#i agree it's not one of their better songs but they weren't given much of a chance
rabid-dog-steve-horn · 5 months
Green Jello on the Gong Show - Rock 'N' Roll Pumpkin
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edenesth · 9 months
The Key Keeper
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Pairing: royal guard!Mingi x keykeeper!reader
Word Count: 1.3k
'Crazy Form' Comeback Special Series | Hongjoong | Seonghwa | Yunho | Yeosang | San | Mingi | Wooyoung | Jongho |
ATEEZ Masterlist
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"Mingi, you're injured!"
Your eyes widened in horror as the head of the royal guard shielded you from an oncoming arrow, taking the hit in his back. Gritting his teeth, he reassured, "I'm fine. You go first; I'll catch up with you soon."
Panicked tears welling up, you shook your head and protested, "No, how can I leave you behind?!"
He softened at the sight of your tears, realising that your distress hurt him more than the arrow in his back. To assure you, he smirked teasingly, "What's this? Are you worried about me? I thought you hated me."
Clenching your fists, you resisted the urge to hit him, "Stop, this isn't funny! We need to get out of here together!"
Against his better judgement, he cupped your face and pressed his forehead against yours, "Listen to me, you're the royal key keeper, and these keys should be your top priority. Protect them with your life, and I'll protect you with mine," His heart ached as he saw your teary eyes tremble, "I promise I'll be there with you before you know it. Now go."
Left with no choice, you clutched the palace keys tightly and ran as you were told. Your heart broke as you threw one final, painful glance back at Mingi to see him forcing himself back onto his feet.
Everything happened so quickly. Just moments ago, he had approached you at your workstation, clad in full armour.
"Why are you here, Song Mingi? Don't you have better things to guard?" He rolled his eyes at your sarcasm, "In case you missed the memo, word got out that the pirates are heading for the King's blade."
Your eyes widened at the revelation, "The King's blade? Are they out of their goddamned minds? How ambitious can these fools get?"
He sighed, "As much as I agree with you, we don't have time for idle chatter. We need to secure the blade and move it to a safer location. On your feet now, keykeeper."
Shaking your head in disbelief, you hurriedly gathered all the keys that held access to every corner of the palace, following him as you both navigated a secret passageway leading to the King's treasury.
Just for now, you had to set aside your disdain for Mingi. Despite being longtime rivals in your respective roles – him holding the highest position among male palace staff and you, his female counterpart – the urgency of the situation demanded cooperation. While he focused on the palace's security, your responsibility lay in safeguarding all the keys.
You did your best to remain civil, but his incessant commands were testing you, "Could you move a bit more quietly? It's almost as if you're trying to tell the whole world where we are." He hissed, shooting a frustrated glare in your direction.
Suppressing the urge to retaliate physically, you scoffed, well aware that engaging in a physical confrontation would be futile given his status as the strongest guard in the entire palace, "If my presence is such a burden, why not assign someone else to guard me? You could be safeguarding the King himself, but no, here you are..."
He halted suddenly, causing you to collide into his back with a yelp, "Hey! Why'd you—" Your words were cut short as he turned around, casting you an intimidating gaze, "Wishing the general was here with you, huh? Dream on; he's happily married."
Your jaw hung open at his victorious smirk as he continued on his way. Battling the surge of embarrassment, you reminded yourself that your crush on the renowned general was merely a passing infatuation. After all, he was currently deployed in the war zone, accompanied by his devoted wife.
How dare Mingi bring up that old crush? It was just innocent admiration, and you certainly weren't the only one captivated by the formidable military leader.
Before you could reprimand him for his unprofessionalism, the unexpected attack unfolded. It all happened in the blink of an eye; the only memory etched in your mind was him swiftly wrapping a protective arm around you, turning you away just as he jolted from the impact of an arrow piercing his back.
Now, tears streaming down your face, you fought the urge to run back to him. The sight of him being hurt affected you more than you had anticipated. You never knew you would ever be capable of feeling this way for him, considering how you were constantly at each other's throats for as long as you could remember.
He always found a way to get on your nerves, and you couldn't stand the sight of him. So, it bewildered you why your chest now throbbed with worry for him. Perhaps, in the face of his sacrifice, you realised that there was more to your daily banter than met the eye.
If only you knew how much jealousy flowed through the royal guard's veins whenever he thought about your stupid crush on the general, how much he enjoyed watching the fire in your eyes during your endless silly exchanges, and how much it scared him to think about the danger you were in when he found out about the pirates.
Yes, he could have assigned someone else to protect you, but he didn't trust anyone to keep you safe. The mere thought of anything bad happening to you before you were aware of his affection haunted him. He couldn't fathom forgiving himself for such a failure.
When he saw the genuine concern you displayed for him, a glimmer of hope kindled within him. Perhaps, hidden beneath the surface, you felt the same.
Before reaching you, Mingi made sure to eliminate every single trespasser; he would die before allowing any of these imbeciles near you. A sigh of relief escaped him as he recognised that these were merely amateur pirates; the situation might have taken a perilous turn if the notorious pirate king had been involved. Fortunately, the captain wasn't foolish enough to attempt robbing royalty.
"Hey, it's safe now. You're safe."
Springing up from your crouched position, you dropped the keys in your hands without a second thought, rushing to throw your arms around the royal guard's neck as soon as he entered the treasury. He held you close and wondered if you could sense the rapid beating of his heart.
You sobbed miserably against his shoulder, "You idiot, you could've died out there!"
He chuckled, feeling his heart melt at your worry, "Why? Would you miss me if I was gone?" The question left you momentarily silent, prompting you to pull away slightly and face him.
"I..." You blinked rapidly, attempting to change the topic, "H-how's your injury?"
Dismissing your concern, he shook his head, holding you firmly when you tried to check his back, "I told you I'm fine; my armour shielded me. I'm not hit directly."
"But still—"
Cupping your face with both hands, he made you look at him, "Stop pushing me away! I'm in love with you, okay?" Your movements stilled, and he reached to wipe away the tears you shed for him.
Frowning, you protested, "That's a lie... if you were, why'd you annoy me all the time?"
He broke into a smile, "I thought it'd be the only way to get your attention."
You scoffed, "Well, that's just stupid."
He grinned, retorting, "But it worked, didn't it? You can't fool me; I know you care about me too."
Left speechless, you felt your heart race when he leaned closer. Your breath hitched as your noses touched, and he whispered, "I was afraid of losing you."
You nodded in defeat, finally admitting, "Me too, Mingi. Me too."
That was all the confirmation he needed. Without hesitation, he finally kissed you, just as he had wanted to for so long.
While you were engulfed in each other's embrace, some of the royal guards arrived just in time to catch both of you in a flustered state, grinning knowingly. Unbeknownst to you, the entire palace staff had been placing bets on the two of you all along. It appeared that everyone would have a lot to celebrate soon.
✨ Bonus ✨
"You know, you may be the keeper of all palace keys, but I'm the only one with the key to your heart."
"Oh, shut up, Mingi."
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Aaaand that's a wrap! Hope the final part's decent! Also, damn, Mingi's been wrecking me lately like what the actual frick. Man definitely knows what he's doing to us.
From the bottom of my heart, thank you for reading every part of this series! Do let me know which member's part is your favourite! Don't be shy, I'd love to hear all about it!🤭
Tag list: @aurasblue @marievllr-abg @itsvxlentine @minghaoslatina @huachengsbestie01 @evidive
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good-beansdraws · 4 months
Massive Milgramsona art/info dump as a treat to myself!! Alas, my fatal flaw is being unable to shut up about anything even while simultaneously embarrassed/nervous to share, so here's literally all the info I have on her 😅
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Name: For the sake of posting online I’ll call her Rose!
Number: 012
Color: #E7355B
Age: She’d be 20 when Milgram started
Status: Milgram Staff, Machine Technician
Song genre: Pop/theater (a mix of Mahiru and Kazui's vibes)
Backstory: She is studying abroad in Japan to work on technology related to the mv machine when she stumbles into top secret info about the trials. Horrified at the lack of prior testing, she demands to be included in the experiment to make sure the brand new tech runs smoothly and doesn't harm anyone in the process. To prevent her leaking info to the public and deciding an extra participant wouldn't hurt, Milgram agrees.
Role: Rose performs routine maintenance and updates on the extraction machine, and checks in with prisoners' health to make sure it's not having any adverse effects. She listens in on the interrogations, ringing the bell to signal Es when the machine is ready for use (re: my theory on how it works >:3). She then watches the mvs after Es to make sure there are no glitches.
(Though she is a personal milgramsona, her role in the story is supposed to reflect the audience's experience overall when it comes to how much info we know, emotions we experiencing regarding guilt/responsibility, and how much power over events we actually have given the voting system and trial breaks.)
Trial 1
Jackalope's comments during trial commencement: Oh, I almost forgot participant 012, Rose. We've never had more than one staff member before, so we figured that sort of numbering would be fine. Hey, don't look at me, it's not like it was our idea to include her. She's not a prisoner -- the only crime she's committed is sticking her nose where it didn't belong... You can ask her for the details, but she's just here for maintenance on our extraction machine. It's not easy keeping that thing running smoothly, you know? As part of her duties, she'll be privy to all the same information as you, but don't let her be any more of a busybody than she already is -- she has absolutely no authority when it comes to your verdict decisions, got it?
MV: Mic Check - “Can anyone hear me?”
VD: Positive Feedback
Cover: Pathological Facade - Ghost
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Her album would release last in line. The VDs aren't interrogations since there's been no crime -- Es asks about her duties and observations of the prison. In them, she admits her predictions that she and Es will eventually be on trial for their involvement in the prisoner's fates.
Thus, her mvs are focused on her emotions towards the prisoners, her pride in helping bring justice, and her guilt at providing Milgram a means to pass judgement on people she cared about. I'm going to Goncharov the actual mvs/songs, but Mic Check is generally an introduction to her job behind the scenes prepping the equipment that will allow the prisoners' songs to be heard, as well kick off symbolism of her as a performer herself. She'll make a comment about how the experiment is leading to tragedy, "as if someone said Macbeth" (then covers her mouth, as she's standing in a theater herself).
I kept getting tripped up looking for Deco*27 songs that worked and weren't already taken, so I decided to go with some favorites and vibe-matching songs from other artists!
Comments during trial closing: It's good to hear you weren't a pushover when Rose gave her thoughts on the verdicts -- you guys disagreed on quite a few of them, eh? Ah... so she's not the type to pick fights, is that it? I guess that explains how she's managed to get along with everyone. (sigh) Even you knew better than to get attached like that. Well, at least she's kept our machine up and running the whole time.
Trial 2
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Commencement: Now I need to wake Rose. We're going to need some extra upgrades to our machine if we want to get the most out of this round of extractions. I've got a sneaking suspicion that she and her bleeding heart are going to try and sway you during this trial. Her duty is specifically to look out for the prisoners' safety, but yours is only to judge them. Don't forget that.
MV: Changement - “Don’t say ‘break a leg,’ if it might just break.”
VD: Control Variable
Cover: TOXY - Kujiragi
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I did my best to write out the title pronunciation out in katakana since I wanted it as the name of the dance move, not a direct translation of meaning. I went with シャジェモ "sha-je-mo" as the closest I could get to the "shanj-mou" sound, but feel free to correct me if there's a better way to write it. The door is based off of various set designs for Clara's home in The Nutcracker. (There's no deep meaning that this is the only one not opening -- I realized too late all the others are cracked open and my art app doesn't have the tools to easily fix that so I'm sticking with it 😭)
A changement is a small jump in ballet -- I thought it was fun to combine that (which means "to change") with Control Variable (refering to the variable in an experiment that never changes). The video shows conflicting emotions as her decisions/inaction caused so much to happen between trials, yet at the same time she feels like there's so much she'll be unable to change even if she really wants to intervene. Her mvs show the prisoners pretty regularly (since they are her crime, she's realized), and the teaser line is paired with references to Mahiru's broken leg.
The thumbnail combines different areas of study -- mechanical, medical, musical, mathematical (theater spotlight, muscles, Weakness notes, motion formulas). I think it's super cool how many areas of expertise are passed around the fanbase when discussing the characters. I've picked up new facts about plants, food, anatomy, geography, music, animals language, (sigh. color theory.), hobbies, professions, mythology, etc from fans with different fields of knowledge. While that's one of my favorite aspects of the project from the outside, I think it would be super intimidating to someone on the inside trying to tackle so much information at once.
Closing: As for Rose... (laughs) I thought she was dooming herself before--! Not only has she gotten hopelessly attached to everyone over the course of this trial, she's even started a relationship with one of the prisoners! And of all the people she could have chosen... Eh? Oh no, we have no policies against that for our staff. I mean, the whole point of Milgram is to explore human nature, the power of emotions, the complexities of connections, all that crap. I'm just grateful she shows a bit more common sense when she's operating the machine...
Trial 3
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MV: Showstopper - “There won’t be applause, but I’ll take a bow, okay?”
VD: Please Exit Left
Cover: Ironina - Nilfruits
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I don't know the album theme yet, but this is the tentative sprite and thumbnail design. The T2 sprite was kind of an "innocent" one, since at the beginning she still has faith in her role in the prison, excited to work with everyone there. (Plus, I joined the fandom a little after t2 started so that's peak excitement time lol). The T3 sprite has much more of a "guitly" feel to it because, at the end of T2 and after this hiatus, she'd harbor a lot more guilt about her position and fear about the experiment's conclusion. As a fun little detail, her pencil has been replaced with a more permanent utensil as final verdicts are locked in.
Now listen. My artist brain was constantly fighting my science brain when doing sprite designs -- I know gloves like that and nothing else isn't proper PPE. I know none of those are safety shoes (god forbid wearing just socks??? to the lab???). There should be no jewellery at all. The whole point of a lab coat is that you don't roll up the sleeves and expose your bare skin. However. It's anime character design. There can be compromise.
Referencing Rose's personal life as a performance and comparing Milgram's trials to one, I wanted the mv to play on "showstopper" as both a great show and a literal attempt to stop the project before it reaches its finale. There would be creepy comparisons in the mv between operating stage equipment and prison executions: curtain/set ropes and nooses, heavy duty lightswitches and electric chairs, etc.
And lightening things up again -- birthday art and minigrams :3
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Birth flower: Camellias. Pink camellias symbolize love but also longing. The fact that they bloom in winter, and have a quick death (the entire flower wilts at once, instead of individual petals falling off), have inspired different meanings in different cultures -- overcoming hard times, facing death in battle, inseparable lovers, and so on
Three minigrams featuring my own annoyance that her design is a bit close to Shidou's coat/gloves look, a mandatory short joke, and a pun that works so perfectly for my Put-In-Situations guy
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spitsonyou1 · 1 month
the randomest little be more chill rant that nobody asked for- both musical and book spoilers
not anything wrong with either of these, just mad at a character and I WANT TO CRUSH HER UNDER MY HEEL I ALSO WANT TO CRUSH THAT STUPID COMPUTER PILL.
read if you want?? Idk if you wanna sooo you dont have to
⚠️TW⚠️- sensitive topics such sexual harassment, drug use, and more relating to these
alright im not explaining anything and i assume you have read or watched bmc if you are reading this
i am going to be talking about the scene/song 'Do You Wanna Hang". (a very disturbing song for me, which most definitely implied S/A)
but genuinley. people could say it's Chloe's fault-- but that is more in the book, which i will talk about in a minute. It could be Chloe's fault in the musical, but she was also drunk off her mind and did not consent either. IN THE MUSICAL, THE FAULT IS ON THE SQUIP. it kept jeremy in that situation in both pieces of media, against his will, and if it weren't for Jake finding them, that situation would be horrifying. And because of the squip controlling jeremy, jeremy would be at fault for (yk)ing Chloe while she was drunk, therefore cheating on Brooke.
and so yesterday i finished the musical. i am still thinking about this song, and i go to the song on yt to see what others think about it.
as that one person on the reddit article said, this is much more like Blue or Your Welcome from Heathers. a very disturbing song portraying a strong message when characters were not in control of themselves, leading to messed up situations.
it is nothing like Say No to This.
(dear fanfic authors who make Jeremy and Chloe friends, this situation had not been resolved. you better have made a good side plot for this <3)
AND NOW FOR MY BOOK RAnT (there are many differences between the book and the musical, i prefer some things in each over others for reasons.)
a little bit of this info may be wrong, because i read the book a month or so ago. correct me if i AM wrong.
At some point when Jeremy was first in the party, chloe of course found him since they had agreed to meet up at the party in the book. (also, brooke and jeremy were never dating book wise) chloe gave him a mystery drug, and just told him to take it. CHLOE. LOOK AT ME. WHY. he takes it, and of course the squip is turned off now.
you can see the problems with this.
in the book, this is chloes fault. she took advantage of jeremy for her own pleasure.
i dont think jeremy had consented to this in the book. (again i might be wrong)
and of course, Jake catches this in the act
we continue the book without uncovering this again, as they did in the musical
but yes that is the end of my rant.
i still dont like chloe
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sepal-sea · 1 year
I don't think zepotha is actually bad in the way ppl (on tumblr) think it is.
Ok so goncharov functions pretty much exactly like a real movie might. Chances are, if you weren't given context to the meme, you would legitimately think this obscure homoerotic mafia movie rocketed to internet fame by shipping obsessed tumblrites was real, because it's totally plausible! It's not a shallow meme either, people legitimately posted about it in the in-depth and realistic way an online fandom would post about it, even disagreeing or having bad takes about it. Goncharov is basically the acting-out of any other tumblr fandom but now with a movie that doesn't exist. Because tumblr is a text-based platform it's really easy to line out this kind of analysis and fan behavior, and to agree on an accepted canon. Goncharov is remarkably centralized, and bits of "canon" rarely go against each other, and instead add to each other. You could easily make a real movie out of the accepted canon.
Zepotha, meanwhile, shows only the most shallow understanding of it's genre or potential fanbase. It's all "you look like this girl" and "this reminds me of this scene". It doesn't feel like a legitimate fanbase. But I think that's not inaccurate to how things that are popular on tiktok function. An obscure horror movie rocketed to tiktok fame would one hundred percent have a fandom largedly composed of only the most surface-level, visual aspects of it (of course with a small group of freaks posting the most insanely detailed videos ever about it). In that way, the trick functions exactly as intended. Also, with tiktok being a video-based platform that is of course going to predispose ppl to the most visual elements of fan culture. That's not the main reason zepotha is worse though, because videos about zepotha were not actually the main form of content on tiktok. Commenting was. Even though zepotha SHOULD be more centralized, as it WAS actually organized by one person, it's not, precisely because it was based around commenting and spreading the meme. This makes it hard to find a solid line of "canon", as comments are attached to videos which are basically impossible to neatly string together and follow along with. That's why there was so much conflicting confirmation; there were a bunch of different "the girl"s in zepotha, a ton of different "the scene"s, but anything past that was unexplored. this is the reason I think that zepotha is worse, but it's also not really anyone's fault-this would have happened due to the medium no matter what. I still think it was really cool and fun how people decided to join in on this meme, and I don't think it's necessarily a bad thing that it was being used to market a song. I appreciate the purity of goncharov as a labor of love, but I also don't think zepotha being a marketing scheme automatically makes it bad. Artists need all the help they can get, and it's nice that this person managed to make a viral meme that actually helped their song, entirely based on a fake horror movie bit. I probably would have thought zepotha was really funny and cool if goncharov didn't already exist (and was way better).
TLDR: it's not zepotha's fault it's worse than goncharov, it's tiktok's fault. Also, zepotha isn't even that bad, it's just not as good as goncharov, and we're overly defensive bc we see it as a cheap knockoff
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yuri-is-online · 11 months
If the 500 followers event is still open, would be alright to ask for prompt 15 with Ortho? Platonic obviously! I just think the robot boy deserves some more love. Thanks! <3
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15. Formal balls weren't a thing in your world so you have been hiding in this strategically chosen corner to avoiding having to step on anyone's toes. Unfortunately someone really, really, REALLY, wants to dance with you and has managed to track you down AGAIN.
I was surprised to get Ortho requests this event since I haven't exactly written anything specifically dedicated to him but he is such a good character. He deserves all the love and friendship in the world, and this prompt suits him well given how he acts with Idia.
notes: they/them used for Yuu, Ortho is meant to be post Ch. 6, Yuu is sort of an introvert and a bit self depreciating, that's ok Ortho is here to give some encouragement! The other event requests can be found on my masterlist here.
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This had been a mistake.
As much as you liked looking out on the fantastic scenery in front of you, it is all extremely overwhelming. Almost like it's wasted on you, the magical scenery is simultaneously completely comprehensible and extremely unnatural. You've seen pictures of Masquerade balls, seen them used in anime, listened to songs, and thought long and hard about just what it was you would do if you ever magically got invited to one. And now that you actually have been you are faced with the grim reality that no, just because everyone is wearing a mask that doesn't mean that you will suddenly overcome your distaste for crowds or figure out how to dance.
"Yuu!" Now if only you could make a certain someone agree. "There you are! You're getting better at this hiding thing." Ortho floats to keep himself at eye level with you, cheeky toothy smile freed for the special occasion.
"Really?" You groan, maybe you can bargain your way out of this one.
"Ha ha no." Ortho laughs, moving to cut you off from your exit and repeats the same question that's been haunting you all night. "Please dance with me Prefect! It'll be a bunch of fun."
"Don't wanna." You huff in an all too familiar way to Ortho, but he is surprised to find himself at a bit of a loss. Idia is Idia, and you are Yuu, his data is lacking on what to suggest to get you to agree to his request. It's a bit exciting actually, like playing an RPG blind and still trying to get a good end with your favorite companion.
[Ortho: Persuasion] "But I really want to dance with you, Prefect." He makes sure to sag his joints just enough to invoke sympathy without seeming like he is about to throw a tantrum. It seems to sort of work, but not in the way he really wants it to. You just look like you feel horrible for disappointing him and uncomfortable.
"I'm really sorry Ortho." you try to keep your breathing steady, flustered between seriously considering his request (there's no pressure if you are just dancing with a friend, right?) and still trying to plan your out. "But I am just not good at formal stuff like this at all, we don't have big parties like this in my world anymore. And even when there were dances in my world it's not like I ever got invites to any of them." Maybe that's the real reason you don't want to go out onto the floor, not that you can't dance. Deuce certainly isn't able to do things properly no matter how hard he is trying, and Ace is not even doing that. But you still don't quite feel like you... belong here, not after how big of a deal Crowley made out of your invitation being something he was "obliged" to give. "And I don't even know how to dance! I'll just step on everyone's feet and make things awkward."
"Hm, well then that's all the more reason for you to dance with me!" Ortho is... laughing? Not in a mean spirited way, but kindly. It's a soothing tone somehow, and as he mock bows you don't feel like he is intending on making you the butt of a joke at all. "I don't have any toes for you to step on, and if anyone you are uncomfortable with tries to make you dance I can just blow them up with my lasers."
"Uh maybe don't do that?" You gingerly take his hand and let the floating boy spin you around in a dance that's more similar to two children on a playground than a proper ballroom sway, but between just how happy he is and how quickly your other friends join in you cannot bring yourself to remain embarrassed for long.
"That's right prefect," Ortho whispers when he notices you have finally calmed down, "you aren't in your world anymore. And sometimes that probably sucks but tonight? It means that you are very much invited to the ball. Awesome right?!" He means that last bit about himself as much as he does you, you suppose but that doesn't make it any less true. Tonight, you are very much exactly welcome and where everyone wants you to be.
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kisscara · 1 year
O8. a helping hand [fanboy!scaramouche x drummer!reader] ⎯⎯ heartbeat rhythm series
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"it's so sunny, i just love spring!"
hu tao giddily stretches out her arms while jumping up and down, bathing in the delightful sunshine. you use your hand as a visor to shield your eyes from the blinding brightness. "i'm just glad it stopped snowing," you sigh out. "my outfits weren't as nice with all the cold weather..."
yanfei has her clipboard tucked beneath her arm as she makes her way to you two. "get a move on! the school fes is in three weeks, we can't be wasting time." she stops right in front of hu tao, who smugly grins at her. "looks like someone's been taking after the president's temper~"
the salmon haired female pouts, "it's not funny. he's totally stressing the student council with his demands and i agree with amber on how fast he's proceeding with things." she wearily closes her eyes, uttering, "just do your job and write up a song, quickly, at that."
yanfei places a hand on her hip, quizzically looking between you and hu tao.
"where's yun jin and yoimiya?"
you scratch the back of your head and mutter, "yun jin's trying to calm madam faruzan since we agreed to performing at the school festival without her permission and yoimiya's-" all of a sudden, a yell disrupts your sentence.
"hey, guys! i got ice cream!" yoimiya playfully giggles and makes her way onto the outdoor stage to join you three. you beam, "thanks so much, 'miya!" she hands each you, hu tao and yanfei a vanilla fudge swirl ice cream in a wafer cone. yanfei's shoulders sink in a matter of disappointment.
"thank you, yoimiya, but please do your job, guys. this is so tiring... ah, i forgot to check up on kaeya! he better not be buying useless things off of our school funds again!" yanfei hurriedly walks down the stage and back into the school building, all the while eating her ice cream.
yoimiya frowns, "what's up with her and where's ayaka?" hu tao makes kitten licks at the vanilla part of the ice cream. "something about the president stressing the council with the preparation of the school fes so ayaka's probably helping out too. anyways, she wants us to write a song by the end of today's work period."
yoimiya yelps, tightening her hold on the ice cream cone, "by the end of today's work period!? that's in an hour and a half, there's no way we can make a song without yun jin!" you place your hands on both girls' shoulders.
"we'll be alright! let's just start with the simple stuff, right? what's the song going to be about?" you take a nibble out of the ice cream to avoid any irritating brain-freeze. "hrm... what about," hu tao cheekily grins, "you write a song about your feelings for scaramouche?"
a moment of silence.
"nope. the lyrics are going to be ninety percent of nonsense." you sit onto your drum throne, mumbling, "i haven't even given him the cd of our album." hu tao and yoimiya yell in unison, "YOU HAVEN'T!?" hu tao nags, "it's nearly been a week since you got a hold of it!"
you slap either side of your face to knock some sense into yourself. "you're right, but everytime i'm about to give it to him, something just comes up. maybe it's a sign from celestia that it's a bad idea." you curiously glance up at the sky and hu tao waves around her ice cream cone, yelling, "a sign from celestia my ass!"
"i don't see any work getting done!" yanfei exclaims, exiting the school with a box of what seems to be decorations. yoimiya holds up two fingers on one hand, declaring, "we got this, yanfei! this is our thinking process!" yanfei sets the box down and kazuha follows her outside.
he sends you a kind smile and you meekly smile back. "sorry we couldn't get together on better circumstances, but from what ayaka tells me, you three should be fully capable of writing a song by the end of today, hm?" kazuha's gentle tone has the means of encouraging you.
yoimiya grins, "definitely! see, yanfei? the band would do just fine if it were us three." yanfei lets out a long exhale while opening the box, "whatever you say. oh, (name)," she turns to you and you hum in acknowledgement to her call.
"why don't you go and calm down mister angry pants? maybe he'll give you guys an extra day if you ask good enough since you're probably his favourite member." yanfei's suggestion makes you flustered. you panic, "not in front of kazuha!" the said male lightly laughs at your antics and you instantly turn red.
hu tao and yoimiya exchange sly looks. hu tao gently pushes you down the stage's stairs, whispering, "well, if you're not going to do it for yourself, do it for the band, right?" you open your mouth, about to interfere but she shoves you inside of the school building as a, 'good luck!' sort of gesture.
the doors slam behind you and you back away in surprise. here we go.
you look left and right while slowly walking through the halls. where was the student council's meeting room again? you peer into a room and find scaramouche standing there, mumbling things to himself with his eyes closed. you take great care in trying not to startle him by your arrival and you stand in front of him.
his face looks so perfect. his skin is fair and clear, his lashes somewhat long and his lips, soft and unbitten.
you carefully bring up your hand to tap his shoulder. scaramouche's eyes go wide and he immediately mistakens you for kaeya, which results in him taking ahold of your arm. "kaeya, what-!?" he freezes when he realizes his hand wrapped itself around you.
the two of you awkwardly stand in silence. "i'm sorry," scaramouche says, embarrassed by his sudden outburst. he swiftly lets go of you and squints in a flustered state. you let out a lopsided grin and shake it off with a wave of your hand, "it's okay, it's my fault for arriving out of nowhere."
scaramouche looks elsewhere and leans against the desk behind him while crossing his arms. "so... what brings you here?" his attempt of playing it off the "cool" way, even though he's still fazed by the previous moments. you deeply look back at what hu tao said to you. "if you're not going to do it for yourself, do it for the band."
that's right. yun jin's been so busy; she hasn't had the time to look after the band like she usually does, being the leader and all. with her gone and scaramouche putting you in the position as the new leader since she's absent, it's your job to do what's best for the members.
"listen, i know it's impolite of me to ask but could you give us one more day?-"
"sure." without a sliver of hesitation, he allows it. you blink in surprise. you had a whole speech planned in your mind and he... let it go? "really? i mean, thank you, scaramouche, we won't disappoint!" out of excitement, you thank him with a hug and make your way back to the outdoor stage.
after giving him that sudden embrace, scaramouche's arms are out wide and he's completely gone still. these arms of his... "these arms of mine have held the (name). i'm a changed man."
yanfei catches sight of you leaving the school building. "how'd it go," she asks, putting a pause to the decorating process around the outdoor stage's arc. you huff out with a smile. "he was super relaxed about it; i didn't even have to finish my sentence and he said he'll let it happen!"
kazuha's lips fall agape in surprise. "well, that's certainly a change for the council's president. he doesn't agree to these things so easily," the platinum blonde haired male remarks. you tilt your head and utter, "that's interesting."
yanfei swore an irk mark appeared on her forehead that very moment. she forces a grin and seethes through her teeth, "oh, yes, very interesting." she rolls her eyes and continues sorting out the decorations. 'it's totally not like he likes you or anything.'
tags: @mariusvonhangme @scaramoo @mikismusings @rizakari @akagism2 @sakiimeo @ohmyfinggod @aethersluvrr @scarafrisbee @kaoyamamegami @liliumaraneae @dreamsofminnie @starfart19 @kunisbeloved @luhvashh @makiswrld @kyouzki @mimissubway @loucaroarz @theblueblub @angelunatic @shinjuuz @thenightsflower @coquettemaiden @thefandomcrow @cotton-eee @lovely028 @hrtswinter @duckyyyx @kissingkzuha @dazaisboner @adeptusx @tomotofu @yukiipc @loverhole @star583 @soobasaur @dr8amy @scaraapologist @raideneiari @rvoulte @esquevl @pyrrhicgaze @tjjjrsj @enviouspeanut @d4y-dr3am3r @aromaticism @undecidingfate @idontwantoeatspicy
taglist is now closed as i've reached the max tags in a single post. (50/50 tags occupied + officially removed users whose names aren't linked)
what happens when you, a talented and well-known drummer across the web, grow an intense crush for the student council president, who's also your number one fan? from annoying sisters to nosy bandmates, the next event that happens is always more chaotic than the last!
© kisscara
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tokiro07 · 3 months
Undead Unluck ch.212 thoughts
[Crowd Pleaser]
(Contents: criticism - pacing/cast utility, character analysis - Kururu, predictions - Kururu's character arc/Unchaste's development)
Just to get this out of the way, I completely understand why so many people are underwhelmed and even disappointed with this chapter. I definitely agree that it's not one of Tozuka's better chapters, but I don't think that this is an indication of Tozuka being disinterested in what he's writing or not knowing how to wrap up the arc
With how rushed it felt and UU's placement near the back of the magazine in the last few weeks, I think it's more likely that this was an editorial decision, that readers weren't really jiving with this plotline and were hoping for something more action-packed
Personally, I'm of the camp that feels what this arc was missing was a focus on Kururu, not a focus on action. I do personally greatly appreciate characterization for Kaede and Raita, but there was absolutely room to give Kururu more without sacrificing the two of them. In fact, this chapter, if it were split in two, could have had just enough time to do that in a way that I think most folks would have been satisfied
At it's core, two things happened in this chapter: Kaede vs. Kururu, and Raita's confession to Kaede. If this chapter had been focused entirely on the former, it would have given greater depth to the emotional stakes from their perspectives. We got a glimpse of this from page 1 with a flashback to when Kaede refused Kururu's offer to go pro with her (also I was right, the agency DIDN'T ask for Kaede, Kururu recommended her), so I think that instead of showing how the song was affecting Raita here, the bulk of this chapter could have been better served focusing on Kururu's mentality
If we got more flashbacks as to how Kururu got to this point, how she met Kaede, got scouted, felt abandoned, searched for what she was missing, culminating in how she met Soul, I think that would have gone a long way to fleshing out her character. The weight of Kururu's resolve to win her own way rather than relying on Soul or Unchaste would have been much greater if we knew the struggles that led to her holding such an ideal, and we'd be that much more invested in seeing her overcome Soul's influence and embody said ideal
From there, I think the chapter could either have ended with Kururu firing Unchaste at Raita, OR with Kaede's scattershot. Either of which would have created a solid cliffhanger, with the former building tension as to how the gang would react and resolve this crisis, and the latter raising the question of what significance this action holds. We'd know it means something, but we'd have a week to sit with it and ruminate on what it says about Kaede's character and how it would alter the outcome of the battle rather than having it explained immediately
Then of course the following chapter would be the aftermath, which would have more time to explain the events from Kaede and Raita's perspectives, followed by a few pages dedicated to their words resonating with Kururu and allowing her to reconcile what she's seeing with what she's been through. I have no doubt that Tozuka intends to do something like that next week (or at least I really hope he does...), but until I see the fruits of his plan, I definitely feel like I'm left wanting for one more scene of Kururu and Kaede talking out their differences and Kururu moving past the lie she believes
I am somewhat hesitant to lobby all of these criticisms at this chapter simply because of the possibility that it will get cleared up next week, but this is a weekly series, and the immediate response is just as important as the gestalt, at least for now, so I won't hold back just for that. My main point is that Tozuka has the chance to put all of this right, but if he just moves past it without hesitation, I will definitely be disappointed
The other major issue with this arc is how it highlights a lack of utility in its cast relative to previous arcs. The Under men getting dragged onto Kururu's team was not utilized during the performance at all, and the girls teaming up with Kaede was only tangentially touched upon when it could have been used as a way to get more insight into Kaede and Kururu's past. It isn't hard to see how Kaede giving some of her lines to Latla would mirror Kaede stepping aside to let Kururu go pro on her own, so that could have been a great opportunity to flashback to that moment or something else emblematic of their differences
Then there's Julia, who was silently given an Unchange barrier to keep Fuuko from triggering Unluck by bumping into Kaede, and she didn't even sing at all! I didn't even notice the thing about the barrier until I saw people talking about it on twitter! Splitting up the chapter would have given more opportunity to go over background details like that without needing to relegate it to an omake, and the extended cast could feel more involved rather than incidental. Aside from pointing out that Fuuko stopped fading, Julia didn't even get a line this entire chapter and exclusively made surprised faces. I know Tozuka is saving her for something bigger, but there has to be something more to do with her in the meantime!
Anyway, I really don't want to spend this entire review kvetching, I think that the fandom as a whole is kind of already doing that, so let me try to focus on some positives
As I said, the two most important things in this chapter are the competition between Kaede and Kururu and the love between Kaede and Raita, which are (understandably) portrayed simultaneously because Kururu's goal is to supplant Kaede in Raita's (and the audience's) eyes. While Kururu does in fact win the competition, Soul's plan ends up failing specifically because he has Kururu put her focus on Raita rather than the performance, something that Raita knows the woman he loves would never do
When Kaede rushes to Kururu after the show, she says "you're not acting like yourself." Kururu's behavior was not only incongruous to Raita, it was incongruous to Kaede. Just like Kururu could not trick Raita into seeing her as his lover, she can't trick Kaede into seeing her as her enemy. Ultimately, this means that the weakness of Unchaste, and by extension Kururu's weakness, is her inability to be genuine and show her true self to others. She cannot reap the rewards of being loved because she has yet to submit herself to the mortifying ordeal of being known, despite being a famous, public-facing idol
This furthers analysis from last week, that the thing Kururu is missing is the ability to make herself vulnerable and truly be seen for who she is. I would like to have gotten an understanding of what she thought she was missing before the battle ended, but I am glad that the results seem to be consistent with my interpretation thus far
Considering that Kururu is currently being kidnapped by the Union, I think it's fair to say that her character arc hasn't concluded yet and that she won't just accept that she's been recruited. Fuuko still needs to convince her that they're on the same side, and possibly free her from Soul's influence assuming that he has any left on her (and I bet he does), so we're definitely not too far past the point to be able to get that characterization, even if the Unchaste Arc has concluded (though I'm not quite sure it has just yet)
Fortunately, Fuuko is the perfect character to make a point about being genuine to Kururu. Not only is she Kaede's child, providing Kururu a way to project her insecurities and biases onto Fuuko, but Fuuko has made a deliberate point of presenting herself as she is to the rest of the Union in the past. When she went to recruit Void, she absolutely refused to present herself as anyone or anything other than herself as a way of taking responsibility for altering the natural course of their lives
Kururu, through the current Unchaste, is doing the exact opposite; where Fuuko refused to alter people's perceptions or memories, Kururu forces herself into their memories and makes them perceive her as someone precious to them. Fuuko has to earn people's attention, respect, and love by being herself, while Kururu steals those things by pretending to be someone else
The problem is that Kururu can't keep up the act. She relies on the victim's feelings to carry the load and keeps going as normal, not realizing that the inconsistencies between her presentation and the victim's expectations supersede her hypnotism. This is how someone like Andy would be able to overcome Unchaste, because unless Kururu can figure out how to perfectly replicate Fuuko's character, he'd notice the difference instantly
Lies have a way of piling up, and contradictions will eventually become too large to ignore, so honesty really is the best policy. I don't know for sure if that's the lesson that Fuuko will need to impart to Kururu next week, but I think there's a very good chance that it will play a part since they're so clearly diametrically opposed on that particular issue at the moment
This also provides two interesting avenues for how Kururu can level up Unchaste further:
She can become more irresistible by being herself and adding herself to her target's soul rather than replacing someone else within it
She can read her target's soul to understand what kind of person they love and use her talent for hiding her true self to replicate the target's love
Which way it goes will be dependent on what point Tozuka wants to make with Kururu's character, whether she's wrong to present herself as she does, or if she's wrong that she's missing something and that she should cultivate her talents rather than trying to fill a void that isn't even there to begin with
After this week's chapter, I really hope that I'm right and that Tozuka isn't done with Kururu yet, because I truly believe that this arc is still perfectly salvageable. Even if the arc is done and Kururu's character will need to be revisited during a different arc and not immediately next chapter, Tozuka has made it clear that he's capable of delaying character development and still making it compelling (i.e. the entire concept of L101, Feng's reappearance during the Language fight, etc.), so at worst, I would expect this arc to be saved retroactively
If anyone is worried that Tozuka is falling off or anything silly like that, I ask that you be patient and remember that he's rarely, if ever, let us down before. He's earned my trust several times over by now, so I at least will continue to have faith, even if things don't go the way I'd like them to
Until next time, let's enjoy life!
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My thoughts on HEARTSTEEL (even though no one asked):
I should start off by saying that my expectations going into this were very low. I know that Riot's music team never disappoints, but the leaked splash art was a bit of a let down in my opinion so I tried not to get my hopes up and I was hoping some things would be changed before the skins' release.
Regardless, I watched the music video as soon as it premiered... and I haven't been able to stop listening to it since. The song is SO GOOD!! It took me a couple of listens before I really got into it, but to say it's grown on me is an understatement. Sure, it's not better than POP/STARS (that's a given), but I can honestly say I like it better than GIANTS.
The song might be a banger, but my grievances come from pretty much everything else.
First of all, I think the casting could have been better. Baekhyun as Ezreal was great, but everyone else just felt... Off?? I got whiplash when Kayn started rapping because his voice just caught me so off-guard (though I suppose it was Rhaast rapping, so that makes more sense). Sett and K'Sante were a bit better, but I still think it was iffy casting overall. There's just such a stark contrast between their singing/rapping voices and their normal talking voices that doesn't sound quite right to me.
Second, the music video was pretty decent. As I stated before, my expectations weren't very high, so considering how low the bar was I wasn't disappointed. There were a lot of good moments in it that I really enjoyed, but overall I felt that it didn't flow as well as it could have. I thought it was very flashy, fast-paced, and chaotic. This is all subjective, but I think the video could have been better. For what it was, though, it was decent.
Lastly, I wanted to talk about the skin designs. I said before that I was disappointed when the splash art was leaked, and the same holds true now. What I liked about K/DA and True Damage is that the skins provided a new, modern spin on the characters while still holding true to who they are. The HEARTSTEEL designs were disappointing for me because it kind of feels like they tried to change too much. Some of them work, but some of them don't. Ezreal and Yone both look amazing and I'm considering picking up Yone just so I can play the skin when it comes out. I'm still on the fence about K'Sante, Sett, and Aphelios. Kayn just looks mid, which is upsetting for me because I literally started maining him just for the skin. Sett looks like a car mechanic. These skins could have been so good, and I think what they should have done instead is gone for a more edgy/punky vibe all around. There are a lot of bright colours in some of these designs, and I think that's what's throwing me off. Kayn is the literal edgelord of Runeterra, and you CANNOT convince me that he would actually dress like that. The pink hair is fine, but the brightness of the pink should be balanced out with darker clothing (PLEASE just get rid of the yellow pants, Riot, I'm begging you. The design would immediately go from a 6/10 to 9/10 if you just made the pants black instead of piss yellow). The same goes for Aphelios, who is often characterized by dark, emo aesthetics. His design doesn't look bad, but again, it could have been significantly improved by incorporating some darker elements. This is kind of a gripe that I've had with HEARTSTEEL in general. Riot went with the same pop vibes instead of innovating and coming up with something new. The band in general should have been more punk-rock oriented than what we got. I saw someone online saying that Kayn should have been a screamo rapper, and I can't agree more. Overall I don't dislike the designs, but they could have been done better.
So that's the end of my spiel. I love the song, but there are a lot of things about the band that left me wishing. I just hope that Kayn gets a black chroma or something, and I hope that when they get a comeback after 5 years or so (if Riot doesn't forget about them before then), Riot listens to fan feedback and we get something even better. I think the group has a lot of potential and I've really been enjoying the Discord chats on Twitter. If you have opinions about the group, feel free to add on to this, as these are all just my opinions.
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watermelonsugacry · 2 years
Hi, I saw that in the princess era you said that 1dbandmate!yn wrote secret songs and sold them to other artists, and since this is a fanfic I imagine her writing songs like Girl Crush from Little Big Town and selling them, If Only by Dove Cameron or writing Camila Cabello's Bad Kind of Butterflies around the time she was dating Matthew. After all that I just wanted to ask what songs would you say she wrote and sold. (Sorry if anything is incoherent, English is not my first language)
Anon: You said 1dbandmate!yn wrote secret love songs and sold them to other artists, could we know what some of those songs were?? Please 🙏🙏🙏
oooh fun ok ok so let's break down a few of them
Girl Crush by Little Big Town
written 2013, sold in 2015
this was during the time when H was dating Taylor Swift
the first time YN truly felt that she was losing him in someway (we all know that's not gonna happen)
realizing for the first time that she likes H more than just a friend/band mate
I want to taste her lips
Yeah, 'cause they taste like you
I want to drown myself
In a bottle of her perfume
I want her long blond hair
I want her magic touch
Yeah, 'cause maybe then
You'd want me just as much
Bad Kind of Butterflies by Camila Cabello
I actually was inspired by this song to write this blurb but i have an idea for another blurb along the lines of the song
written 2014, sold in 2015
wouldn't label this as a love song per say but i definitely agree that it was around the time she was dating Matthew
What do I do when I love you
And want somebody else?
What do I lose if I don't choose
And keep it to myself?
Bad, bad butterflies in my chest
There's something I gotta confess
Yes, somebody's stuck in my head
And I, and I
overall feeling a mix of confusion and guilt for staying with Matthew when she has H on her mind 24/7
Strangers By Nature by Adele
written in 2014, sold in 2020
I'll be taking flowers to the cemetery of my heart
For all of my lovers in the present and in the dark
directing the "lovers" towards Matthew as her present and her secret love for H
When no one knows what it's like to be us
Strangers by nature
her expressing that no one truly knows what it's like to be in love with someone but forced to be apart -> "us" being her and H
since they can't be together (or at least be given the chance to be together) by their management, they have to act like friends
to YN acting like strangers is better than being in love
In My Life (Wallis Bird cover version)
written and sold in 2015
still trying to figure out her feelings
But of all these friends and lovers
There is no one compares with you
In my life I love you more
trying out the words "i love you" and seeing how they taste.
Say My Name by Prince of Eden
written in 2017 & 2021, sold in 2021
You made a reason
And my hearts been beating since
And baby
Would you believe me if I said you make me crazy?
Oh, the way you say my name, I'm all over the place
She's way too embarrassed to admit to anyone, let alone herself, about the way Harry makes her feel
I like the way you say my name with the warmest embrace
I like the way it shoots me far out in the nothing of space
Oh, the way you say my name's like the sweetest of tastes
I like the way, I like the way, oh, I love the way
How many days in
With that fire blazing? Yeah
You found a way in
And my hearts been beating since
they've been together for so long (both as a couple and when they weren't) they she's in disbelief at the fact that he still makes her feel giddy and bubbly when he says her name
I Wish I Was The Moon by Ewan J Phillips
written and sold in 2018
during one of the first "off" periods of their on and off relationship
like Cherry, it's one of her 'pathetic' songs
Oh, I wish I was the moon
So that I might be with you
One more time
I wish I can disappear
'Cause I know I can't stay here
With or without you
When I'm Loving You by Yianna
written and sold in 2019
written when YN realized that she really loves H and wants to be with him for the rest of her life (still didn't want to admit it to anyone though)
There's something you gotta know
'Cause I been keeping my feelings deep inside
Ever since I saw your face
My whole world's been changing;
I've been rearranging the songs I sing, 
I used to see in shades of grey
But then color came through the second I saw you
And now here we are skin to skin
I never thought we would,
But you said that we should just take a chance
Malibu by Miley Cyrus
also written during the making of Fine Line
this song is so good with so many album references so strap in
But you brought me here and I'm happy that you did
'Cause now I'm as free as birds catching the wind
later on to become one of the many blue bird references in Harry's House
And sometimes I get so scared of what I can't understand
Hoping I just stay the same and nothing will change
And it'll be us, just for a while
Do we even exist?
That's when I make the wish
To swim away with the fish
Adore You fish reference
I never would've believed you
If three years ago you told me
I'd be here writing this song
But here I am
just her being in disbelief of being in love with him
realizing she's acting like a love sick idiot writing sappy love songs
Sometimes I feel like I'm drowning and you're there to save me
And I wanna thank you with all of my heart
It's a brand new start
A dream come true
In Malibu
Falling reference with the drowning
SINCE 2010 masterlist
All of these songs can be found here too!
@wobblymug @be-with-me-so-happily @ashtongivesmebutterflies @kiwiskiwiskiwi @darlingdesire @obsesseddd @hopefulwastelandcreation @cacapeepee @breezie-b00 @harrysfolklore @theekyliepage @sunshinemoonsposts @nervousspiderling @tbslonelyhes @tenaciousperfectionunknown @harrystylesrecs @certified-nalayak @itsjustsel @iknowyouthinkimbulletproof @gviosca @behindmygreyeyes @twobluejeans @allisonxmcu @theemeraldbutterfly @jean-love @marvellover-sam @b-reads-things @reveriehs @rach2602 @thurhomish @perrypughstyles @luvonstyles @mxltifxnd0m @teamspideyman @c00chiemonster @juiceboxrry @harringt8ns @folklorehrry @illicithallways @claramllera @eunoiaax @hoya122 @nichmedder @sleutherclaw @gloriousmoneyrascalbiscuit @harianaswhore @teawithcyb0rgs @vrittivsanghavi @vc55bughead
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doodle-pops · 5 months
Mina, did you ever write about courting? Like what does it entail? I know it's more serious than dating, but I'm having trouble defining it. Since elves court, would they still go on dates? If so, what kind of dates? The term "courting" sounds so proper. I'm a very laid-back person, the 'let's see what happens' kind, and courting just sounds rigid and structured. I'd love some help understanding it better if you have a chance to explain.
I’ve gotten for marriages and betrothal, so this is my first courtship question. Tolkien didn’t go into detail about courtship in LaCE compared to marriages, however, given his religious background and how thorough betrothal and marriages were between elves, you can find a linkage and consider courtship to be serious as well.
I would consider elven courtship to bear similarities (not all) to traditional courtship during the older era (Victorian, Edwardian, etc). Chaperones were a common thing and existed among upper-class families. However, I had never come across this existing in any text when Tolkien mentioned the elves courting, so it is safe to say that chaperones weren't a thing elves had during courtship due to their lack of desire to be naughty 😉.
The courtship between the elves was also an act that both individuals agreed to since marriage was always the end goal for each other and feelings were an essential part because they would court their soulmate (no playing around, or sorting feelings out as they go). It was rare for an elf to break things off. The only example we had was Findulias breaking off her courtship with Gwindor to be with Turin. So the act was serious and not something to play around with like some people do in modern times 😒.
Most courtships involved going on dates such as walks, lunch/dinner, to the theatre, picnics, visitations to the house, garden parties, singing songs, writing poetry, etc. It was important to note that during traditional courtship, advance notice was considered the polite form of announcing one's plans instead of randomly showing up since families would have personal time to themselves.
Gifts were also exchanged between couples to symbolise that both parties were taken/involved. Letters, poetry, songs, jewellery, and clothing were some of the gifts exchanged between couples. Furthermore, they would be gifted an item to be publicly worn, symbolising that both individuals were involved with the other; a necklace, hairpin or ring with their sigil.
Romantic gestures in the form of physical affection were also allowed. A kiss to the hand (the most respectful greeting), forehead, cheeks and lips was granted. Making out would be indecorous in public since physical affection wasn’t something the elves practiced openly, so behind closed doors should a couple wish to share a passionate kiss. Privacy would also be a thing, so entering each other's sleeping quarters with supervision or permission would be required.
That’s as much as I could propose elven courtships to contain due to Tolkien's fixation on marriage. Hope this was helpful!
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haro-hawayu · 5 months
Gundam Seed Freedom Movie
Okay, I did it, I went to watch the movie:
There were wayyy more people than I thought going to see it. Basically the entire back section was nearly fully, I think there were about 5ish seats left to pick. Also, not too many girls, there were a total of about 10 (I was the first one there so I noticed when they came in) including myself--the only other girl who came alone & not accompanying other(s) just so happened to sit next to me. She cried like 4+ times during the entire movie XD
Movie Thoughts (SPOILERS under the cut):
My initial thoughts coming out: Story was kinda meh-ish, but mecha-stuff was really cool. I think if this movie came out within the first 5 years after the end of Destiny OR if I rewatched SEED/GSD more recently, I would've enjoyed all the Easter eggs and such a great deal more.
After sitting down & re-checking stuff online (just to make sure I understood certain parts correctly), I think if I get to rewatch it again, I would've definitely enjoyed it more.
Off the top of my head likes/dislikes
Likes: the new theme songs, METEOR, Shin redemption, Athrun being cool again, flashback featuring old chars, Athrun piloting scenes, Cagalli piloting scenes, Athrun beating Kira, AsuCaga, ShinLuna, Yzak, Dearka, Miri, Hilda, Murrue, Mu, Millenium crew, the cool fights, Torii & Blue
Dislikes: Kira going through his old dilemma from all of SEED/end of GSD, the NTR stuff, the slightly over the top fanservice-y stuff, pacing at the beginning, the Black Knights
More in-depth thoughts on certain things:
Shin & ShinLuna: Shin was easily one of the characters I disliked the most in GSD, and I'm really glad that he's soooooo much more likeable in the movie. Why weren't you more like this in Destiny?!! He's also such a Kira fanboy (I just wished that Kira wasn't so... in need of a slapping 80% of the time) and it's really funny. Especially when he wanted to help Kira when him & Athrun were fighting and he got decked in the process!! He's like so dumb-cute and I really love that for him. I'm glad he had his moment to shine in the movie! I'm a little tickled seeing the ShinLuna interactions given that GSD was kinda how their VAs (Suzumura Kenichi & Sakamoto Maaya) got together and married. I wish/hope there's an interview where they have the couple talk about their roles and such, it would be so interesting. Better yet is if there's a video interview, I would totally eat that up.
Athrun & AsuCaga: Athrun in GSD was also an ache in my heart. I'm glad they made him cool again in this movie (lol except for that one scene where Shura saw THAT image in his mind, like it's so funny/crazy/wtheckkk). Man, how I wish that they threw more AsuCaga hints earlier in the movie!!! I was such a hardcore AsuCaga shipper too!! I remember feeling so burned and feeling so hopeless at the end of GSD when they parted ways. But seeing them together just soothes my soul. ALSO THE NECKLACES YO!!!! They're as good as together in my heart even though they didn't have a face-to-face interaction in the movie. Like c'mon, Cagalli is training Toyah to be her successor, and left him in charge while she flew out to space. Orb is in good hands in the future and Cagalli can totally pull a page out of Kira/Lacus' book and just elope with Athrun, maybe not frolicking on the beach at sunset with suits off haha. Upon google searching, apparently there's like a side-novel thingy that features more of them!! Please make an OVA out of this too TuT
Music: The music was great!! I listened to the new theme songs beforehand, so it felt great hearing them in the movie. I was hoping Meteor or Vestige would play during the movie, and they totally delivered when Meteor was playing! I was so so happy. Also thanks to the music, I'm back on Spotify (I left it for a good 1-1.5 months because of FF7 Rebirth OST was NOT available on Spotify).
Soap Opera Story: Someone described the movie being too soap-opera-y and I can't agree more. I think the whole NTR stuff (Orphee & Agnes, the pseudo-love triangles or messy relationship stuff) or the Freedom vs Destiny theme with a heavy dose of LOVE ME NOT HIM/HER on top (is this Macross?? why isn't Lacus singing?? XD) was just a bit too much. But then I have to remind myself that this is me 20 years later, but for them, it's only been 2 years... they're not even 20 years old yet canonically... they're still teenagers yo.
Macross jokes aside though, I kinda wish Lacus got to sing at some point. That would've been quite nice, though I did like that they added instrumentals for her songs in the movie.
Also, I went in this movie not knowing if Miri would appear, but she did and all is well.
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queen-scribbles · 7 months
for the sweet prompts: AJ/Nate or Janine/Felix + Slow Dancing!
-em :)
I've been giving AJ a lot of attention recently, so I went with Janine/Felix for this one, and posting today as a (slightly early) birthday fic for my girl. --- Janine was singing.
Felix could hear her even before he reached her flat and grinned. It sounded like she was having fun, belting out a pop song. He could pick up her elevated heartbeat, too.
Oh, yeah. She's having fun. Whatever she's doing. He fished the key to her place out of his pocket. (she'd given Bravo two; one for him and one for Nate "'cause I trust you most with my stuff.") Felix hadn't used his yet, so there was a small pulse of relief in his chest when it worked and he slipped inside.
Janine was having fun--so much she didn't immediately notice his entrance. She was cleaning; pushing a dust mop across the spaces of wood floor between her rugs and occasionally pausing to dance around with the mop.
Felix's grin widened at the sight. She was so gorgeous happy, even in legging and a ratty, too-big t-shirt, hair in a messy bun with a cloth headband holding wispys back from falling in her face. "Surely you can do better for a partner, babe."
She twitched at the realization she wasn't alone, then relaxed just as fast seeing it was him. "Easy as pie, now that you're here." She leaned the dust mop on the back of the loveseat. "I thought you were working today."
"Maybe I'm s'pposed to be," Felix grinned, waggling his brows. "Or maybe a couple meetings got cancelled and you're the best way to spend my free time."
Janine smiled. "Why'd the meetings get cancelled?"
"Didn't ask," he shrugged. "All I care is that I don't have to go. Thought I'd see if you wanted to do something..." He glanced at the cleaning supplies scattered around the kitchen and living room. "But clearly you already have plans."
"Yeah, sorry." She wrinkled her nose. "Since I'm off today and you weren't supposed to be, today is summer cleaning. And I have company coming tomorrow, so I have to finish today."
"So I'll help," Felix offered.
Janine arched a brow. "You sure, babe? I love spending time with you, but I know cleaning isn't your favorite."
"Hey, anything I get to do with you is my favorite activity by default." He grinned and tugged her close to twirl around. "One condition: we stop for any songs that are super-danceable."
"Deal," she laughed, grabbing his shoulder to stop herself. "Except how do you know all my music tastes aren't super danceable?"
"Guess we'll just have to tighten up the criteria," Felix said. "Whaddya want me doing?"
"Hmmm..." Janine slipped her phone from her pocket to pause the music. "The kitchen, I guess? That's mostly wiping down counters, and finishing the dishes I have in the sink. So you don't have to worry about pungent cleaning agent smells and we can see each other."
"Aw, babe, thanks for looking out for me," Felix said, giving her a peck of a kiss before he headed into the kitchen.
Janine laughed and restarted the song as she reached for the dust mop to get back to work.
Her playful question about her music proved valid; pretty much all of it was very danceable. It varied in tempo but maintained a good energy for cleaning. Felix made himself wait and work through three whole songs before one of his favorites came on and he couldn't help it.
He dropped the rag he was using on the counter and zipped across the floor to tug Janine away from cleaning windows to dance with him. "We can't pass this one up!"
She laughed, eyes sparkling. "You are a very bad influence, darling."
"The worst," Felix agreed cheerfully with a wink.
The two had their impromptu dance session, laughing the whole time. Janine was so graceful Felix couldn't take his eyes off her(but that was always the case when they were in the same room). He could see the influence of her years in ballet on how she moved, even just goofing off with him to a more modern song. It was captivating.
"You're studying me like there's going to be a test," Janine said, breathless teasing that startled him out of his reverie. "Everything okay?"
"Yeah. You're just so gorgeous when you're happy. And always, but you know what I mean, I like seein' you happy. Getting to relax."
"Technically supposed to be cleaning rather than relaxing," she said wryly, "but I suppose this is better than... a lot of what we do for work, regardless."
"I just..." Felix caught her hand and twirled her in close. "You've gone through a lot of shit since we met" --because we met-- "and I like getting to see you genuinely happy, too." He kissed her and she hummed appreciation, her free hand sliding to cup the side of his neck. (Fireworks, again. How was she such a good kisser?)
"Shouldn't be terribly hard to catch," she winked. "I'm always happy with you."
The last beats of the song faded out as his heart exploded a little with joy at her words. "Me, too," he whispered, and then got distracted when the next song started with a much slower tempo--jarringly slower--than the rest of the playlist. "Wow," he muttered. "Talk about a mood change."
"Risk of hitting shuffle, you never know what's next." Janine grinned and pulled him back when he started for the kitchen. "I don't think we're done yet."
"This is your idea of danceable, babe?" Felix teased even as he let her reel him in and start swaying to the soft melody.
"Can't hurt to brush up on your slow dancing, Agent Hauville," she riposted, mischief in her grey eyes as she settled her arms around his neck. "You never know when you might need it for infiltration or what have you."
Felix bit back a grin and looked down at their feet. "And if I point out I ddon't really know how to do the fancy formal slow kind of dancing, Agent Elder?"
Janine smiled. "I do. And it's Agent Elder the younger, if we're being formal."
He laughed, finally settling his hands on her hips as they continued swaying to the song. "I think we need to get your mom a promotion. You two having the same title is weird."
"I don't disagree," she said with a giggle, leaning her forehead briefly against his shoulder. "Though I think we'll need a better reason to convince her superiors."
Felix snorted. "True. But let's get back to how not-surprised I am you know this kind of dancing, too."
"You do know me well," she said. "Honestly, Felix, a lot of slow dancing you can fake it just by holding your partner close and swaying in time to the music, like we're doing now. Small shuffle-y steps. It's only with something more specific like a waltz you need to know certain steps if you don't want to stand out."
You'd stand out in any crowd. "So I'm following your lead, then?" he joked.
"Only until you know the steps. Then I'll happily follow yours." Janine leaned in to kiss him. "Wherever you want to go."
"No pressure or anything," he murmured against her lips. You're much better at leading.
She slid her hand forward, thumb brushing arcs over his cheek. "I trust you, Felix."
"Glad to hear that." Felix swallowed. Doesn't really help with the no pressure thing. "I trust you, too."
Janine smiled at that, and this time when she leaned in to kiss him he met her halfway. His hands tightened on her waist, her arms slid around his neck, as fireworks flashed across their vision. (or at least across his.) The parted and rested their foreheads against each other, still swaying slightly as the song faded out.
"I guess we should get back to cleaning," Janine murmured in the brief silence before another, more upbeat, song started off.
"Guess we should." Felix couldn't resist stealing another quick kiss before they disentangled themselves to get back to work. He grinned, catching her smiling to herself as she resumed cleaning windows, and picked up where he'd left off. Maybe slow songs weren't so bad.
Nothing was, that made her smile like that.
And then she started singing along with the current song and Felix couldn't help but join in.
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fairyquill · 8 months
as a sapphic lover of musicals, i enjoyed mean girls a lot! it was a fun time. c:
as someone who knows the original musical by heart and is passionate about adaptations, i do have a lot of thoughts!
they definitely gave the songs a pop remix makeover in attempt to appeal to a mainstream audience... some of them i liked, some of them not so much. i prefer the broadway soundtrack, maybe out of familiarity, but i could see why someone else might prefer the movie's interpretation. this is the musical in a brand new form so i like that they tried something different. it makes total sense that certain things got changed around or cut. (not that i agree with every choice that was made, but i digress.)
i think cady's role and songs suffered the most from these changes. her lines were sung very softly and prettily... but her songs weren't particularly memorable. regina stole the whole show away from her. i knew she would going in, but still.
regina's songs were excellent, as expected! i love a good villain song and enjoyed myself thoroughly through every single one. sexy was also solid! random note, but i'm also so glad they nixed the 'i never weigh more than 115' line in regina's intro / the fat-shaming jokes.
making cady meek and soft-spoken was a choice. it was interesting to see a brand new take on her character and she did come across like a relatable teenage kid. the actress did great with what she was given. (her emotional moments towards the end of the film tugged at my heartstrings, too.) however, i think seeing her like that made it clearer than ever that cady needs more spunk if she's going to hold a candle to regina george.
it really showed in apex predator when they gave cady's 'and though janis is great she does not have this power, people literally cower, janis can't do that' line to damian instead. that whole song is supposed to be cady strategizing how she's going to survive high school based on what she knows about animals and how they interact. apex predator fell flat for me because the movie musical's cady seemed more like an innocent observer amidst all the chaos in the hall. meanwhile, the musical cady is full of boundless enthusiasm and takes a more active role in pursuing the plastics for her own gain.
also, changing direction here... but there was waaaay too much of the actors looking directly at the camera. like. stop that! (maybe it was a stylistic choice bc the film started out being filmed on a phone? idk but i was not a fan of that haha.) i did like how the movie started and ended in the garage and how that was handled tho.
i understand why they cut a lot of songs from the second act, especially those that don't really contribute to moving the story forward, but i think they should have at least kept more is better or do this thing. (i get why they cut more is better if they didn't want aaron singing... but that song ties everything together with i see stars at the end / gives us a little time to check in with cady after her plastic transformation.) the end of the movie dragged for me-- it was mostly the new actors reenacting scenes from the original movie. when they were talking through scenes i knew the musical had specific songs for it was a bit frustrating to watch. those songs could have moved the story from one scene to the next in a new way-- this is supposed to be a musical after all!
anyway-- regardless of these thoughts i still had a good time watching mean girls! there were a lot of things to love about this adaptation. the costumes, the representation, the cameos and some of the tweaks they made to the story. regina george. saying outright that janis is gay and seeing her go to prom w a girl! the new lore, the new jokes. (the comedy of regina getting hit by the bus in the bg as janis finishes singing i'd rather be me.) regina george. seeing a new movie musical in theaters is always a treat and i had a lot of fun watching this one!
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[Free Wolf, She-Wolf] Chapter 3
Chapters post
Chapter 2: Wish upon a falling star
[Chapter 3] Sweet Reasons, 'Stupid' Reasons
After they broke for air, Sora stopped panting for breath first, but the universe had become too perfect for words or thoughts, so she just lay still in Texas' arms and existed.
Texas smugly observed that Sora's illusion had broken, and her true cautus ears waved around, but she didn't say anything to ruin the moment.
Finally, Sora spoke up. "I've waited six years for that."
"I hope it was worth it."
"Are you sure I have to share you?" but Sora's tone was light and jesting.
"Please don't make me choose," but there was no real worry in Texas' voice.
"Sorry, sorry," but there was peaceful confidence in Sora's voice.
But her confidence went only so deep, and a long-denied craving rose up again. "Tell me why you want me."
"You're cute. You're beautiful. You smell good. You sing better. I've always liked your songs, even when they weren't my taste. You are the only person in this company who has a sensible idea of 'fun'. You're genuinely nice and kind to everyone, even when you don't have to be, and not just to maintain your public image. You try to be as authentic as you can, and not lead your fans on. You are the kindest, brightest, bravest person I know."
"I'm not brave. I was so, so scared."
"That's why you were brave. I don't know if I've ever had to be that brave in my life. I wasn't afraid to die."
Sora twisted around, sat up, and sandwiched Texas' face between her hands. "You are not allowed to die."
Texas laid her hands over hers. "Not anymore," she agreed.
"Promise me."
"I promise. I have something to live for, now. I have a promise to keep."
Texas smiled, so softly, so fondly, it took Sora's breath away. "That's another reason why I love you."
Those last three words sent a shiver down Sora's spine, but after so much affirmation she decided to sate her curiousity. "What?"
"You love me even when I have trouble caring about myself. You, Sora, are my biggest fan."
Sora leaned in, face to face, and whispered "Always."
They kissed no less deeply than before, but now they took their time to really savour it, and slowly transitioned into hugging.
By now, Sora had realized her illusory disguise had broken, but she couldn't bring herself to care. No one else was around to see.
Though soon, someone else might need to see.
"It's not that I can't understand 'why Bison?', even though he can't hold a candle to you. But can you tell me 'why him?', in your own words?"
"You're smart enough to know the smart reasons; I shouldn't need to sell you on those. So can I share the 'stupid' reasons?"
"Uuu~, do tell!"
"I can never get it out of my head how he rode a bicycle fast enough to catch up with me on a motorcycle, and he wasn't completely winded afterwards. Dios mio, when I imagine that between my legs..."
"Uuu~!" Sora agreed, squirming at the thought. "I think you're stronger, though."
"Briefly, yes, I'm much stronger and faster than him. But I can't keep it up nearly as long as he can. And if you're with me, he's going to need that stamina."
"Hmmm," Sora agreed.
"Also, he's cute. For now, he's a pretty boy, and fresh meat. He's still unsure, and he'll be fun to bully while it lasts. But he’s already dependable, and I think he'll become even more dependable as he grows more confident. And taller; maybe as tall as his father."
"Hmmm! Mountain-climbing Mountain Dash."
"Oh... Yes."
"Wait, wait, wait." Sora sat up, frowning. "What about Croissant? Wait, what about Croissant? Why hasn't she made a move?"
"I talked to her first," Texas admitted. "It didn't have to be Bison, but Bison's the best option I know, especially given our opportunity. So I wanted to confirm he was still on the market before I came to ask what you thought about him. I didn't want to give you hope without a plan; without someone you could agree to."
"She gave up already?"
"Turns out that he's not what she's looking for."
"But they're both forte from Minos?"
"That's what I said, but Croissant thinks that marrying into that much money isn't her style."
"Really? I wouldn't have guessed."
"She doesn't want to deal with Rich People Pageantry."
"Oh, that does make sense. It sucks."
"It really does. But God help me, I want my children to lack for nothing, while I don't have to spend any time working that I could spend time raising them. That's worth putting up with any number of pretentious assholes."
"Speaking of which, don't we actually have a lot of competition? Aren't we counting fowlbeasts before they hatch?"
"We have to move fast, but I think Bison has good enough taste to ignore most of our rivals, he already knows us, and he's going to be working with us to establish a new trade route between Lungmen and Nuova Volsinii."
"I don't know about taste. I think he had a crush on Mostima."
"He can't be perfect, and Mostima is still leagues ahead of any pampered princess. Also, don't let Exusiai hear that."
"Exusiai can bite me; you're mine now."
Texas wasn't in the mood to repeat that Exusiai was not and never had been a threat to Sora. "I can bite you. Say it again."
"Bite me?"
"I'd love to, but the other thing."
"...You're mine."
"You're mine, forever."
Chapter 4: Giving Honor, Giving Away
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Won't sugar coat anything since you don't like back handed things I'll say i agree with anon. some of the relies that you gave to these chart related things shows that you are not that much around the charts of these songs so you don't know much. Just like anon said Geffen is their company who restocks Albums for all the members so they shouldn't be picky about who's CDs they restock and who's don't. All memebrs should be given same level of support atleast act based on the demand? Cause i remember them not restocking LC from 7months till now and just yesterday Along with v, yg (idk if other members' CD were released or not) that too just 235 without any notice and that too got sold out within 5min. They have been restocking seven's CDs for so many times since it's released even tho the previous CDs were not sold out in the first place so how you gonna restock CDs of a song who's previous CDs are right there without moving sells but the fans are tagging and almost beginning you to restock LC but you didn't move your finger at all?? How does that makes sense to U? Then you say it makes sense this and that like if the demand is there why you as a company won't fullfil it???
What doesn't make sense is the idea that Geffen is showing preferential treatment. If they are, it's from a business perspective. I don't even know the point of this post. I mean, not restocking albums impacts charting, right? I didn't consider that, because, like you said, I don't know much about charts and don't keep up with stuff like this when it comes to BTS. I occasionally see these types of posts but not often.
However, you don't have to restock an album only when it sells out. If you have a huge hit, or a song with huge potential, like Seven, you restock it so it never sells out and you keep making a profit.
Obviously, there is demand for Layover and Face so I don't know why the CDs weren't restocked. Are the suppliers the same? I don't know about these things, but if the company chose to only restock Seven because they had to prioritize it, then it also makes sense because Seven was literally one of the biggest songs of the year. But they should be able to restock all their biggest artists. I don't know. But the thing is, there are also things you don't know, on Geffen's side?
Like, yeah, Jungkook is being promoted a lot more and on a bigger scale, and from the remixes to discounted albums, etc. they're going all out on every level to support him. But SB and Bang PD are using him as a pilot for their US expansion so there's that. However, all of this is business? Businesses can be terribly incompetent and Hybe for sure is sometimes but these people know how to make money so it's weird that everyone's making it seem like the members aren't being given a chance to best Jungkook because Jungkook is getting preferential treatment. If they thought Jimin could do better than JK, they would've promoted him more, but I doubt Jimin wanted to do everything Jungkook has been doing or releasing an English pop album, and without that...
Okay, I'm done with these posts because I keep saying the same things over and over again and don't even understand what I'm defending anymore. I'm also unsure of my own opinion. I don't even know what's right or wrong right now.
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