#i also have tinnitus
Ivy replaced Tim’s lenses in his goggles with rose tinted ones to reduce his symptoms of light sensitivity, without actually causing increased sensitivity. He wears them very often now. This is a bag of things you can choose from; I am deciding my Tim has visual disturbances as well including visual snow, shadowing/glowing around object (and people), afterimages, and things that are impossible to describe. He also has tinnitus and is HoH but I have yet to decide on those specifics.
Original post begins:
Continuing to think about Gunpowder Tim being light sensitive and his goggles being tinted to help with that.
I want to think of him as being like me because of course I do, projection. But in photos he usually is not wearing the goggles on his face, which I guess is better since his are tinted *green* (because they are for welding actually).
In my own research I have read that pink or rose tinted lenses are best for light sensitivity, however I have also seen some people use a yellow tint. Wearing sunglasses inside regularly can actually increase your light sensitivity. Because his are originally intended for looking at extremely bright light, they are quite dark. The tints on lenses intended for photophobia are not dark, they are light and do not block out light across the board.
So, I guess, headcanon that Tim aquired these goggles and used them for his light sensitivity. He was wearing dark lenses too often so Ivy took them and replaced them with a better tint, returning them while lecturing him on photophobia.
Who made the lenses and tint? Idk. Could be another mech or they were aquired from a planet they visited. Maybe they were stolen from a corpse, who knows.
Does Tim get migraines? With aura? Does he have visual disturbances? Maybe he has visual snow syndrome (VSS)? Maybe he has a brain tumor? Does he have tinnitus? It’s part of VSS and also could be a side effect of the goddamn moon explosion. If the event that burned out his eyes also affected his hearing (which it probably would) he’s likely HoH/deaf. Can VSS be caused by an event like that? I have no idea; it’s neurological, meaning the cause is in the brain, but lots of things can fuck with how your brain works, and the exact neurological cause of VSS is currently unknown.
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oughh can hear electricity in all three of my currently charging devices.
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bonefall · 6 months
I'd absolutely love to see a hearing disabilities herb guide!
I'm deaf in one ear, so now I'm curious if there are any cats in the rewrite like me? I imagine they might avoid Gatherings because HEARING IN CROWDS UGH.
I need to pick a bunch actually! At some point, I plan to just toss more sight, smell, and hearing disabilities onto the various cats. It should be SUPER common, actually.
Especially in RiverClan.
Like... when I get around to these, RiverClan is going to keep coming up as having a notably higher proportion of deafness and scentlessness. Rivers are filthy. Their ears and snouts are going to be dunked full of gunk ALL the time, they develop a ton of infections. I'm guesstimating that around 15% of RiverClan should have some degree of hearing and/or scent loss, especially as they get older.
Also; Clan cats should be protecting their noses like tools. The same way that you might get scolded for misusing gym equipment, mentors should be chiding their apprentices for doing things like;
Sticking their noses in mud or snow
Eating food that is too hot (damage to the Jacobson's organ)
Sniffing ripe puffballs or other spore-forming mushrooms
Hanging out in dusty dens or unclean, musty spaces (this one wouldn't actually do anything bad, just makes a good superstition.)
But anyway! That's SCENT loss, which should be a waaaaaay bigger disability for Clan cats, but in humans we just don't really take as seriously. In WC, blindness should not have the same weight and scentloss should be a lot heavier.
For hearing loss in one ear, so far, there's just Strikestone, who canonically can't hear out of one of his ears. I will be casually throwing this onto more cats.
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I think about the consequences of the fake execution scene a little too much. I'm not sure if a blank that close could cause damage that isn't noticeable besides maybe hearing loss or tinnitus. And I'm sure if it was mild enough, Light would be too stubborn to tell anyone about it. The Task Force would probably assume he's in the clouds or ignoring them. I can't decide if L would catch on immediately to hearing loss or if it would take him a bit because he too is annoyed that Light isn't even arguing back half of the time.
But also the psychological trauma from it is something that would have been so interesting for O&O to dive into but ofc they didn't. It could manifest in many different ways too:
An NPA officer Light that can't even bring himself to unholster his firearm.
An NPA officer Light that struggles to make it through basic training.
The stress of Kira bringing back how he felt during the incident
Being so on edge around his father
Preferring public transport to cars and doing whatever he can to avoid cars
Hearing his father yelling/raising his voice at a fellow officer causing him to break down in the bathroom
Finding it hard to look his father in the eye
Avoiding riding in a car with Soichiro at all
And I wonder if Soichiro would notice Light struggling at all. Especially during Yotsuba because I imagine the first few months after would be the hardest:
Soichiro feeling too guilty or noticing his son acting distant so he backs off. But he doesn't know how to communicate how sorry he is so he says nothing
Maybe L doesn't really care at first when Light has nightmares or wakes up sobbing, but slowly realizes what this has done to someone he's starting to consider his friend. Maybe L pretends not to care so he doesn't feel the guilt that's welling inside him. He's not used to feeling guilt.
Light being jumpy and trying his best to not flinch when someone tries to get his attention
Just staring off into space or dissociating until someone asks if he's done on the spreadsheet yet
Trying to not let it show that he's freaking out in the ambulance on the way to Matsuda
L eventually trying to comfort Light after his nightmares but he's shit at it. But Light feels appreciative anyway
After L dies, Light doesn't have anyone to comfort him. He thinks sometimes, when he wakes up from a nightmare and turns to see Misa sleeping beside him, that she would understand because she went through the same thing, but he is too prideful and doesn't value her enough to wake her up or go to her.
Soichiro tries to not think about how Light doesn't want to be alone with him or ride in a car with him
I dunno, I just think it's something so interesting that isn't explored a lot.
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martyrbat · 1 year
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batman: shadow of the bat #0
[ID: a flashback of the outside of Wayne Manor at night. A narration box (unrelated to the scene) reads, “Ya think he's got a guardian angel, or somethin'?” Inside the manor, Leslie Thompkins and Alfred Pennyworth are talking in regards of young Bruce Wayne. They sit in a magnificent library at a small table as Bruce sits at his own desk that's across the room and has his face buried in a book. Alfred reassures her, “— Worried about him, Doctor Thompkins? I can assure you there's no need! Master Bruce has the manor to live in — myself to look after him — the best education money can buy—”. Leslie cuts Alfred off before he can continue rambling out more examples. She tells him, “It's what he doesn't have that bothers me, Alfred. Friends — hobbies — the kind of life a normal teenager looks forward to. He spends all his time in the gym, or here reading. I don't think he ever recovered from his parents' death.” We're shown Bruce, now in a close-up and able to see the book he's reading is titled ‘Lip Reading For Beginners’. Bruce peers over the book intensely as Leslie continues to express her rightful concern, “He almost seems obsessed!” END ID]
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Hey so I'm curious, if y'all have ever thought about this reblog/tags/notes with your favorite spell casting sound (the little music notes/sounds that play as you cast a spell)
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citrus-soda · 5 months
I like the music box track from the Keroro Dragon Warriors game, but it is painfully high-pitched in my opinion. So, I whipped up a quick midi cover of it that's two octaves lower, and much easier on the ears.
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stardustedknuckles · 3 months
"I feel like the thoughts have always been there, but they're just so easy to recall now."
Beau getting that headband of intellect really was just "woe, arcane Ritalin be upon you" huh.
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adelaidedrubman · 2 months
man doctors are so fucking dumb as hell i have spent two years dealing with almost daily tension headaches/migraines, muscle pain and spasms, constant unilateral tinnitus, ear pain and popping, eye pain and blurry vision, severe insomnia, brain fog, vertigo, and balance/coordination issues.
i had consults with multiple neurologists, rheumatologists, audiologists, and physical therapists to get a ton of inconclusive test results and a “something mildly abnormal. who could say why. looks like my job here is done” and ineffective or nonexistent treatments. learned to just live with the pain and impaired functioning while secretly worrying i had some serious condition that would remain undiagnosed until i collapsed in public in some dramatic fashion and got sent to dr. house.
dentist feels my jaw for 5 seconds and says “oh yeah that’s real fucked up lol. are you also having [all of the previously described symptoms]”
and the punchline to all this is i have to pay out of pocket to have it fixed because insurance doesn’t cover adult orthodontics ✨️
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tittyinfinity · 7 months
it's crazy finding out you're autistic as an adult bc then you start to notice the ways it affects you and has affected you throughout life
and then it becomes a hyperfixation bc you're like "omg this makes so much sense now" and you start feeling a bit better about yourself knowing that there's an explanation to everything
#.bdo#autism#''panic attack disorder'' they have all been full-on meltdowns#which is just as much of a reason that I stopped working as my chronic pain#bc the last job i had i quit in the middle of a phone call#bc the lights and sounds on top of the problem solving on top of my ADHD were Too Much#i was also incorrectly diagnosed with both bipolar type 1 and BPD#it was the PTSD mixed with everything else like my post-partum depression and psychosis#found out that the ''bipolar'' was just me being happier when i have my pain meds#and getting everything done in those couple of weeks where i felt better (''mania'')#and of course more depressed when i'm in more pain bc i can't not notice it#and then also my period really fucks me up too and i get extremely angry for 3-7 days straight#but anyway#i noticed how i stim and how the way i think specifically in patterns and numbers#i've always had really bad texture issues w both food and fabric#i have misophonia and can also feel certain noises (ESPECIALLY mouth noises)(ESPECIALLY if it's repetitive)#it makes me feel like i need to make the noise too#and half the people in my family have vocal stims#ik they can't help it but it sends me into panic attacks & meltdowns#i can hear electricity on top of my tinnitus#i get socially overwhelmed easily bc of all the masking#i talk to myself and make my own noises when im alone#i have repetitive thoughts that will cycle for weeks sometimes months at a time#so i think the ocd is comorbid#bc ever since i was like 5 i've had this pattern that i HAVE to tap on things every now and then or it drives me insane#i get intense hyperfixations for months or years#there's just a lot i notice about myself now
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monurey · 7 months
I see your 'deaf!Will Solace' headcanon and raise you...
Will Solace with Tinnitus
(source: I have mild hearing loss, Tinnitus and also Hyperacusis)
Will gets overwhelmed easily at camp when it's the summer season and there's campers everywhere
Especially in the dining pavillion, he can barely be involved in any conversations
This causes him to just shut down, go completely silent and snappy when forced to speak
Will gets a good pair of noise cancelling headphones, a pair that can play music as well
He mainly listens to male artists because the lower tones of their voices is easier to hear
But he still doesn't understand a lot of the words anyway
Will borrows hoodies from Nico (who wears ones wayyyy too big for him) to wear to deal with the overwhelming feeling.
It helps to ground him and so that ever little thing touching his arms doesn't set him off
The Hephaestus kids help make special hearing aids for Will that play sound therapy "white noise"
These help a bit so that the Tinnitus doesn't affect him as much when doing his job or just hanging out with his siblings in Cabin 7 (or going on dates with Nico)
This doesn't help all the time though (especially since he still has a bit of hearing loss)
So Will still reverts back to using his headphones whenever he can
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rohirric-hunter · 17 hours
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Gee thanks Google
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Anyway I think this is a good example of the less funny and more insidious ways the AI overview can be wrong or confusing or offer information without necessary context. Essentially what the AI overview is saying here is, "Yes you can do it but also it's dangerous," which to be fair is what its sources are saying. The problem is that the sources are saying completely opposite things, and I need to be able to see that and also what the sources are in order to make an informed decision. Thus rendering the AI overview completely useless at best and potentially dangerous at worst
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Moddy designed an adorable baby, who’s going to design Mimi’s baby daddy?
Anon I’m sorry but I can never take the term “baby daddy” seriously. I laughed so hard I scared my cats
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in-death-we-fall · 4 months
Apparently (according to reddit) 'Til We Die has a high pitched noise to make it hard to listen to, because Slipknot fans, fans of loud music, can definitely hear very high pitched noises past the age of like 16
(I cannot hear the noise)
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cinnamon-bunni · 7 months
omg not me finally getting around to posting this. I was just about done with this for a while now but kept forgetting to finish the last paragraph and post so. here i am now. finally posting it lmao
once again this is made for @a-scary-lack-of-common-sense's job switcheroo au!! i really hope i did your characters justice, i just absolutely love them, they're so fun to write <33 please enjoy!!!
Louise found himself standing outside of the medic’s lab. The doors had been closed since early morning, with Germinoma being the only one who ever came in and out of the place. Though, Lyse wasn’t sure how much that actually happened. He didn’t think he had heard the doors open since breakfast.
He leaned against the wall, right across from the doors. He stared at the doors as his internal clock ticked the seconds that passed, with him at some point wondering if he could perhaps bore a hole through the doors with how much he stared. He made no move to open it, or knock, or anything to gain the doctor’s attention from the other side.
In truth, Louise had been waiting for a few minutes. He had news for Germinoma, but was unsure if it was the right time to tell him. It had been silent, for the most part, inside of the lab-slash-medical station, with only faint murmurs being heard by the ex-spy. What the medic was doing, he had no idea.
He clenched his jaw, grinding his teeth together. Germinoma had important work, something he emphasized to the whole team last they saw him, just after breakfast. It didn’t seem like any other “important” work, not like before. It seemed…serious. It gave Louise a bad feeling in his gut, one that he didn’t like. Things were happening in the background, bad things, and without him or his team knowing. Germinoma knew something about it. Louise wasn’t sure if he wanted to know himself.
Footsteps down the hall caught Louise’s attention, as well as…dragging? Scraping against the smooth, concrete floor made him turn his attention off the door. He grimaced at the sight of Monday, just down the hall, coming towards him with a very much broken leg that was leaving a bloody trail as he walked.
“Hey,” he greeted, once he had gotten closer. Too close, in Louise’s opinion, as he could smell the reek of blood and dirt and whatever else he may have gotten in contact with. Louise cringed at the sight of the other man’s hair, all crusted and matted with both dried and fresh blood, along with saliva from the soldier’s chewing habits. God knows when the last time the man had showered. Louise scowled when the other planted himself just a few feet away from him and had mimicked the same way he was leaning against the wall.
“What do you want?” he asked, tone clear that he would rather have that man be anywhere else on the base than there. Monday shot him a sloppy grin, fixing his hair by brushing the disgusting strands off and over his shoulder. He did nothing though, to fix those crooked, yellow-tinted glasses that were cracked in one lens, and completely missing another.
“What, can’t a guy wait for the doc to heal ‘im up?”
Louise scoffed, and reached for his cigarettes and lighter. “I doubt the doctor would see you even if you had a knife stuck in your head.”
“Wrong, Goldilocks,” Monday responded with the same shit-eating grin, “considering that happened last week, I have to say I might just be his favorite patient yet.”
Louise thinks about the incident when Germinoma stabbed Monday with a needle, seemingly out of the blue, because the latter had apparently gotten on the medic’s nerves one too many times that week.
“Right. I’m sure you are.”
“If anything, I should be askin’ why you’re here, mate.” Monday titled his head a bit, and Louise noticed blood started to come down his face, the injury hidden underneath somewhere in his hair. “So. What’re you doin’ here?”
Louise lit up a cigarette, the movement being muscle-memory to him. “I have important news for the doctor, but he has more important work that has to be done. So, I am waiting.”
Silence filled the hallway, and if Louise listened hard enough, he could hear the voice of the doctor inside the room. The man had always been fond of voice recordings; a better way to take notes of his work and thoughts, without having to stop everything to write it down. And he hid them, hid them very well in his chaotic-tidiness of that room, so that no one could find them.
Not that Louise had searched for them or anything.
“Well Louie, I’m afraid that my very broken leg and other injuries take priority,” Monday argued. “So, if you excuse me mate-” As Monday moved, Louise outstretched his arm to stop him.
Monday paused, a scoff leaving him.
“The doctor is busy,” Louise explained once more, “and neither of us are going to interrupt him. We both know how he gets, and he won’t do a single thing to help you if you put him in a mood.” A deep drag of his cigarette calmed the demo’s nerves. “His work is bigger than either of us. Bigger than him.” He took out his cigarette, using it as a pointer as he tilted it towards the closed doors. “He’s got a dead BLU in there–why? What sort of work involves a dead enemy?”
Monday did not respond. The masked demolition man sighed, and leaned back again against the wall. “We both know that something is afoot, whether you want to admit it or not. Things we don’t understand, the doctor doesn’t understand; you can pretend, but then you’ll just be even more of a sad man than I took you for.” Another drag from his cigarette. “So no, you will not bother him. Go get a first-aid kit somewhere else and fuck off.”
Silence filled the air, as Louise glared at the soldier, who just gave him a blank stare behind his broken glasses. “Not going to lie mate,” Monday finally started, voice low, “I’ve been bleedin’ out for a while now, and haven’t heard a word you said for the past minute now. So if you excuse me Goully, I am going to get myself some medical attention before I pass out again.”
When Monday took another step, Louise was quick to light another cigarette and flick it towards his feet. This one though, not quite a normal cigarette, explodes on impact, making a moderate boom. 
Monday leapt back when the boomstick hit a few inches away from his feet. “The hell mate?!” he yelled. “The fuck’s wrong with you?”
If Louise was as attentive as he said he was, then he would have noticed how the noises had ceased in the medical lab; no more sounds of equipment, no doctor talking to himself. Alas, he was not, and so he answered the soldier’s question.
“Germinoma has made it clear to everyone on the base what happens when we disturb him,” Louise repeated. “And more than that, I won’t lie by saying I’m not interested in what he’s investigating. You disturbing his work is ruining what chance he has of investigating something that goes just beyond a fucking broken bone or duties done on the base; we will wait patiently because if that’s what it takes for him to learn about something that could potentially affect us all on a unfathomable scale, then I will gladly stand out here.” Louise paused his long rant, letting a smile creep onto his face. “Besides, throwing my sticks at you is quite entertaining.”
Just as Louise reached into his pocket for another boomstick, the loud door of the lab slid open. The two outside froze as the noise filled the area, as they found themselves facing a rather furious looking medic.
“Oh, hey Germy,” Monday said with a wave of his hand. He smiled and said, “leg’s a bit broken, if you’re up to fixin’ that.”
Germinoma’s eyes glanced down the hall, forcing him to do a double-take; he leaned out of the doorway to look at the long trail of blood that led to the pair, with a large puddle of it at the soldier’s feet–not even mentioning the dark spot of soot from the explosion.
“The fuck is wrong both of ya?” he asked. “Is today fucking ‘Piss Off Medic Day?’ Or are you two asshats just so fuckin’ in love with me that you can’t just fathom leavin’ me alone for a whole day?”
Neither answer for a few beats. Monday then spoke up, pointing at the demo to say, “he got something important to tell ya, and I am about to pass out from blood loss from a botched landmine-jump.” He shrugged. “Still workin’ on it, but it’s coming along nicely.”
Germinoma gave him a blank stare, leaving Louise quiet in understanding of how the man surely felt.
“Get your ass in here,” he eventually groaned. “Not like I was doin’ anything important. I should really get you a helmet or something, Jesus.”
Monday gave a sloppy salute, answering with a “sir, yes sir” before marching on in. The medic’s attention snapped over to Louise.
“And what the hell is it that you want? You got more important things to bother me with than what I was doin’?”
A smile appeared on Louise’s face. “Just hear to tell you that you’re assigned dinner duty tonight,” he said, and took his leave. 
“Wha–are you fucking kiddin’ me!? Yeah, let me just drop everything on my plate to cook up some soup. Thank God my entire plate was empty, or else I wouldn’t have time to stir a big pot full of lentils and meat and shit in it! I was almost worried that I wouldn’t be able to do that, and instead would be forced to work all day on something totally fucking not important or anything! Jesus fucking shit!” 
Louise was unable to keep the grin off his face as he walked down the hall, the shouts slowly turning into a faint and muted noise as he headed off to his own room. No answers from the medic about what he had been doing, not that Louise had even asked. Only sarcastic remarks from the man, and nothing more. Not unusual, not for the secretive doctor, but Louise still needed answers; for what Germinoma was working on, for what the hell was even happening to the BLUs.  He wouldn’t get them, not now, and he accepted that. But nonetheless, he knew something was afoot, and he'd be damned if he didn’t try, at least a little bit, to see what Germinoma was investigating.
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zurko48 · 2 years
Telling my doctor “can you just put me down, yknow…like they do with sick dogs”
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