#how they manage to do it under the radar idk
sugucidal · 1 year
please add an age indicator somewhere people can EASILY find. ive seen quite a few writers on here tryna play coy or be fancy abt how they reveal their age. i do not wanna spend several minutes to find out that you're a 17 year old by going thru link to link when you could've very damn well put that on your navi.
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Hi first off just wanted to say I absolutely love your work! But please remember to take care of yourself and have plenty of water and Food and please remember to take breaks 🫶
Anyways I was wondering if I could req a fic where Jason finds out his s/o is an Ex-Criminal who's trying really hard not to fall back into old habits but is struggling because these guys keep harrasing them to become a criminal again
Mm just gonna take this :D -🎧
Better off Before You
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Jason Todd x Reader
Tags: boyfriend!jason todd, ex-criminal!reader, established relationship, kinda controlling!jason todd idk, angst but it gets resolved at the end
Warnings: romance and everything that comes with it, violence, crime, drugs, weapons like knives and guns, arson, sexual assault 🤨
Notes: I gagged writing this 😩 sorry to all the Jefferey’s out there I just think Jeff is a creepy name. Kinda put a spin on the req hope that’s okay ☺️
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34 stitches, 18 hours, and 1 bullet.
That’s what you’d scarified to get the life you had now. You’d done your time, and spent the hours necessary to detach yourself from your previous life and associates.
You had a lot to be grateful for and you knew that. It wasn’t like you were waking up everyday selfishly forgetting where you came from. That seemed impossible with the way the bullet was still lodged under the skin of your hip. But you were happy. You had a good life now and you were happy.
When you met Jay, you used to go by a different name, and when you thought about it, you were really a different person. But he pushed you. He wasn’t like those other self righteous hero’s you so often found yourself running from. He told it like it was, and he didn’t care if he hurt your feelings when he spoke. And back then, that’s something you needed desperately.
“You look like shit.”
Rolling your eyes, you wiped your lips, spitting the blood that had pooled in your mouth onto the gum covered pavement.
“You’re not exactly looking your best either, Red.” You drawled, eying the tall form of Jason Todd as he stalked down the alley towards you. “Yeah, well, it’s been one of those days.” He shrugged.
“Cortez?” Jason threw out there as he tucked his pistols away and got ready for a fist fight.
“No, Romero this time. You know what the buyers are like.”
Rain fell around you as you struck Jason in the stomach, his body expertly maneuvering to the side so he could grab your leg when you tried to throw a kick at him. Soon you were on your back, hitting at the inside of his elbow to push him off you. A well timed bite to shoulder and kick in the nuts let you escape.
That was 2 years ago.
Some days you almost wished you’d lost that fight, it would have made getting out from under your bosses thumb a lot easier had you been thrown in jail. You ended up having to do it the hard way. First breaking things off with Cortez, he was a squealer, especially when you pulled a few fingernails to reinforce he wouldn’t come after you.
Romero was harder. The man had a good few hundred men and women working for him. He practically ran the entire drug scene on the east end of Gotham. You used to be one of his best. It was a slightly demeaning work, being the person whose sole job was to ensure rich, high society people got their pill fix for the week, but it payed well. The only way you managed to get out was by knocking off his men one by one till you got to the top.
To him.
But Jay helped you, and you did it, even if it did leaving you with a permanent reminder in the flesh of your hip. There was no immediate way for Romero build back his little empire, and you allowed yourself to relax over the years, even getting to the point where Jason and you would run missions for Bruce.
Which is why this had to be a one time thing.
“Eh, c’mon pretty. Let’s not keep the boss waiting.”
How you found yourself back on the radar of the man you were trying so hard to distance yourself from seemed to be a sick joke from the universe. All it took was one wrong decision and you’d slipped right back into your old life like you’d never left. It wasn’t that you wanted to, but at this point, you didn’t have a choice.
You were sloppy. Normally you made sure to never take any jobs related to the underground drug rings so as to avoid spotted. But you didn’t do your research, and one bust got you noticed by one of Romero’s men who got away. That was all it took for him to go ratting back to his boss, who now held a massive grudge against you for how long it took him to regain power.
You fought hard when they found you again. The skin of your attackers still sat underneath your fingernails.
But you weren’t a super, you didn’t have powers or years of extreme training like Jay. You were just a girl who grew up on the wrong side of town, and chloroform wasn’t exactly easily avoided.
Scanning your surroundings, you tried to memorize the route of winding hallways you were being dragged through. The smell of gasoline and booze hung in the air, making your nose scrunch in disgust. Being pushed through a set of heavy metal doors, you found yourself face to face with the beady eyes of Jefferey Romero.
“You know, I’ve thought a lot about what I would say,” he began, standing up from the crusty folding chair he was sitting in. “When I saw you again.” Two men came and held your arms behind your back, their grip tight despite your struggling. “But all I can think about is how pathetic you look.”
One grubby hand reached up to clutch your chin, his fingers digging into your skin while he surveyed your face. The other reached down and squeezed at your ass.
“Fuck you.” You spat.
Driving your knee up, you kicked him as hard as you could in the dick, relishing the whiny noise of pain he made as he fell to his knees. Deciding to use the opportunity, you spat on him, but by then more of his men came to hold you still.
“You’re just as feisty as I remember too.” He coughed and brushed himself off. Getting back up, with a slight limp he came to stand in front of you. “You cost me a lot of money, you know.” Romero licked his lips. “It took me years to get it back.” He thread his fingers through your hair, yanking your head harshly to the side. “That’s why you’re gonna do me a little favour, bitch.”
You scoffed, wanting nothing more than to wrap your hands around his neck and choke him to death. “I’m not doing jack shit for you.” Romero let out a sneering laugh.
“Oh, but you will. Because I have this.”
As he held out his hand, your eyes darted down to the little enamel pin resting in his palm.
Your tongue was heavy in your mouth.
“What do you need?”
Jason wasn’t a great boyfriend when it came to his protectiveness. Knowing the life you’d came from, and how you two literally met when you were running from the cops, he was constantly worried about keeping you safe. It wasn’t that he didn’t trust you, he just wanted you to have the life you deserved.
Because he knew you deserved so much.
Fiddling with the string of his hoodie, he tried to stay focused on whatever random ass tv show was on. Pressing the material to his nose, he took a deep breath. Your perfume filled his lungs and he felt dizzy and relieved at the same time. It had only been a few hours since you left to go get some groceries, but the time away was killing him.
Clingy was a word he liked to pretend didn’t exist, but with the way you’d been acting for the last few weeks, he was getting more and more reluctant to let you out of his sight. Bruises that you’d brush off as you being clumsy, scrapes lining your knees, even the way your eyes were seemingly darting around to look for a threat that wasn’t there. All of it was beginning to leave a sour taste in Jason’s mouth.
Normally, he would never do anything to invade your privacy, but the nagging feeling in the back of his head wouldn’t let him drop it. Rustling through drawer after drawer, Jason searched from the objects that would confirm his suspicions. Cursing under his breath, he mumbled a few prayers that this wasn’t what he thought it was as he moved to your half of the closet.
Pushing the clothes to the side, his eyes got stuck on the red dress he’d bought you, and he had to clench his fists from punching the wall when he saw what was lying in the shoebox behind it.
Your knives.
The same knives he’d taken from you when you first started to change the way you were living. The same knives he’d hidden from you to help you transition. The same knives that were sitting there, clearly having been recently polish, laughing at him as they glinted in the light. The sound of the front door ripped him from his stupor.
“Hey, Jay. I got those chips you like-” Your words died on your tongue as you came face to face with a very angry Jason Todd, standing in the living room, holding a reminder of your past.
“What the fuck is this, huh?” He ground out, holding knives out with a shaking hand. “I promise, it’s not what it looks like.” You began quickly. Letting out a huff of tightly contained anger, Jason stormed up to you, grabbing you by the wrists and sending your shopping bags to the floor.
“Not what it looks like?” He scoffed. “No, I-”
“Because to me, it sure fucking looks like you’re working again.”
Your breath caught in your throat, and you stared up into the now swirling blue-green eyes of the one man who never left. “You don’t understand.” You tried to plead. Throwing the knives to the floor, Jason backed you up against the front door, his hands caging you against the wood. “I don’t understand?” He hissed. “I risked my ass when I asked Bruce to cover your bail.”
The pressure of your rapidly beating heart was barely being held in by your ribcage. “Jay, you can’t understand.”
Jason swore he felt a tooth crack with how hard he was clenching his jaw. There hadn’t been a lot of instances where he’d felt truly hurt in his life, not before you. He always kept himself too closed off for that. But now? Now the small sliver of worth you had given him felt like it was being doused in salt and vodka.
“Then make me understand, baby.” Jay pleaded. “I can’t let you do this to yourself.” He hated the way his voice cracked.
All at once you were overcome with the urge to tell him everything, to fall into his arms and cry to him about how Romero had found where your sister went to university, and how you might not have talked to her in years but you still couldn’t let her die.
But your mouth didn’t open.
And Jason could only drop his hands to his sides and take a step back from you.
“Where the fuck having you been goin’ for the last 3 weeks?” He said disbelieving. “I don’t even know who you are anymore!” Wiping the tear you didn’t realize was forming, took a deep breath and steeled yourself.
“I’ll tell you when it’s over.”
All his years of experience, the instincts and reaction times he’d had trained into him, seemed to vanish as he watched you turn on your heel and leave. Standing frozen for a moment, Jason stared at the handle of the door, as if his gaze would somehow cause it to turn and you to come back.
“Fuck.” He snarled, whipping around to leave a fist sized hole in the wall.
One more job.
One more job and then this would all be over.
That’s what you kept telling yourself. The words got repeated over and over again in your mind as you stepped out into the streets of Gotham and began walking towards where you were stashing your things. The words echoed into the foggy air as you mumbled to yourself, changing into your district clothes and heading to the target Romero sent you.
They acted as a sort of prayer to who ever was listening. A plea, for all of this mess to somehow how straighten itself out, and for you to be forgiven as you hurled the bottle of alcohol and flames at the cargo truck you’d been ordered to destroy.
The fire danced across the surface of the truck until the whole thing burst into a ball of heat. You don’t know what was in it or why Romero wanted it gone, and you didn’t ask. You didn’t want to know. All you felt like doing was crumbling into the pavement and disappearing into one of the cities many potholes so you never had to show your face again.
It was nearly impossible for Jason to keep from destroying the apartment. Every item of furniture you’d picked out together sat like a reminder. He’d been the one to get you off the streets. He’d been the one to show you that there were people who cared about more than their next hit or how to get money. He’d been the one to help you get free.
And now he had failed you.
Jason sat on the couch, slumped forward with his head in his hands. He couldn’t shake the feeling that something was wrong. Really, everything was wrong, but something about the way you left felt odd. There was this look in your eye, the same one he saw the first time you’d met when he cornered you after the police slacked off at their jobs. A look of fear.
Not towards him. He could still remember it plain as day. It was more a look of dread, like you were worried about the consequences of getting caught and not the scary guy in the red mask who caught you. Like you were dreading someone finding out. Just thinking about it made his stomach churn. Although he was absolutely livid, he couldn’t stand seeing you in fear because he loved you.
He loved you.
“What the fuck am I doin’ just sitting here?”
When you got back to the seedy building near the docks, you were let in instantly by two of Romero’s men. The winding hallways of his new building had reluctantly become a familiar sight after spending the last 3 weeks running errands for him. But now your debt was paid, and you could get to tell Jay everything.
The same set of heavy metal doors that seemed to unlock a world you tried so desperately to forget opened once more, and you were once again standing in front of the man who used you. Putting out his cigarette, Jeffery Romero sauntered his way over to you.
“It’s done. The truck’s gone.” You spoke first. “I did my half of the bargain, so don’t you dare touch my sister.” With a thoughtful look that was clearly exaggerated, he looked you over, walking a circle around you. “I’ll admit, you weren’t as useless as I remembered.” The beady-eyed man snickered. Your hands were clenching, fingernails digging into your palms. “I might even take you back to work for me.”
“I’d never fucking work for you.”
His eyes narrowed, a dark smile curling across his lips. “That’s a shame,” He said nonchalantly. “Because you know too much now to be kept alive.”
As if waiting for their cue, the men who’d been leaning against the walls or playing poker and pretending not to listen pounced on you. Hands were tugging you in every which way, some tearing at your clothes as they shoved you to your knees. With a surge of adrenaline, you went down kicking and screaming, biting and pushing back against anyone who touched you. All the while Romero sat and watched, lighting another cigarette.
Glass shattered as the windows got kicked in. People were screaming. A gun went off. Again. And then again. And slowly, working through the shock, your mind caught up to process the image of Jason blowing the heads off of everyone around you, their brains splattering onto the walls and floor.
Letting out a practically feral noise, you lunged at Romero, shoving him to the ground and pounding your fists down into his face over and over again. Your vision was blurry, partly from your tears and partly from the blood that was spraying onto your face every time you brought your hand down. But you couldn’t stop. You busted his lip for your sister. You shattered his nose for the peace you’d fought for.
And you broke his jaw just for you.
Two strong arms were tugging you off the now lifeless body, and your face was pressed into a broad chest. Taking the first breath you’d been able to in 3 weeks, you got a lungful of Jason and you sobbed like a little baby. The hiss of his mask coming off barely registered in your mind.
“It’s okay. It’s okay, hey you’re- fuck, princess it’s okay.” He cooed and ran his gloved fingers through your hair. “It’s over. It’s over.”
“I should have-” You tried to speak but all that came out was a strangled gasping noise. Jason was wiping the blood off your face, pressing kisses to your forehead, your cheeks, your nose. “I should have told you.” You blubbered, clutching at the leather of his jacket. He didn’t even know what you were talking about, or how you got dragged into all this mess, but right now, he didn’t care. “M’not going anywhere, sweetheart. You’re stuck with me.”
“I’m always gonna stay.”
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rhondafromhr · 5 months
Max and Steph roleswap AU where Steph’s the school bully/self-proclaimed God of Hatchetfield High. She started dictating what everyone can and can’t do and who’s cool and who’s a nerd and whether Kyle can date Brenda (the answer’s still no, by the way!) to gain a sense of control. Solomon scrutinizes her every move and doesn’t let her do ANYTHING that might make him look remotely bad and affect his reelection prospects. Her mom dissapeared after winning the Honey Queen pageant (but as far as Steph knows she just up and left). She has absolutely no control in her home life and had to find it elsewhere.
Do you see my vision?? We’d get a sapphic Stephgrace version of Dirty Girl. We’d get Mariah as the villain. She’s the star QB. To impress the high school football obsessed voters, Solomon forced her to either do that or cheer. It turned out she was actually really good at it and she started getting praise and admiration for once (she also gets none of that at home). Between that and being the mayor’s daughter, nobody can stand up to her. Kyle and Jason are her lackeys. Kyle still gets punched in the face for calling Grace a two bagger. Max is around and he’s like “no, I agree with Steph, Grace is kinda cute” he gets decked in the face too because he BETTER not be thinking of asking her out (poor Jason has to carry them both out).
Max is still a jock, but he plays a sport nobody at Hatchetfield High really cares about (idk lacrosse maybe), so he’s more of a fringe cool kid. Not having the power over the school he has in canon, he had to find a different way to cope with his Whole Deal so became more apathetic and adopted a cool/tough guy persona instead. He usually manages to fly under the radar, but Steph does pick on him occasionally - she copes with Solomon constantly insulting her intelligence by doing the same thing to others and Max “I’m so fuckin’ scared of skele-uhns” Jägerman is an easy mark. Kyle usually joins in out of desperation for Steph’s approval. Jason will too, but only when the others pressure him into it.
Max needs to get his grades up or he’ll be kicked off the team, so he cheats off one of the nerds, gets caught and eventually asks them to tutor him. Doesn’t matter which one, pick your poison depending on which ship or friendship you want to be the Lautski of this universe. I’m gonna make it platonic and say Richie because I love their potential friendship dynamic, I love aroace Richie and I love treating friendships with the same narrative weight as romantic relationships. Steph says hell no, the Pasqualli’s incident happens and Grace convinces them all to plan the prank.
Of course, Steph wouldn’t fall for it like Max did. She realizes what they they’re up to almost immediately, but she’s still delighted. She finds it kind of funny and endearing that they thought they could scare her with cheap costumes and creepy music. She likes that they planned the prank to get her to change her ways because it means they still think she has the potential to be good. Then she falls and they do Grace’s bury the body plan, but this is the mayor’s daughter and the police can’t write it off like they do most disappearances in Hatchetfield so they’re hot on their trail.
Also, I’m losing it thinking about how powerful Solomon’s death would be. And how fucking scared Max would be during the summoning.
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Really obsessed with how Charles managed to defend against Oscar. You would have think after passing Russel he would pass Charles just after but idk how Charles maintain the lead !
Also I checked the difference of pace between Charles and Carlos. On mediums Charles was very strong and on hards even with 6 laps tyre age he was doing the same time while defending against Oscar.
For Carlos, apart from perez, it was easy for him since he had to overtake the aston martin and the alpine.
I don't know why for mercedes decided to box george again ? He could have had this 5th position if he stayed.
Also, will you do an analysis for this race ? Would be interesting
Omg I absolutely will be doing an analysis. Yes Carlos did the business climbing up the field getting the Ferrari roughly where it should be. So no surprises there.
Charles defense is something that has been flying under the radar this season so I am glad people are noticing!
Mercedes, well I'll have to look into what they had going on there, it would not be the first time they messed up the pit timing. They might have been rattled after the dsq, idk I'll have to look more into it.
I have to go on about Charles performance this race, it was certainly one of his top performances this season.
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Odd question but do the daycare attendant of the skelly bois clean themselves? The models of Sundrop and Moondrop are… honestly quite fithly is you look at em, like Sundrop god a whole as grimy seemingly adult handprint on his chest and torso (same with Moon, but his slouch makes it harder to see/ notice). Which is concerning… being they work with kids, the health and safety of the daycare kids is their main priority. If the one taking care of them isn’t even clean, the lot of em would get sick right? Since they don’t got to strong immune systems yet. Or he’ll even making Mc sick
Sadly the daycare seems to be… honestly kinda abandoned in comparison to the rest of the pizzaplex, sure safety is something Fazbear has never really cared for, that’s easy af to see. Bur the daycare? Seems to do worse then most
Would Mc have to clean the big lads up? A “spa day” of sorts - Like give an an good scrub? Give em a new paint job and polish? Even with Skulls many arms there are places I asume they can’t really reach, Red I fell like will definitely tease at the intimate kinda touching, Sans will make this more difficult somehow and Skull? Just a absorb all the attention and affection he can get knowing him alright
Idk was just a thought, have a good day/ night night Llama
A great question!
Technically, the boys have to clean themselves. But you can imagine how something like that would slip under the radar, when you're juggling taking care of kids/cleaning up after them/preparing for them beforehand/being a makeshift security guard for the entire mall/holding back a secret third part of yourself out of fear he'll hurt someone. Usually, they manage the bare minimum of removing obvious stains. But there's some parts of themselves they can't see and don't think to clean. Not like they'll let anyone touch them, either, they're not keen on some rando getting handsy.
... In comes Mc. And after working with them, she decides they need a clean. Not just because of hygiene reasons- because they deserve to feel clean. Everyone does.
She gets clearance to come in on one of the rare days the mall is closed, to give the DCA something of a makeover. Unpaid, of course. The boys are more than happy to let her touch, so there's no issues there; and since she wants to make sure she doesn't miss anything, she cleans Red AND Sans.
Red gets the paint and marker crust scrubbed out of his joints, he gets his body wiped down and his tooth polished (he makes a joke about having something else she can polish, which results in a swift wack to the head), she picks dust out of his teeth and the cracks he never got around to until his joints are whirring smoother than the day he came to life. Sans gets his soft fabrics deep cleaned and steamed, his furs combed out until they're smooth, his sticky fingers wiped down... all in the dark by just the glow of his eyelights. She even repaints some of their respective markings- Red's stripes, and Sans' stars.
... At one point, she's cleaning Sans, and she turns around to wash off her cloth. And when she turns back... it's not Sans sitting there, anymore. Someone much taller is in his place, one great big eye staring down at her.
"... O-oh. Hi Skull. I-I didn't expect to see you today...!"
"... You wanna get cleaned too?"
... Skull gets HIS stars done in glow-in-the-dark paint.
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dmercer91 · 1 year
ebug's sister, dm91
part one / part two /part three / part four / part five / part six /
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liked by dawson1417, lhughes_06, and 6,213 others
blakefriarr_: my brothers an ebug, episode five!
i think ni saw me in the stands before the game started, cause he didn’t ONCE look in my direction and i had to scavenge the broadcast after the game to find an image of him under duress. it’s cute that you thought i wouldn’t find a way, though, worlds sluttiest captain™️
i added a photo of jack to this one since i flat out refused to add him to mine and quinnys groupchat, so we settled on this. for those of you this may negatively affect, i promise it’s a one time thing <3
the next two are both of dawson, since 1. he got a goal!! but second and most importantly, he’s got such a pretty smile and i think it needed to be broadcasted to all of you lovely people seeing this
then we have a goalie hug! i would like to point out that in the five games i’ve seen this season, they’ve won every time i was there. i’m the good luck charm. not even maybe. i am telling you it’s me
last, cause i want to rub it in jj’s face that i have a sweet, attentive guy that he doesn’t know the name of, is a message from my boy!! (he still hasn’t asked me to be his girl, so he’s not TECHNICALLY my boy, but shhhh we’ll ignore it)
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jj.friar31: does this guy of yours know about your strange love for dawson mercer
→ blakefriarr_: i would say he's aware
lhughes_06: I RANK HIGHER THAN JACK!?!?!?
→ blakefriarr_: unfortunately you are very adoptable
→ lhughes_06: you're like eight months older than me
→ blakefriarr_: ok?
_quinnhughes: hey guy who won't be named where jj can see, if you're reading this, please ask her out before i go crazy
→ blakefriarr_: you said i could talk to you anytime :(
→ _quinnhughes: of course you can, sweetheart. that doesn't mean i wont go nuts
→ blakefriarr_: awh huggy you're willing to go nuts for me?
→ _quinnhughes: unfortunately i'm not immune to whatever it is you have going on in that head of yours
jesperbratt: i can't believe you just called nico a slut
→ blakefriarr_: believe it, bratter.
nicohischier: ... sluttiest?
→ blakefriarr_: what other word can be used to describe what it is when you flip your hair around with a bloody mouth and call people fucking pussies
→ nicohischier: i was hoping those clips would stay off your radar
→ blakefriarr_: that's impossible i see everything
adamfantilli: wasn't expecting him to be such a softy
→ lhughes_06: now what is this supposed to mean
→ blakefriarr_: rookie how did you manage it's been literally three days
→ lhughes_06: IS HE IN THE GROUPCHAT?????? BLAKE??
→ blakefriarr_: don't be so dramatic moose
→ lhughes_06: quinn?? what do you have to say for yourself?
→ _quinnhughes: she asked very nicely idk what you wanted me to do
→ blakefriarr_: 'i'm adding adam fuckface' 'cool lmao' there was no resistance and by definition i don't think i was being nice
→ _quinnhughes: why do i put up with this
→ adamfantilli: i feel so honoured you didn't even ask properly
→ blakefriarr_: whatever. love u, rookie
→ adamfantilli: love u, coach
→ lhughes_06: i'm killing you both and not in your sleep you deserve to know it was me
→ blakefriarr_: well now you can do it in our sleeps cause you just.. told us? that it would be you?
dougieham: i would like to formally apologize for my comment on your most recent post. i was out of line and i should not have spilled very highly classified of information about the groupchat. i hope my apology finds you well.
→ blakefriarr_: you're forgiven, but you're on probation
→ dougieham: quinn is that good enough
→ _quinnhughes: probably idk
dawson1417: i have a pretty smile? blushing
→ blakefriarr_: you're welcome, loser <3
→ dawson1417: that guy of yours ask you out yet?
→ blakefriarr_: he has.
→ dawson1417: yeah?
→ blakefriarr_: only to an event, though. hoping he'll man up n kiss me
→ dawson1417: best of luck, then <3
jackhughes: least favourite?? what did i do to deserve this
→ blakefriarr_: you are just incredibly underwhelming i'm sorry. be glad you got your picture in the post that is ALL i agreed to.
→ jackhughes: and quinn isn't??
→ blakefriarr_: do not diss quinn i will take your head of and put it over my fireplace
jj.friar31: ok so from what i'm compiling here i think it's either quinn or.. adam fantilli????? somehow?? when did that even happen how do you keep pulling this off
→ blakefriarr_: ok first of all if you think i would ever allow someone i'm romantically involved with to call me coach you need a lobotomy
→ blakefriarr_: second of all you are so dumb it's actually become fascinating. NEITHER OF THOSE PEOPLE LIVE IN JERSEY?? you think quinn hughes found the time in his nhl player schedule to fly down here and bring me home from work?
→ jj.friar31: oh right
→ jj.friar31: ignore me i've compiled nothing.
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chevelleneech · 12 days
It being said Buck and T*mmy are still dating and getting to know each other, and Eddie feeling left out is all well and good. It’s at the least a decent start to developing something (not that I want that anymore, but still).
However, couple those words with L*u FJ having not been seen on set at all… I don’t know how much of it I’m believing will stretch behind the first three episodes. I’m not trying to give Tim credit for being sneaky or anything, and I’m still not looking to watch the premiere. I’m going to hold off, but how far under the radar can they truly fly with his filming, and why would they want to, given Buck is openly bisexual and there was a positive reaction to the relationship even with Buddies being unhappy?
There’s no reason for me to believe L*u is so beloved by Tim and ABC that they’re sneaking him on and off set. I’m not saying he can’t have “snuck” on once or twice, but again… for what reason? No one in the cast is talking about him, the behind the scenes hadn’t really posted him, and no one has spotted him on set. So how well can the relationship be going if the actor playing Buck’s boyfriend has not been seen, heard, nor mentioned anywhere near the show this season?
The only way this supposed developing relationship keeps going, is if it’s over the phone or we get it in slices where T*mmy is never actually present. As in, Buck tells Eddie he’s meeting up with T*mmy, yet we never see them together. Or we see Oliver sharing the screen with a stand-in, and we only get arial shots of them.
I guess they could always be indoors. In a car or something, but idk. Something is very fishy. Tim and co either managed to slip that man on and off set for weeks, or they’re talking around a quick breakup. Because “getting to know each other” and “not much time has passed” equals Buck and T*mmy don’t know each other enough to have developed a deep connection. Which allows writers to write both an attempt for Buck to make it work and a breakup within the first 3-5 episodes without making the general audience feel like it ended abruptly or was pointless.
Buddie may not happen even if Eddie comes out this season, but if they do want to get rid of T*mmy, I will admit I can see them doing it this way. It would avoid starting the season with Buck being single yet again (which truly would not be an issue if they didn’t try shoving him with a woman every damn season in earlier seasons), but also give BT stans a little food. Make Buck try and want it to work, but ultimately have it fail. That also tells general audiences who are neutral about him “suddenly” being “gay” that he is serious about wanting to date men, but couldn’t make it work with the first one he dated.
Whether or not Buddie will be a result? I don’t know, but I can’t say I’m on team hopeful, lol. I think this is the last shot, and unless they cast partners for Buck and Eddie that knock it out of the fucking park in terms of chemistry, I do not see s8 being the place to start anew yet again. So Buddie really and truly makes the most sense if Buck and T*mmy breakup and Eddie comes out. Main characters getting together is tv normalcy.
There isn’t a single show or film in history where the mains don’t end up together, that’s why they’re mains. And if they wanted an outside relationship, T*mmy unfortunately is the only other choice outside of Josh, because he’s already here. So they either gotta make T*mmy worth the choice to not have Buddie, or they make Buck single and have Josh and Eddie randomly get together. Which would lows be just as unnecessary as BT, but at least Josh is likable.
Anyway, that’s my 5¢. They’re either setting BT up to be roadkill, or they did somehow manage to sneak that man on set for weeks, thus cementing the implication he will become an important character. Because again, there is no reason a recurring love interest is important enough to hide on set, just because he’s unliked by some fans. They didn’t do that with Edy, and people wanted her head on a fucking spike.
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anonymous-dentist · 1 year
Idk if you're still answering ask about your hero AU, but, how did Roier actually get his powers? And how did he manage to hide them? Because the FoH have every possible resource to find out who does and doesn't have power in the (their) city (and what kind of power they have), so it's weird to me that they've never heard about spiderman before. Also, I think you alredy answered this (sorry if that's the case), but are you thinking in write this AU into a fic?
Okay so Roier wasn’t actually born with an ability. And then his parents died, so he kinda just skimmed under the FoH’s radar as a normal kid living in the foster system.
And then he got adopted by this really fucking rich guy and his boyfriend aka Vegetta and Foolish and he lived… comfortably. Foolish has always been a hero under the FoH, but Vegetta was a vigilante/villain at the time. He wasn’t “reformed” yet. And, well. Vegetta is an alien. So.
So one day Roier, 16-ish and very ignorable, was cleaning out his dad’s attack when he got hit by a spider. And he’s always liked spiders, so he didn’t really give a shit until a couple of days later when he woke up stuck to his bed because, uh oh! He got bitten by an extraterrestrial spider!
Now obviously he should have told his dads. But he was 16 and he didn’t want to become a hero or anything and that really would’ve happened because this is around when Lobo Nocturno/Vegetta signs with the FoH… because this is when they bring Leo into the family and Vegetta didn’t want his little baby to get hurt. Back then, all Roier wanted to do is run his own restaurant, so he just kinda tried ignoring it all. He didn’t bring it up to anyone.
There wasn’t a Spider-Man until he was walking home from the library one night when he was 17-ish and he saw this girl getting robbed and he just kinda used his years of mandatory self defense training (thanks, dads) to save her. But then it turned out she, Jaiden, was the civilian identify of rookie vigilante Parakeet. She convinced him to help her out so they could protect the city together, and he agreed, and thus Spider-Man was born.
Jaiden is the only person who knows that Roier is Spider-Man. He hasn’t told anybody, not even his own son, and the FoH is pissed. He’s one of the last vigilantes not working for them, and nobody knows who he is, and nobody has been able to find out who he is over the past five or so years since he first appeared. They are actively trying to find out his identity and get him under control and get him to stop destroying their shit, because that’s what Spider-Man does. He breaks FoH shit, including heroes.
Roier is a better actor than most people think he is. Jaiden knows, and she’s keeping it a close secret despite working for the FoH as a hero. He’s going around as Spider-Man’s biggest fan and he sends in tips via grainy blurry photos that he took of Spider-Man in action (aka him setting a cheap burner phone up and recording some shit and printing the photos out) and, most importantly, he is officially on record as an abilityless person. There are zero to no records of anyone gaining an ability past four years of age, so the FoH just isn’t considering him as a suspect. He’s in the clear, and he is using that to his advantage.
Also I’d love to write this as a fic but idk where I’d even start lol. It feels too big
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multi-fandomsfreak · 1 month
Hello, how are you doing? 😉
I’ve got a funny idea.. Well it’s funny to me I’m not sure if it will be funny to you. 😅
So I vaguely remember Luigi’s day out Mario calling Luigi “dumbass geek” and I was like what if he had a geeky S/O. It would kinda be like “Haha Karma came back and kicked ur butt.” Moment. Like reader doesn’t look like a stereotypical geek. She’s like very very attractive so it kind of flew under the radar and it isn’t until later into the relationship where her geekiness starts to show itself.
I feel like Luigi’s day out Mario would be having a full on crisis. He would probably be like “Oh my god I’ve been dating a geek this whole time.” type thing but in all honesty he doesn’t think it’s too bad cause reader doesn’t act like his brother so that kinda helps a bit and he also thinks it’s funny [Not in a mean way tho.] to hear her ramble about what her current interests are. Sure he might not get some of it but he likes hearing reader’s voice.
[In this request reader will be using She/Her pronouns 👌]
[That’s all! Hope you’re doing well and taking good care of yourself. 👍]
Luigi’s Day Out Mario With A Geeky S/O
Hey there! Thanks for the ask!
I’m doing good thanks for asking. Ngl I almost wrote for LDO Luigi because my brain decide to write out that you wanted LDO Mario and assume it was for LDO Luigi because I saw the quote about him calling Luigi a ‘dumbass geek’. But I managed to save myself lol. Anyways hope you like it. ~Blaze/Dawn
Pronouns: She/Her
Warning: ❌
Requested: Yes/No
Characters: Luigi’s Day Out Mario + Luigi’s Day Out Luigi + His Mother (idk her name sorry) + Mentions of Luigi’s Day Out Daisy + Luigi’s Day Out Waluigi
Proofread: ❌
Credits: Art originally by hotdiggedydemon + Banner by Haterlovin on Pinterest
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- Honestly the fact that you might possibly be a geek completely flew under his radar. I think he would be too focused that he managed to get you. You were considered very attractive by many people so the fact that he of all people managed to get with you admittedly fueled his ego a bit. He feels like he won some sort of competition with you being his girlfriend. I like to think he actually wasn’t expecting you to say yes to him. He’d probably did it in a joking way so when you accepted it he was surprised but overall played it off like ‘he knew you’d say yes’ and how ‘no one could resist him’ overall being a cocky bastard but is actually happy that you said yes but pretended to not be too affected by it.
- He’s definitely the type of boyfriend to be constantly talking about you to anyone and everyone who would listen whether they actually want to hear it or not. As I said before he’s a cocky bastard so from the day you two got together he is not going to keep his mouth shut about you. He kind of feels like he has the right to no matter how many times people complain about it. If someone does tell him to shut up he just shoots back “Aw what’s the matter? Jealous that I actually managed to get her” or “Your just mad that I got to her before you can huh?” things like that. The way he talks about you to other people honestly makes them want to punch him sometimes. He’d say things like “Imagine not having a girlfriend?” “[Name] is so beautiful, glad she’s with me.” “Don’t you wish you had a Girlfriend like [Name]? Too bad she’s with me” etc.
- Adding on from the previous point since he literally can not keep his mouth shut about you pretty much everyone knows that the two of you are dating. Ranging from strangers, his ‘friends’ and his family. Their reactions vary, some are absolutely confused at the fact the two of you are dating. How did this emo fucker managed to get someone as beautiful as you? Even his own ‘friends’ are so confused. As for his brother and mother they were very excited and happy (mostly his mother though). She pretty much acts like how every parent asks every single question about you like what your name is? What were you like? Were you pretty? Is he treating you right? And goes on and on about it even after Luigi’s Day Out Mario telling her to stop and being embarrassed at the ambush of questions. For his Brother Luigi he’s just happy for his brother. He doesn’t really have any bad opinions about it even if he did (not that he has or will) Mario would tell him to shut it.
- He’s definitely the type of person to show you off and your beauty. As soon as he spots someone eying the two of you up you can bet he’s suddenly all up in your business. He’s grabbing your hand tightly bringing you closer while giving said person a smirk while giving them a look like ‘you jealous?’ Even around people like Daisy and Waluigi. The both of them are like “dude? I know you like her but do you have to publicly show it?” and he’s like “Of course I do. How else am I supposed to show she’s my girlfriend?” He likes riling people up by doing this.
- He definitely likes to get the two of you in trouble. Sometimes he doesn’t mean to do it but just like in the original animation he’s probably doing some shit that should've grab the police attention but does he care? No. He hasn’t gotten caught yet so why does it matter? He enjoys the feeling of doing it and he enjoys it more doing it with you. That’s how he likes to spend his time with you. So do expect yourself to be in situations like jumping fences or visiting abandoned places to have smoke sessions.
- As I said in the first point, due to your attractiveness he doesn’t really acknowledge your geekiness until the two of you feel really comfortable in the relationship. He probably accidentally stumbled upon this while the two of you were hanging out (e.g. in his room or during your smoke sessions). He probably just mentions him trying to get into a new band and it just evolves into you just giving him a full blown lecture of your favourite musician. For example “I don’t know I’ve been trying to listen to other things. Been tired of listening to the same shit over and over again.” he complained while toying his finger on his guitar that he owns then you just asked him “have you listened to [insert band name] before?” he looks at you before asking “no, who are they?” then you just went into airplane mode about your love for said band. Just think of that one yapper x listener tiktok meme.
- That’s pretty much when it pretty much hit him that he’s dating a geek. As you continued to talk about said band he’s listening to every single word you're saying. Lowkey having a crisis like “Is this what I get for calling my brother dumbass geek?” But overall surprisingly besides the initial surprise he’s actually really okay with it. Like sure if it was someone else he would’ve told him to shut up but he actually really likes it. Besides some slight teasing from him he just lets you do it because he likes to think that it’s just your voice that makes it a lot more tolerable. Plus you actually look really cute doing it even if he doesn’t get what your saying half of the time.
- I feel like he would purposely try to find ways into getting you into your little sessions just to hear you talk. He likes to offhandedly mention one of your favourite shows or comics and ask you questions about a certain character or the overall plot of said show or comic. Sometimes he likes to show off your knowledge, if someone says something wrong about a topic you know he immediately pauses them and says “I’m not sure if that’s correct, what do you say [Name]?” He says teasing the other person as you talk to said person about the topic.
- I feel like he would be the type of boyfriend to do anything for you and you alone. For example if you wanted something and have been talking about it to him you can bet he’s getting it for you. Even if the thing is expensive he would get it and by that he would probably steal it but to him it’s worth it if it’s for you. He doesn’t care that much about what people say about when he does this he just tells them off and for them to mind their business.
- Pretty much the only time you get to see him outside of his dick behaviour is with you. You can see him actually seems calm around you, when the two of you are chilling together, the two of you are just up against each other as the two of you just talk about random shit and just rant about things you like or don’t like. Overall, despite being an asshole he’s actually a good boyfriend to you.
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remyfire · 4 months
just had to pop in and say hello to a fellow animorphs kid. the animorphs to mash pipeline is real
spRINTING in and sliding into home base all cool and stuff yes hello :D :D
Animorphs my beloved. I started reading it way too young, probably, and we could only get maaaaybe 12 books out of the whole series in my library. I think I first found it before it was completed, actually, so maybe that's partly why, idk. But when we were dating, my wife nabbed me all of them in a big lovely digital package, so that's how like 20-year-old me got to finally finish reading the series and then cry my eyes out and stare at the ceiling for an hour processing it. Goddamn. Beautiful shit ;v;
Amusingly I had an Animorphs MASH AU pop into my head once, and it's going under the cut because I'm gonna go off at the mouth about it and I don't think many people will care about it, but you activated me and I'm excited now :D
It was specifically circling around Hawkeye being the only person to have this ability (no I have not yet decided how the escafil device got there before Elfangor did, don't worry about it, that's for later me to decide if I ever wrote it) and ending up morphing into Sophie for recon purposes because he could get away with a lot more scouting out of a suspected Yeerk installation as a wild horse than as a human in a jeep. Unfortunately the Sophie instincts make him too happy just to runrunrunrunrun. I think I had Radar as the only person who knew that Hawk had this ability, so when someone brought horse!Hawk back like "Oh hey I think the colonel's horse got out," Radar was just sweating and trying to pretend he wasn't hiding Sophie in her stall like "OH HOW WEIRD IS THAT," while Hawk who was rapidly approaching the two-hour mark was trying to very subtly trot into the barn and not panic Sophie as he morphed back out, bless them.
THEN my brain took it a couple of different routes! One was the variant of Frank's breakdown between S5 and S6. I posited the idea that a casualty that came in was the first to be infested, probably by a Yeerk scouting ship that went down somewhere deep in the forest, and when its alien host was dying on the ground and being investigated by a panicked American soldier, he didn't notice the lil slug creeping up his boot, over his pants, closer closer ever closer until it touched his face, and while he was in a panic and tripping over himself trying to get this thing off of him, he stumbles and bangs his head on something, and while he's reeling from it, that's when the Yeerk infests him. His host is now bleeding profusely from a head wound, though, and about to pass out, so when he ends up on Frank's operating table, this fucking Yeerk has already had a hell of a day.
So Frank manages to get infested by this Yeerk—again, I futz the details, they're not important rn hfkfd I think I posited Frank leaning down to hear what this gasping soldier is trying to say and the transition happening that way somehow—and the Yeerk is struggling to operate Frank's very poorly medically trained brain, so he is maiming and murdering casualties left and right. Everyone thinks he's cracking up because of Margaret's recent marriage, so they send him off on R&R. And the thing is that this Yeerk is starving and has been already for a full day, so the second Frank is there in Tokyo, his Yeerk has started to go insane from the lack of kadrona rays, and god bless Frank, but he was fragile enough already, and his conservative little mind was already paranoid and keen for conspiracies as it was, so he goes straight off the deep end. He does not get sent home with a promotion. He just happily believes that he did.
And then my brain took it a beejhawk route as I am wont to do where Hawkeye needs to know who is trustworthy around him, and he desperately needs to know if he can talk with BJ about what he's seen, what he's experiencing, so he gets them three-day passes and takes him to Seoul, and for the very first time...Hawk seduces him, and barely within minutes of arriving. And there's this brief pause before BJ surges into him with this low hum and unabashed, languid desire, and Hawk ends up pinning him down on the bed and making a quiet choked sound before he looks up at him with a feline grin and murmurs how he wants to play a game with BJ.
And this is how Hawk ends up tying BJ to a chair tight as he can in the middle of a Seoul hotel room, all while whispering the filthy things he's gonna do to Beej once he's got him secure. And then once he's checked all the knots and knows BJ can't get out of them, Hawk catches BJ by the chin and grins and looks him right in the eye and whispers, "I've got just under three days here alone with you. And you're gonna die the slowest, most excruciating death possible. And when you're squirming free, doing everything you can to find just one shred of food, I'm gonna laugh myself silly over how pathetic you are. And then I'm gonna grind you into a puddle for daring to get your disgusting little slime all over this fella's perfect fucking brain." Because he knows Beej wouldn't have drifted that easily into an affair with him, not without at least some degree of grief and self-directed frustration.
And unbeknownst to him, BJ—who has been so goddamn careful the entire time he and Hawk been working together to not let a lick of his desperate desire show through and tempt him, really tempt him—had intentionally pushed all those wet dreams and fantasies and hunger to the forefront of his mind just so his little Yeerk would bypass the sharp reluctance that BJ has to cheat again, so that it would instead think it was being incredibly clever, about to really wrap Hawkeye around its finger and find a way to make him another lovely host as well while his current one is all tied up with nowhere to go.
Something something watching the man you love writhe in agony for three days straight as his little parasite is using his voice to call you the worst fucking things possible with all the knowledge he has of what hurts you more than anything. Something something hearing him cry and plead and beg and promise you everything you've ever wanted with him if you'll just untie him, having to sit there against the wall with your head in your hands and whisper it's not him it's not him it's not him.
Man. What a fucking series, am I right? I'm really normal about it. Thank you for unlocking my babbling :D
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jinmukangwrites · 1 year
Just something little I wrote. I was going to use this for my BTHB card "handcuffed/manacled" but got to a point where I don't know how to continue to a resolved ending even if I was to make this a multi-chapter. But I also don't want to just scrap the idea. Idk, maybe this can inspire someone else. The idea simply came from "what if Cal is captured by the Empire on Bracca"
"To the Empire... we're all just expendable!"
"Yes," the second sister says, her voice calm like silk as she steps fluidly in front of Prauf, lifting her hand above his chest. "You are."
Red bursts from the saber in her hand, and Prauf's dying shout rings loud in Cal's ears. His heart shatters, vision becoming blurry with horror, fear, anger.
He screams, all of his terrifying emotions overriding his 5 year programming stay under the radar, pushing through his teeth in a throat burning "No!"
He lights his lightsaber before he can think about what that would mean. What that would change. The single act of lifting the humming orange blade is a final nail in the coffin, he can never go back to the life he tried so hard to hide in.
Right now, he doesn't care. All he can see is Prauf's face going slack. All he can hear is the pounding of his heart. All he can smell is burning flesh. All he can feel is adrenaline, moving his legs forward and swinging his arm around, aiming for the Second Sister's head.
With chilling grace, she lights a second blade to her saber, blocking his strike. Prauf slides off the first blade, crumbling to the floor. Cal knows he's already dead.
"Look at this," she says, and terror freezes Cal in place, pressing his blade against hers. "A lightsaber." The last word is spat out in a snarl.
She effortlessly pushes him away. He scrambles for purchase, the rain on slick stone doing nothing for his boots. His brain screams at him to defend himself; widen his stance and lift his blade how his Master taught him to... but it's been 5 years. He barely manages to lift his lightsaber and see somewhat straight before she throws him back into the air with a solid wall of Force. It knocks the air out of his chest, spins his head, blacks out his vision for just a second until he comes to a screeching halt with the hand of the larger woman who had come with the Second Sister.
She holds him by the scruff of his poncho, the collar pressing painfully into his neck, as she lifts him high like a pesky kitten. "I found the Jedi!"
Cal blinks, the word Jedi sending tendrils of pure panic into every single one of his muscles. He blinks the spots from his vision, then grinds his teeth. With a swing, he reignites his lightsaber and blindly attempts to cut the woman down.
She doesn't give him a chance, she throws him forward with a laugh before his blade can hit, and he tumbles on the soaking stone ground. The tumble is so painful and chaotic that his Master's lightsaber falls from his hands. He tries to get to his feet, but there's sudden, spine bending pressure on his back; it forces his torso and stomach down to the ground, pinning him like an insect collector's newest specimen. He scrambles, stomach clenching and twisting, heart in his throat, trying to reach his lightsaber or at least throw the woman's boot off from the small of his back, but her weight presses down on him, crushing him.
The familiar sound of a lightsaber being ignited rakes its claws down his nerve endings, desperation becoming poison as the hum of the blade gets closer, resting between his jaw and shoulder like a lazy threat. He gasps and becomes still, the heat of the blade practically threatening to boil the rain on his skin; the red light nearly blinding.
"Pathetic," the woman sneers, pressing down on his back further until he's sure the pressure will snap something. "Thought you'd put up more of a fight, scrap rat."
She lifts the blade, and for a second, the body-freezing terror makes it easy to accept what he knows will come next. The Galaxy turns slowly, and the rain nearly stops mid-air. He can see the other scrappers standing back, still at gunpoint from some of the black suited troopers. The Second Sister stands by coldly, looking entirely unphased in her smooth posture. The other woman screams, slamming her blade down at what will surely be his neck; and he waits for it.
The saber freezes, he can feel the tip mere breaths from the back of his neck.
"This rat is not worth our time," the woman snarls, but she does as she's told. Cal gets the feeling that the Second Sister, whoever she is, is ranked higher than every other imperial on this cliff edge. Perhaps, on the entire planet.
"He's young, Ninth Sister. Inexperienced. His emotions are so loud. He's..." The Second Sister walks toward them, her pace unbothered and almost effortless. She stops when her boot lands over Cal's lightsaber hilt. It's all he can see. He can practically hear the metal creek over the thundering rain. She doesn't break it, however, she keeps her weight perfectly balanced to only threaten. "Impressionable."
She bends down, slightly, bringing her emotionless helmet inside his field of view. Cal watches with a sick feeling as she looks down at the weapon beneath her boot, then back up at him.
"You couldn't have been older than a child," she says. "Who was your master, Padawan?"
When he doesn't answer, her voice grows saccharine.
"Someone I killed, perhaps? What Jedi gave their life so that you might live?"
Cal's been in hiding for a long time, but Bracca is practically a central beating heart of the Galaxies Mid Rim. Hyperspace lanes litter the system, bringing all kinds of people and a constant stream of Imperial manpower. Cal tended to avoid sticking his nose into anything that could possibly out him as a Jedi, but he's heard things, here and there.
People with red lightsabers; those who wield the Force and hunt their own. They slaughter and torture Jedi, and they're merciless about it.
Inquisitor, his brain finally supplies. They're called Inquisitors.
He wonders, distantly, how many Jedi this woman has killed. How many the Ninth Sister has. How many Jedi, good Jedi, Jedi that made it to Knighthood and Masters and hell, maybe even Council Members... fell by these traitor's hands?
What hope does he have? He was only a Padawan. He's weaker now than what he was as a Padawan. His swordsmanship is rusty, and his ability to connect to the Force is shattered... he's doomed.
That realization must show on his face, because the Second Sister laughs. She stands, shifting her foot and bringing his lightsaber up to her hand with a tug of the Force. Then, she silently lifts a single hand. The troopers behind her get into a quick stance, raising their blasters, and killing the other scrappers before Cal can even blink.
He screams as he watches them fall. He's barely even aware as the Second Sister cooly tells some of the troopers to restrain him. He watches as the others fall; some, he'd worked with. Some he talked too, perhaps not daily, but enough to where he knows their name, he knows them in the memories of borrowed tools or brushes of clothes against the bare skin of his arms.
Because of him.
The Ninth Sister releases her foot, but he's quickly crowded by black garbed troopers. They wrench his arms behind his back, snapping something cold against his wrists. He has just a moment to feel echoes of fear, resignation, futility, loss, before the cuffs lock on, completely tearing the Force from him.
Everything goes silent, for just a moment. His mind is completely his own. Even as the troopers haul him up to his feet, the plates of their armor have no stories to tell. As a youngling, a Padawan, as a newly alone and terrified scrapper, he would have given anything to not be constantly hounded by thoughts and feelings that weren't his own... but with it torn away like this? With Prauf's body, all the bodies of good people, laying on the ground with holes through their vital organs?
He's never felt so alone.
"Call for a prisoner transport," the Second Sister says to her troopers. "We're bringing this one to Fortress Inquisitorius."
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juminies · 1 year
do you ever think about normal end jumin? i know i do. in some ways i almost prefer having a more "normal" domestic lifestyle with him but at the same time it would be so hard. i'd be plagued with perpetual guilt over it and jumin would likely have a hard time too. but i think the end result would be a very strong couple. i also tend to think that jumin's dad would probably try to make up with jumin after a while (a year or more? idk)
I get where you're coming from! if you're not someone who feels they can take being under the spotlight I see how his good ending could be very intimidating. but similarly, him resigning was still a very big deal, and though he didn't directly mention you in his speech your relationship probably wouldn't entirely slip under the radar. paparazzi will be paparazzi, gossip will be gossip, there were still a lot of reporters at the party!
I'm not sure guilty is how I'd be feeling, since ultimately it was jumin's decision to make, but I do think it would probably be incredibly stressful for the both of you for a while. jumin would play it off as nonchalantly as he could for as long as he could, but resigning would likely have a big impact on him, especially so suddenly. he works a lot. his job meant a lot to him for a long time, and it was also practically the basis of his relationship with his father. he wouldn't know what to do with himself without it. that combined with his reason for resigning essentially being love is more important than work it could definitely be somewhat overbearing until you figure out what the both of you are going to do next – particularly if you're someone who enjoys time to yourself. on top of that (to me at least!) it feels like a sudden big commitment which, unlike the proposal, you don't fully get a say in. realistically it would probably put pressure on your relationship for a while, but nothing impossible to work through. the way I see it it's ultimately a lot more personal strain for a similar outcome, for the sake of staying out of the spotlight.
I would also like to point out, though, that while some level of publicity is inevitable (that's just something you have to accept with jumin in order for him to thrive!!) if it becomes a problem for you even in a good ending jumin would absolutely make sure to keep you out of the spotlight as much as possible anyway once the fuss from the proposal dies down. he can and will sue magazines who dive into your private life after they receive a direct request to stay away from you. your comfort and safety are the most important things to him after all.
I do also feel he'd learn to balance work & life better. of course he'd have a lot of responsibility, particularly after he inherits the company, but now that he has someone to account for the "life" part of "work-life balance" it's important to him that he doesn't neglect it :)
as for his relationship with his father, I do like to think they managed to talk it out at least somewhat when they met after the party. I think that as jumin grows more as a person and learns to understand both his own and other peoples' emotions more it lifts some of the discomfort in their relationship. allows jumin to be more open and understanding. it would definitely take a while, but I think they would be able to build a stronger bond – nothing perfect, but something more emotionally valuable than business plans and throwing money back and forth.
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murachinchi · 1 year
Wait a second, now that you’ve mentioned Nezuko, what of the other cast? The Hashira? The Upper Moon demons and Muzan? What do the two opposing sides think of the relationship?
let's see...
ill put this under read more its pretty lengthy...
Kidoairaku kids AU
in my kidoairaku kids AU they are all humans and Muzan is his boss. I've never thought about the other upper moons but Muzan and Kokushibo knows about Hantengu's family (Tan and the kids). I did planned Kokushibo to be spying on the family but still havent made any reason why he does that.. But Muzan knowing about Hantengu's family played some part on why Hantengu keep abandoning Tan and the kids.. Some.. cause its mostly just Hantengu having problems with the kids lol
I did add some of the others here.. So far i made The Shinazugawa as Tan's neighbour... Mitsuri will show up later as her younger self to be Zou's friend. Zenitsu and Inosuke will be Tanjiro's friends.. in this AU Zenitsu owned a peach farm inherited from his Grandpa, Inosuke works there too.. Both of them met Tanjiro when they r visiting his village to supply peach (?)
I've thought about adding Kanao here too.. When Tanjiro's parents was still alive they arranged him to marry Kanao. Keep in mind this is omegaverse so Kanao is an Alpha and Tan is an Omega lol. They did the arranged meeting several times to get to know each other but when Tanjiro found out that he has to go to the city with her after the marriage he declined the offer. so they got a bittersweet ending lol
Also i did add Kyo here too lol because the story was supposed to end as Rntn in the end but now that i love HanTan too i scrapped this ending..
Kidnap AU
For the Kidnap AU, Tan was basically a "gift" from Muzan for Hantengu cause he brought Nezuko for him. so after absorbing Nezuko and gained immunity from the sunlight he sorta abandoned whats left of the uppermoon and went on his own way... the uppermoons had visit Hantengu's place to see Tanjiro tho, but they dont really do much.. Koku was just staring at him menacingly (cause of the earrings), douma being his annoying self and akaza mocking him i guess.. as for the others on Tan's side welp its not good for them :c Tan used to be optimistic that his friends and the corps will come to save him but his optimism got crushed after a certain event i will not discuss rn
Swap AU
with the Swap AU.. i only swap the hashira and the upper moons.. i didnt swap Muzan and Kagaya.. Kokushibo were also still the same.. currently ive swapped Douma, Akaza, Hantengu, and Gyutaro as hashira.. i did made all the hashira as demons.. but their roles r still wip lol. Daki was also swapped but she's not a Hashira.. she's Gyutaro's tsuguko... she doesn't like the implication but Gyu won't budge. Genya is still a demon slayer and still has his eating demon skill but he's now Hantengu's tsuguko. Zenitsu and Inosuke's faith is still wip.. idk if i should turn them into a demon or not lol im open for suggestions tho.. I've talked about this but Gyokko is Han's Swordsmith.. sorry to Gyokko fans but he's not a Hashira here 😔😔..
also HanTan's relationship in this AU was kept very secret only Han's Crow and Gyokko knew about their relationship. Although Kyojuro and Douma did find out about their relationship later on..
Kyojuro has a soft spot for Tanjiro so he did keep this under Muzan's radar so there haven't been any repercussions on demons side. Also for plot armor (lol) Tanjiro just like Nezuko managed to break their connection to Muzan thats how he managed to stay hidden. as for the Hashiras... i was planning to make Douma tattle to his fellow hashira about this and ambushed both Hantengu and Tanjiro but i haven't thought much about this.. i just wanna see Tan and Han suffer a bit ehehehe
Modern AU
In the modern AU Muzan and the uppermoons are his co-workers.. Muzan owned the company where Han works at.. Tan still has his friends Zenitsu, Inosuke and Genya... there's also Kyojuro, Tan's ex-boyfriend lol
as you can see the AU is pretty barebones.. mostly cause "hey i wanna see HanTan but this" so i focused more on those 2 than the outside factors orz although i will try to polish the AU stories.. in the mean time this is what i can tell to u guys.. leave more ask in my inbox tho it can help me think more about the AUs 🤣🤣
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meowsticmarvels · 1 year
hello. seeing as some of you liked the previous analysis here's the other one i did. not solely on radar but very radar-centric bc of the nature of this scene. anyways under the cut is an analysis of this scene: (copy and pasted from a twt thread)
OKAY you know what. ive already been crazy about this scene to multiple people already but i need to post this publicly. anyways thread abojt this scene GO i can say something about literally every line so that's what im going to do atp. "you'll never change"... this is a particularly interesting line to me for some reason because it doesnt Sound like something youd expect radar to say. not only does this immediately reveal that he Knows Stella but also implies she was pretty much the same in the past. also.
- once again this is not ooc for radar to say but unexpected based on what the player knows about him as a character up to this point
- this is what somehow gets stella to recognize him. even though she says he looked Familiar this is what makes her go Oh Yeah I Know You
"oh I thought I recognized you! you're the quitter who used to work on my inventory management team!" this is another particularly interesting to Me. for one it does give the backstory that he did quit himself - she didn't fire him or anything. quitting was radar's decision. whatever the circumstances were, though, stella seems to be clearly a bit resentful of it (or at the very least it stands out to her), enough to where she defines radar as a "quitter" and that's how she remembers him. notably, when she says this his expression quickly changes from kind of neutral to slightly frustrated which is. hm. whatever happened between them seems to have left them on bad terms as both radar and stella seem really. hostile
"do you two know eachother?" despite one of the main writers saying that radar's worked foe jesse for abojt a year, this has never come up. it's possible thag it was just Never Important, but it could also be that radar's trying to hide his past with champion city. which makes sense given how ashamed he seems when admitting he used to work for champion city. whatever happened between radar and stella is clearly kind of a sore subject it seems
"i don't know what he told you to get on this little 'team', but I don't think he even knows how to use a sword" see this also has a lot of relevance. the first clause kind of implies that stella thinks there's no way radar could have earned a place on the team of his own merits. like she thinks that he basically either had to manipulate, lie, beg, whatever - she doesn't think he's worthy of being there. and this is particularly interesting because earlier on in the episode radar specifically has to ask to go with them. like originally nobody considered bringing him.
and then she says "i don't think he even knows how to use a sword" which. i have said this before but mcsm seems to operate in a very survival oriented society so not knowing something like that is seen as like. Odd. essentially seeing radar as weak. and this was New information too so shes basically. exposing yhat fact to everyone else. and you can tell radar's ashamed of that fact too from how he reacts when she says that! he KNOWS he's not strong and that he doesn't know how to fight properly and is 100% aware of that fact, stella's just using that to what seems like get people to turn against him (???) or whatever. she's not talking to radar because he Knows this, she's telling jesse. idk what else to say about that really but its. hm
also "you don't know anything, stella, so zip it" again! unusually hostile from radar but like this and in later lines its clear he's trying to prove himself and overcompensate a bit
"ooh how do you put up with that little voice of his, jesse? i never could" not entirely sure what this means open to suggestions but twice she makes comments on how squeaky his voice is (later in the episode she calls it "shrill"). unsure what this means really
"not everyone needs to know how to swing a sword, stella - radar has a lot of his own skills" something abojt this option. even though radar's not physically strong he is fairly smart snd thats something Very intrgral to his character I Think.
"yeah! thanks jesse" almost came across as if radar was struggling to stand up for jimself. he's just like me fr
"can't wait to see 'em. ill call you if the admin needs to file anything" once again she views radar being unable to fight as a flaw that overrides his other abilities (...interesting considering she herself never directly fights shit really). like she's saying basically Oh yeah filing and organizing is the only thing youre good for!! like OKAY... not even going to go into on hownautistic coded radar is but like. lord
also the way he says "...i appreciate that" is a lot more like. idk how to describe it but his va delivers it in a much softer tone than when he thanks jesse a few seconds earlierniys like. hm idk "im not the person she thinks i am anymore. ive changed, and i can prove it" who is the person she thinks you are radar. not only is this alluding to his whole Yeah I Have To Overcompensate And Be Strong!!! thing but also he seems to want to impress jesse in particular
"i can be different. braver" girlie you do not have to change yourself for otber people.. do not like what this person picked for the final choice so analysis thread over. but as a general thing this is Really.interestinf and important to me and i wish this was expanded on more anyways. im normal now. original tweet thread here: https://twitter.com/rival_trevor/status/1683476048715849734?s=20
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yesterdayiwrote · 8 months
just saw your tags on the charles pr post and you are so right, george so needs a more competent pr team but i def think there has been a recent change. like the hair (literally might have given him sponserships) and the memes might have genuinely shifted something within the public perception of george, esp since it seems much more natural compared the so called "pr persona" people hated in 2022. all he absolutely needs right now is a good racing season with minimal contact with other cars (this is key i will not lie) and the ingredients are there to work with. like deadass if that happens there is chance to regain his williams era adoration (im not even being delulu bc uni has taught me that rebranding is incredibly effective if done well). tho imo i have no idea how competent mercedes are to utilise and strategise tho (they make too much of a mess every given chance). he needs someone else to correctly handle this.
I know there's been loads said about George's PR strategy going back years. I've always found it interesting because Charles is very 'pr', Lando, Lewis, Carlos... the list is endless, and yet its only ever really been George who seems to have really had their 'pr friendly' vibe viewed in such an overwhelmingly derogatory way. I've never really been able to put my finger on what it is, but that post does highlight how the slightest difference can make the tone change.
I don't think the hair is that powerful, although I think it's kind of... 'softened' his face slightly, given him more of a 'cute' vibe in a kind of foppish disney prince charming way? Then again I think people have always thought George was attractive they've just moved their attention from his body to his face?
I don't think things will ever go back to the days at Williams when everyone loved him. That was in part due to the underdog element and he was a lot more under the radar back then. I don't think he was hated in 2022, it's only really in 2023 that I've seen so much negativity thrown in his direction. We've tried to pick apart what exactly it is that causes people to hate him and honestly, I don't think we'll ever find an answer. It just... is what it is.
I think he could definitely stand to be more relatable though, but then again how relatable can you be when you're a millionaire racing driver? I think he sometimes looks too 'perfect' and I know that's something everyone falls into on sm, but sometimes I just kind of want to see him looking... dumb? He laughs at himself, he embraces the memes, but sometimes his pictures don't embrace his personality if that makes sense and that's a shame.
The Charles post pointed out about the photos of him falling over and if you think about Alex, Lando, even Lewis, they all post stuff that purposely doesn't show them at their best (whilst simultaneously being picture perfect) and I guess that's the reason that social media isn't easy, because you've got to strike that balance between aesthetic and humanity to really strike gold.
Idk, I'm not really in a position to tell him what to do, my IG game is non existent. I know he's said he's not using social media himself anymore, but then that's even more reason to have a great team managing that for him. Idk that Merc actually have much to do with it, but yeah, I feel like he could benefit from mixing it up a few times on there?
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mojaves · 2 years
eheheheheehee seb lore time. ive probably made this before but idk if anyone saw it so im using the opportunity now to be very annoying about him
he was with arasaka for many years. started off as just some sort of security, but then quickly also became an assassin. if they needed anyone threatening, persuading, torturing, killing discretely, they would use him.
but he was also an experiment to them - testing out new drugs and cyberware to see what would make him most efficient + easiest to control. he was very VERY unstable at first but they managed to balance it out by installing a chip in his brain that would control the release of the drugs/chemicals so he'd only be a killer when necessary bc otherwise everyone in his path Would be killed
a lot of years pass and he's beyond sick of it. so he chooses to leave. but they cant just let him go bc he has too much inside knowledge and who knows who he'll tell. so his boss gets cocky. tries to kill him. throws him out on the street. assumes he succeeded, only that didnt really work out bc the chip went haywire and just about kept him going long enough to get medical assistance - which is where the face cyberware comes from, bc his neck + vocal chords + jaw were all crushed, as well as his lower right leg so he's got a prosthetic below the knee. also has a voice modulator installed which makes him sound a little bit robotic which is big sexy in my own personal opinion.
all his experience at arasaka makes him realise he facking hates corpos and wants to get rid of as many of the bastards as possible, so he starts a gang. ex-corpos, all with a lot of inside experience on how exactly to deal with them, how to gather information, get in and out of theit facilities undetected, etc.
so that keeps going for a few years, and he remains under the radar for the most part. but then arasaka discovers he's still alive. and it's too dangerous to just. go and get him, bc he is still equipped with the cyberware they installed, and without proper maintanence who knows how it will perform. and they cant risk their own guys going after him, so they hire outside help - mercs and assassins who seem promising enough. all of which end up dead. apart from one. and who knows what will happen after that aha xx [me. i do]
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