#how many times will i think Ohhhh THIS will fix me. if i just do this that will definitely fix me. obviously that’s just utter make believe
automatic-midnight · 5 months
My biased, really unpopular take is that I think rit/su/maya is an objectively boring ship.
#just to be clear I don’t hate it there’s absolutely nothing wrong with the ship it’s just such a nothing burger to me#like ok yes without a doubt Maya has a crush on Ritusko absolutely this is backed up by canon material#but from Ritsukos side the most the viewer comes away with is that Ritsuko holds mayas skills in decently high regard#a few moments of friendly chit chat and that’s it#it would be one thing if we actually saw Ritsukos more personal opinions on Maya but we never see that so fandom has to fill in the blanks#and now barring that all aside it’s just a ship dynamic even when fleshed out in fanon that im not intrigued by#in a show where the characters are so messy and terrible the ship feels so out of place#ohhhh Maya could fix Ritsuko NO she could not#the only way I could find the ship interesting is if you get weird with it#like focus on the inherent power imbalance of a boss and an employee how would they deal with that?#how would things change as the show progresses and Maya realizes Rituskos blurred morals#how would the ship work with Gendo in the picture? how would Maya actually help ritusko overcome her issues and deep rooted problems#and even with all that being said it’s just not interesting to me#Maya doesn’t have enough going as a character for me to care to ship her with Ritsuko#this is partly why I like misaritsu so much#you know so much about their individual characters and their dynamics that it’s easy to expand it further into hypothesizing#their relationship in a romantic light#evangelion#like misato and Ritsuko are individually super well written fleshed our characters and on top of that put in moments like the elevator scene#or Ritsukos flashback to talking about when Misato hooked up with Kaji for a week#or just every time Ritsuko looks at Misato if you really want to reach#there so many moments of good characterization between them that it’s so easy to ship them#the point I’ll give to ritsu/Maya is that the one sided crush is 100% intentional and implied in canon#Misato and Ritsukos relationship (as far as I’m aware) was never intended to be romantic or queer coded or anything like that#i’m not delusional#I don’t think anno or sadamoto was writing subtextual nuclear toxic yuri when they were thinking about Misato and ritsukos relationship#no one was in the writing room saying “oh boy I can’t wait to write subtext about how comphet Ritsuko is in unrequited love with Misato”#I’m not that far gone but purely from a potential ship perspective misaritsu has so much more going for it#asu/rei too that’s another super interesting f/f ship that people ignore#asurei isn’t my do or die ship but that’s a ship that’s genuinely super interesting to think about as a potential romantic relationship
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mancer-in-the-abbey · 3 months
This thought has been rotating this in my, MODERN GHOULS (plus Aether) AND HOW THEY ACT IN A FIGHT LETS GO
Dewdrop: Strike hard, strike fast, don’t get hit, that’s the motto. In a brawl scenario he is the first to hit under the belt, dude LOVES to fight dirty and he’s hella resourceful. He doesn’t take hits as well as he used to before the elemental transition, but he’s been working on increasing his speed to make up for it. You cannot and will not see him coming if he decides to deal the first hit, Prefers hand-to-hand (claw-to-claw?) combat over ranged fighting or straight elemental fighting due to a harder time accessing his fire power, but when he does MANNN is it a DELUGE of fire. The whole house is burning down.
Aether: In a brawl scenario, being as big and physically strong as he is makes him excel at disbanding/de-escalating. Aether is really good at taking a punch and being just completely unfazed by it, which is useful in getting people acting a fool to knock it off. If it’s real life or death, though? Ohhhh buddy you done fucked up the minute you messed with the guy who stitches people back together with magic on the regular. If he can do that, how easy do you think it is for him to UN-stitch someone? He doesn’t even need to raise a fist for you to be done for.
Phantom: Phantom, I think, is flight over fight in most ways. If someone wants to start something, he just goes invisible and nopes out of there. Having said that, if he IS stuck in a fight, is the KING of improv. Where Dew can walk into a room and come up with 10 different ways the objects in it can kill a man, Phantom can be handed an object, ANY object, and he will make it work. Not necessarily out of skill, but just sheer blind panic and the need to arm himself. Real scrappy, that ghoul… he has thrown a knife at a toaster for going off too loud and scaring him.
Rain: Rain has VERY good control over his element. If he has a choice between fighting on land a fighting in or near water, he’s taking the water option. That said, water is slightly harder to come by in everyday life unless one is just constantly carrying a bottle of water with them at all times. That is, unless you want to burst the water pipes of a building, which he HAS done once by accident and it was VERY expensive to fix. Anyway, lucky for him Rain does tend to just carry water on him anyway. Man needs to be hydrated, and it also functions as his built in self-defense. You trying to fight? Get geysered with a Stanley Cup, idiot. Assuming water ISN’T an option at all, though, Rain is a biter. You will lose a finger and he will tell you what hot sauce he’d pair you with after. Just for the extra psychic damage.
Swiss: Call my man Rocky the way he didn’t hear no bell, Swiss is RELENTLESS. Stamina in fucking SPADES, it don’t matter how many hits he takes, he will Not! Go! Down! Him and Phantom are similar in that they’re both survivors by any means necessary. In Phant’s case, it made him the master of Ending Situations Fast. In Swiss’s, though, it’s made him durable as an anvil and persistent as a lion. Combine that with whatever element is closest at hand and he’s a force to be reckoned with. And if he has the time to get really creative with his elemental powers? Buddy, you are not leaving that fight the same man you came in, if you leave at all.
Cirrus: Girl was a brawler back in the pit, so to me fighting as a way of life followed her onto the surface. Every bit of her is a weapon. Her hands? Weapons. Her arms? Weapons. Legs? Weapons. Face? Weapon. She is so light on her feet, you will not be able to land a single hit on her. She can blow you off-balance or keep you at arms length, always giving her the upper hand in confrontations. She also knows how to handle actual weapons really well. It’s a hobby of hers, swords are her favorite for sheer cool factor but give that woman a quarterstaff and she will go to WORK.
Cumulus: That is a woman who has a mean, right hook, I just know it in my bones. She enjoys learning self-defense from Cirrus, though more for the exercise than the fighting capability. Cumulus, like Aether, is more a lover than a fighter. However, should the need arise, she is more than capable of stopping a brawl in its tracks. You wanna throw hands? Bam! Sudden atmospheric pressure migraine! What are you gonna do now, idiot? It’s a good way to get all parties involved to scatter fast, leaving her with a quiet evening to herself.
Aurora: Ranged! Fighting! Queen! Someone let her watch Hunger Games and she has been perfecting how to hurt people from a distance ever since. Her aim started out shaky but has gotten SCARY good, she can hit you in the head with a fastball special from a sports field away. Also, she uses her Quintessence powers to manipulate light. Usually this is just for doing cool tricks and making the space look pretty, but she WILL flash-bang you if provoked.
Mountain: Don’t. Just don’t! Mountain may be a gentle giant these days but he wasn’t always. If you like your bones where they are, just don’t fucking bother! He will avoid conflict if it is at all possible, but if he thinks you might be an actual threat to his family, there is nowhere on the continent you will be safe!
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mynameismckenziemae · 8 months
She’s a Fire-Chapter XXIII
Bradley 'Rooster' Bradshaw x OFC/Reader (no use of y/n)
Praying for rescue
(previous chapter here, next chapter here)
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Warnings: smut 18+-MDNI, oral, spanking, ass play, bondage, etc.
“Just…just like that. Right there, right there—ohhhh, Bradley!” You cry out, back arching as another orgasm rips through you. You’ve lost track of how many times he’s gotten you off with his tongue.
Your limbs feel so heavy, and you smile as you hear him mumbling from his place between your legs.
“Please, Row. Please. I’m so sorry, baby. I wasn’t thinking, I thought you meant while I was on the carrier, and I’m not gonna be able to sleep, and I’m so hard Row. So fucking hard…”
You open your eyes and watch him; his forehead rests on your thigh, his hips rut against the bed.
You peek at your phone. 12:02 AM. Officially his birthday.
“You can you cum...”
His head whips up, eyes meeting yours. “Really?”
“Mhmm,” you reply. He starts to rise but you put your foot on his back, stopping him.
Shaking your head, you continue, “No. Keep going just like that.”
He shudders and his head drops back to your thigh with a defeated groan. “Yes ma’am.”
His hips start their rhythm again and you run your fingers through his hair. “If you had just listened you could be fucking me right now instead of the mattress. I’ve missed your cock so much, I’ve felt so empty these past few weeks.”
He mumbles more apologies and his hips keep working against the bed.
“You know you’ll have to be punished, right?”
“I…I thought this was my punishment?” He pants.
You laugh. “What do you think? I’m letting you cum.”
“But it’s my birthday,” he whines.
“Should’ve thought of that earlier, huh? Maybe I should have Bob keep an eye on you next deployment.”
“No! No…please? I’ll be good.” He begs, but his hands grip your hips harder, giving away how affected he is.
“Hmm. I’d tell him to punish you as he sees fit, too,” you say, smirking at his choked whimper, watching as the tips of his ears turn red.
“You’re too big for my lap, but you’d fit over his. Oh God, wouldn’t that be so hot if Bob pulled you across his lap for a spanking?”
He doesn’t reply, but he whimpers as his hips flex. He’s close.
“Hmm? You’d like that, wouldn’t you? You want Bob to spank you over his knee like the naughty boy you are?” The hands in his hair tug. “Answer me.”
“No!… I mean yes? I don’t even know…FUCK!” He sobs, hips stilling as he coats the blanket and his stomach with cum.
He’s trembling as you swing your leg over his head and head to the bathroom for a washcloth.
You coax him onto his back kiss his flushed cheeks and murmur praises as you clean him up.
“Wanna get in bed? I’ll change the comforter quick and check on Lola, I don’t know how she’ll do since I’ve slept on the couch with her every night so far.”
“Mmm, yeah.” He agrees sleepily but sits up, suddenly awake. “Wait, do you she’ll let me carry her up here?”
Lola is lying patiently by the bottom of the steps and her tail thumps as she hears Bradley coming down the stairs.
“Hey pretty girl, wanna go outside and then upstairs? I put that really comfy bed up there next to my side since I was reading that jumping on and off beds isn’t good for large breeds as it’s hard on your joints. The last thing that daddy wants is for you to get hurt,” he rambles.
You hear him groan from the bottom of the stairs as he lifts her. “I see why Mama couldn’t lift you. You’s a big girl, huh? We’ll fix up these scary stairs tomorrow, okay?”
Lola comes running in when he sets her down at the top, putting her front paws on the bed to sniff and lick your ears. “Hey! That tickles,” you laugh, “You learned that from Steve, didn’t you?”
She climbs down and gallops to Bradley in the doorway, who follows her as she checks out the upper level for the first time. After everything has been sniffed thoroughly, she lays down in her bed with a heavy sigh.
“This is the best birthday ever,” Bradley tells you after he pats Lola, humming when your fingers run through his hair as he lays his head on your stomach.
You smile. “It just started. Ya never know what tomorrow might bring. Don’t forget the birthday spankings, unless you want me to ask Bob to—Hey!” You squeal as he pinches your butt.
He chuckles. “You’re never gonna let me live that one down, are you?”
“Nope. Not a chance, now that I have that visual in my head.”
You don’t miss the shiver he fails to suppress.
“Seriously though. This is already the best birthday I’ve had since my mom died,” he turns to look at you. “You’re amazing Row. You have the biggest heart underneath all that sass. I’m so fucking lucky to have you in my life. I love you.”
“Love you too, Bradley,” you smile, leaning forward for a kiss, “We better get some sleep. Lola’s an early riser.”
Lola may be an early riser, but you aren’t.
They’re both already up when you wake up a little after 8, and you faintly hear Bradley in the kitchen, his phone playing music.
You smile as you creep into the kitchen, trying not to laugh as he points to Lola while he sings along.
“Well, I guess you'd say
What can make me feel this way?
My girl…hey!”
He yelps when your hand connects sharply to his brief-clad cheek.
“That’s one…only 33 to go,” you tease, smiling as you wrap your arms around him after he turns towards you. “I was gonna wake you up with a blowjob but you were gone when I woke up.”
“I can go back to bed if you want?” He jokes, placing a kiss on your lips, hands are full of pancake batter.
You laugh, “No need,” and drop to your knees, tugging his boxer briefs with you.
“What about breakfast-oh, Row…” he trails off as you pull him into your mouth.
You find yourselves at Home Depot a while later with Lola to pick up supplies for the stairs—after a shower to get the pancake batter out of your hair.
Bradley suggests picking up some paint for the bedroom too, since you’ve mentioned wanting to change it sometime when you moved in. He doesn’t think anything of it when you add a few extra paint stirring sticks before checking out.
An hour or passes when Lola comes bounding up the stairs just as you finish up one of the walls.
“What a brave girl! Daddy must be done, huh?” You say, bending down to leave a smooch on her snoot.
“Yeah, all set. Looks good in here babe,” he murmurs, coming up behind you to rub his erection against your ass.
“Again?” You laugh, grinding back on him.
“I’ve been this way since Home Depot, have you seen your ass in these shorts? I know you’re not wearing underwear,” he whines. “And I haven’t had your pussy in a month. I ache for you, Row.”
“Mmm,” you hum, rising and turn to face him. “I actually am wearing underwear. I was waiting for tonight, but I can’t wait anymore either. Get naked and lay down.”
“Yes ma’am,” he nods excitedly, stripping quickly and flopping on the bed, lazily stroking his cock as he watches you undress to the matching bra and little navy blue panties set you have on; his favorite color.
Sauntering over to your bedside drawer, you shake your head and twirl your finger.
“Turn over.”
“Really Row, my ankles too?” He scoffs into the comforter but allows you to secure his legs to the bottom of the wrought iron frame.
“Really Bradley, your ankles too,” you echo, “I want easy access to all of you.”
He shudders. “Easy access for what?”
“You’ll see.” You reply, finding the items you want, and climb on the bed between his spread legs.
He moans as you straddle his waist and dig your fingers into the tense muscles of his shoulders. He melts when you massage his neck and back, eventually moving down to his lower back, and then the ‘so tight you can bounce a quarter off’ muscle of his ass.
“Feels so good,” he slurs, tensing when your hand slaps down on his right cheek.
“Yeah? How about that?” You tease, slapping the left side.
He doesn’t even try to pretend he doesn’t like this time. “Yes ma’am. That feels good too. More please?”
It’s your turn to shiver. You oblige, pausing when his hips are starting to rut against the bed; his cheeks a shade of pink.
“That…that’s it?” He pants, turning his head to the side, trying to meet your eye.
You lean forward, placing a kiss on his lips. “So greedy, Bradley. Be patient.”
“Yes ma’am,” he replies, startling when he hears the click of the lubricant cap.
You put a generous dollop on your finger and slide your finger between his cheeks, circling and pressing when you find his hole. You smirk at his choked gasp when you press your finger in. His hips alternate between pushing towards to the intrusion and away from it.
Your phone rings when you’ve worked up to 2 fingers. It’s Sunny, so you pick it up with your clean hand, feeling Bradley tense around your fingers when you answer.
“Hey, Sun.”
“Hey, I tried Bradley but he’s not answering. I was just gonna wish him a happy birthday and see if you guys want to grab dinner tonight?”
“Oh, yeah he’s…busy at the moment. Let me see if I can find him,” you reply, “Bradley? Sunny wants to talk to you.”
He shakes his head furiously as you bring the phone to his ear.
“Hey Sun, what’s up?” He pants.
“Happy birthday! You okay? You sound out of breath.”
“Thanks. Yeah, yeah I’m f-“ he stutters as you find and press on his prostate, “Fine, I’m fine. Just working on the stairs for Lola.”
“Oh yeah, Row told me she was having trouble with the stairs. Do you have plans tonight? Did you want to meet me and Bobby for dinner?”
He bites his lip as you press harder, but decide to show him mercy and pull your fingers out. “Yeah, that sounds good.”
“6 okay?”
“Yeah, 6 is good. Text us where you want to go,” he pants, tensing when you press the plug into his hole.
“But it’s your birthday, you should decide!” She argues.
“I’ll…I’ll let you know then.” He agrees breathily as you push it in.
“Perfect. See you guys soon!” She replies, hanging up, totally obvious.
“You’re evil, Row—fucking Christ!” He grits as you push it the rest of the way in and turn the vibration on.
You pick up one of the extra paint sticks you grabbed earlier and slap it over his cheek, enjoying the slap and the way his cheeks clench at the sting.
You give him several more but soon he’s begging for you to stop.
“Why? You just asked if that was it earlier?” You ask, landing two more hash slaps on each cheek, now bright red and hot to the touch.
“‘Cause I-I’m gonna cum!” He groans, pressing his forehead into the bed.
“Alright, we don’t want that yet,” you reply, untying his ankles and helping him onto his back; cuffed arms now crossed above his head.
“Wait-waitwaitwait, I’m not gonna last long with the plug,” he whimpers, eyes closing as you push your undies to the side and sink onto his leaking cock.
“It’s okay, I won’t take long,” you sigh, your clean fingers rubbing circles over your clit.
His eyes stay clenched shut as you ride him, whimpers pulled from his throat with every thrust.
When your orgasm hits, it takes your breath away. You rest your head against his chest as your hips circle over his cock, and that pressure pushes the plug against his prostate.
He cums shortly after with a strangled shout, arms pulling against their restraints as he empties into you.
“Off, please turn it off, ‘s too much,” he babbles, shaking as the vibration in his ass pushes him into overstimulation.
You reach behind you, clicking it off. He finally relaxes under you.
“Will you be my good boy and keep it in through dinner?”
A/N: Sorry this took so long, I’ve been super sick this week.
Not sure how I feel about this chapter…I also can’t get the visual of Bob taking Bradley over his knee outta my head lol 🙈🥵🫠
Also…part of me is debating just saying fuck it to the rest of it and just telling you guys what happens because I’m feeling so not creative right now.
Reblogs/comments are always appreciated. I love hearing what you guys think.
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tothestarsinvelaris · 3 months
(please no spoilers if interacting w/ this post. i have somehow avoided all TOG spoilers and know nothing more than the lil blurb on the back of the book and what i have read so far. thx <3)
{Finished reading Empire of Storms and Tower of Dawn}
hahahahaahaahaah!!!!! nobody told me I would be sobbing!!! I should have known, but instead I blindly and happily danced through these books until my heart was ripped out and thrown on the ground!!
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(major spoilers below bc I need to write it out in order to begin processing what the hell happened?!)
Maeve is so evil I literally cannot process it. The entire scene with her on the beach with Aelin, Gavriel, Fenrys, Lorcan, Manon, Elide.... oh my heart.. I don't think I breathed during that entire scene. I literally had to stop reading to ready myself when Aelin took those lashes...
Rowan getting to the beach and growling out "where is my wife" actually shattered my heart. Maeve talking about how she faked the mating bond with Rowan and Lyria, and that Rowan and Aelin were actually mates?! ughhhhh His Fireheart. His equal, his friend, his lover. His wife. His mate. stopppppppppp i'm sobbbinnngggg
Lorcan realizing what he had actually done, what he didn't do for Aelin and Rowan.. him sobbing because he realized he destroyed everything and betrayed them... the way I know his heart just shattered over and over at Elide saying she wished he suffered forever and then completely ignoring him. the way he goes to Rowan and says he will go with him to save Aelin... oh my gosh idk why I love him so much, but I really do and I'm gonna need a Lorcan redemption arc in the next book or I will create a headcanon that nobody will ever be able to convince me isn't real. fix it bro!!
Lysandra being willing to pretend to be Aelin, to take Rowan as her king and sire children with Aedion to keep up the guise if needed.... ohhhh... to willingly give up her freedom for Aelin, for the world, after everything she went through... that woman is amazing.
I'm so mad that I like Aelin and Dorian so much bc I don't want either one of them to die for this stupid bullshit Elena pulled 1000 years ago!!! I'm so mad that I love all these damn characters so much!!
Chaol and Yrene getting married is honestly so damn cute okay!?! The life-bond?! ugh I love them so much. such a cute little bright spot in these books. the way that she's the light for his darkness is so fucking cute (and so elriel coded). Chaol seeing the note that Yrene carries with her and recognizing the handwriting!! ohhhhh man
All the favors that Aelin called in, everyone showing up for her like the damn Avengers movie?! Literally everyone, every single person she showed kindness to over her life, everyone showing up and being there to fight for her and with her to save the damn world.. Ansel, Ilias, Galan, the thousands and thousands they brought with them... and Aelin doesn't even know it. Rowan's cousins turning on Maeve's fleet in the battle?! ohhhh my heart is made of tears.
The 13 showing up because Abraxos (sweetest lil flower sniffing bby) went and found them, and they all followed bc they knew he would bring them to Manon. And how they fought instantly, and fell into step with Rowan, Dorian, and Aedion!?
How when Gavriel was called to Maeve, he left his shield around not only Aedion, but also Lysandra because he just knows and cares about them even if Aedion wants nothing to do with him. :( The way Gavriel has been kind of a sweetie the whole time and I just want to hug everyone in this damn series.
and the godsdamned ships in these books!!! ohhhhh my gosh!!! (idk any ship names bc I'm desperately avoiding spoilers still holy shit) Rowan x Aelin | Dorian x Manon | Lorcan x Elide | Chaol x Yrene | Nesryn x Sartaq | Aedion x Lysandra oooooooohhh myyyyy goodness!!
gosh, the way that everything is just connected, even the gods are represented in so many of them. the way the threads are there and always have been, pushing everyone along, pushing the plot along and putting all the puzzle pieces together slowly and perfectly and now it's all coming together. Ugh a series in which a re-read is well worth it so you can pick up on all the little bits and pieces throughout!! I can't wait to read theories and breakdowns and everything that people have connected and figured out over the years once I finish Kingdom of Ash!!
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charmwasjess · 3 months
Twenty Fanfic Writer Questions Okay, this is embarrassing, because I got tagged in this like two weeks ago when I was in time zone stupor, copied the prompts out, and then forgot, and I think it was @stellanslashgeode who tagged me - if not, I will cry with embarrassment so don't tell me if I'm wrong.
And :'D I don't remember either who was tagged when it was going around, so here's some no pressure tags (and hop in if you want to play and I didn't tag you!) - @bolithesenate @calcedon79 @purple-ant @reconstructwriter
1. How many works do you have on Ao3? 
10!! :D Which is totally amazing to me. Where did they come from?! Who made them?!
2. What’s your total Ao3 word count? 
Oh god, almost 300k… I don’t have any explanation. 
3. What fandoms do you write for? 
Just Star Wars! I can only handle one frenzied obsession at a time.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
Sitting in the Dark, Five Days to Murder Sifo-Dyas, The Thunder Answered Back, Milk Run, and hey, aww, wow, Jedi Nights?! 
I’m a little surprised any of my Sifo-Dyas/Dooku stuff beat out anything else, it’s such a little tiny ship!
5. Do you respond to comments? 
I do, it's my favorite part. I get a tremendous amount of inspiration and energy from engaging with people who take the time to talk to me about my work. And friends, too! I have been in my fandom since I was like 11 or 12. I’ve made lifelong friends out of my comment sections.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? 
I'm a sucker for a happy ending so a lot of them end on an upbeat note, but I can’t imagine The Thunder Answered Back ending on anything other than a mixed note. I'm not gonna be able to undo Order 66, you know? It’s a salvage job, not a fix it. If Jocasta gets through the fic without killing Dooku, we will call it a happy ending.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? 
My corny Five Days to Kill Sifo-Dyas probably has the most classical happy ending for the saga but my favorite is the one in Sitting in the Dark - Qui-Gon waking up on the couch with Rael asleep next to him, and listening to Dooku and Jocasta and Sifo-Dyas wash up after the party. That little kid feeling of being safe and sleepy with your adult family happy and laughing softly nearby. 
8. Do you get hate on fics? 
Ohhhh, if I had a dollar for every time one of my friends made some joke about me writing Count Dooku porn! But I don't care about that, if they actually read my shit, their pervert asses would become terribly addicted to it. They’d be begging at my door. “More old man yaoi! PLEASE!” (This is a joke, my local friends have been very nice about my return to fic writing and the teasing is loving.)
Weirdly, the nastiest hate comment on a fic I’ve ever gotten was in the Before era, when I was writing fic on my old teen account. It was on a young Knight-age Dooku/Jocasta one shot. It was a simple, very vanilla romantic moment with a T rating at best so I don't really get why the person was so worked up about it? I think they just couldn't get around Dooku and Jocasta (OLD PEOPLE?!?) written as young and attractive. For years, I was horribly embarrassed about the fic, like it must really actually truly suck to have someone spend so much time writing such an extensive hate comment. I must have really fucked up. 
I went back and reread it recently and realized: oh, no, it's a regular fic, they were just a fucking loser.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? 
The…sex kind!!
But yes, I do! Mostly Sifo-Dyas/Dooku these days, but also Jocasta/Dooku and once or twice the holy Trinity of the three. 
I was REALLY shy about posting it at first and I still kind of can’t believe I did, but it was absurdly good for me as a person. Great for my religious purity culture baggage, my teenage years as a closeted queer person, just a really freeing experience. 
And it’s hot. And you get to think about Dooku saying or thinking the word “erection,” which is worth it just for that. 
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written? 
Nah, I’m boring.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? 
Nope, but I have been lucky enough to help with the English in bringing several of Purple Ant’s remarkable works over from Russian. 
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? 
Yep! In the Before time, I cowrote a lot, although I don’t think I posted much. One stands out: I remember this big rambling self-insert (we called them Mary Sues back then) I did with my bestie where we were transported to Star Wars world and we had to… I don’t exactly remember, but I think Obi-Wan falling in love with one or both of us was a big part? I went back and deleted it years later because it was so cringe. But that’s silly too - we were like twelve, of course it was silly and cringe! 
14. What’s your all-time favorite ship? 
I tend to be pretty fucking stupid about Syku. 
It’s just. Two people who manage to collectively destroy their own universes together. They’re so connected in such strange, powerful, frightening ways, they know all of each other’s secrets, they were there on the worst days of each other’s lives, and will go on to be each other’s worst day of their life. And the way, even as they change, they can’t get away from each other, even though they both really try, it’s like they’re stuck in two orbits that have to cross. 
And then you read the dumb book, and see that they’re just stupid funny and cute together, idiots who finish each other’s sentences and call each other little nicknames… augh, the bizarre sweetness of it?! It kills me. It’s the narrative doom, but also the weird, enduring love that has Dooku giving Sifo-Dyas a Jedi funeral or trying so earnestly to tell Obi-Wan his crazy version of events with his death, or how Sifo-Dyas goes running back to him for the Clone thing after he already knows so much about how Dooku factors into the end game... 
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? 
I will definitely finish The Thunder Answered Back but I kind of doubt I’ll get to the two years worth of content and every individual character’s endgame storyline I envisioned out of it. I'll stick with Dooku, Jocasta, Scout, and Asajj.
16. What are your writing strengths? 
….this is embarrassing, but I tend to think I’m occasionally really funny. 
Even though my fics are really serious and I haven’t written any crack, I really try to put in moments of humor, depending on my POV character’s dialogue or internal monologue. I think my best humor comes about when I can get Dooku and Sifo-Dyas in A Situation, slinging shit back and forth. Those two just take off. 
17. What are your writing weaknesses? 
I overwrite. My fics would be a lot more successful if I tightened up and left more on the cutting room floor. I get over attached to small moments of character at the expense of the plot (and let's be honest, word count.) 
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? 
Hmm, does sign language count? That has been really fun in Rabbit Heart. A huge chunk of the fic happens in sign language. 
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Star Wars!
20. Favourite fic you’ve written? 
It’s got to be Milk Run, by a long shot. I’m really proud of that fic, but it was just such a blast to write. It was so fucking fun. And there’s all these little moments or tiny funny things I’ve left myself in it that are probably only funny to me, but they’re so funny to me. 
….Like, so, at one point in the fic, Sifo-Dyas is pissed at Dooku because he can tell he and Jocasta have been sleeping together, again, and this always happens, and he always has to clean this mess and play mediator when it inevitably implodes (and also maybe he is in love with Dooku a little bit?). So he’s furious about it, but pretending not to be, and so he bitchily tells Dooku the name of his ship is The Haru-Spicy, as in, a cooking pun, instead of the real name, The Haruspicy. And then Dooku spends the entire rest of the fic just wildly mispronouncing the name of the ship in his own POV chapters and to other characters? 
I love to imagine him saying it, all declarative, “The Haru-Spicy!” And everyone just stares like “do we correct him… or…?” Sifo-Dyas quietly soothing himself, chuckling over this small pettiness. Cracks me up.
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jovenshires · 11 months
im curious!!! how do you think other ships/pairings would react if the timeloop happened to them instead of shaymien 😳
OHHHH okay tysm for asking i LOVE this question!! im gonna put it under the cut for length's sake but here we go. im skipping some ships simply bc i don't think this works for every ship (like i cannot picture a courtivia time loop???) BUT everything i could picture below!
spommy: so a thing about me is that i love the time loop trope like. a lot. so spommy almost got this fic just by being them <3 i think... if either of them were to get time looped it'd be spencer 'feelings what feelings' agnew and it would take him. so. painfully. long. i think he doesn't even realize he's in love with tommy Before the loop starts and then just ends up spending the day with him over and over again and realizes 'oh. i think im falling in love with him.' i think the ONLY person he might tell he's stuck in a time loop is kiana, and that's after like. a couple weeks. the first few days he's assuming it's crazy deja vu, the fourth day he like checks himself into a hospital. by day five he's like. well fuck. and then he would try to fix it himself before cracking and telling kiana. and he would get Inventive with the ways he tried to solve it.
amangela: i think angela's gotta be the one to get stuck in the loop - she be gettin into situations and shit. this time loop would be a lot more lighthearted, so many more shenanigans. i think angelas telling EVERYONE she's stuck in this fucking time loop and amanda is Not listening tbh. chanse is also not listening. arasha is actively trying to help angela out tho so that's nice. i think the whole thing culminates with them fighting and it turning into a love confession but tbh thats how most amangela fics culminate in my mind
koah: imo noah has gotta be the one stuck here bc idk if keith could Physically Handle It. i really think he'd lose his marbles after like day 2. so noah it is! i think once again this is a lot more shenanigans-based, with a lesser twinge of sad pining on noah's end. like yes he's pining but he's silly! he's a goofball! i think he tells keith by day Three. and i don't think keith believes him i really don't. i think he has to prove it to him by telling him a bunch of shit that happens and then keith is like. alright fine. what do we do about it. they'll have to start dragging other people in who might know what they're doing. and then at the end when they get together and the loop ends they're like. that's it. that was the whole thing. fuckin lame.
kimney: i really think either of them would pine for the other in silence forever if they thought it'd make that person happy. so every option here is Sad. but i think the saddest and most fun option is: kimmy time loop! to watch her optimism slowly fade over time until she eventually breaks down and tells courtney! i think they would get together in that same loop where kimmy has a breakdown. like courtney realizes what's going on and offers to take care of her if kimmy will let her.
ianthony: ian time loop! ian time loop! ian's that mf who will pine and pine and pine AND who will try to fix the bs himself before he even Thinks about telling someone else. i think his story would go a lot like shayne's; taking notes, coming up with theories, trying different variables, etc. by the time he tells anthony... bro is a husk. i think anthony is a lot less likely to go based off of trust, and ian would think to prove it to him - tell him what's going to happen next and stuff. and then i think anthony would be. Completely fucking overwhelmed. like okay what do you Do if you're trapped in someone else's timeloop. i have no idea, do you? anyway i think anthony would panic a lot more than anybody else (relatable tbh)
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20 Questions for Fic Writers
I haven't been tagged in this one (yet) but I'm in a major procrastination mood this morning so answering tumblr questions is currently way more appealing than actual writing so let's do this XD
How many works do you have on AO3? 67 1/2 - the 1/2 is because I have a very little Obidala-ish thing which is currently sitting in my files waiting to be published when I find an extra minute (like right now, for instance, except that I'm doing a survey instead oops ;))
What's your total AO3 word count? Ummm...let's just say if I had a dollar for every word of fanfic I've ever written, my bank account would be very, very happy.
What fandoms do you write for? Mostly Game of Thrones. But my full fandoms list has 25 unique fandoms, some major, some minor, and some where the entire tag is owned by me.
What are your top 5 fics by kudos? Île Aux Ours, Jamais T'oublier, Sunrise on the Jade Sea, La Nuit Venait, The Heir of Riverrun which are all Jorleesi fics except for THOR, which I'm pleasantly surprised to find so high in the rankings (although to be fair there's Jorleesi in that one too :)). And just because I was curious, my top five excluding any Jorleesi content are: New World Symphony (Vicbourne - oh I loved them so, history be damned), Dreams and Dragonglass (Viserys x Alicent from HotD), A Girl, A Drowned Man (ahem, Jaime Lannister x Arya Stark - don't even ask XD), over time and tide and death leaping (Obidala4Ever <3), and Easily onward, thorough flowers and weed (Siegfried x Audrey from the new All Creatures Great & Small - S5 is our season friends, I can feel it)
Do you respond to comments? Yes, all of them (except for the obvious trolls). I heart my readers and have had such good times in the comment section <3 Speaking of which, I'm behind with replies again. Just know my inbox is glaring at me.
What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? Ummm, that's a hard one because I usually reach for the fluff endings with both hands. But I suppose...right now it's got to be my Hunger Games fic, and she gained the willow tree. I mean, it's intensely angsty, even more so than the source material, and may remain that way forever (at least until I update it and fix what I broke lol)
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? Almost all of my Jorleesi fics have unabashedly happy endings but I think Île Aux Ours edges out the others just because basically everyone (spoiler alert: except for Viserys, Rhaegar and the Night King) live! And all my ships survive! And House Mormont is flourishing! And the Seven Kingdoms are at peace for once! (at least until I write the sequel ;))
Do you get hate on fics? Only on the Game of Thrones fics, and relatively speaking, very, very rarely. It was slightly more common right at the end of Game of Thrones (people had feelings) but it's almost completely died off in recent years...which is a relief. Because trolls are easily ignored but they don't make anyone's day brighter.
Do you write smut? Again, rarely. But, ya know, sometimes things happen ;)
Do you write crossovers? Yes, but usually it's not what I would consider a true crossover. More me adapting one film/series to the setting/plot/characters of another. The only true crossover I've ever written is, I believe, this one: light goes the weather-wind and the feathered starling (where Tom Bombadil and Melisandre of Asshai meet up and make a trade - sometimes writing brains are weird)
Have you ever had a fic stolen? Not to my knowledge?
Have you ever had a fic translated? Again, not that I know of? Although I had a reader request permission to translate a couple of my Jorleesi fics into Russian so that may have happened and I just never received a link from them.
Have you ever co-written a fic before? Ohhhh, yesssssss. My forever partner-in-Jorleesi-crime is @salzrand <3 9 fics and counting :)
What's your all-time favorite ship? Based on my writing activity over the last 5-6 years, I think there's really only one correct answer here and it's the lobsters. A bear and his dragon-girl. A princess and her steadfast knight. They're perfect, they're dreamy. And forever inspiring. I cannot. But other than Jorleesi, I have to give top billing to Jane/Lisbon, Obi-Wan/Padme, Dickon/Mary, Jean Valjean/Fantine, Christy/Neil, Lexie/Mark because these are ships that have stayed with me for at least a decade or longer and are part of my DNA at this point.
What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? Ugh. Don't talk to me about unfinished fics. They judge me with their Chapter 1/? eyes. They glare at me disapprovingly each time I log into AO3. And I know that there are a few that have been waiting on an update for a long, long time (and some of you have probably given up hope that I'll ever return to them), but never say never...at least until I'm dead XD
What are your writing strengths? I think I have a flair for writing scenery and believable multi-generational family dynamics. I also think I'm fairly good at fixing canon disappointments with some fun and unique twists (it's the soap opera training, I swear XD). I try to keep dialogue very natural, characterization at least partly canon-based and do a lot of research for my fics on time-period details, with mostly successful results...lol well, that's the hope anyway. And I think another strength that has made me successful in writing age-gap ships especially is that I can write character relationships in a way that might go beyond the whole attraction thing and touch on deeper connections (or something).
What are your writing weaknesses? Endings. Aren't they everyone's? Titles. And my pacing can be off sometimes. I think I get away with it in fic-writing for the most part but I have a few fics that aren't as "tight" as they could be. There are a few words/phrases that I rely on too much. And I'm sure I have a bunch of others that I'm unaware of.
Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? I haven't done this much and I really don't venture outside French if I try it. I rely on friends who are native speakers to make sure I'm not saying anything off the wall.
First fandom you wrote for? Titanic 😍 I had to save Thomas Andrews. He looked so sad and despairing winding that clock at the end. I should have probably saved Leo too but let's just assume in my version, Kate scooched over let him share the door XD
Favorite fic you've written? Impossible to choose. I love them all. Okay, okay, Sunrise on the Jade Sea. But only because you're forcing me to answer <3
Tagging: @clarasimone @gettingovergreta @toas-tea @bridgr6 @crushermyheart @heatherfield <3 Or be like me and tag yourself ;)
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base0h · 2 years
Hii! It's me again , here for another set of hcs :D
Ok, so first of all I hope you're doing alright and feeling good <3 , second - here's the request - can I get what you think Zoro, Mihawk, Sabo and a character of your choice biggest pet peeve/s are? ( ̄ε ̄@) Also would you like to do some more modern au in the future , cuz I'm thinking of requesting smth like that next?
*sends virtual hugs*
a/n - hi error!! Aw thank you, I’m doing alright and I hope you’re having a great day :D ohhhh my god I love this (mihawk has so many peeves lmao) and yes ofc! I love modern au stuff, I always love your requests, here’s a hug <3
Warnings ⚠️ - mihawk is literally so triggered lmao, none
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- this man is that type of guy who gets all grossed out by the word “moist”
- pls he literally cringes when he hears that word lmao
- you better say thank you if he says bless you
- If someone sneezes, and he says bless you, and then they doesn’t say thank you?
- they’ve ended up making themselves an enemy they probably don’t want to cross 💀
- He gets so disgusted when people chew with their mouth open
- “How barbaric..” is what he thinks 🗿
- He also gets all worked up when something isn’t exactly perpendicular or straight together, so he randomly fixes stuff over and over again until he likes the way it looks
- Man’s a perfectionist
- and that’s ok because somehow I’m a perfectionist too
- Mihawk has a personal space bubble that’s a 6ft radius around him, and when people that he doesn’t like invade it, uh oh
- “What an idiotic mistake.” Is what that person has made
- He has many peeves, and many more that I have refrained from listing lmao
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- Ok I’m not saying Zoro’s a clean freak
- But when someone leaves dirty laundry laying around? That crosses his line
- Idk what it is, he just hates seeing other people’s dirty clothes all over the ground, so you’ll see him muttering angry curses as he’s doing laundry lmao
- he’s like a dad, he gets mad when people leave their shoes laying about because he’ll trip over them 100% of the time
- “HEHE- sorry!”
- and then Zoro leaves a bunch of fucking sake bottles laying around that Nami has to throw away later
- Nami’s pet peeve is when people leave trash lying around
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- This boy isn’t really triggered by much
- But when people disrespect books or just don’t treat books right, he gets upset
- He really loves books, so seeing them being mistreated doesn’t make him very happy
- he also hates rude children lmao 💀
- Idk he wants to kick a child’s ass if he catches them bullying another kid or being rude to someone
- Sabo’s a pretty respectable guy so he won’t kick the kid’s ass lol
- When people step on art of any kind, whatever that may be (writing, artwork, ceramics, food, etc.) he gets angry about that
- He never wants to see someone’s hard work get destroyed
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a/n - I feel like my headcanons are getting so much worse 💀 I’m so sorry guys lmao
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laurfilijames · 11 months
What is your favorite Pete Dunham moment and why? Also, please could you rank your GSE member favorites in order.
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Look at you just strutting into my ask box with the two most difficult questions!!
As you're well aware, every Pete Dunham moment is my favourite moment...
But if I HAVE to choose, it has to be at the beginning when he shows up to Steve and Shannon's and meets Matt for the first time. He's drunk, cocky, and being a total prick but in a loving way, and it makes me smile every damn time.
"Jesus, Shannon, you look rough...."
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Then singing to his nephew Ben 🥹 and when he explains how he's meant to be going to the match but lost his wallet and his keys...
And then of course the "Fineeee thanksss" in his mocking American accent that makes me grin so hard my cheeks hurt.
I really like how this scene set you up to think that he is a complete irresponsible hooligan, only to realize later that's not at all the case. Fooled me the first time I watched it!
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Ugh. Everything about him makes me lose my mind.
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I already told you this was like picking a favourite kid and I feel a bit guilty for it, but here we go.
Swill just like Pete, if I have a shit day, the minute I see this lunatic beating the piss out of someone with a rubbish bin and screaming c*nt- I'm fixed. He is just too funny. He also cares so much about his mates (see: him checking on Ike when he gets that bad cut on his head) and also was incredibly welcoming to Matt. He's clearly passionate about anything he's involved in from fighting to discussions about the people portrayed in films getting rightfully credited 🤣 and I don't think there would ever be a dull moment being around him.
Ned I don't know what it is about this one, but he makes me go 🥰🥰🥰🥰 he's hilariously cocky and has a bit of that "I'm small but tough" personality, and when he realizes that Matt never mentioned him in his journal he is GUTTED 💔 it's okay, Ned, I'll give you a hug.
Dave Ahh the Pilot. Forever responsible and caring, and has the warmest aura about him. To me, he feels like the "Big Brother" of the group. He always buys the rounds, and ALWAYS has Pete's back even when some of the others begin to falter. The fact that he will get into a scrap and then go fly a commercial jet with bruises on his face and vice versa with landing his plane and getting his pilots uniform all bloody is BDE, and I'm sure you'll be happy to tell me more about that 😉
Ike He seems to me as a very ordinary lad. Not one to stand out. Kind of hangs in the middle of the group. He's neutral, Switzerland. I see some of myself in that. Not interested in confrontation, and is always there for his mates to share pints or take down the next firm. I like that he's married, but I gotta admit he needs a new hair do.
Bovver Ohhhh Bov. I have complicated feelings about this one. He majorly fucked up. His jealously toward Matt was not at all warranted, and despite Pete trying to ease his ill-will toward him, he chose not to trust his best mate which inevitably lead to The Thing™️ we do not talk about. I do think that despite that mistake, Bov is loyal (to a fault) and would do anything for his mates (see: the end before the part we do not talk about when he shows up to help Pete and saves Shannon) I like to think that he would quickly redeem himself and would easily be forgiven by his mates, which is what I have chosen to go with in my fic where The Thing™️ does not happen and they all realize that life is too short for such pettiness.
Keith I feel bad putting him last on the list but, we really don't have much to go on with Keith other than his dodgy hair cut (do him and Ike have the same deranged barber??) Just like some of the other ones though, I like that we got a glimpse of him in a normal working environment that contrasts to the insanity of the hobby they participate in their free time. He never had many lines in the film, but I do love his "so he's a Yank and an undercover journo... looks like we'll have to give the boy two funerals." when him, Ned and Bov are being all gangster in his car to confront the situation.
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In conclusion, I love them all dearly, and want to hug them and give them a forehead smooch.
Also, I think it's a given that Pete is my number one forever and always which is why I didn't include him in the ranking...
Thank you for sending me this when I've been poorly and needing something to make me smile and for giving me another excuse to go on about them more than I already do 💗💗
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bookloover35 · 1 year
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Anakin Skywalker X Fem Reader - Flower Crown.
Anakin pov:
Daddy, daddy can you make me a flower crown.I heard my daughter calling for me.
Anakin: Of course I can do that princess.
Go pick some flowers and I'll fix you a crown.
She ran away and started looking for some flowers.Yn asked me today and I could take care of our daughter Sky today, because she had a lot of meetings today.And today Sky chose to be out chasing butterflies and making flower crowns and whatever my little princess wants to do, she can do.How lucky I know how to make flower crowns thanks mom.
Sky is so similar to Yn, she inherited her smile and her curiosity.But she is very similar to me, she has inherited my hair color and my eyes.When I found out YN was pregnant with Sky I was saved from the dark side, the two of them save me.
Sky: Dad, look at all the beautiful flowers I've found.
Anakin: They are super beautiful princess, ok let's start.
Anakin: And done, a crown fit for a princess.
Sky: Thanks dad, I love it, dad can we make one for mom too?
Anakin: Of course princess we can do it.
Okay, then we were done with Yn's flower crown for Yn.And Sky thought it would be a fun idea to surprise Yn with a little picnic.So now we are standing behind a tree and waited for Yn to come here.Sky started to get very restless and started tugging at my pants.
Sky: Dad, when is mom coming.
Before I could answer her, I was interrupted by Yn calling after us.
Yn: Sky, Ani, where are you?
I looked down at our bubbly daughter, who looked like she might explode with eager heat at any moment.We started to count down from three to one and then we jumped forward and screamed.
Sky and Anakin:Surprise.
Yn jumped for joy and began to laugh, and as soon as Sky saw her mother, she began to run to her for the joy of life. And when she was there, she threw herself into her mother's arms.
Sky: I've missed you mom.
Yn: I have missed you too. My little Flower.
Sky: Mom, look what we made for you.
She took her mother's hand and led her to the gift and both laughed.
Ohhhh, This is probably one of the nicest things anyone has done for me.
I really needed this, all day I just sat in long and extremely boring meetings.But I have very happy news, I had a doctor's appointment today and I am pregnant and it really feels like this is the perfect time to tell you about it.I'm so happy, I hope they're as happy as I am, and I really hope Sky likes the news that she's going to be a big sister to either a little sister or little brother.
YN: Oh how nice, thank you so much my angels.
I gave my daughter a kiss on the forehead and then I gave Anakin a kiss on his lips.And then he gave Sky a flower crown that was my size and I bent down so she could put it on my head.What beautiful crown of flowers wonder if Sky has made them?
YN: What beautiful flower crowns Sky have you made them?
Sky: No, dad made them.
She said giggling.I turned to my husband in shock.
YN:I didn't know you could make flower crowns.
Anakin: There are many things you don't know about me.
He told me and put his arm around me and gave me a kiss on the cheek.We watched Sky as she began to chase a butterfly, then Anakin and I sat on the blanket and I sat between his legs and leaned against him.It's moments like these that I enjoy the most.
YN: Thank you so much Anakin, I really needed this.
Anakin: It was actually Sky's idea and you really deserve it all.
You and Sky have made me so very happy, you two saved me.I don't think my life can get any better.
Okay now it's happening now I'll tell him.Please hope he is happy with the news.
YN: Ani, I have to tell you something.
I was at the doctor and I have good news, Ani you are going to be a father again.
Anakin: Do you really mean it?
I nodded and before I could say anything he started to attack me with a lot of kisses around my face.And after a good while he put both his hands on my cheeks and looked at me with a huge smile and said with joy tears in his eyes.
Anakin: 'm going to be a father again, I'm going to be a father.
I haven't been this happy since the day I met you and the day you told me you were pregnant with Sky.Speaking of Sky.princess came here.
Sky: Coming, what is it?
Anakin: Princess, your mother has some good news to tell you.
Ok hope she takes the news of the new baby as well as her father,
YN: You, my little flower, are going to be a big sister.
Sky: Am I really going to be a big sister?
I nodded at her and she started squealing with joy and started jumping up and down and started shouting that she was going to be a big sister.Anakin and I both laughed at our daughter's joy and I just felt so happy that she is happy.She will be a wonderful big sister.
The End.
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docnefarious · 2 days
There has been another purple note with a V on it left on the table in Nefarious' office. Just a single, innocent note saying: Greetings, doctor. It's been quite some time since I last did anything, so to make up for that, I have left yet another surprise for you in the station! Decoys that look like a certain someone from the Decoy Glove. See, usually, they activate as soon as you toss them out, but I managed to fix that little problem. Now, they instead activate as soon as someone (like you) gets close to them. Have fun running into random decoys, my dear~ ((BTW they all look like Ratchet XD))
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He stumbled into his office, panting heavily despite not needing to breathe. The doors behind him slid shut with force, and thankfully the room appeared to be empty as he stumbled forward, gripping the edge of his desk for support as he struggled to process the madness he'd just witnessed.
How had this happened? Everywhere he turned—Ratchet! So many Ratchets! Ambushed! From all directions! His entire operation was probably being dismantled right then and there! How was he supposed to—!?! Wait.
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He caught sight of a flash of purple on his desk. A note. A single, ominous note with a familiar ‘V’ emblazoned on it...
His eye twitched. With a shaking hand, he snatched it up and scanned the message. Vendra… of course. He should have known. He slowly lowered the note, gears whirring and clicking violently in his head; sparks flying as his frustration boiled over. He crumpled the note in a tightening fist.
His voice echoed through the seemingly-empty room, he had no idea he was being recorded right then, but he didn't care about anything else right then—he needed to SCREAM.
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He slammed his fists on the desk, entering full villain-speech mode. Even talking about how she would 'rue the day', and everything!!
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Another decoy of Ratchet suddenly popped to life on his desk, and the robot gave a surprisingly high-pitched shriek as he instinctively dove under his desk to cower.
He would get her for this. Somehow! She had gotten away with waaay too many pranks for this to go unpunished!!!
Meanwhile, just outside the door, Lawrence had heard everything. He paused, and considered entering, then realized it totally wasn't worth it, turned on his heel, and walked away.
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sherl-grey · 7 months
Fic Ask: 10,20,38
Thank you for the ask! 🥰
10. Top three favourite fic tropes.
Ohhhh this is a tough one as I'm not that picky of a reader, and I'm not sure if I'm meant to be answering these as generic or within-fandom? I think generally, I like Angst with a Happy Ending, Second Chance Romance, which is usually just Exes to Lovers (or, within the context of Doctor x Rose, reunion fics!), and AU - Canon Divergence.
20. Do you work on a single project or many at the same time? How does that work for you?
Many at the same time. I have like... dozens of in-progress drafts. I'll probably be actually mentally thinking about like 3-5 of them at a time, sometimes with all docs open at once, unless I get super compelled to hammer out a single fic in a night (which has happened a couple times). I think it works out alright--it helps me keep my brain going whilst getting to balance ideas so I don't burn out on a single one. But also, sometimes it would be nice to just finish things, lol.
38. "This never happened" fix-it fics or "this happened but" fix-it fics?
"This happened but" because I love exploring character reactions to things! I also love building off of "mistakes" or painful moments; to me, there's something delicious about the emotional recovery from something that hurt.
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lover-cook · 7 months
Valentine's Week : Familial
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Ohhhh familial f/os oh my familial f/os. These guys do genuinely mean so much to me you don't even know man. I'm gonna ramble about my fictional dads and siblings to my hearts content!
I'm gonna start with the Powerful Dad Quartet!
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Buggy, Mihawk, and Shanks in particular really REALLY resonate with me like. THOSE ARE MY DADS! Shanks was probably the first that I connected with like family when I watched OPLA for the first time. Then I watched Film: Red and I was sold wahah. In my head he's who hypes me up and has my back the most and that's means.. alot. Next was Buggy who happened after I started my watch of the anime and got to know him better. He reminds me a lot of the irl father figures I've had in my life, which is a trend you'll see as we go on. He's explosive and impulsive and loud and kind of an ass but that's part of the fun I think. I have problems speaking up for myself and setting boundaries especially around men so the idea of him understanding and respecting me but still being his goofy and obnoxious self is.. kind of like practicing in my head, you know? MIHAWK MY DAD MIHAWK! Okay going to be honest my connection to him mostly builds off Goth Family headcanons and inserting myself into them wahah. That doesn't mean I don't have my reason's though. Mihawk is like the soft-spoken but earnest autistic dad I didn't know I needed. The kind to listen to my rambles and interests and be supportive even if he doesn't get it at all, you know? Don't tell anyone but he's my favorite lkndalkadflnk And the most recent is Crocodile! Which I don't have enough to give proper thoughts outside of I enjoy him a lot and him being in Cross Guild was the final push to just go ahead and add him. He gives me scary-dad "my daddy's got a gun" privilege's./hj NOW I CAN TALK ABOUT MY PIRATE SIBLINGS. :D
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When I tell you from the BEGINNING I got some little brother energy from Luffy wahah. I can't tell you the kinship I feel with Luffy and it's not just because he also gives me gender envy. I think getting a full body arm wrap hug from him would fix me and make me the happiest person on earth. AND UTA!! I need just one movie and snacks night with her and I think we'd connect instantly. Their isn't much outside of sibling energy with these two and the connections to Shanks with both of them. I realized if Shanks is my dad these two are my brother and sister and when I tell you I WAS SO HAPPY. Absolute goobers <3 Now onto the non One Piece people!!
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Silver my amazing cyborg dad Silver <3 This was probably my first emotionally charged familial f/o. I learned about Treasure Planet during the emotional rollarcoaster that was 2020 and I got attached QUICKLY! He's another one of my many fatherly f/os that really really reminds me of the father figures I've had in my real life and that effects how I interact with him. Silver was one of the few characters at the time that really said what I needed to hear, you know? I saw myself a lot emotionally in Jim and watching the pep talks he was given by Silver felt like I was getting those too. Once again I think a full body beer belly hug would fix me waha.
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GLAMROCK FREDDY!!! MY SUPERSTAR!! I am not immune to big robot dad influences. For all it's faults Security Breach didn't hold any punches with the characterization of their animatronics and their is no better an example than Glamrock Freddy! I was just as affected by the "way to go Superstar!" and got attached QUICKLY! He's just such a sweetie and is such a good dad he would make sure I was so so loved and supported.
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AND I NEED TO MENTION THE WACHOSKI'S !!! This group genuinely gives me such soft and sunshiney feelings for a family that only exists in two movies (not to say I don't connect with Tails and Knuckles outside of the movies but them in this family format Hits Different) They are THE definition of a comfort family for me and I can't help at look and Maddie and Tom and see parents, you know? They bring me such a sense of childlike joy and carefreeness that's unparalleled. And Tails, Knuckles, and Sonic are so like. Sweet and realistic in the sense of being siblings, you know? I would gladly sign up to be the nerdy but cool older siblings in their group. I wear the badge of being the one to get us out of trouble like a BADGE!
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And some honorable mentions to Astrid, Giovanni, and Wukong as well even though I don't have the time to talk about them too much! A lot of my familial f/os come from a place of projection and healing from my unhealthy home life growing up and these three mean a lot to me in that way. Giovanni and Astrid really really remind me of my own mother and the father figures in my life and through them I come to understand that more and help myself feel better about that situation I was put in. And Wukong reminds me a lot of an unperfect dad who's at least trying and learning and growing as a person as well as being a male role model I didn't get to have.
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spoilers for the bear in my response btw !! mentioning it just in case
I had the viewing pleasure of watching JAW’s ck campaign video and I died once again but that's ok. I think the outdoor city shoot would be amazing tbh. I would also love to see little promo videos of carmy and bradley and the other people participating in the collab mentioning their fave denims, fun facts abt their collections n such, make it a lil more personal.
i cant remember the monologue u r mentioning :,) but im rewatching the bear so i hope i can catch it this time and dude him going on a tangent solely about vintage denim >>>> he’s so real for that. ALSO! when you say golden boy you mean he wants to be liked or be noticed n such?? gen question!
i def agree with your point too about the hectic environments he cant control as well. i think this kind of hectic (being on set) would be particularly eh as well bc its foreign?? like when he was stuck in the fridge, even if he wasnt in control he kinda knew what could be going on?? but on a photoshoot set with multiple outfit changes and makeup and the heat of the lights (those lights are so hot, i had to do a uni project on a tv set once and it was hell) i think it would exacerbate some sort of antsy-ness.
why do you think bradley followed carmy on his smoke breaks? i think thats a very interesting idea bc bradley being an athlete and not smoking and all i wonder what prompted him to go after carm. dont get me wrong i would go after him too but like 👀 OH AND AND pedalling on bradley wanting to go to the bear and all, can you imagine bradley taking the reader there for a date?? imagine bradley calls carm for a favor so its only the two of them in the restaurant after hours or smth.
dude i love this dynamic. i didnt even know i needed this but apparently i do SOB funnily enough i also came up with a plausible romance "storyline" (more so like a hc for the levis collab au helo) for carmy that goes along the of a celeb au too
It’s that long monologue at Al-Anon on the season 1 finale!
Ohh and the thing that would throw carmy off is how many people are fussing over him. Touching up his makeup, making sure his hair is tousled just the right way, fixing his outfit… it’s a lot. And he’s such a golden boy in the way that he likes being the best one, the most masterful one in the room, and the fact that he doesn’t have the slightest grasp of this set is stressful to him.
I think bradley would notice that carmy doesn’t look all that comfortable in that element, and he’s trying to be nice and friendly at first. And carmy initially just steered clear of bradley bc he’s so in his element and just so jet-set (like he thinks bradley would be a dick haha). but turns out they’re both pretty chill!
and OHHHH bradley taking reader to the bear would be amazing! richie would lowkey be fangirling (remember him singing Love Story in the car?) and it’s an exciting affair all round. I can see bradley booking the whole place while he and reader are in town for her show—it’s a big dinner with her friends and her team. and it’s also really good PR for the restaurant too 🔥
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I would love to hear some nessa/vana/tulkas/orome thoughts if you wanted to share?
Ohhhh yes I have so many thoughts. Firstly for the vibes I have one ultimate Brainrot Song For They which is The Cult of Dionysus by the Orion Experience.
Before I was actually shipping them they already all occupied the same place in my brain because they make a neat little box of relationships- Nessa and Orome are siblings, Tulkas and Vana are their spouses along with functionally being the "youngest" of the Valar (Vana the ever young, Tulkas the last to come to Arda), Orome and Tulkas have overlapping Domains of hunting and fighting and chase after Morgoth's beasties, Nessa and Vana are considered the weakest Valar and are associated with flowers and general disney princess vibes. That's the basis I was working on.
So it started with... probably Tulkas/Orome but Nessa/Vana wasn't far behind. Tulkas/Orome is peak "construct intricate rituals to touch other men by 'wrestling' in the forest" and also I thought their character vibes suited shipping very well (Tulkas "canonically laughs in battle" Astaldo and Orome "canonically constantly pissed off" Aldaron). Even the Tolkien Gateway article directly contrasts the two. I'm working with what I've got.
Nessa/Vana have textbook fairycore forest lesbian vibes. Making each other flower crowns and braiding each other's hair and dancing in a lush clearing with birds and butterflies and bees and delightful woodland creatures (not to mention Vana's plausible association with fertility ;) Quoth Tolkien Gateway: "Vána robed Nessa with her flowers for [Nessa's] wedding." Could this be gal pals? Sure! But where's the fun in that when it's super gay! This is the least feral pairing simply because of how they relate to each other, but they're also the most shameless.
Of course the problem is that I'm a chronic canon-shipper unless I Physically Cannot Stand it, and I do very much like Orome/Vana and Nessa/Tulkas because you get fun hunter/gardener and dance/dojo vibes respectively, so I fix this the same way that I fix every problem: polyamory!
Orome/Vana has definite Hades/Persephone vibes to me, but wilder and without the whole. Kidnaping thing. Yavanna even slots nicely into Demeter's role but again, no kidnapping. She's much more chill with her brother-in-law. I have many inarticulate vibes about Orome's Domain of the hunt and dying opposing and complimenting Vana's Domain of new life and fresh growth, and how hunters weren't supposed to kill deer in the spring. Because of this, I think Vana is one of the few Valar who has no subjugation(?) at all to Orome's Domain despite the clear nature overlap (others who wouldn't are Varda, Namo, Vaire, Nienna, and Aule, but that's because their Domains don't really overlap with his at all, except for Namo who as Death would overpower Dying.) They are, functionally, each other's force-pairs in Newton's third law- the equal and opposite reactions.
My love for Nessa/Tulkas is more characterization related: to me, they are the epitome of those 20-something Fitness Couples who keep those super detailed daily planners with spots to fill in how much water you drank, who make really healthy delicious looking meals with seemingly no effort and constantly drink various smoothies but like. Fantasy Flavor. Their idea of a hot date is to spot each other at the gym, and martial arts sparring. They would go feral for Capoeira. Crucially, they thrive off of this. Their relationship is astonishingly healthy and peppy and they serve as each other's hype-man. My vibes-only Valar-in-modern-society AU has them opening a strip mall dance class/dojo place.
So we have the siblings, and the spouses, and the spouse swap (which has some very funny crack potential, I specifically find it amusing to imagine Nessa calling dibs on Vana and tossing Tulkas to Orome before stealing her away (they are both very amused, Orome is vaguely aggravated because she could just ask for time with their wife)
Tulkas/Vana starts as something like a relationship of convenience, along the lines of "Hey, our spouses are busy chasing each other around like idiots for Sibling Shenanigans, want to make out?" but ends up as something not quite romantic but past... FWBs I guess lol. A foundation of their relationship is committing to the bit- If Nessa and Orome are arguing it's even odds as to who will side with who, but if either of them has an argument with Tulkas or Vana it is the other's sworn duty to side with their bestie, no matter how utterly stupid. They will "Yes-And" each other's stories into eternity, even if it's a blatantly untrue excuse. This drives their spouses absolutely insane because "I know you're lying, and I know you know I know you're lying, and I know for a fact that you weren't doing something as dumb as convincing Aule to put smiley face shapes in rocks" but they will double down. (The one time they did this to Yavanna while on a warpath was unintentional and terrifying once they realized, but they committed and got her so frustrated and confused that she bluescreened and stormed off, forgetting why she had been interrogating Vana in the first place). Basically, they bring out the idiot in each other, and despite having very little in common they get along very well. It is also important to me that I see their typical physical forms as being a massive, firey, golden-veined stone giant (Tulkas), and a young, uncanny, bug-eyed and golden-haired hobbit lass (Vana). To the Valar this doesn't really register as strange beyond vague inconvenience for interacting, but to any elves who see them hanging out together it Very Much Is.
To use the terms I used in Appointed, Orome and Vana are Counterpoints, Nessa and Tulkas, Nessa and Vana, and Orome and Tulkas are Harmonies, and Nessa and Orome are Tone-mates and Harmonies. Tulkas and Vana are not quite Harmonies but they harmonize regardless. Don't mind if this makes no sense lol.
#asks#lesbianhaleth#my headcanons#valar#orome#nessa#vana#tulkas#i need to come up with a convenient ship name for them...#bacchanalian gods#re: orome/vana yes im aware that namo slots neater into hades direct role thats not the point#namo is lord of the dead but orome is hunter/predator/killer the inevitable instinctual awareness of death and being chased#which is CLOSE ENOUGH for my vibes when vana slots perfectly over kore/persephone#I haven't actually listened to the magnus archives but from what I understand I think orome works very well as a kind of amalgamation#of the Fears (give or take and obviously hunt-focused) but more morally neutral/grey and less overtly negative#i tend to have him and nessa as splitting the domain of sheer animal instinct with orome as cause and nessa as effect#so like orome is fear: something-watching-stalking-you-destruction-coming-death-and-sickness and nessa is fight/flight/freeze/fawn#but the relationship there is definitely not unequal- even rabbits will kick when cornered and she is far more than a rabbit#i saw a headcanon- i think from actuallyfingolfin? that suggested that measse and nessa were just two aspects of the same vala#and that has fundamentally shaped my characterization since#i also guess i should say i don't think there's really incest going on#(inasmuch as that can apply to non-physical beings all made by the same creator whos sibling statuses seem arbitrary)#but like. nessa and orome's relationship is *weird*. definitely eyebrow-raising if they were human but they very much aren't#what with their domains and the overlap and their spouses and the inbuilt codependency of fate and sharing most of your Song#it goes to a bit of a indistinct grey area. for Flavor and Zest.#also i wobble back and forth on whether all of them are out about the relationship#i generally think it's one of those things everyone knows but you don't *say* for the valar#bc while i like my arda to be as accepting as possible there's the issue of The Canon Opinions On Polyamory re miriel/finwe/indis#but on the other hand the valar don't get incarnates or their relationships and maybe figure that elves can't marry more than one person#bc ainur don't really get married as we reckon so the whole polycule thing is fine for ainur actually but better not risk it for elves
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pa-stella · 2 years
Flufftober 2022 - 11.10
Prompts | @flufftober
Title: Cute Prize Fandom: Hypnosis Mic Characters: Rio and Ramuda Prompt: Winning a Teddy for the Other Words count: 648 Contents: G-rated.
Another shot. Another missed target.
Ramuda groaned loudly, almost losing his cutesy facade. He placed the toy gun on the counter of the booth and glared at the clerk. “This is impossible!”
“Dear customer, you just need to try more!” The man smiled in a fake way that made Ramuda’s blood boil. He went to that small fair to relax, not to spend the entire night being a loser at a random booth.
“You’re not fooling me! This is rigged, isn’t it?” He cried, making a few bystanders turn in their direction.
“U-Uh, what? No, no, sir, don’t say such false things!”
“My aim is not that bad though… There must be something wrong with the gun…”
Their quick back-and-forth went on for a solid minute until a deep voice startled Ramuda. 
“Amemura?” The tall ex-soldier from Yokohama was standing next to him and he had to raise his head to look him in the face.
“Look who’s here! The loyal Rio is so far from his territory ✩!”
“A caterer hired me as a security guard for a nearby restaurant.” Rio explained. “I thought it would be nice to visit this festival before going back home. What about you?”
“My plan was to have fun tonight, but this scammy game ruined it!” 
“Game?” Rio looked at the toy guns and the targets. 
“Yeah, I wanted to win an adorable plushie, but it’s impossible!” He cried again. “I tried anything!”
“It’s frustrating, but getting angry will just make it all even more difficult.” Rio stated calmly. “How many shots can we still fire?”
Ramuda pouted. “Three, but it’s useless. It’s rigged!”
The booth clerk glared at him again.
“Let me try.” The soldier spoke again and took the plastic gun.
He aimed at the target and shot. The small pellet flew in a totally wrong direction. 
Rio tilted his head, aimed again and this time the pellet fell down before reaching the target.
“See? It’s useless!” Ramuda complained again and crossed his arms.
“This toy just needs some calibrations.” Rio replied while taking a screwdriver from his uniform.
“You… you just go around with that in your pocket?”
“Hey, what are you doing?” The clerk asked, a clear panic in his voice.
The soldier looked him in the eyes. “It seems like somebody tampered with this gun, so I’m fixing it.”
“Ah… well…”
“No need to thank me, sir.” He interrupted him before putting the screwdriver back in his pocket. He aimed and shot without hesitation. This time the target fell, making a few neon lights go off.
“Ohhhh ✩ you did it!” Ramuda cheered and jumped a little around Rio.
“But… he…”
“I can choose a prize, I think.” 
The clerk sighed and took the toy gun away from the other customers’ eyes. “That target was the most difficult so you can choose any prize you want.” He pointed to what looked like very expensive electronics.
Rio tilted his head again before looking at Ramuda. He then talked to the salesman. “The pink teddy bear."
“It’s one of the lowest prizes though.”
“Eh?? Just a teddy bear?!” The short young man blinked in confusion.
Rio took the plushie from the hands of the clerk and handed it to Ramuda. “You said you were trying to win one of the stuffed animals. This is like you: small and pink.”
With his eyes wide open, Ramuda took the gift and observed the soldier. In another situation he would have complained that he was trying to win a lavender bunny, but for once he was out of words. Rio could just have chosen something for himself.
He shook his head and pouted. “You forgot to add cute!”
Rio, who was already walking away, stopped on his tracks and turned to look at him. He smiled softly. “I have met you on the battlefield, Amemura. You are not that cute.”
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