#how his broadcasting studio is described
toytulini · 2 years
rip kevin you wouldve loved to become a santa clarita diet zombie
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danveration · 8 months
Sleep well, amour.
Parings: Alastor x reader
Summary: You’ve been very intrested in Alastor ever since you met him. He invites you to see his recording studio, which you accept. Then you ask if you can stay and listen to him host! While listening, you fall asleep. How does he react?
Word count: 2844
Warnings: Ummm not really much? Alastor being Alastor! One mention of not being able to sleep sometimes, mention of seeing people in hell doing dr*gs, k*lling eachother, and fighting, mention of reader having bad social skills (?)
part two
A/N: UM!! this is my first time writing for alastor, so apologies if it isn’t the best. Please give me any feedback you want, I’d love to hear it! Also sorry for any spelling mistakes. I hope you enjoy :’)
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Alastor the radio demon. You know of the things he’s done, you know that people are quite literally terrified of him. But for some reason... you feel a certain way towards him that you can’t describe, but it’s surely not fear.
You’ve had a some-what odd admiration of him since you landed in hell, only a few months ago. You got spotted by Charlie when you first got to hell. She noticed you looking around nervously and lost, and put two and two together that you must be new. She very kindly introduced herself which was refreshing because.. well.. it’s hell. Everywhere you looked people were fighting, doing drugs, and even killing each other. You were glad there were kind people even down here.
“Hi, you! Uh, you lost?” Charlie smiled you and waved.
“Um yeah! I’m guessing this is hell, huh?” You awkwardly chuckle. Social skills weren’t ever your thing, it seems they haven’t got better after you died, either.
“Yep! This is hell! You must be new? I’m Charlie! Charlie Morningstar. It’s so nice to meet you.” She smiled and stuck out her hand for you to shake.
“Nice to meet you, Charlie! My names Y/n.” You politely smiled back and shook her hand.
After that meeting, Charlie showed you to the hotel in which you eagerly accepted to stay at, her being the only sane thing you’ve seen down here. It was a pretty nice place, no 5 star hotel like back on earth, but it was something you’re very grateful for. Who knows what would’ve happened to you if you haven’t met her.
While she was showing you around, someone caught your eye. He was a tall man, very polite and respectful looking. He was dressed head to toe in old fashioned attire, with a cane to suit his charming look. He was smiling in a way that made you look at him like he was something you wanted to inspect under a magnifying glass.
He glanced at you and smiled larger, stepping over to you and Charlie.
“My, my! What do we have here? Charlie! You didn’t tell me that we’ve got more guests? It’s a pleasure to meet you, my dear! The names Alastor!” He spoke politely.
His voice was sort of.. Radio-like? You found it soothing.
“Haha yeah! I found them wandering around on the street this morning! They’re a newcomer, their name is Y/n.” She spoke back, excited to introduce you.
“Y/n! Well, my, my. That’s quite a lovely name!” He said. “Say.. do you listen to radio? I host a brilliant radio broadcast that’ll give you some real insight on this place!” He said enthusiastically.
“Oh.. haha thank you” You smile. “I do actually! I love radio shows.” You immediately feel drawn towads him. You cant tell if it’s just the new scenery or what.. but you want to just sit and chat with him for hours.
Alastor perks up at that. “Oh you do, do you?” He smiled more.
“Yeah! Back when I was.. uhm.. alive, I actually had a whole playlist of them! What do you do your show about?” You ask.
Alastor is delighted to have you take interest in his show. “Well, dear, I do all sorts of things on there! Yes, yes, you think of it and I’ve most probably done it! Most commonly known is the souls I entrap and prison, as I broadcast their screams of horror all over this horrible place and people get to hear the noises of their never-ending torture and demise. But! I also just made a wonderful segment on my mother’s Jambalaya recipe!” He stated.
While part of those sentences gave you chills, you still seemed to take interest in him.
“Well,” you chuckle. “I will certainly check it out!” You smile.
“Ah! Wonderful news, my dear.” He said while he twirled his cane.
Charlie was watching you interact with him and noticed how you looked at him, as if admiring. She smile and said, “well! We better finish the tour.”
She motions for you to follow her and you do, waving Alastor goodbye.
He waves back and yells, “goodbye, sweetheart! Lovely to have met you.”
After that, you wanted absolutely everything to do with him. You’ve also got to know the other people staying at the hotel. Angel, Vaggie, Husk, Niffty, and Sir Pentious. They were overall kind people. Husk found your interest in Alastor to be no good.
“Yeah, no. That, whatever thing you have created in your mind about him, isn’t true. He’s vile, Y/n. Trust me on that.” He grunts.
Angel thought you had some kind of kink towards “scary, creepy men.” Which wasn’t true because you didn’t even find him scary. You found him charming.
“Ah.. Alastor? Fucking sexy weirdo if I do say so myself. He’s got some reaaal problems but hey, if you’re into that-“ You cut him off by saying it wasn’t like that & that you don’t think anything sexual towards him.
One day, you were talking to Sir Pentious about his “crush” on Cherry Bomb. He completely denied it but you could tell from his blush and his nervous demeanour that he was very interested in her.
You were caught off guard when you heard that radio voice coming up from behind you.
“Y/n, my dear! I have a question for you.” Alastor came and stood beside you, looking down from where you’re sitting.
“Al! Hey, what’s up?” You ask, containing your excitement.
Sir Pentious excused himself quickly, seeing one of his “egg boys” were being played with by Niffty. She isn’t one to be gentle.
“So, I know how you’ve been listening to my radio show as of late, and I was wondering if you’d like to see where the magic happens!” He states.
“R-really? I’d be honoured!” You say, smiling.
“Ah! Lovely. Come now, this way.”
You get up and he locks arms with you and chats about his new microphone that he got.
Once you guys arrive, you’re shocked. It looks very professional and comfortable. It suits him heavily. There’s a big open window, a desk, some chairs and sofas, a bunch of technical stuff on the desk along with his new mic that you recognize from his descriptions, and a deer coat hanger?
“Wow, Alastor. This place is so actually so sick. I love it. And the new microphone suits you!” You say. “Thank you for showing me, really.”
Typically, Alastor would never show someone something personal of his, including his studio, but you are an exception. He isn’t sure what it is about you but he doesn’t seem to hate you as much as he does with anyone else. At first he was weirded out, but now he just embraces it. He also feels protective of you. He doesn’t know exactly why you’re even down here. For as far is he can tell, you’re an angel. Always being kind even to those who aren’t kind to you, always saying “please” and “thank you,” all that jazz. Jazz! You even like jazz music, his favourite. He told you that he lived on earth the time jazz music was popular. The 20’s and 30’s. That explains his vocabulary and how he dresses. You just find it more interesting and take time to ask questions about what it was like in that time.
“Why of course, my dear! If I’d want to show anyone here, it would be you.” He says, giving you his iconic smile.
You have a thought. “Hey, Al? Would it be alright if the next time you do a show, I could stay and listen?”
You hope he doesn’t think this is odd.
Alastor raises a brow. “Why would you want to do that?” He asks.
You panic, thinking you went too far by asking and now he’s going to cut you off or something.
“Ha! Kidding, sweetheart! Of course you can. I love when my broadcast is wanted to be listened to. Though I love it as well when they don’t want to.” He says.
You’re relieved, a bit scared, but still relieved.
“Say!” He says. “I was going to make one tonight talking about this silly technology box that thinks he is better than me! You know, expose all his lies and secrets to my listeners, and unwilling listeners. Maybe broadcast it all throughout hell!” He starts laughing manically. Then calms down and stares at you.
“Would you want to stay and listen, hm? I can do it now! I didn’t have any plans today going forward and well, getting it out sooner is better than later, I always say.” He asks.
You know he’s talking about Vox when he mentioned the technology box. Him and Vox have a sort of rivalry going on. Though Alastor seems to not care much about him, Vox is sure obsessed. He’s even gone so far as to making posters about him. Which areee.. not much of a resemblance.
This offer strikes you and you immediately perk up. “Yes! I’d love to.” You say.
You don’t think Alastor knows this but whenever you’re struggling to sleep, you put on his radio show and his voice comforts you to sleep. You’re sure if you told him, he would find it weird.
Little did you know, Alastor already knew. He walked past your room one night and heard static sounds coming from your quarters. He immediately was intrigued and put his ear close to your door to hear his voice. He was surprised, but not weirded out. He found it delightful that you found comfort in his voice. It’s not everyday someone does. Usually it invokes terror and anxiety on anyone who hears. This was new, and he didn’t hate it.
“Lovely! Let me get all set up. You can sit wherever you feel the most comfortable!” He says, adjusting his mic and pressing a buttons on his table.
You find a spot and sit down. Feeling honored to even be in the same room as him, let alone HIS room.
“Ahem! Welcome ladies and gentlemen-“ He goes off into his introduction, before winking at you and starting.
After about 20 minutes, you begin to feel tired and put your head on the side of the wall, still listening but with your eyes closed.
Alastor immediately notices and smirks, knowing how his voice effects you. He continues on and after about another 20 minutes, he finishes up. You’re asleep, slightly smiling.
He walks over to you and looks down.
“My, my. You really are an interesting one, aren’t you?” He whispers. He smiles more softly than he usually does and looks around to find a purple blanket hanging on his deer coat hanger, and gently places it on you.
He feels his heart fluttering while looking down at you and he immediately shrugs it off.
“Mm well, my dear.. I guess you can stay here. I’ll just be over there, transferring my broadcast to the other radios around town.” He says and points to his table.
“Sleep well, amour.” He speaks softly.
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pin-k-ink · 5 months
glyph // terushima yuuji
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tw ⇢ tattoo artist!yuuji, fingering, dirty talk, biting, marking, nipple play, unprotected sex, mild overstimulation, manhandling
wc ⇢ 4.9k
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The doorbell chimed with a cheerful tinkle as you stepped into the cozy tattoo parlor. Despite having made this particular pilgrimage several times before, you still felt a ripple of anxious anticipation as you glanced around the warm, dimly lit space.
Behind a vintage wood-and-glass counter stationed just inside the entrance, stood the compact, heavily tattooed owner giving you a welcoming grin and a lazy two-fingered salute.
"Here for another bit of my world-class ink?" Came the familiar raspy tones, clearly modulated to broadcast over the steady thrum of nu-metal currently filling the studio.
You answered his jovial greeting with an easy grin of your own, sidling up to lean casually against the front counter's lacquered surface. "Damn straight. Though if it ends up being subpar work like last time, you're gonna have to give me a freebie make-good," you shot back with a wink.
Terushima scoffed loudly at the playful dig, rolling his eyes dramatically as he made a show of slinging his forearm across the countertop -- putting his own extensive body art brazenly on display in the process. Colorful renderings of traditional Japanese imagery swirled in mesmerizing patterns from wrist to collar, punctuated by crisp black line work and embellished with strategic flashes of vibrantly stylized shading.
"Listen smartass," he drawled without any real heat. "If you want to keep deluding yourself that you didn't bewitch me into making masterpieces grace that gorgeous skin of yours, be my guest. Just don't come crying when your dumbass blows our next appointment making dopey excuses for a rain check."
You laughed, easily settling into the familiar cadences of your long-running, playful banter with the talented tattoo artist. Truth be told, you relished these brief preludes to each session nearly as much as the actual artistry that followed. Terushima's unfiltered charisma and effortless way of putting you at ease was unmatched...not to mention how you always inexplicably found yourself growing flustered under the sheer magnetism of his piercing stare and toothy grins.
Shoving that disconcerting train of thought aside, you arched a single challenging brow. "Listen blade-stud, if I do end up missing another appointment, you'd best rush right over and tattoo THIS masterpiece yourself." You accompanied the provocative statement with a full-body once over that could only be described as a deliberate ogle. "Not that you'd find that to be such an imposition..."
Terushima's eyes predictably followed your shamelessly appraising perusal of his lean, athletic form -- taking in the molten embers that flared to life in his already smoldering gaze. He momentarily dragged his pierced tongue across those full lips in a move so blatant it made your mouth go dry, clearly chewing over some filthy riposte to lob back in your direction.
Anxiety and something dangerously akin to arousal thrummed through you in equal measure as the heavy tension stretched out between you, thick as river mud. A few abortive throat-clearings from the other occupants of the waiting area finally snapped you out of the heated stalemate.
Flushing dull crimson, you backpedaled with a somewhat sheepish grin. "So uh...y'think we can squeeze in that new side-piece today? I've got the design reference and everything pulled up if you're free."
Terushima eyed you with a distinctly predatory gleam lingering in the depths of those tawny irises for another suspended beat. Then, with the flick of a switch, he was oozing pure professionalism once more -- chasing away the thick undercurrents of provocative energy as a friendly grin stretched across his angular features.
"Course we can, no sweat," he agreed easily, straightening away from the counter and nodding towards the interior corridor leading to the private studio spaces. "Right this way, let's get you set up so I can pour all my creative juices into whatever you had in mind."
You opened your mouth to sling back a rejoinder to that obscenely leading statement...but Terushima had already turned on his heel and was sauntering down the hall without a backward glance. All you could do was stand rooted in place, cheeks burning as you took a fortifying breath and moved to follow.
This was going to be one hell of a long session, you could already tell.
By the time Terushima had you arranged on the padded recliner, he had already helped shuttle any lingering tension over the edge into professionalism. He made quick, efficient work of prepping the arm you indicated for the new ink -- asking concise follow-up questions about placement, size, and the design inspirations you were aiming to channel with this latest addition to your body art.
For his part, you found the artist hyper-focused and in the zone once preparations were underway. He handled your limb with the utmost care, yet also an understated reverence that spoke to how seriously he took his craft. The bold slashes of colorful imagery covering his own sun-kissed skin served as a living portfolio of his talent, only whetting your anticipation more acutely as he pulled up the digital rendering and reference designs on a mounted tablet.
"Lookin' to weave in some of those natural scenery elements we discussed last time?" Terushima asked in a low, effortless rasp as he scrutinized the design mock-up with a critical eye. "Maybe incorporate some structural geometry from that hiking trail you're so in love with as the framing borderwork?"
His fingers danced across the digital sketchpad, making minute adjustments and allowances to the linework right before your eyes. The deft movements were hypnotizing -- much like watching an artistic savant at their most inspired and open. You hummed an affirmative, finding yourself momentarily distracted by the glide of those long, calloused digits working their magic to translate your vague musings into visual reality.
"If you think it will all tie together into one cohesive statement, I trust your interpretation completely," you managed at last. Flicking a glance up towards Terushima's face, you found his piercing stare locked intently on the developing design rather than meeting yours. The ambient glow of the screens threw mesmerizing shadows across the sharp planes of his features, beautifully sculpted as if an artisan themselves had chiseled every line to classical proportions.
You swallowed hard against a sudden surge of longing completely at odds with the benign circumstances. Ever since meeting Terushima through a mutual friend's referral and sitting for your very first piece, you had felt these increasingly intrusive flashes of appreciation towards the talented artist -- inexplicable yearnings to run curious fingertips across the bold strokes of color and crisp linework decorating his taut skin. To taste the bright zing of his sunny, artful essence against your feverish mouth in moments of inspired abandon...
Ruthlessly, you shoved such wayward thoughts aside with a mental shake. Now wasn't the time for thirst-addled daydreams about Terushima's no-doubt impressive assets...and skill set. Besides, the idea of ever acting on those burgeoning compulsions was utterly laughable. You were a client, period -- and one he obviously had strictly platonic vibes towards if his easy, unaffected demeanor around you was any indication. Still, you couldn't resist sneaking one last sidelong look at the mesmerizing picture he made while completely immersed in the creative process.
Terushima wore the consummate aura of an artistic genius so effortlessly. From the mussed tumble of pale blonde hair to the way his broad shoulders rolled subtly with each sweeping movement, he exuded a quiet intensity that was utterly arresting to behold up close. You felt your heart stutter as the muscles in his arms and chest flexed in fascinating undulations with the motions of sketching -- unconsciously etching themselves into your frantic memory for later, more indecent contemplations.
"There it is," he breathed at last after several long minutes of intent focus. Rising to his feet with an easy, athletic roll of lean hips, Terushima pivoted the mounted tablet towards your awaiting scrutiny. "Pretty neat way to incorporate those natural elements you were going for while keeping it all grounded with some unified geometric rendering, yeah? Those lines should flow perfectly into the top-piece you already have planned out once we finish inking."
You startled slightly at the proximity of his voice. Jerking your gaze away from where it had been tracing the crisp vee of Terushima's slender hips, you blinked owlishly before hurrying to study the design mock-up anew. He was right, of course -- the linework and shading additions he had incorporated into the base design were seamless. As if the original rendering you had fallen in love with online had been elevated into a whole new artistic expression without losing its core essence.
"Shit...that's perfect!" You exhaled at last, tipping your chin up to meet Terushima's illuminated stare with a look of naked appreciation. "I swear you make this seem easy!"
Entirely without conscious volition, you reached out to squeeze Terushima's forearm in a gesture of gratitude and friendly affection. The fevered thrum of his pulse against your fingertips was startling, a visceral reminder of the living canvas you were complimenting. When he flashed you one of those signature toothy grins, nothing but authentic warmth and satisfaction radiating from his features, you very nearly pulled your hand back with equal haste -- worried its lingering presence might broadcast the wrong sort of impression.
But then the moment passed as swiftly as it arose. With a subtle throat clearing, Terushima gave a slight nod and moved to finish setting up his workstation. He tossed over one lean shoulder as he moved with easy grace to prep his tattoo gun. "Should be a real nice tie-in with that upper flourish you already have going by the time we're done inking today..."
The next stretch of time passed in a sort of serene, creative fugue as the familiar buzzing of the tattoo gun filled the small studio space. Terushima was all intense focus and quiet competence once more as he went to work etching the permanent design into your proffered skin. You found yourself mesmerized watching the ink take shape beneath his deft hands -- an appreciation of art unlike any other as he coaxed your body into becoming the living canvas.
Of course, it was difficult not to grow steadily more attuned to Terushima's nearness as the minutes ticked by in heated silence. The man was all lean, honed muscle and clean, sharp lines where you lay soft and pliable beneath his careful attention. At one point you found your gaze tracing the corded sinew in his biceps as they flexed and released with each pass of the tattoo gun. Following the darkly appealing trail of inked patterns swirling up towards the solid juncture of his shoulders and--
You bit back a tiny groan of frustration, realizing you were once again allowing your thoughts to drift in an extremely inappropriate direction. Squeezing your eyes shut, you concentrated on the rasping buzz of the needle caressing your skin rather than let your heightened awareness of Terushima's body linger any longer.
Except...even that was a mistake.
The suddenly sharpened awareness of every subtle scrape and tingling kiss of sensation across your overly sensitized skin made you acutely conscious of where, exactly, the current canvas was being shaped on your body. Terushima was leaning over your inner arm, bent at an intense angle as he filled in the gracefully arcing lines spanning from wrist to elbow joint.
The position placed his face scant inches from the slight swell of your breast as he worked -- near enough that you could actually feel the lightest whispers of his exhales ghosting across the thin cotton covering your chest. Your nipples tightened despite yourself, shocking sparks of arousal lancing straight to your core at the proximity.
Desperately you tried to think unsexy thoughts. Rotted vegetation, unpaid bills, awkward family gatherings...but nothing could dampen the traitorous flush of heat steadily creeping across your nerve endings. Particularly not when Terushima shifted his weight closer to get better traction, practically looming over your upper torso at this point with one knee braced alongside your hip.
The male fibrous notes of his earthy body wash saturated the static-laced air blanketing you both. You breathed in deep, stunned at how quickly the atmosphere in the small studio had taken on such thick, charged undercurrents despite Terushima's complete immersion in his artistry. Each subtle inhalation brought a dizzying new swirl of his natural, masculine scent lacing through your senses...until you felt drugged and heavy-lidded simply from the resonant vibrations of his presence so intimately invading your aura.
Sensation after molten sensation lapped at your subconscious like so many retreating tides. Until at last, you couldn't ignore the heated tide pool gathering at your body's core any longer.
The pointed awareness of your insistent arousal made the heavy air around you both feel thick and charged as ionized smoke. You found your gaze drifting helplessly to the sharp vee of Terushima's sculpted collarbones peeking above the open collar of his shirt. Followed the lean cords of his sinewy throat working in subtle rhythm as he remained focused on his artistry flowing across your skin.
When your heated stare lingered on the captivating sight of his silver tongue piercing dashing across his full lower lip in an subconscious display of concentration, a tremulous sigh escaped your parted mouth. The soft exhalation seemed to reverberate in the tense silence surrounding you both, finally shattering whatever tranquil spell had fallen over the studio.
Terushima went still as death, piercing tawny gaze flickering up to find yours -- pupils already blown wide with unveiled desire. You watched with breathless anticipation as he slowly, deliberately dragged the tip of that tantalizingly studded tongue across his lips once more, maintaining searing eye contact all the while.
"Getting a little hot under the collar there?" he rasped after a protracted, loaded moment. His voice was a sandpaper rasp of pure provocation, sending an involuntary shudder cascading through you.
Despite the heated evidence of your body's pronounced interest in your current intimate position, you managed a shaky semblance of your usual unaffected bravado. "What can I say? All these glimpses of your 'artistry' on display have me...appreciating your full skillset," you husked in return, allowing your eyes to drag a deliberate path down the lean, tattooed canvas of his torso in a shameless ogle.
"Pretty sure that kind of appreciation is gonna cost extra though," Terushima growled in response -- low and full of sensual promise. Before you could formulate a rejoinder, he closed the scant distance between you with one smooth, predatory slide of his weight until you were essentially caged between the hard planes of his body and the unforgiving surface beneath.
Your breath caught in your throat as he braced one forearm alongside your ribcage, effectively trapping you while simultaneously allowing you an unobstructed view of every delicious inch of coiled muscle and colorful ink now on display. The heavy musk of him surrounded you utterly, drenching your senses in potent masculinity until your mouth practically watered from proximity alone.
"I distinctly remember someone being warned about behaving during our sessions," Terushima growled against the shell of your ear, lips brushing fire across your sensitized skin until you shuddered violently. "We might need to have a conversation about adding rush fees to your tab...if you keep squirming around while I'm workin' my magic like this..."
The suggestive undercurrent of meaning laced through every word had your core clenching with thrumming desire. You couldn't bite back the shameless whine that spilled free as the delicious heat of Terushima's body seared through your thin layers, pressing against you with tantalizing friction. Blindly, you reached out to anchor yourself by fisting a hand at the nape of his neck -- relishing the silken slide of short hair around your fingers as you tugged impatiently.
"Maybe I want to misbehave," you whispered without a hint of compunction, already shifting restlessly against the unyielding planes pinning you down. "I'm definitely craving some...overtime benefits to go along with your services."
Terushima let out a dark chuckle of sheer sin against your tingling pulse point. The wet heat of his tongue swept across the same electrified path a split-second later, sending lightning jolts of blistering arousal ricocheting down your nerve endings. You cried out in shameless bliss as his wicked mouth latched onto the sensitive juncture, suckling ardently while one broad palm palmed your ribs before skating sinuously lower...
As his calloused fingertips finally drifted beneath the hem of your shirt to brand searing paths across exposed skin, Terushima broke away with heated labored breaths. You watched him chase the mesmerizing glint of his tongue piercing with a lust-darkened stare, utterly entranced by the lurid promise blazing from every chiseled inch of his features.
"Better be sure you can handle this particular bit of artistry sweetheart," he growled at last, the gravelly burr sending fresh sparks of liquid heat pooling at your apex. "I have a feeling my...techniques are about to get pretty fucking intense before we're through..."
With that salacious warning, Terushima bent his shoulders and descended upon your parted lips in a searing kiss of pure possession. Your mouth welcomed the sensual invasion with a broken cry, arching eagerly to deepen the molten exchange.
The kiss was all tongue and teeth and white-hot desperation -- a tangle of need and lust and sheer intoxicating chemistry. Every slide of his talented tongue stud against the sensitive roof of your mouth sent another gush of molten arousal spilling between your thighs, until you were a writhing, pleading mess of raw sensuality beneath his expert touch.
All the while, Terushima kept up his deft assault on the hyper-sensitive nerves dotting your midsection -- skirting the outer edges of your needy sex but never quite making full contact. Each teasing pass only stoked the inferno roiling within your core until you were nearly ready to beg for more.
At last, when the searing heat at your core had become a raging conflagration, Terushima finally dragged his palm upward. The slow, torturous slide across feverish flesh had you keening into his kiss, desperate for the promise of more. Then his clever fingers were tracing the lace banding your ribcage before finally, blissfully sliding the material upwards and over your breasts.
A throaty growl escaped the artist's mouth as his hands cupped your naked flesh, kneading the tender peaks until you were nearly delirious with want. Breaking the kiss with a ragged curse, Terushima's tawny gaze dropped to rake an unabashedly hungry perusal of the bounty on display.
"Fuck me...you're goddamn perfection," he muttered under his breath, thumbing across the puckered peaks until you shuddered with renewed pleasure. Then he was bending to swirl his tongue around one nipple, drawing it deep into the scalding heat of his mouth to suckle mercilessly.
You writhed and sobbed against the delicious onslaught, hips bucking in restless, frantic search for the friction you needed most. Terushima took the movement as his cue to redouble his efforts, laving attention on first one nipple then the other. His wicked tongue stud grazed each sensitive bud with the most delicious pressure, leaving a wet, cooling trail of saliva in its wake that only served to heighten the throbbing ache between your legs.
By the time Terushima slid a calloused palm beneath the waistband of your jeans, you were already a dripping mess of desperate need. He didn't disappoint -- fingers finding your molten core with practiced ease. The artist hummed his appreciation against your collarbone as he traced your soaked slit, gathering the evidence of your arousal on dexterous digits.
"Jesus fucking Christ, look at this sweet cunt just begging for my cock," he groaned, nipping sharply at the underside of your jaw before laving the sting with his tongue. "And all mine...just gotta show you a bit more of my craftsmanship before I really get my fill, yeah?"
"Fuck...fuck...please," you whined, barely aware of the words spilling from your mouth as you writhed mindlessly beneath his relentless, expert touch. The blunt pads of Terushima's fingertips continued to circle your aching clit, alternating featherlight caresses with punishing strokes -- never giving you the leverage you needed to chase the impending release fluttering at the edge of your consciousness.
You were a mess of sensual desperation by the time he finally, mercifully slipped a finger inside your throbbing channel. His name was a breathy chant falling from your lips, a prayer for deliverance from the exquisite torment. Then, just as you felt your climax cresting -- a second finger plunged into the tight, slick sheath.
The sudden, delicious stretch was a shock to your system, forcing a startled gasp from your throat. Before you could catch your breath, Terushima was thrusting those thick, calloused digits with a rough, driving rhythm that had you sobbing and arching from the blinding sensations.
"That's it, give me what I need," he rasped against the shell of your ear. The guttural rasp was so full of pure masculine dominance and primal ownership that it nearly tipped you over the edge. But still, he kept his fingers just shy of hitting the right angle -- holding you right on the precipice until you were a wreck of incoherent babbling and shameless pleas for release.
Then, with one final twist and curl, the dam finally shattered. A scream ripped from your lungs as a wave of blinding ecstasy washed through you. Your core clenched violently around the invading digits, riding each crashing wave as Terushima worked you through the orgasm.
"So fucking beautiful...you have no idea how many times I've fantasized about this," he was saying, the words muffled against your sweat-dampened temple. "You coming undone around my fingers, so hot and wet and eager. Fuck, you're gonna feel so perfect around my cock. Just you wait..."
Terushima didn't stop pumping his fingers through the aftershocks, nor the filthy words dripping from his sinful mouth. Instead, he seemed to sense exactly how close you were to another crest and doubled down -- sliding a third finger into the pulsating grip of your channel. The sudden pressure was overwhelming, almost painful.
It was too much. Not enough. You were flying apart at the seams.
You were barely aware of the keening wail that accompanied the second crest -- a violent crescendo of sensations that left you gasping and limp against the padded chair. By the time your vision cleared, Terushima had pulled away to admire his handiwork. His fingers glistened with your release, and his pupils were blown wide with unmistakable hunger.
"I don't think I'm ever gonna get tired of seeing that look," he breathed after a protracted moment, voice raw with need. "Fuck, it's gonna be hard to walk out of this room right now. Pretty sure that was the hottest shit I've ever seen."
You couldn't find the words to respond, instead simply watching with glassy eyes as he dragged his soaked digits across his lower lip. When the tip of his pierced tongue darted out to lick the wetness clean, the blatant carnality of the gesture had another tremor racing through your limbs.
Terushima seemed to realize just how much he was affecting you -- if the sudden flash of pure lust across his chiseled features was any indication. As his eyes darkened impossibly further, his mouth quirked up into a devilish smirk.
"Y'know, there is something else we could do...to really put those creative juices of mine to work." The tone was a sinful rasp, dripping with sensual promise and wicked intent. It took a moment for the implication to sink in, but then your brain was short-circuiting again with a flood of white-hot arousal.
"You can't be serious," you managed in a broken whisper, unable to tear your gaze from the lewd picture his lips painted. "There's no way that will even fit."
Terushima just shrugged, the motion full of fluid grace as he rose smoothly to his feet. "Worth a shot," he rasped. "And who knows, maybe all the extra lubrication from those two orgasms you just gave me will make it easier..."
You swallowed hard, eyes flitting helplessly towards the very obvious tenting in the front of his pants. As if reading your mind, he made quick work of the zipper and shucked the garment entirely -- standing gloriously naked before you in all his chiseled, inked glory.
"Holy shit..." was all you could manage at the sight of him.
His erection was truly a work of art, in all the best possible ways. Thick and heavy, it curved upward with a slight upward tilt -- the tip already flushed an angry red and glistening with pre-cum. It looked impossibly large from your vantage point, though Terushima was already reaching down to fist the base with a lazy pump.
"Well? You wanna give it a try, or am I gonna have to take care of things myself?" The words were a playful rasp, laced with filthy insinuation and a challenge for you to rise to.
You felt the last vestiges of hesitation crumble away beneath the weight of your desire, giving way to the raw, primal urges screaming at you to throw yourself into Terushima's waiting embrace. In the blink of an eye, you were rising to your feet, stripping away the remaining clothing in a haphazard pile and stepping boldly forward to close the distance between you.
When his lean, tattooed torso collided with yours, the feeling was pure euphoria. Your mouths came together in a messy, passionate clash of tongues and teeth and desperation. Terushima's hands were everywhere, sliding over every curve and dip of your naked form like a man possessed.
Your own eager touch was no less frantic. You were consumed by the need to taste every inch of him, to feel the firm planes of his body pressed against you with delicious friction. As the heated slide of your skin against his became more frenzied, a litany of curses tumbled from Terushima's mouth -- a low, sensual stream of praise that had you nearly sobbing with need.
"You're gonna fuckin' kill me, but I have to have you. Now," he growled against the shell of your ear, punctuating the statement by fisting a hand in your hair and tugging hard. "Been dying to have you ride my cock, just like this. Need to feel this tight little cunt squeezing the cum out of me."
Before you could fully process the filthy declaration, you were being lifted off the ground. Then your back hit the padded recliner with a jarring impact that made you squeak in surprise. In a heartbeat, Terushima was bracketing your hips with his thighs and bracing both palms on either side of your head -- caging you in with the intoxicating heat of his body.
You whimpered at the heady sensation of him sliding his thick length between your legs, coating himself in your wetness. Then he was lining up at your entrance and pushing inside in a slow, relentless glide that had you arching and sobbing with the delicious pressure.
Terushima's head hung heavy above yours, jaw clenched tight and sweat-dampened strands of blonde hair sticking to his forehead. The corded muscles of his shoulders and neck stood out in sharp relief as he fought for control.
"Fuck me...so goddamn perfect, sweetheart. Gonna ruin me for any other pussy," he ground out. The gravelly rasp sent a fresh gush of liquid arousal spilling around his thick shaft. "Can't wait to feel you cumming all over my cock, milking me dry while I paint that pretty little cunt."
All you could do was whine incoherently in response, the sensation of being so perfectly stretched and full of him making it impossible to form words. It felt like you were being torn apart in the most glorious way possible, the sweetest ache throbbing between your thighs.
When Terushima finally started to move, you thought you might fly apart from the intensity. He pulled out slowly before slamming home in a powerful thrust that had you crying out and clawing at his shoulders. Each successive movement was more forceful than the last, the tempo building into a brutal rhythm that left you breathless and reeling.
Your entire world shrank down to the single point of contact where your bodies moved as one. Terushima was growling unintelligible filth in your ear, telling you how perfect and tight and wet you were, how he couldn't wait to see you come all over his cock. The filthy words stoked the flames of your pleasure, the mounting pressure reaching an impossible pitch.
Just when you thought you couldn't possibly take anymore, Terushima reached down between your sweat-slickened bodies and found your swollen clit. His expert touch was like an electrical current, sending bolts of sizzling pleasure ricocheting through every nerve ending. You felt the dam inside you breaking, the release coming in a violent torrent that had you screaming his name and shaking beneath him.
Terushima was right behind you, groaning and grinding his pelvis against yours as his cock twitched and pulsed. Then he was cumming inside you in thick, hot spurts. His lips were on yours, devouring you in a kiss full of pure primal passion and need. You clung to him with a ferocity that should have alarmed you, but it was impossible to care.
"Fuuuuck...you are everything I dreamed and more," Terushima rasped against the sweat-slicked column of your throat. The words were barely coherent, but they sent a thrill of pleasure and satisfaction rushing through your veins. "
You hummed in agreement, relishing the warm, heavy weight of his body on top of yours. After a moment, he stirred and pressed a lazy, lingering kiss against your mouth.
"Y'know, we still got time before our next appointment...and I'm sure as hell not finished with you yet," he murmured. There was an undercurrent of suggestion in the graveled tone, and the implication was enough to have your core clenching around him.
"Better not be," you shot back, nipping at his bottom lip. "Because we're definitely adding rush fees to that tab."
"Mmmm...you're gonna pay in the best way possible, baby. Trust me."
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rosemarysquirk · 3 months
|| cw: breeding kink, shameless smut LMAO fem reader implied but hey, omegaverse this if you please ||
|| wc: 516 ||
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oh he is on you like a man possessed.
you don't even remember how it came up, but the next thing you knew, Hizashi was holding both of your shoulders and looking at you with big, sparkling eyes, even peeking up from behind those glasses of his which looked like they were about to fall off his face.
the only appropriate way to describe the way he had you laid out was a mating press, which was fitting with all the lewd words spilling out of his mouth. getting this man to spill his actually guts was a difficult task, one usually only Shouta or Nemuri could pull off..
though, you had managed it with one little idea. children.
Hizashi loved the idea of having kids of his own, more importantly, the sight of his lovely partner nice and pregnant. all plump and round with the little ball of joy growing inside of them.. and he wasn't afraid to let you know now that it was on the table. "God, you are just gonna look so damn sexy," he would whine into your ear, he was always so damn whiny. his arms would hook up under your knees, pressing your thighs tight against your chest while he slid his arms under you to hold onto your shoulders, leaving you at his complete mercy. how he could just fold you like a damn pretzel was beyond you, but you had other things to worry about.
"You're just gonna look so sexy with stretch marks baby, all swollen with my kids,, 'nd fuck your hips are gonna get so much wider.. can't wait for you to start lactating either- don't know how much I'll be willin' to share.."
only his voice, the wet suction between your two, sweat covered bodies, and the muffled playback of the music he was broadcasting filled the studio. "I can't wait to have a couple of kids running around.. can't wait, gods I can't wait. 'm gonna make sure you're nice and full, 'kay?" he would press his face into the side of your neck, his grin only growing wider as he repeatedly drilled his hips into yours, right on top of his sound panels. "Nice 'nd full, gotta keep you nice and full of me, baby.. gonna keep you pregnant 's long as I can.."
and really any voice you had left, only being able to let out high pitched whines and bubbly little noises from your throat, drool sliding down your chin as he quite literally fucked you silly. this man does not know slow, tender lovemaking, but then again, nothing about him is slow or tender.
he was probably on his third orgasm, and you had lost count, especially since every he pumped you full. he just wouldn't take a minute to stop and would immediately fuck any of his cum right back out of you, just to give you the excuse, ".. 's terrible to let it all go to waste like that.. gotta fill you up again."
needless to say, you were in for a longer friday night than you expected.
|| banner credit: @/cafekitsune ||
|| AHHH HAIII i'm not dead i was just going thru life lmao anyway this is for tam hi tam i hope you enjoy || || P.S my reqs are ALWAYS open bbgs ||
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lainsshop · 2 months
Secreto De Amor ౨ৎ
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Pairing: Human ! Alastor x Male ! Reader
Tags: angst(?), forbidden love, complicated relationship(?), fluff(?), out of character(?), n probably more..
Song: Secreto de Amor by Joan Sebastian.
A/N: real literature is back!! kidding but it’s my first time doing male reader- as always any feedback is appreciated, thank you!
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“If I could, I will change your name.”
The first thing Alastor heard in his twisted lil’ mind of his when he woke up in his bed, staring at the ceiling, thinking.
Ever since he met you, his life was more riskier than before, sure, his killer activity is already risky but falling in love with you, a man, was even riskier.
What would people think-? A radio host liking a man? In the 20s, goodness!
Alastor never felt so much before, this is the first time in years that he felt so.. he couldn’t quite describe the feeling. A movement brought him back to reality and he went stiff as he felt someone next to him. Was he hallucinating? Was he still dreaming? Was he lucid dreaming-?
“I’m going to change your name, to keep the secret..” He felt someone whispering to him, that someone being you. He blinked a few times and finally saw you next him as you played with one of his curls. “Reader-” You cut him up short with a small kiss on his lips-
He finally woke up, panting slightly, trying to catch his breath processing what just happened. He slowly brought one of his hands to touch his lips. He was thinking about you more he should. He turn to look at the time. Shit- his radio show.
All dressed up, walking through the broadcasting studio halls, greeting everyone with his signature smile. As he opened the door to his studio, he saw you, he almost lost his composure but quickly recovered. “Ah, my favorite radio host companion, how are you in this fine morning?” He spoke in his usual amuse tone.
You gave him a smile of your own and greeted him back. “Fine as always, dear, am I your companion now?” You teased a bit as you tilted your head, leaning back on your chair. Alastor just chuckled at as he sat on his own chair. “You very much know, reader, that we can’t be like that in public.”
You let out a small laugh at that. “I know but I can’t help and be all.. you know..” You slowly said, bopping his nose.
He looked at you for a few seconds, he didn’t know if he was admiring you and how good you look today or-
He cleared his throat and grin as he started to organize for the broadcast. “You’re such a sap, reader, I’ve always wondered why are you like this with me.” As he was sorting papers out and trying to clean his part of the desk, he was a bit caught off guard when you leaned closer to him. Both of you locking eye contact- “Because I love you and..” You paused. “And you love me.” You said that so confidently, he wanted to argued back, to tell you lies, to make an excuse, to say something, anything really but he just looked at you with those eyes of his.
You sighed quietly and leaned back in your chair. “But of course, we owe respect to.. everyone.” You sounded disappointed and he hated that. He hated how much the world views people like both of you and even if it wasn’t much of a thing, it was still viewed as wrong.
He wanted to say something but decided not to and you both prepared to broadcast.
Another successful broadcast and now Alastor was walking you home since he insisted very much and who you were to deny such nice thing.
“I dreamed about you.” You turn to look at him as he spoke. “Really now?” You smiled at that. “I didn’t know such people like you dreamed about lovely things.” He chuckled at your teasing comment. “Oh, believe me, this is the first time I’ve done so, it was quite.. interesting,”
You hum. “You know, it’s interesting how you said the same thing about changing my name in it.” Now that caught your attention really bad and you let out a laugh. “Did you thought about it so hard that it made it into your twisted mind?” “No, it was just a very ridiculous statement, reader.” “Uh-huh, sure, darling.”
A beat of silence and- “I’m serious though, if I could-“ “We’ve been through this, re-“ You cut him off short when you leaned closer to his ear and whispered to him. “I’ll change your name to Glory cause you deserve it.”
Now that, that he didn’t expect, he had a few moments were he was flustered by your words and this was one of them. “I- could you quit being such a fool for a second?” He said after proceeding what you’ve said and you were just laughing at his reaction.
“I think we should kiss~” “Quit it.” “Oh, cmon, just a small one?” He wanted to be annoyed at the moment but he couldn’t resist you plus you were both now moon kissed by the moonlight all alone. And you did. Even if it was small it felt good for Alastor, oh, how he wish to be like this every single day without people judging and such.
I love you like no other.
Locking eye contact, admiring each other. “And I still want to change your name.. but I don’t change the story,” You said, intertwining your hands with his. “Whatever you’re called, for me, you are glory.” His eyes softened at those words of yours.
“Will you ever stop being such a romantic, my dear?” He teased a bit. You put a hand on your chest. “Can’t a man express his love?” You said with an exaggerating dramatic tone. You both started to laugh and continued with your destination.
Both of you were invited to a party, a fancy one at that but before that you and him had an argument. Apparently, someone from the job saw y’all that same night and asked questions about it.
“In front of people, don’t look at me, don’t call me, don’t do anything!” He said a bit annoyed as you just looked at him trying not to argue back. “Even if you love me, reader.. do not do any nonsense in public, it could ruin my rep- our reputation!” Of course you knew that, you knew better cause you’ve been through this multiple times.
Partner after partner after another trying to hide a relationship with you. A secret that no one knew. It was exhausting, trying to hide away and couldn’t express themselves, you knew that all too well.
And now you were sitting on a bench far away from the party, you couldn’t face the people after that argument with him.
“What a punishment..” You muttered out quietly. In front of all of those people, you were just viewed as a friend and nothing more. Always known as Alastor’s radio host companion. And it sucked knowing that people will never know that you were his lover-
“What a pain.” You cursed yourself, you didn’t know if to feel guilt or pain from what happened. It felt like your fault, almost ruining your lovers reputation, such a fool.
“A pain indeed, dearest.” Your soul almost jumped out of your body went you heard that and you turned around to see him.
“What the fu-“ “Ah, ah.. language.” He said putting a finger on your lips. You just looked at him with furrowed eyebrows, you were about to speak when suddenly Alastor grabbed you chin and tilted it so you could see each others eyes.
“I’m a grown man, Al.” “Well, it doesn’t suit you.” You wanted to be annoyed at him but he always had an effect on you.. the way he looked at you which such care-
“Don’t you have a party to be at? And leave me in the shadows like you always d-“ He cut you off by kissing you. You were shocked. It wasn’t just the normal kisses like you always do.. it had such more meaning, such deepness, such love. You were starting to get dizzy but that doesn’t matter, nothing matter, no one else mattered.
“I love you, reader.” The first hung he said before pulling back and pushing a few strands of your hair away. “And you’re more than just a secret love..” You didn’t knew what to say or do.
You just froze there like if time stopped. “I will let you change my name, I will let you kiss me and show your love towards me like any other day in front of everyone without care,”
You were left breathless, you were trying to process what the fuck was happening. “But that will wait for another time, darling.” He grabbed your hands and kissed the back of them.
You kissed him. That was the only way for you to show any response of his words until an I love you too left out of your mouth.
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mirageofadesert · 11 months
Luo Yunxi's next drama is coming!
This is what we know can assume so far! I got so excited, I had to write about it!
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Well, first of all, a lot of this information hasn't been confirmed yet. Particularly around the cast, there are many contradictory rumors.
The drama is currently called Shui Long Yin (水龙吟). It will likely start filming mid-November 2023 in Hangdian. It's going to be a long shoot with 4-5 month. This means it's likely going to have a full 40 episodes.
The drama is an adaptation of Teng Ping's novel 千劫眉. This is the author from the recently aired Mysterious Lotus Casebook. Going from what I have picked up from the original novel, there are some similarities between both stories, mainly centering on the dynamics between multiple male characters, with no female love interests. There is also the possibility, that MLC scriptwriters added some parts of 千劫眉 to the other story, so both might be a bit (too) similar. So we will see what kind of further adaption will be made.
The drama will be directed by Chen Zhoufei, who has done mostly modern dramas, as well as the recently shot Shao Nian Bai Ma Zui Chun Feng Season 2, another Wuxia bormance drama.
We can assume, that the drama will be produced by Otter Studio again, who already worked with Luo Yunxi for Immortality and Till The End of The Moon. As for the broadcast platforms, rumor has it, that there is an ongoing biting war between Yukou and Mango. Currently, it seems like Mango TV is winning, and the show will be additional aired on Hunan TV - which will reach a broader audience! I'm not an expert on this, but not many Wuxia and Xianxia dramas get aired on TV, so this is a big deal!
The rumored cast of the drama changes from day to day. The two names attached to the show the longest (besides Luo Yunxi) are Xiao Shun Yao and Chen Yao. Both have been acting with Luo Yunxi before in either TTEOTM or in Chen Yao's case in the yet to air Immortality and Follow Your Heart. There is another cast member of Follow Your Heart appearing on the possible cast list for the first time: Cheng Lei!
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While I haven't seen Chen Yao in a drama yet, I'm really excited about the possibility of Xiao Shun Yao, who I loved in Mysterious Lotus Bookcase, and Cheng Lei, who was one of my favorites in My Journey to You. I'm trying not to get my hopes up, since the cast will likely change! But then there is also this:
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As for the rest of the cast, in today's melon, Bao Shangen, Lin Yun and Yu Chengen are (tentative) named. All of them are young and upcoming actors. So far, there doesn't seem to be a real female lead, just like in the novel. However, other melons name Liu Haocun or Zhang Xueying (Princess Silver) or Bao Shangen as potential candidates for the female lead. So we will have to wait for the official announcement. But it's fun to speculate!
Another rumor I saw is that my beloved Sun Zhenni (Pianran from TTEOTM) will make a guest appearance! I also wouldn't be surprised to see some of the usual suspects making another appearance next to Luo Yunxi!
Now, as someone that adore world-building, I'm particularly excited about the style of the show. It's said to be a mix of wuxia and xianxia tropes and aesthetics, and this is a main reason that so many platforms are interested in it. We get some indicators from the poster.
Let's look at the details of the official poster:
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White hair, I repeat, white hair! The main character Tang Lici is described as ruthless and is famous for his long white hair! I'm so excited for this. Are we finally going to see Luo Yunxi in white hair for a drama?!
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I also love the color scheme of white, peach and black of the poster. It looks like there is a black flute stuck in his belt. He is also holding a bowl of food, maybe a seashell? That looks too random, to be a coincidence. So he likely will use musical cultivation as a weapon.
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I'm not sure how the dragon relates to his character. Maybe he is one, maybe he is called one? Either way, it would be Luo Yunxi's third time playing a dragon, after Wangye and Runyu. This one seems to be related to water again.
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In his most recent interview, Luo Yunxi mentioned, that he is already preparing for the role, learning lines and diving into his character. I can't wait for more!
Sources: Twitter 1, Twitter 2, My Drama List
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everlasting-rainfall · 4 months
Hey, everyone. I'm on mobile right now so excuse any problems with what I'm doing
I have a request for all of you, and it's about requests. I'm requesting you to send more in but of specific types.
Im going through some stuff currently and it's very stressful...
So I'll get to the point. I'd like you all to please send in requests about certain things so I have something comforting to work on.
Im gonna answer them once everything has cleared up and gotten a bit better
Its something to keep me occupied when I'm bored of other things.
Now then the types of requests I'd like you to send in are basically things that bring me a lot of comfort
Ask me about my OC's like something simple like "What are their worst fears?", "How do they deal with *insert scenario*", and "What would happen if *insert scenario*?"
I do have a post about them and I do have a recent post about them that includes their designs. Plus a few old ones that describe in detail.
I don't know if it's in the masterlist though... Sorry!
Also I do have some other new ones too like Esme the Angel whose Nika's wife, Tender the Skeleton whose T-Bones Wife, Dot the Slime Girl whose Paulie and Iceberg's wife, etc
Another thing is to please send in requests for comfort characters of mine. I'll warn you though that some of my comfort characters are probably odd.
Theyre comfort in the sense of big scary evil thing that could and would squash you like an insect is kind hearted and soft with someone...
My comfort characters are the following...
-Figarland Garling
-Obscure Characters (It is always fun to write them!)
Another thing for comfort characters would probably be like platonic/familial yandere scenarios meaning no romance
My comfort characters for these are different of course and they're the following
-The Vegapunks
-The Marines of Navarone (G8)
-Movie Characters
-Accino Family (Ice Hunter Arc)
-Shanks and his Crew
-Straw Hats
-Kozuki Family
-Any Seven Warlords of the Sea Characters
Remember that there won't be any romance for you with these characters if you ask for platonic or familial
Another thing is that I like to write for new concepts. Since I don't have time to explain any of my AU's.
I'll list them off with a tiny summary and let you pick one that sounds interesting. Feel free to ask questions and I'll answer them when my internet is back on
-Crane Game AU
Reaching into a crane game to grav something only to be grabbed and pulled into a plush world
-Love Apocalypse AU
A virus turns people into zombies focused on love, you got it and wound up with someone. What happens when the virus is cured and the person doesn't wanna let you go?
-Fiction into Reality AU
Fictional character winds up in your world and wants to take you back with them
-Mystical Forest AU
Living in a town surrounded by a giant forest on all sides, it's full of monsters and one of the monsters decides they like you.
-Containment AU
Monsters have returned to be the dominant species of earth as humans hurt the earth. Monsters have been captured and it's basically SCP Foundation.
-Pastel Broadcast AU (Beware, this one is based off the Dark Web)
Being sold to someone on the dark web who hosts a pastel and cutesy broadcast where they do typical dark web stuff. You think you're next until they say the new episode of their broadcast is about introducing a new character. You.
-Coraline AU
Self explanatory I feel
-Time Traveller AU
Invent a time machine, go back in time, get mistaken for someone who passed away. Time is slowly modifying to turn you into that person for real.
-Toon AU
Find an old animation studio that brought its mascot to life. The mascot brings you to their world and you slowly are turning into a toon like them.
Those are the au's and you can suggest familial/platonic for any of these by the way.
You also don't have to request my comfort characters if you really don't want to
And that should be all that I have to say. Thank you so very much if you decide to send in a request.
And if you don't then still thank you for reading this.
See you later! And thank you again!
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Jennifer Strange and The Tragic Water-Drinking Challenge
In January 2007, 28-year-old Jennifer Strange tuned into her favourite radio station KDND-FM 107.9 based out of Sacramento, California, and began rocking away to her favourite tunes.
As the radio show went on, the DJs announced an upcoming event that caused Jennifer’s ears to prick up.  The event was a challenge, and the winner would win the much coveted Nintendo Wii console. Jennifer fancied her chances and believed she could win, so she called the station and entered the competition.
Days later, Jennifer received a call from KDND-FM congratulating her on being accepted as one of the lucky participants in the upcoming challenge. On January 12th, 2007, just after 6:00 AM, Jennifer arrived at the radio station along with 20 other participants. 
They were briefed on the ‘Hold Your Wee for a Wee’ challenge and told they would need to chug 240 ml (8oz) bottles every 15 minutes and hold their urine for as long as possible. Whoever could hold out the longest would be declared the winner.  Prizes were also up for grabs for those who placed second and third, and the radio station was buzzing with excitement.
At 6:45 AM, the DJs kicked off ‘The Morning Rave’ show, and the competition began. At first, everything seemed fine. Contestants drank bottle after bottle at 15-minute intervals, and there was no sign of trouble. An hour into the contest, James Ybarra, one of the contestants, quit. He told the LA Times that his bladder was unable to take anymore. 
Ybarra remained at the studio and noted that after he quit, the water bottles provided for the challenge had been doubled in size to 480 ml (16.8 oz). Despite this change, the contestants continued to guzzle down water. 
During the morning show, a nurse called into KDND-FM to warn them of the potential side effects of drinking that much water in a short space of time. She informed them of ‘water intoxication,’ a rare but possible condition that could be triggered by the challenge. 
One of the on-air DJs remarked, “Can you get water poisoning and like die?” To which another replied, “Not with water. Your body is 98 percent water, why can’t you take in as much water as you want?”
The DJs later stated they were aware of the dangers and stated the contestants had signed release forms therefore, they were not responsible for damages. In actuality, the DJs had NOT warned Jennifer, or the other contestants about the possibility of water intoxication. Clips from the broadcast were later obtained in which one DJ said “Maybe we should have researched this before.”
The competition neared the 3-hour mark and the end of the contest. It was at this time that Jennifer began complaining of pain in her stomach.
Jennifer was also heard saying that her head hurt and “They keep telling me that it’s the water. That it will tell my head to hurt and then it will make me puke.”
After 3 gruelling hours, the competition was over. Jennifer had placed 2nd and won herself tickets to see Justin Timberlake. In those 3 hours, Jennifer Strange had consumed 2 gallons, 7.6L of water, an amount that would prove to be fatal. 
Shortly before 10:00 AM, Jennifer was shuffled out of the KDND-FM studios in what was described as a ‘bad condition’. DJs were heard asking Jennifer on air if she was okay and asking her if she was going to pass out. She continued to complain of intense pain in her stomach and head. 
She climbed into her car, grabbed her phone, and called her manager at the Radiological Associates of Sacramento. Jennifer cried during the entire call, telling her manager that she wouldn’t be making it to work that day. She again complained of the intense pain she was in and how sick she felt. Her manager told her to rest and take it easy, but this would be the last time anyone ever heard from Jennifer Strange. 
A few hours later, Jennifer’s mother arrived at her home after Jennifer’s colleagues had contacted her as they were concerned about her earlier call. Jennifer’s mother entered the home and found it in complete silence. 
She called out to her daughter, but there was no response. When she entered the bathroom, she found her daughter lying dead on the floor. 911 was called, and paramedics were summoned to the scene.
Unfortunately, there was nothing they could do to save Jennifer, and she was officially declared deceased. 
Jennifer’s husband, Billy Strange, was informed of his wife’s passing and was immediately incensed by the actions of KDND-FM. He believed his wife was in safe hands that morning, only for her to die hours after the challenge.
Ed Smith, the Assistant Sacramento County Coroner, was assigned Jennifer’s case, and from the initial results, he knew that Jennifer had died due to water intoxication. It was confirmed by the station that Jennifer had consumed 7.6 L (2 gallons) in a 3-hour period, an action that carried deadly consequences. 
In 2009, Billy Strange and Jennifer’s family filed a lawsuit against the radio station as they had refused to accept responsibility for her death. 
The court case revealed that KDND-FM had known months prior to the competition that what they were doing was dangerous. They had been adequately warned about the possibility of water intoxication but decided to proceed with the competition.  The DJs remarked that the contestants had signed waivers, which meant they were not culpable for what happened.
The defense lawyer for KDND-FM tried to deflect the blame onto Jennifer, stating she must accept some responsibility for her actions as she should have known that drinking too much water could be fatal. 
Billy and Jennifer’s family were outraged by these comments, retorting that Jennifer was not made aware of these risks by the radio station and was only operating with the information readily available to her.  As a result, at least 10 people, including the DJs who hosted the show and contest were let go from their jobs. 
It was also discovered that the contest was not meant to happen in the first place. The contest had not been submitted to the radio station’s legal team and had not been officially sanctioned nor been subjected to safety checks.
Jennifer’s family was awarded $16.5 million in compensation for the wrongful death of Jennifer Strange.  $16.5 million will ensure that Jennifer’s daughter, who has no memories of her mother, will be set up with a good future and be provided for. Jennifer’s death was completely preventable, and no amount of money will ever bring her back.
Billy and Jennifer’s parents hope her story will highlight the dangers of overhydration and water intoxication and prevent any more water-drinking contests in the future.
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silveragelovechild · 2 months
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I saw the trailer for “Fly Me to the Moon” a while back. It’s a comedy about faking the Apollo moon landing starring Channing Tatum and Scarlett Johansson. They are popular and good looking. I thought it would be a hit.
I was wrong. It opened very nearly on the 55th anniversary of the actual moon landing and… failed spectacularly at the box office. It earned only $31 million against its $100 million budget. It probably needed to make $200 to break even.
Aftering being away on vacation, it’s the first movie I decided to see - purely based on my reaction to the trailer. I didn’t read and reviews in advance. I had hoped it would be an old fashioned screwball comedy. But I don’t think director Greg Berlanti knew what kind of movie he wanted to make. He has directed 3 other movies (two gay comedies) but most of his experience is with superhero shows (aka The ArrowVerse).
The movie starts off okay… Johansson plays a super successful New York ad executive right out of “Madmen”. Woody Harrelson arrives as a super secret Richard Nixon operative who needs her to improve the public’s perception of the Apollo program. For some reason he needed to blackmail her which didn’t quite make sense.
In Florida Johansson and Tatum met-cute. He’s the Apollo mission’s launch director and doesn’t think he needs her help. He resists her every way he can.
After successfully doing her job, Harrelson then tells Johansson he wants a backup plan in case the moon landing fails. He wants her to organized a secret fake film of the landing to broadcast instead. Of course this puts her at odds with her budding romance with Tatum.
Let me cut to the chase… even if this is a screwball comedy (which it’s not) the plot makes no sense. Harrelson wants to use the actual audio of Armstrong/Aldrin from the moon but use the fake video of Johansson’s mock up. Huh?
If the Lunar Module arrived without crashing, no disaster, therefore the fake footage is unnecessary.
Then there’s the fake drama created as a wedge between Johansson and Tatum. Apparently Johansson’s character has a secret criminal past (just like Don Draper) that Harrelson uses to blackmail her. This was so unnecessary - couldn’t she just have been a successful ad exec without that bullsh#t?
Then there’s Tatum’s backstory. He feels personally guilty for the deaths of the astronauts in the Apollo 1 launch testing disaster. I can just imagine the writer’s room discussion about how they needed to add more gravitas to the story and let Tatum prove his acting chops. Again totally unnecessary.
At the age of 44, Tatum is 8 years older than Gene Kranz was in 1969 (the actual flight director). In his first scene I noticed that Tatum looked like he had very obvious stage makeup. Throughout the movie, except for two lines between his eyebrows, he had absolutely no wrinkles… no crows feet when he smiled, no lines across his forehead, no laugh lines. (BTW, Kranz was not the flight director for Apollo 1.)
At the end, the movie attempts to become a comedy again with antics involving Chekhov’s Black Cat. When all else fails, throw in some slapstick. (The poster above spoilers the ending.)
And my final petpeeve - Berlanti, who is opening gay, included a character (played by gay actor Jim Rash) who is the worst gay stereotype - he can only be described as “f@ggy”.
The fact that the movie flopped at the box office, probably doesn’t matter to Apple Studios who produced it. They didn’t care that 2023’s “Napoleon” lost $165 million.
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mako-neexu · 1 year
guda-chan idol AU reverse harem + past life remembered AU that includes everything i ever want that caters to my needs, romaguda where romani secretly hides his crush on ritsuka as the school nurse but also hes a helplessly in love fan and absolutely does Not pour his savings into buying merch of her (da vinci and mash says its creepy for a 30s to do this, ritsuka doesnt think so and romani agrees), as the school nurse he really cares for her genuinely since for some reason, he feels soft towards her ever since meeting her- the girl having stumbled across an empty classroom he was using where they talked for a bit and he felt this closeness and familiarity towards her that he cant describe, and if he oversteps boundaries he'd do dogeza insantly, he would combust if ritsuka so much as holds his hand though,
kadoguda where kadoc doesnt care about her career, very chill friend ritsuka loves to hang out with, really likes the music that ritsuka makes since a majority of it is composed by her or the lyrics are by her when she's invited to help out on another artist, he likes her MVs, her voice, some of the animation she made by herself, hes impressed by her skill in art, and especially her being multilingual, wdyM she can converse in fluent russian with him?? where did she learn that???yes she can she even knows a few dead language and speaks it well. not sus at all. and also nonope he doesnt have a crush on her. he definitely doesnt volunteer to be the one to drag her to her bed to rest instead of practicing another dance routine.
also obeguda where oberon is an actor-seiyuu-singer and because they voiced two characters in a show called 'Avalon le Fae', another sequel to an ongoing anime series that was popular in japan and their characters' ship blew up locally and internationally, they did collabs sometimes, they were invited to do dramalogues, also to radio broadcasts, gameshows, talkshows together etc. hosts even try to ask the both of them if theyre dating but they always somehow dodge the topic. since oberon's character almost matches his own feelings during the avalon le fae voice recording session, he's surprised by ritsuka having immediately understood the assignment as "Master of Chaldea". the studio decided to pick the female Master this time to take over for the male Master. just a one time thing (but could change depending on people's views since the director of the entire series liked using male Master as much as possible for fanservice and bc shounen genre) so with Master of Chaldea being a girl this time, everyone is excited to see how it would play out. after all, female Master of Chaldea never got the chance to shine in the soptlight in the main story.
the way ritsuka voices 'Master of Chaldea' feels... raw, natural. she understood their pain as someone who has killed innocent worlds just for a chance at survival, she understood the burden of being a commander for ghosts who can kill her in an instant, she understood the weight of what 'Master of Chaldea' entailed in the entire series. theres a pleasant lilt to her voice when the moment is quiet in the scene, especially during her nightly conversations with the Fairy King who was the "only servant summoned in the lostbelt to help Chaldea" . her voice is strong and determined yet there is fear, there is that sense of "i have to move and save someone. i have to try even if it will be useless in the end. i have to try. i cant save everyone but i have to try." in her voice when someone dies, when someone is hurt, when someone close to her disappears. ritsuka's voice acting especially shines during the 'Lost Will' episode/scene. where she conveys 'Master of Chaldea's feelings as if it truly truly is her own. and either shes just really passionate or something about the character resonates with her. so this makes oberon watch her more carefully. avalon le fae also gives ritsuka the chance to befriend artoria again, who was the star (hehe) for this show despite being a little new to the entertainment world. and because ritsuka loves castoria no matter the world, ritsuka devotes every spare time she has into spending time with artoria. and artoria is almost always flustered bc wtf wtf fujimaru ritsuka is holding my hand?! she's kissing my cheek!? wtf do i do!?aaaaæåâa. ritsuka also teases oberon, which then leads to oberon breaking out of his princely facade to retort back because of course, no matter the world, only yakudou trio can mess with each other's masks and call each other out haha. in anycase, this AU's oberon is also looking for his titania in a way. and so with avalon le fae's story, it feels like ritsuka is constantly calling him out for real and not just towards his character but to himself too. maybe there is even a party...maybe a ball for the entire staff that lets oberon and ritsuka do a more intimate talk as just 'themselves'. they could even dance together which would fuel more rumors of them dating and also for my obeguda needs. oberon also notices she has so many very faint scars that can easily be covered up by makeup or photoshop which would allude to her past life but of course she keeps that knowledge secret. again, oberon's attention towards her is sharpened. her work as an entertainer with her multiple talents allows her to do maybe even thrice of what he usually does with his own roles and things only he can do. theres of course that natural enormous pressure she feels as an entertainer, multilinguist and artist, and also because she's only a 2nd year student, even she herself wouldnt know when to take a break and stop. naturally, there would be haters, people who think of her annoying, people who thinks she is a leech taking credit, people who think she's just sleeping her way through. there would even be some people trying to harass her or even try to ruin her. of course, she takes it all with a smile. and maybe at a fansign event, someone throws food at her as revenge for not replying to the fan in one of her tweets. but of course, she's strong. that's how she was even back then. this is no place to be weak. you dont deserve to show a sign of weakness or arrogance. you have to keep up with your image just like back then. instead, she's just forgiving which angers oberon. maybe obeguda also do a small commercial up in the mountains for filming, which naturally of course rains, ritsuka gets lost, knocked unconscious, oberon goes to get her despite other staff protests, when he finds her though its raining harder and he cant see but theres a small abandoned house nearby they could use for temporary shelter. they spend the time together warming themselves. augh fluff and angst moment basically but they talk more, there is more understanding...a majority of this post is basically obeguda now wtf.
for romaguda, i can think of ritsuka surprising romani with a really expensive slice of strawberry cake she gifts him with on a random day, romani tending to her injuries after she sprains herself and he catches her in time, ritsuka staying over at romani's place since she just missed the last train home. also romani doing his best to hide his merch of her as fast as he can with the unplanned visit from her. ritsuka also teasing him with 'roman-kun' as if they were classmates which would KO romani...then out of nowhere ritsuka one day hugs him tight on what was supposed to be a happy christmas for everyone. and she's just... really sad yet happy as she hugs him tight, (someone describing her expression to be 'romantic' back then). ritsuka tells romani how much she appreciates having him by her side and seeing him happy, living a relaxed life. of course, romani is confused but nonetheless he appreciates it and is flustered by ritsuka saying this. he doesnt know why she's suddenly soft towards him. softer than usual but he doesnt like seeing her look as if she was on the verge of tears. he doesnt truly know the answer until... he finds her sketchbook that was left in her classroom. he knows he shouldnt peek but hes curious... so he could just pretend that he didnt see it. her sketches are wild to say the least. theres somehow drawings of orleans in early century with... two identical women fighting with flags, companions and dragons, theres even rome drawn? she drew the argonauts? is that nightingale? she's cetainly scary.. theres even some knight of the round table too... was she a fan of myth and legend? then on the last page... romani sees an awfully familiar throne, with rocks floating about, black and red tendrils around stone white pillars, a huge band of light as well as... a man with white hair and dark skin but he couldnt see his face due to the man facing the throne, his hands stretched out into the sky as... rings float away from his grasp and there was ritsuka herself, drawn bloody and crying as she clutches at a massive shield on the ground and somehow.. somehow a pang of pain shoots right through him seeing this scene. he swallows. his hands grow weak, he carefully sets the sketchbook back on the table as he takes a moment to breathe. what was that? what was that? he doesnt know what to think except... it was familiar in a way he cant describe. nevertheless he looks back at the beautiful artwork again, this time seeing the cursive title and date "The Time of Parting has Come, He is the One who Lets Go of the World (12/25/20XX)" today, this piece was finished today, which was accomanied by ritsuka's signature under it. even though romani doesnt completely understand, he does understand the pain ritsuka was feeling when she hugged him earlier.
i also want to add edguda but i still have to think of what kind fo good position gankutsuou can take that allows him to be able to be close to her...
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Gitta Lindemann - Meine Fensterplätze
Gitta Lindemann published her first book recently, in it she talks about the end of the GDR, her husband and her son Till. Article from Nordkurier.de 2023-10-23
googly translated
Rammstein singer's mother also writes a declaration of love to her son
It took Gitta Lindemann more than 80 years of life to publish her first book. In it, the former culture editor also writes about her famous son Till.
Gitta Lindemann belongs to an artistically diverse family. Her former husband, Werner Lindemann (1926-1993), was one of the most famous poets in the GDR . His poems for children were part of school reading at the time. The Lindemanns' son also writes impressive poems. Till Lindemann made a name for himself above all as the singer and frontman of the band Rammstein .
With Radio GDR since 1969
Gitta Lindemann was also always connected to culture through her career. After studying journalism in Leipzig, she worked for Radio DDR from 1969, including in the Neubrandenburg studio , for the popular Urlaubwelle in Rostock and for NDR from 1992. She played a key role in developing culture-oriented formats such as “Literati in Cross-Examination” (1987), the NDR Literature Café and “Kunstkaten”, which is still broadcast today.
But Gitta Lindemann has also written literary texts herself since the 1980s, which have now been published in the volume “My Window Seats”. It is the first book published by the author, who was born in Dresden in 1939. An apt title, as Gitta Lindemann takes the addressee to her window seat and opens up her individual view of the world to the reader.
Her favorite window seat was the view of the garden from the house in Drispeth, Mecklenburg, which the Lindemanns had purchased as a holiday home. “Here I see orderly life, how it arises, blossoms, passes away and reinvents itself again and again,” she noted on December 25, 1991.
Diary describes fears of the end of the GDR
The diary, which begins at the beginning of May 1990 and runs until January 2, 1992, forms the heart of the volume. Many former GDR citizens will likely find themselves here, torn between hope and hopelessness in the “wild” years between the fall of 1989 and the mid-1990s.
First the run-down SED dictatorship was swept away and just a few months later tens of thousands of East Germans were at rock bottom when it became clear that they would lose their jobs. “The defeated go to the victor,” wrote Gitta Lindemann bitterly in June 1991 in connection with the liquidation of the orchestra in Schwerin and the tire factory in Neubrandenburg.
“The sell-out of a country must be seen”
She too is gripped by fears for the future. From the beginning of 1990 onwards, she always expected to lose her job as a journalist from the GDR. At the same time, she describes exactly the upheavals a few months before German unification, such as the conquest of department stores by the new western goods before the introduction of the D-Mark: “The sell-out of a country can be seen. Dissolution of an impoverished household. The new residents have already brought the furniture: cans and blouses and T-shirts and yoghurt and coffee and Rama and people are running. I as well."
Especially in times like these, when East and West intellectuals are fighting for the sovereignty of interpreting the GDR more than 30 years after the fall, authentic memories like those offered by Gitta Lindemann are incredibly valuable.
Granddaughter always gives strength
Only to a diary can you trust honest, hard confessions: “I've always tried to live in an ivory tower, but a sea of ​​shit is hitting its walls.” In addition to the struggles of German-German integration, it was the Gulf War at the beginning of 1991 most of us have erased from our memories in view of other conflicts, but which Gitta Lindemann's diary brings back to mind.
In these times of upheaval, she is continually motivated and strengthened by her granddaughter Nele's honest, naive approach to life: "If the GDR no longer exists, will we have to move?"
Sensitive lines about her husband's death
In recent years, Gitta Lindemann has written a number of sad, sensitive texts that describe topics such as loneliness, illness and death, of which much of it hardly seems alienated.
Here she often touches the soul, for example when she describes the last hours of her husband's life, from whom she lived apart but to whom she was so close: “We washed and dressed you. Your son tapped you on the chest - hey old man, he said, very despondent and we both cried. I couldn't watch them carry you away, so I cowardly sneaked into the garden."
Till Lindemann as family representative
Speaking of son, speaking of Till Lindemann. With “Declaration of Love to My Son,” the mother dedicates her own text to him, which shows the often martial-looking Rammstein frontman from his sensitive side, as a “family guardian” who picked up his grandmother in a wheelchair for Christmas dinner and fed her, for whom Mecklenburg is his home and “source of strength”. "If I didn't happen to be his mother, I would like to be friends with this man."
Gitta Lindemann: My window seats. With pictures by Rosa Loy and an interview between the author and the German scholar Carsten Gansel. Berlin: Okapi Verlag, 2023. 287 pages, 22 euros
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bangtansmauyeondan · 2 years
THIRTY-FIVE | S03 E03 — Can You Keep a Secret?
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Pairing: In-Studio Director!Jungkook x Stage Director!Fem Reader
Genre: rivals au, social media au, frenemies to lovers, slow burn, fluff, smut, angst, crack.
Rating: 18+
Warnings: explicit language, mentions of abandonment, alcohol consumption, harmless scheming, dare, bet, smut
Summary: It has always been the battle of the best between you and your college rival, Jungkook. What happens when years later, you cross paths again working for the same network broadcasting company, and the competitive flame is rekindled? Well, a whole new drunken bet that determines your futures wasn’t in your line of vision but here you are… and you have until 35.
SERIES TAGLIST: @fragmentof-indifference @babyboo22 @dionysusenthusiast @luaspersona @timelessruins @royallyjjk @sandraviolante-blog @quarter-life-crisis2 @jub-jub @pb-n-juju @jeonxgoogiee @sugaluvmyg @lookformyvoice @fairy-jaykay @juju-227592 @such-a-wh0re @hoseoksluv89 @exhibitachol
PERMANENT TAGLIST: @jinsquishes @persphonesorchid @thatbangtanjagiya @taestefully-in-luv @pamzn @wrmnssoul @ygbubs @halesandy @jayhope88 @bnagtanx1306 @pinkseokchim @busanbby-jjk @babycandy111
Taehyung hung up the receiver on the security phone and heaved out a heavy sigh. His head throbbed and he winced at the pain everytime he shut his eyes. This is probably the worst hangover he’s had so far and he couldn’t even bring himself to get out of the couch all day. It’s a good thing he had no schedule for the rest of the week because of the grave weather at the shooting location.
His own security team that closely works with his apartment building’s security just informed him that you’re there to see him and they asked him to give it clearance before sending you on your way up to his penthouse. He made a mental note to give you your own elevator keycard, so that you wouldn’t have to go through his security for a visitor’s card every time you visit him.
He looked up when he heard the elevator ping, signaling that you’ve reached the penthouse, so he sauntered over to the hall to greet you. The disappointment written all over your face could not be hidden even through his drunk bleary eyes. “Hey, beautiful…” He leaned in for a hug and a quick kiss on the cheek, but you were quick to step away.
“Are you okay to talk, or still too drunk to process everything around you?” You snapped at him. Irritated is not even the correct word to describe how you feel towards Taehyung at the moment. Were you annoyed? Angry? Mad? Pissed? Taehyung seemed to sense your emotions and stepped closer to you, taking your hands. “Tae…” you pulled your hands back and walked over past him, to the couch. “Can we please sit down and talk for a bit?”
“Okay, what is it you wanna talk about?” Tahyung sat opposite you on one of the loveseats.
“You didn’t have to go to my work place, you know? My boss had to summon me in his office this morning because you barged in there drunk. How did you even get past the security?”
Taehyung sighed, not expecting that to be the first thing that you wanted to talk about. He was hoping you’re gonna wanna talk about where you stand in your relationship, because he’s dying to make it official. “I had my security deal with them and only left the car when they gave me the clearance. Why weren’t you there? Did you have a fun sleepover with Jungkook and your bestfriend?” Taehyung’s words were laced with sarcasm.
“Stop. Don’t do this right now, Tae.”
“You’re the one who wanted to talk though,” he hunched over and pouted like a teenager.
“Okay, I’m gonna talk, and you will listen.” You’re never really the one to not stand your ground. You tend not to care about who you’re talking to as long as you know you’re not in the wrong. “I'm just gonna jump in and lay the cards on the table… If you’re looking for someone who will jump into a relationship with you right now, I’m not that person, Taehyung.” You sighed. “I’ve been really enjoying your company and really taking the time to get to know you better, but I don’t think we already know each other well enough to jump into a serious relationship.”
“Why?” Taehyung straightened up on his seat, eyes widening like saucers, staring at you. “You wanna get to know me better? Then stay, don’t leave my side.”
“That’s exactly why; I’m a grown-up, I have work to do and people to talk to. You don’t expect me to babysit you,” you said calmly. “I can’t just stay at your beck and call, and you can’t follow me around.”
Taehyung stood up and sat beside you on the couch, capturing your hand between his. “It’s not like that and you know it,” desperation noted in his voice. “I just want you close, especially since you were mobbed by the fansites.”
“I wasn’t mobbed. It wasn’t like that,” you pulled your hand away.
“Yn, you are really hurting my feelings right now,” Taehyung said, almost whispering, and something tugged on your heartstrings. Was it guilt? Were you too harsh on him?
“Look, I’m sorry. I just don’t want people to get the wrong idea,” you bit your lip guiltily. “Let’s be friends for now, shall we? Let’s just have fun and take our time to get to know each other better.”
“Is that really what you want?” Taehyung looked at you with puppy eyes.
“Yes. I don’t wanna get mad at you for the stunt you pulled at my workplace; but also don’t want any pressure to come between us. Let’s just enjoy each other’s company and see how it goes. We don’t have to force anything right now.”
“Okay,” the corners of Taehyung’s lips lifted in a timid smile. “I’m okay with that, as long as that’s what you want.” He conceded.
“Okay… now, I’m a bit parched and hungry, do you want to order some greasy food to get rid of that bad hangover?” You smiled up at him and his heart instantly melted.
He’ll let you have your way this time, so he just flashed his charismatic boxy smile at you and pulled out his phone to order your late dinner.
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You’re no stranger to stadiums and arenas, with the amount of concerts and live shows that you have worked on and directed. But attending a concert, particularly seated at the VIP suite is new to you. You’re usually either in the control booth or on the side of the stage, conducting the whole thing. It was a perfect evening for you too considering Byul has joined your team that week so pretty much just like Jungkook and Mingyu, you now have someone to share the workload with when it comes to the morning show and you’re no longer that exhausted by the time the sun sets. Champagne and hors d'oeuvres kept pouring in and the energy in the arena was electric. It was also the first time that you went out with your college friends in such a long time, so you’re feeling a little young, refreshed, and energetic.
Joshua, Jeonghan and Jungkook were engrossed in a conversation behind you, while DK and Mingyu were screaming their lungs out, cheering on the band, of which one member also happens to be one of your friends from college, Yeonjun. The ladies, Rain, Sohyun, and Mingyu’s wife Yuri, sat with you by the glass balcony sipping champagne and basking in the atmosphere, taking it all in.
There was a momentary kerfuffle by the door when a group of men came in, some dressed casually and some in suits like they’re part of the secret service. You knew it was Taehyung and his team, because your eyes met the moment he stepped into the area. His gaze pierced right through you, and it doesn’t take a genius to tell that he’s already had too much to drink before arriving late at the concert.
Just then, you felt a tap on your shoulder and found Jungkook leaning in, lips inches away from your ear. The action made your breath hitch for some reason. “Did you know he would be here?”
“Huh?’ You heard him loud and clear, but your hazy brain refused to acknowledge what he said after it was overwhelmed by the light scent of his cologne mixed with the smell of beer he had been nursing.
“Taehyung… he’s here. Are you aware?” He repeated after clearing his throat. You found DK looking back at you the exact moment too, clearly asking you the same thing, communicating through his eyes.
“Yes, I know. I’m aware. He told me the other day.” You didn’t miss the way that Jungkook and DK gave each other a knowing look. “It’s okay, guys, the band’s manager invited him. He’s not stalking me,” you chuckled making light of the situation.
It has been a few days since you swung by Taehyung’s penthouse to give him a piece of your mind. It’s also been a few days since you started backtracking and assessing yourself with the way you communicate with people. You’ve been accepting all his invitations to go out, and have been welcoming him everytime he would drop by your place. You allowed him to hug you and you even allowed him to kiss you on the cheek. You grew up around boys, and your friends consisted mostly of male, so a hug or a kiss, especially in greeting, were considered normal and casual enough for you. But, is it the same with Taehyung? Did he get the wrong idea?
That night when you went to his penthouse, you laid down all the cards and drew the line on where you stand. You’re not his girlfriend. He’s not your boyfriend. He can’t keep on following you around and taking control of your life, questioning you every time you go out with your other friends and coworkers. You both agreed, problem solved. So how come when you excused yourself to go to the washroom, he took it as a cue to follow you out of the VIP suite and down the hall, demanding to know who those people you’re sitting with are?
“They’re my friends, Tae,” you answered nonchalantly as you continued to trudge down the long hall towards the washroom.
“Mostly men? How come I don’t know them?” His bloodshot eyes staring you down as he kept up with your pace. “I could only spot a few familiar faces.”
“What’s the issue if they’re mostly men?” You’re growing irritated, not just by Taehyung’s incessant questioning, but the way he’s walking too close to you, making the distance between you and the wall smaller by the second.
“Is one of them your boyfriend? Do you sleep around, Yn?”
“Excuse me?” You glared at him, making him scoff. You didn’t like his accusatory tone nor what he had just insinuated, but you’re also 100% aware that he’s drunk and arguing with him is a game you didn’t want to play. “You know what, just go back to the suite, Taehyung. I’m done talking with you.”
“Well, I’m not done with you.” You gasped loudly when Taehyung grabbed you by the arms and slammed you against the wall, the back of your head slightly bouncing against it at the impact. “Why do you keep on rejecting me, huh?”
His fingers dug into your flesh as he pressed his body against you. “Taehyung, let go of me, what the hell?!” He buried his face on the crook of your neck, breathing heavily as your name slipped out of his lips. “Taehyung, stop.” You tried to wiggle out of his grip and push him away, but he’s too strong and your choice of footwear did not give you the necessary leverage.
“No,” Taehyung sneered. “Who do you think you are, Yn? Walking into my house, ordering me to just listen while you talk?” Taehyung said through gritted teeth. “Who do you think you are huh? Anyone would be begging to be with me, and yet you keep on rejecting me?”
“Maybe because–” Your words got caught between your lips when Taehyung’s body suddenly skidded across the floor. “Oh my god!” Your hand flew to your chest, breathing heavily, as you reached for the wall with the other to steady yourself.
Before Taehyung’s brain was able to register what was going on, Jungkook had already taken him by the collar with both hands and effortlessly slammed him against the wall, “Kim Taehyung, you son of a bitch.” You’ve never seen Jungkook this angry before. His gaze was sharp and menacing, and every word he uttered sounded venomous.
“MY FRIEND!” Taehyung laughed at Jungkook’s face despite the situation he found himself in. “Go on, hurt me!” He challenged smugly. “I have an agreement with your company, and you’re gonna find yourself declaring bankruptcy if you ever touch me with your fingertips.”
“You idiot,” Jungkook spat back. “You have an agreement with my company, you don’t have an agreement with me.” Taehyung flinched when Jungkook fisted the wall beside his face. “We’re not within company premises.” Taehyung’s expression changed ever so slightly, realizing what Jungkook just said. “Get out of this place and do not ever come near Yn again. If you do, I’m gonna tip off every media outlet with the CCTV footage–” he grabbed taehyung’s hair and turned his head to the direction of the security camera, “and I’m gonna end your career until YOU end up declaring bankruptcy.” He shoved Taehyung down so hard that the latter found himself stumbling to keep himself from falling on the floor face down.
Taehyung collected himself and threw you a glance one more time before walking away, grumbling to himself.
You were still rooted to your place in shock at what just happened in front of you.
“Are you okay?” Jungkook’s gentle voice pulled you out of your thoughts. You didn’t realize you were shaking until Jungkook took off his jacket and draped it over your shoulders. “Yn, did he hurt you?”
“N-no, no… I’m fine,” you let out a sigh of relief before you reached out and touched Jungkook’s arm. “Th-thank you, Jungkook.”
Jungkook squeezed your hand, letting you know it’s okay.
“Can I ask you for a favor though?” You asked almost hesitantly.
“Sure, what is it?”
“Can you keep it a secret for now?” You looked down on the floor. “It’s just that everyone is having fun at the concert, and I don’t want to ruin the–”
“Okay,” Jungkook nodded with a smile, understanding what you meant instantly. His heart clenched yet again in admiration of your thoughtful personality. Here you were, almost getting assaulted, yet you didn’t want others to know and possibly ruin their evening. “I got it, Yn,” he smiled warmly at you. “Do you wanna slip to the washroom quickly before we go back inside? I’ll wait for you right here.”
You nodded and smiled back at him, before making a beeline to the washroom. He waited for you to slip inside before leaning back on the wall, staring up at the ceiling, and letting out a heavy sigh. He couldn’t imagine what would have happened had he not acted on instinct when he saw Taehyung following you outside of the suite. One thing’s for sure though, he will never let Taehyung come near you ever again.
A/N — I was in the VIP Suite during Seventeen’s concert in Manila, and it has a different entrance from the regular sections, but the lack of security in the area boggled my mind. So what transpired between Taehyung and YN in the hall could happen without any security personnel around to stop it. *cringe* Anyway… I hope you liked this update! Any thoughts? :)
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putschki1969 · 1 year
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『Hikaru B-day LIVE 2023 -Be the Best day-』 Live Report by SPICE
Setlist 01.Surviver 02.JUST DO IT 03.IMPOSSIBLE LOVE 04.空 –Look ahead 05.landscape 06.Flow 07.イエスノウ 08.The Sacred Torch 09.Determination 10.disclose 11.Altern-ate- 12.螺旋の繭 13.Escape 14.Awe <ENCORE> En1.pulsation En2.Treasure En.3紡-TSUMUGU-
I LOVE how Takeshi Kato always makes sure to incorporate Kalafina in his interviews and reports. No matter how briefly, he tries to make some quick little references here and there and I honestly appreciate it so much. Especially since he never does it at the expense of their respective solo careers. He acknowledges that he still has so much love for them as a unit but he also emphasises that he wants people to pay more attention to their solo work (a sentiment I obviously very much relate to).
Very curious that he mostly blames COVID-19 for affecting Hikaru's solo activities. While the pandemic has undoubtedly affected all three Kalafina members to some extent, I wonder if it was really the main issue that caused so much trouble for Hikaru and ultimately led to her becoming a freelance artist...? Maybe her former agency Hifumi expected her to generate much higher sales numbers and that just didn't happen due to COVID so they decided not to extend her contract? I don't know...seems weird to me...especially since her numbers weren't THAT bad...I feel like there must have been more at play here. A lot of weird stuff going on behind the scenes. Oh well, maybe Takeshi Kato is just trying to find ways to justify last year's downward spiral. I'm just glad things seem to be moving toward a more positive direction again. Let's hope for the best!
The way he describes the 空 –Look ahead | landscape | Flow set sounds super lovely, wish I had been there for it. I do enjoy "Sora" and "landscape", I can imagine that "Flow" would have perfectly matched the vibe of those two songs with its "floaty" and ambient atmosphere.
And don't even get me started on the Determination | disclose set! Damn, that must have been super epic.Seems like the live version of "Determination" is even more epic than the studio version.
His thoughts on Hikaru's newest song "Awe" are also quite interesting. According to him it is very reminiscent of her Kalafina singing style. Huh, I did not even consider that but maybe that's the reason why I like it so much? It's certainly on a Kalafina-level of dramatic but I'm not so sure about her singing style. You might remember that my initial reaction to her performance during the most recent special broadcast was rather positive. I actually consider it to be my favourite among her new solo releases despite only hearing it once. The song is scheduled to be released in the next few days so I cannot wait to finally hear the studio version. Hopefully her vocals sound a bit more solid and refined than during the live performance.
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Instagram story by Hikaru
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momo-de-avis · 1 year
Did you know that, following the success of the absolute panic created by Orson Welles’ famous radio broadcast of H.G. Wells’ War of the Worlds, Portugal did the same not one, but twice?
It’s 1958. Of all Radio Broadcasts, it’s the Catholic one that will stir the pot. In Rádio Renascença, known for being both a very Catholic radio station and the one that gave the second signal of the Revolution on the 25th of April, there was a guy who decided to repeat Welles’ feat. He went so hard in this, he borrowed sounds from Paramount studios after meticulously writing the script for this.
Inevitably, when he broadcasted the dramatisation of his own reinterpretation of War of the Worlds, instant panic settled. Here is how the 25th of May, 1958 broadcast started:
Ladies and gentlemen: we interrupt our programme of light orchestras to communicate a special news from the International Agency Press. At 7:15PM, Dr Jorge da Fonseca, of the Braga Observatory, claims to have observed several incandescent gas explosions, occuring at regular intervals on planet Mars.
The spectroscope indicates that this gas is hydrogen and it is moving towards the Earth at a tremendous velocity. Professor Manuel Franco, of the Cascais Astronomical Observatory, confirms the observation made by Dr Jorge da Fonseca and describes the phenomenon as a “blast of blue flames fired by a weapon”.
It then goes on to inform that these same Martians are now invading the country, starting with Lisbon, and will soon start conquering many other European capitals. This, the broadcaster informs, is confirmed by the “Ministry of Internal Relations”.
The broadcast should have lasted until 10.15 PM; it was abruptly interrupted at 9.45. There were calls made to every police station and fire department in the country. A man walked into Renascença with a gun and threatened the broadcasters. Several called threatening with violence. Many women fainted. In some towns, people left their homes screaming. That night, traffic bottled up several highways.
Inevitably, the author would be visited by PIDE (the dictatorship’s State Police) a week later, and had him arrested for three hours while he was questioned. He was forced to give up the names of all involved, including their addresses and names of everyone in their families, and was then warned that, were he to repeat the feat, he would be arrested at António Maria Cardoso (arguably the worst prison in Lisbon) and would not leave next time.
The funniest thing is that, in 1958, as throughout the dictatorship, there was a Censorship department. Nothing could be published or see the light of day without going through a Censor and several other authorities. In Rádio Renascença’s case, not only was the broadcast previously approved by the censorship department, it was also by its resident censor, who was a priest.
And to make matters even funnier, the broadcast was announced via a warning, that explicitly stated that this was a work of fiction. Still, nobody listened, and it seems nobody realised that there never existed, and still doesn’t, an Observatory in Braga, nor in Cascais, as there was never a Ministry of Internal Relations.
Then we skip to 1988. You would think people have learn their lesson. It’s the 80s: Portugal has just left a nearly half-a-decade long dictatorship, it’s experiencing freedom of press for the first time, and one guy decides now is the right time to try and do the same thing the first one did: follow Welles’ footsteps and recreate a dramatisation of an alien invasion.
EXCEPT it goes buckwild AGAIN.
This time, several newspapers in Braga, where this happened, warned several days ahead that this was going to happen, and that it was a work of fiction. Then, by complete coincidence, it happened that, on the day of the broadcast, the Portuguese Red Cross was doing a drill in the middle of the city, simulating a multiple-vehicle car-crash.
People fled to Porto and Spain, but because one of Braga’s main arteries was shut down for the drill, every road was jam-packed with traffic. A few hours later, rumour got out that 500 people had died from the event (the martian invasion, not the panic).
Several branches of the army were actually told to be on the lookout, and GNR went out into the woods in search for the alleged spacecraft from Mars. Two fire engines got lost searching for the aliens. Hundreds of people went out to fill up their tanks with gas, queueing up for hours. One football match was interrupted by the frantic, panicking wives of the players, who entered the field to get them home. One pregnant woman appears to have been induced from the sheer panic. In one café, the owner just dipped and left the customers there. One inhabitant left his home to fight off the martians... with his vacuum cleaner. At the same time, eight hours after the broadcast, the alleged spot where the martians had landed was PACKED with people who thought “I gotta see this”.
They had to specify several times after the event that this was a work of fiction and apologise for the panic. Literally the same event 30 years apart and nobody learnt.
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kishigunpla · 1 year
Let's Read: A Requiem for Char: The Red Comet of My Youth - Chapter 1
by Shūichi Ikeda
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This post will be an overview of the first chapter, Steps to Becoming an Actor.
Please note this isn't a full summary by any means, just a highlight of parts I found interesting. Very long post under the cut!
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Shūichi Ikeda was born on December 2, 1949 in Numabukuro in Nakano Ward, Tokyo. Growing up in the years after World War II, Ikeda recalls that although the scars of the war still remained here and there, the entire country was filled with an upwards surging momentum that could be described as "hope after a long period of suffering".
In 1958, he was invited by a friend to join Komadori Theater Company (劇団こまどり). Founded in 1948, it was a prestigious children's theater company that later produced many famous actors, including familiar names like Maaya Sakamoto, Daisuke Namikawa, and Ikeda's wife, Sakiko Tamagawa. He passed the entrance exam and started his career as an actor at only eight years old.
Along with movies, radio had a large presence in popular entertainment in those days. The first experience that Ikeda and the other child actors had was with radio dramas, broadcast on NHK radio. In elementary school, it was his daily routine to go to the NHK studio after school. There he co-starred with popular talents of the time.
In a funny side note, Ikeda recalls fond memories of the bento lunches they had at the studio. The rank of the bento changed depending on the rank of the actor with whom he was working. One particular instance he noted was how when the famous Musei Tokugawa starred in a lead role, lunch was eel bento, a rare delicacy back then.
As time went on, TV dramas became more popular, and Ikeda was offered his first role on television only three months after he joined Komadori. It was a simple role - a child crying in the corner in the background of a shot - but he remembers it fondly as a memorable first step into the world of acting.
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In his junior high days, Ikeda starred in Gashintare (がしんたれ), a TV adaptation of the autobiography of playwright Kazuo Kikuta, and the movie Robō no Ishi (路傍の石, "Roadside Stone"), two works that made him seriously consider the job of "actor" for the first time.
In this chapter, Ikeda also talks about his relationship with famed Japanese film actor Yūjirō Ishihara. The two met as co-stars on the TV drama Shi no Hakubutsushi - Chīsaki Tatakai (死の博物誌 – 小さき闘い, The Natural History of Death – A Small Battle). Ikeda says he was immediately struck by his aura the moment he entered the rehearsal room.
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Ikeda recalls how on set, Ishihara jokingly addressed him as “Shū-sensei”, as a nod to the fact Ikeda was much more experienced with TV dramas, despite being much younger. 
“Shū-sensei, you're a junior high school student, but you’re more senior than me as a TV actor, aren't you?”
In response, Ikeda replied,
“Well then, I'll call you Yu-sensei. On TV, I may be the sensei, but if I appear in a movie with you, please be the sensei.”
Ikeda fondly remembers him as a star that never faded no matter how much time had passed. Sadly, Ishihara passed away July 17th, 1985, and he never got the chance to film on a movie set with him.
In his words, “Even now, I keep in mind the way of life as an actor that Yujiro-san taught me. And I still call out to him...as Yu-sensei.”
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In the spring of 1964, Ikeda began his role as the star of Jiro Monogatari (次郎物語), a TV drama based on the novel of the same name. The story depicts Japan in the early Shōwa period as seen from the perspective of Jiro Honda, a boy of a former samurai family.
The show was a hit among viewers of all ages, and ended up running as a nationally broadcast drama for two years. However, due to the popularity, from that point forward in his childhood acting career, Ikeda was typecast as a similar character - or as he refers to it, the image of “Jiro Shonen”, “a boy in a kasuri kimono”.
Ikeda was around 24 or 25 years old when Kohei Miyauchi asked him if he would be interested in doing voice-over work. The role was in a one-shot overseas drama for NHK about a group of three train robbers. Ikeda remembers struggling to adjust, thinking it might not be the best fit after all.
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Soon after he was offered a role in André Cayatte's Mourir d'aimer as the dub voice for Bruno Pradal. At first he was hesitant, but accepted after finding out he would be alongside Tomoko Naraoka (dubbing Annie Girardot), whom he had worked with earlier in his career during his time as a child actor.
Ikeda recalls how this experience helped change his perspective on voice over work.
"Rather than trying to match the voice of the actor on the screen or strictly matching the actual lip-syncing, I felt how the actor and director put together the character, and translated that atmosphere into Japanese-style acting."
After appearing as a voice actor in other overseas dramas, a new opportunity arose. The person who approached him was Kazuya Tatekabe, of Doraemon fame. The two became friends and often went drinking with their fellow co-stars after work.
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It was Tatekabe who introduced Ikeda to Noriyoshi Matsuura, who worked as an editor and sound director on various anime. Through some gentle persuading, he convinced Ikeda to give anime a try (while drunk, he admits), specifically the character Radik in Invincible Steel Man Daitarn 3.
However, Ikeda found the speed of the process and inability to preview the material beforehand (like he was used to with film voice overs) overwhelming. He remembers thinking, "this is my first and last anime".
Despite this, Matsuura convinced him to give one more audition a try, with the promise they could go for drinks afterwards. Ikeda agreed, though wasn't enthusiastic about it.
...That audition was for the role of Amuro Ray in the upcoming anime Mobile Suit Gundam.
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That's all for Chapter 1! I'll continue with these posts for each chapter as I go. Of course I recommend checking out the book for yourself if possible as I've left out a lot of content here for brevity.
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blakebow · 7 months
how would you describe that Japanese company being able to make RWBY ice queendom with rt permission ( would you call it a collaboration with loaning them the IP . I was thinking about a oc in a world like fate who buys the right to the RWBY IP and say lends it to Dillon (to finish it so he doesn't have to waste money ) alongside being able to own the rights to RWBY IP himself so he can make a Rwby remake where no one can have more of a say then him ( no executive meddling) when he decides to go a animation company with the deal to work with them a rwby remake made (or has his own animation company made) or with an agreement that that a RWBY remake will be made that he will be working on in creative department) and requesting the assistance of miles and Kerry. ( he really liked RWBY and fantasized about what it would be like with a full anime time and took various extra material into the RWBY remake ( leaving dc comics out and expanding RWBY remake to be more then what the og was)
like making blacksun canon,
if the japanese studio that made IQ bought the IP rights from RT/Warner, it wouldn't be a collab, necessarily, because they'd be the owners of it. so it'd be theirs. they could definitely attribute the original rights to RT, but it wouldn't be RT's anymore so it would be entirely *their* production.
as much as people are betting and placing all their hopes on dillon, idk if he's gonna get it either. he's a small up and coming animator. unless he can raise a 10000$+ in a short ammount of time i dunno if warner will even look at the offer. would it be cool if he got it? sure. but you need the means to properly fund it and broadcast it, and idk if his studio has that? RT was not a small one person pony show when they made RWBY. they already had credibility and connections because of their other properties. (RVB). that's why they had the means to make RWBY.
idk if CRWBY would be included because he's not of any obligation to include them if he didn't choose to do so. idk what kind of bridges shane burned with RT when he left, but there might still be sore spots there that they might not want to work with them? i'm not sure.
if they changed the 'canon' of rwby, it would still cause an implosion in the fandom. (even if that would be better narratively). i could see the japanese studio going with BS because LGBT is not as big there as it is overseas and bees wouldn't be preferred. the western fandom would still pitch a shit fit over it because of their precious 'representation' being ''erased''.
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