#i am SUPER EXCITED for that part
I’m dead-set on finishing this (currently untitled) ROTTMNT post-movie fic, but I could use some friends to bounce around ideas. In the meantime please enjoy some of chapter 1. (And I’m not kidding about bouncing around ideas. PM me if you’re interested, I need some COMMUNITY!)
Reggie was no conspiracy nut, but there were two things she firmly believed: aliens existed, and mutants were a thing. 
The invasion proved her right about the aliens. She had officially won the bet with her sister, but there was no time to gloat when she was running for her life. In fact, at the rate she was going, Reggie doubted she’d survive long enough to collect. 
These alien fuckers were scarier than anything from the movies. Within minutes they’d pushed back the National Guard, corrupted the human weaponry, and used it to demolish her neighborhood. Helicopters with teeth were sure to star in her nightmares, assuming she lived long enough to sleep again. 
Reggie had kept up with the screaming masses for a while. As fires raged and smoke choked her lungs, however, she’d been forced to take cover long enough to find her inhaler. In the time it took her to get her breathing under control all the stragglers left her behind. 
She was alone, and more scared than she’d ever been in her life. 
Reggie had run for seven more blocks before she had to stop again. Most of the buildings around her were in ruins, but the fires were downwind and she’d found a dumpster to hide behind in a stable-ish alley. It would have to do until she could catch her breath. 
There were still no other people around—a bad sign for sure—but there were no immediate threats, either. Reggie took another puff from her inhaler and risked a moment to find her water bottle. She couldn’t drink much; she only had half a bottle left, and she’d bet her salary that the water lines were down. She’d have to take a sip or two and keep moving. 
Then the light show started, and moving was out of the question.
Reggie watched with terror-laced awe as a Michael Bay-worthy sci-fi battle raged before her eyes. Gold chains of fire, purple rockets, and blue portals of light zipped through the air, working in tandem with a red-lit giant. Debris was still falling, but most of it was over the water now, so she did the one thing she’d sworn she’d never do during a disaster.
She pulled out her phone and started filming.
Monique, you are not gonna believe this.
All things considered, Reggie had a good angle. She saw the red giant—which she could swear was a turtle—fall and crash-land across the bay. She saw the explosion as the spaceship was cut in half, and ducked behind the dumpster as the blast wave rushed past. 
And she saw a katana, still glowing blue, fall from the sky to land in the street.
Within five minutes it was over.  
She hit stop and wondered what the hell she should do now. 
Casey had never felt more lost in his life. 
They’d saved the world, right? He’d done what Master Leonardo had told him to do. He’d found the key. He’d stopped the Krang. 
But now he was here, in this strange world he didn’t recognize, with a family that was so familiar but wasn’t his, and after everything they’d done? Everything his masters had sacrificed to get him here? 
He’d still lost Master Leonardo.
No. Not Master Leonardo. Not my sensei. Just… just Leo.
Did that make it better, or worse? Either way Casey wanted to cry, but he couldn’t give in to grief, not yet. Not while the Sister Krang was still a threat. He could mourn after she was dealt with. Until then he would tamp down his feelings like the soldier he was.
But then… then he saw Leo’s katana, fallen just like his master. 
His hockey stick fell to the ground with a clatter.
0 notes
leonardburton · 1 month
the thing is. juno & nureyev's relationship has been such a major guiding thread throughout the podcast and the major drive of season 5, and the fandom has built itself so much (as fandoms often do) around shipping the two of them.
and yet nureyev doesn't show up at all in the last episode! or, he does, but it's only implied (for all we know it could be like. alessandra strong)(i know it's not but it would be really funny) and we don't hear his voice.
and it's so important to me that despite the room that their romance has taken in the plot and in our hearts, his absence reinforces that the point of juno steel's story wasn't a lady getting his man, it was about learning to grow as person for himself and for his friends (and not just his love interest), and it was about finding his footing in life and being at peace with himself and his place in the world. and he did! his growth and relative serenity is so apparent and just. a balm to the soul
and the fact that his man is back is just a nice add-on, not a necessity for his happiness
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balleater · 5 months
i personally think character permadeath is one of the most interesting things that can happen in a dnd narrative, and the fact it was something actively chosen to be done by sam for such an insanely clutch move. i will never get over this. i am so excited for what comes next.
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keii4ii · 1 month
AU Comic - chapter 2!
The Boy with the Arms has a new chapter out! Chapter 2: Portrait of a Boy (Part I) is complete with 18 pages. Go check it out 👉👈?
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that-butch-archivist · 3 months
1 out of 4 accelerated summer courses finished today. Next to go is Chem.
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alexis-royce · 3 months
Ooooh the Academic is afraid of the Vulgate??? Why is that?
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Why are they afraid of the thing that can rewrite you?
Couldn’t say.
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thetomorrowshow · 10 months
the night got deathly quiet
a secret side storyline is resolved in this update. Can anyone tell me what it is?
cw: violence, mild gore (lots of dead people), death
They hadn't expected the war so soon.
Jimmy had figured they at least had a couple of weeks. It wasn't exactly public knowledge that Scott would be touring Rivendell and therefore not available to make battle decisions, but Lizzie and Joel had both sent extra troops to strengthen Rivendell in case of an attack from fWhip.
And then the attack came from behind.
They hadn't received any reports that Mythland was even doing more than preparing armies, let alone mobilizing them. In order to surprise them, he must have moved fast.
And maybe, that's what Jimmy gets. After all, he's the one who decided to rebuild the Capitol right next to Mythland's border. Of course Sausage was going to attack, when Jimmy's certainly the weakest empire and the least likely to be prepared—and of course he managed to do it without alerting anyone, what with the Codlands right next door.
And when he does attack, it goes badly.
"Codfather, you’ve got to leave," insists Belgio, a senior member of the Cod Council. Two of his advisors had shown up at his door less than an hour ago, out of breath and terrified, to inform him of the coming armies. Emil had left almost immediately, still young enough to fight, but Belgio (old, his scales flaking in places) and remained, in some attempt to evacuate Jimmy.
Someone screams from far away, clear over the shouting of so many warriors—because all the normal noises of the city have gone silent, and even so far from the battle, in his small house at the dock, Jimmy can hear the war.
It calls to him, almost. The screams of his soldiers call for his help.
He isn't going to run from them.
"I can't," Jimmy says firmly, pulling tight the side buckles of his chestplate. "I swore an oath to protect this people—I carried them out of the clutches of the salmon, and—"
"And that is why you've got to be saved," Belgio says. "If you're to save us again, you have to make it out!"
"I can't let them die alone!"
Belgio falls silent, the rings of Jimmy's shout echoing in the small house, floating away like the dust that dances in the window's light.
Jimmy bites his lip, shifts his chestplate a bit.
"Can you get the buckle on the back?" he asks quietly. Wordlessly, Belgio moves behind him, tightens the strap and buckles it.
Jimmy lets his eyes flicker shut for a moment, almost in a wordless prayer. To whom, he doesn't know.
He just begs for the strength to defend those he loves.
"When I first saw you, I knew you were our leader," Belgio says after a moment, patting Jimmy's shoulders and snapping him out of his moment of piety. "We know that you've had lots of doubts over the years. Blood doesn't matter, Jimmy. You're our Codfather."
Jimmy nods, a lump in his throat. He doesn't know what he can even say, what he can do to make any of this situation better.
He's probably going to die, isn't he?
A year ago, he would have been more than happy to die for his country. A year ago, he would have marched out into battle without a care, only hoping to take down as many of Sausage's people as possible.
He wouldn't say he has more reason to live now. Sure, he has Scott. And Scott is . . . Scott is wonderful.
But he's always had his people.
The difference is that now, he knows the price of sacrifice. He knows that if this kingdom falls (if he leaves them without a leader), no Codlands will remain.
He has to go out. He has to try.
If he'd woken in Rivendell this morning, Scott would have stopped him from returning to the Codlands. And what good would that have done? Let it be conquered, let these people be utterly destroyed, and (being an imposter king) have no way to carry on their legacy?
At least if he dies here, he'll die a martyr.
Yet here he is, the noonday sunlight filtering in through his cabin's windows, dressing in the armor that has never seemed to fit quite right, and he wishes he were anywhere else.
He twists the ring on his left hand, once, twice, three times for good luck. He's probably not going to survive. Not a full-scale invasion. Unless he's taken prisoner, which he thinks would be unlikely—he still doesn't have the Codfather head, and his face is a little disfigured from the loss of his scales. As far as he knows, he isn't anyone recognizable. And even if someone does recognize him, the only reason he would be taken prisoner would be to gloat at Lizzie and Scott, or to torture him.
He doesn't plan on being taken prisoner.
With the addition of a wooden medallion that Belgio reverently lays around his neck (Jimmy lets him do so, shrugging away the guilt—if he remembers correctly, it signifies some prayer of strength, and he needs all the strength he can get), he's ready to leave.
He steps into the kitchen, checks his reflection in a pan hanging there. Awkward tan armor, his earfins swirling, his good old leather boots, the patchy scars on his face. Jimmy nods at himself, sweeps a hand through his perpetually messy hair.
This is it.
"I'll see you," he says to Belgio, who looks at him for a long moment before nodding, stepping out of the way of the door.
"At least think about escaping, all right?" he offers half-heartedly. Jimmy tries for a smile.
He's not going to do that.
He picks up the Codfather sword, leaning against the wall in its scabbard, and belts it onto his waist. He swallows back his anxiety, takes a deep breath, and pulls open the front door.
The dock is empty. A scrap of cloth blows through the street, the wind whistling just slightly in his ears.
And louder now, in the distance, Jimmy can hear the clashing of swords and the shouting of soldiers.
He hikes up his chestplate and starts running in that direction.
It doesn't take long at all to find the fight. He runs into some twenty of his soldiers soon enough, regrouping behind a cornerstore. The battle has already nearly reached the square beyond, and Jimmy can see more of his soldiers surging forward through the streets, weapons drawn and captains shouting.
This squadron has paused, their captain organizing them, when Jimmy runs up to them.
"Jimmy!" one of them gasps out, standing from where she's crouched behind the wall. "We thought you'd gone to safety! Why are you still here?"
"I won't abandon my people," Jimmy says, even as her face twists in distress.
"This isn't a fight, Codfather," she says urgently. "This is a massacre. We've sent as many children as we can to the Ocean, please join them and g—"
"I'm not running away." Jimmy pats her arm in what he hopes is a comforting manner, before turning to the captain of the group, identified by the blue ribbon tied hastily in their hair. "What's it like out there?"
"Mythland soldiers crawling all over the place," the Cod replies, giving him a quick salute. "They started with catapults, taking down the city walls. They've been moving in, forms of . . . thirty or forty, I'd say. Just one right after another. It's endless, sir."
"Any weaknesses?"
They shrug. "Their backs are unprotected," they suggest. "They're only in half-armor. But we haven't been able to get behind them."
They're wearing half-armor. Because of course, the Cod Empire isn't enough of a threat to bother with their backs.
It burns at Jimmy to know that they're right.
"Right. Well, we probably shouldn't sneak around behind them, we'd get surrounded," Jimmy says, turning the matter over in his mind. He thumbs the hilt of his sword consideringly. "Maybe a point formation? Break through their front line, then stab them in the back?"
"It could work," the captain concedes, glancing at a tall Cod, who shrugs hopelessly. "We'd need more numbers. Is there another group we can join up with?"
"I saw some running over there," a young Cod pipes up, pointing to the left of them, her too-big helmet slipping into her eyes. "Maybe twenty soldiers?"
"Forty isn't enough to wedge into Mythland's armies," another soldier says. "There's got to be thousands of them."
"If we can get a hundred, I'm willing to try," the captain says decisively. "There should be more on the east side, I heard from Mela that they're holding their own over there."
The east. That's the most populous part of the city. It would be best to head there anyway, make sure there aren't any more people who need to be evacuated.
"What do we know about the towns and provinces further inland?" Jimmy asks, suddenly struck by the question.
The captain shrugs. A soldier looks uncertainly at his feet.
Probably fallen or going to fall, then. There's rivers and canals running through most of the Codlands, so those could be a quick escape if the soldiers of Mythland aren't used to fighting fish hybrids. If someone could warn them. . . .
"You," Jimmy decides, pointing to the young girl. "Take the canals, go warn as many towns as you can that the war has begun. Get them out of there. Queen Lizzie or Lady Katherine will accept them as refugees, whichever empire is easier for them to get to. Got it?"
She nods, takes off at a sprint. Jimmy turns to the others, squares his shoulders.
He can do this. He managed about ten years of peace, which he thinks is pretty good for a war-ravaged kingdom. He can save it again now and lead it back into peace.
He doesn't know who he's trying to fool. He isn't even the righteous heir of this kingdom. Arguably, it's his rule that brought about this war with Mythland.
It was his rule, though, as illegitimate as it might have been. And he swore an oath when he took it upon himself to protect this people.
"To the east!" Jimmy declares, and takes off.
The east is chaos.
Yes, there are plenty of Cod defenders in the streets, but there are also hundreds Mythland attackers flooding the area. There's a house burning down (smoke is thick in the air, and those around are choking and tears stream from their eyes), a window being shattered, children screaming and running, someone is dying on his left and someone is killing on his right—
"Jimmy, behind you!"
Jimmy turns around, somehow has the ability to dodge a swing from an axe and draw his sword. He doesn't really know anything about facing off against an axe (his combat instructor had always told him to flee), so he just jogs half-backward, drawing the warrior in, until one of the soldiers in his group can stab the man in the back and take him down.
Then they keep moving, further into the battle, avoiding fights but gathering random Cod where they can, calling for soldiers as they go until they've collected a fairly large group. Probably a hundred, right? That looks like about a hundred.
"Form a wedge!" Jimmy shouts, for once glad of his naturally loud voice. The Cod soldiers obey, and they move down the large main street toward Mythland's advancing lines.
He can see the proper lines of soldiers, now, not just a mob of men in red with shining silver armor roaming the narrow Cod streets. It looks well-directed and terrifyingly intimidating, and surely far more impressive than his own small troupe must appear.
And it goes on forever. There's—the lines are endless, wave after wave of footmen rushing forward, killing Cod and barging into homes and destroying the town.
Jimmy stares for a moment, utterly overwhelmed.
His people are dying. They're being wiped out entirely, all at the will of a power-hungry king. Their culture had barely survived the centuries of subjectivity and war with the salmon. It won't survive this.
Jimmy shakes himself. It could survive this! He just has to . . . he has to save it.
"Wedge formation!" the captain from before shouts, then begins leading the pack, past individual battles and destruction and to the main lines.
It all gets blurry after that. Jimmy runs with them, storming toward the enemy, yelling instructions to his people, ignoring the way his voice shakes.
He fights. He raises his sword against people, stabs some in their unprotected backs, fights some head on. Face after face blends together as Jimmy almost mindlessly swings his sword (he's been training with it every week for the past ten years, and while he isn't perfect he's certainly a force to be reckoned with), one thought running through his brain on repeat: save them. Save them. Save them.
He isn't sure how long it is before he hears calls of retreat. The Cod numbers have dwindled around him, his soldiers collapsing one by one under the weight of just how many Mythlanders there are. And more are still coming—Jimmy looks up at some point and sees so many footmen, so many knights on horses, there's too many the world is going to end—
He falls back with everyone else, weaving into the smoky streets among fleeing and screaming people, shouting soldiers, a fry crying for its mother, all hazy and uncertain—
Then a shout rouses him from the depths of his mind.
"That's him! That's the Codfather!"
He whirls around, trying to spot anyone who might have—there. A smug-looking knight on horseback, pointing to him and shouting to his comrades, and now there are five or six or seven Mythland soldiers moving toward him.
Jimmy curses under his breath, wipes a trickle of sweat from below his ear.
He doesn't really want to die here, but maybe he can draw enough Mythlanders his way that he can distract them from his people.
It's not suicide. Maybe he can get to his cabin, grab his elytra off the hook by the door and get away—or jump into a canal and swim out.
A glance into the nearest canal tells him that others have tried the same thing. Bile rises to his throat; dead Cod are floating, belly-up, arrows piercing them all over, the canal running red with blood.
He hopes the young girl he sent made it out. He hopes she didn't have to swim by any bodies.
He fears that neither hope has any truth to it.
An arrow whistles past Jimmy's ear, and he takes that as his cue to start running.
Sausage's men must have a line of bowmen behind the main advances, and if one has shot for him, it must mean that the endless sea of red soldiers has an end, and behind that end is the archers. If Jimmy could gather another group, sneak in behind the lines, they could get the archers. Bows aren't really made for hand-to-hand contact, so they could probably just take them all out and stop any more airfire from hitting his soldiers.
But then that group would surely perish. Every one of those soldiers would be surrounded. Jimmy doesn't know if their wedge did any real damage—he couldn't tell from the thick of it—but they'd had a way out. Killing the archers would cost more than it would save.
And now he really has to get going, because there are more soldiers coming in droves and several of them are aiming for him.
He turns on his heel and sprints off, dodging the battle at every turn. There are still too many citizens among the fighting, why haven't they fled—there's an older gentleman that he shoves into a house, a child that he picks up with one arm and carries a short distance until he finds a fleeing man who can get her to safety.
He rounds a corner in a winding street (skipping over bodies all the way down, he knows he's headed toward more death) to find two Mythland soldiers fighting one Cod soldier, the Cod's energy clearly flagging. Jimmy leaps into the fight, stabbing one soldier through his unprotected side.
"Go!" he shouts to the Cod, and xe stumbles away, sword hanging loosely at their side.
Jimmy makes quick work of the other Mythlander, kicking her in the knees to get her down before knocking the hilt of his sword against her head. Then he continues down the street, covering his mouth as the stench of smoke grows stronger, until it opens up into a plaza—the plaza that Jimmy knows to be the center of the city.
The plaza is destroyed, entirely unrecognizable as what was surely once a pleasant hub of energy—there's people screaming everywhere, shattered pottery and trampled food and bodies on the ground, a dog barking, soldiers killing without consideration, market stalls burning and in disarray, horses rearing. . . .
There's so much, and Jimmy moves to go forward, eye catching on a Mythlander about to kill a defenseless Cod, when a hand catches his arm, pulling him back into the doorway of a shop.
"Codfather," this new soldier begs him, a Cod instantly recognizable as part of Jimmy's Rivendell guard, shouting to be heard above the turmoil. "Leave! Free us later, you can't save us now!"
Jimmy can't leave, though.
Not when his people are dying before his very eyes. Not when he can save at least one life.
He promised to be willing to die for these people. He has to keep that promise.
Anyone can lead a country—he's living proof. But not everyone will lay down their life for another, no matter their station. And the latter is the kind of Cod that Jimmy wants to be.
He claps the soldier on the shoulder. "You get out," he tells him. "Will you abandon your country in this time of need, or keep fighting to save those weaker than you?"
The soldier looks down at his feet, then back up, teary determination in his eyes, soot and dirt dulling his scales (as if the battle has drowned his light). "I fight with you," he says.
Jimmy grins. "Good. What's your name?"
"You've accompanied me to Rivendell before?"
Micah nods.
Jimmy squeezes his shoulder. "Well, Micah," he says, "maybe we'll both get to see those mountains again."
And with that, he hefts up his sword and charges into the fight.
He dispatches a Mythland soldier immediately, striking down a second one as soon as he gets near enough. Jimmy's blood is pounding in his ears, his heartrate elevated. He knows how to fight. Better than many rulers, probably, forced to fight since before he was even declared Codfather, and expected to defend if there was ever an attack.
He licks his lips, twists his sword around in his hand before plunging it into the back of another enemy. Maybe they can barricade off the plaza, only leave one street open so only one soldier can get in at a time? It wouldn't be permanent, but it might last long enough for them to hold their own until they had a chance to flee, or until some sort of back-up arrived.
There isn't back-up coming, though. Nobody knows this is happening. Nobody knows the Cod Empire is falling.
Jimmy fends off a spearman, knocking the spear out of their hands before slamming the flat of his blade into the side of their head. He's got this. He knows how to dance this dance, knows how to look for weak spots.
This soldier relies too heavily on his shield, blocking every one of Jimmy's hits with it rather than his sword. Jimmy goes for a wide cut on his unprotected side, takes him down, then spins to the side to dodge a swing from a man whose balance is off, feet too flat. He steps in past his range, shoulder-checks him to knock him back, then stabs him through the shoulder.
"The Codfather!" the next soldier greets him, smiling sharply. "I"ll be honored for killing you."
"Not if you're dead," Jimmy grunts, swinging his sword into the soldier's neck and partially decapitating him, his body collapsing instantly.
There's another one waiting behind, and Jimmy steps back to dodge a strike and something rolls under his feet—he slips back and trips, barely manages to catch his feet under him before he falls into the canal behind him. He glances down—just for a moment—and sees the arm of the Cod's body that he'd slipped on—
Then, with a burst of blinding pain, a sword drives its way around his chestplate and into his shoulder.
He gasps a little bit, the world slowing around him.
There's a sword in his body.
It cut through his flesh like a knife through butter, straight into that space between his shoulder and his chest, and there's metal separating tendons and flesh and he's going to die—
The sword is drawn out, and Jimmy stumbles forward with it, the shiiick of the sword being removed echoing in his ears.
He's—he's fine. It's not a fatal wound. It's just—just blood, soaking his tunic, sticking to his skin. He's bled before. It's not too serious to have it outside of his body.
"I got him!" a woman—the person who stabbed him—shouts. Jimmy glares at her, the world around him coming starkly (too starkly, everything just a little too bright) back into focus. Nobody who's smug about it is going to kill him.
He hefts his sword back up, ignoring the pain shooting out from his shoulder, ignoring the slight wooziness that tugs in the back of his mouth.
He swings at her, more precisely and accurately than he expected, cutting down into her shoulder and neck.
She collapses when he yanks his sword out of her collarbone, but her call had brought others. There are three more approaching, lifting their weapons.
Something that Jimmy would say is one of his worst qualities is his stubbornness. Lizzie has got on him time and time again for never backing down from a fight he can't win.
And this is one with no hope.
So Jimmy takes a deep breath and fights.
He takes down two of them before the third gets past his defenses, slashing a sword deep across his thigh.
His leg gives out, spurting blood everywhere, the cut burning somewhere beyond Jimmy's consciousness. He falls to his knees, stabs up under the chestplate of the soldier—and there are four more behind her.
His arm shakes as he stabs the knee of the first soldier, then hits them in the side when they twist downward. He adjusts his grip on the sweat-stained leather of his sword, adds his other (heavy, near-useless) hand to it.
He manages to kill the next soldier before he gets hit again—he dodges, bending to one side, but the sword swinging at his head manages to clip his earfin, neatly slicing off a piece of it that falls to the ground beside him. He aims up, stabs that man through the chin—
His back stiffens as cold metal shoves down in the back of his chestplate and pierces into his flesh, stabbing through his back—through—through—through his body and angling down, in his back and down, and Jimmy can't move, he's skewered on this sword, he chokes on nothing as his eyes go wide and it hurts—
Another shiiick with a tiny little squelch, and the sword is removed with a jerk that pulls a sound from Jimmy's lips that's something in between and grunt and a whimper.
The enemies around him (for they truly are surrounding him, at least five, hazy and out-of-focus) go still, their weapons lowering.
Jimmy's arms drop to his side. His grip on the sword loosens. Someone screams in the distance, distorted by his uneven ears.
One of the Mythlanders—a man with a grey beard, his armor old and unpolished—kneels before Jimmy, puts his hands on either side of Jimmy's head.
There's something proud about the way he holds his chin, something . . . something different in his eyes. Jimmy doesn't know what. All Jimmy knows is that he suddenly feels cold.
"You fought admirably, son," he says, voice low and gravelly. "There are those of us in Mythland yet who respect a warrior, despite the actions of our king. Go into the next life without fear, for you will be honored."
Jimmy stares blankly at him. There's hot blood pooling in the back of his tunic, running in rivulets down his back. He can't move his left arm, blood caking under it. His thigh is wet with the stuff; blood trickles down the side of his neck.
He's so cold.
The man tips Jimmy's head forward, places a scratchy kiss on his forehead. "Rest easy," he murmurs, before standing, picking his sword back up and turning away into a blur of color.
Jimmy slumps forward against his will, slowly falling onto his stomach, cheek landing against the dusty cobblestone. He doesn't feel the way the fall jostles his wounds. He doesn't feel anything but cold.
The boots that stand in front of his eyes are new, splashed with blood on the toe.
"Finally," the person says distantly. "I've been chasing him for twenty minutes. Fought like a dog."
And then, with a noticeable plop on his back, he spits on Jimmy.
One of Jimmy's other worst qualities, in his opinion, is pride. And somehow, his pride is stronger than the cold darkness pulling at him.
And his sword is still in his hand.
Gathering every last ounce of strength that he has, Jimmy strikes out to the side, slashing through those new boots and cutting into the calf.
The man curses, leaps away. Jimmy can't help but smirk a little, lips feeling numb. His fingers lose grip of his sword, his vision blurs further.
"Why isn't he dead already—"
A boot slams into his head and the fuzziness goes black.
"Just roll them into the canal. We'll have the Cods fill it up with dirt."
"Glad we don't have to carry them all the way to the fields. The savages fought hard, I heard they're still loading the wagons with ours."
"Have you heard anything about Daniel?"
"No, haven't seen him. Whose squadron was he in?"
"Twenty-third, Hal's group. He's my wife's brother."
"You'll probably have to be the one to tell her, then. If he's dead."
"And his husband. They'll be heartbroken."
"Mm. Oh, urgh—their weird scale things always grossed me out."
"It's the ears for me. Every time I went to market there'd be one of them selling something stupid. My daughter thinks they're terrifying, would scream when we passed by."
"She's right. They're freaky-looking. I was glad to kill a few."
"Are you two working, or talking?"
"Working, sire, our apologies."
"Your majesty, what brings you out here?"
"I received an urgent report from one of my captains. You haven't seen a Cod body—hehe, Coddy—with scars on his face? Blond hair, tall, lots of scars?"
"None that match that description yet, sire. If we see one—"
"No need, I'll search with you. Are we just rolling them into this river-thing?"
"Yes, milord. Allow us—"
"There it goes!"
"Right, and now the next—"
"Oh! Is this the one you're looking for?"
". . . Well. Jimmy, Jimmy, Jimmy. Scott wasn't here to save you this time, was he?"
"Is that. . . ?"
"Friends, this is—or, was—the Codfather."
"Looks like he put up quite the fight. There are so many bodies around him."
"He's drenched in blood. Must have been painful."
"It was supposed to be fWhip to kill him, I think. He always wanted to. He isn't going to be too happy about this, let me tell you!"
"Do you need the body?"
"And stink up my kingdom by bringing back a dead fish? Roll him into the river with the others. But give me a second with him, all right?"
"Yes, milord."
"Of course, your majesty."
"Honestly, Jimmy, I think this look is an improvement! You think Scott is into this, all this blood and guts? You never know, elves are a little freaky! . . . Well, I can't say I'll miss you. I loved messing with you, but I can find a new game. Look, if you get to heaven, tell 'em to let in your old pal Sausage! And if you end up in hell . . . tell 'em the same thing! Covering all my bases, you know? . . . I guess this is goodbye! See ya, Jimmy!"
"It's close enough to the canal, we won't even have to touch it, really."
"Just kick it in."
"You two take care of that! Oh, I can't wait to tell Scott. . . ."
"All right, I'll just—"
"And I'll—"
"There it goes! Which one next?"
"Let's keep going along this way, and when. . . ."
That night, the Cod Empire is deathly quiet.
Smoke hangs like a cloud over the Capital, some buildings still burning (pointless from the beginning, yet even after the battle had been won there were celebrating soldiers setting fire to cabins and shops, destruction just a mark of victory). Bodies line the streets, half the canals filled with the dead.
There are some still living. Soldiers who had surrendered, children and caretakers and disabled who weren't able to escape but were able to hide. They do not sleep, fearing what the morning will bring. Will King Sausage order their deaths? Will he move through their land to the ones beyond? Will he demand slavery of them, even the children?
A father bundles up his baby and waits for a change in guard at the docks, then slips into the water and swims away, heading for the Ocean Kingdom. Another Cod tries the same thing and is caught with an arrow in their throat.
Those who remain hide in their homes, curtains drawn, and hold each other, too fearful to try to contact friends and family to see if they still live. They daren't go outside, lest they join the bodies in the streets.
They all know that their Codfather has fallen. That news had been shouted through the town, on every gory street and dock, until all in the town silently despaired and knew that they were doomed.
Lord Sausage, King of Mythland, returns home and writes a gloating letter of conquest, which reaches all of the empires before the night ends. One day of battle, and the Codlands has been conquered. He doesn't write of the fate of the Codfather, relishing the opportunity to tell the Ocean Queen and Lord Smajor in person.
In the canals are hundreds of bodies. An older Mythland soldier on guard frowns as he stares down at the disturbing piles of dead, on top the pale body of a guard named Micah, and shakes his head in disgust.
In the canal near the center of town, under two other bodies, completely submerged in the dirty water, is the body of the Codfather. His hair floats in the water, his face almost unrecognizable, bloated in death, painted with blood and mud.
It's the dark of midnight, not even lit by the moon, only the dim stars twinkling down. The body of the Codfather rocks a little bit with the shift of the water, little ripples coming from seemingly nowhere, traveling down each canal.
Something rumbles, deep underground.
The water picks up, tiny ripples becoming actual waves, crashing against the land and shoving the bodies from side to side, piles spilling over and sending dead Cod flopping to the land—almost as if a storm is brewing, though the skies are clear as can be.
The Mythlanders on guard around the town laugh nervously, step away from the canals, as the bodies seem to thrash in the choppy water.
And in the canal near the center of town, the Codfather lies in the water.
His eyes flash open.
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stabbyfoxandrew · 4 months
you know what's fucking insane though???
it's only been 3 days in the mafia front fic. THREE DAYS= ~34k. (so far, we're still on day three rn)
wow i'm truly insane. three days... mein gott
(potential spoilers for this fic in tags???)
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antiquetrait · 8 months
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grandma's house 11:01 am
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maphel-n-doodles · 1 year
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snippets for wips I was going to do for Hashimada week. Whether or not i actually finish these is up for debate :,)
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oh yeah did i mention i was writing for a monkie kid zine? check it-
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 preorders open July 1st, the twitter is @//LMKFanzine. they’re just finishing up contributor spotlights so feel free to check out if you see any artists or writers you recognize.
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wikitpowers · 3 days
I’d love to know what your big girl job is !!
my job is calling people and booking them in for job interviews, and sending emails and texts! it’s actually fairly decent but sooo stressful when somebody asks you a question you don’t know the answer to ;(🫶🏻
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xysidhequeen · 2 years
Can't wait for Jason to use his guns to banish the Joker to the shadow realm where he belongs <3
God I love your Fanfiction <3
Danny, pulling out a Yu-Gi-Oh card that upon close inspection is a very well made fake trap card with a gun on it, called 'The Nightmare Gun': looks like it's time to send you to the shadow realm, Joker.
I honestly can't wait either. Sadly the Joker is going to take a few more parts to get to. Dick is really loving the attention he's currently getting and is loathe to let Danny and Jason leave.
Also since you sent me an ask anon I'll gift you with a snippet of one of my favorite parts of part 14 so far (it's not even half done and it's already so long. Help)
"Yeah, we did. Dude, Nightwing, Dick, my man, my friend, my once upon a time idol, my brother in spandex," Danny turned his attention to Dick, leaning forward with an earnestness on his face that Dick wasn't experienced enough in Danny's brand of dramatics to be wary of yet, "are you secretly a supervillain attempting to conquer the world with super-mold?" Danny asked with all the blunt honesty of a small child approaching a stranger in a grocery store to ask them why their cart was filled with only ice cream.
"I-what?!" Dick choked out, thrown off by both the question and the manner in which Danny asked it. Jason coughed to disguise a laugh, feeling the amusement rolling off Danny in waves.
"It's okay if you are. We'll accept you no matter what you choose to be. But we really might want to workshop your methods. Mold just isn't a good look, y'know? I've come to realize after several harrowing and near death experiences in the past few hours that it might be horrifyingly effective, but do you really want to be known as Mold Man?" Danny kept his sincere expression and tone, somehow shifting subtly towards the realm of concerned close friend staging an intervention.
"What is happening?!" Dick muttered, looking at Jason with a face that screamed 'help me'.
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thatringboy · 3 months
hey you know that aventurine animation of him holding a gun to himself to goad ratio into shooting him because toxic yaoi but what if in the future boothill's on his knees jamming the barrel of his 9 millimeter into his forehead begging kakavasha to shoot him because oswaldo schneider died too quickly for him to get proper revenge but now that his prey is dead the powers of The Hunt are leaving him and his body's gonna shut down anyways but that was the original plan when he designed the body because he was supposed to die in this giant final showdown with schneider and now he's been robbed of both a satisfying vengeance and death and aventurine eventually pulls the trigger but nothing happens because his good luck kicks in and the gun is now jammed so they just keep staring at each other in total agony as the gun keeps click click click clicking with every squeeze of aventurine's finger as he tries to bring peace to the both of them but it isn't working and now both have to keep living past their expiration dates again and another hour goes by without them being able to move on with their loved ones and the horror of being forced to live longer and longer without them with no purpose or Path settles around them.
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sonknuxadow · 8 months
i swear to god sega must be choosing which 3d sonic games they wanna rerelease at random because none of their choices here make any sense when i said they should focus more on making the 3d games more accessible instead of re releasing the classic games a million times this isnt what i meant
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thelioncourts · 3 months
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