#i already have two sets of these but come on
daydreaming-nerd · 3 days
I’ll Crawl Home To Her (Azriel x Reader) 
AN: This was supposed to be based off But Daddy I Love Him but it morphed into something else but I'm kinda happy about it.
Summary: The story of how the princess of Velaris and the shadowsinger came to be.
Warnings: blood, injury, dickhead dads, bit of smut but it's not too descriptive (It's for the plot), angst, fluffy ending.
Word count: 8053
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As a princess I was told that “hate” is a very strong word. Consequently, there weren’t a lot of things that I hated. For example, I greatly disliked when my tea came with too much milk, and I absolutely despised corsets. But if there was one thing I hated, and I mean truly hated, it was my father. 
If it wasn’t for the way he treated my mother and older brother then it would be the way he treated me. How he kept me from my beloved, my brother's best friend, the shadowsinger, my Azriel.  
Azriel had been mine long before my father ever knew about it. When I grew to be 207 my mother finally convinced my father to let me go to Windhaven with her to visit Rhys. I hadn’t seen my brother in years, as he had begun training with the Illyrians. 
He wrote me letters of course, detailing friends and enemies he made along the way. Two of which stood out to me, Cassian and Azriel. However these letters never made up for him in the flesh, which is why during my first trip to Windhaven I had never been so excited. To this day I still remember it…
The winter wind stung my cheeks as snow clung to the furs of my cloak. It was as if no matter how many layers I wore the wind found its way to barrel through and nip at my skin. 
I found myself walking along the edge of the camp, where the light of the fires couldn't reach me and only the moon gave me the ability to see. When my mother and I arrived at the little cabin Rhys was not there, after speaking to Devlon we found he was on assignment and would be home soon. 
After a few hours in the cabin I began to feel claustrophobic, so I took a walk around the heavily wooded area. There was something magic about the first snow of the season. The way the snow covered the ground and crunched under my boots. White capped trees that looked like they were frosted by the gods, and the still silence that came from the insulation the blanket of white provided.  
“It’s a little cold out don’t you-” a voice crooned behind me and stopped abruptly as I turned to face him. 
Standing frozen just a few feet from me was an Illyrian male with his mouth agape at the sight of me. He was large, his wings the biggest I had ever seen. Inky black hair framed his carved face as his hazel eyes frozen in shock as if he had just seen a ghost. 
“Forgive me,” he said, shaking his head a bit, as if to clear the fog from his mind. “It’s just that I don’t see many beautiful things up here, you startled me.” 
My cheeks flush and I pray he thinks it's from the cold and not the butterflies in my stomach. 
“I find that hard to believe when this is your view,” I smile, gesturing to the snow valley below us. “There’s nothing more beautiful than the first snowfall of the year.”
Footsteps crunch behind me as he comes up on my right, “Perhaps, but it pales in comparison to you,” he smirks and this time I know he can tell he’s the reason my cheeks are pink. “Might I have the honor of knowing your name?” 
I turn to meet his gaze once more but before I can answer back I hear a shout coming from far away. 
“Y/N!” my brother shouts charging towards me. 
“Rhys!” I call back running into his embrace. 
He lets out a groan as I leap into his arms, a pile of furs and wool as I pull him into me. The scent of sea salt and citrus filling my nose, the warmth of him seeping through my clothes. 
“Ahh little sister I’ve missed you,” Rhys says, setting me down to get a good look at me. 
“Little sister?” called the male behind me, his snow crunching footsteps coming towards Rhysand and I’s side. 
“It seems you’ve already met her, this is my little sister,  y/n.”Rhys beams, placing a hand on my shoulder. “Y/n this is my very good friend, Azriel.” 
“Azriel,” I blink, holding out my hand for the shadowsinger to shake. How had I not realized? Rhysand’s letters spoke of his shadowsinger friend, now that I looked at him, and I mean really looked at him, I could see the dark matter swirling around him. 
“Princess,” he says, bowing his head and pressing a kiss to my hand. “It is an honor to meet you. You’ll have to forgive my previous informality, I didn’t know who you were.” 
Rhysand let out a hearty laugh behind me, “Azriel my friend there is no need for such formalities, in fact my sister detests them.” he smiles. 
“It’s true, you can just call me y/n, I’m sure that we’ll be seeing a lot more of each other in the years to come.” I smile hoping I was speaking the truth into existence. 
“Come, mother has made dinner for all of us and you have yet to meet Cassian,” Rhys said enthusiastically, throwing an arm over my shoulder. 
From that day forward I found myself spending more and more time at Windhaven, in hopes of seeing Azriel. Sometimes I would see him for only a minute or so, other times he would be able to stay and have dinner with my mother, myself and of course Rhys and Cass. 
Those were always my favorite nights when he and I would share stolen glances across the table. Sometimes we might brush hands reaching for the carafe of wine, other times I would feel his boot brush my ankle under the table. Both of us danced around the other like flickering flames. 
It wasn’t until a few years later when all three of them conquered the blood rite that Azriel and I were finally able to admit our feelings for one another…
We stood behind one of the many rows of cabins, the sound of laughing warriors celebrating their victories or mourning their losses ran through the camp. Before he even spoke I knew why he asked me to meet him back here, I could feel the tension between us both. 
“I’m tired of acting like I don’t care about you. I’m tired of saying “nothing” whenever Rhys and Cassian ask me what’s on my mind. I’m tired of trying to hide that everytime I come back to camp that I’m looking for you and hoping I can see you for just one second. I’m tired of pretending I don’t love you,” Azriel confesses, caging me against the back wall of a cabin. 
“Azriel I-” I begin but he cuts me off.
“When we were on the mountain, there was a moment where there was a dagger to my throat and I thought I was going to die. I thought I would leave this world without telling you how much I loved you. If it wasn’t for Cassian that would’ve been the case. I won’t make the same mistakes twice,” he finished. 
“Azriel, I love you too,” I shuddered a sigh, aware of how close he was to me. 
The second the words left my mouth he was on me, large hands encircling my waist as I felt every inch of his body pressed against mine. His breath was hot on my face, contrasting the bitter cold of the night air.  
“Can I kiss you?” he breathed,  lips mere inches from mine. 
“Please,” I begged, but once again the word hung in the air for mere seconds before his mouth was on mine. 
Every part of it felt so right. His hands on my waist, my fingers in his hair, his lips on mine claiming me in a way that made my head spin. My arms pulled him as close as possible, needing to feel him, smell that scent of rain, leather and whatever intoxicating cologne he was wearing.  I was so drunk on him that I was shaken when I heard a hearty laugh ring out through the camp. 
I pulled back immediately realizing what was happening, “Oh my gods, we can’t do this here, my brother he-” 
“Shhh, shhh,” he cooed, brushing a stray hair behind my ear. “I talked to Rhys about it, I have his blessing to court you. He took it rather well, he actually seemed excited.” Azriel laughed, pressing a kiss to my forehead as he held me closer, his body blocking the wind from seeping into my clothes. 
“Oh Azriel,” I smile, kissing him hard as I feel him lifting me into the air, my head spinning just as fast as he spun me. 
We spent the rest of that night lying on a blanket in a field away from the world. The sound of distant celebrations making us laugh every now and then. At some point I could’ve sworn I heard Cassian singing a tale of an old drunk warrior.
I had tried to tell Azriel that he should join his brothers in their celebration but he insisted that he would much rather spend his few moments of peace with me. It was one of the best nights of my life. 
Our relationship was kept secret from everyone but Rhys and Cassian. Even my mother, who always accompanied me to Windhaven, was kept in the dark. No one with close ties to my father could know. That being said, it was hard for Azriel and I to find quiet moments together. 
Most of the time we met in the woods behind camp. Azriel would go away and bring me little trinkets, pretty rocks and feathers he found while in the mountains. In the spring he always came with a freshly picked bouquet of wildflowers. We always ended up making out and getting carried away, on more than one occasion I tried to take things further but he never let me. 
“I won’t have the first time I bed you in the woods. You’re a princess, you deserve a soft bed to be worshiped on.” 
Was what he always said to me. While I appreciated the sentiment, I couldn’t help but wish for more. 
It wasn’t until a few months later that I finally saw an opening. Father and mother were going to be at a meeting in the Winter Court, leaving Velaris in the care of Rhys. More importantly the cabin at Windhaven would be empty. That night was truly the best night of my life.
My back hits the warm sheets below me as Azriel looks at my bare body with hungry eyes. I had never been with a male before, my father and mother dead set on having me intact for whatever husband they shackled me to. But Azriel would be my husband, even if he wasn’t noble or the son of a High Lord he was mine, and I was his. I didn’t care how many rules I had to break to have him. 
“My beautiful, beautiful princess,” he murmurs, pressing kisses to my neck. 
His hands wander the expanse of my bare skin, both warming and leaving goosebumps wherever they trail. I arch my back into him, needing more, needing the very essence of him branded into me. 
“Azriel I need more,” I breathe tugging on the ends of his hair. 
He had already stripped me bare and kissed every square inch of me before falling to his knees and feasting on me like I was his last meal. I had read about such sinful touches before, dreamt about experiencing those sensations with him at night. None of it compared to the real thing. 
“Are you sure about this?” He asks me once more, brushing the hair from my face. 
“I’m sure, I want it to be you,” I nod running my hands through his hair again. 
The wild twinkle in his eyes was enough to make my toes curl as he smiled at me, “I promise to be gentle, to make you feel good,” he whispers, pressing a kiss to my lips. 
“I trust you Az,” I nod and his lips kick up again at his nickname. 
I feel him nudge and my entrance and my breath hitches as he inches himself inside. The stretch was painful, but the sting faded as he peppered kisses all over my face, whispering sweet nothings to me.
“Shh you’re doing so well princess…”
“You’re so beautiful…” 
“Can you feel me? Can you feel us?” 
“I love you…” 
I must’ve seen stars a million times that night. His gentle nature only made me fall deeper in love with him. It wasn’t the brutal fucking I had heard about in taverns and from drunk men at balls. He had taken his time, and been even more gentle than he had promised me. 
We made love a dozen times that night. Kissed and touched and worshiped until I fell asleep, bathed and warm in his arms.
The next morning was hard to face. Knowing we had to leave the cabin and act as if we didn’t spend the entire night exchanging souls, and tangled in eachothers arms. 
Az especially was on edge, so much so that when a younger male offered to tie my boot for me Azriel marched over and pushed him into the mud before pulling my foot onto his bent knee and tying it himself. 
Of course I yelled at him for being an Illyrian baby while Rhys and Cassian laughed and poked fun at their friend. Azriel just huffed and shot a warning glance at the poor male who had tried to tie my boot. 
From there on out we spent every possible moment together. I would tell my father that I was visiting friends in other courts just so I could see Azriel, which wasn’t often. As the war between humans and fae grew more iminanent I saw less and less of the shadowsinger. Our meetings became more fervent, and well…passionate. We became careless and it’s what ended up tearing him away from me for good.  
My back was pressed against the cabin wall, my hands pinned by my head as Azriel’s lips consumed mine. We had no longer than an hour together before he would be set back to scout for Hybern’s troops, but we intended to make the most of it. 
“I missed you,” he breathed into my neck. 
“I missed you too, two weeks is too long,” I murmured, breathing in his scent. He always left me one of his many shirts to sleep in but it never did compare to the real thing. 
“I don’t have much time, they’re sending me to the border to scout for Hybern’s troops,” he says in between kisses. 
Scarred hands drift over my waist and graze my bum as I feel him collecting fist fulls of my skirt. Before my dress can be pushed up much further than my knees the door to the cabin barges open, startling both of us. Azriel  placed his hand on one of the daggers strapped to his side, but not even he could defend me from who stepped through the threshold. 
“What the hells is going on here?” My father’s voice boomed from the doorway, the cold air from outside seeping into the place that was once our own. 
I peek out from behind Azriel’s shoulder to find not only my father but Lord Devlon standing before us. My fathers eyes locked on mine, and white hot fear seared my nerves. 
“What are you doing with my daughter?!” My father roared, his power slamming Azriel aside. 
“Father no!” I scream, clinging to his arm to interrupt his antics. 
Devlon screamed for backup to come as Azriel’s feet hit the floor again. The commotion outside beginning to stir. 
“My lord, I-” Azriel starts to explain but my father cuts him off. 
“You will not speak unless spoken to, you bastard born brute!” my father screams as Devlon’s men come to detain the Shadowsinger. 
“Father stop it! He didn’t take advantage of me, we’ve been seeing each other.” I plead with my father as tears start to well up in my eyes. 
“What?!” he scoffed, looking at me like I was a common whore. “You are promised to one of the sons of Spring and yet you soil yourself with filth of his kind?” 
“He’s not filth. He’s Rhys’ friend, and he’s good, brave and kind.” I beseech him as I hear Azriel struggle against the men who have him bound.
My father takes a deep breath and turns his gaze from me. The sound of his boots crossing the wooden floors to stand before Azriel are the loudest most impending sound I had ever heard. He stands before my shadowsinger before raising his hand and letting his fist collide with that beautiful face I had spent so long kissing. 
My gasp reverberates through the room but Azriel doesn’t make a sound, as if he’s challenging my father, or proving his worth. 
“What should we do with him?” my father asks, not taking his eyes off Az. 
“The boy has completed the rite, we can send him to one of the battalions on the border. Perhaps the trash will take itself out,” Devlon laughs. I had known that the Lord had a chip on his shoulder for my brother and his friends. But sending him to the slaughter? 
“Father please I love him!” I cry falling to my knees before my father, grasping his hand. I would never beg my father for anything, never fall to my knees for anyone. But for this I would… for Azriel, I would die on my knees. 
Despite my pleading my fathers gaze never falters from where it is fixed on Azriel. As if he’s trying to decide if he should slit his throat now or let him die on a battlefield. Azriel’s face remains steadfast and strong, showing no signs of weakness, like he will accept whatever punishment befalls him with the grace of a warrior.
“Send him,” he says resolutely before turning away. 
“NO PLEASE!” I beseech as my father hauls me to my feets again, but my knees are giving out under me. 
“It is done,” his gruff voice says in my ear as I watch them haul Azriel to his feet. “One day you’ll thank me.” 
I watch as they pull Azriel toward the door. Dragging him unnecessarily letting his wings drape across the ground. It was all happening so fast and could be the last time I ever saw his face.
“Let me say goodbye! Please let me say goodbye!” I shouted thrashing in my fathers grasp. Needing to touch Az one last time, needing one more moment with him. 
Azriel’s eyes were frantic as he heard my screams, as he watched my father use his strength to detain me.  
“Listen! Listen!” he called trying to get me to stop my frantic blubbering, the guards pulling him out the door. “You have to be strong princess. I love you , and I will find you again, if not in this life than in the next!” he shouts as he is hauled past the threshold of the cabin. 
“Azriel!” I scream, my voice cracking under the weight of my tears. 
“I love you!” he shouts again from the outside of the cabin. 
“I love you!” I call back to him, not knowing if I’ll ever get another chance to say it. 
That was six months ago...
Since then the war had gotten more and more bloody, and unavoidable. As far as I knew Azriel was still alive. I hadn’t seen him since the night he was ripped from my arms, a night I often had nightmares about. I sent him letters whenever possible and every so often I would get one back. 
I could tell he had tried to send more, as every date on the ones that did make it through were skewed. The most recent one, dated two months ago, burned a hole in the pocket of my dress. The folds were so worn from reading  that I feared they may fall apart the next time I opened it. 
My love, 
I am alive and well, though my battalion has suffered great losses. More and more Illyrians are sent to the frontlines every day to take the place of the dead. There are times I wonder if a wide eyed recruit will ever take my place…
At night I lie in bed and dream of you lying next to me, your warmth. Or the way your hair looks sprawled in swirling over the green grass when you’re under me. The sound of your voice calling my attention. The softness of your hands. The night you came undone for me in the cabin.
 My only consolation is that when I look up at the night sky. I know you are looking at those same stars. And if what I’m doing is keeping you safe. Keeping you fed and swathed in those blue silks that drive me crazy. Then I will sleep in this tent and fight alongside my peers happily. My love is safe and warm because of me. 
I love you, and I will return to you. 
Yours eternally, 
I fold the tattered parchment with gloved hands and tuck it securely into the pocket of my dress. The shouts of men and the clash of swords outside my tent drown out the peace I had struggled to preserve. 
Hybern’s army had marched on Velaris and while the border hadn’t been breached, my father decided it was unsafe to leave my mother and I there. My mother was sent to a camp with my father where he would watch over her, I was sent to Rhys’ camp.
 The flap of the tent is thrown open, my brother charges in wearing his leathers, his hair disheveled and a letter in hand. 
“What is it?” I stand upon seeing the worry gracing his face.    
Armies had been marching upon another camp a few miles away. If they had breached the encampment that would mean they were coming for us next. We would have just minutes to evacuate and find a safe place. 
“The men were able to hold the front lines,” he says, setting down his swords with a sigh that told me that there was still news to be revealed. 
“Then what is it?” I asked quietly, unsure of whether or not I wanted to know the truth he had to say. 
Violet eyes met my own, in them, a sorrow and worry I had not yet seen from my brother, “It’s Azriel.” he said. 
My heart stopped and my world quieted as I perched myself on a nearby chair, not trusting my legs to keep me upright. Not when my heart lay in the balance, the very reason I was alive.
“He was injured, severely. He may be dying y/n.” he said sadly, coming to stand before me. 
May be dying. Which meant he was alive, which meant there was still a chance. 
My head snaps up to him, a new fire in my gaze that no one had seen in six months. 
“Take me to him,” I ordered my brother as I stood to collect my cloak. 
“You’re asking me to take you, my sister, to the front lines. I won’t do it.” Rhys shakes his head. 
“I am going with or without you Rhys,” I say firmly, wrapping my cloak around my shoulders. 
He sighs and runs a hand through his hair before picking his swords up again and strapping them to his sides. With my hood over my head and my brother's hand at my back we made our way out into the night. Once we reached the wards at the edge of the camp we winnowed to the encampment near the frontlines.  
Immediately as we walked through the rows of tents and campfires I could tell that these males had seen hell. All of them looked significantly worse than the males at the camp we had just come from. Most of them were caked in mud and blood, some were drunk on whatever filled their cups. All of them were loud and rowdy and most likely celebrating their last nights in this life.  
Rhys led me through the camp, until we arrived at a lonely tent in the center. It was large and from the outside I could practically smell Azriel. I bolted for the entrance and threw open the flaps, my heart racing, unsure if I would find him alive or dead. 
But there he was, breathing. Leaning against the back of his bed with a large bandage over his left thigh. He was awake and refreshingly himself, as if nothing was truly wrong and most importantly he was alive. 
I run to him throwing my arms around his neck, “Oh Azriel,” I coo breathing him in. 
“Y/n?” he says, his mind clearly still foggy. 
I pull back to cup his face, whoever had healed him has cleaned him up, the small cut above his eyebrow already starting to heal, “Az,” I breathe. 
His hand comes to cup my face, “How are you here? This can’t be real,” his eyes search my face as if to try and wake up from a dream. 
I place a kiss on his lips, “I’m real, I’m here,” I assure him as tears spill from my eyes. “They told me you were dying.” 
“I am well, it was a deep cut but the healers say I’ll be okay,” he assures me as his eyes continue to take me in. 
I let my eyes do the same, taking in every cut and bruise on him, even the patched holes in his wings no doubt from arrows piercing the beautiful, leathery flesh. 
“Faebane?” Rhys’ voice croons from the entrance of the tent as he watches us, it seemed that his nerves were also settled upon seeing Azriel well. 
“Yep,” Azriel said nonchalantly, but his eyes told the truth of how happy he was to see my brother, or maybe how relieved. 
“Hurts like a bitch doesn’t it?” Rhys chuckles stepping into the tent and closing the flap. 
My eyes widened at his causal tone, “How can you both be so docile about this? He could’ve died.” I exclaim, looking Azriel over once more in case I missed any lingering wounds. 
Azriel's chest rumbles with a chuckle, “Shhh my love. Everything will be alright.” he says, pressing a kiss to my forehead. “But what are you doing here? It isn’t safe.”
“The border of Velaris is almost breached,” Rhys started from behind me. “We couldn’t leave her and my mother there, it wasn’t safe.” 
“Mother is with father and I’m with Rhys. We found out you were injured and just a camp away and I asked him to take me to you.” I continue Rhys’ explanation. 
Azriel cuts Rhys a somewhat harsh look as if to say ‘why the hell would you take her somewhere so dangerous?’
“You needed to see each other,” Rhys explains further. “If anything were to happen to you and I didn’t let you two say goodbye, I would never forgive myself.”
Azriel’s shoulders softened in understanding before turning to me once more, “You have to go princess,” he said, eyes full of sorrow.
My breath hitches as I stumble back a little from where I sit next to him, “What? No, I won’t leave you,” I say resolutely.
He cups the side of my face, “Please it’s not safe here,” he eyes pleading as his voice falters. 
I go to argue but Rhys speaks up behind me, “He’s right y/n, It’s the most vulnerable camp we have.” my brother says, his words solemn. 
“I don’t care!” I exclaim turning back to brush Azriel’s hair from his face. “I’m not leaving him Rhys, we will be okay.”
Azriel’s eyes flare, “Look at me!” he shouts gesturing to his leg. “I can’t protect you here,” his voice is laced with frustration, not at my unwillingness to leave, but his inability to do the one thing he swore to always do, protect me. 
“Then I’ll die here with you!” I proclaim, fiercely. “If you cannot protect me, then you cannot protect yourself. Please Azriel, please don’t make me leave.” I cry lying down on his chest, gripping the leathers there, as if it might keep my brother from ripping me away.
“I can’t,” I sob as my words get caught in my throat. “I can’t lose you again I-” 
“Shhh,” Azriel coos, his hand stroking my hair as he pulls me into his chest. “You’ll stay here in my arms.” he assures me and I’m finally able to relax into his touch.  
“Y/n, I can’t stay here. I need to go back to my own troops and prepare them for tomorrow,” my brother said softly, not trying to persuade me to return, but to inform me of the increasing danger.
“I understand,” I say standing to say goodbye.
“I’ll come back for you tomorrow morning, before the troops march,” he said, his words tinged with sorrow. 
I take in the sight of my brother looking defeated, a look I so rarely saw on him. It broke me to realize I might never see him after this. If the enemy marched on this camp there would be no one to keep Azriel and I from the slaughter given his injury. 
“Okay,” I whispered, my voice cracking as I threw myself onto my beloved brother. 
Rhys said his goodbyes to Azriel, both of them not wanting to get too deep, say too much, for fear of manifesting defeat on both sides. When my brother exited the tent I took my spot next to Azriel on his large cot and waited for either death or the sunrise.  
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Later in the night, the raucous from outside got louder and louder disturbing my sleep. When I raised my head from Azriel’s chest I found that his eyes remained open and fixed on the tent entrance, like he was ready to challenge anyone who dared to walk through despite his inability to walk. 
“Hey,” I smiled weakly, my voice shaky from sleep. 
“Hey,” he smiled back, pushing a hair from my face. 
I moved back the blanket to check the gash in his thigh. Lifting the white bandage, I could see that it was almost completely soaked through, if I left it that way he would never get better.
I throw my legs over the edge of the cot and search for my discarded cloak, “You need fresh bandages or you’ll get an infection. I’m going to go get you some.” 
“Y/n  don’t you dare leave this tent. There are war bound men out there looking for one last lay before they leave this world,” he pleads, reaching for my hand that’s just out of reach. 
“I’ll only be a moment Az,” I assure him before raising my hood and slipping out of the tent. 
I can hear him shouting my name as I exit, but his protests are quickly drowned out by the sound of drunken men. Azriel was right, these men were drunk and not in their right mind. But if that wound got infected and he died I would never forgive myself. So I kept my head down walking towards the medic tent I passed on my way in, ignoring rambunctious cheers and stumbling men. 
The light of the medic tent comes into view and relief washes over me swiftly before the rug is pulled out from under me and I run smack into a broad chest.
“Well what do we have here?” laughs a drunken male. I can smell the sweat and alcohol on him. 
“Looks like we have a little birdy who lost her way,” laughs a male from my right.
My feet take two steps back before bumping into another mountain of a male. His hand comes up to rip the hood off my head, if all three of them recognized me as their princess they didn’t show it. My pulse began to race as I frantically looked for a way out of this hell. 
“What’s a beauty like you doing out here?” crooned the male behind me.
I put on a stoic face, “I’m leaving if you’ll excuse me,” I state, but before I can even take my first step I feel large hands grasping my shoulders holding me in place.
“Whoever bought you for the night must’ve paid a pretty penny,” jested the man to my right. 
“What do ya say darlin? Are you gonna give these brave men a proper send off?” the man behind me says low into my ear as he grabs me around the middle, plucking me off the ground.
I start kicking trying to break free, my screamed muffled by his hand over my mouth. All the trashing in the world wasn’t enough to break their hold as the other two males descended upon me, as if they were willing to take me right there in the middle of camp. 
“I’ll thank you to take your hands off my princess,” drawled a voice from behind me. 
The eyes of the three men surrounding me went wide at whatever figure stood behind us, all three of them scurrying off to gods knew where. I turn slowly to face whoever my rescuer was, and I’m met with a mountain of sheer muscle and bright red siphons. 
“Cassian!” I cried running to throw my arms around the burly warrior, I hadn’t seen him in over a year. 
He hugs me tighter, the kind of bear hug only he could provide. It was clear to me that he missed me just as much as I had missed him. When he releases me he bends down to cup my face, and wipe away the tears I didn’t know had fallen. 
“Princess, what are you doing here? Where is your brother?” he asked, brows furrowed.
“Rhys brought me here but he’s gone now, he’s gone back to his own camp but he’ll be back tomorrow,” I say as Cassian continues to wipe away the fresh tears, this time tears of happiness and not fear.
Cassain stands up as if to assess for danger before tossing an arm around me, “Stay with me, I’ll keep you safe. Where is Azriel? I was told he was injured,” he asks, remaining vigilant.  
“He’s okay, I was just getting him fresh bandages,” I report, pointing Cassian towards the medic tent. 
“He let you leave his tent?!” he balks corralling me inside the tent. 
“Uh, no. Not really,” I laugh nervously. 
He rolls his eyes and grabs a few armfuls of bandages before shoving them into my arms. We weave through drunken men who do a good job of staying at least three feet away from me, no doubt seeing The Lord of Bloodshed trailing me. 
I throw open the flap of Azriel’s tent, running to his side at once. 
“Oh thank the mother,” he sighs in relief upon seeing me. 
I laugh at his fussing and begin dressing his wound, “Look who I found,” I say nodding my head to where Cassian stands behind me.
“I believe I found you,” Cassian corrects me, sheer amusement in his voice. 
“Cass!” Azriel beams as his brother gives him an affectionate smack on the shoulder. 
“Brother you look a little worse for wear,” Cassian chuckles looking at the wound I was currently cleaning.
“I’ve been better,” Azriel winces as I wrap the wound in a clean bandage.
“I heard what happened and came as soon as I could. Ran right into your princess here, causing trouble as usual,” the warrior chortles beside me making me roll my eyes. 
“What?” Azriel asked, more alert than he previously was. 
“You were right, the men out there are assholes,” I scoff, tying off the fresh bandage. 
“Did they touch you?” he inquired, his eyes ablaze. 
“Az it’s fine Cass was there,” I assure him placing a hand on his shoulder feeling the palpable tension there, like he was ready to pounce.
“Y/n did they put their hands on you?” he asks again, this time more unyielding than before. 
“Yes but look at me, I'm fine!” I say with an exasperated sigh. 
Azriel’s eyes flit to Cassian as he extends his hand to his brother, like he needs support. 
“Cassian help me up,” he orders, already scooting to the edge of the cot.
“Azriel don’t you dare!” I shout smacking his chest. “Enough with the territorial, Illyrian nonsense! You’re injured, you’re going to get yourself killed!” 
The shadowsingers body slumps back into bed in defeat with a huff, clearly upset he couldn’t pummel the shit out of a couple of lowly males who weren’t worth it in the first place. 
Cassian’s chuckle reverberated through the tent, “Good to see you two picking up right where you left off,” he joked, remembering all the times we had similar quarrels. 
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It was the early hours of morning, and while the sun was still hiding behind the mountains, it would be rearing its ugly head soon enough. The partying and cheering from outside the tent had died down. Men either passing out drunk or choosing sleep over thoughts of what might happen tomorrow.
Cassian snored softly in the corner of the tent in the chair he took up. He had elected to stay behind and watch over us at Azriel’s request and I was smart enough to not argue with two Illyrians. 
I layed on Azriel’s chest, waiting for sleep to claim me but it never came. Sleep didn’t find Azriel as well, his hand twirling through the strands of my unbound hair as we sat in silence. 
“You know what kept me alive out there on that battlefield after I was injured?” Azriel whispered into the night. 
“A healer that I’ll be paying a very handsome bonus to?” I laugh squeezing my arms around him a bit.
“No, you” he said seriously rubbing my shoulder 
“Me?” I gawk, sitting up so I could look him in the eye. 
“Yes, you,” he smiled, pressing a kiss to my forehead.  “When I was downed they thought I was dead. Horses and men clamored over me. It was all so loud, such a blur but then I closed my eyes and there you were.” he said looking at the canopy of the tent, as if remembering the event.
“It was a memory from the first time I saw you, before I even knew who you were. You were standing in the snow waiting for Rhys and your mother and there was snow all over your hair. It was the first snow of the year and you were entranced just like you always are.” He chuckles, pulling me closer. “But I knew then and there that I had to open my eyes. Had to get up. Even if it was just to see your face one more time, kiss your lips, tell you I love you. I woke up in this tent reeling from it. I could’ve sworn you were here, in the vision I felt your touch. And then hours later you storm in here with your fussing and worrying.” he says. 
I feel a tear roll down my face as I cup his face, pulling his gaze from the canopy to me. I pulled his letter out of my dress pocket, the paper flopping about from how many times it had been folded and unfolded. 
“I kept this letter with me every single day. I must’ve read it a hundred times, hells I might even have it memorized.” I laugh, shaking the paper in my hands. “I never once gave up hope that I would see you again. No matter what happens after tonight I still won’t give up hope. I know I’ll find you again.”
Azriel chuckles, pressing his forehead to mine, “I’d crawl home to you if I had to princess,” he says resolutely. 
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I wake the next morning to the sound of men moving about outside the tent and an empty cot. The covers before me are still disheveled from where Azriel slipped out from under me. I threw the blankets off the bed and pulled my cloak from where I set it last night, fastening it to my shoulders. 
When I toss open the flaps of the tent I’m momentarily blinded by the bright sun before the sight of men collecting their weapons and armor come into focus. My eyes darted frantically for a trace of Azriel, surely he couldn’t have gone far, surely he wasn’t going to fight today. 
“Azriel!” I call out roaming around looking for a flash of a blue siphon. 
Heavy footsteps come up behind me grabbing my arm and I turn around to be met with Cassian. I looked back to the tent and realized he had been keeping watch outside. 
“Cass, where is he?” I ask him, but all I’m met with is a heavy gaze from Cassian. 
“Y/n?” calls a voice from behind me and I turn to see my father, mother and brother walking towards us.  
My mother runs over to me taking me into her arms and holding me close. It was clear to me that they had found Rhys and instantly questioned why I wasn’t under his care. 
“Thank the gods,” my mother breathed taking in my unharmed appearance. 
“You smell like that Illyrian brute,” my father sneered and I knew right away he ment Azriel. 
“He could have been dying,” I reply with equal venom, my gaze narrowing at the man who went through such great lengths to keep us apart. 
“Of course, why do you think I sent him to the frontlines again today?” he scoffed, already turning his attention to the hordes of men preparing for battle. 
My blood turned to ice in my veins and my heart plummeted. 
“What?” I cried looking at Rhys who wore a solemn look on his face. “Rhys, you knew?” 
My brother lets out a shaky breath, “I knew before we even arrived last night. When he tried to get you to leave I used daemati to tell him he was being sent to the front lines. He knew it would be the last time he ever saw you.” he confessed.
He knew. 
Haste clouds my mind and I turn to run in the same direction with the rest of the men, my father and brother joining their ranks without another word. My mother catches me around the shoulders and pulls me into her embrace as my knees hit the muddy ground beneath us. 
“No, no, no, no no!” I scream trying to run to the front, as if I could keep Azriel from death myself. 
“The battle is not yet over sweetheart, he may still live,” My mother coos stroking my hair. 
“He was injured mother,” my words come out as sobs as I cling to her cloak. 
“Have faith,” she pleads, kneeling on the ground with me, trying to calm me as best she can. 
“Azriel,” I cry. “My Azriel.” 
I give into my mothers embrace and after a while she ushers me toward a tent. She wipes my face with a cool towel trying to calm my swollen eyes, but it’s no use. Every war cry, and ear rupturing blast feels like the one that takes Azriel’s life. Each one sends me back into a mess of shallow breaths and tears. 
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Only when the battle cries fade, and the blasts of siphons and raw power cease do my tears stop. Soldiers and Illyrains come filtering back to the camp, some whole, some being carried by their peers. My brother and Cassain are the first to find us. Rhys was unharmed, but Cassian was wheeled to a healer immediately. Thankfully, she claimed he would be alright.
I took to the masses, weaving through men making their way back occasionally running into some as my eyes were focused on the skies. Searching amongst the hordes of Illyrians flying in. If Azriel was anywhere it would be there. 
“Azriel!” I shouted, my voice going hoarse from the screaming I had been doing. 
More and more Illyrians fly overhead, not one of them resembling my Azriel. If he was amongst them he would see me standing out like a sore thumb amongst the rabble, going against the grain of everyone before me.   
“AZRIEL!” I call out even louder, cupping my hands around my mouth as if it will help. 
I hear my voice being called, not from the skies, but from the ground. My eyes snap to the crowds before me before I see a pair of wings over the top of a million heads. 
“AZRIEL?!” I call out moving in the direction of the voice that called to me. 
Then I see him, my Azriel. The wound on his leg is split open and his wings are pierced with a dozen arrows which explains his inability to fly. But he’s there, and he’s whole, and alive.
“Y/n!” he calls out to me again. 
I pick up the skirts of my dress running to him, my shoulders bumping into all the men I weave around. I jump into his arms feeling him pick me up, pulling me impossibly close. 
“Oh Az,” I breathe running a hand through his hair as my feet hit the ground again, his eyes assessing me for any injury. “My love, I thought I would never see you again,” I cried. 
His thumbs wipe away my tears as he cups my face, “Death, nor a thousand evil men could keep me from you,” he smiled before pulling me into his chest. 
As we hold each other, the chaos around us fades into the background. For a moment, time stands still, and all that matters is that we are together. He was here, in my arms and he was alive. Both of us were, and there were many more years ahead of us. Many, many more years. 
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Epilogue: third person pov
Rhysand and Feyre stood in the living room of the townhouse. The world outside was near silent as Velaris slept, having spent the day celebrating solstice. Even the faelights in the home seemed to have dimmed. Members of the Inner Circle worked to clean the dessert plates off the table where they had their magnificent feast.
“And that’s their story,” Rhys finished saying to his mate, rubbing her shoulder as they continued to admire the scene before them.
On the large couch before them y/n was asleep on top of an even sleepier Azriel, his arms, legs and wings all but draping off the edges just to keep her comfortable. 
When Feyre stumbled into the adorable scene it had occurred to her that she had never heard the story of how the two came to be. Rhysand was more than happy to tell her the tale of forbidden love and near death experiences. 
“They’ve been through so much,” Feyre said, leaning into Rhysand’s touch. 
“They truly have,” Rhys nods, pressing a kiss to his mate's temple. “But now they get to eat too much turkey every solstice and skip out on dish duty so I think it worked out okay.” he chuckles. 
Feyre slaps him on the chest playfully but laughs right along with them watching as the pair lounges on the couch, mouths open and completely and utterly relaxed. The High Lord and Lady turn from the living room to rejoin the rest of their family in the kitchen. There would be time to make fun of the princess and the shadowsinger tomorrow. 
They had all the time in the world.
my masterlist
Permanent Taglist: @fides25, @dissociated-always @crystalferret202 , @kennedy-brooke , @sunshineangel-reads , @lilah-asteria , @evergreenlark , @cheneyq
Taglist: @andreperez11
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pbueckerslover · 2 days
jealous - e.e. ⋆ ˚。⋆౨ৎ˚
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pairing(s): emily engstler x female!reader
warnings: clubbing, slight angst, smut, fingering (r!recieving), oral (r!recieving), scissoring
summary: emily wants to make it up to you after she finds out you were jealous.
⇾ ty to @astroph1les for encouraging me to make this <333
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the music was blasting. the lights were so bright it felt like your head was gonna explode. you were already on your third drink and you could barely even stand up straight.
from across the room you could see your girlfriend. she was smiling and laughing with one of her friends. you started to make your way over to her but before you could some girl popped up in front of her. from afar you couldn’t tell what was being said but whatever it was it made emily smile.
you didn’t want to get jealous over something so small but you just couldn’t help it. as you watched for longer you could tell the girl was flirting with her. the way she kept hitting her on the arm and smiling at her anytime she would say something almost made you nauseous.
you couldn’t stand watching it anymore so you set down the drink in your hand and walked over towards them. you heard the girl giggling at something emily had said once you got closer. “hiii baby.” you said as you were now standing right next to emily.
she looked over at you and smiled but then went back to talking to the girl who was still standing there. you couldn’t even believe she just ignored you like that. you were literally standing right next to her and all she cares about is some random girl who’s been flirting with her for the past 20 minutes.
you moved closer to her, not caring that you had just cut off their conversation. “can we please go?” you whispered in her ear. she looked over at you “one second baby.” was all she said in response. you stood there, shocked that your girlfriend was really paying more attention to some stranger instead of you.
you didn’t wanna watch this happen anymore so you decided you were just going to leave without her. you walked away from the two of them and made your way to the door, leaving the club.
this caught emily’s attention and she was chasing after you right away. “hey! babe where are you going?” she yelled out at you. you guys were now standing outside of the club. music could still be heard from inside and you could feel the effect from your previous drinks catching up to you.
“going home. you won’t even talk to me.” you replied dryly, not even looking at her. as you started to walk away emily was right behind you. “hey hey! stop it!” she said as she stopped you by grabbing your hand.
“baby, look at me! i’m sorry i wasn’t trying to ignore you i promise.” you looked at her then down at her hand that was resting on yours. you were unconvinced, “why were you paying more attention to that random girl than me?” you asked her staring into her eyes.
she chuckled slightly at your question. “babe.. that was just an old friend we were catching up.” she said her eyes meeting yours once again. “it’s not funny. i didn’t like the way she was touching you and laughing at everything you said.” you said slightly turning away from her.
she grabbed your face and rested her hand on your cheek. “oh my god.. were you jealous?” she asked you with a huge grin on her face. you rolled your eyes at her words and looked down at the ground.
“oh come on you have nothing to be jealous about. i’m all yours.” she said grabbing your face again, making you look at her. you smiled at this and she smiled back. “want me to make it up to you?” she asked and you nodded. she was picking you up before you could even realizing what was happen and she carried you all the way back to your guys’ apartment.
when you made it there she carried you inside and set you down on the bed. she crawled on top of you and she placed a soft kiss to your lips. she moved her hands to your sides but then moved them to roam inside your shirt. “take this off.” she demanded as she started placing kisses to your neck.
before you knew it you were completely naked and so was she. she stared at you before kissing you again which caused you to let out a soft moan. “em.. need you so bad please.” you whispered into her ear. she started to leave kisses down your stomach and all over your things. you swore you could feel your pussy getting wetter the more she teased you.
“so wet for me baby.” she said as she swiped a finger over your folds. she started to rub her fingers over your clit moving them in a circular motion. you moaned even louder at the contact and this made her move faster. she placed two fingers inside of your hole and started to suck on your clit.
you were squirming from underneath her as she moved faster. she could tell you were getting close and this made her add another finger. “fuck! emily feels so fucking good!” you cried out as you could feel yourself reaching your climax.
“cum for me, pretty girl.” she whispered. you released all over her fingers and she licked up every last drop. she climbed up towards you and smiled before kissing you once more.
after she pulled away she moved so she was completely on top of you. she aligned her pussy with your own before pressing down to grind down on to you. you both let out moans at the feeling. emily started moving faster rubbing her clit against yours.
“oh my god! fuck- em… feels soo good! please faster!”
emily swayed her hips moving faster as she slid against you harder. you could feel yourself getting close again. “want you to cum for me again.” she said making eye contact with you as she led you to your climax. you could feel her release at the same time you did. “good girl.”
once you two had finished she laid down next to you and kissed you on your forehead. “that was fucking amazing, em. i love you.” you said as you looked into her eyes once more. she gave you another smile “i love you more, baby.” she said before getting off the bed and walking towards the bathroom.
“where are you going?” you yelled out to her as you were now left alone on the bed.
“gonna draw us a bath!” she yelled back and right after that you could hear the water running. you smiled to yourself before going to join her in the bathroom.
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⇾ be sure to checkout my masterlist if you enjoyed!
⇾ god i love emily sm. i lowkey stayed up till 4 am to finish this ☺️☺️ hope you guys enjoy!!! i love y’all so much 🫶🏼
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You know the whole 7 minutes in heaven thing that’s in a lot of older movies? I have been wanting to read about Az and Reader in that scenario at a little party with the inner circle. Could you write a little something with that?
7 More Minutes
Azriel x reader
Notes: I would not be able to look this man in the eyes if we were shoved into a closet together. It would be far too awkward
Warnings: not entirely proof read
Out of everyone gathered tonight Amren was the last person you thought would suggest playing such juvenile games. Her words. Exactly.
She’s just such a different person when Varian is around. And when he brings her favorite bottle of wine.
The game of the night was 7 minutes in heaven. Of course, all mated couples went in together. Even Elain went in with Lucien, coming out very flustered but happy. Besides Rhys and Feyre, only you and Azriel were left to couple up. Cassian was insistent that you two go next.
“No Cass, we don’t need to.” Your voice small as you shoot Azriel a reassuring look. You didn’t want to force the poor male to do anything. You also don’t think you could handle being that close to Azriel. Between your huge crush on him and your awkwardness you would probably die a minute in.
“But I insist.” Cassian said, only slightly tipsy. “Come, come, come,” he grabs your hand, pulling you off the floor towards the coat closet. “Cass, don’t.” Azriel said sternly. Cassian completely ignored his brother, pulling him along as well.
You couldn’t help but let Az’s stern tone get to you. It left a stinging sensation in your chest, reinforcing your thoughts that Azriel didn’t return your feelings.
Looking back at the group you found Nesta’s steel gaze, begging her for help with your eyes. All she did was shake her head no with a smirk on her face. Cauldron, she was in on this. Looking around you saw similar smirks on Feyre, Rhys, Amren, and even Lucien’s face.
You didn’t eve have time to react. Cassian was already shoving you in the small space before you could say anything. “Have fun kids!” He shouted before slamming the door. Locking it from the outside for good measure. Did coat closets even have locks?
Azriel turned the fae light on, his wings looked cramped in the small space. You grimaced for him. “Are you ok?” Az asked softly. “Yeah, it’s just Cass being Cass.” You laugh lightly. Looking up at him you saw his lips pulled in a tight smile.
“We don’t have to do anything. I know you didn’t want to be in here with me, I get it.” His voice sounded strained while trying to make light of the situation. “Of course I want to be with you.” Realizing what you just said your face immediately reddened.
Azriel looked down at you, shock setting in on his own face.
Fuck it, you thought to yourself, might as well get it out now.
Taking a deep breath, you center yourself. If your friends were looking at you like that Az has to feel the same way, right?
“Azriel I really like you. Not as just my friend. And I really do want to kiss you.” You reached for his hands, giving the scared flesh a loving squeeze.
Azriel was at a loss for words. His heart was beating rapidly against his chest, attempting to break free to smother you in all his love. You had rendered him completely speechless.
But words wouldn’t do anything. Wouldn’t convey the want and love he felt for you. That he was too scared to admit to for a long time now.
He slips his hands from yours. Your face falling at the action. Azriel’s heart broke at the look you tried to recover from. Never again would he make you look that sad. Not for a second. He held your face in his hands, tilting your face to look at him.
Azriel’s lips parted slightly, trying to say how he felt but the words caught in his throat. Shaking his head slightly he moved in, pressing his lips to yours.
You were shocked at first. Not knowing how to react. As your lips moved against his your eyes fluttered shut. Your arms wrapped around his neck, pulling him closer. You got lost in each other. The feel of his hands caressing you softly, his plump lips moving against yours. It was truly heaven.
It felt like hours had passed. Azriel was so intoxicating you didn’t even realize your back was pressed against the wall. His hands now resting on your hips, holding you flush to him. It felt right, fitting together like the last two pieces of a puzzle.
Without warning, Cassian whipped the door open, letting out a loud whoop. “Finally! Guys they’re kissing!” Azriel pulled away from you. You let out a small sound of protest, pulling him closer, wanting him back. Az pressed a soft kiss to your forehead. A promise that he’d come back after dealing with Cassian.
Sending his brother a death glare, Azriel’s shadows shot out, slamming the door. They enveloped you in darkness and melted away moments later to reveal your room. Smiling up at Azriel you pull his face down to yours again. He rested his forehead against yours, whispering, “Where were we?”
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cherrylovelycherry · 2 days
Hi! I wanted to say that I really love your writing, I spent hours binge reading without even noticing! I also love how creative your "menu" is. I wanted to ask if you take requests? If so, could I request a Boothill x Fem reader souffle? It can be any kind of plot or without plot at all. I just really like your writing and would like to see one of Boothill. Thank you so much for your time -anon
.note. hihi anon! aww it's nice that you like my writing, thanks! (ㅅ´ ˘ `) this took me a while, uni is being hard on me. sorry if there are any spelling mistakes, english is not my first language. anyway, i'm kicking my feet as i write this. i have the hc that boothill is sweet and gentle when it comes to intimacy, the complete opposite of his appearance, so yeah. hope you like it! ദ്ദി (˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶)~✧
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𓂅new order. "soufflé and a éclair au chocolat."
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You know what they say — save a horse, ride a cowboy!
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pairing. Boothill x fem!reader cw/genre. nsfw, fluff, cunnilingus, blowjob, some praise kink, first time, mdni synopsis. you ended up fucking a cowboy full menu
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You're were with Boothill this afternoon, as he was willing to give you lessons on horse riding after he realised how incredibly inexperienced you were.
You were lucky he taught you, though you assumed it would be his way of repaying the favors you did him, fixing and improving his robotic body countless times.
The countryside is just outside of the busy city, so, as somone who lived in the city, being with Boothill in the countryside was very different.
After an hour or two, you started to grow tired and Boothill noticed it. He offered for you to come to his house, or so you thought, since that was where he was staying for a while, instead of walking all the way back home in such a tired state. You nodded, exhuasted, just wanting to lay your head on a pillow.
As Boothill walks with you check your phone, and there's a message from your roommate asking where you were. You quickly text that you're staying at Boothill's for the night.
Another message appears, and when you open it, it says;
"You're staying with Boothill for the night?? OMG, you know what they say — save a horse, ride a cowboyyy!"
You felt the heat rise to your face almost instantly as you read the message. Which caused curiosity in him, approaching where you were.
"Hey, you ok? You're turning red, darlin'."
As if trying to see what the message was about, you moved your head to the side. Which ended up being for the fun of it as you quickly put your phone away.
The evening sun was already peeking out, being chased by the darkness of the night.
With somewhat quick steps, it managed to set before you, curiosity etched across his features, Boothill reached out to touch your cheek. "Seriously, you look like a ripe tomato. Did somethin' happen?"
Your heart skipped a beat as his fingers slowly touched your cheek. You took a shaky breath as his hand continued to touch your face.
You quickly looked away, trying to avoid his gaze.
"I'm fine, just tired. That's all," you said quietly, trying to sound convincing.
The feeling of his hand on your skin sent chills down your spine, reminding you of the message your roommate sent.
You let go of his grip, as you both continued walking.
Was it possible that…he was thinking the same thing?
You shook your head slightly at the thought.
"Just my stupid roommate making a dumb joke." You tried to laugh it off, but even you could hear how forced it sounded.
Boothill continued to watch you intently, his eyes lingering on your face for a moment longer before he spoke.
"Darlin', I can tell when you're lyin'. You're makin' it kinda obvious," he said, a hint of amusement in his voice.
"Hah, right, whatever you say." You scratched your cheek with your hand, hurrying your pace.
He merely laughed lightly at your response.
You both walked towards where Boothill was staying, it was a somewhat remote house, but it was in the city.
The house was somewhat large, the owner of which was a grandmother, who Boothill had once saved. She was extremely sweet to let him stay there if he needed it.
As you arrived at the house, you noticed how the sky had darkened even more, the stars slowly appearing as the night settled in.
As you both reached the house, Boothill unlocked the front door. It creaked open, and he stepped back to let you walk in first.
With a muttered "thank you", you entered the house. It was cozy and comfortable, a warm place that seemed to radiate with a hint of nostalgia.
Boothill closed the door behind him and led you into the living room.
"Make yourself at home darlin' I'll go and let her know I've brought you with me," he said before disappearing into the hallway.
You took a seat on the couch in the living room, and as soon as your butt met the cushion, you felt your phone vibrate.
Another message… probably from your roommate.
You fished your phone out of your pocket and quickly unlocked it, curiosity getting the better of you.
Sure enough, it was another message from your roommate, still riding the horse/cowboy joke.
This time, she sent a gif of a cowboy riding a horse, with the message; "Yee-haw! Ride that cowboy, babe! 😉"
You couldn't help but sigh, feeling a mixture of annoyance and embarrassment. And even some amusement at the gif she sent. Your roommate was way too invested in your supposed "crush" on Boothill.
You groaned inwardly Great. It was never going to end. Your roommate was going to make this into a running joke for months, maybe even until the end of time.
Your irritation was interrupted as you heard footsteps approaching from the hallway.
Boothill appeared a moment later, walking back into the living room. He took a seat on the opposite side of the couch, still maintaining a respectable distance from you.
"She's just glad I'm finally bringin' someone here," he chuckled, referring to the house's owner.
He leaned back into the couch, his eyes still fixed on your form. There was a small smile on his face.
You shifted in your seat, feeling a mix of embarrassment and warmth at his words.
"Yeah, well, I'm sure she's had to deal with your antics for a while now," you quipped, trying to sound lighthearted.
Boothill let out a mocking gasp, placing a hand over his chest in mock offense.
"Excuse me? Are you implyin' that I'm a troublesome guest? Me? A perfect gentleman?"
You rolled your eyes, a small smile tugging at the corners of your mouth.
"Oh yes, the perfect gentleman," you said, sarcasm dripping from your tone.
He feigned an expression of innocence.
"I'll have you know, I am a model guest. I make sure to clean up after myself, respect the property, and always ask for permission before snackin' on somethin'."
You couldn't help but laugh at his attempts to defend himself.
"Right, because asking for permission to raid the fridge is the epitome of good manners," you teased, raising an eyebrow. "And let's not forget the time you accidentally broke a vase and tried to mend it with duct tape."
He fakely frowned a little.
"Hey, I still stand by that duct tape solution. It looked pretty darn good once I was done with it," he chuckled, a hint of guilt in his voice.
You shook your head, still amused.
"You're lucky the house's owner has a soft spot for you. Otherwise she wouldn't let you stay here any longer."
He shrugged, a cheeky grin spreading across his face.
"What can I say? I'm irresistibly charmin'."
He stretched lazily, his metal arms extending with a soft whir.
"But seriously, she knows I ain't cause no real trouble. And besides, I keep the spiders away for her," he added with a wink.
You snickered. "Ah, yes, the dutiful bodyguard against the eight-legged critters. She must be so thankful for your bravery."
He laughed, clearly enjoying the playful banter.
"You laugh now, but when you have a spider the size of your hand crawlin' up your leg, you'll be beggin' for my services," he teased.
"Please, like I'd ever let it come to that," you retorted. "I'd fight that spider off with a rolled-up newspaper if I had to."
He chuckled again. "Oh, I don't doubt that for a second darlin'. You ain't afraid of much, are you?"
The lighthearted atmosphere was refreshing, and you found yourself enjoying the exchange.
"Heh, I guess not."
You put a lock of your hair behind your ear, while Boothill turned on the medium-sized television in the room. The fireplace made the cold outside not felt at all.
The soft glow of the television filled the room, casting shadows on the walls.
Boothill grabbed the remote and started flicking through the channels, looking for something to watch.
"Anythin' ya want to watch?" he asked, not taking his eyes off the TV.
You tilted your head, pretending to think for a moment before answering.
"How about a cowboy movie?" you suggested, a teasing tone in your voice.
"Hah! A good one then."
As you glanced at Boothill, you noticed the way the light reflected in his eyes, their artificial luminescence dancing with the flicker of the screen.
"You hungry? I can whip somethin' up for ya in the kitchen," he offered, his voice still carrying a hint of humor.
You considered his offer.
"Nah, I'm alright," you replied, your attention half-focused on the TV.
The more time passed, the more interesting the movie became. You both let out one or another comment about this. Until you and him were silent.
He leaned back against the couch, his metal arm resting along the back. Despite his mechanical parts, he still managed to exude a sense of comfortable familiarity.
His gaze flicked away from the television, locking onto yours.
"You okay, darlin'? You're a little quieter than usual."
You were caught off guard for a moment, surprised by his perceptive question.
"Yeah, I'm fine," you answered, a little too quickly. Lie, you were falling asleep.
The truth was, you were fighting the urge to yawn.
"I'm just a lil tired ," you added, trying to sound nonchalant. Another lie, your whole body hurt from the physical exercise you were doing earlier in the field with Boothill.
He raised an eyebrow, a hint of skepticism in his gaze.
"Uh-huh, 'a little tired,' ya say," he said, clearly not buying your act.
He leaned forward a bit, studying your face.
"Your eyes are heavy, and you're yawnin' more than a kitten."
He thought for a second before placing a cushion from the couch, which they were sitting on, over his legs.
"Here." He said, patting the cushion a few times, so you could lay your head there.
"Are you calling me a tired kitten?" you protested, unable to stop a small yawn from escaping your lips as you spoke, proving his point.
Your eyes widened slightly as he patted the cushion on his lap, offering it to you like some kind of makeshift pillow.
Your heart skipped a beat, the situation feeling suddenly more intimate.
But your body yearned for rest, your tired muscles calling out for a moment of peace.
He smirked, clearly amused by your tired protest.
"I dunno, if the shoe fits…" he joked, his gaze still fixed on you.
As you hesitated, hesitating to accept the offer, your tired body won out over your embarrassment.
With a defeated sigh, you slowly leaned down, resting your head on the pillow of the cushion, now laying across his lap.
Your heartbeat quickened as you felt the firm but gentle support of his thighs beneath you.
He chuckled softly as he noticed your hesitation, but allowed you to lean down and rest your head on his lap.
"There you go, darlin'," he murmured as you settled into the makeshift pillow.
A small, satisfied smile tugged at the corners of his mouth. Boothill remained silent for a moment, observing your tired state.
"Comfy?" he asked finally, his voice a low rumble.
"Mhm." You let out an affirmation towards his words.
You closed your eyes, surrendering to the exhaustion that tugged at your eyelids.
The sound of the movie in the background faded away, replaced by the steady rhythm of his breathing.
For a moment, there was a silence between you, but it wasn't uncomfortable.
Instead, it felt soothing.
He watched you closely as you let your guard down, your eyes slowly drifting closed.
With each breath you took, your body seemed to relax further, almost melting into his lap.
Boothill's metal fingers gently traced the outline of your hair, almost on instinct, as if seeking to provide some kind of comfort.
A soft, almost silent chuckle passed his lips as he noticed your tired state.
You felt your body relax as tension drained from your muscles, the weight of the day's physicality finally catching up to you.
Boothill seemed content to remain silent, allowing you to rest in comfortable respite.
Your mind started to wander, thoughts blending together seamlessly. You felt strangely at peace in this position - head resting on his lap, his metal fingers brushing against your hair, the sounds of the movie like a distant hum.
You felt utterly at ease, your tired body finally getting the rest it desperately craved.
Boothill's presence was both comforting and grounding, his touch a constant reminder of his attentiveness towards you.
Your thoughts gradually faded into weary tiredness, your mind struggling to stay awake longer.
You found yourself drifting on the edge of sleep.
He continued idly running his metal fingers through your hair, a soothing rhythm that seemed almost designed to lull you deeper into relaxation.
As your breathing slowed, growing more rhythmic and steady, he could tell that you were moments away from drifting off to sleep.
His eyes never left your face, taking in your relaxed expression and the soft curves of your features.
A small smile tugged at the corners of his lips. There was a certain satisfaction in seeing you at peace, especially after a long day.
You felt his fingers running through your hair once more before you fell completely asleep.
Your mind slowly slipped away from consciousness, and the world around you faded into a drowsy haze.
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You don't know how much time passed, but you slowly opened your eyes, keeping them half-lidded.
You weren't touching the couch and you felt like they were grabbing you.
Oh, you were being carried.
Keeping your eyes the same way, you looked up, watching as he was carrying you up the stairs.
You felt like in those princess stories in which the prince carefully carries the princess.
As he carried you up the stairs, his grip firm and gentle around you, he took note of your half-lidded eyes slowly fluttering open.
He chuckled softly as he caught your gaze, realizing you were half-awake.
"Hey there, sleepyhead," he teased quietly, his voice barely above a whisper.
He continued up the stairs, navigating carefully to not accidentally hit your head or anything else.
"Go back to sleep, dear"
He was taking you to a spare room so that you could sleep more comfortably.
Even in your semi-asleep state, you heard the soft rumble of his voice, the sound soothing your tired mind.
A small, sleepy smile tugged at the corners of your lips as you heard him call you "sleepyhead." It was a nickname you hadn't heard from him before.
He carried you gently upstairs, the sound of his footsteps on the hardwood floor blending with the silence of the house. You kept your eyes half-open, still disoriented and groggy.
"Mmph…" you managed to mumble in response, your drowsy brain struggling to form coherent words.
He chuckled at your sleepy attempt at a response, finding your disoriented state endlessly endearing.
"Shhh," he whispered, his metal fingers gently brushing a strand of hair away from your face.
"You're barely awake, darlin'. Just go back to sleep, we're almost in the guest room."
The soft hallway lights cast long shadows ahead of him, dancing softly against the walls as he continued on.
Finally reaching the spare room, he carefully pushed the door open and stepped inside.
Gently, he laid you down on the bed, tucking the blankets around you like he was handling a delicate artifact.
As you were gently lowered onto the bed, the soft sheets and blankets wrapping around you like a comforting embrace, your body automatically snuggled into their embrace.
A small, satisfied sigh escaped your lips as your tired muscles sink against the mattress.
The cool sheets felt soothing against your skin as you slowly settled into the bed, still in a half-asleep state.
You felt his touch once more as he carefully adjusted the blankets, ensuring you were tucked in properly.
"There we go," he murmured, his voice low and almost soothing.
As you were laid on the soft mattress, the blankets wrapping around you like a cosy cocoon, you felt the exhaustion fully taking over again.
Your tired mind was too drowsy to think clearly, your eyelids feeling heavy once more.
You vaguely registered his movements around you as he seemed to be adjusting something near the bed.
"…Boothill?" you mumbled his name, your voice still thick with sleepiness.
He paused, looking down at you with a hint of surprise at the sound of his name.
"Yeah, darlin'?" he replied quietly, his voice a gentle rumble.
He finished adjusting the blanket, ensuring you were completely covered and tucked in.
He then leaned closer to the bed, his eyes studying your sleepy face for a moment, before a soft smile tugged at the corner of his lips.
"You need somethin', or are you just makin' sure I'm still here?" he teased gently.
Your sleepy brain struggled to form coherent thoughts, the drowsiness making it difficult to string words together.
"Mmph… jus' makin' sure…" you mumbled, your voice barely audible.
You felt strangely vulnerable in this half-asleep state, the tiredness leaving you without the usual guard you had up.
The room was quiet, the only sound being the soft rustling of the blankets as you shifted slightly, trying to get comfortable.
You could feel his presence close to the bed, his eyes still fixed on you.
Literally the idea of what you were going to try to say left you. So you frowned, keeping your eyes closed.
Until you managed to remember something, "The girl who is with you will be…very, veeery luckyy,"
He raised an eyebrow at your drowsy mumble, his grin widening slightly.
"Is that so?" he murmured, his voice soft and amused.
When you mentioned the hypothetical luck of his future girlfriend, his gaze softened, a hint of something unreadable in his expression.
He chuckled lightly, shaking his head slightly. "You're still dreamin', darlin'."
He reached out, his metal fingertips lightly running through your hair once more, a soothing gesture.
He stood silently nearby, watching you as you fought against the fog of sleep.
As you mumbled something about the girl he might date, his expression softened even further. He couldn't help but find your sleepy ramblings both amusing and endearing.
You hummed with pleasure as you felt his metal fingertips gently run through your hair once more, the sensation sending a soothing wave through your tired body.
Your eyes remained closed, too heavy to open, and yet some part of your tired mind stubbornly held on to consciousness.
"Mm…not dreamin'…jus' sayin'…" you protested, your words slurring together slightly.
Your mouth attempted to form more words, but fatigue weighed heavily on your tongue, making it difficult to speak clearly.
"Lucky…" you mumbled once more, the word sounding more like a sigh than anything else.
He chuckled softly beside you, his voice filled with a mixture of amusement and something else you couldn't quite place.
"…Darlin', you're not exactly makin' sense," he teased, his tone warm and affectionate.
He continued to run his mechanical fingers through your hair, the soothing motion seemed to melt away any tension still lingering in your body.
As you mumbled about luck and being lucky, he chuckled again, the sound low and gentle.
Your words came out alone, almost like a yawn that couldn't be stopped. "C'mere…" You said, as you looked at him, you opened your eyes a little this time.
His hand paused in your hair, caught off guard by your request.
He looked at you, your half-open eyes peering up at him through the haze of sleep.
A mix of surprise and amusement played across his face. "You want me to come closer?" he asked, a hint of a smile tugging at the corner of his lips.
He stood there for a moment, as if trying to decipher your sleepy request, before moving closer to the bed.
“Mhm,” You blurted out, affirming his words.
His eyes scanned your face, taking in your half-open eyes and the sleepy smile on your lips.
"You're a bossy little thing, even when you're half-asleep," he said with a soft chuckle, shaking his head slightly.
He sat down on the edge of the bed, the mattress dipping slightly under his weight.
He leaned over slightly, his metal hand still resting on your hair, gently smoothing out the messy strands.
By the time he got close enough, your body acted on its own.
"Lucky.." You murmured as you grabbed his face with both hands and placed your lips on top of his, quickly but softly.
Caught off guard by your unexpected move, his eyes widened slightly when he felt the softness of your lips against his. For a moment, he froze, his brain trying to comprehend what was happening.
But it didn't take long for him to respond. His hand on your hair slid down to your cheek, the coolness of his metal fingers contrasting with the warmth of your skin.
He returned the kiss, his lips moving against yours with a gentleness that contradicted his cybernetic appearance.
After a few seconds, he pulled away slightly, "Darlin', you're gonna be the death of me…" he murmured
As you felt his response, his cool fingers contrasting with the warmth of your skin, you couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction.
You leaned into his touch, your eyes still closed, a small smile playing at the corners of your lips.
Your tired mind was still in a sleepy haze, but the kiss seemed to awaken a different kind of energy within you. You let out a sleepy giggle at his words, your eyes still half-lidded.
“You’re a little too cheeky when you’re sleepy," he admonished, a hint of amusement in his tone. "You're gonna give a cowboy a heart attack."
It was a nice way to put it since he physically had no heart.
His eyes tracing the curve of your smile on your lips. Your tiredness seemed to fuel a playful energy within you, making you even more endearing in his eyes.
He shifted his position slightly, his body now facing you fully, one knee on the bed. His metal hand cupped your chin, tilting your face up towards him as he leaned in slightly.
"And here I am, trying to be all gentlemanly and let you get some sleep," he teased, his voice low and full of mock reproach.
A sly smile tugged at the corners of your lips, the drowsy state making you even more cheeky than usual. Besides, despite being tired, your consciousness was more exact. You were leaving the state of drowsiness.
"Gentlemanly, huh?" you mumbled, your words still slightly slurred by sleepiness.
You pushed yourself up on one elbow, leaning towards him as much as your tired body would allow. "That's cute," You commented, your other hand reaching out to touch his chest.
You chuckled softly, "Besides, whose fault is it for being so irresistibly kissable?" you retorted.
You liked to see how his face turned slightly red, being visible only by the night light that came through the window.
You were enjoying the unexpected turn of events, the boundaries between friendship and something else starting to blur.
His eyes widened slightly at your words, the compliment catching him off guard.
He watched intently as you leaned forward, your touch against his chest igniting a spark under his metal skin.
Thanks to you, who had been able to connect and 'create' new nerves that would be connected to his robotic parts, managing to have at least a slight sensation of touch in his body.
His eyes flicked down to your hand before returning to meet your gaze, his expression a mix of amusement and something else he couldn't quite hide.
Your words had found their mark, and he couldn't deny the reaction they provoked. Despite his usual confidence, there was something about your sleepy flirtations that had him uncharacteristically flustered.
He swallowed hard, trying to maintain his usual cool demeanor, but a hint of a blush betrayed his reaction.
He leaned in closer, his body nearly hovering over yours as you leaned up on your elbow. His metal hand moved from your chin to the back of your neck, his fingers tracing circles on your skin.
Your senses seemed hyper-aware in this exhausted state, and the feeling of his metal fingers tracing circles on the back of your neck sent a shiver down your spine.
The way he loomed over you, his body hovering just above yours, made your heartbeat quicken. There was a sudden tension in the air, a subtle shift in the dynamics of your relationship.
You looked up at him, your eyes no longer had that flash of tiredness.
He could see the change in your eyes, the drowsiness slowly giving way to a sharper focus. A silent understanding seemed to pass between you both; the tiredness had faded, replaced by a different kind of awareness.
He leaned in even closer, his face now only inches away from yours. His eyes held a mixture of curiosity and barely concealed desire, studying your features as if seeing you in a new light.
The air thick with an unspoken tension. Your skin tingled where his metal fingers touched your neck, a mix of cool certainty and unexpected delicacy.
"You're awake now, aren't you?" he murmured, his voice lower than usual, hinting at the effect you were having on him.
His fingers continued their gentle dance along the back of your neck. He seemed to be wrestling with something, caught between his customary charm and the unfamiliar surge of vulnerability.
Your lips parted slightly, the proximity making it difficult to focus on anything but him.
His eyes were searching yours, studying every detail as if trying to memorize each inch of your face. His gaze remained fixed on you, watching how your eyes responded to his closeness.
But, oh, he was holding back, there was an evident hunger within him.
A hunger he never thought he wanted, specifically from you.
He saw your reaction, the slight intake of breath, the way your lips parted slightly.
His mind was hazy with a million thoughts, all centered on you and how much he wanted to close the remaining space between you.
His metal fingers moved up from your neck, tracing a path along your jawline before gently brushing against your bottom lip.
"Tell me to stop," he said, his voice barely above a whisper.
Your breath hitched slightly at his touch, the feeling of his metal fingers on your lip setting your nerves alight.
His voice was soft but laced with a barely restrained intensity. He was struggling with his own desires, trying to hold back but also aching for more.
You hesitated for a moment, caught between wanting to give in to the budding intimacy and fearing the consequences.
Your eyes met his, searching his gaze for any hint of insecurity or doubt. But the desire in his eyes made it clear that this was not a whim or a passing fancy for him.
"But I don't want you to stop," You responded also quietly. Your eyes left his for a moment, looking down at his lips.
Your words were like music to his ears, banishing the last remnants of his hesitation.
His breath hitched slightly as your eyes drifted to his lips, the silent desire in your gaze mirroring his own.
His hand shifted, moving to cradle your face, his thumb resting just under your chin, tilting your face up to meet his gaze.
"Are you sure?" he asked, his voice a low rumble.
And, with just a nod from you, he couldn't help it anymore.
Being careful not to hurt you, he somewhat carelessly brought his lips to yours, pressing them with need.
Your confirmation was all he needed.
The moment your heads met, there was an explosion of sensation. He deepened the kiss, his other hand gripping your waist, drawing you closer to him. His body pressed against yours, the coolness of his metal chest contrasting with the warmth of your skin.
His tongue eagerly explored your lips, seeking access to your mouth, a silent plea for more, for more of you.
There was a certain urgency in his actions, a hunger you could practically taste in the way he held you, the way his tongue moved against yours.
As his tongue sought entry into your mouth, you didn't hesitate to respond in kind.
Your fingers tangled in his hair, pulling him even closer, needing to feel more of him against you.
His hands roamed restlessly over your body, as if trying to memorize every inch of your skin through your clothes. He needed to feel every part of you, as if the physical contact could quench the hunger burning within him.
The kiss grew more urgent, more demanding. His cool metal fingers gripped your waist, holding you tightly as he pressed you further into the mattress.
His tongue danced with yours, a silent battle for control, each movement charged with raw desire. There was a hint of something wild in his demeanor, the usually controlled cowboy succumbing to his most primal instincts.
He groaned softly into the kiss as your hands tangled in his hair, the feeling both pleasurable and arousing.
Your body responded eagerly to his touch, arching against him in a silent plea for more.
His hands explored your body, tracing the contour of your curves, the cool metal of his fingers leaving goosebumps in their wake.
He broke the kiss, his lips moving to your neck, leaving a trail of kisses and gentle nibbles along your sensitive skin.
"You drive me crazy," he murmured against your neck, his voice hoarse with desire.
A gasp escaped your lips as he moved from your mouth to your neck, his teeth grazing against the sensitive skin.
Heat pooled in your core, his words and actions igniting a fire within you.
Your fingers gently tugged at his hair, a silent signal urging him on. A soft moan escaped from your throat as he bit down lightly on a particularly sensitive spot.
"You have… no idea," you managed to gasp out, your voice shaky with need.
He hummed against your skin, the sound vibrating along your sensitive skin.
Your gasps and slight moans only fueled his desire, the sound of your voice shivering with need causing a shiver to run down his system.
His hands roamed over your body, tracing every curve, as if mapping out a territory he now desperately wished to claim as his own.
He smirked slightly against your neck, his lips leaving a trail of kisses that were slowly moving down to your collarbone.
"Oh, I think I have a pretty good idea," he retorted, his voice carrying a low, sultry tone.
His hands moved lower, resting on your hips, gently guiding your body against his.
His smirk against your neck sent a shiver down your spine. You could feel the heat of your desire growing with each passing moment.
His hands roaming over your body and his lips tracing a path down your collarbone added fuel to the flame.
You tilted your head back, giving him better access to your neck. Your fingers tangled in his hair, pulling slightly as he continued his assault on your skin.
"Boothill…" you whispered, his name sounding like a prayer tumbling off your lips.
Your whispered plea, his name falling from your lips like a litany, sent a shock through his system.
He paused his ministrations for a moment, lifting his head to look at you.
Your eyes were half-lidded, your cheeks flushed, and your hair slightly disheveled. You looked utterly captivating in that moment, your desire for him written all over your face.
His hands left your body, this time heading to your shirt.
I was about to roll it up until his brain made him stop for a moment.
"Do you want…to do it?" He dared to ask you, seeking your consent. His eyes boring into yours gently.
You met his eyes, seeing the mixture of desire and restraint in his gaze.
Your breath still slightly ragged, you nodded slowly.
"Yes," you replied, your voice barely above a whisper. "I want this. I want you."
As he pulled your shirt off, his hands skimmed over your skin, leaving a trail of goosebumps in their wake.
He paused for a moment, taking in the sight of you, partially undressed before him.
"You're beautiful," he murmured, his eyes roaming over your body, his gaze filled with a mixture of desire and admiration.
His words, a simple compliment carrying more weight than usual, caused your heart to skip a beat.
His eyes trailed over your body, taking in every detail as if you were a masterpiece hanging in a gallery.
The way he looked at you, with a mixture of desire and admiration, made you feel both vulnerable and powerful at the same time.
His eyes were fixed on you, taking in every inch of your exposed skin.
"You're perfect," he whispered, his voice thick with emotion.
He leaned down, his lips finding your neck, his mouth leaving a trail of kisses along your collarbone and down your chest. Finding your bra very annoying.
The combination of his touch, his kisses, and his words made you feel like you were slowly unraveling.
His mouth trailing along your skin was driving you insane with need and desire.
His lips trailed down your neck and down your chest until they reached the barrier of your bra. He paused for a moment, his hands gently tracing the edge.
"Can I?" he asked quietly, his fingertips brushing against the fabric.
The way he was handling you, with a mixture of reverence and desire, made you feel both cherished and desired.
His lips returned to your neck, leaving soft, teasing kisses as he waited for your response.
As his fingertips traced the edge of your bra, your heart pounded in anticipation, your body aching for more of his touch.
His request, whispered in a soft, hoarse voice, set your nerves on fire.
You nodded, your voice barely above a whisper, "Yes,"
He didn't need further coaxing. His hands quickly unclasped your bra, freeing your chest from its confinement.
His lips continued their journey, leaving a trail of kisses down your newly bared skin. He seemed to savor every inch of you, as if unable to get enough.
The feeling of his lips on your bare skin was nothing short of maddening.
His hands, now free from the barrier of your bra, roamed freely over your torso, as if he were mapping a new territory.
His hands instinctively went to your breasts, massaging them slowly and gently, touching the tips of your breasts. Causing you to flinch at the coolness of his fingers.
Without further ado, his mouth moved to one of your breasts, his other hand touching the other.
He sucked and nibbled gently, drawing a gasp from your lips.
His mouth on your sensitive skin sent a shiver down your spine, your breath catching as his tongue flicked against one of your nipples.
Your hands tangled in his hair, holding him close, your fingers clenching tightly as he continued his ministrations.
You gasped, arching your back towards him, silently pleading for more of his touch.
His hands continued to explore your body, his touch firm yet gentle, as if trying to memorize every contour.
His fingers traced circles over your hip bone, then moved lower, slipping under the waistband of your pants.
This time he didn't ask, he raised his head and looked at you, with those eyes full of pleading.
Oh, that look you never thought you'd see in him.
The look in his eyes was one you never thought you'd notice coming from him.
It was a silent plea, a silent "Let me take care of you."
Hearing your gasps and slight moans, he wondered why it had taken him so long to cross this line with you.
You could feel the desire growing inside you, a burning need for more contact, more of him.
You raised your hips, silently giving him permission to remove your pants, your breath coming in ragged gasps.
Slowly, he slid your pants down along with underwear in one go, his hands skimming over your skin, leaving a trail of fire in their wake. You could feel his eyes on you, taking in every inch of your exposed body.
He ran his hands gently down your thighs.
Now you were completely naked in front of him, your body on display, vulnerable and exposed.
His gaze roamed over your body, taking in the sight of you in all your glory.
In his eyes you were the most perfect thing that could exist, a goddess, an angel come down from the heavens.
"Beautiful," he whispered, his voice filled with reverence and desire.
He leaned down again, pressing his lips against your stomach, leaving a trail of kisses. Then, he pressed light kisses on your legs, moving closer and closer to where you needed him the most.
Your body was aflame with desire, every touch of his sending your senses into overdrive.
Your legs opened slightly, inviting him closer, silently pleading for more of his touch.
His lips moved over your skin, his kisses growing more insistent as he made his way to the inner part of your thighs.
"Please," you managed to gasp out, desperate for him to touch you where you needed him most.
He chuckled softly against your skin, enjoying the fact that he had you completely at his mercy.
His chuckling set your blood boiling, your body arching towards him in a silent plea.
He knew what you wanted, what you needed, and he was enjoying every second of it.
"Patience, darlin'," he drawled, his lips trailing along the sensitive skin of your inner thighs.
He was taking his time, teasing you, drawing out the pleasure, and driving you insane in the process.
He continued his assault on your inner thighs, leaving gentle bites and kisses, slowly moving closer to your center.
His hands were now firmly gripping your hips, holding you in place, preventing you from bucking up against him in a plea for more contact.
Until after that little torture of his, his lips hovered over your aching center, kissing above your lips, softly and gently.
You were a wreck.
Your body ached for more contact, more of him, and he was purposely taking his time.
Instead, he began to trace small, feather light kisses around your aching core, his lips moving slowly but purposefully, avoiding the place you wanted them most.
You gasped again, barely managing to hold back a whine in protest.
"Please," you repeated, your voice a desperate plea, "Please, Boothill."
He chuckled against your skin again, enjoying the way your body responded to his every touch.
When he finally moved his lips to your center, his tongue lightly flicking against your sensitive bud, you gasped loudly, a shiver running down your spine.
His tongue started to explore your most sensitive parts, flicking and swirling gently, sending waves of pleasure through your body.
Your head fell back against the pillows, your eyes closing as you surrendered to the sensations he was creating.
His tongue's teasing touch against your center sent sparks of pleasure through your body, your breath caught in your throat.
Your hands tangled in his hair again, pulling slightly as he continued to explore you. "So beautiful and sweet," he murmured against your skin, the vibration of his voice adding to the sensations he was causing.
He wrapped his lips around your clit, gently sucking and nibbling, driving you even further into frenzy.
Then, his fingers entered the equation, slowly slipping inside you while his mouth continued to work its magic.
Your body trembled, the combined sensations overwhelming your senses.
You were at his mercy, your body completely under his control, writhing and gasping under his expert ministrations.
His fingers moved inside you, curling and stroking, while his tongue continued to flick against your sensitive bud.
The sensations were quickly building toward a climax, your breath coming in quick gasps as you tried to hold back.
"Boothill.. I can't.. too much.." you managed to gasp out, your body arching off the bed.
He seemed to know exactly how to push your buttons, his mouth and fingers working in perfect harmony to elicit the most intense reactions from you.
You couldn't think straight, his touch sending you into a state of ecstasy that was almost overwhelming.
Your body was caught in a tempest of pleasure, every touch of his tongue and fingers driving you closer to the brink.
His fingers curled inside you, hitting a particularly sensitive spot that made your breathing grow ragged.
It looked like he was licking and eating a candy.
Your fingers gripped in his hair, tugging slightly as the pleasure built within you.
"Oh god," you breathed, your voice a ragged gasp, "Please, I-"
Then, suddenly, he stopped, drawing back just as you were about to reach your climax.
You let out a gasp of frustration, your body aching for release.
"Not yet, darlin'," he murmured against your skin, his lips leaving a trail of kisses along your inner thigh.
At the lack of his lips and tongue on your clitoris, you felt a slight breeze that made you shiver. Not to mention how you felt it pulsating.
His free hand gently massaged your hip, as if trying to reassure you.
Your body was taut like a bowstring, the sudden lack of stimulation leaving you feeling empty and needy.
He slid his fingers out of you, stretching them a little, watching as your juices covered them completely, almost spilling out.
He let out a light chuckle, before bringing his fingers to his mouth, drinking in your delicacy.
Your view, which was clouded with ecstasy, focusing on the scene of him sucking on his fingers, was completely provocative.
It was all too obvious that he was more than needy.
Your breathing grew ragged as you watched him suck on his fingers, your eyes wide.
The sight of him enjoying the taste of you was almost too much to bear.
"You taste so good, darlin'," he murmured, his voice thick with desire, "I could do this all night."
When his eyes met yours, that's when you realised.
You had been so focused on your release that you hadn't realised how much he wanted this.
His face flushed, his lips moist.
Oh, he looked so damn needy.
He looked completely undone, like he was restraining himself from taking you right there on the spot.
He was tense, as if he was holding himself back.
Your skin thrumed under his hot gaze, and you could see the way his body reacted to the sight of you sprawled out before him.
It was the cutest thing to see him like that.
You rose slightly from the bed, pushing his chest back now, almost to where you were lying before.
You knew it was now your turn to make him feel good. More than he was.
As you gently pushed him back, reversing your positions, he let out a low growl, but he didn't protest.
He leaned against the wall, watching you with a mixture of curiosity and desire.
He looked absolutely wrecked.
His hair disheveled from your hands, his face flushed, his body thruming with need.
All that for you.
You straddled his hips, sitting on top of him and relishing the position of power you suddenly found yourself in.
Your hands roamed over his chest and bare torso, feeling the firm metal muscles. You could feel the heat radiating off him. His systems were beginning to overheat.
You leaned down, peppering kisses along his neck and jawline, enjoying the way he responded to your touch.
He leaned his head back against the wall, exposing more of his neck to your touch, a low, guttural groan escaping from his throat as your lips and tongue traced a path along his sensitive skin.
His hands gripped your hips, his fingers digging into your skin as you kissed along his neck and jaw.
He let out a low moan when you nibbled on his earlobe.
He was coming to terms with the new sensation of being underneath you.
He was used to taking charge in many situations, but something about letting you take the lead seemed different.
He liked it.
He needed it.
His moans and groans were music to your ears, showing you how much he was enjoying your touches.
His breath was becoming ragged, and his hands held onto your hips tightly, as if anchoring himself.
"Darlin'," he gasped out, his eyes half-lidded as he looked at you.
Your hands began to wander lower, tracing the line of his abdomen and feeling the metal muscles twitch under your touch.
As your hands reached the waistband of his pants, you paused and looked up at him.
"Can I?" you asked, your voice barely above a whisper.
He nodded eagerly, his eyes dark with desire.
He was more than willing to let you continue.
His eyes were dark with desire, his breath coming in short, ragged gasps, and his body was taut with tension.
"Yes," he managed to say, his voice thick with need, "Please."
You tugged on the waistband of his trousers, and he lifted his hips to help you pull them down.
He was begging you, and he didn't care.
As you slid them down his legs, you couldn't help but notice the evidence of his arousal straining against his boxers.
Oh, you forgot that could happen.
You remember that at his request, you made a modification to his robotic body.
Specifically a synthetic limb.
It was one of your best modifications as it was also connected to the nerves that you also gave him. Not to say that his blue blood would help bring it to life when he had to go into action.
You didn't really think you could test if it really worked.
Would you be the first to see if it worked properly? You didn't know.
You hadn't really thought much about it before. After all, it was just a standard modification that you had done. But now, as you saw the physical evidence of his arousal, you couldn't help but wonder if it would work as intended.
Your thoughts were quickly interrupted when he groaned loudly, drawing your attention back to him.
You had started touching his length over his underwear without even realising it.
With just the touch of you, you were surprised to feel the slight warmth that came from it.
He inhaled sharply at the touch, his body tensing even more.
"Please," he repeated, his voice hoarse, "I need you. I need you so bad."
You smiled at their pleas, apparently it was a very good idea to amplify the sensitivity around the area.
He was already a mess, and you had barely touched him yet.
His gasps and moans filled the room, and his eyes were dark with desire.
You could see how badly he needed you, how much he wanted you.
He was begging you, pleading with you to touch him more.
You looked down at the noticeable bulge in his boxers and then back up at his face.
"You're so beautiful," you murmured, "So needy."
He let out another gasp, his body arching towards you as you continued to touch him through the fabric.
After a while of appreciating the good view you had, you pulled down his underwear, revealing his length.
His breath hitched as you pulled his underwear down, exposing him to your view.
He felt so vulnerable, so exposed, but he didn't care.
"Oh god," you blurted out at the sight of his limb.
At first glance you could tell it was working properly.
You were kind of proud of it.
He shuddered at your words, the sensation of your eyes on him enough to make his body shiver.
He was so sensitive, so receptive to your every touch, and it was all thanks to your modifications.
You moved down towards his arousal, cupping it with your hands and releasing light kisses that went from base to tip.
He let out a guttural moan as you kissed him, the sensation sending waves of pleasure through his body.
Your touch was light and teasing, driving him wild with need.
"Oh, sweetheart, that's so good," he gasped out, his body arching towards you as you continued to touch and tease him.
He was putty in your hands, completely at your mercy.
He had never felt this way before, completely surrendered to another person.
And he loved every second of it.
He looked down at you, his gaze full of desire and need.
Without waiting too long, you licked his tip, without taking your eyes off his face.
You were beginning to like the way he was moving beneath you.
He groaned loudly at the feeling of your tongue on his tip, his body arching slightly off the bed.
He couldn't believe the feelings you were invoking in him.
He felt like he was on fire.
He needed more your mouth, more of your touch, more of you.
He reached down, tangling his fingers in your hair, trying to hold himself.
To that, you smiled.
And, without further delay, you shoved as much of his length as you could into your mouth.
His entire body trembled as you took him into your mouth.
He could barely believe how good it felt, how good you felt.
"Oh god," he gasped out, his grip on your hair tightening.
He was completely lost in the sensations you were giving him, unable to think clearly.
He felt like he was on the brink of explosion, barely holding on.
Your mouth felt like heaven against him.
You continued, lowering and raising your head, while also moving your hands up and down his length.
You looked up at him from time to time, just to watch him come completely undone.
His face was flushed, his eyes half-lidded, his mouth open and panting.
His breathing was ragged, and he was making little gasps and moans that sounded like a mixture of your name and incoherent praise.
He was a mess, and it was all your doing.
He was completely under your control, and he loved every second of it.
His breaths were coming in short, ragged gasps, and he was clinging onto you like a lifeline.
His body was trembling, his systems threatening to overheat.
"I'm close," he gasped out, his grip on your hair tightening even more.
He was teetering on the edge, completely at your mercy.
"Please," he panted, "Please don't stop."
You loved the way he was begging you, the way he was completely at your mercy.
You didn't stop, if anything you increased the pace, determined to push him over the edge.
His grip on you grew tighter as he got closer and closer to the brink.
"Oh, swetheart," he groaned, his voice thick with need, "I can't- I'm gonna-"
And, before I reached my limit, your movements stopped, ceasing to suck his length.
You laughed lightly, catching your breath for a moment as you watched him frown in frustration.
He stared at you, his body still shaking with need, his breathing ragged.
He looked completely wrecked, and he was not happy that you had stopped.
"Why'd you stop?" he gasped out, his voice full of frustration and need.
He was so close, so damn close.
He needed you.
But you just smiled at him, enjoying the way he was squirming beneath you.
You smiled as you stood up a little, stretching your back.
"Patience, sweetheart." You somewhat mockingly repeated his words he gave you moments before.
He groaned in frustration, his body still thrumming and begging for release.
He wanted you, he needed you desperately.
How could you be so cruel?
He watched as you stood there in front of him, your smirk making him even more frustrated.
"You're a tease," he grumbled, his voice rough with need.
You positioned yourself on his lap, without sitting down.
With one of your hands you cupped his cheek, as you placed a soft kiss on his lips.
"You were a good boy."
His breath hitched as you cupped his cheek, and he leaned into your touch, despite his frustration.
Your words made him shiver, the praise stirring something in him.
"I was," he murmured, his voice slightly pouty.
He was still needy, still on edge, but he loved the way you were handling him.
He wrapped his arms around your waist, holding you close, as he nuzzled your neck, breathing in your scent.
"Can I have my reward now?" he murmured against your skin.
"Heh, of course you do." You said, as with one of your free hands you grabbed his length, positioning the tip at your entrance.
He gasped at the feel of your hand on him, and he held onto you tighter.
He was so sensitive, every touch sending sparks through his senses.
"You're so perfect…," he whispered, his breath hot on your skin.
As he felt you position him at your entrance, he felt a shiver of anticipation. He needed you, he needed to be inside you.
He was on the brink of losing his mind from desire and need.
"Please," he pleaded, "Please don't make me wait any longer."
You smiled, as you slowly tried to make his length spill inside you.
Which in itself was difficult and painful for you, as this was your first time.
He could feel how tight you were, and he felt a pang of desire mixed with guilt.
As you tried to take him in, he noticed your slight discomfort, and he immediately stopped you.
He looked up at you, concern in his gaze, and he gently lifted you off him.
"Sweetheart, are you alright? You're hurtin'," he asked, his voice filled with worry.
He was still needy and desperate, but he didn't want to hurt you.
He cupped your cheek, his thumb gently stroking your skin, as he watched you intently.
You tried to hide your discomfort, but he saw right through it.
His concern and tenderness made you feel warm all over.
"I'm fine," you said, trying to downplay the pain you were feeling.
"I just need a moment to adjust," you added, a slight tremble in your voice.
He looked at you for a moment, his eyes searching yours, looking for any signs of discomfort.
He gently caressed your leg, his fingers tracing light circles on your skin.
"We can do it slowly, without pressure, my dear" he said, his voice gentle.
Your body relaxed at his words, grateful for his understanding and patience. He placed a gentle kiss on your forehead.
He took his time, gently guiding himself inside you once again, with great care.
He was still sensitive, craving your touch, but his main priority was ensuring that you were comfortable.
He slowly pushed himself in, his eyes locked on your face, watching for any sign of discomfort.
He could see the mixture of pain and pleasure on your face, the way you chewed your lips, trying to hide your discomfort.
He continued to move slowly and gently, giving you time to adjust to the new sensation. You took deep breaths, trying to relax and get used to the feeling.
It was slow, and it hurt, but having him be attentive and considerate, made you feel safe.
As he gently slid further in, the pain began to subside, replaced by an unfamiliar but not unpleasant feeling. He stopped once he was fully inside you, pausing for a moment.
He leaned in, placing gentle kisses on your face, trying to soothe you.
"Are you all right?" he asked, his voice tender and worried, his gaze fixed on you.
You looked up at him, meeting his gaze, and gave him a small nod to let him know it was ok to continue.
His gentle and patient manner was making your heart flutter, and the way he watched you with such care made you feel even more connected to him.
"Y'know, sweetheart? This is my first time too." He said, still not moving.
He tucked one of your hairs behind your ear. As he placed several kisses on your cheeks in an affectionate way.
You blinked in surprise at his words, not expecting that revelation.
You really thought he would have done this many times by now because of the way he behaved, you were wrong apparently.
The realization that this was his first time too, and that he was just as nervous and uncertain, added a new layer of intimacy to the moment.
You reached up, cupping his cheek, and gave him a gentle smile.
"I didn't know." you said, your voice soft, "You're being so kind and patient with me."
Then you reached up, running a hand through his hair, feeling its texture and smoothness between your fingers.
He nuzzled into your touch, closing his eyes and enjoying the sensation.
He felt a little vulnerable admitting that it was his first time too, worried you might think less of him. But the way you smiled at him, the warm touch of your hand on his cheek, made any anxiety melt away.
He leaned into your touch, enjoying the feeling of your fingers combing through his hair. It was soothing and grounding, helping to steady his racing thoughts and nerves.
He gently began to move again, slowly and carefully, still watchful of your reaction.
He watched as you ran your hands through his hair, his eyes fluttering closed for a moment.
"Besides, I wanna make sure you're enjoying this just as much as I am." He whispered, his breath warm on your skin.
You shivered as he began to move again, the gentle friction sending small tremors through your body.
The way he was moving inside you was still a bit uncomfortable, but the pain was beginning to fade and be replaced by a different kind of sensation.
You closed your eyes, letting yourself get lost in the sensations you were feeling. He was being so considerate, taking his time and making sure you were comfortable.
His words made you smile, and you opened your eyes to meet his gaze.
"I am enjoying it," you replied, "more than I ever imagined it could be."
Your hand continued to run through his hair, and you pulled him closer, pressing your forehead against his.
His heart skipped a beat as you pulled him closer, a warmth spreading through his chest.
He was relieved and happy to hear that you were enjoying it. All he wanted was for you to feel good and safe with him.
He continued to move gently, trying to find a pace that was pleasurable for both of you.
He relished in the feeling of your hand in his hair, and he loved the way your body felt against his own.
"You're so beautiful, sweetheart," he murmured, his voice thick with desire, "I could lose myself in you forever."
He leaned in, kissing your neck and collarbone. He opened his mouth to bite your neck, leaving a mark much more noticeable than the others he had left on your thighs.
The feeling of his mouth on your neck sent a shiver down your spine, and you let out a soft gasp as he bit down.
You could feel his teeth sinking into your skin, and you knew it would leave a mark, a reminder of this moment.
You tilted your head back, giving him more access to your neck, silently encouraging him.
The sensation was a mixture of pleasure and pain, but you didn't mind. It felt possessive.
Claiming. You wanted him to claim you, to make sure that everyone knew that you were his.
You arched your back, pressing closer against him, encouraging him to continue.
"Please," you murmured, your voice low and wanton. "Don't stop."
He was sensitive, and the feel of you around him was almost overbearing.
He felt your body arch against his, your voice low and pleading, and it made him shiver with desire.
He loved the way you reacted to his touch, the way you leaned into him and asked for more.
Hearing the words "Don't stop" spill from your lips was like music to his ears.
He continued his assault on your neck, his mouth moving to new spots, nibbling and biting and sucking, marking you as his own.
Instinctively he moved his hand to one of your breasts, pulling the tip and massaging it.
He began to move a little faster, a little deeper, his pleasure increasing. He groaned against your skin.
The feel of his hand on your breast sent ripples of pleasure through your body, your breath catching in your throat as he teased and played with your nipple.
The combination of his mouth on your neck and his hand on your breast was almost overwhelming. You let out a soft moan, arching your back in response.
As he began to move faster and deeper, you felt a wave of sensations wash over you. The pain had faded, replaced by a pleasure unlike anything you had ever experienced.
You could feel him beginning to lose himself.
Unconsciously, your hand moved down to your clit, touching yourself as you moved your hips slightly with his every movement.
That increased the pleasure you felt, making your inner walls clench at his length.
He looked down at you, his gaze filled with a mixture of desire and awe.
He was lost in you, drowning in your scent, your touch, the way you moved against him, the sounds you made. He couldn't get enough of you.
As he watched you touch yourself, his breath caught in his throat. Seeing you give yourself pleasure while he was inside you was an image he was sure to never forget.
He groaned, unable to keep his own pleasure contained.
"You're so perfect, sweetheart," he gasped out, his words interrupted by his ragged breaths.
He kept moving, faster and deeper, his mouth never leaving your neck. Every gasp and moan that escaped your lips only spurred him on.
Every movement, every touch, every breath felt like a shock to your body.
You were lost in the sensations, your mind unable to form coherent thoughts.
"Please," you panted, "Please, I need you-"
You weren't sure how much more you could take, the pleasure was almost too much to bear.
The combination of his words, his touch, and his movements were making it hard for you to think straight.
Your mind was swirling with sensation, and you couldn't focus on anything but the feel of him inside you, and the pleasure he was bringing you.
One of your hands grabbed onto his hair, the other one still rubbing your clit. A constant stream of soft moans and gasps was falling from your lips.
He walked away from your neck, having left countless marks all over the area.
His face could not have been redder at that moment.
The sight of him with narrowed eyes, tilting his head back and mouth open, trying to formulate sentences and words that would not come out, being replaced with incoherent sounds.
It was simply a delight for you.
He tried to form a coherent sentence, but the words were escaping him. His mind was consumed with desire, his body on the brink of ecstasy.
You knew he was entering his climax, as his movements became somewhat erratic and slightly sloppy.
And, him doing so, hit your g-spot.
He was losing control, his body moving on its own, driven by pure animalistic need. He wanted to hold on, to make this moment last, but he knew he was reaching his limit.
He leaned down, his forehead resting against yours, his breath coming in ragged gasps.
He looked at you, trying to steady his breathing and speak. But all that came out were ragged gasps and incoherent sounds.
"I wanna-" he pleaded.
For that, your eyes were full of tears of pleasure.
You could feel him reaching his limit, the way his breathing was growing more labored and uneven.
The way he was trying to speak, but unable to form words, only adding to the intensity of the moment.
You were lost in the sensations, your body on fire. Each movement, each gasp from him was driving you closer and closer to the edge.
"Please," he pleaded once again, his voice ragged and needy, "can I…?"
His words trailed off, but you knew what he was asking for. And you were more than willing to give it to him.
You could see the desperation in his eyes. He wanted, no - needed to release.
He was on the edge, and you were right there with him.
You could feel him getting close, his movements becoming more uncoordinated, his breaths coming in short gasps.
"Please," you whispered, your voice trembling.
You were so close yourself, teetering on the brink of ecstasy. You could feel it building deep inside, like a coil winding tighter and tighter.
He turned his lips to yours, both of you stifling your moans and groans.
He moved his lips against yours, his tongue tracing your lips, seeking entry into your mouth.
You parted your lips, allowing him in. The kiss was messy and needy, both of you clinging to each other in search of more contact.
He let out a low moan against your mouth. He tried to hold back, to draw out the moment a little longer, but he was too far gone.
He looked into your eyes, his gaze pleading.
"I'm gonna-" he gasped out, his voice strained.
But he couldn't finish the sentence. He was completely lost in the sensation, the pleasure almost overwhelming him.
He buried his face into your neck, his body shivering against yours, as he held on to you tightly.
"I'm gonna-" he repeated, his voice barely above a whisper.
You could feel him on the edge, his breaths coming in ragged gasps. He was close, and so were you.
"Me too," you breathed out, your voice trembling with need, "I'm so close. Please-"
You gripped onto him.
He moved his lips to your ear, his warm breath tickling your skin.
And so, giving a few more deep penetrations, he reached his release. At the same time as you, as he pressed hard on your sweet spot, he made you come without hesitation.
As the waves of pleasure washed over him, he shuddered against you.
He let out a guttural moan, his body tensing up, as he released himself deep inside you.
He held onto you tightly, as he rode out the waves of pleasure. His eyes were closed, his breathing labored.
He tried to speak, to form words, but the only sound that came out were unintelligible gasps and moans.
For a few moments, you both were lost in the intensity of the moment. All that could be heard was the sound of your erratic breaths.
He collapsed against you, his body trembling from the aftershocks of pleasure. His forehead rested against your shoulder, his breaths ragged and heavy.
He wrapped his arms around you, holding you close, as if afraid to let go. He buried his face into your neck, inhaling your scent.
For a few moments, neither of you spoke. You both laid there, your bodies tangled together, simply enjoying the afterglow.
His breathing slowly returned to normal, his body relaxed against yours.
He lifted his head from your neck, looking down at you.
"You're so amazing," he murmured, his voice husky.
He cupped your face, rubbing his thumb against your cheek. His eyes were soft and filled with tenderness.
"That was…" he trailed off, unable to find the words.
He let out a low chuckle.
"There are no words to describe how incredible that was."
You let out a shaky breath, a sated smile on your face.
You smiled weakly, still feeling a little boneless from the intense pleasure.
"Yeah," you agreed.
But you couldn't find the words either.
"Intense" was an understatement.
You turned your face into his hand, nuzzling into his palm, enjoying the feel of his cold skin against yours.
"I felt the same way," you replied, your voice soft and gentle.
He leaned down, pressing a soft kiss to your forehead.
"You're perfect," he murmured, his lips brushing against your skin. "Absolutely perfect."
He shifted slightly, pulling out of you with a soft groan.
He gently placed you on the bed as he leaned further back on the bed, no longer sitting up.
He pulled one of the blankets off the bed and placed it over his body, then took you in his arms, placing you on top of him, making it slightly more comfortable for you than just being pressed against his metal body.
He pressed you against his chest, your head resting on his shoulder.
For a few moments, you both lay there in silence, enjoying the closeness and the feel of each other's bodies.
His arms cradled you spectacularly, in an attempt to make your body try to unwind from the previous physical activity. Then he ran his fingers through your hair, his touch soft and soothing.
"I didn't hurt you, did I?" he asked, his voice laced with concern.
You lay on top of him, your head resting on his shoulder, feeling the steady rise and fall of his chest as he breathed.
His fingers were gentle as they threaded through your hair.
When he spoke, you could hear the concern in his voice.
You shook your head, lifting your face to look up at him.
"No, you didn't hurt me," you assured him. "You were perfect."
You shifted slightly, snuggling deeper against him.
"Now I'm just very tired.."
He chuckled softly, hearing you say that you were tired.
He continued running his fingers through your hair, rubbing soothing circles on your scalp.
"Exhausted, huh? I take that as a compliment."
He smiled, feeling a sense of pride that he had managed to tire you out so thoroughly.
He gently shifted under you, making himself more comfortable beneath you.
"You can sleep, sweetheart. I'll be right here."
He covered you with the blanket you were on top of, making sure you didn't get cold.
You melted into his touch, the feel of his fingers in your hair soothing and relaxing.
You let out a soft laugh, a little delirious from the lack of energy.
You snuggled against him, feeling more relaxed than ever before.
His touch was soothing, his fingers in your hair creating tingles on your scalp.
You let out a small sigh, feeling the exhaustion start to wash over you.
"Thanks," you murmured, your eyes drifting shut as you nuzzled against his chest.
He chuckled again as he felt you relax against him, your body sinking into his embrace.
He continued to lightly massage your scalp, knowing that it would help you fall asleep faster.
He felt your breath start to slow, your body growing heavier in his arms.
He pressed a gentle kiss to the top of your head, feeling a sense of contentment wash over him.
"Sleep, sweetheart," he whispered.
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Your eyes opened slowly, getting a little used to the light coming through the window.
Attempting to stretch out, you felt trapped.
You looked up, seeing Boothill lying there. His eyes were closed.
Perhaps he was recharging his battery, you looked down again.
As your eyes cleared, you saw your legs and torso almost uncovered, which caused you to wake up completely.
You felt an incredible heaviness throughout your body, as if every bone and joint ached.
Mentally recoiling in an attempt to remember why, your eyes opened wide.
You'd had sex with him, in someone else's house, out loud. Your face turned red, "what a shame," you thought.
You sighed, leaning your head back on his chest.
Oh, but before you could try to get any more sleep, your hand reached as far as it could to your trousers, which were at one end of the bed.
When you managed to reach them, you pulled out your phone, going straight into the chat with your roommate.
You deleted the incomplete message you didn't get to send yesterday, typed in a new one and then proceeded to send it.
It read; "I rode a cowboy".
The chat almost immediately began to fill up with messages, none of which you read, proceeding to toss your phone to the side, closing your eyes again.
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©cherrylovelycherry do not repost, copy, translate, modify
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jksprincess10 · 2 days
If I can't have us || Joel Miller x reader
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A/N: This was made for @janaispunk 1.5k celebration. I got "neck kisses" as a prompt.
Summary: You beg Joel to give you want you want.
CW: Public setting, exhibitionism, mean!joel, innocent and younger!reader, fingering, unprotected p in v, car sex, pet names
(baby girl, etc.), choking, minimal editing.
dividers by @saradika-graphics
Moodboard by @janaispunk
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You look pathetic like this, straddling him in the front seat of an old truck that survived the apocalypse. His hands are on the wheel even though the truck has stopped a long time ago. He refuses to touch you, to let you in under his skin. Your lips are latched onto his neck, licking and sucking at his throat like a vampire.
“Joel, please.”
“No.” He tries to stay firm, but he feels his resolve slowly slipping as you grind against him, his traitorous cock hardening. Before he slips more, his hand circles your delicate throat, and he pulls you away roughly.
“Too young. Too sweet. M’gonna ruin you.” He groans.
“Ruin me, Joel.” 
Joel finally breaks. With his hand still a collar around your throat, he smashes his lips against yours, tasting the saltiness of his own skin mixed with your sweetness. Your moan vibrates in his mouth as he deepens the kiss, his free hand grabbing onto your hair, keeping you where he wants you.
“Please please, touch me. Need you.” You beg as he comes up for air, and it’s his turn to kiss and lick your throat.
His hand unzips your shorts and slips in the front, cupping your wetness.
“Jesus, you’re this wet already? Fuckin’ pathetic.” His middle finger breaches your entrance without softness, but that’s what you wanted. Your eyes roll in the back of your head. His fingers were so big, you thought yours would never compete after this. You grind against his palm, not a care in the world as you moan loudly.
“You can cum just like this, huh? C’mon, fuck yourself on my fingers.” He taunts as he inserts another finger, stretching you more. He stops moving, just resting his fingers there as you do the work, moving your hips as you look at him with hooded eyelids. He takes his hand away just as you’re about to fall off the edge, and you feel like you might cry.
“I don’t think so, baby girl. You’ll cum on my cock.”
You watch closely as he unclasps his belt with one hand and unzips his pants. He pulls them down along with his boxers just enough to free his erection.  Joel circles his girth with a calloused palm and pumps a few times. Meanwhile, you get rid of your shorts and your panties to the best of your ability, your movements restricted by the small space you’re in.
“C’me here.” He holds you as you descend slowly on his cock. Your mouth hangs open. He feels so big.
“Told ya I’d ruin you.” Joel chuckles. “I’ll fuck ya dumb, baby.”
His thrusts are already brutal, his hips moving up as you try to hold on to the seat.  It’s dark out, but you can see the flashlights of a few Fedra officers doing their rounds. They’re coming closer.
“Hurry up or they’ll see us.” You whisper.
“S’fine baby. They won’t do nothin’ to us.”
He somehow thrusts in deeper, and you almost scream as he reaches that sweet spot. You muffle your moans in his neck, sucking and licking at his throat. From the corner of your eyes, you can see the light swiping over the truck window.
“Show them how pretty you look when you cum.”
 Your legs shaking, you finally wet his dick. Joel gives you two more powerful thrusts before he pulls out, just before he spreads his spend on your thigh.
The Fedra officer knocks on the window, but when he sees Joel’s glare, he leaves.
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pupyuj · 2 days
maybe some ghostface g!p wonyoung?🫣 fucking u with a knife pointed at ur neck oooh we love some extreme dubcon🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤
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i love love love scream sm and ghostface asks just make me giggle and kick my feet in the air YEAH IT’S WEIRD IDC BUT IT FUELS MY BRAIN SEND MORE 🤪 this is once again another drabble that might be disturbing/triggering for some so please read at your own risk!!
[cw: extreme dubcon, violence, brainwashing, manipulation, knife play, blood kink, murder 😭]
now hear me out… photographer!wony who has grown obsessed with amateur model!reader during your time together as colleagues.. you’re a fresh find in the industry, only having involved in a few small projects and you considered working w an acclaimed photographer like wonyoung such an honor! you practically worshipped her—studied her work through the hundreds of magazines she has worked on and you even keep up with her social media accounts bcs even the photos she takes on her phone are art! but truth to be told, wony wasn’t all too enthusiastic about working with a rookie but you were pretty enough that she sucked it up! plus, she was tired of all the bossy older, experienced models who always thought they knew better than the girl behind the camera 😒😒
wony being so pleasantly surprised with your talent that after the first time you worked together, she becomes very willing to work with you again! and again, and again.. until the two of you were eventually acquaintances, but that was also when wony starts getting… well, territorial over you 🫣 but she wasn’t stupid. she knew it wasn’t normal to want to gouge out the eyes of every man that looks at you for a second too long.. but wonyoung really can’t help it! 😣 you’re such a precious little gem that she just wants to lock you up in her basement and make herself the only person to ever set eyes on you…
getting comfortable around wony to the point that you allow her to be in a changing room with you as you dress up for a photoshoot,, asking her if you look pretty and never once catching that dark look in her eyes or the way she licks her lips as she thinks about all the things she wants to do to you… ugh, she gets so hard just looking at you in your pretty little outfits.. sometimes it comes to the point where she pretends to fix something in the outfit just so she can be close to you and inhale your perfume… as well as press her bulge against your ass.. even though you pretend not to notice it, wonyoung always takes note of how your breath hitches and how you move closer to her slightly,, fuck every time there’s a break, wony has to run to the washrooms to jerk off bcs the feeling was sometimes overwhelming.. but gosh, did it all feel good 😵‍💫😵‍💫
it wasn’t until you start gaining more and more attention that wonyoung loses her head though.. she goes on a killing spree in a ridiculous fucking costume, mercilessly taking the life of those that thought they could ever take you from her.. you were the one who noticed the odd pattern: all of those that this ‘ghostface’ killed has interacted with you at least once.. and more than half of them have tried to woo you, so in a sense, this ‘ghostface’ would be protecting you in a really messed up way but you had no idea who would do such a thing for you 🫣🫣 unfortunately wonyoung fucks up one day; after one of her kills, you come over to her home for a quick rundown of another one of your projects together.. and while the two of you sat on her bed, that was when you saw a piece of the dark cloak ‘ghostface’ always wore stuffed haphazardly in wonyoung’s closet.. and then you just noticed the little droplets of blood on the carpet floor.. so dark and have clearly been there for a while…
wonyoung had already noticed that you already pieced it together and made her move before you can say or do or think anything—“not a word, little mouse.” and then you feel it: cold steel. the side of a knife being pressed flat against your neck, the sharp edge being so dangerously close to your collarbone.
no bcs?? you can’t tell me wony wouldn’t find pleasure in your reaction when she lists down all the suitors she has killed.. something in her sick, twisted mind dances happily every time the fear in your eyes gets bigger and stronger, you were practically frozen on her bed as you listened to the exact ways wonyoung murdered her victims.. some of them were close coworkers, acquaintances, friends. and gosh, ofc wony takes this opportunity to finally get her hands on you! 🤭 sitting there while her one free hand explores your body :(( squeezing your breasts, gliding down from your stomach all the way to your core.. “you’re wet? you’re a little freak, aren’t you..? getting turned on despite being touched by a murderer??”
having no choice but to follow her every command :(( laying down all comfortably in her bed, crying silently while wonyoung takes her sweet time taking her clothes off before mounting you, her bare cock dangerously close to your clothed entrance.. “not gonna try and run? smart girl. i wouldn’t want to kill you.. i love you, (y/n)… you can’t let me do that.. so be good.” her kisses were sweet and soft and for a second, you thought that even if she fucks you against your will, maybe she’ll be gentle.. but you were dumber than you actually looked bcs the second you let your guard down, wonyoung creates a small cut on your collarbone and quickly licks it.. practically moaning at your wincing and how you blood tasted eugh she was so freaky! 😭
also, she would be laughing while you struggled against her?? being so scared that she’ll hurt you again you actually try to break free of her hold and shit but she’s just cackling while you thrash underneath her.. feeling so, so weak while she cuts your clothes up.. she’s giggling and everything! so excited to finally see you naked and touch that delicate skin of yours.. and it rlly takes her all of her willpower to not just cut you up and see just how beautiful you’d look with blood all over you 😰😰 you’d beg and beg for her not to hurt you, feeling the cold metal of the knife against your neck as you cry and plead to wonyoung who was rlly just having the time of her life… but things were weird! she has violated you, hurt you, literally killed people you’ve come to know… and you find her so attractive with her face all scrunched up and her head thrown back while she rocks her hips and rams her cock inside you…
at some point you even wrapped your arms around her waist bcs it felt so good 😵‍💫 you forgot that you were fucking with a murderer and could only think of the wonyoung you knew from before… jang wonyoung, your role model.. and well, suffice to say that was enough for you to agree to everything that she was saying to you and have her cum inside you 🥴 and it wouldn’t even stop there! with or without your consent, wony would be fucking you all night! just in case something happens that would separate the two of you after this night..
ya’ll can’t tell me that she wouldn’t try to manipulate you even more after that day! 🫣 scaring you into not saying a peep about her identity, threatening your career and your whole fucking life if you even think of going to the police.. ofc she was successful! and yes she still continues to be ghostface ofc 🫢 every time someone hits on you while wonyoung was around, your heart would sink low to your stomach knowing she was going to get rid of them.. but not after reminding you who you belong to in an empty changing room 🤭🤭 would also love to think that she would be fucked in the head enough to mold you into her little sidekick?? telling you about her ghostface ways and feeling immensely proud when you claim your first kill who happens to be another model who was way too interested in your wonyoung-nim! 😣
wonyoung would only be completely satisfied after she has turned her favorite doll into a cute little puppet 🤭
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eomayas · 2 days
acts of service • hjs
pairing: joshua x f!reader, established relationship
genre: fluff
synopsis: joshua takes care of you without you having to ask
warnings: none
a/n: i’m starting to look like a joshua stan which is funny because he’s not my svt bias but the brain plays funny tricks on us! but hope u enjoy :) unedited
“joshua, my feet hurt,” you whine, smooshing your cheek against his shoulder. your feet are on fire from the tall, uncomfortable heels you wore on your date tonight. honestly, everything is uncomfortable right now, up to your dress feeling suffocating, and the headache you feel coming on.
“we’re almost at the house baby,” he says. he’s already given you his jacket because you didn’t bring one, and it’s much windier than you guys expected. he doesn’t know if he can give up his shoes too. “can you hold on?”
“fine,” you huff. you know you’re just being dramatic because you’re just so uncomfortable, but you can’t help it. you walk gingerly beside him, wincing with every step you take. it feels like your ankles are going to fall off, though you’re not too upset at the idea of that happening in the next five seconds. “shua, my feet hurt so bad!” you whine after another minute of unbearable pain.
he sighs quietly beside you and stops walking. “ready?” he mutters, one arm slinging under your thighs and the other going across your back. you nod, and he swoops you into his arms bridal style. you circle your arms around his neck and smile to yourself.
“shua, you’re the best,” you sigh, head resting in his neck. he hums, but doesn’t say anything. you decide to keep quiet the rest of the way, not wanting to make him more annoyed than you can tell he already is. he keeps his eyes straight ahead, just wanting to get home and crawl into bed.
finally, you arrive at the apartment building at he walks you over to the keypad to put the code in. you press the sequence of numbers in, and the door pops open. he walks through, careful not to hit your legs against the frame, and walks over to the elevator. joshua sets you down with a sigh, and flexes his hands to bring feeling back into them. “too heavy?” you joke, tone lighthearted.
“no, i lift more than you at the gym,” he mumbles, pressing the button to call the elevator, not even sparing you a glance. “just cold.” you bite your bottom lip and stand there next to him, waiting.
“want your jacket?” you ask.
“keep it.”
the elevator dings and the doors slide open. ever the gentleman, he holds his arm in front of the doors so they don’t slide closed, and waits for you to get in before he does. you press your floor number and lean against the wall, holding onto the support bars to take some of your weight off of your feet.
reaching your floor, you step out of the elevator and, wordlessly, joshua immediately lifts you back into his arms. he carries you down the hall and stops in front of the door. “keys are in the right pocket,” he says. you dig your hand into the pocket of his coat to retrieve the keys, and unlock the door for the two of you.
joshua deposits you onto the kitchen counter and helps you out of his jacket. he disappears down the hall, leaving you with your headache and your aching feet. “god, everything hurts,” you mumble, rolling your ankles in your shoes. “shua, can you help me take these off?” you ask when he comes back down the hallway.
you watch him suck in a breath, holding it for a moment before blowing it out. “of course,” he says, but it’s not the way you’d respond of course! to if somebody asked if you wanted to go to disneyland with them. he comes to a stop in front of you and picks up your foot, resting it on his thigh and begins unlacing your heel.
“thank you,” you say as he works your shoe off. you sigh in relief when your right foot is free from the heel, flexing and wiggling your toes. he takes your foot and softly massages it, and you feel so many things for him at once. “you’re the best.”
he just smiles, annoyance evident in the tightness of his mouth, but doesn’t look up at you. “i mean it. i know you’re annoyed with me right now, but i love and appreciate you so much,” you say.
joshua finally meets your eye, and his features soften. “i know, i love you too,” he leans forward and presses a kiss to your forehead. “you’re quite the complainer tonight.” he mutters, kissing your forehead once more.
you smile with teeth at him, leaning back on your hands. “i know—you’re my rock,” joshua bends your leg and presses a kiss to your knee, flicking his eyes up to yours before working your other shoe off.
content sighs leave your lips when he pulls you heel off and massages your other foot. his fingers work deftly to bring down relief into your toes and pressure points, pressing the pads of his fingers into the skin. after a few moments, he stops and holds onto the counter, boxing your legs between his arms. “better?”
“mhm,” you say. he gives you a small smile before leaning forward to capture your lips in a kiss. you open your legs to bring him closer and then wrap them around his waist, crossing them at the ankles. “love you.” you murmur, hand softly stroking the back of his head.
“i love you. anything else i can do for you?” he asks, teasingly pinching your chin between his thumb and pointer finger.
you lift your arms up like a little kid. “carry me?” joshua chuckles and nods, kissing you once more before lifting you from the counter and hoisting you into his arms. he carries you down the hall to your shared bedroom, and tosses you onto the bed. he smiles when you shriek and giggle, bouncing a bit before settling on the bed. joshua grabs some pajamas out of the dresser: a pair of sleep pants for him, and one of his big t-shirts for you.
he helps you out of your dress, and laughs when you stretch like a cat. “that bad?”
“why’d you wear it?” he asks, massaging your shoulders.
“for you, bozo. and it looked nice,” you say, poking him in the side. joshua pokes you back, and the two of you have a mini poking war before his fingers begin to crawl over your skin, wiggling into your sides. “okay, stop! you win.” you say, hands griping his wrists tightly so he doesn’t begin tickling you mercilessly.
he just grins at you and tugs his hands out of your grip. joshua helps slip the shirt over your head. the rest of your night goes something like that; joshua taking care of you without you having to ask for it. he helps you take off your makeup, and earrings and sets them in your jewelry tray before taking care of himself and doing his own night routine. he makes sure you’re tucked cutely in the bed before disappearing into the bathroom to handle his own business.
when he comes back in just his pajamas pants, you throw the duvet open for him. he smiles and slides in next to you, rolling onto his side to curl you into him. and this is what you love most about him, he just always knows what you need without you having to ask.
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rafecameronssl4t · 8 hours
How about Pope/JJ having a crush on Topper’s younger sister which is also Rafe’s girl and him making sure he knows his place and the fact that she’s his girl. Maybe she’s the island sweetheart and she’s nice to everyone, and sometimes she hangs out with the pogues (despite her brother and boyfriend hating that) and Rafe noticed how the boy looks at her and decides to put on a little show to prove she’s his girl 🫣🥹
Get in losers, we’re going shopping || Rafe Cameron x Thornton!reader
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A/n: This was so fun to write thank u for the request 🫶
Warnings: swearing, suggestive, possesive/jealous!rafe, if there’s anything else lmk
Word count: 1,837
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Divider by @yoonitos
mood board
As you drive along, a smile creeps across your face when you notice JJ and Pope walking on the side of the road. You slow your car, matching their pace, which causes them to exchange puzzled glances before coming to a halt.
Rolling down your window, you lift your sunglasses, locking eyes with the two boys. Their confusion quickly shifts to recognition, and a mix of surprise and curiosity spreads across their faces.
“Hey boys,” you greet them with a smile. “Oh—hey, y/n,” Pope stammers, making you giggle. “This your new car?” JJ asks, patting the sleek Porsche. You hum in response, “want a ride?” you offer sweetly.
The boys exchange a quick glance before sprinting to the passenger side, shoving each other. In the end, Pope manages to snag the seat, and you laugh at their antics.
“I’ll sugar momma you guys today,” you wink at them, moving the stick into gear. They grin widely, and you drive off, the engine purring smoothly. “So, where are we—” Pope starts, but he’s cut off by the sound of your phone ringing. Rafe’s name flashes on the display, and the boys visibly tense up, their smiles fading as discomfort sets in.
“Hi, Rafe,” you say, your voice carrying a mix of warmth and caution. “Hi baby, whatcha doin’? Thought I might come over to yours in a few minutes, gotta see Top for something too” Rafe’s voice fills the car, a smooth and confident drawl.
“I’m out right now, and I won’t be home for a bit,” you reply, tapping your finger against the steering wheel. The boys sit in tense silence, trying to act nonchalant but clearly uncomfortable with the conversation. The cheerful energy from earlier is all but gone, replaced by a palpable tension that hangs in the air.
It’s silent on the other end before Rafe speaks up again. “Right, where—where are you right now? You with anyone?” he stutters, his tone shifting to one of suspicion. Pope’s eyes widen, and he freaks out. “I don’t think we should be here right now,” he mutters under his breath. Eyes wide, you slap a hand over his mouth. “Shut up, dude!” JJ whisper-yells, trying to keep his voice low. You throw JJ a look that clearly says he isn’t helping.
Hearing the voices, Rafe stands up from his seat, his eyebrows furrowed. “Who was that?” he questions sharply. You glance at the boys, feeling the weight of the situation.“Uh, I’m just with Pope and JJ,” you quietly admit, bracing yourself for Rafe’s reaction.
There’s a brief, tense silence on the other end of the line, and you can almost hear Rafe’s jaw clench. You know how your boyfriend feels about you hanging out with them, and the tension in the car thickens as you wait for his response.
“Are you serious right now? How many times have I told you I don’t want you hangin’ around with them?” He angrily says. You roll your eyes, already feeling the annoyance building. “Rafe, I’m not having this conversation with you right now, okay?” you reply, trying to keep your voice steady.
“No. We’re having this conversation right now. Does Topper even know you’re hanging out with those Pogues?” Rafe snaps back, his tone leaving no room for argument. You let out a frustrated sigh, glancing at Pope and JJ, who look increasingly uncomfortable.
“Rafe, not right now. I’m hanging up, okay? Hanging up right now—” you begin, but Rafe interjects, “Don’t you dare—”Before he can finish his sentence, you press end call. The car falls into an uneasy silence as Pope and JJ sit there quietly, processing what just happened.
“Uhm, so that just happened,” Pope says, staring out at the road in front of him as you chuckle. “I’m so sorry you guys had to hear that,” You apologetically say, biting your bottom lip anxiously, “Nah, don’t even worry about it,” JJ reassures you as you smile at him through the rearview mirror. “Do you guys wanna get some gelato? I’m craving some right now,” You offer as you turn into the main road of Kildare.
Opening the door to your house, you pause for a moment as your eyes fall on Topper and Rafe lounging on the sofa. Topper is scrolling through his phone, barely glancing up at your entrance, while Rafe reclines with a smug look on his face.
“Where have you been?” Topper asks, his gaze still fixed on his phone. You hesitate, glancing at Rafe, whose smirk only deepens. “Uh, did Rafe not tell you?” you ask, your voice tinged with confusion since you for sure thought that he would tell your brother who shared the same disdain towards JJ and Pope.
Rafe raises an eyebrow, clearly enjoying the discomfort he’s causing. “Tell him what?” he says innocently, leaning back further into the cushions. “Oh, nothing. I was just hanging out with my friends,” You say as you slip off your sandals, Topper giving you and Rafe a suspicious look.
“Yeah, okay. How’s your new car, by the way? Have you scratched it yet? Cause if you did, you know Mom and Dad will throw a fit,” Topper says casually, his tone laced with a hint of sarcasm. You roll your eyes, feeling the familiar sting of his passive-aggressiveness. Without responding, you turn to leave the room.
Rafe gets up from the sofa and follows behind you, his expression unreadable. “How does my little sister end up with a Porsche for her first car anyway? It’s fuckin’ unfair,” Topper’s voice jeered from the adjacent room, his tone laced with mockery. “Shut up, Topper!” you retorted, frustration seeping into your voice as Rafe let out a soft, amused snort.
“What are you doing here, by the way?” you ask Rafe who shuts your door behind him as you set your shopping bags down on the ground. “Can I not see my girlfriend?” he says with a playful smirk, his eyes dancing with mischief as he lounges comfortably on your bed.
You pause, studying his expression for any hint of underlying motive. “I just thought you wouldn’t wait for me after I told you who I was hanging out with,” you say cautiously, carefully avoiding mentioning JJ or Pope by name.
Rafe’s response is nonchalant, almost dismissive. He simply shrugs, as if your concerns are of little importance to him. “Don’t care,” he replies coolly, his tone betraying no trace of emotion. You lean against your window, raising an eyebrow at his nonchalance. “Really?” you say, not quite believing him.
He hums, his expression unchanged. “Yeah, really.” You slowly nod, still feeling a bit skeptical. “You coming to the party tonight, right?” Rafe speaks up, breaking the tension as you throw your new clothes into your hamper. “I didn’t even know there was a party tonight, but sure,” you shrug, before collapsing on top of Rafe, who exaggerates a loud groan in response, playfully protesting your weight.
Getting out of the car, you could already feel the curious stares people were giving your way as Topper and Rafe walked up behind you. The beach was buzzing with activity, and you took in the scene, noting the mix of familiar and unfamiliar faces.
Scanning the crowd, you quickly spot JJ and Pope hanging out with a few others near the bonfire. They notice you and wave enthusiastically. A smile spreads across your face as you lift your hand, ready to wave back, but before you can, Rafe grabs your hand firmly.
“C’mon, let’s get some drinks,” he mutters against your ear, his breath warm on your skin. His tone is casual, but the grip on your hand leaves little room for argument. You glance back at JJ and Pope, who are now watching the interaction closely, their expressions shifting to concern.
Reluctantly, you let Rafe guide you towards the makeshift bar set up on the sand. Topper falls into step beside you, his presence adding to the tension. “Here,” Rafe passes you a drink as you gratefully take it.
“What are you looking at?” you ask, staring at Rafe’s side profile. He turns to you, his eyes narrowing slightly as he pulls you closer. “It’s nothing, don’t worry about it,” he mutters, his tone trying to sound reassuring but tinged with irritation.
Following his earlier line of sight, you glance over and spot JJ and Pope. They’re laughing with a group of friends, seemingly unaware of Rafe’s intense gaze moments ago. Your stomach tightens as you realize he’s been watching them.
Rafe’s grip on you tightens ever so slightly, a subtle reminder of his possessive nature. You look back at him, trying to gauge his mood, but his expression is a mask of casual indifference. The contrast between his actions and his words leaves you feeling uneasy,
“Let’s go,” Rafe suddenly stands up, grabbing your hand abruptly, “What?” As soon as Rafe is standing up with you following along, you hear the whistles and low muttering of people. “Everyone shut the hell up!” Topper groans, watching his little sister and bestfriend walk off.
“Rafe, where are we going?” you ask, glancing back at the crowd, feeling the weight of their stares and the palpable tension in the air. “Shh, it’s fine, we’re just going back to your car,” Rafe says, pulling you closer. He leans in to kiss you, and you feel his smirk against your lips. His hands begin to wander, moving further down your back, his touch both familiar and possessive.
“Rafe,” you pull back slightly, your voice tinged with concern. “It’s fine, yeah? Please?” He looks at you with a familiar intensity, his eyes pleading yet commanding. It’s a look you know all too well, one that mixes affection with an undercurrent of control.
Playfully rolling your eyes, you unlock the car and gently push him before settling down on his lap. His arms wrap around you tightly, holding you close with an almost possessive firmness. You can feel the strength in his grip, the way he presses you against him, as if asserting his claim over you.
“You’re mine, y’know that, right?” he mutters against your neck, his breath warm and slightly ragged. “Mhm, I know that,” you mumble, your hands running through his hair. His fingers dig into your waist, drawing you even closer. His scent, a mix of cologne and the salty sea air, envelops you, creating an intoxicating mix of comfort and confinement.
You tilt your head slightly, allowing him better access to your neck as he continues to murmur possessive reassurances.
“Y/n?” You lift your head just as you finish zipping up your shorts. “Hey—” The greeting dies on your lips when you find yourself face to face with JJ. “What are you doing here?” you ask, awkwardly chuckling and smoothing down your hair. The sound of Rafe exiting the car behind you adds to the tension.
JJ’s eyes trace your appearance before flicking behind you to Rafe. “We were just about to, uh, leave,” he says, scratching his head. You nod awkwardly. “Hey, Y/n,” Pope greets as he joins the scene, sensing the uncomfortable vibe. You manage a smile at him. “Hi—” you start, but your words falter as Rafe steps up beside you, still buttoning his shirt. JJ and Pope stand there awkwardly, waiting, while Rafe ignores their presence.
“Did you guys have fun?” you ask, attempting to lighten the mood. Rafe finally looks up, a smirk playing on his lips as he glances at the boys. “Yeah, yeah, it was fun, I guess,” Pope replies hesitantly. JJ’s pained smile shifts between you and Rafe. “You guys sure did, huh?”
Rafe snorts at JJ’s comment, prompting you to slap his chest lightly. There was awkward silence before you speak up, “Did you guys want a lift back?” you offer.
Before they can respond, Rafe interjects, “Baby, you’ve had a few drinks already. I don’t think that’s a good idea.”JJ rolls his eyes at Rafe. “It’s fine, we’ll find our own way home,” Pope says, his smile tinged with sadness. You nod slowly.
“Yeah, you do that,” Rafe says dismissively, pulling you back towards the group. “Come on, babe.” You glance back at JJ and Pope one last time, mouthing a silent apology as they briefly wave goodbye. The expressions on their faces stay with you—a mix of disappointment and hurt that you can’t shake off.
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afro-hispwriter · 1 day
My Dornish Love
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Aemond Targaryen x Martell!reader
Warnings- arranged marriages, heavy implications of masturbation
Wc- 2.3k
I don’t intend for this to be the only part, but we’ll see.
A marriage proposal between Martells and Targaryens isn’t unheard of. But the Martells always refuse in the end. They were far too stubborn and prideful the council members would think. 
There was a war coming, and everyone knew. The greens need all the support they can get. And having Dorne on their side can turn things around heavily. Dorne may not have large numbers of fighters, but their skills make up for it. 
When Qoren Martell received a letter from Queen Alicent in hopes that he would accept a marriage between his eldest daughter and her second son. Everyone expected the prince to decline, but he surprised everyone by agreeing. When you, the princess, found out. You were furious.
“I don’t understand, we have never accepted anything that would mean having Dorne become part of the kingdoms.” You paced in front of your father.
“And it is time to change that.” He says and you huff. 
“You know why they’re doing this, the Targaryens are on the brink of yet another war and they are making sure to bring everyone into it.” 
“We don’t know that.” 
“Yes we do, and you’re putting me in it.” When he didn’t respond you turned away to start walking away.
“You and your brothers will be sailing for Kings Landing in two days, be ready.” 
Those two days came by quickly. Your handmaidens had your things packed and the ship loaders were finishing up. 
“What if I don’t like him?” You ask your father as both of you wait on the docks.
“You’re marrying him regardless.”
“You’re not even going to the wedding, whenever that is.” You cross your arms.
“Your brothers will be there in my place.”
“What if he is cruel? Targaryen men are said to be cruel.” 
“Then I'm sure his death will be deemed a mere accident.” His voice almost had an amusing tone. A shipmaster called out that everything was ready. Qoren grabbed you by your arms and turned you to face him. “Write to me.”
“I will.” Your lip quivered and he kissed your forehead before grabbing your hand to guide you to a boat. Your brothers, Ryon and Deziel jumped in after you.
“Don’t miss us too much,” Deziel says waving at the man and Ryon rolls his eyes. 
“Don’t destroy Kings Landing,” Qoren says and walks away with his hands behind his back.
Aemond knew this conversation would come. This is what he was waiting for. He would do his duty, and he hoped the Dornish woman would agree. 
“I'm sure you hear how unprincipled the women of Dorne are, brother.” Aegon laughed next to Aemond. “They are wild in the brothels now imagine the princess herself.” Aemond continued to ignore him and paid attention to his book. “But I'm sure you know enough thanks to me.” Aemond tightened his hand on the book. “But I never see you have fun so you might have to rely on your betrothed.” 
Aemond slammed the book shut and stood up. 
“They will be here soon.” He says and starts walking out of the library. 
“The ship was only recently spotted and even then they are still a few days out. Don’t get your cock in a bunch.” Aegon mumbled the last bit into his cup. “Or maybe you can’t wait to stick-.” He was cut off by the library door slamming shut. 
Once the ship flying the flag of House Martell was seen on the Blackwater. The people of King's Landing were eager to see the Princes’ and the Princess themselves as most of them had only seen Dornish merchants.
The royal family went by carriage. Alicent gave her children one of her talks about being on their best behavior. It was mostly pointed at Aegon who sat there bored, Helaena sat fiddling with a bracelet, while Aemond looked out the windows. The carriage stopped just a few feet from the docks and a queen's guard member opened the door. Alicent stepped out first, followed by Helaena, then Aemond, and finally Aegon. 
A few ships had already docked. Mostly merchants were eager to set up their shops or make deliveries. The ship said to be carrying the princess and the princes docked and a plank was lowered. A herald of Dorne stepped out first and looked at the family. 
“Prince Ryon, Prince Deziel, and Princess Y/n Martell of Dorne!” People cheered loudly and clapped as they watched the three of you step off the boat. 
You grab Deziel’s hand and he helps you step off. The guards stepped off after and cleared a path. Ryon and Deziel kept their hands on the hilds of their swords as they began walking.
“I see the Queen and her children,” Ryon says and juts his chin over the hill. You looked over and saw the red-headed woman and the three silver-headed princes and princess. 
You looped yours and Deziel’s arms together and Ryon led you up the steps. You instantly saw the man who is your betrothed. He stood tall by his family, hands behind his back and a stoic look on his face. 
“The terrible, Prince Aemond,” Deziel whispers in your ear and you roll your eyes.
“Stop, I'm sure they are just rumors.” 
Ryon opened his arms with a smile.
“Your grace, how well it is to see you.” He says and grabs Alicents hands with care and brings them up to his plump lips. 
“Prince Ryon, the last time I saw you, you were a child.” She says with a slight blush. 
“Yes, well as you see. I have grown quite a bit.” If you knew your brother, you were sure he gave the queen a wink and his charming smile that makes so many women and men fall at his feet. Alicents face went redder and Ryon squeezed her hands before releasing them. “As much as I enjoy your presence, your grace, I was hoping to see the Hand. Speak to him about my sister and your second son.” Ryon flashed a look at Aemond.
“My father has other matters but I assure you, the Princess will be taken care of.” Ryon looked around before nodding.
“My brother will ride with all of you to the Keep as well. I still have other matters to deal with for my father.” 
“Of course.” The Queen says then looks at Aemond. “Aemond.” She gave him a tight-lipped smile and he knew what that meant. He stepped forward, his long legs had him in front of you. 
“Princess, I'm glad you are here.” His voice was cold but his face was neutral. He grabbed your hand and kissed it softly. You squint your eyes at him before smiling brightly.
“Prince Aemond, it is lovely to meet you.” 
“Hmm.” He dropped your hand and held his own back behind him. He stared at you, mostly taking you in while trying not to linger on your cleavage. Did you have a belly piercing? 
“Oh darling you should cover up a bit, someone brings the princess something to cover up.” Alicent urged and you instantly frowned.
“No it's alright your grace, I wear clothes like this all the time.” She gave you a tight-lipped smile before nodding.
“Well we best get back, you must be exhausted.” Alicent walked back to the carriage and Aemond stayed by you.
“Sorry about her, she is all about modesty.” He says and you shrug.
“Well, she is going to have to get used to it.” You say to him softly so nobody can hear. You received no response making you roll your eyes. 
“Let's get you home Princess.” You frowned.
When you sat next to Aemond in the carriage, your perfume hit his nostrils. You smelled heavenly, like fruit with a twinge of the salty sea. Nobody spoke on the road back to the Keep. 
But you and Deziel admired the outside. You had never been to Kings Landing so it was all new territory for you. It made you nervous. 
The horses stopped in front of the Keep and the door popped open. The Queen and Helaena left first, then Aegon, followed by Deziel, and finally you and Aemond. The castle was huge, you and Deziel started at it in awe. 
“It's quite ugly.” He says quietly you gasp and slapped his arm. 
“Deziel! Don’t say things like that.” Everyone looked at you in confusion so you just smiled reassuringly.  
“Our handmaiden, Thea.” Alicent beckoned over one of the servants. She was a pretty girl, with brown hair, fair skin, and green eyes. “I have assigned her to your service, she will lead you to your temporary chambers until you and Aemond are wed. Your brother as well will be shown his way.”
“Thank you, your grace.” 
“Alicent is just fine.” She squeezes your bicep before leaving to go inside.
“Princess, would you like me to show you your room? I'm sure you are tired.” Thea asks and you nod.
“Lead the way.” She gives you a big smile before turning around. You start to follow her and you see Deziel had already been led away. You locked eyes with Aemond who stood by the horses now, watching you. “I will see you later, Prince Aemond.” 
“Your things will be brought up shortly princess, would you like me to draw you a bath in the meantime?” Thea asks and points to the small tub in your new room. 
“Yes and if you have any salts that would be greatly appreciated.” They did a small bow before leaving. You were finally alone, even if it were for a couple of minutes. Your new room was only a bit bigger than the one back in Dorne but extremely boring. 
You took the liberty of stepping onto the balcony to see where you would be living. The view was beautiful. Birds flew and you could see how tiny the small folk looked. 
It all still looked so sad, maybe it was the time of day but it made you miss Dorne all the same. They came in with some help to fill up the tub with warm water. She then dumped some soothing salts into the water.  
“Would you like help in undressing princess?” She asks and you shake your head. 
“No, that's quite alright, I will send for you once I'm ready.” She bowed and left. You hovered your hand over the water, letting the steam hit it. You slipped the material of your dress down your shoulder and it pooled at your feet. You kicked your flats off so they clattered on the floor. You grabbed the edges of the tub and slowly settled into the water. 
The warm water was welcoming after being at sea for over a week. You could have slept in it if it weren’t for a knock on the door. 
“Come in!” You yelled out and the door creaked open and you heard footsteps.
“Princess?” It was none other than your betrothed.
“Over here, Aemond.” You say and turn your head to face the panels that cover the tub from sight. 
“I wondered-.” Aemond rounded the corner and the second he locked eyes on your state, his long legs had him behind the panels again. 
“My apologies, I will leave you to your business.” He said and there was a slight shake to his voice.
“Cut the shit Aemond.” You say and he freezes. “Come back, I want to talk to you.” He didn’t move but you could see the top of his head. “I want to see the face of my betrothed while I talk to him.” 
“Oh stop being so honorable for 5 minutes please.” He heard the water move around. Aemond sighed before rounding the corner and revealing himself again. His breath hitched when he saw your figure, you sat facing him and the lack of bubbles gave him a clear view of your breasts. “Soak it in my prince, who knows how long it will be before you see me like this again.” 
Aemonds face turned pink at your words and suddenly his boots were the most interesting thing in the world.
“You stand strong but standing in the presence of a naked woman you shrink.” His fists squeezed. “Would you like to feel the touch of a woman?”
“What did you want to talk about my lady?” He says harshly, making you smirk. 
“I want to talk about our coming marriage, I am aware of what is expected of me. To bare as many children as you desire but I need to know, Aemond.” He looked up, this time his eye solely on your face. “Will you sleep with anyone else?”
“No, I will remain faithful to you as long as I receive the same from you. This isn’t Dorne.”
“I am aware, Aemond.” You frown. “I would like to get to know you though and know this is a big ask. But I also want equality and respect from you.” His jaw tightened but it then relaxed.
“You will receive nothing less, my lady.” 
“Y/n.” You say. “Call me by my name Aemond, we are to be married.” 
“As you wish.” Aemonds hands went behind his back. 
“As much as I enjoy having you here, I'm sure they are close to bringing my things, so I can either make room in this tub for you or you best be on your way.” You say and grab the bar of soap and washcloth. “Or you can watch and just hide.” There was an amusing look on your face. 
He let out a ‘Hmm’ and gave you a small smile. 
“Another time, Y/n.” Your name rolled off his tongue so fluently. Aemond walked away until he made it to the door and shut it behind him. 
“You will be the death of my Aemond Targaryen.” And your hand dips into the water to find a home in between your legs.
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bosbas · 3 days
Chapter 12: I thought I was better safe than starry-eyed
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pairing: colin bridgerton x enemy!fem!reader WC: 3.5k words
Warnings: period-typical gender roles, insane amounts of pining, idiots in love!!, in their friends era... or are they?, the slow burn is slowww burningggg i'm so sorry
Summary: It took precisely two days in England for you to utterly despise Colin Bridgerton. It took him approximately twelve hours after that to hate you right back. But he doesn't care that you're the only person in the ton who doesn't like him. You're set to marry someone else anyway, right?
A/N: I am BACK sorry for my absence I promise I won't leave for that long again <3
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July 12, 1816 – It seems that the summer heat is not the only thing causing a stir within the ton. Recently, the Montclair and Bridgerton families have been seen in each other’s company more frequently than usual. Could there be a more permanent union on the horizon?
Lord Philippe Montclair and Mr. Colin Bridgerton have been spotted in deep conversation on multiple occasions, discussing matters that appear far more serious than the usual lighthearted banter one would expect. Indeed, whispers suggest that their discussions have involved future business ventures and mutual interests, signaling a burgeoning camaraderie between the two gentlemen.
Regardless, the warmth between the two families is palpable, leading this author to wonder if we shall soon hear the sound of wedding bells. Stay vigilant, dear readers. Though no one shall stay more vigilant than this author.
As you walked home from the modiste with Eloise by your side, you noted the afternoon sun filtering through the leaves high atop the trees surrounding you. You had suggested a shortcut back to your respective homes, opting to go through the park rather than the busy streets, and you were mostly thankful for the silence of the greenery around you. Mostly.
“So, will you be joining us for dinner tonight?” asked Eloise expectantly, gently nudging your shoulder with hers.
You groaned and screwed your eyes shut, already dreading the conversation, and the evening, to come. “Yes, Mother has been quite insistent that I go. I think she’d kill me if I asked to stay home one more time.”
“I didn’t know we were that bad,” joked Eloise, only a hint of resentment in her voice.
“Not at all!” you rushed to defend yourself, cringing at the fact that one of your dearest friends was upset with you. “You know that it’s just… Well, I’m sure Colin told you everything. I really can’t bear to face him.”
In all honesty, Eloise’s annoyance was warranted. You had spent the past two weeks avoiding the Bridgertons at all costs, only seeing Eloise at balls or in your own home. The only reason you had gone to Bridgerton House today was because you and Eloise were leaving immediately afterward to go get new dresses, and you were certain you wouldn’t run into Colin.
Not only were you still terribly embarrassed by your assumptions of Colin's character, but you also found yourself strangely drawn to him. Now that nothing prevented you from actually liking him, and now that you knew that he was not a horrible person like you had previously thought, you were in a bit of a conundrum. Colin Bridgerton had charmed you, and you knew that if you let yourself, you could very well start to grow feelings for him.
And that wouldn’t do. No, it absolutely wouldn’t. For starters, the two of you had never managed to get along anyway, so you had no idea how you would even live in relative peace were you to have a future. Even so, your father would never approve, no matter what Lady Whisteldown was alluding to. And so Colin was out of the question as a husband or really anything other than a friend.
But while you had been meticulously maneuvering through your social outings to avoid her family, Eloise had slowly been losing patience. She had tolerated whatever had been going on between you and Colin at the beginning of the season, but it was high time that you stopped acting so childish. Especially after Anthony and Kate’s ball, where the two of you had already apologized for your misunderstanding and subsequent feud.
“I can’t believe you haven’t seen him since that night,” scolded Eloise, crossing her arms in a huff. Then, in a humorous tone, she added, “He doesn’t actually look that bad with a broken nose if that’s what you’re worried about. The swelling has gone down considerably.”
Not able to help yourself, you let out a small snort and smiled at your friend. “No, it’s not that. I’m just so embarrassed. Oh heavens, even just thinking about it I can feel my face getting hot. He did tell you about it, right?”
“Yes,” responded Eloise, giving you a very pointed look. “He was very excited about the fact that you didn’t actually hate him. He wouldn’t stop talking about it for two days. Though now I wonder if that really is the case, given your behavior.”
 “Oh, no,” you groaned, putting your head in your hands in desperation.
“He was quite embarrassed as well, Y/N,” Eloise reminded you gently. “I don’t see why you can barely stand to be in the same room as him even now.”
“I just-” you started, finding it difficult to explain why you had been so against seeing him, or any of his family, really, after the most recent ordeal with Lord Barlow.
But Eloise wasn’t letting you get away with it any longer. She slowed down her previously brisk walk, looking straight into your eyes as she gestured for you to continue.
“I just wasted so much time and energy fighting with him and I’m so ashamed that your family saw that side of me. I didn’t even know I could be that unpleasant! And to make matters worse, it was all for nothing since I was completely in the wrong.”
“Not completely,” Eloise mused. Colin had been quite kind to you in his retelling of the events, and Eloise was inclined to believe her brother’s account.
With a sigh, your friend turned to face you. “I wish you had told me what you thought of him because I would have either helped you realize your mistake or helped you kill him.”
You laughed again, shaking your head as you realized how lucky you were to have Eloise in your life. Linking arms with her, you patted her hand as you explained, “I was just terrified of the recourse. My parents were so insistent that I ‘act ladylike’ that I was scared of revealing I had been unchaperoned in the presence of two men. And besides, I didn’t want to ruin your perception of your brother.”
“Well, regardless, it will all be resolved at dinner tonight, seeing how you’ll be in attendance.”
A soft sigh escaped your lips.
“I certainly hope so.”
As you walked into the dining room, a soft smile on your lips as you spoke with Kate, Colin’s breath was stolen from his body. He already hadn’t been expecting to see you, already growing accustomed to having you avoid him, but seeing you look as beautiful as you did now was completely doing him in.
“Y/N,” he whispered from across the room, unable to tear his eyes away from you.
Feeling an elbow digging into his ribs, Colin turned to see Benedict, smirking as he watched his younger brother. “Might I suggest pulling yourself together if you don’t want to scare her away again?”
“Be quiet,” hissed Colin, but he ran a hand through his hair to regain his composure anyway.
“Benedict!” you greeted, delighted at finally seeing him for so long. “And Colin!” you added, hoping your voice didn’t reveal the nervousness you were feeling.
“Lovely to see you again,” said Benedict brightly, squeezing your shoulder.
Then, feigning some obligation or another, the second Bridgerton slipped out of the dining room to join the rest of your families, leaving you alone with Colin. Benedict had been terribly obvious, but the resulting awkwardness that enveloped you and Colin kept you from noticing his brash exit.
“I’m happy you’re here,” Colin spoke, almost timidly. Then, speaking very quickly, he added, “I was fairly confused when I didn’t hear from you for two weeks, but I didn’t want to call on you because we agreed to just be friends and I didn’t want to give you the wrong impression. Though now that I think about it, that might have been the decent thing to do."
Sheepishly rubbing the back of his neck, Colin looked down at the floor as he waited for your response.
“Not at all!” you rushed out, wanting to reassure him. “It was my fault entirely. I apologize for not speaking with you sooner, I was just a tad embarrassed, as you can probably imagine.”
Colin’s shoulders relaxed and he smiled, feeling at ease now that he was certain you didn’t spontaneously hate him again.
“You were embarrassed? I rather think I should be the one feeling that way,” he laughed. “I still find it hard to believe you could have thought I was that... horrid for so long.”
You put your hands over your face and shook your head. “I can’t believe it either,” you groaned.
Sensing you were getting worked up again, Colin instinctively put a comforting arm around your shoulders, pressing you to him. “No, it’s quite alright. I promise I was just…”
Then, suddenly realizing just how close he was holding you to him, Colin stepped away quickly. Instead of apologizing and drawing even more attention to his overstepping, he settled for clearing his throat awkwardly, clasping his hands behind his back to keep from reaching out to you again.
“It was all in jest, I swear,” promised Colin, realizing he had never finished his earlier sentence.
Before you could respond, Violet walked into the dining room, followed by your family.
“Hello, Y/N!” she greeted you, reaching over to put a hand on your forearm in greeting. “I’m thrilled you’re here! We missed you last week.”
You smiled gratefully back at her, internally chastising yourself for ever wanting to avoid this wonderful family. All because you were scared of facing Colin, who, as it turned out, had a singular talent for making you feel at ease.
“You’re seated here, next to Colin,” indicated Violet, gesturing toward a seat near the end of the dining table.
“Oh,” you breathed out, not expecting to have to be in such proximity to him for the whole night. Realizing you had been impossibly rude, you added, “Thank you very much, I’m sure we’ll have lots to catch up on.”
Four courses later, you were having the time of your life. You were sitting between Francesca and Colin, and both had been keeping you endlessly entertained as you ate. Speaking to Colin came so naturally that you wondered how the two of you had ever managed to fight so much without ever having a proper conversation, save for one or two. It seemed impossible now, the forgone tension between you. Especially when you had to actively ensure that you were talking to Francesca, too, rather than just Colin. But he was just so easy to talk to, and you simply had so much in common that it was proving quite difficult to focus on anything else.
“Are you excited for your season next year?” you asked Francesca, leaning away from Colin so you could concentrate on speaking to her.
“I suppose I’m looking forward to having something of my own,” she responded after chewing thoughtfully. “An experience of my own, that is. It’ll be quite the luxury, especially being from a family as large as mine. Did you ever feel that way?”
You hummed, thinking back on your season. “I felt that way at the beginning, to be sure. But having seen my older sister’s fairytale romance and having a season that was nowhere near that had me wishing for a season similar to hers in the end.”
“Oh, I didn’t mean that-” Francesca started, having forgotten your ordeal with Lord Barlow.
You waved her apology away, smiling warmly at her. “Not to worry, I’m quite well-adjusted now. Perhaps next season will be better, though I’m not sure how unique it will be since I’m heading back to Spain, just as Isabelle did.”
“Are you really leaving?” asked Francesca, partially in shock that you were leaving after only one season. “But-”
“Y/N does,” came a loud voice next to you.
Confused, you turned around to face Colin, who seemed to have gone quite red in the face.
“I hadn’t realized I was speaking that loud,” he said bashfully, nervous now that most everyone at the table was looking at him expectantly. “Anthony was only talking about how I use the night sky to navigate my crew when I travel, and I was pointing out that you are quite knowledgeable in that area as well,” he explained, looking at you with wide, uncertain eyes.
Anthony, who had been at the other side of the table, was struggling to contain his laughter.
“I had no idea Y/N knew so much about the stars,” commented Violet, looking directly at Colin as she did so, an unreadable expression on her face.
Highly uncomfortable at being the center of attention for this particular reason, the third Bridgerton internally cringed and gulped his wine, hoping to wash down some of the discomfort as he did so.
“We’ve only talked about it a few times, but she does seem to be quite the expert,” he said finally.
Feeling charitable, Louis chimed in to change the subject, “I know I’ve been victim to her hour-long lectures about which constellations are visible at any given point in time. Were you thinking of traveling soon, Anthony?”
Letting out a sigh of relief now that the attention was no longer fixed on his thinly veiled infatuation with you, Colin cast a fleeting smile in your direction, eager to gauge your reaction.
But you only smiled amusedly at him, snickering as he gripped his fork and knife tightly in his hands with leftover tension.
“Tell Louis I say thank you,” he muttered.
You shook your head. “It’ll get to his head,” you argued.
And Colin’s smile in return was so charming, so roguish, and so handsome that you were tempted to forget your agreement to be friends right then and there.
Ah, that was why you had been avoiding him, you reminded yourself. Colin was far too charismatic for his own good. For your own good, rather.
But you had to remind yourself of what your parents –and society– expected you to find. A man with a title and a fortune. And that was decidedly not a Mr. Colin Bridgerton.
Clearing your throat, you turned away from Colin to face Francesca again.
Friends, you reminded yourself. You were friends with Colin.
The Montclair brothers sat in their father’s study, brandy in hand as they so often did after evening dinners ran long and they needed to wind down. Supper with the Bridgertons had been lovely, but the boys had important matters to discuss with their father. Well, important matters to you. But important nonetheless.
“Que pensez-vous de Colin?” asked Jacques, trying to seem nonchalant (What do you think of Colin?).
“Bah, il est assez gentil, mais il est vraiment amoureux,” came your father’s gruff response before he took a long sip of brandy, rubbing his temples (Well, he’s nice enough, but he’s definitely in love).
“Quoi? Amoureux de qui?” pressed Philippe, feigning innocence as if this wasn’t exactly what the brothers wanted Lord Montclair to notice (What? In love with who?).
“De Y/N, bien sûr,” replied your father, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world (With Y/N, of course).
That was the tipping point for Louis, who apparently was the only person in the world who wasn't instantly attuned to Colin’s feelings. Forgetting why he and his brothers were so eager to meet with their father and talk about Colin, the youngest Montclair brother set his glass of brandy down in exasperation.
“Putain, comment tout le monde a pu voir ça?” (Damnit, how did everyone else see that?)
Laughing quietly at a comment Colin had whispered in your ear, you found yourself truly enjoying a ball for the first time in a very long time. Now that you were past all the hatred and subsequent awkwardness, it was lovely to spend an evening with Colin by your side.
This might have been the first ball you had been to that you hadn’t spent a considerable amount of time sulking at. It was, to say the very least, quite freeing.
Not to mention the absolute entertainment that was watching the third Bridgerton rush from ambitious mama to eligible lady and back to another mama as he attempted to please everyone. You had only been here an hour and he’d already danced three times and spoken with at least four women you knew for a fact he had no interest in.
“Ah, Mr. Bridgerton, it’s lovely to see you again,” came a voice behind you.
Both of you turned around to face Miss Anne McCall, who was looking at Colin expectantly. Amused, you raised your eyebrows at him, too. You could bet your family’s entire fortune that Colin had promised her a dance at some point tonight.
He cleared his throat awkwardly, briefly touching your arm. “Excuse me just a moment, Y/N.”
You nodded, unable to respond because you were momentarily overtaken by the feel of his hand on you. An unfamiliar warmth radiated to you, and you almost stumbled as you tried to regain your bearings.
Looking out across the ballroom, you spotted Colin smiling and laughing as he danced with Miss McCall, who was looking absolutely enamored as he spun her around. You smiled to yourself, glad that your rivalry with him had been resolved and you could simply appreciate the fact that he was a lovely person. Maybe some night you would be the one he was spinning around the ballroom.
Shaking your head to will the mental image away, you made your way to the other side of the ballroom, needing to clear your head.
However, a hand gripped yours and you turned around, surprised. Colin’s relieved eyes met yours and he pulled you closer to him, though still allowing an appropriate distance between you two in case anyone was observing.
“A turn about the ballroom?” he suggested, eyes pleading.
Once again taken aback by how aware you were of his skin on yours, you could only nod, allowing him to place your hand in the crook of his elbow.
“Thank you,” he murmured. “I think I’ve spoken to too many people tonight. If I have to laugh politely at another conversation I’m certain I will dissolve right where I'm standing.”
You rolled your eyes good-naturedly, squeezing his arm. “You don’t have to do it, you know?”
“Do what?”
“That,” you said, gesturing toward the dancefloor full of couples waltzing. “You’re allowed to say no.”
Colin frowned, thoughtful. “I wouldn’t want to disappoint them.”
“Why not?” you pressed.
“I- I don’t know, I suppose. It feels like it’s what I should be doing. Doesn’t everyone?”
“Hmm, not particularly. I’ve said no to plenty of men wanting to dance with me, you included,” you nudged him playfully.
“That doesn’t really count, though. Because you’re… you. It doesn’t matter if you say no to every single man asking you to dance.”
“Doesn’t it? You’re also you. So, it doesn’t matter either.”
“No, I mean that…I don’t know what I mean. I suppose that people would still like you even if you said no a lot.”
Your eyebrows shot up as you took in what Colin was saying.
“People would still like you if you said no every once in a while, you know? I know I would.”
Colin shook his head. “It’s still different!” Then, softening his voice, he added, “Because you have… Or rather, because I just don’t have any remarkable qualities beyond people finding me charming or affable.”
“Colin,” you scolded, rolling your eyes. Then, seeing that he was quite serious, your expression sobered. “Of course you have value beyond how much people like you. My word, Colin. You are so clever and so well-traveled. You can orient yourself on a map at first glance, and I doubt you would ever get lost at sea. You know most constellations visible from London, and I don’t even know how many beyond that.”
“Alright, I see your point,” he laughed, secretly wishing you would continue speaking forever. Colin was practically preening at your praise, and he so desperately wished you could want him the way he wanted you. “What do you suggest I do at balls, then, if I'm not dancing with every single member of the ton?”
 “Well, you could start by only dancing with people you want to dance with.”
“In that case, would you like to dance with me?”
You laughed, shaking your head. “No, I’m serious.”
“So am I,” insisted Colin. Then, after a pause, he added, “Friends can dance together," a twinge of regret in his chest as he said the words.
But that seemed to placate you, and you placed your hand in his. “I suppose they do.”
With a shaky breath, you prepared for the next few minutes you would spend in Colin’s arms, not quite sure you or your heart were ready to look into his mesmerizing eyes and not fall completely head over heels for him.
But one smile from him, and you were completely at ease. One dance couldn’t hurt, right?
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atlabeth · 2 days
table thief
pairing: spencer reid x fem!reader
summary: spencer's routine, thoughts, and plans are thrown off by a girl he meets at his favorite cafe --- not necessarily in that order.
a/n: i dont know where this came from but uh. enjoy this lil fluffy blurb! ill get to those 3k requests sometime. set during spence's time at caltech
wc: 1.6k
warning(s): none, all fluff
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Spencer’s mind is a whirlwind of information while he stands in line at his usual coffee shop, trying to keep everything in order as he goes over everything he needs to get done. It’s a particularly busy afternoon for him, hence his coming here directly after class instead of stopping by his dorm. 
There’s a research paper for him to finish, office hours to make for his most elusive professor to get some questions answered—why she only has them open for two hours on Wednesdays, Spencer has no idea—a thousand papers to grade for the class he’s a TA for, and naturally, a coffee to give him the energy for the rest of what is going to be a long night. 
Of course, he knows he should probably try and do it without caffeine—it’s one of the most popular drugs in the world, and most people live in ignorance of their obvious addiction to it—but Spencer has decided to forgo some caution in the name of getting all his work done. 
He doesn’t really have a choice, honestly. He’s planned out this whole day meticulously, much like every other day. He packed his bag with everything he would need for the rest of the day so he wouldn’t have to make the aforementioned stop at his dorm, he picked the line with the barista that has never gotten his order wrong—and, he’s realized over numerous trips to this shop, is the fastest in the entire cafe—and his usual table is big enough to hold all of his books and papers. 
But as Spencer finishes pouring in his last bit of sugar, he realizes his meticulous plan is foiled before he can even take the first sip. 
Because his table is taken. 
The table he sat at the first time he stopped in here before class and the table he has sat at every other time since, the table that has honestly become a part of his routine and is the only one big enough for all of the work he has to get done this afternoon, is taken by some woman wearing a Caltech sweatshirt and reading a book. You’ve got your own thermos in front of you, so at least you care about the environment, but that thought doesn’t stop the flareup of annoyance inside of him. 
You have to be a student, and you have to be his age, and you have to either be oblivious or have a whole lot of nerve because Spencer has seen you around campus and in this coffee shop before. That means you know this is his table and you still took it anyway. 
“That’s my table,” Spencer says, and after it leaves his mouth he’s able to hear how stupid he sounds. It’s a table in a public coffee shop. Of course he has no claim to it—just because it’s obvious to him doesn’t mean it’s obvious to you. You probably didn’t even know. 
You look up from your book, and the second stupid thought to hit him is how pretty you are. “I know.”
He frowns. He can’t think that table thieves are pretty, especially ones with apparent malicious and knowledgeable intent. “You— you know?”
You nod. “I’m here almost as much as you are, Mr. Reid.”
“Doctor Reid,” he corrects, almost on instinct. 
Your eyebrows rise. “Doctor?”
“I have two PhDs,” he explains, though he feels even more stupid doing so as he gets on the edge of stammering. “I’m working on a third. Chemistry.”
“And already I know more about you in a minute than I’ve gotten in the past month,” you muse. “That’s why I took your table, Doctor Reid.”
Spencer frowns even more. “You took my table so I could tell you about my PhDs?”
“So I could get an excuse to talk to you,” you correct. Your smile grows a bit and you huff a quiet laugh, more to yourself than anything. “You’re a little intimidating.”
That gets him completely, his brows furrowing deeper yet. “I— I’m intimidating?”
“Well, yeah,” you say. “You’re a gorgeous guy who always looks like he’s got something to do, so I never wanted to interrupt you. But I really wanted to ask you out, so I finally decided to take matters into my own hands.”
Spencer feels like his brain is short circuiting. He’s still stuck on the intimidating comment, and he’s still kind of annoyed that you took his table, but you specifically went out of your way to get his attention and now you’re calling him gorgeous— 
Just who the hell are you? 
“You’re not busy, are you?” He’s drawn out of his head temporarily as you speak again, dazzling smile still on display. “I would get it if you were. I mean, third PhD and all.”
“No,” he says immediately, shaking his head far too rapidly, “no— no, I’m not busy.”
He just has a whole lot of work to do, work that he came specifically to this cafe to do, but you’re throwing him off of everything in the first five seconds of knowing each other. 
“Wonderful.” Your smile grows and Spencer feels his face grow hot. He finds his annoyance quickly fading, replaced with some mix of confusion and interest and embarrassment. “If you’ve got the time, I’d love to sit down and talk some. Get to know you a bit.”
And again, Spencer hardly even knows what to say. He— he doesn’t talk to girls. Girls don’t talk to him. But here you are, stealing his table and flashing pretty smiles and wanting to get to know him— wanting to ask him out. It’s all so absurd that a part of him thinks he might just be dreaming, but he’s sure he’s fully conscious. 
“Why?” he blurts out, and he would be even more embarrassed if it wasn’t such a genuine question. 
You give him a wry look. “Why what?” 
“Wh— why would you want to get to know me?” Spencer stammers. “There’s more than 2,000 other students here. There’s almost 40 million people in California. I’m no one.”
“You are Doctor Spencer Reid,” you say, looking him right in the eye. “You drink your coffee with an absurd amount of sugar and cream, you always seem to be in a hurry, you’re one of the most beautiful guys I’ve ever seen, and I want to know more about you than passing observations. That’s why.” 
For once, Spencer finds that he’s speechless. He doesn’t think anyone has ever been this blatant, this honest with him, over a matter like this. He— he doesn’t think he’s ever been asked out. Are you asking him out?
“If you think this is totally weird and you want your table back, say the word and I’ll get out of here.” Your eyes move to the free seat across from you, and you tilt your head. “But… if you don’t think it’s totally weird, there’s room for another.” 
Spencer stands there for a second, a thousand things flitting through his mind once again. On one hand, he has a lot of work to do. This is throwing off his entire routine, and even if he just spends ten minutes talking here, he’s going to have to get all his work done, and he’ll probably end up running to his office hours to make it there in time. Part of the reason that he plans things out so meticulously is so he can avoid sprints across campus that he’s most certainly not built for. 
On the other hand, he’s known you for two minutes and he’s already enraptured. He wants nothing more than to ignore that voice in his head and sit down across from you, absorb every bit of attention you’re willing to give and every word you say, and get to know this strange table thief. 
It takes another moment, but Spencer slings his bag off and takes the seat across from you. He sets his bag on the ground and his oversugared coffee on the table, and he notices the way a weight seems to leave your shoulders. 
You were nervous. Nervous to talk to him. The thought is almost laughable, that someone feels the way about him that he usually feels in every social interaction. 
“It is a little weird,” Spencer says, and he finds a small smile tugging at his lips that he can’t fully control. “But that’s kind of my specialty.” 
Your smile grows, and Spencer thinks you’re one of the most beautiful girls he’s ever seen. He has no idea how he got lucky enough for you to intercept him like this, but he’s grateful for it. 
“Good to hear,” you nod, and you let out a soft chuckle. “Sorry for stealing your table, by the way. It was the only thing I could think of to get your attention.” 
He shakes his head as he blinks a few times. “I don’t blame you. It’s a good table.” 
“It’s not really the table,” you say wryly. “It’s you. You’re very intriguing.” 
“Well,” Spencer says, clearing his throat as he tries his hardest to calm his nerves, “I guess it’s not really my table anymore. It can be our table, going forward.” 
Your eyebrows rise, and your smile is as bright as your eyes. “I like the sound of that, Doctor Reid.” 
His face burns as he tries to act casual, and he hopes you can’t tell how much he likes the sound of that. 
You start talking, asking him questions about himself and what he does and how in the world he has two PhDs already when you’re the same age, and he finds himself attached to every word—it’s an active effort to not get lost in those bright eyes of yours. 
(Spencer never does make it to those office hours.)
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edgeray · 3 days
Ray every time you post angst im angrily poking the glass of your aquarium >:(
since you clearly HATE me 🙄 can I have some fluff 👉👈
Personal Heater
(Arlecchino x GN! Reader)
A/N - Yes, obviously I hate you 🙄. Anyways, how'd you like the arlevie post? :) Hurt, didn't it? Also, no, fuck your fluff,  you're not getting it. Did I hear MORE ANGST :D Content warnings / info - author was just joking: this is fluff, gn! reader, 0.8k words
“Arle,” you tiredly call out, a yawn escaping you as you crack open the office door a bit, revealing your husband still working at her desk. It was already past midnight, and she's been working for the entire day without any breaks except your impromptu visits and for meals. You noticed that she didn't eat as much meat as she usually does in order to return to her paperwork immediately. 
Arlecchino's tuft of hair perks up underneath the piles of paper, and her eyes promptly soften, and a small smile plays on her lips. She sets down her pen. “Yes, love?” 
You open the door more so you can step in, a plate with a cup of tea on top of it in your hand. In your other is another plate, this time of steak tartare, which you personally whipped up. Striding up to her, you set down both of the dishes, before leaning over the desk to place a chaste kiss on the top of her hair. You pull away, chastising her tenderly. “Don't think you were sneaky when you skimped out during dinner. You barely ate.”
A low chuckle comes from your husband and she shakes her head. “I would never think of it, dear. Thank you.” 
Reaching out for your hand, she takes it in hers and she presses her lips against your knuckle, kissing softly as a gesture of her gratitude. You flush slightly. 
“How long will it take for you to finish?” You sigh, observing the small eye bags she dons. 
“I'm afraid that I won't be done until another hour or two. You do not have to wait for me.”
“And go to sleep without my personal heater?” You pout, crossing your arms.
“Is that all I am to you? A personal heater? Not your husband or the ‘Father’ of our children?” Arlecchino muses, lifting her eyebrows as a playful glint catches in her red pupils. 
“Exactly,” you answer with a matching smirk, “you've finally learned of my nefarious intentions.” 
Your husband huffs out in amusement, and she turns in her chair, extending out her arms in order to invite you into her embrace. You don't waste any time accepting it, practically skipping around her desk to sit onto her lap. Wrapping your arms around her neck and seating over her thighs, you clamber into her warm figure. Nuzzling into the space between her shoulder and neck, you kiss up the side of her neck. She kisses the side of your head, right above your ear. 
“I've missed you,” you say in between kisses, placing a kiss on her jawline. 
“I've been here this entire day.”
“Still. Can I stay here until you're done?” 
“Of course.”
You sit there, soaking up all of her body heat, and on occasion shifting your sitting stance to be more comfortable. Arlecchino continues working in that position, unbothered by your weight on top of her. Occasionally, she takes a sip of the tea you bring her but has yet to touch the tartare.
“You need to eat, it'll get bad if you don't,” you remark, using the power of guilt tripping.
It's super effective. “Alright, dear. Would you like some?” 
You shake your head, but then an idea pops up inside your head, a mischievous smile sliding onto your lips. “Can I feed you? You can keep working if I do.” 
Your husband nods, and you squirm in your seat to turn around in her lap. Taking the plate, you take a spoonful of the raw meat, lifting it to her lips. Silently, she allows you to spoon feed her, until the plate is scraped clean. 
“Thank you,” she hums. You nod, and set aside the plate, before turning in her lap again to lean your chin on her shoulder. Eventually, you find an arrangement comfortable to where you fall asleep, your soft snores filling the room. Arlecchino smiles tenderly at you, carding her fingers through your hair as she continues working, scribing down the final details of the mission report. 
Finished with her work, she places down her pen, before carefully and slowly carrying you by sliding her hands underneath your form, lifting you up. You cling onto her unconsciously, and the carrying motion only makes your head placement. With you still in her arms, she walks silently through the hallway to the shared bedroom, where she peels you off of her and places you on the bed, making sure to pull the covers over you. She goes to the bathroom for her nightly routine, before returning to the bed, sliding under the blankets.
Her arms wrap around your midsection, tugging you towards her where you lay partially on top of her, your head against her chest where you can hear the steady rhythm of her heartbeat.
Arlecchino watches you for a few moments, your peaceful slumber a common, but nonetheless, appealing sight to her. You’re just so adorable, and Arlecchino can't help but be blissful that this is what every night is like for her: that she gets to hold you like this everyday. 
She gives you a final kiss to your forehead, before resting her chin on your head and closing her eyes.
“Goodnight, my love.”  
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thinkingaboutjaedyn · 23 hours
privacy | m.leon x reader
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summary: you decide to prank mapi.
author notes: this is my way of fighting back against my horrible writer's block. hopefully i can write regularly instead of hardly. enjoy 💞
contains: mapi leon x influencer!reader, fluff!, lesbians being cute.. that's all, badly translated spanish ☹️
playing hasta cuando by kali uchis 🎵
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there has been this trend going around on tiktok that you have been wanting to try for a while. it's quite simple, just ask your partner to leave while you change and see their reaction. most of the reactions were quite cute and you found the trend fun. thankfully harmless which is why you want to try this prank on your girlfriend.
mapi doesn't want to admit it but she is quite clingy. always wanting to be around you whether you two are doing something together or separate. she just needs your presence to fully function and you aren't any different. having the spaniard around is comforting like constantly having your favorite song playing. you would never get sick of being around mapi even if to others you two seemed a bit co-dependent; maybe you guys were at some points.
you decide the perfect moment to strike is the morning of the brunch date you planned. there's this new cafe open that you have been meaning to bring mapi to, but with her rehab and tagging along with the team then your own work related duties, the thought of the cafe was really lost in between all that. with the season particularly being over, mapi has way more free time and she has been happily basking in all of it. spending most of it with you, so when you asked to go on this date she immediately said yes.
"baby, i'm about to record my get ready with me," you say to the tattooed woman as you pass by her to go to the bathroom attached to your bedroom. she's laying on the bed, reading a new book she picked up recently. she has always been into reading and tried to get you into it, but you almost fall asleep everytime she reads to you. it's not your fault that her voice is so soothing.
"okay, bonita," mapi gives you one of those cute smiles of hers. she gestures for you to come out of the bathroom, you have hardly stepped into it anyways. smiling brighter when you come back over to the bed. you can already tell what she wants by the time you make it back over to her. she puckers her lips, awaiting her most deserved kiss.
you giggle before indulging her. pecking her lips, once, twice before pulling away.
"don't want to go too far now, hm? i have to film," you push a few strands of hair behind her ear. there is a pout on her lips that almost makes you give in and just kiss her a bit longer but the thought of the prank hangs in the back of your mind. you straighten up, giggling when mapi says, "but can't you just make up some kind of excuse? just say your lips are all swollen because you used that.. lip plumper you showed me some girls use."
"a lip plumper? babes, i don't use those. my fans will easily call bluff," you peck her forehead before fully moving away. you can just vision the pout on her lips as you step into the bathroom. closing the door behind you, so you don't catch a glance of how cute she's being because if you do then you would have given in easily.
you think of the best way to execute the prank in a way that won't make your girlfriend suspicious. she could be quite oblivious, but you telling her to leave would definitely raise some questions. you decide to just wing it, knowing how mapi will probably come into the bathroom soon enough since she can't seem to survive five minutes without having you near her. even though the only thing separating you two was a door.
you set up your phone on the counter. clicking on the record button and making sure you look good before the ten seconds timer goes off.
"hi guys! i'm back with another get ready with me. this time around, mapi and i are about to go out for brunch.." you continue to explain to your phone how you have been meaning to take mapi out for a while. at the same time, you tie back your hair then slip on a cute fluffy hair band to keep away any strands.
the more you said mapi's name while doing your makeup, the more you knew she would eventually come into the bathroom. just like a cat, she appears. coming into the room after the fifth time you mention her.
"you already look good, mi amor," she says as she comes behind you. wrapping her arms around your waist then leaning close to your face for a kiss. you playfully roll your eyes but kiss her back. you didn't have any lipstick on anyways.
"thank you. i was telling them how i was taking you out for the first time in forever. are you excited?" you say softly. smiling when mapi giggles. she pulls away to let you finish your makeup, opting to lean against the counter.
she pauses to think then says, "siempre estoy emocionado cuando se trata de ti." the barcelona player blows you a kiss afterwards, very cheesy. you roll your eyes but blow one back. you shift the phone slightly to get more of her in the frame; it's going to be needed when you do the prank.
you decide to not do it straight away or she would get all suspicious, so you just continue with half of the video. doing some of your makeup before cutting, doing the rest and then continuing to record. you do the same with your hair.
mapi stays pretty quiet during the whole first part of your recording. she just lets you do her thing while she also gets ready.
once it was time for you to change out of your pajamas, you start the prank. looking at your phone before turning to mapi.
"hey baby. i'm about to change, so can you like get out of the bathroom for a quick minute?" you say casually. trying not to laugh when your girlfriend nods in slight confusion before walking over to the door. she almost leaves but stops herself and turns back to face you.
"wait.. why do i have to leave? siempre te cambias de ropa delante de mí," she blinks at you in her confusion. crossing her arms across her chest as she comes closer to you.
"i just feel like having some privacy right now. i won't take too long, maybe seven minutes at the most," you shrug. trying to play off the situation. mapi nods but there is a frown on her lips.
"okay but baby, it's not like i'm staring at you. i'm trying to get ready too. we are both doing our own thing and who's going to zip up your dress? who's going to hold your hair out of the way?" her frown grows as she continues, "do you still love me? what did i do?"
you laugh, pulling her arms away from her chest so that you can hold her hands.
"of course i still love you and no you didn't do anything. i just want some privacy, i'll just change in our bedroom, okay?" you explain. you fight off more of your laughter as she looks at you like you're crazy.
mapi is quick to say, "siempre respeto tus deseos.. but princesa, i don't get it. i have seen every inch of you, what is there to hide? ¿te sientes inseguro? you know i think you're beautiful."
she's being so adorable that you almost feel bad about pranking her. however you do end up cutting the prank off here, the obvious confusion on her face was too much for you to handle.
"awe, you're too sweet. i'm sorry, it was a prank," you let go of her hands to go grab your phone. stopping the recording before setting your phone down on the counter.
"a prank?" she laughs, moving to pull you back close. "you're mean.." she pouts before kissing you. it takes you a minute to respond but you kiss you back even though you will have to redo your lipstick afterwards.
it's okay, it's worth it.
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author notes: this didn't turn out as bad as i thought 😣 still not as high quality as i want it to be but we ball. hopefully y'all liked it 💖
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atlasmoonglade · 2 days
Joost Klein x singlemom!reader
I changed it to reader instead of OC
Chapter 1 ; Chapter 2 ; Chapter 3
Warnings: fluff in the beginning, smut, oral (f!receiving), PiV protected, +18 only
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Chapter 4
You wake up to the sound of an alarm clock. You look at your phone. 8:00. Joost groans and reaches towards the nightstand to turn off the alarm.
He lays back down and turns to you noticing you are already awake. "Good morning" his voice is deep, his hair sticking out in every direction.
"Good morning. Why the early alarm?" you ask, pulling up the blanket to your chin.
"I always have it set up to go for a run." he says as he gets comfortable again and puts his arm behind his head. "I don't feel like it today though."
"No, don't let me ruin your routine. I need to get going anyway."
"You are not ruining anything. I don't need it today." he pauses "This is one of the few times that I woke up feeling at ease since I came here." he looks at you with a smile. He does seem well-rested.
"And why is that?" you start to like this game you two are playing.
"I don't know." he says with a teasing note in his voice and he mimics you laying with your blanket up to your chin.
He looks so pretty. Seeing him perform yesterday shifted things. Being mesmerised by his presence on stage, the energy that fills the room when he walks in, wanting to chant his name the way everybody does. But then sleeping in his bed, wearing his t-shirt, which smells like him, made you feel comforted, you have to admit this is also one of the first mornings that you woke with no need to rush. You remember the feeling of his arms around you, the feeling of safety, despite being in a strange to you environment. You want that feeling to last forever. These thoughts scare you, because you can't be with him, he is only staying here to write a song. What happens when he has to leave eventually? It will hurt too much if this progresses any further. But you are afraid it already has.
"What are you thinking about?" he asks.
"I'm trying to guess what your favorite breakfast is." you joke.
"And what are your guesses?"
You squint as you look at him pretending to analyse him. "You look like the type of guy who only needs a cup of coffee."
"I am that type of guy?" he pretends to be offended.
"You do."
"Actually spot on." you both start laughing.
"C'mon, let me show you my favorite breakfast place. Maybe you will be swayed to become a breakfast sandwich type of guy." you get up and he groans.
"Can we stay in bed a little longer?"
"You are the one who had an 8am alarm set up." you bend down to pick up your clothes from the floor where you left them last night. "How do you usually get up that early?" you turn to ask him, his eyes watching your every move. You suddenly feel a blush creeping up your cheeks remembering you are only wearing his t-shirt, which just about covers your underwear. You cover yourself with clothes you are holding.
"I need a second, baby" he says as he shifts to sit on the side of the bed. You quickly turn to face away from him pretending you haven't noticed his bulge.
"I'm gonna, um, shower quickly." you say and hurry off to the bathroom.
He loves the breakfast place you showed him.
"This is the best breakfast sandwich I've had in so long." he says finishing his plate.
"Told you it's good." you smile at him and look at your watch. "This was fun, Joost."
"It was."
"I have some errands I need to run. But you are welcome to come over later. We can watch a movie." you say, "If you want, obviously"
"I would love that." a smile spreads across his face.
It is getting dark by the time you are finished with the tasks you needed to get done. You get a text.
Does your invitation still stand?
I have something to show you.
Oh, intriguing.
He is wearing a simple white shirt and black jeans, sitting on your couch, 20 minutes later. You cleaned your apartment in a rush to atleast make it semi-tidy.
"Do you want anything to drink? I have wine." you ask from the kitchen.
"Want to get me drunk already?" he jokes.
"Just trying to match yesterday's energy."
"Sure, I will never say no to wine."
You bring a bottle, two glasses and a bottle opener. He takes it from your hands, opens the bottle, then pours into the glasses.
"To you Joost, to the new friendship."
"To you Y/N, to the new beginning." he says and you both drink.
"I wanted to show you something." he pulls out his phone. "We finished the rough cut of the song I've been working on." he looks at you. "And I, uh, I haven't showed it to many people. But I want you to hear it. It's in dutch, but I prepared a translation, the best I could in a short time, for you." he looks so excited. You've noticed this some time ago, how proud he is of his music. His enthusiasm reaches your heart.
"I would love to hear it." you give him a bright smile. "Let me get comfortable." you sit further up the couch, your legs tucked under you.
He gives you his phone with the translation open and presses play.
The song starts playing, you are following the translation written on his phone. He is watching you, but you are lost in the melody and the lyrics. You don't say anything, scared to interrupt it or miss a word. The chorus starts, an upbeat melody with sad lyrics, you remember the run you went on together, when he said he finished writing it. A warm feeling spreads across your chest, goosebumps covering your arms. He hasn't stopped looking at you, but you can't look up at him. Not yet. You are not ready to meet his eyes. You can't explain it, but this song feels just like him - fun on the outside with so many deep levels you are yet to uncover, but you want it all. You are sitting so close to him, your knees are touching, the smell of him, cigarettes and cologne, filling your senses while his song continues to play. You think back to his warm comfortable bed, his concert, his name suddenly slipping from your lips.
"Joost" you say just above a whisper. You finally meet his eyes. He tries to read your face. The song stops playing. "It's incredible."
"You like it." he also says quietly.
You keep looking at each other. All you can feel is your knees touching, you want more of him.
"You are so talented. Everyone will love it." you pass him the phone, moving to sit even closer to him. "I can already imagine you performing it."
"Thank you. It's still in the process." he takes the phone from your hands, your fingers touching. "I am not sure when I will release it. But I wanted you to hear it."
There is a silence between you, he reaches to touch your hand, it sliding up your arm, bringing you closer to him.
Your whole body feels hot, you stand up. This is wrong. "I, um, will bring us some snacks for the movie." you go to the kitchen island.
You let out a breath. It feels wrong to want him. He is your friend, you shouldn't be feeling this way.
You hear footsteps, the heat of his body behind you.
"Y/N." he says quietly. "Tell me I'm imagining things." he touches your arms in soothing motion. "Tell me you don't want this." his hands sliding down to your waist, his warm hands against your skin.
Your breathing quickens. You don't say anything, even the slightest touch feels so good.
He turns you around to face him, but you look down at your hands. He takes your chin in between his fingers and lifts your head up to look him in the eyes.
"What happens when you have to leave?" you say.
"Let's not think about it yet." your noses are almost touching. "Let's just have fun for now." Fuck it, you think and close the distance between the two of you. Joost's warm lips are on yours, he pushes you into the counter, it is somehow both everything and nothing that you had expected. Soft and gentle and syrupy slow. His tongue sweeps across your lower lip, and you part your mouth, tilting your head, sliding your tongue against his, a little deeper and more insistent now. You push your fingertips through the hair at the nape of his neck, and you feel the breath catch in his throat, so you do it again, this time letting your fingers press into the muscle of his neck, and he groans against your mouth. Joost's scent of musky cologne and faint cigarette smoke sends you into a daze, a whimper sneaking past your lips as his tongue slides against yours.
You pull away from him to catch your breath. He smiles down at you. "Let's watch that movie, yeah?"
You laugh, "yeah".
He follows you back to the couch. You put on a movie, you try to sit still, but you can feel the heat radiating from his body beside you. You can't focus, thinking back about that kiss. You decide not to overthink it now, maybe he is right, let's just have fun. After 20 minutes of the movie, you put your hand over his. He looks down at it, then at you, his mouth turning into a smirk. His fingers interlock with yours and he turns back to watch the movie a smirk still visible on his face.
"This is my favorite part" he motions towards the TV, a double meaning hidden between his words.
You see what he is doing, he wants you to take matters into your own hands. You put your hand on the side of his face, making him look at you and reach up to kiss him again.
"Hey, I was watching that." he says breaking the kiss, you laugh and it makes him grin. His hands grab your waist and move you to sit on top of him. Your legs on each side of his hips. This time the kiss is wet and fast, your teeth clashing. His hands are spanning the soft skin of your stomach, pushing the fabric of your top up, letting it bunch under your breasts. You feel warm all over as you roll your hips against him, which makes him bolder and his hands drop to your ass, grinding you down harder. His mouth presses against the curve of your jaw, feeling your pulse jump, then slides down the column of your throat.
"Let's go to the bedroom" you say breathlessly.
"You sure?" he asks.
"Yes. Are you?
You’d led him to your bedroom then, sat him on the edge of the bed where he’d watched you with dark eyes as you straddle him. Your fingers moving to work on each button of his shirt purposefully, enjoying each inch of skin that was revealed to you with every passing second. Once you finished the final button, he helped you by shrugging the shirt off his shoulders. He leaned back slightly, and you drank in the sight of him. The tattoos covering his body, the hair on his chest. Seizing the moment, and driven by your own arousal, you grabbed the hem of your shirt and pulled it over your head in one swift motion. As soon as your top hit the floor, Joost's mouth was on your chest. A heavy moan was ripped from the back of your throat as his tongue dragged across the top of your breast peeking over the bra.
"Shit," you muttered, raking your hands through his hair and holding him in place against your skin.
He made his way up to your neck. He seemed to be everywhere all at once. He suckled gently, and your hips began to rock against the steadily growing bulge in his pants.
"Please don't leave any marks." you say and he nods continuing to kiss your jaw.
You climb off his lap, dropping the bra and immediately leaning forward to unbuckle his belt. He inches closer to you before sitting back up, and you subconsciously hold your arms against your chest. You start to wonder how many women he had seen naked, how many women he had been with. The age difference between you.
"You are so beautiful." he says his gaze fixed on you, he takes your hand and pulls you onto the bed next to him.
You face him, choosing to look into his eyes. Wanting to feel that way you always felt when you saw him. That calmness and connection that seemed impossibly intimate. He traced the lines of your collarbone and down your arm, ending at your fingertips. With one glance up, he could see the change in your demeanor. You were smiling again.
"Is this okay?" he says sliding your pants and underwear down your legs and allowing them to fall to the floor.
"Yes." you say and a groan leaves his lips as he raised one of your legs to rest over his shoulder, "So fuckin pretty" he says kissing your inner thigh with open-mouthed kisses before making his way back down to your aching pussy.
Pressing his tongue flat against your wetness, Joost took a long and greedy lick up your folds, repeating this a couple more times, before putting his finger inside of you.
“Fuck, Joost,” you breathed out. You feel close to your orgasm, you pull at his hair. "Come here. Need you inside of me." He stands up, finds his wallet in the pocket of his pants and takes out a condom. You watch him as he rips the wrapper with his teeth, he takes off his underwear and puts on the condom.
“You're so fuckin perfect” Joost climbs up onto the bed and kisses you, as he sinks his hips into the cradle of your spread legs. You can feel how hard he is.
"You are still sure about this?" he looks at you.
You pull him down to you, brush your lips to his, “Please.” Your voice is a whisper that sends a shiver down his spine. He thrusts again, and you feel his cock notch against your entrance and then push inside. He settles into you, he feels solid, his skin hot, hips slotted perfectly against you. One of his arms brackets your head, his other hand is at your neck, thumb stroking over the ridge of your jaw, palm pressed against your racing pulse. You feel surrounded and wanted and blindsided by the unexpected tenderness of it all.
He grinds into you again and again, swallowing down your whimpers and moans when you pull his mouth to yours. He drops his hand to push your thigh back, holds you there so that each snug roll of his hips hits that spot that makes you squeeze around him. He thinks you’re close, knows that he is.
"Feels so good" your head is thrown back against the pillows.
He tells you how good you are, how he’s so hard, how you’re going to make him come. And you can’t hold back any longer. He feels it, hot and so wet, the tight squeeze on his cock, which is enough to push him over the edge after you.
"Please stay with me tonight." you say to him.
"I will."
Chapter 5 will be the last one.
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mandy-asimp · 3 days
A game for two
Pairing: emily Prentiss x fem! Reader (she/her pronouns)
Warnings: teasing, profanity, smut, fluff(?),
Summary: y/n is the youngest agent with a TikTok account. And after video goes viral, people notice a connection between her and emily.
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"Come on Pen! It'll be a quick break. No longer than thirty minutes!" Y/n beamed as she dragged Penelope from her office.
It was a known scene for anyone to see. The youngest member of the BAU pulling someone or a few others with her to teach them a new trend. Posting on a page she ran and deemed the official BAU page, naming it bootylicious_BAUbaddies. Fitting.
"What even is the trend this time? You post like every single day, people are gonna think we don't do our jobs." The blonde grabbed the phone. It was a complex dance with a lot of camera work. "This is what you want to post onto the BAU page? You don't think it's a bit risqué?"
The word made Y/n laugh, "it's an unofficial page under my personal information. I can post whatever I want. Plus, you are the only one who understands camera work." That's when her eyes landed on Matt and JJ walking in. "Omg! Can you guys throw papers and be flashlights?!"
"Y/n...we just got home from a case. It's almost midnight." JJ sighed, putting her stuff down anyways to help out. "Is it another dance?"
"Another? You did one today?" Penelope frowned, had Y/n found someone else to film her?
"It was a rough draft of the dance. So I could critique it and work on it. I only learned it this morning. Spencer filmed...but he doesn't have your magic Penelope," she reassured. "Lights on the sides at all times, Penelope moves forward following me, and it'll be a one take if you do it right."
Emily watched the one take from her office. Amazed by how smoothly someone could move even after a long day of murder. But yet, there was Y/n. Stretching very lightly before getting in position. The faint music from the phone played as Y/n moved in ways that made Emily blush from her office.
"You had all this energy for that dance, but you didn't have enough when running?" JJ teased, putting her phone away as she collected her belongings. "Goodnight to you all, I hopefully won't see you till nine." She left quickly, needing to get home.
Everyone else was close behind as their day came to an end. Another case and dance completed.
What Y/n didn't know, was that dance would be the one to bring her page to light.
By the morning, when Y/n was on her way, she had checked. Laughing a little bit about is the video blew up, but she scrolled and found another little idea to do. It was something simple and sweet, giving a kiss on the cheek to everyone and seeing their reaction.
It truly was harmless since the team was used to her affectionate behavior. She made it known that she cares for everyone on levels they don't even realize. How she had made it a point to spend time with them all individually continuously.
By the time she got to the bureau she could spot almost nobody. Her eyes jumped to the round table room, frowning as they all waved her in.
She set her stuff down and trudged over, "one day serial killers will respect our schedule." She sat before looking at the screen. Her frown instantly becoming laughter as it was her video. "Thats what you all were in here for?"
"Well it's only been up for a few hours and it's already surpassed three million likes." Penelope dropped the tablet with the data pulled up. "You put the BAU as one of the top units now."
"Means we'll have a lot more attention on us, and as the unit chief I have to remind you, just because it's personal, doesn't mean it won't affect you. If something is posted that is not appropriate to share, there will be consequences. Use this freedom wisely Y/n." Emily bowed her head and walked out. Heading to her office, where she would watch the dance over a few times before getting back to work.
And that's how most the day was. Just another paper work day with Y/n going around and gauging reactions from everyone for her next video.
Penelope covered her face and kissed her all over, leaving bright pink lipstick marks and a blushing Y/n. They also recorded the cleaning up and retouching as a separate video.
Luke gave his classic smile, which only earned him an eye roll and a playful laugh as he spun her and dipped her.
JJ smiled and gave a wide smile. The two talked about how sometimes the trends Y/n did brought light to such a dark job. And JJ really appreciated that.
Spencer was taken aback and started spewing facts about germs as Y/n wiped off her lips gloss from his cheek.
Rossi thought the trend was stupid, but still let it happen. Never having a smile on his face, making the viewers think he wasn't a happy old man.
The only one left was Emily. And Y/n couldn't have been happier. She knocked lightly before waltzing in. Setting the phone down on the desk, already recording as Y/n pulled over a chair.
"And what is this trend?" Emily looked at the camera, more watching how Y/n fixed her appearance and reapplied lip gloss. She was so entranced by the young agent.
Her eyes then jumped back to herself, she had silver hair and a few wrinkles. She wasn't as young as she used to be anymore. "You are still beautiful for your age, Prentiss." Her voice broke in. Could she read minds? "No you forget I'm one of the best qualifying new agents in my generation. Of course I can read your mind when you space off."
"Right..." Emily whispered. "So the trend?"
Y/n beamed, "yes the trend! In short because I can't tell you too much, it's quick simple, and everyone else can tell you that if you need another backing source. Even Rossi took part."
Emily pondered over for a second, but overall agreed. "Ok. I'll bite."
And so the younger grabbed Emily's phone, having already pre sent her the audio before walking in. "You know, I'm surprised you even have TikTok on your phone. I figured you would've been apart of the group that thinks it's useless and a waste of time. But then when I got the little notification that you joined, I have to admit, I got a bit excited. I can teach you about it if you ever need. And teach you any trend you want to learn." Y/n rambled on. Not giving Emily a chance to say anything as the sound started.
Soft music began to play as the two sat there and Y/n just so suddenly turned and kissed Emily's cheek. Her lip gloss shining against her pale skin, that soon turned a light pink. Her world went silent as her heart hammered and she looked to Y/n with a stunned smile.
It was silent as the two just stared at each other. But it wasn't a friendly stare it seems, Emily was looking absolutely smitten and Y/n could see it. The thought that her boss could possibly like her making her grow a matching pink.
The sound ended and began to replay, but was lost upon deaf ears. Suddenly the room felt different. Did it suddenly get warm in here?
Y/n was forced to watch as Emily glanced down to her lips. Licking her own in the process. It made her blush even deeper. "Emily..." she barely got out.
The silver fox leaned in closer to her prey. Suddenly eager to get just a taste. Her hand reached up to cup Y/n's soft cheek, feeling truly how warm she was. Smiling down at the stunned agent.
She pulled Y/n closer. Just barely touching their lips. Emily enjoyed the small gasp that escaped as her eyes widen in shock.
However, the knock at the door ruined their moment. Emily grabbed her phone, turning it off to end the song playing on repeat. That's when she noticed the other phone still recording the whole moment. And she flashed a smile to the camera, her canine seeming to twinkle in the light.
"Come in," she recomposed herself. Hands folded on the table.
Y/n on the other hand, had composed herself on the outside. But internally she was a wreck. She never knew Emily would be so capable of making her a mess. Yeah, she's thought about it, but it wasn't anything like what just happened.
JJ poked her head in. "We just got a case....it's bad." The worry on her face being enough for both to snap into work mode.
The case was over in a week. A week of sleepless nights and too much coffee. Everyone was exhausted.
"I can not wait to be on that plane," Y/n groaned. "I swear I'm taking tomorrow off. I'm going to sleep all day long."
"Now that does not sound like a bad idea," Luke agreed, along with the others. "A nice little at home day. What do you say Chief?" He turned to Emily.
She took a good look at everyone's exhausted face, and her decision was clear but she took too long to observe and didn't notice Y/n walking over and hugging her.
"If you say no, I will make the world think you actually hate us." Y/n playfully threatened, smiling up to her boss and practically skipping back to her bags. "I mean it." She suddenly had a serious face on.
Emily knew it was just the sleep deprivation that was causing this much attitude. But a little part of her, felt that she really did mean it. "Fine, tomorrow you can all have the day off. It'll be Saturday anyways." She gave in.
They all cheered as they boarded the plane. Spencer spread out on the small couch, JJ across curled up into a chair, Luke and Rossi on the other side sitting horizontally from each other, Matt and Tara in the other seats across from each other. Then there was Emily.
Y/n figured she would've sat across her, keeping a small space, but she wasn't complaining when she sat next to her. "Switching it up on me?" She teased.
"Mm well, I figured last time we were this close we got even closer." She threw back, reminding the agent of their last encounter. "Did you ever post the video?"
Slightly stunned, she shook her head. Her ponytail brushing against the seat and reminding her of her headache. She went to reach for it, eager to pull it out.
"Here," Emily broke in quickly. "Let me," her hands were up by the black rubber band suddenly. Carefully pulling at it and the hair. Dropping the hair tie onto the table and taking it upon herself to scratch the others head. Her nails sending tingles all down Y/n's body.
And y/n couldn't deny it, Emily was good with her hands. She seem to suddenly know how to touch her in ways she didn't even know. She scratched in the right spot and she hummed a moan as her eyes were shut.
The team all looked over to the two of them. Questioning at first but then laughing. "So she finally gets the famous 'Prentiss scratch," Spencer cracks the joke.
"Have you all had one..." Y/n sharply inhaled when she got a new spot. "Ohmygod..." she whispered as her face contorted.
"Enjoy it while it last, you only experience it once. Mine was four years ago." Luke mentioned.
"Mine was for my birthday, I felt like my hair was thirty times lighter." JJ gave her experience. Soon everyone was talking about theirs.
And before she could process any words, Emily's hands were leaving from her head. "No, don't stop!" She protested, earning chuckles from around at the reaction. But her hands left anyways, and Y/n whipped to look at Emily. Her pupils blown wide.
It wasn't a reaction Emily thought she could get. Did her touch really work her agent up that much? A sly smirk crossed her lips as she shook her head and turned away.
"You can't just give us the knowledge of how good your head scratches are and then just rip it away! That's vicious!" She put up a fight. Hoping that it would get Emily to continue her actions. "I thought you liked us..." her eyes suddenly pleading.
"I'm with her on this one, come on Prentiss!" Luke played along. "It's a gift, those hands."
Y/n dropped her head to look at Emily's hands. They were stunning. How only a few rings decorated them, but they all matched perfectly. Matching the bracelet that wrapped her wrist. Then were her arms. Strong and yet so careful. Sculpted by the best.
"Those hands..." Y/n mouthed to herself. Her eyes snapping up to Emily's. Already finding hers staring back. With a huff and blushing cheeks, Y/n turned away.
Y/n woke up, but it was colder on the planes than usual. Everyone was asleep, and by best guess they still have four more hours. It was too cold to sleep though, she wanted her sweatshirt.
But she was on the inside, the window seat. It was either over and out or under or just climb over the sleeping woman.
"Do you need something?" Emily's eyes fluttered open. Her head rolling over to stare. Even waking up she was still beautiful.
"It's cold..." she mumbled. Hoping it wasn't to much to ask, "my sweatshirt is in my bag." But instead, Emily slipped out of hers and handed it over. Falling back asleep before any protest could begin.
She sat there with the sweatshirt in hand. Knowing there was nothing to do but put it on. And so she did, along with setting up her phone and grabbing the mic of her headphones.
The video began. "Hey vlog, or whatever...turns out, I read her ," the camera panned over to Emily. "Signs right! She gave me her sweatshirt and the video we made...guys listen I can't even add it in because of how intimate it is. Maybe I'm delusional though. Cause she's literally my boss ...I think I'm being crazy....nah, she definetly likes me. Emily Prentiss, I hope you're ready for what's next." And the video ended. Lasting a little over a minute.
But she didn't fall back asleep, she couldn't. Her mind raced with too much thoughts. For another two hours she had to weighs her pros and cons of going for it.
Eventually she rubbed her eyes and sighed. She leaned back and closed her eyes again. Counting sheep until she drifted off.
A few more hours had passed, leaving only an hour left until the landing. Emily had woken up know. Instantly feeling something on her shoulder. Slowly looking down, she saw Y/n peacefully asleep.
In her moment, she pulled out her phone and took a few pictures. Dropping it quickly as the other stirred awake. Lifting her head and peeling open her eyes.
"That was some good sleep, holy shit." She yawned. Her comment earning tired laughs from everyone else. She leaned over to Emily, "see how they all are followers? Waking up at the same time as me? Wannabes." She joked.
Emily shook her head. "I'm glad you got some sleep." She hummed. Checking her phone now, and when she opened it, the pictures were pulled up. She tried to swiped out of them, but Y/n had seen them.
Blushing madly when the woman met her eyes. It was a hard stare, causing feelings to arise when they shouldn't. Her legs squeezed slightly at the eye contact. "Was that...I'm sorry if I was leaning, I truly didn't mean to." The apology fell with a laugh following. It was genuine and still light. "You're a little weird though, Unit Cheif Prentiss. Taking pictures of your young sleeping agent."
Her comment was full of playfulness. Emily knew that easily. It made her smile slightly. "Can you blame me? When a cute agent as yourself is sleeping, it's no doubt I'd take pictures."
Y/n elbowed her arm and shook her head, looking down to her phone. "Be careful, if someone sees they'll think I'm your sugar baby." The joke fell without second thought.
It caught Emily off guard. How easy the joke was made. She didn't continue playing the game, silently pondering over the joke.
"Seems like someone can't handle being a sugar mommy," Tara teased from across the way. Having watched the entire interaction. "Should make it your lock screen, really sell it. It'll bring you in more sugar babies. Have one for everyday of the week."
Y/n scoffed with a smirk, "who says I wanna share my new found sugar mommy? I like the attention only on me."
The jet laughed. "You make enough to not even need a sugar mommy, plus, sharing is caring." Matt butted in now.
"Even if I don't need financial support, Prentiss is still attractive and also...I don't care." She gave a shrug, looping her arms with the woman next to her and leaning on her. "There's only room for one sugar baby in her life."
Emily couldn't believe the conversation she was hearing. The term they kept using. Sugar mommy. Would Y/n let her spoil her if she asked?
Then there was the physical contact. How she held onto her. Pushing her breast against her arm and holding on so possessively. Who says I wanna share....her words rang in Emily's head. She wouldn't want to have anyone else if she had her.
She took a quick glance down to the other, finding her completely unphased by the conversation. Instead she was scrolling through her phone, looking for a new trend to partake in.
It had been a few days now. Everyone was doing paperwork and trying to finish their day. That's when Penelope came rushing in towards Y/n.
"People are noticing!" She squealed as she put the phone onto the desk. There was an edit made between the young agent and her boss. Comments about how they look 'down bad' for each other. "You and Emily are becoming a very popular topic, fifth trending hashtag."
"That's hilarious. How much evidence is built against us now?" She scrolled through a few comments, them all making her smile. She took it upon herself to scroll further on the new hashtag. Over a thousand videos reacting to the edit and a few more edits.
"Just wait till they find out she's your sugar mommy," Tara came and took interest in the phone as well. "Looking at it now, you two do look like you're beating around the bush."
"Well that's cus it's only a one sided bush. Emily Prentiss does not want anything romantic to do with me." Y/n clicked off the phone, handing it back over. "She probably wants someone more wise and shit. I have a TikTok account with the term bootylicious in it."
Both woman looked down in disbelief. That when JJ came in. "I have know Emily for a while now, and I can tell you know, that woman let's you get away with more than she ever would've. There's definitely two sides of the bush."
The woman in question came out, looking over her team and being curious of what the women were all talking about. "What's the conversation?"
Y/n sighed, "we've become a trending hashtag. They're beginning to think we're more than just friends. Then Tara made the joke about when they find out you're my sugar mommy." She explained shortly. Leaving out the bush part.
"Oh? What are they saying?" Emily questioned, almost feeling desperate to hear more of this new information.
Penelope opened the phone and handed it over. The four letting their boss scroll a bit and read. A small smile cracking on her lips. "Yeah...wait till they find out you're my sugar baby." Emily joked as well.
Truly, she was hiding the sudden excitement. Was there a chance? Surely she had made enough moves for the other to figure it...right? She almost did kiss her the other week.
"I have a meeting though, if anything comes through just shoot me a text." She made her exit, the smile really growing as she couldn't stop thinking of the two together. The things that she would do.
But the thoughts got lost over the long day. Papers being filled out and turned in. By the end, everyone was just happy to be free.
Emily had walk out, her bag in hand. Confirming they were actually done.
"We so have to get drinks. We haven't had a day were we finished reasonably on time." Y/n groaned, stretching from her chair. "Plus I wanna do who we all think will be the drunkest."
"If it's a competition I'm so there," Luke agreed. "But you're so going down."
Tara scoffed, "you do not want to play any drinking game with that one. She reigns undefeated on girls nights."
"We don't know how she does it, she's held the title since the first night. We were all set up that night..." Penelope reminisced in the memory. How drunk they all were...
"But you're so welcomed to try, Alvez." She beamed in pride. "I say we all change and meet in an hour?"
They all agreed and began to walk out together. Emily noticed how Y/n walked over to Penelope's car. "I can drive you?" She offered. "I live closer than Pen does to you so she wouldn't have to go out her way."
She glanced to Penelope, her head now facing away from Emily. Giving the blonde a wink before turning back. "Sure, it makes more sense. Though, this is very sugar mommy esc of you, Emily." She joked as she walked over. Looking through her lashes with such an innocent look, "I bet you'll even put your hand on my thigh and help me pick what to wear, won't you?"
Emily stared down, her pupils dilating at the words. Her lips curled into a devious smile. Her mind running with possibilities.
She simply turned, leading back to her car. Opening the door for the other as she slowly rounded the car, the smirk never leaving her lips.
And for the entire drive her hand traced circled on the others thigh. Yet, Emily never got a reaction. Y/n played it cool and just scrolled through her phone.
Although, Y/n could hardly read anything on her screen. The burning sensation being the only thing she could truly think of. But she enjoyed the game, eager to see how much Emily could take before loosing it.
They parked and walked in silence next to each other. The teen in the main lobby giving a second glance at how the two looked. She had seen the edit and couldn't believe her eyes now. Quick to pull out her phone and film the two getting into the elevator. Capturing how Emily's right hand fell to Y/n's lower back and the two shared a look before moving. Disappearing into the silver box.
Y/n gave a small exhale once it was just the two of them. "Someone can't handle their own game?" Emily's words were quick. Her eyes already staring back and full of wonder.
"I don't know what you're getting at, Agent Prentiss" she tried to deny the grin but it was useless once she looked at Emily. The whole situation was just setting in to her.
It set in even faster when the silver fox had her against the elevator wall. Her right hand gripping at her jaw as the other held her close by the waist. "You don't seriously think you'll win, do you?" Her voice was vicious. "Y/n, you're so much smart than that." Her brown eyes scanned over ever feature, lasting the longest on the plush lips.
The elevator dinged, and in a blink Emily was off her. Standing as if nothing happened, but she was stunned when Y/n walked away...unbothered entirely.
Her hands fiddled with her keys before finding the one to unlock her apartment. Laughing lightly as Emily rested her hands on her hips. "You are handsy, I must say." She joked. As the door unlocked, her hips pushed back into the others, causing the hands to slip more forward. A playful gasp came, "maybe even too handsy!"
She broke from the grasp, entering the home and taking a deep breath. "It's nice to be home," she dropped her stuff by the door. Y/n disappeared around a corner, only giving the choice to follow.
When Emily obeyed, she was speechless. The view from the big window was insane. Being able to see over half the city and the bureau. "If you would like to pregame, I have a mean stash of dark."
"Trying to get me drunk already?" The older came closer, leaning against the cool marble counter. Once again, her answer was a mere laugh.
Y/n had this glimmer in her eyes. It's the same one she has every time she's about to say something unexpected. This time being no different.
She came close to her boss, leaning into her and pulling her down by the neck. "I don't need you to be drunk for you to sleep with me. I already have you and you didn't even notice, so much for a profiler." She backed off now, still housing that devious look. "It's a shame the teams waiting for us, would've loved to see where this went..." her voice trailed off as her eyes looked Emily up and down.
Y/n winked, leaving the guest in the living room as she went to her bedroom. At first not hearing foot steps behind her, then they were hot on her trail. Glancing over her shoulder, she couldn't help the rush of excitement at the frustrated Emily. Everything was going to plan.
Emily turned to shut the door, carefully and not slamming it. Spinning on her heal to really lay it down, but Y/n stood by the closet entrance fiddling with the hem of her shirt. Pulling it up slowly, but right when her bra shows, she turns. Entering the closet with a sexy sway in her hips.
She passed through her outfits, trying to find the new dress she ordered. As she was about to push the George Town sweater over, hands wrapped around her waist and a nose was burrowing into her hair.
She let it play out, continuing to search for the dress. Stepping over twice while the woman still held her. Her hand pushed the black formal dress over, finding just what she was looking for. She felt the felt of the hanger under her hand, but forgot everything by a new touch. Soft lips hovered over her neck, letting warm breaths fan over the skin. Skilled hands roaming up to her chest and cupping her boobs through the bra.
The moan was light, quiet. But the groan following from behind was deep, lustful. "Is that all it took? Touching you right?" Emily whispered against her ear.
Y/n wanted to cave in, she was ready to as well, but she knew just one more would win her everything. So, with a steady hand, she grabbed the dress and turned in Emily's arm. "And what would you know about touching me right? Do you fantasize about me? Is that how you know?" Her voice steadier than ever.
Emily let her tongue dart over her lips. "You have no idea..." she thought this was it. That drinks would be forgotten and she could finally have her.
But it's never easy with Y/n. "I can give you a sneak peak if you'd like..." she beamed up to Emily. Not giving her the chance to respond as the younger stood on her tip-toes to be next to her ear. Fake quiet moans falling from her plush lips, "oh...right there...yes Emily...yes.."
Her grip tightened on the other's waist as her breathing became erratic. "Baby, id make you scream." She leaned her lips closer. She was right there, lips practically on hers.
That's when the small laugh came, and Emily had no idea what was so funny. "I always win," was all she got out before breaking away and leaving Emily on the verge on loosing it.
She groaned again, this time in frustration. Her head was shaking as she tried to piece together what the next move could be. The dress, she figured.
Her eyes snapped up when she thought of the outfit. Hands covering her face as she tossed her head back. It hugged onto her so well, showing off enough legs to keep Emily busy for hours. The perfect amount of cleavage could be seen. And the flowy sleeves to give a little arm coverage. It fell right below her ass.
Emily swallowed thickly as she left towards the door. Trying to ignore the sound of laughter that followed her out. "Can't handle a little skin?" She teased as she brushed pass. Locking her door before looping her arm to Emily's and handing over her keys.
The action confused Emily. "Why didn't you bring a purse? I'm sure you had one?" They stood outside the elevator.
"I don't plan to come home tonight," Y/n hummed. She stepped a little closer to the woman, squeezing her arm just a little to bring her eyes down. "That is...if you give up first. Cause I can play this out all night. And personally, I don't think you can last all night."
"You have no idea what I'm capable of, bunny." She gave the new nickname. And it made Y/n's heart beat a little faster and her smile grow a little more. The blush dusting her cheeks as her pupils dilated a little more.
"Bunny? Is that because you're a silver fox?" Y/n joked, feeling excited at the new found name. The elevator opened and the two get on. Just them. Neither one stepping away or saying anything until they hit the eight floor.
The doors opened and in walked a man that seemed unfamiliar. He was fine as he was...until he gave a once over on Y/n, then one on Emily. The difference being the smirk he gave the first, then the disgusted he gave the second.
He seemed closer to Y/n's age, and that's what they assumed was the reason for his comment. "If you ever get tired of the old hag, I can support you." The words fell out and both agents seemed star struck.
"And what is it you do for a living?" Y/n asked, loving how the interacting had Emily pull her closer to her and wrapped her arm around to hold her hips.
"I'm a college professor. Youngest in my building." He flashed his smile. Enjoying the attention, but soon letting his mood fall when the woman shared a look. "And what does she do? Crochet and feed her cats?"
"She's the FBI's section chief....so I think she's got you beat..." Y/n shrugged with a mocking look. Getting a mean look as he got off on the fifth floor. Grumbling as he shook his head. The doors closed a few seconds after. "I told you people think you're my sugar mommy."
Emily scoffed and let the tiny smile spread on her lips. "Maybe you're the one who fantasizes...this whole sugar mommy talk. Would you like me to spoil you rotten? Is that what this whole game is?" Her hand sliding down from the hip to rest right on her lower back.
It was a quick motion suddenly. She pushed Y/n forward and let her arms wrap her up. Her left hand holding onto the left boob and her right hand gripping her right thigh.
Y/n's hips pushed back into Emily. "I don't kn-,"
"I don't know? But bunny, you do know. You know you want to give in and just let me have you." Her hand slid closer to her core. "We could have so much fun if you give in."
It was tempting, but she shook her head. They were at the second floor. Trying to ignore the hand slipping into her panties. How close she was.
The elevator dinged, and Emily was off in no time. Something she was so good at. Disappearing like a ghost. Leaving Y/n cold from her touch.
The doors opened and Y/n relooped their arms. Passing the teen in the lobby once again. Y/n flashing her a friendly smile as they left. Emily's car being right in the front.
It was about two in the morning, and the drinking battle was about to begin. With the entire bar watching, Luke and Y/n had ten shots of light, and three dark shots.
Matt stood behind him, cheering him on. Saying how the rumors were fake and she couldn't drink. And Y/n knew they were all drunk and just saying things cause they can.
Emily was behind her. Hands on her hips as she gave them a squeeze. "Put him in his place and make me proud, bunny." Her voice was seductive on all levels.
Y/n met Luke's eyes. Both having hands on the pool table by their first shot. "You're so fucked Alvez," she slurred. She leaned over to him slightly, "I'm gonna make her proud."
"Wait let's film this!" Penelope came up. Setting up one of their phones to capture both of them. Giving a drunk thumbs up as Tara stood on the other end.
She inhaled, "ok, I want it nice and clean. Ready.." the room went silent. "Set..." the two contestants glance at each other one last time. "Go!" Tara shouted.
It was a blur, truly. Shot after shot. They stayed close the entire time, but by the fifth, Luke began to slow by a millisecond. That was all Y/n need for a lead, and she jumped three shots ahead. Making it to the darks before he could get down his sixth. Cheering when she slammed down the last one.
Her arms in the air as the room cheered with her. "I told you Alvez! I make my woman proud!" She gloated around. Reaching and grabbing the two dark shots he never made it to and turned to hand one to Emily. Pleased when she understood and they shared the victory.
JJ laughed at the sight, "do you even have a limit?" She also grabbed an unfinished shot. Passing one to Tara and Penelope. Matt taking the last vodka shot and handing Rossi the dark.
Y/n shook her head with a wide smile. "I was the academies party animal. I had to be able to out drink everyone." She spilled her secrets.
"You're who threw the party that nearly caused a city power outage?" Tara furrowed her brows, enjoying the openness.
Y/n grinned, "that's me! I out drank Captain Johnson that night." She took pride in that achievement.
"Mmm as much as I would love to hear a drunk confession, we are closed. Your drinking battle was the last round I poured." The bartender came over and informed.
And everyone was out within half an hour. The team biding drunken goodbyes as they went their own ways. Everyone too drunk to notice Y/n and Emily leaving together.
Their drive back to the closer apartment being filled with humming and wind blowing through the car. They stopped at a stop sign, and Y/n stopped humming along.
A sudden realization that the night was almost over...and Emily had still yet to make the her move. "What's wrong?" Her voice rang through her head. "You seem upset now..." the worry laced her words, only to be countered with a cute pout.
"You're being stubborn." Y/n grumbled. The effects of how much she drank really getting her in the car. Which was new for Emily to be witnessing.
She figured that the passenger would be more submissive now, but that would be too easy. Y/n was the farthest thing from easy. Always throwing in a curve ball. This was her drunken curve ball.
While the light stayed red, she just acted. Grabbing Emily's jaw with her light pink nails digging just slightly into her soft flesh. She brought the older closer, tight to touching their lips.
"Why won't you give in?" She pouted. Eyes flickering down to her lips, then back up. "Do you not want me? Have you played me Emily?" Her voice was quiet and fragile.
A laugh nearly fell out of Emily's mouth, but she contained it. Grabbing the hand that held her face, "because I want to be able to do whatever I want with you." She pulled the hands away as the light turned green. Y/n huffed and crossed her arms. Looking away and out the window. "Pouting about it won't help your side, bunny. You could give in and we'd be over this game already."
"No," the response was instant. Her eyes wide and back on Emily. "I'll play this game forever until you give in. I know you want me in ways I can't even think of, so you'll be the one suffering. Especially since you can't do anything about it." She yapped. Her mind truly telling her that her plan was going to work.
Emily rolled her eyes as they pulled up to Y/n's apartment. Ignoring the questions of why they were here. She opened the passenger door, sighing at the agent who was acting childish.
"Y/n, let's go."
They got into a staring match. And Emily was just not having it anymore. It was late and she was tired just as much as the other was. So instead, she reached in.
"Wait no, stop!" Y/n tried to protest but the hold Emily had was too strong. She was thrown over the shoulder as she kept trying to get free. "Out me down! My butts gonna show!"
That's when a hand was placed over it. Holding the dress down and making Y/n burn red. As soon as it was there, it was gone and she was set down. Facing the elevator.
"You're no fun." She grumbled. Meeting the brown eyes in the reflection. It earned her a small laugh as the doors opened and she got nudged in.
"And you're drunk. If that's even possible." Emily joked. Her hands found home on the others waist. Holding her swaying body up and from falling. "But you did take thirteen shots in a row. Which I must say, is pretty impressive."
Y/n suddenly switched moods. Turning with a bright smile. "Anything to make you proud." Her eyes being genuine with each word. "Luke never stood a chance anyways."
"That confident from the start, huh?" Her brow arched in question.
Y/n shrugged, "I had you on my side from the start. Well actually I planned it and you fell right into the trap. But shhh that's a secret." Her index finger rose to her lips.
"Your trap?" Emily was full of curiosity now. What plan did she come up with? "Tell me about it?" But she shook her head, spinning to face the silver doors. "Please? What did that pretty head plan?" Still nothing. "Bunny?"
The doors opened and the younger was gone. Swaying while fidgeting with her keys for the right one.
It wasn't until Emily came up and carefully grabbed the keys. Getting the door open in only a few seconds. The accomplishment getting a loud cheer from Y/n, who was being directed into the apartment.
This did not set well with Y/n. And making it easy wasn't gonna happen either.
Before Emily knew it, she was chasing Y/n down the hallway. Scooping her up bridal style. "We do not need to be running around like this. Someone will hear us and file a complaint."
Y/n gave a chuckle, "we're the only ones on the floor," she pointed Emily's chest. Stumbling into the apartment and kicking off her shoes. She found her way to infront the big windows.
Emily moved in the silence to get a glass of water. She figured Y/n would stay by the window...but then again she just chased her down the hall.
Arms wrapped around her and a head hit the back of her dark silk shirt. The action was cute, she'd admit that, but she was also set to get some water in with all the alcohol.
Without thinking much of her actions, she turned and gently gripped the jaw. Tilting her head back and bring the glass to her lips. "Drink." Emily simply commanded. Watching at how easily she complied, tapping twice on her wrist to say she was done. "No. All of it. If you can do thirteen shots you can finish a glass of water."
Waking up, Y/n felt like hot garbage. She had to have been drunk last night for the consequences she would face. Especially once her stomach begin to turn. In a blink she was in the bathroom. Letting the night free from herself.
There was a hand holding back her hair and another on her back. And if she wasn't regretting whatever happened, she would've been in defense mode instantly.
"I'll go get you some water," Emily's voice rang in her head. Oh dear god. What happened last night?
She sat back and tried to recall anything. Not getting past roughly ten. She came home with Emily, then went out for drinks, then had said drinks.
The possibilities of what could've happened continue to haunt her. "Here," the voice broke her thoughts. She looked up to Emily, who was giving such a kind look almost always while looking at her and holding out a glass of water.
It made her feel less nervous. "Emily Prentiss, did you sleep with your sugar baby while she was drunk?" She joked about what she thought happened, taking the glass. She wanted to know what happened in the missing hours.
The comment made her boss flush pink, "no! No you were far too out of it for anything of that sorts..." She shook her head, pausing ever so slightly. "I'd want you to remeber screaming my name."
It was Y/n's turn to flush. "Well played." She downed the water and got up. "Unfortunately I don't remember much after ten...and seeing that it is well into the day makes me assume it was a long night?" She prepared to brush her teeth and rid of the lingering taste in her mouth.
Emily laughed at the confession. "So you would say you finally got drunk?" She teased, coming up close to the other. Y/n rolled her eyes and was about to walk away from the bathroom. But Emily grabbed her wrist and spun her back. Holding her firmly at the waist. "You didn't answer my question."
"Wouldn't you enjoy that? Me obeying you so easily?" Y/n was so easy to quip back. Never in the mood to back down. "And even if I did confess that to you, nobody would believe you."
Emily was surprised at the remark. "You think the team wouldn't believe me? And why's that? You have something to counter it?"
"If you as much say a word of me being drunk, you'll never get what you want. And I will make it only hell for you." She got closer, the two being nothing but a whisper apart.
"And what is it I want?"
"Confident much?"
Y/n answered with a smirk of many implications. Leaving the grasp to change into a different lounge outfit.
"Do you have any Saturday plans I should be aware of?" Emily sat on the edge of the bed. Watching as Y/n moved to collect a new outfit. Throwing each article onto the bed.
"Why yes, actually! I have a hot date coming over." She flashed a smile over her shoulder. "Wouldn't want to third wheel would you?"
Emily rolled her eyes and looked towards the window, facing away from Y/n. "Your date would be the one third wheeling." She was about to stand, but she was weighed down.
Y/n had made her way over into Emily's lap, straddling her and looking down to her. "You're right. Especially because you're my sugar mommy. If they touched you I think I would've lost it."
"So you admit it?" Emily had a hopefully grin. Hoping that maybe, just maybe, this was it.
"Admit to what exactly?"
"That you would let me spoil you. Be your sugar mommy?"
"Mm...no. I don't need your money. Plus, being a sugar mommy is an arrangement with no feelings involved. And if I wanted to put myself through a literal living hell than I would, but that's not on my bucket list. Not good for my mental state either." She answered truthfully without directly saying her truth.
Emily processed the words, slowly putting them together. Not realizing how Y/n began to form a smile and get up. Her head shaking while she thought in her own world.
"I don't have any Saturday plans. The most is finding some movie that I haven't seen before. Do you have any Saturday plans?" She began to get dress.
Emily was still in her own world with the words. And when she looked back to the now dressed woman, she was full of questions.
"So does that mean...?" Was all she let out, still not knowing if she meant was she meant.
Y/n laughed and came to stand in front of Emily. Hands on her shoulders, and Emily's pulled her closer by the back of her thighs. "You are the worst profiler in the entire unit," Y/n teased, a cocky smirk in her lips.
"But that whole little game you played? You're telling me you meant it?" Emily stared up, confused still by the idea of it.
Someone as young as Y/n having a crush on someone older. Old enough to be her mother almost.
"The idea is not that hard to grasp Emily Prentiss. I like you for you. I don't want you for some arrangement. I want you as my girlfriend." Y/n cupped her cheek, bringing her lips to be just a breath away. "But now that you mentioned my little game, just know I still plan to win."
The younger began to back up, making the mistake of turning her back on Emily. It was the second her back was turned, that Emily was moving. Spinning her around and pinning her between the dresser.
"I am not playing your game anymore. You're not going to tell me all that and then just walk away after a night of teasing." Emily's eyes were dark and swarming with emotions.
Y/n cupped her cheek once more, watching the woman lean into the touch. Turning her head to place a kiss to her palm. From her palm to her fingertips and back, the action caused Y/n to fail at comprehending anything. How delicate Emily's lips were against her skin. To be able to feel her lips pushing against her skin.
"Give in." Y/n whispered, knowing she was only a few seconds off from giving in herself.
"What is winning to you?" Emily kept placing kisses against her skin, trailing up her arm and to her neck.
They met eyes finally, a hair apart as they stared at each other. Y/n licked her lips, "everything." And that's when Emily closed the space. Kissing hungrily but softly. Tasting the fresh mint in a delightful way.
Y/n smiled in the kiss, putting just as much emotion into it as the other, if not more. How her heart was beating to a fast pace tune, her mind was silent with only thoughts of Emily.
The two stayed there for a little before the kiss began to get more heated. Emily dropped to scatter kisses all over the others neck. Taking Y/n by surprise with a bite to her pulse point, eliciting a gasp and a grip in the silver mane.
Y/n tried to push off the dresser, her back still digging into the edge, but it seemed Emily was lost in the moment and almost growled. The sound was deep and her voice came out gravelly. "I could practically eat you, you're so sweet. Letting me have you here."
Her hands slipped under the oversized shirt, feeling how soft and warm Y/n was in contrast to her cold hands. Her rings not helping as the metal touched the skin.
Y/n tried to push off again, growing eager to get to the bed. "Emily...the bed is right behind us." She managed out, eyes glossy as she scanned over the messy duvet. Her hand came up to her chest when she didn't get an answer, pushing her off slightly to break her trance.
Emily's breathing was erratic and her pupils blown wide. Her brows dropped as she was confused by the push. "You got a bit too lost there," Y/n blushed. "Is that really what I do to you?"
"Oh bunny you have no idea," Emily smirked. Throwing a look over her shoulder to the bed. "Are you sure about this?"
Y/n followed and glance over Emily's shoulder, looking at the bed. "Yes. But...I won Emily." She smirked up, watching the dread fill her eyes. "Oh trust me, you'll enjoy me being in charge. I'm full of surprises remember?"
The older groaned and took a step back. "What is it you want me to do?" She sounded almost defeated.
Y/n laughed and pushed her back to the end of the bed. Leaning over her slightly, "you make it seem like I'm going to torture you. You wait here for five minutes, I'll knock and you'll close your eyes and then I'll tell you to open them, m'kay?"
"That's it?"
"That's it."
"Fine." Emily agreed. Sitting for the two minutes on the edge of the bed, taking in every detail in the room. Hoping to see it again. The knock had came and Emily closed her eyes.
Y/n peeked her head in first, making sure they were closed. Before going in to set up her winning. She had changed into a cute lingerie set, one she knew Emily wouldn't be able to resist.
The outfit change taking five minutes. "Ok." She stood right in front of Emily. Entirely on display for her. "You can open your eyes."
And when Emily did, her mouth ran dry. Y/n looked absolutely stunning. "I don't.."
"Ruin me Emily Prentiss." Was all Y/n had to say before she was being pulled in and being covered in kisses.
Emily took her time covering every inch she could get with kisses. Leaving several hickies on her neck before scattering them all across her chest. To anyone else it would look like a whole different story.
Y/n's pants and moans spurred the boss on. She truly would start to believe Emily had fantasize about this for how she just knew where to touch. It made her squirm for more. "Mmm, Emily..."
"I'm going to take my time with you." She was nothing short of stating a fact. "You look so adorable in this set. Have you been saving it?" Her deep brown eyes bored down at Y/n. "Did you order it with that dress from last night? I never told you how good you looked." Her head dipped down and kissed over the hardened nipple. Sending a jolt of electricity through her body. "And then when you beat Alvez," a kiss to the other. "You truly are something special, Y/n."
Her hands slipped behind to unclasp the mesh bra. Freeing the boobs and watching them naturally be. Emily licked her lips once again, ducking to the right nipple first.
Her tongue swirling over it lightly at first, but then adding more pressure. Listening to the sinful sounds that rang in the room.
"Emily...please..." Y/n breathily begged. Not knowing if she was ready for what Emily was planning. But her answer was teeth grazing her chest. Earning a new sound from the woman above.
"Baby, best things come when you wait. I want to work you up so much that it's undeniable that you'll never want anyone else." Emily answered truthfully, continuing her ministrations.
Y/n was lost in the feeling, but it wasn't enough. And it was clear it wasn't going to be enough anytime soon.
And after minutes that felt like timeless hours, Emily began to move down further. Her hair tickling in her previous place. She was back to her loving kisses all across her thighs. Feeling the legs shake slightly.
"You're so easy to work up," Emily hummed against the inner thigh. Her eyes staring up at the beauty above her. Watching as her head shook side to side. "Really?"
"You're just better than what I imagined," Y/n confessed without thinking. Realizing her words too late to even take back, and she knew they fed Emily's ego like a three course meal.
She wanted more though. Emily pulled back and hovered over Y/n, a yearning look hidden behind all the lust. "You've imagine it? So you do admit it. You've thought about me in naughty ways, how perverted of you." A laugh followed out. Making Y/n suddenly feel small at the comment, and not in an enjoyable way.
There was no answer in return and that's when Emily could see through the clouds. She had crossed a line and potentially screwed everything up.
Without realizing, the silver fox backed off entirely. Moving to the end of the bed and rubbing her eyes a bit. "Y/n...I'm sorry if I've crossed a line."
The younger sat up, crawling over to the other. Grabbing her hands and holding them silently at first. Trying to gather the right words for this situation. "...it's ok, but just know you're dealing with a pillow princess in all honesty. I like to be treated highly, like when you call me bunny. I enjoy that very, very, much. Your stone cold demeanor is sexy at work, but I want the real Emily Prentiss. The one who knows what emotions are." She snuck her hand on Emily's cheek and leaned in. Kissing her softly and with unspoken words. "Now don't let this afternoon be ruined." Y/n whispered before slowly moving toward the middle of her bed.
Sitting on her knees with her back arched and pushing her bruised chest forward. Her eyes glistening for Emily to come finish what she's started.
And Emily was not going to miss her chance. She took a deep breath and her eyes were filled with lust again. Exciting Y/n on a new level. She made her way up, standing on her knees as her hands slipped around the smooth waist. Leaning in and claiming the plush lips as her own now, forcing Y/n to bend back as well. Emily sunk down with each kiss until she was eye level.
"Can I undress you?" Y/n fiddled with the shirt. Only now realizing that Emily was in her clothes. The shirt and sweats making her seem so at peace. But as her hardened nipples poked against the fabric, it was hard not to imagine the lack undergarments.
A small smile played on Emily's lips, "of course you can, bunny." The two stood and Y/n took her time. Trying to mentally prepare to see her wild thoughts with her own eyes now.
She played with the hem of the shirt, balling it up before pushing the fabric up. Showing of the freckles that adored her chest. Taking a moment to admire the skin details, eager to ingrain every spot into her brain.
Her eyes then jumped up to Emily, who was staring and focusing on every move. "You're absolutely stunning...." Y/n let the smile take over as she leaned in for a kiss. Their bare chests pressing against each other.
The warmth of Y/n clashing with the coldness of Emily. But together they balanced the other out. Cooling down the burning skin, and warming up the icy touches.
Pulling back only slightly, Y/n slid her hands down. Slipping her hands to push down the shorts. Revealing the simple black underwear.
"Those mine?" Y/n gave a playful laugh, figuring if everything else was.
Emily shook her head though, "no I went home while you were asleep. I had to change from last night's clothes."
Y/n furrowed her brows. "So then why wear my clothes?"
"So that even when you were asleep, I could still be surrounded by you." Emily answered so easily. Gaining blush from the younger.
Emily would've loved to stay in that moment, it was simple and the start of something new, but when Y/n stood there in nothing but lace panties, it was hard to stay there.
"I could be surrounded by you forever," Emily smirked before pushing the other back onto the bed. Not waiting to dive to where they both wanted her. She took a deep breath in, "you smell so sweet, do you taste this sweet?"
Y/n let out a giggle, "you could find out." She propped herself up a bit on her elbows. Finally seeing Emily between her legs, growing impossibly wetter at the sight.
Maybe it was the lighting, but the sparkle in Emily's brown eyes was enough to say she planned to. She littered a few more kisses, leading Y/n to believe that there was more teasing, but with the first swipe of her tongue, both knew how this was going to end.
It was like an instant addiction. One Emily would never get enough of and wouldn't want to try and quit. And maybe she got a little out of hand when she tore the panties right off. Causing a surprised gasp to echo in the room as she dived right back in.
The room being filled with Y/n cursing, panting, moaning, and lewd Emily's that slipped from her mouth. It had to be a crime how good she was.
"Mm..fuck Emily," her name came out broken on Y/n's tongue. Her head rolling into the comforter under her. Emily swirled around her clit, moving so smoothly.
The tightening in her stomach grew suddenly. But right as she thought she would find a release, Emily wasn't working her magic anymore. Instead, she watched as Y/n clenched around nothing before meeting her eyes. "I told you. And with how addicting you are bunny? God we're gonna have a fun time," she smirked. Her hands massaging at the pillowy thighs. "You're beautiful you know that? Anybody would be lucky to have you."
Her hands slid up to her waist. Squeezing it in her hands and humming. "You look amazing in everything as well. It would take an entire country to make you look bad. But even then, you'd still be the most beautiful." She kissed all over her stomach.
Kissing up between her boobs. Where she took notice of how ragged her breathing was. "To be able to share these moments with you, baby. I promise to never let you go. I'll make sure you're safe everyday."
Her lips pressed against her neck. Sinking into the already bruised skin and sucking. Listening to the moan. They drove her into a different dimension, she would swear on that.
Y/n choked on a gasp as two fingers slid into her, catching her once again by surprise. The burn of being stretched was tedious, but it melted into pure pleasure. "You..." she couldn't think as Emily moved her hand. Her mind drawing to a blank as her palm hit her clit as it went.
"Yes baby?"
"You...mmmph...do you mean it?"
"Every word."
Tears pricked in the corner of Y/n's eyes as the feeling drew her close again. She prayed her legs not to give her away, but they work on their own for Emily. It seems all of Y/n worked against her. They began to shake, trying to close around her hand and keep it there, but with Emily in between, it was useless.
"Please," Y/n huffed. Her back arching up off the cover. And when she was just one more thrust away, Emily was gone again. "You so suck." She panted while looking up at the white ceiling.
"Oh, is someone upset they didn't get their way?" Emily faked a pout. Leaning in close and placing a chaste kiss to her lips. "I've told you my plan."
"The working me up?! If that's the case I want to redo my reward." Y/n sat up quickly and crossed her arms.
"Oh yeah?" Emily laughed a bit, "and what is it you want now? Even if you change it all now, you're still all worked up and no release. Now who do you think is gonna give it to you?"
Y/n blinked a few times, really thinking it over. Emily was right. She was worked up twice and knew it wouldn't be the same now that she's had Emily. She pondered a little more before crossing her arms and looking away.
"Are you gonna keep pouting?" Emily tilted her head to the side. Not getting Y/n to look at her. She knew what the other was wanting, it was obvious. "You are one princess you know that?"
Y/n smirked over her shoulder. "I told you I was, remember? Right after you called me a pervert?"
"You gonna hold that over my head?"
"Till you're on your knees begging me, I will sit here and look away." Y/n looked away again. Letting the choice be up to Emily now.
And man did Emily enjoy this more than she thought. The brattiness wasn't over done and Y/n knew what she deserved. She still held more control than she let on. Emily could feel herself give in almost instantly too, but she held down for a few seconds.
Then, she pulled Y/n to the end of the bed and got down in front of her. Hands traveling up her legs and wrapping them around her own head. Emily now sat with her head between Y/n's legs and looking up to her.
She placed caring kisses to the thighs next to her. "Is this better?" Emily glanced through her lashes, meeting the others eyes.
"You're not begging." She had spoke down to her, a devious smirk pulling at her lip. "Why should I let you?"
"That's how you play?" A brief nod. A beat of silence. And a silent sigh of defeat. "Please bunny, I need to taste you again. You've denied me too long. Please, please, please, I need you." Her humorus tone disappears as as she spoke, turning into true desperation as she could smell the effect of her words.
Her hands held her thighs, her grip tightening. Y/n wasn't budging yet. She was holding out on her self just to watch Emily fall apart. "Y/n. Please. I can't wait long. Please."
Y/n gave a look, tilting her nose into the air a bit to look down. Opening her legs to give Emily access and wearing a winning smile. "That's so much better," her tone was cockier than ever. Even her moan as Emily took her first swipe again.
And even for the second time, Y/n still tasted just as addicting. She sounded even angelic with her sinful noises. Everything about her lured Emily further in. Almost loosing herself in the moment. Her mind could think of nothing other than the beauty on the bed.
"God, Y/n...." she hummed lowly. "You're just so delicious. So beautiful. So desirable." Her tongue picked up. Her thoughts of wanting to see the other fall apart becoming heavy. "Just like that baby."
Y/n gasped once more before her breath hitched in her throat. The knot in her stomach snapping without much warning. Her hand flew down to Emily's hair, nails scratching at her scalp as she rode out her high. Profanities running from her like no tomorrow.
Emily once again littered her kisses once more before coming up. Placing a kiss to Y/n's plush lips, but following as it turned into a soft make out.
"Fuck Emily." Y/n laughed. She couldn't help but to think of the moment that just happened. "You definitely had fantasies."
The silver fox shook her head with a smile, laying down and pulling the other into her. "You know how to lure someone in, it's hard not to think of you." She shrugged off her truth. "We still have the rest of the day....can I take you to dinner?"
"Aww, was I not fulfilling for you?" She joked one more time before kissing Emily. "I would very much like dinner with you. But....it looks like I was in a fight and lost..."
Emily sat up and looked down at the other. Scanning over the amount of love bruises that covered her. "That does seem like an issue, you don't have any makeup?" A shake of the head. "Well then I guess we're going on a run to get you makeup and something to cook for the night."
"We're gonna cook? Didn't you almost give someone food poising last time you cooked?" Y/n loved how the idea sounded, she was thrilled. "What'd you have in mind anyways?"
Emily let a nasty smirk take over again, and Y/n could hear the thoughts and laughed. "Something easy. Maybe pasta? Then after....who knows what'll be for desert."
The younger let out another laugh at the implied. "Fine, but I'll make it a deal. We make a video while cooking, and then I'm all yours again. But the video has to get at least 100 likes by the time we finish."
"And if it doesn't?"
Y/n let her smile grow even more, "then you get nothing."
A shrug was her answer, "I don't make the rules." She sighed, glancing to her bathroom. "I could go for a shower, couldn't you?"
Emily looked over to the bathroom as well, taking a second to process what was being implied. "I could, I really could!" The thought to see the woman in her arm dripping with water and soap worked her up all over again.
Monday had came again, and the team was back in the bullpen. Enjoying the paper work to the best they could.
Penelope however was walking at a dramatic pace to find Y/n. Eager to know about this weekend that was all over TikTok now. And she came in hot with her phone already being opened. "Y/n! Care to explain?" She shoved the phone in.
Y/n watched the cooking video, smiling at the time they had. "We spent our Saturday together. And maybe our Sunday too but that's all."
Tara laughed enough to let everyone know she was listening. "Cooking doesn't leave a mark on your neck though." She pointed out the hickey right below her ear.
The side eye she received was vicious, "I burnt myself curling my hair."
"Yeah ok," Emily walked in with a knowing smile.
Tara leaned over to JJ, "bet the curling iron was that Prentiss brand."
"All the way up to it seems," the blonde fed the joke. "And what did you cook?"
Y/n sighed, feigning hurt," you don't even follow my account? You've made like a gazillion appearances."
JJ shook her head, "I don't have TikTok. But let me guess, there was a deal within that video that only you two know about?"
Emily came back with her coffee in hand, and another for Y/n. "She didn't win."
Penelope had been standing there shock about how simple they made it seem. "So! What I'm getting is! You two?"
Emily and Y/n shared a secret conversation. Both letting an infectious smile appear, "yeah, us two." They said in union. Too busy getting lost within each other to listen to the blonde jump for joy.
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exitpursuedbyavulcan · 11 hours
What is Broken IV (Aemond Targaryen x Pregnant Wife!Reader) FINALE
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The war, the "Dance of the Dragons," as they have come to call it, is over. And yet, you are not celebrating. You have just learned that your husband, Prince Aemond, spent the last months of the war with another woman in his bed. Not only that, but his mistress is pregnant. Just like you...
Pairing: Aemond Targaryen x fem!reader (third person, no use of Y/N), side Aemond Targaryen x Alys Rivers
Warnings: traumatic childbirth, blood, semi-suicidal thoughts, Aemond is fantasizing about murder again, all the angst
Point of View: Limited third person omniscient
Author's Note: I don't understand why, but thanks so much for all the support I've gotten from this horribly angsty fic! This is my first go at angst so I really appreciate it. I'm gonna work on two happy-ish fic chapters before I get started on When It Breaks, but it's coming...
And a huge, enourmous thanks to @ewanmitchellcrumbs and @ripdragonbeans for being my betas for this! I was so anxious about getting this absolutely right and they were so kind and encouraging. Love yall forever 💜💜💜
Taglist is done via reblogs
What is Broken
She was so light, his ābrazȳrītsos.
Even while carrying their children – their sons – Aemond swore she was lighter than when he left. He held her close to his chest, her head resting on his shoulder and her legs draped over his forearm. With every step, he could feel more of the liquid that had spilled from her womb - now mixed with small, hateful tendrils of blood -  dampening his sleeve.
Gods, how much blood had he seen in the past year? How much had he spilled himself? There had even been times when he reveled in its metallic tang. But the sight of her blood was nothing less than abhorrent.
He ran faster, until he could not make out the faces of those he passed, shouting for a Maester to be sent to their chambers immediately. One of them must be a servant. With luck, the Maester would already be there when they arrived.
She cried out as he began to ascend the stairs, wincing with each step, her weak grip on him tightening. “It hurts, Aemond.”
“I know, my love.” He slowed down, though his pounding heart urged him to do just the opposite. “I’m so sorry. The maester will be here soon, and he’ll help you feel better, hmm?”
“He has to stop it. It’s too early,” her voice cracked, and Aemond’s heart with it. “They’re not ready!”
But it couldn’t be stopped, not by man or gods. Their children would be born today. The only question was whether they would survive. If their mother would survive. Her poor body was so weak, and her heart… he had broken that, too.
If any of them died today, that blood would be on his hands, and he would gladly accept his damnation to the worst of the seven hells.
“Come now,” he chided gently as they reached the corridor to their chambers. “Our sons are dragons – they will be strong. And so will you, ābrazȳrītsos.”
“Sons?” She lifted her head, her entire body trembling with the effort it took. Her eyes – those beautiful eyes now gilded by the setting sun outside the windows – locked with his. “How… you sound so sure.”
Just one more lie. One more, and then he would never lie to her again.
Besides, this lie was small, nearly inconsequential. Many fathers insisted that their children would be sons until the child itself proved them wrong. It would be so easy for her to believe. The truth would hurt her – perhaps weaken her further. Aemond did not want her to hear Alys’ name. She should never have to even think of that witch ever again.
But he could not bring himself to do it. He could not sully the birth of his sons with yet another lie. He pushed their door open with a shoulder, never breaking her gaze. “Alys told me after you left. Before… she had a vision of us holding our sons. I’m so sorry, love.”
She slumped again, her face dropping into the curve of his neck. Once, she kissed him there, slept with her head tucked there. Now, it was simply where her head lolled. “I’m glad it’s sons. You’ll have two heirs…”
Her words were cut short by a gasp of pain, but Aemond heard it clearly. It echoed in his very bones. So if I live, you’ll have no more need of me. The gods had just crumbled the ground beneath him, his heart and soul with it. He was falling, falling, falling…
“I am glad, too.” He set her down gently in the bed, brushing away several tangles of hair stuck to her sweaty brow before arranging the pillows around her, hoping he was adequately managing to hide his devastation. For he could not bear to be without her, could not bear to love her only from a distance. He would go mad. Yet he would happily accept that horrible fate if it meant he would not lose her to the Stranger. “Mother will be, as well.”
“Mother!” She tried to rise, but he held her softly to the bed. “I can’t do this without Mother, Aemond. We must return home immediately!”
“I am afraid that is not an option, Princess.” Maester Artos stood just within the doorway, maids and Septas streaming in behind him. He was a mountain of a man, better suited to the battlefield than the birthing bed. But he was good at what he did – very good. Aemond had seen him work miracles on men who should have never survived their injuries.
The moment the women began attending to his wife, he approached the Maester, speaking quietly so as not to frighten her. “Something is wrong, Artos, she is bleeding. And she’s very weak.”
Artos hardly acknowledged him, looking only at the princess lying in the bed. “The blood is not the problem. She is distressed and too thin.” He stated, as cold and clinical as all other Maesters.
“Yes, I know that already.” Aemond took a shaky, calming breath. He did not like the way Artos observed her, as if she was a thing to be studied rather than a woman – a princess. Perhaps when it was all over, he’d kill the man for it. “I fear she is not strong enough to survive this.”
She cried out behind them. Two maids were pressing damp cloths to her forehead. Another was hastily braiding her hair back. A Septa had begun cutting away her dress, leaving her only in her chemise as two more maids removed her slippers and stockings. Two other Septas knelt by the windows, praying, while one woman who seemed to be neither maid nor Septa laid metal and wood instruments atop a tall, thin table.
It took every ounce of Aemond’s self-control not to go to her. To shove away each woman because it should be him – and him alone – to touch his wife while she was so vulnerable. He should be the one to protect her, but he couldn’t. He could only hurt her, it seemed.
“Artos!” Aemond hissed.
“Is her spirit weak as well?” There was suspicion in his dark eyes. The same he’d shown when he confirmed Alys was carrying a child. If he hadn’t been so proficient a healer, Aemond might have killed him then.
But for now, Aemond was glad Artos was alive. He swallowed, avoiding looking back at the bed as his wife continued to whimper and moan. “Yes.” The maester just hummed before approaching the bed. Aemond followed, kneeling at the bedside, the maids immediately clearing away.
“This is Maester Artos, ābrazȳrītsos.” She stared wide-eyed at the hulking mass of the man who now knelt between her legs. Aemond tugged on her hand, her gaze snapping back to him. “I know him well. He’s going to take very good care of you, I promise.”
She shuddered, her eyes closed tight as she squeezed Aemond’s hand so hard he had to bite his tongue to keep from crying out. He delighted in it. She was not as weak as he thought, thank the gods. If she needed to break every bone in his hand – in his body – to live through this, he would let her do so without complaint.
“Are you going to stay with me?” she asked, her voice already ravaged by screaming.
Aemond blinked. When they first learned they were to have a child, he swore he would. But now, it seemed impossible for her to want him there. Not after what he’d done. “Do you… want me to stay?”
She opened her mouth, but nothing came out but another moan of pain. Her eyes darted all over his face. The longer she stayed silent, the further Aemond’s stomach dropped, and his heart ached.
“I believe it wise to have the prince wait outside,” Artos said decisively.
Aemond felt her hand slide out of his, the sensation the same as if he were falling from Vhagar’s back—her answer.
He nodded, and though he knew he shouldn’t, he leaned over her and kissed her forehead, trailing a hand down her cheek. “I love you.”
As he walked to the door, he still held a little shred of hope in his heart, waiting to hear her say it back.
It never came.
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The moment the door shut behind Aemond, she regretted sending him away. She wanted to call him back so she wouldn’t be alone with so many strangers. But panic began to set in as the maids pulled her gently down the bed, and her voice failed her.
“It won’t be long now, princess,” the maester said, but she found no comfort in it. She couldn’t even remember his name. Alton? Alyn? Amos? Aemond had said he trusted him, but…
But that meant he had been here when Aemond was with Alys. And that glint of pity in his eyes, not just for her conditions, but for what he knew. He knew. Seven Hells, he’d probably been the one to care for Alys and her pregnancy.
Alys. Alys, Alys, fucking Alys!
She did not know what to think of the woman who had stolen so much from her. Had she stolen it, or had Aemond given it? She could hardly make sense of what she’d learned in that dreary little room.
Alys was not the evil, scheming witch she had first imagined. But neither was she innocent in the affair, not wholly. She was not remorseful for her actions, but she apologized for hurting her. She had been kind.
Blinding pain shot through her, and she screamed. Wordless and desperate, her only outlet for release. She needed to scream, needed to roar, needed to breathe fire. Anything to distract from this. Gods, she even wished for a moment for Alys to be there, holding her hand. At least then, she could return some of that pain.
“Princess,” the maester said, though he sounded far away. Though it was more likely that her shouting was drowning him out. “Very soon, I will ask that you push. Do you know how, your highness?”
Push. That’s what the septas had instructed Helaena to do at the birth of her twins and for Maelor. She even had vague memories of the word from when she peeked through the open door to her mother’s chambers when Daeron was born. But what it meant and how to do it?
Her confusion must have been apparent, for the maester continued. His voice was frustratingly calm and steady. “It is fine if you do not, princess. You must simply follow your instincts. When you feel the urge, push the child outward with all your might.”
“I have no might.” She heard herself laughing through tears and only then realized she was crying. Someone took her hand – she didn’t know who. But the feeling of another’s skin on hers was heavenly.
“You have carried these babes for months,” the maester – Artos! that was his name – said gently, “while your husband and the realm were at war. In my estimation, you are the mightiest woman in Westeros.”
She felt nearly every muscle she had tense, turning her answering grateful smile into a grimace. The mightiest woman in Westeros would not have weathered her pregnancy as well as a paper boat in a storm. The mightiest woman in Westeros would not still love her husband after he betrayed her. The mightiest woman in Westeros would not have let her emotions weaken her or put her children’s lives in danger.
She was far from the mightiest woman in Westeros, and she could not do this. She wasn’t strong enough. She was only a weak and broken little girl.
A maid approached, a fresh cool, damp cloth in her hands. The princess had not looked at any of their faces, too absorbed in her pain and panic. But now, she caught the eyes of this girl—deep, rich brown, so similar to her own – to her mother’s.
“I want my mother,” she whispered to the maid, even knowing it was impossible. “I can’t do this without her.”
The maid gaped at her as if she could not fathom a princess ever speaking to her. She looked to her companions for guidance, but the princess only looked into the maid’s eyes and thought of her mother—the scent of the rosemary oil she used in her hair, the warmth of her embrace, and the soothing tones of her voice.
“Please, I want my mother,” she begged. A new surge of pain gripped her, radiating into her legs. They were coming faster now; she barely had time to breathe between each wave. “Please.”
“I’m so sorry, Your Highness.” The maid’s voice was high and breathy, nothing like her mother’s. “The queen is not here.”
She cried, turning away from those false eyes. She was alone – entirely and utterly alone.
“Princess, I need you to be strong now.” Artos’ sweaty brow was furrowed with half a dozen creases, his eyes wide and mouth a firm line. He looked more like a commander on a battlefield than a maester. The Grand Maester would have smiled at her, but he was not here, either. “Your labors are progressing quickly. It is nearly time to push.”
“I don’t know how,” she cried. She refused to open her eyes. If she kept them closed, she could almost imagine she was home.
Artos wrapped his hands around her ankles, pushing them upwards and further apart. “You do, princess. The Mother wove the knowledge into your body. Listen to it, and all will be well.”
“I – ”
Her next scream rattled the room, the keep, the entirety of the Riverlands.
Fire, ice, steel, and claw seemed to rake down her spine to her thighs. But Artos was right; her body reacted to the pain, her muscles moving near-unconsciously to force the babe out of her womb. She followed the instinct, pushing it harder, harder, harder.
“Very good, princess!” Was that Artos or Orwyle? She couldn’t tell anymore.
It was never-ending.
Pain, pushing, and a brief moment of reprieve.
It lasted hours, days, perhaps even years.
Was a child – a son – even worth this pain? How could she love someone who had tortured her so? Would she ever be able to look at him without remembering how she suffered?
Then –
“Stop, princess!”
She went limp, vaguely beginning to feel other sensations creep in: the coolness of the water on her forehead, the slight scratching of the sheets beneath her, and the hushed whispers of the maids and midwives.
The pain was still there, but softer. Less insistent.
“What’s wrong?” she asked, her voice nearly unrecognizable, even to her.
Artos emerged from between her legs, relief painted over his harsh face. “Nothing is wrong, princess. It is simply time to be gentle and allow your body to do its work.” He smiled, chuckling under his breath. “I can see your babe’s white hair – quite a bit of it.”
Laughter bubbled up in her throat. Deep, joyous laughter. Another slight wave of pain passed through her, but she didn’t care at all. She was thinking about her niece and nephew, how Jaehaerys was born with nearly a full mane of silver frizz while Jaehaera had not a single hair on her head until she was over a year old. “He has hair?”
“Yes, although I do not know yet whether it is a boy, princess.”
“It is. He is.”
There was one more brief surge of pain, and then she heard her son cry.
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It was torture to wait outside while his ābrazȳrītsos screamed with pain. At first, Aemond stood leaning against the wall, as Aegon did when Helaena began her labors, but his knees failed him when he heard a scream that rattled the world.
He’d been on the floor since, resisting the urge to cover his ears. But he had caused her this pain, so he must listen.
He would be in that room with her if he hadn’t been a weak, damnable fool. He would have held her hand, letting her release her pain onto him. She had only squeezed his hand once, yet he still felt the ghost of her touch on his skin. He would savor that pain for the rest of his life.
It seemed to be never-ending, the torture his son was inflicting upon her. How could he ever forgive the child for doing this to his own mother?
Then, it stopped.
Aemond leaped to his feet, panic infecting his blood like a disease. Why had she gone quiet? What was wrong? Was she dead? He couldn’t face –
A babe cried—his first cry, with his first breath.
Their son.
He tried to push the door open, but it was locked.
“Let me in!” he shouted, pounding his fist on the door. “Artos, let me in!”
There was no answer, but he could hear soft voices inside. None sounded like hers. Oh gods, had she brought their son into the world at the cost of her own life?
Aemond slammed himself against the door again and again, not caring for the damage he was doing to his own body. “Open the door now, Artos!”
He threw himself against the wood again and again. At some point, it had to yield. Either it would, or his body would.
It opened just before he launched himself at it again—not all the way, but it was open. Then, Artos stared at him through the gap with his hateful, disapproving gaze.
“Let me in,” he growled. Trying to force the door open was useless, as the maester was practically a giant and, apparently, throwing all his strength into holding it closed. “If you don’t let me see my wife, I swear I’ll – ”
“Your wife has not finished her labors yet, my prince.” Damn him, the mountainous bastard. “But I am pleased to inform you that she has borne you a son.”
Though he knew it was to be a son, the words still shot through him. A son. His son. Their son.
“Is he healthy? Is she?” There was no more fight in his voice. The warrior prince had vanished, replaced only by the husband and father. By all the gods, he was a father.
Artos nodded. “The boy is small but healthy. Your maester may have miscalculated the date of conception. He is remarkably healthy for being born so early.”
“And my wife?”
“She is tired, but well. The second babe is not quite ready to emerge, so she is resting.”
The weight of all the world was lifted from his shoulders. He felt like the little boy he had once been on Driftmark, wanting nothing more than to see his zaldrīzītsos and take comfort in her embrace. “May I see her? Please.”
“I’m afraid not, my prince.” Artos at least had the decency to sound genuinely apologetic. “She needs this rest. With the first birth, she was wonderfully strong, more than I could have ever imagined. But I fear she has depleted her strength. She fell asleep the moment it was done.”
“Is… is it bad that she fell asleep?”
Artos sighed, his eyes turning to the floor. “Ordinarily, no, but with how thin she is, how weak… it worries me.”
No. No, no, no. “Is there anything you can do? To help strengthen her?”
“I am afraid not, my prince.”
“Well, do something. Do whatever you can.”
A soft moan came from behind the door. Ābrazȳrītsos. Aemond pushed against the door, opening it as far as he could to try and catch the barest glimpse of her.
Her eyes were nearly closed, her reddened cheeks making them appear as dark as night. Her chemise was soaked through with sweat and whatever other fluids came out with their child. But no blood beyond what he already knew to be there.
“Ābrazȳrītsos! I’m here!” He shouted. It took a moment for her to look his way. He could have sworn she smiled. “I’m with you! You must be strong, my love. I know you can be. I love you! I love you so much, ñuha zaldrīzītsos!”
Artos pushed against the door, forcing Aemond back. “That is enough, my prince. Upsetting her will only drain her strength.”
Aemond knew it was true, that his presence would likely upset her rather than comfort her. So, he stopped resisting and allowed the maester to close the door. Just before it closed, he whispered one final command, “Take care of her, Artos. She is my world.”
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The pain returned, worse than before. The lightning crept down her spine again, but it was now accompanied by a great force set on tearing her body apart at the seams. Pushing brought no relief, nor did it seem to move her son any closer to the world.
Artos came to her bedside, resting the back of his hand against her brow.
 “It’s worse this time,” she confided in the maester when it finally ebbed. “It’s so much worse. Why?”
He sighed and sat on the bedside, his massive hand nearly eclipsing her head as he stroked her hair. It made her feel remarkably like a kitten. “I cannot say, princess. There are many possibilities. This child could be larger, in a slightly different position, or…” He hesitated. “As I said, there are too many possibilities for me to be sure.”
His pause unsettled her, but it soon faded away when another wave went through her. “Is he nearly ready? I can’t do this much longer.” At least she knew what to do this time, so surely it would be better.
“Ah, another son, is it?” Artos stood from the bed to examine her spread legs. Several maids gently moved her to replace the sheets beneath her. “Not yet, but soon. Your motherly instincts will tell you when.”
Motherly instincts. Gods, she was a mother now. There was a child on the other side of the room that she had given birth to, that she had grown within her. A son who would depend on her for his entire life. Her, and his father.
Aemond would be a good father, she knew, even if he were decidedly lacking as a husband. But as a father, he would be attentive, kind, and loving. He would give their sons all the love he was denied by their own father.
They would not repeat the mistakes of the past. They would love their sons. They would not ignore them, speaking to them only to scold them. They would teach them the language of their ancestors themselves instead of relying on tutors. As soon as they were old enough, they would teach them how to be compassionate and fair rulers. They would not force them to marry for political advantage or the continuation of the bloodline but let them fall in love, as they had.
She could see them now. Both with white hair and unruly curls. Bright lilac eyes. The elder would take after her, but with Aemond’s determination. The younger would take after their father but with her gentle temperament.
As if the vision was summoning her second son, she felt her body constricting, muscles tightening. Without fear, she began to push.
“Princess, stop!”
Artos screamed as if someone was holding a sword to his throat, desperate and panicked. His eyes were wide and bulging as he looked from her face to where her second son should be emerging. “You mustn’t push now, princess. Not once. I…”
He stood, pulling one of the Septas aside. Others followed, and their frantic, poorly hushed whispers grew louder. She knew the sight should frighten her, but she forced herself to remain calm. Aemond said he trusted this man and had seen him work miracles. Whatever was wrong, Artos would fix it.
She was sure.
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Artos burst out of the door without warning. Aemond pushed away from the wall. “Is it over?”
The maester sighed.
Shit. Seven Hells and all the Gods.
“Your wife is strong, my prince,” he began. Holy gods, he sounded as if he would cry. “Enough so that I would have little doubt that she could deliver your second child, but…”
“What’s wrong?” Aemond felt his heart race, his blood surge, his finger twitching for his sword. He was going into battle, but this was not a battle he could fight with steel or fire. This was not a battle he could fight at all. “Artos?”
“The babe is not in the right position.” He moved his hands as if it would somehow make Aemond understand what he was saying.
“What does that mean?”
“It means that the babe cannot be born, your highness.”
No. This couldn’t be happening. Not after everything she had suffered and survived.
“If she were to continue her labors, neither she nor the child would live.” Artos put a hand on his shoulder, an attempt at comfort. “I can save only one. Who survives… that is your decision, my prince.”
The gods were cruel to force this upon him – the very choice that had damned their family decades ago when Viserys chose to sacrifice his wife and queen for the chance at a son. That was where the seeds of destruction had been sown.
Aemond could not repeat the mistakes of the past. He would not be like his father. He had his son and heir. A second would be preferred, but not at the cost of his ābrazȳrītsos.
His ābrazȳrītsos, whose heart would break to lose her son. Who would never forgive him if he decided to –
He couldn’t choose. He couldn’t let her die, and he couldn’t let their son die.
He couldn't live without her, and he couldn’t take away her will to live.
He tore himself out of Artos’ grasp and stormed into the room.
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Aemond threw open the door, his eyes wide and wet, and suddenly, she was not so sure that Maester Artos would fix whatever was wrong.
He ran to the bed, not sparing a glance at their new son. She burst into sobs the moment he took her in his arms. “Oh, ābrazȳrītsos,” he whispered into her hair as he kissed her temples. She entwined her fingers with his, desperately squeezing. “I’m here now. Everything is going to be fine.”
Liar. Sweet Liar. Beloved Liar.
“I want Mother. I want Helaena.” Her voice crackled with tears and exhaustion. Everything hurt. Someone – most likely her – was crying, though it sounded distant. And if Aemond was here, not waiting outside…
If Aemond was here, holding her hand and stroking her hair, it meant something was wrong. Something was very wrong.
“Mother is not here right now,” he said, squeezing her hand tighter. He wouldn’t look at her, wouldn’t meet her gaze. “And Helaena… she can’t be here. I’m so sorry.”
“She told me she would hold my hand like I did for her. She promised!”
“I know. I know, my love, but it is not possible.”
Because Helaena was dead. So were Daeron, and Jaehaerys, and Jaehaera, and Maelor, and Otto, and Ser Criston, and nearly every other person she loved. Aegon would be dead soon, too, then she would only have her mother and her husband.
Her mother, who had begged her to forgive the husband who betrayed her and broken her heart.
“I can’t do this alone, Aemond. I can’t.”
“You can, I know it. You are so strong, dearest.” Yet there was no confidence in his voice.
She wanted to scream. She wanted to tear his hair out just to make him hurt, too. “I can’t! I’ll die if you make me, Aemond, I know it. I know something is wrong. Please, tell me.”
He pursed his lips, eyes narrowed. “My love, I…” his voice faded, leaving them in total silence, save for that distant crying.
Then, he kissed her—not the soft kisses on the temple or head of the past fortnight, but the way he had kissed her when he said goodbye all those months ago. His lips slotted against hers perfectly, and she opened for him on instinct. She knew she should stop, push him away, and scold him, but she couldn’t.
Everything felt wrong—her entire body felt wrong. But this, kissing Aemond, felt right. Her desperation for comfort far overpowered her anger and resentment. Her trembling hand rested on his shoulder, her fingers bunching in his shirt. She pulled him closer, wanting more—more rightness, more connection, more feeling.
More Aemond.
But he pulled away, resting his brow against hers as she chased his lips again. He placed a hand on either side of her face, holding her still. “I’m going to fix this,” he rasped, his voice shredded by fear and desperation. “I will fix this, I swear.”
Then, he let go.
He stood from the bed and turned away from his wife.
He was leaving. He was fucking leaving her.
She screamed his name, cursed him, begged him to come back, hurled insults, and cried for him. He couldn’t do this to her, not after everything he’d already done.
This was not love. The heat that burned in her chest was not love.
It was hate.
For the first time in her life, she truly hated Aemond.
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“Alys!” Aemond bellowed as he descended the stairs to the servant’s quarters, taking the steps two, three at a time. No one dared approach him. Not even Artos had tried to stop him as he ran away from his ābrazȳrītsos.
She may hate him forever for this, for leaving her when she was so weak and scared.
Fine. It would be worth it.
“ALYS!” The door snapped from its upper hinge as he tore it open. The witch was precisely where she’d been when Aemond left, her hand on her chin as she looked into the fire. What vile hell did she see in her visions now? “Alys!���
“I heard you, Aemond.” She did not look at him, only staring at the flames, those green eyes flitting around as if she were reading a book. “The entire continent heard you.” There was no humor in her voice, no hint of a smile on her face.
He swallowed, panting. He was crying – weeping like a little boy. That didn’t matter now. Very little mattered now.
Aemond fell to his knees before the witch with whom he had destroyed his life. He would do whatever she asked, destroy what little was left of his pride if necessary. “I need your help, Alys. Please.”
“She’s dying?”
“Yes. The maester said I had to… that I had to choose who to save.”
“And you can’t choose between her and the child.”
 “No, I – ” he swallowed as his voice shattered. He was going to vomit. “I can’t, Alys. I can’t. Please.”
“What is it, exactly, that you want me to do?” She was colder than the Wall, than the entirety of the lands beyond it.
“Save them, both of them.”
Alys’ eyes narrowed. Her face was painted with an expression he had never seen. He had no clue what it meant. “What would you sacrifice,” she asked flatly, “to ensure your wife and her children – your true heirs – live?”
“Anything,” Aemond croaked, “Everything.”
One corner of her sinful mouth lifted in a way that did not bring him comfort. She sighed as if taking the time to thoroughly consider his plea. The wicked bitch was gleefully stalling when the lives of his wife and child could end at any moment.
“Please, Alys,” he begged again, desperation crawling through his veins like spreading ice. “I cannot live without her, and she will never recover from her grief if she loses the babe.”
Something passed over her face, and she smiled fully. “You have always been a man of loyalty and nobility, Aemond.” Her grin sharpened as she laid one delicate hand upon her belly. “Almost always, at least.”
“Alys,” he growled in warning.
“Oh, don’t be a beast about it,” she scoffed. “I will do it – save them. If only in memory of our time together.”
Aemond sagged as relief swept through him, but it did not last long. She was still dying. The babe was still dying. Whatever Alys would do, she needed to do it now. He opened his mouth to command her to start, but she held up a hand to stop him.
“I promise it will be done.” She flung her hand to the door in dismissal. “You should be there for her. She is still so very frightened.”
He needed nothing more to run back to his wife.
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She was alone. Even with Maester Artos and the dozen women hovering around her, even with her son cooing softly from the cradle by the window, she had never felt so alone.
Aemond was gone.
He’d left her. Without even a goodbye, he’d left her. He had not even stopped to meet his son.
Artos murmured something to one of the Septas, who quickly gathered the other women on the far side of the room. He approached the bed, again seating himself upon the edge, and pressed the back of his fingers to her brow briefly before petting her hair. “How are you feeling, princess?”
“Am I going to die?”
He hesitated in answering. “I cannot say for certain…”
“I know something is wrong. Please, tell me.” Her heart constricted as his fingers brushed against a spot where Aemond had kissed her. “You told him, now tell me.”
“Very well,” he sighed. His harsh face fell, and she swore she could see his eyes glistening. “The babe is breech. It should emerge head-first, but it is not. It’s… the way it is attempting to come out is nearly impossible. Should I not intervene, one or both of you will die.”
No. No, no, no, it wasn’t fair. To suffer for this long, to endure what she endured, only for her child to enter the world wrong? In a way that would kill them? She had always been good and devout. She prayed and studied holy texts, listened to her Septas and the Maesters, and avoided sin at all costs. Then why was she being punished?
Unless… the gods had not sent this to punish her.
Aemond had abandoned her and their marriage – their holy union – when he slept with Alys. It would be fitting, and very like the gods, for him to lose that which he had forsaken. She and her second son were merely instruments of punishment. But it wasn’t fair.
“There is nothing you can do?” She felt hollow as Artos continued to look at her in pity.
The warrior-maester looked as if he were about to cry, as well. “In these situations, it is usually asked of the father whom he would rather save.”
So that was why Artos left the room – to ask Aemond whether to save her or the child.
“Who did he choose?” Either answer would devastate her. He would either prove the fragility of his love for her, or he would willingly break her heart by killing their son. Whatever he chose, he would become a kinslayer thrice over.
“He… he did not, your highness.”
“I explained the situation, and he stormed in here – to you. When he left, he said nothing. He just ran. I presumed he had…” But he hadn’t. Had not said a word about the peril she and their son were now in.
A coward. Too frightened to maintain his vows of marriage. Too weak to admit his wrongdoing. Too cowardly to even make this most crucial of decisions. The gods damn him.
If they hadn’t already.
“So… what will you do?” If she had to be the one to make the decision, so be it.
“There are three options.” None of them were very good, she knew, simply by looking at his forlorn face. She had thought him a grave man when she first saw him. Now, he looked mournful – a reluctant harbinger of death. “I can forcibly remove the child, more than likely killing it in the process. I can attempt to save it and, in so doing, certainly kill you. Or we can proceed with the birth, risking killing both of you and pray that the gods may be merciful.”
Such a choice – a decision of life and death – should be difficult. It should tear away at the soul to condemn another. It should be far beyond the limits of the heart or mind.
But it was easy.
“Save him,” she whispered. “Let me die.”
Artos frowned deeply, shook his head, and said something in return, but she did not listen – she could not and would not hear his words. She only vaguely saw him move to the end bed, ripping away the sleeve of his robes as he barked orders at the maid and midwives. Perhaps the gods were merciful to dull her senses now so she could pass peacefully.
What did it matter if she died now?
She will have fulfilled her duty and given her husband his heirs. Finding a new wife would be easy – what woman would not want to marry him? Even if news of Alys spread beyond the walls of Harrenhal, surely it was nothing in exchange for a crown. Aemond would have everything he needed to be king.
If she lived, what sort of life would it be? To raise one son while constantly mourning the other. To be the wife of a man she could no longer trust. To remain empty, a shell of her former self. She would be alive, but she would still be a ghost.
“Save him,” she said again, her voice fading.
It was easier this way. Hadn’t she already learned that it was easier not to fight? Letting Aemond take care of her was easier than fighting him. Perhaps it would be easier to let him care for the children, too. He would love them enough that they would not feel her absence.
Distantly, she felt pressure between her legs, then heard her firstborn son cry out to echo her own screams.
Her son.
Oh, he had no name.
She couldn’t leave him motherless and without a name.
Months ago, she had decided on names, but they were hard to remember now. What was it? She could grant him this one last gift. She just needed to remember…
Yes. It had been her brother’s name. Her kind, brave, daring brother. He died some months ago. There had been a battle. Why was her little brother fighting? He was too young for that.
Tendrils of pale mist crept into the edges of her vision, playfully willing her to sleep.
Once she was gone, Daeron—her Daeron—would have a little brother, too. He would need a name as well—a strong name, a courageous name. When she was dead, he would need courage.
A strong name. With courage enough to forge a new beginning.
There. Names for her sons, the little princes.
With that last parting gift, she could close her eyes at last.
Goodbye, she tried to say.
I love you, my children.
Be kind to each other.
Love each other always.
The mist filled her vision, illuminated by a distant light. It was cool, like a late spring morning. She did not hurt anymore. Did not feel anything but an overwhelming sense of peace.
The distant light faded.
The mist darkened.
Through it, she swore she could see grass-green eyes and hear the faraway cry of a babe.
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She was still screaming. Good.
Screaming meant she was still alive. Screaming meant Alys was fulfilling her promise. Screaming meant that Aemond was racing back to his wife – his living, breathing, beloved wife – and not her corpse.
The door was still locked when he arrived—one final obstacle between him and his family.
No, not final. Far from it. The door was the only tangible thing keeping him from his wife and children, yes, but there was far more beyond it. The pain he caused her, the hatred his ābrazȳrītsos now surely felt for him, and the third child that would soon be born still kept them as far apart as the earth and stars.
They would get past it. They had to. They were siblings, husband and wife, now destined to become King and Queen of the Seven Kingdoms. They were meant for each other. The gods or fate or whatever else had made her for him and him for her.
They were two parts of the same whole, cleaved.
“Prince Aemond.”
Cregan Stark, the man who humiliated him and his wife mere hours ago, stood behind him. Aemond snarled. “Leave. Now.”
Stark stood strong and still. “You have been my enemy. You may be still, I have not decided. I have no admiration nor respect for you, my prince. In short, I do not like you.”
“Do you want me to kill you?” Aemond asked. He did not wish to greet his sons with blood-soaked hands, but if Stark didn’t close his fucking mouth –
“To lose the woman you love so dearly in this way… it is a pain I know all too well and one I would not wish on anyone. I have instructed all my men to pray for the Princess and the child, and I will join them soon. Negotiations will be postponed indefinitely.”
“I…” Perhaps Aemond had underestimated the brute, if he was a brute at all. And though he knew the prayers were unnecessary, gratitude still dulled his rage. “Thank you, Lord Stark.”
He simply inclined his head and walked away, leaving Aemond leaning against that godsdamned door, listening to nothing but the sound of his own panting breath.
Oh gods.
He froze.
The screaming was gone.
It was silent.
Was she dead?
Had Alys betrayed him?
He would kill her. He would tear her apart with his own hands and –
A child cried.
Oh, thank each and every god a thousand times over.
For then, Aemond heard his wife laughing.
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She always expected that the voice of the Father would be deep and smooth, but shouldn’t it be the Mother to greet her, given how she died? And shouldn’t the gods greet her by name, not her title?
“Princess, it is time to wake up,” the voice said again. “Open your eyes for me.”
Oh, her eyes were closed. She should open them.
The Heavens were not as bright as she imagined, nor as golden. They were dark and sparsely decorated and looked very much like –
“I am not dead?”
Maester Artos looked down at her and smiled. It reminded her of the few times she had seen her father smile at her, sparking a warmth in her chest she had not felt for years. She had not known she still remembered those smiles. “I am very happy to say you are not, your highness.”
“But, my son – ”
“He lives, too.”
It couldn’t be. After all the suffering of the past year, she could not believe it could be true. Loss had become a certainty, as sure as the sun rising each morning.
A babe cried, and she turned toward the sound. A young maid was wrapping an infant boy with a shock of white curls in a cobalt blue blanket. Daeron.
A different, softer cry came from the other end of the room. There, another boy with only a smattering of silver wisps atop his head was being gently cleaned by a Septa. Aenar.
Her sons – alive and well and here.
She threw her head back against the pillows and laughed.
She laughed with joy and relief, with eight months of eager waiting and sickness. She laughed with a body nearly dead, saved only by some miracle she did not understand. And she laughed with a heart that was both shattered and overflowing.
This was the moment she had dreamed of since she learned she was pregnant, since the moment she married Aemond. She had dreamed of this all her life. It was her destiny, even if it was vastly different from how she had dreamed it. For she was not at home in the Red Keep but within the cursed stones of Harrenhal. Her mother was not by her side but miles away. The family that was supposed to crowd around her and coo over the children were nearly all dead. And her husband…
“Let me in!” he shouted through the door, the wood pounding against stone as he threw himself against it. He had been doing that before, but she did not notice until now. It was so like him, the impatience and need to act, that she laughed again. “Ābrazȳrītsos! Is that you? Tell me you are safe!”
Taking her laughter as permission, Artos opened the door. It was mere heartbeats later that Aemond was upon the bed, his eye flitting over every inch of her, his hands roaming to try and locate something wrong, to stem blood that did not flow or relieve pain that did not exist.
“I’m fine,” she said, breathless. “I did it, lēkia, and I’m fine.”
“You did it?” He looked down at her in utter disbelief and joy before his eye drifted to the Maester. Tears slipped from his eye and caught the light of the setting sun. “She did it…”
Her gaze went to the maid that held her firstborn – the girl with eyes like her mother’s. Fitting, for her to be the one to hold him. But it was her turn. “Bring Daeron to me,” she ordered,” some strength at last returning to her voice. “I want to hold him.”
Aemond stared at her. “Daeron?”
Was he angry that she named their sons without him? She couldn’t quite tell. Her mind was still fuzzy, like the mist she had seen still lay over her, casting everything in a sweet, happy light. She shrugged. “There are already too many Aegons, so…”
He laughed. She had missed that sound – she loved it so dearly. He settled into the bed next to her, their bodies fitting together perfectly, like two halves of a broken plate. So many familiar feelings – the warmth of his arm around her, the rhythm of his heart, his lips kissing her temple in the gentle way that always sent shivers down her spine. Hadn’t her spine hurt not long ago? “Daeron is perfect.”
Indeed, he was absolutely perfect. So tiny and precious as he was put in her arms, looking up at his parents with wide lilac eyes. Neither she nor Aemond said anything as they beheld him, taking in each tiny, perfect detail. The wild curls of his silver hair. Each and every eyelash framing his bright eyes. The pink of his lips. Fingers and toes so wonderfully soft and small. A toothless smile that lit the world.
“He’s going to be king someday,” she realized aloud. How could someone so tiny rule an entire kingdom? He had a lot of growing to do before the Conqueror’s Crown would fit.
“A great king, I think,” Aemond mused. He held out a finger, and Daeron instinctively wrapped his hand around it. “Wise and strong. Daring, like his namesake.”
“He must be kind, too.”
“He will be,” Aemond assured, brushing out her damp, tangled hair with his fingers. The feeling was so familiar, but each touch had her flinching slightly. “We will raise him to be kind. His brother, too.”
Aemond stiffened. Had he forgotten they had another son, or did he not like the name she gave him? He pulled his finger back from his son’s fist to touch the babe’s hair. “The Exile?”
“I just thought…” Perhaps it had been a foolish name. But it had felt right when it came to her, when she was on the brink of death. “Our family needs a new beginning.”
“Yes… I suppose it does.” He kissed her again with slightly too much pressure. “Another fine name.”
She looked at the Septa that had been cleaning him. Maester Artos stood with her now, along with several other women, crowding so much she could not see the babe. “I want to hold him, too. Bring him to me.”
None of them moved. The room fell silent.
“Allow me just a moment longer, princess,” Artos said. His voice shook, and he would not look at her or Aemond. “I am still finishing my assessment of the boy.”
He’s dead, her mind insisted. They saved your life at the cost of his. He died because of you.
“No,” she whispered. “No, no, no.”
Daeron began fussing in her arms, disturbed by how she began to tremble. She failed one son by killing him, and now she was already failing as a mother to the one who survived. Aemond tightened his arm on her shoulders, pulling her closer as his free arm gently lifted their son into his own grasp.
He hushed her, ducking his head to press his cheek to hers. “Lykirī, ābrazȳrītsos. Izūgō daor īlo bēvili gō.” Calm, little wife. Do not panic before we have reason to.
“Kostan daor,” she whimpered. If Aenar was dead…
“Is he alive?” Aemond’s hand moved to shelter Daeron’s head as if to shield him from whatever danger or heartbreak lurked. She turned to press herself into him – into the safety of his arms.
Brother. Husband. Protector.
Why did the feel and scent of him no longer make her feel safe?
“Yes, my prince,” Artos answered.
“Will he remain that way?”
“You could tell me he’s green-skinned and winged for all I care.” His arm curled protectively around her, but it did not comfort her. Rather, she bristled against it, the possessiveness of it. He did not notice. “He’s alive, and that’s enough. Bring him.”
Artos hesitated but obeyed, hastily wrapping the babe in a dark blanket.
He looked whole – unbroken. Aenar’s eyes were closed as the Maester placed him in her arms, but she could feel his warmth, his little heart beating, and the faint rise and fall of his chest. He only woke when a tear fell from her cheek onto his.
Even then, he did not cry. He only looked at his mother with bright eyes – the same shade of violet as his father's and brother’s. “Ñuha trēso,” she whispered, and he smiled. My son.
“Taobosa sylvȳse,” Aemond added. “He already recognizes the language of his ancestors. He will serve his brother well. Dārys sepār Ondoso zȳhon.” Wise boy. The King and his Hand.
They had two perfect sons. So why did Artos still look like that?
The Maester’s frown deepened. “I am afraid…” he cleared his throat. “It appears that the younger prince was injured during the birth.”
She examined him again but could find nothing wrong. He was perfect. Surely, Artos was mistaken.
“May I?” His large hand hovered over the edge of the blanket.
Her instinct was to pull away, to not let this man touch her son. Yes, he had saved both their lives, but he must be wrong now. Why should she let him make a problem where there was none?
She suppressed that instinct and allowed him to uncover Aenar’s right arm. Artos’ demeanor had made it seem as though something was horribly wrong – that the arm would be missing or deformed. But it was just an arm, small and plump and pale, with a splotch of reddish-purple covering the shoulder like a pauldron.
“It… is it a birthmark?” She brushed a thumb over it, the skin smooth but slightly raised. A birthmark wasn’t an injury, nor was it exceedingly unusual. There were several families where such a mark appeared on nearly every child born.
“Explain yourself, Artos,” Aemond hissed. He looked ready to tear the man to pieces. If he did, he would likely do so without even setting Daeron down.
With a sigh, Artos ran a finger down the length of Aenar’s arm. “Note how he gives no reaction.”
“So he is calm,” Aemond spat. “I fail to see the injury.”
“Do the same to the elder.” He repeated the touch. “Gently, my prince.”
Aemond obeyed with a scowl. The moment he touched the babe, Daeron squirmed and flailed his arm.
“But he looks fine.” She looked down at her second son, her wise boy, and held out a finger, as Aemond had with Daeron. Aenar’s left arm squirmed within its wrappings, but the right was still. She touched the arm, silently pleading with the gods for it to move, for that tiny hand to reach for her.
It remained still. A desperate noise escaped her. “What did I do wrong?”
“Nothing,” Aemond and Artos said in unison. Her husband attempted to pull her into his chest, but she pushed him away. An embrace could not fix this. Nothing could. He did not pursue her again.
“It is not uncommon among children born breech.” the Maester explained. “I have seen many such injuries and many even worse.”
Artos offered no sympathy or apologies, and she was thankful for it. There was nothing he could say to ease the pain of knowing that her son would never be whole, just like his father. But unlike Aemond, he was never even given the chance, wounded from his first breath. What would the people call him? ‘Prince Aenar One-Arm, son of King Aemond One-Eye?’
“What do we do?” She asked her husband, the Maester, the gods. Anyone who may have an answer.
Aemond’s face was drawn with grief – for his son and for himself. “He will adapt, as I did. I will ensure it. He will be stronger for this. I promise.”
I cannot trust your promises.
The thought was a sudden gale of icy wind scattering the lovely mist coating her mind into oblivion, leaving her with only stark, wicked reality and the faint memory of green eyes.
“How did I survive?”
Too quickly, Aemond turned to her, taking hold of her chin and pulling her close to him. “It does not matter, ābrazȳrītsos. All that does is that you are still with me. You and Aenar.”
If he wasn’t holding her firstborn, she would have shoved him from the bed.Liar. Liar. Liar.
I will fix this. he’d said before he left her. The pure, unrelenting anger she felt as she watched him leave had prevented her from considering what those words meant. Now, she could think of nothing else. What could he do? He was no midwife nor Maester. He had no knowledge of childbirth, beyond the few questions he’d asked of Orwyle months ago. What could he have done for her and Aenar except beg the help of another?
Of Alys.
Alys, who had eyes the color of fresh grass and possessed a dark magic that allowed her visions of the future. Was she also able to influence that future?
At what cost?
What had Aemond promised her in exchange for their lives?
“No Maester wants to admit to ignorance,” Artos smiled sadly as Aenar continued to try to wriggle his left arm free of his blanket, “but I cannot explain it. All I can think is that the gods are kind to you, princess, and for that, I am glad.”
She could not look at him or any of the others in the room who watched her as if they could see the Mother’s hand upon her shoulder.
The gods weren’t kind. They were cruel to allow her to now owe her very life, and that of her son’s, to the two people who had destroyed her. Would she ever be able to look upon Aenar and not remember? To not feel her soul torn between unyielding hatred and infinite gratitude?
Yet, she had her life – and her sons. Surely anything was worth that.
Wasn’t it?
“I’m tired,” she said. The day had seemed to last a year, and the sun had not even set. “I want to rest now.”
After what she endured, no one argued.
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His ābrazȳrītsos fell asleep mere moments after Daeron and Aenar were settled into their cradles. She did not even wake when Aemond lifted her so the servants could replace the soiled bedding. Just as she had so many times before, she tucked her face into his neck as they sat in the window, sighing contentedly. Now, he lay beside her in the bed, trying to memorize how it felt to have her in his arms.
When she woke, he knew she would never allow him to hold her like this again.
She knew. Somehow, his wife knew what he had done to ensure she and Aenar survived, and she would never forgive him for it for as long as she lived.
But she would live.
Aenar would live. Though he would bear the wounds of his father’s sins forever.
After his wife had fallen asleep, Maester Artos had told him that it would likely be necessary to amputate Aenar’s arm. The purple mark on his shoulder had grown, apparently indicating further bleeding within the limb. If it grew much more before morning, the arm would be removed before midday.
It was his fault, Aemond knew.
Alys had told him that in her visions, both boys had been healthy. But that was before his ābrazȳrītsos knew that he betrayed her. Before he brought her to this cursed place. Before he failed to stop her from meeting Alys and learning the full extent of his sins.
He only hoped Aenar would not grow to hate him for it.
For now, the boy slept in his crib, limp arm hidden beneath the dark blanket he was swaddled in. Aemond rose from the bed, moving closer to his son.
How peaceful he looked now, with the redness of his skin finally faded. He did not have as much hair as his older brother, but his was wilder - more reminiscent of his mother’s curls than his father’s straight locks. At least he had that part of her, if not the warm brown eyes Aemond had hoped for.
In the other cradle, Daeron fussed slightly, though he did not wake. It seemed he resented being confined within the tight swaddle of his blanket. The thought made Aemond smile, remembering how his younger brother once did the same. It faded quickly.
He had to go to Alys. To thank her for giving him his family - a kindness he did not deserve. To say goodbye to the child he would never meet. Another cost he would force himself to pay.
He had to go now, while his ābrazȳrītsos slept.
“Before our wedding,” he whispered, careful not to wake her as he approached, “I promised to hold you every night I could, that I would do anything to return to you when I was away. I have failed to uphold that promise, and for that, I am so sorry.”
When he stroked her cheek, she turned into his touch, a small smile upon her lips. Seeing that some unconscious part of her still reacted to him with love warmed his heart, even as the knowledge that her conscious mind would never allow her to do so felt like a dagger buried in his gut.
Aemond knelt at her side, basking in her beauty, memorizing her peaceful face. “Now, I swear my devotion again. I know you no longer wish for me to hold you, and I promise I will not try to persuade you otherwise. But I swear I will always be with you, to love and protect you, even if I must do it from a distance. I will never fail you again.”
It did not matter that she could not hear his vow. Even if she did, she would not believe him. But he made it anyway, for his own sake, and so the gods, wherever they may be, would hear him. It was to them he spoke next.
“Should I ever harm you again, I pray that the gods will strike me down where I stand. And if they do not, I shall do so myself.” He kissed her brow - the sealing of a promise and a farewell - and left.
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A maid shrunk away as she passed Aemond in a corridor deep beneath Harrenhal, cradling the bundle of cloth she carried closer to her chest. It was one of the same maids who had tended to his wife—the young girl with deep brown eyes. She did not wear the clothing of a midwife, but the colors of her linen dress were similar. Perhaps a midwife in training.
Strange, then, for her to be here. Stranger still for her to be seemingly performing the duties of a laundress.
He glanced down at the bundle of cloth she carried and froze.
There was blood. Too much blood.
A young midwife, carrying bedlinens soaked with blood.
What would you sacrifice? Alys had asked.
Aemond ran.
He knew what he would find. There was no other explanation. Yet he still hoped and prayed he was wrong. Loss had followed him like a loyal dog for so long, but today it was banished. It must be.
Alys stood in front of her fire. One hand rested on a stomach that was not as distended as it had been only hours ago.
His wife’s stomach now looked very much the same.
“What did you do?” His voice shook with fear and guilt and shame. Gods, he felt so weak.
Her eyes, cold and distant, slid to his. “What you asked.”
“I didn’t ask you to…” This blood was on his hands - the blood of his child.
The word that had haunted him for more than a year - the word that had nearly led to the death of every person he ever loved - echoed in his mind.
Killer of his nephew. His uncle. His child.
Aemond looked back into the corridor, hoping to see the young midwife again. Had he not looked closely enough? Had she been carrying the body of his child within those bloody linens?
“I only wanted you to save my wife and son.” His words were a justification, a plea. It fell on the deaf ears of the gods and the dead child’s mother.
“And you thought there would be no cost?” Alys laughed, cruel and cackling. “No god in the world is so generous as to save a life and ask for nothing in exchange, boy.”
“I didn’t think – ”
“You never do.”
Grief morphed into anger. Reckless, aimless, dangerous rage. “You should have told me!”
“What would you have done?” She faced him fully now, her hand falling to her side. There was no trace of the woman who had once comforted and reassured him - who had kept him sane amidst the insanity of war. There was only annoyance and derision. It reminded Aemond of his dead half-sister and her bastard sons. “If I had told you?”
“I –”
“Would you have left your wife to die? Let her son die?” Alys’ lip curled in a hateful sneer. “You could not choose between wife and son, yet you believe you could have chosen between two sons?”
The world stopped. Only Alys’ flickering fire and burning eyes remained.
“I… it was a boy?” Aemond leaned against the wall, sliding down to his knees, savoring the scrape of the rough stone against his back. He deserved every bit of pain. More.
Alys let a single hint of sorrow slip through her cold façade. “It was. Three sons within a year. What your father would have given to have had the same.”
The last thing Aemond wanted to do was to think about his father. The king who had nearly destroyed his throne by choosing one child over another.
Gods, was he any better?
Did his ignorance of his son’s sacrifice absolve him of blame? The guilt?
It certainly didn’t feel like it.
Alys sighed. “Better for his death to mean something than for his life to be spent destitute and fatherless.”
“I would not have allowed that to happen,” Aemond said. It was a reflex, a reassurance he’d grown used to giving since he learned he seeded a bastard.
“Wouldn’t you? Perhaps if my visions had not changed. But now…” She shook her head, more exasperated than sorrowful. Did she mourn the child at all? “No. You’d have wanted us as far away as possible and done anything you could to not think of us.”
“I would have ensured your comfort.” The words felt as hollow as his chest.
“Your wife would, yes.” Alys smiled fondly, just as she had when his ābrazȳrītsos sat across from her earlier that very day. She had never smiled that way for Aemond. Never truly cared for him. He should have known. “She is kind-hearted. But not you. Your resentment of me, of us, would have festered until you found some way to be rid of us.”
He wanted to deny it. To say that there was nothing that could drive him to do what she insinuated. Once, it would have been true. But now, with the man he’d become in the war and how close he’d come to losing his heart itself, it would be a lie.
If he had killed Alys along with the rest of her cursed family, would he have become this man? Would he have learned to cherish the metallic tang of blood and its warmth as it coated his hands? Would he have become so proficient a liar that false words rolled off his tongue like a Valyrian lullaby? Would he have grown so accustomed to violence that it now came as naturally to him as loving his wife?
Would he have broken his ābrazȳrītsos’s heart?
He’d trusted her visions. It had been a mistake.
One mistake that led to thousands more, and it was all her fault.
Alys was the one who lied, who deceived him. Who had pulled his strings as if he were no more than a puppet, knowing that he was married and his wife was lonely and infirm.
His failure as a husband. His wife’s pain. The death of his third son.
Her fault. Her fault. Her fault.
Aemond’s heart slowed, his breathing becoming deep and steady. No longer the heart of a broken boy or a desperate husband. Now, it was the blackened heart that had carried him through countless battles and raging rivers of blood.
“I will be rid of you now,” he hissed as he stood. “And I will be rid of you forever.”
The bitch had enough sense to look scared.
“In memory of the son you killed, I will allow you to live. But no more than that.” She didn’t even deserve that, this woman who did not mourn her own child. Perhaps it was good that the babe was gone, for surely he would have suffered with a witch as his mother.
He approached Alys, sneering down at her and the false bravery on her wicked face. “As Prince Regent of the Seven Kingdoms and Protector of the Realm, I banish you from these lands forever. You have ten days to leave Westeros. After that, if you are ever seen here again…” He reached out and grabbed her by the throat, holding just tight enough to steal a bit of her breath - just enough to make her fight for it.
“I will kill you myself,” he promised. “Without hesitation or remorse, I will kill you. Slowly. And I will savor every moment, for it will bring me far greater pleasure than that withered cunt of yours ever did.”
She fell to her knees when he released her, clutching at her throat as she coughed and gulped for air. He didn’t care. He only turned on his heel and left, not sparing a single glance at the woman who had only hours ago been carrying his bastard child.
Only one woman mattered now, had ever truly mattered to him.
His ābrazȳrītsos was still asleep when he returned to their chamber, as were their sons. They had no idea where he had gone - that he had even left at all. No inkling of the fact that a moment ago, he had again become the man who wiped an entire bloodline from the earth, slaughtered tens of thousands, and delighted in the suffering he had wrought.
Now, as he leaned down to gently kiss his sons’ brows and muss their soft hair, he was a mere man of twenty, his heart bursting with love and affection for his family. How could a heart overflow with such love at the same moment it was fracturing with grief and regret?
It was a question far beyond him at that moment. Perhaps forever beyond his reach.
He was so tired. Too tired to consider the heartbreak that would come when he woke in the morning and his wife pulled out of his grasp. He could face that pain when it came. But now, he needed to feel whole, if only for a few hours.
So, Aemond climbed into bed with his wife, wrapping his arms around her and tugging her into his chest. He remained awake only long enough to kiss the top of her head and whisper, “Jāla tetan, ābrazȳrītsos. Īlon lentot selagon kosti.” It is over, ābrazȳrītsos. We can go home.
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She woke to the sound of Daeron fussing. Strange how quickly she was able to tell them apart, even just by their little noises of discontentment. Although, considering she had been with them every moment of the last seven - near eight - months, it may not be strange at all. Perhaps that was why she felt so sure that it had been Daeron who occupied the top of her belly, constantly pestering her with his tiny fists pounding against her at the most inopportune times.
“Hush, little prince,” a soft voice said. “You’ll wake up your mother, and after what you and your brother put her through, I dare say she needs her rest.” A maid was speaking to him, a slight, old woman leaning over his crib. She had not seen the maid before, and somehow, it comforted her.
Daeron continued to grumble. She moved to stand but found Aemond’s arms wrapped around her waist. Thankfully, he was still asleep. Quite deeply asleep, apparently, for when she untangled herself from him, he did not wake.
The maid curtsied when she saw the princess approaching and stepped away from Daeron’s cradle. His fussing had now roused Aenar, but the younger prince made no sound, only glaring at his brother in what seemed to be intense displeasure at his sleep being interrupted.
“Is something wrong with him?” she asked the old maid. Daeron quieted slightly upon seeing his mother but still fussed.
“Nothing to concern yourself with, princess.” The old maid had a kind, soothing voice - that of a wise grandmother. She looked at the babes with fondness and a hint of apology. “They are simply hungry.”
“Where is the wetnurse?” She immediately regretted asking. In her sleepy haze, she had forgotten that Alys was the wetnurse at Harrenhal. Why wasn’t she here? Did she even want Alys here? No, of course she didn’t. Had Aemond requested another be found so she would not have to see Alys again?
The old maid looked away, sighing. “I’m afraid she’s left us. No wonder why, poor thing lost her babe again. Such a shame. We all thought she’d had a miracle with this one. But not to worry, Maester Artos sent some men to find another girl from the closest village.” She shook her head and again leaned over Daeron’s crib. “You’ll be fed soon, darling prince, don’t you worry.”
Alys’ child - Aemond’s child - was dead?
It was a good thing, wasn’t it? There would be no bastard son of the new king, no living reminder of what he’d done. This was good news. She should be happy, shouldn’t she?
But she wanted to cry.
“Mother, forgive me,” the old maid looked horrified as she clutched her pendant of the Seven-Pointed Star. “I should not have said that, princess. Not when you’ve only just finished your own labors. Please, forgive me.”
She glanced at Aenar, now peacefully asleep once more. How close she had come to losing him. It had devastated her. Made her willing to forfeit her own life if only he could live. If she had lost him and had to live with that loss… it would have driven her mad.
“How…” she licked her lips. “How many children has she lost?”
The old maid dropped her pendant. “I do not know, exactly. Enough that we all stopped counting.”
Oh gods. She blinked to clear her eyes, wiping away an errant tear with her thumb. “You said she’s gone?”
“Yes, princess. She left in the night. Didn’t say where she was going, to my knowledge.”
It made no sense. If Aemond had struck a bargain with Alys to save her and Aenar’s lives, why would she leave? Had whatever he offered her not been enough to keep her in the place where she’d lost so many children?
Daeron cried again, his face reddened and wrinkled. He was so hungry, she could nearly feel it herself. She… she could feel it. When she looked down at herself, she saw two dark stains on her chemise right above her breasts. Her milk had finally come in, which meant -
“I can feed them.”
The old maid looked aghast. “Princess, there is no need - ”
“I want to do it.” She was their mother, why shouldn’t she be the one to feed them? It was her body that made them, that brought them into the world. It made sense that it would continue to care for them even now. “Can you show me how?”
It took a moment for the maid to close her mouth before she smiled gently. “I’ve raised nine children myself, princess. I think I know a few tricks.”
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The maid had gone by the time Aemond woke.
Daeron was still suckling at her left breast while Aenar had fallen asleep using the right as his pillow. She had not realized how heavy and uncomfortable they had felt until the boys had drunk from her, easing the pressure that she’d become accustomed to.
“You should not be doing that yourself,” Aemond muttered as he raised himself on an elbow. His eye darted from son to son, only ever glancing over her exposed breasts. Once, he loved to worship them, quite similarly to how his sons fed from her now. “Where is the wetnurse?”
Did he not know that Alys had left? Had no one told him of the death of his child?
No. Those were the faint remnants of tear tracks lining his cheeks, and there was a deep sadness in his eye that was not there when he held his sons for the first time. He knew. He knew, and he was grieving, though he was fighting to hide it. She still saw it.
Perhaps that was the real reason he never returned to King’s Landing during the war - he knew she would be able to see the guilt on his face.
“There is no other wetnurse,” she explained gently. “Alys left. They’re looking for another woman now.”
Aemond froze, his gaze growing distant. She could not decipher his expression. Rage? Guilt? Sorrow? Grief?
“I’m sorry, Aemond.” He frowned and shook his head, but she continued. “Truly, I am.”
“It’s better this way,” he whispered. He didn’t believe it. Neither did she.
He reached out to her. No, not to her, but to Aenar, gently stroking his hair. She allowed him to take the babe and hold him against his own chest.
Aenar opened his eyes and looked up at his father. Then, he smiled.
Aemond took in a deep breath. “That boy should never have existed,” he said, letting Aenar take hold of his thumb and mouth at it. “I already had what I needed. And wanted.”
So it was a boy. Another son. A brother for her own. Would he have had his father’s nose, as Daeron did? Or his stern brow, like Aenar? Gods, why did she care?
“You are allowed to mourn him. He was innocent. I bear him no ill will.” Bastard or no, a babe was a babe, blameless of his parents’ sins. Deep in her heart, she mourned him, as well.
Again, Aemond shook his head. “I cannot mourn what never should have been.” He turned his head to face her, face open and pleading. “And I am mourning too much already.”
“I am alive. Aenar is alive. There is nothing to mourn.”
“You know that is not what I mean, ābrazȳrītsos.”
She did. He mourned not for the loss of a life, but for the loss of their life. The life they should have shared, and would have, had Aemond not strayed. In truth, she mourned for it, too.
“I know.”
They sat in silence for a moment as Daeron finally finished feeding, stretching his little arms to push her breast away. She pulled her robe closed again to combat the chill.
Aemond raised a hand to help her. She flinched away. He winced in response.
“Ābrazȳrītsos, please.” His voice was already breaking, his eye watering. The sight should have tugged at her heart. His begging should have fanned the flames of her anger. But looking at him, she felt very little of anything, save a small seed of pity. “Alys is gone. My… the bastard is gone. Can we not return to the way we were? Pretend none of this ever happened? Can’t you forgive me at last?”
The answer came without hesitation.
“No, Aemond.”
Within her, there was no longer a grassland, barren with loneliness and despair. The never-ending field of raging fire had also vanished. In its place was a small, lush garden, safely contained within tall stone walls draped with flowers and a polished iron gate – locked firmly, but perhaps not sealed forever.
“I shall always be your sister, your blood, and the mother of your children.” Daeron cooed, as if he knew she was talking about him, and she could not help but smile down at him. “I will remain your wife in the eyes of gods and men. And when Aegon dies, I will be your faithful queen.”
Aemond shook as his breath quickened, failing to keep the heartbreak. “You will be a wonderful queen, ābrazȳrītsos. I know it.”
She pulled away, taking Aenar from him and into her empty arm. “But I will never again be your ābrazȳrītsos.” She forced herself to ignore the whimpering, broken cry that escaped him, the breath that carried it echoing like a death rattle. “I will not share your bed. And I will no longer allow you to hold my heart.”
Between desperate sobs, Aemond raised his head to face her. Utter devastation lay in his eye, but so too did acceptance. Anguished surrender. “My heart is and always shall be yours.”
I don’t want it, her mind told her, even as her heart cried, I will cherish it forever.
But her decision was made. In all but name, their marriage – their once legendary romance – was finished. A few fragments of love remained but would never be repaired. Could never be.
Slowly, she rose from the bed, her sons still in her arms. Aemond began to reach for her, but when she did not even acknowledge him, he covered his face with his hands and wept. Though it tugged at her heart, it was the same she would feel for any man weeping so, no longer the instinctive pull of a wife. She did not comfort him.
The soft, pitiful sounds of Aemond’s grief faded as she walked toward the eastern window, settling herself in the cushioned seat just beneath it.
Daeron smiled, watching the trembling branches of an oak tree dotted with the first tight green buds of the season. Aenar angled his head just so, until the sun warmed every bit of his fat, pink face, then promptly fell asleep. She sighed, taking in the sweet scent of spring on the wind, and realized she had not breathed so easily in months.
It was a lovely morning in Harrenhal.
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