#how to block someone on facebook messenger
ramennoodlezzzao3 · 4 months
outsiders modern AU head cannons
The gang would absolutely FORBID Ponyboy or Johnny to take an Uber or lift, they said they had to call one of them if they didn’t have a way home. It’s “Dangerous” to get into an Uber because it’s a stranger (I have a finished, unpublished one-shot about Ponyboy in this situation if yall want me to post it 🤭)
Darry refuses to get messenger or Facebook. He uses Life360 and the built in phone app to message Sodapop and Pony. He eventually got messenger so he could be apart of the group chat.
Ponyboy has several secret social media accounts. He posts on them and has quite the following, but has practically blocked every member of the gang so they can’t watch him.
Darry watches the news all the time unless someone changes it
Dally can’t count how many times he’s broken his phone
Two-Bit orders DoorDash just so he can get beers delivered. He also has to buy any soda of pony’s he drank
(Not really a modern HC but it’s a HC) Ponyboy actually HATES Pepsi, but he drinks it because people often buy it for him without asking what he wants. His favorite soda is actually Dr. Pepper, specifically the cherry flavored
Ponyboy used vapes instead of cigarettes to try and quit smoking. Steve was the one who found out and literally destroyed all of his vapes so that pone didn’t get sick
Sodapop uses instagram a LOT. He doesn’t have a huge following, less than pony has on TikTok, maybe around 5K followers? But he notices the pictures he posts with pony get LOTS of likes and views and he always gets so confused as to why
Johnny knows virtually every single TikTok dance known to man
Johnny and Ponyboy watch horror movies together (Johnny knows way to much about murder and scares everyone)
Ponyboy has a soft boy style while everyone else is literally leather jackets and jeans. He literally is the color in the gang
Two-Bit talks in TikTok language and that’s it. He will say stuff like “Chat” and “Cap” and Ponyboy is the only one who fully understands what he is even saying
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u-friend-or-ufo · 3 months
My Story
I do not want any witch hunt or harassment towards his family and friends when/if I reveal their username or their real name. I haven’t got a lot of screenshots of our messages. I do have some during the end of me talking to him and others. I may also delete the post to work on it more, with more screenshots if I can find them. Or, if I find this too overwhelming for me.
Also, if you have any suspicions on who this person is. Please don’t reblog this post with their username and/or their real name as I’m not ready to reveal it.
Throughout my teenage years to an young adult (14/15-19/20) I was in contact with someone who was in their 60s on Deviantart. As of yet, I’m not ready to reveal their username or their real name.
I started my own Deviantart account when I was 12/13, which is now deleted. For the first year I posted my cringe drawings and photos. During when I was 14/15, I started to Like The Beatles and the cartoon that they had back in the 60s and would favourite art and fanfictions of the band. That’s when I came across one of their drawings and posted a comment on it. I can’t remember who sent a note first. If you are not familiar with Deviantart, notes are like privet messages before the Chat function that Deviantart has now.       
At first it was fine, talking about The Beatles and different bands. Normal stuff for around a year like hello and how was your day.
During 2015 when I was 15/16, we got into an argument that got pretty bad. He asked me what year at school I was in and I said I was in year 11. He then replied with “Does that mean your 18?” I replied with No, I’m 16.”
He replied later with something along the line “We can’t talk anymore. Goodbye.” Again I don’t have any screenshots of our earlier notes. I was confused, why couldn’t we talk. Nothing was going in in a bad way. We argue about it. He blocked me, I blocked him. After a while we unblocked each other, apologized and continued on talking. This would happen a lot. We argue about something, he will bock me, sometimes deactivated his account only to reactivated, unblocked me and then apologise to me.
One time they told me that they had a dream about my trying on cute short dresses. I should have cut contact after he told me that. But I was an idiot and still talked to him.           
We talked on Messenger as well. He asked for pitchers of me. Not in the nude, nothing like that, just of my face. He said one time that he would get a tattoo of my face because I was so beautiful One time he asked for a picture of me and for a joke, I took and sent him a picture of one of my stuffed toys. He got mad at me for doing it and I apologies for the joke. I don’t have any screenshots of these messages, I’ve looked for them but can’t due to them deleting their Facebook.
We also did roplays together. Just silly Beatles roplays that involves some ocs of mine. However, some of the rolpays did involve some fetishes and kinks that I didn’t find sexual. So did some of the art work that they draw for me. Now, I don’t kink shame. If you got a kink or a fetish, then that’s fine. As long as you don’t push it on to other people who find it uncomfortable. Especially onto minors, even if they do have it.
Just after my 17 birthday, somehow one of the staff at the collage that I was attending at the time found out that I was talking to him. I do believe that one or two of my collage friends told them about us. I do remember one of them looking at my computer screen time.  They brought me into a room and asked me some questions. “When did you first start talking?” “Has he ever asked for sexual images of you?” One thing that they said did baffle me a bit. “Well, you are over the age of 13. This person isn’t a paedophile. Do you know what grooming is?”
They phoned my parents and I was allowed to leave early. My parents told me not to talk to them privately but I still can post comments on their art work. But I went behind their backs and still talked to them privately on Deviantart and Messenger.
I was pissed at them for telling the collage staff. I didn’t know who actually told them but I had my suppositions. One of these friends was 24 at the time, we meet in collage when I was 16. The friend group that they were in took me under their wing and we became friends. However, as time went by they wanted to be in a relationship with me. But that story is for another time when I’m ready to talk about it.          
When my parents found out that I was still talking to him after some months passed, they were so mad at me. Screaming at me, reducing me to tears. But after all of that, I still continued to talk with him behind my parents back. Being more secret about it and deleting our privet notes together. And, using other platforms like Tumblr and Twitter. That’s one thing I deeply regret, deleting all of our notes beside some last ones that they sent me before I cut him off.
One of his conversations with me was how I saved him from suicide by being there for him, talking to him. I was there for him when we would rant about politics and other Deviantart users. The fact that we lived in different countries, me living in the UK and him living in America. I would have late nights talking to him and roplaying as well. I would end the night by saying.” I’m going to sleep now, talk to you tomorrow.” And if I didn’t say goodnight to him, he would get mad. 
Another time he asked me to marry him, I was 17 at that time… Again, I wish I kept the notes…I was an absolute idiot for deleting them. When he asked me, I was out with my family and the phone I was using had terrible internet connection with the place that I was in. I didn’t reply straight away, I was shocked… I didn’t know what to say. I moved somewhere else away from my parents when he massage again. I do slightly remember what the message said.
“I’m waiting for the answerJ”
And like the fool I was… I said yes…That I will marry him… I didn’t want another augment to happen or them hurting/committing suicide . He was so happy… This was a man in his 60s, he was married, had children and even had grandchildren… 
In 2019 when I was 19/20, we had one last argument then I block him permanently after that because I have had enough of his threats and the way he was treating me. I then deleted my main account later on. I can’t remember if I deleted it in 2019 or 2020.
The argument was about me having an interest into Wicca and them finding out that I was in a relationship with my third ex-boyfriend.
Below are some screen shots of the notes that I kept from 2019. His username and mine are blocked out, as well as other personal information.
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After some time he also deleted his main account but then crated a new one, uploading some if his old drawings.
Other screenshots
This one is from an email that they sent me during 2017. They had some suspicions that I was in a relationship and we had another augment about it. I lied to him and said that I wasn’t in one so that the argument wouldn’t continue.
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These messengers are from Tumblr. I must have forgotten to block him on their. I sent him this message to him to him in 2020. I don't have a screenshot of the messages but here is it typed out.
What you have done could be consider as grooming. However, I do not think that was your intention or that you are a podophile. I believe that I appeared in your life when you was in a bad mind state and somehow have helped you. You did tell me that I saved you from suicide once. The reason why I left was the way you was talking and behaving towards me. You did not like the fact that I had a boyfriend at the time who you called a "fag" You didn't like me not talking to you for a day.
I don't know if your lgbtq+ views have change or not. I am Asexual, witch I have told you before. I am also questioning Bi-curious. You have your own opinions witch is fine but they have hurt me.
You called me a devil worshiper for having an interested in Wicca. For some clarification, Wicca is an Religion witch has nothing to do with the Christian devil. I did explain that to you but you didn't listen.
You threatened to hurt yourself and kill yourself if I left or didn't agree with you. How did you think I felt when you said theses things to me? What was your intentions?
I am sorry that you suffered from a stroke and I wish that you will have a full recovery. I don't know if you will see this message as well if you will reply to it. All I want is us the move on.
In 2022 he replied to the message.
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Last year in 2023 I found out that this person passed away. I don't think I will ever forget his name so out of curiosity, I Googled his real name and found his Obituary. I couldn't believe it at first. I just stared blankly at the computer screen, my mind racing with thoughts. I couldn’t believe it at first that he was gone.
And that’s my history with this person. Again, I’m not ready to reveal their username or their real name. Not even my parents, my ex-boyfriend at the time when we was together fully knows what happened. Only my closest friends know and I’m so thankful for them taking the time for listening to me.
What I’m still conflicted on is dose this count as grooming? I do believe that used me as their own personal therapist but there is non-sexual grooming. I feel like an idiot for not cutting contact when red flags started showing up. That I blamed myself for getting in this situation. But another part of me says that this isn’t grooming. Other people have had it way much worse than you. You’re blowing this way out proportion.
I’m also worried about the outcome of telling my story. That people will say “Why didn’t you listen to your parents?” “Why didn’t you get the police involved?” “Why tell your story now?” Those are all valid criticisms. I just wanted to get this out of my chest. Again, I may also delete the post to work on it more, with more screenshots if I can find them. Or, if I find this too overwhelming for me.    
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hillbillyoracle · 1 year
Quick wins if you don't like your relationship with screens:
Get rid of recommendations and feeds - there's lots of extensions to block Facebook and Twitter feeds, as well as YouTube recommendations. Purge your YouTube Subscriptions and only select videos from your subscriptions or what you seek out in your search bar. Don't use these on mobile where taking the feed out is not natively available.
Adopt alternative messengers - Look for messengers that don't use your data to show you ads. Skip Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok messages. Signal is the classic but if that's not your style there are many others. Want a letter writing like experience without the postage? Try SLOWLY.
Create a social email account or organize your current email to show you more social emails - social emails are emails that were personally written to you specifically from people you know. I get it, you don't want to give your phone number out to people and if you quit social media what would you give them? Your email. Depending on what email you're using there's lots of tutorials on how to get social emails in their own box or tab so you can find them easily. Declutter your email (newsletters especially) so you can more easily use it as a tool.
Consider leaving or putting strict limits on apps with no user controls over your feeds - I'm talking TikTok and Instagram here. Don't want to leave, that's fine. But take a break. See how you feel. Still not wanting to leave. That's cool. Consider setting an app timer and giving someone else the password. Given that there's no way to build in a stopping point in these apps and they're primarily mobile which make user modification dicey - you need a hard limit some how. But seriously consider passing on it.
Consider a custom phone UI (Android Phones) - there a many apps out there that let you alter your phone to be visually less distracting. I use minimalist phone but there are others. Some cost up front but the customization is simple and effective.
None of this will ultimately fix the issue. To be clear. That's not the goal. The goal is to give you enough of a break that you start to see social media for what it is a little more, make it less appealing. So this is not one of those "just turn off notifications and turn your phone to greyscale" posts. It's more of a life raft to help you keep your head above water.
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fairy-forever · 2 months
belle àme
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the owner of this account extends a cordial welcome to all of you and politely requests that you take some time to read this carefully and comprehend it.
feel free to call me whatever nickname makes you feel more at ease. however, i will not tolerate offensive nicknames.
take heed
in order to prevent future problems and misunderstandings, i kindly ask for your patience since this may take a few minutes to read.
i. i’m not excellent at handling conversation. i occasionally take a long time to reply, either i’m caught up or i’m not sure how to continue.
ii. i always check my friends on facebook to see if it has decreased or not. i unfriend immediately if you don’t interact.
iii. i really appreciate those people who understand my unresponsive days. i have this phase of my life where i am distant to everyone, i don't talk to people nor reply to their messages.
iv. as the admin is a busy person and not constantly on messenger, you can still message her, and she’ll try to answer your questions or address your concerns right away.
v. if you detest the operator, you have the option to unfriend, unfollow, or block this account.
vi. while approving friend requests, the admin takes extra precautions. she will not approve accounts that still use fancy typefaces, are on hiatus, or are just partially on hiatus.
vii. the operator doesn't like it when someone ask her personal info or anything she'll get uncomfortable with.
vii. never hesitate to comment on my posts whenever you feel like interacting with me. i don’t see anyone as “feeling close” comment on my status and we’re already besties.
ix. when i compliment you, when i offer you help, when i respond to you, i meant that nicely. my gestures are not open for interpretation when they are more acts of being nice.
x. i maybe have the purest heart but once i am done giving chances and receiving apologies from someone who doesn't have an intention in changing their behavior, then sorry to tell you this. we're done, i'm done with your manipulative actions.
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˚࿔ Beloved 𝜗𝜚˚⋆
delancy. sean. aaron. aphaea. yanna. kizhi tqin. mirae gou. raven. kiev. phoenix. kierra. celene. mowyja. arth. tatiana. auryelia. kendreus. thadeus. greníelka. lindsey. vhei. luis. sevitrius. flamerina. bryle wu. yohan lhs. irein. aeone. teejin. evander. lavelle. yori. clyden. yohan. fraidenzk. qvar. juno. kaverain. xyko. fræncheszka. jheychiele. paisley. timotheus. naei. abaddōn. giselle yang. caly. sol. thírdy.
xoxo, leasy.
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So, I just had something tense going on.  Maybe I worked myself up beyond necessary.  A dear friend of mine on Facebook - we have yet to meet in person, but we know each other’s real names and have exchanged snail-mail (she’s bought some artwork from me and she’s sent me crafting supplies out of her surplus and little gifts for me during periods when I was feeling down) was saying some very disturbing things that I caught.   Like, I’m looking at my feed and see “Goodbye, cruel world.”   She’s not one to joke about stuff like that.  I looked at her page and something I’d missed was a post about how a medication wasn’t working right for her, was making things wonky.  She’s diabetic and has some other health issues and apparently a new medication she was put on was giving her a rare and dangerous side-effect.  Her messages were such that I did not know if she was so pissed off at her health that she was thinking of just ending it or if she was having a medication and/or diabetic reaction and was essentially letting her online friends know that she was dying.  I assumed the latter, but I did not know if she had anyone with her to help her out.   Cue me trying to get ahold of mutual online friends, frantically looking through old mail packages (a box I use for storage she sent me) to try to find her address, finding it finally on an email search, asking my partner something I didn’t know “Can you call 911 on someone not in your state?”  and finding out that I actually could, it just takes some transfer.   My friend turned out to be okay.  Emergency folk showing up at her door scared the Hell out of her husband (I did not know if he was home, you see, I was going by scary and cryptic Facebook posts).  She was just having an issue with her medication that balanced out.   She was glad to have some random online friend care enough for her to worry like that.  She hailed me on Messenger and explained everything.  And now we’ve set up for when we have a couple of days off next week to actually visit and hang out / see each other in person finally / finally let me pet the cat she posts pictures of which is the most gorgeous cat in the universe / maybe see the Barbie movie if either of us don’t get to it in the meantime.  Anyway, why am I sharing this?   It’s giving me a bit of a flashback to 2 years ago when I was having a very rough time and thought I had friends in this particular fandom.  I had known / chatted with people for about 3 years and though we’d met in Spop fandom and in a subfandom thereof, but many of us shared personal things together and I thought I had actual friends - online friends based on one mutual interest - but friends, nonetheless.  Some things went wrong with me and some of them, misunderstandings, me overreacting, some symptoms of my known mental illness coming into play (not that it excuses my bad choices), but pretty soon, I found even the people who were trying to stick by me were dumping me, either because of me getting to be too much of a pain or because some of the popular people in the fandom at the time said “Jump!” and they said “how high?” - I had even people I’d barely interacted with on a blocking / shunning / gossping campaign around tumblr.  The most hurtful thing about it was that people who I had become, what I thought, really good, personal friends with just let me go, too, when I was saying some blatantly suicidal stuff online.   I understand people who barely knew me going “not gonna touch that dumpster fire” but with people who seemed to care about me / told me they cared about me... the abandonment hurt.   Now, I never expected anyone to go out of their way for me.  People on tumblr don’t know my real name or address.  There’s no way to call emergency services on me or anyone with “just a fandom name, just a big website.” There were one or two people I had shared my Facebook with just in case something happened with me so they could contact my family / closer friends.  But, even that... yeah, just straight up abandonment and approval given to someone who was spreading the idea that I was “faking it.”  (I wasn’t and I have hospital records to prove it, not that I’d post those online).  However, the thing that I thought I could expect from friends, some of whom I was starting to consider deeper than just-fandom-friends was some kind of “please call 911″ message given to me, or a posting of a hotline number to remind me that it existed / to let me know that I was cared for as a human being - Even if some people had to block me because I was going off the rails and their own mental health couldn’t take it, I expected some kind of basic “we want you to get help” from friends rather than “Figure it out on your own!” and “stop crying wolf!”   I suppose some people get a deer in the headlights reaction to these things and go into denial.  Believing that someone is not in danger is easier, but... I found out who my real friends were, I’ll put it that way.   And ever since, I’ve kept a bit of distance in regards to making friends in this fandom.  (Even if I wind up talking with you about deep stuff, I’m not going to trust you like, say - that crafting / art friend talked about above that I met on a left-ish politics-forum and then started talking about cats with).   This is deeply personal.  I’m surprised you read this far if you did.  I’d ask people not to spread this / encourage dogpiling from my former friends, but, it’s the Internet, so what are ya gonna do?  I don’t care anymore about any of that, or them. If people get their rocks off complaining about someone by name they haven’t talked to or about in 2 years, who am I to judge?  I have a lot of people blocked.  Meh, just wanted this off my chest.  
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minnesotadruids · 2 years
Do you use any other 🥝 rms of social media? Just wondering how long you have been on Tumblr and if this is your primary choice for social media, why? What does Tumblr give you that other places do not?
Short answer: For me, Tumblr seems to be the platform that is the least inconvenient. 
All social media sites seem to have some sort of baggage, particularly in the way each one handles its own policies for sure, but also in a number of different aspects as well. Facebook: Oakdale Grove has a Page [here] where I post photos and ritual event listings. Despite Facebook being a bustling megalopolis, my page doesn’t see that much traffic. In fact as of today it has 620 follows since 2012. I really dislike the feature of “invite John Doe to like your page,” it’s just smarmy. Facebook buries or removes all the best features to the point that I just post less and less so that I don’t have to deal with the hassle. I lost a lot of trust in Facebook in the 2014 News Feed Experiment, and I decreased my activity there in general thereafter. I also deleted the Facebook and Messenger apps from my phone because of feature creep and my custom settings getting reset with each update.
Instagram: I’ve never wanted an Instagram page. Pretty much all social media sites compress uploaded image files to take up less server space, but Instagram seems to downscale photos the most aggressively. Aside from that it’s really just not my thing. Every now and then I consider just signing up and getting started, but whenever I do, someone somewhere on the internet is griping about what they hate about Instagram, and it's always something different. It just reminds me of why I don't want to go near it.
Pinterest: Is Pinterest even a social media platform? It either needs to just go away or at least not be indexed by search engines. Do a search for "why I hate Pinterest" and the millions of search results are pretty much how I feel about the site. It’s basically imagery that lacks meaningful context.
Twitter: Microblogging is fun and effective for very short bits of information without being in your face (like TikTok). Among social media platforms, this is where I have my smallest following. Nevertheless, some people have found Oakdale Grove through this platform alone, so I keep using it.
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Google Plus: Well it’s dead and gone, but it never was a social media powerhouse. I had a Plus page on druidry but pretty much abandoned it in under a year.
YouTube: This was once quite a social media haven. It was never perfect, but YouTube has fallen from grace repeatedly. Until 2011 or so, you could add users as friends, messaging was also easier then, and you also once had the power to delete subscribers that you didn’t want, including dead accounts. These days you can only block users you don’t like, but they can still subscribe to you. There’s also the latest YouTube policy enforcement fiasco which demonstrates that they are permitting hate speech to continue. I have several videos partially edited, but have just no drive to complete them.
TikTok: OMG this is a plague upon us all! I have friends who try to send me TikTok videos. Half of the time the thumbnail does not match up with the video that actually starts playing. And for some reason TikTok seems universally loud. It's social media ADHD on meth. As far as I can tell there is no way to mute videos, and no playback control other than pause. If a video doesn't loop, it loads and plays the next one, and I just want to take some ibuprofen for it. I managed to block TikTok in my computer's web browser and deleted the app from my phone months ago, so I can live in peace until someone starts streaming it in public. To be honest, I was really looking forward to the failed TikTok ban a few years ago.
Overall, I really like the things you can do on the site. That said, Tumblr really shot themselves in the foot in December 2018. Tumblr had ample opportunity to purge just the porn bots, Nazis, and pedophiles, yet they haphazardly went after the whole NSFW community. A lot of regular Tumblr users left in protest after that, too. I’m still getting followed, liked, and reblogged by porn bots, and I have them to thank for reaching 1600 followers over the past few months. Bots aside, ultimately I feel that I do get a better response here than on other platforms.
As it pertains to Druidry, I created my blog on Tumblr in 2015 because of the lack of representation of druidry. The Witchblr community is huge here in my opinion, but there is far more gaming content in terms of the search tag Druid. The search results churn up almost exclusively role playing content such as D&D, World of Warcraft, and related fan art. That’s nice for the gaming community, but they have a disproportionate monopoly of content under the #Druid tag. Druidry and Druidism yield more relevant search results in terms of spirituality and paganism, but spiritual druidry is still not that well represented here. We are a fraction of a fraction.
Tumblr is also most popular among Millennials and Generation Z. The demographics of druidry are shifting, but I’ve heard (by hearsay) that most people tend to find druidry in their 40s or later, and that many of them didn’t even know it existed beforehand. As a mostly typical Millennial myself, and as someone who dove into druidry back at age 20, Tumblr seemed like a good place to set up a blog where I could help other young adults discover druidry, too. There have been plenty of times where older practitioners of druidry have said “I wish I would have found druidism sooner” or something to that effect. 
So that’s part of why I’m here, to help others gain in Awareness, and to help them discover something potentially meaningful while they’re still in their prime.
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londonandrewsandme · 1 month
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So, let’s look at catfishing logically and the reasons that my catfisher was London Andrews in a logically way. Catfishing is the creation of a false online personality to deliberately make friends with, influence and manipulate someone, to achieve whatever ends the catfisher wants.
The Naturist Lady account appears on MeWe (it is important that it is the MeWe platform) in 2021. She does not claim to be London, but a friend of London. That she is the wife of a couple who are in an open shared sexual relationship with London Andrews and London’s husband. She says that some of the OnlyFans video’s are of her husband having sex with London, because they of a similar build. But, he wears a tee-shirt because he doesn’t have a tattoo. And suddenly I start to think that a lot of videos lately, the guy you thought of London’s husband, was wearing a tee-shirt.
Plus, she provided evidence. Photos I had never seen before. Now this has an impact, I start believing. But this is why it had to be on MeWe. Because MeWe has the facility to send a photo on its chat/messenger section, that is only visible for a matter of seconds, then they self-delete !
Naturist Lady was sending me these self-deleting photos. This was how she provided private evidence. Photos I had never seen before, photos of London having sex, or at home. Photos that were not on OnlyFans or Patreon or Instagram or Tumblr or FaceBook !
And Naturist Lady was telling me the story of what was going on. Wonderful, enticing, seducing tales of her love life with her husband, with London’s husband, with her and both husbands. And between her and London or what London and her had done with one of the husbands or even all four of them together. And the trivial of her life and what was happening between when she visited the sanctuary and helped with the animals and then had more amazing sex. Incredible. And I really wanted to believe this. Wouldn’t you ? (I may share some of them later. With screenshots as proof that I am not making this up.)
But this first couple of months was just setting scene, as it were. Then Naturist Lady turned her attention to me. And given what had happened before and the conversations we had had, she knew what to do and that the door was wide open. I fell for the catfishing hook line and sinker. I now believe the term for what she did is ‘love bombing’. Naturist Lady was saying she wanted to include me and my wife in their group. Note that before Covid, my wife and I were due to retire very soon and had always planned a retirement tour of the USA. This pre-dates our friendship with London and then when London and her husband had moved into the farm sanctuary, London had said that we must come and visit and she would put us up at the farm, when we were visiting Seattle during this tour. Covid messed up our plans, like it messed up so much for so many.
Anyway, for various reasons that I will cover later, I began to suspect things with the Naturist Lady account. When I challenged her on MeWe in the summer of 2021, I got blocked from the London Andrews MeWe account. Think about this. This is 2021 and I argue with Naturist Lady, who says she isn’t London, but I get blocked from the London Andrews MeWe account that had been dormant since 2019 (one of the reason I started the London Andrews Project). Just work that one out for me please ?
So, this now confirms my suspicions the Naturist Lady account is run by London Andrews !
Just a quick recap on catfishing logic. It is the creation of a fake online persona to influence and manipulate, to play games emotionally and mentally with the victim. Someone had created the Naturist Lady account, Who? Some third party ? Naturist Lady had claimed to be a friend of London’s to gain my trust. I would never have believed anyone who contacted me claiming to be London on a new account...and believe me, back then this was a regular occurrence. So, I have challenged this catfisher, not by calling them out as some third party, lying and playing a nasty game with me. That everything was totally false and the whole thing was made up. No, I have just told this catfisher that they are London Andrews !
In catfishing terms, I have just given them the keys to the kingdom – my kingdom.
Because if Naturist Lady had been another person, a third party, all they had to do was say that they were London, then they could have taken their catfishing to a whole new level. That is the logic of catfishing.
Logically, if the catfisher was not London and was some malicious person, a third party, playing nasty games with me and they had spent the last six months pretending to be a friend of London, providing me with evidence to convince me this is the case. Working hard to suck me in and get me to believe the stories I have been told. And think about what I am saying ? I am not rejecting the events, I am not saying that all this is lies. I’m not saying that I am being catfished by someone else. I’m not challenge them that they are a third party, some unknown person.
I am saying that *YOU* (the catfisher) are London Andrews herself. A woman I have followed for years and care about immensely : and the catfisher knows all about this because they got me to open up about what London means to me. Imagine the scenario, the one posted by London and her trolls last year, that the catfishing MeWe account, Naturist Lady was just, “Some sad guy in a backroom, just like you.” Imagine giving this, “ some sad guy”, this golden opportunity ?
All they would have to say is, ‘Yes, I’m London.’ They would have to make up some sort of apology, some sort of excuse. But , given what they had done, the effort and work that they had put in already, why miss this chance to to take the catfishing to a whole new level.
‘Yes, I’m London, sorry, but let’s talk now, just you and me.’
What an opportunity for them to sucker me more and win the gold medal for catfishing.
This is the logic of catfishing.
But this is exactly what she did not do !
More soon
#londonandrews #londonandrewsmodel #beauty #sexy #beautiful #bbw #curvy #busty #voluptuous #glamour #kinky #curvymodel #photography #art #lingerie #erotica #model #onlyfans #patreon
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smartupworld · 3 months
how do you unblock someone on messenger edit
There are two ways to unblock someone on Messenger, depending on whether you’re using the Facebook website or the Messenger app: Unblocking on Facebook Website: Go to https://www.messenger.com/ and log in to your account. Click the Messenger icon in the top right corner of the screen. In the Messenger menu, click on the three dots menu for settings. Select Block settings. Click on Edit next to…
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askanonbinary · 4 months
Hi there!
Recently I tried to reach out to someone I used to know quite well on Facebook after they posted something transphobic/anti non-binary. I did this politely over Messenger and just talked a little bit about my opinion and my experience (I'm not trans/nb but I am aroace and was trying to explain to them how it feels to not have a word for how you feel). We messaged back and forth a couple of times but they were extremely transphobic in their replies and very angry at me for sending them a message about it in the first place. I messaged them initially in the hopes that I could reason a little with them, but I might have just made them more angry in the long run. My question is: should I have just left it alone in the first place? I don't want to make it harder on trans and nb people because I thought it was right for me to intervene.
Thank you!!
; there isn't much you could've done really, some people are simply set in their opinions and refuse to see anything differently. It's kind of you to try speaking up against such people, but I wouldn't recommend doing it day in and day out, it's tiring and will most likely always give a negative response. I think you weren't wrong for messaging them, but next time you should simply block the user and ignore them, they're not worth your time and energy. And any trans / non-binary individuals ( or anyone a part of the LGBTQIA+ really ) should do the same. As painful as it is to know there are people out there so hateful and willingly ignorant, interacting with them almost always makes the situation worse.
; so you're not necessarily in the wrong, but next time it's usually best to simply block and ignore such people. Although your thoughtfulnes is appreciated, even if it did little to reason with them ! I wouldn't overthink it. ( there is always a chance closer friends / different people would be willing to listen .. But if you aren't 100% sure then again, not interacting is usually for the best ! :] )
- sincerely, Mod Xela
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ozma914 · 4 months
This Project Seems Haunted
 I want to apologize again for how slow I've been with the Haunted Noble County, Indiana  project. I've collected most of the photos and written half the manuscript, but haven't been getting back to people about their individual tales as I should.
It's the same old story, to an extent: injuries, sickness, death, Covid, chores I couldn't put off. Basically everything except writer's block, and at least that hasn't been a problem. In addition, I hadn't anticipated how much time all the research would take. I've done this before, with Images of America: Albion and Noble County. But while history research gets time consuming, extra digging is required when it comes to the supernatural.
Not literally. Well, not usually.
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There's also the fact that I'm an introvert, or suffer from social anxiety, or whatever the kids are calling it these days. Among other things, I hate talking on the phone. Do you know what I do for a living?
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Yeah, I talk on the phone and radio for 12 hours a day. For thirty years.
I know what you're thinking: Why does someone who hates talking do it for a living?
It's because I used to work in factories, and also in the service industry. That's why.
I get off my night shift not only tired, but seriously stressed (which is not uncommon for dispatchers, overall). The last thing I want to do is talk on the phone, or be otherwise social. Between that and my weird schedule, I have real difficulty picking up the phone.
That's the long winded reason why I'm so far behind in calling people about this project. It's also why I much prefer talking about it by e-mail or messenger, and have difficulty finding a time to talk when either I or the other person isn't asleep.
So ... I'm sorry. My deadline is looming, so I'm back on the horse and working, and I will call the people I promised to. I hope the rest of you will contact me online, especially if I forgot about you, which after so many months is possible. I want to make this as good a book as I can, but man--it's been a slog. And that's not the fault of the material!
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It's possible I won't have time to track down all the details, or include all the stories, especially if the details are nebulous. I mean, the photo above is pretty spooky, but there's no actual supernatural event behind it! But I'll do my best.
Amazon:  https://www.amazon.com/-/e/B0058CL6OO
Barnes & Noble:  https://www.barnesandnoble.com/s/"Mark R Hunter"
Goodreads:  https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/4898846.Mark_R_Hunter
Blog: https://markrhunter.blogspot.com/
Website: http://www.markrhunter.com/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ozma914/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MarkRHunter914
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/markrhunter/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/MarkRHunter
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@MarkRHunter
Substack:  https://substack.com/@markrhunter
Tumblr:  https://www.tumblr.com/ozma914
Remember: Keep plenty of books around for ghosts to throw off the shelves.
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nonlethal2 · 5 months
Well, last night on Instagram, I unfollowed/unfriended Kerr. After I did it, it felt like heartbreak all over again. Looking back, I don't know why it hurt so much being that he was still the same jerk he has become. Plus, why should I give access to a person who just tries to tear me down. I don't view him as a friend. I don't think he knows the meaning of being someone's friend. This all started when he I didn't know tracked me down on Instagram. He is and will always be blocked on Facebook.  He sent me a friend request, which I ignored. He took the request back. He sent another one, which I don't know why but accepted. Then, on Messenger on Instagram, he was back playing games like changing the theme to Willy Wonka and sending emojis. I didn't change it or acknowledge it. Then this was around the time Dave was in the hospital dealing with his foot and infection.  Kerr changed the theme to Winter Wonder Land. It has snow and a snowman on the background, which I thought was adoreable. I sent a heart emoji. Then Allan told me he was suspended  at work.  Here, he refused to take a drug test, and if you refuse, they could fire you. So I messaged him to ask him why he didn't test. Of course, he couldn't just tell me. I was worried at first that the reason he didn't test was that he was taking steroids or he was sick and taking some medication he didn't want people to know about. All he said basically was that he was suspended until he decided if he could have his job back or if he was fired. He then told me that with him being suspended, he was getting paid to go to the gym. Plus, he had enough money that he didn't need to worry.
I finally got it out of him that the reason he didn't test was because he wasn't able to sleep and he went to the doctor who wouldn't do anything for him so he decided to smoke. That's why he didn't test and told management the reason. However management instead of firing him, gave him the opportunity to resign from what he said so if a new employer called them to get his work history they wouldn't be able to say the reason for him being fired.
So he went to work at Asda distribution center, which I told him he wouldn't be able to do because of how physically demanding it was. He did quit there and got another security guard job in some refuge hotel. Seemed pretty sketch to me.
Anyway, he started sending me memes, which felt like he was making fun of me. For the most part, I would ignore it or send memes to try and get under his skin. Then we started this back and forth of what a man is.
He sent me this meme that said this sandwich causes brain cancer. That I don't need to worry since I don't have a brain. I replied back great that you are safe. Now you can leave me alone. He said boo hoo. That my life would be empty without him. I told him no it wouldn't that I have friends with a lot in common. I told him to go harass his son, future daughter in law, his brother, Susie. He replied back triggered? I will do that.
Than he said Before I go
Another definition of a man is someone who doesn't raise there hands and hit a female
Another one is when your wife is getting fucked by Another man u do something about it
U will be in touch again
Like I said.u can't be without me.
I said back Not triggered. I don't need to waste time and energy on someone who always thinks he is right. Wants to hurt people. Yeah, and a definition of a man is to be there for someone in their time of need. To help them not continue to put them down and make them feel worthless. Not to play games by making comments on post. One minute blocking them, and the next sending friend request
I won't be in touch. You're the one who contacts me when no one else wants to bother with you. Just like you sending emails randomly.
Now this morning I go on Instagram and he has already sent me a friend request.  Are you serious??? I am suprised that he even noticed that I unfollowed him with all his gym following. 
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Be Careful of Fake Social Media Accounts
By Jarvis Johnson
Forbes.com stated that in 202, “Facebook banned over 1.3 Billion accounts in Three months to combat ‘Fake’ and ‘Harmful’ combat.” How does this affect us?  It can affect us in a number of ways.  FTC.gov (Federal Trade Commission’s official website) mentions, “Since 2021 over 2.7 Billion dollars have been lost to scams originating on Facebook.”  Those numbers were as of 2023 those numbers or no doubt much higher now.  
So how do we protect ourselves from scammers on Facebook?  It is best to only friend individuals that you know in real life.  Even in doing that it may be difficult sometimes.  People may pretend to be someone that you may know in order to get information from you and hack into your account.  We must still be vigilant in making sure that the account is a genuine account.  One way we can do this is call the person from a known number and make sure that is their account.  Do not do so through messenger. If the account has been hacked then the hackers have access to the messenger account as well.
If a person messages you and they speak to you in a manner that they usually wouldn’t, block that person immediately.  It is not the real individual. If a person mentions a ‘get rich quick scheme’ or ‘new government grant’, block them immediately. If the page only has one or two pictures of them and no post, unless you know for sure that the person has a new account, block them immediately and report it.  If the page has only weight loss ads  or tags the max people on each post, it is most likely a fake page as well.  
Another thing to be weary about is commenting on certain posts.  These posts may seem insignificant and just in fun, but if they ask you for certain private information they can use it to hack your page. Never answer these questions on post: mother’s maiden name, birthday, how many siblings you have, street you were born on, previous address, how many children you have, fathers full name, best friends name, first pet, and former school’s name etc. These can be used with other public information to reset your password and take over your account.  
If something seems off about the page or conversation it is better to be safe and block it or not friend it to begin with.  We don’t want to add to that 2.7 billion dollar figure.  We do not want to be a victim of a scam social media or otherwise.   
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bearpillowmonster · 9 months
I  was actually going to post something about this last night but events kept unfolding and changing the narrative so I’m going to break it down. Long story short, I fell for it. That’s right lads, I joined a dating site. 
So, I created an account without much interest involved, mainly curiosity and speculation. Came across a few good ones that I did reverse searches on only to find that they’re instagram profiles someone stole. I expected as much, oh well. But then I get a message to me, from a cute girl at that, and we start talking. Everything seemed to line up as far as her being real, I mean she had the name and face that matched her online presence. She even sent pictures that I wasn’t able to find. I weighed my options and decided I was willing to take the risk, I send her my number and-
Sign 1: Two numbers text me at the same time, the same thing. Oh, boy. I bring this up immediately and it’s kind of just shrugged off. The other one didn’t answer and I know the other was her, the number even looked legit, right area code, everything. We talk more and I see another number text me. 
Sign 2: I don’t give out my number and for it to be so close to this happening is either on the website’s messages being compromised or she isn’t who she says she is. I left this one alone with bringing it up, but internally, I start freaking out. This number said they were someone entirely different and just “had me in their contacts” ok, sure, they even sent a picture rerouted to- A popular tiktoker, ladies and gentlemen. They probably have people do this to them all the time. Gave them the chance to make a case- Block. 
I do some more research, check the dating profile again and wouldn’t you know it that her messages are gone. So, I start asking the girl questions pertaining to her Facebook. “You ever been here before?” not trying to set alarms for them just yet but I just wanted to trip them up and really, she passed. I ask about the messages thing and she wasn’t convinced, then she checked. At this point, I had already deleted my dating profile to just avoid further damage. She then tells me that the account got suspended. Huh, oh mee, oh my. I actually get on FB and message the real girl and am like “here’s the scoop, someone’s using your identity, blah, blah blah.” It says seen but there’s no way to really know if you’re not friends with them, I sent photo proof but whatever, I was getting over it, trying to dominate the situation. 
Okie-dokie, face-time me, that will settle this once and for all, you can’t very well agree when you know- She said ok...ok. She calls but nothing happened, like no voice, no video. “It didn’t work. Bad reception.” Same old song and dance. So, it’s time for the nail in the coffin, the final stroke, Facebook. If the Facebook is real and the two coincide then we have a match, I was disconnected at this point, I thought I’d be devastated in a way but I surprisingly sort of let my insane side take over, whatever game you play, I’m gonna play it back and I’m about to uproot your whole operation while I’m at it. You can’t claim not to have a Facebook when it’s right there, same face, same name and if you do, then friend me. Easy. “Ok, add me.” Huh? What is this, confidence? Ok?  Also, Messenger has a facetime that works better, at least imo.
Well, I already messaged her on my account except, I don’t use my real name on my account. So, I wasn’t sure how deep this was going to go, I thought about using one of my alts but for some reason FB doesn’t like that and just kept logging me back into my main, whatever, haven’t used those in forever anyway, I guess they’re lost now. So, I make a new profile with the information I have already given, no friends but hey, whatta you gonna do. I tell her I sent the request. It’s this morning and no add but I have some texts, yeah, from 4 in the morning, like wtf, so I ask what’s up with the Facebook. Nothing yet, will update with a new post if need be.
I slept maybe 4 hours total last night between this in my head, and I couldn’t breathe. Not having my pills has that gas that I was talking about mixed with the heat, I had the humidifier on, didn’t work. I turned it up. Nothing. I turned the fan on. Nothing. I turned the fan up. Nothing. Like come on! I can’t get comfortable. So I decided not to use too much effort with this like I was going to, I’ll leave it up to be balanced on its own accords. One of the weird things when we were talking is that she’d say “Good” a lot, even if it didn’t apply. A yes or no question, “Good”. Major red flag, as I’ve harassed these types of accounts before. Some so long that they changed people in between so one had no recollection of any conversation like it was a freaking program where they used the same dialogue. That time, I knew they weren’t real though. I was worried this would affect me and my shell because it took a long time for me to get to this point but then I shook hands with myself after feeling a job well done saying that i wont let this champion me, I have to champion it. I feel like I did everything right, there wasn’t a whole lot I could do to predict or prevent that under those circumstances. I’m normally very cautious with that stuff but I knew I also had to be more open in order to get it back. Whatever their goal was, I don’t really care, I shouldn’t care at least, there’s nothing to justify it, I didn't nose into it before I got permission, that Facebook was only after I started really suspecting something was wrong.
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facebooksupport1 · 1 year
A Complete Facebook Customer Service Guide
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Getting in touch with Facebook customer service has become increasingly frustrating and slow. This mostly happens when users don't know how to contact Meta and Facebook and state how to solve their issues.
But this can change if the users know the way to contact Facebook and resolve their problems. So today, find out the incredible ways of connecting with Facebook and fixing your problem.
Answering All the Questions About How to Contact Facebook Customer Service
Users ask various questions every day regarding Facebook and Meta. And I have collected all those questions and will answer them one by one.
So, buckle up and learn about the exclusive ways of contacting Facebook and resolving all your virtual problems.
1.   Can You Tell Me How To Talk To Someone At Facebook Customer Service?
You cannot talk to Facebook’s live agent through your Facebook App. However, you can go to Facebook’s Help Center and find solutions for the problems you’re facing.
Once you log into www.facebook.com/help, you will find various factors and solutions to their problems.
For example, if you click Facebook’s Login and Password option from Help Center, you will find various articles on protecting your Facebook password.
And by reading those articles, you can protect your Facebook ID and password.
But if you still want to talk to Facebook’s live user agent, you can DM Facebook on their social media. Their live agents are present there and can chat with you and solve your issue.
2.   Will a Live Person Chat With Me On Facebook?
You cannot find a live agent on Facebook if you're a regular user. However, if you own a Facebook business and advertise regularly on FB, you can access live chat support from the Facebook team.
And to access chat support, Here's all you have to do:
a.    Go to Meta's ecommerce store manager on your Facebook application through your messenger.
b.    After that, move to the Education section and followed by that, the Contact Chat Support option.
c.    Finally, choose your reason for contacting Facebook, write your personalized message and send the chat. A liver chat agent will soon join you.
 3.   Does Facebook Have Any Official Email ID?
Facebook or Meta does not have any official email address. However, they have various email addresses for users and advertisers.
Here are all the email addresses that you might need if you want to communicate with Facebook agents:
●     [email protected] for hacked or blocked account recovery.
●     [email protected] for removed content and suspended accounts.
●     [email protected] for monetary queries and status.
●     [email protected] for reporting accounts that have been bullying you
●     [email protected] for finding the data that Facebook has been using
●     [email protected] to learn the process of advertising on Facebook
●     [email protected] if someone steals your intellectual property.
●     [email protected] for reporting spam accounts.
 4.   Is There a Way to Get In Touch With Facebook If My Account Gets Hacked?
You can contact Facebook or Meta in various ways if your account gets hacked.
First of all, you can write an email and attach proof of how you found out about the hack.
Next, send this email to [email protected].
Or you can log into your Facebook account, go to the Settings option, and then go to the help centre.
Here you will find the ways to protect your FB id from hackers and a guide to changing your Facebook ID and password.
Finally, you can slide into Facebook’s Instagram’s official id and DM them to ask about a solution.
5.   Does Facebook Have a Live Support Chat?
Facebook has live chat support for business holders and advertisers. However, if you're a regular user, do you have to perish?
No! You can DM Facebook on Instagram, Twitter and other social media accounts and chat with their agents to solve all your troubles.
Here are the IDs that you must know about if you want to catch hold of a Facebook agent:
●     Instagram Account on Facebook
●     Twitter Account of Facebook
And if you want, you can also post a letter on Facebook. Here's the address:
 Meta Platform, Inc.
FAO: Privacy Operations
1601 Willow Road
Menlo Park. CA 94025, US
Concluding Words
If you know the way, connecting with Facebook customer service is not difficult at all. Moreover, Facebook's help centre is quite proactive; therefore, you'll receive assistance if your account protection is at stake.
So, surf the internet without worry. Best of Luck!
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mattspoetdepartment · 2 years
I’m here. Ask away😊-🐥
Well my sister use to “talk” to this guy but it was never anything. They literally talked like twice and then she blocked him (Backstory but this guy use to be our neighbor back when we were kids)
So idk if y’all know what messenger is? But it’s basically a dm for Facebook right? And I never use it but I had to download it so I could message someone about a car and I seen that said guy texted and said “hey” so I screenshotted it thinking it was funny since she always joked about how weird he was and stuff but she got mad
And I’m not the type of person who likes to be brought up in things or anything. But she literally messaged him going off about it. And I was like but did you even have to say anything? Like this is why I don’t tell you anything
And she goes “I had a right to know. He’s basically an ex”
Like girl you talked to him twice and he’s an ex? And how are you literally about to make it seem like I did something wrong??
Am I crazy or???
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dainty-lifestyle · 2 years
Friendship break-up
Ganon pala yon noh? Masakit pa din kahit ilang beses mo na ginawa or nangyari noon. Maybe it is just pride or maybe I just want to know if the friendship is worth it for them. The hardest thing about testing the waters is proving that you can drown and you don’t know how to swim up.
Let me share my thoughts and feelings because this has been eating me up since September 9, 2022.
Debi, I thought she would be my best friend forever, my constant, my Cristina Yang, my other person. . . Never pa ko nakahanap ng Nina at Marijelle sa buhay ko since makilala ko si Mawi. Akala ko sya na. This is the first time in two months na nakausap ko sya at natignan ko mukha nya. The only reason I had to eh dahil maghahandover ako ng pasyente sa HDU. The reason I stopped talking to her is because of what happened in Italy. It just build up during our vacation don. She stayed with us sa Rome kasama sila Ninang Be. We celebrated her birthday, we treated her sa restaurant. We were happy naman but I can see that she was grumpy. We went to Florence, bad mood na sya. Pabalang na sya sumagot. I think she was having convo with her mom, I just didn’t ask further kasi bad mood talaga sya. She was really spoiling our vacation kaya there was a point na I told her off na stop na muna kasi sayang naman yung bakasyon namin kung panget mood nya. Then we went to La Spezia and Cinque Terre, napapansin ko na the past few days na pabalang sya and disrespectful na sya sumagot. The tip of the iceberg was yung nacancel yung train namin sa La Spezia going back to Rome, she’s trying to catch her flight that same day, nung nasa may platform kami, may sinabe si Mawi and she said something na nabastusan ako sa pagsagot nya sa asawa ko. I think I blacked out sa sobrang galit but I was shouting I don’t know if sa kanya or kay Mawi but it was hazy na. Bumili sya ng train ticket nya mag-isa going to Pisa to catch another train to Rome pero di ako bumili for us ni Mawi. That’s my last sight of her in Italy.
She tried sending me a message I think after few days when nasa London na kami but instead of her usual, Dan message, she just said kung nasan ata ako or something, my last message to her is a single word na, Work, that’s how our final convo ended ever.
Then comes October 5, birthday dinner ni Julia. She came with another friend of ours, Clay. Akala ko magiging super close ko din to forever but lumabas ang totoo nyang kulay. If si Zeinab may Wilbert, this woman is my Wilbert. We had a long convo sa facebook messenger. All I want her to do is manggitna samin ni Debi pero ang sagot nya adult na daw kami. Dami na napuntahan ng usapan namin. If hindi ko kinonsider yung naging friendship namin, ang dami kong masasamang salita na kaya sabihin sa kanya pero gusto ko na lang matapos ang usapan. I wanted to move on and forget she ever existed, I deleted them on facebook and exited my self sa lahat ng facebook groups na magkakasama kami. She sent me a message saying “Ang toxic mo.””No wonder hindi ka nila niyaya before.” That’s the end of it. And I only replied, “Ah ganon. Aabot tayo sa ganon.” She blocked me and I don’t care. I don’t feel na maging last say sa conversation namin. I was hurtt not because of what she said but what she did. I told her one of the things that hurt me and she used it against me.
And here I will finalize it. I will never be friends with CLAY again.
I will never be friends with someone na gagamitin sakin ang mga kinuwento ko sa kanya. I will never trust her again. Ayoko na magalit sa kanya. Ayoko na may maramdaman na kahit ano. If I still feel mad kapag naaalala ko sya it means I still care. And I don’t want to care anymore. I want that conversation to end there. I still keep one picture of us on instagram just to remind myself of her. I want to look at our picture in Lake Como and remember that when we were there, the first red flag I tried to dismiss was there.
Let me tell the story yung sa Lake Como.
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Pumunta kami don for a day tour lang, three towns yon. Sa first town which is Como, hindi nya ko pinansin at all. Sobrang cold and awkward ng paligid. Ramdam ko na may something so di ko na lang din sya pinansin pero nasa group tour kaming apat including Mawi. Pinansin nya lang ako when we were having lunch and I just spoke with her like nothing happened. Then nung makabalik kami sa Milan, she said she was sorry kasi nainis daw sya sakin nung umaga kasi nung nasa may train station kami, nagsabe si Mawi ng gusto nya ng tubig pero sabi ko, wag na, sana dinala na lang nya kasi yung tumbler kasi. And nainis daw sya kasi gusto nya din bumili ng tubig. Sa isip ko naman, ang babaw, di naman din kita asawa para pigilan kung gusto mo ng bottled water. Mas pinili nya pa na i-spoil yung lakad namin dahil lang don. I shrugged it off. Di ako nagcomment. 
Red flag pala yon. Na in a snap kaya mo ko hindi kausapin kahit nasa travel tayo.
She said sorry to me nung nasa Milan. And I remember during our final convo sa fb, when I told her I was sorry if feeling nya nadamay lang sya samin ni Debi. She said she will not say she’s sorry because her sorry is precious. Edi okay, isaksak mo sa baga mo. OOPS! Ayoko magalit. Please Lord, help me remove my anger.
Sa puso ko during our convo sa fb, is mamagitan ka samin ni Debi. Ikaw ang magtulay para maging okay kami. Pero wala eh. I just proved na kaibigan ko lang pala sya dahil kay Debi. There was a part ng convo namin na sinasabe nya na hindi naman ganon si Debi. Kilala nya daw yon. Okay. Pinagtatanggol nya pa.
Wala pala talaga ko kaibigan sa inyong dalawa.
Recently, napanood ko yung halloween vlog ni Donnalyn Bartolome. Kasama nya si Zeinab at Jelai. First appearance ni Zeinab after ng issue ng pagsasabe nya ng sabaw kay Jelai pero friends pa din sila. Donna helped her na puntahan yung ibang nagkaron sya ng issue like Ivana and Alex. How lucky is Zeinab to have a friend like Donnalyn. At the back of my head, I silently hoped that Clay would be like Donna. But I shut down that thought, I should not feel anything anymore.
But then, I am writing this here.
Last time I opened my tumblr was January 28, 2016. When I was at the bottom... Nalampasan ko yung darkest days ko. I want to feel na may achievement ako because I feel a bit down because of this friendship thing. Nalampasan ko nga yon eh. Ano ba naman tong humps na to.
I lost a lot of friends. Some I don’t know how I lost. Some I chose to just end it talaga. Isa to sa pinili ko na end na.
But I somehow feel hopeful samin ni Debi.
I was hoping she would greet me on my birthday and we could patch things up. If only she would just say she was sorry on how she treated me or Mawi the past few days na magkakasasama kami non. How comfortable is she in disrespecting me, her friend. If dating sarili ko ang nakilala nila, I will make them cry with how hurtful I am with words. But I gave her the silent treatment. I somehow shared my feelings with Clay pero hindi kaibigan ang trato nya sakin. I know where I stand now. Debi doesn’t see my worth. Maybe I don’t see hers too. Maybe I’m just okay with old people in my life. Maybe nanghihinayang lang ako sa bond namin when I started here in London. Maybe if I change my environment this feeling will be gone.
Even if how I heard her voice kanina is mayabang na, matapang. Unlike when I first met her sa Mulberry, how people eat her up because she was shy and timid. Deep down, alam ko malaki naambag ko sa personality nya kahit magmatigas pa sya sa utak nya na it was all her, I know a part of me helped her. I liked the help I gave. Hindi ko yon isusumbat.
She didn’t bother asking me what went wrong, kung ano nangyare samin dalawa. It was all silent treatment na. Ganon lang natapos friendship namin. No one asked me about anything, even si Julia hindi sya nagtanong and she was there with us. No one cares because my personality is too strong. Not even Mawi. He never asked me how I feel, he just said he will support me sa pag-end ko nito. 
I have no friends. Back to zero dito sa London.
Malayo na pala narating ko. 
Madami na kong bansang napuntahan.
I made a lot of experiences and I ticked off a lot sa bucketlist ko na nasa utak ko lang naman.
I’m typing this at work, habang night shift ako. 0647H na. 
Sana mawala na yung hopeful feeling ko kay Debi, yung anger ko kay Clay. I don’t want to feel anything towards them.
I want to accept that it’s all done. Our friendship is over.
In 2023, I will be better.
I always thought I was a good friend. How come ang hirap magkaron ng kaibigan. Totoo pala sabi ng mommy ko, ang swerte nya nakilala nya si Ate Mau. I think she was 40 something na when they met. And she considered Ate Mau as her bestfriend until she died. 
Will I ever find my Mau? I just want a Cristina Yang.
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