#how you can say beautiful in italian
mossmx · 1 year
should I go watch matrix *again* in the cinema??
on one hand I need the serotonin, on the other hand I've seen it so many times XD
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sectumsempraaa · 2 months
Flames on Thin Ice
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Pairing: jealous!Theo Nott x fem!Ravenclaw!reader
Word count: 2.9k
TW: cursing, jealousy, ridiculous amounts of yearning and fluff
Based on this request! Thank you :)
Summary: You and Theo Nott are something much more than friends, but just less than lovers. He would very much like to change that, as he’s no longer able to control his rapidly intensifying feelings for you. But when Slughorn’s exclusive Christmas party approaches and Draco Malfoy asks you to be his date, the limits of Theo’s jealousy are tested like never before.
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“Come here, bella,” Theo smiles and gestures towards you as he strides over to where you stand, surrounded by holiday decor. He approaches you from the side, wrapping his arms around your waist and lifting you gently. A blush spreads across your cheeks as you hook an arm around his shoulders, placing the star on top of the Slytherin common room holiday tree.
Decorating the common room tree is one of your favorite parts of winter at Hogwarts. This year, the Slytherins asked for your help after hearing how amazing you did with the Ravenclaw tree for your own house.
Theo can’t say the same, but he’d do just about anything at this point to spend time with you. His crush on you has blossomed the last couple of months, your pull on him amplifying each day. Any opportunity he sees to touch you, help you, or make you laugh, he takes. No question.
“Grazie, cara mio.” You respond, looking down into his heavy, perfect blue eyes. You always try to speak to him in Italian whenever you can, picking up on his more common phrases. You’re the only one that goes to that kind of effort for him and he notices it. God, does it notice it.
He spins you around, earning a series of giggles from you before he lets you back down on your feet. Your hand lingers on his for a few seconds, which feels like an eternity to him. If only he could kiss you right here, right now. But the graze of your fingertips on his palm is enough for him, for now. He’ll take what he can get.
You step back, turning towards the fully decorated tree, ready to show off your hard work. He wants to watch with you but he can’t bear to when you’re looking this beautiful, this stunning. His eyes obsess over your every perfect feature, his eyes drinking in your essence. 
This might be my favorite outfit of hers. The plaid skirt, the knee-high socks, the cream colored sweater. No- the one from my birthday, when she wore my necklace…
Oblivious to his longing stare, you take out your wand, tucked into the waistline of your skirt.
“Lumos,” you say, a look of wonder and awe blossoming on your face as the tree lights up. The warm glow makes you gasp, the sudden joy jolting through you.
Your hands quickly grab his bicep, pulling yourself towards him. A squeal of happiness escapes you, prompting a laugh from Theo. His smile, your favorite smile, triggers your heart to flutter. The way you’re looking at him sends his mind spiraling.
Gods, she is perfect.
It takes him a second to recover from the profound effect your touch has on him. His skin burns like fire, his heart aching for you. 
I’ll win her. I’ll win her so she can spin around in my arms again next year.
Your soft voice brings him out of his thoughts. “What do you think? Is it good enough?” you ask, your eyes contemplating your creation.
He reluctantly removes his arm from your hands, wrapping it around your shoulders and pulling you close to his side, your head resting gently on his shoulder. In a moment of risk, he drops it to your waist, his fingers fiddling with your sweater. Your face quickly turns to his in surprise. 
His pulse stops, his breath with it as your hand slowly makes its way to his chest, resting above his heart. Your head tilts up to meet his dark stare, your eyes locking in on each other.
“It is the most beautiful thing I’ve ever laid my eyes on.” He says, his voice barely above a whisper. It is glaringly apparent he isn’t talking about the tree anymore. 
You swore his head leaned down, his lips parted slightly, his hand pressed your whole chest against his, before-
“Y/L/N! Where is that pretty little Ravenclaw?” You hear a familiar, yet obnoxious, distant voice crawling its way into the common room from the dungeon corridor. A disgruntled Theo shuts his eyes in defeat.
You’ve got to be fucking kidding.
He notices the look of disappointment etched in your features, it’s enough to send a pang of longing and frustration slamming into him. His heart drops as your body detaches from his, putting a space between you. His side feels colder without your warmth against it.
I had her.
Draco rounds the corner, a skip in his step as he confidently strides over to you. His eyes light up with glee as Theo’s darken, seeing red. Draco takes your hands in his, kissing each one before speaking.
“My lovely little Y/L/N, just the girl I was looking for. I’ve got something to ask you,” he starts, your eyes widen as he gets down on one knee, keeping your hands clasped with his. A quick glance at Theo shows you the tension in his jaw, the dagger-like stare he casts on Draco.
Why’s she looking at him like that? That look was for me not even a minute ago.
“I have been personally invited to Slughorn’s holiday party and I couldn’t think of a more perfect date to bring. Will you be my plus one?”
The look of hesitancy on your face prompts him to continue. “Consider it the best Christmas present you could give me.”
Normally, Draco wouldn’t even entertain the idea of taking anyone outside his own house. But the Slytherin crew has a soft spot for you, so much so that the common room door doesn’t argue when you say their password anymore.
You giggle, taking a step closer to Draco. “Well, I do love a Christmas party.”
His bright, smug smile draws you in as he stands up and pulls you in for a hug, resting his head on top of yours. “I know you do.” He smirks.
He shares the time and dress code details with you before heading off to meet up with Blaise for dinner. You look around, only to find you’re alone in the common room. Theo left, admittedly, before he blew a fuse.
The next couple of weeks are interesting to say the least. Theo has been pining for your attention, trying to distract you from the other boys as much as he can. But mostly, he’s been keeping an eye on Malfoy.
In one instance, Draco came to Theo’s dorm, where he knew you were hanging out, to ask what you were going to wear to the party. “Hmm, we should match, I think.” He suggested. 
Nope. Not today, mate. And certainly not in my fucking bedroom.
Theo suddenly picked you up off his bed bridal style, physically removing you from Draco’s presence before either of you could agree on an accent color.
“Theo!” You yelp, wrapping your arms around his neck and peeking back at Draco. “Where are we going?”
“Anywhere that prat isn’t.” He responds with haste.
In another instance, Draco sat across from you in the Great Hall during breakfast and gifted you a pair of earrings for the event. “They sparkle almost as much as you, love.”
The gesture brought a heat to your cheeks that had Theo making fists under the table. He can’t stand to see you flustered over Draco’s pathetic attempts to buy your affection.
Thin ice, Malfoy. Thin. Fucking. Ice.
Draco continues. “My mother picked them out special. She was beside herself when I told her I was taking you.”
At this, Theo happened to “accidently” spill his tea directly into Draco’s lap, earning him a public scolding. But the words go through one ear and out the other. He remains unscathed, because Draco left, and you’re all his again. And really, that’s all he cares about.
The day of the party arrives, one Theo has been absolutely dreading. No amount of self-soothing could keep his mind from imagining the shit Malfoy would pull without him there to interfere.
In your dorm, Theo watches as you fix your hair and apply your makeup. He observes your every move, trying to etch each one into his memory, noting all the things you do that drive him crazy.
The way she bites her lip while putting on mascara.
How she hums Christmas carols while pinning up her hair.
When she asks me what shade of eyeshadow she should wear.
When you finish dolling yourself up, you change into your dress in the bathroom. A pout of frustration escapes you as you realize your hands can’t reach the zipper. You decide to ask for Theo’s assistance.
When you walk back into your dorm, you’re met with a completely awe-struck Theo, his tired eyes grow wider than you thought they could even go. The boy is seemingly paralyzed by you. 
Holy bloody hell.
His trance-like gaze runs over the lace neckline, down the curves of your bodice, and over the shimmering gown. He’s never seen you dressed up before, and you have him wondering why it took so long to.
“Spin.” He demands, begs. “Please.”
You slowly turn for him, a small smile adorning your face. The gown flows like water, splaying out as it twirls around you. You have to admit, both the dress and his reaction are feeding your confidence.
Nothing matters in the whole world except for her.
He stands, having noticed the undone zipper in the back. He saunters towards you, jumping at the opportunity, his eyes unwavering from your body. He places his hands on your hips, turning your back towards him.
Can I just marry her now? Can she wear this to our wedding? 
You feel his soft breath grace your neck, a whisper of affection envelopes you. “Mia bella ragazza,” he says, each word dripping with pure adoration. He zips you up with the utmost delicacy and care.
He wraps his left arm around you, pulling your back to his chest. He sways you both back and forth, imitating a slow dance.
“Y/N.” Theo says, ready to pour his heart out for you. Right here, right now. As your eyes meet his, you share a moment of yearning, his lips dead set on meeting yours…
Until an abrasive knock that could only belong to Draco breaks your stare from his.
Please don’t take her away from me now.
He, of course, opens the door without being granted entry. You slide away from Theo’s embrace, slipping on your heels and grabbing your cover-up. Draco beckons you to him, grabbing a hand and twirling you around.
The sound of your laughter plagues Theo. You link an arm with Draco, tucking into his side. Theo’s mind silently explodes with jealousy, trying to identify everything wrong with the sight in front of him.
He looks like dirt compared to her.
Draco reaches to fix one of the earrings he gave you, setting it just right. Heat begins to course through Theo’s very being.
I’d rather eat slugs than see my Y/N on his arm.
Draco leads them out, nodding a silent goodbye to Theo on the way towards the door. “I think we look rather dashing together, don’t you agree?” he asks, his ego caking each word.
Theo takes a deep breath, trying to maintain his composure as he’s left in silence. He vowed to himself that he would behave for you, for this one night. For your sake. 
But just before you leave his line of sight, you steal one last, desperate glance at Theo. And that’s enough to break his vow.
I can’t believe she makes me this stupid.
Theo thinks as he peers into Slughorn’s party from a tiny window. His feet perched on the ledge, several feet above the ground. His knuckles go white as his fingers grip the wall tightly. 
He spots you next to Draco at the table, noticing his hand covering yours. The students engage in lively conversation, mostly Malfoy telling boring stories about his father.
Though Theo tries hard to keep his focus on Malfoy, he can’t help but obsess over your breathtaking beauty.
His ears recognize the first few notes of the song you were humming earlier coming over the speakers. 
You gasp and whip your head towards Draco, your eyes lit up with excitement, your hands tugging his suit jacket. “This is my favorite song!! Can we dance?” You ask him.
He stands and offers you his hand, which you take immediately. “All night, if you’d like, love.” 
He doesn’t deserve this. He can barely carry a tune, let alone dance. 
Theo hops down from the window, using the moving picture frames as leverage. Once he lands, he finds the back entrance to the party, peering through the sheer curtains.
Good luck pulling this off, Malfoy. I hope she laughs in your face.
But that’s not what happens. In fact, it is hard to deny how absolutely gorgeous you two look together, each step perfectly placed, each twirl calculated. Everyone watches you both sweep across the dance floor with ease, like you’ve rehearsed this a thousand times. 
And even worse, it looks like you’re enjoying it. Theo’s hand drags down his face in agony.
Fuck… he’s killing it.
Theo’s inner fire intensifies as Draco’s hand moves to rest on your lower back. Too low for his liking. And the way you’re eating it up drives him mad. Draco leans in near your ear, sharing smirks and whispers with you. 
The bloody fool is talking during her favorite song instead of letting her sing.
An idea sparks in Theo’s head, one that would probably disappoint you. But he doesn’t care anymore. Especially as he watches Draco cross the final line by dipping you backwards, his eyes obviously lingering on your chest. When he lifts you back up to him, you hear a faint, boyish voice call from behind you.
Suddenly, Draco stumbles over, tripping over his own feet and falling on the floor, bringing you down with him. Slughorn swiftly strides over and accuses Draco of drinking too much champagne, despite your efforts to defend him. When he’s asked to leave, you follow him.
“Are you okay?” You ask, patting down the front of his suit jacket and fixing his hair. He rolls his eyes, shrugging you off and mumbling something to himself about how “Slughorn will pay for this.”
As he sulks away, you find yourself alone in the corridor, sighing and stepping out of your heels. A humming sound emanates from behind you, the familiar tone easily identifiable to your ears. You can’t help but smile as the pieces fall into place.
“Really? Confundus?” You joke, turning your head to the side with a smirk. Theo’s arm wraps itself around your front once again, swaying you in his slow-dance way. What you didn’t expect was the feeling of his lips on your cheek, kissing you ever so softly.
“Si, bella.” He responds, switching to kiss your other cheek. “With the way he drooled on you all night, he’s lucky it wasn’t a Crucio.”
You remove his hand, letting yourself turn to face him. He kicks your heels to the side, allowing you to step closer. Your hand reaches up to caress his cheek, your finger tracing the edge of his jaw.
“Mio bel ragazzo,” you say, lifting yourself up on your tippy toes. He pulls away, catching you off guard, grounding yourself to the floor again.
“I’ve waited forever to kiss you, Y/N. Dreamed of it, even.” He pauses for a moment, gathering his words, his finger twirling around one of your stray curls. “Let me.”
The blush on your face hits a crimson peak, nodding a silent grant of permission. Your heart races as both his hands firmly cup your face, pulling you gently until you feel his lips join yours, melding into each other.
The kiss is long and earned, his lips moving against yours with intention. When he finally breaks for a breath, you tug on his collar, quickly crashing your lips back onto his. A low moan travels its way from his mouth to yours, his hands now wrapped securely around your waist. Good luck getting this boy to let go.
You pull away, letting Theo rest his forehead on yours, a stupid smile adorning his face as he processes the moment.
“For what it’s worth, I told Narcissa I wanted those earrings. I think she almost felt bad that I had to go with him.” You laughed, playing with the jewelry on your ears.
“He’s not allowed near you- no, he’s not even allowed in the same room as you from now on,” Theo says, a shadow of the tension in his jaw lingers. “Or it’s lights out for him.”
You both break into a fit of laughter at the threat, leaning on each other for balance.
You pause for a second, his eyes brimming with unspeakable joy. Your hand finds the back of his neck, grazing it with your fingertips, feeling the resulting chills it sparks on his skin.
“There’s only one room I want to be in right now, and I’d like you to take me to it.” You whisper, Theo’s expression becoming eager as he immediately lifts you up, swiftly carrying out your order. You could tell him to burn down a city and he’d do it for you.
“Am I dreaming this, bella? Am I really taking the most extraordinary person who’s ever lived back to my dorm?” He asks, relishing the feel of your arms around his neck and the scent of your vanilla perfume encompassing him.
“Wow, the most extraordinary person? Ever?!” You giggle, your voice coated with exaggeration. “What does that make you?” You ask him.
“The luckiest.”
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harrysfolklore · 3 months
charles leclerc answers the internet’s most searched questions
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gif by @countingstars-17 <33
"Hi I'm Charles Leclerc and today I'm going to be answering the web's most searched questions about me."
Charles said to the camera, he was wearing his typical media day outfit, a Ferrari half zip up jacket and his baggy jeans, ones that no matter how hard his girlfriend tried to get rid off it was just impossible because he liked them too much.
"First question, what is Charles Leclerc's number?" he read on the iPad the Sky Sports team had given him to read the question, "I hope we are speaking about the driver number, because my girlfriend won't like that people are searching for my phone number on the internet and I'll be very worried if you can find it," the crew laughed at his comment, "But it's number 16."
"What is Charles Leclerc's favorite song?" he read the next question, "I think overall, it's Where is the Love by the Black Eyed Peas, but recently I've been loving Sabrina Carpenter's songs, and that's thanks to my girlfriend."
"Did Charles Leclerc retire?" he couldn't help but let out a laugh at the question, "Are people really asking this question? The answer is no, I'm not that old and I hope I don't look that old. I've still got many years in me I hope."
"Did Charles Leclerc win in Monaco?" a small smile played on his face, "The answer changed just a few weeks ago but yes I did. It was a really special moment, my mum cried, my brothers cried, my girlfriend cried. It was beautiful."
"Did Charles Leclerc adopt Oscar Piastri?," he couldn't help but laugh again, "That answer also changed a few weeks ago and yes I did. He's one of my sons now."
"Does Charles Leclerc speak Italian? Yes I do."
"Does Charles Leclerc have a sister? No I don't."
"Does Charles Leclerc have a girlfriend?" he could feel his cheeks blushing as he read, "Yes I do. And as you can tell, I talk a lot about her, so much that there are compilation videos of me just talking about her, I've seen them."
"Will Charles Leclerc win a championship?" he made a thinking face, "I'm curious to know what Google says about that one, but I'll say yes. At least if I work day and night for that, so I hope it will happen one day."
"Is Charles Leclerc good at cooking?" Charles chuckled. "Well, I like to think I'm decent. I can make a mean pasta and I really enjoy it, but my girlfriend is the real chef in our relationship. She loves baking, and her cookies are the best."
"Can Charles Leclerc play the piano? Well I'm not a pianist but I have enough skill to really enjoy it. So yeah, I can play the piano.
"Does Charles Leclerc have any pets?" he smiled warmly, "Yes, my girlfriend and I have a dog named Leo. He's a an absolute sweetheart. He even comes to some of the race weekends with us."
"What is Charles Leclerc's favorite date night activity?" he chuckled, raising an eyebrow, "Did my girlfriend search that?" the crew laughed, and Charles continued, "If she did, she knows I love our cozy movie nights at home, eating whatever we want and just chilling on the couch."
"Alright, last one," he said, looking back at the iPad, "What does Charles Leclerc do in his free time?" he read, "When I'm not racing or training, I enjoy spending time with my family, friends and my girlfriend of course. I love going to the beach, traveling or just relaxing at home."
He set the iPad down and looked directly into the camera. "Thank you for all the questions! I hope you learned something new about me. Until next time, ciao!"
did i reference my own fic here? anyway i hope you like thisss
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f1orza · 4 months
Lucky girl
Charles leclerc x fem!reader
Summarry: Where a tifosi's sister has good luck, so he tries to set his favorite (unlucky) driver and his only (very lucky) sister, up together for joint a slay (good luck)
Face claim: threemillion on insta
This has been sitting in my drafts for a while so I thought I'd finally release it, ignore any spelling or timestamps
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yourusername brother asked me to wear Ferrari and for good luck 🍀, so forza Ferrari ig 🏎
Bestfriend1 not y/b/n finally getting you 😭
youusername at this point it was unavoidable 🙄
y/b/username sorry lucky but we needed some of that good luck 😘
Username2 hoping this actually works and we see charles on a podium today 🙏🏻
Y/b/username Why are there so many tifosi in your comments thirsting and zip up weirdo 🤢
yourusername ??? You brought them here tho 🤨 and no it's my page hope that helps 🤗
Friend2 Ferrari red looks good on you lucky ❤
yourusername thank you babe 🥰
Username63 why does everyone call you lucky? Btw you're gorgeous ❤
yourusername hi, it's a childhood nickname I got as everyone always said I was just lucky and thank you, you are so beautiful as well love 😊🫶
Username74 why do I lowkey ship her with Charles 🤭
Username75 you don't even know either of them and they never even met ???
Friend3 watch y/b/n be right and he actually gets on the podium 🤣
Username7 at this point we'll take anything for a podium so 🤞
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yourusername ragazza fortunata 💋 lucky girl
y/b/username thanks for wearing the shirt now you have to go to a grand prix with me please 🙏🏻
scuderiaferrari how about seeing us in the down under ? 😉
y/b/username really?!?! Yes please we'd love too
scuderiaferrari we will dm you guys, we need our ragazza fortunata lucky girl there with us
Liked by the creator
Username1 thank you lucky 🫶
Bestfriend1 our lucky girl🍀
Friend1 you just got invited to a grand prix by Ferrari??
Friend2 told you looked good in Ferrari red 🤭
liked by creator
Username3 tifosi's we might have actually done it 😭
Username45 silly season is OVER! Thank you lucky 🫶
Username5 luck and y/b/n in the paddock can you imagine them meeting charles and carlos, I'm excited
scuderiaferrari thank you lucky 🫶
Liked by creator
Username16 y/n is so beautiful, it's actually insane
Username37 I'm in love with everything about you ❤
Username8 sai parlare italiano? can you speak Italian?
youusername sì, parlo italiano, inglese e spagnolo. Yes, I speak Italian, English, and Spanish.
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Y/b/username • stories
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Username10 the fit is nice y/b/n!
y/b/username Thanks ❤
Scuderiaferrari happy to have you both here 💪🏼
y/b/username Thank you for inviting us 🫶
Friend1 have fun bro 🏎
Username23 FORZA FERRARI ❤
yourusername • stories
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Bestfriend1 have fun lucky girl, get Lando's number for me 🙏🏻
yourusername Will NOT be doing that, love you tho 🫶
Bestfriend1 boo you whore, love you too
y/b/username thank you for real y/n, I appreciate you doing this for me, I love you ❤
yourusername aw y/b/n, I love you too, which is why I'm happy to be sharing my "good luck" with your favorite thing ❤
Username4 thank you lucky, hope you have a good time
yourusername Thank you 😊
Username7 a ladybug !!! You really are lucky
Username16 🐞 🍀
Username29 I love your outfit
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s-awturn · 27 days
What it's like to date them || F1 Grid
cw: cuteness, display of affection, obscenity (?), a little dirty and degrading, love in its purest form.
starring: LH44, CS55, CL16, LN4, OP81, MV1 x latina!fem reader
a/n: after days without posting anything, I'm back, before you ask, I have the draft of Underworld Sun started, I have a Toto oneshot halfway through and something else in the draft, however,I wanted to write this because I know you like it and I like to make my readers happy, so enjoy!
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he is a complete gentleman, he opens doors for you, pulls out chairs for you to sit down;
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even though he is very discreet, he makes sure everyone knows that you are his;
he loves it when you wear his clothes publicly or clothes with his name and/or number on them;
flowers, gifts, even a car, he loves to spoil you with anything you want;
jealous? Absolutely not, he knows that no one is good enough to attract his attention;
he loves your legs, completely in love with them and loves them even more when they are around his waist or head;
kisses on the hand and forehead are common things in your daily lives;
he loves it when you speak to him in his native language, he pretends he doesn't understand anything just to see you blush when he asks what it means;
there are many photos of you on his Instagram, without any further comments;
he likes privacy, so no quick sex in risky places;
in fact, he hates quick sex because he likes to fuck you in his own time, without rushing;
'Mrs. Hamilton's, 'my love', 'my life', 'darling', that's all he talks to you about.
but it's not because you're not going to have sex in some risky place that he won't tease you, he fucking loves seeing you trying to control yourself, keeping your composure;
fetish for compliments? Yes;
even if they are degrading compliments;
“You're so beautiful, baby, how can someone so beautiful be so depraved?”
you are the paddock's favorite couple;
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he carries your bag or anything you have in your hand;
'mi reina', 'corazón', 'mi tesoro', 'mi cielo' is what he always calls you;
he takes you to Mallorca whenever he can;
sex in the car, sex in the driver's lounge, sex after the races, sex anywhere;
if there is an argument, his father is on his side;
you hate that he pays for things for you, but he doesn't care, he will pay for anything you want;
he is always, always touching you;
he always takes you to parties where he knows Latin music will be playing, because he loves to see you dance;
he loves to fuck you in your old bedroom at your parents' house, with your family downstairs;
long, overstimulating foreplay;
cute declarations of love in spanish and italian because yes;
he loves dancing reggaeton, salsa, samba or bachata with you;
yours, completely yours. He dedicates victories to you, you are the one he turns to in bad times, it is always about you;
sometimes he doesn't pay attention to what you say because he's obsessed with the movements of your mouth, he loves your mouth, kisses you whenever he can and loves the feeling of your lips around his cock;
kink size, kink size, kink, size, kink size, kink size;
"Don't make noise, corazón, we don't want your parents to hear you moaning, right?"
you are always holding hands, in any situation, anywhere;
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he himself took his things to his house, clothes, cosmetics, books...;
he records TikTok trends with you;
he loves kissing you, from little pecks, cute kisses, to those that take your breath away and leave you anxious;
he understands a little Spanish and no Portuguese, but he loves to hear you speak and tries to use Google Translate (and fails miserably);
dance with him, dance for him, for God's sake just dance;
he loves your home country, loves knowing that you come from a different culture than his and wants to learn everything;
you are always traveling around your country, he loves dating a Latin girl;
it takes you to the best places in Monaco;
and fucks you in all of them;
'mon amour', mon cœur, 'mon ange', 'mon bébé', 'douceur', are some of the nicknames he calls you;
even if it is risky;
he installed The Sims on his computer for you to play;
He always wants you, his desire for you knows no bounds;
call him to fuck anytime, he will want to. Always;
he prepares movie sessions for you in the living room;
he cooks for you (and he's good at it);
Leo likes you more than you like him, and he loves it;
he always takes you to the Paddock, but keeps you away from Max Verstappen (for safety);
he loves (a lot) your hips, he's always touching them, holding them tightly, he's in love with that part of your body and loves it when you wear clothes that highlight this area;
"S'il te plaît, mon amour, sit on my face"
he's a complete sucker for you;
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there are few things he loves more than you;
he is literally the guy who likes to get hit by beautiful women;
especially if it's you;
he loves (so fucking much) when you speak Spanish or Portuguese to him;
and is learning the language;
wear his clothes and have him on his knees for you;
he buys you many, many books, just so you read to him;
always posts photos of yourself on Instagram stories;
quality time, absolutely, he loves spending time with you;
he is completely versatile, he has no problem letting you take charge sometimes;
he actually loves it when you boss him around;
unexpected trips, gifts, he loves to spoil you;
he likes to leave marks on you, nothing too rude, just something that reminds you of him at random times;
no problem teasing you in public, seeing you blushing and breathless without being able to react is his guilty pleasure;
very much in favor of caresses on the back of the neck or chin;
you can interrupt when he is playing, but only you;
he looks for you at the end of races, before anyone else;
'my dear', 'sweetie', 'bae' are the ways he likes to call you;
he loves it when you sit on his lap voluntarily;
he loves your eyes, but he doesn't deny that your breasts are his favorite part;
he sleeps with his hand on his chest, always;
"Five minutes, I just need five minutes with you, sweetie."
he likes to keep things low-key, call him low profile if you want;
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literally the kind of guy who only smiles with his girlfriend;
he is the good guy, he buys you flowers, drops you off at home, sends you letters, buys you chocolates;
the guy your parents would like you to marry;
the guy who always makes you cum before him (multiple times);
makes a point of leaving a discreet reference to you on the helmets;
buy food and things that remind you of your country;
as much as he love to see you speaking your native language, he feel embarrassed to ask you to speak;
he always does what you want because he knows you will do what he wants in bed;
words of affirmation, but always by letter or text message;
he has a sweet face, angelic even, but he's the kind of guy who takes you to the limit, makes you cum multiple times, leaves you overstimulated;
take him to see your country, he will love seeing the place where you grew up;
a little basic? Yes, he just calls you 'love' or 'angel' and you love it;
He will make a point of participating in your hobbies or reading your favorite books so he can talk to you;
he is a fan of soap operas, he watches them all with you;
he listens to his favorite playlists;
he loves your hands, his hand is always intertwined with yours;
but he also loves your legs, he wastes a lot of minutes of his life looking at them when you wear skirts, shorts and dresses;
"Can you give me one more, honey? I know you can"
he's crazy about you, completely and utterly in love with you;
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that's why he's your number one fan, he follows everything you do, he roots for you and he doesn't try to hide it;
yes, he's jealous and hates other people wanting you, after all you are his;
but he loves it when you wear clothes that flatter you and insists that you wear them, after all anyone who tries something against you will have to fight with him;
He is intense, and he makes sure you know, the kisses, the touches, all his demonstrations towards you carry this intensity;
he loves to do what you want, spoiling you is the least he does;
be a spoiled brat, he will love it;
he will fight anyone for you;
he loves the fact that you are Latina, he loves it when you speak to him in Spanish or Portuguese;
he loves when you cook for him;
he always gives you tulips, he knows you don't like roses;
he doesn't care about the place or who is listening, he will want to fuck you anywhere, as long as they don't see you;
speaking of which, he prefers to see you from above, or any other position that sees your face;
breeding kink? yes. brat behavior? yes!
he loves to dominate you, make you needy and anxious for him;
'mijn liefde', 'mijn engel', 'mijn meisje', he prefers these nicknames to refer to you;
he likes to text you;
or when you wear his clothes;
whatever you want, it's yours;
root for him and you'll have the best night of your life (until he gives you another one)
"Don't be spoiled, dear, I always give you what you want"
gif credits: yuzuchupachups, silverstonesainz-archive, leqclerc, yrsonpurpose, goldsainz, countingstars-17
ALL RIGHTS RESERVED TO S-AWTURN™ 🪐. I do not allow copying or republication. Any unauthorized publication will be reported.
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hotvintagepoll · 5 months
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Ingrid Bergman (Gaslight, Casablanca, Notorious)—A lot of the time hotness in a movie is just about words and framing. "You're the most beautiful person here" [vaseline lens] well I sure hope so because that's who you cast. But when, in Casablanca, they call Ingrid Bergman the most beautiful woman in the world... they were not fucking lying. And such a dynamite actor too!! I'd only seen Casablanca up until last year, and there she's confined to love interest. But in Gaslight she was maybe one of the most incredible actors I've ever seen!!!! Goddddd shes so fucking hot and cool.
Lauren Bacall (To Have and Have Not, The Big Sleep, Key Largo)—"Just put your lips together...and blow" excuse me ma'am i'm briefly going to turn into a kettle. She's the quintessential Femme Fatale who may betray me in the end but I'd let her it'd be worth it
This is round 6 of the tournament. All other polls in this bracket can be found here. Please reblog with further support of your beloved hot sexy vintage woman.
[additional propaganda submitted under the cut.]
Ingrid Bergman:
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God, she's fantastic. She's both beautiful and a compelling actor who's more than capable of putting the whole movie on her shoulders if necessary. It's worth noting that while her beauty is conventional, she was seen as refreshingly "natural" with more eyebrows and less makeup than many other leading ladies of the time. She's well known for her role in Casablanca, but in Notorious, Spellbound, (both available on archive.org ) and Gaslight (1944) she shows how immensely capable she is.
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I mean...she's Ingrid Bergman. I feel like that should be enough, you know? She's physically beautiful (her eyes!) but watching her is like a transcendent experience. Her voice, her expressions... beautiful woman, beautiful actor.
I'm a gay man but even I understand her appeal. I'll watch any movie she shows up in. Gorgeous woman.
Just try and watch her movies without sighing wistfully, then get back to me!
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Choosing 1-3 movies where Bergman was at her hottest was agony because, of course, she was always at her hottest. Not just because she was beautiful but because she was absolutely willing to go up against the bs women in Hollywood were constantly dealing with. When exiled from Hollywood for having an affair with Roberto Rossellini, not only did she refuse to apologize at any point, but she went on to say that Hollywood's films had grown stagnant and boring to her. Though she said she appreciated her time working there, she wanted to try new, different techniques (hence starring in Italian neorealist films, working on stage, and acting under directors like Ingmar Bergman). She was not afraid to chase after her artistic ideals and go outside the box regardless of what society had to say about it. From her first movie to her last she killed it. There's so much more to say about Bergman's career and life, but I've already written five million words so I'll stop at that.
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One of the most incredible actors I've ever seen on film. Her facial expressions are so intricate and poignant that I cannot look away. I'm either ace or straight, but damn she made me question that.
SEVEN TIME OSCAR NOMINEE QUEEN. Girl also PULLED, having affairs with famously hot men Gary Cooper and Gregory Peck IN ADDITION to her three marriages...sexy
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She has a very natural beauty to her, and she's from Sweden!
She left Hollywood and only became more beautiful. You could drown in her eyes. She can look innocent AND like she's seen it all. She is effortlessly elegant. She's played Joan of Arc (automatically hot) AND was in the movie that coined gaslight as a term. And where would we be without that!
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She was known for being a breath of fresh air on the movie scene at the time with her windswept hair, dreamy smile and soulful eyes. I have loved her in every movie I have seen her in - she was just magnetic!
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Where do I even start. There's a neighborly quality to this beautiful, talented actress that makes her hotness one of a kind and her looks impossible to forget
With a career spanning five decades, Bergman is often regarded as one of the most influential screen figures in cinematic history. Known for her naturally luminous beauty, Bergman spoke five languages – Swedish, English, German, Italian and French – and acted in each.
She's hot, don't get me wrong, but I've always found her very approachable, like she could easily be a member of my friend group
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Where do I even begin with Ingrid Bergman? I fell in love with her with her astounding performance in the 1956 version of Anastasia -- the best Anastasia movie in large part due to her wonderful and touching performance. She's got this amazing, fascinating intensity to her in whatever role she's in. She commits 100%, and she's got this light in whatever she's in that's stunning. She's utterly convincing no matter what she plays, from an amnesiac possible lost princess, from a nun, from a woman taking her revenge on the town that wronged her, to light romantic comedy. She's never missed in any role I've seen her in! Also she became quite the MILF.
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Lauren Bacall:
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"She is soooo neat. And hot. And everything. That one scene in To Have and Have Not where she says "you know how to whistle don't you? You just put your lips together and blow" altered my brain chemistry during media archaeology class and here we are."
"The VOICE, the SLINK, the EYES. Woof."
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"Lauren Bacall was a major lesbian awakening for me. Every picture of her makes it look like she’s about to destroy you physically and emotionally (why is that so hot, I may need help). She had incredible long running chemistry with her husband, Humphrey Bogart, but was an absolute star in her own right. I’ll never be over my crush on her."
"She's got that confident, no-nonsense air about her. She's a boss babe who knows what she wants and gets it DONE. Staunch liberal Democrat her whole life. Campaigned for RFK. From Wikipedia: "In a 2005 interview with Larry King, Bacall described herself as "anti-Republican... A liberal. The L-word". She added that "being a liberal is the best thing on Earth you can be. You are welcoming to everyone when you're a liberal. You do not have a small mind."" Beautiful hair. Beautiful eyes. Beautiful lips. She's just beauty. LISTEN TO HER VOICE. TELL ME THAT'S NOT THE STUFF THAT DREAMS ARE MADE OF."
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mirohlayo · 1 month
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( The monegasque driver has no problem showing himself to be particularly affectionate with you )
warning : fluff, charles spamming you with messages (but it's cute)
note : race week again bby
word count : 2.2k
Oh. It's funny how the monegasque who seems so confident turns into a real man unable to breathe properly when he's away from you.
A young woman who has only just taken her first steps in the incredible world of F1. You were able to apply for the red team, the italian Ferrari team. A great and majestic racing team whose name demands respect and recognition, especially for Italians. And you had just joined these motorsport gods in F1.
Finally, you are not in charge of the most difficult and relentless job either. You were recruited as a new social media manager, certainly with a lot of tasks to carry out, but undoubtedly a little less important than those of the racing engineers and strategists. However, the media is a source of content that fans of the sport love and your ultimate goal is to create the best videos and content possible for Ferrari.
So little by little, you appeared in the Ferrari motorhome. Your colleagues were starting to remember your face and your name, and after a good three weeks on the job, a lot of things had radically changed.
Firstly, you had integrated well into the Italian team. Good relationships and understandings with your colleagues. And secondly, and not least, a new form... of friendship - if we could describe it that way - was formed between you and the famous Monegasque Ferrari driver. Charles Leclerc.
The young man found himself curious about you, interested in this young new woman of his age who, despite the difficulty of the work, completed the tasks required in no time, a fairly perfectionist quality. It must be said that we can clearly see that she really likes this job. And this had intrigued Charles, who often found himself looking for the young brunette.
With the support of his teammate Carlos, who pushed him to take the plunge to try to approach you, Charles ended up introducing himself to you - as if you didn't already know him in this environment. He approached with a shy, almost nervous smile, while he could not hide his completely admiring, almost affectionate look. He struggled to form his sentences, far too dazzled by your sublime beauty and presence.
You seemed quite shy and reserved at first, and that was the case in everyday life. But that's what made you so charming, and Charles felt his heart beat harder and harder every time he managed to make you smile or laugh, a blush that appeared on your face and that he loved more and more.
You blink suddenly, as you start walking with your shoulders straight again in the paddock. You were so lost in your thoughts, remembering how this friendship between you and the driver had blossomed, that you hadn't noticed that the Ferrari motorhome was right in front of you.
The automatic doors open as you enter the small cube, shyly greeting the employees and your colleagues. “Hey, Y/n.” Carlos smiles at you kindly, happy to see you there. You hadn't set foot in the paddock for 2 weeks already, the team had offered you the opportunity to work remotely. You jumped at the opportunity, the chance to spend some time with your family during the week.
“How were your two weeks away from us? I bet you missed us” He winks at you, knowing deep down that a part of you was eager to get back to work there. "It was great. I got to enjoy a little bit with my family." You smile sincerely, remembering the activities you shared with your parents. “But it’s true that I missed working within the stable itself. And then, I couldn’t wait to see you again.”
Carlos' smirk is evident, his arms crossed over his chest as he smiles more and more. You raise your eyebrows slightly, intrigued by his reaction. "Is something wrong? Did I say something funny?" Finally, he chuckles weakly as he shakes his head. “I’m just thinking about how a certain man here was also very, very excited to see you again” He purses his lips, narrowing his eyes, leaning down to your ear so he can speak in a low voice.
“And although I really like you Y/n, that man isn’t me. Besides, I’m sure he’s currently complaining about how much he misses you.” He stands up straight and gives you another wink, followed by another smirk. You feel your cheeks heat up, blush violently. You try to look away, embarrassed.
You know very well who Carlos wants to talk about. You wanted to deny it, to tell yourself that it wasn't true and that it was only your conscience playing with you, but after Carlos' words, all these questions seem true. "Come on, go. You must have a lot of work, just like me. See you later, Y/n!" Carlos pats your shoulder as he walks further behind you.
You don't know how long you stood there in the middle of the motorhome floor, but long enough for you to think about what just happened. Carlos is always honest, and when he saw you in the presence of Charles, he did not hesitate to make some embarrassing remarks to you, like that the monegasque looked at you with hearts in his eyes or that he particularly liked to seek physical contact with you.
These remarks made you blush and Charles always seemed to become embarrassed, more shy than before as he begged Carlos to leave you alone. Because the Monegasque driver knows that his teammate is aware that he has a weakness for you. More than a weakling, he's literally a simp for you. But he really doesn't want you to know.
Or rather, he would like to but he's afraid of rushing you or of you not feeling the same way. After all, three weeks might be too early for you, but for Charles it was enough to make him completely lovesick for you.
You finally come to your senses, and after checking that your face is no longer completely red, you sit comfortably on the chair in your office. You finally got to work, responding to the last email you missed. A notification vibrated your phone, and glancing at the screen, you saw Charles' name.
You really wanted to continue working seriously, you had promised yourself to get back to work but the notification and the message from Charles were running through your head. So, despite yourself, you grab your phone and open your messages to click on the driver's message. Your gaze softens as you read it, your heart racing.
Charles Lec
I heard you finally arrived to the circuit. can't wait to see you again, miss you y/n :(
see you at the 11 o'clock meeting
The message makes you blush again, more lightly this time. But just with a simple message, Charles knows how to make your heart beat and put you in all your moods. He is charming, funny, and caring. Of course you had to fall in love with him. And Carlos' words said earlier secretly gave you hope. Hope for something deeper.
You were about to respond, but your eyes drifted to the messages he had sent you earlier in the month, specifically during your two weeks of remote working. And reading the messages, that's where Carlos' words took on their full meaning.
Charles Lec
i just learned that you are remote working, that's why I didn't find you at the paddock
i'm sad that you're not here but you also need to rest during these two weeks :(
miss u a lot
hello you ;) hope everything goes well.
i don't know if you saw the qualifying but I'm starting the race p11
the race will start soon, I hope you can still watch it
can't wait to see you again, gorgeous
still miss u
it's not race week but I would have liked to spend these few days with you but you work and you must surely enjoy your family
eat well and don't stay up too late, pretty girl
have a good day :))
i miss u y/n
i feel like it's been forever since I last saw you
I have already planned a few little things to do when you come back, call me back when you can :)
hello youu
In 1 week I'll see you again but I can't wait any longer
i think I'm gonna die if I don't talk to you right now
can i call u please? :(
i did a little workout today and I will continue next week
we see each other again in less than a week and all I can think about is that
take care sweetheart
miss you a lot lately :(
not just lately, miss u always, every single minute of the day
Everything seems to fit together like a puzzle. So Carlos was telling the truth, the man who is so eager to see you again is definitely Charles. Come to think of it, he texted you almost every day. To tell you how much he missed you and that he wanted to see you again, not forgetting to add a few pet names here and there.
This kind of revelation changes everything. Your feelings, the way you think and behave. You were still surprised at the idea that Charles could potentially love you the same way you love him. But there is no doubt about it, after everything that has just happened in a few minutes. And you didn't know if you were looking forward to going to the meeting or not.
But there you are, in front of the door to the small interview room. And as you enter, a little late, almost everyone is there. You can feel several eyes on you, but one is undeniable. Charles is there, sitting, his gaze completely glued to you, totally absorbed and attracted by you alone. He follows you with his eyes, completely in love, while your angelic beauty completely takes his breath away. Oh, he missed your face so much.
You move towards your chair, painfully avoiding meeting his burning gaze. But after all, it's impossible. Why would you want to avoid him, when he certainly feels the same way as you.
So, calmly, you sit down, you take your pen between your fingers, and taking a deep breath, you end up laying your eyes on him. You meet his gaze and there, time seems to stop for a moment. His eyes burn into your face, and your breath catches. But a shy smile, which ends up widening, takes its place on the driver's face. And, shyly, you smile back.
And during this meeting, you couldn't help but glance at each other a few times. And in Charles' head, everything was panicking. He wanted to hold you in his arms and never let go. He wanted to spend every next minute by your side, making you smile and laugh until you lost control. He wanted to stay for hours admiring you, listening to you speak with your sweet voice. He was finally able to live and breathe properly.
The meeting ends, you take a strangely long time to put away the few things you had brought with you. And Charles strangely seems to take care to say goodbye to each of the people who leave the room. So that in the end, you find yourself alone in the room. No one speaks, your gaze each focused on the corners of the room. And finally, after what seemed like an eternity, Charles finally approached you.
So close, that he ends up wrapping his arms around your waist, nestling his face in the crook of your neck. You practically melt in his embrace, as you return the favor, your hands gently caressing his back. “I missed you so, so much.” His voice is muffled. You giggle weakly, and just that little laugh melts Charles' heart.
"Carlos informed me that a certain person here was very eager to see me again, hmm?". Your shy nature wasn't the type to tease people, but seeing Charles like this made him absolutely adorable and you couldn't help but tease him a little. He groans, because he knows that as soon as he meets Carlos again, he will make him understand that he, on the contrary, will never look forward to seeing him again. But for now, he's just enjoying the moment.
"If it's to be able to stay in your arms like this, then yes I assume that this person is me. And now that you are here, you are certainly not going to leave me." And in an overconfidence, he pulls back just enough to place a soft, long kiss on your cheek, while his hands gently squeeze your hips. The sudden touch makes you jump slightly, and your face doesn't fail to show your embarrassment as it turns a pretty pink.
Which absolutely makes Charles laugh, totally captivated by you. But he absolutely didn't expect you to kiss him back, on his cheek already crimson from the contact of your lips on his skin. The room is suddenly filled with giggles, while the two secret lovers, or rather the two idiots in love who see their relationship blossom into something more beautiful, remain there for a while longer, in each other's arms.
And Carlos, who wanted to make his way into the room to collect his Ferrari cap, had observed everything from the doorway. A huge grin on his face, he finally rolled his eyes, amused. “Such a simp.” He whispers these words, which, without a doubt, perfectly reflect reality. Because yes, Charles is just a simp for you.
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lamuliz · 8 months
Hi making fanart of the genocide is really fucking weird can you stop
Calling it "fanart" is disgusting. This is how an artist protests. I'm using my voice instead of hiding my name and telling those who are trying to make a change that they're "weird". Please look inwards when you say things like this.
Gaza has a very dense artist population, even on the walls of the West Bank, you can see beautiful art done by the resilient people of Palestine (and non-palestinians dedicated to the cause), showcasing their strength and resolve.
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"Graffiti on the West Bank Barrier in Bethlehem. The main image features Ahed Tamimi the Palestinian Girl jailed for slapping an Israeli soldier by Italian artist Jorit Agoch who was later arrested for his troubles. It also partly shows an image of Razan Al Najjar, a paramedic nurse killed by an Israeli sniper during a protest in Gaza. That work is by Palestinian artist Taqi Spateen"
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"Halloween" art above also done by Taqi Spateen
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art above is the famous character Handala by Naji al-Ali
Al-Ali wrote that:
"Handala was born 10 years old and he will always be 10 years old. It was at that age that I left my homeland. When Handala returns, he will still be 10 years old, and then he will start growing up."
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yawnderu · 9 months
honestly i would die for bimbo!reader to have some sort of Legally Blonde level of intelligence but for the stupidest, most useless shit. no, she can't remember which knob turns on which burner for the stove, but she can tell you the effects of different chemical compounds found in all her favorite skincare products and now they react to an individuals derma-layer. simon once caught her watching a screensaver on TV for 30 min because she thought it was "a reeeeally slow nature documentary /:", but she's fluent in Korean because she got super into Korean make up brands from her favorite influencers and wanted to be able to read the product ingredients/reviews/tutorials, it just never gets brought up otherwise and when someone asks in disbelief she's all "what, like it's hard?"
and simon is just sooooo so so proud of his smart pretty girl. who cares that she thought soap's parents legally named him after a dishwashing product. can mactavish tell him how to tell dupes from authentic handbags based on the inner stitching that can only be done on machines specially made by Italian companies? no? then shut the fuck up. tell us more about glitter lipgloss, beautiful.
Absolutely!! She may be dim-witted when it comes to certain things, but she's not exactly dumb at all. This girl could recite the laws of astrophysics and solve complex mathematical problems while being piss drunk.
Simon is still amazed by how complex his sweet girl is— he knows she isn't stupid, yet it never fails to surprise him how you start speaking to MacTavish in fluent Scottish Gaelic, only offering the explanation that you learnt it because a character on your favorite movie spoke it once, looking at him like he grew a second head when he sheepishly told you most scottish people don't speak Gaelic anymore.
Sure, you may have thought movies were real and used to avoid watching them because you thought the actors were actually getting killed and you didn't want to support that, yet a window of your house is full of math equations that gave him a headache just by looking at them.
I'd say Simon sees bimbo!reader as a box full of surprises, telling him about something new every single time you have a conversation. How did you get into studying astrophysics? You got the highest score in the university admission exam and saw a poster that was shiny and had cute stars and a pretty nebula!! How could you resist when everything about it called for you?
Mhm, the smell of gunpowder and blood that sticks to him no matter what is such an odd perfume, yet it surely has an interesting molecular makeup! Of course it does, pretty girl.
They complement each other so well because Simon has the street smarts she's lacking, and she has the book smarts Simon doesn't. She can be extremely ditzy, but who cares when she can tell him exactly which inks are recommended for his skin and which chemicals can rough up his face? He had to buy a brand-new eye black stick simply because you could tell the materials used on it by applying it on your hand with a frown.
I'd like to imagine her as someone with lots of odd interests, knowledge and hyperfixations in the dumbest things besides the universe. He has to keep up with you buying materials for making bracelets and keeping a room full of dinosaur plushies.
Bimbo!Reader Masterlist
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https-lovvers · 2 months
honey honey
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lando norris x driver!reader
summary: you, lily, alex and lando all go on a yacht trip through italy and you cannot get this one song out of your head.. so you and lily annoy your boyfriends!!
you and lily stand in the kitchen cutting up a watermelon as your boyfriends are fooling around on the deck of the yacht. the hot sun shining down on the coastal italian waters and you can see lando already tanning.
you smile to yourself when he spots you and waves joyfully.
"well he's a love machine isn't he?" lily nudges you and you giggle.
"it makes me dizzy sometimes you know??" and as soon as the words come out of your mouth you realise! those are lyrics in the abba song honey honey!!!
when you explain it to lily she smiles and shakes her head. "you and that mamma mia movie"
you both giggle and you take a bite of the watermelon.
"should we make a video to the song??"
you didn't need to hear it twice.
"honey honey how he thrills me" you wink into the camera, walking in front of lando
"honey honey nearly kills me" lily faints into alex's arms as he looks at lando with confusion and lando just shrugs.
"i heard about him before.." lily types alex's name into a search browser. "i wanted to know some moreee" she pretends to think and looks at alex.
"and now i know what they mean.. he's a love machineee" you smile into the camera and lando runs up behind you and picks you up, squeezing you tight.
"oh he makes me dizzy!!" you and lily say into the camera at the same time.
you and lily giggle and film a few more lyrics.
"the way that you kiss me goodnightttt" lily giggles as alex kisses all over her face
"the way that you hold me tightttt" you smile as lando hugs you from behind
you and lily giggle into the camera at the same time trying to not laugh, "i feel like i wanna sing when you do your.. thing!!"
as the lyrics fade into just the melody, you guys decide to document your day to the music. clips showing you and lily twirling in your pretty dresses on the front of the yacht, running down the streets of the beautiful town that you'd parked the yacht at, smiling with your boyfriends over lunch.
you smiled, nothing could beat your favourite songs and your favourite people.
as the music fades back in, it's nearly sunset so you and lily make the most of the daylight lipsyncing to the song.
"honey honey touch me baby" you wink at the camera and make a beckoning action and lily laughs from behind the camera.
you and lily force lando and alex to nod along to the "uh huhs" in the song and you and lily pop up for the "honey honey"
"honey honey hold me baby" lily giggles and wraps her arms around herself.
you decide to do the next scene together, "you look like a movie star" and you guys skip around your boyfriends in 2x speed and shrug to the camera as you say, "but i like just who you are."
"and honey to say the least.. you're a doggone beast" you brace yourself for impact as the plan was for lando to throw you over his shoulder.
however instead he pushes you off the yacht and you land in the cool, clear water fully dressed.
you smile and shake your head when you see lando, lily and alex all laughing at you from above you.
as the melody fades back in, you just film all of you jumping and playing in the water, spinning around on the deck and lando and alex piggybacking you and lily.
"honey honey how you thrill me uh huh" lily looks directly at alex with a smile. nodding as she says uh huh.
"honey honey" the camera cuts to you and lily peeking your heads out from a doorframe
"honey honey nearly kill me" you collapse into landos arms, a grin cracking on his face as he feels your body weight on him.
"honey honey" the same clip of you and lily in the doorframe
"i heard about you before... i wanted to know some moree..." lily grins wildly as her and and alex hold hands and swing them back and forth.
you smile at the cute couple as you and your boyfriend sit and watch the sunset "and now i'm about to see.. what you mean to me"
you glance up at your boyfriend and look at him lovingly as the song ends.
lily would post your silly little music video on her socials later, but for now you all enjoyed each other's company laughing together as the sunset.
guys lmk if you want to see social media reactions to the videos or anything like that <3 hopefully this whole thing kind of makes sense!
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adrienneleclerc · 4 months
Heyy can you write an oneshot of charles dating andrea (his personal trainer) daughter and how andrea would react
Ooh YES!! Imagine the drama, I love it. I hope this is what you wanted and if I wasn’t, hope you liked it anyway!
My Trainer’s Daughter
Pairing: Charles Leclerc x Ferrari! Reader
Summary: Charles is dating Y/N Ferrari, the daughter of Andrea, in secret
Warning: spelling and grammatical errors.
A/N: i have loved getting requests from everyone, feel free to request any more ideas. And yes, the title is unoriginal, I know, I couldn’t think of anything.
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The day Charles met Y/N Ferrari was a day he would never forget. It was when he was doing his winter training for the 2023 F1 season. He was supposed to meet Andrea at the training camp so he was surprised when he saw a woman he has never seen before on the treadmill.
“Excuse me, did you know you are trespassing?” Charles asked, Y/N stopped her treadmill and took off her headphones.
“Che cosa?” Y/N asked
“Stai sconfinando, vattene prima che chiami la sicurezza.” Charles threatened in Italian. The woman rolled her eyes and when Charles was about to say something, Andrea appeared.
“Ah Charles, i see you have met my daughter, Y/N.” Andrea said, gesturing at Y/N who smiled like she has won.
“I didn’t know you had a daughter. What is she doing here?” Charles asked.
“She was in Italy, I haven’t seen her since she moved out so I invited her. I hope you don’t mind.” Andrea said.
“But I’m supposed to film some shots for my blog.” Charles said.
“Calmati, bambola, i promise not to get in the way. You could always crop me out if that’s what you want.” Y/N said.
“Oh so you do speak English.” Charles said.
“Yeah I do,” Y/N said.
“Okay, let’s focus on your training, Charles. You’re doing great, cuore, ti amo.” Andrea said.
“Ti amo anch’io papà.” Y/N said, before she put on her headphones and continued to run on the treadmill.
Charles was staring at the woman, she was as fiery as she was beautiful. There were moments where he had to stop himself from staring too much because he was positive that Andrea would kill him. Y/N didn’t fall far behind, she was also staring at Charles during certain exercises, who wouldn’t stare at the beautiful monegasque? Both finished their exercises after 2 hours (I’m assuming)
“Great work, Charles. Y/N, you want to go grab food?” Andrea asked.
“Sure, papà, let me just pack my things. They have a shower her?” Y/N asked.
“Yes. Charles, show her please, I have to change and get my wallet from my room.” Andrea left the hotel gym which just leaves Charles and Y/N.
“Sorry about threatening you. It’s just this gym was booked for my session so when I saw you here, I thought you were a fan.” Charles explained.
“A fan on the treadmill? Why the hell would a fan be on the treadmill if they so desperately wanted to meet you?” Y/N asked.
“I Don’t know, to appear normal. Anyway, I’m sorry, I had no idea Andrea was your father.” Charles said.
“Don’t worry about it, bambola.” Y/N said.
“Why do you call me bambola?” Charles asked.
“Because you have a pretty face like a doll, hence the name bambola. These are the showers?” Y/N asked, pointing to the door.
“Yep, these are the showers.” Charles said,
“Alright, thank you, I’ll see you around Charles.” Y/N said, before entering the shower room.
“See you around, Y/N.” Charles said.
From that moment on, every time Charles had a training session with Andrea, Y/N would always be there. There were moments where Y/N and Charles would hang out alone and one of those hang outs led to a very important question.
“Would you like to go on a date with me?” Charles asked as Y/N was eating her pasta. She finished chewing and swallowed.
“I’m sorry, can you repeat that?” Y/N asked.
“Would you like to go on a date with me? A proper date.” Charles clarified.
“Oh bambola, my dad would kill you. His top client going out with his daughter? Can you imagine the drama that would ensue?” Y/N asked.
“Which is why it will be a secret.” Charles said.
“A secret? Oh yeah, because that always turns out so well,” Y/N commented sarcastically.
“Think about it, we can go out on a few date, if it doesn’t work out, we never have to tell Andrea.” Charles said.
“Okay, I can live with that, my dad would never have to know.” Y/N said.
“What do you mean he would never have to know? Are you saying you’re positive this won’t work out?” Charles asked.
“You literally said the same thing!” Y/N exclaimed.
“I was convincing you to go out with me!” Charles exclaimed back.
“Fine, we’ll go out. Tomorrow night sound alright for you?” Y/N asked.
“Yes it does.” Charles said.
Well that first date turned out to be such a success that they have actually been dating for 4 months which means it was time to tell Andrea. They were in the gym, Andrea was sitting down, scrolling on his phone.
“Good morning, Andrea, are you ready?” Charles asked.
“I am but i have one question.” Andrea stated. Charles nodded for him to continue. “Why the hell were you on a yacht with my daughter?” Andrea asked and shoved the phone in Charles’s face. “Care to explain?”
“That’s what we are here to tell you. Charles and I have been dating for 4 months.” Y/N said.
“Four months?!? And you’re telling me now?!?” Andrea exclaimed.
“I wanted to know if we would work first, he’s not really my type.” Y/N said.
“Excuse me, I’m not your type?” Charles asked offendedly.
“I’m trying to make him feel better, chill out bambola.” Y/N said turning to face Charles. She then faces her dad. “But charles has been a perfect gentleman. He holds the door open for me, he carries my bags when we go shopping, picks me up with flowers when we go on dates, he’s a great guy, papà.” Y/N said. Andrea stands up and goes over to Charles.
“If you hurt my little girl..” Andrea started
“I won’t, sir, I swear, I would rather quit Ferrari than hurt Y/N.” Charles said.
“Good answer. Now let’s get to training.” Andrea said
The moment Andrea found out they were dating, it was hilarious. Charles’s training sessions became more difficult.
“Can’t have my princess dating a weak man, now can i?” Andrea says and Y/N just watches as her father tortures her boyfriend. After Charles’s workout, Y/N goes to him.
“How you feeling, bambola?” Y/N asked him, rubbing his back.
“I’m fine, ma belle, your father is right, if I’m going to be your boyfriend and protect you, i can’t be weak.” Charles said,
“Ha ha, get up so we can get some food.” Y/N said,
When they travelled together, Andrea would give them a curfew, not just because of the race events Charles had, but because he’s such a protective dad.
“I want you two back here by midnight.” Andrea said.
“Yes papà.” Y/N said,
“Yes sir.” Charles said before the two left the hotel to go somewhere. “Your dad took us dating way better that I thought.”
“Tell me about it. I guess it comes with you two knowing each other for a long time since you started F1.” Y/N said.
“You’re right. So Mon ange, am I your type now?” Charles asked and Y/N laughed.
“My god, bambola, let that go already.” Y/N said, charles laughed with her until she placed her hands on the back of his neck. “You have always been my type, I like boy with brown fluffy hair and blue green eyes.”
“And I like girls with (your color) hair and (your color) eyes.” Charles said before they kissed. “Can’t believe I’m dating my trainer’s daughter.”
“And I can’t believe I’m dating an F1 driver. I am wishing you luck on tomorrow’s qualifying session.” Y/N said,
“As long as your there, my good luck charm, I’m sure quali will go well.” Charles said, they kissed again before walking to a little bar near the hotel.
The End
Hope y’all liked it. I thought it turned out well
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crownmemes · 2 months
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Flirting Sentences, Vol. 3
(Sentences for flirting muses, with varying levels of brashness. Adjust phrasing where needed)
"Can I walk you home?"
"Brooding. Good look. Do you practice in the mirror?"
"I think we're supposed to kiss now..."
"If you're trying to impress me, it's working!"
"Why don't you ask me on a proper date?"
"I used to try to get you to look at my legs."
"You know, if you ask a girl out for coffee, you should have something to say."
"You know, I used to have a huge crush on you."
"Have dinner with me? Just the two of us?"
"You're in over your head. You're not fully committed to this task, and because of that, you will fail."
"You have beautiful eyes."
"I'm into you because you're hot. And smart. In that order, but both are needed."
"There's this Italian restaurant I managed to book a table at, if you're still keen on going on a proper date."
"Do you have any idea how much I missed watching you get dressed in the morning?"
"This is the wrong time to be strong and silent and so... Attractive."
"You want to kiss me, don't you?"
"Do you know what I'd like? Really like?"
"Kiss me like you hate me."
"I knew you didn't stay in town for the lovely weather."
"You are the most perfect and beautiful thing I've ever seen."
"You just can't stay away, can you?"
"I love your lipstick."
"Suits you, flustered. It's a good look."
"You look very beautiful tonight. Has anyone ever told you that?"
"Say, why don't we carry on this delightful conversation over a cocktail?"
"Well, I must say, you are anything but dull!"
"I was just wondering if, um- If you might like to come out for a drink with me sometime?"
"I must say, you're much prettier than your predecessor."
"May I have this dance?"
"Well, that is an interesting way to say hello!"
"I've seen your picture in the newspaper. You're way hotter in person."
"Oh, and here I thought you were getting all kinky with me!"
"Are you like this with all your women?"
"Are you saying you want to date me?"
"Has anyone ever told you that you have lovely hands?"
"What are you going to do? Spank me?"
"So, have you got a boyfriend, or...?"
"Are you growing a beard? I've always had rather a soft spot for bearded men."
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harrysfolklore · 7 months
Harry Styles Answers the Web's Most Searched Questions | WIRED
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this was posted on my patreon a few months ago, enjoy ! MASTERLIST | MY PATREON
"Hi I'm Harry Styles and this is the Wired Autocomplete Interview."
Harry introduced himself to the camera and you smiled, you were currently at WIRED Studios for Harry's long awaited autocomplete interview that he finally agreed to do thanks to yours and his fans persistence.
You were sitting behind the camera with the rest of the crew, watching him with a small smile.
A crew member passed the first board to him, he looked at it confusedly for a minute before speaking.
"Okay so. I'm answering what I think or what?"
Everyone in the studio laughed and the director quickly explained to him how the game worked once again, you rolled your eyes with affection and he sent a wink your way.
"Alright, how is Harry Styles?" he said after taking the little piece of paper off the board, "I'm good, I'm really enjoying being home in London, I was away for a while on tour and I'm going to stay here for a bit so that's exciting."
"How did Harry Styles," he paused to rip the next paper and reveal the rest of the question, "Become famous? Well, when I was sixteen years old I auditioned for a singing show called The X Factor, I got put in a band with four lads and we didn't win but we put out a song called What Makes You Beautiful," he smiled for a second, "that one put us on the map, we released a bunch of albums and now I'm here."
"How did Harry Styles meet his wife?" at this, he turned his gaze to you to give you a big smile, you immediately mirrored his and nodded your head, signaling that you were okay with him talking about it.
"We could say that it was basically a blind date, we had a friend in common who thought we would be a good match and set us up, we had an amazing first date but then I had to travel to Los Angeles for work so we couldn't really see each other after that but once I was back in London we hung out all the time, and now we're married."
He smiled at you again and you couldn't help but feel your heart melt, you had been married for 6 months now but the married life was still new for the both of you, and everything he called you his wife butterflies made its way to your stomach.
"How is Harry Styles still alive?" his eyes widened in surprise and he looked around the room, making a few present laugh, "Um, that's a weird thing to search on the internet, but I guess, I don't know if I can answer that, I don't think anyone can answer that we're just lucky to still be around and enjoy life."
He gave the camera one of his infamous "frog smiles" and handed the board to a crew member who was ready with the next one.
"Does Harry Styles have tattoos?" he revealed the first question of the new board, "Yes, he does. I have a lot of tattoos actually, they're basically all over my body. The most recent one is right here," he pointed at the back of his right arm, "It's my wedding date, actually, everyone might call me a sap but I was reserving this arm for tattoos about my wife a and future kids, so I guess it's finally time to fill it."
It was safe to say that  fans watching at home and everyone in the studio absolutely melted, especially you.
"Does Harry Styles have siblings? I do I have a sister, she's older than me and her name is Gemma. A lot of people claim she's cooler than me for some reason but I don't thing that's true," he shrugged and revealed the next question, "Does Harry Styles speak Italian? I would like to think that I do, I spend a lot of time there and I've learned how to communicate pretty decently."
"Is Harry Styles an actor?" he said after peeling the first sticker of the new board, "He tries to be an actor that's for sure," he laughed and everyone in the room did as well, "I mean, I've been in a couple of movies, I've auditioned for a bunch of roles and my agent has sent me scripts to go through," he shrugged "So I can say that makes me an actor."
"Is Harry Styles american?" he shook his head at that one, "He is not! He's Britain, born and raised okay? He's very proud of it."
"What's Harry Styles BeReal? I don't have a BeReal, but if I did I wouldn't tell you," he pointed to the camera jokingly, "What are Harry Styles fans called? I think they are referred to as Harries, but I don't like to speak on behalf of them, you should ask them."
"What was Harry Styles first song? My first song was Sign Of The Times, I wrote it with friends that I love, and that is my wife's favorite song I've ever written, right love?"
"That's correct." you said from your spot, pretty audible so you know it would make it to the final cut of the interview.
"What are Harry Styles songs about?" he peeled the last sticker of the board, "They're about a lot of things, life, friends, love, my wife," he shrugged, "I even have one about the female orgasm."
You quietly giggled, knowing that his fans would go crazy over that last sentence.
"Did Harry Styles go to college? He did not, he became a singer."
"Did Harry Styles win a Grammy? He somehow won Album Of The Year last year, which is absolutely insane if you ask him."
"Did Harry Styles finish high school? Oh I'm glad the internet asks," he laughed, "Contrary to popular belief I did finish high school, I completed my GCES and I graduated, I don't know why there's a rumor there that I didn't finish high school tho."
"Anyway, last one!" he comically threw the board to the floor and grabbed the final board a crew member was handling him, "Who is Harry Styles best friend? Um, I have a ton of best friends. Jeff who's also my manager, Mitch who plays in my band, my childhood best friend's name is Johnny, so yeah, I'm very lucky in the friends department, I love my friends."
"Who does Harry Styles look like? My mom, I would say. A lot of people point out that we have the same smile," he shrugged, "My mom is a beautiful woman so I'm flattered."
"Who did Harry Styles write Love Of My Life about? My wife and London."
"And final question," he slowly peeled off the sticker for dramatic effect, "Who does Harry Styles love? Okay, that's cute that people search for that on the internet, um, I love my family and friends, I love my wife that's for sure, I love making music and performing," he listed with his fingers, "And love love, yeah, love is great."
He smiled to the camera and put the board aside to say his goodbyes.
"I thought my Google searches were much more appropriate that I expected. I was fun to see what people wonder about me, so yeah thank you WIRED for having me."
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pickingupmymercedes · 3 months
“you’re so warm.” blurbs with lewis. reader is pregnant and the hormones is acting up so she's dying to give love bites on lewis' neck.
That was fun, maybe it has its own part 2 someday. Hope you like it anon!
"You're so warm"
The sun was beaming down on the sleek lines of their yacht, the Mediterranean Sea shimmering like it always did. Y/N, laid down on a chaise lounge in a breezy sundress, tried her best to relax.
Keyword: tried.
The reason for the unrest? Lewis, of course.
He was striding across the deck, phone on his hands, a mischievous grin plastered on his face, while he sported a pair of swim shorts, the kind that left very little to the imagination, and his adorned abs.
Y/N knew for a fact there were paparazzi lurking somewhere nearby, their long lenses trained on Lewis, as photos of their little summer getaway had already filled the gossip pages.
"Lewis?” she called out; her voice laced with mock sternness despite the fluttering in her stomach "care to explain why you're practically mooning the entire Italian coastline?"
Lewis chuckled, sauntering over to her with a playful strut "Just catching some rays, love" he winked. He leaned down, his warm breath tickling her ear. "Besides, who says I can't share the beauty with the world?"
Y/N raised an eyebrow and glared at him. He knew damn well what she meant. But still there he was, flaunting his abs to the world to see as she tried to hide the small, but very visible, tiny bump on her stomach.
"You are a menace," she mumbled, but couldn't help a smile tugging at her lips. He had been extra playful and carefree during the trip, a constant reminder of one of the many reasons she had chosen him.
"Jealous?" he teased, leaning in closer.
Y/N narrowed her eyes playfully. "You know I haven’t been the best at resisting you lately" she admitted, unable to tear her eyes from him, and succumbing to the urge of running her fingers across the expanse of his sculpted chest.
Lewis's grin widened. "Well then," he murmured, his voice dropping to a seductive whisper, "how about I give you a private show later?"
Y/N's whole face and neck flushed, her body temperature going up by at least a couple degrees. "Don't tempt me" she warned, though her voice lacked conviction.
Lewis raised an eyebrow, a playful challenge in his gaze. "You’re so warm, babe. Something the matter?"
Y/N responded with the mischievous glint in her eyes. The pregnancy hormones, their new constant source of amusement and occasional bewilderment, were at it again.
"As a matter of fact" she declared puffing out her chest. Reaching out, she pulled him to her on the lounger, his arms holding his weight just above her as she gently nipped at the exposed skin just below his ear, leaving a faint mark.
Lewis yelped, more in surprise than pain, his hand flying to the exposed skin of her thighs. "Babe" he exclaimed, his voice sounding just like a warning more than anything.
She giggled, the sound his favorite melody. "There," she said, feigning satisfaction. "Now everyone knows who you belong to."
Lewis mused her a grin "Alright, alright," he conceded, shaking his head but unable to hide his amusement. "You win this one, love." He pulled her close, her warmth enveloping him.
"What’s my prize?" Y/N murmured, nuzzling into his chest.
"Tell you later" he teased, nuzzling back.
TAGLIST - @saturnssunflower @xoscar03 @chocolatediplomatdreamerzonk @happy-golden-hour @vicurious28
@0710khj @thecubanator2 @neilakk @bigratbitchsworld @adriswrld
@fearfam69691 @cmleitora @goldenroutledge @timmychalametsstuff @jpgnsf @priopp123 @jajouska
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arieslost · 4 months
MONACO | cl16
summary: aries’ gift to you all after she watched her favorite driver win his home race <3
word count: 802
masterlist — join my tag list here!
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the finish line at monaco has always been more of a daunting sight as opposed to an exciting one. you spent every single lap of every single monaco grand prix with your fingers tightly crossed, your lips colorless from how hard you’d press them together, just for a disappointing circumstance to rear its head.
you do the same thing today. but today is not last year, or the year before, or any time you’ve watched your boyfriend race in the heart of his hometown. today is the 26th of may, 2024, and charles leclerc is crossing the finish line as a winner.
every time he’s won has been special, but nothing holds a candle to this. it’s monaco. the streets of his childhood, the track he dreamed of winning on since he could remember.
“we won it! finally!” brian shouts over the radio, and immediately you can hear charles screaming back, crying out “YES!” over and over.
pascale, standing shoulder to shoulder with you as she had been for practically the entire race, reaches over and pulls you into a tight embrace.
“congratulations,” you say loudly in her ear so she can hear you over the cheers of everyone around you. “i can’t imagine how proud of him you are.”
“i think you can,” she replies, kissing your cheek and running her hands up and down your arms with a wide smile. “you’ve been by his side through every obstacle, just like i have.”
your eyes well with tears, and she hugs you again. “you’d better get out there. you know he always looks for you first.”
simultaneously, brian appears at your shoulder and takes your hand. “come on, come with me!”
you take a moment to hug him, the two of you jumping up and down in each other’s arms before you’re both running through the crowds of people to get a clear view of the podium, namely the top step.
you try to hold it together, because you know that a camera could focus in on you at any time, but when charles takes his place between carlos and oscar, his flag draped over his shoulders and a smile on his face that looks almost painful, you realize you never had a chance. the tears stream down your face, but you don’t even bother wiping them away. you can’t tear your gaze from the beautiful sight of your charlie at the top step in monaco. monaco.
his eyes find you as everyone sings along to the italian national anthem, the two of you included. you try to convey everything you can’t say to him yet through your eyes, and something about his expression tells you that he understands.
finally, after the ceremony is concluded and everyone is thoroughly doused in champagne (you and everyone in your general area as well, courtesy of charles), you’ve made your way back to ferrari’s hospitality and are now sitting waiting as patiently as you can to congratulate charles yourself.
thankfully, you don’t have to wait very long.
charles practically comes barreling through the door, first place trophy still clutched in his hand, race suit and hat drenched in champagne, and you don’t even feel the stickiness of it when you meet him in the middle of the room, both of you laughing hysterically.
adrenaline still pumping through his veins, charles wraps his arms around you and lifts you high in the air, spinning you around as many times as he can before he feels like he’s going to fall over. breathlessly, he sets you down, pressing his forehead to yours and closing his eyes.
“i’m so proud of you, cha,” you breathe out, fingers brushing through the hair at the back of his head before cupping his cheeks. “wow, i had so many things i wanted to say to you and now i can’t remember any of it.”
“c’est bon, mon amour,” he whispers, tilting his chin up to capture your lips in a slow, languid kiss. “just hold onto me for a minute.”
you don’t have to be told twice. you loop your arms around his neck, keeping your forehead firmly pressed against his, breathing in tandem with him and accepting every kiss he presses against your lips while his hands caress the slope of your back.
“i think you have some jumping in the harbor to do,” you say eventually, though you wish you could stay like this forever.
“with you?” he asks slyly, raising his eyebrows.
“i don’t think so,” you laugh.
but in the years you’ve spent with him, you’ve learned that when charles leclerc wants something, he will get his way. and that’s how you find yourself tightly gripping his hand as you leap into the monaco harbor with your race winner without regretting it for a single second.
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note: oh guys. i cried today. i really did. i’m so happy for him and so damn proud. the first monegasque driver to win his home race in 93 years. tifosi, we celebrate <3
my inbox is always open for comments, criticism, and conversation! feel free to pop in!
reblogs are greatly appreciated <33
dividers by @/saradika
tags: @venusacrossthestars @67-angelofthelordme-67 @emails-i-can-send @nelly187 @cixrosie @fangirl-dot-com @sainzluvrr @imheretoread @mellowarcadefun @yourbane @monsieurbacteria6 @c-losur3 @papayatori @ssprayberrythings @namgification @maih23 @evlkking @witchycarmen @ilovethispookie @maxverstappenfan79 @sya-skies @sweatrevenge5436-blog @kimis-gloves @mia-rrrs @decafmickey @customsbyjcg-blog @bigheartsthings @tania2748 @scuderiadevils @iloveyou3000morgan @ctrlyomomma @hiireadstuff @daemyratwst @arian-directioner @evelyn-ny @avg-golden-retriever @likedbygaslyy @vintagefucksstuff @piastorys @jisungstuff @personwhoisther @bernelflo @ahgase99 @ferrarisfailedstrats @levidazai @brune77e @watersquirtpewpewboomm @teamnovalak
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avis-writeshq · 6 months
hellooo <3
can i request a lil something for hotch about that one trend on tiktok “calling my bf my husband to see his reaction” thxx!
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pairing: aaron hotchner x fem!reader genre: fluff, established relationship warnings: talks about marriage + commitment a/n: thank you for requesting lovely <3 wc: 650
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Aaron’s confusion is palpable when he watches you prop your phone up by the corner of the car so that the front camera faces the both of you. He’s well aware of how you make videos of yourself to post on the internet – it’s actually how Penelope set the two of you up – but he’s never really been in any of the videos you’ve posted. The two of you are just going on a fast food trip and as soon as you step into the car, he finds himself incredibly underdressed. Granted, you always look lovely, but you still look far too overdressed to go to a drive-through. 
“Are we going somewhere after this?” He asks slowly, his eyes raking over your figure and the way you fix up your hair. 
“No, honey, I just wanted to dress up.” You smile at him, leaning over the console to kiss his cheek. 
He frowns, a stark contrast to the brilliant blush on his cheeks and the redness of his ears. “This seems like a plot.”
“No plot,” you laugh again and turn to your camera. “Guys, my husband thinks that I’m plotting something. Can you believe that?”
Aaron’s brain short circuits as soon as the words register. His fingers go lax on the steering wheel and his jaw unhinges. He’s staring at you like you’ve got three heads and his blush travels all the way down his chest. He likes the sound of that. An entire lifetime with you flashes before his eyes and all of a sudden there’s a ridiculously wide smile on his face and his eyes are crinkled at the corners.
“You’re beautiful.”
You’re giggling. A hand over your mouth and your eyes have lit up with mirth. He spares a glance at the camera and he manages a small groan, covering his face with one hand in an effort to shield his reputation. You’re still laughing quietly, although your own cheeks are hot from his breathless compliments. 
“Was this all just for a video?” Aaron asks, moving his free hand to your knee and squeezing. “Sweetheart, that’s cruel.”
“No, it isn’t! It’s just a silly video, Aaron, it’s not cruel,” You say through a smile, and you stop recording and pocket the phone. “You reacted really nicely though, I’m sure the video will do well.”
“Do other people not react well?” He asks, concerned. He doesn’t really want to think about how other boyfriends react to their significant other calling them ‘husband’, especially when he can’t imagine ever having a life without you in it. 
You shrug as you respond, “one guy didn’t let his girlfriend finish her sentence before he was yelling that he ‘isn’t her husband’. Which is true, but he responded really quickly and really seriously that it didn’t seem like a joke. I don’t know how they are in real life though, so it could have been staged.”
His concern turns into one of mortification, mainly for the couple. “I don’t understand how someone could get into a relationship and have no end in mind.”
That alone is enough to have you swooning, and he leans over to kiss your forehead. You’re beaming at him, almost slyly, and he brushes your hair out of your face. 
“We should go somewhere nice,” He decides, sitting back in his seat. He puts the car into drive. “You’re too pretty to go to a drive-through.”
You’re laughing again as he starts driving in the direction of your favourite Italian place, one hand on the wheel and the other on your thigh. You don’t know about the velvet ring box hidden underneath the drivers’ seat. 
Two weeks later, the video you recorded garnishes a whopping 23.6 million views, pinned beside another with a ring as the thumbnail. That video has a terrifying 43.9 million views, and Aaron is not spared any teasing. 
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