#how to freebirth
metalcatholic · 7 months
what is your stance on freebirthing?
I wouldn’t do it personally, but I wouldn’t have the highly medicalized birth with unneeded interventions either. Birthing outside of a hospital in a comfortable environment with a professional who is able to assess when admission to a hospital is necessary would be my ideal (if you know I was married and all that and having a standard pregnancy).
If you and the baby need it. Modern medical care is great. We have many people (myself included) that wouldn’t be alive today if it weren’t for advanced maternal and fetal medicine.
However the United States is known for our births having unneeded interventions that can put stress on mother and baby. Combine that with the attitudes of hospital staff towards a women in labor, with the idea that informed consent is no longer needed and assault is permissible, is it any surprise that women are turning to free birthing? I can’t blame them, quite frankly if I was pregnant now I’d be terrified about interacting with the medical system. Nothing like a friend being assaulted during labor only to be told it was fine since she had a healthy baby to really make you recognize the vulnerability a women in labor experiences. And I’m dragging hospitals here but these practices are also seen in home births and birthing centers… hmmm why would someone feel safer giving birth alone?
I believe compassion and understanding in why women are either traumatized and/or terrified by current labor and delivery practices should at the forefront discussing freebirthing. And how we can promote a culture of trust, mutual respect, and informed consent between moms and practitioner who should be caring for both mother and child. And I certainly wouldn’t compare a women who had a free birth and whose baby passed to someone deliberately killing their kid. Even if the language they use to talk about the deceased child is distasteful to me. 🤷‍♀️
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arvidia · 4 months
Arvidia sighs.
The last two weeks had been nothing but drudgery, endless drilling and training and helping mech units run anti-infantry drills. Arvidia is sore and tired and caked in mud everywhere her uniform doesn't cover, and her uniform is dirty everywhere it does cover.
But all of it would be worth it soon, every day of her miserable shitty life would be validated.
Her unit would deploy as second line support in REVIVAL, helping secure prisoners, civilian populations, and deal with insurgents not worthy of tasking honorable warriors to.
But so what, not like anyone would like her even with honorable duty. Everyone always talks down to her, even the other freeborn warriors treat her like living trash, not to mention how the trueborn solhama in her unit treat her even worse.
In a point of 25 warriors, Founder, in a star of 125, Arvidia is the bottom of the ladder, a social w- that animal. You know the one.
If someone is mad or stressed or got chewed out by their superior, they come to her and yell at her or hurt her.
Speaking of, here comes Point Commander Ravid. Ravid is an older trueborn warrior who had the unfortunate fate of not earning his bloodname or dying. Now, as solhama and commander of a freeborn infantry point, he takes his anger at that perceived injustice out on her.
“Well well, Warrior Arvidia. Your equipment is still dirty. What is a freebirth runt like you doing resting while there is mud all over your rifle and uniform. Do you not respect the property of your Clan, you savashri?”
A slap knocks her back and she thanks the Founder that she is sitting on her bed.
“Sir, I will clean my equipment now!”
She salutes and he glares down at her.
“It had better be spotless, or there is more where that came from.”
He casts one last glare at her, then stalks off to harass the other freeborn of her squad.
Arvidia sighs and pulls out a rag.
Operation REVIVAL is coming. Soon, the Clans would reclaim their birthright and bring order and justice to the Inner Sphere.
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How do you wear a neruohelmet? Is it like those Clan Spaniel ones they made for little freebirths to wear?
Aff, it is quite similar. My helmet is a highly modified version of the SLDF "Advanced" Neurohelmet. The defining feature of these helmets is that, thanks to a extremely sensitive neural interface, they do not require actual skin contact. This allows them to be shaped to the unique contours of my head, read my brainwaves through the feathers, and do the same for others with modifications like mine.
The helmet has other advanced features, such as being capable of actively reading complex instructions from the brain and writing data output into it, something no other type of neurohelmet can do. This enables the helmet to actively assist the pilot with movement and gunnery, and allowing targeting of multiple enemies in short order - without requiring hardwired systems in the 'Mech itself.
The amount of neural profiling and unique brainwave data required to enable these abilities does mean it is essentially impossible for others to use without (potentially) actively harming them - lucky then that it cannot fit anyone else, quiaff?
It also has a sealable faceplate, a moderate amount of nanolaminate ballistic armor, a one hour air supply, and a wide-band military microcommunicator.
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What do you daydream about?
getting married, the wedding, the honeymoon, the one vacation i will go on before i die, building a house, freebirthing my babies (baby fever's SO real these days), raising a family, my profession. nothing unusual honestly ♡ also how it will feel to touch my man when i see him next hahaha
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khanhannahlewis · 5 months
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-This is not my search browser
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inner-sunshine · 5 years
The Freebirth of Baby A:
After an eventful day of sightseeing in San Francisco with my husband's family, the night of April 25th was a bit restless for me. I was pretty worn out from walking all day, uncomfortable from being, at this point, 41 weeks 2 days pregnant.
I woke up multiple times in the night, experiencing a lull of back pain and overall tightness in my stomach muscles.
Weeks before this night, I had been excited, ready, then put off when my previous (what I didn't realize was prodromal and perfectly normal) labors fizzled to nothing.
However, something was different about this night. Falling asleep felt instantaneous, like my body needed me resting, yet I woke up a few times to use the bathroom- my body cleaning itself out to fully prepare.
I woke the morning of April 26th with what I recognized were actual waves- contractions. They weren't regularly spaced nor very painful, moreso uncomfortable, like gas pain.
Hosting company, I cooked breakfast for everyone occasionally pausing to acknowledge the waves of my womb.
My mother-in-law noticed something off about me, I think how I was more into myself than my usual social self, and I told her I didn't want to jinx anything, but I thought I was in early labor.
My husband's family wanted to continue sight-seeing parts of the Bay Area (they were visiting from Chicago where we are originally from) and left the house about midday. Only my husband, L & B (my sons), and myself remained.
Looking back now, I'm thankful that they wanted to give us some space because I needed a few hours to get into a more internal mindset to keep my goal on track -- delivering my baby at home.
The boys played while I bounced on an exercise ball, opening my hips and swaying with the waves of contractions. At this point they were still pretty far apart, about 12-15 minutes, and pretty short in length.
After nearly 2 hours of that (about 2pm), I was becoming impatient and a little frustrated because not only were my contractions not picking up, it almost felt like they were slowing down. (Though now, I feel this was all in my head)
I told my husband I wanted to go out and walk around, coincidentally it was when Toys R Us was closing all their locations and the one local to us was having a huge sale, so we went. I figured we could get something for the boys to get involved with in case I either A; do have the baby at home, or B; need to transfer and my MIL has to take the boys. I paced around the store while the kids picked out play doh, toy trucks, and sidewalk chalk.
Leaving the store I tell my husband I want to go home, right now. We had planned maybe stopping somewhere to eat, but even though my contractions hadn't changed much, something changed within me and I just wanted to be home. I followed my instincts.
We got home, a bit after 3, B was really weepy so I decided to lay down and try to nap with him. We were both tired. My body told me to rest and I obliged. I was (well, tbh, still AM) breastfeeding B and thought getting a quick feed in would probably help me progress and relax us both. B fell asleep, and so did I.... for about 20 minutes.
I woke up to contractions that felt a lot more intense than they were previously. I decided to get in the tub to get some relief, especially for my back, for me, is where I feel most of my labors. I timed a couple contractions and they were only about 10 minutes apart. I thought I had a ways to go, hours at least- and by this time it was about 4:30 PM.
I'm not one to condone cervical checks during labor, to be frank, they don't mean anything progress-wise and can potentially irritate an already busy cervix. Alas I was curious, so while in the tub I checked my cervix and to my surprise-- it felt incredibly high up, so high I couldn't even reach it to see how dilated I was. I was so frustrated, at this point I really thought baby wasn't going to be born until after midnight.
I started feeling a little discouraged; I was tired and thought I hadn't even made it halfway, I cried a little. Then, I laid in the tub and just closed my eyes, trying to ground myself while breathing as deeply as possible. My favorite birth affirmations filled my mind and I calmed myself down, confident again.
About 5pm now, my husband's family returns from their outing and I was still in the tub... just as things totally pick up.
Within 20 minutes my contractions went from 10 minutes to 4 minutes apart and they lasted about 50-70 seconds long. It started becoming difficult to communicate through them, all my focus was on breathing and resting in between. I opened the drain of the tub and turned the faucet on as hot as it would go directly on my back as the pressure became more intense.
The boys came into the bathroom to see what was going on and my husband explained that the baby in mommy's belly is going to come out. L asks if it hurts. I say yes, but I am going to be okay once the baby comes out. They sat and watched for a little while, then went back to play with their cousins.
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A powerful surge washed over me and I instantly felt nauseous, I knew what this was and what it meant -- I was in transition; the baby was definitely coming and SOON. (As I said before, this is why one should always decline cervical checks during labor, upon checking my cervix and feeling I had "not progressed" it threw off my whole mood when really I was only about 30 minutes from hitting transition)
I popped out of the tub and vomited into a bowl that my husband brought into the bathroom earlier. He was incredible. I cannot even explain to you how in sync he was to what I needed, without me even saying a word. Indescribably linked.
I stayed on the bathroom floor for maybe 2 contractions after hitting that transition and my instincts spoke to me again. I needed to be somewhere soft. Baby was coming and needed to be caught somewhere more suitable. I obliged and after my next moan through a surge I told my husband I needed help getting into bed.
Mind you, I had planned to have the baby in my bathroom. I had deep cleaned it, set up the space and supplies so everything was accessible in that room. Still in only a few minutes, my husband had all my towels layered on my bed & a bin of supplies on my dresser. Between surges I quickly crouched on my bed on all fours; what was comfortable at the time.
Literally the next surge was so intense and had more pressure behind it that my water broke into my hand. It was warm, I looked down to check it's color -- clear, almost tinged pink. No meconium, not that it is necessarily bad to have stained waters (it's really a non issue), but it was something I wanted to pay attention to, personally, being over 40 weeks.
My next 2 surges brought my body into FER (Fetal Ejection Reflex) and I was pulled into a more tripod stance, on my knees with my left hand supporting me and my right hand covering my vaginal opening, ready to catch.
I stopped being aware of what was going on around me, my eyes were probably open, but I wasn't seeing anything or processing anything other than the visualization of my baby's descent out of me and into this world.
Surge came and I felt the top of a head pop into my palm. I lightly smoothed my fingers over it, it was soft, warm, and I felt hair! So much hair. I say out loud; "I feel a head and it has hair!" My husband was behind me with his hands on my back, he says; 'I can see it! Almost here! Come on, boo!'
I'm in a lot of pain here, the "ring of fire" is in full force and my surges are at their most intense with maybe 10 seconds of break in between.
1st surge after crowning: I deep belly moan and FER pulls my body together. My hand now completely cups baby's head. My vaginal opening is b u r n i n g .
2nd surge after crowning: Deep in my belly once again I moan like a cow as my body pushes for me. My hand leaves baby's head as I feel it pass, then shoulders and in one fluid motion baby is out -- 5:40pm -- I lean behind it to get a look & assess.
I notice it is grey-purple in color, grimacing, and hands & legs were moving. Very good signs. Babe only had vernix in their hair and under their neck, but I think that's because babe was so far along gestationally, their fingernails were pretty long already too.
I pick baby up and open their legs to find I gave birth to yet another boy. "IT'S ANOTHER BOY!!!" I yelled. I hold him to my chest upright and rub his back to see if I could get him to cry, he had not yet, though I could see him grimacing and hear him clearing his airways to breathe. It kinda sounds like when we have congestion in our throats right after coughing.
After a small snort and cough, he lets out a nice, loud cry and I laid on my back completely soaking in the rush of endorphins exploding in my brain.
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I did it! I grew my baby and delivered him... me and my husband... Just as he was made; he was born. In the bed that we still sleep in together.
L ran in shortly after hearing his brand new brother cry to come take a look at him. He tells his grandma that mommy's baby came out!
Baby A latched right away and I began to feel my stomach tightening again; it was time to deliver the placenta. I laid Baby A on the bed, squatted and pushed with the smallest amount of force and it came right out. I placed it in a bowl we had put aside and sat on a fresh towel to monitor my bleeding. I relatched Baby A and inspected my placenta (for science lmao) while I waited for Baby's cord to turn completely white and limp -- the ideal time to cut. It took probably a solid 20 minutes.
I sterilized a brand new pair of kitchen scissors (I literally bought them just to cut the cord) with rubbing alcohol and cut Baby A's cord, leaving about 2 inches still attached. I took a piece of thick sewing thread, dipped it in the rubbing alcohol and tied the cord as tight as I possibly could manage about 1.5-ish inches away from what would one day be his belly button.
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There he was. Guided by the voice of his father, born into the hands of his mother, and immediately greeted by his older brothers; in the sanctity and safety of his own home. Just as he should have been.
Born 4/26/18
9lb 15oz, 21.5in
"the birth of you was nothing like the birth of me" ❤
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froody · 3 years
I got on totally insane freebirther tiktok and it’s the worst place on earth. They really say shit like “this is what your body is meant to do!” and not understand how harmful that is to everyone who has had a traumatic birth or a miscarriage or a stillbirth. And I get it, the American medical system is terrifying but you are NOT safer giving birth in your bathtub with no prenatal care. Most of the people who are advocating for this are middle/upper class white women, not Black women who genuinely have a higher rate of maternal mortality because of factors like racism in the medical field. Maternal mortality has always been a terrible problem in humans, it’s not something that only happened to the upper class because they had filthy male doctors delivering their children or whatever bullshit myths you are pushing.
If you want to give birth at home that’s totally fine but for the love of God stop acting like it’s safer than a hospital or birth system. Stop acting like delivering your child yourself is the only true bonding experience. Stop acting like c-sections are cop outs.
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murderfly · 2 years
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emeraldgenevieve · 4 years
I've been thinking about the birth a lot this pregnancy, and I'm sure everyone does, but I feel like maybe I'm fixating on it a bit too much. I wasn't like this first time around, but since my traumatic birth I've been obsessed it with it, even in my last pregnancy.
This time it's so different and all the unknowns are really making me anxious. This time I'm not just worried about IUGR or induction, my only options seem to be the hospital that traumatised me or freebirth.
I never thought I could be in a position to ignore medical advice, but doctors did nothing for me when I was in a high risk position. I don't want the hassle of medical professionals trying to make me feel bad for considering freebirth, but I want to be empowered in my choices and they aren't facilitating that.
I know I don't trust the doctors. I know that the midwives even made me feel panicked and rushed at times, they could have potentially pushed me into an unnecessary hospital transfer, as they thought I wasn't progressing.
I know, both deliveries were more successful when I was left alone to labour in peace, when I used my intuition to change position (when they didn't believe that my third epidural had failed), when I knew I was in transition and ready to push despite them thinking I was only 7 cm dilated.
I know I know my body, my delivery, my baby better than a midwife ever could but I'm just so scared that I won't recognise when something is wrong. Maybe something unexpected could happen. I don't want to blame myself if something goes wrong, and I don't know how to recognise those signs. I would be afraid that my labour would be stressful because of it.
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pro-birth · 4 years
i wish I could argue with someone about how dangerous and manipulative the freebirth movement is but I have a no debate policy on this blog like a pussy so I guess I’ll have to make a rant post instead. >:(
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It's so funny when terfs are freebirthers. Like you're gonna lecture me about how dangerous puberty blockers are for children while your baby is a week old and still attached to the placenta? You're going to tell me that T will ruin my reproductive organs while supergluing your own 3rd degree tear?
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arvidia · 4 months
Clan Ghost Bear Warrior Codex
Warrior Name: Arvidia
Status: Freeborn Warrior
Birth: 3028, Bearclaw
Height: 172 cm
Parent a: Andel, Merchant
Parent b: Bradys, Scientist
Personal history:
-Entered a freeborn MechWarrior Sibko 3038
-Flunked out of MechWarrior training 3042
-Passed infantry training with low marks 3048
-Opfor in counter-infantry training, 3048
-Slated for Operation REVIVAL second line deployment
Superior Reviews:
The weakest warrior in the sibko. A complete disappointment. I had high expectations early in training due to her intelligence but she displays a wide array of failings as a warrior. -Instructor Umflas
One of, if not the least fit warrior I have ever met. How this stravag freebirth made it through training is beyond my wildest comprehension. -Point Commander Ravid
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superstar36uk · 5 years
baby born premature in shock 2019
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baby premature sleeps in a crib once they are home from hospital baby born earlier than expected? did you go into premature labour ? or are pregnant and are wondering when will my pregnancy ever end. Do you think you will be in shock if you did go into premature labour .what if your baby is born very early? Read on to learn all about when your baby will be born
when will baby be born I've a huge pregnant belly
often pregnant women can have a huge baby bump. As they get towards the end of the pregnancy many people tend to come up to them and say " aww when are you due " or "have you not had that baby yet " Sometimes the mum to be often wishes oh I wish baby would hurry up and come. Incidentally a woman's wish can occasionally come true then a baby born within hours of going into what's known as "premature labour". When baby is gonna come its gonna come. Next Doctors often try drugs to keep baby in longer. Some times a mum is told to have bed rest and lie upside down to try keep baby in for just a while longer. Its to keep baby maturing inside the womb with its inner organs. The baby born premature and its risks to the infant prematurity isn't a good thing. Especially for a baby that's been born very early at 24 or 25 weeks gestation. None of baby's inner organs will be mature enough to work alone in the outside world. In this case we are talking about the lungs, and breathing. Its how the gut works with taking feeds. there are tender little veins and structures of a baby that need support. With the absence of the best thing the womb. man has invented the incubator that comes near to. The incubator will keep the air circulated. plus keeping the small environment at a warm temperature. Thus baby will stay until he or she is able to move on to a different type of cot. Babies born very early can have problems with breathing circulation feeding, brain bleeds. stomach problems . so its always best to keep baby inside as much as possible. occasionally emergencies arise when baby is growing in the womb. Then a c section ( an operation) is performed quickly to get baby out. causes of a baby being born early you may wonder what causes a baby to be born early ? . Here are just a few reasons this happens 1. baby stops growing. 2. incompetent cervix. 3. infection to mother . 4 pre-eclampsia, and heelp syndrome . 5 prrom premature rupture of the membranes. 6 Placenta praevia. top questions about baby born day how long is a woman pregnant for ? 40-42 months until a baby is born from conception to birth. Can I book a c section early instead of giving birth to my baby vaginally. You can but its not advisable. unless of a family history that puts a pregnancy at high risk. It causes more risks and dangers to the mum having an operation just for the sake of it. do you get a rough idea when baby is likely to be born if you know the date of your last period ? yes the midwife team and future scans will tell you the approximate date your baby will be due.where can a baby be born ? do I have to use a hospital its advisable to use a hospital for a first baby in case of complications. The midwife you see in your antenatal care will discuss your birth plan with you. you may decide on a home birth with a hospital back up plan for an emergency. can I have a freebirth with no interventions from medical professionals except in an emergency. yes a woman can deliver baby at home with no hands on help . but only a doctor of qualified midwife is allowed to actually deliver a baby . always have back up plans with emergency telephone numbers. quickest transport methods of getting to hospital if a complication arises with the delivery or after birth such as too much bleeding. article written by cheekychums Read the full article
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My husband has always been my birth support, even with my two assisted births, I didn't want anyone else. He reminds me what I'm made of, he encourages me in my power, he holds me up, he holds my hand, he listens, he pays attention, he's there. I love how intently he's looking at me in this picture as I work through a contraction during the labor of my 5th freebirth. I'm so thankful for him. Thank you @plannahappy for the photo edit and @mrsdickinson0511 for taking the photo! Xoxoxo . . . #freebirth #husbands #support #birthkeeper #wearebirthkeepers #doula #birth #babies #pregnancy #women #bodilyautonomy #femaleservant #postpartum #motherhood #miracles #wearewomenhearusroar #beautiful #powerful #strong #empowered #educated #support #sacred #cornerpillarsofapalace https://www.instagram.com/p/BvxgQIDgens/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=17qyol1lacbfu
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inner-sunshine · 5 years
Bringing in Baby A's first birthday 🎉
You may have noticed my influx of old pictures today.
Tomorrow, Baby A turns 1 ❤
To celebrate and reminisce a little, I am going to be sharing peices of our freebirth journey, unassisted pregnancy, and birth story. I apologize in advance for clogging up your feed 😬
Feel free to leave me asks, or comment any questions that may arise. I realize our story is a little out of the norm and may cause some curiosity.
Enjoy ❤
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tips4healths-blog · 7 years
Freebirth data 'should be collected across UK'
Freebirth data ‘should be collected across UK’
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Media captionEleanor Horrigan described her freebirth experience as magical
Data on how many women choose to give birth without medical assistance should be collected across the UK, medical associations have said.
The NHS in London records how many women “freebirth” via a form parents can complete at its child health hubs.
The Welsh,…
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