#i actually really want to write this now FCUK
unluckyhoneybee · 2 years
S*x education: Better Times (Lando Norris)
Part 17. Things keep moving and everything is changing, but there are better times coming.
Previous part: Serious Talks and Possibilities.
Note: a good way to get back into writing again. There are good things coming. (PIC)
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"What do you mean?"
"Norris lost power and has stopped the car too"
I let an ironic laugh out and leaned my head back. Our teams trying to keep us apart and the cars they built breaking down only a few meters apart.
"What a birthday celebration" I muttered as I climbed down my car. He was only a few meters away and made a funny gesture when he saw me there. I laughed although he could see me nor hear me.
We both walked away from the cars and were told to wait in a corner.
"Do you think Frederick will get angry if I stand to close?" I joked.
After that night at his house with Mila something felt different. Lando and I had been messaging. It was stupid, just a few memes or random stuff like happened (like me forgetting my Patrick Star panties on the hotel and him being all sad). But I felt hope. I didn't feel as if I had lost him anymore.
"I think we should actually stand back by back, I don't want them to think we are flirting" He answered and made me laugh.
We sat together on the barrier.
"Hey, what happened to your car?" He asked.
"Engine failure."
"And you?"
"Happy Birthday, I suppose" I said looking at him through my helmet. I saw his face squishing in a smile under the helmet and my heart beat faster. I love him so much.
"Yeah. I was hoping to celebrate and all. I suppose food poisoning and DNF are better plans"
I wanted to reach for his hand and grab it, but I stopped myself for the sake of my future. But there was something in me, something telling me to go forward.
"Are you... Are you taking the flight tonight?"
"At 23.45?"
He nodded.
"Me too" I bit my lip and thanked the helmet.
He nodded slowly.
"Maybe we can swap seats with someone and..."
"On a plane?" He asked "What if..."
I felt my heart sinking.
"Yeah, true."
"I'm sorry, YN"
The car arrived and we both got in it, parting ways once we were in the pits.
"I'm so happy for you, so so happy" I said hugging George as tightly as I could. "You deserve it so much and I'm incredibly proud"
He smiled at me with big eyes full of tears.
"I want you on the podium with me for the next time"
I nodded fast with tears in my eyes too.
When I was undressing, Sarah knocked at my door. I felt a shiver down my spine.
"Bad news?"
"I wouldn't call them bad"
I sighed. "Then?"
She showed me her iPad. Lando and I sat on the barriers and chatted together for long minutes while our cars were being pulled out of the place.
"Well, the comments..."
lando4.fan: YN and Lando are made for each other.
YNYSNfanbase: Look at that, destiny.
lnxynfan: Both cars break down only 200 meters away from each other, i call it relationship goals.
landoismyhusband: She probably stopped on purpose.
↪ YNYSNfanbase: And why the fcuk would she do that?
I chuckled. "Well, at least they don't hate me"
"Frederic wants to talk to you, though"
I groaned and leaned back.
"Why? What have I done?"
"I don't know. I'm getting tired of this."
I looked at her.
"Do you really think we can win this?"
She sighed and sat next to me.
"I'm trying really hard. I can't promise anything, though?"
I nodded.
"Thank you for all of this. I could have just used Tinder and met a barman or something"
We both laughed.
"I think that would be worst."
I smiled and she took my hand.
"Lando is special, right? All of this is worth it."
"Yes" I bit my lip and blushed. "I think he is the one. We... We had just confessed when you appeared and everything exploded"
"Oh YN..."
"Bad timing, I suppose"
"There will be better times. I can promise you that"
"Really?" I felt tears in my eyes.
"Yes. I'm fighting hard for it"
"Thank you very much, Sarah. Really"
"Now. Let's go"
Lando's POV.
Sylvie sat next to me.
"People want you and YN together" She said with a sigh.
"I have seen it" I whispered. We were waiting for the plane. We had the seat together, that's why I had told no to YN. Sylvie was flying with me and I couldn't tell my girlfriend to seat somewhere else.
"We should post something." She gave me a sad look.
"Yeah. C-could you?"
She nodded.
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She tagged me and I reposted it with a little heart emoji, then I put my phone back in the bag and sighed. It was awful. I didn't want to hate Sylvie, but every second of this stupid pretending thing was worst. She was nice and understood the situation, but every time we had to hug or hold hands, I felt more and more uncomfortable. I just wanted it to be over.
Then the plane arrived and we got on it. The first thing I saw when we arrived at the first class was her hair. She had her own merch cap on, backwards and kept her hair under control. I sighed.
Daniel was chatting with her, he had the camera in her hand and told her to smile. She did and I felt my heart clenching. I wanted to do that. I wanted to be the one taking pictures.
"See, beautiful"
"Not more than Valterri, though" She answered while peeking over to see the screen.
"That's impossible. You are the ugly driver in Alfa"
She punched Danny's shoulder and rolled her eyes.
I fucking miss her so much.
Then she turned around and the smile disappeared.
I looked away and moved to my seat. The flight was awful because I could hear her laughing and chatting with other drivers close to her.
I looked at Sylvie.
"Is there really something you can do?" She took my hand and I wanted to pull away. "You are miserable like this"
I sighed.
"I'm not sure. I know her management team is working on it, but mine says there is nothing we can do on our side. She was the only one getting the consequences."
"You are stuck here with me and I can perfectly see you don't want to."
"It's fine, Lando. It's not real. They are paying me for this"
I looked down at our hands together.
"I really love her, Sylvie. Just that"
"I know. We should break up once the season is over. And you could spend the break with her"
"Hidden on a dessert island maybe"
She smiled.
"Well, it's something. There will be better times. It's just too new."
Your POV.
Walking back from the toilet, I looked to the right, to Lando's seat. There he was sleeping with his girlfriend on his shoulder. I bit my lip and tried to not cry. She was the reason we couldn't seat together. Obviously her.
"It's fake." Danny said once I sat.
"I know"
"I told him we could sit together"
He gave me sad eyes.
"He loves you."
"I know"
"He doesn't like Sylvie. Like, as a person she is nice. Not a bad girl, Heidi knows her for a while and she is fine. But Lando hates spending time with her"
"Why do I feel better?"
"Because it's what you want to hear."
I smiled a bit.
"Am I a bad person?"
"No. You team are a bunch of dicks"
"Yes, they are. They are all actually a bunch of misogynist cunts."
He gasped.
"Sorry, I didn't want to ruin the vibe" I said smiling.
He rolled his eyes and slapped my knee.
"Kids, I want to sleep"
"Sorry, Val," I said giggling.
"Yeah, sorry grandpa"
I leaned back on my headrest and looked at Daniel.
"He is not doing right, huh?"
"He manages."
"Well... I'm not much better. Like, I know I still have him. And we talk and everything. But I miss him madly"
"You should do something"
"Like what?"
"Meet? I don't know. Your thing is weird. Maybe have some fun. He is technically not cheating. And... Have they forbidden you to fuck drivers?"
"Not explicitly"
"Well. If it's not written in the contract..."
I rolled my eyes.
"Plus. It's fun to break the rules"
I laughed.
"Is it?"
He nodded.
"Have you?"
"A couple of times" He gave me a Daniel Ricciardo smile and I chuckled.
"Good. Then..."
"Just thinking, it's something Daniel Ricciardo would do"
"Yeah, the advice is not as good as you may think"
"Listen to me for once"
"Okay, okay"
I did. I listened to him. I took notes and once I was alone in my hotel room I took my phone.
Me: hey.
Lando: hi
Me: i'm tired of this shit
Lando: so I am, missy
Me: well?
Lando: well?
Me: is there something you want to learn about?
Lando: missy...
Me: room 236.
hi. I'm back (kind of). I hope you liked this litte part and just tell me if I forgot to add someone on the taglist because I had many people asking.
Next part: I'm here.
Taglist: @xgallysonegoodlung @lcuppo@ophcelia @damnyourlife @hannahholland1811 @somanyfandomsbruh @incalescentheart @storysf1ferrari @honethatty12 @pleasantducktimetravel
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disneyphantomlover · 2 years
SPOILER-IFIC Reaction to "Bendy and the Dark Revival"
My voice is shot. I am sick, and I didn't record myself reacting to this. I did write my reactions down though. And now you're about to get 'm. Apologies for the cursing.
Oh hey, Joey's apartment! ... It looks like shit.
Ohohohoh! This takes place June 18, 1973! (I appreciate not waiting that long but man it would've been cool released on this date.)
Aw, Audrey's cute.
The FUCK is that poster?? ... I want one.
Huh. Hi Nathan. You are not what I expected.
FUCKIN'... YOU. Again.
....So no violin then? -smash-
And he bailed... You're showing up again, aren't you? (He did not.)
.....I don't like this.
The fuck is this door?
Wait, we know him??
OHHHH I hate you. I hate you a lot.
MMmmmm I don't trust like that.
Oh it the bastard!
I recognize this and am concerned.
-scowl- ... You fucking kidding?
OMG, it's their version of Nine Old Men.
Oh shit! I mean I expected it but Shit.
Drowning by Ink seems painful. (-looks at AU fics-)
Wait, I fell out of the pipe?
"Welcome Home", huh?
So... Alan Grey is CEO of GENT. Good to know.
Awwww an Alice Angel music box!
Okay, C to Crou-WHAT??
Wait, was I in the pipe those 200+ days?
Oh I don't trust this.
Cheap. ...But I still jumped.
Well, well, well....
Oh good, he's dead.
So pretty... And familiar....
Oh! Allison! Hey!
Oh I look cool.
OH NO NOT SHAWN. (I did not find his tape but the message spooked me.)
Oh neat! Scary!
... How was that your first idea? Just... punch the RE8 tube??
I knew it was coming, I FUCKING KNEW IT.
.... ,'B( Really, Joey?
AGAIN with you!
Please don't resurrect Joey.
Oh I hate it when you fuckers talk.
HAH. Found theMeatly in the potatoes.
I swear this game scares me at random.
I do love the memes.
OMG it squeaks!
....The fuck was that?
Ooooooooo I can banish! ... Why does my image look creepy?
OH FCUK. The last game's saves are out of order! Henry no!
Oh man, I love these dioramas. They're so cheesy, but I like them.
....The fuck?
That "Originality" Note... Either that's leading to something or someone is being REAL tongue-in-cheek here.
I got lost. Shit.
Not gonna lie, these puzzles are neat!
Say hello to who? the Fourth?
Ghost girl??
FUCK! HEY lady your-FUCK! ... Is she even there an-OF COURSE NOT.
The heck was that speedy shit??
Porter you are a treasure.
Bobby? Adorable.
This is BS and I love it.
Okay, I pull out of the ink pits.... Coolcoolcoool...
Yes, I know the irony in dying multiple times in the rest area. (Seriously I died no less than 20 times.)
I do NOT like the sound of this demonic BBQ!
Oh ComeON I'm trying to get out!
HEAD CRABS. Or spiders I gues--OPP they're deadly!
Baby noooo come back....
I don't want to believe you. But it makes sense.
Wait, are you actually regretful? The fuck?
Oh hey, your noteboard!
"I'm not the man, I'm just the memory." ....Shit man, that's beautiful.
Baby come back!
WHY do you have mohawks??
Well that was short-lived.
Oh the city-BABY!!
These names are the best. Everything's derailed but "Little Heck".
"The Beef is People!" ... Not the weirdest I've seen down here.
Not gonna lie, I was expecting Alice in the butcher shop.
FUCK. Joey yo-What??
Audrey, who's your dad??
Joey you shit.
You're not wrong.
Oh heck.
OMG Allison!
A proper Creation??
.....I'M. BETRAYED. Baby was that FUCK??
Nani the fuck?
Wilson made The Keepers?
See what you did was give him multiple personalities. WHY WOULD YOU GIVE THE DEMON multiple personalities??
Oh shit, Norman?
SAMMY! Such a sad song but he looks so cool here.
HENRY MY MAN! You look so good!!!
Dude you're leaking.
Wait, what? Your father?
Those are familiar.
Oh shit, it's Betty! =D
OH hell, it's long, gimme a moment.
Bitch, come ON. It didn't work the last time you tried this!
This looks like a Wonderland's Tea Party and you know it.
Fucking FREAK.
The Tommy gun threw me off. I KNEW it would be here and it threw me off!
I'LL BANI-oh shit!
Allison, you are seriously too nice.
CAN I get an AMEN?!
GHOST! PLEASE MOVE I'M HIDING FROM THE DEMON! FUSALIUD (Context: My screen went black-and-white and said "Hide from the demon", so I was running to a hiding spot. The ghost girl popped up just as I was hiding and gave me a heart attack.)
Looks like OmegaMart in here and I love it.
....Your OC is ridiculous looking.
Oh DAMMit dude!
Oh of course you're Nathan's son.
Oh. OH. Oh. That was... A special blend of fucked up. (Anyone who gets to Chapter 5, seriously, this is fucked up.)
Aw man, Nathan seems so chill.
I know this won't end well, but whatev-
Whooo... Okay, time to run. Let's g-I GOT NO LEGS. I HAVE NO LEGS.
....Yo, you talking about me, or you?
D'8 NO!
Fuck! Joey... You going to do a good?
DAMMIT (This game did the impossible. It gave Joey a fucking heart and made me feel for him.)
....Huh. This is.... You know what? It's weird, but that last fight was a nightmare, I'll take this.
Cmon, you did him dirty! (I am torn between amused and angry.)
....Oh? ....OH!
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areyouscarletcold · 5 years
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Call’s May Favorites: Day Nineteen - Coldflash, Inkheart Au
Also fulfilling my @coldflashweeks bingo square for “Hurt/Comfort” and now on Ao3!
And happy birthday to me!
Nora hadn’t gone down to bed easily. She was too curious for her own good, something Barry knew he probably should have discouraged years ago but couldn’t help but usually be proud of her for.
In cases of life and death, however, her tenacity just exhausted him.
He ran both hands down his face, leaning back against the kitchen cabinets and letting his head knock against the wood. He didn’t mind his daughter asking questions, not really, and she was smart, could fill in the blanks where she saw fit, but it was too late to be having conversations about the past.
Especially when he wasn’t prepared for them himself.
The thing was, part of Barry had known this day would come. He’d run from it for years, bottled up his grief so tight that it seared his soul to pretend nothing was wrong and he and Nora had lived like this forever. Just a father traveling around the country with his daughter, never quite settling down for more than a month at a time before the paranoia struck, or he caught a glimpse of a familiar head of hair.
And then they’d pack their bags and go - again. It didn’t matter where, didn’t matter how; they just needed to be far away from their temporary home as they could get.
He didn’t know how they’d found them after all this time, but Barry wasn’t about to lose the only family he had left. Not to people he knew wouldn’t give a damn about her, except to use Nora as leverage.
It was moments like this that he wanted to glance over his shoulder, meet Iris’s gaze, and plead with her to help him, tell him what to do. It seemed like she always knew just what to say - how to calm Nora down when she had a temper tantrum, how to soothe the grief after his parents died.
How to convince him to do the one thing he’d sworn never to do again, even when she hadn’t known it would doom her to a life...well, wherever she was now.
Someone cleared their throat beside him and Barry nearly jumped out of his skin. He spun around, arms rising to do something - maybe as an attempt to protect himself or shove the intruder away, who knew - but his hands were caught almost immediately, tucked against their chest like this was some bizarre form of defense for Barry. He opened his mouth to shout, but that familiar smirk caused him to falter just long enough to recognize who he was frowning at.
“Should I be flattered that you thought you could take me down with just your fists?” Snart’s voice was unusually soft and he knew it had to be because Nora was sleeping, which was oddly considerate for a thief and a liar, but he still shuddered at the feel of their hands trapped between their chests, the low drawl he’d grown too accustomed to already. “Hardly a hospitable way to greet your houseguest.”
Barry snorted. “Houseguest? Is that what you are, now?”
Snart looked even more amused, as if he recognized the irony too. Which he likely had, the jerk. “Nora seems to think so.”
Her name was a bucket of ice water, a shock back to the reality of the situation, and Barry pulled his hands out of Snart’s grasp, a little surprised when the man let him go willingly. He glared at Snart. “Only because there’s no good way to explain why I was letting a wanted thief into our house. And I definitely don’t appreciate your little visit, by the way. It - Did you really have to barge in during dinner?”
“I believe knocking is considered polite. Not quite ‘barging’ - ”
The thief held up his hands in surrender. “I’m just saying.”
“I know why you’re here.” That got Snart to quieten, his face going carefully blank in that way that meant he was listening, even if he didn’t want to. Barry wanted to hate that he knew him so well.
Then again, it would be a dream come true for anyone to meet their heroes, right? Some people idolized Harry Potter or Bilbo Baggins - the stereotypical hero model everyone recognized nowadays.
But, no. Barry had to have a crush on the wanted thief in his favorite childhood book.
He could almost envision Iris standing beside him and snickering, reminiscing on how they used to read Inkheart together, her reading out loud because he refused to, and the endless teasing that had ensued. It’d been long before he realized he was bisexual, before either of them could even put it into words, and while the teasing had been nothing but playful, it struck a chord with him now every time he had to look Leonard Snart in the eye because he was real and here and Barry had done this.
And then he would remember the price he had paid to bring this character to life in the first place and that short-lived awe would be snuffed out in an instant.
Too many people had paid the price of his mistakes, and he remembered every last one.
His sorrow must’ve shown on his face because Snart started to tilt his head, eyes narrowing. Barry shook himself out of his memories, though he was unable to stop himself from glancing in the direction of his daughter’s room, chewing on his bottom lip as he aimed to lower his voice and crossed his arms over his chest like the simple gesture would protect him.
“Look, whatever they’ve sent you for, I can’t help them. Honestly. I keep trying to tell them - ”
“I’m not here for Thawne.” The unreadable expression gave way to a stony anger, mixed with something he couldn’t put his finger on, and Snart stepped forward into Barry’s space, either oblivious or uncaring toward the way the latter backed further against the counter. “You know he would’ve come here himself if he could. Doesn’t exactly trust others.”
Or he just likes to manipulate people too much to do his own dirty work, Barry mused to himself with no small trace of bitterness. “That doesn’t explain the whole ‘barging in for an impromptu visit in front of my daughter’ ordeal. Why the hell else would you be here if it wasn’t for Thawne? To steal my silverware again?”
Snart’s mouth twitched. “As tempting an offer as that is - ”
“It was not an offer, you - ”
“I actually came here out of the goodness of my heart.” The sardonic tone didn’t inspire any response aside from a glare from Barry. “Call it a present, of sorts. To pay you back for your...generosity.”
“Well, wouldn’t be stuck here if it wasn’t for you, if I’m remembering right.”
Barry sidestepped Snart, his stomach churning as he jabbed a finger in the other’s direction, just daring him to move closer. “I didn’t want any of this to happen,” he hissed. “None of it.”
“Seemed pretty eager at the time,” Snart sneered.
“Right, because trying to fend off a man who might burn down my house and get three strangers out the door is the very definition of eager.”
“And who was it that contacted Thawne first to see if he wanted to go back?”
Barry dropped his hand with a huff. “What was I supposed to do? Again, call the arsonist who tried to kill me? Thawne was the one who stole the book, I figured it was a ‘two birds with one stone’ type of deal.”
Snart’s eyes narrowed. “For someone who supposedly knows all about our world, you’re painfully obtuse. Don’t you know anything about magic and working with sorcerers?”
“Why on earth would I?” Barry had to pause so he didn’t yell his next words, but just gritting his teeth in a poor effort to calm himself down succeeded in making him seethe. “Magic doesn’t exist! Not here, anyways! It’s not like I’ve had time to sit down and experiment or know what the fuck I’m doing or if this even is magic.”
“I think even a troll could’ve told you that.”
“It’s not like I’m reaping anything good out of this whole mess! Because yes, living like a fugitive with a daughter who’s almost a teenager and knows better is the life I wanted from a fucking bedtime story. I’m sorry that I ever brought you three out of that book, but if you’re going to stand here and deal out threats in my house then you’re going to have to - ”
“He’s planning to ambush you both tomorrow.”
“And here I thought you didn’t come here on his behalf. What, like I’m supposed to believe…” Barry paused again, that sickening coil around his insides like a snake seeking its next dinner rising once more. Amidst the anger in Snart’s eyes, there was a hint of sober regret he really didn’t like.
Oh, god.
He wasn’t lying, he was serious, and that meant -
“They’ve known your whereabouts for a few weeks now,” Snart said, and at least he had the sense to lower his voice, the harshness fading as Barry had to look away because the walls felt like they were closing in on him and this couldn’t be happening. “Heard him mention they were to bring you both in, no questions asked, alive and well. I don’t know when, I only heard about the time frame.”
Coming to Thawne was one thing, especially when Barry knew he had the upper hand and trying to manipulate - not well, admittedly, but he was desperate even then - a sorcerer whose sole purpose in Inkheart came from showing off his intellect and terrifying decisions that lead to enslaving villages and gaining power through corruption and murder was not his smartest plan.
Having to run from Thawne was another matter entirely, especially when Barry realized too late in his efforts to “help” Thawne that he was the one being watched and toyed with until all hope was close to being squashed out of him. The last time he’d seen Thawne, he barely escaped with his life, and even then he’d prayed Nora wouldn’t be dead by the time he got home.
Thawne was going to do much worse things than Barry had tried to manipulate him into accomplishing.
He couldn’t even hurt Barry - not physically, that is. Attempts at torture had made him clam up faster than anything, and that had ended the moment the asshole recognized his resolve for what it was.
And if he wanted to, it wasn’t like there were many options left to try and hurt him. Barry had no home, no wife, little belongings that actually mattered to him from each move.
The one thing, no, the only thing that could ever hurt him was -
Nausea seized him and Barry made for the kitchen table, grabbing the first chair he saw as he forced himself to breathe. He heard Snart sigh somewhere behind him but he didn’t give a damn what the other man thought, shutting his eyes tight against the surge of panic that felt like it was expanding wider and wider in his chest. A fucking sorcerer from an imaginary world should’ve have this much power over him in a place where magic didn’t even exist.
“Why are you telling me this?”
Snart crossed the room, but thankfully kept his distance from Barry; something about being able to see his dark figure out of the corner of his eye was a simultaneous comfort and grievance. “Let’s just say, Thawne took something from me, and I’d like it back.”
Barry choked on a hollow laugh. “I don’t suppose you’re talking about some diamond, are you? Or did the ‘goodness of your heart’ come from a stupid game of Keep Away?”
“Thawne and I have never had similar goals.” There was that ice again, creeping slow and steady back into his voice. “You know he’d rather stay here than go back. Not when he knows how our little story ends.”
“I’m not in the mood for riddles,” Barry muttered, “so stop the cryptic bullshit, Snart.”
“Well, he’s going to use Nora to convince you to give him that power. And I don’t need to spell the consequences of that out for you in bold print, Barry, do I?”
The confirmation of his fears did nothing to reassure Barry, and he glanced over at Snart’s tight-lipped expression of what he’d swear was rage, which did even less to make him feel better. Though, it didn’t explain why Snart was angry, since he hardly knew Nora and Barry knew he cared about nothing more than money, thieving and getting back home after pestering Barry before he knew Thawne’s plan at all and -
Wait. No.
That wasn’t everything.
He imagined if Iris were here, she’d smack him on the forehead herself, rolling her eyes with a quiet, “You dummy,” to soften the blow. Somehow, that thought was mildly comforting too, in its own way.
“Your partner.” Snart stiffened, jaw clenching before he schooled his features - a millisecond of a reaction, but a reaction, nonetheless - and Barry couldn’t help but feel slightly vindicated. “Thawne’s got him, doesn’t he? Rory, right? That’s the catch of all this. You want me to free him.”
“Absolutely not. If you set foot anywhere within a couple towns’ radius of Thawne, he’ll be on you in seconds,” Snart said, his voice tight as if he were restraining himself from spitting in someone’s face. Whether it was Barry’s or Thawne’s, he wasn’t quite sure.
“But you’re - ”
“He’s not imprisoned.” It looked painful for him to even utter those words. “He stayed.”
But then why -
(Maybe that should be his new catchphrase of the night, he thought, a little hysterically.)
Barry didn’t remember much about Mick Rory, but the man had never been much for small talk and brevities, staring with a greedy focus that he’d found eerily akin to Thawne’s at the time, fascinated by the mountains of gold and magic lamps and even the few dozen fairies he’d once managed to read out of some old folktales. He’d also kept close to Snart - always had, if Inkheart’s tale was true. He couldn’t recall the specifics but they’d grown up together, started out stealing and flourished from there, and…
Well, it seemed Rory had grown out of just stealing.
Or Snart had been the one to realize the bad hand they’d been played when Thawne’s shot at getting them home bolted off into the night with his daughter in tow.
Neither painted either’s motivations in a flattering light, but Barry knew Snart. Well enough, at least. And the man was a thief but he was calculating as Thawne, thinking ahead of the curve when he had to, making sure Barry saw him during those first few years when things were still new and Snart demanded for him to bring them home.
It was funny, but after all this time he still wasn’t sure why Snart wanted to return so badly. He and Rory wound up run out of town, after all, barely a penny to their name, never to be seen again. What could possibly be waiting for them back there in a world where autonomy was a joke compared to living?
Snart rolled his eyes and threw himself into the chair beside the one Barry still leaned against for support, lingering on the edge of the seat - cautious, until the end - as he drummed his fingers on the wood of the table. “So, you see, we both have a common goal.”
“I’d hardly call running from a manipulative asshole and wanting to get home the same goal.”
“Neither of us can do anything with Thawne hunting us.” Barry frowned, and Snart shook his head as if Barry was being trying on purpose. “He doesn’t take kindly to people telling him ‘no’, as you know.”
“How badly did you...tell him ‘no’?”
Snart grimaced. “Enough to nearly get sent free-falling into Arabian Nights for it.”
“You - wait, how would he even - ” Barry’s legs almost gave out as his jaw dropped. “He found someone else? Someone like - like me?”
“Not quite. They haven’t done more than swap animals around, monkeys and a few mice and the like. But, it’s his only back-up plan should capturing you fail. And he doesn’t intend to fail.”
Barry hadn’t even considered the idea of there being others out there who could read like him, who knew the pain of this game of chance that seemed like a wondrous gift at first glance. His heart went out to the poor soul, whoever they were, a sudden longing gripping him with both hands like a vice.
But the gravity of Snart’s words sank in as well, heavier than the revelation of another storyteller like him, and he knew what the other was trying to say.
“Nora and I can be out by dawn,” Barry said. “We don’t have much and I can pack it - ”
“They’ll find you just as quickly,” Snart cut him off. “It isn’t just him and Mick. How do you think he found you in the first place, kept track of your every move?”
Spies. Of course Thawne had spies - were they outside now, down the road, just waiting for the lights to go off and for him to fall asleep? What had Thawne possibly promised them, especially if they were ordinary -
Barry’s heart flew to his throat. “The storyteller… They haven’t brought over anyone yet.”
And they couldn’t have, not when these men could have come from passages Barry had read, speeding through them as he hoped to send Thawne back and free Iris and everything would work out so long as he kept reading and reading and reading until -
“He has his own army now,” Snart confirmed, his features softening as he likely read the horror written all over Barry’s face. “All followers or villagers from the book.”
“Fuck. Fuck my - fuck.” Barry buried his face in his hands, despair threatening to take hold and toss him overboard. “I should’ve known, I should’ve - this is all my fault. How am I supposed to run from an army? And Nora, she - ”
“She’ll be fine.”
Barry lifted his head with a snarl. “How? What about this screams ‘safe’ to you? If I take off, they’ll hunt us down again, but I can’t stay here like a sitting duck! There is literally nowhere to go! Even if I could, where would I?”
“Barry,” Snart said, raising an eyebrow, and he really didn’t like the tone the thief was taking, “I’d have thought you’d trust me by now to know when I at least have a plan.”
“Because that is supposed to reassure me?”
“Because I already got three tickets on the first train out of town - which leaves in less than two hours, so we really ought to hurry - and just enough for a car trip to an old friend’s place to lie low.”
He blinked at Snart dumbly. “An old friend.”
“You have friends that aren’t arsonists? And are also from this world and not your book?”
Snart fixed him with an unimpressed glare. “Says the man whose only company has been his daughter for ten years.”
Barry winced. “Touché. Still doesn’t explain who your friend is, since you seem so keen on trusting them.”
“That is for me to know, and you to go pack and trust me over.” Barry started to protest, but the thief pressed a finger to his mouth, effectively shutting him up. Mostly out of surprise, to be honest, because he couldn’t remember the last time Snart had initiated touch with him that wasn’t meant to be constricting or threatening - including the moment earlier by the sink. He wasn’t sure why but his stomach gave another, weaker twist the longer he stared back at Snart. “You can worry and sleep on the train.”
“I - it’s almost midnight!”
“And? Do you think Thawne’s going to wait until it’s a decent hour?”
“Well, no, but…” Snart didn’t budge, his finger tapping against Barry’s bottom lip pointedly, which was really distracting, and Barry let out a groan, rubbing at his eyes with one hand. “Have you ever even ridden a train?”
“How do you think I got here?”
Right. He didn’t exactly have a driver’s license. Or a car.
Still, uncertainty plagued the back of his mind, hissing and spitting like a serpent of the worst kind.
He was tempted to act childish, push Snart away and go off to bed and sleep for once, but he knew the other man had a point. Bizarre as it was to be listening to him, of all people, especially when he had no idea where they might be going. For all Barry knew, they could be on a train to Thawne’s place within the hour!
Barry did know Snart - or, he had a better sense of him from reading Inkheart, that is. And the thief was calculating and just as ruthless as Thawne when he wanted to be, but if there was one thing he truly cared about more than his lifestyle, it was his partner in crime.
And being outsmarted.
Both of which fell under the umbrella of this situation.
At least Barry had had experience in moving plenty of times before. Nora, though… She was used to it, but what the hell was he supposed to tell her? She was a smart girl, she’d figure it out in a heartbeat, if she hadn’t had an inkling already.
Barry slumped into the chair, shaking off Snart’s finger and heaving another groan into his hands before he peeked up at Snart. The glare was starting to dissolve in the face of Barry’s reluctant defeat, softening once more into something almost amicable.
“Even thieves have hearts of gold,” Iris had once teased him when they were little, poking him between his ribs when he griped at her to stop. His heart ached for the days of silly fights and not a care in the world, back before he’d discovered what he could do.
Before he sent Iris away and brought three criminals to life.
Snart’s knee nudged his and startled him out of the spiral he was edging toward, a light enough touch that Barry wondered if he’d actually felt it. Barry gave him a thin, grateful smile, but he couldn’t bring himself to move.
“She’ll be fine.” His heart clenched for a different reason, unsure what to do when Leonard Snart was offering the barest of comfort instead of sniping at him. “Your little girl’s strong. Does she know?”
Barry shook his head. “I don’t… I don’t even know how to tell her about Iris.”
“Does she have… You know…”
Fear punched a hole through his chest and Barry shook his head again, harder this time. “No. No, god, no. I don’t think so, at least. We’ve never - I haven’t read since Thawne. And I don’t let her do it out loud.”
“Good.” Snart nodded, averting his gaze as he scanned the room. Barry watched his shoulders relax, just for a moment, and he wondered if he was worried about Thawne bursting into the kitchen on no notice or if Nora being like Barry had plagued him that badly. Barry didn’t even want to think about the idea of Nora pulling Toto from The Wizard of Oz out of thin air.
Parents were supposed to be worried about normal things, like puberty and bullying and such, not magic tricks and literal villains from storybooks.
Snart got to his feet, his cool mask already solidifying in place again as he gestured in the direction of Barry’s room (which was both satisfying and eerie because he knew the other had scoped out the house beforehand). “Pack up everything you absolutely need. Then worry about waking her. I’ll get some of that, ah, coffee people seem to love here.”
Barry snorted. “Not a fan?”
“It’s just caffeinated water,” Snart grumbled. “Yet you all seem to love it.”
Barry stood as well, and he had a feeling the thief had only brought up coffee to ease the tension in the room, as evidenced by the quirk to the corner of his mouth when Barry glanced away to hide his own budding smile. Not that he was complaining.
“Alright, fine. It won’t take long just… Please don’t burn the house down. I like this house, even if I’m abandoning it within the hour.”
“I know how to make coffee.”
“There’s a whole scene in Inkheart where you burn water trying to make lunch.” The thief scowled and Barry bit back a laugh. “Oh, and Snart?”
“You stole those tickets, didn’t you?”
Snart laughed, as if he hadn’t anticipated the question, and turned to Barry with a broad smirk. “I’ll have you know, I paid for them with my own money.”
“That you stole from someone.”
“Would it make you feel any better if you knew it was being borrowed from a certain sorcerer?”
“Not really,” Barry muttered, but he couldn’t help the way he started to smile again at the implication. “But I guess… If you had to steal from anyone…”
“He didn’t need that much gold anyway.”
“You stole his gold?”
Snart gave him a look that clearly spelled out Barry was an idiot. “What other money-related items was I supposed to take? It’s not as if you read them a stack of cash from books like Rumpelstiltskin.”
“Alright, alright, I get it.” Barry rolled his eyes and headed for the hallway. “Next time I’ll read a newspaper clipping about a robbery, make things more realistic.”
The sound of Snart’s chuckle seemed to echo through the house long after Barry got to packing, bringing a brief levity to his nerve-wracked heart.
At least someone would be enjoying their impromptu vacation.
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cattles-bians · 3 years
exes au part 14
post directory
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obsetress: viola
em: holy shit
em: i think viola could hold a truly ridiculous number of things in her hands
em: danis like i have a little fanny pack right here- and violas like (turns up nose) absolutely not
obsetress: pre therapy viola during her relationship w dani: buys dani a birkin too, is like "here baby, so you don't have to use that fanny pack"
obsetress: dani's like "oh. i, um. like my fanny pack"
obsetress: viola therapy era after her relationship with dani: buys her a hermes fanny pack instead
obsetress: jamie rolls her eyes but dani is literally
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em: i think a lot abt viola offering solutions completely unprompted n then being really offended when ppl dont take her up on it
em: pre therapy obvs
obsetress: SAME
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obsetress: oh link is gross
obsetress: cost is grosser
obsetress: but viola lloyd dropping $2550 on a fanny pack for her ex gf? chefs kiss
obsetress: ok just remembered viola slouching or leaning or w/e n like
obsetress: brain practically applying that to exes au and imagining when and where she'd slouch n everyone's reactions to htat
obsetress: bc like she has perfect posture but when she chooses to do it it's a power move
obsetress: and i. hm
em: yeah
obsetress: viola sitting up stock straight when they first get to brunch and as soon as she's ordered her bloody mary shes pulling off her sunglasses and dropping them on the table and just sinking back
em: how to phrase this w/o sounding too much like a whore
em: actually no way to say this but like i feel v strongly abt the way we make women take up less space wrt to knees together calves touching type deal and i think maybe
em: maybe viola can manspread a bit as a treat
em: hate that term but i cant think of a better one
obsetress: nah she does n it's hot
obsetress: just had this image pre divorce of viola and arthur at marriage counseling on opp ends of the couch n arthur's sitting v tight close and vi is just
obsetress: leaning and spreading a lil
obsetress: the first time jamie sees her do it she's so taken aback
obsetress: because she's NOT expecting it
em: jamies like ah ok late in life lesbian deal and then jokes on her viola is fluent in dyke slouch
obsetress: jamie immediately trying to suss out just how long viola has been fucking women
obsetress: she says to dani later "i thought she was all proper like" and dani's like "she is" and jamie's like "so wot was that then" and dani's like "well, people are gay, jamie,"
em: ghfjhgljkJFDASJKKJFGA
em: jamies like so wait how long HAS viola been
obsetress: jamie: so you were vi's first serious girlfriend right? dani: dani: jamie: right???????
em: violas been fucking women longer than jamie has lbr
em: i mean shes clearly only 35, jamie,
obsetress: jamie: so... vi... viola: hm? jamie: you're, uh, gay, right? viola: obviously jamie: right. well dani told me you've been dating women since–– viola: since i was 15, yes jamie: but you married a man
em: violas like u went to jail everyone does stupid shit occasionally
em: jamie: so how long have you been dating women viola: since i was 15 jamie: no i meant like. in years viola raises her eyebrows and jamies just like haha nevermind fuck
obsetress: she tried!
obsetress: she tried
em: jamie on her 35th birthday pencilling 'many happy returns' into violas ????th 35th birthday card
em: yknow i think
em: i think something's afoot
obsetress: jamie, giving up on the direct approach
obsetress: slipping in next to rebecca at the wine bar
obsetress: "becca"
obsetress: "hi, jamie" "hi. how old is your girlfriend"
em: am fucking losing it thinking abt jamie like. realising how much gay energy viola has
em: like taken ABACK
obsetress: fksljfLKSDJFLJ
obsetress: just like
obsetress: why are jamies reactions to viola so funny
obsetress: montage of jamie realizing how much gay energy viola has
obsetress: jamie watching viola sitting
obsetress: jamie watching viola pick up a variety of glasses and mugs
obsetress: jamie watching viola compare hand sizes with dani, jamie's girlfriend and viola's ex girlfriend who she dated for literal years and whose hand size she definitely already knows
em: they go for a walk and viola immediately complains about the sun and jamie's like
em: i have a spare hat but ur not gonna like it
em: its a snapback that says daddy or smthn in gold, owen got it for jamie for her bday, jamie Loathes it
obsetress: BYE
obsetress: viola looks better in it than jamie does
em: jamie has that
em: am i attracted to viola? moment
em: it passses
em: she has already compartmentalised the weird psychosexual power play
em: queen of compartmentalising
obsetress: jamie: had another one of those moments today dani: what moments? jamie: where i thought i might be attracted to vi dani: well, you did let her fuck you... what was it, four? times in one night, so
em: jamie; yeah but like that aside
em: jamie 'thats neither here nor there' taylor
obsetress: she is the queen of compartmentalizing tho
em: i was gonna be like. 'jamies like wait i dont remember saying four' but. i think she would tell dani
em: because the flip of that is dani callin up vi n i dont think she would necessarily
obsetress: i think she would and dani would make her anyway
obsetress: well make her is harsh but
obsetress: dani would very curiously ask in very convincing ways
em: lovingly coax it out of her
em: dani: what if i fucked you four times in o
obsetress: dani: let me do five
em: viola probably wears so many rings jamie doesn’t even clock the ever present thumb ring
obsetress: jamie just. writes it all off
em: am laughing abt like. viola v meticulously taking off every single ring and putting it in its proper location before...
obsetress: there is something. so hot about that
obsetress: im gonna scream i think
em: i was just meming and now im thinking abt it and
em: truly played myself
em: actually this is me refusing to unpack whatever the hell theo crain gloves made me feel
obsetress: sdkfmsldjfa
obsetress: fair
em: sublimate it into rings
obsetress: i just like um
obsetress: thinkin about when she and dani are together and like
obsetress: it's intentional and everything has its place but vi also makes a show out of it
obsetress: and like
obsetress: she's SO painstaking about it and definitely makes dani wait a little bit and
em: helps dani outta her big ass earrings
em: i mean dani doesnt even Need the help
em: viola meticulous lloyd
em: i mean she just wears so much goddamn jewellry
obsetress: she can tell when dani's getting impatient and goes even slower
em: viola has like
em: viola is one of thos ppl thats really into expensive watches
obsetress: !!!!!!
obsetress: yeah
obsetress: nice lil canon nod too
em: she drags dani to antique auctions n danis like i cant. actually tell the difference between the real and the forgery and violas like (passionately explains it for like 30 minutes) and dani is
em: like shes mentally checked out but also v intensely watching violas hands as she points to the parts of the watch
em: rebecca gets it tho
em: rebecca Gets It
obsetress: dani shoving vi into the bathroom at the auction house and tugging vi's hand between her legs v rebecca grabbing her own auction paddle and bidding against viola for the same watch
obsetress: (rebecca n vi fuck in the car on the ride home)
em: dani grabs a paddle n mimes spanking viola n then the auctioneer is like '$250 to 201' and danis like aw Fcuk
em: violas like i cant take u Anywhere
obsetress: dani gives her the 🥺😌and viola's immediately over it and pulling out $250
obsetress: dani: i didn't even want it, i was just–– vi: i know dani: what am i even gonna do with a–– vi: i'll sell it for $500 at a private auction next week dani: so technically i'm making you money dani, grinning: it's like i'm your employee dani: do you have any more assignments for me, boss? vi: dani get your hand out of my pocket i need to focu––
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yikeswtfmate · 5 years
(1) New Message from Unknown Number
main masterlist // (1) New Message Masterlist // next part
Summary: Y/N is drunk and can’t remember her ex’s number.
A/N: Hello, it is I, the idiot who writes Social Media AUs when she’s drunk but is too lazy to put them in the proper format and just leaves them to die somewhere on her laptop
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader (Social Media AU - that’s a lie, it’s actually just texts in Word format 🤡)
Warnings: swearing, dumbassery
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Unknown Number: Hey asshat so listen
Unknown Number: I kno we hvnt spoken since like
Unknown Number: High school but whateve idc
Unknown Number: U’re an asshle so I dnt even care that its like…
Unknown Number: 3 in the morning nvrmd
Unknown Number: Ive ben dared to txt my hottest ex by these evil witchS so
Unknown Number: Here u go
Unknown Number: At least u had decent abs so congrats on tht jfc
Unknown Number:  also u dnt get to complain abt this txt bc like
Unknown Number: u dated me for 6 months on a dare so U KNOW WHat this shuold feel like ya
Unknown Number: Wow dude that sounds like a dick move
Unknown Number: Seriously who the hell dates someone for 6 months on a dare?
Unknown Number: Doesn’t that only happen in movies though?
Unknown Number: hey bitchass dont act like u don’t kno what im talkinG abt
Unknown Number: Oh shit yeah, sorry. I don’t know who this asshole of an ex is but I sure as hell am not him
Unknown Number: Dude sounds like a complete waste of human space
Unknown Number: And I think I wouldn’t get to live it down if my friends would hear I did something that shitty
Unknown Number: Wait lemme ask Sam
Unknown Number: Nah, he says Steve would’ve beaten my ass if I were to do that so there u go
Unknown Number: m sorry who tf are u
Unknown Number: Bucky
Unknown Number: what kind of stupid name is bucky
Unknown Number: Shit man, u’re the one blowing up my phone at 3 in the morning, sending me weird ass messages when I don’t even know u and u dare say my name is stupid???
Unknown Number: Sheit srry
Unknown Number: Is been A long night
Unknown Number: nd week
Unknown Number: Actlly make thAt the whle entire fuckin month
Girl with asshole ex: Srry fr bothering u
Unknown Number: It‘s cool
Girl with asshole ex: Hey the witches ask if ure hot
Bonky: Yeah
Bonky: U wanted me to lie?
Girl with asshole ex: Fair point
Girl with asshole ex: They wnt a pic
Girl with asshole ex: Pic or it didn’t happen punk
Girl with asshole ex: Tht was nat
Bonky: What kind of party are u at that you can constantly text me?
Girl with asshole ex: Wanda’s place
Girl with asshole ex: Girls night
Girl with asshole ex: Getting hammered on wine BITCH
Girl with asshole ex: Also dnt change the subject
Bonky: I don’t even know your name
Girl with asshole ex: Why would I tell u my name I just want to see a suppsdly hot asssd
Bonky: You know mine and now you want me to send u a pic of me
Bonky: Bit of a disadvantage here babe
Girl with asshole ex: Babe?
Girl with asshole ex: BABE?
Girl with asshole ex: Fine
Girl with asshole ex: BABE if I tell u my name will u send a pic of u so we kno u arnt a 60yr old perv
Bonky: I’ll think about it
Girl with asshole ex: Hey fuck u
Girl with asshole ex: Not fair
Bonky: How do I know you’re not the 60yr old perv?
Girl with asshole ex: Cuz she got big tiddies to prove
Girl with asshole ex: And that was wanda
Girl with asshole ex: So now u know my fridsn
Bonky: Still don’t know your name tho babe
Bonky: Also tell Wanda she shouldn’t give out this type of info to strangers
Girl with asshole ex: ure not a stranger anymore bonky
Girl with asshole ex: ure my babe nao
Bonky: I’m going to let that Bonky slide just bc u’re cute
Bonky: But I’m also going to stop replying until you tell me your name
Girl with asshole ex: U think im cute?
Girl with asshole ex: 
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Girl with asshole ex: I mean u havnt even seen me but thats fair
Girl with asshole ex: Wand and nat say its true so ill believe u rnt lying to me rn
Girl with asshole ex: But I wanna see if ure cute
Girl with asshole ex: Wait why r u up st 3 in the mrng I mean we re drunk but wht r u doing
Girl with asshole ex: Babe u need to take better care of urself
Girl with asshole ex: Babe
Girl with asshole ex: Babe?
Girl with asshole ex: BABE?
Girl with asshole ex: Ph shit ure actually ignoring me
Girl with asshole ex: I dont like this
Girl with asshole ex: I actually like talking to u
Girl with asshole ex: Pls stop ignoring me
Girl with asshole ex: COME BACK AND LOBE ME
Girl with asshole ex: Babe?
Girl with asshole ex: Fine
Girl with asshole ex: It’s Y/N
Bonky: Now, that wasn’t so hard was it? 
Babe: fcuk u
Bonky: I’m up at 3 bc we ordered pizza and decided it’s time to beat Sam’s ass in Mario Kart once and for all
Babe: Nd how’s that going for ya?
Bonky: Bitch has been beating us for the past 3 hours
Bonky: Thor is the only one getting at least close to him now so we’re about to give up
Babe: Wait shit how r u replying so fast if ure playing Mario kart tho
Bonky: I gave up two hours ago
Babe: Quitter
Bonky: Just gotta know which fights to pick babe
Babe: Heads up I might be fallin asleep soon
Bonky: Drink some water before that, maybe get some food in u as well to soak up all the alcohol and have an advil close for tomorrow
Babe: Ok MOM
Bonky: Hey Wanda willingly told me you have “big tiddies” so your friends don’t seem to be doing a good job of taking care of you
Bonky: Might as well let me do it so you don’t die tmrw
Babe: Ohhhh so u careeeee babe im touched
Babe: Kkkkkk Ill talk tu u tmrw ill be dead soon
Babe: Nd I do have big tiddies
Bonky: Good night babe
Babe: What the shit
Bonky: I see you survived
Babe: Barely
Babe: My head might explode soon and I feel like I’ve vomited for an entire lifetime
Babe: TMI sorry
Bonky: I’d like to point out I’m glad I don’t have to decipher your texts anymore and that you can actually spell properly
Babe: Fuck you Buckaroo
Bonky: I would also like to remind you that I have on good authority that you have “big tiddies” so don’t make me use that against you
Babe: I am going to kill Wanda
Babe:Ugh I need coffee
Babe: I’ll talk to you later
Bonky: I’ll be waiting for you babe
Babe: So
Babe: BABE
Bonky: Yes baby?
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Bonky: Nah, you love it
Babe: Fine
Babe: You still haven’t sent a pic of you though. I might be able to rise Nat and Wanda from the dead if you do
Bonky: What do I get in return?
Babe: The promise that I will keep replying even though you might turn out to be an ugly orc?
Bonky: Not enough
Babe: Fine. I’ll keep talking to you until you want me to stop. Or until I get bored of you
Bonky: Eh, you can do better
Babe: What do you WANT?
Bonky: A pic of you in return
Babe: I’m not sending you nudes, perv
Bonky: If I wanted to see you naked and be a dick about it, I could’ve asked last night, don’t worry
Bonky: But if you’ll know how I look it’s only fair I should know how you look
Babe: That sounds reasonable
Bonky: I’d say it’s a fair exchange
Babe: Fine, you first then
Bonky: If you don’t send me a pic of you afterwards babe I will stop replying, just so you know
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Babe: Did you type super hot guy with the most beautiful eyes in the world in Google or something?
Bonky: I’m touched but no. Sam took that photo at a work event
Babe: Bitch do you really expect me to believe this is you? That looks like a guy who just stepped out of a magazine, I highly doubt I would have the luck to text him instead of my ex when drunk
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Bonky: Are you always this annoying?
Babe: …
Bonky: What? Do you want me to take a selfie with the fucking newspaper now? I read the news online babe, I’m not getting off of this couch just so I can buy a stupid newspaper to prove it’s me
Babe: Do you have one in a suit?
Bonky: …why am I putting up with this?
Bonky: Hold on
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Bonky: It’s been 5 minutes, are you going to reply?
Bonky: You still have to send me a picture of you though, a deal is a deal you know
Bonky: Fine, I warned you
Babe: Shit sorry
Babe: Hi Bucky, this is Natasha
Bonky: Hi Natasha. Is Y/N alright?
Babe: Uhm how should I put this?
Babe: Y/N is crying right now and she can’t reply herself
Bonky: What? What happened? Is she okay?
Babe: Oh yeah
Babe: She’s just crying because (and I’m quoting here) you’re “so beautiful, it’s like all my wet dreams and fantasies have come together. I swear this is some cosmic joke, this is not happening”
Babe: I’m not sure if she’s laughing or crying now
Babe: But she keeps yelling at me that I have to send you the most perfect picture of herself that has ever existed or you will stop talking to her
Babe: I think she started crying again because “I will never live up to that level of perfection, he told me that I have to know which fights to pick”
Babe: Uh yeah so here
Babe: 1 Photo Attached
Bonky: Hey Nat, could you tell Y/N that I would like to talk to her now?
Babe: Sure
Babe: Hey
Bonky: Baby?
Babe: Yeah?
Bonky: You picked the wrong fight if you think “you will never live up to this level of perfection”
Babe: Oh God
Bonky: Stop being an idiot
Bonky: And listen to me
Bonky: I would really like to keep talking to you. Mainly because you’re an idiot who makes me laugh, but it’s also the fact that you are the most gorgeous woman I have ever seen in my entire life
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plush-anon · 3 years
Would you ever write... a Scooby Doo and Phantom of the Opera crossover?
Ooooo, that would be a tough one to do. I would LOVE to say yes... but I honestly don’t know what I would really write, if that makes sense. 
(now allow me to vibrate intensely in place and hyperfixate over two of my earliest and most influential fandoms for about a thousand words please and thank you)
As much as I love these two fandoms (and I REALLY do. POTO 2004 helped pull me out of a REALLY ugly spiral in middle school - I dare say my worst - and Scooby Doo was THE fandom I first wrote/posted fanfiction for), meshing them would be... difficult.
Some Scooby properties have already played with Phantom some - Stage Fright actually did okay on their Phantom monster figure, esp in that he was a spirit focused on ego and NOT obsessing over Daphne (like they’ve done in other films - thanks Music of the Vampire TT_TT) - though considering every OTHER misstep made in that movie, it’s a damn miracle they even got THAT right. And Be Cool Scooby Doo had an episode with a Ghostly Prima Donna that hits a lot of the same points - amazing opera singer who wreaked havoc on a theatre when scorned by the owners.
(And if you wanna get into the actor side of it, Lego Scooby Doo: Haunted Hollywood’s plot focused on the ghost of a Boris Karloff/Lon Chaney Sr mashup haunting the studio with his horror characters, with the unmasking being the Mashup Actor JUNIOR wanting to carry on his dad’s legacy, a la Lon Chaney Jr. Again, not a great movie, but the mystery/monster element was handled alright)
The meshing of the two doesn’t really inspire much plot to it that hasn’t already been done to pieces. If it’s just a traditional Scooby mystery at a music competition the Phantom is trying to control/ruin, well - just see the above examples.  Regardless of the rest of the movie/episode’s flaws, WB actually did okay with the Phantom-esque elements. If it’s a modern POTO retelling with Mystery Inc trying to stop the Phantom, then, well. It’s basically rehashing Sherlock Holmes and the Phantom of the Opera adaptations all over again (of which there’s at least five and a comic miniseries - no joke, those actually exist), but with wacky hijinks and a talking dog. Not much new or interesting there, IMHO.
It would be VERY tired, low hanging fruit to have Daphne get kidnapped as the Christine replacement, and Velma’s family history is firmly established in Germany from Frankencreepy (and while that movie has... many problems, Velma’s family backstory is actually pretty damn good on its own, barring some minor quibbles over details mentioned).
I guess you could do Fred as like... the descendant of Raoul and Christine? Christine was OG Swedish in Leroux, and Fred’s family is primarily blonde and blue-eyed by WNSD standards (I refuse SDMI on principle). There could be something about Fred being targeted by Erik for conflicting reasons, his spirit sent into extreme emotional flux with what was Raoul and Christine’s great-great something grandson, while another mystery goes on framing Erik for something else... There could be something there, but I wouldn’t be the one to do it; main reason being, I am NOT great at writing Fred. 
For me, Fred is a difficult character to write, period; I have a better time of it with the live action Scooby movies Fred because I can play around with the flaws (read: bashing in the first movie) more. Fred in general is a tough character to write bc he’s played as the straight man, the generic leader (tho I forever mourn my lost draft of my post-SCOOB AU mashup with Orpheus in Eurydice - I actually had him there! *cries*).
More recent stuff plays around with him being an engineer - BCSD played him up as a neurodivergent mechanic, and I love that one to pieces - or a charming enough if frustrating at times himbo (WNSD), or in some cases an obnoxiously jealous dumbass who doesn’t know how to use buttons or listen to basic fcuking instructions (Moon Monster Madness, Music of the Vampire, also WNSD) or occasionally the dude SO obsessed with the Mystery Machine he may actually want to fcuk it (Frankencreepy, Happy Halloween SD!).
On the whole though, he’s not one ever really associated with music except when forced unrealistically (see again, Stage Fright for the sake of Fraphne baiting that they NEVER fcuking act on in these movies, to the point it’s legitimately frustrating and cheap to pull - Stage Fright esp so, bc Fred and Daphne spend the ENTIRE goddamn movie talking about having feelings for each other, KISS ON STAGE, and WHAT do they do?!? WHAT DO THEY DO?!??!?! THEY QUESTION THE KISS AND REVERT BACK TO STATUS QUO GODDAMNIT IT I’M JUST WHY) or when the gang is suddenly a band (WNSD, Legend of the Vampire, a background shot with him playing guitar in Witch’s Ghost, BCSD Screama Donna) or both (honestly all of the above, though BCSD played it for laughs best with Fred on the drums).
The closest we EVER got to Fred being interested in singing/music was an old ‘Behind the Characters’ short Hanna Barbera made for Cartoon Network, where Fred admitted he used to be in theatre and loved singing tunes from Showboat.
So him being the tie to Erik feels like a dead end to me. Not impossible, but still just... yeah, not a clean fit in my mind.
As for Shaggy and Scooby... they have enough problems to deal with without adding Erik on top of everything else. ‘Nuff said.
So yeah, unfortunately I have to say no on this one. There’s nothing I feel like I could do in them that wasn’t already tired (as opposed to the ROTG/POTO mashups I thought up forever ago), but hey, that could just be me.
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mc-slowwalker · 3 years
before I continue, I was watching Jack Manifold’s stream while writing this and slightly distracted by the fact that he has hair now
dreamsmp homonormative society is actually the funniest thing that they’ve managed to do and with characters ages and like time in general I tend to just go with a handwavey they’re the ccs ages and time progresses probably
ooh I want c!dream out of the prison sooo bad but also I want more prison streams tooooo. like sometimes I forget the c!techno is even in the prison give me more podcasts to compensate. looooree where is ittt I need it. it’s actually a crime that I’m asleep for 99% of ponk and foolish’s streams 😔✌️
omg I work at a dental clinic and when I read that I just imagined all the dsmp characters just like there and it cracks me up so much
oh I’ll apologise for c!sapnap because I understand where he’s coming from of course. I don’t know if I would say he’s justified exactly in thinking that or well maybe he is because of past experiences but he’s not exactly right in it I wouldn’t say. like I get why sapnap would react in the way that he did but he does have a few misconception about some things but also his character makes me sad sometimes actually c!dteam makes me sad sometimes (read all the time.) lmao ranboo arc nice. I’ve realised I tend to be biased toward c!tommy and c!dream the most funnily enough even though I try to look at it all more objectively when actually analysing lore cause that’s more fun but I will 100% be biased as hell when joking around cause that’s funnier
yeah! I’m enjoying cc!george doing lighthearted lore and the fandom turning it into c!george angst lmao. but also like a way to do lore that he’ll actually enjoy too. YES PLEASE C!PUNZ WHERE ARE YOU. nevermind c!tommy and c!dream it’s actually c!punz that I am most biased towards. and c!tubbo.
yeah!! it’s honestly so awesome what the dsmp has done like there’s something for everyone
also I was really tired while writing this so it’s not as long or coherent and I would say more about the lore foolish did but I haven’t watched it yet (cause I was asleep😪)
Jack manifold having hair is bad but I also think he shoukd get a mullet I just think it would be funny
I don’t think they meant for it to happen? I don’t even know if they’ve realized it yet. I would 100% agree because that’s how I treat character ages but philza is 100000 years old in canon and no kne can take that away from me
Ponk exclusively streams when I have classes and during summer/breaks he streams,,, arguably at a time that I should be awake, but at a time I am never awake. But he’s been doing longer streams recently!
Weirdly enough I kind of have a weird relationship (parasocial) with foolish? When he was first added I was real upset that dream added another white guy to the smp and he was a white guy that I didn’t know. So with philza and friends joining I had already heard of them/got a vouch from other ccs that they would be cool, but foolish was a complete unknown. I got over myself though and he’s really grown on me. I don’t tune into his streams because I tend to dislike streams where streamers are on their own and/or are too low energy. I think I’m a feral boys main because those fuckers so rarely stream without other people shjdjd
Oh shit you work at a dental place?? I’m prevet/vet assistant I feel this weird medical kinship sjdbkfj. But deeper into dream smp people going to the dentist. Techno straight up has tusks. How the fcuk- tommy for sure bites and I’m not even sure ranboo has teeth. I think it would be extra funny if the dentist tried to give quackity a normal colored replacement tooth but he brought his own gold and was like “hey you know what’d look banger” actually I just realized that the gold tooth thing is all fanon isn’t it? Huh
C!Dreamteam makes me sad too, and suprisingly I’m more critical of c!sapnap but less so in the way you’d think? I haven’t forgiven him for the pet wars. I’ve found with joking around I’m more likely to be meaner to c!tommy but take c!dream criticism to heart? High empathy and low sympathy will do that to a bitch ig. I think when people joke about c!dream apologists I’m put on edge because of the sheer amount of people who genuinely think that being a c!dream apologist makes you a morally bad person in real life. I’ve tried to chill a bit and not take stuff personally but rsd is a bitch
I realize now that you meant like characters that you like when you said biased towards but I read it wrong and already wrote a paragraph so it’s too late to go back on it
Cc just make better content when they’re happy, we get better george lore when he’s having fun so I think it’s a good trade off
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deans-baby-momma · 5 years
Falling To Temptation-Pt 2
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A/N: Here is Part 2. Apparently I am unable to write a one-shot. LOL Anyway this story is going to end up having 3-5 parts.
Thankfully the Bunker is huge enough that your brother-in-law and you have time to quickly get dressed and go your separate ways before your husband comes looking for you.
You are in the nursery looking over your sleeping daughter when he finds you. 
"There you are," he murmurs, coming up behind you and wrapping his thick arms around your waist. He nuzzles into your neck and you freeze. His lips are fluttering across the same patch of skin his brother had nibbled against not even 15 minutes ago. If he left a mark….. 
Turning around you wrap your arms around your husband's neck, looking up at him from beneath your  lashes. "Here I am," you say. "Just checking on our girl."
He leans down and pecks your lips. "Missed you," he whispers.
You can't help but laugh.  "Baby, you were gone for two hours."
His eyes roam down your body and back up.  "Is that my brother's shirt?"
The rest of the day is spent trying to keep your mind occupied and not let your brain remind you of what transpired while the Bunker was empty. 
You couldn't think about it; no, not that you regretted it. Quite the opposite actually. Everytime you thought of just how well your brother-in-law had thoroughly fucked you, you could feel your body heating up and desire for it to happen again threatens to take over.
As you are cooking dinner, your family sits at the war room table discussing the next case. It has already been established that they will be heading out at daybreak and will be gone for at least a week.
In these times, you have a love/hate relationship with your husband and his brother's 'job'. You loved that they were so diligent and dedicated to saving people; hell, they've even saved the world a couple of times. But you hated the thought of them leaving and putting themselves in danger by hunting the things that most people don't even realize exist.  Well, until they are witness to it and are victim to it. 
You worried when they were gone. Worried that one or both of them would be wounded; worried that the safety of others would come before their own; worried that it would be hours, days even, before you'd hear from them if they were injured. 
You hated not going with them anymore but when the word "pregnant" showed up on the pee stick, it was quickly decided that your hunting days were over. 
Now instead of packing up and heading out to the unknown, you stayed behind; your days filled with feedings and changing diapers. And truthfully, you wouldn't change it for anything.  Well, maybe you would change the employment of your husband and his brother. But you knew domesticity would bore them.
Husband: Hey beautiful. How are my girls?
Missing you. How's it going?
Husband: Slow.  The lore isn't giving us any answers and my brother is driving me crazy,  wanting to get back home. 
Oh. I'm sorry.  So you guys will probably be gone longer, huh?
Husband: Looks like. I swear I think he has a secret girlfriend back in Lebanon! The way he is insistent on getting this case over with and getting back.
Really now? You held your breath.  Your nerves are on edge. What if he has figured it out? What if the man you had married and vowed to love and cherish has discovered your secret? Does he know you had fallen victim to temptation and had spent the rest of that day, a week ago, walking around with his brother's cum leaking into your panties? Who do you think it is?
Another text message draws your attention back to your phone. 
Husband: I think it's Mindy, the bartender at Smokey Joe's. 
Crisis averted, he thinks it's someone else. You breathe a sigh of relief. Another notification vibrates your phone and you exit out of the text string between you and your husband to see a message from his brother. It's an image.
Clicking on it, you wait for it to load thinking it is probably something silly, like a picture of his brother after a well-timed prank. 
You almost drop your phone when the picture finally comes through. Instead of a picture of your husband, there on your screen is a close up shot of your brother-in-law's dick, rock hard and long, being held in his big meaty hand with the words: Missing you and that perfect pussy.
Oh yea? And what would you do to this pussy? You gonna stuff that fat cock in it? Gonna fill it full? 
Him: You know it. I'll fucking wreck that pussy. Stretch it out around me and pound the hell out of it. 
You think you can? 
Him: I know I can. Have you screaming my name, begging me to stop. Begging me to fuck you harder, just begging.
Sorry, I don't beg.
Him: Oh but you will. When I'm hammering into you with everything I got, when your ass is sore from my balls slapping it so hard, you'll be begging.
You say that like you're going to get a chance to. Maybe I've changed my mind. 
Him: I know better. You want me. Want me to load that pussy with my cum, put a baby in there.
Him: You like that idea don't you? Having my baby growing inside you. Knowing that I put it there.
Yea, I do.
You answer truthfully. There is no sense in lying. Not to him and not to yourself.  Honestly,  the thought has crossed your mind more in the last week than you care to admit. To know that something so forbidden and taboo should make you feel amoral and wrong but instead feels so right. 
Him: I can't wait to get back and have my way with you.  Fcuk tat bby right into yu.
Are you cumming? Thinking about shooting that load inside me? Filling my pussy full.
Him: Ues! Oh god! I shot so hard I hit the mirror. 
You laugh as you picture him standing in the dingy, dim-lit motel bathroom jacking off and cumming, his family right outside the door. And having to clean the mirror of his spendings.
I'd love to see that. 
Your phone vibrates with another message,  another image. This time, the picture is of his smiling face in the mirror and against the reflective glass is a large cumwad.
Your daughter begins crying so you close out the app and go to fulfill your responsibilities as a mother, putting the conversation with your brother-in-law into the recesses of your mind.
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cheshiresense · 5 years
Ok so, I was reading and super enjoying your hunger!verse Tsuna thingy and I was forced afterword to go seek out more arcobaleno fic (FORCED. Pshhh). Annnnyway I did and now I'm desperately curious if we'll be seeing more of it? Maybe the first time Fon sees Tsuna eat? Will we ever find out how hard Lal Mirch smacks the Sawada Idiot? Where is Skull in all this? So curious! Anyway! Love your fic! Even when you're dragging me kicking and screaming into new fandoms:D
I’m not getting any Skull-writing-motivation atm, and Iemitsu is always a headache to write, even when he’s getting rightfully smacked. So I’ll just do a very short blurb of Fon&Tsuna interactions.
Pinglist: @yoshifics @bewarethemandragora @runeofluna @selenedreamwalker @hypnos28 @verticallychallengedintrovert @fandommaniac2401 @lovingempress @cynthia-of-the-wallflowers @shadowsofmoonracer @pairp @warriorofbooks @charlottedabookworm @lyra689 @sheyrenawyrsabane @sora-the-empress @xadriannax @yumeniai @arrysa @lirial89-fanfiction @skysong246 @caiahat @grimreaper19 @arosethornbyanyothername @mtkiseki @kaminoko-x @nesskyru @tatarako @parklena42 @zibeth-a @aerdnanocte @timegrenades @healingmichiko @shiko-rae @soraofmelody @fandoms-make-the-world-go-round @north-peach @yannilicious @wolfsrainrules @franticchanges @tremendouslyminiaturequeen @nesomoxian @snowspine @helix-security @ciesste @skyrel @ebilangel @redshino @fabulous-as-fcuk @anaissesteighart @raz-ia @13oddballbooks​ @scribesynnox @alyss-spazz-penedo @shwamu @haikyuumon @rivertoforever @satanic-yogurt @darkened-flame 
The first time Fon witnesses it, he’s torn between a morbid sort of fascination and a revolted sense of trepidation.
“You don’t have to be here,” Tsuna tells him, not for the first time, as Viper goes to check them in and Reborn leaves to make sure there’s no one with so much as an unpaid parking ticket to their name within five miles of the hotel they’ll be staying in.
It still surprises Fon, a little, even after two months in their company, which is actually one month more than they’ve ever willingly spent with each other. But even back before they realized the kind of woman Luce really was, not even Reborn was as protective of her as he is of Tsuna. Or maybe it’s just a different kind of protective. Where there was always a respectful distance between themselves and Luce, no matter how kindly she treated them, there’s none of that between Reborn - and Viper - and Tsuna.
That’s not to say they don’t respect him of course– in a rare moment of quiet honesty when Tsuna had fallen ill - again - with a mild fever, Viper had confessed to Fon that their new Sky was a kind of strong that still utterly baffled them as much as it was worthy of their admiration as well. And Reborn hadn’t slept a wink until Tsuna got better.
But Tsuna lets them close in a way Luce never could’ve, guards their health and wellbeing in a way Luce never had, and in return, it’s easy to see how Reborn and Viper consider him beloved and friend and Sky and boss, in exactly that order too.
Devotion. That was what they lacked when it came to Luce. That was what Luce could never quite earn from them, even before they learned the terrible truth, even from Reborn. She had gathered them and charmed them and earned their trust, but she had never been able to inspire the steadfast instinctual dedication that both Reborn and Viper show Tsuna these days, so in tune with the boy that even the way they move somehow seems in tune with each other, like… well, exactly like elements woven in with their sky.
And maybe that’s why Fon assures, also not for the first time, “I understand, Tsunayoshi-kun, but so long as you do not object, I would like to stay.”
He’s self-aware enough to know where this is going, that it’s only a matter of time for him too– one of these days, he’ll have enough courage to offer his own Flames as well, it’s on the tip of his tongue already, and even the echo of remembered agony and instinctual fear isn’t going to stop him.
And considering it’s only been a little over two months since he first met Tsunayoshi, well, even Luce hadn’t tamed them all as quickly.
(Fon worries about that sometimes. It’s not natural, is it? To care about someone so fiercely, so fast. But it actually helps that Tsunayoshi’s fought him just about every step of the way; he’s a Sky who so obviously cares, and so even if it makes Fon a little uneasy, he’s also equally determined to return that care. He can’t be a Storm to a Sky - doesn’t deserve to be a Storm to a Sky, especially this Sky - if the bond between them doesn’t go both ways.)
It’s… not as terrible as Fon thought it would be, once they’re shut away in the top-floor suite and Tsuna’s lips are dyed with yellow and indigo. He looks healthier in this moment than Fon has ever seen him, cheeks less hollow, bones less brittle, skin flushed with a healthier colour. Fon pays close attention to the entire process despite some part of him screaming at him to back out of the room, and so he also notices the way neither Reborn nor Viper show any signs of hesitation or pain when they draw out their own Flames and feed them to Tsuna.
“You should eat a bit more,” Viper huffs, shoving more indigo fire at their Sky when he tries to protest. “If you insist on going days without a proper meal, at least eat your fill when we do this.”
Reborn just stares Tsuna down until the boy sighs and accepts more of the handfuls of Flames the hitman is holding out.
Later, when it’s Fon’s turn to walk Tsuna to school (they’ve worked out a schedule, just to give each of them a bit of time alone with their Sky, although it took almost two months before Reborn and Viper - with Tsuna insisting - grudgingly agreed to add Fon to the rotation), he remarks, “It does not seem to hurt them, or otherwise affect them negatively.”
Tsuna doesn’t bother playing dumb. Everything about him droops for a moment instead. “…Maybe not. I mean it definitely did at first, and I don’t know if it’s just because they’ve gotten used to it, they said it wasn’t that and I don’t think they were lying to make me feel better but…”
He shakes his head and glances away, and for a moment, it doesn’t seem like he’ll continue his train of thought. But Fon waits patiently and is rewarded a few minutes later by a near-inaudible, “I just don’t like it. They’re literally sustaining me with their souls. And all I do is… take that from them. But what do I give them?”
Ah. So that’s the crux of the problem.
Well, Fon supposes it’s not so much of a surprise, for this boy. It’s a good thing then, that Fon knows the answer already.
“You give them a home,” He says, steadily, honestly, and something in his chest floods with a warmth that tethers him to the Sky beside him. Judging by the way Tsuna’s eyes widen and his hand jumps to his chest, Fon’s not the only one who can feel the creation of their bond.
“You give us a home,” He continues. “A place to belong, something to hold us together when we would otherwise be adrift in the world. Perhaps that does not sound especially important to you, but for us who have lived for decades with no one to care about and no one who might care about us, a Sky like you is… everything.”
Tsuna does not reply for a long moment. They’re entering through the school gates when he finally speaks again, and even then, it’s a succinct answer, less question and more dawning realization. “You guys were alone. And lonely.”
Fon smiles wryly and thinks of how even with every alarm bell ringing in his head, he still hopped on the first flight to Japan after hearing about a Sky who might actually be a proper Sky. Thinks too of how Reborn approached first even though he’d arguably been burned worst, and Viper who had long decided that trust was for fools and yet had still so desperately wanted someone to be worthy of their trust.
“We were,” Fon admits in a way he knows Reborn and Viper - even to Tsuna - would be hard-pressed to do. “And sometimes, being alone is the worst thing anyone can experience.”
Tsuna nods a little as he changes his shoes. “Yeah. Yeah it is.”
After that, Tsuna is still firm about only eating their Flames once every few days, but he eases up on the protests, and when Fon offers his own Flames up the next time, Tsuna grimaces but also nods slowly without arguing. Reborn and Viper both give Fon suspicious side-eyes but since this works in their favour too, neither of them bring it up.
On his part, Fon feels the same instinctual fear swell up inside him, but he looks at Tsuna, his Sky, and his resolve is infinitely stronger. The core of his Storm Flames flare bright and fierce, and when Fon gathers a piece of it and breaks it off from the rest, there is only a brief spark of pain, like a hard pinch, and then he’s breathing easy again, and his hands burn with the wild pulse of his life-fire.
When Tsuna accepts it with reverent hands, and the red twines with Reborn’s yellow and Viper’s indigo as their Sky eats, something in Fon sits back, satisfied, and the newly forged Guardian bond inside him strengthens.
The very next morning, Fon wakes to a crash and Reborn very uncharacteristically shouting, “What the fuck-”
Fon’s barging into Tsuna’s room with a Viper who hasn’t even remembered to grab their cloak on his heels before it actually registers, and even then, it’s only because - for the first time since he was still a student at his first master’s dojo - he literally trips over his own feet.
He sits up and stares. Viper’s deathly silent behind him, and even Reborn’s fallen quiet from where he’s half-leaning against the nightstand. His hammock is ripped down the middle and hangs limply from the ceiling. Tsuna stares at all three of them from his bed, wide-eyed and stunned.
Fon looks at Reborn, whose ass is on the floor but whose head levels with the bedside table. He twists to look at Viper, who’s forgotten to float and is standing and... now seems to be about Tsuna’s height.
And then he looks down at himself, at hands that are no longer the tiny ones of his toddler self, at longer limbs that feel clumsily awkward and a heavier body that takes up more space than he’s used to. He’s nowhere near the size of his adult self, but he’s definitely now almost three times the size he was when he went to bed last night.
Reborn had the right of it.
What the fuck.
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aenslem · 4 years
my all-time ultimate fave character: if it was not obvious before... Regina Mills :D
a character I didn’t used to like but now do: that’s actually hard, Henry? Rogers? i was kinda angry with henry in the beginning, like, so easily naming the woman who raised you your entire life the evil queen, without second thought... i mean, yeah i get it, but still don’t like it :D also, Rogers was kinda not a bad character, i liked the story with Alice, i know why they brought him in the show, they could not have hook without emma, because honestly, those two in the end were not characters on their own at all, but they needed old face that everyone liked?? so they brought wish realm hook and somehow he became much better character than the original :D that’s how it is when the entire character is not just created for a ship lmao can;t say i love him or smth, but i did enjoy watching him ;) maybe there are some more, but i can;t remember all the characters right now :D
a character I used to like but now don’t: not that i don’t like her now, i do like Emma, but honestly, after s2 and Hook... she was more like a copy of old Emma. Not that i loved her before, i wanted to punch her every time lmao but she did have personality before.
a character I’m indifferent about: lmao almost everyone in the show??? snow and charming mostly, i guess. 
a character who deserved better: would be weird to say Regina? yes, she got her redemption arc but at what cost... she could become a good girl much faster and better than it was done in the show. but they just could not make her as blank but good as other characters who were annoying af with their kindness, while also doing shit which they were forgiven for, so they threw her from one side to another so viewers are still into evil queen, but in the end it became so boring, like again?? and Emma, she did not deserve to become a blank half of the ship instead of a character. Also Ruby, i know it was actress leaving the show, but honestly, almost every character from the first season who was such a huge part of the story got lost somewhere and if brought back it was done so bad. 
a ship I’ve never been able to get into: lmao i guess we both know which one it is :D emma x hook, but also the ship that just made me cringe and i don’t even want to mention it but... gold x evil queen, no, just no.
a ship I’ve never been able to get over: swaaan queeeeen of course, literally all of my ouat posts are either regina or swen :’D
a cute, low-key ship: ummm... because of fics: belle x ruby maybe? im not really shipping anyone else there, like i ship sq.
an unpopular ship but I still enjoyed it: idk honestly, i don’t remember which ships happened in the show :’D except those obvious ones. ummm, idk from fics i remember Zelena x Mulan, but im pretty sure they never met on screen?? :D fanfiction did so much better for those characters then the show itself. 
a ship that was totally wrong and never should have happened: ok, emma and hook was obvious af, but at least it was not unexpected because we live in a straight world and emma ‘needed a man’ pffttt horrible, but gold and evil queen was totally unexpected for me and then zelena and evil queen fighting over gold?? lol what actual fcuk it was?? no, nooo eeeww. i loved rumple and regina as father and daughter kinda relationship, but they just ruined it with it...
my favourite storyline/moment: my favorite parts are connected to regina and emma and henry, both sacrificing themselves for their son and each other.
a storyline that never should have been written: literally entire beginning was full of so much random shit and then we never saw it again, regina using that forbidden curse with help of who were those??? did we see them ever again? no one needed those side creatures ever again and let’s be honest that curse was not done once lmao them forgetting everything every fuckin season! all of those characters in the show never used, we are just getting references and have an epic characters but they do nothing, the latest seasons are just bunch of heroes moving from one place to another, and we hardly see any of them ALONE! there were too many characters on screen that they did not have actual time for heroes that mattered for the plot. the entire latest seasons with all those not fairytale characters but gods??? GODS???? underworld? arthur and merlin? suddenly things appear from nowhere but they mean so much, but we never heard of them before??? but they are super important, like that hat? what was with all that merlin stuff? he just appeared and died. and there were so much more... and bringing hook back, it could be so much better if he just died, not because i don’t like hook, but it was like some characters can get back from dead, but when it comes to regina she can’t have anything. if we have robin hood and he is so important for regina than make him important without her also! i hated that some characters could not exist without their ship. that was so bad... and also entire gideon arc?? what was that, and where was gideon after??? like he just got better and then poof, his parents are dying but we never see him again and the entire plot was based on gold wanting to bring his son back, but when he has a son he just is not with him??? dude, i can go forever on what was wrong with this show :D
my first thoughts on the show: as i already mentioned before, i started this show back when it was airing, but never continued, watched half of an episode or smth and it was boring and not interesting for me, and then i started and i got angry with the way this show shows so many things and how it handles it and how it treats some characters, i was sure i will get a headache from it and i was not wrong lmao
my thoughts now: my head hurts :D it really could be a great show if the writers were not such a cowards, if they could handle some things better, but it feels like they wanted to put as much in the show as they can to attract viewers and in the end it was so crowded that the plot was long gone. i am not sure they paid attention to what they write, because in the end they would forget their own rules of the world they created. that was the worst, like they did not care for it, they was sure we will take everything just because we already like some characters. but it had potential in the beginning, though they could not handle their own creation in the end so they just gave up and we got this mess. but if they would follow their own rules, like magic has the price, which is really great, and would not throw random characters just for the sake of having them in the show, it really could be a great show. and maybe if they were not such a cowards we would at least have the best enemies to friends to lovers ship ever, because honestly, if one of the main heroes were man, we would have had it. but they were women so they brought another bad character and made him good just for the ship, and then ruined the main character and made her part of the ship instead of the character on her own, while with regina emma was emma and not part of the ship. this show has a lot of issues and i hate the fact that regina mills is part of it, she deserves so much better than this mess :’D
Thank you ^-^send me a tv series and I’ll tell you
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staytheb · 5 years
Like Oh 2.0 - White Day
Previous Chapter: Late Night Word Count: 3,949 Summary: It’s White Day and the boys wanna show their small appreciation towards the females.
Like Oh 2.0 masterlist
here is the 7th chapter!! and i wanna apologize again for the name changes, languages bits, and the usage of unnie/noona/oppa/hyung as well as i find it as a customary honorific sort of thing. so it’s staying for the sake of how this story was written back then. lol also i honestly have no idea when writing this where i wanted to go with it. i just knew that i based the writing on a year thing as i started with the school year and would work with holidays and birthdays from there on. it will include the boys’ actual schedule during that year, but it has been tweaked to fit my fic. lol but other than that, it should be fun so um, happy reading and kthxbai, Admin Lia~
Serena spotted a grocery bag hanging on the door of her apartment upon returning from work. She eyed the bag suspiciously. In all the years she has lived here she has never received such a thing before. The woman slid one of the holders off the door to peer inside the bag and discovered that it was filled with candies and folded pieces of paper. "How long has this been here though?" She muttered in English while glancing around her, but nothing. "Is it a trick or something?" She did another look around, but was still the only one in the hallway. "Or is it related to White Day?" Serena shrugged her shoulders while taking a hold of the bag and entered her peaceful abode. She set everything onto the coffee table while throwing herself face first onto her sofa and let out a satisfied yet tired groan.
The woman had just finished a twelve hour shift as a part-timer at a pet center that groomed, pet sit, and whatever else to care for and treat the animals. Serena's been up since four in the morning and she was dead tired. She vowed she wouldn't take another twelve hour shift in her sleepy state ever again. Still lying on her stomach Serena let out another groan upon remembering that she still had to finish the rest of her Chinese assignment that was due tomorrow. "Ugh, seriously fcuk my life." Serena muttered in annoyance as she slowly maneuvered herself into a sitting position while rubbing the tiredness away from her face. She then stared at her feet while running her hands through her hair. "Shower first. Food second. Then homework." She stood up while stretching. "Yeah, that sounds great."
After her quick shower Serena made herself two sandwiches and sat down in front of her laptop with music playing in the background on her TV. She logged onto the school's campus's website to access where a majority of her Chinese homework was already released. "I still can't believe that we still do everything online and attend the class just so we can review everything that we did online, man. If I knew that I would have registered with another teacher for more of an interactive environment." Serena muttered to herself. The class itself wasn't as bad, but it was just boring sitting there just listening to Teacher Cuī go over everything that was already online. Serena enjoyed the in class assignments on her own, of course with Mark always asking to be her partner.
The female figured it was because the idol could avoid working with the classmates who were fans who would rather talk about him, the group, or of themselves instead of working on their classwork. Serena couldn't blame them for that since he was a celebrity and a popular one that was still rising. Still though, it gave Serena some minor issues whenever Mark couldn't attend the class where they would actually need a partner as a lot of those classmates didn't want to pair up with her and would always give her the stink eye and ignore her. So Serena would either do it alone or pair up with another student that wasn't a fan, but working alone made it manageable to get through those days.
After about an hour into her online work and several grumbles during most of it Serena finally took a break. "I'm pretty much self-teaching myself." She sighed as she rubbed her eyes. "Well, it's better than bugging Jaycee and Euncy about it although they would be a better teacher than my current one." Serena muttered as she stood up and stretched her limbs. "Maybe I'll ask them for a review later on." The woman then heard the sound of her front door opening and saw just Melanie entering. "Where's the twins?" Serena asked. "At school. They're getting ready for their double date." Melanie answered as she set her things onto the sofa and coffee table. "A guy asked Jasmine out and she agreed. She just had to rope Jeannie into it as the guy was looking for a date for his friend as well."
Serena laughed upon hearing that. "Please don't tell me that they both agreed only because of a free meal at some restaurant that they've been wanting to go to since forever." "What you just said." "I don't blame them. It is White Day." Serena noticed the two small white boxes on the table. "What's in the boxes?" "Macarons given by two guys who are friends with one another." "Awkward." "Yeah, but dude, you got to try the lychee rose flavored one since I know you like lychee." Melanie said as she then pulled out a white and pink macaron with a dark pink filling along with a light blue macaron that had yellow filling. "This one is blueberry lemon isn't that bad." Serena took the pink one from her sister and bit into it. "Oh yeah not that bad." She tried the half-bitten blueberry lemon. "This one is okay, but I like the lychee flavored one is better." "I know."
Melanie followed her sister to the kitchen. "I have marshmallow cake that another guy gave me." Melanie said as she placed it into the refrigerator. "But it tastes better when it's cold." "Ugh, I can't handle anymore marshmallows for today. I'll eat it later." Serena made a face as she chugged down some water. "I ate a lot of those at Pet Care and brought some of the extras home that no one wanted." "Hmm, maybe I can put some in my secret stash." Melanie chuckle as she opened the hidden compartment pantry to the right of the fridge. "I need to stock up on it anyways. I'm running low on my snacks." "Be my guest." "Cool, but I'll do that later. Lazy right now and I need a shower." "It's still on the coffee table where I left it once you're done." "Okay."
Just then a dialing tone sounded. "What's that?" Melanie asked while looking around. "You don't have a home phone." "I don't. It's from the laptop. Someone's calling me through Skype." "Is it Jaycee or maybe Euncy?" "Probably one of those two." Melanie went to take a shower as Serena returned to the living room to glance at the caller and saw that it was Mark. "This better not be homework related or better yet, it better be homework and not some thing to pass time for." She sat down in her previous spot, turned off her TV, and answered the call. "Nǐ hǎo." Serena greeted Mark in Chinese and then switched to English. "What's up?" "Nothing. Just wanted to bother you." Mark laughed as he fixed a few strands of his hair while Serena rolled her eyes. "Well, if that's all you wanted, Mark, then I'ma hang up." She shot him a small smile. "I don't need you to waste my time when I can be using it for studying."
"But I'm not wasting your time, Serena." Mark smiled at her. "Because you're talking to an idol." "Get out of here." Mark laughed upon hearing her response and then noticed that Serena was really going to hang up on him this time. "Hey, wait, Serena, wait. I'm just kidding." He continued to laugh. "Really, I'm kidding." "I don't have time for your jokes, Mark. I still have to finish my Chinese homework which you should be doing too, Yí Ēn tóng xué." She spoke the last part on purpose as Mark grinned at her. "Well,  Zhōng Lǐ  tóng xué, wǒ yě shì." He then grinned wider. "We can work together like we do all the other times." "Tch, again? Really?" Serena made a face as she stuck her tongue out at him. "Why don't you just ask Jackson for help? He's fluent." "Yeah, he just talks too much." "Ouch." "Besides, I get to talk with you more because you don't talk a lot like him." "Wow."
Serena noticed the background behind Mark and recognized it a moment later. "Are you at the company?" She asked him. "Yeah. Why?" "Then don't you have practice or company work you have to do?" "Yeah, but we're on break right now." He smiled at her while playing with his hair. "That's why I'm calling you so I can ask for help. Also, I don't know when I'll actually have time to complete it. Plus, I still don't have the textbook." "I knew you just wanted to copy my work since day one." Serena glared at him as Mark laughed while dismissing it with one hand. "It's not even like that." "Please lor, nǐ shì xué rén jīng." She shook her index finger at him in a playful-like manner. "What?! No way, Serena. Teamwork, remember?" Mark reminded her with a smile. "Besides, the term you used is a bit offensive, but then again you wouldn't really know since you're such a newb to the language."
"You're a jerk." The female told him as Mark let out a chuckle in disbelief. "What? How am I a jerk?" "You just are." She stuck out her tongue at him before speaking again. "Anyways, how would I say those words without being offensive?" Mark thought about it as Serena took that moment to go through the grocery bag from earlier and grabbed one of the Hi-Chew bars. "I guess you can say something like, nǐ shì gēn pì chóng. Although there are other words, this one is more in a teasing-like manner. Also, it works better than the other one if you don't want to sound rude that is." He teased Serena as she nodded while opening a strawberry flavored Hi-Chew and popping it into her mouth. "Okay." "I see you got the candies that was hanging outside your apartment door. Do you like them?"
"Wait, they're from you?" Serena asked surprised while holding up the opened pack as Mark nodded his head. "Yeah, didn't you read the letters?" She eyed him weirdly. "What letters?" "The pieces of paper." "No, not yet. I thought they were for decoration or something." She let out a sheepish laugh as she grabbed one of the papers and then showed Mark the letter with a bored face. "Seriously? You guys put 'from the boys from a few doors down'. Really?" Mark laughed. "What? Did you expect us to put our real names or GOT7?" "No. I wasn't thinking of anything about it until you mentioned it." Serena shrugged as she set the paper on the table before looking at the idol again. "Why did you give us candy though?" "For White Day." "But we didn't give you guys anything for Valentine's day, Mark." "It's just a simple gesture, Serena." "Ah, well thanks then. Happy White Day."
"You're welcome and Happy White Day to you, too." He smiled. "The younger members actually wanted to make you guys chocolate, but we didn't have time. We had to do our White Day event with ahgase this morning." "Oh, that's nice of you guys to do that. I'm sure they appreciated it." She smiled at him and then remembered something. "Oh yeah, tell the other members thanks, too." "Yeah, I will." At that moment Melanie returned to the living room after her shower. "So who called?" " Yo-Mark." Serena caught herself from saying 'your boyfriend' as she turned the laptop around to show her sister. "Hi, Melanie." "Hi, Mark." The two waved at one another as Melanie picked out a melon gummy from the grocery bag. "Did you get these on our way home, Rere?" "No. GOT7 left it on my door after I went to work and saw it when I came back home."
"Oh, thanks, Mark. Happy White Day." Melanie thanked the idol. "You're welcome, Melanie, and Happy White Day to you, too." Mark smiled at her as he initiated small talk. "Did you get any good stuff for White Day?" "Yeah, a lot of macarons and cake." Melanie showed him a light green macaron that was pistachio from out of the white box. "Have you've tried these before?" "I think so. I don't remember." He laughed as Serena appeared behind her sister so she can look at Mark as well. "Since I can't do my homework now, you guys converse instead." "Wait, why? Where are you going?" Melanie asked her sister with a confused expression. "Yeah, Serena, where are you going?" Mark echoed. "We're supposed to work on our Chinese assignment together. Remember?" "No, I don't recall as I don't remember, Mark. Sorry!" Serena smiled at him before facing Melanie.
"I need a nap. You can continue to talk to Mark and help him with his homework or whatever." She then faced the idol. "Your break should be over by now. Go back to practice. Later, Mark." Serena waved at him as she muttered the last part to her sister. "Don't disturb me." She then headed off to her bedroom for a well-deserve nap. "Wow." Mark simply let out as Melanie laughed and sat down. "Yeah, that's just Serena being Serena for you." "Yeah, I'm beginning to understand that little by little." "Anyways, I don't think I can help you with your Chinese homework at all." Melanie informed the male. "I'm not that fluent and only know basic, and I do mean basic, Chinese." Mark dismissed it. "It's all good, Melanie. I liked to annoy your sister about the homework anyways. I finished that yesterday." "Oh, then why did you tell her that you guys still needed to work on it?"
"It was just a lie to see what she was up to." Mark explained with a smile. "And to see if you guys were free tonight." "Well, it's just me and Serena. Jeannie and Jasmine are busy with other things." Melanie told him as she continued to eat the melon gummi. "Is there a reason why you're asking?" "Oh, well, it's nothing big or anything like that." "Well, I'm sure whatever it is, you still have your practice that will tie you guys up." "Oh yeah about that, well, practice actually ended earlier than usual." He laughed as Melanie shook her head with a smile. "Wow." Mark was about to say more, but someone appeared and blocked his view and replaced Mark's face with theirs. "Hi Yugyeom." Melanie greeted the youngest member. "Hi, Melanie." He greeted back in English as Melanie tilted her head. "Or should I call you Chris?" "Chris is nice. How are you?" "I'm good. You?" "I'm fine. Thank you." "Welcome."
Another person decided to butt in. "Hello, Lani." BamBam greeted the female in Thai with a smile. "How are you?" "I"m good, Bam." Melanie switched to Thai with a shake of her as BamBam looked for the others still speaking in Thai. "Where's everyone?" "Nhi and Minh are busy and aren't coming over. Lina just went to sleep just now." "Oh." A fourth person appeared. "Hi, Chaewon noona." Youngjae greeted Melanie with a wave and a bright smile as the conversation switched to Korean. "Hi Youngjae." Melanie greeted back as she was still wrapping her mind about how casual the conversation was going with one of her favorite K-Pop groups. "What are you doing, noona?" Youngjae asked her as Melanie held up the now half-empty bag of melon gummi. "Eating. Thank you guys by the way." "Oh yeah, you're welcome!" The youngest trio exclaimed.
Somehow in the process Mark's phone was snatched from out of his hand and in control of the younger members as the trio walked off to show Melanie the practice room. Mark shook his head with a tired smile as he still wasn't able to ask Melanie the real question he had contacted Serena in the first place. "What's wrong with you, hyung?" Jackson asked coming up to him. "Why are you smiling over here like an idiot?" Mark just shot him a look. "Sorry I asked." Jackson backed off while putting up his hands. "But what did they say?" "I didn't get the chance to ask them." "Hyung, you were on the phone for like half an hour. What were you doing then?" "Not even, Jackson. We were just talking. Anyways, the kids took my phone before I could actually ask them the actual question." "So? Just ask for it back so you can asked." "Oh, right."
Mark beckoned for the trio to returned with his phone. "But we're not done talking with Chaewon noona." Youngjae replied dejectedly. "She wants to ask JB hyung something." Yugyeom said as he handed Mark's phone over to Jaebeom who began speaking with Melanie about something with one of his buddies from Konkuk. "Just tell JB to ask her the question." Mark suggested to Jackson. "Since he knows Melanie better." "Why can't you just ask him to ask her?" "Because you're the one that keeps bothering me about it. So just go do it, Jackson." "Ugh, fine, Mark. I will." Jackson huffed as he made his way over to Jaebeom dramatically as Mark just shook his head with a wry laugh at his friend's behavior. Jackson whispered the idea to Jaebeom as the older male then asked Melanie the question. "Sure, that's fine. See you guys later tonight." She answered before ending the call.
Serena woke to the smell of something cooking. Not like in the deliciousness sort of smell, but the kind that had a strong scent and it needed to be aired out kind of smell. She hated that kind of smell the most where she felt like she couldn't breathe. She groggily got out of bed, stumbled out of her room, and slowly made her way to the kitchen. "Mel," Serena began as she leaned on the wall that separated the kitchen and living room. "It smells. Open the window or turn on the fan." She then focused her eyes on the figure. "It's too strong." Serena squinted to make out the back of what she assumed was her sister and realized that it wasn't Melanie she was staring at as the person had wide shoulders. "Who are you?" The person turned around to look at her and Serena looked at Jaebeom in confusion. "JB?" "Hi, Jyongri noona." He greeted awkwardly with a slight bow of his head.
"What are you doing here?" Serena asked the idol in Korean. "Making kimchi stew." Jaebeom answered. "It's almost done, noona." "Okay." She let out slowly as she rubbed at her eyes thinking she was still in her sleepy state, but knew that she wasn't. "Why are you making kimchi stew again?" "Because he wanted to make dinner because of White Day." Melanie responded instead as she appeared beside her sister and then pointed towards the living room. "Go say hi." Serena followed to where her sister was pointing and saw six other blurry figures. "Wait, why is GOT7 here?" Serena switched to English to have a private conversation with her sister. "To have dinner." "But why?" "White Day. Stop asking questions and go say hi and be nice." "No."
Melanie watched as her sister walked towards the bathroom instead of greeting the male idols. "Don't worry about Jyongri unnie. She's being weird and dumb right now." Melanie told the six males in Korean with a smile as she joined Jaebeom in the kitchen to prepare some snacks for the rest as they waited for his stew to be done. "I'm really beginning to think that Jyongri noona doesn't really like us." Youngjae voiced his opinion out loud. "Me, too." BamBam agreed with a nod. "Just try to be nice." Mark advised them as Jinyoung interjected. "It might just be a defense mechanism." "For what?" Jackson asked confused. "To defend herself from what?" "Not from what, but maybe from who. Maybe you, hyung." Yugyeom joked as he directed it towards Jackson who shot the younger male a look. "I'm an awesome person. I get along with everybody." He boasted. "Everybody loves me."
"What a joke." Serena commented in English although it wasn't directed at Jackson, but the idol didn't know that. "Excuse me?" Jackson let out a bit offended upon hearing that comment from Serena while also using English. "What did you say, Serena?" "Huh?" She let out distracted while squinting at the males. "Say what?" "That I'm a joke." "When?" "Just now." Serena looked at the blurry figures in confusion. "I didn't say you were a joke." "Yeah, you did." "I-" Serena paused as she looked down at her phone when she felt the vibration and realized the situation. "Oh, I wasn't talking about you. I was just talking to myself about what my co-worker had just messaged me just now. Sorry." She apologized as she walked towards the group of six and pointed at Mark. "Um, what's your face. Oh yeah, Mark. Can you hand me my bag please."
"Did you really just call me 'what's your face' right now, Serena?" Mark scoffed as he grabbed a hold of the blue and white stripped backpack, but didn't hand it to the female. "Yeah, sorry, but can I have my backpack please? I really need to get going." "Where are you going, noona?" Youngjae asked in Korean. "You have to stay for Jaebeom hyung's kimchi stew. It's super delicious!" "Maybe later, Youngjae." Serena cast him a tired smile as she was close enough to all of them to distinguish each figure better. "It's work related so I can't eat it with you guys. I'm the closes one because they can't reach any of the other managers at the moment." "Where do you work, noona?" Yugyeom asked curiously. "A pet center." "Can we come?" BamBam asked as Serena shook her head. "No. Because I don't want to explain how I know you guys." She admitted with a laugh and then focused her attention onto Mark. "My backpack, please?"
Mark eventually passed Serena her bag as she took it with a smile and made her way back to her bedroom. Melanie returned shortly afterwards as she set a bowl of popcorn and a plate of freshly baked oreo and chocolate chip stuffed cookies onto the coffee table after she had cleaned it up earlier. "Where's unnie? I heard her talking a few seconds ago." "She said something about work." Jinyoung replied as he picked up a cookie. "Again? That's annoying." Melanie scrunched up her face. "Anyways, I'll be back with more snacks and a variety of drinks." Just then Serena spotted her sister while wearing a pair of glasses this time around and in a different set of clothes as she exited her bedroom. "I really have to go, Mel. Tell JB and the others sorry about the soup and White Day."
"Okay, dude, sure. Later." Melanie replied as she headed towards the kitchen again as Serena didn't look in the other six's direction and cast them a short wave while speaking briefly. "Sorry and bye. Happy White Day." Serena was out the door before any of them could respond back. Jaebeom and Melanie entered the living room with the main entree and other things. "Let's eat." Jaebeom exclaimed excitedly to direct the attention away from Serena's departure after what Melanie had informed him about a minute ago. The group of eight proceeded to eat while watching a movie and talked in-between every now and then. After that the idols helped cleaned up once they were done and called it a night as it was getting super late and they all had schedules to take care of the next day. Serena didn't return home until four in the morning. She was too exhausted to eat and just went to bed.
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zombeamik · 6 years
okay so spoilers again lol
okay so i thought when you played the scret ending 1? riaks backstory was free? e-e
HAHA NVM WAS JUST THE FIRST EPISODE time to go buy 330 hour glasses ANYWAYS
okay seriosuly thing for people who dont like Rika, for what she did. You should honestly play her backstory.. it really could clear some things up for you, and it may chnage your mind, just abit hopefully.
you shouldnt just say no to story, just because you don’t like her.
Of course, if you really dont want to read it fine, but it can probably really help.
Episode 1
this god lady sounds like Jaehee tbh SO CUTEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE OH Mina is Rikas real name :3 How cute already liking this. WONT BE ABLE TO AFFORD THE RETS OF IT THOUGH
Mina/Rika, they really didnt deserve what happened to them.
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okay gotta buy 330 hours glasses but THEN ILL CONTINUE MY REACTION
the game didnt like me buying more hourglasses o it decided to messwith mu audio.
okay had to restart my phone THANKS ANOTHER SETBACK
Episode 2
okay so, i like Mika back here. BUT WHAT I SAW IN THE V ROUTE, thats not cool Mika. you were kinda okay? you were already a little manipulative to a three year old. “My little sister, should always have short hair” how about you shut up. Twins? All she ever wated was to be loved and not taken away from her “Twin”, Maybe thats why she cared so much for Saeran and Saeyoung before she ddi what she did. Mika no, no. You’re the one who put those awful things in Minas/Rikas mind ugh okay i go back to not liking her, that was very fast.
Okay grown up Rika/Mina, okay rika i like you when you arent doing ur creepy eyes. UGH honestly im so mad at Mika, honestly the fuck. CUTE PICTURES OF V AND RIKA YES okay i know, i like V and all but tbh they were cute together.
excuse me V you shouldve said THATS WHY I ADORE UR SUN BC THATS ALL SHE NEEDED TO HEAR, she didnt want to hear that you loved her because of her darkness.  She wnated someone to love her, or show her a tiny bit of warmth so she could find the light inside her. So, so far, Mika is the one who introducded her to this “darkness” SO UNLESS RIKAS BACKSTORY CAN GIVE ME A REASON TO NOT DISLIKE MIKA AND FORGIVE HER I WILL GLADLY TAKE IT.
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Episode 3
sorry what?
Mina, Serena
Im glad she went with Rika, I like Mina, but Rika ive gotten used to it. Maybe she’ll go back to Mina one day?
Oh. Okay i dont like Rika/Mina/Serena’s Mother. and the pastor, no wonder she started a cult, i mena look at his outfit. WHAT KIND OF SHITTY PASTOR ARE YOU
“NEEDS ALOT OF PRAYERS” how about you shut up, man,  Pastor my fucking ass, Devil worshipper is more fucking likely.
excuse me pastor, your voice in my ears IS FUCKING CREEPY DO YOU MIND
“ your body has grown, is it satan?” HOW ABOUT YOU MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS AND LEAVE HER ALONE
yep, i fully understamd now why she created a cult. okay im only on 3 of 8 but still
oh, her dads the head of the hospital, okay. all good.
she just wnated to be free from hatred? 
okay gone back to not liking Mika just abit
now i dont know?
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Episode 4
Mika had cacner in her eyes.
Mika lived a while though, so her dad must have paid the bills.
Did she really grow up at the orphange? PROBABLY FUCKING NOT
I was just feeling sad for her, but then she did that.
so she made V blind because of that?
okay no, no new puppy then.
no v, shes brainwashed him.
No V you should focus on saeyoung because ive turned saeran into somebody i regret now.
Rika no.
you didnt have to shut everyone out, 
he asked you to leave?
Ugh im so confused?
right yeah, she only separated saeran and saeyoung because of their parents.
Mika, why. 
she didnt have to lie about the orphanage, and then why you said you made Rika think it was all her fault, and then ugh
the pastor is a creep, a pervert, child molester
dont fucking freak out, you told her to leave because you didnt want sally in the house and now your like THE FUCK YOU GOING SERENA HUH? ugh
Rika no, that isnt the right choice.
oh bad momesnt to mention sally being cute.
listen, all rika every wanted was to love someone.
defo a cult, Believer’s? This some sort of god cult.
oh she was 16.
oh dear.
well that was a roller coaster
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Episode 5
great she started working a church, and became a nun. even more fantastic
I do like the names Mina and Serena but still Rika.
well wjat she thought she was doing was okay. Not wanting anyone to be abandoned?
she just uh turned it into something alot bigger than helping out at a church
She only treated people the way she did was because she didnt know how loving parents acted, so what she thought she was doing was right to her, since she didnt know anything else.
okay so shes 18.
and she wnated to shoe people her light instesd fo her darkness
OH THE CLOUD PHOTO, man when she looked at it she said Mother, because thats the first thing that came to mind. 
yeah she thought that of she didnt protect saeyoung he’d rot just like Mika.
she could see her and mIka in him so she grew attached
she onyl wanted to do good
Rika the Angel but she thought of herself as Rika the Devil ok
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Episode 6
okay so she didnt want yoosung to find out about her darkness
Rika honey, its okay. he still would ahve loved you.
Okay so Oh got it okay.
Yoosung is the son of rikas mothers sister,
she couldnt feel anything? well V is both light and dark rika.
man v still doesnt know rikas real name BUT WE DOOOOO
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episode 7
Man v ur kinda smooth with words but at the same time like you just met.
okay so she modelled for V and then when she was doing that they didnt talk much? man V atleast tell her she did good. how rude.
v the fuck you didnt even say goodbye, just IM GONNA GO GRAB MY CAMERA AND THEN FCUKING WALK OFF
V no.
you didnt even compliment her or anything, you just said heres lets take pictures but we aint gonna talk and thn when your done, i aint gonna say you did well or anything like that.
V you kinda an asshole.
okay shes fine.
V was just curious about me because im not like the rest”
kinda sounds like it,
oh so it was Mina that wanted to be loved.
well shes still a prt of you rika, so that measn you wanted to be loved aswell.
okay so she stopped visiting V
V came to visit her
make up your fuckingmind V
“Heathen Cult”
well yeah basically.
“ can you show me how dark you are?”
okay all good
she told V everything
and she scared she;ll end up like Mika.
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wow thats fast.
okay so saeyoung went abroad and then she stopped disagreeing when saeren was saved
then she met Jumin a year later, sweet.
okay so then she got her aparement
and then she dint know if things to turn to the worst or the best
well id say the worst but you did save alot of people.
you may have brainwashed them but they would ahve probably died without her help.
Mina believed her.
so she agreed.
“I must not use that boy. I must save him”
what kind of bullshit is that.
mika is the dark
mika just please shut up.
okay she died. thats sad but like
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thst was um
one crazy ride
so glad i read it.
even if you dont like rika at all
please do
its worth it.
as you can see my thoughts were jumbled in the actual live reaction
but it makes alot of sense kind aof?
im to lazy to write a review so thats the best you’re gonna get.
Its really good, to actually understand why Rika/Mina/Serena turned out the way she was.
i mena i already forgave her in the V ending
but even though she did those bad things, if someone just loved her and didnt feeed her with horrible views of the world, she was still a caring girl even though the darkness took a hold of her,
Im not glad of what happened to her, but if it didnt we would have never even met anyone. so as mucha s i hate to say it, im glad of what happened, and 100% glad we could help her through with it.
Okay, well that was fun.
23 notes · View notes
waterlinkedgirl · 6 years
‘Let's hope the complementary AU won't become a drabble even though I thought of this one first,’ is what I said, but at 5613 words this really is halfway to being written. Emphasis on halfway. This was meant as basically just an outline for a fic because I was too busy to actually write it (I really am, actually >.>), but uh. It started leading a life of its own. The first part or so is as its purpose and in tweets so the formatting might be a bit odd but
Basically this is half outline, half drabble, only one round of editing so it’s really rough on the edges, R-17, ShiraYuki mafia x stripper/assassin also roommates AU Both of them (especially Yukimura) are manipulative bastards and there’s elements of forced intimacy at times so if that squicks you, please proceed with caution.
Shiraishi is a normal stripper to the public eye, under the name of Poison Ivy (or Nightshade or something of the likes) but the criminal circuit, Yukimura head of Rikkai’s mafia included, knows better.
He's a traceless, mysterious, independent assassin, with poisons as his expertise (though rumours go they don't even make half of his murders), an incredible asset, but only if you win his favour. Those are the rumours. But fact is, nobody has ever seen him in the body.
The only thing they know of him is that he works through various strip clubs over the region, that you should leave a message with a generous donation to unravel someone's bandage- (there are many, too many with bandages to count) and you might find your job cleared, or declined.
Needless to say, Shiraishi is rather surprised when Yukimura approaches him, as nothing in the way he holds himself tells him he came here to watch him undress. "You have some killer thighs," he says nonchalantly, handing him a folded bill.
He catches it between his lips, and when he unfolds it, a familiar petal falls from the paper. Then, an imperceptible caution finds its way onto his face, Yukimura notices. He smiles. "You'll meet me after work." "I don't meet clients after working hours." Yukimura chuckles.
"You'll take your bandage off for me and hand it over," he whispers. "You won't refuse, will you?" Shiraishi smiles at him. "That'll depend on your offer." Yukimura nudges towards the bill. "Think about it." After all, Yukimura finds, he can't refuse.
Shiraishi waited for him in the alleyway, as he should. "What is your offer?" he asks. Not 'Who are you,' or 'Why did you approach me,' or 'For 9000 I'll fcuk you into Heaven.' No useless questions, no playing dumb, Yukimura notes, pleased. "I want you, Shiraishi."
"Your reward is handsome, moreso than any other would offer," Yukimura says, playing a card between his fingers. Both of them knew it wasn't about the money, at all. "You will live in with me, eat my food, and sleep under my roof." Yukimura leaned in. "You will be safe with me."
With Yukimura's knowledge about his identity, the way he'd tracked him down, he was left with no choice. After all, Shiraishi had no clue how many people his data went by. Even if he killed Yukimura, it would do him no good. Shiraishi was his. "...I accept."
Shiraishi took in a breath. "I accept, if you protect my rule." "Rule?" Yukimura's instincts sharpened. Shiraishi was in no state to negotiate here. "That you won't touch my body for your physical gratification." That, is the rule he would wager his life on? He smiled. "I won't."
It's immediately obvious this isn't where Yukimura lived. The apartment was too white, too... impersonal for that. Still, it'll have to do, Yukimura thinks. Supervision was vital, as was creating familiarity, no, dependency, obedience. Shiraishi's poisonous plants would stay out.
It would grow in time, he thinks to himself as he watches Shiraishi chew his bread-- Shiraishi seems susceptible enough. They sleep in different beds, in the same room. [if I were writing a fic, I'd be telling myself to do some roommates shenanigans here.]
Going out was a different matter all on its own, solved by proximity and communication. Shiraishi was good at blending in, true, but letting him come to meetings... He settled on passive monitoring and keeping him occupied in times of need. Drugging, would harm their bond.
Probably, as his first assignments, Yukimura has him cut off his last ties first, to force his unequivocal loyalty. He's there with him, no, he guides him, not for his capabilities, but to remind him of his involvement. Every time, he cooks him dinner afterwards.
Yukimura wasn't fond of assassinations or any of the kinds, but fact stood that in order to have a healthy garden, weeding was necessary. Weeding, as well as pruning and bugkilling, placing traps, and thorough observation. He'll point Shiraishi where to cut, and where to bother.
Yukimura has communication with the ones below him, of course. Phone calls, mails, messages. The encryption is Yanagi's, at least its base. It had taken him weeks to crack, after which he devoted another month perfecting it. Nobody but him knew and understood the full decryption.
The verbal code was of his own devise. Illogical, personal, effective. He hadn't devised one for Shiraishi, yet. He might want to eventually, but it would come with the trust, in higher-profile and less-contact assignments.
Shiraishi proves himself to be very efficient, a more than intelligent asset he discovers when Shiraishi challenges him to a game of chess. It was said that you could read into someone's personality by the way they played. Into Yukimura's? No. But Shiraishi was interesting.
Methodological, clever, but sly and prepared to take risks. That was his assassin's method as well, and he knew that thoroughly by now. Ever mysterious, funny, fickle, serious. Shiraishi mentioned a detail about the plant of a poison this case, before he knew it, he'd been hooked.
Yukimura had never planned on their relationship being simply subordinate and master. His hold didn't work that way. But friends... The longer the days passed, the more comfortable he seemed to feel. Shiraishi was a natural smooth talker, obviously, but beyond that, amiable.
He decides that having plants in their apartment was perhaps a reasonable addition, after all, when he sees Shiraishi's eyes light up talking about taking care of them and their poisons.Keeping his garden lively and thriving was his priority. However, as time passed, Yukimura noticed a family of weeds, growing vividly in small, persistent patches. It was an eyesore, and a worrisome one, as well.
Removing them would leave the soil vulnerable and at risk, a round of herbicide might damage his own plants. Yes, it'd been occupying his thoughts, even weighing down on him. However, Shiraishi seems to have noticed his worry. "Is there something wrong?"
He supposes that it does concern him, with Shiraishi's involvement as his gardening tool. Yukimura sighs, and decides to tell him of the situation. He'd only give him the necessary context, without metaphors or code. He could be of help, even if it ended up just as a listening ear.
He surprises Yukimura when, after hearing him out, he advises him for a systemic approach. It wasn't just advice, no, on top of it being rationally sound it was solid and good. Shiraishi didn't know it, he didn't have the information, but handling things like would be beneficial to Yukimura in a different way as well.
"Thank you, for your advice," he says, genuinely grateful for a change. It wasn't often that he found himself like that, usually people were thanking him with their lives. Shiraishi smiles. "You're welcome. If you ever want me to think with you again, don't hesitate. I'll be there." He'll be there, huh. However, whether he'd confide in him again was entirely up to whether Yukimura was willing to put that trust in him once more.
It turns out that was more often than he'd initially thought. Shiraishi was intelligent and logical, he knew that, but he was confirmed in it when he posed him with a few minor but troublesome problems. Occasionally, Yukimura would give him a hypothetical problem to test him, or a past decision he made. He was delighted when he came to the correct conclusions, surprised when he approached the problem from another angle Yukimura hadn't thought of. Shiraishi was becoming a greater asset to him than the extremely capable assassin he took in, and Yukimura couldn't help but smile inside himself.
Which is when Yukimura decides he wouldn't make meetings a hassle again. Shiraishi was excellent in keeping low profile, hence, he'd let him come in the guise of a waiter. He wouldn't be allowed to speak, but he would allow him to listen. And Yukimura would watch. He'd always been an expert at reading people, and as long as he's known Shiraishi, his opinions would be clear as day, hidden in imperceptible signals in his breath, his posture, his eyes.
Yukimura finds he has no regrets doing so.
One night, he finds himself awake, the silhouette of a sleeping Shiraishi having caught his eye. He can't remember when he woke up, or why, or even how long he'd been observing him, but... Blankets sparsely strewn over his body, breaths languid, moonlight over his slightly toned skin, Yukimura can't deny it's aesthetically pleasing. His posture is messy, as is his hair, his midriff bared and muscled. Shiraishi is peaceful when he sleeps, he notes. Defenseless, even. He supposes that had been different, back in the beginning. Oh, how the times had changed. Against all odds, Shiraishi had become more than a forcibly assimilated assassin, his friend. He didn't just want him. He wants to keep him. By chance, he remembers the spark in Shiraishi's eyes when he talked about his hobbies. Maybe he could... indulge himself for a bit in them, as well. And for the first time in what felt like centuries, Yukimura takes out his sketchbook from the nightstand.
[If I were writing I'd tell myself to write in the conspiracy plot and some foreshadowing. It's Shitenhouji, coming in because they haven't heard from Shiraishi in much too long (not since Yukimura made him cut off his connections). Shiraishi catches wind of this at one point because he's hacked the Yanagi-Yukimura encryption, and from his knowledge of Yukimura's personality has learned how the verbal code works.]
Yukimura one day wakes up early enough to watch Shiraishi doing his yoga routines. Yukimura asks if he minds him sketching him while he holds his pose, Shiraishi doesn't mind at all. The conversation flows to Shiraishi's ex-part time job as a stripper, and that he was quite good, from what Yukimura had seen of him.
"Thanks," he laughs, "I guess that comes easier when you're having fun." This takes Yukimura a bit aback. "You did it for fun?" "Yeah. I like the exercise, as well. Do you know how many muscles you use when working the pole?" A lot, he guesses. "If it's about exercise, if you want, I can fetch you a pole somewhere." "You'd do that for me?" Yukimura smiles gently. "Of course. You're my friend, after all."
"Shiraishi. You'll have to forgive me if I let my body have its natural reaction," Yukimura tells him when he watches Shiraishi lightly finger the pole after doing his warming up. "It's good. Actually, that might be even better." "Oh?" "I like it when people enjoy what they see. So if you could enjoy it, it'd make me very happy." Yukimura hums. "Don't hesitate to get hard," Shiraishi winks at him. Yukimura laughs. "You'll have to try a little harder than that, Shiraishi." Yukimura's just leisurely watching Shiraishi do his pole exercises, heat rising in his body and Yukimura letting it within boundaries, when, after a remark from Yukimura questioning Shiraishi's fondness for laying himself bare, a certain tension snaps. Shiraishi gets off the pole in one fluid motion and walks over to where Yukimura is sitting, with fire in his tread and desire in his eyes.
Yukimura clutched the chair when Shiraishi unbuttoned the first few buttons on the side of his shirt, teasingly pulling at it to reveal his collarbone. "Shiraishi, what are you..." "You wanted me to try harder, no?" He was only getting started. He had challenged Shiraishi, lit a fire under him. Very well. That didn't mean he'd make it easy for him.
Shiraishi slid in his lap, one leg over his left and the other over his right, letting the gap of his shirt fall to reveal his shoulder. His clothes are loose, hardly revealing, which made the peeking of skin as they were loosened all the more desirable. Until Shiraishi lets his hand run over his chest, lingering along the lines of his groin to tug his pants down, that is. That, was revealing. Hands on the sides of the chair, leveraging the rolls of his hips when they buck forward, movements sure and smooth. Closer, ever so slightly closer, until he closes the distance by overlapping his crotch with his.
Yukimura clutches the edge tighter when Shiraishi smirks at him, and he smiles back calmly despite the searing sense of arousal rising in his chest.
At which Shiraishi leans forward provocatively, throwing his exposed shoulder in the game, midriffs melding together in an extremely sensual grind. Shiraishi's arms come to lean loosely over the back of his chair, breaths mingling with his as a shiver travels up Yukimura's spine. Did Shiraishi ever do lap dances for others? Table dances, he could see, but--Lips connect. What...? In the electricity of the moment, Yukimura almost forgets to breathe, thoughts easily shifting into total disarray. Shiraishi's hips slide along his groin as his lips slide slowly along his. Shit, it feels good.
With the maddening touch of his lips, the sweet taste of Shiraishi's kiss-- Yukimura inadvertently tilts his head a bit to taste more of it-- the heat falls and rises in his body. Shiraishi kisses him again, draws a soft sigh from his lips as he leans in deeper in tandem with the rhythm of his hips. Eyes closed, dazed, when Shiraishi pulls back before he'd kiss him again, he manages to breathe "What happened to your rule...?"
Shiraishi pauses and pulls back, eyes locked with Yukimura's. When he sees the look in his eyes and feels the throb of his body longing to have his lips back on his again instead, he almost regrets asking. "I thought... maybe it'd be okay if I broke it, since it's my own rule, but..." Shiraishi almost looks guilty, shoulders tensing up as his head lowers along with the volume of his voice, "But if you don't want to..." Shiraishi's nose strokes his cheek when Shiraishi's lips trail away from his, down, along his chin and tilting his head down when he lightly caresses Yukimura's cheek with his own.
Oh no you don't.
Yukimura puts his hand to his head and his arm to Shiraishi's back and steps forward, taking advantage of Shiraishi's position in his lap to topple them over and pin him to the ground as he forces Shiraishi's lips open. One hand lowers to his cheek, gently letting his fingers stroke it as his elbow presses his arm to the floor, his other hand pinning his other down. In a single second, his tongue enters Shiraishi's mouth to French-kiss him deeply. His strokes are heated and slow, interspersed with deep breaths and pants as he drives Shiraishi's tongue out from its hiding place. Tilting his head with no choice but to let him in, Shiraishi mewls softly. It's beautiful. He pulls himself further up Shiraishi's body, closer, moans indulgently as everything, everything melts away in the small sea of pleasure roused by the touch of his tongue and the taste of bliss. 
Sensing no resistance, he reaches up to unbutton the rest of Shiraishi's shirt.
It was all he could do not to startle when a gunshot and the shattering of glass rings through his ears. In a split second, his eyes dart from the rain of window glass to the figure on the balcony, to the still smoking nozzle when he collapses without further notice. An assassin. He lets go of Shiraishi's arm, leaves himself to sit upright on top of his legs, breathing slowly to hold down the adrenaline and the fire attempting to sway his reason. Shiraishi puts the gun in a more comfortable place than the sleeve he took it from and moves away from Yukimura's legs. 'Shiraishi is not a prostitute,' ghosts through Yukimura's mind. He doesn't sell his body. All of this had been an-- "You're a good actor, Yukimura," Shiraishi says. Because to him, it had been just that, only an act. To Yukimura...
He could have killed him. Shiraishi could have killed him.
"Thanks," he manages. Of course he's only acting. "It's more convincing if you leave your body to do its thing, after all." Shiraishi stretches out his hand, and forcibly discarding his hesitation, Yukimura takes it and pulls himself upright. His hand is warm and gentle, and Shiraishi lets go only slowly, fingers slowly sliding over and out of the palm of his hand as he looks at Yukimura's roused state.
"It's my win, though." Despite everything, Yukimura laughs. It should have been his... It would have been his. No, he'd already thought it was his the moment the subject of Shiraishi pole-dancing came up. And yet... Shiraishi's eyes run over Yukimura's shape once more, mouth curling in a triumphant smirk. He never wanted to steal Shiraishi's sight more, after all, he's embarrassingly hard. The best he could do is stay calm.
Shiraishi closes his eyes briefly and walks away to inspect the balcony. "That's a mess. The only way in which this would have been more of a pain to clean up is if he'd fallen off the balcony." "It's fine. I'll call Jackal and Yagyuu to take care of the scene. Niou will take care of the window and the coverup." "I see. That'd be a great help." Yukimura steps closer, pauses, watching the wind graze Shiraishi's hair, the dimly lit silhouette of his back glimmer in the light of the night. Finally, he opens his mouth.
"Why did you let your no-touch rule go?" Shiraishi turns to face him, tucks a strand of hair behind his own ear. "You should know, shouldn't you?" He smiles, whispers softly. "I'll protect you with my life." And Yukimura knew, from the smallest hints in his posture and the intricacies of his tone of voice, that no word of it was lied.
His heart stirs, heat rising again from the tingling in his stomach to his cheeks as he has to catch himself before he'd reach out to cup Shiraishi's cheek and hold him. And for the first time, he feels unsafe.
 He knows what it is to feel attraction for someone. Yukimura's loved by many, it's what he instils, and at times this causes his body to react beyond the trust and connection he finds to be beneficent. 
Controlling his emotions, however, had always been his forte. He's never let his attraction cloud his judgement, lead his actions. He knows how it is to be cruel to someone dear to him, and never has he not been able to see when it worked in his favour, socially or otherwise. He knows when it's necessary to be forgiving.
However, right now he once more lies awake at night, Shiraishi's memory filling his mind every time he attempted to drift off to the land of dreams. Ridiculous, he thinks it. It overcame him at random times, when he was cooking, tending to their plants, even when he saw the cold in his eyes when they'd plotted the demise of another hopeless assassin. When it had been anyone else he'd let it happen, in no danger of making less sensible decisions. He'd never lost himself like he did when he kissed Shiraishi. Never. And worst of all...
The feeling of Shiraishi kissing him replays in his mind once more, in all the detail his dazed mind can muster. He shouldn't put his focus on it, no matter how much that voice in the back of his head begs him to. If he does, he fears his foothold will be swept away from under him with no turning back. He feels the touch of Shiraishi's nose and cheek caressing his own, sees the vulnerability in his eyes again. It's maddening, maddening even as he once more attempts to resist the one thing that had made him snap in the first place. He curses under his breath.
Shiraishi has poisoned him with his kiss and his act.
Digging with his nails in his arm in an attempt to get a hold of himself, he rolls over. Calm down, Seiichi... Just... He breathes in, breathes out in a slow rhythm, in through his nose, out along his palate, sinking deeper into the ocean with each passing breath. He'd find a way to vanquish it. He'd find a-- The image of Shiraishi ties his tongue with his and derails his thoughts.
Grabbing his pillow, he vainly tries to fight back his unconscious as the rising and falling of his chest slips away from his control. How he wishes he could sleep a dreamless sleep for once... He's weightless as Shiraishi embraces him, even as his body attempts to brace himself against the bed, with Shiraishi's kisses as his lifeline. He's drowning.
And in a moment, sharper than the others, he can hear self-satisfaction in Shiraishi's breath.
 If I were writing this this is where the conspiracy plot would have come to its culmination, starting off with Yanagi noting there's been unrest and advising Yukimura to be safe. Ofc the number of people coming after Yukimura is foreshadowing for that 😜 Which is when he makes his personal rounds, passing by his members one by one to disarm them for him. Yanagi warns Yukimura about an information leak. Yukimura supposes it's time for a round of rain to chase the worms from hiding. And boy, do the worms come from hiding.
When the time comes the worms wage war against his garden, he leaves matters in Yanagi and Sanada's capable hands, when Shiraishi urges him to find a secluded place should people have come to discover his whereabouts. ...I mean that'd be the logical course of action I think but the whole convo thereafter taking place in their own kitchen is also a really good image, so flip a coin I guess!
 After a bit of struggle they find a place where they know nobody would just find them. "Hey, Shiraishi do you--" He doesn't get to finish his sentence when Yukimura grabs the wrist holding the gun pointed at him. Shiraishi doesn't wait a second pulling Yukimura along with his hand and trying to aim for his neck with his fingers, but Yukimura is quicker as he twists Shiraishi arm and moves aside to evade it. It isn't long before they find themselves pushing against each other, struggling for control.
In raw power, Shiraishi would win, he knew.
He steps sideways, using Shiraishi's power to pull the two around and despite a moment of wobbling resistance, to put him in a lock. "Shiraishi. Will you tell me what this is?" Shiraishi tries to break out of Yukimura's hold, but Yukimura twists his arm a little further, eliciting a small yelp.
One second of desperation, before Shiraishi sweeps his legs against Yukimura's and turns the two around again, but Yukimura wouldn't give him the freedom of giving up his own arms. He pulls Shiraishi's over his head, pulls them down and leans forward, gaining back his balance. Shiraishi is vicious, however, and bites him in the neck. He manages to keep his hold on Shiraishi's wrists, but that split second was enough for Shiraishi to turn them against each other and free himself. This time, it's Yukimura between him and the kitchen counter. But he wouldn't give in, no.
He looks Shiraishi in the eyes, and for a second he can see him falter, shiver. The gun drops to the floor. Thigh squeezing between his legs, lips on his. Shiraishi puts his hand on the small of his back and disturbs his footing. The counter as leveraging point, his feet off the ground, hips against his.
He's trapped.
 "You wanted me to tell you what this is all about?" "You purposefully lured me into here," Yukimura says as flatly as he can manage, after that kiss and with Shiraishi's thigh to his crotch. "That I can understand. But I can't wrap my head around why." Shiraishi smiles, when it flashes into his mind. "You knew when we'd..." "Yeah, I planned it. Have been for a while, to be honest, but only now did I get my first and final chance to."
His mind is in disarray as Shiraishi's words clash with the image of reality he'd painted. A shadow of self-doubt creeps into his mind. It couldn't be that he'd misread a lie as truth? No, that can't be...
"How long was this your plan?" “Do you know who it was that leaked my information to Mouri?” From... the beginning... Shiraishi had thrown himself into the lion's den with the intent to pin him down here from the beginning... But no matter what, he couldn't have planned this. He didn't have the info...-- "How, did you know...?"
"Who do you think the worms came for infesting your garden?" His eyes widen as his mind rushes to piece through the meanings of this new information. "You cracked Yanagi's code," he manages, to begin with. "I have, for a while. Though," he laughs, "you have no idea just how many weeks it cost me to even get a hang of it. It came in handy when you wanted to ask me for advice... I'm glad you took to listening to me." Advice, that he couldn't do without. Shiraishi, that he couldn't do without. Shiraishi starts stroking his cheek, and there's nothing he could to do stop himself from leaning into it. From wanting more.
“I need you,” he whispers, as Shiraishi’s betrayal sinks into his mind. “I know.” He crumbles as the feeling rises in his body. “You could destroy me...” Shiraishi kisses him. “I already have.” He clutches Shiraishi's shoulder when Shiraishi makes their lips meet again. God, it feels good... He can't let this happen now, for fear of his life. Shiraishi is just as dangerous as his plants, he thinks to his grief. He'd poisoned him, and is now coming to seal his fate with his kiss of death. Shiraishi had been acting, not to deceive the assassin, but to plant this seed in him. And yet, there's many things that don't add up. He manages to tilt his head away to speak.
“I don’t understand… With that knowledge you could have murdered me and whoever knew about you long ago…” "The gun's not loaded." "Huh...?" “I was planning to kill you at first. Though when I got to know you better, that easily faded away. I guess in the end, your plan didn’t fail... But neither did mine.” Shiraishi smiles. The heat rises to Yukimura's cheeks. "It was not an act," he whispers in disbelief. Shiraishi had fooled him, not because his ability to read people was faltering, but because he hadn't had the intent to lie for even a single time. "I told you before, didn't I? I don't sell my body. When I kissed you..." he locks twistingly sincere eyes with his, "it was because I wanted to."
He leans in close again, moving a strand of hair from Yukimura's face. "I love you." The hairs rise in Yukimura's neck. Shiraishi lowers his head. "...It's a shame I had to off one of my own to protect you, though." "'One of... my own'?" Damn, it's getting harder to keep his voice straight. "So you staged this?" "Well, it wasn't on purpose. Turns out my men have an agenda of their own, trying to get me back. But knowing your operation really helped."
Yukimura breathes.
“Who are you?” Beside himself, he couldn’t help but ask the stupid. ”Shiraishi Kuranosuke, head of Shitenhouji, the Kansai region's mafia. Qualified assassin, part-time stripper, up until I caught you."
“Why did you approach me?” “Honestly, I was attempting to thin out Rikkai and weaken it. Your position here is really valuable, you know? And in the confusion, the desperation, I’d aim for your head. But Rikkai was much more powerful than I’d thought. You..." he traces Yukimura's chin, "were much, much more powerful than I thought. I wanted to get closer and slowly gain your trust... How could I have known what to do when you just handed it to me? When you saw through every single one of my insincereties... I didn't expect you to find my last ties, either. But it's fine this way. If you'd done exactly as I planned, I wouldn't have wanted you."
God, Shiraishi...!
He breathes in. "Can I--" fcuk you into Heaven? Swallowing the sentence on the tip of his tongue, he fixes it to a different one. Breathing disrupted, he's played for a fool, only asking useless questions. He reaches for Shiraishi's cheek. “Can I make you an offer?” Of which this one the most foolish, most useless of them all.
Shiraishi laughs as Yukimura has no choice but to willingly play to his wants. "Let me guess..." He kisses Yukimura's neck, moves his lips to his ear. "You want me," he whispers, biting softly into the lobe of his ear. "So do you," Yukimura purrs back, as he lowers his hand to trail down Shiraishi's neck. Shiraishi chuckles lowly.
“Your reward will be handsome, moreso than any other would offer…” Yukimura’s hand slides over his chest as Shiraishi holds him off balance with his arm at his waist. He hums, gently listening to Shiraishi's proposal.
“You'll live in with me, eat my food, and sleep under my roof. " Yukimura smiles. "Don't you mean, my roof?" Shiraishi's thumb grazes his lips when he holds his chin. "Are you in any place to negotiate here?" Yukimura nudges his head up. "I wonder." Shiraishi smirks. "How does our roof sound?" Yukimura's smile curls wider. "It's a pleasure working with you."
He wraps his arms around Shiraishi's back and pulls up to kiss him. Shiraishi's only shy in the first second, before their lips melt together, lightly. A short pause, a breath, before their lips meet again in a deep, deep kiss. Shiraishi moans softly when their lips slide against each other, indulgently, liberated. Another kiss, when he tilts his head to give him the space he needs. It's as if he'll never be able to taste enough. That's fine with him, really. Really... 
Yukimura pulls Shiraishi closer, his tongue going over Shiraishi's upper lip. It's a warning, nothing more as his tongue rushes to meets with Shiraishi's in a frenzied tango.
Shiraishi attacks, leans forward and manages to draw out an unexpected noise with a strike of his tongue. It isn't long before Yukimura turns his efforts against him as he tilts his head slightly. Who said that he'd just let him?
Yukimura chuckles, tightens his hold as he slows down Shiraishi's pace. He can feel Shiraishi tremble, but right how he wants it, he hasn't given up. His hand sneaks behind Yukimura's head, burying his fingers in his hair. Shiraishi's tongues are passionate but faster. More aggressive than his sensual strokes, but just as greedy. Yes, this is it.
An uneven rhythm, interspersed with pants and breaths as they vie for dominance.
He'll never be safe again, and he loves every second of it.
 The door busts open. "Let him go!" is the unanimous call. Multiple footsteps enter the room, the sound of guns being readied. Yukimura holds up his hand mid-kiss, knows Shiraishi to do the same. "It's good." he breathes out, concealing his panting, "Don't shoot." Shiraishi pulls himself upright with a hum, and with Yukimura's arms around his back, so he pulls Yukimura. "Thanks."
Yukimura lets his eyes go over the heads in front of him. Some of them were new additions-- Shiraishi's men--, some of them his. Yukimura laughs. Aren't you loved as well? In the flash of a moment, he changes his aura. Still at gunpoint, Yukimura walks over to whomever Shiraishi held his hand up to.
"Oshitari Kenya," he says, voice sweet as he steps close and his hand slides around the hand holding his weapon. "Will you drop your gun?" After a moment of his gaze, connected to his collapsing eyes, Kenya's gun easily clatters out of his hand.
It only takes a glance from him for the rest of both Shiraishi's and his men to do the same. "Thank you."
He flashes a smile at Shiraishi, who has to swallow a bit at the sight. "See? You were my only danger."
He turns around again, projects his voice to those present. "We will be working together with Shitenhouji, as one and on equal grounds. Both parties are to see this as an expansion of their turf." Shiraishi hugs him from behind, Yukimura takes to stroking his cheek, and with amusement Yukimura watches the shoulders of everyone present to tense. "Yukimura and I will lead you together." Yukimura chuckles. "You know what this means for you, right?"
There are none who could question their power. He knows, from Rikkai's side, that they could have nothing but respect for the man freely embracing his shoulders. Of course, Yukimura forcing Kenya's hand, everyone's hand simply with his presence should have made an impact as well.
On top of that...
"This means nationwide dominion, right, Seiichi?" Yukimura smiles at Yanagi. "Exactly."
From Shiraishi's side, they know that Shiraishi's plan both failed and succeeded, and that only Yukimura is to blame for that. "Shiraishi..." Kenya starts. "I'm glad to have you back. We half thought you were done for." "I'm glad to be back too. Though, done for?" "Done for," Yukimura repeats, "couldn't be further from the truth. Right?" Shiraishi lightly rubs his cheek against Yukimura's, and a glimpse of the future makes its way into Yukimura's mind.
"Yeah. We're only getting started."
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bergarass · 6 years
HIGH SCHOOL AU HERE WE GO *rubs hands together* BEEECH. Imagine these two dummies working on a school project together. Like, at the beginning they work well together, they both do their research and everything, communicate okay, everything is GUUCI. Until it comes down to actually physically making the poster board and/or power point. It's CHAOS okay. One wants it one way, one wants it the other, they end up splitting it 50/50 so both portions don't really match but they still get 1/?
a decent grade because hey, they did the fucking work, they did it well, and their history teacher is Tired™ okay. And like they wouldn't call each other friends necessarily at the beginning, because they're not really in the same circles and Shane is pretty quiet (unless you get him riled up about the paranormal, apparently, as Ryan one day finds out that fucker get's HEATED real quick) but like after their project they notice each other more I guess? Like Ryan's like oh I have him in math 2/?
too I never noticed. And then of course they start bumping into each other As You Do. I dunno where I'm going with this honestly I'm just in love with HS aus i eat that shit UP. Eventually Ryan just plops down at SHane's lunch table one day without prompt??? And when Shane notices he's like lowkey shook and he's like "oh, hi????" and Ryan is just like "sup" and goes back to opening his chocolate carton and doesn't talk farther and Shane is so confused aksdhf 3/3 (for now squints)
I LIED I'M BACK AGAIN BEECH. SHANE GETTING LIKE, TEASED OR BULLIED OR SOMETHING??? AND RYAN JUST BEING SO READY TO SNAP SOMEONE'S ARM OFF and Shane's like "jesus ryan I'm okay, he only knocked my books out of my hand, god" but Ryan still gives the douche the Evil Eye whenever he sees him in the halls kahsdf fcuk
I’M LIVING FOR THISSSSSS, see this is the exact kinda content that i want but i’m too lazy to actually write it someone prod this bih with a stick bc she needs to write the writing that she wants to read :
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gracelingdesolate · 6 years
gimme uhhhh joel for the ask meme
oh fuck here’s an interesting one
First impression
okay god my first impression was like five years ago HKFDJKG well i thought he was interesting but like i wasn’t super invested. i don’t think i’ve actually mentioned this? but i watched the intro to tlou, then got weirded out by the 20 year time skip so i dropped it and had to be convinced to pick it back up but like i really…………. didn’t care about him HJKFGHFJ
Impression now
Favorite moment
oh fcuk just. the entire end thing with the fireflies. bc he’s just grown so much from this asshole who doesn’t like ellie at all to LITERALLY FIGHTING THE ENTIRE FIREFLIES TO SAVE HER like god fuck me up i cry every time he drags her out of the water and starts trying to revive her and the fireflies are pointing their guns at him and all he can do is keep trying to save her and he’s saying she isn’t breathing and HHHHHHHHHHHHHH
Idea for a story
i am v curious about how and where he and tess met bc i love tess and i love him and i want to know more so if i were to write something then it’d be that
Unpopular opinion
i don’t think it’s an unpopular opinion? but i’m going with it bc when i was 14 i didn’t understand and thought joel was wrong to save ellie at the cost of taking the cure away from everyone else. but like i understand now and honestly i’d probably do the same thing so unpopular opinion @ little me: you’re fucking wrong and joel was right to save his daughter
Favorite relationship
ELLIE AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA god they just both grow so much and it’s beautiful and i love it and i’m literally going to sob my way through tlou 2 if/when they interact
Favorite headcanon
the watch stopped a bullet that would have killed him (^:
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themanicgalaxy · 3 years
SPN 4X7 It’s the Great Pumpkin, Sam Winchester
wow working off of....a very fun...adrenaline crash
I’m so tired, panicking is a bad vibe 
let’s do this, I hear Sam meets Cas in this episode
wow look at this nice and lovely family, can’t wait to see how they FUCKING DIE
why is the candy shot like this, what happens to the candy
just my luck it’s a scary one and on the big screen
the *holds up spell bag and then hides it once Sam sees and starts questioning* was smooth, I like when they do the teamwork thing
Dean why are you eating candy, there are razors in the halloween
oh lovely that’s a Cursed Hex Bag
“he made vanilla look spicy” is a funny line
These people look so young 
ah I see love triangle or something
they’re high schoolers ah 
because the hail bait comment wheeee
Sam does the hold up this time!
Samhain! Halloween origin! that’s kinda neat
600 years! “and the next cycle is” “Tomorrow” “naturally”
so it raises All the Supernatural that’s fun
Of course her name is Tracy
never heard of Luke Wallace my ass
“if you could pick any costume to come back in, wouldn’t you pick a hot cheerleader? I would”
ooo flashbacks to hell in the mask!
Sam asks if it brings back memories of being a teenager, Dean interprets Hell
...what...brings back memories?? DEAN?
huh the Occult Drawings that’s interesting
“emancipated teen” DID NO ONE FUCKING CHECK THAT
“Trick or treat” “This is a motel”
Dean just wants to eat candy
Dean stop antagonizing the kid
Castiel what the actual fuck you’re adorable but fucking terrible at communication 
“we’re working on it” “that’s unfortunate” KILLED ME
That was a Significant Look of Uriel 
of course it’s a seal
“purified a city” aka kill 1000 people wheee
“you’re bigger picture kind of guys” oooo interesting
“have faith” 
heh puts it in context of his daddy issues but Dean’s been growing past that
Uses his own life as a bargaining chip AGAIN DEAN
Although to be fair, that works
Castiel takes! chance! on DEAN!!!
Angels are assholes, time to figure ir out
“they are righteous that’s the problem”
“there’s nothing more dangerous than some asshole who thinks he’s on a mission from God” OHHHH COME ON THAT’S SO LOADED YOU CAN’T JUST LEAVE THAT THERE
Sam figures out where to go based on the burning of the bone wow!
Sam being smart Sam being smart!!!
“you shouldn’t call them that” Castiel #1 human stan
Why stand and then sit, why stand and then-
disobey orders oho
ah so Tracy’s the sacrifice, and Don’s the Evil One and used her as a scapegoat? ?
of course the perving on the teenager why wouldn’t we god fuckign dammit kripke
...that’s her brother? what the fuck?
ok the eye glitter/lighting was neat
no ok but Magic Witch Lady is kinda a fun character too bad she’s gonna die
Sam do ur magic
Dunks them in blood? Sam what are you doing?
kills her? I feel like kills her?
bro that’s your brother’s body technically
Still kinda funny tho
heh they play dead
“you gave it a shot” god i love that, I love when Sam just tries Wack Shit 
“BeCauSe thE aNgEl SaiD so”
Angst Teen Sam
bUT DEANNN Why can’t I use my POWERSSSS
just gonna kill the teenagers and trap them with the corpses
oh sweet jesus
oooo CLASSIC horror iconography
And then they graduate to fistfight but still
Dean’s just going on the Murder Train
November 2nd is the day AZAZEL killed Jess and Mary, making the day before, day after, day of, two days before thing Neat
“you were told” THAT’S NOT COMPELLING H E A V E N 
~wing flap~
“ask Dean what he remembers of hell” oof
ordered to follow Sam and Dean?? what?
the ripped jeans by the way, good
“I don’t know what’s gonna happen tomorrow” he never knows, that’s why-
the angel that loves humanity ~too much, the way God told them to 
Aziraphale and Cas should hang
“I’m not a hammer” “daddy’s blunt little instrument” DAOFIHADSPIASFSIP
and then just the Disappear is so good
ok uh first
1. Sam praying. I don’t really know why this one got me, but the fact that Sam believes in a higher power, or tried to believe with his entire soul, and Dean desperately tries to get his brother to believe in something(unbroken? tries to make sure he’s ok because Dean never will be? Something like that?) feels important? Or maybe it’s that for Dean, Dad’s Orders and Consequence hit as the Ultimate Punishment, whereas Sam got to relax about it a bit
Look am I directly finding parallels to my own experience now? yes of course, it’s my unparalleled media experience and I can project if I want to. I’m WAY more scared of my parents/dad and what they do than I am of any higher power(crying while driving home as Vibe Music that I generally enjoy vs the Season 3 finale scene wheeee), whereas my sister actually tried to give religion a fair shot and used to pray. It’s not a direct parallel, but it’s been a bad day, I wanna put that in there somewhere
(also if it genuinely wasn’t my fault and I just assumed that I would never be able to explain my way out of anything so I shouldn’t try, leading me wishing to never be perceived so I don’t get punished for things that weren’t my fault. If true then Pain)
*insert Paws Meme*
2. Smart Sam. I liked Sam being smart, doing shit for the case in interesting ways, and I really like his powers plot line! Like you’re right dude! Heaven has no compelling reasoning other than “because I told you so” and it’s way more practical to just do it! His mom and girlfriend are already dead there’s nothing else to be done now! Like! Sam’s Antichrist arc is actually interesting! And I like him getting to be a character! The mask Idea was SO NEAT!!
3. bad apples+mission from God. I. Ok. Listen. This is just that one loaded conversation with “bad apple”(I’d like to point out that at some point it shows Cas as the Only Good One, right? dismantle the institution type thing, right? Is that what they were going for?) and also that “people who believe they have a mission from God do bad thing” LIKE SO CLOSE ! To SO MANY! lOADED THINGS! A G H
Look I’m too tired to type out all my thoughts to this, but I think you get the point that this is shit I wish they’d explored more
4. I entirely forgot that whole thing where they tried to show Dean objectifying teen girls and accidentally made Dean sound like he wanted to be a girl. Like even if that’s simply sexuality, or both gender and sexuality...like that’s. how did you do this. How did you accidentally make him like this.
5. Cas/Cas+Dean. Ok first off, having him desperately try to save humanity(reminds me of aziraphale) is so interesting! like It feels like Dean(who's working on not taking orders blindly anymore following that demon deal) doesn’t like seeing Castiel and Heaven because it reminds him of that part of himself he’s worthing through! and that one scene where Cas said “I’m not a hammer”(Directly parallel to “Daddy’s blunt little instrument”) is like. Dean started that journey in Cas. Getting him to question things. 
that whole thing about “I know this was a test, but we don’t know if you failed it or not” because I don’t know what God would want because God’s the ever present father figure for Cas, and Dean’s lack of faith in God, and Cas’s lack of faith in God and
ok they have an INCREDIBLY compelling story currently, and I am kinda excited to see where they go with it.
yknow before the queer bait REALLY sets in
6. I was ready to write this episode off with the horror but the iconography at the end with the seal/witch/Sam and Dean scene was rEAlly fucking cool and I loved it.
7. the beginning of the stares
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