#how to choose a car accident lawyer
whatsmycaseworth · 1 year
Explore the settlement procedure for auto accidents and gain valuable insights at What's My Case Worth. Learn how to choose a reliable car accident lawyer in California or find experienced attorneys in Texas and Nevada for your car accident case.
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armpirate · 3 months
Criminal jk
Humor jk
Rich jk
The female lawyer who need to babysitting jk so she can control for being stop at ex crimrnal
Can that be a hot and funny one show or whatever you choose?
Am always your number 1 fan
Well, I hope this was what you were asking for!
Devil's law || Jungkook
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pairing: RichCriminal!JK x fem!reader || Criminal x Lawyer
w.c.: 7.1k
Warnings: MINORS DNI. smut, explicit content, mention of drugs, female masturbation, oral sex, teasing, unprotected sex
Aprox. time of reading: 31 minutes
I don't give a fuck about you anyways
Whoever said I gave a shit 'bout you?
You looked at your phone, knowing that his name on it only meant bad news. Ever since your friend suggested you as his lawyer, your job became more meaningless. You went from being an upstanding lawyer, who hadn't lost a case in two years, to becoming a rich boys' babysitter only because he wasn't able to control his impulses.
Jeon Jungkook was the Antichrist made person, your biggest nightmare and, possibly, your karma for being Judas in your past life -because there was no other reason you'd deserve to go through all the headaches Jungkook had put you through in the two months you'd been working with him.
His case grabbed your attention when you were first offered the job to defend him. You hardly ever were on the wrong side of the story, but there was something in that job that kept pulling you in. It could be how his life seemed to be brought straight from a movie.
His charges went from being caught driving under the influence of drugs, exhibitionism, damage of public domain assets... even attempted murder against his father. You remember watching his story on the news, and just clicking your tongue and shaking your head at the exuberant confidence he radiated as he walked down the stairs out of court with a smirk on his face. And it was of no surprise. After he managed to prove he wasn't the one guilty of his father's death -even after he was proved, and admitted himself, he had been feeding his father poison for days-, he turned twenty million dollars richer. It was never proved his father's narcolepsy was due to the substances his son was giving him secretly, so they all decided to leave it as a death caused by the car accident he was in.
And after he managed to dodge all that -or pay his way through all the trials-, he ended up on house arrest after he was caught with his hands on tax fraud. It wasn't an easy trial. You remembered how hard you had to play for it to work out. The judge wanted to eat Jungkook alive, and he probably would if it hadn't been for you and your years of experience.
It was a promise of good money, with the easiest of the jobs you had to date. The only thing Jungkook had to do was to stay at home, behave, and just let those seven months pass.
Little did you know that man was a pain in the ass.
The first time your phone rang with a cop on the call, because his monitor beeped after he tried to leave his home, you could understand where it came from. It wasn't knew, it could've been something difficult to understand for him... But the sixth time the call made no sense. You could only sit back and see how he wasted money on paying those cops to turn a blind eye and ignore what he was caught doing.
You saved him from jail, but you weren't sure if that was what he wanted.
His smirk infuriated you. You drove through the rain and wind, worried about him getting in trouble, only for him to look peaceful and proud of having you there. Although the boil of your blood was only shown with a roll of eyes and a twist of your lips.
"Look who came to visit me, Bobby"
That sentence alone was the most surrealistic thing you had heard. Not even you knew the name of that cop, but Jungkook for sure did. He had to. It was the only way to gain the confidence and appeal to their corrupt side.
At first, Jungkook tried to escape -saving his ass by saying he wanted to visit a friend and he wasn't aware of the bracelet having to remain around his ankle-, he just wanted to outsmart everyone and be free. But when you showed up every single time after that single call, rushing inside his place while looking for him, it unlocked a new need he didn't know he had. You kept feeding his ego, making him feel important, due to your expression turning more concerned every time you crossed that door.
And your outfits didn't help either.
Those tight dresses hugging your curves, or those buggy shirts at the top that exposed some of your cleavage were driving him insane.
He was sure he was already going crazy inside those four walls, but you were only making it worse for him.
Your red leather bag was thrown lazily over the wide armchair that led the living room, strategically positioned between the entrance and the coffee table to mark the beginning of his living room.
"I thought I was clear the last time" you tilted your head, squinting your eyes in a failed attempt to intimidate him. "Is it that difficult for you to behave?".
"I told you last time not to leave me alone" he insisted.
Oh, right... that dumb idea he had of you living in his mansion.
You had enough going there whenever his monitor made the alarm jump, the last thing you wanted was to be looking after him as if he were a little kid unable to follow simple orders. Although, now that you were thinking about it, Jungkook was indeed a 5 year old inside of a playboy's body.
He hissed at the cop, whose eyes only moved away from him to sneak on the edge of your dress down your knee. The middle aged man was alarmed, quickly turning his head back to his ankle before he finally got up from the floor.
"I'm sorry" you mumbled.
"Sorry?" he scoffed, walking past you "This dude is making me rich. Every time I come here, I'm closer to buying a new car".
Those were his last words before he left you two alone again, with Jungkook's eyes possessively moving over your body, playing with his lip rings.
"Is it so bad for you to stay here?"
Your head fell back with your ironic laugh vibrating through your throat, unbelieving of that question making its way out of his lips as if it didn't have an obvious answer "I don't know if you're aware that I'm your lawyer, not your babysitter".
You wanted to say you had a life outside of your job, but that wasn't entirely true. You loved your job, to the point that it cost you several relationships -and some other friendships-, with your sexual life being a non-existent topic for months for you.
"I don't understand what I can or can't do with this thing on my ankle" he pointed at the bulky black device, with an intermittent red light, around his ankle ", but you do understand".
"Anyone would think you'd have a master degree on it after being explained so many times" your hands found a place on your hips.
"Are you saying I'm making it ring on purpose? That's a serious accusation" it was the way he faked to be offended by you, and how he smirked immediately after his own comment. "It was an idea" he shrugged.
His gasp sounded heavy when he got up from the couch, walking to you like a predator towards his prey. You were in his territory, but little did he know you weren't intimidated in the slightest.
"I'll pay 10k more" he suggested, making you chuckle with his idea. "I see... 20?".
"Whatever you pay, it's not gonna happen" you cut off any chances before they were even possible.
Jungkook stepped so close that you were sure you could smell his cologne by just breathing, feeling how it touched your brain with such care that you were convinced you were going to pass out while you struggled to keep your eyes on him.
His hand felt warm as he supported it on the backrest of the armchair, allowing himself to bend a little more towards you to leave your lips centimeters away from each other "What's not gonna happen?".
Instead of playing coy, or feeling lost at his words, you smirked back at him, mirroring his pose to only witness his smile going wider and more mischievous. Jungkook was a sexy man, there was no doubt about that. And soon enough after you started working for him, his surroundings didn't take long to find a way into your life, letting you know of all the rumors that surrounded him. You heard all the wrong, just a little of the good, and enough of the things that had you squirming in your bed just by imagining him doing them to you.
He was the type of man you'd spend a good night with -if only he wasn't your client.
"The only way to keep you still here is tying both of your hands somewhere so you don't move".
"Why don't you tie me up somewhere and make sure I don't move?".
"Good night, Jungkook" you moved away, holding onto your bag as if that would save you from losing yourself to him, while your feet tried to find a quick escape from the small espace his living room had become. "Behave, can you?".
"Are you leaving already?" he sounded sulky, pouting his lips while making his piercing stand out even more.
"Don't you see?"
"It's raining"
"You didn't think about that when you caused me to come here in the first place" your tone sounded annoyed.
"It wasn't raining as hard"
As much as you wanted to fight back, he was right. In a matter of minutes, you could hear the drops crashing violently against the big windows to the small parking lot in front of the facade. And, as much as his house was soundproof, the roaring of thunder still was heard as a background noise that made you jump unconsciously. Adding that it was two in the morning wasn't a good mix.
As much as you were still determined to leave, it seemed like the universe had other plans for you when the power went suddenly off.
"The power went off" Jungkook casually pointed out.
"Yeah, I see"
"Well, better said, you can't see" your eyes rolled with that joke, crossing your arms over your chest as you looked around, finding out that it was brighter outside with the casual lightning than inside. "Wait, does this mean it isn't working now?" Jungkook pointed at his ankle.
"It goes by GPS, and I guess you plug it daily, it's still working as if it would regularly".
It wasn't your problem, you weren't forced to stay. But something behind that question made your stomach squeak, knowing that you'd be forced back in a matter of minutes the moment you crossed the door.
"I thought these devices worked with..." his gestures among the darkness made you frown, only being able to see them waving in the air, "you know".
"Maybe twenty years ago. But you're tracked either way now" you sighed. "Can you light up the fire? As much as I like not seeing you, it's difficult to have a proper conversation like this".
Jungkook didn't fight to hide his victorious smile after your petition, walking among the darkness to the fireplace that led his leaving room to, at least, bring back some clarity in the area.
The dim lighting gave it a warm and intimate vibe, while casting flickering shadows around the room, working with the sound of rain and occasional thunder to make it, somehow, that type of aesthetic video you'd find on her Youtube feed to relax herself after a tough day at work, lying in her double bed, while ignoring the big mess her studio was. That atmosphere made Jungkook look even more attractive, while wearing his pair of baggy jeans and oversized t-shirt, that marked his hips whenever he turned enough to pick the firewood from the small basket at his left.
"Did you have a date?" he randomly asked as you approached his couch.
"Why?" you looked around, slowly sitting on the extreme of the plush sofa.
"It's two in the morning, you're looking hot as hell... I doubt you use that dress as a pajama" subtle dimples showed up on his cheeks with his smile, feeling deeper by the shadows.
"Yup, a date with thirty files I didn't have time to classify yet" you mumbled, leaving your bag at your right, over the armrest.
He was pleased with the answer, and he wasn't bothered to show it. His smile widened with your answer, and his body seemed more joyful as he got up from the floor to walk to where you were sitting.
"Do you want something to drink? Water? Wine?"
"I don't drink while I'm working" you stopped him before he could further suggest anything else.
"Well, technically, you aren't working" he tried to convince you. "You only came here because of the monitor, and it's solved. Now you're staying because of the rain, so let's say it's just a major event forcing you to stay".
You didn't confirm it because you knew it was impossible, but it almost seemed as if Jungkook had full control of his surroundings to give you where he wanted.
"A glass of wine will be fine" you finally agreed.
While looking around, you noticed the small details you had always ignored whenever you were there. Like the way the room featured a warm and cozy ambiance, primarily due to the large brick fireplace which serves as a focal point -and that was then lit up to illuminate you two-, and strategically combined with a floor that appeared to be hardwood, adding a touch of elegance and warmth -while being partially covered by a large, neutral-toned area rug. The room had the perfect balance of modern and rustic elements, creating a stylish yet comfortable living space ideal for relaxation -which was ironic, because that was the most nervous you had ever been.
His walk was confident, carrying the two glasses of wine before he sat next to you on the couch, so close that you could almost have your knees touching. You didn't move away though, thrilled by the tickles in your belly by the proximity.
"I'm not sure if I should drink this" you randomly commented when he passed you the drink.
"What I said on that trial was taken out of context" he tried to defend himself. "I said I had been feeding him pills so he wouldn't suffer, not that I was adding poison to everything he drank or ate. He knew about those pills, because they were part of his medication".
"Right... " you squinted your eyes, waiting for any signs on his body language that could give out more than what he was saying.
Choosing to play it safe, you left the drink back on the table, resting your hands on your crossed knees as you looked around.
"I don't know what's worse" he suddenly said. "Interrupting a date, or knowing you were still in the office".
"We both know you wouldn't feel bad about interrupting a date" you mumbled, letting a sided smile decorate your face.
"That's right" he didn't hide. "But I don't understand what you were doing stuck in the office, instead of going out".
"The legal sector is really competitive" you admitted, crashing a scoff before you took a sip of your drink. "Either you're born with money to buy your way to the top, or you work your ass off for it. And I'm clearly in the second group".
As much as you were in a stable position, and you earned your money, it wasn't always that way. The beginning was tough, you kept moving from one firm to another, earning as much experience as possible so you could live the way you were. Not only did you have to add double the effort, you also had to sacrifice a lot from your personal life, which majorly included those casual dates you managed to have in your uni days.
"I don't expect you to understand what that is though".
"Wow, that comment..."
"Is it a lie?"
"No, but I feel offended for some reason" you allowed yourself to giggle lowly.
"You were born with it, yet you still find a way to test life instead of just enjoying your privileges" and that was what pissed you off the most about him.
You were so harsh with him. And, for some reason, that attracted him even more to you, unaware of when he started moving forward to close the distance between you two enough to breathe each other's air.
"Well, it seems like testing life has given me the best of the chances".
His eyes shined with a spark that turned everything upside down in your head, mixing your needs with your own warnings, trying to fight how bad you actually wanted to kiss him when the lip ring was able to shine through the corner of your eye.
"Is that a line you usually use?" you fought back, lifting your eyebrow.
"I'm pretty good at that, but it's not the case this time" he admitted. "You truly drive me insane, Y/n. Ever since I saw you walk through that door to prepare for the trial the first time. I've been unable to get you out of my head" his voice sounded deep, while his eyes moved down your lips to go back to drown into your pupils. "You're one hell of a woman. Just imagining your hair being spread all over my pillows is enough to have me on a twist".
Your lip was unconsciously trapped under your teeth, holding back your breath when you imagined the scene after his words. Was it something you didn't think about before? No. But there was something in the tone of his voice, that had you pressing your thighs under the tight dress you were wearing.
"So you want me?" in an attempt to fake some control, you moved forward.
"Honey, if I answered that question, I'd have to prove it by humming it on your pussy. I'm a man of action, rather than words".
It was the first time you felt so wanted by someone, to the point of them opening up that way to confess how they felt about you. It was also the first time you felt your skin burning the way it was, desperate to take off your clothes to set you free from the blistering sensation.
It could be that all the time you had been alone played a big role in your decisions, it could be Jungkook was a hot man and you fell for his enchants. It could be a lot of things, yet you didn't mind either of them when you closed the distance to link your lips together.
His palm felt soft on your neck as he curled his fingers to pull you closer, parting his lips to suck your lower lip and pull from it in such a sensual way you thought you were melting on the spot.
No wonder there were so many stories about him all around. That man knew how to kiss.
Jungkook was surprised when you moved first, but he was completely gone when you took the initiative from him, tilting your head to slide the tip of your tongue inside his mouth. He couldn't control the groan that had been burning his throat ever since you first kissed him, feeling his eyebrows furrow and his muscles going completely tense with such a gentle rub.
"You're all I ever think about, honey" he mumbled against your lips, taking the chance to deepen the kiss when he trapped you again.
You pushed him against the couch, straddling his lap while pushing your hair away from your face to look at him in the eyes.
"Why don't you tell me what you think about?".
Your arms were on both sides of his head, your dress was lifted to your hips -enough to expose the black tongue you hid under the fabric-, yet the only thing you could care about was how hollow his voice sounded while he told all the dirty things he had imagined with you.
"You want me to be honest?"
"The most honest you can be"
Jungkook smirked when given the green light to set free all those thought he had kept as a secret ever since you crossed paths "Remember the first time you came here. You were wearing a white shirt, and a pencil skirt that molded to your body so good it made me jealous. When you started handing out that script for the trial, your cleavage showed off a bit" his groan interrupted his explanation, feeling dizzy for a second when you pressed your clothed pussy against his crotch. "I had never in my life dreamed of some tits I haven't even seen, but I promise I couldn't stop thinking about them. How hard your nipples would feel against my tongue, how tight they'd press around my cock, or how good they'd look while bouncing while I fucked you".
Your hips started rocking against his semi hard cock, feeling your juices leaking down your hole, only stopped by the thin fabric of your thong that kept getting soaked with each move you made.
"And your ass..." before he continued, his fingers dented on the skin of your ass cheeks, pressing them together as he helped you hump him. "I couldn't stop thinking of it jiggling while you rode me after I first saw you in court. I had to ask for your name and number after I saw you. Shit, I even had to send the blonde with the annoying voice to get you to work with me".
Your movements suddenly stopped, the blush on your cheeks slowly disappeared, and devastation took the main role in your features when you realized what happened there.
You didn't get that huge case because your resume was brilliant, but because you became part of the horny fantasy of a spoiled asshole who managed to get your friend to convince you. And it went deeper than that. The man in front of you went the lengths to find out who you were, learnt about your closest people and got you exactly what you wanted. You failed to follow your values, you were clumsy enough to almost go to bed with a client -when it was something you strictly forbid yourself to do-, and only because you allowed yourself to get fooled by his sweet words.
"Where are you going?" Jungkook was confused at the sudden change of opinion, watching you hopping off his body to place the skirt of your dress back to where it should have been the whole time, while walking away from the couch.
"This should've never happened" you assured him, walking to get your bag.
"But it has happened" he insisted, frowning at your denial.
"Don't touch me" you warned him, raising your index finger, before his hand could even approach your forearm to calm you down "I have a lot to think about".
Jungkook didn't insist, he knew when it was time to give someone their own space, and how distressed you were was a clear indicator of how that wasn't the time to put his needs over yours -mainly because it'd only do things worse for the two of you. He only saw you go, crashing your heels against the hardwood, until he heard nothing at all other than the door closing.
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His patience didn't last much though.
A day later your phone was overwhelmed by his calls, and several of his texts, which you could only fight to ignore as you tried to focus on your work. A failed attempt, because you could only think of him.
Your range of patience wasn't too wide either after a few days, with a dry and clear text that warned him how you were considering passing his case to one of your colleagues so your personal issues wouldn't get in the way of your work.
Unexpectedly, his calls and texts ended, he stopped insisting. Willing to respect her boundaries, he just moved away from her, aiming to maintain that professional relationship you said you wanted to have. It was her choice, and he wasn't going to force her into doing something you didn't want to do.
Yet, far from being relieved, you were left disappointed with his attitude. And that confused her even more. Before that night, you didn't see Jungkook as anything else but one more of the big range of clients you had, and you thought it'd go back to being like that after you ignored what happened that night. But Jungkook worked like a drug. One try, and you were completely hooked.
Your mind replayed that night in his house several times a day, the scenes of what could've been kept torturing you. Jeon Jungkook got control of all of your senses, and you weren't even trying to fight it back. You liked those thoughts, you liked the thrill the image of him caused.
And all of it annoyed you.
For the first time in months, you left work at time to go on dates, to get rid of the remains of his toxic details, only to come back home even more disappointed than before.
And that night was no exception.
You were looking at your phone, puckering your lips at the on going sex talk conversation you had going on, balked to realize it caused you nothing. His words didn't make your blood run through your veins, it didn't give you the rush Jungkook made you feel as you grinded on his pants... There was nothing.
Your fingers worked in automated mode, sending a pic in lingerie, thinking that would change the mood of the conversation to the one you were looking for, although you were left confused when the notification asked whether you were still there.
Double checking the chatrooms, you couldn't believe what you had just done.
The phone slipped your fingers towards the bed, as you covered your mouth in surprise of how out of yourself you were to do something like that.
Jungkook: I see you're finally aware you can't get away from me.
Not only was she clumsy enough to do that when she was supposed to pretend he didn't exist, she was grateful to have been that clumsy to cause that text from him -even if she was fighting the air while whining about it.
"What did you just do, dumbass?" you cried, covering your face with one of the plushy pillows that adorned the head of your bed.
It could've been something easy to ignore. It was just as easy as ignoring his texts again, and moving on with life as if that pic had never existed, but life was a big bitch to you when you needed the most to be treated nicely.
That same route you walked several times with superiority and professionalism was turned into a walk of shame, with your lips pressed against one another and your head hiding behind your locks with every step you took.
You were left confused when you saw Alan Jones engaged in an entertaining conversation with Jungkook. He was part of one of the direct competitors to your law firm and, more specifically, he was the person you confronted the most in court, unfortunately. He made your sweat go cold, knowing that the trial would be one of the hardest in your career because of how good he actually was.
And now you were seeing him laughing with one of your most important clients, who only offered a quick glance in your direction before he looked back at the suited man.
"Am I interrupting something?"
There you were again with one of your beautiful skirts, that time being a blue long pleated one, which you managed to combine with a simple white t-shirt. Even if you didn't want to, Jungkook was sure you were able to interrupt everything around you by just being present.
"No, we were actually waiting for you" Jungkook mentioned.
He silently led the way for you two, inviting you inside an improvised meeting room -that you could clearly tell it was meant for something else when you saw how off the setting looked compared to the rest of his house.
If you thought your blood was going to stop running when you saw Alan there, you confirmed it would when you saw your boss sitting in one of the extremes of the table.
"I'm holding this meeting, because I was considering working with Alan's law firm" Jungkook casually mentioned, as you took the free spot next to your boss. "That's my spot" he corrected Alan, who moved his body to the chair in front of your boss, so Jungkook could sit in front of you.
"And why's that?" you dared to ask.
"He came to me with a good offer" Jungkook shrugged.
"It'd have been great if you had told me before calling me for this meeting" you hissed, trying your best not to jump over the table to kill him.
"You've been so busy lately, I wasn't sure you'd be able to pick up my calls"
Your jaw was clenched tight after that comment, knowing of all the second meanings behind it.
"Why the change?" your boss rushed to ask. "Aren't you happy with Y/n?".
Your body jumped when you felt the tip of his shoe moving up your shin, lifting your skirt on the way while he reached your inner thigh. "I was really happy with Y/n" you gulped thick when he only teased you, moving his feet everywhere but the place where you wanted him, "but, as you know, this is a relationship of two".
After dragging your chair closer to the table to hide what was going on underneath, both of your elbows took a defensive spot on your side of the table, using your hands to cover your lips. There was a moment you went momentarily deaf when the tip of his shoe caressed you over your panties, making those known shiverings run over your body violently.
"Are you okay?" Alan managed to ask, aware of the weak blush that was starting to tint your cheeks.
"Shocked. I'm shocked" your thumb moved over your lip, before you hid your mouth again. "What made you believe I wasn't happy with your case?".
Careful not to hit your boss with your knees, your legs spread, earning a smirk from him. Adopting a confident pose, he sank his body deeper on the chair to be able to reach further, pressing his sneaker on your clit.
"I didn't see you comfortable".
It pissed you off to see him so relaxed and calm, while you were struggling to keep your shit together with every rub of his feet on your button. You could get caught, you knew that could cost you your career, yet you still played along because you liked how good it felt, you liked seeing how proud he looked when he noticed how slick your underwear was becoming.
His explanations turned into a simple move of lips, and the response from your boss was a blank noise that couldn't distract you from the knot slowly forming in your belly.
"Can we speak in private" you interrupted, before it could grow any more.
His movements stopped, and Jungkook went back to his initial pose, lifting his hands in resignation while you hurriedly got up after fixing your skirt. The other two men in that room were expecting you to either give up or insist on keeping that client, but Jungkook knew where that conversation would go as soon as that door closed.
"I thought you said you were going to respect my decision" you mentioned in a low tone. "So your solution is to call that asshole to replace me? And what's this meeting for, huh?"
"I was going to respect your decision, but then you sent that pic..." he quickly defended himself. "And since I doubt you sent it to confuse me or make me jealous, it clearly was for someone else. And I can't tolerate that" he twisted his jaw, finally getting up from his place. "It better have been a pic for me only and not for another person".
"It better had been?" you scoffed. "Who the fuck you think you're talking to?"
"Last time I sent you anything was six days ago" he slowly pointed out, "so it's a bit difficult you accidentally sent that pic to me if it was meant for someone else".
"It was a mistake".
"Is that the only word in your vocabulary?"
"When it comes to you, yes" you challenged him.
It was a mistake from you ever thinking you'd have any control on a situation that involved Jungkook. His aura was way bigger, those were calm waters for him, and he knew it, it was all over his body language and the way he looked down at you.
"Be honest with me, alright?" the way he pinched your chin to look up at him almost made your legs turn to jelly. "How did that pic end up on my phone?".
It was unfair how he was using the techniques you used in court against you, manipulating you with his insistent gaze.
"It was a picture for someone else" you admitted. "I didn't send it to him though. I ended up on your chat, and I don't know why I thought I was on his chat instead".
"You wanna know what I think?" his lip ring bulged out when he pressed his lips together. "You wanted me to see that picture. You wanted to admit you want me as bad as I do, yet you're so proud and stubborn you'd rather die waiting than correcting yourself" the truth in his words made you even more nervous.
"Jungkook, this can't happen... I..."
Your words got stuck in your throat when he trapped your mouth violently, sucking your upper lip first, and then moving onto the lower one. He moved, and you just followed. You walked blindly wherever he guided you, until your lower back hit the edge of the table.
"I'll fuck you into realizing you're only mine" he roughly said when he broke the kiss. "And, why not, let me fuck that pride out of you as well".
"My boss it's outside" you tried to stop him when his hands sneaked under your skirt.
"Then I'll need you to be really quiet".
His smirk was so addictive, that you were willing to do anything he asked you right there. The fabric of your panties slid down your legs, with the cold breeze hitting your core and making you squirm at the contrast.
Jungkook was attractive every day, his sex appeal radiated through each one of his pores, but that day he was at his peak. He knew what he wanted, he knew how he wanted it. He wanted you, on that desk, and you were going to give it to him.
His cock twitched under his boxers when he took your panties to his nose to be intoxicated by your smell, and you didn't know how to react to the way your body squeaked at the sight of his eyes turning black after that.
Your skirt was lifted over your pelvis, sticking it to your body as much as possible when Jungkook sank to his knees in front of you, turning your spine into boiling grit when the tip of his tongue pushed your swollen button with a groan. And that one was followed by another one, and another one, and another one... until you tried to move his face away from you, only for Jungkook to stick your wrist to your thigh.
"Ask nicely, and I might do it".
You tried to fight it. It was a challenge. You only had to wait for Jungkook to get tired of only sliding his tongue up and down your folds, and twirling carefully the tip around your clit. But you also weren't good at remaining patient and dealing with the nervousness it caused you to know there were two people outside.
"Jungkook, please" you tried to stop him.
"Please, what?".
"Fuck me".
"That's not enough" his lips twisted, not completely convinced with your words.
Grabbing him by the collar of his gray t-shirt, you forced him up at the level of your face, making sure he was looking at you in the eye while you spoke.
"Jungkook, fuck me right now" you demanded. "Because, if you don't fuck me here, I'll be the one fucking you on one of those chairs".
After his jeans and boxers were wrapped around his ankles, he slid his tip through your folds, feeling your warmth and wetness welcoming him, while your feet were resting at the edge of the table.
Jungkook was gentle and careful on his first thrust. First, letting his thick tip break into you, followed by the rest of his length until he was balls deep in you. And it sure felt better than he imagined, feeling in paradise when you wrapped around him tight, swallowing him in.
All your hair in your body raised as he invaded you inch by inch, feeling the fullest you had been in months, feeling the most wanted you had ever felt in years when your eyes met before he started moving again.
His big hands grabbed your thighs, spreading them a bit more and raising them up enough to leave your feet hanging in the air, completely in control of what he wanted to do with you, before he started pounding in and out of you with a, almost, relaxing movement.
"Honey, just for keeping your pussy away from me for so long I should be fucking you so rough and loud that you aren't able to keep your shit together".
And you knew Jungkook was able to do something like that.
"But I'll be a good boy for you, hmm?" you could only nod senselessly, not knowing exactly what you were agreeing on. "Just like you're being a good girl for me".
Your teeth were clenched tight when his thrusts were calm, yet so deep and harsh that you could feel your whole body bounce and move a few centimeters away, before he dragged you back to the initial position.
"You have no fucking idea of everything I will do to you now that you're mine" he promised under his breath.
"Any weird fantasy I should be scared of?" you tried to sound confident, but your shaky breathing exposed how rushed you actually felt.
"I'm spending twenty four hours inside this place. Every single day I come up with a new way to have you" he bent down to rub his lips against yours. "This is just one of them".
His thrusts changed the speed immediately after, changing the position of your legs to place them over his shoulders, hitting you deeper and strategically better when he angled his hips, rocking his tip against that rough spot that had your toes curling inside your stiletto. In that same position, you also managed to find a way to press your thighs enough to cause some friction on your clit, losing control of your body, throwing your head back and closing your eyes as the moan was burning your throat like lava.
As you held onto the neck of his t-shirt, Jungkook found a way to keep you quiet so you wouldn't have to struggle. The dorsal of his left hand blocked those moans from coming out. At first you were able to control yourself, only sucking on his hand while your watery eyes looked at him through your lashes. But as your orgasm was approaching you, the little control you had over your body disappeared, biting onto his thin skin to keep all those moans and whines only for you two.
As much as he'd have loved to hear your moans, he loved how expressive you turned while being forced to stay quiet. Pleasure was on each corner of your face, present on every feature; you showed him how good he was making you feel.
The continuous muffled moans, the tight clench you had around him, and how your eyes kept alerting him prepared him for your climax, keeping the speed just to take you there, and follow right after you when you gulped him in like you never wanted him to leave, at the same time your eyes went completely blank.
He spilled on you, painting your walls with his seed to let you know you belonged to him. As much as you fought it, there was no escape from what happened. Your days of running away were over.
While you tried to recompose, Jungkook put your panties back on, securing his load where it was before he helped you down the table. He knew you'd feel it leak out , he knew your head would only replay what just had happened, and he was sure it'd only lead to you wanting more.
He was going to deal with it either way. There was no point of rushing it, because you'd probably find out as the meeting went on and you could only fight a way to find the right posture until it ended.
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You woke up in his bed, with the sheets barely covering your naked body while your head was sunk in his pillows. Ever since that day, you kept scolding yourself for fighting against what you wanted. Jungkook was the best experience you had ever had. He was sexy, but he was also attentive and sweet when you needed it. He was funny and entertaining. He was a man who knew how to keep people hooked.
You frowned when you noticed something strange around your ankle, feeling it bulky and rough, and cold, when you moved your tip toes over it.
It couldn't be...
Your heart almost dropped to your feet when you saw that red light inside the monitor, making you wonder how the hell he managed to place it there. And, when you unlocked your phone and read his texts, you could make a lot of sense out of it.
Jungkook: It'll be only for a few hours. I needed to get out of there for a few hours.
Jungkook: But it should also work as a punishment for flirting with that attorney in court, when your attention should've been only on me. Especially since the trial was ABOUT ME.
Jungkook: I'll be back before two.
You couldn't believe what you were reading. But one thing was for sure: you were going to kill him as soon as he set foot back in his house. 
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minispidey · 1 year
02: Barbie and the Giftshopist.
Steven Grant x f!bimbo!reader. previous part. series masterlist. next part.
02. He's just Steven (and Marc, and Jake)
a/n: i'm not like fully knowledgeable of DID but i did some research! if u guys can give me some tips/ point out my mistakes, i'd be happy to hear it and edit. i just really do need some help 🙏🏻 i've never written a system before and i'd love to hear some advice
(series tags are open!) tags: @3zae-zae3
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"Morning, Stevie!" you started calling him Stevie not even a week after you moved in. Sure, he hates it when Donna calls him that, but god did it sound so beautiful when you say it.
You two walk out at the same time everyday, bothered by some of the sellers on the street blocking the door "Excuse us." you say as they made way for you and Steven. A vintage pink corvette was your way of transportation while Steven chooses the bus, but you weren't in a rush today "Stevie! I'll give you a ride. Get in."
Steven blushed, shaking his head "No no, it's fine, love." hearing him call you love made you accidentally kick your leg up. You stared confused at your leg before turning your head towards Steven again "Come on." you pouted.
"I'm serious— oh, bollocks." he drops his keys by accident "I'm alright."
You drove by his side slowly "Stevieee get in. I'm not letting you take the bus when I have a car."
"It's just-"
"Is it because it's pink?"
"No! No, not at all. I don't want to be a bother, that's all." he sighed.
"Steven. Get in." you pull down your sunglasses "I'm not taking a no for an answer."
"Yes, ma'am." seeing you so serious had him flustered. Maybe it's a weird kink he developed after knowing you were a lawyer.
He sat in the passenger's seat and buckled his seatbelt. You smiled at him before fixing your sunglasses "Okay! First stop, the museum."
Steven knew everyone's going to stare at your pink car. He just never expected so many people turning their heads towards you too. You were beautiful and radiated beauty and sunshine, you were an attention grabber.
He just imagines you in all pink in your firm, in a room filled with blue and black suits. He thought it was cute.
"Do you have like, a license? You can take my car on my days off."
"You don't have to." Steven shook his head "Really, you're too kind."
"It's alright! Whatever makes your life easier." you flashed him one of your bright smiles "I can drop you off every day if you wanna. I'm not as busy anyways."
"Take the offer, Steven. Beats having to cramp in every day." Marc says from the reflection of the right side mirror. Steven shook his head before turning towards you "It's fine, love."
"Come on. Rent's hell. Let me save you some commute money, okay? I may be fashionable, but I can be such a cheapskate-" the car comes to a sudden halt as you snap your head towards a shop window. Steven was pushed forward but thankfully held by the seatbelt "What's wrong?" he breathed out.
"What time do you have to go to work?"
"Before ten. Why?"
"It's eight. Do you mind making a short stop with me?"
Shop assistants surrounded you as you worked your magic "Ooh, and this one. Do you have it in pink?" you giggled as you slipped on another heel "Okay so like, the trick is to ignore the assistants." you whisper to Steven "They'll sell you anything in full price. Head straight to the expensive ones before slowly going to the ones on sale."
Steven nodded as he listened to the advice you gave. He felt a bit nervous as you spoke to the shop assistants, you seemed so confident as well. In contrast, Steven felt fairly awkward and he was just observing how you interacted with the people around you.
He was very intrigued by the way you were trying on shoes, the way you were talking about it with the shop staff— he couldn't explain what exactly it was that he found attractive about you, and it was slightly annoying him.
"Chica está loca..." Steven looks at the full-length mirror, Jake was staring right back at him. He raises an eyebrow at Jake "She's crazy. I've never met a girl who wears so much... pink."
Steven was about to talk back when you pull him to the counter, swiping your card and taking your shopping bags "Okay, so like, I got fourty percent off. I have a loyalty voucher." you two made your way back to your car, stuffing your bags in the back "Thanks for coming with me, Stevie. Well, you didn't have a choice anyways."
"It's alright, really. It was... fun." he smiled at you, getting inside the car "Never really shopped with anyone before."
"Really? Not even with friends?"
"Don't have any."
"Aw, how come? You're so fun to be with."
Steven's heart skipped a beat. He stared at you with bright eyes as you drove. He felt his face heat up. When he turns his head to face the side mirror, he finds Marc judging him.
"You've just met her, huh?"
"Shut it..." Steven mumbled under his breath, looking away from the mirror. He watched you, still smiling as you drove. It was like you weren't real, like you were too good to be true. If he had known years ago a woman like you existed, he would've searched for you everywhere. But you landed right outside his flat.
"I don't think I can pick you up after your work, training interns and all." you stopped near the steps "I'll see you later, Stevie."
"You don't have to, it's really okay." he blushed "I'll see you around, love." he got out of your car, looking back at you as he walked up the steps. You pushed your sunglasses down and waved back before driving away.
After an exhausting day, you drove back at 1 am. You shoved your files in the back seat with your shopping bags and rested your face, your signature smile falling from fatigue.
The streets of London were quiet, only the crickets' mating call filling the cold air. You rub your eyes, some of your mascara rubbing off "So tired..." you sighed as you turned the car to the right.
Though your sleepiness immediately went away when you spot a ridiculous ugly-patterned shirt. It was Steven walking back.
"This late?" you whispered to yourself. You sped up a bit to catch up with him "Stevie!" your cheery voice halted the quiet night.
His head turned towards you, a scowl displayed on his face. Though his eyebrows softened upon realizing it was you.
"Don't they have buses out late? You poor thing. Get in." you smiled as you unlocked your car, allowing him to enter.
"I should've totally given you my number. If I only knew you'd be out late like me I would've picked you up." you let out a yawn before continuing "I'm not that busy, I swear. Like, I'm a lawyer but I know how to manage my time."
As you went on and on, Steven just sat there and listened to you.
You parked your car and stepped out, trying to get all your shopping bags in one go. But Steven stepped in and helped "Aw, Stevie, thanks so much!" Steven looked exhausted too.
You talked more in the elevator, detailing how frustrating your day was at your firm before walking to your doors.
"-and he was like no and I was like totes! And he was like noooo and I was like, definitely!" you giggled "Whoever said orange is the new pink is totally disturbed."
You unlocked your door and let Steven in to set your bags down. He went to step out afterwards when you pulled on his sleeve "Thanks so much again, Stevie. You are like, too good to me. We should totally shop again some other time! Goodnight!" you placed a kiss on his cheek before closing your door.
He froze in place, staring at your door before unlocking his own door and getting in. He breathed in the cold air before walking to his fish tank, feeding the two fishes before his vision focused, looking at his reflection on the glass.
"Marc! What was that?!"
Marc looked back at Steven "It's nothing."
"Back off. I really like her, okay? There. I said it."
"You kissed my wife and your crush kissed me on the cheek."
"I said I was sorry."
Jake spoke up, appearing from a small mirror "You like her? Dios mío, that woman wears a lot of pink. What is it about her? Is it because of the car? I have a limousine."
"No! She's- she's really nice."
"Be more specific, amigo. Nice isn't how you like someone."
"Enough." Marc shakes his head "Steven, if you like her then go ahead. But just don't get attached."
"What do you mean?"
"I have Layla— we have Layla. I'm married to her. You can have a crush on your little neighbor, sure, but it's not like you can date her."
"Marc... come on, I have my own life... we have our own lives. What if I decide I want to date her? What if I really really like her, you know?"
"I don't know." he sighed, scratching his eyebrow "It's gonna be complicated, you know that."
Steven let out a sigh, looking down "I-I know... but I just... I just really like her."
Jake on the other hand was deep in this own thoughts. Marc heads to bed when Jake fronts, taking over the body. He cracks his neck before walking out and knocking on your door.
You were just about to take off your makeup when you head his knock. Your fluffy pink slippers squeaked as you made your way to the door, opening it "Stevie? Did you miss me already?" you giggled.
"Do you want to go out with me?" Jake put on his best performance, speaking in a kind of shy British accent.
"Out? Like, a date?" you blinked twice.
Jake understood now. He saw the way your eyes sparkled and your blinding smile "Oh my gosh, yes!" you squealed before covering your mouth, looking side to side across the halls, worried you might've woken up your neighbors "Yes. Let's go out. Uh, maybe lunch? I'm free."
"That's alright with me." he nodded.
"Alright." you couldn't help but smile like a fool "Goodnight, Stevie."
After closing your door, you silently screamed, jumping up and down in excitement. Your exhaustion suddenly disappears as you start planning out your outfit for the morning.
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pasquey · 1 year
Aziraphale's Choice, or: Activist Infighting
As we were going through the last minutes of season 2 of Good Omens, I looked at my partner and said, "Activist infighting." It was the best encapsulation I had for what seemed at the base of the Aziraphale-Crowley conflict, or at least a large portion of it.
There's been a lot of great analysis on what Heaven means emotionally to Crowley and Aziraphale, how it shows a toxic family dynamic. But the activist angle has been much less explored. It goes like this: for the entire series so far, we've seen how the policies of Heaven sometimes actively harm people and frequently actively prevent them from being helped. Aziraphale has seen this for thousands of years. Suddenly he's given the option of being given enough power within the system to make major changes - heck, we've never heard of any demons being allowed back into Heaven before, and he's immediately given the option of doing so! This isn't fake power, this isn't a figurehead, a joke; this is something that begins with a major concession and that could lead to even more positive changes if Aziraphale plays his cards right.
Or maybe it is a joke. Maybe it's a trap. Maybe they don't intend on giving Aziraphale real power. But they would still, even in that scenario, be giving him information. The only reason the original Armageddon failed to happen is because Crowley had the right connections in Hell to be the one who brought Adam to the hospital. Adam's baby swap was an accident, but one that he was in a position to do intentionally. The process of raising Warlock to hopefully not end the world also depended on Crowley and Aziraphale being in positions where they knew who Warlock was and where to find him. When used correctly, information is its own form of power.
Living a quiet life in a bookshop is nice until the world explodes around you; even if Aziraphale didn't expect the Second Coming to be so soon, he's immortal and knew he would be alive to see it whenever it happened. And unlike Crowley, Aziraphale isn't willing to go off and live on Alpha Centauri with only a single companion. He wants to save the world.
And Heaven offers him a way to. A chance to change how Heaven operates. Even if Aziraphale couldn't tear down the whole system there, he could make progress. Yes, by working with a bunch of assholes with a bad history. Yes, by making compromises. But for the people he could help, it would be worth it.
Aziraphale didn't choose Heaven over Earth. Aziraphale made the choice to go where he could help Earth the most, even if it involved sacrificing the life he'd built there. It was a choice made out of love.
(While Crowley chose the other kind of activism. Crowley says "why vote? both sides are the same anyways. why run for office? you'll never get elected. anyone who tries to make incremental progress is a corporate shill." He's great at helping the person directly in front of him, but when it comes to wider society, he's given up. He has his reasons, of course. But it doesn't escape me that he's still ready to cut and run away from Earth at any moment. He thinks it's romantic for Gabriel and Beelzebub to run off to Alpha Centauri together. Rather than putting down roots, his plants live in his car.)
And yes, Aziraphale has many emotional reasons to hope Heaven can improve. But it's also practical. We've seen how much time he spent trying to hide his good deeds from Gabriel; at least Muriel will be able to be more blatant with hers when he's boss. He can always go back to Earth if it fails, but this offer to change Heaven won't come twice.
And of course he wanted to take Crowley with. Finally, a chance to work together without it being a secret! Think of everything they could accomplish! Heaven admitted they were right all along, and now instead of high wire rules-lawyering, they get to make the rules!
Crowley doesn't trust that. Crowley's not touching that. Work with corrupt people and you'll become corrupted; better to stay as far from it all as possible. The system won't ever change. It's the bandstand fight all over again: try to change a corrupt system or get out.
But that's activist infighting for you.
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alabamaworkerscomp · 4 months
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In the bustling city of Huntsville, Alabama, the roadways are always busy with vehicles commuting to and fro. Unfortunately, with this constant flow of traffic, car accidents are inevitable. Whether it's a minor fender-bender or a serious collision, being involved in a car accident can be a traumatic experience, both physically and emotionally. In such challenging times, seeking the assistance of a skilled car accident attorney in Huntsville, AL can make all the difference.
1. Legal Expertise:
Navigating the complexities of car accident laws and insurance claims can be overwhelming for anyone unfamiliar with the legal system. This is where a car accident attorney steps in. With their in-depth knowledge and expertise in handling similar cases, they can provide invaluable guidance throughout the legal process.
2. Protection of Rights:
After a car accident, insurance companies may try to minimize payouts or deny claims altogether. A car accident attorney acts as a staunch advocate for their clients, ensuring that their rights are protected and that they receive the compensation they rightfully deserve.
3. Investigation and Evidence Gathering:
Proving liability in a car accident case often requires thorough investigation and gathering of evidence. From obtaining police reports to interviewing witnesses and collecting medical records, a car accident attorney has the resources and experience to build a strong case on behalf of their clients.
4. Negotiation Skills:
Many car accident cases are settled through negotiation rather than going to trial. A skilled car accident attorney knows how to negotiate effectively with insurance companies to secure a fair settlement that covers medical expenses, lost wages, and other damages.
5. Litigation Representation:
In cases where a settlement cannot be reached, having a car accident attorney who is prepared to take the case to court is essential. With their litigation experience, they can effectively represent their clients in front of a judge and jury, fighting vigorously for their rights.
6. Peace of Mind:
Dealing with the aftermath of a car accident can be incredibly stressful. By entrusting their case to a reputable car accident attorney, clients can have peace of mind knowing that their legal matters are in capable hands, allowing them to focus on their recovery.
7. Cost-Effective Solutions:
Contrary to popular belief, hiring a car accident attorney is often more cost-effective in the long run. Many attorneys work on a contingency fee basis, meaning they only get paid if they win the case. This eliminates the financial burden on clients while incentivizing attorneys to achieve the best possible outcome.
8. Local Knowledge:
Choosing a car accident attorney who is familiar with the local laws and court system in Huntsville, AL, can be advantageous. They understand the unique nuances of practicing law in the area and can leverage this knowledge to benefit their clients.
In conclusion, hiring a car accident attorney in Huntsville, AL, is not only advisable but also crucial for anyone who has been injured in a car accident. From providing legal expertise and protection of rights to negotiating settlements and representing clients in court, a car accident attorney plays a pivotal role in ensuring that justice is served. If you or a loved one has been involved in a car accident, don't hesitate to contact us for expert legal assistance.
Contact us today for a free consultation and let us help you navigate through this challenging time.
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How to Navigate the Aftermath of a Car Accident in St. Louis
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If you've been involved in a car collision in St. Louis, finding the right support is crucial. A St. Louis car accident lawyer can be your ally, guiding you through the legal maze that follows an accident. With over 25 years of experience in handling car accident cases, The Hoffmann Law Firm is equipped to help you navigate these challenging times with expertise and compassion.
Understanding Car Accident Claims in St. Louis
Navigating the aftermath of a car accident in St. Louis involves more than just dealing with the immediate damages. It's about ensuring your rights are upheld and that you're fairly compensated for any losses. Here's what you need to know:
The Importance of Immediate Actions
The steps you take immediately after an accident can significantly influence your legal claim. Consider these actions:
Safety First: Prioritize everyone's safety and call for emergency services if necessary.
Report the Accident: Inform the police to obtain an official accident report.
Document Everything: Capture photos, gather witness contacts, and document the accident scene.
Seek Medical Attention: Some injuries might not be immediately visible; it's crucial to get checked.
Dealing with Insurance Companies
It's common for insurance companies to propose settlements swiftly, but accepting these without consulting a St. Louis car accident lawyer could lead to inadequate compensation. The Hoffmann Law Firm can ensure you're not undervaluing your claim.
Common Questions After a Car Accident
When Should I Contact a St. Louis Car Accident Lawyer?
Getting in touch with a lawyer promptly after an accident is advisable. They can offer early legal advice and help safeguard your rights.
Can I Claim Compensation if the Accident Was Partially My Fault?
Under Missouri's comparative fault rules, you might still be eligible for compensation even if you're partly at fault, although it may reduce the total compensation amount.
How Long Do I Have to File a Claim?
Missouri has a statute of limitations for car accident claims, generally giving you five years from the accident date to file. However, quicker action is always recommended.
Why Choose The Hoffmann Law Firm?
Choosing The Hoffmann Law Firm means opting for a St. Louis car accident lawyer with over 25 years of specialized experience. We're committed to guiding you through every step, ensuring fair compensation for your losses.
If you or someone close has experienced a car accident in St. Louis, contact The Hoffmann Law Firm for a free consultation. Let us stand by your side, ensuring your rights and future are securely protected. Call (314) 361-4242 for a free case evaluation.
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jinxquickfoot · 1 year
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@badthingshappenbingo prompt: Distress Call
Find the fic on Ao3
“Kate, for the last time, we are not building a boomerang arrow.”
“How do you fail to see the genius of this idea? Half of what we do is find our trick arrows, or build new trick arrows, because we lost our trick arrows. If we had boomerang arrows—”
“We would spend even more time than we do in the ER.”
“But I drew up designs!”
Clint reluctantly peers at the haphazard scribbles on what looks like a front page torn out of a book, but is saved from making a comment when his phone rings. “Duty calls.”
“No, you are not tabling this discussion again, how many times do I have to tell you that—” Kate breaks off as she sees the name on Clint’s caller ID. “No way. The Incredible Hulk is not calling you right now.”
“He prefers Bruce.”
“So you do talk to other Avengers.”
“Then explain, Barton, why you haven’t introduced me to—” Her expression turns indignant when Clint holds up a finger as he answers the phone. “Come on, just let me say hi, I swear I’ll—”
“Clint, I need your help.”
Kate halts mid-sentence when she sees the expression change on Clint’s face, already moving to get her bow as she mouths, “Mission?”
“Mission?” Clint repeats into the phone. He doesn’t exactly have access to a quinjet anymore, but he can probably call in some favors to at least a private jet to California and—
“No, nothing like that.”
Clint gestures for Kate to put the bow down before retreating up into the loft bedroom. “Talk to me.”
“It’s Jen.”
“Your cousin?”
“She…” Bruce’s voice cracks. “She was in a car accident. It’s bad, Clint. Really, really bad.”
Clint exhales as he perches on the edge of Kate’s bed, still mapping out roots to LA. “I could be there in a few hours.”
“That’s…” Bruce clears his throat, and Clint can practically see him removing his glasses to wipe a hand over his face. “Thank you. But that’s not what I need.”
“You just want to talk? I can do that.”
“Talk, yes. But also… I need to ask you something.”
“Fire away.”
“Jen, she… she’s going to die, Clint.”
Clint feels his chest clench, recalling turning his back on his family for the briefest of seconds, only to find piles of dust where they had once stood. “Bruce, I’m so sorry.”
“I can stop it.”
It isn’t hard to guess what Bruce means. “Ah.”
“Yeah, ah. I could do a blood transfusion. It would kill anyone else, but as Jen and I are related, it should work. With side effects.”
Clint flops back on the bed, the magnitude of that hitting him. “Yeah, that’s a crappy choice.”
“Jen’s unconscious so I can’t ask her. She doesn’t even get a say. And I know if I were in her position… look, I know the Other Guy has done a lot of good for the world, and I’ve done the work to come to terms with him, but I still know what I’d choose.”
Clint lets his eyes fall closed. He wasn’t there that fateful day when Bruce had admitted that he had gotten so low that he’d tried to end everything with a bullet, but it was in his SHIELD file. A lot of details were in Bruce’s SHIELD file that Clint had wished he hadn’t read, not before actually getting to know the man.
“Jen’s not you,” Clint reminds him. “And this isn’t 2011. People with abilities are accepted now. People get Hulk-themed birthday cakes. She’s not going to be hunted down like you were, Bruce.”
“Maybe not right now. But there are always going to be people like Ross who want that kind of power in their pocket.”
“Then we’ll protect her. And teach her to protect herself. She’s a lawyer in Los Angeles, that already makes her as tough as any Avenger.”
“A lawyer, exactly. She has a life. I’m contemplating ruining all of that. Nothing is going to ever be the same for her if I make her like me.”
“She’s not going to have a life at all if you don’t,” Clint points out.
He hears a heavy breath over the phone line. “I wouldn't want it.”
Clint bites his lip, recalling that dreaded SHIELD file. “Yes, but… Jen’s not like you, right?”
“How do you mean?”
“Well, her family—her parents. They’re not like your dad, right?”
A nasty pause before Bruce answers. “No. Morris and Elaine are good people. Tried to get custody of me at one point. There’s a reason my dad kept me away from them.”
“Right. And you know that she’s not going to be hunted for having powers, like you were. She might not even have an… Other Woman.” Clint’s aware he’s treading on dangerous territory now. He’s never actually discussed that file with Bruce face-to-face. “You know the SHIELD specialists marked you down as having Dissociative Identity Disorder.”
“So I’ve heard,” Bruce replies, the words bitter. “It’s not entirely incorrect.”
“Right. So Jen had a normal childhood, and she can explore her Hulk-side safely without another Ross tracking her, and she’ll have you there to guide her through it. She won’t have to figure it all out on her own like you did.”
“That’s… all true. I could take her out to the house Tony and I built in Mexico. No one should bother us out there.” A few short, sharp breaths. “Okay. I, um, I have to give the blood now, or it’s going to be too late.”
“I’ll keep my phone close,” Clint offers. “You can call me back after it’s done.”
“Thanks, Clint,” Bruce says softly. “You’re a good friend.”
“Any time. Good luck. And enjoy the beach house. Tony would be glad to know you’re putting it to use.”
“He would,” Bruce agrees, and there’s no mistaking the sadness in his voice. The sting of their lost team members had grown easier to bear over time, but it would never truly fade. “When Jen’s ready, I should introduce you two. Think you’d get along.”
“As long as I can bring Kate, so she can stop bugging me about meeting Avengers.” Clint smiles, thinking of his partner one floor below him. “She’s excited to meet one Hulk. It’s going to make her day when she learns that she gets to meet two."
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roberrtphilip · 1 year
hiiii i wanna hear your thoughts about robert and giselle’s pasts. mostly their families like parents, siblings, etc. giselle especially because it seems like she just came outta the wood work HAHA. what’s your headcanon past for her!!! (but robert toooo)
AH !
okay so I'll go through Robert's first bc it's kind of basic, and shorter.
I think he comes from a wealthy family, with two successful lawyer parents, and was an only child. He was very close with both parents (Marie and David), though he was definitely closer to his mother. He really admired her, and she was ultimately the reason he chose to pursue law. He did think about becoming a teacher for a little while, but ended up choosing family law bc it's what his mom did.
Despite being closer to his mom, he really did love his dad, and is definitely more like him personality-wise. I think his mom was more out-going and positive, whereas his dad was introverted and sarcastic, with a bad sense of dad humor, which Robert absolutely picked up.
His parents ended up dying when he was around 23 (car accident), and outside of his (now ex) wife (Vanessa) he had no other family. I think he does have a few very distant relatives floating around, but none that he's ever met.
Also, I headcanon his full name is Robert Florian Philip, and that Florian was his grandfather's name :]
Now, for Giselle!
I know Andalasia is meant to be this like... happy, upbeat place but I kind of like to lean into the darker elements that it might contain. It's a fairytale world, after all, and we know trolls were trying to eat her, and Narissa was trying to kill her so, I can indulge a lil bit :]
With that said, I think Giselle's parents were, sadly, killed when she was a baby. We know the animals found her left alone in the woods, and I like to think that the cottage she lived in was where she was born/living when her parents died. Because it happened when she was so young, she has no memories, even on her Memory Tree, and has no idea who her parents were or what happened to them. None of the animals do either, but everyone kind of assumes they must've died.
All of the animals helped take care of her, but none more than Pip's family. I know chipmunks don't live as long in real life, but in Andalasia they do, it's true, it's real. He's two years older than Giselle and acts as her older brother.
Her cottage was hidden pretty deep in the forest and, because of that, she had very limited human interaction for most of her life. I do think, though, that she and Pip would sneak off to get a closer look at the kingdom and observe how the people there lived, and Giselle would mimic how the women held themselves, and spoke. I also think, once they were older and a bit bolder, they'd steal things from the bakery and library. Giselle will deny she ever did this, saying Pip did all the dirty work, but she absolutely helped. They were definitely a bread stealing team.
Circling back to her limited human interaction bit, ohhhh she was starving for human interaction. Sometimes, she'd flip through the many books she owned and wish more than anything that she could find her true love just so she could have at least one other human to talk to. She used to go back and forth on whether or not she should try and live in the kingdom, but she didn't want to leave her family, and she worried she wouldn't be welcomed there. Meeting Edward was a dream come true, not just bc she thought he was her true love but also bc hello !! Human interaction ? He's saying I can live in the kingdom? This is wonderful !!
Also, sidenote, bc she spent so long running, hiding, and defending herself from trolls, and other threatening mythical creatures, she's got quite a few scars on her body and, I think, if she'd had a better angle, she could've slayed Narissa on her own.
Overall, though, Giselle had a very happy childhood! She was certainly desperate for human interaction, but she loved her animal family, and wouldn't have traded them for anything. They taught her how to sew, and cook, and read, and dance, and defend herself when it was needed (how do the animals know this? that's the power of Andalasia baby). I don't think she wondered too much about her biological parents as she got older, and while she is technically an only child, she considers like. Half the forest her siblings/cousins so. Robert ended up with a lot of in-laws to impress.
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elitedigitalph14 · 2 years
Personal Injury Claim: Hit-and-Run Compensation
What does a hit-and-run accident injury entail? The law requires that you stop your automobile after a collision to see if everyone is okay. Information sharing with other drivers is the goal. It's time to talk about insurance and make repairs. A "hit and run" is said to occur when this protocol is not followed.
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What should you do after being involved in a hit-and-run accident? 1. Keep records of the hit-and-run incident.
When a hit-and-run motorist strikes you, you should move quickly. Document the hit-and-run vehicle's license plate. Due to how quickly an accident occurs, you might not always be able to photograph the automobile. Instead, document the accident site with pictures. Document the damage to your car, and document your wounds.
2. Find a witness and/or contact the police
Any witnesses who are willing to testify should be noted. Make certain you have their contact details. If the police are not already on the scene of the collision, you should submit a police report and save a copy of it. If the eye witness is willing to file a report, take them with you to the police station. Keep receipts for any expense related to the incident, in addition. Both medical and repair expenses are covered by these. Motor vehicle accident compensation
Your successful compensation claim against the nominal defendant may consist of:
hospital, medical, and rehabilitation costs;
compensation for any economic losses you may have had
if the damage has caused a permanent impairment, payment of any lump sum amount;
payment of a one-time sum in compensation for your suffering; and
payment of the legal fees associated with the compensation claim.
What evidence is needed for a hit-and-run?
income documentation, such as tax returns;
receipts for all medical costs incurred as a result of the hit-and-run accident;
receipts for any travel and other costs connected with seeking treatment;
documents attesting to your inability to work. Examples are sick leave applications and medical certifications;
a letter from your employer, for example, would serve as evidence of your income loss;
Records from your accountant showing that you've missed opportunities to work in case
Who are eligible to claim for a hit-and-run?
Everyone else hurt, excluding the negligent driver of the vehicle
Dependents of a person who had severe injuries in a car accident for which they have no responsibility.
What is covered by hit-and-run accident compensation?
Loss of earnings in the past or future
Psychological and physical harm
Cost of care and rehabilitation
Your reliance (like your spouse or children)
Why should I employ a personal injury lawyer?
Your accident injury lawyer will file a claim on your behalf if the motorist has been named. The insurance company may assert that the motorist is blameless. Things may get complicated. You'll need proof from the lawyer that the driver hit you and hurt you. The driver may be held accountable for your losses and charged with a crime.
If you are the victim of a hit-and-run accident, a personal injury attorney will also give you advice and support. In choosing the optimal course of action, this is. To obtain any possible damages, a personal injury attorney files a civil action.
To learn more, visit these links! Personal Injury Law Public Liability Injury Claims Workers Compensation Claims Personal Injury Claims
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buckscountylawyer · 1 year
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Choosing a Personal Injury Lawyer for a car accident case is essential. Velter Yurovsky Zoftis Sokolson, LLC, recommends the accompanying article. We cover the top questions to ask a car accident lawyer and how to choose the right attorney to win your case. VYZ Law invites you to call our law office at (215) 969-3004 for a free consultation.  
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silverhallow · 2 years
In Starstruck, what's the worst political scandal PM Edmund had to deal with? Or rather, was it caused by his party or by one of his children?
Follow-up question, how does the newlywed deal with the media? I'm guessing Benedict got a bit annoyed that people went digging to find out everything they could about Sophie
Sooo first things first…
Political Scandal… wasn’t really a political one but it caused a lot of ruffled feathers and laughs in the Bridgerton family…
There was some media surrounding Violet’s fourth pregnancy, with someone trying to say that the second set of twins is highly rare in a family given that neither family has a history of twins… Colin and Daphne were understandable as they’re fraternal twins but when they announced it was two girls; one paper… said they were as a result of an affair that Violet had with an unknown male…
It turns out said unknown male was Nicholas Rokesby… back from his recent stint with his Wife Georgiana, where they had been working for Doctors without Borders. As Georgiana has red hair the idiots at the paper didn’t realise it was Edmund’d sister…
The paper ended up having to write a very long and formal apology to BOTH families… and were sued for a lot of money which Edmund and Violet donated to the Children’s ward at the local hospital.
As for Benophie as newlyweds…
Benedict ends up having to release a statement saying he was happy to answer questions when formally interviewed but otherwise his family is out of bounds.
If anyone is caught stalking Sophie or writing about Sophie without it being ran past Charles, he would file injunctions (thanks to his sister in law being a Lawyer) and he would sue them…
For the most part, after the first injunction is filed… and both Araminta and the paper are sued for Slander the press then listen and leave Sophie alone…
Until he tells the world Sophie’s pregnant…
They do try and leave her alone but as Benedict hasn’t told anyone when her due date was… as they wanted to keep it a secret, a paper, hired by Araminta, who is determined to get even after being sued, chases Sophie’s car… as she and Charles are heading to Somerset to see Ben on set
Charles is with her but there is an accident… which caused Sophie’s waters to break…
Leading to Charles delivering Baby Charlie on the side of the road.
The press then has a full scale restraining order placed on them…
The only time they ever get anything from Benedict and his wife is when HE chooses to share.
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tintin1029 · 1 year
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berserkrs · 2 years
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park junhee, bisexual, cisgender male + he/him ― hey look, it’s lee jin-seong! they’re 28 years old, they’ve lived in shrike heights for a month, and they’re currently working at fast times. i heard they’re pretty hot-headed, but i think they’re so protective at the same time. can they make it out alive? || lo, 24, he/him.
Name: Lee Jin-Seong
Nickname(s): None tbh, I guess some of his friends would say ‘Jin’
Pronouns: He/Him
Sexuality: Bisexual
Age: 28
Birthday: Apr 18th, 1960
Birthplace: Shrike Heights, Colorado (Later moved and returned)
Occupation: Professional Boxer / Works part time at Fast times in the off-season.
Ethnicity: South Korean
Languages: English, Korean
Nationality: American
Education: High school
cw: death, car accident, drug abuse, mental illness
At Jin-seong’s Doljabi, his entire family, many of whom had made the trip from San Francisco or other parts of America, watched in suspense of what the one-year old might choose to become. A fortune-telling custom the family elders swore by, he was given a spread of the following choices: a gavel, a 100 dollar bill, a baseball, a book, a microphone, a stethoscope, a test tube and a space shuttle. They believed that according to what he chose, his destiny would be foretold. His future path would either be that of a judge/lawyer, an entrepreneur, an athlete, a teacher or academic, a musician, a doctor, a scientist or an astronaut. Jin-seong didn’t believe in that kind of thing, but he still wishes to this day that he had gone for something, anything other than the baseball.
An athlete, they had exclaimed, and an athlete he was. That and not much else.
He grew up being raised by dysfunctional parents. His father was unhappy with his life and his marriage and decided that making his mother miserable was his only coping mechanism. Jin-seong’s mother gave as good as she got. It meant a lot of fighting and a lot of anger that he had to absorb from a young age. He learned that that was how people communicated their feelings. With gnashed teeth and shaking fists, with a rumbling roar threatening to break out of their chest. He had inherited his father’s rage and his mother’s fighting spirit and had plenty of time to put the practice in. Even in pre-school, Jin-seong was always getting into fights. After they began, he often couldn’t remember what started them - only that he was angry at everything.
He’d never lost a fight but victory did little to comfort him. After all, after a lengthy talk with the principal, his parents would take him home and spend the entire ride blaming each other for his behaviour, neither of them wanting to claim him as their own. 
One particularly vicious argument would prove to be their undoing, inattentiveness on the road leading his father to a horrible car accident. Jin-seong was the only survivor.
With no nearby living relatives, Jin-seong was dumped on his grandmother. He didn’t know what to expect, but he definitely didn’t expect the warmth with which she welcomed him into her home.
His fighting continued at school, but his grandmother encouraged him to channel it into sport instead, signing him up for boxing lessons. The craziest part? He was really good at boxing. It finally felt like he’d found the part of the puzzle he slotted into. He participated on the school boxing team and even was scouted to go into professional boxing. All throughout, his grandmother was his staunchest supporter.
However, when he finally left Shrike to pursue his dreams, he would find out the hard way that he was not meant for dreaming. Though he found great success, becoming a rising star in his sport, his grandmother was not adjusting quite as well to his departure as he had hoped. Jin-seong’s presence in her life had been a distraction for his grandmother and without him there, there was nothing to stop her from falling deeper into the habits she kept from him. Her depression and the pain killers she was enslaved by coming to the surface and taking her hostage.
The minute the hospital called, he told his manager he was going on an extended hiatus without hesitation. This brought him back to Shrike where he currently resides.
Jin-seong has never been academically gifted, he is a bit of a himbo. Not the brightest. He isn’t exceptionally dumb, but he is pretty slow on the uptake and gets confused very easily. He’s never had a traditional childhood. Even though his grandmother took care of him, she was always ill and he always had to take care of her. He just didn’t know the extent of her problems until he left.
W A N T E D  C O N N E C T I O N S
Friends with benefits (multiple) - Jin-seong has rarely had long-term monogamous relationships. Since he isn’t very bright people have often just used him for his body/physical appeal.
Coach / or someone he trains with
Similar delinquents he can have as friends
Crush? Mayhaps? I can see Jin-seong having an unrequited crush on someone, especially if they’re smarter than him and that bar is very low. They also have to be nice to him though, he does not like feeling stupid.
Neighbours. He lives in a nice area with his grandmother.
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hiltonsomer · 1 day
Auto Accident Attorneys Near Me: Your Guide to Finding the Right Legal Help After an Accident
Why You Need an Auto Accident Attorney
Auto accidents often result in a complex web of legal issues, from determining fault to negotiating with insurance companies. If you’ve suffered injuries or property damage, an attorney is essential for ensuring that your interests are protected. Here are a few reasons why hiring an auto accident attorney is beneficial:
Navigating Legal Complexities: Auto accident cases can involve multiple parties, including insurance companies, medical providers, and other drivers. Understanding the legalities surrounding traffic laws, liability, and personal injury claims can be daunting. An attorney will know how to handle these complexities and ensure your case is presented properly.
Maximizing Compensation: Insurance companies are often more interested in protecting their bottom line than offering you the full compensation you deserve. A skilled auto accident attorney knows how to negotiate with insurance companies and ensure you receive adequate compensation for medical bills, lost wages, pain, and suffering.
Proving Liability and Fault: Proving fault in a car accident can be challenging, especially if the other party disputes the claim. Auto accident attorneys will gather evidence, interview witnesses, and work with accident reconstruction experts to build a strong case that proves the other party's liability.
Handling Court Representation: If your case goes to trial, Auto Accident Attorneys near me having an attorney by your side is critical. They will represent you in court, ensuring your case is presented in the best possible light and that your legal rights are upheld.
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What Services Do Auto Accident Attorneys Provide?
Auto accident attorneys offer a range of services to help you after an accident. These include:
Case Evaluation: An attorney will evaluate the details of your accident, review police reports, medical records, and insurance documentation to assess the strength of your claim.
Filing a Claim: The attorney will file a claim on your behalf, which includes submitting the necessary legal documents and negotiating with the insurance company.
Investigation: They will conduct a thorough investigation to gather evidence, including accident reports, medical records, photos, and witness statements, Fairfax Bicycle accident attorney to strengthen your case.
Negotiation: Attorneys negotiate with insurance companies and opposing parties to secure a fair settlement that covers all your damages.
Litigation: If a settlement cannot be reached, your attorney will represent you in court and argue your case before a judge and jury.
How to Choose the Best Auto Accident Attorney Near You
Finding the right auto accident attorney near you is essential to getting the best outcome for your case. Here are a few tips on how to choose the right attorney:
Experience: Look for an attorney with years of experience handling auto accident cases. Ask about their success rate and if they specialize in personal injury law. An experienced lawyer will be familiar with local traffic laws and have a track record of winning cases similar to yours.
Reputation: Check online reviews and ask for recommendations from family and friends. A reputable auto accident attorney will have positive testimonials and be recognized within the community for their legal expertise.
Personal Connection: The attorney you hire should be someone you feel comfortable working with. During your initial consultation, gauge whether they listen to your concerns, understand your case, and show genuine interest in helping you.
Fee Structure: Most auto accident attorneys work on a contingency fee basis, meaning they only get paid if you win your case. Ensure you understand their fee structure and what percentage of your settlement they will take.
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fnblegal · 2 days
Personal Injury Lawyers in NJ | Peter Briskin P.C Law Office
If you’ve suffered an injury due to an accident or someone else’s negligence, securing the right legal representation is crucial. Personal injury cases can be complex, and navigating the legal system on your own can be overwhelming. At Peter Briskin P.C Law Office, our team of experienced personal injury lawyers in New Jersey is dedicated to protecting your rights and helping you recover the compensation you deserve.
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Why Choose Peter Briskin P.C for Your Personal Injury Case?
When it comes to personal injury cases, having a seasoned attorney in your corner can make all the difference. Peter Briskin P.C is known for its expertise, client-centered approach, and proven success in helping New Jersey residents fight for their rights. Here’s why you should consider working with us:
1. Deep Expertise in Personal Injury Law Personal injury cases often involve complicated legal and medical issues. With years of experience handling a wide range of personal injury claims, Peter Briskin P.C has the knowledge and skills necessary to manage your case effectively. Whether your injury was caused by a car accident, slip and fall, workplace accident, or medical malpractice, our attorneys understand the intricacies of New Jersey’s personal injury laws and will guide you through every step of the legal process.
2. Personalized, Compassionate Legal Support At Peter Briskin P.C, we treat each client with the care and attention they deserve. We know that being injured in an accident is a difficult and stressful experience, and we strive to make the legal process as smooth as possible for our clients. From the initial consultation to the resolution of your case, our team is there to provide support, answer your questions, and keep you informed.
3. Proven Track Record of Success Our firm has a long history of securing favorable outcomes for our clients. Whether through negotiations with insurance companies or representing clients in court, we have consistently helped injured individuals recover substantial compensation. We are committed to achieving the best possible results for each of our clients, fighting tirelessly to ensure they receive fair compensation for medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, and more.
Types of Personal Injury Cases Peter Briskin P.C Handles
Peter Briskin P.C Law Office specializes in a variety of personal injury cases, including:
1. Car Accidents Car accidents are one of the leading causes of personal injury claims in New Jersey. If you’ve been involved in a car accident due to another driver’s negligence, our attorneys can help you pursue compensation for medical expenses, vehicle repairs, lost wages, and other damages.
2. Slip and Fall Injuries Unsafe conditions on someone else’s property, such as wet floors, uneven surfaces, or poorly maintained areas, can lead to serious injuries. Our firm helps victims of slip and fall accidents hold negligent property owners accountable and secure compensation for their injuries.
3. Workplace Injuries Workplace accidents can result in serious injuries that prevent you from working and earning a living. In addition to helping clients file workers' compensation claims, we also explore third-party liability claims if negligence from another party contributed to the injury.
4. Medical Malpractice When healthcare professionals fail to provide an acceptable standard of care, the consequences can be devastating. Our firm handles medical malpractice cases, helping victims of surgical errors, misdiagnoses, and other forms of medical negligence obtain justice and compensation.
5. Wrongful Death Losing a loved one due to someone else’s negligence is a heartbreaking experience. Our firm helps families file wrongful death claims, seeking compensation for funeral expenses, lost income, and the emotional pain of losing a loved one.
The Process: How Peter Briskin P.C Handles Your Case
At Peter Briskin P.C Law Office, we approach every case with diligence and care. Here’s what you can expect when you work with us:
1. Free Consultation Your journey with us begins with a free consultation, where we evaluate the details of your case and determine the best legal strategy for your situation. We will explain your rights, answer your questions, and outline the legal steps you need to take to move forward.
2. Full Investigation Once we take on your case, we conduct a thorough investigation to gather all the necessary evidence. This includes reviewing medical records, obtaining police reports, interviewing witnesses, and consulting with expert witnesses if necessary. This in-depth investigation helps build a strong foundation for your case.
3. Aggressive Negotiation Insurance companies often offer low settlements to accident victims in an attempt to minimize their payouts. Our attorneys are skilled negotiators who understand how to deal with insurance companies. We fight to ensure that you receive the full and fair compensation you deserve, pushing back against unfair settlement offers.
4. Trial-Ready Representation While many personal injury cases settle out of court, we are always prepared to take your case to trial if necessary. Our experienced litigators are ready to present your case in front of a judge and jury, fighting tirelessly for your rights in the courtroom.
No-Win, No-Fee Representation
At Peter Briskin P.C, we believe that everyone deserves access to quality legal representation, regardless of their financial situation. That’s why we work on a contingency fee basis, meaning you don’t pay any legal fees unless we win your case. This ensures that our clients can focus on their recovery without worrying about upfront costs or legal fees.
Real Client Success Stories
Our firm has successfully represented numerous personal injury victims across New Jersey, helping them recover the compensation they deserve. Here are a few examples of our client success stories:
Car Accident Settlement: After a serious car accident left a client with significant injuries, we were able to secure a substantial settlement that covered medical expenses, lost wages, and pain and suffering.
Slip and Fall Victory: A client who was injured in a slip and fall accident at a local business received a fair settlement after we proved that the property owner was negligent in maintaining a safe environment.
Medical Malpractice Success: After a botched surgery resulted in long-term complications, we helped a client file a medical malpractice claim and recover compensation for their ongoing medical treatment and suffering.
Contact Peter Briskin P.C Law Office Today
If you’ve been injured in an accident in New Jersey, don’t wait to seek legal help. The sooner you contact an experienced attorney, the stronger your case will be. At Peter Briskin P.C Law Office, we are ready to fight for your rights and help you secure the compensation you deserve. Contact us today for a free consultation, and take the first step toward justice and financial recovery.
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clifforddowns09 · 3 days
Expert Attorneys for Personal Injury: How to Choose the Best Legal Representation
Finding the right legal representation can make a significant difference in the outcome of a personal injury case. When dealing with the complexities of personal injury law, having an experienced and skilled attorney on your side is crucial. But how do you choose the best attorneys for personal injury? This guide will walk you through the essential steps to find expert legal representation that meets your needs.
Understanding Personal Injury Law
What Is Personal Injury Law?
Personal injury law encompasses a wide range of cases where individuals seek compensation for harm caused by the negligence or wrongdoing of others. These cases can include car accidents, slip and falls, medical malpractice, and product liability, among others. The primary goal of personal injury law is to provide relief to victims and hold responsible parties accountable.
Why You Need an Expert Attorney
The legal process involved in personal injury cases can be complex and overwhelming. An expert attorney for personal injury will have the knowledge and experience to navigate the legal system, gather evidence, negotiate with insurance companies, and represent your interests effectively. Their expertise can significantly impact the outcome of your case, making it essential to choose the right professional.
Factors to Consider When Choosing an Attorney
1. Experience and Specialization
When selecting an attorney for personal injury, experience is one of the most critical factors to consider. Look for an attorney who specializes in personal injury law and has a proven track record of handling cases similar to yours. An experienced attorney will be familiar with the nuances of personal injury cases and will be better equipped to achieve favorable results.
Evaluating an Attorney's Track Record
Ask potential attorneys about their success rate in personal injury cases. An attorney with a high success rate and a history of securing substantial settlements or verdicts for their clients is more likely to deliver positive results. Additionally, consider their experience with cases involving injuries similar to yours, as this can provide insight into their ability to handle your specific situation.
2. Reputation and Reviews
A reputable attorney for personal injury will have a strong professional reputation and positive reviews from past clients. Research online reviews, ask for recommendations from friends or family, and check the attorney's ratings on legal directories. A lawyer with a solid reputation is more likely to provide high-quality representation.
Checking Bar Association Memberships
Memberships in professional organizations, such as the American Association for Justice or state bar associations, can indicate an attorney's commitment to their field and adherence to professional standards. These memberships can also provide additional credibility and demonstrate a lawyer's dedication to personal injury law.
3. Communication and Personal Connection
Effective communication is crucial in any attorney-client relationship. Choose an attorney for personal injury who is responsive, listens to your concerns, and communicates clearly. You should feel comfortable discussing your case with them and confident in their ability to represent your interests.
Scheduling Consultations
Most personal injury attorneys offer free initial consultations. Use this opportunity to gauge how well the attorney communicates, their understanding of your case, and their approach to handling your situation. A good attorney will be attentive, ask relevant questions, and provide clear explanations about the legal process and your options.
4. Fee Structure and Costs
Understanding an attorney's fee structure is essential before making a decision. Many attorneys for personal injury work on a contingency fee basis, meaning they only get paid if you win your case. This arrangement can be beneficial as it aligns the attorney's interests with your own. However, it's important to clarify the percentage they will take from your settlement and any additional costs you might incur.
Reviewing the Contract
Before signing a contract, carefully review the terms and conditions. Ensure that you understand the fee structure, any potential additional expenses, and the attorney's responsibilities. A transparent and detailed contract will help avoid misunderstandings and ensure that both parties are on the same page.
How to Assess an Attorney's Suitability
1. Initial Consultation
During the initial consultation, assess the attorney's approach to your case. Are they thorough in their evaluation? Do they provide clear and honest feedback? This meeting can offer valuable insights into the attorney's professionalism and suitability for your case.
2. Client References
Ask the attorney for references from past clients. Speaking with former clients can provide firsthand information about their experience with the attorney, their level of satisfaction, and the overall quality of representation received.
3. Professional Affiliations
Verify the attorney's affiliations with professional organizations and their standing with the state bar association. These affiliations can provide additional assurance of their credibility and expertise.
Choosing the best attorney for personal injury is a crucial step in ensuring that you receive the legal support and representation you need. By considering factors such as experience, reputation, communication, and fee structure, you can make an informed decision and select an attorney who will effectively advocate for your rights. Taking the time to research and evaluate potential attorneys will help you find the best legal representation for your personal injury case, increasing your chances of a successful outcome.
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