#however you can't deny the romantic tension between them
yanderes-galore · 5 months
Hi if you do poly can I please request yandere Alastor and Charlie both fallen for the hotel new resident please , hcs if possible if not a Drabble would be fun to read 💗
I was sharing thoughts with @okchijt late at night since Hazbin is such a brainrot for me rn. So some of what I talk about, such as the dynamic between Darling and Alastor/Charlie, is from what I discussed with them.
I took my own creative liberties with this request... sorry if this isn't quite what you wanted :( LOVE THIS SHOW!
Yandere! Alastor + Charlie sharing a Darling
Pairing: Romantic/Platonic - Sharing (Alastor would be ambiguous due to Canon)
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Manipulation, Possessive/Protective behavior, Sadism, Degrading behavior/Ownership, Yanderes sharing, Stalking, Clingy behavior, Imprisonment, Forced companionship/relationship.
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So, the idea I came up with is this;
You're the new resident hoping to be redeemed, yes, but you have a past.
Somehow in someway... you have a deal with Alastor.
You were silently hoping that coming to the Hotel and being redeemed would free you.
Yet you end up coming face to face with Alastor the moment you enter.
Now, Charlie can be either intention with you.
Alastor... the way I intend to write Alastor is something dubious.
His intentions can't be read as exclusively platonic or romantic.
He has his own intentions... ones no one but himself can read.
(I will usually write him like this due to him being Asexual in canon... although according to research, even that has a range/spectrum)
As the new resident and a sinner, Charlie naturally wants to redeem you.
Although, she may not learn until later that Alastor has you on a leash like Husk.
If you aren't a soul claimed by Alastor before you enter the Hotel, you will be at some point.
Alastor has an idea of what your plan is... he doesn't like the idea of letting you out of his grasp.
In response, you're allowed to live and work at the Hotel... "for redemption".
Charlie is clueless at first of the tension between you and Alastor.
Although Husk would understand your issue... even if he isn't big on the whole redemption thing.
Just another pet meant to do tricks.
The two are complete opposites, even when they eventually start sharing.
Charlie is too nice for her own good and nearly smothers her obsession at times.
Alastor is, like I've said, mysterious.
You don't know what he wants exactly... but he owns you and your soul.
When Alastor sees Charlie's obsession towards you, he'd share to keep her happy.
In reality you are definitely still his... regardless on if Charlie wants to help you be "better".
Alastor is a reminder of who you once were... the result of a bet gone wrong... you can't scrub the past away that easily.
You're only in here because Alastor's allowing you, anyways.
Eventually Charlie will know of the dynamic between you and Alastor.
Especially if she sees him pull your chain.
The fact that one way or another you got under Alastor's grasp upsets Charlie at first.
But Alastor convinces her of the benefits.
Alastor knows Charlie couldn't dare see you go if you were redeemed.
Charlie goes to deny such a thought... but Alastor cuts her off.
He's seen how Charlie acts around you.
She follows you around like a puppy at times, always asking for your approval and clinging around you.
She loves you... be that as friends or something more twisted.
However... she won't have to worry about that if you just stay here.
That way, Alastor gets to keep your soul under his control... and Charlie gets to keep seeing you.
It's not like Heaven will let her visit.
Charlie may actually be won over by this... resulting in them "sharing" with each other.
It's yet another deal, you now being with "two" masters.
You feel betrayed that Charlie would choose not to redeem you just to keep you to herself.
Alastor merely stares you down with a smug aura, you can feel the chain around your neck even if he didn't manifest it.
No need for kidnapping in this situation, Alastor already has you in his control.
He can keep you in the Hotel with Charlie, even better since his role is playing protector of the place.
Yeah, no other Overlord is coming near you.
Charlie doesn't even like the idea of Alastor "owning" you... but it's better than someone else... hopefully.
At least with Alastor you're in the Hotel.
Your only "solace" is speaking with people like Husk or Angel Dust... at least they understand such a plight somewhat.
Charlie tries to regain your trust the best she can.
She feels horrible for Alastor essentially exposing her true desires.
She clings to you, crying and whimpering about you hating her.
You're sort of forced to comfort her as Vaggie glares at you if you don't.
A silent warning to play nice with the Princess.
Alastor finds all this amusing.
To think you had a chance at leaving?
Face it, outside of the Hotel isn't safe without him and Charlie.
Going to Heaven? Out of the question!
Alastor has eyes on you all the time... even if he didn't, Charlie certainly follows you around even if you don't know it.
You're bound to him.
Alastor's merely playing nice by allowing Charlie to have you.
It's all deals in Hell!
Unfortunately... deals define your life... as you learn the hard way once Heaven is torn from your grasp.
"What's wrong, darling? Upset your little plan didn't work the way you wanted it to?"
"Please! Please, I'm sorry! I just... love you too much to let you go to Heaven... you'll be happy and safe here... with me and Alastor! Okay? Don't look at me like that!"
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jae-bummer · 1 year
A Perfect Disaster
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Request: I'm heeere, lol Can I request 'Your bias confesses through text message while sitting next to you.' for Han (skz)?? It seems like something he'd totally do lol. Take your time, no rush or pressure, write it however/whenever/if you want :) <3
14) Your bias confesses through text message while sitting next to you.
Pairing: Stray Kids Han x Reader
Genre: Fluff
"Tonight's the night, fellas!" Han whispered to himself. Looking into the mirror, he started hopping around and shaking out his arms. "Tonight...everything is going to change."
"What's tonight?" Changbin asked.
Gasping, Han spun around and clutched at his chest. "Yah! Can't a man get a little privacy?!"
"The door was open," Changbin shrugged. He was carrying a bag of snacks and immediately popped what appeared to be a piece of popcorn into his mouth. In between bites, he asked again. "What's tonight though?"
Heaving a sigh, Han flopped backward onto his bed. "Don't say anything, but I'm going to confess to Y/N."
"You're going to confess to Y/N?!" Changbin shouted, his voice echoing down the hall. Han immediately cringed as he signaled with his hands for his member to tone it down.
"Who's confessing to Y/N?" a sleepy voice muttered behind Changbin. A few seconds later, a half awake Hyunjin stood wrapped in a blanket and reached into Changbin's snacks.
"Hannie!" Changbin grinned.
Scoffing, Han slumped on the bed again. "Tell him not to say anything and he shouts it to half of the building."
"Don't put your unrealistic expectations on me," Changbin chuckled. "Plus you should be excited! This is an exciting thing!"
"Maybe for you guys," Han grumbled. "I feel like I'm going to vomit."
"How are you going to do it?" Hyunjin asked. Entering the room, he crawled into bed beside Han and nestled in. "Is it going to be some kind of big romantic gesture?"
"No plan," Han hummed, shaking his head. "Just vibes."
"What the hell does that mean?" Hyunjin asked, furrowing his brows.
"It means there's at least an 80% chance that he's going to abort mission," Changbin smirked.
Hyunjin sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. "Hannie, I say this in the most loving way possible. Y/N is not going to wait for you forever."
"Wait for me?" Han asked, looking back and forth between his members. "What do you mean "wait for me"?"
"He means, Y/N has obviously had a crush on you for a while," Changbin said slowly.
"And you have been subconsciously denying it for about just as long," Hyunjin finished.
"You're telling me..." Han whispered. "I have a chance?"
Both of his members groaned as they looked away from him. "That is all you've gotten from this conversation!" Changbin yelled, slamming down his snacks.
"Should I have gotten more than that?" Han winced. "Because right now, it sounds like the most important part."
"Yes, dummy," Hyunjin muttered, slapping him on the arm. "You have a chance."
You adjusted your outfit as you stood at the door to the 3Racha (and Hyunjin) dorm. Han had already responded to your buzzer and knew you were in the building, so why was it so hard to actually knock?
The members of Stray Kids were your friends, you reasoned with yourself. There was no need to ever feel nervous or uncomfortable around them (in theory). Admittedly, you has partly blamed yourself for the recent shift in mood whenever you hung out together. It was becoming increasingly apparent that there was some sort of tension between you and Han. You knew other members saw it, but you weren't so sure that Han had ever realized it himself.
Taking a deep breath, you nodded, and lifted your closed fist again. Just as your fingers hovered before the door, it sprung open. Nearly punching Han in the face, you jumped back in surprise. Staring wide eyed at each other, you let out a small squeak.
"I was just about to come looking for you," Han said quickly. "It was taking you awhile and I got worried because you've been here like...a lot, so you shouldn't have been lost."
"Right," you whispered. You felt the heat of embarrassment begin to crawl up your neck. "I was...uh..."
Han lifted his brows, waiting.
"I'm really tired today," you nodded. Wracking your brain to come up with an appropriate fib was proving more difficult by the second. "So, I took it extra slow coming up the stairs."
"I thought I heard the elevator beep?" Han asked, looking confused toward the opposite end of the hall. "Is it out of service? Because that was like five minutes ago-"
"Totally out of service," you agreed.
To your horror, you heard the elevator ding behind you and the doors begin to slide open. Closing your eyes, you listened as heavy foot falls came toward you.
"Hyung?" Han said. The footsteps halted and you finally turned to see who it was.
"Hey Channie," you cringed.
"Don't look so happy to see me, Y/N!" Chan grinned, smacking you on the back. "Why are we standing awkwardly in the hallway?"
"Did they already fix the elevator?" Han asked, furrowing his brows.
"Fix the-" Chan said, shaking his head. "What do you-"
"Chan has an excellent point," you said quickly, taking each boy by the bicep. "Let's go inside."
Pushing the two in front of you, you allowed yourself to take a few deep breaths while they couldn't see.
"What are you two up to tonight?" Chan asked, popping off his sneakers.
Thankful for his change of subject, you followed by removing your own shoes.
"I was going to order some dinner in," Han said carefully, trying to make eye contact with the older member. "Maybe watch a movie."
"Sounds fun!" Chan nodded, still completely oblivious to Han's odd tone. "What are we getting? I've been really craving-"
"Chan!" Hyunjin gasped as he appeared from around the corner. Changbin wasn't far behind. "Changbin and I ordered chicken, do you want some?"
Chan looked confused as he looked to Hyunjin and back to Han. "But-"
"We really want you to come sit with us," Changbin said through barred teeth. He shot Chan with a knowing look before motioning in your direction with his eyes.
"You guys are being really weird right now," you said quietly. Of course, they were weird most of the time, but this was a new level.
"Yeah, just bring the chicken out here," Chan nodded. "I'm going to go wash up."
Leaning his head back in defeat, Hyunjin muttered something quietly to Changbin who shrugged in response.
"I guess we're having chicken," Han cringed.
Sat happily between Hyunjin and Han, you munched on your food. The conversation was relatively quiet for once, which should make sense considering everyone had food in their mouth. The unnerving part was that having food in their mouth had never stopped them from yelling at each other (disguised as conversation) before.
In your periphery, you could see Hyunjin lean backwards. After a moment, Han did the same. Looking curiously back and forth between the two, you attempted to focus on what they were saying. Whisper shouting too quickly for you to understand, both boys sprang forward before you could catch anything significant.
Glancing to Han, he smiled awkwardly back at you. He tugged out his phone and began typing furiously.
"So Y/N," Hyunjin said, catching your attention. "How have you been?"
"Fine?" you stated, narrowing your eyes at him. "What have you guys been up to lately?"
"Nothing much," Hyunjin nodded. He bit into his chicken before looking away.
"Can someone please tell me what is going on right now?" you whined. "Why is everyone walking around on eggshells?"
"Did someone break something?" Chan asked, looking up from his food. For once, he seemed completely ignorant to whatever shenanigans the other three had going on. "I told you guys, it's best to be upfront when you-"
"No one broke anything!" Changbin gasped. "Actually, I don't think anything is weird at all. Hyunjin, do you think anything is weird?"
"No, Changbin. Why would anything be weird?" Hyunjin hummed.
"Oh yeah, definitely throwing us off," Chan chuckled. "Perfectly normal behavior."
"Seriously," Changbin whined. Your phone began to vibrate as he continued to speak, but as you saw the name pop up on your screen, any attempt at paying attention was lost.
I'm sorry that things are awkward. You know that no one in this house knows how to be normal when there's a secret. The secret? I've planned all day to confess to you.
You breathed in sharply, covering your mouth with your hand. The white noise of chatter suddenly went silent around you.
I know that this could make our friendship weird and ruin everything...but I can't sit and daydream about what we could be for another moment. I don't want them to just be daydreams anymore, I want them to be real.
Slowly turning to Han, you couldn't help but smile at the shade of red his face has turned.
"He confessed in a text message, didn't he?" Hyunjin groaned.
"Would you mind giving us a moment?" Han snapped, pointedly looking at each member in turn.
"What is going on?" Chan asked, furrowing his brows.
"Come on," Hyunjin sighed, pulling Changbin to his feet. "We'll fill you in."
After they had left the room, Han intensely avoided eye contact. Gnawing on his lip, he looked pretty much everywhere that didn't put you in his line of sight.
"Hannie," you whispered. It was difficult to gauge how he was feeling when all of your own emotions were slamming into each other at once. Your brain had gone fuzzy around the edges and your heart may soar up and out of your throat at any moment. You had never felt dizzy, happy, and relieved all at the same time before.
Han slowly turned to face you. "I wanted to do something nicer..."
"Nicer?" you laughed. "Han, you just confessed to me!"
"Over text while my friends chewed on chicken bones!" he whined. "I had this whole plan to make it cute and special, but-"
"But now I have a text message that I can look back on as many times as I'd like and remember how you made me feel in this moment."
"I-well, what?" he stumbled, the frustration immediately falling from his face. "How I made you feel?"
"Mhm," you nodded. "I felt important, Hannie. Important enough for you to actually tell me how you felt. We had been dancing around...whatever this is between us for a while. It's such a relief to hear that you feel the same."
Gathering up his courage, Han reached over, and intertwined your fingers in his. After a moment of staring at your hands, a grin slowly made its way across his mouth. Finally looking into your eyes, he lifted your hands and placed a soft kiss to your wrist. You felt a flutter in your stomach as he maintained eye contact through the entire action. Setting it back down on his knee, he let out a slow exhale. "It wasn't a disaster then?"
"Oh, everything connected to you four is a disaster," you chuckled. "But it was the most perfect disaster I have ever been part of."
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Ghost x City Girl Reader
You and Ghost were trying to keep your little fling a secret from the team. Low-key. Private. For a while, that was working.
Drama, Sexual Tension, Jealousy, Break-Ups, Flirting, Banter, Reader smokes, Setting up future smut for the next part, this is about to turn from some nasty smut into something intimate and romantic, but not yet (ʃƪ˘ﻬ˘), i love a good toxic couple to actually healthy, functioning relationship where people grow pipeline
WC: 2.4k ~
Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Five
Please enjoy~ (✿˵•́ ૩•̀˵)৴♡*
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It's not often that Price asks Ghost about his personal life.
While he hadn't any explicit details, the Captain had been more than aware of his lieutenant's upbringing, alongside his work involving Roba. Had Ghost been a little older, Price was sure the lieutenant would have already matched him in grit and trauma. After all, life never was kind to men like them.
Because of that, Price had respected the man's privacy; it wasn't like he needed a full life story to see Ghost as both a respectable and reliable force of nature. In the Task Force, it's not your past which makes you who you are, it's what you do from here on out.
Actions speak louder than words.
So it's hard not to make comments and have a few questions, after Price has spent the last few hours watching his soldiers eyefuck each other all day. As they have been doing for nearly a month now.
"You and Spice..." The Captain cuts right to the chase, looking up at Ghost from his desk, his expression a cross between being concerned and curious. "Is there something up I should know about?"
Ghost groaned to himself, remaining still in front of Price. No doubt, he knew where this conversation was already going, even as he dreaded it in its entirety.
"...Wha's this about, Captain?"
Price chuckles, having found the answer he was looking for in that response right there. The Captain knows his men and he knows them well, even though Ghost might try and act like it's not true; the lieutenant had been no exception.
And if the Captain's own cunning hadn't been enough to tip him off already, then better yet, he now uses his head to gesture, "Your collar, Simon."
Ghost can't see it yet -- he's kicking himself in the ass mentality as the realization dawns on him -- but some of your lipstick (though barely in Regs on you) had smeared on the corner of his mask, leaving faint marks of the past lust-filled encounter he'd just had with you earlier this day. Left there and forgotten for the perusal of all his colleagues.
Who's to say how long that's been visible there. That would only explain the odd faces Soap and Gaz kept making toward him since returning from lunch. Ghost had merely thought the behaviors had just been the Sergeants' usual ogling natures. Clearly, he'd been mistaken.
The man can't bring himself to do anything other than straighten up and listen, now looking as defeated as he looked irritated. There'd be no lying his way out of this one.
"I'm talking to you about it because I know you'll give me a straight answer," Price admits, placing his pen down now and putting an end to his paperwork, so that he could fully face his subordinate.
No doubt, Price knew if he asked you about it, he'd only receive lies and half-truths. Ghost could be just as dishonest, though the Captain has found his shortness much more digestible. "If you two have something-"
"We don't."
Price can't help but let out a small chuckle at Ghost's quickness to deny that fact. "Right," he says. "Look, Simon, you're both adults. What you two choose to do outside of work is no one's business but your own..."
Ghost tries desperately not to tune Price's words out, however good-intended they were. This had all merely been obvious advice to him, and completely wasted at that, because nothing else was going on. Nothing at all.
Ghost had just been a pit stop on the road for you, and you had just been a minor distraction throughout the day that he ought to forget about already. That's how it looks. That's how it's been.
It didn't make the man's stomach turn any less rationalizing it that way.
At some point or another, Price had come to his conclusion, deep within the unprompted lecture.
"...I just need to know you can keep whatever's goin' on... discreet, yeah? Behind closed doors."
"It won't happen again," Ghost bluntly states.
"Ah," Price shrugs. "That's not-"
Price stops himself when he sees that the lieutenant won't budge. He hadn't been judging by any means. Believe it or not, the Captain had been the first one to come around to you before everyone else.
He always saw you as a troubled soul just needing some focus. And you make mistakes, ones you acknowledge, which the Captain has been more understanding about than you felt you deserved. He wouldn't judge the lieutenant's interest in you.
However, Ghost had already come to a conclusion even before stepping foot into this office; the thought of you and that other man had yet to leave the lieutenant's mind, even hours later.
Images of you kissing that strange man, that man that was not him, it hit him like hot flashes throughout the day, burning in him slowly every time he had to see you again. Between that and this, Ghost figured it'd be best for you both to quit now while you're ahead.
If the jig was up then let it be up for good, Ghost thought. He didn't need the complications anymore.
"Had that been all then, sir?" Ghost asks.
Price sighs, sinking back in his seat in casual defeat.
Alas, there had been another reason Price had been interested in prying into Simon's private life. So the Captain switches things back to an environment both men are comfortable in. Work.
"No," Price says. "There had been something else for you. An assignment."
"What's the mission?"
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The sun sets over the base.
A tangerine sky sits above with a peach-colored sun, and the summer air warming the evening. The day was coming to an end now, everyone clocking off so they could do it all over again tomorrow. You were standing in the parking lot with Gaz when Ghost finally found you.
You stood off by your car, a cigarette half gone through, perched between your two fingers, stained by your lipstick. Meanwhile, the Sergeant stood beside you, gabbing on about God knows what that had you laughing yourself to tears.
It doesn't take you long to notice the lieutenant approaching, and for those laughs to all but whittle away. You start to sniff the air, your nose scrunching as you groan unpleasurably. You turn to Gaz. "What's that smell?"
Your eyebrows furrow with disgust, nostrils continuing to smell the air around you, until your eyes have comically fallen onto Ghost's, who stands with mild bemusement a few feet away from you.
"Oh," you say. "It's just Manchester."
Oh ha ha, Ghost had thought. He'd have to remember to laugh in the future.
"Ouch," Gaz laughs himself now.
You turn your back to Ghost once you see he won't indulge you with a reaction, bringing your attention back to Gaz. Those you more or less used him as something to look at as you waited to hear what the lieutenant wanted.
"A word," Ghost says.
You chuckle like you didn't think he was serious. However, seeing as he hadn't budged, you groan, flicking your cigarette away and looking back over at Gaz.
And then, you rest your hand on the Sergeant's shoulder, letting your fingers graze him soothingly as you make your way over to follow the lieutenant. "Tell me more about it later," you purr.
Ghost didn't even want to ask.
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You admit, when Ghost pulled you into an empty room you thought you two were going for round two. While you hadn't been planning on it -- your crotch definitely still throbbing from your last interaction -- you had been more than down for another go at him.
However, fucking you had been the last thing on Ghost's mind. Well, not the last, but it wasn't the first.
He makes sure the door's shut behind him before turning his full attention to you. "You're getting sloppy," he points to the lipstick smear.
You giggle, bringing your hand to your mouth rather mockingly. You hadn't actually noticed that you left that there, though you wish you had. It was perfect. "Who saw?"
"Price," Ghost sighs. "Though I'm sure the entire team knows by now."
Now you've started laughing, which only seemed to further irritate the man, feeding more to your sick humor. It's no secret you like to sleep around, so it made no difference to you if people knew or not.
However, it had been a first on the team.
"Hey," you start to tease. "You should be proud. You bagged a baddie. That's worth some boasting, yeah?"
"Stop it," Ghost no longer felt interested in trading banter with you anymore, wanting you to hear him when he says, "Look, I'm putting an end to this, Spice."
You scoff now, mockingly. "Don't tell me you're embarrassed now-"
"No," he stops you right there. "Of course not."
It takes a moment for his words to take meaning to you, but once they have, your whole demeanor changes. Gears shifting. For a moment, Ghost could have sworn you looked upset.
"Why?" You ask.
Why? Because now it's become a disruption. A hiccup at work. "This has gone on long enough," he answers. "Let's not pretend this was going to be a long term thing here."
"I wasn't."
That makes Ghost pause for a second, though he hadn't been sure why. It had just been the way you'd said it -- like that hadn't even been a thought to you, this small thing being something more.
"We're on the same page then," he says plainly. "It's done."
Only that answer did little to satisfy you. In fact, it did the opposite. Frankly, you had no intention of ending things; not without it being on your own terms that is.
And you had a funny feeling the lieutenant wasn't ready to end things either. He has plenty of buttons to push for you to find out.
"Did a little bit of lipstick spook you, Manchester? Or was it the whole jealousy thing-"
"Enough," Ghost intersects. He knows if he doesn't put his foot down at some point, he couldn't rely on you to leave this. Not without making it messy, which had not been something he signed up for. Then again, he knew he'd been playing with fire when he decided to involve himself with you. It's that which got you both here in the first place, and he'd be a liar to say it hadn't kept him warm all this time.
You cross your arms like a pouty little princess, going as far as to look grumpy while doing it too. Of course, you were being more dramatic than you actually felt about the matter, it wasn't like you couldn't find someone else to sleep with. Though, there hadn't been anyone quite like Simon...
"You know, this wouldn't be an issue if you'd just take off that stupid thing-"
"That's not happening."
"Why?" You start making jabs at him now. "Scared you might like having it gone-"
Ghost takes an intimidating step forward, no longer wanting to use words to silence you. Not when his presence could do the trick. He glares at you, demanding your silence.
Silence you would not give him.
Any time the lieutenant felt the need to step up to you, it only triggered your fight-or-flight senses to do the same. So you step forward yourself, keeping your arms crossed and a smile on your face, as you glare back at Ghost, reading everything he had to say in his gaze.
You look him up and down, letting your eyes grow half-lidded and sultry. "You know," you coo. "I think you might like a little kiss on the lips. It might make you act like less of an asshole."
You approach him, until your toes are a small tap away, his body-heat resonating through his uniform to you. The sound of his breath making a low, irritable huff as he exhaled made the hairs on the back of your neck stand, as you kept your eyes locked on his.
Ghost doesn't budge, not wanting to further humor whatever it was you were trying to do. Not that you made it easy. Any time you came close like this, your perfume blanketed him like a warm welcome, your eyes inviting him in. And you knew what you were doing too.
"Don't tell me you never thought about it," you purr, bringing your hand down to his. "I have."
Oh, Ghost has thought about it, from time to time. Mostly when you were alone together and he had you close to him. They were often mere seconds. Urges that pass where he's watched your lips, seeing how full and lush they were, just begging for his mouth to take them in with his.
You continue to let your words try and coax him into action, letting your fingers run delicately up his arm, slowly as you spoke.
"And I'm not talking about those short little pecks we give each other when we fuck," you tell him. "I mean something real. Something deep. A kiss."
You've seen Ghost's eyes drop to your lips now, lingering, taking in every detail. Battling with his own self control. And yet, he remains still, refusing to budge.
So you push even further.
You let your hands slide up slowly, making sure that he's felt every small essence of you which grazed him, until you've let your fingers fall short of his collarbone, where the edge of his mask lie.
"Come on, Manchester," you step on your tippy toes now, mocking his accent as you speak. "Give us a kiss."
Even now, there was just something about the way the air felt between you two this close. As though the air around you had become a bubble, zapping the oxygen out, and slowly drawing you near each other for another breath of fresh air.
Ghost would sooner suffocate if it meant he didn't have to long for another scarce breath of you that wouldn't last long enough to really ever fill him. You would sooner let the flame burn the oxygen away, until its suffocated you both in its ash and soot, if only it meant the fires which burned you would be hot.
And boy did you make those flames look inviting to burn in.
Ghost stops your hand just short of reaching his mask, his touch both tentative and yet so sure of itself all at once. Though his gaze softens, his tone does not.
"No more."
You pull your hand from his and step away, giving him the distance he's so asked for. "Fine."
Somehow, Ghost had doubted everything had been fine. But time had not been on his side for him to see.
"I'd tell you not to be a brat about it," Ghost starts to quip. "But I know that'd be asking for too much."
You cross your arms and smirk. "Glad you know me so well, Manchester," you say. "Now, was that it then, sir?"
"We've got new orders."
You pause, straightening up some.
"We do?"
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Part Five Here!
You know what, how about I put some plot in your porn now. I wanted to have fun typing this, so I'm not trying to spend too much time dreary on about mission details and whatnot (since this is fake and my "military" knowledge extends to Google, my ex-husband and my time in ROTC, so in other words, inaccurate), so I hope this reads snappy and kinda flowy.
At the end of the day, you already know where I'm trying to go with this. An easy breezy read. Some chapters might be short, some might be long, it'll be whatever feels right. However, I'm finishing up the outline to this, that way it's not just a meaningless read. And, I'm still working on my other WIPs, I promise!
@13thprogenitor @cabreezer0117 😃
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mod-kyoko · 1 year
Can I get a fluff prompt for Mikan and Maki (seperate) where she gets confessed to by her shy Classmate reader that she likes but was under the mistaken impression that he hated her when in reality he was absolutely smitten with her
mikan and maki getting confessed to by shy!male!reader!
info: male!reader, light mentions of bullying
type: hc format, non-despair au
a/n: love these girls so much
mikan tsumiki
what a clusterfuck
you are both extremely shy
and you both like each other
you always hated how mikan was treated by the others, but you were never quite strong enough to defend her
she must think you're such a wimp! a terrible person! what kind of person doesn't defend a girl?
mikan, as usual, thinks you despise her which she thinks for most of her classmates
however, it hurts more because she genuinely wants to get closer to you, she's just too scared to approach you in fear that'll she will be rejected
...you felt the exact same
your other classmates are not stupid and notice the shy romantic tension between you
kazuichi actually approaches you and tells you to shoot your shot, even though you kept denying the fact you had a crush on mikan
don't worry kaz is here for you, he's such a bro
one afternoon, classes were over - you and kazuichi hung out in the school courtyard
you both see mikan tottering to the dorm buildings and kazuichi immediately (gently) shoves you towards her despite your protests
"u-uhm... can I help you, y/n..?" mikan was standing right in front of you, when you looked behind you, kazuichi was gone
fuck it
"uhm... hi, mikan... uh..." you had no idea where to even start... so you just blurted it out "I-I really like you! I... I've liked you for awhile..."
she thought you were joking, she even looked around cautiously to see if there was hiyoko or someone near by filming her
regardless she was blushing bright red
"m-me...? but I'm just a klutzy, pile of trashy waste... how c-could you like me..?"
you started to tear up from her words, how could she say that?!
"not at a-all! don't think that way, mikan... you're s-so helpful! even when p-people are mean to you... you always help them... and... you're so beautiful, I-I always feel better on the inside when you're near me... don't think y-you're trash! because you're not..."
mikan immediately starts bawling her eyes out at your kind words
she admits her own feelings for you in a very 'mikan' sort of way
tearfully, you ask her if they could go for ice cream which she agrees with a happy giggle
you two start dating not long after... your fellow classmates (except some obvious ones) think you're the cutest couple ever
maki harukawa
why did she have to fall for you... of all people, she falls for the complete opposite of what she is
you were a shy, sweet guy that wouldn't harm a fly even if he tried
and she was a cold, calculating and violent individual, not exactly a match made in heaven
you weren't an idiot like the others and you never actually did anything to bother her, although you were shy she found you easy to talk to
but that's probably because you're busy listening to her voice half the time...
however, she hasn't confessed her feelings at all because first of all, she's not really good at 'expressing' feelings...
second of all, she didn't even fathom that you liked her at all
yes you let her talk to you but she imagined that you were scared of her and just did it because you felt that you had to
a lot of the other classmates didn't like her because of how she is, why should you?
truth be told, you were absolutely in love with her
she is incredibly pretty, even when her expression is either blank or full of murderous intent
you can't help but find her coldness... attractive? there was just something about it that made you feel a funny way when she calmly insults kokichi for the 999th time or threatens to kill others that annoy her
is that a simp I hear?
you approached shuichi and kaito one day during lunch, since they were maki's closest friends, to get some advice on how to... approach the girl
of course they were both a little worried for you, shuichi especially
but kaito gave you the best advice he could, something about 'puff your chest out!' and 'be confident in the face of the bear!', not great stuff
either way you took his advice as best you can, catching maki when she was alone
"uhm... maki..?" you tapped your index fingers together
"y/n?" maki looked a little surprised that you were talking to her first "what is it?"
"ah.. uhm... I... I really like you... in a romantic sense- I understand if you... you don't like me that way too..."
maki's eyes widened, staring at you completely dumbfounded, then shaking her head
"you're stupid... you like me? do you want to die?" "why the hell do you even like me? you barely know me."
"y-yes! I know b-but.. I like that about you.. I-I like the mystery you have... and... you're really pretty.. your voice is really calming... I like listening to you..."
little makiroll began to blush, starting to fidget with her twintails. was she dreaming?
"you're just plain stupid..." she sighed, her eyes glued to the ground. "but... I like you too."
you and maki sat on the bench together for awhile, just talking casually. you even made her smile
it started slowly, but you and her got together as a couple. if you had any bullies for your shyness... they're not a problem anymore
-Mod Kirumi
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actually crying rn
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imjulia-andilikecats · 8 months
Why I Ship Mareven and Yes, I'm Aware that They're Toxic
I've noticed a couple of posts questioning how some readers ship Mareven given how toxic it was and proceed to list off all the terrible things that they did to each other through out the series.
Before I start my rant. Warning, this is long and I might just ramble at the end. Also please be reminded that these are MY reasons, as to why I enjoy this ship. I don't represent the whole Mareven shipping team. I made this post based on MY observation and the desire to absolve myself from the feeling of shame for liking Mareven.
We can't deny it. Anyone who read the series, even just the first book could easily tell that Mareven is toxic.
Which leads to the most common question for this ship. Why is Mare and Maven still being shipped even after Maven's betrayal and even past Glass Sword?
Simple, it's their unique and complex dynamic. They are both deeply flawed characters that have frightening similarities. Which could have lead to a wonderful friendship or a romantic one.
However, due to their social status and political beliefs. Mare joining the Scarlet Guard to free the Reds and Newbloods from Silver rule. Maven wanting to be king of Norta and was willing to do ANYTHING to keep his crown . They are of opposition to each other's goals, which lead them being sworn enemies. Causing severe pain and suffering to the other, when given the opportunity.
Yet, there would be moments between the cruel actions and harsh words. Where one of them would show affection in hopes of rekindling what they had and the other mourning the person that they thought they knew.
Even viewing them through the lense of a non-shipper. They have a fascinating exchange of dialogue and the uncomfortable amount of tension whenever they are near each other, even the mere mention of the other's name would momentarily push them off balance. There was simply no dull moment between these two.
The REAL question should be: "Is Mareven being a toxic ship REALLY the reason some readers dislike the ship OR is there something else at play?
Before I continue: It's understandable not to like a ship, if a toxic relationships between fictional characters aren't your cup of tea.
However! I don't think "being toxic" should be the daming reason to fully drop a ship and EXPECT everyone else to do so. Because I feel that those Mareven Ship "Dislikers" don't seem to detect the MAIN cause of their dislike for this ship.
I think the dislike of the ship could be attributed from some Mareven fanfics and shippers. Maybe they dislike how they treated Mare and Maven when paired together.
For example: Mare being seen as an object or tool in fixing Maven and making him happy. Void of any emotion or flaws, as she is simply an extension to the desires and fantasies of the writer. Other cases, some Mareven shippers openly trash Mare for not reciprocating Maven's affections, as they see him as a unloved child that needs a hug. Seeming to forget that Maven is completely capable of committing atocities against the people he "loves" and other characters that were unfortunate enough to encounter him and his mother.
The simplification and misinterpretation of both complex characters once they are viewed as a couple is frustrating.
Which is why I think the EXTERNAL FACTORS, such as SOME Mareven fanfics and shippers surrounding the Mareven ship, are MOSTLY the cause that ignited the dislike for the ship not just Mareven being toxic.
To put it simply, there is nothing wrong or shameful for liking a toxic ship like Mareven. It does not AUTOMATICALLY mean you have a twisted perception of what a functioning relationship should be nor have poor reading comprehension.
I also noticed that some of those post that dislike Mareven are also Maven fans, claiming that Maven is their favorite character and are also aware of his flaws (and crimes).
So, I can even throw the same argument to them.
What's the difference between liking Maven Calore, one of the main antagonist of the series that caused harm to a number of characters, and liking Mareven that is a toxic ship where both characters were toxic towards each other?
Note: Since it's a veey messy essay. I am more than open for a discussion.
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sweetingseva · 2 years
after six months of trying (and failing) to understand what they're talking about...please help i Do Not Understand their unspoken conversations 😭😭
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What did they understand here nvsjnud plz help i'm dumb-
I could help you with that! (You're not dumb haha)
First scene:
"Still think you know what I need?"
This was one of those moments where Evangeline and Jacks say one thing but have their feelings betray them. Evangeline is convinced she doesn't want Jacks or that she doesn't like him in that way. Jacks is adamant that Evangeline isn't who he wants and that he's a Fate and not some friend.
However, their actions say otherwise. Evangeline is affected by everything he does. Even when Jacks is dismissing her, he touches her in a way that he may need her. He wants Evangeline but knows that if he goes any further, he won't be able to resist her. It's later clear when he tells her to go after she opens the Valory Arch.
Second scene:
"Little Fox, when I saw you, I thought—" He broke off as he set her atop all the twisted sheets.
One of the details that really stuck with me was this particular moment where his words get cut off at the sight of Evangeline on his bed with all the twisted sheets. This image of her must have awoken that urge again before he noticed the blood on her lips.
When he holds her hair and nears his lips to hers, it's more than just licking the blood off her mouth (although he did want to before when Vampire Evangeline bit her lip, and he stared), it's like his own form of a kiss without it being a kiss.
Back in OUABH, Jacks licked Evangeline's neck, and Evangeline commented on how his tongue on her neck wasn't all about biting either. It was reminiscent of a kiss.
Jacks's attention went deliberately to her lips. Still bleeding. And while he could have just told her and left it for her to clean it up herself, he went and did it himself. This was how much he wanted to kiss her.
Overall, Evangeline and Jacks were both denying their feelings despite the intense romantic tension felt between them. They can't help themselves but be drawn to each other in every way possible 🦊💖🍎
Let me know if I missed anything! 😊
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maremartinelli · 7 months
Ben Barnes X fem!reader
Summary: In which Y/n and Ben are separated, but their characters in the series are not. As a result, there was a scene in which the two characters needed to reconcile, however, Y/n and Ben weren't acting at that time.
Words: 1.2K+
Warnings: Swearing, fighting, shouting (???), Ben worried and happy ending.
Author: Once again informing you that English is not my first language. I apologize for any mistakes I may have made.
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When Y/n and Ben accepted the roles to act in The Punisher, they both knew that their characters would be a romantic couple throughout the series, and that this would not be a problem, the actor couple had already been dating in real life for more than two years. and they could just act normal in front of the cameras.
However, as filming for the series progressed, there were numerous obstacles that Ben and Y/n were facing in their relationship. Haters, fake betrayals and lots of fights when they got home stressed.
Which ended in a separation. They both knew it would be better this way, better for their health. But there was no way to forget it so quickly, it had been almost three years by each other's side, there was no way to forget the love of your life.
At the present time, Y/n and Ben were living in New York to finish the series, but of course, they were both in different apartments. Since now they were no longer a couple in real life.
Y/n and Ben were on the recording set, while the director told them how that scene should be done.
It was more than obvious that tension arose when the couple separated, after all, their characters were still a couple in love.
Two months had passed after their breakup, but they both looked so tired that it seemed like all the fighting, talking, and breaking up had happened the night before.
Ben was no longer happy on set. On the contrary, when he wasn't filming, he was just wandering aimlessly around the other sets on the set or reading a book that was always in his car.
Y/n wasn't any different either, her shine had gone out and whenever she had a break between scenes, she would run to the car and cry. She couldn't bear to see, record or hear Ben's voice in character without thinking about the last time they were a couple in real life.
It was the price paid for being two famous actors who were in a long-term relationship.
"Y/n, try to stay closer to the window. Because then you can turn around to face Ben" the direct man says and the actress nods. Ben makes a thumbs up with his hands and they return to their seats.
The delegate boots that Y/n wore made a noise on the set. Ben analyzes his ex-girlfriend who had her back turned, admiring everything that was on the woman's body.
The holster, the boots, the fake glasses that your character wore and the bulletproof vest. She looked beautiful in that outfit, Ben couldn't deny it. He always loved Y/n, and it wouldn't be now that he would stop.
Y/n turns around and Ben looks away before the scene begins.
"3...2...1...ACTION!!" the director shouts and they start doing the scene.
The scene they were both doing today was a fight. When they read it the night before, their chests tightened in pain, all they could think about was their last night. The fight they had before breaking up the relationship.
"Do you think it's being easy for me??" Y/ says, now as her character. "Do you think it's easy for me to listen to all the insults they say about you and not think about our relationship. Heavens Billy!!! Look what's happening to our relationship because of them" Y/n says running his hands through his hair as he walks through the living room of Ben's character's apartment. AKA Billy.
"Honey, listen!!" Billy says trying to get closer to his girlfriend. Which was played by Y/n.
"I can't, I've already heard too much. And it always starts with excuses and ends in a fight because I really don't know what's true or not." Y/n says going a little off script.
The director looks at the paper but doesn't say anything, he was enjoying how things were going. Even though Ben and Y/n weren't enjoying recording that scene.
"Billy, by Gods. I've heard so much from you and others that now I'm lost. My brain says to drink beer for breakfast so I can forget about you in my day, but my heart loves you too much to do that . Heavens!!! Where is the love that you say so much about???" Y/n shouts, making Ben wince a little.
She was a little out of control, which was making Ben worried. But he didn't want to intervene, she was just acting.
But not...
"That moon that danced for us. She's tired and now turns her back on us. That's what's happening to us Billy, look at our relationship. It's getting hidden behind black clouds like the moon on a stormy night." Y/n says shedding some tears.
It was more than obvious that this line wasn't in the script, but no one wanted to interfere. The scene was looking wonderful in the eyes of the director.
"Honey" was Ben's character's turn. Or basically Ben himself. "To hell with the outside world, nothing more matters in my life than you. You are the reason I live, every day I wake up thinking about you and every night I sleep thinking about you. I think for the first time, you should listen to your heart, we know you always believed in me, but the pressure of the world wanted you to think differently" Ben says leaving the scene completely and approaching Y/n, who was now struggling not to shed more tears than he should . Barnes places both hands on the woman's cheeks. "Let me stroke your hair again. Let me cover your chest with my chest. I will paint the sky with colors again. I will make you forget the whole world once and for all. Let me touch your mouth. Let me stop the hours. I'll paint the universe blue again and I'll make this all just a dream. Just let me come back to you and show you that this was all a nightmare that the world put on us. You were always mine, and you always will be" He he says with tears in his eyes and Y/n smiles slightly before locking lips with the actor.
That wasn't in the scene, but it gave it a real touch. Because really, everything they both said was true and they were talking about their real-life relationship, not the fictional one.
When they both felt the air running out, they both separated and the director cut the scene with claps coming from him.
"Brilliant, it seemed like no one was there acting"
Without holding back, he let the tears fall and sobs were heard loudly. The actress ran off the set and everyone looked worried.
"It's just that we weren't really acting" Last thing Ben says before running after Y/n.
The woman was no longer running, but was now walking quickly to the car in the parking lot. She didn't care if she was still wearing her character's clothes, she just wanted to get to the car and cry until the world ended.
"Y/n!!...Y/N!!" She hears Ben's voice behind her, and without thinking, her body stops where it is and turns to see her ex-boyfriend.
Ben got closer and closer and Y/n's eyes cried even more.
"I-...I'm sorry" First thing she says when Ben is facing her. "I shouldn't have given up on our relationship like I did, I really love you so much and this is all too terrible to bear." Y/n says and Barnes approaches her and wraps her in a hug.
"My sweet girl, it's okay..." she says while shedding some tears. "I also haven't been such an attentive boyfriend lately and let the outside world get in the way of our relationship. But I knew that everything I said inside was to you, not to our characters. I want you back, girl" he kisses the top of Y/n's head. "I will always want you, my sweet and beautiful girl"
Y/n cries harder against his chest, only pulling away to say a few words.
"Ben, I love you. I never stopped loving you. And I want you more than anything" Y/n says and Ben without thinking puts their lips together again.
"Let's go home, baby!! Let's go back to our house" Ben says as he wraps her in another cozy hug.
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Author: God, I love this guy😭 Well, if you like the stories, please go to my profile box and request your story!!!
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bapydemonprincess · 5 months
Did they fuck behind the scenes or what??? how does this mating thing work? 👀 Also next part when. WHEN.
GSDJYKGLHOIJ ohhh sweet summer anon... there may be some big time sexual tension, but in this particular sebard storyline... they've only kissed as many times as I've written, and nothing more 😈 I know that must be torture to some of you smut enthusiasts, but despite my own bisexual horny frustrations, I LOVE writing long game, slow, romantic shit 💖 So ya'll will have to endure.
And the mating bond concept is a thing @grelleswife and I came up with and have explored together in our collab writing The Owl and the Raven, a Sebamey centric story. But I realized in that last sebard drabble that I absolutely wanted to explore it again, just with a different ship. uwu It's basically a familiar concept of like, bonded souls or something I'm sure most people have seen. Like the whole "red string of fate" trope, but make it DEMONIC. Lmao. Basically if a demon such as Sebastian grows close enough to develop feeling of a romantic nature, but of course in whatever way demons feel it, they start to connect to that person in a way deeper way than physical and literal like we humans do. It's a logical way, in my opinion, to explain why maybe you don't hear or read about demons being romantic or demon courting, unless its in a bad or smutty light like seducing scenes. This bond that forms unconsciously with this other the demon wants to eventually be with, even if they themselves don't realize it or deny it in many cases, is like an extra intimate special way a demon can stay close to their "mate", as they call them. So it's no surprise that this doesn't happen a LOT or is unheard of. What demon who wants to hunt souls greedily and have fun their whole lives tricking and messing with humanity wanna suddenly be weighed down by a lover??? So I think basically these sorts of things only happen at a certain POINT in a demon's long life; like when they no longer NEED to eat souls as much, and no longer wish to mess around with humans. Like finally feeling like settling down and having a family like humans do! And it works out pretty interesting I'm sure with a demon + another demon; how it SHOULD go normally. The demons come together, court each other in whatever ways they do for the types of demons they are (like a crow/bird demon dancing and flaunting for their possible mate and bringing them shiny presents to show they care 🖤), and once the bond forms between them on BOTH SIDES, they can feel each other's emotions, talk to each other mentally, find where the other is much faster than if they weren't mated; and over long long looong distances too! So it's only natural and meant to happen between these two.
HOWEVER, for this bonding to at some point "activate" with a human the demon has been around and close to long enough... oh boy it's quite a trip. Almost embarrassing in some cases. Basically like a demon's equivalent of "WHY DO I HAVE A CRUSH ON THEM??? I DON'T WANT THIS!!! 🙈🙈🙈" And also the fact remains that a human is a human, they can't feel at all a bond forming on their end. 😭
So sometimes I'm sure these things don't last long and rarely happen at all, seeing as the smart thing to do is to move away and separate themselves from that particular human! ... If they really, really don't want this, that is.
But.. for a demon who might grow curious and hopeful, for they have grown to.. at least like this human in particular..
Well it's certainly seems like the beginning of something different from this demon's usual interactions with humans. 🖤
Finally... I will admit I don't know for certain when I will continue this, I can't promise anything, anon!! TwT But know that because I did enjoy getting to this point, I'll def. likely come back or keep going with my own little take on sebard 🥰 So thank you for enjoying my writing!!!
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sorserah · 4 months
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Chapter 5: The Bodyguard and the Merc
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Outsider No More | Goro Takemura & Female V/OC
And then he understands, clearly understands what she had been feeling, trying to tell him. And he now realizes too, he does not want to lose her either. 
An interpretation of how a romance between Takemura and Corpo Female V could have been. Changing between Vs and Takemuras POV. Mostly following the main story of the game, adding bits and pieces here and there for a little bit more depth. So spoilers ahead.
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18+, Hurt/Comfort, Slow Romance, Panic Attacks, Death, Blood and Injury, Corpo V (Cyberpunk 2077, Takemuras POV, Vs pov, Alcohol, Sexual Tension, Flirting, Denial of Feelings, Internal Conflict, they are both idiots, Guilt, Overthinking, Smut, Sex, Romantic, Gestures
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Day 1
V's phone rings shortly after she stumbles through her apartment door. It was just past midnight. She drops down onto her couch ungracefully as she takes the call. "Yea?" "Takemura here, I called someone who wants to meet with you, hear you out. Japantown in three days." She rubs her forehead and eyes, the world is still spinning pretty badly. "Sounds great I guess..." She croaks. Takemura tilts his head, he seems concerned „Is everything alright, V?“ „Yes, I feel great. I just had one drink too much I think, met with some old friends tonight.“ „Ah, yes the meeting you talked about earlier. Then have a good night V, I will send you the exact coordinates.“
He waits for her to reply, a particularly strong wave of dizziness hit her and she has to close her eyes for a moment: „Takemura wait, I almost forgot, met someone today, got a meeting tomorrow. Regarding Hellman…Strong lead, you wanna join?“ He seemed to consider it for a moment but then agrees. "Great see you tomorrow, we will meet at 6. Good Night" "Morning or.." but she hangs up, unfortunately, her stomach could no longer withstand the alcohol, so she hastily runs to the toilet to get rid of it. After a few times of vomiting, her stomach seems to have calmed down. She undresses and lies down under the covers.
She really feels better. The funeral at El Coyote Cojo helped more than she thought it would. So many old friends and colleagues had been there, saying nice things, leaving presents. She spent a lot of time drinking with Viktor and talking with Misty. Neither without one or the other, she would be at the point she is now. After a few drinks and tears, she even sat there laughing, joking about Jackie's old lines and best moments. But regardless, silent tears still ran down her cheeks. She can't deny that she could use a good friend by her side, she misses him terribly.
Guess, I am not an option? „Johnny, what the fuck“ she abruptly pulls the blanket up to her chin. Chill V, I know how you look naked. I am in your head, forgot about that? He lights a cigarette. So I guess we like each other now? Yea. Just needed to get used to…you. But can’t deny I'm hella excited to meet Rogue tomorrow, even though the ‘Saka scum will be joining apparently, so we good? She yawns, sure why not and he might be of good use for us you know, don't know much about him yet.  She gets comfortable under the cover and after a few more blinks, watching the ads outside of her apartment window, her eyes fall closed.
A ringing in her head and ears lets her wake up unsteadily from her sleep. Fuck. "Huh?" She doesn’t even bother to open her eyes, even through her eyelids she could see that the sun was just beginning to rise. Orange light shone through them. "Takemura here, do we meet in twenty minutes or tonight at 6." Is he serious? Sleepily, with a rough voice, she answers “I know you're not used to living in Night City yet Takemura, and I also know that meetings at Arasaka used to be early in the morning. However, here it's the other way around, everything starts in the evening." Damn, she turns to the other side, so her eyes are no longer flooded with light. „Understood, sorry for waking you, V. Until tonight“ „It is alright, bye.“ Please, we need more sleep.
The next time she’s awake, it’s from the radio Johnny had turned on. He was now kneeling in front of her. Wake the fuck up V, it’s almost 5, time to meet Rogue. Fuck, you tell me I have been sleeping for 15 hours?? Guess we both needed it, he vanished again and with him a part of her headaches. Thirty minutes later she sits in her car dialing Takemuras number. „Hi, where should I pick you up“ „Cherry Blossom Market.“ „See ya in 5“. You really take him with ya, huh? Is it because of his pretty eyes? She shakes her head at his ridiculous comment. Johnny laughed and pulled himself through the gap of the front seats. You can’t lie to me V, I know that you liked what you saw..Oh shut up. Takemura drops into the seat, looking at her. His eyes stood out even more in the red light and thanks to Johnny she was paying more attention to them now. "Where are we going, anyway?" he further inquires as she is already driving down the road. "To the Afterlife." "Should have expected that." "You know this club? Already? Thought you have been here just a few days?" "I try to gather as much information I can. Last time I was there, I have been rather rudely turned down by the Queen of the Fixers. So I am asking myself why should we have any better luck now?" She smirks, "Simple, we have me with us." and she presses on the gas.
The loud bass of a rock song pounds in her ears as she steps through the large double doors with Takemura in tow. „Hey V! Anything special today?“ „Nah, wanted to talk to Rogue.“ Claire looks for two clean glasses under the bar, „a few more minutes I think, she is in a meeting right now. Anything to drink while waiting?“ „Yea, remember the drink of the guy who was here with me?“ „Jackie Welles, sure, uhm Vodka on the rocks, some ginger beer, and lime…“ „and a splash of love…one for me please, or…?“ She looks at Takemura questioning „No, thanks I will pass“ „Come on, it’s on me. If you don’t want any alcohol, maybe something else?“ „Fine. Water please, with a lemon.“
They take a seat next to each other at the bar, „You aren’t from here, are ya?“ Claire asks as she slides over the drinks looking at Takemura „No.“ She looks at V, raises her eyebrows, and she answers by raising her shoulders and contorting her face into a questioning expression. "About the races, have you given it any more thought?" She takes a sip of her drink "Yea, hell, let's do it." "Great! Meet me at my garage some time and we discuss all the detes.” She takes another sip and even though the drink is delicious, her stomach turns when tasting the alcohol in it. She should take a break from drinking. “Seems like Rogue is free now."
She stands, nods to Takemura, and the two of them make their way past the bar, past two men arguing, and up a gallery. Damn, I can’t believe it, Rogue really made it.
"Did you bring the money this time or just your friend for another intimidation attempt? Although I have to tell you, he hasn't had any luck either. “ V notices Takemura making a barely perceptible movement behind her, but no one else seems to pay any attention to him. "No everything is fine Rogue, here is the money." Both of their eyes glow red as the money changes hands. "Preem, one hour and you will get your intel." "Nova, we will wait." As they walk out of the gallery, she sees that the one next to it has just become available and she points to it "We can wait over there more comfortably."
He frowns "Is there also a place here that.... how shall I put it...is less noisy?" with turn she faces him "I know, you get used to the volume eventually." and dismiss it with a wave of her hand "The back rooms are pretty quiet, but I'd have to ask if one is free, they're usually reserved - for real serious biz or personal strip shows." She winks - Takemura doesn’t show any reaction to that - and she turns on her heels once again to ask Claire.
One moment later she and Takemura step through the glass door of the cabin where she, Jackie, T-Bug and Deshawn had met, and they both drop down on the dark couch next to each other. "Ah yes, that's much better.“ Takemura remarks, rubbing his temples “Rogue lives up to her reputation. I'm curious what we will get in an hour.” “That’s why she’s the queen.” The two of them sit in silence for a short time, before Takemura began to speak again: “Night City is very noisy. I’m having trouble sleeping at night. And there is loud music everywhere. It is very different to Japan.” “ I've only been to Konpeki Plaza in Tokyo once, so I don't have much of an idea of how business works there. You never had to go to an underground club or so to do biz, beat someone up or whatever you did at Arasaka?”
Takemura shakes his head. On his own, he didn't seem to reveal very much. Perhaps she should ask more specifically, or break the ice with minor information. "Huh, it's kinda funny, even tho we were both employees there, we lived almost completely different lives. The locations of making the real biz - and with that, I mean under the counter biz - haven’t changed at all for me, just the people. Oh, by the way“ she sends him an attachment „here is a picture of me, a few weeks before my last day.“ She is sitting at her desk, smiling at the camera, her boss behind her, hand on her shoulder. Her hair long, platinum blonde and up in a high ponytail. She is wearing a black dress and heels. „This was before a business lunch in Tokyo. I normally wouldn’t wear dresses like this.“ „You look very different now.“ Takemura admits. „After I got fired, I cut my hair off and dyed it black. Didn’t want to be recognized at all.“ and by now her hair is almost a few inches below her jaw.
Takemura asks curiously „About that, you wanna tell me how and why you got fired?“ he leans his right arm on the backrest and looks at her. She rolls her eyes but smirks, „It’s actually not that thrilling. For context: Actually, I majored in criminal psychology but didn't want to go to the NCPD. Through vitamin B - a guy I met at a bar, Jenkins - I found a job in netrunning , specializing in counterintel, where they were looking for someone with my experience and basic tech knowledge. So I worked for Jenkins for two years, the guy on the photo - complete asshole if you ask me, one of the types that looks like an abuser and probs is about what I heard - there was a Frankfurt thing gone wrong, „ Takemura nods, „Mh, I might have heard of it.“ „Great apparently everyone has. And Abernathy - his boss - heard it, too, told Jenkins to stop doing his biz like this and stole his promotion. Well, and as a man fragile as he was, he felt his ego hurt. And for some reason, I should be the woman of choice to kill Abernathy.” Takemura, now with a serious expression, stroke his beard with his left hand: “You said yes?”
“Well I had to, would've been next otherwise. Problem was, I couldn’t get any more dirty details on our target, how to get this job done quickly, so I asked Jackie if he could help“, she makes a pause, a little sting in her chest, but also a little relief every time she mentions him now, „You do not have to keep talking If you do not want to“ Takemura offers her „No, it’s fine really, got a lot off my chest yesterday…So there I was at Lizzy’s with him and three Arasaka employees - I haven’t seen before - approached me, almost broke my nose, stole the data shard and shut off my cybernetics.“ „They found out?“ „Yea. Abernathy sent them, Jenkins probably got fired too or killed - hopefully. Lost my job that day, almost 200k Eddies, my apartment and cybernetics, also my life almost, if Jackie wouldn’t have been there.“ And she hadn’t saved him, she looks at her lap, again it seems Takemura wanted to make a move but hesitated “Pretty similar on how we met, huh?” She jokes and looks at him. However, his expression was unfathomable. Was there something he wasn’t telling her?
„You two, were close?“ he asked „Yea, really close - not romantically - but closer than best friends…“ though she remembers the kiss they shared one night, even before Jackie got serious with Misty. It was their second contract together, she barely made it out. Drunk on adrenaline and vodka, they sat on the roof above Jackie’s garage, and it just happened. The kiss was short, intense and ended with them both laughing, it didn’t feel right. Two weeks later he asked Misty she remembers how he told her a few weeks ago that he loved her. She clears her throat, now she really didn’t feel like getting carried away…” What about you? Got anyone waitin’ for you in Japan?“
Takemura looks at the glass wall behind her and shakes his head, „No, Arasaka was the only 'family' I had.“ Somehow it seemed to strike her only now that Takemura was in a very similar situation as her. Both of them had lost something incredibly important that day. Without thinking about it, she reaches for his shoulder, pressing lightly, an understanding look on her face „It will get better.“ His bright eyes were inspecting her dark ones once again - intensely. Come on V, please don’t give me this cliché staring at each other’s eyes shit, I’m going to fucking vomit. Besides, the hour is almost over. Hastily, she removes her hand and stand up quickly. “Rogue should have our intel by now.”
Sometime later she and Takemura step outside the Afterlife again. She had problems following Rogues plan since Johnny just couldn’t shut up about her. Takemura hasn’t said a word after they left the private area and has just been listening and accepting the data shard quietly but seemed to be impressed. Now, they both walk silently to the big highway “So. I need to get to Panam ASAP, should I drop you off anywhere on the way? Where are you staying by the way?” “No there is no need, you need to get Hellman quickly. In the Motel at the Cherry Blossom Market.” Oh no. “Damn, you really should get another one. Here..” She sends him some coordinates “the No-Tell Motel. It’s in a similar price range, take one of the top floor rooms, they are quieter. There will be also all kinds of weird biz, but it’s waaaaaay cleaner, promise and less noisy.”
“Thank you, V.” he nods his head slowly while looking for a tram station, looking a little bit lost and she calls her - Jackies - bike. She gets on it and starts the engine, but hesitates to start driving. Her eyes glow red again “And take this. I don’t need it at the moment, it’s my old car. As a borrowed gift for saving my life.” She smiles at him slighly. “I can not take this.” Takemura looks a little uncomfortable “Well, I’m not taking it back now. Just bring it back in a similar shape.” He nods once again and simulates a slight bow “I will. Stay save, V.” She hits the gas of Jackie’s bike and chases along the highway. Johnny appears behind her and holds onto her waist.
Damn, was surprised you didn’t give him your apartment keys too, or blow him right there. He really left an impression on you and I don’t like it.Well, maybe, but I don’t trust him enough for that. Yet you mean, never trusting Suits again, my ass V. She could practically feel him rolling his eyes. “It’s just hard to not trust him”, she mutters to herself. Nevertheless, she feels torn. She hadn't gotten a single new piece of information out of him. Doesn't understand why she suddenly thought this was not that important anymore. Maybe because they were indeed alike in many aspects. A common background, a similar fate, an almost identical goal. She told herself that she wouldn't have noticed his eyes all that much if Johnny hadn't pointed them out to her.  After all, what the hell does he know? 
Day 2
Takemura is sitting on the balcony of his room on the top floor of the No-Tell Motel, his feet up and resting on the railing, eating fried noodles, his rifle leaning next to his chair. It was difficult to get any food down in this city, it tasted all the same, like sawdust and plastic. He is having a hard time controlling himself from throwing his food full force into the canal below him. With each day in Night City as an outcast, he finds it harder to stay calm. Maybe that's why everyone is drinking here.
He rubs his eyes with his thumb and forefinger and decides that the next time he had a chance to drink with V, he would take up the offer. She had at least been spot on with her recommendation of the hotel. He had slept through the night almost completely in a clean bed and was able to shower extensively this morning, his freshly washed shirt was also swinging from left to right within a small breeze on the balcony. So she probably knows about a place they could find normal tasting food at.
V was currently the only person he had contact with and he didn't expect to get along with her, at all. He had appreciated her giving him information about herself. Although, the conversation about Arasaka and her expulsion had indeed left a bitter aftertaste, very similar to that of the city's food. He had heard of problems here and there in Japan, but Saburo-sama had been in charge of bigger tasks like development, research, and wasn’t involved in any employer business whatsoever, so Takemura had never known what life was like for some of the other employees, but he tried to brush the thought away. 
He has to admit that he is also quite impressed with how she had managed to escape Arasaka twice. How much she already had to endure emotionally and now has to again, and how despite everything she is getting things done, that he'd already written off. And even if he had believed that finding Hellman or Miss Parker could be a big problem just a few days ago, he has great confidence in her by now. She had called him in the middle of the night, quickly told him her plan and said she would get back to him around noon. Takemura had been trying to get as much new information as possible alone since then, but no one could tell him more about Evelyn Parker. It was as if she had never existed. 
So now he had spent the last few hours waiting in the motel. He put away the barely touched noodles and leaned back in the chair, lost in thought. She had been right that the two of them were in quite a similar situation. He could well understand her grief, and he, too, felt understood. He was glad not to have to work all alone in Night City, even if it had not been easy to ask her about it. Because he had to admit that it was not easy to get along here, which was a new circumstance for him. There were many unspoken rules and customs. And he realized that V was right, that he simply stood out. 
There was one thing he didn't really understand, though: the car, had thought about it a lot yesterday when he drove with it through Night City to run some errands. It had been a very sudden and impulsive gesture, for saving her life she said. But he could not yet know how useful the car could be. It hadn't really been easy to get a clear picture of her yet, and that intrigued him. It had not only been his job to physically defend Saburo and train others in doing so but also to quickly assess people and their intentions. Rarely had he been wrong. But she..Thief, ex-corporate netrunner, knowledge in psychology, all just hard skills. Resilient, Preserving and...mhmm. Egoistical, calculating and manipulating? Or honorable, kind and truthful? Maybe a little bit of everything? Hard to say.
Checking out the time - almost 4 p.m - he gets up, throws over his almost dry shirt and leaned over the railing, watching a small boat sailing past the motel. He honestly couldn't wait to meet Hellman and blow off some steam, even if it won't be as satisfying as the revenge on Yorinobu. Just as he was considering exercising his muscles, his phone rings. It was V, out of breath „I got Hellman. Bringing him so the sunset motel, sending you the coordinates.“ Finally. „Great, I will be there as soon as possible. Be careful, V.“ She smiles and winks, „Oh you need to worry less about me than Hellman.” He couldn't help but smile back.
Takemura slams the door of Vs car as he sees her walking up and down a window in one of the upstairs motel rooms. The motel was located a few kilometers outside of town, so it took him some time to get here. With a few big steps he was already at the top of the stairs, eventually standing in front of the door and opening it. V and Hellman are sitting in front of each other. Hellman has his hands bound behind his back and another scrap of fabric around his neck, probably to silence him - if needed. She sits wide-legged on a turned chair, both of her muscular arms casually on the backrest, totally in control of the situation. She no longer wore her shirt - it seemed to be used as a restraint and gag - now she is wearing a top, which exposed half of her back and ribs. Takemura ran his right hand over his beard, his eyes lingering on her bare skin, unintentionally following the curves of her body.
„Good to see you V, quite the view in here.” He walks next to Hellman and crosses his arms, looking at her, she smiles, but Hellman answers first “Takemura?! What the hell is he doing here?” Her gaze briefly switches over to Hellman “Takemura is a very good friend of mine, didn’t I mention it? Thought I would call him, just if you weren’t talkative enough. Plus he has some questions on his own. You play nice, he might even save your ass.” “I wouldn’t count on that.” Takemura replies dryly. Hellman was freaking out, looking right at her “Look, I give you everything you want, but please don’t leave me alone with him. The blueprints, right pocket of my jacket.” Takemura searches his pockets roughly and hands her the data shard.
Her eyes lit up blue as she observes the data, when they turn back to her normal black eyes, they switch to Takemura “I’m done here. What will you do with him?” He answers with an unchanged expression, stonily “I haven’t decided yet.” And continues, looking directly at her “You know I can be impulsive.” She swallowed quickly. "Then feel free to keep me updated, he is all yours. I'll be waiting outside." Hellman looked back and forth between the two of them "No, please, just let me...." but she stuffs the piece of cloth back in his mouth. Takemura looks at her “V, I will remember this.“ And as she walks out of the door, Takemura turns back to Hellman “She didn’t offer you any water I see. Unacceptable. Inhumane.” He walks over to the bureau to lean on it “But that is not me. You will see the difference. I will give you buckets or even a bathtub full with it.” The door closes.
From outside, however, Takemura suddenly heard rumbling and stumbling. „I'll be right back." and he opened the door to check on her, but he didn't see her. Quietly, he closed the door behind him and looked around. He spots her sitting on the bottom steps. Quickly, he was next to her. She is shaking violently and soaked in sweat and dirt, some scratches on her arms. She must have fallen down the stairs. „I don’t want you to see me like this." She mumbles, not facing him. With wobbly legs, she stands up and tries to walk a few steps, but they fail and Takemura had to catch her so that she wouldn't hit the ground again. "Let me help you." She doesn't resist and he carefully leads her to a nearby concrete bench, supporting her by her waist.
Naturally, he takes off his jacket, drapes it over her and kneels down in front of her "It's the biochip, is it not? I did not know it was this bad already." he asks as he scans her face for injuries, none found. She simply nods. "Yea. Thought out of the six months I would start getting problems at month five tops. Unfortunately not." "Can I help you in any way?" he asks concerned. "Noo I...I just need a little time to myself, please." He nods, could understand. "Though, I would advise you to not drive home anymore today. I have rented the room next door for the night. Feel free to sleep there when you are feeling better. If you need anything else, please let me know." He got up, but she takes his hand swiftly - Takemura notices how weak she is - and she looks straight at him "Why are you so nice to me?" "Why wouldn't I be?" he replies, squeezing her hand lightly and walking back to Hellman.
The interrogation didn’t take longer than an hour. He got every last piece of information out of Hellman, including long-forgotten details about Yorinobu stealing the relic, how he did it, who helped, how Hellman found out and managed to vanish. However, while pressing Hellman's head into the bathtub full of water every few seconds, Takemura couldn't get V out of his mind. Eventually, he was satisfied when Hellman was bound and gagged again, sitting on the chair, and he could check on her. He enters their room quietly, it was pretty dark, just one small light next to the second bed was lit up. She is already sleeping peacefully covered by his heavy leather jacket.
Takemura hangs up his soaking shirt, takes the blanket from the lower end of her bed, and carefully cloaks her whole body, before lying down himself. He watches her for a while. It had been shocking to see her so fragile for the second time. Especially the difference from before and the suddenness had concerned him - one moment she was bursting with physical vitality, the next one could be digging her grave. He could tell she is running out of time and he really felt sorry for her. Life often seemed to put obstacles in her way. As he had understood it, there were only a few weeks between her expulsion from Arasaka, the heist that went wrong, and her unfortunate death revelation. A feeling of unfairness rose in him. Sorrowfully, he looks over at her. For his own sake and for hers, he hoped they had more time.
Day 3
She wakes up early in the morning, the sun just rising and an orange beam shines through the shutters, a broad-shouldered and dark silhouette throws a shadow at the wall behind her. Takemura. His hair is already in a neat bun, he just put his shirt on and was buttoning it up. Shame she missed that. She observes him before she lays aside her covers - he must have put it over her while she slept - and his jacket and sits up. He turns his head “V, you are awake.” He stands up and walks around his bed to take a seat in front of her. He rests his elbows on his knees leaning closer to her, hands folded under his chin. His shirt is still very much open in the neck and chest area. His cybernetics were curving down his neck and end in a long black plate, similar to the sternum, she can clearly see the outline of his top abdominal muscles.
She swallows and notices a tingle in her chest, fuck, yesterday’s comment finds its way back into her memory, impulsively. “How are you feeling? Did you sleep well?” He asks while inspecting her. “Much better thanks. What about you?” He shakes his head, leans back and continues to button up his shirt, “Hardly, you sometimes scream while you sleep. I do not mind. Had to sleep under similar circumstances before.” “I’m sorry...” “...don’t be, really.” He continues to talk while getting up and putting on his jacket “We are meeting Oda tonight, I have some business to attend to before. Can you drive yourself?” She stretched her back and arms, checking on her control over her own body “Yes, definitely. Feeling in control again.” Takemura nods “Great,” and walks to the door “I will send you the coordinates tonight, if you need any help don’t hesitate to call me. Until tonight, V.” "Wait!" he truns around, hand at the door "The interrogation yesterday was fun, maybe we should do something similar again?" He laughs lightly "I would like that." And he closes the door behind him.
With a groan she lets herself fall backward on the bed. Johnny appears sitting next to her and leans over her face. What the fuck was that?  What? First of all 'the interrogation yesterday was fun, maybe we should do something similar again' and most importantly that feeling in your chest. Have you never felt... Fuck, Of course, V! He jumped from the bed, furious, she sits up. The problem is “I” never felt lust for a Corporat. And how did this feeling so suddenly even comes from?! She frowns and responds angrily. Oh, you saint, newsflash for you Johnny, you are in my body and if you remember I used to be a Corporat, too. She gets up, walks closer to him and stings her finger in his chest, and you know what? With this body, “I” fuck whoever I want whenever I want. He slaps her hand away, get some new clothes you smell like shit and vanishes. As much as she hates agreeing with Johnny right now, he was right. Getting Panams car back, slaughtering the Raffens and Kang Tao, interrogating Hellman and losing control yesterday had left traces of sand, blood and other stuff on her clothes.
Though his words got her thinking. Technically it had been three days Takemura and her first spoke. And in those three days she hadn't learned much about him, but she had gotten a feeling about him. Even if this is completely subjective, of course. It was strange, she finds it easy to get in contact with people and also to get along well with them in a very short time - it had not been any different in her lifetime, due to work - and quickly crushing on people and flirting with them wasn't exactly new to her either. But the question she asks herself now is: was that it or is there more? Because somehow a feeling is creeping into her mind that goes beyond that, more in the direction of... well... trust and security. Two attributes she had found in only a few people in Night City until now. 
She washes her face quickly in the bathroom - there will be enough time to shower in her apartment later - and she heads down the stairs to the small weapon trader. “You selling clothes, too?” She asks. The trader looks at her from head to toe, “Got only a few here, take a look.” She digs through the box of clothes and finds rather tight, but very stretchy black pants with leather patches on knees and thighs. In addition, a golden bra that reaches below her ribs, she inspects it. „It is reinforced, right?“ „Yup. Some claim it’s bulletproof but I wouldn’t count on it.“ „Preem, I will take both.“ She puts her new clothes on her bike to her coat and starts her way back to her apartment.
Once again she is sitting in the shower of her apartment, the water that disappeared down the drain, brown, yellow, dark red. Finally, she was alone after a few days, even Johnny isn't talking to her and finally, she can let the built-up emotions run free. Last night had come upon her again and with it the feeling of no longer being able to control herself, of being completely at Johnny's mercy. It didn't help that now every few days panic rose in her chest, choking off her breath. It was all just too much for one person, wasn't it? And the thought of not being around any more...With the water running and the radio turned on in the next room, she presses her face into her knees and cries without restraint. Sometimes she was surprised at herself, how she coped with everything that happened to her in the last days. But it wasn’t - isn’t - anything but easy.
Additionally, the pain of her loss kept coming up, the feeling of being in debt to others - especially Viktor and Takemura - and the feeling of being a burden to them and her other friends when she suddenly loses control over her body. Needing their help desperately to find a solution. A few minutes passed and the shaking and hasty breathing slowly decrease. She gets up and runs cool water all over her tear-swollen face. She walks out of the shower and in front of the mirror, looking at herself. "Get it together. You aren't dead yet." As much as it does her good to isolate herself from time to time and let her emotions run free, it also feels important to actually try to do something about it. Though it’s much harder.
Completely freshened up, a little freer from tension and feeling a lot more like her old self, she strolls alongside the glowing floor in Japantown near Jig-Jig street and decides to buy some coffee before she waits at the location where she and Takemura have agreed to meet. Just before the small coffee stand, she sees Johnny casually leaning against a wall on the other side. "Hi, I'd like two iced coffees please." Wow, first your car and now coffee V, I'd do better than that. She ignores him. Come on V, I bet you can't keep this up for long. She continues walking towards the meeting spot and turns on her internal radio. Johnny appeared in front of her every few steps, grimacing and silently forming some rather violent insults. Inside a tunnel, she loses her patience and pauses the music.
Okay, spit it out asshole, what do you want? However, she doesn’t let him get a word in edgewise and is now mimicking him. V, I have the emotional maturity of a ten-year-old who has just been told that he is grounded, she grimaces and rubs her eyes ironically. V, unfortunately, I can only think in black and white and put everyone in the same box. Oh V, how can you think of allying with a corpo or fuck him, because I - as someone who lives rent-free in your head - has the right to decide that, and she shows him her right middle finger, the other hand is unfortunately occupied with coffee. For a moment she thinks she and Johnny are about to attack each other, but he just smirks, shows her both middle fingers and disappears. Huh. With easier steps now, she walks along the rest of the tunnel, follows the canal a bit and finally sits down on the concrete barrier.
She doesn’t have to wait long until she hears her car, it stops in front of her and Takemura climbs out, her heart pausing for a second. “It is good to see you, V. You look a lot better.” He leans over the concrete barrier with his arms, right next to her, facing the canal. “As much as I'd love to return the compliment...but you honestly look pretty beat up.” She hands him one of the coffees “What happened?” He turns around, resting his back against the concrete “You see a man robbed of his implants, money and dignity. Look well.” She snorts, he looks at her angrily “Sorry Goro, but been there, done that. It will get better. Here...” She nudges his crossed arms with the coffee, he takes a sip and contorts his face “This one is already cold.” “Yea but it’s cold on purpose. You wanna tell me you never had an iced coffee, not even in summer?”
He shakes his head, but takes another sip “Guess it might be not so bad if you get used to it.” She smiles “See.” He turns sideways facing her, “There is something I wanted to ask you. Next time we meet...Do you know a place where we can get good-tasting foods? Everything here tastes like sawdust and plastic. Maybe something not local?” Wait. Might he be asking what she thinks he is? Or does she just want him to be asking what she thinks he is? She jumps down, mirroring his gesture, deciding to be bold about it. “Are you asking me to invite you to a date because you don’t know where we should go if you would ask me out?” She looks up at him, defiantly. He frowns “Are you mocking me V?” “A bit yea.” She winks, his face relaxes again and he, too, is now showing a bit of a smile. The first time she sees him smiling she thinks. “But as it happens, I know just the place. Hope Sushi is fine?” “Real or fake fish?” He asks skeptically, but rows back immediately, when he sees the expression on her face “Sorry, I will try to keep an open mind.“ “So, then we...” but they were interrupted by an arriving car.
V and Takemura observe the car as it makes a u-turn and the engine is shut off a few meters away. She hops back onto the barrier. “By car, a good sign. Usually, he is camouflaged.” As the man shuts the door of his car, Takemura walks a few steps towards him. Both of them bow to each other. “Takemura-san.” “Oda.” “Is this her, your thief?”
She rolls her eyes, but Takemura answers first. „She is my witness, V.“ Gently she tilts her head, „I am V, thank you for hearing me and Goro out.” “So speak. I hear you know things.” She looks at Takemura, he nods encouragingly. She starts explaining herself, as respectfully as possible. “Konpeki Plaza, I was there that night when it happened. First it looked like your typical family quarrel, until - unfortunately for all - Yorinobu lunged at Saburo, choking him...“ Oda I interrupts her, his voice furious “Silence. Not one word more. You will bring death to your door.” He adds with a cold voice. Immediately after Oda voices this threat, Takemura moves closer to her and places himself between her and Oda, his arms crossed, facing Oda. Former bodyguard, huh, she can't help but feel a little safer.
“But it is the truth, Hanako-sama must hear it.“ Takemura insists. “My one job is to keep her save in this city, forgotten by the gods.” “Is she in danger?” “Now? No. Yet, during the parade to honor Arasaka-sama, most certainly.” Takemura seems to grow impatient: “I bring you this witness to his murder and you only care about a silly parade?!” “Correct, unlike you I have not yet failed to keep my oath to my duty.” That wasn’t fair to him and she barges in: “At least he is trying to do something. You are just ignoring the truth.” and turning to Oda, Takemura adds coldly “You will regret those words.” 
"The only thing I regret is coming here to meet you. There is a price on your head, I’m doing you a favor not cutting it off and bringing it straight to Yorinobu-sama.“ After a threat like this, she would normally start shooting, but that is in no ones interest right now. However, Takemura made a move towards Oda and she decides to distract the two from each other, she jumps down the concrete barrier stepping between Oda and Takemura, fully aware it is considered rude and dangerous for her.
"Oda, you are an Arasaka soldier! This is not a request. We remind you of your duty to be truthful to your superiors." It worked, Takemura looked at her and stepped away from Oda, closer to her. Oda broke of his rampage and faces her. "I did not come here to be lectured by a thief." Now that was too much even for her patience. "I am tired of being called a thief. Wasn't always what I am now. And your friend here didn't always look like a bum. Feel free to join us. Plenty of room at the bottom of the heap. Not enticed? Then do your duty. Tell Hanako what nobody else wants to hear!" Oda turns around without saying a word and getting back into his car.
Takemura starts talking again first. “Be safe out there my friend. We are all so far from home here.” then turns to V a small smile on his face "That should be to him, as you say, food for thought. Interesting to see you more from that side too." "Just gotta tell it like it is sometimes." "It is a shame nothing will come of it." "How come?" "It should have been obvious. Oda is a perfectionist. He most fears to make a mistake." V had calmed down by now. 
V pats Takemura on his shoulder, resting her hand there, and asks rhetorically “Yea. And by the way, fine friend there. Got anymore? And thanks by the way, that you told me we are going to meet Hanakos bodyguard before the actual meeting.“ He shakes his head “Alas, only him and I am sorry V, I thought you could back out. He is very dangerous after all.” He nods in the direction of her car and they both get in. She closes the passenger door, “It’s fine, but please be more open to me from now on, since I am trying to do the same." Takemura nods „I am sorry V. I will try my best.“ "How do you know him anyway?” "He was one of my students, I trained him to be Hanako-samas bodyguard." V whistles, "You have succeeded in any case. I was a bit scared to be honest. You both make the same intimidating impression the first time one meets you." "Only the first time?" Takemura asks.
V shrugs "Depends on your mood I guess. You have been kind to me the last days." He nods, " In Japan, we try to show respect and kindness to everyone. At least most of the time. Quite the opposite of this city. Odas seems to have forgotten this as well." "At least we tried." He seems to consider something “We tried yes, but we didn’t fail. We obtained something very useful.“„What do you mean?“ Takemura turns on his seat, facing her “What Oda said. They return to Tokyo after the parade. Do you not see? The parade. This could be our chance. If you could get to Hanako-sama somehow...” She snorts “Sure, good idea. Whatcha gonna do? Jump from a balcony to her airship and kidnap her? Oh, wait, you could offer her tea and we will be sitting at a table together talking calmly about everything.” Takemura looks at her, earnestly. Her smile vanishes, “Wait, Goro, this was a joke. You can’t be seriously considering this. You don’t have your implants. That straight up sounds like a suicide mission.” Takemura lets himself fall back into the seat, massaging his eyes “You are right. We must do a proper reconnaissance first. We need a map of Japantown, as well as more details about the airships.” “Hold on.” He faces her again “It is your turn to call on friends, V. Do her know a fixer who can help?”
She stares at him with a slightly opened mouth. She surely didn’t expect that. She did notice, - additionally to him telling her - that he can be impulsive, yes, but she thought it was less serious. She thought he was more...rational regarding every aspect. That all of his decisions were purely intended by analyzing and thinking and not at all intuitively and impulsive. But to be honest, she feels intrigued by this new discovery and couldn’t deny herself a cheeky grin. “I know just the right dame - Wakako Okada. Runs a pachinko parlor on Jig-Jig street.” “We must pay this woman a visit. Will you join me?” „Sure.“ he smiles, too, “Thank you V” and starts the engine.
„Jazz, really?“ She asks as the radio starts playing and Takemura turns her car around, he shrugs “It is very calming. But change it to Rock or Night FM, I enjoy them too.“ “No, it’s fine.” They drive back through the tunnel. Takemura breaks the silence “So...Jig-Jig Street, what is this name?“ She dismisses the question with a wave of her hand „Just a Night City name.“ He frowns, “Beware you mock me...too often.” „Didn’t mean it like that, it’s really just how it is.“ "Mhm." The two of them ride in silence for a few minutes, while she thinks about the conversation they had with Oda. As Takemura has already confirmed to her, Oda has been his only friend and now - in hindsight - she can kinda understand why he even considers a suicide mission like the one they are going after, what choices does he have from his point of view?
“How are you feeling?” She interrupts the silence, “Fine. Why the sudden concern?“ “I am just asking. I mean we practically spent the last three days together, you are stranded here in Night City and just wondering how you feel.” „I apologize, that came off wrong. I am simply not used to questions like this. People like me...We either do well or we are in a grave. So it is not easy for me to talk about how I feel, especially when I do not feel so good.” She feels a sudden rush of compassion and affinity. The last hour they had talked more than in the last three days, had already gotten to know him better. They both do struggle in similar ways, she thinks.
Maybe if she opens up first it would be easier for him? “I know that feeling, it’s basically the same when you work as a corpo, well and as merc, here in NC. But you know what,I..." she hesitates for a second, this wasn't easy for her either "I feel like shit. I really do. I am dying, I have no plan whatsoever on how to stop this and I’m still grieving, even if I tell myself that everything is okay.” He waits a short time before responding “I feel like shit, too. I did not feel so powerless in decades. I do not know where to sleep, I am followed, need to blend in somehow, which is difficult as you might imagine. It...how would you say it...straight-up sucks, I wish I could delta.” She laughs. "But I am also grateful that you are here to support me V. That we share this mission." he adds. She quickly looks over at him, but his eyes remain on the road. 
“So where will you be sleeping next then?” “I do not know. I can not go back to the No-Tell Motel. As I returned, the room was destroyed, searched. They are still looking for me.” V, please don’t. „You could use my apartment. I’m not even there most of the time and if I am, I’ve got a bed and a couch, hell we might even shoot them right there.” Takemura smiles lightly but shakes his head “No, V, I cannot accept this. You gave me so much already.” She turns in her seat. “You can and you will. You saved my life, helped me yesterday too. And as much as you need me...Well, I need you, too.” For a split second, his eyes wander from the road to hers, but she couldn't tell what is going on within them and he doesn’t say anything. Hastily she adds “And, you know, I still have to follow so many leads, for this biochip thing. I just have a feeling that Hanako will be definitely worth a shot.” “Mhm.” Takemura nods, “Thank you. I will consider your offer.”
Wakako is on the phone as they enter her office. Takemura follows V closely behind. “V, so nice to see you. And your charming friend is?” He steps forward and greets her in Japanese “Goro Takemura. The honor is mine Okada-San.“ „Haaa, a true gentleman you got there. He's not on the market right now by any chance?“ Takemura looks at V confused, she shrugs and answers her a little too snippy “Em, let’s just say no, he isn’t.” “What a shame. And shame that he is hunted by all the Arasaka tin soldiers. And you, V, ” she stands up leaning forward in her desk, her voice not at all sweet and welcoming anymore, “bring him to my door. Give me one good reason I am not calling the proper authorities.”
V walks ahead, sits on Wakakos desk and counter “if you would have intended to do that, you would have done it ten minutes ago, but you didn’t, because you know me. We come with biz and a good amount of Eddies plus you are curious and want to know what we have.” She sits back into her chair “Get off my desk!“ She hisses „But you are right. What do you want?“ V quickly jumps off her desk “Parade in Japantown, we need intel, schedules, maps whatever you have.“ She crosses her arms “Arasaka. Again. Why come to me? Didn’t Deshawn answer his phone?”
V looks at Takemura, he answers “He is deceased. Okada-san, our intentions are honorable. We need just information. It is a matter of life and death.” Wakako looks over to V „Here, it’s all on the shards.“ „How much?“ „It is free. For a favor.“ „So it’s actually not free.” “It’s free for you V, but not for our hitman here.” And she looks at Takemura “My pockets are empty.” He replies, “Clearly yes. A client of mine needs someone dead. Quite and quick. Do it and your debt is paid.” V doesn’t like this “I could just...” but Takemura interrupts her “Consider it done.” “Great, here the shard.”
V and Takemura look at the data and Wakako gives them all the intel they need. “That’s all I have. Be on your way.” „Thanks, Wakako.“ and they leave, walking down Jig-Jig street, back to Vs car. “This Information, it could be just what we need.” “Yea, but didn’t like the payment for it.” “I can handle it. Besides, I need to make money myself. I need to buy food myself.” She nods but hides her thoughts, that she still doesn’t think the deal is a good idea.
However, Takemura verbalizes them “Are you concerned about me?“ Looking at the dirty ground she replies, “Well, I can't deny it.” They arrive at her car. Takemura holds her back, by her arm “V, look at me.” She looks up and is amazed that he is smiling widely, as she hadn't seen before. “You doubt that I can properly fight without implants?” Caught off guard she opens her mouth but closes it again. “You have never seen me fighting, haven’t you?”
She slips onto her hood “Goro, look, no, I am sorry. I didn’t mean...” he walks closer to her, his smile was gone, his eyes sharp, expression cold, bulked up to his full height and arms folded.   “You underestimate me V? I should have known when you told me I do not intimidate you anymore." She felt intimidated again, but without a shred of fear. Much more, she could practically feel her pupils dilate at his sight. He continues, "But be grateful I consider you a friend or you will regret this one day.” She turns to him “Wait, are you mocking me now?!” He loosens up, holding onto the roof of her car, a cheeky grin on his face, “Oh, or can it be, you don’t want anything to happen to me before our date?” V joins in his smile. “So it is a date!” She exclaims. He chuckles, before walking around the car. “Maybe.” “You know what Goro, you are right, I think I underestimate you.”
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yanderes-galore · 1 year
Can I ask for Transformers animated starscream with an autobot reader?
Sure! Although you both only really have two things in common- This isn't set in any specific season, although Starscream is cast out by Megatron.
Yandere! TF:A! Starscream with Autobot! Darling
Short Concept
Pairing: Romantic/Platonic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Egotistical behavior, Manipulation, Obsession, Internal conflict, Stockholm syndrome, Kidnapping, Mindbreak implied, Isolation, OOC Starscream possibly.
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There is so much tension between you.
Starscream takes forever to create an obsession over an Autobot.
He's a Decepticon with a sense of pride.
Why would he be all close with an Autobot!?
Starscream is egotistical and for the most part tries to destroy you.
Honestly... you'd have to topple his confidence to get him to have an obsession with an enemy.
Which soon isn't hard when he's beaten and battered by Megatron and left to rust.
His ego has to shatter before he considers anything with an Autobot.
Like, for example, you being any sort of hope at reclaiming the confidence and power he once had.
Starscream is quick to be a bootlicker if it benefits him.
He'd do anything if he had no other choice.
Even if it meant asking you for help.
Starscream may be a hostage once he's under your care but he's getting fixed by you so....
It's really hard for you both to push aside your fights.
Just because Megatron got rid of him doesn't mean he has no plans left.
You two have only two things in common.
Being from Cybertron and hating Megatron.
That's it.
Starscream tries to suggest plans to you.
You both hate Megatron, right?
Why not work together!
You refuse but Starscream never seemed to let go of the option.
You understand Starscream is an enemy yet you can't seem to let him die.
You instead make it so he's half busted.
His vehicle mode malfunctions, his wings are too bent, you made sure to make it hard for him to flee.
Starscream doesn't enjoy this but tolerates it.
Better to keep an act than have you slap some EMP cuffs on him forever.
This is the only way Starscream could start an obsession over you.
His ego is cracked just enough for him to consider it.
At first he obsesses over revenge.
On you, the Autobots, and Megatron....
Although amidst the obsession of revenge, he begins to get softer with you.
The other Autobots know you are meant to keep him behaved for possible information.
It's a surprise for everyone when Starscream fights less around you.
Like he's beginning acceptance.
Conversations with him are still sparce but...
Starscream despises the thought of him liking you when it crosses his mind.
He's stopped trying to threaten and shoot you with busted weaponry, which is an improvement.
Yet he stops wanting to kill you...
The other Autobots he still wishes were offline.
You are an odd exception for him.
If he does see you as a mutual to him then he's quiet about it for awhile.
His insults aren't as brutal as before...
When he looks at you he can't bring himself to hate you anymore.
EMP cuffs or not, he despises the idea of revealing this obsession to you.
He doesn't want to grovel at your feet.
Starscream will try not to admit he's accepted you.
He's in denial and if it did slip out he'd deny it.
Soon he's no longer lying to you.
Now when he tries to escape, you're safe from going offline by his hands.
He would like to return the favor, however....
If he ever broke the EMP cuffs if he has them and somehow tricked you into repairing him fully then he has plans.
When you least expect it he'll lure you in... alone...
Then shoot out your ability to move.
"It was your mistake to trust a Decepticon, Autobot."
He says it half-heartedly before abducting you.
Starscream does try to return the favor.
While he does like you now... he feels you broke him.
So he'll break you too.
Starscream is torn when he gets attached to an Autobot.
You made him a hostage, now he'll make you a hostage...
He'll break you like you broke him...
Then maybe you'll feel how he feels towards you and suffer like he has.
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love-marimo · 2 years
Suguru Geto (Fluff Headcanons)
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It starts off slow. A story between two forlorn wanderers of time, turned into bittersweet, entangled lovers both entranced by their own beliefs ー their own religions.
You believed in fairness, even though Satoru had always dismissed you for being self-righteous. He'd tell you that it will only make you lonelier if you keep shouldering the burden of others ー of strangers. He'd question your extent of the idea of saving the weak. But Suguru never did. And in that moment where he told Satoru to cut it out in front of you, that's where it all began.
At first, you called it kinship. The quick pitter-patters of your chest whenever you see him, the sudden breeze that runs down your spine, the warm feeling in your cheeks ー you'd tell yourself it's just because you admire him, not in a romantic sense of course, since you've sworn to the heavens that you'll eventually come around ー that it's not yet time.
Suguru would often help you out in your studies, both relating to jujutsu sorcery and academia. He'd pat your head if you did good, and tease you a little if you mess up. And you'd pray that Satoru isn't around because they'll mess you up even more.
"You really improved your stamina and stealth! If we keep training at this rate you'll keep up with us." He beams as he ruffles your hair, leaving you sigh both in annoyance and excitement.
"Does that mean I can join you on missions? I've taken down a special-grade curse before." you ask, looking up at him with those eyes… Oh, those eyes…
Suguru thinks of you every night, and he wishes you did the same too. Unlike you, Suguru is not one to deny his feelings, however he is excellent at hiding them. He tries his best not to bury himself in your hair lest he will become a creep in your eyes. He wants to maintain a good image of himself in front of you. He wants to be picture-perfect. He wants to be-
"Suguru, what are you doing?" your trembling voice shakes him to reality.
"Oh, uh… well…" Did he just stutter?
"You look pretty funny when you space out like that. I guess you're internally judging me for asking such a farfetched question." You chuckle, brushing your hair.
"No! I mean, well I was just thinking about telling it to Satoru." He retaliates, looking away.
And when your eyes gleamed and you took his hands and cheered, he really knew that he loved you.
Satoru didn't mind your presence. As long as you're not hindering them on missions and as long as Suguru has a smile plastered on his face, it's all good. You would then be invited to ramen night outs and sleeping over to either Ieiri's and Suguru's dorms (it is always Satoru's idea) and drink canned beer. And the next thing you knew that kinship you had for Suguru turned into friendship.
But do you feel the same way as Suguru does? Do you also crush on him with your whole heart? Yes. Do you constantly deny it? Yes… This lack of awareness will pay off sooner or later though.
When one of these happen:
You get injured on a mission.
Satoru senses the growing tension between both of you and finds a way to make both of you spend your time together.
Or both.
Fear is what would hold Suguru back from confessing to you. He experiences his own amount of depressive episodes and existential dread. He constantly hides his true feelings. He can be manipulative and obsessive.
And he doesn't want to hurt you by becoming or doing one of those.
For you, he'd do anything.
If the former happens and you do get injured he's going to be angry, and you'd assume that it's because of your lack of strength/power and then the words will just slip out of his lips.
"Do you even realize what you're doing? Why can't you be more mindful of your surroundings? I don't know what to do if I lose you again! I mean, what if you really died there? What about our first date? What-" He rambles on. And then your tears would stop. Ieiri sighs, and Satoru laughs.
"Suguru… do you…like, like me?"
He buries his face in his hands, groans and huffs out a:
"Yeah. I very much like you."
You now hold all these moments close to your heart, as the man you once loved is now gone, gone with the spring wind. You once both believed in fairness, until the unthinkable happens.
You can only wish you can turn back time again and again, to meet him for the first time and to relive all these moments forever lost in time.
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ー Lolita
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somebody-909 · 3 years
Stalkyoo After the Formal (pt.2) - Role Reversal & How Cracks in Yeong-gi's Mask Reveal His True Feelings
The black and white formal spurs fast-paced development for Shin-ae and Yeong-gi. They become friends, and perhaps begin to feel even more as they're given moments of romantic tension. This culminates in Yeong-gi realizing romantic feelings for Shin-ae on the balcony. But we see how he reacts to that and he doesn’t like what he’s feeling.
As a result, we see Yeong-gi actively try to distance himself from Shin-ae, and putting on a facade (part 1). However, we are occasionally given scenes where just for a second, he drops his guard, and we are given glimpses into what he's actually feeling.
Ep. 93 | The Earphone/Balcony Parallel
Shin-ae suddenly touches Yeong-gi to put his earphones back in and what happens next strikingly parallels the balcony scene, in both composition and sequence of events. However, his expressions are different, indicating different points in his journey of understanding his feelings.
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At the balcony, his first expression is more of extreme genuine shock. What we can make out from his partially hidden face later (panels 3-4), seems pensive and reflective; he doesn't understand or know what to think of what he is feeling — this is also why we can't see his face. Something truly significant is happening internally. The strength of these new emotions is emphasized by choice to make the background white.*
*this technically doesn't happen in the earphones scene, the white behind them is actually from the building windows. If you look carefully near his mouth, you can see the window panes.
In the earphone scene, his first expression is less shocked. This isn't something new to him, just a sudden reminder of something he is already familiar with. But his later expression (panel 3-4) is actually shown this time. His brows are furrowed and he frowns; he looks tense and troubled — he knows what he is feeling and he doesn’t like it.
This difference between the two scenes is due to the amount of time he's had after realizing. When he first realizes (at the balcony), he hasn’t had enough time to understand, let alone verbalize what he’s feeling; he only feels a difference. These new feelings likely give him a sudden jolt to pursue his desires, and he tries to break up with Alyssa. But even just within that conversation, he starts to “come back to his senses” (return to a feeling of low self-worth) and "be realistic" (aka self-sabotage and listen to everyone else) and he shackles himself to Alyssa.
This is the first instance where Yeong-gi tries to distance himself from Shin-ae and it's only within minutes of realizing his feelings. When given even more time to understand his feelings, the ramifications of his feelings for Shin-Ae become more obvious... Along with Kousuke's request to stay away from Shin-ae, which essentially says, "You're no good for her. Leave her alone," he doubles down on creating distance.
But when she suddenly touches him again, he is reminded of those feelings that he was trying so hard to deny, and he understands enough now, to know that he should hate it.
After all, he isn’t worth anything good; he should just listen to what everyone else says, and that includes Shin-Ae who has consistently accused him of wanting more than her friendship. Liking Shin-Ae is bad.
Ep. 117 | Hands and Distance - Finally Reaching Him
Since Shin-ae first extended her hand to him at the formal, she has consistently been interrupted; despite wanting to be there for him and letting him know she cares for him, she hasn’t been able to. And after weeks of avoiding her, when Shin-Ae sees Yeong-gi at WcDonald’s, she makes sure to fight against his resistance so she can actually talk to him.
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While Yeong-gi waits for Shin-ae’s break, her manager tells Shin-ae that:
“He comes pretty often [and] asks the employees if they’re doing alright or how everyone is getting along… Thought it was very nosy of him.. It makes sense now though. He’s probably just checking up on you.”
Despite trying to seem as distant as possible from Shin-ae, and purposefully avoiding her, Yeong-gi actually cares about her enough to secretly check up on her. As much as he tries to pretend otherwise, he cares about her. But he does not want her to know.
When they speak to each other on her break, he finally gets the chance to truly find emotional support and vent about how he feels:
"I’m getting really tired… I feel like things will never get better… I should just accept things will remain the way they are for the rest of my life. It feels like the world is always against me.”
And Shin-ae wants to comfort him in response. She places her hands in his — she closes the distance and they finally touch. She emotionally connects; at the same time her hands do, her good intentions and desire to support him finally reach.
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Shin-ae says:
You've got a lot of people that really care about you and got your back. We're here for you whenever you need us.
Shin-ae explicitly includes herself as part of the "people that care about Yeong-gi." She explicitly states that she will also be there for him when he needs it.
This contrasts when Yeong-gi spoke to her earlier in Ep.86 about her financial situation; although he wants to support her, he doesn't include himself and instead says, "your friends". He doesn't presume nor assert his friendship and lets Shin-ae decide whether he is included or not.
We see the contrast in how the two treat this relationship with how they try to support each other. Shin-ae doesn't hide her intentions; she cares about him and wants him to know. Whereas, Yeong-gi hides his intentions — although he cares for Shin-ae, he doesn't want her to know since he is scared to get any closer to her.
Additionally, when Shin-Ae starts to get embarrassed about holding hands, we see a similar expression on Yeong-gi's face as earlier, a slightly muted version of The Look™.
Later, when Yeong-gi shares his music with Shin-ae, we get an ambiguous thought bubble, similar to on the balcony, where it is difficult to tell who is thinking it.
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I argue that this bubble is ambiguous because it is meant to roughly reflect what both characters are feeling... They both like this.
Ep. 118-9 | Lingering thoughts
Later, we see how significant the moment was to them, as they interlock their own hands, trying to recreating the feeling, and thinking back to it.
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Yeong-gi recalls specific things Shin-ae said that stuck out to him:
You looked like you were having a bad day.
It means a lot to him that she noticed how he had been feeling and was worried about him enough to reach out.
You looked like you were running away from me.
He has been running away from her. Not only does he now recognize that Shin-ae has noticed this, but her statement essentially confronts him with that fact and asks him, why.
Things will get better for you… I’m sure of it…
Yeong-gi: “God, I sure hope so.”
Her good thoughts reach him and comfort him slightly. He goes from saying, “I should just accept it'll be like this forever” to hoping for it to get better.
The WcDonald’s scene finally shows Shin-ae truly reaching Yeong-gi; her good intentions, her concern, and her desire to be there for him are wholly communicated. And we see how much it means to him, as he recalls the feeling of holding her hands and thinks back to what she said.
Ep. 133 | Intimidating and Out of Reach
When we see Shin-ae “stalk” Yeong-gi at work, we see another reversal of their old dynamic, where Yeong-gi used to be Mr. Stalker. Instead, we see Shin-Ae is actively seeking out Yeong-gi to spend time with him.
While waiting for him for lunch, she reflects on her feelings for him.
She thinks about how he seems at work:
“He looked a bit different… Not really scary…But almost… intimidating? Out of reach? … Huh? Why does that make me feel a bit sad? Maybe I miss the “usual” him?”
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What Shin-ae describes as "intimidating" is more than his ability to blend in at work… it’s how he closed himself off from her. He’s emotionally unbreachable and out of reach, and she's stuck viewing him from the outside. This opposes Shin-ae's desire to reach him which feels intimidating.
She even misses him, and how they used to more simply spend time together. She doesn’t want him to be out of reach. Here, she realizes the emotional distance between her and Yeong-gi (that he carefully created).
Later when Yeong-gi arrives, he seems somewhat… rude Standoffish? A bit of both? (My guess is that he accidentally lets his feelings of not wanting to talk to her slip).
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Shin-ae also gives him The Look™.
They start to talk and the topic of Yeong-gi’s apparent aptitude at work comes up. Yeong-gi admits that he’s just as lost as Shin-ae is and puts up a façade to appear competent. This causes Shin-ae to wonder — does he do this to her as well?
Yes. But not to appear competent. Instead, he does so to hide his fears, his insecurities, his grief, and his affection for her… anything that is emotionally vulnerable. He carefully distances himself from her without letting her know, and crafts a friendly enough image so as to not hurt her feelings while doing so.
Yeong-gi is suddenly confronted with this fact when Shin-ae asks him,
“Do you put on a persona with me too?”
This is a tough question, and one he chooses not to answer (making the answer obvious). Now in a more emotionally volatile state, he’s easily caught off guard when Shin-ae suddenly gets close to him…
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His persona drops for a second… and he blushes.
Keenly aware of his new flustered state, he turns his head away shyly — he’s embarrassed!
Yeong-gi’s response to Shin-ae is not unexpected as we’ve seen small glimpses into his true feelings. At the balcony, the earphones scene, WcDonald’s, and now here — we see the core beyond the layer beyond the mask.
This scene chips away of the layers of his mask.
1. First, we see his overall appearance of being friendly.
2. Then, through his standoffish behaviour and Shin-ae's questions, a layer is chipped away to reveal his "wishes" to distance himself.
3. Then finally, at the inner-most core — he feels something that would cause him to blush and turn away...
On the surface, he appears to simply be friends with Shin-ae. Below that, we understand he is actually trying to distance himself in accordance to Kousuke's wishes and his own. But even deeper than that — we see the real reason he's distancing himself and his truest feelings... We see his insecurities... and fond feelings for Shin-ae.
After the formal, we see Yeong-gi's attempts to distance himself from Shin-ae. Now under a whole new kind of pressure, from Kousuke, Alyssa, his family, and the trial — Yeong-gi feels as though he has no choice to put on a mask — a façade that convinces those around him that he is fine and which allows no one to understand how he feels.
However, one other source of this newfound pressure is himself.
He starts to feel something for Shin-ae on the balcony.
But he can't entertain those thoughts, let alone show them — so even these feelings are hidden behind this façade. But when Shin-ae suddenly gets close to him, the facade cracks just slightly, giving us glimpses into what he actually feels.
And... he likes her.
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farfromsugafanfic · 4 years
Sutures - Chapter Three: Anosognosia
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Genre: Soulmates AU, Idiots to Lovers, slight Enemies to Lovers
Pairing: Yoongi/Named Reader
Warnings (chapter specific): drinking, drunkenness, light smut, sex dream, implications of oral sex, obsessive behavior from an ex, unhealthy relationship dynamic (not on part of Yoongi & OC)
Synopsis: “A person often meets his destiny on the road he took to avoid it.” –Jean de la Fontaine
There was only one thing you and Min Yoongi had in common that night. You were both brokenhearted. You only intended to be together for one night, but when you both end up in the hospital the next day you discover that you are soulmates. It could kill you to be apart. As you and Yoongi attempt to sever the bond between you, will another be formed?
Notes: This was originally written and completed on Wattpad between 2018 and the beginning of 2020. I’ll be slowly posting the chapters here. I may make a tag list depending on if enough people want to follow along with updates. Leave me some feedback if you would like added to a tag list.
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Yoongi saw the look in your eyes shift from soft curiosity to sheer panic. He felt the pit of his stomach fill with guilt. He shouldn't have slept with you; sure, the two of you would still have this problem, but no one would've had reason to find your shoes. You wouldn't have had reason to leave them behind. 
He'd felt betrayed, he'd felt lonely, he'd felt unloved by those he wanted to love him most. But, that was no excuse to sleep with the first attractive girl he found. 
"Have you told Bang PD yet?" Namjoon asked, his demeanor calm, but Yoongi could see the slight shock cross over his features, causing his thick lips to pout and his chin to jut out. 
Yoongi shook his head.
"I'll call him," Namjoon said. The leader placed a reassuring hand on your shoulder. He blocked Yoongi's view of you. He worried in those few seconds you were blocked from his view that you would collapse into Namjoon's chest and cry the tears meant for him. The tears because of him. 
Namjoon left the room, leaving Yoongi alone with you. He tried his best not to focus on the way your tank top hugged your chest and exposed the hickeys he'd left the night before and that Namjoon probably noticed it too.
"You look tired," Yoongi said. "We can't do anything until tomorrow anyway. Try and get some sleep."
You nodded and Yoongi wasn't sure if you were just trying to reassure him or yourself. He remembered the way you'd fallen asleep long before he did. The way you'd fit against his body; how it felt like two puzzle pieces joining together for the first time. He blinked away the thoughts and tried to focus back down on your eyes. 
"We'll pay them off," Yoongi said. "We'll make sure nothing comes of this."
Jihee (9:00 am): Are you all right?
Jihee (9:05 am): I heard you're in the hospital
Jihee (10:01 am): None of your members are texting me back
Jihee (12:31 pm): Baby, the news is reporting something about your soulmate? What happened last night?
Jihee (2:43 pm): Yoongi! Please respond to me! I'm worried
Jihee (5:12 pm): Yoongi...what I did last night...what happened was all a mistake...
Jihee (5:12 pm): I still love you
Jihee (6:00 pm): The news said you were released hours ago! Respond to me!
Jihee (8:20 pm): Yoongi, I miss you
Jihee (9:30 pm): I know I don't deserve you. But, please just tell me you're okay
Jihee (11:50 pm): Goodnight. Love you.
"Baby," you moaned. Your hands slipping beneath Yoongi's shirt. They were cold, but he still loved the way they moved over his stomach and chest. Your fingertips grazing over his skin, a fingernail occasionally catching and causing him to squirm.
His hands were in your hair, messing it up and causing it to form mountain ranges as his fingers hiked the peaks and valleys. He loved the way it felt between his fingers, soft and light. 
Your lips moved from his and down to his neck where your lipstick stained his skin. He kept his grip on your hair, feeling it tug slightly as you move downward. He helped you slip his shirt off as your lips connected with his chest. 
"You don't have--"
You silenced him by tugging on the waistband of his jeans and rubbing your thumb over the button, teasing him slightly. 
"I want to," you responded, unbuttoning his jeans. 
Yoongi tightened his grip on your hair, trying not to focus on the way your lipstick was smeared above your lips. He could already imagine the way they'd look...
His head lulled back and his fingers loosened. 
Yoongi awoke. He was covered in sweat and ran his hand through his hair. He glanced down at his phone: 6:41 am. He sighed and headed to the bathroom. 
He slapped himself softly, trying to stop the thoughts that continued to cross his mind. He didn't have feelings for you, it was simply lingering from he slept with you. Nothing else. 
He wasn't going to deny he was attracted to you, he wouldn't have gone back to your apartment otherwise, but he felt nothing romantically for you. Yoongi knew the attraction would continue and probably only get worse, but he had to fight it. The last thing he wanted to do was break either of hearts more than they already were. 
Yoongi turned on the shower, the water colder than usual.
You stood in Yoongi's studio where he kept his computer. You'd suppressed your laughter at the ridiculous amount of hoops you'd had to jump through in order to enter. A doorbell, black curtain, and two doors. You respected the fact he took his work seriously though. The wall full of awards and trophies he'd won, a few even separate from BTS.
There was a couch in the corner, but you were too anxious to sit. You just wanted your shoes back and whoever took them to get their money and leave you alone. You were thankful your name hadn't been released and the only other person who knew the full truth was Eunji.
"There's many of us trying," Yoongi said. "Me, Namjoon, our managers, other people at the company. One of us will get them." 
You nodded and watched as the countdown on the auction neared two minutes to the end. There weren't many bids, but the shoes were somehow already over 300,000 won ($276 USD). You'd brought your knitting needles and some yarn and mindlessly knitted.
"What are you making?" Yoongi asked, a small smile breaking out across his lips. It was tiny and barely recognizable. You weren't sure if he pitied you or if simply trying to break the tension. 
"Nothing in particular," you said. "I just need something to keep me busy." 
Normally, when you went in without a plan, it turned out as a scarf. You bit you lip as the timer hit a minute. 
Yoongi saw your gaze shift to his screen and he readied to enter his bid as close to the end as he could. He entered one million won ($920.00 USD) and hovered his finger over the enter button. 
"That's too much!" you said. 
"No one will outbid it."
"I know," you said. "But I feel bad. I shouldn't have forgotten them in the first place." 
The timer hit twenty seconds. Ten seconds. Yoongi waited just a few more seconds wanting to time it just right. 
You heard a scream and a crash and almost simultaneously an error message appeared on Yoongi's computer. Please connect to Wi-Fi.
"Shit," Yoongi said. "Jimin!"
You followed Yoongi to the living room, leaving the partially started scarf behind. You saw Jimin and Jungkook crowded around the router working to connect the cord back into it. 
"Did you trip over it again?" Yoongi asked, his voice breathy and exasperated. 
"Sorry," he said. "I'm not used to it." 
Yoongi sighed and turned back to you. His dark eyes looked down at you apologetically and he sat down on the couch, pulling out his phone. 
"I'll try and see if I can see who won." 
"It looks like they're going to have to come out and fix it," Namjoon said, hanging up the phone. "We won't have internet until then." 
The members groaned. 
Jungkook walked into the kitchen and brought back a case of beer, a smirk plastered on his face. 
"Let's play a game," he said. "To welcome Sumi to the dorm."
"What game?" Namjoon asked. 
"Answer or drink," he said. "On your turn, someone asks you a question and if you don't want to answer it, you have to drink." 
Everyone agreed and sat in a circle. Yoongi sat on one side of you and Hoseok on the other side. Your knee brushed Yoongi's and you felt a small pang in your chest as you pulled away.
"All right, we'll go in order of age. Jin, you're up first." 
You didn't really pay attention to the questions. You'd fall somewhere towards the end. Between Jungkook and Taehyung. 
Jin answered the question. He didn't seem like the type to be embarrassed easily, a quality you admired in the eldest. 
"Yoongi," Jungkook said. "Your turn."
The room stayed silent. No one had a question for the boy and he couldn't help but smirk slightly. However, Taehyung meekly raised his hand. 
"What happened with Jihee?"
Yoongi cussed to himself. He knew she had been texting the other members about him. The other members would always consult him first before telling her anything when it was obvious he wasn't talking to her. 
"She cheated," Yoongi answered simply. 
The other boys' eyes widened and they nodded. However, it wasn't their gazes Yoongi felt boring into him. It was yours. He could feel your eyes staring at his profile. 
Yoongi had been careful the night he met you. He managed not even to tell you his name. He'd only mentioned he'd recently gotten out of a relationship. He figured you didn't need to hear his sob story. Besides, he planned on keeping Jihee's betrayal a secret. Just as she wanted. The only people he could trust with the truth were his members. 
But, you deserved to know the truth. It was unfair to keep you completely at a distance, especially when he'd overheard everything about your ex.
Yoongi noticed you drinking, you'd already cracked open another can by the time it got Namjoon. He felt a twinge in his chest. Yoongi quickly suppressed it, your drinking habits were none of his business. And based on the way Eunji talked the night at the bar, it didn't sound like you drank much. Only when your heart was broken.
"Sumi," Jungkook said. "Your turn." 
Again, the room fell silent. No one knew Sumi well enough to ask her such a personal question. But, then again, everyone was tipsy, or in a few cases, already drunk. 
"How's Yoongi in bed?" 
Everyone except for Yoongi and you laughed. 
"Seriously?" Yoongi asked. 
He knew it was the alcohol that asked the question, but it was still inappropriate. He didn't want you to have to drink. Your eyes were glazed and your cheeks rosy. 
Yoongi reached over and drank for you, crumpling the can when he finished. 
"Move on," he said. "It should be your turn, right, Jungkook?"
"Wait," you said. "I didn't answer." 
Everyone turned to look at you. It was obvious you were too drunk to notice that Yoongi had technically already drank for you. 
"He's good," you answered. "Better than my ex and I hate that cause..." 
You drifted off not noticing the seven stunned faces staring at you.Your words slurred, but they hung in the room. Your eyelids drooped and your head lulled forward into your chest. 
"I think it's time for bed," Namjoon said, standing up and helping you stand. He threw an arm around you and led you down the hall towards your bedroom. 
Despite the fact that the situation was perfectly appropriate, Yoongi still felt a small pang of jealousy. He knew he shouldn't and that it was all the soulmates thing, but that didn't stop his fists from clenching. 
"She probably won't remember this in the morning," Yoongi said. "Don't remind her."
Yoongi swallowed the rest of his drink and left the room on the pretenses of being sleepy--which he was--but he also didn't want anyone to see the blush come to his cheeks. 
You awoke the next morning with the worst headache you'd ever had. You clutched your forehead and glanced at the time: 10:30 am. You sighed. 
You spotted your knitting things from yesterday placed on top of the dresser. You didn't remember fetching them from Yoongi's studio, but then again, you barely remembered anything after Jimin knocked the Wi-fi out. 
"All I drank was beer," you muttered to yourself. 
You weren't known for being a lightweight causing you to wonder just how much you'd drank the night before.
As you squirmed you felt something soft move in the crook of your arm. You looked down and saw Kitty. You smiled at the stuffed cat and her droopy eye. 
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coconutshvings · 5 years
I Have A Friend | {J.C.}
⊥Group // The Boyz
⊥ Genre // Fluff
⊥ Pairing // Ji Changmin × Reader
⊥ Warnings // None
• Requested? Yes {Requests are open}
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↭ Hypothesis - Q has a mystery friend that has developed a chain of romantic feelings for you over the time but has never revealed himself to you, when will he, will he ever?
@octapichin I hope you like it 💗
Your eyes observed every word written on the neatly cut piece of construction paper, written in an ink that wasn't too dark to be unreadable on the colored paper, for 2 months now you'd been getting these beautifully written notes- loves notes on different colored construction paper in random places, your locker, car wind shield, mail, you name it.
While it was flattering you did keep alert because what if whoever this was turned out to be a complete sleeze? The only thing you knew was that this person knew you, the locations of some of these cards were places only people in your inner circle would know about which were a few friends from school, your family, also your best friend Changmin or Q as he was often called along with his friends that he'd introduced you to.
You'd left things around them before so whoever were giving you these notes had to be someone not too far out of your circle, you thought it could be a joke with the notes popping up in your notebooks or book bad, on the back of your phone if you left it somewhere but when you confronted people it they really seemed to be clueless about the ordeal.
Then you thought surely no one would keep up this joke for 2 months unless they were really heartless and sick the passion that radiated in these notes indicated someone indeed harbored a special love for you.
There were too many possibilities, suspects, notes, it was making your brain scramble. You mentally screamed placing the note down in the basket with the rest on your kitchen counter that's when you heard your front door open and close before your best friend, Changmin, smiled gleefully walking into the kitchen.
"Oh Sure Q, you can come in." You sarcastically spoke making him snicker , "Oh Sure Y/n, you can leave the door unlocked for anyone to walk in." You waved him off turning your gaze to the basket of notes from your unidentified admirer,
"The notes are still coming?"
You nodded "A new one was on my welcome mat outside today when I went to check the mail, I stepped on it." You were becoming anxious and impatient "Why can't this person just reveal themselves?" You blurted out startlingly Q once you turned to him "Probably thinks you won't give them the time of day if they do reveal who they truly are." You just huffed
"They don't know that for sure unless they actually would try to approach me." You leaned against the counter with him joining beside you , "Got any clues on who they could be from?" You shifted your weight from one leg to the other,
"I know whoever it is has been around me often because they leave notes in my personal items, they left a note at my door so they know where I live," you paused collecting mental notes you'd made about the notes
"The hand writing looks familiar I just can't remember where I've seen it. Another thing I realized about the notes..." You trailed off as you began to space out in thought over the handwriting, Q studied your eyes for a moment realizing your weren't focused , he snapped his fingers in front of your face bringing you back to the moment.
"Um oh yeah, the notes, they all start off with the lines 'I have this friend' I think the person giving me these notes are referring to themselves really are and just saying they have a 'friend' to avoid me more." Your face saddened with each word, why was this so hard to figure out, why couldn't whoever this was just come out and say they wanted you, desired your heart, just that they liked you maybe even loved, your thoughts were again becoming scrambled.
"How do you feel when you read those notes?" Q's soft voice summoned you away from your thoughts again with his question, again your eyes landed on the basket of different colored construction paper, mini love letters written on them, you had never really thought about how you might feel you were just determined to know who was sending the notes .
However, you couldn't deny that in the moments reading the 4 to 6 line love letters you did feel some kind of joy that vanished from not knowing who feelings were written on the paper, you felt excitement, your heart did unexplained things that you loved when you read the notes.
"I guess I feel.. Liked, loved even. It's to say if I had the chance to know my admirer, even if we didn't associate much, maybe we could learn to and grow closer and experience these love letters in reality." You weren't aware of the smile plastered on your face but the sound of silence brought you out of your own world and back to the real one you looked beside you and Q was gone, maybe to the bathroom? You thought.
You turned around gathering all the notes neatly stacked in a pile into your hands spreading them with your fingers at all the assorted colors, "I have this friend.." You mumbled to yourself reciting the reoccurring opening to each note you'd gotten over the past 2 months.
"I have this friend," you heard from behind you making you wirl around to see Q standing in the door way, your eyes also noticing a colored paper in his hands though your eyes were focused on his, no way.
"He'd love to know what'd make your day so that he could always ve able to bring you sunshine even when it's pouring rain out." He softly spoke, you fought back a smile and your eyes could no longer bare it so you quickly looked at his hand, a yellow piece of neatly cut construction paper was in his grasp you looked at your own hands seeing a few identical colored ones before looking back to him.
"Q..." You trailed off as your heart sped up in pace. "I didn't know the notes were more to you than just figuring out who wrote them, I was the one afraid to reveal myself, afraid that after quite some time of friendship that you'd only see me as a buddy." His angel smile was bright with his dimples peaking, you were speechless.
The whole time it had been Him, your best friend who was indeed around you enough to slip these notes into places you wouldn't expect, and why? It was because he liked you, maybe loved.
You let out a breath that you'd be withholding it was all so much to process as Q walked directly in front of you, you could see yourself in his eyes clearly your body turned warm while you became shooken with nerves but you realized this was Q in front of you, no one different, your best friend.
"How do you feel in this moment knowing finally who's been sending you these notes?" He asked searching your eyes. It still amazed you but you wouldn't deny you were happy it wasn't some crazy weirdo stalker maybe Q would do just fine if you gave him a chance, your eyes focused to his from the ground beneath you gathering all the micro bites of confidence you had in that moment to speak
"I think this scenario is greater than any I've imagined, I've always found your adorable face and Charisma attractive," you grinned and Q mirrored you expression proudly, "a little crush on you is something I've developed but it's not that it can't turn into more it's that I didn't know if I should've allowed it to because of this friendship bond we have."
You sighed finally speaking what you'd been holding in you waited for his answer you felt his soft hands collide with yours bringing them up between you two and intertwining them again causing you heart rate to be faster than usual.
"Take it from me, the one you have a tiny crush on, I think you should let it blossom into more," his body was nearly colliding with yours once he moved a bit closer and your cool exterior was almost blown when your noses were almost touching,
"Its not like your feelings wouldn't be reciprocated?" He smirked before leaning in instinctively causing you to close your eyes, he gave your nose the lightest kiss that anyone could possibly recieve before moving back allowing you more space.
Once you opened your eyes He was back to his cute excited self as if he hadn't just caused a shivering tension between the two of you, yep, the duality he had would definitely be something you'd have to get used to, not that it was bad though.
"Would you consider giving me a chance to make you smile a thousand times brighter than you already do as your significant other?" Q looked like a hopeful child that really wanted a toy in a store and you could tell how much he truly wanted to be the one to cherish you and share your heart, you wanted to do the same with him.
"I don't see why not. The feelings are returned, right?" You cheekily asked while grinning seeing Q's eyes light up as if he'd just hit the biggest lottery jackpot the world had ever seen, "Yes Yes, of course they're reciprocated, I really like you, Y/n." He confirmed making you sigh out of contentment, "Then the obvious answer Is Yes."
Those words were the key he needed to have access to your heart in a way that no one else could and he was bursting of excitement and relief on the inside and out as he gently brought you into a hug embracing you with heat and blossoming love,
you rested your head on his shoulder closing your eyes once his scent hit your nose sending and exhilarating feelings through your body and in that moment you didn't feel like you would regret this, giving him a chance at having your heart.
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fly-pow-bye · 5 years
DuckTales 2017 - “The Outlaw Scrooge McDuck!”
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Story by: Francisco Angones, Madison Bateman, Colleen Evanson, Christian Magalhaes, Bob Snow
Written by: Christian Magalhaes
Storyboard by: Vince Aparo, Emmy Cicirega, Ben Holm
Directed by: Tanner Johnson
Part 2 of the big catch-up!
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The episode begins with the Ottoman Empire. No, not that one, Djinn, it's the TV-show-within-a-TV-show. In this episode, one of the hosts tries to host by himself, rebelling against his co-host who thinks he can not. He then forgets the half of the slogan his co-host usually says.
Outside of one more cameo of the show, which I will get to later, this gag only appears in this opening. I assume this is just a "character watches something on TV with a cheap gag" opener.
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That character being Louie, who is moping on the couch. Scrooge offers him some misprinted business cards he can easily permanent marker into Louie Inc. cards. Not only does Louie not know what a business card is, because those kids and their social media, but he wants to give up this whole Louie Inc. thing. There were five people in line at the patent office, and that obstacle was enough to make him give up. "Classic Louie", even Louie himself says.
Scrooge is not going to accept that, and decides to tell him a story in an attempt to get his determination back. Really, this is all just a framing device for an old-timey story about grit and determination. Even Louie knows it, as that's a direct quote from him. Not the framing device part, anyway; this episode's fourth wall breaks are far more subtle.
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The real story starts back when the Old West was the current west, in a small town called Gumption. A young Scrooge McDuck, with his unfailing sense of where gold is, bought a plot of land that may contain a large amount of gold. He was starving but determined, and he wants to claim his destiny.
He finds a small gold nugget in the rocks, a clear sign that something much, much bigger must be nearby. He grabs his stick of dynamite, and quickly climbs up the ladder, only for a part of the ladder to break, causing him to fall right into an explosion.
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Of course, he survives, I wouldn't have wanted that twist. However, he does get his foot caught in the rubble. However, unlike a certain person in real life or a certain moon dweller in the universe I'm looking over, at least he had his pickaxe within reach. He does get some additional help from an oddly familiar fellow.
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Oddly Familiar Fellow: Howdy, friend!
Meet Sheriff Marshall Cabrera, clearly either Fenton Crackshell-Cabrera's grandfather or another relative of that sort. It's cool to see that the Cabrera family line has always been about justice, whether it be a robotic superhero, a police officer, or, in this character's case, a town sheriff. A sheriff named Marshall; they do make a joke about that.
He says that he wants to let all the prospectors know that a big-shot is coming to bring fortune to Gumption. Ignoring the big-shot, Scrooge is more ticked about how he referred to a plural amount prospectors when he's the only one. Turns out, it’s a two prospector town now! He marches towards a tent, preparing to wallop whoever this guy is, and then, right behind his back...
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Goldie O'Gilt: Hootie-hoo, Scroogie!
Scrooge: Of course.
Goldie O'Gilt, his long time ex-rival, ex-partner, and pain in the tail, followed Scrooge in an attempt to steal whatever loot he gets. Scrooge is not happy about this new turn in this plot.
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Louie shares that unhappiness, though for different reasons. He thinks this is just going to turn into more "old people love". A lot of the humor of the episode consists of commentary from Louie. Scrooge still denies any sort of romantic tension between them, though he can't disagree that there isn't any hand-holding...
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...it's just not the kind Louie was talking about. Because that interruption wasn't enough, Louie then complains about all the prospector slang they're using. As much as the interruptions sometimes interrupts the flow of the story, we do get to hear David Tennant say “you’re killing my vibe, dude!” I could see that as how Scrooge thinks the young'ns talk. Thankfully, Louie changes his mind about that, and lets the story continue.
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They both decide to compete to see which one is going to get the gold first. Making matters worse for Scrooge is that Goldie bought all of the dynamite. They work day and night, though we only see her using the dynamite at night. Not sure if that means she's just confident enough to use the Tortoise and the Hare strategy, and didn't read to the end of that fable.
In the end, it turns out to be a three-way tie.
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No, that's not a typo, another potential rival comes in and grabs the giant nugget with a far stronger grasp due to using a mobile crane. Continuing the trend of bringing comic characters to animation for the first time, this rival turns out to be the first animated appearance of John D. Rockerduck. Really rich with money, but not rich with kindness.
Case in point, he shakes the hand of his fellow prospector, and then immediately takes off the gloves and asked if they would be burned. Already from the beginning, he shows himself as a rather despicable being, but don't tell that to the town and their sheriff. This was the big shot he was talking about, and he's going to use what he christens the "Rockerduck Nugget" to make the town wealthy.
Obviously, Scrooge is not too happy about yet another prospector coming to town to steal what he would christen the "McDuck Nugget". Goldie throws fuel to the fire by talking about how legendary Scrooge is, leading to some good ol' fashioned fisticuffs.
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Rockerduck is definitely far less jokey than, say, Glomgold, but him attempting to fight Scrooge is probably his funniest moment. Sheriff Marshall breaks up the fight before anyone gets seriously hurt.
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Of course, this is all just a plan to distract the other two while she steals what she might call the Goldie Nugget and the mobile crane. Unfortunately, she gets stopped by Jeeves, Rockerduck’s bodyguard, assistant, and wearer of silver teeth. Man, these reboots really love parodies of Jaws from the James Bond films. He's not much of a talker, never mind an answerer of questions.
...wow, I'm old.
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Unfortunately, the law is the law, and Scrooge and Goldie are put behind bars. This seems like the usual cliche of the innocent heroes getting framed while the true bad guy gets away with it, but they did just commit assault and grand theft auto, respectively. Even Goldie admits they would have been better off if the sheriff was crooked. Granted, him owning the town probably skewed the scales a bit. Suddenly, that rebellious host of Ottoman Empire shows up and teases the conclusion will happen after the break!
It turns out, Louie turned on the TV, much to Scrooge's chagrin, and he tries to defend himself by saying he was trying to record it later. As much as I want to say that this interruption just takes up some time, there is one little thing I do like about it: we actually see him quickly hit the record button. It was clearly not his intention.
However, another character does seemingly invade the story, and it's not because of Louie.
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This "nameless stranger" happened to be hiding under the sheets of the bunk bed. It may as well be the same Gyro Gearloose from the present...because it is due to some time travel shenanigans, though he denies it to the onlookers. I did look it up, Gyro Gearloose did have a world-travelling grandfather in the comics, but they decided to go with him time-travelling to the past. Maybe they felt it would be too coincidental to have every grandparent just show up in this plot, and there's a few other reasons, too.
One of the big reasons is that he comes with the knowledge that history will paint Rockerduck as a crook, swindling every city he said he would help.
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Sheriff Marshall doesn't believe this strange man, by saying Rockerduck made a lot of cities rich, and then names all of his previous towns. With each finger he pulls up, his expression changes to show that those towns probably didn't get that much philanthropy. Usually, the saying is show and not tell, but I think this telling is powerful. After realizing this, he decides to let them go, and even joins them in their quest to, well, let's let Scrooge say it.
Scrooge: The outlaw Scrooge McDuck has a train to rob!
Ooh, just like the title!
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Gyro, or that nameless stranger to everyone else here, also brings the knowledge of building rocket horses out of wood. He tried to make some organic ones with actual horses, but we see that those didn't turn out so well. It's funnier than it sounds, trust me.
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Scrooge and Goldie decide to put on disguises to make them look more like upper-class citizens. Goldie thinks Scrooge can’t pull off a rich man look, but with a top hat and cane stolen from the Mayor, he looks the part. This almost leads to a big romantic scene. Keyword: almost, as she praises that it covers the bald spot. It’s a running gag that lasts throughout the episode, and the last one featuring Goldie, come to think of it. It is practically a relationship trait in itself.
With the help of those rocket horses, Scrooge and Goldie are able to catch the train. The Sheriff completely believes that ordinary horses could have easily caught up with the train, too, but Gyro's response is that he's irritatingly familiar.
We see Rockerduck commanding the people on the train to laugh at his selfish acts, and having Jeeves throw someone off the train for questioning them. You know, just in case anyone didn't know he was evil. Scrooge and Goldie have to steal a key to the boxcar that contains the nugget, but it's currently hanging on Rockerduck's suit. What does Goldie do?
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She asks the piano player to play a new song she makes up on the fly. In the middle, she pretends to flirt with Rockerduck, pushing aside Scrooge at the same time. Then, she tells Scrooge to hurry up, using that command as lyrics to her song. There's some great bits in there.
Thanks to this song and dance, Scrooge manages to get the key without anyone noticing. That song proved to be a good distraction for everyone outside of one minor exception.
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Meanwhile, Gyro and Sheriff Marshall try to operate Gyro’s rocket horse and buggy, which I assume is what was supposed to carry that nugget, and the untrained sheriff accidentally makes it blow up instead. This knocks out Gyro.
If you’re wondering how Scrooge would know about this, you’re not alone, as Louie, after a long time after the Ottoman Empire gag, gets to interrupt the story again pointing out that very plot hole! Scrooge's response?
Scrooge: Look who’s suddenly invested.
Louie: It's just...ugh, Just keep going!
Yes, please keep going.
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Back to the story, Sheriff Marshall accidentally stumbles backwards, getting his hand stuck in a wooden gauntlet. That wooden gauntlet ends up guiding him into the background. One big hint of what's going on: he says "Blathering Blatherskite". I guess that was a family tradition that goes back, too.
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Just as soon as they get into the boxcar with the nugget, that one minor exception shows up. Scrooge tries to give this overly large guy a wallop, and he does about as well as one might expect. This was apparently before he learned how to use a cane, after all.
Just before we get a Jeeves Punch, Scrooge Down, he manages to get punched through the door by...a superhero?
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Marshall is back, wearing a superpowered suit that turns him into...okay, they never really give Steam-Powered GizmoDuck a name. If he does have a name, he does not have a chance to say it as he loses control as soon as he starts carrying the nugget.
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Even that wooden punch didn't do too much to Jeeves, as he just picks them both back up. I guess if Gyro and his inventions did too much, he would mess up the entire time stream. To quote young Donald in Last Christmas!...
Young Donald: Did you ever see any movie?!
Anyway, since fighting him is out of the question, Scrooge decides to appeal to the lower-class bouncer that he is. He tells him that Rockerduck doesn’t care about him, and he should do what is right. With that nugget of truth, he decides to let them go.
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Then again, giving him that little actual nugget of gold from the beginning of the story probably helped without. It's nice to see something from the beginning be a major part in the end. They are thrown onto to the golden nugget that WoodenDuck is carrying, and Rockerduck looks at this, and pretty much just shrugs it off. They only defeated one of his schemes, anyway.
Unfortunately, the GizmoDuck of the past is just as prone to overheating, as it overheats and begins to self-destruct. To indirectly keep Fenton Crackshell-Cabrera from disappearing, he jumps out of the suit as it carries the nugget right over a gulch.
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The suit explodes, with the golden nugget. Scrooge begins to open his mouth, and it immediately cuts to Louie yelling a big no. This is the first genuine reaction out of Louie that isn't boredom or nitpicking. How fitting of Louie's character.
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Thankfully, the pieces of the nugget that washed in the gulch went right back to Gumption, much to the joy of the townsfolk. Everything turned out alright; Goldie managed to deck Scrooge in the face and get most of the gold, the townspeople are happy, and even Gyro managed to get back to his home time with a bathtub time machine. I wonder how that came to be; maybe he'll make a movie about it.
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As for Scrooge, while he was not necessarily happy with this ending, he did manage to make a panning venture out of it. That venture did lead to a war, but this is the part where Louie decides to just tell him to stop. Louie wanted a happy ending, but to Scrooge, money-making ventures never end.
In the end, Scrooge asks Louie how he wants to make his fortune. He could be a con-man like Rockerduck, be a shifty operator like Goldie, or be an industrious self-made man like his Uncle Scrooge. His answer to this is this episode's big teaser, and it certainly fits Louie's rebellious character.
...wait, is that what the Ottoman Empire joke from the beginning was alluding to? We are just going to have to wait and see.
How does it stack up?
Definitely liked this episode better than the episode with her first appearance, and while it's not necessarily because of Goldie, she doesn't detriment the episode. I would love to see more stories like this, maybe without the Louie commentary, though I wouldn't say he ruined the episode either. How best to say this episode wasn't ruined. How about this?
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Next, Scrooge actually losing money?
← Treasure of the Found Lamp! 🦆 The 87 Cent Solution! →
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