#how to invest in penny stocks
sharemarketinsider · 1 year
Investing in Small-Cap vs. Large-Cap Stocks: Pros and Cons
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noragaur · 6 months
Beginners Guide to Stock Market | Learn the Basics of Investing | Finology Quest
Embark on a journey to the stock market with our Beginners Guide to Stock Market course. Designed for beginners with no prior knowledge, this course will demystify the stock market and empower you with essential investing concepts. Explore different investment instruments, learn about financial intermediaries, and understand common trading terminologies. Start your financial growth with confidence and gain insights into the world of investing. Access PDFs, flashcards, assessments, and earn a certificate upon completion. Start learning today!
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reportwire · 2 years
6 Tempting Investments To Avoid
6 Tempting Investments To Avoid
Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. As investors, we’re often told to be active and diversified. But are some investments not worth your time or money? Indeed, certain types of investments should be avoided at all costs. Here’s a list of common financial products and how they might affect your portfolio. 1. Whole life insurance Whole life insurance costs substantially…
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eatmangoesnekkid · 1 month
I don’t live my life thinking a lot about money, trying to ‘get’ more money, or not having enough money yet I am not motivated by money either. The act of receiving more money does not make me rush to hurry up and finalize my books or open up my school. I can’t remember the last time I worried about money because having money is an intimate frequency and energy of FREEDOM. You have to break the frequencies of constantly penny-pinching, being stingy, allowing how much money you have in the bank to dictate your mood or living afraid to buy the very things that you need that will expand or evolve you, which is not the same thing as shopping all the time as a coping mechanism for being human, incurring consumer debt or being irresponsible and reckless with your money. And your life force will never thrive when you are a slave or prisoner to money.
The Practical and Spiritual Journey to Making More Money —You Must Enlist Your Warrior and Your Energy
You have to look at earning money like a game and enjoy growing your money and playing the game or else you never win. Not just saving or hoarding it away in your bra but allowing your money to work for you while you sleep like putting it in stocks. I have a degree in Accounting and have always believed that women were born to be skilled in financials but we are socialized to perceive ourselves not. But when you were born with a womb, you are naturally gifted at multiplying a seed into something much larger and intelligent like a whole baby. You are a natural amplifier, nourishing and growing what has been received. Be willing to look into investments and not be afraid of accumulating “healthy debt” and learn to move your money around in order to grow it. Look to investing part of your earnings into different funds, even if it is just cutting back on buying coffee and putting that money you would have paid for a daily coffee into a savings that will accrue and be used to invest in the future. If you already have cash flow, getting rental property to airbnb or sell (everyone I know that is quietly wealth-oriented owns at least 2-3 homes) which can be overwhelming to think about when living pay check-to-pay check but just beginning to think about how you can earn more money from your own money passively gets the ball rolling in your consciousness like what would it be like to open up a laundry mat, build it up and sell it in a few years for huge profit? Laundry mat ownership is such a fast lucrative business, just like what you see in the hood in movies. Or buy a raggedy house, build it up and sell it for a higher cost and incredible profit. Some of you straight and bi women entrepreneurs who are ready for good lovers must find love and attraction with lovers who are builders and handymen and can help to upscale and modernize your home that you can then resale for great profit and stop messing with dusties who have zero skill sets and create more stress on your life. 🙏🏿 Because when you live a highly stressful, parasympathetic, flight or fight life, the first thing you lose is your sexual desire or libido i.e. your umlimited creative power. No thank you!
If you have a spiritual business like me, you can do deals underneath the table but also work towards a LLC to legitimize your company which gives you tax breaks and allows you to earn more money. Something about going through the channels to make something official moves it from just being a hobby to a legit business. As magical spiritual woman, your power move is to attract someone willing to invest in your work as a start-up. If you do, you must cherish this person, love this person with all your heart, hips and soul (if the relationship is romantic but of course it can also be platonic or familial, either way, love this person), adore them deep and true. The person, this angelic being, this God, is saving you massive stress and headache. Their presence in your life serves a larger purpose —you must help them to understand this because our world teaches us to be so fearful and suspicious of being helped or helping someone rather than gracious and honored. Too many people are missing out on great blessings of interdependence because they live afraid and suspicious of the big heart of another human. So sad that many amazing beautiful people are stuck in their little corners hoarding away and missing out on healing, thriving, and experiencing the gifts and/or talents of another human because of how we have been wired to perceive the desire to meet one another’s needs and desires by status quo culture. To be a woman who can love someone in ways that relax their body so deeply that they can finally get out of their head and rest well and regenerate their tissues at night is incredibly priceless.
**This is not the same thing as looking for a handout, walking around broken like the world owes you something or hoping someone will help because you tell a victimization story. It is about being mature and resourceful and consciously manifesting what is needed and not simply what would be cool or cute potentially through love and loving.
But not every woman is ready or qualified for the aforementioned experience because you do have to develop skills that will be greatly useful, nourishing, nurturing, decompressing, relaxing or expansive or beneficial in other ways to another person. You can’t just be attractive or whatever. You have to be a woman who has developed a certain ease and peace in her body and life first and and that is what joining my school and online temple will help you master. And I personally believe you must also really love someone if the harmony is right because 1. love is incredible and healthy for the body to experience for however long it lasts 2. love is essential for the brightest sustained outcome. I’m not talking about the “sprinkle, sprinkle“ foolishness being promoted online. I am advocating for more love between people and all that comes with truly loving someone.
Be so skillful in your mature womanhood that you don't run from challenges, but face and engage them head on, and refine, recalibrate, and evolve beyond them. Never lose the boundaries that you are running a business albeit a spiritual one but still a business. Stay devoted and disciplined, both are essential. Work towards hiring people who can help you scale and grow eventually.
The Spiritual Journey to Making More Money—You Must Invoke Your Lover
The key to having more money is to learn to surrender and trust and truly allow the universe to be your provider, which is not an intellectual idea but a frequency of feminine energy. This is less about gender and more about the willingness to live a little bit beyond the egoic surface layer of reality of urgency that tells you to hurry and produce, to hoard or take or trigger you to constantly need to check off a to-do list, always needing to plan or to cross your t’s and dot your i’s which will allow you to buy that nice house and cute car eventually, but could greatly inhibit your energy from flowing where you never really can feel the joy of a simple moment pulse up your spine because you live in stress and overwork for external things that never make you fully truly happy.
No matter what stage of life you are, the undercurrent of your reality must feel like more relaxation and freedom if you want to have more money but not exhaust yourself in rigorous pursuit and constant labor for it.
I had to learn to draw in the frequency of freedom—to laugh at myself, to play, to rest, to relax, to do silly shit like twirling throughout my day —when life was very stressful, drama was high, and money was low. Neighbors would see me twirling. I would sometimes twirl for customers whose shopping totals were over 200 dollars. Because changing frequencies or weaving new realities is most potent when life is hard. You have to discover strategic ways to do the things you really want to do in life but was told you couldn’t afford. You must also have this hunger and desire to play the game of life to win while laughing at yourself along the way as you refine more and more and develop intimacy with the currencies of relaxation, love and freedom, which naturally include having more money.
But do not just copy and paste and take from others. Give. —India Ame’ye
Keep me away from the wisdom which does not cry, the philosophy which does not laugh and the greatness which does not bow before children.
Kahlil Gibran, Mirrors of the Soul
Chapter: The Money Drop (unedited)
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thehanalia · 3 months
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Hey girlies, Hanalia is back, ready to dive into some real talk about achieving financial freedom. No fluff, just hardcore truths to help you grow and secure your future like the badass queens you are.
1. Know Your Worth: Ladies, let's talk real. Your value isn't about how many likes you get or what brand you wear. It's about your talents, your skills, and your drive to succeed. Invest in yourself—learn, grow, and never underestimate what you bring to the table.
˖⁺‧₊ It's not just about earning money; it's about how you invest it. Our aim is growth, and often, you need income to invest in yourself. ˖⁺‧₊
2. Budget Like a Boss: Financial freedom starts with knowing where your money goes, okay. Time to get real with those finances. Budgeting isn't about restrictions; it's about empowerment. I used to think it was all about penny-pinching, but it's really about knowing where every dollar goes and making intentional choices.
3. Crush Debt: Debt can feel overwhelming, trust me, I've been there. But facing it head-on is how you break free. Start with the high-interest stuff, make a plan, and stick to it like your future depends on it—because it does.
˖⁺‧₊ Debt can feel like quicksand, but you're no damsel in distress. The sooner you free yourself from debt, the sooner you'll have more money to build your empire.˖⁺‧₊
4. Invest Wisely: Investing isn't just for the rich. Start small, educate yourself, and build your portfolio. I've learned that the sooner you start, the more your money can grow over time. It's about making your money work for you, not the other way around.
˖⁺‧₊ PS. Forget the lottery mentality. Real wealth is built through smart investing. Educate yourself on stocks, bonds, real estate—whatever piques your interest. Start small, diversify, and let your money work for you.˖⁺‧₊
5. Build Multiple Streams of Income: Oh my osh! I cannot stress enough the importance of this! Your 9-to-5 isn't your only option. I've hustled with side gigs, freelancing—you name it. Multiple streams of income give you security and freedom. Don't limit yourself—explore what lights you up and brings in the cash.
6. Protect Yourself: Life's unpredictable, but you can be prepared. Having health insurance and an emergency fund can be lifesavers. It's about peace of mind and knowing you're covered, no matter what.
˖⁺‧₊ Get health insurance, build an emergency fund, and consider long-term savings like retirement plans.˖⁺‧₊
7. Own Your Future: Financial freedom isn't an end goal; it's a mindset. It's about having choices and the power to live life on your terms. Stay focused, stay disciplined, and never settle for less than you deserve.
Your money is your shield. Make it stronger, fairly. I completely understand that nowadays there are countless ways to earn income, but always choose the ones that align with your values.
You can click here to get your own goodnotes planner at my store GlowInGrow at 75% DISCOUNT.
However, if you're into making some extra cash while you hustle towards your goals, I've got this cool affiliate program, click here to JOIN US 30% COMMISSION. It's all about empowering each other to glow and grow. Let's support each other on this journey, because together, we're unstoppable. 💪💸
Last but not least, at the end of your journey of becoming that girl awaits the future who is The Girl!
Stay safe and stay hot...
With Love, Hanalia
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astrogre · 11 months
Money In The Houses 💴
To be precise each house can show you something about money, for an example your 6H can show daily services you subscribe pay for like Netflix or HBO. but there are 4 primary houses that specifically focus on and show us about money these are: The 2nd house, 5th house, 8th house and 11th house. They all show resource accumulation in different ways. 2nd house and 8th house are the main houses to focus on for money astrology, secondary would be 11H and 5H then all the other houses have their own subtler money relevancy.
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2nd house, The house of Values and Possessions, it shows:
stored wealth like income, earning potential, salary, savings, assets, possessions (like jewels, cars)
- how you spend
- how you earn
- the kind of assets and possessions that you own
- what you spend on
- how you perceive the value of money
- how you save
- The skills and talents you use to make money for yourself
- the state of your financial stability
- Your attitudes on saving
2nd house is money earned through your own personal efforts, the skills that you have, your blood sweat and tears. Money here is made through you and your efforts alone. It is long lasting assets and the kind that are considered when calculating your net worth.
Look at sign ruling this house and the planet. Do they work well together or contradict each other? E.g a Virgo ruled second house with Uranus inside has two energies that contradict one another, Virgo needing to be picky on purchases VS Uranus being impulsive and purchasing what it wants so when these two energies work in the same building you may even feel bad for purchasing things before doing research on it and get disappointed with your purchase because you just went for it in the moment
Finding where the 2nd house ruler planet is in the chart shows the best topics, best places , best way you can earn money that’s beneficial to you.
Eg. If your 2H was in Virgo, look at 6th house what’s inside of it? And where mercury is in your chart. Mercury (ruled by Virgo) in this case shows you how you can can excel in an industry under the topic of the house it’s in. Whereas the 6th house and The planets that would fall into the 6th house, would indicate industries you’d do well in that are a combination of the planets in there and what kind of work you could do/what planet energies you can emphasise to gain more money on your career based on the 2nd house.
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5th house, the house of Gambling and risky investments, it shows:
investments in startup companies ,gambling, investing in penny stocks
- how much you may make from investing, gambling and creative endeavours
- Money made from personal hobbies, creative talents and projects
- how lucky you are at earning money from risky investments
- Your approach to gambling
- How you spend resources on leisure activities and entertainment
- Attitudes on risky spending/gambling
- The outcome of your gambling and risky investments
This would be your trading 212 and creative artist placement. I can imagine people that invested in crypto currency back in 2008 and people that purchased nfts having this house active. 5H placements can make you lucky in the industry you are in, it can give you that boost in industries that require you to need to have luck or attention to make it. This can be entertainment stars, the lottery, entrepreneurship or just being really blessed with income from taking risks for fun. I’ve noticed natives with this house active tend to be successful businesses investors, gamblers, fashion designers, actors and artists, because these industries also require a bit of luck to make it, that’s why it’s also known as thie “star” house for celebrities. If planets here are beneficial native just happens to have the right things happen for them at the right time.
Key figures with 5th house active/stellium: Timothee chalamet, will smith, Vivienne Westwood, Alexander McQueen, Calvin Harris, Mozart, Elon Musk
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11th house, the house of tangible material gains:
ready to be spent wealth like, liquid cash, profit, products (clothing, food), promotion from work
- money made from your public image and things your known for (fame)
- Your financial status and social standing
- How you can gain profit and wealth online
- Money made from your ideas, goals and inventions
- How money comes easiest to you
- The type of resources acquired from
- What part of our lives we may live in luxury or can afford to spend more on (E.g 11H sag being luxury travel)
11H is on hand liquid cash, things like stocks , disposable income, the tangible stuff that you can actively spend, it’s pretty unexpected too like 8th house except 8th house income comes from places you didn’t know about but 11H gains come from sources you always knew about but are just suddenly now benefiting you out of nowhere. You know how some people can be famous and still be broke, with a prominent or beneficial 11 house, you automatically get money along with the attention from their public image. This is because 11H is naturally the representative of social connections, networking and communities but also because of derivative astrology
The 10th house represents your career, public image and the 2nd house represents money/finances so you count 2 houses starting from 10 using Derivative Astrology (10 => 11) meaning the 11th house represents money made from our career and public image. This is why this is known as the influencer house.
People tend to use their fame and wealth from this house to start businesses. This house works really well with 8H because it kind of forces other people to acknowledge you. It’s a little different from the 5th house in terms of getting money from your inventions -In the sense that the very concept behind your creations bring you material gain whereas 5th house are blessed for expressing themselves and in risky situations (not strictly exclusive to creative arts, but the art industry is naturally a hit or miss industry). This house is very similar to 2nd house however I’d say 2nd house is more long term but 11H is quick and easy, makes you appear wealthy like rappers and celebrities living a lavish lifestyle but don’t have something to fall on if it runs out. 2nd house is longevity and allows a native to live off their assets if necessary.
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8th house, The house of inheritance, joint resources and investments, it shows:
inheritance, debt, taxes,investors, gifts, joint resources,insurance, the money people owe you
- how much resources you receive from other people
- How much assets, money and resources you may share with others and inherit
- The individuals you may inherit from,have joint bank accounts, shared resources with that financially bless you
- where your resources from other people come from
- the kind of people and industries that may invest/donate/give to you
- How you handle and manage your debt and loans
- your ability to adapt to financial challenges and a complete change of class or income, essentially how you handle financial transformations
- How much you may leave for others when you pass away
- Your ability to repay financial obligations like debt and taxes
- The financial downfalls or sudden financial gains that come from unexpected sources or a source you didn’t know about (8th house is a house of secrets and in the dark so you don’t really see it coming)
- Attitudes towards other peoples resources and the concept of debt/loans
- What kind of resources, assets and things you may receive from other people
Honestly 8th house covers a lot in finances, it’s the kind of money you get for literally no reason, like you can just be sitting there and money falls on to your lap, it can be known as the nepotism house, resources gained not as a result of your day to day efforts (unless making aspects to 6H/Saturn), but a thing you get all at once as a “here you go, well done!”. You really don’t see it coming either, having a blessed 8H is good but you also need to maintain your inheritance otherwise you can end up losing it all that’s why it’s important to have a grounded 2nd house. The kind of people that tend to have this house active and beneficial would be people that are blessed with money in their darkest of times, natives put in the will of their family, people that marry into wealth, being involved with financial contracts that benefit the native more than the other.
E.g Uranus here would want it’s independence, Pluto would feel entitled to others finances and therefore native would excel in taking money from others, Jupiter is lucky here so you would just be blessed with inheritances and financial gains from others even though you didn’t plan for it.
Also look at the ruling planets of this house, say if you had an Aries 8th house, locating which house Mars is in your chart can show you which kind of places you can be given money from most, E.g your Aries is in 11th house and your Mars is in 3rd House you would make great financial gains on the topic/themes of networking, social media E.g. online companies giving you their products in hope of you trying them, being recommended for bonus or accolades because someone you vaguely know mentioned you to their boss, whereas Mars (Aries planetary ruler in 3H) could also indicate who you get your money from like siblings, people you share your ideas with etc.
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yippeecahier · 2 years
NGL, I come from a place of privilege, given that I am under 25 and have no debt.
I have about $30,000 in assets - just my savings, car, tech, jewelry, and all my worldly goods that could be resold put together, at their current value. If I lost that 30k, which is really just (one) medical emergency away from bankruptcy, I would have to strip everything for the cash. In just cash alone, I'm not even close enough for a downpayment on a starter home, a multi year endeavor.
By comparison, millionaires such as Lady Gaga (130 million) and Keanu Reeves (380 million) are far above me. To be on the same level, I would have to earn and retain in financial or asset form, $129,970,000 or $379,970,000 respectively. Anything I spent on rent, insurance, gas, food, medicine, and other consumables that can't be resold doesn't count towards that net worth total.
That's a lot. But this pales in comparison to billionaires such as Jeff Bezos (117 billion) and Elon Musk (191 billion). I would have to retain $116,999,970,000 and $190,999,970,000 respectively. At my current income of $50k, which is above the median income for people with my level of education, assuming I magically don't need to spend any money on consumables and can just bank it all:
It would take me 2,599 years and 146 days to obtain Lady Gaga's wealth, or almost 26 CENTURIES.
It would take me 7,599 years and 146 days to obtain Keanu Reeve's wealth, or almost 76 CENTURIES.
It would take me 2,339,999 years and 146 days to obtain Jeff Bezo's wealth, or almost 2,340 MILLENIA.
It would take me 3,899,999 years to obtain Elon Musk's wealth. It would take me nearly 3,900 MILLENIA.
Oh, this is after having paid off all my debt and with my existing assets, by the way. For even Lady Gaga, the least wealthy of this list, I would have to work tirelessly from before the Roman Empire was even founded.
But that's just me, a college-educated middle-class American citizen who is both debt and child-free.
It's much more fascinating to compare these to each other.
Lady Gaga makes $25 million a year.
Keanu Reeves makes $40 million a year.
So, if I deduct what these millionaires already have in assets and divide the total of the billionaire's assets by their income to find how many years of just banking money (no consumables):
Lady Gaga would have to bank another $116,870,000,000 to have Jeff Bezo's wealth. Assuming she stops spending on consumables like food or whatever and every penny of her $25 million income goes into future asset wealth, it would still take Lady Gaga 4,674 years and 293 days for her to obtain Bezo's wealth.
Keanu Reeves would have to bank another $190,620,000,000 to achieve Elon Musk's wealth. Again, in a fantasy world where Keanu doesn't have to feed and clothe himself, it would take him 4,765 years and 6 months to obtain Elon Musk's wealth.
The gap between the assets of famous multimillionaires like Lady Gaga and Keanu Reeves (who make MILLIONS every year) and that of famous multi-billionaires is a little less than HALF what it would take me to become as wealthy as Lady Gaga at my income level, which is, again, above the median. I could never achieve that wealth in my entire fucking lifetime, because, even if I assumed my income would go up and actually outpace inflation, I still need to eat and I can only use my body for labor until I'm 80, tops, which is only 56 years of work and nowhere near the thousands.
This sounds very conspiracy-brain, but sometimes I think the United States deliberately undermines math education and the corresponding understanding of how to problem-solve and comprehend magnitude of these kinds of numbers. Because if kids sat down and did the math, they just might realize that there is no way to become this rich on your own hard work.
Sure, you can invest in the stock market - but that's gambling. Most people might be able to hamper the effects of inflation on their asset values with stock investment.
The American dream is a lie.
The middle class is closer to becoming homeless than they are to becoming multimillionaires.
Even multimillionaires are closer to becoming middle class or even homeless than they are to becoming multi-billionaires.
Don't fucking tell me to budget and I'll become a millionaire. It's more likely I'll get hit by lightning or lose it all to medical bills.
If this doesn't radicalize you, I don't know what will.
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bitesize-astrology · 2 months
Investing In Self
Friday - August 2, 2024
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For eight years, every Tuesday and Thursday night, I went to night school from 6pm to 10pm. I worked full-time during the day, went to school or did homework at night, and paid for every red cent of it myself. I don't tell you this to brag (okay, maybe a teeny weeny bit), but to show you the power of small, steady investments into yourself.
I learned astrology over a period of time. Learned how to be a homeowner over a period of time. Learned to be better in my relationships, financial management and health ... all over a period of time.
Financial literacy teaches the power of investing over a period of time. It doesn't matter whether that is real estate, stocks, or investing in your Self, steady investments build up over time.
Today's square between Venus in Leo and Uranus in Taurus at 26° is a reminder that when you invest in your heart, even if it is in small doses over a period of time, it pays off BIG TIME.
But it also shows you the level of your commitment, and of your faith that something will come from your efforts.
So if you are not investing in your Self and in your heart this is a good day to begin. Find a way, even if it's small and seems insignificant, and stick with it. I am living proof of how every penny adds up, and how vigilance pays off.
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teaberrii · 8 months
Chapter 20: Someone to Love
After ending a five-year relationship, you pour all your energy into work. Your latest assignment? Staying at a popular bed-and-breakfast to gather information. It should be a piece of cake... If only the owner isn't the man you scolded on the street.
Jing Yuan/You
Cross-posted on Ao3
Female reader
Chapter index at the end of chapter one
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You almost miss hearing the thunder rumble in the distance as Jing Yuan’s phone starts blowing up with messages and calls. Is this what Caelus’s uncle meant by ending things once and for all? How did he know about what happened to Jing Yuan’s friend? Wait. What happened to the guy? You nervously tap on the article and brace yourself as you read.
Jing Yuan’s old company—desperate to stay afloat amidst poor sales and a terrible economy—had their stocks crash. Jing Yuan’s friend, who had invested a pretty penny in hopes of a high return had lost everything. The company, knowing about his financial situation, had disregarded him, and his situation took a tragic turn. The article continues by saying that this man’s tragic downfall starts with Jing Yuan, the “rich CEO with millions that recommended and brought his friend into a corrupted company with no morale for its employees.”
What the article doesn’t say is what Jing Yuan told you just moments earlier:
“...I told him the consequences.”
Jing Yuan's eyes are glued to his phone, and for once, you know what's on his mind.
His business, partnerships, reputation… It's going to take a massive hit if he doesn't explain. Now you understand what Caelus's uncle and Jing Yuan meant. Are you going to stand by a man who's supposedly a "criminal" for ruining an innocent man's life? Are you willing to put your reputation on the line?
“...Hey.” You put your hand on his arm. “You don’t have anything to hide,” you reassure. “Using these dirty tactics means nothing if they aren’t true.”
“It’s true I referred to him... But, before then, I told him what I knew about was happening.” He closes his eyes for a moment. “Yet, he kept insisting that everything will be fine. At the time, I thought: Fine. I warned you. And it’s not guaranteed he’d get in through my referral alone. So, I did it.” Jing Yuan is looking away from you now. “It was not a smart decision, but I never thought it would lead to something as bad as it did.”
You tilt his head back. “...It’s not your fault.” Jing Yuan’s hand finds yours, and he holds it tightly. “He made that decision. All of it.” You pull him into a hug, and Jing Yuan’s arms go around you. “We’ll get through this. We won’t let him win.”
Jing Yuan wishes he could continue holding you like this. He can feel your heartbeat just like you can feel his, beating in sync.
“If you’re going to miss each other that much…” You and Jing Yuan break apart. Yanqing stands to the side, looking up at the two of you. “Why can’t Mom just sleep over?”
Jing Yuan crouches and picks Yanqing up. “...Dad has to take care of something tonight.”
Yanqing pouts, and you put a hand on Yanqing’s head. “Can you take care of Dad for me tonight?”
“I look after him every night!”
You and Jing Yuan smile, and then he lightly bounces Yanqing up. “Let’s give Mom a goodnight kiss.” Yanqing kisses your cheek, and then Jing Yuan says, “Now, close your eyes for a few seconds."
Yanqing does as he’s told, but he peeks out. When Jing Yuan leans closer to you, Yanqing completely covers his eyes. Jing Yuan’s kiss is brief, but long enough that you crave the taste of him. Then, you hear him whisper in your ear:
“Goodnight, my love.”
But, that night, like Jing Yuan, it’s far from a good night as you don’t get a wink of sleep.
It’s early the next morning when you’re on the phone with Kafka. Your phone is on speaker as you’re making coffee.
“The timing is too strategic and deliberate,” Kafka says.
“He knows about the investigation I’ve been doing,” you say. “It seems like he wants to shift the public’s focus onto other things even though nothing about him has come out… yet.”
“Well, innocent until proven guilty. If what Jing Yuan told you is true, I also don’t think he did anything wrong. The only problem is proving it.” She sighs. “Wait. What am I talking about? I’m supposed to be talking to you about work, for goodness sake.”
“You are… sort of.”
“Anyway, it’s crazy, but the company believes this will work to our advantage. With Jing Yuan in hot water, we can start making moves.”
You roll your eyes. “Yeah, well, I wonder how long that will last. It’s not like Star Rails has the best reputation here to begin with. Just because someone else is in trouble doesn’t mean we'll get a permanent boost. But…”
“...It’s making our ‘big, bad director’ more suspicious. I’m having another meeting with them today. I’ll keep you updated.”
“Great. Because I’ll be having a meeting of my own.”
It’s not long after you end the call with Kafka that you give the ex-fiancée of Caelus’s father a call.
“...I saw the article,” she says. “It’s all over social media.”
“I want to ask about the recording.”
“...The recording? The one between my brother and him?”
“My theory is that he needed proof. Imagine someone walking up to you and telling you that your wife cheated and had secret children. Who wouldn’t ask for proof?”
“Well… He could’ve asked his niece and nephew to get a DNA test or something… It’s pretty easy to do that nowadays.”
“Sadly, that kind of information is pretty private if they did. I highly doubt I can get my hands on it. I just want to know if you know about the details of that recording. You said it was a private conversation between your brother and him, but were Caelus and Stelle ever brought up? Or, maybe your relationship with their father? Anything that points to the fact that they were children of an affair.”
“...I’d have to ask my brother.”
“This man’s done enough,” you say. “You say it takes one person to ruin a bunch of people’s lives. Well, it can also take one person to save a bunch of people’s lives.”
You hope those words are enough to convince her.
When noon rolled around, you and Jing Yuan got in touch once. It's no surprise he's busy dealing with the aftermath of this fiasco while you're scrambling to get something tangible to nab Caelus's uncle once and for all. What puts you at ease is that Blade and Luocha are with him, but what surprises you is that even Jing Yuan's ex has willingly stepped up to give a statement. The man who died had been a friend of hers, too, and while the tragedy happened during their divorce, Jing Yuan had told her about his warnings to him when they were still together.
March and the others have also gotten in touch, and you could easily picture her annoyed face and clenched fists when she said:
“He’s such a little worm! That fuc—”
“As much as Jing Yuan’s trying to protect himself, he’s also keeping your name out of this as much as possible,” Dan Feng said, and you assumed he took the phone from March. “It’s no secret what that wormy old man is going to do next, so be careful, too.”
“Everyone in Xianzhou is surprised,” Welt said. “No surprise there, but we’re trying to mitigate the situation.”
March sighed. “...Yeah. We can’t sit around and do nothing. It’s frustrating.”
“But, don’t worry, Mom. We also got the almighty JIngliu on our side." You could see the smile on Dan Feng's face. "We got this.”
You walk into a café, and you see the “wormy old man” sitting at the back with a hot drink that you wish you could pour all over him. When you sit across from him, he finally looks at you.
“Not going to get a drink?”
“I’d rather not waste my time.”
“Fine. Let’s get down to business, shall we? Have you decided to stop your little investigation?”
“And if I don’t, will you release an article saying that I’m just as much of a criminal as Jing Yuan?”
“It doesn’t look good for you, considering he’s a competitor, isn’t he? Also, as a woman climbing the corporate ladder, it’s going to make it difficult for you even if you leave Star Rails.”
You almost scoff. “Is that what you also told Jing Yuan’s ex to keep her quiet? After Caelus died, you used this tactic that if word got out she was involved, it would harm her reputation and career.”
“You’re making some bold accusations without any evidence.”
“You used her as a pawn to get what you and the director wanted.”
Caelus’s uncle has a tight smile. “And what would we want?”
“...Do you believe me now?”
The director’s face had gone pale. His arms were on the table, his hands entwined, and he pressed his forehead against them as the words of the recording began to sink in and his heart dropped to the pit of his stomach. He thought he’d knew everything, but this goddamn woman had hid even more secrets from him. She was an ugly blemish on his life that would never disappear, and he wanted to fucking scream.
“Did you know she had children?”
The director slammed one of his hands on the table. “It’s all in the past. I have nothing to do with her anymore.”
“She took your money, didn’t she?”
The director glared at him. “What do you want?”
Caelus’s uncle crossed one leg over the other. “The same as you. Revenge. My brother is someone who only cares about himself. He refuses to give me anything, and he has everyone in Xianzhou fooled that it’s sickening. He came between you and your wife… and she supported him using your money. The hotel that’s thriving in Xianzhou… a large part of that success is because of your hard-earned money, and it’s in the hands of the child my brother had with your wife. If I were you, I’d like to see it go up in flames.”
He knew he had the director right where he wanted him. His face was red as a tomato, fists clenched, and a dangerous look in his eyes that looked as if something snapped.
“I’m sure you know that we’re trying to acquire that hotel right now,” Caelus’s uncle continued. “The project manager in charge of that… I know her very well. A capable woman who’s desperate to climb the corporate ladder. She’s willing to do anything to make sure this project goes through. Her greediness and desperation will be beneficial to us.”
The director’s anger seemed to have subsided slightly when he said, “...The one who presented at the meeting today?”
“That’s right. A pretty one, isn’t she? With the right words, I doubt we’ll have to do much. A woman’s desperation can be a scary but entertaining thing to watch.”
Caelus’s uncle remembers the conversation vividly. It feels like it’s just yesterday. He’s looking straight at you, impressed but also terrified at how much you know. But everything is just speculation. As long as the right people keep quiet…
“...Fine. I’ll entertain you.” He glares at you. “Assuming what you said is all true, there’s no direct evidence that leads to me purposely pressuring my nephew to take his life. There was a full police investigation, and while there was no suicide note, there was also no foul play.”
“You think you have everyone wrapped around your finger, but”—you lean closer—”people are selfish. If they don’t see any benefit to keep quiet, they won’t.”
Just then, your phone buzzes. It’s a message from the woman, and after reading it, you smile.
Your smile doesn’t go unnoticed by Caelus’s uncle. What did you read? Who messaged you?
“You gave us an opportunity,” you say, sliding your phone back into your pocket. “You trying to smear Jing Yuan also put your name in the papers. With him coming out clean, you won’t get off so easily. People can be ruthless when digging up other people's pasts, especially if they're dirty. The more lies you say, the bigger the hole. You won’t get off so easily no matter how much you try to play it off.”
“This doesn’t mean you and Jing Yuan will come out unscarred.”
“...We'll see who gets the last laugh.”
You’ve just exited the café when you take your phone out and reread the earlier message from the woman.
My brother doesn’t have the recording, but… he sent me these screenshots.
Lo’ and behold, it’s written in black and white: a conversation about the recording, but most importantly… one whole paragraph about how Caelus's uncle hates his brother and his desire to ruin his family and “take back what’s his” by getting rid of the children who stand in his way. The way it was written makes you think he must’ve been drunk at the time.
Just moments later, Kafka calls you.
“Like I thought, he denied everything,” Kafka says. “He said he only knew him from the project, but they weren’t involved in anything… personal.”
"Of course, I knew him," the director said. "He was a stakeholder in that project."
“He’s also the brother of the man who had an affair with your wife.”
He quickly stood. “What is this really about, Kafka?”
“I’m sure you’ve seen the article about Jing Yuan. I just found it interesting that the company mentioned in the article… was the same one we were looking to work with many years ago. I did a little digging myself and saw that Jing Yuan left before anything between the companies even began.”
“The man that took his life… He was part of the management team that was on close terms with us, wasn’t he?”
“Oh, Kafka… Don’t tell me that you think we came up with this article. That’s ridiculous.”
“This timing is all very coincidental. Perhaps it’s to cover—”
“Your imagination is as wild as some of the people who work here.” Kafka narrowed her eyes. “The employee that you sent to Xianzhou hasn’t been delivering any results. Perhaps she should be thanking whoever wrote this article that the reputation of our competitor is going to go to shit.”
Kafka shook her head in disappointment. “You know what would’ve been the smartest move?” She looked at him straight in the eyes. “You should’ve left Xianzhou alone.”
You almost scoff. “Sounds like he can’t contain his guilt anymore. But… It makes sense. I don’t see how Caelus’s uncle would’ve known about what happened to Jing Yuan’s friend if someone hadn’t tipped him off.” Then, you roll your eyes. “Guess Star Rails was smart to not put their name in the paper.”
“Well, it’ll turn ugly, that’s for sure. Our director fed him this information. And, thinking they had the upper hand, they quickly published it. Now, if Jing Yuan is found to be clean, people will start questioning the person who started this entire thing.”
“Knowing the kind of person he is, I wouldn’t be surprised if Caelus’s uncle drags in our big, bad director and Star Rails so he doesn’t take all the blame. But, I’m glad this case will finally see the light of day.”
“In due time. It’s likely Star Rails paid this journalist to come up with this article if that journalist didn’t bother checking facts.”
“Then, I guess it’s good I have connections of my own.”
“People are shocked, but not everyone is blindly believing it. So, that’s a good sign.”
It’s late afternoon, and Dan Heng and Jingliu are at a nearby café.
“I talked to Jing Yuan earlier today,” Jingliu says. “It’s the constant explaining to his investors and partnerships that’s driving him a little mad. But, at least the media already reached out to him. Our cute little investigator is also involved. ”
“Cute little investigator?”
Jingliu says your name. “She’s ready to fire bullets.”
Dan Heng puts his hands around his coffee. “...Looks like you are, too.”
“Me? Oh, well, if you call finding a new path firing bullets…” She chuckles. “I suppose.”
“It’ll do well. A physical rehab center for seniors isn’t something Xianzhou has yet. Fits with the market too since the population is getting older.”
“I’m glad people are already looking forward to it. A lot of my younger staff are already thinking about getting certifications. Some of them haven't decided what they want to do as a career yet, and this is something they're considering."
Dan Heng’s hand finds hers. “What about your dad?”
“What do you think?” Jingliu laughs. “He’s glad he doesn’t have to travel to the city if something does happen. In other words, he's happy we found a way out without having anything to do with you-know-who.” She slightly leans forward. “Why do you look down? I thought you also have things figured out.”
Does he? Dan Heng has been trying hard not to let it show, but it seems like he can’t suppress all of his emotions. He looks off to the side, wanting to pull his hand back when she holds it tightly. Is it childish to tell her what he truly feels? Probably. But it’s better than keeping her in the dark. So, he looks at her and says:
“...I’ll miss you. A lot.” Jingliu gives him a small, reassuring smile. “But knowing that both of us have our own thing going on, I don’t want to disappoint you.”
“I don’t know about other people, but”—Jingliu holds his hand—”I prefer this than being stuck with each other all the time.”
“I thought you might say that.”
Jingliu leans back and glances out the window. “You asked when was the last time I’ve been on a date. Well, I’ve been on a couple… but obviously they never worked out.” She looks back. “Some people told me I was too assertive and that men liked a woman who’s a little dependent on them.”
“...I’m sure there are people who fit that mould, but”—he smiles—”we do our own thing, regardless of what other people say.”
“I think that’s one of the things I like about you, Dan Heng.” The unexpected compliment makes his face warm. “Out of the years I’ve been training you, you don’t sway easily by what other people say. Whether it’s about your performance or decisions… You think about whether what people say has merit. That’s not something easily accomplished by someone your age.”
“I’m not young anymore.”
“Well, some people never get there.”
“...There’s one person whose opinion I want to know about.”
Jingliu laughs. “My dad?” Judging from the look on his face, she was right. “Oh, he’ll love you. Don’t worry.”
But his legs still feel like jelly every time he thinks about formally meeting him, anyway.
Dan Feng is lying half-naked on a table with acupuncture needles sticking out of his shoulders when March walks in. He glances at her and sees she already got his bag of medicine. She slides the door shut, and he can no longer hear the outside conversations. It’s just him and her.
“Luocha says Jing Yuan will be fine,” March says. “Looks like Welt’s Ms. Femme Fatale got some dirt on Caelus’s uncle that will really shut his mouth once and for all. Hallelujah!"
“You talking about Mom?”
“Stop calling her that,” March deadpans. “It’s weird.”
Dan Feng tilts his head to the right as if he’s a puppy. “Why? You call JIngliu Mom. With how things are going, you might as well start calling Dan Heng Dad."
March makes a disgusted face. “That’s different.”
“Well, we have time to spare. Enlighten me, dear March.”
“You’re not that much older than her.”
Dan Feng gives her a deadpan look. March ignores this and pulls out her phone. When she slips it back into her pocket again, Dan Feng asks, “You waiting for someone?”
She sits on a nearby chair. “...I’ve been back in touch with some people I knew in the entertainment industry.”
“Are you excited?” March looks at him. “You’re going to be performing on music shows, aren’t you?”
“Actually…” She takes a small breath. “The contract I’m going to be signing is for acting.”
“Acting? You’re going to be an actress?”
“I was talking to Welt about it the other day… How cool it would be if his novel got a film adaptation. I joked that I could play our Ms. Femme Fatale, and then he literally said ‘Well, why not?’ Just got me thinking… considering it looks like everyone is stepping into new things. I don’t want to fall behind.” When Dan Feng doesn’t say anything, March starts fidgeting. “If you’re going to laugh, then just do it. Stop making me anxious.”
“Why would I laugh?” Dan Feng rolls his eyes. “It’s one of the things I like about you.”
“Yeah, well, you—” March stops and stares at him with wide eyes. “What did you say?”
Dan Feng would've shrugged if he could. "It's just something I noticed. You have a natural talent for singing but you wanted to try dancing. When you got good at dancing, you wanted to try producing and writing your own songs. I don't know. I guess it's cool that you don't settle just because you're good at one thing."
March’s jaw drops.
“You look like a fish out of water,” Dan Feng continues.
“I, um, well… That’s…”
“Your face is turning red.”
She huffs.
“Now, you look like a blowfish.”
She walks over and gently pokes one of the needles. “Don’t make me stab you.”
“Ooh, I’m terrified.”
March moves in front of him, and Dan Feng watches as she gets at eye level with him. What is she doing? If only he can move.
“You know what I hate about you?”
Dan Feng holds her stare. “Everything?”
She sighs and moves closer. “...Yeah. Everything.”
A small smirk. “Well, you won’t hate me if you come just a little closer.”
“Sounds sus, but—”
It takes March a moment to realize that Dan Feng is kissing her… while lying half-naked on the acupuncture bed.
When you finally see Jing Yuan, it’s late afternoon, Things have finally begun to settle down as he’d finished talking to reporters and took care of things internally to come out with a statement. But, most importantly, he still had the texts between him and his friend that proved his innocence. Now, all that’s left is to wait.
You, Blade, and Jing Yuan are having tea at Jing Yuan’s place when you say:
“I feel like I can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel.”
“Bet you didn’t think you’d be going through all of this when you first got here,” Blade says.
“It’s something I’ll never forget, that’s for sure. But… not everything’s finished yet.” You put your tea on the table. “I’m officially working with the media on an article exposing Star Rails.”
“Wait,” Jing Yuan says. “...But, you’re still working there.”
“Yeah… Won’t this get you into some pretty big trouble?” Blade asks.
“If you mean launching a new career, then… yeah. I suppose so.”
“A new career? You mean…”
You’re looking at Jing Yuan when you say, “If things go well… I might be offered a contract as a freelance journalist covering local news here." Jing Yuan feels his heart soar. "Of course, this is just the start… The more experience I get, I can start a newsroom here.”
Your words wash his fatigue away as he pulls you into a hug. “The best news I've heard all day. You’ll do so well, love.”
“Hm… Interesting. Perhaps we’ll even work together.”
“Work together?” you ask Blade as Jing Yuan lets you go.
“The university I work at is interested in building a small agricultural campus here. It's partly why I'm here."
“Are you overseeing this project?”
“That’s right. I’ll also be relocating here to teach.”
Your jaw almost drops. “Wow. I bet Yanqing will be happy to have both of his dads here.”
“...I asked Yanqing not to call Blade that anymore,” Jing Yuan says.
Before you can ask, Blade notices the time and says, “All good things have to come to an end, I guess.” He stands. “But, at least I still get to spend time with my favourite kid.” You and Jing Yuan walk Blade to the door. “I’ll drop him off later.”
Jing Yuan nods, and you and Blade say a quick goodbye.
Once Blade leaves, you jokingly ask, “Is someone being too protective of Yanqing now?”
Jing Yuan walks up, puts his hands around your waist, and leans closer. “I don’t want people to think you also belong to Blade.” The thought has never crossed your mind, but it makes sense… as Yanqing calls you Mom. Jing Yuan’s forehead is against yours when he says, “...You belong to me.”
Your mind goes into a daze when his lips meet yours. Soon, his hot mouth once again takes you on a wild, wild ride, unleashing a flame within that quickly spreads throughout your body. Your fingers weave through his hair; his grip around your waist tightens, and he pulls you even closer until your body is flush against his. Your teasing touches dance along his broad shoulders and muscular arms, fanning the fiery flames of desire that he can no longer hold back.
The world becomes a blur as Jing Yuan lifts you effortlessly. With his hands on your hips, your legs around him, you gasp as his sinful, delicious mouth travels from your lips to your neck and then to your collarbone, leaving a burning trail in its wake that makes you long for more. A soft moan. A quiet gasp.
Then, you feel his breath against your ear.
“Let me hear more, love…”
You breathlessly say his name when he finds that sensitive spot on your neck.
“...I’ve waited too long.”
Soon, his tongue teases and dances with yours, and he’s kissing you as if it’s the last. You pull the red ribbon, releasing his hair from its confinement. Then, with your hands cupping his face, you say:
“...Love me, Jing Yuan.”
Chapter 21
End notes:
Muahahahaha the smut has finally arrived. I really want to try upping my game when writing smut lol so let's see how this goes.
The next chapter is the last! I'm surprised I actually kept this within a reasonable length lol. My initial want of keeping this within 20 chapters wasn't too far off. *pats self on back*
Tag list: @suoshiii @lordbugs @lxry-chxn @seirenspinel @immahuman @queencybow @nqctre @grimreapersscythe @winterpein @asakenajustexistshere @sunsethw4
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netherworldpost · 1 year
Hey, how do you figure out the best shipping for your items? I don’t mean like package size, but more like how do you decide what’s worth going in the package and packaging aside from The Item Itself? I know some shops just put some nice tissue/packing paper and a business card but other shops add like a ton of extra fun stuff from stickers to full-on extra goodies and wrapped with glitter paper and fancy ribbon or what-have-you with fancy print boxes and I’ve genuinely been so stressed trying to decide if I want to invest money in extra bits because I’m scared people will think my packages feel cheap (in a negative sense) without some polish and flair
Fancy, customized packaging is great in the following situations:
You are regularly sending out A LOT of orders. It is profitable to have custom-sized packaging made because it lowers weight which lowers postage. These savings outweigh the cost of premium packaging. At this scale, it's super cheap to print anyway, you might as well. Some form of "producing custom packaging is cheaper than stock packaging for a variety of reasons."
You are a luxury brand. Specifically high-end for whatever you are doing. Your retail pricing should reflect this market so you can afford the packaging cost bump anyway.
Unboxing social media is your top marketing channel. Be it influencers or hashtag-your-company-name, almost certainly both, new customers find you because someone is showing off your products. Existing customers see someone opening a box and thinks "I want that."
Pack-ins are great for the following:
We are gauging the interest in x-y-z. We produced a sample run of a few pieces. Some of it is in the store. Over a time period of X months, do people return to buy the pack in?
We have extra x-y-z and we need to make space. It's an alternate to the clearance isle. Sometimes you do both! Be careful and watch that inventory gauge.
We produced x-y-z as a test and it was a pain in the ass and it doesn't make sense to list it because we don't want to risk people asking for it when we have run out.
For a-b-c reason it will increase future sales by X%. Admittedly this is a variant of the first item. It is listed here because sometimes you can say "we sell widgets and put a whatchamacolit in here in hopes of getting people to buy a thingamabob." It's a complex and risky strategy.
"Buy $X and get a free Y-Thing!" as a way to increase average shopping cart average. Extremely common, frequently profitable, regularly works great for both shop + customer. May not count if we look at a pure definition of a pack-in, something the customer didn't know they were getting.
Ultimately, if you have concerns over it, then I would skip it.
I strive to keep products very affordable, shipping cheap-to-free, and my company profitable so we have a better-than-not chance of existing in the future.
None of this is a judgement, just "how I do business versus how others do."
Time for some brutality :-)
From your ask, it is obvious you are either running a shop or want to run a shop in a larger capacity than a hobby.
If it's a hobby, then to hell with all the above, add pack-ins and fancy packaging to the limit you can afford and how fun it is! Hobbies are great! Shops can be hobbies!
If you are running this as a business then you have to think like a business.
This doesn't mean you have to be a bastard, it does mean you have to think critically about every penny spent.
This doesn't mean you have to be cheap, it means every expense must perform above what you spent on it.
This doesn't mean you cannot experiment, you should be experimenting, it means you should be measuring results. If the data comes back inconclusive, you need to rework your experiment.
Maybe it's just me.
All of this should be taken with an extremely large grain of salt.
I am not a fancy person. I am extremely aware of my personal tastes, none of the layers are expensive.
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nijigasakilove · 4 months
Damn man this was a painful episode to watch. Started out so cute with Holo and Lawrence usual flirting and banter, before that bankruptcy at the end, my boy Lawrence at rock bottom.
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So cute how Lawrence reassured Holo about how special she is to him even with Nora in the picture, and then her mood just totally improves. I thought we were gonna be in for a nice sweet episode at that point.. wasn’t to be.
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Speaking of Nora, the priest not granting her a safer area for her sheep to roam is.. sus to say the least. Ever since we saw him last week when she arrived in town I had a feeling he’d be up to something
Lawrence unfortunately learnt a very hard lesson, never put all your eggs in one basket. As someone who’s invested in penny stocks and lost heavy I completely understand how he’s feeling rn. The anxiety, blaming yourself, snapping on people like he did with Holo at the end, etc. It’s tuff. Luckily he does have anime plot armour on his side so I’m sure he’ll come out of this stronger and wiser, just a matter of how.
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I can’t lie tho. Last dude he asked money from basically telling him Holo was too fine for Lawrence to be this broke had me crying.😭
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Hoping for a happier episode next week and that they somehow figure things out. Also Lawrence better make up to Holo for snapping on her 😡
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sharemarketinsider · 1 month
Short Selling: Making Money When Stocks Go Down
Short selling is a unique strategy of stock trading that allows traders to profit even when stock prices are falling.
0 notes
happyk44 · 1 year
Look. I know that like. Pluto is not the god of business and that wealth is not equivalent to business but like 1) the meaning of wealth has changed over time and differs among people and I'm pretty sure now when you think of wealth and wealthy people, you think of people who own fortune 500 companies and know what stocks are, and 2) I love the concept of tired businessman Hades/Pluto who just wants to spend a quiet day with his spreadsheets and a pencil, and not have to deal with whatever nonsense is currently being drummed up by his employees
Anyway -- Nico's wealth being generational due to his grandfather (and I want to assume that politics was a family thing so likely also before him) vs Hazel's wealth being hard earned, which, at least in the current age, means business know-how and being able to file a tax report and reconcile a balance sheet sheet and understand excel (I might be slightly projecting here lol)
Hazel being almost an obsessive accountant, monitoring bills, income, every single expense and penny off the street vs Nico who knows the value of things, like antiques, stuff with history. He can do surveys of property, anything that has the potential to be passed on. He's good with valuing a will - splitting assets between family members. Or managing a trust, devising different funds for the future. I think he's probably very good at looking at the long-term. And thus pretty good at noticing when someone is scamming another person with the whole "it'll be cheaper in the long run" thing, or "it'll increase in worth over time".
And since generational wealth is mostly familial, I don't think all of it has to be specific to monetary value either. Emotional wealth, the value something carries emotionally, is also something he can sense. A cheap wedding ring passed down from generation to generation could be more valuable than a standard cut diamond bought today.
Like he could look at old vase on sale at Goodwill for $2 and know it's monetarily cheap, but emotionally it's valued in the thousands. I think it could be kind of cool for things that carry high emotional value and were a part of a family's lineage for generations, if he could touch them and see the history behind it - but that doesn't really fit in with the scope of his current powers or the general theme of the Underworld so :/
They're both good at investments as investing is kind of the core of wealth management and plays a big part in building generational wealth these days, although, I'd gather that Hazel is probably better at it.
Nico, however, is very good at being able to calculate future value of a long-term investment (at least 20+ years).
Hazel can calculate future value of any kind of investment - short term fixed deposits, long and short-term investments, property changes (she absolutely hates house flippers, especially when they change or cover all the older original work, because it cuts the value down so much more than they realize), other stuff that has slipped my mind because my brain is stalling, etc.
Hazel's your go-to for reviewing the split of assets during a divorce. She's extremely meticulous and can track down even the most hidden of accounts. She's also the one you want to talk to about getting the most out of filing your taxes. She will go through every single one of your purchases, no matter how minor, to find a loophole she can work with to shave even only a couple cents off.
(disclaimer: bermuda does not have income tax so i have no idea how filing taxes actually works, other than the two canadian tax classes i took over five years ago as part of my degree)
Hazel can also assess depreciation somewhat automatically. Someone trying to choose between types of equipment can go to her and be like "which one will depreciate in value faster if I do X with it" and she'll look and point and if you ask her why, she can sprout off some nonsense at the top of her head without thinking - like percy with sailing, or my hc about jason/thalia and their inherent diplomatic schmoozing skills.
However, unlike them, she maintains understanding of what she's said when she's exited the environment, either because the power just does that or because Hazel is an amazing busy lady. if you casually said "hey hazel, between X brand and Y brand, which will drop in value faster" she'd have to think about it because it's not really "business" related.
In that sense she's also REALLY good at noticing trends. most of it is subconscious - what brands are becoming more popular, what clothing styles are losing touch. I put this in a previous fic, but she's very receptive gemstone trends. She can tell which stones are moving up in popularity and which are going down. In my headcanon about her business with Walt, this is very useful.
Her ability to notice trends, especially from a monetary standpoint, also helps with her managing stocks, and allows her to invest in high interest but riskier equities with very minimal loss (trends aren't set in stone, you know? Sometimes things happen and everything sudsenly shifts)
Plus back to the whole wealth is conflated with succesful business these days concept, putting Hazel in charge for just a day can boost a business's ability to turn a profit. In just a few hours, she can have all major flaws analyzed.
In New Rome, if someone is opening up a shop or whatever, they'll ask Hazel to review their plans because she can immediately point out all the issues and devise a better way to go about things. A couple times she's just taken them gently by the shoulders and said in the kindest voice ever, "This is going to fail. Do not put money into this." Sometimes it's the business concept, sometimes it's the person behind the concept. They either listen or they don't and if they don't, Frank is there to listen to all her complaints about them going against her advice.
Also - as an U-turn back to the splitting assets in a divorce concept, I'm not sure about pre or post-nuptial agreements. I think pre-nuptials are pretty straightforward in a "this is what im bringing in and want to keep separate from marriage" kind of thing, which Hazel could handle easily. I know in both cases it's important to declare all assets - which again Hazel could easily handle.
Post-nuptials are probably more of Nico's thing because at that point the assets in question have become merged and become familial, and much of generational wealth is in the idea of building wealth to leave behind to your family so they may have a better opportunity to build wealth to leave behind, etc, etc. Especially since post-nuptials, I think, are typically created after children are born, and those are the people who wealth is supposed to be left behind to.
This also kind of plays with my idea that the underworld is inherently familial/communal - as a person cannot bury or perform the proper funeral rites on themselves. Plus the Cocytus is the river of lamentation (aka grief and sorrow) and I imagine some of that comes from the people left behind, crying over their lost loved ones.
Also I think the idea that children of Pluto are resistant/immune to monetary greed. Since Hades was never technically the god of wealth, and was only conflated with him over time (to which, I would imagine some things and behaviours began to pop up, like they'd always existed and then becoming Pluto in the Roman era just solidified that conflation), his kids don't really have this innate resilience, but their dad is also rich and loves them, so their ability to fall prey to it is lower.
Oh! Oh! And Hazel can inflict plutomania on people, which is a word I discovered just now that means "the excessive desire for wealth". I don't know how this would be helpful but idk - social wealth is something I found popping up a lot so maybe if Hazel needs information on something that a person won't give, she can utilize plutomania to inflict a desire for social wealth in the person to get them to spill the information
(Social Wealth is about connection and network, having a sense of belonging and trust essentially. Someone with a lot of social wealth will have a lot of connections versus someone with no social wealth)
(oh yeah in my hasty google search to fact check my understanding of generational wealth when I started this post yesterday, I discovered there are many types of wealth. The number kind of varies from result to result, but essentially the 4 mains ones are: Financial Wealth (obvi), Social Wealth, Time Wealth, and Health Wealth (haha, it rhymes). But anyway yeah. Not sure how it could all loop into her without making her too all powerful but like. Hazel is also super cool and deserves to be godlike in consideration so 🤷‍♂️)
I love that when I started this yesterday it was a lot more clear cut and then I came back to finish it and ended on a ramble 😂 I do not have the energy to go and tidy everything up into something more coherent and uniform so this is what it be 👍
Oh, also, Hazel is amazing at gambling and poker. Nico is also good at poker but that's because he's reading people's souls to figure out their tells. Hazel is good at it because she attracts cash money and therefore always wins. That's why whenever anyone plays poker or places a bet with her, money can't be involved.
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thesirencult · 11 months
Hundreds of Start Ups Will Fail In the Next 2 Years. Here Is Why :
“Throughout history we witness continual cycles of rising and falling levels of the irrational. The great golden age of Pericles, with its philosophers and its first stirrings of the scientific spirit, was followed by an age of superstition, cults, and intolerance. This same phenomenon happened after the Italian Renaissance. That this cycle is bound to recur again and again is part of human nature.” ― Robert Greene
I would argue that for the past 200 years we have been going through a period who will later be considered by historians "The Age Of Irrationality".
In such a miniscule amount of time we've gone from farming to building factories, from entrepreneurs to influencers and bloggers.
Imagine you met a man from 1870 and you told them 16 year olds would be making millions from a machine that connects them to the whole entire world in milliseconds.
Historical/Dialectical Materialism, is a term that emerged from the theories of Engels and Marx. In simply terms, it says that for every drasis/thesis there is an antidrasis/antithesis and through change, the final product, synthesis is produced.
Synthesis is balance. We have long forgotten that word. We chose to forget that an antithesis will always follow the thesis.
A prime example of irrationality in our culture is the glorification of start ups. When all the facts point North, we take the road to South. Logic goes out the window and start ups like WeWork raise millions (IF NOT BILLIONS) of dollars even though they offer nothing new.
How can a business run for years on years, raise money and not generate PROFIT.
We humans like to think we have progressed. We no longer fall victims to "fast money" and cultish leaders. But we do.
We trust "geniuses" running on psychedelics with our money.
These people are playing chess. This is " The South Sea Bubble" all over again.
Even though a small percentage of start ups offer true value to society and are worth every penny invested on them, others are nothing but glorified horse shit.
Would you buy a ship that was not built but the "owner" claimed it is the fastest ship ever built ? No. You would first want proof. What if you paid the person that had the idea millions of dollars and after 5 years, a boat was all they have made ?
So why do venture capital investment companies with countless of analysts "fall victim" to this. Either they are expecting the company to go public and people to run to buy stock because guess what ? "Microinvestors"(you, me and your aunt) follow the motions of "Macroinvestors" (wall street boys, private equity firms, investors who have reached celebrity status) or they themselves act irrationally.
I would like to hear your thoughts on this women in tech, finance or business in general. Do you agree with me that the start up bubble is finally bursting or is there something else (besides the silent recession) going on?
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amadholes-lostre · 3 months
I want to write a AOT/SNK x Wednesday (2022) fic, but I have like two ideas for it:
1) this one is called the Ymir isekai'ed where, after she was killed, she transported into Wednesday's universe. Honesty, I have other Ymir Isekai au, like ending up in BNHA or Transformers: Prime, etc.
After getting eaten, she ended up near Nevermore campus in the woods, discovered either by Enid or Yoko and Divina where Yoko was about to do unholy things to Divina. Half the fic is about the students and staffs (mainly Wednesday) trying figure out who she is.
2) this one is just the AOT in Wednesday's universe, mainly how Ymir is a distance relative of Wednesday. This one is about Ymir's family: her mother (Estrella), her parí (Skrymir), her twin sister (Isabela), and her younger sister (Isidora). It is mostly a comedy fic since that is what I could think of. Half the premise is about Ymir, her sisters, and Wednesday, trying to figure out Skrymir's age, how they lived so long, and any urban legends they were involved from.
Gomez: So, Skrymir, how did you gain your fortune?
Skrymir: I gain my wealth like how honest people have done so: invested in some stock and companies, save some penny here and there, bringing in some Nazi's heads for bounty.
Morticia: Oh, how delightfully dreadful!
Gomez: Ah, nothing more thrilling than rooting out evil!
Skrymir: Yes, my favorite hunt was the capture of Eric Woltmann.
Wednesday: ... He was sentenced to death in 1954.
Skrymir: Yes, unfortunately, it could have not be sooner or by my own hands.
*in Ymir's and Isabela's room/ huge Evidence board. Ymir, Isabela, snd Wednesday were lookingat it*
Wednesday: Okay, Tíe Skrymir said they spent 10 years in Argentina between 1952 to 1962, so we deduced that they were the infamous Águila Rapaz. But I not convince they were Alraaei.
Ymir: Yeah, that what we thought too, but we managed to find a Mizrahi's diary 'bout a tall person with pale skin with an undercut.
Wednesday: But the Affair was in 1840!
Isabela: We already decided parí is older than this country, we just trying figure which Jew figures they were.
Wednesday: But why they didn't kill any US scientists that were afflicted in the Nazi party?
Ymir: They did! But parí said they were running out of fake ID and keep running from the country that it didn't make it practical anymore.
Isidora, hanging upside down on Ymir's bed: Yeah, thats how they meet mami in Colombia.
Wednesday: ... what were they doing in Colombia?
Ymir: Actually, we don't know. That's the biggest mystery we have, and mami won't tell us.
Wednesday: ... Tíe Skrymir is one of the most convoluted yet astonishing Addams I have know.
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jackiebrackettt · 9 months
i just stole 🫢 something from work 👷 that in 250 2️⃣5️⃣0️⃣ years (‼️) is going to make me a millionare 💰💵💸 here is how: 5c piece ? wait you guys are mostly (🫢) American 🇺🇸 1 Penny 🪙 ? take it from work. Invest in the bank 🏦 savings account. accrue money. 💰⬆️ take it out after exactly 7 (7️⃣‼️) years and now you have $100 💯 beautiful 🤩 dollars 💵 now invest ! invest in stocks ! 📈📉 when the candle 🕯 goes up ⬆️🆙 YOU 🫵 go down ⬇️ this is good 👍 take half invest in bank 🏦 savings again take the other half invenst in stocks 📈📉 NOW YOU HAVE $50k 🤑💰easy ‼️ what you are going to want to do - equity okay? buy a house 🏡 rent it out. they pay off tthe house ‼️‼️‼️ EASY 💪 now you have equity. spend money ➖💰 to make money. ➕💰equity means the bank 🏦 loves you 😳🥰😍🫵 and they will buy you a house 🏡 and you can live in it. and buy MORE HOUSES ➕🏡‼️ and rent those out. for MORE MONEY ‼️‼️‼️💰💵🤑
and that original 5 cents i mean 1 penny? president of the United States 🇺🇸 now. thank yo u 🙏
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