#i WANT them to be happy but i gotta get emo sometimes
vinnyandthephenomena · 4 months
if i get sad i should think about jay & tim living a happy life together and i may feel better. in my head they live in a suburban (far far away..) apartment together & have a kitty cat and are learning to work through their trauma. they most likely aren’t healthy together & have trauma bonded. i think they’d be deathly afraid of losing each other .. still, life would be tremendously difficult even post MH. i don’t think it would’ve gotten that much better honestly. but at least they have eachother. right? i believe they could try to start a new life & leave everything behind, but they would never be able to live a completely “normal.” life. i can see the both of them craving normalcy. the best they can manage, that is. the thought of tim doing his best to help jay is comforting at least. even if he isn’t doing any better than he is.
if i want to be delusional i can tell myself they are not endlessly tortured. (they are.)
even so, post MH still wouldn’t be that much easier or alot better. by any means. i do like to think tim would be able to move on. (although, i doubt it.) especially with blaming himself for everything & the series of events. (that happened in general.) i feel like he’d miss jay, too. one of the only other close relationships he ever had than brian. another loss. (“at fault of his own.”) i feel like anything remotely good in his life was never going to last. unfortunately.
or maybe terribly reminisce on what he’s able to remember? i think he would choose not to dwell on it for his own wellbeing .. but we all give into things that will destroy us in the end. things out of our control? on one hand, it’s never really over. tim would still have to live with the events the rest of his life; and it will continue and be with him the entirety of it. what a tragedy huh? he could block everything out and start a new life; but i don’t think he could ever truly escape.
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kodamaghost00 · 6 months
30 Charlie headcanons
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I know Chaggie is canon but for the sakes of this post Charlie will be single. [Im a passionate chaggie shipper pls don’t kill me]
This post will contain: NSFW,Sfw, Fluff, Smut
It's also Genderless for the girls,gays and theys! You're a new resident at the Hotel in this scenario.
Let’s begin!
Her favorite nicknames for you are “Sunshine” and “Pumpkin”. And everything sweet in general.
She makes you breakfast every morning and gets excited when you do the same.
Loves morning cuddles. She’d stay in bed just enjoying the embrace and warmth of your body.
Would not really understand your interests but enjoys seeing you being happy. So she will engage and learn about your interests and hobbies. “So you’re into that? Sounds interesting, Sunshine!”
She is definitely an early sleeper. She wants to get the most out of a day as possible.
Listens to 2017 white girl music on a daily basis and you guys vibe all the time.
After she got to meet Rosie she always went to her for advice or help in general.
She gets very flustered and ashamed when people as about her sexual life and declines to talk about it openly.
She likes PDA a lot though. Showing off her perfect partner with kisses and hand holding? Fuck yeah!
She definitely confessed her love to you first. She gave you flowers and a love letter wich read “Please be mine and go on a date with me!”. With an adorable doodle next to it.
She’s more of a dog person but loves KeeKee with her whole heart.
She’s is surprisingly dominant in bed. She pins you down aggressively but afterwards asks you if you are okay with it.
She is very flexible so there are many poses you guys could try out.
She enjoys oral a bit more than anything else. Seeing you shutter under her control makes her feel very reassured.
She definitely goes into her demon form when she’s close. Her tail wrapping around her waist trying to keep her composer.
Great at aftercare. She makes sure you feel reassured and comfortable once you’re finished. Cuddles and kisses are a must.
“Are you comfortable pumpkin? Would you like a towel?” And also whispering reassurance to you is important. “You did great by the way… you look so cute!”. A total sweetheart.
She is great with all sorts of people. Even the ones who are really disrespectful to her. So sometimes you keep those people in place.
Won’t curse until she needs to. She isn’t really going hard on the curses when she does curse. A simple “Fuck you” or “Motherfucker” is enough for her.
She absolutely adores kids. She also wants at least two in the future.
Gets shy easily. When you compliment her hair or her big round eyes she gets flustered right away.
In her emo phase she definitely said “ITS NOT A PHASE!” and now she looks back on it and laughs every time.
Hopes she will see Emily again one day. They definitely had a great time together.
If you’re not able to sleep at night she’s singing you to sleep. With your head on her lap and her playing with your hair.
LOVED the Barbie movie and rewatched it twice. And cried at the ending.
She is an hardworking woman so she’s encouraging you to help her out a lot. Trying to make you feel included!
When she gets overwhelmed she locks herself in her room and cries herself to sleep.
“Hey Charlie…? Are you okay…?” You asked knowing she’s feeling down. “Y-yeah! I’m fine pumpkin… don’t worry!!” “You don’t have to pretend my love…”
She sighed as she opened her door. You see her puffed up eyes so you open your arms wide. “Come here…” she hugs you deeply. “Thank you…”
You kiss her forehead as she embraces the hug. “No need to thank me sweetheart.”
Yes I know no one asked for this but I love Charlie so you gotta listen to me rant about her. Give my girly more love and attention! So as always I’d love to get some requests for characters, I’ll try to do all of them but there’s so many! Thanks for reading my dear friends and have a lovely day/night!
- Your Ghost ༼ つ ╹ ╹ ༽つ
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starsurface · 7 months
Hi sorry for requesting again but I was wondering you had CG Headcannons for Mk 11 Johnny Cage ? He's a comfort character at the moment and I'm happy to see you do content for MK 10,11 and 1 :) sorry again for being awkward in my first ask I've been off tumblr for a while and recently came back ...
MK11 Johnny Cage!!! <3
And your fine, don't worry one bit!!
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<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
CG Johnny Cage MK11 Hcs
💫 Depending on where we are on the timeline depends on how ‘good’ on a CG he is (all CGs are good, they're trying their best <3)
💫 Younger Johnny is more of a babysitter or older brother figure, but still a pretty good CG
💫 Older Johnny takes on a more stable CG role (we're gonna focus on him)
💫 You have so much Johnny Cage merch!!!!
💫 Any kind of doll or stuffie made of him, you've already got it!!
💫 You've even got some shirts with his old movie designs
💫 Mostly you have these because he gets a copy of almost anything ever made of him (and he likes to spoil you <3)
💫 Older Johnny has kinda left his old Hollywood life behind, joining the military and doing some movies here or there
💫 He's settled down, more to Earth than his other selves
💫 That will not stop him from buying anything you want, no matter the price
💫 You want a yummy treat? What kind? He's already got his wallet put
💫 He knows you have a thousand and one plushies . . . But a few more can't reeeeeeally hurt anyone
💫 You are his baby and nothing is allowed to harm a hair on your head
💫 You think your clingy? Psh, you haven't seen Cage Clingy
💫 Constantly wants to hold or coddle you, your just so cute!!
💫 But like, he guesses he can let you go run off, but he has to be nearby and you have to be in eye distant!!!
💫 Matching Johnny Cage inspired jammies (he happened to have them already)
💫 He has a habit of babying you even if you regress older
💫 If you like being treated like a princess/prince/royalty? Brilliant!! He's got you covered!!
💫 If you want more independence, he's decent with it, and will treat you more your age
💫 Finds middlespace regresses entertaining (mostly if your an emo regressor)
💫 Loves making bracelets and drama when your bigger
💫 Drama can be almost anything, including this dramatic thing that happened in your favorite TV show
💫 Babble encourager!!!
💫 Full blown conversations with babblers, he thinks they're adorable
💫 If you want to have him dress up and have a tea party, he's so for it
💫 Make him wear a tiara and tutu, he'll do it with pride
💫 Will also let you paint his nails any color you want
💫 While he loves and babies you, he also puts his foot down >:(
💫 If your a rule breaker, prepare for a bunch of timeout time, because there's almost not changing his mind (unless you regress really small)
💫 Won't punish you if it was an accident though, he's not terribly mean
💫 If you ever offer to spar or wrestle him while your tiny, he'll generally laugh
💫 Not at you!! Well, kinda
💫 It's just, your so cute!! Thinking you could beat him up, that's so adorable 🥺
💫 He'll let you fight him though (and probably let you win, but you don't reeeeally gotta know that)
💫 He'll treat you with ice cream when you ‘win’
💫 He's getting old, but he's got the energy he had when he was in his 20s (y'all he's like almost 60 in MK11 can you believe that??)
💫 If you regress as base, your either right by his side holding his hand, or your always in reach just in case
💫 There is a not touching rule on everything if your small on base, there's a lot of dangerous stuff and Johnny's not having you get hurt
💫 He'll do his little “Here's Johnny!!” while playing peek-a-boo
💫 Sometimes he'll egg you on to do naughty things he finds funny (like prank Sonya by putting a bit of salt in her coffee)
💫 Will also take the blow when Sonya starts getting pissy because someone (👀) ruined her coffee
💫 Your naptime? Nuh-uh. Our naptime 😎
💫 Man's old, he'd love to just laze around and cuddle
💫 But he's also got the spirit of a child, and would love to run around with you
💫 If your small while he's working out, he'll laugh as you try to pick up his weight
💫 He'll probably give you one of those workout balls or some super light weights so you can be just like Daddy :D
💫 . . . Dad jokes 😒
💫 And sometimes they're not even good!! Most times they're just to poke or annoy you!! >:(
💫 Most times they're actually really funny though
💫 Favorite CG nicknames are Daddy, Dada, Papa, Bubba, and literally anything you wanna call him
💫 Your go-to babysitters are Sonya and Cassie
💫 (Maybe also Jax and Kenshi)
💫 Cassie and Sonya both love you, you've got the whole Cage family behind your back
💫 Favorite little nicknames to call you are Princess, Baby Girl/Boy, Little One, Sweetiepie, Honey, Little Star
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
I hope they're more MK11 Johnny and not MK1 Johnny, and I can always do more or something like that. <3
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nero-ya · 11 months
Alright it's time again we've gotta talk so get comfy and remember that this post is only my opinion or rant whatever you wanna call it.
I don't really know myself....just wanted to share it with the world....or something like that.
The first time I saw Law appear on screen I didn't really know if I should love or hate him, for real his attitude was cool but at the same time I thought he was the biggest emo bitch I ever met but I still found him very interesting so I started to read fanfictions about him.
I don't know if it was only me but the first fanfics about law were mostly him being a sadist and an asshole and I can understand, It wasn't easy to get a good understanding of him or to get a good grip on his personality at the beginning but for me that changed after the Dressrosa arc and the Noval about him and his past before he went to sea.
Btw I absolutely fell in love with him after the Dressrosa arc and novel and I could never read the fanfics again about him where he was a literal psychopath with no sympathy, nothing against them it's just I wasn't able to think of him in that way anymore ( I never really thought he would be that bad ) and if I should be honest after getting a deeper understanding of his personality it kinda made me sad reading how poorly others thought about him, being intentional or because they thought it fit him more or for whatever other reason I just couldn't read it anymore, it felt like it wasn't about him but another person with the same name.
So when I first came on this platform and found out about the Law fics here I decided to stay here and not change back to the other platform...it's definitely better here when it comes to understanding his personality and actions and most others got a better understanding of him and i was really happy because so many saw him in a better light and it was refreshing but there's still something that I think people may understand wrong...or I do and now I seem like an idiot....tbh wouldn't be the first time but no risk no fun.
Even to this date I read many fics where it's stated that Law won't be really affectionate in front of others or his crew and I slightly agree and disagree but hear me out please!
I think we all have the same opinion on Law being rather private and an introverted nerd and person over all , even more so when he's out of his comfort zone but sometimes I still read that he won't show any affection to his partner because he doesn't want to be seen as weak in front of others or because he is embarrassed and again I agree and disagree at the same time.
He is not one to show his affection openly in front of others but I don't think it's for the reason because he's ashamed or thinks it makes him look weak In front of his crew, they know perfectly well how strong and intimidating he can be and Shachi, Penguin and Bepo know him since he's 13 and I think they saw the worst of him already or part of it.
They knew about his past and his nightmares at times specifically after he heard about what happened to Dressrosa being overthrown and I don't think he was ashamed of being weak In front of them and him being 15 or older ( I'm not completely sure btw thanks for correcting me on that ) when he set sail and gathering a crew, makes me think that most of them also know him for over 10 years, give or take and I don't know if they knew as much as the other 3 but Im convinced that he still is very much comfortable with them.
Even if they would tease him sometimes, if he's alone with his crew he would rather take it lightly and would rather counter back in his own way or grumble instead of being overly ashamed or maybe a bit flustered but I believe he would be comfortable enough with them by now and i also don't think he would be so cold with them Overall all the time and only sitting in his room and reading, he will play with them and have some free nights and enjoy having them by his side after so much loss, even if it's only to listen or watching them play or have fun but I don't think he would always be in his room alone or miss the meal times.
Alright sorry back to the point I kinda drifted away a little...
Law may take some time getting comfy with the idea of a partner, being scared and all of losing them like Cora and his parents but once he's comfortable he will be affectionate and he will take time and cherish it even though it may be silent and subtle in his own way.
Be it some light brushing of hands or small acts of service, even when he's with the whole crew it may only be a small squeeze on your thigh, small smile, silent words of affirmation when no one pays attention for a second or giving you something to drink when he sees It's empty or whatever small acts there are but I can't believe he would be cold all the time and forget about it and if it's only you two I bet my ass he would love to cuddle and getting his hair stroked while reading in comfortable silence.
He may be bad at wording it or saying it out loud and so seeing the little signs and paying attention would be rather needed with him or else it would be kinda hard understanding what he wants and needs.
Anyway his submarine and his crew are his home and safe place, I really really think he would enjoy the time with them after all he went through, he knows how to cherish them all even though sometimes they all make him lose his mind and test his patience, he loves his idiots dearly.
Well if you went that far thanks for reading my bullshit and just to be safe, this is only my opinion on how I see things, feel free to rant about your own or give me contra but please in a respectful way.
Btw English isn't my first language and I have some Problems with grammar, so please don't be too hard on me and y'all a good night or day.
Fun Fact: Law was the first and only crush I've ever had on someone for so long, must be 8 years or more.
He still is the only character i would really die for......
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intertexts · 4 months
goodevening I am no longer in the car and while I was in the car I was thinking about new haven wards so I'm invading your inbox. I mean. mostly just about interpersonal dynamics and not power things so technically this is just thinking about pd. but in the context of worm world.
uhmmmmm sitting in the wards base. I think they spend. all of their time out of costume there. none of them really have. family to go home to (with the exception of . william and ashe but I don't imagine they exactly WANT to spend time at home. considering.) so they spenddd all day every day out of costume with each other. i think william and dakota were paired together first and they just naturally clicked with each other right away because they balanced out each other's energy pretty well. hence the extreme codependency qpr. then vycnent joined and he was a little prickly at first bc he didn't rlly know the city or what he was doing there or what his powers were and maybe he already had a habit of distancing himself from people due to the nature of his powers. but obv he comes around eventually and william has his gay little crush and here they are sitting smushed together in the same arm chair watching a movie on the big tv together. dakota is snoring honk shoo style. then WAYYY later ashe joins and william is the prickly petty one. dakota takes to him rlly fast just bc dakota loves everyone very loudly and easily. vyncent took a little longer but appreciated ashes chill personality so clicked with that pretty quickly. william had a one sided rivalry with ashe for a little bit and didn't trust him. however now they are ride or die emos and will parallel play by sitting leaning on each other back to back on the couch doing completely separate activities and not speaking to each other. the new haven wards literally always have to be touching each other in some capacity when out of costume amazon listing do not separate they have SUCH BAD separation anxiety please
also side note about wibby I have some Thoughts about why his last name is bell and not wisp and I'm going to keep this simple and spoiler free but just know there is MORE to this. eventually. i think it's because. grew up in the worm equivalent of deadwood which is a rlly small town in the middle of nowhere which means it doesn't rlly have a strong Cape Presence. so after his trigger event and his family finding out abt his powers (bc i think they Would) his parents push him to join the wards in new haven, because his older brother david already lives there, so he can just go live with david !! easier to separate his hero identity from his parents who he loves if he changes his last name to the same as the brother he's living with in the city. smile. not going to get too into that rn
side note SIDE NOTE bc I just read about them again. do u think wibby retains some subconscious knowledge about the . extra dimensional trigger event being. I dont think he would Remember it per se but. maybe he gets really weird recurring nightmares about it sometimes. and doesn't think anything of it bc it's just SO weird and incomprehensible. this stance may change once I read abt what those things actually ARE but for now. I like to make my favorite characters suffer <3 NO WAIT MAYBE ITS DAKOTA WITH HIS CANON NIGHTMARES. IDK. YOU KNOW MORE ABOUT THIS THAN ME. WHY CAN MISS MILITIA REMEMBER THEM >:|
NEW HAVEN WARDS... SAVE ME NEW HAVEN WARDS.... ok. under the cut so this doesnt get a mile longer 3
ILL OVER THEM!!!!! DO NOT SEPARATE!!! which means of course i have been thinking so hard about all of the reasons 2 separate them & make them miserable. it's gotta suck also being in school right?? since that's iirc a prerequisite of the wards. and the prt would Not be happy with "three distinctive looking clingy ass teenagers in the school everyone knows the wards go to who look exactly like the wards on tv." lmaoo. high school hell Has to stay its so necessary <33 also. i have many many many thoughts on vyncent & how he grew up & his relationship to both his power & parahumans in general but we will get into that once we also get into wibby!!!!
but. yeah. usually when i think of other media in worm lens i immediately go "alright how can i make this dynamic as unpleasant as possible..." it's honestly really fun 2 Not be doing that & instead just putting them all through the blender in various ways. i mean. they still have a fucking insane dynamic at least one of them has to have brutalized some minor thug for hurting someone i think. it's so fun thinking abt how that desperate extreme codependency translates to on shift where their job is throwing themselves into the meat grinder & getting hurt & shit.
IM. SO EXCITED FOR BELL SHIT. im so hyped. love this i'm sure william living with his brother!! ^_^ is incredibly unpleasant and a miserable experience for some fucking reason i will find out. yayyy <3
i thiiiiink. out of all of them. yeah. wibby would be most likely to be fixated on his trigger event. for sure <33 and also he has an insane memory! even if he didn't specifically remember it i think he would maybe know something. dakota still has nightmares but theyre just normal nightmares :-) several orders of magnitude worse though. of course. also HEYHEYHEY now u know my guys my best friends my rotten cheeses the slaughterhouse nine!!! u unlock [NH WARDS NOTE 1] !! which is. i think dakota's parents would have been killed via being victims of the s9 coming to town ^_^ this will be immediately worse for you after u read some more worm tomorrow!! anyway. anyway. 130 am for mee good NIGHT i loove them i love this dynamic so much thabk u. mac ghostiezone wards in my inbox u know its gonna b a good day!!!
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Hello there! Are you doing requests? If yes, can you do some dating headcanons for Seth, Poe and Scale pls?
yes, absolutely! some of my favorite bois <3 <3 <3
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Honestly, dating him is about what you’d expect, with a few little surprises sprinkled in for fun. Gotta keep things fresh, can’t have you getting super bored of him. He’s the kind of guy who likes to hang out in graveyards and he’s a bit morbid… but at the same time, he’s definitely down-to-Earth. Compared to some of the other guys, he’s almost normal.
Writes poetry about you sometimes? While he doesn’t advertise it, he’s a romantic at heart. He likes doing those sappy things, comparing the touch of your hand in his hair to the cool breeze of a mausoleum, and your kiss is like the first breath that the dead take upon resurrection… perhaps he keeps writing these things because you’re the first person to truly appreciate his dark, flowery language.
He texts you a lot, especially if you have a job or studies that keep you away. He’s got more free time, being a student (one who can admit to slacking off somewhat in areas which don’t interest him), so he can get slightly bored and when he’s bored, his mind wanders to you. To see Hey. Hanging out in the library. And I’m thinking of you. I might check out this book… wanna come summon demons with me later? ;) with a picture of him smirking behind some ancient-looking tome makes you very happy. Maybe you’ll even consider it! Would be a hell of a way to spend a Saturday night, huh?
‘Melancholy flower’/’melon cauliflower’ for a vegan emo isn’t the only pun he has up his sleeve. He’s also got other small references too, and puns aren’t his preferred method of one-lining. If it’ll get you to smile, however, he’ll use them. Particularly if he feels awkward and doesn’t think he has much else to say, he’ll pun. A well-timed quip of, “Well, look at that. Good for them; they’ve got one foot in the rave.” in response to a couple of elderly partygoers decked out in glow sticks will have you giggling, at least. Or he hopes it will. He almost wishes you’d never stop laughing, it’s the best sound he’s ever heard.
In addition to just texting you a bunch, he also loves to send you naughty pictures. Nothing too bad that anyone else would be appalled to seeing on your phone… just tiny things to tease you. Photos of him wearing a new pair of skeleton underwear accompanied by a caption of, What do you think? Too many bones? 😉 Or maybe a pic of his hand resting on his bare thigh, with the excuse that he wants to know what you think of the nail polish he just put on. All’s fair, isn’t it? He definitely wants you thinking about him.
For all that he pretends to be a dark and troubled bad boy, his ideal date night is… getting some takeout, watching a horror flick, and falling asleep on the couch cuddled up in your arms. (Or with you cuddled in his. He’s not picky about that part, as long as there’s cuddling going on!) Often when that happens, he’ll wake up in the middle of the night, gaze fondly at you for a few minutes, and then drift off with a hint of a smile on his face. It’s so disgustingly domestic and he hates how much he loves it.
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A relationship?? What’s… what’s that??? He’s clueless. And he’s not clueless by virtue of not being intelligent, because he’s very smart. He just… has struggled in connecting with people, for a very long time. Before you, he never really had romance with anyone. His mind was laser-focused on his job, so it was as if he never had time for anything else. Just… be patient with him. He loves you, but he’s very much still learning how to exist inside a romantic relationship.
That said, he’s surprisingly good at knowing how to be a partner. That might be mostly because he’s aware and observant, to the point that he just… notices things about you. He knows what your preferred morning drink is, and he knows what it looks like when you’re tired or in pain, and his heart has begun to beat to match the cadence of your speech. And if there’s something he doesn’t know, he has no shame in asking. (Well… usually.) He brings you a drink or painkillers if you need, encourages you to rest when it seems you’ve been overworking, and he knows how to make you laugh. He very much takes pride in being the best partner for you that he can be.
Uh. Well. It’s. It’s just. He’s an assassin! He’s a serial killer who takes commissions! His lifestyle, while entirely badass as far as he’s concerned, is also dangerous. He’s excellent at what he does, but the fact is that sometimes he has a bad day or his target has a good day. To say nothing of rivalries or competition between assassins, particularly during ‘open’ hits that directly pit them against each other. He will come home injured, it’s just a matter of when it happens. Hopefully you’re not too attached to your carpets, because he’ll stagger in dripping blood all over them, begging you to let him take care of himself. Of course, that’s impossible, so there will definitely be times you’ll have to patch him up in the bathroom. He can’t go to the hospital, right? He… he trusts you to take care of him.
He has quite the singing voice, even if he vehemently denies that he likes to sing. Often he’ll start by humming while the two of you are relaxing and snuggling, and if you insist on watching a musical during movie night, he’ll usually start to sing along in a low voice. For whatever reason he’s embarrassed by it! Although the urge to sing ‘rose’ when he got transformed into a dragon, that is absolutely not to say it wasn’t there before. Singing relaxes him, and it might just be because he’s unpracticed in being vulnerable around people that singing in front of others, even you, flusters him a bit. Though… he likes it if you fall asleep to his singing. That’s flattering.
He can get… possessive. Nowhere near Cole levels of possessive or anything, but his one sore spot is that he is petrified of the idea that he might not be ‘cool’ in your eyes. He’s convinced that you’ll wake up one day, look at him, and go, “Oh, my GOD, you’re so boring.” before walking out of his life forever. And he can’t take that. He will do literally anything in the name of keeping you interested in him. Actually, up to and including admitting that he’s afraid you think he’s boring and that you’re going to leave him. However, it’s a win-win; you get the emotional openness and some meaningful intimacy out of him, and he gets the reassurance that you’re super fascinated with him and you’re not going anywhere. Honesty is SEXY!!!
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Is it getting hot in here, or is just because he’s dragging the essence of hell behind him? Who knows at this point? It’s really his game and you’re just along for the ride. Maybe that’s how you like it. If that wasn’t how you like it, you probably wouldn’t be with him. He likes to do dangerous things, so you’ll have to be careful exactly which ones you do with him. He forgets sometimes that humans can’t take the kinds of abuse that demons can! So if he mentions a ‘vacation’ to his ‘hometown’ by ‘a beautiful lake’, guide him toward something else. That beautiful lake is made of fire, down in hell, and to you it’d be less a vacation and more like a nightmare. Oops! He tried.
Shockingly okay with the whole arrangement he has going with you. It’s a shame he can’t manipulate you, because you sort of see through all his tricks and no-sell any of the bad ideas, but he’s not too broken up. He’s convinced he’ll eventually find something you’ll fall for, so now he’s just biding his time. Except… during that time, he finds himself actually falling for you. That comes with not wanting to hurt you or betray your trust, which means that slowly he loses the urge to manipulate you at all. He goes from wanting your soul to just wanting your heart. Awwwww~!
You wanna wear his hoodie? He’ll let you wear his hoodie. Hell, if his clothes fit you, he’ll let you wear all of them. Not only is he totally fine walking around wearing very little or nothing at all, demons are possessive creatures by nature. It hits that button to see you covered in things that are his, which makes him a very happy little shit-stirrer. You’re so hot wearing all his clothes, (or, indeed, wearing replicas of them if his happen not to fit you), he might just decide to pin you down and kiss every inch of you.
Yes, he’s a demon. And a troublemaker. However, he’s also the Avatar of Woe. Being that he is that, he… has this strange kind of depression. His boredom and anguish and occasional apathy drive him to seek thrills, usually. Other times, though, the woe part overtakes him entirely. If he’s allowed himself to be vulnerable with you, there are times you’ll find him in bed, sobbing uncharacteristically, bunched up in the blankets and completely lost in sorrow. How you react will determine whether or not he lets you see that side of him ever again. As much of a front as he puts up, when the woe hits, all he really wants is to be held and comforted and know you’re there for him.
He’s kind of always touching you in some way, almost as if to stake his claim on you. If the two of you are out walking, he’s holding your hand. If you’re sitting around, he’s got an arm around your waist. He likes to have his hands on you, he likes to be touching and kissing and cuddling. In some ways he forgot what it was like to have a real romance with somebody, and apparently, he’s missed all those small, normal, soft touches. He’s making up for lost time and massive amounts of touch starvation, sue him!
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pancake-breakfast · 1 year
I've been neglecting Tumblr as a whole this weekend as I burn through costume-making, but I think I can keep up with Trigun Book Club!
Trigun Volume 1: Covers + 1-3, 3 Detailed Thoughts, 4, 4 DT, 5-6, 5-6 + DT, 6 DT, 7-8, 9-10
Trigun Volume 2: Covers + Extras, 1, 1 Supplemental Research, 2-4
Stream-of-consciousness thoughts for Trigun Vol. 2, Chapters 5-6 below.
Chapter 5: Murder Café
CW: Sexual assault, human trafficking
This title sounds like a place I'd either really want to eat at or never want to eat at.
It's interesting to see what they did and didn't keep of the city design in Stampede.
Even yandere emo boys have to eat sometimes.
The heck? Is this woman barefoot?? Why would anyone be barefoot out there??? Oh. Oh, shit. Are we gonna get into that aspect of the story already???
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Yyyyup. Well, dang. These men chose the wrong bar to stumble into. I know a few things about yandere emo boys and there's a thing or two they're a bit sensitive about....
If your SO ever, EVER slaps you to the floor while screaming at you for looking at someone else, even if it's not in public, get help and get out of there. I realize these guys aren't these women's significant anything, but that's not the point. Or maybe it is. They are the kind of people who would treat another human being this way. They are not people who love these women.
Dude. This shit is blaming Legato for being too pretty and making these women feel bad that they'll never have a handsome man like him while bragging about assaulting them in the same breath. WTH???
Everyone else in the bar wants to take these guys down, but they're big and powerful and intimidating, making it pretty impossible for the average person.
Ok, but this panel of chibi Legato just... chewing away. At this rate I'm gonna add him to my collection. And then shove him in a box and throw him in the bottom of the sea.
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I wonder if this guy meant to hit Legato's fork or if it was just a lucky shot. Also, what kind of grip does this man have that he was able to keep ahold of his fork while it was shot in two?!?!
Huh, he was going to let them go about their business, confident they'd get theirs. But they done overstepped now.
He says it like a command, as if they have any control over the matter once he's in play.
Nice and traumatic for all involved. Good... good....
I'm impressed these guys are standing their ground after that display. We're gonna assume they're so scared that whatever sense they had has left their stupid heads.
Current favorite angry Legato face:
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Just in case being kidnapped and raped by slavers wasn't already the most traumatic thing to happen to these women....
Honestly, it's good and important to see this bit of humanity from Legato, even if it makes for a much more muddy morality in the story overall. Maybe particularly because it makes for a much more muddy morality overall.
Dude, for his arm to be at this angle, he's gotta have CLAMP-in-their-Tsubasa-Chronicle-xxxHolic-era proportions.
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I wonder how Vash would have handled this situation had he been there instead. Surely Vash isn't unaware that this sort of stuff happens in this world....
Chapter 6: A Gathering of Demons
CW: Human trafficking
So much sand....
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I love how, in this story, our primary windows into the world are Milly and Meryl. Like, they're characters in their own right, but they're also the closest thing we have to an Everyman through which we interact with the story.
Yeah, Vash is probably on hyper-alert for now because of the Gung-Ho Guns. Constantly concerned about the safety of everyone around him.
That reminds me, I should retrieve my tea from the kitchen. (It's jasmine, if you're curious.)
GoshDARNIT, Legato! You're not supposed to be flattered and happy when people announce they're gonna hunt you!
He's just a silly, happy boy.
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Heh. Foreshadowing.
Soooo many things I could say here and I will say none of them. Instead, let's all just appreciate how much the bus driver here looks like a hippie straight from 1960's Berkeley.
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I'm impressed they managed to get that thing on the roof of the van.
LOL, Wolfwood's response to people calling him out for being a frumpy, shady guy....
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Awww, cute Vash face!
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I love everything about their meeting here.
It's interesting that WW quickly notes how much Vash fits the description on his posters when Monev was quick to say Vash looked nothing like the description of him.
I do like the introduction '98 gave them, though, with Vash inventing a crazy name for himself and then Milly casually dropping the whole "Vash the Stampede" bit.
Vash looks very unsure of WW here. Resigned, but unsure.
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The slavers are gonna try to do what to whom? Hahahahahahaha GL
Speak of the devil....
Who the hell is he talking to??
Yeah, this wasn't gonna end well for them....
THE PORTABLE CONFESSIONAL!!! Gods, I hope this thing shows up in Stampede. It's the dumbest thing, but it's also beautiful. Especially the way WW just SHOVES it on people's heads.
WW's introduction is great. Is he a genuine sweetheart or is he a conman? Both??
WW can't not melt at kids, can he?
Dude, they've been hanging out for... what, a few hours? And already WW is reading Vash like a book.
This pose looks... uncomfortable.
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Hahahahahaha, he's stuck in it.
Gods, that's a freaking MOUNTAIN of bodies. He should compare it with the one Erwin Smith has.
Ok, I kind of love how Legato handles these guys. He's like, "Oh, so you want to make a profit selling people? How about I kill half of you so you can make a profit off the organs of people you might actually give a shit about? Get fucked, scumbag."
Oh. THAT'S where the chapter title comes from. Hi, everyone!
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Heyy, sooo, ummm, are you gonna talk about your mcu rewrite? Cuz I would love to hear about it
There’s a lot I won’t be able to talk about because of the sheer vastness of the mcu atm but like if you’ve got any characters/films you want to know about in more detail, I’m here for you.
First off, Wanda things because I’m brainrotting on her specifically atm:
Wanda is an actual young ‘child’ (19), and is a Jewish Roma girl from Transia (a fictional country from the comics, which was both her place of birth and the location of Wundagore). Her powers are a little more specific as of what I’ve brainrotted on, and unlike what MOM did with it, she can’t just do anything from the get go. It’s mostly those magical blast pew pew things she does, as she has increased control over them due to simply having to choose how much energy to put into it and where it’s getting tossed, but she also sometimes dabbles in magnetic manipulation (a nod to who remains as her father in my rewrite), telekinesis (though she isn’t fond of seeing inside of people’s heads), the weird walking thing she does that I love, and she accidentally does some probability and reality manipulation whenever something is really stressing her or she’s not paying full attention to something. She’s really into things like protecting the environment and pacifism, which often leads to her almost starting arguments with Tony, the embodiment of the kind of people that environmental protection and pacifism hate. She also keeps her emo look, and dark hair, she just gets red or ginger highlights occasionally.
Also, Vision, because they’re a pair, he chooses how he looks, which can be very useful for the avengers occasionally. Only issue is that he can’t change his eyes, which are permanently all robot-y. He was tasked with keeping Wanda company when she first moved to the compound because Bruce worried she would isolate herself and that would make her worse. They chose Vision because he couldn’t be manipulated and he could answer pretty much any question she had, and adapt to make her comfortable. But he seemed to be the one to get comfortable, and soon found himself enjoying her company significantly more than the others, mostly because she showed interest in the philosophical questions and such that he found himself unable to answer due to his lack of true human experience, and she would try and held despite not having a true human experience herself. As a quote I used in my Wanda drawing said, they’re both just trying to be people together at the same time, despite their lack of real humanity. Oh also Wanda pierces his face a whole bunch, which of course isn’t permanent, but he tends to keep the bridge and eyebrow piercing, because she likes them on him, and he likes to make her happy. He’s also got some thunder thighs on him which makes him a prime cuddle companion.
Captain Marvel, Carol Danvers, Universe’s biggest lesbian (put that on a t-shirt and she’d wear it). The physical embodiment of a millennial woman but she’s not a millennial woman. I don’t have much to say except she’s gay and that she picks on Fury for aging. Also, Mar-Vell, her mentor, a dude and it’s ‘ambiguous’ whether or not he died (he lived), because I need my gays and he’s gotta be a dude and living for me to get more gays. I can’t explain now. But it’s needed.
Bucky keeps his long hair. Also, gay, and dating Sam. Because I need me some homosexuals. He doesn’t know he’s dating Sam, Sam doesn’t know he’s dating Bucky, but they’re dating. Work husbands at the least. He’s also Jewish, and whilst he lost a little bit of faith (not in the not believing in god way, in the ‘done so much bad god doesn’t care for me anymore’ way) he made sure to celebrate Chanukkah and still follow his religion whenever Wanda was around because he didn’t want to accidentally cause her to lose faith too.
Tony doesn’t make those weird misogynistic and transphobic comments that he does, or any of the other dodgy ones. Because ew.
Bruce’s DID is acknowledged, and that the hulk was not caused by the radiation but the radiation simply caused the hulk to take a physical form. Because that’s just… what it is in canon they just don’t talk about it in the mcu. Therapy sessions are common for him because he struggles a lot with his trauma growing up/continuing on and his general mental health. Smart hulk doesn’t happen because I don’t like it. Also his romance with Nat isn’t really a thing. They’re close friends, he lends her hoodies and such, she helps him out when he’s all green, but they’re only friends.
On the subject of Nat, the whole ‘a monster because she doesn’t have the ability to reproduce’ thing is dumb as shit. She thinks she’s a monster because she killed people and even now has a hard time feeling bad about it because of her conditioning, but Bruce is there to comfort her because he’s on the opposite end of the spectrum. He himself has never killed but he feels the weight of everyone the Hulk has and it’s a huge issue. She would also foster young girls if she wasn’t too busy saving the world all the time because it would make her feel better to know she’s potentially keeping girls out of the red room.
Thor is always fat Thor. The man drinks and eats obscene amounts, because as a god that is his right, and so it shows. And it’s not a joke about anything, because the mcu rewriters in my brain arent insensitive pricks. Also because I’m kinda into that but.. shhh. He keeps his mismatched eyes for TLAT, which has a completely different vibe in my mind. He’s also still a major player in the later phases and remains around for long enough to do one real cool scene from Empyre (The sword and the hammer scene I call it, because it shows off the magical capabilities of Excelsior by using it to hold up Mjölnir)
And there’s more but I’m tired so I’m gonna stop here. Lmk if there’s anyone/anything you want to know more about.
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starlight-phantom · 2 years
For the ask game, Persona series!
I'm gonna guess you mean the entire series for this and not any game in particular.
3 male characters I love:
Ren Amamiya, I honestly could not tell you why I adore him so much. Y'know sometimes you just get a favourite character for inexplicable reason but they just make you so happy and can brighten up your whole day? Yeah, that's him.
Minato Arisato, I've been replaying P3 recently and ooh boy I forgot how special this boy was. Kinda makes me sad how he tends to get boiled down to 'the emo protag' because no, he's so much more.
Yosuke Hanamura, yeah there's time I wanna smack him upside the head but this boy's special to me for personal reasons to do with when I first played the game. Although it is painful how much he reminds me of my thirteen year old self. It is genuinely like "Oh geez that's me 😬"
3 female characters I love:
Maya Amano, c'mon you gotta love Maya. From her clothes, to her terrible driving skills, to the state of her room, to her positive attitude, everything about her is great.
Nanako Dojima, I had to, okay? It's Nanako. I don't need to explain this one, I know you understand.
Haru Okumura, I just love her so much. She's prim and proper, she's a comforting presence, she's badass, she's adorable, she's terrifying... She's the whole package.
3 romantic ships I love:
TatsuJun (Tatsuya Suou x Jun Kurosu), these two just give me so many emotions. Not to mention, they're somehow so melodramatic and tragic but awkward and dorky at the same time.
SouYo (Souji Seta/Yu Narukami X Yosuke Hanamura) the epitome of "fellas is gay to smooch your homie?". But in all seriousness, I am still very bitter that his romance route was removed.
AkeShu (Akira Kurusu/Ren Amamiya x Goro Akechi), not really surprising, this one has been tormenting me almost non-stop since Royal. How can two boys be so in sync with each other and yet so completely useless at expressing their emotions at the same time?
3 platonic dynamics I love:
Tatsuya, Eikichi, and Jun. I mean... Their demon negotiation tactic is forming a band and performing for them. Gotta love that.
Minako and Junpei, something I really liked about P3P is that Junpei seemed to have a lot more of a 'bro' relationship with the femc instead of the mc and I just love the potential chaos that comes from that.
Ren and Futaba, chaotic gremlin siblings. Need I go on?
3 favorite moments in canon:
This is more of a joke one but I still love it: Tatsuya pushing Katsuya out of a blimp to avoid talking about his problems in Eternal Punishment. It's hilarious and the possibility of seeing that in P5 graphics is a very big reason why I want the original trilogy remade.
The Ending of Persona 3, I won't go into any specifics because if you know, you know and hey, it's only a week away... I'm still not prepared for the flood of art to crush my soul... But seriously, so beautiful and poignant and it really helped me through some stuff.
In a similar vein, the final fight with Maruki in Royal. Just what the fight represents and how he reacts afterwards gets me every time.
3 favorite headcanons:
I love the headcannon that Minato and Minako are twins instead of just the male and female protags of the game. It's just a lot of fun to think about.
I love the headcannon that Ren's from Inaba because he was mentioned to be a country bumpkin in the game and it ties very nicely back to P4.
For some reason, it's a lot harder to think of headcannons for an entire series of games as apposed to focusing on a single game so I'll leave it here for this one.
3 least favorite things about it:
Just the treatment of certain types of characters... You know what I mean: female characters, LGBT characters, fat characters, etc... It gets reeeeeaaalllll old after a while and tbh wasn't even funny in the first place.
The writing can be kinda wishy-washy, if that makes sense? For example, in P4 they backtrack on quite a few characters stories, such as Yukiko, Kanji, Rise and Naoto. And in P5, they go back on their logic as well, such as viewing Kamoshida as disgusting for going after students and then giving you the option to date your homeroom teacher? It doesn't make sense.
The fact that Atlus keeps ignoring P1&2, even when they are including in things by shoving them to the back and focusing on 3,4&5, yes I am still bitter how the 25th anniversary barely had anything for the games that started it all.
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ginevrafangirl · 2 years
Love Between Fairy and Devil Commentary Part 2
More highlights from my reactions to this drama, episodes 13-24.
Part 1 | Part 3
oh no emo boy is staging a coup // also the actor for emo boy really has peak younger sibling face
his expression is EXTREMELYY badass rn // though you still need to redeem yourself after that unneeded kissing of girlie
omg i think batman actually cares about his friend, he just laid his head down ectremely gently
does batman love his bestie enough to transfer his cultivation? // omg he DOES
i LOVE me some depth to my villains
oh jin guangshan is the god of thunder and lightning! its always the king of the gods that has that power!! the parallels to greek and indian mythology!
oh dragon boy, you were so close yet so far // i love these loyal sweet slightly naive yet super powerful and badass right hand men of the male lead // dragon boy, welcome to the club that consists of wen ning, zhong li, chuanyu, and someone from eternal love i am most certainly forgetting (mdzs/cql, who rules the world, eternal love references)
lol people wrote smut about them // i meannnn its basically celebrity real person fic
sauron: i wanted to see you // girlie: see ME?? // sauron: i wanted to see you FIX THE BOOK
boy the moment you feel ANYTHING sweet for her you double down on being a dick
lesbian shopkeeper is a hustler and has STREET SMARTS
okay i suppose i gotta cut dragon boy some slack, he is indeed a literal dragon and doesnt understand human customs
jieli is the human 'are we dating' buzzfeed quiz
sauron: its EMOTION time baby
this is the game of thrones lesbian 'teaching you how to make love to our chief' scene
girlie is actually twirling her hair ornaments around her fingers
tragic misunderstanding brothers, my jammm
sauron: i have no emotions. thus i dont love you // girlie: i am so happy that means you dont hate me // like GIRL
i love when this show does comedy man, its so funny
i mean she is literally TAKING EDIBLES
is her hair jewellery getting more and more elaborate??
honestly batman could be honest about his true plan and i think iceman would understand
batman is growing on me as well. his motivations are kinda dark lwj, actual dean winchester vibes // and he actually cares about iceman. fucking yu wuyuan WISHES he had this kinda dimensions (mdzs/cql, supernatural, who rules the world references)
jin guangshan is the true villain of this show, just like hes the only true villain in mdzs
the love triangle i do not love, but its funny that in any other show iceman and girlie would 100% be the main leads, i mean their backstory set that up PERFECTLY
god is speaking to ice god // oh its jin guangshan speaking from the sky
damn man must not even be able to jerk off without big brother watching
dragon boy: you're also an orphan? // sir there are a lot of orphans in this world
dragon boy you want to be trustworthy and honest and you're working for THE LITERAL DEVIL
catwoman has a WHIP!? of CHAINS? thats BADASS
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she fixed it??? since when did she magically gain THAT ability
its really interesting how physical objects enter illusions and dreams // by that i mean the fucking golden leaf
'how dare you come for my people' cue ROCK GUITAR SOLO
sir you already broke the couldron once, aint batman just gonna glue it back together again?
they sure sacrifice the plot effects of the one heart curse in favor of romance quite a bit
evil god??? there is a god named evil god??
i think girlie has grown proper fond of sauron // she is acting so 'oppaaaa' aegyo-y to him rn
who tf sleeps with their arms crossed, sauron, you can be such a pouty child sometimes
i am glad they showed the effect on all the soldiers and families that die in meaningless battles
soooo since she looks like an old woman, i guess in this universe immortals do age, just really really slowly
cue the 'why are you running meme' except its sauron being chased by an emotion
oh his emotions are growing! its cause she is the goddess of xiyun that can cure anything (oop)
i think daddy was losing the war and got desperate and traumatized his kids
she is wearing more jewellery! symbolism of her falling more in love and growing more comfortable by his side?
sauron: oh NO i am feeling an EMOTION
the founder of the moon tribe is lady yan, aka princess yue heheeh (atla reference)
jieli, honey, why did you have to make things so hard for yourself and try to steal
jieli stealing makes no sense, she is a smart woman, she wouldnt take that kinda risk
so sauron here is incredibly op and the big struggle he has to overcome is dealing with his own emotions
this is a very thinly veiled metaphor for men being fucked up and emotionally repressed and the women in their lives having the responsibility (even if taken willingly) to fix the emotions
langhua is THE 'i can fix him' girlie now that she cares about him
girlie always finds her backbone whenever it comes to a man smh
i think girlie and lesbian shopkeeper should date, dragon boy and sauron should date, girlie and sauron should date, and just be a fun polyamourous quartet
daddy is a qi deviated nie mingjue (mdzs/cql reference)
if the book is burnt to ashes, how are you gonna find a random pile of ashes? how do you know its the book? // someone very conveniently collected the ashes and put them back in the original box and put the box in the throne
if the final step to the ritual is patricide, how will he successfully complete the ritual this time?
bro just became ghost rider
also why was there a throne in the bedroom of daddy?
difference between daddy and sauron and the nie bros is that nhs always knew his brother loved him very much (mdzs/cql reference)
she is INSANE to willingly jump into a whirlpool to go to the afterlife to ask a very scary demon lord if he loved his son // girlie is one dedicated pr agent
she is just supermanning through this water // and he is ironmanning through it
if the guqin was repaired by magic, why can you see the cracks?
its a tragedy innit
oh why do i get the feeling he is gonna have to kill her to win some kinda battle and control hellfire again
this dad is the exact opposite of elio's dad in cmbyn
they are practically shoving the cinematic parallels in my face
also there was absolutely NO need to get shirtless lmao he just wanted to show off
give him a hug, girlie // YES // wow // that must be his first hug since his nanny // fuck the patriarchy for not letting men hug each other
sauron with his hair down is a LOOK
emo boy wanted to spend time with his gegeee
she has huge asian mom energy by bribing him with food
i'm not sure if he still wants to take over the fairy tribe or not, this could be a potential conflict in the future
is girlie STILL in denial about her liking him? boy you like the IDEA of ice man but the actual sauron. stop lying to yourself
LMAO he's like i will kill everyone for you so you can go back homee
ice god is suffering from a sad case of second lead syndrome
wow security at the tower is BAD if she was able to sneak him out so easily
dont you dare follow him danyin // NO // do NOT // oh fuck me // ofcourse she did
i wanted some fun mortal shenanigans, not this angst
girlie there are only a few people in shuiyuntian that are worth leaving a powerful man who you've got in the palm of your hands
i think its so funny the mortal realm is called yunmeng lake
dragon boy and lesbian shopkeeper are slick wit it
so the show is shipping my bisexual icons the shopkeeper and dragon boy?? i can fuck with that
oh wow the girlies are gaslighting and manipulating love that for them
you mean to tell me a mansion of this size was simply up for sale???
being a brothel entertainer is probably what being an idol was like
DID BISEXUAL SHOPKEEPER JUST EAT A RAW BHINDI (a bhindi is a ladysfinger vegetable)
the voice actor is giving the ice mans dad so much more oomph than the actor
oh god mortal ice man is gonna fall for fake mortal girlie
sauron: what is this strange illness that has befallen me // dragon boy: idk man but i have it too // me: WUV
daddy again? i thought we were done with this arc // but i guess you cant heal from trauma that easily
that moon is huge, at this size it would most definitely flood the earth
i wonder whether lady si ming will make an appearance in this story
motral jack frost was BORN with the jade??? did it also come out of his mortal moms fanny??
sauron: jealousy jealousyy
jack frost, being the true artist that he is, getting creative in the middle of the night
the way you can tell that girlie is well and truly over jack frost is that she seems excited about his match with lady war
and that kids, is what you call a self fulfilling prophecy
this is a whole grown ass man, and theyre making him go back to school??
JACK FROST CALLED SAURON HIS ZHIJI??? // proof that polyamory is always the answer
finally!! the batman and lady war backstory i have been waiting for
honestly i am all for destroying shuiyuntian, i have no reason to side with the so called heroes of this show
what is it with disciples that are unhealthily attached to their masters and are willing to go to literally any lengths to revive them after dying // the sam and dean style of unhealthy attachement (eternal love, supernatural references)
human jack frost is such a simp
how is it ep 23 and there still hasnt been a love confession
so sauron is a makeup artist too?? // the james charles of ugly makeup??
i love when incredibly powerful men are vain bitches
they are beneficial conqueror vs peace loving hippie couple
jack frost is a playboy but he will never steal another mans love. it doesnt matter if the woman says no, the only barrier in his road is another man laying claim
siblings or dating: cdrama edition
pissy and bitchy dongfang qingcang IS SO FUNNY I AM DYINGG
dont just tell me that catwoman killed everyone, SHOW ME // i wanna SEE her go on a murderous rampage
honestly the bisexual power couple's dynamic, jieli and shangque, is suited to my taste. her just bullying him and him liking it
girlie has incest on her mind
"asking for a friend"
not jieli actually saying 'i am not like other girls'
jieli is a BUSINESSWOMAN she has no time for ROMANCE
girlie is having deja vu
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This was it for episodes 13-24! There will definitely be a part 3 for the last 12 episodes.
PS: I alternate between calling changheng ice god and jack frost, and variations, but they are the same person!
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Tw: Step siblings relationship,toxic relationship,angst,break up,shows emo side of a character, cheating
Moon had a hard time during her childhood. Her mother, Aria resented moon and neglected her. Moon had resented her mother, she wasn't stupid she knew her mother didn't want her. Aria still loved moon though. (mostly moons mother ivory)
Moon was alone through her earlier years, she earned two friends from the orphanage nextdoor /Shadow and Leo. During they're breaktime they would talk from the windows and they became very close friends.
Aria was aware of this and thought of a bright idea of letting shadow and Leo live at their house so Moon wont be as alone,she didn't adopt them legally though. Moon was so happy with this news.
She grew up with her bestfriends, they treated each other as siblings and called themselves sis/bro. Moon was a vocalist in a big/ HUGE HUGE band but she retired early. She was a damn millionaire at the age of 19. Shadow was a hot guitarist in the band and shadow and moon were most adored by fans.
Everything was good with her, as she grew up in her earlier stage. She developed some feelings for her older brother, sweet home alabama right? But she Leo and shadow knew that they weren't real siblings...so it ain't a problem... right..?
Each sibling has a talent,
With shadow growing up learning about ninja dark magic because of one scholarship that one of Arias boyfriends gave to Shadow.
Moon possession of the powers of the ruby necklace, but she doesn't know that yet. Also, moon still keeps on the necklace even though she doesn't know anything about it. It's a pretty necklace and it suits her, SHE NEVER TAKES IT OFF.
Leo is like, better at everything. Smarter than everyone,faster than everyone..hotter than everyone? Etc..
Shadow,moon,Leo had moved in together in a luxury apartment that shadow and moon could totally afford.
Even when shadow and moon were like the hot couple of the decade it was toxic. Shadow played with Moon's feelings most of the time before getting a relationship with moon and moon was just head over heels in love..
To much love.
One night, Leo went out drunk and robbed a bank. Shadow and moon went out to help the police find him cuz he's not going far drunk.
While searching around the city, Shadow and moon were separated and shadow and another police officer, Casey. They talked about stuff while searching for Leo and exchanged numbers,They quickly became the bestest of friends and shadow would flirt with her time to time.
They found Leo in a arcade using the bag of coins to pay for arcade coins.
As shadow and Casey were saying they're goodbyes moon jumped on shadows back like a fangirl, "Ofcourse, I was a fool to think he didn't have a girlfriend he's to.... Everything for me! I was a food to think he'd every like me.." Cassey thought.
Days, weeks, months to 2 years passed.
Moons and shadows relationship is a mess.
Moon was obsessively in love
Shadow was the same, but not to moon..
To cassey..
Shadow went out of the house, moon told him to take a walk because he was getting way to pale, like a ghost.
moon finds shadows phone ringing from a someone... "Cassey❤" she didn't answer the call, but she went through the messages.
What the FUCK!?!?
She scrolls through the messages
You know, I wish you were my girlfriend instead
Shadow, you have a girlfriend! Oh common, sometimes she could be a brat and a creep. She's probably madly in love with me
Still, she's still your girlfriend!
Her eyes dwell up in anger.
Good night cassey babe <33
Goodnight shadoww❤❤
He barely says goodnight to me..
Happy valentines day cassey! I sent you flowers<3 I think I hid it behind the door, sorry I can't greet you in person my girlfriend would murder you haha.. You really gotta tell her.. I appreciate all this but I would date you if you were single. Don't worry cass, I'll break up with her if she doesn't get useful anymore.. Like... You know... Doing all of the things! Hahaha! okay..
She reads the earliest chat.
I think I'm gonna break up with her today.
shadow, please let her down gently...you don't know how she'll react.. Especially of all your lovey dovey stuff on me the past 2 years.. Dont worry bunny...we'll be together soon
moon shakes and crys angrily on the floor. She was madly in love with this dude, she did everything in the relationship. Shadow never really commit to the relationship, never called moon a nickname, never greeted her on her birthday, valentines or any holiday!
Shadow comes back with a smile.
"Moon, I've got something to tell you.."
They sat down on the couch
"I've been meaning to tell you...we should break up- "
"Yeah so you could go to your side chick who you were hiding for 2 FUCKING YEARS, WHILE I LOVED YOU IN EVERY WAY POSSIBLE"
"How did you-"
Moon teared up
"i-if y-you love her more than me.. I'LL JUST HAVE TO FUCKING ELIMINATE THE COMPETITION"
Moon raged, probably over reacted...but unfortunately, she did overreact, suddenly the ruby necklace was shaking, like it's about to burst. The gem cracked, just a small crack.
Moon and shadow was stunned to see the purple light of energy coming out of the necklace, but in a flash. The energy ball got bigger and surrounded moon.
Something changed when she was seen again, her hair became purple with lighter violet highlights, a energy scrapped halo... A brand new fit! And.. A scythe..
The ruby necklace turned into another form.
something also came out... Or a someone..? a girl who looks like a demon.. Red hair red skin tone and stereotypical devil wings and horns
She was arguing with moonstone, she turned around to see shadow.
??? : shadow you should go and find your chick and protect her...
"Hahahaha..... HAHAHHAHA!!! I'm finally out! NOTHING CAN STOP ME NOW...."
"OHHH~ is that moons love interest? HAHAHAHAHHA! Pathetic!! But whatevs!I'm gonna fucking kill your pathetic girlfriend~"
"moonrock don't do this!"
"Dont be so sensitive charlotte! I'M JUST DOING MY JOB~"
"I am to! Your crossing the line!!"
Moonstone chases after shadow with a big grin, shadow runs as fast as he could to cassey and protect her.
"now now~ don't be so protective~ this is what you get for being a CHEATER! HAHAHAHAHHA-"
moonstone raises her hand to the sky where a ball of energy forms and was about to kill them with it.
Moonstone fell to the ground when an energy blade was stabbed into her.
Shadow and cassey screams on the sight of moonstone and the demon girl.
Don't worry, energy Blades are basically a power sleeping pill.
She helps shadow and cassey and let them go, she picks up moonstone which is slowly fading into moon and takes her to moons home
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permanentreverie · 3 years
So I just finished the first season of never have I ever
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genshin-hours · 2 years
streamer!xiao au hcs 🎮 (gn reader)
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a/n: hey besties. everyone seemed to like the streamer au hcs, so i might try making some more. so enjoy streamer xiao lol
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if xiao was in modern times, i still see him as being a more withdrawn person in general
you probably met him at school or something like that and he found out you both play the same game
he didn't tell you he was a streamer, and you didn't find out until you started dating and saw his page online
he is lowkey awkward about it, but he relaxes when you tell him you think it's cool
when he gets more comfy with you, he likes it when you're in the room with him while he streams, just out of the camera's view
his room is very neat and tidy i think, so if you sit on his bed you gotta fix it after
i don't see him as being like greasy(?). he's very reserved and probably emo in modern times. but he takes care of himself and his belongings.
his viewers probably try flirting with him but he's definitely the type to be like "😐 anyways-"
you don't ever have to wonder if xiao likes someone else because it takes xiao forever to even develop feelings, so the fact that you guys are even dating is surprising but congrats
if people see you on camera, they'll definitely ask about you he will ignore them 💀 he keeps his public and personal life separate fr
though in the future, he wouldn't be opposed to introducing you formally to all of his viewers. he just doesn't see the significance of their opinions on his relationship
(he has also seen how some people will tear down the partners of influencers, and he doesn't want that to happen to you)
anyways, more about xiao lmao.
he definitely cusses under his breath with a lot of "useless!"s
his viewers definitely spam the chat like "his voice 😩" and "he's so hot when he's mad damn" or "chillll"
xiao's patience can be real thin if he is on a losing streak or his characters/teammates keep dying
sometimes when he gets tired of being irritated, he co-ops with you and just collects materials or whatnot. he doesn't really get the point of just walking around aimlessly or spinning and jumping, but if it makes you happy then he's fine with it
xiao would be the type to carry you in domains. idc how good your builds are because xiao is somehow amazing at video games lmao
his viewers think it's cute how he goes soft when he keeps co-oping with that one person (you ofc)
anywaysss. xiao definitely drinks energy drinks idc. he doesn't get any energy from them, though. he probably just drinks it because he likes how the cans look idk
xiao has a nice gaming setup and he constantly cleans all of his stuff. you wont find a speck of dust on anything okay?
he is also probably a decent spender on gacha games because he isn't very lucky (claims he has bad karma...👀)
anyways this was all over the place but uh yeah. stan streamer!xiao
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base0h · 2 years
Can I pls get hcs for luffy and law with a male s/o that has a higher bounty than them and has stronger powers that can easily make them a emperor if they were to get caught on the news
a/n - why yes ofc anon :) I feel like this is gonna be chaotic on specifically Luffy’s part 😭
Warnings ⚠️ - male reader, chaos
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- you don’t even know how hyped he is
- like.
- he is SO EXCITED
- but also kinda jealous
- kinda jealous
- he goes back and forth lmao 💀
- immediately wants to fight you
- he wants to see if he can at least hold his own against you
- when you beat his ass you better give him cuddles bec he’ll be all pouty 🙄
- he will refuse to talk until he eats meat
- it always makes him feel better 😭
- ok yes he’s a bit hurt that you have a higher bounty than him
- he’s just competitive like that ✨
- but! He’s also super excited about it
- He loves having you by his side while knowing you’re literally one of the strongest people in the world
- sometimes he wonders why you won’t become a Yonko but that’s your decision :)
- oh dw he still protects you lmao
- he still can’t get over the fact that you don’t really need rescuing but he’ll do anything for you 🥺
- He shares his meat only with people he’s super close to, and those who he thinks are pretty admirable!
- and with that, he’ll share his meat without a second thought with you :)
- just don’t eat it all or else he might start getting bratty 💀
- if you ramble about your powers, he’ll gladly show you all of his!!
- he LOVES exchanging power showdowns
- god he gets so excited whenever he sees one of your moves
- it’s like his eyes sparkle 🥹✨
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- his first reaction was like: …. Good job
- and then he got excited after a couple days-
- idk why he couldn’t just skip to the “he’s happy for you” part but he’s law so let’s let him be lmao
- He’s actually not surprised at all
- man knows you’re REALLY powerful
- He always thought you would become a yonko at some point, even when he first laid eyes on you
- Oh god you have to rescue him sometimes right??
- man will be so embarrassed
- You’re carrying him bridal style while running away 💀
- pls he turns into Kid’s hair color 😭
- Man FREAKS OUT whenever you come to rescue him (which isn’t that often but it still happens)
- he always says: “I don’t need saving y/n. I’m fine.”
- *About to be roasted alive over an open flame*
- law finds it difficult to accept help from you bec he feels bad that he’s not the one doing it to you :(
- ok please just get yourself captured and let him save you so he’ll feel better about himself 😭
- He finds that he feels a bit weak when you always gotta rescue his ass
- Reassure him that he’s perfect the way he is and that you find it kinda cute
- he might melt and die tho 😭
- He still doesn’t know even why you manage to carry him bridal style every single damn time when you rescue him 💀
- honestly I’d pay to see someone carry law bridal style 🙄
- You’re amazing, and he fucking knows it
- You got a higher bounty than him? He’s not jealous at all! (Unlike mr rubber man)
- he’s actually very proud of you :D
- Emo boy loves how strong you are 🥺
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a/n - this is barely proofread I’m so sorry- 😭
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compressingsins · 3 years
An Owls Cry
Requested by; @aestetikwoi (it's not highlighting your name) :(
Pairing; Hard Dom! Bokuto x chubby f!reader
Warning; Dom, virgin Bokuto, sub, virgin reader, body praise, love marks, rough sex, overstimulation, aftercare, teenage love, overstimulation makes reader cry
Summary; Bokuto is so oblivious sometimes, and you knew this when you started dating. You know you're plus sized, but why do people have to rub it in your face, when you're insecure about it.
When you invite him over to your house for a sleepover, because your parents are gone, he realizes how you're acting and then his emo mode is activated. You barely give him attention, and he takes note that you're upset.
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There he is! Your boyfriend, Kotarou Bokuto, practicing with his teammates. You came in to give him his breakfast, you always make for him. Every morning, you make him breakfast that consist of meat buns, pork chops, chicken and some sides.
You know he loves meat, and you told him you didn't mind cooking for him. You two are still in school, but you act like you're already married which you both love. You wrap his lunch box with owl wrappings, and a yellow bow.
He absolutely loves it, when you do that and seeing him smile, brightens your entire day. As you were walking up, with a great big smile, you stopped once you saw some girls giving him food.
You know how he is with food, and you knew he'd accept it. Though, he looked like he was enjoying it way to much for comfort. Akaashi saw you, and gestured for you to come to them. You shrugged and awkwardly smiled before shaking your head.
He knew what the problem was, obviously. Your boyfriend is too oblivious, not even sensing that those girls are flirting with him. Akaashi glanced over to Bokuto, and then began jogging your way.
Akaashi is your bestfriend, and has been since your first year. He's the one who helped Bokuto to confess to you. Bokuto asked you halfway through your first year, so you've been together for a while.
"Goodmorning, Y/N." Akaashi smiled at you, and embraced you in a hug he always welcomes you with. "You alright?" He could see the hurt and sadness in your face.
You shrugged. "Yeah-" You looked over his shoulder to see your air headed boyfriend, still enjoying himself with other girls food. Then, you sighed and looked back at Akaashi. "-I'm fine."
This may have happened before, but you haven't seen it. "He doesn't want them Y/N-" You looked him in the eyes, knowing that's what was crossing your mind. "-he's just too oblivious to understand what flirting is." He sighed.
You knew that was the case. Your boyfriend is too focused on volleyball, to even know what certain actions are. Even with the fawning all over him, he still doesn't understand.
Though, you still have your doubts. You know guys mainly prefer slimmer girls, and that's what they are. Slim, healthy, and pretty which always make you insecure.
Akaashi knows how you feel about skinny girls around your boyfriend. He also knows that girls will practically do anything to be with Bokuto, and himself. But, he also knows that Bokuto is strung out on you.
All Bokuto ever talks about, whenever him and Akaashi are messaging, is you. You're the main topic to his life's story, and Akaashi knows it. Bokuto just doesn't know that he makes you feel this way.
He doesn't even neccesarily know about your insecurities. You've told him before, but he just forgets the next day when he practices in volleyball. You never really minded his obliviousness, you actually found it cute, but not in situations like this.
"Y/N-" Akaashi called, your eyes snapping up to his face.
"Yeah?" You asked, looking at him then slightly glancing at Bokuto. Everytime you see it, it nearly breaks you.
"You know, even though Bokuto's my bestfriend, I can say this." Your left eye hitched in a questioning manner. "I know, you're my bestfriend too but you're so beautiful, okay?"
Your heart fluttered, knowing that Akaashi was always straight forward. Though, you knew he's only your bestfriend and you're only his. That's all you two want, but sometimes Akaashi, wishes he confessed to you before Bokuto.
He was about to, but he knows Bokuto would forever be in Emo mode, if he had confessed back then. Akaashi can settle on being your bestfriend, and won't cross that line of trying to force his love on you. He appreciates your friendship, in all honesty.
He's happy you're with Bokuto, but he doesn't like it sometimes. Though, he doesn't complain. "I know, your insecurities Y/N, but you need to know that you're absolutely, beautiful."
Your lip began quivering. "No, I'm not..." You sighed, your heart nearly breaking just seeing your boyfriend still with those girls. He's still laughing with them, and hasn't even acknowledged that you were here, yet.
"Yes, you are Y/N-" Your gaze averted to Akaashi, once again. "-I'd prefer you, over any of those skinny girls." He then smirked playfully. "Your body, is like a pillow."
You chuckled and shook your head. "Well, Ko doesn't seem to like it." That phrase alone, almost made you cry. Your boyfriend loves hugging you, but sometimes you can't help but think it's for show.
Even if you been together for so long, you just can't help but let your insecurities take over. The thought of seeing him with someone else, really fucking disturbs your entire being. You've been broken too many times, therefore, this'll hurt if an on recurring theme happens again.
Your mind was stuck in a trance. An awake nightmare that only lasted thirty seconds. You didn't even notice Akaashi gently grasping your shoulder. He shook you, and then your eyes fluttered to his face. "Y/N?"
"Huh?" Confused, you were. You almost forgot what was happening, shaking your head to brush it off. "Actually, Kei..." You sighed, and smiled faintly. "I've gotta go to class y'know... before I'm late." You pointed back, as you began walking.
"You're not going to give Bokuto his breakfast?" He asked, looking at the box before back up at you. You looked down and nodded.
"Oh-" You walked closer to him, and held the box in his face. "-can you give it to him, for me? I don't wanna..." You sighed and looked over at Bokuto. "...go over there, with them."
He grabbed the box and looked at it, "Uh... sure, Y/N." He looked up at you, as you smiled slightly before turning. You were about to leave until you heard...
"HEY HEY HEY, Y/N!" Bokuto nearly shouted and ran to you with open arms. You didn't even turn to him, only letting him embrace you and hold you in the air.
You smiled a little at this, but you didn't let it be seen. Those girls, however, didn't like what they were seeing. Akaashi knows those girls a game and plan.
They only want to get with Bokuto, so they can have fame around the school. Being the ace's girlfriend, is something to kind of brag about. You however, didn't care for school fame and popularity.
Those girls did, though. Most of them try to use Bokuto to get close to Akaashi, and he knows it. He doesn't want them though, so he just focuses on his grades and volleyball.
"Hey, Ko..." You chuckled a little, when he turned you to face him. Now face to face, he's still holding you up in the air. His arms around your back, squeezing you slightly. His smile was like no other, always brightening your days.
Those yellow eyes were always piercing your heart, filling it to the max with more love you could ever have had for him. "Hey babe!" Bokuto kissed you, which you returned with passion.
You're still sad, but you don't want him to see you unhappy. You know he'll be in his sad mode, which you don't like seeing. Though, you think it's cute but when he sees you, it instantly goes away.
The kiss was quick, but it was elegant and sweet. You pulled away and he smiled, once more brightly. He let you down, now towering over you with his arms still around your waist.
He always does this. Clinging onto you, which you truly love. His touch is always so calming and relaxing, which calms your nerves. You nearly forgot about those girls, until you caught a glimpse of them.
You sighed and fixated your gaze back upon your boyfriend. You smiled to act as if you didn't see those girls, which you full well know you did. If he knew you were sad, he'd get sad and you don't want that for yourself nor the team or Akaashi.
"Hey Ko." You smiled, and so did he. "Here's your-" You looked around for Akaashi and took his breakfast box, out of Akaashi's hands. "-your breakfast."
His mouth was watering at the sight, then instantly, he embraced you in another hug. You were happy that he's happy. "Thank you so much Babe!" His hugs are always good. That's another thing you love so much about him. Although, you love everything about him.
He grabbed the breakfast you made, and opened it. His eyes nearly twinkled, your food always delicious. Everytime he sees your food, his heart expands with how much you make for him and all the effort you put into it.
"Oh boy, this looks delicious!" He didn't even say grace, only stuffing his face immediately. You chuckled and smiled, his face so cute whenever it's full of food. He was getting food everywhere, so you pulled out a napkin.
"Ko-" He stopped with a hum, food still stuffed in his mouth. Raising the napkin, you reached to his face and wiped the smeared slightly on his face. "you're getting food all over your face."
He tensed at your touch at first, but relaxed as your hand moved over his skin. You balled the napkin up in your hand, and began rubbing his cheek getting the rest of the food. He was froze, your soft touch softening his eyes.
He leaned into your hand, the girls behind you getting angered and agitated with this. You gulped and retracted your hand from him, almost shyly. "Well, I'll see you tonight, right?" He looked at you almost confused.
"What, you're leaving already?" His hair slightly began drooping. "But why?" He stopped eating, getting all sad which you didn't like. You frowned, and approached him.
His puppy dog face, whenever he's sad, hurts you. "I've gotta go to class, Ko. I'll see you tonight, okay?" He was still sulking though, his heart sinking in his chest.
"But Y/N..." He was genuinely sad, and it nearly broke your heart. You know you always stay an hour during his morning practice, but you just needed to go away for now. You knew those girls weren't leaving yet, but you didn't say anything about it.
You embraced him in a hug, holding him close to your plush body. You didn't want to let go though, only tightening it once he hugged you back. "I love you, so much okay Ko?" Your face rubbed in his chest, then looked up to his eyes. "I'll see you tonight, okay?"
Once you said those three words, he smiled and hugged you tighter. "I love you so much, Y/N!" His hold was tight, really tight that could almost pop you but you loved it. You can't get enough of his hugs.
Once he let you go, you kissed him once more before leaving. "I'll see you later, okay babe?" He smiled brightly and nodded, watching as you walked away.
Akaashi then walked up to Bokuto. "Bokuto, you need to stay away from those girls over there." He pointed. "It's obvious from Y/N leaving early, you did something."
Bokuto however, was highly confused. "Akaashi! What do you mean by, I did something?! She had class to go to!" He almost shouted at his bestfriend. He was completely unaware of what he did, but Akaashi needed him to know. If he doesn't, it'll possibly lead to you breaking up with Bokuto.
"Yeah, that may be part of it but-" He pointed to the girls, Bokuto was previously with. "-she didn't like those girls all over you, which you were too oblivious to notice." Akaashi crossed his arms.
Bokuto was dumbfounded. You were... jealous? "Wait..." He looked down and back up all dramatically. "...you're telling me I made Y/N jealous?!" Akaashi simply nodded, arms still crossed. "If Y/N's jealous then that means..." His hair began drooping. "I made Y/N... sad."
Akaashi gasped, knowing what this is about to lead to. His Emo mode, which he doesn't necessarily want to deal with. He sighed, preparing himself to calm Bokuto down.
"I-" Bokuto started making Akaashi slightly anxious. "-don't deserve Y/N!" He waved his hand backwards, insinuating his seriousness. "I made her sad! For all I know, she's probably crying right now!"
He began rambling. Akaashi sighed as he touched Bokuto's shoulder, stopping him to look at him. "Bokuto, listen-" Akaashi sighed, as Bokuto was about to say something else. "-Y/N loves you, and wouldn't break up with you, okay?"
Bokuto was shocked. "She's in love with you and don't want to get rid of you, alright? She was just hurt by that situation. You know, being touched by those girls is something she didn't like." Akaashi explained.
"Really?" He asked, nearly on the verge of tears. He's so in love with you, but he just didn't understand what he was doing. He doesn't want to lose you because of his own mistake, he did not realize was occurring.
Akaashi nodded. "Yes, really Bokuto." Akaashi was nearly always serious, but Bokuto could hear it in his tone and see it in his expression. "She doesn't want anyone else but you, which is weird." He smirked a little, being sarcastic with his remark.
Bokuto cheered up and smiled, slightly. "So what do I do? I don't wanna lose my Y/N, Akaashi..." He sounded so broken, and torn away from you. He felt like any minute now, you'd text him to break up with him.
"You're going to her house, tonight right?"
"Yeah, for a sleepover."
Akaashi nodded. "Then maybe, you should just apologize to her. It's not much you should do, just tell her that you're only dedicated to her because that-" Again pointing back, not caring if they saw. "-didn't seem like you wanted her."
Bokuto gasped and stumbled back. "I surely don't want them!" He didn't even care, if they heard him. "They're not my type at all! I only want my baby, Y/N! She's so beautiful, and nobody can tell me different!" He was borderline screaming this time.
The girls looked hurt from this, but he doesn't care. It's not his problem, so why should he care. You're the only one he wants, so he's going to be blunt about it and say fuck them girls.
He walked away from Akaashi and over to the girls and snatched his jacket, from one of them. "Give me!" He shouted while taking it, he took his other things that were around them and went over to Akaashi again.
He placed his things on the floor by his bag. Akaashi must say, he's impressed with what his bestfriend did. Bokuto never is blunt with people like that, so for him to do that, it was quite impressing and satisfying to watch.
Akaashi looked back at the girls to see them scrambling out the gym. He was trying so hard not to laugh, biting his lip to conceal it. He turned back to Bokuto and smiled. He walked over to him and sat beside him, on the opposite bench.
"That was... impressive Bokuto." Bokuto was pouting with his arms crossed, but he was listening to Akaashi. Bokuto's proud of himself as well, so he can't help the smile that's slowly curling on his lips.
Akaashi meant what he said. He doesn't typically praise Bokuto, unless he's in that Emo mode of his. This time though, it was truly needed.
"You better tell Y/N you love her, right now, though." He said, knowing that you're probably still feeling down from this.
Bokuto jumped up. "Yeah!" He went to his bag and pulled out his phone. Once he turned the screen on, seeing you and him as his wallpaper, he sees that he already has a message from you already.
A message that says; I love you...
His heart was beating out his chest. She didn't break up with me! He was relieved, and really happy to see that you haven't broken up with him. He can't stop his huge smile, but he still feels a little bad.
He sent his message but didn't close out the text chat. He always wait for you to text back, whenever he's not busy. As soon as he saw the three bubbles, his smile widen even more just waiting for your reply.
'I love you more Ko. So so much and I miss you...'
He's now flustered, loving how you miss him. He misses you more, and honestly he can't wait till he can come over. He knows he has to apologize, and that's exactly what he plans on doing.
You yawned loudly, tired and waiting for your parents to leave. You're laying on your bed, waiting for your boyfriend to come over. Your parents know about him coming over, for you're the one who asked.
Of course they approved, but they are cautious just a little. Bokuto's been over to your house before and has met your parents, and they love him. From his personality, they know he isn't the type to try anything on their daughter.
Necessarily, they're not too worried about it. You wrapped your covers around your body tighter, snuggling up to keep warm in the fairly cool room. You always kept the A.C on, because it's comfortable when you're warm as well.
You're not really paying attention to the television, just letting it play as background noise. You kept getting cute texts from your boyfriend whos on his way right now. He won't stop texting you, which you kept giggling at. He's so adorable!
About twenty more minutes pass, and you get a text from Bokuto saying that he's here. You're so excited, but you remembered that your parents are here.
Your dad grasped your bedroom doorknob and turned it, only peaking his head through. You jumped slightly at the unexpected burst through the door. "Y/N!"
"Dad!" You shouted, as you sat up on your bed and throwing your covers off. "I wish you'd knock instead of almost knocking my door off the freaking wall."
He chuckled. "Well, your boyfriend is here." You nodded lazily, already knowing that your boyfriend is here. "If you want him to come in then-"
You pushed pass your dad. "I know Dad, I know he's here stop being lame." You scoffed, which he only laughed at. He followed behind you as you walked to the front door of your house.
You could hear his voice, as you approached. He was talking to your mother about something, but you didn't know what. Once he saw you, he smiled brightly and you could tell he wanted to hug you.
Your mom let him in, as her and your dad slipped out. They were hugging onto each other as Bokuto gave you a quick hug. You both had one arm around each other, while your parents did the same.
"Now, Kotaro, I want you to take care of our little girl, okay?" Your dad said, with a hint of worry in his voice. Bokuto nodded and said yessir. "Y/N, you take care of the house and remember-" He paused to see if you remembered what he always told you.
"I know Dad, I know-" Bokuto looked down at you with adoration. "-make sure to lock up the house, after you leave." He jumped like a little kid, which you found so lame.
"Have a good time honey-" Your mom winked to you. "-you too, Kotaro." She smiled, making him smile too.
They began walking to the car, but your dad kept turning to say something. "You know where everything is-"
"Okay hun." Your mom kept interfering, trying to get him to stop talking.
"The snacks-" He continued. Your mom kept trying to stop him. "-all the movies. Everything." You closed the door as he kept talking, which you know he's going to be pretty bummed out about once they get back.
"Goodbye-" You said, closing the door with one hand on your hip. When you turned around, you saw Bokuto staring at you. "-what?" You asked him.
"Nothing babe, your parents are so cool!"
You shook your head as you walked pass him, as he followed behind. "My Mom is but my Dad-" You rolled your eyes. "-he's so lame sometimes, I swear." You walked in your kitchen and leaned on the counter.
Bokuto came in with you and placed his bag, that he brung over. "I think he's cool all the time, babe."
You rolled your eyes. "You have no idea." You sighed. "So, did you get here safely, babe?" You asked him.
He nodded with a bright smile. "Yeah! I missed you so much!" He unzipped his bag and started pulling things out. "So I bought you some stuff!" Well, you're excited.
"Babe, I told you-"
"I know-" He cut you off quickly. "-but I wanted to apologize to you Y/N. I know how I made you feel today, and I'm so sorry." You titled your head, a little confused as to what he's referring to. He saw your look and said, "Those girls."
You nodded with closed eyes. "It's fine Ko, it hasn't even been on my mind honestly."
"I know!" He came over to you quickly, which shocked you. "And I know I don't deserve you!" Your eyes were wide, and you tried stopping him. "I love you so much! I didn't even realize they were flirting with me, I promise!"
You didn't know what to say. The way he's pouring so much emotion into this, has you on the verge of tears. "Kotaro..." You mumbled.
"But Y/N please!" He grabbed both of your hands, staring into your eyes. You almost broke once you saw his eyes watering up. "Please don't leave me, I'm sorry!"
He kept repeating that over and over as you instantly hugged him. He was nearly crying, but you rubbed his hair and his back to let him know that you already forgave him.
"It's okay Kotaro..." You whispered against his shoulder. He was sobbing, slightly then wrapped his arms around your body hugging you tightly. "...I don't and won't leave you, okay?" You confessed. "It was just a simple mistake, and I don't hate you for it at all. I love you so much... I love you..."
His grip on your body tightened, now pulling you up to wrap all the way around his body. His head was in your neck, and so was yours. You could feel water drops falling on your shoulder, but you didnt mind it.
Your eyes were watering too, and tears began to fall. You were shocked at how fast this escalated. Already, you knew Bokuto was in love with you and still is. There's no doubt about it, especially when he's crying over you.
Both of you embraced each other for a while, not wanting to let go for a second thinking each other would be gone if you did. Once you pulled away, you both looked at each other and laughed softly.
"Don't cry-" You said said. "-even though, it's cute." He smiled and kissed you once, then twice, then a third time which got heated. On the fourth kiss, he held it and suckled at your lips.
His lips were slightly rough, but you loved them. Your lips were soft with cherry blossom lip balm, that he can't seem to get enough of.
Wrapping his arms back around you, he picked you up and placed you on the counter. Without wasting any time, he opened your legs and settled between them.
His strong hand went to your head, as he began pulling you closer to his face until your lips came in contact. When kissing, Bokuto was always nearly eating your face off.
His lips would fully cover yours, occasionally sticking his tongue in your mouth and suck on yours. Sometimes, it'd do too far. Like now, he's rutting his hips into your thigh.
You push at his chest. "Ko-" But he kept dominating your mouth, and rutting his hips into your thigh. You're both virgins, so you know this can escalate. "Babe, stop." You sighed, breaking the kiss.
He looked so disappointed. "But, why? I wanna show you how sorry I am." He began pressing kisses to your neck. His hands now roaming your body, while his mouth was placing kisses all over you.
You tried stopping him, but when his clothed member brushed up agaisnt your crotch, you moaned. He felt that too and angled his hips to brush up against your clit.
His wondering hands slid down your back, to your bottom to pull you harder agaisnt his restrained cock. You could feel it bulging, the thickness of it slightly scarring you.
He pressed himself harder into your clit, so he can grind and create extra friction agaisnt your nub. He kept rutting his hips into yours, everytime you tried pushing him away. He was groaning against your skin, as you were moaning and keeping a firm grip on his shoulders.
As you were enjoying the feeling in your lower region, Bokuto ceased all movements including the ones on your neck and face. You whimpered in disappointment, until he picked you up and placed you in his arms as a seat.
Without a second, he latched his mouth back onto yours as he walked to your bedroom. He's been in there before too, so he knows it all too well. Wrapping one arm around you, he used his free hand to push your door open.
As soon as he put you down, his arms wrapped back around you and his knee went in between your crotch, bumping your heated nub. His knee began moving back in fourth, as his mouth was latched onto your neck.
It was going way too fast, but you didn't want him to stop honestly. Bokuto hit a sweet spot on your neck and began sucking, once he heard your sweet soft moan. You could feel his smile on your neck and your hands went to his shoulders.
Your moans couldn't be concealed. His tongue was ghosting over your sweet spot, tickling it and leaving a mark. Your nails dug into his shoulders, making him groan and thrust his knee harder into your crotch. Your body was betraying you, the wetness of your cunt slipping out.
"You taste good~" Bokuto groaned agaisnt your neck. "Can't nobody touch you, but me Y/N~" His voice was filled with lust, which wasn't really how Bokuto was. You were slightly pissed that he was placing hickeys on your neck, where everyone can see it.
Bokuto removed his hands from your body and lightly pushed you onto the bed. His hands went to your thighs, giving you a firm squeeze before he pushed your legs open. Bokuto was really fast, once his body layed flushed against yours, his fingers looped into the band of your panties.
You shuddered, but he kissed you so you wouldn't stop him. His index finger slid against your slit, lightly grazing your clit. You moaned into his mouth, which he allowed his tongue to slip in.
Bokuto stopped kissing you and sat up on his knees to look at your exposed bottom. Your hands went to your face, because you've never been so vulnerable before. One of his hands grabbed both of yours and kept a tight grip on them.
"No Baby Owl, I wanna see your face~" Your eyes were closed, but when he said that you opened your eyes to stare into his beautiful yellow ones. He smiled upon seeing your face. "I don't know what I'm doing Y/N, but..." His fingers slipped to your clit and began circling it.
You never felt this before, your body slightly shivering which he loved. He loved the way you were reacting to him, your body slightly trembling. Though, he removed his fingers to stand. His hands went to his zipped up jacket to remove it.
Your face heated up as you saw how well the tank top he was wearing was complimenting his toned muscles. His arms stuck out, which your face lit up to. He didn't waste any time to pull his tank top over his head too, the lines of his abs making your cunt spasm around nothing.
He sat himself on his knees, still settled in front of you. He grabbed your legs and layed them on both of his spread open thighs. Your cunt was bare to his eyes, which he could feel his cock twitching from. His fingers went back to lightly stroking your clit, the tingles running through your nerves.
"Y/N-" You looked up to him. "-I don't know how to prepare you, but I think this is it." He didn't let you respond as his fingers swirled around your virgin hole. Your body jolted forward, already sensitive from nothing.
He was so gentle, but his rough fingers were already nearing your climax. He watched as your cunt spasmed, his thumb massaging your pearl while the other was prepping you. You were moaning softly which made Bokuto look up.
He admired your cute expression, the way your eyes closed from the feeling of his strokes. You shuddered, now his fingers moving faster to work up an orgasm. You never felt anything like this, and your orgasm was coming fast.
This would be your first orgasm, from somebody else. That's probably why it's coming more intense, than an orgasm from yourself. But when you were right on the edge, he stopped making you whine.
"Why'd you stop, Ko?" You asked.
He smirked. "I don't know how to say this but-" He looked down then back to your face. "-I want you to cum around my cock, and not my fingers."
You're face heated up, and you became a little anxious because it's your first time.
"Only if you wanna continue." He stared into your eyes, and waited for you to give him permission. He wasn't gone force you, because that's not who Bokuto is. He wants your consent, and if he doesn't got it, he won't touch you.
You nodded. "Yeah I want to continue." You told him, which he smiled to.
"Can I take off your shirt?" He stared into your eyes when he asked. You never been naked in anybody's eyes, but your own in the mirror but you love Bokuto so much. You looked away for a second and then nodded. He smiled brightly. "You're so beautiful."
He praised you before he even took your shirt off. His hands slipped under your shirt, slowly lifting it up over your head. Once he took it off, his mouth literally watered from seeing your plush body.
Your eyes were wide at his reaction. He didn't seem disgusted with your body, his hands giving your plush light squeezes. He didn't care for unclipping your bra, your body already making him fall in love with you. He didn't need to see your breast, but he still gave them attention through the fabric.
He was groaning at the contact his hands were making as they caressed your soft flesh. You were in love, because he doesn't hate your body. He loves it, and you can truly see that.
Bokuto was quick to turn you on your stomach. You were a little confused, but when you felt his hands caressing the soft flesh of your back you whined in satisfaction. His hands jiggled your rolls, which made you bury your head in the pillow.
Bokuto was in love. Your body is so beautiful to him so he wanted to see more. His hands went to the clip of your bra and unclipped it. He took it and threw it to the side, and caressed the sides of your breasts as you lay on your stomach.
He groaned in satisfaction, the feeling of your plush making his mind hazy. His hand went to your plush ass and kneaded the flesh so gently. He then leaned down and placed a kiss to your right cheek, which made you jerk in surprise.
He sat up and massaged over the kiss he placed on your cheek. "Mine..." You here him mumble from behind you. Your heart was nearly exploding, his praises making you love him more.
His hands went under the front of your thighs as he pulled you by the hips to press you to him. He watched as your cunt was dripping slick down your thighs. His finger slid up your slit, quickly.
Your body trembled in his hands, but he loved that. He loves how well your body responds to him. He grabbed the front of his pants and began yanking them down. You could hear it as it slid down.
Your breathing now a little ragged, anxious because of this. You don't want him to stop though. You could now hear him working to release himself from his boxers. You tried turning but he placed his hand on the back of your head to keep your head forward.
"No, I want it to be a surprise babe." He said, and pushed your head down in the mattress.
"Be gentle babe..." You nearly begged, as his hands began caressing your ass to sooth your nerves.
"I promise." He said, as he gripped his cock and began jerking it to prepare himself too. You could hear him spit and the spit hit his cock as lube. He doesn't want to hurt you, so he's being extra careful. "I'll try to go in slow."
You gulped and nodded as you felt him maneuver behind you. Your body shuddered, once you felt it poking at your entrance. His hand on your head went to the tip of his cock to help him push in.
His other hand went to your left cheek and lifted up the flesh to watch as he enters you. You tensed once he began ripping through your walls. He didn't stop though as you winced and tried reaching back for him.
He grabbed your hand and held it tightly, as he continued to push in. "Ko-"
"I know it hurts babe..." He sighed as your walls began spasming around the tip his cock. "...I'm sorry." He snapped his hips and buried himself balls deep inside you, making you shriek and slam your head into the mattress.
He instantly felt regret. "Babe! I'm so sorry!" He layed his chest to your back, and stayed there while rubbing soothing circles on your hips.
"It's okay..." You managed to get out. He was kissing your neck lovingly, while repeating sorry. He really didn't like you being in pain, which almost made him cry.
You felt so full though. You don't know his size, but from the feel of it you could tell he's big. The thickness and length overfilling your insides. You could feel him pulsing inside you, and the veins on his cock beating agaisnt your walls.
Once the pain subsided, you moaned of relief. Looking back, you whispered to him to move. "You can move, babe." You told him.
He smiled and placed one more kiss to your neck. Bokuto pulled out, only to sit up and grip your hips to slow drive himself back in. You both moaned in sync, his length making you moan.
Bokuto's grip was tight, his teeth clenching and eyes clenching shut. Your eyes were shut but your mouth hung open. He was moving in a slow pace trying to make sure he doesn't hurt you.
Though, you could feel his tip reaching the deepest parts of you. Your hands gripped the bedsheets, and your hips began arching into his.
He looked down to where you're connected and saw that you're already creaming around him. He was moving faster into you, now making his balls tap lightly on your clit.
"You feel... so good- fuck!- Y/N~" Bokuto moaned out. The grip your walls were contracting on his cock, nearly choking him and trapping him in.
You gripped the bedsheets tightly, no words leaving your mouth as he began picking up his pace.
You were moaning and nearly ripping the sheets up. His hips began slamming into yours, the sound of your ass clapping against his lap was resonating through the room.
He couldn't help but stare at it. Your ass jiggling and rippling agaisnt his thighs at the impact. His mouth hung open, and he pushed your arching back down as he gripped your waist to go harder.
His short nails, for volleyball, dug into your waist to thrust harder. His grasp was tight, his hips now thrusting harder into you. "Stay down babe- I'll do it for you~" His voice cracked at the end, his tip now sweetly kissing your cervix.
You both are now sweating and panting. His hair wasn't sticking up anymore, now sticking to his sweaty face and yours were sticking to your face.
You could feel your previous denied orgasm approaching. You chocked on your spit, his cock abusing your cervix. His hips moving even faster now, the veins in his cock adding extra stimulation.
Bokuto began moaning out, and so were you. His cock felt so good, the thickness nearly making you stupid. Stupid for his cock.
Bokuto laid his chest on your back, now his left arm wrapping around your neck. His hand began sliding down your stomach and to your neglected bud. His fingers began rubbing furiously, making your back arch into his hips.
The new arch in your back is making his cock abuse your cervix even more. His fingers began flicking and rubbing harder, as he slowly began pounding into you hard.
"Kotaro!" You moan-shouted.
The stimulation was nearly too much to handle. You were on the verge of tears, his cock was ramming you so good. The stimulation he's giving your body, is way too much that you can hardly handle it.
You've never felt this much pleasure from anything before. His fingers were pinching your pearl while rubbing it vigorously. You began moving your hips back to meet his deep thrusts.
Bokuto removed his hand from your clit and joined his other wrapped arm around your neck. His face was in your neck too, and you could hear his ragged breathing and deep moans in your ear.
His hips were slamming into you know, your walls instantly clamped down hard on him.
"I'm coming Ko~!" He grunted in response, his hips now slowing down so you could feel all the veins bulging against your walls. You were shaking, your walls spasming randomly on his cock.
Bokuto's hips thrusted three more times, before his tip hit your g-spot and your band snapped your toes curling. Your face dug into the bed as Bokuto's hips still moved, your orgasm ripping through your abdomen.
Your eyes rolled back inside your closed eyelids. Bokuto continued riding your orgasm out, his hips stuttering as he moaned out and spurted inside you.
You couldn't even focus on that, his moving hips still making you quiver. He sat up and gripped your waist, his eyes closed as he continued to rut in and out of you.
He let your hips go to place his hands on the sides of your head to hold his body up. You were now trembling and so was he, your cream coating his cock the sight so erratic.
"Y/N~" He moaned deeply as he slowly moved himself in and out of you, and then stopped his hips. He leaned down and placed a kiss on your shoulder blade. "I love you~" He whimpered while slowly pulling his cock out, and making your body tremble.
You honestly couldn't move. He stood up and away from you, and walked into your bathroom to wet a rag. He came back and spread your legs to clean you up.
What you can't believe, is that you let him have sex with you in your parents house. Not only that, but he came in you too. You quivered at the contact the rag made with your leaking cunt.
"Kotaro..." You whimpered.
"I know babe. I'll get you something for that but you were squeezing me so tight!" You chuckled and pushed yourself to sit up. He went back into your bathroom and rinsed the rag off.
Once he came back, he instantly cuddled with your head in his chest.
"When are your parents coming back?" He asked.
You shrugged. "I don't-" And a knock on the door cut you off. Your eyes widen as you began pushing at Bokuto's chest. "-right now!" He panicked and stood up scrambling to get your clothes.
You two shared a laugh as you were trying to get dressed. Once you did, Bokuto sat on your bed and turned the TV on to act as if you haven't done anything. He sprayed your air freshener to get rid of the smell which worked.
You walked to your door and whispered, "Act like nothing happened." Bokuto chuckled with a big smile and nodded, as you then walked to the front door.
Yeah, it was your parents coming back to get something. They didn't find out what you two did, and it made you and Bokuto laugh everytime.
He loves you so much, that he risked getting in trouble for you. He didn't mean to though, his obliviousness always getting the best of him.
You, however, don't doubt your boyfriend no more.
Okay! So this one was too long, but I did it for my requester. I really appreciated this request because, I AM IN LOVE WITH BOKUTO! All the other Haikyuu!! characters are great, but I just love Bokuto so much and wish he was real. ANYWAY, thank you requester!
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yanderecrazysie · 3 years
Hii Bestie !!
I wondering if I could request the Yandere Alphabet for Bokuto if you haven’t done that already.
HEY BESTIE! I'd love to! Bokuto reminds me so much of an overeager puppy- it's precious-
Bokuto Koutarou (Haikyuu) -The Yandere Alphabet
Warnings: yandere themes, slight mentions of marking and spanking
A is for Affection: How do they show their affection for their darling? How often do they show it? 💖 Bokuto is the epitome of affectionate. This boy wants to cuddle, kiss, hold hands, WHATEVER he can do 24/7. 💖 Although he'll want to cuddle against you and hold you bone-crushingly close, this boy can also get a little rough. His kisses can be kind of bruising and he'll want to mark up your neck a lot. B is for Blood: How messy are they willing to get for their darling? Why? 🔪 Although I can picture Bokuto being willing to fight anyone who wants to hurt you or take you away, I actually can't see him trying to kill anyone. He's pretty sure he's the best of the best, so it's not like any of those other guys can steal you away from HIM! C is for Care or Cruelty: How would they treat their darling when they kidnap them? Would they mock them? 💔 Bokuto wouldn't mock you. In fact, he'd just be over the MOON about having you with him. You'd be smothered in kisses and crushed in his hugs. He's not going to want to make you feel bad! 💔 Bokuto is the BEST at taking care of you! He knows everything you love and he's willing to get/do ANYTHING just for you! D is for Delusion: How delusional are they when it comes to their darling? Do they believe their darling loves them? 💭 Bokuto is very, very delusional. Like, this boy sees a perfect future with you and he has no doubts that you're both going to get there soon. 💭 He's like the greatest??? You couldn't turn HIM down! He's the amazing ace- Akaashi thinks he's great so you do too! Right? Of course! E is for Expose: How much of their heart do they bear to their darling? How vulnerable are they when it comes to their darling? How much time will it take to trust them? 💧 Bokuto doesn't shut up about his feelings. Going into emo mode? Check. Whining about how much he needs your attention? Check. Letting you know just how much he adores you? Check. 💧 They talk about being an open book but Bokuto is a book you'd want to CLOSE after a while. Like seriously- he. Won't. Shut. Up. F is for Fight: How would they react if their darling fought back? 👊 Cue "kicked-puppy" noise. He's going to stare up at you with wide, watering eyes. You've gotta be completely heartless if you don't feel the TINIEST bit of guilt when you see his heartbroken expression. 👊 "I-it's okay (Y/n), I forgive you, I love you, please don't fight me, please..." he's all but begging you, even after you stop fighting. He's clinging to you and sobbing into your shirt. 👊 Your flailing fists and feet aren't actually going to do any damage to that buff man but just the idea of fighting against him leaves tons of emotional scars in your wake. G is for Guilt: What would it take for them to feel guilty about their actions? Or do they feel guilty from the start? 😔 Bokuto feels bad that he went to the extremes. He KNOWS it's so so so wrong... but it feels so so so right. He LOVES you and that's the best thing, right? That makes up for everything, right? 😔 He won't ever regret his love for you though. If he has you in the end it'll be worth everything and more! No regrets, WOOO! H is for Hell: What would be their darling’s worst experience with them? 🔥 Bokuto can be a little... well... his emotions are extreme and can flip quickly. So if he's angry enough, you could get hurt. Like, he's not going to seriously injure you, but he'll be rough. You'll be shaking in your shoes for sure. I is for Ideals: What kind of future do they have in mind for/with their darling? 👩‍❤️‍👨 If Bokuto has his way, you'll be his pretty little wife and mother of a bunch of his runts. This boy will want at LEAST 3 kids. Like I picture him being that "cool dad" that roughhouses with his little boys and carries them on his back and just jokes around with them. He's practically a giant kid himself sometimes. J is for Jealousy: How easily do they get jealous? Do they lash out or find a way to cope? 💢 Bokuto gets jealous if your attention is taken away from him. Platonically, romantically, whatever. If someone's
taking your attention and it's not him, he's gonna be PISSED. 💢 Suddenly, Bokuto is 10x needier than he's ever been. He's trying to catch your gaze, interrupting your conversation, clinging to you, etc. 💢 I mean, this boy will get jealous of a video game or TV show or book you're invested in. Not just humans. Animals too... Your attention should be solely on him, ya know! K is for Kidnap: How would they go about kidnapping their darling? How much do they plan it out? 🔒 Bokuto doesn't plan- it just kind of happens. He knew he wanted to take you away from all those attention hogs (ironic) and keep you with him and him only, but he didn't really THINK about it. It just kinda happened. 🔒 Okay, but seriously, I think he might even be more surprised than you when he kidnaps you. Like this guy's just kinda like "WOAHHH This isn't a dream? I actually did this? HEY HEY HEY" L is for Love Letters: How would they go about courting or approaching their darling? 💌 One moment you're living your normal life, the next moment there's Fukurodani's ace cooing at you and you forgot to say your last goodbyes to that normal life you'll never see again. 💌 I don't think Bokuto knows how to court, to be blunt about it. Like, Akaashi might try to give him some pointers ("You're overwhelming her." "Give her room to breathe." "Try never saying that again. Ever." "Stop, you're crushing her.") but Bokuto's pretty sure he's got this in the bag. M is for Mask: Are their true colors drastically different from the way they acted before? 🎭 Bokuto's emotions are so over the map that no one's going to really tell that he's kind of losing it. Akaashi might be able to tell, but no one else will notice a difference. 🎭 Other than his overwhelming happiness and affection for you. I mean, you'd have to be blind and deaf to not realize Bokuto has a huge crush on you. He's not even remotely subtle. N is for Naughty: How would they punish their darling? 🚓 Bokuto might try to isolate you a bit but if you make him angry- like really piss him off- I think he'd literally just bend you over his lap and spank you. Like, maybe that's weird, but I can really picture him trying to brat-tame you a bit. O is for Oppression: How many rights would they take away from their darling? What rights can be earned with time and trust? 📜 Although Bokuto's kind of overbearing and suffocating, as long as you're in his line of sight and, preferably, being touched by him, you can do whatever you want. Which... isn't a lot when he's hanging on you 24/7. P is for Patience: How patient are they with their darling? 🕊️ Patience is not one of Bokuto's virtues, unfortunately. If you take too long in the bathroom, he'll come bursting through the door. Like, this boy can't stand a full 5 minutes away from you. Having privacy is not realistic, so don't get your hopes up. Q is for Quit: If their darling dies, leaves, or successfully escapes, would they ever be able to move on? 🏃‍♀️ If you die Bokuto will go into emo mode for the rest of his life. He will be completely broken without you. He's so lost without you. You know that story where the dog waited by his owner's grave for the rest of his life? That's Bokuto. 🏃‍♀️ "Escape"? Yeah, no. Bokuto gets it, you wanted a little freedom, but it's time to come home, okay? You've already had more than enough time to yourself, so he'll come find you. And once he does, you're sure as hell never leaving again. R is for Rage: How do they act when angry? How do they calm down? 👿 "Explosive rage" is the best way to describe Bokuto's anger. You CANNOT calm him down, so it's best to book it and barricade yourself in a room until he cools down. 👿 If he's mad enough, he could hurt you, so stay the fuck away from him. He'll be throwing and breaking things and just generally yelling his head off. Again, barricade yourself in a room, it's honestly your only hope. S is for Soulmate: What made them fall in love with their darling? How did they first meet? When did they realize they loved their darling? 💍 Bokuto truly is a
love-at-first-sight kind of guy, but he fell in love with you even more as he got to know you. You either met at one of his games or in some sort of shared class. I think that you would have stood out to him in a crowd. T is for Tears: How do they feel about seeing their darling scream, cry, and/or isolate themselves? 😭 Each tear falling down your face is another crack in Bokuto's heart. He really does want you to be happy and he can't understand why you aren't. His solution is to just hold you tight until you calm down, which may not help all that much... U is for Unique: Would they do anything different from the classic yandere?
👌 Bokuto is already kind of different from the others in the way that he's not afraid to put you in your place and he has plans for the future that don't really require your cooperation. He's not changing his mind, no matter how strong your feelings are one way or the other.
👌 Not to mention, he's SUPER clingy. You can't pry him off of you. There's a strong possibility that you'll end up being very, very miserable with Bokuto. He loves you but he isn't willing to compromise or meet halfway on anything. His love is kind of selfish... more so than the average yandere.
V is for Visit: Would they allow anyone else to visit their darling? Do they trust their darling to talk to their loved ones (in person, on the phone, etc.) or not at all?
🧳 Akaashi will be over often. Like, I'm not even going to pretend like Bokuto will doubt his BFF. I really don't think Akaashi will be there to save you, unfortunately...
🧳 But Akaashi doesn't get to touch you. Sorry. You belong to Bokuto and, any attention you give Akaashi, you better give 10 times that to Bokuto.
W is for Weakness: What weakness can their darling exploit in order to escape?
❌ You're lucky enough if you can detangle yourself from Bokuto's grip for more than 5 minutes, but, if you do, you can use very few things against him anyways. He's nothing but determined.
❌ If you're delicate and careful about it, you may be able to take advantage of his emotions. Fake sadness to gain his pity or get him so happy that he'll be less likely to deny your requests.
X is for Xoanon: How much would they revere or worship their darling? To what length would they go to win their darling over?
🛐 He's a bit of a worshipper, but not the classic type. He ADORES you and thinks you're absolutely perfect but... he doesn't exactly put your needs above his own. Like I said, he's a bit selfish.
Y is for Yearning: How long do they pine after their darling before they snap? 😍 It depends on how receptive you are to him. If you're trying to distance yourself from him and keep your freedom (or you just aren't interested in him that way), he's going to snap FAST. You'll find yourself in his house before you can say "HEY HEY HEY". 😍 Otherwise, if you start dating him, it'll depend on if you realize the toxicity of your relationship. If you try to break up with him or loosen his suffocating grip, you're in the same boat as if you denied him in the first place. Z is for Zero Tolerance: What is the thing that always makes them snap? What things will they not allow their darling to do under any circumstances? 0️⃣ Leave him. If you deny his affection and love, he will not be happy at ALL. He wants to wrap you up in his arms and never let go. And he really doesn't care if you don't want that. 🐣🐣🐣🐣🐣🐣🐣🐣🐣🐣🐣🐣🐣🐣🐣🐣🐣🐣🐣🐣🐣🐣🐣🐣🐣 THAT TOOK SO LONG I'M SO SORRY- I feel like I portrayed him to be a little worse than he is- he really does love you!
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