#hsr crackship
saunne · 5 months
You know what babe? M gon ask u about yingheng now cause they 💯💯 need the spotlight as well and i WANT the world to know how crazy u are about them. Go fuck shit up dear spouse
*looks at inbox* *looks at ask* *looks at date*
WELL GUESS WHO FORGOR TO ANSWER. I did the XingRen one here but I guess ADHDon't then got in the way and since I open my inbox like, once every three month I just. Forgor. We're kinning Acheron in this house baby.
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So. Heart is big cause So Many Thoughts but I think indicating that it could have taken off like a rocket from the top right corner towards distant horizons was also a possibility.
So, YingHeng. YingHeng as "HCQ Era Furnace Master Yingxing" and "Dan Heng of the Astral Express" (and for once it's fixated dynamic). It is a rareship and even more, it is a crackship cause there is absolutely no way for them to ever fucking meet in canon.
Doesn't mean I won't try tho.
(Long babbling under the cut)
It doesn't make any sense because they do not belong to the same timeline at all (700 years apart more or less) and because the only way for them to meet (and do more than that) would actually break the space-time continuum OR involve some really strange and fucked up revival/reincarnation with the existing possibility of destroying/replacing Blade in the worst case scenario process.
BUT AEONS IT DOES COMPEL ME SO MUCH and you would know cause I shoved at least 4 WIPs about them right in your face lmao.
I like this ship because it compels me and scratches a itch in a way that classic RenHeng never really managed to do except for certain fics.
I will admit that I sometimes have troubles with the RenHeng ship and the way their dynamic can be/is portrayed despite loving the ship. RenHeng has a common past involving Yingxing and Dan Feng their past-self/incarnations (whether one agrees or not with the theory/system of thought that DH = DF for that matter) and their ship is based on acceptance/rejection/reflection around this common past, the idea of responsibility and above all an idea of healing of trauma (for BOTH OF THEM).
The main thing is that RenHeng often involves violence (canonical and/or added one) and more or less toxic relationship tropes that I don't always have the desire or energy to deal with, even if the writing of the fic is of exceptional quality (I have a lot of RenHeng fics like that in the waiting list fir when I'm in the mood for it tho) . Sometimes I just want something that's still as emotionally charged but a lot simpler and that's where YingHeng came in.
The biggest problem for YingHeng is to "bring" Yingxing back into the picture and there are several solutions for that :
time travel (him coming or Dan Heng going)
dimensional travel (Curios are very practical for this kind of stupid plot)
Yingxing's memory having survived in one way or another (in an object, in Dan Heng's memories inherited from Dan Feng, sealed outside or inside of Blade)
Alternate Universe (it's easier to make him appear in a modern AU settings than in sorta-canon HSR settings lmao)
I like the third option the best, because it allows me to be able to keep Blade in the picture if I want (whether to do a YingHengRen or just an opposition/comparison study between Yingxing and Blade) or not ( by "killing" Blade by retransforming him/rewinding him back to Yingxing).
My two mains thoughts paths about YingHeng are “longing for something you never had” and “mourning for something you never thought you would have to mourn”.
"Longing for something you never had" is mostly Dan Heng centered. I like to start from the idea that Dan Feng's surviving memories can be a curse because they blur the separation line between their respective identities, but that it can also be a blessing. I like the idea that fuzzy and imprecise surviving memories of XingYue's passionate love could have been one of Dan Heng's greatest comforts during his imprisonment in the Shackling Prison. I like the idea that Dan Heng fell in love with the idea of Yingxing or at least fell in love with the idea of Love and Being Loved because of these memories of Yingxing.
All of this while being intimately aware that they were never intended for him.
I like the idea of Dan Heng longing for something that doesn't belong to him. Of being unable to let go of this feeling of "wanting/desiring/missing" Yingxing's love he felt in Dan Feng's memories despite wanting to separate as much as possible from Dan Feng and the burden of his unintended inheritance. Which can lead to a feeling of shame/embarrassment due to being sorta "voyeuristic" and yet attracted to it. Or on the contrary, a sort of defiance with a "these memories have been imposed on me against my consent so I don't have to feel guilty about anything, let alone my feelings about them".
For Yingxing, it was the idea of how he would deal with grief that interested me. Firstly the mourning of his life/friends (and what they became) if it's a time/dimensional travel scenario. Secondly, if his memory is forced back into Blade's body or stuffed in a newly created body to "re-alive him", the mourning of his past death and having to continue / start living again (whether or not he is immortal after said resurrection). If Blade remains alive it adds yet another level of mourning/philosophical reflection on identity, on what makes someone unique and all the tropes around "what would you ask/would say to your past/future self if given the opportunity". I like the idea of exploring the grievance of the one who died/should have died first ending up mourning the one who should have lived/who was supposed to live.
I like the idea of how Yingxing and Blade might treat differently the whole "is Dan Heng = Dan Feng ?" and "does Dan Heng has to pay for Dan Feng's mistakes/errors/crimes ?". I like the idea of Yingxing being "excuse me I was married to/in love with Dan Feng and I can tell you that Dan Heng is definitely not him" compared to Jingliu and Blade's "Dan Heng is Dan Feng" motto. I like the idea of exploring the theme of the difference between Dan Heng and Dan Feng through Yingxing's eyes rather than Blade's.
I like the idea of Yingxing bringing emotional and identity stability to Dan Heng by falling in love with Dan Heng not for his similarities with Dan Feng but for his differences with him. Because Dan Feng was irreplaceable and nothing could take his place in Yingxing's heart, especially not what would appear as a poor copy of his former lover. I want Dan Heng to feel comfortable asking Yingxing about Dan Feng, because Yingxing never compared them as a before/after or past/present but always kept talking about Dan Feng as if he was Dan Heng's deceased brother or distant relative.
Also, I'm sorry but I find Yingxing more aesthetically pleasing to the eyes than Blade, even more when you put him in the Artisanship Commission uniform and next to short-haired no Vidyadhara features 4-Stars Dan Heng. Also, Yingxing should have wrinkles like crow feets and smile lines. And not completely white hair, but more like a salt and pepper hair with mostly grey/white hair but some surviving black hair.
I think they should hold hands and cuddle in the Archives Room while Dan Heng updates Yingxing on what happened while he was dead and asks him about crafting and Zhuming to add to the Express Database.
*gestures* I'm nowhere near the term "sanity" when it comes to them.
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mightilapia · 5 months
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Boothill day 19
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mspaintbladie · 2 months
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hear me out
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yew-yew · 6 months
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um…guys, let me explain, guys i um…
that’s was a joke…but it not just a joke anymore…….this start like crack. trust me
(i dunno who the creator of pose, find it on pinterest, so i will glad if u help me with credits)
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capri851 · 3 months
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The luck is crazy omg
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starrail-custodian · 1 month
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have I told anyone about this crackship I have and am obsessed with. they dated online for a month as teenagers and their breakup destroyed discord servers. they didn’t know eachothers irl names. 3-4 years later Sparkle visits the luofu and clocks Qingque INSTANTLY but qingque is too hung up on the ‘pretty woman woaaah’ to remember anything
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kimeoshi · 8 months
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hey guys might i introduce you to rattore (wip)
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cathosie · 1 month
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khali-pap · 4 months
Oh my god, shipping two of your favourite characters together!!!???? GALLAHAN !!!????
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I like to hc Hanya's love language comes in the form of doing one's hair as well, as it was something Xueyi, even with her limited words now, would consistently do and take care of.
Its not something Hanya would need to struggle on remembering either, as it is all in the muscle memory. Albeit he may forget a few hair pins but it can make do. Also my Hanya is genderqueer btw so thats why I'm using non canon pronouns.
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Gallagher was never one to do his hair, if anything, he's easily agitated at the pulling and combing of knots. But for the happiness that sparks within the cloudy eyes of his undead lover, how could he reject.
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Albeit he is definetly not one to have his hair tied all the way back with not even a strand to spare, he feels oddly exposed and a bit cold and drafty that way.
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But either way he makes do and his lush hair is quick to fall back into place while still keeping the memory of Hanya's love up high.
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m-0-lly-x · 3 months
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Best dorks Luka and March 7th. I like the fire x ice dynamic going on between them (tho Luka's element is physical and not fire lol)
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koikonut · 4 months
personal opinion but vigihill is such an underrated ship (boothill x vigilante)
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this is barely between the line of satire and serious because they'd just be perfect </3
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written-with-wisteria · 5 months
The fact there is no Boothill x Navia crossover ship stuff is criminal.
-someone who is an artist and fic writer but is too lazy
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alpaca-md · 5 months
LOV crackships I came up with ~just because~
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mspaintbladie · 5 months
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sampo knows (from a conversation i had with @sallyastral)
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mr-pizz4 · 10 months
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Best ship.
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scrion7 · 3 months
Was thinking about a hypothetical Ruan Mei x Firefly fic when it suddenly occurred to me that Entropy Loss Syndrome might actually be how Swarm King Skaracabaz dissipated during Ruan Mei's quest.
Firefly describes ELS as making her "slowly fade away, and the process is barely noticable to others." While Skaracabaz disappeared rather fast, it was absolutely kicking ass just fine beforehand. Or was it?
Consider that the Trailblazer, a (mostly) typical Pathstrider, was able to keep up and match a fucking Emanator, all on their own. The only way that could happen (other than Trailblazer being OP thanks to the Stellaron) is if Skaracabaz wasn't at top form... like it would be if it was suffering from ELS. Debilitating space arthritis could absolutely explain how the Trailblazer survived a really pissed off Emanator.
While 56 seconds is extremely short when compared to Firefly's entire lifetime, there is a bit of wiggle room regarding timing because of potential side effects from cloning a long dead emanator. That, combined with Propagation weirdness and regular old sci-fi shenanigans means that a really weird strain of ELS could probably run its course in 56 seconds. Maybe. (probably not)
But, hey. "Maybe" is more than enough reason to write a fanfic, so, uh... there's a new doc in my WIP folder now.
anyway i guess meifly is no longer just a crackship to me
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