#i also have an oc that this applies to like she is the ONLY human in the entire main cast
hella1975 · 1 year
nothing funnier than when a piece of media is full of supernatural powers/weapons and there's just one character with a fucking gun
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Or: She needed to come back down to earth
Chrissy Cunningham has tickets to see her favorite pop star perform. It's a concert she'll never, ever forget.
Past Eddie/Chrissy, current female Pop Star!Reader/Rockstar!Eddie
*In the 3rd person, can also be read as an OC
Word Count: 3k
Rating/Warnings: Reader is female presenting and performed Espresso originally by Sabrina Carpenter, and I describe her as moving and posing, but possibly with the aid of dansers? - blank slate otherwise. No Upside Down. Could be read either canon!AU (mid 90s or so as they're adults now) or modern!AU. If I missed anything AU wise or blankslate!reader wise, please let me know kindly <3 I'm only human.
This work is rated PG but this blog is always 18+
A/N: The song got me, what can I say? Somewhere in my head Espresso mixed with Sk8er Boy by Avril Lavigne and here's what you get. A little fic to whet your appetite. Not edited, not betaed, written in about 1.5 hours while also at work- but I hope you enjoy it anyway <3
divider by @saradika-graphics
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“Say you can't sleep, baby, I know That's that me, espresso-
Chrissy giggled as she sang along to the track floating from the state of the art boombox on her dresser. Her best friends, Cindy and Linda, danced around the bedroom with her, feeling like teens again as they got ready for the concert that evening.
“I can’t get enough of this song,” Linda gushed as she leaned close to the mirror above Chrissy’s vanity. She stopped singing along with the other girls long enough to apply her shiny lip gloss to perfection.
“She’s the best.” Chrissy agreed, turning the volume up even farther, hitting the threshold as the boombox reached max volume.
“Can I borrow this?” Cindy asked, picking up one of Chrissy’s eyeshadow palettes.
“Of course,” Chrissy agreed without thought, only to pause. “Wait- as long as you use that pink,” Chrissy amended, pointing to the neon hue. “Because it’s perfect with your outfit.”
The girls all laughed as they agreed on it being the perfect shade.
“How did you even get these tickets, it’s been sold out for months?” Linda asked, turning away from the mirror, bopping in place to the music.
“Daddy has a client whose son’s fiance got mono on her bachelorette vacation, so they canceled the wedding. They sold her tickets to afford the cancellation fees.” Chrissy explained as she compared two necklaces against her outfit. The girls cringed in sympathy, but the mood was quickly uplifted as they all tuned back into the music, forgetting the unknown couple’s problems. The tornado of excitement and glitter moved through the room until suddenly the girls all stopped what they were doing to sing along in tandem.
“I'm working late 'cause I'm a singer Oh, he looks so cute wrapped around my finger
The three faced each other as they sang, sharing the moment as they each performed their hearts out as if they were the one performing on stage tonight. The three danced, twirling their hips and waving their arms the way they did as teens, trying to get all the boys’ attention. Not the three grown adults they were, with homes, partners and responsibilities. It was freeing to feel so young again.
“My twisted humor, make him laugh so often My honey bee, come and get this pollen-
The three all shrieked with laughter as they reached the end of the verse, laughing at each other’s lewd dance moves in camaraderie.
“Oh shit, is that the time?!” Cindy gasped, cutting off the raucous laughter. The other two girls turned to the clock Cindy was staring at, noticing time did indeed fly when you were having this much fun. If they didn’t finish getting ready soon, they would be late and then have a hard time finding a good spot to watch the show from.
“Shit!” Chrissy cursed, barely audible over the blasting music. She jogged over to the boombox, turning it down a few notches to a more reasonable volume.
All three women snapped back to task, perfecting their make-up and concert looks. It wasn’t long before they were running out the door and into Chrissy’s powder blue Beamer. Chrissy hadn’t even backed out of the driveway before Linda had the car stereo blasting the album, right where they had left off in the house. The three women sped down the highway, singing along to the tracks they would soon be hearing live.
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Chrissy was sure her perfectly coiffed hair was falling and frizzing up, her carefully applied make-up turned into colourful smudges across her cheeks, the boots styled to match her outfit splattered with dirt and mud - but she couldn’t care less. She was having the time of her life at the concert. The singing was amazing, even better than the album. The dancing, the choreography - the hunky dancers. She was having the best time, dancing and singing along with Cindy and Linda.
“This is AMAZING!” Linda shrieked as the song ended. Chrissy clapped and cheered while Cindy jumped up and down.
“Alright, alright,” the woman on stage spoke, waving off everyone still cheering after the last number she performed. Her chest heaved as she caught her breath from the singing and dancing, skin glistening with sweat under the stage lights. Her hair hadn’t fallen and her make-up hadn’t budged. Chrissy watched her in awe, quieting her own thrilled cheers to hear what her favorite artist had to say next.
“Oh my god, Indiana, you guys are crazy!” She laughed, waiting for the crowd to die down. Unfortunately, the comment made them cheer in agreement. Chrissy and her friends jumped up and down, cheering along.
The performer on stage dropped the microphone to her side as she laughed again at the crowd’s reaction. She looked off stage and made a little shrugging motion, a smile on her face all the while. Chrissy couldn’t see who she was looking at from her angle - someone on her team, her manager, someone running the equipment; she wasn’t sure. She kept looking between the crowd and the wing of the stage until they quieted enough for her to speak once more.
“See I have a friend,” the singer started, roaming the stage with ease. Her presence filled the large space as the crowd - Chrissy, Linda and Cindy included - took in each word with bated breath. A field full of fans waiting to see what she would say or do next. “A very good friend, you might say.” The singer admitted with a sly smirk.
The crowd exploded - some cheers, some boos of disappointed fans.
“Did you know she was seeing anybody?!” Linda gasped.
“I hadn’t seen anything in The Enquirer!” Cindy shook her head, flailing her hands as if trying to fan herself. “Oh my god, who do you think it is?”
“It could be anyone,” Linda started, only to be interrupted by Chrissy.
“Maybe Leo!” She laughed, joking while all the while loving the idea that her favorite pop star might be dating her favorite hunk of an actor. Linda and Cindy agreed by way of shrieking and jumping with excitement. Chrissy joined in immediately.
“See, my very special friend is from right here in Indiana!” the star continued over the mic, halting the girls’ theorizing. They quieted down, Linda blindly grabbing for Chrissy and Cindy’s hands as she never took her eyes off the stage. No one wanted to miss a hint on who the mystery “friend” was. “He told me that you guys… Well, he doesn’t seem to like his home state very much.” The star fake pouted as the rapt audience booed. She looked off stage, pointing her exaggerated pout that way. 
“Oh my god, is he here? Who is it?” Cindy nearly fell over, trying to lean over far enough to see backstage.
“I can’t see from here!” Chrissy huffed, craning her neck to get a better look. It was no use, they were too far to the same side to see into the wings.
“I know! What a meanie!” The singer laughed joyfully into the microphone. “I tell him he’s a big meanie all the time, but he doesn’t believe me.” She rolled her eyes playfully.
A dull laugh rolled through the crowd and the performer gave it a moment to breathe before continuing with her story. “I think you were all a bit mean to him too once, but maybe one day you’ll forgive each other.” She tutted. The crowd cheered their agreement - anything to make their idol happy. The reaction made the singer beam brightly, glancing over her shoulder yet again.
“This next song… I wrote it for him, and-”
The crowd cheered and awed, interrupting her briefly. She shot a wink offstage before rolling through the crowd’s roar.
“I wrote this for him, and right here in front of everyone he says he hates, I’m dedicating it to him! Let’s show him some love!” She yelled over the mic, the crowd growing louder as it fed off her excitement.
There was a short beat of silence before the opening notes to Espresso started, making the crowd go wild once more as the smash hit song started.
Chrissy, Cindy and Linda all screamed along with the crowd, jumping with excitement despite their sore, aching feet after dancing all night. Chrissy pulled her camera out of her fanny pack, snapping pics as the song started. The singer smiled and danced to the opening notes, waiting for her cue to start singing. The dancers around her grooved along with her, waiting for the choreography to start.
"Now he's thinkin' 'bout me every night, oh Is it that sweet? I guess so Say you can't sleep, baby, I know That's that me, espresso-
The trio of women sang along at the top of their lungs, as loud as their already sore throats would allow. Chrissy couldn’t be bothered to care that she likely wouldn’t have a voice tomorrow, it was worth it to sing along.
"Too bad your ex don't do it for ya Walked in and dream came trued it for ya Soft skin and I perfumed it for ya I know I Mountain Dew it for ya That morning coffee, brewed it for ya One touch and I brand newed it for ya
The singer and her group of dancers made their way towards their side of the stage, the crowd around them cheering for her as she approached. The three girls got their cameras ready as they snapped pictures of their favorite singer performing their favorite song just a dozen feet away from them. The male dancers fawned over her as the female dancers backed her up, dancing with her.
"Now he's thinkin' 'bout me every night, oh Is it that sweet? I guess so Say you can't sleep, baby, I know That's that me, espresso Move it up, down, left, right, oh Switch it up like Nintendo Say you can't sleep, baby, I know That's that me, espresso
The singer moved back across the stage, doing her best to perform to all sides, giving each fan in the crowd a chance to see her and her dancers. She had been doing it the whole show, but the crowd predictably was even more lively for her big, hit single.
All too soon, the song ended with everyone on stage hitting a final pose. The singer was center stage, looking upwards towards the stage lights as the dancers posed around her. Cameras flashed through the people as everyone took their chance to get a decent shot as everyone stood still aside from their heaving chests as they caught their breath.
Chrissy, Linda and Cindy followed suit, cheering and taking pictures between their jumping and flailing. Chrissy was lifting her camera for her fourth or fifth photo of the pose - she lost count - when Linda grabbed her arm and her attention.
“Look!!!” Linda screamed as others in the crowd started reacting too. A tall, lanky figure had emerged from the wing, sauntering proudly towards the singer at center stage. He wore dark coloured jeans and a black t-shirt. His face wasn’t visible past the mop of inky curls when they first caught sight of him, but Chrissy felt a sinking feeling in her stomach at the silhouette. It was too familiar, a memory of her past, but surely it wasn’t-
More people from the crowd started screaming as the man crossed the stage. The singer finally dropped the pose, lowering her eyes to look at the crowd. She was smiling, face flushed from performing, but she soon noticed the crowd looking to the side.
Chrissy heard a man behind her, arguing with his girlfriend, the conversation fading in and out of the ruckus around her. “... -ed Coffin… telling you that’s him… think I know what “Shredder” Ed-…”
The pop star on stage looked surprised to see the man at first, but by the time he pushed through the cluster of back-up dancers around her, she was smiling up at him. The smile was brighter than any she’d given the audience on stage that night, a smile that shone in her eyes in a totally different way than performing on stage made them shine. The pop star started to speak, the microphone still held to her side not picking up any of the words. She didn’t say much before the man interrupted her, cupping the back of her head and dipping down to kiss her.
The crowd cheered through the passionate kiss. The back-up dancers around her reacted with joy and surprise at the public display of affection, some gasping while others applauded or laughed. 
The man pulled the woman to him, holding her like he might be able to absorb her into himself in front of everyone. The singer didn’t fight, but she was obviously caught off guard at first. It barely took a moment for her to drop the microphone, a loud thunking noise booming from the speakers as it clattered to the stage. Her arms wrapped around the man, returning his embrace as she kissed him back. The sound of camera shutters nearly drowned out the voices of the crowd as everyone rushed to take pictures of the pop star and her apparent boyfriend - some to brag to their friends, some to try to sell as the first appearance of the world’s newest celebrity couple.
Chrissy stayed frozen, camera to her side as she watched who she was sure was her high school ex-boyfriend, Eddie Munson, having a heavy makeout session on stage with her favorite pop star.
“Wait, is that…” Cindy asked, starting to also recognize the man who had yet to turn his face their way. Cindy looked at Chrissy, her frozen reaction being all the answer she needed. Cindy prodded Linda, trying to get her to smarten up to what was happening to their friend.
The couple on stage finally parted, catching their breath as they only had eyes for each other. The pop star looked up at her man like he was the only person in the whole state, let alone in a crowd of hundreds. The man’s hand, covered with large silver rings, cupped her cheek gently. From where she stood, Chrissy could see his thumb caress her cheek. Despite the warm summer day, Chrissy shivered as she felt a ghost of a touch, a memory, across her own cheek.
The man leaned in, speaking directly into the singer’s ear for a few seconds. She let go a second later as he released her, bending down to pick up the microphone that was left abandoned on the stage. The man turned towards the crowd, finally showing his face to the entire audience. Some cheered as they recognized the lead singer and guitarist for the heavy metal band, while others who didn’t listen to heavy music waited for a clue to who the man was.
“Is that Eddie?!” Linda gaped, looking up at the man who was once the boy dating her friend.
He was older now than he was then, obviously. His mop of curls were still present, if possible better cared for. He had inky tattoos up and down his visible arms and some high on his neck, coming out of the collar of his Metallica shirt. He’d grown a short goatee, but the dimple in his cheek was still visible as he addressed the crowd. He looked… Great was probably not a strong enough word for how good Eddie Munson looked.
“Your Ex? Like, Eddie Mu-oof” Linda continued until Cindy elbowed her harshly in the side. Linda finally noticed the pale, frozen expression on Chrissy’s face. “Oh.” She mumbled lamely.
“Who's a freak now, Indiana?” Eddie growled into the microphone, his voice raspier than Chrissy remembered it- age, constant performing and steady smoking had settled into his vocal chords in an appealing way. It reminded Chrissy how he used to sound after a show at The Hideout, voice rough from a night of screaming into the mic. 
Eddie tossed the microphone to a nearby dancer, not bothering to check if the unsuspecting man caught it (he did, barely) as he stuck his tongue out, devil horns atop his head. Just like that, Chrissy could see the boy underneath the age, tattoos and facial hair. The 18 year old who couldn’t promise her the world, but promised everything in his world, only for her to break his heart a year and some months later. Out of everyone there, Chrissy looked up and saw no one but Hawkins’ freak with a heart of gold Eddie Munson, but she realized Shredder Eddie Munson of Corroded Coffin didn’t even know she was there. She hadn’t even realized he’d gotten signed, or the band was famous- when had that happened?
Eddie turned, planting another passionate, borderline messy kiss on the pop star's laughing lips. The crowd erupted in another set of cheers, harshly pulling Chrissy back to real life.
Eddie ended the kiss, resting his forehead against the singer’s. The two’s lips were moving through their wide smiles. Chrissy could only imagine the sweet nothings being exchanged. Once upon a time, in a different life, in a quiet trailer park, those sweet nothings had been reserved just for her.
Eddie patted the star on the ass before releasing her from his arms. She laughed as he jogged back to his spot in the wings, hand over her mouth like she couldn’t believe the kiss they’d just shared. Eddie didn’t bother to acknowledge the crowd as he left, no wave goodbye or lude gestures. Before he disappeared from view, he turned to blow a kiss in her direction.
Red faced but smiling gleefully, the starlet pretended to catch it, placing it on her cheek. She stared after him even once he was out of view, only remembering herself when the dancer handed her the microphone.
“Oh, um…” She stumbled her words into the mic, giggling bashfully. She lowered the mic and took a deep breath, physically shaking her limbs. “I was expecting that even less than the rest of you.” She joked once she brought the mic back up to her smudged lips. “Let’s, uh… Let’s move on with the show?” She laughed, unsure how else to move forward with the setlist. The crowd cheered their agreement as she nodded to all her dancers and musicians to get ready to start back up.
“Should we leave?” Cindy asked quietly. Linda stared at Chrissy, waiting for her response.
It was definitely a concert she’d never, ever forget.
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foodsies4me · 2 months
April Malec fic rec!
Thanking @just-add-butter and @ariella9melody for this month's theme which is a double combo of "Outsider's POV" and "Let Alec have friends!" The same rules apply as always, one fic per author, even though all of these authors have other brilliant fics you should be reading and if you want to add your own recs in the comments, tags, or reblogs please feel free to do so! 😊
Also, I have tagged the authors whose Tumblr account I know, but if you'd prefer I not tag you, please tell me! I don't want these to be annoying for the authors.
Enthrallment by @smilebackwards: Magnus' magic being possessive and warlocks reacting to Magnus' magic being possessive, what more could you want? OC POV!
It does look a little bad, Parmela thinks, looking at it from outside. As more specialists had been called in for consultation, they’d decamped to one of the larger conference rooms—eschewing attendance at A, B, AB, & O: The Impact of Blood Type on Non Subject Specific Blood Magic, because this was vastly more interesting and potentially important—and there are a round dozen high-level warlocks clustered around Alec, poking at him with magic. Or: Alec attends the Magical Inventions and Advances convention in hopes of recruiting warlocks for another Downworld Cabinet. The warlocks, however, are more interested—and concerned—by the blue magical aura following Alec around.
And I am breaking my own rules by rec-ing a second fic by smilebackwards: Portable Magic
Magnus may go slightly overboard helping Alec set up for the book club gathering. Technically, perhaps, he didn’t need to create a signature cocktail or barter a favor to Raphael for O neg blood for the vampires or source the biscotti directly from Italy. But hospitality is important and these are Alec’s friends. He wants to make a good impression. Or: Alec is in a Downworld book club and Magnus finds this unaccountably fascinating.
I'll die on this (Under)hill by @clottedcreamfudge: like all of the fics written by clottedcreamfudge, this fic is downright hilarious. That said, poor Underhill. Underhill POV!
The point is, Magnus Bane and Alec Lightwood clearly have an intimate knowledge of each other, and it has never once impacted on their work. What it is beginning to impact on, however, is Andrew’s sanity. Because apparently he really is the only one to have noticed it.
Be careful with my best friends heart by TheLostLightwood: A fic in Cat's perspective, who I maintain is one of the best characters in the series and we needed more of her! Cat POV!
Catarina Loss had known Magnus for a long time, she had seen him cry, laugh, mourn, get injured and fall in love many times before. But she had never seen him more in love or more broken than she had in this moment. Cat's POV, as Alec is seriously injured in a fight against demons. And Magnus well he...
Alec's Little Ducklings by @to-the-stars-writing (this will be one of two recs for to the stars because I am being very bad at keeping to my rules this time around). Alec gets hurt and all of his friends appear to take care of him!
After Alec's hurt coming home from the Hunter's Moon, he's left laid up in bed when the drug they gave him prevents his injuries from being healed by angelic or magical powers. Magnus is fully prepared to do take care of his stubborn boyfriend, only to find out that there are a few other people who are more than willing to offer their help.
the right thing by @cuubism: As the summary says, Alec's first speech as the Inquisitor doesn't go exactly as planned. Izzy POV!
Alec's first speech as Inquisitor doesn't go exactly as planned.
nock. draw. release by chaidrivenwhore: A non human POV, but a weapon POV! Alec's bow to be specific!
the bow and arrows had tempted many, but this specific one, with its curved limbs engraved with angelic runes and sharp arrows, straight and unbending, had called out to a nine year old alexander lightwood like no other had.
Multi-chapter fics or series:
Families of Choice by MonPetitTresor, a recommendation made by @ariella9melody that I can only agree with because this fic is wonderful (as are all fics my MonPetitTresor).
Life at the Institute takes a turn for the worse for Alec. When he's alone with nowhere else to turn, his siblings step up and help him find his feet once more with help from a few new friends along the way. Between them, Alec finally gets a chance to realize that the world doesn't begin and end with being a Shadowhunter, and there's more out there for him, so long as he's got the courage to reach out and grab it.
ask the always impossible of me by @faejilly: Some very nice Aline and Alec friendship!
Just for one night, a magical ball where anyone can meet, when anything is possible... And that's just the beginning.
Running from the Night by @to-the-stars-writing: I love how Stars depicts Alec's struggles with his mental health and there are a lot of friends for Alec in this one!
For a long time, Alec had felt like his life was held together by strings tied on him by the Clave, his parents, his siblings. Strings that pulled and tugged him in every which direction, heedless of the bruises and blood left behind. As much as they hurt, some days they’d been the only thing to hold him together. That is, up until the moment Alec stood on the shores of Lake Lyn and faced the death of the one person who held a piece of his soul, and the lies that followed his mysterious resurrection. There, on the shores of Lake Lyn, those strings finally pulled too hard, and Alec broke. With the permission of the Inquisitor, and the help of the warlock who Alec had wanted so desperately to allow himself to fall for (and had been terrified to do more than smile at his flirting) Alec walked away from everything and everyone. He left New York behind and made himself a home in the small town of Prayer – a joke Magnus found particularly funny. But, two years after that fateful night, Alec’s old life comes knocking, and those strings he thought he’d finally cut are tugging him home. Back to the place he never wanted to have to see again. At least this time, he’s not facing it alone.
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nocturnalazure · 15 days
OC Deep Dive Questionnaire Tag
I've been kindly tagged by @anamoon63 (thank you, dear ❤️) for answering this questionnaire on Ralph!
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What uncommon/common fear do they have?
People dying because of him. Either because he would cause their death, or because he wouldn't be able to protect them.
Do they have any pet peeves?
Littering and cruelty to animals. Cruelty to any living thing, actually.
What are 3 items you can find in their bedroom?
A lot of mess because Ralph is a messy guy, a backpack with more mess inside that he carries around everywhere he goes, and a collection of maps (he loves them, he's never made the switch to technology).
What do they notice first in a person?
Their smell. Even as a human, that's what stands out the most. If he turns into his werewolf form, or if he knows the person quite well, he's able to deduct a person's state of mind just based on what they smell like.
On a scale of 1 to 10, how high is their pain tolerance?
It's a 10 for Ralph. Werewolf transformation is incredibly painful. But once he's in that state, he barely registers pain.
Do they go into fight or flight mode when under pressure?
Fight, it's not even an option. Under threat (or what his body identifies as such), he automatically turns into a werewolf.
Do they come from a big family/are they a family person?
We don't know anything about Ralph's family. They're all long dead anyway. When we met him first, he was living by himself in Moonlight Falls. He's a loner, and has lived most of his life alone. Starting a family was never Ralph's objective. He would be afraid to pass on his curse. That being said, he also has a pack instinct and being alone for too long in the past made him depressed and aggressive. In the end, he needs to be part of a community. He deeply cares for those around him, so in that sense he'd make a good family head.
What animal represents them best?
What is a smell that they dislike?
Vinegar. And of course, that's what Bonehilda cleans the house with.
Have they broken any bones?
He broke his arm a long time ago when he was still working as a truck unloader (that was before his curse).
How would a stranger likely describe them?
Gruff and unsophisticated. :D But with kind eyes.
Are they a night owl or a morning bird?
Both, actually. He likes getting up early but he can also stay up late. As a werewolf, he never feels the need to sleep.
What is a flavor they hate and a flavor they love?
His tongue is very sensitive, so he doesn't like acidic and spicy foods. What he really can't get enough of is meat (particularly bbq).
Do they have any hobbies?
He's good with manual work, like tinkering and DIY. Not particularly a hobby but he likes the feeling of being useful. He also loves camping and hiking.
Boom, surprise birthday party! How do they react to surprises?
The only person who'd throw him a party would be Pippa and she knows it would have to be a small group. Ralph would be a bit self-conscious, but happy. It'd be a good reminder that he's got friends now.
Do they like to wear jewelry?
Technically, no. But he would if it meant something special to him.
Do they have neat or messy handwriting?
It's a tiny scrawl, totally illegible by anyone but himself. He applies a lot of pressure to the paper.
What are two emotions they feel the most?
Loneliness/solitude: it can be a sort of harmony with the rest of the universe when he's alone and in nature, but it can also be very sad when he's forced to avoid people.
Do they have a favorite fabric?
What kind of accent do they have?
I'm very bad at accents. I imagine something close to Scottish?
Tagging @danjaley, @kimmiessimmies, @nekrophoria and @eljeebee!
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unloneliest · 2 months
IIIIIIIIIII want to know about the complex machinations of the soul (and the web of reasons underpinning your story and symbolism choices)
WAH thank you i have like such a complex web of thoughts spinning in my head this week. i'm gonna put it under the cut but i've been thinking a lot about places imbued with enough magic that i'm considering them somewhat of characters? particularly the Forest vs castles in general, but as applied in specific to the castle that my oc silas had been the prince of specifically.
(silas is a part of the adult generation of my story? the story covers quite a span of time. the adult gen is introduced as 18-21 year olds & the story later follows their teen children as time passes; it doesn't stay in detail for the entire span of their lives. there's dull moments that aren't worth focusing a book on & the juxtaposition of generations is much more interesting to me. it'll be released nonlinearly)
point a is the Forest.
so like. the original inhabitants of this world are, to the humans and comparable hominids, giants, though they did not of course call themselves this. they were twice the size of humans and had unlimited magical power until the gods who made them got pissed they were using their unlimited magical power and took them out, creating humans and others in the process, & leaving a handful of diminished giants behind - they would now age to death/had limits to their magic/could not still have children.
and the Forest was beyond massive to them. the Forest in the valley is large enough that humans can live in the canopy, build homes on branches. giant magical forest. you get the deal.
but part of the deal of the Forest is that like - rather than fading out, most of the remaining giants consciously chose what to do when they were nearing their end, and used their still considerable magic to become a part of the trees. it was irreversible, and an end to their previous existence, but a way of preserving themselves as a collective and they're still able to communicate and have an impact with some highly magical humans. this is a very alive awake forest, and it's an alive awake forest that once experienced the world & time very similarly to the way that humans do.
my character rohsi escapes a shitty situation and finds out she does have magic powers and like. when gaining access to them also discovers that she's Chosen by the forest? for her this is a hereditary type of magical connection, and not one that the forest always activates - not everyone in rohsi's family has been forest chosen but it's easier for the forest to have a chosen person with certain attributes and those attributes are present in rohsi's family (but not only her family).
rohsi's mother, szadeh, was supposed to be chosen by the forest but a diety laid claim first; it left the forest with nobody to work with it and had ultimately catastrophic consequences for szadeh.
rohsi having uniquely strong magic/being connected to the forest has been true for probably close to a decade, but i haven't previously had the details of magical functioning to the level that i now do? ANYWAYS. even though "rohsi has weird magic and a forest connection" has been true i haven't previously gotten in to the like, ways the forest exists and is independently.
so what i've been thinking about is like - different people's magic works in different ways - some people are seers, some have a great talent for a particular craft, some have magic that most easily takes form as light, some are healers, some have natural resonance with different pieces of nature. and different deities have different domains of power. different natural features all have ambient magic of their own, too. but entities like the forest exist somewhere between all of these things, especially when they're enough of entities to have opinions about what's happening around them and can attempt to influence what's happening.
what's the nature of a forest, this Forest, and its magic?
communication/connection. i'm thinking about pando, i'm thinking about mycelial networks, i'm thinking about thee decay exists as an extant form of life post. and i'm thinking about how a community of people with shared interests and goals chose to become a forest together, and how that'd impact not just them but the plants they were in community with.
a lot of the abuse that rohsi experienced growing up was her being isolated from others; how is community and communication a strength? how does the functioning of the central group of characters resemble & deviate from the strengths of the Forest? how does rohsi's inclination to work well with the Forest impact the way that she does magic even when she is not working with the Forest specifically? etc etc.
also in this vein: how many people live in the forest now, and under what circumstances? is the forest as an entity representative of the coalition of allied resistances working against the monarchy on purpose? how does the relationship to the land that people who inhabit the forest - none of whom are supporters of the monarchy - differ from the relationship or lack of relationship people in other locations have and how is that reflected in/an extension of their politics? how did i not notice that i was doing this on purpose to this degree????
point b is the castle, possibly called north hold.
it's actually kind of just slightly north of the west edge of the valley but like. further north than that is mostly forest, so it doesn't get counted as a Further North that you could be in.
i have several inroads to thinking about this castle in conjunction with the Forest? i've been thinking a lot about the relationships that wakeful locations have to people in general, and the ways that members of the monarchy are alienated from meaningful relationship with the land despite ostensibly being rulers of it.
silas, of the adult generation, is the inheriting prince of the northern throne. there are three castles, three rulers, in the valley, but they function as one state overall. there have never been borders or edges or separate citizenships between the three seats of power - they're just the three corners of a single region, each "needing" their own local castle/monarch. i'm still working out the details on the structure of the government. a lot of it was invented when i was 13. by a dream.
but. the thing is. silas, as prince. he does think he's doing what's best for the people. he tries very hard to. it's not something he would turn his back on on a whim; he takes the duty very seriously. he is a prince but also a born leader. he's possessive and protective over the people who are his, both the unknown people he leads and the friends he loves. he's the younger of two sons. he's the only son remaining. he's haunted by the question of whether his brother would be handling things better than him.
there is no easily backed heir if something should happen to silas, if something first happened to his mother the queen & whoever it is she's married to [i have yet to fully develop. silas' parents/family dynamic but he's inheriting from his mother. no only men can rule in my universe. anyone can do anything forever, including gender transition. babes there's magic]. his heir until he weds and produces one is his cousin, but there's no guarantee there wouldn't be conflict over that, because there's others with similar levels of a blood claim on the throne.
things have been peaceful. silas was the spare and his mother can't have more children. there was no reason to expect it might be a problem, that there's only him.
it is a problem, that it's only him.
i can't get into the entire details of the circumstances because that'd just add. the entire plot of the actual first book. to this ramble. but silas' family is killed and his own life is in jeopardy. and he leaves. he runs off into the desert. and i've been rotating what it would take to make him do that, because he wouldn't do it just to save his own hide. it would take something very significant to convince him that it wasn't right/possible for him to stay and fight for the people by fighting for the throne.
part of the tragedy of silas is that it might have been possible for him to survive and win had he been able to connect with allies that truly supported him in the moments between when he finds out his family is dead & when he flees with jay. (jay is my best boy. who i talk the most about of my ocs. a guard/soldier/?? on the specifics who deserts and turns his back on his entire life when he's sent after silas to kill him because he knows that it's the wrong thing to do and would rather devote himself to silas' cause. listen to me. their relationship is everything to meeeeee but i'm getting off topic)
silas, when he returns to the castle/finds out his family is dead? he goes first to his mentor, norna. who is evil. i realized i love a fucked up mentor/mentee relationship after rewatching phantom of the opera at new years. i'm making her a sexy about it. it's better when villains are hot. she's in magic academia. she's butch. and she started going grey when she was like. twenty. and she knew his brother and he's been trusting her and the things she tells him are memories and she's a huge part of why he compares himself so much with his (much older) brother who died. and she's fully been manipulating him the entire time.
norna is sooo slay to me. i know she's done a lot of things wrong but she's hot about it.
ANYWAYS this is all just like, context around the idea that the castle, silas' castle home, it's a character too. oh i have to make a detour.
the biggest cities in this story, they're all built. well. let me take another step to the side.
in the valley, humans do not call themselves the people. they call themselves the people of the roads. because the giants used their magic to create roads that will never, not ever, need infrastructure upkeep, and that connect the most important central locations in the valley. if enough soil forms on top of one of the roads it might become buried and plants may grow in the soil above it, but literally nothing can damage them. the whole damn valley isn't full of roads, but the giant's roads between castles have seriously impacted the pattern of human dwellings & communities within the valley.
the connected locations each have their own "ruins"; highly magical structures abandoned by the giants, either when they went into the trees or before that during the great unmaking by the gods. so whatever castle it is silas grew up in, it either is a repurposed dwelling of the giants, or it incorporates one of those in the structures that have been built up around what the giants left behind.
the magic left behind by the giants behaves differently from a forest that was once people; it's aliveness is different but it was still created to be an active sort of thing. there was intention put into it.
what is the essence of a castle? a castle is meant to enclose, protect, enforce. a castle has strict delineations between what is inside and what isn't. a castle is stone and is of the earth. when danger threatens, the people in the communities around a castle come in to the castle for safety and protection until it's safe to return to their places outside of its walls. it serves and protects the people; or, it is at least supposed to do this.
if the castle's magic was created by the giants, it would not have stayed awake in their absence. and in the absence of all the giants, the humans and other hominids left the valley completely; it spent several centuries uninhabited. great magical catastrophe that altered plate tectonics and all that.
so the people who became the monarchs of the north when humans returned to the valley, well. originally they were the ones taking care of this abandoned castle/city, and making it a place people could live again. they're the ones who rediscovered the magical functioning of the castle, who established a connection and reciprocal relationship with the castle's magic. they woke it back up. they kept the connection alive and passing through the generations just like the crown did.
the valley wasn't originally intended to be a monarchy.
but like. what's the essence of a castle! what's the nature of its magic, the way the Forest's is communication? to protect and enclose. without active magical connection to people inhabiting it, it has no way of knowing there's anyone to protect. and that connection is something that has to go both ways.
norna is able to convince silas - if not completely, thoroughly enough that he starts closing himself off - that he's at fault for his family's deaths, and that his closest allies have been given cause to believe this too. his doubt and his withdrawal, his closing of himself off, that means - without realizing it - he's separating himself from the castle's magic. he mentally undefines himself as prince - not wholly, but enough. and the castle's magic going to sleep affirms that partial belief until it's whole. and that's why he turns his back on the throne. he believes it to have turned its back on him first.
but it didn't. it just didn't realize there was anything left to protect.
and when i think about the castle, about it alive, i think about it having a heart, some underground and physical representation of it having an essence. and i know that's influenced by a Number of things - the song of the lioness quartet's dominion jewel/book four climactic fight, the phantom of the opera final caverny bit, the so you want to be a wizard book with worlds each having something like a heart, probably barbie and the magic of pegasus' whole thing about keystones but i cannot remember enough about that to be sure - i just remember that there was something about the keystone of arches. definitely some fics i've read set in magical universes.
a castle with a heart, a stone radiating light, a light that goes dark when it sleeps; some kind of visual representation of the moment silas loses that connection.
something crucial, here: there's a post about what the individual unit of a bee is. i can't remember who it's by or find the damn thing but it was talking about how like, we're a part of our ecosystems? how if you're trying to define the singular unit of bee, that unit is hive. and how we're not separate from what's around us. and with my story like. that's how it is with magic. it's a deeply magical world, and though everyone's internal wellspring of magic is of variable size and not everyone has enough internal magics to use their personal magic to influence the world around them, anyone can use the magic that exists in the world around them to do magic, especially in collective group magics.
a barn raising is a type of magic. and the way that barn is rasied will include magical steps to minimize the risk of a fire. and the reason that it works is because it's a collective magic, dependent on ritual.
run of the mill academic magic users (read: anyone with any kind of training)? they may think of themselves as solo magical practitioners, but they're adherents of a school of thought. the group they are doing magic with is themself and the person who taught them how to do magic, or the many people; if they're using a spell or anything of that ilk, it's them and the person who created the spell.
high level academic magic users have learned about how all magic is collective and learned to do magic where they're in relationship with something in the world that has ambient magic: a fire, a flower.
without connection to the castle, and when explicitly disowned by a major teacher of his? silas' magic starts acting up, starts not working.
all of this has been like. developing in every direction at once for me, recently. it's not just one thing at a time. thinking about the castle having a heart means thinking about why it does, and how that exists as a coutnerpoint to the Forest, and that means thinking about rohsi's magic, and how rohsi skips straight to high level academic magic user methods because she grew up magicless and was already used to only doing collective magic & applies that principle to individual magic easily.
thinking about the conditions under which silas runs away with jay and how terrifying the disconnection from the castle must have been for both of them means thinking about what might wake that castle back up.
and nait is jay's son (& the son of two other adult gen characters who are jay's best friends/marital partners, riamin & ymalis; marriage conventions aren't 1:1 with our world). and jay never got to have a family with silas. silas never got to know nait. but they're still so fucking similar, in so many ways. of course it's nait who wakes the sleeping castle.
and that's knowledge he shares, because it's something he learned how to do from rohsi, rohsi with communicative connecting magic, rohsi with ties to the Forest. it's not something he ever has to carry alone.
jay more than anyone is the one who lost silas. he spends the rest of his life grieving. ym was the next closest to silas, and rohsi and nait are both so like silas it hurts. they're raising their son and then suddenly the kids he brought home with him, too, and there's echoes of silas everywhere even in their kids growing up in his absence.
and then nait's waking the castle.
and he's just a fucking kid!!! and jay and ym and riamin are so worried the pull of what's happening in the world is going to eat their son alive, because it killed silas. it killed silas but nait can't be killed and somehow that means it might be worse for him, though at first it seemed a blessing.
but anyways. thinking about whether the heart of the castle is conflated with sovereignty, that's currently on my plate. i need to stretch this web and explore the other key castles, too.
and i need to think about point c: the river, and how all of this applies to her.
because good lord, i think i finally have the right angle to approach the river with.
anyways. this is. a lot of words. it stretches in every direction at once and i tried not getting too far off topic with background information but like. i feel so fucking dialled in to enjoyable to write & include but also spot on symbolic representations of the underlying values of varying political groups in the story & the themes of the narrative in general????????? which i did NOT feel before yesterday when i started having most of the culminating brain waves on this stuff. holy Shit.
also um. thank you for asking me about this. ilu <3
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another-lost-mc · 3 months
JES YOU UPDATED, the kids miss you/j
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I've been busy doing a lot of nothing, if that makes sense. Well, maybe not nothing - a random assortment of rl and blog odds-and-ends that don't seem very productive but I'm going to call it self-care. lol
(read more cause this got longer than I thought it would.)
I don't usually take March Break off work, but my empty schedule this year surprised me and I didn't really know what to do with myself. I spent the first few days fending off a persistent headache, then I spent some time re-watching Helluva Boss and Hazbin Hotel while I worked on some crossover/fusion potential with OM. Today the headache is back and I'm dog-sitting which shouldn't be as distracting as it is. (She's only a little Boston Terrier but my cats get all worked up about it even though they're the ones stalking her around the house for no reason.)
I've also been playing Honkai Star Rail. I have no idea what I'm doing but it's kind of fun. I want to give Genshin Impact a try too, but I'm not sure I want to play both. (I know dailies are optional blah blah blah but if I'm going to spend time doing busywork like that, I might as well go back to playing WoW.)
Someone sent me another ask about my current WIPs so I think I'll just ramble about them here.
The canon cast and OC post for surgery!anon. I'm trying to balance fluff and angst and realism and make it comforting at the same time (aka what I would've wanted to read before mine). There's some overlap with a post about Solomon's humanity that's it's own separate WIP.
Naming conventions in the Devildom and CR. These are my worldbuilding ideas to explain how Solomon has an established pact with Bathin (my OC for Mephisto's younger brother) since he's part of the Ars Goetia. This also discusses how those same ideas apply to Luke.
Fleshing out the angel OC stuff with Gabriel and Uriel. They're situated in the AU where MC is sent to the CR for the exchange program and not the Devildom which is why I haven't talked about them much. I have the fem!angel OC as well but I don't know what to name her (I want her to be like Zee where she's an "ordinary" angel). To be fair, she's probably not going to show up much outside of the story I originally wrote for her.
Genderbending-the-OCs anon, you have no idea what this is doing to me. It changes their kinks and their dynamics and how they would approach MC and I am mentally screaming into a pillow right now.
I've been writing directly in my Tumblr drafts lately, but I found a holiday fic for Solomon in my google docs. I thought it was a WIP but then I re-read it and it turns out I actually finished it and somehow forgot about it? Like...how does someone even do that. Anyway, do we want a smutty Solomon Xmas-in-March fic? (It's only holiday-ish because of a corny mistletoe joke on his part.)
On a random note, part of me regrets not making separate blogs for AT and my OCs (for organizational purposes) and I'm lowkey tempted to do it anyway.
If you read all this, you get a prize! Enjoy some chibis that I've been collecting like they're for my OC Pokedex. These are by sempa and ocha respectively.
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queenscholar · 9 months
Of Soap and Shower
tw cw // nsfw , fingering , shower sex , not proof readed
leopat 🦁🖋 leona kingscholar x oc , patricia venenum
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continuation of earned it but can read as separate fic
Hot steamy water poured down from the shower and that was what people should do in the shower, take a damn shower. Patricia Venenum was about to do that but how could she do it when Leona Kingscholar kept fondling her breast and did nothing like he promised, for instance to wash her body.
“Leona, I did not go limping to the bathroom just so you could rub your hands on my breast. You already did that last night, multiple times and roughly.” Patricia said, annoyed at the male behind her but he only chuckled.
“Your fault for limping and not being able to wash yourself, if you want to be washed by me then it’s my rules, Venenum.” Leona replied, she couldn’t see his face right now but she damn knew he was planting a wide smirk on his lips.
“And whose fault is that? You did not have to rail me so hard last night, I’m so soreeeeeeeeeeee.” Patricia whined, she tried to slap Leona’s hands away but the male was way stronger than her even more when she had no energy left after their session last night.
“I would ask you the same then, why did you have to test me with those damn stilettos? If you want to take a lead then don’t be a brat and do it thoroughly, Patricia.” Leona berated her playfully, a pout appeared on her face, glaring at the man.
“But I did it, I only didn’t finish it!” Patricia protested back.
“Meaning our deal is off, only you can make a prince wash a body like an
attendant.” Leona said, applying soaps all over her body, making her body slippery.
“We are going to talk about that later, ah. You can just apply my body with soap, you don’t have to pinch them sensually. I’m too tired to have shower sex.” But Leona just grinned, and Patricia sighed, giving up on Leona’s caress her body. Moaning shamelessly as Leona enjoyed twisting and pinching her nipples a little bit too much, he already did it plenty yesterday and they were in a bathroom anyway.
“They got bigger because of me hm,” Leona smirked, a hint of smugness was heard. Further annoying Patricia, her body wasn’t his achievement.
“Just turn the water on and wash me off this shameful sweat from last night. And fast, I don’t really want to walk out of your room and meet bunch of Savannaclaw students being awkward and judging me thinking we have sex.” Patricia complained, imagining the stares she got from the students the last time when she sneaked out of Leona’s room, even after showering, and no one believed when she said she fell asleep in the middle of the movie and just woke up, they just laughed awkwardly. Thank God, they were scared enough to not spread anything beyond Savannaclaw.
“But we did, Pat. Remember the part where you screamed my name repeatedly? And how much I come inside you, maybe we created something here.” Leona teased, circling his fingers on her belly. Of course he was only kidding.
“Ha ha, not funny, we’re in school and I don’t want to have kids, ever. Also, nothing to worry about, I already took the pill.” Patricia said, shuddered at the thought of having a human being to be responsible about.
“Yeah, yeah. There’s one part that hasn’t been cleaned yet though,” Leona smirked.
“Leona, don’t-” As Patricia tried to stop him, her feelings anticipated something bad was about to happen and was she right, Leona thrusted his finger inside her inner walls. Her body jolted as Leona brutally thrusted his fingers inside.
“I’m cleaning you up, and this part hasn't been cleaned up, you want me to do it thoroughly don’t you?” Leona questioned her.
“Leona, stop! I’m so tired from last night, please I can’t handle another orgasm!” Patricia said in between her moans as Leona thrusted another finger in, scissoring her walls. His fingers were relentless, working inside of her, wrecking her inner walls to spasm around his fingers, curling on her sweet spot over and over, building up to an orgasm, it was all too much after last night.
“See this? You’re not clean yet.” Leona said, taking out his fingers for a moment, placing it in front of her to see a sticky liquid string between her two fingers. Patricia breathed a sigh of relief for a moment. Before Leona ruined it by thrusting his fingers back in. She yelped out moans, clutching to his arms to not slip to the floor. Her breath hitching as she sensed another orgasm coming. But then Leona stopped all of the sudden as she was just about to roll her eyes in a bliss, then thrusting back in and doing it repeatedly, to throw her to the edge and pulled it out. Frustrating Patricia further.
“Leona, c’mon, don’t play games with me. I want to come!” Patricia cried out, clinging to his arms.
“You said stop though last time, make up your mind, bratty princess.” Leona said, still working his fingers and then pulling out again.
“I definitely want to come, so please!” Patricia cried out in frustration, she just wanted to have her orgasm and be done with it.
“Say the magic words pat, and this will be over.” Leona whispered in her ear.
“Ugh, do I really have to?” Patricia whined then she felt Leona's finger slowly pulling away and she couldn’t have that, so she grabbed his hands and forced it inside again.
“Fine, I will ride you thoroughly next time and not to tease you again, I promise!” Patricia shouted.
“Atta girl,” Leona said and then pinned her to the wall, a hand holding her hands and the other holding her waist, her member pressed in between her butt cheeks.
“Leona, this is not what I meant-!” Patricia screamed, she felt Leona entering her insides harshly, in a few thrust she came and by the look of Leona’s face she saw when she glanced behind with tears in her eyes and him standing there with a cocky smile. Looks like she had to craft an invisible potion somehow.
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jovieinramshackle · 3 months
Hi Twisted Wonderland fandom I'm Jovie
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Here's me!!
As the name suggests, I invaded the Ramshackle dorm and now live rent-free in there. No one knows where I popped out from I just started existing one day in NRC
A little disclaimer to say my persona doesn't 100% represent me as a person, she's just a very silly and feral version of myself I use to have fun and indulge for comfort
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Errrmmm this blog is specifically for twst-related things because my hyperfixation is getting out of hand. I've been around since the EN version dropped (Jesus Christ over two years) and I've dedicated so much time to this game that I think I'm going insane!!!
I'll post mostly about my MC, Jess (bio coming soon I promise) since I wanna flesh them out as much as I can with both drawing and writing!
Expect lots of rambling- I really like talking about this game and my OCs
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Some stuff I'd like to say, ahem:
Feel free to send asks please it's very much appreciated!! Tell me about your ocs or ask about mine, please!! This fandom is so creative and I wanna see more of that here!!!!! Similarly likes and reblogs are very much appreciated!! 💝
I'm a little awkward online and kinda new to being an active member of a fandom, so I only ask for a bit of patience with me lmao
Please, ask to be mutuals if you've been following me for a while, and if I happen to already follow you already feel free to follow back. If any of the 2 cases apply, feel free to be my moot, I'd love to!
Simply, don't be weird or rude. I won't set any rules because I think common human decency is enough to keep in mind 😭
I'm a minor, don't be weird, please.
I'm dyslexic (diagnosed) so if I misread something, feel free to correct me!
Like I said, I love rambling so uhhh if my posts sometimes end up being long don't be surprised
I may post some non-twst stuff if the mood strikes
Unmm Azul's my favourite (if it wasn't obvious) and I'm a certified Azul and Deuce kinnie
Also, I'm Greek, so we believe in Greek Idia supremacy in this household
I'm also Azul's girlfriend/j
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A small guide to my tags (when I remember to tag stuff properly at least)
#jovie's art - anything drawn by me
#jovie's writing - anything written by me (includes both rambles and structured writing)
#jovie's rants - random posts of me rambling/ranting about random things
#jess ariti - my MC's tag
#winter bloom - I ship my MC Jess with Neige, making this their ship name
#yumeship - posts of me shipping my sona with canon characters lmao (mostly Azul because I-)
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But yeah that's about it! I've been meaning to make this for a while, but only now did I decide to finally finish it lmao
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gggoldfinch · 6 months
brrrrrrr art dump for the tfp self insert oc my childhood self could only dream of 🤯 I drew these back in July but have been thinking about them again recently. This is so embarrassing but I'm so proud of how these character sheets came out, but I can't post them without context so here we goooooo (oc info at the bottom!!!!!!😭)
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Embarrassing au & oc info time!!!!!! (tw for vague discussion of non-human self-harm in 10th bullet point):
Okay so basically to preface: in my wip fic (wip is a gross exaggeration), everything remains canonically accurate to TFP except for the fact I use my Magic Fanfic Writer Powers to incorporate ridiculous Cybertronian mysticism canon into it for the sole purpose of furthering my self indulgent plot armor via cyberforming (cyberforming being when organic material becomes that of Cybertronian-make through means of mysticism and/or science)
Marian (unabashed tradgoth self insert) starts off as human. She gets picked up by the Cons while smashed drunk one night bc they think she has info on the Bots (found her bc she was lurking on online forums asking too many questions about big robot aliens bc she once saw them brawling and wanted answers), then she just ends up being kept alive and kept around as a pet/team mascot/ emotional support human, because hey if the Bots have one then maybe humans can be of some use
After a while Marian ends up forming a bond with Starscream (and KO to a lesser extent) after they both end up treating each other with compassion and respect (wow! trauma-bonding!). She kinda definitely falls desperately in love with him (and thinks it's unrequited but jk!). Angst & hurt/comfort abound! Gratuitous usage of mass-displacement device for nsfw purposes! You didn't hear that from me...
She is accidentally killed during the Battle on Cybertron (ca. season 3) by being hit with a stray plasma blast.
Here is where AU material comes in lol!!!!!!!
With the Well of AllSparks alive once again, in an act of desperation SS leaves her body at the edge of the well and actually prays for once in his miserable life. Through a mystical act of pity or mercy or whatever, a fresh spark combines with her own approximation of a soul and cyberforms her corpse and resurrects/ reincarnates her. She's herself, with all her old memories— but also something new, with all-new potential. No one knows wtf is going on lol
She becomes the first mech created on "New" Cybertron. "Cyberform-forged" is the term used for her, making her something of a new race (in the same way the Terrans are a new race), and is more of a mystic anomaly than anything (largely because there is no opportunity to recreate the event).
She's formed with a Vosnian Seeker frame and Cybertronian alt mode. Her frame is weather resistant: built to tolerate and fly through high winds and dangerous weather (Cybertronian and Terran) and relies more on brute force than grace in aviation. This means she is bulky rather than slim and aerodynamic like SS. She's a revival of the (near?) extinct class (if we're going by Prime!canon then Starscream is the only confirmed Vosnian Seeker left). Why Primus decided that cranking out new Vosnians would be a good idea is beyond everyone; everyone is too busy wondering how tf cyberforming works and what the consequences of it are to really question it.
Physically, she's not overtly femme— more androgynous, which is on brand for her Vosnian build. She's top-heavy with large pauldrons, shoulders double the width of her hips. Her new frame reflects her old human body in a very rough, vague way— only enough to be noticeable to those who really knew her before. She applies face paint by hand like her old makeup, and paints one servo red to match how she used to wear her nail polish. She's shorter than SS, around 30-ish feet tall (whereas he pushes 35'). She doesn't have a very good grasp on how her wings emote, therefore anyone who can read Seeker body language can always tell exactly how she's feeling.
She suffers with severe ptsd, depression, and body dysmorphia/ dysphoria as a result of the cyberforming and her human death, and semi-often has moments of panic and distress wherein she self-harms in an attempt to undo what's been done. In a potent mix of lingering human neurodivergency & the jarring biological shift, she often gets overwhelmed by her new body, notably her biomechanical functions: her optics cause a significant amount of stress on a regular basis, to the point where visual "notifications" and all other miscellaneous visual obstructions have to be disabled in order for her to function. This means no scanning data, etc, without purposefully reactivating the internal procedures required for the task. She also has a lot of trouble coping with the lack of sexual dimorphism. Shortly after her "awakening," she brutalized herself due to severe confusion and psychological distress (see the second to last image :( ) and KO had to sedate and mend her.
Every who encounters her and knows her story kinda assumes she just "came back" with a processor malfunction (or if they don't know her story, think she was just traumatized by the war), which isn't totally wrong. Knockout is one of her major supporters thru this and professionally thinks she probably needs a mnemosurgeon to fix her, but can't find any to contact so soon post-war.
She's rather clumsy, and takes a while to acclimate to such a different body (it also doesn't help that Seekers tend to have disproportionally long limbs, as well as cumbersome wings). She smacks things and other mechs with her wings, crushes things in her servos, basically she severely underestimates her own strength and size
One perk to her new body is that she can stream music directly into her processor, which is a function she abuses often to drown everything else out. There are functions she couldn't even dream of before: she can disable pain processors, turn off sight and hearing like throwing a switch, disable various biomechanical functions. She doesn't need to breathe like a human, or expel waste. Energon tastes like battery acid and firecrackers, but hey, she can turn off "taste" processors too.
She's afraid of herself at times, and by extension is afraid of intimacy too. She's afraid she's too different now, in a foreign body she can't seem begin understanding. She feels burdened by expectations; she's not a real Vosnian Seeker, she's not even a real Cybertronian in the way that counts— she is a freakish amalgamation of human memories and a soul stuffed into a shell made new especially for her, despite her having had no say in the matter... Or, at least, that's what she thinks. Those closest to her think she's a miracle and are thrilled to still have her, indefinitely now. Before when she was human, SS had been frustrated and genuinely afraid of feeling anything remotely positive towards her, because of how tragically short human life spans are (and his fears had been proven valid when she was killed). Now he has Marian forever, and while coping with his own problems post-war, he cares for her and teaches her how to be a noble Seeker.
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bonefall · 8 months
I translated some of my Warrior OCs a bit ago! Four of them are part of one family, and the other is my tabaxi ranger with a warrior's name! I don't know if they're correct, but I wanted to give it a shot!
Clovershine - Glemshem (Her name ended up super cute to say! She's the Mi of Cricket and Fawn!)
Alderpelt - Reykossaborrl (There wasn't a word specifically for Alder, so I combined red and tree! This guy is Clover's mate and the very involved Ba of Cricket and Fawn!)
Fawnfrost - Myaachiki (Myaa sounded cuter than Mween, so I used that instead! Fawny is my main girl I rped and invested a lot of trauma in! :D)
Cricketcall - ???ayeo (Sadly no word for cricket, and I couldn't find words to combine for it. Maybe bell and bug? Idk, I just think this guy is neat! He and his dad and Fawn's mentor all die in a terrible sickness, hence her trauma! :DD)
Emberstrike - Kipkubo (A bit of a stim of a name, tbh. She's the ranger, I love her so much and I wish her campaign didn't fall through...)
So the first thing to know here is that the Clan cat idea of crickets may be somewhat different to your own.
If you're American, you may have a distinction in your mind that a cricket is usually a singing, hopping bug with a more rounded head, where grasshoppers are longer and more locust-shaped. That isn't the case in this part of Britan/Albion. In fact, grasshoppers are the ones better known for their singing abilities.
See this?
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This is a house cricket. They're very rare in this region, and mostly live in human houses, as the name implies. Clan cats do not have a word for these.
THIS is what they're imagining when they hear the word cricket;
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This green, stout, long-legged insect is called a Speckled Bush-Cricket. They have three species of bush-cricket and five species of hopper.
Generic terms;
Bush-cricket (generic) = Pwoi Named for the sound they make while jumping, as opposed to how hoppers are named for the song. Sometimes gets applied to other rounded, hopping insects, like fleas.
Hopper (generic) = Chrriga Long, powerful insects with loud chirping wails that they make by rubbing their legs against themselves. Found on the ground and in grass, unlike bush-crickets which are usually arboreal.
Popper (a hopping insect suitable for eating) = Arroi Subjective, WindClan tends to use this as a generic for both hoppers and bush-crickets, ShadowClan applies it to all big ones, RiverClan and ThunderClan don't use it at all (except Sorreltail who uses it for any hoppers she's caught and plans to eat).
Hopper Poppers = Pwoi k'sirArroi A WindClan dish. Mashed, breaded-and-egged, deep fried cricket balls. Related to grubcakes, but these INCLUDE breadcrumbs for a crunch. Kind of unhealthy, but a good source of fat which is otherwise lacking in the WindClan diet.
Specific species;
For funsies I'm going to give them a culinary rating, maximum of four stars ⭐⭐⭐⭐. I'm being possessed by the spirit of BB!Sorreltail lmao.
Roesel's bush-cricket (Roeseliana roeselii) = I'ri'r THE undeniable sound of summer, buzzing long and loud when it gets hot. This animal is the most uncanny mix between a hopper and a bushcricket and has a distinctive sound, so it's rarely referred to with a generic title. ⭐⭐⭐ It is also large and meaty. Best of both worlds, right here. Most palatable bush-cricket.
Speckled bush-cricket (Leptophyes punctatissima) = Rr'ik Though its cry is delicate and high-pitched like a bat, it's noteworthy for being the only one in this family that sings mutually. Female crickets return a song to a male they like. ⭐⭐ They're small, but gooey. WindClan sometimes skips mashing them because they're SO leggy, they prefer to just pull the bits off and eat the body. Like a gusher. But that's so much effort, you know?
Drumming Katydid (Meconema thalassinum) = Kugr Has a low, almost threatening grinding noise, which is fitting because it is an active predator. The only one in this list. It kills and eats caterpillars and other invertebrates, but that's not all. It's also a host for a horrible parasite that forces it to run towards water at the end of its life, drowning the animal before bursting out of its body. ⭐ Tastes awful. Possessed by worms. All legs and no meat. Only ShadowClan would eat something like this.
Common Field Grasshopper (Chorthippus brunneus) = Gyig WindClan's bread-and-butter, one of the most common insects they need to eat to keep their coats healthy. Has a chirping song instead of a drawn-out one. HATES wetness and is best found where the gorse is dead and dry. ⭐⭐⭐⭐ A favorite for a reason. It's abundant, it's meaty, it's large. It can even be purple.
Green Grasshopper (Omocestus viridulus) = F'fir Green with thick black bars on its abdomen, with a harsh, fluttering song. Tends to find a high pedestal before playing its song, as if it's trying to get in front of an audience. ⭐⭐⭐ Has more crunch than meat, with big wings that can get in the way, but still a hopper which is pretty delicious.
Slender grouse locust (Tetrix subulata) = Sswoi Dull brown thing that doesn't even sing. Has a dumb little wiggle-dance instead. Loves streams and lidos and is the hopper that RiverClan cats see most often. ⭐ No wonder RiverClan doesn't eat bugs.
Meadow Grasshopper (Pseudochorthippus parallelus) = Shriga Some of them can look deceptively like a f'fir with the green bodies and barring, but listen. Listen. Its song is TOTALLY different, more of a shakey-shake kind of rattle. ⭐⭐⭐⭐ And Sorreltail will GO TO BAT for how delicious they are. Don't be fooled. This is grasshopper ambrosia. Tiny wings, lots of crunch, a nice flavor. ABSOLUTE delicacy.
Groundhopper (Tetrix undulata) = Wariga A plump, brown grasshopper that eats moss and algae, preferring wet environments with drier areas to retreat to. ⭐⭐⭐??? Data needed. ShadowClan cats kept SWEARING to Sorreltail that these are actually the best, most delicious poppers out there. But she's never had one so she can't attest to it... yet. It's hard to imagine anything can taste better than a honey-roasted shriga. She doubts it tbh.
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deepspacedukat · 5 months
This could apply to any Vulcanoid character (or even a Cardassian tbh), but I’m specifically imagining pre-Surak!Soval (or Dukat) when writing this.
His little human mate already smells divine, but when she finally, inevitably, falls pregnant with his child? She smells irresistible. He just can’t stop himself from burying his face into the crook of her neck, both to display to others she’s taken (as if the swell of her belly isn’t display enough), and to get closer to the source of her pheromones; her neck is where they smell the strongest, second only to her pussy, which he also takes every opportunity to bury his face into until she’s a shaking, moaning mess. She deserves it, after all, for giving him such a precious gift. He loves worshiping her pregnant body, lavishing her in gentle kisses and caresses, tending to her pleasure thoroughly before his own even crosses his mind.
And now for the second, unrelated idea that I have no Segway for. But, you know how Garak complains that the station is always cold? I know for a fact that man would probably cum on the spot the first time he has sex with a human. They’re just so warm and soft, especially on the inside! He loves to hold them, wrapping them up in his arms and having them warm his cock at night. Give him a blowjob and he lasts like five minutes MAX. But if you want to tease him a little, to make him whine and squirm? Blindfold him and suck on an ice cube before going down on him to make your mouth cold, and watch him squirm before pulling away to let your mouth warm back up, leaving him shivering from the cold and begging you to keep going. Then take him back into your warm mouth all at once, and watch his eyes roll into the back of his head.
I read this last night (even though I didn't get a chance to respond till today) and I'm so here for that!! I could totally see a Vulcanoid (or Cardassian, for that matter) treating their mate exactly like that! Utterly smitten and at their beck and call, but also not-so-secretly being pleased that she was so visibly theirs. *screaming internally*
(I kinda sorta explored an idea kind of similar to ^^that^^ in a fic about one of my Vulcan OCs, if you're interested. You can find the tumblr post here or on AO3 here.)
Ooooh, and the Garak idea! Honestly, I agree. Humans would be incredibly warm to Cardassians, so I could definitely see them being overwhelmed as soon as they get inside one. (This totally works for the Garashir ship too, btw. Or pretty much any Cardassian/Human match. 👀) The temperature variation bj stuff is making me incredibly Calm™ btw... The mental image alone is 🤤💯🤌 *chef's kiss*
Nonny...friend...bless you for dropping this in my ask box! I hope you're proud of yourself! 💖
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good [insert time of day here] i realised i never thought to ask you amid my delight of you being the most interactive follower i have that isnt an irl friend do YOU have ocs or blorbos. i wish to know. for reasons.
OH hello yes thank you for asking!!! I have several OCs but most of the time I simply Do Not Explain on here; I have lots of ideas and doodles but I make it mostly for myself and don't think to share — doesn't mean I don't want to tho! exhibit A: this absolutely massive post I'm about to make lmao. putting it under a read more bc Oh Boy, the floodgates have been opened
most of my OCs are for two different projects I have: The Visitors and my D&D Dark Star Campaign.
The Visitors is just a lil worldbuilding project I've been chewing on for.... oh wow, over a decade at this point??? I love all the OCs I have in there very very much, but they're definitely never intended to go in an actual story, I just enjoy the speculative biology and character / world building process.
Val is one of my oldest OCs, and she's changed SO MUCH over the years! nowadays, she's a sort of insect/dinosaur mashup alien who uses gravity warping magic and a very large axe to hunt demons. a huge issue for magic users of her species is keeping cool, as magic generates heat and can literally cook you from the inside out, so you'll notice the multiple vent-like spiracles across her body for this purpose. she was born blind and so relies heavily on her best friend, Django, to be her eyes and keep her safe. fortunately, Django has Too Many Eyes. he's a dragon genetically engineered by those in Val's species to be the perfect vessel for storing and releasing massive amounts of mirror-based magic. this kind of magic gives him many abilities, including seeing around corners, creating illusions, or multiplying attacks when applied in different ways, and he acts as Val's seeing-eye dragon. in battle, she likes to get up in the action while he holds back and gives her cues on what's happening, only jumping in himself if she's in major trouble. she's very friendly and excitable, and loves to get into the culture of whatever planet they're visiting, while he's more interested in observing and snooping. there's a lot of espionage and hijinks.
these are some of my most recent sketches of them, tho I'm sure the designs will changes in the future. specific colors don't matter at all, it's all about vibes! not pictured in the halfway colored one is Val's big iridescent black cape thing that has a slit down the middle for her rigid tail, nor her weird arms since I wanted to figure out where the torso vents could go.
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Duke is another Visitor who visits planets and solves problems, but his path to get there was a whole lot different! I made him up as a coping mechanism when I was 12, and I'm still very fond of him.
he started life as a human video game speedrunner and modder prodigy. in a "The Devil Went Down to Georgia" situation, a devil (very distinct from demons!) struck a deal with him, challenging his gaming abilities with his soul as the stakes. he won despite the devil's cheating, but that's where the resemblance to the song ends. in this world, a devil winning your soul allows them to fuse with you and gain total control over your body, mind, and actions; but if YOU win, the control is reversed! and like any 14 year old who suddenly has the power to rival minor gods and a chaotic creature living in their head.... he goes off the rails for a while. Val and Django eventually find him and help him cope. his powers include electricity, glitching reality, flailing his glaive around, and being a menace to evil overlords.
you can't see it very well in this picture, but his eyes and the segments between his tail glow lime green! I'm not a fan of drawing clothes, but in my head he's relatively fashionable for a teenager and refuses to wear anything other than black. also, he decided to tell me he was trans a couple years ago, thanks for letting me know buddy 😂
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my other project does actually get to see the light of day, if very slowly — I'm running a homebrew D&D campaign for my irl friends called the Dark Star Campaign! none of em use tumblr so WHEEEE I get to post all the spoilers I want! there's a kinda staggering amount of lore behind it and a ton of minor OCs, but the two I rotate in my head the most are Anya the Timekeeper and The Master, aka Armageddon.
Anya the Timekeeper is a chronomancy lich from an alternate universe! she used to help Armageddon travel the multiverse and gain power, but she's decided she's tired of being evil, and now hides in a mansion on a tropical island where she breeds dinosaurs for fun. though she's now very determined to help the party, they'll eventually have to kill her past self to prevent a paradox. her familiar is a little archaeopteryx named Trix who steals hats!
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(I commissioned this art from @/goodlouse a while ago! highly recommend checking out his blog!!)
Armageddon is the BBEG and he's SO EVIL and SO MUCH FUN. he's an ancient amethyst dragon who, up until a while before the campaign's beginning, was steadily finding alternate universe versions of himself, killing them, and eating their souls to gain Unlimited Power™. unfortunately, his partner in time (hah) Anya told him to fuck off, so the quest for Unlimited Power™ has been kinda slow lately. fortunately, a D&D campaign started, and he cheated his way into existing at the players' table as The Master! my players can ask to talk to him sometimes, and I'll put on a mask of his head I made specifically for this purpose — very useful for not breaking character when the character is supposed to literally be the one sitting at the table talking to the players. I don't try to hide the fact that he's evil and they all know it, the fun is in giving them little hints and tidbits of lore to munch on. right now he's being very docile and helpful but things will get very very interesting eventually as more of his nature and plan is revealed..... =)
I'm still playing around with what he looks like as The Master, but I really like this recent design I did. his eye glows dark and menacing. I haven't found a design for his dragon form I'm really pleased with yet tho :/
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okay wow thanks again for the ask, I have many many ideas in my head and it felt pretty nice to get em out!!
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freyrmedia · 4 months
I need to post more… it’s insane.
So, hi, I’m Freyr Media. I’m a digital artist on Tumblr, and I recently got obsessed with Minecraft again, oml. So here we are, sharing my art for funzies.
I got into the QSMP, and the Life Series, so I decided “hey, why not draw my oc into QSMP” for the fun of it, and then I created a lot… A LOT of Minecraft based artwork…
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Ah yes, Freyr’s Dream SMP Design. I made this back in December 2023 when I was catching up on the ending of the Dream SMP. Worth it, and I had fun drawing Freyr. Poor kid has a broken wing due to November 16th.
I also forgot her hair dye in their base design… but I’m too lazy to fix it.
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Here’s Freyr, this design applies to… really any universe she’s in. She has the ability to turn into a human form if she wants to, she still has her wings and antennae but she looks more human.
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PORTAL TRAVELER LORE!!! Freyr is a demigod, born to another bee hybrid, a queen, and to the Goddess of Travel, Viatrix. She has a blue space like suit that allows her to travel through the other SMPs she chooses. Freyr has a god form(depicted in image 1. Now outdated) that makes her become the new god of Travel.
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ARTEMIS!!! God, I love Artemis, my own piglin oc. I love her so much. The lore on her is she’s a runt of her litter, hence the pinker color and why her human form is more of a hybrid than human. She was born like that, and finds it embarrassing to use her human form especially when she looks abnormal. While she was abandoned at youth, she was adopted by a piglin brute and has a little brother.
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For SHITS AND GIGGLES. I drew Freyr as a Watcher from the Evo SMP / The Life Series. We are often referred to as the Watchers so it only was fair that I drew Freyr as a Watcher. I loved how this one came out.
Uh… apart from that, if you read this far, thanks! Outside of being a digital artist, I have a Minecraft Series that’s going to be littered with lore on my YouTube Channel!!! Please check that out!
PLEASE CHECK IT OUT <33 and thank you! Buh byeeee!!!
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10itemsorwes · 2 months
No one is gonna see this BUT
I wanna talk about my OCs. Just OCs, not fandom specific. My own world, my own characters, ye. And what better place to do it than Tumblr!!
Ok so. This is absolutely going to have inaccurate assumptions about Christianity (bc I haven't been Christian since I was like 12-) and also my own idea of Angels and Demons and God. Especially God.
So this is like. A really fast entire telling of my OCs Judas Rosé, Terrisian (Tarrish) and Fermisiel (Fern). Let's go!
So, let's talk about Judas.
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Judas is the only human. He has undiagnosed Autism and his special interest is the bible. He grew up in a really really small town in Kansas called Amadan (not a real place-) which is a Christian-centric town. He doesn't know it, but when God first started humanity, she decided that humans were interesting and wanted to talk to people without their eyes burning out of their faces and their heads exploding, so she made a few humans with the ability to hear/talk to her without death. She planned out every human since the first one and called them high priests (so creative, I know). Unfortunately, a few thousand years later, she decided she wanted to be left alone for a while, so she took her top angels and disappeared into her own little pocket dimension where she could watch from afar and stopped talking to humans. And she forgot to undo the fact that every high priest gets assigned a guardian angel at 20-30. More on that later.
Judas studied to become a priest and applied to Amadan Baptist Church. He, of course, got the job. He had been volunteering there since he was 14 and attending since he was born, basically. Unfortunately, because he was 25 and every other priest or reverend was mid 60s to 80s, they didn't really take him seriously. They gave him the title of priest, but he was basically a glorified altar boy. He didn't mind, though. When he was about 32, he was being treated the same way. One day, while he was doing his usual job, someone he didn't recognize asked to speak with him privately. Judas walked with them to his a back hall and they revealed themself as an Angel. Fermisiel, a guardian angel.
Let's talk about Fermisiel.
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(This is a bad photo but it works)
Fern has always been a little awkward. He was supposed to be a guardian angel, but he wasn't a very good one. His first assignment, he only lasted a week. Why? Well, because he killed the one he was supposed to protect. Woopsies. When he got back to heaven afterwards, the Powers (higher ranked angels who took control after God disappeared) lined up a very harsh punishment. To take out his eyes on his vessel. Not super bad, he could still see. But now he has zero depth perception and grace (basically his lifeforce. Yes I stole that from supernatural) just constantly fell down his face like he was crying. He wasn't given another assignment after that until Judas, who wasn't that important anymore but still required a guardian angel. Judas freaked the fuck out and was in heavy denial for a moment. He was fine after the first few days. But on the first day of Fern being just... in his house, he decided he hated that Fern was trying to watch him sleep, so he told him to wait on the couch or go on a walk or something. And Fern decided to go on a walk. It had been a while since he had seen the earth, after all. On his walk, though, he ran into a demon. An Incubus.
Let's talk about Terrisian.
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(Ignore that I can't draw hands)
Terrisian is an incubus. He was sent to Amadan to sleep around, fill a quota, the works! When he ran into Fern, he didn't realize he was an angel at first because Fern was in a more human looking form. He tried to flirt and stuff, but Fern was like "um absolutely fucking not" and threatened his life and fully almost killed him.
Until he realized that Tarrish was just. Not scared. At all.
In fact, Tarrish was flirting with him even more. Fern, being confused, just kind of paused and questioned him. Tarrish had a conversation with him about it. They ended up talking until the morning. And Tarrish promised to find and talk to him again.
Fern made a friend.
Let's talk about sexuality.
Judas was heavily in denial that he was Bisexual. He didn't have anything against the LGBTQ, he was just. Not about that for himself.
Tarrish was pansexual. Emphasis on the sexual. He had a body count that included James Madison and George Bush. And he was very proud. Very.
Fern had never had romantic or sexual feelings. That wasn't part of his job, he didn't care.
When Tarrish met Fern, he wanted to have sex with him. He was very up front about it. That's what he wanted. After all, what demon had ever slept with an angel before? So he was willing to play the long game. Get the angel nice and comfy and slowly coax him into having sex. Easy enough! In the meantime, he had other people to fuck, too.
Why not start at the local church?
He found interest in Judas pretty quickly. So Tarrish approached him after church one day and managed to convince Judas to let him suck him off. Easy enough!
Unfortunately, Fern found out.
Fern was, of course, pissed the fuck off. So he berated Tarrish and told him to never do it again. Tarrish saw an opportunity and, in the midst of Fern's anger, talked him out of his clothes and they... did a lot more than talking.
Fern got back to Judas' house late that morning, avoiding eye contact.
And, of course, Tarrish did not stop visiting Judas at work. Or having midnight "discussions" with Fern.
And then, at some point, Fern asked Tarrish why he kept coming back to him. After the first time, he just assumed he would disappear and not care about Fern anymore.
Tarrish realized, in fact, that he felt a lot closer to Fern than others he had slept with. All those late night conversations, the sneaking around, the stupid jokes. Oh, god, they added up. Tarrish realized he kept coming back because he loved Fern. And when he said it, Fern said it back.
Tarrish stopped visiting Judas at work. Instead, he started showing up to his house. Like, out of nowhere. He'd just pop up, chatting or heavily making out with Fern. So Judas asked what the fuck that was about. They told him they loved eachother and bla bla bla. Judas didn't really mind, but he asked if they knew that love was more than just... sex. Because they were having a lot of sex.
Let's talk about romance.
Tarrish didn't, in fact, know that. Fern did, but he couldn't name any more detail than that. Judas decided to help them out. He didn't mind. He helped them introduce love language, healthy discussion, and much more into their relationship. Tarrish didn't get it much, but he liked the fun little activities. Fern thought it was nice to do something more personal than sex now.
Judas watched them grow and love each other more and more.
And he was slowly more and more aware of how single he himself was.
He watched Tarrish snuggle up to Fern and playfully insult him. He watched Fern kiss Tarrish's cheek and tell him to shut his mouth. He watched Fern bring Tarrish bird feathers as gifts. He watched Tarrish bring Fern cool pebbles.
I made that, he would think to himself. And he felt so good about it, that he was able to help their relationship progress. And he felt bad that he wasn't apart of it. He hated that he felt like it, but he did. And he felt awful. Awful, awful, awful.
Tarrish and Fern, meanwhile, had talked a bit a few months into the relationship. They talked about how nice Judas was to help them. They talked about how much they loved his advice and help.
They talked about how they loved him.
They realized that's what they were talking about.
The next day, Fern asked Judas why he was so willing to help them with that. Judas said he didn't want to say. It was embarrassing, it was stupid, every excuse in the book. Fern pried it out of him. Judas said he didn't realize it at first, but he liked Fern. He made him feel safe and warm. Then when he saw Terrisian again, when he watched him become capable of connection more emotional than sex, he started liking him, too.
Let's talk about God.
God doesn't have a plan. She has entertainment. She doesn't intervene unless she wants to make it more interesting. At this point, Fern was supposed to get upset. Act like he was alright, but go and accidentally exaggerate to Tarrish that Judas was trying to break them up because he liked both of them. Tarrish was supposed to get upset at this and kill Judas for it. Fern, then, was supposed to do his job and kill Tarrish for killing Judas.
This didn't happen.
That's when God took notice and started paying closer attention.
Fern, instead, went to Tarrish and told him how it was. He said Judas was feeling bad because he liked the both of them. Tarrish thought about it and they decided together to bring Judas into the relationship. To make a polycule together. They loved eachother, all three of them. Why not just welcome Judas in, too? They did love him, after all.
Let's talk about miscommunication.
Tarrish and Fern decided to form a polycule between the three of them. Judas noticed Fern and Tarrish suddenly talking to him a lot more. Fern started leaving feathers on his bedside table. Tarrish started to offer to sleep with him again.
Fern and Tarrish didn't tell Judas they were both dating him now.
Judas was very confused at the sudden affection.
Judas let it go on for about a week, very confused but not questioning it. He assumed it was a very abstract thank you. Whatever, he could tell them to stop later.
It wasn't until Judas woke up between Fern and Tarrish snuggling him that he questioned it. He asked them later that day, very confused. They were just as confused. They asked him why they couldn't show him affection? They showed each other affection. That's how you treat someone you love.
Judas was very confused.
"Let's talk about this." Judas offered, leading them both to his living room. They all sat together, just a moment of silence.
"Why are you both being so... different? You're acting as if you're both suddenly dating me, too."
"Well, we are dating." Tarrish piped up, grinning at him. Fern nodded in agreement.
"What? Since when?" Judas asked, straightening up a bit.
"Last monday. About 11:48 pm." Fern responded calmly, tilting his head. "Why are you confused?"
"Wha- you didn't tell me! Also, who says I would agree to be in a relationship with both of you?!" Judas asks, looking between them. Tarrish's tail flicked impatiently.
"Why wouldn't you? You love both of us, don't you? That's what you told Fern." Tarrish points out. Judas turns red and averts his eyss.
"Well, I didn't know he would tell you." Judas murmurs, squirming uncomfortably in his seat.
"Judas, I'm sorry we didn't tell you. We forgot to. If you really aren't comfortable with it, we completely understand." Fern states, leaning forward slightly. Judas shakes his head.
"I don't know how that would work. What, we change who's in the relationship every week? Besides, I don't know how my church would react to that..."
"What? That makes no sense. Haven't you heard of polyamory? We don't need to switch out. And you don't have to tell people," Tarrish grins, crossing his legs, "if Fern told heaven? He would be cast out forever or be killed. If I told hell? I'd get my ass kicked for having emotional attachments. We can keep a secret if you want us to."
There was a silence after that.
After a bit more discussion, they came to an agreement and an understanding. They started slow again, but they made it official. This was their relationship. They were going to make it work, all three of them.
They were going to make it work.
God wasn't very happy about that, though.
(To be continued!! Yayy!!!)
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bluesylveon2 · 11 months
Omg!! Thank you so much for sharing your art with us <3 I would like to request Levihan, prompt 05 <3 thank you beautiful human
Hi anon! Sorry for the wait but it is here! First, let me apologize that it has been a year since I wrote Levihan, so the characters may be oc. I tried to capture how they were when I was into Levihan tho. I hope you like it!
Prompt 05.  I’m a pro-athlete at a press conference and I make a comment to my buddy about you because I forgot my mic was on
Note: Modern au (Winter Olympics), fluff, potential for something more, fem Hange
Word count: 1k
Warning: not beta read, possible OC characters, and idk much about the Olympics besides what is on TV/TikTok
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The infamous Ackerman siblings. Levi and Mikasa Ackerman, also known as the Monster Siblings, due to their "awakened" abilities the moment their blades touch the ice. 
Two of the greatest Olympic skaters in this generation with a gold medal in ice dancing during their debut year. They even had more medals under their belt from other events.  
Levi Ackerman was used to the attention. The lights and cameras took some getting used to at first. Now, seven years later, Levi could care less about them before their third Winter Olympics. 
The same applied to his little sister, Mikasa, who typically kept a stoic face on camera except when she won. Of course, this meant the world had nothing better to do than get into the sibling's business. Especially now, after their recent win and the gold medals to prove it is shining around their necks. 
"Question for Levi, when are you thinking about retiring?"
Levi's face remained stoic, but he wanted to groan in annoyance. Luckily, for Mikasa's sake, he refrained from it. "Not thinking about it. Next question."
The reporter looked away and turned to Mikasa to address it. Mikasa smiled before rambling on about whatever her answer was. Levi leaned back and internally thanked his sister before letting his eyes wander through the crowd.
There was a tall guy with a horse-like face, another guy with the ugliest bowl cut Levi had ever seen, and a woman eating a plain potato.
Seriously, who let her in her? Levi grimaced as the crumbs fell on the floor. He mentally made a note to increase security for the next press conference and clean that up later. Levi's eyes wandered some more as Mikasa continued about today's performance.
There was a very tall guy with blond hair covering his eyes, a woman with short banana-blonde hair, and another woman. who had-
"The most shittiest glasses I have ever seen."
Many eyes turned to face Levi, including the woman who had the supposed "shitty glasses." His eyes widened slightly as the woman's eyes met his. The woman was not the only person wearing glasses, but her oval-shaped glasses stood out to him for some reason. They were due for a cleaning, too, and Levi had to stop himself from wiping it with his handkerchief. Instead, Levi mentally prepared herself to face the stranger's wrath but was met by the woman grinning wildly. Meanwhile, Mikasa turned to see who her brother was looking at and the woman, connecting two and two together. She cleared her throat and spoke into the mic.
"What my brother means is that everyone here has nice glasses. He has a shitty way of expressing it." She said with a closed-eyed smile. Despite his sister not looking angry, Levi could sense it from where he sat. 
Levi sighed and took a sip of his earl grey tea nearby. 
This was going to be a long day.
Hange scribbled down her notes gleefully as she reflected on her day. First, her puppies, Sawney and Bean, were the most absolute angels she had ever met. Then she met up with her co-workers to head to the Olympics. Finally, she was noticed by Levi Ackerman. The most famous ice skater of the century! Sure, she was noticed in an abnormal way, but Hange did not mind. Her favorite celebrity acknowledged her, and it could not get any better than that.
"We are going to head out, Hange," Erwin said, and Hange smiled.
"I'm just finishing up, so you can go ahead. See you tomorrow!"
"See you tomorrow!" Nanaba replied, and Mike nodded before leaving. 
The center hall was silent, minus a few voices around here and there. Hange was on her last note when she heard footsteps heading closer in her direction.
"Oi, Shitty Glasses."
Hange could not hide her smile, practically ignoring his insult. "Levi! Nice to meet you! My name is Hange. Do you need something?" 
Levi shuffled around awkwardly like he was contemplating what to say. "I just wanted to apologize for earlier. I should not have said that for the cameras to hear."
Hange laughed loudly. "It's alright. I was not offended. I was happy that you acknowledged me, though. You are one of my favorite athletes in the Games."
Levi's mouth curled up slightly. "Thanks. I appreciate that. Just don't let my sister know, or else she might do something about it."
Hange moved her fingers along her mouth and threw the imaginary zipper to the ground. "Don't worry, that will be safe with me."
"Thanks. There is something I want to do before I head back to the Village."
"What's that?"
Levi held his hand out. "Hand me your glasses."
"Okay…" Hange replied in confusion as she fulfilled Levi's request. She watched Levi pull a handkerchief from his pocket and gently wipe it along her lenses. Hange heard rumors of Levi being a clean freak, but seeing it in person amazed her. Levi meticulously cleaned and often held it to the light to ensure no dust remained. He returned the glasses back to her once he was satisfied. 
"Here. Make sure you maintain it, or else you won't be able to see."
"Thanks, Levi." Hange placed the glasses back on her, and her eyes widened in amazement. "Woah! Everything looks so much clearer now! It's like those commercials!"
Levi's smile grew a millimeter bigger. "Don't sing the song. But I have a question to ask before I go."
"I have a free skate coming up. You can watch it if you want as an apology for earlier. I can even set you up with seats that are close by. You will just be sitting with my sister."
Hange grinned from ear to ear. "YES, YES, I WILL DO THAT!"
"Good." Levi dug inside his pocket again and handed Hange a slip of paper. "Here is my number. Just text me later, and I can send you the details."
Hange grabbed the paper and stuffed it in her purse. "Thanks, Levi." She glanced at her watch and shot Levi an apologetic look. "I need to get home to check on my pups. See you later, Levi!" Hange yelled as she ran off and waved goodbye.
Levi only waved back as he watched her move farther away, his heart beating a mile a minute for some reason. "See you later, Hange."
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Disclaimer:Attack on Titan is a manga/anime series written by Hajime Isayama and published by Kondasha.
©: These stories belongs to bluesylveon2 2020-23. DO NOT modify, republish, or plagiarize my work.
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automatonknight · 1 year
HAI.. i am wondering, how do you go about drawing arms for mech characters? i have an oc i've been trying to figure out an arm design for MONTHS now, trying to think about it in a way that makes it looks like the joints could work, so i'm wondering if you have any tips? if not, that's completely ok!! anyway hope u dont mind but heres some images of her because i love her and wanna show them around like she's my kid
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HELLO!! ^__^ well! my usual kind of go-to design is this one
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^pretty heavily based on just how a human arm functions, more or less.
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orrr i would go with this?^ to get into like. the technicalities (and don't take me as an authority or anything) i'd say the only like. kinda important thing? to remember when you design a robot arm with a larger variety of movement is to include a ball joint where it connects to the shoulder. you can also go with noodle arms ^__^ i honestly don't have that much to say about joints since i usually just. make something up that looks kinda like it would work and run with it. BUT i would advise looking at types of hinges, human skeletons to see how it all connects and since you'd have a good understanding of how you can move certain parts of your body aaaand some robots! maybe those industrial arms that build cars in this case? i think like they could serve as inspiration for something more complicated with more joints or a mix of different types of joints. like a rubber spring for example (which i think could work about as well as a ball joint). speaking of rubber joints and something unconventional!
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^here you can see the lower arm is pretty much static (except for the wrist) (speaking of the wirst i'd say slap a ball joint in there as well), while the upper arm is responsible for all the movement. in the second sketch i just kind of wanted to visualize what i meant by "rubber spring", but the rest applies. i'd say think about how the other mobile parts on her look and then decide what kind of movement do you want her to have! good luck and she looks really fun and pretty! love her visor!! :3
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