#how to choose a ruby engagement ring
5 Ways to Design Your Dream Ruby Engagement Ring
As two hearts intertwine on the journey of love, the significance of an engagement ring becomes a resplendent symbol of commitment and devotion. Amidst the plethora of gemstones, a natural ruby stone emerges as a timeless and captivating choice, igniting emotions with its fiery crimson hue. As a variety of the mineral corundum, rubies boast a mesmerizing red hue ranging from soft pinkish-red to…
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trelkez · 4 months
Doctor Who morning thoughts
Rogue had the dice and the lingo but no ability to slip into character whatsoever. He didn't give himself a fancy made up name for a secret identity, he just assigned himself a character class. Was the person he lost a nerd? Did they leave the dice behind? Did he choose that name because it was something they loved?
The bird villains being so into Bridgerton that they traveled back in time to cosplay Regency England to death is one thing, but the Doctor and Ruby were also there to cosplay Bridgerton, and the meta level of Doctor Who time travelers cosplaying the past to death - how many times has that call been coming from inside the TARDIS
That this is the most romantically queer Bridgerton content we've ever had and it wasn't actually on Bridgerton feels like either an accidental or purposeful critique, I'm not sure which
The Doctor really put that ring on with no plot gun held to his head whatsoever. Perfectly happy to be engaged in a way only he understands if it's to someone lost in another dimension. No risk of domesticity or loss if the person you fell head over heels for at first sight is in space jail because of you. The Doctor really is just like this
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cursedcola · 2 years
Prompt: "Will You Marry Me?" - Proposal Headcannons Characters: Everyone :) Part(s): Heartslabyul (here!), Savanaclaw, Octavinelle, Scarabia, Pomefiore, Ignihyde, Diasomnia(Pt.1)(Pt.2) Fandom: Twisted Wonderland Warning(s): None. I mean, unless you don't want to marry any of them. Just don't read if that's the case. Note: These are all if he is the one proposing btw. I've been thinking about maybe programming a small fan-made mini-otome using these ideas. Just for some practice for school while also being self indulgent hehe
Riddle Rosehearts
Very traditional, but this is expected. He asks your closest of kin (a cat, to his horror) for permission to propose. Regardless of Grimm's answer, there is already a ring that's been purchased. This is merely formality
He comes up with an elaborate plan to execute the 'perfect' proposal. Riddle maps it all out and runs multiple drafts by his childhood friends. Everything must go perfectly - or else you might not accept. Is it likely that not presenting you with exactly 12 red roses with the spikes trimmed and arranged with 6 sprigs of baby's breath will be the reason you decline? Likely not. Will he chance it though? No.
Despite all his planning, he is a nervous wreak. Our red prince is great at masking it though. He plans an entire evening down to the last detail. You both go to a upscale restaurant that serves your favorite cuisine under the pretense that you're celebrating an amazing jab offer Riddle received the day prior. There's dinner, dancing, a romantic atmosphere, and delightful conversation (he prepared conversation topics in advance in case he felt nervous).
Oh look, there just so happens to be an outdoor garden to take an evening stroll through. Would you like to go?
Of course you would, and he asks you to wait outside as he visits the restroom. After you pass through the back door, a nearby waiter slips him the bouquet of twelve roses that he dropped off in the morning. He counts them, checks the stems, the ribbon holding them together, and with a relieved sigh he reaches into his pocket.
Riddle nestles the engagement ring within the core of the center rose, and for a moment his anxiety quells. He looks through the outside door's windowpane, and sees you patiently waiting for him while admiring the garden lights. The anxiety returns, but he's ready. With a knuckle-white grip on the flowers, he passes through the doors.
"My Rose...My apologies to have kept you waiting. There was a matter of great importance to attend to - pardon? No! Not that- ugh. I was not in the restroom! Only you would make such a childish remark on such an important day...No, do not apologize. I was not referring to my career. Perhaps these flowers will provide some clarity? I hope they are to you liking."
When you notice the ring, he gently takes it and gets down on one knee. Riddles heart rattles against his ribcage, and his the mask of calm falters. He holds out the ring with one hand, and the other lightly trembles as it reaches for yours.
"Would you do me the honor of becoming my spouse? I promise that you will be cared for dearly, and that I will work tirelessly to become a husband that you will be proud of. I swear this vow to you on the Rosehearts name."
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{Riddle's ring is a mix of new and old. Tradition dictates a diamond for a wedding ring, but he knows better. Riddle wants you to think of him every time you see this ring, so he chooses to stray. Three rubies sit nested in diamonds. The color of his hair, which you love to poke fun of so much. It represents how he is willing to consistently change while still holding on to his core values, all so he can become a husband worthy of you}
Trey Clover
A simple man, and therefore takes a simple approach. The depth of his proposal lies in the timing. He does not know when he will be ready to commit, or how to tell if you are ready to as well.
Trey puts proposing off for the longest time. He acts in baby steps. The idea toys with him for months, until one day he convinces himself that he is ready. After that he slowly begins to look at rings, and think of ideas. He wants to be original, but would that overwhelm you? He would sooner die than do something tacky like a public proposal at a concert or event...but is that something you might want?
If there is one thing Trey is certain about, its that rejection would break him. He knows that your relationship would never be the same if he proposed too early, or if he managed to royally screw it up. He's not a fan of attention. This is awful. Oh Great Sevens it's a pressure that he never dreamed of having to undergo.
But if he doesn't propose...would you? Are you waiting for him? what if you're thought process is the same as his?
Completely out of character for Trey, he ends up proposing on impulse. He woke up one morning and saw the ring tucked away in his sock drawer. For the millionth time he had to face the "I should just do it," thoughts and decided to act on them
The day is new, neither of you had work, and a quick glance over his shoulder proves that you would be soundly sleeping for at least the next hour. So what's he do? Trey puts on his nicest casual clothes. Nothing formal, but also nothing that is sloppy. Then he marches downstairs and starts to make breakfast. He decides to prepare tarts, a reminiscence of your days as students and where you first met. As he arranges them on a platter, he places the ring inside one made with your favorite flavor. It peaks out just enough for anyone to notice, and with a huff Trey steps back to admire his work.
His hands are slightly clammy, and quickly moves to busy himself in fear he might chicken out. It helps for a time, until he hears your footsteps approach the kitchen, followed by a sleepy 'good morning' and arms wrapping around his torso
He steels himself, and turns over in your arms to kiss the top of your head. With a nervous laugh, Trey gestures to the platter of fruit tarts and smiles at how the sight of food causes you to perk up. Like clockwork, you reach for your favorite flavor and quickly notice the metal chunk inside
He reigns in panic as you dig the ring out and eye it with a quirked brow. A moment of silence passes before it clicks, and you whip to gawk at him with the largest bugeyes he has ever seen. Wordlessly, Trey takes the ring, wipes off any crumbs with his shirt, and takes your hands in his
"I'm sorry to spring this on you so early in the morning. It must be quite the wakeup call, huh? Haha...The truth is, I've wanted to give this to you for such a long time. I simply did not know how. I had a burst of courage this morning, and am honestly running on pure adrenaline. I love you...I want to spend our lives together. Will you marry me?"
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{Trey's ring is a single pearl on a gold band. He feels that the ring should reflect it's wearer, and you are one of the most naturally beautiful people he has ever seen. There is beauty in simplicity - in seeing things as they are with no modifications. You do that for him, and he loves how your relationship is authentic}
Cater Diamond
Marriage? Huh. See, in the past that was a no-go. Very constricting and he didn't enjoy the idea of getting linked to someone in that regard. An s/o with no legal binding? Sure. It's just a title anyways, right? That kind of thing shouldn't matter in the long run.
Except it did end up being relevant, and now Cater wants to beat himself up because he explicitly told you once things were getting serious that he wasn't interested in marriage. You were fine with doing either and left the decision up to him. Very nice of you to be so nonchalant , and now he knows that marriage isn't 'off the table'. There is a chance.
A chance that requires him to both propose and take back his initial stance. Which is kind of humiliating. The take back part, not the proposal. Cater is confident that he can blow you away. He doesn't need shoddy internet advice, or to to do extensive research to be perfect. Nope. It's all in his noggin. He knows you like the back of his hand and therefore can concoct a speech to woo you easily.
So what comes first, the chicken or the egg? Does he try to casually tip you of that he's interested in getting married before trying to propose? No. That would be incredibly dull and ruin the element of surprise. Cater always hated those crappy half-baked romance films where the loser male lead is all 'oh honey I promise I will propose. Just give me time,' because hello???? You spoiled it??? Also don't make promises that you don't plan to keep, douchebag. How dull.
He decides that it's all or nothing. Cater spends an entire night online shopping for a ring. He already knows all of your sizes...don't ask how or why. Anyway, ordering is a cinche. Just ignore his eyebags the next day and his snappy attitude. He can't even whine about how tired he is because that would mean he has to say why he didn't sleep and -EUGH. He is torn between his two loves. Complaining for attention, and wooing you for attention. It's rough.
It comes in the mail, and after checking the package he decides to seal it back up again. It looks untouched thanks to his skills. Then, he sets up the living room to look like he is filming a video for his magicam. Specifically an unboxing video, and makes sure to let you know that it's from one of your favorite companies.
You take the bait, and he asks you to join him. Even if your camera shy, he insists that for just this one video you hop on. He might be a bit tricky and give you ideas about the product in the box (making sure to align them with a hobby or fandom that you're into). He sets the camera to record, plops down casually at your side, and hands you the box cutter. Go crazy.
Cater can't help but giggle when you open the box - just to pull out another small box. You eye it cautiously, now suspicious that this might be a prank. He urges you to open the box, and you do so while holding it at arms-length away from your face.
The ring's gem sparkles in the camera light, and he watches amused as you pull it closer. With a shaky hand, you take it out of the box and inspect it. With the way you side-eye him, Cater can tell that you're wondering if this situation is a cruel prank...
"Tada~~ You like? -- WAIT! Before you get upset just let me explain! There is no video. That was a lie, and I'm sorry for it. I surprised you good though, right?...ahem, uhm. I'm not pranking you. If you feel the same, then I want for us to get married! I know what I said before, and I take it back. The time we have spent together made me realize that I only felt that way - well, because I was unable to imagine liking someone enough to share my life. At least until I met you. So...do you want to marry me?"
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{A diamond for a diamond. Diamonds are reflective. They glitter, and are clear. They are also viewed as the best choice for a ring, but in actuality they have are not. They're only considered perfect because of marketing. In actuality, they're quite the opposite. This same reasoning applies to Cater - and you understand. Yet, you still love him. The diamond represents himself, and the heart shape is to remind you how much you mean to him}
Deuce Spade
He may be young, but he is not stupid...alright. Deuce is not always stupid. Sometimes? Yes. He makes poor decisions and lets his emotions get the better of him.
This? Not a poor decision, and he will never EVER think twice about it. From the moment the idea entered Deuce's head, it was decided. HE would become your husband. Nothing would stop him.
It began during his final year at Night Raven College. Graduation approached, and everyone was excited. Everyone, except for one person. You. He didn't notice it at first, being too hung up over how he actually managed to do well in school. Get this, he even became Heartslabyul Drumhead after Riddle graduated! What an honor! His mother was proud of him, and he was proud of himself! He had career aspirations, plans to get a home back home, and even a lovely s/o to flaunt. Life was great.
What...do you mean? That you're not going back with him? The Queendom of Roses is such a beautiful place! He's certain that you'll love it and can become adjusted. Why do you want to stay at this academy? Was three years not enough?
Deuce has never gotten mad at you before. A little miffed, sure, but never frustrated. He didn't like it. Not these feelings, or how he failed to notice that you planned this from the start. He was so wrapped up in his own happiness, that he failed to see that you felt troubled over his assumptions. It stung. In a moment of weakness, he left you alone, scared that he might raise his voice at you.
He needed to think. Alone. Thankfully he moved past sharing a room with Ace when Deuce became Housewarden. His phone rang many times. Some calls from you, Ace, his mother...for once, Deuce didn't think her advice could help him. Not when he was so confused.
He thought over his dreams for after college. They were the same that he had since prior to enrolling. Nothing changed...except for you and the other unexpected friends he made along the way. It began to settle within him that the unpredicted parts were more important to him than what he initially planned. The image of him as a successful worker, on his own, and being successful were all hollow if they didn't include you. Deuce wasn't upset that you planned to stay at NRC, he was upset that you didn't plan to stay with him.
Or did you? He interpreted it as such in the moment, but he's not so sure. All Deuce knows is that you're his best friend and the love of his life. If you stay here without him, will that change? He doesn't want to find out.
The next day, he's determined. It's impulsive, this he knows. Yet it's what feels right in his heart and Deuce has always trusted his gut instinct. This choice is entirely on him. No one's advice to excuse it if you don't reciprocate, and yet he isn't afraid. He might not have a ring, or fancy offerings. All he has is his love to offer, and a willingness to work around any obstacle. The hurt from the night prior sill aches in his chest, but he has done difficult things before. The pain merely serves as a reminder for how he hurt you, and what his future might be like if he doesn't act.
He finds you before breakfast. When the first rays of sunshine peak over the horizon and the air is still moist with morning dew. You lingered in the hall of mirrors, specifically near the portal to Heartslabyul Hall. Your presence startled him, and he nearly headbutt you from the speed he was going through the portal. Were you...planning to visit him? His heart shuddered in a mix of guilt and happiness. Even after the way he behaved, you still cared.
Upon closer inspection, you appear just as disheveled as him. He must have caused you a great deal of worry...damn it. He can't even be mad at himself. Not with things as they are.
Before you have a chance to speak, he hushes you. Deuce's jaw sets in determination and he reaches into his uniform pocket. He pulls out a paper ring. One that children often give each other on the playground when playing family. He then gets down on one knee, and holds it out with both hands.
"I am sorry. I never intended to hurt you, or push my ambitions on to you. I simply love you more than anything else, and was afraid that you did not want to be together anymore. I was afraid...that being apart would take away what we have. I realize that I was wrong. I didn't see it happening, but being with you has caused me to develop dreams beyond what I initially planned. Nothing I imagine feels right, unless you are in the picture. I don't have a proper ring prepared just yet...but will you marry me? I promise that no matter where we are - for better or worse, I will make you happy. I swear it!
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{Your initial ring is made out of his most recent homework assignment. It's frail, and one drop of water will break it. However, he meticulously folded it and it is the byproduct of many imperfect prototypes. The paper ring truly represents who Deuce is. It's rushed, fragile, and full of love}
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{He chooses a vintage ring. With both of your initials engraved on the center, he hopes that this ring attests to a promise no matter where you both are. It's rose-gold, not as bright as pure gold but still beautiful. The mixed color represents the different worlds you both come from, as well as your melded life}
Ace Trappolla
Ace tends to get comfortable, and when that happens it is difficult to ignite change. However, he is also headstrong. More than many give him credit for. So once the problem is identified, it's only a matter of time until he does something about it. What he does isn't necessarily always the best solution, sure; however, when threatened he will indeed act.
Initially Ace did not plan to find love. For a long time, he rejected it and passed his feelings off as a small crush. You're attractive, he's a man, a lil of this and a lil of that - who wouldn't feel a little heart throb once in a while? It only became an issue when you became one of his best friends. It felt like he was betraying you with these thoughts. They became a problem.
His first solution was to repress them further. Like stated, he noticed a problem and so he acted. Was this the best choice? No. It ended in a dumpster-fire. Any time another student even remotely expressed interest in you, Ace felt threatened. He couldn't spend time at your side without indecent thoughts popping up. Not like 'that' (geez, get your mind out of the gutter people), but more so domestic. Ick. What was happening?!
He couldn't hold it in, and his confession will forever be known as a feels-dump that started with you sharing half of your grilled-cheese with him because he missed lunch.
Yeah. Humiliating. Ugh.
Now you're his partner, of a long time. A very, very, very long time. Years post graduation. You both have settled into life together, so why tack a title? It's not like those mean anything, right? Everything was perfect as is, and weddings are expensive. You never brought it up either, so why worry?
Well, those titles do mean things in the eyes of the law. Ace never thought to get documentation about emergency contacts and whatnot updated. So when hit his head and got a concussion when jogging? The hospital wouldn't let you in. Not until he woke up, which was the longest four hours of your life.
You didn't express how much it bothered you, but words weren't necessary. The muted panic that you tried to hold back was enough. He expected you to enter his room angry, but instead all he got was defeat. That sight alone hurt worse than the leg.
The event got Ace thinking about things he hadn't in a long time - like marriage. He got too comfortable after letting the thought go once. To him, you were already irreplicable. Years do that, and he's certain that you feel the same way about him. If his young self could see him now...pah, he was such a turd. All 'I don't need anyone,' and empty words to play tough-guy. Little did he know that the person he would need the most in life was only a dimension-hop away haha.
It's that simple, really. No panic or nervousness. Ace decided definitively that he was going to marry you, and it only took years of being an airhead to figure it out.
He spends the night in the hospital for surveillance, and the staff is kind enough to prove you with a cot to sleep on. He stubbornly drags it next to his bed, and once you're sleeping soundly he 3slips a bandage over your ring finger to take the measurement
He planned to go buy the ring instantly after being discharged, but you wouldn't leave his side. Nagging about bed-rest and taking it easy...ugh! He needs to do this thing! No, he can't tell you about it. It's a secret!.....ugh, fine. One more day. Just because he loves the attention.
The next morning after, he's excitedly going to the nearest jewelers. He doesn't have a particular ring in mind, but he's done some research! It's the idea behind the ring that's important anyways....alright. Maybe he'll call up Cater.
Ace does nothing extravagant. He sticks to comfort. You, him, both eating dinner while watching a movie on the TV that evening. He quickly scarfs down his meal within the first 10 minutes and runs to your shared room after ditching his dishes. Stashed in his wallet, he pulls put the ring and hides it in his palm.
Ace tries to be smooth. He dims the living room lights, and sits down closer to you than before. He moves to take your hand with the one holding the ring, and sneak it on to your finger.
It fails, obviously. Who wouldn't notice someone trying to shove a piece of metal on their finger? You pull away on instinct, and the ring falls between the couch cushions. He freaks out for a moment and sifts through them as you continue to eat between giggles. Only when he holds the ring up in triumph do you quiet down.
"Not so funny now, is it? - Nah, just kidding. It was pretty funny....although I wanted this to be a bit more romantic. Eh. It's fine. From the look on your face, I'm guessing that you know what this is?...Uhh. Yeah. I thought it was a good time, y'know? We've been together so long that I already do think of you as my partner. I think you feel the same? Feel free to jump in if not....but, yeah. I love you. A lot. I'd really like to make it official, and I'm sorry it took me so long to get the guts to ask. Will you marry me?"
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{Tradition is for chumps. Ace wanted to get something fun and eye-catching. Many suggested otherwise, but this felt right. Your relationship has never been conventional and never will be. Hell, screw 'conventional,' because it's perfect as it is and so is this ring. He knows that this ring will draw your attention, and that's all he cares about}
End Note: None of the ring pictures are mine. I pulled them off of google images because - well, I had ideas and tried to find rings to match them. I write fanfic, not weld jewelry.
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wooahaeruby · 3 months
Chapter 26: Diamond In The Rough
Chapter Word Count: 4,022
Anything in Bold Italics are Korean/Another language.
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Getting Hyeji to distract Ruby for a day was easy. Saying that it was a free day and Hyeji insisting that Ruby take the time to get out of the house and have some fun was even easier with their current loneliness. She and a few of the other staff members formed a little group and the handful of them were taking Ruby to Lotte World Amusement Park then would be dragging them out for dinner and a movie. 
That left the perfect time for security, managers, and the members to sneak into the jewelry store. 
“ Hello!” An older woman, dressed in a crisp, black pinstriped suit, with her salt and pepper hair pulled up into a french twist, greeted everyone with a bow. “ The managers informed me of an important guest coming to our store and I couldn’t help myself to come and assist. My name is Nam Myung, I am the current owner of this jewelry store chain. It’s a pleasure to meet you, Woozi-ssi, and the rest of Seventeen.” 
Jihoon gave the women a bow in greeting, pulling his mask down when he stood straight. “ I’m sorry for halting business at this time, Nam-ssi.” 
“Oh, nonsense,” She smiled, warm and inviting, it reminded him of Chan's grandmother and Soonyoung’s mother. “ We’ve had celebrities come in and close the shop for a mere personal shopping spree. May I ask what you need today?”  
“ An engagement ring for my soulmate.” 
She clapped her hands together, already moving behind one of the counters and he followed to stand on the opposite side of it, along with every single member of Seventeen. Joshua was holding up his phone at this point, a call with Ruby’s grandparents already being put through, and Seungcheol was holding Jihoon’s phone, calling Jamie and Kazuki. Quiet greetings were exchanged through the phones before said phones were pushed into Jihoon’s face for his own greetings. 
“ We have many people to get approval from today?” Myung snickered, pulling out a few trays of rings of varying metals, styles, and gemstone types. 
Jihoon’s shoulders dropped, giving a small nod. “ Their grandparents, two of their friends, me, and all the guys. None of them would let me go alone.” 
“Ah~ That is just how family is.” She waved to the phones being held up before pulling a pair of thin framed glasses from her jacket pocket. “ We have a lot of ring styles and settings to choose from, if something needs to be ordered, a rush can be placed, however it will cost extra. When is the estimated proposal date?” 
He cringed, drumming his nails against the glass counter. “ Four weeks? Give or take?” 
“I’ve worked with less.” She winked, motioning towards the trays. “ Do you have any ideas of what your significant other likes?” 
“Nothing gold!” Mingyu pushed through the small crowd, letting his eyes roam over the selections before Jihoon. “ They don’t like gold.” 
Myung gave a small huff of a laugh through her nose, “ So something with a silver look, we have rhodium plated white gold that looks silver, sterling silver, and palladium. On the cheaper end, we also have platinum.” 
“They don't really like anything gold.” Jihoon added, “ Leaning more towards sterling silver or platinum, but sterling might be the best idea.”
“ Oh there are so many options.” Hearing Mimi’s voice quietly through everyone behind him. “ Much more than when I was getting married.” 
“ I think we are going to be here a while.” Joshua snickered, standing off to the side but close enough for everything to be seen. 
Jihoon took his bag off his shoulders and got his iPad out, easily pulling up different notes and pictures. “We all kinda compiled a list of everything we know they like and don’t like.” 
“Smart man. Having plenty of assistance with that must have been helpful.” She placed trays with anything gold back in the display counter, keeping the many rows of silver before Jihoon. She held out his hands to take the iPad which he handed over willingly, watching her easily scroll through.
“ Bring me closer-” Jamie’s voice was right by his ear before Seungcheol hip checked Mingyu aside and showed him the different rings. “ Wah, there are so many to pick from, how the hell-” 
“ Jamie, hush.” Kazuki scolded and while he did stay quiet, a quick look at the screen showed him pouting. 
“ Alright, nothing square for the cut, a preference for little to no diamonds, something simple. Gemstones too..” She placed the device down and ran her nails over some of the ring settings. “ Leaves us with heart, oval, circle, or pear. This is going to sound out of place, but may I see a picture of your partner?” 
“Picture- yeah.” 
Jihoon reached over and pulled up a picture from his iCloud gallery. It didn’t take long for him to find a picture of the two of them together, a sneaky mirror selfie they took when they had dragged him out to Ikea for smaller things they definitely didn’t need but Ruby insisted on getting. It was in one of those stupid bedroom set ups with way too many colors and weird decorations that Ruby joked they should buy. He only needed to stroll for a few moments to find a proper picture of them sitting on his studio couch, holding up a peace sign and giving a wide, closed mouth smile. 
“ Sometimes it helps to see the person to better give perspective and guide you towards the right pieces.” Myung roamed her eyes over Ruby, humming to herself. “ What is their name?” 
“Everyone calls them Ruby-ah!” Seokmin bounced in. 
“ Ruby-ah?” 
“Their grandmother called them that. Their birthstone is a Ruby. Red roses were some of their favorite flowers.” Jihoon motioned to Joshua’s phone to Mimi and Papa waving through the screen. 
That had Myung searching for a specific ring, “I’ve been wanting to sell one of these since we got the design in and I think everyone here will absolutely love it.” It didn’t take long for her to lift the ring from its tray slot, the silver color glimmering under the white lights of the store. “ We can get it in a different stone setting and place a gemstone in it instead of a center diamond.” 
One of the other women behind the counter placed a velvet tray on the counter where Myung set down the ring, motioning for him to pick it up and take a look at it. Each of the members behind him were either on their tiptoes or leaning over to better see the piece she had picked out. There were some murmurs over the phones with questions, but he mainly ignored them in place of picking up the ring hesitantly. 
It was light despite the circle cut diamond in its center place and the three diamonds on each side. The metal of the ring itself was one solid piece which split into two, holding two of the three smaller diamonds before entwining back to house the third small gem. The first two clear gems were marquise shaped, reminding him of leaves on a flower’s stem while the third was round cut, topping the jewelry made ‘flower’. It was unique for sure, nothing he had seen online came close to such a design, but truly none of them were thinking outside of the box. 
Truly, this ring was nearly perfect, it was almost dainty, but the diamond that was staring back at him wasn’t right. It was definitely pretty, but…it wasn’t them. It wasn’t Ruby. 
“ What do you think?” 
“The setting is nice, it does remind me of a rose or just a flower in general.” Others were pushing to see it, with Joshua and Seungcheol holding the phones close for the ones on call to know what was being discussed. 
“ But it isn’t what you are fully looking for?” He shook his head at the question. “ I have an idea.” 
Myung motioned for the same woman who gave the velvet tray to step forward, whispering something to her. Said woman hurried off but Myung refocused on him and everyone else who was looking at the sample ring. 
“ It just seems a little plain.” Minghao said, peering over the piece while Seungkwan and Seokmin examined it. “ Maybe just the center needs to be changed. The circle cut is nice but it doesn’t have any…flare to it.” 
“It needs to be more flashy but not if that makes sense.” Seungkwan added before it was passed to Soonyoung and Jun, both quietly looking over before it was once more passed along. 
When the tray made its way back towards the counter, Myung pushed her glasses up, glancing at Minghao and Seungkwan. “ I’ll have to agree with the two of you there. I have an idea for a simple change that won’t take too long to get finished. It would work perfectly for something stackable based on the ideas you had placed down.” 
It wasn’t long before the other worker came back with a metal case and a pair of long tweezers, placing them both before Myung. She was quick to take hold of the metal tool and open the case. The hinged top didn’t allow him to really see what she was looking at but he waited patiently. 
Closing his eyes for a moment, he let himself sink into the bond, taking in a breath as he poked through to what Ruby was feeling, having been focused on keeping himself level headed. The group had left with them late morning and they wouldn’t be home until later in the evening and from what he could tell, they were having fun. Excitement and amusement were prominent, he couldn’t wait to sit in bed later and hear them ramble about the adventures they were taken on throughout the day. Part of him hoped Ruby took pictures to get printed and add them to the photo books as fond memories. 
“ Ah, there it is. These old eyes aren’t as bright as they once were.” Snapping his eyes open, Myung had picked up the tray with the ring and held a shining red gemstone over it to better show him. “ Just like their nickname and birthstone, I thought that sticking with the ‘theme’ was perfectly appropriate. It’s a pear cut with a clear clarity. Gorgeous color but not too bright. It would stand out well with the silver and diamonds surrounding it.” 
Lifting the ring, she held the ruby over the center diamond, giving an approximate show of what a finished product could look like. Though it wasn’t exact with the makeshift showing, there was a silence that washed over everyone as they leaned in. All their eyes were wide, and it hit him that it was the one. 
He felt his heart skip a beat before its speed picked up. There was a moment where a few things, such simple and trivia things, passed through his mind. Ruby, standing at the kitchen counter, baking those overly sweet brownies with the ring resting around their finger. Ruby drumming their fingers against the table, waiting for food on the stove to finish simmering and the light from the kitchen hitting the gemstone just right. Ruby sitting beside him on the couch, holding his hand while they watched movies, feeling the warmed metal against his own fingers. 
“ Jihoonie?” Soonyoung’s voice from his left broke him from the small trace he placed himself. 
“ I’ve seen that look a million times.” Myung placed the ruby back in the case and set the ring in the tray, grabbing a notepad to jot down some things. “ Many times, when someone comes in and they find the one they like, they imagine what it would be like for their partner to be wearing the piece they pick out. It’s a hit or a miss. If they imagine it and it doesn’t look good, they find another, but if they imagine it and love what their imagination brings forth? It’s the one.” 
“Hyung, hyung, what do you think?” Chan’s curious voice asked beside Soonyoung, leaning over the counter with bright eyes and a wide smile. 
“ I’d like to go with the ruby design. Please.” 
Myung lifted her eyes to him, letting a gentle smile spread on her face and quickly jotted down a few more notes. “ I believe that can be arranged rather quickly.”
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For the rest of the day, Jihoon felt light. With the secret meeting over and a quick lunch with the guys, Jihoon and the members split off, all heading home for the much needed rest day. 
With everyone inevitably hearing the rather costly price of the ring (5,235,987 (4,100 USD) won which he expected, not including the slight rush order), it was a very hard pact that Ruby would never find out because they would actually commit a crime. Mingyu and Soonyoung were sworn to secrecy and their self appointed keepers would be keeping a watchful eye when they were around. A lot of things needed to happen in a few short weeks now so he hoped everything would work out how he wanted. 
There was still time before Ruby would be back. It gave him plenty of time for the mindless tasks both of them had been putting off such as the laundry, reorganizing their room, and ordering groceries based on the list they compiled throughout the week. Since he had been busy the last few days and Ruby was either working or feeling too unmotivated, he used the airy headspace he had and the energy that spurred him to get things done. He wanted to at least try and pull his weight the best he could despite the time he isn’t home.
One look in the fridge also reminded him that he was lazy and wasn’t in the mood to cook so ordering take away for himself was his best bet once dinner time came. His phone was buzzing on the kitchen table behind him, having placed it down to clean off the counters. Glancing down at his watch, it was just Jamie and Kazuki messaging back and forth ideas for Jihoon to consider if he did manage to get the greenhouse garden for the proposal. Hyeji was still emailing their team, trying to figure out dates, time, maybe even a cost which was more than likely. 
He had to sit down and book the flights for their grandparents, which he checked the time, knowing it was extremely early to reach out to Mimi and Papa, seeing as they stayed up late to join in the ring escapades. Jihoon sent a quick text, asking them to message back when they woke up, hoping Ruby still wouldn’t be home so everything could get done. 
With Ruby’s (unneeded) insistence and the (unneeded) begging from Jamie and Kazuki, the two would be staying in the guest room (why they begged, he didn’t know, he already assumed that was the plan). They’d be coming a couple days before Caratland to spend time with Ruby while he was at practices, then stay for a week after for the proposal and overall spending time with their friend. Mimi and Papa would be in a hotel again, which they preferred, and most likely coming the day before Caratland and staying about the same time after as the other two. With the downtime after Caratland before practices for FML, it would work out just about perfectly from the mental timeline he had been scheming. 
Should he have been more stressed? Definitely, he honestly should be worried if something doesn’t work out, but with the meetings, help from staff, and his own time placed into everything, there were backup plans in place. Jihoon was thankful for the support that everyone had been showing him, knowing how much this means, and him being the first of the group to meet their soulmate. He also had plenty of text messages from the other members’ parents with words of congratulations and excitement. 
Ruby’s grandparents messaged when he was in the middle of eating his dinner and from Hyeji’s text, the group was still out and about after the movie, trying to find a place for dinner. 
When the call connected on his phone, laptop pulled up in front of him, he gave a wave. “Sorry, in the middle of eating.” 
“ Ah, no worries about that, we finished our breakfast a bit ago. You said you wanted to talk about dates?” 
“Mhmm, just for the flights. Caratland will be the second weekend in March, tenth through the twelfth.” Jihoon pulled up some tabs of different flights. “Would the…landing here on the eighth in the later afternoon be okay? So Ruby doesn’t suspect-” 
“ The eighth would be fine, dear!” Mimi hummed, looking at a small book in her lap from what he could see. “ And a return date?” 
“Jamie and Kazuki leave the nineteenth, I think I have their flight information so we can have you on the same flight as them. Let me just-” Reaching for his phone, Jihoon quickly added Jamie to the call, waiting for the line to answer. 
“ Hello?” The camera was facing a ceiling and the clacking of a keyboard was heard. “ I’m at work, what's up, Jihoon?”
“ Can- Hold on, Mimi.” He sighed, “ You both are still flying home the nineteenth? On the one o’clock flight?” 
“Yeah, trying to get them on the same return flight?” Jihoon nodded and Jamie hummed. “ Hi Mimi.” 
“Hi, sweetheart, how’s work?” 
“It’s going, just counting down the days until we head for Korea.” Jamie lifted the phone and he propped it against something. “ Kazu is in a meeting right now and I’m about to jump into one, I forwarded the flight details to you, Jihoon-ah.” 
“ Thanks. ” Jihoon pulled up the email once it showed up and clicked away. “Sorry, Mimi, English is hard.” 
“ No worries~ I know you are doing your best and I appreciate it. I’m grateful for the opportunity you are giving us.” 
“It’s no problem. Is Papa out?” 
“ Oh yes, he went across town to help out at a friend’s hardware store. Later on I’m going to a cross stitch meeting with some friends. Ruby is still out with friends?” 
“Yeah, they should be back within an hour or two. I wanted to book the flight before it became too late.” With him never booking a flight for himself, it left him a bit confused looking over some of the details, but with some patience he managed to get it figured out. “There are…two seats together three rows ahead of Jamie and Kazuki, middle and..aisle seats.” 
“ Those would be perfectly fine.” Mimi hummed, smiling and writing something down in the small book. “ So the eighth through the nineteenth. And you are still waiting to hear back from the garden?”
Nodding, Jihoon finalized the flight plans with their passport information they gave a few days prior before forwarding the email to both Jamie and to Mimi. “Yeah. Soon we will have the date set.” 
“ I’m sure you or Joshua will let us know in the conversation. Let us know if you need something from us for the proposal.” 
“I will, I sent everything over to you.”
“ Enjoy the rest of your dinner, sweetie, have a good night.” 
He smiled, a laugh puffing from his nose. “And good morning to you.” 
“ And Jihoon? I think Ruby is going to love the ring. It is a beautiful choice.” 
“When I can sneak away once you arrive, I’ll make sure to show it to you both. I’m picking it up in about a week.” 
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You never intended to be out so late, but dinner turned into sitting and talking, which turned into drinks, which turned into more talking and having fun. It was nearing midnight when you finally got dropped off at the apartment building. It was an outing that was definitely needed and definitely appreciated with how you have been feeling. 
Jihoon hadn’t replied to your text message that you were on the way home and the lights in the apartment were off when you stepped through the door. You tried to be quiet but a few stumbles and the clattering of dropping your phone while trying to take off your shoes had your name being called out tiredly through the apartment. 
“ Sorry-” You called back, shedding your jacket and shuffling your socked feet across the floor until you reached the bedroom. 
Here, the lights were off but his laptop illuminated the room. Jihoon had pushed himself against the wall as he did every night, him saying the coolness of the wall and the warmth you brought was balanced enough. Never made much sense to you, but if he was comfortable, so be it. 
He had his face hidden behind the blanket that he curled himself up in but you could see the dark, grown out, wavy locks that he had been getting annoyed with recently for getting in his face peeking out. The room was…much cleaner than when you left this afternoon, clothes no longer littering one of the room corners, the basket of laundry was put away as well. 
With haste, you grabbed some clothes and went to the bathroom, changing and getting your nighttime routine done so you didn’t feel like absolute shit in the morning. Once you returned, the laptop was closed but wasn’t moved from your side of the bed. The blanket that was once cocooning your soulmate was now opened and he was waiting for you with a lazily opened arm. 
“ Hurry up, it’s cold.” His voice was groggy and quiet, but you listened, moving his laptop to the nightstand and scooting in, letting him drop the blanket and bundle you up to his chest. 
The hand that wrapped around your waist was cold against the skin that got exposed by your shirt riding up and you shivered yet made no complaint. Unlike most days where he had you resting your head against his chest, he placed his against yours instead, settling in with a grumble. You tucked the blanket up over your shoulder, keeping in any body heat to keep Jihoon warm.
“ Sorry I woke you.” Reaching up, your carded your fingers through his hair, gently detangling any knots you found in the process. 
“ ‘S okay…” He shifted and tangled your legs today, pressing himself close to you the best he could. “ Did you have fun?” 
“I did, they said it was your idea because you’ve been busy.” 
It took him a moment to reply, his breathing coming out slowly and steadily. “ Barely…”
You continued to card your fingers in his hair, feeling him lean into your touch. The longer you played with his hair, the more it became apparent he had fallen asleep. Now that your eyes adjusted to the light, he looked peaceful, the light crease he had between his eyebrows smoothed out and the tension he typically held in his jaw was relaxed. 
Earlier in the day he went from feeling happy to feeling blissful but also enamored. You were curious as to why but let it be, simply happy that he felt so strongly and went on with the adventures the day brought with friends. 
You weren’t one for amusement parks but Lotte World was always a place you wanted to visit and you didn’t want to pass up on the opportunity. It was fun, you got to be around people you considered basic friends and was able to capture some nice moments you wanted to add to the photo book when you got a chance. 
With your eyes growing heavy, you peppered a few kisses into his hair, letting the steady rise and fall of his chest lull you to bed.
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cocoabubbelle · 2 years
Scott x Rogue Headcanon:
Pet Names/Terms of Endearment (mostly in private).
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Rogue calls Scott “Sugah” because of all the boys she’s liked/been with, he is the perfect amount of sweet that never failed to make her feel giddy and fuzzy inside, but never overwhelmingly so that she was ever uncomfortable.
Scott admittedly had a harder time coming up with one for her they both felt was a perfect fit.
Scott laughed, and squeezed Rogue’s shoulder. “Ok, how about…Sugar Pie Honey Bunch?”
Rogue playfully smacked his chest. “Now yer being ridiculous.”
“Hey, I thought you liked that song? ” He pointed out as they walked around in Bayville Park, leaves the color of the autumn sunset crunching underneath their feet. Rogue snuggled closer to her boyfriend, loving his warmth. “One, the song is technically called ‘I Can’t Help Myself.’ And two, that is a secret you will take to yer grave unless Ah say otherwise.”
“The technical name or your guilty pleasure music?”
“Scott Summers.”
“Rejected. Got it.”
Eventually, on a later day: while they are hanging out together on the loveseat in the study, a few hours after the younger X-Men and the rest of the team are asleep or off doing who knows what, she tells him she wants him to call him by her name…her real name.
“Anna Marie…” he repeated slowly, studying her.
Rogue resisted the shudder of warmth along her spine as she heard her name — the one even Irene rarely used throughout her whole childhood—being murmured by Scott. She tucked her toes underneath her fiancé’s thigh, and he draped an arm over her knees in response.
After a moment, he smiled. “It suits you.”
Scott raised an eyebrow in response to her scoff.
“Sorry, ah’m not laughing at you.” Rogue frowned and played with her engagement ring, sitting pretty on her finger, before continuing. “…it’s just, when Ah was little…Irene told me that when Ah was old enough, Ah oughta choose a better name than my birth one.”
Rogue shrugged. “Ah dunno.” Was it Mystique’s request so her identity and world would have been more dependent on the latter? Irene’s own choice, in hopes that she’d forget what little remained of her former life of who she was before being separated from her biological parents at an age too young to fully remember? Rogue rubbed Scott’s arm in contemplation, careful to not touch his skin and remain within the boundary of his sweatshirt’s sleeve. “…from what Ah remember, Irene said that whoever named me had no expectations of me, since ‘Anna Marie’ means ‘drop of the sea.’”
“But why would that—?”
“‘Drop of the sea?’ Aka, ‘Drop in the ocean?’” she explained. “Y’know, insignificant?”
“…you aren’t.”
“Ah know that…now.” She leaned against the armrest and stared at the ceiling, trying not to dwell too much on the negative parts of her childhood. “…ah don’t think she was trying to hurt my feelings. Still…” she closed her eyes.
Scott said nothing for a moment, pondering her words. She sensed his fingers tracing the black lace hem of her skirt. “…but you want me to call you Anna Marie?”
“Because ever since that stupid Henry V assignment, Ah’ve dreamed how it would feel if you called me an angel. Not as Kate. Not as Rogue. As Anna Marie.” She opened an eye and peeked at him. “Because somehow Scott Summers treating a lonely and guarded gal, who calls herself Rogue, with basic human decency plus accidental charm made Anna Marie deep inside want to be seen again. To…” she closed her eyes again, trying to swallow the lump in her throat. “…to be loved.”
For a moment, the study was quiet save for the grandfather clock’s soft ticking. Then, Rogue felt Scott lift himself from the loveseat. She opened her eyes and saw him kneeling at her side, his face close to hers. She didn’t need to see through his ruby-quartz shades to know how he was looking at her. She willed her heartbeat to slow down enough so that, even for a moment, it would be safe for him to touch her. It was embarrassing how audible her shy *gulp* sounded, but it gave Scott the answer he waited for before leaning in.
Straight nose nuzzled button nose, before firm and thin lips brushed against soft and plump ones. Rogue’s mouth parted with a sigh, which muffled into a moan when Scott deepened their kiss. At the back of her mind, Rogue started the countdown to her limit, her system that granted her a brief period of bliss without the risk of draining the life out of her love yet unfailing. After a lovely fifteen seconds, she began to pull away from him, her mental timer reaching its peak. Then, Scott murmured into the corner of her mouth:
“You…are like an angel, Anna Marie.”
Nope. Needed him. Wanted him. Had to have him. Now. Rogue seized the front of Scott’s sweatshirt and yanked him back into her, inwardly giddy at his surprised *mmph!* before he recovered and obediently wrapped his arms around her waist and shoulders.
Five seconds over…ten seconds…she finally forced herself to part from him after a heavenly fifteen seconds over her limit. Scott held her, and she rested her head against his chest. His gentle heartbeat soothed her, and she smiled as he rested his chin upon the top of her head.
“…makes me wonder what’ll happen when we finally attach Summers to your name.”
Rogue shoved him away, face bright pink. “Oh, shaddup!” She tossed a pillow at him. He ducked, laughing at her reaction. Rogue folded her arms and turned away from him, grumbling and trying not to smile back.
“She was wrong, you know.” Scott finally said.
Rogue turned back to look at him. “Irene?”
“Yeah, about your name.” He sat up, and shifted his kneeling into a cross-legged sitting position, gazing at her. “Drop of the sea. Not in.”
“And the difference is…”
He tilted his head. “Remember when Alex and I had to be rescued that one Christmas break ago, when that storm hit Hawaii?”
Rogue frowned at the memory, but nodded.
“When I regained conscious, I happened to look out the window of the Blackbird while we were still over the Northern Pacific. I mean,” he tapped his sunglasses, “obviously my range of color is limited, but I thought the ocean at that moment, the calm after the storm, looked breathtaking. It reminded me of the shade of your eyes.”
…Rogue felt that warmth along her spine again, this time allowing it to melt her heart as she smiled at Scott. He cleared his throat, ears turning pink as he hugged the pillow she had thrown against his chest. “I guess I’m trying to say your birth parents might have seen the ocean like that before, and the color of your eyes was as pretty as it was.” He mumbled.
Silently, Rogue reached out her gloved hand to him, the one wearing his engagement ring. Scott accepted it without hesitation, and she intertwined his fingers with his.
“…Ah love you, Sugah.” She finally whispered, squeezing his hand. He smiled, and kissed hers.
“And I love you, Anna Marie.”
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Pokémon Reborn Screenshot Let's Play: Chapter 36
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Well, here we are again everyone- welcome back! Summer may be winding down (though the high temperatures over here would tell a different story), Halloween may be just around the corner, and the one year anniversary of this whole project of mine is even closer around the corner…but we progress as usual! I get the feeling things are gonna be very different in this game going forward- or at least marginally different, I mean we are about to access a brand new part of the map after all.
But as for how we got to this point, this place where we could very easily enter a whole new region in this chapter, that’s where the recap comes in. So, to summarize the…rather eventful previous installment:
With the TMX for Strength, Xera is able to navigate the damaged Underground Railnet and gain access to the basement of the Yureyu HQ. Cain joins Xera shortly after, and together the two breach the main, abandoned building.
Inside Yureyu HQ, Xera and Cain encounter several Team Meteor members- two of which are holding Shelly hostage at knifepoint. Unable to do anything, they are forced to leave her behind for the time being and head up to the next floor.
On the next floor, Xera and Cain are shocked to find Charlotte engaging in casual conversation with two other Meteor Grunts, Simon and Tara. Though Charlotte does not consider these two true enemies, they still cannot just let her go, and thus Xera and Cain engage the two in a battle.
Simon and Tara are defeated and Charlotte is freed; at this point, the trio learns more about Team Meteor’s goals, namely to “rebuild” the world into a utopia, erasing the current world in the process and putting themselves in charge.
After learning of the situation with Shelly, Charlotte heads back downstairs with Xera and Cain in tow. When Shelly is again threatened, she feigns apathy, easily able to walk past the Grunts to unlock a gate on an upper floor…and then she’s able to grab Shelly and get her away from them, allowing Xera and Cain to defeat them in battle. 
Led again by Charlotte, the group arrives at another floor, where Noel is being kept in a prison cell; Anna and Heather are on the topmost floor. Here, one of the Meteor Knights reveals it was not earthquakes that destroyed Yureyu and its power plant, thus leading to the downfall of Reborn City- it was Team Meteor. They were prepared to do it all over again by destroying the Neo Circuit Power Plant, Julia’s Gym…until Xera and the others got in their way. 
Defeating the Knights, Charlotte and Shelly work to free Noel while Xera and Cain rush to the top floor. There, they find Dr. Connal and Heather, the latter not being hooked up to any electronics thankfully, but still silent. Connal explains he partnered with Team Meteor to retrieve the runaway children, and in exchange all he had to do was take the Ruby Ring from Heather. Connal is unamused by Xera and Cain’s fury at him, questioning if they intend to fight him no matter what. 
They choose not to fight him- after all, despite Connal’s past indiscretions, Sirius was the one behind the kidnapping plot to begin with, not to mention it appears he himself is detaining Anna. Connal agrees to let the two pass as well as allow Heather to go with them once they’re done with Sirius. He cares not for Team Meteor’s plots, and is only continuing to work with them due to curiosity he has about a certain officer whose name he’s familiar with…
In the next room, Xera and Cain find Sirius’ office, with the man himself along with Anna. Anna demands her Amethyst Pendant back, explaining it was from her and Noel’s father. To this, Sirius recognizes the resemblance he sees in Anna and realizes who their father is. Rather than answer any of Anna’s questions, Sirius mocks the “treacherous lout” of a man and refuses to give back either the Ring or the Pendant. With this, Xera and Cain both engage the Meteor Admin in a tense battle.
Together, the two triumph over Sirius- but Sirius plays his last hand by holding Anna hostage. Cain then remembers the Emerald Brooch he got on Azurine Island, which was supposed to go to Sirius. Sirius agrees to trade the Brooch for Anna’s life- and once the trade is done, the trio quickly flee at Anna’s prompting.
At first, Sirius is pleased to have three of the four key gems…until he notices something off with the “Emerald Brooch.” Examining it closer, he realizes the green brooch is not jewelry at all, but something else he recognizes: the explosive Verdignite. This realization comes too late, and the explosive goes off as Xera, Cain, and the kids make their escape.
Using a key she pickpocketed off a Grunt, Charlotte is able to unlock a door leading back to the Underground Railnet, the group still planning to go to Charlotte’s sisters in the Chrysolia Region. 
Eventually, the group comes across a large wall of rubble blocking the tracks. Shelly suggests an old train could still be in the Railnet, and they could- theoretically- use it to bust through the rubble. Charlotte is super into this plan, and the group disperses to search for such a train.
Also, here’s something I didn’t consider when I made that choice when talking to Connal, but something a.) I remembered later, and b.) I really should have remembered at that moment. When the kids were first kidnapped, Sirius led the charge, and Cain was forced to retreat because he wasn’t strong enough to deal with all those Meteors at once. So if you really think about it, him getting to battle Sirius at Yureyu HQ was kinda like his little revenge moment too! If I’d considered that, I would've felt more assured choosing not to battle Connal, even if I still don’t know if that made it the “right” choice, if either of them was “right.”
My weird memory aside- yeah! Finally saved those kids and maybe (hopefully) blew Sirius to the stratosphere, I’m so proud of these characters! Now, the action’s falling back down, and we can focus on getting to our next destination. That means properly exploring this new section of the Railnet, and probably doing stuff with those switches. Let’s get going!
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
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obesericewrites · 2 years
How about S and Erica going ring shopping so S can find the perfect engagement ring to propose to MC with…but they go to store after store and are unable to find a ring which is, as S says, as perfect as the MC is.
She's going to murder them. She promises to kill them with just her hands and stuff a handful of sapphires down their throats. In the previous four hours, they have visited six stores, including this one. It appears that no ring is as "perfect" as the MC. Half of the rings S is ignoring are more valuable than Erica's own bounty
“S, this is dumb,” When they pull her toward the seventh store, Erica snarls. “They'll like any bull you give them, so pick one god damn ring.”
“No! This is an engagement ring, Erica! The ring that matters most before the wedding band!” S cries, shaking her a bit as they do.
“S. If you don't choose a ring in the next hour, I'll personally see the MC and order them to choose their own goddamn ring,” Erica growls with a grin on her face.
In just an hour, S finds a ring. Despite the fact that it is a massive ruby that will undoubtedly weigh down the MC's finger, S isn’t very pleased with it.
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yellowsapphirestone · 10 months
Facts Of Yellow Sapphire Gemstone
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Yellow sapphire, also known as Pukhraj, is a radiant gemstone that has captivated human fascination for centuries. It belongs to the corundum family and is renowned for its mesmerizing yellow hues. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the facts, care tips, and effects of yellow sapphire.
Facts of Yellow Sapphire:
1. Composition and color: Yellow sapphire (Pukhraj gemstone) is a variety of corundum, the same mineral that forms rubies. Its vibrant yellow color is attributed to the presence of iron and titanium impurities. The intensity of the yellow can vary, ranging from pale yellow to deep golden hues.
2. Origin: Major deposits of Yellow Sapphire can be found in countries like Sri Lanka, India, Australia, and Thailand the origin of the gemstone can impact its quality and value. The best Yellow Sapphire comes from Sri Lanka.
3.  Astrological Significance: Yellow sapphire holds a special place in Vedic astrology. It is associated with the planet Jupiter, symbolizing wisdom, prosperity, and fortune. Wearing a yellow sapphire is believed to bring financial success and enhance one’s spiritual journey.
4. Durability: Yellow sapphire is very durable having a hardness of 9 on the Mohs scale next to the diamond which makes it best suited for everyday wear. This makes it an idle choice for various types of jewelry, including rings, earrings, and pendants.
5. Cut and Clarity: The cut of a yellow sapphire is crucial in bringing out its brilliance and color. Clarity is also essential, and gemstones with fewer inclusions are considered more valuable. Before buying yellow sapphire choose the gemstone with less inclusion and without any flaws like black spots or red spots. More the clarity more the results.
Faceting and shape: The cut of a yellow sapphire refers to how well the gemstone has been shaped and faceted. The goal is to maximize the stone’s brilliance and enhance its natural color. The most common cut for yellow sapphires is the oval cut.
Proportions: The proportions of the gemstone, including the arrangement and size of its facets, impact its ability to reflect and refract light. A well-cut yellow sapphire will display a pleasing balance of brightness and fire.
Inclusions: Clarity in gemstones refers to the presence of internal flaws or inclusions. Inclusions are natural imperfections that can affect the gemstone’s transparency and overall appearance. Inclusions in yellow sapphires can include tiny crystals, gas bubbles, or other minerals.
6. Healing Properties: Yellow sapphire is a gemstone that is not only cherished for its aesthetic beauty but also valued for its believed healing properties in various alternative healing practices.
Stress Relief: Yellow sapphire has calm energies that can help to release stress and anxiety. By wearing this gemstone, it promotes a sense of equality and emotional well-being.
Enhanced Creativity: Yellow sapphire is associated with the planet Jupiter which is linked to creativity and inspiration. Yellow sapphire is believed to stimulate the creative side of individuals, encouraging them to express themselves more freely.
Enhanced Focus and Concentration: The gemstone is said to improve mental clarity and concentration. It is believed to enhance intellectual abilities and support individuals in making informed decisions.
Spiritual Growth: Yellow sapphire is considered a spiritually uplifting stone. It is believed to aid in the development of higher consciousness, connecting the wearer with their spiritual self and promoting spiritual growth.
Protection from Negative Energies: Yellow sapphire is said to act as a protective shield against negative energies. It is believed to create a barrier that prevents negative influences from affecting the wearer.
How to Take Care of Yellow Sapphire
Avoid Harsh Chemicals: Yellow sapphire should be protected from harsh chemicals that can damage its surface. Remove your jewelry before using cleaning agents or engaging in activities that involve exposure to chemicals.
Regular Cleaning: Clean your yellow sapphire jewelry regularly using a soft brush, mild soap, and warm water. This helps remove accumulated dirt and oils, preserving the gemstone’s luster.
Professional Cleaning and Inspection: Periodically, take your yellow sapphire jewelry to a professional jeweler for cleaning and inspection. They can identify and address any issues such as loose settings or scratches.
Effects of Yellow Sapphire
1. Astrological Benefits: Yellow sapphire ( Pukhraj ) holds a significant place in Vedic astrology and is associated with the planet  Jupiter also known as Guru. According to Vedic astrology, the yellow sapphire gemstone is believed to have numerous astrological benefits when worn by individuals as per their birth charts.
Jupiter Blessings: Yellow sapphire is associated with the planet Jupiter. Wearing yellow sapphire attracts the positive energies of Jupiter.
Financial Prosperity: Yellow Sapphire Gemstone brings wealth, prosperity, and financial opportunities to the wearer. It is often recommended for individuals seeking success in business or financial stability.
2. Mental and emotional Effects: 
Wisdom and Clarity: Yellow sapphire enhances wisdom, clarity of thought, and decision-making abilities. It is often recommended for individuals seeking intellectual growth.
Positive Energy: Wearing Yellow Sapphire promotes positive thinking and reduces feelings of anxiety and stress. It brings joy and happiness to the wearer.
3. Spiritual and Religious Growth:
Spiritual Growth: Yellow sapphire is associated with spiritual growth and is often used in meditation practices. It enhances spiritual consciousness and awareness.
Protection: In some cultures, yellow sapphire is considered a protective talisman that guards against negative energies and psychic attacks.
4. Improvement in Relationships:
Marital Bliss: The gemstone is believed to strengthen marital relationships and bring harmony and understanding between couples.
Friendship: Some traditions suggest that wearing yellow sapphire can enhance friendships and social connections.
5. Career and Education:
Success in Education: Yellow sapphire is recommended for students, as it is believed to enhance concentration, focus, and intellectual capabilities.
Career Advancement: It is said to bring opportunities for career growth and success, especially in fields related to teaching, law, and finance.
It’s important to approach these claims with a balanced perspective, and individuals interested in using gemstones for their potential benefits should consult with qualified astrologers or experts.
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thecapturedafrique · 1 year
HLAW: Day 5—Hana(ra)’s Perfect Wedding!
Like several members of the fandom, I too ship Hana and Kiara together, and though I have yet to write the fic where they fall in love, I’ve long since come up list of head canons about their wedding. I originally meant to share this for Kiara’s first appreciation week, but I wasn’t able to finish on time. Fortunately, one of the benefits to being a Hanara shipper is that their romantic content can work for both characters’ weeks! 😆
Tagging @hanaleeappreciationweek and the stupendous hosts @lizzybeth1986 and @sazanes!
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This moodboard was designed to reflect the Pinboard that Hana would 100% make for her wedding to Kiara given the numerous ones she’s crafted in canon.
Bridal Ring Sets
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The ring on the left is the one Hana chooses for Kiara; I initially searched for a ring similar to Hana's ring for MC in canon but didn't want a one-to-one match, and then I diverged further by selecting one with a vine design to reference Castelsareillan (aka Rowan’s tattoos which I head canon were tribal in nature and design). The side stones are diamonds since they’re both the ducal stone and Kiki’s birthstone, but Hana went with moissanite for the central stone since it's not as hard and refracts more multi-colored light, representing how there's more to Kiara than what the surface may show and that she is a lot more kind and sweet and thoughtful than her tough facade leads people to expect.
For the ring Kiara gives to Hana*, resetting a family heirloom is very popular in France, especially with traditional affluent families. The ruby was originally from her late maternal grandmother’s engagement ring, and Kiara had it reset in a rose gold band to match her own since Hana proposed first. Due to the canonical Cordonian tradition of lovers throwing a copper, a silver, and a gold coin into a well to guarantee that they stay together for eternity, I head canon that rose gold—which is made of those three metals—is a popular choice in Cordonia for engagement/anniversary jewelry. The wedding band is inlaid with opals since they're the ducal stone of Hana’s duchy, Chrysopolis.
*I was also partly inspired by @masked-alien-lesbian’s beautiful pick to find a more floral design than my original choice, and when I found one with embellishments that mirrored butterflies as well, I knew it was the one.
Bridal Party
In Chinese numerology, 8 is considered one of the most auspicious numbers, with 2, 3, and 6 also being lucky in general. As such, the bridal party is a total of 6 people (3 for each side) who combined with the 2 brides equal 8 in total.
Hana's Bridesmaids: Ally (MOH), Olivia, and Ganga
In my version of events, Olivia actually does offer a genuine apology to Hana in the beer garden scene at the end of TRR2, and so by the time Hana’s planning her wedding, the two have grown close enough for her to ask Liv to be her bridesmaid.
The name Ganga may be familiar to anyone who read Hana’s character page, as she’s one of Hana’s second cousins on her mother’s side. They meet and bond over the course of my reimagined TRH series Silver Spoons.
Kiara's Témoins: Penelope (MOH), Zeke, and Savannah
Instead of bridesmaids and groomsmen, French couples have témoins (witnesses) of any gender/age that stand next to them during the ceremonies. While Penelope is still courteously given the MOH title, Ally is the one who provides the most support in regard to the planning/corralling.
Following Moroccan and Chinese traditions, the wedding celebration is several days long. I also head canon that many western regions of Cordonia outside of the five major duchies have three-day-length celebrations, including the regality from which Hana’s maternal family hails. The negafa (wedding planner) is Kiki’s paternal aunt Leïla, who is assisted by Hana’s own aunt Yawen.
Day 1: Castelsareillan
In Morocco on the first day of a wedding celebration, the bride spends a day in the hammam (a type of steam bath or place of public bathing akin to a spa) with her companions, treating themselves with multiple body masks, scrubs, and massages as part of a bridal ritual of purification and beauty. Hanara chooses the baths and spa in Applewood visited in TRR2 and attend with their bridal party sans Zeke.
Bachelorette Party
Their joint party is thrown in Côte d'Or, the Cordonian gambling district visited in RoE which in my verse is located in one of Castelsareillan’s vassalages off the coast. Aside from the standard night on the town events, Ally also arranges a series of chuangmen (Chinese door games) for the couple to play: an alcoholic version of the Four Flavors of Life, Q&A Tests, and a Sweet Serenade karaoke session.
The theme is a rainbow, with everyone wearing a different colored dress: Ally in red, Ganga in orange, Kiara in yellow gold, Olivia in green, Penelope in blue, Savannah in purple, and Hana in pink. All of the bridesmaids wear the same cap-sleeved sequined style, while the brides’ outfits are pictured below:
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Day 2: Samsara
Henna Party
Both Morocco and India have wedding traditions involving decorating the bride’s hands and feet with henna (mehndi being the South Asian term for the body art itself). Lorelai’s cousin Aparna offers her estate in Samsara (a western regality in Cordonia) as the venue, and the party is a long affair filled with food and music.
Hana wears a pink sari while Kiki dons a green kaftan. Since the brides plan to walk down the aisle the next day, they’re carried to their seats in the amaria (an elegant roofed platform) by four men: Zeke, Drake, Bertrand, and the male cousin Kiara mentions in TRR3 who I named Patrice and head canon is Joëlle’s nephew.
Having forgone a wedding shower, the brides open their gifts during the party, some of which revolve around the traditional “something old” rhyme (with the givers corresponding to whose side they walk on):
Something Old: received during the tea ceremony
Something New: white lotus hair stick (Ally), silver and onyx Berber necklace (Zeke)
Something Borrowed: Scarlet Handkerchief (Liv), Golden Tiara* (Penelope)
Something Blue: garter set (Savannah), nagapadam mala (Ganga)
*The Golden Tiara is the House treasure that was granted to the Amaranth’s when they were elevated in 1600 C.E. It was rumored that while donned, the makeup of any who wore it would remain flawless.
Rehearsal Dinner
The ribbons and bows from unwrapping the gifts are turned into two giant bouquets that the brides use for the following wedding rehearsal in place of the garlands they’ll be using for the real ceremony. They also incorporate some elements of the nischayam, an Indian Malayalee engagement ceremony generally held to formally announce the marriage, which includes exchanging horoscopes as well as the mothiram maattal (ring exchange). Since pigs are favored animals in Chinese culture, Kiara’s pet teacup pig Tambour acts as the ring bearer. At the end of the rehearsal dinner, the couple signs their marriage license following both French and Moroccan tradition (the latter of which call this ceremony Drib Sdak).
Day 3: Chrysopolis
Shutou & Jing Cha
The morning of the third and final wedding day begins in Hana’s manor in Chrysopolis with the Chinese shutou or hair combing ceremony performed by their mothers Lorelai and Joëlle. Immediately afterwards, the two change into their traditional formal wear (Hana in a qungua and Kiara in a takshita) before heading downstairs for the jing cha or tea ceremony, where their aunts have built an ancestral altar for the occasion.
The ceremony is done with both families at the same time, and in return for the tea that the couple offer, their families offer them golden jewelry and red envelopes filled with money called hongbao. They also receive from their fathers the “something old” gift that’s been passed down by their late grandmothers: a set of golden phoenix & dragon bangles for Hana and silver Berber bracelets for Kiara.
Vow Exchange
The exchanging of vows takes place outside in the sunflower garden. Kiki’s four-year-old cousin mentioned in TRH2 serves as the flower girl, and the bridal party are all dressed in a reddish mulberry and adorned with golden jewelry*. The brides change into their white outfits (Hana wearing the same dress as in canon and a veil, while Kiara dons a jumpsuit with a cape) and walk down the T-shaped aisle on the arms of their fathers to meet each other.
Hakim place Kiara’s hand in Hana’s and Xinghai hands them a pair of scissors before leaving the two to continue their march together. In a slightly altered French tradition, they must cut through the rows of white ribbons stretched across the aisle to reach the dais, where they exchange a set of garlands made from roses, fire lilies, jasmine, sunflowers, and Vescovi (magic) flowers in the Hindi jayamala ceremony, a pledge which substitutes their “I Do’s.”
Liam acts as the officiant and joins the couple’s hands together following the Agni Hito tradition of using a red string to represent their fates being bound. He hands them each a lambatha (Greek taper candle) to hold as the brides recite their individual customized vows to one another. They then use the lambathes to light a brazier filled with Heartoak wood which is placed before them.
This functions as the sacred fire for the saat phere, a Hindu wedding ritual continued by the Agni Hito where the couple walks around the fire seven times while reciting specific vows. Each circuit holds a certain meaning. Once the seventh one has been completed, Liam pronounces the two wives, and butterflies are released as they share their first kiss as a married couple.
*One of the bridal party’s statement pieces is a golden pin in the design of Hanara’s onnamon, pictured below. Mon are Japanese emblems that function similar to heraldic charges, and onnamon specifically are created by women after marriage through modifying her original family kamon. The Agni Hito, being of Japanese lineage, continued to use them within Cordonia. After becoming the Duchess of Chrysopolis, Hana adopted a new mon by turning her mother’s kamon/charge (the cherry blossom) into a butterfly-shape.
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The rice toss is performed while the newlyweds exit down the aisle before everyone heads inside, where the vin d’honour (the French equivalent of a cocktail hour) is held. Kir Royale cocktails made with Cristal champagne and chocolate-coated almonds called les dragées are served, and both mahjong and mancala are played. Once all of the ~200 attendees have been greeted, they drive to the banquet hall with a liberal use of horns preceding the “just married” limo.
Each guest upon their arrival signs the livre des visiteurs (guestbook), delivers their hongbao, touches a set of oranges for good luck, and washes their hands in the orange blossom water. Ouzo and Moroccan mint tea are offered until everyone has been seated for the grand entrance, where under a shower of petals and sparklers, the newlyweds perform a TRR 2.0 Olivia-style change into their reception dresses pictured below (Hana on the left and Kiara on the right):
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Thanks to @lizzybeth1986 for sharing the tumblr post with these lovely designs!
They step onto the floor with their fathers for the first dance, which they finish as a couple following French tradition. The song is one that Hana composed titled Le jardin de l'amour and performed by Kaitlyn Liao. The feast itself is a ten-course affair that contains a vast variety of cultural dishes, including drunken shrimp, butter chicken, Peking duck, pork jiaozi, tangine, bird’s nest soup, and seffa. Maxwell serves as the emcee, and toasts are given in between the various acts.
Friends provide most of the entertainment, including a ballad sung by the Cordonian Quartet, but there are also lion dancers and firecrackers following Chinese tradition. Halfway through, the couple changes into their final outfits for the night (a red qipao for Hana and a kaftan jumpsuit for Kiara). Once the last course has been served, the croquembouche (a French dessert that serves as the wedding cake) is wheeled out along with a Cordonian Ruby for the apple-cutting ceremony.
After feeding each other a slice of both, the dancing begins. The party lasts long into the night, but just before the newlyweds retire for the evening, they take part in another French tradition: eating a dish from a brand new pot de chambre (chamber pot). The bottom is lined by bananas and covered with melted chocolate before the leftover alcohol from the wedding is poured in. After the couple’s takes a drink and eats a spoonful of the gooey contents, the rest is left to be finished off by the bridal party.
Lorelai’s wedding gift is the most expensive home in China, and it is here in Shanghai where Hana and Kiara spend the first week of their honeymoon, which ends with the Mid-Autumn Festival. The second week is spent in Tours, France where they go cycling and visit the famous châteaus before returning to Cordonia just in time for the Last Apple Ball.
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gemloremaster · 1 year
How Much Should I Spend on an Engagement Ring?
Getting engaged is a momentous occasion filled with joy, love, and anticipation for the future. As you plan to pop the question, one question looms large: "How much should I spend on an engagement ring?" This is a significant decision, and in this informative guide, we'll explore the various factors to consider to help you make an informed choice.
Understanding Tradition vs. Modern Perspectives
Traditionally, there was a guideline suggesting that an engagement ring should cost approximately two to three months' salary. However, it's essential to recognize that this rule isn't universally applicable or relevant in today's world. Here, we delve into the key considerations that will help you determine the right budget for your unique and affordable engagement ring.
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Assess Your Financial Situation
Calculate Your Current Savings: Begin by understanding your financial standing. Calculate your savings, taking into account your monthly expenses, debts, and any other financial obligations.
Set a Realistic Budget: Determine a budget that you are comfortable with, one that aligns with your financial goals and doesn't lead to financial strain.
Consider Future Expenses: Think about other significant expenses on the horizon, such as the wedding itself, the honeymoon, and any other financial commitments.
Prioritize What Matters Most
It's important to remember that the value of an engagement ring goes beyond its price tag. Consider these factors:
Quality Over Size: Focus on the quality of the diamond or gemstone. A smaller, high-quality stone can be more dazzling than a larger one of lower quality. Pay attention to the Four Cs: Cut, Carat, Color, and Clarity.
Personal Connection: The significance of the ring lies in the sentiment it carries. Choose a ring that resonates with your partner's style and your shared journey.
Explore Alternative Options
There are various ways to make the most of your budget:
Lab-Grown Diamonds: Consider opting for lab-grown diamonds, which often offer cost savings without compromising on quality.
Alternative Gemstones: Explore gemstones like sapphires, emeralds, or rubies, which can be equally stunning and more affordable.
Vintage or Antique Rings: These rings can be unique and carry a sense of history, often at a lower cost than new ones.
Communicate with Your Partner
Open and honest communication with your partner is key. Discuss your financial expectations and reach a mutual understanding about what is comfortable for both of you. Remember, this is a decision you make together as a couple.
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In summary, the question of how much to spend on an engagement ring is a highly personal one. It should be guided by your financial situation, your partner's preferences, and your shared values. Rather than adhering to rigid traditions, prioritize meaningful choices that reflect the love and commitment you share.
So, take your time, evaluate your finances, explore your options, and, most importantly, let your heart lead you in choosing the perfect ring for your unique love story.
May your engagement be filled with joy, love, and the promise of a beautiful future together!
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shreejikrupa · 1 year
How can I create a custom engagement ring?
Define Your Vision
Begin by defining your vision for the custom engagement rings. Consider your partner's preferences, your budget, and any meaningful elements you'd like to incorporate. Gather inspiration from sources like Pinterest, fashion magazines, or even your partner's existing jewelry collection. Determine the metal type (e.g., white gold, yellow gold, rose gold, platinum) and the overall style (classic, vintage, modern, etc.) you want to achieve.
Choose the Diamond or Gemstone
Selecting the center stone is a pivotal step in creating a custom engagement ring. Decide whether you want a traditional diamond or a colored gemstone like a sapphire, emerald, or ruby. Consider factors like the stone's cut, color, clarity, and carat weight. Keep in mind that the center stone will be the focal point of the ring, so choose one that resonates with your partner's style and your vision.
Find a Custom Jeweler
Partnering with a skilled custom diamond wholesale usa is essential to bring your vision to life. Research local jewelers or reputable online platforms that specialize in custom design. Read reviews, view their portfolio, and check if they have experience creating custom engagement rings. A jeweler with expertise in both design and craftsmanship will guide you through the process and ensure your ring turns out as you envision.
Initial Consultation
Schedule an initial consultation with your chosen jeweler. During this meeting, share your ideas, inspirations, and preferences. Discuss the design elements you want to incorporate, including the setting style, metal choice, and any special engravings. A skilled jeweler will listen carefully and offer suggestions to refine your vision and ensure it can be translated into a beautiful and functional design.
Concept and Design Development
Based on your initial consultation, the wholesale diamonds usa will create a concept and design for your custom engagement ring. This might involve sketches, computer-aided design (CAD) renderings, or even 3D models. Review the design and provide feedback. If needed, make adjustments to ensure that the design aligns with your preferences and expectations.
Stone Selection and Sourcing
If you're using a specific diamond or gemstone for the center stone, your jeweler will source and evaluate stones that match your specifications. If you're open to options, the jeweler might present you with several choices to select from. This step ensures that the stone perfectly fits the design and quality you desire. people love to buy wholesale gold and diamond jewelry.
Approval and Pricing
Once the design and stone selection are finalized, your jeweler will provide a detailed quote for the custom engagement ring. This quote should include all components of the ring, from the center stone and setting to any additional accents or details. Review the quote, confirm the pricing, and give your approval to proceed.
Wax Model or 3D Printing
In many cases, a wax model or 3D-printed prototype will be created based on the approved design. This physical model allows you to see a tangible representation of the ring before it's cast in metal and set with the stones. It's an opportunity to make any final adjustments to the design before moving forward.
Casting and Setting
Once the design and wax model are approved, the jeweler will cast the ring in the chosen metal. After casting, the ring's components are meticulously assembled, and the stones are set. This step requires precision and expertise to ensure that the stones are secure and positioned correctly. The prongs, bezels, or channels that hold the stones in place are also crafted during this stage.
Finishing Touches and Polishing
After the stones are set, the ring undergoes a process of polishing and finishing to achieve the desired shine and appearance. Any additional engravings or personalized touches are added at this stage. The final product should closely resemble the approved design and reflect your vision.
Quality Check and Final Approval
Before the ring is presented to you, the jeweler performs a thorough quality check to ensure that every detail is perfect. This includes examining the setting, ensuring the stones are secure, and confirming that the metalwork meets the highest standards. Once the jeweler is satisfied with the craftsmanship, they will contact you for a final review and approval.
Presentation and Proposal
With the custom engagement ring ready, it's time for the grand reveal. Whether you're planning a surprise proposal or presenting the ring in a special setting, the moment is filled with anticipation and emotion. The custom nature of the ring adds an extra layer of sentimentality, as it's a representation of your thoughtfulness and effort in creating something unique for your partner.
Creating a custom engagement ring is a journey that combines creativity, craftsmanship, and a deep connection to your partner. By defining your vision, collaborating with a skilled jeweler, and overseeing the design and production process, you can create a ring that tells your love story in a truly exceptional and personal way. The end result is a stunning piece of jewelry that holds immense sentimental value and marks the beginning of a beautiful chapter in your lives together.
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roserypoetryfr · 2 years
Uncommon Involvement Rings - Nowadays They Are Everything About Shade
As far as engagement rings are concerned some ladies prefer to not follow the crowd however instead set out by themselves to locate an unusual wedding piece that no one else has. If you prefer to not go for what everybody else has like a Tacori or Ritani solitaire after that continued reading to find out exactly how you can produce an unique piece of bridal jewelry styled and also fashioned just for you.
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The simplest way and also without a doubt one of the most cost-effective method to create an Princess diana ring on your own that is unusual is to vary the kind of center rock that you make use of for the ring. If you're hung up on the white round great which is the basic traditional rock that goes into 90% of the jewelry out there then you will need to think of some other method of creating your masterpiece. However, if you liberate your facility stone choices as well as select a tinted rock rather than a diamond, then a whole world of fresh layout choices will open up to you. The late princess Diana went with a huge oblong Kashmiri blue sapphire surrounded by rubies in an easy ballerina kind setup. It was uncommon in the feeling that heaven sapphire was the focal point as opposed to the rubies in the ring. Of course, the blue sapphire was of such a high quality that it was much more expensive than many rubies that you see today. Whatever color you might lean towards there will certainly be a gemstone that you will certainly discover very ideal as a facility stone for your uncommon ring. You can also go with a tinted ruby as the facility rock for your bridal item. Rubies as you may recognize can be found in all colors under the sun. The majority of what you see on the market is synthetically created. However, it is feasible to get a beautiful canary yellow ruby of a carat weight or even more for simply 2 or three times the rate of the very same size stone in a white diamond. You can after that flank the yellow diamond with synthetically tinted but all-natural blue diamonds. So you can have a yellow and blue mix involvement ring that goes to once colorful yet still all ruby however. For additional information to go here:-.  Anxiety rings There are a limitless range of rocks as well as motifs that you can make use of to develop your very own uncommon engagement ring around. Such gemstones can be found in a variety of various forms as well as you can personalize your placing to accommodate as well as go with the lines of the rock that you choose. So there is no reason that you can not head out there and find yourself an unusual interaction ring for an extremely reasonable price. Find out more
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joyner111 · 8 days
Many options available for those seeking unique wedding rings
Unique wedding rings are a popular choice for couples looking to express their individuality and the uniqueness of their love story. There are many options available for those seeking a distinctive ring, including:
Uncommon Materials: Some companies offer rings made from rare and sustainably sourced materials such as reclaimed wood, whiskey barrel wood, meteorite, dinosaur bone, and naturally shed elk antler .
Custom Designs: Personalized rings can be designed to incorporate elements that are significant to the couple, such as a star chart of the wedding date or a custom engraving of a special message .
Colored Gemstones: Instead of traditional diamonds, consider rings featuring colored gemstones like sapphires, emeralds, or rubies, which can add a pop of color and uniqueness .
Alternative Metals: Rings made from alternative metals such as titanium, tungsten, or black ceramic can provide a modern and unique look .
Nature-Inspired Designs: For those who love nature, rings with motifs inspired by flowers, leaves, or vines can be a beautiful and unique choice .
Artistic and Sculptural Designs: Rings that push the boundaries of traditional jewelry-making with avant-garde shapes and intricate details can be truly one-of-a-kind .
Minimalist and Dainty Styles: For a more subtle statement, minimalist designs with clean lines and delicate details can be just as unique and personal .
Vintage-Inspired Rings: Couples seeking a timeless look may opt for vintage-inspired designs that carry the charm of yesteryears .
Mixed Metals and Gemstones: Combining different metals and gemstones can create a visually striking and personalized look.
When choosing unique wedding rings, consider your lifestyle, personal style, and how the unique wedding rings will complement your engagement ring or stand on its own. It's also important to ensure that the materials used are durable enough for daily wear. Many jewelers offer customization options, allowing you to play an active role in the design process and create unique wedding rings that is a true reflection of your love story .
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jenifermaison · 13 days
Choosing the Perfect Engagement Ring: A Comprehensive Guide
Choosing the Perfect Engagement Ring: A Comprehensive Guide Selecting the perfect engagement ring is one of the most important and personal decisions you’ll ever make. Not only does it symbolize love and commitment, but it’s also a piece of jewelry that will be worn for a lifetime. With so many styles, metals, stones, and settings available, the process can feel overwhelming. Whether you’re shopping for a traditional diamond ring or looking for something unique, this guide will walk you through the key factors to consider when choosing an engagement ring.
Understand the 4 Cs: Cut, Clarity, Carat, and Color When it comes to diamonds and other gemstones, the 4 Cs—cut, clarity, carat, and color—are crucial in determining the overall quality and value of the engagement ring.
Cut refers to how well the stone is shaped and faceted, affecting its brilliance. A well-cut diamond will reflect light beautifully, enhancing its sparkle. Clarity measures how many internal or external imperfections (inclusions and blemishes) the stone has. The fewer imperfections, the higher the clarity grade. Carat refers to the size or weight of the diamond or gemstone. Larger stones are generally more expensive, but this doesn't necessarily mean bigger is better—it depends on personal preference. Color measures the hue of the stone, particularly in diamonds, which are graded from D (colorless) to Z (light yellow or brown). A colorless diamond is typically more valuable, though some prefer the warmth of diamonds with slight color. Understanding these factors will help you make a more informed decision about the stone that’s right for your engagement ring.
Choosing the Right Metal The band of the engagement ring is just as important as the stone. The choice of metal can affect both the aesthetic and durability of the ring. Here are the most popular options:
Platinum is a durable and hypoallergenic metal that is perfect for everyday wear. It has a naturally white luster that doesn’t fade over time, making it a top choice for engagement rings. White Gold offers a similar look to platinum but is more affordable. It’s often coated with rhodium to enhance its shine, although this will need to be reapplied periodically. Yellow Gold has a timeless, warm glow. It’s been a classic choice for engagement rings for centuries, and it complements a variety of skin tones. Rose Gold offers a romantic and vintage feel. Its soft pink hue is created by mixing gold with copper, making it an increasingly popular choice for modern engagement rings. Sterling Silver is an affordable option, though it’s less durable than the other metals. It’s best suited for more delicate designs and those who may want to upgrade their ring later. The choice of metal will also depend on your personal style and how well it complements the stone and setting you’ve chosen.
Consider Different Stone Options While diamonds remain the most popular choice for engagement rings, many couples are opting for alternative stones that offer unique beauty and personal significance. Some popular alternatives include:
Moissanite: Known for its incredible brilliance and affordability, moissanite is a stunning, eco-friendly alternative to diamonds. Sapphires: Sapphires are known for their deep blue hue, but they also come in pink, yellow, and white varieties. They offer a pop of color and a regal feel. Emeralds: Emeralds offer a bold and vibrant green color, making them a favorite among those who want an eye-catching ring. Rubies: Rubies are a fiery red gemstone that symbolizes passion and love, adding a bold touch to any engagement ring. Lab-Grown Diamonds: These diamonds are chemically and physically identical to natural diamonds but are created in a lab, making them a more sustainable and affordable option. Choosing a non-traditional stone can add a unique touch to your engagement ring, allowing it to reflect your personality and style.
Decide on a Setting The setting of the engagement ring can dramatically affect its overall appearance. Some popular setting styles include:
Solitaire: A classic and timeless option, the solitaire setting showcases a single stone without any distractions, making it a popular choice for traditional engagement rings. Halo: A halo setting features a central stone surrounded by a circle (or halo) of smaller stones. This style adds extra sparkle and makes the central stone appear larger. Three-Stone: The three-stone setting represents a couple’s past, present, and future. It typically features a large center stone flanked by two smaller stones. Pavé: In a pavé setting, small diamonds or gemstones are set close together along the band, giving the ring a continuous sparkle. Bezel: This modern setting encircles the stone with a metal rim, offering a sleek look and added security for the stone. When selecting a setting, think about your lifestyle. If you have an active lifestyle, you may want a more secure setting, like bezel, which protects the stone better than a prong setting.
Custom vs. Pre-Designed Rings Another key consideration is whether to go for a custom-designed engagement ring or to choose a pre-designed option. Custom rings allow for a completely unique design that reflects your personal style, while pre-designed rings offer convenience and often come with a lower price tag.
If you’re designing a custom ring, work with a jeweler who specializes in custom pieces. They will guide you through the process, from choosing the stone to selecting the setting and band. A custom ring is a perfect choice for those who want something truly one-of-a-kind.
Budgeting for Your Engagement Ring While the "three months' salary" rule has been popularized for engagement ring budgets, it’s essential to choose a ring that fits within your personal financial situation. Moissanite or lab-grown diamonds offer budget-friendly alternatives to traditional diamonds without sacrificing beauty or quality. Decide on a budget early, and make sure to prioritize what matters most to you, whether it’s the size of the stone, the quality of the metal, or the design of the setting.
Conclusion Choosing the perfect engagement ring is a personal journey that combines love, style, and thoughtfulness. By considering factors such as the 4 Cs, the type of metal, stone options, setting, and budget, you can find a ring that symbolizes your commitment and reflects your unique style. Whether you choose a classic diamond solitaire or a bold, colorful gemstone, the right engagement ring will be a cherished symbol of your love for years to come.
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sierrajewelryind · 17 days
The Timeless Elegance of Natural Emerald Rings: A Guide to Buying Your Perfect Piece
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When it comes to fine jewelry, few gemstones capture the imagination quite like the emerald. Known for its deep, rich green hue, the natural emerald ring is a symbol of elegance and sophistication. Whether you're searching for the perfect engagement ring or simply want to add a touch of luxury to your collection, understanding the allure of the natural emerald can help guide your decision. In this article, we'll explore why you should consider a natural emerald ring and how Sierra can assist you in finding the ideal piece.
The Allure of the Natural Emerald Ring
The natural emerald ring is more than just a piece of jewelry; it’s a statement. Emeralds are among the most coveted gemstones, revered for their vibrant color and exceptional clarity. Unlike synthetic or treated stones, natural emeralds are formed under intense geological conditions, giving each one a unique character. Their rich green color is often associated with renewal and growth, making them a popular choice for those who appreciate both beauty and symbolism.
Why You Should Buy an Emerald Ring
Choosing to buy an emerald ring is an investment in both style and substance. Emeralds are one of the four classic precious gemstones, alongside diamonds, sapphires, and rubies. They possess a distinct allure that sets them apart from other stones. Their color, which ranges from deep forest green to lighter shades, can complement various skin tones and personal styles.
When you buy an emerald ring, you're not just acquiring a beautiful piece of jewelry; you're also choosing a gem with a rich history. Emeralds have been cherished for thousands of years, with historical ties to ancient Egypt, the Inca Empire, and beyond. Owning a natural emerald ring means you're part of a long tradition of appreciation for this captivating stone.
The Perfect Choice: Buy Emerald Engagement Ring
For those in the market for an engagement ring, the decision to Buy emerald engagement ring can be particularly special. Emeralds symbolize love and rebirth, making them an ideal choice for marking a new chapter in your life. A natural emerald ring used for an engagement ring offers a unique and personal touch that stands out from the more traditional diamond engagement rings.
When selecting an emerald engagement ring, it’s essential to consider factors like the stone's cut, color, and clarity. Sierra, renowned for its exceptional collection of fine jewelry, provides expert guidance to ensure that you choose an emerald that aligns with your vision. Their knowledgeable team can help you navigate the various options, ensuring that your ring is not only beautiful but also a lasting symbol of your love.
Sierra: Your Destination for Emerald Jewelry
At Sierra, you'll find a curated selection of natural emerald rings that cater to diverse tastes and preferences. Whether you're looking to buy emerald ring for yourself or searching for a distinctive engagement ring, Sierra’s collection combines quality craftsmanship with timeless design. Their commitment to excellence ensures that every piece, from elegant solitaire settings to intricate vintage designs, meets the highest standards of beauty and craftsmanship.
Sierra's team is dedicated to providing personalized service, helping you find a natural emerald ring that reflects your personal style and the unique qualities of the gemstone. Their expertise and passion for fine jewelry make them a trusted destination for anyone looking to invest in a piece that will be cherished for years to come.
In conclusion, whether you're ready to buy emerald ring for a special occasion or simply want to enhance your jewelry collection, the natural emerald ring is a choice that promises beauty and distinction. With the expert guidance from Sierra, you can find a piece that perfectly suits your needs, ensuring that your emerald ring becomes a treasured part of your life’s story.
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giacoloredstones · 17 days
How to Choose the Perfect Blue Sapphire Ring from Sam’s Club?
When it comes to choosing a piece of jewelry that is as timeless as it is stunning, a blue sapphire ring stands out as a top choice. Known for its rich, deep hue and exceptional durability, a blue sapphire ring makes a statement that is both elegant and enduring. Sam’s Club offers a wide selection of blue sapphire rings, catering to various tastes and budgets. This guide will help you navigate the process of selecting the perfect blue sapphire ring from Sam’s Club, ensuring that you make an informed and satisfying purchase.
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Understanding Blue Sapphires: The Basics
Before diving into the specifics of purchasing a blue sapphire ring, it’s essential to understand what makes this gemstone so special. Blue sapphires belong to the corundum mineral family, which also includes rubies. The striking blue color of these sapphires is due to the presence of trace elements, primarily iron and titanium, within the crystal structure.
Key Characteristics of Blue Sapphires:
Color: The most desirable sapphires have a deep, vivid blue color, often referred to as “royal blue” or “cornflower blue.”
Clarity: Sapphires typically contain inclusions, but those with fewer and less visible inclusions are considered higher quality.
Cut: The cut of the sapphire affects its brilliance and how it reflects light, making it an important aspect of the stone’s overall appearance.
Carat: Sapphires come in various sizes, and while larger sapphires are rarer, they are also more expensive.
The Appeal of Blue Sapphire Rings
Blue sapphire rings have been favored by royalty and celebrities for centuries, symbolizing wisdom, virtue, and good fortune. One of the most famous sapphire rings in modern history is the engagement ring worn by Princess Diana, now worn by Kate Middleton. This has only increased the allure of blue sapphire rings, making them a popular choice for engagement rings, anniversaries, and special occasions.
Why Choose a Blue Sapphire Ring?
Durability: With a rating of 9 on the Mohs scale of hardness, sapphires are incredibly durable, making them ideal for daily wear.
Versatility: The deep blue color of sapphire complements various metals and settings, whether you prefer gold, platinum, or silver.
Symbolism: Sapphires are often associated with loyalty, integrity, and trust, making them a meaningful choice for engagement rings and lifelong commitments.
Exploring Sam’s Club’s Blue Sapphire Ring Collection
Sam’s Club offers an extensive collection of blue sapphire rings, ranging from classic solitaire settings to more elaborate designs with diamond accents. The variety available ensures that there is a ring to suit every style and budget.
Types of Blue Sapphire Rings at Sam’s Club:
Solitaire Rings: A single, stunning sapphire is the star of the show, usually set in a simple band that allows the gemstone to take center stage.
Halo Rings: A sapphire is surrounded by a halo of smaller diamonds, adding sparkle and enhancing the gemstone’s visual impact.
Three-Stone Rings: A central sapphire is flanked by two smaller gemstones, often diamonds, symbolizing the past, present, and future.
Vintage-Inspired Rings: These rings feature intricate details and designs that evoke the elegance of a bygone era, perfect for those who appreciate classic beauty.
Factors to Consider When Choosing a Blue Sapphire Ring
Choosing the perfect blue sapphire ring involves more than just picking a pretty design. Several factors come into play, each contributing to the overall quality, appearance, and value of the ring.
1. Sapphire Quality
The quality of the sapphire is the most critical factor in your decision. Here’s what to consider:
Color: Aim for a sapphire with a deep, vibrant blue that is neither too dark nor too light. The most prized sapphires have a velvety, royal blue color.
Clarity: While it’s normal for sapphires to have inclusions, the fewer and less noticeable they are, the better. Opt for a sapphire with minimal inclusions that do not affect the stone’s transparency or brilliance.
Cut: A well-cut sapphire will maximize the gemstone’s brilliance and enhance its natural beauty. Look for sapphires with symmetrical cuts that reflect light evenly.
2. Setting and Metal Choice
The setting and metal choice not only influence the ring’s aesthetic but also its durability and how well it showcases the sapphire.
Metal Options: Blue sapphires pair beautifully with various metals. Platinum and white gold emphasize the cool tones of the sapphire, while yellow gold offers a warm contrast. Rose gold provides a romantic, vintage-inspired look.
Setting Style: The setting should securely hold the sapphire while complementing its shape and size. Prong settings allow maximum light to enter the sapphire, enhancing its brilliance, while bezel settings provide extra protection.
3. Ring Size and Comfort
Comfort is key when choosing a ring that you’ll wear regularly. Make sure the ring fits well and feels comfortable on your finger. If you’re buying a ring as a gift, try to get the recipient’s ring size in advance to avoid resizing later.
4. Certification and Authenticity
When purchasing a blue sapphire ring, especially one with a significant price tag, ensure that the gemstone comes with a certification from a reputable gemological laboratory. This certificate verifies the sapphire’s authenticity and provides detailed information about its quality.
Tips for Making the Most of Your Sam’s Club Shopping Experience
Shopping for a blue sapphire ring at Sam’s Club offers several advantages, including competitive pricing and a wide selection. Here are some tips to enhance your shopping experience:
1. Utilize Sam’s Club Membership Benefits
As a Sam’s Club member, you gain access to exclusive pricing and promotions. Be sure to check for any ongoing discounts or special offers on blue sapphire rings. Additionally, Sam’s Club offers a satisfaction guarantee, so you can shop with confidence.
2. Explore Online and In-Store Options
Sam’s Club provides the convenience of shopping both online and in-store. While online shopping offers a broader selection, visiting a store allows you to see the rings in person and try them on for size and comfort. Consider browsing online first to identify potential options, then visiting a store to finalize your decision.
3. Read Customer Reviews
Customer reviews can provide valuable insights into the quality and satisfaction of previous buyers. Pay attention to reviews that mention the ring’s appearance, durability, and overall value. This can help you gauge whether a particular ring meets your expectations.
4. Take Advantage of Sam’s Club Services
Sam’s Club offers various services that can enhance your purchase experience, such as free resizing on select rings and extended warranties. Be sure to inquire about these services when making your purchase.
Caring for Your Blue Sapphire Ring
Once you’ve chosen the perfect blue sapphire ring, it’s essential to care for it properly to maintain its beauty and luster.
1. Regular Cleaning
To keep your sapphire ring sparkling, clean it regularly with warm, soapy water and a soft brush. Avoid harsh chemicals or ultrasonic cleaners, as they can damage the metal or loosen the gemstones.
2. Safe Storage
When not wearing your ring, store it in a soft pouch or a lined jewelry box to prevent scratches. Keep it separate from other jewelry to avoid damage from harder gemstones like diamonds.
3. Professional Maintenance
Schedule regular check-ups with a jeweler to ensure that the sapphire is securely set and that the metal shows no signs of wear. A professional cleaning and inspection can help prolong the life of your ring.
Choosing the perfect blue sapphire ring from Sam’s Club is an exciting and rewarding experience. By understanding the key factors that influence the quality and value of a sapphire ring, you can make an informed decision that you’ll cherish for years to come. Whether you’re selecting a ring for a special occasion or simply indulging in a beautiful piece of jewelry, a blue sapphire ring from Sam’s Club is a timeless investment in style and elegance.
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