#how the heck are the wings that perfect what the heck
potofsoup · 3 months
i love your fourth of july comics every year but this years feels extremely optimistic about biden’s abilities in the face of him letting roe get overturned and funding a gen*cide at worst or letting it happen at best by taking the bare minimum of regulatory action… i mean can he really be trusted at all anymore to do the right thing or act in line with the people’s demands? and how do we know the people behind project 2025 won’t just rig the election again to get in under false pretenses?
Hihi! Thank you for reading and enjoying my July 4th comics every year! I am in a non-US airport en route to a month-long trip in a place with sketchy internet, so sorry in advance for sloppiness in my response (and potentially going radio silent).
I don't think he "let" Roe get overturned, since that was the Supreme Court's overwhelming conservative majority, which really started with Mitch McConnell refusing to approve Obama's appointee and forcing it into a 2016 election issue. The fact that Trump got to appoint 3 Supreme Court Justices is what got us here.
Re: Biden and the Israel/Hamas war ... on the one hand, there's definitely more that he could have done, but on the other hand, they are a whole other country over there. It's Hamas that initiated the Oct 7 attacks and took the hostages. It's Netanyahu and his right-wing government who decided to retaliate to such extreme extent. Biden can talk about how he would really like Netanyahu to stop fighting and step down, but at the end of the day that's not his call, any more than he can stop the Sudan fighting that is near-genocidal either.
So, to come to your question #1: "Can he really be trusted at all anymore to do the right thing or act in line with the people’s demands"?
For me, it's a resounding YES. Guyz, he has passed so much good domestic policies. My spouse works in green energy and the passing of the Inflation Reduction Act halved his anxiety and gave him legitimate hope. The tumblr post I linked to in my comic has links to many of the other great things that Biden has done. Tbh I voted for him in 2020 because "a moldy onion is still better than Trump", and I've been pleasantly surprised. Like how he tried to cancel student loans, the Supreme Court overturned it, and then he came back 6 months later with a different way to do it that didn't lead to a court challenge.
Is he perfect? Hell no. There's tons of stuff that I wish he did more about, or he went further on, but also he's just one guy heading one branch of government who is heading into an election year. (Just like FDR promising not joining WWII, while behind the scenes doing all the Lend-Lease Act stuff). And "the people" have lots of demands, many of them conflicting.
I'd also like to push at the unspoken part of your question... "Can he really be trusted to do the right thing..." compared to whom? Because right now the answer is "compared to Trump." And compared to Trump... I don't even trust Trump to respect the results of a legitimate election. Heck, he might just take his favorite state secrets, sell them to the highest bidder (or just show them off to someone for funzies), and then claim Presidential immunity. A decent Democrat who got stuff done vs someone who probably wants to pardon himself and all his friends and do Project 2025 stuff is not even on the same level. (Do I wish that there was a viable Democratic alternative to Biden? Sure! But who?) Heck, at this point -- imagine if it's Kamala Harris vs. Trump. Who would you vote for?
As for your question #2: "How do we know the people behind project 2025 won’t just rig the election again to get in under false pretenses?"
We don't. But also what can we do besides showing up to vote?
Actually, I need bullet points for this:
The 2022 midterm elections brought in fewer-than-expected election-deniers into crucial electoral offices at the state level, which means that hopefully most state electoral boards will continue to have integrity
Yes, voting is harder but at least we can still vote. So it's about getting out there and getting your vote counted. For some states, it involves waiting in 8 hour lines. For some states, it involves bringing 2 forms of ID. Document. Track. Make sure it's dropped off in a real ballot box and not a fake one. Don't believe messaging that the voting is happening on a different day or location, etc.
A 50.1% majority is easily challenged. A 55% majority, less so. Which means getting people out to vote.
The more people know about and think about the reality of a second Trump term (versus being disappointed by a Biden term), the more they will be motivated to vote against Trump.
Finally, let's be real here: I'm braced for a 2nd Trump term. That said:
I'm still going to go and vote for Biden, because the only way to prevent a 2nd Trump term is to vote.
A Trump term where either the House or Senate is controlled by the Democrats will be *very* different from a clean Republican sweep.
Even with a clean Republican sweep on the federal level, States have so much more power now, and voting the state level stuff will help shore up Democratic goals for the future. States get to draw voting districts however they want. States get to decide on abortion policies. If you live in a deep Red state, there still might be things to vote for that make it easier to live in now, and turn it purple a few elections down the line.
So at the end of the day, it's "Vote AND". Vote and keep living your best life. Vote and tell others about Project 2025. Vote and have hope. Even if Trump wins, at least you'll have voted against him. Vote and stay to build up a progressive wave for the next election.
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speedycoffeedelight · 7 months
An Animalistic Disaster
Summery: You recently moved to a cabin in the woods for some peaceful time alone. But that is ruined when somehow a wide variety of different animals invade your space out of nowhere. Was this your Disney princess era or is there something more to it..
Also a crazy killer seems to be also on the loose as of now. And this guy who seems to be your new neighbour seems suspicious. Is there any connection?
(I kinda just had some scenarios made in my mind with the hazbin crew as animals so I decided to write them(◕ᴗ◕✿) )
Master list
CH-1: The fluffy and the winged friend
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As you turned the key,the door opened with a click. A gust of dusty air left the cabin as you opened the door. Coughing a little you started to look for the light switch with your hand. Soon you found it and turned it on as light filled the room. It was the kitchen from the looks of it. There was an old stove on the left side of the room,followed by a sink and a countertop.
On the right side was a wooden sofa. It look to be in bad shape as some of its parts had been eaten by bugs.You took a mental note to fix that later. There was a small stool beside the sofa which looked pretty okay. There was also a window above the sink. You went there and opened it to let some fresh air in. There was two more room to explore. You went in the right one.
This time it was a bedroom. There was a queen sized bed on a corner. Alongside it was your wardrobe and on the other side of the room was a chair and a table, all of which you made sure to be moved here before you came. There was a door in there too which you guessed was the bathroom. You went to the window above the table and opened it to let the sunlight in.
The other room was a bit spacious with a small fireplace and some old books with shelves in a corner. There was a lounge there too. Everything looked pretty neat for now.After finishing your tour of the cabin you took a big breath.
You used almost all the money you saved up till now to buy this cabin around the woods. You really wanted to settle down in a quiet place close to nature from your childhood and it just seemed perfect.
"Welp,time to get some unpacking done"
You rolled up the sleeves of your shirt and went to the balcony where all of your stuff were left in a pile of boxes. You crouched down and picked up a box labeled 'kitchen' and started to work.
You took a break at noon to whip something up quick for lunch and rest. The rest of the unpacking was almost done by afternoon,as you didn't have much anyway. You went to get one last box that was left on the balcony. It was a bit bigger then other ones. You went to open it up,but suddenly it started to violently shake.
"What the-"
You quickly took a couple steps back. You don't remember placing something moving or vibrating in that box. At least nothing that would start moving by itself like a blender. Gulping down you you slowly inched to the box again. As you were close to touching the lid, it opened by itself. Being startled,you quickly retrieved your hands as a pair of horns poked through the box.
Suddenly that something with horns jumped in front of you from the box. It was a sheep, a small fluffy adorable sheep. Following its jump, an ashy moth also flew out from the box and sat on the sheep's horns.
You were confused as hell. How the heck did a whole ass sheep and a big moth get inside your box? It didn't seem like the boxes were open beforehand. But swatting away that confusion,you focused on what to do with the two little creatures in front of you right now.
Your cabin was surrounded by woods on one side and it was far from safe for a little sheep like it. Plus you really wanted to pet it for some reason. Deciding you'll keep it with you for however long You can. You slowly started to get close to it holding out your hand.
The sheep was looking at you curiously and started to walk over to your hand. While the moth seemed to be tensed by you almost.
Slowly the sheep was under your reach. You softly put your hand on it head and began to pet it. The sheep closed it eyes which you think meant it was enjoying it. The moth seemed to be comfortable too now. Looking closer, you noticed the moth was missing one of it's eye. There was a cross where it's left eye should be.
Normally you weren't a big fan of moths. But this one really looked pretty. You mentally cursed whichever thing that made such a cute creature look like this.
Now you slowly tried to pick up the sheep so you can carry it to your room. You had some vegetables left over that you could give to the sheep.
"Hey there darling,come with me. Let's get you some food alright..?"
You spoke in a soft voice attempting to reassure it. But then it hit you that they wouldn't understand your language. You mentally facepalmed yourself right then for your stupidity. But to your surprise,it came closer to you and let itself be picked up. Even looking a bit happy in the process if that was possible. You heart absolutely melted at the sight of it and the soft fur. The moth flew and sat on top of your head.
"Well then, let's get going,shall we?"
You said as you walked back into the cabin with the small sheep in hand and moth on your head. At least you wouldn't feel lonely in this cabin tonight.
(A/n: just trying to get the environment figured out in this chapter and I'm not really good with it:') )
(Also this is already published in both ao3 and wattpad under the same name. But I wanted to publish it here too and see how it goes. The artwork isn't mine!!)
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graceylacey · 6 months
is laios touden happy?
I keep coming back to the question that a lot of Dungeon Meshi (manga) fans seem to be asking: is Laios happy at the end?
My two cents on this is: well, yeah. He actually is.
He’s sacrificed a lot, it seems, far more than all of the other characters. He’s the driving force behind the reason they survived to save Falin - through eating the monsters. Only in the end, he’s not able to explore dungeons, be near monsters (RIP his special interest) or even eat without feeling 30% empty. It’s a real tough bargain.
But that’s the whole point. And that loss makes the story so much more impactful to me.
When talking with the Winged Lion at the end, Laios’ true desires appear. But we can see through Mithrun, Thistle and Marcille’s time as Dungeon Lords that The Winged Lion seems to expose really selfish wishes that, whilst having good intent, don’t end up benefiting others the way the Dungeon Lord wants.
Obvious as it may seem, Laios’ true main wish IS to save Falin over the course of his storyline. It’s what drives him despite having other, arguably impossible, desires that he longs for.
Even though Laios wishes to become a monster, this desire has never overtaken his motivation in any other part of the narrative.
Yes, he loses a lot. But he’s gained Falin.
It seems obvious, but that’s the key to why I think this is a good ending for him. It’s about sacrifice. Itsusumi is a great microcosm for this - you have to do things you don’t want to do, eat things you don’t want to eat. You also have to give up things you don’t want to in order to gain more.
The similarity between Dungeon Meshi and Fullmetal Alchemist (manga) is wonderful to me. Both stories explore the giving and taking of life and the goals of our lives. 
At FMA’s conclusion, Ed sacrifices his ability to do alchemy; the reason the whole story started. It cost him and Al so much, but also helped them recover what they’d lost and literally save the world (are we starting to see the similarity?). Whenever I reread FMA, it’s sometimes hard watching Ed give up all his talent and everything he worked towards. What does he have without it? But for him, in that moment, it’s not such a difficult price to pay to get his brother back.
Maybe Laios is not aware of how much he would lose when he defeats the Winged Lion. But we do know he wants his friends and Falin to be saved, even if he dies. But that’s the thing! Both he and Falin are prepared to die to save their loved ones, but what about being prepared to LIVE to save their loved ones?
In our lives, we won’t often be sacrificing our lives for people, but we might be faced with a choice to give up things we love for people we love. Losing his life would be the easy way out (a great example of this is through Mithrun. It takes conscious effort to live. It seems so much simpler to die). Losing your dreams is hard, but that’s what it ended up costing for the safety of not just Laios’ friends but the world. He made that choice, now he must live with it. Even if he’s not fully happy at the end of the narrative, he still can be. You can be happy without having everything you desperately desire. That’s Dungeon Meshi.
Dungeon Meshi’s theme of neurodivergence fit into this really well. Personally, I think Laios is the perfect person to become King, possibly because he doesn’t think he should be. We know it’s not necessarily what he wants to do most. Heck, we know he doesn’t even like people that much and they don’t even seem to like him. But that’s what will make him the perfect candidate. Unlike others, he doesn’t have some high and mighty vision of becoming revolutionary at the end, nor does he have misconceptions about his abilities. He is genuinely righteous and humble, whilst having his flaws.
Laios knows what it’s like to feel different, outcasted by the world. But despite being awkward, strange, having weird interests and an inability to read social cues; people that once hated him ultimately end up having his back. There are bound to be others like him in his world (and ours), who don’t feel like they belong within humanity. People that would want a benevolent leader who genuinely cares and is enthused about things that don’t fit the norm because he doesn’t either.
It’s not his dream job but I believe he will eventually settle into it. We see this in the extra chapter where he willingly gives up his sword. That hit me hard. It felt a bit like a betrayal, like he was giving up who he was and everything he had worked for. But maybe it just shows that it’s okay that he couldn’t achieve all his desires. At least now Falin can achieve hers, and wasn’t that his fear for so long? That she would be lost and alone without him?
But now, because of Laios, Falin has the ability to choose her own path. She can choose make to leave as he once left her without the fear and guilt that Laois felt with his own departure. It shows both of them that it’s okay for them to take separate paths. They can grow and change and love each other from wherever they are. That protection, that survival and that connection between people is at the heart of Dungeon Meshi to me.
Both Laios and Falin choose to live. When Laios eats the Winged Lion’s appetite and Falin returns it’s down to their own decision. The choice to eat; the choice to experience life the way it was intended, with all its thorns. When they eat the monstrous parts of themselves they choose to be human, they choose the consequences of life, they choose to change and to go forwards. They are two sides of the same coin.
It seems only just that after all Laios has been through and after all we’ve seen him do, he should be allowed a perfect happy ending. But that’s just not Dungeon Meshi, is it?
There will always be sacrifices. Dungeon Meshi is not just about accepting life and death, but also accepting the possibility that you may not achieve everything you want, that things will not always go to plan but that you can always achieve other things despite this. 
Laios has made his choice to become King. Just like the choice to eat, it’s another part of life and of moving forward. Think of all the good he could do. I think he can be happy. That’s life.
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kazumiku · 8 months
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NSFW (crossposted on AO3 @Kazumik)
SUMMARY; Wherein Heizou is an all-rounder student. A trusted leader and the teacher's pet. He's reliable in any field—until when it comes to tutoring, that is, before he met you. He's picky and stubborn, so when he gets to know you and your adorable little mind, he couldn't help himself but take matters upon his hand and take you under his wing. With an ulterior motive, of course.
READ WARNINGS; ooc Heizou, reader is a masochist, dumb reader (i am so sorry), sexual content, loss of virginity, minors do not interact !
you have now been warned...
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Shikanoin Heizou, a known name at your college. Always topping his classes, best in extracurricular activities, leader of the student board, and the list goes on. He’s practically the campus’ perfect prince, having the looks and brains to prove it. The teacher’s pet, always reliable and helpful. Well, that is until he gets tasked to tutor-lower-than average students whose grades are barely hanging on a string. Heizou dislikes teaching people. If they’re dumb, they’re dumb; that’s what he stands by and his resolve remains unmoving, even after countless of professors’ persistence…
That is before he met you. You stick out of your classes like a sore thumb, not only because you’re lower than what he’d label as unintelligent, you’re one heck of a pretty face as well. So naïve, so foolish, and so damn adorable. He couldn’t help himself but finally accept your professor’s pleading, tired of calling on you whenever you raise your hand during a lecture, only to ask a question that is far off from the current topic.
A girl with a world of her own. That’s what Heizou likes in a person, and how he wants to join that world to top it all off. He surely won’t regret choosing you as his student.
Your dorm was near campus, it was only reasonable that he tutors you there, given the comfortable atmosphere and that it’s not as far than the library that was a building away from the dormitory.
“Come in, come in! Would you like some snacks? Ah… I think I have a few bags of chips here, if you want some,” The way you greeted him as he arrived outside your door made his heart clench. Heizou can’t believe he can be this infatuated over someone so inferior next to him.
“Chips? I feel like you should clean out your pantry and revise your diet if that’s the case.” Heizou snorted as he welcomed himself in, taking off his shoes by the entrance. Your dorm was nothing extravagant—it had a muted atmosphere, shades of pastel pink being your preferred colour scheme, with a fuzzy floor mat and what seemed like velvet sheets on your bed. It didn’t seem like you had a roommate. But then again, who would want to room with you? (Heizou, probably, since he’s such a simp)
You had sheepishly giggled at his remark, feeling suddenly embarrassed by your unhealthy choice of meals, that being junk food, or so he seems. “I’m working on it,” you answered, earning a hum from the redhead as he comes to sit on the edge of your bed. It’s much softer than his, which took him by surprise, but he didn’t bother dwell on it.
He placed his bag on the floor, taking his laptop out to set it on the mattress. Preferably, he would’ve taught you on your desk instead, but he wanted more than to teach you in this session… Plus, he’s sure you won’t question his decision.
Defeated, you just took looked for something relatively healthy; a bag of dried vegetables your parents gave you a day or two ago. Usually, you wouldn’t eat something so bland like this and just leave it to grow molds inside your mini fridge, despite its health benefits, but you had no other choice but to opt for it, just for today.
You then walked to him, nervous as you see him get comfortable on the bed, leaning against the headboard with his laptop perched on his lap, with a textbook or two beside him. Sensing your eyes, he looked up from his screen for his gaze to meet yours, patting the opposite side without the books to invite you to sit there. And so you did, unquestioning, just as he predicted.
“So, before we start off with the topic, I’d like to set ground rules that you are required to follow if you want me to tutor you,” Heizou started, one corner of his lip twitching up to a smirk that only screams mischief. It doesn’t hurt if a good student like him play around just once, right? “One, if I talk, you must listen and keep your eyes on me.”
The first one didn’t seem too much, so you nodded with a smile on your own playing on your stupidly pretty face. “Two, if you want to ask a question, pat my lap, and call me ‘Sir’ while you do so. Got that?” the second part seemed unreasonable, but you nodded nonetheless.
“Oh, and third, I’ll occasionally question you as I teach, so if you get an answer wrong and I punish you, I don’t want to hear any complaints,” He ended it off, and you simply answered with a small ‘alright,’ feeling uncertain at getting a punishment for every answer you will 100% possibly get wrong. Then again, you don’t really have a say in it, do you?
You didn’t expect, in any way, that accepting his conditions would lead you to such a compromising situation.
You swore you just blinked then now you’re nearly nude, only your bra left to serve you a quarter of decency, barely. Other than that, you were bent over on your stomach, ass in the air with your face buried against the pillows, one hand holding a textbook that you could barely read through your watery vision as the other clutches on the sheets under you.
Everything felt hot, especially when Heizou slid his fat cock inside your once virgin hole till it fully resided between your sweetly snug folds, insides as velvet as your bed sheets. “Hm, you got it wrong again… this is the third time in a row. How disappointing,” He sneered, slender fingers descending your bent back to grab the strands of your hair to tug your head up, revealing your face in a shade of scarlet with pearly tears staining your supple cheeks.
“What a crybaby,” he mocked, leaning to kiss the salty liquid on your chin while thrusting his hips forward, bubbling a breathless moan out your throat as his other hand gripped your hip to steady your shaky knees that threaten to give out. “It’s just a simple question… but then again you’re just a little stupid girl, aren’t you? How embarrassing. You should be ashamed of yourself.”
His humiliating words, as degrading as it is, only spurred your pretty little mind on, walls clenching around his length as you whimpered pathetically. “’M sorry… ‘m trying, b-but I can’t… I forgo—“ A hiss ended your sentence as Heizou pumped himself inside you once more, more forceful than the last one that more tears accumulated in your already filled waterline.
“Shut it, baby. Remember, I don’t want to hear any excuses. Just take it, you deserve it for being a bad girl and not listening to me,” At this point, your head was too high up in the clouds to retaliate, chest heaving as you panted heavily like a bitch in heat, getting fucked to the next key by your own tutor.
His hands deliberately detangled from your sweaty strands, going down to wrap itself around the expanse of your throat, squeezing it plenty to elicit a choked moan from you, but not enough to cut off your airway. He then pressed you down once more, his hand on your hip moving to press on the curve of your back instead, making you arch further that he was hitting all the right spots inside you with practiced ease.
The heavenly symphony of your slick squelching whenever his cock plunges inside and skin meeting skin bounced off the wall of your dorm room, possibly even heard from the outside, alongside the high-pitched melody of your calling of his name, face contorted with your eyes rolled and your tongue lolling out of your drooling mouth, and all that. Heizou couldn’t help but let his grin grow into a triumphant smile, seeing how much he’s already broke you, reducing you into a compliant fuck toy.
“That’s it- ah, squeeze around me, baby,” he groaned, pounding you nelson down the mattress, the tip of his cock starting to graze against your cervix, seeking entrance into your womb as he drives deeper. And god, did it sting so bad, leaving you to wail and thrash in a futile attempt to stop the growing pain. He didn’t let you push him away though, one hand moving to grasp your wrist and pinning them on your back as the other went back to your hips to keep you up and fuck into you consistently.
A knot started to tie itself inside your stomach, making your guts churn and your muscles tingle, pussy contracting around his dick as he pumps deeper to bully your cervix, pounding you to his heart’s content.
Though his thrusts eventually became more sloppier and uncoordinated as he nears his edge, though before he could offer his release, you started to shudder from under him, voice hitting a higher octave as you unintentionally squirted, your love juices getting everywhere on his lower half and soaking your sheets. You could barely keep your eyes open at this point, vision white and blurry, and your dazed mind threatening to slip into unconsciousness.
But before you could pass out, Heizou followed right after, spurting out thick ropes of white till you’re filled to the brim, a ring of white forming at the base of his cock as he continued to thrust, albeit slowly, as you both descended down from your respective highs.
“Mmh, I might have to schedule another session with you tomorrow same time as today,” Heizou wheezed softly, not bothering to pull out as he just collapsed on top of you, his weight crushing you but you didn’t complain. It’s not like you could, not when your thoughts were a mush and you struggled to catch your breath, your veins restless, occasionally twitching and shuddering all over from the aftershocks.
“Hopefully you’ll make more mistakes than today,” he added with a breathless laugh, weak arms circling around your waist as he shifted to lay beside you, not letting you go as he pulled you towards his own sweaty body, a hand moving down your tummy to feel the slight bulge, chuckling as you whimpered when he pressed down on it, making you once more aware than you already are by how deep he is.
You’re barely conscious but you managed to offer him a stupidly fucked out smile in acknowledgement. You were sure as heck going to make more mistakes if it meant getting to be fucked so good by none other than Shikanoin Heizou himself.
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notes; this isnt beta read help i wrote this in one sitting im so sorry its so bad and its already 3am ?? help
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gurokiitty · 3 months
can you write about fem strade x fem mc 👉👈
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a/n: HECK YES I CAN !!!!
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{ f! strade x f! reader }
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word count: 1.2k
warnings/tags: NONCON, mentions of blood and injury, facesitting, suffocation, foreign object insertion.
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When you first laid eyes on her, you felt a twinge of something unfamiliar yet compelling, like a moth drawn to an unearthly flame. Strade was unlike anyone you'd ever met—a whirlwind of charm and confidence, her aura both captivating and dangerous. The bar was dimly lit, the air thick with the scent of alcohol and the murmur of conversations, but you were entrapped.
Her smile was disarming, a perfect blend of warmth and mischief that made you feel seen in a way that was both thrilling and unsettling. Her freckled brown eyes seemed to see right through you, as if she knew your darkest secrets and loved you for them. She spoke with such ease, her voice a soothing melody that made you forget you were strangers. Every word she uttered wrapped around you like a silken thread, drawing you closer to her web.
"Mind if I join you?" she asked, her accent adding an intriguing lilt to her words.
You nodded, unable to tear your gaze away. "Sure, why not?"
You talked for what felt like hours, her laughter ringing in your ears like a beautiful, haunting tune. She made you feel special, desired in a way you'd never felt before. When she suggested going back to her place, you didn't hesitate. It seemed like a natural progression, an inevitability.
Now, you lay on the cold, hard floor of her basement, your wings singed beyond repair. You couldn't remember when you were stripped naked or how your wrists ended up bound behind your back. All you knew was that your body throbbed, and your skin was sticky with sweat and blood.
You tried to convince yourself it was just a nightmare, that you were passed out drunk on your sofa, but the pain was too real. Every pulse, every ache, was a cruel reminder that this was your reality.
And of course, she was too.
Strade stood over you, the same endearing smile plastered on her face, but now it seemed grotesque, a mask of sadistic pleasure. In her hand, she held a hammer, its head coated in crimson.
"Aw, ready to give up already, schätzchen?" she purred, her voice sending a chill down your spine. "I hope not, we're just getting started."
You didn't respond, your mouth too dry, your head too foggy to form words. Instead, you stared up at her, hoping she could see the plea in your eyes.
"Ever eaten a woman out before?" she asked casually, shifting her weight to one leg. As she hovered above you, the overhead lights bathed her in a golden halo, and you couldn't help but feel small and insignificant beneath her.
You nodded, the movement making your head swim. Strade merely chuckled in response.
"Good!" she mused, her smile widening. "I'd hate to waste time teaching you."
You knew you had no choice. Protesting would only bring more pain, and you couldn't bear the thought of her hitting you again. She dropped her pants and lowered herself onto your face, her scent overwhelming your senses.
"Lick," she commanded, her body sinking down you.
Her thick thighs pressed against your cheeks, her warmth spreading over your skin like a stifling blanket. The pressure was suffocating, her full weight making it hard to breathe. Her skin was hot and slick with sweat, the musk of her arousal filling your nostrils and coating your tongue as you reluctantly obeyed her command. You could feel her every movement, every shift and grind, each one pressing her deeper against you, further sealing your fate beneath her.
Your tongue moved with more urgency as she pressed down harder, and soon her soft moans filled the room. You felt her muscles tense and relax, her hips grinding against you as she chased her release.
"Mmm, let's see how you handle this, Liebling," she cooed, her legs caging your face.
She didn't lift herself off you; instead, she hovered slightly, ensuring you were still beneath her as she reached for the hammer. With a cruel smile, she dropped herself back down, suffocating you once more. Strade then ran the hard, wooden handle along your slit, dragging it agonizingly up and down as struggled to breathe.
Then, without warning, she inserted it into you, the intrusion sharp and painful. You gasped, your body tensing against the bonds that held you in place. She began to move it slowly at first, each thrust sending waves of discomfort through you, a twisted echo of the pleasure she had taken moments before. The handle stretched and scraped along your walls, and her pelvis jerked into your face.
Her breathing quickened and mingled with each shuddering gasp you made. Strade's excitement was palpable, her hips grinding harder against your face as she found pleasure in your torment.
You struggled to breathe, your airways constricted by her weight pressing down on you. Panic surged through you as you fought for even the smallest breath, your vision blurring at the edges. Desperation clawed at your mind, and you wanted nothing more than to scratch at her thighs, to push her off, to find relief—but your wrists remained uselessly bound beneath you, denying you even the slightest chance of escape.
"Yes, that's it," she panted, her voice heavy with arousal. "Struggle for me, Liebling. Let me feel your desperation."
The handle moved faster inside you, each thrust a painful, throbbing presence, interwoven with the suffocating pressure against your face. Your lungs burned, and you could feel your strength waning, the fight slowly draining from your body as the lack of oxygen took its toll.
Strade's moans reached a fever pitch, her movements becoming more erratic and frenzied. She was close, teetering on the edge of her release, her pleasure derived from your suffering. Every twitch, every futile struggle only seemed to heighten her arousal, driving her further into a state of ecstasy.
"That's it, keep going," she urged, her voice a breathless whisper. "Don't stop. Show me how much you can take."
You tried to comply, your tongue moving as best it could under the crushing weight, but your body was failing you. Darkness crept in at the corners of your vision, your mind teetering on the brink of unconsciousness. You could hear your own heartbeat, a frantic drum in your ears, each beat a desperate plea for air.
Just as you thought you couldn't endure any longer, Strade shuddered above you, her climax ripping through her with a force that left her trembling. She rode out her orgasm, her hips jerking erratically, before finally collapsing forward, her weight pressing down even harder, if only for a moment.
Then, she slowly lifted herself off you, the sudden rush of air almost as painful as the suffocation. You gasped desperately, your lungs burning as they filled with much-needed oxygen. Tears streamed down your face, your body shaking uncontrollably from the ordeal.
Strade looked down at you, her expression one of sated pleasure and cruel satisfaction. She ran a hand through her tousled hair, her eyes gleaming with a dangerous light.
"You did so well," she praised, her gaze lingering on your heaving chest, the blood and sweat glistening on your skin. She paused, seeming to savour every inch of your suffering, like a connoisseur appreciating a fine meal.
"I think I'll keep you around... Mein kleines Haustier."
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kitthepurplepotato · 11 months
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Second season of My weird roommate, Midoriya Izuku!
Chapter 1 - Slow and Steady
Summary: … Maybe giving Y/N a tour around the agency right after getting together wasn’t the brightest idea. It’s still fun, though, but cuddling on the sofa would be better. (Izuku’s words, not mine.)
Y/N learns that Izuku is a big fan of PDA. Maybe it would have been a better idea to talk about their relationship before getting outed in front of the whole office in the first five minutes. Not like any of them cares, really.
Part 1 of the Agency Tour!
Warnings: Suggestive, swear words, tooth-rotting fluff
Let’s go through the happenings of the last 24 hours together.
But before that…
Let’s close the door after ourselves.
Take a deep breath.
Now scream.
“Oh my fucking god, what’s happening right now?!”
Yes. Perfect.
Now you can grin like a lunatic for the next ten minutes while you get yourself together.
You and pro hero Deku… are a thing now. For real. Okay, you haven’t technically had the ‘girlfriend/boyfriend’ talk yet, but let’s be honest, none of you want less than that, that’s quite clear.
You are also extremely proud of yourself because finally, for once in your life, you actually took the matter into your own hands and sorted your problems out yourself instead of waiting for baby Jesus to do it for you. That’s character development, ladies and gents and everyone in between! And if that’s not enough to feel like the happiest nerd in the whole world, Izuku kissed you all night and now you are getting ready to see his agency, which was your biggest dream since Deku first showed up on the TV screen.
Actually, why the heck did you never ask him to show you around anyway?
Oh yeah, you had no balls until yesterday.
Well, technically, you still don’t have any, thank god because that would be a really messed up plot twist and this fanfiction would definitely loose 90% of its audience.
Okay, let’s calm down now and start getting ready before Izuku changes his mind about loving you after seeing how late you are for everything.
You sprint out of your bedroom after 10 minutes, panting; somehow, you managed to straighten your hair and do a light make up, which is probably thanks to the fact that you didn’t need to think about the clothes that much as Izuku let you wear the random hoodie you accidentally took out of his dresser a few minutes ago.
“Did you have a sparring session with Kacchan in that room?” Izuku looks at you fondly, tiny sparkles swimming in his beautiful, pine green eyes. Melissa is probably waiting in the car already.
“I’m way too excited.” You grin while you continue panting like a madman. Izuku snorts at that, urging you to come over; you run into his arms, embracing him tightly, tiny little butterflies fluttering their wings in your chest as he hides his face in the crook of your neck like he always does, but this time, it feels different; shiver goes down your spine as you feel his breath warming up your skin, there are goosebumps all over you as Izuku leaves a tiny kiss in the crook of your neck, mumbling vehemently about how happy he is to be able to do this now and it really takes you a lot of self-control to push the hero away gently for the sake of your own sanity.
“Are you ready to go, Sweets?” Izuku smiles and moves back into your personal space, leaving tiny kisses on your cheek while he giggles like a lovesick kid having a crush for the first time.
“Hmm… fuck yes.” You grin while you pull the hero out of the flat aggressively. As you move towards the elevator you turn around and start walking backwards, just so you can see his face, because you can’t even stand not to see him for 30 seconds.
“You’ll trip and fall.” Izuku giggles and runs towards you, pulling you up into his arms right away. He then manhandles you until you end up sitting on his shoulders. You try not to tell him how hot that was. The amount of power he has in his arms is absolutely insane and his arms aren’t even the strongest parts of his body as his main weapons are his legs. You are quite sure he could explode a watermelon with them without even flinching.
“I can break a watermelon with my thighs, yes. We tried it once when we were drunk in the forest. Iida told us we can’t use knives while we’re wasted so we had find a way to open it up.”
“How much did I say out loud?” You whimper with your eyes scrunched together. Honestly, why are you like this?
“Let’s just say I’m glad you don’t see the color of my face right now.” Izuku giggles as he steps into the elevator. When you get to his car he decides to play around for a bit; he throws you up in the air and catches you mid fall, then throws you up a few more times until you can’t help but scream, terrified. He carries you bridal style to the car and when he gets to the door he decides to flex a bit more by carrying you with one arm while he opens the door for you with his other hand.
“Was this really necessary?” You pant, still clinging to his shoulders on his left side.
“Well, you said you liked it and I love to please.” Midoriya says innocently.
Don’t say it.
Don’t say it.
“Honestly, you two!” Melissa giggles. “Let’s go! Also, if you don’t want everyone to know what you’ve been up to all night, I would probably tune the lovey-dovey stuff down a notch.” She winks and this time, Izuku almost drops you on the floor.
Needless to say, you are both red as a tomato as you make your way inside the car silently.
“Oh my fucking god.” You look up at the massive building in front of you. You knew that the agency is massive, but it’s honestly something else up this close. The building itself is white but on the two top corners there are three diagonal stripes in the colors of the two hero’s outfits; Katsuki’s side is orange, dark green and black, Izuku’s side is green, silver and red. In case you are still wondering which side of the agency belongs to who there are two beautiful, metallic plates with the logo of each hero on their side; the lucky people who managed to get a tour around the agency tend to use the logo as a backdrop for their Instagram photos but it’s mostly just fellow heroes who tend to use it as the agency is almost completely off the table for civilians.
“We obviously have a back entrance, but I wanted you to see the front as it’s really hard to see it from outside, thanks to the exclusive car park in front of it.” Izuku mumbles as he puts his hands on the small of your back. “May I take a picture with you in front of the sign?” Izuku says in the most flirty way possible. Damn, this guy will be the death of you.
It only takes a shy nod for him to push you towards the massive Deku logo with his phone in his hands; he gives a quick kiss on your forehead as his phone clicks and the picture is done and… well… the final result is absolutely fucking adorable. Your face is all red and shy and there is a tiny blush on Izuku’s face as well as he leans in. There is a tiny happy smile on his face and his eyes are sparkling with affection.
“If this picture gets out, you are fucked.” You giggle as you send the picture to yourself on his phone.
“Well, I’m quite sure I’m more than capable of protecting you if that ever happens.” Izuku mumbles with dark eyes. “Also, I’m not ashamed of you. I have no reason to be.”
You will never get used to the way Izuku smiles at you. You swear he’ll give you a heart attack one day. It’s also extremely hard not to kiss him when he looks at you like you are the best thing on this whole planet.
“Let’s go in before I attack you with my mouth in front of your whole agency.” You whisper under your nose with a red face. Izuku’s blush can’t get deeper at this point. He looks like a lobster and it’s adorable.
“Yeah, I would absolutely hate that.” Izuku mumbles back as he makes his way towards the entrance, clearly thinking the opposite of what he’s saying. Well, damn.
“Deku-san!” A young girl yells from the counter by the entrance but you are too busy to freak out about how absolutely badass the inside looks like; just like the outside, the inside has two different designs; behind the main counter, there is another massive logo, but this time, instead of having the two logos next to each other, it’s half Deku and half Bakugou in one single logo and it’s sick as fuck.
If that’s not enough, the massive hall is also two different colors; Dark orange walls on Dynamight’s side, with small explosions coming out of the main logo, then dark green walls on the other side with black whip coming out of the main logo, snaking around the wall like tentacles.
There are two booths in the two corners for interviews, a waiting area with massive sofas but this is as far as a person can go if they don’t work for the agency. There are two massive stairways on the left and the right side of the hall, and by the look of it, the door only opens with fingerprints.
“The glass door is actually bulletproof.” Izuku says proudly. The young girl makes a high pitched noise for some reason.
“Deku-san, please refrain from telling insider information until the lady signed the NDA.”
“I don’t think this counts as that, Kay.” Izuku smiles at her but you can see the annoyance on his pretty little face. “Also, she’s technically family for both Katsuki and me, does she really need to sign that?”
“Deku-san, I’m quite sure even your mother had to sign it.” The lady sighs.
“So what am I signing?” You look up at Izuku questioningly.
“A non-disclosure agreement. Basically, whatever I say and whatever you see here, you are not allowed to tell anyone. Not even your friends and family.” Izuku retorts with a frown on his face. Why is he so mad about this?
“Yeah, that’s fine. Don’t be so grumpy about it. It’s common sense, really.” You say softly while your hand caresses his arms soothingly. You can feel the tension leaving his body as he nods silently, a little bit ashamed of his own sassiness.
“Yeah, sorry. I just hate to do this to you.” He sighs but takes the paperwork from Kay’s hands and moves towards the sofas to sit down with you. You go through the paperwork quickly and sign it on the bottom and Izuku leads you towards the massive staircase after putting the paperwork on the counter for Kay.
Just as the glass door closes behind you and you are far away enough from the main hall to not be seen right away… Izuku decides to turn your whole world upside down by pulling you into one of the corners, your back meeting the wall with a loud thump. His hands rest on the wall, your head right between them.
You’ve never had a heart attack before but this is how you imagine it. This shit can’t be normal.
“I imagined this so many times and I hated myself every time for being so… cheeky.” Izuku mumbles, his face blushed but so-so utterly happy it breaks your heart and puts it back together, all at the same time.
“You wanted to assault someone on the staircase? That’s not too hero-like of you.” You snicker, playing dumb. Izuku’s smile fades.
“Was I too rough?” He mumbles as he tries to pull away, but you quickly change your positions; you use all your strength to push him into the wall the same way he did to you. Izuku yelps, but it sounds more like a whine to be honest and that does some things to your body. This man will be the death of you.
“Was I too rough?” You ask with your hands on his two sides; there is no way you can reach the wall next to his head when you are a size of a hobbit compared to him.
“Is it really dirty if I say that I enjoyed it?” Izuku mutters with a red face.
“Is it really dirty to say I enjoyed it too?” You giggle into his chest.
“This conversation ends here and now.” Izuku takes a few deep breaths, his fist curling into the fabric of your hoodie at the back.
“I thought you wanted to kiss me?” You smile into his shirt, full of confidence; you did this to him. You did this, and you barely had to do anything for it. Your life is a stupid fanfiction.
“I don’t think I can stop for the next two hours if I do, Sweets.” He pants. “I mean… well… you know what I mean. I think. I don’t really know what I’m talking about anymore. I really like your confidence?”
You can’t help but laugh out loudly at that. Izuku looks at you with question marks in his eyes.
“That’s a really chivalrous way to say you like to be manhandled, Izu. Also, noted.” You wink at the hero; Izuku literally gapes at you, mouth hanging dramatically as you move further and further, ready to run if it’s needed.
“You are such a shithead.” Izuku laughs while he shakes his head. If he’s trying to fake disappointment, he’s doing a really shitty job at that.
“Language.” You giggle as you both make your way up the remaining stairs.
Deku’s agency is bustling with energy; there is music coming from the speakers on the wall, staff members running around with paperwork while the heroes lounge on the sofas in one of the corners of the massive, open space. There is another radio in the middle of the coffee table that’s connected to the police radio. The whole team perks up when they see their boss smiling, sunshine coming out of his ass when he pulls you closer protectively as the staff members and fellow heroes come closer and closer to inspect the new person.
You have so many questions about this room but the words die in your throat from the sudden attention.
“Hi.” You mumble into the space, almost hiding behind Izuku like a shy 5 year old.
“This must be the famous Sweet Pea.” One of his assistant disturbs the awkward silence with a knowing smile on her face. Izuku’s hands clench on your back, like he’s surprised by the comment.
“How did you know?” Izuku mumbles shyly.
“Well, this might be awkward for you, especially in front of her, so please forgive me for my rudeness, but your eyes shine the same way they do when you talk about her. Actually, it’s even more obnoxious now, please stop. There are lonely, single people up here who would kill to have what you have.”
“Is it that obvious?” Izuku scratches the back of his head with a small blush on his pretty little face. You have no idea what they are talking about anymore.
“Yeah, hun.” The assistant answers with a tiny chuckle and she goes back to her task. The people around you start to scatter, leaving the two of you alone, finally. Everyone was really nice and friendly but this whole thing is so overwhelming already, it was getting a bit too much for your heart.
“Before you start with your questions, let me tell you the basics about this floor.” Izu straightens up, using his best tour guide voice. You can’t help but giggle. “This room is where all the paperwork happens, even though I’m quite sure you realized that already.” He giggles. “And that corner with the massive sofa and the police radio is for all the heroes who don’t want to spend their time alone in their offices. I came up with that idea after a really mentally exhausting fight. Sitting alone in my office with no background noise was absolutely terrible. Sometimes, the silence can trigger your own negative thoughts as there is nothing to focus on, just your own voice telling you about all your flaws and how you’ll never be good enough for this job.” Izuku barely whispers the last bit of the sentence. You reach out for his hand automatically and he takes it without a second thought. “After a while, everyone started to use this space to chat around until the police radio goes off with something interesting. Obviously, this radio isn’t our main source of information, we have a 24/7 team on standby further down the hall who get to sort through missions and delegate them and we also have an emergency line which is connected to the emergency speakers and it can be heard all over the agency, even in the bathrooms. Thankfully, we haven’t had to use that one for a while.” Deku gives you a sad smile, probably remembering the last time the emergency sound blasted through the office.
It’s almost impossible not to act on your desires; on the urge to stroke his cheeks soothingly until he becomes putty in your hands, until he hides his face in the crook of your neck and a massive sigh leaves his mouth, warming up your sensitive spot until it burns, knowing you don’t need to feel ashamed anymore for liking it so much. Somehow, Izuku senses what you are trying to say, feels the protectiveness and the want, senses the sudden change in the air as you stare at the man of your dreams; his eyes get dark for only a second before they melt into a fond look, soft and pliant. It’s hot, but not burning, stinging but somehow, still soothing. Someone coughs in the background; the rest of the office starts giggling; you feel left out of the joke and so is Izuku.
“What happened?” Izuku asks politely, touching his face to see if there’s something on his mouth or on his face that makes the whole room giggle. “Is it something on my face?”
“No, no! You are all good, boss!” A blue skinned office worker answers for the team with a polite smile. “I think it’s time to show your… friend your office maybe?”
More giggles erupt in the background and Izuku is still clueless.
Your face slowly becomes redder and redder as the awkward silence continues.
“I think what they’re trying to say is that it’s time for us to continue our tour. Yeah.” You giggle awkwardly, shoving the hero towards the corridor on the right side. “Oh, look! More rooms! Exciting!”
Okay, you are doing a really shitty job at pretending you two didn’t just stop in the middle of the main office to eye-fuck each other and made the whole office laugh with your shenanigans, but you are doing your best.
“That’s the toilet.” Izuku deadpans, his face scrunched into a confused, adorable look. He’s so precious, goddammit. “Let’s go this way, I want to show you the gym, then there’s the communication room, the CCTV room, the hero offices, the cafeteria…” Izuku mumbles while he pulls you towards the furthest end of the hallway, clearly in a hurry. The deeper you two go the less people you bump into; you try to stop abruptly but it doesn’t really go the way you wanted it to; instead of him jerking to a stop you almost slip as he still manages to pull you forward even with your feet strongly planted on the floor. Sometimes, you forget how strong your… roommate?… is.
“Why are you in such a hurry, Izu? Am I bothering you? Do you want me to get out as soon as I can?” You mumble with a sad face. “If this is not the right time, we can come back later or not do this at all, Izuku, it’s fine…”
No, it’s not really fine. You want to see everything, you want to spend as much time with the hero as you can, but if it’s too much for him…
“Sweet Pea, for the love of god, I just want to get to my office so I can finally kiss you before I explode.” Izuku pants, his face flushed, but somehow still neutral. Damn, that’s boss Izuku for you, ladies and gents. “I also want to get home and cuddle. Talk about… us. I want to yell from the top of my lungs and show you off like you’re the most valuable treasure I’ve ever put my hands on. These sentences do not connect to each other at all so I guess I’m rambling nonsense again. I also said too much. Fuck.”
… and now he swears. Blimey governor, this must be the end of the world.
“Izuku, I absolutely fucking love you.” You grin while tears pool in your eyes from the sudden wave of happiness. Honestly, words can’t describe this feeling, it’s so overwhelming but so good, there is a new kind of warmth in your chest you’ve never felt before, soft and fulfilling, like the world can crumble in front of your feet but even that wouldn’t be enough to ruin the giddiness in your heart. “And you know what the best part is?”
“What?” Izuku doesn’t even try to stay out of your personal space anymore, he’s right in front of you with his hands on your hips, one palm moving up and down your sides like he can’t get enough.
“That there’s no need to hurry.” You smile at him giddily. “Because we have all our lives to do all of that. I’m not going anywhere. So let’s enjoy this moment instead of running through all the good parts, yeah? Slow…” You push yourself up to leave a tiny peck on the hero’s lips. Fuck, you still can’t believe you can do that. “And steady.” You end the sentence with another kiss, deeper, but still chaste. Izuku looks at you like he’s seeing you for the first time, eyes glimmering in the fake lighting of the windowless hallway. It’s the least romantic place in the world, but somehow, this moment couldn’t be more perfect. Izuku leans his forehead on yours while he takes a few, staggered breaths; he tries his best not to grin, but he fails miserably.
“I’ll never let you go.” He mumbles confidently and you can’t help but smile.
“You don’t need to. Not anymore.”
It feels so good to say this out loud, finally.
“I love you. Let’s do this tour properly now. I want you to have the best time of your life here.” Izuku embraces you so tightly it kinda hurts and it’s hard to breathe, but it feels way too nice for you to comment on it.
Needless to say, kissing this man out of the blue yesterday was the best decision of your life.
“Let’s go then, Deku.” You mumble happily as you two fell into a steady rhythm by each other’s side, shamelessly holding hands in the empty corridor.
… Next Chapter!
Potato ramble:
- Bloody hell, I thought I’ll never post again, dude! Life has been hectic, as you all know already. I’m still not sure how often I’ll be able to post but I’ll do my best!
- About all the suggestiveness in this chapter: I really hope I was able to show you how even the dirtiest conversations sound innocent from Deku’s mouth and there is a reason for that; he might have these cheeky thoughts but he’s actually a really sweet and calm lover, so if you are alarmed by all the suggestiveness, don’t worry. This is a sweet little story so even if thinks go further than a few kisses it will stay sweet. :D
- Yes, Deku’s agency is connected to Dynamight’s, there will be more info about that in the next chapter!
- I hope this long ass chapter was a good enough apology for you, guys! Have a lovely day 🥦
Likes, comments and reblogs are appreciated as always! 🥦
TL: @porusuniverse @stickygumchewer @sixxze @mily-moo @aei-sedai-moiraine @aymasakusa @kastuari @kenzie-deadly @shiviwrites07 @lukerycyja-reblogs @cloroxisadelectabletreat @coffeent @kisskissshutmydoor @bobcar1 @yazminetrahan @cringefan @ronimacaroni77 @thekookiecorner @dangerousluv1 @emperatris-rinaka @shotos-angelic-whore @angelsdemonsmonsters @norvacaine @rei165 @unofficialmuilover
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sinful-lanterns · 5 months
If we're still on the topic of Yao... Okay, so I haven't played her event yet, so this all might be OOC, but y'know how people say that birds are essentially just modern dinosaurs? How about we say that Yao would probably possess some primal tendencies? 😏
If Yao's roaming around the entirety of Whitesands to chase down the Tides of Ashes, then she's obviously quite powerful to protect such a vast territory on her own, which is a +1 for her. And if she finds you wandering into her territory, then this clearly must be a sign! You're so very different from her usual prey. Ah, but what bravery you show just by being out here!
Of course, Yao's smitten, so she's going to prove that she's the very BEST mate for you. She shows her power by effortlessly taking down any beasts that thinks they can have you. Foolish creatures... Only SHE can have you. 😤 She also proves she's a provider by bringing fresh food for you and the potential hatchlings she hopes to have with you! Then, she perplexedly changes her strategy when she finds the various organs (the best parts in her opinion!) probably freak you out/make you squeamish. 😂 Thinking like, "Hm. Potential mate does not like giant lizard. Must find other foods."
And whenever you rest for the night, she tries her best to build a comfortable nest around your tent/bedroll! She shoves giant branches and piles of leaves around you for better insulation against the cold desert nights. And I think she might get a little possessive. Her entire design suggests she's a powerful, ancient birb though, so maybe she might only gets a little jealous around other birb-coded sinners? In this case, it might just be Raven (another S-tier sinner no less!). 😂 I can imagine Yao wrapping her big wings around you and firmly placing her chin atop your head while glaring at the other birb. When she gives a little huff of discontent, small puffs of steam probably come out of her nose.
She's the absolute sweetest around her little mate though. 🥰
-🌙 anon
Yao who has the instinctual habit to build a nest around you whenever you lay down somewhere for too long. In her head, she thinks ‘Oh. My mate wants to build a nest here. Okay!’ even though you are just resting. While you are asleep, she will go out and forage for the cleanest sticks, the softest plants, heck, she even pulls out some of her feathers to build the perfect nest for you. By the time you wake up, you’re just surrounded by a huge nest of branches and a happy Yao waiting for you to wake up, seemingly proud of herself for what she did while you were asleep 🥺
Oh, and let’s not forget to mention her hunting skills when she wants to provide for you. Yao picks up on the fact you can’t really hunt that well since you’re a puny human, so she goes out of her way to hunt down all the best animals and plants for you to eat, even if some of them are a bit grotesque.
Reader: Yao…I can’t eat this. There’s still blood.
Yao: Is it too raw? Okay. I will cook it for you.
Yao: *proceeds to set the meat on fire*
She means well, don’t worry. Even if what she does can be a little jarring for you, it’s just her following her instincts as a bird. Especially when she wants to show off how possessive she is over her mate. I imagine she’s quite territorial over you and will spread her wings quite wide, just to scare off any other “predators” that may want to snatch you away from her.
…Sorry Raven, but since she is a bird, anytime she steps close to you, Yao would squawk and immediately wrap you in her wings, hissing at Raven as she walks by. She isn’t like this around other women, yet women who have bird like features (Raven, Langley, and Nightingale for example) will get hissed at by an angry Yao.
These poor women… 😅
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What if Lou accidentally came to Uglyville before the uglydolls came to the Institute of Perfection?
Not sure exactly when you sent me this, but @subwhizz has a comic/graphic novel that they are working on called "Lou in Wonderland AU" and it is exactly what you're asking.
HOWEVER, I'm never gonna pass an opportunity to write out some ideas that sprung into my head. I do suggest reading the "Lou in Wonderland" story though. Sub is an amazing artist and an even better storyteller!
The machines weren't perfect themselves by any means. Come to think of it, it would be pointless for Lou to even exist if the machines didn't intentionally create flawed dolls to a certain extent. But when Nolan popped into the Institute, Lou realized maybe the humans had let the factory go. There hadn't been that bad of a mess up since...
Lou shook the memories away, focusing on the never-ending tunnel in front of him as he walked. The flashlight flickered and the bulb made a static noise as it tried to warn Lou that the batteries were dying. He ignored it. Besides, the pipes only led to Perfection, so realistically he could just turn around and get back home easily.
It flickered again and Lou slammed the heel of his hand against it. "Stupid light..." He looked up, coming to a halt. "What in the world...?" The hole that normally led to the incinerator was blocked up with splintered wood and poorly driven in nails. No wonder he had mistakes like Nolan ending up in Perfection...
But that didn't entirely make sense either. The machines would realistically pop out a faulty doll out of every 100 or so made. He'd checked the math himself. That's what made Ox such a spectacle was that it was the first doll in years since the company started that hadn't been sorted correctly. But Nolan would still be recognized as a Pretty Doll. Despite his...differences, Nolan didn't have enough faults to him for the machine to deem him as a mistake.
So, if Lou hadn't seen any other faulty dolls...and the incinerator was blocked up...then where were mistakes going?
Lou blinked as the flashlight flickered one last time before dying unceremoniously. He sighed. This was a mystery for another day. Or whenever he could manage to steal the batteries from one of the robots again.
"Good thing the pipes all lead to--OHMYDOLL!" Lou screamed and felt his heart practically leap into his throat as he freefell into...well, it had looked like darkness before but now this was just liquid darkness he was slipping through. He desperately tried to reach his arms out in hope to grab onto something, but it felt like more pipe. But why was it going down!?
He screamed the whole way down, opting in closing his eyes despite not being able to see anything regardless, and praying that death would meet him quickly.
Light soon blinded him and he hardly had time to adjust his eyes before his whole body ached from crashing onto something hard. Luckily he landed on his back.
He groaned, eyes squinting in pain and still blinded by how much light there suddenly was. Some of it was blocked out suddenly by a weird, red figure. A wing-like appendage moved across his vision a few times and then he realized there was a voice connected to it.
Lou grimaced from the pain all through his back and head. "Please tell me I'm dead..."
The head of the figure tilted curiously. "I...w-well no...um...w-would you like to be?"
Lou put a heavy hand to his forehead. "Kind of. Are you gonna kill me?"
"No, but I do offer therapy sessions."
Who or whatever this voice belonged to had a lot more personality than the mindless dolls he trained on the daily. It didn't sound like such manufactured dialogue.
Something poked his side and Lou coughed as pain and a tickling sensation bubbled through him. "We have tons of food here too. You're awfully scrawny."
Lou waved the...it felt like an actual wing. What the heck. He opened his eyes blearily and finally got them to focus on...
A...bat? A red bat.
Lou scrambled back quickly. "What in the world are you?"
The bat looked surprised and a little put off by the reaction, but he spoke calmly. "My name is LuckyBat and I'm an UglyDoll, just like you!" He smiled with sharp fangs poking out of his lips.
"Excuse me?" Lou narrowed his eyes at the creature.
"Welcome to Uglyville! We never got an announcement of a new arrival. Did you get here through the flower?" LuckyBat paced a few circles around Lou, inspecting every inch of him.
Lou would lean a little ways opposite of wherever Lucky was as he revolved. "Flower?" The bat simply gestured upward. Lou followed up to the weird sunflower-looking thing jutting out of the cliff. "Yeah, I came out of that I think." Lou shook his head. "Where did you say this was?"
"Uglyville," Lucky straightened with a smile.
"Right..." Lou winced and forced himself to stand up. He rubbed the back of his head.
"I think this belongs to you. It fell out of the flower too." Lou squinted down. Lucky held up a dented flashlight to him.
Lou took it, already knowing it really wouldn't work anymore despite getting new batteries. "Thanks...What's your name again?"
"Luckybat." Boy, this newcomer sure had a bad memory.
"Why are you called that?"
"I'm usually very lucky. Lucky to have great friends, a great home, to be alive--"
Lou snorted. If this creature was here only because the incinerator was blocked, then yeah, he was lucky to be alive.
"What's so funny?" Lucky looked genuinely interested.
Lou shook his head quickly, going back to tinkering with the flashlight. "Nothing. I have another question."
"You're full of those, huh?" Lucky smiled.
The blond rolled his eyes. "Yeah. How do I get back up into the pi--flower?"
Lucky tilted his head. "You...want to leave?"
"Yes, very much so."
The bat seemed nervous now for some reason. "W-Well, I'm not so sure, but...I think I know someone who could help! She talks a lot about the flower and going through it. I'm sure she's got a million different ways to get up there!" Lucky bounded off ahead of Lou, not bothering to see if he was following.
Lou sighed, looking at the flashlight in his hand once before tossing it behind him and following the bat toward wherever.
The flashlight flickered back on behind them.
I'll probably leave this right here for now and if you want a continuation I'll make the next parts longer.
Spoiler, I think I plan on continuing it anyway, but STILL.
It's also currently 1:40 in the morning where I am and I need to go to bed...
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Mary Poppins is probably the first progressive Disney movie. It marks an interesting start of a long process that would lead from the cultural conservatism of Walt Disney himself to the more progressive liberal values from today's age.
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Yeah, the film still ends with the nuclear family established almost like the perfect family structure. But noticed how the family isn't fixed by the father gaining even more control over the them, what would be expected from the time period, but by the father letting go of the strict hierarchy that he himself put over them in the beginning.
The film puts a lot of the blame for the family's situation on Mr. Banks himself. Mrs. Banks first wave feminism is played for laughs, but the film is more sympathetic and supportive of her than of Mr. Banks.
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Mr. Banks believes in order and discipline, and strict gender and class roles, and that is what leads his family to intense suffering. Even his wife, Winifred, a suffragette mind you, is still highly submissive to him in the beginning.
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Mary Poppins represents an element of unabashed fun, optimism, and chaos, clashing with Mr. Banks' strict order several times, breaking apart with the strict gender and class roles, at least for a little while.
Mary Poppins manipulates, subverts, and slightly mock Mr. Bank's sense of order and discipline several times over the film. Mr. Banks himself describe Mary Poppins' philosophy as "sugary female nonsense".
Mary Poppins is strict and disciplined herself, but around her all rules bend, and even the upper classes can dance happily with the working classes as if they are all equal.
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Heck, the final scene, Let's Fly a Kite, it's literally all class rules being broken for the final time. Even the greedy bank executives are flying a kite, as happy as children, not exclusively thinking of money for the very first time.
Mary Poppins, intentionally or accidentally, is a very progressive family film for its time.
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@ariel-seagull-wings @thealmightyemprex @princesssarisa @the-blue-fairie @tamisdava2 @theancientvaleofsoulmaking @mask131
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Ranking The Brotherhood on how good with kids I think they are.
(Listen my homework is depressing me and I want a break so here we go)
No. 1: Demon Bull King: Listen it’s not just because he’s a Dad™️ ok! You cannot convince me otherwise that he didn’t spoil the ever loving heck outta Red Son as a baby. He loved that little boy and would not hesitate to slaughter anyone who dared even looked at his son the wrong way. Sure, nowadays he has a few missteps but the love and care is still present. He’s not perfect but he’s the best of them all. 9/10—He stumbles a bit but he means well.
No. 2: Six-Eared Macaque: He’s the Go-To Babysitter and the Designated Driver™️ of the Brotherhood. He will care for any child if he needs to. Sure he might just feed them junk food or frozen stuff but hey, that’s better than nothing. He’s the Fun Uncle and kids just flock to him. 8/10—He tells really great bedtime stories too.
No. 3: Yellow-Tusk the Wise: He’s the standard. He’ll make sure the kids are fed, clean, and content but his idea of a “fun, engaging activity” is reading the Dictionary and discovering new words or something. If you need a babysitter fast he’s your reluctant go-to. 6/10—The kids will be asleep when you get home on account of how boring he was!
No. 4: Azure Lion: He’s not that great with young kids but the older they get the easier it is for him. He can talk to them more easily. He will not know what to do with a baby. He will hold it at arms length and just be terrified out of his mind. But he will also try to speak all “hip” to the older kids and fail spectacularly. 5.5/10—He definitely pronounces Meme as Me-Me.
No. 5: Golden-Winged Peng: I know in the OG Journey to the West they have a nephew—but would you let them around your nephew? They laughs anytime the kid falls over and has insulted several children to their faces. And that’s the easy stuff. 3/10—They May or May Not have dropped a kid once and it May or May Not have been an accident.
No. 6: Sun Wukong: What is wrong with you?! You trust this absolute disaster of an immortal with your children?! Do you hate your children or something? He’s never known illness or the true concept of death so what’s he going to do. He won’t actively try and kill the kid but man he doesn’t have to he’s that bad. 1/10—The other Monkeys on FFM are alive today because of pure instinct and little to no input from this monkey and no one can convince me otherwise.
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beansthough · 10 months
Snake Charmer Oneshot
{The Thrill of the Chase}
Tw/Cw: vore, mouthplay, fear, fear of death, angst, hurt/comfort.
All was calm in the forest… until it wasn’t. Branches and bushes snapped and rustled as a beast going top speed closed in on his prey. The prey in question weren’t being any more quiet. Tubbo let out a crazed laugh as he zipped through the air. Ranboo right behind him, a little out of breath. Staying as close to Tubbo as they could without losing the blurred form of the bee.
“Get back here!” Ranboo would swear he could feel the Naga’s hot breath on his back, the hint of delight in the snake’s voice made the bat’s adrenaline shoot through the roof. They flapped their wings with a newfound burst of energy.
The Naga let out a frustrated growl and Ranboo and Tubbo let out loud shrieks of amusement as a clawed hand swiped in between them in the air.
Tubbo zipped away, leaving Ranboo scrambling away from the claws that we’re closing in without a leader to follow. “Tubbo! You can’t just leave me!” Ranboo growled out angrily. The bee snickered and gave a wave of his hand. “Too slow Boo! This is about survival!” The worker bee then shot away. Ranboo huffed angrily, to distracted by the traitorous bee to notice the two clawed hands coming to cup him from behind.
His world was surrounded by darkness as warm flesh was pressed firmly around him. The bat couldn’t help but squirm around under the pressure. They let out an angry groan and the hands loosened around him. He winced as the bright sunlight entered his vision suddenly.
“Aww Ranboo, thought you could get away?” Tommy’s grin was sharp but his eyes softened as he saw Ranboo’s irritated expression.
The bat huffed and crossed their arms. Refusing to meet Tommy’s gaze. “I was so close this time! If only Tubbo wasn’t so selfish! But no he just has to keep his perfect record!”
“Here,” Tommy raised his hand away from himself. “Do you wanna try again?” Ranboo sighed and shook his head. “Nah, that be like cheating… but make sure you make Tubbo pay for it, okay? Even if you don’t catch him.” The bat smiled and stood up from his sitting position. “Besides I think this is the farthest I’ve gotten so far.”
“If you say so.” Tommy picked up Ranboo by the scruff and dangled him over is open maw. “And don’t worry, Tubbo’s gonna get what’s coming to him.” Tommy’s face formed a mischievous expression and Ranboo gave a nervous laugh. “Nothing too bad right?” The snake only gave a cheeky smile before plopping Ranboo down in the warm cavern that was him mouth, mindful of avoiding his fangs.
In just one gulp he sent his friend down to his storage. He purred happily at the feeling of the small weight in his gut.
“Don’t worry Ranboo, today’s the day I’ll finally catch him. I can feel it.”
Now time for some good old fashion revenge. Tubbo had gotten away one to many times, and Tommy had the perfect plan to bring his rain of tyranny to an end.
Tubbo had landed on a branch to rest, breathing deep and heavy as he caught his breath. Ranboo’s Sacrifice always gave him a little chance to rest, felt a little bit go guilt for leaving his friend. He just had to make it back to the village and he was home free.
He had yet to lose a single match. Always flying away the last second. It was invigorating, it was daring, and it was honestly a little terrifying.
Sure Tubbo had been stored before, and heck! He had even willing crawled into Tommy’s mouth the first time they met.
But this was….
The chase made it like is was serious. Tubbo’s instincts wouldn’t comprehend that they were playing. His tiny bee body was screaming life or death. He had even accidentally stung Tommy one of the other times they had grabbed him out of the air.
He had gotten away, but with the price of Tommy being upset at him for a week. He had tried to down play it, but guilt ate away at his heart.
Besides, how was he supposed to tell one of his best friends that he was scared of him. Well he wasn’t really scared of him.
His instincts were.
When the 8ft behemoth would come charging out of the trees, his claws sharp, and teeth bared. It would sometimes shake Tubbo to his core, but it was also one of the most exciting sights that Tubbo could experience.
The thrill of the chase was almost addicting. The adrenaline rush made Tubbo feel on top of the world, but then he would forget that it was just a game.
Then it was about survival.
But he could never tell Tommy about this. He couldn’t. The bee remembered every hurt look when the other villagers would whisper and give nervous glances. He remembered the tears that trailed down after the Naga had confided in Tubbo of some of the remarks that were being said about him.
He couldn’t do that to Tommy.
So here he was, sprinting as fast as he could towards the village. As long as Tommy didn’t catch him, he could avoid his problems. For now he could enjoy the chase.
A sharp cry suddenly called out from the forest, freezing Tubbo in his tracks. That was Tommy…
It sounded like he was hurt.
The bee burst into action, going to the aid of his friend. What if he was in trouble? Was Ranboo alright? Were there hunters?
Another cry of pain and Tommy calling out Tubbo’s name. He had to be hurt.
“Tommy where are you?!” He flung leaves out of his path as he flew frantically through the trees, desperately searching for a sign of either of his friends.
“Tubbo, I’m here!”
There. He had pinpointed the sound.
Tubbo barreled out of the tree line and into a dark cramped clearing. The forest was so dense that no sunlight dared to enter this part of the wood. He hovered in center, confused by the sudden lack of calls for help. Now that he had time to process their was a lack of any sound at all.
A deep routed fear, something primal, buzzed around in his gut. Something was off.
“Tommy?” Tubbo barely managed to peep out. Like the darkness that choked out the light, he found his own voice was consumed by the fear of the dark and all that lurked within it.
Nothing replied.
Tubbo took a shaky breath. He closed his eyes tightly, wishing all of this to be some kind of messed up dream. Maybe he flew smack into a branch while running from Tommy, and he was actually currently passed out in the medical clinic.
He peaked through the slits of his eyes. A red glow illuminated the outside of his small quivering form in the darkness, like a sick twisted version of a silver lining.
Even more confusion filled Tubbo’s mind before a low and sinister hiss shook him to his very core. His stomach dropped all the way down to the forest floor below.
He turned his body as fast as he dared. Every second felt like hours as he finally spun around to reveal the horror that lurked in the dark.
White fangs glinted red as the eerie glow from slit eyes reflected off of the wet surface. The eyes were squinted in delight, like they found a dark satisfaction in seeing their prey cornered.
“Found you.”
Tubbo couldn’t even scream.
The white jaws parted in less than a second, far wider than they needed to. The beast lunged forwards and all the bee could do was stare helplessly at his fate.
Tubbo shrieked as warm wet walls pressed down on him on every side. The pressure increased slightly before it released its hold.
He laid disoriented in a jumbled mess. His wings laid heavy with saliva. There was no chance to fly.
His breathing increased to panicky little breaths, he struggled to stand, then instead tried to crawl to the open of where he entered.
The floor underneath him lifted once more, but instead of being pushed to the roof of the mouth, Tubbo found himself laid upon a hard pointed surface.
Tubbo gasped as he realized he was laid between the beasts sharp teeth. He desperately tried to move out of the way, but the snakes forked tongue kept him in place.
A yelp of terror left his mouth as the jaw beneath him raised to meet the teeth above.
Instead of being crushed or pierced by the sharp bones, he was simply squeezed between them, roughly, but not enough to do any real damage.
A warning then, to show what this monster was truly capable of.
Tubbo struggle to get out of the beast unclenching hold, even trying to sting, but missing anything he could actually pierce.
Exhausted from his struggling he laid limp between the beds of teeth. A amused chuckle bellowed form the depths of the beast.
It was laughing at his misery…
That would usually make Tubbo angry. He couldn’t take anyone mocking him or his work, one wrong word and he would let his anger consume him.
Now he felt hollow despair, trapped and unable to fight.
He didn’t even realize that tears were pouring down his face until a harsh broken sob left his mouth.
The world went still and another sob made itself known.
The pressure around him released immediately.
The bee was met in the outside world once more. This time in a much more well lit area. The cool breeze made his wings shiver subconsciously, his small frame layered in spit.
Sobs now poured out of his mouth, he didn’t register the naga worriedly asking if he was alright or if he was hurt. His also didn’t notice the seemingly one sided conversation that the snake was having with himself.
The bee just curled up into a ball and let the tears roll down his face.
Tommy didn’t know what was wrong. At first he thought Tubbo was playing a trick, a flip on what he did to get the bee to be lured back to him.
But as Tubbo just lay there, eyes squeezed shut and no response except for the occasion choked sob, he realized that this definitely wasn’t an act.
He immediately asked for Ranboo’s aid, the small bat had been sitting concerned in the Naga’s stomach as he heard Tommy trying his best to comfort the bee.
Ranboo soon found himself traveling upwards and suddenly outside on Tommy’s other palm. He was immediately brought to a crumpled up Tubbo.
The bee shrunk into himself as Ranboo approached. The bat put a hand on his shoulder and Tubbo whimpered. Tommy let out a nervous hiss and lowered the pair to the ground.
Ranboo pulled the bee into a one way hug as the insect laid limp in his hold.
Tommy seemed to shrink back as well, trying his best to blend into the forest around him as guilt and confusion filled his mind.
He had stored Tubbo countless times before and the bee always seemed thrilled about the notion, but now Tommy was unsure.
Was Tubbo actually always afraid of him?
Or did he actually hurt the bee and didn’t realize it?
He though he was being gentle, he had only put him between his teeth to tease, and they had roughhoused like that before…
But what if he was actually to ruff this time?
Would Tubbo hate him for it?
Tommy’s panicked thinking was interrupted by a quiet “oh gods…” and two small coughs that followed.
His eyes focused back on the pair on the ground. Ranboo rubbing small circles on Tubbo’s back as the bee seemed to find himself again.
Then Tommy’s hurt eyes met Tubbo’s own.
Tommy went to speak, but before he could the bee beat him to it.
Tubbo finally came back to himself with the rhythmic circling on his back and the soft whispered words in his ears.
That was Ranboo… they were alright, and so was he?
Confusion clouded his mind, the last thing he remembered was looking for Tommy and then he was ambushed by…..
He was ambushed by….
“Oh gods….” He choked on this own words, his voice sore from crying.
This is exactly why he would never let Tommy catch him.
His instincts took over and he lost it…
And now Tommy knew that a part of Tubbo was still scared of him.
He could already see the hurt on the Naga’s face, and it made Tubbo’s throat burn with sorrow.
The naga opened his mouth, but Tubbo quickly cut his off.
“I’m sorry!” That seemed to Surprise the snake as well at the Bat next to him.
“Are you injured?” Ranboo ignored the outbursted apology, and looked on in bewilderment and concern.
Tubbo shook his head, “I’m fine.” He said with a sigh.
He turned back to Tommy and stood to his feet.
The snake finally found his words.
“No, I’m sorry! I took it way too far.. I should’nt have tricked you like that. I’m sorry I scared you” Tommy adverted his game from Tubbo’s hold.
“I’m not scared of you Tommy!” Tubbo groaned. “We’ll maybe a little sometimes, but only subconsciously!” That didn’t seem to help much. Tubbo huffed.
“I didn’t want you to find out like this… I wanted to tell you but I couldn’t build up the courage. Or it was my pride that was in the way.”
“Tubbo if your uncomfortable being around me, I get it. I mean I know how some of the other villagers-”
“ACK!” The bee cut him off. “Tommy I’m not uncomfortable and I’m definitely not like those other jerks at the village. I just-”
Tommy looked at Tubbo with uncertainty, it made the Bee ache.
“I just get to caught up in the chase… my instincts take over and I forget that well… that it’s you that’s chasing me…”
“Oh…” Tommy muttered out. Ranboo stood up from Tubbo’s side and dusted off his knees.
“We’ll the good thing is that we know now.” Ranboo stated. “We just need to learn to talk things out.”
The snake and the bee nodded. “Everyone struggles with instincts every now and again. But we can help make the struggle better by accommodating to them and avoiding certain triggers.” The bat continued.
“So now we know to talk about what we’re struggling with to the whole group, before it gets to us.” Tubbo looked embarrassed and Tommy awkward. Ranboo let out an amused laugh.
Tommy finally slithered his way back to the group and lowered his plan back to the ground. Tubbo crawled on without hesitation. “Tubbo, I just want you to know that if you need to tell me something, even if it might hurt my feelings, tell me.” Tommy deadpanned and the bee gave a nervous laugh.
“Sorry Toms…” Tubbo buzzed an apology. He shook off his wings and buzzed to Tommy’s head, bumping his own to Tommy’s.
“Y’know Wilbur was scared around me too at first.” Tommy leaned a little more against the small bee, like a cat seeking affection.
“Really?!” Tubbo exclaimed. “Did you make him cry?” The Bee smirked.
“What do you think?” Tommy grinned and Tubbo let out a mischievous laugh. “Oh, I’m never gonna let him live this down!” He Cackled.
“Oh yeah? What about you then Bee Boy?” Tommy questioned . “I’m sure Techno and Wilbur would love to hear about how you being to competitive led to your own downfall.” The Naga teased.
“You wouldn’t!” Tubbo exclaimed face growing red.
Tommy gave a sly smile. “Maybe I would.”
Ranboo let out a disappointed sigh as the pair began to bicker and race back to the village, all that had happened already pushed behind them.
Ranboo grabbed hold of Tommy’s golden locks and enjoyed the ride as Tubbo chased behind them.
They’d be having a serious talk about this later, and unlike Tommy, Ranboo most definitely would be telling the Naga’s older brothers what had occurred.
If anything it would help the group to come up with healthy solutions to their problems with instincts, especially with some older experienced adults.
It also wouldn’t hurt to let them know about how to help their little brother and friends.
But for now Ranboo just took a deep breath and laughed alongside his friends. Relishing in their unusual bond of friendship, no matter what problems they faced, the world couldn’t seem to keep them apart.
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blondeaxolotl · 3 months
So, what method do you use when drawing to keep going?
I personally always seem to struggle to finish an art piece and can never get myself to fully focus on learning the entirety of anatomy, etc.
I crave to finish an art piece again, I miss the feeling, but I haven't been able to do it in a long long while, I'm just hoping for a little advice, not sure who else to go to cause I don't have any friends but I look up to you a crazy amount so I figured I'd give this a shot, this isn't forced to answer by the way!
I don't want you to feel like you have to answer this.
If you do or you don't, you're still really cool, your art is awesome and inspiring and your aus are as well.
Heck, you're a pretty damn cool person too, art really does reflect artist sometimes huh?
Anyway, I'll get out of your hair, keep up the amazing work <3/p
When it comes to finishing an art piece that you know you want to finish but suddenly lose the motivation to
What I usually do (this might not work for everyone but it somewhat helps me so it helps you as well then that's awesome) is when I'm in the middle of drawing a piece and I suddenly lose interest or motivation, or something isn't going well which is making me lose patience. I just put the pencil down, and go do something else for a while until I get the urge to continue or try again. Example I go play video games for a while or maybe watch a movie or youtube for a bit, just giving yourself a small break from drawing until that motivation to draw comes back and then you go back to that piece and try again. And basically how ever often that happens (aka losing motivation, patience, etc), you just repeat the cycle until you're slowly getting closer and closer to finishing that piece (You can also doodle on the side as a refresher but I don't recommend starting a whole new piece when you want to finish your first one, usually for me I just end up forgetting the last drawing completely because I accidentally started a new project 😭 but that might be a me problem if it doesn't happen to you then it's a-okay) This is mostly what was helping me finish projects since I have a short attention span and often lose motivation and what not so I constantly do this FDSFDSDSF.
Now for anatomy, I'm not the best at anatomy myself but my first advice is don't immediately give up if your anatomy isn't perfect on the first try, it won't always look good on the first attempt which is why it's okay to go through a few trial and errors before you get it to a point you like it enough to continue. Also I'm not a professional and I suck at explaining things and honestly I know jackshit about anatomy I just wing it most of the time. But I can give you small tips that come in handy when drawing poses!!
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We're gonna use a reference for this, when you have a reference for a pose you want to use. A good way to get a hang of the pose is by tracing over it with simple shapes (such as cylinders, circles, triangles, etc) and then redrawing it with those same shapes to again get the hang of the pose, you don't have to really do it but it's a good practice so I recommend it. Then, after you have your pose, you can take the lasso tool (or selection tool) and then just resize body parts to your liking so they fit your style more!!! And ofc now you can draw over it and use it as a base for the character you want to use it for.
Now that's the first method, but I have a second one which is fun, I call it "frankesteining", which is where you grab 2 or more images and then take body parts and paste them onto the main reference picture you want to use.
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Like here, you like the pose of the first reference, but wish both of the models arms were on the hips? Fear not! Just grab another image of a model who's arm IS on their hip
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Then carefully erase the arm/body part on your main reference that you want to replace with another. Select the arm/body part of the second reference with lasso tool, and slowly trace over it so you can copy/cut it out and then paste it onto your main ref
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Like this! Now remember, the reference doesn't need to look aesthetically pleasing, after all you're just using it as a reference, so it's okay if it doesn't look perfect!! You can do this with many body parts as you want btw, just keep cutting and pasting until you get the pose you wanted!!
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And finally just draw over it! Using the same methods as the first one, shapes, redraw and all! No one will ever know you were playing pretend dr frankenstein with the reference pictures before this!
Now these are the methods I use when posing characters, they might not always come out right the first time but if you keep trying you'll eventually get something you like a lil more than your last ones!! You can also just use a 3d model posing website/app and then screenshot the pose and redraw it from there. But this is if you're one of those people who for some reason just can't get the hang of those damn 3d model posers (aka me)
GUHH THIS POST IS SO LONG IM SORRY, I hope my rambles helped you out at least a lil bit and I hope you continue your journey in making art, believe in yourself and eventually everything will turn out alright in the end stay strong fellow artist 💜
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Do you have any advice on how to go about designing monsters and animals and the like? I like the idea of creating those kinds of things but I always blank on how to go about it, like I know little facts like Allen's Rule but I don't know how to find out about something like that intentionally or even think of it for my thing. (me when I have no idea how to explain that I have no idea how to research smth lol)
first I've heard of Allen's Rule, so that probably says a lot about the fact that I'm mostly self taught lol.
here's the wikipedia page about it for anyone else who didn't know.
to sum up, it is a rule stating that animals in cold climates tend to have shorter/thicker appendages while animals in hot climates tend to have longer/thinner ones. Arctic hare vs desert hare, as an example.
the first thing to do when you want to design anything is to do a lot of studies. just in general. look up images of any animal or insect and draw sketches studying how they're built. do it for people too! you'll always be better at making new designs if you have a basic understanding of how real things are shaped and how they function.
study from videos by sketching fast gesture poses as you watch the creatures in motion! I have also done this while attending sports and dance performances. studying bodies in motion by watching olympic athletes or videos of people trying and failing to do a sport. just study the heck out of everything you can! it's as simple as putting down some lines and shapes to show the main body forms. heavier detail studies are also useful! tracing images in order to study the details is not wrong. I do it all the time, as you can see in a lot of the advice posts I make! I frequently provide traced images of the creature references I've found in order to show my process of breaking down the simplified body shapes.
my actual sketch process often looks like this:
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(image description: multiple layers of very loose scribbly sketches in different colors. visible notes on two layers of sketches read "aerial silks dance" and "flying birds". the clearest and topmost layer of sketch is a humanoid figure with wings, performing a dance.
as you might be able to see if you can even begin to parse the mess that is all my study sketching, the final pose sketch I made here for my bird dude Morianon doing a little dance does not even match the poses I sketched from reference videos! This is because gesture sketch studies like these are more based on vibes than accuracy! They're a good way to warm up and practice making really fast gestural doodles that just show the form and motion more than anything well proportioned. It also frees you of the pressure to draw anything perfect! this is messy on purpose! you gotta be messy, it's how learning works.
and then once you're more confident with speed studies, you can get more specific with detail studies. all of this is essential if you want to be able to design creatures. it's all about artistic confidence and developing the skills to notice details. and then you get better at applying those details.
I have two posts on how to study and use references! one over here focused on humans. and another one here about non humans.
this is getting longer than I expected lol. I have other posts on my to-do list that will also be helpful to you I think, and you can explore the links on my pinned post to find more advice on a lot of topics! I might have to make a post on the more general topic of "how do I even get started on designing a creature?" because it is kind of the whole premise of this blog, huh? I have a lot of advice for people who already have a solid idea and just need some advice to overcome a few obstacles along the way, but I don't think I've made a proper advice post for what to do when you don't even have a starting idea.
the tldr version of creature creation is this:
pick a niche (mountain people, flying predator, burrowing creature)
study real life creatures in similar niches
start throwing ideas at your page until something sticks and then take the things that stick and build on them until it feels good
refine your design
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inventors-fair · 1 month
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The Definite Articles: The Winners!
@corporalotherbear — The Crimson Falcon
I'm immediately grabbed by the extremely blatant homage to Silver Age superheroes here. As much as Hero would be a perfect type to put on this, it's still limited to silver-border (and whatever the heck Hero's Path is, but I'd rather not think too hard about that), so making it a literal Ally of justice is a very clever workaround. We've seen effects like this before, but the downside of creating a token tapped and attacking is that it's unlikely to survive the combat it's created in. Temporary indestructibility very much flips that on its head, and combining that with the evasion on the main body means it's actually quite a pain to stop this caped crusader from accruing value turn after turn. Flavoring the effect as taking a sidekick under their metaphorical (or, given the name, possibly literal) wing is an excellent touch as well.
@hypexion — The Doom of Vesta Konar
Hoo boy, now that's a name! In a contest based on names, it should come as no surprise that a particularly good one would win some points with me, and this one just has an excellent ring to it while still being very evocative. Not to undersell the rest of the card, though! This is a scary, scary effect. As long as you can keep hitting opponents with your evasive Nightmares, they'll mill more and more cards, creating more and more Nightmares, and thus does the cycle continue. The "one or more" rider on the effect does prevent it from being exponential, though it feels a bit odd to me. The last ability asks for you to do big hits that translate into big mills, but the second would rather you favor small, incremental mills. You could maybe have the second ability ask for a specific card type (like creature), so more damage has the advantage of hitting that type more consistently. It's minor as gripes go, though. As well, extending the effect to encompass discards as well is interesting and appreciated, though I'm not sure it adds all that much to the card in the long run.
@misterstingyjack — The Mirror of Maziken
That is a positively fascinating way to do disruption, straight up. While the uniqueness of the effect is definitely the main draw, what really pushes it over the edge is all of the little touches to the effect to make it play that little bit better. I love how the Reflections are sitting ducks on board and can only stymie creatures, encouraging your opponent to find ways to remove them without triggering them. I love how the Reflections triggering on cast means that they have to be set up preemptively, giving your opponent ample time to react. I love how the card prevents you from easily creating Reflections with the same name to double up on the cost. I love how the steep cost for what's effectively a reusable counterspell means it can't be done willy-nilly and lock down an entire hand. And, plus, I love the name. It admittedly doesn't do all that much to explain how the mirror can do all this, but the touch of alliteration means I could easily see myself opening a chest in an old RPG and finding the Mirror of Maziken.
Sit tight for imminent runners! —@spooky-bard
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rachi-roo · 1 year
Hey Rachi, I have an idea for a fic only if requests are still open. What if Hawks tickle Tomo??? Like okay, picture this Tomo being a neighborhood-friendly criminal like always is out and about, right? He runs into Hawks again and Tomo is confident that he could get away again, but Hawks is prepared this time and gets Tomo pinned and decides to get some well deserved revenge on him before handing him over to the police(Hawks never hands over even though he’s suppose to. He got a soft spot for him, but don’t tell Hawks that because he’ll get very defensive and deny it)
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My Hero Academia: Friends?
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Waaaaa! I'm so glad you're still interested in my Tomo! 🥰 The lil scamp needs a taste of his own medicine! Thank you so much for the request! (Bonus points if you know the other anime I've used the lyrics of 😉)
Summary: Tomohiro is snatched up by a winged beast and taught a lesson~
Lee!Tomohiro, Ler!Hawks
Tw: Swearing, mean(ish) tickles, suggestive jokes
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"Randorii kyou wa garaaki de rakkiidee~ Kattarii abura yogore mo kore de baibai~"
Our local neighbourhood silly guy sang happily to himself as he wandered down the street, wearing a pair of brand new, high-quality earpods he'd pinched from a vlogger who was filming homeless people and pretending to give a shit. A real jerk.
It was a bright day. Perfect for a walk. Nothing would go wrong in broad daylight like this.
"Doryoku mirai a beautiful star~ Doryoku mirai a beautiful star~ Doryoku mirai a beautiful star~! Nanka wasurechatte nda-AH! SHIIIT!" He was suddenly swept off the ground by something tugging on the back of his shirt, startling the other passers by as he shot up into the air, flying over the city below.
He looked up, realising who had captured him. None other than Hawks. Of course it was him.
"Hey, buddy!" The bird chimed, smiling down at his catch as he reached into his pocket, fumbling for something. "Pardon me -" Before Tomohiro could react, Hawks slapped a metal cuff around his wrist. Sleek and high-tech looking, with a magnetic seal that could only be opened with a key-card.
"Hey!" He protested, trying to pull the cuff off. "The heck is this??"
"Snazzy, ain't it? It's our new Quirk inhibitors for making public arrests or for those on bail. Now you can't use your Quirk until it's removed! Isn't that cool?" Hawks beamed, shifting Tomos position, now holding his arms just below his shoulder, more comfortable for flying.
Tomo fussed, shaking his cuffed wrist angrily. "No! It's not cool! 'Lemme go! Are you going to arrest me or something?"
Hawks chuckled. "Arrest you? Haha, of course I am. But first, I wanna show you just how cool this new Quirk blocker is. See, before, I wouldn't be able to touch you, cus' you'd just tickle me all over and then vanish like the sneaky criminal you are." He grinned down at Tomo, seeing the look of dread on his face.
"But now -" The bird continued. "We can do cool stuff like recreate that one scene from Rescuers Down-under with the giant eagle!" He wriggled his brow at Tomo with a smirk, flexing his index fingers we they were perfectly in reach of Tomos exposed underarms.
"Wait! Wait, wait, wait! You don't have to do this!"
"Awww, what's wrong? You don't know the scene I'm talking about? Here, it goes something like this~" With that, Hawks dug his index fingers into Tomos underarms, tracing and wriggling into the vulnerable skin. The light hoodie Tomo was wearing did very little to protect him.
"AH! Nonono! H-Hahawks- snort AHAHahaaa!" This was immediately a bad spot for Tomohiro. He kicked his legs, twisting his torso as he laughed loudly. It was hard for him to do anything since the two were still high over the city. He just hung there from Hawks hands, wriggling and kicking out with all his might.
"Don't squirm too much, Tomo. I'd hate to drop you." Hawks chuckled, his tickling slowing down to flinch worthy strokes. The sensation sent a shiver up Tomos spine.
"Wa-Wahiiii-! Wahait! Oho, shit! Niiiihihi! Ah! Hahawks! Snort- Stop ihIIIIHIT!" He twitched and jerked about, his giggling sporadic and high-pitched. His attempts at forming a sentence were thwarted by the slow, cruel teasing Hakws was dishing out.
"Quite a cute lil' giggle you got there, kiddo."
"I-I'm twehehenty-one! GAHA!"
"Oooh, you are? Damn, you don't look it."
Hawks suddenly swooped lower, setting Tomo down on a rooftop before quickly straddling his waist.
Tomo grappled with Hawks hands, batting off his advances as he tried to poke at Tomos tummy or sides.
"Rh! Damn it, bird-brain bastard! Get off! Stohop!" He tried sounding angry, but his anxious giggling didn't make it sound very convincing.
"Oh, stop, fussing! Now then, what was it you said to me last time we met? Aaah, 'you stress too much'." He grinned, flying a few smaller feathers out, manipulating them to irritate Tomos ears with tickles.
The boy snorted, bunching his shoulders up. "Cut it ohout! Hehe! Aha! FUHUCK!" He gasped when Hawks grabbed his hips, kneading into the dips with devilish precision.
"Hawks! Plehehease! Y-You asshole!"
"Hehe, kichi, kichi, cooo~ Naww, I can see why you tickle people now instead of using more violent options. This is fun!" Hawks grinned, looking at Tomos rosy cheeks as he spidered up and down his sides, earning little yippy giggles.
Tomo panted, he was far too sensitive to be on the receiving end of this torture. "Haaaawks! AhAHA! Nyohoo! Aaaaah! I-I'll do anythihihiiing!"
Hawks stilled his fingers, poised on the boys sides, looking at Tomo with a raised brow.
"A-Anythihing... I'll give you that glizzy gobble if I have to... Just... No more tickling... Plehease...." He huffed, obviously joking about the lengths he'd go to in order to be free.
Hawks tilted his head, smirking as he began to roll up Tomos shirt, exposing his little belly.
"Well..." He smiled, using some sharper feathers to pin Tomos arms out the way.
"W-What are you-!? Hey!"
"I've never had a criminal try to pimp themselves out to me before. But, I accept~ inhaaaale-"
Hawks threw his head forward, nuzzling into Tomos stomach, blowing a big raspberry, causing poor Tomo to buck and writhe as he screamed. His hair sticks to his forehead in messy strands.
"BWAAAAHAHA! AAAAaa- gasp NAAAAHAHA!" No matter how much he tugged on his shirt sleeves, the feathers kept him firmly in place. "N-NAHAAA! NO! Noho more! Aaahaha!"
"Hm? What's that? You want more? I mean, if you insist, buddy." The bird sucked in another breath as he started tracing circles on Tomos underarms. A devilish mix of slow tickles and vigorous raspberries.
"NOOOO! AhahaAH! H-Hahahawks! PleheheEHEE! AHA! HEEELP!"
"Yes, please, somebody come help the criminal! Oh, if only there was a hero around to do something! Haha!" Keigo teased, taking another breath.
The Quirk nullifying cuff dropped to the ground as Hawks pressed a key card against it. Freeing Tomohiro from its grasp as he lay on the roof, panting heavily. His chest heaved as he grinned from ear to ear.
"So.... Hah... You're not... Arresting me?... Hah..."
"Not yet, I'm giving you another chance." Hawks ruffled Tomos hair, making him flinch and cover his eyes. "Promise me that you'll only cause mischief for assholes like the one you stole from today?"
"Get outta here, bird man. You got a crush on me, don't ya?." Tomohiro chuckled.
"Pff, definitely not. Just promise me. Or I'm putting the cuff back on for round two."
"Okay! Okay! I promise. You want some breadcrumbs too whilst I'm at it?"
"Rude." Hawks shook his head, unfurling his wings as he took flight. "Oh, by the way. You're still not my type." He grinned as he waved, flying off into the city.
Tomo groaned as he sat up, hugging his knees before putting his new, stolen earpods back in.
"Happy, lucky, konichiwa baby~"
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Thanks for reading!
Much love! 😚❤️
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I accidentally gave myself the worst best problem to have. My 9nth graders current next project is to interview someone in their lives about the struggles and joys of coming of age. To prep for this and study the art of making questions and making stories and entertainment from this; we watched an episode off Hot Ones in class. Sean Evans is a master class interviewer, the kids know the show and like it, its entertaining, and its a great example for how to make questions it was perfect. Then today the kids asked "Hey Miss, can we do this? Can we like- get the sauces and ask you or the other teachers questions?" So I, a naive fool who underestimated the power of properly motivated 14 year olds was like "Hmmm, well, we can ask some of the teachers and staff, but I'd need to get at least five teachers interested since I'd need one for each class, and thats a heck of a long shot kiddos. But if you ask your teachers, I'll send out a school wide email, we'll see what happens ok?" Before I even sent out the email I had 5 teachers approach me telling me kids told the about it and they want in. I sent out the email, I have had 30 staff and teachers and admin all fight to get a spot to do Teacher Hot Ones Tonight was back to school night, I had a revolving door of students and parents talking about how excited they are for Teacher Hot Ones Two teachers have donated complete sets of the sauce they have for the project. The school news and year book are going to come document it. A one off comment in second period today has now spiraled into the hopes and dreams of 140 fourteen year olds and an entire school staff looking forward to this and excitedly telling me they cant wait for next Wednesday to do Teacher Hot Ones. So now I'm just sitting here in bed, in the dark, staring at the ceiling like. "Fuck. I actually have to do this now." and then realizing "Where the hell am I going to find a place to buy 50 hot wings at 6 am on my way to work next Wednesday?"
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