#however. there is always mint tea.
miniemew · 1 year
you’re curled up snugly, cradled by the chestnut shell that serves as your bed. your body shakes with the force of another coughing fit, but the cushy cotton you rest in and stolen fabrics cut and fitted into blanket size, keep you warm despite the chills.
outside of the wall, the human brews water so scalding the steam alone would finish you if you were to stray too close- but the mint tea bag washes over your senses as it’s aroma seeps into tea. with a small smile, you turn your nose towards the soothing scent.
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tarjapearce · 6 months
Crimson Crown (Pt. 7)
Royal AU! Miguel O'Hara x Reader
Thanks to @pinkiemme for this amazing cover ✨
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Summary: While your bond with Miguel deepens, so does the danger.
Needless to say you couldn't sleep. The initial thrill had turned into a myriad of things surfing through your mind. He had accepted your invitation without much hesitation.
Although your vision and ambitions for the future had been shared along some personal tidbits, the prospect of getting to know him on a deeper level was simply beyond excitement. So far, King Miguel had been nothing but kind to you. Despite the initial clash between the both, your walls had mellowed enough to stablish a good camaraderie.
But sitting in the first line to witness his work and dedication for his lands, had made your heart dance and prance with joy. You were ready to learn from him, and hopefully he could learn a thing or two from you.
And the lab.
Your arms hugged the pillow as a dreamy sigh escaped you. He had given you a lab completely for yourself, one of your dreams fulfilled to a full term and all thanks to him.
You wanted nothing but to hug him and you were about to, however the rational side of your brain prevented you from such thing. Regret remained jared inside, maybe if you had done a more personal and physical approach things would've been different.
Would it be too soon though? Would it be too bold? You certainly didn't want to spook him or make him have a desperate concept of your persona. But he gifting you with things that only nurtured your soul proved it hard to restrain your blooming affection.
Physical attraction was measly compared what he had to offer as a person. Not that his beauty wasn't alluring, but his intelligence, diligence and devotion towards his people had completely captivated you. And today you'll offer to return a bit of his own kindness.
He was always busy, duties prevented him from being a normal person and enjoy simple things in life. Your task for the day was to find out those little mundane things that he relished in, so maybe ahead in your future you could join him when doing so.
Unable to remain in bed any longer, you rose and prepared for the day. Instead of the usual lavish attires you were always dressed in, you went for a more casual set.
The trips in the city had given you the sight of a perfect spot nearby the castle. The ideal place to have your adventure of the day.
Once you had bathed and dressed up, you headed for the kitchen. Cooking wasn't something you excelled at, and even though the occasion was special, his favorite meals were a mystery to you. Miguel didn't seem like a picky eater, but he did favored fish and birds.
Obviously a man his size and weight needed larger amounts of calories. His musculature seemed something that was forged through the years, another thing to marvel about.
Before your brain could get lost in the many qualities he possessed, you kindly asked the chefs to prepare a little portable feast to put in a hamper. Appetizers, a few bits of meats and fruits along some wine and desserts.
In the meantime, you headed for the lab, Peter joined you midway, a little out of breath.
"Your highness"
"Good Morning, Peter."
With a little smile you acknowledged his presence before going to the herbal side of the place. A couple of black roses were pulled out, along some mint leafs. You prepared a little concoction before serving yourself and Peter a cup.
"Drink this. You look exhausted."
Peter hesitated for a second, but again, the smell was too fragrant and good to let go. He drank as you did.
"Do you think the king shows up?"
"He must."
A little chuckle escaped your lips while you finished your tea.
"I know. But, there is always something showing up. I hope it's not the case."
"I'll make sure he's there. Is everything ready?"
"Not yet. Cooking is not my forte, sadly. I wanted to prepare things on my own, but I'm afraid I'd be accused of a murder attempt with my seasoning."
Peter choked on his tea but quickly coughed it away with a lithe laugh.
"I'm sure it's not that bad."
"Still, I rather stick to pills and potions. That I can do. Even blindfolded. But enough on it. I'd like to ask you something."
"Is there anything that the King wouldn't rather to discuss? I really wouldn't like to make him uncomfortable if I pry too much."
Peter's eyes were filled with understanding.
"His health. He doesn't like talking much about it."
Your face turned concerned, something that Peter offered a little comforting gesture by holding his hand up. Stopping your thoughts from running rampant.
"He is alright. Not terminally ill or any sort of tragedy. If that's what you're concerned about."
"How could I not see this before?"
"Don't blame yourself, your highness. If you didn't see it, it's precisely cause he takes care of himself."
"Well, he has me... My help now, I mean."
Peter chuckled while putting the saucer away, exhaustion leaving his body.
"I know. I'm sure he'll put those skills to a good use."
"I hope so. I'd like to... help him. Ease his kingly duties, I am the future queen of Arachne after all. It's only fair I help him out."
"You're already have done so, your highness. But I'm glad you think that way."
Miguel wasn't wrong regarding you sharing his vision, and for you to help him was plainly endearing for those within his most intimate circle.
You instructed Peter to help you out with a little infusion. A gift for Miguel.
A little ground coffee beans and other herbs all tucked in a burlap pouch. Then it was all reduced into three vials. Similar to the ones he used for his medicine.
"What is that?"
Peter eyes both curiously and suspiciously the dark colored infusion, you just chuckled while sealing them with a lid on.
"An energy boosting drink. Whenever he finds a headache, he should drink this."
"That smells like coffee?"
"It is. But more concentrated."
"You still believe me capable of harm the king? That wounds me so, ser Peter."
An awkward titter came out of Peter's mouth, "Of course not, your highness. He's just wary."
"I know. I have my own precautions as well, but, If I am to stand next to him in whatever years lay ahead upon us, the least we can do is to trust each other. And I want to surprise him with something."
"I understand. I'm sure he has no doubts regarding you."
"You think so? I hope you're right. Is there anything else I should know?"
Peter's grimace furrowed and became solemn for a moment. He was about to warn you about Lord Darko and his tactics, including Dana when Margo approached.
"Your majesty, the chefs are ready. Should I get your horse?"
"Yes, please."
"We'll continue this talk later, alright?"
"Of course."
With that Peter just watched you leave. He knew prying into personal territory was a bit too dangerous even for him, but since Miguel either forgot often or he didn't want you to know, someone had to do the nasty job of warning you.
But now that you had wormed your way into Miguel's head and heart, maybe the truth would spill out his lips without much trouble. He could only hope for the good. He was the king, but also, his friend.
You didn't expect to see Miguel at the main gates, both of your horses ready to depart. In all honesty, you'd think that he'd send either Jessica or Ben to excuse himself for the day.
But seizing him, in a more casual yet practical attire to fight, made your heart to jump leaps. He was there, like he said he would. He didn't excuse himself this time.
His eyes narrowed softly at the sight of you, the gleam in them upon taking in your features made your skin crawl underneath the long sleeves. You approached and he readied his horse, making sure the seat was adjusted correctly.
A friesian black stallion that neighed softly as Miguel caressed in between it's ears. Perfect for battle and running in case a retirement happened.
You hopped on the horse, Miguel on his and the basket was attached to Jessica's. She was only there to see the location and bring the basket to then leave you both alone.
"Are you ready, my lord?"
"Lead the way, Princesa."
With a gallop, you settled the pace and soon, the three of you marched away. Leaving a lithe gust of wind after the horse's trotting.
Jessica gave Miguel subtle glances, which he replied with a mildly annoyed scowl. The non verbal communication had been perfected by both over the years, a clear sign of mutual respect and trust. And an even clearer 'Get over it. It's just a lunch'.
Jessica's smug smile stretched when he rolled his eyes and trotted next to you.
The wind blew over, playing with the scattered leaves in your wake, ruffling the different textures of your hairs, it took you some minutes to leave the castle behind, and some more minutes to arrive to the pond.
Short and green grass cracked under the horse's hooves, the smell of wild flowers and soaked earth filled in your lungs with pure air, skin soared in delight when another gust of air blew over the both. The tree's leafs joined in the waltz. You gave Miguel a smile.
"We've arrived."
You hopped off the horse with ease. The chirping songs of the birds nested within the big oak tree made it all feel like God had turned one of his whims into reality. A couple of deers had escaped as soon as they heard the horse's gallop. The faint noise of the water before you and the smell of pines made your thoughts even more enthusiastic.
Jessica left her horse for a bit to put the hamper near the tree and with a final salute she returned back to the castle.
It was only you and Miguel. The latter took the basket and ventured deeper within the curtain of leafs and climbing plants nature had claimed a certain branch of the tree. Like a private room in nature, a perfect getaway from prying eyes.
You took the linen and put it on the grassy and moss textured floor, Miguel helped by moving the basket on the middle of the fabric and then you sat down, patting the space adjacent to yours. He obeyed and rested his back on the tree, just like you after the shoes were removed.
"My trips to the city made me aware of the many lookout spots the castle has. And I found this one. Do you... like it?"
"I do."
His voice contained unsure undertones, cause in all honesty, he rarely left the castle and when he did was either for war, or to patrol. Miguel had never minded to take his time into admiring his lands, that held not only power, but beauty within.
Just like you.
His eyes darted towards your profile, appreciating the landscape when he noticed the shy dimple in your cheek. His eyes raked over your lips, the brief wonder of their taste popped in his mind. The sun rays filtered through the leafs, gently basking within your eyes.
As if the sun had found a lovely place to rest for a moment. His brows twitched upwards yet discreetly. The ally eyes were gone, leaving room for the man he was to take over and be in awe of your beauty. If this was the sight he'd wake up to, he'd gladly become an art connoisseur.
He didn't know what to blame. His pent up stress that begged him for relief, or your mere existence in the same space. Breathing the same air, inches away from him looking like an artist's opus magna materialized into flesh and bones.
You mumbled and cleared your rasping throat.
"Are you hungry, my lord?"
"Please, call me Miguel."
You blinked once, then twice before a bashful smile bloomed on your cheeks.
"Are you sure of that?"
"We're soon to be wedded. Even though nobility is picky regarding titles, I couldn't care less."
That earned him a sheepish chuckle from you, but you nodded.
"Then, it's only fair you call me by my name as well."
"I'll stick to Princesa."
"Isn't that my title?"
"It is. But in my other tongue means something good."
Lovely even
His lips twitched in a little impish and borderline childish smile upon seeing you flustered.
"But if you want, we could go back to-"
"No. I mean... I like when you call me that. Your other language sounds rich and captivating."
"Does it?"
Your head bobbed nervously and his hands reached for the wine bottle to serve on two goblets.
"How much of it do you understand?"
"Barely a thing. But it's your tone that gives a bit of context. I can tell when you mean something good or bad."
"How about this? Te ves tan encantadora cuando tratas de aprender más sobre cualquier cosa." (You look so lovely when you're trying to learn more about anything)
Your throat gulped and your eyes casted away from him for a brief second before exhaling gingerly. Flush blooming in your face.
"Sounds like I'm doing something good."
His smirk deepened.
"And what have you learned so far?"
"Some little phrases, a few greetings and your title."
"My title?"
"Yes, mi rey."
His heart was nothing but a thump-a-thump inside his ribcage, the way you had pronounced such thing had his self control to hold you in such a fine thread that could snap if you ever said something like that again.
My king.
Your king. The idea of being called like that after your wedding made him secretly beg time to go faster. He had so much to teach and show you, your eagerness only made it better.
But he was also learning from you.
You called him by his given name, and oh his heart nearly jumped out of his chest. His lips stretched involuntarily at your voice, calling him.
"I've gotten you a gift."
"A gift? Why?"
"What do you mean why? I'd like to honor you too with gifts as you've done. Is it wrong?"
Your hands reached for the velvety pouch containing the vials, filled in with your caffeinated concoction.
"Here. If you ever find yourself with a terrible headache, drink one."
"I'm afraid I'll need more than these." You chuckled and leaned in a bit closer to him.
"I will prepare as much as you need."
He poured the wine, and handed you a goblet. You sipped it almost right away, nerves wrecked you, but speaking so closely to him made your blood rush hapzardly in your cheeks and butterflies to twirl in your stomach.
"I also wanted to ask for something, away from the council's ears."
His brow arched softly "And what is that?"
"I beg you. Please let me ease your kingly duties. Let me help you."
It was always a Lead the way, sometimes a You need help. others a You can't do it alone. but never precisely that. A let me help you.
"I know that I'm already helping, according to you. But I'd like to do more." You took a small slice of fruit, "That way, we could spend more time knowing eachother. Either through work or... like this."
"What else would you like to do?"
He gestured you while he popped a grape into his mouth, you ate the piece and talked once you swallowed
"Let me take charge of the arts and social agendas. I will improve them. Your people have so much talent. You could size it."
"Then, let's make a deal. You're not to abandon your medical duties, I need you on the front."
Your head nodded eagerly.
"But, I'll assign you a schedule, so you can balance both. But if it's too much, you'll let me know. Understood?"
"Si, mi rey."
Maker's mercy.
You were killing him, his restrain was kept in check and control. You ate and drank in silence, too nervous to ponder about eachother, but the letter he burned into ashes came to his mind.
"Have you had many pretenders before me?"
A cringe worthy nod from your end made his nose flare in an airy chuckle.
"Yes. Though I barely remember about them now."
You shrugged and Miguel could only stare at you.
"Did they ever sent you letters?"
"They did, until I decided to ignore them."
His eyes changed to a more curious and keen gaze.
"They were simple."
"Yes. You know, when beauty is everything they see. I like deeper minds."
Miguel's chest heaved with excitement upon your words.
"For being a pair of royals that were brought together under political circumstances, we do have alot in common."
"Indeed. May I know more about yourself, my lord?"
"More about me?"
"Yes. What do you like doing in your scarce free time, favorite things and the like."
"And what do I get in return for sharing such information?"
"More of myself to you. And possibly me enjoying such activities with you."
"That's fair."
A small smile appeared in his lips.
You both shared, your own part of the story. Your birthdays, favorite foods, drinks, activities, flowers, upbringing and raising ways.
He was a simple man when it came to things, nothing too extravagant as you had thought. He didn't enjoy hunting. He disliked formal and big events, even had thought of escaping to his room after he had been crowned.
He had found a way to brew his own sort of wine, reducing the importing costs, he was an inventor, and spoke multiple languages. Miguel enjoyed tinkering with machines that were out there making the life of his citizens easier.
His upbringing was everything but easy, since the expectations were put in him in such an early age. Another reason of his premature scowl.
He told you about his first battle and how scared and angry he was. You shared about the loss and mourning of your brother. How it impacted on your parents, your dad specially. And how your mother took charge for the both to prevent the kingdom to sink even deeper in the rickety luck that seemed to tuck in Theleria.
He had his temper and has kept a silent rivalry against Kingpin. However his surprise was much when finding out you were about to marry Kraven in a desperate attempt to keep a bit more of territory. One of your father's suggestions.
"I'm grateful it ended up being you."
Your mother had played her cards well. You had even explained some customs of your country. The mistresses topic was unavoidably brought up, but sensing you tense after explaining the why, he was the one that seemed deep in thought.
" I apologize if my traditions have hurt you in any way."
"It's complicated, cause I really want to understand everything related to your kingdom, I know no nation that is perfect. But I accept your apology."
"Still, I'm sorry for making you feel disrespected, Princesa."
A little smile appeared on your lips. You itched to know if he kept them around, but that bit of solace was enough, you didn't want your dark thoughts to ruin what has been achieved so far.
"Do you wish to return to the castle now?"
"I'd be a liar to say that I don't. But my priorities are others at the moment."
Baron Drako dragged Dana to a secluded room and sighed. Dana could only stare at him, expectant.
"What's going on?"
Darko paced frantically before her, "The king..."
"What about him?"
"He's out. With the princess." He seethed, "They left since this morning!"
Dana's expression soured. Her anger boiled, but fury would do little to solve the evolving problem. You. She needed to think straight.
"Is that so?"
"How can you be so calm?! The crown is being taking right under your nose-"
She interrupted while raising a hand. The single motion alone was a clear understanding between the both.
"Tell me you have a plan. You can't... You can't let that Thelerian to be crowned as queen. You are the one and only worthy to be on Miguel's side"
"I know. But don't you fret. Miguel always returns to me. He knows what I am capable of."
Her fingers took her chin, and her eyes narrowed. She'd definitely had been slacking, not cause she wanted. Her own family matters had kept her at bay from the main stage.
But she had seen you both. The glances Miguel gave you, the way he itched to hold your hand, to lay a finger on you. Just as he had longed for her all those youngling years ago.
"Let me handle this."
"What are you gonna do?"
Dana's lips twitched in a wretched and cold smile.
"I think it's time to introduce myself to the princess."
Miguel's hand took yours as you ventured in the shallow parts of the pond to soak your feet.
Despite the day being nice, the humid weather of Arachne always made you itch for a cold bath during the day. Sometimes you dreaded the materials for the wedding dress, but it mattered little when clothes were bound to be discarded through the night.
You swallowed and casted a discreet look his way. His feet submerged in the cool and crystalline waters, pants rolled up to his ankles, and his shirt to his elbows, leaving strong and sturdy forearms bare to your sight.
Would he like to consummate the marriage? Probably. Would he notice your total lack of expertise in bed? Definitely.
The more you thought about it, the more red your cheeks grew. But it was impossible to not think in such things when the behemoth of a man next to you was looking to the horizon, deep in thought about something you didn't have access yet.
His skin glistened under the sun, but his lips were the main attraction to your now not so discreet ogling. He smirked upon catching you red handed, a hand of his raked through his curls on purpose, making his muscles flex and be outlined underneath his shirt.
His whole frame offered you solace from the blazing sun, but also granted him enough to see your flustering.
His eyes softened and his shoulders slumped, relaxing within your presence.
Eyes studied you for a moment before they stopped at your lips.
By instinct, he took your hands. Your fingers grazed his palm softly in a shy caress.
"It's been a while since I've taken a break."
You smiled and his eyes mellowed.
"I'm glad I was able to distract you from your duties, even for a bit. We all deserve to rest."
"Now you sound like Peter."
With a giggle you pulled him deeper to the pond, letting the hem of your skirt to soak lightly.
"Well, he is right. The more you take care of yourself, the longer you'll live."
Hand in hand your feet wiggled underneath the water. He stood next to you, gazing at your hand in his.
His heartbeat steady, despite pounding in his ears by that touch alone.
"If I'm honest, I didn't want a marriage initially."
"I know. Neither did I."
His grip tightened slightly and you looked up at him.
"It's funny how life weaves it's threads, isn't it?"
"What do you mean, Princesa?"
"Well, neither of us wanted to, yet, neither opposed greatly." A faint shrug of your shoulders, "I might have given a little tantrum. But we just agreed because of our duties."
His eyes casted down briefly before speaking again
"If... circumstances were different, would you still agree to a marriage?"
That was a question you weren't expecting.
"With you?"
He nodded
He was definitely holding onto you tighter.
"Quite curious you are, my lord."
He chuckled and you grazed your thumb on his warm flesh.
"But, it's because of your kindness and consideration"
"Sorry to disappoint but I'm everything but that."
"Towards others perhaps. But to me... You're not the bloodthirsty man everyone makes out of you. You're more than that."
A faint pained look came across his features.
"Bad habits are hard to kill."
"My lord. Tell me something."
"From all the times you've waged a war, was your land under threat?"
"Was your kingdom sovereignty at stake?"
"It was."
"Do you love war?"
"I don't."
"Sometimes hard choices must be taken. We might not always like it, but someone must do it." You inched closer to him and entwined your fingers gingerly in his.
"And those who chose to do the right thing, even in pain, are the bravest souls of all."
His hand enveloped yours in a tender hold. Words like a reassuring balm to his aching soul. Fingers secured tightly yet gently on yours.
"And, I'll be honored to be brave with you. If you'll allow me, that is."
The urge to clutch at his chest only grew the more you spoke. You could kill him out of joy and you wouldn't even know.
"My words might be clumsy, I'm rather a man of action. But believe me when I tell you, Princesa."
His eyes looked into yours.
"Regret regarding this, had left me a long time ago."
You way back to the castle was quiet, yet comforting. It was safe to say that you had came closer, not only as royals, but as two individuals bound to share their lives. Obligation was no longer a word that hovered over both, willingness had slowly seized that spot.
You wanted the same, and he could have you. There was no hidden truths behind, no second guessing or intentions. Nothing that made him suspect. Just raw and utter admiration from you. And something else.
You understood with little. He was bad with words or anything that involved feelings, but the urge to prove his blooming affection and admiration for you was greater than anything, sometimes even from his own duties.
But that kiss on the back of your palm was more than enough for you to know your advances weren't in vain.
A chaste, yet loving kiss that made you understand that the acquaintance and friendship threshold had been blurred and crossed.
You weren't afraid of the intensity of how your emotions displayed, and hoped that he wasn't spooked away by them. But it was unerring that your temporary escape had brought to light so many things hidden by fears and insecurities on both ends.
You settled for another outing within the following days.
Upon returning to your chambers, and another kiss on your palms as a temporary goodbye, you prepared for your evening activities. Meaning, you'd be back to the lab and instruct your new subordinates, ready to prove and honor your words.
Peter however followed Miguel to his war room to deliver a report. The sight before him made him chuckle. Slumped against his chair, a lazy smile on his peaceful face.
"If escaping your duties with the princess leaves you like this" He gestured to a slumped and lazy smiling Miguel, "Then I'd have to ask her to keep you for herself as long as she wishes."
He could have you.
The realization upon you saying such things filled in his body with many things he couldn't understand completely, but was no longer wary and mistrusting to explore.
"The wedding is a month away. Many things have changed."
"Sounds like you're eager to get married."
"Not for the reasons you think." One of his bushy brows quirked, mildly annoyed.
Peter rose his hands in defense, "I haven't said nothing"
"Good. Prepare Dana's family for a trip."
"I'll send Baron Darko a-"
"No, I heard you. Really, Miguel?!" An exhausted and cloy sigh came across his lips, "I'm getting tired of you playing this childish games. That wretched woman is dangerous."
"I know."
"Then why you keep her?!"
"Cause I'll kill her myself. But not within my castle."
"I don't believe you."
"Not my problem. Don't want her blood stain this fortress."
"... Miguel-"
"In two days. Tell Commander Reilly to prepare the east manor."
His personal slaughter house. Peter's eyes remained on him, there was no lies behind his dark ruby eyes.
You had taken dinner in your room, too excited to keep your thoughts to yourself. A flurry of entries where added to your diary.
A scholar having a crush was nothing compared to how you felt.
Everything seemed to be finally be on its way, but something didn't belong in there. You had been too eager to start your teachings that completely ignored the letter left on your desk, placed by an intruder.
The bright red wax seal captured your attention. A letter written in an impeccable scribbling, not as refined as yours. The seal was broken, initial joy vanishing upon reading its contents.
A letter that undoubtedly, had all the intentions of harming with a simple message:
"Your majesty. I believe it's time for us to meet. Join me at the rose garden after midday tomorrow.
Another council member you didn't know about? No. You've already met Baron Darko. Who could it be and why such pithy words filled you with anxiety and dread?
You put the letter in the desk where you found it, and headed to your bed. The memories shared with Miguel today were far too bening to let the intrusive thoughts to win over.
Sleep came easier when the last thing in your mind was Him and the events of today.
@obi-mom-kenobi @allysunny @nxrdamp @a--dedicated--fangirl @rin0r1na @queenofroses22 @sofi786 @murnsondock @okayiamkassandra @kimmis-stuff @ceoofmiguel @meeom @handsomeprettytoes @ladymoztaza @chiikasevennn @mxtokko @gabrielarose29 @oooof-ifellforyou @minalovesyoubabes @kikisstrawberrie @know-that-its-delicate @aikoiya @st0r-fruit @ittybxttykxttytxtty @local-mr-frog @liidiaaag @berlinswifey @eepybunny0805 @vonev @cheerrioeoz @solesurvivorjen @zaunsin @ange-grayson @peachsteven @kdrosebme @geraskier-thots @rjasmin2021 @yehet-moi-ohorat @death-moth-art @smookycloyd @somehopeatlast @jadinwitch @bunnibitez
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shalotttower · 2 months
A Natural Benefit
Title: A Natural Benefit
Fandom: Death Note
Characters: L Lawliet x Reader (female)
Summary: L wants to try something new, you want to be left alone. So an offer is on the table, it's a mutually beneficial arrangement after all.
Word count: 2100+
Notes: yandere!L, kidnapped Reader, dub-con kissing, manipulation, captivity, L and Reader were together at Wammy's House
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"Would you indulge me?"
Your eyes dart up from the page to his face. L looks at you like he always does ─ an intent yet oddly distant stare that used to make goosebumps appear on your arms. Nowadays you're somewhat re-accustomed to his mannerisms. He doesn't blink much, tends to stand behind your back whenever possible, likes to play with his food and enjoys invading your personal space far too much to be deemed socially acceptable.
His habits are strange but harmless.
"No," you say, just to be contrary.
L is fond of making things sound simple, and then — snap! — the trap is shut, and you find yourself doing a completely different activity than initially expected.
"I want to kiss you."
"N-" You blink and lower your book down, not bothering to mark it. "What?"
"Kissing is an act of physical intimacy between individuals," he says like it's an obvious fact and you're merely slow on the uptake. L's expression doesn't change, neutral despite this being anything but a normal conversation starter even by your standards ─ admittedly low.
"Thank you for enlightening me about the definition," you lean back against the cushions, "still no."
"Why not?" He asks after a momentary pause.
"Because I don't want to."
A simple answer to a weird request. You try to resume reading, but there're other things currently occupying your brain ─ namely the attempts to understand what prompted such inquiry.
L never asked for physical contact before; platonic or otherwise. Sure he tried to entice you into spending time with him through bargain and manipulation, and you pretended to be oblivious enough to earn an Oscar for your acting skills. However, there never was any talk of kissing involved. Any kind of touching, actually.
He hums. "Would you like me to explain my reasons?"
Sometimes you think that the sole cause of L's existence is just so he could annoy people for kicks. His questions are always peculiar, and you've learned that every single one of them is designed to lead towards some specific conclusion, preferably the one he wants. You have a feeling that if you say 'yes', L will proceed to list a hundred points about why kissing is good. And then another hundred why kissing him specifically is beneficial.
He looks at you. You look at him and raise the book higher.
"Indulging me would benefit both of us," L says, undeterred. "You're very curious by nature and I find it quite fascinating that you're able to deny your curiosity in this particular case."
Has a more obvious bait ever existed anywhere in human history? Probably not, and you'll bet your entire life savings on it too.
"I'm not curious," you lie, "now leave me alone. I want to read."
He leans forward. "You haven't focused on the book since I asked my question."
Smartass. You purse your lips and pretend that the characters are suddenly so interesting, that it's hard to look away from the intricacies of the plot unfolding inside this fictional world. At least things there make sense; no need to figure out the hidden meanings behind other people's words, because they are mostly transparent when there's a whole paragraph dedicated to the protagonist's feelings.
He reminds you of those spider-like creatures from documentaries ─ their actions seem random at first glance, yet upon further scrutiny prove to be anything but. Instead, they're meticulously crafted and executed to obtain maximum results.
L studies you for a little while longer, and eventually pads towards the kitchenette. The kettle whistles soon after as he makes himself tea; mint flavored, judging by the aroma wafting through the air.
You should have known that he won't give up ─ L is just as persistent as you are stubborn. If anything, you've set a challenge before him, and he tends to fixate on those until they are solved: a fact well-known and accepted among those who ever had a (dis)pleasure of interacting with him.
He doesn't outright ask you again, not the next day or the one after that. No. Accidentally, the only type of movies you're able to watch now are rom-coms or dramas with lots of kissing scenes sprinkled here and there between the banter bordering on cringe; sweet confessions spoken over candlelit dinners; passionate declarations whispered during sunsets... Clichés, amore, and kisses galore.
"I'm not sure this is the best movie for the evening," you say, as the screen flickers with images of two leads gazing into each other's eyes like they found the answers to every single question asked.
"The reviews are quite positive," L replies, munching on caramel popcorn.
"Reviews can be faked. And the trailer was misleading. I thought it was going to be an action movie."
"It is an action movie. The genres are listed right there," he points at the screen, and the words 'romance and action' stare back at you.
You frown and settle deeper into the couch cushions. It's uncomfortable ─ watching romantic scenes with L in the same room. His presence doesn't feel oppressive or demanding, yet you can't shake off the squirmy, twisty feeling. The kind when you enter an elevator with someone else and get slightly agitated for no reason. And so you try to slow down your breathing, but it only makes things worse. Your heart beats faster, palms start sweating and the hypothetical elevator stranger inevitably thinks that you're weird.
L isn't an elevator stranger. He's the owner of the elevator, and the entire building, and the city.
"He's going to die in the next ten minutes," you mutter.
"No, he won't."
"Yes, he will."
L hums. "Want a bet?"
Your eyes narrow.
"If he survives past the fifteen minute mark," L says slowly, "you indulge me."
"And if he doesn't?"
"I leave you alone for two days."
There's no hesitation on his side. None whatsoever, which proves suspicious immediately ─ L never offers something unless certain about the outcome beforehand, whether by logical deduction or calculated gamble. Probability factors run inside his brain instead of blood cells and grey matter, calculating risk vs return ratio quicker than any computer ever could.
You glance at the screen. It's a simple plot. There were a twist or two earlier, sure, but overall nothing extraordinary that would require hours upon hours of critical thinking to unravel.
A man, a woman. A handsome villain who wants them dead, for various reasons. They run and fight, shoot guns, dodge punches, and kiss between those because apparently there's time for romance even when a life is on the line.
It's a very simple plot; and two days are a lot to pretend that L doesn't exist. That you got rich enough to buy this kind of apartment.
"The speakers?"
"Switched off."
"The cameras?"
"Those will stay."
Of course, they will. You wouldn't expect anything less ─ privacy issues are non-existent here in more ways than one.
L isn't always a presence. Sometimes he leaves and you're alone with nothing but books and TV to pass time, but two days sound wonderful regardless. There's something in empty spaces that's enticing, even if they're temporary. L, for all his peculiarities, isn't too bad of a company. He's quiet, and often busy with his own matters. But he also has this way of looking at you that is unnerving. Like you're interesting. Or important. Or simply fascinating.
Sometimes he wants to talk, he wants to listen, he wants to ask questions and give answers until everything blurs into an amalgamation of words. It's exhausting.
Two days sound good. His hand is dry and slender. You grasp it and shake it once.
"I'll start the timer now," L says after your hands separate.
Twelve minutes.
Three more and he's dead.
You wish that he'd just kick the bucket already, so you could spend the next forty eight hours in pure, undiluted bliss.
The male lead dies after seventeen minutes.
When the credits roll over, the apartment is silent except for the soft buzzing of electronics. You look at the screen, stubbornly, because you don't want to look at him, the owner of the elevator, and the building, and the city.
"It was close," he comments, as if trying to comfort you, which makes it even more of a sore spot.
That’s what L thrives on ─ technicalities, loopholes, small and seemingly insignificant details which are easily overlooked, yet make a great difference. You're not sure if you're annoyed, or disappointed. And what’s more important ─ at whom.
You have known for years that L tends to get his way eventually whenever there's something specific caught up in that head of his; a fixation which refuses to leave until satisfied, and sometimes even after. Snap. You can get up and head out of the living room, you know you can. Will you though is another question entirely.
L isn't a typical captor ─ he doesn't demand or force you into things. He simply presents a possibility and waits. Not aggressive or domineering, not sadistic. But oh he is a PhD of holding a grudge. Leaving now probably means waking up tomorrow and finding that every single disk has vanished without a trace, along with the bookshelves being switched for some obscure scientific texts on chemistry, physics and other things that require an advanced degree to fully understand.
Because someone decided that you don’t deserve entertainment anymore. Because someone is petty enough to deprive you of basic mental stimuli, and is stubborn enough to hold onto that decision even when reasoned with. Unsuccessfully.
It's a talent really, this particular brand of making your life miserable in many small ways, so they accumulate into something greater over time until you feel like the walls are closing in slowly but surely.
You can't back out, even though no one openly stops you from doing so. And L knows that. And he knows that you know. His lips twitch and curl upward before flattening again into neutral territory.
There's a theory that if you pull a band-aid fast enough, it won't hurt as much. The credibility behind it is questionable.
You exhale and meet L's gaze ─ his posture hasn't changed from the beginning to the end of the film, knees tucked to his chest, eyes two dark pools that stare without blinking. His fingers drum a steady rhythm, and that's probably the only sign that gives it away.
"Fine," you say finally.
His mouth opens before closing back again. L doesn't move a bit.
He wants you to do it, you realize. Wants you to initiate instead of just allowing it. What an ass.
You squish his cheeks between your palms until his lips pucker outwards. L makes a soft noise of surprise but doesn't try to fight back.
Black lashes cast a shadow across his skin. There's no perfume or cologne, no distinct smell ─ he uses plain soap and shampoo which don't have a discernible aroma.
"I believe I was promised an indulgence," L says, voice muffled a bit by your hands on his face.
He looks like a fish this way. A silly, ridiculous image that would make you snort if not for the situation at hand.
Band-aids and ripping them off.
You sigh, lean forward, and press your mouth to his.
He tastes like caramel popcorn.
Mint tea.
The angle is awkward, and L doesn't move an inch to accommodate the position. He stays still like a block of solid rock, not a single muscle twitches, and doesn't even attempt to reciprocate. You have half a mind to think that maybe he's mocking you, but then his fingers lightly curl on the fabric of his jeans. L's eyelids flutter half-closed when your noses bump, then open again right after. Another oddity added to the pile.
It lasts no longer than ten seconds before you pull away. L blinks. Touches his lower lip with the tip of a finger and rubs it like searching for traces left by the contact.
"You were promised an indulgence," you remind him, trying to sound calm, collected, but your ears and neck feel hot, "not a make-out session."
Technicalities and loopholes.
L has that look you can't quite pinpoint yet know far too well. You've seen it many times before. When he thinks about something but keeps it to himself for now.
"You look more lively," he remarks eventually. "Healthy complexion suits you."
You don't need to hear what he says next, because the words already ring through your head.
"I told you it would benefit us both."
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deesblanketfort · 4 months
Sick and regressed ☆´ˎ˗ ︶︶︶ 
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Well, while I'm writting this I'm bedridden (likely with covid), and for some reason I really want to spend my sick days regressed and take something good out of it at least.
Getting comfy!
🧦: Pajamas time! Is there anything more regressor-coded than cozy printed pajamas, an animal kigurumi or onesie? I'd say no. And since I'm staying on bed, I'm surely wearing those all day long.
🛏️: Bed setup! When you're bedridden, a bed table ends up being really useful in case you want to do stuff that requires a flat surface. If you have one of those, lucky you! I, however had to improvise with a smooth wooden board standing on my lap, therefore any kind of long, resilient and flat surface can do the job just fine.
🧦: Blanket fort! Alternatively, if you're able to roam around your house or have someone to help, you can build a blanket fort over your bed or a comfy surface to stay in!
🛏️: Sick gear! Runny nose? Bring tissues. Got a fever? Make a cold damp towel for your forehead. Tummy aches or localized pain? Make a hot water compress. And make sure to keep track of the meds you're taking, of course.
🧦: Get your plushies! Since what I got is very contagious close contact with anyone is out of the table, but my stuffies are completely immune to sickness and ready to cuddle! (I'll have to wash them afterwards to disinfect them though)
Games and activities!
🎮: Viddy games! Either on computer, phone or a console (handheld preferred), videogames are perfectly stationary and don't require much movement from your part.
🖍️: Table games! Table games are also stationary and can be played right from your bed if you have a bed table, although most games need other people to play with you, your plushies can serve this purpose.
🎮: Play pretend! Playing pretend can be limited when you're bedridden, but there are some scenarios you're perfectly able to do! Such as pretending you're a shop owner and your stuffies are the clients, pretending your stuffies are your doctors/nurses taking care of you, or vice versa. Things like tea parties and pretend schools are still on the table!
🖍️: Arts and crafts! Being sick won't stop me from wanting to draw and color, since I can do it from my bed anyways! Aside from drawing and coloring, I might as well do some collage and paper craft, just might need help to clean up afterwards.
🎮: Cartoon time! No better opportunity to (re)watch your favorite cartoons than when you're sick, bedridden and bored, right? And since this brings me comfort, here are some cartoon episodes that center on being sick: Bumpy and the Wise Old Wolfhound (Bluey), Steve Gets The Sniffles (Blues Clues), Bear Flu (We Bare Bears), Doctor Daisy M.D (Mickey Mouse Clubhouse), Arthur's Chicken Pox (Arthur)
Snack time!
🍼: Hot drinks! Specially if you're with a cold or a sore throat in general, hot drinks such as hot cocoa and tea are perfect for warming up an icky throat.
🧁: Spices for a sore throat! Like mint, honey, ginger and lemon. I'm sure there's plentiful of drinks you can make using these!
🍼: Give preference to healthy snacks and meals! Like fruits and veggies, yogurt, noodles, soup or sandwiches. Bonus points if they're arranged in a fun shape (animal, plant, star, etc)!
🧁: Keep your appetite in check! It's pretty common to lose your appetite when sick, therefore I'd say it's ideal to keep your meals smaller (and sometimes eat more often) than usual.
Taking care of yourself!
🧸: Stay hydrated! Water is always good, and if you're sick you likely need it more than usual, drinking from sippy cups, baby bottles, straw cups or any kind of fun themed cup is usually more fun and encouraging than boring adult cups.
🧶: Keep your temperature in check as well! Besides from checking if you have a fever ever so often, it's also good to keep yourself warm with blankets and heating if your body feels cold, or alternatively, turning on fans and using lighter sheets instead of blankets if you're too hot.
🧸: Beware the germs! If you got a contagious disease (like me), make sure to properly wash and disinfect anything you bring to your mouth such as pacis, teethers, bottles and cutlery before and after using them. Plus, it's important to wear a mask or ask others to wear a mask when near you as well.
🧶: Resting is key! Some of these days I'm too tired to do anything above, and I'd rather just nap the whole day, and that's okay! Sometimes being sick means not being able to do anything at all and it's important to have your extended napping time to get better.
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olomaya · 1 year
Bubble Tea Counter - Boba-fied!
26 May update:
Simplified Chinese translations thanks to @heatherkknowles!
23 March update:
Fixed the Lychee flavor material so it properly corresponds and doesn't give mint chocolate
Fixed the issue with the interaction cancelling out before your Sim can put the boba in your inventory. It should go in the inventory each time you order to go
Fixed low res mesh to show the boba cup (there will only be one texture for this. I may update later but doing several material states can be time consuming and I don't play in low res)
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This is Boba-fied version of the bubble tea counter from @twinsimming's Tea Time Set conversion. When I saw the ThrifTea shop in HSY, I really wanted it in TS3 and then Twin did the thang and converted it for us TS3 simmers. With this mod, your Sims can buy boba tea from the counter.
You can buy 11 different flavors: the 5 flavors from HSY (Taro, Strawberry Matcha, Chocolate/Mocha, Lychee, and Mango) as well as 6 flavors converted from OniSims: Chocolate Banana, Mint Chocolate, Strawberry, Peach, Brown Sugar and Pistachio. Certain Sims will get a positive moodlet after drinking it.
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Sims can purchase a boba tea to go and will put it in their inventory immediately after purchase. You can also make a group order to get 4 which comes in a cute little beverage carrier (pictured above).
Finally, I added the option to get a customer loyalty card. Keep it in your inventory and you will get a free boba drink after every 10 purchases. It's not linked to the individual so you can share it among your household.
Credits/Thanks: Boba drinks converted from TS4 by me. The nice (aka, not EA ones) textures are from OniSims. The beverage carrier mesh is from Modish Kitten which I edited to fit the boba cups. Thanks also to Arsil (wherever they may be) whose custom beverage script was helpful in teaching me...well how to make a custom beverage. Custom buff image is from FlatIcons. And of course, thanks to Twin, who converted the set in the first place. I'm only including the updated counter so make sure to download the rest of her set here!
Requirements: University and Seasons EP
Download here
As always let me know if you run into any issues! A few notes after the cut.
Sims will autonomously purchase if they're hungry. If there's boba lying around, Sims will autonomously drink unless they're stuffed.
I disabled autonomy for to-go and group purchases because hungry Sims will keep choosing these options and then not getting it from their inventory and then keep ordering more.
Children cannot purchase boba because there's no animation for it but they can of course drink it, however, if they're talking while holding a cup, it's a little weird. I think because there's no bar glass animation for kids. They don't stretch or anything, the cup just goes sideways. Update: If you have the No Stretch mod, children can purchase boba.
Maids will throw away the beverage carrier even if there's still boba cups in it so if your maid is around, best to take the cups out of the tray or move the tray back into your inventory.
When buying a group order, dummy boba drinks are added to the tray and then the real drinks are added after. The thumbnail shows as strawberry matcha but it will be whatever flavor you ordered.
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nutmeg030 · 10 days
Here are some random and oddly specific Obey me headcanons
(I’m almost done OG obey me and I haven’t touched NB yet so if these are brought up or proven wrong in game please ignore the wrong one)
-Mammon needs glasses and doesn’t know it, he bought prescription sunglasses without realizing they were he bought them because they were more expensive so they must be better and he can see better he doesn’t understand that it’s because he needs glasses
-Satan will occasionally swap Lucifer’s coffee with decaf
-Belphie can actually holds his liquor. He could beat asmo in a drinking contest but never stays awake long enough to actually make it through one not because he’s drunk but because he’s belphie
-Satan has cosplayed with Levi, once as Neko maids and the other was from a magical girl detective series (with a manga and light novel adaptation)
-Beel has a few foods he doesn’t like to eat (other than Solomon’s cooking) he doesn’t like broccoli or asparagus from the human realm he will still eat it but doesn’t particularly like how it tastes
- Lucifer knows satan swaps his normal coffee with decaf he just always can’t tell right away especially when it’s his 3rd all nighter
-Levi on occasion has asked asmo for help finding or applying make up for cosplay
-some of the brothers have very cold hands and some have super warm hands. The brothers with warm hands are Lucifer, satan, Beel, Belphie (also in the warm hand camp is Diavolo and Simeon) the brothers with cold hands are Asmo, Mammon, and Levi (also in the cold hands category is Barbatos and Solomon)
-Mammons belt feather clip is actually feathers that Lucifer dropped when they first fell and his first crows feather.
-Asmo hates almost all mint flavors, but on occasion will be ok with peppermint breath spray
-Belphie HATES dark chocolate
-Solomon wears boxers
-Beel has eaten aquarium rocks thinking it was rock candy
-Barbatos loves chewing mints and ice
-Diavolo bites ice cream but never experienced brain freeze
-Asmo and Mammon love maple syrup in ice coffee
-Levi has two tanks in his room he will soak in one is salt water one is fresh water
-Mammon can do more pull ups than Beel but Beel is overall stronger than Mammon
-Mammons body wash smells like Honey
-Levi showers regularly with soap and uses deodorant he doesn’t want to smell bad he has a very strong sense of smell (however the soap is very cheap ocean spray scented 3 in 1)
-Satan uses Irish spring bar soap
-Mammon tried dying his hair gold but it didn’t stick
-if Satans hair grows too long his hair will start gets black streaks or the ends will turn black so bleach and haircuts
-Luke refuses to let Beel lick the spoon because the first time he let him he ate the spoon
-Asmo loves Rose Wine from the human realm
-Mammon will only drink honey milk tea from the human realm
-Belphie and Beel love marshmallows
-Satan told Mammon and Beel that you should wash cotton candy before eating it they both did, Satan got yelled at by MC
- MC will use salt circles to keep certain things safe from Mammon and Lucifer
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goblinpuppy35 · 11 months
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A Slip of the Tongue
Prof Remus x Male Prof Reader
Warning: Fluff, minor flirting
Summary: You agreed to help your crush/college with his class demonstration when something unexpected is said
As the new herbology professor Y/N had never anticipated to become a helping hand in a DATDA class, it certainly wasn't part of the job description when he applied. However over the last three months he had become increasingly close to another new teacher, Professor Remus Lupin, and it was in fact this specific teacher who had roped him into the lesson.
If Remus's kind eyes and crooked yet warm smile weren't enough to persuade Y/N, the simple fact of how helpful Remus had been in aiding him in his own classes had certainly put him in a position of owning Remus a favour. Y/N had been very grateful each time Remus had helped him carry bags of soil into the green house or stay  up late to repot his plants while listening to Bowie on his old gramophone. Y/N particular enjoyed those evenings. Remus always seemed happy and keen to help despite seeming to be rather tired and fragile for at least half of every month. Y/N felt like there was something Remus wasn't telling him but didn't want to push Remus just yet, currently settling to giving Remus a flask of herbal tea made with his own mint leaves whenever he noticed Remus looking extremely deflated.
All these previous encounters had made it impossible to say no when Remus had strolled into the green house yesterday evening, resting his tall body on the door frame and asked if Y/N would assist with his next practical lesson. Y/N now found himself in the DATDAs class room leaning against a wall, arms folded over his sweater vest and tie, nodding and smiling at the few students who said hello to him.
"Morning all, yes Good Morning. Everyone come to the center of the room now" called out Remus. It took Y/N by surprise seeing the rather quiet man he knew command a room to such an effect. All his students stood eagerly in a group waiting for what Proffesor Lupin would say next.
"You have all made excellent progress in your studies, I am really impressed! Now, in today's lesson you are going to test your skills against an opponent" on this last word Professor Lupins eyes glided towards Y/N still leaning against the wall. As all the students turned to stare at Y/N, his own eyes widened, this caused Remus to let out a soft chuckle. Taking a few steps back Professor Lupin lifted a white cloth up to reveal a medium sized pot with an overgrown vine like shrub. "Professor Y/L/N, if you would please" Lupin outstretched a hand in Y/N's direction inviting him to come forth.
Y/N briskly approached where Remus was standing, his work boots scuffing across the wooden floor boards slightly. Once standing next to the older Professor Y/N become highly aware of their height difference. Remus looked down at Y/N from the corner of his eye and gave him a comforting smile.
"The elemental world can be an essential asset when coming to poisons and remedies" Remus said addressing the class, "however when battling agaisnt another these elements can be used to casue great harm, whether that is fire, earth, water, even plants". Catching on to what Remus was getting at Y/N took out his wand and focused on the vined plant. With a deep breath through his exhale Y/N began to wave his wand up and with wordless magic and vines began to grow thick and long. With each flick of his wand the plant grow bigger in the direction Y/N waves his wand, as if he was a puppeteer and the vines were being controlled by strings. Turning his head Y/N caught Lupin watching him intently with an impressed smile across his face. This makes Y/N blush and frown as his focuses on his casting.
Proffesor Y/N had come to terms which the fact he had a small (major) crush on the other Proffesor. But chose to keep this to himself for now, it simply didn't feel appropriate in their professional context and anyway he was certain the handsome older Proffesor only saw him as a platonic college.
Proffesor Lupin instructed the class to take turns attempting to defeat the living viens Y/N controlled with the spells they had been learning. Y/N did his best to both allow the students to get a few good shots in but keep them on their toes as well, swishing the veins through the air as if they were cloth. "A confident stances is key" Lupins voices made its way to Y/N, realising that the taller man had walked behind him. He could almost feel Lupins breath on the back of his neck which made the hairs on his neck stand up.
"Take note of Proffesor Y/L/N's posture, shoulder pulled back and arm stretched out" while Lupin talked aloud he raised his arm up to match Y/N's, swaying it as the same time as Y/N did, their hands nearly touching. "Effortless flicks of the wrist and yet a strong grasp at the base of the wand... a rock hard grip", despite saying those last words aloud Lupin had leaned down enough that his lips were agaisnt Y/Ns ear as he said so. Y/N's eyes widened but he kept his gaze straight ahead, pretending he hadnt just heard these sinfully sweet words. Why had Remus said that? Had he meant to, was it a mistake? Slip of the Tongue? Surely that dosent imply which I think it dose"
The rest of the class goes by, each student getting a turn to challenge Y/N's casting, as the students leaves they all thanks Y/N for such a fun lesson, and he takes each compliment with a joyful smile. In a matter of minutes the classroom is empty just leaving the two Proffesors alone. "Was truly exquisite to watch you" Remus said, leaning against his desk with his hands in his cardigan pockets. Y/N's nervous nature instinctively brushes his hair back out of his face while letting out a weak laugh, his mind still racing over the words Remus has uttered behind him. "well I'm just happy to have been able to help, if you need assistance in your next class please feel free to come find me" and with a brief smile Y/N chose to turn on his heel and start to walk out of the room, before he says or dose something he'll regret.
"Of course, yes ... well actually" Remus trailed off and then spoke up against just before Y/N exited through the door way, causing him to turn around. Lupin suddenly looked incredibly bashful and looked down at the floor with every other word, " we'll see Y/N I was actually hoping the next time I could see you would be tonight.. after dinner". "Oh I see, do you need some extra help grading papers or something" Y/N asked innocently. "No ... I, I just wanted to spend some time alone with you" at the end of the sentence Remus' eyes stared deep into Y/N's from across the room. A sense of longing and desire swirling in them, Y/N was completely taken aback for a moment. Could this really be happening.
He took a deep breath which transformed into a light chuckle, "Yes Remus, I would like that very much". Remus' thin lips press tightly together and a smile stretches across his face. Y/N mirrors the smile before he walked out of the room "I will be sure to give you a more in depth demonstration of my rock hard grip then" called out Y/N as he walked down the corridor,  as he does he could hear Remus let out a soft chuckle.
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songofpolaris · 9 months
Imagine: Scribbled notes
masterlist / navigation
-> pairing; reader x Remus Lupin
-> wc; 1.3k
-> warnings; fluff, autumn and mentions of smoking. if any of the previously mentioned sickens or disturbs you, please do not read.
-> a/n; i don't even know when I last posted a good old hopeless romantic imagine that I would normally use to fall asleep to.
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Lattes, cappuccinos, mint tea, cinnamon rolls and pumpkin spice on everything you eat. Movie marathons, thick fuzzy blankets, rainy nights and cold morning air. Dusty books, poison ivy and poems. Autumn. 
For some people, this is the time to hide away and complain that the sun is nowhere to be found while sitting in their houses all day, doing nothing. But not for you. No, for you, this is your time to shine. The leaves are showing your favourite colours each morning on your way to work and the customers come in with hair that’s blown in each and every direction by the winds outside. They smile, grateful to have a place to recharge at for a bit, and are always that tiny bit more thankful when you hand them a warm cup of coffee and a neatly wrapped book. Your autumn brightness lights up their seasonal darkness. 
There is also always a switch in customers when this change of season takes place. The summer blonds in flowy dresses leave and the autumn brunettes with thick sweaters take their place. 
There’s only one person who keeps coming in, every week, when you work. He’s tall and dark and handsome and all the other cliche book descriptions you wish you could use for someone in real life. But he’s also introverted and not perfect looking. He has scars and messy hair and doesn’t seem to act like he’s anything other than himself. 
As you stand on your toes to put the new book series on the shelf, you hear the bell ringing from the door. The door itself creeks enough for you to hear that someone has come in, but the boss won’t fix it for reasons no one can quite comprehend. Something with nostalgia and how the youth keeps on fixing things that do not, ever, need fixing. 
“Hello! I’ll be with you in just a moment, just let me put this down.” You greet whoever just came in still standing on the tip of your toes, clumsily balancing three books under your left arm while placing another one on the shelf. 
“That doesn’t look like it’ll be done in a moment and if it is, it won’t be because all the books got to their place, y/n.” A low voice answers. You smile as you realise it’s him. 
“Delusion is a fine way to work, Remus.” You answer as you try to get even higher on your toes.
You hear footsteps hasting your way as you fall back, realising gravity actually still is with you. However, two arms envelop you before you hit the ground. They slowly push you back into your normal standing position, still hugging you from the back. 
“It’s also a way to break your toes or get a concussion, genius.” Remus whispers into your ear. You huff and turn around. His arms leave you and you feel the absence of them immediately. 
Remus kneels down and gathers the books, then easily places them on the havened book shelf. His curls fall back from his eyes and the strong jawline gets shown off more than ever. ��How is this specimen real?’ is all you manage to think. As he looks back at you, you clear your throat and walk up to the register. While walking, you raise your hand to your cheek. It actually feels hot. Is it hot? You let your hair fall into your face to cover up the cheeks, which feel like they might actually be looking like tomatoes. 
You duck behind the register to grab the only delivery made this week, which could only be for him. This man reads a new book every week and buys a new one each time he comes into the store. So far, the only week he didn’t come in was the first week of spring break, which later turned out to be because he broke his leg and physically could not make it to the bookstore on his own. 
“Emma by Jane Austen this time?” You ask as he comes up to you. He nods.
“I love you for this! It’s actually my favourite book.” You tell him while wrapping it. 
Now, a blush comes up on his cheeks. He picks on his sweater awkwardly while starting to lean onto the counter. While looking away he answers; “I know, you told me last time.”
You ignore the awkward change of behaviour and push your hair back out of your face. You couldn’t hide that heat in you even if you did try, so why would you. You look at him questioningly. 
“You remembered?”
“Of course I did. Anyway, even if I did forget the conversation, I have a list of books you recommended to me.” He says it like it’s the most normal thing on the planet. Sure. Everybody is this attentive. Every single person on this planet is this kind of attentive. 
“You do?”
“Because I care about your opinion and trust it.”
“Can I see it?”
“Why are you only asking questions suddenly?”
You lay the neatly wrapped book in front of him, tilt your head and look at him. 
“Can I?” Is all you say, still keeping a hand on the book. He looks down at the book and then focuses onto your eyes.
“Why in the world not?”
Remus shakes his head. His glasses are crooked and he smells like cigarettes and peppermint. There’s only a register between the two of you that’s really just 17 inches broad. That gives you a good sense of someone’s smell when they lean up to it. 
“Fine” he reaches into the pocket of his trousers and takes out a folded piece of paper, “but don’t start thinking I’m a stalker or anything now, alright?” He says as he hands it to you. You nod and unfold the paper. On it, titles are scribbled and quotes stand behind the ones he has read.
“What are the quotes for, smokey?” You ask jokingly. Not that it reflects how you feel in any way, shape or form. Truthfully, you’re tearing up and trying to hide it with a stupid comment. 
Remus seems to hesitate answering this question. Though the weird nickname always does make him show that lopsided grin of his. 
“Unless it’s a state secret, you can tell me.” You add.
“They’re quotes I see you in.”
“But these quotes…Remus”
“Yes, y/n?”
“I know you have read these, but have you?” You say perplexed. This can not be real. Outside of the store, you two have run into each other some time and each time it was amazing, but it didn’t feel like he thought much more of the two of you than just people who sometimes coincidentally run into each other and talk about books outside of that. The quotes seem to think otherwise. And they’re all ones you love and annotated yourself.
“Y/n, please say something. I swear I’m not some obsessive person, I just really enjoy spending time with you and thought this would… I don’t know. Give me more to talk to you about? Understand you better?”
You laugh. How can someone think this is going to make you see them as anything less than amazing. Less than wonderful. Less than perfect. You move around the register and then you’re standing right in front of him. His chin actually hits the top of your head when you stand closer to him. You move back and move your hand to the back of his head. 
“I’m going to stand on my toes again, alright? So you just hold me.” You whisper as you stand on your toes and your lips slowly, delicately touch his. His arms wrap around you. You have never been more steady than this.
“It's such a happiness when good people get together.” Jane Austen - Emma
taglist; @calamitoustide @innerloverpainter
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pen-observing · 7 months
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synopsis: gaining freedom makes you realize how hard it is to keep it. and, despite everything, you need to ask dottore for a favor to make sure your plan works. just what will he say?
pairing: dottore x gn! reader word count: 2.8k warnings: reader wears heels but is gn!, one half-way suggestive comment at the end.
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Truth be told, there are absolutely zero reasons why you should be walking up these stairs. Okay, there are absolutely zero good reasons why you should be here. There are some, well a few – okay, there is only one bad reason why your heels are making noises trying to find a certain irritating doctor.
But, you cannot be blamed. Rather, you should not be blamed. Signing up to be a harbinger or being picked to fill in the eight position, it meant blame. You are to be blamed for your allegiance, you are to be blamed as the future destroyers of the old world, and, of course, you are to be blamed as the helper of calamity in the eyes of your enemies.
However, your family did not blame you for that specific choice. They were happy. Becoming a harbinger was just another step in them gaining domination on the social ladder. The closer you are to the wishes of your ruler, the closer you are to the grace and benevolence she extends. And, if the mirror of history reflects back on you as one of those who stood by her side – it will reflect power. The consequences or missions that became successful or fell apart will only come secondary.
If your focus is power that serves grace and idyllic ice – that means you are power. And, by extent, it means your family grows more powerful for every good mission you complete; grows in social standing for every fear you manage to strike into someone’s bones.
However, you think there is just one thing you should be grateful for when it comes to having this position. Others do not notice it, but you certainly do. Since your family wanted domination over other families, it meant they wanted domination over you. When you really think about it – it spreads like poison. If they raise you from the start to fear them, you will never disobey. If you blossom, it will be because they shaped your thorns and leaves to suit their tastes – they shaped you to bloom on their terms and on their soil. Disobeying them became impossible, but thanks to the benevolence of ice – you found freedom.
That freedom did not come easy. Being allowed to choose your own meals was a grace you never had before. Being allowed to steal Dottore’s pudding because he did not want it showed you how other humans live. Holding hands with Columbina while she walked down a dark corridor and hearing her sing for simple joy were things you swore to never take lightly again. Capitano giving you a nod and a ‘job well done’ showed you how ‘normal’ people congratulate others. Your family always said ‘You satisfied us’ no matter how much trial and turbulation you put in. All of these simple freedoms made you know larger ones.
The freedom to leave this nation and go to another one. The freedom of sitting in a simple restaurant with your shoulders slouched and drinking mint tea became insurmountable in your mind.
But, as these simple freedoms added up to your heart and spirit; to the very fabric of your soul; so did your simple rebellion against those that forced you to bloom on their terms. They found faults in you but in reality, there was very little they could do to stop it.
It made you too careless – too proud. They were smart and they managed to lure you into a trap you would only describe as the most intricate of webs inside an illusionary dream. They hooked you because you got prideful. Cornered you with another decision you would have to listen to.
And, in the end, it led you here. Led you to having to seek out a man who said you were ‘pretty pathetic and without grace’ just for taking the pudding he did not want to eat. Nobody annoyed you more that Dottore did when it came to the harbingers. But, nobody else came to mind when you thought of ways to solve this problem.
You had to give it to him – for how annoying he was, he was also efficient in everything he did. What other harbinger returned with two gnoses instead of one? How insufferable!
There is one good reason you are walking up these stairs to get to his lab. Just one. Your freedom.
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“We understand that you are a Harbinger.” “What a grammatical mistake. I am a Lord Harbinger – your Lord Harbinger.”
When you climbed the stairs, his obnoxious servants offered you tea and made you sit at a small, circular table.
“We will not apologize because we assure you that what you consider a mistake is our order. We serve Lord Dottore – the Doctor – we do not serve you or any of the other harbingers. While we respect you, we do not bow down to you. Lord Second is a very peculiar man you see. We respect you, but we do not bow down to you.” “Are you saying he ordered you to only refer to him as a lord?” “No, but, it was heavily implied based on previous happenstance.”
You took a sip of the gray concoction. These people were too used to mixing potions and elixirs that you were not sure if that should explain the bad taste of this tea, or, if it should only make it more confusing.
“It is so clear which harbinger you serve. You are almost as annoying as he is with all of your peculiar words and behavior.”
They did not reply to the direct nature of your insults. They did not even flinch. You suppose nobody could be more creative with their insults than Dottore. That made your current predicament more unnerving. This gray concoction did not help considering how old it had gotten. There was nothing that could soothe your nerves. If he called you pathetic and without grace for taking pudding he did not want, what would he say to your next request? What creative spin would his wit grace you with now?
All you could do was wait until he was finished with his current experiment. Nobody ever visited his lab like this…perhaps he would be glad to see you? You should definitely show a big interest in his current work to soften him up just a bit before asking for your favor. It should help, right?
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The door to his lab opens once you are on your second slice of a semi-stale strawberry cake. The air it sends your way makes you get goosebumps all over. You don’t dare imagine how cold it actually was inside that room nor how long he spent in it. But, to your lovely surprise, he looks clean. Looks like this experiment was different than the usual ones. Yes! You could lead with that and win him over!
“Well, Doctor, looks like this experiment was different than the usual ones.”
Dottore stands still after closing the door as if surprised by your voice. Then he throws on the usual smirk as he takes off his gloves and makes his way towards you.
“Ah, look who is here. A lost kitten it would seem. I would ask to what do I owe the pleasure but all of you are the same.”
The eloquent servant from earlier puts down a chair for him across from you. It is of higher quality. Another one brings Dottore his warm tea and you can see the strawberry cake on his plate is fresh when compared to yours. How clearly but subtly they show favoritism impresses you even in such a situation. You would never ask this of your subordinates but everyone has their rules. Dottore sits down and rises his eyebrow.
“Tell me what you need and be quick about it. I can’t promise I will decide to help you but you can ask.”
Ah, here it is, the moment you have been dreading. The cold gray mixture in your ornamental cup suddenly seems like the most delicious thing to drink if only to avoid his inquiry. Your freedom is on the line. How will you save it if you do not even feel free to ask Dottore to help your cause?
Instead of taking one sip, you take three and Dottore finds it amusing to see you squirm. The signs of your nervousness are so subtle that his servants miss them but he can clearly tell you would constantly hit the tiles with your heel by bouncing your leg if only he was present.
“Well, I called you a kitten but it seems like the cat has got your tongue. If you are here to ask for some pudding, I am afraid that they did not serve it today.”
Asshole. It is better than being called pathetic but by what price?
“Dottore, I need to…”
You remembered that his other servants were still in this room.
“Are you unaware you aren’t allowed to attend the meetings of your lords? Scram.”
Dottore had to hold in a laugh at your authoritative display. They would not leave just because you said it. They dispersed once Dottore moved his head in the direction of the door.
“I suppose you are not here to take any sweets considering how serious this matter is for you.”
There it is. You are bouncing your leg. He can’t hear it but he can see the way the tablecloth moves ever so slightly on your side. What could be troubling you so? Seeking him out is usually the last line of resistance for most people – harbingers especially. It means that they are not strong enough on their own.
“I have something very important to ask you.” “That has been obvious all this time. So why don’t you go ahead and say it?”
Asshole. He could at least give you a bit more time. Maybe his experiment went sour? So he has no patience for you? No, just him drinking tea here means he is patient and giving you time.
Your leg begins to bounce in a more noticeable way. Your desire for freedom is tied to the way your heart beat quickens. Your pulse and eyes that blink more while looking at the horrible – tasteless – gray matter in front of you are all signals to show how hard this is. But, with your freedom on the line – you force yourself to dare and ask this sarcastic man for help.
“Dottore, you need to hear me out.” “And what have I been doing so far, exactly, If not that?” “Just.. just, listen, just answer my next question and don’t talk until I ask it, okay!?”
Dottore scoffs but finds it too intriguing to stop you.
“To be honest, I need you to do me a big favor.”  
He does not say anything.
“You may be..familiar..with my particular circumstances when it comes to my family and how they raised me. The whole tyranny of it all if you will.”
Dottore knows. Obviously he does.
“Well, recently, by their words – I have been acting out and they found a solution to make me return to the way I was before. And I need you to do me a favor to make sure they don’t have their way.”
Here it comes. The moment you have been dreading over. Surely you have to act quick but even now it does not come easy to just say the request. The request is too much. He will reject you surely. But, you still have to ask! Those who do not ask, get no answers. Those who do not seek, get lost before they begin. You have to do it. You simply must!
“Dottore…” are some pipes leaking somewhere? Or is that just the sound of your ears ringing from being this nervous?
“Please, please, crash my wedding next weekend!”
As you say it – the sound in your ears stops. The leaking is suddenly no more. Everything goes quiet and seconds feel way longer than they usually would. Dottore isn’t saying anything. You closed your eyes when asking him so you must look like a fool. But, that is simply a normal reaction to fear. His rejection would clearly be shown on his face immediately. Nobody can blame you for prolonging the answer like this.
But, Dottore isn’t saying anything. And, when you open one of your eyes in hesitation, he throws his head back laughing. It reminds you of a small child who just heard the silliest joke in their life. Kids on playgrounds look like him. You have never seen him this joyful. He might be laughing at you but the sound causes you to open up both of your eyes and to take him in. To take in the joy he is radiating. Even if it is at your expense.
“You have a wedding next weekend? Your wedding? And you are asking me to crash it?”
Dottore continues to laugh and he covers his mouth with his hand. Courtesy, you think. The laughter dies down and he removes it once it is over.
“My apologies. This was simply just too unexpected for me to hear.”
You can see his shoulders move up and it is clear he is trying not to snicker.
“I am glad something made you laugh truly for once but it really isn’t that funny! My freedom is on the line here!” “And you suppose your freedom will be saved by letting it entangle with a man such as myself? On your wedding day nonetheless? What an interesting world you have going on in that brain of yours.” “Are you agreeing or not? I need to know as soon as possible.” “Why the rush? Oh, it is only in a matter of few days after all. Who is the lucky fellow?” “Some schmuck from another family my parents are fond of.” “Wow, not even a name?” “The name does not matter. What matters is that you crash it and I can remain free.” “Ohh, quite the big prize you are after. Your freedom. For heaven’s sake, you are a harbinger. You can say no.” “It isn’t as easy as that you blue-haired-iduolon—uhm, I mean, you brilliant researcher. I can’t simply say no. They would find another man to throw my way who would work for their cause.” “And you think me crashing your wedding would prevent that?” “Of course it would! Everyone knows your reputation! Not even they would dare to challenge me if you crash the wedding and show interest in me.” “Show interest in you? You might have to pay an even bigger price. Crashing a wedding is one favor. Showing interest in you is a completely different one. What? Should I pretend to be your obsessive lover who cannot believe the charade?” “…Could you?” “Could I? It is indeed possible to do that with my talents but…would I? That is a completely different matter altogether.”
For whatever reason when your shoulders slouch you find that touching the surface of the gray tea with your index finger seems like an appropriate thing to do at this moment.
“Ugh…then I need to think of another way to get out of this predicament. I have no desire to be controlled again.” “No human being does I suppose.” “Your wisdom is not helping after you just rejected my request you know.” “Ah, you wound me with such a cold tone. It was rather cute when you were begging for my help.” “I never begged. I simply asked.” “Maybe that was your mistake. I do love to see people begging me to do them a favor nobody else can. Shouldn’t you know that by now?” “….How twisted can you be?” “So twisted that you would think of me first for your absurd idea. Isn’t that in fact what brought you here?” “…You were just waiting to use that one weren’t you?”
You sigh once. You sigh a second time. And just when you think it is all over – Dottore slides the plate with his fresh cake in front of you. Maybe this is his consolation? People like him are never good at expressing it a regular way.
“It isn’t pudding you always steal but it should do the trick.” “Thanks….But I won’t get on my knees to beg for your help with this. I already did more than enough.”
Dottore hums.
“You are right. That can wait after I help you. You need to show me your gratitude somehow after all.”
Your whole face lights up. You stand up from your chair and it is so sudden that your hand touches the soft cake instead of the table.
“Do you really mean it Dottore? Do you?!”
He can’t help but be amused by you. Dottore takes out his handkerchief and holds your hand. He wipes off the frosting and the strawberry pieces very slowly. He always looks focused on his tasks and for whatever reason the display makes you cold hands heat up.
“Settle down. I just think crashing a wedding might be fun. And, you would have to repay your debt anyway. Surely, those two are enough to excite me for some time.”
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a/n: Thank my professor who made us mad cus I could use the time from him not deciding to let us in online to write this piece
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mclmora · 4 days
✧ my favorite MCL girls + simple headcanons ✧
~ NOTE: the pictures used are not mine! credit to the respective owners on pinterest. all the headcanons are SFW & written just for fun. hope you’ll enjoy! xoxo, Mora
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ꞝ Rosalya.
really likes sparkly drinks. she also has a soft spot for wine and soft alcoholics, fruity cocktails, ect...
her favorite flowers are lilies, white ones precisely, although her house is full of green, beautiful plants (climbing plants especially).
she’s a long nails girl. her favorite shape is almond, and enjoys all types of decorations on them.
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ꞝ Iris.
she can do so many types of braids. she‘s actually really good at styling hair in general, but dutch/french braids are her favorites to do.
nirvana fan! kurt kubain was her inspiration to learn how to play guitar. also a grunge scene lover in general (that’s also why she gets along with castiel).
has a weakness for sushi and seafood overall. she always does super cool poke bowls for lunch!
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ꞝ Violet.
enjoys cold weather a lot, especially snow. she’s also a gamer girl & loves playing while it rains outside. (she would play stardew valley religiously)
a sucker for sweets! mint chocolate is her favorite snack.
has a teddy bear peluches collection. also a sanrio fan (her favorite is pochacco).
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ꞝ Kim.
extreme sports are a huge passion of hers, however her favorite sport is swimming. it was her childhood sport.
a morning person (wakes up at, like, 5 am) who loves green tea and soy milk.
she really likes action movies, Tarantino’s ones precisely. she loves kill bill.
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ꞝ Chani.
a (black) cat momma of 3. she named them midler, parker & najimy after the hocus pocus witches.
piercings (& body mod in general) lover. has like +10 piercings + is a serial rings collector.
lebanon hanover’s huge fan. her favorite song is kiss me until my lips fall off.
~ psss, thank u for reading! i just wanted to say that i didn’t add priya because i wanted this post to be about all the non-dateable girls. but i’ll probably do more because i love MCL so much.
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zerosxns · 9 months
stawwppp when you say you’re my biggest fan im likkkeee 😝☝️ also i heard hot mint tea helps with hangovers 😞 I’m a pussy loser that doesn’t drink or parties so i wouldnt know 😞
I wanna know what you think each members roles would be (as in soft/hard dom, sub/dom leaning—switch, sub)? Every now and then i change my answer cause i feel i get to know them a little better and im like NAHHHH and i change my answer, except with hanbin he has always been a switch for me (i want him)
- 🥞 anon (i miss u)
i am your biggest fan 🤭. love your brain already. for my own sake, as a dom, i personally headcanon that they all switch. however, realistically speaking i think these are their alignments. (i miss you more)
jiwoong is a switch with a heavy dom lean. he likes taking care of people, and sexually is no different. but of course he does like being taken care of too.
hao is dominant, but prefers to make you desperate enough to do all the work yourself. (he subs occasionally and expects to be spoiled when he does.)
hanbin is there for your pleasure. he does whatever you want him to; a switch in that essence. he’s actually the definition of “are you really a dom or are you just so submissive you would do it if that’s what your partner wanted?” whatever you want, hanbin does.
matthew is a switch with a sub lean. his muscles are absolutely for show. he could take control, but he doesn’t want to. he likes when you make him your fuck toy. it feels amazing to him
taerae is more on the dominant side. you are his fuck toy. he likes to make you cum until you’re crying and begging him to slow down, and then keeps going.
ricky is honestly hard to place, so i’m going to say he’s a true switch. some days he can be the most dominant person you’ve ever been with, other days he gets whiny and wants to be taken care of.
gyuvin is very submissive, i think. he’s just needy and his brain will short circuit if you leave him in charge. he’s like a dumb puppy, you have to tell him what to do! otherwise he won’t know how to please you.
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expecto-kedavra · 4 months
HL Girls react to smelling M!MC in their Amortentia
Professor Sharp’s potion lesson has the class brewing the love potion, Amortentia, and writing their thoughts.
Including Poppy, Natty, Imelda, Samantha, and Anne.
Poppy Sweeting
She recognizes the smell immediately, however the fact that it’s in her potion, a bit more surprising. She’d know the earthy tones, the sandalwood, the soft smell of clean forest breeze anywhere. It was….him. But why? She didn’t have romantic feelings for him. All the nights they spent huddled together in a hollow log, pressed against each other to avoid poachers, that was just platonic. The way she felt when he’d smile at her after clearing a poacher camp, and brush her hair out of her face and wipe the smudged dirt and grime off of her forehead and cheeks. The way he would always hold her close when she’d get worked up about all the creatures she couldn’t save. The way she would always get sad when he’d leave….oh. Oh shit.
Natsai Onai
She smiles to herself, and breathes in the deep, comforting scent. She’d been considering the way she feels about him for a while, yet hadn’t known if it was real yet. This only confirms what her heart has told her. She writes down what she smells. A clean, aromatic smell, like cinnamon and vanilla. The way he would always smell. The smell she breathed in when she was sitting in the hospital wing after taking down Harlow, enveloped in a deep hug.
“What do you smell Natty?”
She’s snapped out of her trance by her table mate, Cressida Blume. She smiles.
“I smell home.”
Imelda Reyes
Nope. Nope nope. She brewed it wrong. She must have. She must have brewed the potion that makes you smell what you despise. No way. Her face grows hot as she internally searches for why the hell this damn cauldron smells like that. Why does it smell like….like mint…like freshly washed clothes, like lemon zest, a pie cooling on a windowsill on a hot day. Why does it smell like him??? She thinks hard, realizing how many times she’d sit behind him in History of Magic, breathing in the comforting scent. The times she could just focus on him without his smart ass knowing. Without HER smart ass knowing. How far buried in her subconscious was this?
“Well, what do you smell?”
Violet McDowell breaks her concentration, and the forehead vein retreats back into her face.
“Uh, oh, um, broom polish, and uh, the smell of the grass in the quidditch pitch.” She lied.
Violet raises an eyebrow. “Why are you sweating?”
Samantha Dale
She frowns at her cauldron. She was expecting the smell of fresh soil, maybe the smells that blow through on a hot summers day as she works in the garden. Not….this. What is this? It smelled of fresh parchment, and lavender. Slight tones of…what broom polish? She doesn’t even fly! She barely cares about flying and doesn’t even know anyone who does. Except…oh. Except for him. He flies. He’s really good at it. He looks really good when does it. He also always offers her spare parchment when she forgets it in charms class. And he always…smells like..lavender. She looks up and sees him across the room, working on his own potion while chatting and laughing with Sebastian Sallow. She feels her face grow red and a slight giggle come from her throat. She’ll explore this later. She needs to write down what to say to him, and how to say it. It’ll take a while. At least 21 rough drafts.
Anne Sallow
Potions has been hard. Since MC cured her, catching up in class has been a lot. But she’s always despised potions. She sits at her cauldron, pondering what it is she’s smelling. She smells green tea, honey, and a tiny bit of a more earthy undertone, like soil. Then like eucalyptus? She recognized the smell, but why is it here? It’s the room of requirement to be sure. But why? It doesn’t smell bad but it definitely isn’t attracting her. He showed her the room once she returned to school, saying it helped him get caught up. He showed her around, made her a cup of tea, and told her to brew as many potions and grow as many plants as she wants. Then he hugged her. He hugged her and she breathed in the smell of his robes. He smelled like…eucalyptus. She frowns. She’d always dismissed the thoughts of him as simply gratitude for removing her of the pain. Maybe it was more? She looked up, and found his table. He was just finishing his potion. She found herself admiring him, the contour of his jaw, his thick hair, muscular broad shoulders. She felt her face heating up, her mouth forming a hard line. As she watched him work, it melted into a smile, ignoring Sebastian as he poked her. “Why are you staring at him?” She shoved him off, and began to write down her thoughts on her parchment.
He smelled roast chicken.
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wolfoftheblackflames · 2 months
So I was browsing Tumblr since I like to do that sometimes, and bam! I got hit with a fic inspiration... Anyway here you go misfits! (This is set after the new hotel is built)
Girls' day feat. Angel Dust:
“Uh why the fuck is he here?”
Those words came out when the last of the invited arrived at Charlie’s little get-together. It was Angel Dust wearing a beautiful pink crop top and black shorts with sparkly neon pink heels as he grinned. “I was invited toots.”
“Ya got a problem with Angie?” Cherri growled at Vaggie, who lifted her hands in defense. “No, just thought he'd be with the guys..”
Angel Dust just laughed. “You're just jealous cause I can easily out girl ya toots.” He playfully sneered, fluffing up his sexy chest fluff.
Vaggie just growled a bit, though blinked as she heard the door only to see Charlie come back with the cutest looking outfit on, which was free flowing grey crop top with small sleeves that exposed her shoulders and a beautiful pair of casual jeans. Instantly she blushed a bit and looked away. “Ha, look at the blush on the fuckin’ munchkin!” Cherri chuckled, nudging her best friend Angel who joined in with a snicker. Even Niffty who sat on the couch couldn't help but giggle. “She looks like a lamp.”
Charlie pursed her lips clearly not liking the teasing. She flashed the others with her demonic red and white eyes to get them to stop. “Uh whoops, so uh what cha got in the box?” Angel laughed nervously.
“I'm glad you asked, since it's a girl's day I figured we could have a fun spa session!” The princess grinned, placing the box down and opening it.
Inside said box was a bunch of different skin care products, nail polish, scented body lotions, and much more. “I ain't one for just relaxin’ but Angie convinced me.” Cherri stated picking up one of the nail polish, a beautiful shimmering yellow like his eyes. Her face fell since it had only been several weeks since the battle with heaven.
“Seriously Cherri, ya needed it, besides we all miss our little snake.” Angel placed one of his arms around her. “Now let's see how this color looks on ya sugar tits.” He grinned trying to cheer up his best bud.
Vaggie smiled a bit. She knew the loss of Sir Pentious weighed on everyone. However, with the new hotel, it was a chance to move forward. She went over to the box and smirked. “He did like the smell of mint.” The angel held up some hand lotion to Cherri, who blinked.
“There wasn't a day where I didn't see that snake with either a cup of coffee or tea.” Angel mused as Cherri took the lotion with a nod. To her it felt weird, people actually being nice, to have had a man who complimented her mind instead of her hot as fuck body, and that kiss, fuck it had been kinda hot.
Cherri smirked a bit. “He was fun to pick on, the slimy shit.” She took off her gloves and casually applied the lotion. It really wasn't her style but she didn't mind it.
Charlie smiled a bit seeing how Cherri relaxed. She was hoping to recruit the bombardier but the woman had turned her down. “So Angel..” She smirked in a sing-song like tone. “I saw the eyes you were giving Husk. What's up with that?” She playfully poked the spider.
Angel blinked and cleared his throat. Even Cherri looked up at him and smirked evilly. “Don't you start too!” He groaned but blinked as Niffty giggled.
“I'm not one for the gay stuff, but I did notice ehehe. He always pours your drink first.” She smirked with her wide toothy grin. “I think that cat has grown soft.”
Angel blinked at Niffty, but then had a soft smile of his own. “During the before battle shit I wanted to stick by the guy and enjoy his drinks and company.” He admitted with a light blush.
“I saw you two flirtin’ durin’ the whole thing!” Cherri nudged with a grin.
Charlie squeed having the same look she had when Sir Pentious confessed his crush for Cherri to her. “I'm rooting for you Angel!”
Vaggie lightly punched his arm. “You got this.”
Angel just chuckled and hugged the girls. “Daww you ladies are makin’ me blush!” He grinned. “Now which of these would Kitty like?” He asked while releasing the girls so he could dig through the box.
Charlie smiled and picked out a gorgeous starry night nail polish. “This would look so good on you, Vaggie!” She grinned as Vaggie blinked. “Alright hon, go ahead.”
Angel chuckled seeing Charlie take out a nail care kit first. “Could you do my nails too blondie?” He asked “Sure!”
Cherri blinked being tugged on by Niffty who held up a very pretty perfume bottle. “Try this, it smells really nice!” The little maid grinned, spritzing some onto Cherri’s wrist. “Oh, it's kinda got a musky scent.” She mused as Niffty nodded. “It smells nice doesn't it?”
“Reminds me of the shit Pen would wear.” Angel replied with a smirk. “Where’d ya find that one Niff?”
“I got it from the store, I also sprayed every bottle so I could find the right one.” She snickered since she made the clerk really pissed that day.
“Ya turned the store into a mustard gas situation?!” Cherri smirked and ruffled Niffty’s hair. “Yer a fuckin’ freak, I like ya.”
Angel rolled his eyes but then looked at Vaggie and tilted his head. “Hey toots, why are ya sittin’ cross legged?” He asked with a playful smirk. “Are ya tryin’ to hide your tiny ass feet?”
Vaggie flipped him off. “I don't see you taking off your heels. So you don't get to say shit.” She retorted with a smug look.
Angel grumbled and flipped her off right back. He didn't exactly like his feet, hell when he did his pornos he begged Val to keep his sexy heels on mentioning that sick fucks would be extra horny for the mystery. Cherri looked over and got up. “Hey Angie?”
“Yeah?” Angel looked at Cherri. “Wanna try on these fuckin’ sexy ass heels?” She grinned showing Angel some beautiful black leather laced up heeled boots.
The spider demon's eyes lit up as he took the shoes. “Fucking hell Cherri Bomb, where did ya get these beauties?”
Vaggie blinked and tilted her head. “Those actually look nice…” She added seeing the beautiful pink trim along the top and sole. “I know right? Bought these bitches for Angie cause the fucker loves his sexy heels.” Cherri showed a wide grin as Angel chuckled.
Charlie giggled, seeing the heels. “What are you waiting for? Try them on Angel!” She playfully coaxed, having finished applying the nail polish to Vaggie's beautiful nails.
Angel blushed a bit however looked at the girls. “Turn around for a sec and I will.” He replied looking at his glittery heels.
Vaggie noticed his hesitation and sighed. She was going to regret this but took off her own heels to reveal cute little feet making Charlie squeak. “You want me to paint these too?” She asked as Vaggie nodded.
Angel blinked at the gesture, he then looked at Cherri who looked a bit surprised but smirked. “Don't worry Angie, I'll beat any dumbfuck who messes with ya.” The bombshell grinned patting her spider boi on the shoulder.
The pornstar gulped a bit but nodded as he started undoing the buckles of his beautiful sparkly boots. He gave Vaggie a small thankful nod as the latter smiled a bit. Soon his small cute spider-like clawed feet wiggled free, tipped with his pinkish white fur and small little claws. He looked over and spotted Charlie who had removed her own shoes revealing small red hooves. “Huh…” He smiled a bit, feeling a little less awkward thanks to the two girls.
“Here catch.” Vaggie tossed Angel some beautiful glittery neon pink nail polish. “Hey thanks Vags.” He smirked looking it over.
Cherri blinked but smirked a bit. These folks were alright in her book even if some were a stickler for the rules. “Here let me apply it.” She asked Angel who blinked. “Oh sure..”
Niffty easily grabbed one of Charlie’s hooves, making the princess yelp and started to look it over. “Ooo! Kinda like what Alastor has, except yours are smaller than his..” The maid giggled only to be accidentally kicked in the face when she touched a ticklish spot.
“Shit! Sorry Niff!” Charlie gasped, looking horrified. “Yay pain!” The maid cooed springing back up from the wall she had smacked into because of the power behind the kick. “Do it again!”
Cherri just laughed. “Damn, looks like the goody two shoes has some power. Ya practically punted the tiny bitch.” She smirked as Charlie groaned. “I didn't mean to!”
Vaggie had to shoo Niffty away to keep the maid from trying to get Charlie to kick her again. “Hey Niff, check this out, there's bleach in the next room!” Angel smirked as the maid instantly scurried off with a rabid expression and grin. “Thanks…” Charlie sighed in relief.
Angel winked at Vaggie as a ‘the favor has been repaid’ gesture. The angel smirked a bit and casually started to pamper those cute little hooves. “It's a spa day isn't it, you get some pampering too princesa.” (Princess)
Charlie blushed as Vaggie massaged the ankles. She then looked over at Angel who smirked playfully. “Aww ain't that cute, betcha two get into some fun kinky shit in the bedroom eh?” He teased as Charlie started to blush and sizzle. “I think they're those vanilla type fuckers. Looks like it anyway.” Cherri smirked as Vaggie grumbled trying to pay no mind to the teasing though her golden blush was starting to show again.
The more lewd duo laughed amused at the flustered couple's reaction, though Angel smirked a bit at his painted toe nails, he soon slipped on those beautiful boots looking more comfortable.
While everyone was chatting, Charlie got a phone call. “I'll be right back, babe.” She gave Vaggie a kiss on the cheek and left to take it.
Cherri and Angel smirked at Vaggie who gave a confused look. “What?”
“Hey feather duster, wanna spice yourself up for your girl?” Angel smirked holding up some lotions. “Don't cha wanna see yer blondie practically fuckin’ sizzlin’?” Cherri chimed in with a playful smirk. Niffty giggled seeing Vaggie squirm.
“I know what she likes, I don't need your help..” The angel turned away with a cute huff. Though the golden blush gave it away that she did want to.
Angel smirked and nodded at Cherri and Niffty. “This is gonna be fun.” The spider man took out a comb and some hair products. “W-wait!” Vaggie gulped while caught off guard.
After an hour Charlie came back into the room annoyed. “Husk says that my dad and Alastor are fighting again, and they nearly burned down the lobby with a cook off..” She groaned coming back into the room. “Huh?”
Cherri and Niffty blocked her view. “And done!” Angel grinned moving away. “Go ahead and let the blondie through.”
“Ehehehe, enjoy the treat princess.” Niffty bowed and scurried away.
Cherri gave a thumbs up and moved as Charlie looked very confused. “What are..” She couldn't finish her sentence as she then spotted Vaggie.
“Hi hon..” The angel blushed with her hair looking so fluffy and wavy now. There was even a braid that brought some of the bangs back to expose the soft features of Vaggie's face. Charlie just stared as the scent of both apples and lavender filled her nose. “Ha! She's speechless!” Cherri laughed and gave a thumbs up to Angel.
Angel chuckled but blinked, coming over to Charlie. “Uh hello? You there, blondie?” He poked her, and Charlie fell over red-faced. “Whoa!”
Cherri just burst out laughing as Vaggie ran over. “Ya made her a fuckin’ knock out Angie!”
“So… pwetty…” Charlie mumbled her eyes swirling with her tail out wagging. She looked like she was drunk. “Come on sweetie, let's get you off the floor..” Vaggie easily picked up Charlie who laid like a cute little snake, her face looking dopey and in love.
Vaggie looked at Angel who gave a smug look. She grumbled but fist bumped the spider twink who grinned at his work.
Though the rumbling of the hotel made this day come to an end as Lucifer was chasing Alastor who was laughing like a mad man, with Husk coming out and shaking his head, clearly not drunk enough for this shit.
(This all started because I saw Vaggie had tiny feet and remembered the fact Angel didn't like his own feet...)
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ladysirenity23 · 1 year
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Cult!Genshin x reader
Sagau pt.3 Liyue
Warnings: cult behavior, obsessive thoughts, religion, spoilers
[Sagau pt.1 Khaenri'ah here] 👇
[Sagau pt.2 Mondstadt here] 👇
Morax was your longest known worshipper - though none known previously how he got to know you, it was only common knowledge that he did worship you in his time of when he was still but a young adeptus
But of course doubts started to spiral once death came-whether it was from his wrath or another being's own bloodthirst
Was it meant to happen?
Morax would ask himself that same  question-as he watches both his acquaintances and rivals die in front of his eyes
He was sort of angry at you-cursed you silently(not wanting to be known for disrespecting you but he did it quietly)
Yet the geo-scaled Archon despite those doubts and trials--He, then matured over the decades he walked in Teyvat his faith in you stood still like the mountains made by geo he made all over the shores of Liyue
plus... Barbatos's 'fact' as the winged-archon would like to call it seemed a bit insulting and he somehow wanted to prove the latter wrong despite knowing its not worth wasting his energy for more important matters
In his time of living among the mortals of Liyue he understood that every thing was meant to happen
He exhaled ;sipping the tea as he watches the lanterns dance among Teyvat's sky
though his victories from the past did haunt him-- Zhongli was finally at peace,knowing that his nation were thriving and advancing without the need of Rex lapis
but what made him feel even more relaxed was the presence of what you'd call 'divine'
Zhongli's golden eyes squinted as if instinctively trying to find something he'd like to think he'd seen before
Your acolyte smiled from afar looking fondly at the docks of Liyue of where you stood with the traveller and a sea of his people
Your presence was educated by Morax to him when Alatus was recently just saved by the hands of the cruel god
'the all mighty Creator of Teyvat'
what was so special about you?that made Rex lapis himself worship you
Not to ask that question in a tone which a certain anemo-winged archon used--but one of piqued curiousity
He always wondered about your existence whether during his time with the other yaksha's or even after their passing..
Though he could ask Morax--he'd rather not seeing how the Geo archon had his own responsibilities to deal with
No matter Xiao leaves the subject on the back of his mind and sighed as his pain continues to course through his body
For now.. as your acolyte Xiao can only say that he has respect for you for at least helping him save the people who reside in the harbour through the Traveler or through him
But can he really be satisfied with just that after witnessing your arrival at the harbour-well the answer is.. no
not when the karmic dept that the young Yaksha held for so long almost instantly disappears at the sight of your divine gaze that reflected the lanterns of Liyue
Since birth he was always physically weak and as the years passed by his health also weakened mentally
Baizhu wouldn't say he's a Saint like his regular customers would like to see him as-rather he see's himself as a human-and there was no doubt he was
Some people say he had that quality-and he would frown at the notion,, but can you really blame him when not careful anytime could be a dead end for the sickly man
Although the mint haired man would always feel guilty on taking advantage of Qiqi's immortality despite doing it over again--
However when you finally arrived in Teyvat Baizhu thought he would feel immense guilt the moment he mentioned about his endeavours and his reason of taking care of Qiqi--plus the fact that he treated you as you were human instead of the Creator
The mint haired man would always apologise for all the troubles he's been giving you this past hour
But instead you reassured him-well awkwardly patted him at the back is what you did-- but it was enough to quell his tears
Such a kindness shouldn't be unrewarded.. (though he Baizhu knows he's not in place to reward-but to show his faithfulness to you)he would offer himself as one of your acolytes to honor you with his body
The news of the Creator's arrival on Teyvat had been a shock to the people Liyue and to her as well-but it wasn't unwelcomed!
she was part of the beings who prepared the festival for you! Though not her money nor' the idea-Ganyu was glad to be working full time on the project assigned to her
She didn't need any rest and definitely didn't want to if its for you!Though your insistence of her resting will make her blink her eyes in confusion to shift to one of embarrassment ;saying she didn't need to
But with your offer that you'd let her lay down on your lap made her want to reconsider the offer
Cloud retainer had spoken about you through times of when she was but a child taken in by the crane adeptus
Shenhe had a feeling in her heart, though she couldn't describe it-- andit felt absolutely horrible,, something about you appearing before her, what made you show yourself now?! She couldn't explain the reason why she felt this way
Maybe it was about her childhood that was sacrificed once her father sent her to die in the hands of a demon
It was your lack of presence in one's time of need that made her somewhat feel ill about you
She hated the feeling once it showed in her stomach,she herself never wanted to feel like that when seeing you in a physical form
Though she stayed quiet at your visit-though no glaring was seen in her eyes Cloud retainer could feel the small rage that Shenhe was having behind those ropes that bind the white haired girl
But even she, knows that another feeling was bubbling up as you held her hands with a soft gentle smile for her
Perhaps she'd like to get know you in a different light if ever possible
As a child she struggled but she did her best to thrive in the streets of Liyue while praying that you'd make her your favourite acolyte-And she did become at least one of them
With grace and gratitude she welcomed you and traveler with open arms, Announcing her opening speech,, she stands at her most beloved magnum opus;The Jade Chamber
A true man of greed..but can you really blame him?as a child he struggled to even find a single penny to feed himself, eating only the crumbs that the people of the harbour dropped so carelessly
As he hates the Geo archon for not giving a single mora to him and what makes it worse that it didn't make you any different from the archon that the sea of people seem to worship so much
Where were you and the God of Contracts when he needed both of you??
He scoffed at the news of your arrival, though with newly found wealth, Pantalone didn't seem all that smiley today-in fact he had a frown all day long making others question his sudden change of expression
The black haired man told them the reason calmly-but they could tell that there was a venomous tone on the tip of his toungue
Pierro shakes his head in a disapproving way,he was acting a bit childish he knows-by the way the ginger's expression also became dark even when Tartaglia just had a laughing fit
The banker looked in the eyes of his comrades and of the Cryo archon
Just as the Northland's bank currencies are the tears of the gamblers that had set their money on pride and the blood of the poor who spent their last breath trying to gain a single mora
Maybe you'd like to earn his forgiveness that weight off a million-no-
A lifeline worth of mora would make him him forgive you as long you'll comply to every one of his desires
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23_chan: I still don't know if Pantalone is from Liyue,but this is just a quick Headcanon of him--if he isn't then I'll just transfer him on a nation where he is a part of @w@
Edit:2/4/2023 11:02 pm
Edit:2/5/2023 1:05 am
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operafantomet · 9 months
Hello, it’s me again. I’d love to know your opinion on the Italian production costumes. At first I didn’t like them, but after seeing the show live, I really enjoyed them.
I think they have many cool things going on, a nice period nerve, nice colours, cool references... but sometimes a bit campy. This is however solely judging from photos and video clips, and as always this is not primarily what they are designed for. They are designed for movement and light on stage, and from a distance. So if I ever get to see the production I can give you a much fairer judgement than what I can now. But some favourites and not so favourites!
ELISSA: I love the Elissa costume. Keeping the colours turquoise and golden corresponds well with the set design and chandelier, it looks rich and elegang, and it is also a cool match to the dark blonde wig. Regal and cool, and also somewhat recognizable as an Elissa costume.
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DRESSING GOWN: Another recognizable look is Christine's dressing gown. Now... yes I do secretly wish a non-replica production would go a totally different route.. a pink one, a green, something completely different. Kinda like the heavy red one they did in LND Denmark. Just to be creative. But a good ol' delicate white dressing gown is always a welcome look for the First Lair. Hence... beautiful. Bonus for tucks at the hem (not depicted here) and the overall golden touch of the wig, the Hannibal costume underneath and the belt:
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THE PHANTOM'S MASK: The Phantom's mask for this production... is not my cup of tea. I've never understood the "angry eyebrow" in any production, or an overall too bulky look. It also feels a bit overdimensioned? But again, this is probably an issue in photos and videos more than when seeing the show live.
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DEGAS: I enjoy the "everyday look" of the Degas costumes. They really look like rehearsal costumes, and they look wonderfully period. Cool touch with the diamond-shaped underbust corsets.
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CARLOTTA IN MANAGERS: A classy and period-looking bustle dress, but not a very exciting one? Not sure what I'm missing, but more... ooomp, more of an exclamation point. But I like the green towards her red hair.
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MASQUERADE: Even if giving a hint of Venetian carnivale, and even if probably adding nicely to the chaotic atmosphere, I don't particularly care for the all-cloaked Masquerade. I feel I lack a focal point in some way. Yes, I know Christine and Raoul is especially featured at times, but as a general design look I'm wanting more. Not sure what. Wackier headgarbs? More distinct costumes? Something.
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RED DEATH: I do however enjoy Red Death within this design philosophy. And especially that they picked up on the original idea of Paul Daniels, magic consultant for the original West End production: “My best idea was not accepted by the director (he had his image, fine), whereby the Phantom would come down, singing Masquerade, and then the whole costume and his stick would twirl up into the air, and he would… not be in it, despite the fact that he’d been singing." (as told in the Behind the Mask documentary in 2004). And this is more or less what they're doing here. When the ensemble grabs on to his cloak, it's empty, he's gone, and the cloak just falls to the floor. Should of course mention they did the same in Kristianstad, Sweden. But it's an awesome trick and I love the different takes on it. Here's the full costume before Red Death disappears:
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CHRISTINE IN MASQUERADE: Christine wears a beautiful, if boring 1870s-esque bustle dress - much in the vein of Carlotta's Manager's dress. I don't think it adds anything, but at least it's pretty, as is the turned-view set and lowered chandelier.
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MAUSOLEUM: I like the mint colour of the Mausoleum cloak, and the bow details. Subdued, yet visible. Bonus: The red lining of the Phantom's cloak (which I think he wears in the Mirror scene, to good effect). I will cherish the day a non-replica production does NOT push the red rose as a theme/prop, but anyway... at least the red rose look good towards the green on stage.
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THE DARK ANGEL: No. Just no. I'm not on board. Don't camp it up like this. It feels like an idea that worked better on paper than on stage. Especially when he flies up in the air. I just... no.
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POINT OF NO RETURN: In large I'm thinking WHY? Why the humongous hat? I think there are better ways to hide the face. Why is the Aminta skirt such a perfect nod to the Lon Chaney movie's Marguerite costume, but then the top is just a generic corset? Why the wildly clashing colours? It feels like they started with some good ideas and then it just... collapsed.
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FINAL LAIR: ...and this is where you loose me... Albeit in hindsight I guess I am glad it's Raoul that is topless and not the Phantom. I mean, they COULD have done that. Or both, for that matter. I thank then for resisting the thought.
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All in all, I think the costume design works within a recognizable look - to the point where MOTN, Madame Giry and the two managers could might as well have been Maria Bjørnson's design. But then with some creative touches here and there which either works very well, or moves over to the campy side. I think the Phantom is constantly balancing on camp, while Christine overall has a good wardrobe. As for Raoul, not really anything new or memorable apart from the shirtless thingie in the Final Lair. As far as the others go, a very consistent look throughout.
To me this is one of the most thorough and appealing non-replica productions out there, as far as costumes go. I would rate it in the vein of the Czech Republic (which is jollier but also sticks close to Maria Bjørnson), Hungary (ditto) and Norway/Greece (more blue and more 1905, and more of a roller-coaster, but what is good is really good). I like that they keep it Victorian-esque and recognizable, and a bit creative. And yes, I would love to see it live. Always.
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shrewstew · 6 months
(Again: mostly Kenny, he orbits my mind like a moon)
- All the adults in South Park have called Tweek and Craig their “Smol Beans” at least once
- Karen and Tricia (Craig’s little sister) are besties, Tricia teaches Karen to stick up for herself, and Karen has tea parties with her. They both have a cute lil’ crush on each other and their brothers always tease them about it
- Kenny doesn’t comb his hair often because it’s overstimulating for him
- Butters is a musical savant, he can do multiple types of dance, play drums, guitar, and probably some others instruments that I’m forgetting.
- Kevin (Kenny’s brother) has a big ol’ crush on Shelly, but he has as much rizz as a chunk of dirt, so their interactions are incredibly awkward and short
- Cartman is the only person aware of Kenny’s deaths, (duh) but he pretends to be clueless, mostly because no one’s gonna believe the guy who is infamous for fucking with people and hallucinating a tiny version of himself. He WAY overcompensates tho. Calls Kenny crazy and says the poverty’s finally driven him insane
- Jimmy is the kind of guy to shout “Eureka!” when he comes up with a good joke /hj
- Mysterion has one-sided beef with mint berry crunch because everyone talks about how cool it is that he has REAL powers, and he’s a REAL superhero
- Y’know how Randy is South Park’s Lorde, and Mr Garrison is South Park’s Trump? Cartman starts a YouTube channel and becomes South Park’s Trisha Paytas /hj
- Craig is deadpan autistic, while Butters and Kenny are overly expressive autistic
- Craig reads creek fan fiction
- Tweek however, freaks out at the idea of it because some fics are pretty accurate and he becomes convinced that people are watching him
- While Stan was dating Wendy at this time, when Nichole beat Heather’s ass at tabletop games, he got a lil crush 🤭
- Kenny has the eyes of a ghostly Victorian child and it’s weird and freaky cuz he makes an UNCOMFORTABLE amount of eye contact
- Tweek x Craig is basically Lead poisoning stare x fluoride poisoning stare /j
- Kyle has no rhythm when he dances, (this is canon, see: rainforest shmainforest) Which is why before making TikTok’s with Tolkien he studies and practices the dances OBSESSIVELY
- Craig can’t keep a job cuz of his “attitude problem”, however Tweek was able to hook him up as a barista in his parents coffee shop, cuz his parents LOVE Craig
- Cartman is seen without his hat the most out of the other kids, and I think it would be funny if he pointed out how fucking weird they are for wearing their winters caps to bed
- Post Covid Kenny wears prescription sunglasses, and he wears sunglasses because the lights in the lab hurt his eyes. But if someone asked he just says it’s cuz he’s so cool B) and he is
- (slight rant lolz) Everytime I read a fic that describes teenage Kenny as the town bicycle seat who has boinked 99% of the school, I cringe. Seeing how everyone in town treats his home and family I do not think most of the school outside his friend group would give him the time of day
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