#g/t drabbles
entomolog-t · 1 year
Image of Colossus
Viewing oneself as a tiny for a lot of people is escapism from the heavy burden of personal responsibilities, and yearning to be cared for, rather than having the weight of those expectations placed on you. This leaves me imagining a massive gruff looking blue collar guy working in a scrapyard or mine or some other trade job, getting off work and just sitting there imagining being small. 
He gets off work, body and mind drained from another 12 hour shift in the summer heat. Opening the fridge, he takes out a beer and relishes in the cold of it in his hands; greedily, he drinks. He finishes, and then another, and another, but is too tired to do anything else but lay there on his bed. His inhibitions lowered and mind subtly buzzed, he find himself searching the recesses of his mind; picking at a concept he is only subconsciously aware of. As he closes his eyes, the softness of the mattress starts to feel like an embrace. He finds himself imagining he’s laying on the palm of a hand. His mind continues to weave this fantasy before him, and as his mind’s eye looks up, before him he envisions the face of an impossibly colossal woman. He sees her staring down at him, her massive features flickering between awe and concern. The thought of a being so large... just ... holding him... all their attention focused on him, none of their intentions known to him... the idea was both thrilling and terrifying. What could he do to stop someone who could hold his entire being in the palm of their hand?
He finds it strange that he revels in the thought of being terrified; like a weight lifting from his chest. She carefully caresses his face, her actions careful and gentle for he imagines himself to be fragile. He feels blood rush to his cheeks, realization hitting him quick and hard; this was not a normal fantasy. He feels heat rise to the tips of his ears as he recalls the emotions that paired with the strange imagery. He wants to ask himself why, but fears the answer. As much as he wants to forget about the strangeness of the fantasy, he can’t deny how much he yearns to see it through. He wants to imagine how she would comfort him, how hard she would work to gain his trust, and how lovingly she would cherish it once had. 
He likes that word. He felt himself sinking back into the imagery woven by his mind; back into the hands of the giant woman with kind eyes. Cherished; That’s how he wished to imagine himself. Every touch gentle, every word measured. To be treated so delicately, as he was always told to do for others. For once, he would be cherished.
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miniemew · 1 year
you’re curled up snugly, cradled by the chestnut shell that serves as your bed. your body shakes with the force of another coughing fit, but the cushy cotton you rest in and stolen fabrics cut and fitted into blanket size, keep you warm despite the chills.
outside of the wall, the human brews water so scalding the steam alone would finish you if you were to stray too close- but the mint tea bag washes over your senses as it’s aroma seeps into tea. with a small smile, you turn your nose towards the soothing scent.
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mskenway97 · 16 days
11 with Optimus 👀
Oh ikko, this one came to me as a quick idea, I had another scenario prepared for a fic I wrote with Synth En
11. “Louder. Let me hear you.”
Warning: Size difference, valvelplug, g/t content, g/t, smut, oral
You only felt the movement of his digits on your body, making you feel shivers with every metallic touch he was giving you. You knew you couldn't run away, better to keep Optimus calm when he was under the Synth En effect. Those green optics were looking at your body, with a smug grin.
-Enjoying my attention? - Optimus said as his digit moved up to your thighs. You were trying to keep the moaning as controlled as possible since being in his room you didn't know if the rooms were soundproofed. But the heat in your legs was increasing and you were finding it harder and harder to stifle them. Optimus kept you lying on his bed as he watched your face keep the moans quiet.
-Are you afraid they'll hear us? It's just you and me," Optimus said as he teased your sex through your pants making it hard for you to stifle your moans and moved closer to your ear, "Give me what I want, I want to hear your voice so it stays stored in my processor. You gasped as you felt him pull your pants off and couldn't react fast enough to see his face and his glossa come closer to your sex.
-Wait, wait… - you said but as soon as you felt his glossa between your sex you shuddered and trembled as you moaned low. "Damn it, this way I can't…. "you thought to yourself as you felt the slower movement making. He moved his tongue away as you were trembling and gasping for breath looking at him somewhat confused as to why he stopped.
-Don't make me beg… louder. Let me hear you… For my sake…" said Optimus with a seductive tone and innocent optics. You sighed as long as you couldn't resist that look - Okay… Do it - you said while you saw that he didn't hesitate to do it and to feel his glossa faster. You started to moan louder, making him smile as he continued. To the point that he felt your climax, hearing his name. Leaving you shaking as he pat your head.
- You have done well, my human… - Optimus said as you sighed as you thought you were going to rest but it wasn't until you heard his interface system open. You knew what that meant, you were in for a long night.
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dingbatnix · 6 months
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They're all very...shocked, I think.
Also in color! (But I like it less)
(yes I did change the bottom image, I forgot to add the background color xD)(they're in the nether btw)
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@brick-a-doodle-do @i-am-beckyu @da3dm @kayla-crazy-stuffs @local-squishmallow @skullsnbruises @munchkin1156 @gt-daboss
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tinyclownhours · 24 days
Two borrowers living together and one of them suddenly growing to human hight. And to their horror they find that their friend is now scared of them.
Could begin with a simple misunderstanding, with the now not so tiny borrower knocking on the entrance to their little hideout inside the walls, trying to entice their friend to come out. Because they need them right now, they’re so scared, they’ve never been big and need the comfort of the only person who’s ever known them. But the tiny borrower just does not want to come out. Because from their perspective the human of the house has finally found them. Maybe they manage to let out a quiet and shaky “go away”, but nothing more.
After a while of grueling negotiations the giant manages to get the tiny to come out. Maybe they managed to talk them into it, maybe - in their panic, they reached into the hole, wrapping their fingers around the squeaking and squirming borrower and pulling them out. They desperately try to show them that it’s okay, it’s them! And while the tiny can see that it’s them, and they’re talking to them, it’s clear that they’re still freaked out. The subtle trembling of their hands, the way their eyes are darting around, the way they squirm around in their grasp.
They can’t stay in the humans house anymore. They need to venture out and find another place to live. And the tiny is struck with the uncomfortable reality of having to rely on the giant in a way they’ve never had to before. They have to let them carry them around when they’re trying to find shelter, and they have to let them warm them up while they’re sleeping outside until they can find a proper home. The dynamic between them has changed so much, and while the giant likes to pretend that it hasn’t, and everything’s okay, and the tiny doesn’t have to be nervous cause- it’s still them! They’re the same person they’ve always been!
It’s clear that the tiny is uncomfortable, nervous, and sometimes even afraid of their friend. They’re so much bigger now. Their the size of a human, creatures both of them had been afraid of their entire life. With this new size, their bond has been altered permanently in a way neither of them would’ve expected.
Or wanted.
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cloudynyims · 4 months
Random g/t thoughts!
since writing isn't coming easily to me at the moment, here's two thoughts I've been thinking about recently!
a tiny and a giant who live together. The tiny is very independent and the giant sets up ways for the tiny to get around by themselves. When the giant has friends over, they don't want to tiny to be limited in any way, but they also don't want their tiny friend to get stepped on. So they just... tie a balloon around them😭 it's so silly looking but this way the other giants won't accidentally step on the tiny. And they're floating off the floor a little because of the helium and it's super cute actually.
one more for tonight: I love thinking about how happy giants must get when their tiny friend finally trusts them. Because it's a huge learning curve and a lot of trust has to be built up to reach this point. They have talked to so many of their giant friends about how to get the tiny to trust them and it's been a whole process that took months. Then one day, the tiny is chilling, taking a nap in their friend's hand. It just hits them: the tiny finally feels safe around them! They did it! But obviously, they don't want to make it a big deal for the tiny, so they just marvel about it and gush about it with their giant friends and sometimes randomly get super giddy around their little friend. The tiny is a little confused about the sudden burst of affection but trusts them enough to just accept it.
i feel like I write a lot of first meeting type stuff but established g/t friendships have so much potential too!!
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a-sentient-horax · 6 months
G/T Headcannons
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So much of G/T is science-adjacent just because of the nature of the trope. But this got me thinking about like, G/T in the setting of science academia.
A scientist and an engineer who have a years-long dispute about whether it's possible or not to change someone's size. The scientist swears up and down that they have worked out the math and theories and it just is absolutely not possible. Meanwhile, the engineer is certain that they are close to a solution. One night, perhaps long after they stopped working together, the scientist wakes from their sleep to their roof being ripped off above them. "I fucking told you!" The now gigantic engineer gloats down at them.
Bonus if the scientist is so blinded by disbelief of their math failure that they aren't even afraid. They place their tiny hands on their hips and raise their chin up to stare right into the giant's eyes. "You had to have used a different theory. Did you make the room-temperature superconductor? Do you have any idea how vast the implications of that are? And you used it to do THIS to yourself? Are you working with [another scientist whose theories they disagree with]?"
A scientist who turned themselves giant and had a falling out with their partner who works in the same field as they do. One of them didn't include the other in a hugely impactful research paper, ending in a blowout fight. Now they both go to the same conferences and have to awkwardly avoid each other.
Additionally, one could approach the other sheepishly to ask for help on a new project. It could work both ways, a giant peering down angrily at a tiny human, or a defensive human crossing their arms and getting terse with their giant ex. "What, do you need to steal more of my ideas?"
A sizeshifter who tries to slyly shrink down to retrieve a fallen piece of lab equipment. They are caught by a coworker but instead of freaking out about their size their coworker panics about how this does NOT adhere to lab safety standards, demanding to know how many times they have done this.
A sizeshifter who pulls an all-nighter in the lab, not realizing that their frustration with not getting good results has made them gradually grow all night. The first person to come into the lab in the morning is greeted with the sight of their coworker poring over reams of printed data, towering over the equipment, and trying to rub exhaustion out of their eyes. (Queue the 'dropping the coffee cup in surprise' scene.)
A giant scientist who is at the cutting edge of their field, when a human intern starts on their research project and realizes very quickly that they have (for now) unrequited feelings for this giant. The scientist's huge form looms over the intern's workstation, casting a huge shadow. They squint their eyes at the schematics on the table. Bending over slightly, their large arm lightly brushes the human's shoulder as they point to an equation. "Is this doubling every time?" "D-doubling? I-" "If it is doubling, it should be natural log two, not log two." The giant lowers their head. Their annoyed face only a few inches from the human's. The human is blushing deeply, inhaling the smell of the giant's sweet breath. "It-d-er...doubling. Doubles." The giant's face remains unamused and annoyed. Despite their impatience, they make the effort to whisper gently, to not blow out the human's ear drums. "Then why did you write log two? Fix it."
The lead scientist and lead engineer on a project are always squabbling. In an accident, one of them gets shrunk down or grows to a large new size. Now their disagreements take place with the smaller one on some form of scaffolding, waving sheets of complex equations in the air while the other crosses their arms and shakes their head.
Two young scientists get passed over and are not included in the credits of a research paper, despite their extensive work. They go to confront the senior researcher, when one suddenly doubles, or triples in size and pins the senior researcher down, demanding credit for both of them. Their tiny friend is caught in a mix of horror and amazement as they realize that their friend could just as easily pin them down like that.
"Well, aren't you just soooo smart Mr. Giant Shithead." "That's Dr. Giant Shithead to you."
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txfeline720 · 6 months
Okay, I have an idea for introducing Astrotrain in Earthspark.
The kids are minding their own business when suddenly, one of them notices a brief tremble in the ground. Then another. And another.
Bonus points if there's a glass of water with ripples in it.
They're puzzled and confused.
What is that? What's causing it?
Hashtag, with her knowledge of all things's media, knows right then and there that it can only mean one thing.
Something very big was coming their way.
This gets all of them very quiet. Who or what is big enough to make the ground shake?
The tremors get bigger and louder. Robbie and Mo find themselves having to hold onto anything to keep their balance and not fall over.
They all stand in tense silence, weapons drawn, and form a circle around their human siblings in a protective stance.
They wait. The steps get even louder and louder and closer and closer, when suddenly...
It stops.
The children stare in confusion. What happened?
Then they hear a scream.
The Terrans look down to see Mo clinging to Robbie and looking upwards with terror in her wide eyes.
They slowly turn their heads up and freeze.
Towering over the children, standing so high that autobots and decepticons were mere action figures in comparison, was a giant mech.
Though said mech was bested by Megatron once in battle and said deed can be done again with ease on the latter's part, the metal titan was still a force that very few beings would dare reckon with.
Blazing red optics gazed down at the trembling group, and they knew right then and there who the mysterious earth shaker was.
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ravixen · 2 years
seungcheol + “you’ve got something on your face.”
"you've got something on your face."
➔ drabble game vi || requested
➔ warnings: fluff || 331 words ➔ notes: fluff, glasses-wearing!y/n but not as vision impaired as me 😔 ; he looked so good on that recent vlive. criminal, honestly. i dedicate this drabble to that seungcheol and how he made me feel.
It was a mistake to tell Seungcheol that he looks good in glasses. You knew it as soon as the words fell from your lips, but to be fair, you were walking into the room and expecting to have a movie night — not to have your heart jump into your mouth at the sight of your boyfriend and his cocky grin. If Jeonghan didn't clear his throat and roll his eyes, you're pretty sure you would've tackled Seungcheol to the couch then and there.
But the thing about Seungcheol is that once you've blown up his ego, only time will make his confidence temper out, and until enough time has passed, you're stuck with him and his smug ways.
"You've got something on your face," you say, unamused.
"Hm?" He leans his cheek on a fist and flutters his eyelashes. His elbow nearly knocks aside his bowl of soup. "Is it handsomeness?"
"No, it's my glasses." You hold out a hand. "Give 'em back."
And this man has the audacity to pout at you, as if you're stealing candy from a baby (him), but he can barely wear your prescription glasses anyway — they sit on the tip of his nose, low enough for him to not get a headache. He hums, daring you to ask again.
You do.
"My glasses, Choi Seungcheol. I need to prepare for my meeting."
He makes a disappointed sound but dutifully folds up your glasses and places them into your waiting palm. His expression was so hopeful, maybe you can spare him a bit of attention. You squint at his face in mock scrutiny.
"Wait, you do have a little something here..." you say, tapping your temple. "No, here, let me get it for you."
He stays still as you pluck the invisible speck from his hair and pretend to inspect it.
"What is it?"
"Hm, would you look at that." You show him your finger — empty. "Maybe there was a bit of handsomeness after all."
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entomolog-t · 1 year
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These two precious Gremlins, now in colour. 
Mark watched Sal fawn over the little leggy monstrosity from the corner of his eye.
He definitely said ladies... He chewed on his lip. There had better not be another spider just freely roaming around his house. As much as he cringed at the sight of Betty, he was both impressed and relieved that she never seemed to leave Sal’s side. 
Mark rolled his eyes as he heard Sal cooing to the little creature. He was the epitome of cringey “pet parent.” Although... he had to admit, it was rather endearing, albeit unnerving. 
“Mark! Look!” Sal called out, and Mark begrudgingly turned to look directly at the borrower and his ... companion.
With a comically large grin, Sal adjusted Betty into one arm, and with his free hand, he waved to Mark. And to Mark’s horror, so did she. 
I love Sal’s redesign so much. That dirty little mullet suits his gremlin personality so well. 
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draconicsparkle · 1 year
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I commissioned the talented and amazing @aaytaro-gt to draw something for my komahina borrower au.
First off, Nagito and Hajime look so happy and fluffy and adorable.
And then Izuru is doing the aro ace judgmental stare at people doing pda. I can confirm I have done that exact face.
But yeah, I love everything about this. It’s perfect. Please go give Taro love and support! Their stuff is just wonderful.
And if you wanna read the fic this is based off of, here’s the link.
Enjoy your day!!!
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mskenway97 · 2 months
I'm going to write it, I've been thinking about it almost all day... a small drabble.
Well we all know tfp optimus but we can talk about its version 2.0, the update... that robust body... it doesn't have the slender body anymore but a little more stuffed. I came up with this.
If you want add more please go head
You've been avoiding Optimus for a while... but not because of anything bad or that you've been angry... since the upgrade you see him differently and he's given you some somewhat inappropriate thoughts for the autobot leader.
Try not to think about it but the thought haunts you more and more. You want to touch that tummy... it looks very comfortable... You want to sleep there...
But you didn't want Optimus to see it childish...
- little one, you seem distracted - Optimus said one day while you were having those thoughts again.
You woke up from your reverie to shake your head quickly - No, why do you think that - you said while you saw a black servo surround your body, with the upgrade its servos were bigger and it surrounded you completely like a little doll.
- What did we say about the lies," said Optimus somewhat playfully.
When you were alone with him he showed you a certain mischievous side that he wouldn't show to anyone on the base. And now he was walking to his room.
- I'd like to be honest... but I'm ashamed to say this," you said looking away with a blush as he looked at you with his optics.
You knew very well that penetrating look that could see into your soul.
- Well I... I couldn't help but have... certain thoughts.I mean your tummy looks squishy... I was wondering if well... I could get comfortable - you said, putting your fingers together and looking very embarrassed. It was the hardest thing for you to say, and maybe it would look weird.
With his digit he patted you on the head and was smiling.
-oh little one... of course yes... I like to feel your skin... besides... - said optimus while he was getting comfortable and putting you on his belly.
You settled down to realize it was much more comfortable than you thought it would be, you even snuggled in until you felt some digits gently kneading your body.
-Optimus?! What are you...? - you said but you felt more and more comfortable as he touched you with his digit going up and down. Giving you a shiver.
- shhh... you're not the only one who had certain thoughts... you're like a kitten now - said optimus as you were about to protest.
-I'm not... - you said but you felt some pressure that made you gasp a little, he wasn't applying force but you were applying force between his servos and his tummy.
-No, you're what? - said Optimus as he watched you give in.
-I'm your kitty ....
Optimus signed up to do this. Being robust had its advantages.
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perpetualexistence · 3 months
A Small Matter of Planning
Alenoah Week Day 1: Proposal / First Date
Alejandro and Noah have finally decided they want to try out dating. They'd spent the past year starting off as friends, then rivals as Noah found out Alejandro's true colors, then back to friends with crushes on each other until others finally pushed them along to consider dating.
So now they just have to settle on where they want to have their first date. There's just one small, minor detail that makes planning somewhat difficult.
Noah's the size of Alejandro's hand.
This isn't anything new to them. Humans and tinies have been living with each other rather peacefully for quite a while now. There's infrastructure in place to help tinies get around without fear of getting stepped on.
Still, when it comes to relationships, there aren't many mixed-height couples. Partially because of the logistics. Partially because of conservative biases that no one talks about, but everyone knows exists.
As a result, despite talk of inclusion, most places are suited for either humans-only or tinies-only. Wawanakwa High is one of the few schools that isn't segregated, which is how Alejandro and Noah have gotten to know each other.
Combine this with the fact that Alejandro's a romantic and Noah isn't, and you have a recipe for planning for a first date to be a logistical nightmare.
Going to a cafe?
"The only cafe that'd serve both of us is across town. Plus, I don't want to deal with the stares."
Going to a new bookstore?
"It's not a date when it's something you'd do already. Let me treat you you stubborn perezosito."
With neither of them agreeing on more traditional first dates, they decide to try catering it towards something they can both agree with. Something that lets them both use their minds.
Doing an escape room? "We'd have to do one for humans. You'd have to carry me around because there's no way I'm scurrying around for clues."
Going to a game store? "The only ones with the good board games are ones for tinies. I will not degrade either of us with a party game."
It's pretty frustrating for both of them. They do want to make this work, but nothing about their relationship is simple. Still, neither of them wants to give this up. Alejandro because he's never one to back down for a challenge, and having an equal who makes him actually want to learn empathy is most certainly worth it. Noah because he never really feels motivated to do much of anything, but Alejandro makes him want to try, so like hell he's giving that up.
They take a break from planning and just hang out like they normally would. Meaning that they're hanging out when together, but both doing intense research on what to do for a first date. Alejandro actually brings himself to ask for help by texting Carlos, who's more than happy to help him bounce ideas back. Noah, knowing nothing of romance nor knowing anyone else who knows about romance, googles 'ideas for first dates' in incognito mode and double checks that nothing has been saved by the time he's done checking.
Eventually, the two do come across an interesting idea. The bookstore Noah was arguing for has a trivia night every Thursday. It doesn't require anything physical, which is great for Noah. There will be food, which Alejandro will pay for so he can still be romantic. And it allows them both to show off how better they are than everyone else work together rather than compete with each other for once.
It goes off without a hitch! They get a few odd looks. It's hard to say whether it's because of the size difference, how young they are, or the fact that they enter as a duo when most other teams have at least four people.
That quickly changes as they start destroying the competition. Everyone else is practically competing for second place.
Their victory comes as a surprise to no one. Regulars of all sizes immediately make their way towards the two begging for the teens to join their teams. Some of them do genuinely mean well and are excited to have new blood at trivia night. Others want to try to take advantages of the two. Alejandro happily jumps at the chance to deal with all of them.
Meanwhile Noah sneaks away to go collect their prizes (and not have to deal with the swarm of people). The prizes are relatively small since it is a weekly event. $25 gift cards to the bookstore. Or, if they do plan on becoming regulars, they can each start a tab. Noah takes one glance at his social butterfly of a boyfriend and tells the host that yeah, they'll start a tab.
So their date idea ends up becoming a new weekly tradition. The other regulars happily accept them among their ranks. They find a team that they will join on occasion, though for the most part they stick with being a duo. Once in a blue moon they'll even go onto separate teams. It's a perfect excuse for competitive, flirtatious banter.
Either way, it's still a delightful date night.
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kenziedrawz · 1 year
made a new pjsk au drabble based on a twitter art i saw, heehee.
It's been ten years, ten years since he was forced into this room, this display case, this cage. He'd been kidnapped from his home forest when he was thirteen, but he didn't regret flying in to save Saki from the terrible fate he's living through right now. If you asked him if it was still worth it then he'd absolutely say yes no matter what.
But, he missed her, he missed his dearly beloved sister. He often wonders what she'd be doing, had she reunited with her friends outside of the forest? He could only hope so, hopefully Ichika, Shiho and Honami were looking after her. Maybe even Shizuku was looking after her as well. He could only hope, he could only dream.
But 'Trophies' do not get to dream, well, they aren't supposed to.
Tsukasa paced around his display case. Normally, he'd love the stage as he did when he was younger, but he despised the tiny stage in his case. Yes, it had been made for him, but he was to be silent and simply hold a pose whenever he was being observed. It was torture, he wanted to move, to act, to do anything. But Lady Asahina's rules were absolute, if she said something, then it would be. And he couldn't disobey less he wanted to be cracked apart and pieced back together.
He put a hand to his chest, and although it was covered, he could feel the pain from all the previous times he'd been cracked there. Sure, he was repaired, but it still hurt because there was no way these human's could properly repair him.
Tsukasa was a fairy, a crystal fairy. His body was made of a gemstone, bi-color tourmaline to be exact. His sister was the same, although she had internal fractures which made it difficult for her to use magic and fly. Unlike other fairies, crystal fairies didn't need wings to fly. And they were also very pretty, which caused those with greed in their hearts to target them.
And that's exactly why Tsukasa is in this display case, he's a trophy, and nothing more than that to the humans living here.
Well, there was one who saw him as something other than a trophy, but she was punished and forbidden from seeing him a while ago. It was nice to have someone he could talk to for once, even if it didn't last.
Tsukasa still paced around his cage, but froze once he heard the subtle creak of the window. That was odd, had it been open and a bird flew into it to make it move slightly? No, he would have heard a thump of some kind, right? Tsukasa cautiously yet fearfully looked around, his amber eyes landing on the open window in the far corner of the room. All of the people within the house were supposed to be asleep, so was this a break in? Did whoever this was come to steal him?
He saw a figure quickly and quietly leap through the window, his foot steps made not a single sound as his feet landed on the floor. " Alright, I'm in, now to just find out where they're keeping that Tourmaline..." Tsukasa could hear the figure mutter to himself, the moonlight briefly illuminating him to reveal purple hair with two blue streaks and glistening golden eyes that subtly reminded him of topaz.
Oh crap, he was after him. And by the looks of it, he was the phantom thief that Lady Asahina had mentioned the other day.
" That dastardly phantom thief appears to be targeting you next Lady Asahina." One of the nobles within the room said, Tsukasa couldn't help but overhear their conversation. " he could very well be after your prized Trophy."
" Oh? Is he now... I find that quite disappointing to be honest. Why be such an insolent thief when one could do something far more respectable and beneficial to our society?" Lady Asahina said in reply, But Tsukasa knew that the 'society' she was speaking of was just the nobility.
He didn't remember the rest of the conversation, but he immediately knew that this was the phantom thief, there was no doubt about it. He wanted to hide himself as much as he could, but he couldn't, there was nowhere to hide in this damned display case.
' What is he going to do to me?' Tsukasa wondered to himself fearfully. ' Is he going to sell me off? Cut me up and use me for jewelry? Or maybe something more horrible than that?!" It was safe to say that Tsukasa was incredibly panicked as the thief's eyes finally locked on to him.
First, he saw the thief's face shift into surprise, then horror, there was a brief flash of anger on his face before it melted away into concern. The thief's eyes scanned the room, as if looking for traps before he approached Tsukasa's display case.
" Are you alright..?"
The question was a surprise to Tsukasa, it was spoken ever so gently and filled with genuine concern. It was a genuine surprise to Tsukasa that someone would be so kind to him.
" You're a fairy, right? You're not supposed to be in a place like this..." The thief said, and Tsukasa could feel the rage boiling up beneath the surface of the thief's words. But it wasn't directed at him, it was likely directed at Lady Asahina.
Skillful and dexterous hands worked away the lock on the case, and one of the glass walls opened up. Freedom was in Tsukasa's grasp. The thief laid down a hand for Tsukasa to climb upon, a gentle smile and warmth in his eyes. " Come now, little one, I don't bite."
Tsukasa hesitated, what if this was some kind of trick to lure him into a false sense of security? but he took another look into those big, gentle, golden yellow eyes, he knew he could trust them. He took a cautious step onto the thief's fingers, making his way onto the thief's palm. Tsukasa let out a small yelp of surprise as the thief stood up properly, and slipped him into a pocket.
" Hold on tight," the thief advised him as Tsukasa stuck his head out of the pocket with a small huff and a pout. He wasn't ready for that just yet, and the thief let out a small giggle at Tsukasa's small pout. " Right then, let's go~!"
The thief quickly turned, and with a running start he jumped out the window and into the night. Skillfully leaping across buildings and roofs as if they were clouds, or... what was that word again? Trampolines? Yeah, Tsukasa thinks that's right. Soon enough they arrived at what seemed like a middle-class home, to which the thief quickly ducked through an open window and landed in the middle of a living room.
" Rui!" A sharp voice cut through the night's silence, and judging by how the thief froze up slightly then that was his name. " Did you have to leap through the window again? We have a door for a reason you know."
As Rui turned, Tsukasa saw a girl with long pale green hair. And judging by the scale imprints on her face, she was either a dragon or a mermaid in human form. Her violet eyes glared daggers at Rui, though she seemed more annoyed than anything. Tsukasa still leaned down further into Rui's pocket though.
" Oh Nene, but simply going through the door is awfully dull." Rui said with a pout. " You wouldn't want to deprive me of my nightly thrill, would you?"
" Yes, yes I would if it meant that you stopped coming in so loudly." Nene, the mermaid, retorted.
" Oh you're so harsh Nene..." Rui whined.
" Whatever, now did you successfully steal the jewel from the Asahina estate?" Nene asked with her hands on her hips. Rui put an awkward hand behind his head.
" Well... He isn't exactly a gemstone to be precise..." Rui said sheepishly, causing Nene to crook up an eyebrow in confusion.
" Don't tell me..." Nene began, her eyes slowly widening. " Was it a crystal fairy they had on display? Like Mizuki?" Nene asked, subtle horror in her eyes. Rui looked down, only nodding his head after checking up on Tsukasa.
" You're exactly right, It's sickening to think that some nobles are so corrupt that they keep what's essentially another human as some kind of pet or trophy." Tsukasa had to agree with Rui's words.
" So will you be taking them to Mizuki to see if they know this one?" Nene asked, to which Rui nodded. Tsukasa could faintly remember a Mizuki, he remembered that they were made from pearl as far as he was sure. He then realized with hope that he may be able to see his sister once again.
" I'll go tomorrow, Mizuki may not need sleep, but I unfortunately do." Rui said, beginning to head up to what Tsukasa could assume was his room.
And by god, it was a mess of unfinished gadgets and metal parts. Tsukasa was stunned that Rui could even navigate such a room without getting his foot pierce, the floor was like a death trap for feet. Rui then gently took Tsukasa out of his pocket and set him down on a table. " How are you feeling? Are you alright?" Rui asked him with a concerned tone.
" Y-yes!" Tsukasa replied, he hated how weak his voice sounded, he hadn't been able to use it in so long. " Much better now that I'm out of that dreadful case."
" Fufu~ You seem a lot more energetic now?" Rui said with a soft chuckle.
" You think? I was trapped there for ten years!" Tsukasa proclaimed, though he let out a small wince when he saw Rui's expression change to a mix of pity and horror.
" Ten years?" Rui muttered quietly in shock. " I'm terribly sorry that you had to suffer for so long."
" Don't feel so much pity for me Rui! I'm free now, and that's what matters, right?" Tsukasa said, taking the thief's gloved finger and holding it reassuringly. It hurt to remember those ten lonely years of his life, but he could put it behind him now.
" but still... Ten years... a decade of imprisonment..." Rui said, sympathy in his gaze.
" Hah! A decade is nothing to a crystal fairy such as myself!" Tsukasa said, it was a bit of a white lie. Those ten years felt like ten decades of loneliness to him. " You have nothing to worry about!"
" Alright..." Rui said, trailing off. he took off his hat and placed it over Tsukasa, who let out a sharp yelp of surprise. " Sorry little one, but I need to get changed. I wouldn't want you to see me in barely any clothes."
" Oh, my name's Tsukasa!" Tsukasa yelled out to Rui, and he could hear Rui let out a soft chuckle.
" What a wonderful name, Tsukasa-kun." Rui replied, lifting the hat off of Tsukasa so he could finally see. Rui was now dressed in a nightshirt and some boxers. He put the hat on a rack and rummaged through his desk shelves, taking out an empty matchbox before getting some cotton and a piece of cloth. Combining the three into a makeshift bed.
" It's not much, but it'll do for the night." Rui said.
" Thank you, Rui, you have my never-ending gratitude." Tsukasa said, bowing to the human before settling into the makeshift matchbox bed Rui supplied him with. He didn't really need sleep, but it was a nice comfort and distraction from his thoughts.
" You're welcome. We'll go se Mizuki in the morning, they'll be able to find out where you're from." Rui said, settling into his own bed. " Goodnight Tsukasa-kun." Rui said with a sleepy yawn, turning off the lights with a clap of his hand.
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a-sentient-horax · 6 months
G/T Headcannons Pt. 2
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More science/academia g/t headcannons I've been rotisserating in my noggin.
One student sneaks into the lab to sabotage their academic rival's experiment, but they end up shrinking themself by mistake. When their rival finds them, they present no empathy, only a malicious grin. They begin laughing and teasing their new tiny about their deserved fate. Ideally comes with any sort of fearplay or yandere behavior. "I think I had better keep you all to myself. Now that you're byte-sized I can make sure you don't interfere with any more of my work."
Two personality opposites are paired up for a group project. One is a sizeshifter, who is struggling with random bursts of size change, and keeps dodging their group partner's texts and meet-up requests. Finally, the two agree to a late-night study session in a library study room. Just when they really start getting work done, the sizeshifter feels a growth spurt coming on quickly. As they try to leave, their group partner blocks the door and demands that they stay and finish the project ("No way. You're not gonna make me do this all by myself"). The sizeshifter can't hold back any longer, and suddenly they shoot up toward the ceiling, their limbs expanding all around the room. Their head bumps into the plaster ceiling as they beg their group partner to keep the door locked and not scream.
Bonus if it is actually a group of four people, and now these two have to keep the secret from the other two for the rest of the semester.
Bonus bonus, all three of the other group members are struggling with random size changes. The one human in the group gets fed up while they are all at their full size. The human points an accusing finger up at all three of their giant peers. "I don't care what the fuck you people are. I am not doing this project all by myself goddammit!"
A human shows up to a club meeting on campus. After a few minutes, their mouth drops open in awe as they watch the people around them grow and shrink seemingly at will. “Aren’t you a sizeshifter? This is the sizeshifter club…” The human blushes crimson red. “I…didn’t know what club this was I just heard there was free food.”
Instead of the “I used myself as a test subject for my theory,” what about “I used myself as a test subject for my crush's theory?” Out of a research team, the most junior member’s suggestions always get passed over, until a more senior researcher takes a hard look at their work. They realize that the newbie might be on to something, and set up an experiment on their own. Later that night, the newbie hears a knock at their dorm door. When they open up, a now ginormous research assistant squeezes inside, excitedly babbling on about how the newbie was right and their work was exactly what they needed. Meanwhile, the newbie is doubled over having a panic attack because now they have to hide a giant bag of weed AND a giant from their RA.
"Can't you just...shrink down and take my exam for me?" "No, that's cheating." "It's also...being a marvelous friend." "Quit asking and start studying."
A sizeshifter and a human pair up for a hackathon. Whenever one is tired, the other drops them into their pocket for a quick nap.
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wendy130 · 1 year
One Of Those Days
// Very short writing prompt to get back into the groove. Inspired from this art post I made. Thanks @x-pair-o-dice-x :P
// Warnings: soft vore, safe vore, fluff
“Hi Techno.”
Techno peers an eye open, blinking slowly as his eyes flicker down onto the empty beach. His gaze lands on a familiar black-and-white haired human, and he hums sleepily, “hullo Ranboo.”
The human looks… tired. More so than usual, at least. They’re shifting back and forth on their feet, looking rather anxious. And, despite it being a hot summer day, they’re wearing a sweater and long pants. On a beach, no less. Usually, they’d be wearing some kind of floral shirt.
He shifts his tail, which is submerged into the ocean, and lifts his head off of his folded up arms with a yawn, “did you need something?”
Ranboo falters and hugs their arms, “uh. Yeah.”
He waits for them to continue on, raising an eyebrow when they don’t. “Okay? What do you need?”
Their mouth opens and closes like a floundering fish, and— now he just feels concerned for the human. “Well, uh,” they start slowly, “I— I, uh, wanted to ask something of you— you don’t have to say yes, obviously. I would understand if you wouldn’t want to—“
“Ranboo,” he cuts them off with a grumble. It only serves to make them more nervous, but he was never the best with comforting people through flowery words. “I’m sure I’ll be fine with whatever you’re talking about, but I kinda need to know what you’re on about.”
“Oh. Right. Uh,” Ranboo digs their nails into their arms with a wince. “Um. I was wondering if… well, if you’d be okay with… with… Um.” Their next words are so quiet and quick, Techno has to strain his ears to understand them. “Eating me.”
And— Oh.
Techno feels his heart soften immediately as he rolls onto his side to reveal his underbelly. “Is it one of those days?”
Ranboo takes the invitation immediately, dragging themselves over to his chest and leaning against it. “Mm.. yeah.”
“…Want to talk about it?”
He doesn’t push. “Okay.”
Neither one speaks for a few minutes, no words needing to be said. They know each other well enough to understand the other’s needs without tedious words. Techno breaths in and out slowly, letting Ranboo match the leisured pace, and Ranboo presses their ear against his chest, listening to Techno’s beating heart, to his powerful lungs, and to his rumbling stomach. 
They sit, until Ranboo has enough courage to pull away. 
Techno takes it as his cue to cup his hands around the boy and pulls them to his face. “Still want to hide away for a bit?” When Ranboo nods, he parts his jaw open to reveal a glistening, hungry maw awaiting the two-color haired teen. Sliding them past his sharp teeth with ease, he hums in delight. Ranboo always did taste good. 
Ranboo bats at his tongue gently as he starts to lick them, soaking up their flavor. “Oh come on, you really can’t hold yourself back, can you?” 
He chuckles fondly, mumbling around them, “hey, if I’m getting the chance to eat you, I want to enjoy it a little~”
They groan, and he lets out another chuckle, tucking them further into his mouth with a purr. Despite his teasing words, he continues onwards and left them hanging at the edge of his throat. 
“Ready?” He hums, his voice rumbling deep into the human’s bones from how close they are to his throat. 
“Yeah,” the human whispers, pawing at his tongue. 
With that confirmation, he tilts his head back and swallows. He hovers a hand right against his throat, feeling their little bump glide down against his hand and— something about Ranboo just clicks his instincts into overdrive. 
They feel like a mer pup, albeit much smaller, who’s getting tucked away to be safe and sound. He purrs, loud and comfortingly. They’re much safer in his storage, where nothing can reach them. 
He lays back down, shifting to rest on his back instead of his stomach, and he places a hand over his storage as something featherlight slips in. “You good?” he drowsily murmurs.
A muffled ‘yes’ is all he gets before he feels them flop down with a groan. 
He chuckles. “Alright. I’m going back to napping. Let me know when you want out.”
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