#how to train a puppy to walk with a leash
sergle · 2 years
Hugo update pls ms.sergle?
I added two new tricks to his roster!! now he knows how to jump on command, and he can do that figure-8 weave thing around my legs. sometimes I forget he's just a year and change old bc he's just such a Young Man now and he can make himself look so, so.... old... look at how ugly he looks in this pic 🧡
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topfunnyanimalvideo · 2 years
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flemingsfreckles · 3 months
Puppy Love
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Jessie Fleming x Reader
Preview: you come home to a surprise from your girlfriend
Warnings: none
WC: 1.3k
A/N: here’s a very short blurb a wrote based off the middle photo of Jessie with the puppy. I’m in the process of working on 3 other fics that are multi part (better boyfriend is one, the other two are stuff that isn’t out yet) those just take a while so I’m taking time to write some small short stuff as well because it prevents my writers block from showing up.
“Oh no come back here with that” you hear your girlfriend yell at someone or something as you walk in the door. You set your keys down and begin to take off your shoes when you feel a warm soft body against the back of your leg. Turning around you see a small brown puppy standing looking up at you, one of your shirts hanging from its mouth.
Only a second later your girlfriend comes flying around the corner into the entryway, nearly slipping with the combination of her speed, her socks, and the tile flooring. She catches herself against the wall and looks up at you with huge eyes.
Jessie looks frazzled in every way. Her hair is sticking out in every direction, her cheeks are bright red as if she’d just been to training, she’s wearing only shorts and a sports bra. You can see a couple red nail scratches across her arms and she’s breathing heavily.
“Jessie.” It doesn’t take long for you to make the assumption that your girlfriend had brought home a puppy.
“Hi.” She gives you a tight lipped smile, just looking up at you before the puppy takes off running again, through your legs and off toward the kitchen.
“Oh my god” you hear Jessie mutter and she turns and chases after it. You’re not even sure if you should follow, still processing the scene that you came home to.
You take a few steps in the direction that Jessie ran off in and see her coming back toward you, a wiggling puppy in her arms. Your shirt now in her hand. She holds the puppy out to you, holding it under its arms like a small baby.
“Hold her.” You don’t have much of a choice so you put your arms out and take the puppy from her. The puppy is small and a little ball of fur in your arms, for a split second you forget that you should be questioning your girlfriend about what is going on. Jessie throws on the shirt the puppy had stolen and holds her arms out to take her back. You hand her back and you two just stand looking at each other, the puppy whining to be put down.
“Jessie, why is there a puppy in our house?”
“She needed a home.” She gives you a quick glance before her attention is redirected to the dog.
“So what? You thought ours was a good option?” You feel your voice raise slightly, you really weren’t mad, just more confused at the impulsive decision Jessie made, and a little frustrated that she hadn’t checked in with you before she brought home a huge responsibility.
“Maybe?” She looks at you with hopeful eyes. “Come on babe we’ve thought about it a couple of times.”
She wasn’t wrong the two of you had thought about adopting a dog on a couple occasions now that you lived together, you both wanted one but you never followed through in the process of actually picking out a dog. Something always got in the way.
“The dog came from Niamh’s neighbor, their dog had a bunch of puppies. The rest got adopted but no one wanted her because of her ear.” She holds the dog's ear up for you to see, but it was missing a large portion of it.
“It’s not her fault she was born like that. How could no one want her?” It looks like your girlfriend is on the verge of tears looking at the puppy’s face. “I know I should have asked babe but I didn’t. I’m sorry for that. She’s already house broken and can walk on a leash. Can we keep her please?”
You didn’t have a good reason to say no. You both wanted a dog, you were ready for the responsibility and you couldn’t help but admit how cute it was to see Jessie playing with her. She was poking its nose with her own, the dog trying to lick her face every time she leaned it.
“Sure Jess, we can keep her.”
“Yay! Did you hear that, you can stay.” She is back looking at the dog in her arms, talking to it as if she could understand. The dog just wiggles around, excited by the attention from Jessie not her actual words.
“I haven’t named her yet, I wanted to wait for you.” She sets down the dog and leans toward you, lips pursed waiting for a kiss. You lean in to place your lips to hers, giving her a quick kiss. It’s short and sweet, a nice welcome home.
“When did you have time to pick her up?” You point at the dog who has run over to the doorway and is rolling around on the rug scratching her back.
“After training, I went with Niamh, then we went to the store and bought all the things for her.” She points over to the pile of toys, a bag of food, two bowls, and a crate. You just nod. “She might want to go outside. She goes by the door when she needs to go. She’s so smart. Do you want to join us on a short walk?”
“Sure babe.” Jessie hurries over to where the puppy was rolling, grabbing the leash and harness that had been hung neatly next to both of your keys.
It’s warm out, the sun is just starting to set as you start your first walk with just the three of you as a small family. You walk for a couple minutes before the unnamed puppy starts sitting down, every couple of steps, bored of walking she sits and chomps at the grass.
“Come here.” Jessie says in a high pitched tone, the same tone she used earlier to talk to the puppy. She picks up the dog once again.
“Babe, what are you doing?”
“Her little legs are probably tired. She’s had a busy day.” You couldn’t help but smile, looking at your girlfriend grinning ear to ear as she held the puppy in her arms. She looks so content with the ball of fur. She carries her for the rest of the walk, letting the puppy lightly bounce in her arms as she walks alongside you.
You spent the rest of the afternoon playing with the puppy who you both agreed to name Maple both after her color and because you shot down Jessie’s original idea of naming her Moose but you refused to name the dog after another animal. Early into the night Maple found her own way into the large crate Jessie had bought and lined it with a bed and blankets.
“Look, she's sleeping.” You point out to Jessie as you both were standing in the kitchen waiting on a bag of popcorn to be ready. Jessie looks over to where Maple was, sound asleep in the pile of blankets.
“She’s so cute.”
“I cannot believe you brought home a dog.” You truly were shocked when you walked in the door earlier that day, the last thing you were expecting was a puppy.
“I know, I was a little worried you’d be mad.”
“How could I be when I had her cute face and your cute face both giving me puppy eyes?” You gently grab Jessie’s chin and place a kiss on her lips.
“Plus it’s good practice for when we have kids.” Jessie says when you pull away from her. The thought of having kids with her sends a flutter to your stomach. You knew it wouldn’t be soon, but in the future it was definitely something you both had talked about and wanted.
“Yeah it is but you better not bring home any kids without telling me first.”
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foldingfittedsheets · 4 months
Our friend with the new dog is obviously very emotional right now. She chose a border collie husky mix as her first dog ever and didn’t do any reading. She was just so excited to have a buddy that she didn’t think about some of the harder aspects of dog ownership like acclimating to existing pets or training.
Since my betrothed and I literally just had the puppy blues we definitely understood. When we went over to work with her and see where Harbor the dog was at. She was obviously overwhelmed with all the new aspects of her life. On a walk she’d lunge to and fro at bikes, other dogs, crows. Her ears didn’t even twitch toward her owner at attempts to get her attention.
I suggested we go home and work with her in the backyard. Our friend had been trying to use the dogs kibble as training rewards and I was like. What do you have that’s stinkier because she won’t even take these as a gift let alone a reward.
Turned out our friend did have some treats. In the living room I put Harbor through her paces. She knew all her basic commands and performed them easily in the quiet environment for the promise of a treat. But her name recognition and recall were shaky, along with her leash manners.
So I got us into the backyard and did a demo for my friend on how to teach heeling on the leash. Our friend cried when she watched the flighty unmanageable dog fall into step beautifully beside me, focused on me and the treat I could offer for good behavior.
Then I had us play a recall game where we all had treats and scattered around the yard. Harbor could go wherever she wanted but if we called her name and she looked at us or came over we’d give her a treat.
I told our friend not to do neighborhood walks for the first week, but just to practice heeling in the backyard and name recognition without any big distractions. Then at the end of the week I could come back and do a short neighborhood walk and see how they go. I suggested coming over weekly to help them work together.
Our friend cried again and hesitated. I said, “I’m sorry if I’ve overstepped- if you don’t want that…”
“No! It’s just that I can’t pay you.”
I was flabbergasted that she’d even think of paying us. I reassured her I didn’t need to be paid and that I liked working with her and Harbor for fun. I may not be able to have a dog of my own, and my betrothed has to wear a respirator on visits, but it’s nice working with a dog again in some capacity.
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kamotecue · 5 months
a start of something great ✮ l. walti
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pairing: lia walti x fem!reader
summary: another accidental encounter, could things end bad? or is it the start of something great.
part one, two, three, four and five.
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after that encounter with a certain swiss player, you couldn’t help but find yourself thinking at her. maybe, it was the way you felt her trace your face, you had felt it as you were slowly waking up.
you had just finished training, a certain brit swung their arms over your shoulder as you walked back to the locker room.
“any plans, n/n?” niamh asked, as jessie fleming hummed—after you had met the chelsea duo, they had adopted you into their duo, making it a trio.
“i was planning on getting a puppy, my apartment is a bit quiet.” you replied, as niamh hummed at your words.
“what breed?” jessie asked, as niamh dropped her arm from your shoulder to her side. the three of you had just entered the locker room, proceeding to your own locker.
“a golden.” you gave her a small smile, before heading to the showers, the towel was over your shoulder, as you held the two bottles, shampoo and conditioner.
after you finished showering, you wore a black turtleneck, with black plaid pants. bidding goodbye to jessie and niamh who gave you a small smile, you rushed to your car—not wanting to be late to meet the puppy.
you named her, hestia after the greek goddess of the hearth, home and fire. frankly, you thought she was an underrated goddess and fought strongly that she is still the 12th olympian.
hestia had already gotten her shots that were needed, the anti rabies vaccine and others. you already prepped the bowls, dog food, and toys.
you strolled through the park, the grey leash was already with its collar, as hestia kept pulling you somewhere—the leash ended up slipping from your grasp, as she ran forward.
your eyes widened as you chased after her, she didn’t go to far—as she sat, behind her ears were getting scratched.
“are you lost?” the familiar voice asked, as she analyzed the dog tag.
“hestia, i wonder who named you.” you cleared your throat as the brunette looked up to you, her face flushing as she realized it was you.
“i’m sorry if she disturbed you. the leash had slipped.” you explained, as lia hummed at your actions. she held out the leash, as you grabbed it, wrapping it a few times around a finger.
“she didn’t, don’t worry. so, why hestia?” lia asked, as she stood up—looking into your eyes, to which you avoided looking at the sky. if you didn’t do that, you would’ve seen how she blushed, how her eyes landed on your physique, and how she loved how the turtle neck suited you.
“i named her after my favorite greek goddess, hestia who is the goddess of hearth.” you said, before picking up the puppy. she cuddled into your arms, as you chuckled at the hestia’s behavior.
you didn’t know it but that was the start of something great. you two had spent the day talking about random things, mainly about life outside of football.
as you rested your head against the headboard, you felt your phone vibrate as it was held in your hands—quickly looking at the screen, you saw an instagram notification.
liawaelti has started following you.
a soft yet wide smile appeared, as you hummed. it took you a while to follow back, locking your phone as you turned to fall asleep.
y/nleon has started following you.
if only you could imagine how bright her smile was, or how you’d occupy her thoughts—ever since the world cup. the little misunderstanding, to her apology, and your unexpected transfer—not to mention her drunken mistake.
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adrienneleclerc · 3 months
Puppy Love
Paring: Henry Cavill X Hispanic/Latina! Reader
Summary: Henry Cavill walking Kal and when Kal runs off, he meets a woman who has a dog that looks just like his…
Warning: no translated Spanish, spelling and grammatical errors
A/N: it’s based off the 1996 live action movie of 101 Dalmatians, they’re meet cute was ADORABLE
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Henry was at home making breakfast when Kal walked in with his leash in his mouth, wagging his tail.
“What’s the matter, Bear, you want to go for a walk?” Henry asked, serving his breakfast on his plate. Kal barked as a reply. “I’ll eat first, then we’ll go for a walk.”
When Henry finished his breakfast, he pulled out his jacket form the closet and got everything he needed to take Kal on his walk. They left his house and the two were walking all calm until Kal spotted another Akita heading to the dog park with its owner and since halfway through the walk, Henry had Kal off leash (my dad does this with our dog though we tell him not to, Kal RAN to follow this mysterious Akita.
“Kal, come back here!” Henry started chasing after Kal, saying excuse me to everyone, trying to decline people who wanted photos with him as politely as he could.
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Y/N was in the dog park with her Akita, Pucca, named after her favorite cartoon. Y/N had set up a picnic blanket since it’s such a beautiful day.
“You wanna play fetch, Pucca?” Y/N asked her dog and she barked as a response. She threw the back and when Pucca came back, Y/N was surprised that Pucca brought a friend who was also an Akita. “Well hello there, peludo.” Y/N began petting the fluffy dog and found his collar. “Hi Kal, where is your owner? Que tipo de persona deja a su perrito solito por aquí? Bueno, do you want a treat? Yeah right, I think you two deserve it.”
Y/N pulled out a bag of treats that she always carries and gave them two small treats each. “Fetch?” Y/N asked and she threw the ball, Pucca ran after it but Kal laid down on the grass, next to Y/N.
“Flojo.” Y/N said jokingly, letting Kal but that’s when she saw a big man try to take Pucca. “The fuck.” Y/N got up.
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After getting stopped by a few people, Henry finally spotted his dog.
“There you are Kal! Don’t run off like that again, you are on a tight leash now.” Henry said, attaching the leash to ‘Kals’ collar. “Let’s go” Henry tried to move but the dog wasn’t moving. “I’m not happy right now, Kal, don’t make this difficult.” He reached down to carry the dog until he heard a woman’s voice.
“What are you doing with my dog?!?” The woman shouted.
“Listen miss, this is my dog.” Henry said.
“No she’s not, now put down MY dog before I slap you.” The woman said.
“This is my dog Kal.” Henry said.
“Oh you’re Kal’s owner. Well, that Akita’s name is Pucca.” Pointing to the dog Henry is carrying. “That Akita is Kal.” She said pointing to the Akita on the blanket a few feet away. “Can you put Pucca down now?”
“My apologies.” Henry said, immediately unclipping the leash and leaving Pucca on the ground and Pucca ran to join Kal. “I’m Henry.”
“I’m Y/N. How could you leave Kal unsupervised? What if there were actual dognappers in this park?” Y/N asked him.
“I didn’t leave him unsupervised, he ran off.” Henry asked.
“Well he clearly didn’t have a leash with him so muy responsable no es, verdad?” Y/N said.
“Well our dogs are unsupervised right now, you’re not very responsible either.” Henry said.
“It’s a dog park! As long as your dogs are trained and not reactive, they can roam around. I know most of the people on this park as well so I’m perfectly fine.” Y/N said. Henry and Y/N walked to where her blanket was and sat down so they could keep an eye on their dogs.
“Alright, I’m sorry for almost dognapping Pucca. What kind of name is that, by the way?” Henry asked and Y/N gasped offendedly
“Pucca is the name of an adorable cartoon girl that practices ninjitsu. What about Kal, hm?” Y/N asked.
“Kal is named after Superman, I played Clark Kent so I thought it was fitting.” Henry said.
“You played Clark Kent? Henry Cavill played Clark Kent in the Man of Steel movie.” Y/N said.
“I am Henry Cavill.” Henry said amused by the fact she doesn’t know who he is.
“Let me just Google this, one second. Holy shit, I just yelled at Henry Cavill, I am so sorry for suggesting you are a bad dog owner, I’m sure you’re not.” Y/N apologized and Henry laughed.
“How do you not recognize me?” Henry asked.
“Like I know you by name just not by face.” Y/N said (I admit that was me last year 😂😂)
“You never saw any of my movies?” Henry asked.
“Nope, should I watch your movies?” Y/N asked.
“Only if you want.” Henry replied and he looks at Kal playing with Pucca. “They see, to really like each other.”
“Well there aren’t many Akita owners, they aren’t for everyone.” Y/N commented.
“Since they get along really well, we should keep in touch.” Henry said, looking at Y/N.
“Are you trying to get my number, Superman?” Y/N asked.
“Yes I am. That way I could I also make it up to you.” Henry said.
“I don’t think that’s necessary, you already apologized.” Y/N said
“Well i still want to go on a date with the woman who was willing to slap me for her dog.” Henry said.
“I would have done worse too if i didn’t think you could beat my ass.” Y/N said and Henry chuckled.
“I would never lay a hand on a woman. So where would you like to eat?” Henry asked and Y/N giggled.
“Okay, coqueto, are all Hollywood actors this forward or just the British ones?” Y/N asked.
“Actually I think it’s just me.” Henry said and winked at the end of his sentence.
“In that case, i obviously like Latin food, but an Italian place would be good. Vámonos, Pucca!” Y/N yelled and Pucca moved her head and ran to Y/N to sit by her feet. Y/N told Henry to get up so she could fold the blanket.
“You wouldn’t leave without giving me your number, would you?” Henry asked.
“Give me your phone, coqueto.” Y/N said and Henry did just that. “There’s my number, call me whenever you want to set up a playdate or just a date. It was nice meeting you and Kal.” Y/N said and left with Pucca but stopped to pet Kal one more time before leaving the park completely.
“What do you think, Bear? Do we have a chance?” Henry asked and Kal barked, wagging his tail. “I thought so, let’s go home.”
The End
I think depending on the plot, Henry Cavill’s nicknames are going to be different
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mixtape-racha · 6 months
freak on a leash - p.js
words: 1.32k // warnings: cussing, unprotected piv, "sir" kink, reader is referred to as "princess" "puppy" "whore" and "bitch", mean dom!jay, brat!reader, established relationship, mentioned enhypen members, this isn't a complete smut but basically the lead up?? beginning??
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you and jay had been dating for a while now - almost two years, actually - and you could’ve sworn blind that you’d never seen him this angry. of course, you absolutely deserved it. spending the entire day riling him up, teasing him and flirting with his friends. god, you even went as far as to flash him your bare cunt at him from beneath your tiny fucking skirt the second you were left alone in heeseung’s living room for more than 5 seconds.
so yeah, you definitely deserved the anger radiating off of his body in waves right now, but you couldn’t bring yourself to regret what got you here in the slightest.
“you think you’re so funny, don’t you,” jay seethed from across the center console, knuckles turning white at his tight grip on the steering wheel. “so big and clever, just trying to wind me up like i won’t do anything about it.”
you shrugged, a smile teasing the corners of your lips as you watched your boyfriend try to contain his emotions behind the wheel. “yeah, i do, actually. i thought you would’ve gotten better at dealing with this by now… maybe i don’t test you enough, after all.”
he chuckled darkly, kissing his teeth with a raise of his eyebrows. 
“know your limit, y/n. i mean it.”
the drive was silent after that; you, in the passenger seat, proud of your work, and in your own world entirely. jay, on the other hand, was almost pulsing with fury. had he not trained you well enough? surely you knew better than to act like some common whore, in front of his best friends of all people. in all honesty, he’d had more than enough of you walking all over him and thinking you’d get away with no consequences.
the second he had parked the car, you bounced out of your seat, skipping towards the apartment block - seemingly, without a care in the world - but jay knew full well that you were choosing your actions to infuriate him. always a gentleman at heart, he always insisted on opening doors for you and holding your hand when walking across streets or car parks. by taking that away from him, you were just trying to piss him off more. and god knew that he’d had enough of your bullshit.
as soon as the elevator doors had pressed closed, jay had you pinned to the wall by your neck, face so close to yours that his nose was brushing your cheek and his breath was fanning over you. your heart - and, admittedly, your pussy - throbbed at the action. you’d always loved how easily jay could manhandle you, and adding anger to the mix just heightened how good it felt.
“i swear to fucking god, if you know what’s good for you, you’ll listen to me, yeah?” he hissed, other hand coming to grip your hip so tightly that you winced. “when we get in, i’m going to go and get a drink. and when i come back into the bedroom, you better be face down on that mattress, ass up and hands behind your back.”
he released you when the elevator stopped at your floor, and you took the opportunity to get one last dig in at him. 
“and if i don’t?”
he scoffed, leaving you trailing behind him as he walked towards your shared front door and pushed his way into the hallway. “if you don’t.. well, you better prepare to not be allowed anywhere near my cock for at least a week. nor will i touch you, and i know a stupid whore like you would lose their mind over that very quickly, huh?”
you were stunned. jay had joked about putting you on a sex ban a few times throughout your relationship, but only because you were insatiable - never as a punishment. surely, he wouldn’t? god… you didn’t think you wanted to find out if he was serious or not.
by the time you’d shaken yourself out of your trance and into the apartment, jay was already bustling about the kitchen, so you decided it was best to just do as he’d asked of you. you were quick to rid yourself of your sneakers, socks and jumper - leaving you in just a skimpy bralette and your tiny skirt, before crawling onto the bed.
you sat on my knees and waited patiently for jay’s arrival, the tell-tale closing of the cupboard letting you know that he was probably downing a glass of whiskey before dealing with you. your hands fidgeted in their place on your lap, and each second that jay took to come to the bedroom had you going beyond insane.
the door was wedged open so you could see jay coming, and you took a moment to appreciate how fucking good he looked with his hair ruffled and shirt half unbuttoned as he approached the room. however, all it took from him was a single glance in your direction to have you practically throwing yourself across the bed and into the position he wanted.
you knew he was staring at your core, your pussy entirely out on display and you had to fight back the urge to shake your hips, enticing him to come closer. no, that would just rile him up more, and you didn’t know if you could cope with an even bigger punishment than the one you had coming.
a shuffling noise came from behind you, and you felt the mattress dip as jay came to kneel behind you, hands coming to knead at the flesh of your ass.
“oh, so you wanna listen now, hmm?”
words failed out, only a garble of whines leaving your lips as you tried to formulate a response. jay chuckled at you, his hands moving to grip your hips as he ground his bulge against the curve of your ass.
“such a one-minded bitch, aren’t you? would do anything just to have me fucking ruin you like the common whore you are. all you think about is cock, surely i satisfy you better than that?”
you knew better than to bite back at his words, fully aware he was just trying to get you to slip up and have a reason to punish you more. you both were insatiable when it came to one another, and sharing a lot of… well, less than vanilla kinks, made times like this more interesting.
and honestly, jay’s heart swelled at the way you stayed quiet, allowing him to grip your wrists against the base of your spine, the feeling of your ass against him more heavenly than anything you could find in a church. he knew you were his good girl at heart, sometimes you just needed to be reminded of that. and he was more than willing to put you in your place when needed.
“such a pretty little thing, hmm? just needed sir’s attention to calm you down. like a little puppy, aren’t you?”
you whined at his words, your brain quickly turning to mush at the hot blaze his hands left on your skin.
before you could comprehend his actions, jay had pulled away to rid himself of his clothes, and the next thing you felt was his bare cock brushing against your folds.  his tip nudged against your clit and you couldn’t help the way you shivered, hips rolling back against him.
“god, you’re sopping, baby. needed me that bad? how mean of me to keep you waiting like this..” he tsked, causing you to shake your head with a wail.
“not mean– never mean! so good to me, sir, need you so bad.”
you knew he grinned at that, but he indulged you anyway, pushing his tip past your walls and reveling in the way you keened at the sensation.
“gonna fuck you good, princess, i promise. make you forget why you felt the need to act like a brat.”
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(a/n: scheduled post!)
-> don’t forget to reblog or comment if you like my works ♡ please refrain from modifying, translating, or copying my work. - © mixtape-racha
tags ✮⋆˙ : @pretty-racha @demetrisscarf @fluerz @bangtancultsposts @yevene
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mochinek0 · 6 months
Daminette December 2023: 26-Sparkles
Marinette had moved to Gotham. She had opened up a small shop that had a house in the second story. She would be a seamstress, while making her own comissions on the side. The newest addition to her move, was a puppy. He was still in training. She had heard how dangerous Gotham was and decided to get a guard dog. She had named him Damian.
"Damian!" she cried out, "Damian! Damian, where are you?"
Damian Wayne was annoyed. He was in the park with Titus and somoene kept calling out his name. Titus was starting to bark in response, likely calling attention to him. Damian stood up and decided it was better to confront the person causing a scene.
Damian opened his mouth to shout at them to stop calling his name when an Akita ran up to the girl. She kneel down and hugged it.
"Damian, you're back!" She smiled.
Damian blushed, watched the girl rub the dog's fluffy mane. Her smile shone brightly. Her eyes sparkled with happiness. Most of the time, he saw people with animals, but they're eyes seemed bored. Their pet had become a chore to them. The girl, in front of him, seemed to really care about him. The girl extended her hand, holding out a treat. Damian cleared his throat, drawing her attention.
"You shouldn't give him a treat after." he spoke.
Marinette turned to see a guy standing a few steps away from her. She looked at him confused.
'Was he talking to me?'
"He ran away?" He asked, "Correct?"
Mari nodded, closing the her fingers over the treat, before her dog could get it.
"Giving him a treat will teach him it is okay to run away from you." the boy declared.
"Oh." She replied, frowning, "Sorry. I'm still learning. It's my first time having a pet and I thought I was making progress training him."
'I need to read those training books more when the store gets slow.'
Mari noticed her dog, jumping excitedly, wagging his tail, waiting for his treat. Standing next to the boy was a black dog, remaining still.
'I guess he knows what he's talking about.'
"What exactly are you training him for?" he asked.
"Guard dog." she answered.
"Why?" he questioned.
"Let's just say.....people don't really like me." Marinette spoke, "They will, at first, then they all turn on me. Damian will be my protector."
"So Damian the Dog is-" he began.
"It's just Damian." Mari replied, glaring at him.
He chuckled, "So am I. I thought someone was calling my name, earlier."
"Oh!" she replied, shocked, "I'm so sorry."
"It is quite alright." He stated, "I named my cat after my grandfather. He is called Alfred the Cat. I suppose correcting you was a habit." making her giggle.
"I trained my own dog." Damian declared, "Perhaps I may be of some service."
"Really?" She smiled, "I'd like that a lot. Thank you, Damian the Human."
Marinette turned to her dog, Damian, hiding her blush.
'He's so cute. Why do I keep falling for guys with green eyes that sparkle? Damn, this weakness!'
"Let us exchange numbers." Damian the Human called out, "We need to set a schedule to meet up."
They exchanged numbers. Marinette listed him as Damian the Human.
"Marinette." he poke.
She looked up at him.
"Just testing it out." he smirked, walking away.
Mari flushed and made sure her dog's leash was properly attached before leading him away.
TAGLIST: @maribat-calendar-events @animeweebgirl@a-star-with-a-human-name@meme991001@vixen-uchiha@abrx2002@alysrose-starchild@fandom-trapped-03@dood-space@moonlightstar64@saltymiraculer@marveldcedits20@09shell-sea09@icerosecrystal@animegirlweeb@insane-fangirl-of-everything@blueblossombliss@nickristus-dreamer@megawhitleycalderonpaganus@missmadwoman@meira-3919@princessdaisysolosyourfaves@blep-23@fangirlingfanatic@darkhinauniverse@ravenr22@im-a-satanic-ritual@ravennm84@bianca-hooks123@a-slytherinish-gryffindor@starling218
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50c4l-f7m-r4p3b417 · 2 months
Holy fucking shit I'm a wreck in the best possible way, and I didn't even get fucked!
Daddy said I'm gonna be seeing him multiple times a week from now on to be his free use rape toy 🤩
He expects me to cook for him, clean, and do literally anything he wants sexually, which is all a goddamn dream come true
I sucked his cock for. Four. Fucking. Hours. He had me tell him every time Ive been raped/molested, how my old female roommate would grope me in my sleep, everything, and I just felt his cock getting harder and harder with every word.
He called me a good girl the whole time, never once even vaguely referenced me being a man or trans other than to make fun of me and tell me how hot I am as a girl~
I'm gonna be getting puppy training, with my own bed and leash and everything 👀 I can't wait to have puppy paws and be even more helpless as he makes me crawl around his apartment on my hands and knees.....
Back to the night! I was slapped, spat on, thrown around like a ragdoll, choked, and hogtied so he could finger my ass and threaten to fuck my ass without prep, even tried! I was too tight tho so he said I'm gonna be forced to take him next time 💙
I walked home in my skirt, without my panties, wobbly and my makeup all smeared from sucking cock.
God that was perfect
(Note at the bottom out of kink-
This dom vetted me and I did the same before we actually met up. I had a safe person watching from a distance and someone watching my location on a safety app. We had discussions on limits and safe words, and multiple times throughout the night he listened instantly when I had a concern/issue. Mostly my disability making me puke every time I got too turned on, which is a new upsetting low ngl. Even in the deepest kink, practice SAFE SANE AND CONSENSUAL)
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soccer-love · 8 months
Trouble maker
Magdalena Eriksson/Pernille Harder/Fc Bayern women x reader
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"Hello, sis." Magda greets me as I walk out of the airport, she pulls me into her arms and gives me a tight hug.
"Hey." I say and let myself rest in her arms for a few seconds.
"How was your flight?" she asks as she grabs my suitcase.
"Oh wonderful, never had a better time then when I got send away by my own mom." I answer and Magda sighs.
"You know that it is for your best, now come on, Pernille is waiting over there with our car."
We walk around the parking lot and I spot Pernille leaning against a silver car, she waves at us and also pulls me into a hug as soon as I am near her.
We drive to their apartment and I bring my stuff into the guest room, I stayed her many times, when I visited my big sister Magda, but never for so long.
I unpack my stuff, call our mom to tell her that I am fine and eat dinner with them before going back into my room.
After some time I hear a knock on the door, I expect it to be Magda but it's actually Pernille.
"Hey, can I come in?" she asks and I nod.
"It's your apartment." I say and pull my legs up to my chest so she can sit on the bed too.
"How do you feel?" she sits down next to me.
"Thrown out." I say, referring to my situation with mom.
"I know love and I also know that everyone told you that it is for your best, but it's true. You should give it all a chance." she says softly.
I stare at the wall where, someone - Magda? - hung up a few pictures of our family, me, our parents, her and Magda.
"When did mom tell you about what happened?"
"The same day, she called Magda and told her about what happened. I was out with some friends but she told me about it when I came home, you know we've been together for a really long time now and I can tell when something scares her and she really was. She knew that you would probably also won't have a good summer since most of the guys live in your neighborhood. So we offered your mom that you could stay with us." she explains.
Mom never explained it to me like that, at the last week of school she just told me that I will be staying with my big sister for the summer.
"And I like having you here." Pernille adds and I look at her.
I've known her since she got together with Magda, at first I was a little curious about them, not because I didn't like it that they where gay, hell no that was super okay with me, but because I loved my big sister to pieces and I was scared that a relationship would break our bond.
But Pernille was so sweet with me and never tried to get in between us so quickly it felt like she was also my big sister.
"I'm coming with you two, to your training right?" I ask and she nods.
"Yes, but don't worry we're not gonna drag you everywhere with us and we wanna make some day trips with you, but don't tell your sister I said that." she says and stands up.
"I won't tell anything." I promise and she smiles at me.
"Great, good night."
"Good night"
She leaves my room and I change into my pj's before laying down in bed, I read a couple of pages but then decide to call it a night and sleep.
"You can sit there." Magda points to a couple of benches where she also drops off her stuff. She explained to me that the first part of training they have todays is based of on there positions.
So while Pernille goes to her own training, I follow my big sister around like a lost puppy.
I notice that some of the players are looking at us, but they're to far away from us so that they could ask me who I am.
As Magda walks over to them, I pull my book out of my pocket and start reading.
A couple of times I took a break to watch them play but not for long.
"Uh what a surprise that Magda didn't put you on a leash." I hear Pernilles voice and look up, she and a couple of other players, the midfielders I suppose, are walking towards me.
This morning when we left their apartment, Magda said that incase I tried to run away during their training she would send Georgia to tickle me down.
I know that she was only joking but I also knew that she wouldn't be amused if I just went off without telling her.
"I think she realized that I am not a dog or a toddler." I answer and close my book.
Some of the other players are looking at us and then at each other but Pernille also notices it.
"I am sorry for my girlfriends bad manners, this is Y/N, Magdas little sister, she is staying with us for the summer." Pernille introduces me and some of them wave at me.
Most of the defenders Magda trained with also came over and hear Pernilles last words.
"Uhh, you sure can tell us some good stories about your sister." a women says and sits down next to me, her accent also sounds kind Scandinavian but she is defiantly not form Sweden, I would have known her from the national team.
"No she cant Glodis." Magda says to her, shaking her head.
"There are defiantly some, if you tell me I promise I protect her from you." Glodis whispers to me, but loud enough so everyone else can hear it too.
"Yeah there are some but I wouldn't be a good sister if I share them." I excuse myself and Magda nods proudly.
"That's right."
"Let her be Glodis, you also wouldn't share our stories." another women says with the same accent, she looks quiet younger than most of the players but not less sporty.
"I would never." Glodis answers, smiling at her.
And something between them, the look they share, is the same like between my sister and Pernille.
"Okay girls, let's get back to training." A man, I identify as their trainer Alexander Straus, says and they get up again.
This time I watch them and don't even notice when a women sits down next to me, she has a splint around her leg and is dressed in some normal cloths, not the usual FC Bayern cloths.
"I'm Caro." she says, looking at me.
"Y/N, I'm Magdas sister." I say also making clear who I am.
"Cool, normally I would also be a defender like her."
I look at her splint "What happened?"
"ACL, only a month ago, something every player is scared off." she explains and I nod.
"I am sorry."
She laughs at me "Don't be, I am fine."
I stay silent, not knowing what to reply to that.
"I don't wanna be rude, but why are you here? Spending the day watching some people playing football doesn't really seems like something, you want to do all summer long." she says, I look at Magda on the pitch.
"I got into some trouble in school and they didn't want me to get into any during the summer so I am here now." I explain and she nods.
We sit there watching them until the training is finished and then wait until they get out of the shower and go with the team to grab a late lunch.
After that I drive home with Magda and Pernille and they show me a little around their neighborhood.
Most of my days from them look like this, they have training and I come with them, sometimes Caro is also there and we talk a little, but most of the time I read.
Before or after their training, they show me around town, on our first weekend we go to a lake and go for a swim.
"Can I ask you something?" Caro says, sitting down next to me, it's a Monday, the sky is grey and I'm pretty sure that it will rain later.
"Sure." I say, putting my bock down and taking a sip from my water bottle.
"I think in the last two weeks I've got to know you really well, and to be honest, I cant imagine that someone like you would get into any trouble."
I look at the players.
Magda, our mom, my teachers, even Pernille, all of them asked me what happened.
"I punched a boy in the face." I say, that's what I told everyone, but never the reason why.
"He...you know that Magda and Pernille are pretty open about their relationship."
Caro nods but doesn't say anything.
"In our neighborhood, practically everyone knows everyone and some boys in my school, apparently weren't so okay with their relationship and they know that she's my sister so they started annoying me."
I pause, remembering the face of this asshole when he felt my fist hitting him.
"At first it where only some mean comments that weren't even about her, more like nerd or freak, a couple of weeks before summer, he said that I should write an essay for him or else he would tell everyone my sisters little secret. I didn't know what he meant, he never met my sister, so I refused and walked past him when he said that my sister was a whore and would burn in hell for having a relationship with a women, I asked him to repeat that because I could believe what I was hearing and he did. He said it again and some other things I won't repeat. Something inside me got so mad and before I could do anything, I punched him in the face."
Caro looks at me in shook.
"Why didn't you tell me?" I hear a voice and turn around, it's Magda, the other players behind her.
"You would be all freaked out about it, mom too, so I didn't say anything." I say, she walks up and sits down next to me.
"I am sorry that you have such problems because of me." she says but I grab her hand.
"Don't, there is nothing wrong with being gay, I know that, he is just not smart enough to understand something like that." I explain and she nods, wrapping an arm around me.
"That's true and if loving a women, means that we will burn in hell that I can live with that, because I already experienced haven in her love." Lea says, and comes closer.
I smile at her words, behind her I notice Glodis looking at Karo, Magda told me her name a couple of days ago.
"I'm proud of you for defending us, even though violence is not an answer." Magda says and hugs me softly.
"PARTY." Georgia screams and everyone looks at her confused.
"I mean we need to celebrate that, someone standing up for those who cant stand up for themselves, like...." she searches for the right word. "Like Wonder Woman, you are Wonder Woman."
I laugh and Magda shakes her head smiling.
"I agree with Georgia. Y/N only got punished for what she did, we should celebrate her." Klara agrees.
The team decides to meet up for Pizza tonight and have some fun, including me.
Later when we drive home, I lean towards Pernille who is sitting in the passengers seat, quietly humming to the song that's coming from the radio.
"I have a question." She turns towards me,
"Karo and Glodis." I say and she nods.
"Are they a couple?"
"YES I TOLD YOU THEY HAVE A VIBE!" Pernille screams and I need a minute to realize that she meant Magda.
"Unfortunately not, but I thought that too, the way they look at each other is just so gay." she says towards me.
So I wasn't the only one to see it.
"Maybe yes, but they need to figure it out on their own, nobody should make assumptions about someone else." Magda says and I laugh.
"Amen." I answer.
"But don't punch anyone if they look at them for too long." Magda fires back and I act offended.
"I would never." I say and make her laugh.
"Yeah, but I am still very proud that you stood up for us."
" I did it because I love you, you both." I look at Pernille for a second. "I know that violence isn't right, but nobody gets to say anything bad about my sisters."
"And I always thought that as a big sister I had to protect you but I guess it's the other way around me." Magda says, she stops at a red light and looks at me.
"I love you too sis."
"Me too, I love you both." Pernille adds "I love you to the moon and to Saturn."
"And the Taylor Obsession is coming trough." Magda says rolling her eyes, but smiling at her girlfriend.
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thornescratch · 2 months
We were trying to spread out the puppies that were being shown so that everyone got some love, but when it came to Nicky, we gave him one that... didn't quite... want to walk. And so, one of the girls that works at WolfTrap, that's the organization's team cat. His name is Arthur. And, we're like, "Oh, just put Arthur with him!" He, like, walks on a leash normally so the cat is like, domesticated and trained to be on a leash, so we're like, "oh, it's perfect. Just give Nicky the cat."
Taryn Bray explains how Nicklas Backstrom ended up walking a cat at last year's Caps Canine Night.
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harlowtales · 3 months
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Paparazzi knew puppy’s name and Y/N was left to her own devices 😤 🐶
18+ Only - Adult themes, Language
“Hey baby” Jack said calling early on FaceTime. It was early morning where he was on tour in New Zealand.
“You look so sexy and groggy.” You said admiring how gorgeous your husband always looks. He took off his bonnet and shook out his curls causing your heart to flutter.
“Stop looking at me like that Y/N that’s how we got Ella.” Jack said cautioning you. You had a little boy from a previous relationship and Jack accepted him fully as his own. “Where’s my little muffin and my boy?”
“Well Jax is at school and Ella is right here. She just finished nursing.” You said happily and showed Jack baby Ella half passing out, and smiling at the breast.
“Funny how our happy place is the same.” Jack said wistfully happy to get a peak at your boob.
“You’re so silly!” You giggled. “I miss you so much”
“I miss you guys like crazy but some people don’t want to pull their kids out of school to go on a world tour.” Jack said with an eye roll and still feeling a way about you making that decision.
“Stability Jackman. It’s all about stability.” You said taking a stretch. “I better get moving. I’m meeting Azura for a walk.”
Just then Lil puppy Lou Lou came bounding up and licked you in the face. Jack was thrilled to see her. She woke up Ella drifting off but she was happy anyway. Ella was always happy unless she was tired and then she’d fuss and rub her head of chestnut curls. She rarely fully cried and was almost sleeping through the night.
“Aight my baby tell Jax I love him and don’t worry about his math test ok. I’ll call y’all later. Your husband said. He made a naughty gesture just before he signed off.
“Jackman! I swear!” You yelled to a blank screen as he vanished. “Daddy looks too good Imma have to be careful before I have 10 y’all” you said to Ella who looked like she was gearing up to go out for a walk.
You took a quick shower and slipped into your favourite hoodie of Jack’s, some yoga pants, and your one of many pairs of New Balances. Today it was Carolina blue 550s because you were missing your man bad. You slipped Ella’s wiggly chubby legs into a New Balance jumper and got the leash on Lou Lou.
“Hey girl!!” You said excitedly to Urban’s girlfriend Azura. Little man is getting big!” You said ruffling their son Liam’s hair.
“Yes he is girl and getting like his daddy wanting to take pictures of everything. We got him a toy camera and he carries it around his neck everywhere like Urb.” Azura said looking down lovingly at 4 year old Liam.
Liam wandered a bit away as you chatted with Azura. Suddenly you heard him talking a few feet away to a lady who was asking questions about his toy.
“Hey there little guy I like your camera” She said with a smile and had a cute dog with her that Liam petted. Azura was watching and everything seemed fine. Liam loved dogs and nothing seemed wrong. It was a beautiful sunny day and lots of people were out walking with dogs.
“Liam be gentle with the puppy ok?” Azura cautioned as he politely asked to pick it up and the owner agreed.
“It’s fine.” The lady said “Hey, you’re Jack Harlow’s fiancée….Y/N isn’t it? And Baby Ella so adorable with puppy Lou Lou. Nice to see you enjoying this beautiful day.”
Both you and Azura froze with a bad feeling. They had been following you and poor little Liam walked right into the trap because the lady had a dog and seemed nice.
“Liam hunny put the doggy down we have to go.” Azura said sternly and cautiously.
“I’m not answering any of your questions.” You said firmly to the paparazzi and turned to leave.
“Well I bet the world will like to see how rude one of the hottest stars’s fiancee is.” They said taunting you.
Azura made a sudden move to jump on the lady and caused a scene. Urban wasn’t under as much scrutiny as Jack so him and his family didn’t have to go through people following them. Jack had trained you how to be in public and around the media. You leaped in front of Azura to prevent her doing anything foolish.
“Well one of you has some sense! I would sue you!” The lady spat back.
“….and we would sue yo ass right back bitch!” Azura clapped back
While the back and forth with the sneaky paparazzi and Azura was going on you had discreetly emergency dialled Andy an “sos” message. It was something Jack had set up for your safety. Andy’s secretary sent police to your location. You stalled the lady until they got there. Let me tell you something.” You said calmly to the lady maintaining your composure “Tell all your slimy fellow bottom feeders that make a living off of this that me and my family, including my husband are not taking any shit and WE will be suing YOU.”
Everyone in town knew who you were but only a small circle knew the puppy’s name. Someone must have told someone else and that someone else was paid off. A small crowd had gathered which made it difficult for the lady to take off running. Police were carefully approaching so as not to provoke her to flee. You saw them coming. You and Azura kept her talking with Azura continuing to intimidate her which she was much better at than you.
“Listen bitch, you don’t get to talk to people’s kids like that with your rented dog and pretend you’re friendly. That’s like attempted kidnapping.” Azura said angrily holding onto Liam who was scared.”
“Get over yourself lady. Nobody even knows who you are.” The paparazzi argued with Azura.
“They know me on twitch bitch!” Azura shot back as she was one of the biggest gamers.
Police were behind her without her knowing and heard the whole conversation.
“Look behind you.” You said smugly to her. She turned and realized she was under arrest.
“I didn’t try to kidnap no kid!!!” The lady paparazzi yelled. “I’m just doing my job!! Let go of me!” She said as police cuffed her and walked her away.
The call you were dreading coming in started lighting up your screen with your husband’s picture. You hesitated to answer. “Y/N dafuq is going on? Are y’all ok?” He said right away with Urban right beside him. “They knew pup’s name?”
“Azura? Liam? Daddy’s right here!” Urban shouted concerned and on the verge of tears.
“Bro call your chick on her phone.” Jack said to him annoyed.
“Jack we are fine see? Wave to daddy Ella, wave pups.” You said as cheerfully as possible and Azura waved too as Urban called her.
“Jack it’s all good we’re fine.” You said calmly not wanting him to know how you were really feeling.
“Nice try Y/N. I invented that whole never show people how you’re screaming inside type shit.” Jack said catching you in the act of trying to appear unbothered. I need Ella where is she?” He asked trying to see into the stroller. “Y/N why are you not holding her close right now with wackos on the loose and why are y’all still out?? Go back home please, and call when you get in.” Said Jack cooing with Ella and being strict with you. “Now Y/N”.
“Ok ok we’re headed back in.” You said irritated your one day out in a while turned into this.
“Listen I’ll have one of boys pick y’all up and take you to my parents. My mom is losing her mind right now. Ella and Lou Lou can play in the back yard.” Jack said in full dad mode. “Go pick up Jax first ok? You need to tell him before he finds out and make sure he’s not scared.”
All you wanted to do was go for a walk. Being Mrs. Harlow was not going to be easy. You didn’t like how firm Jack was with you and felt like he thought you weren’t being responsible enough. You hated when he got like this. “Oh and I love you too.” You said sarcastically. “Bye Jack.”
“Wait..I’m..I’m sorry baby. If you were hurt, if Ella…I can’t…I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to bark at you. I just…” He paused and was holding back tears. “I love you ok?” He finally finished looking away and trying to keep it together.
“Jack I’m sorry. I snapped at you.” You apologized. You knew he loved you.
“Please get little man, take Azura and Liam home, and sleep at my parents house tonight. Please Y/N.” Jack begged. Seeing him soften up made you feel warm inside.
“Ok baby whatever you need for peace of mind but I’m fine. Really.” You said.
“Yeah she not a little bitch like you!” Urban said getting off the phone with Azura and his son.
“Will you two get off my phone!” You giggled.
@itsyagirljaz @okaaay-mice @ride4harlow
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kangals · 9 days
kep report card, month 4! how is he 6 months old already that is absurd.
food (drive, appetite, sensitivity): 🟢 hongry
leash walking: 🟡/🟢 he's gotten pully on the harness, takes a few minutes of stop-start before he remembers to not do that. is good on a collar though.
sleeping: 🟢 - gotten a lot better about sleeping during the day, i think bc it's been hot so he's just too tired to fuss much.
crating: 🟢/🟡 - i THINK he's doing ok about day crating, i need to buy another camera so i can make sure but he doesn't seem nearly as worked up when i get home as he used to. hopefully the hugelarge crate + new position + age has helped.
potty training: 🟢/🔴 great everywhere except. my goddamn living room. i'm going insane about it.
general training: 🟢 honor roll student
manners: 🟡 still countersurfs and jumps on people a lot, we're working on it.
grooming: 🟢/🟡 tolerant of nails, ears, and bathing with a distraction. getting fussy about brushing, which, too fuckin bad my guy.
cars: 🟢 no complaints
outings/socialization: 🟢 loves going on adventures
other dogs: 🟢/🟡 great with stellina, he has finally learned bite inhibition and how to take subtle "not interested" signals. still a little hyper-focused on strange dogs but not unexpected for his breed/age.
other people: 🟢 a strangers just a bestie you haven't met yet
small animals: 🟢 being very good with the kitty, very enthralled by small critters but doesn't seem frantic or aggressive.
*exciting new category* puberty: leaving this one un-graded bc i don't think it's hit him yet lol. i haven't seen him do any marking or any behaviors that would indicate that he's gotten a big dose of testosterone yet, but now is about the time so we shall see.
overall still doing great, some very generic annoyances (e.g. jumping, fussing about brushing, etc) but generally he's easy to live with, as expected. if i could just actually housebreak him i would be sooo happy but that's really the only thing that i think he's behind on.
also have had some other ppl ask if they can use this format for their own puppies: yes by all means please do! i didn't invent using emoji buttons lol and i do think it's helpful for me to look back on and track development.
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honeyteacup · 10 months
Hear me out! Controlling! Strict! Husband! Krueger!!!!!
~Also my first post<3🥧
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~Tw: Just Sumt thoughts about Krueger!💋
Just imagine how he will demand you to wear a outfit he picked out for you!(Which is a short white dress with lace at the bottom of the dress! Also showing off your adorable curves and chest!<3) This man will immediately bend your you over the kitchen sink while you try to doing the dishes and fuck you so hard! You start begging him to stop and it’s too much for you!
Also Controlling! Strict!Husband! Krueger will give you a list of chores every day before leaving for duty! He will hangout on the fridge for you so you don’t forget about it throughout the day! Because he knows how forgetful you can be!
Controlling! Strict! Husband! Krueger also loves punishing you if you mess up or forget about a task/chores! God he loves watching your pretty doe eyes start to get all watery and glossy while he takes off his belt! Makes his cock extra hard if you start begging him to forgive you and promising you will be a good little wife for him! He can’t hold back anymore he needs you immediately!
Starting to get into the spicy stuff!<3
Controlling! Strict! Husband!Krueger loves fucking you while you whimper softly and gasping for air! Telling him to stop and that he hurting you!(poor little pet) He loves strangling you with your adorable panties watching you struggle and choking on your almost dying breath! Literally turns him feral! Starts fucking you like a animal!
Controlling! Strict! Husband!Krueger loves putting a leash on you!(In his mindset he believes a leash will train you to be a perfect little pet housewife for him and him only!<3) When he is really in a mood he will grab the leash for your neck and force you on your hands and knees walking you around like a little puppy! After that if you have been a good pet for your husband he gives you one your favorite snacks as a treat and after he fucks you again into your sore puffy cunt!
~Bye Honeybuns<3
(Might make a part two? Give me your opinions in the comments please dears🥂)
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Hiiii since you’ve been killing the headcannon game, if you’re up to it,
Can we please give Walter Marshall a dog? That man needs a dog. I don’t care how busy he is, I’ll even walk it for him. He gives me “dad and the dog he didn’t want” vibes where they get bullied into it then wind up being a total pushover and spoiling the shit out of the dog 🥹 That man is secretly so soft I just fucking know it.
Hey, girl! So sorry for how late this is. It's a slow day for work, so I threw Nomis on in the background and got to it.
ABSOLUTELY! Walter oozes Daddy-Bear Energy™️ and I’m always here for it. Thanks for reaching out, babe! Hope you like it ❤️❤️
In the Dog House: Walter Marshall is a Pushover
Warnings: Bring a lint roller. There's plenty of fluff to go around.
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"No. Absolutely not."
He'd cross his arms over his chest and scowl. Life was hard enough, between juggling her schedule and his own, the sleepless nights and open cases that pile up on his desk, he didn't need any more distractions. Faye pouted, bat those big brown eyes up at him and stuck out her bottom lip. What started out as a normal Saturday morning grocery run had taken a detour when she saw the wet little noses in the window of the animal shelter downtown. They'd only stopped to look.
"Come on, dad, please?! Look at him!"
The little ball of fluff gnawed at her fingers and looked up excitedly, cocking his head to the side as if to say "Yeah, dad! Bring me home!"
Who was Walter to say no to that?
His apartment quickly shifted from its cold, sad status of bachelor pad to...well, still a bachelor pad, just covered in puppy pads as well. Though the little bugger had been neutered, he wasn't potty trained just yet. Faye was getting good at taking the dog out before school, and spent most evenings playing with him until bedtime. When she was at her mother's house, Walter would care of him. He felt ridiculous, standing out in the cold, holding the leash while the pup sniffed around for somewhere to do his business.
"Come on, lad," he'd encourage gruffly. "Anywhere will do."
Back inside, they'd stare at one another. Walter, sat on the couch, would pick through his leftovers while the puppy, lovingly named Moose, sat on the floor, tearing his squeaky toy to shreds. Moose with yip and growl at it, a real predator, and shake out the stuffing to rain down around him in a cloud of fluff. Walter would sigh, crook an eyebrow at the beast, and shake his head in disapproval.
"No dogs on the bed," he'd declare. He wasn't concerned about fleas or ticks (the little menace loves a good soak in the tub), he didn't think Moose would have any accidents in the night; he just didn't want the connection. Walter wasn't good at making friends, dating was a joke at this point. Faye was really all he had...Faye, and Moose.
It was late when he made it home that night. Bleary eyed, he'd toed off his boots at the door, disassembled his weapon and stashed his badge on the table beside the entryway. The house was quiet, a little too quiet, and it made him suspicious. He checked around the living room, the kitchen, and hell, even the bathroom. Nothing was out of place.
In the bedroom, he found the culprit, snug as a bug all curled up in the middle of the bed.
"No," he growled. "Down."
Sleepily, the dog lifted his head at the sound of his owner's voice. Bright blue eyes grew wide and limp, floppy ears with plenty of room to grow flopped to one side of Moose's head. The black duvet cover, once pristine, was now covered in a thin film of white and gray fur.
Walter sighed. He was too tired for this shit. It wasn't worth the fight. He didn't even bother to undress. No use in getting too comfortable, when he'd be up in a couple of hours anyway. Pulling the blankets aside, he settled in against the pillows and let the heavy shrouds of sleep overtake him. His eyes fluttered closed and his breath began to deepen. Walter never dreamed, hadn't in years, yet just as he began to doze off, he could've sworn he felt something. Warm and fuzzy, Moose nuzzled up against Walter's leg and sighed contently. For a moment, in the quietness of an empty house, Walter smiled. It was starting to feel just a little more like home.
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I'm not really into petplay [yet?] but I love observing it, ya'll are such cute puppies <3 You guys deserve all the chin scratches and chew toys you can get 🥰
Plus it's really fueling my experimentation/scientist kink of studying your guys's behaviour. Recording which pups are naturally more dominant in the pack and who willingly submits to avoid fights. Throwing in toys, blankets, and/or pillows into the enclosure to see how it affects the overall happiness levels. Of course, it should go without saying that everyone would get a custom-made collar that tracks heart rate, hormone levels, vocal activity, ect. with a matching leash for walks.
This way I can know what I need to add to the individual training sessions! After all, a good dog needs to learn how to obey, isn't that right Creature?
HELLO???? HNNGGH??? You can't just drop this in my askbox and not expect me to absolutely lose it, this is the hottest thing I've read in a *while*. It combines petplay, training, and experimentation my *beloved*. (You are literally free to experiment on me anytime oh my GODS)
Picturing you just watching us, my custom collar tight around my neck as I'm bit and fucked and mounted by all the other puppies, knowing that you can see every bit of pleasure I'm getting, every whine, every physiological response on your monitor. Knowing that you don't even have to see my blush as you hand me a pillow to bite as I'm mounted and knotted *again*, seeing the overall happiness level rise as this addition makes me present my holes further.
Seeing the way I'm needy even in my sleep, curled up in a nest of blankets and pillows, whining quietly until another puppy tiredly fills me, watching my heartrate slow as I cockwarm them and fall back asleep.
I wonder what you'd put in my training program? I already like to think I'm a pretty obedient little mutt, but I always want to be trained to be better, and I'd love for your careful observations to make me into the good puppy I want so badly to be!
Thank you *so* much for this ask, I'm actively walking to go hump my pillow because of how needy this made me so...have a nice day!!
-your Creature
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