#how do you think they dropped the news to his actor that he wouldnt be in season 4
bookishtheaterlover7 · 8 months
👸- Ok lets get things straught
Unless someone held a newspaperup like a kidnapping to show proof of date the photo could be as o as old as 2017 he got dodger in 2015(possible 2016 idk when gifted stoped filming but they started in oct 2015 and he has more black kn his nose when he was younger) this shows minus someone, not necessarily a man, with a white kneee, thowrtically the person could be Latinx or Asian etc. 
THEY ARE DOING THIS TO GET FANS ATTENTION. They know we love dodger we've said leave dodger alone so another dodger oic and people are up in arms... they're troll dont go for it. At least he isn't speared in half again by a leg.
B) dodger going to doggy day care... wow. Sound the alarm. Now i dont know much about the video ive seen the photo and honestly it may not be dodger. His coloring isn't THAT unique. The quality is also bad too. I mean i could sqear that was my friends dog in the corner too. But i imagine Chris went out of his way to make sure dodger was well socialized because hed be around kids and in thr video with aly rushmans dog it showed dodger can be unknowingly a little rambunctious with small dodgs but who wouldnt get excited with a cute new puppy  playmate even though dodger givrs off the:  im not an animal im a human vibe. 
Who says that also isnt where a lot of cast and crew put thier dogs? Yes Im assuming its for a film and based on the placement of the tiles and the way they are a diffrent color it seems like it is purposely a diffrent type of tile... why? I dont know but its awfully evenly spaced and copied a couple feet down.
Ive seen people even claim that chris uses dodger for people to like him.  Hes now Will and Jada acting like theyre still a thing 6 years after they seperate. Its a man and his dog do you see the way Chris looks at him? If chris was that good of an actor we'd all be thinking he was really in love  with little miss nazi and no mstter what they do now i wont believe  it just cause he hasnt looked happy in 2 years UNLESS Dodger was the subject... 
You also see too many people talking too many nce things about dodger and chris with dodger
When this whatever shit started we saw a lot of orgs and fellow celebs pull away from chris a lot less birthday wishises publically  one of chris reoccuring costars (not scarjo or A.D.A.) had a very heartwarming and touching birrhday with with a few examples of how nice he is. There are also reports thst he lets people use his houses etc. when hes not in town. Now people ahve pulled away from him publically. We all know chris isnt a golden boy but when companies and charities stop working with someone suddenly (many stopped after the first pap walk) despite other issues it to me sayshe was nice enough to want to be associated with before.  I think its a fine line of what people will and wont tolerate and yes theres trolls and clout chasers but when ebolas associations and beliefs came out many broke away when a cetain company recived complaints things were dropped we all know a campaign was fropped and they mostly use OBJ and one of the founders dog whose has very VERY similar collerings to dodger. They also seemed to not get the enagwment they wanted on the cintest as it was like they were shoving it down people's throat. I do believe once things are over (whatever the truth is-theres do dobut its toxic otherwise chris wouldnt be looking like he does) there will magically be another campaign. 
Now people turn in seb for what a movie that is supposed to be really good? Because hes friend with someone who doesnt look like a typical movie star. 
Leave fans and their looks out of it. Be nice. Little miss nazi on the otherhand we finally saw what her soul looks like and I can actually look at these photos without wanting to puke - have no sympathy for nazis and those who hate others like that
Lastly another reminde rb/c ppl r still talking about it- 
STOP TALKING ABOUT the INTERVIEW  how many times do people have to tell you they want you to talk. Your playing into thier hands and being a pawn Nothing new was said and frankly it makes her look foolish. I relize I'm talking about it but its just to tell you all to stop talking about it because they've had to change strategies. They held back the "kiss" we all know that would've been released day off a year ago. So now they release something that like others said would not have been seen outside her country normally its been over a week. And Yes shes stupid forgetting where she is but The only thing ur doing is making their ship stay relevent.  And in peoples mouths. 
Also just an fyi to Ebola check which account you post things on... normally im.not a conspiracy theorist like that but this is getting way too stupid that fan sites are publishing things that the actors page would normally post. 
P.s. bookie lets see some of the wonderful exs chris has had gimmie some mink and jessica and Jenny to attach to Chris' tag. 
I seriously don't know how you do it, girl...
But seriously, I'm thankful for your PSAs. And look forward to reading and posting every single one 😁
Oh, and I most certainly will! It's all in good fun 🙃
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dojae-huh · 1 year
hey, hope u had a great easter!
the question im about to ask doesnt rly have anything to do w nct (directly) so feel free to ignore this if u want to.
jimin (of bts) has recently had a comeback and theres a lot of analyzations about the choreo and the photographs, that hint at him being bisexual. since park jimin is a household name i think that regardless if knetz see the hints at his sexuality its more likely to be (i dont want to say accepted, more like recognized) by the overall media. and if jimin were to actually come out as bisexual (its not confirmed he is, hes just been dropping a lot of hints, it can also be to make the cb ‘interesting’ and to draw in more fans, but that seems unlikely to me, since hes alr so popular and the korean society recognizes that, if it could open new doors for lgbt koreans, and maybe jaedo??
what im trying to ask is if a big celeb were to come out and the public wouldnt react terribly, do you think dojae would risk it? i know doyoung probably wouldnt settle for a ‘maybe’ so its unlikely but maybe that jaehyun will have a diff view?
looking back on this ask its all hypothetical so it doesnt rly make sense, but i hope my question came across
JaeDo already dropped enough hints. Look at their position among celebrity ships.
Exo did a fanmeet recently, and Chen, who married his girlfriend some time ago and has a child, was met with cold reception. After all these years of "we want exo!" and "otp9!", one of the members was not welcomed because of his "betrayal". And he is what, 30 y.o? Till what age is he supposed to be "innocent" and "boyfriend material"?
Now, imagine fans finding out that not only Jaehyun is not the straight Prince charming, that he has been sleeping with a co-member for several years? Lying all this time that his lovers are the fans? How dare these two put their love over the safety and success of their group?
Taking on the role of an LGBT ally I can see. Like playing a gay role in a series. It's not something to surprise kfans with anymore.
The actors and singers who came out in US lost their insane popularity. In Russia we had a period with Tatu (fake, but still acting like lesbians), openly gay singers (they didn't label themselves, but the make up and the dress told what needed to be told), gender study professors in Moscow universities. It's all gone now. The professors and the stars dissapeared. It is benefitial for the elites to make a monster out of LGBT now, as "we are back to OUR TRADITIONS, which means patriarchy and the church".
So maybe there will be a period when Korean elites will be lenient about what happens on TV, look the other way. Comes a new president, a stonger push from the religious organisations in the future? Will the "new era" stay?
If you watch Korean variety shows you can notice some openly flamboyant or mannered judges, guests. They don't really hide, they just don't put lables on themselves, they stay "like everyone else" and "don't make a ruckus".
The participants of pride parades in Russia are bitten both by bystanders and the police. pride parades in Seoul happen with the police protecting the participants.
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duuhrayliegh · 2 years
dont worry darling rant review
okay look, i watched the movie yesterday and i’ve got to say i wasn’t completely disappointed. the storyline itself (while full of plotholes) was enjoyable to an extent.
spoilers further down
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the acting by florence was phenomenal (but i expected nothing less).
olivia’s part (imo, without my prejudice against her) was way too involved, especially with how her part ended???
kiki and asif should have been seen more. kiki’s character, margaret, was the literal catalyst of the fucking film and she had maybe six or so scenes in total.
as for chris pine, he did a rlly great job of playing a creepy ass man. and that’s all i’ll say.
and harry? well, it wasn’t as bad as i thought it was going to but i’m fully convinced that they had to rewrite his part british bc he couldn’t drop the accent for long enough. (as evidenced by an attempted american accent in one of the films scenes). i will say tho, im not going to be judging harry too hard, he’s still a new actor and i think the PR for (and general drama surrounding) this movie fucked up his chances of doing rlly well. i mean harry was the man that christopher nolan SPECIFICALLY wanted to be in his film dunkirk. so i still have hope for harry, maybe psychological thrillers just aren’t his bag.
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also, olivia wilde trying to sell this show (before it’s release) as like an ode to female pleasure is utter bullshit. there are two or three ‘sex’ scenes in the movie and with how it ends and what happens later on… they fall more into dub con content than anything else. ode to female pleasure my fucking ass.
like i said, i think that the general drama surrounding the film (harry/olivia relationship? olivia/shia debacle? olivia/florence rivalry?) rlly fucked the public’s reception of the film itself.
too many unanswered questions and an ending that left me unsatisfied.
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slight spoilers ahead
from a literary and writing standpoint, i think that they introduced the conflict too early. you’re like ten or fifteen minutes into the film and alice (florence) is already having flashbacks to her real life.
i get that time is of the essence in movies like this, but you also have to earn what you’re trying to sell to your audience.
yet another reason why i’m so mad that they didn’t include margaret (kiki) more. she’s the first one to question what the victory project is rlly doing and they brush her off like she doesn’t actually matter.
bunny’s (olivia) ending fucked me up. the whole movie bunny has been telling alice that basically alice needs to get her shit together. “you sound like margaret” “you’re acting like margaret”—WELL WE WOULDNT FUCKING KNOW BC YOU CUT MARGARET FROM THE FUCKING FILM OLIVIA— when come to find out bunny is the only woman awake in all of victory bc “her kids are here” which is first off, a major fucking unexplained plot hole. did she wake up like alice has been? did her husband tell her abt the victory project immediately? did she willing submit to the victory project? DOES FRANK (chris) KNOW THAT SHES AWAKE?
and i know that some ppl won’t like this but jack (harry) looks like a backwater redneck in the reality scene at the end. like when he’s laying down beside alice to go back into the victory project… straight hillbilly bob on the bed— i can’t y’all
anyway, i’ll probably think of more thoughts as i process this movie but all in all, i wouldn’t not recommend it but i wouldn’t not not recommend it. like i’ve seen it once but it not going to go out of my way to watch it again
let me know your thoughts
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lunarifie · 2 years
Rewatching Ninjago
(With no context other than the episode)
Skybound 5-6
Jays showing Cliff Gs home to the ninja?? Isnt he afraid theyll think he made a wish to gain all this unexpected new stuff?
Okay but why is Jay LYING
I mean it’s understandable if hes not ready to tell them he’s adopted yet
But saying you saved up for a place like that while just not getting paid for doing your main job, which is being a ninja, is a bit unbelievable
I guess saying your Cliff Gordon the actor of Fritz donnegans biological son is kinda unbelievable too.
Nya: We need to look at that lantern. Jay, Hit the lights!
Jay: Lights! Right! Yes. Light. Uhhhhh lights lights lights… Where are the lights….
Cole: You saved up for this place? Baloney. Every time you get money you waste it on junk food and video games.
They’re best friends your honor
Also they definitely wanted Cole to say Bullshit.
Jay: and it turns out! My dads cliff gordon!
Cole: Who?
GOD jay and cole are literally acting how me and my best friend act when the other drops some gossip or a secret
Theyre that tiktok sound that goes like:
Jay: I wont tell a soul. 🫡
Wait wait
Its CANON that theyre best friends? I thought that was a fanon thing but Jay JUST said Coles his best friend
I love them sm :)
Please tell me Zane still has his falcon in newer seasons
Clancy my beloved
Hes doing his best
The ninja are going to the island for the venom to defeat nadakhan
Ok but how does Jay explain Cliff Gordons boat.
Nadakhan: Take it apart.. until it talks.
Zane: why do I need a canteen?
Lloyd: there may be no fresh water on the island.
Zane: but… Im a nindroid… I repeat, why do i need a canteen? 🤨
Jay. Why are you reading Cliff Gordons wooing woman book OUT LOUD.
Jay, reading: tell woman what they want to hear…
Nya: watcha reading?
Jay: AAAAH. UM! Im reading, uh, discovering the power of your feminine side 😃
Jays acting as their lightning rod on the ship lol
Also its canon he can get electrocuted by storm lightning multiple times and still be fine
Jay really doesnt want anyone else to be taken by djinn :(
Holy shit Zanes smart.
He quite literally predicted that Nadakhan would come for him from Jays reluctance. AND ONLY FROM THAT DOES HE KNOW JAYS SPOKEN TO NADAKHAN BEFORE AND COMPLETED TWO WISHES
I wish they showed this analytical side of Zane more
Hes still as self sacrificial as ever.
Zanes trying to outsmart nadakhan and trap the djinn away. But I know he wont be able to no matter how intelligent he is :(
It would have made so much sense for Zane to be the savior of this season. He made some really good wishes. Its also incredibly out of character for him to “wish for it all to go away” after Nadakhan deleted Pixal. Zane could have simply said for Nadakhan to bring Pixal back and he’d have used up his wishes. He wouldnt have captured nadakhan but Zane would at least be alive.
Aaand they crashed the ship.
Cole cmon man at least give Jay a chance to explain himself.
His anger is valid since Zanes capture could have been prevented if Jay said something
Jay didnt wish for the boat and mansion he wished to not be born in a junkyard and to be able to give Nya anything she wanted
Dude just say your adopted.
Me looking at Nadakhans sky village: I want to go there.
Jay. let go of the lady wooing book. You dont need it. IT GOT YOU INTO THIS MESS.
Please Jay stop complaining 🙃 even though I feel sympathy for you, pleaaase just read the room.
Jays pissing me off rn 💀
Just APOLOGIZE and EXPLAIN Yourself.
theyre all so done with his shit 😭
Cole: 😶
Nadakhan: Delara was filled with fire too...
Nya: Not fire. I'm a tall glass of water.
Cole landed a hit on Nadakhan!!!
Good for him honestly
Love how the ninja just phase through Cole sometimes it's so funny
They didn't even know how big the spider was and then Jay comes running out with a creature bigger than a bear on his trail
Jay: (about to get eaten alive by a spider)
Nadakhan floating with a teacup on his hand: Now would be a perfect moment for that second wiiiish...
Honestly with how many times the spiders grabbed Jay with it's fangs, it's hard to believe he hadn't touched the venom
Ohhhh so THIS is when he kidnaps Jay.
When did they get duck-tape 💀
Damsel in distress trope but it's the girl as the knight and the boy as the damsel
Imagine how Jay must feel though. His friends hate him. he (thinks he) lost the venom. And now he’s kidnapped.
Nadakhan: I can see why she once like ld you… You’re stronger than you appear. But I know it’s all an act.
Nadakhan: Deep down, you’re scared… You know your weak. You make jokes to mask that your afraid…
Usually stuff like that is hinted at but to outright say it is something
Jay: (hanging off the bottom side of the ship like a spider with a ball chain on his leg)
Nadakhan: your not afraid, are you funny man?
Jay (somehow repositioning himself and cleaning the bottom of the ship) I LOVE IT. 😤
Hes such a little shit I love him
Cole (giggling after learning that they cant get off the island with their energy dragons)
Nya: Whats so funny! 😒
Cole: Oh, I was just thinking about what Jay might say…
Cole: haha… Gone one day and I already miss him spazzing out.
Hes literally in love with him
(Platonically, for ppl who dont ship bruise)
Nya, girl, honestly you had every right to be mad at him. Dont feel guilty. Jay didn’t even apologize!!!! He also dialed up his little shittiness to 100 after that!!!! Hes fine 🙄
Its sweet that Lloyd trusts Jay to be strong
Cole and Lloyd: We can build a raft! Whats gonna stop us!
Nya: That was uh, my Jay impression…
Clancy is so nice
Ive never heard Jay ever be this silent on frame
Its surreal.
Jays actually so clever
How is he moving and jumping around like that with a whole ass bowling ball attached to his leg 😭
GO JAY GO!!!!!
Now I remember why he's my favorite character :)
He got the note in the bottle to the ocean!!!!!
Man skybound was actually so cool I hate that it was erased from the timeline
Nadakhan: Eat! Have dinner with me. It's no trick!
Jay: ...
Nadakhan: 😃
Jay: (starts devouring every consumable thing in front of him)
Jay: Sorry man, I don't know who this lost love of yours is. But she's not Nya! Nyas too good for the both of us. She makes up her own mind.
Well at least Jays got her character down
Nadakhan: Everything that is mine... I've had to work for. This food, this ship, this crew.
Jay: That accent :)
Okaaay. So if Nadakhan marries someone, he can have infinite wishes?
That makes no sense.
Lloyd: she'll be ready to sail soon.
Nya: Why are all boats she's?
Cole: uhhh idk! Maybe because it's takes a bucket of paint to make then look good?
Coles in his misogynistic arc
Cole (after Lloyd leaves): you know, I think the real reason sailors name ships after women is because we name them after the most important people in our lives. Mother, wives, sisters.
Ok he's forgiven
It's sweet that Coles standing up for Jay to Nya.
He called himself Jays best friend 🥺
Cole (trying to avoid the sand monsters): don't move... I think they're attracted to noise...
Nya used airjitzu for the first time!!!
I genuinely like nadakhans crew
Clancy: I can keep swabbing the deck if I like it! 😤 It relaxes me and I get to choose how it I wanna spend my free time!
Jaaaaay. You were manipulating so well!!! You just HAD to come off strongly.
Is it manipulation if it's the truth though? I mean Nadakhan ISNT telling his crewmembers everything.
Geez. This is kind of depressing to watch. Jay getting pummeled in a fighting ring by Nadakhans crew.
Nadakhan: You could… wish it all away?
Jay (on the floor absolutely totaled): bring it on.
Jays surprisingly stubborn and resilient
Clancy: you should eat food. you-you fought really well out there… held your own like a real pirate. Heres an eyepatch, so you can look like one!
Clancy so sweet :)
I understand that lego ninjago cant show blood or bruises but the way Jays voice actor is slurring his words gives a really good impression that Jay was beat up real bad :(
Flintlocke: you always talk to yourself?
Jay: Only when I think im by myself 😒
Ronin and the Chief got Nya Cole and Lloyd off the island!!!
I still dont forgive them though.
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man of steel watch 2023😁(long af reactions under the cut lmao copied from twitter)
fuck it you already know
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still wonder what zacks plan was with the codex🤔🤔🤔was it just there to thematically be him carrying the kryptonian refugees or was there more
still crazy that zack in his unsubtle way made the villain colonizing eugenicists and people got mad at him for saying the appropriate response was killing them lol
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minor thing but appreciate jor not saying anything when zod was pleading that lara abort the launch, just a look, he trusts her, feel like thats paralleled with clark and lois's relationship later, again minor but superman medias all about speeches so lmao
"his name is kal, son of el and he is beyond your reach"🥺
lara's theme is so good
the pan to his abs, zack knew the demographic he was reaching for
the worlds too big scene😭😭
if i saw a big breasted man run boobily across a lawn and steal some clothes i wouldnt snitch
he aint need to throw ross out the water like that but he uses words like dicksplash so he deserves it
😭😭😭(got nothing to say about the "maybe" scene, im tired lmao)
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forgot how many emotional hits they roll out so early in the movie lmao
lmao remember when people said ludlow wouldnt try to fight clark cuz he was huge, cuz as we all know toxic masculinity definitely doesnt make men act stupid and vile lol anyway proud of clark for fucking up his truck sexual harassers deserve nothing
its her lois lane shes here
genuinely didn't know joe was clark for my first 3 views of this movie lmao
the flashlight to clarks laser eyes transition was cool(so was the pod landing in the farm transitioning to the boat crashing against a wave scene)
super buff sexy drifting doctor clark kent
fuck this nerd who sold lois out after she gave him info. zack was already laying the seeds of the media being dicks from this one blogger lmao
"and kal, that's my name "🥺
jor-el's power point presentation let's go
do remember someone in good faith(hopefully lol)saying jor was "glorifying" colonization when he spoke "fondly" of the era of expansion of krypton, and maybe fair though that could also be why he and lara chose not to escape with kal, the whole they were a part of the problem
genuinely fav supes suit I get the desire to have the ma kent suit but i cant see it anymore as anything other than him reassuring his loyalty to earth(america) to the gatekeepers, martha had a whole lifetime with him let him have one of the few connections to his culture he has
first flight😃😃😃😃
seeing this for the first time as a teen and finally understanding "you'll believe a man can fly"
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no superhero media has done flying as good as this, not even bvs or zsjl theres just something about MoS's flying that makes my brain light up
don't forget lois lane figured out clarks identity(b4 he even went public) without luther or bruce's resources, smartest bestest investigator in dcu🗣🗣🗣
should they have had a younger actor play 18 yr old clark in the argument with jonathan in the car scene, maybe, though cavills teen angsty" i didnt say that!" and "you're not my dad !>:(" voice was p believable lmao
the way she drops the biggest story cuz her kindness is as big as her drive to get the truth, no wonder she's what inspires him
ngl recently heard laurence fishburne in moon girl and devil dino and the whiplash between his 2 performances lmao
seeing the butterfly trapped in the chain has new meaning now
soundtrack: *hits those mos piano notes* me everytime:
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well maybe for a little bit⚰⚰⚰
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you think swanwick was watching the your are not alone message and thought it was a cliche
the military people behind the glass watching these two flirt right in front of them
when he breaks the cuffs while standing up😛😏
"it did to me"
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maybe love is real idk
the ship atmosphere thing was such a good way to foreshadow kryptonite lmao(yes did still take notes while my twitter was down lmao)
Jor-els fun informative power point presentation vs zod's very bad no good drug trip
clarks mind vision of himself is literally still a farmboy idk why people still think he isnt "connected to his humanity" in the iteration lmao
black suit but with no silver to symbolize pure darkness, death and to make him look the same as zod
though not to jump to zsjl but we know zack had to smuggle the black suit in with the metal padding and post color editing in that movie do wonder if he was gonna go with a totally different design if he had complete control, maybe capeless, pure metal for the silver and a beard? do also remember him teasing the long hair in one interview lmao
watching superman sink into a mountain of skulls really rewired my teenage brain since i only knew of him from pop culture at that point ngl
will say kinda funny that clark is clearly torn up about killing while lois was just blasting kryptonians blam blam🔫🔫🔫girl boss
the escaping the ship ost is so good😩why wasnt it on the official soundtrack, i know theres a good youtube ver of it but lmao
ok starting to think the jor colonization criticism wasn't in good faith cuz clark does kinda bring up the whole "do you agree with zod about wiping out humans???" thing lmao
clark saving lo in the escape pod scene got me tense af in the theater
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do like when clark is a lil petty lmao "cranky cuz your momma didnt teach you to not be overstimulated hmm"
neat little quirk clark does in all of zacks movies, before he gets in a serious fight theres usually a shot of him clenching his fist lmao
nam-ek popped the pilot like a blueberry
faora's so cool
my man fighting for his life in this ihop in front of all his old friends too
flying really was his one advantage against these soldiers and he loses that when he fights zod too they really put him thru it on his first day😭
faora made him waste all his bullets, wait till he pulled out a knife and then pulls out a bigger one like
like to think zack having the military drone strike smallville is a parallel to when the US did it to the african village in BvS
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yeah big floaty alien thing in the middle of the city may be a lil overdone now but half dont look as good as how zack did it back then
world engine sound design so sexy too😋
zacks cape porn👌🏽👌🏽👌🏽
oh god🥺best scene, yes am getting emotional, scene means a lot to me
also kinda weird when zack does invoke the moses allegory people arent like "he's literally saying supes is moses!" like they do with jeezy creezy and his imagery lmao he's literally looks like he's parting the sea here lmao
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in the wider snyderverse am realizing theres more moses stuff you can connect to even if the timeline is wonky and its not 1:1, obviously darkseid is the pharaoh with his whole enslavement thing, him turning supes to his side could be interpreted as ramses and moses
in this way zod, who believes in kryptons removal of "free choice" like jor and lara said, is the guard moses kills when he sees him mistreating one of his people
and the destruction of the genesis chamber and the other kryptonians being sucked back into the phantom zone could be an allegory for when god killed the first borns of egypt, no moses expert tho so could be reaching lol but fun connections, tangent i know lmao
oh also rather than a race thing it becomes more that clarks "people" are the ones who believe in free will and choice while darkseid and zods dont lmao anyway
"krypton had its chance!" still to this day lives in my mind rent free
lmao love that lois and clark are just horny for each other no matter who is watching not the military not lois's coworkers or the other survivors
zod's monologue👨🏽‍🍳👌🏽
to this day idk if i can think of a cbm fight thats topped superman vs zod, just in like raw visceral action and the fact they actually have stakes in it
thinking about how i remember shannon telling zack "as long as my suit isnt cgi i dont wanna wear those pajamas" or something and zack said yeah and then it was lol
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my superman hates and constantly destroys military drones
and welcome to the planet! Glad i watched this again after so long, definitely needed that, hopefully work lets up enough for me to watch the rest of the trilogy✌🏽
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demobatman · 2 years
i dont give a fuck what happens in season 5 as long as i know scott clarke is alive and thriving
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bigassnocash · 3 years
Hopeless Romantics
HiHo friends! I mostly wrote this piece for @iaminlovetomhollandmarvel because she's like my one consistent reader. Once again, I'm still fairly new to writing so please be kind, and send in requests for any characters and actors/actresses you want and I'll write for you! I also used writing prompt 707 from @creativepromptsforwriting and its highlighted in bold, there is also a Sylvia Plath poem in here!
"Hey Y/N, what're ya doin?" Arvin asked as he walked up to you as you sat reading on the steps outside of the school.
"Not much, just sittin' here enjoyin the warm weather. What are you doin' Arvin?"
"Well you looked pretty lonely over here, so I was thinkin I could keep you company but I can go if you want."
"I don't mind, come sit down I promise I won't bite."
As he sat down next to you he linked his arm with yours to see how you'd react. When you didn't pull away he scooted closer to you, to the point of being able to see over your shoulder.
"Y/N L/N what on Gods green Earth are you reading?" he laughed at the content you were consuming.
"If you must know, nosey josey its a romance book," your cheeks started turning red with embarrassment as he laughed.
"I don't know much but I do know one thing; people do not talk like that on dates."
"I wouldn't know, I've never been out on a date before," you turned your head away feeling shame. 17 years old, and never been out on a date while some girls in your class were out here getting married.
Arvin felt bad, he did know that you didn't go out much but he figured that the most beautiful girl he's ever seen would've been asked out at some point.
"Thats about to change. C'mon Y/N get up, I'm taking you out on a proper date," he offered his hand to help pull you to your feet.
"Arvin are you insane, what would even do?"
"Anything you want. We could go to dinner, a movie, we could go to the library, I could get a picnic together really fast and go to the lake, we can go skinny dipping," he winked at you.
"Skinny dipping is a third date activity young man, I think you know this," you shot back at him matching his cheeky smile, "I wouldn't mind a picnic by the lake, I just need to stop by my house and tell my momma where I'm goin."
"Your carriage awaits m'lady," he help open the car door for you and helped you in.
"Before we do this I need to know, why are you doing this Arvin?" you asked him, very worried about getting hurt.
"Cause its Friday night and I'd rather spend it with the prettiest girl in school than at Church with Lenora."
An hour later after you dropped your stuff off at home and got a picnic and blanket you and Arvin were sitting by the lake looking out over the water.
"Y/N will you please read your book to me? 'ts just I've heard you read in English and I really like your voice. Please?" he was so kind and quiet that there was no way you could deny him of this.
"I won't read you my book but I'll read you a poem, how's that?" he nodded happy with the trade off. As you pulled your poem book out of the small bag you packed, he laid down in your lap looking up at the sky.
"This one is called Mad Girl's Love Song by Sylvia Plath.
"I shut my eyes and all the world drops dead; I lift my lids and all is born again. (I think I made you up inside my head)
The stars go waltzing out in blue and red, And arbitrary blackness gallops in: I shut my eyes and all the world drops dead.
I dreamed that you bewitched me into bed And sung me moon-struck, kissed me quite insane. (I think I made you up inside my head.)
God topples from the sky, hell's fires fade: Exit seraphim and Satan's men: I shut my eyes and all the world drops dead.
I fancied you'd return the way you said, But I grow old and I forget your name. (I think I made you up inside my head.)
I should have loved a thunderbird instead; At least when spring comes they roar back again. I shut my eyes and all the world drops dead. (I think I made you up inside my head.)"
Arvin stared at you in awe. He had never felt feelings like this before. In the moments that you were reading to him everything felt right, as if you wrote the poem for him.
"Y/N that was absolutely beautiful," he gushed to you.
"Aww you don't mean that, now c'mon enough with all this gushy stuff. Its hot and i want to cool down with a swim."
"But we dont have our swimsuits and I thought skinny dippin was a third date activity miss," he was getting real cheeky now.
"Thats very true, but I wear undergarments, and those cover the same amount skin that a swimming suit do. Arvin, do you wear undergarments?" you asked as you started to unzip your skirt.
"You sure about this?" he wanted to go swimming with you more than anything but he didn't want you to feel uncomfortable.
"I've never been more sure about anything in my life Arvin." you were completely undressed, except the matching bra and panty set you were wearing. Arvin was awestricken with you. "Hurry up, I want to swim and your taking forever."
In record speed he took off his jeans and shirt, grabbing your hand and running into the water with you. You guys splashed in the water for a long time, well into the night. At some point you guys just floated, side by side holding hands. No one had ever made you feel the way Arvin did, like you mattered.
"Y/N your shivering, let get you dried off," he helped you onto the shore and wrapped a towel around and rubbed your shouders. "Heres the keys to the truck, you can changed in there. 'm gonna go into the woods to give you some privacy." he truly was the sweetest boy.
Once you both got changed and were sitting in the car, he asked you something you never thought he'd ask. "Will you dance with me? I can turn up the radio and we can dance outside." you nodded your head and lept out.
He took your right hand, in his left and wrapped your left arm around his waist. He placed his right hand low on your back yet high enough to still be respectful.
"Arvin, real talk and I want a real answer from you this time. Why did you ask me out tonight?"
"I asked you out because I've been infatuated with you, but i was never sure to liked me back so I started to flirt with you."
"What? We barely even spoke before today, how did you flirt with me?"
"I mean, I looked at you... sometimes you looked back."
"Arvin I don't know what to say, you could've talked to me."
"I wanted to, so badly Y/N its just that... I didn't want people to get the wrong idea about you because you deserve the whole world and I cant give it to you and people say I'm dangerous and I swear I'm not I just don't wan-"
you cut him off with a kiss. An earth shattering, mind blowing kiss. his lips were so soft and molded perfectly to yours, and he could taste the cherry chapstick you always wore. It lasted forever it felt like. When you both eventually pulled apart he rested his head against yours. "Woman if you keep doing that you're gonna kill me."
"I hate to ruin this absolutely perfect first date but, its past my curfew and I have to be home," disappointment clear in your voice. "All good things must come to an end eventually I suppose."
The whole way home, you didn't leave his side. He even walked you to your door and kissed you goodnight. "Can we go out again tomorrow, ya think?" he asked so hopeful you'd say yes.
"I would absolutely love to Mr. Russell but I don't know if my mom will let me after gettin in so late after I was supposed to be home. Give me your number and Ill call you tomorrow if I can."
He gave you his number and you two parted ways. He sat by the phone all weekend waiting for you to call, disappointment shattering his heart when you didn't. He found you by your locker first thing Monday morning at school.
"Hey, I figured that Id come say hi to you. Ya know, just make sure everythings still good between us?" He had never been this nervous in all his life.
"Yes of course everythings good between us why wouldnt it be?"
"Well you never called, and I got really worried. Why didnt you call?"
"My mom said I wasnt allowed to use the phone because I broke curfew. I promise you I would've called Arvin, I had the best time of my life on Friday. I would do it again in a heartbeat."
"Really, you want to go out with me again?"
"Well, yeah. Of course I do. There's still a second date we have to go on, before we get to the third." you winked at him as you shut your locker and turned around and walking in the opposite direction. Leaving him there, wondering what on Earth he just got himself into.
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goldenfharry · 2 years
Harry knew about Nosferatu for about a year, he was seen with the director last year over summer and he had basically signed on to it knowing he wouldnt be able to do it anyway bc he was gonna release music this year too - it was meant to start filming like this week or early April? Eggers was ready to move to Prague a few weeks ago to start it and peoples kids had been enrolled in school too and now its being delayed. Thats were the issue is, he dropped very recently so yes its bad and not a good look on him and please dont bring up how other actors have dropped projects too, 2 wrong dont make 1 right.
Okay, but are you absolutely sure of the informations that you are using? Because none of the facts that you just spoke can actually be confirmed by anyone except for the involved parts, which I don't think it was, at least until now. Let's not forget that Harry had a whole world tour postponed since 2020. Probably had no absolute idea of when that was going to be an option, since covid in Europe was still crazy. His schedule was only placed in order like two months ago? So probably with that plus new album, he needed to prioritize something, so he chose music and the tour that fans paid for two years ago. If those facts were confirmed, I would agree with you and say that it's not the best image. But we can't cancel someone without full access to facts...
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incomingalbatross · 4 years
Okay, it’s been a day and now I have mostly-coherent thoughts on Let’s Get Dangerous, so I am writing them out. Spoilers under the cut!
There were things I like and things I didn’t like, honestly. I’m gonna start with the negatives.
...I’m just gonna say it: I don’t love New Gos as much as Gos Classic. Which, to be fair, I kinda expected, because that’s a really high bar!! New Gos is a good kid, just... not quite what I expected. She’s clearly older, for one thing, and more... toned-down?
In general, I would say she’s a little less baby than Gos Classic, and a little more YA Punk Heroine. Which is valid. It just doesn’t make for an instant bond, for me.
I am... also genuinely disappointed by the final offer of “wanna be my crimefighting partner?” I mean, it makes perfect sense for where they’re at, as opposed to their original counterparts--not only are they planning to find her Grampa, but we already got the “You’re not my family!!” and I guarantee you Reboot Drake has internalized that one. He’s trying to look out for her without overstepping! He’s doing his best!
...BUT. But having them end as “partners” and not actual family just feels wrong. (And there’s also added dissonance because I can’t help thinking how much Drake Classic would blow his top at the idea of inviting Gosalyn to fight crime??? Are you crazy??? She’s a KID!!!!)
(...That said: if Reboot Gosalyn is anyone other than Quiverwing Quack next time we see her, I’m suing. But she will be QQ--she’s already been shown with a crossbow and everything! Nice work there, to be fair.)
Related: are we allergic to the word “dad”?? I know it made more sense to say “family” some of the time, since Gos has probably never had parents in her life, but... after a while it felt like there was some Writer Mandate that that was the only usable word. Or maybe that’s a DuckTales thing in general, actually? Not sure. I just feel like “You’re not my dad!” would be a slightly more likely line in context (or “You’re not my Grampa!”) and have packed more of a punch.
Those...were really my only negatives, I think.
On to the positives!
I love Reboot Drake. So much. He’s earnest and endearing and still just ridiculous enough to still be Darkwing... and his Dad Energy was off the charts here, which is the TRUE mark of a Drake Mallard.
Also his voice actor does such a good Darkwing. You can tell he’s put serious study into this.
Okay. OKAY. Taurus Bulba...
I had to pause and then IMMEDIATELY text my sister when I found that out. Like... really??? Congrats, Disney! I wouldnt have said it was possible, but you created a Taurus Bulba I’m unable to hate!!
Also... Dewey. If ever you’ve used your theater kid powers for good, do it now. ...Get us a Musical Episode with Taurus Bulba in it. I need him to have a Villain Song.
Drake being literally the only person ever to NOT know Fenton is Gizmoduck is honestly an EXCELLENT twist on their dynamic. And given their reboot personalities, of course they get along outside of the suit--I mean, they should, but the identity thing means we still get some fun secret-identity conflicts.
No one told me there were this many The Good Place actors here. First Steelbeak turns out to be Derek, then the buzzard is Shawn (EXACTLY the same role too, honestly) and the computer/Ganrda Dee is Tahani?? I JUST watched S4 of TGP, guys. You have to stop hitting me with actors I actually recognize! It’s weird!!
(And then I have to consider things like “Abed and the Tenth Doctor and Lance are all in the same scene. Oh, there’s Shawn from the Bad Place. Oh look--” CONSTANTLY.)
Okay, I’ll admit it: Dewey seeing himself in Gos’s need to find her grampa and deciding to "be her Webby” was really sweet. Good kid.
I enjoyed the name-dropping of DWD villains and actual episode names (although... “Just Us Justice Duck” was underrated? By whom?? It’s a CLASSIC!)
Thing I REALLY appreciate: So 2017 DuckTales is, like, five notches less Cartoony than Darkwing Duck. HOWEVER, in both DW eps so far Drake’s personal physics have seemed to be two or three notches more cartoony than everyone else’s (see: the piano bit in the first ep, and the filing cabinet in this one). This delights me.
They gave us two hummed lines of “Little Girl Blue”and it was still enough to make me go “yoU CAN’T JUST DO THAT”
The multiverse stuff is has Big Implications and ties in really well to established Darkwing canon, meaning they could really easily meet their original counterparts. It also seems to echo a plot from the comics, if I’m remembering rightly, where a different member of the Family Darkwing got lost between dimensions.
However... this is meta?? Because it means their in-universe Darkwing show is apparently also another reality. Which is WEIRD, because... that one (at least to the point covered in the meta-show) didn’t have a Gosalyn. Or a Launchpad. How can you have a real Darkwing without them?? What is that reality like?? Is the meta-show an accurate representation?? I have QUESTIONS
Also I really really want Gos Classic’s adult self to fall through a portal and hang out with this gang for a while. And her dad too. (Drake Classic would yell at his younger self for letting Gos fight crime, but then he would adopt him. The Dad Instincts are strong... and Reboot Drake could use a non-crazy older Darkwing in his corner!)
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katecarteir · 5 years
writing prompt masterlist #1
 Of course, there’s 75 million prompt lists out there but i figured there’s nothing wrong with making my own. Send me a category + a number + a pairing and i’ll write you a fic. Okay to reblog and use :) (x)
Fake/Secret/Etc Dating AUs:
my parents keep setting me up on blind dates but in reality I’m dating you and it’s so you help me get out of them
i hate commitment but my dad’s dying wish is to see me get married and you’re an old family friend i ran into at the airport on my way to visit him so hey let’s get engaged
you need a plus-one for your brother’s wedding so i’m going as a favor but there’s been a misunderstanding and now your whole family thinks we’re engaged
i’m mad at my parents so i ask you out because they wouldn’t approve of you and you’re well aware that i’m just using you but you agree because you find it funny but hey you’re actually super sweet
there’s this really creepy person hitting on me and i don’t know you but you pretending to be my partner completely saved my ass thanks how about i buy you a drink
we’re just really touchy friends and we get each other gifts all the time but everyone thinks we’re going out and we let them think that but why are you getting upset about me going on a date we’re not actually together? 
I’m sorry you always thought your love for me was unrequited but on to more important matters YOU’RE GETTING MARRIED IN THE MORNING SO YOU HAVE A DECISION TO MAKE YOU ASSHOLE!
Our mutual friend apparently has been waiting for us to get together and so they’re very angry/disappointed/upset when they find out that the reason we kissed last night was because we were black-out drunk
everyone thinks we hate each other and we keep that front up in public, so we have hilarious pretend fights and squabbles and pranks 
when we were little I accidentally mentioned that I had a crush on you but I always thought you didn’t hear me because you just looked at me weird and never commented but now we’re in high school and omg you just introduced me as your boyfriend/girlfriend/datemate wtf we never discussed this
friends to lovers aus
You’ve got a date tonight and you asked for advice on what to wear but I’m so in love with you and damn you look good in the outfit I picked out for you
You’ve liked me for ages and were really obvious about it and I didn’t like all the attention but now you’re over me I really miss it and fuck I think I like you too?
 You want us both to get in shape and I hate working out/running but your ass looks really good in shorts oh the things I do for my friends and their nice asses
Our best friends are that awful ‘cute’ couple that make-out in public and call each other “sweetie” and “sugar” and “babe” and god they’re awful let’s talk about how awful they are – develops into “shit we’re the awful couple now”
Celebrity/Famous AUs
listen, you may be a famous (and extremely attractive) guitarist, but that gives you no right to practise on the electric at two a.m when we live right next to each other.
We broke up and I used my feelings to write songs and now I’m super popular and you want me back
we decided to make a fake vlog drama for our subscribers and they all think it’s real but jokes on us we end up actually liking each other
I run a prank channel and you were some innocent bystander I pranked for a video but then it turns out hey, you’re also famous online haha shit
we met and started talking but i didn’t know you were a rising star until i noticed cameras following me wtf
you’re a reporter and i think you’re super cute so i’ll only give you personal interviews to help your career and also get you to talk to me more
I’m a celebrity and I have a secret social media account and we started talking online and now we’re close friends but you want to meet up oh shit
I’m a celebrity and I may or may not be following your blog which is dedicated to me. reading your comments and tags are hilarious and very flattering and I’m somewhat smitten  
You’re an actor/other famous person that I really admire and I just saw you in the street and as I was debating whether or not to say hi you came up to me and started flirting what do I do??
wedding/kids/marriage/long term relationship AUs
we’ve been dating forever, and you just caught the bouquet at our friend’s wedding
remember when we were in high school and we swore that if we were still single at 30 we’d marry each other, well hey guess whose birthday it is
i’m a runaway bride/groom and you’re driving my getaway car
I suddenly bumped into you after years and wow you look good but holy crap is that a kid?? since when?
you had a breakdown because the baby wouldn’t stop crying and you kept saying how you weren’t ready and how you couldn’t do it
whenever my kid starts crying I just hand them to you and then they just stop and start smiling
“i’m so sorry that my child pointed out how your shirt- actually nevermind i agree, that shirt is horrendous”
i always tease you because that’s just our thing we tease each other but for some reason you snapped at me and are you okay? what’s wrong?
my in-laws despise me GREAT but around you they’re super nice so you don’t believe me
neighbours AUs
You always complain about how loud I am (whether it be TV, video games or music/musical instrument is up to you) and this is the first time you’ve actually knocked on my apartment door and given me a lecture there rather than giving me a phone call, but I’m not really listening because I didn’t  realise I had such a cute neighbour
you never open your door for children on halloween so i always pay the kids to smear your door with shaving cream
my printer isnt printing anymore and my papers are due tomorrow so im on my knees in front of your door begging to use your printer when the old lady from above passes us and thinks im proposing to you
we always run into each other on the stairs but we’ve never said more than hello but when we found out that we both hate the other neighbours, we became friends
i came home drunk and wouldnt stop knocking on your door. when you open i keep telling you to get out of my apartment
after a rough party night i find you sleeping on the stairs but since im still a little asshole all i do is put a blanket over you and a pillow under your head
Please help me, I know you have a kid and my sibling just dropped their baby on me where’s the button to put them to sleep?
I’m stressed and sleep-deprived, please let me pet your cat. 
I have really weird dreams and you have really weird dreams so now we’re in this contest to see who has the weirdest dreams.
Strangers/Meet Cute (or meet very NOT cute) AUs 
We were sitting next to each other in a public place and I saw a mosquito on you and my instincts just acted before my mind.
We mixed up our clothes at the laundry service and I have nothing left to wear and every thing you wear is too big/small for me.
We’re at a comic book store and if you tell me your superhero is better than mine I’m gonna have to punch you in the teeth.
There are no table left at this restaurant and you let me sit at yours since you’re alone.
I’m a single grown-up with busy friends but I want to go to Disneyland so I drop a message on a forum to find someone like me to go wear silly Mickey ears headband and stuff ourselves with cotton candy.
My computer broke down so I called an IT and now I need to find a reason to call them back so I delete important files and download adwares and do all kinds of stupid things. 
I almost dropped something and in my fumbling attempts to stop it from hitting the floor I accidentally projectiled it at your face and it’s a really nice face I’m so sorry
first day at a new job and oh fuck my boss is the person I drunkenly hooked up with last weekend/night
I wanted to go on the ferris wheel but there has to be two people to a cart come on random person let’s go oh wait are we stuck at the top? Fuck
 Our mutual friend set us up on a blind date and I thought I’d hate it but you’re actually… kind of funny? But because I expected to hate it in no way am I going to let you change my mind just because you’re gorgeous and funny and intelligent oh no my friend is not winning this
college/high school AUs:
i went on a date with a boy who had plans to take me to dinner and drinks. but he lost his wallet at a pizza place so we just walked around the neighborhood, sat in the park and talked.
we’re in the same study group but we dont talk but you brought goldfish and im starving
we have the same notebook and we took the wrong ones home so i used your notes on my open book test
you were my elementary school crush but you moved away but somehow we end up miraculously going to the same college and i barely recognized you because holy hot damn you are more attractive than i remember?
I tripped over on my way to this party and I’m bleeding profusely from the grazes on my knees and you’re a complete stranger that pretty much jumped me the second I walked in the door to play nurse
ive had a crush on you for 3+ years and now youre going out with my best friend and i definitely havent locked myself in a toilet cubicle to cry
We’re in different debate classes and I was constructing a case on the board and I come in the next morning and you’ve replied to all my points really well?? But I don’t even know your name? And oh shit, we’re taking over the entire whiteboard, is that your phone number squeezed into the corner of the board there?
You have braces and I don’t and I keep forgetting you’re not allowed to have gum so every time I offer, you give this death glare
You sent me a text asking if I wanted to go to prom on the day of prom and I’m not in town
I’m a notorious goody two shoes and you look like you get into fights on a daily basis, so when you were in the library on the first day I was supposed to be a tutor, I assumed I’d be tutoring you. But, as it turns out, we’re both tutors, and the people we’re tutoring keep blowing us off to make out and we have to go round them up
we have a mutual best friend but they cannot find out how much i like you then they’ll tell you, but i need to find out if you’re single!
I sat down in the wrong class and I’m panicking but don’t want to get up and leave because the class has started and you think it’s hilarious 
You pissed me off in class so I threw a book at your head and now I’m in detention and jesus fuck I hate you so much and the teacher made me apologise and wait you’re cuter up close
soulmate aus
if one soulmate gets an injury, the other gets it as well.
Character A has a soulmate, but Character A died before they got to meet them. As Character A navigates the afterlife in their ghostly form, they discover that they can’t “move on” until they’ve met their soulmate.
 the very first words your soulmate ever says to you are tattooed somewhere on your body since the day you are born
when you write something on your skin with pen/marker/whatever, it will show up on your soul mates skin as well.
You get an ‘impression’ of your soulmate when you turn 18 or something but all I got was a strong smell of bananas or something
you have a compass on your wrist and it directs you to where your soulmate is
i usually think i’m having a conversation with myself in my head but it turns out we’re telepathically connected
everybody is born with a map “tattooed” on their forearm that’s centered on the exact location of where they’ll first meet their soul mate 
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naoyatoudo · 3 years
i need to rant about how zzs was treated in shl hold on spoilers for the end of the drama
still pissed. i hate HATE HATE that zzs was shoved to the side and became the little side piece to wkx’s story of revenge. hello? he’s the MC. ZZS is the MC. WKX is the ML. this is not the wkx story this is the zzs story, literally, he is the main character. why does he just drop back into the background at some point, shoved into a corner, used only to make wkx look good? hello? how the fuck is it that he was captured and tortured for days but no one asks after him or shows much care when he comes back...........it just goes to wkx’s stupid plan that he DOESN’T TELL ZZS ABOUT? HELLO?
and after wkx “dies” no one even thinks to keep an eye on zzs despite him literally trying to commit suicide to follow after him before. how the fuck could they just leave him alone?? and then even when zcl and jby and wx learn about him taking out the nails they just are like. ok bye :) at least zcl cries but  THE FOCUS IS STILL ON WKX??????????? THE ENTIRE FUCKING TIME OUTSIDE LIKE 5 MINUTES??? AND WKX OF COURSE HAS THIS WEIRD OOC MOMENT AND LIES TO ZZS AND ACTS LIKE ZZS DESERVES IT AS IF HE HASNT LIED TO ZZS MULTIPLE TIMES NEAR THE END DESPITE THE FACT THEY HAVE A WHOLE THING ABOUT NOT LYING TO EACH OTHER BUT WHATEVER. HAHA. WHO CARES RIGHT? AS LONG AS WKX LOOKS SYMPATHETIC AND GOOD! FUCK. IT’S SO OBVIOUS THE SCRIPTWRITER HAS A WKX BIAS IT MAKES ME FEEL ILL.
WHY DID YOU WRITE ZZS LITERALLY THE OPPOSITE OF WHO HE IS? I GET CHANGING THINGS TO MAKE HIM PALATABLE FOR  A WIDER AUDIENCE BUT COME ON. AND HIS CRYING AND SIMPERING..LIKE..>???????????? EVEN THEN FINE. BUT THEN YOU TURN HIM INTO A SIDE PIECE WHO JUST IS THERE FOR WKX TO LOOK GOOD. I AM SSSSSO MAD AND I’M GLAD APPARENTLY CHINESE FANS ARE TOO (?) . he deserved better. he did not deserve to be cast aside so the limelight can be on wkx. i feel so bad for zzs and for his ACTOR because even with the actos everyone is soooo focused in wkx’s actor.
wkx’s actor did well don’t get me wrong, glad he is getting attention, but zzs’ actor did really well too.......ugh. the way people are so into wkx and just use zzs as a piece for him even in fics now..like whya re so many fics zzs crying over wkx dying or being a comfort for an upset wkx?? zzs is the one who is literally in pain every single day, was literally tortured and betrayed, lost EVERYONE from his sect, and the whole shit show with wkx’s fake death HE WASN’T TOLD WAS FAKE. SO HE HASTENED HIS DEATH. but no it’s all about wkx and wkx’s emotions right? fuck off.
i’m gonna write so much stuff for zzs. im gonna write jby noticing zzs is upset and confronting and comforting him. for a supposed best friend in the drama he didn’t do fucking much. idk why wx and jby were even there, in the novel they cure him but here they just. what give him medicine so he can live an extra week? wow great.
im so sad we didnt get to see all the things zzs thinks in the novel that show how affected he is by everything and how traumatized he is. i hate how they made his shizun this friendly father figure when he was a rough person who died and left everything for zzs to handle alone at FIFTEEN. i hate how they made zzs the prince’s cousin for NO FUCKING REASON when zzs was just some guy from a family in the jianghu who befriended the prince to help his sect survive.
why is it the series starts off well and with zzs as the mc and switches at some point to be the wkx show? i still like wkx but im so........disappointed. im so disappointed if my rants didnt say it enough ufbhvndskm, especially how the other characters dont notice how upset or pained zzs is at any point?? how the fuck did jby not??? amazingly zcl is the best with it...T__T
also why is it they fight constantly and even though zzs is literally right usually wkx is the sympathetic one and they never talk it through zzs just kind of goes back over to him and they act like normal?? hello??? yeah, uh, zzs was RIGHT. INNOCENT PEOPLE WERE LITERALLY BEING KILLED FOR WKX’S PLAN. YES ZZS WAS RIGHT. IT’S HIS LIFE IF HE WANTS TO JUST DIE FROM HIS WOUNDS AND NOT LOSE HIS MARTIAL ARTS HE CAN. does no one remember in the novel when wkx tries to destroy his martial arts zzs stops him with a “if anyone should understand, it’s you..” and wkx just stops and says “yes...i..i understand...” and respects zzs’ wishes???
what were their other stupid fights? oh yeah zzs again saying innocent people die and oh look he was right again. when wkx betrays zzs’ trust and does his fake death without telling him zzs doesnt even get mad at him. meanwhile wkx raged at him for choosing his own path in life that wkx didnt want...right, that’s good. then the fucking end with wkx saying it’s his turn to lie to zzs like he didnt before. i would punch wkx into the ground for that. fuck you asshole, are you kidding me with this shit??
also why did it take so long for zzs to realize who wkx is in the drama?? in the novel they figured each other out right away almost... why is zzs weaker physically and not as smart.. T_T and he took his disguise off earlier so the fangirls wouldnt have to deal with the “ugly” (wasnt even ugly) look...i know it would never have happened but i feel like wkx’s reaction to his real face was kind of understated. i’ve already said i dislike the shidi-shixiong thing but i do get why they did it so whatever.
im mostly mad about how zzs was picked up, slapped around, and thrown outside.........
scriptwriter why do you hate zzs.......?
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At what exact moment do you think malec fall in love?that moment in 1×06 when Magnus uses Alec's strength and then falls down exhausted? It's such an underrated moment but one can write a whole essay on it
as a matter of fact, yes, i do believe it was the moment in 1.06 (there is a reason it is my header, after all) and im really glad u asked because its one of my favorite moments and Ive been thinking of making a post about it in forever but never got to it so [cracks knuckles]
well, actually, i think 1.06 was the moment magnus fell in love. i dont know when alec fell in love, to be honest - i think with him, it was just something that kind of settled and clicked into place, you know? there was that attraction and there was the fact that magnus was an amazing person who had amazing chemistry with alec and who fought for him and extended his hand and tried to comfort him without judgement when no one would really allow him to be himself - and who gave him a space to be more of him than any other. but i dont think there was a precise moment when it hit Alec, and suddenly he had fallen; i think he realised he loved magnus when he said he loved him, but at that point it was already cemented. alec is a steady, careful guy; when he falls, he falls hard and becomes an absolute imbecile but until then it kind of settles in slowly, lodges itself inside of him until its carefully in place, and he doesnt really know when it happened. honestly, i relate to that because that's how it works for me, too.
but with Magnus, it was a little different - he had closed himself off from love for centuries, and while obviously he only fell in love with alec because he was already on the pathway to recover and had been for a while now, sure and steady (alec is definitely the right person for him, but he also came at the right time, cuz if he hadnt Magnus wouldnt really be able to allow himself to give in to the obvious pull they had), breaking that kind of wall is hard and is, for many people, something that happens suddenly, all at once, like the crash of a tsunami wave; it kind of isnt there until it suddenly is, flooding out and filling you. and with magnus that's definitely what happened; he had a click moment, when suddenly his walls were down and he found himself feeling, despite himself
you can see a clear difference in how magnus treats alec in 1.04-05 and how he does in 1.06. in 1.04-05 hes flirty, yes, obviously interested, but hes doing it teasingly, playfully, confident in a way that is only possible when theres not much on the line. don't get me wrong, i dont think he was using alec or lying to him - that's not the kind of person Magnus is at all - i just think that it was harmless flirting and interest with not much at stake. he was keeping his kind of playboy, devil-may-care persona (with the exception of the moment when he told alec there was nothing to be ashamed of, because of course magnus "compulsive emotional support" bane would immediately drop the act when he sees someone struggle. ugh. and alec notices this, too, all right, he can see right through to the person magnus really is in that moment, even if he closes himself off). and that wasnt even just in front of Alec; the whole "playing hard to get, i love a challenge" thing was after alec had hung up, there was no one there, he was just talking to himself the dumb dork and it is clear there is not much at stake for him here; he isnt in love, so theres no chance of heartbreak
compare that to the way he acted during drinks with Alec in 1.06. its a completely different person. even in his posture, the way he looks at Alec and moves around him, his facial expressions, theres a softness and vulnerability that just wasnt there at any point before (did yall thank Harry Shum Jr for ur rights today? seriously the man is such a great actor his talent is unbelievable). and for magnus to allow himself to be vulnerable- well, that's big. that's what he was scared of, after all. that's what has brought him hurt and made him swear off romantic relationships for so long
and he says this; he opens up to alec, a person he barely knows, tells him a little about his past, tells Alec hes unlocked something in him. it's not harmless flirting anymore, its not just a mere pursuit of someone hes casually interested in; theres something way, way deeper going on, and this is abundantly clear throughout the whole scene and every single one of magnus' actions. magnus has fallen. this is serious now; hes feeling things he didnt even remember how to, and his entire demeanor changes.
and look, that's really important to me, okay, because i hate the whole love at first sight thing. so when i started watching sh, i was kind of turned off from malec because i was like "oh theyre gonna suddenly fall in love for no reason" but no. that's not what happened. they had attraction, and chemistry, yes, for sure, definitely, but the feelings that sparked inside of them were very much real and solid and built organically, even if quickly. malec is so powerful because their attraction and devotion to each other makes sense, and because their relationship is so trusting, happy, fun, and healthy.
so lets go to 1.06 - the defining moment, the big game changer for the both of them. i know the exact milisecond magnus falls in love - its this one
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(gif isnt mine, i had it saved on my phone and dont remember who made it; if you do, please let me know so i can credit them)
bitch, you are seeing it happen!!! you're watching it, right now!! the way he looks up and his whole face changes; he goes from heavy breaths to these little puffs of air, looks up at alec in awe, and it's all over his face, the softness in his features, the open vulnerability hes showing for the very first time in the entire show - even when he was almost running out of magic, he still looked way more put together than he does in this moment; in here he is open, he has no masks, and hes absolutely soft and open and vulnerable. and you can see it dawn on him too, the realisation that he let alec in, just late enough for it to be too late. it's done. god, i cant fucking believe harry shum jr invented acting. like holy shit, dude
and alec sees it too; in this moment he looks down and he sees the vulnerability in magnus' face and he knows this is the real magnus; that's what he looks like without all the walls and masks, and it's just- beautiful. incredible. you can see the love and the softness inside of him and it's just so easy to find a home in those eyes of his, and ugh, i might be changing my mind, this was the moment alec fell in love too
but anygays, why now, right? what was the big gamechanger in this scene?
well, first of all, id like to stress again, just for good measure, that magnus was already well on his path to recovery from abuse and beginning to open up again; his journey through finding self love and strength to stand on his own feet and be able to open himself for others is his and his alone. alec could be his perfect match (and he is) (fuck it i dont care they are perfect for each other, i never really thought there was such a thing even in fictional couples but shit dude they really are as perfect as it gets, malec truly invented love its unbelievable) and it still wouldnt matter if magnus wasnt ready not only to open up, but to get in a relationship as his own person, and not putting himself down like with camille. of course, he still has a long way to go, and recovery is not a straight line, so he still does things like not tell him when hes hurt and downplay his own pain so as not to "annoy" him or whatever, but he is on equal ground. the very first thing that happens when they finally get together (after the whole wedding ordeal) is, they fight. because alec was being an asshole and treated magnus badly and was really rude and magnus was hurt and he was tired of always being the one to chase after Alec, and he told him that. that's extremely important, because it establishes that Magnus isnt just running after Alec or doing anything for him - he wants a mutually fulfilling relationship and hes willing to fight for it, demand it, not accept less than it. and that's fucking recovery right here, folks. it's so hard for previously abused people to do that. so hard. it still is hard for him, but hes doing it. so, again: Magnus' journey to opening up and finding space for a healthy relationship in his life is his and his alone. and they were lucky as shit to have met when they did.
so, with that being said: 1.06 (god, this answer is such a mess, im ndjdjdidicn). you can see magnus fall in love, right then and there. the moment it happens: when he falls, and realises Alec is still holding him, making sure hes steady. not just that, but holding his hand (despite that being totally unnecessary now), and asking him if he's okay.
it's really unsubtle symbolism (and i mean that in the best possible way): Alec holding him when he fell symbolizes support; holding his hand symbolizes caring, because he could just hold him as to not let him fall, but the fact that hes holding his hand shows that hes trying to support him not just physically, but emotionally; and asking if hes okay shows genuine worry and desire to listen to his needs. again, really unsubtle; but fuck it, that's also part of what makes it powerful, because when was the last time magnus had that, that open caring and supporting and reaching out for him? i mean, obviously Magnus has his friends who are amazing and great to him, but this feeling, of being cared for, so easily, so openly, so obviously, from someone who barely knows him, hell, from a shadowhunter - this is new. both because he hasnt really allowed it - after all, you need to fall for someone to catch you - and because he just. hasnt had that. every time before, when he showed vulnerability, he had his wounds open wide and used against him - with asmodeus after his mom, with Camille after whatever happened that made him consider suicide. and then suddenly this guy shows up, and Magnus didnt even mean to be vulnerable in front of him, not really, he was supposed to hold it, but he does and what he finds is just- caring. worrying. sweetness. a grounding presence and touch. alec is completely focused on him, and isnt rushing him to get back on his feet or anything - hes just holding him and being there for him. he wasnt even looking for it, and suddenly there it is - that trust and reciprocity hed been craving for so long.
and yeah, its unsubtle, but that's also there in more subtle ways; magnus asks for his help, and alec comes without questioning, even if he's mad with pretty much everyone involved. he asks Alec to give him his strength, and he does, openly, without walls - dude, that is so intimate, and you can see how easily the magic flows between them; that's something that can only happen so smoothly if the required trust is given without a second thought. alec is giving his life force to this guy, whom he barely knows, and he doesnt hold back at all - Magnus needs it, he gives it. easy, simple. trusting. an open, clear connection. hes worried about Magnus from the start; he gets in and his first reaction is yelling for magnus and kneeling beside him to make sure hes okay. hes already kind of holding magnus even before magnus falls; he puts himself in a position where hes kind of supporting magnus' weight, and just focuses on giving magnus what he needs. up to this point no one even bothered to ask magnus what he needs. and look, Alec isnt perfect, and he definitely still has his prejudices and ignorance at this point, but this is something special. having someone just give it their all to make sure ur okay, from the get-go, trusting you like that- that's not everyday. specially not for magnus. I think maybe Magnus wouldnt even have lowered his guard enough to have that stumble if Alec hadnt been so easily showing him hes in there together with him, as equals, without so much as a second thought- magnus' persona is polished. hes been through worse without stumbling both before and after. his guard was already down, because Alec had been showing himself to be trustworthy from the start.
and after that, it just keeps going. alec helps him clean up his apartment, without being asked, long after everyone else has already gone - he listens to Magnus talk about his past, attentively, without judgement. he even shows some vulnerability of his own - that fucked-stupid smile when magnus raised his hand to his lips, the glances he throws magnus' way, the way he even manages to talk a bit about his insecurities and confusion; hes opening himself up to Magnus, too. hes smitten. hes interested. the connection is established. he stays the night, and they end up talking all night long, despite the fact that Alec was called to work, and we dont even know about what. we know they are similarly competitive and have a good chemistry, so clearly this was a good, fun talk; but theres something running way deeper in there, too. magnus is showing alec a lot of himself, and alec is not only welcoming it, but reciprocating it as best as he can. that moment of spark isnt gone; it keeps growing, the bond that was formed gets stronger. at this point, Magnus has fallen (i firmly believe that he fell in that exact moment he looked up at Alec) but it gains shape and strength during that night and talk; its a little frustrating because Alec cant face what he wants, but the pull is real and strong enough for it to get stronger, the shapes clearer.
so- yeah. Magnus fell for Alec in 1.06, the moment he realised that he was willing to have his back, to see him as he was and welcome it and treat it with care; and to give him back in return. Magnus fell for Alec when he realised that, somehow, he had already formed the beginnings of a bond with him - the kind that's solid, that means trust and care and effort while also being easy, fun, nice. alec fell for magnus when he looked at him and saw someone that was also struggling with showing who he was, but who wasnt scared; someone who was kind, and good, and willing to listen to him and try to help him and who valued him. and that is so. fucking. important.
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askyancy · 5 years
A choice...
OOC: Below the cut is extracted from the discord. A certain duo paid Yancy a visit in his time of need.  With this, our trio story is finally all wrapped up in a big bow and tomorrow brings a new story! We’ve been planning it for a while now and can’t wait for you all to take part and see what’s in store! Yancy - @askyancy​ Actor Mark - @actor-mark​ Darkiplier - @markimoojackaboi​
YancyYesterday at 7:05 PM
Yancy hadn't come back to his cell yet, having left Sparkles with Jimmy and Hank, a bit of high alcohol content hooch to drown out the worries. Yancy wasn't much for drinking, instead he'd wandered off... through the nooks and crannies, the holes in the walls and floors. Off to a small secluded and rather secretive location that only he knew of. It was HIS place..... His private hole in the wall. Several floors below the prison and so far away from it all that he could sing to his hearts content and not be heard at all. He'd been down here before.. many times... Yancys-studio was as isolated and alone as he could ever possibly hope for.....
He was pacing.... Back forth back forth. 7 steps left 7 steps back again. chewing on the end of his thumb. His brain wrought with worry, with conflict. All my fault... This is all my Fault He couldn't stand hearing that Bambam wasn't going to make it. They'd been updated after class. Bambams heart was slowing down... Doctors said it was just a matter of time. Time was all Yancy could hope for now.... More time.. just give them more time and maybe they'll pull through.... It felt surreal and tormenting knowing that there was nothing he could do. Not a damned thing. So he'd pace.... Pace and wear a hole in the concrete floor. The studio was a basement crawlspace of dusty concrete and piping, a support beam stands in the center and the whole little crook sits 2 floors deep beneath the kitchen. The far wall has been fitted with many small mirrors to make up one large dance studio-esque mirror. Not much to look at but it served the purpose. But Yancy wouldn't dare to look at his reflection as it stalked him back and forth across the room. over and over....
The cold basement hide away had almost completely still air, never really changing from part of the room to another. Cold that settled on top of the skin but never penetrating deeper than that. It was dusty. Even if Yancy cleaned it every day it would remain slightly dirty due to it's concrete walls, celling, and floor....
Yancy gave a shiver, the cold of the room prickling but it was more his unstoppable anxiety making his back tense up so much. He paused in his pacing, trying to shift his attention away. Maybe to tumblr? But doing so only reminded him he hadn't even touched it all day... One small post, an update on Bambam.... After he was done he slowly sank against a wall, knees to his chest and just hunched forward a little into them, burying his face to cry alone. He couldn't bare to be up there with the others anymore. Couldnt bare that sight of his own cell or knowing that Bambam's would be empty now. There was no way Sparkles would stay in there alone. Maybe they'd go stay with that Dusty person? He didnt even want to think about losing the rest of his family now Bambam was gone... but what if the gang started falling apart? Tiny was never really interested in any of them, Jimmy and Hank tended to stick together and Sparkles was very different from Yancy, and likely seeing Yancy would only bring up memories of Bambam..... Would he lose them all!?
He slowly pulled himself together and ran a hand over his face, standing back up and eyed his phone again... Maybe he could say hi to the discord folks? They should know too right? Then again he'd alerted the blog. they'd know... He found himself pacing again, the same track...  "You look a little lost, friend."
Yancy whirled around, straight for the exit and paused. .... No one? He spun in a circle, eyes all over the room. Not a soul.  "Wh-......." Had he just imagined it?  "Ohp Don't make yourself dizzy now!"  "Who's dere!?" Yancy growled low, territorial mode sinking in, ready to defend his little hidey hole.  "A friend~"  "YOUSE SHOW YOUSES SELF!"
There was n eerie echo in the room as Yancy's voice boomed out, it seemed to carry more than it should have....
"..... Wow. Angry little Tiger aren't we? " "Sh-shut up... Who are youse?" 
“What's with the weird accent?” "I SAID SHUT UP!.... Tell me who youse is!" "
“Oh I'm sorry I thought you wanted me to shut up”
Yancy grit his teeth. "..... Youse just.. leave me alone... I aint in de mood"
Yancy backed up a bit away from the door. 
“Oh c'mon now friend. I came to offer you the help you so desperately need. Don't worry..er.. Yancy was it?”
 "It's Yancy..." 
“That's what I-.... nevermind...”
 "Where de heck is you--" He'd started turning around again but leapt half a mile back when he discovered a man standing directly behind him. 
“Ahaha Oh I'm sorry! Didn't meant to startle you friend!”
 "Wh-How..How did youse-... " His left hand was burning like he'd punched lava. 
“Best not to question the minor details. Just enjoy the ride!”
The man stepped closer and had the most sickening grin on his face. 
“Do you have any idea how long I've been trying to find you?” Yancy started to step backwards, his left fist curling tightly. This guy had the kind of face you just... couldn't trust. Bit of a douche...  "....wait.... y-"
"Oh?” the man grinned, eager to see if Yancy caught on that he'd met him before.  "Youse-.... Youse been looking for me?" Mark's face dropped. Wow what a dumbo. 
“Yes of course. Why wouldn't I wanna find the little "Golden Boy" that everyone's suddenly more in love with?”
".... more?" 
“Ahaha.. not to worry not to worry! We're all friends here at Happy Trails Penitentiary.”
"Yancy shifted slowly into a boxing stance, but kept his fists to his sides for the moment, ready to raise at a moments notice. "Who de heck are youse?" 
“Still talking like that? Youse? Its you. Eesh... Aren't you from Ohio?”
"Sh..shut up" 
“Hold on wait”
Mark pulled a script from his suit jacket and started flipping through it 
“What ending was yours? ... Life Sentence? .... No no....  I want to be free? That was it! Hm... Oh and Dance to the death too. You got a whole three videos how cute. Or was it four?....”
 flick flick.... "Wh-....what are youse even on ab-..." His left hand felt like fire, the skin turning red and he had to shake it off to the side, eyeing the lettering..... "....M... Mark?" 
“Aha! There you are! Took you a while but you got there! You almost remind me of someone ahaha!”
"Wh-....... " 
“Oh don't act so shocked. You already knew I was coming. They went and spoiled everything for you”
"Wh-Who? What? I didn't knows yous...." 
“your discord friends! They spoiled everything! ...Was really supposed to be a surprise but eh... Not like they can see you now.”
"_Yancy went wide eyed "H-.. Youse is on the discord?" 
“Of course I am! Why wouldn't I wanna chat to the wonderful, handsome, famous Yancy! The notorious killer! The brutal violent slaughter tiger! Such a cutie so precious so soft so sweet and so brutal oooof~”
Mark fanned himself and laughed, pacing around the room now. As he walked the floor seemed to change... Concrete turning to wood. Yancy stepped back and away from it, wary to touch it but eventually he ended up pressed against the mirror and unable to avoid it.
"You seem so afraid? Why? Where's all that gusto? All the bravado? the punch and the sweep!”
"Oh calm down Yancy! ... Always the big softie. Youre supposed to be a brutal killer!”
"I aint any o dose t'ings youse callin me!"
"Oh? What about Ma and Pa? What about Frankie? What about-”
"Oops touched a nerve!”
Mark paced slowly around him like a predator stalking prey. His reflection seemed to shake and show something different entirely.
"Wouldnt want to wake up that killer tiger now would we”
Yancy grit his teeth, stooping down to grab a left over stone from the floor transforming, making sure Mark was too in his own monologue to notice. "
“You're a violent and brutal villain, Yancy. Unlike that Illinois fellow. Or the captain! Both precious angels, heroes! Never did no wrong not to anyone! But you? You've killed FOUR people! FOUR!”
"St-STOP IT!" 
“And yet they fawn over you like a baby... Just like your mothe-”
The rock went sailing right at Mark's face with a fast baseball styled swing, he had just enough time to duck. The rock hit the glass of the mirror, leaving a crack. 
“Oooooooh!!! There it is! Tsk tsk Yancy! You gotta be more careful! Wouldn't want to make it five now would we!”
The mirror cracked and splintered, shards of glass falling to the ground and echoing through the dance space like crystalline wind chimes. It felt like the air was sucked out of the room for a few seconds, almost like an airlock seal breaking. Propped up against the wall was a humble broom that had seen better years. It had stayed in the same place so long that a spider had made its home in the space between the wood and the wall. Without warning, it fell forward, bouncing off the ground like it had been pushed roughly and it clattered with a sound that would be louder and more startling than a mirror cracking.. Yancy jumped and yelped at the crash of the broom. Backing up as far as he could go, his heart racing and his left hand burning like crazy.  "Y-.. L-Leave me alone!" 
“Oh but my dear, sweet, boy! ...... I came to help you~”
"Wh- h..help me?" Yancy's eyes darted to the fallen broom again, his defensive stance faltering, his footwork off, his fists barely tight. Fear gripping him by the shoulders. "I-..I dont want youses help!" 
“...buhuhaha.. You sure? What about poor Micheal?”he paused 
“Sorry.. Bambam. Cute name. Shame Evan and Sarah didn't get to be as involved but that's scheduling for you.”
"Wh-What de hell are youse on ab-.... G.. Go away! I MEAN IT!" 
“Nooooo you doooonnnttt~”Mark sing songed at him 
“Oooh! Nice acoustics in here! aaaaAAAAAaaaaaoooooohh~”
"............... J-...just leave me alone
"Oh alright alright ffffffine. Let Bambam die for all I care. Clearly you dont”
the squeaking sound of glass scraping glass as the mirror cracked just a bit more with every word out of Actor Marks mouth. The reflections seemed to blur and wobble just a bit like a layer of dew began to set in. As the mirror became harder to see through, the edges began to fog up, slowly moving to cover each mirror. The room was cold, unchanging in temperature. But it began to smell... wet. There wasn’t the sound of finger tracing a window, and yet Yancy could see in the mirror next to the mirror that shattered began to have the outlines of a word as if they had always been there.* L I A R
Yancy stared in horror as he watched the actor parade around his little studio. Mark leaned against the beam in the middle, placing a hand on it then watched as it proceeded to get a new lick of paint, slowly flowing over it top to bottom spreading out from where he'd touched. "W-wait..y..youse can..help?" He was watching Mark who..clearly wasn't leaving despite his words. Watching how he was changing his studio to be...better.... 
“We-hehe-ll of course I can!! Why else would I bother looking for you? Can't have previous baby Yancy all distressed now can we!”
Yancy's eyes traced the letters on the mirror that Mark hadn't noticed yet. Was Mark doing that too?  "Y-.........Youse can save Bambam?" 
“Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeelll...... Not exactly save BUT! I can bring them back. From what I can tell they're noit doing so hot right now. Heart beat's getting slower. Doesn't have long. I'd say maybe.. midnight?”
"Wh- NO!" Yancy rushed forward, paused and Mark grinned. 
“Course if they die, I can bring them back. No strings attached, no deals, no price, no currency, no favors, no nothing. how about it?” Mark held out his hand.(edited)
There was an eerie chill to the air as it seemed into his bones. The fog on the glass seemed to crystallize and freeze a little more. The mirror on the other side had the word.
But whoever was leaving messages didn’t stop at one.
More and more as they began to clutter the available space. Something odd began to happen. The areas around Mark’s silhouette  became more crowded than the rest while the shadow remained unwritten, outlining him in words. Every single one of them being true. A crack from the mirror seemed to also, somehow, be on the wall behind it creeping below the frame... down almost all the way to the floor. Did he really throw that rock that hard?. Yancy couldnt move now as he watched in horror... Nightmare.. Just a nightmare. He got so many of them! That's all this was. He backed up to the wall singking down it and buried his face in his hands.  "N-None o dis is real.. Bambams fine.. I..I can wake up now.... dis is just..my head... ...m..maybe I am crazy" 
“Hey probably. I get told that all the time and yet it never really is true.... you on the other hand. All those murders? The fights? Eesh... How many times have you had a fight with Y/N now? Shall we check hang on”
Mark stepped forward, digging out a red phone.
"Lets see lets see.. how do we find you again...”
 Yancy was so confused, so stressed, he was shaking.
"Err... kay... guns blazing... chopper... rally... no deal.... aha.. 1,670,655 times! Wow! You're a real monster bucko- Wait what about the kills oooh the dance to the death how many kills now? 623,279 YIKES!”
"Wh-N-No I never.. I never killed dat many! I-I just.. deys was accidents! D-de ones I dids de-deys was-" 
“Oh buddy no no no no nooooo these are all documented on video. aha.. er... not that you'd remember them. You black out right? When the tiger hits. Happens.. time lines.. blahbalh wibbly wobbly. It's fine. Oooh that means we're approaching an ending! How about that! Means you get a choice bucko! Lucky you! So I'll make it simple for you" He held his hand out again 
“Deal or no deal? Green or Red. Left or Right. Take your pick!”
DarkiplierYesterday at 11:11 PM
*The Cracked Mirror launches itself off the wall like someone had fired it out of a cannon and against the back of Mark’s Head. It clattered around, shards splintering out and around his face like a helmet that would slice his cheeks or eyes if he moved too fast. The wall behind him had a large black crack, exactly the same pattern as what was on the glass.
You can say no to him.
Something only Yancy could hear even if he covered his ears. It was more than advice, it was permission. No glass touched Yancy, any that fell almost created a ring around his feet. The other mirrors followed suit, toppling off the wall creating a reflective floor of sorts. Broken glass everywhere, but none seeming to leave the frames. A hand shoots out from one just behind marks back, reaches up and pulls him down to the ground. Hard. The room goes black as soon as he hits the floor. The ringing from all the noise never seeming to fade or faulter. A low echo underneath it... stillness. Quiet. “I think that’s enough.” the man with no shadow said. Standing right under the crack in the wall that seemed.. to give off an unearthly glow.
YancyYesterday at 11:16 PM
Yancy cried out in surprise and fear as the world around him changed and altered again. His poor studio! He was curled up tight when the ringing started but when he saw who it was he quickly scrambled to his feet. Fists curling, not alone any more he could defend himself a bit better... Mark let out a growl as he hit the floor but it was quickly followed by a fondness 
“Daaaamieeeeen! Long time no SEE!”
The world around them pulsed, that red and blue stretching outward.... He'd gotten stronger... He was suddenly behind Dark.
"How long has it been? Two? three? ...... Four videos? ahaha~ Don't mind us, just a little chat between pals”
"M-Mr Ipliere?.... I-" 
“yes? .. huh.. oh youre talking t-.. OH! AhahahahahahAHAHHAHA! Really? Mr Ipliere~ cute”
Mark grinned at Dark viciously, dusting off his suit. 
“Ignore him Yancy sweetie. Your little Bambam doesn't have much time left. it's 11:15″
"Wh not it was just-" Yancy checked his phone still tightly held in hand. 11:15.. where had the time gone?
"You have 45 minutes to make a decision. Are you going to let him die and stay dead or do you want my help?”
DarkiplierYesterday at 11:23 PM
Dark’s image wobbled a bit. But he had gotten stronger too. He walked a little away from him and towards Yancy. “He does bad things to good people.” he said firmly. He looked at Mark. “Filling the mans head with more of your lies all to make his friend one of your little... pet projects. You’re lower than dirt.” he rolled his neck and continued walking towards Yancy. “There doesn’t have to be a war over this… His promise is an empty truth that will ensure Bambam’s demise...But... There is still time…Not much. But mayhaps enough.” He wasn’t in the mood for Mark shinanagins right now. He was a bastard and he nothing short of hated him. But there wasn’t time for petty squabbles
YancyYesterday at 11:28 PM
Mark gave an overly dramatic mock offended look 
O! Hey! I do NOT! Here I am offering this poor distressed man a deal of a life time. I'm here to help his friend from the inevitable fate they're spiraling towards. Look! Barely a beat now! They're hanging onto shredded threads!
 He gestured vaguely to the air as if Bambam was right there, but Dark would see that heart beat too...
"Shake my hand Yancy my boy. It's all you need and Bambam will come back fit as a fiddle
 "I-..." He back up. "I don't believe youse.... b-.... But I- I wanted t' speak wid youse again" Yancy put his attention on Dark "c-..Can youse help with Bambam? B-..before deys ..... before anyt'in bad happens?" he had the most puppy dog pleading look. "Y-..youse helped me before I-... Youse made a deal wid me that.. I collect at any time..w-..what if I do dat fer youse in retoirn?" "
Wait you two have met before?- Ohhhh of course you have, your stupid lil codes ugh..whatever... Doesn't matter. .... How do you put up with the dumb accent? The heck is that from.. New Jersey? Boston?
DarkiplierYesterday at 11:36 PM
Darks neck cracked. As he did, the floor beneath Mark cracked too with a loud boom. “Youre offering a vulnerable, terrified man a deal he does not understand.” he felt the heartbeat of the dying friend and frowned. “Yancy,” he said it correctly, “You are a man behind bars. The information I needed from you has already been used... what more could you have to offer-” he looked at Mark then back at him. “Time is creeping on us. Mark will let Bambam die and raise them. I... can stop them from passing. Long enough...” his nostrils flared. He wasn’t a charity worker. “Its his accent. That’s the long and short of it.” 
YancyYesterday at 11:43 PM
Mark rolled his eyes, childishly doing the mocking face and mouthing a copy of Darks words. 
Yes exactly. I can't stop them from dying but I CAN bring them back. Easy peasy lemon squeeze bish bash bosh hunky dory boom done. No fuss. No mess. No deals. No strings. No bargains. No reason of mistrust what so ever. Why is that such a hard offer to take!? I'm trying to help out a fellow Iplier here! Or is my name tattoos on your hand not a good enough reason to trust me!?
Yancy blinked, then his eyes shot down to his left hand. Still burning ridiculously hot. The areas around the letters felt like theyd blistered but they hadnt. Punching Mark square in the face might help.... "I-...." He frowned. Something about this guy. It felt off.. Bit of a douche.. no.. lot of a douche... The closer Mark got the more his tattooed fingers burnt. Kinda like that harry potter kid. "...Mr Ipliere...y-...youse can help Bambam? I dont..want dem to die at all... not evur... p-please..if..if deres anyt'in youse can do I-... I might be behind bars but I can gets out easy enough!"
"That's ilegal. You could go to prison for that
" "...... I-.. we-...." Poor Yancy. He shook his head "Please.. I-.... I'd do anyt'ing..."
"OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH no no no no nNOOO you do NOT wanna offer that right off the bat eesh. Make him work for it at least! Besides, you can't trust this guy! He's the villain here! Look at him! all...spooky" Mark wiggled his fingers
" That and have you any idea how much fuss this guy has given me? They burnt down my entire home!
Yancy frowned "Sometimes shit happens.. youse gotta forgive the past" 
Marks anger was explosive, the entire room rumbling and the crack in the wall daring to shatter again, it felt familiar... at least for Dark.
DarkiplierYesterday at 11:57 PM
Darkiplier listened, weighing his next move carefully. Markiplier was a terrifying man, but an easy to provoke one. One of those faces you can’t trust. Dark looked like he had done some bad things in his life too but wouldn’t lie if he was asked. “Im -your- villain Mark. You spun that fate for me long ago....” It was his turn to roll his eyes, but somehow it looked more dignified on Dark. “I hardly call an en mass extermination of thousands of undead you had created to serve your bidding is truly a crime. Last I looked, your house still stands.” Marks explosion was enough. “What I did to you.... that’s quite possibly the funniest thing you have ever said. And woefully not my problem.” He looked at Yancy. They held a moment together eye to eye. He had already agreed. And suggesting that he would do anything in return, there’s no better deal than that. The room became pitch black. “Im terribly sorry about your hiding place, Yancy... let’s see what else we can repair this night.” Out of the goodness of a changed heart? For the Iplier name?... spite? His motives were unclear. But Yancy would suddenly feel like he was being pulled backwards gently... slowly away from him. 
Yancy staggered backward with a gasp, spinning on the spot, confused, dazed, looking around for any sig of the two men he was just with... He wasn't in the studio anymore??? What had just..happen-..... Had he been sleep walking? He turned and spotted Sparkles fast asleep on the upper bunk, an arm hanging down. Their pillow wet and clearly passed out from eventual exhaustion. Poor thing.... His heart was racing but slowly he began to relax. Just.... Just a dream? a nightmare? Sparkles was in his cell though so the ...news on Bambam still rang true?..... His own bed was still made and untouched from the morning. So.. no.. He hadn't been asleep.... Then wh-
"Oh... hey! What're you doing awake at this hour?" "Wh- Ah- I was- I-..er.... Bad dream?" Yancy sounded tired enough to make that believable, that and this was often a case so...  "Oh... you ok? you look exhausted buddy" Officer Free wandered closer "Try and get some rest yeah- oh and er- We were gonna save it for the morning but uh- since youre up. .... They took Bambam off the respirators about an hour or so ago? They say they're really improving. Got a good chance and.. might even wake up in the morning. They're hopeful"  "WH- AH!!" Yancy went wide eyed and rushed to the bars, startling poor Gavin who put his hands up to fight -dumb considering there were bars in the way- but Yancys hands going up in surrender had Gavin put his down again 
"so-sorry officer I j- youse..said deys..gonna be ok!?"  "Yeah! should be right as rain mate!" Officer Free grinned, happy to have been the one to deliver the news.  "er but er... maybe tell ole glitter guts the news in the mornin yeah? Poor geezer could use a good nights rest"  "y-..yeah youse is right.. m'gonna..... try n sleep myself" "Lucky" Gavin smirked and they fist bumped though the bars "No sneakin off. I catch you out I'll whap ya- wapow" officer free swung his baton around but it was in jest and Yancy knew this. Gavin was a good officer...  They parted ways and Yancy sat down slowly and quietly on his bunk .... 
They were gonna be ok............ 
 But now that meant he had a debt of anything to pay to the Man With No Shadow....
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georgialouisea · 6 years
Meant To Be - Part 9
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Pairing - Jared x Reader, Jensen x Sister Reader. Word count -1079 Warnings - Fluff, swearing.
Part 8 - Masterlist
Life in Vancouver was amazing, life with Jared was beyond amazing.
Ever since you were little you’d hated being the one singled out, you hated being the new girl, moving school or getting a new job was your idea of hell. The girls at supernatural made you feel at home, they were honestly the nicest girls you’d ever met, they didn’t seem to care that your brother was one of the stars of the show.
“Did you manage to get that email out?” Jo asked shutting off her computer.
“Shit no, completely forgot.”
“Want me to stay and help?” She paused at your desk on the way out.
“No, it’s fine, I have the details written down somewhere, get home to your boyfriend.”
“Don’t you have to get home to yours?” She perched on the corner of your desk smirking down at you. You’d only ever given her and Lizzie small details and they were more than intrigued.
“He’s working late today, so I’m fine, go home and enjoy your date night.”
“You sure?”
“Positive Jo, go enjoy your weekend I’ll see you on Monday.”
“Enjoy your weekend Y/N.”
“You too JO.” Watching her leave the room your attention turned back to your screen.
“Y/N/N?” Jared whispered from the doorway behind you. “You ready to go home?”
Turning to face him your eyes adjusted to the lighting change. “What?”
“You done?”
“Give me like five minutes.” Turning back to the screen you finished up the email you should’ve sent 6 hours ago, trying to ignore Jared spinning himself around in a chair behind you. “Okay done.” Shutting down your computer you could finally head home with Jared.
“Baby?” Jared mumbled as he shifted on the couch.
“Yeah?” Looking up at him he paled slightly.
He sat up straighter. “Okay, I haven’t told you this yet but on Thursday I’m gonna be on Ellen.”
“Jare that’s amazing.”
“You might not think that in a few minutes.”
“You love me right?” He paused, nodding in response he smiled at you. “I want to tell everyone I am in love with the most beautiful, amazing, smartest, funniest woman I know, that you’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me and I love you.”
Nodding you smiled up at him. “Okay, yeah, we’ll go official.”
“You’re sure?”
“I’m one million percent sure Padalecki.”
“Oh thank God.” His head dropped. “I thought you’d say no.”
“Why? When I love you.”
“I didn’t think you’d want people to know yet.”
“Jare, I’m tired of sneaking around trying to hide our relationship, let’s just tell everyone.”
“You’re sure?”
“So sure.” His arms wrapped around you.
“You’re happy with me announcing it on the Ellen show?”
“Yeah, I am, you have an interview and if you really want to talk about me it’s up to you.”
“I would talk about you every second of every day if I could.”
Jared’s flight back to LA was delayed due to bad weather, he’d planned to be home hours before his interview was aired. A knock at the door pulled your attention from the cereal advert, praying by some miracle it was Jared, opening the door Jensen stood in front of you.
“Why’re you here?”
“Because.” He took a step into your apartment closing the door behind himself. “I know what you’re like and as soon as people know you’re going to panic and Jared’s still in the air, so I’m here and we’re gonna watch it together.” He grabbed your hand and pulled you towards the couch.
“Mr Jared Padalecki!” Ellen introduced as the audience clapped and cheered.
Biting your lip you tried to suppress the smile as he waved at the audience.
“How are you?” Ellen asked as she sat opposite him.
“I’m great, how are you?”
Ellen nodded with a smile. “I’m good, you’re living up in Vancouver now aren’t you?”
“Yeah I am, it’s a lot colder up there than it is here in LA.”
“You’re up there filming for the new show Supernatural right?”
“Yeah.” He nodded. “I am.”
“So tell us what the show’s about.”
You watched Jared explain the premise of the show adding in little stories of his time on set with Jensen.
“Do you two get on well?”
“Yeah, we do, we’re both from Texas, we watch the same shows, listen to the same music, it’s been easy to get to know him.
“So it’s not uncomfortable playing his brother?”
“Nope, he already is like a brother to me.”
“That’s good to hear, now I have to ask, you’re a very attractive young man.” The audience whooped. “Alright.” She waved a hand trying to calm the women down as Jared chuckled. “Are you seeing anyone?”
Jared blushed, his head dropped trying to hide it. “I am actually, we’ve been together for nearly a year now, she’s amazing.”
“Will we know who she is? A fellow actor?”
“No actually she’s not an actress, she works on set behind the scene in the admin department, she’s so smart half the stuff she does I’d have no idea how to do.”
“Is she watching?”
“Yeah, she’ll be watching with Jensen.”
“Oh have they become close too?” She asked with a furrowed brow.
“No, well they’ve always been close, Y/N is Jensen’s sister.”
“Oh wow, is he okay with you dating his sister?”
“Yeah, I mean he’s said if I hurt her he’ll rip my lungs out.”
Ellen chuckled moving on with the interview.
“That wasn’t painful was it?” Jensen smiled down at you. “You okay?”
“Yeah everyone knows, everyone loves you on set this isn’t going to change anyone's opinion of you trust me.”
“I know.”
The front door opened behind you. “Hey.” Jared walked in dropping his bag by the door. “Have you seen it yet?”
“Yeah, we have.”
He walked around the couch to face you. “And are we still together?”
“Of course we are, why wouldn’t we be?” Looking up at him you punched Jensen’s thigh making him move up the couch so Jared could sit next to you.
“I haven’t seen it yet, I can’t remember what I said, I could’ve said something stupid.”
“Everything you said was perfect.”
Jared’s arm wrapped around you. “Good.” He took a shaky breath. “Good.”
“Were you actually worried that I’d leave you?”
“No.” He scoffed.
“There’s only one issue now.” Jensen sighed.
“Which is?”
“When Jared’s found with his lungs ripped out they’ll know I’ve done it.”
Part 10
Forever Taglist - 
@mega-loser1298 @smalltowndivaj @roxyspearing @emoryhemsworth @dwgrl1903 @cassieraider @mirandaaustin93 @mogaruke @heyitscam99 @mouselovesmusic @supernaturaldean67 @atc74 @witchofenoch @malindacath @skathan-omaha @ain-t-bovvered @beffyblueeyes @unicorn-sparkles123 @serienjunkiegirl @jchona @polina-93 @thefangirlliveson @rhochradel @juanitadiann @amandamdiehl @dixonsunicorn @deanzeppeloin @katieelementarymydearwatsonme @atlas-of-the-world @spnbaby-67 @chelsea072498 @dean-winchesters-bacon @racheo91 @mrswhozeewhatsis @death-unbecomes-you @brewsthespirit-blog @shann-the-artist-moon @team-free-will-you-idjits-67 @claitynroberts @spnwoman @angelsandwinchesters @smoothdogsgirl @cdwmtjb8 @perkypolarbear @thisismysecrethappyplace @tatertot1097 @jessieray98 @curly-haired-disaster @gh0stgurl @starfirerules @kcrews74 @calaofnoldor @shadows-and-padlocked-hearts @screechingartisancashbailiff @malindacath @kolelondon24 @natura1phenomenon @thehufflepuffblog @lemondropirwin @babypink224221 @mariekoukie6661 @mymysosa @blackcherrywhiskey @lonely-skys @titty-teetee @foreverwayward @81mysteriouslyme @x-waywardaf-x  @blueberrykushlovexoxo-blog @paintballkid711
Meant to be -
@gh0stgurl @witch-of-letters @oneshoeshort @samuelwillliamwinchester @love-nakamura @spn-obession @holylulusworld @wayward-gypsy @heythereamigodude @rainbowkisses31 @deangirl7695 @traceyaudette @winchesterprincessbride @vickiq9761 @cdwmtjb8 @samsgirl93 @love-my-not-natural-babies @gloriousartisanfancreator @me-han10 @pretty-fortune @jamielea81 @the-is13 @kit-kat-katie99 @imaginationisgrowth @bitchwhytho @deansgirl79
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thoughtfulpaperback · 5 years
TV show quiz
Pick 5 shows, then answer the following questions. Don’t cheat. Tag 10 peeps. 
1. Ugly Betty
2. Single Parents
3. Charmed (Reboot)
4. Big Little Lies
5. Chilling Adventures of Sabrina
1.  Who is your favorite character in 2?
Omg. This is actually really difficult because I loved all the characters, but if i have to pick a favorite it would be Douglas Fogerty. He tries so hard to be a caricature of this "old school macho man" but her just cant hide the fact that he is more complex and sensitive than he let's on and he is too hilarious. Brad Garret in my opinion is just one of the funniest actors without trying. Loved him since Everybody Loves Raymond.
2. Who is your least favorite character in 1? Oh super easy! Matt Hartley. He was whiny, a complete jerk, and completely unfocused as a character. Like he was never a good boyfriend or standout the way Gio or Henry were. And I mean the henry relationship was problematic and Gio was never actually Betty's boyfriend. So Matt is really the only romantic relationship (not prepared to end or started in the after math of a breakup) that we see and to me he is absolutely meh and just an asshole at his worse. A lot of people compare him with Daniel but again maybe because of the way Daniel is written or because of how Eric played him I just never felt so absolutely disgusted with Daniel the way I was with Matt at certain points in the series. I was unhappy that betty got back with him after everything he had done to her.
3. What is your favorite episode of 4?
Oh hands down season 1 episode 7. The season finale. As much as I love and respect Renata Klein's season 2 melt downs and every episode she just let's people have it. I will always have the scene of Perry's attack and death imbeded in my minds. It was so beautifully done. Which seems wierd because death scenes are usually supposed to be violent or sad not beautiful. But the scene managed to still be violent and even a little sad (mostly because of the aftermath and shock that that happened and the characters went through that), but the was something about the scene cutting between the attack and images of the ocean beating waves against the rocks that just made it so powerful along with september song playing in the background. I mean it was just beautiful I cannot use that word enough.
5. Who is your favorite couple in 3?
Like actual couples or the ones in my mind? Lol. Sticking with canon then I would say Mel and Niko. In spite of everything they cared and loved each other and it was sad that Mels decisions and life changing dramatically got in the way of that.
6. Who is your favorite couple in 2?
Poppy and Douglas. Hands down since they are the only official couple so far.
7. What is your favorite episode of 1?
This is terrible I cant just pick one, but I guess if I have to it is a toss up between the very first episode and the last episode of the series. Both were done so well imo and ugh both gave me feels. So. Many. Feels.
8.What is your favorite episode of 5?
The Passion of Sabrina Spellman. Madam Satan. Nick. A Play and the devil on your shoulder. Everything I wanted in one episode.
9. What is your favorite season of 2?
Only one season in the series so far.
10. How long have you watched 1?
From the beginning (2006) and every year since it ended (2010). So over 10 years now.
11. How did you become interested in 3?
Fan of OG. Thought it was gonna be cool to see POC leads and new magic outside of white eurocentric magic and history. I do not regret it. I love it.
12.   Who is your favorite actor in 4?
Laura Dern. No contest even though I love them all.
13. Which do you prefer, 1, 2, or 5?
Ugly Betty is probably my first love in terms of TV show infatuation. I have loved many shows and even ones before Ugly Betty. But It was my first real love. And I will always be my preference. It has everything, personal and political messages, comedy, drama, and some borderline mystic moments (see mexico trip and subconscious manifestations of guilt as a reference).
14. Which show have you seen more episodes of, 1 or 3 ?
Obviously, Ugly Betty since it has more episodes than the Charmed Reboot, but I've watched all the episodes of both series.
15. If you could be anyone from 4, who would you be?
Madeline because even though she got those personal demons. Her husband (imo) is the best and even when he is a snarky passive aggressive jerk I still would want to be with him and find him just lovable. Also chloe is a pretty great kid. Yah the eldest daughter kinda sucks, but you know I feel like domestic life wouldnt be so bad. If I got to keep my personality. But I mean If i had to become the character fully and make the same decisions then none of them.
16. Would a crossover between 3 and 4 work?
No. They are way to different in styles, genre, and filming.
17. Pair two characters in 1 who would make an unlikely but strangely okay couple.
Detty is canon as far as I am concerned and so right that I wont list it even though my sister suggested it (mostly to be spiteful :p). You know I just cant think of one. Not one I would be okay with at least. Sorry.
18. Overall, which show has the better storyline, 3 or 5?
Oh CAOS. No competition. I prefer Charmed and its characters, but COAS has a clearer and obviously well planned direction. Everything that they did had purpose and intention and it didnt feel as if there were dropped characters or plot points imo.
19. Which has the better theme music, 2 or 4?
Ok so what do we mean by theme music? Like opening main title song or like score, or song choice in between score and silence? If it is main title song then for sure BLL. Michael Kiwanuka is amazing. I loved the cover of "sometimes I feel like a motherless child" that he did for the Man in the High Castle Resistance Radio Album. And his song Cold Heart is amazing and I am glad BLL used it. Single parents doesnt have a main title song so BLL would win by default even if they hadn't used Cold Heart but hey still glad they did.
Alrighty gonna randomly tag some peeps and see if they want to play along.
Soo.... @gellsbellshead @scousesal @charmedbrujas @charmedlifesworld @brujeria-histeria @charmedwhitelighter @autistic-witchlighter @theballetslippertheblackhoodie
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beverlyr0ad · 6 years
crimes of grindelwald thoughts
alright obvious spoilers not that it matters bc i have one follower lmao but !! i need somewhere to scream abt this movie
first of all i love jacob and newt so much. best parts of this movie honestly i love them and i want them to be happy 
but to be fair i actually rlly rlly enjoyed watching this movie!! like,, there are a looot of things i dont understand about it and i have no idea how they happened or why theyre happening but thats Okay i would still recommend everyone watch it! its so good!!!
good things:
- grindelwald !! i mean,, no hes not a good thing but i really liked how they wrote his character. like i can UNDERSTAND the power he has over people and how hes manipulating them. hes really not just a Voldemort 2.0 and i respect that a lot bc thats not what an entirely different villain should be like. but casting issues and all aside i really liked this
- i also liked the interaction between leta lestrange and dumbledore that was some good stuff and the actors were rlly good too !!! - i like the direction queenie is going in. i mean i dont actually of course but it seems realistic and i think its important and its good character development n stuff so hhh hope that works out later tho !! i am Suspense
- jacob walked into that movie and i was like !!!!!!!!! :DDDDDDDDDDDDD i love him so much and it was rlly nice to see him back even if i dont think it was that neat to have him lose his memory of everything that happened for significance and in this movie have everything go like WHOOMP hes back but i uhhhh loved it anyway so this is not a complaint its a good thing - i still loved newt and having a good main character makes the whole movie a better watch in general. ive seen sequels where i just Cant get attatched to the new characters but wow i didnt really have much of a problem with that here
- it was also never boring and i really just loved n enjoyed this movie a lot!!!  okay hhh bad things/things that i personally disliked:
- ive seen different opinions on this but??? what was that blood pact????? what are u doing??????????????? i cant even be coherent properly so here are the main reasons that was rlly dumb
1- w-who does that in a romantic relationship ever :o and yes jkr has literally said dumbledore n grindelwald were in LOVE HELLO feel free to correct me if im wrong on anything but if ur gonna say it u should show it,,,, Continuity Please. anyway separate issue but if u love someone youre not gonna be like “hey lets make SURE we dont fight each other ever” because youll trust that the other person?? isnt gonna fight u???!!!???? im
2- thats literally not the reason he “cannot move against grindelwald” okay like it shouldnt be. this conversation literally happens in dh and dumbledore says he was scared of facing what rlly happened when ariana died!! there was no actual physical thing stopping him!!! the only acceptable justification is that he doesnt want to face this ghosts of his past and that moment and he is SCARED okay so COME ON give dumbledore his faults! hes scared of his past and that IS the reason!!
3- wait how did grindelwald, aberforth, and albus fight if they had already entered a blood pact. like i dont think albus would aim for his own brother EVER but could he even attack grindelwald if they had a blood pact?? not sure how this works lol but who was he aiming for then??? just firing everywhere randomly without intention cause that sounds,,, significantly harder to believe and makes that scene loads messier esp if grindelwald couldnt aim for albus either so
4- the blood pact was so frickin unnecessary im sobbing. like there was the scene where its all like “oh some say you were as close as brothers” and dumbledore is like “oh we were closer than brothers...” and im like OK! the little scene in the air doesnt explicitly reveal anything either so thats ok but the closer than brothers line was rlly revealing for me. at least for like two minutes and then dumbledore looked in the mirror and saw himself making a blood pact w grindelwald. like ok is That what u meant by closer than brothers bc thats what everythings pointing to but it shouldnt be and i.............ugh
5- im honestly just kind of hhhhhhhhhhhh. i can concede that the blood pact might be significant in later films and i look forward to watching them! but. at the same time i. wish that if you were going to say dumbledore was gay it would actually be explicitly referenced in the movie, instead of dancing around that and dropping it in hints and pieces that fans of the series who know this information will understand and others can just dismiss as friendship! there were So Many good places in this movie to include this fact (altho feel free to disagree w me haha) and i think that not including this fact was honestly tiring.
- nagini...........obv this isnt a huge problem bc idk where her story will go next n it might develop n become important but as of rn, i have no idea what her role in this movie is. i wonder if her reappearance in the harry potter series will actually be of significance and if itll be explained how she will end up under servitude to voldemort bc i genuinely dont understand right now. it just seems like a cameo to draw attention in the trailer ghgdjh
- leta lestrange’s death didnt feel right or impactful and im sad . definitely a huge opinion here but it felt like a mandatory character snuff to make the movie sad and ghdsjgfh oh well :(
- little continuity issues?? dumbledore being DADA professor instead of transfiguration bc Boggarts Are Important For Foreshadowing. also how is mcgonagall an adult or actually how is she even alive and um of course the fact that this movie doesnt confirm what jkr has said about dumbledore and grindelwald beforehand. 
- im actually going to totally repeat myself bc this deserves a separate point umm why arent dumbledore and grindelwald actually shown as in love with each other as young men. its completely relevant to the movie and its not hard to put it in there instead of the bLOOD PACT (ask anyone irl ive been screaming abt the blood pact ever since i came out of that movie). anyway i know david yates said he wouldnt be including that as part of the movie as fans are aware of that aNyway but its not that hard to understand. people are asking for actual representation?? not smt vague??? because this is just here to Please People. if u refuse to see this ship, ure just gonna see them as having a friendship! maybe u havent heard about what jkr said or maybe ure choosing to ignore it bc,, idk that says smt about u, or maybe another reason idk! but if u go into this knowing they were In Love and hoping to see confirmation of dumbledore being canonically gay, youre going to hear that “oh, we were more than brothers” line and be like oh yeah we been knew, or more seriously like hey! maybe we’re getting a canon confirmation, not just floaty young people leaning towards each other! like when he looked in the mirror i was like okay This Is It this is gna be confirmation but then it wasnt oop. it was the !!! bloooood paaact !!! which means that people could interpret the “closer than brothers” line as meaning oh we done did a blood pact that means we blood related look at us go! Wow! so this is basically just a half azzed attempt at pleasing people w stereotypical viewpoints and people happy to see representation. hmmmmmmmmmm.. (psst if u actually ship older dumbledore n grindelwald tho What Are You Doing Stop !! thats not a healthy relationship, grindelwald is an awful person and dumbledore deserves to grow from the person he was before!!! he deserves so much better!!! im not saying to ship them but im saying that if we’re gonna say they were in love as young men and if we are going to confirm that dumbledore is gay well,,, lets put that in canon pls!!!! we need canon representation but we dont need to pretend this ship is healthy or good bc its representation either. this isnt shipping this is asking to acknowledge that dumbledore was gay and in love with grindelwald and its confirmed that grindelwald was in love with him too. in the place the story of tcog is now, that relationship is not ever going to happen again and if u actually think it is ure suffering from some next-level delusion. just be definitive and acknowledge that your characters are LGBT tho pls!! u said they were!!! actually i would be so much happier to see a Happy And Healthy LGBT Pairing can we have that? please?)
- big spoiler but hOW IS CREDENCE ALBUS’ BROTHER WHAT IS HAPPENING DKFJDKSH i need to separate my thoughts again
1- AGE DIFFERENCE........apparently dumbledore is like 46 in this movie right?? credence doesnt look over 20. okay percival dumbledore is put in azkaban before albus starts school right?? so the maximum age albus can be is 11. now im gonna say that kendra was not having any more kids w anyone else after that incident fs so the oldest albus can be when ariana is born is 12, leaving room for some other stuff okay. ALBUS AND CREDENCE DONT LOOK LIKE THEY HAVE A 12 YEAR AGE GAP WHAT IS HAPPENINF
2- i saw people theorizing that credence is ariana’s son and NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO PLS NO
3- not an actual issue but i thought grindelwald said his name was berrylius dumbledore which i later remembered as berrylium dumbledore and anyway thank god for the internet
4- okay at this point i cant tell if this has just been brought in for shock value or smt like. is this relevant to the plot. is grindelwald even telling the truth. w-why did the movie end there. help....... i think thats it but i do want to say that i respect the rights of the creator jkr to do whatever she wants w these characters. its her world! but i can have a whole bunch of opinions n feelings about this movie and still support it. after all, i love harry potter and the whole wizarding world w my whole heart. 
did anyone even read that LOOOL that was so long sorry
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