#i always thing of that saying that goes ‘you always go back to the please in we’re you were happy’ or smth…….
luveline · 1 day
hi jade!!! i would love to see a poly!marauders fic where they help r fall asleep please! absolutely no pressure at all just a suggestion ofc <3
“Why so moody?” 
You rub at your eyes, standing just behind the sofa. You’d been frowning when James spotted you, not wanting to ask. “I can’t…”
“What?” Sirius asks. 
Remus perks up from beside him. 
Three sets of eyes makes it worse and somehow better. Sometimes it’s easier to only tell one of them when you have a problem, but sometimes you need all of them to know. “I can’t sleep again. Are you coming to bed soon?” 
And listen, four people in one bed is insane but occasionally you manage it. Most of the time you sleep with James, less often Remus. You and Sirius tend to be incompatible while you sleep, because he grabs you around the neck and face for hugging and you wake up with sweat pouring off of you, blind. 
Perhaps that’s why he offers first and emphatically. “I’ll come to bed with you, darling,” Sirius says, a picture of concern as he stands. “What’s wrong?” 
“Nothing’s wrong, I’ve just tossed and turned for half an hour and I can’t take much more of it.” 
“She’s going insane,” Remus comments with a severe frown. 
Sirius helps him onto his feet. James, never one to be left out, turns off the television and gathers his throw blanket. “Not on my watch.” 
“Wait, I’m sorry. You don’t have to get up,” you say, wringing your hands behind your back. You hadn’t meant to summon them all to bed. You’d just wanted to know when you could expect an end to your agony. 
“Oh, well,” James begins, wrapping the throw blanket around your shoulders, “too late for that. Will you warm my side for me? I’ll lock up.” 
You feel shyer than you’d thought, shuffling back to the bedroom. Sirius’ hand finds your lower back as he enters the room from behind you, encouraging you gently to the side as he goes for the other. You’d left the sheets in disarray, the lamp on. James’ room is messy as always, but it’s your fault as you live from it most days. Remus is immediately put off by the overflowing dresser, closing each drawer with a shush over the runners. 
Sirius makes the bed, peeling back a corner for you. “Here, lovely. Climb in.” 
“I didn’t mean for you to wait on me,” you say shyly, embarrassed at their attention.
“There’s nothing I like doing more.” 
“He’s in a mood,” Remus says, though you’d guessed that already. “Enough room for me, too?” 
“‘Nough room for everyone,” you murmur, rounding Sirius to climb into bed as instructed. 
You and Remus end up in the middle of the bed, thankful for James’ sense of reality —everybody knew when you moved in together that the separate bedrooms wouldn’t last, but only James had the wherewithal to buy a very large bed. You’re immediately comforted by having one of them next to you, and Remus is very kind about it, asking in a murmur if he can cwtch you, wrapping his arm around your chest like you’re in danger of breaking from his touch. 
Sirius is less polite, but not less caring. If he thought you didn’t want him to touch you he certainly wouldn’t, but he knows he can hug you pretty much whenever he wants. He presses his nose to your face, Remus’ against your shoulder, the three of you deflating after a long day never quite this close to each other. You can feel a day’s worth of back ache leeching in your mattress. 
“Sorry,” you mumble. 
“Ooh, for what?” Sirius asks. 
“Making you come to bed.” 
“Didn’t make us do anything.” His breath warms your cheek as he talks. “It’s late. We would’ve been in bed soon.” 
It’s true enough. Everyone is in their pyjamas, Sirius smells like toothpaste. Still, you feel guilty for asking. And yet… you can finally relax now they’re here. It’s like they know exactly what’s been keeping you awake. Remus had cleaned and now holds your chest, Sirius reassures you and calms your stomach with his palm. 
James gets one good look at you all and rolls his eyes. “I asked you to do one thing for me. Jesus. Babe, could you move over?” he asks Remus, not giving him the time to comply before he’s in bed and smushing everyone even closer together. “This is fun. Sleepover!” 
“Just don’t start climbing on me again, Jamie,” Remus says. 
You close your eyes. “Don’t worry, they’ll chill out soon,” Sirius promises in a whisper. 
“Kiss?” you whisper back. 
Three different boys attempt to kiss you in the dimly lit bedroom. All the fuss doesn’t help you sleep, but knowing how much they care about you definitely does. 
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"You're burning up" + Aventurine?
"You're burning up."
Aventurine doesn't know what else to say, so he goes with those three words. Safe bet - the doting parents in all the movies and sitcoms say it just like that; with care and worry, palm splayed out across the ill's forehead.
And holy hell are you ill.
Collapsed on his lavish sofa, you groan in response, swatting his hand away. "I'm gonna be just fine..."
He's inclined to disagree. You're sweating buckets despite how he'd mashed the thermostat down to its limit - he even had to shrug on a jacket. Perhaps Aventurine would have poked fun at you for your intolerance, but he has enough decorum to hold his tongue. He really doesn't like seeing you so put out, as much as you're welcome to crash here.
"Your poker face could use some work. Save your words, we can hang out another time," he dismisses easily, bracing himself for your incoming opposition. He reluctantly breaks away from your side to amble over to the coffee table, beginning to clean up the remnants of game night.
"No way," in the corner of his eye, he notices you shifting restlessly, "finals are coming up. Won't have time after this..."
Aventurine sighs, sweeping his very nice clay chips into one hand while using the other to click open their case. This time of year, things become almost unbearably hectic. He has exams coming up in a few weeks himself, and though he never needs to study, he always adheres to your modus operandi of 'cram now, cry later'.
"Well, you're not going back to those dorms in that state."
"You sound like a dickhead," you murmur. "You think I wanna live there? Shitty thin walls... shitty dining hall food..."
He chuckles, snapping the case shut and dusting his hands of nonexistent dust. "You're cruder than usual when you're feverish."
Aventurine almost startles when you gasp. "I have a fever?!"
...and you're loopy, too.
He gets you to sit still with the promise of retrieving a fever reducer and some water. Aventurine roots through his bathroom cabinets, combing through his own extensive collection of self-care and skin products to reach where he keeps his medication.
It takes several minutes of crouching down on the tile for him to realize he doesn't have any. He clicks his tongue - well, it seems his own lifestyle has backfired on him once again. Aventurine doesn't get sick often, doesn't spend a lot of time at home, and has enough stubborn resilience to power through any ailment that might plague him.
But for you? The only reason he spends any time at all in this stupidly expensive penthouse?
Yeah, he'll make a quick trip to the drugstore.
When he walks back into the living room with his shoes on and wallet in his pocket, his heart warms. You've somehow slipped into an upside down position, hair spilling over the edge of the cushions. You somehow make it look comfortable, eyes closed and brow free of any creases.
"Does that help your sinuses?" he asks, really only to test if you're awake.
"You smell good..."
Aventurine ignores how those words make him feel, eyeing the door (and where your shoes are lined up neatly against the wall).
"I have to restock on Tylenol," he swallows. "Will you be okay by yourself?"
"Yes," you respond coherently this time.
Before he departs, he cajoles you into another position in case you throw up like that and end up choking - not without some strangely endearing complaints that you'd normally never voice, positive thing you are.
He doesn't get to the inside mat before you pipe up again, making him stop in his tracks.
"C'mere," you cough. "Please, humor a dying star's last wish..."
He really should be going so he can get your temperature down quicker, but leaving you on the sofa while you're about to cough up a lung strikes him as cruel. Aventurine gives into your dramatics - which happen to perfectly align with his own at times - and makes his way over to you.
"What is it? Did I forget something?" he sits down on the armrest, perching there with perfect balance. When you don't respond immediately, an odd little expression on your face, he rests his chin on his fist, pensive.
You hum.
He doesn't expect much; a request for another pillow, a plea for him to turn on a movie for you while he's out. Instead, he's caught off-guard as you throw an arm around his waist and pull, effectively whisking him off the high ground and right into your grasp.
Aventurine initially tenses but settles as you nuzzle closer. You're the only person in the world that can get away with loving him so easily.
"M'sorry I got sick on game night..." you whisper, uncaring that you're spreading your sickness (and your homely oxytocin).
He finds himself not caring much either.
"Do you believe me to be that hung up on you catching a cold?"
Aventurine's heart rabbits cruelly - he's sure you can hear it, with the way you're snuggled against him and whatnot, but maybe he'll get lucky like he always has, and you'll remain oblivious and perfect and unbothered, despite what you do to him.
You sniffle, words thick with exhaustion. "I dunno. Just stay."
He can't. Not just because he has to go pick up that Tylenol, but because he feels like he might die if you keep saying things like that.
"Five minutes," he acquiesces.
Aventurine waits for your celebration of victory, but no such thing comes. You're fast asleep, clinging to him like he's worth something.
He stays for a lot longer than five minutes, only wriggling out of your arms when he's sure you won't wake up to find him gone. When he returns later with his spoils (which also just so happen to include your favorite drink), you're cradling a pillow in his place.
Before Aventurine is your boyfriend or lover, he is a liar.
He is most definitely, unequivocally, one hundred percent hung up on you.
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🏷️: @akutasoda, @aviiarie, @lowkeyren
a/n: modern au because i couldn't possibly resist. just wanted to mention here that u guys absolutely killed it with these quotes. you have my gratitude! also why is he like that. soggy wet cat
event post here
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svtiddiess · 2 days
Soft Serenity
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Synopsis: Watching your boyfriend sleep is one of the best things in the world.
Pairing: Jeonghan x gn!reader
Genre: fluff, one shot
Rating: sfw
Word count: 529
Warnings: none! Lemme know if I missed anything!
Note: Need me a Jeonghan right now ㅠㅠ
@tomodachiii I told you he'd get a happy ending! Now, please stop screaming at me.
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Reblogs are appreciated ♡
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Safe. That's what you felt at the moment, in your boyfriend's arms as you watched him sleep. Streaks of sunlight peak in through the blinds, illuminating your boyfriend's face and making him look more ethereal than he already does. His blonde hair, which he recently dyed for the upcoming comeback, frames his face, truly making him look like an angel.
You smile at the thought of your boyfriend being known as an 'angel' among his fans when, in fact, he's quite the opposite. Not a day goes by when you're not dealing with the consequences of dating this angel-like devil. But you know for a fact that you wouldn't give it up for the world.
Ever since you met Jeonghan, every day has been an adventure. Even if most days you spend with him are at home cuddling, he somehow always manages to keep you on your toes, either through cheeky remarks or 'harmless' pranks. You can't imagine your life before you met him; it seemed so monotonous and bland, like something was always missing. And when you met Jeonghan, it finally clicked; he was the puzzle piece that was missing in your life.
You bring your focus back to the man in front of you. You gently use your finger to trace his beautiful features, careful not to wake him. You've always marvelled at how beautiful Jeonghan looked, even admitting to him that he looked more beautiful than you, to which he laughed and cooed, saying that to him, you're the most beautiful thing in the entire universe.
Your finger stops when you reach his lips, which are pouting due to his face being squished by the pillow. You'd never admit this to him, but you're addicted to his lips. You can kiss him for hours and still want more. The feeling of his lips on your skin always makes you shudder, even if it is just an innocent peck on the cheek. You lean forward to place a gentle kiss on his pouting lips, silently giggling to yourself.
Jeonghan's pout turns into a smile as he shifts to bring you closer to him, causing you to let out a small squeak. He then places a kiss on the corner of your lips before snuggling his face into your neck.
"Sorry, did I wake you?" You softly ask, moving your hands to thread them in his hair. He shakes his head.
"I've been awake this whole time," he mumbles into your neck, and you swear you can feel him smile.
"So you knew I was watching you this whole time?!" You could feel your cheeks heat up at the thought of Jeonghan catching you admiring him.
"You looked so happy, so I just let you be," he hums, "plus it felt nice."
"You're going to tease me about it later, aren't you?"
You let out a defeated sigh as you continue to rake your fingers through his hair. With Jeonghan, there's definitely no winning. But with him, there definitely will be happiness, excitement, comfort, safety, and serenity. You feel him place a kiss on your neck, making you giggle softly.
"I love you."
"I love you too."
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traveler-at-heart · 24 hours
The Doctor's In - Part 4
Summary: Wanda and R have their first date ;)
Wanda: Sorry I missed you before you left for work. Wanna come over for dinner with us?
Y/N: Would love to :)
“You’re awfully cheerful for someone who just got dumped” Darcy says as you smile at your phone.
“Who got what?”
“Carol and Maria…”
“No one dump me, there was no relationship to end” you say, locking your phone. You have noticed that Carol has been avoiding you, which is pretty idiotic, considering a lot of the trauma cases that come your way are ortho related.
That would also explain why Kamala rambled so much every time you requested a consult, so you made a note to speak to Carol about it.
“So…” Darcy ponders, and you wish she’d just drop it. She snaps her fingers. “The hot mom!”
“Her name is Wanda, and we are just talking” you refuse to look at her, knowing she can smell the bullshit from miles away.
“Something tells me talking wasn’t the only thing you did with your mouths” she insists, pulling on your sleeve.
“Fine! We kissed and it was awesome! Happy, you little pestering gnome?”
“Yes, lesbian whore. Congrats on securing a ticket to MILF paradise”
“Fuck you”
“Doctor Y/L/N” Kamala enters the room as you give Darcy the middle finger. “I can come back! Sorry!”
“Look what you’ve done” you mumble as Darcy cackles. The joy doesn’t last long, as you steal her chips. She’s too distracted making fun of you to notice.
“Hey, not fair”
You close the door and go after the resident.
“Hey, Kamala”
“Oh, hi. Doctor Danvers asked me to show you some X-Rays”
“Tell Doctor Danvers to show me herself. Or better yet, I will go directly to her. Where can I find her, Doctor Kahn?”
“Uh… I…”
“Never mind, I’ll ask Maria” you turn to leave  and Kamala screeches in horror.
“OR 2. She’s in OR 2. Please don’t do it, my Baba will never forgive me if I get kicked out of the program” the young doctor clings to your arm.
“Kamala. Get it together. It’s gonna be fine. If Carol gets mad, you can be in my service for a week” you promise and she barely stops hyperventilating.
By the time you reach the OR, Carol is done with her surgery. She stops in her tracks when your eyes meet.
“Doctor Danvers, a word?” you ask, trying to sound professional.
“Of course” she nods. Leading you to an empty scrub room, Carol opens the door for you, fidgeting. “What’s up?”
“Stop making everything so awkward. I’m not mad at you. Kamala is about to have a stress induced stroke from all the consults you send her to avoid me”
“You’re really not mad?” Carol says.
“No! I never expected anything else from you. We didn’t talk about it but I always knew what your true feelings were”
“I’m sorry”
“Don’t be, honestly. Just, stop acting like you left me at the altar or some weird shit. We’re colleagues and friends”
“That makes me happy. I didn’t want to stop talking to you” she relaxes. “Though I have to be honest, I told Maria what happened between us”
“Is she mad?”
“Only a bit and just to me. I’ll manage to turn it around” the blonde smiles, a dreamy look on her eyes.
“If it helps, tell her I have a date on Thursday” you say, leaving the room, Carol right behind you.
“Oh, let me guess. The hot mom?” she jokes.
“Her name is Wanda!” you repeat.
“Well, let me know how the date goes?” Carol pats your shoulder, and you nod.
“Will do. Now page your resident and tell her we’re all set before she gets admitted to the Psych ward”
The footsteps approaching on the other side make your heart jump. You wonder if the flowers are too much, but when Wanda sees them, her face lights up and you know it was the right thing to do.
“Come on in” Wanda says, taking the flowers and then standing on her toes to kiss your cheek. “The boys are in the living room”
“Want some help with the food?”
“No, I’m almost done. It will be more helpful if you entertain the twins for a little” she says, pulling the flowers close to her chest.
“Alright, then” you’re about to kiss her when the boys walk in. They’re so excited to see you that they don’t notice how close you are to their mother.
“Y/N” Billy says, running towards you.
“Hey, kiddos” you pick them up, carrying them over your shoulder and they giggle. “Come on, there’s a new game I wanna show you”
You take your time to set everything up, explaining a bit about the game. They giggle as Crash jumps and turns in the sand of the first level, and you finish it all, including the tricky jump at the end.
“Who wants to go next?”
“Me” Tommy says, sitting next to you. They are both focused on the game, so you take advantage of the distraction to go see Wanda.
Sliding into the kitchen, you grab her by the waist.
“You scared me” she laughs, allowing you to press against her back, kissing her temple. “What’s going on?”
“I have approximately fifty seconds before they ask for my help so I’m making sure they count” you turn her around and lean forward, capturing her lips and sighing against her mouth. “You look very pretty”
“Thank you”
“You smell really nice” you add, kissing her again, making Wanda laugh. “And I really, really, like kissing you”
Wanda smiles at that, her hand caressing your cheek.
“Y/N!” the boys chant in unison.
“Like clockwork” you mutter, kissing Wanda’s forehead as you go back to the living room.
You spend a few more minutes playing with the kids, until Wanda calls everyone for dinner.
“How’s the arm, kiddo?” you say, sitting next to Billy with Tommy and Wanda in front of you. As you take a bite of the chicken, you notice a funny flavor. “Is this brocc…”
Wanda widens her eyes and kicks you under the table.
“You ok?” Tommy asks, none the wiser.
“Yeah, I just bit my tongue” you lie, Wanda taking a sip of her water to hide her laugh.
“Kids, eat” she encourages them, and you get the hint. The flavor of the broccoli is hidden with the cheese, so you smile and continue to eat, enjoying every single bite.
“I’m on cleaning duty” you say as soon as everyone finishes, taking the dishes and cleaning the table.
Billy and Tommy run to the living room to continue playing, and as you get ready to wash the dishes, Wanda leans forward and kisses your cheek.
“It’s nice to have you here”
“You have an odd way of showing it, Miss Maximoff” you joke, leaning against her touch.
“In my defense, it’s the only way to get them to eat their greens” she jokes and you lean forward, your lips inches away from hers. In that precise moment, the boys call for her.
“Behave” she warns the children, pulling away to see what the fuss is about.
“Have you thought about boarding schools?” you joke and she pinches your side. “Ah, kidding! I would miss them too much”
You load the dishwasher, clean the pots and put the rest of the food on some containers. By the time you’re done, the kids are getting ready to go to bed.
“Can you come over again tomorrow?”
“If your mom wants me to, sure. I can bring the food this time so she takes a break from cooking” you offer, smiling at Wanda.
“We’ll see about that, Y/N works hard enough as it is. Say goodbye to her, boys”
Tommy and Billy wave at you, already dragging their feet. You stay on the living room, and a few minutes later Wanda comes down.
“Hi” she plops down next to you and you smile.
“All good?”
“A bit tired, that’s all. Just ignore me, you’re the one that works all those crazy hours”
“Nah, it’s fine. I’m used to it by now” you shrug your shoulders.
“Would you like some wine?”
“Sure, I don’t have work tomorrow”
“How come?” Wanda asks when she returns, handing you a glass of red wine and sitting closer to you on the couch.
“Well, I have a really hot date coming up and I need to plan every detail”
“She sounds like a lucky girl” Wanda blushes, biting her lip.
“Oh, I’m the lucky one” you say, placing both of your glasses on the coffee table. “She’s smart, funny, has legs for days, cooks amazing food…”
“Stop” she laughs, and you shake your head no. Wanda is still laughing when you connect your lips with hers, a sigh leaving her mouth when you lift her and place her on your lap, her legs straddling you.
“Is this ok?”
“Yeah” she nods, leaning her forehead against yours. “More than ok. As a matter of fact, I remember reading that kissing is good for your health”
“It’s so good” you say, your lips traveling to her jaw, behind her ear, down her neck. “I’d say do it as often as possible”
“Doctor’s orders?” Wanda jokes, her voice faltering as you come back to her mouth, your tongue swiping across her bottom lip.
“Doctor’s orders”
The plan is coming along. You have the tickets for the exhibit and the next thing on the list should be the dinner reservation. Your pager beeps the minute you call the restaurant. 
You sprint to the car, knowing no one would call you outside of work if it wasn’t serious. 
“What’s wrong?” you walk to the ER, looking around.
“What on Earth is this?” Tony Stark, neurosurgeon and professional asshole gets in your face the minute you get there.
“I don’t know, I’ve been off work since yesterday, Stark” you take the chart, reading all the information until you get to the signature. The writing got progressively worse, until it was just senseless lines.
“This person was clearly having a stroke, and the staff didn’t notice. I have to scrub in and see if I can save his life”
“And you’re wasting time arguing with me” you roll your eyes, pushing the chart to his chest and walking to the OR.
“Where do you think you’re going?”
“To scrub in. If you want to blame me, that’s fine. I’m staying by this patient’s side until he pulls through”
“If he pulls through” Stark says angrily and you ignore him. 
Before scrubbing in, you check your phone.
Wanda: Is everything ok? I saw you leaving in a hurry. 
“By all means, take your time” Stark says, glaring as he walks by you.
You spend the entire surgery in his OR, standing still and doing everything he asks. He’s a rude, pretentious cunt, but if anyone can work a miracle, it’s him, so you suck it up and take every snide comment with a blank stare.
After hours working, Tony sighs, nodding at his work. 
“Close him, Parker,” he asks his resident. You stand watching the young man’s work, until the surgeon asks you to come with him.
“I’m sorry” he blurts out the minute you step out. “This wasn’t your patient, nor your responsibility. And I made it seem like it was”
“It’s still not right. If I had been here, I would have noticed”
“I know. Your work is impeccable” he acknowledges and you nod. Even if he’s an ass, this is the hospital his father built, and he’s a genius with years ahead of you in experience.
“Will he be alright?”
“There’s a good chance he’ll pull through. Let’s be cautiously optimistic. I’ll let Parker explain everything to the family. Sorry for interrupting your days off”
“Not a problem” 
“It’s the first time you’ve taken PTO in 3 years. Fury’s gonna have my head for making you come” Tony says, laughing.
The patient is moved to the ICU, but you’re still not comfortable leaving, so you go back to the on-call room, sitting in a bed to gather your thoughts. Yelling in the hallway makes you stand up, watching as Parker tries to speak to a man and his wife. 
“You discharged him, said he was fine” the man yells, pointing at Peter’s face. 
“Sir, I can assure you, we’re doing our best to make sure your son…”
“We wanna see him now” the man takes Peter by his coat, almost lifting him off the ground. The young man stutters, not knowing how to deescalate the situation.
“Hey, that’s enough” you step in, not realizing the man is about to throw a punch until you make him drop Peter, his elbow connecting with your cheek.
“Crap, Doctor Y/L/N, are you ok?” Peter says, rushing to your side.
“Yeah, fine”
Fucking fantastic. 
“Sir, I’m going to ask you to wait in the foyer, or I’ll call security” Carol steps in, glaring at the man. She waits until he’s gone, muttering an apology your way. “You ok?”
“Mhm, great”
“I thought you had a few days off”
“Yeah, me too”
“Come on, let’s have a look at that punch” Carol says, dragging you to one of the exam rooms. You sigh, trying to keep your eye closed. “No stitches needed”
“Great” you mumble, pulling out your phone. There’s like five messages from Wanda but before you can answer, she calls you.
“Hey, are you ok? You had me worried”
“Yeah, there was a thing at the hospital and I… ouch! Carol, a little warning?” you hiss as the blonde pours some disinfectant on the bruised skin.
“Oh, I didn’t know you were busy” Wanda says, her demeanor changing. “I’m sorry, I’ll leave you alone”
“Wait, Wanda!” you say but it’s too late, the call cut off. “God, could this day get any worse? I have to go”
“Want me to drive you there?” Carol says with a smile and you roll your eyes.
“Yeah. That will make Wanda so happy”
“Whipped” Carol jokes and you try to glare, but it hurts your eye.
Wanda barely put the kids to bed, when she hears a knock on the door. She’s prepared to give you an attitude but then sees your swollen cheek.
“Oh, my God, what happened to you, are you ok?” the brunette says, immediately forgetting she’s mad at you.
“It’s a long story. But that doesn’t matter. Listen, I know how it seems, I tell you I’m busy and when you call me I’m with Carol”
“I know you work together. It’s fine” Wanda lies.
“No, it’s not, come on”
“Ok, just come in and explain everything while I get you some ice, ok?”
“Thanks” you mutter, sitting at the kitchen counter. You fidget with your hands, not looking up until Wanda comes closer, her eyes soft as she moves the hair out of your face.
“Cold” she warns, placing a compress against your skin. You sigh with relief, holding her hand close.
“I’m sorry. I was called in to fix something I didn’t break”
“Don’t apologize for doing your job, Y/N” she says in a soft voice. “Is everyone ok? Is that how you got hurt?”
“Everyone’s ok. The parents were just pissed and I tried to break the fight”
“Does it hurt?” Wanda pulls the compress and examines the skin. It’s a little bruised, but not too swollen.
“It will later” you sigh.
“Anything I can do to help?”
“You can kiss it better”
“Is that what Carol was doing earlier?” Wanda tilts her head, a dangerous look in her eyes that sends shivers down your spine.
“Oh, come on! Not fair!”
“I’m kidding” she says, finally kissing you softly. You close your eyes, relaxing for the first time in 12 hours. “I’m sorry for giving you a hard time, you were saving lives”
“What you feel is valid. Don’t apologize for it, ok? I’ll always listen to you, I promise” you kiss her hand, smiling when she blushes. “We’re still up for our date, right?”
“We can reschedule, you must be exhausted”
“Not a chance” you say, pulling her closer again. “I’ve been waiting too long for this”
“Well, alright. If you insist” she pecks your lips and you nod.
“I do”
“I have an… odd request” she says, avoiding your eyes.
“I won’t kink shame you, I promise”
“Can you be serious for just a second?” Wanda laughs, taking your hand. You make a motion to keep quiet, and let her speak. “Can you… pick me up around the block?”
“I can. But why am I doing it?”
“First of all, if the kids see you, they’ll want to tag along. And also… I’m not trying to be pessimistic here, I just want to protect them. It’s been the three of us since they were born and I’ve never even dated anyone, let alone someone they know” she takes a deep breath, hoping you won’t get upset.
“Billy and Tommy come first, always” you nod. “I agree to the new rule, or I can wear glasses and a fake mustache”
“Nope” she shakes her head, covering your mouth with her hand.
“A bald cap then” you mumble against her palm.
She figures the only way to make it stop is by kissing you and she leans forward, her lips against yours. You smile dreamily as she pulls apart.
“Now. Would you like some dinner?” Wanda offers, and you almost drop to your knees.
“God, you’re so fucking perfect, Wanda Maximoff”
The way she blushes and giggles makes up for all the shitty things that happened in the past hours.
“There’s food and snacks, a list of phone numbers on the fridge in case of an emergency”
“Yes, Mrs. Maximoff,” Morgan says, following the woman around the house. It’s her first time babysitting the twins, but Wanda has known the girl since she started giving her private art lessons and trusts her.
“Boys, I’m leaving” Wanda calls, the kids standing up from the table to hug their mom goodbye. “Be good to Morgan, ok?”
“Where are you going?” Tommy asks.
“A work thing” she lies, feeling terrible about hiding the truth from the twins. But still, she knows it’s for the best to keep this private.
She waves goodbye one last time and walks past the house, noticing your car is no longer in the driveway. Her heart beats fast at the expectation of an evening together.
“Hey, gorgeous” you greet, leaning against the passenger door. “You look absolutely stunning”
You admire how amazing she looks in a pair of jeans, a white tee and a long sleeve sweater.
“So do you” she kisses you, smiling as you open the door to the car.
“Thanks, the purple eye gives my look a nice touch” you say as you begin the drive.
“Are you gonna tell me where we are going?”
“You’ll find out soon enough” you say, hoping she likes the surprise. “First stop” you announce, opening the car door for Wanda and looking at the building in front of you. 
“Artechouse. Oh, I’ve heard about this” Wanda nods, intrigued.
“I did too, but never made the time to go. Come on” you lead her to the entrance, showing your tickets. “There’s a small bar if you wanna have a drink before we go in” 
“Let’s go in now” she says, looking everywhere. 
You think it’s a good sign that she’s so interested in the exhibit, so you lead her to the start, both of you gasping as you enter a room that is projecting videos of flowers from floor to ceiling. Wanda’s hand searches yours in the dark, and you smile shyly as she holds it, walking around the room.
The intimacy of the place allows you to come closer, sharing everything you see in a low voice and enjoying the show. 
“Check this out” you say, lifting your arm, the animation following your movements. Wanda lets out a laugh, doing the same.
Each room enchants Wanda even more, the next installation featuring plants that react to the touch with light and sound. Your favorite by far is the tree that reacts differently if you’re holding hands or hugging. As you walk up to it, Wanda is still holding your hand and you both look at the screen. Well, she’s looking at the projection and you’re looking at her, thinking how beautiful she is. 
Taking a step forward, your arms go around her waist and you smile, admiring how the images change.
“It’s beautiful” Wanda whispers, turning to you. “You’re not looking” 
“I have the best view right in front of me” you smile, happy when she kisses you softly.
Wanda takes her time examining everything and once she’s done, you walk to the exit. 
“That was amazing. I forgot how much I enjoy these things. Thank you, Y/N”
“Glad you liked it” 
“Best first date I’ve had,” she smiles.
“Oh, this is only the first part. You don’t really think I’d forget about the food, right?” 
“Where are we going?”
“Well, there’s a very fancy option but I don’t feel like going with this thing on my face” you point at the bruise, annoyed. “If you’re feeling adventurous we could try something different?” 
“You look perfectly fine, darling” she kisses your cheek. “But I’m up for an adventure, so lead the way” 
“Awesome” you hold her hand, walking down the street and away from the museum. This is your favorite part of town, close to the pier and the little shops that are open until late. 
You walk down the promenade, showing Wanda some of the places you love. There’s a small gallery, a cafe, and other shops. 
“We’re here” you announce, pointing excitedly at the kebab shop. “This is fine, right? We can still go to the fancy place if you like”
“Sorry this place isn’t fancy enough for you, Majesty” the owner pops out of nowhere, scaring you.
“Samir! That’s not what I meant. You know I love your food”
“Mhm” he glares, but then smiles at Wanda. “What can I get for you, angel?”
“Well, what’s good here?” Wanda wonders, not as familiar with the dishes. “Maybe a shawarma” 
“How about a kebab box, fries to share and a doner” you suggest, “And her shawarma, of course” 
“That’s a lot of food” she protests and you shrug your shoulders.
“I’m always eating leftovers before I leave for work so it’s fine, babe” 
“Oh, well” she wants to scold you about your eating habits, but the pet name makes her dizzy. 
You pay and lead them to a small table outside, unaware of Wanda’s flustered state. You hand over a soda and open your can, taking a sip.
“We can go to other art shows whenever you want, you know? Even if I don’t understand anything, I do enjoy watching you” you smile, laughing as Wanda’s cheeks go red at the comment.
“I did enjoy it, thank you. You come here often?”
“I do, I love the food here. Samir noticed I came late because of my shifts and he always saved me some food. Nice fella” you turn to make sure he’s not listening. “But I promise I’ll take you to dinner to that other place when I don’t look like a raccoon”
“You don’t have to” 
“I kinda want to see you in a dress, all fancy like that time you left for another date” you smile at the memory of how beautiful she looked.
Wanda’s heart bursts with the way you look at her, complete adoration in your eyes. She’s almost left speechless, but her phone saves her. 
“It’s my brother” she apologizes, taking the call. “Hi, Pietro. No, I’m not with them. Because, I’m out. Of course with a babysitter, stupid” she rolls her eyes, and then switches to a language that you don’t understand, but sounds like Russian. You look at her in awe, until Samir calls for you to get the food. By the time you’re back at the table, Wanda already hung up.
“Sorry about that” 
“No, don’t worry. I guess I never asked, but are you Russian?”
“Sokovian” she corrects. “We moved to the States when Pietro and I were ten” 
“Wow. I never… you don’t even have an accent” 
“It slips up from time to time, especially if I’m angry or… flustered” Wanda says, and you almost choke on the food, thinking of all the ways you could make it come out. 
“Oh, well” you clear your throat. “Is your brother ok?”
“Yeah, he wanted to ask the boys something about video games that I don’t understand. I’m sure you would” 
“I don’t know, my knowledge is limited to things that existed when I was a kid. How’s the food?”
“Amazing. Wow” Wanda says, pleased with the flavor of the meat and how it compliments the rice and dips.
“See? We’re good enough for a first date” Samir shouts from the kitchen.
“Stop listening to our conversation” you shout back and he grumbles. Wanda smiles, thinking of something she’s wanted to ask for a while now.
“Do you ever visit your family?” 
“No, not really” you shake your head. “I pretty much left for college and never returned. Except this one Christmas, where I was feeling kind of lonely and tired. I just wanted to be home, but everything was so different, my half siblings were just too much to handle for anyone… and I didn’t even know what to do, no one bought me a present because I was never around and they just thought I’d be gone like last year”
“I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have asked…”
“It’s fine” you shrug your shoulders. “I know it’s weird, but I like my life, you know? My colleagues are great, I’m doing what I love… and if I hadn’t moved here, I wouldn’t have met you”
“Yeah, that’s true. It’s their loss” Wanda smiles, kissing you. You smile against her lips. “You can always spend the holidays with us, you know? I mean, it’s too soon to talk about it, I’m just saying”
“That would be nice” you interrupt her rambling. “Now, I have something very important to ask. Out of all the neighbors, which one is the most annoying and why?”
“Well, I’d say it’s… Agatha”
“Harkness! Yes! I knew you disliked her too” 
Wanda laughs and you keep the conversation going. By the time you’re done, you pay and leave a big tip for Samir, who gives you a hug as you leave the store.
“I’m so full” Wanda says, patting her stomach. 
“I know. Oh, you want ice cream?” you say, remembering the gelato store that is a few shops ahead. 
“You just said you were full!”
“It’s ice cream, come on” you take her hand, and pay for two cones. Wanda orders strawberry while you opt for chocolate.
“How is it?” you ask as you walk down the pier, enjoying the view. 
“Amazing, have some” she offers the cone, but you kiss her instead. “That’s not what I meant” Wanda laughs against your lips.
“Well, it tastes amazing to me” you say, leaning forward and chasing after her soft lips, the flavor lingering as you deepen the kiss. Wanda sighs against your mouth, pulling you closer until your hand goes down her waist. “Best ice cream I’ve ever had” 
“Yeah” Wanda nods, her eyes closed. You peck her lips one last time, and continue your walk, still talking about everything you can think of, enjoying each other’s company.
When she checks the time more than once you get the hint, ready to go home.
“I’m sorry, I’m just being annoying, we can stay longer” 
“It’s ok, I know you like to be home early. Come on, we can drink wine or I’ll let you go to bed”
You rest your hand on Wanda’s leg for the entire ride home, unaware that your touch is making the woman restless. When you’re close to your house, you stop exactly where you picked Wanda up.
“I can just park at home, right? The boys are probably asleep”
“Yeah” Wanda nods, flustered. You’re about to ask what’s wrong when she moves forward, pulling you down for a rough kiss that takes your breath away. It’s a bit messy and desperate, and you ignore the strain of your seatbelt as Wanda pulls you closer to her, sighing against your mouth.
“You can’t park here!” an annoying person knocks on your window and you both break apart. “Oh, my! Wanda? Doctor Y/L/N?”
Damn it, it’s Agatha Harkness. Your nosy, annoying neighbor. Rolling down the window and smoothing your clothes, you smile at her.
“Hey, Miss Harkness. Sorry, I’ll move right now” 
“No, don’t worry” she gives you a sly smile. “Have a good night, you two love birds”
“Night, Agatha” Wanda says and you turn on the car, finally parking in your driveway.
“That was fun” you comment, opening the door for Wanda and crossing the street to walk her home.
“Yeah, just our luck” Wanda laughs, taking your hand. “Wanna come in? Or do you have to work tomorrow?”
“Not until Saturday. Come on” you let her lead you to her house, opening the door as quietly as possible. Wanda sees Morgan at the kitchen table, doing her homework.
“How did everything go?”
“Great, they went to sleep an hour ago” 
“Morgan Stark?” you greet, closing the door behind you. 
“You two know each other?” Wanda says.
“Yeah, my parents work at the hospital with Doctor Y/L/N” Morgan says, waving at you. “Nice to see you” 
“Did you drive here? Or want me to take you home?” 
“It’s fine, I drove here” she says, and you hand over some money before Wanda can pay her. 
“Drive safely, ok? Don’t want your dad giving me crap on the next meeting”
“Will do. Good night, Miss Maximoff”
“Night, Morgan”
“You didn’t have to pay for that too” Wanda says, kissing you. “But thank you” 
“Anytime. How do you know Morgan?” you nod when she offers you a glass of wine and you walk to the living room with her.
“I’m giving her private art lessons. She’s really good. Had no idea her parents were doctors”
“Not just any doctors, baby” you say, taking a sip. “Tony’s father built the hospital we work in. And he’s done some amazing research in neurosurgery. Pepper is also one of the best plastic surgeons in the world” 
“Wow, Morgan is so sweet and down to Earth”
“She gets that from her mom, Tony can be an ass” you mutter and Wanda laughs. “So, did I secure a second date?”
“A third one as well. But only if I can pay for the next one”
“Nu-uh. I’m spoiling you, baby” you say, your hand going to her leg. You notice how Wanda’s cheeks turn red, and you’re not sure if it’s the nickname or the contact. “Come here”
You take her glass of wine, approaching her slowly and kissing her. It’s tender at first, but then your hands travel to her lower back, and Wanda moans against your mouth. You deepen the kiss, sighing when she pushes you on your back, climbing on top of you.
Wanda kisses down your neck, biting slightly. The sudden nip makes your hips jolt forward, and she has to hold back another moan.
“I don’t know how you do it” she says, shivering when your hands travel down and cup her ass through her jeans.
“Do what, baby?”
“Drive me crazy with just one touch”
“Let me take care of you” you ask, kissing her, your hands going all the way to the front of her pants.
“Shit” she mutters, both of her hands covering your mouth. “What is it, sweetheart?”
“I’m thirsty,” Tommy says.
“Alright, don’t come down, I’ll be right there, ok?” she says, hoping the boy hasn’t noticed anything strange. But he’s too sleepy so he just agrees and returns to his room. “I’m sorry”
She removes her hands from your mouth, helping you up.
“It’s fine, I enjoy the choking but just give me a heads up”
“Stop” she says, blushing. “I’ll be right back. Unless, you want to go? I’m sorry”
“I can stay” you nod, smiling at her disheveled state.
“Alright, I’ll be back” Wanda promises, pecking your lips.
You sit up, fixing your hair and taking a sip of the wine to calm down.
“Everything ok?” you say as Wanda comes down. She nods, smiling and sitting next to you.
“Yeah, I just didn’t think they’d be up. Maybe… we could wait a bit? When I’m not worried about the boys walking in on anything”
“Of course. Come here” you open your arms, and she settles, leaning her head against your shoulder. You kiss her temple. “Wanna watch some tv?”
“What about a sitcom? I love watching those”
“Like Friends?”
“Like Bewitched or… The Dick Van Dyke show” she says and you laugh, completely caught off guard by the suggestion.
“You’re fascinating, Wanda Maximoff” you say, handing over the remote, ready to watch whatever she wants.
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Saying No
Okay so a conversation in a discord server inspired me to make this.
You guys can say no to things. You do not always have to "Yes And" everything that comes to you.
Like. Usually when we talk about rping, we talk about saying yes and. continuing on the scene, not shutting interaction down. We're pretty lucky with how this rp stuff works where in character denying and saying no CAN work a lot better than in standard improv without fully stopping the scene and kinda shutting it down, but that's not what I'm talking about.
I've seen a lot of people who kinda. Accidentally start god modding or kinda burst their way into plotlines without asking and like. This is public rp! Anyone can join! But there is a certain degree where you gotta stop first and ask or just not say it.
But sometimes people do not think first and just do. Maybe sending a magic anon that solves all of your oc's problems. Maybe they have dimension hopping powers and are like "Don't worry! I've come to your reality and I can help you get away from your problems instantly!", maybe your character really wants a mega stone and you have plans to have a whole thing about them working to get this mega stone and learning to mega evolving their partner and then someone mystery gifts or pelipper mails the item to you immediatly.
You don't have to "Yes, and" that. You can just say "No, you didn't do that". You are allowed to say no when someone crosses your boundaries and is affecting your plot.
Is someone trying to involve you in their plot without asking? "That is not happening in my character's universe" Is someone trying to say they're just there at a crucial event with your character when they never asked? "Your character is not able to be there. Please delete that post".
Yes And only goes so far. There is a time and a place where you will need to say No, and that is just as important to RP as going with the flow! If someone's fucking with your plot, its your job to tell them to stop. People can get involved, sure, but sometimes people try and get way more involved than what you're comfortable and its okay to tell them to back off.
I've also seen people feel that stuff like Muse Mixup Madness or Pelipper Mail are mandatory things they HAVE to do? You don't! You don't need to do anything even if others are! So I guess this is your reminder that you can ignore pelipper mail and magic anons and just asks in general that you dont like! you can turn pelipper mail and magic anons off completely! you can ignore peoples replies to your posts if they fuck with what you have going on. you can tell people they did not do things that would fuck with your characters and story. you can just not do muse mixup madness when it rolls around. you can just not do follower special events. you don't have to participate in anything you dont want, and you dont have to allow people to do whatever even if it makes you uncomfortable.
Other people can do what they want, but you have a right to say no when they try to involve you.
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shy-writer-999 · 2 days
Something makes either Ace or Sabo (whoever you think fits this more) go, just, completely feral. Maybe some kinda aphrodisiac or they’re just really fucking horny, either way, they’re all over the reader- grinding their leg up against their cunt to make them whine, dry humping, frantically talking about how bad they need to fuck the reader, whatever works. I dunno, I’m just suddenly very horny for these two, lmao.
you said you’re suddenly very horny for these two? that’s crazy bcuz same… *eye twitch* anyhow, here’s what I came up with :3 i read it through a couple times but i'm certain there's many typos and overused words... please turn a blind eye... (*≧ω≦*)
His knee grinded on your cunt through your pants. It was harsh. Every time he jerked his knee up it hurt a bit, but the friction also felt good. His breaths were shallow and quick already, and his bulge was huge and visible though his boxer briefs.
“Ace, what’s gotten into you?”
He shifted himself and started rutting his erection into your thigh, humping you like a dog in heat. Each thrust of his hips elicited a groan from him—he was going fucking crazy. “Need you so bad, baby. Wanna put my cock in you.”
He paused to suck on your neck forcefully, leaving a trail of kisses and hickeys down to your exposed shoulder. He bit it, the speed of his hips increasing. “I’m gonna stuff you full, sweetheart, gonna fuck you till you can’t talk anymore.”
“Ace,” you whined his name and he brought a hand down to grip your clothed core through your pants.
He must have taken something. Maybe it was an aphrodisiac? Did he go sniffing around the cabinets again when he shouldn’t? Or was he just really horny? You didn’t know what the answer was, but you knew he needed you bad right now.
His eyes were glossy and flooded with lust already. Every word he said burned you like the fire he was made of. “Can’t wait to stretch you out then make you cum on my cock, angel. Want you to take all of me.”
His hand squeezed your core again and you squirmed at the pressure. He started to rub his fingers back and forth on the fabric, stoking the heat that was building between your lips.
Ace resumed grinding his hard cock back and forth on your thigh, dry humping you in a frenzy. “Baby, will you milk my cock like you always do? Will you make those pretty sounds for me?” Moaning and grunting carelessly now, fully lost in pleasure, Ace was barely cognizant of how desperate and needy he was being.
You started to whine. The caresses of his rough fingers through your pants felt great. You wished he’d stop rutting and saying dirty things to you and get to fucking you instead. “Ace, I want it.”
“You want it? Want me to creampie you, gorgeous? Want me to shove my cock inside? Fuck you senseless?”
“Ace, quit teasing and fuck me already.”
He snuck his hand into the front of your pants and played with you for a second, running his middle finger back and forth on your lips and then pushing it in and out of you. You were so wet for him already and it only drove him crazier. You wondered how much he could grind his cock into your thigh before he came all over himself.
His voice was gravelly and husky. “So needy for me baby, you want it so bad. Tell me how bad you want it.”
“Ace, please. I want it.”
He worked your pants and panties off of you then freed his cock and slowly pressed it into your folds with a shudder.
“Fuck, you’re so tight for me.”
Ace slammed his hips back and forth, rolling and fucking into you. He knew you so well, knew where your g-spot was and how to hit it just right.
Out of breath, he was heaving his words out with his face all scrunched up. Those freckles were to die for—absolutely charming no matter what he was doing. But during sex they looked extra good. The same goes for his long lashes, his dark hair, his muscles… he was perfect.
“Pussy feels so—so good on my cock, baby, I want it, want you to cum for me, love, wanna feel it.”
After a few more blissful thrusts you went over the edge and spasmed around him just how he wanted. He got off on that feeling so much, that throbbing feeling of you under him, convulsing from pleasure because of him.
When he came inside of you it was explosive. The noises and whimpers he made were delicious—you could savor them forever, ruminate on how badly he needed you. When he collapsed on top of you and gave you more kisses, his smile was sweet and a little bit giddy. “You’re the best, baby. Love you so much.”  
You asked later what on earth had gotten into him and his response was at the same time comical and endearing. “Ate a bunch of oysters then got a look at your ass on deck. Couldn’t help myself, sweetheart.”
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faithshouseofchaos · 2 hours
Checo taking on you the frustration of the race result, in front of the mirror doggy style meandom!checo
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“Fucking Baku” — Checo Perez x reader
Warnings — smut mean!dom!checo p in v unprotected sex doggy style mirror sex degradation + some praise slight pain kink and fear kink humiliation kink? Checo also calls reader a good girl,toy and outlet… so hint of free use name calling and objectification probably some other things to I can’t remember.
You can also pin point the exact moment I got bold and said fuck it.
Word count 3.3k
Your smile dropped as you and everyone watched as Checo, your husband, and Carlos collided on the second to last lap of the Baku Grand Prix. “Holy shit,” you said out loud as you listened to the angry radio message that came from Checo. Checo has had a bad season for racing and today was somewhat of a redemption day for him all up until the crash.
Checo arrived home, a look of anger on his face, slamming the door behind him and throwing his bag on the ground. He knew you’d be waiting for him and he made his way over to you. “That race was going so well. Why? Why did he have to ruin it for me?”
“It was an accident, Checo,” you said, attempting to calm him down, but he just wouldn’t budge. “I know it was, but still... It's so damn frustrating. He ruined everything.”
He leaned against the kitchen counter, his hands gripping the edges tightly as he continued to rant. “I was doing so well and I was so close to getting onto that podium again. But then he had to go and screw it up.”
You approached him, placing your hands on his chest in an attempt to soothe him, but he shrugged you off. “I just wanted a good race. Just one good damned race, but it didn’t happen. It never does.”
Frustration was seeping through his voice as he ran a hand through his hair, the stress getting to him. “I work so hard, but nothing ever goes my way. I’m stuck in this constant cycle of disappointment and it’s driving me crazy.”
You understood his feelings, you did; the long hours spent training, the sacrifices he made to achieve success, only for it to slip through his fingers time and time again. “I know it’s hard, but you can’t let it get to you like this,” you said gently, trying to reason with him.
“Is there anything u can do to help?” You asked.
He let out a heavy sigh before answering, “I don’t know, maybe I just need to hit the gym, blow off some steam. Or I could just go for a drive…” Then, a cheeky look appeared on his face. “Or there is another way you could help me relax…”
His words were laced with a hint of suggestion and a devilish smirk played on his lips. He pushed himself away from the counter and sauntered closer to you, closing the distance between you two.
His hand came up to caress your cheek, his gaze intense and filled with a mix of frustration and desire. “You’re always so good at helping me forget, you know that?” he said, his voice low and gravelly.
He stepped closer, his chest nearly touching yours as he continued to speak. “And I’ve been really stressed lately... maybe you could... help me relax,” he whispered, his eyes darkening with a smoldering look.
Your heart skipped a beat as he continued to lean in, his hot breath on your skin sending a shiver down your spine. He was so close, you could feel the heat radiating off his body, the tension in the room electric. He leaned down, his lips just barely brushing against your ear as he whispered, “I’m sure you know exactly what I need right now…”
Then, he pulled back, his eyes meeting yours as he waited for your response, his hands resting on your hips. “Oh yes, I have a few ideas…” you replied, your voice laced with a sultry tone.
He grinned, clearly pleased with your response. “I was hoping you’d say that.”
He leaned down again, capturing your lips in a searing kiss, and you melted into him. The kiss was intense, filled with pent-up frustration and desire. He pulled you flush against him, his hands roaming your body as he deepened the kiss.
He spun you around, pressing you back against the counter, his body flush against yours, the hardness of his muscles against your softness. His lips left your mouth, trailing hotly down your neck, leaving a trail of kisses and bite marks in their wake. You gasped, arching into him as his hands reached the hem of your shirt, quickly pulling it over your head.
His eyes roamed over your body, taking in every inch of you, his gaze filled with hunger. “You’re so damned beautiful,” he breathed, his hands sliding up your sides, his touch leaving goosebumps in its wake. He leaned back in, kissing and biting at your neck, his mouth moving down your collarbone and along your chest. Your fingers dug into his shoulders, trying to pull him closer, needing to feel more of him.
He shifted position slightly, his thigh sliding between your legs, pressing against you, the pressure sending a wave of pleasure through you. A shiver ran down your spine, your fingers threaded into his hair as you let out a soft moan.
He chuckled against your skin, his lips curving into a smirk. “Mmm, I love the sounds you make for me,” he said, nipping at your earlobe. “I think I could make you make even better noises though…”
His hands slid down your body, stopping at the waistband of your pants, his fingers brushing against your skin, teasing you. “Let’s see if I’m right, shall we?” he said, his voice dripping with desire.
You let out a soft gasp as he slowly pulls your pants down, his fingers tracing the lines of your underwear. He pauses for a moment, his breath hot against your skin, before he slips his hand inside your panties, his fingers brushing against your wet folds. "Fuck, you're so wet already,"
He looked up at you, the look on his face was filled with pure hunger. “You know, I’ve been thinking about this all day,” he said, his fingers tracing over the fabric of your underwear. “I’ve been imagining all of the things I’ve been wanting to do to you…”
Your breath hitches as he slowly slides your underwear off, baring you to his gaze. "Spread your legs for me, beautiful," he murmured, his voice low and commanding. You comply, parting your thighs as he settles between them, his warm breath on your most intimate area.
A whimper escaped your lips, and you pressed yourself against him, needing more. “Checo,” you gasped, your fingers gripping onto his shoulders. “Please... don’t tease me like this.”
“I’ll do what I want you're not in charge here and you should remember that” Checo responded standing up changing his mind at the last second. Your breath hitched in your throat as he stood up, the commanding tone in his voice sending a shiver down your spine. You swallowed hard, your heart racing. You knew he was right; you weren’t in charge here, and he was clearly in control.
“Y-Yes, Checo,” you managed to stutter out, a mix of fear and excitement in your voice. A smirk appeared on his face as he saw the effect his words had on you. “Good girl,” he said, his hand gripping your chin and tilting it up to meet his eyes. “You’re going to do everything I say, aren’t you?”
You nodded, your eyes wide and filled with a mixture of fear and arousal. “Yes,” you breathed out, your voice barely above a whisper. “Anything you want, I’ll do anything.”
A wicked gleam appeared in his eyes, a look of satisfaction on his face. “That’s exactly what I wanted to hear.”
He leaned in, his lips moving to your ear, his voice low and husky. “Now, be a good girl and get on the bed. I want you facing the mirror on your hands and knees.” Your heart pounded in your chest as you obeyed, moving to the bed and positioning yourself as he instructed. You felt exposed and vulnerable, and it was both terrifying and arousing. You swallowed hard and glanced into the mirror, seeing your reflection staring back at you, waiting for his next command.
He came up behind you, his hands on your hips, his touch firm and possessive. He leaned down so his lips were next to your ear. “Look at yourself,” he growled, his voice low and rough. “Look at how beautiful you look, waiting for me.”
You looked at yourself in the mirror; your hair messy, your cheeks flushed, your chest heaving. You did look beautiful, but also vulnerable, and a shiver ran down your spine as you waited for his next move. He pulled away from you for a moment, and the sound of him quickly removing his clothes could be heard. Then he was back behind you, his body pressing against yours, his hands roaming over your body.
“Yes,” you whispered, your voice shaky. “All yours.”
He chuckled, his fingers trailing over your side, his touch sending tingles through your body. “That’s right, you are mine, and I’m going to remind you of that over and over again my slut to ruin.” His words sent a shiver down your spine, a mixture of fear and excitement coursing through you. You were completely at his mercy, a submissive plaything for him to do whatever he wanted with. He stepped back momentarily, and then his hand was on your hip, his touch rough and possessive. “Keep looking at yourself,” he ordered, his voice a deep rumble. “Don’t take your eyes off the mirror.”
You couldn’t do anything but obey, your eyes fixated on your reflection in the mirror. You saw how vulnerable you looked, and how your body was responding to his touch. It was a mixture of humiliation and arousal, and you couldn’t do anything but submit to his will.
He stepped up behind you once again, his body pressing against yours, his chest against your back. You could feel the hardness of his body, the heat from his skin, as he aligned himself behind you. He leaned down so his lips were near your ear. “Are you ready for me, baby?” he asked, his voice huskier than usual. “Yes,” you breathed, your voice shaky as you braced yourself for what was to come. “Yes, I’m ready.”
Without another word, he positioned himself at your entrance, the tip of him just pressing against you, sending a wave of anticipation through you. “You look so good like this,” he muttered, his hands holding onto your hips tightly, steadying you. “So ready for me.”
Your heart was racing, your breath coming out in quick, shallow gasps as you waited for him to move. “Please,” you gasped, your voice pleading. “Please, I need you.”
“Shhh, I know what you need,” Checo replied softly, his hands tightening on your hips. With a slow, deliberate motion, he began to push inside you, inch by inch, allowing you to feel every hard ridge of his erection as he stretched you to accommodate his size.”
“Good girl.” His grip on your hips tightened, and he slowly, tantalizingly, pushed himself into you. You couldn’t help the gasp that escaped your lips as he filled you, your head falling back momentarily before you quickly looked back at the mirror, remembering his command. “Eyes on the mirror,”
he reminded you, his tone firm. “Don’t take your eyes off yourself.” You obeyed, your eyes fixed on your reflection in the mirror, taking in every detail. The way your body was pressed against his, the flush of your skin, the way your body responded to his every touch. “You like that?” he asked, his voice filled with a smug satisfaction.
His hands roamed over your body, caressing your curves, squeezing your full breasts, his touch possessive and demanding. He leaned down, his lips brushing against your shoulder blade as he began to move within you, pulling out almost completely before slamming back in.
You nodded, all you could manage was a desperate “mhm” sound in response, too overwhelmed by the sensations flooding through your body. He chuckled, the sound a mixture of amusement and pleasure. “I love hearing how desperate you are for me,” he murmured, his hands gripping your hips even tighter. “It’s so beautiful, the way you submit to me.”
He started moving, his pace slow and torturous, driving you to the edge of ecstasy. Every thrust sent jolts of ecstasy through your body, your eyes fluttering closed as the pleasure became too much. You were completely at his mercy. He suddenly leaned forward, stopping his movements, and grabbed a handful of your hair, yanking it back roughly. “I said, keep your eyes open,” he reminded you, his voice rough and commanding. “Don’t you dare close your eyes?”
With a swift motion, he began to move within you again, his pace quickening, his thrusts becoming more powerful. The sound of skin slapping against skin filled the room, along with your moans and his grunts of pleasure.
You gasped, your eyes fluttering open again as you forced yourself to look in the mirror. The sight of yourself, completely under his control, was both mesmerizing and humiliating. He let go of your hair, but his grip on your hips didn’t release. “I want you to watch yourself as I make you lose control, " he growled. “I want to see you fall apart for me.” He adds pounding hard into you.
You couldn’t do anything but obey, your body shaking with the pleasure coursing through you. Every time he moved within you, every touch of his fingers burned hotter on your skin, bringing you closer and closer to the edge.
“Maldito Buka, Maldito Sainz arruinando mi puta carrera” Checo seetha his grip on your hips tightened his nails dug into your skin sending waves of both pleasure and pain through your body causing you to fall onto your forearms and your head hung low.
He continued to fuck you mercilessly, his words a constant stream of profanity and abuse as he lost himself in the moment. "Fucking useless piece of shit, can't even win a race without fucking up," he spat, his hips slamming against yours with renewed vigor.
You groaned, your head dropping down as his words and actions hit you. “I know, baby, I know,” you pointed out, your body trembling with need, your voice filled with both sympathy and arousal.
“I’m so furious,” he growls, his voice deep and guttural. “I was doing so well, and then that idiot ruined it all…”
His fingers dig into your skin, a mix of anger and lust fueling his actions. The pain and pleasure mix, sending tremors down your spine. You can feel his frustration, his anger radiating through his touch. It’s both terrifying and exciting, knowing that he’s taking it out on you, using your body to release his aggression.
His pace quickened, his thrusts becoming more forceful as his anger took over. He let out a low, animalistic growl, his teeth sinking into your shoulder as he continued to drive into you. “Look at yourself. Look at how beautifully you take my anger.” He grunted.”
“Uh-uh,” Checo says, yanking you back up by your hair, your back flushed against his chest, his now around your neck as he whispered into your ear. “I thought I told you to keep your eye on the mirror?” Checo says.
“See,” he growls, “see what I’ve been reduced to?” He tightens his grip on your neck slightly, a possessive gesture that makes your heart race with a mixture of fear and pleasure. “Because of that idiot.” You can feel his breath on your skin, hot and ragged. He’s completely enraged, and you’re the outlet for all his anger and frustration. The feeling of his grip on your neck, the sound of his voice in your ear, it’s both terrifying and thrilling.
“You’re mine,” he mutters, his lips brushing against your ear, his voice a possessive whisper. “My outlet, my toy. I can do whatever I want with you, however I want. You won’t disappoint me right?” he asks. The question hangs in the air, a threat as much as a statement. You know he expects obedience, that you’re here to serve him, to fulfill his needs, no matter how rough or rough or intense they may be. “No, Checo,” you reply, your voice shaky with anticipation. “I won’t disappoint you.”
He chuckles, the sound dark and sinister. “Good,” he says. “Because if you do, I’ll make you pay for it.” He pauses for a moment, his grip on your neck tightening slightly as he continues. “You’d like that, wouldn’t you?” He knows the answer, and you know he wants to hear you say it. The feeling of his power over you, the knowledge that he can make you submit to him utterly is a thrill that you both share. “Yes, I would,” you manage to choke out, your voice barely above a whisper.
He chuckles again, a deep, pleased sound. “I knew you would,” he says. “You’re my good girl, aren’t you?” He releases his grip on your neck, his hand moving down to your hip again, his fingers digging into your flesh.
“Yes,” you reply, your voice a mix of submission and arousal. “I’m your good girl, Checo. I’ll do anything you want.”
“Anything?” he repeats, a hint of challenge in his voice. “Anything at all?” You swallow hard, your heart pounding in your chest. “Anything,” you reaffirm, the word coming out in a trembling whisper. “Whatever you want, I’ll do it for you.”
“Good,” he murmurs, his voice rough and gravelly. “Because I have plans for you, mi niña. Things I’ve been thinking about all day, ways to use you, to break you but first I want you to come.” “Good,” he murmurs, his voice rough and gravelly. “Because I have plans for you, mi niña. Things I’ve been thinking about all day, ways to use you, to break you but first I want you to finish for me,” he says his hips still thrusting into yours.
“I want to watch you come apart, want to see your pretty face twisted in pleasure as you coat my cock with your release.” his hands grip your hips tightly, holding you in place as he continues to fuck you hard and fast. “Come for me, mi niña,” your eyes rolled to the back of your head as your core squeezed Checo's cock.
"Good girl," he hissed, his control unraveling as he felt your warmth pulsating around him. He grunted with each thrust, his voice growing hoarse as he chased his release. "Keep squeezing, just like that, mi vida." checo groans and you could feel his cock twitch inside of you letting you know that he was so close to cumming. "Yes, just like that, my sweet girl," he hisses, his hips stuttering as he neared release. His fingers dug into your hips painfully, his body tensing as he tried to hold back.
A few more thrusts later the two of you cummed at the same time. You felt Checo's cock throb inside you as he unloaded his seed deep within your pussy, his hot cum coating your walls. At the same moment, your orgasm overtook you, your cervix clenching and unclenching as your clit throbbed with pleasure. You both let out a chorus of moans and groans.
"Oh... mi amor... That was... amazing," Checo panted, burying his face in your neck. He stayed inside you, his weight heavy on top of you as he caught his breath. "You're so perfect for me, mi vida." He peppered your skin with gentle kisses.
“That was..that was just wow just wow,” you said laughing breathlessly. Checo chuckled, his arms wrapping around you as he gently rolled onto his back, taking you with him so you were sprawled on top of him. "I'm glad you liked it, mi vida," he murmured, his hands slowly caressing your back. "But we're not done yet."
“no?” you asked, raising an eyebrow.
"No," he said, his voice firm with intention. His hands gripped your ass, lifting you slightly before guiding you back down onto his still-hard cock. "I told you, I have plans for you tonight. And I always keep my promises oh and one more thing when we’re done I want you to call your brother and tell him that he needs to learn how to drive.”
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bteezxyewriter12 · 2 days
Pairing- Seonghwa x Named Reader
Word count- 6.6k
Includes- Lots of angst, Seonghwa's is a dick at first, blow job, pussy eating, cum eating, missionary, sex from behind, multiple orgasms, fluff
Tag List- @mingtina @jaxminnie @yeosayang @delightfulmoonbanana @tannie13 @y00nzin0 @marsstarxhwa
@yeosxxx @seokwoosmole @jjongsbebe @wisejudgedragonhairdo @meowmeowminnie @woo-stars @borntowalkaway @usagionthered @san-realblkwife @seonghwasstar @jejeyeppeo @soulseobi05 @kpop-bambi @prayerofthehaim @realisticnotes @insomniacatiny @stephy-nicole13 @mknae-jongho @bykeynote @amyz78 @blueie-things
Masterlists- check out for more fics
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Opening her hotel room door, she meets his gaze
He steps in, closing the door, moving closer to her
"Seonghwa", she whispers, shaking her head
"I need you", he says, leaning his head down, his lips pressing a kiss to her neck
No he doesn't
He's made that clear
He just needs her to get off
Guess that new staff member he was kissing and flirting with backstage all night turned him down
Or else he wouldn't be here
"No Hwa. I can't", she murmurs, his kisses feeling so good
But she doesn't want to give in
Not again
Not when she cares so much but he doesn't at all
"Please jagi", he mutters, his arms moving around her waist, his lips against her jaw, "I'll make you feel good. You know I will"
She feels her resolve withering
And she knows that as soon he kisses her lips...
She's going to give in
Because he's her weakness
Her kryptonite
He turns her head to him, his lips giving her a searing kiss that bursts her whole body on fire
She melts in to him, her arms sliding up his chest to wrap around his neck
Her fingers go in the back of his hair, gripping the strands not in his ponytail as the kiss deepens, his tongue in her mouth, playing with hers
She whimpers against his lips, the kiss consuming her
His hands slide under her shirt, his fingers leaving fire across her skin as he pulls her shirt up
He breaks the kiss, pulling her shirt up and off, his hands moving around her to undo her bra
"Jagi", he murmurs, kissing her neck again, his hands pulling her bra off, "Can I have your pretty mouth baby?"
"Yeah", she whimpers, his hands groping her boobs, his thumbs rubbing over her hard nipples
"Please baby", he groans, kissing her lips again
Her hands untangle from his hair, sliding down his hard muscular body, to his belt, undoing it
She gets his jeans open, then slides her hands under his boxers pushing them and his jeans down
He kicks everything off as the kiss ends
She looks in his eyes, seeing only lust
Her heart hurts but still, she goes down on her knees
His cock is huge, so thick and so hard, leaking cum
She presses kisses along his hard cock, her tongue poking out and licking as she moves
"Yes jagi, fuck", he moans
When she gets to his head, she presses her tongue to the tip, licking and tasting his cum
She doesn't know how Seonghwa's cum tastes so good but it does
She's blown other guys before and none have tasted like his
She's never craved cum like she craves his
Her tongue licks over and over, switching between swirling it around his head and pressing into his slit for more cum
"Baby, don't tease. Not tonight", he whines, "Suck my cock"
Listening, she wraps her lips around his head and sucks
He moans louder and louder as she continues to suck, taking more and more of him in
His cock stretches her mouth, feeling heavy on her tongue but she enjoys blowing him
She loves how he tastes, how soft his skin feels, how hard his cock is when it's in her throat
She loves choking on his dick, loves hearing him moan and cry out in pleasure
She's always been all about him
In everyway possible
And he was like that when they first started dating
She doesn't know when that changes and right now she doesn't want to think about it
Sliding further down his cock, she takes him all in, choking and gagging around his thick length
"Fuck, good girl baby", he groans, "Fuck that throat feels so good"
Holding onto his hips, she pulls back off his cock just a little bit before sliding back down, taking him fully again
She bobs her head over and over, pulling back farther and farther on his cock as she moves
Tears fill her eyes, the feel of his cock opening her throat something she enjoys
And he definitely likes it
Moving down to his head, she sucks on him rapidly, breathing in, his cock a mess of her spit
"Yes, jagi, yes", he murmurs, his hands moving in her hair, gripping the strands hard
She slides back down his cock, bottoming him out, sucking on his entire shaft before bobbing again
Her watery eyes lift up to find him watching her, pleasure all over his gorgeous features
She moves faster, fucking her throat on his dick, feeling him throb faster and faster
"Good girl. Keep going", he urges her, "Suck my cock just like that. Yeah baby"
She knows exactly how he likes to be sucked off and she does that way every time
She knows she gives him the best blowjobs
"Fuck, I'm gonna cum", he grunts, "Gonna swallow it all for me?"
She nods eagerly, moving up and down his cock faster, harder, her jaw aching but she'll be damned if she stops
His cock throbs quickly, his sweet cum shooting down her throat as he burying his whole length in her mouth
"Joanne, yes baby", he cries, pulling her hair
She watches the utterly gorgeous sight of him coming as she swallows on his shaft over and over, making sure to milk his cock for all his cum
When he finishes, he pull her off him and she sits back on her heels, swallowing and breathing hard
She wipes her mouth and her eyes before looking back up at him
He holds his hands out for hers
She takes his and he pulls her up
"Get on the bed", he murmurs
She obeys, sitting on it, watching him pull his shirt off
She oogles his beautiful body, his chest muscles defined, his abs chiseled into his skin
He's been working out more and it's paying off
He moves to her, pushing her back on the bed, her pj shorts and panties ripped off her
He moves over her, his lips crashing to hers, kissing her hungrily
His hands spread her legs wide open, his fingers already touching her cunt
"Fuck", he groans into the kiss, "So wet for me already"
"Mmmm", she whimpers
Of course she's wet for him
He's everything to her
His fingers slide deeply into her, her pussy clenching around them right away
"Sucking my cock makes you this wet?"
She nods
Yes it does
And knows that very well
He pumps his fingers in and out, her body shivering with pleasure
She feels him smirking into the kiss and she knows that he loves the effect he has on her
He used to lovingly tease her all the time about how much she wanted him, about how her body reacted to him
And how lucky he was that she was his
Now he just uses her for sex
It's always rough sex, him leaving right after he cums
It hurts her but she's a fool for him
His fingers leave her and she's rolled over to her stomach
"Up jagi", he grunts, his arm around her waist, pulling her up
She moves to her hand and knees, feeling him get behind her
His cock pushes into her slowly, pleasure running up her spine as he groans
"Yes baby fuck", he moans, his thick cock stretching her hole wide open, "Fuck, this pussy is the best"
Her fingers grip the sheet of the bed hard, her pussy pulling his cock inside her as he slips in, drenching him
It feels so good
He bottoms out, groaning loudly, his hands gripping her waist hard
His head is nestled against her spot, her cunt locked down on him, throbbing
Even though he's so big, he fits perfectly inside her
Like he was meant for her
He pulls his hips back, the drag of his cock feeling so incredible it makes her body shiver
"Fuck, you feel so fucking good", he groans, thrusting back inside hard
He bottoms out, his head slamming her spot, her pussy splittling open for him
After that one thrust, he begins his harsh, fast pace, fucking her into the bed
She moans letting the pleasure of his cock inside her take over
He's so fucking big, so fucking hard, so thick, he's almost too big for her
"Yes fuck, good pussy", he murmurs, his skin slamming into her, her spot getting destroyed on his cock, each pound getting her wetter and wetter
"Fuck, look at that cream pouring from that hole", he murmurs, "My cock makes you so fucking wet. Bet no other cock does that to your pussy"
"No", she whimpers, shaking her head
He's right about that
No other guy has made her this wet, has made sex feel anywhere near this good
He continues to fuck her mercilessly, his grip on her hips so tight, her pussy making a loud wet squelching sound when his cock buries inside her
Bliss is taking over her body, her mind turning on as he brings her right there
"Oh baby's gonna cum", he murmurs, "Pussy got so fucking tight. C'mon slut, cum for my cock"
He thrusts in, throwing her into a intense orgasm, pleasure coursing through her
"Seonghwa", she cries as he keeps moving, fucking into her coming pussy
"That's fucking right. Yell my name. Louder", he grunts, slapping her ass
"Seonghwa", she yells louder, her arms shaking as they struggle to hold her up
"I'm not done with your pussy yet", he growls, somehow fucking her even harder than before
Each powerful stroke moves her up the bed and he has to keep pulling her back down towards him every time he pulls back
Tears of ecstacy are pouring down her face, every nerve, every atom in her body awake and in pleasure
He groans as her pussy clenches and throbs around him, wanting to keep him inside
His hand moves to her clit, pressing into it and rubbing it in quick circles
"Seonghwa!", she screams, stars blasting in her vision as complete bliss blankets her body
She doesn't know which way is up, all she knows is she wants to cum on him
"Yes my little cum slut", he murmurs, his fingers and cock working together to bring her as much pleasure as she can take, "So close. God, you're so fucking tight. Cum for my cock so I can unload in your pretty pussy"
"Sss..Hwa..", she chokes out, her body shuddering violently as her orgasm consumes her
She feels as if she's floating away, her head in the clouds as she squirts all over him
"Yes, fuck yes. God, your pussy is the fucking best", he praises
She doesn't even have time to come down from her orgasm when he's already pulling out
He flips her on her back, his cock thrusting back inside her, his pace brutal, his cock plunging in deep
His hands land on either side of her head, his body over hers, panting, his eyes closed
She looks up at him, her heart stopping at how gorgeous he looks
His face in pleasure, his hair wet with sweat
He's perfect
She can't help herself, she reaches up, touching his cheek softly, his eyes opening, gazing down at her
"Say it", he says, his hips not missing a stroke
She knows what he wants to hear
Although she doesn't know why he wants to hear only it during sex
The one time she said it to him, when they were cuddling on the couch, he stayed silent
And the next day he broke up with her
"I love you", she says softly, him groaning, his hips thrusting sloppily into hers
"Again", he murmurs, his cock pulsing inside her
He told her he didn't feel that way for her
That he didn't want a serious relationship like that right now
He wasn't ready and he didn't want to commit to her
She knew it was too good to be true
Why would an idol fall for his stylist, a staff member?
He wouldn't
He broke her heart, left her crying
And one week later, he was flirting with one of the makeup artists
And that same day, she found him making out with said makeup artist, effectively shattering the rest of her broken heart
He came to her a week after that for sex
She said no
But he came back again and stupidly she agreed
And that's how it's been for the last four months
Only recently he's been asking her to say it
Tell him something he didn't want to hear before
Something he still doesn't want to hear outside of sex
Something he just wants to hear that, for some reason, makes him cum
"I love you Seonghwa"
"Fuck", he shouts, sheathing his cock in her pussy, his warm cum filling her up
His body shakes on top of hers as she watches the utterly ethereal sight of him coming
As soon as he finishes, he pulls out and rolls off her
She watches as he lays on his back, looking up at the ceiling as he gets his breath under control
She knows what's coming
After a minute, he gets up and begins putting his boxers on, followed by his jeans
She sits up, watching him
"You're not staying?", she asks quietly, although she doesn't know why she keeps asking
It's the same answer every time
"I can't. I have some stuff to do", he says as he finishes dressing
She just nods because what can she say?
"But thanks for this", he says, looking at his phone, not paying any attention to her, "It was great"
She doesn't bother answering as he turns away, heading towards the door, completely ignoring her
And just as swiftly as he came, he leaves
Tears well up in her eyes but she hastily wipes them away
She gets up from the bed going to the bathroom to clean up
After, she looks at the mirror, at herself and she doesn't like what she sees
A sad, heartbroken girl with tears streaming down her face
A girl who lets the guy she loves use her
'Not anymore', she thinks
She won't let him do this again
He can't have her body when he doesn't want the rest of her
When he doesn't want her love
No more
She has to fight her kryptonite
One month later
Seonghwa POV
He stares at her from across the dressing room, watching her smile and flirt with that guy
One of the male stylists, Hak-Kun
He hates when she smiles at Hak-Kun, when she speaks to him, when she's around him
Because he doesn't know what they are to each other
All he knows is that she stopped sleeping with him
After the last time they fucked, he went to her room the next night
This time she only cracked the door open a little
And when he asked, she told him no
He was shocked to say the least
He asked her why and she told him that she's not going to let him use her anymore
Then she closed the door in his face
He was surprised but he also decided to give her some space
After all, she refused to sleep with him after he broke up with her but she came around
He figured the same thing would happen
But he was wrong
He left her alone for three weeks and in the mean time he did fuck other girls
But none do it for him like she does
Which is why he kept coming back to her in the first place
After three weeks passed, he wanted her, he felt like he couldn't stay away from her and he decided to ask her to sleep with him again
They were doing a photo shoot and he went looking for her on his break
And he couldn't believe what he found
Hak-Kun holding her against the wall, her arms and legs around him, her pretty moans sounding in the room they were in
He knows what they were doing based on her moans
He had made her moan the same way so many times
And he was so shocked at what he was feeling when he saw them
And hurt
Complete utter heartbreak
He ran away, to the bathroom and once he got there he burst into tears
He didn't know what the hell was wrong with him
Why he was crying
He didn't cry when he broke up with her but he's crying at seeing her with another guy?
What the hell?
But he realized what it was when he walked into the main dressing room later that same day and saw her sitting on Hak-Kun's lap, laughing at something he was saying, his fingers playing with her long hair
He's completely and totally in love with her
It hit him like a mack truck and he wondered how he could of been so stupid
How he didn't see it
And the utter fear that he lost her smacked him in the face
He had Hongjoong find out about her and Hak-Kun
Apparently her and Hak-Kun aren't dating because she doesn't want to be in a relationship
They're just hanging out with the occasional sleeping together
For now
But he knows that Hak-Kun is exactly her type
Muscular, long hair in a ponytail, tall, kinda like him
But Hak-Kun has tattoos
And piercings
And that's her thing
She told him that before they started dating, when they were just friends
She's got a thing for guys with tattoos and piercings
Hak-Kun's got everything she'd want
And apparently, according to her from what Hongjoong said, Hak-Kun is sweet, caring and hilarious
But Hak-Kun can't have her
Not while he's around
Because he will do anything to have her back
Beg, grovel, anything
He will fight for her
And he knows that if he gets her back, he will never let her go again
He shifts from foot to foot, waiting for her to open the door to her apartment
He's terrified that she won't listen to him, that she won't talk to him
And he's deserve it
After what he said to her when he broke up with her, then coming to her for sex knowing he wasn't going to get back with her, he deserves her slamming the door in his face
The door unlocks and she opens it, her eyes widening when she sees it him
"Why are you here Seonghwa?", she asks
"Please, I just-"
"Seonghwa, no", she shakes her head, "I already told you no"
He shakes his head, stepping into her apartment and she lets him, "That's not what I want jagi. I'm not here for that"
She raises her eyebrow, looking at him skeptically, as he closes her door, "You're not here for sex?"
He shakes his head
"Then what do you want?"
"You", he says softly
"Seonghwa-", she sighs, backing away from him
And my god it hurts so much
"Please jagi-"
"Seonghwa...you have to stop calling me that"
Tears well up in his eyes, as he chokes out, "I can't. You're my jagi"
"No I'm not Seonghwa. You-"
"I was wrong", he says, moving closer to her and thanking his lucky stars when she doesn't move away from him, "I was wrong about everything Jo"
"I...I don't understand what you're trying to say Seonghwa. What were you wrong about?", she asks confused
He reaches out and takes her hand, her eyes widening, "I was wrong about us"
"What?", she whispers
"I love you", he finally says
Her mouth drops as she stares at him in utter shock
"Please Jo, I love you", he says, moving his fingers in her hair, looking down in her eyes, "I love you so much. I was so wrong when I said I didn't love you. I do"
"How? What? When? How?", she stammers
"I saw you...with Hak-Kun...in an empty dressing room"
"Oh my god!", she exclaims, her hand moving over her mouth
"I didn't mean to. I went to look for you. I wanted to talk to you. And I saw....", he trails off, "And what I felt surprised me"
"What you felt?"
"I was heartbroken jagi. It hurt so much to see you with him", he explains, "And then when I saw you sitting with him in the dressing room, I just....I felt it. Or more like I realized what I felt. I love you"
She lets go of his hand, backing away from him and it's a knife to his heart
"You realized...after....you saw me with someone else? After I had to see you with other girls? How is that fair?", she whispers, her eyes pooling with tears
It's not fair
It's not fair that she saw him kissing other girls or that he blatantly flirted in front of her
He was a complete asshole and it's not fair that he comes to her now
But he hopes she can forgive him
"I'm sorry jagi", he whispers, tears running down his face, "I'm sorry for hurting you. I was so stupid, so blind. I'm sorry it took seeing you with someone else to get me to realize my feelings. But I love you so much and I've always loved you"
"Why are you telling me this?", she asks, tears falling from her eyes, "Why now? What do you want?"
"You. I want to be with you. Please I...I want to come back"
"What?", she gasps, sobbing, "Now you want to come back? After you broke my heart? After you flirted and made out with girls in front of me? After you fucked other girls? After you used me for sex?"
"I'm sorry. Please, give me a chance to make everything up to you. I swear I will"
She shakes her head, his heart dropping to his feet
"Seonghwa, this...this is a lot. How do I know you won't wake up tomorrow and decide that everything you're saying now is wrong? That you changed your mind? Again"
"I won't", he begs, trying to assure her, "I know I'm in love with you Jo. I know I want you. I know that I, all of me, is yours. Only yours. And I swear that I will show you every single day how much I love you. Just please, take me back. Please"
He looks at her through watery eyes, hoping and praying he can get a second chance
And he swears, if he does, he's going to love her for the rest of his life
Her tearful eyes move to his, wariness in her face, "If...if I let you come back, you...you can't leave again"
He nods, hoping rising in his chest
"You can't just love me then stop. I can't handle that. I love you, I always loved you and you...you can't hurt me again", she whispers, the tears falling, "You just can't"
"I won't", he promises
"You can't flirt with any girls"
"Never", he assures her
"You have to be sure. Sure you want this, sure you want a relationship like this. A serious relationship. One that means something. You can't run away again"
"I am sure Jo", he swears, "I want a relationship like this, one with love but only with you. I don't want it with anyone else. I won't have one with anyone else. Just you. I swear"
She breathes out a long breath then nods through tears, "Ok Seonghwa"
"Ok?", he repeats, hopefully, "We...we can be together?"
He launches himself at her the second her word sinks in, hugging her tightly, her face buried in his neck
Her body shakes as she cries and he just holds her, thankful she's his again
"Jagi", he whispers, tears of relief and happiness falling down his face, "I love you"
"I love you Seonghwa", she sobs, "Don't hurt me Hwa"
"I won't baby, I swear", he promises, "Never ever again"
"I promise, I swear", he murmurs
That's a promise he will definitely keep
He lifts her face to his then leans down, capturing her lips in a kiss that he pours all his love into
He can feel her love too and he swears that he will do everything to be worthy of that love
Seonghwa POV
Kissing her neck, I drag my lips down her body to her boobs, where I suck hard on her nipple
"Fuck Seonghwa!", she cries
After that one kiss, we couldn't stop and ended up in bed together
But this time is different
I'm not using her this time
This time I'm being with her and I'm going to be the one to shower her in love
Licking her nipple, I squeeze her other breasts, pulling at her nipple ring with my fingers
God, I missed having any part of her in my mouth
But I really want her pussy in my mouth
I fucking miss eating her out
I will but first I'm gonna go slow, give her as much pleasure as I can
I kiss her again and touch her in between her legs feeling how soaked she is
"Fuck jagi", I moan, "I make you this way?"
"Yes Seonghwa. Fuck, you always make me like this"
I really really like that
Kissing her neck, I move my hand on her, playing with her clit
"Jesus", she moans
Her reactions to me are fucking amazing
Sliding my hand lower, I slide three fingers inside her, loving how she feels
"Seonghwa fuck!", she cries, shuddering
I laugh a little at her reaction, smirking against her neck
I slowly move my fingers in and out, pick up speed with every thrust
"Yes baby, god", she whimpers
Putting my thumb on her clit, I rub it while I fuck her with my fingers
"Seonghwa shit"
Kissing her neck, I whisper in her ear, "I know what my baby likes"
She nods, lost in pleasure
"I know my girl's body, I know how to make my girl cum so good"
"Yyyy....yeah. Yyy.... You do", she gets out
"I'm going to make my girl cum so much. You want that?", I ask
She nods her head rapidly, "Yes"
Moving down, I suck on her nipple and move my fingers faster, feeling her throbbing harder and harder
She's right there
Sucking harder on her nipple, she screams loudly as I slam my fingers in and flick her clit
"Seonghwa!", she shouts, coming hard
Letting go of her nipple, I move back to her ear
"Good baby. Again", I demand, keeping up the pace at which I'm moving my fingers
"Hwa", she whines
"Feels good baby?"
"Yes Fuck yes!"
I keep going, working her up again until she's ready
"Cum for me baby girl", I whisper
"Ohhhhhh", she whimpers, orgasming again
God, she's so fucking beautiful
"Good girl", I praise, kissing her cheek, "My good girl"
I pull my fingers out while she breathes hard, her eyes closed
I immediately put my fingers in my mouth, sucking her off them and moaning from how good she is
I need my mouth on her
"Baby", I call, nuzzling in her neck
"I need you in my mouth"
"Wwww...what?", she breathes
"I need to eat you out baby. I need to feel you on my tongue. I need to suck on your clit jagi. I need to taste you"
"Fuck Hwa"
"Can you let me?"
"Yyy... yes"
I sit up immediately, opening her legs wide and laying down between them
Not wasting any time, I run my tongue up her pussy, moaning as I taste her again, holding her legs open
How did I ever stay away from her?
How did I ever think anyone would taste better than her?
I was a fucking idiot
She shivers against my tongue and under my fingers
Moving my tongue quickly, she gets even more wet
I can't hold back anymore and I latch my lips to her clit and start sucking
She screams in pleasure while I moan from how good it feels in my mouth
Her clit gets hard in my mouth and I absolutely love it
Letting go, I lick her clit to get her more wet, then suck on it again, pulling on her hard
"Ssss... Seonghwa", she groans
Sliding my fingers inside her to see how close she is, I suck faster and harder when I feel she's right there
Pulling my fingers out, I lick up her pussy slowly before sucking hard, fast on her clit
"Fuck Seonghwa!", she screams, coming in my mouth
I run my tongue by her entrance, licking her cum and swallowing
God fuck, she's the best thing I ever tasted
Maybe I'm crazy for thinking that but I can never get enough of her cum
When she finishes, I keep licking her, up and down
Her hands slide in my hair, pulling hard
"Give me more baby", I request
"Yeah baby"
I get ridiculously happy hearing that
Licking her faster, I grip her thighs, moving her along my mouth
"Baby", she moans
"Fuck, my mouth baby girl. I want it so much"
She thrusts her hips, pushing her pussy in my mouth right as Iick her, making me moan loudly
God, I love this
One of her hands move to grip my wrist that's on her hip while the other is still pulling my hair
She keeps moving, fucking my mouth at a steady pace while I slip my tongue in and out of her
"Hwannie!", she yells
"Gonna cum baby girl?"
"Yes Hwa. Fuck I'm gonna cum"
"Good girl"
My tongue flies inside her pussy, her breathing getting louder
"Seonghwa!", she cries, holding my head against her as she explodes again
God I can never get enough of her
I pull away, licking my lips
I need more
Christ, I'm like a fucking junkie
But I'm fine with it, I want to be addicted to her
My eyes land on her clit, watching it throb hard
I love when her clit does that
She's really horny when that happens
I put my mouth back on it and she inhales
"Baby-" she starts
"Please jagi. I need it. Your clit is throbbing and begging me to suck it. Please", I beg
She looks down at me, running her fingers in my hair
"Ok baby"
I smile at her, kiss her inner thigh then wrapping my lips around her clit again
She throbs against my lips, making me so much more horny than before
I suck on her slowly this time, just loving the feeling of her in my mouth
Fuck, I have some kind of fixation or obsession with her clit
I just love it
As I keep going, she moans louder and louder
Her body trembles, whimpering my name as I drag her orgasm from her
When she finishes, I slowly trail kisses up her body
Her skin shivers against my lips at every kiss, making me smile against her
"Baby's so sensitive?"
"Mmm hmm", she nods
When I get to her lips, l kiss her, putting my hand on the back of her neck, into her hair, laying next to her
She kisses me back and I love every second her lips are on mine
She runs her fingers up and down my back, her touch sending shivers down my back
It happens every time
Our kisses become more desperate, her tongue against mine, turning me on so much
I need to be inside her
I need it
"Please", I whisper in her ear
She kisses me again and opens her legs for me
Moving on top of her, I slide inside slowly and my whole body shakes from finally feeling her around me again
She moans loudly, her body pressing right against mine
She feels fucking amazing
It feels right
"Fuck", I moan, my forehead against hers, "My girl is always so tight and wet for me"
She whimpers, holding me close to her
I can't move
Not yet or I'm going to cum right away
"I...I... can't yet", I tell her, my body still trembling
"It's ok", she says softly, "You can stay as long as you want"
Fuck, I love her
As I lay with her, I get the overwhelming feeling I'm back where I belong
With her
My jagi
God, I was a fucking moron
Once I'm calmed, I start moving, slowly at first
Her body shakes under me and god I missed that so much
"Fuck, I missed you", I whisper, kissing her jaw, then trailing kisses along her neck
"I missed you Seonghwa. So much"
I'm so fucking happy she missed me
I'm still scared that she wants Hak-Kun
That she's just agreeing to be with me this time
I move just a bit faster and harder
I don't want to go wild right now
I want to show her how much I love her
"I love you", I tell her, looking into her eyes, "I love you so much"
It's my turn to tell her I love her
And I will never stop saying it
"I love you Seonghwa", she says, my heart bursting with joy
She holds on to me tightly as I kiss her, running her hands up and down my back
I miss her touch and she's sending chills up my spine that feel so good
Her hips start moving, meeting my movements, making me moan loudly
She looks at me so lovingly and I feel so guilty for what I did to her
"I'm sorry jagi", I whisper, touching her cheek softly
"Www....what?", she stutters
"I'm sorry. I was so fucking stupid jagi. I'm sorry I didn't see, didn't notice sooner"
She stops moving and I do too, staying inside of her
"Hwa what are you talking about?"
"I love you so much. I'm so sorry I didn't see it sooner. I had everything I could ever want right in front of me and I was too stupid to notice. It's always been you. I was so stupid to think anyone but you could make me feel like you can. I'm sorry. You're the only one who can make me feel this way"
"It's ok Seonghwa", she says softly
I shake my head
It's not ok
I hurt her and I hate that I did
"I'm sorry jagi, but I promise to make it up to you. Ok?"
She shakes her head, "No baby you don't have to. I just want you to love me"
"I do love you Jo. I love you so much"
"That's all I need", she whispers
Fuck she's an amazing girl
And she's mine
She moves up, her lips on mine and arms around my neck, pulling me down on top of her
I melt into her kiss, sliding my tongue in her mouth and touching hers
She moans and that makes me hard again inside her
Still kissing her, I start to move again, just getting lost in the feel of her
Oh my god, he loves me
I've never been happier in my life
He came to me and told me he wants me on his own
He apologized over and over and while it did hurt, I'm going to move past it
As long as he loves me and doesn't leave me again, we will be fine
He's everything I ever wanted and I got him back
He thrust in again, pleasure filling my body
He already gave me so much and wants to give me more
I'm so good with it
He thrusts harder and faster, feeling so good going in and out of
He kisses me, making me melt against him, his kisses everything
"Please jagi, cum on my cock", he begs
Holy fuck, he's getting me so close
He thrusts into my spot again, making me yell and pleasure hitting me everywhere
"C'mon baby girl. Don't you like my cock inside you?"
"Mmm", I whimper, "I love it baby"
He keeps pounding into my spot, making stars burst in my eyes
"Then show me how much you love me inside you. Cum on me"
"Fuck!", I scream, coming hard, my body arching into his and shaking hard
He wraps his arm around my back, holding me against him and holding us up on one hand, getting on his knees
"Yes, oh shit jagi, yes!", he cries, fucking me harder through my orgasm, "So good"
I cling on to him as I ride the waves of pleasure, my mind blank
When I finish, he moans, "No baby, again. More I need more"
I don't know how I can want more but I do
It's because it's him
I know it is
He slams into my spot, making me shiver as bliss blasts in my body
"Yes baby. Fuck, I know where my baby loves to be fucked."
He really really does
"I know my girl's spot, I can always find it and give it to you good"
"Yes Hwa", I moan
His hand moves to my ass, squeezing hard, his arm still around me, holding me tightly
And he's still holding us up on the bed with one hand
Goddamn it he's fucking strong and it turns me on so much more, the next pound in makes me scream his name, clenching so hard around him, shaking against his body
"Mmmm my girl feels so fucking amazing"
He kisses me as he still thrusts hard into me, the utter wet sound of his cock sinking into me loud and erotic
God, he feels so fucking good and he's going so hard
I love it
I want him to go harder
"Harder Hwannie", I cry, "Harder baby"
"Harder jagi?", he smirks
I nod my head rapidly
"Anything for you my love", he whispers
Happiness swells in my body hearing him call me that
He actually moves harder, ramming his cock so deep and hard inside me, I feel him in my stomach
God, it feels incredible
He thrusts a few times before I snap, ecstacy tidal waving over me
"Seonghwa!", I scream at the top of my lungs, my orgasm hitting me so hard, "Seonghwa!"
"Fuck baby, Joanne!", he screams, his arm giving out
We crash into the bed, him on top of me, his head buried in my neck as he screams, coming and shaking in my arms, his warm cum spilling into me
His hand grips my hip so fucking hard but I don't care
"Seonghwa!", I shout, feeling so fucking good, I don't know which way is up
"Oh my fucking god!", he cries, "You feel so good. Baby you feel so good"
I can't answer, I can only feel
When I finish and come back to my senses, I realize that I have my nails buried in Seonghwa's upper arm
He still hasn't lifted his head up from my neck, just laying on top of me breathing hard
We're both sweaty but I don't care
I still want him against me
Letting go of his arm, I wrap my arms around him, playing with the hair at the back of his head
His hand lets go of my hip, wrapping around my body instead
I close my eyes, holding the love of my life
"I love you", he whisper
"I love you l", I answer
He lifts his head up, looking in my eyes, his hand cupping my cheek, "You're my everything baby"
"You're mine", I whisper
He smiles, laying down next to me, pulling me in his arms, cuddling me as we settle down
"Are you staying?", I ask quietly
"Always jagi", he answers, kissing the top of my head, "Always"
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the-fiction-witch · 5 hours
White Rose
Media - House Of The Dragon Character - Gwayne Hightower Couple - Gwayne X Reader (uncle and Neice) Reader - Y/n (Neice) Rating - 18+ Fondling/ fingering / nipple play/ nipple sucking / nudity/ incest/ forced orgasm/ breast play/ bj/ hand jobs/ manipulation/ Word Count - 3195
Requested -
hello dear, i wanted to say that you fic are all amazing ♥️ can you please write one where gwayne is the sworn protector of reader who is alicent's daughter. alicent has committed herself to making sure that she is away from the world for her safety and the result is that she is very naïve. one of reader's friend got pregnant without being marry, so she goes to gwayne to ask how can a woman make children. and gwayne ask reader to undress, and he undress too, to explain her. he encourage her to touch and suck his dick, and after he say that when she will be pregnant her breast (which are already big) will be full of milk, so he suck her tits while massaging her pussy 😩
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Y/n sat at the window of her tower looking out at the ships leaving the harbour, she sighed as she sat there.
“Uncle Gwayne?” She cooed,
“Yes, white rose?” He cooed as he stood beside her seat, looming beside her sword at his hip,
“Can I go outside and watch the ships?”
“You know what your mother says,”
“I cannot…”
“You cannot,” he told her, “You know you cannot leave the your room let alone the keep.”
Y/n sighed, “Please Uncle Gwayne…” She begged,
“I’m sorry white rose, but you cannot.” He said, “I wouldn’t be much of a sworn protector if I went against your mother’s commands.”
“But Mother commands too much,” She pouted getting to her feet to pace, “I am only allowed to leave my room for social occasions, I must wear these endless layers, I am never allowed on my own even to bathe and sleep, it is not fair.” she pouts lying on her bed face down,
He sighed and went over, “I know it is not fair, but you are my white rose. You must be protected from all those bad things out there,” he cooed stroking her hair,
“But I have you,” she turns to look at him,
“You do, but there are things in this world even I can’t protect you from,” he said, “Hey, come on, how about I call one of your ladies in waiting up and you two can have some cake,”
She gently nodded,
“Right away,” he cooed kissing her head and going to arrange it for her,
Y/n sat for tea and cake with one of her ladies-in-waiting, The lady linaena of House Lannister. The lady was only two years older than Y/n but acted and appeared far older given her knowledge and experience when compared to Y/n. But as soon as she arrived Y/n noticed something odd about her friend, she seemed to sit strangely, to often grimace or squeeze her eyes tight in pain, her hands resting always on her stomach.
“Is everything alright Linaena?” Y/n spoke up,
“Oh- yes, forgive me, my lady,” Linaena answered,
“Please, what’s wrong?”
“It- I am not very well my lady,”
“Oh, I am so sorry Linaena,” she cooed, “I hope it is not too bad?”
“No I… I- have a troubled stomach,”
“Goodness, any ideas what caused it?”
“...I had moon tea.” she admits, “Forgive me, my lady…”
“Oh…” She gasped, she took a moment puzzled but decided not to say any more on the matter, “I see, well if you are feeling unwell do not let me keep you.”
“Are you sure my lady?”
“Yes, of course, take your time. Rest.”
Lady Linaena took her leave returning to her own chambers to rest,
So Y/n called her protector back,
“A very short visit today,” He chuckled,
“...Uncle Gwayne?”
“Yes, My white rose?”
“What’s moon tea?” She asked,
“What is Moon tea?”
“Why do you ask?”
“Lady Linaena said it was upsetting her stomach, I was curious.”
He chuckled slightly, setting his sword down on the table, “Come sit with me.” He cooed taking her by the hand and kissing her knuckles before he led her to sit on the end of her bed, “Now, tell me what was discussed.”
“Lady Linaena seemed uncomfortable so I asked her if she was well, she said she was having trouble with her stomach and when I pressed her on the matter she said it was Moon tea.” She explained,
“I see,” He nodded,
“What is it Uncle Gwayne, I’ve never heard of moon tea before… may I try some?”
“No.” he told her firmly, “No, my sweet little white rose.” he said softer, “Moon tea is a very special tea that ladies drink when… well… when they don’t want to have a baby,”
“But Lady Linaena has yet to wed, why would she want rid of a baby if she is not wed?”
He smiled warmly, “Well, perhaps she was a very naughty girl and was doing things a young lady shouldn’t.” He explained, “Not like my sweet white rose,” he cooed stroking her cheek,
“What sort of naughty things?” she asked wide-eyed and Naive,
“Well, if she was drinking moon tea to get rid of a baby, then she must have gotten pregnant. And wanted rid of it because she wasn’t married yet. You see?”
“I guess so,” she nodded, “But how do ladies get pregnant Uncle Gwayne?”
He chuckled softly, “I think… it best if we have a full lesson on the matter.” he cooed, “Come, stand all nice and pretty for me,” he told her with a slight growl to his voice as he pulled her to stand between his legs, “Humm, good. Now very slowly pull off your layers for me. One by one. Nice and slow,” He demanded but his tone still gentle with her,
Y/n softly giggled and nodded, slowly she began to undress unlacing, unbuttoning, and unclasping all the various layers and elements of her gown,
Gwayne didn’t assist in any way just let her slowly work until her slip fell to the floor leaving her standing naked between his legs, He held back a groan and bit his bottom lip as he looked at her body, his eyes trailing over her curves and lingering in all her most intimate of places, “You are so beautiful, a sweet untouched white rose yet to be soiled and spoiled by the world,” he cooed his hands stroking his fingers over her stomach and waist’s tender skin which forced a ticklish giggle from her lips, “Now it’s my turn.” he growled in her ear. Gwayne then began to undress himself making sure to be slow and gentle letting her look at him as much as she needed to, and once he kicked off his britches leaving him sit on her bed completely naked he took her hands in his guiding them to his shoulders letting her stroke down his chest, “Are you ready for your lesson?”
“Yes, Uncle Gwayne,”
“Good,” he cooed, “Now look at yourself, look how beautiful you are, look at every curve and divot of this perfect body you reside in,” he told her running his hands slowly over her hips, “So immaculate, so stunning, an untouched, unspoiled white rose.”
She nodded,
“And now look at me, see how different we are?”
“Yes, very different,” she nodded blushing slightly,
“That’s because I am a man. And you are a woman. Men and Women are supposed to be different, meant to fit perfectly together,”
“Like a puzzle,”
“Yes, just like a puzzle.” he nodded, “When you look at me, do you start to feel excited?”
She nodded,
“Humm, that's desire. That’s your body telling you it wants to make the puzzle come together,” He smirked, “How you feel and so much more is how every man in the kingdom feels whenever they look at you,”
“All of them?”
“Yes my white rose, all of them. They all look at you and feel a burning desire to look at you, to make you theirs, to pluck the petals of my beautiful white rose.” He cooed, “They see you and all want you like this, exposed and willing, they want to make babies with you every last one of them.”
“How do they make babies?”
“Come on,” he cooed tightening his grip on her hips and pulling her into the bed with him, sitting her on his lap, he moved back a little so they sat in the centre of her bed with her sat on his thighs. “There, Now. When a man and a woman are wed they will be bed. And during the bedding, they will make love that's how they make the babies.”
“But Lady-”
“I know. But she did something very naughty, girls shouldn’t make love without being married. You understand?”
She nodded,
“Good,” He nodded, “Now, when a man and a woman feel the deep desire to make love,”
“And are married,”
“And are married yes,” he nodded, “They will start to kiss,” He cooed peppering little kisses up her neck making her giggle and playfully squeal in excitement, “And you’ll see the man will start to get hard,” he whispered in her ear,
“Mhm,” he nodded caressing her chin before pushing her head so she looked down at his cock, “You see, watch me getting hard.” he cooed as he stared at her running his hands over her softly to make himself get hard for her,
“How did you do that?” she asked,
“I can’t help it, whenever a man see’s a pretty girl he gets hard. It has somewhat a mind of its own… it knows what it wants.” He growled, “See how egar it is to see you, to touch you, you make me wanna get all big and strong for my little white rose,” he groaned, “And if you or even I, was to touch it like this. It would make me feel… oh so good.”
“It would?”
“Yeah it would, and when a man feels amazingly good, he cums. His cock won’t be able to take the feelings anymore and it’ll be an explosion of pleasure, and his cock will spit out his jizz, his seed. Which is how babies are made.”
“From seed?”
“Mhm, When his seed is planted deep within it’ll grow into a baby.”
“Just like flowers?”
“Just like flowers, That’s how you bloomed my sweet white rose.” he cooed, “Your mother made your father feel so so good that he spilt his seed, which buried inside your mother and grew you.” He explained,
“So That’s what Lady Linaena did?”
“Yes, she made a man so happy he spilt his seed and got her pregnant but she drank her moon tea so she won’t be having a little baby,”
“I see…” She nodded, “So if I made you spill your seed it would make a baby?”
“Only if when I spilt it was inside you,” He cooed rubbing his nose on hers, “If my cock was deep inside your pussy” he groaned stroking his cock with one hand and softly cupping her pussy running his fingers between her lips, “You see my cock would have to be… in here,” he growled slowly pushing his finger inside her,
“Ahh!” She gasped,
“I know, it’s very tight, isn’t it? Umm cause you're a good girl, a good innocent little white rose, your petals still so tight. But tight is good, men love tight. That’s why men love taking little girls' innocence, cause of how tight and responsive you are,” He growled against her lips as he gently moved his finger in and out gently fingering her while he jerked himself off and watched her react,
Her face contorted unsure how to feel, she liked it but it kinda hurt, but it got easier the more he did it,
“When you get married, a man will adore doing this to you. He’ll want to have his cock inside you every moment of every day.” he cooed, “But there are other ways to please your husband.”
“How?” she asked,
“You see how I touch it, how I rub and stroke my cock?”
“Yes,” She nodded,
“Come on, you can do it.” He cooed kissing her hand and gently moving it to his cock, wrapping her fingers around his vainy shaft and guiding her back and forth, “Oooh-”
“What’s wrong Uncle Gwayne?”
“Nothing, nothing just… ummm that feels good. You're a natural.” he growled guiding her hand a little faster, “Just like that okay, keep going…” he demanded taking his hand away as he softly began to moan, “Oh fuck-”
“Like this?” She asked getting more into a pace,
“Yes… yes… Ohh y/n…” he moans throwing his head back, “Ohh my little white rose, how the fuck are you so good at this-” He groaned,
“I am?”
“Oh you are,” he groaned, “Ummm your gonna make me cum already,” he growled as he slipped another finger inside her and began to finger her at the same pace she jerked him off,
“Ughhhh!” She moaned in shock feeling pleasure now building between her legs,
“Yeah… ohh good girl, you feel good?”
She nodded,
“That’s how you're making me feel too,” he growled, but he forced her hand away and pulled his own from her,
Y/n whined at him suddenly stopping,
“I know, I know, but we have more to learn,” he growled licking her juices off his fingers, “Umm you taste so sweet,”
“I do?” she giggled,
“You do,” he nodded, “Do See how hard and desperate I am when you touch me like this?”
“Yes.” She nodded,
“You think you could make me feel better?”
“I can? But we might-”
“You can help me, without risk it’s okay,” he nodded, “Come on my little white rose just open your mouth and suck.” He cooed,
She nodded sheepishly and let him lead her down to his cock, she was nervous but he smiled down at her,
“Go on, just a little lick.”
She slowly licked from base to tip running her tongue along his shaft,
“Ohhh god-” he gasped, “Yes just like that keep going.” he nodded holding her hair to keep her close,
She nodded and continued to lick, swirling her tounge around his head,
“Uhhhh! Ohh yes! Yes… fuck! Y/n…” he moaned his hips bucking up towards her mouth, “Umm open those lips for me, nice and wide.”
“Yes Uncle Gwayne,” she nodded opening her mouth as wide as she could,
“Umm you're such a good girl,” he growled, “You look delectable with your mouth open.” he smirked before he guided his cock inside her mouth, holding her hair to keep her in pace, “Ohhhhh fuck-” He moaned, “Yes… yes… now suck my little white rose, suck as hard as you want,” he begged,
She nodded slowly hollowing her cheeks and sucking, finding her pace with her breaths and sucks,
He moaned and groaned loudly often bucking up to thrust into her mouth, guiding her hair to move her head up and down as she sucks, “Lick too. Lick all over,”
She began to lick and suck trying to keep at her pace,
But Gwayne was getting overwhelmed and began to thrust hard and fast fucking her mouth in desperation as he moans and groaned, “Fuck, fuck… I’m gonna cum-” He groans, “I’m gonna cum… I- Ughhhh!” His body froze suddenly as he moaned loudly burying his cock as deep in her mouth as he could sending his jizz across her tounge, “Fuck… ummm… that felt so good Y/n, My sweet little white rose,” he cooed between breaths, as he pulled his cock from her mouth, “Swallow.”
“Are you sure Uncle Gwanye?” She asked even with her mouthful,
“Yes go on, swallow it’s okay.” He nodded,
She nodded and swallowed it all, so he wiped her mouth and kissed her forehead,
“You did amazing,” He growled, “But we will have more to learn, you see if a husband and wife don’t want to make a baby, but they still want to make love and have pleasure, they can use their hands just like I showed you, or mouth like you just did for me or even…” he growled flipping her over onto the bed, grabbing her thighs and forcing her legs as wide as they would go, “Let me show you my little white rose,” he cooed kissing down her neck, planting the soft kisses down her chest which made her squirm and giggle, “Ummm… just a moment,” he cooed as he rubbed his face between her large breasts, “Someday when you do get pregnant, these will get even bigger,”
“Oh yes white rose even bigger,” he groaned cupping her breasts and kneading them as he rubbed his nose against her sternum, “They will swell and grow filling with milk for your babies. So you can feed your little ones from your breast.” he smirked his index and middle finger pinching and rubbing her nipples, “You see how hard they get when I touch them, even though you're not pregnant your breast want to feed, they want to do it. So they get nice and hard ready for a baby to suckle,”
“That sounds painful…” she whined,
“It can be, but it makes your babies ever so happy to feed from their mother… and… Husbands don’t dislike having a little lick too,” He growled licking across her entrapped nipple,
“Ummm-” She whined softly squirming more,
“Just enjoy it,” he cooed latching his lips around her nipple softly sucking and licking while his hand kneaded her other breast,
“Uncle Gwayne this feels funny,” She gasped,
“I know, I know,” he cooed, “It's cause you don’t really have any milk in here yet, but it feels good, doesn’t it? Feels all bubbly in your tummy,” He cooed returning his lips to sucking as his other hand moved to rub against her pussy once more stroking between her lips to find her clit,
She moaned as soon as his hand touched it,
And he bit down a little on her nipple as he purposely pleasured her hard and intensely, slipping two fingers inside her while rubbing on her clit, kneading her breast and sucking on her nipple,
She screamed and moaned out in pleasure as the onslaught of stimulation brought her to the edge of climax, she tried to call out, to ask what was happening to her but she was unable to form the words, until-
Y/n squealed digging her nails into her bed as pleasure washed over her, curling her toes, making her legs tremble, her hips buck up towards his hand, her body releasing a stream of squirt, her back arching up pressing her breasts closer to his mouth, her head thrown back and eyes rolling back into her head as she moaned uncontrollable animalistic sounds in response to the overwhelming pleasure,
Gwayne growled in satisfaction and kept going letting her ride out the whole of her orgasm until she was a gasping mess on the bed, he pulled back and licked his fingers clean, “Ummm look at you, you look so beautiful, sound so delicious. How can any man resist you.” he cooed, “That’s why you need to be locked up here white rose, cause every man in the kingdom wants to see you like this. And given the chance all of them will take it. So you and I need to stay safe up here okay,”
“Yes, Uncle Gwayne,”
“Good girl,” he cooed, “And I think we won’t see you little friend anymore, I don’t want her putting ideas in your head that a lady can do such things before she is wed,”
“But didn’t we-”
He chuckled, “I’m your uncle, I’m allowed.” he winked, “Come on little white rose lets tuck you in and we can have a little nap together and then I’ll show you some more little things,” He smirked,
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imagineitdearies · 16 hours
Hey I loved loved loved your fanfiction as I’m sure everyone here did but now I, going through withdrawals I can’t find anything similar or as good as yours. So I’m curious what your favourite bg3 fanfiction are?
Hey there!! Awww, thank you ☺️ I sort of got super focused on writing PS for a while there, so I can't say I know of all The GreatsTM in this fandom. I will share what I have enjoyed/am currently reading though (almost all of it involving Astarion), but anyone else should feel free to add your favs in the comments!!
As always, please check tags and read at your own discretion!
Finished ones I've enjoyed:
Seducere by Tlon ~ Astarion/nb!Tav ~ Astarion doesn’t need a reflection to know himself – two hundred years of servitude has shown him exactly what he’s good for. Odd that his new partner seems to disagree.
Nothing is safe by foxflowering ~ Wyll/Astarion ~ "Wyll's the sort of prince-type I would have once dreamed of marrying. When I was about thirteen."
Carving through the dark by skitter ~ Astarion/f!Tav ~ Wren and Astarion descend into the Underdark in search of a new purpose, and learn a few things along the way. Namely, that healing isn't linear and sometimes love takes the long way round.
Astarion Origin Party Nonsense by starkraving ~ Astarion/Karlach; Astarion/Cazador, sort of Astarion/Wyll? ~ A collection of things that ostensibly happen in the same little mental universe. Loosely based on the events of an Origin Astarion run and the various questions it inspired. (All but one in the series is finished so I'm counting it, lol!)
All Our Missing Parts by Viraaja ~ Astarion/Halsin ~ Halsin discovers Astarion was turned before his maturity and all the sacred elven rites that come along with it. Including the sex one.
Friday Nights by SadinaSaphrite ~ Astarion/Gale ~ Professor Gale Dakarios loses his research, his magic, and his lover Mystra all at once and only has himself to blame. When he goes to drown his sorrows, he meets a pale stranger with mysteries of his own.
visions of your love by LargeOctahedron, notyournoise ~ Shadowheart/f!Tav ~ Shadowheart is tired of doubting - of feeling her heart twist whenever she looks at Tav without knowing whether they feel the same. One night, tired of sitting and hoping Tav will approach, she tries to read their mind, only to find them in a rather compromising position.
WIPs I'm following:
Palmarosa by thespectaclesofthor ~ Astarion/Raphael ~ Astarion is stuck in the darkness once more, yearning for sunlight with every fibre of his being, while bitterly reflecting on all the things that were denied to him. Raphael knows Astarion's desperate, and comes to him with not one, but two horrid contract offers that Astarion loathes and dreads in equal measure - but the prize at the end of both are too good to turn down.
To Defy the Gods by ~ Shadowheart/Tav ~ Dark Justiciar. Mother Superior. Shar's Voice Made Flesh. Her Chosen. Shadowheart had emptied her heart of falsehoods, of the illusion of life and love, and accepted the inevitability of loss. Almost.
A Dog's Retreat by ~ Halsin & Astarion, past Astarion/Cazador ~ For most, it was just the end of the Absolute. For Astarion, it was the end of two hundred years of agony. And the transition is steep and slippery. Now, all he can do is hope that there are enough pieces of him left for him to pick up and somehow put back together. Too bad hope has never been Astarion’s poison of choice.
A Warm House, A Ruddy Fire by DepravedJJJSchmidt ~ trans!Astarion/Cazador, trans!Astarion/m!Tav ~ Mr. and Mrs. Cazador Szarr have an ideal marriage. Astarion doesn't know if he will be able to survive another year of it. (And I don't know if I'll survive another chapter tbh, but like a burning building I can't look away 😬)
Alright, that's all I can think of! I'm a bit distracted all over again thanks to the original novel I'm working on now, but hopefully you find something new on this list you end up enjoying 🩵 this fandom is full of so many talented people!!
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f0rgetf0rgetting · 6 months
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the brainrot goes crazy when do i get normal
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harvestmoth · 10 months
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okay last one. au where nothing goes wrong at all ever (a lie) and melia venam gay moment
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introspectivememories · 2 months
I seriously love your writing so much you always put a heap of emotion into it 😭😭
also adore the idea of TIM being the one who's obsessed with bear and going to such lengths just to keep seeing him, I tend to prefer happy endings so I like to think they work it out after a while but like also the angst is amazing
god the amount of yearning in this au makes me so mmmpfhhhf
god im just so sorry that it took me soo long to reply!!! you sent just as i was taking my break from tumblr and other social media :(((
i remember reading it and thinking to myself "god if i had the timbern brainworms, i could write smth for this" but then recently they've been coming back and i was a church bored out of my mind when i was like "hmmm maybe i should respond?"
and ohhh my god, when i first got it, i immediately thought about how toxic it could get and like, personally, i feel like i can't write complicated characters? if that makes sense? to me, im not very good at writing multi-dimensional characters. which to be fair, i never set out to become like a pulitzer prize winning author. i just do this for fun haha.
and like i knew that my answer to your ask was always gonna be toxic timbern but i didn't know if i could write it? ig??? bc like tim is a good person. he is!!! he just wants bear so badly. and it's past the initial physical attraction now.
he and bear are all grown up. he likes bear's wit and humor, well the wit and humor he gets to hear when bear doesn't know he's around. but bear wont let him in!!!! bear wont open himself up and tim's apologized!!!! he did!!! he doesn't even know what he did and he still apologized!!!!! and it changed nothing. bear doesn't talk to him or look at him or anything. nothing but polite professionalism.
and then one day, he sees bear on his balcony as he's swinging through the streets of gotham. and bear isn't doing anything special, he's just sitting there in sweats and no shirt and the moonlight hits his pecs just right and his shoulders are so broad and-
well he cant be blamed for stopping to take a peek, right? and maybe when he has has time he swings by more and more. just watching for longer and longer, until one day bear catches him. and as they stare at each other from opposite sides of the street, tim thinks this is it. the cold glances and frosty words are going to come back. bear's never gonna just sit on his balcony again. he's lost this too. but then-
bear sends him a hesitant wave and tim raises a trembling hand to wave back. and bear- well bear's mouth splits into a smile brilliant enough to rival the sun. beautiful like the sunrise. the promise of a new beginning. if he closes his eyes, tim thinks he can feel the sunlight's warm rays on him.
hes' hooked after that. he comes around again and again. one day bear lets him on the balcony. weeks later, bear's hugging him. weeks after that, tim's in bear's lap. and he knows it's not right. that bear thinks he's someone else. that bear doesnt want anything to do with him but how is he supposed to let this go? how is he supposed disentangle himself from bear's arms?
so he lies and he lies and he prays to any and every god he can think of, that he'll get to keep this. plus he's not really lying to bear, he's just... not talking about it! if bear asks, he'll tell him point blank. he swears it. but that's a problem for another day. things are looking up! bear said more than 5 sentences to him the other day and yesterday? he even got a small smile. it'll all work out. he'll be fine.
#i have to stop answering asks. it always turns into word vomit#and like tim knows bear is never going to ask. bear would never ask robin to compromise his identity like that#so it is lying by omission. kind of. he's taking advantage of bear. love under false pretenses? i feel like this is textbook smth#i just dont know what#and i keep thinking of after it all falls apart and tim stupidly goes to visit bear on his balcony#and bear is sitting there crying. tears streaming down his face as he sniffles. and it's ugly and there's snot and bear's biting his lip#to try and stifle any noise he might make and tim's frozen on the fire escape of the opposite building and bear looks up#and even now he's still the prettiest thing tim's ever seen. a tear rolls down his face the moonlight glints off it#bear's gorgeous and tim did that. tim made him cry like that. tim's the one who broke his heart. who took his trust and twisted it beyond#recognition. and they stare at each other for a few moments before bear's face shutters close. hastily wiping his tears away#bear steps back inside and locks the door. there's nothing left for him out there anyway.#also me saying that stuff about my writing isn't me needing reassurance or anything. it's just my opnion of my writing abilities#as of right now. so like dont think you have to reassure me or anything.#how did this get so long???? this was just supposed to be me talking about my thought process to the previous ask#and then it turned into this#as always nothing in the veil!au is set in stone. not even this. please do whatever you want with the au!!!!#timbern#timber#tim drake#bernard dowd#veil!au#asks#introspective.txt
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trashcanwithsprinkles · 2 months
Do you have any Zhongli/Zhongchi fic recs? I haven’t found any that are nearly as good as yours 😔😔
funnily enough someone already asked this, but it was quite a while ago and tumblr is a mess to search old shit thru so here, this is the post this was asked during the ao3 crisis of- .......last year? i can't remember. either way, the post starts w me saying i don't have all the names and links but dw, after ao3 came back up i edited the post so you should see all authors and links in the recs.
i have to admit that for reasons unrelated to the fandom i haven't been reading many zhongchi fics as of late? so like- bear in mind i don't have an updated mental picture of any of the recs after the post was made. so if one went off the rails or if one of the WIPs finished, i'm not aware;; i also mention in the post that i'd add more recs if i had access to ao3 (which i didn't at the time bc it was down), and while that is true, it's been so long since i read any of them that i wouldn't be able to confidently reccomend them outside of 'i somewhat remember the plot and i remember liking it'. also i don't remember half of their names. so uh- yeah that's the list i think
#also there are plenty of fics that i'd have loved to recomend but that ended up either going off the rails towards the end or that just-#left me disappointed#complete tanget but what is it with people making holy angst and then completely missing the point of said angst#as in#the resolution they give to the angst is sometimes more infuriating than anything#like by that point i'm rooting to have no resolution LMAO#which is why angst resolution is always like my n°1 concern in my fics#last thing i want is for the angst to be super good and then for the resolution to leave y'all like-#that's it?#not in the sense of payoff for the angst#but in the way the issues brought up by the angst get handled#i don't want to point fingers obviously i'm not that much of an asshole#but i vividly remember a fic that set up childe being bullied horribly by a bunch of adults for something that was outside of his control#and that he couldn't have possibly known#and so he just flees bc i mean poor guy i'd flee as well. plus they backed him into a corner with no other way out#like- think public proposal except childe didn't even know he was dating zhongli. and when he was confused about it#all the onlookers started berating him for being stupid#which like- it's one thing being dense. and it's another thing being unable to communicate w eachother (this was zl's fault)#anyway. so he flees. the resolution to the angst is him getting dragged (against his will) back to liyue and zhongli just saying#sorry i forgot to say i loved you please never leave idk what i'd do without you#and like off-camera he did almost kill the 'onlookers' that bullied childe#but like#that's it#there's no further apologies from everyone; childe retains no issues from a highly traumatic event (it was portrayed that way);#everything is solved by zl saying actually i love you if you leave i'm gonna be depressed forever#like????????????????????????#obviously i'm being very vague about it#that's not exactly how it goes in the fic#don't want to throw hate at it the rest of it was really good#it just left me with a growing dread of 'this isn't going to be handled well by the author isn't it' as it went on
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my s/i for h.aar is a fellow wyvern rider and soldier, has a pet wyvern named olive that she loves dearly. for many many years, ash has been tying red ribbons into bows on olive's horns so that, even when they're in battle, olive can look super cute!
however, as ash and h.aar grow closer, so do their wyverns! eventually h.aar's wyvern (who I call damien) starts nudging and softly growling at ash because he wants ribbons too!!! he wants to match with olive!!!
#ash rambles 💚#i showed you my wyvern please respond 💤#i just think it's sooo cute!#ash has a bit of a thing for wyverns ajsjajsj theyre her favorite thing ever! shes usually a bit serious but shes always smiling when#shes talking to olive. it's what makes h.aar go 'oh. goodness. she isnt just sexy soldier lady. shes cute girl that makes me happy'#love is stored in your massive pet wyvern#in the future ash and h.aar get married and settle down on the countryside! they never pick up weapons again. ever.#they run that same cargo business h.aar has in game + they raise baby wyverns! they never have any children of their own#(ash teases and says that any children from h.aar will be ugly and sleepy like he is but it's a mutual agreement to not have any)#theyre very happy together with olive damien and their wyvern baby#idk it's just such a cute life!!! I'm so happy for them! theyre both so tired of war and I'm glad they get to live faaar away from it#but back to the og point of this post. massive wyvern with cute ribbons!!!#it's very therapeutic to ash to be able to climb olive pet her + talk to her + tie her ribbons#shes been with olive since she was in her late teens-early 20s#(shes just a little younger than h.aar so in her early-mid 30s in-game)#i have three t.ellius s/is! my t.ibarn one is a fierce queen of the hawks who leads her people with pride#the wyvern-obsessed beorc that we see here#and. of course. m.uarim has the black cat laguz that likes climbing things and goes meow meow and purrs if you pet her ^._.^#okay i think thats it akdjajsjs ive rambled enough for one post
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obnoxiousarcade · 3 months
I have a longing to be understood more than anything else i think
#someone very recently acknowledged something that usually goes unseen and it wasn't even that great of an acknowledgement but ive just been#staring at the messages every once in a while. its great. not really i sort of feel like a real weirdo#im very lonely. i cant say why but let it be known that i am very lonely#ok i have a question to those who lie their eyes upon this post: tell me what you know about me please?#so much lies in my social perception and i am just. not being perceived. at all. darn#i have a lot to cry about but morally i dont think i should-- specifics would mean being mean to the people i love#talking to anyone anymore just makes me feel horrible. doing anything anymore makes me feel horrible..tmbg has my back though ill live for#another.week or a few. and then my birthday will happen and rhen um#.Well. it sucks that sucks man. i dont want to disclose my age but to elaborate on why ACTUALLY HOLD ON#the thing i am about to say is not true; it is a metaphorical thing: it is my 21st birthday soon.#i decided that i wouldnt live past this age around 5 years ago and the only reason ive lived five years is being killed this year. i dont#think every thing ive been desperately clinging on to for the past 2 (?) years can keep me alive past then..i think im going to die. i have#to#NO MORE BEING A DOWNER#fox (vulpes vulpes) on the Internet for the first time#okay maybe a little more..i dont know who im talking to in this post. my friends do not read my tumblr and. i dont know anyone else.really.#uh#I'm listen to tmbg right now i love them#hey reader; i can only think of 3 people who see enough about me to check my blog. so i have separate questions for the each of you.#one of you likes (liked? school came in and i couldnt see your blog much past then; idk if its changed) tmbg. what do you think of The Else?#and uh you there... the guyyy. Google john flansburgh..i dont have a reason to this one ive just not been able to stop thinking about askin#you what you think of him.#um third person..... um#okay theres nothing iecan ask. i do want to apologize to you though: im sorry.#iThis is bullshit#im gonna delete this soon#Um also sorry if my wording here is. really wack. i tend to do that#i dont think anyones going to see this as is always#i think i just like talking to the hypothetical beast. yeah
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