#how to eat for mental health
beanghostprincess · 2 months
Laios saying he's stronger and better organized than Shuro because he eats 3 meals every day and sleeps properly is probably one of the most encouraging things a fictional character has ever said to me
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kimdokjas · 2 months
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though the movie might be cancelled, yuri on ice will live forever in our hearts. thank you yoi fandom, it's been real ♡
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shonalisoulfood · 2 years
The Mental Health Benefits of Reading
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Taking care of your mental health is immensely important. And the easiest way to take charge of your mental wellness can be quickly done by picking up a book. In this case, Meditation books are probably the best choice.
Reading is not only a great way to stay entertained while gaining information, but it can also improve your overall mental health. From romantic fiction to autobiographies, reading books of any kind will immensely benefit your mental health.
What are the Benefits of Reading?
Reading books of every kind uses a typical technique of boosting your mental health. Here is a comprehensive listing of some of the remarkable benefits of reading books:
●   Reduces Stress
Reading is probably the most effective way of reducing stress. So picking up a book you enjoy can help your mind escape.
●   Improves Empathizing Ability
Several studies suggest that reading can technically help understand other people's feelings. This specifically happens when people keep reading fiction for a long time.
●   Builds Your Brain
Reading is the ideal option if you ever wish to take your brain to the gym. This will work out all the important muscles in your brain and keep your mind active.
●    Seamlessly Deal with Mental Illness
Believe it or not, reading can essentially work as a therapy. It has become so popular that the therapy even has a name - bibliotherapy. This is where biblio-therapists recommend books that deal with grief, anxiety, and depression.
●   Eliminate Symptoms of Dementia
Reading can keep up with diseases like Alzheimer’s by promoting the brain's activity. And inactivity within the brain can significantly increase the chances of acquiring this disease.
To Conclude
By now, you must clearly know how reading benefits your mental well-being. But if you are still finding answers to how to eat for mental health, you can consult macrobiotic nutritionist Shonali. She suggests a state-of-the-art diet perfect for mental and physical well-being.
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uncanny-tranny · 10 months
The thing that sucks about disordered eating recovery is that... you're expected to have a completely healthy relationship with food, eating, and exercise, but you also need to know and self-enforce the idea of Good Foods and Bad Foods, and you also cannot recover into a fat body or keep a fat body, but you also need to effortlessly maintain a thin and trim body. You also can't make other people (i.e. the "normal" folk) uncomfortable if you aren't doing okay or if you have a disordered experience. But you also cannot "glamourize" your past experience, even if you aren't glamourizing it at all.
It's really hard to internalize the idea that there isn't a "good" way to recover, and that recovery will look different. I always felt so out of place amongst people who don't get it because they often have their own ideas of your experience that they expect or even demand you adhere to.
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shadeswift99 · 2 years
Thinking about how the players of Double Life immediately started subtly being more careful because of the soul bonds. Thinking about how even though this is a death game, even though the goal has always been to stay alive at all costs and take as little damage as possible, I heard so many variations on "I'm going to have to get used to taking care of you, too" from so many of them, followed by them taking much better care of themselves. Thinking about how out of their way they go not to take small amounts of mundane damage from falls and drowning because the harm feels different when it isn't just you suffering it. Just...thinking a lot about that.
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a-sassy-bench · 7 months
getting ready for work in 2023
coffee: ✅
wallet: ✅
will to live: ❌
keys: ✅
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happyheidi · 11 months
Cheers *sips some red wine* 🍷
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sprout-senior · 2 months
ever so slightly embarrassing pro tip:
eating is literally so much easier when you make imaginary friends who worry about you and encourage you to take care of yourself
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raposabranca · 4 months
Hi I'm sorry I disappeared. I'm dealing with A Bit right now and hit a block. The thought of doing art is averse to me at the moment, and I'm struggling because I love art. Trying to find a way out. Love you, thank you for your continued support through the harder and the easier times.
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pangolin-404 · 24 days
thinking about how buddy is inherently more durable than its crew. they are humans (presumably), soft and killable. but buddy is not its body, but a mask, which is very hard to break. it can get burned, shot, dismembered, poisoned, and blown up six ways from sunday, and its mask will be fine. thinking about how the crew settles into that mindset that buddy is innately more expendable whether they want to or not
it can travel in front. if there is a bracken, it will follow last. it is first to cross the gap to determine if the jump is worth the risk. it loves to do this because it keeps its crew, significantly more vulnerable than itself, safe. it serves as bait for a spider and laughs when it is numbed with venom and collapses, laughs knowing it just had to get the thing to turn around, to leave itself open to be killed by someone else. fifteen teleports it for the seventh time and grows numb to seeing what a thumper does to a body, watching the host stop moving in the ship. it shoves five out of a nutcracker's line of sight and gets shot and still twitches and laughs as it bleeds its energy out, to keep its attention on it rather than anyone else. how readily it will split from the others and serve itself on a silver platter to anything and everything, just to keep them alive.
its crew don't like it, how it has formed some odd complex about it. it never gets downright reckless with itself, because getting a body is a pain kept to a minimum, but that doesn't stop that looming knowledge of how it can be used. a useful ability to have, leaving it and its team assured that there is a fail-safe. that it's okay for someone to lag behind or march into danger, because they can always get it another body. it is the perfect sacrificial lamb.
it gets a little scared when the baboon hawks rip it apart, seeking for things to swallow whole, and wrap their maws around its skull. turretfire or a nutcracker could hit its mask. a pack of dogs fighting over it could (and eventually do) crack its mask. but it does it anyways, no matter how it disturbs itself or its team, because that is the role it has embraced; it is happy to die for them. it can afford to get eaten alive, so why wouldn't it place itself between a dog and its beloved crew? it is simultaneously ready to die and terrified of death
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looselipssinkships-x · 5 months
one thing that is always just, so peculiar to me, is the difference between how the media handled patrick's weight loss
i wasn't online back in 2011 so i don't really know how fans collectively responded, but it seems like the majority of fans have since looked at losing that much weight so fast and, to put it lightly, "implied/referenced eating disorder" feels like it's entered unofficial fall out boy lore
but the media. the media praised him,asked questions about how. the media wanted to talk about the weight loss more than the music.
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uncanny-tranny · 1 year
It's not uncommon at all to miss your abuse, to miss disordered behaviours, or miss when you were at your worst.
It's understandable why you might feel like you have no clue what to do - recovery is an uncertainty. It is unfamiliar, it is scary. It's okay to long for the stability of those dark parts of your story. You aren't a bad person, you aren't ungrateful, nor are those feelings proof that you cannot recover.
You still deserve to recover, however that looks for you. You don't need to run from yourself, you are not a net negative.
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giantkillerjack · 2 years
It took me like 10 years to be able to recognize when I am having a flashback because the movies told me the whole thing was supposed to be very cinematic, inside and out.
In reality, for most people, it just looks like they are hardcore zoning out.
And internally, it seems like flashbacks are only a full visual-audio movie-worthy experience for very few people.
Which is equally valid and definitely horrifying, but since I thought all flashbacks were supposed to be like that, it was very hard to figure out that "my brain suddenly leaping back in time to a prior emotional state of being from recalling a traumatic experience" = "flashback."
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bijoumikhawal · 4 months
a lot of the talk about Bushnell is reminding me of my "the "mentally ill" have their right to violence revoked" thing again
like. When you're deemed mentally ill, suddenly you must stress how you are more likely to be a victim of violence than a perpetrator to be deemed as human. Because any violence you commit, as a crazy person, is bad. It cannot carry rationale, because you are crazy. If I, as an autistic person, hit someone who was hurting me and got in legal trouble, I can be referred to as just "crazy" instead of as a victim responding to an aggressor. It's an underdiscussed area of dehumanization.
And that's before we talk about intersectionality, and before we talk about how this factors into the idea of ODD, and the "violent" responses patients have to doctors (including those who simply aren't white, and those forced on meds that hurt them, and those resisting sexual assault, and-).
But this is not just interpersonally political, it is political at scale. Black men were targeted by schizophrenia diagnoses during the Civil Rights era (and this is also around when schizophrenia became a "scary" illness). The crazy cannot have valid political criticisms, as a movement (remember that being "crazy" is a vector of oppression abd marginalization) or as individuals in other movements.
Ive seen both the sentiment of "oh Aaron is gonna be slandered as crazy" and exactly what the sentiment warns of- "we can't valorize suicide from the mentally ill". And the first isn't wrong, because society at large does view the "crazy" as lacking political agency, but it's lacking.
Bushnell had been trying very hard to get out of his military contract without being imprisoned at best, while witnessing genocide and knowing he was complicit. He may not have had clinical depression normally, but that would inspire a mental rational response of situational depression (and yes, mental health issues can be a rational response to horrible circumstances). Further, I know of instances of self immolation that WERE done by people who did have long standing mental health issues and were done to protest the treatment they'd experienced that caused them and that resulted from their existence. Mental illness and divergence from the norm is more complicated than just "these people are incapable of rationality, they are incapable of political thought, and they are incapable of agency".
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prisonpodcast · 3 months
I’ll be honest idk if I’m going be able to make something for the 16th day event which sucks I feel bad but I’m just not in the headspace rn to draw and idk how I’ll feel by then :(
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mommyhorror · 1 year
😞thinking about Elliot page & Amanda bynes & Britney Spears & Shelley duvall & Jennette McCurdy
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