#i ....really need to sit down and icon properly
heich0e · 1 year
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Touya's not usually one to check his text messages.
Never has been, ever since he got his first cellphone when he was 13. He finds it more of a nuisance than anything, the way people always want to get ahold of him. Always expect a response from him over the most mundane shit. He barely likes talking to anyone as is, let alone during his private time—therefore, as a general rule, he doesn't respond to texts.
Especially not ones that pop up on his phone on a lazy Saturday afternoon with the contact name 'Bird Brain' listed as the sender.
But when these particular message previews appear, rudely interrupting him in the middle of watching a cake decorating video while he lays sprawled across the couch, Touya can't help but click through to the conversation to give them the response that they deserve.
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His response is about as succinct and unamused as he is.
Three telltale dots appear at the bottom of the conversation before Touya can click away, and he finds himself waiting to see what Keigo comes back with—for reasons not even he quite understands.
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Touya pushes himself up off the couch in an instant, stomping into your bedroom.
He finds himself hesitating once he makes it to the doorway, his body having moved relatively of its own accord, realizing only once he's standing at the threshold that he's not even really sure what he's going to say.
You're laying across the bottom of your bed on your tummy with your sock-clad feet lifted in the air behind you. You have one headphone in your ear and your laptop propped in front of you with that stupid romantic drama you like so much playing—the one Touya pretends he hates but always gets a little pouty when you watch an episode without him. You turn when you spot him in your peripheral vision, popping your headphone out of your ear and hitting the spacebar to pause your show.
"I'm almost done," you tell him, glancing back to your screen where the male lead is paused mid-confession—his mouth still open in the middle of his ardent monologue. You peer back at him again over your shoulder with a slightly smug look. "If you hadn't watched ahead without me we could be watching it together, y'know."
"That was an accident," Touya grumbles, sniffing a little indignantly. "It started playin' automatically when I turned the TV on."
"Sure, sure," you chirp, turning back to your laptop. When you realize Touya's still lingering there, you face him again, this time pushing yourself up on your elbow so you can twist around to look at him more fully. Your brow furrows. "What's wrong?"
Touya sucks in a breath of air and holds it in his cheeks, narrowing his eyes slightly.
"Can I see your phone for a sec?" he asks.
The pinch of your brow slackens as one of them lifts in surprise.
"Yeah," you say, though your tone is still a little wary. You nod towards your bedside table at the head of the bed. "It's plugged in."
Touya shuffles towards you, rounding the end of your bed frame and approaching the device in question. He sit down at the edge of the mattress, and it dips under his weight. Beside him, you shuffle a bit closer to him as you resume watching your show, one of your feet brushing gently against his back as you kick them idly back and forth.
Touya knows your passcode, just like you know his, so it's no effort to unlock the device once he has it in hand. Finding the app in question is another story entirely.
He turns to you.
"Which one of these is Instagram?" he asks, holding the device in front of your face with the home screen open.
You pause your show again.
"This one," you say, pointing to one particular app icon, but your voice is notably perplexed.
Touya's never had any interest in social media. He had a couple of accounts when he was a teenager but hasn't properly logged in for years. As new social networking sites have risen and fallen, he's never bothered to even sign up, seeing no need in signing away his personal data to a platform he'll never use anyway.
Touya taps his thumb against the icon that you pointed out, waiting for the application to launch. His leg jiggles impatiently while he waits for it to load.
Beside him, you don't unpause your show.
When the screen finally loads, Touya is immediately accosted by an unfamiliar interface. There's some photo of a girl he doesn't know taking up most of the screen, and a few bubbles in the upper right hand corner that he can only assume are notifications you haven't checked. Touya may not use social media, but he's not an idiot either, so after clicking around the screen for long enough he finally manages to pull up what he recognizes as your personal profile.
"Touya, what are you doing?" you ask, thoroughly bewildered now, having just watched your boyfriend visit just about every corner of the Instagram app.
He sucks in a sharp breath.
Slowly, he turns to look at you.
"Did you just post this?"
He doesn't really need to ask, considering the baggy t-shirt you're wearing in the photo—his t-shirt, he recognizes immediately—is the same one you currently have on as you lie stretched across your bed. It's all you have on, save for the frilly little socks on your feet and the edge of the panties he can see peeking out where your shirt's hem has ridden up.
The photo blessedly has left those out.
You clear your throat, almost like you're embarrassed, reaching out for your cellphone. "Yeah, a little while ago."
Touya holds the device out of your reach, and a little sound of indignation slips from your lips. He keeps scrolling.
Your profile is full of photos of you that are just as charming as the first one he'd seen. Some are of friends, or food, or places you've visited. Many are even of him, or the two of you together. The collection is like a series of little snapshots into your life—of all the moments you wanted to save or share. But every so often there will be a photo just of you.
You with your lips pursed coyly, or maybe quirked with the ghost of a smile. You wrapped in a skimpy little dress you bought for a special occasion that Touya is all too familiar with. You with your eyes bright, or maybe one where they're heavy lidded in a sultry expression that makes something possessive and primal scrape against Touya's ribs.
His face feels hot when he looks at those ones. Hotter still when he realizes other people have seen them too.
"I think you should delete your account," he says suddenly, turning to face you with a completely serious—and markedly insistent—expression.
"W-what? Touya!" You exclaim plaintively. You push yourself up onto your knees and scrabble for your phone. Touya doesn't fight back to any real degree. He lets you crawl into his lap and wrestle it out of his hands, though the two of you do go tumbling back across the bed in the process. Once you've safely tossed the phone down to the other end of the bed out of his reach, you turn back to him with an irritated pinch to your features.
Touya meets your gaze easily, like a man without guilt.
"What's gotten into you?" you ask him softly, still straddling his lap. Your hands rest over his sternum, fiddling idly with the strings of his hoodie.
Touya sighs, reaching up and tugging you down to his chest before snaking his arms around your waist to keep you pressed against him. You don't try and wiggle out of his grip like he thinks that you might, instead you let him hold you, nuzzling your face into the collar of his sweatshirt.
"You're being weird," you mumble.
"No, weird would be me asking you to throw your phone away and never leave the house again so I'm the only one who gets to look at you," Touya replies, his fingers dipping under the hem of your—his—shirt and creeping up along your spine. "I'm actually being pretty normal, all things considered."
You huff out a little laugh and Touya feels the warmth of it break against the skin of his throat. You lift your face so you can look at him, and Touya admires the view of you from so close up. The curve of your lips, the colour of your eyes, the tip of your nose. He could look at you all day, he realizes then. Every part of you. Every inch and dip and curve that makes you up. He could study them. Map them out with his eyes closed, long committed to memory.
You make him feel kind of insane, sometimes. More insane than usual, anyway. He worries that he likes you too much.
"What are you thinking about?" you ask him quietly.
Touya purses his lips.
It wasn't his intended goal, but he's happy to accept the little kiss you press against them anyway, a laugh slipping out of his mouth and into yours before you pull away. He shuts his eyes, letting his head tip back against the bed again, letting out a long, exhausted breath.
"Wanna help me set up an instagram account?" he finally mutters after a long stretch of silence.
You push yourself up overtop of him, and when he cracks one eye open he finds you looking down at him excitedly.
"Really?" you ask him incredulously, but undeniably pleased by the prospect.
He nods a bit, pulling you back down against his chest. He lets his eyes shut once more.
If deleting your account is out of the question, he might as well have his own so at least he gets to admire it.
You wiggle comfortably in Touya's hold, your TV show long forgotten at the other end of the bed, content to just let your boyfriend trace lazy circles into your thigh as your legs tangle together with his.
Touya's eyes pop open again suddenly, an unpleasant and not-so distant memory rushing back to him.
Your gaze meets his own, a quiet concern swimming behind it.
He takes your face in his hand.
"How do you block someone on Instagram?"
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wannabespiderman · 8 months
Man vs machine
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Hello! This is my first fanfic written in English so I'm slightly nervous to post this but I couldn't get this idea out of my head so... I hope you enjoy :)
Bucky Barnes x Reader
Just an old man confused about modern technology.
You were walking past the living room door when a discontented grunt caught your attention. You took two steps back to crane your neck past the half-closed door. Bucky was sitting on the sofa, leaning over the living room table, which looked like a toddler’s table compared to him, his face illuminated by the bright screen of his new laptop that you’ve bought him not too long ago. His eyebrows were tightly knit together when he mumbled a quiet curse. You turned around, a curious expression on your face as you walked through the door.
"You okay, baby?" you asked and promptly sat down next to him. Bucky gave you an inscrutable look before turning his eyes back to the screen. “Where the hell do I find my emails?” he asked in frustration. A sudden laugh escaped you. You should have realized that a 106 year old man who had little to do with electronics would have some trouble with a laptop. Bucky gave you a displeased look with a slight, unconcious pout appearing on his face. “Click on the internet icon.” You spoke softly, willing to help. Bucky’s brow furrowed. “I don’t need the internet, I need my emails.” You stayed silent for a moment, slightly baffled by his words. Just last week you took the effort to set up a Google account with him and you were pretty sure he had paid attention then. “Bucky.” You said an amused huff escaping you. “Your e-mail is connected to the Internet. Just click on the icon.” Bucky clicked his tongue in annoyance to cover his slight embarrassment and went back to staring at the desktop. He was definitely taking his time, and at one point you doubted he knew what an icon was. “Need any help?” you asked as kindly as you could, though the sight of Bucky squinting his eyes like a real old man made your voice sound rather amused. With an exhausted sigh, Bucky leaned back against the seat back and rubbed his face, his shoulders visibly slumping. “You do it.”
You snort, but immediately apologize after he gives you an exceptionally grumpy look. “You can do it.” You said encouragingly, giving him a small smile. Bucky rolled his eyes, but relented and bent over the laptop again. You shuffled closer to it so you could see the screen properly, and the little orange and blue Firefox icon literally jumped out at you. You pointed your finger at it and looked at it again. “Just click on this one.”
You tried to be patient with him, really, and actually he did exactly what you said, but you couldn’t hold back the little sigh that left your mouth as he moved the cursor over the Firefox icon and clicked. Once. “Okay.” You mumbled, rubbing your eye. Apparently, you needed to be more specific. "This time you click twice." Another brief but piercing look from Bucky before he actually double-clicked and the browser opened. You sent a quick thank you to the heavens before instructing him to type the url into the search tab and cringed silently when he started typing with both of his pointer fingers. Right this second you decided to teach him how to properly type with all ten of his fingers later. A few more instructions later, probably a little more than usually necessary, he reached the Google log-in site.
“I assume you can handle the rest?” It was supposed to be a statement but your voice shifted into a question at the end.
He hummed quietly in affirmation, though his brow was still furrowed as if this whole thing was incredibly complicated which, to be honest… it probably was for him. You pressed your lips together, a slight sting of guilt coursing through you, your previous amusement and frustration about his hardship completely vanishing. One second you were quietly sat next to him and the other you had your arms wrapped around his bicep and your head leaning on his shoulder. “I’m sorry about laughing earlier.” You whispered, almost too quiet for him to understand if he weren’t a Super-Soldier and had enhanced hearing. “I know it’s new for you.” Bucky tried to shrug it off but you saw how his eyes softened when he tilted his head to look down at you. A sudden, quiet chuckle escaped him, making you quirk an eyebrow in curiosity.
“You’d think, as a Cyborg, I’d be better at this.”
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geordikisser · 3 months
comforting you! | isaac, nick & blake
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epilogue: continuation from my hcs post! :-D i previously made one of tanner & larry if you’re interested in that piece as well! basically something very personal came up. sorry if yumis sucks 😞😞 i failed u all..
content contains! angst, suggestive ( yumi )
⤷ gender isn’t specific! (gender neutral.)
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♡ isaac: you clenched your teeth as tears poured down your cheeks. you would rather be caught dead than like this. you feel your face heat up, audibly sobbing a little too. you shakily reach for your phone and swallow your pride and called isaac. you knew you being alone isn’t what you needed. as you even clicked the call icon, you hear a knock on the door. your heart drops as you quickly wipe your face dry instantly. “yes?” your voice being drowned out from your tear & snot stained shirt. “baby? i’m coming in, ok?” that loving, honey-dripping voice made your heart flutter. “i-isaac?” you accidentally stammer out. he opens the door and gives you a goofy smile. “i got food, did you not see your phone?” his smile falls as he furrows his brows. “baby? what’s wrong.” he notices his phone ringing from you and he felt so horrible. “my poor baby, let me hold you.” he ushers towards you and sits besides you instantly, his arms opening to embrace you.
you felt those familiar tears well up once again and you fall into the embrace. “i missed you so much!” you sob out as he shushes you gently. “i’m here baby, i’m here. don’t ever worry, i’ll always be here.” he hums to you. your breath hitching as you try to recollect yourself. “i know me being gone for 20 minutes didn’t do this. what’s up.” he pulls away, wiping your tears away. you sigh, shuddering slightly. “i- can’t get into that.” you murmured under your breath slightly. he nods, his face meeting your own. “i’m so ugly.” you cover your face, shying away from him. he instantly pulls you back. “no you aren’t. you’re beautiful. you are a thing of beauty. never once have i ever doubt that.” he kisses you cheeks, tracing down to your jaw. “i love you so much my beautiful baby.” he lies you down and wipes the rest of your tears away. his tender hand meeting your worn out face. “you don’t need to tell me anything, okay? but i’d love to know.” he kisses your jaw continuously. “you are ok, i promise baby.” he whispers to you. “i’ll tell the guys to save food for you, okay?” you nod weakly, your hand interlocking with his own. your thumb rubbing on the back of his hand. his gaze being a soft, reassuring one.
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♡ nick: you felt uneasy, you were feeling everything but yourself. nick was coming back from the gym as this panic rises in your chest. you feel the heat in your face become unbearable, overwhelming, and started to cry. you began to weep and weep quietly from how overwhelmed you were. you felt so hot and itchy and crazy. you tried to pull your hair back away from your face and couldn’t process anything properly. you chewed on your bottom lip as you began to sob. as the front door jingles, a familiar key sound following it. you recollect yourself and try to stand up, your body lying on the cold floor in the living room. the door opens and nicks eyes are instantly on you. “babe?” he drops his gym bag instantly. closing the door behind him and locking it right after. he rushes towards you and brings you to your feet, instantly falling into his arms. “hey hey hey! what’s up.” he asks worryingly, seating you two on the couch. you crawl close. as close as you can get to him. “i’m so sorry.” you sob into his shoulder as he shushes you. “you have nothing to be sorry for, look at me honey.” your breath hitching as you pull away to look at him.
“what happened, baby? tell me.” his eyes softening. “i- i feel really overwhelmed. i feel so itchy and hot and i can’t breath!” you exclaim, tugging as your shirt. he nods as he pulls your hair back for you with his steadier hands. “this heat getting to you, my dear?” he smiles weakly at you as you nod, clipping your hair back to keep off your face. “i’m sorry this heat is getting to you my pretty baby.” he kisses your temple and his hands envelope yours. “despite this heat, you look iridescent in my eyes.” he coos sweetly as you huff, looking away. “you must’ve felt so weak, i’m sorry honey. next time ill leave the ac cooler for you.” he rocks you back and forth, lifting the back of your shirt up to get some cool air up your shirt. “let’s get you in a thinner and shorter shirt, ok? this long sleeve might be getting to you.” he gestures you to stand with him and you nod. “i’ll always be here to help you, always.”
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♡ blake: you reach out to yumi, shaking him awake. it was rather late and you felt like your head was gonna explode. “hmm—.. ugh, fuck.” he groans, bitterness taking his tone. “blake!” you stammer out weakly. his eyes shooting open. “what..” he groans groggily. sitting up. he turns to you and see your eyes welling up. “babe? the fuck happened?” his mouth getting the best of him. you stutter out what the dream was about as you fiddled with your hands anxiously. he nods as he takes your hands into his and uses his thumbs to caress the backs of your hands. “i’m so sorry you had to see that, baby.” he frowns slightly as he kisses your forehead, decorating your face in kisses. you let a few tears fall as he hums gently. “ahh don’t cry now, okay? you’re strong.” he grunts, squeezing your hands. “you are stronger than you know.” he looks at you, a small smile on his face. “you are so strong, babe. don’t let some dream take over that.” he kisses you once more but it’s tickled with passion. you feel your eyes soften as you melt into his kiss. you fall back onto the pillow, yumi hovering over you. his hands still in your grasp, his face heating up. “seeing you like this hurts me too. my strong baby getting fucked up by a dream? i won’t let it happen again. not on my watch.” he kisses your jaw gently, slowly tracing to your neck. you whimper softy as yumi smirks, chucking slightly. he lifts his head to to make eye contact with you. his eyes half lidded, barely opened. his gaze a mix with sleepiness and lust slightly. “i can make you forget that dream.” he offers with a grin. you giggle as you push him slightly. “stoppp..” you groan, yumi chuckling. “you strong, baby. you are so smart and loving. don’t loose that vision because of a bad dream.. i love you.”
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There's Always Time For Second Guesses (I Don't Wanna Know) (One-Shot)
Pairing: Tangerine x Reader
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Work Summary: Tangerine x Reader Soulmate AU.
You're on vacation in Japan, trying to get away from the shitstorm that is your life, but you're not prepared for what's waiting for you on the bullet train to Kyoto.
Rating: Teen and up.
Word Count: 3519
Read on AO3.
Taglist: @mcximffs @noz4a2 @rottenstyx @mrs-kai-anderson @ang3l1te @missryerye
Warnings for snakes and sadness, general assassin stuff, blood.
Timeline probably doesn't line up with the timeline of the movie, whoops.
It was supposed to be fun. The sort of relaxing faux-adventure you get from travelling to the tourist-y destinations of another country. The precursor to a fresh start after everything in your life had gone to shit.
But that wasn’t meant to be. Your carefree vacation had turned into a nightmare over the course of a few hours.
There were people with guns on this train. There was a dead man bleeding out of his eyeballs. Over the course of your journey, the number of train passengers had thinned out, and none of them seemed as worried as you felt. It was like no one else was paying attention. You needed to get out of here, but the next stop wasn’t for another thirty-five minutes.
Heart in your throat, you decided to take your backpack and hide in a bathroom. It was close to one of the exit doors. You would wait until the train was pulling into the next station, and then you would run for it.
That was your plan at least. You sat yourself down on the closed lid of the toilet, trying desperately to forget the face of the blood-covered man. You could hear your heartbeat in your ears.
As much as you didn’t want to admit it, you knew exactly how to distract yourself. You’d packed your vacation to the brim, trying to leave yourself as little space for quiet reflection as possible. Maybe this was your penance. Now was the time to think about everything that had brought you here.
For starters, your boyfriend of four years had found his soulmate. It wasn’t as if you’d never considered this eventuality. After all, things like that happened all the time.
You weren’t ready, though, when you came home and found him sitting at the kitchen table with an expression half-guilty, half-ecstatic, the back of his hand stained a bright red.
He had tried to let you down gently; he really had. You hadn’t wanted him to feel guilty, either. It just as easily could’ve happened to you. You wished him the best, and then, when he was gone, you’d cried for three days.
A few days later, you’d found out that the company you worked for was ‘downsizing’ and you hadn’t made the cut. Redundant and freshly unwillingly single, you packed up everything you owned into your car and drove back to your parents’ house.
They had welcomed you back with open arms, but you could see the pity in their eyes. You hated that pity. So you made a decision. You took your redundancy money and decided to go on a trip.
You’d never been to Japan before, even though you’d always meant to. It was an exceptionally beautiful country, but you were still miserable. You had hoped that travelling would decrease the desire to check your ex’s Instagram for pictures of him with his new girlfriend, but it was still a compulsion that you were struggling to break.
You should just delete the app. It’s not like you posted much anyway. As you opened your phone and pressed on that little colourful camera icon, you heard a low hiss.
Your thumb paused over the Instagram app. “Huh?”
Probably the plumbing. It didn’t sound like any pipes you’d ever heard before, but Japanese toilets were different from the ones you were used to. Even though you weren’t using the toilet, you decided to flush, just in case.
A shape caught the corner of your eye, and before you could properly process what you were seeing, a scream ripped its way out of your throat.
A small, yellowish-brown snake slithered had slithered out between your legs. You launched yourself into the door, cursing the lock as you did so. Your fingers fumbled over it, and then, after an agonising moment, managed to unlock it.
You spilled out of the room and almost collided with a man in the process. You stumbled backwards, slamming the door and praying that the snake was now trapped inside.
Feeling unsteady, you almost lost your balance when a warm hand wrapped around your forearm, helping you stay upright. The man’s skin was hot against yours. Too hot. It burned.
He leapt back from you suddenly, and you fell into the wall, stabilizing yourself with one hand. Your eyes darted over him, trying to assess whether he was a threat.
With a jolt, you realised that you recognised him. You had seen him and another man talking to the dead man earlier. He was tall and handsome, with piercing blue eyes, but now, his hair was dishevelled and there were splotches of blood on his clothes.
You took a step back, away from him, but he didn’t seem to notice. He was staring at his hand.
It shimmered, like gold paint. A soulmate mark. Unbidden, your eyes found the spot on your arm where he touched you. It still burned. It had turned a rich, dark blue.
He looked at you then, his eyes roving over your face, trying to take you in. Your cheeks heated up under his penetrating gaze.
“There’s a snake in the bathroom,” you blurted out. You clutched your arm to your chest, cradling it through the burning ache. The man in front of you flexed his hand, and you realised that he must’ve been feeling the same thing. As you glanced at the now closed bathroom door, you had a sinking feeling of dread. “I left my backpack in there.”
“It’s okay, love. I’ll get it back for you.” He smiled at you then, and when you smiled back, you realised that you had never really been in love before.
Your ex was forgiven, the pain forgotten. If his girlfriend made him feel half as good as you did now, how could you possibly blame him for choosing her over you?
As he guided you back into the carriage, gesturing for you sit down, your smile faltered.
“Be careful? Please?”
He chuckled a little at that. “Don’t worry, love, I’m a professional. Just stay here and keep your head down, okay?”
Your heart thudded as you watched him retreat. You crossed your arms over your chest, trying to breathe. Today had been quite the day. You were sure you were going to cry as soon as you got away from this train.  
A moment later, your soulmate returned, holding your rucksack. He put it on the seat beside you.
“You need to get off this train, love. It’s not safe here anymore.”
“That’s what I’ve been trying to do.”
“Okay. We get to Nagoya in…” He checked his watch. “Twenty-five minutes. Let’s find somewhere to lay low.” There was no question as to whether or not you would go with him. Your trust in him was implicit and biological. In the space of a moment, he was yours and you were his. He took your rucksack again and slung it over his shoulder.
He took three steps and then stopped, turning back to you. “I don’t even know your name,” he said, almost apologetically. You gave him your name, and watched that smile spread across his face again. “Tangerine,” he said in response.
“That’s my name. Tangerine.”
You were sure he was lying to you, but you could get into that later. He led you down the train until he found some unoccupied private cabins. He even held the door open for you so that you could go in first.
He was nothing if not a gentleman, evidently. You sat down in the seat next to the window and pulled your legs up onto it, hugging your knees. Tangerine put your bag in the overhead storage and then slid into the seat opposite you.
For a moment, neither of you spoke. You just looked at each other. This was the man that fate said you were going to spend the rest of your life with, whether you liked it or not.
He was certainly very handsome. He was smooth and polite and well-dressed (or at least he had been, earlier). Other than that, you knew almost nothing about him. There was one thing you were sure about though: he was dangerous.
“I saw you and your friend talking to that man earlier. The one who died,” you said.
His lips turned down. “My brother.”
“Not my friend. My brother.”
“Your brother,” you repeated. “Where is he?”
Tangerine looked out of the window, frowning. “Dead.”
Your stomach gave a lurch. “What?”
He turned his eyes on you again, and took a deep breath, like he was steeling himself. “There’s some things you should know about me, sweetheart. I am not a good person. I am not a safe person. If you stay with me then you could get hurt.” As he spoke, you felt your stomach sinking. “Me and my brother, we’re- we were- are assassins.”
He shook his head slightly. Until he’d stumbled over his words, the speech had sounded practised. You wondered if he had prepared for this exact moment, when he would meet his soulmate.
“What happened to your brother?” you asked in a small voice.
He sighed deeply. “We were hired to retrieve something. A briefcase. And a person. Trouble is, someone else was hired to kill that person.”
“The man who was bleeding out of his eyes.”
“Right. Seems like this whole train is full of assassins. One of them took Lemon out. That’s why I need to get you out of here. I can’t lose another person today.” His eyes were starting to look very shiny. His hand was curled into a fist on his knee. Cautiously, you reached out and put your hand over it.
You watched as his expression smoothed out. His hand relaxed, and he let you turn it over, taking it between both of yours.
“I’m sorry about your brother,” you said softly.
“You’ll come with me, right? When I leave the train?” you asked.
“I have to finish this job.”
“There’s people who’ll kill me if I don’t.”
“Sounds like there’s people who’ll kill you if you do.” For a moment, he smiled again. It was a reluctant smile, but it was still beautiful, because he was beautiful.
“You’re probably right about that. But still. I have to see this through. I’m sorry.”
“Why?” Frustration was edging into your voice. “What could be worth that?”
He didn’t answer right away. He ran his free hand through his hair, turning back towards the window. The two of you sat in silence for a few minutes before he spoke again.
“Okay. I’ll come with you. There’s nothing left for me here, anyway.”
You squeezed his hand. “Thank you.”
“What about you then? What brings you here? You’re not a local.”
It was your turn to frown. “I guess I was just looking for a distraction.”
“Well, you certainly found one.”
His expression was relaxed again. So you found yourself telling him everything. Your job. Your ex. Your parents. Everything that had been going wrong in your life that had led to you being here. He listened, lacing your fingers together and rubbing over the skin of your palm with his thumb.
The overhead announcement that you were about to pull into Nagoya almost made you jump. It hadn’t felt like twenty-five minutes had passed. Your heart began to speed up again.
Tangerine got to his feet and pulled your rucksack out of the rack above your head. Reluctantly, you stood up too. He swung the bag over one shoulder, and then held out a hand to you. When you didn’t immediately take it, he wiggled his fingers at you.
Okay. So he was cute too. Trying to suppress a smile, you took his hand.
It was a straight shot to the exit. There was a stretch of corridor about ten feet long, and then you would be off the train. You were almost at the door when Tangerine swore loudly, and then pulled you into the space next to the luggage storage.
You squeaked, almost losing your balance, but he put both hands on your shoulders. As the train pulled to a stop, his hands were the only things stopping you from falling into him.
“What’s wrong?” you asked once you’d got your feet under you.
“The man who hired me has got guards on the platform. If I try to get off this train, they’ll kill me.”
It felt like you’d been dunked in a bucket of ice. You’d been so close to getting away.
“What do we do?”
His expression was serious. “You need to get off the train.” You opened your mouth to protest, but he cut you off. “They don’t know you have anything to do with me. You’re just another passenger. They won’t bother you. Take this.” He pulled a wallet out of his pocket and grabbed a handful of cash. “Rent a car. Drive to Kyoto. I’ll meet you there.”
He wasn’t looking at you anymore. He was scribbling something down on a scrap of paper. As he slid it into your hands, you saw it was a phone number.
“I know today must’ve been terrifying for you,” he said. “So if you don’t call me, I won’t hold it against you. My life is dangerous. I’d hate for you to get hurt. So if that means living without you…” He swallowed. “I can live with that, okay?” You gritted your teeth. Your eyes were stinging. “Come to Kyoto. Or don’t. I’ll understand either way. Okay?”
Your heart was beating hard enough to hurt. You were almost surprised he couldn’t hear it. This beautiful, stupid, dangerous man. You had only just met him, but you’d do anything for him. Even leave, if that’s what he wanted you to do.
You pushed up onto your tiptoes and kissed him. It was a clumsy graze of your lips against his, but before you could rock back on your heels, he grabbed your face and kissed you back properly. You gripped the front of his shirt, trying to pull him closer, but he pushed you away.
“You need to get off the train,” he said again, looking almost bereft.
You pulled him down to steal one last kiss. “I’ll see you in Kyoto.”
He handed you your rucksack. Resolute, you slipped it on and made your way out into the corridor. With your chin held high, you walked down the little steps off the train and onto the platform.
There were a lot of men in suits milling about, but as Tangerine had predicted, they paid no attention to you. You walked straight over to the car rental office without looking back.
The drive to Kyoto was almost two hours. The bullet train would’ve got you there in under forty minutes. You drove the speed limit, rucksack thrown haphazardly into the passenger seat, no question of stopping any time soon, but you still felt Tangerine getting further away from you with every minute.
There had been a lump in your throat ever since you’d left him behind. It would be just your luck to meet your soulmate and then have him die after you’d known him for less than a day.
You couldn’t think like that. You’d never make it to Kyoto if you had a mental breakdown on the drive there. Your eyes darted down to the new patch of blue colour on your arm. It was still as vivid as it had been when he’d first touched you. He was alive. That made it a little easier to breathe.
You were twenty minutes outside Kyoto when you reached the roadblock. There were police everywhere, and no way through. They were trying to direct you down a diversion, but you weren’t having that.
You pulled over to the side of the road and got out. You put on your best clueless tourist face and walked right up to the roadblock.
“Excuse me? Do you speak English?” you asked one of the cops. He held up a hand, telling you to wait, and then went over and spoke to another officer.
The second cop came over to you. “English?” he said.
“Yes. What happened here? Why is the road closed?”
He grimaced at you. “Bullet train derailed. Very bad.”
Your heart seized. You glanced down at your arm again. Still blue. His eyes traced the movement of your gaze right down to your soulmark, and a look of understanding crossed his face.
“My soulmate was on a train to Kyoto,” you said, trying to keep your voice steady.
“Not many people on this train. We found no survivors. Only dead.” At the expression on your face, he grimaced again. “Probably not your soulmate. Lots of trains come through here. Maybe on the next one?”
“Maybe,” you said shakily. “Thank you.”
He didn’t say anything else as you turned around to go back to the car. You slid into the driver’s seat, and took a shuddery breath.
Slowly, you unzipped your rucksack and rifled through it, looking for your wallet. In your hurry to get here, you had stuffed it into the top of your bag.
You flipped it open, and there, folded up in the space that used to hold a picture of you and your ex-boyfriend, was the scrap of paper with Tangerine’s phone number on it.
You smoothed it out on your lap. His handwriting was messy – though given the circumstances, you could hardly blame him – but it was still legible. With trembling fingers, you typed the number into your phone.
It was answered before the first ring had even finished.
“Hello?” Tangerine’s voice was in your ear, and your relief came in the form of a rush of tears.
“Tangerine?” you asked, and he said your name in return.
The rest of the phone conversation was hazy. You were crying through it. Eventually, he told you that he’d text you an address, and you needed to meet him there. You promised him you would.
It was dark by the time you drove up to the hotel. You pulled into a parking space, turned your engine off, and paused.
You were sure you looked a mess. You’d been crying on and off for hours. You looked at yourself in the rearview mirror and frowned.
“Stop being an idiot,” you muttered to yourself. Tangerine was your soulmate. He wouldn’t care if you were a mess. You took a few deep breaths, and then got out of the car.
The lobby wasn’t manned, so you went straight for the elevator. The floor numbers were handily written in both Japanese and English, so you hit the button for Tangerine’s floor and watched the doors slide closed.
It was very quiet here. The hum of traffic that had kept you company for hours seemed very far away now. You rubbed at your face, trying to get rid of any evidence of tears, to no avail. The elevator dinged.
Jittery, you made your way down the hallway and found the number of Tangerine’s room.
Here goes nothing.
You knocked on the door. There were footsteps, and a moment later, it opened a crack. A dark brown eye peeked out at you.
You were about to start apologising, saying that you had the wrong room, when the man took a step back, opening the door wider, and you recognised him as the man Tangerine had been with earlier. The man he’d called his brother. The man who he’d said was dead.
“Tan!” he called over his shoulder. “It’s for you.”
You heard another door slam shut, frantic footsteps, and then there he was, standing in the doorway.
He was wearing a white bathrobe. His hair, which had been slicked back earlier, was damp and curly. You liked it better that way.
He was no longer covered in blood, but you could see a couple of nasty cuts and bruises. You moved towards each other at the same time. He opened his arms and you stepped in.
He smelled like soap and aftershave. His skin was damp wherever it pressed against yours. He was so attractive that you felt a little light-headed.
A small, gasping sob escaped from your lips, and he immediately drew you tighter into himself, holding you.
“Shh, shh, love, it’s okay,” he murmured, guiding you back into the room. The door fell closed behind you.
You stood there for a moment, clinging to him like a lifeline. For his part, he seemed perfectly content to let you try to burrow your way into his chest.
Somewhere behind him, someone cleared their throat. Feeling a little embarrassed, you pulled back to see Tangerine’s brother lounging on a bed, a book propped open on his lap.
“If you two are gonna carry on like that, I’m gonna get my own room,” he said.
Tangerine chuckled, and then pressed his lips to your temple. “That’s probably for the best. Love, this is my brother, Lemon.”
“I thought you said he was dead?”
“It’s a long story, sweetheart. Come on. Let’s get room service.”
'‘Cause there’s always time for second guesses, I don’t wanna know If you’re gonna be the death of me, that’s how I wanna go.'
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persephone11110 · 8 months
Self Control
Jake Seresin x Reader
Three times you should’ve stopped fucking Jake Seresin, and one time you finally did.
tw:one night stands, insecure reader, KINDA DARK, mentions of sex throughout—DUBIOUS CONSENT fic,Dead Iceman->reader is grieving and doesn’t how to process her emotions properly, asshloe J.S->cheater Jake, they both need fucking therapy!!,—jake abusive childhood Jake chokes reader->bruises, happy ending, the two kazansky children seen in the movie are cannoned just gave them names(Xander,Ana Kazansky),self-slutshaming, reader calls herself whore 2-3x, mavdad—feminist icon
WC : 2.7k
AN: I really can’t tell you how this fic was born tbh, but enjoy❤️, title from Self Control- Frank Ocean
1. his bedroom
You’ve been thinking to yourself lately,everynight you lie in bed in wondering if you should be tired of doing this?, giving a piece of yourself to Jake Seresin three times a week.
You wondered if the man even cared enough to get to know you, after all you’ve been acting as his bed warmer for the past three months.
But that just it, you were warned of how this would work, you both agreed to emotionless sex— being each other’s fuckbuddies when work got to much to emotionally handle.
As it seemed neither of you had the mental capacity to have a healthy coping mechanism. You sat on your floor infront of a mirror trying to cover up a neck bruise, Jake had a nightmare again—the same one as usual, Instead Jacob Sr was the one doing the choking.
“Jake, Jake!” your throat was closing, Jake hand around throat was tightening—his fingers digging deep into your skin Again. You were begging for him to release you. You stared into his green forest like eyes—their so fucking beautiful.
At first he doesn’t acknowledge your pleading tone, Jakes most likely still stuck in nightmare from hell “Jake please let go”. Your voice was dry now, tears sprung from your eyes as it did his.
A loud thump happened as your body rolled of the bed to the floor. You heard heavy breathing which normally signaled Jake had finally woken up . He banged his head against the headboard loudly. Jake utters a small—“I’m sorry”before leaving you alone in the room to gather himself.
You sat on the floor like fucking obedient dog waiting for Jake to come back and tell you what do next. While you sit there in silence apart of you wonders were the strong Y/n“Killerfrost” Kazansky went, the woman who didnt break a sweat while looking death in the face. The woman who flew more colder than Iceman more crazier than Maverick. What happened?
Death happened,cancer stripped your dad of his life. Sitting at his beside watching him struggle take his last breath, shushing him he because he was pushing himself to use his voice.
Going on base and listening to the Admiral Simpson go over on the speaker and tell the base that Admiral Kazansky—your dad drew his last breathe. Which led you to Jake Seresin bed.
Younger you would be so disappointed in you right now. Younger Y/n Kazansky would rather die before laying down with man who’s ruining their mental health. If someone told you ten years down line you would be fucking one of the worst men as an emotional outlet. You would’ve laughed in their face repeatedly till you passed out from lack of oxygen.
“Tom Kazansky would be so disgusted with his daughter”, a thought lingered around your mind, “Dad wouldnt even want to be in the same room as you”.
You picked yourself off the floor as you heard Jake’s footsteps getting closer. Your legs were bouncy as anxiety was coursing through your veins—flying never did make you feel this, but leave it to Jake‘Hangman’Seresin to.
Jake voice was low and rough,“See you next week”. Before you could say something to the man, he already had his back turned walking away from you.
Your cheeks flush with embarrassment,“How am I falling for a man who doesn’t love me and never will?”. You continue to slip your clothes back on as you toss the thought around in your head, careful of your sore skin. “You should be ashamed of yourself Y/n Kazansky, you were not raised be a whore who re adjust their clothes as a John throws a fucking dollar at them., You were raised with dignity”.
Whore. Y/n Kazansky callsign should be Jake Seresin whore.
Your pressed your head into the shower wall, allowing the hot pressed water to soothe your aching muscles.“I’m so sorry daddy”.
2. Family Dinner
You kept tugging at the hem of your turtle neck, it was to hot to be wearing this damn thing in the first place. But last thing you wanted to was to worry your siblings as they had just lost their father. That last thing they needed was their weak sister falling apart at the seams, as if they weren’t either.
Two times a month your siblings held saturday dinner. The idea was to keep up with eachother.
Guess who’s been missing family dinner to fuck Jake Seresin?, the answer is Y/n Kazansky.
You stood on Ana porch quietly, wondering if you should even go in, not wanting the catch the end of your short-tempered sister.
“You plan on standing there till hell freeezes over?”, a voice pulls your from your thoughts, Xander Kazansky was standing behind you with pie in his hands. “Come on sis, Ana been waiting to see you”. He smiled, softly pulling on your wrist to get you into the door. You mirror his smile, forgetting all about last night. You closed the door behind you.
“Hey kid”, you stand there waiting for him to put the pie down before you pull him into a tight hug. Your ruffling his hair, with one hand.
“I have you know Y/n I can legally drink alcohol”. Xander pouts like little kid.
“Y/n didn’t wait until she was twenty one drink”. Ana tone of voice was sour as she gestured the both of you to sit down.
“Ana I—“ Your cut off by her harsh words.
“Y/n the longer you spew bullshit at me the longer its takes to bless the food”. Ana states before bowing her head and closing her eyes.
You and Xander make eye contact before joining her.
“So us non-aviators aren’t good enough for you anymore?” Ana asked you in calm tone, yet you could hear how angry she truly was.
Xander was to busy scraping at his dinner plate, shoving food in his mouth—not wanting to be caught in the middle of his sister’s argument.
You bite at the inside of your cheek unsure of what to say back. Can’t say the truth because then Ana will really flip out if she finds what her little sister been doing lately.
You glanced at your plate again thinking up lie to tell her. “I’ve been busy Ana, since the mission the dagger squad have become a permanent squadron”. Your telling the truth but the full truth.
You pray Ana takes the bone you threw at her and leaves it alone. Ana gave you a dirty look before picking at her broccoli and shoving it in her mouth. Thank god neither of your parents were here as they would’ve picked up on ticks, the picking at your nails, nibbling at your bottom lip.
“Sweetheart you can tell us whats going on you know that right”, your dad would say while nudging your shoulder, “Your off the clock, you can retire Killerfrost till your up in the air”.
You thought Ana had let it go as she stopped acknowledging you, and was only talking to Xander. "I hope that whatever you been doing was worth it Y/n, you haven’t even seen mom in goddamn month”.
“Ana” Xander sighed, he was getting tired of his sister remarks, you didn’t wanna defend yourself anymore, not that you even tried to.
You bowed your head in shame, no longer wanting to make eye contact with either sibling.
“What Xander?”, Ana raised her voice,”It’s the same fucking thing dad would’ve say to her too,I’m getting tired of her acting as if she’s the only one who lost a dad, like mom didn’t lose apart of her”.
You could feel the tears attempting to escape from your eyes. You placed the silverware back in its place, you stood from the dinner table. Casting a look between the both of them—“I’m sorry Ana, Xander” before you walked out of her house with tears rushing down your face.
Your sitting at a gas station thinking about everything, you really were acting selfish.
Maybe fucking Jake Seresin was a bad idea?
You picked up your phone, eyeing the text message. “I can’t sleep Y/n, come over if your aren’t busy”.
And just like that, Jake was telling you to come over it’s like he knew when it was a bad time for you. How dare you say no to him?
You put the key back in the ignition and start to slowly pull out of the parking lot.
Your on the back road, the shortest way to get to his house.
3. All I Could Was Cry
She was standing there with my man.
I heard them promise death do us apart.
A woman who looked like Marilyn Monroe was her descendant hung off of Jakes arm, she wrapped her hand around his bicep. They both shared a smile with one another, “I’m busy tonight Y/n“, he texted you this morning.
They were pushing eachother into the water- her screams of joy as Jake playfully her slammed into the water. She leaned into to him pushing her tongue down his throat.
I was losing the man I loved.
“Falling in love with a man like that is dangerous game Y/n” A familiar voice interrupts your self pity. Uncle Maverick is standing behind you with two beers in his hands and small smile. “Scoot over kiddo” Your sitting on cold sand, pretending to be okay with the scene infront of you.
And all I could do was cry.
“Uncle Mav if your here to give me I’m so disappointed in you speech, I’ve already gave myself one more than once I-“. He gently cuts you off when he pulls you into a tight, rubbing his hand up and down your back.
“Your mom been worried about you, so has your siblings , me and the daggers”. His voice is laced with worry, you hated making people worry about you. “Your flying been…crazy these past couple of months”. Maverick struggles to find more words to say, unsure if he does it might push into Jakes arms.
He was right you been flying like your ass was on fire, and if you’ve been pulling maneuvers even he wouldn’t dare to.
“Ana Kazansky is worried about me?”, Your eyes widen at that,“It didn’t seem like that a couple nights ago when she was going for my head”.
“Ana is like your father, arguing with them is like sitting on the stand defending yourself against a criminal charge”. Uncle Maverick explains with a soft tone, “I would know after pissing your dad off for over thirty years”. You swear he blinks away a few tears before continuing.
“I have everything under control, yes I like Seresin and I understand he doesn’t want me”. You feel indifferent as the lie rolls off your tongue through your mouth. “I’m Killerfrost Kazansky who doesn’t allow her emotions to get the best of her”. Your eyes shift away as you attempt to not hold eye contact with him.
“The same bullshit your father tried to pull with me years ago, your Y/n Kazansky the woman who just her father, the woman who misses her father dearly the man who showed you how to spell your name, the man who managed to get out of deployment early to drop you off for the first day kindergarten”.
Tears pricked at your eyes,“I didn’t think about it that way,maybe i’ve been to hard on myself?”. Your voice cracks with emotion. “As much I hate to say it— It feels nice to be ‘wanted’ by someone, Mav”.
“Kid, I was that man thirty some odds years ago when Goose died, I had sex with any woman who looked my way and said yes”. Maverick pulled away from you, gently wiping away your tears. “It’s going to hurt kiddo for awhile, but I promise you its gets better, the last thing Ice would want is for his daughter to lose herself, to allow a man to tell her how worthy she is”. He presses a kiss into the side of your head“It’s okay to feel emotions Y/n Kazansky”, he said low enough for only your ears.
After leaving you alone with your thoughts, your phone blinks as a notification pops up.
“Y/n I need you over tonight”. Your walking back to the car, hand on the car handle. “10 is good”. Your driving past his house, your driving to your apartment.
4. Happier Again (3months later)
He’s in standing your doorway with roses in his hand, and red wine in the other. When you heard knocking on the door you expected Ana because it almost time for movie night or Harvard because he’s sucks at cooking and needs help. But not him—Jake Seresin was standing in your doorway looking apologetic.
The new you wants to slam the door in his face, forcing him to catch a hint that the nights you spent in his bed were over. Deciding against your gut you decide to allow him in, for what you’ll never know—maybe he’s here to offer a peace offering.
You still had to work with him still— the dagger squadron is permanent till Cyclone and Cain think otherwise.
Jake goes to open his mouth but nothing leaves it, which is a first. The great Hangman is left clueless not a insult dripping with anger and sarcastic comment in sight.
“Come in Jake” He cocks his head to the side unsure if he really should.“If you want stand outside and look stupid thats fine by me”. You turn on your heel,but before you get far he grabs you by wrist, pulling you into a kiss.
The roses, the wine—he loves me, Jake“Hangman” Seresin finally loves me. You feel the old you try to blossom like a dead flower, attempting to sprout back to life.
“Stop!”You shoved at his chest he falls back alittle. “No, I’m not doing this again with you Jake”. Your cheeks are starting to get red,“What about that woman from the hard deck?”.
His lips slip into a tight smile“She and I are going through a rough patch right now”. Jake steps into your apartment, “Y/n its nothing to worry about she wouldn’t know”.
You shake your head at him,“You haven’t changed?”.
“Oh come on darlin it’ll be like old times”, He stands tall, his hangman smile is fully on display.
You scoff, doesn’t he understand what I just said?
“Jake you have a girlfriend, its make you a cheater!” You jabbed a finger into his chest. “Your cheating on your girlfriend”. He doesn’t give a shit.
“And your such a fucking angel darlin, we fucked for how long Y/n?”. His voice is harsh, anger bubbling—getting ready to explode like a volcano. “Were’s ya fucking halo at?”.
“I didn’t know” you yell back at him—standing your ground. The one bad thing you inherited from your dad was his temper, when your button been pushed for too long.“You must fell from heaven when your father casted you out, huh?”. A low blow that was uncalled for, but he’s taking it there.
“I need you darlin, I need to fuck you!”. he screams, your pretty sure you and Jake are one second close to having the cops called for a domestic disturbance.
“You and I need therapy Jake”, your voice returning to a calm tone.“Fucking you was worst shit i’ve ever done, I’ve been using you as a tool”. You step back from him.“Jake you can’t honestly tell me we aren’t ‘broken’ a little bit, sane humans don’t do this shit”.
Jakes eyes were squeezed closed, your cupped his jaw with your hands.“It’s okay not be okay, but its not okay to be doing this”. You sighed,“As much as I want to, its not healthy Jake”.
Jake opened his eyes, tears were rolling down his face. “I’m so sorry Y/n I just needed a break, I needed a break from being Hangman”.
“A smart guy told me once your no longer in the air, there’s no need to fake who you are”. Your eyes are beginning to become teary, “We need help Jake”.
“Your right Y/n” His eyes were still wet.
“Go back your place and try to figure out what went wrong with you and her”. You gently told him. “Work buddies?”. You had hope in your voice, you put your hand out.
A wet laugh fell from his mouth,“Work buddies”. He shakes it.
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daydreaming-en-pointe · 9 months
A very Spidey Christmas - Pavitr
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Pairing: Pavitr Prabhakar x fem!Spider!Reader (Margo, 1610!Miles, Gwen and 42!Miles are here too [not coloured means no lines, just mentions])
Word count: 742
Warnings: CHEESY AS HELL! Nickname used (meri jaan), Pavitr kinda falls off a building, Mariah Carey lyrics (those deserve a warning don’t they 💀), lil bit of desi coded reader if you squint??
A/N: I know I included lyrics in this but now if I have to hear Mariah Carey crooning about Christmas one more time I will scream 😞
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“Pass me those scissors, please?” You managed to mumble around the roll of tape in your mouth, your hands occupied with holding down the corners of wrapping paper which were stubbornly refusing to sit flat and cover the gift properly.
Margo glanced up and shot a web, grabbing the scissors and handing them to you. “Here. Watch out, they’re really sharp.”
“Got it, thanks.” You shifted your elbow onto the layers of paper where the corners met, snipping albeit uneven pieces of tape to secure the haphazard folds. “Wait, where’s Pav? Didn’t he say he would get the ribbons-”
“Meri jaan!”
The familiar nickname drew your attention to the terrace of a building just opposite the balcony. You squinted at the shape of a person, all characteristics hidden by the sun’s glare except for the fact that they were waving their arms hysterically at you and seemed to be holding a megaphone of some sort.
You shared a glance with Margo, who was nervously studying the way that Pavitr was rather precariously standing at the edge of the right corner of the terrace, right next to the safety railing — which didn’t even reach past his knee. Some safety railing.
“This one’s for you!” He yelled, bringing the megaphone to his mouth. “I don’t want a lot for Christmas, there is just one thing I need…. I don’t care about the presents, underneath the Christmas tree — I don't need to hang my stocking there upon the fireplace…”
Look, you adored that boy, you really did - everyone knew it. And you knew that he could sing Bollywood songs beautifully if he wanted to. English pop songs, though… specifically Mariah Carey… not so much.
The megaphone crackled and slowly faded out for the next few lines, until Pavitr stopped and bashed it against his palm thrice and it fizzled back to life in time for the most iconic line. “All I want for Christmas… is y-”
Before he could finish his onslaught of mildly terrible singing, too many things happened at once — Pavitr, who had been unknowingly inching toward the edge during his spectacle, toppled off the side of the building, Margo dropped the scissors with a sharp clack, and both variants of Miles leaped through the kitchen window and crashed into the dining table, followed by Gwen gracefully sticking the landing in a crouch before stumbling over the rolls of decorative tape you and Margo had left on the floor and almost falling flat on her face.
Whoops. But then again, you probably had bigger problems.
Namely looking out for the absolute dumbass you had fallen in love with.
You leaped out the window that Miles and Gwen had dived through, shooting a web to the side of the building and using it to pull yourself toward it, then lever yourself down into the small alley on the ground beside it.
“Pavitr, where are you? Wh- Pavi!” You were almost frantic as you spotted the familiar blue-and-red fabric of his suit. You knelt beside him, rolling him over onto his back, your heart in your mouth. His shoulder were shaking, maybe spasming…. was he…
“What the hell, Pavitr,” You complained, watching him get up easily by himself, now in peals of laughter, and pull you in by the waist. “I was worried!”
“I know you were. I’m fine, meri jaan. And I had to profess my love for you in a dramatic, Christmas-like fashion, right? After all, aap sabse achchhe tareekon ke hakadaar hain. (You deserve the fanciest/best stuff) Even if it means belting out Mariah Carey on a random rooftop.”
“Uh-huh. Did Hobie say something that inspired you to do this?” You asked, raising an eyebrow skeptically and biting the inside of your cheek to prevent a smile from breaking through.
“Nope. All my own idea. It had that certain flair, didn’t it? Did you like it?” He widened his eyes in that way that made him look like a sad puppy, still holding onto you.
“…of course I did, my love. But, good grief, you’re such an idiot sometimes,” You sighed, puffing out your cheeks as you blew air through your mouth in exasperation. You gave into his hold, wrapping your arms around his neck while he dipped his head to press a kiss to your forehead.
“Well, I prefer the term hopeless romantic,” Pavitr corrected, giving you one of those sunshiny, I’m-here-with-you-don’t-worry-everything-is-fine grins that, for some reason, could reassure you every time without fail.
“Of course you do. Come inside and help with the presents. No more dangerous stuff, you hear me?”
“Yes, ma’am.”
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Meri jaan - my light/my life 😁
@vhstown @l0starl @tatumis-a @deritosmi @hobiebrownismygod @therealloopylupin2099
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popcornforone · 8 months
The Winners Circle
A Dieter Bravo Fan Fic
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This was in draft form a while, not completed. I’ve always wanted to write Dieter during award season & with Pedro being nominated so much this year it was fitting. Also a huge shout out to @salgal78 she said ahhh I have an idea for a fic for you to write or incorporate & part of it appears in this so thanks my love.
Synopsis: It’s the TV BAFTAS & both you & Dieter are up for awards. Everyone thinks you’re just friends, let’s see if you can convince everyone that’s still the case & not something more.
Word Count: 5800
Warnings: DO NOT READ IF YOU ARE UNDER 18! PIV (passionate & kinda getting near rough) sex, oral male receiving, established relationship, cream pie, swearing, alcohol, mentions of party & Dieters previous life style, previously friends to lovers, secret relationships, teasing. Public sex, bribery.
Thanks as always for the read peoples it’s really appreciated. All feedback is welcome. I hope you enjoy.
Your silver heels sit in the corner of the hotel bathroom ready to head to the BAFTA’s. Tonight you are certain will be your night. You are up technically for 5 awards.
Best comedy show
Tv moment of the year
Best comedy actor (twice for your co stars)
& best comedy actress for you
You & your long time writing parter & first love came from nothing & wrote a hit sketch comedy show which has now reached its natural conclusion. You are both finally getting recognition for this & tonight as you walk the red carpet at the Baftas you will be validated. You strap your heels on & make sure your purple dress shimmers & makes you look fantastic. You leave the bathroom of the suite & see your husband sorting out his purple tie in the mirror. His eyes catch you in the reflection, & the (for once) smart Dieter Bravo turns around. His lips part as he sees you.
“Bloody hell” he says looking you up & down. “What happened to my wife & the comfortable leggins & hoddies she wears?”
“Oooh she’s here baby, don’t worry” you walk up to him & sort out his cufflinks for him. His pocket square as well matches the material on your dress. He is also up for two BAFTAS . For best performance In an international tv show & also for tv moment of the year. His death in the crime drama he was in last year got rave reviews & became an instant meme. It’s almost as iconic as Hans Gruber falling from the nakatomi plaza. “You do need to remember though Dieter, that no one even knows we are dating & just assumes we are friends” after confessing your mutual feelings for each other a few weeks ago, you decided not to waste any time & got married 8 weeks later. Only your immediate families & 2 friends each in attendance for the most romantic evening of your lives. You are meant to actually right now be on your honeymoon, but when you both got your award nominations 3 day’s before your nuptials, you postponed it by a few days.
“I will baby, don’t worry, remember I’m good at keeping these kinda secrets” he says with a wink & gets his phone out to take a selfie of you both before you head off to the BAFTAS. separate cars are coming to get you, as you are travelling with the people from your show who are in the rest of the rooms on this floor.
“I know you are, I mean people have seen us on the red carpet together before as friends…” you look longingly into his big brown eyes & this scruffy hair which you insisted he kept for tonight. It means if you can sneak a few minutes with him & you run your hands through it, it won’t look like you have done that. You do also prefer him scruffy. “But your mine now baby”
“& so are you my wife” he kisses you.
“I’m never going to get tired of hearing that husband”
“& I’ll never stop saying it” he smiles back. Click goes his camera as you both hold each other & take a romantic selfie. For your eyes only.
“To the left”
“Looking fabulous”
“How does it feel to be the toast of the awards?”
This is the craziest red carpet you’ve ever been on. There have been some properly famous people walk this in front of you tonight. But you seem to be the person everyone wants to talk to, have a selfie with, be interviewed by. It’s suddenly dawned on you that tonight will change your life. You are being taken seriously & as you pose you get more comfortable & confident in yourself.
“Dieter” a member of the press shouts. Because you’ve been doing so much fan service, interviews & stuff with your colleagues on your show, Dieter has now caught you up on the red carpet. “Pose with her” is shouted & that’s all it takes. Dieter stops his solo geeky pose he’s famous for & because you’ve always posed at events together, it’s not weird to anyone when he pulls you in close around the waist.
“Smile baby” he says as he kisses your hand & smoulders to you & then turns to the world’s photographers.
“I always smile Dieter” you beam at the press. Your hand is squeezing his bum, the cheek nearest to you. He winks at you & leans into your ear.
“Keep doing that…” he whispers seductively “… & you’ll remember tonight for more than the accolades you receive”
“Dieter” you say loudly in shock & suddenly realise people heard you outloud. “Oooh you know how he gets” you play it off & Dieter rolls his eyes. The press know Dieter is know for his slightly risky comments, that’s why he’s celebrity gold for the tabloids. He plays up to his perceived image, but that was just for your ears.
You continue to work the red carpet & eventually make your way into the auditorium & are handed a complimentary glass of champagne & then someone comes to take Dieter to his seat. You knew you weren’t sitting together but right now you wish he was sitting next to you for today. He wasn’t given a plus one & you gave yours to another member of your cast so they could come to this as well.
“Good luck beautiful” he kisses your cheek & is walked into the theatre. It’s only when you walk in that you realise how near the front you & your show are. You also see Dieter sitting about 8 rows back talking to an usher. You sit down next to your Co writer & ex Ciaran.
“So what are you predicting?” He says.
“Two, comedy show & best actor for either you or Pete” you reply.
“Ha” his wife Jess says “you’re always so modest, we all know full well you’re gonna pick up best comedy actress. If you don’t we all boycott the BAFTAs going forward”
“Jess!” You exclaim “you can’t say that while we are actually at the BAFTAs” you tut & roll your eyes & then you & Ciaran say the exact same thing in unisons. “Wait til we’ve at least won one bloody thing” the whole group of you laugh. It’s one of the lines from the show when you talk to others about how inappropriate they are but to do it once that person has left of the thing is over. If you get no other wins tonight this has all made you have a collective laugh.
“To present our first award…” the host goes on, you haven’t checked the program to see what order things are in, you were going to do that during the first award, but then you stop & put the list down & applaud as the words”… Dieter Bravo” are said. The room cheers. Obviously to you & your colleagues & friends they knew he was going to be here, they know your a couple probably the only people in the room that do, but the rest of the room is really enthusiastic too. It’s always good when a big megastar turns up for uk award shows. Out he walks in his charcoal suit, pocket square & tie that highlights the outfit, & he’s got his glasses on. That’s your man right there. He’s yours & you wish he was now sitting next to you to keep you calm tonight.
“Comedy is all about timing, something that’s not my strongest attribute, just ask my friends & how I almost didn’t get to my limo in time.”
“Well we’re a shoe in…”Ciaran whispers to you.
“The opening award is for comedy show, Dieters presenting, the world knows your friends, they are doing this for a nice little on stage reunion” Your eyes pop open.
“Ooooh fuck” your hand trembles & Ciaran grabs it like he used to when you were a couple but it doesn’t calm you as it shakes anymore. Proving you work better as writers & friends.
“Breathe, it will be okay” Jess whispers, she has known you both long enough to know that there’s nothing going on between you.
After the little highlight package Dieter announces your tv show the winner & you all cheer & slowly make your way up to the stage. You’ve already made the group decision that the two people who will do this acceptance speech will be Ciaran (because you & Ciarán both know Pete is winning comedy actor) & James the next person with the most input. They all are congratulated by Dieter as they go up to the stage & you are last, & you hug him in a friendly way. You then with the other 4 cast members step back & let James & Ciaran talk& accept the award. You slowly feel Dieters hand go around your waist. You’re still listening to what your friends have to say, but you are suddenly much calmer now that you’re next to your husband.
“Congrats baby” he whispers “my little bafta winner”
“Thanks Dieter, the night is still young.” You’re trying to be professional but the way he just poked his glasses back up his nose has got you desiring him. You then slowly leave Dieters side & quickly leap into the microphone to do one last thank you.
“I know it’s a long night so I’ll be quick but I just want to say James & Ciaran are the reason we are here winning this, because let’s be honest they make us all look funny & you were never going to thank yourselves we’re you.” The room erupts into chuckles & you all leave the stage to do a few small interviews with the press back stage, before returning to watch the awards.
As you predicted earlier Pete wins best comedy actor. His performance as Grumpy Grandpa is going to be remembered long after any of you are relevant anymore. It is harsh on Ciaran & his characters he created. He is the better performer but Grumpy Grandpa is marvellous, mainly because of the way you & Ciaran wrote it. You sit there as the nominees for comedy actress are read out. You hate being recognised, you’re bad at self praise, but this was always a definite nomination as you missed out on a supporting actress bafta for something else last year because it didn’t meet the bbfc guide lines for international work. This year that rules has now been changed due to people protesting towards Bafta.
“& the bafta goes to…” says Nathan who is a tv show judge & currently flavour of the month looks wise in the British press.
He says your name.
You freeze.
You thought this might happen. But that still doesn’t mean it’s a shock to the system to hear your name be read out loud. The room erupts in noise & cheers & you sit there as Ciaran hugs you.
“Oh my fucking god” the room is filled with noise & people congratulating you but it’s all silent as your head trys to process what has just happened. You have a solo bafta. The room is a blur as you make your way to the steps to go & accept the award. But as you reach the stage & Nathan comes to hug you, you just catch a sight out the corner of your eye. Dieter is wiping a tear away a few rows further back. He’s standing up & applauding like everyone else but his eyes are glazed. He’s proud. He’s proud of his wife.
You are brought to an even more surreal reality of winning by a hug from Nathan. He tall dark & handsome even more so in person, smells divine & he gives you a hug.
“Congratulations” he says his eyes dancing “finally” he says & he hands you the BAFTA. Your BAFTA. You don’t need to share this one. It’s just where you’re gonna put it. You almost drop it. It’s so heavy. It doesn’t look it but it really is a weight. You get to the podium & put it on the stand & take a deep breathe.
“Well ladies & gents,I can confirm that Nathan does smell as good as he looks” the room laughs. You’ve broken the ice at the start of your speech. You have a rough idea about who you need to thank but you’ve not written it down. You’re going to speak from the heart & then you properly begin.
“Thank you Bafta. This is incredible. As are my 4 other nominees in this category. It’s hard enough to be a woman in this world anyhow let alone showbiz, but comedy is the hardest job of all so I want to say thank you to my fellow nominees & the women who came before us for giving us this opportunity.” You point & look at the rest of the friends from the show.
“I need to thank my guys & gals from the show, mainly Ciaran for being an amazing writing partner for over a decade & to his amazing wife Jess who let him just after they got married to go spend 10 weeks in a room with his ex & trust us.”more people laugh. “I also want to thank my parents, my brother & his wife & all the friends from the beginning who let me tell them bad jokes for years you are always my inspiration & to my new friends that I have now I’m a big shot apparently” you do quotation marks as you say that. A member of the press who doesn’t write fairly about women when they are successful said that you’d soon be a big shot & it would be the end of your tv show. You’ve waited 3 years to own them back.
“I also want to thank the viewers for sharing our show over the years, you watching meant we could do wilder crazier things, so thanks for the support, but the person I really want to thank is whoever it is who’s listening me right now. Be it a girl a guy a they or an I. I never thought I’d be here, I have always been told nah not today or well try this or be this. I may have changed a little recently but I’m am most me in front of my lap top typing. I may now be a comedian & actress but I am a writer, & my dream was to be recognised for that. So whoever you are out there, keep striving for the dream, be it you want to be a doctor or you want to complete the ironing tonight you’ve got this & I believe in you.” The room applauds & you smile & then you raise your BAFTA in the air & finish your speech. “Thank you so much BAFTA & D I adore you” you make eye contact with Dieter as you say that. You always say to each other that you adore him in public instead of saying you love him & he does the same. It does mean I love you to each other though. The room gives you a standing ovation & you walk off back stage to speak to the press about your well deserved win.
That’s it for your shows win for the night & Dieter doesn’t win either but next comes the after party & dinner. You are nowhere near Dieter for dinner, but you can now text him & you make a point to walk past his table & he does the same to you. Dinner is finished & the party really gets going. A world famous dj is mcing & the music is banging. You’re stood there chatting to Nathan who presented your award earlier, your bafta has been taken to be engraved & will already be at your hotel room when you get there later. It’s been replaced with a glass of champagne.
“Sorry about the comment about how you smelt Nathan, but you always look phenomenal”
“I mean I do judge a beauty show, I have a reputation to live up to”
“As do I with my comedy & ad libs” you both laugh. “But you do smell good” you then smile. Nathan assumes it’s for him but it’s not. Dieter is walking your way behind Nathan with the other judge from Nathan’s Tv show.
“Ahhh Nathan I thought you should meet the rather Dashing Dieter Bravo, he’s interested in having a new suit” Violet says. Nathan turns & sees the look on Dieters face & looks him up & down every detail taken in. Nathan shakes his hand.
“I know me needing a suit? Ironic” Dieter giggles sipping his whiskey, trying to to keep smiling at you. Violet then interjects.
“& congratulations to you, lots of wins today, you created such a wonderful show… have you watched it Dieter?” He almost chokes on his whiskey. He came to set a few days before you were a couple to watch how your show is made. He knows all too well the effort you put into making it.
“Oooh yes I have, I love it, she’s very talented with her hands…” he lingers & then shouts”… at typing” he’s blushing & you just stand there smiling, knowing exactly what he meant.
“I’m sure she is” Nathan winks “Violet let’s go mingle & Dieter you can get my information & I’ll do you a suit fitting” Nathan then shakes his hand again & then hugs you goodbye “I’ll leave you & your other half alone” your face looks a bit shocked as you pull away & look at him. “His face, your eyes & the similar styles & colours on your outfit plus that new glistening ring, I’d say you want some alone time”
“Wow Nathan no one else has clocked”
“Well they are all idiots” & he leaves & Dieter smiles at you before putting his glass down & flinging his arms around you, lifting you up & spinning you around in the air. You do a small scream. People don’t take notice this is what Dieter does to all people, he’s friends with. When your back in your feet he whispers softly.
“Congratulations to my my little miss double bafta winner” he kisses your cheek & you wish you didn’t have to hide your relationship at the moment. You would love the world to know that you are Mrs Bravo.
“Thanks Dieter, sorry you didn’t win”
“Oh but I did, the world wants to speak & be with you but only I get to do that.”
After dancing & networking, you leave the party. Both you & Dieter are now a little bit tipsy & not drunk. A line of limos are waiting outside, so you hold his hand & March him into the back of one of them & ask the drive to go the long way to your hotel.
“Have you had an amazing night my love?” Dieter asks as he tucks your hair behind your ear that’s come down slightly & kisses your neck. Your hand goes straight to his thigh.
“Yes Dieter, one of the best nights of my life”
“Well you deserve it”
“So do youuuuhooooo oooh Dieter” his teeth graze down your neck making you shudder with excitement.”im sorry you didn’t win though”
“Oh no I won, the world wants you for 5minutes ,i have you all to myself” you plunge one of your hands into his whispy hair before he hold you in place & you make out in the back of the limo. You know from experience that these driver keep thing’s professional & don’t over step the mark. But as you stroke his length from above his trousers, you can feel his anticipation building. He’s getting hard with each touch stroke & kiss. He wants you & the way he is sighing means he might cum in his trousers soon, if you don’t help him out.
You grab the intercom & buzz it to the driver.
“Complete disgression which will come with a very generous tip?”
“Of course just let me know when your done, traffic is a nightmare tonight so it might take a…”
“Thank you” Dieter announces & slams the intercom off as he unbuckles his belt.
“Dieter?! That was rude!” You scoff at him he likes it when you a bit moody, it’s a turn on but what’s not a turn on for Dieter. “Sorry he’s drunk” you apologise & then really turn the intercom off.
“I’m not that drunk my love, I’m at the right level” he says “& I hope you give me more than the tip”. He winks & he unzips his toruses & from the inside of his boxers out flops his massive erect penis. You lick your lips in excitement. For years you had heard girls & guys talk about how good Dieters cock was for blow jobs & he’d always said they’d been alright but the first time you took his length inside your mouth he came in seconds. Maybe it was just the idea or desperation for him to claim your mouth but he always repays the favour.
“Oooh my mouth likes to go all in baby.” You kneel on the limo floor & push your hair from your face. You spit on his leaking head. It’s angry & waiting to be welcomed for relief. You look up at him & smile. “All the way?” He stares in disbelief you’ve only done that when you were both high on lsd but you enjoyed it.
“You… you…sss…. You’re sure” he man spreads fully.
“Totally ” you’ve been stroking him for the last few exchanges & know it’s time. Down you go. Not all the way starting with the tip you want to go further down with each bob. You want him to get even more lost in desire the further you go.
“Oooh yesss, oooh fuck baby yes” he loves how your small little mouth which always is so polite, accommodates him. Your tongue lapping around it, how the saliva costs him. He grips the seat in the limo looking down as you take him further inside you.
“Fuck, I have won, you’ve not sucked anyone else tonight off” one hand has moved to his thigh, stroking it. Adding extra tension to him. His hips can’t be constrained as they start to gyrate. You know this is your cue to go deeper.
When he fills your cunt with his penis you wonder how it fits. Therefore you’re always shocked that when it hits the back of your throat that you don’t run out of air. It’s always a mess when you’re finished with him, but damn he always feels so good when you give him oral.
“Oooh baby, more, more, can you go further?” You flutter your eyes at him & nod & his hands go into your hair to encourage your bobbing. “good girl, my fucking good fucking slutty wife” he moans & his hips move & his hands go into your head too. The teasing blow job is now a face fuck. & he is grinding his teeth & snarling in desire. He holds your hair keeping you in place so you don’t Bob & he fucks further down your throat. “Eye contact baby” you reconnect as you stare at your husband. “Fuck oooh fuck” each thrust harder. Your taste buds already tasting some of him. He grips your chin in place so it doesn’t budge. He’s going so hard you’re worried about the mess you will make soon.
You gagging around him. Your nose is in his pubic hair when you reach the base each time. There is no relenting. Dieter is getting everything out in this blow job & his shirt is starting to dampen from sweat from the excitement it’s building up inside him.
“Baby I’m gonna,… gonna cum… so…so…” he growls but due to the change in his rhythm you already knew this. You’d pulled back slightly. You didn’t want to choke when he came, that had happened before, it was not a nice feeling for either of you. So he’s not fully down your throat, as his hips shudder. “Fucking fuck oooh fuck” he screeches & Dieter spills into your mouth. Funky & salty, the ropes of his seed have your taste buds standing to attention. Swallowing every drop. His eyes are closed as his pleasure is complete. He leans back on the limo seat, as you slowly let his penis go & give it a few last licks before taking a napkin to wipe it clean.
“Still tastes like a winner to me baby” you eventually state, swiping your thumb to wipe up a small bit of cum on your lips before softly & seductively licking it clean. You wait til his eyes are open before you do this. He lets out a soft giggle & sigh.
“I’ve slept with countless people who have performed oral on me & yet there’s something about your reflex & the way you slurp that always turns me on more than anyone else.” He helps you back onto the seat of the limo & redresses him bottom half.
“Before or after….”
“Oooh the first time you sucked my cock I was like oooh this, this here is next level.” He smirks rubbing your hair in a hazy state. “Everyone before me must have been idiots…”
“Actually Diets…” you interrupt “you are the only man I’ve ever performed oral on”
“What!?” He’s shocked “this is a joke right” you shake your head.
“On mine & yours life…”
“Then why me… why no other guy before me”
“Because i knew you liked it, expected it & I wanted to return the favour, knowing how legendary the rumours were about your own mouth is at pleasuring cunts”
“Wow” Dieter leans in & deeply kisses you. “Well I appreciate it every time, & I will return the favour of making your clit quiver…” his hand goes under your dress & you feel his hand reach for your knickers, but the limo then stops.
“We’re here” the intercom voice announces.
“Probably best to do this in our hotel room actually, much more room” Dieter then leave a £250 in the back of the limo. “For your discression” he says & he then drag the two of you out of the limo.
You are woken the next morning by a knock at your door. You ignore it at first but then the phone in the room rings. You unhappily wriggle free of Dieters grip, those long muscular arms wrapped around you, not wanting to let go. Eventually you get the phone & gasp, grabbing Dieters Jacket from last night to put on & answer the door, you don’t want to answer it naked. Your face is full of joy as you sign the security forms & take the large black & gold box back into your room. Dieter has stirred at the commotion, your excitement & you slowly pulling yourself away from him.
“Babe?” He asks half asleep as you stand at the table & open the box. His eyes light up when he can see your bum cheeks popping out the bottom of his jacket. You turn your head & smile.
“Morning sexy”
“No your the sexy one in my jacket” Dieter replys with a big stretch before his hand goes under the bed sheet to try & calm his morning erection, but with the way you look that’s not going to happen, it’s just going to have to wait a few minutes.
You stand there & lift up your 2 Baftas which are now engraved with your name show & date.
“They are here,” you put one back in the box as they are both heavy & slide onto the end of the bed & do the thing you’ve always wanted to do if you ever got your hand on one, use it as a face mask. Both you & Dieter laugh at this. Dieter leans to his bedside table & takes a snap of you on his phone.
“For insta later baby”he says with a wink.
“But I’m all but naked Dieter?”
“You don’t need to hide your body beautiful” he’s taken the bafta from you to look at it but he’s clearly distracted. “What time is your tv show press shoot this afternoon?” He asks as he tussles his hair.
“4pm why?”
“Good” he kicks off the bed sheet showing he’s completely naked & aroused, & put the bafta on the bedside table. “We didn’t celebrate enough last night” he pulls you fully onto the bed so that you’re on top of him.
“Who ever said we did?” You smirk leaning your head to his for a sensual kiss. Your hands running through that crazy untamed fluffy hair.
“Oooh sweetheart” the words escape his lips as both your eyes close as the intense kiss continues. His hands go under the jacket caressing your body, making sure you’re in the right place for pleasure to begin. “My winner, my winner at everything” he slowly puts his hand on your behind & lowers you onto his meaty length, the stretch as always extraordinary. He’s so big & you gasp. He lightly pushes his hands into your bum so you start to rock down onto him, pleasure already spreading through your veins, pumping your blood. His hands after a few motions move to help you undo the few jacket buttons you have as he looks up at you as you both slide it from your body, tossing it off the bed.
“You’re so beautiful baby” he moans, his hips already at a good rhythm. He looks up at you as you ride him. Your pelvis rolling to meet his thrusts, as that special place is starting to be hit. His hands grip your hips. Finger marks will be there for a while after this is over. You trail your hand down your body, eventually stopping at your clit, stroking starts slowly but then gets more vigorous. Dieter would usually do this by he’s in a trace as you make oooh fuck noises, & your spare hand squeeze a nipple.
“Fuck Dieter oooh fuck”
“Yea baby like that, I like that, so fucking good” he pants back. “Why is your cunt so addictive?” He’s moving faster you know what he wants.
“Because your the one fucking it” you whine back your hands now on his chest, those hairs so fine but so nice to run your hands through. It gives you both goosebumps.
You then hoover over him & spread your legs a little more knowing full well what will happen when you kiss him next. He slows slightly his body knows it too.
“Fuck my pussy baby” you hold his face & lick it & he grabs your bum firmly. Your lips connect for a really exceptional kiss full of lust, tongues dancing together, faces almost melting into each other. But that’s all he needs. He thrusts, & pumps & is relentless. Hitting the spot every thrust, the motion of him pounding your cunt, has you screeching quickly.
“Oooohhhh fuck fuck fuck oooh yes yes yesssss fuck oooh fuck” are the only words you can say, as your body shakes as you approach your orgasm.
“Best cunt, my cunt” he crys as he bites your bottom lip not wanting your lips to be apart. “Fucking this tight little pussy til you can’t take me baby”
Your sweating & moaning & the blood inside you is boiling with this feverish sex you are having. You grip the pillow as he gently puts his hand around your throat.
“Dont cum yet baby” he asks but you can tell from the creaking bed & the sloppy sensation as he keeps sliding within you, that he knows you can’t hold it for too long. “Tell me baby, what are you”
“A winner”
“A slut”
“The best sex of your life”
“Erm… I was after something else”
“Your cum hungry wife” you whine & then open your eyes as his grip around your neck gets tighter.
“That’s it baby, now you can cum mrs Bravo”
“Dieter!!!!!! Ooooh fuck” you clamp the hardest you ever had, your release sends shives to all your never endings as you cum & your body stutters.
“Damn oooh fuck oooh shit ooooh fuckkkkk” Dieter follows suit, filling you up. Your walls coated in his seed a few thrusts later. Satisfying you both. Your sweat drips onto him as you lay on top of him as your softly take him out of you & you hold each other close. You can feel everything drip out of you onto him but neither of you care about the mess after that incredible spontaneous session.
“So” you eventually whisper when you can make a noise, & lift your head. “I’m the best sex of your life?” Dieter blushes.
“Well when you make me lose control, yes you are” he smirks & boops your nose.
“Hmmm it’s a shame you’re not mine…” you say with a pause waiting for a reaction, you both no that no man has got you off as many times as Dieter in the few months you’ve had sex. But he doesn’t for one instant believe you, his happy little face gives you some side eye. “Of course you’re the best sex of my life Diets & you know I am a very good wife”
“Do you think bafta would hand out an award for best sex?” he asks
“No they aren’t coming to watch us”
You say sternly, Dieters had several sex tapes leak.
“Of course not but we’d win hands down baby” he jokes & you rest your head on him again.
“Do you think that’s the only way you’d win a bafta?” You ask
“Nah I’ve got everything I could ever want to win, right here & turns out I didn’t need a prize to validate how much I’m in love with you” his kiss is soft & he rolls on top of you for a much more sensual round, before you have to come to the realisation that your world has changed so much in not just the last 24 hours but the last few weeks & months since you finally got your amazing husband.
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oblivionbladetd · 9 months
The Unfortunate implications of basically all of Lily's work: 99 tabs of tvtropes and a wiki.
This one's a doozy, but I'll be damned if it's not one that needs covered. As anyone who's taken a critical look at the infamous list of 100 tips could tell you, it's full of tvtropes jargon. While it will take a while to explain in full why this is awful, a shorthand exists that sums it up, "putting the cart before the horses." As in you shouldn't be pre-planning tropes at all, for like the concept of genre, it is often ascribed to the work in post. Though even that explanation is a little too economic, so as always, check under the cut for more.
I think a practical demonstration is in order, so let me set a stage. Superman has just recovered from being thrown through a wall by Darkseid, roughs him up until they are outside, talks about how dainty the world feels to him, and assesses Darkseid is capable of not dying to Supermans 'normal' and badda boom badda Bing, the codifying moment for The World of Cardboard Speech! Sure, there's literal seasons of context missing, and it notably doesn't include the ensuing beat down and subsequently bamboozling of Supe. Just him saying world made of Cardboard and presumably having the chops to deliver.
There in lies the crux of the issue. You always lose something when you boil down to tropes. As with the above example, all the little details on what makes the moment so iconic, recontextualizing the seasons of willful weakness, the implications that Superman is still not going all out and is just 'cutting loose' for the first time, none of that actually matters to the trope in a vacuum. Not to mention, one could easily break the world of cardboard speech into even more tropes or let it be absorbed into bigger, vague-er tropes.
Tropes have their place in making larger concepts more digestible and give valuable perspective in how and why these tropes crop up, but it's necessary to remember that even simple characters can embody dozens upon dozens of individual tropes! To a point that indeed trying to think about a character by just their tropes becomes an effort in arbitrarity, if not futility. Tropes are trends other people find in a work and decide to break down into small digestible chunks. Less a bible and more a smattering of quotes loosely bound together. If you are writing in accordance with tropes, you are almost inevitably trying to churn out a finished product first try, for you aren't making organic characters and scenarios, you're ticking boxes on a list. Making a personal experience impersonal. Never write with Tvtropes open.
This leads us to the equally important, but needing far fewer explanations, wiki's. Most commonly referred to as info dumping grounds for the fandoms they are built for. While being easier to sum up than tropes, it has the same glaring issue in that it rarely paints the full picture as its purpose is to speak the facts of the matter rather than live in the moment. Goes without saying that, especially as a creator, it is all too easy to pack it full with worthless knowledge and call that exercise in procrastination somehow productive.
That's when it hit me, and I knew I needed to sit down and say it. Lily has wiki's for her fanfics and tvtropes pages for them as well. The Pokemadhouse wiki, we have confirmation that she's actually did write it. The rest are only suspected, as unlike Lily, I have too much integrity to boldfacedly lie even when I'm probably right. Though enough being petty, for it hit me really hard in one key way in that creators are most certainly NOT supposed to be writing these pages, and the fact she has leaves open some unfortunate implications.
Firstly, if we are to assume that these exist as reference for Lily, that's an ill omen. It frames her work in the light of a dispassionate data keeper, for no amount of tropes will encompass a properly rounded character, along with forever fattening a public wiki page implies viewing every detail as necessary and that will be addressed in a future comic. Hell, even if Lily wasn't subject to the skewed priorities that the websites can encourage... it's still leaving your notes in a public space made for people to read. You aren't allowed to be mad that people say shit about it. Your computer came with the Notepad app.
On the flip side, the more likely explanation is vanity. It is in truth that having a tvtropes page and / or a wiki dedicated to your work is actually a huge honor, a golden glittering beacon of fan engagement as they compare notes and keep their facts straight. The fact that her tvtropes and wiki's are self authored as an attempt to fluff her ego or make her one of the big shots of the fandom world is as hilarious as it is utterly pathetic. And it is pathetic. It paints a picture of fanatical control of what people think and / or simply not being able to drum up enough fan engagement that anyone considers wiki tending worth the effort. It's literally a scam! "Look! this fic has wiki's and tvtropes pages it must be good!" Don't make me laugh. It's a chest full of medals of honor that all suspiciously look like glazed clay secured to dollar store ribbons with crazy glue.
With all that said, it really boggles my brain that people excuse the allegations leveled against Lily. Half-baked contrarian critiques and fanfiction's so unengaging that she has to manufacture the engagement herself? That's more than enough to just ignore all the real hurt she's caused to real people? The tales of Brittany, Courtney, Sunny, and Lizzy are meaningless under the ultimate creative potential of somebody who can't even both change the cadence of her voice when she's playing with her sock puppets? That somebody operates with this prolific combination of cluelessness and Vanity is just above consequences? You have to be fucking kidding me. This is why I'll be poking holes in her work. It's not that good, and definitely not on any level where anybody should avoid at least acknowledging all the awful she both has done and still perpetuates.
Pokemadhouse is nowhere near good enough, along with the things Lily is accused of being so heinous that i do hate to imagine anyone could look at Lily typing this in reference to a fictional caricature of her wife
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And be anything less than deeply concerned.
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fourseasonsfigs · 9 months
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Warm Winter Clothes
Following up yesterday's New Year's figure, we have another New Year's figure!
Today's Wen Kexing happens to come from the exact same scene as yesterday's - the paper hanging party in Episode 28. This version, however, is properly wearing his fur-collared overcoat. I like this overcoat (as does everyone else, I think) because it matches the winter vibe of A-Xu's fur overcoat. A-Xu's blue outfit and overcoat gets a lot of screen time - it still remains a tremendous pity that this one only gets one scene.
But the scene is a wonderful one, so I can't complain (too much!).
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This version of Lao Wen is holding a plateful of melon seeds out for his beloved A-Xu to snack on. You can tell he's offering these seeds to A-Xu because of the hearts in his eyes!
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As you can see, the plate required what appeared to be minimal assembly. Just drop the plate (gently) onto those grooves on his open hands, and done, right?
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I mean, more or less. I think I was expecting the plate to sit in his hands and stay in his hands. Instead, the slippery little thing eeled out every time I turned around. And even when I didn't turn around! I tried sticking it with putty at first, and then when I found the plate mysteriously lying on the shelf next to him, I called it quits and glued that thing down. It isn't going anywhere now!
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He is super cute. He's made by one of my all time favorite fig makers. All her little guys have so much personality.
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You can see the challenge here with the angle that the plate is at, right? No surprise it kept wanting to slide downwards.
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I like how they designed the fabric detailing. Just enough to be beautiful but not too much to overwhelm the fig or distract from the overall presentation.
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Little bit of paint overspray on the hairpin there, but since this hairpin is fixed and didn't require any assembly (and didn't break during shipping), I can't say I mind! I think it's really hard to avoid overspray from the black hair on the white hairpin when it's all one piece like this.
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As you can see, he stands beautifully, with the help of his robe. No glue needed here.
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The plate angle looks even steeper from this side!
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He has the cutest little expression on his face - a very Wen Kexing expression, I must say.
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You can see here how the fur detail on his robe was mostly painted on - no texture or too much in the way of modeling. I think it would be quite difficult or expensive (in the case of flocking, say) to do so. I think he looks great though, I don't mind the painted look at all, and the beaded chain is done gorgeously, with no paint overspray at all. I love him.
Hmm, I guess I considered the first pic my bottoms-up pic when I was taking pictures, so I didn't take another one. We'll just skip to the top down set.
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I was going to say those seem like fairly large melon seeds, but compared to the size of fig heads, they're just about right!
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Just the normal Wen Kexing loop of hair here and his iconic hairpin.
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We have our gorgeous two-sided box card art here. Just a plain box, but these beautifully designed cards.
Material: Resin
Fig Count: 510
Scene Count: 35
Rating: Warm and as gentle as jade!
[link to the Master Post Index]
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recycledraccoon · 5 months
List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last 10 people who reblogged something from you! get to know your mutuals and followers 💜💜
ʕ⁠ ⁠ꈍ⁠ᴥ⁠ꈍ⁠ʔฅ💛💛💛💛
1. I actually really like loose leaf tea. I'm very picky about tea but once I switched to quality loose leaf it was a huge door being opened for me. I actually have a whole table with a stone tea tray on it to brew in the Chinese Gong-fu style, tho I don't sit down for a full session very often since I have limited time in my evenings due to my work hours and I'm just tired on weekends. I drink some green tea I have at work, but I don't have a good container over there to brew it so I have an abomination set up involving two Styrofoam cups and the bottom half of a tiny tea strainer. I really need to just get a proper infuser-nesting mug lol.
2. So, when I last renamed this tumblr, I was going for the alliteration and joke because I had in real life made the "my trash is your trash as long as you properly recycle" more than once. I also found the image I use as my profile picture and thought it was funny. My ao3 does not share this name but it is another animal and another raccoon and trash icon. (I've thought about changing it to my current handles/nicknames but at this point I haven't changed literally anything about my Tumblr in so long I'm being stubborn about it.)
This is all to say, neither of these animals are my favorite.
I really really like North American Badgers specifically. I bought a cheap comforter specifically because I found a cheap comforter cover that was a North American Badger. I have two North American Badger statues that I bought specifically for use as tea pets. (I use the big one on my stone table but have used the small for my traveling tea set recently.)
I do hate that initially what got me started on badgers was being repeatedly sorted into Hufflepuff way back when, but I've LONG disavowed that for obvious reasons Besides, that's a European badger.
Anyway, North American Badgers make me exceedingly happy whenever I see stuff of them, especially since they're not exactly the popular types of badgers.
3. Unfortunately, similarly to badgers, I first started my journey to liking yellow due to the previously mentioned fictional house. I didn't start REALLY loving it tho until the recent few years, and I actually own a few articles of clothing in this color now.
4. A more minor one is that I am at some of my most happiest and most content when my dog gets on the bed to cuddle with me when I go to sleep, and I can fall sleep face-in-fur. She doesn't do this very often, far more likely to sleep on the floor as she's an independent breed. If I move too much or try to move her even a little she will leave without hesitation. I have made astounding space compromises at times to achieve this falling asleep scenario.
5. Stupid jokes. I make puns at work and Verbally OUT LOUD AS WELL AS PHYSICALLY imitate the ba-bum-toosh following the jokes. Literally every time for years whenever people ask me "what's up" (usually only in relation to the type of what's up that's about one's day) I go like "ceiling, wires, insulation, ventilation-" etc. I don't go on long, a few seconds/3-4 items usually, but do always follow up with a genuine answer and return the question. These types of stupid jokes bring me endless joy and yes I do think I'm very funny.
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khaleesiofalicante · 1 year
Daniii I seriously need a warning before you update such emotional chapters! Girl I was out with my friends when I saw it so I read a small part and it was the Prince story and I teared up🥲 And then I ruined my make up and my friends where kinda concerned because they thought something bad had happened and the "Max and David are so in love it brings me to tears" truth wouldn't have cut it so I told them I remembered something emotional😅
Okay I really want to talk about the chapter so bad but, I have to tell you, the month that I had the exams I had a lot of Mavid thoughts and I didn't have time to tell you about them so I wrote them down on my phone for when the exams would be over. So I kind of mixed them and made a Mavid list!
I remember some people in your ask box talking about the first Malec fight in TLND and it got me thinking, how would Mavid's first fight after getting back together in IALS would have gone. I mean, I try to think about the subject or the way it would go, but I'm drawing a blank., thoughts? (And prayers, I hate it when they fight)
I can just see Max posting a lot of shirtless pics in IALS, Lewis Hamilton style and David being internally stuck between telling him to stop doing that and taking screenshots of every single one of them. Oh bonus points if he did it before they got back together, I can just see David staring at them and being pissy about everyone else getting to see them and then sad because he doesn't get to see Max like that anymore. This was supposed to be funny but it turned angsty so I'll leave it here.
I keep imagining this scenario where post Africa trip, Max and David are asleep and Max wakes up and he can't go back to bed so he goes for a swim in the pool and David senses Max isn't in bed so he wakes up and at first he panicks but then he hears the water splashing and goes to the pool and he sees Max and the moonlight highlights his face and he looks so beautiful and David just stares at him and Max looks up and smiles at him softly and goes, hey Babe, and David smiles softly back and he goes up to him and Max tells him to join him so David dives in the pool and they spent hours just sitting there floating and talking just being them🥹
Back to FMF, I have noticed that David's mission in Budapest gets mentioned a lot and it may be nothing but it may be something no offense but you've given me trust issues so I ignore nothing😂
Okay I just ADORE the new casting for Lance and Arthur, but especially Arthur because of the piercings and the tattoos, I mean like father like son👀
It also occurred to me that Lance has Max's taste in music and his need to work out while Arthur has David's taste in music and hates working out just like him. They both have so much of both their parents in them and it makes me a little emotional🥺
Can I just say that although Jackson doesn't really like Max in any universe, he always knows that Max is gone for David and is absolutely obsessed with him the exact way David is about him, oh I love Jackson, he is the only bitch we respect in this house
M, THE PASSWORD TO DAVIDS PHONE IS THE LETTER M, M FOR MAX, M FOR MON ANGE CALLED IT! When I tell you I squealed when I read that part please know I mean it
I'm ready to bet real money that Max will eventually get David to both twerk and pole dance for him because he'll be all like "Well I heard it on the video and now I can't stop imagining it Babe" and David will absolutely go for it. Because "no post man's daughter could pull this off like me"
I'm still waiting for the iconic "I love you, I'm gonna kill your dad, but I love you" line that you teased us with (I have a feeling we'll see it in the next chapter)
Okay David being Arthur's dad not being a constant is making me very icky and it kinda hurts, but I'll wait for the LBAF chapter to drop to properly explore that because there are some parts I still don't get
I don't know how I feel about the David/Other Max situation, I mean thinking about it kinda bothers me, please don't be offended🥺 It's just, it kinda makes me feel like the Jaden/Max situation in IALS and that's not cool, I can't wait to see the way you explore it and the emotions you bring out of it. I have to say my reaction is very connected to Max's, I mean if Max is eventually okay with it and starts feeling differently or understands that he has no reason to antagonise this other version of himself maybe our perception of the whole thing might change. Really looking forward to that plot (although it scares me at the same time, does that make sense?)
You playing the long game and eventually killing someone you won't bring back to life scares me. Why would you do that, we love that you kill our faves and then bring them back, don't stop bringing them back😭
Okay that's it for now, I loved these chapters, you're amazing never forget!
PS: I really really love the tag, getting a personal tag on your blog makes me kinda 🥹 so thank youuu🌷🩷
I'm not sure. This feels like something I would like to think about (and maybe even write 👀) But immediate thoughts: David will start the fight and it might have something to do with Max's job. I don't see their fights emerging from little things but rather bigger fears and insecurities that they are still working on.
Allow me to counter the angst. Because while I read it, I thought of this whole scene where (post-divorce) David is like looking at Max's insta stories and Jackson is like 'it's like you want to get caught" and David is like "it's not like he is going to know" and Jackson replies with "You know people can see who viewed their insta stories right???" and David (who doesn't actually use insta and only uses it to stalk Max) just screams and throws his phone into the pool.
This is the softest. I love this. I also love how David prefers baths (bougie ass bitch) but he loves being in the pool with Max
Budapest is important. Not that important. But important. You'll see it in the next chapter.
Thank yoooou. Arthur canonically has tattoos (or runes) and piercings so yay
They really do. I can't wait to explore their family dynamic further in lbaf!
david's lack of awareness about cyber security is a canon event
I mean...I don't see why not ;)
Close <3
I don't know what you mean by this though? David is Arthur's father in every universe. Maybe I made a typo or you misunderstood? Although his mother(ish)...you'll see in lbaf.
This situation is complicated. It's supposed to be complicated. The plot and Max's storyline won't work otherwise. We need Other Max for the plot and I don't see a universe in which David is like "oh another max? I'll just let him mind his own business" and a universe in which Max is like "my greatest enemy is me". More on this very soon ;)
I had a very meh day and felt kinda useless and unproductive and this list was the best part of my day so thank you for that 💙
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nichoskittycorner · 1 year
Pls I've got more ideas from there, like right now I'm obsessed with Kim Petras' songs, and like I can literally fit each member with a song that describes a kink I believe they have.
K - Hit It From The Back - K would definitely have quite a few interest, but I feel like he would also be a massive exhibitionist, the thought of getting caught is sometimes enough to get him off, but it won't stop him, he'd find it hot, the idea that someone might walk by your car in the parking lot and see him balls deep in you, the idea that someone might walk by you sitting in his lap on a blanket in a secluded section of the park looking like a cute couple star gazing at night gets him going since he knows he's really balls deep in you making you cockwarm him, iconic lyrics include "Hit it from the back of the car, under the stars. Don't be too easy when I want it hard. I'll be your girl till morning light. You need to please me and last through the night."
Fuma - Brr - Despite how romantic and soft dom I think Fuma is, I also think he'd have this part of his brain that goes absolutely feral for hate/angry sex, like arguments aren't ending in a discussion, it's ending with your ass in the air as he takes his anger out on you, like he gets home from practice and it was a rough day, enjoy not sleeping and being unable to walk properly tomorrow, iconic lyrics include "Get your rocket out the holster. Why don't you take it out on me? If you think your so cold brr. If you like it baby hotel lobby. Can you work me baby like Pilates? Ima do my fitness everyday so you can come and get it, have your way."
Nicho - Throat Goat - Nicho would be dominant most of the time, but the one time it would come out the most would be when it comes to oral, he is the definition of a receiver rather than a giver, has the biggest kink for face fucking, won't admit it but he'd rather fuck your throat instead of your other holes, yet you know how he feels about it with how often he brings it up despite his excuses of he just doesn't want to get you pregnant or he doesn't have any condoms on him, iconic lyrics include "I could take it all love it big or small. Make it hit the wall I'm the throat goat. I just sucked my ex, no gag reflex. I just had to flex I'm the throat goat."
Euijoo - Coconuts - We all have openly decided Euijoo's a titty man, we all know he said his dream as a child was do be a dad, so like a breeding kink is obvious, of course he would have one, but what comes with being a titty man and having a pregnant s/o, a lactation kink, the first time he seems you start producing milk, he would go feral, you might have to remind him that the milk isn't just for him but for the child you two are the parents of, iconic lyrics include "My coconuts you can put em in your mouth. My coconuts watch em bounce up and down. Cocolicious dripping down your face. So delicious bet you wanna taste."
Yuma - Your Wish Is My Command - Yuma I feel like this part of his brain just wants you to submit completely to him, just turn your brain off and let him take care of you, he knows what's best for you, give him both sexual and nonsexual dominance, let him decide what you need, what you want, what you get, he deciding your clothing, how your hair looks, when you have sex and whether you get a release or not, you are nothing more than his stupid little doll who needs him to control every aspect of your life for you since you can't care for yourself, iconic lyrics include "Your wish is my command. Baby I can do it baby I can do it. Daddy you got permission. Put me into position. Come on teach me a lesson. I can be your possession."
Jo - Sex Talk - I feel like Jo would need to have an emotional connection with someone before doing anything, due to this he might be awkward discussing things face to face, but like he would be a menace when texting, sexting and phone sex would get him off just as much as sex sex would, if not more, and he wouldn't admit it, but sometimes he'd prefer it, would probably immediately bust a nut the first time you send him a nude and the first time you send him an audio and the first time you send him a video, but he will not tell you that since your ego doesn't need to be inflated anymore than it is already, iconic lyrics include "When you talk to me it turns me on. And I love your attention. Give it to me. Give it to me. And I need all your affection. Just tell me what you need. All your fantasies all of your desires."
I definitely need to listen to these songs now but not only do I trust your judgment based on this beautiful analysis- it's too detailed to miss the mark- Its great and Oh so true (watch me make a special playlist with these songs too bdsgjsgs thanks anon)
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philtstone · 1 year
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love ❤
finally i have a moment 2 breathe so here is my list (thank u bestie zainab but also you know ive written too many fics to only pick five. so these are in no particular order and i broke the rules a little bit)
Title: bedclothes the child of the mountain
the first installment in the scarborough fair au (aka my somewhat manic pandemic era outlander fix it series), and one of my sudden and wildly inspired attempts at writing with different form and style -- it will probably always have a special place in my heart, simple as it is
Summary: "By the green o’ the moor behind them, the lad took the faerie’s hands in his own, an’ he told her that he loved her, an’ that he’d offer her the riches of the land if he could but all he could give her then was that which he held in his heart.
The faerie lass knew in her soul that she loved him back, but she was of the fae folk, an’ she missed her kin somethin’ fierce. So she told the lad, I cannae marry ye --”
A loud, irreverent giggle bursts from the place between his arms.
2. Title: my daddy was a prominent frogman
this is simply not my best prose at all but who needs tight prose when the concept is this iconic (aka the lotr hippie camp counsellor au)
Summary: Gandalf has been standing at the front of the room in a customary drapey grey t-shirt and flip flops all through Eowyn’s impassioned retelling, puffing wordlessly at his pipe. Frodo wonders if he is allowed to smoke indoors, even in this time of crisis. Uncle Bilbo always takes his pipe outside when they’re back in the city. But then, Frodo (who is sitting beside Gandalf -- he was in the back phoning hullo to Uncle Bilbo before lunch was over, and on his way out got accidentally caught in the middle of this emergency meeting) suspects that a converted campground in the middle of the woods is not really a place that abides by any rules.
Another two puffs from Gandalf’s pipe. Camp’s going on for nearly a whole month still. Maligned bulldozers tearing Camp down is a terribly unproductive development.
3. Title: i believe in you and in our hearts
zainab you KNOW this is an all timer! valkyrie holds a baby! the guardians are there! they ROADTRIP! i debated putting the og baby meredith fic here instead but i like the prose in this one better. ive never properly been a thor girlie but id be lying if i said this fic isnt one of my favourites
Summary: "A road trip," Thor says. "That's what the Midgardians call it."
"That's a stupid name for a thing," says Brunnhilde, but she's grinning as she does.
Or: nearly a decade after, Thor gets up one day and decides that they need a vacation.
4. Title: hopeful/summertime
phils magnum opus (another mildly deranged endeavour used to exorcise personal feelings, but which of my fics doesnt dabble in that, really) aka the first chapter fic i ever actually finished aka the first plot-coherent thing i ever finished aka the sam and bucky open a bar and adopt a bunch of kids dystopia au! phew
Summary: In which the world ends, Sam Wilson opens a bar with his best friend, accidentally adopts some children (also with his best friend), and figures out how to grieve his own life and move forward, not necessarily in that order.
5. Title: heavily, the low sky raining
i am simply an anne of green gables girlie forever. another pandemic era fic. i think i produced some of my best work holed up in my parents basement lol
Summary: "Anne’s feeling that word where you’re missing something you never had,” explains Diana, as they come to a stop outside of Terran Outpost AV1883's lone lab entrance.
“Weltschmerz,” says Gilbert immediately.
“I am not,” says Anne, “feeling weltschmerz.”
HONOURABLE MENTIONS (i have simply written too much and love many of my children equally. im not deluded enough to say "all")
Title: you've got the run of the place, now that you're running around (and may kindness, kindness, kindness abound)
i had to include an annamis fic in there it simply wouldnt be fair not to!!! ive had so many fast and loose with history eras. and i will have more!
Summary: “Grandpère,” she says, firmly, because they are all but alone amongst the hedges and Papa says it is alright to call him that when they are alone. She is not sure if he is really her grandfather, not truly – but she feels right, calling him so, and he always looks so pleased when she does. She has been doing it all afternoon for just that reason, in fact, and each time – well, Marie thinks, there is a warmth. Her fingers tighten around his, and he does not move to take his hand away, but rather squeezes firmly back. “Tell me the story about the princess in the castle.”
Title: kannum kannum nokia (cappuccino coffea)
speaking of playing fast and loose with history. im including this because its the most insane fanfic ive written to date. objectively. (affectionate).
Summary: He’s waylaid in coming up with a fun and possibly clever response because Kundavai has reached such a point of despair in her lecturing that she turns away from the locked bathroom door, pins her flashing eyes on Arunmozhi, and says,
“Tell your idiot brother to unlock the bloody door!”
Arunmozhi grimaces. Aditha is only ever his idiot brother when circumstances are truly clownish.
Most of the rest of the time Kundavai is content enough to claim ownership of the both of them, no matter how useless she thinks they are being.
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kiss2012 · 9 months
putting the rest of my skam thoughts under the cut cause i have so many
im now 100% sure i originally stopped watching s4 after episode 5 LOL which was kinda real of me cause this season was umm a mess
i do believe s1 and s3 are masterpieces. s2 and s4 on the other hand have…some issues
still haven’t reached a verdict on s2 and now it’s been a while since i finished it and so all i will say is that my feelings r still complicated
that being said vilde’s kinda an icon for saying “what if william’s a psychopath who killed noora”
why is yousef going to turkey.
i think yousef not being muslim is a really good plotline i just wish it had been given a proper amount of focus. because i dont want sana to compromise her beliefs obviously. but at the same time im sitting here thinking as a muslim i love islam but i dont agree with lots about it and i dont think that makes you a bad person necessarily. but i do think yousef goes to turkey and regains his faith and converts back for sana ❤️ because they are true love ❤️
penetrator chris does not deserve a damn clip all to himself
vilde coming through in the end for sana is really so <33 wish there had been MORE FOCUS on their friendship in this season…
penetrator chris texting jonas for advice about eva is fucking hysterical
i don’t have anything against eva and penetrator chris even if i vastly prefer eva/vilde or eva/noora but im an eva and jonas truther to be honest. i will forever wish jonas got a season to himself that ended with them getting back together
magnus making fun of william is so real
even’s clip is perfect no notes. i mean yes notes because ideally this season would have focused more on even’s relationship with sana and the balloon squad and his past. but anyways.
ok i think william’s clip is quite sweet actually BUT i don’t think he needed one or if he was going to get one THE REST OF THE SEASON SHOULD HAVE FOCUSED ON SANA
eskild saying he and linn think noora is much better than william and aren’t his biggest fans ❤️
mikael is so damn fine…
not sara and ingrid pulling out the “not even water???”
k if it’s playing for eva and jonas & sana and yousef as well that’s acceptable.
the show starting and ending with a speech from jonas 😭😭😭😭
having finished all of s4 i think that i am…glad i finally watched it all? there were a lot of good parts about this season but even if the end of episode 8-episode 10 made me satisfied when i reflect on what happened before that i get so irritated.
i really love episode 10, but if it was going to happen this way then all the other episodes should have been far more focused on sana. for me rather than wrapping things up episode 10 instead emphasizes that there’s way more story to tell here and that there should have been 6 seasons…but whatever…
i think this season did a lot of good & what im most glad about is that it avoided the whole western stereotype about muslim parents & sana’s family was great. if we could cut out half the noora stuff, develop sana and yousef further, GIVE YOUSEF SCREENTIME, give jamila more screentime also, pick up the dropped storylines about elias, have the girl squad actually interact (and have sana interact with chris and eva and vilde not just noora…she and noora are obviously close but why tf are there like no scenes of sana talking with the others alone), have the balloon squad and even properly talk, have even explain things, have sana and even interacting, remove half the annoying russ bus stuff, remove that terrible terrible sara plotline, and follow through on the ideas present in the first 4 episodes of the show. then. this could have been a really great season. as it is i have my criticisms but i did cry and i do love them. sana <3
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user5726816393 · 5 months
It's been a while since I've posted anything. A full semester has passed and I'm in the middle of finals, capping off my 2nd year of law school.
This blog has kind of served as a port in the storm. A little refuge from the craziness that is my poor mental health and all of the accumulated stress. Well, this past semester has... not been great? It's also not been bad. I told myself I wanted to take it easy, and although a part of me was worried taking it too easy would set me back a few paces instead of properly moving me forward, I think I just felt confident enough in myself where I didn't think it'd be a problem.
Was I stressing out about not getting a Peggy Browning fellowship this year? I guess a little bit. Stressing out about not getting a job until like April? I guess a little bit. About APALSA funds? A little bit. That my new job was gonna can me after a few weeks? A little bit. But in every situation, deep down, I was certain that even if it came to pass as I feared, I would be just fine in the end. Maybe it's a sign that I've grown as a person. Or maybe it's the true apathy that comes with age kicking in.
But nah, in truth, the constant self doubting is probably the lowest it has ever been. What I really wanted to talk about now is... art. It's such a pretentious thing to say, but it feels like a disservice to describe it as anything else. Am I talking about music? Sure. But it's also the movies, books, tv shows, anime, manga, video games. Even porn. It's such a meme-y thing to call porn art, but art really is just any creative expression that evokes an emotional response, and you know what? Some porn is very passionately raw, and engrossing in a manner that I can only describe it as art.
Art and the feelings it evokes is something I'm constantly chasing. The inspiring charge out of Helm's Deep against the insurmountable forces of evil. The bits and pieces falling into place as it dawns on both Lightsong and the readers what his destined purpose truly was. The unease and tension as agent Ford sits across from Ed Kemper, who casually speaks to him about why he believed he turned out to be a serial killer. Nico Robin crying and admitting she wishes to live, the sacrifice of the Band of the Falcon, the story of Joshua Graham, KIDS SEE GHOSTS. All, fucking, art. And all so intensely evocative that the real world at times doesn't even seem like it really matters in comparison.
However, the saying that life imitates art is not quite correct, and I think it'd be a grave mistake to not be keenly aware of the fact that so much of the richness of art is in fact informed by reality. All the horrible things that allow for the rise of heroes and icons of hope, the seemingly hopeless downfalls before redemption, the raw love and passion that burns out too soon. All of it not purely imaginary. No escapes from reality, just a... transplant into its projections. At some point, however, we all need to snap out of it and wake up.
Til next time.
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pr0ng3ls · 1 year
So weird thing I'm chatting about right now, I have an Etsy! Or, well had.
At the current moment my page is down, why? Lots of fun real life problems ;o;! The most prominent being the fact that my ability to get packages sent out has been horrendous, I think its because the packages are so small and bland looking that they just easily get lost in the mail. So, as of the last few months stuff has just seemed to be stacking up.
If you wish to read more, everything is under the cut including some behind the scenes in recent developments.
So I'm just gonna be 100% transparent about all the reasons my shop has been down:
•My wrist has been getting Really bad, I've had to purchase a wrist brace just to function with my right hand, it hasn't been fun.
•My dad and So managed to both have a hospital visit within a month. My dad had 2 serious viruses (idk the name of them. Funny enough one you can only get on cruises while the other was a simple fungal infection of the throat), while my SO had hydroplaned on his way home from work one morning and crashed into a tree, he had came out amazingly well, with just a few scrapes, bruises, and a pulled shoulder. Scary thing about it was maybe 10 ft away was a large irrigation ditch that would have easily swallowed and flooded his car.
•Depression and ED had a pretty solid hold on me, I was left with unfulfilled orders and by the time I would wake up the next day the post office was already closed. This was going on for a few months, all orders that were not fulfilled were fully refunded.
•My products are just not getting to me. I've been waiting on our old housemate to send me the rest of my Sakura enamel pins, this was back in... Feb? March? Just after we moved.
•Many if not all of my designs just don't sit right with me anymore. I still like them, but they need a heavy dose of updating to better suit what I have planned for them. At the current moment I'm experimenting with a new hand heart design for the characters. I will exsplain this further bellow.
•The last reason is income has been very strained because of the reasons above. For the past 3 years I've personally been doing my best to aquire a stable job, but oh boy has that not been fun. I'll be honest when I say I've applied to just about every job I was able bodied and skilled to do in my old home town, employers just don't want to hire and its been making it quite difficult to focus on my etsy store because of this.
Now, I have been working on the Etsy page off on the side for the past few weeks. I've been making a new banner, icon, I've got certain things lined up and will probably have my shop remained closed for a while till I have everything figured out.
Bellow is my current lineup on how I've been overhauling the etsy page:
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This has been the best way I can organize everything I've got. Now, I was going to have the Sunflower Sun Sticker checked off but unfortunately I ordered 10 beta Keychain instead of 10 beta Stickers cause my ability to comprehend words is a little... Lack Luster. But again if I decide I like the Keychain, Ill keep the design idea!
Bellow is a comparison of Sunny's old desigm and the new one!
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As you can see there is a HUGE difference between the two designs now. Which I'm quite proud of actually, I'm thinking after I get my Keychains in I'll do a giveaway with them so 9 lucky people can have the design before I even properly sell it which may be months from now.
Things I don't have written down are holiday exclusive designs which I'll be selling on my Kofi later down the road till I can get settled. These will only be sticker designs atm.
Any and all inputs are welcomed at this point as I've been slowly working up a new stock, waiting until I hit a 500 count on each item before I decide its time to reopen the shop, its alot but its something I just feel I need to do.
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