#how do I do this
myszkaa · 2 years
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Alright, first post
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endlessmidnights · 8 months
Does anyone else have no idea how to make friends or is it just me?
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sharkfinns-bigtoe · 6 months
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how do i use this app helpppp
in @sharkfinn we trust
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feral-turtlecat · 1 month
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i drew Kinito :P
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siriuslynutswrites · 1 month
lorenzo berkshire
Sanity is not and cannot be perceived. All those thoughts and ideas, working together in tandem.
A person is not always rational. A person is not always irrational.
Enzo hangs wildly between the two extremes, rational to a fault, but too crazy to not be insane. Just and fair in how he treats others, and yet when blood waterfalls over his knuckles, crimson settled into the valley of his fingers, he enjoys knowing the one who broke the dam of skin was him.
Twisted and manic in his kindly ways, Enzo enjoys the goodwill of granting someone broken the freedom of unconsciousness. 
It does not matter if he was the one who trapped them in the rigid, bloody cage of pain. 
The enjoyment of his cracked and bruised knuckles— porcelain fists that enjoy shattering too much— is the fruition of his anger, so different to how he treats the world around him with care. 
The smash of skulls on walls, the crunch of a nose kissed with knuckles.
And the drip, drip, drip of ruby gold, the flames of rich warmth on the floor.
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marinaas-world · 6 months
and i can still smell her perfume.
this is my first thing i've ever posted here im so scared
// wilbur x reader, angst, cheating, no comfort.
summary. - wilbur comes home to you, smelling differently.
pronouns. - not mentioned
|| 431 words.
part two ("do i wanna know?")
!not proofread!
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its 3:45 am, her lips on his. he told you he was way for a band rehearsal and wouldn't be coming back until tomorrow afternoon. you stay in your shared, currently empty bed, watching the window across from your bed, as cars zoom by. it's always impossible for you to sleep without him. it all just feels so bare and dull.
getting out of bed, you grab your phone, walking down into your living room. when you can't sleep because wilbur isn't there, you always go down to to your tv and watch his vods. his voice is just so comforting. you miss him.
his lips are on her neck, exploring very part he can reach. her hands run up his chest, reaching the places you would kiss when he would come to you for comforting. he says all the same things he would say to you.
"you're so beautiful."
"i'm so lucky to have you."
"don't ever leave me."
he was all over her, like he was dying to thirst, and she was water. all while you were at home, crying in the everlasting state of loneliness.
when he comes home that next evening. the first thing you notice is how he is happier than usual. he takes off his jacket and shoes, placing his bag on the floor.
"hi, darling. how were you while i was away?" he asks, wrapping his arms around you sweetly. you bury your face in his neck, noticing a different scent to him, but not saying anything. maybe it was one of the guys'.
"i missed you," you mumble into his neck. you pull away, looking at his eyes. they have a different look to them. usually, they are full of love and innocence. but now, they are more nervous. he can't hold eye contact with you.
"you smell different."
he begins to panic a little, but covers it. quite terribly, one could say. you could see every thought he had running through his mind.
"o-oh. it's uhh... it's nothing." he stumbles out, letting go of you and walking away.
"it doesn't sound like nothing." you say, watching as he walks away.
"can we not? i just got home and i'm tired." he replies. you've noticed hints of that same scent for a while, but never this strong.
"y'know, wilbur. i can still smell her perfume. i've always been able to. did it rub off on you?"
his silence speaks volumes. everything comes to you then, crashing everything down like a wrecking ball just hit you. your world is shattered. everything is over.
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alacrity42 · 2 months
Iruma Misfit Headcanons
Basically just stuff I like to put into my fics or think could/should be happening
Iruma: The class is divided into two groups: the 'no snack' group and the 'feed Iruma' group. Iruma campaigns every day in the group chat to lift the ban on snacks.
Alice: Softened up around everyone since entering second year, and no longer glares at them like he wants to punch them. Took up knitting in an effort to seem more approachable after Iruma lectured him on the subject.
Clara: Drags one of the Misfits to join her playtime sessions once a week. They have all learned what Azz and Iruma go through. Only Elizabetta came out unscathed.
Sabnock: Took up classic literature in his research on the demon kings. His vocabulary has a 13% chance to switch to Old Demonese if he's excited.
Lied: Started a group DeviTube channel. The primary uploader, he makes video game playthroughs and occasionally asks his friends to make videos of their own.
Jazz: Despite Allocer's intellect, he's the one who tracks everyones debts. Often turned to in order to settle conflicts, he revels in the fact that he's now the big brother of the class.
Allocer: Dating an older woman he met online. Keeping it incredibly secret, he worries that the Misfits will scare her off with their chaos and insistence on meeting her.
Elizabetta: Dating both Purson and Lied. Struggled to cope with being polygamous and accepting herself, but is now better off for it. Routinely interviewed by the school newspaper and runs a gossip column.
Crocell: Has taken up gardening to express herself in a way that isn't performing. Gets annoyed when the photos of her plants get more traction than some of her casual posts.
Kamui: Locked in gentleman class hell with Mr. Hatt and Kalego. They fixed him up and now he's stopped harassing women. A phenomenal start.
Purson: The second most frequent uploader on the shared channel, he has gained popularity as the Pixie online. Uses his money to purchase good music equipment, and to Kallego's annoyance, tests it every morning before class.
Gaap: Makes everyone breakfast. Has started taking requests because Agares assured him that people would get sick of constant onigiris. Kalego has praised his work.
Agares: Falls asleep on Gaap's lap routinely because he trusts Gaap to take care of him. It has worked like 60% of the time, but he does it anyways.
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rottttenlasagna · 2 years
my favourite employee
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i absolutely adore @enderpearlll fanfic about Bob! i hope someone likes this xd
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leafwateraddict · 2 months
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themikeydeano · 1 month
hey google can you find my artistic inspiration
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notabitofabozo · 1 month
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How tf do I make my Jonathan sims art ACTUALLY LOOK like Jonathan sims, someone please help,
Long face, grey hairs, glasses, tired eyes, bushy eyebrows BUT IT JUST DOESNT LOOK LIKE HIM 😭 LIEEEEEK….
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scrollonso · 2 months
2nd time writing smut i have no idea what im doing
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(me n my readers after i post the worst kinky smut ever)
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sevikasenby · 3 months
i swear every time i write soft sevika, i always end up with like half of it being just her learning to be taken care of
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viperpaws · 2 months
nobody told me there were boops today this is news to me what does this even mean /silly
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parkiebearr · 2 years
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Zutara Week 2022- Day 1: Tradition
*click for better quality*
i posted this on instagram hours ago but i need to go ahead and start using tumblr so😭
my acc is @parkiebear_ on insta if ya wanna check it out there🤙🤙
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pinesalex · 2 months
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A drawing I'm currently proud of !!
I've wanted to post something so I decided to post this !! (excuse the bad picture please)
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