#human decepticons
transformers-platonic · 11 months
Could I get Team Prime's reaction to discovering that the Decepticons ALSO have a group of three human teenagers, but instead of being the human's guardians, the Decepticons trained them to hate Optimus, and carry out evil plans?
The humans each have a partner, too. One is Starscream's partner, one is Soundwave's and one is Knockout's.
They're like the evil version of the three kids.
Sorry for the late reply, this is a cool idea.
- He would be upset about it as he tries to see the best in humanity.
- He would refuse to fight them and would instead find other ways, like moving them out of the way.
- The others notice he’s even more serious than usual after the discovery.
- He’s not surprised that humans could be evil.
- He often calls them short-sighted, pointing out that Megatron will betray them the second it becomes useful.
- He’s a little crankier than usual, but it’s hard to notice.
- She isn’t surprised, but is angry.
- She’s more gentle with them than the other Decepticons, but still a bit rough with them.
- She becomes angry and admittedly forms a lower opinion of humanity.
- He is upset that humans could choose to do that as he views most as innocent.
- He avoids fighting them.
- During a drive, he talks to Raf about it.
- He’s surprised.
- He tries to reason with the humans.
- He keeps insisting that there is a way to convince them it’s a bad idea.
- He’s not overly surprised as he is still getting used to humans so maybe it’s normal.
- He’s not very gentle in fights.
- He enjoys trash-talking about those guys with Miko.
- He is surprised by it.
- He tries tricking the humans but not actively hurting them (For example, he’ll make them think something they need is the other way.).
- He talks to Jack about it.
Ultra Magnus
- He frowns at the news, but it’s hard to gauge his reaction.
- He uses strategy to stop but not hurt the humans as he’s still following Autobot rules.
- He asks Optimus about it as he is surprised by it.
- He is shocked that humans could side with the Decepticons.
- He tries to reason with them.
- He’s quiet after the discovery.
- She’s surprised.
- She argues that since she’s human like them, she can participate in fighting them.
- She sees them as just another member of the Decepticons.
- He’s saddened at the news.
- As he doesn’t fight normally, he has no issues with battling them intellectually.
- He questions if they were brainwashed somehow.
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keferon · 3 months
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…..I should be working rn but one of the songs in my playlist hit harder than usual so
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rider6666 · 26 days
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devilart2199-aibi · 6 months
Some Autobot Humanformers! :3 ✨️
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driftsart · 7 days
Wait guys- 😭
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I was thinking about Cybertronians freezing in the Arctic due to the ice that forms on them instead of just the cold & not knowing what humidity is again, and what if they weren’t instantly aware of all the abilities of their alt modes?
They’d have a warmup period after scanning them and have to gradually get used to/ discover all the things they can do. There’s little to no water on cybertron, no reason for them to know that ice forms in the cold, no reason for them to have de-icing. And when they come to earth and choose aircraft as their new vehicle modes, they have no idea those aircraft come with built in warmers on the wings.
I thought about how some flying decepticons would deal with it. Let’s go with Starscream first because I love him very much.
(Also because he complains about cold the most out of all the characters. I imagine everyone ices up the same amount, but the cold is an entirely different problem and one that affects him more because he’s all thin and lanky, not very good at retaining heat. It’s worth clarifying that the freezing is what’s dangerous to them. The cold bothers them but isn’t a threat in and of itself, seeing as they can walk around in space just fine. But I ramble on)
- If he had a human friend or partner, he’d be complaining about how cold it is in front of them and they’d be like “Wait, aren’t you a plane?” He’d ask what that has to do with anything and get very annoyed that he didn’t know he came with extra heating.
- He claims he totally knew about that all along and merely forgot about it in the moment. He also claims he totally knows how to turn it on, but…remind him again?
- The realization that he can just… make himself warmer at will is incredible. He’s still gonna complain about the cold though. Probably out of instinct, he complains to fill the silence. (Is it obvious I want him to be safe and warm. I think it’s obvious.)
- Cue a concerned human asking if he’s been flying through clouds and terrible weather and all the way into the stratosphere with ice building on his wings for all this time. How is he still flying? He just replies that he’s built different, and that he’s far superior to human machines yap yap yap blah blah.
- He doesn’t want to admit how great it is, but after the human shows him how to turn it on, he’d be waking around with the de-icing turned on all day, even when he doesn’t need it. I reckon it’d make the area between his wings an excellent nap spot. He could just put a human in there and squeeze them between his wings and it’d feel like being put in one of these bad boys, I dunno what they’re called in English
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In any case, peak nap spot.
Up next is Megan:
- Megatron doesn’t actually have an earth based vehicle mode, leading me to believe he wouldn’t have any form of de-icing. My headcanon is that his bigger, bulkier frame would require and generate more heat, but look at him.
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He got a lot of nooks and crannies that ice could build up in. Even spikier than Starscream. Much like Starscream he doesn’t have paint which may also have acted like an extra layer of heat insulation. Additionally, his joints on the arms and legs are visible.
(Actually unsure if Starscream is painted and just gray, but Megs definitely isn’t)
- My point is, I’m not an ice expert but Megatron is terrible for both heat insulation and icing prevention. Megatron is a tough bot, he can take a lot of punches, and as prideful as he is I doubt he’d ignore the fact that a snowstorm would be a genuine threat or hinderance to him.
- Not that he’d let anyone notice, of course. He has a reputation to maintain, and he can’t allow anyone to know his weakness. When he’s in private though, I find the image of evil dictator Megs snuggled up in a billion blankets drinking a hot cocoa hilarious. I’ll probably draw it.
- A human pal or partner may not be able to advise him to turn on de-icing that he doesn’t have, but they might be able to offer him another solution. A badass cloak or cape to protect himself from the snow, while also remaining intimidating. Anyone would think it was just for show, unaware that it’s actually to keep him from freezing.
Last but certainly not least, Soundwave!
-Oh, Soundwave totally knew about the de-icing without needing anyone to mention it. Soundwave knows a lot of things. He’d totally read his own altmode’s manual. I don’t think we’ve ever seen Soundwave in the Arctic though.
Trying to find a good gif for my own reference hang on-
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- I’d argue that out of these three he’s probably best with the cold. Sure, he’s spiky too, but nowhere near the other two. His “elbows” are awfully small and exposed, but since his wings form the arms there’d be no issue once he turned on the de-icing. In the gif he easily covers his entire body with those huge arms, so he could easily curl up around himself and defrost if be needed to. Now here’s a good writing idea I probably will never use
- Laserbeak probably has its own de-icing, which makes Soundwave extra warm when he requires it. ADDITIONALLY Laserbeak could be deployed in order to warm up a human friend or partner from afar. Tactical warms.
- Not much to say about Soundwave. Maybe I’ll edit and add later.
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ecaras-art · 3 months
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The Decepticon duo to ever.
Feat. @cachuontheflip Starscream design 💕✨
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blackteaduck · 3 months
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Good night my little star 🌟
I love you more than anything ❤️💙
See the last post ❤️🌟
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gravelsong · 5 months
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Okay there's already that post that talks about the parallels between the previous scene with Thundercracker and the humans vs Starscream and the humans but this is the direct moment after that and. Ohh this is so good. Thundercracker let them go because they're fragile and can't physically hurt them, and Soundwave agrees on that but he knows that they'll tell what happened (considering how Soundwave was a communications officer, he probably knows how fast word travels better than anyone) so they have to die anyway. "Regrettable but necessary", it's for the greater good of the mission
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so is the first chapter just human characters? ):
No, it's not just human characters. Chapter 1 part 2 will be posted tomorrow, and it has robots, please be patient.
If you are a transformers fan who dislikes any humans in transformers media for the fact they are human, then Synergize is probably not going to be your thing, sorry. Synergize focuses a lot on human and cybertronian relationships. Synergize is an ensemble cast with multiple characters who get a decent amount of focus, some of those characters being human, I intend to put just as much care and time into developing the human characters as I do the bots. The human characters are not an afterthought or something I'm adding just because I felt like it, they are important members of the cast, both the human cast and cybertronian cast are essential for each other development/character arcs. cybertronian in Synergize are written to be much more alien than in most Transformers media. Synergize's cybertronains have more alien-like behavior, morals, instincts, social dynamics, social structure, anatomy and society, having human characters to contrast that help better show the alienness of the bots. Along with having a character who can learn about the bots alongside the reader and ask questions a cybertronian character wouldn't. It also creates a lot of interesting human bot dynamics and plot opportunities.
Human characters also have an extreme amount of plot utility, Sure, they can't fist-fight a giant bot, but that is not the only way a character can be useful. They have more knowledge on Earth than the bots, so even an unintelligent human has at least a little useful Earth knowledge a cybertronian wouldn't know. Earth is built to cater to humans, and my bots don't have Haloform, so if they need something done only a human can do, then they gotta rely on a human to do it. Humans are also great for disguise, and my bots are trying to stay hidden, getting pulled over and having a human in the driver's seat is way less suspicious than a car driving itself. Humans are small and quiet even compared to small cybertronian, humans joints and internals usually don't make as much noise, along with humans having a much fainter energy signal, making them perfect for stealth and sneaking around. A human might not be able to fight a robot, but if they are mechanically inclined, they could learn how to fix/repair cybertronians. Once you know how to fix cybertronians, you can usually figure out sneaky little ways to break one without needing to be a giant robot (though you still have to risk getting close to one). Humans are immune to some very common cybertronian security systems and weapon types, magnets, EMP devices, malware, and stasis tech, yes, humans are squishy, but you're not gonna kill one with magnets or EMP blast or by trying to give them malware. Also, humans are also just smaller and can fit in more places. Humans are clever creatures, and even though they aren't as strong as a bot, it doesn't mean they can't contribute a lot. Not every plot features human characters, but most do because of both their utility to the plot and the fun dynamics they have with many of the bot characters.
Synergized as a story, both plot structure-wise and thematically, does not work without human characters.
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playedcrowd5610 · 1 month
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Starscream runs into a human on a mission and can’t seem to get rid of this pest no matter how hard he tries. He shoots him, throws him, and blows him up. Yet he keeps coming back! Now the brat has decided that harassing Starscream is his new passion project. And maybe the Decepticon air commander doesn’t mind it as much as he lets on.
Or Danny accidentally comes across a huge alien mech trying to steal from an observatory and decides that he has nothing better to do than haunt this guy and all his alien friends back on his warship. Danny needed a place to crash anyway.
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frog-cultist · 4 months
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My wives
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keferon · 1 month
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I don’t know if I got their designs quite right. It’s my first time drawing them :)
Monster hunter au lambo twins ehehe
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rider6666 · 12 days
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Humanformers 💅
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emelinstriker · 10 months
[ { ⓘ Not taking requests ⓘ } ]
[I don't take requests as I prefer writing stories I'm actually interested in myself.]
[I won't be updating the list past the already listed one-shots for a long while, as my hyperfixation is on LMK.]
[The Reader will probably always be written as a human since that's what i prefer working with. So the relationships are Cybertronian X Human.]
Welcome to your Empress’s realm of fascinating tales...
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♧ = Special/Crack
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¤ = Platonic
Transformers Prime Decepticons X Readers
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☆ 3 Domestic Headcanons
♡ Kiss The Spark
☆ 3 Domestic Headcanons
♡ Be More Expressive
☆ 3 Domestic Headcanons
♡ Be More Expressive
♤ Kiss The Spark
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♤ Your New Car
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♡ Fetch [Predaking]
☆ 3 Domestic Headcanons
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twunkus · 14 days
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the yaoi slenderman proportions of her prime interp have charmed and endeared me
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