#how we feelin gang
(un)dead beat dad (Chapter 1)
I hope you all suffer as much as my beta readers do, love you guys @justagaygoosehoard and @le-maidenless
and for those of you who wanted to be tagged, enjoy :) @starkcravingmad @terzatheunderscorerima @sunsetdew0101 @onyxlightdragon @ace-aro-agender @roseinbloom02 @aikoiya @blacksea21090 @the-legal-shipper @paperlicense687 @cursedchaosboys @corfinnsunrise @ascetic-orange @eonic @frostedthroughghost @readerkayden @reach-for-the-horizon @xno-more-smilesx @undead-essence @bluebeariis
edit: please ignore my misspellings im super sick :)
Danny spits blood onto the floor of the tower he was in, his hand pressed against the cuts in his chest, barely holding himself together. He cursed as he felt the ice melting around his chest and dripping to the floor. With a shaky breath, he froze it up again, not as thick this time though. Damn. Danny stood, using the wall to stabilize himself. Smearing his glowing green blood all over the wall. He stumbled up the stairs, spilling puddles of green throughout his walk. He got to the top and fell into the door, black impeding his vision as the large blue-skinned figure floated towards him. “Heya clocky,” Danny whispered with a wet chuckle as he lost consciousness fully, slumping to the floor in a pile of green blood as the white rings encompassed his body.
“Fuck” clockwork said out loud. Somehow, some way, he had not seen this reality. I mean, of course, he had seen the realities where the Fentons had reacted… badly… to say the least. And of course, he had seen the realities where Danny ventured into the ghost zone to find help, hell he had seen every single one and ancients did his heart ache at those. But this? Clockwork hadn’t seen a reality where Danny came to him. How had he not seen that? How had he glossed over that reality? Maybe if he went back through all of those again and tried another time, maybe he could see what he was supposed to do to stop this, maybe he could see what direction he was supposed to go, maybe he could see what he's supposed to do now-
A cough cut him out of his thinking. For once, time is the thing he didn’t have. He thought quickly, what was he supposed to do? He can’t take care of Danny himself, and Danny wont last much longer if he just stays here thinking but ancients what is he supposed to do…. Clockwork snaps his fingers and carefully picks Danny up in a bridal carry, careful not to upset the angry-looking Y-shaped wound on his chest bleeding through his torn medical scrubs. Clockwork waved his staff the best he could while holding Danny, making a portal, and floating through.
Gotham had been having a wonderful night. Her knights had taken down more than a few of her least favorite assholes, and, as a reward, she made the sky a bit more clear. She loved when those stars shone through her sky. Well, her night had been going well, until she felt a familiar portal open up behind her. 
“Ahhhh, my favorite stuck-up bastard. How's it going clockwork? Time treating you well?” She said in her sweet new-jersey accent; snickering and smiling at her pun, taking a drag of her cigarette. Holding the opera-length cigarette holder just past her lips, she blew out the smoke. She rested her other hand on her hip, her sparkling sangria-colored dress flowing over her plump hips. She turned around, her gorgeous crown of black corkscrew curls coming together in a beautiful afro, bouncing as she looked at clockwork. She took a moment to assess the bleeding boy in his arms before looking clockwork in his ruby eyes. “Clockwork, love, what the fuck.”
Clockwork sighed and floated toward Gotham. “This boy… This is the king. He was attacked in his own home by his guardians. He came to me but… but I've never seen this timeline. I wasn’t sure what to do with the boy, but I knew you had knights that could protect him.” Clockwork stared down at the boy in his arms. Gotham took a moment to digest the new information.
“The king, his majesty phantom, is this boy?” Gotham asked, disbelief clear in her voice, Clockwork only nodded and held out the boy to Gotham. 
“Yes, he is. I don’t have anyone else to bring him to. I’ll make this easier on you, as thanks.” Clockwork said, handing Danny to Gotham. Gotham flicked the cigarette and its holder out of existence, her feathered boa tickling the boy now in her arms.
“A bit scrawny, is he not?” She smiled lovingly down at the boy king. Clockwork smiled at the two and brought his hand to Dannys' head, a deep blue glow found its way between his hand and the boy king. Gotham stared in wonder as Danny shrunk in her arms. She looked at Clockwork in disbelief for a moment. “Clockwork, I usually do not question your ways, but what are you doing this for?”
“All as it should be. Good luck Danny.” Clockwork smiled and patted the small boys black hair, though it was caked in blood.
Gotham looked down at the boy in her arms, “Daniel. A name fit for a king. Now, I know exactly which of my knights to bring you to. No need to worry your highness, He will take care of you as none else have.” She turned her head to where clockwork was with a thank you on her lips, seeing he already left. She huffed in annoyance and turned towards the streets of her city, she knows exactly where her knight is.
Jason was having one hell of a night. I mean, the muggings, a robbery, and the riddler? A great night, really. Well, his patrol was finally over, so he crawled through the fire escape to his house and stilled at the chill in the air. Someone else was in his apartment. Jason swung his arm around, pistol cocked and ready to fire, pointing at…. Nothing? A huff of laughter came from the too-dark shadows in the corners of his living room. A tall woman with deep ebony skin sashayed her way from the shadows, a gorgeous dress hugging her thick curves in all the best ways. She smiled at Jason and held the boy in her arms higher, so Jason could see him.
“My knight. I have a request of you, a friend of mine has placed this boy in my care, but I know nothing of raising children.” Jason tried to cut her off with a ‘you think I know jack-shit about kids either???’ but she shushed him with a wave of her hand as she laid the small boy on his beat-up couch. “Of all of my knights, I have deemed you to be the most well-suited to take on this task. This is Daniel, High King of the Infinite Realms. Though he looks younger than he truly is, do not underestimate him. He needs medical attention and someplace to call home. You, Jason, are the best and only option for this task.” Jason stood there dumbfounded. Who the fuck does this lady think she is? Coming out of nowhere giving him a kid and talking to him as if she knew him? And she knows his secret identity! 
Jason went to say something but found no words on his tongue as the woman before him dissolved into smoke before his eyes, leaving a bloody kid on his couch. Jason sighed and took off his mask, leaving only his domino. “Well, fuck me I guess” He ran his fingers through his sweaty hair and took off his jacket. Who on earth was that? And how did she disappear like that? How on earth did she get into his apartment? Why did she leave a bloody kid- oh fuck the kid-
Jason stopped what he was doing and stared at the bloody kid on his couch. The kid looked bout six, if he had to guess, but was far too skinny for a healthy six-year-old. Jason paced over silently and let his eyes wander over the small boy. Jason breathed out a small ‘fuck’ and bent down to where the kid's eyes were and tapped his shoulder… nothing. He tapped again and a small groan escaped the boy, huh. Jason gently shook the boy and watched as the small boy's eyes fluttered open to reveal an icy blue. The kid took a moment to adjust, as he glanced around the room, his eyes landing on Jason. Immediately, the boy jumped up, falling over the backside of the couch with a loud thump, scooting to the wall behind him. Well… that wasn’t, exactly what Jason was expecting. Loud heaving breaths were heard behind the couch and jason crawled around, to peak at the boy. As soon as his eyes found the kid, his breath hitched in his throat. That's a lot of blood.
“Hey bud,” Jason started softly, “your names Danny, right?” He asked. Jason tried to scoot closer but when the bleeding boy in front of him moved he stopped. The boy Danny glanced over Jason, taking a minute to observe him before deeming Jason safe, nodding his head yes.
“Well, I’m Red Hood, nice to meet you. A friend of yours dropped you off with me, said you're a king or something?” Jason said slowly, lowering himself to sitting criss-cross on the floor. Danny blushed heavily in front of Jason. 
“They… they said that?” Danny said, his voice squeaking out. Danny looked confused for a second and quickly glanced down at his body, ‘he's so small’ Jason thought. Apparently, Danny thought the same as he looked at his body in confusion flipping his hands over in front of his eyes. Jason moved again snapping the boys’ attention back to him.
“So, Danny, Your friend said that you needed some help and that I could help you out. If you trust this friend, I’ll trust them too. You don’t have to trust me right away, but know I’ll help you out the best I can, okay? Sound good?” Jason said, turning his palms flat up to show he wasn’t a threat. Danny took a second to think about it and nodded his head again, slowly, but hey a yes is a yes.
“Alright, kid, we need to get you patched up, I have a friend who can get you fixed right up-” Jason was cut off by the boy frantically shaking his head
“oookay, uh, no hospitals?” Jason guessed. 
A slow nod. 
“My friend’s clinic?” 
A shake.
“Well, I can't do it myself…” Jason smiled in realization “What about my grandpa? He patches me up when I’m out on patrol, that sound good kid?”
There was a moment of silence. Jason was thinking he might have to just call Alfred at this point when the kid hesitantly nodded. Jason let out a sigh. “Alright kid, I’m gonna have to carry you there, okay? “ another nod. Jason scolded over and carefully scooped Danny up in his arms and walked over to his still-open window and crawled out.
“I’ll be as careful as I can, alright? Let me know if anything hurts.” Danny nodded again and Jason carefully hopped off his fire escape, he wasn’t getting any sleep tonight.
Chapter 2
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screamingblogger · 9 months
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pov: the scariest juniors you’ve ever seen are headed towards you
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onlysirens · 1 year
i’m your wolf, i’m your man
Redacted Audio: Quinn/Darlin, at the start of it all
Darlin throws back their head and drains the rest of their beer. A false mimicry of a howl. It sits in their gut but doesn't fill the hole, doesn't sate the hunger. 
Slam the bottle down and push off the bar. Stalk towards Quinn where he lounges in the dark upper corner of the club. His easy confidence and arrogant smirk makes their anger flare, their heart race, and they're sick of this game of fox and hound. They want a resolution, a ruin. 
Quinn watches them approach, looking up at them through his dark eyelashes and whatever's on their face makes him grin.
"Made up your mind then?" He says low, words shooting straight down their spine.
Quinn doesn’t need an answer, not from this distance where they stand in front of him, he should be able to smell the mix of fight and fuck that's rolling off them in waves. 
"Your place or mine?" They ask.
And there's something in the way that he says it. Growled. Like when Darlin pushes their motorcycle’s revs into the red. And there’s something in the way that he looks at them. Hungry.
Something that tells them this is a mistake, they’re going to regret this. But it’s not enough to make them walk away from this bad choice, because when have they ever made a good one?
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moodyseal · 5 months
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TOApril Day 19 – Haunted
"Am I making you feel sick?"
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sneetysnarty · 1 year
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get shaken, idiot
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everyinumaki · 4 months
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cosmiado · 7 months
god nothing makes me happier than everyone doing redraws of the oakworthy v-day kiss. its so wholesome to me. like yes!!! we love our fictional little guys so much!! and a good thing happened but its also kind of a bad thing!! (i believe it was @hermanunworthy who said every W of theirs is just an L in disguise and i can't get over how true it is.) and there's nothing else to do but make art about it!!! chuck tingle was right love is real
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merry-harlowe · 4 days
Getting a big raise? Incredible. Getting my hours cut by 35%? Come onnn
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absolventiia · 1 month
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kissed by POEMS ; taken away by the SEA OF PROSE.
a multimuse written by ashe. 21+. heavy tws apply. ©
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h-didanart · 2 months
So! Lunar fans
How we feeling this fine day?
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misthiosss · 2 years
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A quiet moment
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lime-guy · 4 months
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my lil gang of gooberish hooligans drawn in a 17bucks-ish style
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eldrigeonsss · 1 year
I stg at this rate Justin is just talking directly to Sierra
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rendiggitydog · 2 months
What about Cleo as Lady Godwin, Doc as Mutt, and impulse as Philo ?? I’m not sure about impulse but I think he’d be cute ^-^
Cleo is 100% Godwin, a buff undead woman who chooses violence fr
Doc as Mutt is HYSTERICAL to me I love it
And I’m absolutely in love with Impulse as Phileaux, I can absolutely see him as a cute lil puppet boy!! I could also see Skizz being a fun choice for similar reasons lol
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cherryshh · 3 months
btw when talking to me about my f / o’s (platonic such as siblings , parents but also romantic) i’ll always refer to them to as what they are 02 me ^^ so for example my brothers will be siblings / brother & partners will be wife / gf / bf / husband ! and so on. If you’re uncomfy w me refering 02 your source as my __ i’m sorry but not changing for you ^_^ REMINDER !! your sources dont make you above me or my f / os !! maybe stop dming me about things you do too .. “oh you did this to me so ..” bitch are you blind u did that to me too ! i’m LITERALLY at the verge of blocking you even if i have known you for 2 years now. also if you are like this to your friends and are offended by this go fix yourself! THANKSS 🔥🔥🪰🪰🪰 aqua hoshino is my brother btw you don’t love him more than me don’t ever try to say that ever again bitch
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queenlua · 6 months
if you answer either "yes" or "hell yes" you're obligated to partake btw
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