#how long cardio to see results
freeonlineworkouts · 5 months
How Long Does It Take To See Results of HIIT?
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roseband · 2 years
#i don't know why but three days later i feel like.. .weird uneasy about my pulmonologist appointment#LIKE i felt so relieved after the appointment wednesday and now i'm second guessing it and being like.. .but am i ok doe???#bc he was like rlly lax about everything and after catscan he's certain that the increased artery pressure in my lungs is from my heart#being a little wonky and pumping back some blood the wrong way#and not from the artery itself which... it's not the /dangerous bad gonna kill you/ type#(which is what my cardio said too)#but with how both my cardiologist and gyno reacted to that echo result im like... uh hhh should i be seeing a different lung doctor#i mean i gotta go back to the lung doctor in 6 months for a repeat of the lung function and stress test to see if results are same#idk?????? like i saw my gyno in passing for a prescription refill and he had 0.0 face about that result#cuz my pulmonary pressure on my echo was 41.........and i was warned by my cardio that that's shanking borderline#and the pulmonary doctor didn't even mention SHANK like did i need to be shanked???#like id rather be shanked if it confirmed that my lungs won't make me throw a clot thank u very much multiple relatives of mine have#had strokes and they SUCK#i see him next wednesday for my 6 months checkup which... im planning to have a long discussion about my pills with him#bc he's SO weirdly protective of me bc he dealt with the fallout of my mom's stroke 30 years ago#and also was the one who sent her out for her cancer referrals (i love my family but holy shit we're cursed)#like i've been seeing him for a decade tho... so i trust him fully..... LOL#so i'll just mention this to him too... cuz also like... heart valve wonk also affects if i wanna have bio kids#(also doctor that deals with babies may know of a different gene place i can go to bc im on waitlists lol)#wow i lik....e.... kermit... this is not fair LOL...#i should just trust the lung doctor... but i will ask my hooha doctor about what the lung doctor said to be safe LOL#personal
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forcemeanakin · 1 year
Hot take: trainer!Anakin
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but hear me out!!!!! trainer!Anakin as a boyfriend would be the coolest and sexiest shit ever. Proof right here:
NSFW content included
-Jogging after morning cuddles
-He would wake you up with tons of kisses just so you would feel motivated to go out with him
-if you were feeling extremely lazy that morning, he would have to use a stronger tactic eating you out
-He would use you, yes you, in his own routine. Whether it was dropping a kiss on your lips after every push up he completed, or using you as weight during his hip thrusts. Anakin Skywalker would use you as his muse in every single area of his life, this included.
-Not gonna lie, depending on your personality, your joined visits to the gym would quickly become a competition. He loved that about training with you, it made it more fun.
-He's still salty about that time you made more squats than him
-But he's not actually pissed because he's just too delighted with the results of the exercise on your ass
-He loves your ass
-He loves publicly groping your ass, sending a message to all of the gym bros that thirst over you
-You would scold him after he squeezed your bumcheeks, or after he smacked your ass in front of someone but you secretly liked that caveman part of him
-Also I feel like Anakin is obsessed by how your thighs look after you just finished doing a lower body exercise. All firm and fit. Ready to pop.
-And viceversa. Whenever he stopped doing his quad exercises, the only thing your brain could process was riding his thigh back home oops (that one hits too close to home)
-Sometimes you would take separate paths, given that your target areas were so different. While you were at the spinning machine, he would be at the other side of the facility, bench pressing your weight. As a warmup.
-Honestly drooling over your boyfriend was half the experience of being at the gym. He would sometimes catch you all embellished and shit, and he would wink at you with an arrogant smile
-As a trainer, Anakin would be tough. Physical excellency is very important to him. He is ruled by the philosophy that our bodies are temples, so he is very fit and shit. Exercising is no exception to his perfectionism and stubborness. In fact, he takes his job of making you healthier very seriously.
-You want to skip a set? He just added one more. You are not pushing yourself to pick up a heavier weight, even when you know you can? He is adding ten more reps. And don't even get him started on avoiding a specific type of exercise. You are doing the burpees, even if that takes all day long.
-General Skywalker = trainer! Anakin
-But also I think he would be very sweet if he knew you struggle with exercising. Maybe you had a difficult relationship with your body and/or felt insecure by training in a public space; he would help you make amends with the situation and be patient with you
-we all know what you two would do as cardio. Henry Cavill said it first
-finally, the ultimate reward for dragging your ass out of bed and to the gym (instead of sleeping) was to see Anakin fresh out of the shower with a compression black shirt and grey sweatpants.
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thebibliosphere · 9 months
so I’ve always had dermatographia, but since getting Covid for the 4th time this fall, I also am spontaneously breaking out on hives on my back a couple times per week. It doesn’t seem to do much, just kind of itches and then goes away after a half hour. I have no known allergies. Do you think this is indicative of some kind of mast cell issue? I can’t tell if this is an episode of weird body, meh, or a red flag of a huge impending problem.
There was a study released this year about long-covid and how it can result in symptoms similar to MCAS.
Let's see if I can find it... Ah. Here.
So, obviously, we won't know the full ramifications of covid for probably decades, but in the meantime, there is some evidence to suggest that long-covid patients show abnormal mast cell release of excessive cytokine (among other things), which is, well, when it fucks up, it fucks up.
That's what made the cytokine storms patients were experiencing in the early days of covid so dangerous. It's like the immune system equivalent of throwing napalm onto a housefire.
(I also suspect that's why so many front-line doctors now believe in the severity of MCAS. They were watching this shit happen in real-time.)
So, is it possible your recurrent covid infections have led to a bit of mast cell instability and causing spontaneous hives? Speaking anecdotally from the sheer volume of emails people have sent me and the MCAS forums now flooded with people who got covid and can't stop itching, yeah, it's possible.
But it's also possible it won't progress beyond that point.
I'd advise keeping an eye on it and talking to your doctor if you have concerns.
Also, maybe look into getting re-tested for allergies. Allergies can develop at any time in your life, and there could be another explanation for the hives.
Basically, don't panic, but do take care of yourself and watch for any other symptoms. Don't ignore any sudden new food allergies or gastro or cardio symptoms. The sooner MCAS is treated, the easier it is to manage. Mine had decades to run rampant on my body to get to the stage it was at. It doesn't have to be that way for everyone.
Take care, and I hope the hives stop!
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sk-lumen · 1 year
Exercise benefits
It's been over a year since I started going to the gym consistently (I like weightlifting and cardio/jogging), and quite frankly it has changed my life. Here are the benefits I've noticed:
Improves mental health
Alleviates anxiety
Relieves muscular and mental tension
More energy
Improved vitality
Better sleep
Drastically improves confidence (boost of endorphins after workout but also from body image)
Mental clarity
Teches you discipline and consistency
Teaches you how to have short and long-term goals, and being committed to them
Growth mindset: teaches you to step out of your comfort zone, challenge yourself and achieve results, and gain further confidence from those achievements
You learn that everything is connected, and by this you have no choice but take better care of you: exercise, sleep and food are all interconnected and you can't thrive without having a good balance with all. If you're stressed and eat junk food, you can go 7x a week to the gym but you still won't see the results you want.
It's a very healthy routine to add into your life. having hobbies, pastimes and routines that you enjoy are an essential part of being a well-rounded individual who has a life of her own. In the absence of this, we often rely on others to fill the boredom or free time on our hands and lose sight of working on ourselves for ourselves.
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creations-by-chaosfay · 7 months
Fun fact a doctor shared with me when they learned I'm a quilter: it's a very healthy hobby.
Most of my time is spent standing because I have to press seams. With foundation paper piecing, I use a hand presser (looks like a rolling pin on a stick) because the paper curls and warps under heat. Machine sewing involves a lot of shoulder and arm usage. Cutting fabric uses even more, and I cut a lot more when I use foundation paper piecing. I use a wall in my bedroom as a design wall, and it results in stretching and reaching. Getting up and down from my chair, plus all the standing when pressing and cutting fabric, works out my legs.
When the doctor asked about how my body feels when I'm working on quilts, she also asked if my heart races. It does! I get very excited when working on a quilt, and occasionally frustrated, but my heart is hardly at rest. Just thinking about working on quilts gets it going. They told me it's something they would call light cardio, especially for someone like me. I have moderate to severe asthma, and doing more than light cardio (speed walking for example) results in my asthma acting up. So this? It gives my heart a good workout.
I also exercise my brain, especially with the planning and focus. They mentioned quilting, and the arts in general, have been proven to help delay and even prevent dementia.
Making quilts also helps treat anxiety. Does making something big cause you anxiety? Then go small. Before I started using medication to treat my ADHD, I made a lot of smaller things because Instant Gratification is very nice. Now that I'm on medication, big things are significantly easier to work on because I don't feel the mental itch for NOW NOW NOW.
I also apply everything I learned as a macrame artist, painter, and poet, when I make my quilts. My family can see the influence in the work, especially the other quilters. The doctor explained this helps me retain my memories, and again exercises my brain.
Next time someone has the audacity to tell you making quilts is a lazy hobby, invite them to join you. Have them do as you do. My husband has never once called it lazy because he knows it's not, but someone else did. So I told them to join me for the work. They left with very sore shoulders and feet, and apologized later with a gift of a mini jelly roll (for the uninitiated: it's a precut bundle of fabric that's 2.5 x 42 inches, and a full roll is 40 strips).
I highly recommend getting a couple relief mats if standing for long periods of times causes you pain. I have one because of pain. My feet are so highly arched only about 20% of each foot is on the ground when I'm standing, my lower back has a permanent arch that prevents me from ever touching my toes (I haven't been able to touch my toes since I was about three years old; my dr suspects some of my lower vertebrae are fused, but we need x-rays to verify), and my knees have always been brats. My sewing days are only about 3-5 hours because all the standing has my back screaming at me. Before my relief mat, it was a max of three hours.
Making quilts is hard work, both mentally and physically. It's 100% worth it though!
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tarfeeder · 3 months
You have the best smoking and stomach pics! What is your smoking and weight gain history?
How did I become a smoker? I've always been fascinated by guys who smoke. I bought my first pack (red of course!) at 14 years old. I immediately liked it, feeling the smoke in my throat then my lungs, the effect of the nicotine which made me a little dizzy at the beginning, the filter which turned brown at the end.
For a year, I remained a closet smoker.  After smoking I would wait before going home so my mother wouldn't smell the smell.  Then I started feeling the urge to smoke, so I would go out after dinner.  Finally, my mother said to me one evening: "why are you hiding that you smoke? I can smell tobacco on you"... I said, "yes mom, I smoke." I think she understood that I was becoming a smoker, and that nothing would make me stop smoking. I felt so free!  No more hiding, hiding cigarettes, brushing your teeth all the time.
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My consumption increased quickly.  Seeing me light my first cigarette immediately after breakfast, my mother said  "you smoke too much, you will destroy your lungs" But I found this idea very exciting :)
Gradually, I understood that I didn't smoke just for pleasure, but out of need.  It's fascinating how nicotine takes over our brain.  It forces us to anticipate the craving, chain cigarettes before 2 hours of classes without a break, smoke before sleeping, after meals.  And then, no longer being able to wait until the end of breakfast to smoke, but giving my body its first dose of nicotine, when getting out of bed... Unless it's the need of nicotine that wakes me up? I had to start working after school to pay for my daily pack of reds.  And I had to limit myself to this pack, because I couldn't spend more money.
After studying I got my first job, more money, meaning more cigarettes a day.
Smoking had become normal, satisfying my need for nicotine made me chain cigarettes naturally.  The same pleasure every time.
As I was very thin I decided to start going to a gym to gain muscle and I really liked it.  My body was developing, I gained biceps, pecs, back, my veins popped out. 
And friends said “wow, great muscles !” I was very careful with food, avoiding dishes that were too rich or sweet, and being careful with alcohol. Cardio training to feel my lungs clean, because it caused the coughing necessary to evacuate the tar, and lift weights. My body was still lean, but muscular, well defined, I was proud of the result, I enjoyed wearing tight clothes to show my fit body.
I had this routine for a long time, work, gym, and always the pack of reds and tar accumulating in the lungs. But the lungs began to have difficulty providing enough oxygen and energy for training, it became more difficult, the efforts no longer brought pleasure. So my decision was to stop training, and eat and drink what I wanted. Obviously, combining caloric intake and stopping workout quickly had effects.  No more abs, fewer biceps, the veins disappears. The belly got rounder, bigger and bigger, and eventually, like when I played sports, it was a different kind of body change.  And I started to like these new shapes, the t-shirts that reveal the fat belly, the shirts who becomes too small to button my belly. My lungs are full of tar, they work harder to move my fat, my heart has to work a lot harder, and my arteries must not be in good condition to allow them to work well.  I know that, but I won't change anything.
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foxufortunes · 1 month
Some random tips and trivia for anyone wanting to take a slightly more realistic look at exy and sport in their fanfics:
Long jogs are not good for sports like exy. The best you can say is they're good cardio, but most exercise they should be doing anyway is good cardio. To oversimplify: long term energy and fast action energy have different power supplies and training one doesn't really help the other. There's a reason sprinters and marathon runners are not the same people. Exy is a sport of fast bursts and in some cases long jogs can actually be detrimental to your ability to play these sports.
Dear lord, warm up and cool down. I know most of us just assume this is in there and glossed over, but if you're going into details, warm up and cool down and wear warm jackets after. Especially cool down. I know Kevin and Neil have already fucked their bodies but don't make it worse. Also, rest days. You body needs time to recover. Kevin and Jean will be lucky if they recover enough not to have any career after college given how much Tetsuji has fucked the Ravens with his training. Thea is probably in agony the entire time and she doesn't have long left playing.
Goalie's lead the defence line. If you want to throw around a defence captain type plot, it's your goalies, it's always goalies. Because they have the best view of the entire court. You dealer should control the entire team's plays, as the person who should be going from defence to offence and back (assuming they work similarly to other sports with a similar position) but the defence is always run by the goalie, and your goalies are usually really fucking loud about it.
Your division/class is actually nothing to do with your team's skill, but your school's sports program and budget. The Foxes are not a Class I team, Palmetto is a D1 school. To get this status, your school has to have a certain level of sports program, featuring a certain number of sports, sports for women, upcoming/rarer sports and certain required sports. While EAU blatantly ignores all of this as presented in canon (they seem to be D3 status, maybe D2 at best) who got their status through bribery and corruption and their coach, Palmetto, as presented in canon, clearly meets D1 school status. Your school's division also affects what kinds of scholarships they offer. Typically, only D1 schools offer full ride sports scholarships. It's most likely Palmetto was looking to fund an exy team and Wymack went to them because they're a D1 school, or they approached Wymack, unlike the Ravens who clearly don't understand how this works.
On the topic of Wymack: the ERC couldn't have had anything to do with Andrew's miracle in October. We'll get to this but the ERC is just not that powerful, and, see above point, they have nothing to do with Palmetto's status. Now, Nora actually gives us a far more likely and better reason in the EC, that she then overcomplicated in canon trying to make the ERC more powerful for no reason, especially given Kevin wasn't even with the Foxes at the time. In the scene where we see Wymack recruiting the cousins, Andrew brings up the idea that Wymack's initial four year will be on it's last year that year and he needs results or the school will decline renewing his contract and rebuild the exy program from scratch under a new coach. This is far more likely a reason for him to need Andrew's miracle. It's his final year of his contract, the school wants results, and if they drop out now with so few games won, he's done for. And given how many NCAA rules he and Abby help the Foxes break, it won't be long before the rest of the Foxes lose their scholarships too.
Four years might seem like an odd amount of time for an initial contract, and it sorta is, but one thing mentioned in TSC that's never brought up in the original trilogy is redshirting. Basically, for all you have a five year contract, you can only play four seasons. One season, you get to practice, but not play games, this is called red shirting, and in my experience and what I've heard from others, it's typically the freshman, for obvious reason, but this does bring up issues for Wymack's team design, and means Neil will have to take a year off eventually. And don't even think about how this affects the Ravens.
Speaking of Ravens, this is honestly one of the most basic NCAA rules: you cannot play professionally and play NCAA. Kevin and Riko literally cannot be playing for professional teams and be playing for the Ravens, the NCAA would boot them instantly. And, up until very recently, you also cannot be paid for your photoshoots, or using your likeness or sponsorships. To play NCAA, during the period AFTG is set, you cannot make any money as a player. Now, there's an argument that Tetsuji could probably make that Kevin and Riko didn't make money as players, but as celebrities in their own rights, but that's a very grey area. But, no, they weren't getting paid for photoshoots or interviews or sponsorships or anything like that. The only exceptions are tournament winnings, and there is a very strict cap on that, and stipends which there was a lot of debate over whether that counted as payment or not. They cannot be paid for anything related to exy because the second the NCAA makes an exception for exy, every other sport wants it too, and I'm sure some of them are mafia backed too. Mafia bribery doesn't fix everything, and if your trying to write your mafia as not a bunch of idiots, they'll know where to stop.
And then the ERC. They're just not that powerful, y'all. I get that Nora wanted to make them seem powerful, but given how Riko does most of the shit not Tetsuji, even that's pointless. So, for a start, the ERC needs specific scope. It's cool to call it the Exy Rules and Regulations Committee, but for what? Sports tend to have an overall ruling body, but they don't actually control everything. They control things like national tournaments and teams. Then you have the country's body, that controls things like the leagues, and they often have different rules that take time to catch up to each other. Different leagues within the same country can have slightly different rules. And often the NCAA also has its own rules. (To use volleyball, because that does have wildly different rules, in the NCAA liberos can serve in certain conditions, and that's about the only place in the world this rule exists). Basically, they only have control if you're competing in their tournament or affiliated. For the ERC to have such control over the Foxes, they're likely an NCAA committee, this means the ERC only has power over rule and regulations of Class I exy (oh yes, each division has their own committee), meaning they control things like gear regulations, rules on bench size, foul rules ect. Not which class the Foxes are in, not if Andrew's allowed to play with them, nothing like that. It's strictly the rules of the game. And they are the bottom of the power chart. Above them you have things like the division committee, the student athlete's committee and so many others. The ERC actually has very little power because the NCAA is a massive, slow moving, complicated bureaucracy. Even if they could drop the Foxes a division or get rid of Andrew, it would take years.
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sosuigeneris · 6 months
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I went for my lipo-B12 drip today.
It was painless, I was done in 35-40 minutes, I did some work and took a work call, it was absolutely seamless. The doc has advised me to stop my 16-8 intermittent fasting. Instead, I need to focus more on cardio (10,000 steps daily), have a protein shake right after to prevent muscle burn instead of fat burn. For lunch and dinner I can’t eat rice, only a salad, flatbread from specific grains and vegetables (I don’t eat meat). 4L of water everyday. No sugar. I can have my black coffee in the afternoon. Fruits can’t be eaten alone (apparently it causes a sugar spike and crash) so they have to be eaten after a meal like lunch or dinner. I have to be in a calorie deficit for 6 weeks, which is how long my treatment will last, and I’ll go in for my iv drips every week.
I’m really looking forward to the end results and I’m going to stick to this. Ive told him that I want my body fat to be 18-19%, he said 20-22% for my age is better and for the next 10 years. I was a little annoyed because I remember being 21% and still not having my dream body. But he’s the doc, he’s the professional so I’ll listen to him and see how this goes 🤷‍♀️
The pricing of this is super decent as well. My entire treatment costs $300. When I had scheduled a cool sculpt consultation, they had given me a price of around $3000. This iv thing seems much more reasonable.
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alfredosauce50 · 2 years
Coming up in 2nd place is our very own Mathias! Requests are closed, but it’s about time I gave him some more headcanons. Once again, writing him is gonna be an absolute piece of cake because he’s one of my best characters, if not the best.
Without further ado, let’s hop right into it!
Content warning: Very brief NSFW.
Denmark headcanons
As the resident golden retriever, Mathias is always bounding with energy. He loves to have fun, and is up for just about anything. But under his kind and unassuming nature is something quite untamable.
Mathias looks exactly how he sounds. He has spiky blonde hair that sticks up in the front and around his head. He also has some sideburns going on. It’s a bit wild and unruly, but he’ll just tell you it’s indicative of his personality! From a distance, he might even look like a pineapple.
Being in his early to mid-twenties, he has rather sharp features. You could even say Mathias looks mature, but it’s hard to tell with all the different expressions he makes. You’ll have to catch him reading, focusing on a movie, or building a hard Lego set to see his neutral face. It only lasts so long before it changes to something else entirely.
He’s very pale. It’s only his cheeks and nose that are a little pink from rosacea. Mathias also turns really red after physical exertion or sunburn. He needs to slap on a heap of sunscreen or he’s else not gonna survive. In regards to height, he’s well over six-feet. If you told him he was tall, he’ll just laugh and say, “you should see everyone else back home. You’d be surprised!” The average height of Danish males is 5’11” (181 cm), so you best bet there’s lots of guys even taller than him.
Mathias is huge. On top of his height, he works out a lot, so he has pretty big muscles. What he doesn’t like as much is cardio, so he has a bit of fat. It doesn’t make him look any less fit, only more on the bulky side. He prefers it, actually.
(Here’s a drawing of him I did)
He’s an extrovert that thrives off attention. If he doesn’t get it, he dies like a house plant in bad soil. It’s not validation he’s looking for; it’s the company. Mathias is the happiest when he’s around friends. He’s super outgoing, optimistic, and loves doing things with people around him. Not only is it lively, he feels more supported that way. On the flip side, he will get quite lonely if he doesn’t have anybody to hang out with.
The closest he gets to alone time is parallel play. If he’s winding down, he would like someone to sit with him. He’s the type to need a study buddy so he can be held accountable, and so he doesn’t get bored. He focuses much better, even.
Mathias is very loud. You can hear him coming, going, and when he talks, his voice overpowers everything else. Sometimes, it feels like he’s just shouting whenever he opens his mouth. If you tell him to be quiet, he will, but forgets and goes back to normal ten minutes later. So in places like shop, parks, or restaurants where it’s not an immediate rule to speak with inside voices, you’ll have to get creative. Try whispering at him so he can copy you. “Why are we whispering?”
He’s sweet, but really dense. Rest assured, you won’t find him in any of those horror stories of guys being ignorant, inconsiderate or unhelpful. Mathias is too kind for that. He would go out of his way to help anybody, and without expecting anything in return. If you had a hard day, he will suggest to do something together to cheer you up. “Let’s go grab dinner and dessert. My treat!”
He’s just oblivious. He won’t understand the very obvious implications in front of him, but it’s a part of his unassuming nature to not get ahead of himself. As a result, he’s immune to awkward and intimate situations. Long silences, deep stares, and being alone in private places. Mathias won’t react and carry on like normal. If someone flirted with him, he’d think they were just ‘being nice.’ He wouldn’t even realize they liked him if they said it to his face. “Aw, I like you too!”
He gets distracted easily. If it’s not something he can do lickety-split, he tends to wander off to do other things. Mathias might start folding the clothes, get hungry halfway, then cook and eat. After that, he’ll work out, shower, and power nap. Then when he wakes ups, he’ll wonder why the clothes aren’t folded! As you can see, he’s a little forgetful, so a reminder would do. “Oh, yeahhh.”
Mathias never gets angry. He has a very good temper, and so much that it’s calming for those who don’t. But if he does lose it, there’s usually a good reason. That makes his anger really scary, especially when he falls dead silent. That, or he says some pretty hurtful things, so it’s no wonder why he stays quiet for the most part. With his patience, it takes a lot to push him to that point, but don’t take him for granted. He can take back his kindness as readily as he can give it.
He’s not what you would call ‘protective.’ For one-time situations, Mathias sits watch in the back. He trusts you to handle things on your own, and if you can’t, he’s already next to you. He’ll calmly tell someone to leave you alone, or take over how he sees fit. Acting ‘macho’ and making a scene couldn’t be further from who he is. What he might do is put on the most neutral poker face, hug you, then stare long and hard at the person for a reaction. Indifference is the biggest insult you can pay someone. You’d be surprised at what else he’s capable of, or knows.
Mathias is a true Lego fan. He grew up playing with it, and never grew out of it. The sets he buys just got more complicated. If he doesn’t have one to build, he’ll just make something up. And you bet he has merch! Keychains, shirts, stickers, etc. He’s also gone as Lego characters for Halloween. Batman? Psh. Lego Batman? You have his attention. Himself as Lego? Even better.
He’s a gamer. Mathias plays a lot of Minecraft, and gets pretty creative with his builds. What can he say, he already likes building blocks in real life! If you play it with him, he’ll make a cute house and farm with you. To top it off, he’ll add a little Danish flag. He’s also the type to customize his characters to look just like him, and use plain old ‘Mathias’ for his usernames. Just imagine him as a Minecraft character spamming the crouch command when he’s trying to get your attention (or as a declaration of peace in survival mode).
He loves EDM, and in particular, house music. It’s hyper, feel-good, and sentimental all at once. Mathias would kill to attend all the big festivals like Tomorrowland and Electric Daisy Carnival. (Only he can’t get tickets before they sell out!) He wants to experience the energy of partying with thousands of other people. The lights, the crazy sets, the bass that he can feel. If you go with him, he’ll carry you on his shoulders and dance under you. Mathias is actually the biggest party animal, but manages to be responsible!
Mathias is an avid traveler. He would practically go anywhere that lets in visitors. Bali for beaches and wrestling with Komodo dragons, Cairo to see the Pyramids and ancient ruins, and Kyoto for the temples and shrines. He does well just about anywhere, and would most likely return with gifts from locals he befriended. It also doesn’t matter what hotel he stays in, or if he stays in one at all. He can go backpacking. So long as the itinerary is packed and the food is amazing, he’s all set!
He’s a gym bro. He works out five times a week, and never skips leg day. Mathias is really strong. He squats pretty heavy, and can bench four plates. What he can’t do as well, is cardio. Allen beats him by a landslide in this department. Mathias isn’t nearly as consistent and might prefer doing it at home (if you know what I mean)
Aside from being college student, he’d either be a boxer, firefighter, or marine biologist. Mathias would be a southpaw with a mean left hook, and his build lets him absorb a lot of punches. As for the fire department, he has the selflessness and physical capabilities to rescue or carry people to safety. And last, but not least, he’s always been fascinated with the sea and the creatures that live in it. He’s not afraid of going to cold places like the Antarctic, and he sure as hell isn’t afraid of the idea of ‘unstable employment.’
Psychology + romance
If you breathe right in his direction, he’d already consider you his friend. Mathias is that open and warm of a person. But that’s the same reason why romance with him is so difficult. He’s quick to smile, laugh, and unleash hugs for anybody. Not just you. So the question is, does he actually like you, or is he just affectionate with everyone?
Everything begins with a good friendship. Maybe you’re an indifferent classmate that happened to sit near him. And he isn’t a straight-A student. He falls behind from time to time, has difficulty understanding material, and can be poor at juggling tasks. But he really tries! Mathias asks a lot of questions, ‘stupid’ ones included, and you’ll inevitably find yourself helping him out of pity. “Psst. Did you get to copy down that last slide?”
He seems like a nice guy, and you’d hate to see him fail. You agree to meet up with him to do work together, but it usually turns into an unpaid tutoring session. You’ll need to be very patient with him. He’s not book smart. Your only saving grace is how earnest he is about his studies.
“Look closely, okay?” You instruct.
“Okay.” He stares intensely at your face, and you only get to explain for a few seconds before stopping.
“Not me. The diagram!”
The ball gets rolling when Mathias invites you out. That’s when you start appreciating him as a person, and not just a classmate who’s copying your homework! He’s fun, bubbly, and easy to talk to. You won’t be afraid of asking him for things, and get accommodated with his touchy nature. In fact, you’ll have a hard time not hugging him when he’s smiling at you like that.
On the other hand, you can be perfectly stern with him too. After many *frustrating* hours of tutoring him, you feel perfectly comfortable telling him off when he needs it. Mathias isn’t a masochist at all, but he finds that insanely attractive. It just means you care about him. Because even if he does stupid things, you still stick around. But what gets him to fall hard is when you defend him for the first time.
Mathias is so unselfish, his kindness gets taken advantage of. And he’s usually too oblivious to see it. He’s sometimes buying food for ‘friends’ that never pay him back. And when he’s in group activities, he’s always the spokesperson even when he doesn’t understand the material. Either that, or he promises to help them with their load of the work. When you find out, you’re furious.
“Can’t you see they’re using you?”
“But I don’t mind doing these things,” Mathias says, frowning a little. “It’s just how I’ve always been.”
“I know. But I’m starting to think you don’t have a selfish bone in your body--and not even for yourself. You’ll lose out on things that matter to you because you’re so busy doing everything for everyone else.”
“I wouldn’t say I’m that busy.”
“You can barely keep up with class, Mat. And you don’t even have time for your hobbies anymore.”
He falls silent, unable to argue with that.
“You may not be selfish, but other people are.” You murmur faintly, face contorting as you continue. “And it makes me sad. I hate the way they treat you.”
Mathias starts following you around like a puppy. Wherever you go, he follows. He’s affectionate by nature too, but picks up more and more habits. Since when was he always holding your hand? Kissing your head? When he hugs you from behind, he fits perfectly around you like your favorite sweater. You might brush it off as his personality, especially when he’s so huggy with other friends. Funnily enough, you end up being the dense one. You’re in denial out of respect, but to be fair, it’s not like he’s said anything.
“Your hand is really hot, Mat.”
“Okay. Let’s go inside where the air-con is.”
His number one love language is physical touch. So it’s no wonder he gets upset that you don’t react to it at all. You’re not responding to his efforts at connecting with you, and it leads him to believe you’re not all that interested. Mathias has the communication skills of an egg, and is too shy to say it outright that he likes you--which is interesting because he can touch you like he does. That’s partially because you don’t make a fuss about it, so his cover isn’t ever blown.
The slow-burn is a hot one. He’s sad about being rejected (despite not having asked you out yet) but he just can’t resist you. Mathias is always staring at you like he wants something. He’s an open-book, and ends up having it written all over his face. Dazed looks, pouts, any kind of expression you’d make when you want more. And if you ask what’s wrong, he’ll just hug you and say, “nothing. I just missed you today.”
His breaking point is simple. You let your guard down. It’s inevitable with someone like Mathias, whose kind and unassuming nature makes him practically harmless. Right? Wrong. You’re at his place, wearing his shirt, and getting ready for bed after spending the day with him. He just got out of the shower, and he’s wearing nothing but boxers. And he’s just standing there, menacingly.
“Why are you looking at me like that?”
His gaze on you is too hot for you to stomach.
Just when you think it can’t get any worse, he comes over and gets so close, he’s pressing up against you. His arms are around your waist, and he tilts his head to hover his lips over yours. Then, he just stops, almost like he’s letting everything sink in.
All those dazed stares, forehead kisses, hugs, and squeezes. Mathias has always liked you.
When it finally hits you, his mouth is on yours.
Dating doesn’t come after friendship. Sex does. Mathias fucks you all night, and really hard to dispel all the sexual tension that’s built up for months. By the time you wake up, you have a new boyfriend and an uncontrollable shaking in your legs. But that’s not all. Whoever that’s sleeping next to you is barely like the golden retriever you first met. Not anymore.
Just when you thought he couldn’t be selfish, he becomes the most selfish person in the world. The only redeeming factor is that it’s only when it comes to you. Mathias will be crazy stubborn then. When he wants something from you, he won’t stop until he gets his way. And when he argues for it, he masks his persistence by asking a lot of questions. “Why?” He asks. “Why not?”
He gives intensely, and takes intensely. Mathias may be a kind and reliable partner, but he’s very demanding when it comes to anything sexual. It’s how he processes affection, and he’s a needy person. Even if he won’t goad you into anything, he’ll get pouty and feel neglected if you don’t respond to him. Sex is central to the relationship, so expect to be ravished into oblivion.
He’s smarter than he looks. He knows more than he lets on, and may pretend to be dense when he doesn’t want something. Once again, the endless cycle of “why” will start and get pretty tiring. Don’t cross him. You won’t be able to because of how he feels for you, but other people could. And Mathias can be frightening when he wants to be.
He tries to be nurturing, but ends up suffocating. Mathias would do anything for his partner, that’s for sure. But he might cross boundaries under the assumption he’s helping you. That, or he asks too much from you. Love, time, sex. You’ll never feel unwanted, but sometimes, you just need the space. It’s gonna be a long learning curb, you’ll go in circles with him again and again, or might not end up anywhere at all, but it’s always his adoring smile that gets you running right back.
There’s no winning with Mathias, and it’s hard to stay mad at him when he’s crazy about you. His love is passionate and even a little obsessive. Everything he does is for you and him. His life with you, and his future too. The sooner you realize that, the more leverage he’ll have over you. You’ll never escape him, and he’ll chase you to the ends of the Earth if he has to.
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The Secret to Home Fitness Success: What You Need to Know
Home fitness has taken the world by storm. More and more people are ditching the crowded gyms, costly memberships, and long commutes in favor of working out in their own space. But is home fitness really as effective as hitting the gym? And how do you get started? Today, we’re diving into some key questions about home fitness, helping you get closer to making the right decision for your fitness journey.
What Makes Home Fitness So Popular?
The flexibility of home fitness is a game changer. You don’t need to adjust your life around gym hours, and you can squeeze in a workout whenever it fits your schedule—whether it’s early morning before the kids wake up, or late at night after a long day. Plus, the convenience of not having to leave the house makes it easier to stick to a routine.
For many, the gym can be intimidating—filled with complex equipment, mirrors, and other people who seem to already know what they’re doing. Home fitness eliminates this pressure. You’re in control of your workout environment, free from the distractions and insecurities that often come with a public space. No more waiting in line for machines or comparing yourself to others. It's just you, your space, and your goals.
Do You Need Expensive Equipment for Home Fitness?
One common misconception is that you need a fully equipped gym at home to see results. That couldn’t be further from the truth! While investing in a few basics like dumbbells or resistance bands can enhance your workouts, home fitness is incredibly versatile. You can start with bodyweight exercises and still build strength and burn fat effectively.
In fact, bodyweight exercises like squats, lunges, push-ups, and planks are incredibly powerful for building muscle and improving endurance. As you progress, you can incorporate more equipment based on your needs and goals. You don’t need to break the bank to get started—often, the most essential tool for home fitness is just the commitment to begin.
What Are the Benefits of Working Out at Home?
The benefits of home fitness go far beyond convenience. For starters, working out at home saves you time. There’s no travel time to factor in, which means you can dive right into your routine. It also gives you the flexibility to work out on your terms—whether that’s during your lunch break, first thing in the morning, or while catching up on your favorite show.
Additionally, home fitness allows you to tailor your workouts to your specific needs without distractions. Want to focus on bodyweight strength training or high-intensity cardio? You get to decide. With no one watching, you can explore different routines and take your time learning the movements that work best for you.
Lastly, let’s not forget the financial perks. With gym memberships getting pricier, home fitness can be a cost-effective alternative. Once you’ve set up your space with the basic equipment, the cost drops significantly compared to paying monthly gym fees. Over time, the savings really add up.
How Do You Stay Motivated?
While home fitness offers unmatched flexibility, staying motivated can sometimes be a challenge. It’s easy to get distracted by household chores, family members, or just the comfort of your couch. The key to staying on track is creating a dedicated workout space. This doesn’t need to be fancy—a corner of your living room, a spare room, or even your garage can work.
Another important factor is having a clear plan. Without a structured workout program, it’s easy to lose focus and give up. This is why having exercise plans tailored to your goals is so important. Not only does it keep you accountable, but it also ensures you’re progressing safely and efficiently.
Consistency is another cornerstone of success. Set specific workout times, create a routine, and hold yourself accountable. Track your progress by recording your reps, sets, and how you feel after each session. Celebrating small wins, like completing a full week of workouts, helps build momentum and keep you motivated.
What's the Best Workout Routine for Home Fitness?
There isn’t one answer that works for everyone. Your workout routine will depend on your personal goals, fitness level, and available equipment. A great place to start is with a balance of strength training and cardio exercises. This combination allows you to burn fat, build muscle, and improve your cardiovascular health.
Strength training can be done with or without equipment. Bodyweight exercises like squats, push-ups, and lunges target multiple muscle groups and help increase your overall strength. Meanwhile, cardio can be as simple as jumping jacks, burpees, or even jogging in place to get your heart rate up.
The key is variety. Keep your workouts interesting by mixing in different types of exercises. This not only helps you avoid burnout but also ensures you’re working all areas of your body.
So, What’s Next?
Now that you know the basics of home fitness, you’re probably ready to dive deeper into how to make the most of your workouts from home. But what equipment should you invest in first? How do you structure your workouts for maximum results? And what should your diet look like to fuel your fitness journey?
We’ve got all the answers for you in our in-depth article, Discover the Secret to Building Muscle & Losing Weight from Home – No Gym Required!
In it, you’ll learn how to set up your home gym, follow expert-designed workout plans, and reach your fitness goals faster than you ever thought possible.
Ready to take the next step? Click here to read the full article and start your home fitness transformation today!
This blog provides valuable insights while leaving some questions unanswered, guiding readers to your more detailed article for further information.
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tripleflosolutions · 14 days
5 Time-Saving Fitness Hacks for Busy Professionals
5 Time-Saving Fitness Hacks for Busy Professionals
As a busy professional, you already know that balancing work, family, and social life can be challenging. Add trying to stay fit and healthy to the mix, and it feels almost impossible! Fortunately, fitness doesn’t have to consume your entire schedule. With the right strategies, you can stay in shape without sacrificing your time or energy.
In this article, we’ll explore five time-saving fitness hacks designed specifically for busy professionals. These tips are easy to implement, require minimal time, and will help you stay healthy no matter how packed your calendar is.
1. Micro Workouts: Small Bursts, Big Results
One of the biggest myths about fitness is that you need to spend hours at the gym to see results. That’s simply not true. With micro workouts, you can break your exercise routine into short bursts throughout the day.
Here’s how it works:
Instead of setting aside an hour for exercise, aim for 5-10 minute sessions multiple times a day.
Incorporate bodyweight exercises like squats, lunges, and push-ups during breaks or between meetings.
By the end of the day, these small sessions will add up, giving you the benefits of a full workout.
Micro workouts are especially effective for busy professionals who struggle to find extended periods of free time.
2. Use Your Commute for Cardio
For those with a long commute, why not turn that time into an opportunity to burn calories? Depending on where you live and work, you can walk or cycle instead of driving or using public transportation. This not only boosts your cardiovascular health but also helps you clear your mind and reduce stress before or after a busy workday.
Even if your commute is too long for walking, consider parking further away from the office or getting off public transit a stop early to squeeze in some extra steps.
3. Get Fit with Desk Exercises
Stuck at your desk all day? Don’t worry—there are plenty of ways to stay active while working. Simple desk exercises can help improve circulation, reduce stiffness, and strengthen muscles without leaving your office.
Try these quick desk exercises:
Seated leg lifts: Lift one leg at a time while seated, holding each for 10 seconds.
Chair dips: Use your office chair for tricep dips (as long as it’s stable!).
Shoulder rolls and neck stretches: Loosen tension from sitting hunched over your desk.
These exercises are great for fitting in some movement throughout your workday.
4. Plan Efficient Workouts with Minimal Equipment
If you have a little extra time for a workout, focus on routines that require minimal equipment but deliver maximum results. Resistance bands, dumbbells, and even your bodyweight can be used for effective strength training at home.
Keep your workout efficient by focusing on:
Compound movements (like squats, lunges, and push-ups) that work multiple muscle groups at once.
High-intensity interval training (HIIT) for a full-body workout in just 20-30 minutes.
By focusing on efficiency, you’ll be able to complete a powerful workout in half the time it would take at the gym.
5. Schedule Your Workouts Like Meetings
One of the best ways to stay consistent with fitness is to treat it like a priority. Many busy professionals find that scheduling workouts into their calendar helps make exercise a non-negotiable part of the day.
Here’s what you can do:
Block off specific time slots for working out, just as you would for meetings or deadlines.
Use your phone’s reminder function or an app to alert you when it’s time for your workout.
Once exercise becomes part of your routine, you’ll be more likely to stick with it long-term.
Conclusion: Make Fitness Fit Your Life
Staying fit as a busy professional doesn’t have to be overwhelming or time-consuming. With these simple, time-saving hacks, you can maintain your health and energy levels while managing a hectic schedule.
Remember, fitness is about consistency—not perfection. Start small, stay consistent, and watch your energy and productivity soar.
#FitnessHacks #BusyProfessional #MicroWorkouts #HealthyLiving #WorkLifeBalance #StayFit #FitnessTips #DeskExercises
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that-girl-lyra · 17 days
A (long) Rant About Fitness & Personal Health
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So if you're new to my blog, hi, Im Lyra and I am a 27 y/o who is very passionate about fitness and physical health. A few years back I was 165lbs and very unhappy, so I decided to start working out and then boom, currently 116lbs and 18% body fat. (Im 5ft2)
I didnt do that through some wacko diet, restricting my food, keto, whatever. No. Simply put, I ate food, and lifted heavy shit over, and over and over. And whoda thunk?! I lost body fat, gained muscle, as well as mental clarity, improved my sleep health, and physical health as a whole. And another fun fact, I still ate "bad food". Oooo, scary. Pizza, beer, burgers, cake, cookies, if its food, I want to eat it, and I did (and do).
It irks me on a cellular level that some people try to convince others that the only and or best way to lose weight, is to follow some weird ass diet that likely has more health risks than benefits, and the people theyre trying to convince, are already pretty vulnerable and are ready to try pretty much anything to get results and FAST!
Whilst I more than understand wanting results asap, fitness and physical health is not something you will see results and progress with in a short span of time. Sure, you might start feeling a little better after a month of implementing a fitness routine, but you'll look the same, and more or less still be the same. Fitness above all else teaches patience, and discipline. The muscles, slimmer figure, or whatever your original goal was is just a bonus.
Let me break a few things down for you;
Food is fuel, so fuckin EAT
You dont need to be keto, or follow the carnivore diet, vegetarian, vegan, nada. Nothing. Zilch. Zero, to be able to lose weight and gain muscle effectively, efficiently, safely, and be able to maintain a healthy body.
The best thing that I have ever heard regarding food (and it helped change my own relationship with food) is a quote from personal trainer and fitness coach Alex Tima from Hybrid Wellness. Alex said "There is no such thing as bad/unhealthy food. There is only more nutritious food, and less nutritious food".
Too much of anything isnt good, and too little of anything is also not good. Thats why we call it a "balanced" diet.
A lot of fitness influencers and whoever now days are trying to convince their followers to follow a strict diet of only animal products and maybe some fruit, all while eating one meal a day because "thats what our ancestors did!". Yeah, and our ancestors died at the ripe old age of 30.
True, we are/were hunter gatherers, but evolution is a thing as well. Just because back then we could survive off of only one meal a day, doesnt mean we have too now. More so, the biggest and strongest of our ancestors, still ate more/the most!
Bottom line, eat food when youre hungry. Eat good food. Meats, fruits, veggies, grains, fats, etc.
Dont let anyone tell you that youre undisciplined because you dont subscribe to any particular diet.
2. If You Wanna Look "Toned", You've Gotta Put in the Work
After becoming more fit and healthy myself, I have had quite a few people approach me and ask how they can do the same. However, nine times out of ten, they all say the same thing, or at least some variation of "I just wanna look more toned".
Well guess what? You will not look more toned, if there is nothing to tone.
Cardio alone will not help you achieve your goals. Sure, walking is fantastic and jogging is a great way to increase cardiovascular health and stamina, but it will not make you look more "toned". For that, you will need to build muscle. And how do we build muscle?
Unless you are literally training like Sam Sulek, you will not look like Sam Sulek. Lifting weights will NOT make you look "big" or "bulky" if you're not trying to become big or bulky. Just lift a good amount to where its a bit of a struggle, and increase the weight gradually overtime as you become stronger.
That with a little bit of cardio works wonders. Not just cardio or weights by themselves.
Sooooo many people are obsessed with the scale, being skinny, having the smallest BMI they could possibly get but let me tell you something.
My own mother has been obsessed with not only her weight (shes an almond mom with the exception of booze), but mine for as long as I can remember. Shes done so many diets, taken god knows what concoctions of...whatever, pills, etc all for the sake of being skiiinniiiiiiiii!!!!!
Guess where she is now? I mean sure, shes super fuckin skinny, but shes got diareah 24/7, liver damage, blood problems, thyroid issues, she had fuckin scurvey, and various brain issues and pretty much, delusions. But so long as her weight is low along with her waistline, she does not give a fuuuuuckk.
Guys, its not worth it. Do NOT stress over the numbers you see on the scale or any BMI calculator. Its okay if you want to drop a few pounds, but I highly HIGHLY encourage you to just simply take progress pics instead. Your eyes may lie to you, but the camera will not.
I could go on and on and on about this topic, but this is already a long enough post, and I don't want to info overload you lol.
To wrap up, fitness and personal health is all about balance. Nothing more, nothing less. Balanced diet, balanced sleep, balanced workout plan, etc.
If you have any questions whatsoever, please feel more than free to drop into my asks! Ill be more than happy to answer them when I can :)
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deathodil · 3 months
You are what you think
Dear diary,
Its easy to get loss in radical, mean thoughts when it comes to my body. Having a bad day When? Its because your fat. Your skin doesn't bounce back like it used to, you see every flaw as a failure and then bury your hatred in diet coke and cardio, but are those thoughts really doing you any good? When it comes to eating and managing our weight and our health, it is important to acknowledge the importance of the mind-body connection. Our hectic, jam-packed lives may literally be weighing us down.
Stop and think for a moment if you have experienced any of the following lately:
Stress or emotional eating - this usually occurs when people tend to eat and overeat because of strong emotions or feelings, rather than responding to their own internal cues of hunger. Sometimes when we experience strong emotions, these emotions can outweigh our physical feelings of fullness and satiation, and this can result in us overeating. In these cases, food is used as a coping mechanism, dulling strong emotions momentarily. However, it’s essential to acknowledge that this experience contributes toward perpetuating a cycle. Feeling stressful emotions can lead to overeating, which leads to guilt or shame, circling back to feeling — and not being able to process or handle — negative emotions or stress.
Stress or emotional starving - Ah your unintended go to Deathodil. Your anxiety triggers emotional and psychological changes in your body to help you deal with the stress. These changes often affect the stomach and digestive tract and can make you lose your appetite. If stress is the reason, your hunger usually returns once you're feeling more relaxed, which where the term "fat and happy" comes from. When you get comfortable you start to eat again. Sound familiar?
Maybe your more of a means point person. Your internal thoughts keep you caged and dictate what you can and can't have because you are projecting hatred towards yourself because its easier to hate yourself than to think others hate you, but this method also backfires because at some point you become defiant and want to show yourself who's boss so you either double down or rebell.
I'm sure a lot of us have felt this way diary, and we cycle through these stages over and over because we are what we think. So the biggest question is...
How do you counteract this?
Ralph Waldo Emerson said, “You are what you think all day long."
If I explore the term "fake it till you make it" than if I change my thoughts to ones that promote the type of life I want to live and do the things my best self would do, then maybe I can break the cycle.
Ways to change your thoughts:
1. "I'm afraid — therefore I can't."
It’s amazing how easily being afraid translates into “There’s no point in trying". Instead, try introducing a concept designed to change your thinking: Be afraid and do it anyway. This creates a space for you to consider the idea that the fear doesn't have to hijack moving ahead in life. You can be open to addressing, confronting, and working with you fear — rather than making decisions to simply avoid the thing that evoked it. Practice breath work to calm your system, guided imagery to imagine success, and positive self-talk to celebrate small steps forward.
2. "I'll never find anything or anyone better; this is as good as it gets."
Countless men and women apply this mindset to unhappy relationships, dead-end jobs, and their weightloss journey's regularly. Imagine being in a long-term relationship and you clearly feel like you're not getting your needs met, but you're afraid that no one better will come along, or that you won't be okay if you aren't in a relationship. This translates into “Therefore, I have to settle.” The new thought: I don't have to settle, and I don't have to settle, and I don't have to put a glass ceiling on how good things can be." Try instead to focus on the standards you hold for your friends who were dating, so you could begin to hold to those same, higher standards in your own relationships. If you wouldn’t encourage your friends to settle, why would you? If your friend was trying to lose weight and was struggling, would you encourage them to binge on cookies or berate them for being weak? I would hope not. Start giving yourself advice you would to a friend if you aren't ready to be nice to yourself yet.
3. "I made my bed. Now I have to lie in it."
Many families and cultures promote this idea, especially in older generations. Once you’ve made a choice, the thinking goes, you can’t deviate from it or change your mind. To do so is associated with “giving up,” “weakness,” or “failure.” Your new thought should be, "Deciding to make a change is a sign of courage and strength, and it's my right to do so." This gives you permission to listen to your own inner truths. Whether it's to change something small like adding green tea to your diet or large like moving away from a toxic home, remember deep down you can always pivot and its okay.
You are what you think, so today choose to think positively, romanticize the drama of life and know you can move on tomorrow.
With love,
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alevolpe · 2 years
☆☮️ Minako and Ami!!!
Ami ☆ - happy headcanon
I think everyone knows Ami has always struggled with understanding people. She loves to learn. She cherishes and strives in environments where applied learning is the one true key to happiness and success. Ami studies, Ami gets a perfect score, Ami sees the perfect score, Ami gets praised. Ami receives praise and knowledge. So, why couldn't it stay that simple?
She had secretly always found excuses. She was meant to be THE top tier student, she has to study, there's no time and she's only human. So when faced with the impossible decision of trying to find a balance for her life, she dove head on. Sleep, Study, Social Life. She convinced herself, that was her happiness.
The harsher truth was, trying to understand others, making friends, and learning how to become more approachable was just not worth it. She tried that once, she gained was a group of 'friends', but Ami wasn't stupid. A few study sessions in, Ami was nose down on a large stack of books, the only one at the table, homework abandoned. Everyone else walking around, chanting, TV blasting, various drinks spilling. That was the last time Ami spoke to those people and the last time they spoke to her, but not the last they spoke about her.
So yeah, those very few experiences had made it even harder for Ami to understand, even harder to care.
But sometimes, the hardest of problems have the most simple of solutions. And her answer came in the form of a simple and sincere smile. For the first time she saw a person smile and truly felt the happiness take a hold of her, before she even knew it, a tender smile growing from her own lips.
The sincerity of Usagi and Mako's friendship, I think, is what finally convinced her that maybe, maybe some people are truly worth it. It's worth to put in the work, because they'll happily and openly show you the results. No trickery, no roundabouts, just straight to the point. I want to make you happy. I can try to make you happy. You look, act and feel happy. It makes me happy.
it was a start, at the very least.
Minako ☆ - happy headcanon
I truly feel like Mina is on a constant high of Ultra Dopamine. Not to say she doesn't have her low moments, but you'll find her dead and buried into her 869th incarnation before she's willingly to openly acknowledge the misery of her own existence. That just ain't Venus, that just ain't Minako Aino.
She has duties, both as the leader and as a friend, but fuck if she isn't gonna find a way to make it fun for herself.
A friend is sick?! Minako 'the sexy nurse' Aino is coming over full throttle and full costume making sure that spotlight doesn't dare to stop tracking her for even one second.
Senshi training tonight?! She's the shot caller, arranging all the set pieces, challenging herself with mixing important senshi duties and important 'I must be entertained, me, Minako Aino duties'. Yes, Mars, 3 more sets of single leg squats, cause of course that is very important. For both duties.
My friends are dating, but they are soo awkward?! Nothing that a Firefly 5 Inch Glow In The Dark Dildo can't solve, all nicely wrapped in a surprise box so graciously gifted during dinner (spoiler: it didn't end well...).
Long story short, if Mina has to do something and that something isn't fun, she'll make it fun. Most times at the cost of whatever victims friends she has brought along.
Although there is one thing that has consistently granted Mina with an almost inexplicable sense of sole contentment: Exercise. Mina loves, loves, loves working out. While I see her as having more a gymnast body type, so preferring more cardio and mobility workout, she's not one to turn down any type of workout; Being for Sailor Business Training or just for herself to experiment.
Where these 2 aspects of her meet the best I think is her love of volleyball. Training her body, mind, hand-eye-coordination and team coordination in a beautiful package that still allows her to snatch that spotlight for herself and make sure the people's eye are glued on her for the rest of the game, if she so wishes.
Minako and Ami ☮ - friendship headcanon
Welp, I've actually written about this before, right here. But, basically out of all the inners I think the MinaAmi friendship is def the weakest.
For the longest time, they just straight out didn't like each other, they just never admitted it out loud, I even have them beating the shit out of each other one time. I hc Ami as autistic and that makes it quite difficult for her to understand Minako's intentions from her lack of a clear response in both expression and tone. Her actions really speak to Ami as bullying behavior and that's not totally off. Mina thrives on getting a reaction, so she's willing to go to places where a lot of people wouldn't, just to get a reaction out of people and the times she does it on Ami, it just ends up making her feel very uncomfortable and quite angry. The others do try to stop this from happening if they catch what Mina is onto fairly early.
TLDR: Ami doesn't like Mina because Mina acts like a bully, has unclear motives on why she acts the way she acts and is very much willing to make people uncomfortable to get a reaction out of them (this last one is quite skewed from Ami's perception, since she sees Mina teasing the others the way she does with her, but never puts together that the others 'most of the time' consent to the teasing and are even willing to bite back playfully). Mina doesn't like Ami 'cause she's boring. Ami is very simple on the outside, and while that can be quite the entertaining show, the well runs dry as soon as Ami stops giving Mina what she's looking for, attention.
All that said, I can see them becoming closer as the years run by and mostly as Ami opens up to new expressions of affection and care. Most of the merit going to Michiru, whom I can see making a genuine effort, in her unique Michiru way, to befriend Ami. And sort of succeeding?! Michiru is in now way direct, every word that departs her lips is carefully refined before being handpicked to form the most enigmatic phrasing any human being could ever hope to comprehend. Her expressions, a total enigma. Never has one seen a smile hiding so much mystery since the Mona Lisa herself. And yet, something grew, they are quite content in calling it a friendship.
Beginning to understand emotion without a direct and clear response was definitely a step forward in understanding the blonde leader, since I never see Minako giving up her teasing I think Ami would grow toward more of a competitive side in their late teens and early adulthood. Minako wants a reaction? My turn. I'll practice this new Sailor V game at the arcade until all the top scores look like this:
Mizuno A
Mizuno A
Mizuno A
Mizuno A
Mizuno A
"Wow, Ami I didn't even know you played this game. You filled up the leaderboard" Usagi gawked with staring at the old arcade screen.
"Oh, I had some spare time yesterday, so I spent a couple of hours playing. The game is quite easy once you understand the enemy AI and get a sense for the tempo of the platforming"
Mina was quiet. The expression of horror plastered on her face. One to rival her encounter with the Galaxy destroyer Warrior Sailor Galaxia. A couple of hours, I REFUSE! ICAN'T BE! Endless afternoons spent sweating money, tears and MORE MONEY, MY MONEY!! on achieving that leaderboard, just for a couple of hours to
… she dared to peek. Out of the corner of her eye she could see a sight of true defiance and treachery.
Sitting on the worn out leather stool. The genius, her teammate, her friend, sparing her a look. A barely perceivable grin.
Truly the start of a miracle friendship.
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sophiajones1 · 7 months
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