#humanity is amazing there's hope for us yet love and peace on planet earth AND SO ONE
AAaaaAAHHAAAAaaAHHHH people are being so NICE about my latest video edit I need somewhere to PUT all the LOVE
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batsclass101-blog · 12 days
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Galaxy Eyes - Part 3
Earth was charmingly provincial and full of ancient charm. Despite its charm, you found it quite sad with its overwhelming crime. True there had been crime in your universe, but it was centered on overthrowing rulers, petty crime, and the occasional murder. You missed the relative peace of your home universe.
The first trial of settling in a new universe and on a new planet was choosing a home. With your starship and the convoy you’d recently discovered… it wasn’t an easy task.
Quick but thorough scans of the planet and its land ownership rules allowed you to formulate a plan. Using cloaking technology and one of the adult scholars in your group you purchased two thousand acres of secluded forest. Eradanians loved nature and all architecture would serve yourself and the natural habitat and creatures.
Your foreign technology and skills allowed for a protective perimeter with cloaking technology to be established. Next, construction of your new sanctuary was undertaken by the head scholars.
“Meti’ri (little queen), we have pledged ourselves to you. But you are a youngling to both our race and this new world.” A gentle hand was laid on your shoulder. “You are not entirely alone little Weaver. But this new path of yours will not be easy.”
“I know… but I cannot change the old path yet. I’m fragile when in Eldaria. Here… here I can grow strong. Bamil’so, will you help me?”
“Till the stars crumble into the sea.” Bamil’so bowed with a soft smile crinkling his youthful face.
“How old do most Eradanians become?”
“Ah, that is a a hard question. My own great grandfather still plots the stars. I am but 500 years old. Here you and I differ. You will age until your twenty - fifth year according to legends. And unless violence claims your life you… will remain unchanged.”
“Oh…” you turned starry eyes upon him and he averted his gaze. “It is… a sad existence I think. I will see this new world die and change. Life… goes on.” A tear the shape of a pearl fell from your eye.
The days passed in a blur for you. Every waking moment you studied this ‘Earth’ and felt amazed. Younglings your age were… free, unburdened and wore strange clothing. Where your hair resembled a dark void peppered with moving stars and planets… those of earth were plain unmoving colors. They used artificial colors to imitate the vibrant colors that sometimes filled your races hair. Your eyes were not normal either on Earth or in Eldaria. If you wanted to fit in your clothing needed to change and you needed to cloak your features.
Damian was sure his soul-bond wasn’t human, or at least she was a meta of some form. Age nine found him dreaming in languages he’d never heard before. Next, he found he was able to hover if he fell and his skin was almost protective. ‘Useful skills.’ He was quite pleased at both developments. All the while he hid the bond from his mother and the league.
It was hard turning ten, everything changed. He was sent away from the only life he’d ever known and he felt more protective of his bond. Distrust was perhaps not a skill, but he hoped it leaked over to his bond. He wanted to protect her and himself.
“Damian, do you have a soul-bond?”
“Ttt’, soul-bonds are a sign of weakness, Drake.”
“Knowing someone else is out there isn’t a weakness…” Tim muttered absently. “Mine is a klutz. She keeps tripping over things.”
“Weak. Just as I said.” Damian scoffed and disappeared to his room with his heart in his throat.
The League beat it into each member that having a bond was weakness. Speaking of such bonds was met with danger. He closed his door and shuddered at the memory of members finishing off their bonds. It was unsettling to hear Drake, Grayson and his father openly speak about their bonds.
A soft inhale and he let gentle light weave between his fingers. When unsettled it always helped him to tap into his bond’s skill. Soft warmth pooled into his palm and he wished for once that his bond could feel him using the skill. How could he miss someone he’d never met?
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mid0khan · 9 days
Dreamling Week 2024, day 7
Last day of @mr-sadman 's Dreamling Week, thank you for this amazing event ! It was very nica participating ^^
Once again, THIS FIC CONTAINS COMICS SPOILERS. Read at your own risk, it's under the cut.
Prompt: Sunset/Sunrire
Title: The First Day of the Rest of their Lives
Summary: In a few hours, the Earth will collide with the Sun. Humanity as long gone extinct. Yet, in the ruins of London, two men watch their last sunset. They know that, when the Sun rises again, they will die. (2,098 words, TW violence, severe injuries, end of the world fic)
Read on AO3:
It was Earth’s last sunset.
When the Sun would rise again, the planet would collide with the star. It would be swallowed by the cosmic fire and melt until nothing was left of it.
Humanity was long gone. They had tried everything. They sent spaceships in search of a new planet they could colonize. The ships had all gone missing, forced to go further and further into infinite space in vain until they disappeared into unknown. They tried to terraform tens of worlds. It never worked. Finally, they attempted to build millions of rockets to push Earth away from the Sun.
It was a desperate plan, they all knew it. No one was really surprised when it failed. The planet didn’t deviate from its axis. It didn’t even budge.
It was only a matter of time from there. Earth quickly warmed, becoming more arid and barren every year, every month, every day. People had started to die, one by one at first, of thirst, then by handfuls, starving, and finally by thousands, of heat. Until one day, there was no one left.
Except them.
Hob and Morpheus lay on the ground, in the ruins of what had once been London. They watched as the sun disappeared under the horizon, crying half because of their burning retina and half because of their nearing end. Their wheezing breaths were the only noise on the dead planet. They held hands tightly, clinging onto each other like it was the last thing keeping them alive. Maybe it was.
“Hob,” Morpheus croaked, before being immediately interrupted by a coughing fit.
“Shhh love, don’t try to talk,” Hob breathed, his voice reduced to a whisper in his parched throat.
“No, it is important,” Morpheus insisted once the coughing subsided. “I never thanked you. Before I retired and came to you, I hated my life. I couldn’t fathom wanting more of it. But you taught me. Now I can barely remember how it felt.” He had to stop, hissing as hot air burned his lungs. “My years by your side as a human were the best of my life. Thank you.”
“They were the best years of my life too. I’m just… I’m so sorry Morpheus,” Hob sobbed. “I’m sorry it ends like that. With pain. You wouldn’t have to go through it if you were still Endless.”
“I don’t think I would still be there, if I had stayed Endless.”
Hob bawled, and Morpheus crawled closer to him, cradling him in his arms.
“It was worth it. It was all worth it.” He panted.
They cuddled as night fell, giving them the illusion of freshness now that the sun’s burning rays weren’t hitting them anymore. They held each other for hours, fighting sleep the best they could, afraid to never wake up.
“Do you think we’re really going to die?” Hob rasped at some point.
“Even with Death’s protection, we’re only humans. No level of obstinacy can make us survive the Sun.”
“…I don’t think I’m ready,” Hob squealed.
“I know. But Death will come all the same,” Morpheus answered softly.
Hob stared at his lover’s eyes, their celestial blue vivified by their reddened sclerae. They had always been the most expressive part of Morpheus’ face, and Hob could read so many things in them. He saw sadness, mixed with love and gratitude. He saw peace, and acceptation.
He saw trust, the unwavering faith the ancient Endless had in his sister, his unshakable belief that she would offer them kindness and relief in their last moments.
And Hob clung to it, in hope it would sooth the terror and the dread that threatened to overcome him.
“At least we won’t be separated, we’ll go to afterlife together,” he said. Doubt flickered on Morpheus’ face and Hob’s confidence faltered. “We will, right?” he begged, panic twisting in his chest.
“I… don’t know,” his lover admitted, tears falling down his cheeks. “I am not sure Death is the one who choses where souls go after they cross. I don’t know what happens past the doors of her realm.”
“She wouldn’t force us apart,” Hob decided with false assurance.
Still, he started engraving Morpheus’ face in his memory the best he could. The shape of his cheekbones, sharpened by hunger, the colour of his lips, chapped by thirst. His skin, burned and stained with ash. His wild hair, his straight nose. His eyes, in which a touch of fear had appeared. He traced the contours of his beloved’s face with his fingers, and Morpheus leaned in the gentle touch.
When the sky lightened with the first glow of dawn, they both shuddered. It was time.
“I love you,” Morpheus breathed, fear clear in his voice. “I don’t… Hob, I don’t want to die!” he cried out.
“It’s gonna be alright love, it’s…” Hob tried, but a sob interrupted him before he could finish. “I’m so scared, sweetheart I’m so scared…”
His voice died in his throat. He used his last strength to pull his beloved into a crushing embrace. With a grunt of effort, Morpheus climbed on top of him.
“I’ll shield you, if only for a minute,” he whispered. Hob whimpered, trying to shove him away, but his body refused to obey him.
The Sun peeked over the horizon.
Hob was instantly blinded. Morpheus went limp on him, and the smell of burning flesh filled the air. Soon, he felt his skin starting to melt. He was about to pass out when a shadow appeared above him, partially blocking the sunlight.
Suddenly the world tipped over. Hob sighed with relief as the scorching heat was replaced by a cool breeze. He couldn’t see where he was through the dark spots filling his visions, but he could still feel his lover’s weight on him. They were still together. He let himself relax.
Morpheus’ lax body was pulled away from him and he panicked again, grasping at his lover with all his might, desperate to keep him close, but he had no strength left. He sobbed as he was forced to let go.
“Worry not, Robert Gadling,” a voice said as Hob was picked up from the ground. “Morpheus is fine, he is right here. But your injuries need treatment.”
Hob was lowered in cold water. He yelped in surprise, but soon he felt his burns cooling down, and his body started to heal the damages. A glass was brought to his lips, and he drank avidly.
“Daniel?” he croaked when the glass was taken away.
“Shush, you need rest. Sleep now.”
Hob fell into a dreamless slumber.
He didn’t know how long he remained unconscious, but when he awoke, he didn’t feel any pain anymore. He opened his eyes and discovered a big room filled with dimmed light. He was in a comfortable bed the like of which he hadn’t seen in decades.
“Hob?” Morpheus whimpered somewhere on his left. Hob turned his head and found his lover in a similar bed right next to his own.
“I’m right there, love,” he called, prompting a relieved sigh from the other. “Are you alright?”
“What happened? Where are we?” Morpheus asked, distress clear in his voice.
Before he could answer, someone knocked at the door and Daniel entered.
“Robert Gadling, brother-self,” he greeted them. “I am glad to see you both awake and well. You must be confused, but I will explain everything. We have a lot to discuss. When you feel ready, please join me in the dining room. Matthew will be waiting outside to guide you. Until then, rest assured you are safe. Take all the time you need.” The Endless waved them goodbye and left.
As soon as the door was closed, Hob scrambled to his lover’s side, catching him in a tight hug. Morpheus hissed in discomfort but hugged back.
“Are you alright? Are you hurt?” Hob asked frantically.
“I will be fine. My back is still burned and I am yet to regain my sight, but I can feel my body mending itself. It doesn’t hurt much.”
“Okay, great,” Hob exhaled, nearly crying with relief. “We’ll wait until you’re fully healed to go see Daniel, alright?”
“I think it would be best, yes.”
They held each other for a long time, until Morpheus decreed himself fully recovered. They stood, not letting go of each other’s hand, and left the room.
The moment they opened the door, they were caught in the bird equivalent of a hug, Matthew crashing into them with an overjoyed whoop.
“Old Boss, Hobsie, I’ve missed you! I was really worried for you guys, I’m so glad you’re okay.”
The raven chatted all the way to the dining room, filling Hob and Morpheus in on all the latest events in the Dreaming like they had just come back from some holidays:  Lucienne’s interest for a new literary genre that was starting to emerge in an alien society, Mervyn’s never-ending complaints about his job, the Fashion Thing’s current experiments… for a moment, the two humans almost forgot they had nearly died just a few hours before.
Matthew left them at the door of the dining room, and they were let in by Daniel himself. He invited them to order something to eat, and when everyone was served (Morpheus with his favourite Thai dish, Hob with a pizza and Daniel with a bowl of fruits), the Endless started talking.
“You certainly have questions you wish to ask. I will answer everything the best I can.”
“We’re not dead, are we?”
“No, you aren’t.”
“You brought us to the Dreaming with our human bodies, not just our sleeping minds,” Morpheus stated. Daniel nodded. “Why?”
“Earth has been absorbed by the Sun. Your bodies would have been destroyed.”
“Why did you retrieve us, and not Death?”
“Not that we aren’t grateful,” Hob added. “We’re just a bit confused.”
“I talked with her, and we came to an agreement. I have a proposition for you. I have been thinking about creating new houses on the model of the House of Secrets and the House of Mystery. I would like you to take care of two of those new houses. Namely, the House of Hope for Morpheus, and the House of Devotion for Robert.”
“And if we refuse?” Hob wondered.
“With Earth gone, I’m afraid there’s no other place you two could go to, except for the Sunless Lands.”
“So it’s either we take the job or we die?”
Daniel nodded. The two humans exchanged a doubtful look. Hob shrugged.
“Still better than dying, if you ask me,” he said.
“Would we be far from each other?” Morpheus queried, turning back toward the Endless.
“The houses are right next to each other. And I don’t expect you to live separately; as long as you take care of both houses, I will consider your side of the contract held.”
Hob tugged lightly on Morpheus’ hand to catch his lover’s attention.
“I really think we should say yes,” he whispered. “You said it yourself, we can’t be sure we’ll be together if we die. It’s the best option we have.”
Morpheus acquiesced, facing Daniel with an air of finality.
“We accept your proposition,” he announced, and the Endless smiled.
“Excellent. I’ll tell Matthew to show you your new homes. Please, feel free to visit the other residents of the Dreaming. I’m sure many will be happy to see you.”
When they all were done with their food, Daniel left them in the care of a very enthusiast raven.
“We’re colleagues now! Maybe I should stop calling your Old Boss then…”
“You should have stopped calling me your boss centuries ago,” Morpheus argued good-naturedly.
“Very true, Morpheus. Morph’. Murphy? No, it feels too weird,” Matthew laughed. “I guess you’ll stay Old Boss a bit longer.”
Morpheus chuckled. Hob noticed it sounded a bit forced.
“Hey, love. You alright?”
“Yes, of course. It’s just… we didn’t have a real choice, did we?” “No, but hey, we’re still alive! And together! It could be worse! Besides, taking care of a couple of dream houses isn’t too terrible of a job, right? It’s just a new beginning, like we had so many on Earth; except we won’t have to leave our friends behind in fifteen years this time.”
Of course, Hob was right. Morpheus let himself relax, enjoying his lover’s playful banter with their raven friend. Maybe it wasn’t so bad after all. Matthew and Hob’s excitement was contagious; soon Morpheus found himself eager to see what this new life had in store for them.
They still had eternity ahead of them.
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ineffablefate · 2 months
Getting it all out...
I've been feeling strange and I just want to write it down so that it might stop bouncing around in my skull so much. I've been checked out and numb while also feeling anxious, helpless, and grieving deeply for the world.
I am overwhelmed with too much information, distrustful of almost all of it, intensely annoyed at the constant barrage of opinions, disagreements, demands, and incessant reactivity of my fellow humans. I feel disenchanted and disillusioned with myself, wondering if my former mystical experiences that fueled so much of my spiritual convictions were not simply weed-induced delusions of grandeur.
Intrusive thoughts goading me to commit senseless and spontaneous acts of violence have been at an all-time high, and my meditations and prayers seem to bear no fruit. My inspiration remains blocked, my desire to connect with others feels stunted, my hope for the future is bleak, and a sense of our collective impending doom lurks firmly on the horizon. It seems everyone else also senses this, but so few have the courage to stop what they're doing and truly band together to face it, to make any organized effort to stop it without devolving into useless and unhelpful arguments with each other.
My voice feels small and inconsequential in a sea of chaos, my wisdom is tired and worn out, and the old trick of letting go seems like a Sisyphus circuit that inevitably leads to hopelessly pushing the boulder back up the hill from the bottom again, for lack of anything else to do.
This is the darkest of it. There are glimmers of light and laughter and joy and romance and discovery with my partner. Moments of peace and short-lived reminders of growth, remembering this is as much a ridiculous comedy as it is a grave tragedy.
And on the surface, in the present, in my personal life, almost everything is great. I have an amazing woman who loves me dearly, wonderful friends and family who adore and support me, decent health, many gifts, the privilege to take a two month vacation through Europe.
And yet my own country seems to be barreling toward a second Civil War shamelessly instigated by its own political system while funding inhumane conflicts as well as providing aid to alleviate the damage done by them. The planet at large seems to be on the brink of a nuclear World War. Profits of large corporations are at an all time high and yet small businesses and lower class families are struggling to survive. A sane, humble, or wise leader is nowhere to be found, and instead we are force fed ego-driven, politic-pandering, mentally unwell old men who spew intentionally divisive rhetoric at every opportunity.
The National Guard is being called out to quell the overwhelming crime of some cities, dispatched in national paranoia to guard our southern border, and almost everywhere I look I see nothing but arrogant, fearful, self-righteous hypocrites demanding peace and respect in disrespectful tones of conflict, anger, and pride.
I know. I know. "It's darkest before the dawn." "This too shall pass." "It gets worse before it gets better." Too often I fear we are already in hell, and the devastation of it is such a slow burn that the build up itself, the long drawn-out stupidity, the stubborn refusal to shift course, the constant dangling carrot of hope and redemption is a clever part of its torture.
I only pray this fear is false. It may very well be that all these terrible things must come to pass, as a way of evolving the minds and hearts of humanity through intense suffering. I do intend to keep singing and dancing and laughing and loving and forgiving and letting go as I push my boulder up this hill. But God how I ache for us to drop all this nonsense and enjoy heaven on earth together. How deeply I wish we could just skip all the oncoming tragedy and senseless slaughter and havoc and pain. Haven't we all already suffered enough?
Whatever may come, I love you all. Despite all of this, I am somehow, someway, still doing well. And I'll push through. We all will.
May Love bless you.
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novafire-is-thinking · 11 months
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Per aspera ad astra: “through adversity, to the stars”
The Vision
“You see a future in the stars?" Alpha Trion asked him quietly.
. . .
“The stars look endless to me,” he [Orion] said eventually. “Out there, you could just go and go, and there’d be enough space for everyone, and things to do and see that go on forever.” (CoP)
In an earlier post (Orion the Dreamer), I shared the full scene where Orion reveals his hopes and dreams to Alpha Trion.
And I mentioned in the previous post (Desire vs. Destiny) that it was Optimus’ deepest desire to peer behind the veil of life and study its secrets by collecting stories and seeking knowledge wherever he could find it.
Putting together both of these, one can see that Orion/Optimus’ personal vision for his life was to be a lifelong learner—one who learned through exploration, discovery of new life, the seeking of stories, and deep reflection.
Change of Plans
I will recover the AllSpark, thought Optimus Prime. Then I will retrace my steps across the galaxy and sow peace on my return wherever our initial exodus has inadvertently fomented division and war. (Exiles)
Life rarely goes as planned, as Optimus found out as the war dragged on.
Where a young Orion dreamt of setting out on his journey with curiosity and hope, a war-torn Optimus came to expect nothing more than a future quest of reparation and what he determined to be a moral duty.
A Fresh Glimpse of Hope
After so long, it was strange indeed to reach this planet again. Although I had heard it was full of life, I did not expect what we found—civilizations, technologies. For the last months, as we have been on final approach, we have learned to know them by their broadcasts, and though the others say nothing about it, what amazes me is how alike we are. Our bodies are different, our lifespans and our needs unalike, but what drives us and moves us is very much the same: humans talk about the heart, and Cybertronians the Spark; they love and fear, think and fight one another, as we do.
I looked for signs as we came within the light of their sun, and I find them everywhere—the many readings of Cybertronian technology on their world, the intensity of their struggles, the strange richness of their stories—against all odds, Unicron the Destroyer of Worlds has borne eons of life. I feel everything hangs in the balance. The Nemesis still pursues. We still track the AllSpark. So long this journey has been, and in spite of all its battles, so unchanging. (CoP)
Upon meeting and observing humans for himself, Optimus saw a glimpse of future potential—a future in which two very different, yet oddly similar species could learn and grow together, just as he’d wanted before the war. After all, Earth was also home to Unicron—the antithesis of Primus. There had to be a connection somewhere, and if not, Optimus intended to create one.
Of course, the war prevented him from getting his hopes too high, but judging from the fact that he trusted a human with the Key to Vector Sigma, it seems he allowed himself to hold onto a sliver of hope that humanity would not only survive the Cybertronian war, but would be part of Cybertron’s future in some way.
Endings and Epiphanies
I saw my death in the descent of the Dark Saber in Megatron's hand. I was surprised a little, disappointed. And then suddenly Megatron was no more. The reprieve was beyond belief. It shook me to my Spark and I felt suddenly with incredible force the fool I had been. I was not alone. I had never been alone, Prime or not. We, the Autobots, were one. (CoP)
After eons of hardship and carrying what he thought was primarily his burden to carry, Optimus was reminded that he was part of a greater whole.
The bigger goal was to see Autobots and Decepticons become one again, but this monumental shift in awareness was a necessary first step on Optimus’ journey to heal and open himself up to possibilities involving Cybertronians of either faction and humans.
A Shared Destiny
Thus ends the story of the Age of the Primes and of the origins of the Cybertronians, though not the whole story of course, for that is still being written in time and space on Earth, and all over the galaxy where the seeds and the sparks of life are growing.
I, Alpha Trion, one of the last Primes, now give this book into your hands, human friend, so that you shall know who your allies are, and your enemies also, how they are made, and where they have come from. Be sure that wherever and whenever you need our aid, the Autobots will respond to your call.
This is the Covenant of Primus, as given to all Cybertronians by right, and to humans by the last wish of Optimus, the Thirteenth Prime, so let it be.
Alpha Trion’s wording tells me humanity is probably the only other species that was given the Covenant of Primus.
This is incredible, to say the least. Of all the races Optimus encountered, he asked that humans be given one of the most sacred texts of the Cybertronian race.
But why humanity?
Well, Optimus firmly believed humans and Cybertronians shared a common destiny.
Alpha Trion, the relics, Unicron, the end of the war.
To Optimus, all of it pointed to Earth and humanity being an excellent starting point to launch into his original dream. He saw in humanity the future he’d endured so much hardship for: a future of learning and growing—not just alongside fellow Cybertronians, but alongside other races as well.
And depending on what each fan chooses to believe is the end of Optimus’ story, he either never got to see the fulfillment of his dream, or he did in some imagined way outside of canon.
Dreamers suffer more, but they also live more.
✧ ✧ ✧
Today, this post and the entire series are dedicated to Peter Cullen on his 82nd birthday, and to one of several beloved Optimi he’s poured so much of his heart and soul into. ❤️
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TJ Doyle “Meant To Be Together”
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TJ Doyle, is an American artist with a world view, a love of Earth and a feel for what it takes to care for the planet we are on. He also takes a song, wraps it in melodic yet compelling music and delivers it with a sense of fun, responsibility and subtle but strong Americana sensibilities. The result is amazing success on the world’s stage including entering 2018 in the #1 position on the Radio Indie Top 40 Charts with 2 new releases from his 2nd album “Everything” and “Living In Our Dream”. Sitting at or near the top of the charts is not new for TJ Doyle. During the year 2017 he was in the Top 5 of the Indie Top 40 from late summer with his song “Anonymous” followed by “Unconditional”, and now “Living In Our Dream”. TJ was nominated for the prestigious Round Glass Award in the Rock Song category with “Anonymous”. The Award is designed to reward musicians who create socially responsible music for Wellness, Environmental Consciousness and Peace. TJ says, “Even to be nominated makes me feel honored, humbled and “Anonymous” is a tribute to anyone who has felt marginalized”, says Doyle. As TJ’s lyrics say, “Don’t you know that you are golden, Don’t believe you’re anonymous”. TJ has been lauded by critics for having his own musical and vocal styles, although he admits to his strong vocals being reminiscent of Neil Young . “That’s the way I sing. Can’t help it”. Raised in 5 Eastern cities by the age of 10, TJ now lives in a community on the edge of the Angeles National Forest above LA where he writes songs that transmit an authenticity harking back to the 60s. Does “harking back” mean he lives in the past? Not at all. “That era of music was when artists were writing about the challenges of a generation instead of the more personal and relationship-oriented pop and rock that currently dominates the airwaves.” He goes after that vision delivering his passion for the environment. “Nature is free from the human condition that afflicts humanity, and is an inspiration that can help us all. By observing nature we can learn more about our own true natures.” Musically TJ, who has a touring history covering the northern American Midwest and Southern California, surrounds himself with some of the top musician’s musicians to be found today on his recordings like Rock Deadrick, Drums & Percussion (Tracy Chapman) David Sutton, Bass (Tracy Chapman) Matt Laug, Drums (Slash’s Snakepit), Lance Morrison, Bass, (Don Henley) Tim Pierce, Guitar (Crowded House, Dave Matthews) or in his live performances like Phil Parlapiano, Keyboards, (Lowen & Navarro), and Hank Van Sickle, Bass, (John Mayall). Legendary venues such as The Whiskey and The Roxy have hosted his band, “but it’s time to expand on that. The plan is to get out into the rest of the world,” fostered recently by extensive airplay in Europe, from his most recent album “On The Horizon”. The TJ brand of music is also picking up steam in Australia, New Zealand and, of course, across North America. At a time when divisions seem to be so loud in people’s minds, TJ Doyle feels music can bring calm, so he presents ideas that help dissuade the internal discourse that is prevalent in our society today. In “Anonymous” particularly, the singer/songwriter says, ” It is my hope the listener can take away the thought they have something very special in them, and start to fan the flames of this ‘self’, so they can ‘spread their wings and FLY’!” Doyle, describes his music in general as a vehicle to “help people make sense of themselves and the world. That is my prime directive with my music and lyrics.” “Anonymous”, produced by David Z Rivkin (Prince, Fine Young Cannibals) is part of a planned EP, “or maybe an album. “It doesn’t matter anymore. People can now enjoy music from an artist one song at a time. The album will arrive when it’s the ‘right time Incendiary American: “As TJ Doyle Music releases albums and singles, you can hear that he’s more than just a songwriter. He’s a visionary whose work calls for the collaborative effort of musicians who are determined to see it through. Once the textures and dynamics in the music are appropriately executed, Doyle’s unique voice makes that vision complete.” Additional Artist/Song Information: Artist Name: TJ Doyle Song Title: Meant To Be Together Publishing: TJ Doyle Music Publishing Affiliation: BMI Album Title: Meant To Be Together Record Label: Totem Artists Radio Promotion: Loggins Promotion Paul Loggins 310-325-2800 Contact LP Publicity/PR: Loggins Promotion Paul Loggins 310-325-2800 Contact LP Read the full article
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tomaspinedajr · 2 years
Creation around us demonstrates God’s faithfulness
Psalm 19:1-6, “The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands. Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they reveal knowledge. They have no speech, they use no words; no sound is heard from them. Yet their voice goes out into all the earth, their words to the ends of the world. In the heavens God has pitched a tent for the sun. It is like a bridegroom coming out of his chamber, like a champion rejoicing to run his course. It rises at one end of the heavens and makes its circuit to the other; nothing is deprived of its warmth.”
The psalmist, David, said it another way in Psalm 8:3-4, “When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, what is mankind that you are mindful of them, human beings that you care for them?
The more we learn about God’s creation around us, the more amazed we will be. The world’s science that is usually taught in our schools tries to eliminate God, and therefore makes up ‘natural’ explanations for everything. But their explanations don’t make sense, because everything around us that God made exhibits incredible complexity and design – and scientists cannot duplicate any of it.
The more we magnify what God has made, the more we discover how exquisite His design is. The so-called “simplest” one-celled organisms are intricately designed factories with amazing metabolisms. The infinite variety of leaves and trees and plants and animals, flying creatures and sea creatures; each with their own structures and metabolisms and lifestyles reveal a creative, loving and wonderful God, who keeps His creation active and will not let His creation be destroyed by man.
Our earth is perfectly designed for life to exist. The blend of oxygen, nitrogen, and carbon are perfect for maintaining life. The earth’s size related to the moon is just right to keep our life in balance; if the moon was smaller, we’d have problems, and if it was bigger, we’d have other problems. We are just the right distance from the other planets in our solar system and the most optimal distance from the sun. If we were closer to the sun (like the planet Venus) life would be absolutely impossible because of the extreme heat. If we were farther from the sun (like the planet Mars) the temperature would be too cold. The earth is at the perfect place in our solar system to be able to study the rest of the system and view other solar systems and galaxies. There are way too many so-called ‘coincidences’ like these to have ever happened by chance.
Life has never been duplicated by human beings, because life is from God alone. In John 14:6, Jesus said “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” He is the only life, and the source of life. People can try to mimic what He has created, but they can’t create life. Satan, the fallen angel who became the father of lies (John 8:44), can only try to fake reality. We can be confident that our God will not allow sin to destroy everything He has made, and He will restore the damage that has been done.
Isaiah 55:10-12 gives us a beautiful glimpse into our future, “As the rain and the snow come down from heaven, and do not return to it without watering the earth and making it bud and flourish, so that it yields seed for the sower and bread for the eater, so is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it. You will go out in joy and be led forth in peace; the mountains and hills will burst into song before you, and all the trees of the field will clap their hands.”
Reflection: How does enjoying the beauty of the creation around us help us to rest in the promises of our almighty God, and be able to leave our hopes for ultimate justice in His hands?
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Day 4 April 22, 2022
Today I'm not here to crib about this sometimes-miserable-yet-amazing life that I have. Neither am I going to rant about what's happening in the world. I'm going to put out what I feel about a natural element, a natural phenomenon a lot of us are fond of.
Fun fact about me: I refer to myself as an atheist. I don't believe in 'God' the way most people do. But I certainly believe in the power of mother nature, which I feel is the ultimate lifegiver, the ultimate saviour and the absolutely supreme divine energy that regulates life on the planet Earth. Many a times, we've incurred the wrath of mother nature in the form of natural disasters and calamities as a way of penalizing us for our greed and negligence towards the nature. On this note, a very happy Earth Day to everybody; I hope the human race realizes the consequences of its actions soon, & makes amends. Anyway, I'll talk about the mother nature sometime later.
Today I'll be sharing my feelings about a significant element of it, that is, rain. No wait, baarish. That word truly does justice to how it makes me feel.
A typical my type of a day- wake up, feeling bored, listless, not too active, and it's evening before I even realize it. Until, I start hearing the sound. Yeah, I'm talking about THE sound. The sound of raindrops coming into contact with the ground, the sound of thunderclouds rumbling, just waiting to shed their tears, dying to share their pain, their agony with the world.
I go out, the drops engulf each and every inch of my body. It's beautiful: watching them come down from the sky, and then their body grasping mine. It's as if the drops are coming from another universe, and the senders are conveying a message. A message of peace, of joy, and most importantly, hope. Regardless to say, I have formed a bond with them. A bond which can't be put into words.
It rains, and suddenly the scenery begins to transition..The unearthly lightning illuminates the sky and the spine-chilling rumbling of thunderclouds follows. The clouds which were hitherto filled with teardrops now have an outlet to share their emotions, living creatures like the flaura & the fauna have something worth looking forward to, and don't even get me started about the petrichor; how my heart craves for it. How I let it go inside each and every pore of my body, how I wish to desperately keep inhaling as much of that cold fresh air, trying to take as much of it inside my body as is is humanly possible. (& it's still never enough)
It's like, I'll be having the worst day, life will start seeming to look all dark, and I'll start feeling like there's no light at the end of the tunnel. But rain, this baarish, it brings with it hope. It's truly an elixir of life. It brings life to all the living beings, and I wouldn't be exaggerating if I say it makes my happy hormones go haywire. To be honest, I don't really like when people touch me, and I'm not amused with the idea of physical affection. But with baarish, the intimate bond and the physical connection all makes sense. Rain makes me feel a way no human being ever can make me feel. Rain for me, is the bond, the connection that I've been seeking my entire life. In a way, it's a symbiotic relationship; the clouds have been released of the pain they were holding inside them, and I get to experience that physical intimacy I had been longing for.
(here's a video of rain I once took; you can hear the soothing and nostalgic sound of the pitter patter of raindrops in the background)
When it doesn't rain for long, I desperately yearn for it to rain. Like a person madly & hopelessly in love, I patiently wait for the clouds to come and outpour their teardrops, for the fresh aroma to fill my lungs, and for the clear dewdrops to interwine their body with mine.  It's like 2 long-lost lovers getting reunited after centuries. Well, you can imagine what the reunion looks like.
Baarish is my refuge in this bleak world of darkness. It is my safe haven. It is home.
Baarish reminds me of the fact that no matter how much life may suck, no matter how dark it might be right now, there is always light and hope after. There is always something to look forward to, and there are better days ahead. It also reminds us that it's okay to want to cry, it's okay to want to let out your pain and angst, and also reinforces the fact that if we fill ourselves with unexpressed emotions, and don't share them, we'll have an outburst/breakdown one day. Hence, it's best to let them out of our systems when we experience them and not let them consume us.
With love
~A forever pluviophile. A fanatic, of this divine element of nature.
(lastly, here's a song I used to listen to in my childhood that always reminds me of baarish, because back then I used to live close to the sea where rainfall was an everyday phenomenon <3)
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develation · 3 years
So @emeraldtrainer1 (Ao3), @writingforfunandbecauseboredom (Ao3), and DarkstarWolf53 (<-Dunno if they have Tumblr) did an SCP AU three-way Convo fic some months ago. I really enjoyed the outline and concept and asked if I could expand on it. With their permission and about a month of research into what the actual SCP Foundation is (and holy cow there is so much, no wonder people are all over this) I've finally managed to get a start on this. There is a decent amount of things that are different from their original Convo (via their permission) but it will basically follow the same storyline that they created. Please go check their Convo out, it's a very long and fun read with a lot of good fluff and Angst mixed in.
I will hopefully be drawing some of my designs soon but for now, writing seems to be the way to go. Here is a link to it on Ao3 -> https://archiveofourown.org/works/33213928/chapters/82464553
I'll also have it below in case you would like to read it on Tumblr instead.
Error: (The End Of All But Me.) There are too many unworldly traits that spiders have that I couldn't just not give to Error, so I've kind of combined their Puppetmaster concept to my design. He has 4 arms with clawed fingertips, his tail is prehensile and his jaw can split open. He has 5 tongues still, 2 of them are spear-like, and can shoot out and impale victims. The saliva produced under the tips of the barbs on the two tongues can liquidity a prey items insides so he can drink them up (still a clean freak, using the skin as a cup and drinking up any mess leaving a skin bag behind). His other three tongues are prehensile and can extend to an unknown length, they are barbed aswell but do not carry the venomous saliva. Strings wrap along his bones from his eye sockets, which he uses to create a nest atop the ceiling of his cell.
SCP-002's (Apollyon class) cell is a blank room (it ask for a TV later on) that goes up vertically 2 floors. The top half is required to be shrouded in darkness as it likes voids of either white or black. It has filled the darkness of its cell with a nest of strings that it spends all of its time in, even when feeding. It does not attempt to attack staff, when asked why it replied with, "Not yet." Personal have not been able to decipher what it means by that statement. In an interview via speakers and mics within containment cell, it was asked why SCP-002 stares off at seemingly nothing for extended periods of time and never touches the ground. Subject responded with, "Busy." When asked what it was busy doing- "Watching." When asked what it was watching- "The world. Everything." Due to this experience, it can be concluded that 002 can view any place in the world and perhaps beyond via "screens". These "screens" are unviewable to anyone but 002 and 001 as the latter SCP had called them so, hence their given name. SCP-002 has a strange relationship with SCP-001 and it can not be determined if 002 likes or dislikes 001.
Ink created Error on accident. In the beginning, Ink didn't know what he was doing, and the brutality of Earth's natural forces of destruction were uncontrollable. If he wanted to bring life to his chosen planet he needed a way to control the chaos. And so through the storm, a new force was born. And even if Ink didn't create it, he did wish for it.
Error is a ticking time bomb for extinction. He waits and watches until he decides it's time for a "spring cleaning" and starts his work. The Ordovician, Late Devonian, Permian, Triassic, and Cretaceous mass extinctions were all him. He deemed the human race ready for a "cleaning" a long time ago and Ink agreed with him, ready to see and make something new. But Nightmare threatened the both of them by stating that he would make the earth forever inhabitable and they would have to kill him before he stoped his rage. Nightmare fears that if another extinction event were to occur he'd lose his boys.
Ink: (God doesn't care about what's right or what's wrong. God just wants to watch interesting things happen.) His form is always changing, different traits from different animals and organisms he's created. Ink is basically Gaia. Born when Theia crashed into Earth around 4.5 billion years ago, he made everything that ever existed. Since he's made A LOT of organisms he has a ton of favorites and the traits from them are what mostly show up when he mutates. Sometimes it's Kaprosuchus with belonged snout and fangs. Sometimes it's Tylosaurus with its marine reptilian posterior. Sometimes it's Chital Deer and their antlers. More often than not though, his tail has consistently stated having bristle-like hair at the tip of it, which is basically his brush. The concept of paintbrushes is pretty new to him since the human race has been around for a short time compared to other species, so while he does have one, his tail is his broomie. If his next from doesn't have it then he just uses his hands and his blood.
Ink can't be contained. It's that simple, he just can't. He just sticks around because it's interesting and hilarious to see his creations so intelligent but so stupid. (remember how humans are still young in terms of Earth's age, so the fact that they're so smart... on a thought level that could almost match his own is so very interesting to see and watch. even if there ruining his planet.) The SCP foundation just has to let him do his thing and hope that he doesn't override 003's and 004's decision to not have an extinction event.
His cell is basically a mini-ecosystem, with all of his favorite organisms living within whether they are extinct or not. He loves his little sample of the world and it keeps him in his cell for a good amount of time so the foundation let him have it. If any of them even touch what is HIS without permission then he rips them apart and feeds them to the baby Rhamphorhynchus. Don't touch his babies.
...Cross though... he can touch his babies... and Dream... and maybe Error... That's it though!
SCP-001 (Apollyon Class) is a being older than all living things, despite his toddler-like mannerisms. Even more infuriating, within an interview, 001 openly admitted to being the cause of all SCP's and their anomalous effects. It stated that they were all just mistakes and/or experiments, testing the limits of their own abilities. 001's quoted response- "You don't get it do you? I made everything here! All of your little "SCP's" are just of my creation as all of you. Sure there all mistakes but, it just proves my point that it's time to start over again. A clean slate y'know? Pfft- wow you look mad! If it makes you feel any better, I don't like most of them either. They were cool at first but... it's like flicking black paint over a finished painting. Sure, you can try to get over it but eventually, it will just bother you so much that you just can't stand it! Well... I do kinda want some of them to stay... If I could just convince Ru..." -shows evidence to this conclusion. Termination trials were approved by the 05 Council, though have not been able to start since 001's creation of a barrier around its cell, preventing entry of anything that tries to pass.
[Note: Error, Dream, and Nightmare are not included in what Ink views as "mistakes". Y'know when you're trying something new and you don't know what you’re doing, yet it works somehow. That's them, happy accidents. Ink adores them.]
Ink finds the attempt of Termination trials on him to be absolutely hilarious. The fact that humanity's insecurity about their lifespan and control is so great that they'd try to KILL HIM. Amazing. He can't believe he's managed to make the simultaneously best and worst organism ever.
Dream: (When day breaks.)  Again he was accidentally created by Ink’s actions in an intense solar storm. The flare drifting over the earth in combination with Ink’s magic still working to bring life brought him to existence. Dream’s design is almost harpy-like, with beautiful golden, sun-like wings with a small feathery crest atop his skull. Two tail-like feathers sprout from the crest that can rise up and down depending on expression and mood. He also has bird feet and legs, and a tail.
Dream adores all life, his is the warmth and growth of the sun (original form being a ball of light and plasma that literally looks like a mini sun). He is basically like a piece of the sun on earth. His cell is kinda like Ink’s, only in the fact that there are just a couple of animal species. Some deer, birds, and insects mainly. Ink obviously just appeared in his cell one day and made it for him. While Dream could be considered to be a Safe SCP, his ability to damage or completely ruin the planet if inraged prevents that classification.
SCP-003 (Apollyon Class) has proven to be a relatively docile creature. It is elegant in nature (like that of a bird) and shows greater empathy towards all life in general. Unlike SCP’s 001, 002, and 004 who view it as more interesting and admirable, more like a pretty crystal than an actual being with its own consciousness. 003 can not be fully contained and has shown the ability to travel through light rays. Its aura has also shown to be some form of anesthesia, and exposure for prolonged periods causes victims to feel more at peace and calm. 003 does have the capability to travel through the “dreamscape”, what exactly that in tails is unknown.
Dream doesn’t agree with the extinction event thing because the Holocene period hasn’t lasted for nearly as long as it should. On the other hand, he does distaste humanity/monsterkind for all it has done to the planet. Even so, he feels like they deserve more of a chance.
Nightmare: (Does the Black Moon howl?)(Death) Complete with the theme of being Dreams opposite, Nightmare was born from a black moon and the combination of Ink’s magic bringing life to the earth. He isn’t an evil force or anything, just the night to the day. His design is pretty true to OG nightmare, although his legs and feet share the same digitigrade format. His tentacles are more ghostly than slimy and they drip upwards instead of towards the ground. His bones also have a ghost;y wisp to them, but it isn’t that noticeable. Instead of only having a turquoise glint in his magic, there are sparks of purple aswell. (His original form being a black sphere of what looks like smoke).
His cell is basically an entrance to a cave system that Ink had made for him. Inside is a galaxy of crystals and gemstones that glow and sparkle like the night sky. A small stream runs through, the light refracting off of the water, adding to the glow effect. It is a nice calm place for Nightmare to just chill in, his separate own little world.
Nightmare is kind of mysterious, in the realm of Error in which he likes to watch things happen. Just lurking in the shadows, a quiet observer. Though, he wasn’t as fascinated by life as the others. So to prevent his boredom Ink made him a present- Killer. Nightmare hated the little thing at first but it didn’t take too long to grow fond of the little guy. Not too long later Ink pronounced his joy in watching Nightmare sigh in frustration by sending 2 more bundles his way -Dust and Horror- and Nightmare had to threaten Ink to stop before any more joined the fray.
SCP-004 (Apollyon Class) is an entity whose intentions are completely unknown. A mysterious being that chooses to dwell in the cave system 001 made for it. The entity refuses to interact with personal unless in interview. And when it does respond, it does so in riddles and metaphors. It seemingly takes joy asking more questions than the interviewer, turning the conversation in its favor. On such question that has been repeated multiple times - “Does the Black Moon howl?” has puzzled personal. Though 004 states that if answered correctly and explained why, then it will share its secrets with that person and that person only.
004 proves to be uncontainable like its counterparts, able to travel through shadows. SCP’s 012, 032, and 024 seem to be “followers” of 004, and regularly go missing from their cells. Most likely 004’s doing.
[Ink created Killer, Dust, and Horror during the era where dinosaurs were still alive, so they have some traits from them.]
Killer: (War) Was created by Ink for Nightmare to keep him entertained. Killer was born as a baby in Ink’s very hands, a little skeleton with curved blades for hands and digitigrade legs and feet (and little quills on his back). Growing up under Nightmare’s care was an interesting experience, but he thought Kill’s everything he needed to know.
-[SCP-012, Keter]-
Killer is fast, very fast. And he enjoys killing things (what a surprise). He’s pretty much the same cocky boi as always. His more SCP side is that he doesn’t seem to ever feel pain and the black liquid that leaks through his eyes. That can be used as a type of venomous toxin to whatever he pleases.
Dust: (Pestilence) You know Epidexipteryx and Therizinosaurus? Those are Dust hands, long with even longer claws. He can also turn into literal dust, more of a phantom or wraith in nature. He can walk through walls, and turn others to dust and grow himself if he wishes.
He and Horror could be twins since Ink made them both at the same time. Holding his little creations in his arms as they wriggled and whined in confusion at suddenly being alive.
-[SCP-032, Keter]-
Dust is pretty quiet and tame. He has his episodes but he stays pretty much the same as bookwrym’s, writing’s, and Dark’s Dust.
Horror: (Famine) Since Horror is a vent crawler I based his design on that. Horror’s second set of arms are like a praying mantis with an extra joint, hands serrated blades almost like Killer’s. He used to sit in trees and wait for prey to walk underneath him, plucking them from the ground with his long arms and eating them alive.
Same thing when in vents, just waits over the openings and plucks a person off of the ground and into the vent (if personal don’t keep up with his feeding times)
-[SCP-024, Euclid]-
Other than his design Horror is pretty much the same as bookwyrm’s, writing’s, and Dark’s concept.
Outer: [SCP-044, Safe] His stardust makes him have luminescent galaxy and star patterns on his bones. He floats regularly without control over it and can sometimes make other objects float, in rare cases people, aswell. Ink made him a jacket where pieces of its hood and aglets float off like a sort of fluffy foam. The pieces orbit him like planets to a star before joining back, making a continuous cycle.
(And yes writingforFUN, he will still keep his anime sparkling eyelight’s).
Cross: [SCP-00X, Thaumiel] Was created by Dr. X to help contain and terminate Keter SCP’s. Being forced to kill his brother when he turned Keter, not completely in control of his actions. Dr. X’s “programing” making him see his brother no longer as such, just an object to be eliminated. When Cross became uncontrollable Dr. X put wiped his memory without the 05’s or administers permission and an MTF was sent after him that came back empty-handed. Cross was brought back soon enough and had his memory wiped.
They bring him back in as a staff member and that’s when the story kicks off, mostly following bookwyrm’s, writingforFUN, and Dark’s original outline/convo.
(I apologize for any typos)
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Fire Keeper: Chapter 16
Douxie x fem reader
Chapter 1
Masterlist in bio!
Series Summary: You are Jim’s older sister who is taking a break from college and has moved back home to Arcadia. You end up joining Jim and his friends on their adventures.
Chapter 16 summary: You go with Aja, Krel, and Stuart to the moon to rescue Varvatos.
If there was one spell you were using more often it was the lullaby spell. You quietly sang to the baby in your arms. It was late and you had caught her crying. Thankfully she hadn’t woken any of the other babies and your lullaby was helping her fall back into a peaceful sleep.
Just as you put her back into the crib you felt your phone vibrate. You took it out of your pocket and saw that Toby was calling. You quickly left the house so you wouldn’t wake anyone.
“Hello?” You asked, answering it.
“Hey, Y/n, so my friends, Aja and Krel need help with something and I immediately thought of you.”
“Oh, I know Aja and Krel. What do they need? Is it another bounty hunter?” You asked, concerned. You had only known them for about an hour, but you had grown to care for the siblings. Your older sister instincts had kicked in.
“They need help finding their friend and since you were able to track down Glug I thought maybe you could help them out.”
“Yeah, I can figure something out,” you said. You knew you couldn’t ask Archie to help Aja and Krel, but you could look for their friend’s aura. “Text me the address and I’ll be there soon.”
“Okay, and Krel said you might need a disguise.”
“Got it.”
After dropping Mao off at Douxie’s you arrived to see Aja, Krel, Eli and Toby waiting.
“He should have been here by now. Those Durians are always late!” Krel whined.
“And this is all one big rescue mission for your geezer friend?” Eli asked.
“For Varvatos, yes,” Krel corrected. “He's being held at a bounty hunter outpost on the Earth's moon.”
“The moon? So flipping cool!” Toby exclaimed. “Although, probably not so much for your friend.”
“Wait we’re going to the moon?” You asked.
Krel, Toby and Eli turned to you. “Oh, hey Y/n. Thanks for coming,” Toby said.
“Um, yeah. I’m here to help.”
“Thank you,” Krel said. “Our friend Varvatos is trapped on the moon in this Bounty Hunter’s guild and we don’t know how big it is and Toby said you could help us find him.”
You smiled. “Yep, I just need you to tell me about him.”
“We can talk on the way there,” Krel said.
Aja paced behind you, talking on the phone. “I told you, we're at a sleepover with our friends Toby, Y/n, and Eli.”
Aja sighed. “Y/n does. I'll find out more and report back. Tomorrow.”
Aja hung up and turned to Toby and Eli. “Thanks for covering for us. Did you bring the gear?”
“As requested,” Toby said, patting a box. You jumped as a spaceship appeared behind him.
Eli gasped. “Awesome!”
“Sauc-er!” Toby joked and you shook your head, smiling at his pun.
“Greetings, Your Majesties. Your chariot awaits. Ah!” The green alien yelped as the ship sputtered.
“That doesn't inspire confidence,” Krel muttered and you nodded.
“And how long is it going to take us to reach the moon... in that?” Aja asked, jumping onto the ship.
“Assuming we make good time, 20 to 30, tops,” the alien said as Krel hopped on after his sister, with the box. He almost fell backwards, but you caught him with your magic. You levitated onto the ship.
“Wow! Minutes?” Eli marveled.
The alien laughed. “Very droll. Ha! This one's a comedian. No, not minutes, hours! So, if you have to use the john, do so now or forever hold your pee.”
“Oh dear,” you mumbled, slightly regretting your decision to help out. However, you weren’t gonna chicken out now, you really wanted to see the moon.
You hopped into the ship and took a seat.
“Who’s she?” The alien asked.
“I’m Y/n. The sorceress, but, uh, you can’t tell anyone that last part. Toby thought I could help, so here I am.”
“Well, I’m Stuart. Welcome aboard,”
You yawned, waking up to hear the same song playing that you had fallen asleep to. “How long have I slept?” You asked, confused. In your sleep deprived state you had expected yourself to get a lot more, but the song was still playing.
“Most of the journey,” Krel said.
Aja groaned. “Why do I feel like I've heard this song a thousand times?”
“Ah, ah, ah! It is Uncle Stuey's turn to pick the music,” Stuart said.
“But I'm the-“ Krel started.
Stuart cut him off. “Yes, yes, king-in-waiting. It's a nice try. Out here, rules of the road, thank you very much.”
“But there are no roads,” Krel protested.
“I'm so bored!” Aja groaned.
“Are we there yet?” Krel asked.
“No,” Stuart said and you sighed.  
“Are we going to be there soon?” Aja asked.
“No,” Stuart replied.”
“How much longer?” Krel asked.
“Not for a while,” Stuart answered vaugly, which was beginning to annoy you.
“Like, ten mekrons?” Aja asked and you wondered what a mekron was.
“Twenty mekrons?” Krel suggested.
“No!” Stuart snapped.
“Thirty mekrons?” Aja asked.
“We'll get there when we get there! Oi!” Stuart yelled. The ship settled into silence again and you decided it was time to try your hand at entertaining the kids.
You did a few magic tricks, mostly creating things with magic, but they were entertained nonetheless.
Krel chuckled. “Huh.”
“What?” You asked, turning away from the game of chess you had created using magic.
Krel gestured out the window where you could see earth and the sun rising behind it. It was a beautiful sight.
Aja yawned, as Krel woke her up. “If you're waking me up, we better be there,” she threatened.
“Come on! You're gonna wanna see this,” Krel said excitedly.
“Oh, lively!” Aja breathed.
“You know, for a dump heap, it's really quite beautiful,” Krel admitted and you gave him a look.
Aj smiled. “Or as Vex would say, glorious.”
You continued to admire the planet when you heard gas hissing from Stuart.
“Ah!” Krel cried.
You plugged your nose. “Really?”
“Ah! Stuart!” Aja scolded.
“That was rank, even for you,” Krel said.
“The fact that you'd assume immediately that it's me, it's really very offensive,” Start said as he pulled down towards the moon's surface. You marveled at it.
“As far as I’m aware, I’m the first sorceress to step foot on the moon,” you said excitedly.
Aja patted your back. “Lively.”
Stuart called you over to the computer screen. “According to the computer, there appears to be an anomaly in quadrant two hundred and forty five, here in sector fourth five.”
The spaceship docked, and you, Aja, and Krel rushed out of the spaceship. You were glad to finally be out of the cramped ship.
Aja gasped. “Get me out of here!”
Krel        took a deep breath. “I can't take it anymore!”
“I can breathe!” You cried.
Aja jumped to the ground, but she instead hovered in the air. “A moon with low gravity. So lively!”
Krel jumped after her. “I got you, I got you!”
Aja sighed. “Great, but who's got you?”
Stuart jumped up to get them and he sighed contentedly as they floated to the ground. “Ah! I forgot how much I love it here. You weigh less, you've got none of that unnecessary oxygen clogging up your respiratory system.”
They reached the ground, landing in front of you. “Y/n how are you breathing?” Krel asked, suddenly realizing the lack of oxygen.
“Magic,” you said vaguely. “I cast a spell when I realized we were going to the moon.”
Krel nodded as the four of you continued walking.
“Zadra's ship! Alpha must have taken it when he captured Vex!” Krel stated excitedly. You and Krel had exchanged life stories on the long ride over, so you knew what he was talking about.
“Then the intel from that hammer guy was right. They're here,” Aja said.
The siblings went to walk away, but Stuart grabbed them. “Yeah, whoa, whoa! Easy there! This is the Hunter's Guild Lunar Outpost, where the most dastardly bounty hunters in the galaxy refuel and reload. It's also got a temporary prison. Humans would call it a drunk tank.”
“Oh yuck!” You exclaimed, you did not want to deal with a bunch of intoxicated aliens.  
“I get it! It's a rough crowd,” Aja said, shrugging off Stuart's hand.
“Which is why we're going to stick to the plan, thanks to Toby and Darci,” Krel said, spinning the box and tossing it. He held his arms out for the box, but it took awhile for it to fall. He sighed. “Let's do this.”
Krel took out the mole mascot costume and he put it on while you put a large black cape around you to hide your face and body.
“Oh!” Krel cried as a cup hit him when you walked in.
“Bounty hunters are a touchy lot. You have to stay alert.” Stuart warned.
“You try staying alert without any peripheral vision,” Krel pouted.
“Psst. Zeron Brother, 12 o'clock,” Aja warned. You looked to see a weird coyote looking thing.
The Zeron guy pulled a dagger on the robot. “I didn't order this.” He cut the robots head off and you shuddered. “Heads up, comrades. I have a drink I call the energizer. Light it up, Tronos.”
Tronos laughed. “With pleasure! Bottoms up!”
“Heh, rough crowd,” Stuart chuckled.
“Psst, keep them busy,” Aja ordered as the two of you went to find Varvatos.
The two of you eventually found him after you looked for an aura similar to Aja and Krel’s.
You approached the cell and Varvatos growled. “You enter this cell, Varvatos Vex promises you will only be hastening your own dismemberment.”
“That wasn't the reaction I was looking for,” Aja said smiling.
“Aja? Queen-in-waiting!” Varvatos exclaimed.
“Shh! That guard could come back any mekron,” Aja warned.
“Varvatos thought you were-- What are you doing here?” He asked.
“Krel and I thought a little rescue mission might make for a fun summer vacation,” Aja explained.
“A suicide mission is more like it. This place is replete with bounty hunters! Varvatos did not train you to be this foolish,” Varvatos reprimanded.
Aja grinned. “I'm glad to see prison hasn't changed you, Varvatos.”
Varvatos sighed. “This prison is a fitting punishment for what Varvatos did. Now go, and leave him to rot.”
“Haha, I didn’t come to the moon just to see it. Krel told me all about the amazing Varvatos Vex, I’m here to save you too,” you explained, hoping to encourage the poor Ackaridian.
“And who are you?” Varvatos asked.
“She is Y/n. A sorceress, but you can’t tell anyone that last bit,” Aja explained, obviously losing patience.
“Don’t worry, Aja,” You soothed. “We’ve got this.”
Aja grumbled. “We don't have time for this! As queen-in-waiting, shouldn't I decide what's a fitting punishment?” She cleared her throat. “By order of the Akiridion-Five throne, I grant you a royal pardon. I overturn your banishment and sentence you to the protection of House Tarron. Come home, Varvatos. We need you.”
Aja didn't wait for Varvatos to answer, she blasted the key pad, but it didn’t open the door.
“It's no use. The diavelant laser grid can't be deactivated without the prison guard's key,” Varvatos explained.
Aja began to scream. “What are you doing? You'll alert the guard!” Varvatos warned and you realized what Aja was doing. You began to scream too.
“I'm getting the key,” Aja said.
You didn't have to wait long for the guard to come. “Hey, what's with all the noise down here?”
You and Aja hid and when he walked to Varvatos’s cell she attacked the guard.
Unfortunately the guard fought. Back and you did your best to blast them without hitting Aja. The guard growled when your magic skimmed him.
“This is some rescue, really,’ Varvatos said.
Aja huffed. “A little patience? Or did you forget that part of your warrior training?”
Soon enough the two of you were able to kick the guard towards Varvatos’s cell. “No touching!” Varvatos warned as the guard fell into the wall. He then fell to the ground unconscious. Aja got the key and freed Varvatos.
“Varvatos was wrong to doubt your tactical prowess. It is most impressive.”
Aja smiled. “You taught me well. Wait, you're missing something.”
“Varvatos' serrator?” He laughed as Aja handed him his protractor like weapon. “Oh, how he has missed you, sweet mistress of death!” He kissed his serrator.
“I can't tell if you're happier to see me or your serrator,” Aja laughed. You began to lead them out of the dungeon, but Varvatos stopped.
“Wait. Wait one delson. Where is Zadra?” He asked.
“Come on,” you interrupted. “We need to go, I can hear fighting.”
The three of you made your way to the bar. “A room of Foo-Foo fighters. A battle of the ages!” Varvatos laughed.
“There they are!” Aja said, ignoring him. You ran over to Stuart and Krel.
“Glorious!” Vex yelled, as he watched the fight between what appeared to be all the bounty hunters.
A robot that looked like a rabbit found a gun and started firing it while you hid. “Die, die, die, die, die, die!” It yelled.
“Vex, wow! Looks like someone's been getting beefy in the clink. Really digging the lats, brah. Boom-boom!” Stuart joked.
“Hello, Stuart,” Varvatos said, but he didn’t seem too excited. His eyes lit up though when he saw Krel. “Your Highness!”
Aja interrupted the reunion. “Run now, reunions later.”
“Varvatos approves of this plan.”
The rabbit robot continued yelling. “Die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die, die--“ Varvatos jumped out at him. “I'm dead.”
Varvatos grabbed the rabbit and began to spin it around. “Now come get some!” Varvatos challenged.
“Let’s go!” you called, creating a shield around your group as Varvatos took care of the bounty hunters.
“Varvatos thanks you for the light exercise,” he called as you left the bar. You burst out of the doors only to stop when the low gravity made you run slower.
“Varvatos Vex!” The coyote bounty hunter yelled. “Your death is mine!”
“Glorious!” Varvatos yelled only to be slowed as he exited the building. “The gravity here is most unhelpful.”
“Kleb!” Krel cursed.
“Yah! They're mine!” Coyote guy slammed the doors to the bar, keeping the other bounty hunters out.
“Hurry! He's right behind us!” Aja called.
“If we want a shot at outrunning these guys, we should take Zadra's Stryker,” Krel said, pointing.
“Hey, what are you trying to imply about my ship?” Stuart protested. You ran towards Zadra’s ship only to stop when it exploded.
“Ah!” Krel sighed. “Oh, but I'm sure we can make it work.”
“You three, go ahead. Varvatos Vex will hold him off.”
“We came all this way, we're not leaving without you,” Aja said.
“Alpha killed Varvatos' family. Varvatos must end this.”
“Now give Alpha a glorious death,” Aja encouraged, running off.
You made it to the ship and helped Aja up.
“Is no one gonna back up Vex?” Stuart asked.
Aja shook her head. “The Zerons killed Vex's family. This is his fight.”
You hopped into the ship to help get it ready, just in case you had to make a hasty getaway.
You heard shouting outside.
“Do you think he's winning?” Stuart asked. You heard something hit the ship. “It sounds like he's winning.”
The lights outside the ship turned off and you heard Varvatos grunt.
“Any idea what's going on out there?” Aja asked, concerned for her friend.
“Still too dark to see,” Krel said.
It got quiet. “I’m going out there,” Aja said.
“Me too,” Krel agreed.
“Here,” you cast a spell that lit up the hanger. Aja nodded to you and left.
Eventually they came back and you smiled at them. “Who’s ready for the up to thirty hour journey home?” You asked, sarcastically excited.
You watched the window as earth steadily got closer. While space was fun, you really missed earth.
“Varvatos must admit, he is looking forward to returning home. If you were to grant him that honor, despite his own failings.”
“Hey, we've all made mistakes and we've all lost people that meant the world to us,” Krel consoled.
“But the three of us are a family,” Aja said and you smiled, it was sweet seeing them happy. You were glad you could help.
Stuart cleared his throat and you all chuckled. “And Stuart,” Aja added.
“And Varvatos will not fail his family again.”
You watched as Stuart pulled you closer to Arcadia and you were excited to see your home. That excitement suddenly disappeared when someone shot at you.
“Somebody is shooting at us!” Varvatos yelled.
“But who?” Stuart asked.
“Maybe it’s the government lady,” you suggested, falling as Stuart did his best to make a crash landing.
You coughed as the door opened and Stuart fell out. “Uncle! Uncle! We come in peace. Ah! Ouch.”
“I thought you were an enemy ship! I could have killed you!” An Acaridian who you believed was Zadra said.
“Well, you... you definitely tried,” Stuart pouted.
Aja cleared her throat and Zadra came over to her.
“What? You said you were at a sleepover,” Zadra said.
Aja laughed sheepishly. “I am sorry. I feel bad about that.”
“You have no idea how much I worried! I nearly took up knitting!” Zadra said and you laughed.
“Such is the pain of raising teen-agers,” Varvatos said as he came out of the ship.
Zadra narrowed her eyes at Varvatos. “I didn't ask for your opinion, nor did I authorize the rescue of a traitor.”
“He's family. We had to rescue him,” Aja protested.
“We will discuss your actions later. For now, I fear a far greater battle lies ahead,” Zadra said ominously. You heard your phone beep from your pocket and you checked the message.
You sighed. “As much as I’d love to stay and hear about this great battle, I’ve got to get going. Thanks for bringing me along.”
“Any time Y/n,” Stuart said.
“Thank you for assisting,” Varvatos said.
You smiled and turned to Aja and Krel. “If you need anything just call me. I’m here to help, okay?”
“Thank you, Y/n,” Aja said, hugging you.
“Of course. Just send me a text if you need to. I’ll be visiting my brother Jim in New Jersey next week, but I’ll still be available to talk.”
“Bye Y/n, thank you!” Krel called as you walked away. You turned and waved at them before settling in for the long walk in the heat to the bookstore. You were glad Douxie had air conditioning.
“Where’s my darling?” You asked, walking into the book shop.
“Up here!” Douxie called and you followed his voice to his living room. Mao was curled up with Archie next to Douxie.
“Aww, see you had nothing to worry about,” you said, gesturing to the adorable kitten sleeping peacefully.
“At first she was a little hesitant, but she warmed up to him,” Archie said.
“Of course she did, I never had any doubts.” You took a seat next to Archie and leaned back into the couch. It was pretty comfy and his home was so cold.
"So, what was the errand that called you out in the middle of the night?" Douxie asked.
"I went to the moon," you said excitedly. "I made friends with these nice kids who are from a planet far from here. They needed to rescue their friend from a bounty hunter's hide out on the moon. It's a long story."
Douxie chuckled. "Huh, who knew."
"Arcadia has a lot to offer." You smiled brightly, it warmed your heart that Douxie didn't even hesitate to believe you. You had really fallen for him. He was just so great.
The two of you continued chatting for quite a while longer until you grew tired.
The past few days had been very eventful for you and it has been over a month since the eternal night so you were out of routine. Not only had that made you tired, it was the crying babies who currently at your household. You adored them, but you where definitely much more tired than normal.
Archie and Mao cuddled up close to you and Douche brought you a blanket and pillow. He understood what it was like to be exhausted and he wanted to do his best to help you feel better. Unbeknownst to you he really cared for you. He really liked you.
Thank you all for reading, I really appreciate all of you and I hope you have fantastic weekends and stay safe! Next half chapter will be you visiting Jim in New Jersey, so stay tuned for that next week!! 💕
P.S. if you want to be on the taglist feel free to ask. I hope it works and please message me if it doesn’t.
P.P.S. I'm totally open for requests on fluffy half chapters! If you have any ideas for the half chapters send them in and I'll do my best to include them.
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forever-rogue · 4 years
Step Into the Daylight - Part 6
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Summary: While fighting for your own survival, you somehow ended up in the care of one stoic Mandalorian…and his adopted child. Lately there’s just been one questions consuming your every thought. And Din was about to help you get some answered.
A/N: Thank you guys so much for the all love and support on all the parts of this series, it was seriously overwhelming and amazing, and I hope you continue to enjoy this little series. Sorry it’s been such a long wait for this chapter, but I hope you enjoy!Taglists are open, and as always feedback is welcome! xx
Pairing: The Mandalorian (Din Djarin x Reader)
Word Count: 4.9k
Warnings: none
Main Masterlist
Mandalorian Masterlist
»»————- ♡ ————-««
"Be with me," the only sounds emanating through the lush green forest were the sounds of the gently rustling wind and creatures scurrying through along the soft leave laden floor. That and your quiet words, repeated over and over, barely audible to even your own words, "be with me."
After remaining completely still for some time longer, you groaned before flopping onto your back and staring at the clouds scattered throughout afternoon sky. You'd been out here by yourself for hours, trying to meditate but finding it impossible. Much was on your mind, and no matter how much you tried to clear it, nothing seemed to work.
Only when a few set of quiet beeps met your ears did you open your eyes to find your droid friend staring at you.
"I know," you said and sat up, reaching your and giving the droid's round head an affectionate pat. He beeped a few more times and you shrugged, letting out a long sigh, "I can't seem to focus no matter what I do. Maybe I need a repair just like you did, huh?"
Jumping to your feet, you brushed off stray leaves and dirt from your pants. You decided to head back to your small little homestead and call it a day. You might as well call it a day before getting more annoyed and frustrated; at that rate you'd never meditate properly. Looking at the small droid, you gestured got him to follow. He eagerly did so with a series of excited chirps. 
You'd found him shortly after your arrival on the strange, abandoned planet, left to decay and rejoin the earth. Something about him had drawn you to the forgotten droid, a feeling in the force that you couldn't deny. So you'd spent long days, which turned into even longer weeks, preparing him, getting him back into as pristine a condition as possible with the resources you had brought and been able to procure. 
As soon as he came back to life, for the first time in several decades, he eagerly thanked you and told you his name, PC-S3, which you sweetly decided should be PC. You'd encountered droids throughout your time as a servant, but you never bonded with one like you did with PC. It was instant and strong, and despite being a droid and speaking in a series of beeps, bloops, and chirps, he always seemed oddly human. 
He'd told you all about his previous owner; he'd been a Jedi, forced to him leave him behind when the clones had turned. PC had been excited when he realized who you were, even you constantly reminded him that you were no Jedi, that there were none left, and you were merely trying to hone whatever power you possessed. He didn’t mind though, and had quickly decided that you were his new master, but you had insisted you were his friend and nothing more. PC was your constant and only companion, and you were thankful for him, or else you didn’t know if you could have handled the isolation and loneliness.
After you’d met with Jeele Tarkar, she spent grueling long grueling weeks training you in the basics of working with the force. You’d almost laughed at her when she said it would take a long time for you to grasp anything; you were a natural with most things and a quick learner, surely this type of thing wasn’t going to be that bad, right? But you had been wrong, oh so wrong. You had been pushed, both mentally and physically to your limits, spending long days with Jeele before returning to the Razor Crest, were Din was usually waiting for you, dinner ready for you and the Child, who was always eager to see you.
But you wouldn’t quit, you refused to quit, and you spent each and every day going back and trying to learn as much as possible. Jeele had so many things to each you, so many stories to tell, and despite how much it all wore you out, you experienced an odd sense of comfort. It was a feeling of belonging, a feeling of home, even though you’d never really had that. You hoped that this was how your brother felt all the time, that he got to feel all the love and warmness that you were feeling. If you were getting all of that from one person, you couldn’t even imagine how it much have felt during the golden age of the Jedi. It created a sense of yearning within you, for something you’d never had and something you never would.
Just once you felt like you were getting the hang of the things, that you were starting to feel your connection to the force, Jeele had turned your world upside. That seemed to be happening a lot lately, becoming a common theme in your life. You had your Mandalorian to thank for that. You didn’t know what you’d do without him, and despite your blossoming feelings for him, he was your friend first and foremost, and you didn’t take that for granted.
“What do you mean I need to leave?” you asked, your heart rate soaring and voice climbing an octave as you stared at your mentor, “I-I can’t just leave. Not now-”
“You must,” she insisted firmly, and you were nervous to challenge her. Although she was older, and small in size and stature, she was intimidating, and you didn’t really want to challenge her. You had no doubt that when she was a Jedi Master people revered her and bent to her will, “and you will. It is a rite of passage - every Jedi has completed this training. It is your turn now.”
“How am I to train when there are no Jedi left? What’s the point even?” you groaned slightly and rest your head in your hands. You were reluctant to leave, knowing it would eat your heart up to leave the peaceful planet behind and face whatever you needed to. You had an inking that somehow Din and the Child weren’t involved in this venture. 
“You must,” she repeated, signaling that it was not up for discussion, “you will go and you will train and walk the path of the Jedi before you. You will learn and hone your skills.”
“No,” she held up her hand and signaled the end of the conversation, “you’re going and that is final. There you will be tested, and you will learn what you need to know.”
“Yes, master,” you bowed your head, the singular question on your mind playing on your lips. You wanted to ask, you desperately did, but you didn’t know how. She started to walk away when you seemed to find your voice, “master-”
“They cannot come with you,” she answered, her voice adopting a soft tone, confirming what you already knew. You nodded and tried to hold back your tears, wishing there was something you could do, or somehow change her mind. But you understood; this was something you needed to do on your own, and on top of that you had always know that Jedi were not allowed to have romantic attachments. 
Not that you’d call what you shared with Din romantic. It was a friendship; an odd and unconventional one albeit, but just that, just friends. The Child? He’d become something of an adopted son to you and Din, but neither of you felt the need to be a label on it. It just was. 
“I will see you in the morning and we will begin our journey,” she didn’t say anything else before closing to the door to her small hut, the one who you’d spend so much time in lately. It had become a familiar place, a comfortable routine and once again it was going to be ripped away from you. But it was for a good cause, you had to remind yourself. It was for something greater than yourself. 
But when you returned to the Crest, you found Din humming under his breath as he moved about the kitchen, chopping ingredients for dinner. It was a sight you never seemed to grow used to, and it always sent a surge of warmth through your bones. That pang you experienced in your heart whenever you saw Din never ebbed, and while you had thought about sharing that with him, you never did. Something always stopped you - the time wasn’t right, not yet anyway.
“What’s wrong?” Din turned around and asked as soon as you had entered the kitchen, tossing your cloak over the back of the chair that you normally occupied. How he had immediately known that was something wrong was beyond you; but then again, his senses were so honed, trained after years to sense any kind of discrepancy and irregularity. You shook your head silently before sliding into the chair with a light thud, reaching over and petting the Child’s soft, fuzzed covered ears, “Y/N?”
“I...” your voice started cracking as soon as the single syllable left your mouth, a stinging forming at the back of your eyes. Oh boy; you had it bad for your little family. Before you’d found them, or rather Din had rescued you, you would have had no problem just leaving and never seeing them again. But now? It was all different, and you really, really, didn’t want to leave them. Not again. 
“Hey, hey, hey,” he came over and bent down so he was he met your eye level. Hesitating for just a moment, he reached over and put his hand under your chain and turned your face towards him. You stiffened for a moment at the touch, but quickly melted into it. You knew, despite the helmet, that his eyes were solely focused on you, “what happened?”
“I have to leave,” a single tear ran down your cheek and before you could even brush it away, Din gently wiped it with thumb, ever so gently. You gave him a small, strained smile as he waited for you to go on, “Jeele said I have to.”
“Then you must,” you were surprised that he didn’t follow up with a recitation of his favorite Mandalorian Creed - this is the way. You teased him endlessly over it at times, but it was always in good fun. You knew how much it meant to him; if it was important to him, it was important to you.
“What if I don’t want to?” you asked softly, wondering if you could detect why you were so hesitant to go. You’d walked away from him once before, and it taken a long time to get over it. You highly doubted it would be any easier this time around, “what if I just stay?”
“We both know that’s not an option,” there was a light breathy crackle that emanated from his modulator. He was trying to reassure you that everything would be alright, even though he was reluctant to see you go, once again, “you have to do this.”
“I’ll never even be a proper Jedi,” you pushed back meekly, “there’s no point to all of this formality.”
“Look at all of the work you’ve already put in,” he reminded you gently, trying his best to put a smile back on your face, “you’ve come this far, and you should see it through. Do this the right way.”
“Even if you’re the last one to do so,” he finished for you. Gnawing on your lower lip, you closed your eyes and nodded, trying not to lose it altogether. He wasn’t making it any easier to leave, “it’ll be okay. For however long you need to be gone, you’ll do it. You can do this -  you’ve been through so much. This? It’ll be like nothing compared to that. Did Jeele say where you’re going?”
“No,” you put your hand on his wrist, a common thing the two of you did that had turned into a small but intimate gesture, “and she didn’t say where either.”
“How very much like the Jedi,” he mused as the two of you laughed lightly.
“How very much like the Mandalorians,” you quipped as he nodded in response. His people were just as secretive and quiet as the Jedi had been. 
A few quiet moments passed, comfortable and peaceful, before he gently rested his forehead against yours, the metal of his helmet cool against your skin. You relished in the tender moment, trying to memorize and capture it forever. Who knew when the next time you would get to do this was? It was a proper Mandalorian kiss; something you’d always known about, something that was sacred to his people. Now it was sacred to you. 
Maybe you could tell him now?
But just as you opened your mouth, a scuffling reached your ears, followed by a few small coos. Startled, you pulled back from Din and found the Child sitting on the table and watching you both with wide eyes. He was such a mischievous little thing, growing more bold and daring every day, just like any child would do. You pulled back from Din, and reached to grab the small, robed bundle, clutching him tightly in your arms. He let out a tiny sound of content as he snuggled into your shoulder, almost as if he knew what was going. Kriff, he probably did. 
“I’ll miss you,” you told him, giving him a weak smile, “but I promise that I’ll be back. I’ll always come back to you.”
He seemed to nod at your words, as if he knew exactly what you were saying. His little hand moved to the inside of his robe and he slowly pulled out a black cord, on which there was a silver pendant. You’d seen it before, several times, and you instantly recognized it - it belonged to Din, the pendant of the Mythosaur. He grasped it and reached for your own hand, depositing it into your palm when you offered it to him.
“This is yours,” you looked between him and Din, who was watching everything intently, unsure of what to do. Did you give it back to Din? Make the Child keep it? The little one seemed to insist that you keep it, pushing it closer and closer to you with as much force as he could muster. Enclosing your first around it, you moved to hand it back to Din, who held up his hand and shook his head, “but-”
“It’s yours now,” he said softly, and you couldn’t help but wonder if there was a soft smile on his face, just as you liked it imagine. After all this time, you had created this mental image of him and you wondered how spot on you were. Maybe, just maybe, one day you’d find out, should you ever get that privilege. And if you never did? Well, that was fine too, because you’d still gotten the privilege of knowing him and being his friend.
“I thought...” you trailed off, studying the aged silver, fingers delicately brushing over the intricate design, “this is sacred to your people. Surely, you must want this back.”
“It is,” he agreed, “but family is also sacred. Keep it.”
He didn’t say anything else, instead he took the necklace from your hand, and gestured for you to move forward. You obliged, a small lump forming in your throat as he placed the necklace around your neck and tied the cord tightly to make sure the necklace wouldn’t fall off.  When he was done, he gave the pendant a soft touch, and you were almost in tears. You grabbed his hand and give it a firm squeeze as the Child looked happily between the two of you, “thank you.”
“There’s nothing to thank me for,” he insisted, his own voice thick with emotion, “you’re aliit.”
“Family,” his voice was so low you almost didn’t hear him, “family.”
»»————- ♡ ————-««
PC watched as you stoked the small fire you had built. It was a beautiful day, and you decided to take advantage of it. Despite being the only human inhabitant of the small forest planet, you never felt alone. It was probably due to the fact that you there were creatures all around you and that PC was almost human in his own way. If he were a person you knew you’d get along just as much as you did now. There was also the ever present humming of the force around you; it wasn’t a tangible or audible thing, but you could feel it all around, humming deep within you as well. 
Months ago, before all of this had started and you learned to tap into your abilities, you would have never felt all of this. Now, it was like a warm, welcoming embrace. You understood why the Jedi that came before you came here to train and practice. 
Despite being here, alone, for nearing six months, you still had moments when you missed your aliit. You wondered if he ever thought of you, or if the Child would remember you. Deep down you knew that they would, but it still scared you that they possibly wouldn’t. Not a day passed when you didn’t think of them. Initially, when Jeele had taken you to this lonely place, you figured she would stay with you, but to your surprise she’d left too.
“What?!” you almost shouted, your voice carrying throughout the expanse of trees and causing some of the birds to flutter away. Your chest rose and fell rapidly as you slowly realized what this meant. You’d be alone, utterly by yourself, just like you had been when you were hiding out and moving from place to place. You used to savor the freedom of being alone and getting to do whatever you wanted, but no? It seemed more like a prison sentence than anything else, “y-you can’t leave...”
“I must,” Jeele had insisted that soft, commanding tone. You shook your head at her, holding onto the vain hope that you would convince her to stay. But she’d clearly made up her mind already, “this is the way for you to learn. We all must go through this process.”
“How am I to learn if there is no one here to teach me?” you reached for her arm as the diminutive woman started heading back to the small ship she had procured to bring you here. She stopped and gave you a small, knowing smile. Just when you thought you were getting to know her, to know that what she was all about, she surprised you.
“You do not need me here,” she promised, reaching into the small satchel at her side. She dug around it and after a few tense moments, slowly pulled out a long cylindrical piece of metal. She grabbed one of your hands and placed the cool, heavy object into it, silent as she watched you examine it. It was clearly loved and had intricate details carved it into, “this belonged to me once. For now, it is yours. Until you are ready.”
“Ready?” you asked as studied the object.
“It’s a lightsaber,” she explained as your eyes light up. You’d never seen one in person before, only having heard of them, and knew that your brother had gotten to wield one at some point, “the weapon of choice of the Jedi. It is a right of passage to build your own. I built this one many years ago, when I was barely a child. It has served me well over the years. Now it will serve you. Until you’re ready.”
“Ready for what?” you asked as you firmly grasped it, giving it a few test swings. Whatever you did caused it ignite, and a long beam of pale orange light emitted from the hilt. It buzzed and hummed magnificently after all these years, and you stared at it in wonder. It was beautiful and enchanting.
“Until you’re ready,” she repeated, and you sighed lightly. Part of you was getting annoyed with all the mystery that shrouded her words, but you weren’t going to question her anymore. She wouldn’t betray you, or do anything to harm you, you knew that.
“How long will I be here?” you asked, trailing after, taking care not to hit yourself with the saber, “how will I know when I’m ready?”
“You’ll know,” she promised, giving you a sly smile which didn’t reassure you in the slightest, “our paths will cross again, young one. When the time is right and you are ready.”
You watched her go, disappearing into the ship without so much as another word or look. You disengaged the saber, and it suddenly felt like a huge weight in your hand. A few silent tears had streamed down your face as you came to the conclusion that once again, you were alone, very, very alone in the vast expanse of the galaxy.
But you’d quickly come around and decided that instead of feeling sorry for yourself, you’d try and learn as much as you could. If those that came before you could do it, so could you. You could do this, it seemed like the hum of the force on the planet was telling you the same thing. You would be okay.
It wasn’t long before you found the old ruins of the left over temple and found PC. After that things just seemed to...fall into place. It was as if everything was alive and interacting with you, and sure enough, Jeele had been right. You were learning from the planet, and the force that surrounded you. It all came naturally, and it was as if the spirits of all the other Jedi were all around you, guiding you, showing you the way. The planet quickly became home, and you enjoyed your stay, even though the yearning in your heart was ever present.
PC beeped at you before gently nudging your foot. You looked down at him and smiled; you’d been so lost in thought that you hadn’t noticed you’d just been staring into the fire, fingers wrapped tightly around the Mythosaur pendant around your neck. You’d never taken it off since Din had put it on for you. 
“I know,” you told him, stretching out your legs, followed by a long, soft sigh, “my friend gave this to me, before I came here. I think you’d like him. I think he’d like you. Maybe one day you can meet him.”
He beeped and you nodded in agreement, “I don’t know when that day will be. Maybe I’ll never be ready...maybe it’ll just be you and I here together.”
A few more high pitched and rapid chirps met your ears, causing you to laugh as you got down and hugged him, “no. I’m never leaving you, don’t worry. We’ll get out of here, together, one day. I promise.”
But just before he could make any sort of sassy remark, as he was keen to doing, a crunch of sticks and leaves met yours ears. It was quiet, almost silent even, but you didn’t miss a single thing these days. And it wasn’t an animal or creature that inhabited the forest; no, you’d grown accustomed to all of those sounds. You exchanged a nervous look with PC before automatically reaching to your side and grabbing the saber that had become yours.
Standing up to your full height, you swallowed the nervous lump in your throat as you starting walked towards the sound. PC took the liberty of attempting to defend you, rolling out in front of you and beeping loudly.
“PC!” you shouted as you tried to keep up with him, finding that he moved quite quickly, faster than your legs carried you. It was quiet for a few moments as you listened for him, but your search was interrupted when you heard a few blaster shots in the dark forest. Your heart thumped wildly as you realized you were no longer alone, “kriff!I”
You followed the sound of the blasts and quickly came into the clearing where you spotted PC tried his best to get the intruder, “leave him alone!”
Sprinting to shield the little droid from the attacker, you lit up the saber and helped it out in front of you to deflect any further shots, “if you want to mess with him, you go through me first!”
There was a momentary pause while you waited for a response, the saber still humming as you kept it at the ready. PC beeped a few times before a modulated voice quietly asked, “Y/N?”
You knew you that voice. You dreamed of that voice. There wasn’t a single that you didn’t think of its owner. You held up the saber to cast its glow as a flashlight, trying to study the intruder. Your heart nearly dropped into your stomach when you realized it was, “Din?”
You dropped the saber in excitement, letting it thud next to PC who quickly scooped it up for you. It took only a few seconds before you had crossed the clearing and nearly tackled Din, surprising him with the manifestation of excitement. He dropped this blaster as he picked you up, wrapping his arms tightly around you as you tried to remember how to breathe. Surely this had to be a dream? He couldn’t be here, he couldn’t have found you in this isolated wilderness, right?
“It’s really you,” you asked as he set you down, and put your hands on his armor, checking to make sure it was real and he was there. PC rolled against you leg as he looked at you and held up the saber. Grabbing it, you slipped it into your belt loop, thanking him, “wait - were you going to shoot my droid?”
“Since when do you have a droid?” he asked quizzically as he gave your companion a hesitant glance. It was weird - you’d never seen him act like that around anything or anyone before. 
“Since I’ve been here,” you explained, giving PC a pat, “I rebuilt him. He was left behind here, but he’s been my friend. You can’t just go around shoot at him all willy nilly!”
“No droids,” he slowly, tensing up as PC rolled closer to him, “I don’t like droids.”
“Oh?” you didn’t think anything managed to scare him...but droids apparently did, “is there a reason?”
“That’s for another time,” he promised quietly, “but he’s...does he like me?”
PC beeped a few times as he looked between the two of you. You nodded at him, “yes, PC, this is him. I know...but he’s a good friend. No, he’s family, just like you. Aliit.”
“H-he knows about me?” Din asked softly as you nodded, and as you did, his eyes fell on the pendant still around your neck. His heart, and cheeks, warmed when he realized you’d never taken if off. 
“Of course,” you answered, “he knows all about you. I promised him that he’s get to meet you one day and that he’d like you. And, no offense to you PC, there hasn’t exactly been anyone else around to talk to.”
“I’ve missed you,” he said suddenly, unable to hold the words back any longer. He had missed you, desperately. The way that your nose crinkled when you laughed, the way your hair smelled, the sound of your voice, everything. 
“I’ve missed you too,” you admitted, biting on your bottom lip, “I didn’t know when I’d see you again. But I knew I would, I knew we’d meet again.”
“We always will,” he promised. He hesitated for just a moment before pulling one of his gloves off and holding up his hand toward you, his palm facing you. You held back the tears as you held up your hand to his, palms touching softly. You marveled at how much bigger his hand was, but more so at the warmth that spread throughout you. It was a sign of intimacy, and reverence. 
“How...how did you find me?” you asked softly, brushing your fingertips along his.
“Jeele,” he said as he watched your hands in amazement, “she said you-”
“Are ready,” the sound of her voice startled you and you pulled away from Din, snapping your head in her direction. She looked the same as ever as she strode over to you. She watched you for a moment before reaching for the saber at your side and taking back into her hands, “you’ve done well, young one.”
“I’m ready?” you repeated and she nodded in response. Back to the mystery of it all, “just what exactly am I ready for? I’ve been here for months on my own, learning, and training, and trying to learn as much as I can. You just abandoned me here-”
“But you learned.”
“You’ve learned,” she reiterated, “you’ve studied the ways of the ones before. This wasn’t all for nothing.”
“I don’t...”
“It’s time for the next part of your journey,” she started heading towards the small homestead at which you had made your home, not bothering to ask or wait for you and Din to follow. Of course, she probably knew everything that had happened to you in the months since you had been alone. She probably felt it through the force. 
You followed after her, Din and PC at your heels, “wait! What’s the next part? What do I have to do now?”
“You’re going to Ilum.”
»»————- ♡ ————-««
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helenared · 4 years
My firts history
This is my first fic from this couple Goku and Chichi and I hope you like it, it was inspired by a beautiful fanart of the wonderful Gokuist or Fungushi
And that story would not be published if it weren't for a great sonchichisquad friend! Thank you beautiful❤
That’s why he didn't like saying goodbye. If there was ever a time when Son Goku didn't say goodbye to his loved ones, he had his reasons:
Firstly, he simply hated being the cause of the overflowing emotion in his family and friends’ eyes, and even in his own. That would mean admitting his weaknesses and his pride would never allow it. And secondly, If he didn't say goodbye to his family and friends, it was simply because somehow he felt he’d come back and see them again. 
There wasn’t really a particular moment of Goku saying goodbye to the people he loved -not emotionally, at least that we know of.
One example is when he left on Nimbus when he was a child -he left, just like that, to seek new adventures. A few years later, he left again -this time with Chi-Chi by his side to start their lives together. He also fled the hospital after his brutal battle against Vegeta to get to Namek and help Gohan and the rest. He didn’t say a proper goodbye to anyone, not even his own wife - it was more like a "See you soon!" Or "See you around!”, but never a final greeting. The same happened when he stayed in Yardrat, when he decided to stay in the afterlife after the battle against Cell and even when he left to train Uub.
It had always been like that. However, even if he had never been really attached to anyone, now, after having reached a certain level of maturity, Goku was trying to assimilate the fact that he had bid everyone his final farewell. 
It was harsh. He wasn’t allowed to speak to his children and friends. All he could do was watch them from above as they went on with their happy lives. But maybe it was for the best.
Gohan looked very focused as he wrote who knows what in a notebook. The last rays of sunlight were streaming through his large window as he sat peacefully inside his home office. The curtains swung as if the wind was blowing through them, but it was actually Goku. He was watching his son with a twinkle in his eye. Gohan was so smart and kind. He had always been proud of him.
Goku then saw Videl and Pan entering the room and interacting with his son. 
"Hey honey, why don't you take a break? You’ve been on that report for two hours" Videl said from behind her husband, placing her hands affectionately on his shoulders. 
"Yeah Dad, let's go have a picnic in the garden, it’s such a beautiful day outside!" Pan added excitedly, leaning over the desk, closer to her father.
Goku smiled as he watched them. The family he had built was close and loving, no matter how many obstacles they had to overcome. He took a deep breath and closed his eyes. "Goodbye son"
Gohan would always be in good hands. And then, he disappeared.
"You’re right, it's time to relax with my two favorite people in the world and-" Gohan silenced himself as the feeling of something familiar rushed through him. He couldn’t explain what it was. It was like a warm comforting breeze that he only felt when "When my father was around ..." he completed his own thought out loud. 
His wife and daughter had no idea what he was talking about. He simply shook his head and followed the two of them so that they could spend time together as a family, unaware that he would never feel his father's energy again.
Goku laughed in amusement when he saw Goten and Trunks, such two great boys, training together in the garden of Capsule Corporation. Vegeta was watching them from a distance and next to him was Bulma sitting by a table with Bra.
For some reason unbeknownst to her, Bulma was holding the dragon's radar today, thinking back to the day when she met one of her best friends. She smiled wistfully. If it weren't for Goku, she probably wouldn't be where she was today.
"What the-" Vegeta whispered, suddenly uncrossing his arms, and at that very moment Goten received a mighty punch from Trunks. Goku's youngest son froze in his tracks, sitting down on the floor as if he hadn’t felt the punch at all. 
"I’ll always be thinking of you guys, especially you... my son" Goku smiled as he looked at them. Everyone there had touched his life in a monumental way.  If it weren't for Bulma, he wouldn't even know what a girl is, and she was the one who opened the initial gate into a world of discoveries.
Goten certainly made him a happier man than he already was. Becoming a father the second time was incredible, and felt just as amazing as the first time. His youngest was the living depiction of a sun rising after a storm, and he now knew that his children represented a more perfect version of him, a human version that embraced his sayajin side with tenderness.
The only thing that Vegeta had taught him was to discover and accept who he was. An alien, or to be more specific, a saiyan. It took Goku a long time to accept his roots, but seeing how much Vegeta had changed since he arrived on Earth, he could now recall the exact moment when he accepted "Kakarotto" into his life.
And with that last thought in his mind, he disappeared. And the grass started to sway from side to side, a light breeze making it dance. The people in the garden of Capsule Corporation's were left very surprised as a warm and soft sensation swam through them. 
After he recovered, Goten got up and stood into his fighting stance with a very familiar and challenging smile. "It won't be that easy to beat me, Trunks! Now hurry up! Come at me!"
Trunks smiled at his best friend. "Oh, that's what you think!" 
And both continued with their training.
Vegeta watched the boys with an arrogant smile on his lips, folding his arms across his chest again. Bulma was stunned and looked thoughtful, and her daughter didn’t understand what was going on.
Goku watched from the glass window into Krillin’s house. The bald man was going through a photo album with his daughter. She had grown up so much.
Eighteen was drinking a cup of coffee, sitting in the armchair next to her daughter and husband, watching them lovingly. 
"Yeah, Goku was different from any other person or being that I had ever come across in the universe. If Master Roshi were alive, he’d probably agree with me. He had a way of bringing us closer together. We went from enemies to friends and we are what we are today thanks to him. Together for life"
Goku felt really touched by this, smiling at them affectionately. Krillin had always been a very important person in his life. His first and closest friend. The most faithful of all.
And then he left.
Krillin had no idea what that emotion inside him was. Happiness? Nostalgia? Maybe. All he knew was that it wasn’t something he felt all the time. It was nice and warm. "Goku, you are my best friend"
Son Goku flew across the Earth, passing through all the places that were part of his journey.
Kami-Sama Dende, sharper than ever, felt his fleeting presence like a shooting star, along with Mr Popo, who placed a hand on his shoulder. 
"Son Goku will always be remembered for his incredible life on Earth and his great deeds, isn't that right, Mr. Popo?" And his guardian and master simply nodded. When facts are spoken, there are no valid arguments.
Uub, who was meditating, felt Goku too, and he thanked his master mentally for everything he had taught him. 
Yamcha and Tenshinhan, who were on the fighters' planet, sensed Goku's presence and nodded to each other, and so did Chiaotzu and Puar.
Piccolo just looked up with his arms crossed and smiled. "Goku..."
The Sayajin warrior flew across the Earth, enjoying every field, every ocean, every light breeze caressing his face. He enjoyed this last lap to the fullest.
There was only one person missing, who was no longer on Earth… 
Yes, after all, he wasn’t able to find Chi-Chi. She was already gone. He felt terrible. His wife was part of him and he really wanted to see her just one more time. He didn’t know how to find her soul among many others in Paradise. It was just a light in its true form. It was too late. 
After reflecting on his thoughts and making one last memory on Earth, Goku felt a touch on his shoulder. He turned around. "Son Goku, are you ready?"
He sighed. He wasn't sure yet. He felt as if something was missing. He couldn’t leave permanently like any being in this universe yet. 
After completing his last training and duties in the dragon realm, which was creating the dragon balls again, he would have to leave. His time was up, it was running out and this time it was for good. Son Goku would rest in peace.
They were on Planet Kaioshin. The wind picked up and made the petals and flowers of the trees fall, as if it were autumn time.
"I don't know, Mr. Kaioshin..." Goku replied, lowering his eyes to nothing in particular on the planet's greenish floor.
"Now boy, you’ve already said goodbye to everyone before returning to the dragon kingdom that time, and this is the agreement: The dragon balls will return to Earth and you will leave. It is the law of the universe, child. You made that choice and now you will have to deal with the consequences” Old Kaioshin continued, along with Kibito and young Shin.
Goku frowned at that. Yes, he was perfectly aware of that. He felt it was time, and the Earth deserved the wonderful reign of the dragon balls again.
But he had to find her first, find some way to talk to her and say goodbye. Because this time he would leave forever. Chi-Chi deserved at least a goodbye, she really did this time, and he had something stuck in his throat, something he really needed to say to her.
Goku looked him in the eye. "But I didn't say goodbye to everyone. I missed someone, and you’ll have to help me with this" he said firmly, his hair waving in the wind caused by the beings with him.
"That someone has already died, I know. The dragon balls no longer have resuscitation powers, but there has to be another way... I can't leave without talking to her" there was despair in the saiyan’s eyes.
There was a maddening silence -as if everyone there was thinking of a solution for the warrior. After all, Goku deserved one last request, it was the least they could do after everything he’d done.
"I think I know hos..." Kaioshin replied. "Shenlong may no longer have the power to resurrect but he does have the power of time"
Shin and Kibito were confused by the old man's statement, but didn’t doubt his words. After all, he was still their most experienced and wisest deity.
"Power of time...?". Goku wondered for a few seconds.
Until realization dawned on him and his eyes widened, sparkling with joy.
"That's it! So I just need to go over there and-"
"But bear this in mind, Goku" Kaioshin interrupted him by raising a hand in front of him. "As soon as you’re done, your body will disappear and your soul will finally be at peace"
Goku nodded calmly. "Okay, well, I think it's goodbye this time, isn't it?"
The kaios in front of him bowed in gratitude, looking at him with admiration. "Goodbye Son Goku." said the youngest of them.
And then Goku teleported to Earth, after so long. At an impressive speed he brought the seven dragon balls together again. It was incredible that his life would end with them. He didn't need a radar to find them, he just knew where they were.
The dragon balls began to shine together.
"Show yourself, Shenlong, and grant my wish!"
The sky darkened, the golden light coming from of the spheres causing the Dragon to be reborn again. Goku couldn't help the nostalgic memories that were going through his mind while his eyes reflected Shenlong's light.
"State your wish and I will fulfill it according to my possibilities!"
"I wish to go back to Chi-Chi’s happiest time in her life... my wife."
The dragon stood still for a minute, making Goku tense up, his fists clenching.
"Your wish will be granted. You will have five minutes! Goodbye!" And so Shenlong's eyes shone red and a golden light surrounded Goku and took him from his current time.
After a trip through nothing but white and gold lights, he opened his eyes and sighed in surprise.
Goku was in an incredibly large garden, so beautiful that it looked like Paradise itself. He looked around and noticed several people in the place. They were laughing, talking, drinking and eating. He heard birds singing from several directions. It was a party, apparently.
Goku turned around and was faced with a lake and a nearby apple tree. He put his hand on the tree... this place looked familiar. He approached the water, which was shining like crystals, and the ground was covered by many flowers. Rose petals were falling as the breeze claimed them. Their smell was also familiar when he took one in his hand.
When he looked at his hand, he noticed that his outfit was actually different from the one he was wearing before. He kept looking at himself until an epiphany hit him: he was wearing a white tuxedo, with that itchy bow tie.
"So the happiest time in her life is-"
Goku heard that young and smooth voice calling out to him, his eyes instantly looking in her direction. It was Chi-Chi, his wife. Of course, the happiest time in her life was their wedding. He smiled at that. He would’ve sworen it was when Gohan had graduated from college or anything related to his children.
How wrong he had been.
She was beautiful. Today, he had a better grasp at these things of course, but back then… ah, if only he had known. He would’ve been able to appreciate her beauty for much longer.
Her face, her flushed cheeks, her long lashes, her black and shiny eyes, her delicate pink lips and her ivory-white skin. Her strands of hair swayed gently in the wind.
"Goku?...". She softly called him again as she approached him. "What are you doing out here alone? I’ve been looking for you."
Goku blinked a few times, coming out of his daze. "Chi-Chi… H-hi.". The moment he saw her in front of him, he felt nervous, like a hesitant teenager.
Chi-Chi smiled at him humorously and gave a light laugh. It was one of the most beautiful sounds he’d ever heard.
"Okay, come with me, there’s a table full of sweets especially set up for my husband. I’m sure you don’t wanna miss it" Chi-Chi wrapped her arms around him, starting to lead him, but Goku stopped.
"No, wait a minute" he stopped her, taking her hand and coming closer to her. "I need to tell you something. It 's important."
Goku stared at her with such depth in his eyes, she couldn’t decipher it. "Goku ... are you okay?". She asked worriedly when she noticed that he looked a little serious and tense, placing a hand on his cheek lovingly.
He stood still, enjoying the warm touch of her hand under the glove of her wedding dress. He closed his eyes and smiled softly, caressing her hand on his face. Oh, how he’d missed this -he hadn’t known just how much until now. It’d been so long for him.
Surrounding her with his arms, Goku took a deep breath and swept away any hesitation, bringing back his confidence when he smiled at her and looked into her eyes lovingly, "Come here". And he brought her close to him. Of course that would startle her a little. After all, at the time a simple touch was enough to make him panic, but he was running out of time. "Chi-Chi, I just wanted to let you know that today was... I mean-". He corrected himself. "It is a very important day for me... and no matter what happens from now on, I’ll always be thinking about you"
He felt her still in his arms. That was not the reaction he was aiming for, but he hated this kind of goodbyes the most in the entire universe. However, it was too late and he had to continue.
The orange flower petals from Chi-Chi's bouquet whirled in the breeze behind Goku's neck, enveloping them both, as if nature wanted to keep that moment only for them. 
Chi-Chi wasn’t following Goku at all.Of course they’d been harboring a very strong admiration for each other during the months before the wedding, and she hoped that could develop into something stronger after the wedding when they’d have to live together.
But this… it was beyond her wildest dreams, it felt like an illusion. He was looking at her and talking to her as if he’d known her for an entire lifetime. 
There had to be something wrong with him, it could only be that. There was no other explanation. 
What did that mean? Is he leaving? Is he going to die? Is he going to give up on her?
Those thoughts were running through her mind now, haunting her.
"Goku... I don't understand. Why are you talking like that? You're scaring me..."
Her eyes began to waver as she looked into his, her voice was low and soft, as if she were about to cry. She was afraid, not of him, but of what his actions and words could mean.
It was a mystery how she would manage to read him so well since that day, since the beginning of their lives together.
Goku rested his forehead on hers with his eyes closed, and brushed his nose against hers, as if wanting to capture the aroma of flowers flowing from his wife.
"Don’t worry” he whispered when he opened his eyes to look at her. "It's okay, trust me."
Chi-Chi looked stunned and frightened at the same time, if that was even possible, and started to doubt him again. "No, it's not okay and if there's something wrong I can-"
The touch of his lips on hers silenced her instantly. She relaxed, closed her eyes and enjoyed that moment. Her body went limp against him completely. Even if he’d been desperate to do that, it was also the only way he could think of to show her that everything was fine.
The kiss was delicate, soft and warm. No lust or despair there, just the purest possible and most loving of feelings.
When Goku leaned back a little, he gave his wife in his arms a small smile. They could feel each other's warm breaths fanning their faces.
"I just wanted to say... that I love you. I will always love you, forever, no matter what. You have changed my life in a way that I can’t even fathom right now. Just believe me" He whispered.
Chi-Chi was red-faced, surprised, stunned, scared, in love ...
All at once, and she couldn’t take it.
Soon, tears were streaming from her eyes, but she smiled at him when she felt her feet back on the floor as he released her, his arms still around her and hers still around his neck.
She really loved those words, so sweet and unusual, certainly unusual, but they flew out of Goku’s mouth so abruptly that it was astonishing to her. He seemed different from her usual Goku, and that worried her. 
But why destroy this exciting mood with questions? That statement could be a good thing, so why doubt your husband? She will never doubt the words coming from someone she loves so much, and even more now.
She laughed weakly at her husband, "Son Goku, what happened to you...", she swallowed, teary eyes looking at him when he gave a weak laugh. "I love you too, silly, and I will never give up on how I feel about you."
Goku knew this very well, and she never gave up on their relationship, no matter the flaws they had and the obstacles they had to endure. Somehow, their love for each other was always stronger than anything that could arise.
And he wanted her to know that he loved her and still loves her in a way that he could’ve never imagined and that... man, and what a spectacular life they built together. Their children, their granddaughter and their friends. All of it, he wanted her to know all of it, he wanted her to know how grateful he is grateful for all that love.
And that he will love her for eternity.
Now Son Goku can rest in peace.
Chi-Chi hugged him tightly with her arms around his neck. She understood. She simply did.
He buried his head in the back of her neck and hugged her tightly too, absorbing every bit of he could from her essence.
Chi-Chi moved back and they stared into each other’s eyes. 
"Hey Chi-Chi! Look at the amazing shoes I got you as your wedding gift!" a family friend called out, interrupting the connection the couple had established with their eyes. 
“Are you coming?” Chi-Chi asked, looking at him while wiping her tears. 
Goku smiled and nodded. "Go ahead, I'll be right there."
And so his wife shook her head and slowly moved away from him. When there was enough distance, he felt his body crumble, becoming transparent until nothing was left.
He noticed that a little over five minutes had passed... 
"Thank you dragon balls". And those were the last words of one of the greatest warriors the world has ever known. Turning into nothing more and nothing less than bright points of light spreading like fireflies between the petals of flowers in the air, dancing in the autumn breeze.
Rest in peace, Son Goku!
The bravest and kindest fighter who ever lived. 
The End
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spires-to-heaven · 3 years
Happy New Year 💕
And I mean, yes, a LOT of 2020 sucked, BUT! There were many good things too and I think we could all take a moment to remember that!
So. Thank you to my friends and roomates for making lockdown a genuinely great time. Thank you to my sister for (finally) getting me motivated enough to learn Russian. Thank you to my tumblr mutuals for getting me into CQL and the subsequent Cdrama rabbit hole I fell into, and from there indirectly getting me to learn a LOT about Chinese culture and oh, look, a new language craving I will hopefully get to sate in 2021! Thank you to my shrink for helping me feel At Peace™ (I know) for the first time in... forever? Thank you to estranged friends for using the Quarantine Boredom to reach out again. Thank you to my thesis director for her patience, her kindness, and for letting me graduate! Thank you to @cortue for hours of meta rambling and great fics. Thank you to @thereismusicinmysoul for yet more meta rambling, a shitton of amazing fic and drama recs, and generally being a lovely friend! Thank you to everyone who helped vote Tr*mp out. Thank you to my godmother for being the best human being on the planet. Thank you to the people keeping me updated on whatever the fuck is going on with Spn. Thank you to my cat for being, objectively, the cutest and most adorable fluffball to ever grace this Earth. Thank you to my new collegues for becoming new friends. Thank you to all the wonderful and talented fic writers I discovered this year (namely @guqin-and-flute, @sarah-yyy, @ariaste, @jar-of-vicissitudes, @bloody-bee-tea, @robininthelabyrinth, @artsy-alice, and sadly probably many others whose @ has escaped my terrible terrible memory) for many, many, many hours of Emotions™ that bordered on hysteria more often than I care to admit.
You all managed to make lot of 2020 really not so bad, and that is quite an Achievement.
So, congratulations everyone for making it through That Mess and thank you for helping others make it through!! I hope all you lovely people have a as-wonderful-as-possible new Year and wish you all the best 💕💕💕
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TJ Doyle “Shine”
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TJ Doyle Singer. Musician. Songwriter. Producer. Humanist TJ Doyle, is an American artist with a world view, a love of Earth and a feel for what it takes to care for the planet we are on. He also takes a song, wraps it in melodic yet compelling music and delivers it with a sense of fun, responsibility and subtle but strong Americana sensibilities. The result is amazing success on the world’s stage including entering 2018 in the #1 position on the Radio Indie Top 40 Charts with 2 new releases from his 2nd album “Everything” and “Living In Our Dream”. Sitting at or near the top of the charts is not new for TJ Doyle. During the year 2017 he was in the Top 5 of the Indie Top 40 from late summer with his song “Anonymous” followed by “Unconditional”, and now “Living In Our Dream”. TJ was nominated for the prestigious Round Glass Award in the Rock Song category with “Anonymous”. The Award is designed to reward musicians who create socially responsible music for Wellness, Environmental Consciousness and Peace. TJ says, “Even to be nominated makes me feel honored, humbled and “Anonymous” is a tribute to anyone who has felt marginalized”, says Doyle. As TJ’s lyrics say, “Don’t you know that you are golden, Don’t believe you’re anonymous”. In addition, various songs by TJ have been played on well over 600 radio stations over the past year and continue to be heard in regular rotation. TJ has been lauded by critics for having his own musical and vocal styles, although he admits to his strong vocals being reminiscent of Neil Young . “That’s the way I sing. Can’t help it”. Raised in 5 Eastern cities by the age of 10, TJ now lives in a community on the edge of the Angeles National Forest above LA where he writes songs that transmit an authenticity harking back to the 60s. Does “harking back” mean he lives in the past? Not at all. “That era of music was when artists were writing about the challenges of a generation instead of the more personal and relationship-oriented pop and rock that currently dominates the airwaves.” He goes after that vision delivering his passion for the environment. “Nature is free from the human condition that afflicts humanity, and is an inspiration that can help us all. By observing nature we can learn more about our own true natures.” Musically TJ, who has a touring history covering the northern American Midwest and Southern California, surrounds himself with some of the top musician’s musicians to be found today on his recordings like Rock Deadrick, Drums & Percussion (Tracy Chapman) David Sutton, Bass (Tracy Chapman) Matt Laug, Drums (Slash’s Snakepit), Lance Morrison, Bass, (Don Henley) Tim Pierce, Guitar (Crowded House, Dave Matthews) or in his live performances like Phil Parlapiano, Keyboards, (Lowen & Navarro), and Hank Van Sickle, Bass, (John Mayall). Legendary venues such as The Whiskey and The Roxy have hosted his band, “but it’s time to expand on that. The plan is to get out into the rest of the world,” fostered recently by extensive airplay in Europe, from his most recent album “On The Horizon”. The TJ brand of music is also picking up steam in Australia, New Zealand and, of course, across North America. At a time when divisions seem to be so loud in people’s minds, TJ Doyle feels music can bring calm, so he presents ideas that help dissuade the internal discourse that is prevalent in our society today. In “Anonymous” particularly, the singer/songwriter says, ” It is my hope the listener can take away the thought they have something very special in them, and start to fan the flames of this ‘self’, so they can ‘spread their wings and FLY’!” Doyle, describes his music in general as a vehicle to “help people make sense of themselves and the world. That is my prime directive with my music and lyrics.” “Anonymous”, produced by David Z Rivkin (Prince, Fine Young Cannibals) is part of a planned EP, “or maybe an album. “It doesn’t matter anymore. People can now enjoy music from an artist one song at a time. The album will arrive when it’s the ‘right time Incendiary American: “As TJ Doyle Music releases albums and singles, you can hear that he’s more than just a songwriter. He’s a visionary whose work calls for the collaborative effort of musicians who are determined to see it through. Once the textures and dynamics in the music are appropriately executed, Doyle’s unique voice makes that vision complete.” Additional Artist/Song Information: Artist Name: TJ Doyle Song Title: Shine Publishing: tjdoylemusic Publishing Affiliation: BMI Album Title: Shine Record Label: Totem Artists Radio Promotion: Loggins Promotion Paul Loggins 310-325-2800 Contact Loggins Promotion Publicity/PR: Loggins Promotion Paul Loggins 310-325-2800 Contact Loggins Promotion Read the full article
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sometimesrosy · 4 years
I think madi will survive purely because I don’t think Clarke would ever be okay if she didn’t. She wouldn’t be the same after losing her kid
Well I mean every death has altered her. She hasn’t been the same after each one. Even with Bellamy. You saw who she became when she thought he had died. Was she okay? No. It doesn’t matter. She still continues on.
It’s not about having death and trauma not change her, the entire show is more about coming THROUGH the changes that death wreaks on her character. So I’m not sure that’s enough of a rationalization to put Madi on the safe list. 
That said, Madi’s still one of the safer ones on my deathwatch list. 
A thought has just occurred to me. It happened like this: I was thinking about who was safer, and I’ve got Raven and Murphy on my deathwatch list pretty high, but then I thought, oh hey wouldn’t it be a kicker if Miller (and Jackson) survived everything against all odds to be the last delinquent?
And I was like well that could happen. 
And then I was like, well wait a minute. In my first serious Bellarke meta after Hakeldama, I made the prediction that endgame would have Bellarke together. Because this was the main symbolism and represented unity in this universe, which is how they survive. Right? So then I thought:
Well what if the entire series is really about bringing Clarke and Bellamy (symbolically the light and dark of humanity, self and other, head and heart,) together in order to create a new world where all can live in peace and productivity.  And I thought, well yes. That fits. But what if that means to END The 100, we END the story of Clarke and Bellamy. 
What if everyone lives but Clarke and Bellamy? But they die, TOGETHER (they would already be romantically together, so the canon that everyone is searching for.) And I thought, Yes that could happen. 
Did JR not once say how he loved the tragedy of Romeo and Juliet? I believe he did but someone’s going to have to fact check me on that one. Anyone remember?
BUT. And please, this is the part that is freaking amazing, if it happens and there are some hints that it might, both in canon and from JR’s commentary over the years. BUT I am saying that if this is the case and Bellarke die in season 7, they won’t actually be dead.
No. I’ve been saying this for a while, at least all hiatus. Maybe longer. Because I think I first imagined an ending something like this back in the middle of s5. 
I think they’ll be lost in the anomaly saving humanity. I don’t know how or why or in what capacity, but, I’m saying that our heroes, the delinquents, will believe that Clarke and Bellamy are dead, in their final sacrifice for their people. They have NEVER stopped doing that. 
Then, as the delinquents pick up the pieces, sooner or later, they decide to head back to earth to fix the planet or because Sanctum isn’t working for them or whatever Idk. I believe that if the Earth is ignored and discarded in the end of this show, that that will be the biggest hanging narrative thread, because it’s ALWAYS been about getting back to earth and the rebirth of the planet and being responsible for what you’ve done. SO I think we’ll end back on earth.
So Raven packs up all of Earthkru and whoever comes with, and Diyoza leads the prisoners and Gabriel leads the Sanctumites and Octavia leads wonkru, and maybe if Madi is old enough she is the chancellor IDK. MAYBE only 100 people will come with them. That’s a nice round number and in circular storytellling would have us ending The 100, on episode 100 with a new 100 group stepping foot on Earth for the first time. We’re back bitches.
And then. 
They land on the planet, and find... they are not the last people on earth.
NO! There’s a beautiful society there, just like Kane imagine, and when they meet the people they find out that Bellarke did NOT die in the Anomaly, but were instead portaled back to Earth, where they began a new life, together, taking care of The Earth and tending her recovery. And they either had their own children, or the other survivors on the desert planet collected around them.
Now this would be a hundred or so years in the future about 200 years after the left. Which was the original Pilot stated length of time before the Earth was supposed to be habitable again. So Bellarke would no longer be alive. They would still be dead to earthkru BUT they would have lived a happy peaceful life, just like Monty asked them to do, just like Marper. Perhaps become heroes and famous and even worshipped in their new society (another easter egg, my friends, when they first find Sanctum and saw Becca’s infinity symbol being worshipped, Bellamy said, “well, you can destroy the planet and still be worshipped after you’re gone.” he elbowed Clarke and said, “There’s still hope for us yet.” BITCH THAT IS FORESHADOWING omg. ok breathe.)
You see, JR deliberately told us there would be a happy ever after, the 100 style, for one couple in season 5, and that was Marper. DEATH, but after a full life lived on their terms. JR ALSO told us that the ending of the series would be a happy ending, the 100 style. Which means, we can expect something parallel to what we already got. AND with the blatant mirroring of Bellarke and Marper in the last episode of season 5, to me, that’s clear foreshadowing that the happy ever after ending, The 100 style, will be for Bellarke.
I think that after we lose Bellarke in, maybe the episode before the last, maybe the first half of the last episode, and spend the rest of the first half with Raven getting the new 100 to safety on earth (maybe the revolution on sanctum meant they turn on the freedom bringers, and they can’t stay there, they are back to wandering, a new exodus.) BUT MAYBE the last half of the finale, after the revelation of Bellarke’s Eden village, then flips to Bellarke who has been lost in the Anomaly and ends up on earth.
See from THEIR perspective, while they sacrificed their lives to keep their people alive, they’re the ones how survived, and they’ve lost their family, INCLUDING Madi. To them, it’s their people who died. And we have only BELLLARKE surviving the end of the series. So they create their new society, happy ever after, as a memorial to The 100 and all the people they lost. Never expecting them to even find out that they survived. 
So, like Marper, maybe we get a montage idk, maybe we just end with them starting on their society, having a baby, maybe the first earth survivors stumbling into their haven, or maybe just ending with the two of them, together, standing on the ridge, looking over the valley as the sunflare of a rising dawn flashes around them.
LISTEN. I know no one is going to buy my theory. No one thinks that JR will write a good ending because they’re bitter and disillusioned and listen to people who misinterpreted the show all the way along and don’t like to be proven wrong. 
But I got a hint of an ending like this a long time ago. He SAID he likes bittersweet. He SAID he didn’t know if he was going to give our heroes hope for a better future, or if everyone else was going to get hope but not them. I think he meant Bellarke as his dual protagonists. THIS ending that I laid out first gives us the first one. No hope for Bellarke but salvation for their people. BUT THEN in a twist worthy of Clarke showing up 6 years later happy and healthy after watching her die, we find out Bellarke did survive and got their happy ending, but lost their family (like Marper.) 
There are SO MANY narrative threads that this ending would tie together. Lincoln’s “you’re responsible for your monster when you let it out.” Kane’s dream of a peaceful society. Marper’s instructions for them to do better and live a happy life. The head and the heart. The circular nature of the storytelling. And then there are easter eggs and foreshadowing, like with Raven saying she wanted to take off of a planet just once without it being on fire. Or the Marper/Bellarke parallels. Or that comment of “there’s still hope for us.” Even JR saying it’s not time travel, but saying that it is a portal. And there’s something about Interstellar’s (one of the movies on his viewing/reading list he gave us before s6) weird time/space shenanigans. 
I just. I’ve been thinking about an ending like this for a long time, and while my theories have CHANGED in the details, as they should while the narrative is ongoing, in essence the themes and symbolism and structure has remained the same. I actually thought we’d see something like this at the end of last season, but it’s clear now that 6 and 7 are one story, not two. And there is still movement towards my original theory, although not in the way I thought. I am instead getting new details (like the earth lodges in the background of that shot, and eligius posts about how time is a circle) that help me refine the speculation, but don’t actually make me think I’m wrong.  
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fabuloustrash05 · 4 years
Courting a Salamandrian
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6
Words: 2531
Warnings: None.
Author’s Notes: All I got to say is that I’ve been looking forward to writing this chapter since I first started this fanfic and now it’s finally out and done! I hope you like it as much as I do! Also, similarly to Chapter 2 with Raph’s POV, this chapter will be through the POV of Mona, just to avoid confusion.
Chapter 6: An Unwanted Guest
Night begins to fall. Perfect time for me to be out on the streets again. I leave April’s apartment through the window, taking the fire escape - the same way I came in. Before I descend, I look out onto the city. The tall buildings begin to glow and the streets start to light up. New York is beautiful in the evening. The stars compete with the buildings’ luminescence. The city is also lovely during the day, too. But sadly, daylight hours are not for my kind. Nightfall is the only time when mutants, and myself, find it safe to venture outside of our lair. It is only then that we have a lower chance of being spotted by humans. Yet sometimes that chance is worth the risk. The taste of the short lived freedom is worth it. 
It's a shame we are not allowed to be out during the day. Maybe it's for the best. Bishop created these rules saying it's for our own good. Gosh, the city is more alive during the day! People are everywhere living their lives, crowded streets awake with chatter and activity. Humans of all kinds. I remember Donatello has explained to me that some humans can’t accept things that are different. But luckily there are some who do, like April, Casey, and Karai. Perhaps one day, mutants will be accepted by society - and my friends and I can be free from Bishop’s laws.
By the time I made it back to the Mutanimals lair, a large abandoned warehouse on the lower east side of Manhattan, it was fully dark outside. Carefully glancing at my surroundings one final time to ensure no humans saw me, I ducked inside. 
Dr. Rockwell was checking up on Mondo Gecko, who was lying on an old rundown couch. Mondo was now wearing a cast on his right leg, after his quick loss to Slash in their one on one fight early this morning. Leatherhead was peering over the couch talking with Mondo.
Without looking up, Rockwell says to me, “Welcome back, Y’gythgba.” 
I walk up to Rockwell and the others. “Hello, Rockwell. How’s Mondo Gecko?”
“He’s fine.” Rockwell answered, “He just needs to rest. He’ll feel better in-”
“Nooooo!” Mondo whines, interrupting Rockwell as he grabs his arm. “I-I don’t think... I’m gonna…” He coughs, “make it…”
Rockwell rolls his eyes as Mondo continues his over exaggerated performance.
“Mona Lisa,” he coughs again, “these may be my last moments here… but maybe a kiss from a lovely lady like yourself will-”
“NO!” I said, giving him a serious glare.
Mondo jerks up from the couch, completely healthy, and shrugs, “Eh, worth a shot.”
Leatherhead chuckles at Mondo as he pats him gently on the head.
“I can’t believe you're still on this team after all this time,” Rockwell mumbles to himself, loud enough for Mondo to hear him, as he packs up the medical supplies. Mondo turns to Rockwell with a shocked yet offended look. Rockwell then gets up and returns to his cluttered desk. It’s amazing he gets anything done with so many computer screens and monitors crowding the desktop. Yet, he needs them to patrol the outside of the warehouse. A better security system I have yet to see.
“Oh good, you’re back,” a gravelly voice interrupts my thoughts. I turn to see my friend and leader, Slash. “How was your time with April?”
“Oh, it was very nice. I always enjoy her company.”
“And no one saw you?”
“No, Slash. I was safe.”
“Well, you did take a big risk going out,” Slash reminded me. “You know we're not supposed to go out during the day.”
“Like you’re any better,” Mondo said, still lying on the couch. “He left a little while after you did, Mona.”
“I agree with Jason,” Rockwell said. “Slash, I saw you sneak out.” He sighs, “I don’t understand why you all insist on going out during the day when you know there’s rules.”
Slash’s eyes widened, knowing he had been caught.
“Well, why did you leave, Slash?” I asked, raising an eyebrow. “It's not like you to disobey Bishop’s rules.”
Slash was silent, a look of embarrassed shock frozen on his face.
“He probably left to go woo that foxy fox again.” Mondo Gecko laughs.
“Alopex and I are just friends!” Slash said annoyed, “And beside I wanted to discuss with her the topic of joining the Mighty Mutanimals.”
“I thought Alopex already told you she’s not interested in joining the team?” I asked, placing my hands on my hips as I smirked at Slash.
“You like her!” Mondo exclaims like a small child. “When will you just admit it?!”
Slash ignores Mondo’s teasing and leaves the room, without adding another comment.
Leatherhead giggles at Mondo’s over exaggeration, then looks at me. “Since training ended early today, Slash and I decided to have another session later tonight. Will you be joining us?”
I smile. “You know I always enjoy a good sparring session, Leatherhead, but I will have to decline for today.”
Leatherhead continues, “Very well. We will be starting later, so if you change your mind and wish to join us, you can.”
I nod and head off to my bedroom. Closing the door behind me, I survey my quarters. It is quite a small space, but it suits me. Slash has told me it used to belong to a former member of their team, but they don’t ever talk about him. Raphael did tell me once that he knew him as “the world's most useless mutant”. 
Everyone was so welcoming and helpful, putting together my room when the Mutanimals offered for me to stay with them. April gave me some bedsheets and blankets for my bed that used to belong to her, lovely fabrics of a dark ruby color with a detailed pattern of pretty pink flowers. Although the pattern isn’t my style and I often wear blue, pink has always been my favorite color. Leo gave me some Spaceheroes posters to decorate the walls. There are also photographs of my friends, my Commander, and of course of my beloved Raphael and I. 
Shinigami helped with my closet, giving me many new options for Earth clothing. Like my favorite blue sweater I’m currently wearing. It’s been so long since I’ve worn my original armor, but I still keep it in a second closet in my room -  an arsenal of my armor and my weapons. Then finally there is my sword, mounted on the wall over my bed like a trophy. I haven't needed it in some time. No reason to carry a big plasma sword around when there are no criminals to fight. I still wear my wrist blasters from my old armor, just in case. Even when I’m not fighting, they do make a lovely accessory.
I lay down on my bed, looking up at the ceiling. My mind cluttered with thoughts of the Earth tradition, marriage. An entire ceremony is put together for a couple who wish to join lives, just because they love one another. It sounds so wonderful. Being married and sharing a life together as a husband and a wife.
Then I remember what Raphael and I talked about last night. We're already in each other’s lives so maybe there's no point in getting married. Maybe it's best we stay the way we are...
Suddenly there was a knock on my door, “Mona?” Slash said from behind the door. I sat up from my bed, got up and walked to the door, opening it.
“Yes, Slash?”
“Hey, Mona,” Slash said looking rather confused. “Um, I hate to bother you, but Bishop is here. He said he wants to talk to you.”
Bishop? Why is he here? What could he want with me? Even Slash seems unsure of why the Utrom is here.
I leave my room, following Slash to where I see Bishop with the rest of the team. He stood there in his black suit, all seriousness and control. He was looking at my friends like how he always looks at mutants -- disgusted, like they are nothing more than low class citizens.
Slash and I join the Mutanimals. Bishop glares at me with that stern look always on his face. Never able to tell what he is thinking.
“Lieutenant Y’gythgba,” his greeting cold, emotionless.
I hold my head up high, “Bishop. What brings you to Earth? Your update inspection for us isn't for another few weeks.”
“I’ve actually come to talk to you,” he said, “I was going over my files this afternoon and I found this. “ He pulls out a hologram touch screen showing some written files. “This is the  contract the Utrom council created for you as part of your stay on Earth. According to these terms, you’ve been given permission to stay on planet Earth,” he continues, quoting from the contract, “as long as you are of use to this planet and its beings, such as assisting Earth in any cosmic threats, attacks, plagues, etc.”
“Yes, I am aware,” I said.
“Good, Lieutenant. Then, why are you still here?” Bishop asked.
My eyes widen. “W-what?”
“You and your Commander have agreed with the council and myself that you would remain on Earth to assist the planet if there were any future Insectoid, Triceraton, Kraang, or any intergalactic threat.” His tone is sharp, curt.
“Bishop, there hasn’t been any cosmic threats in a few years. This planet has been perfectly safe thanks to the Turtles.”
“Exactly. As long as your presence had utility to be on this planet, then you were permitted to stay. However, as you agree, Lieutenant, this planet has been at peace for years now. I think it’s safe to say that our agreement is no longer necessary, and neither is your presence.”
I stayed silent. In a way, he’s right. I mean, there hasn’t been any serious problems on this planet in a while. Only a few crimes here and there, but nothing major. Is my presence even worth being here? As a warrior, I am no longer fulfilling my purpose on this planet. Do I even have a purpose? 
Bishop continued, “According to the rules created by the EPF and I, only Earthlings are allowed on Earth, unless the non-earthling has an objective to stay. Since you have no importance here anymore, you will be escorted back to Salamandria by-”
“She’s not going anywhere,” Slash says, interrupting Bishop as he places his hand on my shoulder.
“Yeah!” Mondo Gecko proclaimed, stepping in front of me, puffing his chest out acting like a guard dog. “You may not think that she’s important, but she is to us!”
“She’s very useful, even if it is not for battle,” Leatherhead added. “She’s our friend. We’d hate to see her go.”
Rockwell agreed. “And not just to us, but to Karai, Ms. O’Neil, and the Turtles.”
“Especially Raphael,” Slash added with a smile as he looked at me.
I shyly smiled at my friends. Their comments were so kind, it warmed my heart. They care about me and they want me to stay.
Bishop was having none of this sentimentality. He was obviously annoyed, glaring at me.
“I’m sorry, Bishop, but I am not leaving.” 
My body began to slightly shake. Just saying “no” to him is a death sentence.
Bishop stepped forward, pushing Mondo Gecko, who still stood in front of me, out of his way. He leaned close to the side of my face. I could feel his breath on my cheek.
“Isn’t it a Salamandrian’s sworn duty to fight for honor and glory?” he softly growled. “A life dedicated to battle. You’re just wasting your life away with these mutants. You have no worth being here with them and being on this planet.”
“I-I may not be needed for battle,” I said strongly, trying to hide my worries, “but I’m needed by my friends on Earth, and that is what's important. I’m sure the rest of the council will understand...”
Bishop scoffs, stepping away from me. “Earth has made you weak.”
“T-that’s not true!” I said shaking, “Earth is my home-”
“You’re not of Earth!” Bishop says angrily as he raises his voice to me. “You’re just a guest who has ... overstayed their welcome.”
I say nothing. I don’t know if he’s right or wrong. Should I be letting him say these things to me? Why am I not fighting back? Is he right? 
Leatherhead places his hand on my shoulder to comfort me as he looks at Bishop and snarls. Mondo Gecko holds my arm and looks at me worriedly, as Rockwell looks at the Utrom with an angry glare.
Slash gazes directly at Bishop, “I think it’s time you leave, Bishop.”
Bishop stayed silent as he glared at us. He sighs with annoyance, fixing his tie. Finally, in a proper tone of voice, “Very well then, I’ll go.” He turns away from us and begins to walk to the exit. 
Just before walking through the door, he stops dead in his tracks, and turns and looks over his shoulder. His cold eyes peered through his dark sunglasses and met mine from across the room, sending a chill up my spine. 
“You can either leave this planet peacefully, or I’ll remove you from this planet by force. Either way, I will get you off this planet.” And with this vow still echoing in the room, he leaves, slamming the door behind him.
“That… was weird,” Mondo Gecko commented once Bishop was gone.
“Hmm, I wonder what that was all really about…” Slash thought out loud to us.
“Don’t look at me,” Rockwell said. “I can never read his thoughts. His mind is like a steel trap.”
“But whatever it was for,” Leatherhead added, “It seemed as if he was trying to warn you, Mona Lisa.”
“Or threaten me…” I added. “Why is he so desperate to get me to leave…?”
“Don’t let him get to you, Mona,” said Slash, trying to cheer me up. “He’s always tried to scare us mutants. He pulls every insult at us just to bring us down like he did with you.”
“Well, now you’re really one of us freaks!” Mondo joked before Rockwell smacked his arm, silencing him. “OW!” he cried.
Slash was right. I shouldn’t let this bother me, however I don’t understand Bishop’s sudden crude attitude. I knew from the beginning he was unhappy with my decision of staying on Earth, but he never took action. He told me that he’ll get me off this planet, but why? Is there something planned or something soon to come? Did I do something wrong? Or is he right, I have no purpose anymore to be on Earth. Maybe I’m not needed anymore, but my friends say I am.
 A Salamandrian’s purpose is to fight.
I’ve haven’t done that in so long. Am I even worth being called a Salamandrian warrior? What’s my purpose?
I know Bishop. He’s not going to let this slide. He’ll do anything to get his way, he could hurt me, or worse, my friends. Maybe Bishop is right. Perhaps it's best I… 
Must ignore these thoughts running through my head. I can’t let this bother me right now. I need to clear my mind and do something to help me relax.
“Hey, Leatherhead!” I said, “On second thought, I would love to join you and Slash for a sparring session!”
@waferreyes for making the cover
@monarel @starfiretheninja @ryebread-02 @terra-mations @nerdgirllife @cesarin @kiaratheleo @petrichormeraki @watermelon-beauty-queen
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