#i always told myself when i get a girl keep chasing her like i don't have her
its-time-to-write · 1 year
i figured it was time to make one. it's in order based on when i wrote it. please, please let me know if a link is broken/mislabeled!!
*82 fics*
All of these are Jamie Tartt x reader
Jamie and Keeley buy you a dress for the benefit gala
three times 'cause i've waited my whole life
secret relationship to engagement
you're losing me
first kid
don't make this any harder
Jamie wants to take you to Brazil, you’re both idiots
would hit him in a heartbeat now
Your ex boyfriend is a footballer and also a douche
silent sleepers
Jamie contemplates your relationship on the team bus
what it is
Jamie is sick ft. Roy
don't go wasting your emotion
Secret relationship + you own a bookshop! Ft. Roy and Keeley
you know, you'll always know me
You’re a famous singer! Congrats!
i don't know how you keep smiling/i'm just choking almost constantly
Jamie’s dad is a douche
i'll still be right next to you my dear
Jamie is a dad
can't really say i'm enjoying it now
Yikes it’s a breakup fic, but happy endings only in this house
mine of you with me
Reader and Jamie go semi-public with their relationship
today's a day like any other
The Tartt family thru the years
there's orange juice in the kitchen
Oof ouch period cramps
i can't breathe without you
Nate kisses you w/o consent
damned if i do give a damn what people say
You’re a theater actress! How exciting!
island made of faith
People think Jamie’s dumb, and he’s not
take your time while you're mine
You’re Roy’s other sister ft. all the Kents
honey, i'll give you all my time
Vienna. Enough said.
feeling fragile can't you tell
Jamie gets hurt
wrote all your lines in the script in my mind
Oh no! Some girl kissed Jamie and it wasn’t you! + Colin as the bff
stick together like glitter
Babysitting Phoebe + angst
your mind is not your friend
Angst + comfort after you have a bad hookup
chasing shadows in a grocery line
You’re pretty sure you have a hot stalker
don’t go yet
Tee hee protective Jamie at a club
kicking myself to keep from crying
The morning after your mind is not your friend
i think we could do it if we tried
High school sweethearts reunited after 6 years🥺
i’m glad you exist
You and Jamie go to a wedding
send for me
BREAKING: shit day at work made better by local boyfriend
tell me where to put my love
day off = food + snuggles
The longest angst I’ve ever written. Def not the best angst I’ve ever written.
would it be enough if i never gave you peace
you’ve got baby fever and your pretty sure it’s going to kill your brother
wishing on every one
You own a flower shop. It’s adorable.
lyrical eyes, indigo smile
Bea meets the team for the first time!
something to rely on
You storm the pitch and smooch your bf
flipped the script
Enemies to lovers slow burn (or maybe fast burn, idk)
i fancy you
London Boy by ms. T. Swift
you don’t want to know me
Jamie shows up at your door after s.1 Man City
you’re in the kitchen humming
Post-Mom City
family that i chose
For the child-free girlies!
never wanted you to hate me
Pt. 2 of you don’t want to know me
BFF Keeley tells you to give her awful ex a chance
in love with an idea
idk it’s like a confession of love? kinda cute
sinking into your worn-out mattress
Touch-deprived therapist! reader
you’re a mansion with a view
just two footballers doing an England promo, nothing to see here
i know what i’m doing
Post-Roy/Jamie locker room hug after Man City
wonder what it’d be like
Jamie tries to win you back
if only love were true
You’re a single mom in dire need of a plus-one
i know now it’ll pass
It’s hard to love someone when you’ve been told you don’t deserve it
the way it goes
The Greyhounds are protective of Jamie
how to love being alive
Idk this one’s like whatever and also supes long
there is happiness
it’s just wanderlust
Relationship soft launch
glitter on the floor
You like to knit. You also think you’re a comedian.
maybe tomorrow you’ll know
The “he’s a prick to everyone but her” trope
hustling for the good life
I swear this is my last chaptered fic
let’s fall in love for the night
Kent!reader is having a baby
soft hands hit the jagged ground
friends w/benefits
for you, there’ll be no more crying
anxiety at work + bf jamie
smile at me
there was only one bed!!!!
slow motion double vision in rose blush
happy b-day Jamie Tartt
half-moon eyes
it’s just a question!
can’t hear my thoughts (i cannot hear my thoughts)
I’m allowed to write what i want, ok???
here in my arms
more Kent!reader + a baby named George
coffee at midnight
prick coach wakes you up bc of your prick boyfriend
healing me fine
Just a lil engagement fic for ya
i don’t know anything
if you’re interested in Bea
right words at the right time
It’s a wedding fic
move fast and keep quiet
boxer!reader + smitten Jamie
not saying you’re in love with me
You meet over Bantr!!!
we could be so good
Jamie comforts you after a bad date
i hold it like a grudge
i don’t even know how to describe this one but u might cry
there for you
sick fic
before you go
you’ll probably date her
chronic illness + childhood friends. gotta love it
feel it burn
Gym anxiety
play it back
Old movies of bb Jamie
light in the hallway
MORE Kent!reader
stuck by you
Bad family + good Jamie = fic
please don’t be
five chapters of sadness that definitely isn’t based on personal experience
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Patience and 1/2 of Double Trouble // CL16
Pairing: Charles Leclerc / Original Female Character
Summary: Charles knew that having his little brother, Arthur, in F1 with him was going to be chaotic, what he didn't expect was to have to deal with Arthur's best friend too.
Warnings: None, this is the fluffiest story on Earth.
Author’s Note: I keep finding old stories that fit this account and I find myself to lazy to keep editing the longer story I started, so this is another one-shot for you guys. Rate: PG.
Patience. That was one word that had marked Charles Leclerc's personality for as long as he's been alive. Whenever he wanted something he worked for it, no matter how long it took him to get it. If there was a problem, he could think it through and solve it. His older brother, Lorenzo, has always said that it was a bless to look after Charles growing up, he was easy, giving Lorenzo the time to run around chasing the younger child, Arthur, who was the troublemaker of the family. After Charles and Arthur got into racing, Lorenzo ended up following Arthur around, making sure that he stayed out of trouble, while Charles, as patiently as always, worked his way up to the top. Even though they couldn't spend every second together, Charles was fully aware of the hard work that Lorenzo had to put up with looking after Arthur. It didn't matter the age, the boy was constantly up to something and his older brothers were used to it. Charles tried to stop by and stay with Arthur while Lorenzo took some time off. The middle Leclerc felt confident that he already could read his little brother's mind and stay a step ahead whenever Arthur was planning something. Still, he sometimes found himself surprised by his brother, like that time Arthur improvised a ladder with a glue gun and a dozen pool noodles (don't ask why he had them, Charles doesn't even know) and escaped the house through the first-floor-window of his room in the middle of the night to go to a party he was told he couldn't go. Or that other time Arthur tried to learn how to flip pancakes by throwing them up in the air with the pan and ended up covering the kitchen with pancake batter, the three brothers having to spend five hours cleaning up the mess before their mother got back home. There were a lot more of chaotic moments in "Arthur's criminal record" - as Lorenzo calls it - and Charles had managed to stay patient through them all. But after all, he's only human, and at some point he finally lost it.
Arthur finally found his equal in F3, another driver called Y/N. She was everything Arthur was: cunning and energetic, with a love for mischief and a flair for the dramatic. She was the most amazing and terrible girl Charles had ever met, both at the same time. He loved her, loved her friendship with Arthur and thought the world of her but at the same time, the "crime rate" in the Leclerc's household had went exponentially higher with her presence on their lives. The Leclerc family even called the duo "Double Trouble".
"I'm starting to believe that you're trying to kill yourselves". Charles stated and followed it with a sigh as he placed the first aid kit on the kitchen island. The other two just looked at him sheepishly. "But seriously, what the hell were you thinking? Shoving each other around on the stairs? Really?". Charles was making himself a coffee while he listened to them laughing hysterically when he heard the loud thud. He ran to the living room, only to find them both on the floor at the bottom of the stairs, Arthur grabbing his arm and Y/N with a crimson spot on her face.
"She started it!". Arthur accused his friend quickly, while holding up the icepack on his arm.
"Traitor". She mumbled and then winced when Charles placed the gauze with hydrogen peroxide over the little cut on her forehead.
"Stay still". Charles instructed her when she started moving away. "I want to get you cleaned up before this gets infected. You are lucky that you just fell a few steps. This could have ended up way worse".
"She's fine. It's not like it's the first time this happened anyways". Charles stopped his movements at his brother's words.
"What?". If looks could kill, Arthur would be six feet under. "Are you telling me that this happened before?"
"No, it hasn't. He doesn't know what he's talking about". The girl looked at her best friend with a 'what were you thinking' face and Charles decided to cut the subject short.
"Just, please, stop doing dangerous shit". The other two nodded their heads fervently and Charles left another long sigh out.
Of course, they never stopped. Through their whole time in F3 and F2 they kept getting themselves into trouble: burning a kitchen tablecloth when "fixing" the toaster (that they broke themselves in the first place), making a hole on Arthur's bedroom door while playing with a homemade air-soft gun (Charles is still trying to understand how they made it), blowing up the lawn mower by playing with its engine (they wanted to learn how to make it more powerful), breaking the TV while playing "real life goat simulator" (and accidentally smashing into it), and many more. But Charles' least favourite has to be when he had to pick them up from the police station because they fell into a fountain (again shoving each other playfully) and the police thought they were under the influence. Arthur called him from the station, asking for him to pick them up. Charles was already in F1 and was well known around Monte Carlo, he talked to the arresting officer and after they were tested and proved they weren't drunk or worse - just stupid, as Charles stated to the officer - they were free to go. In exchange for some pictures and autographs, the officers agreed not to leak the little incident to the press. It wasn't exactly bad PR, it was a really funny story, but Charles wanted to make sure his mother never found out.
When she wasn't blowing something up with Arthur, Charles actually enjoyed his time with Y/N. She was funny, hot, smart and charming. He had this little crush on her, nothing he found too concerning since he knew that she was off-limits, but serious enough to make him worry about her more than other people normally would. He was usually spoiling her and scolding his younger brother whenever he had to save them from another trouble they got themselves into and Arthur started to suspect that he liked her. Even if it was childish, the younger Leclerc was jealous, she was his friend and Charles was going to steal her attention if they started dating. It wasn't like with her other boyfriends, she spent most of her time with him and his family at his house, if they dated she would be all over Charles and stop spending time with him whenever she visited. With this idea in mind, Arthur did whatever he could to keep his friend oblivious to Charles' crush on her. She dated a few guys while Charles kept his distance and Arthur was happy whenever she confessed little crushes on guys that weren't his brother. Things were alright, they were still Double Trouble and Charles kept saving them with unwavering patience.
Time passed and both, Arthur and Y/N, made it into F1. Y/N driving for McLaren alongside Oscar Piastri and Arthur getting the 2nd seat in Ferrari, Charles' team. For their first season Y/N was single again, her last relationship just a bad memory. With this new promotion to F1, keeping Charles away from his friend was getting more and more difficult for Arthur. By then, he had a contradicted opinion about his brother and best friend dating, a part of him hated the idea and felt threatened, the other find them rather cute together and was aware of how happy they could make each other. His older brother was always around, and whenever she visited Arthur at the garage, Charles would constantly get her attention, but he had learned to deal with that... mostly. Still, even if with age came maturity and he grew more open to the idea, his jealous side shone from time to time. Usually, when Charles played hero and Y/N was all over him. They were still getting into trouble and Charles was there to play his "Ferrari golden boy" card to save them. Since there was no way of getting rid of Charles, he decided that he'd stop getting into trouble so Charles wouldn't be around them too much.
"I think this must taste like shit". Y/N said handing Arthur her tuna sandwich, she loved tuna, but this time she had to admit that it smelled bad. The younger Leclerc smelled it and made a face of disgust.
"I'm not taking a bite of that". She placed the food on the table and shuddered.
"Me neither". Then, she smiled devilishly. "We should put it on Max's bag. He hates tuna". At any other time, Arthur would be totally down for that, messing with Max Verstappen had been their main and favourite entertainment since the start of the season. Even the fans knew that he was their target and joked about it a lot. Max was cool with it and even found their little pranks kind of cute. He was about to deny the offer and be a good boy when he heard the voice he was expecting to avoid.
"What are you two up to?". Charles asked walking to the table then sat next to his brother.
"Nothing good". Y/N replied, honestly.
"Disappointed but not surprised". Charles followed that with a chuckle.
"We should get going, Charles, we have things to do before the race". Arthur said quickly. It was one of those days when he didn't want to have to fight for his friend's attention.
The three of them started walking towards the garages, Charles and Y/N chatting happily about their plans for summer break, which was just around the corner, not even once including the younger Leclerc in the conversation. Arthur was getting bored, they weren't even dating and he was already feeling excluded. Part of him felt bad, it was a long time since he felt like that, he was getting better with his possessiveness. But he was having a really chill day, having lunch with Y/N and getting ready for the race, and Charles had to appear out of nowhere and annoy the hell out of him. The thing is, being a good kid wasn't in Arthur's DNA and even if he tried, he just couldn't help himself. He did the only thing he knew always worked to get his friend's attention: a mess. He tapped on her shoulder and when she turned around to face him, he squeezed his water bottle and sparkled water on her face. Y/N fell backwards, Charles catching her swiftly before she hit the ground, still, her focus wasn't on Charles but on Arthur.
"You brought this on yourself". She said as she tried to launch herself at her friend. Charles quickly sneaked his arm around her and pulled her back against him, raising his other arm at Arthur, an accusing pointed finger directed at the blond.
"Ah ah ah". Charles warned, Arthur backing up. "Stop this before it gets out of hand". Y/N exited his grip and he put himself in front of her fast to stop her too. The two troublemakers ignored him completely, looking at each other defiantly. With Charles in between them, Arthur tried to sparkle some water again but Y/N moved out of the way. They tried a few more unsuccessful attacks and Charles finally accepted that it was useless to try and stop them. He moved away and Y/N took it as her chance to attack Arthur, who stopped her hand on time and moved it towards Charles' direction, half of the water bottle spilling onto his back. The two stopped on their tracks, fully aware that they were in trouble. Charles turned around slowly, an annoyed expression plastered on his face, the water running down his body from his shoulders to his feet. Arthur grew a smug smile on his face, not even caring about the consequences anymore, Y/N on the other hand, had her eyes open wide like a dear in front of a car. Charles was usually the one cleaning up their mess, not the one they messed up, this couldn't be good. The middle Leclerc lost the last bit of patience he had left. Without uttering a word, Charles grabbed both of their water bottles and quickly poured them over their heads, walking away with same pissed off expression he had when he first faced them. Charles had never gotten mad at them before. Scold them? Yes, all the time, but he was never actually angry.
Even if Arthur and her spent the rest of the day laughing about the water incident, she felt kind of guilty for getting Charles into their little war. He gave them the cold shoulder for the rest of the day and she couldn't stand it. Apparently, the middle Leclerc had interviews and their water attack meant a whole new outfit and hair and make-up touch up, things Charles hated to do and that made him waste a lot of time. For once, he was angry at them. Y/N understood their situation as the following silent agreement: They kept their mess within themselves and Charles helped them out from a safe distance. With this, she felt like that agreement was violated. He had to deal with the consequences of their actions himself and that wasn't part of the deal. She had to make things right. She owned him that.
After the race, won by Max (again), Y/N walked to Charles hotel room, hoping to get the chance to apologize before he went out to the party to celebrate his P2. She was already dressed for the occasion and was hoping that Charles wasn't pissed off enough to forbid her and Arthur from attending the party. Thinking about it, she couldn't blame him if he did. She knocked a few times, her hands trembling. It wasn't her first time alone with Charles, but it was the first since she admitted to herself she had a crush on him. And it was that crush that made her so scared of his reaction. She didn't want him to be mad at her, she wanted him to like her, even if it was just as Arthur's best friend. The funny and lovely Charles she was used to wasn't the one that opened the door, his face clearly showing his discomfort with her presence, making her rethink about her idea of apologizing right then and there. She knew that they had reached the limit of Charles' patience and she wasn't sure if she wanted to find out what laid beyond that limit.
"What do you want?". He asked, coldly. He wasn't actually that pissed off, but he didn't need another mess when he was celebrating a new podium. And he knew she was trouble.
"I just wanted to say congrats on the podium and...". She trailed off, playing with her hands and looking at everywhere but him. He softened a little at the sight.
"Come in". He moved away from the door to let her in. She walked inside the room, stopping in front of him. She stole a look at his outfit, black jeans and white buttoned up shirt that had the three upper ones undone. He looked amazing without even trying and she was doing the best she could not to stare too much. The strong scent of his cologne was the only thing that entered her body when she breathed in, leaving her almost dizzy.
"I'm sorry. You know? About today. We were kinda rude and well, I never told you I was sorry. Really dick move from us, from me...". She continued rambling a little. Damn, it was so hard to focus when all she could perceive from the world in that moment was just him. She looked so adorable he couldn't even be mad at her anymore.
"It's fine. No hard feelings". He assured her. She nodded and looked up at him. He was an arms length away, she wanted to close the gap, to grab his face and smash her lips against his, but he was off-limits and she knew it. "It was still not as bad as picking you up from the police station".
"I already apologized for that". She giggled. "We are lucky to have you around, saving our asses". Charles could feel that something was different. He had finally gotten mad at her, stopped treating her like a kid and she was owning it up. Maybe they were ready to face other challenges more than just silly pranks and stupid and unnecessary arrests. Maybe, just maybe, they were ready to be something more, in a more mature form. It was his time to get them into trouble and Arthur's time to deal with it. He moved closed and her breath itched in her throat. They were almost chest to chest, him looking down at her with that mischief that usually clouded her eyes.
"You are trouble, you know that?". He asked close to her face. She couldn't find it within herself to answer. His hands went to her hips, moving her towards the wall and pinning her against it. Their lips ghosted each other for a moment before he finally kissed her. It was as good as they imagined it, and they imagined it a lot. Hands touching, teeth pulling, hips grinding. All the pent up tension from the last two and a half years out in a few minutes that felt like hours. When they broke it up, they were panting for air.
"Arthur's not gonna like this". She said, guilt setting in her stomach.
"He'll survive". He placed his hand on her cheek, making her look at him. She was worried but she also knew that, with some time, her friend would understand. Charles reached down and kissed her again.
They knew they would be alright, after all, even if she was trouble, he was a patient man.
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gothic-thoughts · 1 year
Not Listening
Toge Inumaki x Black Fem Reader Angst
CollegeAU(meaning AGEDup), YandereAU, Drabble
TW: Kidnapping, chasing, uses his curse technique to manipulate you
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I don't even know how I let her talk me into letting her clever ass outside. She tried to convince me to go to an open park, I feigned agreement and brought her to the mall. "You said we were going to the park." She growled. I quickly type something on my phone and reveal the screen to her which read, "I'm not stupid so I brought you somewhere where you're less likely to escape immediately."
"In a mall?"
"Yeah. If you make a scene I know how to make you look crazy."
We walk around the mall and every second she gets she tries to pry her hand from mine so I garb her wrist and when that doesn't work, I grab her arm. She only continues to struggle in my grasp so I pull her to the side near a wall, squeezing her arm tightly. "Bonito flakes." I groan, before taking out my phone, "You're gonna force me to do something I don't want to do." She squinted at me, grabbing my hand tightly in an attempt to hurt me but I regardless, I smile at her cooperation. "Salmon."
"What happened to you, Inumaki?"
I give her a confused look when she calls me by my last name. "You heard me. You lost your first name priveleges when you told Megumi never look at me again." She snarls, ripping her hand from me again. I aggressively grab her wrist try to keep walking without drawing attention to our argument.
"You were such a good guy." She snaps.
"No, you were."
"I still am. I'm just a good guy in love, baby. You're what happened to me."
"Don't 'baby' me. I am not your baby and I never will be."
"Salmon! Tuna." I stop in my tracks and flash her my phone screen, "I saved you plenty of times just to see that look you always gave me when you appreciated it. But then I caught you giving the same look to Itadori when he helped you." She pulled away from my hand with a scowl on her face. "Who knew you were such a fucking psychopath?" I scoff at her before grabbing her hand and pulling her to follow me across the open area to an ice cream cart parked by the escalator. I squeeze her hand one last time as a reminder not to do anything she might regret.
"Hi!" The vendor smiled, "What can I get for you?"
I hold up my index finger "Mango mochi. Strawberry mochi for her."
"1000 yen, please."
I reluctantly release her hand and take out my wallet, taking out the cash and looking up to see she had disappeared from my side. Fuck, fuck, fuck. I knew she'd do it. Just didn't think she'd disappear into the crowd so fast! I growl lowly and absent-mindedly slam down the money in anger, trying to hold it together in front of the confused vendor. "What happened?" The vendor asked while preparing the food so I turn back to her and whisper, "Forget us." before running into the crowd with a frantic mind. I just need to get close enough to curse her only.
After zigzagging through the crowd some more, I finally see her blue jacket swaying and ducking into the crowd while trying to get people's attention. looking around for me to solidify that she was escaping. I stop running, opting to speed walk to get close enough to her without being detected while the crowd bumped and rushed past her paranoid state. I even bump into her myself and she doesn't notice from how many people was in the area.
She turns around in the crowd looking at where I was before moving away. I watched as her body started to sway with grogginess before I ran over to her and caught her falling body which led a few people to stop and stare in confusion and concern.
"Y-you...you mother...fu--"
She passed out in my arms so I picked her up bridally and waved the girl goodbye and headed to the mall exit just 50 feet away.
A/n: another shortie, yeah ik. Might post a Gojo smut for the simps Wednesday.
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axailslink · 1 year
My Pretty Girl
Stud!Riri Williams x poc FEM reader
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Summary: You and Riri are exes. It's a classic tale of the cheerleader and the basketball player except they've already dated and now they're wondering if they should date again. Honestly just something sweet.
Snippet from the fic: “ "Am I too young to say you complete me?" ”
Needing a break from the intoxicating air inside your friends apartment you push past the inebriated and stoned young adults making an escape for the front door. When you push it open you walk until the smoke no longer fills your senses and the smell of cheap alcohol leaves your clothes.
Finally coming to a stop you take a quick glance viewing your surroundings. To your surprise you've walked all the way to the basketball court and even more surprising Riri is there dribbling her basketball up and down said court. Truthfully you hadn't noticed she left the apartment but you definitely understand why it's suffocating inside and it's not the distinct smell of weed in the air, the smoke filling everyone's lungs or the tangy smell of the alcohol on everyone's breath but it's the vibes in there it's too crowded, too loud it's just too much. You find yourself walking up to Riri who's unaware of your presence as she shoots the ball and hits the backboard your laugh echoes in her head causing her to look back. "I know you ain't talking" you smile and shrug "that was one hell of a miss Ri" she chases after the ball before tossing it to you "I bet you can't do better. All you know how to do is sit cute-" you dribble the ball and shoot it as Riri continues to talk smack "might break a nail or something..." You shush her as your ball hits nothing but net and you smile Riri can't help but laugh at herself. "You letting a cheerleader beat you at your own game man? You used to be better at this you know?" Riri grabs the ball and approaches you tucking it underneath her arm "lucky shot." You gasp at the absolute bullshittery Riri is insinuating "yeah you must be high off that win still" Riri sucks her teeth and passes you the ball "check the damm ball man."
Of course you demolish Riri at her own game leaving her to lean on the gate with you beside her holding her ball "okay so maybe you're not so bad" you scoff at Riri "not so bad? Man I kicked your ass. Like always." Riri smiles and nods "yeah you definitely did that but you was real cute with it." You shrug because what does it matter? You beat the basketball team's best player in a one on one while keeping it cute "truth be told I've seen you play better Riri what's on your mind? Just cause we ain't close like we used to be don't mean I'm not here." Riri sighs as she sits down back against the cold gate now "ion really know I ain't been myself ball ain't really no fun no more and classes well... You know how that goes..." You nod "yeah I get you classes can be hell" Riri sighs "not for me I know everything so nothing surprises me with class I could not attend classes for a month and go in and be able to get higher scores on the test than everyone without trying. Basketball ain't fun no more it's just like everything else to me I keep winning." You laugh and bump her legs with yours getting her attention "but you definitely just lost to me. I mean I definitely rocked yo shit a few times and lets not forget I made you fall." Riri shakes her head "nah that had to be in your head. Miss too pretty don't play that good don't go hyping your head up man." The laugh that you sound has Riri smiling wider now "too pretty?" Riri nods "yeah don't act brand new you've always been pretty even the girls you date are pretty don't try to play me." This is where the night finally gets awkward for you because right now is a current reminder that you and Riri were wasted potential a couple of years ago. "Yeah you right about that you always were pretty" Riri smiles and nods "oh trust me I know but it never made sense as to why you dropped me. I was mad as hell." You're silent for a while before sitting up and giving Riri your full attention "I never meant to hurt you but I couldn't juggle it all Ri you can handle anything thrown at you college, ball, and all your little tinkering shit. I couldn't handle you, cheer, work, and school so I had to let something go even if it was the best part of me."
You and Riri just sit in a comfortable silence for a moment nothing sounds from you two but the sounds of your breathing and that's nothing close to a whisper but Riri breaks it with a question "the best part of you?" You nod "absolutely Ri you weren't just a stepping stone in my life to get to the next person you meant and still do mean a lot to me. Your smile makes me smile you literally light up any fucking room you walk into how could you not be the best part of me? I loved you." Riri's smile fades as she speaks now staring past the distance of the court and at the street lights "do you still love me?" You don't hesitate in your answer because you have no reason to "always." Riri grabs your hand and squeezes tightly "I thought you hated me" you sigh before replying"I thought you hated me."
You both just sit in silence for a while with your hands interlocked. You've missed this being able to talk shit with Riri and feel at home even when you're not she's your safe space and always has been. You both take glances at each other but nothing more. "I like to live in the present" you mumble and Riri nods "this is the present" you sigh and glance at her "Riri let go of me" she of course loosens her grip on your hand but doesn't pull away. "I don't think I want to Y/n I still care for you I've learned to be without you but I don't feel the same. As cheesy as this is about to sound will you be my pretty girl again?" You shake your head and smile "you know I can't say no that."
Riri nods "good because I missed you and not just your touch or anything intimate I missed being around you and having someone to care for. Am I too young to say you complete me?" You toss Riri's ball to the side and straddle her lap "no" you look at her face wandering if you only want to be with her now because you're bored you wander if her saying all these things are impacting your actions you wander if you feel pressured but when your lips touch hers all those thoughts go away. All those worries disappear. Riri's hands grab your own and you smile into the kiss that with each second gets heavier and hotter warming your skin but she pulls away before it can become too much for the public eye. "Want a ride home?" You smile slyly after licking your lips "you tryna fuck again already?" Riri laughs and shakes her head "damn girl no it's dark and I heard yo non driving ass wrecked your car." You stand up and pull her up "oh well only if I get to drive" Riri shakes her head as her smile disappears "no one drives Betty you know this." You slip your hand in her gym shorts pocket and fondle around before you feel her familiar set of keys "I'm not just anyone and if I recall Betty loves me." You slap her leg from inside her pocket before taking it out.
"You wreck yo shit and want to drive mine. Classic Y/n"
"what type of girlfriend would I be if I didn't borrow your shit?"
Riri smiles to herself "a shitty one"
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azlan-snow · 4 months
Broadcast Husbands
Chapter Three
(Told from Vox’s POV.)
As we begin to settle into the room, I notice the lack of tech in the place. That’s going to change. “Al,” I say, catching his attention. 
“Yes, beloved?”
“Are you going to continue your shows from here or the tower?”
“Here might be nice. How about you and your broadcasts? That would be hard to accomplish from here.”
“True. I’ll keep doing them from the tower.”
“Very well. I shall add it to the remodeling list.”
“Remodeling list?”
“Yes! The princess handed me this list of some of the things she wanted to put in the hotel, but didn’t have the experience nor the people to achieve such a thing.” He hands me the list and I read through it.
“Interesting.” I grab a pen and write ‘tech’ on the paper. “That last one I’ll supply.” I hand it back to him and he looks at it before laughing.
“You definitely will. I will supply the radioes, then.”
“Al, no one listens to radio anymore.”
“That’s not true. Plenty of people do. Including you.”
“Fair. I’m just saying your medium is a little out of date, is all.”
“Out of date? Vox, you’re hilarious. Your’s is too modern, my friend.”
“Ha ha. Very funny.” I snap my fingers to summon my phone and begin to search for something. “I’ll be back.”  I exit the room to find the princess, who was in her room at the other end of the hall. “Charlie? Are you there?” She opened the door, her hair a hot mess.
“Jeez. Who fucked you up?”
“Are you okay, Princess?”
“I’m fine. And please call me Charlie. How can I help?”
“I was wondering about the list of things you wanted renovated here. Do you mind if I add some tech and a radio tower?” 
“Of course not!”
“Thanks. And I had another question. One that should be discussed privately.”
“Oh. Come in then.” I walk into the dark room and sit down in the chair that she offered me. “What’s on your mind, sir?”
“Please, call me Vox. It’s only fair.”
“Okay, then, Vox. What do you wish to discuss with me about?”
“The hotel. Why are you doing this?”
“Are you questioning my project or me?”
“Neither. I just want to know the intentions so I can fully help.”
“Uh-huh. Okay. I want Heaven and Hell to work together. They’re always saying everyone deserves a second chance, yet souls end up here. Where’s their second chance?”
“Interesting. But how do you plan to do this?”
“I want to get a meeting with Heaven. Convince them that they are human souls, too.”
“I see. Then we should make this place shine, huh?”
“Most definitely.”
“Very well. We'll begin shortly. Take a nap if you feel like it, Princess. You look like you need it.”
“Fine. And don't call me Princess.” I walked out, leaving the girl in her room. As I walk back, I notice a small pig running down the hall.
“Nuggs, come back!” The skinny one known as Angel chased after it. I scooped up the pig who squeaked upon my sudden movement and squirmed around in my hands. Angel stopped in front of me, fear dormant in his eyes. “Can I have him back?”
“Of course.”  I step towards him and place the pig in his hands. “Relax. I’m not like my husband, who would eat him. I suggest keeping him away from our chambers.”
“Of course. Thank you.” He ran off without another word, and I continued towards the room. As I walked, I contemplated to myself about the Princess’ words. Getting a person into Heaven. That was going to be impossible. But the idea was hilarious. Might as well go with it. “Maybe we should accompany her.” I enter our room and see Alastor missing. “Honey?”
“Yes, darling?” He materializes in the room, walking towards me with a subtle smile. 
“I found out the Princess’ goal.”
“Oh? Do tell.”
“She wants to get people into Heaven. She’s going to ask to meet with them.”
“That’s intriguing.”
“Indeed. What shall we do?”
“You should accompany the young girl. Make sure that her safety is guaranteed.”
“What are you going to do?”
“Fix the fixer-upper, as you say.”
“Very funny.”
“I’m quite serious, Vox.”
“I wasn’t doubting that. It was genuine when I said ‘very funny’.”
“Oh. My apologies. I thought it was sarcasm.”
“It’s fine, babe.”
“Then it’s settled. I’ll even take the princess to the tower.”
“That would be nice. You can retrieve some of my radio show essentials for me while you’re there.”
“Okay. Just tell me what you need. Or write a list.”
“I shall make you a list, beloved. It shall be ready soon.”
“Good. And start with the kitchen. I’ll get groceries when we go.”
“Very well.”
Stay tuned for another chapter! -Az
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ashwhowrites · 2 years
Enemies part 2
Requested by @seasonofth3witch
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Robin felt too embarrassed to show her face around Y/N. Refusing to leave the comfort of her house. Even her bedroom was stained with Y/N's memory, Robin hated it.
She also hated that she deserved it. She wanted to be pissed at Y/N for tossing her aside but she couldn't. Y/N just wanted to put the truth behind Robin's words.
"come on Robin. You ditched the past three movie nights. Get out of your bed!" Steve demanded, yanking the blanket off of Robin's skin.
"Steve I can't! I can't show my face in front of her. I'll look like a fucking idiot."
"Robin, she hadn't showed up either." He sighed. Robin sat up fast at Steve's confession.
"what why?"
"Because she said you guys had a huge falling out and she was done trying to make it work. She said she came into the group after you so she left. We haven't seen or talked to her in weeks. What the hell happened between you guys?" He asked
"just me and my big mouth." Robin said quietly
Not only did she chase Y/N away from her, she chased her away from her friends.
"what did you say this time?" Steve sighed. Sitting next to Robin.
"Maybe I told a girl that was interested in her that Y/N was a fuck and leave type of person because that's the only reason people want her."
Steve flinched at the words, "fuck Robin."
"fuck I know. It gets worse. She confronted me about it, told me I only said that shit because I was jealous and liked her. So she took me back home, and we had sex." Steve was listening closely. Nodding as he made sure to listen to every detail.
"was it bad? Is that why you refuse to see each other?" He asked
"no it was really fucking good. And when I woke up she was gone. She left a note saying I shouldn't expect a call since she was a fuck and leave type of person." She explained, head in her hands. Why did she have to always open her mouth.
"oh that's harsh." He sighed. She nodded.
"be honest with yourself Robin. Do you like this girl?" Steve asked. Watching her reaction closely
"I do. And I think that's why I keep fucking up. I get so jealous that these girls have no issues hitting on her. And I have given her no reason to like me back so now it's a lost cause. I fucked up too badly for the last time" she admitted.
"have you tried to be honest with her? She's a really sweet girl Robin. She might hear you out. She obviously likes you a lot otherwise she would have given up on you a long time ago"
Steve was right. It wasn't like their friendship was at stake. She already lost her. She had nothing to lose just trying to gain.
Now Robin found herself outside of Y/N's house, knocking on her door. Swallowing all of her pride and for once being honest.
"Rob?" She questioned as she opened the door.
A nervous Robin stood at her door
"can we talk?" She asked
"I really don't think we need to talk about anything" Y/N sighed
"no, I need to be honest with you for once. You don't have to even talk. Just let me ramble and get shit off of my chest?" Robin asked again
Y/N sighed against her better judgement, letting the girl in.
"let me start with I'm really fucking sorry. Like from the bottom of my heart that I am so sorry. I fucked up over and over, a thousand times. I don't even know what is so wrong with me when it comes to you. I have to admit to myself and you, that I really fucking like you. It was always you, no matter how much I denied it and it scared me. I get jealous when all of these girls make it seem so easy to flirt with you. So I act out. I try to make you this shitty person in my head so my heart can move on. But you are just this beautiful and wonderful woman. And I know I don't deserve forgiveness. I don't even deserve to ask for it. But I would love to try to make this up for you. Be friends at least." Robin ranted out. She feels relief of getting everything out in the open. Finally being honest with Y/N.
Y/N was a little taken back. She had a feeling Robin liked her and that's why she acted out. But Robin seemed to really like her, more than she originally thought.
"you're right. You don't deserve any bit of my forgiveness or to even ask"
Robin nodded. It hurt to hear but it was deserved
"but unlike you, I admitted to myself I liked you a long time ago. And I would like to get to know the Robin all our friends brag about. I don't forgive you but let's start as friends."
Friends, that was something they could do.
Turns out being friends was a lot harder than being enemies. Robin had to bite on her tongue to make sure she didn't say any stupid shit to cause them to fight. Which Robin wasn't good at. She's good at letting her mouth do all the talking without asking her brain. Y/N was even more sweet as a friend, Robin hated it. She hated the way Y/N always had an open spot next to her for movies nights. A blanket waiting to be shared. Being friends with someone you are slowly falling in love with was torture.
They still butted heads no doubt. Both were sarcastic and bounced off of each other. Robin tried her hardest to be nice and supportive. Y/N wanted to be friends so Robin was going to try her best.
Some days went better than others. Some days they went head to head. Bickering back and forth. Maybe fighting will be something they will always do.
And now she has to suck it up and watch the girl she finally admitted she had a crush on, be with other girls. Robin knows she can't be mad. She easily could have been in their position, all she had to do was admit how she felt.
Y/N said friends and friends only for the meantime. Robin didn't know that meant she'd accept dates from girls at parties and keeping numbers.
But God Robin wanted her. She wanted to grind against her hips on the dance floor. She wants to feel Y/N's tongue all around her mouth. And the way Y/N kept looking back at her, she had a feeling she wanted Robin to finally make the move.
After another shot she turned to Steve, "that's it. I've been friends with her for two months and I'm done. I can't keep watching these girls grind on her. I need her" Robin said confidently. She was doing this.
"woah Robin. What's your plan? Just walk up there and pull her away from the girl?" Steve asked. Robin was going to act on jealousy. Something they both knew never ended good"
"yes" Robin said. Throwing her red solo cup at Steve's chest and marching over to the two girls in her sneakers. Not even giving a glance to whoever Y/N was dancing with, shoving her to the side.
Robin stared into Y/N's eyes, challenging her. This time Robin was taking the shot. She smashed her lips against Y/N's hard and messy. Throwing her arms over her shoulders and pulling her closer. Whimpering as her button up rubbed against Y/N's low cut top. Robin's blue jeans rutting against Y/N's black skirt. Robin refused to leave the kiss first. Shoving her tongue to taste her. Memories of their night together flashed through her head. The feeling of Y/N ruining her, tasting her, and fucking her. She wanted it again. Fuck this friends shit. Robin dug her fingernails into Y/N's shoulder. No shame in how she was practically dry humping her on the dance floor.
Y/N pulled away for air. Watching Robin with a crazed look.
"WHAT WAS THAT?" She yelled over the music
"I CAN'T BE JUST FRIENDS ANYMORE" Robin yelled back.
Y/N didn't want to have this conversation, screaming over music. She grabbed Robin's hand and led her to the nearest bedroom. Slipping inside. She locked the door and as she turned saw Robin quickly unbuttoning her shirt.
“What makes you think I’m going to fuck you?” Robin froze as she looked up. Y/N looked dead serious.
"is that not...?"
"no. I thought we could talk" Y/N answered
Robin swallowed harshly, embarrassment in her bones as she finished buttoning back up her shirt.
"oh sorry" she muttered. Sitting on the strangers bed, Y/N sat next to her with a sigh
"you aren't supposed to kiss me Rob" Y/N grunted, throwing her body against the bed.
Robin followed her action, laying next to her and turning her head to face her.
"why not?" She whispered quietly. Robin didn't think this through. Maybe Y/N asked to be friends because that's all she actually wanted.
"because I'm supposed to be getting over you" Y/N turned her head to look into Robin's blue eyes. She felt like she was going backwards. She worked so hard to keep Robin at a friendly arm level away. But now as Robin slowly touches her cheek, brushing her thumb over the skin, she was losing that arm level. Robin was closer than ever.
"what If I don't want you to get over me?" Robin asked. Moving her body even closer to Y/N's warmth.
"I have to Rob. Every time I let myself fall for you I end up getting hurt. I can't keep doing it" Y/N admitted with a shrug. She's been chasing this girl for months on end and smacks head first into dead ends. "I feel like I'm running after you and you keep pushing the finish line further. Enjoying watching me bleed and cry for you"
"you know it's not like that. I want you. I want an us. I want an us that are more than friends. Because watching you and all these girls is killing me. I want that to be me. I want to be yours" Robin whispered. Placing her head on her hand as she sat up. Hovering over Y/N's face. Slowly moving towards her lips
"I want that too but I can't get hurt again"
"I won't. It's time I show you just how much I like you. Let me make things better" Robin said, leaning in closer. Looking to Y/N's eyes, watching as they slowly close. Robin closed her eyes as well, sighing as her lips met Y/N's. Rubin doesn't think she could ever get tired of kissing her. Y/N leaned up, deepening the kiss.
"I swear Rob, don't make me regret this"
Robin nodded ecstatically, a huge smile beaming.
"you won't" Robin whispered, kissing her lips again softly.
Robin knew she had work to do. She had a lot of things to fix. She was doing the best she could as their relationship started to grow.
They both learned Robin is a very jealous girlfriend.
"Rob seriously?" Y/N sighed. Yet again in another argument.
"SHE WAS EYE FUCKING YOU!" Robin screamed as she stomped her foot.
Y/N rolled her eyes, "and where was I looking Rob? Back at her?"
"well no but"
"but what rob? " Y/N was tired of having the same argument over and over with her girlfriend
"I did it again. I'm sorry" Robin sighed. Sitting down on the bed next to her.
But they could learn it together.
A year into the relationship, they got a lot better. Y/N learned to make sure Robin felt secure in their relationship, not giving her a reason to seek out jealousy. Robin learned to trust Y/N, she never gave a reason to not believe in her. She learned to speak out when she got upset, not starting an argument.
Their friends watched the couple in amusement. Watching as they were both so similar and basically the same person.
Robin was sitting on her girlfriends couch. Flipping through a magazine as her girlfriend began sorting through her decorations.
"I know we had a big fight but we still need to decorate the house for the holidays." Y/N sighed as she began to pull out her small tree.
"I thought you didn't need my help?" Robin huffed, crossing her arms for a challenge.
"I said help with Dustin's crush. No offense Rob but you make half your crushes want to kick your beautiful ass so I did him a favor. Now grab the damn lights" Y/N demanded as she set the tree up in the corner.
Robin knew she was right. She definitely gave Dustin horrible advice about his crush. She's not sure when she started to give advice like Steve.
"fine" Robin surrendered. Using her height as an advantage to decorate the top of the tree as her girlfriend stayed near the bottom (sorry if you are taller than her :(
But the angry sex? That was Robin's favorite part, apart from loving the girl of her dreams.
"Swallow, all out it" Y/N demanded as she laid on top of Robin's quivering body. Robin's mouth open wide as Y/N's spit landed on her tongue.
Robin swallowed with no hesitation. Her body burning as Y/N's hand was moving the vibrator in and out of Robin's cunt.
"You’re still horny? Didn’t I fuck you hard enough last night?”
Robin nodded, not even embarrassment. She'd let Y/N use her daily if she wanted to.
When Robin tried to be sweet, Y/N was suspicious.
"sweetheart, want take out for dinner?" Robin asked as she flipped through the tv channels.
Y/N placed down the book she was reading. Eyeing Robin carefully.
"did you just call me sweetheart?" She asked
Robin nodded, confused
"what did you do Rob?"
"what! Nothing"
They still had their romantic moments
"I could stare at you forever" Y/N said softly as she played with Robin's hair
"creep" Robin mumbled back as she blushed.
The bickering definitely didn't stop though
"Rock Paper Scissors to see who has to go talk to the neighbors upstairs for being too loud" Y/N said, throwing her hands out in the middle.
"no way! They are your neighbors!" Robin challenged
And when their arguments got too heated, Steve had a plan. He'd throw the couple into a locked room and force them to either talk it out or fuck it out.
"Seven billion people in the world and I got put in a room with you. Either I’m cursed or God likes playing house with us.” Y/N muttered as she pounded on the door.
Robin mocked her words and talked with her hands.
But don't worry they are definitely in love
That's a wrap! Thank you so much for enjoying this small series
@anouknagel @brittney69 @peepshake @iusemyfriendsemaillmao
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its-been-rose · 5 months
Honestly, i always love myself a good messed up slasher. Especially when they work in pairs (Scream, anyone?)
But when it gets to the story of Killer Frequency, I always just keep wanting to pull Marie aside and go "Yoooooou! Put that boy through so much trauma! And then JUMPED?!"
And like in your art, I doubt this is just a spur of the moment thing, like she's been training for this! Imagine as a young child waking up and your mother teaches you to whistle, not because it's a fun little skill but bc you're gonna use it to terrorize then murder people with.
You are compared to a father you've never even met and somewhat care but also don't care for because it's an image presented to you via your mother who you love so much you'd do anything for.
You are taught to use a knife, probably. Something just tells me this isn't their first instance of killing someone, especially Marie. I mean do you remember Mrs. Loomis in Scream 2 when Randy is talking shit and she MAIMS him? That's Marie all the way.
There's just... so much to say about Marie. Like what was she even planning to do after this fact?
I don’t think this was the intention, but her jumping off Whistling Point at the end seemed to me like it was something she’d planned the entire time, like she’d planned it to be a murder-suicide from the get go. I think in reality it was probably just a very serendipitous coincidence that’s where her running from the cops took her and she took the easy way out due to the convenience. I’m just a sucker for drama and having her basically planning a 20-year long suicide plan is pretty dark.
But either way, she completely threw Henry to the wolves. Obviously she told him to run but what parent wouldn’t be like “don’t go after him he had nothing to do with it it’s me you want”??? Like girl you’re just gonna orphan your son?? Who looked up to you so?
I do not doubt for a single second that she raised Henry for that night and that night alone. Literally nothing else mattered. She absolutely screwed him over and let herself believe she was doing the right thing. If you think about the game for more than five seconds the real tragedy becomes obvious.
I totally agree with you that Henry did it less because he loved his father and wanted revenge for his death but more because he loved his mother who loved his father and wanted to do right by her. Like some of my own relatives passed away before I was born, and I was told stories about them, but I don’t feel a connection to them at all. I feel connected to how my parents felt about them. Like one of my parents lost their brother (my uncle) but i feel worse for them losing their sibling than i do for myself losing an uncle, if that makes sense. I can definitely see Henry thinking something along the lines of “yeah my dad was killed and it sucks and it’s not fair I never got to meet him, but look what his death did to my mom, it destroyed her, and it’s all their fault she’s been miserable for 19 years”
Yeah, Marie taught him, raised him, to be this. It should be a parent’s worst nightmare for their kid to turn into a monster, but she encouraged it. Completely unfair. And yeah I mean we know from Clive’s tapes that Whistling Night wasn’t their first foray into murder. They’d been chasing down stragglers for a while before then, could have been anywhere from months to weeks to days before.
As for what her plan was after the fact… I don’t think she had one, to be perfectly honest. This was all that mattered. I mean like- she even revealed her identity and the identity of her son ON AIR, so it would be way harder to go into hiding anyway. To me that says she didn’t really plan ahead. Just be perpetually on the run?
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darnell-la · 2 years
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word count: 3k
paring: Billy Hargrove x reader & a little bit of Eddie Munson x reader
warning: 18+ minors dni, smut, p n v, choking, mention of fingering, blow job, sub!reader, fem!reader, fake hatred, attracted to best friend, dom!billy hargrove, and use of one of our authors name instead of y/n
Note: feel free to share, repost, like and comment!
"Too much, isn't it?" Billy asked as he curled his fingers. "Y-Yes, yes," I breathed heavily as I grabbed back onto his thighs, trying my best to keep in my moans.
We're right under the bleachers at the basketball game. He had told his coach that he had to go to the bathroom, just so he could meet me down here.
He begged me before the game to come down here after halftimes cheer so that we could talk about something serious.
We started our conversation by arguing about how he's always the first to make moves. I told him that I'm just a shy person. He apologized for getting loud with me. 
He opened his arms so I went in for a hug but he quickly turned me around and grabbed my neck, forcing me to stay pinned against his chest.
"Your cunt always squeezes around my fingers. How will you even take me?" He chuckled, picking up his paste as he let go of my neck to cover my mouth.
"But too bad you're so innocent and don't want big bad Eddie to know that your bully finger fucks you whenever he pleases, right?" Billy hissed in my ear. Why do I let this happen? Because it feels so good...
"You comin' tonight?" Eddie asked as I walked up to him and Billy, sitting at the same cafeteria table. They barely talk, so seeing them at the same table is kind of new to me.
"Yeah," I said as sat down, not greeting Billy because I and him are everything but friends. He's a big tease and a dick. I hate it.
"How've you been, babe?" Billy asked me. I chuckled and ignored him because he knows I don't want shit to do with him right now. His dirty talks are more personal now. too bad you're so innocent and don't want big bad Eddie to know that your bully finger fucks you whenever he pleases...
"Just leave her alone. You know she doesn't like you" Eddie said, holding in his laugh as Billy laughed. "And we're gonna change that, aren't we, Munson?" Billy said. What? Please, he won't do shit!
"Just chill for right now," Eddie said. "Whatever you say," Billy said with a smirk on his cocky little face then continued eating. I can't wait for the day that Billy's put in his place.
"Why the skimpy shit?" Billy asked as he pulled me into him by my arm. "Why do you care?" I asked, trying to yank myself away from him but he pulled me into him harder.
"You know why," he said. "No, I actually don't," I said, truly not knowing. "When a man finger fucks and eats a girl out without them giving them something back, that means they have some type of feelings for them, Scotlyn," Billy said.
"Well, t-that's not my problem" I stuttered, processing that he just said he has feelings for me. I knew something was off about him pleasing me without asking me to do the same for him.
"Yes, it fucking is!" Billy said through his teeth. He's pissed off that I'm being so dry and sound like I don't care about what he has to say. I can't control it. I'm just shy around him and hate being around him for so long. He teases me so much.
"No, it's not!" I shouted then pushed him off and rushed to the stairs. He tried chasing me but I quickly made my way downstairs to the party.
"Hey, Scotlyn! Come dance with me!" Jane yelled from across the room. She's my little experiment. Not because we're women but because I'm a virgin and she doesn't have a real dick to fuck me with. 
I'm not saving my virginity or anything, there are just no guys I'd have sex with, here. Well, there is. Actually, two, but I'm not going to admit to that.
"You look good today, babe," Jane said as she grabbed my waist and turned me around so that I could grind on her a little. I love dancing with her. It always places a smile on my face. 
"You do as well," I said, holding in my blush. I wouldn't date Jane but I love the way she treats me and how good of a friend she is. She's perfect for what we're doing. 
"I've heard about you and Billy," Jane said in my ear so that no one else around us could hear. "What?" I asked as my heart dropped. No, he did not...
"You and Billy? I heard he was going around saying that y'all are a thing or something" she said. "What? No, no" I said.
"Well, Billy doesn't lie. Unless he's talking about something else, I don't know," she said. "Well, we're not a thing but we do things if you know what I mean," I said. I can't lie to her. She'll end up finding out anyways since billy can't keep his fucking mouth shut.
"Oh, girl, you're lucky," Jane said. "Why?" I asked. "He would never say he's something with someone, even if he was," she said, which is very true.
"Well damn," I said, thinking about what he said when we were upstairs. When a man finger fucks and eats a girl out without them giving them something back, that means they have some type of feelings for them, Scotlyn...
"You good?" Jane asked as she pulled me into her closer. Now she's grinding on me in the rhythm of the music.
"Yes! Yes, I'm good" I said, snapping out of my thoughts. I started grinding into her, basically humping as some people watching. People around here aren't use to girls dancing like this. Especially the girl's who are actually gay.
"Scotlyn, time to go," Billy said, coming out of nowhere as he yanked me away from Jane. "Hey! What the fuck!" I said as I tried pulling away but he was too strong.
"What the hell is your problem!?" I said, still trying to pull back but he ended up pulling me out of the party, towards Eddie's van which Eddie is already in.
"Where was she?" Eddie asked. "Grinding on Jane like a fucking whore," Billy replied in an angry tone as he opened Eddie's van door and pushed me in.
Before I could turn around and jump out, he closed it and Eddie locked the door. "What the hell!" I yelled as I hit the door.
I sat down and crossed my arms, giving up. I'm not even drunk and they're taking me home. I was just getting started with having some fun.
"Calm down, princess," Eddie said as Billy hopped in the van. "Why is he here?" I asked. He has his own car he came here with. He can drive home.
"We went to drop my car off at home. We came back to get you and just as I expected, you were grinding your ass on Jane," Billy said, making me roll my eyes.
"Okey, and!? I'm single and she's my girl!" I shouted. I'm tired of Billy being pissed at me for doing shit he has no right to be pissed off at.
"Your girl? When did you tell me this?" Eddie asked. "Well, she's not my girl but we're very close and it's fine for me to grind on her like non-gay girls do," I said.
"The difference is, is that you and Jane fuck. You let her fuck you like her little slut with her strap. Is that what it's called? Yeah... That's the fucking problem!" Billy said.
"I still don't know why you care," I said, low. "Because he pleases you, Scotlyn. God, you're fucking slow," Eddie said as he backed up out of the driveway then drove off.
"You told him!?" I yelled at Billy. "Duh," Billy said as he and Eddie laughed. "Fucking bitch!" I yelled as I crawled over to him and wrapped my arm around his neck.
"What the fuck!" Billy choked as Eddie laughed at how pathetic Billy looked. "Fucking-" Billy choked as he quickly turned around and pushed me back.
"I'm fucking tired of your ass," Billy said as he hopped in the back with me. "Can you guys just chill out for once? You guys don't need to fake hate each other anymore. I know!" Eddie said.
"Tell her that then!" Billy said. "Fuck you, motherfucker," I said, low, not knowing what else to say. My attitude is very unnecessary. Like always…
Eddie quickly stopped the car, placed it in park then hopped in the back. I rolled my eyes at the two as I relaxed.
"How about we clear the air and talk about what we hate about each other?" Eddie asked. I wouldn't even know what to say. I don't have anything against billy. Nothing at all.
"I fucking hate that you'll let me finger fuck you, eat you out but won't make the move and show me that you want me. It's annoying as fuck," Billy said.
"You let Jane fuck you with that fake shit so you might as well let me give you the real thing. I'm not going to brag Scotlyn, I just- I've been wanting to do this shit with you for so long," Billy said.
"You won't tell people like you didn't tell people at school that we're a thing?" I asked, sarcastically. "I only said we were a thing, as in dating, not fucking, Scotlyn!" Billy shouted.
"Damn. Aggressive much," I laughed. Eddie shook his head as he leaned back against the car door. He knows I don't take a lot of things seriously. That's one thing Billy hates.
"Why can't you just shut up for once!?" Billy yelled at me. I stayed silent at how angry he looked. His face is getting red and his veins are showing almost everywhere.
"I just-" I tried saying. "Shut up! You tease me! You don't listen! You grind on other people! You wear risky shit! I hate that whore shit!" Billy yelled.
I looked at Eddie because he basically just called me a whore. Why is Eddie, my best friend, letting him say this about me?
"Eddie..." I said, wanting him to say something but he just lifted his shoulders and dropped them. Everything about teasing Billy is true.
"He's not going to do shit. He's actually the one that came to me about your bitchy attitude," Billy said as he started making his way toward me. 
"What are you talking about?" I asked as I backed up. "Munson here tells me all about your nasty attitude and how he can't control it," Billy said.
"What? E-Eddie, I'm not trying to come off rude, Eddie," I said. They both laughed. "I know you're not but it pisses me off. Even when I yell at you, your attitude stays the same," Eddie said.
"Maybe you're pissed that you haven't gotten dick or something, I don't know, but Hargrove here is the perfect solution to your bitch attitude," Eddie said, causing my eyes to widen. He never talks to me like that.
"Don't be surprised the freak of Hawkins is speaking to you like that. Just look at you, Scotlyn. You're attitude's shitty, you dress like a fucking tramp and you open your legs so fucking easy for me," Billy expressed.
"I'm not a tramp or a whore, I just- I just like dressing the way I dress," I said. "For me, isn't that right? To piss me off and to tease me, huh?" He asked. He's currently in front of my face. He's so intimating.
"Since Eddie here's too scared to put you in your place, I'll do it for him," Billy said as he grabbed my ankles and yanked me forward, causing my upper body to fall back against the van floor.
"Wait, Billy!" I said as my heart started racing. What is he going to do to me? I know he won't hurt me but he can't "punish" me in front of Eddie. My best friend.
"Billy, stop!" I yelled as I slapped him across his face, making him freeze in place. I didn't mean to slap him and I don't want him to stop. It was just a reflex. I'm so fucking shy about this. 
Billy quickly connected his right hand with my neck as he started unbuckling his jeans. "I'm sick and tired of you and your attitude," Billy hissed. He's defiantly angrier than he usually is. 
"Is your attitude checked yet, princess?" Eddie chuckled with an evil grin across his face. He's most defiantly enjoying this. 
"Fuck you," I choked. Of course I didn't mean it but I said it anyways because that's how I am.  "That's that bitch attitude that we're talking about," Billy spat, inches away from my face. He leaned back up and then took himself out of his jeans. 
Will I even be able to take that in me? He's so big and I'm so tight. I can barely even take his fingers...
"All thoughts running through your head, huh? Don't stress, baby. I bet you're already soaked like always," Billy ripped my panties off viciously, without warning, causing me to gasp.
"And she is," Billy muttered as he stared at my folds. He looks so lost at the sight of me even though he's seen it plenty of times. "She's so wet," Eddie said as he made his way over to us.
"She's always like this. Have a taste, Munson" Billy offered so he did. My best friend wiped two fingers in between my slit, causing a slight moan to escape my mouth.
"So sweet... Who would have thought?" Eddie said. He looks so proud. Like he's proud that I taste good. "I wonder what her moans sound like," Eddie said. He's so interested in his best friend being fucked. Why does he want to see me like this so badly? It's kind of giving me a feeling in my stomach. A good feeling. 
"You heard that, babe? Show Munson how pretty your little moans sound and maybe I'll go easy," Billy said as he looked into my eyes. "Don't worry. I won't hurt you," Billy said. He's still trying to show his soft side. That's why I keep coming back to him. He's so charming, yet, aggressive.
Billy strocked his length as he began to line himself up to my entrance. He's watching my breathing get heavier, the closer he gets. 
"So fucking pathetic," Billy muttered, acting like he was pissed off, to set the mood, as he made his way to push into me slowly. he watched as my head tilted back and how my moans had a hard time escaping my throat from his hand around my neck.
"Fuck!" He grutned, finally burying his cock deep into me. "Billy!" I cried out and kicked. He feels so much better than Jane's strap. Holly fuck! 
"Your first time is going to end up all filled up by me. You're too tight to pull out of in time. Hell, I probably already pre-came in your wet cunt" he dirty-talked as his hips started colliding against mine.
"Should a fuck a baby into you, sweet thing? Just tell me and I'll bread your pretty little pussy" Billy said as he fucked harder.
"Y-Yes, please, cum in me, please!" I begged. He and Eddie looked at each other, surprised at my words then laughed like they accomplished something.
"That's what we want to hear. Are you gonna let us fuck you like a little slut, now that you've finally opened your little pussy up, for me?" Billy asked as he let my neck go to hold himself up.
"Yes," I whined, trying not to sound too needy but I am. I'm very needy right about now. "What a fucking whore you are," Billy voiced as he leaned down toward my face.
"I bet if I fucked my cum in you every day, it still wouldn't be enough for you, huh, you cock drunk, whore?" Billy spoke, now slowly deep stroking into me.
"Mhmm, take my fucking cock, bitch. Take it until I feel like I'm done fucking your slutty cunt" Billy cussed like he's never cussed before.
"Fuck, fuck, fuck!" I moaned out loud as I came all over him without warning. It feels to good. "Mhm, fuck yeah! Right there, huh? I'm right at your spot, baby?" Billy slightly moaned, letting me know he was close. 
"Fuck, baby. You're so fucking wet now, a-and tight. I could just — fuck — I could just cum in you all fucking day," Billy groaned as his liquid started feeling me. 
"Fucking hell," Billy said as he pulled out of me and flopped on the side of me. I can feel how warm he is in me. Some cum is even making its way out of my hole. 
"Fuck..." Eddie moaned low. I quickly looked up to see my best friend jerking himself off. "Mmm" he moaned, shutting his eyes as he came all over his chest and hand. 
I slowly got up and crawled over to him, wanting to try something out and see if he'd let me. "What, Scotlyn?" he asked in an embarrassed voice.
I stayed silent as I removed his right hand from his cock and connected my right with it instead. I looked up at him with innocent eyes as I slowly pulled my tongue out. He groaned low at the sight of me like this. 
I slowly licked around his cock then wrapped my mouth around his cock. "Scotlyn, baby, fuck!" Eddie pathetically moaned. I can how sensitive he is because his legs are twitching. 
"She got fucked and now she's cock drunk," Billy spoke as he crawled next to us and sat down to watch. "Y-Yeah," Eddie tried laughing but it ended up coming out as a whimper as I picked up my paste. I just can't get enough, now.
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thegothicviking · 4 months
TW: Mention of suicidal thoughts
Lost another friend due to me being "high "maintenance"...although I don't feel like I am?
I guess I nagged too much on her and she didn't think that not wishing me "happy birthday" was a big deal, when I personally think birthdays are important. Clash in personalities I guess.
I'm just glad that we didn't have that much in common (although she told me she was Asperger too and she was the only physical friend in a long while that I had a mutual fave band with, Bauhaus,) but we weren't even friends for a whole year so it's not that much of a loss I guess. I might have ONE "in real life" friend left now. ONE that I can still visit. But I feel like she is gradually withdrawing herself too. She is never the first to contact me to ask to hang out...
To be honest, I feel empty and tired of trying. I feel I need to "keep a lid on myself"/wear a mask now as I always end up being too enthuastic about a new friendship right from the start. This enthusiasm is scaring them away. So I'll try to keep it more "low profile" but this last physical friend, but it's hard when you have endured so many years of bullying and finally get to talk to someone face to face. Of course I get excited! It's like a starving man finally get access to food for the first time in a long time! He ends up eating too much and too fast. Just like I end up nagging and pushing...
I guess I just haven't found my type of people yet. And I honestly don't think I will, at least not here in Norway...
It has only been a week since I returned from Dresden and Leipzig..and my suicidal thoughts are already back. I returned from being surrounded by likeminded people..being able to express themselves and dress how they wanted to!
And then returning to..."normal people"...everyone looks the same..everyone is talking about the same mundane things.. It's eating me from the inside!
I wanted to be honest with anyone who is willing to read this: the mental health care system in Norway is a joke. They will straight up tell you that "because you are suicidal/have suicidal thoughts...this and this program won't work for you" and then they let you leave without even trying to recommend or place you into some other option of therapy or help. It's like they literally want you to just... die.
Here at home: I honestly feel like that person that stinks..or have some sinister mark on them. As if I have the plague and everyone avoids me..and I am blissfully unaware that I stink..or have the plague..and so I try to run towards the pretty people and I always have to try and chase them because they keep on running away from me. And I am blissfully unaware that I am meant to be shunned/shooed away. That I don't belong.
Ever since I was 6-7 years old and wrote in a stupid "friendship book" (which I now honestly believe is cursed)..all of my then friends who have ever written in it, are no longer my friends and in the beginning of the book I was supposed to write or draw whatever I wanted in life (as an introduction to the owner of the book/me).
As a 6-7 year old I could have written or drawn the most insane of things! Ask a child what they want and they can answer anything from a pony to a million in cash or a whole mountain made of candy..
And what did I write/draw? What was I wishing for? From anything in the world what did I want?
"Friends." ("Venner").
I draw two girls chasing each other in a tag-game. And I wrote "Venner" ("Friends").
And now, over 20 years later...that wish is sadly still relevant.
I really want to go on..but I am so tired.
If I didn't have my fic series...something I feel like I HAVE TO complete (out of spite or because hate to have any project unfullfilled). If I didn't have that... I'm sure I would have been 6 feet under now...or have had my ashed tossed into the sea.
I have no therapist...I wasn't allowed to keep him..and besides my family I don't have anyone to vent too. This is why I make this long post now. As to make you all my followers/mutuals aware that.. I might give up one day. I don't believe suicide is selfish. I believe you should be allowed to end it all if everything seems hopeless. I just wanted to vent. I just wanted you all to know...
I am grasping the last strands here. I am trying my best to keep on...but please don't be mad/angry if I decide to give up. I have fought these thoughts for 21 years now... Don't be mad at me if I'm too tired to keep on fighting. But I will give you a sign. I will let you know..if I decide to give up.
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classicallyunprepared · 10 months
The Ski Lodge Revisted
Grayson teaches Avery how to ski, but more happens afterward.
"You're allowed to want things. Max keeps telling me that."
"The last time I wanted anyone, it nearly tore my family apart." I feel my face getting hot. I don't mince my words. Although, my statement had been accurate.
Avery saw my face. Her lips part slightly, and she’s for me to say something but I can’t muster anything to say.
"What was she like, Emily?"
Oh, Emily? I didn't know where to start.
"She was bold and brilliant and daring. She was chasing, always chasing after what was next, the next thrill, the newest adventure. She wanted to be a part of everything. Always. She hated being left out and hated when life got stale. She knew how to make sure she was never bored. And she never was, she had this way about her: she felt so full of excitement. It made you feel like you were a part of it, her world."
Avery bit her lip and looked at the ground, not quite meeting my eyes.
"Did you love her?"
I took a breath.
"I did. I, I thought I did. We were brought up so close, but I don't think she let me in. I knew she was running, from the pain, from her sickness. She told me that I made her feel like I was the one who really got her. But I don't know if I ever did."
I let out another breath. I felt tears welling in my eyes. A cool hand took mine.
"I'm sorry." Avery met my eyes. "I'm sorry. For losing her, for everything. I can only imagine how much it'd hurt." I took a deep breath.
"If I had been there, if I had gotten out and moved my body, I could have saved her."
"Grayson, you can't blame yourself. It isn't your fault. You have to believe that."
There it was. People had been telling me this ever since. Xander had said it when she died. It had been one of the first things he'd said to comfort me. You can't blame yourself Gray, Emily was sick. There is nothing you could have done, even if you had run to save her. And later, when he'd skipped dinner for days, spending time in the pool, swimming or looking at Hawthrone Foundation papers: you can't do this, you can't keep hiding yourself in your room away from everyone. Emily is gone, but you can't keep blaming yourself. You have to live.
And he had. He started going back to dinner, spending time with his brothers, playing games and joking with Jameson and Xander and Nash. Xan was right. He needed to be there for his family. But falling in love, that was off the table. Losing control like that, there was no way he could do it again. Keeping everyone safe, it was the least he could do.
"You know, you and Xander aren't too different."
"Really? Am I a crossaint-loving mastermind behind all this?"
I couldn't help but smile, just a bit.
"More than you think actually. He told me the same thing. That I shouldn't blame myself, that I should go on and live."
Avery's hand held mine tighter.
"It helped. I've been back to business, trying to keep this family from falling apart again."
"And that's working great."
"Well, there have been plenty of unexpected complications." I rubbed my temple.
"And I'm one of them."
"It isn't your fault." I looked her in the eyes.
Avery bursted out laughing. She smirked, amused.
"Not, not on a personal level. Grandfather would have thrown us into chaos no matter what. I know he would."
"It's kind of funny, isn't it?" Avery smiled. "I'm some random girl that got thrown into all of this."
"Avery, it wasn't random. He chose you because you're special. You're brilliant, thoughtful, and so strong. I don't know why he wouldn't choose you...why anyone..."
I bit my tongue, searching for the words for half a second.
"Grandfather saw something in you. Something that impressed him. It makes perfect that he'd chose you for his heir."
Avery looks at me and raises her eyebrow a bit.
"You keep doing that." She says, "You keep doing that thing where you say something so nice to me and then it feels like you're biting your tongue."
"Pulling your guard back up. You're allowed to feel things, Grayson. You're allowed to... you're allowed to want things."
I realize that my hand has moved away from hers. I put my palms together, clutching my fingers. It feels too close to be like this with her. I feel her breath, her sitting next to me, and I remember the chill of her touch.
"I can't do this. I can't do this to him again. I told Jameson I would teach you to ski, that's it. Avery, I'm here to help you, but I can't be anything more than. I can't let Jameson get hurt again."
Avery let out a deep breath.
"But what about yourself? Do you really think it makes it better for me to see you like this? Do you think it's easier for me to pretend there is nothing there? That I don't feel things for you, that I don't care. That every time you're with me, I feel like I'm floating and safe and like there's no one else. Don't you think it hurts me to be around you and watch you shut down. Every single time. Not because you don't care, but because you're so afraid, so afraid of feeling something. Of taking any chances or trying, even trying to be happy. You're allowed to want things Grayson, and I don't know if that's me or Emily back or what, but... You can't, no a person can't go on like this Gray. I can't stand to watch you like this."
"You kissed me. When they asked me about Toby. There were a million ways to distract me, to cover up my words, to keep everyone distracted. Why did you kiss me, Grayson? If you didn't want to."
I almost want to deny it. To cover myself with lies, to build up the wall again. To protect myself, to protect all of us, but I can't. And thankfully, Avery doesn't stop.
"Because I haven't stopped thinking about it. I can't stop... Max told me once, when I was afraid. When I felt like, after my mom had died, that I didn't deserve to feel again. That to be open to more love would be to betray her, would make me in the wrong. Max said to imagine standing on a hill. Who is with you up there? Who is the one standing by your side. For so long, I thought I was standing alone. But it's you, Grayson. Every time I think about that hill and who I want standing right beside me, it's you Grayson."
Avery's gaze hadn't left mine. It was all out there, all of it. My mind could be swarming with possibilities, but I go still.
"Avery" I breathe.
She took my hand. She is sitting close, so close. Her hazel eyes are lit up and they rest on mine. I can hear her breath.
"Grayson, please"
I move closer and my lips meet hers. Gently, slowly at first. I hold onto her hair and kiss her more. Letting myself want it. Putting myself into it all. I feel the heat between us, the soft pull of her lips on mine grow stronger, deepening into the kiss. Letting myself feel and fade and fall into the moment. Letting myself let go, and be, really be with her. I smile, after what feels like forever and an instant, when she gently pulls away.
Avery Kylie Grambs. It was a very risky gamble.
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Bambi and the Devil
" Lost in the woods, The strange castle"
Ok so quick disclaimer guys I'll be honest I never really payed attention to the wolf scene or castle scene as a kid and I kinda glossed over it as an adult. So I'm going to change up just a bit.
Tw for attempted non con.
Charlie and Rosie walked through the forest that was leading to the fair when Charlie heard what sounded like a woman singing. She had a beautiful yet familiar voice. " More than anything, Your my little Apple, my darling treasure". The voice sang. Charlie was entranced and started going to that direction. Rosie heard the melody and was quick to recognize the Queen's voice. " Charlie quick plug your ears the queen is trying to lure you into a trap". Rosie grabbed some leaves and tried stuffing her ears with them. But when she lifted her head she saw Charlie in the wrong part of the woods. Knowing that the girl would surely get lost in these cursed woods she ran after her. " Charlie stop". Surprisingly the girl did as did the singing. " Rosie did you hear that. It was beautiful". She said smiling. Rosie nodded. " Yes I did my child but now we must go. You can get lost easily in these woods". Charlie took Rosie's hand and they started to go back. Then they heard evil chuckling as 5 hellhounds appeared. " Well well well what do we have here boys". One said smiling with sharp teeth. " Two pretty delicious girls just for us". He laughed chilling the air. As he and his comrads circled them. Rosie wasted no time. She grew large and bit the head off of one that got to close. " RUN CHARLIE RUN HURRY"! Rosie commanded.
Charlie didn't need to be told twice. She ran deeper into the woods as two hellhounds chased her.
Meanwhile Rosie had destroyed all the hellhounds and was trying to find Charlie. She blamed herself for not keeping a better eye on her. She had promised Alastor she would protect Charlie. Just then she hears a scream.
Rosie ran hearing Charlie screaming to see a Hellhound groping her breasts. Then she saw the girls eyes grow demonic but before she could do anything more Rosie bit the hellhounds head off and ran to Charlie who was crying.
" I'm so sorry Rosie I should of listened to you" she cried in her arms. " Shh shh there there darling its ok". She held for a bit, before smiling. " Now let's go to the fair". Charlie nods.
Some time later they get deeper in the woods. It was getting dark and soon they came across a castle.
" Hey why don't we take shelter in here for a bit please Rosie I'm getting tired". Charlie pleads. Rosie smiles " of course darling let's just hope the owner doesn't mind".
As they get to the castle Charlie has a confused face. " Huh it feels like I know this place". Charlie says as Rosie knocks on the door. " hmm strange". The door opened and they entered in.
" Hello hello is someone there my name is Rosie and this is Charlie we got lost in the woods and need some shelter please". Rosie said as they entered inside.
Suddenly they heard a voice. " But of course you are welcome here". They turn to see a white and pink talking Candlestick? " Your a candlestick". Charlie said picking it up. " Candelabra please enormous difference, allow me to introduce myself I am Angel dust". Charlie and Rosie were both in shock. " You can talk". She said astonished. " Yes I can I always could toots". Angel said winking. " My name is Charlie not toots". She said blushing.
" oops sorry". Angel apologized. " ANGEL"! Angel turned to see a Gray clock with a pink bow on it come up to him. " What are you doing get them out of here". She said crossing her arms. " But Vaggie they are guests". Angel said. Suddenly a magenta teapot and a red and yellow tea cup appears. " Guests hurray ". The teacup exclaimed. " I'm nifty and this is Cherri". Cherri poured some tea as Charlie and Rosie sat down on a chair. " Thank you so much for your hospitality". Rosie said. Charlie nods enthusiastic. Just as they were setting down though the door upstairs burst open and a Tall Demonic figure appeared. " WHO ARE YOU TWO"! he thundered. Charlie froze. " That's the beast from my dreams". She said. " Please sir forgive us we got lost". Rosie began. " YOUR NOT WELCOME HERE YOU TRESPASSERS"! the devil shouted. " Please Mr. Devil don't hurt us". Charlie pleaded. " Devil"? He said " ah so you come to stare at the Devil did you well now you too will pay the price dearly". Devil went to grab Charlie but Rosie pushed her away. " RUN CHARLIE GET OUT OF HERE QUICK".
Charlie ran out of the castle as she heard Rosie screams as she was being carried away. She ran through the woods and kept running she would not stop until she found Alastor.
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pbandjesse · 3 months
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I'm just leaving the museum now. Today was really good! I feel really happy about everything that I accomplished today. I am also very tired and now currently driving directly into the sun which I don't love. But hopefully it will dip below the skylines soon.
I did not sleep amazing. Waking up was very hard. I did not want to get out of bed and I was pretty miserable. But I got myself together and I felt pretty cute. I love this jumpsuit. It just fits me really well and felt very happy in it. James and me would leave the house on time and we stopped for breakfast which took forever. The person in front of us cut us off and then proceeded to order a coffee with six creams and six sugars. But I guess they really needed it.
Once we got to the museum James help me set up. They carried all of my stuff over it for me because they're the best. And they would print out the teddy bear hospital flyer I made. And then it was kind of slow. I mean there was a lot of people but I wasn't making a lot of sales. I wasn't that concerned though. I just want by the end of the season to have made approximately $100 a market. And by the end of today I had exceeded that goal. A lot of it though is because I had done so well the first week that I was able to make under $100 for the last two weeks and still even out to 100 on average. And the sales that I made today were nice. People were really kind and I got a lot of really good comments and people telling me how cute my stuff was. And that always feels good. And I was approached by someone to possibly be on their podcast about being an entrepreneur. So that's cool. I also just had a really nice time creating my knitting projects and working on a craft.
I actually told that to Stanley earlier that besides everything else it is nice to have dedicated craft time. Dedicated sitting outside in the nice breeze and making things. And it was pretty windy today. I was actually a little worried because sometimes when it's so windy it becomes an exhausting day. But I did really good keeping everything on my table and I didn't have to chase things. A couple of my pins did get blown away but people were brought them back and it was not a big deal.
I had some really nice conversations too. Me and Ann talked a lot. And I told her that my plan today was to follow through on trying to get that tortoise. And I got nervous at one point and I was like well I can't commit commit because what if somebody beats me to him. He's going to be on sale 50% today and maybe somebody else wants him and they get him before me and that's just the universe saying that it wasn't time. But I had high hopes.
The day went pretty quickly though and I felt good with my sales and when I packed up Stanley help me carry my boxes over because he's a gentleman. And then I went inside to check on James. Jenny had given us some extra baked goods so I brought James cinnamon bun. And then I was off to Petco.
When I got there I went directly to where I knew the Russian tortoise was. The one I had seen weeks ago. And he was still there. He was a boy. You can tell by their tail curling around their leg. Which is an interesting tell. And I went and found a worker and I was like hey I'm here for that tortoise. And they got so excited. Both the girls that work there were like he used to have a partner in the box and that turtle got sold and he seemed so lonely and we're just so excited that he's going to get a new home and they had some good information about him really liking kale but not liking fruits. Which I don't think they naturally eat fruits so that is totally expected. And they said he spicy but not bitey and is very social. And I was just so excited. He was a little dirty. I think because he was nervous he had pooped on himself a little bit. But she boxed them up for me and took them to the front. I walked around the reptile area a little longer and got two different types of substrate based on my research. And then I also got a nice rock water dish for him. I should have gotten the hide but I thought I had one so that is something I will have to fix tomorrow. But for now at least he has enough substrate to bury himself in. And if we know anything from Samson the box turtle that is very important to their well-being.
I was so excited to bring him home though.
I left there with my new friend and went straight home to get his enclosure set up. My plan tomorrow is to work on an outdoor enclosure and try to build that out but for now I have a tank inside that I thought would be good. And it's not as wide as I think I will like in the future. But for now it is a good option.
When I got back home my neighbors are outside and I was like I got to show you guys my new tortoise. And I think they thought I was very silly but they were excited for me. And then I went inside and I put our tortoise in the sink. I didn't know where else to keep him and I thought that I could at least clean them off. I have a dedicated toothbrush for that and he was scrubbed up all clean. And while he was getting cleaned off I also was soaking the compressed coconut fiber substrate. I did not soak it for as long as it told me to but instead I broke it up by hand and squished the water into it and that worked really well.
I put the forest floor substrate in first and then I put the coconut fiber on top. And then I put the little dish in and I started putting some fake plants in. And I definitely want to make like a more tricked out enclosure so that he has lots of opportunities to climb on things and just has enough enrichment. But for now I think that this works just fine.
Once he was cleaned off in the tank was set up I brought him over and I put him in and he immediately started digging. So that made me really happy. And I cut up some lettuce for him and by the time I was getting myself ready to go again he was eating and seemed very happy.
Definitely hard to tell on a creature with no eyebrows but he seemed good.
I played with CP for a little bit and I had a little frozen pizza. I cleaned myself up and I fix my makeup and 10 it was basically time for me to go again. I left the house and I drove over to locust point. I stopped at the dollar store and I got a frame and a piece of candy. I walked around for a little bit to see if there was anything that I thought I could use for the turtle but didn't see anything great so I paid and headed to the museum.
I was really excited to see James when I got there. They gave me a big hug and told me I was pretty and then they went home to play a game with their friends and meet our new tortoise. We weren't sure what the name was going to be but at that point we had a couple options. Frank short for Franklin, quiche, focaccia, and bug. But none of them felt right. Franklin was the closest because of the television show Franklin the turtle but I still wasn't feeling it. I really wanted a food name but the ones that we had thought of just didn't feel correct in my mouth.
So I would tell Merrill and Jesse about the tortoise and ask them for some ideas and the name crab cake came up. And honestly it feels perfect. He's kind of shaped like a crab cake and it has really good nickname potential. CC is a really good nickname. Lump. Little lump. Just really good overall name plus it's Baltimore. And it's a food. So I think that is what the name I'm going to go with if I don't come up with something better by the end of the evening.
So I was very excited to talk about my tortoise and then I would run off to the print shop to make the couple a nice print with their names. But I would also make one with their last names just for us. So we celebrated the Cox Johnson wedding and honestly it was a great time.
I was only there to be an educator. But even in doing so I got to hear about Merrill finally getting an actual contract that everyone's happy with and I now have some more clarity on what my guaranteed hours will be in September. And I'm pretty happy with it. I definitely would like more hours but it is a good step forward and it is at least progress in the conversation. So that feels good.
And the event was fun. I was only there for 3 hours but I talked to a lot of good people and I gave my talks about the fire and the machine shop. I didn't feel like as amazingly on like I did the last time but I think that was partially because I was having people that were coming in in the middle of my talking so then I would have to like circle back and that is always hard for me. But I still having a really good time and people were really interested in and they kept thanking me for telling them stuff and they love that they were learning. And that always feels really good.
I also decided to wear my new Crocs today. Which I kept referring to as my formal props because I wore them to a wedding. But they make me feel so tall and they're very comfortable. I definitely think I prefer wearing them with socks then barefoot but I think being barefoot will have its place. Like when things are wet. Like at the beach. But in general I think this is going to be a sock situation. They are comfortable though on my feet feel really nice.
At 6:30 the guests all went to dinner and I went to the front desk. I would drop off my drink and then went to find Merrill and Jesse and we would go and eat some of the appetizers. There really wasn't any vegetarian options so it's mostly just eating the crackers. Little bruschetta. And we just chatted and things were good everyone was busy. Merrill was in charge of this event so Jesse was back and Mr platt's office in the cannery writing contracts. And after he had gone back there me and Meryl were sitting at the front desk talking but at 7:30 approached and it was time for me to go I went back to say goodbye to him and he was wearing the full Mr Black costume. Hat tie and vests. It was so funny. He's so silly. But it was definitely a good night and while I wish that I could have been there for the entire thing because I really do enjoy doing the events I am a little tired from working all day and just a lot of activities so it's nice that I get to come home.
And that's where I am now!! I'm home and looking forward to hanging out with my husband and my animals. I feel tired but happy.
And I hope you do too! I love you all. Goodnight!!
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dontlikeadam · 5 months
Train Lyrics
I think they may have used the train to indicate the songs were about each other, similar to how she seems to use "blue" in songs that fit him.
The 1975:
I Always Want to Die Sometimes (2018):
Same chords as "The Best of Me" by The Starting Line. The songs Matty would mash together. Similar sounding song to Dashboard. They both love Dashboard. It's Matty and Taylors emo ballad.
"You win, you lose, you sing the blues" - Taylors "blue" connection?
"Your sat here on the train again"
About You
Obviously THE Taylor Song
"I Miss You On The Train"
Paris (2016)
"And I don't suppose you know where this train goes?"
"I started to cheat on my girlfriend again"
"Hyper-politicized sexual trysts, oh I think my boyfriends a nihilist"
"And so she wrote a plan for it, on the back of a fag packet"
"I caught her picking her nose as the crowd cheered for an overdose" - Taylors "crowd chanting More!"
"Keeping a tab on my health" "Well I believe you're clean, but only by seeing your face for myself" Someone keeping an eye on him from a distance.
Tonight I Wish I Was Your Boy - Notes - 2020
"That once again, running away with me"
"Let me stop myself for a minute, see if my hearts still in it"
"They should take this pain and give it a name"
"I think I fucked it royally"
"Give Yourself a New Name. Change Your Voice On the Train"
"She told me, 'some things just take time, how can you be sure if you won't try"
"Have a complain about your fame, tell me it's all a rigged game"
"She said 'I guess I'll take this pain instead of your name"
The Ballad of Me and My Brain (2016) ILIWYS
"I must have left it on the train, or lost in a bar"
"The nice nurse told me, said she felt my pain". In Taylors "Soon You''ll Get Better she states that "You like the nicer nurses"
The main song. The one she mouthed is about Matty.
"When you're young they assume you know nothing" people thinking you know nothing about love, or anything when you are young- as they were
"But I knew you, dancing in your Levi's, drunk under the street light" Matty had a street light in his show.
"Sensual politics" - The 1975's "hyper sexualized political tryst?"
"Stepping on the last train. Marked me like a bloodstain"
"A friend to all is a friend to none" a note about him keeping only a few close friends instead of a lot of friends?
"Chase-two girls, lose the one"
"But I knew you playing hide-and-seek and giving me your weekends" playing games
"I knew you tried to change the ending, Peter losing Wendy" Peter Pan and and her song Peter
"I knew you'd linger like a tattoo kiss"
"The smell of smoke would hang around this long"
"I knew you'd miss me once the thrill expired and you'd be standing in my front porch light"
Taylor said this song was supposed to be like "placing a spell on someone" making them fall in love with you.
"The more that you say, the less I know" Accurate.... That fits both her and Matty
"I'm begging for you to take my hand, wreck my plans, that's my man"
"And there was one prize I'd cheat to win" I think she would always go to him whenever he wanted.
"You know that my train could take me home"
"Wait for the signal and I'll meet you after dark. Show me the places where the others gave you scars" Still a secret, and obviously still seeing other people.
Champagne Problems- Evermore- 2020
"You booked the night train for a reason"
"dropped your hand while dancing"
Sincerity is Scary "After your show when you let go of my hand"
"This dorm was once a madhouse. I made a joke, 'well it's made for me'."
"She would've made such a lovely bride. Its a shame she's fucked in the head"
The Last Great American Dynasty
Plot is technically about Rebekah and the Rhode Island House.
"Rebekah rode up on the afternoon train, it was sunny"
"The doctor had told him to settle down" Matty and his multiple theatrics on being sick, and more so his addiction/smoking etc.
"Free of women with madness and their men and bad habits, and then it was bought by me" Another women with madness and boys with bad habits.
The Archer
"I jump from the train. I ride all alone"
Plot line works.
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sevicia · 5 months
My ugly notes app monster that sucks so bad and I will probz delete when I wake up tomorrow
It's okay if you don't understand. I know you're not the brightest, I'll dumb it down for you. So-
She starts whining about not being dumb. I grab her hair and yank her head back, making her look straight into the water-damaged ceiling.
I don't appreciate being interrupted, especially when I'm trying to be nice.
I'm sure you've heard this before, but you've always been more beauty than brains. Sadly, you're not much of a looker.
I sigh and let go of her hair.
Her face is all scrunched up now; puffy, wet, disgusting. She buries it into her knees.
She tries to hide, to look brave, but I can tell she's trying not to cry from the way her shoulders shake – as erratic as her breathing; she won't be able to calm down no matter how hard she tries. I know this because I know her. I know she'll keep trying, dumb as rocks; unable to see past her own nose.
The knots aren't that tight– I left them a bit loose on purpose, hoping she'd try to escape so I'd have an excuse to chase her, push her down, really scare her, but it turns out I overestimated both her intelligence and her will to live.
She was so pretty, so lovely just a few hours ago, when I was still having second thoughts about all this, when my hands were shaking so badly I could barely hold my glass, when she was still smiling and looking at me fondly – like I was something worth looking at. No one had ever looked at me with such affection – any affection! – before, and that's how I knew she was kind! Kind, and pretty, and lovely, and so, so devastatingly stupid; so perfect and so easy for me to take, to ruin and rebuild into something even prettier – something better.
I sit down in front on her. She looks pale; sickly. Is her skin cold and clammy, or is she running hot and sweaty from the adrenaline? I can see for myself now, I no longer need to wait or ask. I reach for her ankle, slowly, trying not to scare her.
Clearly, it doesn't work; she tries to kick me off with far too much force, flailing and losing her balance, making herself fall over and hit her head – thud! – on the concrete floor.
I lean over, placing my hands on the ground so I can look at her face – the parts not covered by her hair, anyway. She spares me a single glance, then shuts her eyes tight and starts shaking all over again.
I raise my voice, louder than she's ever heard it before:
You lied to me! You told me I looked just fine, all those times – all those times, you lied to me!
She flinches and tries to deny it, but her voice comes out weak, and her eyes are still shut tight.
I didn't think it'd actually work.
Don't you lie to me again, don't you dare lie!
I lower my voice back to its regular volume. I make sure to sound incredulous, offended:
You can't even look at me.
She takes a big breath, but doesn't say anything. I can tell she's trying to calm down using breathing techniques.
I stay quiet for a bit, still looking down at her, and wait until her breathing's calmed down enough that she's not on the border of hyperventilation anymore before speaking again, now in the low, pitiful whisper she's always known:
Am I really so unseemly? Tell me. Please look at me. Please tell me I'm not.
And now all I've got is a crumpled mess of a girl, clothes and hair almost as dirty as the floor she lays on– I haven't cleaned the place in weeks. I know how important hygiene is to her, after all.
Stop fucking crying, you're ruining your make-up. I'm not into the whole "broken" look with the running mascara anymore. We've done it so much I thought you'd also be tired of at this point.
Your throat's dry because you refuse to ask for help. I'm the only one that can help you, you know? I have no way of knowing what you need unless you tell me. You need to ask for it.
Why should I bring it to you? Where's your manners?
Please, -----
Okay, that's better.
I'm not getting you anything, though. Why? Are you stupid? You keep crying and crying and whining until your throat hurts – and you think you deserve water? How do I know you won't just waste it again?
I'm leaving, I'm too tired to deal with such an entitled little brat right now.
Maybe you should learn how to play nice and be grateful– yes, GRATEFUL, and quit interrupting me before I beat the shit out of you again. I work all day, you know that? I work day in and day out so I can make you prettier – we both know you need it.
Beauty's expensive, are you kidding? Then again, I keep overestimating your cognitive abilities, so I shouldn't be so surprised.
I work all day, every day, and then I come down here to be happy, to relax by looking at something nice – and I find you a disgusting mess, make-up ruined, snot all over your face, and still I try to be nice to you. I might even be going a bit soft. I can tell you've been pulling your hair out again, but I still bring you the foods you like.
Spoiled? I don't see how that makes any difference.
I toss away anything that's gone bad – and yet I keep the ugliest, nastiest and most rotten piece of meat around, even though it fucking reeks.
I'm being nice. I'll only say this once.
I suggest you stop telling me what to do with my trash.
You'd be prettier if you knew how to behave.
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whiskeysmulti · 10 months
IC Dash Comm based on this @queenharumiura
He put his cigarette out as he listened to her confession. Insecurity had gotten to him once again and she shut it down in an instant. He almost felt a twinge of guilt as Tsuna's best friend, already knowing the 10th had loved Kyoko all along and Haru's efforts to attract him were and always would be in vain. He shared her feeling of invisibility because that was how he felt watching her chase Tsuna day after day when he was right there and wanted her just the way she was. Guys can be stupid too and not see what's right in front of them sometimes. Though he felt guilty about keeping her in the dark like he did for so long, his hands were tied. As a guardian, orders are orders and Tsuna had told them not to tell the girls anything, because he felt he was protecting them. But hearing this from Haru confirmed the girls didn't see it that way. He also understood that hint of anger, he was in her shoes too watching her fawn over Tsuna everyday and having to pretend he wasn't jealous. Pretending that he didn't wish it was him she was looking at that way and by the time he'd go to say something to her, it would come out wrong anyway and they were fighting once again. He did like her, he loved her all along. He was just shitty at showing it. Words weren't always his strong suit, actions were. He brushed her hair out of her face as he continued to listen. Just because she wasn't good enough for Tsuna, didn't mean she wasn't enough for him.
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"I always told you, you weren't cut out to be the wife of a Don. Because deep down I hoped you were meant for his right hand. I know I was an asshole to deal with all these years, but you still put up with it. I was angry, and jealous that you were crazy over the 10th, but didn't even notice me except when I started a fight with you." He looked away. "And I was desperate to have any shred of attention from you on some days even if all I knew how to do was start a fight to get you to notice. But then I'd walk away kicking myself because I hurt you again. I always loved you and just didn't know how to say it. I understood how you felt." He took a deep breath. "Because I was also the one cast aside and chasing someone who I felt probably would never notice. But then we got it out. We both confessed our feelings and worked slowly at this. Relationships are new to me. I had girls throwing themselves at me daily, but felt jealous because I was never able to get the one I really truly wanted. But I also understood you were on the rebound and I didn't want to step in too soon." There was also a feeling of guilt Gokudera couldn't shake. "I should have told you sooner, but as his best friend, I couldn't. It wasn't my place to break the news to you and you probably wouldn't have listened anyway and just went off on me about being jealous or something, which I was, but that's beside the point. I finally have you and you've made me the happiest man alive." He pulled her close to him. "You're right, emotions don't make logical sense, but sometimes there is no logical explanation for things like love. I never expected to fall in love with you, but I did. And I'm glad."
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x3kristax3 · 2 years
Eternal Love - Chapter 5
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A/N: emotional rollercoaster
It's been a week since Phil and I ended what we had going on. It was fun but it wasn't what I wanted and I'm okay with it. The gang decided to get together at the Aurora and I hadn't told anyone that Phil and I ended things which wasn't anyone's business. My heart was still attached to Jake and I know I have to move on from him before finding someone new. 
We're at our normal table and Dan sees Phil flirting heavily with a girl at the bar and he looks at me then him. I look over and just roll my eyes. Next thing I know Dan is walking up to him and this girl. I realize what he's thinking and chase after him.
"Seriously you can't stop flirting when you have a good thing?" Dan yells in Phil's face.
I grab his arm, "Dan there is nothing going on anymore!" I yell. He doesn't hear him and if he does he isn't paying attention.
"Dan I don't know what MC has said about her and I but there isn't anything going on." Phil states trying to get away from Dan.
I grab Dan's arm that is holding Phil and make him look me in his eyes. "Dan listen to me, please." I see him let go of Phil. "I ended things with him. If he wants to flirt he can. My heart needs to heal after everything that has happened."
"Why didn't you tell me?" He asks.
"Because I knew you would think it was his fault and it wasn't. Just go sit down please" I say with a sigh.
He storms off and I stand there for a moment "sorry about that Phil. I hadn't had a chance to tell them and honestly it wasn't their business" I say with a sigh.
"Everything is Dan's business when it comes to those he cares about." He says pouring us both a shot and I take it. 
"Add to my tab" I say with a smile as I go to head away but he grabs my hand.
"I'm always here if you need to take your mind off something" he gives that flirt.
I roll my eyes and smirk at him. I lean closer like I'm going to ask for a kiss and he leans in. I pull away just so our mouths are inches from each other. "Find another girl to have fun with Phil" I say, spinning on my heels and walking away. I know he's watching me but he also knows we aren't good for eachother but it's fun to flirt with him.
We enjoy the night dancing and laughing. I notice Dan and I getting closer than normal and flirting with each other as we keep drinking all night.
I wake up a pounding headache and roll over and see a water bottle and pain meds on the nightstand. I thank myself from before I left the house last night for putting this here. I sit up and my feet barely touch the floor. I take the medicine and down the water. I stand up and look in the mirror. I look like a hot mess but at least I came home alone last night and not with someone. 
I know this is going to be a process but I know my future self will thank me. He was my whole world and I jumped into this with Phil way too soon. I needed the fun but now it's time to correctly heal and make myself a better version for whoever will eventually hold my heart.
I grab my phone and realize it's dead. I sigh as I grab the portable charger and head out to the kitchen and I make myself a cup of coffee and decide on some eggs and toast for this morning hangover.
"Ugh, I really need to stop drinking so much with Dan" I say outloud to myself. I look down and see my dog at my feet and realize the time. I open the back door and let her out. I jump as I hear the doorbell. I go to check and I see Jake. My heart breaks but I can't let him in.
"Please go" I say as I crack open the door.
"Please I didn't know where else to go" his voice is weak and he looks like shit.
I open the door and let him in " you could have gone to Hannah, Lilly, or anywhere else. I could think of a million places to go instead of here after what you did Jake." I say walking into the kitchen and taking my eggs off. I pour myself a cup of coffee and make it up.
"I'm sorry for what I did. I had to keep you safe MC '' I have my back towards him but I know that voice.
"I would have ran with you, Jake. I was willing to give this all up. Jessy always knew if I never came back to take care of my dog for me." I say turning around I feel the tears in my eyes.
"I couldn't ask you that!" He raises his voice.
"I don't think you should stay if you want to keep me safe. This will be the first spot they come looking for you." I say taking a sip of coffee.
"I lost them for a bit now" he walks closer.
I put my hand out and stop him "no, you told me to move on. You don't get to say and then walk back in like nothing happened. You could of said it different but no you told me not to wait for you so I'm trying to move on." 
He grabs my hand and looks into my eyes. I want to give in to him but I can't keep going down this path. "I know I messed up" his eyes are the softest blue and I see love in them. 
"No go please, this is way too hard" 3i say taking my coffee and food outside in the backyard.
I hear my front door close and lock and I know he left. I look at my phone and see pictures of last night of all of us having fun and I had forgotten about him in those moments. I need to get to that point sober where he can try and walk into my life and it doesn't hurt like this.
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