#i am SO mad
vbnhuet · 6 months
Go skating weeeeeeee
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animentality · 4 months
one of my fav crack au ideas is "villains suddenly have to watch a baby" so i had a ooc completely unserious thought: one day durge shows up with a child they in no way could have participated in making (like dragonborn durge with a dwarf or drow baby) and tell gortash "hey this is my baby, can u watch it for a little while i gotta go deal with some nonsense in the temple"
and gortash is completely blindsided he's like "this is your baby???" looks at it sleeping in his arms for a minute and is like "... this is OUR baby."
durge comes back and gortash is carrying the baby in one of those wraps on his chest and drinking from a mug that says #1 stepdad and suddenly doesn't have the heart to tell him they were gonna eat the baby
You just.
You just fucking
Hit me with a shotgun with that final sentence.
Congratulations on being funnier than I could ever be.
Holy shit.
I'm actually - I'm retiring, I'll never top that.
This is the funniest durgetash shit I've ever seen in my life, and I will never ever beat it.
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that-wildwolf · 2 months
Actually if you use generative AI you might as well unfollow me right now. We do not see eye to eye, we will not see eye to eye, and chances are you won't like my blog. This is a pro artist pro writers pro creativity blog. This blog does not support generative AI, reposting without artist's consent, or generally plagiarism of any kind.
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lucienarcheron · 2 months
So I finished Fourth Wing…and I am deeply upset about a particular thing that happens in the end that I don’t think I’ll recover from.
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heretherebedork · 5 months
I'm still just... auuugh. Day has never done an ounce of emotional labor for Mhok and the first time he's offered a chance to show his boyfriend even a moment of empathy and understanding and support but nope. Instantly turns it into Mhok somehow being bad to him and despite the fact that Mhok is the reason he started living his life again in the first place... he wasn't willing to give him anything in return. Nothing.
And Night trying to ask him what he was doing and being instantly shut down by Day and their Mom and just... that's it! Mhok is now on the outside, in the dark, crying and alone and broken up with after giving literally everything he had to help Day regain his independence and it's just... written off. That's it. Mhok being worried because of his literal trauma is just too much and Day can't handle it at all or offer any support.
The worst part is that I fully expect the last episode to be about how Mhok was wrong to ever think he needed to stay with Day and how Day will blossom as a single man and grow into his disability and his independence and Mhok is just gonna be in the shadows because he needs Day, apparently, and that's how the show is going to try to pass that Day 'supports' Mhok.
I am losing my mind. I don't know if they could have done this worse. I am genuinely afraid for the happy ending next week. I keep trying to think about how Night actually pointed it out to Day but no one listened... maybe that'll come back?
(I think the worst part is that that shot on the escalator and realizing that even if Day could see there's a good chance he'd have no idea Mhok was there and Mhok was so soft and quiet and dark and Day was bright and joyful and fuck him he doesn't deserve that for abandoning Mhok the first time he was ever vulnerable to him.)
Actually, the worst part is that if they just shown us Day supporting Mhok before this and made this about Mhok being overprotective and not, you know, his literal trauma and fear of not being good enough, if this had been about Day and not about Mhok... then it could have worked! If this had been about Mhok genuinely not trusting Day and we had seen Day be supportive and reassuring to Mhok... it could have worked. But we never saw that. We never even saw a hint of that. Hell, Day left their room without his phone and without telling Mhok where he was going and despite Mhok's fear he never told Day not to go out. He encouraged it! Mhok wants Day to be independent and has shown nothing but support this entire time and his choice not to go to Hawai'i wasn't about Day's disability, it was about his own trauma, damnit!
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theweepingegg · 7 months
Free Palestine, Stop the fucking Genocide
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triaelf9 · 1 month
Not me trying to write chapter 26 of Pathways while my brain keeps playing "EVERYBODY DO THE WENIS" from this week's Game Changer
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owlyjules · 6 months
Sorry no advent calendar tonight.:(
Pen is still missing.....I swear I am getting a tracking tag for it when i find it!!
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unbotheredalwyn · 1 month
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What bullshit article is this from tree?
She's respectful. Oh really? Respectful when you know ai stuff accusing Joe of domestic abuse circled
Respectful when his good name was smeared?
Respectful when he was told to go hang himself?
Respectful when he was accused of cheating and 2 innocent women were targeted?
And the article had to mention travesty wreck it Ralph pornstache and she's "happy"
Yes until travis leaves her.
This is some bullshit LEAVE JOE ALONE!!!!!
Say something about all of this shit going on DO SOMETHING.
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iconicbuck · 15 days
Eddie bringing Ana and Marisol into his house - into his and Christopher's life not knowing how it might badly affect his son in the long run. Especially knowing he's not into those relationships 100%. That's terrible! I thought that was it.
Kim - a lookalike of his dead wife - in his home, is the worst Eddie has ever did. Because he's not just causing Marisol the heartbreak, he's also breaking his son's heart. And that is the worst a parent could ever do to their child. Your home suppose to be your safe space away from the craziness of the outside world and yet, poor Christopher, caught his dad hugging his mom lookalike.
I'm so fucking mad! I don't care much if Eddie is cheating or is just pretending to have a good family with Marisol or with Ana before but that kid has been through so much already and yet, this happened. He didn't deserve this!
I don't know what you are, Diaz! But get a grip, girl! You're making other people miserable and hurt because of your life choices.
No one can fix you. Not even Buck! Do fucking better. Heal yourself and go to therapy.
Seriously, why is it their definition of happiness is to have a romantic partner? Why?
I'm looking at you Eddie. And especially to you, Buck!!!
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cat-eyeball-nul · 4 months
Lucifer can abandon his child in her formative years and then come back and sing a song and BE FORGIVEN by the whole fandom but gods Forbid that Lilith left to do her shady business after she RISED CHARLIE(and it s fucking implied that Lilith was the one to tell Charlie GOOD stories about her dad, fuck off, go watch the show again she did not try to separate the two)
I understand he was in no way fit to rise a child but you can't keep putting Lucifer on a pedestal while demonising Lilith
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radiantdanvers · 8 months
It's so hard being a Carol Danvers stan like I just opened youtube and the first thing I see are those Brie Larson hate videos. like wth??? spreading shit like, "BrIe LaRsOn CaUsINg dRaMa On SeT" Like do they know her personally or something???
And also like i can't ignore how Monica and Kamala are getting dragged into this by spewing bullshit like, "Oh, we don't need movies of c-list characters. We need Tony Stark back." ????
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hafwen · 3 months
Raise your hand if you have epilepsy and/or ADHD but still know what a bibliography is
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laugtherhyena · 4 months
You know what, no, i don't think I'll ever not be mad that Ayame was the only Dra culprit that didn't get an island or area dedicated to in Sdra2. That fact will always make me feel an ungodly rage within my soul.
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heretherebedork · 2 months
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This poor man. Literally the most trapped man ever. He tried to stay in the closet and his best friend/fake marriage ended up destroying both his friendship and any relationship he had with his brother and then when he tries to come out he's told he's also being selfish and horrible and can't even do that. So now he's trapped without any chance at any of the futures he dreamed of or hoped for and instead he's just trapped. So totally and completely trapped that there's no way out.
And the show is acting like Ji Han did him a favor, like his grandfather is protecting him and I hate it here. I hate it so, so much.
Do Han continues to be the most isolated character and it only gets worse. He literally has no one on his side and there is no way for him to ever make the right choice.
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you guys didn't appreciate almost (sweet music) enough. she was supposed to be wasteland's big hit but tiktok made would that i trend instead. and i mean !!! would that i is an excellent song !!! but only the INTRO was popular. the INTRO. the lyrics and fire/wood metaphors went over everyone's head. but I'm not here to rant about would that i because she has already gotten her flowers. i'm here to SPREAD ALMOST PROPAGANDA
because !!!!! came in from the outside !!! burnt out from a joy ride !!!!! SHE LIKES TO ROLL HERE IN MY ASHES ANYWAY. PLAY IT FROM THE BEDSIDE. IT'S *STELLA BY STARLIGHT*. THERE GOES MY HEART, THE DRUMS THAT START OFF *NIGHT AND DAY* !!!!!!!!
like whatever you didn't appreciate all the jazz references, you didn't appreciate the punny title, you didn't appreciate the fun clapping rhythm, you didn't appreciate that it's a post-break up anthem. whatever. god. this sucks
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