#hopefully we get an explanations for this
TimKonBartCassie Clone Baby AU
Part 2
He jolts awake from if you call weird dream's about a gun slinging toddler with a flying a dog a restful sleep, to awake in a second.
It takes about ten more seconds for him to realize he is in his room at Titans Tower, his kid is gone which he is not currently too worried about once he remembers the conversation from last night.
He's already heading back to the lounge figuring it a good place to hunt down a secret keeping Impulse and everyone else.
Kon is holding him the baby asleep, while Bart rests in Cassie's lap. Various baby items from bibs, diapers, and clothes are neatly placed to the side of the couch.
Kon greets him with a soft smile that he can't help but return before sliding down next to Bart.
It's comfortable and he's grateful that's no one's mad, that they all just accepted Luci once again he's surprised by how family just goes with it no matter what.
He loves them so much.
It's only been about two minutes before Cassie breaks the silence.
"Alright, we don't know how much you remember but you passed out, we figured the sleep deprivation caught up, Kon carried you to bed, we wanted to wait until you were awake to finish the discussion about everything."
Tim breathes he wants to know everything Bart knows but logically this doesn't just concern them if Jason has a kid he has to inform him. Nevermind that he needs to get back to Gotham and talk to everybody.
"Ok, I think we all should head to Gotham, I can call a family meeting, Bart can finish saying whatever he knows to everyone, because I don't think it's fair that we sit with information that could effect everyone, but I don't just want to decided or do anything I already did, something pretty big without talking to you guys."
"I agree mostly the cave would be the best place, I'm not exactly ecstatic about talking to everyone. I think Rob's right, also I want Jon to meet his nephew."
Kon brings up a point that he hadn't factored in Bruce is a grandfather now Dick is a uncle so is Jason and Damian. He also kinda really wants to show off his baby he finally understands why Bruce keeps photos of them all in his wallet.
"I agree Diana is gonna be all over our little hellraiser and it's a lot easier if we just gather everyone up and do one giant explanation, than doing it a million times. Also I don't know about anyone else but free babysitting is a perk, kiddo didn't want to sleep at all most likely cause Mom passed out on the floor but who knows?"
Tim can't disagree other than, wait why is he mom?
"Tim you talked in your sleep and were very offended that Dad has baby memorie before Mom cause you created him."
Kon laughs distracting him with his sparkly eyes, how unfair.
"I didn't mean to say that out loud and yes I did all the complicated stuff so I will be Mom if I want to although I will share with Cassie if I have to." He pouts. 
It's surreal that he really does mean that and for some reason mom or dad it doesn't matter one bit he has a little baby, his own baby bird.
"Alright boys I think we should get a move on, Tim send out a message and have Batman gather everyone up, he will probably have an easier time then we would."
He grabs his phone he didn't even realize that he had it luckly it's late enough in the day that work and school for everyone shouldn't be a problem.
He texts both Bruce and Alfred that something happened no one is hurt, but he needs everyone in the cave from Supers, Bats, Titans, Outlaws, Wonder Woman's essentially if we would want them to know something important they need to be there as fast as possible.
Not even ten seconds later his phone rings which he expected.
"Tim what's happening?"
He's terrified it's really setting in that he has a a kid.
That he has to tell Bruce.
Yet he's relieved it's Batman, It's Bruce, it's Dad.
He fix anything and hopefully teach him how to change a diaper.
He can't stop the sob that follows.
"I just need you to do this, please Dad it's... I did something stupid, but so amazing and just please I need you ok. I am coming with Young Justice it involves all of us and make sure our family's there, just please. I can't explain over the phone."
"Ok sweetheart I don't know what's going on but it will be ok. Anything can be figured out. Alfred is calling everyone will be here in about an hour. Are you ok? Injuried?"
"No I'm ok just make sure everyone's there Dick, Alfred just we need them. I'll be there in about an hour and a half. I love you."
He hangs up.
Bruce is terrified he never dialed so quickly in his life and his son sounds well upset doesn't even begin to cover it, but he knows it's important he only had to look at Alfred before he was calling Jason who was already with Roy picking up Lian.
Dick, Damian, Duke, Cass already are waiting in the cave he practically screamed for them to get down here.
Alfred quietly informing them that something happened and that everyone needs to get to the cave.
Bruce can't move he hears Jason come in but he can't greet him.
Soon the Titans arrive conversing with mainly Roy and Dick.
Clark, Diana and Barry arrive soon after.
He sees Jon talking quietly with Damian finally he gets up.
Looks at his children, teammates and everyone he could possible think of might need to know about a catastrophic event.
He clears his throat.
"I received a message from Young Justice, I don't know what happened, all I know is it's something major apperently no one is injured but they need us I expect whatever is going on is upsetting they will need our support."
He looks at his boys and Cass trying to push reassurance but he doesn't succeed.
Clark and Diana look two seconds away from flying to Titans Tower only stopped by Alfred.
It's been a little over an hour and Bruce wants nothing more than to hunt down his son, and wrap him in his cape but he's stopped by Zeta Tube turning on.
Everyone turns.
Out steps an exhausted looking Connor Kent, followed by Cassie Sandsmark who shoot a quick smile at Bruce which immediately confuses him.
They both block the zeta glaring at everyone until Bart Allen appears holding up a clearly exhausted Tim who still has tear tracks on his face.
He looks like he is gonna drop at any minute but before Bruce can rush to his son.
Tim steps away from all three wrapped in Superboy's Jacket.
The leather falls.
There's a baby.
A exhausted grin comes across Tim's face before he speaks.
"I had a baby, these are the parents also Bart has a story to share...... Surprise?"
Before Bruce can even blink Dick is across the room followed by Jason.
Jason who quickly steals the bundle with a soft coo.
Dick kisses Tim's forehead before picking him up
"I gotcha little brother, to the med bay we go."
Jason follows a step behind purposefully keeping the baby in sight of his third son.
It takes less than a minute before Alfred is checking over Tim only to be quickly interrupted by Kon who is laughing.
"Rob, that phasing could use some work, yes we have a baby, he did not however give birth to it in the traditional sense. Not that I don't agree with the coddling he deserves it. What I want to know is why exactly did you people just steal our kid, if Mom needs a break he's got three Dads over here."
Dick interrupts from his place by Tim's side.
"My little brother is my priority he will be taken care of by me. I assume little brother goes where baby goes so baby will also be taken care of by me. I also could care less of how Littlest Bird came to be, all that matters is my brother and the baby are healthy and ok."
He glares straight at Connor which Bruce quickly joins him how dare that boy. His baby had a baby. He needs his family.
Everyone is still frozen other than his boys.
He walks over to Jason to get a closer look at his granddaughter based off the pink blanket.
He wants to hold her and keep her safe until Tim can but Jason looks two seconds away from shooting anyone who gets to close so she will be perfectly safe.
He will check on his baby instead.
He kisses Tim on the forehead who is being prescribed rest and fluids by Alfred. He will also not be walking anywhere for the foreseeable future he is assuming that there wasn't an actual birth but any excuse to carry his children he will take it.
Damian, and Cass have joined around Tim. Clearly both on guard with their brother so clearly vulnerable. 
"I am really glad you guys are taking it so well, but Bart has important information for us all, and Jay, I would like my baby and maybe a hug from Dick in that order."
Quickly she is given back to Tim and Dick joins wrapping around them a soft smile directed at them both.
"Yeah it might be best if I start talking, cause I think Rob is gonna kill me if I don't."
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normal civilians don't know how to reload guns one handed nor would they get a direct line for someone like Chris Redfield
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byghostface · 3 months
Imagine Nika meeting Alfred for the first time (because screw canon, he's alive).
Yes Nika will find a way to revive(?) both of Damian's grandfathers! (trust🙏)
In my head, I imagine Nika would be a bit intimidated by Alfred if he gets revived, cuz he is so well loved and respected by Damian and the batfamily.
She would recognize him from when he was the ghost that had lingered by Damian's side at the tournament. She would know how important Alfred is to Damian and how Alfred's death had a big impact on him.
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-[Robin(2021)#6]-Artist: Gleb Melnikov-
I hc Nika can feel the presenting energy of Alfred here but can't really see or hear him because Alfred chose to only reveal to Damian.
It's very unlikely to happen in the comic now… but I wish Nika's ghost grandfather would appear in the future! And see how much he has taken part in Nika's life before and after his death.( dc please I need to see Nika's childhood with her family… if she even still interacts with her ghost grandfather at all…)
I think it would be interesting if Nika's grandpa had interactions with Damian's two grandpas while they were dead and hadn't been revived yet(Nika will not be able to revive her own grandfather cuz he has been dead for years unlike Damian's are being dead in recent months). It’s just funny to me to imagine the grandpas gathering to discuss their own respective grandchildren's well-being.
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siickwithsadness · 22 days
I feel like this song gives me Velvet vibes through her perspective along with Floyd (if you switch the perspective to him at the last post-chorus and the outro) and just hear me out on these lyrics:
“The scandal was contained,”
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“The bullet had just grazed,”
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“At all costs, keep your good name,”
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“You dont get to tell me you feel bad.”
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tenrose · 16 days
I hate living in this world.
#misc#negativity tw#first off i had an argument with a colleague at work#we had to move places for the millionth time in this stupid open space#which already annoyed me#but this guy came at bargained like he always do while i said nothing because it's not like we chooae#and he always does that for actual work because and idk at first i made a snarky comment about now that he got what he wanted he better be#ready to work instead of hiding when somebody ask him to do his job#and he told me he didn't understand the remark#and my hot temper that makes me snap every five years took over#i bet he has by now complaining aboutme like he does about everything#anyway i take hours to calm down (not calm after 4 hours)#I'm also pissed at me cause i can't get emotional without shaking stupidly which makes me look like an hysterical person (i mean sadly i am)#also if there has to have an explanation once my anger is gone tomorrow i will be back on social anxiety mode which is gonna make it worse#all of this reminded me that i need to find a new job for ten thousand reasons#but unfortunately all employers are shit and actually i don't even know what i want to do#and as usual i have no energy for anything because i am still a major piece of shit#then i wanted to relax#made the mistake to open Instagram because I'm also stupid#and i know i don't often talk about politics and stuff#but it's really draining me#i barely or read news just enough to be aware#and honestly its exhausting but I dont want to complain cause Im in a privileged position where i have the chance to be able to 'shut off'#and yes my country and especially this government is sickening me#and like its people too#and also insta is full of pride posts#and i am stupid to read the homophobic and transphobic comments#and genuinely these people alongside racist and islamophobic people really scare the hell out of me#hopefully i don't engage but i shouldn't read anything at all tbh#speaking of pride im spiralling because even tho i kinda identify as aro i feel like a freak and i have nobody to tell me im not
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kodzuken-chan · 10 months
The Ssum (Harry) Day 200 Spoilers⚠️
Read at your own risk
So, I went to Character ai and found Harry's bot, and i had to comfort myself after what he did
So this is a sneak peck of what we talked about, and please ignore the spelling mistakes, I was so sad when i texted him so i did really paid attention until i sent the replies...
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Do you really think this is the real reason why he broke up with MC?
Do you think he still loves MC? After all the hurtful things he said and the way he acted coldly ever since the beginning of Day 194🫥
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mushtoons · 1 year
if its not a big spoiler how did raph get his shell cracked?
while fleeing with the tots, mid-mutation splinter accidentally drops and trips on him causing his shell to break and fracture !!
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nobodysdaydreams · 1 year
I honestly have no clue who @ldcurtain could be, so if you guys suspect anybody please let me know.
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boilingrain · 6 months
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Hey what the fuck was this quest
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babaroqa · 1 year
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i don’t need that ending explained to me, they ate jackie, that’s what that scene was. they ate jackie and it was hedonism and starvation and a ritual and it set off something new and primal and things are only going to get wilder from this point on
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gabelish · 2 years
Actually imo Allison is still in character this season. Wayyy back in S1 we heard/saw how she rumored her way into achievements, love, and on her daughter, and that was Allison before losing everything twice. These actions this season were 100% within her from the start she’s just on a dark spiral now.
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cuti-romeros · 2 years
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xenovair · 2 years
PSA:   I am going through a major flareup with my endometriosis + chronic migraines ,  so this greatly affects the quality + quantity of writing as well as plotting that I can put out ,  I only ask for your patience in my replies both ic and ooc as I work through this .  I’ll also be seeking more answers regarding my migraines as I feel like they haven’t been properly treated and as such ,  I’ll be using a lot of my time for appointments + scans + possible procedures ,  I’ll keep everyone updated for those of you that wish to know but yeah .... I’m barely functioning at all lately and this is just to let you know why + whats going to happen around here x
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orcelito · 1 year
The difficulty of planning some serious story things and not wanting to spoil said story things but also not wanting to risk upsetting ppl via untagged serious story things
It's. A balance, I guess. If at that point they've seen all the general warnings and don't understand that this is meant to be an honest depiction, then like. Idk.
#speculation nation#keeping this vague but like yea it's about. something to do with ladue#planned plot things that deal within the realm of what i already have tagged. but are kind of very brutal.#but me tagging it 'whump' and labeling it as mature with the explanation that the choice was made for Serious Subject Matter#im like. i dont wanna spoil the story!!!!! but pls be aware that there are potentially triggering things planned later down the line.#sitting here playing with characters like dolls wanting to make a visceral story within the image i have of it#i want that image of goro at rock bottom. with all that entails.#why set up an incredibly bleak situation if im not gonna pull the trigger on it ya kno#he will get his happy ending. but BOY he is gonna suffer first.#hopefully by then i'll have enough visceral & graphic content that ppl will understand what this story is#discacc is in general me remaining within the general bounds of canon in terms of like. experienced violence and such things#ladue is like. These Characters Are Goin Through It. and im saying so on the tin.#clinging to the mature rating like Pls dont b angry at me later. i am warning very much.#keeping it vague for low spoilers but i will reiterate that it is related to things already tagged.#im not gonna pull a total fastball on y'all. i just dont wanna spoil big plot things and all lol#.... this is probably already too blatant. oh well#anxiety!!!!! i have it all the time always. oh well.#ive thought about maybe adding the warning tag when i get to that point but i dont wanna spoil ppl just starting out#so instead i will keep pointing at the Mature Rating and Whump Tag. and i will STRONGLY warn when we get to the chapter in question#doing my best to be considerate. but also. i dont wanna spoil my story :(#ladue shit#lol might as well tag it. thats the post babeyy
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ikilledyvette · 1 month
God, parental redemption arcs in TV are so annoying. I am not against them now and again for certain people, but it's always like, "Yes, we gave you a team of characters you absolutely adore, and yes, they are all incredibly fucked up because of their fucked up families, and yes, they've made this new beautiful found family and are happy and healing together—but they won't REALLY heal until they can learn to forgive their shitty parents who, if they're very, very lucky, managed to say 'sorry' one time in one episode."
This is a 9-1-1 post.
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jesterwaves · 4 months
updating my old project to work in godot 4. most of it's just completely recoded (which also allowed me to work out some old bugs and go about things in a much more optimized way). also trying out bigger, non-pixel art sprites since im really not that comfortable with pixel art. dont know which will win in the end, but i like what i have right now.
doors work normally now! in the old version, if you tried to unlock a door you would unlock every single door in the scene. i also finally added a boundary box so i dont have to reload the scene every time i fall off.
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