wet as the tension increases. His bare chest is a glorious sight to behold... so sexy and strong, so protective.
He pushes you back against the seat and makes room to slide off your uniform pants, whilst you slide your shoes off and kick them into the passenger seat beside you. He makes his way down to your feet, carefully sliding off your socks which he notices have a grimm pattern on them, and slyly smirks. His eyes scan your exposed skin from your head to your toes and back up, revving him up even more.
He begins to kiss you from your feet, up your calves and your thighs, until he reaches your inner thighs. Your black lace panties meet his face, becoming more and more flushed. He slides his hands up to the waistband and toys with the lace, planting his face against the fabric. That smell... the smell of arousal... it’s so strong. He could only imagine how wet you are for him. He looks up at you and you nod, giving permission to continue.
Mammon growls and grabs your waistband with his teeth, the sound of tearing lace floods the car. You moan in response, wishing you could hear him like this all the time. Your hands reach down to your now exposed heat and stroke the lips, shining from how slick he made you. Mammon’s eyes start shining, staring down as if he’s a predator who’s just hunted down his prey. He licks his lips and flashes his teeth, slight fangs showing. You spread your lips for him and make your legs more comfortable, inviting him to take a taste.
“Mn... you’re so perfect Y/N, so wet for me, I can almost taste it,” he leans down and begins lapping his tongue at your clit. Shudders run up and down your spine from the senastion, bringing out a sensual moan from your chest, back arching. Mammon grips onto your thighs and holds them open. He drags his tongue up and down your opening, sliding it inside of you. He moans into you, admiring how you taste, your flavor. He makes his way back up to your clit, the tip of his tongue dancing around it. He looks up and you and smirks, sliding two fingers inside of you, pulsing them in and out at a steady pace, curling his fingertips from time to time. You can’t help but let out a moan, never having felt so stimulated and so turned-on before.
“M-Mammon... p-p-please... k-keep going b-baby...” you moaned out as he brought you closer and closer to your orgasm. Did you just call him your baby? Oh, he heard that. He wants to hear it again. He pulses his fingers inside you faster and faster, sucking on your clit, giving you no mercy. The heat inside of you is unbearable. You begin to buck your hips against his face and grab him by the hair, pushing him against your heat, your other hand gripping tightly against the leather seat below you,
It was taking everything Mammon had to not whip himself out and slam himself into you, but he had to make himself more comfortable. As he continued, he used his left hand to undo his pants, releasing his bulge hidden by his boxers. He was only getting harder as you moaned his name again and again.
“I’m... I’m gonna.. gaaaAAAHH!” you moaned out as you reached your orgasm, letting your grip loose from his hair as your body let go of the tension. Mammon laps his tongue down to clean up the mess you made. He gathers some on his tongue, looking up to you with his tongue sticking out, when he suddenly takes it into his mouth and swallows you.
He notices the flaming blush that adorns your cheeks. He brings himself up, sitting on your thighs, his bulge prominent. You stare down his body, glazed in sweat, realizing he lapsed into his demon form as you came down from your orgasm. His horns were shining, wings folded against his back as the car wasn’t a big enough space to let them free. You were positioned on the driver’s side back passenger’s seat, so you decided to slide into the center seat. You reach your hands to touch Mammon’s back, stroking his wings ever so gently. He moans in response, realizing he’s sensitive there. You begin to help guide them open as he leans into you. They fly open and block the whole view out of the windshield, darkening the space between you.
Your hands come down to meet his waistband, tugging on it carefully. You look up into Mammon’s eyes, he can see the desire written over your face. He makes his bulge dance in response, prompting you to go for it. You drag down his boxers and out springs his length, glistening from his precum. It looks so tasty. You lean back in your seat to where you are practically laying down, gripping behind his thighs and urging him to come forward. He was on his knees, his length shadowing over your chest, his tip just barely against your lips. You hold yourself up by your elbows, turning up to him, teasing him “I bet you want your cock in my mouth, don’t you Mammon? You want to see your fragile human squirm under you, taking all of you inside of them?”
Oh, you did it now. His claws getting ever so longer as a growl comes from deep in his chest. “If you want it, show me just how badly,” your last words as he gripped your hair and pushed your mouth around his length, letting out a choke. He moaned in pleasure as he felt himself at the back of your throat, vibrations coming from you barely fitting him inside you. Mammon begins thrusting his hips back and forth, you sucking up on his length oh-so-perfectly. The smell of arousal and the sound of moans fill the car, enveloping both of you. All either of you can feel is bliss. He breaks the silence. 
“Y-Y/N... y-you’re so warm, ya s-suck me off so well, k-keep going, I’m getting close-” He can’t speak anymore, feeling the surge of pleasure rush up through his thighs as you swirl your tongue around him, bringing him to the edge. You pull your mouth off of his length and put his hand around it, urging him to get himself off. “I would love if the Great Mammon would cum for me, I want to feel it all over my face, I want you to make me yours, show me who owns me,” you moan up at him, pulling down your bra to release your warm breasts, toying with them to tease him.
“Oh f-fuck, y-you’re all mine, my treasure, my b-baby, I’m.. I’m...” he groans out, and he’s pushed over the edge. He bucks forward, letting out a deep deep growl, moaning your name and climaxing all over your face and your chest, his cum hot against your skin. He looks down at you taking his load and lets out another groan, watching as you lap it up with your fingertips, eventually licking them clean.
He pushes you down against the leather seats, his length rubbing against your throbbing heat, aching for you. You let out a squeal from your sensitivity, your chest arching up towards him. You reach your hands down to try to push him into you but he stops you, grabbing your wrists and pinning them down above your head. He pushes his lips firmly against yours, exploring your mouth with his tongue. Your chests are touching, he’s just about burning you with the heat radiating from his body.
He pulls away from your face and looks down to you, it looks like he wants to say something. He looks... nervous? After all of that?
“Mammon, are you okay?” you asked gently, turning your head slightly, a smile on your face. “Y-yeah, I just don’t wanna hurt ya. I tried to open ya up for me but what if it’s too much for your human body to handle?” he sighs and stares away for a moment. He loosens the grip on your wrists and you cup both of his cheeks, whispering up at him softly, “I trust you with my life, Mammon. I feel so safe with you, you’re my protector. The Great Mammon. I promise if it’s too much I’ll tell you right away. It’s okay baby.”
He nods and smiles with a blush in response, he couldn’t be happier to hear you say those words to him, as unexpected as they are.
You spread open your legs for him, situating your body in a more comfortable spot, preparing for the time of your life. You lift yourself up with your hands and whisper into his ear, “Take me for a ride, won’t you?”
He growls and stretches his arms and his back, preparing himself. You want a ride? A ride is what you’re gonna get, and it’s gonna be a bumpy one.
He picks up your bottom half by your thighs, dragging you towards him, putting you in the perfect position. He takes hold of his length and lines himself up with your opening, rubbing his tip up and down your heat. You squirm under him, pleading with him in your head, dying for him to give you what you’ve only dreamed of for nearly a year now. He hears you struggling and lets out a low chuckle, a bit evil. He likes to see you all worked up for him, there’s nothing better, honestly.
He begins sliding his length inside of you, the heat from within immediately making him jolt. He can’t help the arousal from feeling you around him, squeezing him tight. You let out a small whimper and look up to him, concern suddenly written all over his face.
Your wrists had been freed a while ago so you take this opportunity to grab onto his soft bottom, pushing him further into you, moaning right in his ear. It hurts... it hurts so good. He’s so big compared to you. Your eyes roll into the back of your head as he hits the deepest parts of you. You must have awakened something in him, the look in his eyes giving him an almost primal vibe. He leans down and whispers into your ear along with a growl “That’s a good human, take all of me inside of ya, scream my name, ‘m gonna fuck you so hard ya won’t walk for a week...”
He thrusts in and out of you at a fast pace, hitting your core over and over again. You’re both moaning and groaning into each others’ ears. Mammon grips hard onto the headrests of the seats, pounding into you like it’s his last day to live. Your hands grasping at his shoulders, you can’t help but claw your nails down, leaving red scratches all over his back. He almost hisses in response, causing you to moan out louder. He takes his right hand and brings it to your throat, silencing you. Your eyes roll back into your head once again, your back arching and your hands gripping tight against the leather seats, nearly ripping them open.
His thrusts speed up, bringing you closer and closer to the biggest orgasm of your life. Mammon's hand around your throat, you try to let out a sentence, “Mammoney baby, I’m gonna c-cum for you, p-please, d-don’t hold back,” you managed to say. His face goes beat red and wings flutter behind him. 
You stroke his horns atop his head, barely letting out one last sentence. “F-fill me up with your cum, m-mark your t-territory, I’m a-all yours-” your sentence is cut off as your orgasm takes over your body, Mammon releasing your throat, you proceeding to scream his name in pleasure as you gripped his length inside of you, trying to juice him.
He pounds his length into you faster and faster, bringing himself to the edge of his climax. He can’t hold back, can’t speak. He brings his head down to bite your neck, leaving teeth marks and a little bit of blood afterwards, marking you as his. He sucks on his marking and groans out loudly in pleasure, unable to contain himself any longer. You can feel his length twitch as he fills you up inside, heating the inner walls of your core, giving you the most butterflies you’ve ever had.
You both look down and giggle along with deep breaths, you did a number to the seats of his car. You look at him in worry as he sees the condition of the leather. He notices that you look scared so he holds you tight to him, body-to-body warmth between you.
“I can already tell what you’re ‘bout to say, and it’s alright. Y’mean more to me than some leather seats. Now I can look at my seats ‘n remember my first time with ya, amirite?” he says with a smile, placing the most gentle of kisses on your lips, glazed with sweat.
You go to try to stand up to get out of the car but your body is beyond it’s limits. Mammon notices you struggling to get up and chuckles. “I told ya you wouldn’t be able t’walk for a while.”
He pulls his boxers back on and picks you up bridal style out of the car seat, carrying you down the stairs and onto his bed gently. He remembers tearing up your underwear so he dashes to his closet, finding one of his favorite t-shirts and a pair of pajama pants and swiftly bringing them over to the bed.
“Put these on, we don’t need ya walking out with stains on your uniform and no underwear,” he explains with a giggle. He looked up at you to see you looking sad. “What’sa matter treasure?”
“Well, I was hoping... maybe... that I could stay with you for the night?” you ask, nervously waiting for a response. Mammon helps you take off your bralette and get dressed in his comfy clothes, and cups your cheek, looking into your eyes.
“Of course y’can stay with me, you’re my human! My treasure! Who wouldn’t wanna stay with the Great Mammon anyway?” he smirks and chuckles, you smacking his chest in return.
He crawls up into the bed with you, laying you next to him and pulling your back into his chest. He covers you both with his bedspread and begins rubbing your arms, resting his cheek against your ear. He had never felt this way before. He really fell for a human. Does he regret it? Not at all, he wouldn’t have it any other way. The only problem now? Now he feels like he has to protect you forever, all the time. He loves you too much to ever see you get hurt.
“S-so... does this mean... y-you’re my girlfriend?” Mammon let out shyly, almost expecting you to say something negative or reject him.
You turn back to face him, your arm around his waist. You smile up at him, “I would love nothing more than to be your girlfriend... your treasure.” You plant the lightest kiss on his forehead and turn back around as he begins to spoon you again. Within the next few minutes, you fell asleep in his arms, not a care in the world, no thoughts besides the thought of being his treasure forever.
The brothers felt bad about what happened earlier and were worried about Mammon’s well-being. Lucifer approached his door with the brothers, quickly realizing it’s locked. He took his master keys out of his coat pocket and unlocked Mammon’s door. He took a few steps in and froze in place. His brothers glanced with him over his shoulder to see Mammon with his arms around you, protecting you, sleeping next to you.
They all couldn’t bring themselves to make a sound. They couldn’t believe their eyes. Y/N... and Mammon?
“It’s about time he told her how he felt!” Asmo shouted as the brothers all shushed him, not wanting to wake the two of you.
“We can talk to him in the morning, let him have peace for once today. I can only imagine Y/N needs rest as well,” Lucifer explained.
Lucifer and the brothers turned around and Lucifer locked the door behind him, a cheeky smirk on his face. He was proud of his brother for finally being honest with himself and taking pride in what he wanted. Would he ever let Mammon know that? Oh, hell no.
I’ve wanted to see a fic about this ever since I fell in love with Mammon and saw his room, so I wrote it!
 I’m only comfortable with F!MC writing since I’ve never familiarized myself with GN!MC or M!MC. My apologies!
I do NOT give permission to post this anywhere else. I also have this posted on Wattpad, my username is daradoodlebug. If you like my work, please feel free to like, comment, follow, share, or REBLOG. Thank you for taking the time to read my first piece!
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tenswrld · 3 years
told you so
yangyang x reader, fluff
summary: you like yangyang and ten tries to convince you that he likes you back.
a/n: soooo sorry that it’s been so long LOLLL but hopefully i’ll get back into writing now that it’s summer ^^
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“give me one reason why i should believe you.”
ten frowned at you. “what? you don’t trust me?”
“of course i trust you, but how do you know for sure? i don’t want to risk it.” you slapped ten gently on the shoulder when he continued to frown at you. “don’t look at me like that, it’s not going to help your case.”
ten erased the frown from his face and rolled his eyes, flipping onto his back with a loud groan. “my two babies like each other and are too stupid to realize it. you guys drive me nuts.”
you laughed and threw a pillow at him. “shut up. and we’re not your babies. i’m not your cat, weirdo.”
both you and yangyang were busy college students, but even then you two always made time for each other. whether that was rushed lunches in the quad, or childhood movies at each others dorms at 2 am. you considered him your closest friend, and he considered you his own. you basically already acted like a couple, the only thing that was missing was the label (and kisses, of course). 
ten wasn’t sure if the two of you were scared, oblivious, or stupid, so he settled with assuming that you were all three. even mark could see that you two liked each other, and he was slow to pick up on things. 
when ten decided that convincing you wasn’t going to work, he turned his attention back to yangyang. yangyang held a bit more confidence than you did, but ten knew it would diminish the moment he found out there was the slightest chance that you liked him back.
it made ten want to slam his head into a wall.
“yangyang, why would i lie to you? do you think i want to see you humiliate yourself?” ten sighed, clearly very frustrated.
yangyang shrugged. “i mean, i wouldn’t be surprised.” at this, ten rolled his eyes. “but seriously there’s, like, no way y/n likes me back. she probably likes mark, or something, and you’re trying to fool me.”
ten took hold of yangyang’s shoulders and stared him dead in the eyes. “if i’m wrong about this i’ll buy you food for a week.”
yangyang drew back from ten and raised a brow, saying, “either you’re serious or way too into a prank, dude.”
ten hung his head in exhaustion, sighing. “oh my god, i can’t stand this anymore. forget my deal, you’re stupid.”
yangyang pouted as ten walked away, slightly offended by his comment. “rude,” he grumbled under his breath.
yangyang bounced his knee up and down, his gaze continuously flickering back and forth between the clock on the wall and his paper. the two of you had planned to have lunch together since you hadn’t been able to hangout for the past few days, and yangyang was insistent on being on time. he wasn’t sure why, but his hands seemed to be sweatier than usual and his heart couldn’t help but skip a beat at the thought of seeing you again.
he shook his head as if to get himself to stop thinking about you, mumbling to himself, “god, what is wrong with me?”
he nearly jumped out of his skin when a mutual friend of his, jaemin, tapped on his shoulder. jaemin stared at him in amusement and took a small step back. “my bad, didn’t mean to scare you. you okay?”
yangyang chuckled awkwardly and said, “yeah, sorry, i just spaced out. what’s up?”
jaemin leaned on the desk in front of yangyang casually. “you’re friends with y/n, right?”
yangyang tensed at his question, fearing where this conversation was going. “uh, yeah, why?”
“do you think you could get me her number?”
yangyang blinked at him before quickly clearing his throat, realizing he had been staring like an idiot. “...can’t you, like, get it from her yourself?”
the corners of jaemin’s lips curled up into a small smile. he shrugged, saying, “i could, but asking you saves me the trouble.”
yangyang sat there stumbling over his own words before directing his attention to his classmates leaving the classroom. using this as his chance to escape, yangyang stood abruptly.
“i’ll get back to you on that...eventually. i got to go, so...bye!” yangyang said to jaemin, flashing him a fake smile before dashing out of the room.
yangyang couldn’t help but feel uneasy at the thought of jaemin having a crush on you, but he tried his best to convince himself that wasn’t the case. whether it was because he was nervous or because he didn’t want to be late, yangyang picked up his pace and sent you a text telling you that he was on his way.
you sat patiently on the grass under a tree that you and yangyang had unofficially called your “spot”, jumping when yangyang fell into the spot next to you. he was panting slightly, but still had a bright smile on his face.
“did you run? why are you out of breath?” you asked while laughing at how he tried fixing his hair.
“didn’t want to keep you waiting, i guess,” yangyang huffed out. your cheeks warmed up at the comment, making you look down in embarrassment. to distract yangyang from seeing your flushed expression, you turned to grab the food from your bag. 
just like any other time that you two would have lunch together, you cracked jokes and took stupid pictures, enjoying each other’s company for as long as you could. moments like these made you forget that you and yangyang were just friends, which meant that the reality check at the end of the day hurt a lot more.
“hey, do you know jaemin?” yangyang asked suddenly.
“na jaemin?” you nodded at yangyang and said, “yeah, he might be in a class or two of mine. why?”
“just curious. what do you think of him? is he, like, cool or anything?” yangyang asked nervously. he turned away and mentally slapped himself. you sound so stupid right now.
to his relief, you replied, “i don’t know him very well, so i wouldn’t know. he seems quiet.”
yangyang hummed in reply. you chuckled and nudged his shoulder. “what? you got a crush on him?”
yangyang rolled his eyes playfully and scoffed. “oh, shut up.”
you laughed before checking your phone and sighing. “shit, i gotta get going. sorry to cut it short, yang.”
yangyang waved you off and stood up, offering you a hand to pull you up which you gratefully took. “no worries, i’m glad we got to do this today.” he almost melted when you shot him a smile.
“me too. see you later, okay?” you waved him goodbye as you walked away.
yangyang sighed and shook his head as soon as you left, the thought of you and jaemin refusing to leave his mind. he grumbled to himself, “grow a pair and confess, yangyang, come on.”
“well, now i’m sure he doesn’t like me, ten,” you said into your phone as you laid on your bed, facing your ceiling.
“what? why?” ten’s voice rang throughout your small dorm room.
“he kept asking me about na jaemin, i think he’s trying to set me up with him, or something.” you frowned at the thought.
“no! he is definitely not trying to do that.”
you furrowed your eyebrows in confusion. “how would you know?”
“because i told jaemin to ask him for your number. i thought that yangyang would stop being a pussy and confess but i can tell that didn’t go as planned,” ten said. you could almost hear his sheepish smile.
had ten been here, you would’ve strangled him. “why are you so invested in my love life?”
“y/n, without me you don’t have a love life. be grateful that i’m even trying to help you out here.”
you couldn’t help but laugh.  “well you’re not doing a very good job.”
“and you are? excuse me, but you’re just as much of a pussy as yang,” ten laughed through the phone. “quit pissing me off and tell him you like him already before he comes crying to me about how he thinks you and jaemin are going to start dating. i gotta go, louis turned on my stove and might burn down the place.”
you laughed lightly. “alright, talk you later. and keep your nose out of my business!”
after you hung up you sat on your bed and stared blankly at the wall of your dorm. typically you tried not to listen to ten as it only ever got you in trouble, but you decided that maybe this time he was right. if he was going through all this trouble, he couldn’t have been lying, right?
much to ten’s dismay, he seems to have been right about yangyang and his whining.
“no, like, you don’t understand. he totally likes her. and he’s na jaemin. there’s like no way she wouldn’t like him back! i would have a crush on him too, bro.” ten shook his head at the way yangyang sat glumly on his bed, combing his bangs over his eyes.
“do you ever listen to what i tell you? i have been telling you for several weeks that she likes you. you and your idiotic self,” ten said while shoving his shoulder to get his attention. “and if you don’t listen to me this time, i will make sure that her and jaemin start dating just so that i can see you writhe in pain.”
“that’s so low, dude,” yangyang mumbled into his pillow which he had shoved his face into.
“low like your game with girls. now go get her flowers and confess!”
“she liked tulips right? come on yangyang, you should know this,” yangyang mumbled to himself. in his hands was a bouquet of followers which he has just bought you as well as a bag full of a few of your favorite things.
he was tripping over himself as he walked over to your dorm, his palms sweaty and his throat dry from anxiety. before he could open the door to your dorm complex, he stopped and stood at the base of the stairs.
“does she even like tulips? should i go back? oh my god, can i shut up and go?” yangyang argued with himself.
before he even had the chance to turn around and bail, your voice had called out to him, making him freeze.
“yangyang? what are you doing here?” you asked.
he turned around to see you with a large stuffed animal in your arms and a small bag that was similar to the one he was holding.
“y/n! oh my god!” yangyang wasn’t sure of what to say or do but he could see your gaze flickering from the flowers in his hands back to his nervous gaze. he saw the corner of your lips curl up into a small smile and felt his worries slowly ease away.
“i’m guessing ten talked to you too?” you chuckled, making your way towards him.
yangyang laughed nervously. “um, yes, quite aggressively too.” he held the tulips in his hands out to you. “i got these for you. you do like tulips, right?”
you smiled and nodded. “of course i do. you know me so well,” you teased. you handed over the stuffed animal to which yangyang gladly took into his arms. “i remember you talking about how badly you wanted this one from the store so i went and bought it for you.”
“thank you, i love it.”
the two of you looked at it each other for a moment before breaking out into bright smiles that you seemed to be unable to control. yangyang hesitantly took your hand into his own before brushing a strand of hair out of your face.
“i really like you,” he said softly.
“i know,” you laughed when he frowned and rolled his eyes. placing a kiss on his cheek you said, “i really like you too.”
“is it okay if i kiss you?” yangyang mumbled. you nodded excitedly, but before you could share your first kiss, yangyang’s phone buzzed.
have you confessed or not i have jaemin with me right now
yangyang scoffed at the text making you furrow your brows in confusion. “who is it?”
“just ten. come here, i need to send him a picture of us.”
“for proof!”
“proof? proof for wh-“
“i’ll explain later, just come here.” yangyang wrapped his arm around your shoulder and pressed a kiss to your cheek, catching you by surprise. “and....sent! now back to that kiss...”
you shoved him at the sight of him wiggling his eyebrows making him laugh. “just shut up already.”
“if you say so,” yangyang sang.
you both smiled into the kiss, knowing that the both of you had been waiting for this moment forever, giggling when you finally pulled away. yangyang caressed your cheek gently before pulling out his phone to check ten’s reply.
told you so!!!!!
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Fives - Anchor
Pairing: Fives x reader
Word Count: 1450 words
CW/ TW: Angst; mourning/loss, death, letter, anniversary, pain, brooding, it’s very heavy and sensitive so please proceed with caution and let me know if I didn’t TW something you deemed necessary; also a bit more hopeful/ light toward the end because my heart couldn’t handle that much sadness tonight
Tags: @chaoticvampirejedi @loth-wolffe @m-o-o-n-s-g-o-o-n-s @tacticalsparkles @imalovernotahater @canwestayinthisdream @wakeupjackthisisntfair @namesmox @badbatch-simp24 @lightning-wolffe @maddieskywalker @for-the-love-of-clones @m-e-w-117 @99squad
@ladykatakuri @firelordillyria @andiebell2023
Notes: I guess I missed him a lot tonight… Sorry for the pain
Some elements included in this fic are inspired from chats I had with @m-o-o-n-s-g-o-o-n-s ; thank you little moon for being an inspiration to me 🌙
Iridescent - Linkin Park
Happy anniversary Fives.
Though I don’t see how it could be happy, when you’re everywhere but here. I never grew used to your absence, I never could; not when you’re haunting my every move, haunting this place and this world, finding your way back to me through faint memories and thousand of faces walking up to my office every day, asking me about my day and if I feel well.
I have to look at the ghost of you, every single time, and lie.
“I’m fine. What can I do for you?”
And I hear your voice again, and again. It tells me about the pain running through your back, the nightmares hitting harder than usual, and the fear eating you alive every time you get out of your hard, cold bed.
But it’s not you. It never is. I never could be.
I stopped buying your shampoo. I couldn’t even bring myself to finish the bottle we had in the shower. It’s still there, hidden somewhere in the bathroom, waiting to be emptied and thrown away carelessly, in such a mundane way one could so easily forget about it. But I can’t throw it away; it’s not mundane anymore.
I hid the jewels too, except for the bracelet. I hate to wear it, but I hate even more to put it away. I just feel…I feel naked when I don’t have it, and empty when I do. I can’t help but see you – feel you – through the shades of blue and black. What was once the purest blessing turned into the worst curse, and I can’t break it. I almost did – breaking the bracelet. I almost did.
I could if I really wanted to; but then I would lose you again, and I just…
I gave your aprons to the boys. I couldn’t stand to see them, neatly hanging in the kitchen. They were silly anyway, and I had no use for them. I’m a doctor after all, not a cook.
I published my thesis on the clones’ rights, and it is being presented to the Senate by Senator Amidala as we speak. I told her I wouldn’t be able to be there for her discourse, and she simply hugged me. I wish she hadn’t.
It’s been a year, yet it feels like yesterday. Everyone moved on; everyone but me, and I can’t help but be mad. I am mad that they forgot so easily about you, that they brushed you off as “another collateral damage”, another…clone. It’s the way they say it when they try to comfort me.
You were more than a clone. More than a soldier, and more than a man.
You were Fives.
You were my anchor, and I was your ocean.
I miss the way you said it. Coming home to me, tired, features drained and eyes darkened by the horrors of your latest campaign; but always soft and caring through the hoarseness of your voice as you whispered it against my skin. You always found a way to be there for me; for everyone, even when you were losing yourself in your own prison.
I am mad at you because of that. Because you couldn’t stand back for once, be egoistic and think of yourself instead of trying to play the hero in the dark. They killed you because you didn’t wait, not even when I asked you – begged you to. I am so angry because I called you an idiot, and all you could answer me was “I love you too, my ocean. My anchor.”
You didn’t even let me say it back.
I am mad at myself. You trusted me enough to tell me everything, and you knew I would believe you. And when you tried to do something about it, I called you an idiot. I wasn’t even there with you; I should have been there with you. I could have saved you.
I remember the first time you came home. At the time, it was still “my place”, but the moment you stepped in it stopped being mine only. I always told you to come by if you needed; and the one time you did, we ended up laughing so hard the neighbour had to knock at the door. But it felt good. I guess that day I gave you a part of myself, and you carried it with you ever since. I suppose it died with you, too.
I know I shouldn’t be so broody; I can almost hear you, your chuckles filling the room, your hands pressing down my shoulders as you tell me “it’s a celebration, smile for me!”; and the smell of that shampoo tickling my nose as you come close to lay a kiss on my cheek…
But now the only thing I can feel are the tears, and that twisting ache in my chest, burning my skin and ripping my lungs apart. I can’t even breathe correctly anymore, I…
I’m sorry I had you waiting.
I fell asleep on the table, and woke up because of the cold. It’s always cold in here now. I borrowed one of your old sweatshirt - I hope you don’t mind. I kept them. I almost gave them to the boys, along with the aprons; but then I thought they could always come in handy.
They do. When days like today happens; days where I feel too lonely, where I miss you too much and it just feels too cold, I slip into one and hold it so close to me it almost feels like you’re here. My arms become yours, your faint perfume comes back to me fresh and soft, and I sometimes swear I can feel your warmth against my skin. I close my eyes when I do that, and it stops being a dream for a second.
For just a second, you’re back. You never truly left.
And when I open my eyes again; when I realise what it is all about, I still feel you. I see the bracelet, smell the black tissue, watch one of these B movie we used to laugh at and somehow I feel the best and worst I’ve felt in a long time.
I wish you were here. I wish I could tell you how much I missed you and how beautiful you are; if I could hold you tight, one last time... I didn’t even get to hug you one last time. I didn’t know it would be it; else I wouldn’t have let you go.
Echo is supposed to come around today. He told me he would. He didn’t forget about you either, you know. Neither did Rex, or Jesse, or Kix. Your vode didn’t forget about you. They always make sure to keep you alive, tell everyone about you and remember them of who you were.
Echo always says you’re his best friend. He never uses the past tense. I can’t blame him; I still say you’re the love of my life whenever people ask me. I guess we know deep down these things will never change. We don’t want it to change.
Wait, someone knocked.
When was the last time we laughed like that? For once, we turned the tears into something better; lighter. I’m sure you would be proud of us.
Of course, you would be proud of us.
It almost feels good to see you through Echo; to find glimpses of you in his smile, the faint spark in his eyes when he retells your best pranks, and the way he chuckles...I almost feel at home right now. With you. Not quite, but close enough.
Enough to make me smile, for the first time today.
Echo says hi. He’s watching me writing to you. He asked me to tell you that Rex lit a candle for you this morning, and the boys had a little something for you; but I can’t know what; apparently I “wouldn’t understand anyway”. So I hope – we hope – that you liked it.  We’re probably going to watch a bad movie and mock the poor acting until we fall asleep, and tomorrow we will…We’ll probably think of you again, but hopefully there won’t be as much tears as today.
I guess it’s a battle worth fighting. Not for the Republic or the Greater Good; not for the Senate or the Chancellor. Not for the Jedis or the Galaxy.
No, it’s a battle we fight for you, Fives. Let us be your anchor, for once, and rest easy now, because more than anything or anyone else out there… you deserve it.
Happy anniversary Fives.
I love you too, my Anchor.
 - Your Ocean.
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Word count: 1679
Genre: Hurt/comfort 
Pairings: Natasha x fem!reader, platonic avengers x fem!reader
Warnings: Some swearing (let me know if I need to add more)
Request: hi~ was wondering if you’d do a natasha x reader with a dash of platonic avengers when reader has chronic migraines but hasn’t told nat so ends up in random places to try and sleep them away and the others keep finding her and then nat figures out she’s hiding something and feels hurt but ends fluffy wanting to take care of reader next time? you can choose who and change any part you want!
Summary: Reader gets really bad migraines and is constantly being found by the team when she wants to be alone, however her girlfriend Natasha doesn’t know what’s going on. 
A/n: This request was for @casperlikej​ so I hope you like it! Also I would like to mention that I know next to nothing about migraines so this probably won’t be super accurate but hopefully it’s ok to read anyways. I’m queuing this to come out on Sunday so that over the weekend I can work on the friends to enemies to lovers three part series and get that out soon (no I have not forgotten about that request). I am only like a sixth into that series but so far I’m super proud of it so I can’t wait to get it done! Also if anyone has ideas, feel free to request anything because I like having multiple fic ideas to think of at all times. Anyways I’m rambling now but I hope you enjoy this fic!
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You hated being away from Natasha because although you had only been together for a few months and only known her for half a year you were sure you loved her but sometimes you just couldn’t stand pretending to be okay in front of her so you would hide yourself away. Currently your favourite place to hide was a nice rocking chair near the medbay area that was tucked away in the corner of a room. Barely anyone ever went by and the few that did never seemed to notice, giving you the anonymously you needed in order to curl up with your head in your knees and try to calm your head down. 
“Y/n? What are you doing here?” You hear Tony’s voice ask and you startle. 
“Oh, um, I’m just spending time with myself.” You respond lamely as Tony raises an eyebrow. 
“You never spend time by yourself,” he points out, “whenever you want to get away from us you always spend time with Natasha.” 
“I am alone sometimes.” You say starting to get annoyed. 
He scoffs. “No you aren’t, is everything ok between you two?”
“Everything is fine, just leave!” You snap at him. He hesitates in leaving the room but ultimately goes without saying another word after seeing how intensely you started glaring at him. It takes longer than usual for your migraine to go away because usually staying level headed helped but at least you yelling got Tony out of the room and to stop asking questions.
It was only a few days later that you got another migraine. You excuse yourself from the room you were sitting in with Bruce, Tony and Nat, mumbling some bullshit about needing to go to the store and ignoring Tony’s worried look on your way out. You knew that Tony would come looking for you in your old place so you decide to hole up in the room near the pad Thor uses whenever he visits earth. Today wasn’t a very bad migraine because you were able to catch the signs early but it still takes slightly over an hour for your head to stop pounding. You’re about to leave the room and go back to find the others but just to your luck Thor happens to arrive today unscheduled, something that only happens every few weeks. 
“Lady Y/l/n!” his voice booms happily as he steps inside, “it’s so good to see you, but what are you doing here, I wasn’t aware I had informed anyone of my arrival.”
You laugh slightly at his formal way of speaking and confused expression. “You didn’t, I just happened to be here because I was trying to be alone for awhile.”
“Are you feeling unwell?” He asks, looking concerned. 
“Not at all,” you reassure him, “in fact I was just about to go back to the others when you arrived, shall we find them together?” He nods eagerly, holding out his arm for you to hook onto like a true gentleman.
The next time you try to hide away you’re talking to Steve and he isn’t getting your subtle cues that you want to leave so he just keeps talking. You think he is talking about some sort of mission but honestly you don’t know because it physically hurts your brain to pay attention. You want to yell at him so badly but you can’t bring yourself to because he isn't trying to hurt you at all and he’s too nice to be angry at. 
“You agree Y/n?” You manage to make out. 
“Yes.” You say, not knowing what you’re even agreeing to.
“Great, I’ll go talk to the others, see you tomorrow for the morning training!” He says before walking off. You groan out loud as soon as you can no longer see him, partly because of how much your head hurts and partly because you accidentally told Steve that morning training was a good idea. This time you just plop yourself on the nearest couch and hope nobody finds you. 
You stumble into Bruce’s lab calling out for him. It had been over a week since your last migraine and encounter with Steve, one of the longest breaks you’ve had within recent memory but that came back to bite you in the ass when today’s was worse than ever before, even blurring your vision a little because of the pain. 
Bruce stands up from behind a pile of boxes. “Y/n, what brings you here.” 
“Pain meds now.” You order in a weak voice. He looks curious but doesn’t question you, heading towards a back cabinet and pulling out a bottle of pills. You immediately take two and swallow, ignoring him scolding you that you should only take one. Luckily since Bruce invented them himself it only took about five minutes for them to kick in. 
“Sorry, I had a really bad headache.” You tell him which is a half truth. 
He looks at you in concern. “Are you sure that was only a headache? It looked bad.” 
You wave him off, heading towards the door because you didn’t want him to ask anymore questions. “I’m fine Brucie, thanks again!” He sighs and shakes his head as he watches you leave, worried but deciding it’s not his place to badger you about it. 
Since every time you got a migraine you always ended up around one of the others you made a plan so that you could avoid everyone because you knew that one day your luck was going to end and Natasha would be the one to find you. You knew that she wouldn’t be mad at you or anything since you can’t control them but the relationship is still new and you don’t want to badger her with any of your problems. 
That’s why as soon as you start to feel a migraine coming on you hoist yourself up into the vents above your (sort of) shared room with Natasha where you had left a blanket and some pillows to relax with… only to find Clint waiting for you there. 
“I was wondering who had left these up there.” He says, seeming like it was a perfectly natural thing for him to be in the vents above your room. You decide not to question it, only sighing because you know that conversation would take up too many thoughts that you don’t have space for right now. You’re just so fucking done with your migraines and want them to go away. 
Clint notices your sadden expression and is serious for once. “Y/n, what’s going on?”
“I get these stupid fucking migraines and it only seems to be getting worse and I don’t want anyone to think I’m weak and I want Natasha but I don’t want to bother her with my problems.” You unload, holding back tears.
“I’m not going to lie to you, I don’t know how to make you feel better,” he confesses, “however why don’t you try to take a nap in your own bed and if you really don’t want Tasha to find you I can keep her distracted.” You nod and he helps you back out of the vents, climbing down after you. 
“Clint?” you say as he’s leaving the room and he turns around, “thanks.”
Clint makes his way to the common room where he sees Steve talking to Natasha. 
“Hey guys, what’s up?” He asks with a smile, faltering when he sees Natasha looks upset. “Nat, what’s wrong?”
“I think Y/n is going to break up with me.” She says, her voice thick with emotion. 
Steve frowns. “I told you not to jump to conclusions, maybe you should just talk to her.” Natasha just shakes her head, looking down and taking a deep breath, trying to regulate her emotions. 
“Y/n’s going to hate me for this,” Clint says as two pairs of eyes turn to him, “but you should go to your room, I promise that she’s not planning on breaking up with you.” 
Natasha noticeably brightens. “Are you sure?”
Clint nods. “I’m sure, she said not even five minutes ago that she wanted you. She’s going through some shit right now that you should talk to her about but she wouldn’t break up with you.” 
“Thanks.” Natasha replies, before hurrying to your shared room, worried about you after what Clint said. 
You curl up on the bed and let a few tears fall out and before long you are full on sobbing. You always try to stay strong and not cry but you just can’t deal with the migraines anymore. The bed shifts behind you and you sit up straight looking behind you. Natasha is climbing on to it and looking at you with a worried expression on her face. 
“I thought Clint was going to keep you busy.” You say, sniffling to try to stop your tears.
“He must have lied because he told me to come here.” She responds. 
“He’s an asshole.” 
She gives a small laugh. “Normally yes, but he did the right thing, I want to help you with whatever is upsetting you.” 
“You shouldn’t have to deal with me like this,” you tell her, “my migraines are my problem that I have to deal with.” 
She moves across the bed and puts her arms around you. “No sweetheart, I’m here with you.” You start to cry again, this time while it’s slightly from the pain it’s mostly because you feel so overwhelmed with how much she supports you. She pulls you in tightly to her chest, and plants a kiss on the top of your head. 
“I will always be here for you if you need something ok?” she says. “But now you need to rest.” 
“But-” you start to protest before she cuts you off. 
“No buts, you need sleep.” She says while shushing you. You wiggle back, trying to be as far into arms as possible before you slowly drift off, the pain of the migraine going away and all you can feel is warmth.
Taglist: @fayhar @stephanieromanoff @stop-drop-and-drumroll @acertainredhead​ (if you want to be added, comment, send an ask, or message me)
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weelittleweasley · 4 years
Proper Present | Draco x Reader
Prompt as requested by @beiahadid: After the war, you and Draco are able to live your lives the way you want. You both get married, you get jobs, you live in your own house, and soon the idea of starting a family rolls around. How does Draco react when he finds out you are pregnant?
Warnings: 18+ sexual content, language, pregnancy, FLUFFYYYY
Word Count: 3.3k
A/N: SCREW IT DRACO IS A HEALER POST WAR THERE I SAID IT!!!!!!!!! Happy Monday, beauties! Today I’ll have a few fics out hopefully. Probably this one, a few headcannons, and maahaaybe a longer fic if I am up for it.
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Slowly peeling your eyes open, you let your eyes adjust to the morning light that streams in from the windows of your home. The silk sheets wrapped around you have never felt so good. You stretch your arms up, letting all the kinks out from your restful night’s sleep as you inhale a deep breath. As you lay down, you think of how lucky you were to be laying here.
After the war, things changed for everyone. You had finished your time at Hogwarts and that meant that you and your boyfriend, Draco, wanted to leave as soon as possible. Neither of you hesitated to get out of there, leaving it all behind. Draco wanted nothing more than to leave his parents behind, never being able to forgive his father and mother for putting him and you in direct danger. If you had died, Draco wouldn’t have forgiven himself for letting his parents behave in such a manner. The two of you left Hogwarts and wanted to go somewhere quiet and remote, where you could get away from madness for a while. Draco had found a small cottage in the countryside that wasn’t far from the city, so you could commute to work if need be. It was perfect.
Draco didn’t want to waste any more time. Shortly after leaving Hogwarts, you two were married. The ceremony was just between you two, intimate like you both had hoped it would be. During your wedding, Draco promised that he would do everything in his power to keep you safe, happy, and healthy. He wanted nothing more, but to be able to provide for you and him. The two of you got jobs, Draco as a Healer in the city and you as a herbologist. This way the two of you would be able to work in similar departments, which meant you worked in adjacent buildings with similar work schedules. Some times your work required you to come into the hospital where Draco worked and those days were the best, working beside your husband, both taking care of people.
You sigh out a happy breath, enjoying the morning sun on your skin, warming you up through your night clothes. As you sit up, your master bedroom door opens to reveal your husband, a large bouquet of flowers in hand and a mug full of hot tea. “Happy Birthday, darling,” he beams as your heart flutters. You had nearly forgot it was your birthday. You were so caught up in work this week that you forgot that today was your special day. Draco places the mug of tea on your nightstand and hands you the flowers are you graciously accept them. He sits on the edge of the bed, placing his hand on your knee, rubbing it gently. “Do you feel older?” he laughs as you sip on your tea carefully.
Rolling your eyes you say, “No and thank Merlin for that.” You both chuckle lightly as you lean forward and give him a sweet kiss on his lips. “Thank you, darling for the flowers and tea.”
“That’s not all,” he wiggles his eyebrows. “There are more birthday surprises on the way.” You sigh, knowing that Draco loved giving gift to show his love for you. It was very kind of him, but you didn’t want him wasting his hard earned money on you. Although he still had remains of the Malfoy fortune and he knew that he could ride that out for the rest of your lives, he didn’t like using that money anymore since he knew it was blood money. Instead, Draco kept that money tucked away and would only touch it in case of an emergency. “Nothing too crazy, don’t worry. Just a few special things for you,” he speaks, kissing your nose. “No come on, I’m making you breakfast.”
Draco starts into the kitchen as you take your time, rolling out of bed, sliding on your slippers and silky robe. As you tighten the fabric around you, you walk down the halls of your home, before walking past an empty room. You had lived in this house for almost three years now, but you and Draco hadn’t touched this room since you had moved in. It was a nursery room. Although you and Draco hadn’t been actively trying for children, the thought of a child made you excited, but nervous. When you were still students at Hogwarts and you talked about your future, Draco never mentioned that he wanted children and when he brought up children, it was always followed by something negative. But you knew that stemmed from his parents and the way they raised him. Draco didn’t want to raise a child like his father and mother did him. If Draco was going to be a father, he was going to step up to the plate and provide for them in a way that his father never could. 
You pull yourself out of your thoughts as you pass the nursery and head into the kitchen, as Draco hovers over the stove with eggs cracked in a pan and toast in the toaster. You sat on the dining room counter as he cooked, enjoying the sight of your husband cooking for you, him being very careful not to burn or overcook anything. This in itself was a great gift; spending quality time with your husband on a lazy weekend morning. 
Throughout the morning, Draco gifted you small things here and there. A new pair of shoes, some more books that you were looking at from the shoppes, a basket of sweets, all were very thoughtful and you can tell Draco had planned out these gifts carefully. The middle of the day was disturbed when Draco was called into work on an emergency call. He groaned as his pager buzzed. “I’m sorry, darling, I wish I didn’t have to go,” he tells you, rising from the couch.
You softly smile at him, rising to kiss him. “No need to apologize. You have a job, love, go. Besides, you know I’m not crazy about my birthday. Go save someone’s life,” you send him off with a kiss as he throws a wink your way before leaving your house, hearing the car drive off.
Standing in the middle of your living room, you let a sigh out. You didn’t lie to Draco, you didn’t care much about your birthday, but you didn’t like being alone with your thoughts in this house. As you clean up the dishes in the sink, you can’t help but feel like there is something calling you from down the hall. It’s like a magnet pulling you down the hallway as you land back at the empty nursery.
You stare at the door to the nursery before mustering up enough courage to push the door open. Nothing is in the room. It is completely empty. White walls, hardwood floor, nothingness that fills it up. Slowly and carefully, as if not to disturb the air, you enter the room. Within seconds, you start imagining what it would be like to have a child with Draco. You knew that your child would look like Draco, no doubt, his genetics were far stronger than yours. You can imagine wrapping your baby up in blankets as it cooed at you. You can see Draco holding your child you so much delicacy and care, afraid of the baby. You laughed at the thought. You know that Draco would teach your child so much about everything under the sun; life, magic, family, anything and everything. 
It isn’t until you feel the tear running down your face that you notice you are crying at the thought of having a chid with the man you love more than life. You wanted a baby. It felt right. The timing was right, you had a house, you could provide for the child, you knew that now was the time. 
You stood in that nursery for what felt like forever. You didn’t even notice how long you were in there until you heard the front door open and keys hitting the counter. “I’m back, love,” Draco calls, but you don’t budge from your position in the nursery. “What are you doing in here?” he laughs, walking into the room with you. You just turn to him with a small smile on your lips. “What are you smiling about?” he laughs as he pulls you into his arms, arms around your waist.
“I want a baby,” you whisper. His eyes widen, not expecting that answer. “We’ve waited for so long and I think we’re ready...I want a child with you, Draco,” you tell him as you stroke his hair, gently soothing him.
Draco lets a small sigh escape his lips as he surrenders to your touch. His eyes light up as you smile at him, knowing that if a child will make you happy, he’d give you ten thousand children. “Well,” he starts. “I do owe you a proper birthday present.”
With a giggle, he pulls you into your master bedroom, door shutting behind you before he attacks your lips with his. You wrap your arms around his neck, pulling him in closer to you as his grip on you becomes tighter and tighter. You push his jacket off of him as he kisses your neck feverishly. A trail of clothes leads to your bed now as he pushes you back on the bed, him climbing on top of you, kissing your neck down to your chest, leaving sloppy wet mouth mouthed kisses all over. His hands grope your breasts outside your thin bra before he unclips it, throwing it to the side, his warm hands now cupping the exposed flesh. You let your fingers run through his white blonde hair, tugging at his roots. He tugs your underwear down so it dangles around your ankles. 
Draco traces your lips with his finger before you suck on his two fingers, swirling your tongue around them as a smirk plays on his lips. “Good girl,” he huskily whispers before pulling his fingers out of your wet mouth and into your wet pussy. You let a moan hum on your lips as he pumps his fingers in and out of you as he watches you roll your head back. “You like that?” he pushes his fingers in and out of you, increasing his speed as you moan in response. Draco then let his thumb slowly drag across as your clit as you buck your hips up. He loved teasing you just to get a rise out of you; he knew how much you hated that. “Beg,” he demands.
Screwing your eyes shut, you say, “Please, fuck, please” breathlessly through pants. Obeying, Draco starts making small circles on your clit as he continues to finger fuck you, your mind is reeling at the sensation. Draco presses your hips down to prevent you from bucking your hips up. He wanted to save that for when he was fucking you senseless with his cock. Your thighs began to shake, your sign that you were close to releasing all over his long fingers. “Baby,” you pant. “Fuck, I’m close.”
With a few more pumps, you come all over Draco’s fingers as he continues to pump, making sure you are riding out your high deliciously. When you catch your breath, Draco pulls his fingers out and stick them in his mouth, licking up your wetness. He then pulls his boxers off and hovers over you before kissing you gently. “I love you,” he speaks, interlacing your fingers before pushing himself into your heat as he sighs. 
You feel your walls tighten around his member as you squeeze his hand. He lets you adjust to his size before he starts to move, in and out slowly and gently. You grab onto his shoulders, nails digging into his skin before dragging down his back as he picks up his rhythm. “I love you,” he repeats, his hips picking up a familiar pace as you dig your nails deeper into his skin. “I love you, I love you, I love you,” he continues as he is pounding into you.
He buries his face in the crook of your neck as your hands tangle in his hair. “I love you,” you tell him back as his rhythm becomes irregular, signaling he was close to releasing inside of you. “I love you, baby.”
“Shit,” Draco pants before you feel him release inside of you, filling you up. Draco’s thumb finds your clit again, rubbing figure eights into you, making you come for him for the second time. The two of you are breathless as he pulls out of you, laying next to you before pulling you into his chest. “I love you,” he kisses the top of your head as you cuddle into his bare chest, pulling the covers over the both of you. “I’m sorry I never said it before, but I want a family with you. I want that for the both of us.”
You smile at your husband, placing a hand on his cheek. “I love you. There is no need to apologize. We weren’t ready before. But now, I want to be parents. We’re ready.”
A week and a half passes and you are sat at work, talking amongst your colleagues. As one of your colleagues talks about shipping a large amount of herbs to wizarding schools across the country, you can’t help, but feel your body temperature suddenly spike and your mouth become dry. You peel your laboratory coat off and tie your hair back in a ponytail in order to alleviate some of the heat, but nothing seems to work. “(Y/N)? Are you alright?” one of your colleagues asks. “Your face is white as parchment.”
Giving a small nod, you say, “Yeah, I’m just hot. Is anyone else?” Your colleagues just give you confused looks. “I’m alright I’m just...” you trail off as your head starts to spin.
One of your colleagues grabs you, seeing your balance shift. “Let’s get you some water and something to eat,” she suggests, but the thought of food makes your stomach churn. 
“Just water is fine,” you insist. “Thank you.”
As you sit there your colleague and friend, Jessica, looks over at you. “Are you sure you’re alright?” Jessica asks. “You never are like this,” she scoots next to you. “Do you need to go next door to the hospital? Just so they can check out to see if anything is wrong?”
That’s when it hits you. “Jess, do you mind coming with me. I think I know what’s going on, but I just need to be sure of it.” 
Within minutes, you are in the hospital and you recognize the woman at the desk, Delilah, who sends you a smile as you enter with Jessica. “Hi, (Y/N). Are you here for Draco?” she asks, knowing that’s why you usually came in. 
“Actually, D,” you look around. “Do you know if you have any...muggle pregnancy tests leftover?” you ask her in a hushed tone. 
Her eyes and Jessica’s widen. “You think you’re pregnant?” Jessica scream whispers. “Have you and Draco been trying?”
You shrug, “I don’t know. Draco and I both said we wanted to try and have been trying, but it’s only been a bloody week since we started. Do you think it’s possible?”
Delilah comes back with a small box and hands it to you quickly. “It’s very possible,” she tells you. “The bathroom is down the hall. We’ll be out here if you need us, just give us a shout.”
You walk down the hall, your heart beat is thumping in your chest. How was it possible that you were pregnant a week and a half after having sex for the first time unprotected? This just seemed unreal. You close and lock the bathroom door and pee on the stick before placing it on the counter. “Wait three minutes?” you huff. This was about to be the longest three minutes of your life. “Bloody hell.”
You sit on the toilet seat, staring at the pregnancy test in front of you, tapping your foot anxiously. What if it said pregnant? That’s what you wanted, right? A baby with the man you loved most. But what if you weren’t ready? What if you jumped the gun? What if Draco didn’t really want a baby with you? 
Thoughts race through your mind before you look at your watch anxiously. Three minutes was up. You let out a shaky exhalation before rising and closing your eyes. “It’s alright, (Y/N),” you calm yourself down. “Just look.”
Picking up the test, you flip it up to see two dark lines. 
I’m pregnant you think to yourself.
Tears fill your eyes and a huge smile is on your face. You were going to have a baby. Draco was going to be a father. You were going to be a mother. You let a happy sob escape your lips. You were pregnant. 
“(Y/N)? It’s been three minutes,” Jessica calls from the other side of the door. You swing the door open with tears in your eyes and large smile on your face. “Merlin,” she whispers. “You’re pregnant.” She engulfs you in a hug before looking to Delilah.
Delilah’s face jumps with excitement. She picks up the desk phone and announces over the speaker system. “Can Dr. Malfoy please report to exam room number four right away? Dr. Malfoy, report to exam room four,” Delilah speaks as you giggle with excitement. She hangs up the phone, “Go!” 
You run to exam room four, shutting the door, bubbling with excitement, bursting at the seams waiting for your husband to come in. What was he gonna say? What was he going to do? 
“Alright, hi there I’m Dr. Malfoy and I-” Draco sees you standing in the exam room, hands behind your back, clutching onto the pregnancy test with an iron grip. “Oh, darling! What are you doing here?” he asks with a big smile, walking over to you to kiss your cheek. He notices your hands behind your back. “Uh oh. What are you up to?” he chuckles.
Inhaling a shaky breath, you speak, “I need to tell you something.” Draco’s face fills with nerves as he shakes his head. “Or I can show you.” He furrows his brows as you take one of his hands and then place the pregnancy test in his hands. He looks at it confused for a moment before reality hits him in the face. “I’m pregnant...” you start to cry.
Draco is shocked. He doesn’t say anything which brings you anxiety. But then the biggest smile comes across his face as he looks up at you. “You’re pregnant,” he whispers, tears starting to pool in his eyes. You happily nod, covering your mouth to hold back your giggles and sobs. “You’re pregnant,” he repeats with so much happiness and laughter. “We’re going to have a baby?!” he screams before engulfing you in the biggest hug, spinning you around as you wildly laugh. He puts you down and kisses you hard as you hold him tightly. “I’m going to be a dad,” he cries as you hold his face. 
“You’re going to be a dad,” you repeat, crying. “You’re going to be the best bloody father,” you tell him, making his heart swell at your words. “We’re going to be parents.”
Draco buries his face in your neck as you hold onto him tight, his grip unbreakable on you. “You’re going to be the most wonderful mother,” he whispers in your ear as you smile into his laboratory coat. “We’re going to be the best parents,” he pulls away to look at the brightest smile you have on your face. “We’re having a fucking baby!” 
You laugh at him before he dashes out of the exam room and takes to the halls. “My wife is pregnant!” he yells down the halls of the hospital, earning cheers from his fellow Healers. This baby was in for the ride of their life.
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Hiii!! I love your fics and I can’t believe Going for Gold only has one chapter left?!
Anyway I heard u were accepting some prompts so ~
Prompt: canon-verse Nessian fic where Nesta discusses the challenges of adapting to immortality and fae-hood
I’m so glad you love Going for Gold! It has 2 chapters left! And I love this suggestion! I took it in a bit of a different route but hopefully you like it!
Also for drabbles I’m literally writing them in one go on Tumblr so they will be *Tumblr Exclusives* feel free to send in any suggestion- I like canon, modern, and AU! If you can think it up I’ll probably try my hand at it!
Nesta was trying to smile for Cassian’s sake. She really was. She wasn’t being difficult or purposefully sour, but… she just didn’t have it in her today. Not today of all days.
“What’s wrong?” Cassian’s brow furrowed in concern, his hand reaching out to slip around her waist as he pulled himself up to where she was sitting in bed, tucking himself against her instead of pulling her into him as he so often did.
Nesta clamped down on the bond, snapping her walls up and trying to stave off the thick puffs of darkly coiled smoke that must have been assaulting his senses for her mate to react so quickly.
“It’s not the bond, Nes.” Cassian rested his chin on her head, somehow knowing that this was a full body hug kind of sadness. “I know when you’re upset. And right now you’re giving me that same tight little grimace you try to pass off as a smile when there are too many people around you or we’ve stayed at the river house too long.”
Nesta sighed, both loving and hating how well he knew her.
“It’s your birthday, isn’t it?” Nesta just continued staring down at the sheets, but she opened her end of the bond up again. Let him feel the dark chasm of her mind in that moment. Cassian pressed a kiss to her forehead. “I wasn’t going to bring it up. Feyre was trying to-”
“Plan a surprise party I know. I keep hoping that by tomorrow I’ll be able to stomach that.”
“I told her to cancel it.” Nesta snapped her eyes up. “Someday you’re going to stop being so shocked that I know you, my love. An event where large numbers of people jump out of nowhere holding balloons and yelling sounds like your personal Under The Mountain.”
Nesta gave him a tight, sad little smile. Broken, but real this time. “Thank you.” Her hands reached down into her lap to clasp one of his. Hold onto it. Try to suck out some of his strength and warmth for herself. And as always, Cassian gave it over gladly.
Nesta needed one of his arms to clutch, so Cassian wrapped his wing around her shoulders to bring them even closer together. The rough leathery texture had come to feel like silk against her skin in the months they had been mated. Comforting and sure and everything warm in life.
“What did you do last year?” His question was tentative. The way any conversation about her year of destruction was tentative.
“It was one of the only days I stayed sober. I sat in the bathtub all day in cold water just so I could think about something else. Remembering the cauldron was better than focusing on what it took from me.”
In months past Cassian might have gotten offended by that statement, by the implication that it was so awful to be one of them, but he understood her better now. Understood that Nesta had a right to grieve her mortal life, even as she loved her fae one. The way someone could still live and laugh and love after the death of a loved one. It stuck with you for a while. A phantom loss swirling about every happy occasion.
“Birthdays just don’t mean anything to me anymore. I don’t understand why you all celebrate them when you don’t age.”
Cassian nodded, “Fae age. Maybe not our bodies past their prime, but our minds and hearts and souls. You are so different in just a few years. Think about how you will be in a decade, let alone a century. Your body won’t change, but everything else will.”
Nesta paused for a contemplative moment. She forgot how old he was sometimes. How much he had lived through.
“I don’t really know how to phrase it. Most of the time I’m fine. I’m happy or even on days I’m not happy I know that I will be happy, that I can be happy. But something about my birthday just brings it all up. How different it is. How much I still don’t know. Even… how casually people thank the cauldron or celebrate holidays. I try… but sometimes it all feels like trying to shove my feet into outgrown boots.”
“That’s ok.” Cassian’s wing pulsed in a comforting squeeze. “You have so much time. Don’t try to rush it. Birthdays are a marker, a day, an event, but years… years are not all created equal, my love. I lived hundreds of very small years focused on nothing but fighting and being the best. Years that slipped by in the blink of an eye. But then there were years that felt like a decade or even a century all on their own.”
“Last year.” Nesta swallowed.
“Yeah.” Nesta and Cassian didn’t lie to each other. Not even to spare the other’s feelings. “And this year. This one year with you is worth the five hundred that came before it. It’s not about the time, it’s what you do with it. And even an immortal life is too short to waste time choking down these feelings. Feel them. Pick out the ones that help and get rid of the rest. Send them down the bond,” Cassian smirked against her hair. “And I’ll fight them off.”
Nesta laughed as his arm flexed around her, wings spreading out on instinct. She had no doubt her overprotective mate probably would try to challenge her own melancholia to a blood duel.
In so many ways he already had.
“I love you so much.” Nesta turned her body into his and Cassian curled around her like he could pull her into himself. Legs tangling, wings folding, arms wrapping.
“I love you.” He whispered into her hair. “I loved you as a human. I love you as a Fae. I loved you last year and I love you this year and I will love you in five hundred years.”
“Just five hundred?”
“Until the mountains crumble to dust and Velaris falls into the sea. And then I’ll love you in the next life. Even though you’ll probably try to knee me in the balls again.”
“Yeah,” Nesta laughed softly against his chest. “I probably will.”
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