#husk enjoys Angel enjoying his personal space
*camera filming like a documentary. Vaggie is narrating. The camera focuses on Husk reading on the couch*
Vaggie: This is Husk. He enjoys his personal space-
*camera pans out to reveal Angel laying across Husk’s lap*
Vaggie: This is Angel. He also enjoys Husk’s personal space.
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velvetydream · 8 months
꒰ :🥀 [ Deer in headlight ] ”♡ᵎ꒱ˀˀ ↷ ⋯
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Summary : You've been in the hotel for a while now yet one mistery you never uncovered, where that ears atop his head or hair? So you made it your mission to touch them and figure out if they are indeed ears.. and maybe a discover a matching tail to the ears?
Pairing : Alastor x Reader
Word count : 3025 Words
Genre : Fluff, Slightly suggestive near the end
Warnings ➵ Possessive and out of character Alastor
Part 2 -> < Like a deer in headlight >
a/n : I wanna pat his head and ears so badly, they look so fluffy and when they move around and are pressed to his head? I'm crying-
Also I wasn't able to find that scene as a gif so I made it myself `^` Why that scene? Bcs his ears layed back on his head look absolutely adorable!
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It's bugging you. Keeping a watching gaze on those fluffs atop a certain red-haired head, while you sat at the bar beside Angel who was in a conversation with Huskers, which you don't pay any more attention to. You were drawn in by the man sitting on the couch so carelessly while reading a newspaper.
They had to be ears right? They did move depending on his mood, even if not a lot.. But maybe it was also just his hair and not ears? If it were ears did he also have a tail? Ears and tail would make sense, seeing how he from time to time had smaller or bigger antlers atop his head, especially the big ones in his demon form.
"Are you even listening sweets?" Angels face appeared in front of your own now, twitching together a slight bit of surprise, your head turns to the two demons now and away from a certain deer demon. "Sorry.. I was spacing out a slight bit." You apologize to Angel now, Husk raising an eyebrow as he and Angel had noticed where your attention was diverted to. "Figured sweets, looked like you were eating smiles up with you eyes." Angel sends you a smirk, but you immediately start to shake your head, this wasn't what Angel was having on his mind right now. "I was wondering.. are those ears?" A gasp could be heard from Husk, Angel looking over his shoulder now to analyze Alastor's ears. The white spider was humming a bit, as he was debating whether they were ears or not, but Husker was already looking at you bewildered. "Don't even dare try anything, the last person to try and touch them was dead before they even got close." Now this was beginning to sound interesting, was Alastor this strange about it? If it was hair he wouldn't mind that much right? Well aside from the fact that he overall didn't enjoy being touched if it didn't come from his side or was allowed by him. But if they were ears.. were they sensitive? Was that why he didn't want anyone to touch them and.. did he have a matching tail? A cute little fluff of a deer tail?
Husk saw the gears in your head turning and speeding up, he grabbed both your cheeks as he turned your face to his, his eye staring into yours. "Don't you dare think about anything stupid, do you hear me?" Rolling your eyes, you pushed his hands away. Even though he was grumpy most of the time, you and Husk liked the company of one another, you two were quite good friends by now, so it made you a bit happy how he warned you and worried. But.. it was just thrilling to know, too noisy for your own good. "He won't kill me Husk, I'm his favorite!" Jumping from your seat, Husk lets out a groan, as you stride over to Alastor who is still busy reading the newspaper.
"Alastor! I got a question!" Jumping on the couch beside Alastor, you turn your body to him fully, one leg under you as your arm rests on the backside of the couch. Folding his newspaper together again, he lays it on the coffee table before looking at you. "Well of course my dear, go on ahead and ask whatever your heart desires to know!" He was talking and acting like a gentleman, giving you his full attention the second you addressed him and sat down beside him. "I was wondering for a while.. are those ears or is that your hair?" You were now pointing at his head, a smile still evident on his face, yet it somehow strained the slightest bit with irritation at your question. Huskers in the back was probably already fearing for your life. "Oh my dearest what a straightforward question, but I do fear I cannot answer you this. But do not worry your pretty little mind, maybe someday you will know." A soft pat was on your head, as the radio demon got up and made his way who knows where in quick strides.
"Oh no.. I know that face." Huskers was going crazy right now, the face you were making was one he knew oh so well, one that screamed > the game is on, I will win <. You were going to make this a game for sure, Husker was just praying the hotel would not be destroyed afterward.
The first thing now was to figure out if they really were ears, because if they were, you were so going to extant this self-proclaimed game of yours, to touching them.
"Oh Niffty my darling!" Shouting for the little psycho now, she jumps out of a room, a roach stuck on her little needle-like knife. She was a strange one no one understood, but still lovely and.. quite close to Alastor. "Niffty my dearest, you're very close to Alastor right? Do tell me, are those atop his head ears? Of course, you will get paid too for your information." Holding up a bag of alive insects and roaches, how you got them? Rather not ask, it was annoying and disgusting. Niffty was almost in an instant reaching for the bag, but you pulled it out of reach for her, reminding her what you wanted in return. "He told me how that part was sensitive and I should be careful, never told me if they were ears or not, but they have been pressed to his head a few single times when really irritated.. Now give me the bag!" Snatching the bag from you and running off with maniac-like laughter, she was crazy for sure. But did give you very useful information. Knowing the fact that he said they were sensitive, it makes you even more sure they were ears and pressed to his head when irritated? Yes, ears for sure.
Thats one check-point on your list done, now to the harder part touching them.. and figuring out if he has a tail too before he kills you for touching the ears!
Retreating to your room for now, you get out a notebook and scribble down some ideas of plans on how to touch them, but none of them seem really clever, so your notebook is quickly thrown against the wall out of frustration. A knock echoed through your room shortly after. "I heard a thump and wanted to make sure you were okay, you seem stressed.." Charlie entered your room, as you just slumped back against your pillows. Explaining to her what was bothering you, how you confirmed your theory that Alastor indeed has ears, but that you're now lost at how to be able to touch them. "You could just ask him! I'm sure a quick touch won't bother him!" Charlie was right.. If you would only take a second to touch them, just to feel them, he would agree, right? Thanking Charlie, you quickly make your way to Alastor's radio tower, this time of day he was usually busy writing his script for the following broadcast.
"Enter my dear!" His voice invited you, as he lifted his head to look at you. "What gives me the pleasure of your visit darling?" Pen still in his hand, his attention now on you though. Walking over to him, you look down at him, an unusual sight thinking of how he was normally taller than everyone and towering over them - well only exception might be Angel. "May I touch your ears? Just a second! I'll be quick!" Unnoticeable Alastor's eye twitched slightly from irritation, this topic again, you were not going to let it go, were you? "My dearest, I think I already told you to leave it, beside I never confirmed nor denied if your suspicions were correct." Head leaning on his palm now, as he was watching you, it was clear that if you were going to press on even further, he would get mad, but you didn't care. "I figured thanks to some information from someone, it won't be long! Just a soft touch! Just a second!" Now his eye twitched visibly, his hand raised and with a snap of his fingers, you were outside the door again, as you heard a click of the door being locked. Guess this didn't work.. Next plan.
Apparently, it would be harder than you thought to touch his ears. The first plan failed miserably. Currently, you are enjoying some tea with Rosie, maybe she could help you. Rosie was an old friend of Alastor, they were indeed quite close so perhaps? "Oh my dear, I have to disappoint you, our good Alastor hates getting them touched, he never let anyone near them and if, they were not able to talk about it afterward." So Rosie could also not help you, your ears peeking up now though as Rosie let out a thinking hum. "Perhaps, you could try and bribe him.. He does favor this one place in our town, it's rather expensive but, I can give in a good word for you, I do want to know how he reacts to you, his little darling touching them." Finally, some progress, though you didn't dare ask more about how Rosie had called you > his little darling < that would be for another time.
So with Rosie's help, you get his favorite meal for a good price as you make your way back to the hotel and immediately to Alastor's room. After knocking, his voice invites you in, which you gladly accept. "Oh, my dear Alastor! I got you food from your favorite place~!" In an almost sing-song voice, you announce that you got a meal for him. Now you finally saw it for the first time clearly, his ears perking up before his head turns to you with excitement. "Oh my dearest, you didn't have to!" As he was reaching out, just like before with Niffty, you pulled it out of his reach. "It wasn't cheap so.. how about as a thank you, you let me touch your ears?" The object of your current obsession now turned back, a slight scowl on Alastor's face, while still wearing his usual smile, though it was rather tight. "If that was all you wanted dearest please enjoy the meal yourself, I do not want it for those conditions." Was he for real right now? One you wouldn't eat this because.. it was in no way your preference and second you were only asking for a small touch. Rubbing them once, then you would, probably, never ask him ever again. Rolling your eyes, you push the food into his hands, you know he hasn't eaten yet, he tends to forget. "Eat it but don't think I will give up!" Storming out of his room now, his ears going back to normal, would you be behind him right now and his coat off, you would definitely see his little tail swishing from side to side.
Another failed attempt, your head now lying on Angels lap, as you both were bored in the foyer of the hotel. How could it be that no plan works? Was he despised by the idea of people touching his ears? Or maybe it hurt him? But then he wouldn't have allowed Niffty so many times to put stuff on his head and near his ears, like little self-made crowns or even flowers.
"Still no luck sweets? Maybe you should drop it, whiskers by now also absolutely going crazy worried about what your next plan will be." Angel was patting your head softly, running his fingers through your hair, your legs dangling off the side of the couch. "I really want to touch them, he just won't let me.." A small pout on your lips now, brows arched together in irritation. Over the last few days, you were breaking your head over what you could try next, but nothing really came to your mind. "Say, Angel.. your fluff is also a zone from your spidery traits, right? Would you let someone touch it?" Looking up at Angel now, he raised his eyebrows because you knew a lot of people were touching his fluff, but he figured out what you meant. "I would, because it doesn't do anything to me really, it barely tickles when someone goes too deep into it." It tickles? That was interesting, maybe Alastor's ears were also ticklish and that's why he didn't want them touched. To your surprise Angel pulled your hand to and into his fluff now, you never touched it like this. It was so soft, you bet Angel would make an amazing cuddle buddy. "See? It does nothing, but I know some others like me or smiles, who feel more on their animal traits, take whiskers for example, he wanted to cut off my hands the moment I yanked his tail once when I was drunk." You never knew that, that happened, interesting, you would definitely ask for more details of this story another time. Thinking about it now Husk would also probably not let you touch his ears or tail.
What you didn't notice was a certain demon sneaking into the hotel, watching you touch Angels fluff with stern eyes.
"Dearest!" Alastor was calling from behind you, as you made your way out of your room. "What's the matter? Do you need anything?" Alastor didn't say anything, but simply opened your door again and pushed you inside of your room, closing the door behind him. "Let's make a deal, you have to do something and in return I let you touch them." Your eyes sparking up now.. He was coming to you with a deal for touching his ears? And it wasn't for your soul?! This was probably the best day ever! "Sure whatever you want! Tell me! Now!" Your excitement couldn't be contained anymore.
"You are allowed to touch them once, in return you will never ever touch any other ones animal trait again." Huh? Your eyes blinked a few times as your brain registers his words. He asked you to never touch other's traits again? Did he mean because of you touching Angels fluff the other day? Did he see that? And why did it matter to him? Your brain was trying to puzzle together right now what this meant. "Wait.. I'm allowed to touch them once? No no no.. I'm allowed to touch them whenever I want, in return I won't touch others traits ever again." Holding your hand out with a determined expression now, Alastor's eye twitched again, but he still ended up shaking your hand, green lighting up from your hands for a second, but disappearing again after a second.
"Now.." A smirk played on your lips, as you took slow steps over to the demon, who was watching you closely. He lowered his head slightly for you to reach his head. Hands stopping an inch before his ears, fingers twitching to finally feel his ears. And finally all your advances and failed plans paid off. His ears were soft, the hair.. fur? On them soft, probably softer than his hair. They were rather warm, slightly moving against your fingers. Without thinking, you pressed a kiss against them, a gasp echoing from the demon they belonged to. Who knew all you had to do for him to agree was to slightly rile him up with jealousy?
"O-Okay! Enough!" Pulling back now, he was looking down at you again now. And what a sight he was right now. A sight you had never seen before. His face was bright red, as his ears stood tall in alert now, eyes wide and mouth despite smiling slightly agape by shock, probably of how much he actually liked it. "The deal was I could touch them whenever I wanted!" Looking at him with the best pout you could muster up now. Eye squinting a slight bit at you, before he could react, you grabbed his coat by the front, pulling him to your bed. "I will enjoy this now for as long as I want, I waited weeks and after all these failed attempts!" Fingers back on his ears now, softly running them over the fur, a cateful tug on them had the radio demon himself gasping, before biting his lip while trying to retain his signature smile. Wondering just how far you could go with this, till he might even pass out.
After hours, you finally stopped down to softly patting his hair, running your fingers through his hair. Leaning against the headboard, Alastor rested his head on your shoulder, visibly tired from you toying with his ears, now enjoying the contrast of your soft pats on his head.
"Does it feel weird? Or hurt?" Looking down at him now, you didn't even think of asking if it hurt him. Chuckling at how you're worrying for him now after hours of playing and patting his ears. "Do not worry your pretty little head love, I was so opposed to it because it's quite the opposite. It feels good, too good even sometimes." That explains his reactions a lot, his breath was rather hard when you were playing with them, and his face was crimson red at some point. If someone barged in to see him like this, they would have probably been dead by now. "Makes sense so.. do you have a matching tail?" At that his body tenses up, oh how you loved teasing him. But before you could take a peak under his coat, he was up on his feet and out of the room. This would be a fun new mission.
Angel couldn't help but cackle at the way Alastor stormed through the foyer and out of the hotel, absolutely disheveled. Husker just let out a breath when you joined them at the bar, though it stocked again when you told them of your newest plan of the radio demon and his deer tail. The radio demon probably already dreading your attempts and how he knew, he would in the end enjoy this just as much as he enjoyed you patting his ears.
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cherubfae · 7 months
holding hands || hazbin/helluva boss x reader
With Alastor, Lucifer, Husk, Angel Dust, Vox, Blitz, Loona, and Striker
tags: fluff, shy!gn!reader, ftm!reader for Angel 💕 crushing/mutual pining, pre-established relationships, blitz's relationship/intimacy issues (but we gonna get that healthy growth we need), striker's is a bit suggestive!
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You weren't sure the barrier of touching Alastor would ever be something that would be crossed and you told yourself that you didn't mind. You chose to revel in the moments of when he sought out affections and physical closeness be it dancing or if he suddenly tugs you in to tell you something. Alastor is not very privy to other people's space and Heaven forbid someone enter his without permission. Quite the contradiction.
Now, if he notices you're purposely not trying to give him any sort of touch or affection, he will get rather annoyed. You, darling, are the only one who he doesn't mind touching him. Has he expressed this? No. Will he? Maybe. Did he expect you to be able to read his mind? Quite possibly.
Alastor hoped to have made a smoother transition rather than just outright grasping your hand. Even he seemed surprised by his own action, static feedback chirping from him. His ears flick and the slightest sliver of a blush creeps from beneath his suit collar.
"I don't mind if it's you, dearest. I... I don't detest your touch as much as the others." Alastor clears his throat, his large hand briefly covers your smaller one. Giving your hand a little squeeze, he stands abruptly and disappears into shadow and darkness.
You'd never seen Alastor embarrassed before. How cute.
He's a pretty affectionate guy, especially once he's comfortable around you! His heart warms as you mindlessly play with your fingers, eyes looking everywhere but at him. The more you feel his stare, the more the blush darkens on your face.
"Take it easy there, sweetling," Lucifer's soft tone eases your senses. Pressing a light kiss to your forehead, he pulls back. He offers his hand, palm upwards, giving you time to back away. His gentle smile deepens when you slip your hand in his, his thumb brushing along your knuckles. Tugging you to his side gently, your shoulders brushing, you continue on the sidewalk towards Hell's finest local café.
While not one for PDA, Husk doesn't mind affection behind closed doors. Preferably out of sight of anyone who may mock and tease him for it.
He didn't however expect you to be sitting on his bed, thumbs lightly pressing into the center of his paw watching his claws go from being exposed and then retracting thanks to your gentle manipulations. He snorts lightly, as silly as you were, he couldn't be mad at your fascination.
"You're lucky you're cute, hun. If you were anyone else I may not be as nice as I am with ya." Husk smirks. Maintaining complete eye contact, you raise his paw to your lips and give it a soft kiss, grinning as Husk jolts with a huffy mrow. "Sneaky brat," he sighs, falling back on his bed with an arm over his eyes.
Angel Dust
You want to hold his hand? Which one, babe? He's got six! :) Angel is understanding of your shy nature, though he hopes you'll be able to be more bold with him in the future. He won't pressure you, of course, but he wants you to know that you can trust him. That he is capable of taking things slow.
"Is this okay?" Angel asks, softly grasping your hand in his gloved one. When you make no move to pull from his touch, a happy wobbly smile wiggles onto his face. He lightly leans his cheek against the top of your head, a brief sign of his affection. He can snuggle you more later, but for now, he wants to enjoy the day with his favorite person.♡
Intimacy of any sorts isn't foreign to him, but he's not used to someone so good, so pure. And he's certainly not used to that innocent attention being directed at him. Any time you touch him, even if you only accidentally brushed past him, it leaves him buzzing. Craving for something more. He wants your sweet smile to be directed at him and him alone. It takes everything in Vox not to scream when you give his hand a small squeeze only to pull back, muttering apologies. Soon, he's reaching for you again, taking your hand in his.
"I didn't say that I hated it." Vox whispered in an uncharacteristically soft way. His eyes flicker up to your face, then back to see where his hand has dwarfed yours. With his free hand falling to your hip, lightly stroking circles there, he pulls you to stand between his legs. Your other arm slides to rest on his shoulder as his clawed hand curls around the back of your knee. Intimate but not forceful. There's no aggression in his movements. Lifting your head towards him, even with Vox sitting down, he's much taller than you. His eyes hold a silent question, one that you answer with that smile he loves so much and a nod, and his lips press to yours with your hands still joined.
Romantic gestures are a big deal for him. Big in the way that he struggles with them, but that he doesn't want it to be something that holds him back. He really doesn't. Familial and platonic he understands, but Blitz is pretty damned confused with the fact that you want to even be near someone like him. He doesn't want to inadvertently hurt you by acting how he does. He doesn't wanna fuck up, but goddammit, he really does want to be near you. He wants to be able to give you everything you could need and more, he just doesn't know how. How to unfuck himself.
"Sl-slow," Blitz's voice betrays him with a crack and he swallows thickly, taking your hand in his. Ever grateful that you're the ones in I.M.P right now. This is different. Intimate. He's shaky, palms sweaty. His brain feels foggy and it's suddenly hotter than normal. He feels dizzy and like the floor may break beneath his feet and swallow him whole. The second you start to withdraw, he's tugging you back to him with a soft, raspy, "No." This is progress. Progress is good.
Facing him now, your other hand slides up to his. Both your palms are pressed together. Blitz keeps his gaze on the floor, unable to help how fidgety he feels, even as he laces your fingers together, and leans his head onto your shoulder. He's not gonna let you pull away. Not yet. Please...
Lighting up a cigarette, Loona leans her back against a wall of some dingy alleyway in the human world. You had chosen to wait with her, both dressed in your human disguises, hoping that any second Blitz and M&M would return with the mission completed. Your sole purpose tonight had been to guard Stolas's grimoire and open the portal when everyone was ready to return home.
Blowing her smoke towards the sky, Loona hummed softly. "At least it's a nice night, huh?" She smiles lightly, grateful her tail was hidden in this form when you leaned against the wall beside her. You looked great; you always did.
A vast blue sky with billions of twinkling stars smiled down on you two. It was a nice change of pace from the hellish red glow of your home. This particular area of Earth was quiet. Peaceful, even. Nodding your head you smile at her, Loona swallows.
Her pinky finger lightly brushed your own, a gentle startled gasp leaving you. But you smile, albeit shyly, your hand taking hers. Not many words were exchanged, none needed to be. Just Loona smoking her cigarette and looking up at the stars.
Ain't you just the cutest little thing? You think he doesn't notice how worked up and shy you get when he's just finished wrangling in some dinner, with his bare, sweaty muscles on display. It's a direct, unvoiced invite for only you and yet you haven't taken him up on anything yet. Why?
"You scared of me, sugar?" Striker drawls, flicking his cigar butt into the dirt and crushing it with the heel of his boot. You look up at him with those big, beautiful doe eyes and adamantly shake your head that you weren't. "Then what is it, darlin'? Spit it out." He smirks, gold tooth glinting.
Cheeks heating, you gnaw on your lower lip. "I'd like to hold your hand." Striker blinks, clearly taken aback. That's it? You're getting so worked up like a nervous virgin begging for a thick cock because you want to... Hold his hand? He stops himself from laughing, he can tell that it's really bothering you. Heaving a sigh, Striker plops down beside you. Pulling you into his lap, his arms slide around your waist and he offers both his hands to you. He hides his reddening face at your back, the sound of his blood rushes in his ears, unable to focus on anything but how soft your hands are. And how well they fit into his. "Jus' do it then, they're yours to touch, ain't they?"
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alastor-simp · 8 months
Alastor with a female reader who is selectively mute Part 2
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Here is part 2 of this story. Mimzy is gonna be in this story as well, since we havent heard her talk yet or what her personality is like, im just gonna write how I think she will talk and act. Enjoy everyone:)
***5 Months Later***
You had adapted to hell surprisingly well. Yes there was some bumps along the way, due to you being mute, but you adjusted as time went on. Your relationships with everyone in the hotel had grown significantly. Charlie adored you and loved you like a sister. She was this close to telling her dad if it was possible to adopt you into the family, but you frantically declined as you suspected it would complicate things, but it was sweet that she loved you so much to do that. Vaggie slowly adjusted to you, don't blame her, she was always untrustworthy of everyone in the hotel, but she came around sooner or later. She offered to teach you some self defense as you were still an easy target. It was a bit difficult, but you managed despite your clumsiness. Angel Dust was a bit annoying in the beginning as he really wanted to hear your voice, but the puppy dog eyes you gave him made him quit. Now he treats you like his bestie, taking you shopping and having you attend some of his shows, which flustered you, but you wanted to support him. Niffty found you adorable when you first met and she still does. She has tried not to speed run towards you, since it always shocked you, causing you to drop your notepad in the past. It took a while, but she was able to do it. Husk was literally your dad figure. He always came over when you appeared upset about something and offered to cheer you up with his card tricks or make you a virgin cocktail, especially since your alcohol tolerance was negative 1000. You loved that he became that caring towards you, especially how gruff he was with everyone else. Sir Pentious was a new addition to the hotel. He first appeared when he tried to blow up the hotel a second time, only for Al to defeat him easily. Later after that, he became a patron at the hotel. He wondered why you didn't speak, but after a talk with Charlie and Vaggie, he no longer questioned it. He did enjoy your company, whenever you came to his work space, as he was crafting his inventions. His Egg Bois adored you as well, which pleased him. Alastor had become almost your protector/best friend. Its crazy to think how in the beginning, he was a bit annoyed when you didn't respond to his question, to now where he was always there to help you whenever you were in a pickle. His radio tower was your sanctuary as you always headed up there during his broadcasts. Alastor would always anticipate you coming as well, as it made his day a whole lot better whenever you showed up and took a seat next to him, admiring him as he continued his broadcast.
Getting ready for the day, you stood in front of your mirror, making sure you look spiffy. Alastor had invited you to attend one of Mimzy's shows at her club. Excitement raced through your body, and you nodded quickly when he asked you. Alastor mentioned before that her shows were very entertaining, so it made you very happy when he invited you to come. After a few minutes of looking yourself over, you walked over to the bed and grabbed the cell phone that was there. Charlie had gotten you it a few weeks ago as a gift. She had installed a text to speech app on it, so whatever you typed on the phone, a voice would respond back. Tears filled your eyes when she gave it to you, almost apologizing for all the trouble she had to go through to get it for you, but she said it was fine and it hardly cost anything. You knew she was royalty, so one cell phone wouldn't be a big deal, but it was to you. After a bunch of persuasion from Charlie saying it was really alright, you accepted the cell phone, not before engulfing Charlie in a hug. It took a while to get use to it, but it got easier over time, and it was a whole lot better then the notepad.
Rushing out of the room, your feet carried you over to the lobby, where a certain deer demon was patiently waiting. Alastor's ear twitched when he heard the pitter patter of your feet, turning to face you with a smile. Stopping to catch your breath, you stood in front of Al and gave a small wave, causing him to chuckle. His eyes scanned your outfit and found it to be perfect for today's activities. "Excited are we, my dear?" Looking at Al, you nodded your head, smiling widely. How adorable he thought. Hooking his arm with yours, Alastor banged his microphone on the ground, causing a portal to open in front of you. "Transporting like this may be new to you, my dear! Hold on tight!" The both of you entered the portal. It felt extremely odd, but you powered through it. The portal had brought you in front of a large building, with a large neon sign reading "Mimzy's." There was a crowd of demons around the building, probably ready for the show, as Mimzy was very popular. Entering inside, your eyes were drawn to the decor. It was a lavish place, the walls were covered in burlesque posters, and string lights decorated the ceiling. It had a very spacious bar and in the center of the room was a large stage with a small band in the background. Heading over to a certain section, there was a table that read VIP. This must be for us, since Alastor was a frequent visitor at this place. Sitting down in the seat, Alastor called over a server, asking for their most popular giggle water, while turning to you and asking what you would like. Taking your phone out, you typed your answer and played it out:
"𝙹𝚞𝚜𝚝 𝚊 𝚜𝚑𝚒𝚛𝚕𝚎𝚢 𝚝𝚎𝚖𝚙𝚕𝚎 𝚙𝚕𝚎𝚊𝚜𝚎."
The server was confused at that, but just shrugged and nodded while going over to complete the order. Alastor was not fond that you had to resort to that annoying technology to speak, but he did noticed how more calm you were using it then the notepad, so he kept his opinion to himself. After the server returned with the drinks, the lights began to dim, and the crowd began to let out cheers, as the main entertainer made her way to the stage. Mimzy was a very short demon, a little chubby, but very gorgeous. Her flapper dress suit her very well, as she made her way to the center of the stage. "Good evening, Ladies and Gents! Y'all ready for tonight's performance?" Cheers and whistles were the response to that. "That's what I like to hear! Hit it boys!" The stage lights flashed, as Mimzy walked closer to the front of the stage, standing in front of the microphone, ready to amaze everyone.
(LOVE THIS SINGER, Check her out)
The performance drew to a close, and you were blown away. Her voice was amazing. Loud cheers and applause radiated throughout the whole room, as Mimzy gave a bow. Both you and Alastor clapped with the crowd as Mimzy left the stage, leaving the band there, as they played some jazz to keep the entertainment alive. Alastor turned towards you, asking if you enjoyed the show, to which you responded with an enthusiastic nod. "Why Alastor! You made it" a familiar voice, called out from behind the both of you, as you saw Mimzy walking towards the both of you. "Of course, Mimzy my dear! You do know how much I adore your performances!" Alastor smiled as he greeted Mimzy, placing a kiss on her hand. Mimzy's eyes then locked on you. Oh boy, you hoped she was friendly. "Oh My Goodness! Who is this adorable little peach?!" Oh thank Lucifer, she was a nice demon. "Ah yes! This is another acquaintance of mine! Say hello my dear!" Mimzy glanced at Al when he spoke, then turned back to you with a kind smile. "How ya doin suga~? Did my voice blow you away?" Feeling uncertain, you wondered if she was going to treat you differently if she knew you were a mute. She seemed friendly enough, plus Al said she was a good friend. Slowly you grabbed your phone and typed out what you wanted to say to Mimzy.
𝚈𝚎𝚜! 𝙸 𝚎𝚗𝚓𝚘𝚢𝚎𝚍 𝚢𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝚙𝚎𝚛𝚏𝚘𝚛𝚖𝚊𝚗𝚌𝚎 𝚟𝚎𝚛𝚢 𝚖𝚞𝚌𝚑. 𝚈𝚘𝚞 𝚑𝚊𝚟𝚎 𝚊𝚗 𝚊𝚖𝚊𝚣𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚟𝚘𝚒𝚌𝚎. 𝙸 𝚊𝚖 𝚜𝚎𝚕𝚎𝚌𝚝𝚒𝚟𝚎𝚕𝚢 𝚖𝚞𝚝𝚎, 𝚜𝚘 𝙸 𝚊𝚙𝚘𝚕𝚘𝚐𝚒𝚣𝚎 𝚒𝚏 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚏𝚒𝚗𝚍 𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚜 𝚊 𝚋𝚒𝚝 𝚘𝚍𝚍.
After the voice played, you pointed your eyes to the ground, feeling very shy. Clenching your hands under the table, you worried Mimzy was going to mock you for not speaking. "Oh my satan! Alastor, where did you find this angel? She is simply precious!" Mimzy had grabbed your cheeks, and began to squish them, like what a mother would do to a baby. "She had arrived in Hell a few months ago! She is a shy little one!" Alastor chuckled as he watched Mimzy coo at you. "No apologies needed suga~! Just happy you enjoyed the show! Here, let me give you a VIP pass so you can visit with no problems. Okay, darling?" Mimzy let go of your cheeks, and handed you the card. She had a very motherly side to her, which you liked. Grabbing the card, you nodded your head and smiled. Mimzy smiled and hugged you again. She then departed both of you as she had to meet up with some gents on the other side of the room. Both you and Alastor stayed at the club for a little bit, chatting about certain topics until you realized it had gotten late. Exiting the building, both you and Alastor decided to walk back to the hotel. Could have teleported, but the breeze was nice plus you both needed to stretch your legs after sitting for a long time. Your arm was hooked with Al's as he walked with you. Always such a gentleman. After walking for a couple of minutes, Alastor had stopped in his tracks. "My dear, may I ask you a question?" Alastor turned towards you, as he let your arm go, as he left you to stand in front of him. Staring into his eyes, you looked to see if there was any evidence of anger in them, but you found none. There was a little hint of sadness though, yet Alastor was still smiling. "I noticed during conversations with others, you always apologize! Why is that, my dear?" Tilting his head at you, he waited for your response.
Painful memories from your past began to flash in your mind once Alastor asked that question. Tears started to form, but they were blinked away. Reaching for your phone with trembling hands, you slowly wrote your answer and played it for Al.
𝙳𝚞𝚛𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚝𝚒𝚖𝚎 𝙸 𝚠𝚊𝚜 𝚊𝚕𝚒𝚟𝚎, 𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚛𝚎 𝚠𝚎𝚛𝚎 𝚜𝚘𝚖𝚎 𝚙𝚎𝚘𝚙𝚕𝚎 𝚠𝚑𝚘 𝚍𝚒𝚍𝚗'𝚝 𝚏𝚒𝚗𝚍 𝚖𝚢 𝚌𝚘𝚗𝚍𝚒𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗 𝚊 𝚋𝚘𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚛 𝚠𝚑𝚒𝚕𝚎 𝚘𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚛𝚜 𝚍𝚒𝚍. 𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝚘𝚗𝚎𝚜 𝚝𝚑𝚊𝚝 𝚍𝚎𝚝𝚎𝚜𝚝𝚎𝚍 𝚒𝚝 𝚜𝚊𝚠 𝚖𝚎 𝚊𝚜 𝚊𝚗 𝚊𝚗𝚘𝚖𝚊𝚕𝚢, 𝚊 𝚏𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚔, 𝚊 𝚠𝚎𝚒𝚛𝚍𝚘. 𝙸 𝚠𝚊𝚜 𝚕𝚘𝚘𝚔𝚎𝚍 𝚍𝚘𝚠𝚗 𝚊𝚝 𝚏𝚘𝚛 𝚋𝚎𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚠𝚊𝚢 𝙸 𝚊𝚖 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚠𝚊𝚜 𝚜𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚛𝚎𝚕𝚢 𝚋𝚞𝚕𝚕𝚒𝚎𝚍 𝚋𝚎𝚌𝚊𝚞𝚜𝚎 𝚘𝚏 𝚒𝚝. 𝙾𝚟𝚎𝚛 𝚝𝚒𝚖𝚎, 𝙸 𝚋𝚎𝚐𝚊𝚗 𝚝𝚘 𝚋𝚎𝚕𝚒𝚎𝚟𝚎 𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚒𝚛 𝚠𝚘𝚛𝚍𝚜 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚜𝚝𝚊𝚛𝚝𝚎𝚍 𝚝𝚘 𝚊𝚙𝚘𝚕𝚘𝚐𝚒𝚣𝚎 𝚏𝚘𝚛 𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚛𝚢𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚗𝚐. 𝙸𝚝 𝚠𝚊𝚜𝚗'𝚝 𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚛𝚎 𝚏𝚊𝚞𝚕𝚝 𝙸 𝚠𝚊𝚜 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚠𝚊𝚢 𝙸 𝚊𝚖, 𝚒𝚝 𝚠𝚊𝚜 𝚖𝚢 𝚘𝚠𝚗.
Tears rolled down your cheeks, as you pointed your head to the ground. Everything you felt from back then began to pour out of you, and you couldn't stop. Alastor was silent in front of you, and you figured he was upset with you, but before you could type a response, you were caught off when you felt someone wrap their arms around you. You found your head being placed in the crook of his neck, as he held you tightly. HE WAS HUGGING YOU?!? The last months while staying at the hotel, you were able to find out that Alastor didn't liked being touch. Yes, he would touch you and the others, but it mostly involved an arm hook, slight shoulder hug or head pat. You never expected that Al would be hugging you like this. After a few seconds, he began to speak. "I am truly sorry you had to suffer through that, my dear! But let me tell you this, people who mock and taunt others for being odd or a little strange are the ẗ̸̝́r̴̦̒u̵̦̅ē̴̢ ̶̰̈́s̴̱̈c̷̪͒ù̶̧m̶͇͐ ̸͎̔ò̴̦f̸͔̈́ ̶̦̃t̶͈̽h̶̟͌ȩ̴̾ ̴̯̀è̴͍a̴̞͝r̸͙̊t̸̰̕h̸̤̉! They are the true monsters! Don't believe their heinous words! To me, you are the sweetest and most unique demon in all of the seven rings! Never apologize for being the way you are ever again!" His words made you cry even more. Moving your hands slowly, you placed them on his back, tightening the hug. You felt the slight flinch from his body when you did that, but he slowly relaxed and squeezed you tighter.
The hug lasted for a bit before Al slowly released you, snapping his fingers to have a handkerchief appear in his hands, as he wiped your tears away. Once he finished, he leaned down and placed his hands on the sides of your mouth, moving them up to make it appear you were smiling. "Come on, my dear! Smile!" The smile on his face was outstretched, revealing all of his sharp teeth. His antics never ceased to make you laugh. Looking at him, you gave him a great big smile. Chuckling, Al leaned back up and grabbed your arm again, continuing his walk back to the hotel. After about a few minutes of walking, you both stopped in your tracks as an unknown voice called out to the both of you. "Well well well, if it isn't the Radio Demon."
Part 1 of the Story is Here
Part 3 of the story is Here
1K notes · View notes
nyx-umbrakinesis · 5 months
Alastor x FReader.
CW: angst, P in V sex, tentacles, biting, blood, dominance (Alastor), submission (Reader), ropes, bondage, punishment, spanking, breath play, sensory play, sensory deprivation, hard sex, multiple orgasms, sensory overload, edging overstimulation, crying, friction burn from ropes. (Small amount of breeding kink if you squint) (Use of a noose, but not in the way you think, Alastor's basically a sassy bitch).
(+ aftercare for 'reader').
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Word Count: 9240.
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Forever Bound.
The agonised screams as acid rain hits the sizzling flesh of the sinners caught in the raging storm outside, the pleasant burn of full-bodied rye as it slides smoothly down his throat, the smell of acrid tobacco drifting across the bar from Husk’s filthy habit, and the sight of Angel Dust once again trying to tease and sexually harass the aforementioned bartender.
All of these things were a vague awareness for Alastor as he idly drums his claws on the split woodgrain of the conjured drinking booth he sat at for privacy, eyeing you from across the room with as much subtlety as a bull in a China shop.
You piqued his interest, always so avoidant of him, except for when there was no escape, then you were utterly caustic with him. Alastor found this to be unusual behaviour, you were so affable with the others... skittish, but affable... so why did he always seem to rub you the wrong way, granted he was a powerful overlord, but he’d seen you speak with Rosie just fine.
Cute, was one word he’d often thought of when he enjoyed riling you up, your fuzz getting even fuzzier, especially your tail, oh he so adored teasing you, your look of utter fury despite being so very small, and your tail, oh your tail... his own tail was easily hidden away, secreted from the others, but your tail was much too magnificent for that, long, flat, wide, with a delightful curl at the end, and a divine reddish colour.
It was rather striking, Alastor smiled to himself as he contemplated and schemed about how best to invade your personal space today, purely to enjoy the sight of your tail frizzing up and eyes dart about while you tried to find an exit, he wondered if you would try to literally climb to get away from him this time, just like the other day when you'd scrambled up the banister of the main staircase, oh that had been most entertaining.
As he stewed in his scheming he listened to your laughter as Vaggie explained how she and Charlie had gone to the store yesterday only to meet a sinner who had fallen face first into the bag of rice they had been toting once they saw the Princess of Hell doing a regular grocery shop, Vaggie had been beside herself in tears of laughter while the ‘kind’ Charlie had helped the ‘poor’ sinner out, she had even bought his groceries for him.
Alastor swirled his rye a bit before knocking back the rest of the drink with a satisfied crackle of static, glass thudding back down on the table, his eyes still affixed to you and the way your cherub like cheeks looked adorable when you smiled... that sight alone was what forced him to act, his own smile curling higher, perhaps it was a little too much rye that forced his hand, but he wouldn’t regret his next actions if it got him what he needed from you.
Your attention soul.
Drawing on the wispy feeling of his umbrakinesis he traverses through the shadows to the unoccupied space behind you, reforming silently before bending forward so his chin hovers over your shoulder, getting as close as possible without actually touching you, mouth by your ear, your tail almost touching his pinstripe coat.
“What a delightful afternoon we’re having wouldn’t you agree Dear?” Watching in utter delight as you react to his startling presence.
Jumping in fright and almost colliding with his chin you yelp in shock; you had spied Alastor earlier but had been confident he was too busy with his jazz and rye to bother you this afternoon and had deemed it safe to stand around socialising.
You wince as you taste the sharp metallic tang of blood from biting your tongue, “I’ll be going out Vaggie,” you say nonchalantly, whilst endeavouring to ignore the demon who seems to always send a prickly electrical current through your entire nervous system whenever he comes into close proximity with you.
“Now Dear, I don’t think you would enjoy a stroll out in the acid rain right now. Perhaps, if you’d like an outdoors experience you would be thrilled to accompany my good self for a stroll, as you may be aware I do have a rather authentic bayou in my private quarters, the perfect indoor, outdoors escapade, with none of the risk of treacherous pesky weather patterns.” Alastor gestures in the direction of the lobby staircase, trying for an endearing smile.
You start to shake your head, mouth opening to politely refuse the offer, your heart racing as your nervous nature screams at you, ‘DANGER’. However, before you have the chance to decline, Charlie’s jubilant voice interrupts.
“What a wonderful idea Alastor, this is sooo awesome, oh my goodness, well done for reaching out and making an effort to be involved, I know you’ve both had your differences, and this is perfect! I think it would be excellent for the both of you to get to know one and other, oh well done Alastor, I know you don’t usually like getting involved in our redemption activities, I’m so proud of you.”
Charlie then looks at you, with those big hopeful eyes, as Alastor's grin freezes, but he doesn’t argue with Charlie, his own intentions being far less than innocent, but he refuses to let anyone know the inner workings of his mind, he almost laughs as he hears a loud scream from the city below, one more sinner clearly having reached their demise in the biting rain.
You almost recoil, your whole-body vibrating, screaming at you to escape... your instincts get ignored inevitably, the distinct scent of Alastor drifting over you, the rye on his breath, his woodsmoke, iron and musky smell fragrant and intoxicating.
You stay rooted to the spot, Charlie is technically in charge of the rehabilitation process, so if you refuse her ‘exercises’, you might get kicked out... if not by her, then the facility manager (Alastor) who is waiting with a shark like grin for your answer might take it upon himself to eject you... right out into the acid pouring outside, the hairs on the back of your neck stand on end, as you see no alternative solutions.
With a pained smile you make eye contact with Alastor, your stomach swooping, your heart palpitating, “that would be lovely, thank you for the offer,” you say through gritted teeth acquiescing to the veiled demand, you are very tempted to sprint out into the acid rain instead of being alone with the Radio Demon... being the subject of his undivided attention.
“Oh Darling, of course, think nothing of it, allow me to escort you.” Alastor holds his arm out like a gentleman, a shiver of fear prickles up your spine in response.
To Charlie’s utter exhilaration, Alastor takes your hand and threads your arm through his and marches you off towards the stairwell, your legs feel like jelly, but his stride is even, so you scramble to keep up.
You take one last desperate beseeching look at Vaggie over your shoulder, and she gives you a sympathetic shrug as Charlie practically buzzes in excitement at her side.
Alastor natters for the whole trip to the upper floors, leading you to your doom his bedroom, as you numbly look at anything but him, paying attention to the abundance of the apple decor around the hotel, anxiety spiking at an all-time high, not listening to a word he says as your mind races with potential escape plans, (your tail frizzing up from his static energy), which he notices delightedly.
You don’t notice the crackle of his radio tone cutting out briefly after he says your name for the fifth time as he tries to garner your attention, this time he says it accompanied by a tap on your nose, which makes you blink rapidly, flinching as your eyes and mind come back into focus.
His sharp grin screams peril and you react defensively, “What?” You ask rudely, annoyed at your lack of recourse.
“Oh, Dearest you are hilarious,” he mocks without bothering to repeat himself, annoying you even more. If it was so important to disturb your clearly distant thoughts, surely it should be important enough to enlighten you once your attention was actually directed at him.
You give him an impatient, unimpressed look, and he snickers again.
“We’ve arrived of course, silly Doe.”
You shake your head to clear it again, acutely aware that he had called you a ‘doe’, apt really considering you’re part squirrel, but you felt funny with the way he had uttered it, the sound full of implications, you’re also very aware he’s a buck, which seemed to be the whole reason he brought up your animalistic status, choosing to ignore the bait and not wanting to risk his wrath currently, in such an isolated situation, you nod at him.
He ushers you inside, still feeling rather dazed you take in the peculiar sight of his room, he hadn't been lying, the room certainly appeared how described previously, half bedroom, with sparse furniture, the other half of the room an extensive bayou.
Your stomach dropped; it would be very easy to hide your body in there. You idly wonder how many bodies he had hidden away in there, and just how vast it might be... is it some sort of pocket dimension...
He looks down at you observing every minute detail of your reaction, wanting to reach out and touch your fluffy tail, instead his fingers snap several times in front of your face, disturbing you from wandering thoughts yet again, the warmth of this area of the room feeling even warmer in the intimacy of being alone in his bedroom with such a beautiful little doe, one that occupies his thoughts persistently... confusingly.
“My Dear, are you quite alright.” Alastor makes a show of checking your temperature with the back of his hand, his craving to touch you overriding all other senses and you jump away from him yet again, feeling annoyed at your reaction, but he doesn’t let it show.
You nod, as he laughs at you, “I’m fine,” you don’t back down, wanting to get this over with as fast and painlessly as possible.
So, despite your protesting body, you seize his arm and start trying to haul him off into the treeline.
It did smell rather fresh and aromatic in here, it was quite pleasant, not that you’d admit it to him.
Alastor hums amused but elated, deliberately setting a slow pace, that you cannot (try as you might) make him a shred swifter, your efforts having no effect on the much stronger overlord, to your dismay.
You exhale heavily and disengage from his arm, not allowing you freedom however, he quickly takes a hold of your hand, looping it back into the cook of his elbow again, as he continues escorting you, every step deliberate and exaggerated, making you feel outraged.
Without a word you amble together painstakingly, concentrating on anything other than the strong arm beneath your palm, the feeling of the squishy moss beneath your shoes, the rustle of a breeze (you can’t tell whether or not is artificial) in the trees and through your hair, the green and brown encircling you both on all sides, darkening as you both traverse deeper and deeper within, isolating you with him, you try valiantly to ignore the heat radiating from his body, or how pleasant awful it feels, the air thickens, your breathing growing laboured with tension.
You shiver, you hadn’t dressed for outdoor weather so were getting fairly chilly.
As you continue the odd journey undisturbed, you begin to think it felt rather nice, despite the company and the silence stretching on, and even with the warning bells ringing in your head, you start to relax infinitesimally as he appeared content to leave you undisturbed... famous last words.
“I think it would be wearisome if we keep proceeding silently my Dear, and I’ve been utterly intrigued by you for a while,” he supresses his mirth as he observes your tail frizz back up.
Static skating up your skin at the sound of his voice your body erupts in goosebumps, you try to convince yourself are unpleasant, but you can’t deny that this time it doesn’t feel so terrible, it seems after long exposure to him in the bayou, your body’s response didn’t feel like a warning, you can’t deny it, especially as it seems to evoke heat within, to your detriment you had to mentally stop yourself leaning into him to seek out more warmth.
You decide to humour him, if only to keep him talking, wanting more of the sensations.
“What has you intrigued about me... I mean I’m just a lowly sinner after all, wh-...”
“Why your aversion to me of course,” ever the diplomat, “for a while now I’ve noticed you avoiding me Little Doe, and I can’t help feeling slightly wounded by your actions, why do you treat everyone else so much more preferably? I feel perhaps that you don’t like me, not one little bit,” Alastor clutches his heart for dramatic effect.
“Well... I ermm... I just know all about you? Everyone has told me how dangerous you are, and I’d just rather keep my distance and not risk...”
“Don’t try to fool me with half-truth's Darling, there’s more you aren’t sharing, I can ascertain that for myself, or you wouldn’t flee the very sight of me when you know with certainty, I wouldn’t hurt a resident of our dear Charlie’s fine establishment... I would be a poor host indeed if I started killing off the wayward souls seeking redemption, not to mention how terribly bored I’d get when those seeking pointless help stopped turning up.” Alastor’s voice lowered dangerously the static increasing in his tone, he hates being lied to, especially by you, certainly in this moment, when he finally has you to himself, unable to spurn his company.
Alastor has found you running through his mind more and more lately, his days revolving around your routines, he tried to compromise with his unusual feelings, trying to interact with you as much as possible, yet your constant rejection persistently pains him, and now... Now he’s finally confronting you about it and you have the gall to try deceiving him with falsehood, when he can smell exactly what his presence is doing to you.
Alastor is very aware now as to how your body responds to him, his nostrils flare, the aroma he scents from you right now isn’t fear, fear is bitter, this is sweet, cloying, intoxicating, his eyes flicker to radio dials as he must take a firm hold of his self-control.
Your adrenaline spikes, and you start tugging, but you can’t get your hand free, “Alastor... I...”
“Another of your lies and you won’t appreciate the consequences Little Doe, so think before you speak, as I won’t allow another lie to go unpunished... and I want to assure you, I’ll know if you do.” Alastor uses his height to intimidate, towering over you menacingly.
Your heart pounds in your chest, your body shaking, his warmth and musk overpowering your faculties, you violently shake your head, at an utter loss for words.
Alastor chuckles at the visual, still keeping a firm deterring grip on your hand, he wouldn’t be surpised if he let go, if you proceeded by scrambling up a tree.
“You know what I think Little Doe? I think that you crave me,” Alstor’s heated body pressing closer to yours, “and you’re too terrified of your own feelings to even realise that’s precisely what you desire.”
You whimper quietly but his ignores you and presses on, his presence making you spiral, especially when he reaches to brush a strand of your hair from your face, causing all attempts to get away from him to halt as you freeze.
“Your body is responding to mine so deliciously, can’t you feel it? Every time you try escaping those feelings, you’re in denial, but I know better,” he leans down right beside your ear, a shiver running up your spine.
“I... can... smell... you,” he whispers his voice sending tingles all over you, your skin erupting in goosebumps yet again, eyes flying wide as he finishes enunciating teasingly.
You shake your head in denial, eyes wide in panic, your legs threatening to give way, and you try to fruitlessly tug at your trapped arm again, he growls deeply in warning about lying.
However, being completely overwhelmed you ignore the admonition, you can’t flee, you don’t freeze this time... so you fight... verbally.
“I’d rather be hanged again than crave anything you have to offer,” you snap, your free hand suddenly flying to your mouth in horror, you know you’ve really done it now.
His predatory smile widens, and several shadow tentacles burst menacingly from the ground, he releases his grip on you as all your limbs are restrained tightly in their grasp, one winding around your waist for support, you're hoisted into the air with ease and a fearful squeak, until you’re eye level with him, a good two feet off the ground.
“I warned you Little Doe,” Alastor growls, his claw gently tracing down your cheek leaving a tingling in its wake.
Prowling around you with growls still escaping him, once Alastor gets behind you, he tugs on your tail, your body trembling, you begin, hyperventilating, he simply flattens it out like a rug, and he shakes it like one too, several times until he makes a small satisfied hum of static, making you growl back at him.
“I’ve wanted to do that for some time now,” Alastor chuckles, calming slightly at your response, enjoying antagonising you, feeling at ease now, his tone completely lightening again at your helplessness, feeling every facet of your fear and desire from your scent alone.
“Now, about you, and your proclivity to lie to all powerful beings... well we’ve certainly got to correct that pesky behaviour for a start, I did warn you Dear that there would be punishment.”
He steps closer to you, circling back around to your front brushing against your tail and the fabric of your clothes as he goes, at least now granting you a visual on his location, you had been nearly panicking with him being behind you whilst you’re defenceless, your breathing calms slightly as he comes back into view.
You watch as his ears twitch, your cheeks flush at the cute visual, as he contemplates his next move, his grin looks paticularly malevolant as he slowly pulls off his jacket, rearranging the tentacles, he slips it over you, threading your arms through the long sleeves and shortening them with his magic so the tentacles can wind back around your wrists... You’re bound again, admittidly much warmer, but now engulfed in his heady scent, and it instantly drives you crazy.
You can’t believe how good that smell is to your senses, you feel a flood of heat in your tummy and underwear, you try to clear your head, but your nose just wants to bury itself into the warm heaven wafting upwards.
Alastor smirks when your cheeks flush even darker, knowing full well what’s happening as his body had been releasing pheramones for a while now in reaction to your arousal.
You feel lightheaded as he stops inches from your face, “Ready to admit it?”
You shake your head again, but don’t even notice how you didn’t protest to the fact that there is something to admit.
He dramatically sighs but looks utterly gleeful, he clicks his fingers and more tentacles spawn, ascending your legs, making you whimper and squirm, they ghost up your thighs, teasing the edge of your panties under your skirt, but withdraw at the last moment, skirting back down your legs maddeningly, stroking all the exposed sensitive flesh they can find.
Your temperature seems to raise even higher as now touch comes into play, and so as a twist he decides to deprive you of a sense this time, taking off his bowtie he gets a tentacle to hold your head still, and binds the tie over your eyes, and everything goes dark.
He takes a moment to admire the sight of you all wrapped up just for him, vulnerable, and whimpering, he would think you’d panic at what he just did, but it only seemed to turn you on more as his sensitive nose picks up a fresh wave of sweet floral heat from you.
He continues his control, gliding the tentacles he commands silently all over you, as you try to take utterly pointlessly shallow breaths trying to not breathe in his scent as you dangle in mid-air, the scent heady and making you feel drunk, but with every gasp and whine you inhale more and more.
His tentacles driving you insane as you are unable to anticipate where any of them are coming from or going next, the blindfold making you jumpy, your knickers are drowned at this point, yet the refusal of the tentacles to touch anywhere you actually need them to has you utterly quivering and unable to hold in your rising sounds of need and protest.
Alastor leans his cane against a tree, feeling utterly buoyant as he hums a tune, marking another sense off his internal list, making sure you will break completely and perfectly for him, the power making his cock twitch in interest.
Only one left he thinks gleefully, so he uses his powers to keep the tentacles going, as his microphone begins to play one of his favourite jazz tunes so you won’t hear him approaching, this final sense he’ll have to do himself, but because of everything else so far, he knows just from your delightful sounds, this is what will tip you over the edge.
He has noted you haven’t once said no, or asked him to stop, but he does keep in mind that if you utter those words, he will respect them, a bastard he may be, but he’s not that sort of demon, in fact he notices you haven’t said anything since he took control, he tries to determine if it’s fear of him, or fear of your own feelings, too scared to ask for more, too cowardly to admit you like it.
Adjusting himself with his hand, he moves so he can feel your body heat radiating off you, getting close enough he has to hold his breath, he raises a finger and traces its tip across your lips, dragging it along the seam and your whole body shudders, you moan to his utter delight, he withdraws his finger as your tongue comes out trying to catch it, all the confirmation he needs, and while you groan in displeased agony he crashes his lips onto yours.
His tongue plundering and dancing with yours as you sigh in bliss, finally getting some real contact, the taste of him so deliciously enticing you don’t even think twice about reciprocating, your tongue eagerly venturing out to meet his.
Every touch, every lap of his tongue against yours is a shock to your system in the darkness of the makeshift blindfold, his hands maddeningly never once straying to your body as the tickling and stroking of the tentacles increases, sending shivers all over your body, his scent still a vast ocean around you, the sound of jazz not nearly loud enough to ground you, when you moan into his mouth you feel him smirk as he withdraws yet again and you nearly cry out for him, your legs trembling against the appendages wrapped around them as even more slide up your back as you desperately try to lean forward seeking him out blindly.
He chuckles, sensing victory is near, you yelp as you feel your tail tugged on again, already overly sensitive from the teasing and heightened sensations of being plunged into darkness, your skin burning with static from the energy he exudes, you felt like a live wire about to spark. You can feel the fluids literally running down your leg, the barrier of your knickers doing nothing anymore.
His alluring voice sounds in your right ear once more, “Ready to confess Pet?”
You whimper, your senses on high alert, you turn you head toward where you can hear him, another stronger waft of his scent has you weak, wanting fulfillment, your pussy swollen, dripping and aching, you moan again, your brain not functioning at full capacity as you can’t comprehend what he’s talking about.
You shiver again the tentacles never ceasing their torment, he laughs as he watches you pout trying to lean toward him for more stimulation.
“Soon Little Doe,” Alastor promises, “First you must admit why you’ve been running away from me and being a mean Little Pet to me for months now.” He boops your nose startling you, making him laugh once more.
“Tell me Dear One, what do I do to you that makes you literally climb banisters to flee my presence.”
You whimper for another moment you pussy spasming, clenching around thin air desperately, you’d given up trying to avoid his smell and embraced drinking it in greedily now, if he could see your eyes, he would barely be able to see the coloured rings of them.
“Y-you,” you take yet another deep breath, your whole body vibrating like a tuning fork as you try to writhe and buck agaisnt the tentacles to no avail. “You, make me wet, fuuuck... Alastor, please... I’ve been avoiding you... because everything about you sets off every instinct inside me... and, and, and... it scares me... but fuck it makes me horny so badly...”
“Oh really? And what pray tell do you do when I make you horny, other than flee?” He grins, using his breath to send goosebumps all over your neck as he tickles your ear with it, blowing gently.
“Please... Al...” You cry out more impatient than ever before, “stop teasing, I beg of you...”
“Ha, no.” Alastor laughs at you, and you nearly cry at the torment, your whole body getting no reprieve from the writhing mass stimulating you.
Gasping as one lingers for longer near your mound this time, you hasten to answer hoping for relief, “I run to my room, and I fuck myself on my fingers until I cry your name... Please Al, oh fuck please!” Tears sliding down your face.
The world seems to shift around you, you feel almost car sick, the blindfold is ripped from your face, you blink rapidly against the now blinding brightness, he’s petting your hair soothingly and you realise you’re both back in the more ‘normal’ portion of his bedroom, a wrought iron bed dominating the area, you were sure that wasn’t there when you’d entered.
He cups your face before you can regain anymore sense and kisses you fiercely in reward, granting you a boon for your honesty, you moan eagerly, clutching at his body, not even noticing the tentacles had freed you as you wrap yourself around him pleadingly, almost dry humping him as he snogs you soundly, drawing out your tongue to suck on, making you moan yet again.
“There’s a good Pet... now that you’ve finally admitted it to yourself, we can get down to business... and I’m not through with you yet Little Doe, but first your punishment.”
You groan in protest, but he silences you with a look, his sharp grin predatory, threatening, and despite your desperate need your body and mind react instinctively, deferring to him automatically, accepting your fate a little too willingly for your tastes, but what were you to do?
You lower your head, tilting to the side in submission, he growls in approval.
“You were cruel Little Doe, and I want your penance, or I will make it so you cannot cum for a week.”
You maddened with lust and need by now nearly scream in frustrated fear, shaking your head manically, making him laugh again, his scent making you lean toward him again wanting nothing more than to get lost in him, devour every iota of him and be devoured in return.
“Fine, do it... punish me, please... please don’t leave me like this... I’ll do anything.” You beg him frantically, your body aflame.
“There’s my good Little Doe,” Alastor says light-heartedly, scratching you behind your small, pointed ears.
He snaps his fingers and without further ado you’re plunged back into darkness, you feel suddenly chilly and vulnerable as the cool air hits your skin all at once, you have no moment to react to your sudden exposure as you feel yourself dragged and sprawled on your stomach over a strong pair of warm, furry thighs.
Immediately you realise what’s going to happen and a new flood of unimpeded slick drenches your own thighs to his utter delight, he takes a moment to run a slim digit up the inside of your thigh, gathering the juice making you shiver and press into his hand with a needy whine.
He hums in approval when he tastes you for the first time, the sound of pleasure from him causing another jolt to your core despite being unable to see him, he exaggerates the wet licking sounds for your benefit, watching your reactions keenly.
“Delicious... Now, two strikes for every month of avoidance and pain you’ve caused me, and another five on top for your lies and cruel remarks earlier, so a grand total of fifteen,” he says in a husky growl, you can even hear his smile, it was malicious.
You wait, flinching with every breeze ghosting your backside.
He entertains himself for several moments just watching you tense, writhing and trying to anticipate his actions, so instead he idly runs his fingers up and down your back soothingly, the fur of your tail brushing the back of his hand.
He planned keep it up for a while, except the sight of you so helpless yet willing and pliant has him unable to hold back for much longer, needing to take from you what he wants most so he can figure out why you affect him so strongly, and to stop you from ever being able to leave, watching your pleasure has him harder than he’s ever been in his life, the power over you has him feeling things he’s never felt before, and he’s too far gone to even begin unravelling what it signifies.
An almost imperceptible swish and you hiss as the sting on your backside jolted you with slight shock more than pain.
“Count, and thank me each time, or I shall begin again each time.” Instructional, his voice betraying no emotion.
You nod blindly, with a yelp as the next sting burns, your bum flinching away causing your hips to grind against his thigh, and you realise your error, “One, thank you Alastor.”
“Master,” he corrects, wanting you to get accustomed to the idea.
“Master,” you parrot obediently, already a sopping leaking mess, Alastor’s thigh getting wet already.
You tremble in his lap, hyper aware of the hard thick rod pressing into your tummy.
In your distraction another swish and an audible slap, you wince, a groan escaping your throat, “Two, thank you A-Master.”
The warning growl to not make the error again has you squirming on him, and the next swift smack comes even harder, your arse begins to throb, heating up from the abuse as you can’t stop your audible reactions either, grunting louder in pain.
SMACK, you cry out in pain as the next strike hurts, tears start forming again, wetting the blindfold further, you choke out the gratitude, “T-three, thank you Master.”
The next he has mercy from you enduring and obeying on the last so well, the spank being not so hard, but you still feel it smart, “Four, thank you Master.”
You moan as you feel him pry your cheeks open, his probing gaze upon your revealed shame, you hear him inhale deeply, all your cheeks burning now, as he sniffs at your arousal, teasing you with just his breath lightly blowing on your tensing desperate holes.
You hear him growl yet again and you moan, arching your back, trying to tempt him, to no success as he swiftly gets right back to managing your punishment.
This goes on smoothly for the next nine spanks, your legs a drenched mess, you’re limp and sobbing on his lap as you shakily count the thirteenth strike, he sooths the burn with gentle rubs on your behind for a few moments, letting you gather yourself together, giving you a chance to not mess this up, to your immense gratitude.
Obviously, it’s a tactic on his end to endear him to you for showing ‘mercy’ but you're too cock desperate to even think that far.
“Almost done pet, you’re doing so well,” he praises admiring the darker colour of your beaten arse with awe. “Just two more, then I’ll take good care of you Little Doe.”
Sniffling you nod bracing yourself, tears streaming down your face, yet with every hit the heat in your groin had built to an unbearable precipice, not to mention the occasional tease of him stopping to enjoy the view of the flood exiting your hot and ready cunt.
You feel ready to just mount his leg (if you could get the angle right) and rub yourself silly on him, coating him in your essence, wanting to feel his thatch of fur soaked between your thighs, marking him like a bitch in heat.
“You smell, delicious.” His voice sounds gravelly, betraying his desire for the first time.
Catching you completely off guard, his tone and words make you moan louder than before, your hips jolting as your core pulses strongly, your body trying to find any source of friction, his hand keeping your thighs from rubbing together, your pussy trying to milk the air again.
Finally, you realise your eyes had been unimpeded, for you weren’t sure how long, you had just realised the lack of tear saturated cloth when he uses a gentle claw tipped finger to your face toward him so he can watch you, his crimson eyes burning your very soul.
“Such a pretty Little Doe,” Alastor purrs his praise at you, his eyes dark, his antlers large, his smile still screaming doom at you, but you can’t find it in yourself to care when all you want is that grin peering up at you from between your thighs as you ride his face.
The loud clap and burn of the next blow has you crying out even louder the shock and power of it making your eyes close, your head straining to escape his grasp, he absorbs every facet of your reaction with rapture.
“AHHH... fo-fourteen, th-thank you... mmmaster,” you manage to stammer out, weeping from more than once place on your body.
The soft texture of his fur had been rubbing your nipples the whole time until they became hardened peaks, added to the burn of your arse and the insistent throb of your hot wet cunt, you were at the point of overwhelming sensory overload, feeling utterly deranged, in your crazed state you almost miss the final strike.
The pain zinging through your entire being, “Fif-teen, thank y-you, master,” you pant, your arse glowing like hot coals, you realise it’s over, almost feeling disappointed, but all you can focus on is the hard cock you just felt under your abdomen twitch.
He smooths his hand over the raw flesh of your arse soothing the pain, but your pussy was having none of it, throbbing even harder... more painful than your arse at this point. “Please...” You whimper, rubbing against him.
“My what a needy little slut you are Pet... I should have done this months ago.” Alastor’s radio crackle reducing to almost human sounding, made you shiver and moan again.
He sounded utterly euphoric, and you feel the flood still trailing down your thighs, you're surprised you both aren’t swimming neck deep by now with the copious amount drizzling out of you, forget the storm outside, the real storm he created himself between your legs.
Lifting your limp form gently and using his tentacles to arrange you.
You whine your body not responding to your commands as with ease he lays you on the bed, your sore bum protesting, your tail trapped under you, “Trust me Dear, with the state your beautiful little derrière is in, on the soft bedding is the best place for it right now... but fret not, you’ll soon forget it was ever sore in the first place.”
“Mas-mmm...” you try your body reaching its limit for tolerance.
He chuckles, pleased by the sight of your debauched state of utter glory, spread out before him, barely able to move.
You feel the chafing of rope wrapping around your wrists tightly dragging them together and up over your head, you look up in surprise as you see a noose tying around your wrists, you glace back at him in shock, a devilish smirk on Alastor's face.
“Wouldn’t want to make all your lies valid, and deprive you of a treatment from the gallows you so wished for now would I... after all...” his jubilant voice lowers as he crawls over your body, his clothes brushing against your skin, “apparently a rope is more desirable than my...” leaning close to your ear, licking the shell, “cock,” he enunciates making you moan and buck your hips up against him, groaning in frustration.
“Please Al-... Master...” you whine needily, sweat beading on your forehead from the stress of feeling so hollow, and swollen, your puffy pussy dark with flush, soaked and sensitive.
“Such a pretty, little pet, needy for your master’s cock Little Doe?” He holds back as you whine.
“Prove you want it, prove you need me, make me believe your repentance and I might just show you mercy” he leans closer, his weight baring down on you, pinning your body down, every inch of him pressed against you.
Your nerve endings reacting violently to the proximity as usual, even with him motionless your body feels feral with need, you want to claw at him, make him bury deep inside you so you don’t know where you begin and he ends, you want his cock so badly it hurts, nothing else matters in this moment.
You, however, can’t even react, you don’t know how, with your hands bound, your body pinned, and in this utter state of overwhelm, completely at his mercy, thoroughly insensible from his continued assault on your senses.
“Please... Please... Master...” You whine, keening as you feel the tips of his fingers gliding through your soaked pussy in reward, moaning, your eyes rolling as he finally touches you, the pleasure making you buck your hips to demand he rubs you harder.
“What would you do for me? To have my cock... to make you cum? What would you do...?”
You miss the warning signs, drunk on his scent and touch, all instincts making you arch into him, your hands tugging on the restraints, burning your wrists on the harsh rope.
Alastor’s smile is almost deranged as he awaits your predictable response knowing how much he’s gotten to you, knowing everything he desires is moments from his grasp.
“Anything, please, just anything, please Alastor, I’ll do anything, just take me, take me now...” You thrash about.
“Then give me your soul... or I shall leave you here tied up; I won’t lay another finger on you again if you don’t, I promise, but if you do give me what I want, I’ll make sure you cum so much, you won’t remember your own name.” his fingers rubbing circles on your aching clit as he says this to drive you further into the depths of your depraved state, finally giving you a balm to satiate, tease and further distract.
“Yes, yes, yes, please, just please.” The words barely register as you beg, moaning, tugging at the harsh restraint again, feeling as though you may die again if he leaves you like this now.
One of your hands is magically released and you quickly grasp at his outstretched hand now he's sat up straddling you, your wetness coating his fingers as your hand clings to them, he leads the action himself shaking your hand and there's a burst of green that you pay no mind to, the static that seems to fill your very blood gets ignored too as you try to cling to his collar next, trying to drag him back down onto you.
“Ah, ah, pet,” Alastor says, feeling the weight of the bond settle in his chest cavity, almost singing with glee.
Alastor rebinds your hand with a wave of his and the reappearance of a tentacle to enact his will, before getting up as you shout in protest.
“Don’t worry your pretty little head now Dear,” he taunts slightly as he uses his magic to swiftly divest the rest of his own clothes, you get a glimpse of wet thigh and his heavy bobbing cock before your vision is obscured again.
Whining turns to moaning as you feel his knee pushing between your legs, spreading you even wider, your head rising from the pillow trying to predict his actions again, your nose still full of woodsmoke, iron, musk and now your own arousal from the copious amount staining the bed.
The darkness consumes you as your vocal pitch gets even higher when you suddenly feel a tongue glide from perineum to clit, your entire body convulsing, your hot wet cunt pulsing, bucking your hips seeking more, your toes curling in effort.
He groans in pleasure at your taste, hip hips rutting forward instinctively.
“Fuck..” You cry out, your pussy reacting to the tongue with eagerness, that even the brief parting makes you sob.
“Language darling, no need to be vulgar,” his voice sending shockwaves through your core as he's so close he causes vibrations with his static to course through you, your body jolting with tiny electric shocks making you seep directly onto his waiting tongue.
“Please, I- ngh.. Need you,” you’re a whining mess, thrashing your head side to side, trying to dislodge the blindfold.
He ignores your plea and buries himself face first ravenously, licking and sucking every drop of ambrosia straight from the source of your unending well of lust and need, you can’t stop moaning, your legs over his shoulders as he feasts on you.
You tug harder on the ropes, wanting to bury your fingers in his hair, tug on his ears, anything, you just want to touch him so badly as your sopping cunt gets eaten like the most delicious desert feeling it pulse around his delving tongue, a spring coils tightly in your lower belly.
He moans at your taste, his cock leaking onto the sheets below him.
You cry out as he withdraws, tears falling into the blindfold again, you know why he’s tormenting you so, but you can’t take anymore.
You feel the bed shifting, and the blissful slide of his skin against yours, dragging himself up against your nipples, licking one wetly on his ascent, his hot breath before it envelops your mouth, tasting yourself on his tongue with a moan, feeling utterly blessed.
With one smooth hard thrust and a howling cry from you he's fully seated within you.
His hands push the backs of your thighs wide open, spreading you out for his desired position, your hips buck desperately for more.
Your walls compressing him as his thick hard cock stretches your clenching cunt wide, your body already feeling like it’s about to burst, absolutely burning within, every sensation heightened by your state of visual obscuration as you feel every millimetre of his cock wedged deep within you, your cunt helplessly fluttering around him already greedily trying to claim its prize.
The feel of his mouth smiling against yours as he plunders it, a frenzy of teeth and tongue, as he snaps his hips flush with yours causing an exquisite jolt within you as you cry out in ecstasy, the taste of him and your essence in your mouth as your body yields to his without opposition.
The flex of his stomach flush with yours as his hips roll in for another punishing thrust that has you throwing your head back and crying out to the heavens in rapturous relief your pussy clenching hard already as you squirt onto his busy pelvis, his thatch of fur soaking through, he groans picking up speed and force, intensifying your release as your pussy contracts rhythmically, squeezing him for all it’s worth, his skin slapping yours as he doesn’t let up.
He growls through gritted teeth, biting his tongue to keep him from spilling deep within you already, the feel of your pleasure almost too much for him.
“Just look at you, you were such a sassy little thing, and now...” Alastor grunts with effort, blood dripping from the corner of his mouth, as your pussy spasms and squirts once more with a stuttered cry for you as he eases you through it again with his toiling cock.
Your body convulsing as the rope burns your wrists from the effort. Alastor’s hands moving from your thighs to your hips for better control and power to his demanding thrusts. Your loud moans never ceasing.
His skin and fur is soaked with your early release, “... Well now, you are a work of art... So weak, so pathetic, so mine... My dear you’ve never looked more glorious.” His hips not once slowing their pace as he delves deeply, his cock hitting places inside you that you never knew existed.
His cock exploring your blazing channel as your cunt spasms, burning at the stretch of being so filled by such an impressive being, with every inch of his large hungry cock that fills you, you feel as though nothing could make your body return to its state before the fucking of your entire lifetime... or death, the bed creaking ominously as he pounds away at you making sure you get thoroughly addicted to him.
Every pulse, every drag, every whine, and groan, a blur of pleasure, pain and desperation.
You plead with him as his hands glide all over your vulnerable exposure, memorising your curves, palming your round breasts, tweaking at the darkened peaks of your sensitive mounds.
“FUCK!” You cry out as you feel something not his finger begin to stimulate your clit while he ruts fiercely away at you.
Completely blind you’ve no idea what it is that has latched onto your swollen clit, only that your trembling legs begin to tense once more already, he withdraws his mouth leaving yours free for his audio entertainment and enthral him you did with every exquisite gasp and moan.
Blinded literally and figuratively with the pleasure making your brain short circuit at his bruising pace as he nibbles at your neck, your whole body arching as you cry out and convulse once more.
The wet slapping of drenched skin ceaseless, the burning of your wrists ignored over the burning throbbing of your cunt, your legs aching as you try to keep them raised and spread needing him deeper and deeper, wanting nothing more than to be filled to the brim by him, and never let him out.
Each beat of his cock stretching your channel in every direction, hitting your cervix with agonised pleasure as he makes sure to go balls deep with every thrust, feeling as though your very guts are being rearranged.
Alastor concentrates on making sure every inch of him is imprinted deep inside of you, desiring to be unforgettable, moaning as well as he feels the saturated warmth of you clutching at him, trying to drag him back in as he tries to thrust.
Desperately your arms tugs relentlessly, trying to find purchase on him needing to hold on to anything, any part of him... He denies you however and you sob as the ropes do more damage, but the overwhelming pleasure overrides all sense of self preservation as your squirting pulsing pussy gets ruined.
You feel another pair of hands supporting your legs startling you as his hands hadn’t stopped fondling you, exploring every inch of your body, they felt colder than his hands but no less substantial, you realise it’s his shadow when it feels like it’s pressed under your tail too.
You can’t think about it though as with a growl his teeth clamp down on the side of your neck and he sucks a bruise into your flesh teeth pricking your skin, you moan once more, the new sensation adding to the invasion of your senses.
“Scream for me Dear, relief is earned not given my Little Doe... scream for me,” With a sharp twist on your nipple, his thrusts bullying your stomach internally with every throb and rub and twitch, the sucking sensation on your clit increases to a painful capacity.
You break.
Screaming his name “ALASTOR!” you wail through your third release absolutely bathing him in your squirt, his cock making shluck sounds with every thrust as he finally gives in to his own release.
Bottoming out hard inside you once more and squeezing your tits tightly as you feel every part of him pulsing and flooding deep inside you, his hips slamming into yours, filling you to capacity, pumping every single pulse of seed inside you, making sure you take every single drop as he lifts your hips, using gravity to aid him, fucking his cum in you with his cock head, burying it firmly and making sure none escapes as he looks down at the absolute mess he’s made of you.
Alastor observes in satisfaction the blindfold still secure but drenched in tears, your skin flushed, soaked and bruised, the bite on your neck trickling warm blood down your clavicle, your legs spasm frequently from overstimulated relief, your pussy stretched wide over his still twitching cock, your wrists raw from the noose still binding them, and your entire body limp, the rapid rise and fall of your chest the only indication that you’re still conscious.
Gently he reaches to remove to blindfold, you blink against the stark change of brightness.
Eventually your eyes focus on the awe inspiring Radio Demon, his smiling look of utter smug pride as he catches his breath makes your pussy clench around him again making you whine from sensitivity, your head still quite dizzy, your body feeling heavy, it’s all you can do to not pass out.
Cooing at you, he releases your wrists from their restraints and rolling you both onto your sides he cradles you to his chest petting your hair whispering praise as he holds your wrists up for inspection, “Such a beautiful little Pet, you did so well, I’m right here, don’t you worry, I take care of what’s mine.”
There’s a green burning glow again and you feel your wrists smart once more before the pain dulls and you slump in relief against him.
Moaning as his cock shifts inside your abused hole, he chuckles and starts humming soothingly, helping you adjust and come down from your ordeal.
His own state a stark contrast to yours, he seems almost energised as he takes care of you, rubbing your back, kissing the top of your head as your legs stays slung over his waist as he slowly softens inside you, both of you dripping from your release, but you don’t have the mental faculty to be embarrassed over your particular penchant for squirting, nor his talent on seamlessly drawing it out of you.
Finally when he deems you recovered enough he scoops you up and heads to the bathroom to clean you both up, sliding gently out of your warmth making the pair of you groan, he gives you another kiss to ease you again.
The sound of his pleasure makes your heart flutter, he traverses the distance easily on his long sturdy legs, the shower already running, he steps inside the warm flow of water with you still cradled in his arms rinsing you both off as best as he can.
“Such a pretty little Doe, my perfect little pet, you felt so good wrapped around me, knew exactly how much you needed me... All this time, who knew you could be so good for me.” He seemed to narrate everything that happened, how delightfully responsive you were and how he can’t wait to see you cum for him again and again.
Your head rests on his chest still shaking from overstimulation, your pussy still sore and pulsing as he uses his tentacles to hold you and his hands to clean you, you listen to him far more than you had earlier when you’d been absconded upstairs by him, but taking no more of it in than before in your well fucked state.
Once you’re both clean he keeps you in the tentacles gentle, secure hold as he grabs towels for you both, and the sight of his little fluffy tail wagging is what caused you to sober up enough to regain your senses.
The flash of green when he had to conjure towels makes you gasp as your memory comes back to you... Your hand jumping to your chest as though to grasp at your very soul as you remember what you did.... All for the sake of sex with Alastor... Damn good sex but still... How the hell did he manage that?
Your heart races in panic as he returns to you wrapping you up so carefully to dry you, you can’t help but feel affection for him and of how tender he’s being caring for you.
He finishes drying you both, the smell of him all the more potent now your dripping squirt had been cleansed from both of your skin and fur.
He carries you back into the bedroom, tucking you into now clean, dry, soft bedding.
Getting in beside you he pulls you gently into his arms, hushing you when you attempt to speak, scratching behind your ears, making your eyelids go heavy and you almost purr.
He conjures you a glass of water and holds it steady as he helps you drink, your hands still too shaky to cope.
“We’ll talk about it all tomorrow.” Alastor says softly intuitively knowing what the look in your eyes meant, seeing the fear, doubt and questions, his smile softens, seeming almost genuine, he vanished the glass and gathers you in close, pressing another softer kiss to your lips, utterly pleased with the results of today, thankful for the storm outside as he finally got everything he wanted.
“Goodnight my perfect Little Doe.”
Your eyes drift closed, his warmth and scent addictive, comforting to your overworked muscles as he rubs your back soothingly, maybe you were wrong about the risks of being infatuated with him... But still your soul? What were you going to do now... What was he going to do with you... Would you be expected to warm his bed forever? Would he expect you to housekeep like Niffty or barkeep like Husk... There was no avoiding it... From this moment on... You belonged to him...
Forever Bound.
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A/N: I only edited this once rather than my usual 4 times, so if there's alot of errors or issues let me know 💜
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harleehazbinfics · 7 months
ermm ermmm ,,,,, , cannibal!reader has like a sad past right (i saw u mention they were abused hence the obsession w approval) ,, well okay what if the hotel residents found out? like ... idk one of reader’s parents shows up at the hotel ... idk , honestly i just really love how you write cannibal reader theyre wildly silly
Crazy for you!
--- cannibal chef m.list
a/n: AWWW THANK YOU SO MUCHHH they/she is indeed very silly, i most of my inspo from myself and other fans of alastor and their reactions lmao. ive been stuck on one fanfic for days i gave up today and words just flowed for cannibal chef reader, i can't--. also plsplspls if you find any of this triggering pls turn back, i want all of you to be in a safe space.
warnings: abusive mother, shaming choice of clothing, weight shaming, typical asian behavior of 'be a doctor or lawyer' but rudeness level maxed out, being called ungrateful, useless etcetc DISCLAIMER: Any scenarios are entirely fictional and have no direct relation to any person and taken from behaviours I see, read or hear from. Thank you. word count: 1292
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You, Alastor, Niffty, Husk, Angel and Sir Pentious got together and were enjoying a lazy weekend just lounging around the parlor just enjoying each other's company and talking amongst each other. The lot of them fitting on the couch and the floor. You stood beside Alastor sitting on a chair by himself drinking his coffee indulging himself in a casual conversation.
You all turn your heads when the door opens expecting to see Vaggie and Charlie, preparing to greet them and get them to join you all. However, they stop in themselves from doing so when they see the both of them touring a person in.
Your constant smile drops at the sight of her. You immediately recognize the face and voice making you slowly and quietly hid behind the chair Alastor making yourself small as to not catch their attention. Alastor, of course, notices this action and raises his eyebrow.
"And this is Angel and Sir Pentious our other guest, Niffty our cleaning maid and Husk our bartender. Alastor here is the host of the hotel, he's the who supported all our endeavors!" Charlie states.
"Oh! Isn't that the Radio Demon? Dear it is him! I'm a big fan of yours," your mother mooches at Alastor earning a displeased static sound from him when she abruptly shook his hand without his permission.
"Alastor, where's (y/n)? Aren't they always with you?" Charlie asks making you cringe as you cautiously walk towards them.
"(Y/n)? Is that you?" your mother asks in disbelief before enveloping you in a hug, which made you sick to your stomach. "Oh gosh! It's been years! Look at you! You look so skanky with that clothing. You also look like you've gained weight. I told you not to go to culinary school and be a doctor or lawyer instead. You look so fat now, probably from all that meat you're eating. You should've gone vegan look how your Aunt Karen slimmed down, she's been going around and teaching, crazy bitch. Anyway, take my luggage to my room, I need to talk to everyone here. Good? Great."
You tried to get a word in with dejected eyes but lose your voice when she gives you harsh glare. You sigh and take her bags and answered, "Yes mother."
Without you noticing, all the others went deathly silent as they watch you look so sad. Your almost permanent smile disappeared from your face making them surprised and worried. You always smiled around them, mimicking Alastor's grin that was plastered on your face. Sure, they've seen you drop the smile when you were separated with Alastor before but eventually you opened up to them and was seen constantly socializing and smiling around them making them feel relieved being the youngest of all of them, but they never seen you look so sad before. Coupled with the backhanded comments made by your mother, they couldn't help but feel hostile.
Indeed, you were crazy and a bit of a monster, but you were the sweetest most thoughtful thing that ever happened to them. Any occasion was prepared by you ranging from the Hotel's Anniversary, Birthdays and even as miniscule as just a mission accomplished on their rehabilitation program. This encouraged everyone to do better with how much faith you put in them. (That and your cooking is so out of this world that even Angel would dial his drug intake from a 15 to a 13 for a treat.)
So, when your sweet and genuine smile faded, they glared at the perpetrator that made you react so drastically. However, in respect for Charlie they held their tongue first.
"Sooo, what's your relationship with (y/n)?" Charlie asks trying to be polite despite the tense atmosphere.
"Oh, her? She's my daughter. Ungrateful little wench, I took care of her her whole life and the thanks I get is her running away home. Next thing I know she's in a boarding school for taking culinary classes. Where'd that bitch even get that money, she should've paid everything he owed to us first! Her parents! Say, can you make me a drink Whiskers? Just thinking of that bitch makes my head hurt. Make it snappy," she orders around slumping onto a vacant seat making herself very at home.
"Don't call me Whiskers, only my friends get to call me that. And I ain't taking shit from you," Husker replies turning his back at her.
She gasps dramatically and yells, "You call this hospitality?!"
She stands up trying to reach Husk, Angel stands in between them along with Pentious and Niffty before a black tendril shoots out from the ground wrapping around her.
"This is where I draw the line," Vaggie growls pointing her spear at your mother.
"What? You actually like that girl? Pft, what the fuck's that all about. She's ungrateful and good for nothing. You actually like someone as useless as her?" your mother laughs at the protective group, her eyes widen as she sees Charlie change into her demon form.
Alastor gently pushes her behind him stopping her in her tracks. He says, "I'll handle this. This obviously concerns my closest companion so this will fall into my hands."
Your mother scrutinizes him finding his tone and gesture quite odd then her eyes lighten up in recognition. She laughs at him and yells, "You can't be serious! You like that--"
She gets cut off as the tendril wraps around her mouth and drags you in his shadow, ceasing her muffled screams. As soon as she disappears, you come down finding all of them but your mom.
"Where's my mom?"
"Sheeee changed her mind! Yeah! She told us that she had something to do," Charlie lies between her teeth with an anxious look in her eyes making Vaggie elbow her despite her doing the same.
"Oh, I see," you say still not smiling, "Will she come back? Her things are still here."
"Nah. She ain't comin' back, sweet cheeks. She's got better shit to do apparently and wanted us to drop off her stuff on an address," Angel casually lies beckoning her to sit with them petting your head after.
Husk nudges Pentious making him confused for a while before getting the message, answering, " Y-yes! I will do it right now. Eggbois! Take the woman's things outside the hotel!"
While the little eggs tottered to do their master's bidding your eyes slowly light up but not fully their yet.
"Look kid, we won't prod into your business but know if you ever need someone to talk to, you've got a bartender right here," Husk jokes with a grin holding onto his suspenders in a pose making you slightly giggle.
"Hey, hey you got us too!" Angel, Charlie, Niffty and Pentious (that got back from telling them to throw the old bat's shit into the garbage) joined in earning a smile from Vaggie and Alastor.
After you felt better, you called in for the day and left to your rooms. After escorting Alastor to his room he snags you inside then comes in close before petting your head tenderly.
You look at him surprised, although without your normal heart eyes that you give him, confused at his actions.
He brushes his fingers against your cheek electrifying you and states, "Whenever you get into trouble, tell me. I'll handle it myself, after all you are mine."
Your eyes shape into hearts, legs turning into jelly, heart beating faster and faster by the millisecond, trying to comprehend the weight of his words and engraving them into your brain.
"Understood?" he asks pleased with your reaction.
"Yes, Sir~" you breathed out finding yourself flushed red, breath hot and heavily.
"Good," he smiles devilishly.
(I'll leave the ending as ambiguous 😌)
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simphornies · 8 months
Artistic desire [Husk x Shy!Reader] Fluff
A/N: This was a request sent by a lovely follower. I'm not particularly good at writing shy characters but I did my best. Hopefully this suits your taste.
Word count: 3.4k (3,481)
Warnings: none unless you count mentions of mommy and daddy issues
You were a bit of a social recluse. Your parents fucked off and died somewhere in one of the seven rings when you were a teenager and since everything is basically free, besides drugs and sex, you just stayed in your parents’ manor. The only person that really checked up on you everyday was Charlie. You crossed paths when you were younger, rode through the emo phase together and now you’re both older.
Before her hotel opened up, she was eager to tell you of all the plans. Every. Single. Plan. Of course, you didn’t mind the chatter through the phone. You enjoyed something that filled up the empty halls in your home. You helped her redesign a bit but after a while, you were in a pit of…the opposite of an art block?
You spent every waking moment, painting and creating art. If you thanked your demon parents for anything, it’d be the part where their powers passed onto you naturally. Your mother was a beautiful muse, perfection in keeping everything aesthetically pleasing. Your father painted his muse at every given moment. You didn’t necessarily hate them per-say but you sure as hell didn’t love them. The moment you kept something out of place, an inch off the center, your mother scrambled to fix it.
She didn’t yell or bother with correcting you, she would just obsess with the finer details. Your father never stepped up for anything other than painting. Hell forbid you switch up his paints and he’d be locked in his room all day. Finishing piece after piece.
You didn’t take after any of their obsessive traits. Instead you embraced the messy lines, the off-centered pieces. You embraced the imperfection and impurities that came with hell itself.
And that is exactly how you ended up in Charlie’s Hazbin Hotel. She convinced you to take your artistic abilities to brighten the place up. With the surprising help of Alastor, you chose compromise on the color palette. The fabrics, the decor, the lights, the curtains, the rugs. It was all your choosing. And when Alastor decided to phase in a bar with Husk included, the odd placement of green itched your brain in a good way.
The bar wasn’t the only thing that got you going. A surge of inspiration waved through your entire being the moment you saw him. The moment you heard his voice you wanted to capture it in art. There wasn’t a passing day where you didn’t sit at his bar, eagerly waiting for his next story.
At first, he wanted absolutely nothing to do with you considering how well you got along with Alastor. But that opinion quickly faded the more you hung around him. Every time he’d tell a story, he noticed you always doodling in delight, listening to every detail. You didn’t participate in conversations much but he could tell you were listening to the whole thing. Your legitimate interest in his stories warmed his heart a little bit more than he’d ever admit. He soon realized that you two were probably the most sane demons in the entirety of the hotel.
“The usual?” He asks. You nod and continue to fill your sketchbook with drawings, the act visible to him by the way your eyes shine. He poured three glasses for you both. One glass of whiskey for him, a glass of champagne for you, and one of your old paint cups with water. He handed you your drink in a champagne glass and your cup next to your sketchbook. Last time he handed that to you, you accidentally drank the paint water.
You quietly thank him as you gleefully kick your feet in the empty space under you. The chairs hoisted you up enough for you to not touch the floor when you sat, something he found admirable. He hummed as he cleans a couple of glasses left over from when Angel was drinking.
Oh how he wished to take a peek at your drawings. He would never try to ask, he learned from one of your small conversations together that you said it’s like a diary. And he’d be damned if he pried into that. The only time he’ll ever get any information from people is when they’re absolutely fucked up wasted. He watched as your face was unbelievably close to the book, the sound of your pencil against the paper was soothing to him. Oddly enough, it was never complete without it.
“Hey, Y/N? Could you do me a big big big favor? Pretty please?” Charlie speaks up, breaking the silence between you two. He sighs and starts to stock up his shelves knowing that you were probably going to get hoisted away now. He feels the weird shift in his chest that made him realize he was actually in love with you this whole time.
“Yes, Charlie?” You looked up at her as you put your pencil down. “What can I do to help?” Your voice was smooth jazz to his ears. He wanted to hear you speak more. And he hated when other demons talked to him. But your voice. He’d fight in a war with the exorcists to hear you speak to him more. He secretly wished you said his name instead.
She gives you a guilty grin, “So, I was trying to make a sign for Sir Pentious and well…”
“It looks a little bit like vomit!” Nifty chimed in, unashamed.
Charlie laughed nervously, “I may have chosen the wrong green…Would you mind, helping me out?”
You smile, “Of course.” You get up, following Charlie and Vaggie to the opposite side of the lobby to give aid in their color struggles.
Nifty continued her cleaning and while she did, she realized that you had left your sketchbook wide open. Of course, as it is in Nifty’s nature, she snatches the book off of the bar’s countertop, just out of Husk’s view and takes a look at the page it was open to. She gasps and runs over to Angel and Alastor, eager to show her finds.
“My my. What a wonderful find you’ve got there, Nifty.” Alastor grins. He was not much of a lover but he sure as hell enjoyed seeing his little pet get flustered. And perhaps he’s been more tolerant lately so he figured he can have a bit of happiness in this hotel.
“Oh. My. Fuck.” Angel stares at the sketches you have of Husk. The two pages were filled with him and just him. Him cleaning the glasses, him fixing his hate, him with his wings out. Some were obvious direct sketches from his day-to-day life but the others were all from your mind. There was one of him in a fancy suit. One with his hair slicked back the way he briefly mentioned it during his stories of being an overlord. Angel stares at the page a bit longer before looking over at Alastor who shared his mischievous grin.
While you were painting the sign with Vaggie, Charlie is pulled to the side by Alastor. “Charlie, my dear. You would say that you are a lover girl at heart, would you not?” He asks.
“Uhm. Yes. Yes I am, Alastor.” She answers with confusion in her voice, “Why?”
“Why, Nifty had some groundbreaking finds just a moment ago that I believe I should be sharing with you.” He smiles widely as Angel hands her the open sketchbook.
“Somebody,” he whispers, “Got a little thing for Whiskers~”
Charlie takes one long look at the page and was about to start squealing in delight until Alastor puts a finger up to her lips. “Ah ah, my dear. Now’s not the time for that. Wouldn’t it be best that you talk about this with her in private.” He suggested.
“You’re right! Ohhhh my gosh! This is amazing!” She grins, “I’ve known her in all my years here in hell and I have not seen her take a liking to anybody. I’ll definitely talk about it with her!”
The sign for Sir Pentious was up in congratulations for his arrival and his development. Everyone was cheering him on by the bar. You scout around for your sketchbook, swearing you left it by Husk. He wouldn’t be the type of guy to take personal things like that.
Just as you were about to ask him where it was, Charlie quickly drags you into a spare room, filled with excitement. Excitement that drove you a bit nervous.
“Charlie? Is there anything you need me to do here?” You ask, scanning the empty room around you.
She simply could not contain her excitement. “It’s come to my attention that you, my lovely lovely friend, may have a teeny tiny crush on someone.”
Oh fuck.
“Haaaa. What?” You ask, trying to contain your composure. “I don’t like anybody. That’s funny. Hah hahhh…” You nervously laughed.
Just then, Charlie hands you your sketchbook. “Nifty found it and well…you left it open to your most recent sketches…of Husk!” She squeals.
Your face turns a bright red as you swiped the sketchbook out of her hands. “Charlie! Oh fuck, please don’t tell me you told him.” You were every shade of red possible in hell out of sheer embarrassment.
“Of course not! I wouldn’t take that adorable opportunity away from you and him!” She hugs her shorter friend, “So. Tell me all about it! When did it start? When did you know?” She gasps in excitement as she thought of more questions to bombard you with, “Why? How did you find out? What do you like most about him?”
“W-well I…” You stutter, hugging your sketchbook close, “I’m not sure when but I just know that, these last couple of weeks he’s been…um…you know. Kind of inspiration? My…muse. If you will.”
Charlie loved your answers and continued to ask more questions. “So when are you going to tell him?” She gasps, “Oh my gosh—You guys should totally go on a date!”
“A DATE?” You choke, “Fucking hell—Charlie. I cannot bring myself to do that. You’re the only person I can talk to without stuttering too much and you want me to go on a date with the very demon I like?”
The answer was yes and before you know it, you and Husk are getting pushed out of the hotel with a pile of cash in both of your guys’ hands, courtesy of Charlie. She somehow got you both into matching outfits. A dress with hearts on the collar with a white and red pearly necklace to match. Husk was somehow, probably by Alastor, shoved into his overlord suit and tie.
“You motherfuckers better not fuck up my bar! I worked all day to keep shit organized!” He yelled at the closed door, “I’m talking about you, Angel Dust!” He scoffed and fixed his sleeves.
You couldn’t bear to look dead at him. You safely got peeks from your peripheral. On one of your attempts, the two of you made eye contact for a brief second. You immediately looked away, muttering an apology under your breath.
“Are you gonna stand there staring at nothing or are we going?” He elbowed you gently.
“Oh! U-Uh. I’m not quite sure…where we have to go.” You admitted.
He rolls his eyes, “Thrown into battle blind, huh?” He chuckled before moving in front of you, “Take my hand. Can’t have other demons fucking with our artist.”
You look at him, memorizing the way his grin sat on his face. A light blush forms across your cheeks as you take his hand. He walks with you down the city and into the nearest fancy club in your area.
“Ah. I think this is gonna be a little…”
“You scared?” He grins, “You’ll be fine. You’re with me. I’ll fuck shit up if I need to.” He flashed you his playing cards, edges as sharp as can be.
You sigh and nod, walking in with him. He sat you down at a quieter side, as quiet as a famous club can be. You both share a bottle of whiskey, your sudden interest shocking him.
“You know, that art thing you do is mesmerizing.” Why did he have to bring that up now? You internally groaned. “It’s like magic whenever you put whatever’s in that brain on paper.” He stirs his drink with a claw, looking at you. You swear you see a bit of sparkle in his usual dull eyes.
“Th-thanks, Husk.” You stutter. The way his name came out of you warmed him up more than his drink. He wanted you to say it again so badly. "I’ve seen you do magic too y’know.” As much as he paid attention to your work, so did you. You have endless sketches of him playing with cards, fucking around with Angel’s hand with a smooth move so quick one could barely catch it without attentive eyes.
“Ohhh,” He leans in a bit, a teasing grin plastered on his face, “So you watch me that close, huh?”
You choke on your drink, spitting a bit out, “Wh-what! No.”
He chuckles a bit, leaning back, “Cut the act, Y/N.” He closed his eyes, putting his glass up to his lips, “Alastor told me already. And Nifty. And Angel. And Charlie, you know she can’t keep a secret well.”
You were a mess. They told him and they didn’t tell you that they told him? You’re definitely messing with their rooms later. But how much did they tell him? You can’t pinpoint it. “I-” You coughed, trying to clear up your throat from your near death experience via literal drowning in alcohol. “I can’t help that you’re just…nice to draw.”
You turn away, a bit ashamed and definitely flustered. He was quiet, watching you intently as he sipped on his drink. “I like drawing anything I like.”
Now it was his turn to choke a bit but you didn’t catch it. He wiped his mouth, “So you like me then, right?”
You turn to face him not expecting his face to be so close to yours. A little shift and you two would fall into a kiss. You weren’t able to read his face well. He had a blank expression. You stare at him, face red.
“It’s okay, fucker. You know how it is,” He elbows you, laughing a bit before grabbing your hand to drag you out of the club. “I’m the bartender that knows everything about everybody.”
He rarely used his wings, unwilling to accept his demon form. But tonight, he stretched his wings out. “What’re you-”
“Do you trust me, Y/N?” He looks at you over his shoulder, holding your hand a little tighter. You nod in response.
Without a second thought, he pulled you close to him, hugging you to his chest. You blinked and you were off the ground, soaring through the air. He held you close, careful to not let you fall.
“I want you to see something. Something I doubt anyone’s ever shown you.” He keeps his head up, unaware of how starstruck you’re looking at him. You were also too scared to look anywhere else.
He flies as high as he can, stopping at a certain point before holding you in his arms in a bridal style way. “Look around, Y/N. Take it all in.” He speaks softly. You look around and from where you guys are, you can see the entire Pentagram City. Your eyes are filled with a breathtaking view of the city you grew up in. He smiles at the sight of your interest, “As much as I fucking hate this place. It’s not bad when you can’t hear the chaos going on down there from up here.”
“It’s beautiful. I…I have to paint this.” You state, wishing you had your book with you. You rest your head on his chest. After a while you feel him fly towards a high point at the edge of the city, landing on a mountain. He doesn’t let you down as soon he lands though, he didn’t want to ruin your adoring looks at the view.
Your face is lit up with admiration, you feel at peace. It was quiet but a soothing kind of quiet. Your ears caught onto a different sound while you rested on his chest. Is he purring?
You look up at him, “Thanks for the ride, Husk.” Smiling warmly, you cupped his face in your hand. You swear you felt him lean into it. He puts you down gently before putting his hand over yours, returning your warm smile. “Can I ask you a question?”
He purrs softly, the vibrations reverberating on your hand. He nods. “Is it okay I…pet you a bit. You’re just so fluffy.” He went from looking at you with his eyes half shut to wide open, in disbelief. “I-It’s for my art! My drawings.” You laugh nervously, “You know…reference…” It was half a lie, which he is aware of, you actually do want to capture his soft looking fur in your drawings but wanted to know exactly how dense or fluffy it is.
He laughs, closing his eyes as he sat on the ground with you following after him, “You’re lucky I like you, Y/N. Go for it.”
He hated when people treated him like a cat but for you, he’d make an exception. He’d make multiple exceptions for you. You begin to stroke the top of his head, making sure you remember how it feels in your palms in case you never get the chance to do this again. His purring grew louder as he leaned into your touch.
You began to pet his cheeks, getting a closer look at his face, taking in every detail. From his heart shaped nose, to the way his eyebrows fluffed out of his face. He slowly opened his eyes, peeking at you. You were too mesmerized by how unbearably handsome he is to see him inching closer.
He grabs your hand on his cheek, “I could kiss you right now.” He could what? Before you got a chance to react he pulled you into him, his lips crashing on yours. You yelp before giving in and melting into him. The kiss didn’t last too long but it felt like hours.
You stared at him as longingly as you did dumbfounded. “Look, babe, I notice everything about you. Everything you do.” He holds your head in his hands. “I see the way you light up when Charlie brings you paintings. How you paint with that focused look. You’re one of, if not, the only demon with sense in that hotel and respect my boundaries. You’ve never pushed my buttons once. And I truly, truly appreciate it.”
You lean into his hold, holding his face in return, “I understand you a lot more than you think, Husk. I know it’s silly but I find comfort in you. I love the way your voice sounds. I love watching your magic tricks. I love the way you effortlessly make a drink without even looking. And I love the way you fight. You fill me with so much artistic desire and you get me out of the toughest art blocks out there.”
“And you help me stay calm when everybody gets on my nerves. I’ll take a fight on for you any day, babe.” He rests his forehead on yours, “Who would’ve thought my cold little heart could be warmed up in hell of all places, huh?”
He shifts and rests his head on your lap as you continue to pet him, humming softly as you did.
"And who would've thought I'd be able to get the grumpy bartender to purr in my lap?"
You two enjoyed the rest of your night together. He actually stole a bottle for you two and you both drank the night away.
“You think Y/N’s ruffling his feathers? If you know what I mean.” Angel laughs followed by a quick slap on the back by Vaggie. “Ow! It was just a joke. God, tits.”
“Oh I believe Husk is having a wonderful night.” Alastor grins, aware of what the soul he owns has done, “And might I say, he is quite the charmer. Truly a hidden gem. Under all that gruff he is but a little kitten.” He hummed, teleporting away into his tower.
Charlie was so excited and had set up a congratulations sign on the wall for when you two return. She was happy her dear friend finally found comfort in somebody.
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serasfanfiction · 2 months
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3| Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 | Part 11 | Part 12 | Part 13 | Part 14 | Part 15 | Part 16 | Part 17 | Part 18 | Part 19
Very little changed over the next several days between Alastor and Lucifer.
So little changed, in fact, that Lucifer would have added, 'if anything.'
Lucifer was self aware enough to understand that he didn't have much experience with the concept of dating. The lead up to his marriage with Lilith had been all mutual curiosity and respect as both parties explored their relatively new existence and each other. Lucifer had been attracted to Lilith's independence, her strong personality, and her breath taking beauty. Lilith had been attracted to his respect for her autonomy, his dreams and aspirations, and his dorkish personality.
That curiosity had quickly turned to heated passion. Everything that followed had been a whirl wind of action and reaction from the moment Lilith and Lucifer had utterly and completely derailed The Divine Plan.
All of this to say, he'd really only 'dated' one person in his life.
He wasn't completely naive to other types of relationships. He had eyes and ears that worked just fine. He had had more than enough time to observe other being's relationships from the outside over the last ten thousand years. He'd read stories. He'd heard songs and ballads. Not even living in hell was capable of completely eradicating the concept of love and romance. The Hellborn were just as capable as humans of having loving and meaningful relationships, even if it was warped to a degree by the nature of their species.
His biases had largely left him willfully blind to the fact that sinners were just as capable of building those relationships. Being at the hotel and living amongst some of those sinners was going a long way to opening his eyes to the things he had been trying to ignore. The hotel was indeed providing a space to indulge in those healthier emotions, but with the exception of Husk's and Angel's thing, many of the relationships he was seeing had formed outside the hotel.
So, Lucifer had his one relationship to base around what it might be like to give and receive love. He knew what love could look like from the outside in all its multifaceted glory. He knew what he himself was capable of giving and he had seen that sinners were capable of giving.
All of it left him with the utter and complete certainty he had no clue what to expect from this relationship.
In a moment of late night insanity, he had thought to see if he could draw any parallels between Alastor and Lilith to perhaps glean some guidance over how to navigate the situation. That plan had quickly backfired because they really only had three things in common: they were both fiercely independent, they were very driven individuals who would do anything to reach their goals, and they were both taller than him. So,that was a no go.
Lucifer was fine with letting Alastor set the pace for this. He was in no rush and this wouldn't be the first time he'd allowed someone else to set the tone of a relationship. He simply wished he had a better idea of what Alastor did want out of this. At that time, several days after their getting together, all Lucifer had gleaned was the impression that Alastor was enjoying his victory and savoring the accomplishment.
It was this feeling of being stuck in a holding pattern with little idea of how to move forward that set Lucifer's feet to bringing him to the radio host's door early that particular afternoon.
He was just raising his fist to rap his knuckles against the door, when it opened seemingly on its own. When he saw no one in front of him, on a wild guess, he looked down. There, only coming up to his waist, was one of Alastor's shadow minions. It danced lightly from foot to foot, a giggle on its lips, at the sight of him. Just as suddenly as it was there, it promptly vanished.
"Do come in, dear," came floating out from the depths of Alastor's room. "Someone might see you and then we'll never be rid of the questions."
It still sent a little zip up his spine, the endearments. Said for him when no one was paying attention, they serve as little treasures to prove he hadn't gone around the bend and started making up truly tall tales.
Lucifer stepped across the thresh hold, closing the door behind him. He turned the knob as he did to hide any click the door would have given as it shut. Hand resting on the knob, he peered around the room for his partner.
As it had been the last time he'd gone looking for Alastor, the room was empty at first glance. The fire was lit, but no one sat in either of the two chairs in front of it. The bed was made and unoccupied. The bayou stretched out before him, the lone chair and table like wise left without their owner's attention.
Movement drew his eye. Popping up from behind the large roots of a tree was one of Alastor's minions. This one was smaller than the last - the height of a house cat on all four paws - its size resulting in it being nearly dwarfed by the roots around it. When it spotted him, it lept over the obstacle. Hands in the air in a most comical fashion, it scurried its way between the tree and the edge where the bayou met Alastor's suite. There, it paused, its tiny hands coming up to rest on the wooden planks that simply phased out of existence at the border between the two dimensions. It smiled widely up at him, its little tail swaying back in forth in a leisurely manner.
At least someone was thrilled to see him.
Lucifer cautiously approached. He would have thought if he could hear Alastor's voice, the owner of the voice would be nearby, but there was still no sign of the sinner as far as the eye could see. He knelt down at the border, holding his hand out to the little minion. It proceeded to rub its forehead up against his hand, not unlike a feline seeking attention from someone it had deemed worthy of it's attentions.
Lucifer huffed, amused. "Is Alastor around here somewhere?"
The minion nodded enthusiastically as it pointed off into the bayou. It bounced on its feet, making a 'come hither' motion. When he stepped off the edge of the boards and onto the grass of the bayou, the minion twirled around and scurried off.
Lucifer set himself to an easy pace. He didn't have to worry that the minion would leave him behind. Every time it saw it was outpacing him, it would double back. When he was within a meter's distance, it would be on its way again. This carried on for a while, past the point where Lucifer could no longer see Alastor's suite if he searched for it. He wondered, not for the first time, how deep this forest went.
Occasionally, he would catch sight of figures moving along the trees: eyes glowing in the darkness, peering curiously at them as they passed. Another pair of eyes watched from a nearby pond, the rest of the creature's body hidden beneath the water.
The minion paused at another large knot of roots. It lit up with excitement at whatever it had found. It bounced up, spinning around in mid air as it raced back over to him. Without a by-your-leave, the little being suddenly dug its tiny claws into his pants. A "Hey!" had barely left Lucifer's lips, before it had decided he made a good perch and proceeded to climb up his side. It settled itself on his shoulder, an air of content to it.
Lucifer eyed it, disgruntled but endeared enough by its cuteness to allow the indignity and let it stay. Feeling slightly put upon, he crossed the remaining distance to the tree the minion had stopped at.
All irritation disappeared as he got his first look at where the minion had been leading him. A medium sized clearing opened up before him, trees lining the edges, cutting a clear boundary between the clearing and the rest of the forest. Dark green grass and the occasional cattail swayed in a breeze lightly making its way through the clearing. In the exact center of the clearing was a pond, obviously intended to be the focal point of the landscape. Countless fireflies flitted around, offering more light than the moonless sky above.
Tending to the pond and whatever was in it was the elusive Alastor himself. He didn't look up from his work as Lucifer approached, the turning of his ears the only indication he was aware someone had arrived.
Lucifer stared around the clearing, taking everything in. He hadn't seen this much green and brown foliage outside his occasional trips to Earth since before he and Lilith had been dragged out of Eden. He could feel the faint wisps of the sinner's magic everywhere, suggesting this place was something Alastor had recently created.
It was beautiful.
"You've been busy." Lucifer did a complete 360° turn, taking everything in. "Is this where you've been hiding away?"
Alastor didn't immediately answer beyond a soft snort. He finished bringing a cattail into existence exactly where he wanted it, before straightening and dusting his hands off against each other, the leather of his gloves making a scuffing sound as he did so. When he turned to address his guest, there as pleased smile on his face. "I had meant this to be a gift for later, but since you are here..."
He held out his hand, offering it to Lucifer.
Lucifer glanced at it. For a moment, he thought the permission to touch Alastor was the gift - he certainly could have yielded the opportunity to do so as such. Lucifer was touch starved enough he would have gladly accepted whatever scraps the redhead was willing to offer.
Alastor raised an eyebrow at him, his eyes narrowing as if he could read every thought passing through his head. The redhead pointedly held out his hand a little further, indicating he wanted Lucifer to take it.
The blond cottoned on to the fact that Alastor was offering to show him something. Taking the offered hand, he let Alastor draw him closer to the edge of the pond he was working on. As he stepped up closer, the sinner gestured out to the pond with his other hand.
At first, Liucifer wasn't certain what he was looking for. He assumed it was something either in or on the pond. He was just opening his mouth to ask, when he spotted them.
Ducks. A family of ducks, at that, made up of a mother and six ducklings.
Lucifer felt no shame over the squee that slipped out, the high-pitched 'ee!' caused Alastor's ears to flatten against his skull. The king paid the discomfort little mind as he dropped to his hands and knees right there at the water's edge, wanting to get a better look at the animals.
The abrupt movement disloded his little passenger along the way, sending the minion tumbling head over heals into the grass. It giggled as it disappeared off into the grass.
The ducks were all a pure white, with orange-yellow beaks, and little black, button eyes. They were all smaller than the ducks he remembered, making them seem oddly chubbier and cuter for it. The babies trailed after the mother duck, all of them swimming along in a straight line as they made their way from one end of the pond to the other.
Lucifer stared, hearts in his eyes. Were his tail out, it would have been waging happily at the sight. Not daring to make any sudden moves least he scare them, he whispered, "Are they real?"
Alastor's tone suggested he was internally laughing at him. "They're quite real, my dear. They're called Call Ducks. Imported straight from Earth."
The statement was just alarming enough to grab Lucifer's attention away from the ducks. "Wait." He twisted around to frown up at his partner. "What do you mean, imported--"
He broke off as Alastor knelt down and retrieved his hand. Confused, he could only watch as the sinner poured something into it. Whatever it was, it appeared to be oats. "I feed them earlier," Alastor said by way of explanation. "But I think they will enjoy a treat."
As if he were seeing someone else's hand be moved, Lucifer watched Alastor guide their hand - one over the other - out over the pond. The redhead whistled, a single note. Lucifer might have been able to put together what he was witnessing on any other day, but his brain was too busy gibbering about 'ducksducksducks' to put two and two together.
The mother duck noted their presence, alerted by the whistle. She caught on to the oats almost immediately. Showing no fear, she started her way across the pond.
Any coherent thoughts proceeded to fall right out of Lucifer's head with little hope of recovery. Utterly enraptured, he could only stare as she made her way over and dug right into the oats, straight out of their hands.
And, of course, where she went, her children followed.
Ducks were known messy eaters. As she gobbled at the oats, some of it spilled out of their hands into the water. Not to wasted, the ducklings were quick to attack the treat. Nothing would likely be left behind by the time they were done.
By the time they finished, Lucifer was near vibrating with excitement. Eyes large and efficiently brain dead from the sight of his second favorite thing in the universe (after his daughter), he looked at Alastor, managing to get out a squeaky, "They're so cute!"
Alastor blinked at him. The blonde could only guess what sort of impression he was making in that moment. He knew he certainly didn't look even remotely like the King of Hell.
Lucifer simply didn't care, because ducks.
Alastor snorted, the noise sounding suspiciously like a cut off laugh. "I'm pleased to hear you think so, dear."
A corner of Lucifer brain power not being taken up by the neon lights flashing that ducks were here, in Hell, somehow, was sorry that he had likely just missed an opportunity to hear Alastor's first real laugh in his presence. "Where...?"
Alastor released his hand. "They were acquired from a rescue shelter that cares for wild animals." Alastor gazed out on his -and Lucifer's!! - little flock of ducks. "Only two of the children are her own. The rest were orphaned."
Lucifer reached out and ran the back of a single finger down the mother's back. She tolerated the attention, likely having gotten used to human's during her stay with them. He poured a little of his magic into her, just enough to find evidence of a recently healed wing. She quacked at the odd sensation, but didn't swim away.
As the children swarmed around her, giving him easy access to pet them too, he asked, "Did you steal some ducks for me?" He had been going for a teasing tone only for it to come out a little too much like wonder.
It was perhaps because of this that Alastor didn't take any offense. He only sounded amused as he countered, "Hardly. The human's were told they were being sent to a new habitat and here they are!"
Hell was certainly a new habitat, alright.
Alastor wasn't done. "The children are all from different parents. I felt it was a nice start for potential breeding pairs when they get older." He stood, wiping his hand off with a brush against his coat. "I might have to add another few ducks later for genetic diversity, but I felt this was a good start."
Lucifer felt what little brain power he'd regained over the last several minutes short circuit all over again, completely forgetting his attempts to woo a shy duckling over to him. His head snapped around to stare intensely at Alastor, uncertain if he had heard him correctly.
Alastor had said they were potential breeding pairs. He was talking like this was a long term project.
Alastor had also said they were a gift. For him.
Did that mean Alastor was indeed viewing their partnership as a potential long term project as opposed to a short term one?
He opened his mouth. He had no clue what he was going to say. He never got the chance to find out, as he was abruptly cut off by the loud bang of Alastor's door slamming open for the second time in as many weeks.
"Alastor! I know you're in there!" Vaggie's voice carried, far more than it should have considering how deep they were into the bayou. "Get out here. Charlie has the next exercise prepared and she wants you there!"
A flash of annoyance crossed the radio host's face. None of that annoyance was in his voice as he called back, "Do tell Charlie I'll be along shortly."
They could hear grumbling under Vaggie's breath. They were silenced as she shut the door, off to her next task.
There was a long pause. Lucifer wanted to ask if his theory was correct. Burned with the need to ask.
Alastor, sadly, was already thinking ahead. "You might want to run along yourself, my dear." His smile widened. "They might have questions if they knock on your door and you're not there."
Lucifer cursed him for being so logical. He only had himself to blame, really - keeping this on the down low was his idea - but they were having a moment and he wanted to explore it more!
If Vaggie did knock on his door and fail to find him in, it would be a hassle to pretend he didn't know they were about to do an exercise and he just hsppened to stumble across it. Better to be there and be invited.
With great reluctance, he gave the mother duck a last pat of farewell, before disappearing back to his room in a whisp of red magic.
No sooner had he returned to his room, then a knock came at the door. It wasn't Vaggie's voice he heard calling out to him, however.
"Dad? Are you awake?" It was Charlie's.
Lucifer had enough sense to magic away all grass stains from his ever-so-white pants and any other lingering evidence. He did no effort to hide his good mood as he opened the door, as seeing Charlie almost always brought a smile to his face anyway. "Hey, Char-Char! What's up?"
Charlie tilted her head to the side. Her eyes ticked back and forth as she scanned his face. A smile of her own pulled up her lips at his enthusiasm. "You seem in a good mood."
I have a new partner, he didn't say, not yet. He needed to tell Charlie about his relationship with Alastor, just as soon as he was convinced it was going to last.
Alastor got me real, live ducks, he didn't say, even as the thought caused a his heart to skip a giddy beat.
Instead, he said, "It always brightens my day when I get to see you." It was even true.
Charlie's whole demeanor softened. "Aw, it makes me happy to see you too, Dad."
Lucifer's heart skipped a giddy beat for an entirely different reason. Clearing his throat in a poor attempt to hide how happy he was with that statement, he asked, again, "What brings you up here?"
Reminded of her purpose, she reached forward and snagged one of his hands. Without bothering to ask permission, she pulled him out of his room and started dragging him (willingly) in the direction of the stairwell. "We're going to do the trust exercises you suggested!" She bounced a little as she walked, the movement causing their joined arms to sway up and down. "Even Alastor has agreed to join in!"
If this had been a week ago, Lucifer might have jumped at the prospect of playing a game where they had to guess the lie from a couple truths for the nefarious reason of looking for more material to use against a certain radio host. Post having started a relationship with the before mentioned radio host, Lucifer found himself excited over the prospect of potentially learning more information about his mostly mysterious new partner.
Lucifer's gift only went so far as to covering all of Alastor's sins. Everything else was a blank slate save whatever he had picked up over the last few months.
Speaking of his 'gift', it crossed his mind that playing Two Truths and a Lie with the King of Hell was arguably a bad idea.
Lucifer's gift-curse for seeing a sinner's sins applied to all sins, both in life and in death. Sins that ranged from the innocent little white lies to the most heinous of crimes. Granted, he had to be looking for it to see it, something he didn't do in general because he largely didn't care enough to look nor did he want to add to the mess in his head, but the fact still stood that for all intents and purposes, Lucifer was a living breathing lie detector.
He pondered mentioning this as Charlie gathered them all together in the main lobby several minutes later. Angel and Husk had already claimed a portion of the couch. The former of the two scooted over when he spotted Lucifer trailing along behind Charlie, who had yet to release his hand.
Angel patted the empty seat beside him. "You're always welcome to sit next to me, short stuff."
Lucifer laughed awkwardly, standing there for a moment after Charlie let go of his hand to go and commandeer the armchair for her and Vaggie. He was aware Angel flirted as easily as he breathed and he was still thankful for his new freedom and protection. He was also (mostly) certain the sinner didn't mean anything by it. The way Angel was slouched to the side with his legs across Husk's lap went a long way to supporting that assumption. He just knew if he did say anything, it was going to come out extremely off the mark.
So, instead of responding, he sat down in the open space, studiously ignoring the smirk Angel was throwing him, as if the sinner had been able to read that entire conflict and found him adorable for it. The corner of his lips twitched with the urge to pout. For the supposed King of Hell and all that, it seemed he was an open book, with all that people could apparently read him like one.
Vaggie entered the room with a plate of cups filled with what appeared to be water. Angel and Husk eyed it as if it were poisonous, while Charlie happily snagged herself a cup and downed it in a single go. It would sit empty beside the other untouched drinks for the duration of the game.
Alastor sauntered in with his usual nonchalance. Niffty skittered around his feet, having meet up with him at some point before reaching the main lobby. She gleefully took off across the room, and then hoisting herself up onto a chair that was far too tall for her. She didn't seem to mind, as she began to happily kick her feet, eyes darting around the room as if searching for prey.
Alastor took up an armchair near the couch, putting himself near Lucifer's side without them sitting right next to each other. His staff disappeared off to wherever he kept it while he didn't need it as he settled down and made himself comfortable. Noting everyone was present, he asked, "Tell me, Charlie, what sort of lovely task have you come up for us today?"
There was the slightest hint of sarcasm on the word 'lovely' to suggest he didn't actually want to use this word. Everyone knew that if he really objected to taking part in these, he wouldn't have bothered to show up, so Charlie chose to side step his lack of enthusiasm. Standing in front of everyone, she grinned brightly at them all. "Well, as you all know, I'm always open to suggestions and everyone seemed really excited for this exercise, so!" She took a deep breath, a fist pumping the air as she announced, "We are going to play Two Truths and a Lie!"
Angel perked up, showing his interest. Husk grunted, which was about the level of enthusiasm anyone could expect from him. Lucifer had been expecting it, as had Vaggie, so they simply smiled at Charlie's enthusiasm. Alastor tilted his head to the side. He didn't get up, which was as good as saying he was agreeing to participate. Niffty grinned at whatever she was thinking about, which could be worrisome.
Charlie, seeing no one was complaining, gained even more confidence in her choice. Most of her choices were met with some level of resistance, so she was always excited for the ones that everyone agreed to join in. "Alright, so the game is fairly simple. We each tell two truths and one lie. The goal is to see if everyone else can guess which was the lie."
She clapped her hands together. "I'll go first," she volunteered. "I had a gothic phase." She paused, considering. "I've never tasted brownie batter before." She grinned as she finished with, "I have read over 700 books!"
The group squinted at her. Lucifer knew she had had a 'gothic' phase, although that had merely meant dressing in black, dying a strip of her hair black, being rebellious, and dating the troubled son of a family the Morningstars had been close to, once. A painting hung as evidence of this truth in his workroom. He had never given Charlie any brownie batter before, but Lilith might have. The 700 books could be legit. Charlie did like to read. When she had had time to count all of the books she'd read, however, he couldn't fathom.
Deciding to get the ball rolling, Lucifer chimed in with, "The gothic phase was real."
Husk didn't look impressed, muttering, "Rebellious stage."
Vaggie and Angel looked at him as if he'd suddenly grown another head.
Lucifer shrugged. "There's a painting at the palace."
Charlie flushed. "Dad!" She protested. She crossed her arms. "I thought you got rid of that silly thing!"
The short king merely smiled at her. "You're scowl was so adorable. How could I ever get rid of it?"
Vaggie leaned in, suddenly very invested. "Do you have photos of it?"
Vaggie and Lucifer ignored her. He grinned at her, conspiratorially. "No, but I can grab a picture of it the next time I'm there and send it to you."
Vaggie nodded, giving him a thumbs up.
Charlie placed her face in her hands and groaned. She looked as if she were sorry she ever introduced them to each other.
Alastor watched the conversation without any change of expression. In a bored tone, he stated, "It's the brownie batter."
Charlie looked up from her hands as everyone, sans Niffty, turned to him.
The redhead inspected his claws, tone just as bored as he explained, "There was too long of a pause before it." He glanced at her from the corner of his eye. "We really must work on your poker face."
Charlie didn't appear as if she were on board with this idea. Angel appeared more concerned with a different point. Horrified, he turned to her and asked, "You've never had brownie batter before?"
Charlie paused. "Well, I've certainly had brownies before. Mom just didn't believe in eating the batter raw."
Angel pressed a hand to his chest. "Girl, you have not lived until you have had batter raw." He pointed a finger at Lucifer, his spine cracking as it required him to twist around 180° to do it. "We are making brownies tonight to fix this."
Lucifer held up his hands in surrender, amused. "Sure. Sure." Making brownies so his daughter could taste the brownie mix was hardly the worst thing a sinner had ever asked him to do. It would child's play for him to make certain the mix was safe for consumption without baking.
Uncertain what all the fuss was about, Charlie gestured to her girlfriend. "Vaggie, why don't you go next?"
Vaggie tore her attention away from Angel and Lucifer as Charlie addressed her. She leaned back in her chair, her voice draining of all emotion as she rattled off, "I like Verosika's music, I hate seafood, and I can knit a sweater."
Charlie nearly began to bounce on her feet, obviously guessing the answer. The rest of the group actually making an effort to play along all pondered the possibilities. Lucifer knew she didn't like seafood. Vaggie wasn't a vegetarian like him, she simply didn't care for seafood. He didn't have enough data to guess on the other two options.
Angel inspected her with narrowed eyes. "I'll eat everyone out here for free if you know how to knit a sweater."
Amid a groan or two of disgust and a hurried decline, the fallen angel glared at him. "What's that supposed to mean?"
The spider sinner smirked at her. "Exactly what I said." He leaned in. "So? Can you do it?"
His expression said he almost wised she could.
They stared at each other, daring the other to blink.
Eventually, she sighed and waved a hand, "Nope, can't knit a sweater."
There was an almost audible sigh of relief. Quick to want to change the subject, Charlie nervously said, "Well, that's one for Alastor and one for Angel." There were hints she was forcing her smile as she turned to the porn star. "Angel, how about you go next."
Angel affected an entirely different approach. He lounged in his seat, smile saucy and lazy. "Okay, I have a twin sister. I prefer men - if you know what I mean." Here he waggled his eyebrows at them, leaving no room for interpretation on this front. His smile turned to a grin, "I can also burp the alphabet, backwards."
Lucifer looked at the group. Charlie had moved closer to Vaggie to converse. Alastor and Niffty were still off in their own little world, not willing to tune in to the conversation unless necessary. Husk was gazing longingly at the bar, but was unwilling to move Angel's feet to get to it.
He also looked suspiciously like he knew the answer.
Charlie decided to take a stab at guessing. "You don't have a twin?" She sounded like it was too much of a question for it to be a statement. She wasn't certain of her guess.
Angel's grin turned into a wistful smile. "Nah, I have a twin. Never seen her down here, but she's real."
Charlie glanced at Vaggie. Cautiously, she asked, "Oh. Maybe she's in Heaven, then?"
The spider sinner didn't appear as if this was a touchy subject. "Oh, yeah, she was a sweetie. No way she'd ever wind up down here."
Relieved she hadn't stepped on his toes, Charlie smiled herself. "Well, maybe one day you'll get to see her again." Her tone was confident. She had complete faith that Angel could one day be redeemed, as she had seen his heart herself.
Angel rubbed the back of his neck. He liked attention, sure, but he didn't know what to do with the mushy stuff.
Taking pity on him, Vaggie said, "The alphabet backwards, then." She grimaced, as if she were imagining him doing it either way.
He beamed at her. "Right! But I can do it forwards, though." Everything about her expression begged him not to demonstrate. He grinned at her as he nudged Husk with his foot. "Your turn, Whiskers."
Husk didn't respond, clearly uninterested in playing in favor of getting a drink.
Angel dug his feet in. "Game first, then drinks."
The winged cat sinner threw him a dirty look. "Fine," he spat, not quite spitefully. "I love gin. I can play the saxophone." He pointed a thumb at in Alastor's direction. "I can drink Alastor under the table." He glared. "Happy?"
Angel, satisfied, let him up.
Alastor side eyed him. "Come now, Husker, you're not even trying." All he received in response was a grunt, a clear 'no shit.'
Angel kicked one leg out, while leaning on the other. "Smiles is right, Husk. That one's too easy." When Charlie and Vaggie shot him blank looks, he laughed incredulously. "Aw, come on! Haven't you noticed he doesn't touch gin unless there's nothing else to drink?"
Vaggie rolled her eyes. "Not all of us are avid drinkers." She glanced at the bar, where Husk had snagged himself some whiskey from his personal stash. He raised the bottle to her and then downed a mouthful.
Attempting to regain control of the conversation, Charlie nervously cleared her throat. "Well, yes. That was... enlightening." She looked between Angel and Alastor. "Since you both knew the answer, I think it's fair to give you both a point." She held her hands, one to each of them. "Which means you're both back in the lead!"
Alastor didn't appear to care one way or the other about this new development, but Angel at least seemed amused with it.
Charlie walked over to Niffty. "I think Niffty should go this turn!"
The little maid shifted, her attention going from every else in the room to the group with such intensity, several members of the original Hotel group began to remember the last time Niffty had looked that happy about a trust exercise. Charlie began to look nervous, while Vaggie and Angel began to brace for impact.
Niffty's expression was unhinged as she held up her needle. Her tone dreamy, she said, "I looooove cleaning." Everything about her tone suggested it wasn't the cleaning part she loved. "I once caught a roach the size of my head." Considering they were in Hell, this was absolutely plausible. "And we have rats in the basement."
Charlie, Vaggie, and Angel were alarmed.
"We have a basement?" Angel asked, turning to Lucifer.
Charlie and Vaggie also looked at him in askance.
Lucifer blinked at them. Yeah, sure, he had helped rebuild the place, but he hadn't rebuilt it alone. Surely the remembered they had a basement? "Uh, yes?" When this didn't soothe their worries, he further explained, waving both his hands, "But there's no rats or mice down there!"
Niffty sighed. That same dreamy tone was in her voice as she wistfully said, "But I wish there was..."
Everyone, sans Alastor, collectively went, "Nope." and that was that.
With Niffty out of the way, that just left Alastor and Lucifer.
Perhaps eager to get his turn out of the way, the radio demon decided to skip the line and volunteer. "Let me save you some time and go next, shall I?" It was uncertain if he was talking to Charlie or Lucifer, but they both nodded regardless. "Very well."
If anyone was going to give them a run for their money, it was going to be Alastor. Sure enough, he started with an easy one, "I hate sweets." Everyone nodded, the sinner having made no secret of this. "I worked at a restaurant before I became a radio host." He glanced at each of them in turn, face a perfect mask. "I was married once."
Complete silence. Even Husk had paused in his drinking.
Nothing about Alastor's tone or expression suggested which of the last two were the lie. It was clear which option everyone wanted to go with, but considering how obvious a lie it was, everyone had begun to second guess if it might be true.
Lucifer knew he could just Look. It would tell him without a doubt which was the lie. Besides the fact that it was obviously cheating, he wasn't too keen on resorting to using his powers to sus out if his partner was lying to him this early in their new relationship. Relationships were supposed to be built on trust and all that.
Alastor took in their reactions, enjoying watching them want to call him out on his obvious bullshit while also not being entirely certain he was lying.
Niffty, with the same unexpectedness of her taking out Adam, turned her head to look at him, her body creepily not following. Mournfully, she sighed, "No one has ever tied this bad boy down..."
Angel laughed nervously. "Ha! Right? As if anyone would want to marry Smiles, here."
"Angel!" Charlie glared at him. "That's not a nice thing to say."
Angel glared right back, unrepentant. "What? We were all thinking it!" He gestured to Alastor, saw the look the radio host was giving his hand and dropped it, but still argued, "Who'd want to date a psychopath like him, anyways?"
Lucifer pointedly did not so much as glance in Alastor's direction. He tried to keep his face perfectly blank. It was by and large the fact that no one was looking at him that no one noticed the faint blush to his cheeks.
By the time Charlie gave up on trying to get the spider sinner to apologize, Angel having fallen into a demure pout with his arms crossed, and turned to her father, all traces of his blush was gone. "That just leaves you, Dad."
Lucifer being over ten thousand years old meant that he had a lot of things he could pull from. Some of them would indeed sound wild, some of them mundane. He decided to go with a mixture. "I can see everyone's sins." He tapped his chin. "I gave birth to Charlie, not Lilith." He smirked. "Lilith and I lived with Adam and Eve for a year before I gave Eve the apple."
Charlie rolled her eyes, "Come on, dad, you could have made this hard. Obviously, it's--"
Angel twisted around, fixing him with a stare that was all wide eyed and intense. "You can see all of our sins?"
The implications of this seemed to sink in as Husk, Vaggie, and even Charlie joined in the curious staring, his daughter's original complaint gone. Even Alastor seemed to perk up at this, although nothing about his expression suggested if this was news to him or not.
There was something uneasy in Husk and Angel's staring, which made Lucifer shift in his seat. Holding up his hands, he was quick to reassure them of their privacy. "It only works on sinners!" When this failed to put Angel or Husk at ease, he explained, "It was something I was cursed with as King of Hell. I was supposed to judge everyone, but I haven't done anything like that in quite a few millennia."
He shrank back, wishing he had gone with something else instead. He didn't like the distrust in the eyes of the people he had been working so hard to get to like him. This was why he didn't get involved. He inevitably fucked up.
Seeing his mood turning, Charlie reached out a hand to him. "Dad--"
A phone rang, loud and shrill.
Everyone carrying a phone pulled out them out. Lucifer almost cried with relief when he saw it was his own phone. Holding it up as if it were something sacred, he said, hurriedly, "I, uh, have to take this."
He didn't care he was practically fleeing as he made a break for the stairwell. Without looking at the caller ID, he pressed the answer button. "Hello?"
Static greeted his ear, high pitched and grating. He winced, pulling the phone away. Holding it a distance from his ear, he tried again. "Hello, is anyone there?" When no one answered again, he said, "Look, if this is a prank call: ha ha, very funny."
Nothing. Just more static.
He went to hang up, only for the call to drop.
Irritated, he pulled up his call log. Not many people had his number. Lilith. Charlie. The other sins. The important Goetia. Sera, although she liked to pretend she didn't. Somehow, to Lucifer's eternal aggravation, Adam had gotten his slimy hands on it. He enjoyed calling up Lucifer every now and then to say shit when he was drunk and wouldn't remember anything the next morning.
He pulled up the log. There on the screen, read, PRIVATE NUMBER.
"Private number?" He muttered to himself, incredulous. He narrowed his eyes at the device as if it had betrayed him somehow. No one in Hell could block their number from his phone. The only being who was a) outside of Hell, b) had his number, and c) could do such a thing was Sera and she never bothered. So who...?
His grip on the phone tightened, as he remembered there was one other possibility. Someone who had his number and was potentially outside of Hell. Someone he had no clue where they were or what they were doing.
But why would Lilith be calling him from a private number? Why now? Why call him at all?
He shook his head. He would drive himself around the bend into total insanity if he started down that road. For all he knew, someone had dialed the wrong number. He heard it happened to other people.
Intent on returning back to the lobby and putting it out of his mind, he slipped his phone into his back pocket and turned around.
Only to nearly run right into Husk.
For the second time that day, Lucifer made a rather undignified noise, this time out of fright. He took a step back, nearly stumbling over the first step of the staircase. "Husk!" He placed a hand on his chest, his heart pounding. "Seriously, we need to get you a bell or something."
Husk's poker face was in full force, expression completely blank as he watched his king make a fool of himself. His arms were crossed, though not in a holding sort of way. Every line of his body was tense. He was seriously unhappy about something and his tone matched this as he stated, "We need to talk."
Lucifer took a moment to compose himself. He thought he knew what this was about. The winged cat sinner wouldn't be the first human he had told about the 'seeing sins' thing, but he would be the first to feel comfortable enough around Lucifer to confront him about it. The blonde pointed off in the direction of the kitchen. "Chat in the kitchen work for you?"
Husk nodded. He pivoted without waiting to see if Lucifer was following, obviously in a hurry to get this conversation over with.
Lucifer pointed to lobby. "Aren't they going to miss us?" The game was nearly over, with just his round needing to be concluded. He didn't particularly want to subject himself to more potential questions, but he was less willing to face his daughter's disappointment for bailing on the conclusion of her game.
Husk's ears swerved around until one was pointed in the direction of the lobby. "Al took off shortly after you did. Niffty didn't stick around much longer. The other's aren't expecting us back."
Lucifer peaked into the lobby as they passed. Sure enough, Alastor and Niffty were no where to be seen. Angel had commandeered the couch and was scrolling on his phone. Charlie and Vaggie were talking about something, the former of the pair briefly looking up to wave at him as he passed. Her expression still held hints of worry. Nothing about the wave indicated she wanted him to come in.
He was sorry he had soured her exercise, even if he was glad he didn't have to face anyone just yet.
No one, except Husk, it seemed. Upon entering the kitchen, they both took up positions that wouldn't block either from the door and would allow them both to see if anyone entered.
There was a long pause. When it didn't seem that Husk was going to break it first, Lucifer decided he might as well go. "Look, if this is about the sins thing, I haven't seen any of your--"
"You're an idiot." Short, and gruff, always to the point, this sinner was. Husk's body language hadn't changed, and he showed no concern for the fact that he had just outright insulted the Devil himself.
Lucifer paused, not having expected that. "Ha?" Lucifer placed a hand on his hip, the other going to his ear. "I know I'm getting up there in age, but I could have just sworn you called me an idiot." He pulled a face. Husk may be one of his daughters friends and also under his own protection, but he would still retaliate if this little sinner thought he could just randomly start insulting him.
Husk didn't appear intimidated. "And I'm not going to thank you." He swirled the whiskey in his bottle, once and then twice. "Whatever game you're playing with him isn't going to end well."
Ah, so they were having that conversation. Lucifer had been getting suspicious he was going to get nothing but silence from the sinner for the foreseeable future on this subject. It had been almost two weeks, he wondered what had made the sinner speak up now. Lucifer made a show of rolling his eyes. "I'm not sure why everyone seems to think I can't handle myself."
Husk didn't ask who else was questioning his life choices. He simply decided to go for straight the juggler. "He's got your daughter wrapped around his finger."
Lucifer internally winced. It wasn't like he had forgotten about the incident with Charlie. He hadn't forgotten about his and Alastor's standing deal and what was still owed. It had simply fallen to the way side in light of their romantic confession.
Where it would have stayed, until the next time Alastor came to feed.
He sighed, feeling as old as every one of his years. "Look, as I said before, I appreciate your concern-" and it was, regardless of the way Husk was presenting it, "-but Alastor doesn't have enough of a hold over me to stop me from taking him out if he actually tries to hurt Charlie."
It would devastate Lucifer to do it, even this early in the relationship. Make no mistake, however, Charlie was and always would be his number one priority, even if he was sometimes shit at showing it.
Crossing his arms himself and feeling done with the conversation, he said, "Look, if that's all this was about, don't worry. I didn't do it for a thank you." Although, he would have admitted, it would have been nice to have received one. "You're not in my debt, yadda yadda. Now if we could move along--"
Husk, on the other hand, wasn't done with the conversation. "That's not all," he interrupted.
Lucifer narrowed his eyes at him. He eyed the whiskey, tempted to turn it into vinegar. "Oh?" he asked, his eye twitting.
"Alastor wanted me to tell you: he's calling in his favor."
The chain around Lucifer's neck tightened in anticipation. Was this what Alastor had meant when he said that he would find a way to tell Lucifer about the favor? Slowly, he met the sinner's eyes. "What?"
"I don't know any of the details, okay?" Husk looked away, for the first time, his mask slipping and giving away how uncomfortable he was. He shifted his weight, bouncing the bottle against his leg. "Al... is on someone else's leash. His favor is to break his contract."
Lucifer felt himself go cold. How did this happen? When did it happen?
All of a sudden, all those little things he'd been seeing clicked into place, the puzzle taking shape. Alastor's interest in his ability to break contracts. His satisfaction upon witnessing Lucifer break Angel and Valentino's deal.
The stiches across his mouth, the ones that looked suspiciously like they might be keeping him from doing something, such as telling anyone about his situation.
He'd been such a fool. The pieces had all been there. He simply hadn't been willing to see.
Through numb lips, Lucifer whispered, "Who?"
Husk shrugged. "Don't know. I just know it happened some time before I met him."
Which could mean anything. Lucifer had no reference for how long Husk had been under Alastor's thumb, only that the redhead had viewed the contract as a prize and he hadn't gone after any Overlords in a while.
Lucifer brought a hand to his forehead, closing his eyes against the reality of the situation. Oh, Alastor, he couldn't help but think. Stupid, foolish sinners, every single one of them.
Anger brewed beneath the surface of his shock. Regardless of how or when it had happened, Alastor was his sinner. More so now than ever before. They had laid claim to each other, if only through words, and Lucifer would be damned thrice over before he was going to lose that stubborn asshole to someone else.
Alastor's words from that morning came back to him. 'A gift for later,' he had called the ducks.
He laughed, causing Husk's fur to stand on end. 'A gift,' indeed.
At least Alastor had put some thought into the damn apology.
Pulling his hand down his face, he teleported himself away, not bothering with a goodbye of any sort. He doubted the winged cat sinner was expecting one and Lucifer wasn't in the mood for wasting any time.
He was on the hunt and he had a feeling he knew just were to find his prey.
Lucifer materialized right outside Alastor's door. As he was reaching for the knob, he heard the unmistakable sound of the door's lock clicking as it engaged. He paused, hand hovering above the knob.
It made no sense for Alastor to call in his favor and then try to stop him.
Was the being he had made the deal with here? In the hotel? Surely someone would have noticed if some new stranger had been sneaking around the hotel, right? Could it be someone who already lived in the hotel? That made no sense, as Husk and Niffty had been on Alastor's leash, and neither he nor Charlie or Vaggie had the contract. So, who could it be?
Regardless, they were sorely mistaken if they thought a simple lock could keep the King of Hell from taking back his partner.
He opened a portal into the room, completely bypassing the door. Stepping through, he could instantly tell the feel of the room was... off. For one, all of the lights were out, even the fire. The only light came from whatever gave the bayou it's natural light.
The next clue came from when he spotted Alastor. It wasn't hard to find him, for once. The green glow of the stiches across his body made him a fairly easy to spot, drawing the eye right to him. The sinner was standing in the middle of the room. He didn't say anything to the intrusion, as the stiches were pulled tight around his lips. His eyes were wide over them, and although there was a hint of fear in them, they were red on black with rage.
He also didn't move as Lucifer cautiously approached. It was likely he couldn't, if the stiches on his body were playing a similar role to those on his mouth. At his feet, his shadow spread out behind him. Using the light of Alastor's hijacked magic, it worked it's way up the wall behind the sinner. It's silent laughter was in direct contrast to the sinner's anger.
Lucifer looked him up and down, affecting a nonchalant tone of voice, feeling pissy the sinner was still plotting, even now. "Quite the pickle you've got yourself into."
Alastor's eyes appeared to be the only thing he was still in control of. They twitched with irritation.
Lucifer was tempted to tease him. Oh, so very tempted. The almighty Radio Demon, known for being quite the talker, and here he was effectively silenced. His smile promised he was going to have fun with this later.
For now, there was bigger fish to fry: like discovering who exactly owned Alastor's soul.
Lucifer's hand darted out, forcing the contract chain into being as wrapped his hand around it.
Only to drop it immediately after. Frost had begun to appear on his hand in the few seconds he'd held onto the chain. He hissed, shaking the limb out as he took the thing in.
The chain itself was black. A black so true it ate at the light around it, as dark as the void at the center of a black hole. It had been painful to the touch because of the fact that it was colder than the dead space between the planets that made up his father's universe, so cold it had burned his skin.
He had never seen anything like it.
He had felt something like it before. Once, a very long time ago.
It had the same feeling as the darkness that had crept into the universe, all those millennia ago, intent on devouring everything in its path, until it had been driven down, down into a prison built just to contain it.
It had the same feeling as the darkness that had been unleashed on humanity when Eve first bit into the apple.
Rising up like a nightmare, Lucifer remembered the feeling he had gotten while traveling through Alastor's shadows. That feeling he could have sworn he had felt before, forgotten, but so familiar.
There was only one being that feeling had ever belonged to.
For the first time since agreeing to Alastor's terms, Lucifer felt a trickle of concern that he might not actually be enough to solve this problem. Unsure if he was more horrified or furious, he turned on his partner and hissed, "You made a deal with the Root of All Evil?!"
There was a superstition amongst humans. That to say the name of of the thing, you could potentially summon it. Maybe it only took uttering the name. Maybe it took saying three times. Maybe it took a ritual. Usually it was a load of hogwash and nothing would happen. A fun party game to frighten one's friends. After all, higher beings usually had better things to do then answer whenever someone called their name. If they were paying attention at all.
Some beings, however, were always listening. After all, so few beings knew their names, how could they not help but pay attention when someone called them?
All around them, the shadows darkened. They swarmed the border between the bayou and the suite, cutting off any retreat in that direction. Lucifer wasn't surprised to see the door and the portal he hadn't closed cut off as well. Dozens upon dozens of eyes all opened up along the walls and within the shadows, every one of them zeroing in on the two of them.
An eye opened up on the face of Alastor's shadow, leaving little room for guessing who was in control of it. It stretched up to the ceiling, until it was directly over the redhead. Hands spread out, green strings materialized between it's fingers and Alastor's body.
A puppet on a string.
Anger and fear battled for dominance behind the sinner's eyes. Anger was winning, but fear nearly took over when his arms began to rise up, hanging limply from the strings. He made eye contact again with Lucifer, which is when the blonde noticed something else in the redhead's gaze.
Faith. And under that, confidence. With a jolt, Lucifer realized that they were both in him. Alastor had laid down his hand and made his bet. That Lucifer could break this deal and set him free. A deal he had made with the Root of All Evil, no less.
The radio crackled to life. "Hello, little star." There were no words to describe Roo's voice. Every time Lucifer had ever heard it, it had unsettled him. This time was no different. In the darkness, it almost seemed like the voice was coming from nowhere. "I see you've discovered my toy."
Lucifer shivered, not bothering to hide it. "Pleasure's all yours, Roo." He looked up at Alastor's shadow and the eye staring right back at him. "I see you've been rather naughty, lately."
She laughed, the shadow forcing Alastor to bring a hand to his mouth. The redhead's ears flattened tight to his skull. Try as he as he so clearly might, however, there was little he could do to resist. "You're one to talk. Ten thousand years of marriage and all it took was seven years for you to move on?"
The shadow gave Alastor a shake. "Although, I suppose I can understand why." Roo's voice smoothed out into a drawl as she teased, "He's such a smooth talker, isn't he?"
Lucifer refused to dignify either of those comments with a response. "Let him go, Roo." He gestured to the room in lieu of Hell, expression sly. "We both know what happened the last time we fought."
The shadows writhed and wriggled around his feet, nearby but not quite touching. The sound that came out of the radio didn't sound human. Lucifer barely reacted, but Alastor's fingers twitched like he wanted to cover his ears.
It took little thought for Lucifer to unfurl his wings. A dim, divine golden glow appeared around his body, a shield against the weaker shadows.
"Ah, yes, the time you and your siblings sealed me away." The shadow raised Alastor's hand to his eyes, having him peer around as if looking for something. "But wait, what's this I see?" Both hands rose to cover his mouth in mock surprise. "Poor little Lucifer, all by himself. Abandoned again!"
She jeered at him, calling up a laugh track to join in with her.
Lucifer's mouth turned down. "Maybe, but where are you?" Roo was still sealed away, this was a fact. He would know if she had escaped. She had to be using Alastor as a conduit to manipulate the world from her prison. Which meant that for all that she was in control of Alastor, this was the extent of her reach. "Still in your cage if you're playing with dolls."
Even through Roo's control, Alastor managed to sneer at the word 'doll.'
Lucifer shot him an apologetic look, promising to make it up to him later.
Roo made a considering noise. "Does it matter?" The shadows trailed up the redhead's body, almost like a caress. "This one is mine, willingly given." Those same shadows sinched around him, hugging him in a overly tight embrace that Alastor quite frankly didn't care for. He grunted as the air was forced from his lungs. "You might have been able to take him from me, once, but how far you've fallen. Nothing more than a tarnished light fighting a losing battle against the darkness."
Lucifer flared his wings, his form brightening significantly. Around him, the shadows sizzled and screeched as the were scorched by the intensity of his light. Tarnished or not, light was light, and his still burned bright.
"There's that fire. Show me you have some fight left in you, little star." Alastor's hijacked shadow's grin only widened at the sight. "Take him from me if you can."
In the time she had been imprisoned, Roo had forgetten that Lucifer hadn't been just any angel. He had been the light bringer; Venus in the morning sky; the herald of the dawn: the morning star. He was the only one with enough power to hold Roo back, even just for a second.
And a second was all that he needed.
A bright flash of light filled the room, tenfold the one he'd light off the first time. The light would have been inconvenient to a human. Sinners or winners, they still contained the capacity for good and evil, light and dark. Alastor was little different, for all that he revealed in his status as a sinner. His soul was still contained some shades of grey.
Roo, on the other hand, was a being of pure evil, a darkness so vast and complete, there wasn't a shred of light in her. The burst of light burned her weakened shadows, some of them evaporating Ike steam under the first rays of the sun.
Most importantly, her hijacked shadow looked away.
Lucifer threw himself at his partner, pushed along by a powerful beat of his wings. Alastor squinted down at him as the blonde nearly collided with him, pupils the size of pin pricks. His rictus grin was strained, but real. It grew as Lucifer reached up, tapping the gem resting in the hollow between the sinner's collarbone on the radio host's bowtie.
The protection spells Lucifer had cast into the gem flared into being around them, just as the light from the fallen seraphim's stunt began to fade. A dome of Hellfire fell down around them, shielding them from outside attack. It wouldn't take Roo long to burn it out, between her own power (minute as it was with her imprisoned) and Alastor's stolen power. It would first, however, serve a crucial role.
It cut Alastor off from his hijacked shadow.
The green strings fizzled off inside the dome, allowing the sinner's arms to drop. Their continued existence outside of it a reminder of the threat they were under. That the moment the dome burned out, Roo would regain control of her puppet soldier.
Lucifer was having none of that.
He grabbed hold of the chain, wrapped it around his fists to get a good grip on it. The links began to burn his skin upon contact, his skin already beginning to form ice on it. He grit his teeth against the pain and held on.
Shadow minions slithered out of the darkness, scurrying around the dome and beating their fists against it. As one caught flame and burned away to ash, another instantaneously took it's place to inflict it's damage before it too burned away. On the ceiling, Roo's stolen shadow snarled. It didn't dare get too close lest it face the same fate. Cut off from Alastor, there was a chance it wouldn't reform under Roo's power.
The radio crackled and sparked. Roo's voice poured from it like sludge. "You can't break this deal, Dear Lucy." She cackled, enjoying watching him struggle. "He was never one of yours."
As she said it, Lucifer could feel a twinge of truth in her statement. The contract resisted him, not necessarily because it had been made with Roo, but because neither contractee had been a denizen of Hell when it was made.
Lucifer felt a flicker of confusion, a pause of doubt. His attention slipping for just a moment. The contract wasn't old enough to have been made when Alastor was alive and he was a sinner. Lucifer had read his soul and seen his sins. If contract was made after Alastor had died, but if it hadn't been made in Hell, where else could it have been made?
The warm kiss of leather brushed his cheek, startling him out of his thoughts. He looked up to meet Alastor's red-eyed gaze. The radio host's expression was soft and as close to apologetic as the blonde had ever seen it. For the first time since Lucifer had stepped into the room, Alastor spoke with his own words. "You've trusted me this far, my dear." His hand cupped the side of Lucifer's face. "Trust a little longer. I will explain everything."
Lucifer searched his face. Alastor was good at subterfuge and distracting from his true feelings, but look long enough and one could see his tells.
Lucifer didn't need a curse or a gift to see he wasn't lying. This was a promise he intended to keep.
Lucifer leaned into the hand, turning his face into it as he took moral strength from Alastor's support. He gave the sinner a stern look from under his lashes. "We are going to talk after this. Keep your other secrets, but I want an explanation for how this happened."
Alastor nodded. "It's a promise."
Confidence restored, Lucifer turned his full might to the chain. Alastor took a step back, giving him the space he needed to work. The control Lucifer usually exerted over his form slipped, unleashing his true form and freeing him of any last distractions. "I don't care when or where Alastor made this deal." Tightening his grip against the frost forming on his hands, he growled out into the darkness, a threat and a promise, "Whatever he may have been before, Alastor is a sinner now. Which puts him under my jurisdiction."
Lucifer strained against the chain. It was still fighting him, but as there had been truth in Roo's claim on Alastor, there was also truth in Lucifer's. Whatever Alastor had been when he made this deal, he now quite firmly belonged to Hell.
Alastor's/Roo's shadow seemed to realize this, it's smile twisting down into a snarl. The shadow minions redoubled their efforts, throwing themselves against the shield with abandon. It flickered in warning that it wouldn't last much longer.
The King of Hell let out one last burst of light. If he was going to break the chain, he needed to do it now, as he wasn't going to be able to manage another burst like that. He knew he was finally making progress, when at blessedly last the chain finally started to give. Panting, he declared triumphantly, "And above all else, Alastor is mine."
The chain cracked, like fissures in ice. The radio gave off a static filled scream that caused Alastor to wince and cover his ears against it.
Lucifer couldn't spare it the attention, nearing his limits. His arms strained, muscles aching as he poured all the power that came with position as the King of Hell and all of its people, into pulling at the weakness in the chain until-
The link broke.
Like a ice breaking off under the heat of the sun, the chain link severed, setting off a chain reaction along the other links. Each cracked and broke apart, running off into the darkness in one direction and up to the collar around Alastor's neck in the other. The pieces fell like broken shards of ice to the floor, where they melted and vanished into the floor.
Cut off from their source of power, all of the shadows around them gave one last frenzied swarm down onto the shield. They managed, at last, to take it down, but it was already too late. They took out the last of the shield, as it took out the last of them.
The radio, now visible on the shelf, let out a truly unholy screech before the poor radio gave out, sparking as its death cut off the noise.
All of Roo's eyes closed as one. Alastor's stolen shadow shrunk in size, returning to the shape of a normal shadow at the sinner's feet.
For a moment, reality seemed to glitch around Alastor's form. One minute, Alastor the Radio Demon stood free in all of his glory.
In the next, there stood a figure in pale purples, blues, and pinks. Black horns now an ivory white. The only thing that remained the same between Alastor as Lucifer had always known him and this new(?) figure, were the tips of his hair and ears were still black.
The most noticeable - and perhaps most damning - however, were the halo and wings.
An angel's halo and wings.
Alastor... had been an angel?
Alastor took this in with not a ounce of surprise, confirmation as to the truth of the matter. If anything, he appeared annoyed with this new development. "Well, this is a unfortunate turn of events, if I do say so myself." He gave the wings a disdainful glare as they fluttered and ruffled up with his annoyance. "And after everything I did to get rid of all this."
He needn't have worried too much. Between one moment to the next, reality remembered the old (new?) world order. Alastor's form glitched for a second time, like a badly tuned tv. When he came back into focus, he had returned back to his reds and blacks, no wings or halo in sight.
The room fell into silence, save the soft crackle of the flame between Lucifer's horns. They both stared at each other.
It seemed, at last, it was over.
Lucifer stumbled, his vision greying out as his legs gave out underneath him. Alastor darted forward, catching him before he could hit the ground. Lucifer true form retreated, until all that was left were his wings, hanging limply behind him. They were likely making him heavy, too, if Alastor dropping to his knee was any indication.
"Lucifer?" Alastor sounded concerned and inching towards alarmed.
Lucifer had wanted to hear him call his name again, but not like that. It was nice to know he cared.
He mustered up enough energy to reach up and flick his partner on the forehead. Unlike the last time he'd done it, Alastor merely pulled a face. Lucifer's arm dropped down to rest at his side, as he no longer hand the energy to hold it up. "You have... so much... explaining to do."
He could hear Alastor saying something in response to this, but the words were lost on him. His vision was swallowed by darkness, taking his consciousness along with it.
The last of his strength giving out, Lucifer passed out.
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bunnypeew · 7 months
Hi Hi! I saw you were doing requests!!
Could you do a a husk x reader where they work at the bar together?
If not that's ok!
Baristas - Husk x Gn!reader
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of course, I can do that!! But a disclaimer I put in my other Husk one shot,, I'm really BAD at writing him so that's why I'm giving a heads-up! but otherwise, enjoy! also, I'm making the reader gender-neutral I hope that's okay
it was an uneventful night, Husk and Y/n didn't really have anything to do but contemplate life until someone came to the bar. Angel was out doing things with Cherri bomb probably, Sir Pentious and Nifty were nowhere to be seen and Charlie and Vaggie were out on a date night. Alastor was there tho, though not necessarily there there but they both knew he was in his radio tower, also because not too much earlier he and Husk had a misunderstanding let's say and therefore Y/n and Husk were very quiet right now.
They decided to break the silence by putting themself in front of Husk who was drying some glasses, full attention now on his partner his eyes softened a tad bit at this. Their hands went to his face cupping his fluffy cheeks and caressing them gently
''can I ask what happened before with Alastor?,,
they mutter almost in a whisper to not let anyone hear but him, they were pretty scared by Alastor because of all the things Husk told them about him since they met.
It was when Y/n first started working at the bar with Husk, he wasn't very fond of the idea since he liked his own personal space and the bar wasn't necessarily that big. Charlie was of course the one who offered Y/n the job since they didn't really know how to do anything other than make some cocktails and drinks, so they settled. They tried making conversations with him, they really did but it was to no use, until one day he genuinely spoke to them about one of his passions when he was an overlord, this was a slip-up and he knew but them, it was something so incredibly important, so they kept bugging him since then about all the things that he liked, because they cared oh so very much about him. Husk started growing fond of them as well bit by bit and started also teaching them how to make cocktails and some drinks he really enjoyed.
Back to the present he was thinking, looked away from their eyes to avoid them seeing how scared he truly was of this deal he had made. They could tell he was avoiding their eyes and tried to redirect him but he softly grasped their hands and moved them away from his face, looking away now.
''I don't want him to hurt you, hell I don't even want him to come near you,,
he manages to mutter out in one breath, now looking back at them fully, his hands on both sides on their face stroking them
''I need you to promise me you'll stay away from that dickhead, okay?,,
he says putting his forehead against theirs, looking in their eyes softly
''I promise,,
A/n: this was a little short but again I'm not very good at writing him BUT KEEP ASKING HIM SO MAYBE ILL GET BETTER!! thank you anon for the request!!
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ticklehigh-allthetime · 8 months
Losers Together
A/n: Hey guys! I haven’t wrote a tk fic in so long so bear with me please! Huskerdust has my soul literally.)
It had been a normal day in the hotel for everyone,except for Husk.
He had been standing behind the counter long in thought staring into space.
Everyone in the hotel knew about Husks deal with Alastor. They knew not to bring it up to either of them because it would make husk mad and grumpier than he already was.
The only person who could ask questions was Angel. Husk trusted Angel with everything, perhaps it was from the close bond they had with each other….. I mean to be fair Angel was the first person in hell to ever seen him cry which is reasonable because they were now dating.Husk was trying to avoid thinking about what happened to him with Alastor a while ago but he couldn’t help himself. The more he thought about it the angrier he got. For the first time in a while he started thinking and reflecting on his actions and how fucked up he was mentally. He felt tears in his eyes but blinked them away laying his head on the counter. He started to think about Angel. He couldn’t wrap his finger around why Angel liked him or even…..noticed him? He was a grumpy old cat after all, why would someone as cool as Angel want him? He sunk into to counter eventually falling asleep.
Angel eventually got home from work, today was a good day for him because Val didn’t go too far in the studio and he got off work earlier than usual. Angel was excited to see his grumpy cat lover so they could hang out, usually they never have time to hang out in the day because of Angels work schedule but thankfully today was different.
He walked up to the bar noticing Husk purring as he slept with his head on the counter.
Angel moved next to him and rubbed his ears, most of the time when Husk sleeps at the bar he’s had a bad day so Angel knew something was up.
He stayed there until Husk eventually woke up to Angel softly petting his head. “What the…..Angel? You’re back already?” His voice was raspy and deep from just waking up.
Angel smiled at him but noticed the fur by his eyelids were a bit damp hinting he was crying a bit. “Hey Husky how about we go to my room so you can get some sleep, okay?”
Husk smiled at the offer but wasn’t super tired anymore.
“I’m not that tired anymore but we can still go to your room if you want”He took a sip from his drink then throws away the bottle.
They get to Angels room and decided to watch a movie.
Angel was laying on Husk’s chest as they watched on of Angels favorite comedy movies. He looks up to Husk seeing a sour expression on his face. He pauses the movie and looks up to him. “Hey we can change the movie if you don’t like it baby, I don’t mind” Angel smiles at him softly “are you ok?” He kisses Husk’s cheek looking at him with admiration. Husk looks down at him still wondering how he got such an amazing soul in this dipshit called hell. “Yes Angel I’m fine” He mumbles softly still not acting like he was enjoying their time together.
Angel frowned, “Is it Alastor again?”
Husk ashamedly looked down. “I mean kinda? I dunno I’m just-“ He sighs looking an angel holding his chin. “I just don’t know why you stick with me all the time….im not a good person and I’m not worth your time”
Angel basically gasped. It felt like Angels heart just exploded in millions of peices. If anything Husk doesn’t deserve him. He sat up and looked at Husks solemn expression.
“Babe honestly what the fuck are you talking about?”
Husk was caught off guard and stared at him with confusion “I mean-“ Angel covered his mouth and hugged him. “You deserve the world, if I could give that to you I would.”
Husk hugged him back. He still wasn’t used to getting all that affection and admiration but he didn’t exactly hate it.
They cuddled while Angel continued spilling compliments to Husk u til he was a blushing mess.
“We’re both losers together remember?” Angel smiled at husk as he nodded. Angel was messing with Husk fur eventually brushing up against his sides.
Husk jolted and made a weird expression, he hoped Angel hadn’t noticed but it was too late. Angel smiled at him. “Dang I forgot you were so ticklish that even a tiny brush against your side makes you squirm~”
Husk blushes and grabbed Angels hand tiredly. “Don’t even think about it”
“Too late~ ‘sides you need a good laugh after today”
Soon enough Angel grabbed Husk paws and places them above his head gently tracing his fingers on his sides waiting for a reaction.
Husk didn’t was to succumb so easily and was fighting back the urge to laugh. To be honest Husk never hated when Angel would tickle him but he would never admit that to ANYONE even himself..
“Babyyyyy come onnnn it would be sooo much easier and fun if you would just let loose!” Angel giggled as he watched husk struggling not to laugh as his body twitched with every move angels fingers made.
Husk eventually let go and started laughing, his laugh started with minor chuckles but eventually got louder.
“There’s my smiley baby~” Angels fingers started getting faster and softer as he went to Husk’s ribs and soon enough his wings opened up from all the adrenaline. Angel gave husk a mischievous look.
Husk looked at him panicking while he was laughing still from the tingly sensations
Angel the stared tracing on his wings while leaving a set of hands on his sides still tickling.
Angel thought Husk laugh couldn’t get louder, lord he was wrong.
Husk was laughing really hard but he was also purring in between laughter. Angels whole face lit up
“Oh my god! You’re enjoying this!”
Husk blushes really hard and eventually his laughter becomes wheezes. Angels took that as a sign to stop, he let go of his paw and sat down smiling at him.
Husk was still in a fit of giggles on the floor laughing at the funny situation he got himself in.
“Sooooo you like being tickled husky?”
Husk looked at Angel still out of breath with a faint blush.
“Fuahak off….”
Angel looked at him with a grin “it’s okay I don’t judge baby” Angle rubbed Husks belly removing the ghost tickles. He started kissing husks face all over and hugging him.
“Losers together?” Angel smiles and lets go of the hug.
“Loser together” Husk pulled Angel into a kiss, afterwards they decided to head to sleep ending the evening with cuddles and a few slight tickles from Angel to Husk every few minutes. He didn’t mind though, he loved Angel so so much.
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newleaf92 · 7 months
Dating Hazbin Men:
Lucifer would be in a constant state of bending over backwards tenfold for you at the start of the relationship. After Lilith’s disappearance, he would feel the constant need to make sure you felt loved and appreciated enough that you wouldn’t leave—if you showed even the slightest emotion/reaction that he interprets negatively, he would most certainly try to gift you back in his favor, however that looks like. It would take a lot of time, patience, reassurance, understanding, and love from you before he would tone it down a bit. Granted he would never stop showering you with gifts and affection, but it would now stem more from him simply wanting you to know how much he loves you and appreciates you—he wouldn’t be as frantic about it.
Husk is a grump who doesn’t sugar coat his words, and he definitely has words to say about just about every situation. He most certainly has boundaries—most of which he’s upfront about from the start, while others make their appearance when he deems it necessary. There’s no doubt that some might stem from him not being used to being in a relationship, but if you can not get butt hurt over his no filter system and respect his boundaries, this grump will eventually turn into one of the most dedicated partners. Everyone bitches to the bar tender, but once you’ve shown that you’ll willingly listen to him with your full attention, he will most certainly not take that for granted. Always asks if you’re in the right mindset to listen to him vent, and if you’re not at the time he asks, he will respect that and do what he can to ease whatever is going on in your mind. Expect some of the best cuddles from him when it’s just you two—the purrs he’ll emit will most certainly become a lullaby.
Angel Dust would be extremely wary of being in an actual relationship. You most certainly would have to not take it personally if he doubts your intentions with him and wonders if you’re just trying to use and abuse him. His signed contract with Val and the abuse he’s been put through makes him think healthy things in a relationship are something he’s not deserving of. Be extremely patient with him and always ask for his consent before you initiate any type of affection. If he tries to play it off and up the sexual comments, you would have to be gently assertive with him that you’re not doing anything unless he explicitly gives his verbal consent. He will not know what to do with that for quite some time, but with you being persistent and consistent with it, it will become one of his favorite things about the relationship—if it’s not his favorite that is. This will be crucial to have when he comes home from a very rough night at the studio. He needs to know you can be his safe space who won’t force him into anything, and he, in return, will give that back to you tenfold.
Sir Pentious will be totally clueless at first on how to respond to you wanting a relationship with him. You just want an excuse to destroy him in his sleep! No? Oh, well, what do you want from him then. He will always be asking questions and awkwardly flirting with you, but he will also be trying his best. He wants to learn and be the best partner he can for you. He’ll instantly melt if you take time to talk to and with his egg bois, and if they love you, he is sold.
Vox is his name, and spying on you through technology is his game. He’s not subtle about it nor does he apologize for it. Granted, he most certainly might try to gaslight you into thinking/believing that he wasn’t watching YOU specifically, but rather, you just happened to be in the same area of the ones he was already watching. You won’t be able to convince him to stop, but you can certainly make a game out of it—one that he’ll complain about and deny liking it, but deep down he actually enjoys it. Notice a camera pointed at you? Wink and blow a kiss at it, give him a show of slowly bending over to pick something off the ground, send him a suggestive, teasing picture at the most random times, etc and this bipedal tv will be flustered as hell. With the right combination of timing and in one of his favorite outfits that he loves on you, and you might just make him cause another blackout.
Valentino and Adam are both in the same category here for dating them. You may be that one person who they genuinely have a soft spot for and love, but oh boy, both are possessive to max—however, they will make it seem like they are being doting on you, but in reality, they are marking their territory. You have to go to a meeting or work without them? You best bet that you are going wearing something of theirs—whether it be extremely visible hickeys or an item of clothing or something that is just obvious is theirs. They’ll use the “I’ll miss you while you’re gone,and I want you to feel like I’m there so you don’t miss me too much.” If you return the favor and give them something of yours, they will not only proudly show it off to everyone, but they’ll also most definitely make you late for whatever is you need to attend.
Alastor “Haha! Never going to happen.”
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I just wanted to say that I am really envious of the way you write the Vees. As someone who struggles with making characters woobiefying and with characterization in general, I appreciate how you can write these characters perfectly that the show didn’t have time to portray. I didn’t have a specific request, but now I was wondering if you could give me some advice on how to analyze and write a character, even if you have a personal bias towards them?
Awww thank you so much ❤️ I don't have like any degree in literature or anything that would give me credibility in giving writing advice, usually I just go with the flow. But I'll do my best!
Imo the most fundamental thing is the way you think about characters. In fandom spaces, we very often see them as "people we like" - hence all the discourses like in Valentino's case "if you like him it means you are a bad person". I think that woobification is influenced by this cognitive dissonance caused by liking characters that should be unlikeable. For me the way out of it was giving up "characters as people" mindset and changing it for "characters as tools". Bacause that's what they are - tools you use to build your narrative. When I say I love Valentino I don't mean I would shake his hand - I mean he's my favourite toy I can do multiple things with. And it's his flaws that make him so much fun. Because outside of the comedy genre, narrative cannot exist without conflict. The more flaws a character has, the more conflict it causes. That's why villains are such a powerful driving force for stories (here are some great essays about it: 1, 2). Put any character in the room with Val and you have an interesting bit not only because of the usual character differences that could happen between eg. Vaggie and Husk but also because stakes suddenly become high. What will he do? Will he hurt them? We saw what he's capable of. Will he be nice? Man, that's even worse because it means he has his own motive to be nice. What might it be? That's what keeps the audience engaged with your writing. Extra points if you give him some human weaknesses or conflicting desires. When it comes to characterization, nuance is the key. That's why I love VoxVal so much - two characters that are absolutely awful but they are fiercely in love. How could Valentino be capable of simply caring about someone but himself? What kind of human is buried underneath all this evil? So much to unpack here. Nothing I'd like to experience but everything I'd like to see from a safe distance. Consider: would you even like the Vees so much in the beginning if they were just other guests at the hotel? In the show, neither of them has a single redeemable quality. And yet, here we are.
When it comes to writing characteristics it's also important to watch characters from different perspectives - that helps with giving them nuance. Let's take Vox. People seem to like and respect him, he's obviously an influential figure (he has a lot of social power). But from Alastor's perspective, he's just a pathetic little attention-seeking looser (he has a fragile ego and lowe self-esteem). Yet his assistant seemed to be scared shitless while talking to him (he had done things that made people from his closer look aware that he's dangerous). Angel knows he watches his abuse and hangs out with Valentino (at best he's indifferent to other's suffering, at worst he enjoys it). Carmilla doesn't respect him but they are on terms good enough, Vox wants to do business with her (he's a competent business partner). For the rest of Vees he's smart enough to listen to him but at the same time he's their cringefail naurospicy bestie. Add all of those perspectives together and you have yourself a multidimensional character that can interact with other elements of the narrative in vastly different ways. Also, from that point you can build up, asking yourself other questions "What would they think/do/say?".
Also, the last thing: every character needs a clear goal that influences all their decision. Choose it and always keep it in mind. Bonus points: a character has two main goals that are contradictory. When I write Vox he has two goal: power and adoration. He always has to choose which one is more important to him because while he has measures to achieve great power, some things that he would want to do are socially undesirable. In Valentino's case: hedonistic pleasure and immediate gratification vs love for Vox that demands sacrifices and compromises.
So anyway I hope that will be helpful to you <3 And don't be too hard on yourself when it comes to writing, not everything must be Game of Thrones. Especially in fandom spaces, sometimes we all want to indulge in some simple fluff or crack.
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justanotherhh · 6 months
Thinking about Alastor and aroace loneliness
was chatting with @creepysora about the feelings of aroace loneliness that occur when one can't fulfill the requirements of relationship structures and connections that are demanded in an amatonormative and allosexual environment -- friendships that end because of being unable to "commit" to more, or because they faded out of ones life in favour of a monogamous romantic relationship, difficulties in finding a shared language through which to form connections in the first place, discomfort with spaces and people that cross sexual boundaries, etc. -- how does one find A Place and A People without entrance into this language and these desires?
this whether or not someone might be along aplatonic and/or loveless, and/or repulsed lines or not
so imagining Alastor (alive and dead) from this perspective, if he did ever feel that, and how he'd have muddled through it in his own particular kind of way (power, control, murder, mayhem, etc)
breaking down his relationships:
mimzy: seems to be quite cold-hearted about their relationship, that is, she turns up when she needs something and alastor has enough of a soft spot that until he was at the hotel/had something "more" to fight for potentially, he let her set those terms. that could indicate some desire for closeness that couldn't otherwise be met, until the hotel? it also suggests there is some fondness for the life he had while alive, although mimzy appears so far to be the only person in hell that has carried through. as for what they were doing while alive outside of drinking and dancing, well, that's still a little mystery. if the hotel gang have become closer to him than mimzy was, then maybe he's starting to feel like he can be involved with people without it simply being about being used. speaking of the gang...
niffty and husk seem to be -- more or less -- on friendly or (in husk's case) at least open terms with him, but he's forcing them into that relationship, so on his side is that "just" power or also a way to keep them with him, to control how and when they stay and leave, to remove the danger of trust. similarly to mimzy, it's not a healthy way to form relationships, but perhaps it's the only way he can be sure to do so on his terms?
rosie -- I think rosie (from what we've seen so far) appears to be the most "uncomplicated" of his relationships, that is, it's not unequal, there's no force, no subterfuge, they don't appear to be "using" each other, they seem to be pretty emotionally honest, and she's possibly the only person who knows he's (aro?)ace (which he doesn't of course, but point is she's seen through some of his barriers and she doesn't judge or try to push, while still clearly enjoying his company). they're colleagues, but they're also on friendly terms, and don't judge each other for how they live their lives (queer metaphor there). is there a teensy edge to it along the lines of overlords generally having an air of "as long as you still have power we're equals, but only as long as you still have power," to them? this a musing, i think carmilla and zestial would be on each others sides through thick and thin from the sounds of things -- would alastor and rosie trust each other to do the same?
the other overlords -- probably not close, but he wants them to acknowledge him/pay attention to him/not forget him
vox. well. vox.
charlie. complicated. joined on as a hotelier, definitely more than a little subterfuge and manipulation involved, and of course now she's made a deal with him. yes, all of this is Plot, but it's also very... alastor-as-person. keep'em guessing, don't let them get close, always have the upper hand, even with someone like charlie, who would probably have been in his corner simply because she (terror of terrors) likes him!
angel, vaggie, sir pentious: aka "the rest of the hotel gang." I think that alastor stiiiiill hasn't integrated entirely into the hotel-as-found-family-concept, although with the reactions to his arrival (save for lucifer and husk) it seems that he's gone from standing on the sidelines (emotionally) to potentially...? accepting that he has a real place there, that he is (scary word used again) liked. which, maybe not quite right putting those three characters in one section, because he had a different dynamic with all of them, but crucially none of them were close with him in s1. they ran the gamut from creeped out (pentious) to creeped out but would still tap that (angel) to open dislike/distrust (and i assume some of that distrust on vaggie's part might still be there, considering the deal, but she does seem relieved that he's Not Dead, so progress). he calls the the hotel gang as a whole friends -- that is, in a way that strongly implies he's still not accepting it/keeping the idea at arm's length "alastor altruist died for his friends" as something almost mocking, but perhaps with a grain of truth...? potentially in s2 he'll be fighting the wish to be sincerely close with these people (minus pentious in heaven), because his instinct is that it's dangerous to be vulnerable, because they could hurt you by taking your soul by turning away when something better comes along or demanding something that you can't give
gen questions: outside of mimzy what did his living existence look like? was he looking for closeness? it does seem like he may have been, considering he does look for that in death/has quite a social circle, considering. business acquaintances that were reading the word "partner" differently, girl friends who "fell in love," boy friends who "fell in love" (less likely considering how he feels about men but still), friends who disappeared when they entered into monogamous romantic relationships, a consistent potential nagging feeling of being left behind, but not knowing how to solve that and so becoming more distant…
and then of course, there's the murders which we still don't know the contexts of and so can project all kinds of things onto -- distaste with how people cross into his or others' boundaries potentially by abusing power they have, betrayal at feeling abandoned, a way to simply keep people close on his terms, (or something completely different. I also like the idea that he murdered racists, which is a different impulse than the vaguer above ideas, but may fit into people who abuse their power/cross peoples' boundaries)
I do think there's something about being Seen (or in alastor's case "Heard" if taken more literally) and controlling the narrative that is about drawing people in in a way he can control, that does feel like it mitigates the dangers that exist in relationships, in a very particular way if you're aroace. either he controls the fabric of the relationship so that they literally cannot leave (husk, niffty, potentially charlie) or he controls the closeness of the relationship so that the terms and conditions are clearly set and shouldn't be overstepped/if they are overstepped he can easily opt out, and/or if they leave, he can't get hurt (the hotel gang, rosie and vox to an extent in that they were/are colleagues which is a very particular Type of relationship, potentially mimzy)
so he is never without people around him, and needs to know they See him/Hear him, and if they don't there's a… twitchiness there. a sense of being forgotten perhaps? of being obsolete? of having nothing more to offer? if you're not pursuing the correct kinds of connections (the only kinds of connections that apparently really matter) then how do you make sure that people don't forget you? that you don't simply disappear?
romance and (to an extent) sex are powerful forces, but in alastor's case they're forces for bad that he's trying to crowbar some kind of place for himself in, no matter how disjointed and strange and even at times cruel his way of doing so may look from the outside
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allykatsart · 6 months
It's other anon and yes yes yes, please more about Peccantum and his life! I know authors often don't think their OCs are interesting for audience, but I'm pretty sure there's plenty of people here, who'd like to know more abt him;
Also I'm bad at coming with specific questions, since I'm interested in literally any info lol, may be more about his day-to-day life in the Hotel, if that's not too broad? Like, what he does while working, like, his duties etc, do he sometimes leave Hotel to go to the city for smth, where he spends most of his free time when alone (except for working on paranoid theories abt Alastor) and when with others (except science fun with Pentious), how his room looks, may be what group activities (like those trust exercises was in ep 3) likes/dislikes? (i think this is already too much lol, srry in advance, ofc any amount of ifo would be cool ^^" )
(also, want to add that I really like his design - he's cute, but also obviously a serious and kinda tragic character even if only judge by appearance)
Who is Peccantum?
💜❤️❤️💜❤️❤️❤️💜❤️💜❤️❤️❤️ thank youuuuuuuuu!!!!! I love my boi dearly and I'm happy to answer questions about him!
Tbh I am a little hesitant to post stuff on him. It feels incredibly self indulgent and I always worry I'll not be respectful to the canon characters. I've been really surprised at the reaction to him though! Usually you only get like 10 likes max when posting OC stuff. Thanks for all the love tho! 💜
There's a lot here so I'ma take it point by point below!
Peccantum's Duties
Peccantum is the bellhop, but it's more of a title than anything. Mostly he helps out with whatever is asked of him. He helps out Nifty with cleaning when she can't reach spots. He makes sure Fat Nuggets gets fed when Angel is in the studio for hours on end. He cleans up the bar for Husk when the former overlord is uh.... Not functioning and unable to.
Peccantum has also taken it upon himself to do most of the grocery shopping. The hotel crew takes turns cooking, but Peccantum really enjoys when it is his turn. Cooking is one of the few skills outside of magic that he's proud of!
Other than that, he's basically another set of hands to help wherever needed!
Peccantum's Room
For his hard work, and because his shitty, piss stained apartment is on the other side of the Pentagram, Peccantum has a room in the hotel! Technically this makes him a guest, but he always claims that he just works for Alastor, and Alastor wants him on call.
His room in the hotel is nice. Better than the crap studio apartment that he was barely able to afford. Yes, there's bugs, but after a few months Peccantum has his room looking nice. He even starts collecting bits of furniture that others have discarded, and personalizes it with enchantments. Slowly, the space starts to feel like it's 'his'.
The ceiling looks like outer space, a foggy mist of an incantation dotted with white stars and galaxies. Constalations shift and weave themselves in and out of existence. Golden suns burn bright until they turn red and swallow planets whole. When he has trouble sleeping, Peccantum will spend hours getting lost in that night sky...
One wall is covered in a red, plush curtain. Specifically, it's his 'Stalker wall' and Peccantum tries to hide it, just in case a certain Radio Demon comes into his room. When he's very stressed, Peccantum will fling the curtains wide open and start obsessively reorganizing his 'evidence'.
The City
Peccantum goes to the city for three things. To get groceries, to run an errand, or go visit his old neighborhood. Not any old friends, the closest thing he had to a friend was the cafe owner he stole a recipe from, but the area does remind him of when he first allowed himself to be free. It's where he had the first taste of independence. It's nice to revisit when things are getting a bit too much.
Grocery shopping is always an interesting experience. Sure, on a month to month basis, Peccantum can be sure to go to the market at least once, but Alastor will sneak some uh... Suggestions onto the list that Peccantum has to go out of his way for. There have definitely been a visit or two to Rosie's to pick up an order for the Radio Demon.
The Activities
Peccantum doesn't like to participate in the hotel's trust exercises. He's technically only working there for Alastor, so there's no need for him to participate, right? Not wanting to hurt Charlie's feelings, he ducks out before they begin most of the time. (If Charlie catches him and asks him to stay, though, he has no choice in the matter. Polite requests from her are a weakness of his.)
That's not to say he doesn't bond with the other residents though, he just does it in his own way. With Pentious he's quick to befriend with curiosity and genuine interest. With Husk, he slowly forms a co-worker type of relationship. Angel gets a bit more suspicion, but after episode 4 Peccantum would be willing to be a bit more open with the spider. Nifty gets herself into a lot of trouble, and Peccantum and the others keep having to get her out of it.
It's slow going, but the hotel crew slowly learns to trust Peccantum.
Free Time
Peccantum really isn't used to having free time. He worked his ass off to survive for those seven years, doing what he had to do. But now that his safety is secure and he's got time on his hands... He's kind of lost. Alastor hasn't told him what to do in that time so... He's unsure.
Peccantum finds things though. He practices magic, he makes things with Pentious, he reads. After a month or two, he ends up taking an interest in an old radio he finds, and listens to the Radio Demon's broadcasts. For evidence, of course! (Partially because he actually enjoys the music lol)
And sometimes... He uses that free time to further his own goals.
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froggy-demon · 3 months
Oh Deer - Part Five
A/N: I’m back!!! I’m so sorry for the random hiatus, it was finals and my birthday and and and… anyway, I’m back to it now and am happy to be back to writing and posting!! Also HUGE thank you to everyone sending requests!!! I’m so excited to go to more of them and will be posting a few this week!! Again, just a big big thank you if you are reading this post at all!
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I licked the blood off my claws, pleased with my conquest over one of my lookalikes of the woods. A fine dinner that doubled as an outlet for my pesky emotions that had taken over me tonight. Lilly, she had truly gotten to me tonight. It was one thing when I was the one toying with her affections, but for that little demon to play with mine? It simply pushed me to the edge. I hate letting another soul have this power over me, even more I hate how easily it comes to her. How all it takes is a blink of her eyes and I’m finding myself wondering what she is thinking. Especially tonight, I can feel the agitation creeping back just thinking about how she looked under the glow of the candlelight. She had smelled so sweet when we danced, cradled in my arms, it made me wonder if she would taste just as pure. I had been ready to demolish every soul in attendance at that party if it meant we could have the privacy I craved, ready to unfurl my frustrations onto her back in my room, ready to show her exactly what she did to me.
I caught my breath, swiftly cleaning myself and my dinner up. I steadied my mind. It was wise to send her away instead. I knew she would be safe back here at the hotel and it gave me the space that I desired to clear my head. My anger dissipated as I decided to check on her, no doubt curled up under her blanket or maybe at Husk’s bar if she had stirred.
Quietly, I melted into the shadows of my room and made my way to hers. The lights were off, it was all shadows, but upon inspection it appeared not only was her bed empty but it had not been slept in. I frowned. Maybe she had gone straight to the bar for comfort or something, she seemed to have an affinity for keeping a drink in her hand anyway. I slipped downstairs to the lobby and could see it was only Husk at his stand. That was not what I was hoping for, I stepped out of the shadows and placed a grin on my face, asking if he had seen Lilly tonight. The cattish demon gave me a sideways look, he suspected something was afoot, but wouldn’t dare press, and informed me that he had not.
That agitation grew within me again, I found myself searching the entire hotel for any sign of her. The kitchen? Angel’s room? The library? The study? The roof? Nothing, not even her scent. My anger bubbled inside of me at the realization, baring my teeth, I ran a clawed hand through my hair.
She was gone.
A giggle escaped my lips even as I held my glass in front of my face in order to hide my smile, I couldn’t help myself. I had found myself in a group with one of the overlords Alastor had introduced me to earlier in the night, Rosie. She had linked arms with me when she spotted me stuck in a less than interesting conversation upon my rearrival and allowed me to join her little group. Now I stood with her, one of her cannibal friends, and three other surprisingly pleasant influential demons. Rosie was good company, I understood why Alastor enjoyed her so much. She may not be the most outright powerful overlord, but he certainly seemed to understand the power of a charismatic personality, which Rosie had.
“Oh! Lily sweetie, would you please let me introduce you to a dear friend of mine, I’ve just spotted her!” Rosie asked cheerfully, seemingly to glance across the crowd to someone I couldn’t quite see. It was hard to say no to a smile like hers.
“Of course Rosie, I’d be delighted.” I smiled softly and she relinked our arms, quickly excusing us from the group as she promised we wouldn’t be long.
We took only a few steps before she asked me “So, how did you shake Mr. Broody? I didn’t think you’d be able to!” It sounded like she had been wondering the whole time. I felt my face warm as I thought back to the scene in which I had left him. Or more so in which he had demanded my dismissal. I couldn’t tell her how it had happened, it was simply too much to get into.
I waved away the question with my glass still in my hand and drew on a playful smile. “Oh he said he had enough of the crowd then something about preparing his next broadcast. He had wanted me to come with him back to the hotel, but I insisted my night was not over just yet.” We continued forward and she hummed a response. I couldn’t tell where we were headed at this point, but she seemed confident.
“Al’s just trying to look out for you, he plays all big and scary, don’t tell him I told you this, but he’s a softie deep down!” She sang and giggled at her gossip. “He must think you’re something rather special though, he seemed wonderfully caught up with you. It would be nice to see him happy like that more.” The last sentence was more so to herself than to me, it brought a dull ache to my chest.
How could I tell her how wrong she was, how he could barely stand the sight of me, it would seem. I wanted to believe she was right, but clearly he had no real feelings for me based on tonight. The fact that he couldn’t even bring himself to look at me, despite his physical attraction to me, which he had admitted to, Alastor must hate me.
“I’m sure he is.” Is all I say, looking around I’m still not sure where we are headed, surely by now we would have reached whoever she saw? “Rosie, who were you going to introduce me to again?”
“Oh sweetie, that bunch are just all huge gossips I wanted us to have some sort of privacy. Thank you for indulging me! Please feel free to stop by Cannibal Town anytime you’d like, I’ll have some fresh fingers ready!” She smiled cheerfully and I believed she meant her invitation. With that the one delightful demon I had managed to meet tonight went to rejoin her friends and I knew I was back on my own.
My eyes swept the room and lit up at the sight of the one demon I wanted to talk to right now, Angel Dust. He was lounging on a couch with a few other sinners it looked like and Valentino to his right. I was not so bold as to invite myself to such a scene, but it was good to see his face and know he is nearby.
Instead I became acutely aware of the sound of a familiar pair of heeled boots clicking up to me.
“Good there you are bitch,” Velvette, always a charmer. She was wearing an admiringly beautiful purple and black floor length dress, it glimmered gently under the dim lighting. The halter top style was unusual for her, but it looked very nice tonight. I straightened my back as I pivoted to face her, what could she need right now? “The waiters are almost out of all of the good food, make sure more is made, and here-“ she snapped her fingers and my clipboard fell into my hands, a long list of minute details to be fixed already typed up for me. “Fucking fix this shit!” She barked and then waved me away. I wanted to huff and tell her I’m not here as an employee, but I was still under her roof.
Besides, it was a needed distraction. As I bounced between the kitchen and soothing bickering guests my mind would have no time to linger on Alastor, which I was grateful for.
Steadying myself I drew back on a smile and headed off to check in with the kitchen as my first task. I quickly flag down the grumpy head chef to see if there is anything he possibly needs in order to keep up with the demand.
I had gotten all the bars restocked, fresh food was just starting to pour out of the kitchen, all of the tables were still in perfect order, and as asked the band would play the Vees’ favorite songs for the rest of the night.
I was halfway through my list when I felt a hand on my arm. “Lilly! Babe, I've been looking for you for an hour!” It was Angel, he sounded as happy to see me as I was to see him. I tilted my head back to meet his eyes, smiling back to him. He frowned at my clipboard though, plucking it from my arms and glancing over it.
“Angel, c’mon I need that back Velvette asked me-“ I strained my arms up to reach for it, but the effort was futile.
“She’s got you doing lackey work tonight when you look like that? No way, none of this shit is even important, it’s just an excuse to boss you around!” Angel said glancing over the list, he was mostly right, of course I had knocked out all of the actual important things first, everything left was petty work. But it was my petty work to do. I rolled my eyes at him.
“Yes, she is my boss Angel, that’s what she does!” I said, putting a hand on my hip to accentuate my displeasure. Part of me agreed with him though, I wanted to keep myself busy, but not like this.
Angel flagged down a miscellaneous employee who quickly trotted over. The spider demon shot me a look that told me I was being ridiculous. His plan was clear to me and when the sinner approached I at least recognized them as not an idiot. Angel passed the worker my clipboard and I shot them a dry smile.
“The Vees need you to complete this list of tasks, Velvette asked me to make sure you were given it once the important things were taken care of, thank you!” I politely instructed and the demon simply nodded nervously and skittered away. I felt slightly bad, but not enough to call them back and to take care of it all myself. One act of selfishness, I think I’ve earned it. Angel grinned as he started to lead me forward in the ballroom.
“Perfect! Now, how did you ditch your admirer, anyway?” Angel teased, batting his eyelashes at me. That pit in my stomach returned and I felt my face fall for just a moment before I restored my smile. I wanted to confide in Angel, but not here, not now. I needed a full blown debrief session fitted with pajamas and ice cream and a corny movie playing in the background to fill the silence between my shaky sentences.
I settled for a half truth. “Please, you know that's not how it is. He was tired of the crowd and I wasn't, so my night has continued without him.” I said, I could tell Angel didn’t quite buy my explanation by the quirk of his eyebrow, but he didn’t press the issue.
“Alrighty then,” He mused, sparing me, “Do you know how to play black jack? We got a guy in the North Lounge setting up friendly games, nothin’ serious! I bet ‘cha you’ll like it!” he steered us in that direction, walking through a doorway not too far away to another room off on the main one. Luckily I am familiar, the rules were simple enough: You want to hit a sum of twenty one with your cards, with face cards all equalling ten and aces flexing to equal either eleven one one, whichever was better for your hand. You wanted to stay at or under twenty one, but also beat the dealer’s hand which you can’t see all of. Every turn you would ask for a ‘hit’, being another card or you would pass.
“I might have played a few times before, this sounds fun!” I smiled as we walked over to the playing table. A demon who had taken on the form of a sort of fox was the dealer, four other figures sat at the table and I watched as they each either asked for a hit or not. At the far end of the table from us a demon who resembled a well dressed calico cat grinned as he had beat the dealer that round. Another, who seamed to be a muscular hell hound with dark grey fur celebrated as well. The other two groaned and muttered their goodbye’s apparently having had enough.
“Me-ow handsome! Could you be a doll and deal us in this next round?” Angel flirted with the dealer, taking a seat next to me and propping his chin up with his palms as his elbows leaned on the table. He turned our way as he passed out the first round of cards, throwing a wink to me as he did.
“A lady like that can play as long as she’d like at my table.” He smirked, running a claw against his slicked back hair before refocusing on the game at hand. The dealer was admittedly handsome, and his outfit didn’t match the sets I had laid out earlier so he was a guest who simply enjoys playing if I had to guess. His white button up had the first two buttons popped open and his suit vest was a deep forest green, contrasting the deep orange hue of his hair.
Finally I looked down at my card, an eight, pretty good. Impossible to bust on my next hit, but after that it is more of a gamble. Flicking my eyes over to the other two patrons I saw one of the pervious victors groan as his sum exceeded twenty one after his first hit. The same happened to the second man. Then it was my turn. The dealer politely asked if I would hit or pass, from half lidded eyes.
“Hit, ah, please.” I added, it never hurt to be nice to your opponent, even when luck was involved.
A queen, sum eighteen.
I wouldn’t be able to ask for any other cards, the odds of drawing a three or less were absurdly low, I could only hope his cards totaled less.
My eyes drag over to Angel’s cards, sum fourteen, it was worth taking a card at that point. A seven point difference was enough of a gap to make it fairly possible and with a low sum like that he was more likely to lose if he didn’t hit anyway. When prompted the dealer gave him his third card, bust!
“Damn, sorry Angel.” I placed a hand on his shoulder but he wasn’t exactly heart broken over the game.
Angel smiled back at me, “You’ll just have to win for the four of us then!” He said and I nodded, a small promise to do my best though it was out of my control by now.
“Sooo, winning the game for your boyfriend then huh?” The dealer quipped, he was holding the stack of cards but had not drawn his own next card yet, keeping me in suspense. Both me and Angel laughed at the idea, we’re not exactly each other’s type after all. He clutched his stomach with laughter which only made me laugh more.
“Please, that’s sweet and she’s a hottie so I’d be lucky, but absolutely not!” Angel giggled, dramatically wiping a tear from his eye. I brushed a strand of hair from my face, calming my fit.
“Angel here is great company, but no, I’m just going to win for my friend tonight.” I stressed the word friend, the dealer had been obvious as to what he was getting at, it was a nice contrast in my evening.
“I see, my apologies sweetheart, I just figured no way a doll like you was here all alone.” He said coyly. I found myself leaning slightly forward across the table towards him. Out of the corner of my eye I could have sworn Angel was shooting me a little thumbs up.
“Sadly it would seem so, now please tell me Mr. Fox, how long will you hold our game in suspense? I’m dying to know which of us wins.” I was flirting back, my tone was soaked in it, but I didn’t mind. The demon didn’t reply, instead he simply revealed his own cards to me. A Seventeen. I had won. I had won!
Angel cheered for me and as I have a sarcastic mini bow and a round of thank yous to a made up audience
“Thank you, I could not have done it without all of you! Thank you so much!” I dramatically blew kisses to Angel, the dealer and the two other grumpy demons who did not seem to enjoy our antics.
Angel clapped along for me as the dealer demon collected our cards and began to shuffle, it looked like he was just about to speak when his ears flattened back and he diverted his eyes ever so slightly. I looked at Angel and our eyes met, both of us confused at the sudden demeanor shift and I hardly had time to notice the furthest catlike demon leaving. My confusion fizzled out as it was quickly replaced with understanding and the immense urge to shrink away as well when the sound of the familiarly chipper and overly characteristic voice filled the room.
I didn’t have to turn my head any further to see them. Vox was accompanied by a succubus demon, she was stunningly beautiful as they always were, blue skin and horns as she held onto his arm. His his other side was a taller slender sinner, an ashy grey tone, dressed in a very well made suit, he looked to take great pleasure in his appearance. The trio strode in and while Vox tried to hide it I noticed how his somehow sinister grin drew up even further at the sight of me. I felt far less confident without Alastor behind me, even though I hated the realization, his presence is what had given me confidence earlier.
Angel met my eyes as they slid back his way. While Vox didn’t own either of our souls there was an understanding that when another Vee is present you were to be respectful and perhaps slightly on edge. I hadn’t had the opportunity to brief him on my earlier interaction with Vox, nor had I confessed to my discussion with him and Valentino a couple of days ago, so to Angel it was only a slightly tense situation. For me, I knew I had to be walking on eggshells right now.
The dealer walked to the other end of the grand table where the trio made themselves comfortable. I was thankful that he was further away, perhaps I could just ignore his presence from five feet away.
Angel raised an eyebrow at me, as if to ask if I wanted to go. It would look like I’m running away from him if we left now and somehow that sounded even worse. I didn’t want to seem intimidated, like I was skittering out of his sight. I’d have to hold my ground. I gave him a tiny head shake ‘no’ and he obliged.
“Tell me,” Angel said, a little louder than necessary. “What’s it take to get some cards down here?” He teased, leaning on the table pseudo-flirtatiously. Mr. Fox didn’t look our way, in fact the only way I knew Angel had been heard at all was due to the flick of his tall ears in our direction. I pushed down my anxiety from his loud remark the best that I could. Drawing attention to us wasn’t exactly what I would have preferred. I busied my hands by pulling my hair over my right shoulder, turning my head to the left like a barrier between me and the TV giant across the room. Mostly pointless, but it gave me some semblance of defense.
“Angel, please.” I half whispered, he gave me an apologetic smile upon realizing my discomfort, but Mr. Fox did indeed begin to deal everyone in. It was obvious that I was no longer our dealer’s primary interest, I couldn’t blame him of course, but he still threw me a wink as he flipped my card in front of me. My focus shifted back to Angel at this point. I was stuck here, but at least I wasn’t alone. “What did you get?” I asked him peeking over his way.
Angel held up his card to me between two fingers, kicking his legs a bit. “A ten, what about you?” I glanced back at my own card, shrugging my shoulders. It wasn’t great, a five.
“Little bitty five, kinda whatever.” I would have to hit, but my next card would either make or break me. If I’m lucky I’ll get a second low card and then my third would be higher, but that’s a bit of a big ‘if’ the way my night has been.
From the corner of my eye I could see Vox swirling his martini as he seemed to charm his guests, they were enough to keep him preoccupied. For years, maybe even decades at this point, I avoided any real attention from the other two Vees. Of course as soon as I start to try to improve my life in one facet, it crashes in another. I get a stable living situation, a couple of friends, just for fate to keep me in line by sabotaging my work life. I guess it is hell after all.
Maybe it would be best to distance myself from Alastor more, it was the whole reason Vox had any interest in me in the first place. Maybe Al knew that and wanted to protect me in his own way, however, I’d find it easier to believe that he just likes seeing how he can twist me around at this point. I’m sure his sadistic nature lends him to enjoying seeing just how far he can push me away before I run back to him for more. Maybe it was a mix of both even.
“So,” Angel started, drawing me out of my own head, “how are we going to get that cutie’s attention back on you where it belongs? I’m thinkin’ if we get him to relax just a little bit more you’d have no problem scoring him!” He was an excellent wing man I must admit.
“My competition is steep, if Tall, Dark, and Blue isn’t enough distraction I’m afraid I don’t have much on one of Asmodeus’ girls.” I yielded propping my chin up on the palm of my hand . Angel rolled his eyes at me. We spoke a little quieter.
“Oh please babe, he’s just keeping the big man happy right now. Besides, what do you do when you want Al’s attention? I betcha it’ll work even better on him!” He flicked his eyes over to our subject at the end, a grand smile filling his face. I, on the other hand, felt my face burn at the mention.
“Please Angel! I don’t do anything to get-” I cleared my throat suddenly feeling mindful of my choice of words. Even in hushed tones I felt as though we were being listened to. “- Alastor’s attention. He hardly even gives it to me in the first place. Tonight was an anomaly that I don’t see being repeated.” Unfortunately. I thought to myself.
But in honesty I knew exactly how I had gotten his attention tonight. He is territorial and jealous and anyone could see that from a mile away. That real hard part for people is figuring out just what he is territorial of. It was easy to tease those aspects though, especially if I feigned naivety.
The problem was I didn’t know that about this demon, I hadn’t even gotten his name yet let alone figured out what made him tick. What I did know is that he might be a bit of a flirt based on our brief encounter, and he knows when to shut up and pay attention, a good trait to have.
I watched him across the table, maybe on a better day it would be easier to pick out these things, maybe if my thoughts didn’t keep trailing off back to Alastor’s room, the feeling of his arms holding me against him, the way he had been as close as possible to kissing my neck. This guy…he might have decent looks, but he doesn’t have what Alastor has. I sighed in defeat, earning a groan from Angel as he gently shook his head at me. His star pupil, failing miserably.
“Lils, what’s really got you all wrapped up?” He asked softly. I couldn’t tell him here, not with prying eyes and ears around. Maybe we should call it a night and head back to the hotel, maybe—
My thought was cut off by the loud decisive ringing of a phone—Angel’s—he immediately had that look of regret and exhaustion spread over his face. Valentino. Angel flashed me an apologetic smile as he got up from his seat to go answer and even when I couldn’t see him outside the doorway any more I could hear his anxious pacing not far away occasionally peppered with “Yes Val”. I could only imagine that he was being beckoned back to Valentino’s side, if so I think it truly might be time for me to go home and stay home this time. I gave it a shot at least, that’s a start, maybe at the next gala in 100 years I’ll try harder.
Angel walked back in, clearly trying hard not to look put off, but I knew it before he could even say it. “I’m sorry to leave mid game, but Val says he needs me back asap.” He took a breath and pulled a smile back on, “Says he’s got someone for me to become acquainted with who just showed up, I promise we will resume our conversation tomorrow no way you’re getting off that easily!” He giggled to himself as he started to turn away. “That’s my job!” That did draw a smile out of me at least.
“I’m only ever a call away, you know where to find me.” I told him softly and gave his hand a reassuring squeeze, but his mind was also elsewhere already.
“Thank you” his eyes flashed behind me and he gently lifted his chin up to motion. “Good luck.” His long legs were already carrying him out of the room by the time I followed his gaze to the dealer, he was finally headed back my way.
“Wow, was his hand that bad?” He quipped, running a hand through his hair, it made me giggle despite myself. I leaned forward on my elbows again into our banter. Maybe he doesn’t have what Al has, maybe he has something of his own.
As we chatted I was too distracted to notice the succubus that Vox had entered with leaving with the singular demon who had stayed upon their entry, even less so did I notice the well dressed demon on his way out a few minutes later. I should have, I should have noticed the lack of noise in the room, but I didn’t want to break out of our little bubble. I also should have noticed the eyes that had become trained on me, that the sound of boots walking my way weren't headed towards the door this time. I didn’t notice any of these things, or how the air suddenly hung stale in the air and was just a touch too cold for the amount of skin I had exposed.
It wasn’t until a heavy hand fell on my right shoulder did I notice anything was different in the room. Mr. Fox stopped talking immediately, straightening his back. He looked even more tense than when Vox had originally entered the room. I found myself tense as well, in fact I could have sworn I stopped breathing. I did not dare speak even if I wanted to scream when my admirer gave a curt nod to the overlord behind me and ducked out of the room. We were alone. Me and Vox, and white the note we had left on earlier in the night I was not excited for the expedited reunion. My mind raced as my heart pounded against my chest filling my ears with the sound of my own blood pumping through my veins.
Finally, he sighed.
“So you were able to ditch the guard dog?” Vox mused, his tone was flat, it was more just a statement.
A statement to point out how completely and utterly alone I was. I held my tongue, of course he was not expecting a reply from me so he continued.
“I’m glad you chose to stick around, well more so return to us, you and my old friend had scurried off at some point, but that means I won’t have to wait until morning to do-“ His almost casual grasp of my shoulder instantly tightened painfully so; he pulled me backwards out of my seat and onto the floor. “-This.” My shoulder connected with the stone flooring absorbing the brunt of my fall, causing a yelp of pain to escape my throat. Speaking still didn’t seem like the right choice, nor did any kind of running away or defense. I wasn’t going to out run Vox, or overpower him, I would need something else entirely if I wanted to escape his fury.
Still I attempted to gather myself on the floor, even an extra inch of space between us felt better. My breathing was labored as he approached my pitiful position. “I mean really one of our employees-“ he reached down to me, grabbing a handful of my hair and using it to yank my head up to look at him. “-coming in with my biggest rival! How the fuck do you think that looks?” His boot connected with my abdomen, a painful kick that knocked the air from my lungs. Still, he held me up in this half sitting position in front of him. I couldn’t stop myself, as soon as I got any air back in them I would spend it on useless pleadings. His face contorted to a disgusted frown as he stood before me. “And then-“ a second powerful blow to my stomach, elicited another desperate shriek out of me as I heaved. He did not seem to mind my screams, in fact he relished in them. “-when I give you a very gracious night I say, offer to stop embarrassing us what do you do? You.” Another kick “Say.” Another kick “No!” He releases my hair, not expecting it my head slammed against the flooring sending a sharp pain through my head. His foot connected as another blow to my abdomen sending me flying backwards until I slammed against the wall.
I feel dizzy as the aches and pains forming in my body spread and connect, I try to focus on getting more air as tears collect in my eyes from the pain.
“I’ll be better, I’m sorry—I’m so sorry, please Mr. Vox I—“ I sobbed, it was all I could do. There was no running, no hiding, no winning. I had made my bed and now I’ll have to lay in it. The overlord was not interested in anything I had to say. I could feel the blood dripping from where I had hit my head on the floor, my head was spinning, and honestly at the point passing out would have been merciful. Instead I feel his fingers intertwine with my hair again and he yanks me back up. I do not bother to lift my head to look, but he forced me to.
Vox has an unhinged look in his eyes, bearing his teeth at me like an animal ready to snap my neck. I couldn’t look away from his eyes though and slowly I felt a wave of calm wash over me. It drowned out the adrenaline my body was pumping through me to keep me alert, my senses felt dulled and either I couldn’t hear my own heavy breathing or I had finally gotten enough air. “You tell Al, this-“ he gestures to my over all appearance. “-this will keep happening every day because of him. And because you continue to embarrass me, and Velvette, by associating with him.” I felt compelled to nod to agree, somewhere in me I knew every muscle I had was begging me not to move so much, but I felt compelled. Vox released my hair sending my head back against the wall. As I looked at the ceiling I felt all the pains and aches pooling in my muscles and throughout me returning. I could hear him straighten his suit and his footsteps faded away from me.
I wanted to take stock of myself, to see how bad my injuries were, how much blood I’d lost, but I couldn’t bring myself to expend the energy. I let my eyes gently flutter between half open and closed as I sat propped up against the cool wall. That was my only solace, it was like an ice pack for me even if it was deeply uncomfortable. As I fade in and out of consciousness I thought about what I would possibly tell everyone back at the hotel, especially Alastor. Would he even care? Maybe just that it was Vox, not that I was hurt. At least that’s what I was telling myself.
Finally I could not keep my eyes open any longer, I let my mind find rest as I slip into unconsciousness, hopeful that rest is all I need, hopeful that someone will come across me at some point.
It felt like I was on a lifeboat floating alone in the deep ocean as waves pushed and pulled me in conflicting and nauseating patterns. It was hard to tell what was dreams and what was real, my mind was so foggy and when I opened my eyes all the way it felt like I was continuously falling down some infinite sinkhole so I preferred to keep them closed.
It felt like hours had passed, maybe they had. It made me feel that much more tired. Even when I was asleep I wasn’t resting. My dreams filled with what tonight could have been like if Alastor had not rejected me, if I had stayed home with him. How he would have run his hands through my hair afterwards, gently pulling out any tangles he ran into. How he could have held me against him as we drifted into sleep, his arms wrapped around me while I listened to the rhythm of his chest slowly rising and falling. My state made it feel so vivid, it was like I could actually feel his body heat and arms around me at one point.
At some point I realized I was in my bedroom. I don’t know how I get here or how long it had been since I was placed here. Maybe just maybe that meant it was all a dream. A ridiculous dream that never happened. I stayed home and went to bed like normal and never tried to do anything fun or risky or new and I never would ever again! But I was still dizzy and when I tried to sit up the poignant pain in my stomach told me I had absolutely not dreamt any part of last night’s events. My recollection of the night washes over me again and I let out a pitiful groan; I think I would like to stay here and never have to discuss the entire evening ever again and if it wouldn’t hurt so much I would like to grill up into a ball and never leave my bed again.
When I do get up I will have to face the consequences of my actions though, I’ll have to at least tell Angel everything, I’ll have to avoid Alastor, then I’ll have to go to work and take whatever abuse Vox and Velvette throw my way that day. God, Alastor. My chest ached like I’d had the air knocked out of my all over again at just the thought of him. I’m sure it was Angel who would have brought me home, he might have been discreet for my privacy. If so that means as far as anyone else in the hotel knows I had a lovely night out, good. I don’t want all the fuss if they know Vox attacked me and even though I have this nagging voice in the back of my head begging me to tell Alastor, the rest of my brain agrees that it wouldn’t change anything so why bother him with it.
A soft knock at my door draws my attention, I turn my head and smile softly when I see it’s Angel, I must have been right. He face lights up a bit seeing that I’m awake.
“You’re awake!” He leans his head back out of the door to speak to the hallway, “She’s awake!” Immediately I head husked voices excited chatter not too far away while Angel strides over to my side. “Damn toots you gave us, me, one hell of a scare with that shit!” He tells me, stealing and fluffing a pillow with one set of arms and then shaking pain medicine out of a bottle for me with the other. The rest of the hotel files in shortly after Angel, save one, and Charlie goes straight for the other side of my bed.
“Are you okay?! What happened? Was it someone we know? Are you okay? Do you need anything? How can I help?” She rapid fire asks, lifting my arms and seemingly checking for deadly injuries that will take a much longer time to self heal.
I smile at her. “I’m okay, really, just a bit of bed rest until I can repair and I’ll be good as new, my head already feels much better.” I tried to reassure her, but she didn’t seem as sure as I was.
“But, what happened after I left?” Angel asked frowning, sitting on the foot of my bed. I scanned my eyes across the room, Nifty had gotten distracted by a roach in the corner, but Husk and Vaggie did look rather somber as well. I tried to push myself up into a sitting position rather than laying down but it sent shocks of pain through my whole torso. Angel and Charlie each grabbed my arms to help comfortably move me up, my muscles strained, but I managed.
“Thank you.” I said softly and gave them each a reassuring smile. My hands fiddle with the blanket now in my lap and as I feel a bit better I finally remember to feel a bit embarrassed that I’m still wearing my dress from last night. “I promise it’s not a big deal, just…” I trailed off, I hadn’t had time to think of a convincing story. “A shitty party go-er pissed off that I play a better game of black hack than he did. To be fair he hadn’t tried flirting with the dealer.” I say and try to laugh, but it comes out a pitiful wheeze instead leading to a coughing fit.
“No big deal? Lilly, look at you!” Angel raised his voice just a bit but stopped himself taking a breath. “You can’t even sit up, or laugh, you didn't even call me and I could have been there to help you! Instead Alastor of all people turned back up and found you passed out, bleeding, in that room all by yourself! And what, it was just some stranger?” His voice was filled with concern and I could tell he wanted a better explanation.
“Alastor? What was he doing there, no, he left, he wasn't there.” I furrowed my brow, that didn’t make sense, why would he come back? If he did, where is he right now? I felt my face flush as the picture of him walking up to the pathetic scene of me curled up in the ground bleeding and unconscious, embarrassing. Why would that be embarrassing? But I couldn’t shake that deep sense of anxiety and regret even if it didn’t make sense. I held the blanket tight in my hands, electing to studying the stitching of it rather than look at my company.
“I know he was looking for you,” Husk offered, hands buried in his pants pockets. “Didn’t say why, maybe you know better than me, checking the fancy shmancy party y’all went to seems like a pretty sensible place to start looking I guess.” That only made my heart pump faster, he specifically was looking for me? Why?
“I, uh I see.” I sputtered out, I look back up to see all eyes on me expectantly, as if I would explain why Alastor might have been looking for me given we had headed out all together. I didn’t have an answer that I wanted to give them though. “I think I’d like some more time to rest now, and probably change out of this dress.” I scrunch my nose up looking down at myself, it was not in the pristine condition I had hoped to keep it in. There were dirty footprints on it and faint signs of blood that had dropped down, at least those should wash out alright of the black fabric. Angel nodded gently, giving my hand a little squeeze as Vaggie began ushering the other residents out.
“You heard the lady! Let’s go, Pentious, account for your egg boys too please.” She prompted them motioning towards the door. The serpent scooped up his little creatures and a chorus of ‘let us know if you need us’ ‘we aren’t far’ ‘feel better!’ ‘Wait! There’s one more bug I need!’ trailed out with them. Angel didn’t move though, his eyes were too busy trying to read me. Charlie was the last at the door, she raised an eyebrow to me as if to ask if I wanted him to leave as well, but I shook my head no and she left us to debrief. I knew that’s what he was looking for. Angel had become quite good at knowing when I wasn’t saying my whole truth quite quickly. He didn’t say anything so I knew I would have to figure out where to start, particularly difficult with your whole body is screaming in pain.
“Last night was…a long night.” I said with a sign. It earned a sarcastic snort from him.
“You don’t say?” He said with a smile, I playfully pushed his shoulder, breaking into a smile myself.
“Listen, it’s a long story so get comfortable.” He grabbed a pillow that I wasn’t using and hugged it in his lap, fully sitting on my bed now, and nodded when he was ready. I replay the whole night for him, enjoying his commentary and short booing at Vox every time I bring him up the first few times. By the end though, he stops playing around when I confess that it was Vox who roughed me up, and his ongoing threat. Angel looked to be deep in thought when I finished, as if he was looking for my next steps or some great solution. I knew there wasn’t one. As we stood, I would just have to live with Vox’s abuse on top of Velvette’s at work now and my relationship with Alastor, well there want even really a relationship to have ruined. Still, why wasn’t he here right now? What had his attention instead? It was hard for me to understand his actions from the last twelve hours, you don’t care, but then you do, then you don’t again, finally you really do, but then you stop all together?
I groan aloud from my internal dialogue, throwing my head back follow immediately by a wince at the pain it caused. Angel took that as a cue to get out of his own head as well. “Well, work is fucked, but as far as Alastor goes, it’s looking promising.” He remarked, happy with his conclusion. I raised my eyebrow and felt my lips part, then frown, and repeat a few times as I struggled to find the train of thought to follow.
“Alastor looks promising?” How the hell did you come to that conclusion? From where I’m standing the demon can’t stand me and any part that can is being beaten down buy the rest!” I huffed, crossing my arms across my chest
“Sorry, maybe now isn’t the time for humor.” Angel admitted, offering me a hand. “Maybe you should get changed instead.” He was right. I desperately wanted out of this dress now, a shower wouldn’t hurt while we’re at it either.
“Thank you,” I told him, sincerely, taking his hand to help me swing my legs over the side of the bed and slowly transition my weight into my feet. If my body didn’t like sitting up, it utterly despised standing. There was nowhere else to pawn the brunt of the stress onto, forcing my muscles to work double time, but I forced myself to do it anyway. Step by agonizing step I made it to my dresser, which despite only being four feet away from my bed made my heart beat like I’d just run a marathon. “I can take it from here.” Angel didn’t look convinced. I couldn't blame him. He crossed his arms over his chest.
“Yeah, you’re the fucking opitome of health right now.” He said sarcastically, his other set of arms still holding onto me.
“Angel I can dress myself, I promise, you need rest too. It must be nearly four in the morning.” I said looking at his face closer, I was right, I could see the dark circles forming under his eyes. He was also still in his party clothes and his hair had seen better days. “Please.” I added with a half hearted smile. Angel sighed and relinquished his hold on my arm.
“Alright, be you yell or text me if you need anything!” He says over his shoulder while walking towards the door.
“Of course, goodnight!” I say and he echos goodnight back before leaving me alone. I ache and groan, but eventually do find a suitable pair of pajamas and outfit for work in a few hours. I push work out of my mind again though, instead hobbling over to my bathroom and taking a much needed shower. The hot water helps relax my tensed bruised muscles and alleviates some of the duller aches. I desperately needed the relief it provides.
It is only once I have gotten out, dressed, and am tucking myself into bed that I had a searing sensation that I am not alone. Maybe it’s nerves, but I suspect it could be the man I wish to avoid, lurking in the shadows somewhere. His idea of checking on me I guess. Normally I would want to poke the beast, tell the abyss that he should just come out and speak to me, but I didn’t want confrontation tonight. I wanted to get my well earned two hours of sleep before I had to be back at Vee tower and face the day. So instead I whispered out a goodnight to the shadows in my room and turned off the light finally allowing my tiredness to win.
tags: @cannibalcoyote @thereeallink @asainfrustration13 @lexx-exe
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verona2314 · 7 months
Judgment of the Damned (translation) PART IV
Link part III
In the realm of Limbo, where souls deemed too good for Hell but not virtuous enough for Heaven reside, Victoria finds herself thrust into an unprecedented mission. When a notorious sinner, Sir Pentious, achieves redemption and ascends to Heaven, it sends shockwaves through all realms. Tasked with unraveling this mystery, Victoria, a minor judge of souls, is sent to the infamous Hazbin Hotel in Hell. For the first time, an emissary from Limbo steps foot into the fiery depths, tasked with observing and judging the denizens of Hell for their potential for redemption. As Victoria navigates this unfamiliar territory, she captures the unrequired attention of the enigmatic Radio Demon, Alastor. Amidst the chaos of demonic antics and the pursuit of understanding redemption, Victoria must confront her own beliefs and judgments. As she delves deeper into the secrets of the Hazbin Hotel, Victoria uncovers hidden truths about sinners, redemption, and the ultimate fate of souls caught between damnation and salvation. With each soul she encounters, Victoria's journey becomes not only a quest for answers but a personal voyage of self-discovery in the heart of darkness.
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Chapter 4: Rumors from the Past
Hey, its me "Verona". I just want to say a liiitle thing before you start your reading....I must say, this chapter was quite a challenge to translate due to the archaic English in which Zestial should speak. In advance, I apologize. I hope you enjoy the chapter. Love u! (Yep. Spanish is my native language, and yes, there is a Spanish version of this work.)
His body ached all over, as was customary after a day of filming with Valentino. Ever since their little disagreement at the bar, the bastard hadn't given him a moment's rest. He was beginning to wonder if he could keep this up forever, or if he should start imagining the impossible and find a way to free himself from that contract. He shifted uncomfortably in the taxi seat. He needed a good shower.
After a few more minutes of travel, the vehicle stopped outside the hotel. Angel got out and looked up at the building. He hated to admit it, but that place had become a space where he felt safe, relaxed, and happy. A place he always wanted to return to... a home. He shook his head slowly, smiling as he walked towards the hotel. They had really softened him up. Maybe he could buy those lunatics something nice.
He opened the door, stepping into the hotel. The lobby was completely dark and everything was silent. That struck him as odd. Suddenly, he felt someone lunging at him and putting a sack over his head. He tried to break free but his attacker was too strong. He fell to the ground where his arms were tied.
"WHO ARE YOU? WHAT ARE YOU DOING? HELP!" he exclaimed as he was dragged into a room. His assailant leaned him against a wall and removed the sack from his head. Angel looked around and saw Niffty to his right, also tied up. To his left, Husk was in the same condition. "What's going on?"
"Relax," Husk replied irritably.
Angel wanted to ask more but at that moment, he saw someone entering the room.
"Alright," said Vaggie, "now that I have you all gathered here, there's an important matter to discuss."
"Vaggie? What the hell is wrong with you! Why did you tie us up? Have you gone mad?" shouted Angel, feeling indignant. Just moments ago, he had felt so relieved to have returned to the hotel and now this.
"I apologize for the extreme measure, but I needed to have you all gathered without causing a mess. There's something very important you need to know, and you must not speak of it outside of this hotel under any circumstances," Vaggie said in a very serious tone. "There's no simple way to say this. We have a very important guest in the hotel and it's crucial to make a very good impression on her, so you must behave. Niffty, don't stab insects in front of this person, Husk, try to be less gloomy, and Angel, don't be so…horny.
"Can I step on the bugs in front of her?" Niffty asked. "Besides, ever since I started the war in the attic, there aren't as many."
"Ugh, sure," Vaggie replied.
"Who is this soooo important person?" Angel grumbled. He didn't want to have to watch his behavior in a place he considered his home. "I mean, we tried to act well when Charlie's father came, and everything went fine. In the end, we didn't even have to keep up appearances. Why would it be different this time?"
"Angel, please, you have to listen to me this time," Vaggie responded.
"I think we deserve a better explanation. I agree with leggies," Husk said. Vaggie sighed.
"Fine. But as I already told you, this must be kept secret. Limbo is real, and a minor judge from there is staying here. She will be studying sinners, making a report on them, and determining the chances of redemption. In short."
The room fell silent as they watched Vaggie, processing the information.
"Vaggie," Angel said softly, "What the hell did you smoke?"
Vaggie let out a frustrated growl before speaking again. "Fine. Let's start over. I'll explain everything. But please, we have to help Charlie
She woke up with her face resting on the documents. She looked around a little disoriented. It was barely nightfall. She couldn't believe she had fallen asleep. She couldn't afford to nap when she had so much work ahead of her. Her eyes still felt sleepy. Perhaps it wasn't a bad idea to get up and walk around the hotel to shake off the laziness.
She stretched in her seat before getting up and leaving the room. It was a relief to be able to wander the place freely without the deer-ears guy nearby. The decoration of the place was very beautiful and sophisticated. The place gleamed now that it had been reconstructed following Adam's attempt to eradicate these sinners. Victoria struggled to understand how anyone could take pleasure in destroying souls, but, well, Cain must have inherited his temperament from somewhere.
She descended to the first floor via the main staircase, admiring the magnificent chandelier hanging over the hall. Suddenly, she could notice a strange movement among the crystals and bulbs. A kind of red spot moved with agility. She squinted trying to understand what she was seeing. At that moment, she collided head-on with someone.
"I'm so sorry!" exclaimed a boy. His appearance reminded her of a spider.
Victoria mentally reviewed the files she had read. The person in front of her was a resident of the hotel... Angeldust, real name Anthony. "Don't worry, I wasn't paying attention to where I was walking," she responded amiably.
"No, I insist. Let me make it up to you. How about a massage?" Angel replied nervously. "It'll release all your tension! Not in a sexual way! Ah, it's not that you're not attractive, but you're just not my type. Not that there's anything wrong with you. I mean, it's bad that you're not... No! That's not what I meant. I like to... you know... but not with you. It's just that..."
Victoria listened to Angel's verbal diarrhea, bewildered. What the hell was he talking about? She couldn't make sense of anything, let alone why he was acting so nervous.
"I could massage your feet. Not that I have a weird fetish!"
"Angel, don't say anything else," interrupted a gruff voice from a demon with feline features. Victoria searched her memory again. That must be Husk. The hotel's bartender subtly moved her away from Angel with his wings. "Uh, um, Judge, how about a magic trick?"
Had he just called her judge? Now everything made sense. "No, no. Don't worry. Hey, I know what this is all about."
"Damn it, Husk, you called her judge," grumbled Vaggie, entering the room.
"Look," Victoria began in a friendly tone, "it's really not necessary for you to try to pamper or flatter me. I'm not here with any ill intentions or prejudices. I hope you can treat me like anyone else, without thinking about my judge status. Which I had hoped would remain confidential. But it doesn't matter. I trust I'll have a very good opinion of all of you."
As soon as she finished speaking, something struck her head. She looked down and saw it was a shard of crystal.
"Watch out!" Vaggie shouted, pushing her aside just as the chandelier crashed down from the ceiling with a loud bang. Victoria sat on the floor, observing the scene. Vaggie had managed to evade the impact. From the ruins of the fixture emerged a small woman with a large eye, who laughed nervously.
"Sorry. I was cleaning the crystals. Uh... does this count as attempted murder if it was accidental, right?"-Niffty said. 
"This is fucked up already. Judge Victoria, welcome to the Hazbin Hotel, where this shit will be your daily life," Husk growled, opening a beer can and leaving the foyer. "I'm not cleaning up that shit."
"What a relief, I couldn't keep up with this forced smile anymore. How the hell does Alastor do it?" Angel added, following Husk.
"Well, Judge," Vaggie said, standing up, "at least they tried."
The meeting with the Overlords turned out somewhat predictable. It was evident that Carmilla would be on alert for the potential repercussions following Adam's death. Hell had defended itself adequately for the first time, and that was unprecedented. Overall, the entire meeting revolved around obtaining weapons, planning measures in case of another attack, unity, strength, and similar matters.
But Alastor's mind was focused on more interesting affairs. He knew the judge wouldn't give him much information about... anything. He had already learned that she was a stubborn, reserved, composed, and very intelligent woman. Her witty responses irritated him but were also refreshing. Perhaps deep down, he hoped to have another confrontation with her, but this time, more prepared.
As the congregation neared its end, Alastor directed his gaze towards today's target, Zestial. The ancient being returned his gaze with curiosity. The radio demon simply smiled even wider. It's not that he particularly relished the idea of interacting with that Overlord, but if anyone had answers, it was him. Of course, he had to be careful with his words, as he didn't want anyone else trying to approach the judge, for now. No. It was convenient to keep her presence in hell a secret for the time being. It didn't take a genius to understand that someone like her could be a very important card to play. And…Under no circumstances could he underestimate Zestial, as he was very skilled at noticing subtleties.
"Very well. Does anyone want to add anything?" Carmilla declared before concluding the meeting. As everyone began to leave, Alastor didn't even manage to get up from his seat before he immediately felt a presence behind him.
"Greetings, Alastor," Zestial spoke with that characteristic resonant voice of his. "I knoweth not if mine senses art dulled, but I deem I hath perceived thou didst seek to engage in discourse with me." 
Alastor emitted a slight laugh. "Always so perceptive, Zestial. You're correct. Will you have a few minutes before you go to your teatime with the esteemed Carmilla?"
Carmilla watched them from the doorway of the meeting room. Zestial nodded to her, who, at such a gesture, left the room, closing the door behind her. The ancient being took a seat opposite him and observed him with great interest.
“Very well, Alastor, thou hast mine full attention. I must say, our discourse is always... captivating.-Said the Overlord.
"Oh, Zestial, I hope not to disappoint you. I just wanted to ask you about a matter that seems more myth than reality," Alastor replied in a casual tone. Zestial seemed more intrigued. "Well, I won't keep you on the edge of your seat any longer. How true is what they say about Limbo?"
Zestial narrowed his eyes and his smile widened. Alastor didn't expect that reaction. He thought the Overlord would laugh and say that stories about Limbo were just children's tales
"Dear friend, I implore thee not to fall into the error of the majority, thinking that all concerning Limbo is mere invention. For in every fable lies a grain of truth. I suppose thou hast heard what is commonly said. That Limbo, also known as the intermediary realm, is where souls go that are not sinful enough to merit hell, yet not virtuous enough to enter heaven. But in its origins, there was more. But of course, I would like to know, why dost thou show interest in this matter?"
"These are personal matters. Perhaps I could refrain from giving you details if, in exchange for your knowledge, I were to resolve a certain inconvenience Carmilla is dealing with... and what difficulties, I must say!" responded Alastor as he playfully moved his fingers. What he was doing was somewhat risky. But it was worth it.
Zestial emitted a deep chuckle. "I note thou art well-informed. Aye, 'tis true that a new pest hath arisen, seeking to snatch Carmilla's market. Naught that we cannot resolve."
"Oh, but this way I spare you the hassle and the time. I believe it's fair, considering I'm merely asking for some unverified information," Alastor said, and he and Zestial locked eyes for a brief moment. The radio demon knew he couldn't show even a hint of doubt or greater interest in the matter.
"Very well," Zestial finally responded. "Be that as it may, I reckon that sooner or later I shall uncover thy true intentions…In mine early years here in the inferno, 'twas spoken that when the heavens were forged, Limbo stood as a neutral ground to settle disputes and judge the angels' conduct. 'Twas only the supreme judges present then. But in general, there weren't many issues until the incident o' the apple. From that moment forth, with the inception o' hell, Limbo would become the intermediary 'twixt heaven and hell. Not merely for receiving souls, but also for resolving grave disputes 'tween both realms, akin to an international court. With this evolution came the minor judges. On one hand, the supreme judges continued their role as an international court, alongside judging mortal souls. On the other hand, the minor judges were tasked with settling conflicts 'mongst inhabitants of the same domain that couldn't be resolved internally, serving as an appellate body. Of course, they also bore the duty of crafting records of human deeds upon the Earth. But that part's well-known to all."
"Interesting. So, if two angels had a problem they couldn't resolve themselves, could they turn to a minor judge to decide the matter?" Alastor asked to make sure he was getting it all.
"Indeed," Zestial replied, conjuring a teacup before taking a brief sip before continuing, "But you must already know that there weren't as many issues in heaven. The spotlight was on hell, not for murders or thefts, but for something more subtle: contracts." Zestial looked at Alastor attentively, trying to gauge his reaction, but the radio demon remained unfazed. "Supposedly, a minor judge had the power to modify or annul a contract, of course, adhering to the rules or laws of hell."
"Hmm? Contracts, you say?" Alastor prompted Zestial to continue.
"Aye, that's what was told in my time. It was also said that a catastrophic event occurred, causing the Limbo's communications to shut down from their end. However, Alastor, processes don't vanish. The mere fact that Limbo has isolated itself doesn't imply that there's no longer an avenue for appeal."
"Oh, but if that were true, we would still have demons trying to make appeals," Alastor pointed out, resting his chin on his intertwined hands.
“That's the other curious bit. Allegedly, they wiped out all who knew of that process to let it fade away. Does the appeals process truly not exist, or is it just that no one knows how to activate it anymore?”.
Alastor looked silently at Zestial. He couldn't determine if the ancient creature believed in those stories or not. But if that process really existed... perhaps. Unfortunately, he still had no way to verify it. Alastor inclined his head before speaking again, "Well. We can't really know. Anyway, all of this is just legends. It doesn't sound like these minor judges are very strong."
“Perhaps they don't have great destructive power, but it certainly was useful to have one as an ally. In addition to being able to modify or annul a contract, they also had access to the information of all sinners and angels. On the other hand, every judge has two basic powers. The oath and The mandate of the judge.”
"The oath?" Alastor asked, feigning disinterested tone. He was surprised at how enthusiastic Zestial seemed about this topic.
“Indeed. If a minor judge asked you to swear an oath and you agreed, you were bound to speak the truth. If you were to lie, the judge would detect it immediately and, if desired, could inflict great pain upon you as a consequence.”
“And the other one?”
"Ah, the judge's mandate? Or rather, known as the command. Basically, it entails the judge exercising their authority by issuing an order that cannot be disobeyed, as if a force were controlling your body. Of course, the scope and strength of this mandate depend on the power and rank of the judge. The mandate of a minor judge is usually not very strong, limited to simple commands like 'sit' or 'be silent', essential for maintaining order in a court, thus not very enduring. But that of a supreme judge... well, it is said that it was precisely that which condemned Lucifer to hell.”
“Well, I'll give you that. If these judges were real and contact could be made with them, they would clearly be a magnificent ally."
Zestial chuckled maliciously “Precisely, and I reckon all the sinners and demons had the same notion, wouldn't you say? It wouldn't surprise me if the big catastrophe were tied to millions of those minor judges getting corrupted or extorted by the infernal lot to reap benefits from the appeals, changing contracts to their whims. Well, but then again, none of this is quite verifiable or true. Right?”
Alastor didn't like the tone of voice Zestial used in that last sentence. The ancient being was beginning to suspect. Why was he suspicious now? He had been careful with each of his expressions. Could his memory of Victoria asking them for silence during the meeting with Charlie have caused some gesture that caught his interlocutor's attention? Alastor couldn't help but think that that request could have been a judge´s mandate subtly carried out by Victoria, implying that at least one of the powers mentioned by Zestial was true.
Alastor glanced at Zestial again just as he narrowed his eyes. Damn it. It wasn't time to think about that. That damned judge was making things complicated with this Overlord just by appearing in his memories. "Indeed!" he responded in an animated tone, trying to dispel the seriousness of the atmosphere. "After all, they're mere stories."
Zestial chuckled softly, "Yes, but it surprises me that you're wasting your time on mere tales."
"Oh, you all with your theories about me. It's a delight to hear your conspiracies. I simply wanted to satisfy the curiosity that arose in me after reading a dramatic work where they staged this Limbo," Alastor continued nonchalantly as he rose from his seat.
"Verily, I am acquainted with that tome," said Zestial, rising to his feet to accompany Alastor to the door of the conference room. "Indeed, it doth portray Limbo akin to the contemporary lore. Yet, one aspect hath ever intrigued me. Mayhaps I am overly fastidious regarding artistic license."
"What might that be?"
"Well, that literary work mentions seven supreme judges. Not five."
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