#how can people be so social. how. how. how. why don't you get urges to do something violent when anything mildly upsetting happens
mossybuzzkill · 7 months
i want to get drunk and go to karaoke with someone v_v
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crazyintheeast · 2 months
For people who don't remember the 2016 Tumblr was full of Russian trolls who posed as progressive social justice blogs and urged young liberals to throw their vote away on a third party. You can read more about it here :https://www.wired.com/story/tumblr-russia-trolls-propaganda/ This camapign was extraiordinary succesful and third party voters were a key reason why Trump one( if you look at the electoral results you will see that the race was so close that if the third party votes had gone to Hillary she would have easily buried Trump) Sadly we didn't know that this was a orchestred camapign until Tumblr released the data itself and told us who the blogs were. Those were not simple spam blogs. They were pros. They knew how to talk to people, they made real posts and interacted. They tried this in 2020 but we were wary because the memories were still fresh But now thy are trying again. I just found this guy who is running the EXACT same play book as in 2016. Pretending to be a person of color , poting progresive posts while at the same time urigng everyoe to vote third party. As soon as I called him out he immedately blocked me beause he knew I outed him. So now i's up to you guys. Don't let Trump supporting Russian trolls run their psy ops here. Report en masse and get them now instead of waiting for months for tumblr to tell us they worked for Trump REPORT THIS RUSSIAN TROLL NOW. DON'T LET THEM PULL THEIR GAMES AGAIN: https://www.tumblr.com/decolonize-the-left
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this may be hard to answer because we don’t actually know the characters too well yet, but what do you think vox and val actually *love* about eachother? it seems like it’s more than just sex between them, and i’m curious to know what you think their relationship is like outside the toxic or sexual parts
Anon, to me it is not hard to answer at all, I think about it constantly 🩵❤️ of course all I write is based mostly on my headcanons and interpretations.
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So... What Vox loves about Valentino? First and foremost, he makes him feel free. Vox is very self-conscious; he has a lot of internalized shame that he tries to cover with his grandiosity and fake smile. Valentino is unapologetically himself, and no matter how annoying it can be, Vox admires it. He's like the least judgmental person, and except for his temper tantrums, he's quite chill. Vox can't handle something? Val doesn't care; he still thinks his boyfriend is smart and will figure shit out eventually. Vox discovers he's into some weird, socially unacceptable kink? Great, they can try it. Vox rambles for hours about sharks? Good, he has a passion; Valentino likes people with passion, he will listen, he likes his voice anyway. Vox, who has spent his whole life crafting this perfect narrative about himself, cherishes the opportunity to feel comfortable enough with other people (a lot of these things apply also to his friendship with Velvette) to act like an absolute idiot around them.
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Also, I think Valentino can be a really amazing boyfriend - he can be funny, charming, and mindful of the other person. That's his whole thing; he deals with desires, and that's why people get addicted to him so quickly. In most cases, it inevitably ends with him taking absolute control over the other person and becoming abusive. But Vox is his partner, so he gets just those nice bits because Valentino knows he wouldn't be able to put him down like he did with Angel. Not that he'd want to; he likes having a partner who's equal to him, whom he can break only if he allows him to do so (yes, my reading of them is very BDSM-ish, don't @ me). Valentino wants to be loved, he loves the idea of love, surrounds himself with hearts but at the same refuses to adjust to societal norms in the way that makes him unlovable; every person he ever loved (in his mind, his obsessive desire equals love) rejected him eventually after he revealed his true nature to them. But not Vox. Vox accepts him as broken as he is, and despite all his toxicity, Vox is reliable, he's the most stable part of Valentino's life. He has the patience to deal with his mood swings, he can always find the solution when Val messes something up, he's willing to accept all the attention Valentino wants to give him, and he supports his passions (ruining lives, making weird porn and abusing people).
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Essentially, their love is largely about finally finding the other person who is as bad as you are, who accepts you no matter what and helps you grow (become an even worse person).
And some additional things:
Valentino really likes how smart Vox is. He himself is impulsive and acts instantly on his urges because violence is always an answer so he's kinda impressed when Vox presents him with some elaborate plots.
Vox loves Valentino's creativity, aesthetic, and attention to detail. He really likes nice things, but he lacks the ability to understand the nuance that is necessary for creating art.
They both enjoy each other's sense of humor.
Vox really likes that Valentino is kinda dumb? He can take care of him, and he likes taking care of people because it allows him to prove himself as The Best Boyfriend. He doesn't necessarily gets the idea of unconditional love, so the fact that he has an opportunity to earn it makes him feel more secure in their relationship. That's also why he loves spoling Valentino with gifts which is perfect because Valentino loves being spoiled.
Valentino likes being a little silly when he's with Vox. At work he can't manage people with his competence, so he does it with fear. But yelling and throwing people around is exhausting; he sometimes wants to bedazzle his gun while watching some trashy reality TV and bitching about his hard day at work. It's okay because Vox is also a little silly.
Valentino generally helps Vox live life more. He helped him come out of the closet (in my headcanon Vox for his whole life struggled with internalized biphobia); shows him that emotions other than anger are acceptable and don't mean weakness; even small things like always insisting on getting nice meals (while Vox could live his whole life on black coffee and rice) or decorating their apartment with fancy yet useless stuff.
They're both power-crazy maniacs, so the idea of being with someone who is widely desired by others and could destroy them if they wished is just so incredibly hot.
Vox | Valentino | What they hate about each other
If you liked these you should definitely check out my fic
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aagneauu · 9 months
High value habits to elevate yourself 🥂✨
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When the term "high value" is mentioned, we often think of things related exclusively to economic wealth, but being a high-value person is an attitude, an attribute founded on habits and a wealthy mentality. So today I wanted to mention a few habits that I personally perceive as something a person with strong standards apply on their lives. ✨
Sorry if there's any grammar mistakes, English isn't my first language :b
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1. Long-term mentality ✦
Enjoying yourself is very important, but when we only think about the things that give us temporary pleasure, is often very likely that we forget to take care about our future stability. For example, if you want to travel, the smart thing to do would be to save the money in order to be able to afford it, but how many times we just feel the urge to waste money on unnecessary stuff just to get that brief satisfaction, that bad habit will take us far from our goals. This rule can be applied on almost every aspect, and if you're able to stick to your goals and take decisions according to them, trust me, you'll get very far.
2. Invest ✦
Stop wasting and start investing; your money, your time and your energy. In terms of money, you obviously can spend some of it on pretty stuff, but instead of wasting your whole salary on things you want, a smarter move would be to use part of that money to invest it on something that potentially can give us another income, maybe there's a valuable peace of jewelry or clothing that not only we could use, but to sell and trade in the future, or even if you have enough money saved, you can invest in a property, to not only live in it, but to rent it. Our time and energy works in the same way, we could be wasting our time and energy with people that don't give us nothing we can learn from, and you're worth way more than that. Find people and habits that not only make you feel good and appreciated, but that will leave you something interesting for your personal growth, and remember, better alone than in a bad company.
3. Details matter ✦
How we talk, how we decide to present ourselves to the world, our values, the effort we put on what we make. Every little detail says something about us. For example, something as simple as spraying perfume before we go out makes a difference, or if you study, the amount of time and effort you decide to put on certain classes. Socially, what you decide to say, and to develop the hability to stay quiet when necessary. Maybe you think that those little things don't make a huge difference at the long-term, but when you see how your life can change drastically with every little step you take, you learn to pay attention to it.
4. Patience ✦
It is a strong word, it is even harder to apply to our lives sometimes. Being patient not only with people, but with our circumstances. Sometimes things that we don't like happens, and we don't even understand why because we thought that we did everything right, but everything happens for a reason, it's like a fruit, you could take it out of the tree earlier because you're hungry, but it isn't that mature and tasty, but if you just wait, resist the hunger, the fruit will be way better. That applies to money, emotional growth and life changes. Learn to understand that sometimes, pain will be the sign to something better than your current situation.
5. Stop following the crowd ✦
Set standards and learn what is good for you, if you just rely on others to decide what is best for you, or even worse; you know something is bad for you and still do it for others, then expect low quality experiences. People time to time will call you boring or even extreme just because you decide to be loyal to your values. If something that everyone is doing seems beneficial, do it, but because it gives you something valuable, not because of the crowd. You can apply this rule to everything; friends, money, and other experiences. The amount ot peace and comfort that you can get with this transformation is a huge life upgrade.
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This were some topics that come to mind when the "high value" term is mentioned. And remember, no one is perfect and every little thing makes us unique. Life is a long journey that you can decide to upgrade with every little move.
Hope u enjoyed! ♡
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runningfrom2am · 10 months
leveling the playing field
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summary: you didn't meet the requirements for the plinth prize, only to find out that you're not just missing out on that- you're missing out on the opportunity of a lifetime. your friend wants to help, because maybe you can help each other.
pairing: coriolanus snow x fem!reader
wc: 2.5k
tags/warnings: capitol brat!reader, maybe slightly ooc coryo, idk i tried my best. do they love each other or hate each other? who knows. anyway no warnings for you guys today besides maybe this is boring lol
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a/n: young coryo has me in a death grip rn guys this could be a problem-
next part
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Fists clenched at your sides, you storm up to the front of the hall, staring intently at the Dean. You knew your odds were better pleading with Dr. Gaul, but that was a task far from your mind. "Miss Y/L/N, I don't have time for your petty complaints at the moment." He dismisses you before you even reach an appropriate distance to start your discussion.
"I was waiting for this." Festus chuckles, commenting on how none of the chosen mentors had a chance to process anything or even speak before you were stomping down the centre aisle, between all their seats, and up towards the podium where Dean Highbottom now stood.
Coriolanus found his gaze following you, despite his better judgment telling him to focus on the subject- scratch that, problem, at hand: his assignment of the mentorship of Lucy Gray Baird. She was fiery, that's for sure, and upon first impressions, she reminded him of you.
"You think I couldn't handle it, is that it?" You almost shout, discarding all formality in favour of getting answers. 
"You knew the qualifications, Miss Y/L/N." The Dean sighs.
"I got one B over a year ago! God, hold a grudge much? You're miserable!" People are staring now, noticeably, but you don't care. You're used to getting what you want, and the one time you don't, it comes back to bite you in the ass over a year later.
"Then you should have done better. Drop this or I'll demerit you." He states in response, clearly hardly caring. You huff, face red as you storm off again, making a point of slamming the door open so hard it hits the wall with a bang.
Coriolanus never understood fully why the Dean let you parade around with this attitude directed at him, but never so much as lifted a finger to punish you. If he had made a scene like that, he would have been expelled on the spot. "I should go after her." He turns to look at Sejanus as he's getting up, quickly gathering himself to follow after you. He had little interest in staying anyway.
"I'll go." Coriolanus stands, placing his hand on Sejanus' chest to stop him. "You stay. I'll sort her out."
"Coriolanus Snow, off to sedate his girlfriend again." Arachne teases as he walks off, leaving Sejanus to defend his name in his stead. He'd much prefer talking you down to uselessly explaining to the other kids in your class that the two of you were nothing more than friends. It was a wasteful endeavour. You were just the only one who's presence he could stand in a social capacity.
You made it outside, pacing the large front steps of the academy, fighting the urge to rip off your skirt and burn it right there. Along with the rest of the building.
"Y/N." You pause when you hear the door close behind someone, looking up to see your friend.
"Coryo." You reply, continuing with your fruitless crusade at this point.
"What happened to not caring about the prize?" He asks, stepping down so he's level with you on the staircase, getting in your path so you can no longer pace.
"I don't care about the prize." You grumble, crossing your arms over your chest. "It's not about that."
"I doubt that." Coriolanus raises an eyebrow at you. You had told him at length you didn't care about the prize when you found out you weren't even in the running, because your parents could pay your tuition anyway. He envied your privilege, but he had never envied you.
"No, it's not." You insist. "I got one less than stellar grade one time and now I'm missing out on this opportunity- effectively throwing away any shot I have at Gamemaker."
"That's dramatic." Your friend replies. "I think you're better off than me."
You scoff. "Oh, boo hoo, Coriolanus Snow. I'd take Lucy Gray in a second."
"Just because she can cause a scene doesn't mean she'll last a minute in the games." He replies.
"Duh, it's not about winning. It's about the experience, it's about-"
"Being on TV?" He asks, and despite his serious expression you know it's a joke.
"Even you know I'm not that shallow. I'm not Arachne." You can't help but smile. He does too, for just a second. "And frankly, I'm offended at the insinuation."
"Then enlighten me, Y/N Y/L/N." Coriolanus prompts, and suddenly your demeanor changes in a way he would deem hardly noticeable if he hadn't known you for years.
You sigh, dropping your tense shoulders. "My father will be up in arms when he finds out." You answer, voice in a whisper despite being alone out here. "I'm an embarrassment to my family name."
"That's impossible." He shakes his head quickly. "You're their pride and joy. A gem of the Capitol."
"Ah, but for how long?" You reply, poking his chest. "Until the oldest Y/L/N child doesn't get a mentorship? Until my brother does in three years and I am an irrelevant face in the University halls and he is winning the Plinth prize?" The small smile on your face fades as you look down, thinking over the consequences for the first time.
"Perhaps, but one day that will come back to bite anyone who doubted you when you're the new head Gamemaker. I'll be sure of it." He nods, and your smile returns. 
"Coriolanus Snow, future President of Panem, I salute you." You giggle, raising your hand in a salute. You had heard his cousin say that to him once, two or three years ago by now, and you were not prepared to let it go. You can tell it was something he believed, despite the misshapen buttons on his dress shirt and the weight he'd steadily lost over all the years you'd known him. Who were you to deny him his ambitions? Everyone else was fooled, so you would act as though you were as well. The same way he had habitually ignored the bruises on your arms and under your makeup the day after you brought home that B grade last year.
He just nods in response, jokingly tugging at his vest in pride. 
"I hate to tell you that I will have to decline your generous offer." You say, and he looks confused. "I don't need your charity. I'll make it so you'd be a fool not to hire me, Mister President."
You sit down on the stairs, looking out at the city. He joins you a moment later, dusting off the ground beneath him before letting his clothes touch the surface.
"So, how are you feeling?" You ask, sick now of talking about yourself.
"Honestly, not great." Coriolanus answers. "She'll be first down, and I'll be out. We're about at odds with each other, I have no shot at the prize now."
"I don't know, Coryo." You smile a little, bumping his shoulder with your own as you try to reassure him. "Lucy Gray has a or two fight in her. I can tell."
"She reminds me of you, a little bit." 
"Is that a bad thing?" You chuckle.
"No." He shakes his head. "You never back down from a fight. Even if you should."
You laugh, turning a little to hide the burning in your cheeks. "I suppose I could see the resemblance. I'm no stranger to telling someone to kiss my ass."
"That's true." He nods, smiling but not quite laughing. You're not sure you could remember seeing him laugh, not since Felix fell down the stairs in the lecture hall a few years ago and screamed like a girl. "Maybe you could help me."
"Help you? How?" You ask, brow furrowed as you look over at him. Whatever it is you'll agree. He knows too much about you for you to deny him anyway, and it's not like you really had anything to lose. If you couldn't have the Plinth prize, you'd want it to go to Coriolanus.
"With Lucy Gray. I don't even know where to start, what to think, what to do." He explains.
"Well..." You think about it for a second. "If you want her to listen to you in any capacity, she'll have to trust you. So be nice. And maybe convince her to sing again. People were talking, that's what you want. It's the best you can do."
He nods, sitting up straighter. "Thank you, Y/N. I have to go." Before you can respond, he's gone back into the building behind you. You sigh, calmer now, despite dreading the prospective task of having to go home and face your father.
"Mister Snow, to what do I owe the pleasure?" Dr. Gaul asks, readjusting her gloves without looking up at the boy as she throws what he assumes to be some kind of food into a blacked-out tank in front of him.
"I'd like Y/N Y/L/N to be my partner in the mentorship," Coriolanus states, making her pause.
"Why?" She asks simply, resuming her task.
"I believe she would be an asset for Lucy Gray."
"They do have a similar... spark. Don't they?" Dr. Gaul nods a little bit to herself. "But what makes you think that this wouldn't be an unfair advantage?"
"It wouldn't be an advantage. More like an experiment." He answers, effectively piquing the doctor's interest. "We can observe the benefits and faults of two mentors versus one, moving into the next games, and the effect of choosing based on compatibility, rather than random, careless selection."
Dr. Gaul hums, wiping off her leather gloves with a cloth as she thinks it over. "And this would have nothing to do with your relationship and sympathies towards Miss Y/L/N, correct?"
"No." He shakes his head. "Miss Y/L/N certainly doesn't get any sympathy from me." It's not a lie, at least he doesn't perceive it to be. You would be an asset to his cause, to his deliverance of the prize, and likely the most pleasant person to work with, ironically.
"I will think about it." Dr. Gaul states. "But the prize will not be awarded to her in any capacity, you must understand."
Maybe he does feel bad for you. He's entitled to that prize, no doubt, but it's hard to picture a world where you wouldn't be the runner-up; even if that is his reality. "I understand." He nods, before turning to leave.
"Oh, and Mister Snow." Dr. Gaul draws his attention once more, causing him to stop and look back at her. "Don't let her charm you."
"Y/N!" You look up from your textbook toward the door, knowing your brother will be opening it any second after he calls you. Surely enough, he does. "Coriolanus Snow is here. He wants to speak with you."
"Can you show him up to the library?" You ask, quickly wiping your reddened eyes.
"He's there with dad already." Your brother tells you and you sniff, nodding a little bit. "Thank you. Tell them I'll be right there."
You quickly throw on a sweater, double-checking in the mirror that you don't look like you were just crying before leaving. Besides a little bit of redness around your eyes and blotchiness on your chest covered by the sweater, you should be okay.
"Well, thank you for extending your influence on my daughter's behalf. I owe you a great deal." You hear your dad speaking from down the hall as you get closer. "Though, I wouldn't fault you if you changed your mind. I understand she will be a burden on you."
"No, sir. It would be an honour to work with her." You hear Coryo say as you step into the door frame. 
You knock gently on the open door, alerting them both of your presence. "Y/N." Your father says, nodding toward your friend. "Coriolanus has pulled some strings to try and help you maintain what's left of your reputation."
You sniff and nod, looking over at Coryo as he stands across from your dad in your library, posture perfect like a soldier standing at attention. His professionalism will always impress you, it never falters in the presence of others. "Thank you." You make an effort to smile at him, which he politely and uncomfortably returns. "Could you give us a moment?" You request, returning your attention to your dad.
He nods and shakes Coryo's hand before bumping into you as he exits the room, pausing before leaning down to whisper to you.
Coriolanus watches, your eyes widening for just a moment while your dad speaks to you and then you nod, thanking him quietly before he leaves. You stand there awkwardly staring at each other for a second while you listen to his footsteps descend the stairs, and then hear the door to his study close. As soon as it does, you're quickly walking up to your friend and throwing your arms around his waist, your head leaning into his chest.
He freezes for a second before hugging you back. "Thank you, Coryo." You whisper. "I won't let you down."
"Are you okay?" He asks, resisting the urge to just rest his chin on the top of your head and pull you closer. It's been ages since he's been hugged like this, and though it's meant more as a comfort to you, it's consolatory to him as well.
You nod, snapping out of it and quickly pulling away, taking a respectful step back. "Yeah, yes. Sorry." You clear your throat, quickly readjusting your sweater.
"Don't be." He shakes his head quickly, brows still furrowed as he looks you over. He doesn't know what you came home to, but he has a strong theory as to what the cause of your tear-stained cheeks could be, and it certainly wasn't an empty fridge like his. 
You stare at each other for another moment before you look away. "Uh, so, you spoke to the Dean?"
"No, he despises me." He answers. "Dr. Gaul was more sympathetic to the cause."
"Dr. Gaul and 'sympathetic' have never been used in the same sentence before." You tease.
"Well, she likes us for some reason."
"Thank god." You chuckle, slightly shaking your head.
"But... seriously, are you okay?" He asks again, this time blatantly looking you over. While embarrassing, it does feel nice to see that someone cares, that someone noticed. The remnants of pity behind his eyes makes you almost ill.
"Fine." You nod in confirmation. "Would you like something to eat?" You offer, leveling the playing field.
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taglist: @keziahcore, @kitscutie
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yandereunsolved · 2 months
Yandere Kelp(ie) (they/it): a shape-shifting aquatic horse who enjoys drowning humans and eating their entrails. in a body of water near you. swipe ← or →
Yandere Kelpie saw you while you were traveling in Scotland. They did not know your name, but it did know your scent and appearance. They had been stalking people around in their human form. They did need someone to eat. Why not you? 
Yandere Kelpie sang you to the edge of its waters and urged you to jump on its back in its equine form. It splashed you with a bit of water and swam eagerly with its reversed hooves. The inhabitants surrounding the waters could easily mistake it for a sea serpent if they only saw its mane.
Yandere Kelpie saves you from a watery death. It tries to drown you, and as you snap out of the haze it lulled you into, it feels sad. It doesn't want to eat you; it wants to keep you. It does need a mate, after all! You should be its new mate. It needs to court you. It brings you back to shore and disappears within the depths of the Scottish waters. 
Yandere Kelpie shows up in their human form to you. You would see few similarities between their human and watery equine form. Their human skin was tinted grey, their eyes black, and their hair seaweed green. They don't know how to properly socialize, so they just keep bumping into you. They whine and prance around you. They try to sniff you to learn more about your scent, but that doesn't end well.
You try to get some order against it...
It doesn't understand! They just need to try harder.
Yandere Kelpie who gets frustrated and stirs up the local waters. They will do anything to get you to stay! They will ask for help from other local entities to make sure that the weather is bad so you can't leave. It'll continuously sing you to shore and try to get you to trust it.
Yandere Kelpie will drop human remains near wherever you are sitting. They look up at you with innocent eyes and act as if they didn't eat someone they saw you talking to earlier. It's difficult to say how clear-headed you are in this state, but Kelp likes it. That's what you named them, and they absolutely love it!
Yandere Kelpie who will dive into your arms in human form and nudge against you. It'll cuddle into you as it craves your human comfort. They'll beg you to say their name. Perhaps it is a little cheesy, but they love it too much.
Yandere Kelpie eventually drags you to your new home. It has everything a human like you would need! It will let you leave your new home, but only if it can trail along after you. It drowns many people for you, but you don't know that.
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iovetecchou · 10 months
That Funny Feeling ⧸ Dazai Osamu
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༞ Contains...! !TW! this fic contains heavy topics such as: suicide, depression, anxiety, and self-deprecating thoughts. hurt/comfort type beat, hugging, gentle touches, hand holding, swearing, suggestive implications but NOTHING actually happened! kunikida is just silly, dazai really is a sweetheart in this ):
༞ GN Reader.
༞ 2,494 words.
a/n: if you have struggled with your own mental health past or present, just know that you are not alone. i love you and am so proud of you for still being here and pushing through each day, no matter how difficult that can be. never be afraid to rely on someone close to you when things become too much to bear, you are worthy of living and deserve to be loved.
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Some people just aren't cut out for life. We are all dealt a hand, some cards interchangeable. But for the most part, they mold us; and make us who we are. They map out the rest of our lives. So what are you supposed to do when all the cards you've been handed don't play in your favor?
Even the interchangeable cards; you discard them only to pick up more rotten ones. Your judgment is poor, and your decision-making only gets you stuck between a rock and a hard place. 
You envy the people who were gifted better cards. People who were not condemned from the start. Those are the people who make something out of their lives, the ones who are deserving of taking up space.
You know this sounds self-deprecating, and yeah, it is. But to you, it's also logic. You think that's why you dislike Dazai Osamu.
When he talks so freely about death, his desire for a perfect suicide. It makes your stomach turn, not for obvious reasons, but for selfish ones. He plays off his pain as a joke so no one thinks twice about it when he asks a pretty stranger to "commit a double suicide" with him.
You try so hard to conceal your suicidal thoughts, hiding your depression behind a pretty mask. Showing up to work each day with a smile on your face and a "can do!" attitude. 
You and Dazai really are the same in that aspect, masking your pain so it's less noticeable to others around you. 
Your abdomen twists into knots when he talks so freely about suicide because it causes your mind to wander and your mask to slip. Dazai always seems to pick up on that slight change in you when it happens, too. His chestnut eyes bore holes into your profile from where he sits beside you. You can feel his eyes on you as you try to smile brighter, putting on a chipper face as Kenji updates you on how the cows on his farm are doing.
You hate it. It feels like he's reading your mind; retaining all your deepest darkest secrets. Does your face really give you away so easily? No... It can't be that. You've been working at the Detective Agency for a long while now, and since then, no one else has ever assumed something was wrong with you. 
If they only knew how pitiful your life really was. As much as you love all your colleagues at the Agency, you hate working. Waking up is exhausting, and you dread the repetitive daily routines you're forced to accomplish. On your off days, you sit at home alone- by choice. Interacting with others is draining, and when you're urged to participate in social activities, the anticipation and anxiety eat away at you until the day finally comes. 
Much like today, the day you've been letting eat away at you since the mention of a work party was brought to your attention. You practiced different smiles and laughs in the mirror, shaking your head and trying again when your "act" seemed too unnatural. You probably changed your outfit ten times before ultimately deciding on the same old thing you usually wore. 
Your hands were coated in perspiration as you balled your fingers, making a fist. You took in a shaky breath as you brought yourself to finally knock on Chief Fukuzawa's door. He welcomed you with a tight-lipped smile and a nod of his head, stepping aside to let you through. Immediately, you felt his eyes on you. Dazai watched your little performance as you greeted everyone, and when it was finally his turn to watch your act up close and personal- you froze. 
His eyes were too intimidating. You felt exposed in front of him. It irked you that he had such an effect on you. Why was it so easy to pretend with everyone else but him?
"Aww, where's my greeting?" Dazai smirked devilishly at you, raising his eyebrows slightly as he leaned in close. All-encompassing, invading your personal space. 
You remained quiet. You were on the outside looking in, screaming to yourself to say something- anything. Your gaze shifted to the floor as your hands came up to bunch up the hem of your shirt, rolling it between your fingers; an attempt to self-soothe. 
"Oi! Stop teasing them, Dazai," Yosano shouted from the kitchen, plum-colored eyes still fixated on the fizzy concoction she began making for herself.
The sound of Yosano's strong voice ripped you from your stupor. Your head shot up, only to notice Dazai was still gazing at you- studying you. 
"I would do no such thing! I'm hurt that you think so low of me, Yosano!" Dazai's intense gaze finally eased up on you as he whipped his head around to face Yosano. The tall brunette man clutched a hand over his heart in feigned affliction. 
You took that as your opening to slip away, excusing yourself to the restroom. You hardly noticed the way Dazai's attention was drawn back to you at the sound of your hurried footsteps. "Hey- wait up!" 
You quickly pulled the bathroom door shut behind you. You could hardly look at yourself in the mirror, too ashamed of yourself for freezing up back there. The cool tile floor welcomed you as you sunk, curling into yourself. You hugged your knees as they drew closely into your chest. You could feel your rapid heartbeat in your throat, anxiety rising by the second.
"You know, I wouldn't be sitting on the floor if I were you. Let's get you up." Nothing registered until you felt firm hands grasp your biceps. A strong force drawing you up to rely upon your shaky legs. 
"Why- what are you..?" Your sentence fell off. You weren't entirely sure what you were trying to ask. Your mind was too convoluted with disappointment; shame for yourself. 
"The door was unlocked so I figured I'd let myself in! You weren't looking too hot out there, and I wanted to check up on you." Dazai's warm hands still cradled your biceps, untrusting the support your trembling legs half-heartedly gave you in your current state. 
"I'm fine," You chuckled out of nervousness before continuing, "I'll be out in a minute, so you can just go." You could tell by how Dazai looked at you that he didn't buy your lie, not even for a second. 
He let out a deep sigh, large palms moving up to your shoulders before he blurted out, "Stop, just- just stop. You're not fooling me, so quit it with the peachy-keen act. Why do you insist on hiding behind a facade?"
"Why do you?!" You shouted back. You brought your hands up to swat his hands off your shoulders. The shift between distress and rage made your legs feel more grounded. 
Dazai gaped at you for a moment. He genuinely looked taken aback before his face shifted into a tepid expression. He let his arms settle against his sides, his demeanor appearing more taut than usual.
"This isn't about me. Stop deflecting." His voice was eerily calm, making you feel unsettled. Seeing a more serious side to Dazai was far and few between for you. 
"But it is! I hate you... I hate you so much. You- you..." Your vision began to blur as tears spilled past your lashline and down your sullen cheeks. How embarrassing, you thought. Crying in front of the man that made your stomach turn. 
Dazai brought his hand up to your cheek, brushing away the onslaught of tears with the pad of his thumb. "I believe that hatred is displaced. You just don't want to acknowledge that."
Your eyebrows scrunched up in confusion as you drew your hand to grasp his wrist. You tugged with all your might to pull him from your cheek, but no give. Dazai stubbornly kept his large palm on your face. The warmth from his hand seared your skin. It was neither comforting nor unpleasant. Just... unfamiliar.
"You're wrong, I hate you-"
"No, you hate that you see yourself in me."
Your hand fell from his wrist. He was right, and deep down, you knew that. But you refused to admit it. It was shameful. You liked to hate Dazai because it took attention away from the real problem at hand, yourself. 
Dazai let out a sigh as he continued to wipe away your tears. "Tell me to stop if you hate it, but I'm going to hug you now." Before you could process, Dazai embraced you. His hand that was caressing your face only moments ago now cradled your neck. His other arm wrapped around your frame, enveloping you.
"I understand your pain well... I can see myself in you too. But I don't despise you, you know. I actually... worry for you. You try so hard to pretend that everything is fine. It must be exhausting."
It felt like your heart was being squeezed, as if your ribcage was collapsing in on itself. His words shot right through you, as did the guilt. You had been so unfair toward Dazai up until now. Using your displaced disdain for him as a distraction because you were too much of a coward to hold yourself accountable.
It ached so much to come to terms with. Your arms felt heavy as you pulled them up to wrap around Dazai's lanky frame. You quietly sobbed into his chest, grasping your hands into the back of his shirt desperately; as a small child would cling to their mother. 
Dazai hummed softly into your hair, welcoming the silence with open arms; as he did you. You were sure all your colleagues were wondering why Dazai and yourself had been in the restroom for so long, but you hardly cared at this very moment. 
For the first time, in a long time, you felt seen. Like you didn't need to hide when Dazai was in your presence... because even if you did- he would know. Being vulnerable felt similar to what you imagined walking a tightrope hung across two tall skyscrapers entailed. So, to say you were apprehensive about this was an understatement. 
However, in the same breath, it felt freeing. It took a little bit of weight off your shoulders to share your burdens with another person. But never in a million years did you think the person who brought you solace would end up being Dazai Osamu. 
"I'm sorry, Dazai- I'm so fucking sorry. I-"
"It's okay. Believe me, I treated people a lot worse than this from my own displaced hatred," Dazai interrupted. Caressing your hair softly, hyperaware of the wet feeling seeping through his shirt and smearing over his skin from your tears before he continued, 
"Just... just promise me you'll talk to me if it ever becomes too unbearable to handle on your own. I know how it sounds coming from me, I'm a hypocrite- huh? But trust me when I tell you… you are deserving of this thing we call living. Even if you can't see it yourself, I can... and I will remind you of that fact until I'm blue in the face if I have to." 
You pulled back from Dazai's chest as you sniffled, eyes scanning his stoic face. He smiled at you softly, rubbing up and down the sides of your arms in a comforting way. "There you are. I was beginning to think you cried your face off!" You chuckled at his dumb quip, letting your fingers untangle from the cloth adorning Dazai's back.
"Well, this is embarrassing... and I'm sure at this point all the others think were up to no good in here." It was Dazai's turn to laugh as his hands drifted lower, grasping yours softly. Your fingers intertwined as a lopsided grin painted your face.
"So let 'em! Who cares? The only thing that matters is that your heart is beating and you're here. Still standing in front of me." Your smile dropped slightly, the urge to cry bubbling back up, making your throat tighten.
"Dazai," You tightly squeezed his hands within your grasp. Scared that if you loosened your grip for even a second, this moment would be gone before you could say everything you needed to. "I'm really glad you're still here, too."
Dazai closed his eyes for a moment, his smile wavering. "There's so much pain in the world... sometimes it's hard not to notice it. I couldn't shut it out every time I felt your distress. That's why I kept a close eye on you all this time. I'm not just some creep with a staring problem,"
You both laughed at that sentiment before he continued, "I know with each day those painful thoughts are waiting for you. But it's not only that, there's also possibilities. Possibilities you can only discover as long as you're alive."
Your hands still clutched his with great force. His words caused you to cry once more as Dazai's eyes softened. He quietly cooed at you, whispering "don't cry," so gently, it was almost inaudible.  
"Dazai... I hope you know the same can be said for you, and your life," You paused, trying to swallow that lump in your throat before you continued. "I... want to help you- help you live. I know it doesn't mean much coming from me, but as long as you're still here I will do whatever I can to help you. I swear it."
Your tear-filled eyes bored into his chestnut ones. Desperately hoping your words got through to him. Dazai inhaled a shaky breath, eyebrows raising slightly. His lips curved into a tight-lipped smile before he let out a small chuckle. "You're really something else, you know that? Not even ten minutes ago you were shouting about how much you hate me. Now we're best buds... how cute!"
You knew he was deflecting, you guessed being vulnerable was just as daunting to him as it was for you. Before you could say anything more, the door flung open. Both Dazai and yourself whipped your heads in the direction of Kunikida shouting. 
"Dazai! Just what do you think you're doing- wait a damn minute! What did you do to Y/N to make them cry?! Get away from them this instant you damn pervert!"
Kunikida gripped Dazai by the collar, dragging him out of the restroom. When your hands untangled from his, you felt uneasy. There was so much more you wanted to say, but it would just have to wait... for now. 
You couldn't help but chuckle to yourself at the sound of Dazai shouting for you to help prove his innocence from presumably the living room. For the first time since you stepped into the bathroom, you looked at yourself. Taking in your disheveled state.
Ah, there it is again. That funny feeling. 
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don't accuse me of making this a self-insert, i will cry!
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carmesi-butterfly · 9 months
nishimura riki + fem! reader. word count 1,5k. not idols au/school au. warnings stalking (?) this one-shot is probably the most unserious thing i've ever written. not proofread.
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"i checked your twitter account," said riki, trying to maintain a serious face and failing miserably, a few giggles came out of his mouth while he attempted to act normal.
"eh? that's not possible, my account is private" you looked at him with confusion, trying to decipher his weird laugh.
your twitter account has been a recurrent topic since both became friends, first of all because; who doesn't have twitter? it was the diary of the new generations, most of the teenagers had a profile in there! of course, you were one of them, but the way that you treated your account like confidential information made the japanese boy pretty suspicious.
it was a private account with no more than 15 followers, most of them probably were internet friends because it wasn't a novelty that you were not social by any means, on the contrary, you could be considered a loner, because of that, the apparent "state secret" hiding in your profile made ni-ki more than curious about what you could be secreting.
"i don't want you to get mad at me" pleaded, following that he proceeded to show you an interesting account that you knew well.
a profile named 'riri', with one of those famous headers with silly quotes you can find on pinterest and as an icon an orange cat with the emoji ☝️ referring to the recent meme that became viral, to finalize the bio was decorated with the phrase 'proud hater'. you got a request from that account just a few weeks ago, it followed most of the people you followed so it wasn't any suspicious to you, besides that's how you made a few of your friends! Following or being followed by oomfs of your oomfs, that's how social media works.
"that's you?" your voice raised annoyed and nervous, "you used that account to stalk me?!" with anger, you got up from your seat on the school rooftop.
"i wanted to know why you're hiding things from me!" his tone matched yours, being not loud enough to be heard by the other students who navigated through the school.
"if i hide things from you there's a reason!" your mood escalated from there, not only did your anger grow bigger but an immense urge to cry hit you.
“i-i know… I’m sorry y/n, i thought it would be something stupid, not that you like me”
riki brings your biggest secret into the conversation without any filter, dropping it like a not-warned bomb that fell into you and unloaded the last level of emotions you were hiding on a facade of pure rage.
now everything made sense, his giggly laugh without a reason while looking at you, the weird things he said that seemed like an inner joke you could not understand, the weird “i know your secret” he released randomly in your conversations... you thought it was all a joke! it's nishimura riki that we’re talking about. He enjoys pranking and tends to do and say weird stuff, it could be a completely normal behavior for him, but no, this time it wasn't.
“why did you think doing this was a good idea?” you claimed, hiding your face between the palms of your hands while a few tears slid down your face.
“sunoo once said that he knows you like me, so heeseung gave me the idea of stalking your accounts for any signal but your accounts are private… so he helped me by making a stalking account, i know it was wrong. i'm sorry, please don't cry” he begged after confessing everything, trying to get near you therefore he could calm you at least a little bit.
“sunoo and heeseung know?!” you blurted, your eyes opened as if you were trying to imitate an owl’s gaze, and your hands transitioned from covering your face to holding it, any similarity with ‘the scream’ by edvard munch is just a coincidence.
“the whole group knows” announced, opening the hell gates with a simple phrase.
“riki are you kidding me?! i don't care that you know even if you violated my privacy, because i would've told you sooner or later, but your friends?! how humiliating, i’m never coming to school again” and the catharsis started, a big flow of verbal vomit came out of your mouth going from ‘they're probably making fun of me right now’ to ‘i’m gonna delete all my social media and never use my phone again’ all of this accompanied by fat tears.
the poor boy felt hopeless, watching you practically going insane in front of him without knowing what to do to help you, or more reasonably: how to amend his mistake. luckily for him, his guardian angels appeared in the scene to help him, hiding behind the door of the rooftop heeseung (the one responsible for this mess) and jungwon (a heart warmed soul who wanted to help his friend) were hiding, their faces full of horror admiring the scene that was unloading in front of them. what happens next is worthy of a comedic movie. His friends started a physical and exaggerated demonstration of how he should calm you, hugging each other and emphasizing comfort acts such as back patting and forehead kissing. ni-ki would've burst out laughing if it wasn't for you crying like a baby.
“please don't cry, i’m sorry, you can beat me all you want if it makes you feel better” proposed completely seriously, while slowly without trying to upset you more he got closer, searching to imitate the “comforting” hug he saw his friends do, let's not lie… it was a bit awkward, but he tried and that's okay.
gradually you ended up relinquishing the embrace, starting by clinging to him delicately and finishing by squeezing his torso the strongest you could.
“beating you is not enough, i need you to die” your voice came out weird because of the amount of strength you were applying to the “hug”, but despite that, your head relied on his chest.
“you will suffer a lot without me!” a small laugh flew out of his mouth, refreshing the conversation. “are you still mad at me?” the nishimura looked down, searching for your face and any kind of reaction from it.
“yes” your response was cut and short, it could've worried your crush if it wasn't for the water dripping off your nose because of all the crying.
“u-uhm, i have something to tell you, maybe this will help you feel better” his heart started to beat faster and you could feel it through the hug, he cleared his throat in a way of trying to shake the nerves out, “the reason i did all of this stupid plan was that… i had hopes that you talked about me there, uhm…” a small pause to take a big breath after the confession interrupted the moment, but he quickly picked up the conversation, “my friends encouraged me to confess, specially sunoo, you know that he has a sixth sense with gossip” joked.
“you're telling me that… you did all of this because you like me?” you asked dumbfounded, the question got him more embarrassed than he already was, why did it make him sound so stupid?
he nodded, ignoring your attempt at visual contact while trying to hold back his smile. “then, do you feel better now?”
“no” denied, “but i know what can make me feel better” and after saying that, a naughty smile appeared on your face.
“what? i will buy you a lot of food from the cafeteria if that's what you want-”
his phrase got interrupted by you, who continued speaking, “do you remember… when i found that folder on your phone that had a ton of pictures of you trying to fake your muscles? how would you feel if i told your friends about it?” ni-ki’s smile disappeared instantly, now his face reflected nothing more than true terror.
in a matter of seconds, your bodies separated and you started running to the rooftop door. riki knew what you were trying to do, getting into the school, searching for his friends, and revealing his shameful secret! this can't be, but after being a bad friend things were not on his side, he tried following you the fast as he could but forgot a small detail, his friends hiding behind the gate. as soon as you got to the exit the spot where the two boys were hiding got exposed and both seemed nervous about that, but you couldn't care less.
“hi, guys! it's so nice to see you, i have something amazing to tell you!” your acting, so giggly and happy relaxed jungwon and heeseung who were scared of being scolded for spying. “did you know that riki-”
at that exact moment, the japanese covered his ears, not wanting to hear all the things you might be saying to his comrades who surely were going to make fun of him until the day he died. well, at least he can make fun of them because he got a girlfriend (even if you aren't his girlfriend yet) and they don't!
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Okay time for another small (I hope) analysis on IWTV, mainly the way it's written and its place on current television. I'll try my best to format this so it's not ramblings all over, I promise.
IWTV and plot points
I watched a good amount of television in my time, and one thing I noticed here is the fact that it doesn't hold your hand. It doesn't tell you "hey, this thing x is important, now we will tell again why x is important, now here see x being used, the important thing we talked about so far, did you remember, audience?".
Let's take as an example the "don't drink the blood of the living" thing. It's said to a young Louis (telling also to the audience in the 2nd episode how vampirism in this setting works) and then every time it's brought up it's indirectly (Lestat spitting out the sick man's blood, we see Claudia buying Laudanum and we know what it will be used for, but they don't tell us "Hey, Claudia is planning to poison someone so that Lestat drinks it, because remember audience, dead blood kills them"). Sometimes not only it doesn't hold your hand, but shoves you in a different direction, especially in S2. It contradicts himself, backtracks and then it's up to you to spot it.
For example, attentive viewers may have noticed that Sam was in 2 places at once in the trial, one episode before the actual reveal. It isn't a gotcha they came up with in the finale to give more gravitas to the revelation. When they tell us Lestat mass manipulated the audience, it makes sense for the storyline too because we already saw him do that with the soldiers, we have a previous example to refer to, Armand never used that particular power.
In a time where we see so many social media adopt the "short videos" gimmick, like reels and shorts etc, having a piece of media that references back in this way is super refreshing.
2. Character complexity
Complex characters are the backbone of this show. It's easy to place a character in a box and leave them there. You see it with the stereotype of the villain, the best friend, the hero. Some tv shows may have the character shift into a different box, but it's almost never permanent (think of the times where a hero gets corrupted by the Evil Power, but then reverts back to their hero status after Defeating the Evil Power because they remembered the Power of Friendship).
We have Louis, well meaning vampire who is capable of horrible deeds when pushed to the brink. Lestat, who feels so much to the point it hurts the people around him. Armand, whose trauma and fear bring out the need to control, but at the same time he needs to do that without actually controlling. They are all these things at the same time, and it's impossible to see them in a black and white perspective.
3. Details
A line almost always has its parallels to another line in the show, gazes always mean something, props are detailed and shown (I made a post looking at Daniel's notes in 2x05, which were shown for a second only, but you can also think about Claudia's diaries, all handwritten, or the astonishing amount of folders that were in Daniels computer from the Talamasca. That is all prop work done to be shown for a few seconds at most).
4. Analysis
This is more of a fandom thing than the show itself, but I was suprised by the amount of deep analysis that people here on Tumblr did (but also on other social media). Long essays on the meaning of a scene, or on the many many topics the show brings to light (the fallacy of memory, the impact of trauma, the meaning of free will and agency).
Similarly lots of people said that the show brought them back the urge to start creating, whether it's gifs, video essays, edits, fanart, fics, what have you. I started going back to Tumblr after years (last time I was here was during S4 of Sherlock).
And I feel like this is only possible if you give your audience something to work with, something to talk about and to dissect, rather than simple "entertainment".
5. Final thoughts
Of course, this isn't to say IWTV is error free, all perfect, without flaws. Nor is it the only one that has had this amount of labor and impact. But it's still miles ahead from most media we have available at the moment in my opinion, and I really hope its success brings other showrunners or directors to want to try and dare, to trust in their audience, to avoid shortcuts and to pour love in their creation.
If you got this far, I just want to thank you for taking the time to read my ramblings again! Have a cute Louis as a reward, and see you next time :)
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cinmngirlnfr · 7 months
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Edmund Pevensie x Reader
In my mind, Edmund Pevensie is a Dorky Nerd
Summary: Before the battle in miraz's castle, Edmund tries to convince Y/N to not go to the battle, but things took turn when he ends up conffesing his fellings.
Y/N was sharpening her sword. She looked around her "room", it was very generous to call it a room though. Let's just say that the fortress were Caspian had leaded them to, their base is you must, and where the stone table used to be (and it still is, just broken), was not particulary cozy. She had a discomfort look on her face, yes, she loved Narnia and she would do anything for her people, but is not like she found battles apealing.
She was on her way to put her armor on when someone busted through the door. It was Edmund, hyperventilating.
"Excuse you?" Y/N asked a bit annoyed, he could have at least knocked.
"Sorry" Edmund had a looked of concern on his face "Is it true?"
"What ever are you talking about?" Y/N asked.
"That you are going to the battle, is it true?" Edmund asked with a more stern tone.
"Yeah...?" Y/N was kinda confused, it was not her first battle, back when they lived in Narnia, The golden years, She would atend to any battle or figth there was, she was very skilled at it, and it shoudn't be surprising that she was going to this one.
"No you are not!" Said Edmund almost like in a childish tone.
"Why not?" Y/N asked annoyed, he was acting very strange.
"You just can't" Edmund looked nervous, like if he was holding something from her, and she hated liars, or in this case, not being told things that were directly related to her.
"Yes I can, and I will!" She started getting defensive, and her insecure thoughts started to appear. Was this because she was a girl? i wouldn't be the first time somebody understimated her because of her gender, all though she never expected that kind of behavior from her dearest friend, Edmund. Maybe, when they had came back to England, the boys from his school had contaminated him with misogynistic ideas.
"No, you will not!" Said Edmund, starting to raise his tone of voice, something he did when he felt frustrated, whitch often happened while he treated with Y/N, because it was very rare the ocation when she actually listened to him.
She rolled her eyes, and continued with her preparation for the battle, she always thought that Edmund was smart... Book smart, not life smart... She actually belived Edmund to be very Dorky when it came to real life problems, yes, he was wicked smart when it came to play chess or to solve a math problem, but not so smart in social/emotional matters... He just needed a little reality check sometimes. Most of the times Y/N would just ignore him when he was being ridiculous.
"Y/N, are you listening to me?!" His face was very flustered with frustration, she didn't answered. "Please! you must not go!"
"And why is that?" Y/N was just listening orders but not explanations. He just mumbled something to himself. "Why is that?" she spoke louder, more intimidating.
"You could get hurt..." He said in a shy demeanor. She coudn't help but chuckle.
"Getting hurt? Yeah, of course i could, is a damn battle! im not stupid" she said as if it wasn't a big deal, and it wasn't for her, she would die for her nation a thousand and one times if it was necessary.
"Well, you are acting very stupid rigth now!" she felt the urge to punch him.
"Me?! Me Stupid?!" She got closer to him "I'm a better figther than you and your brother together! I have to go to the battle, I'm not turning my back on Narnia for your bloody tantrum!" She didn't realized how close they were, their chests were almost touching, she was breathing heavealy and he was very flustered. Both of them were mad at each other, but for very different reasons.
"You could die!"
"So could you!"
"But I don't want you to!..." His voice cracked a little "I don't want to live without you..." He admitted shyly, and now her eyes full of fury were filled with confusion and tendernes, she had to admit that was kinda sweet.
"Im still going Edmund... " She tried to say in a softer demeanor, she now understood were he was coming from, she still thought it was stupid, but it also melted her heart.
"I know..." He cupped her cheeks with his hands, and then he leaned to give her a soft kiss on the lips, she was stuned to say the least, but she didn't felt any feeling of rejection, quite the opposite actually.
When they separated he looked at her in the eyes with love, but also a bit of shynes.
"...Wh-what?..." Scaped her lips in a gasp, she was very confused, She always belived Edmund to be very handsome... But she always thought he saw her as a sister, he never gave any sings of even felling atractted to her. But Y/N never noticed how much Edmund Liked her, since he had a very wierd way of express it, When he was mean or sassy, when he was clumsy or dorky in front of her, it was just how he flirted (No need to say that it was wierd way of showing love), But i mean, he never had to learn how to flirt, back in the golden years, when they lived on Narnia, Girls would just make lines to talk to him, he was handsome, he was a King, he didn't needed to flirt.
"I love you..." He said. "Sorry for realizing so late about it..." She tilted her head and smiled.
"You wove me?" She mocked him pouting and chuckling a little.
"Shut up!" He laughed. She smiled and grabbed him by the collar, she gave him a very heated kiss, that made him a little dizzy, but in the good way, a total contrast from the soft and tender kiss he had gave her. He kissed her as if he was afraid of breaking her, She was kissing him as if her intention was to break him.
When they separated she smirked from the dumb smile Edmund had On his face "I'm still going to the battle, Pevensie"
"Uh...huh" Was the only thing he managed to say.
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sapionic · 6 months
Numerology And Your Name
The Numerology of your name is insight to your character. Let's be honest, nobody is changing their name like we change solar charts every year. You most likely had your name your whole life, right? Let's look into some characteristics and energy people are likely to have just focusing on their first name as it's the strongest and most demanded. This is using regular, basic numerology because there are multiple systems people use.
Winter - This is a cute name as it is linked to the season so you automatically get fluffy or bright vibes from this name alone. Let's now break it down
W=(23)5, I=9, N=(14)5, T=2(20), E=5, R=9(18) We see that there is a pattern of 5 with this name so we know that 5 is linked to Leo in Astrology and linked to Mercury with the Numerology system. I have seen the energy play out in the astrological ways though. Looking at people with this name, we know they are likely to be feisty, sexy, and sexual. They can be spicy, creative, and complex. Likely to be deep into the party scene. 5 is the strongest energy of this person so they are likely to prioritize joyful experiences as much as they can. Notice how the W is 5 once the 2 and 3 is added. 23 is linked to high social activity. This person would be a good party host. Someone with this name also has significant 9 energy as you can see. They are good in authoritative roles, but they are likely to prefer authoritative roles in places they can also enjoy. Club owner, club host, promoter, dancer,etc. Likely have good basic life skills with the one 2 energy that they carry. This makes them efficient with money opportunities, cooking, and showing compassion, but also being comfortable with self. Winter would be a person who could be difficult to deal with and won't always be easy to handle, so she would need to grow up and mature. Change will be prominent. Winter=8
Whitney - Well known name, but not extremely common at this same time. We can see some repeating energies from the first name we did above, but let's now focus on this name in its entirety. W=5(23) H=8 I=9 T=2(20) N=5(14) E=5 Y=7(25) Whitney would share a lot of traits with winter, but with a splash of secrecy and sensitivity. Whitney would require a little more depth in her experiences, thanks to that 8 influence. She would likely do things while focusing on the long-term. She knows how to have fun, but still play for keeps. She is a hard worker and likely keeps a job. Likely came into lots of money and knows how to seize good opportunities. She likely had a little more taboo experiences than Winter(8 influence). Since Whitney is someone who likely endures many pressures in her life, her destiny # is 5 which balances out the drama and chaos she experiences. What better way to balance it out than good ole fun? Whitney=5(41)
Jasmine - Common name. Let's get into it! J=1(10) A=1 S=1(19) M=4(13) I=9 N=5(14) E=5. We can see that Jasmine has big 1 energy so that would make a person with this name innovative, impulsive, daring, bold, and active. The next significance we see is a 5 so we know Jasmine would be no stranger to sex appeal or activity. She is likely a fun loving individual who can be silly, playful, and childish, but also very protective. Where is the protective energy coming from? The 4. Any pressure or anger she has is expressed outwardly. Any excitement and urge she feels is acted on promptly. Any desires and interests she has is acted on promptly. Jasmine doesn't do anything she don't want to do. If she does anything, it's because she wanted to. Heavy 1 energy can make a person a hot head in some way. This is why changes will come to Jasmine. JASMINE=8 which is about growth, maturity, and transformation.
Mariella - Interesting name that I wanted to use for this post. Let's get into it. M=4(13) A=1 R=9(18) I=9 E=5 L=3(12) L=3(12) A=1
We can see that someone with this name has a nice 1 and 3 balance going on. Mariella likely has a good deal of initiative and social spark. She finds it easy to connect with others and there is a charm and grace to her mannerisms. She is likely proactive and good with responsibility. She likely has resourceful and intelligent friends who enrich her mentality in some way. She may sometimes talk herself out of things or downplay her capabilities. She prefers to be part of a group although she can handle things well on her own. Very high social energy. Likely to have a relaxed demeanor. People like talking to her. Could easily find herself being a manager of some sort. Would make a good marketing expert. MARIELLA=8 She will need to learn how to be more consistent as her energy initially may be scattered and she change plans often. She will also learn to be more private.
Danielle - Common name that I wanted to use. I had a friend with this name. Met her at work. Let's get into the general name of this person though. D=4 A=1 N=5(14) I=9 E=5 L=3(12) L=3(12) E=5. Someone with this name is likely to be fun loving and even funny, just like Mariella above. There could be moments where Danielle would be a little shy, but that is temporary as people with this name has very fluffy and upbeat energy. They are likely to be big on having a good time and socializing. Danielle and Mariella likely have big social networks physically, but Danielle may be the one that parties a little harder in this equation. She is always focused on where the most fun is and that is where she will go. She likes to laugh and would rather live on the bright side of things rather than worry and be sad. She won't handle sad situations how typical people may expect her to. Danielle likely has more drama in her life than Mariella, but it's more than likely linked to pettiness more than anything. Sex and fun is a highlight for Danielle. If she don't do nothing else, she's going to attend a fun event or create it. You may notice that every Danielle you know loves to be on the scene or it seems from your view that she is always on the scene. Day and night events, it doesn't matter. She would likely value friends that supports this lifestyle. It can seem like she is hard to catch up with if you are more on the controlled side. This party lifestyle is a highlight, but it isn't the end all be all which is why Danielle will change. Danielle=8 She would have to learn to take life more seriously and to smell the roses more. She will need to learn how to slow down and make sensible choices. Double 5 and double 3 energy can make someone too impulsive for their own good.
Hope you enjoyed. You can now do your own or comment and I can keep this thing going by replying and linking things together all with just a first name. This is fun and simple, especially when you dont know people's chart info.
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thatbitchery · 5 months
'Power' and 'power hungry' are those words that we have demonized and sacrificed to spread the level down propaganda that's egalitarianism and anti- hierarchy, when power is not only inbuilt meaning we all seek it but extremely important and useful to life.
Power is the ability to influence the outcome, perception and course of events. People that have power are people that have- control or at least influence over lives, theirs or otherwise. Lack of power is the most painful position one can be in- exhibit A your childhood if you had one of those parents. Lack of power power leads to slavery, bring under dictatorship, resentment, self loathing, humiliation, shame, etc. The most painful position you can be in is one where you Lack power over yourself.
Neitzsche (I can never correctly spell his name) insists that power over yourself is the most important form of power, and that a good life is a life spent garnering and exercising power over yourself. Power over yourself is simply- discipline. When your will is stronger than your impulses and urges and wants- when you're disciplined- then you have achieved the highest form of power in existence- which makes this the first point. An easy way to be powerful is to be disciplined.
Power over others, however , is just as important. As social species we are constantly in need of company, in fact isolation is a death- to be at the mercy of others is also a death. Since as a social species we are dependent on each other for survival it is important to have some level of power over others- we are also animals and people will naturally treat you at the lowest level they can- it's important to make this level as high as possible.
So then, some cheap / completely free easy to do ways to be powerful?
Articulation and eloquence. Jordan Peterson says the most dangerous thing a person can be is to be articulate and eloquent. Why? Because words are the most powerful weapon out there. Everything social happens through words , and it's a social species so do the math. Wars have been declared and ended over and through words. Relationships formed and destroyed. Governments created and disbanded- words. In my religion save for human beings Everything was created by words- its that powerful. The most powerful you can be is articulate. The way you speak- from your surface lexicon to your intonation to the speed you use to your accent- people judge you over this. It influences how people treat you and think of you. It's soft power that's also explosive. Increase your surface lexicon. Get rid of your original accent and get one that people either a) find superior or b) commonplace ie most people have it (fun fact before skin color and origin we assess each other on accent basis and subconsciously decode if we like you or not. Explanation: people in the same tribe have the same accent , so consider eo brothers and safe. Strangers, not so much). Learn to pace your words. Be straightforward and open. Which drives me to point two
Honesty and authenticity. Look , I think you should lie. Manipulate girl boss gatekeep - these require lying at some point- go for it. What's more powerful, though, is to learn to ger what you want by manipulating the truth. You know what they say- the truth will set you free. Here's the problem with lying- we can tell. There are tells and subconsciously cues that your body sends when you lie and we subconsciously detect them and when you're caught in one lie it destroys your credibility all round. It's like a castle of jenga falling apart, everything that was once in harmony just- trips over. Credibility is the backbone of all relationships- you lose that you get isolated. Honesty is such a powerful tool because a) its vulnerable b) it signals confidence c) it builds trust d) the gift of companionship- you meet people that can actually relate e) you don't need to remember too much or always hold up a facade, the truth will set you free f) it's such an idgaf move that makes you seem superior especially if it's something you'd get judged harshly on. Just- be truthful- I've given f ways in which it influences how people treat you. The trick here is to do the mystery thing- keep things to yourself, unlearn your need to overexplain or justify, learn to give vague, short and true answers and when in doubt, cry.
Knowledge is power- what more must I add. Read. Keep up with the economics and government politics. Learn personal finance and build a financial base. Read fiction. Listen to podcasts. Be informed. Know the things that matter, and no that isn't drake X Kendrick Lamar it's things that matter. Get good grades and hold, at the very least, a bachelor's. Watch movies and go to the opera. Subscribe to newsletter. Be informed. Know. Knowledge is power. Join training camps and whatnots. Be skilled and efficient.
Networks. Power is stored in webs and security is in numbers. Exhibit a) try attack someone with a strong fan base see how that goes for you. You want to be powerful? Have friends, and not just friends. Powerful friends. I don't mean a team of CEOs necessarily- loyalty at the top is tricky and unless you're also a CEO that might not be easy- I mean people that can influence the turn of events. Sometimes- like in fandoms- it's simply just, people. Who your networks are made up of is dependent on what you want- as long as you keep in mind security is in numbers. Run up your numbers, ma'am. Forget your introvercy and self isolation methods , leave your house and learn to talk to people and run up your numbers. The most powerful you can be, is to get to a point where a) you have numbers on every level b)you have a cult leader like presence- that people worship you and are willing to die for you. Like most celebrities do. That's security, that's power. If you have a Nicki Minaj level fan base people treat you well because if they don't your fans will tear them apart. & you can get away with anything because they will justify it for you.
Grooming and mannerisms. We- inclusive of you- judge our books by their covers. Before you speak your Grooming and your etiquette speak for you. That's, I'm not explaining this. I know you know.
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youremyheaven · 10 months
The Dark Side of Jupiter💀🚬🍾🎊
There is a lot of discussion around Jupiter's abundance, its boundless energy, its expansiveness. But what about the dark side of Jupiter?
Being so giving can be so tiring. To simply never run out of fuel or feel depleted can mean that you have no sense of boundaries. You simply don't know whether you've pushed yourself too hard. Being burnt out for a Jupiter native just means that the endless energy they give to others/everything in their life is not reciprocated in the same way because very few people can return the same energy. This results in a kind of emptiness that cannot be appropriately described.
It's part of their nature to give but to always be pouring to others and to soak everything up means there is very little exchange of energies. You always feel like you're "too much for others"; you have too much energy or you don't have the appropriate channels for it.
The Jupiter need for constant stimulation is seldom addressed, without it, a native feels spaced out and "dry on the inside". Jupiter natives when they're out of balance can be prone to substance abuse, hypersexual behaviour and everything else. Virtue is an innate part of a Jupiter native, so they naturally do not possess a taste or preference for these things but that is not to say they are incapable of it. But they still possess the ability to quit things cold turkey unlike say Ketu or Rahu (Nodal people and their tendency to be prone to addictions is a topic for discussion for another day) because they don't inherently have a shadow-y nature that makes them dependant. They just need a direction to channel their energies and they will tire of it/grow bored of it pretty quickly.
Boredom is the most dangerous feeling. It can make people do things that love, hatred and anger can't. Imagine what this is like for Jupiter natives who are already too intense and too prone to feeling the depths of every emotion.
Jupiter natives are often described as "too much to handle" for many people. Especially for certain Mercurial natives, typically Ashlesha since Revati's boundless in its own way and Jyeshta natives come from a place of lack so they're endlessly projecting outwards. Ashlesha natives are the most energetically conservative of all Mercury naks and is in general, one of the most inwardly drawn naks and they feel easily drained by Jupiter natives, especially Jupiter women.
Idk if its ever been described this way but this is how I see it. Jupiter is a masculine planet but its ever expansive nature is supremely Yin. Therefore it manifests differently for men and women. Obviously there is a tendency to be people pleasers but it does not come from a place of negativity or desire to suck up to people, others just can't fathom what its like to process and contain information the way Jupiter natives do, they just naturally absorb the energies of others and project it back on to them. This is also another reason why they are so polarising. They're easy targets because if someone reflected back everything you hated about yourself, you'd be bound to hate them. They're mirrors.
The Pisces urge to dissociate has been covered extensively but no one ever talks about the exhilarating highs and crushing lows of being a Jupiter native. They feel so consumed by stimulation. They're the type of people who after spending time with others or partying or whatever, they come back home and they simply can't chill, they're so restless and manic and hyped up, they can't sit still; they don't feel drained by all that social interaction, they get high off of it, its hard to describe what that's like to someone who feels easily drained by others and needs to remain self contained to avoid feeling burnt out.
Punarvasu & Ashlesha both have Cat yoni which is a very restrictive yoni but since Punarvasu is Jupiter ruled, they have this capacity to be very expansive even if there are external limits placed on them. Ashlesha in addition to having a cat yoni is also Mercury ruled; mercury is the smallest planet, this adds to the restriction and limitations and makes them inwardly drawn and unable to give at all.
Punarvasu is the most grounded of Jupiter naks for this reason; there is a limit or some kind of grounding to their energies meanwhile with Vishaka and Purvabhadrapada, they fully embrace the darkness and intensity of Jupiter. Its interesting how Punarvasu is the only deva gana nakshatra among Jupiter naks. Vishaka is the height of Jupiter and is a rakshasa gana nak which represents how the extremes of anything, even a so-called abundant planet can manifest as villainy. All power corrupts but absolute power corrupts absolutely. Purvabhadrapada is the final Jupiter nak and a manushya gana nak because the culmination of Jupiter's energies is to integrate the evil with the divine and thats what makes us fully human.
Jupiter natives are prone to manic behaviour but when it comes crashing down, simply because others around them probably don't have a good threshold for this sort of hyperactivity, they feel "too out of control" but also "too out of touch" since they truly are in a different sort of reality; Punarvasu delulu behaviour require its own post; its wild that a lot of people interpret that as "innocence" when what it really is this is urge to expand endlessly and consume everything within reach- it may seem like a childlike curiosity to explore and try things but there is a scary and dark side to it.
I've noticed how many Jupiter natives exhibit bipolar- adjacent behaviour (TW!!!!) they are most prone to the manic highs and crushing lows and swinging back and forth between it from day to day.
Obviously I'm not saying all Jupiter natives are like this but I'm talking about ways in which the dark side of Jupiter manifests. Its almost similar to that of Rahuvian people.
If you look at the charts of famous people who've struggled with addiction and/or bipolar disorder, majority of them have Ketu influence but there are numerous examples of Jupiter natives as well since Jupiter natives are not dependent on it in the same way (remember they're not bound to anything, they can quit things cold turkey if they choose to, they just like the mania and the high and only boredom will make them stop).
Here's a small list of celebs who've struggled with bipolar disorder:
Vivien Leigh- Swati Sun, Mars in Punarvasu atmakaraka
Mariah Carey- Punarvasu Moon
Sinead O'Connor- Jyeshta Sun & Venus along with a Vishaka stellium (rising, mercury and ketu)
Mel Gibson- Punarvasu Rising, Mars in Vishaka atmakaraka, Rahu in Jyeshta
Chyler Leigh- Vishaka Moon
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She interestingly played a drug addict in the alternate reality episode of Grey's Anatomy and suffered from addiction as a teenager.
Regarding her bipolar disorder she has said, “I was experiencing such a high version of mania and irritability that I couldn’t sleep or eat, and I was angry and reckless,” Leigh says. “I would go to work and use that adrenaline and expend my energy and feelings there, and then I would come home exhausted.”
Halsey, who is Punarvasu Moon (Swati stellium) has been open about her struggles with bipolar disorder and here are some quotes from some of her interviews that I feel like explain Jupiter nature quite well;
“That’s why I tour so much. I release endorphins, serotonin, dopamine, norepinephrine. Like, it’s literally a drug response,” said Halsey
Part of the reason why some Jupiter natives who are more balanced, tend to stay off of drugs or partying or other indulgences entirely is because they don't really need substances to feel high, they experience the highs, lows, relapses, resistance, withdrawal symptoms of drugs just by feeling emotions in the massive, expansive Jupiterean way that they do. I really don't know if I'm driving home this point enough, but really, this biggest goddamn planet, imagine containing that much space and energy within yourself, you're like a defenceless sponge, you pick up on everything whether you want to or not. There's a reason why some of the biggest pop stars, celebrities and people of all time have been Jupiter natives; some people can be in the public eye, facing the projections of millions of people and only go slightly insane and those are Jupiter natives; in fact they need an outlet of that capacity; something that's large enough to contain them.
Here's some more quotes:
 “Nobody wants to be my friend. They’re scared I’m gonna pop off about something. I’m drama by association. I put myself out there with my peers; I don’t know if people really ever wanted to do the same with me. So I stopped wasting my energy.”
Other people not meeting you on your level is a big issue with Jupiter natives; few people can match their pace and its vvv easy for them to feel "too much" for others.
“I spent a lot of time being the most exciting thing in everybody else’s life. When they didn’t need me any more, they would thank me then leave. That is the trope of the manic pixie dream girl. This album is about her. Her traumas don’t exist to benefit some other person.”
People are initially excited and intrigued by the explosive energy and enthusiasm of Jupiter natives but they will tire of it quickly if they don't have the same internal space to hold it. This can be very crushing for the Jupiter natives who feel used. Everybody loves a one week vacation in Hawaii but nobody wants to stay in Hawaii forever, they really want to get back to their boring desk job because that gives them a sense of stability and normalcy.
As for being a “bitch,” Halsey doesn’t actually think she is one, although she knows that it can seem that way when she’s been on a manic spree for a week, made everyone around fall in love with her, and then shut them out with little more than a check-you-later as soon as she came crashing down. She can be demanding. She writes her own music. She does her own makeup. She helps design her own costumes, merchandise and album covers. She micromanages. No one can book a flight until she approves it. She will not be “handled."
The hot & cold nature of Jupiter aka "their duality" is what makes them so interesting to others, to the public etc but its also what makes them so polarising because we're all trained to think of things as this or that, therefore their kind of contradictory nature is confusing, alluring and yes, maddening.
Many famous party animals have prominent Jupiter placements but they usually clean up at some point.
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Prince William has Rahu in Punarvasu and Kate is Punarvasu Moon; the Moon conjunct Rahu synastry in PUNARVASU makes their relationship a very "theyre doing things you havent even heard of" type one. Kate's party girl era is very well documented.
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Ranveer Singh- Punarvasu Sun
In Indian media, Ranveer is quite a character, the man is always acting like he's on a cocktail of several substances and is known for her hyper manic media persona. He's known for being a party animal.
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Drew Barrymore is a Punarvasu Moon
She was known for being a wild child in the 90s.
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Cameron Diaz is Punarvasu Rising & Drew is Punarvasu Moon
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The Weeknd- Vishaka Moon, Punarvasu Rising
Literally all he does is sing about the crushing highs and lows of the party, sex and drugs lifestyle he lives. Take any of his songs, he describes the emptiness of Jupiter better than anybody else.
These are lyrics from his song Gasoline:
"It's five AM, my time again
I've soakin' up the moon, can't sleep
It's five AM, my time again
I'm calling and you know it's me
I'm pushing myself further
I'm just tryna feel my heartbeat beat (beat)
I wrap my hands around your neck
You love it when I always squeeze
It's five AM, I'm high again
And you can see that I'm in pain
I've fallen into emptiness
I want you 'cause we're both insane
I'm staring into the abyss
I'm looking at myself again
I'm dozing off to R.E.M.
I'm trying not to lose my faith
And I love it when you watch me sleep
You spin me 'round so I can breathe
It's only safe for you and me
I know you won't let me OD
And if I finally die in peace
Just wrap my body in these sheets
And pour out the gasoline
It don't mean much to me
It's five AM, I'm nihilist
I know there's nothing after this (after this)
Obsessing over aftermaths
Apocalypse and hopelessness (hopelessness)
The only thing I understand
Is zero sum of tenderness (tenderness)
Oh, baby, please just hold me close
Make me believe there's more to live
Around, around, around, around we go
In this game called life, we are not free"
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Scarlett Johansson- Vishaka stellium
She's talked about being a party girl and how much she enjoys clubbing.
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Miley Cyrus- Vishaka Moon & Mercury, Mars in Punarvasu
Miley's wild stoner years are well documented and I think her mania during those years post-Liam are reflective of how devastating it is for Jupiter natives to feel abandoned by someone because they can't "handle" you anymore. There's a reason why she was so out of control in that era.
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Lana Del Rey- Vishaka Stellium (inc her Rising)
she may be a Cancer Sun who makes melancholy music but the devastation and emptiness and trippiness comes from that Vishaka energy
choice lyrics include:
“And you try to see the bright side when each new day begins But you're not satisfied at the rainbows end”
“You're scared to win, scared to lose I've heard the war was over if you really choose; The one in and around you”
“it’s nice to love and be loved but id rather know what god knows”
“Happiness is a butterfly. Try to catch it like every night. It escapes from my hands into moonlight”.
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Leonardo Dicaprio- Vishaka Sun & Venus
this man has been yachting for decades now, i have nothing to add, he's typical of Jupiter's boundless energy gone wrong.
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Jennie, Vishaka Moon
in recent years, Jennie's party habits have become mainstay media news.
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Katy Perry- Vishaka Moon, Rising and Saturn
Lets just say she knows a thing or two about partying
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Asap Rocky- Punarvasu Moon
my king who sings/raps of being faded in every song<3 the loneliness/emptiness of the high life is Jupiter culture af
I will update this post and add more to it but I wanted to publish it rn as it is. Here's some of my thoughts on Jupiter's nature and I hope you find it interesting
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astroariska · 1 year
ASTROLOGY OBSERVATION [Chapter 5] ✨ - The South Node Version
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Libra South Node = The urges to seek justice in this world forever.
Also i always see how Libra South Node move from one pain to another pain. They keep picking the decision that require them to hurt themselves.
Leo South Node need to burst their own bubble. They tend to live with all the privileges but doesn't realize what does their privilege means. I need to say that they have no play time in this world because they used to play so much in their past life. Remember, privilege = power.
I swear the Leo South Node is the most problematic south node ever. Because often, Leo South Node people has tendency to BLOCK other people's growth and development for the sake of themselves.
Also, the amount of too-kind parents that have Leo South Node people like, Leo South Node people will act crazy and their parents always "giving them the second chance because we are family".
Gemini South Node. Please. No matter how desperate are you, DON'T. BROKE. THE. RULES. You can outsmart it but you can't broke it. Law (Sagittarius) will beat your ass down if you misbehaving.
Gemini South Node and thinking "There's nothing i could think of this anymore" and running around from things they need to face.
Cancer South Node and the tendency to keep yourself in the shell. Remember, the more you put your shell on, the more universe break it until it hurt you.
Also the crab mentality of Cancer South Node is unbeatable. It's "If i can't get it NOBODY CAN"
Taurus South Node has the tendency to work around the love they try to earn. How about realizing that it's not what you earn and more about what you get?
Whenever Taurus South Node people thinks they need money, it's somehow always "I need more money to be STACKED" not "I need because i have none."
Taurus South Node and the urge to keep budgeting shit to the pennies. They are like, "No, i have money but not for drinking. This is the food money, this is the laundry money, this is for the coccaine, skincare, etc" like DANG WHY YOU ARE SO PARALYZED BABE?
Aquarius South Node experience a time when they are burdened by the responsibility and the duty. Many people claims that Aquarius south node are detached and cold. But it just their coping mechanism so they could keep going and not breaking down 😭
Aquarius South Node people and being the forever kid in their adult. They gonna be like "Okay, i'm adult now so i will BUY ANYTHING that i want in my childhood and i would do EVERYTHING that i want to do as a child."
Capricorn South Node HATES working hard. THEY HATE IT. Stop assuming they love what they did. THEY DON'T. THEY FEEL TORTURED. THEY ARE SO TIRED ALL THE TIME.
Also, i had no idea why Capricorn South Node ladies are always the alpha one in relationship??? They'd be all damn intimidating and would let the people take the control of relationship.
Pisces South Node, why did y'all love to be a troublemaker? I mean. Sometimes i found this placement feel like they creating a problem when they are bored or lonely.
Pisces South Node also have several addiction that prevent them to grow up as healthy person. This has to do with longing things that too good to be true.
Aries south node and the urge to fight all the people that wronged you in the past 😭
Aries south node and the rushed feeling that boils the blood. They feel their own bloodrush when they got angry so they need to be careful to pick the food for the sake of their own health.
It's the Sagittarius South Node that have the "I am BETTER than thou" behaviour.
Sagittarius South Node need to understand that diversity and the dynamics of community. What you think of truth doesn't work as truth to other people because social conditioning, privilege and poverty.
Scorpio South Node and the "It's all or nothing" mentality. How about acceptance for the sake of your dignity?
Also, i had no idea why Scorpio South Node people are SO CUTE and adorable? Like ... They are so LOVABLE.
Virgo south node and the family pressure of having WORK.
"I am the unpaid maid of my family" and proceeds to poison the whole house is a typical Virgo South Node villain story jk.
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runby2 · 9 months
hi it's the creator of horse plinko and other huge posts on this site.
i wanted to make a quick post on here, not to keep everyone updated on my life, because i'm going to keep staying far away from social media, but to let everyone know that if you feel like you are endlessly changing yourself to fit your following's perfect standards, you are not actually getting better as a person. why do i say this? growing up, i had a horrible childhood and it was hard to grasp a sense of self, so the internet was a good escape. i made posts about current topics, tried to get a lot of notes, and when i got those notes i felt like my life had a purpose. i didn't let myself ever find out who i truly was because early on i was so obsessed with being the perfect persona on the internet and avoiding home life, that i had literally linked my life cable to the internet. i was the living definition of chronically online. i was so young too, so i saw a bright future ahead of myself. "it can only go up from here." 3 years of complete isolation happened after my 18 years in a cult, and recovering from mental institutional abuse. and i went by juicedoesthings. and i fought with every part of myself, ignoring my DID and even having alters post inspirational paragraphs about why DID is 'something i know i don't have because ___'- some you can probably still find on this blog buried deep somewhere - i was lost in a cycle of amnesia and perfectionism to the point ALL of my identities were juicedoesthings, and we were all the same, and if one of us stepped out of line, we'd shun it. we couldn't risk being problematic. we couldn't risk everything we've worked up to be crumble. because that was all we were. don't make your identity a username. don't keep track of what is and is not acceptable at the current time in a fandom of any sort. don't curate your art just because a discourse blog reblogged it for clout. don't overthink some personal statement you made just because thirty people sent you personalized death threats. don't forget about nuance, and in the most sincere way i can communicate this, touch grass. and find out what comforts you. learn what makes you happy, not what can improve you. this post will probably be drowned under reblogs as my life goes on and i occasionally check back into this ghost town of what used to be my only identity. but tumblr fame has irreversibly damaged me, and how i perceive myself. it took so long for me to feel like it was okay to make mistakes. if the above sounds like you, i desperately urge you to find a way out of that cycle. don't chase fame online. anonymity can definitely get you where you want to be safely. over my years on here ive seen children adults and teens ask how to make a webcomic, how i got this many followers, how i became "me". i was conforming. i became perfect for the internet, but i didn't have any sense of self. don't be like me. don't become me. just create, and disconnect yourself from who you think you need to be in order to be enough.
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reveluving · 2 years
writing milf!Batmom was bound to happen at some point lol I was waiting for the day to finally happen fr fr SO HERE ❤
warnings: smut (18+ content, minors DNI!)
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Look, with that many kids in the household, did you really think no one's going to talk about how sexy of a mother Mrs Wayne is?
Don't get me wrong, Bruce being called a DILF is not uncommon! Just look at him; a rich and respectable hunk of a man, who is also a father of six children and counting? So much hotter than when he was known as a playboy all those years ago. It was only natural for the public to talk about the missus in question as well.
Who could've possibly been the one to finally tame the Bruce Wayne and better yet, encouraged him into the married life?
You, obviously, and boy, did the public understand why.
No matter how much the media tries to deny it, they can never ignore your beauty, your grace, and dare I say, your MILF-ness.
C'mon, everyone's eyes were always on you the second you'd step foot into the gala. Oh, Mrs Wayne is here, in her new silky, silt-cut dress, matchint heels and jewellery that complements your every feature?
Sign me the fuck up!
You may have acknowledged the reputation bestowed upon you, but what you didn't realized was just how strong that power was.
But, of course, your reputation comes with a bit of a price to pay. Not by you, but by your children.
If there was one thing Dick, Jason and Tim were especially too familiar of hearing, especially on social media, it's about you, and the Internet can be very open with their thoughts. People are getting too comfortable on the app, as one would say.
While there was no denying that you were in fact beautiful, they were still your sons, and to see such language about you was almost as traumatic as seeing you and Bruce fooling around in bed.
• 'Mrs Wayne is so hot??? HAVE YOU GUYS SEEN HER IN THOSE HEELS??? GYAT'
• 'I've seen her IRL when I was visiting her café and let me tell you; photos do NOT DO HER JUSTICE 🥵'
• 'If my future husband and I don't give Bruce and (Y/N) Wayne energy, I don't want it ☝🏼🤨'
• 'mrs wayne's thighs appreciation: a thread that will having you SCREAMING [includes 10+ photos]'
That last one in particular had an intimidating number of likes, mind you. As if their own set of fans weren't a lot to deal with already.
But hoho, if we're talking about Bruce Wayne's opinion on the matter?
Picture this.
It's like watching an edit of your favourites; going from a random video of you adorably scrunching up your nose to BAM—a slow-mo of you looking like a literal model. How or where anyone's ever gotten that footage from was uncertain, but if you asked Bruce if he's ever seen that video before?
Chances are, he'd say yes.
Repeatedly, even.
Hell, he might've saved it somewhere, amongst other 'tresures', for educational purposes.
He acknowledges the fact that you may be a teenage boy's fantasy, the dream trophy wife of many men, regardless if they were in their lonesome or in a tasteless marriage, but in the end of the day, you were his, just as he was yours.
And while he has the means to save your most intimate moments via his greatest machines, he actually prefers the good ol' polaroid. Saving at least a couple of boudoir photos in his pocket, wallet, the Batmobile, locked away in one of the Batcomputer's rack and much more. Whether they're photos of you lying on your stomach cross-legged in your lingerie, or even a picture of the two of you, glistening in sweat and naked in front of the mirror, he never ran short of his precious 'supplies', and he has more where that came from.
Knowing he was the only one able to not only see you, but make you writhe and scream and cum in his bed—in your bed, around his cock? He could die a happy man, truly. And he'll do just about anything you ask him to, no question?
Want his fingers inside you while he smothers his face in between your breasts? Certainly.
Want him to lie back so you can straddle his face and make you cum with that talented tongue of his? You don't have to tell him twice.
Want him to take your dress and lingerie off so slowly, even though his cock is aching to be touched by those sweet hands of yours? Say no more.
That man is always hungry for you, borderline desperate even, but what's new.
But, if it ever goes down to you, or when the public gets too comfortable voicing out, especially in front of you, and it clearly rubs you the wrong way, best believe he'll do something about.
He doesn't need the comments of others to know how sexy of a woman his wife really is, after all.
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I wanted to write smut for this, considering it is a milf!batmom after all, but we all know how long it takes for me to do that HAHA I hope y'all still liked this one tho! Please don't forget to leave some sugar! ❤
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