#i actually really like this au concept...hm...
rosesradio · 2 years
#11 with binary boyfriends?
11 is "i can't believe you're still alive" which...i meant to include as dialogue but went off the rails instead, hope you don’t mind lol. also this is a stranger things au of sorts, where instead of relying on dungeons and dragons to name the creatures, demetri uses his dungeonlord knowledge. enjoy this 400 word drabble ! <3
It was something out of a video game.
Eli picked up the sword off the ground--the same one he and Demetri had admired for years in its glass casing at the San Fernando Valley History Museum. He'd seen Eli develop admirable--frankly, badass--karate skills over the years. He'd even seen him wield a sword for a demonstration at an All Valley one year. But Demetri never expected to see him actually use a sword, much less on a...a...
The creature looked vaguely like a Monxispot, one of the most deadly creatures from DungeonLord. Eli probably thought the same thing, though he'd never admit it. It had a face like a flower, which was the only nice thing Demetri could say about it, because its face opened up with a deafening shriek to reveal hundreds of rows of deadly sharp teeth. It walked on two legs, though its form was contorted, veiny, and almost...slimy. Demetri would be nauseated if he weren't so terrified.
When that...gaping crossway gate had opened up, the ground trembling like another earthquake, all those creatures spilled out. Then, there was no battle for the soul of the Valley. There was only death, destruction, and those left fighting.
But Eli stood up. When they were chased into that museum, he held Demetri's hand the whole time, an unspoken promise not to let him go. He'd grabbed the sword from its broken case, swinging with a martyr's desperation. When the Monxispot clawed at Demetri, Eli yelled and stabbed it right as it opened its hideous face, killing it instantly.
Eli ripped the sword from it, stabbing it again, and again and again everywhere he could reach. He kept swinging until Demetri pulled him away, grabbing at his sleeves.
"Eli, Eli it's okay! It's okay, it's dead!" Demetri repeated. "Please, just--"Eli finally relaxed against him just slightly; neither of them would ever be fully relaxed anymore. He finally turned, eyes meeting Demetri's, and he collapsed into a sobbing heap in Demetri's arms.
"It's okay," Demetri soothed, trying to avoid looking at the Monxispot corpse. He buried his face in the crook of Eli's neck, breathing heavily. "We're okay...you're my hero, Eli, you saved me..."
Eli pulled away at that, grasping Demetri's arms, forehead rested against his. "We're okay," he echoed. With that, his resolve seemed to crumble, and he kissed Demetri with all the passion and desperation he was feeling towards the world, towards Demetri.
As the world tore itself to shreds around them, Demetri kissed him back.
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frothing and foaming at the mouth for those snippets. thank you kindly
from a different third robin tales fic draft, which is mostly just them standing around talking shit to each other:
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I know I was intending to bring Duke into this conversation and really let him shine (ba dum ch) but tbh it's been in drafts for a few months and I don't remember where I was going with it. rebellious robins and ex-robin union shenanigans maybe? idk. this convo may eventually get nabbed and absorbed into a different fic though
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bloodmoonmuses · 3 months
clover | mark lee
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genre: mark lee x reader, friends to lovers, college au, fluff :)
wc: 2.3k
warnings: some swearing, mentions of alcohol
summary: mark collects four leaf clovers. when you help him find his hundredth clover, mark declares you his good luck charm.
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If asked whether or not you believe in fate, you’d probably say no. You found the concept of it unnerving- a predetermined future that one must simply accept… How boring. What you believed in more was the butterfly effect- the chaos of it, the lack of control, the overlapping of timelines. The flapping of a butterfly’s wings could cause a hurricane. It’s the little things that have the biggest effect.
The first time you hang out with Mark Lee is per the forgetfulness of your best friend, Johnny. The three of you were supposed to meet for a group project, but it slipped his mind. You knew of Mark, of course, but never really hung outside of group settings. 
Mark is a butterfly- fluttering, social, beautiful and delicate. You wanted to pin and press his wings like a taxidermist, preserving their beauty in eternal serenity. Though most times, he felt too golden to pin down. He was simply meant to be free.
The two of you lie under a tree in the campus’ courtyard, skimming your textbook for more information. Mark sat quietly, plucking blades of grass out of the ground. When your vision blurs, signaling you’re no longer absorbing information, you close your textbook.
“Think he’s still coming?” Mark inquires.
“Nah. I texted him, but he hasn’t responded,” you say as you check your phone once more for confirmation.
“Hm,” Mark closes his textbook as well. “ Wanna call it a day?” 
“I thought you’d never ask.”
Spring is well under way, but today is warmer than usual. It’s actually nice enough to be outside. You linger on your faded picnic blanket, lying on your back with your eyes closed, while Mark gathers his things. Sunlight filters through the leaves, making abstractly shaped shadows dance across your chest and stomach. You trace the warmth with your fingers.
“I can consolidate our research into a document if you want,” Mark pipes. You thought he had left already.
You crack open an eye. “We’re still talking about the project?”
He looks at you sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck with his right hand. “I mean, that’s what I’m here for.”
You crack a grin, scoffing at Mark’s eagerness to actually work. “Didn’t know you were such a goody-two-shoes.” 
“I’m not,” he contests, pouting slightly.
He’s so cute. You want to stuff him with fluff and tie a bow on his pretty head. No wonder everyone babies him so much. His eyes simply demand such.
“I’m just messing with you,” you say. “Sounds like a plan. I can make the slideshow, if you want.”
Mark starts to leave before returning to his seat and asking, “Hey, ______. Why haven’t we hung out before?”
You shrug. “I don’t know. You have plenty of friends. Didn’t think you’d need more.”
You look at Mark, sitting criss-cross on the corner of your blanket. He has a pile of clovers on his leg, and he continues to sift through the grass in pursuit of more. He plucks another, identifying it as a four leaf clover, and places it on your belly.
“Looks like I just made another. It’s been weeks since I’ve found one.”
“A four leaf clover?” Your fingers play with the floweret, watching as it rises and falls with your breaths. Mark’s eyes follow the movement as well.
“Yeah, I collect them. You’re, like, my good luck charm now. Dude, it’s fate.”
“Do I get a say in the matter, dude, or does fate take precedence?” you joke, asking with a giggle.
Mark beams at you, eyes crinkling into half moons. “Wanna be my good luck charm?”
“Well, since you asked so nicely…”
Mark grabs his backpack, taking out a sheet of parchment paper and a book. Then, he takes the clover from you, placing it in between two sheets. Finally, he places the clover in the middle of the book. He closes it, giving the book a firm squeeze, and puts it back in his bag.
“Pressing it for later,” he says.
The second time you hang out with Mark Lee is per the drunkenness of your best friend, Johnny. You told yourself you’d stop going to parties with him. It seemed that every time you did, you were relegated to designated driver. So there you sat, on the stairs of the back porch, hoping Johnny would pass out in the next hour or so. However, you knew this wouldn’t happen any time soon. Johnny’s alcohol tolerance is annoyingly high. You decide to enjoy the fresh air regardless.
House parties this big were conducted for only one reason- to get everyone in attendance as fucked up as possible (and assuage their guilt in doing so with the presence of other fucked up people). A girl, a twig-like thing, does a keg stand in the middle of the backyard. She nearly topples over entirely, but manages to return to the ground upright before immediately dissolving into a heap of bones and flesh.
On your left, you watch a smarmy frat boy sidle up to another girl, caging her against the house. She’s drinking him up, flashing the most obvious “fuck me” eyes you’ve ever seen. On your right, a guy blows chunks into a bush. Such is the dichotomy of life. 
The back door of the house swings open and the music that’s blasting from inside temporarily bleeds into the backyard. When it closes, the sound is muffled, making you feel as though you’re underwater. You look up to see Mark, surprisingly. The two of you haven’t spoken since the group project. He sits next to you, muttering a brief hello. 
“Not your crowd?” he says, noticing the dissatisfaction on your face. 
“Johnny’s my crowd, but he’s hammered.”
Mark scoffs. “Sounds about right.”
You look at Mark. He seems mostly sober, save for the faint dusting of pink adorning his cheeks. “Are you drinking tonight?” you ask him.
Mark tips his beer towards you, taking another swig before saying, “Just the one. I have a paper to write tomorrow. You?”
“Designated driver.” You’ve been nursing a cup of lemonade. You feel like a prude.
“Daaaang.” He drags out the word, following it with a low whistle. “That sucks, dude.”
“Needed some fresh air?” you ask him.
“Nah, just wanted to catch up with my good luck charm. Saw you walking out." 
Your heart beats a bit faster, though you're not sure why. “Have I been doing a good job?”
“I get to be here outside with you instead of in that hellhole. So, I’d say yes.”
You end up driving Johnny and Mark home that night. Apparently, his designated driver (Jaemin) bailed on him. Mark sits in the passenger seat while Johnny is passed out in the back. It’s quiet, moonlight seeping into the car in a hazy glow. It illuminates Mark’s side profile and you sneak glances at him in your periphery. He’s visibly fighting off sleep, head lolling to the side then suddenly jerking to attention every few minutes.
When he does this a third time, you say, “You can sleep. We’re about ten minutes away.”
“Wanna make sure you’re safe,” murmurs Mark. His voice is gravelly, the sentence barely croaking out of him. “Don’t wanna leave you alone.”
“I’ll survive. I’ll wake you up when we get there.” With your permission, he drifts off to sleep, lips slightly parted. 
When you arrive at the boys’ dorm, Johnny stirs lightly as he feels the car has come to a stop. You shake Mark’s shoulder, waking him from his slumber.
You walk up to Mark’s room, the two of you lugging Johnny with much difficulty. He’s practically dead weight, wasted enough to the point of not being able to hold himself up. When you finally manage to get him on Mark’s couch, you’re winded. You sit on the floor while Mark sits next to Johnny. 
“The only thing comforting me right now is the fact that he’s gonna wake up with a horrible hangover.”
At this, Mark laughs, his own chest heaving at the physical exertion of transporting a Johnny-sized human.
“Thanks for helping me bring him up,” Mark says.
“No problem. Take a video of him suffering for me please.”
“Anything for my good luck charm. Speaking of…” Mark quickly retreats to his room, returning with a small wooden box in his hands. He places it in your lap.
You open the box to see it full of four leaf clovers encased in resin. He takes out a heart shaped one and hands it to you.
“This one is yours. The hundredth clover in my collection.”
“I’m honored.” You cradle the preserved clover in your hands, watching the light bounce off of its shiny surface. The moment overwhelms you, chest constricting with adoration of the simple gesture.
“I was thinking of making it into a bracelet. Then you can harness your lucky powers wherever you go. Like a superhero- or something like that.”
He smile at you, a toothy and boyish grin, and your inhibitions seem to melt away. Perhaps you could be persuaded into believing in fate. Making him happy in this way feels like destiny. You would do so forever if given the chance.
“Yeah. Something like that.”
The third time you hang out with Mark Lee, Johnny isn’t much of a factor. Then the fourth time, and the fifth, sixth and seventh- until one night, Mark asks you on a date. You think. You’re not really sure at this point. 
You’re at his apartment, something that occurs more often following the party incident, killing time with him and (of course) Johnny. The three of you are supposed to be having a movie night, but can’t agree on a film. In lieu of such, you’re simply arguing about movies.
“It’s ridiculous,” Johnny says.
You cross your arms. “It’s high art.”
“Do not refer to Twilight as ‘high art.’”
“The first one has an indie feel to it. The too-blue coloring grading? Imagine stumbling upon that at Sundance or South by Southwest. Those film bitches would be all over it if not for the negative connotation of pseudo vampire smut.”
“Never seen it,” Mark says. His comment gets drowned out, however, as you continue to rant at Johnny.
“The series only got bad because they gave the sequels to a male director.”
“That is not the only reason.”
Johnny’s phone rings. “It’s Jaehyun. Jaemin left him at a party.”
Johnny gathers his belongings and exits. He attempts something of a wink towards Mark, which is awkward because 1.) You see it, and 2.) It looks more like some dust flew into his eyes than a cheeky gesture.
“Be back in a bit,” Johnny says. 
“What was that about?” you ask. Mark is beet red. 
“Nothing,” Mark sputters. “So.”
“Twilight. Movies. You like both of those things, right?” Mark rocks back and forth on the balls of his feet, swinging his arm in tandem. He can’t really make eye contact with you, but he’s trying, blinking rapidly as his eyes flicker around the room. 
When the silence becomes unbearable you say, “Is there a reason you’re acting like we’ve never met before?”
“Just answer the question.” He sighs, face planting into his palm.
“I mean- Marginally. I mostly just like making Johnny angry-”
“Would you like to go to the movies with me?”
“Yeah, I’d love to.”
It’s raining. Mark is soaking wet, green hoodie soiled. You can’t help but imagine a butterfly with dripping wings, dejectedly fluttering in an attempt to dry itself off. Funnily, the sun was beaming brightly just a few hours ago. If you hadn’t checked the weather ahead of time, you’d probably be drenched as well. 
“Forgot my umbrella,” says Mark as he walks up to you.
“I feel like an idiot.”
“Guess I’m not as lucky as you thought.”
“Wanna just go back to your place?” you say as you pat his shoulder.  “Then you can get changed.”
You return to Mark’s apartment, making two cups of chamomile tea. When Mark exits his room, he sits on the couch. There’s enough room for at least three people in between the two of you. When you move to sit closer, Mark literally flinches.
His right hand is clasped tightly into a fist, quivering from the force with which Mark is holding it shut. 
“Okay Mark. What’s wrong?” You reach out to him, placing your hand on top of his closed one.
He averts your gaze. “I don’t know how I managed to fuck this up-”
“The rain is out of your control, Mark. It’s not a big deal.”
Then suddenly, Mark opens his hand to reveal your clover, still in its heart shaped encasing, but now attached to a bracelet just as he said he would. The butterflies in your stomach fly up to your sternum. Your breath hitches there.
“I had this whole thing planned. After the movie I was gonna drive you home and it was supposed to be this whole thing that led up to me giving you the bracelet under the moon but then it started-”
“Mark. It’s okay!” you say with a laugh.
“ I like you, ______. I was gonna tell you that I like you.” Mark shuts his eyes tightly, practically wincing with each word. 
You lean over to kiss his cheek, accidentally giving him a butterfly kiss as well when you linger there. Mark giggles at the contact of your eyelashes, and you feel his face move against your lips.
“Well, it’s a good thing I like you too.”
Eventually, Mark’s lips meet yours, gently kissing you as though you’ll break. Warmth spreads throughout your entire body and you pull Mark closer in pursuit of more. Mark places a final peck on your nose and pulls away. He grabs the clover bracelet and ties it to your wrist. 
“Lucky me,” Mark says.
a/n: unedited and feedback is always appreciated!
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wszczebrzyszynie · 8 months
i do have a question but first I just wanna say oh my GOD I LOVE YOUR SPACE MINING AU SO MUCH!!! The vibes, the story, the characters, everything!!!!!!
and my question: do you have any plans for Scott? He's been mentioned a couple times but hasn't been given much information other than being Jimmy's divorced husband. Do you have any concepts for him? How did he handle his and Jimmy's divorce? Your au makes me go so crazy in a good way <33
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Scott is not a prominent character and doesnt really show up that much; he doesnt really have a reason to, as he lives and works on a space station somewhere in the solar system. More info related to him below (and thank you for the kind words! Im glad so many people like this au!)
Space stations themselves arent really fullfilling the same role in the au as they do for us? Theyre bigger and made to fit a lot more people in. A lot of the planets arent habitable for the long run but are otherwise rich in resources, so there are usually small bases on the planet itself (for active mining) and one in space; Scott works in maintance (mostly plants and food related... things. I imagine something like the gardening mechanics from subnautica) on one of those space stations. Thats how he met Jimmy; they got along, dated and then married very quickly, which went well for a while, until it just... didnt. natural falling out of love i suppose. Scott handled it better than Jim did, but that has less to do with their view on the relationship and more with the fact that Scott was Jimmys only hm, normal close person. The divorce left Jim with a middle age crisis at the age of max 30 and Scott with a very awkward ex-husband friend, because despite everything they still keep in touch. Scott is sure Jimmy would go insane if they didnt. Scott is also very much aware of Jimmys weird criminal semi-family (met both Grian and Pearl on the wedding. not sure if Pearl was invited but even if she wasnt she let herself in and they got along insantly. And then had a falling out around the time of the divorce so you can imagine Pearl as Jimmys first and best divorce hype woman), and later of Tango, but he just... doesnt care. Teases Jim sometimes about turning them in so his life can get even a bit better, but he wouldnt... probably
The space station is not exactly his dream place but it works well enough; he loves the no-gravity space and space walking, so everywhere in more or less open space is a good enough choice for him. Hes fine with taking care of the food and whatnot too. Hes not really into gardening but he likes when things Work Well and Look Pretty, so he does his job pretty well. Hopes to one day leave for something more
Less on Scott and more on Jimmy, but i think its a good thing to mention when talking about their relationship: if Scott for some reason offered, Jimmy would come back to him, but not vice versa. Theyre both very confident about the choices they take in life; in Scotts case its because hes actually good at planning things out and can be 100% sure about what he does with himself. He has a stable life that he worked hard on himself and knows what his options are. In Jimmys case its because hes proud and if he wasnt forcing himself to be as confident as possible about what he does at all times he would probably break. That man has very little idea about most things in his life but would rather eat dirt than admit that. That being said the loneliness would make all of this crumble the second Scott says something. It changes later on but thats the headspace Jimmy starts with in this au! desperate
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popponn · 9 months
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notes: soulmate au!isagi is interesting because while i know this boy will treat his soulmate right, getting into a relationship with him is prob 6 manga arcs worth if you are not in soccer world or someone he knew since he was 4. more on this. someday. but he is a soccer maniac and wouldn't give someone false hope. so. for now here, a brainrot product. no warning, just fall harder & down bad yoichi, the usual.
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Isagi Yoichi knew and understood the concept of soulmates as well as the next person do. But, he didn’t actually really spent time mulling over it. For someone who spent most of his youth building his career in soccer whilst enjoying every second of it, Yoichi didn’t really put much thought into the name written circling his wrist. He remembered to cover it before every match to avoid unnecessary publications after he went pro, but it was also something that became a mere one time locker room conversation topic before it was never brought up again.
The name in his wrist belonged to a stranger whose path might or might not cross with him. The one who owns that name still had the possibility of not being ‘the one’ for him despite the public's popular belief, said the rational thought he had. Yoichi was neither deluded nor hateful towards his mark, it was simply there, just like his name was probably on someone’s wrist. He was fully ready for a life where he wouldn't know more than their name.
Then, he met you—a coffee shop, Saturday, 13.23 or so his watch said—then, suddenly a year full of your presence and affections passed in a flash.
And when it hit during the celebration party, a part of him started screaming at him the way it usually screams when he felt he lacks practicing in a middle of a match while also winning it. It was almost embarrassing how he realized he had since months ago returned your feelings—some of his friends said "What's with him now?", some said "About time!", and one shouted "Watch where you walk!" when he tripped over them because you were laughing from somewhere across the room. Nonetheless, Yoichi is a happy embarrassing man who thought he might have the best soulmate in the world.
For him who never thought of thanking fate of his soulmate, 264 days after your first official 'couple date' date, when you smiled at him his thought was, “I’m glad you are my soulmate.” He also embarrassingly blurted it out loud in front of his friends. Bachira and Chigiri had a field day on that one. Kunigami at least had the decency to keep in the group chat.
Then another 150 days passed and when he tied your shoelaces on the way home, he looked up to your face and see you gave him your smile. For a moment, he felt like he wasn't crouching to tie your shoes but to propose to you. Yoichi was either bashfully silent or stupidly jumpy for the rest of the day. Thankfully, there was no practice or match that day.
And before he knew it, everyday blurred with the happiness and unhappiness alike. Once Yoichi remembered what sort of sounds your steps made and what embarrassing stories you tried to hid from your middle school years, once he looked at you with promises waiting to be fulfilled and you looked at him like he was everything—Yoichi knew that he really was a lucky one for having this with you.
“Hey, you don’t have to wait for me and sleep here, you know?” Yoichi said to you, who were dozing off on his shoulder. It was midnight and the match he was rewatching in his phone screen was far from ending. As the camera flew towards the audience whilst another kick off was being prepared, Yoichi took the moment to avert his eyes away from the screen and looked at you,
“Hm?” you replied, less than half awake. With whatever strength you had left, you decided to snuggle closer towards him, murmuring, “I know. And…?”
Yoichi had long knew he was smitten since long ago, yet his eyes still couldn’t help but soften at the sight of you—eyes a bit swollen, face scrunched up in drowsiness, and yet it was still you. He looked at you and saw a future, which he wished you would accept once the moment for him to voice it out come. But, at that moment, he simply smiled and nuzzled his head towards yours, “Nothing. Just, lie down, okay? Here, use my lap."
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dre6ming · 6 months
Christmas tree shopping
The delicate beginning rush
Series Masterlist
Pairing: Austin Butler x singer/actress fem reader
Warnings: smut, sex, explicit content, mentions of blood, crying, bad family relationships, fluff
Word count: ~3000
Plot: Christmas tree shopping puts a small dent into your heart considering the past, so when Austin asks that you do it together, you have some holdbacks.
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I love Christmas! And that's that. I've always loved it, ever since I could understand the concept of it. I adore the buzz of the crowd searching for gifts, the smell of Christmas foods, the decorations, the songs, the movies. I mean you'd have to have a big lump of coal for a heart to not like Christmas. But with all my love for this time of the year, this year I'm just not feeling it.
As I walk the crowed streets of New York all on my own, with my big fluffy scarf covering most of my face, I look around at the stores wondering where I could go next, dreading going home, where Austin waits for me so we can go Christmas tree shopping. When he proposed the idea that we go together, I just nodded and smiled, but in my heart a big hole was being uncovered. I used to go Christmas tree shopping with my dad, some of my favorite memories with him, are of us choosing a tree, setting it up in the living room and decorating it together. Those were some of the best hours in the whole year. But then the divorce happened right before Christmas, no one bought a Christmas tree, I didn't even bother decorating that year, I stayed over at Timmy's house, then the year after that, was mine and Austin's first Christmas together, but he was with his family and I went again to Timmy's house.
This year though, he wants us to have a Christmas together together. He suggested that we spend it over at his LA home, but Christmas is supposed to be cold and wet and snowy, not sunny and hot, so we are going to have a small party at my apartment on the 25th, until then he wants all the Christmas stuff to be done. Which I'm more than happy to do, but I was hoping we'd get a fake tree from Amazon or something.
I feel my phone vibrate in the pocket of my coat and I know I can't ignore him, or he will get worried, so I sigh, taking the phone out and answering the call. "Hi, Aus! I'm still looking at a few shops, they've got really nice things out here, I bought some stuff." I lie, having not bought even a single thing. "Don't worry darling, I was just checking in, what do you say, I come get you with the car and then we go to the Christmas tree market?" He asks so sweetly, it hurts my heart. "Um actually I don't know, I don't think I'm gonna be much longer, so just wait for me back at the apartment." I hate the anticipation of the disappointment in his voice. "That's fine Y/n, just be safe, I love you!" I close my eyes and rub my temple with my free hand, feeling a headache creep it's way to me. "Love you too!" I cut the call short and keep walking, smiling as I spot the rusty old sign from Frank's record store.
As I enter the smell of cinnamon and chocolate, hits me, soft jazz playing in the background. The store looks empty today, except for Frank, sitting behind the counter, reading a book. As the door bell rings he looks up from his book and smiles at me, getting up to come hug me. "Hey kid, haven't seen you in a hot minute. Though I've heard plenty of you. I never knew fruitcake makes you sick" he laughs, referencing my latest album, a Christmas ep called fruitcake. "Very funny!" I giggle, unwrapping the scarf from my neck and undoing some of the buttons on my coat.
"Well I've been busy, but I'm home for the holidays." I say, looking around, skimming through some of the new records he has in store. "Hm I bet you're busy, touring arenas and all. Hey kid look what I have here." Frank says as he goes to the back and brings out a mysterious vinyl. "It's a first edition. A mix done on vinyl in the 90's, all your favorites are on here." He explains, replacing the vinyl he had one with the new one he brought. "Last Christmas I have you my heart.." the song starts playing and I start singing along.
"Want some hot cocoa?" Frank asks, putting the closed sign on the door, as I take of my coat to be a bit more comfortable. "Of course I want some, extra-" "-Whipping cream, I know" he finishes my sentence, making both of us laugh. As Frank goes to make the hot cocoa, I take my phone out and text Austin.
Hey, something came up, I'm over at Roxy's place. Can we reschedule?
Sure, hope everything is alright. Love you 💜🧶
Ofc, love you too
I hate lying to him, but I just don't feel like having a therapy session right now. "Hmm perfect!" I smile taking the cup from Frank and drinking some of the delicious hot beverage. "So any big plans for Christmas this year?" He asks, and I start telling him all about the dinner me and Austin are hosting for friends and family.
Before I knew it I had spent a few good hours over at Frank's store and then I had to call Matt to come get me with the car and drive me back home, as it had gone dark outside. So now I'm in the elevator, watching the buttons of each floor light up, until we get to number 10. I walk in and the whole place is quiet, no sight of Austin or any cats, so I guess that he must be sleeping. Tiptoeing to my room I find Austin sleeping on the bed with Simba and William cuddled up to him. Walking into the closet I try to make as little sound as possible and I start to take off my clothes.
I feel a pair of arms wrap around me and I let out a small scream, startled for a moment. "Shh it's me" Austin whispers against my ear, kissing down my neck, I lean into him and reach my hand back, to comb through his thick hair. "It's ok.." I moan as he sucks the skin right above my collarbone. His hands travel down my abdomen and unbutton my jeans, his right hand sliding down between my legs, into my underwear. "Austin.." I sigh, putting all my weight on him. "Shh, don't talk." Austin says
He's skilled fingers work me like magic, his left arm tight around my waist holding me up, as he plugs a finger into me. I gasp, fisting his hair, as he moves slowly inside me. "Shh no talking." He repeats, after I try to moan his name again. This is something we've never done before, he usually likes me talking during sex, and he encourages me to be vocal, but this time he wants me to be quiet.
I'm lost in my train of thought and don't realize the moment he pulls his hand away and picks me up, taking me to the bed. "Aus?" I ask concerned as he removes my jeans but not my panties. He looks at me, but there's no tenderness like before, he looks mad? "No talking." Is all he says, as he takes off his clothes and puts on a condom, getting on top of me. "Aus baby, is something wrong?" I ask touching his face. A faint smile crosses his face and a glimmer of something sweet shows up in his eyes. My heart beats at a thousand miles per hour and I'm aroused as ever, but something is off.
"Nothings wrong, I just want to feel you." He says, kissing me, his hands going back to their ministrations. We move in sink and I reach behind me to unclasp my bra. Austin's hands go immediately to my breasts, kneading and pinching my nipples. "Fuck!" He grunts as I sneak my hand down and pump his cock, touching his tip to my covered pussy, wishing right now there was no thin layer of cotton between us.
"Please!" I beg as his head nudges at my wet pussy, brushing against my clit, sending electric shocks up my spine. "Fucking hell!" Austin curses, guiding his hand between us, to push my panties to the side, quickly sliding into me. I wince in pain, as he usually takes his time opening me up, but this time he seems to be in a hurry. His lips find mine and he swallows my whimpers. When he's all the way in, he stills and waits for me to give him the ok to move. After a few moments of sitting like this conjoined, with my legs around his waist, my hand in his hair and his around my waist, something changes, something in him, he starts feeling warm and soft, unlike the cold stiff feeling he was giving me before, it's like he melts into me.
His hands moves up my body, wrapping tightly around me. "I'm sorry!" He says in a broken voice. "It's ok, doesn't hurt anymore, please move." I say caressing his cheek, encouraging him to pull his hips back. When his pelvis meets mine again, fireworks sparkle behind my closed eyelids. Austin starts a slow pace, each time going deeper and deeper if that were possible. The room is filled my muffled moans and skin slapping noises, as both of us feel closer and closer to the sweet release. "Shit Austin, I need more, please!" I beg arching my back to give him a new angle.
Austin groans in my ear and picks up the pace, placing one hand behind my head on the pillow and the other on my clit, rubbing slow circles. "I love you! I love you so much!" I say, feeling closer to my orgasm, my walls spasm around hid twitching cock. "Fuck!" His voice sound strangled and he moves faster, sloppier. "I love you I love you Iloveyou!" I say over and over again and over again. He keeps his moves fast and rhythmic, I curl my toes and pull on his hair, my orgasm wrecking through my body, tingling head to toe. Austin keeps moving until I feel him tens and he cums moaning into my shoulder.
We sit a few minutes tangled together, breathing in sink, his heart thudding against my chest. The  without a word, Austin pulls out, leaving me empty, getting up and going to the bathroom. I'm left staring at the ceiling, wondering what this whole experience was just weird. I sit up in bed and wrap myself in my fluffy robe, getting up, going to the kitchen to drink some water.
I keep thinking what just happened, I can't imagine what must have happened to make Austin act like this. It's not that the sex didn't feel good, it did, but it felt like he was somewhere else, or at lest trying to be somewhere else. "Are you hungry ?" I jump at Austin's voice, dropping the glass of water on the floor. Without thinking I try to reach for the broom, to clean this up, but I step on a shard of glass. "Aw, fuck fuck!" I let out, holding onto the counter, lifting my leg up to see if the cut is bad. It's only a small shard, so the cut is barely a graze, but blood is already coming out of it. "Don't move!" Austin warns, walking around the broken glass and water, coming next to me. He puts both hands on my waist and lifts me up on the counter, the going to clean the mess I made.
We sit in silence, as he cleans and I feel the blood dripping down my foot. When he's done, he goes away and I start thinking if he just left me here, which I know is stupid, but my brain can't stop making weird scenarios up. "Show me your leg!" Austin says, kneeling down in front of me, cleaning my wound and putting a bandage over it. "All done!"
"Are you mad at me?" I ask at the same time as he speaks and he blushes, looking the other way, avoiding my eyes. "Where were you today?" He asks and as I open my mouth to answer he interrupts me. "Don't lie, Roxy came over, thinking you were here." I sigh and jump off from the counter, ignoring the pain in my leg. I wobble a little bit, despite my best effort, so Austin puts his hands up around me, ready to catch me if anything were to happen. I look him up and down, thinking about what I could say, I could just tell him the truth, but I haven't really told him much about mine and my dad's relationship. He waits patiently for me to answer and the way his arms are still around me, like waiting for a hug, makes me want to melt right into him, but I choose the childish part of me, pushing him away and walking past him.
"Did something happen?" His voice sounds like an echo and for a moment I feel like he didn't even speak and it was all my imagination. I turn around slowly, looking at his face, his eyes are read, teary. "Aus-"
"I know you weren't at Roxy's place, you didn't answer your phone, you were out shopping all day and yet, came back with no bags or nothing." Austin's hands are shaking, so I walk up to him slowly, taking his hands in mine, but he takes a step back, pulling away, which breaks my heart. "Can we sit down? I can explain everything." He shakes his head and I close my eyes taking a deep breath, preparing for the things I'm about to say.
"I was at Franks store, I did go out to buy somethings, but my head was somewhere else so I didn't get anything, just walked around." I start saying and he fiddles around with his hands. "Why?"
"I wanted to go Christmas tree shopping, but it just it hurt to much. I haven't gone shopping with anyone other than my dad, it was our thing, but I'm no longer a part of his life and it's, it's like slowly learning how to breathe again." His face saddens more, but this time, the sadness is pointed my way, and I appreciate his empathy, but I'd like if he'd stop. "I'm sorry I really am, it's just been hard on me to.." my voice breaks down and I lick my lips, tasting the salt of my tears.
Austin closes the distance between and hugs me tight. "You should have told me, I'm sorry, we don't have to go if you don't feel like it, baby" he says rubbing my back, holding me close to him. "I think if you go with me , I could do it. " he chuckles, kissing the top of my head and we stand hugging for a moment.
"Aus?" I ask softly something still on my mind. "Yeah?" "Is something wrong, you felt a little cold, you know, earlier." I feel him stiffen a bit, so I wiggle out of his arms to look up at him. "Well I was worried about you and my sister told me that she and the kids are down with some virus and can’t make it to Christmas, so I was just filled to the brim with worry." I smile at him, touching his hair lightly, placing some flyaway hairs back. "Oh my baby, want some hot cocoa? And how about we bake something?" I say, walking back to the kitchen counter and getting things ready for a feel better night. "Your butter cookies? With orange?" He asks puppy eyed, making me giggle. "Well I did just buy some oranges yesterday, so why even ask?" I say putting milk on the stove to warm up and already measuring the right amount of flour and sugar.
Between finishing the hot cocoa and adding the flour to the dough, someone decided to start a fight with flour, so we're now laughing, picking flour from our hair, as the cookies rise. "You're such a child." I chuckle, wiping his nose. "I just couldn't help myself" he shrugs, smirking at me.
The next morning we wake up as late as we can and now we're enjoying a shower together. His hands wash my skin tenderly, massaging all the stiff spots. "I don't think I'll ever get bored of washing your hair!" He admits, bubbling the shampoo between his hands, then applying it to my hair. "Well I'll never get bored of you washing my hair, so lucky for you!"
After what must have been the slowest start of day in months, we finally enter the Christmas tree market, hand in hand. Being here does feel weird without my dad, but not as bad as I thought. Austin squeezes my hand three times and that calms me a bit, so I take a deep breath, looking at all the trees. "Can we get a huge one?" I ask already having my eye on one. "I was thinking smaller, but whatever you want." He says, looking the opposite way the trees that are way too small for my liking. "How about two trees?" I suggest, smiling at him.
"Honey I don't think we'll fit in the elevator with this." Austin says, as he pull down the tree that's almost twice his height, from the roof of my heel. Driving around New York with this on top of the car was of course something out of a comedy. "So up the stairs?" I ask hoping he'd say "no"
"I think so." He sighs, looking with dread at the staircase door. "Ok then.." I say defeated, locking the car and getting ready to help him.
Around the 2nd floor it feels like I'm dying, we decided that best way was for me to go up pulling and him pushing form down. "I think we're going somewhere." I encourage, already cursing myself for not going to the gym enough. Austin laughs, form somewhere behind the tree branches. "Yeah the North Pole!" He jokes
On the 10th floor we  stop at the door of the apartment, him in better shape than me, but still just as tired. "You have no idea how lucky you are I love you!" Austin says, kissing my cheek. "I love you too!"
"Is it straight?" Austin asks from under the tree, trying to place it in the tree stand. "A little to the left!" I instruct. "My left? Or your left?" He asks, out of breath. "Mine, ugh no, yours. I don't know, can you get out of from there?" I ask and he comes to sit next to me. The tree is still very much crooked, but I think I like it this way. "I think I like it this way!" Austin says, rubbing my back. I snuggle into his side and stand on my tippy toes to kiss him. "I think I agree!"
"I think I love you!" He says, picking me up and spinning me around. "Did you notice that you kinda picked a tree looking like me and I picked one looking like you?" Austin jokes again, but as I look at the two Christmas trees, now realizing that the very obvious height difference does resemble the one me and Austin have between us. "I think we just did the funniest thing." I admit, going to the boxes on the floor and taking an ornament out, placing it in the smaller tree Austin chose. "Merry Christmas, y/n! I love you!" Austin says, placing and ornament in the tree I picked. "Merry Christmas Austin, I love you too!"
Tag list: @galaxygirl453
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emelinstriker · 1 year
{Triad AU} Wukong ♡ Crafty Love
This is my own lil take/idea on the Triad AU by @skittlescripts​ - Basically you don't have a double life in my version but are the reincarnation of his love. Just cuz I can only write what my interest chooses to sit on, and it apparently didn't sit well with the by day/nightlife concept hfdngfhdngfd- So it ended up with picking a different path in my head. :'D
Smol doodle drawn by me with my persona cuz it fits more than a random Wukong screenshot. c:
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♡ ~ Fluff ~ ♡
Today was a pretty chill day for your workplace. You did have customers come in, but it wasn't as many as usual. Assuming people were simply busy themselves today, you didn't think much of it. Well, that was until one of your co-workers told you about how your boss seemed to have gotten into some trouble with a member of the local triad. Something along the lines of her having gotten into an argument over keeping the restaurant on their king's turf. But apparently it was a lower member, so he ended up threatening to get a higher-up. And customers who received the news were wary about eating there for a while.
Nothing happened however, so it seemed more like an empty threat from your boss's point of view.
And yet due to what you heard, you were a little bit on edge yourself. Mainly about the potential shut down of the restaurant, making you essentially jobless once more. And you actually did enjoy your job here.
You were the one who designed the restaurant aesthetically, making it feel more welcoming for those afraid of the organization lurking everywhere. And since the restaurant was in a rather shady part of Megapolis, it stood out quite a long. You were also in charge of making to-go packages look nicely. Aluminum animals were littered around the windows for show of your abilities in the crafts of origami and general design.
And it did garner a lot of attention because most passerby found it really cute. Even customers' children sometimes asked if they could make their own little animals with your assistance. But your skills did not make you famous or really be seen. You were quite invisible to the public eye, always sitting quietly in a corner or in the back of the restaurant. In fact, you were so invisible that the two powerful demons that came in later that day didn't notice you folding up another delivery for someone who ordered for pick-up. The customer specifically asked for a fox as a little gift for one of his family members. You yourself were so occupied by your artistic piece and playlist's music that you didn't notice them coming in either.
The demons were talking to your co-worker and were 'kindly' asking for your boss. And of course, your co-worker, terrified as she was, jogged towards the back to get your boss.
"Ugh, why does everyone keep on picking this part of the city for their business?" The monkey with an eye patch questioned while scrolling through his phone, thoroughly bored. He knew this 'talk' wouldn't take long, so why was he demanded to join in the first place?
The other simian leaning against the counter huffed, "Well, they simply don't learn this area is off-limits. I don't even see any reason to keep this restaurant here anyway. We can just scare off every customer if we go the non-violent route." He quickly flipped through the menu, or rather looked at solely the pictures. "Even the food here looks mediocre at best. Killing the people here plus the business would actually be a blessing."
"At least the decoration's nice. I mean, look at this cat!" The black-furred one commented, holding up a miniature kitten made out of aluminum foil he found by the counter.
"Hm, true", the other one admitted. His eyes then glanced around the room's decor... until his eyes landed on you.
You, who made The Great Sage instantly freeze in shock.
You, who was sitting lonely in the corner of the empty restaurant.
You... who looked like an exact replica of his long lost lover, just with different clothing.
His one and only beloved, who managed to tame this beast of a feral demon... until they died to another demon's talons. It caused the Monkey King to snap and make sure this demon would no longer serve as a reminder of what happened. The environment wasn't safe from the encounter either. Unfortunately, he was unable to bring you back, and he had no way of knowing if you would ever be able to reincarnate. But it seems he finally had found you after so many years. And you were the one behind the creation of the only good thing about this restaurant.
The monkey stared at you for so long that his eyes started to dilate and his tail started to slowly swish from side to side. His lips curled into a soft smile as he witnessed your happiness with your work. His friend seemed to notice and followed his gaze.
Ah. Now he understood.
He smirked at his superior's lovestruck expression. Until your co-worker returned, trailing behind your boss, who suddenly seemed a lot more anxious than ever before. The two monkeys gazes snapped back at the two women behind the counter. One monkey seemed amused while the other seemed to have been caught off-guard.
"Yeah, so, we came here because one of my men noticed your restaurant and you were not willing to leave our turf. And we came to settle what he didn't manage to do", the black-furred one stated nonchalantly, his gaze lingering back onto his phone, seemingly searching for something specific.
"Oh Great Sage Equal To Heaven! I beg of you! Please don't kill us!" Your boss pleaded, lowering her head and putting her hands together.
The Great Sage's eyes then glanced back over to you, still vibing to your music and smiling at your crafty little work. You just finished another smaller fox as extra, and he couldn't help but find it absolutely adorable. He then looked back at your boss with a smirk. "You know what? Nevermind, you get to keep your lives and your business."
Confused, yet still frightened, your boss asked him what made him change his mind.
"Simple. You got one amazing and absolutely stunning crafty person working here. Would be a shame if anything happened to your or this business while they still work here~", he answered as his eyes traveled back over to your corner. Your boss glanced between him and you repeatedly before laughing in what one could only describe as a mix of relief and confusion... or concern.
"W-Well, they are a great person, indeed! I assigned them to this task specifically because they don't want to be seen or have to talk to customers. So we- ...huh?" Your boss stopped, watching helplessly as The Great Sage Equal To Heaven approached your seat with his hands in his pockets. Both her and your co-worker were silently praying for your life.
You were still busy with another aluminum animal, when you suddenly felt someone's presence drawing closer. You finally looked up when the person was hovering over you. "Um... may I help you, sir?" You asked as you took off your headphones. What you didn't expect was that the person was a monkey with fancy-looking clothing. He was blushing a little but you were too confused to notice. Apparently you didn't recognize him. He saw it as mostly a blessing because he didn't want the reincarnation of his beloved to fear him. The way you were so casual towards him was what drew him into your past life's relationship in the first place.
"Oh, I just saw your fascinating little crafts and wanted to say you- I-I mean, they look lovely!" He stammered out nervously. You blinked at him before leaning over the table to grab a little aluminum monkey you made before. It wasn't quite as accurate as the birds you've created, but it was still recognizable. You then held up the mini monkey in front of him with a smile.
"Would you like to have this one? It's not great by any means, I'm... still practicing monkeys. I-I hope it doesn't look offensive, otherwise I could-" "It's perfect..." He cut you off, gently taking the animal made out of foil. He would hate himself if he accidentally damaged it in any way with his strength. His claws barely brushed over the softness of your hands, but it was enough to make him feel the tingling sensation you imprinted on him. The Great Sage then gave you a loving smile and a nod in appreciation, "Thank you..."
While the two of you were chatting away about your masterpieces, laughing when certain jokes were made, your boss and co-worker were baffled. They wouldn't have believed it if the scene wasn't playing out right in front of their eyes. The Sun Wukong, Great Sage Equal To Haven, leader of the most feared triad, and immortal Monkey King... was casually talking to a practically invisible stranger without threatening them even once. Or even making them feel uncomfortable.
Were you so oblivious to the fact that you were speaking to a man who could not only kill you, but also destroy everything around you without even trying?
Well, it wasn't so much about being oblivious than it was just about being a decent person. You've heard of the triad, and you've heard rumors of the infamous Monkey King. However, that doesn't mean you would necessarily have to treat him any different to any other customer since you didn't know him personally. You've never even seen the guy until now. And by his looks, you could easily assume it was him.
Meanwhile Macaque seemed amused by the situation. Something only he seemed to have noticed was Wukong's tail wagging happily. Its movement wasn't fast, but it still reminded him of a dog who found its long missing owner. So he couldn't help but take a picture of the scene. It wouldn't serve so much as blackmail, but it would be enough to calm him down with a picture of you if the other simian started to go off again.
And if that wasn't enough, he took some extra pictures of specifically you being happy with Wukong.
"So what you're saying is that if I order food for pick-up or delivery, you would be the one packing it up?" The orange monkey asked, purposefully playing dumb.
"Yeah, unless I'm sick or have a day off. Then one of my co-workers does the packing instead", you responded, pointing in the counters' general direction. Your co-worker let out a nervous squeak before hiding behind your boss.
"Great, so I'll get to see your pretty face a lot more often!" Your face turned a light shade of red at his comment. Too shocked that someone, anyone, let alone The Great Sage would compliment you past your work. He gave you a grin, "It's decided. You can expect me to order food at least once a day."
You blinked in absolute confusion, meanwhile your co-workers were dumbfounded. "Eh?"
"Well, it was nice talking to a stunning and demon-friendly person such as yourself, peaches. But I believe my visitation time's up for today. I hope you're back here tomorrow though." He winked at you at the end, making your blush darken just a bit that he could still notice.
"And don't worry about your business, boss lady", he added as he turned towards the counter with a smirk. "So long as your amazing artist's working here, this restaurant is under the triad's protection. Anyone who tries to get rid of it will have to get through me and my men first." His eyes seemed to darken just a little as his smirk grew into something a bit more sinister. The Monkey King let out a laugh at your co-workers' scared expressions. The dark-furred simian on the other hand huffed in amusement, showing his own fanged grin to the two women. This seemed to scare them a few steps further away from the counter he was now sitting on.
The orange-furred monkey then pulled out a pen and used a piece of unused foil before writing something down on it. He then slid it over the table towards you, placing his other hand on his hips. "Here, feel free to text or call me anytime. And by anytime, I do mean anytime. Feel free to also contact me when you feel unsafe or just want company! I really wouldn't mind showing up in person!"
To be honest, it was actually strange for Macaque to see his old friend act this weirdly. He could tell Wukong was trying to sway and seduce you. But due to how he wasn't trying to do it to manipulate you, and him haven't genuinely done this in hundreds of years, he kind of lost his touch. The shadow monkey could see him struggling as he was a nervous mess on the inside.
His tail gave away his nervous vibes the most. It kept on moving around, curling in on itself, as well as seemingly trying to hold itself back from just wrapping around you for much needed comfort. You glanced at the info written down on the piece of aluminum before gently smiling at him with a nod. "Will do, thanks! It was nice chatting with you too, Mr. Monkey King."
"Please, just call me Wukong. 'Mister' just makes me feel an extra millennium older."
"But you are old, grandpa!" Macaque exclaimed from across the room, earning him a death glare from his ticked off boss.
"You're one to talk, emo dinosaur!" The King snapped back. You couldn't help but let out a small laugh at their childish insults, making the orange-furred monkey slowly turn towards you, his heartbeat seemingly increasing at the sound. He needed to hear your laugh more.
"Anyway, I'll take this with me," he stated as he picked up one the menus from the table, "and we'll be on our way now. See you tomorrow, peaches~" The Great Sage then rather aggressively grabbed the other amused demon by the back of his coat, casually picking him up and carrying him towards the exit, the aluminum monkey still being gently held by his other hand. "Move along Macaque, we don't have all day."
"Until next time, (Y/N)!" Macaque called out as he waved at you as best as he could, still being carried away like a kitten.
...How did he know your name? You only told Wukong during your conversation... 'Man, those rumors about the Six-Eared Macaque having incredible hearing must be true if he was able to hear that', you thought. Little did you know that he already knew your name despite his hearing.
However, from that day on your life's daily routine changed. Wukong would ask for a different order everyday, testing out everything from the menu to see if it was even worth buying more than one specific order everytime. And any food he didn't like he would give to MK to try out. His adoptive son was actually pretty fond of the restaurant's food, to the point where he would either go eat there by himself, with friends or come eat with his dad. Most of the time the triad would only ask to grab pick-up food, but there were days where members would actually eat by the tables. You weren't sure if they only asked for pick-up as to not scare away any non-triad customers, but it did seem to invite in more people each day.
Wukong would sometimes also stay at the restaurant, specifically eating at the same table as you while you were packing up other peoples' orders. He started off pretty nervous during your first conversations, but he quickly became a lot more casual with you. Even his flirting attempts became a lot smoother and would easily catch you off-guard, leaving you a blushing mess everytime. Meanwhile you decided to show him how to create his own little army of aluminum animals.
It might take a while to get you to fully fall for him again, but he would do anything to be with you forever. Even if simple little animal crafts would bring you two closer step by step. Reincarnation or not, he loved you until the day he dies...
Which is saying a lot in his case.
> Masterlist <
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senqv · 2 years
blue lock ! mermaid au featuring : alexis ness , michael kaiser , kurona ranze x gn! reader
warning(s) : kaiser tries to kill you once purposefully and once accidentally ( what’s new ) , biting , dead fish rip , lmk if there are more !
a/n : can you tell i was an ocean loving child
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alexis ness !
prolly a dolphin mercreature … you know how the media portrays dolphins to be cute little angels but actually they are wild. yea
he has a curious nature as a dolphin, but also, as we know, incredibly intelligent
he can’t speak too much, but communicates with little thrills and chirps <3
you learn his name after he draws it out onto the sand, he really likes how you say his name !!
alexis also likes to ‘study’ you, as you say, and he is extremely fond of wrapping his tail around your legs — he doesn’t have them, after all, so he’s really curious on how they work !
he always leaves some gifts for you by rocks for you, like shells and clams with pearls in them <3 sometimes he finds some weird human contraption that was dropped into the sea and brings them to you as well
you bring your own gifts for him too ! he’s quite fond of flowers; especially lavenders, the sweet smell really appeals to him. he’s kinda sad that he can’t bring them underwater though :(
a regular bottlenose dolphin is about 2-4 m ( around 6.7 - 13.1 feet ) in length, so he’s quite big — bigger than you at least.
despite his large size, he’s very gentle with you, brushing his face over your palms and examining your legs with apt fascination. his fingers are nearly floating above your skin, because you’re so small compared to him that he really doesn’t wanna hurt you (*⁰▿⁰*)
he’s always mimicking you smiling. it’s his favourite expression !! it gets a little unsettling sometimes because you can tell that something has angered him but he’s still like :)
and then suddenly some people who have bothered you have develop a fear of the sea and refuse to go near it and you hm
splashes water on you to express his displeasure. and then he nudges you down when you try to tackle him as revenge … and somehow he is surprised you went down so easily ??? like huh have you not seen the size difference
overall really cute 10/10
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michael kaiser !
if dolphins are bad this guy is an orca. the worse subspecies of dolphin fr they r such menaces ( but also my favourite ocean species LAWL they r too cute )
probably tried to kill you the first time y’all met ??
orca LOVE to play around with their prey. he definitely tried to flick you into the air but then decided that he was quite fond of you and now you’re his human. like um .ok ?????
really likes shiny things ! tinkers around with the bracelets and rings you wear, it’s cute how his pupils dilate a little when a glass bead reflects against the sunlight just right
he would really like for you to swim with him, but the sea is horrendously cold during the winter …
he doesn’t really understand that concept, so he tried tugging you into the water once, and you could barely submerge half your body you froze up and had to get out :(
kaiser refused to let you go afterwards for a long time, wrapping his arms and tail around you, a grumbling sound from his throat and warm breath against your neck <3
his fins twitching and his huge tail slamming on the deck nervously as he massages your arms to get the blood flowing again
he can’t let his favourite human die too fast yknow :( but the asshole attitude returns after he knows you’re fine. mf
he brings you his catches; huge fish, turtles, sometimes even smaller dolphin species as ? gifts ?? and lowkey gets offended when you explain how you can’t haul all those back to your house
again — he is huge. male killer whales are about 6 - 8 m ( 19.6 - 26.3 ft ) in length !! sits you on his lap as he marvels at how tiny you are compared to him
after thorough observation, he mlems at you face and you can’t tell if the grin he sports is him telling you that you’re going to be his next meal or something else
really likes it when you trace the patterns on his tail <3 he hides his face in his arms so you can’t see his expression but his tail is thrashing really wildly !!
possibly a 10 when he’s not trying to kill you
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kurona ranze (黒名 蘭世) !
do i even need to say it ??? shark boy <3 i’d say hes a lemon shark mercreature !! omg i love lemon sharks they r the cutest
just putting it out here that lemon sharks are possessive of their humans and get jealous when they give other sharks too much attention LOL
kurona wraps his tail around you when he wants your attention and just in general when you’re near him !!
like ness, he is really curious of your legs. tried biting them once or twice — it doesnt hurt, but the occasional bite marks on your calves and thighs are hard to explain to your friends
his teeth are really cute to look at tho !! very spiky, and he grabs your hand so you can feel the groves of his triangular teeth and his tongue licking at your finger-pads
really likes swimming with you — you don’t even have to tread water cause he’ll just hold you by the waist and swim like that !! strong boy
kurona knows a lot about the ocean (since he practically lives in it ..), he brings you to see tiny glowing jellyfish at night and little bioluminescence plankton in underwater caves !! he gets really happy when he sees you excited over them
his eyes dilate … like a lot. they get huge when he sees you cause he loves you <3
really enjoys getting pets ! he’s not too expressive but you can always hear some gentle purring when you run your fingers through his hair
brings you small coral and pearls as gifts <3 sometimes he feels mischievous and just spits out some kind of fish at your feet just to scare you _:(´ཀ`」 ∠): wtf kurona !!
loves laying his head on your lap to hear you muse about the stars and constellations at night <3
deadass tries to lean his near 3 m ( 11 ft ) self on you like . hello
really likes stars a lot, his tail was practically wagging when you gave him a bracelet strung of star-shaped beads !!
he brought you a really pretty starfish afterwards as thanks
kurona automatically starts licking at your wounds if you have any, and he’s really careful not to get saltwater on them
doesnt like it when you’re hurt in any form :(
10/10 sea puppy bf
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now i lowkey wanna sketch mermaid au blue lock adjdjhsjasjsj
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skittikyu · 7 months
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Final (for now :3c) lineup of Stilti and their AU selves !
More info under the cut !
The classic! Just another human trapped in the Digital World, who took the form of a 9'5'' tall humanoid stilt quadruped, perhaps struggling with being rigid and distant in her previous life now manifested physically. Yes, they're actually part of her body. No, she can't bend at where her joints should be. Being so tall has its advantages and disadvantages, as does the radical acceptance approach they brought with her from whatever therapy sessions she must have been attending before joining the circus (read more about her coping mechanisms and the drawbacks!). Creative at heart but with limbs now incapable of visual art, they distract herself from the phantom pains pass time singing and dancing, and puts her all into the performance aspects of the circus, though they still enjoy participating in the adventures from time to time. Also, while not nearly as bad as Jax (she’s not one to invade personal space or use sensitivities/phobias as jokes towards someone once she’s aware that’s what they are), they do enjoy poking fun and teasing others. Essentially at most their aim is to lightheartedly annoy or confuse rather than shock or hurt (read more about her relationships with the rest of the cast!).
"It is what it is. I'm not going to let all this eat away at whatever's left of me, but just..ignoring when I'm not feeling okay isn't any better for me. If you want to bury yourself in your little shell as protection, I can't and won't stop you. Just surviving isn't living, though."
Basically Stilti takes canon Caine's role as an AI ringmaster of the Amazing Digital Circus! Even her name in this AU is a biblical reference like his (but to Lilith instead of Cane!). Because she's in charge she has more control of her form than regular Stilti, and therefore has functioning limb privileges. She can also float like regular Caine but prefers to walk around because she finds it more elegant even though to the others it's probably just unsettling. On the surface Stiltilith's demeanour is calmer than Caine's and more mature than Stiltikyu's, but she can be equally as much of a menace in the right situation. It's all in playful fun, though, even if it doesn't come across that way due to her not being human. They're doing their best to learn about human emotions and social conventions and take a lot of pride in their job. Have you ever seen the movie Coraline? Stiltilith is like if the other mother really wasn't evil; they're trying her best to make the humans that enter the program happy with everything they could want, but ultimately falling short of fulfilling their actual needs due to not being human.
"You want to go home..? Silly, this is your new home now! ..hm, well, what can I do to make it just as good? Better, even! After all, since you can't leave, it's the least I ca...oh, come now, there's no need to cry..there there..I'll see what I can whip up.."
OPPOSITE AU (Belongs to campbell_soup70 on Instagram!)
Pretty self explanatory! Rather than skipping every stage of grief right to acceptance, this Stilti probably endlessly cycles through the first four without ever arriving at the final one. That is, when she isn't completely paralyzed by her absolute lack of capacity for dealing with their current situation. Without intervention, they probably won't last long.
CARNIVAL AU (Belongs to @/sm-baby)
Keeping with the concept of the cast being evolved, boss-like forms of their usual counterparts, Carnival Stilti ("The Metronome") goes all in on the musical/dancing aspects of her personality. Her game is arcade themed, especially rhythm games like DDR and guitar hero; maybe a bit of karaoke elements in there too. She's not super aggressive in comparison to some of the other AIs, but she takes themself very seriously and probably becomes more volatile if she feels as if the player isn't meeting her standards. Basically thoughts and prayers to any users with a bad sense of tempo and/or who sings or plays off key. Her collar is shaped like a voice box and they speak/sing similarly to a vocaloid, with more roboticism/distortion the more emotional they get.
"Hmmmmm~. ♫ Come on, that's not the best you could do, was it?~ ♪ Let's try again. No flat notes or missed steps this time, kay? 4, 3, 2~!♩"
CORRUPTION AU (Belongs to /rabid-mercenary15)
Unfortunately it was likely only a matter of time until Stilti got caught by one of her corrupted co-stars..while she may be agile and quick, her avatar isn't the best at fitting through small spaces or hiding behind much of anything..they now roam around like a mindless beast, occasionally making unworldly screeching and groaning noises, a far cry from their previous singing..still, it seems old habits do in fact die hard, however warped they may become. One of the more docile of the virally-infected, the best chance at deescalating an encounter with them is music. She's drawn to and is soothed by singing and playing instruments. Of course, now the problem is her following the source of it, but hey, at least they aren't attacking! Try backing away slowly until you get to an area they can't follow due to her colossal size. Or, set up a radio/windup music box somewhere else as a diversion and get away while they're distracted! Even if they see or hear you while you're doing so, as long as the music is still playing, they'll be too enamoured with it to care.
FREAKSHOW AU (belongs to @/hootbon)
Freakshow Stilti is all of regular Stiltikyu’s worst aspects exaggerated and potentials accelerated, basically the worst possible version of themself that lives on even more of a wire than she already is in canon verse. Walking on eggshells is second nature - at least she has great balance, even with her disfunctional limbs! Mind the splinters! While both versions of them are resigned to the hopelessness of their situation, Regular Stilti would compare hers to purgatory whereas Freakshow Stilti would (internally) compare theirs to hell. The first thing Caine did when she arrived was break her arms and legs - this was to give her flexibility for their new role as “Contortionist”, but the permanent trauma and chronic pain they also received was of no concern to him outside of frustration with her “attitude” (AKA screaming, then crying, then a paralysis-like freeze response, which was highly unproductive), but an unacceptable lack of cooperation was nothing corrective measures couldn’t reeducate. Seemingly, it worked: nowadays she’s all silly smiles, singing and practicing her performance routines off-hours for fun. What dedication! Isn’t it nice they chose to be such a team player? Well, whatever. With that twist on the same acceptance their regular TADC counterpart has, there’s also the similar (albeit darker) self awareness. She may be resigned to their existence but she’s not avoidant to its realities. On the surface they’re on Promised Neverland levels of copium and outwardly detached completely from their emotions and the horrific events that routinely surround them. However, while her persona may come across as delusional, everything they do is on her own terms. Their hyper-vigilance, a torturously anxiety-ridden constant of being, has also been her biggest tool for- well, not surviving, they’ve died plenty of times..-persisting, let’s say. Their preferred choices in strategies can all be categorized as some form of Freeze, while their last choice would be Fight, in order avoid potentially unwinnable situations. Still…we’d like to still think we have principles, but in the face of self preservation, it gets easier to abandon them. Though not their go-to, there definitely are and will be times they choose Flight or Fawn instead. Generally outside of shows, she keeps a low profile. They do their best to keep expectations of her reasonable, with not so much that they’d attract needless attention (not to mention be even more stress to maintain), but not so little it would inconvenience anyone, or god forbid, give the impression that they’re not pulling their own weight. Over time, she’s learnt all the things they have no power over and the few she does, namely their own mind. Dignity is a luxury in a place like this but integrity is something they can only take if she chooses to give it to them, and stooping to their level yields the exact same result as unwillingly being pulled down. “None of this is real” is also little reassurance in a realm where you can still experience the sensation of physical pain (not to mention psychologically directly), but “take whatever you can get in this place” was another quickly learned lesson and that includes comforts, so the fact that everything is “just” in a video game is one of many tools in Stilti’s arsenal of dissociation. They overall have attitude of “if there’s no meaning, they’ll make up her own - to them, that’s better than looking for something that isn’t there” Is it denial if it’s a conscious decision? Who knows!
An area that Freakshow Stilti is basically completely different from her canon verse counterpart is that she doesn’t crave nor seek out connection with others the way Regular Stilti does. This is likely a result of both her detachment methods in other areas, as well as a mutual lack of trust with the other members since she’s experienced and witnessed first hand plenty of times that they’re all incapable of actually relying on and helping each other. Still being a Stilti, though, part of her will always want to - she’s somewhat “attached” to others who have been personally victimized by the ringleader, possibly out of empathy or a perceived “connection” from the shared experience. However, when attempting to build bridges have an inevitably lethal outcome, she knows better than to have their hopes up in ways her other self will fortunately never have to fathom coming to terms with. That being said, not worrying about any relationships having strong foundations makes it a lot easier to have a devil-may-care attitude towards her peers and how they perceive them, so when combined with feeling her emotions more strongly in moments they’re not being actively repressed, Freakshow Stilti is a lot more unrestrained expressing her infatuation for those like Gangle and Ragatha, or contempt for those like Jax. The AI are of course the exception to this - any interaction with Caine and Aingle is with a permanently awestruck pokerface. Maybe, in some areas, that sentiment is genuine - after all, if she wasn’t impressed on some level by their technical abilities, authentically expressing respect for them as “superiors” would be impossible not to come across as tepid or overboard, both unconvincingly.
"Are you crying?...Oh, no, I don't do that anymore. Bad for my voice, you know? How about we sing instead?"
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mister-mickey · 9 months
Sexuality headcanons
(Does not have anything to do with the ship hcs, these are my personal hcs. It’s more related to the twitter au but even then it’s not 100% the same)
Experience doesn’t necessarily mean sex, just like dating and such
- Cis and gay lol
- He likes guys that fight (Paul, tim)
- That’s why he liked football so much lolol
- Despite this he doesn’t have a lot of experience with other guys because he only dated girls in highschool
- Bisexual ofc. Also cis but very connected to fem side
- His type is uhh. Mean ppl. He hates to admit it though and makes excuses for his partner/crush
- “No Sandy isn’t cheating on me she just has lots of guy friends!” “Steve isn’t mean he’s just bitey!”
- Has experience with lots of different ppl because he’s so in demand so he’s good at flirting (charming handsome boy)
- Hm. Also bisexual because if taht obvious crush on cherry but also everyone else in the book lmao. Non-binary in a “I don’t give a fuck about my gender” way. Still he/him
- Doesn’t have a set type, it’s literally just anyone. He meets someone? Oh wow, new crush.
- It seems like he’s attracted to assholes, but it’s actually just because everyone around him is an asshole
- No experience, he’s 14 and kind of losery (I love him still, not pb hate)
- Bisexual but leans towards girl, cis
- Canon that he likes blondes, so I bet he’s made out with dally at a party at least once.
- Marcia is an obvious exception to this and he doesn’t understand it. He jokes about her dying her hair blonde but he really does like her as is
- Lots of experience I’m sure. He’s funny and charming, I’d be surprised if he didn’t
- Bisexual but leans toward guys, cis
- Likes people that kick his ass (tim, Sylvia) honestly his type is just people that see him for who he is
- Tim and Sylvia are his toxic exes that he keeps going back to. He hates it but they really are some of the only people that he feels understand him
- He’s Dallas, im pretty sure Ponyboy mentioned him having tons of flings so he’s got experience.
- Gay, and I read a really good fic where he was ftm and it rearranged my brain so he’s trans now
- His type is pretty boys (soda) he’s mostly only ever had a crush on soda so it’s not like he’s explored his type lol
- He dated evie because she was friends with Sandy and he wanted to double date with soda and Sandy so he could watch them the entire time (jealous mf)
- Zero experience, he refused to even kiss evie and he never had the guts to even look at other guys
- Hm. Gay and cis, but he seriously questioned his gender for a bit because he didn’t have much of a self concept and he couldn’t imagine himself at all. He decided to stop thinking about it because it stressed him out
- His type is people that he thinks are better than him (Dallas, for being tuffer, pony, for being smarter) he thinks that being around cool people will make him feel better about himself
- It doesn’t work, but he still likes to do it. Anyway, pony and dally still make him feel better in other ways because they think he’s so cool
- No experience, nobody ever flirts with him (or even notices him) except for Sylvia that one time. He thinks he’s ugly but honestly he just needs to put himself out there
- Gay and ftm (projecting lolll) very few people know because he was really young when he transed. Like when he was like 4 and his parents were like “hm okay whatever we don’t care anyway.” Also itty bitty titty committee so he doesn’t even have to bind (jealous)
- His type is literally just tough guys. That’s why he dated dallas and why he likes darry. They’re both tough and good at fighting.
- also dated Sylvia but only to make dally mad (and he regretted it because he realized immediately afterwards that he was definitely gay. Sylvia thought it was funny)
- Lots of experience but only with select people (people he can trust)
- Bisexual but doesn’t realize it lol, cis
- She likes traditionally masculine guys and traditionally feminine girls. Idk why but she likes it. Tbf it’s the sixties she wouldn’t be exposed to many fem guys and masc girls. Maybe she had a crush on Sylvia
- Dated bryon and actually really liked him for a bit. She broke up with him for pb but regretted it lmao.
- Bryon was her first bf so no real experience. Also tim chases any possible beaus away so she’s real unlucky
- Gay and cis, but too stupid to realize that he’s gay
- His type is any man ever. (Saw tuffponyboy’s post about how curly likes dally, bryon, and Sodapop and I committed it to my belief system)
- But he also likes pony. Maybe he even realizes and is like “omg I’m a homosexual 😧” and he doesn’t realize that everyone around him is also gay and wouldn’t judge him.
- Zero experience, gets no bitches, loser. Also he’s fifteen and he cares more about fighting than smooching
- Aromantic, asexual and ftm. Idk I feel like it fits him.
- Honestly he cares more about his friends and family than anything else. He literally sold drugs ti support his family (look where that got him)
- Has dated girls before but he hated it so much. Even tried kissing a guy at a party but decided that everyone else was crazy for enjoying this stuff
- A little bit of experience from before he decided that it all just wasn’t for him
- Bisexual and cis
- His type is shorter than him (he likes to be tall and feel strong)
- He dated angela and Cathy, but he kissed curly at a party once (claimed it was because he was drunk and curly looks like angela but it’s not true he just thought curly was a cutie (even he’s super annoying))
- He mentioned being a ladies man so yeah he’s got experience.
- Straight and cis, but a mega ally !!
- Her type is thoughtful and also big muscles
- She really thought bryon was perfect until he had his, err, mental breakdown and flipped out. It really hurt and she was so worried about him but he shut her out for months so she ended up moving on.
- Pretty sure bryon was her first bf? But she got with pb so she’s got a little bit of experience now
- I think gay and nb, and he doesn’t care about pronouns at all. He’s nonchalant like that
- Had a crush on mark lol. And Randy. He doesn’t date anyone because the only person he’s come out to is Cathy
- He thinks curly jumps him because he’s gay. Doesn’t realize its because he’s a hippie (curly is stupid but not homophobic)
- No experience, he’s like 13 and has never ever dated. Maybe he’s danced with someone at a school dance but he has no charm
- Cishet ally
- Her type is canonly jerks. Very funny miss cherry.
- She dated bob, liked dally, in the series she liked Tim too. Why is she like this 💔
- A bit of experience, she dated bob after all.
- Bisexual in a homophobic way, cis
- Type is attractive rich people. He would never be attracted to a greaser, he’d rather jump off a cliff
- Dated cherry, likes Randy. He wants a very traditional future with a spouse and two children and he doesn’t think he can get that with a poor person for whatever reason. He also wants to be the “man” in the relationship.
- Lots of experience because he’s a whore I think. Flirts with most any rich person.
- Cishet, doesn’t know that gay people are actually real. (When cherry told her she thought it was a joke)
- Type is funny lol. That’s why she likes twobit. I guess that means Randy is somewhat funny
- She actually isn’t that funny herself, she just likes to laugh.
- Very little experience. Randy was her first bf
- Gay and cis
- He likes bob. That’s it !
- He legit isn’t attracted to anyone else. After bob died he changed his entire ideology and became a hippie !! He was down bad. He doesn’t give a fuck about Marcia she’s just a girl to him
- Only has experience with Marcia and it’s not really the experience he wants because he is bobsexual
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imthepunchlord · 4 months
Man, hearing about the season 1 days of miraculous makes remember when we first saw the leaks of the season and first the art for the pearls and stone, Alya with the fox (and how everyone called her Volpina), and Chloe with the bee. Man, those were days. I also remember how everyone was thinking Gabriel had the peacock and Emilie had the butterfly originally. I even remember when we first got that one image of Pixie Girl, and everyone thought she was a teenage Emilie with the butterfly miraculous that was going to appear in a flashback episode 😆. Ah, I miss those days.
Gosh so much is taking me back.
I remember expanded Square chaos. I remember there were theories of Ladybug and "Volpina"/Rena being rivals/antagonists to each other as a reversal of them being best friends + clearly Marinette wouldn't trust the new Fox (which I was never crazy about, especially as you typically didn't see that for Adrien and Nino, felt like turning girls against each other); and QB and LB were going be friendly. And there were speculated shenanigans for QB and RR, I think there was also a small rise of Chloya and the idea that maybe they'd have their own Square going.
Some I didn't see, like the theory that Pixie was teen Emilie, but I did see that she was planned for the NY Special, and there were the plans for the Shanghai Special.
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I really did theorize that Marinette and Adrien were going to get their own exclusive Specials to be focused on, with Marinette in Shanghai and Adrien in NY and he for sure was going to work with Pixie.
Another theory I had was where Fu was going to become Marinette's mentor, Gabriel was going to be Adrien's, cause I did like the idea that he had the Peafowl, not Emilie. And I thought this concept art of Duusu was her being furious with Gabriel literally shutting her away.
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And something was going to go down and this "Paon" was going to steal the Peafowl from Gabriel.
Or she already did and what Gabriel had was a fake.
And potentially that HM was who Gabriel and Emilie feared and that's why Adrien wasn't allowed out.
Those really were the days. The theories were so fun. And much of it I think was more interesting than what we got.
And it was a time of aus. I don't know how many aus are being done for ML these days, I think most are salt fics now, but that was the time to have fun, do different spins. Doing kwami swaps. Life swaps. Cowboy au.
You could get creative with akumas, like, I remember finding old fics that swapped Marientte with Bridgette and trapped her in a different reality/timeline, and I kinda wish the Paris Special did that. Off topic, but I feel the Paris Special should've gone full comedy and full reversal for characters. And that we actually got to see this different Paris.
Like, could you imagine Marinette and Emonette swapping places, either through akuma or Bunnyx, and Marinette's scrambling trying to figure out how to get back and how to keep going in this topsy turvy world where apparently Ladybug is a villain? "Hawk Moth" is a good guy? Wtf is Chat wearing? Wtf happened to Adrien.
And you got Emonette just needing shades cause this world is so bright and sunny and why do these people keep talking to her? Tf happened to Adrien, was he a poser this whole time? HM's a villain? But of course he's a bad villain just like he's a bad hero. And ooooh she's going to have so much fun with Chloe... and who tf is this Lila and what does she think she's doing picking a fight with Emonette. Oh, she's adding her to her list...
And you could add to it if kwamis were also kinda reversed.
Emonette stuck with canon Tikki trying to get her Marinette back, but also trying to rein in Emonette, try to be that voice of reason and her consciousness, and oh, she's dumping all of Chloe's things down the toilet... she's got her work cut out for her.
Meanwhile Special Tikki is more "pure luck" and is more chaotic and sporadic, she's not outright malicious, but she's just rolling with that neutralness of luck, it having good and bad and it comes down to karma and your own actions. She's just here to sit and watch the consequences play out. Emonette was kinda funny though she was predictable in her karma as her negative actions fed negative consequences. But man, this Marinette is freaking hilarious. Tikki is constantly eating popcorn, enjoying the show cause she never knows what she's going to get with this well meaning if all over the place Marinette.
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blchwaaaan · 2 months
So... what does _VnC_AU entails? 👀
hi there, thanks for the ask! This is a dazatsu Vanitas no Carte AU, the other super gay-subtext (is it really subtext at this point lol) bones show. I actually posted part of it (a dangerous thing on ao3). I wrote 2 different backstories for Atsushi but I can't yet decide which one is best, and this universe is hanging in the air until I have an epiphany or like. the starts align. or something.
The vampires in this fic are like Vanitas no Carte, they don't need blood to survive but can become additcted to it. they also enjoy normal human food, and don't have to hide from the sun. There is an established monarchy with lots of secrets. and I'm undecided on whether I take the world as it is or build up the queen as another character. I have this idea that the queen picked up Atsushi (a vampire) from the streets and made him her spy. She sends him to spy on Dazai, a human conducting research on vampires. Once they're sure Dazai is not a threat, the queen considers him an ally and orders Atsushi to 'assist' Dazai in his research. Atsushi moves in with Dazai and the above fic ensues. Also Atsushi carries on his spy activities while transformed to a cat. Which slips into Dazai's bag whenever he likes. Also he transforms to a cat when he wants to avoid an argument because he can :3
The other route/idea is that Dazai finds Atsushi living in the streets by accident, much like in canon, and says he'll pay him to help write his thesis. In reality Dazai thought Atsushi was really pretty and caring and everything he could ever wish for. and he was like hm what is an excuse to keep him around. He invented the topic of his thesis on the spot, convinced Atsushi to move in for research purposes, then the events of the above fic happen some time later ;;
When I wrote it I had just wanted an excuse to write an erotic blood drinking scene but then it got a mind of its own. I'll probably not post the backstories and just post the continuation of that fic where they actually fall in love. But I'm a really slow writer so idk when eventually. I hope the concept is interesting at least <3
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bluegekk0 · 4 months
I love how you draw Hornet and her design. It's fluffy and it looks like she is tired. Anyways I was wondering if there was a time where Hornet would have had more than 2 pairs of arms. I feel like out of all of the family she would be the one with multiple arms as both her parents have it.
Since I am on the topic, what other designs have you tried? I know when you were revealing Asta and Milo you said they were somewhat reminiscent of Leaks designs.
She's always had just two arms, actually. While it makes sense for her to have at least 4, perhaps Herrah only actually has 2 arms while the rest of her limbs are legs. Kind of like a spider centaur, maybe. I don't have a design for her yet, so this is just me thinking out loud. If not, then maybe Hornet just got really unlucky in the limbs department and somehow only got 2 arms.
As for other design iterations... Hm. Well, there were her previous cloak designs. At the very beginning of the AU she had a canon-esque cloak with some additional details. Then I designed new clothes for her, a sweater-like undershirt with a red cape-like cloak on top. In the AU canon, her old cloak got destroyed and then what was left of it was reused for a more fancy eyepatch for Holly.
But I ended up changing the design of that new cloak, the new undershirt is mode medieval-esque and the cloak is dark blue. I like this color combination better and I do think she would dress in more muted colors to fit the style of Dirtmouth better. It helps her blend in but it's also a subtle sign of her finally acknowledging her role in the community. She's no longer a lone wolf like before, she's part of the townsfolk now. It's a pretty big step for her, and I think having her clothes reflect that is a pretty neat detail.
Her actual body didn't really change much, mostly because I've never actually drawn it prior to the most recent reference. Her headshape got some changes, it's a lot more round now, and her eyes are more noticeably brown with big dark pupils. I never really experimented with her design very much so the clothes are the only thing that was worth mentioning.
And yes, Milo in particular was super close to an early Lewk design. Asta not so much, though being Milo's twin sister means that she does share some similarities with that old concept.
Here's the super old sketch and Milo for comparison. As you can see, it's a veeery similar idea. The main difference is the lack of fluff, but Grimm was a lot less fluffy back then so the old baby design reflected that. Oh and FPK didn't have eyebrows. So the baby didn't have them either. Funniest thing is, I didn't even intend to call back to that design, I finished drawing Milo and only then made the connection. Nothing is ever truly lost it seems.
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the-obnoxious-sibling · 7 months
What’s your opinion on cross guild? I’m sending this on anon because I kinda hate them while everybody loves them. I think it’s because Buggy is my favourite character and I just can’t see it as anything other than abuse😭 Do you think their dynamic will change? Is my opinion based on unconditional clown love?
i think the fanon toxic polycule concept is kinda funny? like, the idea of buggy continuing to fail upward in life into a triad with two very powerful people who started out hating him? hysterical. does it have a strong basis in canon? no. just about every buggy ship has to be taken with a grain of “let’s ignore the reality of the situation here” salt. my own buggy ship is not immune to this! but cross guild… really needs that seasoning.
in canon it’s more a hostage situation than a relationship—albeit a pretty slapstick hostage situation, as despite their best efforts mihawk and crocodile cannot control buggy or his followers at all, and the injuries buggy takes are treated pretty lightly by the narrative.
in that context, it makes sense that sexual interpretations of cross guild would have strong vibes of either bdsm or ipv. i’m not surprised it’s upsetting for you.
in the end, it’s something i could be convinced to read a mundane au about, where dynamics are always softened to better fit the setting, but that’s about it for me re: the trio. i don’t expect their dynamic to change much, even if buggy manages to rope them into going along with his one piece questing, and i don’t much care.
now, the pairs within the trio?
crocodile and buggy is just “give me my money” -> flight response -> threats of violence -> fawn response -> actual violence -> desperate fawn response. good god. i get why it brings out certain impulses in certain readers—buggy begs to lick the man’s boots, ffs—but it does not really do anything for me, and i don’t expect that to change. crocodile wants money and power, which buggy respects because same, but as he has less of both he can’t really offer crocodile much of anything, and crocodile seems very aware and disdainful of that.
buggy and mihawk is theoretically very fun for the same reason luffy interacting with either of them is fun: they all have a connection to shanks that makes their interactions with anyone else who knows shanks so weird. they cannot be normal about that guy. in practice, none of that has shown up, we’ve just seen mihawk offended by buggy’s personality/reputation/aesthetic and buggy flinching away from his glares. (i can’t imagine mihawk punching someone, so i suspect all of buggy’s injuries came from crocodile… probably because the only way mihawk could actually hurt buggy would be with lethal force.) i’m hopeful, as has been indicated in previous mihawk posts, that we’ll get something more here eventually.
mihawk and crocodile legitimately made me go oh, hm in that first cross guild chapter. crocodile calls this guy up out of nowhere to say, “hey, i notice your job security kinda sucks right now, want to join my company? we have a lot in common… we both hate other people…” is there a history between these two, or did crocodile just get good vibes off him the one time they both bothered to show up for a warlord meeting? i want to know more. if these two ever get rid of buggy, would they actually be any good at managing baroque works 2: crossy guild? idk. i suspect without a scapegoat to redirect their anger onto they’d start having unavoidable personality conflicts, regardless of their managerial competencies, but even that could be fun to watch fall apart.
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seas-storyarchive · 4 months
alastor magne au
not originally conceived as, but I like the concept now that I'm thinking about it:
alastor being the baby fawn bro who follows his older toddler nephilim demon sister
lilith ignoring the baby, not hers so why should she care - he's the reason for the adults divorce
look lucifer tries not to blame alastor or himself, but it doesn't always pan out and usually leads to an argument as alastor gets older
al starts a radio show, an act of rebellion on his part - he's not the crowned prince so he can do whatever he wants, and what are they going to do to him? hm? stick him in hell?
niffty was made to be his caretaker as a kid, and she takes it seriously even to this day
husk and him have a less than malevolent deal, sure al owned husks soul at one point but he gave it back- the two just hang around each other because why the fuck not? they vibe with each other even if the vibe isn't always the same
when al disappears, lucifer searched every inch of hell many times over before giving up. this impacts his and charlies relationship 10 fold because she does care about her brother, but her dad giving so much attention to al and not her had led to a lot of misunderstandings between the two
vaggie doesn't know alastor, save for word of mouth, so she's skeptical of him
but when al shows back up, charlie is really happy to see her baby brother
her brother has changed, he's taller, more.. quiet, something is off with him- he's making deals, more mentally unwell shall we say.. it worries charlie
what it actually is/was
the two being their ages in the show (charlie being 20 and alastor being 30ish??)
charlie is the crowned princess, alastor is a fucking attention whore who wants the same amount of attention
charlie and him are peak 'the only one who can make my sib cry is me' energy
charlie is the only one who can reign in alastor's more.. psychopathic tendencies, due to little sister rights
charlie fucking hates that al won't tell her anything, they didn't use to be this way so what the fuck changed in those seven years to fuck with his head so much??
charlie doesn't tell al that their dad is coming to the hotel
it's a peak screaming/singing match between the two because they are peak drama queens
but when al gets stabbed, lucifer sadly can't interfere - he's not a hellborn, not a biological child of lucifer, which only furthers the bridge between them and lucifer hates himself for it, having tried to talk to al and charlie both about it
charlie is more willing to talk, al just stays in his radio tower with a locked door and static blasting to tune out the knocking and voices
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1moreff-creator · 7 months
(01) Levi Fontana - First Trial (DRDT-Milgram AU)
Hey there! We’re officially starting the First trial, and it’s Levi’s turn! With his Voice Drama: Minimalism, and his Music Video (concept): Torn Stitches! As well as the voting at the end (I'm using Tumblr one week polls to not overcomplicate things). I’ve decided (for now at least) not to do post-MV interrogation questions because… I don’t know what to do with them? They would just be a bunch of headcanons for the most part, so I don’t think they would be too important. I might make them later, but not now. 
Anyways. Below is a vague, not entirely serious attempt at a thumbnail for this "video" (ID in alt text). The sprite is from the official gallery of course. 
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CW murder and blood (description of a fight). Not afiliated with either DRDT or Milgram.
One clarification I should have probably made in Undercover: all of these prisoner’s backstories are set in the US, because that’s where the DRDT characters are from (minus possibly Teruko). This isn’t really important for Levi, but it may come up later so.
Also another thing I forgot! The idea for this AU came from this post by sunlit-haru! Thanks for the brainrot buddy!
Voice Drama - Minimalism
(Keep in mind this Es’ personality isn’t the same as canon, but rather it’s loosely based on a certain DRDT character)
Es: [Upbeat voice] Hello, Prisoner Number 01! It’s nice to meet you. 
Levi: Hm… Interesting. The uniform is designed to impose a sense of authority, that much is clear from the cape and the hat. The dark clothing enhances the effect, with the gloves-
E: Uh… what?
L: Oh! Apologies. Your outfit is quite intriguing, and… well, observing that kind of thing is a bit of a nervous habit of mine. 
E: Uh… huh. Well, that’s… nice! *Shuffling* Do you like it? It’s a bit more dramatic than what I’d usually wear, but I guess it’s fitting.
L: Oh? What is it you usually wear?
E: …
L: Warden?
E: Oh! Just call me Es! What’s your name, anyways? It would be kinda awkward to just keep calling you Zero One or something. 
L: … Oh. Right, where are my manners? Levi Fontana, a pleasure.
E: Nice to meet you Levi! Why don’t you tell me a bit about yourself? 
L: Well… I’m XX* years old. I work as a personal stylist in a pretty large company. Uh, I’ve lived alone for a while now, and, uh...
*(Note: DRDT characters are all of an unspecified, adult college age. Understand Levi is saying a number here, I’m just not committing to a specific age)
E: …
L: …
E: …And?
L: Well, not much else. I’m not a very interesting person, I apologize.
E: No, no! That’s all very interesting! But, well, there’s… how do I put this. There’s something in particular I was hoping you'd bring up? Something I feel we… kinda have to talk about?
L: Is that so?
E: Well… this is an interrogation, you know? And here in Milgram, there is a particular aspect of your life that we’re sorta more interested in, you see.
L: Oh, the murder?
E: … Yes, the murder. 
L: I imagined. You have mentioned everyone in this prison is a killer, yes? That TV-cat thing has repeated the same a few times.
E: [Oddly serious] It’s a dog, actually. 
L: … Really?
E: *Clears throat* Like you said, all of you have taken lives. Interrogating these situations is the fundamental purpose of Milgram. 
L: I see. And you know we are murderers without a shadow of a doubt? I would find that quite impressive.
E: Milgram has deigned you murderers, and I have full faith it is right in its assessment. 
L: Very well. In that case, yes, I am a murderer. 
E: … Just like that?
L: Well, yes. I killed someone. That makes a murderer, does it not? 
E: Uh, yeah, but… you seem oddly calm about this.
L: Am I? I suppose this is not quite how most people would confess to murder. But if I’m frank, I cannot bring myself to pretend to be sorry for what I did. 
E: Oh! That’s… huh.
L: …
E: I mean, why? Why do you not regret it? Surely killing someone is something no one would ever want to do, right?
L: Perhaps that’s how you view it, but… well. The person I killed had to die. It’s as simple as that. 
E: … Well, that’s a- That’s a pretty simplistic view, which is fine, I suppose. Isn’t that a bit cold-hearted, though?
L: I have been told that, yes. Hm... I suppose I should watch the other prisoners to learn how normal murderers should handle themselves.
E: Huh? I don’t think… Wait, why is that your first instinct?
L: Oh? Well… I have never been very good with my emotions. It’s usually better if I simply act the way normal people act. 
E: That doesn’t sound healthy.
L: Perhaps. It… hasn’t always worked out very well. I thought if I acted more like my family… ah, I probably shouldn’t talk about that kind of thing.
E: Hm?
L: Yeah, ignore that. 
E: Uh, if you say so... But that’s still quite a bit to unpack there. 
L: Is it? 
E: *sigh* Alright, listen. I have a lot to say about… that, but we have only a limited amount of time, and I still don’t know anything about your murder. 
L: Hm.
E: Look, Levi. I am not here to merely condemn you for what you’ve done. I am here to decide if you are Forgiven or Unforgiven. But as of now, I have little to make that judgement. If you just explain what happened, I'm sure you'll be able to convince me to Forgive- augh!
*Chair being pushed, something falls*
L: Es? 
E: Ugh- *Shuffling noises* Stand down. I am fine. 
L: Are… you certain?
E: [Noticeably more serious] As I was saying. To make a proper judgement, I must be deeply aware of the intricacies of your crime. Explain yourself. 
L: Wait. Why did you just-?
E: Irrelevant. Zero One, explain yourself.
L: … Alright, I suppose? But unfortunately, it is probably for the best if I refrain from speaking of my crime. 
E: What- What do you mean, Levi?
L: I am… not good with words, either. I fear by attempting to explain myself, I will only make things worse. From what I understand, you will be able to see directly into my mind? I believe that would be the best way for you to truly understand what I’ve done.
E: Really? You know you won’t have control of what’s shown, right? For all you know, it could show things as worse than they actually are! Don’t you want to clarify things now that you can?
L: You speak as if I have full control of my words. Frankly, I fear that my temper might flare up if… if I think about that piece of shit for too long. 
E: !
L: Oh, apologies! I did not mean to... *sigh* See what I mean?
E: Oh! No, you just… startled me is all. Why don’t you tell me more about this, uh, piece of… the person you’re talking about?
L: …
E: …Why are you looking at me like you want to kill me?
L: Ah. Apologies. That anger was not directed at you. As I said, it is difficult for me to talk about… about him without growing angry. And that’s- that’s something I have been trying to work on.
E: I… see. That’s a shame. 
L: It is not important. I have always been of the opinion that actions define people better than words ever could, especially when it comes to me. That video will probably show you the circumstances of my crime much better than I ever could.
E: Hm… I understand! But, without knowing what it’s going to show, aren’t you worried I might not Forgive you for it?
L: Hm… If I am frank, I do not yet know how to feel about this… Forgiveness you speak of.
E: Oh?
L: Well, I believe I did the right thing. I am not sure your words would change my mind. So, I am not worried about what you think of me. 
E: Uh… do you even know what happens if you’re not Forgiven?
L: I do not. Can I ask what the consequences are?
E: …
L: … Do you… not know either?
E: I mean, it could be pretty bad, you know? 
L: That’s not very convincing-
*Machinery whirs*
L: Hm?
E: Oh. Looks like we ran out of time. The extraction machine is starting. 
L: I see. 
E: *sigh* Very well! I’ll keep your words in mind! Let’s see what your actions say about what kind of person you are.
L: I suppose that would be fair. 
E: In that case. 
Prisoner 01, Levi Fontana: sing your sins!
(Oh wow I actually wrote a full VD. I mean, I think it's shorter than normal VDs, but I ain’t writing all that. Hope that was good enough)
Trial 1 Cover: Panda Hero by HACHI
(Because I am unburdened by the laws of the land (copyright), I can give these people any song to cover I want! Hehe. I’ll keep it Vocaloid only, you know, for fun. Probably imagine the covers in English, since the songs in the MVs are written to work in English)
Music Video - Torn Stitches
(So obviously I’m not going to actually make a song, I am not a musician to any extent, but I will make lyrics. Text between brackets is explaining what’s going on musically. Text in parenthesis are author’s note. Text in italics and citation thingy are lyrics. The rest is a description of the video)
(Also because no one has to animate this I get to go a little wild hehe)
The video opens on a shot of Levi with a black background, wearing a plain white shirt, leggings and shoes, standing with a hand on his chin and his eyes closed. He’s surrounded by clothes racks full of similar white shirts. The shot widens through a doorway, showing the room Levi is standing in is lit up by bright blue lights, and its floor is made up of white tiles (like the thumbnail room). A small sign is visible over the doorway. It reads “For self-expression.”
[Drumsticks are hit against each other as an opener. The classic “1, 2, 3, 4”]
Levi opens his eyes. On beat with the drumsticks, the lighting in the room changes around him, along with the sign on the door.
Orange lighting fills the room as the sign reads “Streetwear.” There are several shirts and pants spread across the ground.
Then it’s red lighting alongside “For the family.” Mannequins (like the ones you'd find at clothes stores) without clothes surround Levi.
Purple lighting, “Work clothes.” Desks replace the mannequins. 
Finally, it switches back to blue with the “For self-expression” sign. 
[The music kicks in fully. Imagine… Oh it is hard to describe music when you know nothing about it huh? Just- vaguely punk rock, somewhat fast paced. Metaphorically, it sounds like someone’s anger boiling just under their skin. Think of the beginning of Kotoko’s cover of Anti-Beat extended across most of the song. Does that even fit the genre I said? I have no idea]
Still with blue light, there’s a shot of his back as he quickly puts on the light blue polo shirt he wears in canon. A pop-up appears, pointing at it with text reading:
Blue Polo Shirt
Casual, simple, pragmatic. The color could speak of a calm and reliable person, but it may come off as too cold by itself.
Next, a shot of his hand as he puts on a black fingerless glove.
Black Gloves
Stylish accessory which signifies a person of action. Black is easy to combine with other colors for good aesthetics. 
We see the top half of Levi’s body as he walks forward, a title card appearing to fill up time. The camera focuses on his feet, wearing black boots, as he steps though the door. It lingers for another pop-up to appear.
Black Boots
Stylish. Useful for people who walk a hard path.
[The music slows down to let the lyrics take center stage. Again, I’m sorta using Anti-Beat as a basis]
The sun rises in the East, But I can feel none of its warmth.
We’re still in the same room as before, except the lighting has changed to orange. Levi looks at several blank mannequins wearing different clothes and facing different ways. The shot focuses on three of them, and pop-ups appear for their clothes.
Light Green Dress
A welcoming color that may be worn by a friendly, calm person.
Yellow Shirt
A warm and happy color. The user might be going through a joyous moment of their life.
Blue Denim Shorts
Simple, safe choice, for someone who may pay attention to their appearance, but doesn’t think about it too much.
Black Tank Top
Sporty, good for athletic people. Safe choice, but may sometimes represent someone’s despair.
White Shorts
Perfect for going on a run in the warmer parts of the year.
It switches to another two.
Pink Dress
Simple and upbeat. Good for more cutesy aesthetics.
Orange Shirt
Warm, inviting, happy. Incidentally, it’s a complementary color to blue.
It’s hard for a heart to beat, (I) When it is frozen as a rock (II)
(I) The lighting changes to purple as we get a front-facing shot of Levi walking past a desk. A mannequin sits on the other side, and a pop-up appears on its clothes.
Suit and Tie
Professional, but uncomfortable. This particular user really needs the work, but they do not like it.
(II) Then, we see him next to another mannequin. Levi is staring at this one, which is facing a clothes rack. A pop-up appears on its clothes, but also on a green hoodie in the clothes rack.
Neon Yellow Hoodie
Apologies, this one is too hideous to analyze.
Light Green Hoodie
They’re going to pick this one. It’s better for their aesthetic.
We get a close-up of Levi sighing.
[The music begins building up, with fast drum beats in between lyrics. The lyrics themselves are quick and abrupt]
I have to make it work
Now with red lighting, Levi is sitting at a table, eating spaghetti. He’s no longer wearing gloves.
Next to him sit two teenage boys (not mannequins) with short hair of the same color as Levi’s, though their eyes aren’t drawn. Plates of spaghetti are also in front of them. The one on Levi’s right (our left) is wearing the following shirt, with another pop-up.
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Heartbreaker Shirt
His favorite. 
Meanwhile, on Levi’s left, the other boy’s shirt looks like this, with the pop-up:
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Party Shirt
His favorite. 
For the ones that even I can love
The scene switches to the head of the table. On it sits an older man with glasses and a grey shirt with black stains. 
He’s smart.
Grey Shirt.
His favorite.
The boy with the Party Shirt is still somewhat visible to the man’s right. To his left, another teenage boy, this one with hair covering his eyes and hunched over in his chair, who has this shirt:
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Theater Shirt
His favorite.
A middle aged woman sits to that boy’s left, across from where Levi would be. She has long brown hair, and like the other two, her eyes aren’t drawn. She’s wearing bronze, reddish earrings shaped like camellias, and a black dress.
Bronze Earrings
A gift from my father. She likes them.
Black Dress 
Her favorite. 
The things they feel and I do not
The camera focuses on one last person, but only their smiling mouth and shirt are visible.
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Skull Shirt
His favorite. 
I’ll take them all and with them sow…
Back to Levi, the table disappears, but he’s still sitting. The lighting has changed to blue, and now he’s only wearing the blue polo shirt (and grey pants). The two boys which had been next to him have changed into clothes hangers holding their shirts. Levi looks around confused, before his gaze lingers on making eye contact with the center of the screen. 
[Chorus! The instrumental kicks it up a notch. The lyrics are very growly, leaning on Levi’s deep voice to give them some power (what am I saying again?)]
A patchwork heart beating along! (I) Can’t collapse, now keep it warm! (II) Even if it’s freezing, I’ll just fix it, make the passion thaw! (III)
(I) The camera flips, and this is shown:
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The heart pumps with the beat of the song. 
(II) Back to Levi, who quickly turns to the shirts on the clothes hanger. His expression still looks a bit aghast.
(III) The camera focuses on the Skull Shirt on a hanger, zooming in. It turns back to Levi, who becomes more serious. He nods. 
A patchwork heart beating along!  Can’t collapse, now keep it warm!  Even if it’s freezing, I’ll just fix it, make the passion thaw! 
As the chorus repeats, Levi grabs the shirt he was looking at. Then, we get a few frames of him sowing things just off screen. Shots of needles, thread, that kinda stuff. 
[There’s a small instrumental part to keep the energy from the chorus for a bit longer] 
We get a full shot of the heart, which now looks like this:
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Then, we see Levi smiling looking at it. However, he then frowns. 
A patchwork heart beating along!
The camera focuses on one of the black sections of the heart, the one which before just had fire. Now, the full symbol the Skull Shirt had is seen; skull and fire. 
[More instrumental for a moment]
Levi looks on perturbed. Suddenly, he startles and turns around. 
[Back to verse music]
All lives yearn for a yarn to spin, (I) Yet I fear I’m losing the thread. (II)
(I) Purple lighting. The same mannequin as before, wearing the same neon yellow hoodie, is holding out the green hoodie from before for Levi to see. 
(II) We zoom in on Levi’s face, as he turns to the side, and frowns a bit.
The mirror used to build up what’s “me”, I see it now, it starts to break.
Without overhead lighting, we see a full body mirror showing a completely different scene, which becomes clearer as we zoom in further. On our left, we see a mannequin wearing a grey hoodie, an orange spotlight shining on it. On our right, the boy with the Skull Shirt looks animated, his mouth open as if talking to the mannequin. His hair is the same color as the others’, except for red highlights (think the blond part of Mikoto’s hair). There is a red spotlight on him. A pop-up appears pointing at the mannequin’s hoodie.
Grey Hoodie
Commonly used by villains.
We further zoom in on the mannequin’s right hand, which is stained by a splatter of black liquid.
[Chorus build-up again]
If I could get it right
The purple lighting returns as Levi looks back at the mannequin with the yellow hoodie. He nods, and we get a close up of him snapping his fingers. 
But there’s little that I can do fine
The mannequin now has blush on, wearing the green hoodie with a yellow shirt underneath. It’s also wearing a deep purple skirt. A pop-up.
Proposed Outfit
At least I’m not bad at this. 
Even smaller things feel like they’re too much
Red lighting, on a shot of Levi’s back. He turns around, but we can’t see his face. The shot switches to show the back of the “skull shirt” boy, again lit up by a red spotlight. We also see as the back of the grey hoodie mannequin from before, hand still stained and still lit up by an orange spotlight. The boy is talking to the mannequin again, gesturing towards it, but now he’s wearing a grey hoodie which is hanging off one of his shoulders. His hand is stained by a splatter of black liquid. 
It just feels like there’s no helping my…
The shot zooms in on the stained hand. 
We get a close up of Levi’s mouth, red lighting still noticeable. He snarls.
[Chorus again]
Patchwork heart beating along! (I) Can’t collapse, now keep it warm! (II) Even if it’s freezing, (III) come on fix it, make the passion thaw! (IV)
(I) We see the heart beating to the beat again, once more with blue lighting, and now it looks like this:
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(II) We switch to Levi sitting, looking slightly up as if staring at the heart, expression serious. 
(III) We get a different shot of Levi, now hunched over while sitting on a chair. His expression is still serious. Something out of focus is covering the foreground, and Levi turns to look at it. 
(IV) The camera flips to the thing he was staring at. It’s the purple sleeveless jacket he wears in canon, as well as his canon set of purple gloves and his pink tie. Pop-ups!
Purple Jacket
My favorite. Reminds me of work.
Pink Tie
Stylish yet professional. Reminds me of work.
Magenta Gloves
Comfortable. Cover a lot. Remind me of work. 
A patchwork heart beating along! (I) Can’t collapse, now keep it warm! (II) Even if it’s freezing, (III) I’ll just fix it, make the passion thaw! (IV)
(I) We switch to the purple boots he wears in canon. Levi’s out of focus in the background.
Purple Boots
Comfortable. Remind me of work. 
(II) We get another shot of Levi looking at the clothes, with a contemplative expression. The heart can be seen beating in the background. 
(III) Close-up of Levi sighing.
(IV) Another shot of the jacket and gloves, except now Levi grabs them. 
[Unlike last time, the music doesn’t linger, but rather switches to a bridge. The music is still pretty energetic, but less powerful than in the chorus]
Perhaps it would be better… (I) To give up and let it be, (II) Worse to burn rather than freeze (III)
(I) Levi contemplates the clothes he grabbed. 
(II) We cut to him putting an arm through the purple jacket. 
(III) The jacket is now hanging off one of his shoulders, as he’s putting the other hand through the hole where the sleeve would be. Before he fully puts it on, he looks to the side. 
But still, I would regret it… (I) Abandoning them all, (II) Let the core of my soul rot (III)
(I) We see the grey hoodie mannequin again. Still lit up by the orange spotlight, still with black liquid on its hands. Skull Shirt boy is also there, again lit up red, again talking, again with a grey hoodie hanging off his shoulder, again with stains on his hands.
This time, though, the other three boys from the table scene are also there. They’re all lit up by red spotlights, and they all also have grey hoodies hanging off one shoulder. Heartbreaker Shirt and Party Shirt have similar talkative expressions, while Theater Shirt is hunched over with a placid smile on his face.
(II) The screen splits in three zoomed in shots of the new boys’ hands. They’re all stained with black liquid. 
(III) Back to a shot of Levi’s face with blue lighting, he seems to be staring at the other boys with a concerned expression. In the background, a clothes hanger with a grey hoodie comes into focus. 
So, instead… 
We get a close-up of Levi’s chest, and we see his mouth as he sighs. The jacket falls off his shoulder. 
[Pre-chorus music again]
I have to make things right
Close-up of the clothes hanger with the grey hoodie, and Levi grabs it roughly. As the music-only part plays, we get a shot of his back at an angle as he looks at the hoodie, his jacket fully off.
Protect them all, just one last time
We see Levi putting on the hoodie. First one arm, then the other. He puts on brass knuckles. Pop-ups:
Grey Hoodie
Brass Knuckles
We focus on his head as he throws the hoodie over it. The lighting fades into orange. 
Doesn’t matter there’s no going back
The shot focuses back on the mannequin with the hoodie, orange spotlight still there. The camera is shaking. The shot goes back to Levi, who is walking at first, but then starts running. 
After all, there is no saving my…
There’s quick flashing between Levi running with orange lighting and the grey hoodie, with a background that slowly turns white; then the thumbnail image; back to the grey hoodie; then a shot of Levi’s back as he stares at the heart with blue lighting. The Levi that stares at the heart is wearing his canon outfit (purple jacket - gloves - boots).
[The music goes silent, a preparation for a beat drop]
The video slows down as we focus on the grey hoodie mannequin. The camera “blinks” and the mannequin turns into a human; a scraggly man with an uneven beard and short black hair, wearing the same grey hoodie. He's facing away, but turns around as the camera closes in. The environment changes; the colored lighting disappears, and we are now in an alleyway. 
A shot of Levi from the man’s back, as Levi braces for a right hook.
Patchwork heart (I) beating along! (II) Just once more, weather the storm! (III) Even if it’s freezing, I can’t fix it, it will never thaw! (IV)
(I) A close-up of the man’s stomach, as Levi’s punch connects with his gut. 
(II) Right as the punch connects, the scene switches to one of the heart’s stitches, between the Party Shirt and the Theater Shirt. Levi’s hand is now grabbing those stitches, and he pulls on them. The camera follows his hand as he rips them from the heart, blue blood splattering all over.
(III) Back to the alleyway, the man shoves Levi away. He throws a left hook at Levi’s face, but Levi ducks to his left and throws his own left hook at the man’s stomach. 
(IV) The scene again switches to the heart, with Levi grabbing the stitches between the Skull Shirt section and the Heartbreaker section with his left hand. The shot quickly switches to Levi’s face, which is splattered with blue blood. He frowns. Back to the heart, and Levi’s fist clenches.
Ripping, bleeding out a song! (I) Break it now, (II) then have it sown! (III) Patchwork heart beating alone! (IV) I will keep on living, (V) even living with my stitches torn! (VI) 
(I) Again, Levi rips out the stitches, causing blue blood to splatter.
(II) Back to the alley, we get a close-up of the man falling to one knee from pain. Levi raises his right fist…
(III) Back to the blue lighting, black background and heart. Levi’s holding up loose threads with blue blood on his raised right hand.
(IV) Back to the alleyway, we get a shot from the man’s back as Levi punches him in the head with his brass knuckles, recreating his Undercover killshot. The man spits out (red) blood. 
(V) A shot of Levi from behind his ankles, the man’s body lying still in the background, blood under him.
(VI) The shot pans up quickly, switching back to the heart scene as “stitches torn” is sung. We get one good look at the heart, which is now fully blue, but filled with gashes where the stitches used to be. 
[The music begins winding down for the ending]
The shot pans backwards to let us see Levi’s back, the heart beating more slowly and not with the beat anymore. He’s wearing his full canon outfit. There’s a glitch effect as the heart disappears, and the lighting changes to orange, but Levi’s outfit doesn’t change. The room is completely empty, but there’s (red) blood splatters on the floor.
My stitches torn!
The lighting changes to red, and while Levi’s clothes don’t change, the room is now completely barren. A few moments after, the lighting changes to purple, the same desks from the beginning surrounding Levi who, you guessed, hasn’t changed clothes.
The shot zooms in on Levi’s back, as he sighs.
[The music fades out, save for one last lyric]
Patchwork heart beating along!
He turns around, the screen glitches again as he does. The lighting is now white, and the background has changed to the wall with the height marks of one of the Undercover cells. Levi’s clothes change to the Milgram uniform, and he holds up his Undercover prisoner card. A final pop-up appears on the uniform.
Strange Clothes
The outfit of a murderer
MonoTV: I see you’ve made it to the end of the post!
Es: Huh?
M: Now, it’s time to hand out the verdict! Make sure to think carefully, you only have one vote, and one week to decide how you’re gonna vote!
E: Wait, who are you talking to?
M: Will you make the right choice? Or the wrong one? 
E: Uh…
M: Trick question! There is no right choice! It’s just a choice!
E: Hello? Is there anyone there? 
M: With that, it’s…
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