#how to increase blood
vaxxman · 6 months
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s0fter-sin · 5 months
vampire bats share mouthfuls of blood to other bats they’re close to if they weren’t able to feed and now i need old vampire!ghost sharing a bloody kiss with fledgling!soap, giving him mouthfuls of blood bc his fresh fangs are too sensitive to bite with
it’s been so long since he was turned that ghost’s forgotten the deep ache that comes with growing fangs and he almost worries when johnny goes to bite into the meal he’s brought him only to whimper and pull back; only the slightest pinpricks of a bite left in the man’s neck, barely enough to bring blood to the surface
it’s only when johnny whines and massages at his gums that ghost realises his oversight; crooning at his sweet mate in reassurance. he’s not upset that he couldn’t feed, at the unintentional rejection of his offering. he’ll make the pain stop
ghost pulls the man to his mouth and sinks in his fangs, sucking in a heavy mouthful and drops the now paralysed prey back to his feet; his throat steadily gushing with blood and spilling over his body
he cups johnny’s face, looking into his eyes, teary with pain and hunger, and purses his lips to carefully drip the blood into his mouth. the pain immediately vanishes from his eyes, replaced with pure bliss as he opens his mouth wide; curling his tongue to catch every drop. ghost presses his mouth to his in a hungry, blood-filled kiss; tongues twining together as they share the taste
johnny sucks the last of it from his lips and ghost guides him down to lap at the prey’s neck; licking up the blood he was too weak to draw himself. he’s ravenous with it, his whole face covered in red as he licks up the spill and suckles at ghost’s bite
ghost’s filled with an overwhelming pride at having provided for his mate in an even deeper way than just hunting for him. he spilled the blood johnny’s drinking; fed him in the most intimate way their kind knows and he’ll do it a hundred times over for his love
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blairamok · 1 month
root canal complete, it only took a full blown panic attack in the chair and the ems being call on me but we got there in the end after three doses of tranquilizer👍
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dont-offend-the-bees · 11 months
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Soooo many options for this one but I had to go with the og contraption 💛
Sawtober day 19: 'Trap'
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Annoyed bc i'm just so so tired and can barely keep from falling asleep much less do anything but lie in bed.... Hmm i wonder.... *Checks blood pressure* *96/51* ... Yep that'd fucking do it :/
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californiaquail · 25 days
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11% more effective than placebo and this groundbreaking combination of two very common cheap and well established drugs costs $1200 for 60 tabs with the goodrx coupon. antidepressants are so silly (<- trying not to shoot myself)
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radiashen · 2 years
in this post i will be Pointing Out The Obvious but i need an outlet because this genuinely makes me feel crazy. one mention of vash's name. one mention of vash's name and wolfwood, laying on the ground on the verge of death, sees vash in his head:
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and it's vash's smile. his billowing coat. his back as he steps forward. wolfwood looks up, and he sees vash. still moving and not giving up. vash, who walks an eternity of suffering, and still believes that the world can be kind.
and wolfwood gets up.
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nicholas "i can't change the way i live" d. wolfwood, changes. he's changed since he decided to follow vash. because he decides to believe in him. he decides if someone like vash can afford to hope, maybe he can, too.
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because he ends up choosing to treat vash not as a target. not as a naive dreaming saint. because he chose to have vash as his friend instead. that's his friend. and he believes in him. vash gave him no reason to doubt him—he covers his back again. so wolfwood believes in him.
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wolfwood believes that if it's vash, love and peace is possible. because what else is there? what else should there be at the end of the journey, to make it worth it, if not love and peace?
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ind1exo · 1 month
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... And? So many others have lost their mothers and family members yet they don't turn out as deranged and psychopathic like Kenneth. 💀 Today I just caught wind of a famous singer losing her mother and sister, if you know, you know. So what makes this mf so special other than the fact he's a Dhampir?
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Worst part is, you could have been part of Bradley's vampire supremacist organization. Yuck! If Kenneth did meet someone like Tatiana then maybe he wouldn't be such a piece of trash that he is now, most likely.
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That guy is way behind help. I'm talking he needs like several years of therapy at least. But he might even try to kill the therapists that want to help him. Seth isn't being his usual self here. He would usually try and kill Kenneth without hesitation. You're telling me Seth of all people wants to SAVE his sworn enemy? Haha.
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wheredidalltheusersgo · 9 months
I think I accidentally made an Aleduncan AU where Alejandro is a witch and Duncan is an outlaw
#so basically#Alejandro saves duncan from being put to death#alejandro lets duncan stay with him for a couple months while he heals his wounds#they kinda get FEELINGS for each other during that time period because neither of them see many people around and they're both lonely#alejandro tells duncan about his plan to create a divine being#they part ways after a while#duncan returns a few months later to find alejandro being burnt at the stake (bc he's a witch yk)#so he runs to alejandro's woodland cottage and finds a letter left for him#in the note alejandro leaves a set of instructions/explanations and a map#because he hid a giant statue in the forest along with some of his body parts using magic#so duncan sets off to find the statue and the body parts#(he's pretty determined because there was a note on the letter that read “If you couldn't save me then at least save my offspring”)#he feels like he owes alejandro for saving him#he brought the note with him incase it had clues#when he got to the life-size statue of alejandro in all his glory#he broke open the hollow torso to find a small manticore#which alejandro made using magic combined with his own flesh and blood#duncan also finds ANOTHER note that explains how he needs to find each of the organs alejandro hid around the vast forest#and feed them to the baby manticore#to increase it's powers#this could be such a banger AU if I actually put effort in#this keeps sounding dumber as I write about it#I just wanted to draw alejandro as a pretty witch#I love aleduncan because I can make bullshit like this about it#I came up with this while listening to “Bernadette” by IAMX#I just wanted to toss this dumb little idea out there#td alejandro#td duncan#aleduncan#total drama
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thelastspeecher · 1 month
btw last night I called my younger sister who is a PJO super fan (even more than me) and for like two hours she, my roommate, and I just trashed the PJO TV series
and over and over we kept bringing up how the musical is such a superior adaptation
if you like Percy Jackson, PLEASE seek out the musical, it's so good
(and if you have a bootleg of it pls send it my way thank you)
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manasurge · 1 year
Tis' the season where I mentally and physically suffer. Complaining below (feel free to ignore, I'm just venting. I usually do this every year to get most of it out of my system lol):
mmm the fall/winter SAD is indeed in full swing. No warmth + no sun = a bad bad time. I always get so annoyed when ppl assume that I love winter bc I'm a "winter baby", as if that has any sort of divine intervention on instantaneously adapting you to perfectly fit the climate you were born in. NOPE. Silly human superstition. I start to freeze once it hits below 20C. I wish I lived in a warmer climate o|-< The depresso is probably going to make me very whiny and moody until next spring, so an early forewarning bc I'm EXTREMELY annoying about it this time of year bc it's the only way I know how to deal with it. But moreso in addition to the physical stuff is how badly it messes with my mind, making me so depressed to the point of just... sitting in non-moving silence where I become stiff as a board (very painful btw) and I isolate, making the bad depresso brain time even worse where I overthink everything bc of the silence and isolation. It's also always the time of year where everyone goes quiet too, which is understandable, but also makes things 10x worse (I am very alone in my life and where I am, and kind of rely on online friends bc they're all I have. I don't even have a pet. I'm literally just, loner mode. I don't really have much family to speak of, and only one family member I do speak to. I have little to no connections at all. But regardless, this is still the best living situation I've been in my whole life, so that's saying something).
#i hate the cold; I hate ice; cold air hurts my skin and burns my lungs#i hate snow (I'm sorry I just don't think it's pretty. It's gross; erases all colour/everything; blinding; kills everything; claustrophobic#I hate long nights; i hate all the darkness#I take Vitamin D drops every day during winter and they don't really help#I also use those special lights meant to help during the long darkness for the same reason; and they also do not help#nothing works!!!!!! eating and drinking hot things doesn't help me stay warm bc heat dissipates away quickly and doesn't help my extremitie#the cold makes me SO dry and dehydrated; makes my bones hurt; makes outside DANGEROUS AF. ICE IS BAD. BE CAREFUL.#I can't retain heat; my hypothyroidism makes me colder by default and I just don't metabolize good/fast enough to keep myself warm#(my body temp is lower than average; fun fact! same with my blood pressure! both of them are very low)#I think my average from all the times I've had it scanned during covid was 32-36C. No idea how that works; I just remember checking it a lo#my fingers and hands are going to freeze; making it harder to draw/type/etc.#I'm not going to wear gloves inside my home bc that's dumb and they don't help anyways. It will just screw up my ability to use my hands#I get to be in pain for months with increased potential of being sick :/#also I HATE bundling/layering myself with clothing or blankets; it's suffocating; restricting; sensory hell for me; sweaters are uncomfy :(#also whenever I try to do that all it does is insulate the cold for me; keeping me colder for even longer!!!!! it's so unfair!!!!#I've worn out 2 space heaters already and they don't work properly anymore (I used them both so much I wore out my preferred settings lol)#sobs; i'm a sad plant lizard
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vhstown · 10 months
cannot wait to learn about nucleic acids and genetics and finish my fat ass book about mitochondria so i can girlsplain about biology and disguise i5 as a spiderverse fanfic
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s0fter-sin · 3 months
is there an actual medical reason why my body just doesn’t respond to medication and if there is please tell me it can be fixed bc this some bullshit
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piplupod · 2 months
ALSO i am really feeling rrgrgrgrhh (idk what emotion LOL) about people thinking just bc i say i have arachnophobia that must mean i hate bugs or smth 😭😭 i was telling one of the centre leaders that i'm always on the lookout for bug-themed jewelry and stuff, mainly beetles (ITS SO HARD TO FIND ANYTHING THOUGH, its all butterflies and dragonflies and occasionally bees and ladybugs like... can i get a scarabaeidae beetle perhaps,,,,) and then later on i mentioned my arachnophobia bc smth abt spiders came up in a convo w her and she looked visibly confused and was like "so you only like specific bugs then? or you don't like bugs but just like them on earrings?" and i was just feeling very AUGHHH about it trying to explain to her fdsjkl
i LIKE bugs. and honestly i like spiders too. i am just so fucking scared of spiders at the same time fsdhgjkl. in theory, they are absolutely fascinating little critters and i know they are super integral to the environment and do a lot of really amazing stuff, but in practice i am so so so scared of them LOL. but also spiders are not reallyyyy bugs,,, theyre arachnids, not insects! ofc thats getting into semantics fhsdjkl
but i just wish it wasn't automatically assumed that if ppl have a phobia of smth it means they dislike the thing sdjkl, like i also have a phobia of deep water/not being able to see the bottom of water when i'm near it but i don't hate oceans or lakes fdjskl i am just irrationally afraid of when i have to be near water that i cannot see into to the bottom!! i find deep-sea ecology absolutely fascinating though! i love learning about it and i love that i share the earth with these things!
fear does not mean hatred/dislike!! it is simply a fear! i feel afraid, but it doesnt mean that i do not respect the thing that i am afraid of!
#i understand though that probably for the majority of ppl it WOULD mean they dislike spiders if they have arachnophobia#but idk i get so sad about it :(#bugs are just little guys... spiders are also just little guys!!#and theyre really really cool when u learn about them!!#i wish i werent so afraid but fdsjkl unfortunately i have not seemed to make much progress w my fear#i wish ppl were kinder to bugs like... idk. i think ppl do not value life the way that they should#and perhaps thats silly of me to think ppl Should do anything but ... blease... i feel like respect for life is so integral to so much!!#the world would be such a better place if ppl were kinder to bugs and i firmly believe that#i feel like if ppl were kind to bugs then they'd be kind to animals and fish as well sdjkl since bugs are the Most hated out of those#RAAHHHH BUGS DESERVE BETTER#they've got little tiny organs... little hearts! and blood! and brains! all working to keep them alive!#how insane is that! itty bitty internal organs! eyeballs! its genuinely amazing to me!#honestly i think that was a huge thing for me that made me respect all these living things so much more#one day i just suddenly realized dogs have brains and hearts and lungs like we do#and i was like. woah. worldview shifted. i've always loved dogs but that was just a sudden realization i had fsdjkl#and its made me view all these living things differently. i guess it just Increased my kindness towards everything fsjkl#pippen needs 2nd breakfast
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morganski-19 · 7 months
A question I asked myself while writing a Hazbin Hotel fanfic that I found funny. Do the sinners have working hearts and heartbeats?
This took me longer than it should have. I came to the conclusion that they do because the characters are drawn to blush. Not because they can bleed or die. It's not like that is shown a lot more than them blushing.
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mondfahrt · 1 year
the more (german) youtube bros there are who already HATE the (not yet released) live action pirate anime, the more i will like it, simply out of spite.
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