#how many days of cardio before i see results
b0r3dtod3ath · 1 year
No brakes, part 1
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Summary: Every time Y/N has been featured in a “No Brakes” episode (1,2,4,5)
F1 Masterlist 
Word count: 1.25k I think
Warnings (also mentioned before every paragraph): Mentions of working out; a sex joke; mentions of body dysmorphia
Ep. 1 
Daniel had a few weeks in between races and he decided to take you on a trip to Austria. He has been there many times and he wanted you to know how beautiful this country is. The trip was full of bike rides, hiking, and eating schnitzels. After a few days of vacation Daniel started recording a Youtube series called “No brakes”.
You decided to go for a hike. After an hour of climbing a semi-tall mountain you were greeted with an amazing view. You wanted to take a closer look at how high above the ground you actually were. You were about to get closer to the edge when you felt a pair of hands grabbing you “Please be careful. If you were to fall I would jump”. The strong need to keep you safe would often result in Daniel shouting at people. He’s not an irascible person but when it comes to you he has no limits. 
“We are gonna scare them. We’re doing something really cool.” All the camera could see was a smiling face hidden in the bush. You were going down at your own pace, careful not to slip, so you were a bit behind most of the group. It was around noon, green trees hid you from direct sunlight allowing a slight breeze to pass through. As you walked down a small path a group of four people jumped from the bushes. After a short mini heart attack you started dying of laughter causing everyone to laugh too. 
“You want to go up the mountain in the evening and watch the sunset? A few locals said it was really good.” Daniel lowered his voice a bit as you were sitting at a table, eating lunch with a bunch of other guys and his offer was to you only. A lot of the time you were surrounded by other people but he always made sure you two could have a moment alone during the day. He is a busy guy but he always tries to find some quality time for his lover. Whether it’s 15 minutes in his driver’s room before a race or a full evening after a race week. He likes to make sure that he is not distracted, so he would mute his phone and focus on you. 
As you were climbing the mountain, Danny was humming a song that has been stuck in his head for the past few days. At this point you could probably recite the full lyric because you have heard it so many times. “I’m glad you like it here.” says Daniel “Yea, we should come here more often. I think you should rest more, overall.” You were always scared of Daniel overworking himself. You knew being a driver was a hard job and you didn’t want him to feel burned out. You were always there for him. Always gave as much space as he wanted, always gave a shoulder to cry on after a terrible race. You two always cared for each other. 
Ep. 2 (tw: mentions of working out, a sex joke)
Next video featured preparing for the race in Monaco. Daniel was just about to leave the place you were staying in. “I’m going to do a quick workout.” he says, grabbing your waist and kissing your cheek. He always did it before he left. “Oh! By the way, I’m gonna go for a run. I just feel like doing a quick cardio, I don’t know. I just feel this energy.” His lips form the characteristic smile “I thought we were going to do cardio tonight”. He squeezes your hip as you respond “Don’t get your hopes up, Ricciardo. Now go, Michael is probably waiting.” Daniel only moves closer to kiss you. His hands on his hips - trying to convince you that his trainer can wait. You suddenly pull back “Go!”. “Okay, okay. Don’t forget your phone when you go out! I love you.” he laughed. You always had each other’s location shared. He wasn’t controlling you by any means, he just wanted to know you’re safe when you are not with him.
Ep. 4 (singer!reader; solange lyrics; tw: mentions of body dysmorphia) 
You always wanted Daniel to be on your album, even before you two started dating. He always pushed it off saying that he isn’t a good singer but you would find ways to feature him in other ways. You wanted him to read one of the sentences that really got stuck in your mind. He said it one night when you weren’t feeling the best in your body. He knew something was off but he didn’t want to push you. He noticed a pattern when your self confidence was a bit low. Little things that you didn’t pay attention to but he used to read you like an open book. He would always make sure to treat you even better than usual. He would treat you like a literal goddess. He would run you a bath, wash your hair, shower you with kisses constantly reminding you of how beautiful you were.
 It was just gonna be a half a minute interlude. His voice would be a bit edited so it would sound more dreamy. “Ok, so you go in there and you just read this.” You said giving him a piece of paper and pointing at a recording booth. He didn’t really look at the paper until the mic was recording. You gave him a thumbs up and he started to read “Do you realize how magnificent you are? The god that created you is a divine architect. That created the moon, the sun, the stars, Jupiter, Mars, Pluto, Venus. You are the walking embodiment of god consciousness.” As soon as he realized these are the words that he said he instantly started smiling. You did a couple of takes in case and told him to come back. “Aw! I didn’t know you remembered what I said that night!” he pulled you into a hug. He got a bit emotional to be honest. “Are you kidding me? That was the most beautiful thing you have ever came up with. You are gonna get credit for that. A beautiful “Daniel Ricciardo” written in the writers’ rubric.”.
Ep. 5
Daniel loved to impress you by doing donuts. He was about to park when an idea popped in his mind- he could get some extra footage as well as impress you. You were looking at your phone as you felt the car moving unusually, you knew what was going on. You turned to face your boyfriend and gave him a look that told more than words. He started laughing as he saw you in the corner of his eye.
You were supposed to meet Jenson and watch him and Daniel drive go karts. “You sure you don’t want to try? I can teach you.” says Daniel as he is done changing into his racing suit “Nah, I’m good. Don’t worry” you say. Danny always wanted to involve you in everything but you didn’t want to be stuck to him if that makes sense. You would show up to his races and support him but you weren’t really the first one to be on camera. He always respected that but didn’t want you to feel left out.
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foxufortunes · 1 month
Some random tips and trivia for anyone wanting to take a slightly more realistic look at exy and sport in their fanfics:
Long jogs are not good for sports like exy. The best you can say is they're good cardio, but most exercise they should be doing anyway is good cardio. To oversimplify: long term energy and fast action energy have different power supplies and training one doesn't really help the other. There's a reason sprinters and marathon runners are not the same people. Exy is a sport of fast bursts and in some cases long jogs can actually be detrimental to your ability to play these sports.
Dear lord, warm up and cool down. I know most of us just assume this is in there and glossed over, but if you're going into details, warm up and cool down and wear warm jackets after. Especially cool down. I know Kevin and Neil have already fucked their bodies but don't make it worse. Also, rest days. You body needs time to recover. Kevin and Jean will be lucky if they recover enough not to have any career after college given how much Tetsuji has fucked the Ravens with his training. Thea is probably in agony the entire time and she doesn't have long left playing.
Goalie's lead the defence line. If you want to throw around a defence captain type plot, it's your goalies, it's always goalies. Because they have the best view of the entire court. You dealer should control the entire team's plays, as the person who should be going from defence to offence and back (assuming they work similarly to other sports with a similar position) but the defence is always run by the goalie, and your goalies are usually really fucking loud about it.
Your division/class is actually nothing to do with your team's skill, but your school's sports program and budget. The Foxes are not a Class I team, Palmetto is a D1 school. To get this status, your school has to have a certain level of sports program, featuring a certain number of sports, sports for women, upcoming/rarer sports and certain required sports. While EAU blatantly ignores all of this as presented in canon (they seem to be D3 status, maybe D2 at best) who got their status through bribery and corruption and their coach, Palmetto, as presented in canon, clearly meets D1 school status. Your school's division also affects what kinds of scholarships they offer. Typically, only D1 schools offer full ride sports scholarships. It's most likely Palmetto was looking to fund an exy team and Wymack went to them because they're a D1 school, or they approached Wymack, unlike the Ravens who clearly don't understand how this works.
On the topic of Wymack: the ERC couldn't have had anything to do with Andrew's miracle in October. We'll get to this but the ERC is just not that powerful, and, see above point, they have nothing to do with Palmetto's status. Now, Nora actually gives us a far more likely and better reason in the EC, that she then overcomplicated in canon trying to make the ERC more powerful for no reason, especially given Kevin wasn't even with the Foxes at the time. In the scene where we see Wymack recruiting the cousins, Andrew brings up the idea that Wymack's initial four year will be on it's last year that year and he needs results or the school will decline renewing his contract and rebuild the exy program from scratch under a new coach. This is far more likely a reason for him to need Andrew's miracle. It's his final year of his contract, the school wants results, and if they drop out now with so few games won, he's done for. And given how many NCAA rules he and Abby help the Foxes break, it won't be long before the rest of the Foxes lose their scholarships too.
Four years might seem like an odd amount of time for an initial contract, and it sorta is, but one thing mentioned in TSC that's never brought up in the original trilogy is redshirting. Basically, for all you have a five year contract, you can only play four seasons. One season, you get to practice, but not play games, this is called red shirting, and in my experience and what I've heard from others, it's typically the freshman, for obvious reason, but this does bring up issues for Wymack's team design, and means Neil will have to take a year off eventually. And don't even think about how this affects the Ravens.
Speaking of Ravens, this is honestly one of the most basic NCAA rules: you cannot play professionally and play NCAA. Kevin and Riko literally cannot be playing for professional teams and be playing for the Ravens, the NCAA would boot them instantly. And, up until very recently, you also cannot be paid for your photoshoots, or using your likeness or sponsorships. To play NCAA, during the period AFTG is set, you cannot make any money as a player. Now, there's an argument that Tetsuji could probably make that Kevin and Riko didn't make money as players, but as celebrities in their own rights, but that's a very grey area. But, no, they weren't getting paid for photoshoots or interviews or sponsorships or anything like that. The only exceptions are tournament winnings, and there is a very strict cap on that, and stipends which there was a lot of debate over whether that counted as payment or not. They cannot be paid for anything related to exy because the second the NCAA makes an exception for exy, every other sport wants it too, and I'm sure some of them are mafia backed too. Mafia bribery doesn't fix everything, and if your trying to write your mafia as not a bunch of idiots, they'll know where to stop.
And then the ERC. They're just not that powerful, y'all. I get that Nora wanted to make them seem powerful, but given how Riko does most of the shit not Tetsuji, even that's pointless. So, for a start, the ERC needs specific scope. It's cool to call it the Exy Rules and Regulations Committee, but for what? Sports tend to have an overall ruling body, but they don't actually control everything. They control things like national tournaments and teams. Then you have the country's body, that controls things like the leagues, and they often have different rules that take time to catch up to each other. Different leagues within the same country can have slightly different rules. And often the NCAA also has its own rules. (To use volleyball, because that does have wildly different rules, in the NCAA liberos can serve in certain conditions, and that's about the only place in the world this rule exists). Basically, they only have control if you're competing in their tournament or affiliated. For the ERC to have such control over the Foxes, they're likely an NCAA committee, this means the ERC only has power over rule and regulations of Class I exy (oh yes, each division has their own committee), meaning they control things like gear regulations, rules on bench size, foul rules ect. Not which class the Foxes are in, not if Andrew's allowed to play with them, nothing like that. It's strictly the rules of the game. And they are the bottom of the power chart. Above them you have things like the division committee, the student athlete's committee and so many others. The ERC actually has very little power because the NCAA is a massive, slow moving, complicated bureaucracy. Even if they could drop the Foxes a division or get rid of Andrew, it would take years.
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lokisbur · 4 months
Find it on AO3 and on SWA!!
The cut is to avoid AI to scrap my work, even if I modified my parameters.
The prompt is from here.
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A nice breeze was flowing between the buildings, bringing with it the smell of spring and freshly cut grass.
It was a wonder, really, how they managed to rebuild so fast and even have nice grass growing again.
Inko was standing in the middle of the buildings, calmly looking around and watching workers all around busily continuing their work for the one-year festival.
She walked toward the biggest building, the one with the best view of the city, and started to climb up the stairs.
She could've taken the elevator, but what was the fun in that? Especially since they had decided to give the new building so many windows to light up the place and make it livelier for both the students and teachers alike.
The staircase also allowed her to see all the people outside and within the more secured ground, complimented by the grass she smelled earlier.
It was filled with stands being built and with students bustling around, 1-A, no, 2-A included.
The kids had face so much in such a short time, and then continued on the very second they were allowed to! A nice break of routine like a festival was the best possible thing to happen.
With a smile on her face, she continued to climb up the ungodly amount of stairs. But doing some cardio can only be good for her.
Once she finally reached the top, she pushed the service door to the rooftop, letting the much stronger wind blow her hair around and glad to receive a way to freshen her a bit. The sun blinded her for a second as she stepped out, but it was nothing compared to the man she could see the back of.
Her man.
He had gone through hell too. As much, if not even more than the kids back on ground level. And damn if she was to let him go on his own after everything. So she had confessed. Not in the best of places nor at the best of times, but she did. And the end result was what they had now. Among other things, of course.
She got closer to him, sure that he had heard her come. He was still a bit on edge, always expecting something to happen. But he hadn't moved or cringed, or reacted in any way she could notice, at least. And this was an improvement.
He was just... standing. Straight, maybe a bit too much, his hands in his pocket and his body close enough from the border to look down to what was happening underneath, but not too close for an accident to happen. She couldn't get what he was thinking at times. Especially when he would just stand like that at the top of a building. And any building, really. But she knew that her presence would not be brushed away. She even liked to think it was soothing.
After a few minutes of sight-seeing, he finally moved by pulling his hand out of his pocket and letting it down, inviting her to take it, which she did eagerly. She liked his hands. They were rough from fights, the skin on it having ben cut and bruised many times. But he was oh so gentle with them. When they would brush against her skin in the mornings, or stroke through her hair to style them in a way she had never tried before, or when they would hold her hands, cold and shaky on bad days, looking for comfort, but oh so warm and strong on the good days. They were the latest, today.
When she got close enough, she grabbed his arm and held onto it with both hands, putting a bit of her weight on his side. She stayed like that for a while, looking at the city at the bottom of the hill. It was breathtaking.
The view had changed so much. Almost everything had been destroyed, and yet, a year later, a good part of the city has risen from the rubbles, stronger than ever.
She had hoped so. It was bound to be a nice day, and she liked to see him happy. He deserved it and she would make sure that he did get this happiness.
She was still worried, sometimes, that she wasn't enough compared to the other. That she was just putting a balm on forever opened wounds and nothing of all this was fully real or reciprocated. But before she could go down this lane, her hand was squished gently, and her face moved towards the sky.
She knew of two. The normal sky, the one everyone was accustomed to. And the one she adored, the one encased in darkness, smiling at her, in unison with his smile. The one she never grew tired of. The one that was shining at her and enraptured her.
"Are you alright?"
She nodded. "Everything is alright."
He let out a chuckle. She loved that too.
It took her a moment to notice, but he was currently bending toward her, hand steady under her chin and tilting it slightly. Oh. She rose up on her tiptoes suddenly in order to meet him sooner but miscalculated her speed.
What had supposed to be soft kiss ended up in both their faces smashing into each other and making her lose her footing, not that she had any with how she had been standing. She didn't stumble long though, as the hand holding her face swiftly moved down to her side in order to hold her closer.
"Let me do the bending next time," his low chanting voice said.
She pouted a bit, "I wanted to meet you faster. I'm allowed to reach you too." She received a kiss on her hand at that.
"Inko, it's easier for me to bend down than for you to reach up like that," he pointed out.
"I know, but I like doing it," she retorted. "Example number 1."
At that, she rose up again and took his face in her hands to lower it to her height. Finally coordinated, their lips met in a soft embrace. "Example number 2," she murmured to his lips, before kissing him more passionately, breaching the soft opening with her tongue and letting him taste her lips.
"You taste sweet," he said, finally allowing them to take in a breath.
She had eaten cotton candy earlier, a small gift for having helped their son's class put up some decorations. She knew he still wasn't allowed to eat too sweet things, or anything too hard on his stomach for that matter, but she still could make him taste those wonders in another way.
"I know," she smiled. She let herself stand normally again, looking at him one more time before turning around and pulling him with her.
"Now come on, Toshinori, they're about to start the festival soon and I don't want to miss it!"
She felt his hand hold hers tightly, not needing to turn around to see him smile again, his hearty laugh was enough.
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🦌(deercervidae): (hai im the same one who sent a few anon asks prior. youve prolly seen the username before and im on twitter and instagram) anyway
i love love love the idea of revs being born on Valentines Day (it fits the depressing nature of the show lol). he gets no bitches and he’s been lonely for about 6 decades and sometimes he thinks he was destined to be lonely since he was a baby until his death. but thanks to people like stephanie and orel in his life, it starts to change his pov on life a bit. sure, he’s still depressed, but hes glad hes got a two-person friend group to ease his loneliness and lonely heart.
iil think at some point his heart problems would be at an all time high and would develop a heart attack and be sent to the hospital to get some kind of cardio surgery. i hc him absolutely Hating hospitals and anything medical related so hed be terrified by the thought of having it. Or he would have cardiac arrest when he gets super old and dies from that
- he could die from a broken heart from being lonely forever and being born in Valentines Day (oh the irony)
and back to the ibs thing i saw that IBS is linked to appendicitis so he could get that at some point idk
and since putty hates hospitals stephanie would be there to comfort him and give him company and food when he recovers from whatever operations he has <33
ive also had a medical fixation as well in my younger teen years eeeee
that’s all i got for now for hc/story stuffs
Omg hey!!! I do recognize you. Might reach out on insta later if I have the energy.
Thank you for replying and giving HC, I need this shitttt.
I love your wording on this btw (might steal some to write fanfic if I have it in me). Revs probably only really saw love as romantic love as he chases after that constantly and I don't think he had the best sense of family love. I HC that his father was serving in WW1 or WW2 and away a lot. He either died in combat or returned home being a very distant person. His mother was more strict, constantly working, and not the best at being a parent. I also know he has siblings, but I see him as a middle child or older of some sorts and still very distant. I see Rod moving out asap so he doesn't have the best connection with family love which may also explain his complicated relationship with Stephanie and Orel. He had no role models and is just trying his best.
He constantly chased after romantic love as platonic is only now more so getting talked about and all the media since the beginning of time says that romantic love is a goal for everyone and it'll fix everything!! It's a weird subject but Revs bought into it and as a result, constantly felt like a failure and probably developed rejection sensitive dysphoria from how he was treated too.
It makes ALL the sense of Revs to eventually die of a broken heart as it matches with the story themes of Moral Orel and general physical health. I may be obsessing over this HC..
On the terms of what you are saying, I see him reaching a peak at around 70s or late 60s, after Moral Orel would end or close to the original ending of it timeline wise. He just ages and while he has family love more so now, he still lacks consistency (as both Steph and Orel have other families to go home too and I know Revs would like to *live* with someone constantly for consistency and to not feel alone). He also feels like he failed in many aspects due to depression, his age, etc.
This is a pile up of issues that he barely works on mentally that is combined with kinda a shitty diet and he also smokes, not making his organ issues better at all. It's not sudden, it builds up. I see him either having chest pains at his house or at church and calling Stephanie in a panic. Stephanie would take him to the hospital despite his protests because I think he would majorly have a fear of them (and needles specifically). He gets looked at immediately and probably grts surgery the same night because it's a legit emergency, if he waited he would have died, and low population yada yada. He would be glad Stephanie took him in but be grumpy about it and grumble, saying if God wanted him out he should of went. That and feeling like even MORE of a failure for having health issuss and feeling guilty for making his kid go through this. Stephanie would get mad at the God comment but be more gentle and reassuring for the others. I bet she wouldn't work for at least a week to watch over Revs.
Also, I know for a damn well fact Revs would be stubborn as hell, so Stephanie would have to FORCE him to lay on his back, not move or pick at anything, and take his meds.
After about a month, Stephanie would let Revs have some days where she isn't there again but she still checks on him more often.
I could very much do a fanfic idea with reader taking Stephanie's place as a caregiver after he has surgery. Either way, sweet. But canon, it would be Stephanie caring for him.
Also Orel would visit and be a questioning little autistic child which might make Revs feel insecure because of how personal the questions get, but Stephanie can guide the conversations and everything.
... one final note is I think Revs would be very grumpy and shy about his scars from surgery but dear god I wanna kiss them if he has them and make him a blushy shy mess. Old grumpy Reverend needs more love. Kiss him over his heart too for another personal touch💜
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quinloki · 2 years
A Light Touch
Fem Reader x Eustass Kid
CW: language, assault, violence, sexual themes and situations, implications of non-con, loss of limbs, blood. 18+ Only.
Chapter 1 - Table of Consent -
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Chapter 21: Pointed
You came out of Kid's room a little groggy, but certainly hungry, and if you wanted to eat you needed proper clothes. Comfortable as the shirt was, you weren't going to meander down into the common areas wearing nothing but the Captain's clothes. It was well past breakfast time, but it wouldn't be long before people were gathering for lunch.
You look over in time to see Killer's mouth go slack.
Your grogginess is quickly replaced by embarrassment. There wasn't any guilt in you, but for some reason it suddenly felt like Killer had heard you. It wasn't possible, he would've been out scouting all night with the others, but the feeling struck you regardless.
"... I'm hungry." You can't think of anything else to say and the words come out awkwardly. Your expression feels awkward too. You're grateful you can't see Killer's eyes right now, because something tells you that it would only be more awkward.
You can see a few emotions switch places on what you could see of Killer's face, and finally he replies.
"I just need to talk to Kid and then I'll get lunch going. Pasta maybe, since House says carbs are a good post-cardio meal." Killer's voice is so even and matter of fact you don't realize he's teasing you until you're already in your room and half-way through changing.
You can't help the pink tinge in your cheeks and ears as you make your way downstairs. Knowing Killer knows makes seeing Killer harder than you expect, but once you got downstairs you realized your situation was worse.
The night crew had been back by dawn, which meant they were all awake now, which meant – in turn -that the dinning room was filled with people who were all ready to have lunch. Everyone looked to be in good spirits, and good condition, but since no one had woken Kid up as soon as they had gotten back, you were pretty sure you already knew what the end result was.
There was new information to be had about the scouted locations, but no one had come across Decken and been able to take care of him. For better or worse there was still more work to be done.
Emma and Hip motioned you over to sit with them, shuffling around to put you between the two of them. For the next few minutes you were introduced to other members of the crew – Boogie, Reck and Moai.
"How'd it go?" You ask, hoping to keep control of the conversation, you were sure you didn't want Hip and Emma to ask you how your night alone with Eustass went. Especially not in front of so many other people.
"Well, we narrowed things down." Hip explains. "Instead of nearly a dozen possible locations, we're down to five."
"The rest were either too perilous, too protected, or too abandoned to be being utilized by anyone." Emma chimes in. "I mean, it's possible with his money, the little sleaze ball is hiding behind said protection measures, but dodging the great pink catastrophe is easier to do as a single person. He wouldn't have been giving anyone the slip rolling around with an entire army of guards."
"Another round of scouting tonight," Mosh says as Killer comes down and starts making lunch. "And we should catch the bastard."
There were a few more minutes of scattered conversation among you and the crew, and eventually you heard Kid come into the room. Turning to look behind you, your face went instantly red, and you turned away considering the option of hiding under the table for a brief moment.
Eustass Kid had joined everyone for lunch in nothing but sweats. A couple of days ago you might've been able to appreciate it for what it was, but sweats weren't the only thing that he was 'wearing'.
Red hair and golden-brown eyes meant that Kid had pale skin. He wasn't lucky enough to tan, but he was lucky enough to have some envy-worthy clear alabaster skin. It was another one of those things about him that was conflictingly elegant when compared to his stature and general demeanor. The few patches of freckles on his shoulders only added to things.
Pale skin bruises. Bruises in such a way that you're suddenly aware that you don't have the exacting control over your prosthetic that you thought you had. Dapples of unmistakable Mouse-sized, hand-shaped bruises were obvious on his right arm.
Kid walked past the dinning room table as it went dead silent and meandered into the kitchen to get, you assumed, an entire pot of coffee. Walking by the table, however, gave all the sets of eyes that were watching him a clear view of the red scratch marks on his back. All the eyes on the marks, became all the eyes on you when Kid disappeared from view.
You had no idea what to say, but you were certain your face had never been quite so red, or quite so expressive of the phrase 'WELP'. Emma and Hip leaned forward and looked at you like a couple of cats who had just caught the early bird and its worm.
"Go scouting last night too, eh (Y/N)?" Emma asks with a grin.
"Little catch and release?" Hip muses, "Ya tagged him pretty good, those conservationist types would be proud."
"Ohmygod." You pulled the collar of your shirt up and hide your face inside your t-shirt.
"Guess Cap'n's not the only bruiser in the relationship," Emma adds before the two of them fall into fits of laughter.
"Teasing is a sign of affection from those two," Mosh says, even though his face is pink. "Don't pay 'em no mind (Y/N)."
"I know, I know," you admit, coming back out from under your shirt. "I'd ask you go easy on me, but-."
"The Captain already did. There's not a mark on you." Heat muses, sending Emma and Hip into renewed cackles as you set your head down on the table with a defeated thud.
The teasing stops as Kid comes back into the room. He sits down at the table, and when you catch his gaze, he gives you a quick wink. The only indication that he knew exactly what he was doing by coming down the way that he did.
During the meal there's more talk about the plans for that night, and everyone gets their assignments for the evening. There's a lot more to be done before another one of these raids happens, and you're surprised by the efficiency with which the crew operates. It's not that everyone does as Kid says without question – it's that by the time it's all said and done there's nothing left to question.
You're sure that meetings like this, where everyone tosses in their points and counterpoints, are the backbone behind the crew reacting to his orders in other situations. Eustass Kid, and any good leader honestly, couldn't lead such strong people as well as he did if he didn't care about them.
Even though you were well aware of his softer side, it wasn't really the same thing that held the crew together. Eustass' concern for his crew was loud, violent, and unapologetic. You're sure you fall under the same sort of category, before you ended up in your more pointed position.
It wasn't hard to see the crew as more of a family, than a gang. Granted, the kind of family that would hospitalize outsiders without much thought, but a family regardless.
A heavy metal mafia. Whose "captain" had been keeping you in, on, or near his lap for the last couple of hours since lunch. Thankfully, he had put a shirt on, not that he'd bothered to button it up, but it had made it more comfortable to sit with him. The way the crew reacted to it made you think it wasn't something they had seen him do before – no one teased you or him as they came and went from the living room where you had ended up.
"I did not expect that you'd be like this." You muse, yawning a little as you leaned into him. The combination of big and warm was easy to fall asleep against.
"Like what?" You can feel his head tilt toward you at the question.
"A snuggler."
"I'm not."
"Then what is this?"
"I woke up alone, Mouse." He says flatly.
"I... was hungry? Wait, are you saying this is punishment?"
"This is you paying a debt." He asserts.
"I was gone for a couple minutes. Killer found me in the hall. It wasn't like I went back to bed hours before hand."
"You don't want to do this?"
"What? No, I'm not complaining." You assure him, failing to stifle another yawn. "I dunno, I just expected more violence and wall-shaking music, less soft 'n' warm."
You could feel him chuckle. "You'll see some things change, you're not a guest or a client anymore, and we won't be on the lookout for flying weapons soon. It'll be easier to rattle the windows with music after that."
"Client." You scoff a little. "Client's pay for their protection, I was-."
"You paid, Mouse." He interrupts, raising your prosthetic glass hand up with his own metal arm. "Don't doubt that. You weren't a pity case or a charity job."
"... Swear to me," you turn to look at him. "That you don't feel guilty."
He leans down and steals a kiss before ruffling your hair. "I don't feel guilty."
"Good I -." A thud against the wall interrupted your words. You paled a bit and Eustass was already setting you aside.
"Oi!" Kid yells, and another thud hits the wall. Heat, Killer and Wire come from the kitchen as all four of them head outside. "Stay there Mouse."
You stayed put inside the house, since you were against a wall that wasn't mostly windows it was a better place to be than trying to dash for the basement. The four that went outside would be plenty to stop things from breaking through the wall, and aside from House who was in her room/office, the rest of the crew were out preparing for tonight.
The rain of weapons and miscellaneous items rained down for twenty minutes before it had finally stopped. You stepped outside carefully, eyes on the sky as the four power houses of the crew kept watch. The four of them looked a bit worn out, and the debris scattered around them was a testament to just how much stuff had been flung toward you.
As expected, now that the rain of destruction was done, a small flurry of paper airplanes came into view. These ones were shaped like cranes, and if not for the intent behind them, it would've been quite beautiful.
"I hate those more than the weapons." You grumble, as everyone turns to the airplanes.
Heat steps up, taking in a deep breath, and releasing a blast of fire at the paper objects. There's something therapeutic about seeing them all burn to ashes. You still hadn't read one, despite knowing there was at least one of them in Eustass' room waiting for you if you wanted it. It seemed like more a of a win for you, if you never directly heard or read Decken's words.
There's a strange calm after the flurry of weapons, and the four men look like people picking through the wreck of a neighborhood hit by a small natural disaster. They're already starting to pick up the wooden pieces that Kid won't be able to pull up on his own. You stay away from most of the destruction, you hadn't grabbed any shoes before coming outside, but being alone inside the house was uncomfortable.
You wanted to apologize. It wasn't your fault, not really, but you still felt a pang of guilt for causing so much damage to such a nice house.
A glint of light shimmers in the afternoon light, from a different angle than the first barrage, and catches your attention. A single swear passes your lips just as the katana threads itself into your torso.
For a cold, terrible moment, there's no air in the world.
Your hands move to the hilt, but you can't bring yourself to touch it as you sink to your knees. Eustass is by your side, you're sure you heard him yell out to you, but the sound had been too distant. You can feel him keeping you upright, but he's not warm like he was earlier.
"Heat, go get House. Killer, call Law." Eustass commands, steadying you and taking care to mind the sword through you so he doesn't worsen the wound. "(Y/N), stay with me."
Everything is red. Eustass is red. Your hands are red. The air feels red. The thump of your heart is red. Your words taste red.
You look up at him, your heart's already breaking at what you need to ask of him.
"Out..." You manage the word against the pain in your heart more than the pain from the sword. "You... have to get it... out." Breathing is hard, but you can manage it. Your words bubble up with a coppery taste.
"We need to wait for House." The usual authority in his voice is cracking.
"I can heal..." You put your hand on his. "I can't while it's... still in."
Eustass' eyes bore into yours. "If you pass out you won't heal."
You nod weakly. "You're right."
"House can-."
"Kid." You interrupt. "House can't... help me. You can. It's metal. The faster it's out the better I can... stay conscious."
There's a tense moment as you can see the emotions clawing at Kid's face. You choke on a breath and blood bubbles up past your lips. If you go into shock, you won't be able to heal either.
You can feel Eustass' entire body creak like bone against concrete.
"Wire hold her steady." He commands, finally.
Wire braces you from the side as Kid steps behind you. You can feel and hear the hum of magnetism in the air as the power coils around him. The single word of focused command is the most pained sound you've heard from his lips.
Next Chapter
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buttonupzebraa · 10 months
Doing a little happy dance in the corner because this is the healthiest I've ever been both physically and mentally.
I got the blood testing done and I'm waiting for results so we know which immune disorder I have and how to manage it. We have all my emergency meds and my lungs are doing okay. I did an obscene amount of cardio while moving and my blood oxygen was fine and I only needed my inhaler once.
Mentally, my goodness I could sob, this is a dream. My meds work, trauma therapy works, I am literally healing from trauma that would cripple me and unalive me this time of year and I'm mourning so many things. I AM CELEBRATING THE HOLIDAYS. Not having panic attacks, not laying in bed for days unable to move or respond, I am doing the triggering thing of moving during the triggering time of the holidays, AND I GOT MY PARTNER AND I HOLIDAY LATTES TO CELEBRATE OUR NEW HOME.
27 YEARS of waking up every day feeling suicidal, living with the mindset that I can't get close to anyone because I'm going to take myself from this world. Having friends and family blow up my phone if I've been silent for 48 hours. My partner's blood running cold if she hears any door lock behind me in this house. Look at me now. I want to LIVE. I'm looking around this new house thinking about how my dog will grow old in here and our children will grow up in here and how I'm hoping to be blessed to see it.
I'm thinking of tattoo appointments, if I'll lose my hair by 40, designing a guest room for my friends and partners can visit. I sat with my dog in the windowsill looking at cars drive by just to enjoy his little hobbies with him.
Depression is a bitch. CPTSD is a demon from hell, and every time people told me "it gets better" my immediate thought was, "Yeah. How? It's been so bad for so long."
These illnesses are real, they kill people. But my God there is hope. There is another side to suffering and that is healing. It is going to get better in a way that is impossible to imagine because you've never felt this good before.
Don't stop fighting, don't stop talking about the horrors you have lived. There is help, support, and a life waiting on the other side. The other side of this mental illness is a full life, not 6 feet under.
You can do this! Hang on a bit longer.
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dr-lizortecho · 2 years
Echo fic masterlist
Organized chronologically (to the best of my abilities) meaning that the older/less quality writing is going to be interspersed (cause growth and all that)
within series
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Absolutely Smitten (General Audiences, 1.118 words)
summary: Max’s first day at school is full of a lot of pressure until he meets the only kid who doesn’t seem to expect anything of him
content warnings: none
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Better Then Frozen Moe’s (General, 1.345 words)
summary: He’d saved every cent for months for this moment. Done menial tasks for all the elderly ladies in the neighborhood and polished his mom’s fancy silverware. All so he could take out Liz Ortecho.
It was a flawless plan. Save up every quarter he earned until he had ten whole dollars, then he could take her for celebratory ice cream. She could even get sprinkles if she wanted.
Max’s mom never let him and Isobel get sprinkles. A waste, she’d call them, needless sugar.
content warnings: none
Marigold and Lavender (General, 1.290 words)
summary: Gardening made sense, it was work that yielded positive results to him and his environment. A way to give life with his hands without threatening his own life and secrets, to return to the planet that had taken him in as its own.
It was a passion he’d learned from Liz.
content warnings: none
Bubblegum Babe (Mature, 2.689 words)
summary: It had been a minute since she had started dating Max, they had found a routine. She never really spent the night, it would raise too many questions from Arturo. So instead she would come over, eat dinner, sometimes they’d get a little frisky and she’d leave.
Max would always pout, grabbing at her and trying to convince her to stay. Giving her kiss after kiss and those stupidly adorable puppy eyes, nearly almost breaking her armor everytime.
content warnings: explicit sexual content
Light Cardio (Explicit, 2.869 words)
summary: It was for science. At least that was the selling point, the excuse. Not that Liz needed an excuse or even that Max was prone to being receptive to requests made through the lense of science.
But nevertheless it’s what had fallen off her tongue. Followed by strings of theories and questions, and a gushing recount of how it felt that first time, their first time. Until Max’s cheeks were a bright red.
content warnings: explicit sexual content, handprint kink
command me to be well (Explicit, 2.201 words)
summary: They were supposed to be going out.
The white shirt ripped open on Max’s chest and the skirt of Liz’s silk dress pooling around her hips were a testament to that fact. Though the date was already completely abandoned before Liz even had her shoes on.
content warnings: explicit sexual content, praise kink, body worship
i wore her legs like a belt around my waist, i wore her out like my favorite shirt (Explicit, 2.207 words)
summary: “Hey cowboy,” Liz drawls, leaning against the door.
content warnings: explicit sexual content, praise kink
Satin and Lace (Explicit, 1.358 words)
summary: It was rather obvious in hindsight. How when they occupied the lingerie section at the grocery store his eyes would linger, sometimes even run his fingers over silk and lace and satin. The way his cheeks were permanently stained pink while there.
Of course Liz had chalked it up to shyness and discomfort at being dragged into the intimates section when he’d planned on buying milk. It took her too long to see it. To realize Max was transfixed. Not shy.
content warnings: explicit sexual content, panty kink
Cowboy: Pretty, Handsome, Hunky, Gorgeous (Explicit, 1.160 words)
summary: Liz climbs on top of him, fingers digging gently into his hips as she takes in the way the lace clings to his skin. Boobs accentuated gorgeously by the bra, tummy cutely bulging over the edge of the panties, the small green triangle of fragile material barely covering his assets- which she grinds down into drawing a soft groan from Max as his hands fly to her hips.
“Liz-“ he begs.
“So pretty,” she murmurs, letting her hands trace up his sides and cup at his left boob. “You’re so fucking handsome, cowboy.”
Max chuckles lowly, eyes hooded as he licks his lips. “You’re so damn wet.”
Liz blushes. Realizing her hot core is pressed against him, nothing but one thin piece of fabric keeping them apart. Her slickness no doubt wetting his panties. “How could I not be?” She manages, voice thick and dark and smooth.
content warnings: explicit sexual content, unprotected sex (if you would like)
the one I choose (Explicit, 3.003 words)
summary: She’s standing on the Crash Down roof, watching the sparse traffic on the street, letting the warm air wrap around her. There’s a distinct energy to the atmosphere, like before a thunderstorm, when everything settles down to the quietest it can become. A stillness to the air.
Liz takes a long deep breath, listening to the even footsteps, one’s she’d become all to accustomed to hearing. Each and every morning for almost six months, as if she hadn’t memorized his gait before.
content warnings: explicit sexual content
Alien Therapy (Teen, 1.372 words)
summary: Max and Liz’s conversation takes a different turn, they discuss more than just theoreticals, and Max’s guilt over threatening someone he shouldn’t have
content warnings: discussions of past child abuse, discussions of anxiety
powerful with a little bit of tender (Explicit, 4.387)
summary: This particular version of Liz had been created in the aftermath of Rosa’s death. She was jaded, guilty and selfish. Tough as nails though. Unwilling to let her heart rule her mind- she was the driving force behind the cage locked tightly around Liz’s heart. The very thing that she had let a poet sweet talk her into unlocking. Only to be met with pain again and again.
Magic hands. That’s what had swept her under the rug, made such a fundamental piece of Liz become the villain. The obstacle.
Until Max Evans she wasn’t the bad guy. This part of Liz had been sheriff, had held the keys to Liz’s heart and called the shots that kept her safe. Kept her alive.
content warnings: explicit sexual content, bondage, dubious consent
Sexual Healing (Mature, 3.363 words)
summary: Her heart is beating a million miles a minute, threatening to pound right out of her chest. But his eyes are soft like always, steady as he smiles at her. Making Liz’s body respond in turn, like his presence is enough to fix everything that’s wrong. At least enough to make her heart slow as she places her hand over his, thumb stroking gently at the rough material of his jacket.
“Listen to me,” she tries to sound reassuring, “everything she said is a lie and I’m going to get us out of here.”
content warnings: explicit sexual content
Biblical (General Audiences, 1.357 words)
summary: ‘I slip and wonder what I'd do // If you never found me and I never found you // I don't know what I'd do’
content warnings: none
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you could be a bumper car, bumping (Explicit, 3.045 words)
summary: “Fifteen minutes,” Maria’s voice comes sharply from behind her. “And Max serves mixed drinks, so measurements are a no go,” she swats at Liz’s shoulder with a glare. Like she could make her feel guilty for teasing Max until his ears turned bright red, which they now were leaving her feeling accomplished.
“He can’t get off early for good behavior?” Liz asks batting her eyelashes
Maria narrows her eyes, “that’s not how bartending works, babe.”
content warnings: explicit sexual content
supergalactic lover (Teen, 1.110 words)
summary: The bell dings happily above Liz’s head as she makes her way into the diner. It’s relatively busy for a Thursday night in the dead of winter, the tables packed as couples snuggle closer in booths and patrons blow at the steam of their coffees. All in all the Crash Down becoming a place of warmth, to hide from the chill of the February night air.
Liz sighs as she strips her coat off and drapes it over her arm, searching the tables for Max.
content warnings: sexual innuendos
Meet me by the Ocean (General Audiences, 735 words)
summary: Liz and Max finally see the ocean together, but are more happy to just be together
content warnings: none
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to be totally locked up by you (Teen, 1.362 words)
summary: He’d dreamed up all sorts of stories throughout his life, one’s made to bring comfort and calm. They all had happy endings, to make up for all the people who wouldn’t get one or who didn’t see one on their horizon. But Max is past being afraid his ending will be bitter, not as he stands in front of the ocean waiting to start the next happy chapter of his life.
content warnings: innuendos (???)
Husbandly Duty (Explicit, 2.379 words)
summary: “You’re still up?” Max sounds tired, his hair mussed from wearing his hat all day.
Liz arches a brow in the mirror, “so are you.”
content warnings: explicit sexual content
cause this is my game and you better come to play (explicit, 4.839 words)
summary: Over the years she’d made pulling him apart by his seams almost poetic. Easy even. Just a flick of her fingers and a soft smirk and he’d collapse easily in on himself. It only made sense after all, considering she’d once actually undone his seams.
Cut open his chest and removed the torn remnants of his heart. Replaced it with one built by her own hands, each corded piece of flesh imprinted by her mind. A heart now beating solid and steady as she places a kiss to the scar on his chest.
content warnings: explicit sexual content, dom/sub, read the tags for the rest <3
Happily Ever After (General Audiences, 1.263 words)
summary: Their lives had finally settled down, it was a relief for everyone. Each of them being able to refocus on their personal drives and flesh out their lives as individuals as well as with their partners. Something that made Max pinch himself every morning, because Liz Ortecho had married him.
content warnings: none
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The Ugly Bug Ball (General Audiences, 2.780 words)
summary: It’s been a really long time since the last date Max had been on. His entire world seemed bleak and dreary, the gray skies and endless rain didn’t help his general mood and demeanor. Not that Roswell usually had rain, or much precipitation at all.
“I’m not sad,” he says again, shoving the cabinet door closed. Changing his mind at the last moment and leaving the tequila bottle hidden, even if all he wanted to do was drown in it. Pulling long shifts at the bar also didn’t help his general loneliness and urge to drink.
content warnings: none
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as long as the sea is bound to wash upon the sand (Teen, 6.864 words)
summary: Liz lived in a world of science and fact, studying the ocean and its inhabitants for the pure love of it. Then after she calls off her engagement her world collides with someone she hadn’t seen in nearly two decades, since they were both seven years old and starting to explore each other’s worlds.
(or the Echo mermaid au no one asked for)
content warnings: none
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Tasted Blood and it’s Turned to Obsession (Explicit, 8.894 words) werewolf au
summary: The Ortecho’s return to Roswell takes a cruel twist of fate when Max Evans is marked. Sealing his fate as Liz’s prey and leaving her with a choice: kill or give into her worst fears and insecurities.
content warnings: explicit sexual content, dubious consent, rough sex, mating rituals
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susantaylor01 · 14 days
How to lose cheek fat ?
Losing cheek fat, often referred to as "chubby cheeks" or "baby fat," can be a frustrating journey for many individuals. While a fuller face can give a youthful appearance, excess fat in the cheeks may be an aesthetic concern for those seeking a more sculpted, defined facial profile. This article will explore various methods, both natural and cosmetic, that can help reduce cheek fat and highlight the importance of a holistic approach in achieving lasting results.
Understanding Cheek Fat
Before diving into methods of reducing cheek fat, it's essential to understand what contributes to facial fullness. Cheek fat primarily consists of subcutaneous fat, which lies just beneath the skin. Genetics, age, and overall body fat percentage play significant roles in facial fat distribution. While some people may carry more fat in their face regardless of body weight, others may see cheek fullness diminish as they lose weight overall.
It's also important to note that facial fat is one of the last areas to slim down when you lose weight. This means that achieving a lean face often requires patience and a combination of strategies aimed at reducing body fat and toning facial muscles.
1. Focus on Overall Weight Loss
One of the most effective ways to lose cheek fat is by targeting overall body fat. Spot reduction, the idea that you can lose fat from a specific area of the body, is a myth. To slim down the face, you need to reduce fat across your entire body, which will eventually impact your cheeks as well.
Here are some steps to promote overall fat loss:
Caloric Deficit: Creating a calorie deficit by consuming fewer calories than you burn is the foundation of fat loss. You can achieve this through a balanced diet and regular exercise. Aim for a modest calorie reduction (around 500 calories per day), which can lead to losing approximately one pound per week.
Balanced Diet: Focus on eating whole, nutrient-dense foods. Incorporate lean proteins, whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and healthy fats. Avoid processed foods high in sugar, salt, and unhealthy fats, which can contribute to weight gain and facial puffiness.
Cardiovascular Exercise: Regular aerobic exercise, such as jogging, swimming, or cycling, helps burn calories and promotes fat loss. Aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity cardio per week to see gradual fat loss across your body.
Strength Training: In addition to cardio, strength training helps build muscle and boost metabolism, which can aid in fat loss. Include resistance exercises targeting all major muscle groups at least two to three times per week.
2. Facial Exercises
Cheek Puff Exercise: Inhale deeply through your mouth, then puff out your cheeks. Hold the air in one cheek for 10 seconds before switching to the other. Repeat this exercise several times a day to help tone cheek muscles.
Smile and Cheek Lift: Smile as widely as you can without opening your mouth. Hold this position for 10 seconds, then lift your cheeks upward as if trying to push them toward your eyes. This exercise can help strengthen cheek muscles and create a lifted appearance.
Jaw Release Exercise: This exercise targets the jawline and lower face, which can contribute to an overall slimmer appearance. Sit or stand with your lips closed, then move your lower jaw in a circular motion. You should feel a stretch along your jawline and cheeks.
3. Stay Hydrated
Dehydration can lead to water retention, which may cause facial puffiness and bloating. Drinking plenty of water throughout the day helps flush out excess sodium and toxins from the body, reducing the likelihood of swelling in the cheeks and other parts of the face.
Proper hydration also supports skin elasticity, helping to prevent sagging as you lose fat. Aim for at least eight glasses of water per day, and increase your intake if you're physically active or live in a hot climate.
4. Get Enough Sleep
Sleep plays a crucial role in maintaining overall health, including the appearance of your face. A lack of sleep can increase stress levels and lead to hormonal imbalances, both of which can cause weight gain and facial puffiness.
Inadequate sleep also leads to poor circulation, which may contribute to a bloated appearance in the face. Aim for seven to nine hours of sleep per night to support a healthy metabolism and reduce puffiness in the cheeks.
5. Watch Your Sodium and Alcohol Intake
Excessive sodium and alcohol consumption can lead to water retention, making the face appear puffier than it really is. Sodium causes the body to retain water, especially in areas like the cheeks. Alcohol, on the other hand, dehydrates the body and can cause inflammation, leading to facial bloating.
To minimize cheek puffiness, reduce your intake of salty foods and processed snacks. Opt for fresh, whole foods, and stay within recommended alcohol consumption guidelines up to one drink per day for women and two for men.
6. Cosmetic Procedures
For individuals who have tried lifestyle changes without significant results, cosmetic procedures may be an option. Buccal fat removal is a popular surgical procedure that specifically targets cheek fat. It involves removing the buccal fat pads from the cheeks to create a more sculpted look.
Non-surgical options, such as injectable fillers, can also help contour the face. However, it’s essential to consult a qualified medical professional to explore your options and understand the risks and benefits of each procedure.
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Weird “tea ritual” removes 57lbs in weeks
Losing cheek fat requires a combination of overall fat loss strategies, facial exercises, hydration, and lifestyle adjustments. Patience is key, as facial fat is often one of the last areas to slim down. However, by focusing on a balanced diet, regular exercise, and healthy habits, you can achieve a more defined facial appearance over time. For those seeking faster or more dramatic results, cosmetic procedures may be considered after consulting with a healthcare professional.
0 notes
peggyrojas · 21 days
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Transform Your Body & Mind in 30 Days: Join the Fit & Focused Challenge!
Are you tired of feeling stuck in your fitness routine? Maybe you’ve tried countless diets, workout programs, and health hacks but just can’t seem to stay consistent or see the results you want. The truth is, you’re not alone. Many people struggle with finding a sustainable routine that works for their busy lives, and it often leaves them feeling frustrated, unmotivated, and stuck in a cycle of yo-yo dieting and inconsistent workouts.
But what if I told you there’s a better way?
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The Common Struggles We All Face:
Struggling to Stay Consistent: Life is busy, and sometimes it feels like there’s no time for self-care. Between work, family, and other obligations, your fitness goals can quickly take a backseat.
Not Seeing Results: You put in the effort but the stubborn belly fat just won’t budge. It’s discouraging to work hard and feel like you’re not getting anywhere.
Meal Planning Stress: Let’s face it—figuring out what to eat can be overwhelming. Between grocery shopping, meal prepping, and cooking, it’s no wonder so many people struggle with sticking to healthy eating.
Low Energy Levels: Whether it’s early morning or after a long day at work, finding the energy to work out can be tough. It’s easy to skip a workout when you’re exhausted.
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Here’s How the Fit & Focused 30-Day Challenge Can Help You!
This isn’t just another cookie-cutter fitness challenge. The Fit & Focused Transformation Challenge is a complete system designed to tackle the most common pain points that prevent people from reaching their goals. It’s simple, effective, and guaranteed to help you stay on track and achieve real results in just 30 days.
1. Consistency Made Easy with the MBF Program The MBF (Muscle Burns Fat) program is designed for busy people like you! With quick, effective workouts, you’ll build strength, burn fat, and get fit without needing to spend hours at the gym. You can do the workouts at home, and each session is designed to keep you motivated and on track!
2. Intermittent Fasting for Faster Results Intermittent fasting is a game-changer when it comes to losing weight and burning fat. I’ll guide you through an easy-to-follow fasting plan that works with your lifestyle and doesn’t leave you feeling deprived.
3. Custom Meal Plan = No More Stress I know how overwhelming meal planning can be, which is why I’m taking care of it for you. You’ll get a custom meal plan with delicious, easy-to-make recipes that support your fitness goals. No more guesswork—just simple, balanced meals that help you feel your best.
4. Boost Energy with Beachbody Energize & Recovery No more dragging through your workouts! With Beachbody’s Energize supplement, you’ll have the energy and focus to power through every session. And with Recovery, you’ll bounce back faster, so you can stay consistent without burnout.
5. Stress Management & Support We all know how stress can derail even the best fitness intentions. That’s why I’m including stress management techniques that will help you stay calm, focused, and in control during the 30-day challenge. Plus, you’ll have the support of a positive, motivating community of people on the same journey.
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Who Is This Challenge For?
This challenge is perfect for anyone who:
Wants to lose weight, especially stubborn belly fat
Struggles to stay consistent with their fitness routine
Is looking for an easy-to-follow meal plan
Needs more energy to power through workouts and daily life
Wants the support and accountability of a motivating group
Whether you’ve tried and failed before or you’re just looking for that extra push, the Fit & Focused Challenge is designed to give you the tools and support you need to succeed.
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What’s Included in the Challenge:
MBF Workout Program: 30 days of guided strength and cardio workouts designed to burn fat and build muscle.
Energize & Recovery Supplements: Boost your energy and recover faster with Beachbody’s top supplements.
Intermittent Fasting Guide: A simple, sustainable fasting protocol to help accelerate fat loss.
Custom Meal Plan: Easy, stress-free meal plans that take the guesswork out of eating healthy.
Stress Management Tools: Techniques to help you manage stress and stay focused on your goals.
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If you’re ready to take control of your health, feel more energized, and finally see results, the Fit & Focused Transformation Challenge is for you. It’s more than just a fitness program—it’s a complete transformation experience that will help you reach your goals in just 30 days.
We start Monday, September 9—don’t miss your chance to be part of this exclusive challenge! Spots are limited, so grab yours today and let’s get Fit & Focused together!
Click HERE to join, or send me a message for more details.
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health-is-wealth1985 · 5 months
Building Strength and Confidence: My Positive Experience with Alpha Strength
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For someone who always strived to be active, hitting a plateau in my fitness journey was frustrating. My workouts felt stagnant, and I wasn't seeing the results I desired in terms of muscle definition and overall strength. That's when I discovered Alpha Strength, a natural supplement designed to support muscle growth and enhance workout performance. Intrigued by the all-natural formula and positive reviews, I decided to give it a try. Here's how Alpha Strength has become a reliable partner in my fitness journey:
Natural Powerhouse for Muscle Support
One of the biggest reasons I opted for Alpha Strength was its commitment to natural ingredients. Many pre-workout supplements are packed with artificial stimulants and harsh chemicals. Alpha Strength, however, boasts a blend of carefully selected herbs and botanical extracts known for their muscle-building and performance-enhancing properties. Creatine Monohydrate, a well-researched ingredient, is included to support strength gains and improve exercise performance. Additionally, natural ingredients like Ashwagandha and Tribulus Terrestris are known to promote testosterone production and enhance recovery, both crucial for muscle growth.
Science-Backed for Peace of Mind
While natural ingredients are important, I also value scientific backing. Alpha Strength's website references studies that support the effectiveness of its key ingredients in promoting muscle growth and enhancing athletic performance. Knowing that the formula has some scientific merit gave me peace of mind about using it alongside my existing workout routine. Of course, individual results may vary, but the science behind the formula instilled confidence in my decision.
Enhanced Performance and Increased Energy Levels
The most noticeable difference I experienced with Alpha Strength was a significant boost in my workout performance. Within a few weeks of incorporating the supplement into my routine, I noticed I could lift heavier weights, push myself further during cardio sessions, and experience less fatigue throughout my workouts. This allowed me to train with greater intensity, which ultimately led to faster muscle growth and development. Additionally, I felt a sustained increase in energy levels throughout the day, even outside of the gym.
Faster Recovery and Reduced Muscle Soreness
Another positive change I experienced since using Alpha Strength is a significant reduction in post-workout muscle soreness. The natural ingredients in the supplement seem to aid in muscle recovery, allowing me to bounce back quicker and get back to training sooner. This faster recovery time proved crucial in maintaining a consistent workout schedule and maximizing my gains.
No Unwanted Side Effects
A major concern with many pre-workout supplements is the potential for side effects like jitters, anxiety, or stomach upset. Thankfully, I haven't experienced any negative side effects since using Alpha Strength. The natural formula seems to be gentle on my system, offering the benefits without the unwanted drawbacks.
Alpha Strength: A Reliable Partner on My Fitness Journey
Overall, I'm incredibly impressed with Alpha Strength. It's a natural, science-backed supplement that has effectively aided my muscle-building efforts and provided me with a much-needed boost in energy and performance. The faster recovery times have been a game-changer, allowing me to maintain a consistent training schedule. While maintaining a healthy diet and a dedicated workout routine are essential, Alpha Strength has been a reliable partner on my fitness journey. If you're looking for a natural supplement to support your muscle growth and enhance your workout performance, I highly recommend giving Alpha Strength a try. Remember, it's always a good idea to consult your doctor before starting any new supplements, especially if you have any pre-existing health conditions.pen_sparktunesharemore_vert
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0 notes
eazy-group · 7 months
Sheryl lost 32 pounds
New Post has been published on https://eazydiet.net/sheryl-lost-32-pounds/
Sheryl lost 32 pounds
Transformation of the Day: Sheryl shares how she lost 32 pounds by embracing healthy eating habits and daily cardio. Her friend and supportive coach, Terry Starks, has guided her on this wellness journey.
My name is Sheryl, and this is my weight loss journey. My motivation for starting this journey was that in the last three years, I have neglected myself and put everything and everyone before myself. 
I was tired of feeling sluggish and not like myself, so I made a commitment at the end of 2023 that I was not going to start 2024 neglecting myself. 
I contacted my friend Terry Starks, who I have known for several years. He has transformed many people by helping them with eating better and losing weight.  
After I told him what my goals were he said, “I can definitely help you achieve them. As long as you follow, my plan and you will see the results.”
Lifestyle Changes: My start date was January 8th of 2024. He gave a meal plan to follow and told me to do at least 30 minutes of cardio daily. I saw the progress he helped many people make. Some of my friends also worked with him and they have kept the weight off. So I figured it was time for me to start taking care of me. 
Terry Starks plan was very easy to follow and not hard at all. After looking over the plan that he specifically designed for me, I realized that in order to do it, I had to be mentally ready for the change. I knew this process was going to work and it was really just a lifestyle change that I was making to be healthy.  
The plan he designed for me consisted of eating five small meals each day. These meals contained portions of meat, vegetables, fruits, etc. I also drank plenty of water, and did 30 minutes of cardio daily. 
Starting and Current Weight: My starting weight was 282 pounds, and my current weight is 250 pounds. (I am 5’3″.) I am still pushing until I hit my primary goal. Since I started, I feel better and sleep better than I have a long while.  
Biggest Lesson: I have learned since I started this journey that you don’t have to starve yourself to lose weight. That actually hinders your weight loss. You have to feed your body with the proper nutrients it needs to lose weight. With that being said, you can still eat lots of things in moderation. Selecting healthier options makes this more doable. 
Advice: My advice to anyone that wants to lose weight – First off, you have to be mentally ready and you really have to want to change your life for the better. Know that it’s not really about just losing weight. It’s requires a lifestyle change if you desire to be healthy and fit.
If you are truly ready to take your life back and become a better version of yourself by taking control of your health, Terry Starks can help you do this. He will stick with you through it all and motivate you as you go. You can contact him via his Facebook page: Terry Starks or email him: [email protected] 
Trust me you will NOT be sorry that you reached out to him. If you really want to get your weight down and just overall get your life back (with a healthier you), contact him. His plan works, and it’s easy to do.
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pablice · 10 months
I Ate an Apple a Day and Lost 10 Pounds in 2 Weeks - My Results
What Inspired Me to Try the Apple Diet I recently read an online article about the health benefits of consuming apples. After some research, I decided that I wanted to try the Apple Diet to see if it could help me lose weight and get healthier. The Apple Diet promised to not only help with weight loss, but also in terms of overall nutrition, energy and stamina. I wanted to see if it could help me accomplish my goals. To prepare for my experiment, I read up on the diet and consulted with a nutritionist. They informed me that the Apple Diet is low in calories and could be an effective way to lose weight. They also pointed out that while many diets rely on processed food, the Apple Diet relies only on fresh, natural foods. This resonated with me and I felt inspired to give it a go. The Apple Diet Basics The Apple Diet is a modern diet that relies on apples as the main component. It is both simple and effective, making it popular among dieters. The idea behind this diet is that apples contain many important nutrients, vitamins, and fibres that can help promote a healthy lifestyle. The main focus of the Apple Diet is to focus on the nutrient-dense properties of apples while avoiding unhealthy processed foods. The diet encourages people to consume more fresh fruit and vegetables, lean proteins, and complex carbs in place of unhealthy processed snacks and meals. The Apple Diet also focuses on cutting down on sugar and saturated fats, while increasing intake of omega-3 fatty acids. My Diet Plan and Exercise Routine For my diet plan, I reduced my calorie intake and added an apple to every meal. I also cut back on sugar and processed foods. Additionally, I made sure to drink plenty of water. When it came to exercise, I incorporated light cardio and strength training into my routine. I worked out three times a week for an hour each time. I made sure to include a mixture of cardio and resistance activities. I took steps to ensure progress. I monitored my progress by taking measurements of my physical size and weighing myself every week. I challenged myself to do a few pushups or pullups each day. I was also careful to stick to my routine, regardless of how I felt. My Results After Two Weeks After two weeks on the apple diet, I felt pleasantly surprised with the results. While I had expected to lose a few pounds, the number on the scale seemed to shrink quickly and steadily. Not only had I lost weight, but I felt more energetic and happier than before. It was a great motivator to keep going with the diet. Aside from weight loss, I also noticed something more subtle. My skin was softer and looked brighter with better color than before the diet. My clothes fit more comfortably and my body seemed to be more toned. It was a subtle change that made me feel great inside and out. Pros and Cons of the Apple Diet The Apple Diet is known for being a safe and efficient weight-loss option. Eating apples is thought to increase metabolic rates and flush out old toxins in the body which can help with weight loss. Apples are also naturally low in calories and sugar, making them an excellent snack choice for those seeking to limit their caloric intake while still feeling satisfied. Additionally, apples are full of dietary fiber and vitamins, making them a great snack choice for those looking for healthier alternatives to processed sugary snacks. On the other hand, the Apple Diet does not provide the diverse range of nutrients that are typically included in balanced dietary plans, so it is not recommended as a long-term way of managing your weight. Eating only apples can also lead to a lack of energy due to low protein and caloric intake. Furthermore, those with digestive issues such as irritable bowel syndrome should be aware that nutrients in apples, such as fructose, may lead to digestive issues in some individuals. Nutritional Facts on Apples Apples are a nutrient enriched fruit, providing numerous essential vitamins and minerals which are essential for good health. They are an excellent source of dietary fiber, low in calories and free of fat, cholesterol and sodium. Apples are packed with essential vitamins and minerals such as vitamin C, beta-carotene, Flavanols, potassium and magnesium. Vitamin C helps to strengthen the body's immune system and reduce oxidative stress. Beta-carotene acts as an antioxidant and protects the body from free radical molecules. Flavanols are beneficial for healthy blood circulation, lower cholesterol levels and also help to lower blood pressure. Potassium and magnesium help to regulate the electrolyte balance in the body and are also beneficial for maintaining bone health. Apples are also an excellent source of dietary fiber which helps to lower cholesterol, improve digestion and aid in weight control. They provide a wide range of antioxidants that protect the body from serious illnesses such as cancer and heart disease. Apples are also known to help prevent chronic conditions such as diabetes, stroke and Alzheimer’s disease. Apples are a great snack food to satisfy hunger cravings without blowing your calorie limit. The all-natural sweetness makes them a great substitute to unhealthy snacks loaded with sugar and fat. My Final Thoughts on the Apple Diet The Apple Diet was overall a positive experience for me. It allowed me to lose some weight over the course of two weeks, while also teaching me more about proper nutrition. I felt more energetic on the few days after finishing the Apple Diet, and I liked that I was able to adapt my own diet plan around it. Eating all of the apples over two weeks also gave me an appreciation for the flavor of fruit. While I did experience some benefits from the Apple Diet, I did not see significant enough results to consider doing the diet over a prolonged period of time. The strict guidelines of the diet may also not be feasible for some, as it requires you to reduce your caloric intake quite drastically. I would recommend giving the Apple Diet a try for two weeks to see how you feel, but it may be more beneficial to return to a regular diet with a balanced approach that contains more variety. Possible Alternatives to the Apple Diet The Mediterranean diet is a great alternative to the apple diet. It involves eating a variety of plant-based foods, including fruits and vegetables, whole grains, healthy fats from olive oil, and fish and poultry. The diet emphasizes keeping red meat and processed foods to a minimum. Studies have found that the Mediterranean diet can help reduce risk factors for heart disease and reduce body fat. Another great option is the flexitarian diet. This diet is focused on eating mostly plant-based foods, but allows for small amounts of animal protein such as fish, poultry, and eggs. The flexitarian diet emphasizes vegetables, legumes, and whole grains as the main sources of protein. The diet also reduces processed foods, refined carbohydrates, and unhealthy fats. Studies have linked the flexitarian diet to improved heart health and weight loss. What is the Apple Diet? The Apple Diet is a form of intermittent fasting involving eating only apples for breakfast and dinner and having a light lunch. This diet is meant to provide a boost of energy and can help people lose weight if done properly. What inspired you to try the Apple Diet? I was inspired to try the Apple Diet after reading about the health benefits of apples and the potential for weight loss. After doing some research, I decided it was worth a try. What were the basics of the Apple Diet? The basics of the Apple Diet involve only eating apples for breakfast and dinner and having a light lunch. Additionally, you should drink plenty of water and stay active throughout the day. What was your diet plan and exercise routine? For my diet plan and exercise routine, I ate two apples for breakfast and dinner and had a light lunch. I also made sure to drink plenty of water throughout the day and exercised for at least 30 minutes every day. What were your results after two weeks? After two weeks of the Apple Diet, I had lost a few pounds and felt more energetic. My skin also looked healthier and I had more mental clarity throughout the day. What are the pros and cons of the Apple Diet? The pros of the Apple Diet include weight loss, increased energy, healthier skin, and improved mental clarity. The cons of the diet include potential hunger pangs, lack of variety in meals, and difficulty sustaining the diet plan in the long-term. What nutritional facts are there on apples? Apples are a good source of fiber, vitamin C, and antioxidants. They provide a good amount of energy without containing too many calories. Apples are also known for their ability to help with digestion and help reduce the risk of certain diseases. What are your final thoughts on the Apple Diet? I found the Apple Diet to be a great way to give my body a boost of energy and to lose a few pounds in a relatively short amount of time. However, I do think that it can be difficult to sustain over the long-term, so it's best to combine it with other healthy eating habits. What are some possible alternatives to the Apple Diet? There are many alternatives to the Apple Diet such as the Cabbage Soup Diet, the Mediterranean Diet, and the Raw Food Diet. Ultimately it is important to find a diet that works for you and fits with your lifestyle. Read the full article
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kneeslesspenguin · 1 year
My weight loss journal was pavemented with good intentions and an endless list of unexpected problems.
I was never the thinnest girl, I was somehow thin but anything close to have a toned body. I ate a little of everything with a big sweet tooth and a deep love for fried food. Luckily back then I've lived somewhere without delivery food and fast foods were way too far for me.
Fast forward to 2020. I know what you're thinking, but sorry to disappoint you it was not the pandemic. Instead, during the three month do the first Italian lockdown, I've lost weight because I was working out every day. I got married that year in September and my weight problems started after that. After few months there was another lockdown. Me and my husband bought an apartment way smaller than my parents house so the place to workout was almost inexistent and I was working from home. I think that in those days I was doing no more than 1000 steps for day. Also having troubles with the heating connection for the first months didn't help either. I couldn't cook a proper meal so it was only take out (we had delivery at the new address), instant ramen and something to eat in the oven.
I've quickly gaining few kilos and in the spring of 2021 I've decided to try a diet that a lot of people that I knew.
PSA guys: don't do too extreme diet like I did. I'm not only talking about eating a 1/3 of your calories. The diet I've followed was made for me by a dietitian, but it was horrible. It was gluten free, dairy free, low carb, no sugar, NO SALT (even pasta) and it was mandatory to eat 3 course of vegetables for meal each one with a different cooking style. Plus I was expected to drop like 6 kilos per month (by the time my weight goal was 7 kilos down my current weight). Did it work? Yes. Did it completely destroyed my appetite and my capacity to follow a more reasonable diets made by another professionals? Also yes.
Of course after this catastrophic diet, an underlying health problem plus depression kicked in creating a spiral of weigh gain. I was 58 kilos and in 15 months I was 78 kilos (I'm a 1.65 cm woman so not ideal at all).
On October 2022I've started going to the gym and I was loving it, but I didn't seen so many results. I was at the gym twice a week (minus tel weeks off because COVID) until the first week of January. In Italy the end of the Christmas period is on January 6th which a national holiday. I went on the snow that day before going back to my routine... And I've broke the ligament of the knee. I couldn't walk for the weeks and going to gym for two months.
BUT FINALLY I'm finally seeing some results in my weight loss.
For me the biggest step was to control my appetite, because I would have a perfect eating day until after work and then I would eat the entire pantry. It was triggered by my thyroid and now the medication are finally working so my appetite came back to normal.
The gym is doing its thing too! My trainer is amazing and she did a program to gain muscle of my leg to help my injured leg plus she add a lot more of cardio.
Results 👍
I'm fitting in some workout pants that I bought but I couldn't wear ✅
I'm feeling stronger ✅
I can see myself leaner ✅
I can the muscle on my leg ✅❌
Yeah I don't know how too feel about that. Seeing my muscles growing is powerful but it wasn't my goal? I know that there's no way to become like an 90s model style without starving because I'm build to having muscles... I'd like to feel in a healt middle
Muscle gain. Like I said before, I can see the muscle on the legs. I can't see muscle improvement on my back, shoulders and arms (I still have a thick layer on fat to cover them), but I definitely feel it. Now when I'm wearing a jacket or a shirt I feel like an outrage hulk ready to destroy my clothes. ❌
The results on the scale are literally 0 and it's kinda demotivating ❌
Well that's the story. I'd like to keep like a diary about this journey for accountability.
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theajjf · 2 years
Lessons from Losing - by Austin Stahl
New Post has been published on https://www.ajjf.org/lessons-from-losing-by-austin-stahl/
Lessons from Losing - by Austin Stahl
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    Lessons from Losing
  Many of the martial artists I’ve met over the years have dabbled in various forms of competition, and a pattern has seemed to emerge after picking their brains. They start out gung-ho when they are young, eventually realizing the mileage it’s putting on their body and start winding down as they age. It’s a smart way to train and maintain. For better or worse, I’ve been doing things in the opposite order. I am what you could call a late bloomer…for as long as I can remember I’ve defaulted to sitting back, observing, and moving when the time feels right. It has usually served me well. As a younger martial artist I didn’t feel much competitive drive. I did the occasional Freestyle and Kata contest, sure. I even competed in Judo and Sport Jujitsu here and there. But these contests were few and far between, with mixed results and mixed dedication. For whatever reason, it wasn’t until about the age of 30 (12 years into my martial arts journey) that I finally felt the itch to compete…the itch to pour everything I have into preparation and really put myself on the line to see what I’m made of. There are different ways of testing yourself of course, but what I desired was confirmation of how well I could (or couldn’t) defend myself against a fully resisting opponent. I wanted to truly trust in my skills without doubt and as the Buddhists believe, one’s enemy can often be their best teacher. 
  In the year 2022, I had four opportunities to fight. Two of these in the format of Sport Jujitsu, one MMA fight, and one Muay Thai fight. Of the four, I came out with 2 wins and 2 losses. They say you learn more from your losses than your wins, which is true. You do however learn from your wins as well. What they don’t tell you is how difficult it can be to recognize and receive the correct messages from your losses, or how difficult it is to stomach the accompanying feelings that are part of the package. Please understand, I’m writing this largely for myself. It helps to have an emotional and mental outlet. I am, however, sharing this writing because I feel it’s my duty as a sensei of the Kodenkan system to transmit my knowledge and experience to help others. It’s what we do, and from what I’m told it’s an ancient tradition. If you plan to compete or fight in the future, or have students who wish to, I’ve no doubt that the technical aspects can be covered by the sensei-student relationship. What I wish to speak on are the things you may not have considered in order to avoid the seemingly unavoidable feelings of being blindsided by unforeseen circumstances. 
    Lesson 1: Visualization Works
  Before this year’s Ohana event, I decided Sport Jujitsu was a perfect format in which to start my competitive journey. The ruleset is awesome, allowing for the competitor to win in a variety of ways based on their personal strengths. If you’re a striker, grappler, or thrower your chances of victory are even. I prepared as well as I could; my nutrition was perfect, my cardio training was on point, I was adamant on my physical conditioning against damage. I intentionally worked on strength and flexibility every day. You name it, I did it. The only problem was that I was living in the middle of nowhere, with no gym or training partners within reach. How do you prepare for a fight without practice? I’m a big believer in the mind’s ability to influence physical outcome, so instead of drilling/sparring I trained internally by imagining the fight over and over and over. I did this several times a day, for several months. I didn’t know who my opponent would be, I didn’t know if they would be tall/short, southpaw or orthodox. I imagined every scenario I could as often as I could and felt every sensation along the way to imprint the feeling of success until the point where it was truly difficult to imagine myself losing. When the day finally arrived, I had two fights back to back with two previously unknown, but tough/skilled warriors. I performed well, composed, and won both matches. The interesting part though, is that the technical execution in both matches was nearly identical to the images I had continuously rehearsed in my head. I used the right techniques at the right times, defended the correct way and countered effortlessly just like I’d planned. It was an amazing experience, more like watching a movie play out than being in the fight myself. Visualization in place of physical practice had worked. The key to effective visualization in my mind is the realism of the images you rehearse, and more importantly the feelings you have when meditating on success. This may feel difficult initially, but like anything else gets easier with time and practice. The wonderful thing about visualization as opposed to physical training is that you can envision yourself having success 100% of the time. That continual mental success translates to confidence, and in the process makes your self-image (and capacity for success) grow. I believe Henry Ford said it best, “whether you think you can or think you can’t, you are right.”
    Lesson 2: Confidence/Arrogance are Sometimes Indistinguishable
  After Ohana’s Sport Jujitsu tournament I had a bit of time to reflect and heal (a broken big toe from a knee block would slow me down, but not stop me) and the itch to test myself was more present than ever. About a month later I received an opportunity to take part in an MMA event. This would be the real deal…full contact, no pads/headgear, with an opponent looking to hurt me. I have religiously trained Jujitsu, Judo, and Muay Thai while using Tai Chi to train my mind and heal my body for many years. The time felt right and I was eager to tackle this new challenge. I’m not a huge fan of MMA to be honest with you, because from what I’ve seen the UFC is more about trash talking for money than the warrior code we martial artists embrace. There are better organizations by the way, but that’s another topic…if interested check out ONE FC. I’ve also seen many UFC fights over the years and from what I’d seen it was mid-level Jujitsu with mid-level Boxing, mid-level kicks and so on…I was rarely impressed. I, on the other hand, had trained with phenomenal Jujitsuka for many years, as well as some of the best Muay Thai fighters in the world. I felt like I didn’t have anything to worry about in the striking department or the grappling department, and if overwhelmed by a specialist I could easily switch gears to take them to where I’m strong and they’re weak (Jujitsu strategy 101). This is where confidence quietly shifts into the realm of arrogance. I can’t stress this next statement enough – when you watch the way they move, and the techniques they use (in another sport), they are doing so for a reason. They are doing what they do because this is what works in their world. They’ve tested it. Thinking you can come in from an outside world with outside knowledge and overcome them at their own game is dangerous and foolish. For example, on kickboxing night I usually beat these MMA fighters cleanly. On grappling night it was often the same. But MMA grappling is not the same as grappling alone. MMA striking is not the same as striking alone. It is completely different, please trust me on this. I could tell you all the reasons why, but that’s a topic for another time. 
  With my confidence building in the gym through consistently good results against training partners in kickboxing and grappling, further compounded by the tried-and-true visualization drills, I felt unstoppable on fight night. I stepped into that cage as an MMA first timer, but a fairly seasoned Jujitsuka/Judoka/Nak Muay ready to put my skills to the test. Standing across from me was an opponent that was supposedly easy to beat despite a size advantage. Turns out he was seasoned too. While I excelled in a patchwork of different skill sets, he was seasoned in MMA purely. He had many fights (previously unknown to me) and used his experience to quickly turn me to stone with a head kick I didn’t ever see coming. He was confident, calm, kept his distance well to use his reach advantage, and threw my mind downward with distracting calf kicks before sending the kill shot upward. According to friends/training partners it appeared I was winning until that point, but to me that doesn’t matter. I approached the fight feeling like I could never be out-kicked by an MMA fighter (kicking is my specialty), but the reality was the veteran taught me about what it’s like to be in his home, the cage. Arrogance had been my downfall.
    Lesson 3: A Failure Offers a Blueprint to Build Success
  One of the only things more difficult in my experience than dealing with a hard hit to your personal belief system is when you receive a blindside hit to your belief system. They say it’s the hit you don’t see coming that takes you out…I can personally attest to the statement’s validity on both a physical and mental level. Picking up the pieces after something personally devastating is one of the hardest parts of human life. How you proceed after being knocked down is often one of the life instances that shapes you for the future. The ancient Stoics believed that perception was everything, and while I don’t personally think it’s everything it sure influences a lot. In order to avoid falling in a hole I can’t climb out of, I make it a personal habit to view every obstacle as opportunity, and every failure as feedback from the universe telling me what doesn’t work in order to avoid that trouble again down the road. But how, exactly, do you recognize the universal message behind a loss or failure if you don’t know how it happened? This is the trouble with being blindsided. Through personal reflection you can eventually find the answer, but after being blindsided the sulking period tends to be much longer (potentially permanent if you let it be) and the cuts to your heart much deeper. 
  After my MMA debut loss, and after licking my wounds for what felt like an eternity (in reality only a few long weeks), my sadness/frustration left me chomping at the bit to get another chance to prove myself to myself. So I took the earliest fight available. This opportunity presented itself in the form of a Muay Thai fight, with headgear and shinpads, which seemed perfect to me considering I want to hang on to as many brain cells as possible. After a talk with my MMA striking coach we decided that pure boxing linear footwork/angles would be the missing link in my style, so we immediately began drilling this basic skill like it was my first day in the gym. I got a whopping 1.5 weeks of practice in before taking this fight, not much. Knowing how much of a blow the previous loss was to my ego (yeah I’ve got one despite my best efforts, willing to bet we all do to an extent) I was worried about that feeling recurring. At the same time, I was aware that to dwell on the thought of losing would be equivalent to shooting my potential success in the foot. Fight day came and went, and I chose to approach this first Muay Thai fight as an “experiment.” My goals included: putting the footwork drills to use in combat, maintaining defensive soundness at all times without my mind slacking (Zanshin) and actually listening for my coach’s advice during the midst of the chaos. Easier said than done for newbies considering adrenaline closes off your hearing to outside distractions. In all three of these regards I was successful. According to the judges these successes weren’t enough to win the fight, but upon video review/talk with spectators it seems clear I’d done enough to win. Who cares about that though, that’s beside the point and judges are human like the rest of us. I think the way I approached the Muay Thai fight as an experiment was the right way to go, because I learned a bit about what works. Taking/reviewing video footage was helpful as well, because I figured out what I did that was successful as well as what I did that was unsuccessful; both immensely helpful in developing my personal style moving forward in competing as well as coaching others. This long-winded description isn’t yet touching on the most important part of the experience however: the use of a “pre-mortem” mental exercise prior to the fight and its effect on my mindset afterward. 
  You see, I wanted more than anything to avoid that devastating feeling that struck me and stuck with me from the MMA loss. In order to do this, I attempted to balance out the confidence-building aspects of visualization with the sad reality that things don’t always go the way you wish. With this in mind I performed a “pre-mortem” exercise (often employed by business managers) to imagine ahead of time that you or your project has failed, and figure out why as if looking through the lens of hindsight. How could I possibly lose? I went through each and every way. I also decided how I would best prevent this from happening. I even decided how I would proceed moving forward with my training/life even if the failure occurred despite my best efforts. I believe it was due to this activity that I am writing this one day after my loss as opposed to the weeks it would have taken had I been blindsided once again. 
  The combination of goal-setting, visualization of success (not just in terms of results, but also success reaching my smaller goals), and the use of foresight to handle potential setbacks has allowed me to know exactly what I need to do moving forward in order to grow. I can only speak for myself, but I’m willing to bet that if you love and train DZR the way I do that personal growth is key to your quality of life and needs to be prioritized and optimized. On this note, I hope you or your students get something from my experiences. In Kokua, I feel it’s my duty to help our Ohana in any way I can.
  On that note, in a logical sense I don’t find it wise to risk head injuries in violent competitions (much less the hard/dangerous training leading up to these fights) but I also understand that risks are occasionally necessary to find parts of yourself that can’t otherwise be acquired. If you or any students have the desire to compete in combat sports, or anything at all, please know I’m openly available to help in any way possible. I don’t begin to claim I know everything, in fact the more I learn the less I know for certain. A sensei, however, isn’t perfect. They’re simply one further down the path. In that spirit, I’d be happy to offer any of my knowledge/experience openly to any willing to seek it out. Jujitsu knowledge is readily available in the family we’ve placed ourselves in. But MMA, Judo, Tai Chi, Muay Thai, boxing, kickboxing, aerobic/anaerobic conditioning, body conditioning, nutrition, pre-fight weight gain/loss, mental preparation and so on are all paths I’ve devoted myself to so please reach out if you ever think I can be of help. 
  In humility,
Austin Stahl 
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mmorgchef · 2 years
Understanding how to cut bodybuilding
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#Understanding how to cut bodybuilding how to#
So starting out with heavy incline bench press will help you ensure your chest is looking awesome as you get more ripped. Many lack upper chest development, and as you drop more body fat that will become even more evident. You’ll notice that you start your chest workout with incline bench instead of regular bench press. You’ll also notice an ab exercise at the end this will be the case at the end of every workout.Do a drop set on the final set where you see an asterisk *.Rest for 1 minute when doing sets of 10 reps.Rest about a 1:30 between sets where you’re doing 6-8 reps.Warm-up with a couple of light sets before diving into your workouts sets for the first exercises (follow this rule for the remaining workouts as well).The last thing you want is to lose muscle and get skinny!Īlso, you’ll see a substantial change when you train these muscles again on Thursday. Remember, your goal is to get shredded while maintaining muscle mass. Now, that may not be what you had in mind for a cutting workout. You will be training semi-heavy here, at least in the beginning. You’ll start with the largest muscle, your chest. This first workout is going to essentially be a ‘push workout’ with chest, shoulders, and triceps. Like that song in Rocky IV, ‘There’s no easy way out, there’s no short cut home’ when it comes to getting shredded. *Make no mistake that this workout plan is intense and is going to take a serious commitment on your part. Here’s a more in-depth view of your workout schedule for cutting: Day This helps you attack fat at all angles while maintaining muscle. You’ll see below how your weight training workouts work in conjunction with your cardio workouts.Īs your heavier workouts will typically be longer you’ll follow that up with shorter and more intense cardio (using the Hight Intensity Interval Training method, also called ‘HIIT’).Īnd on your high-rep days, which will typically take less time, you’ll follow up with a longer and more moderate cardio session. Thursday: Chest, Shoulders, Triceps, and Cardio.Monday: Chest, Shoulders, Triceps, and Cardio.You can do your weight training and cardio in the same workout but it would be best to separate them if your schedule allows. Your cutting workout plan is going to be a mix of weight training and integrating different types of cardiovascular work. If that doesn’t sound feasible to you, be sure to read my post: How Early Morning Workouts Can Help You Build More Muscle Cutting Workout Plan As retired Navy Seal Jocko Willink suggests, ‘when you don’t feel like it, do it anyway!’.Embed that mental image of yourself deep int your mind and see yourself as that person. Every day, visualize the physique you aspire to have.Don’t accept or argue for the limitations you think you have.This is going to be obvious, but put a stiff-arm to negativity and anything that even remotely resembles negativity.Immediately wake up thinking of something or someone in your life that you’re extremely grateful for and take a few minutes to dwell on that.Be sure to integrate deep stretching and some form of Yoga once a day (we’ll more about how that helps you get lean later in this post!).Do early morning workouts! When you start your morning in the gym, it sets the tone for the rest of your day.So, here are 7 simple ways to make that shift in your mindset to stay focused on your goal of getting ripped: They grow through the stress that you put them through in the gym. Your muscles don’t grow by you just sitting around. Your results will not come right away so you’re going to need that personal commitment to yourself that you’re going to stick it out.You are going to experience discomfort during the process.Your mind is going to constantly trick you into making excuses (don’t have time, too busy, I can’t do it, etc…).You need to be able to push your body beyond what you think your limits are.Not being 100% focused is going to hold you back.Training (and eating) to shed fat while hanging onto lean muscle is tough!.Your mental state is crucial to achieving this goal, and here’s why… The reason most people fail at getting cut and in top shape is they do not have the proper mindset. How to Changing Your Mindset for Getting Shredded This will open a new browser so that you don’t lose this page. Get on the fast-track to getting ripped with this lean muscle recipe guide.
#Understanding how to cut bodybuilding how to#
How to Change Your Mindset for Getting Shredded.
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6 Months of Cardio
Online wellness mentor Matt Kido just presented a video on the Gokuflex YouTube channel clarifying precisely how one of his customers, Florencio, had the option to get torn by building consistency and shaping propensities. While a ton of YouTube wellness provokes will in general cut off at the one-month point, and Matt’s change recordings as a rule length 10 or 12 weeks, Florencio needed to take his preparation further. The pair rather kept tabs on Florencio’s development over a six-month duration—which Matt feels gives a sensible portrayal of the time and exertion it takes to accomplish significant changes, all things considered.
6 Months of Cardio 1
The principal thing Florencio did was diminish his calorie admission, and start tallying macros, with 275 calories from carbs, 55 grams of fat, and 190 grams of protein. The main month’s preparation plan comprised of three exercises each week, beginning with cardio followed by squats, seat press, deadlifts, and overhead press. “With this first month, we’re simply adjusting and perceiving how his body functions, seeing where his digestion is at, perceiving how his body responds to various macros, expanding cardio, that sort of stuff,” says Matt. He just lost one pound during the main month as he was “building that consistency, figuring out how to follow macros, becoming accustomed to working out reliably.”
6 Months of Cardio 2
In the subsequent month, Florencio diminished his carbs and fat while he expanded his protein consumption, which is fundamental for building muscle. He likewise went up to four exercises each week, including a HIIT meeting. While his squat and seat press continued as before, he expanded the weight he utilized in his deadlift. His overhead press, be that as it may, dropped, while he dealt with his structure. That is a savvy decision, particularly with shoulder works out—you ought to consistently zero in on doing the developments appropriately prior to attempting to push significant burden.
6 Months of Cardio 3
6 Months of Cardio
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