#i WILL delete it without responding
What's your opinion on Hawks killing Twice and still supporting Endeavor? How do see the DabiHawks ship after this? (for example I only ship them outside of canon now. Are you the same or do you think their relationship is salvageable in canon?)
I hope I don't come across as mean, I'm just curious about your opinion. I don't hate Hawks or anything, I'm just disappointed in how his character was handled.
honestly i’m pretty exasperated with Hawks in the manga bfhjgfhgjf his endeavor worship grates on my nerves and what’s worse is that it’s never called out that his worship is wrong or blindsided
everything to do with endeavor in the manga rn makes me want to bash my head into a wall <333 i dont WANT to sympathize with the stinky old man please hori
(rest under the cut)
i’ve fallen out of the dabihawks ship quite a bit and every chapter that goes by without a hawks mental breakdown is one chapter closer to me giving up in shipping their canon characters :( i’m still looking forward to seeing their fight in the anime but as far as interactions go it doesn’t feel like we’ll get any more meaningful ones and my heart feels strung out after 2+ years of waiting for them to interact again lol
i got into the fandom right around when the dabihawks fight happened so you can imagine how it was all downhill from there
i also dont appreciate hawks killing twice that was very mean of him >:( seriously though it makes sense for his character thus far and i’m fine with it storytelling-wise, even though i personally don’t feel it was morally correct and i do love twice. hoping toga and/or dabi kicks his ass later down the line
so yes you could say i only ship them outside of canon (even if “outside of canon” is just like. hawks being a teeeeeny bit more flexible with his morality and being willing to let go of his hero worship. i feel like those two things are necessary for anything to happen other than one night stands and those were debatable before the whole press conference/hospitalization/hawks backstory arc where it became clear that hawks wasn’t about to have any epiphanies)
still holding onto hope that hawks will break down but like kinda halfheartedly hhh i’ve lost faith over the years
if it DID happen i might start shipping their canon counterparts again. maybe.
i get what you mean, i don’t hate hawks but i kinda just feel annoyed whenever i see him in the manga nowadays because it’s always the same thing if him just being a mouthpiece for endeavor’s redemption and baby you’re better than this i know you can be better hori give his character arc to me and like 50% of fanfic authors/meta writers i promise we’ll treat him well
i get what you mean, i don’t hate hawks but i kinda just feel annoyed whenever i see him in the manga nowadays because it’s always the same thing if him just being a mouthpiece for endeavor’s redemption and baby you’re better than this i know you can be better hori give his character arc to me and like 50% of fanfic authors/meta writers i promise we’ll treat him well
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nonranghaes · 9 days
heads up: feelings of abandonment + reader crying. food mentions. fic can be interpreted as purely platonic, if desired!
when did your apartment start to feel so cold? you weren't sure. but you pull out a hoodie from your dryer and pull it on, just to try and chase away the chill that won't leave you. today's been a shit day, and all you want to do is curl up in bed and sleep until it's over. but it's far too early for that, so you opt to try to take care of yourself instead.
which really just turns into you pulling a blanket over you on the couch and watching whatever seems interesting enough to hold your attention for a while. it takes barely five minutes into the first movie before you start to sniffle again, and you stop fighting it. hot tears run down your cheeks, and you just pull the blanket tighter around you.
is it so much to ask that someone chase you for once? to have someone check on you and make sure you're actually okay? instead, you get radio silence when you pull away from people. it makes you feel sick to your stomach. there's a swirling storm inside you of the knowledge that people can't help you if you don't say something, and the wish that people would realize you not saying anything was a cry in its own right. they've known you this long, haven't they? they know you hate reaching out, that you despise having to say 'hi, i'm struggling' and instead it feels like they've just stopped bothering with you. why bother with someone who won't pull themself out of their struggles enough to say something?
it feels like you're drowning in these feelings. every hiccup and attempt to catch your breath just sends you spiraling further, the weight of the world crushing you more and more. is it so wrong to want someone to reach out and say "i know things aren't okay. can we talk?" or even a "i'm here for you, i'm sorry life is hard now, just say the word and i'll be there, okay?" in some shape or form. it doesn't even have to be so elaborate. it just needs to be something--
someone knocks on your door. you swear under your breath, wiping at your face and hoping that whoever is on the other side won't question it too much. your neighbor's cat probably got out again. you stop on your way to the door, looking in a mirror to see what damage has been done by this sobbing fit. and when you feel a little more composed, you open the door.
"hey." seungcheol has one hand tucked into the front pocket of his hoodie, the other holding a bag of takeout. "have you eaten yet?" he's dressed down, sweatpants and beanie and all. "i was in the neighborhood, and..."
he's lying. you know he is. you can see the label on the bag and this place is nowhere near where you live. but it's your favorite.
his gaze softens when he fully takes in the sight of you. "are you okay--"
he barely finishes the word before you dive forward, wrapping your arms around him as you bury your face in his hoodie. it makes you feel desperate in the worst way, but you're crying already and hiding your face from him makes you feel even a little better. but the feeling of seungcheol's arms wrapping around you feels even better, and he holds you protectively.
"i've got you," he says, and it feels like a promise.
maybe life isn't so bad after all.
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nero-neptune · 7 months
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things you shouldn't say if you wanna claim the moral high ground.
(context being me pointing at that, yes, what susan sarandon said was actually antisemitic, which got me, like, 4+ paragraphs rife with false claims and Even More Antisemitism in response, apparently meant to be directed at me? bc they somehow assumed the only reason anyone would point out antisemitism is if they're a white jewish zionist. makes you think!)
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arklayraven · 21 days
Today really was a terrible and lonely day...Hopefully tomorrow is better...
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mossflower · 2 months
i have no idea how to phrase this and not have it sound awful but like. ive literally never been more uncomfortable than when my friends start doing their ‘you’re so lucky i wish i was a lesbian women are so hot’ thing. like what am i supposed to say to that knowing full well that you’re in a relationship w averageguy jared over here. do you want a medal?? an award?? help!!
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not-so-superheroine · 7 months
okay, latter day saints (of all flavors)
in your opinion, who is the/your most based latter day prophet and why?
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istillseeeverything · 4 months
ah.... Long pilisophical post deleted..... I was getting somewhere and having a productive thought train.... Ahhh..... Maybe this is a message from god that I should sleep? Ah.... I think I had some good thoughts* tho so I'll bullet point them
*if anyone starts to study kinning/therapist/otherkin as linked SOLELY to mental illness and therefore making it "invalid" or "crazy" we need to arm ourselves. People need to be weird on the Internet ok
*I don't relate to the two psychotic friends I have... one of them uses the Internet a lot and has some unnoticed biases so that's a given. But the other one doesnt and has gone through a lot of trauma but still looks at me weird when I mention being Jesus IN PRIVACY WHEN WE R HASHING THINGS OUT mind you. He just kind of treats me like an anomaly?? :-( I'm actually very fucking tame$ and polite when it comes to talking about who I am so this upsets me. He might just be shitty but I'm nervous about joining a psychosis support group when I've been treated this way by close friends... Even in the fucking psych ward I was "weird" but those are notoriously cliquey and everyone there was from some form of negative twt
*new bullet point but idk if my friends r just ass but I worry I'm too delusional to fit in in psychosis circles... I miss max a lot... She has schizophrenia and was someone I actually felt comfortable bitching with. I hope she's okay :-(
*right but does anybody who is specifically psychotic (having other disorders as well is fine I don't think I know of anybody with only psychosis) feel this way or have their own takes??? Are psychosis and schizophrenia the same spectrum have I just been wrong this whole time??? I know they're close but what I read online tends to kind of just.... Not acknowledge schizophrenia? Like you will see ppl say it's valid hundreds of times but not actually group it with psychosis.... Am I not looking hard enough???? Where do I go for this-- reddit???
*I like to document my feelings and emotions on Tumblr especially since my memory issues get rid of anything that upsets me
$tame as in model student. Tamed animal. No matter how well composed I am or how much double bookkeeping I experience I am isolated and it sucks :-( I don't view myself as better for doing this, neurotypical people supposedly should but it doesn't fuckimg matter lol. I know this already of course, I just do it so I don't get my autonomy stripped from me
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sashimiyas · 1 year
#tw discourse#i’m gonna say an unpopular opinion once and then be on my way again#sometimes i see something on here that makes me upset and then i think#‘i really need to be on here less.’ but then i realize… i rarely use the app as it is#but writers love to say ‘we don’t get paid to write. we are not machines.’ all valid points#bc entitlement is frustrating. bc this is meant to be a community of natural engagement and interaction#i want to specify Natural#bc i see those same writers bash their followers for not like rbing or commenting#as if they are getting paid to follow the author! and that isn’t fair either#writers ask for grace when they are going through writers block or a difficult episode in their life#and our followers cannot ask for the same? sometimes we do not feel like reading. and let’s admit it. not every post will be a banger#and that should be fine too. no one should be guilted to interact with anyone#and i think my whole discomfort with using this site lately is how every interaction is being policed#like do we not assume good intentions anymore? can we not assume that someone is rbing without tags but will put something in later#when they do get a chance to read it? or that they are liking because they want to read it but just dont have the time yet?#anyways. i’ll probably come back to delete this#but man. anyone who follows me. i want you to know that i will do my best to never try and make you feel bad for choosing how to interact#with this blog. outside of not responding to my inbox bc that’s just been difficult for me lately.#please have a comfortable experience and go about this stupid little hellhole in peace#don’t feel coerced to interact with me unless you want to. don’t apologize to me for not having reached out to me in a while#it’s okay. please have your fun in any way you want#i say this bc before being a writer i am a reader
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doubledyke · 7 hours
what am i supposed to doooooo
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daswarschonkaputt · 1 year
so uh. the next chapter of apias might be basically done? i just need to proofread and edit it now lol
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just-aro · 2 years
y'all have no idea how much effort goes into trying to interpret and respond to some of the questions we get about aromanticism lol.
like kee does so much tonal phrasing to be nice about this, but. please. "what is aromantic?" i am not google. "i don't know if i feel romantic attraction." cool, i'm not gonna be able to tell you what it feels like either. "hi, what if I am a person and not one of the major aro stereotypes?" then you are a person who is aro and doesn't fit that stereotype.
and like, whatever, we deal with those fine. but the worst. the absolute worst. is the ones where the ask is more or less requesting me to speak for aromantic people as a whole, or - worse and more commonly - a specific subset of aro people who i may not identify with, and almost always insist they aren't trying to be bad, but have such a questionable mindset behind it that i feel like i need to start with "how to identify that you haven't unlearned shit, you just realized you have an identity and stuck your tongue out at the people who taught you that shit"
#aro#aromantic#actually aro#actually aromantic#i am trying. so hard. to answer things nicely#but also i am not google i am not representing every aro person and sometimes... you should research something#sometimes. if you listen to the group you have questions about and research questions via searches or asking for simple resources.#you will find out information without our system struggling with feeling obligated to respond nicely because we know the avg user is young#and we want to model that asking questions is good and that you can kindly say 'i'm not part of this group but here's what they've said'#and things like that#but. sometimes i get asks that make me want to delete aro-culture-is or archive it and just never open it again#and they're not even the bigots or anything#it's just that we're plural but one disabled body#and it's fucking exhausting.#but also we don't really want to go through the process of vetting new mods or anything like that#it sounds exhausting and frankly we've had enough experiences while running that blog to know#that people will find a way to be terrible and demanding#oh this is alexander btw#if you see salty takes it's probs me. protective fuckery is phoenix or axel tho#just... like bro please. please consider that i'm not hear to guide you through the baby steps of realizing you aren't actually#the anti-fascist rebel you think you are ur just queer and online. i am here because i wanted a space for aro people to be silly.#and everyone looked at my silly 'haha this is meant to be claiming silly things like games as ours' page#and was like 'oh! time to seriously discuss every experience of aromanticism i have :)'#but especially the ones against the rules :)
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blueskittlesart · 2 years
I see you responded to my anon without using my anon.
That's cute, but telling of the kind of person you are.
With that being said, I'm sorry about my past few anons telling you to stfu about your interests and calling your takes retarded. Although i stand by my anon that if you're really gonna tell someone to kill themselves because they use the word "retarded" you're probably retarded, i want to tell you that i didn't realize you would take such offense to that word.
Honestly, you look like you're about 4-5 more hate posts from hitting the self delete button, so i just want to tell you that's not my intention. I really do enjoy your art and i really do think you have a lot to share. Me telling you to stfu about your niche interests was just me trying to get back at you. Truthfully i like that you have so much to share, i just felt i was being attacked because when i asked how botw was transphobic you just decided to call me stupid without addressing my question.
But to be honest you give off this energy that you're so sheltered from the real world that you forget that there's more going on in the real world than someone using the r-slur. I just want to point that out because although i know i can't change you, since you think what you're fighting for is truly just, i don't blame you for forgetting about the rest of the world. I just think you have a lot of room to grow. I hope you do grow and change and come to the realization that what you're trying to defend is definitely a priority, but we have a lot more going on.
Sincerely, the professional hater that loves you, and doesn't want to see you fail at identifying what is truly important. I get it though, to you I'm just selfish for implying that what you believe in isn't as important as what i believe in. So I'll just say i hope you do okay out there. Good luck. And stay safe.
im going to be honest i genuinely cannot read this. like idk what the hell this guy is even trying to say and also they're already blocked anyway. but if any of you maybe want to preemptively block to avoid potentially being called slurs for literal weeks in your asks among other harassment, i recommend blocking this FUCKING IDIOT! thank you everyone and have a nice night <3
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urostakako · 3 months
im a little sad today
#i wish i was a little more functional. that i could understand integrals. that i could finish my projects on time and not get distracted or#bored or upset five minutes in. that i could write everything i want to write without getting exhausted. that i could draw everything#i wanted to without feeling dread and like. idk. maintain something? that i could keep a routine without getting tired of it immediately#that there was enough time in the day to do everything i have and want to do and also sleep and eat and drink and keep clean on time#and be like. healthy. i wish applying for school and aid didnt actively fill me with dread. i wish it didnt feel like so much effort to make#a future for myself. i wish i could be like the others i know who seem to have such a clear and light weight mind unimpeded by roadblocks#i wish i could see my family more often. i wish they would respond when i ask after them. i wish i wasnt filled with panic everytime they#dont because i know that things arent the way they were but i cant seem to let that go even though its been years. i hate that the panic#doesnt go away. i wish i was fine living without them. i wish i was fine on my own. i wish i wasnt so detached to others and that i wasnt so#attached to the ones i love. i wish things were easier and so many things feel out of sight and i KNOW thats not true. i KNOW there is#something there waiting for me and i will be taken care of. i know everything will be fine and nothing is hopeless#but still it feels that way and i hate complaining about my feelings but its not wrong to feel and i know this.#somehow the repetitiveness of my feeling makes me just as tired as if someone else was talking to me about their problems all the time#which is so stupid. idk.#delete later#hanancouldyounot
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rohirric-hunter · 2 months
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serizawashugenaturals · 2 months
kicking my mom into a ditch
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leieryx · 3 months
Hey! I’m really sorry things aren’t going to well for you right now. I wanted to tell you that you’re really cool, I love being mutuals with you!
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Here’s a motivational Senshi! It’s gonna be okay, I promise!
thank you so much i know i didnt answer when you posted this i havent answered much but it mean t a lot :] thumbs up!
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