#i am a bit delusional still
charliewrites99 · 7 months
People being like yeah lokius lost...
Did it?
This shit is what tragic romance is build on.
It's the sailor leaving on the boat, with their beloved on the shore, staring at the sea, hoping they might return one day.
It's the meeting at midnight at our secret spot, because our parents don't approve but then one night you don't show up.
It's the I came to rescue you from hell, but then I looked back.
It's the you saved my life, but what kind of life is it if you aren't spending it with me.
It's the immortal knowing they will never meet again in death.
It's the god hoping to one day be human enough to stay.
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hurricanek8art · 2 months
Okay SO I've never Bad Batch posted beyond reblogs but there's two episodes left and I'm going insane so my big giant theory for why the finale is titled The Cavalry Has Arrived with a sprinkle of Tech is Alive Yes I Am Delusional:
Tonight's episode is going to end with the Batch, Omega's gang, and CX-2 all colliding in one of the hallways.
Big Western faceoff, tumbleweed, yadda yadda y'know.
Right before the shooting starts, CX-2 tells them their escape plan through whatever hallway they're planning is strategically ill-advised, because *insert tactical explanation here*
Hunter: "Oh yeah? What, you trying to help us or something? No thanks."
CX-2: "It was worth the attempt. It's not as if we've ever followed orders anyway."
Omega: "...Tech?!"
Tech: *removes helmet to reveal it's him* "Well, I thought it was obvious. Shall we liberate some clones together, then?"
end conspiracy theory rant. 🥴
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sialaterornever · 10 months
i haven't seen the new lore but from what i can gather from my feed (thanks levlies :D)
the eggs had been set through a shit ton of arduous challenges and the dragon mother was never real
there could've been thousands of other eggs that could've seen the light of day but didnt thanks to the federation
you know who else had to compete with their own brethren in a box because the people who created you wanted to find the best of your group?
you know who else had to leave behind his other siblings for dead simply to please the higher ups?
you know who else is a product of a serile lab and fucked up tests?
SLIMECI- *a blow dart hits my neck and causes hives to burst throughout it, asphyxiating me instantly*
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in conclusion i just need to learn to only create for myself and have fun with my interpretation it's not wrong or stupid it makes sense 🫵 (pointing at myself crying shaking in the mirror). it's happening someday i believe in myself
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the-ineffable-queer · 10 months
began rewatching season 1 and i have just now realized that God said that "it starts, as it will end, in a garden." so either this is Them being a little prankster or whatever happens in season three happens in a garden. because i dont think an air force base is a garden, my friends.
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pumpkinnning · 11 months
Your tags on that Charles and Ferrari post ring so true!!!
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(I'm assuming this is the same anon 😅)
yes exactly ! The way people have been talking about Charles re:Ferrari lately has felt kind of very one note and low key a bit disrespectful ngl like he's too stupid to quit something that's hurting him but like you said, it's not like he has any better options at the moment. He would maybe have a better car at RBR or Merc but he would clearly be on "enemy" territory and I think people underestimate how much fitting in a team impacts performance. (And it's not like those teams have an actual opening rn)
And yeah like @mountinez pointed out very accurately, it's his choice, he's a grown man and he knows his options far better than any of us do.
And putting the idea of an individual win so far above a win with the team he loves is very idk...focus on the macho individualistic superman aspect of sports that i kind of find toxic honestly ??? (It's the part of DTS i find honestly really annoying i think they should pay more attention to the team work and the mechanics and all the others who make this possible instead of staging all those fake little cockfights but anyway) it's like all those pundits saying Charles should Take Charge more like a Real Man and invent his own strategies and everything else instead of you know trusting the people whose job it is and actually have the data like bitch please !!!!
Like in the end I'm a Charles fan before anything else so if he leaves Ferrari I will think it's badass and healthy and if he stays I will praise his loyalty and commitment 😂😂 but whatever he does there will be a chance for it to fail and it will be easy to talk shit about what he should have done in hindsight but the truth is we don't know shit about what is really happening behind the scenes and a big part of it is down to luck and timing
And when it comes to rpf and writing fictional narratives inspired by all this - yes of course the pain and addiction of devotion to sth that doesn't love you back and the martyr/saint imagery it's all very compelling (a lot of us have probably been there lmfao i know i have)
but there is also a lot more there like what about the power fantasy of loving sth so hard you change its very nature ? What if patient love and commitment gets rewarded for once ? (What does it mean if we write it as always destined for failure?) What about saying no this imperfect thing i am fighting for is mine actually i am taking ownership and I am not going to cede ground to people playing selfish little games with it or leave it to crumble and succumb to its worst impulses ? What about the journey mattering more than the end and the people you chose to do this with mattering more than the victory and honoring your dreams and passion mattering more than a line in the history books ? If we are going to write stuff inspired by real people we should at least try to honor a bit of the complexity of real life and give space to complex ambivalent feelings
Lmfao anyway yes i am in the Thinking about Themes part of writing fic rn but yeah !!! I find this whole thing incredibly compelling and if/when Charles wins the WDC with Ferrari I will cry like a little baby for 3 days at least
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lovers-instead · 1 year
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Studio Killers - Underneath My Raincoat (2023) 🐯
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lord-squiggletits · 9 months
The hard thing about liking Getaway as a character is that people are like "why are you mad people hate him, he's literally evil in the text" and it's like. Yeah I get that and I ENJOYED the way he was shown in MTMTE, the problem is that in LL his character got hit with villain degradation/idiot ball and so my beef with his portrayal is that I think it's shitty and underwhelming writing.
But like, it's really hard to debate about that because canon is the basis of the entire analysis, and if your contention of canon is basically "he would not fucking say/do that" then that means a near-complete rejection of canon in favor of headcanon and you can't really "debate" personal opinions in that way.
Anyways, LL Getaway sucked and the most charitable interpretation one could have of how he was written is that he was a victim of JRO needing to wrap up a billion plotlines at once and getting shafted because the mutiny plotline had to resolve really fast. Which is a flaw of LL and a bunch of its characters/plots in general, not me being an "apologist."
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skitskatdacat63 · 4 months
It's so funny having an insane project cooking and I'm just delusionally giggling to myself in the corner on here like "no one knows what's coming" *rubbing my little paws together*
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thebuttsmcgee · 2 years
Realized that a fair amount of percentage that I legitimately would like for Camilraeda to be canon is that I watched ok ko, where KO's father figure and mom literally got married and had a budding romance that came from a troubled history but was restored in due time, with a fair amount of it being in due to KO.
Plus, that'd be an actual canon Poly ship. Rad as hell 🤟
There's also a couple more reasons but like mainly it'd just be really fun ✌️😔
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auslanderka · 9 months
I am so happy that RKDD anime came out and I am so proud of Amano that another series got a screen adaptation.
literally there is probably no greater honor for an author than making his manga into an anime, imagine seeing your own characters brought to life on screen with voices, it must be amazing feeling.
And she did it again!
I will support RKDD anime as much as I can because Amano deserves it
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murobrown · 9 months
#it's that time of the month when I just want to sell my uterus on black market with human organs#the week leading up to my period is far more worse than the actual period#it made me gain 2 kg and I can't stop freaking out about it...i know i lose them every month but my brain won't leave me alone#it's making me want to starve myself or just work out until i collapse#tmi sorry...how is your Friday evening?#I'm bored and I'm deciding between going to bed before 11 pm or let my brain torture me a little bit more#I don't even think I'm excited about the weekend anymore because it means I'll have to eat again#you just eat and work out and eat and work out and try not think about the calories because we're not doing thay anymore#but deep down my brain still knows the numbers and won't let me go over 900 calories#i perfected my body but destroyed my head even more#i shouldn't say thay but maybe it's worth it#feeling happy in my own skin is the best feeling in the world#and I know I'm shallow because of that but for the first time in my life i like my body#i actually like all parts of my body#and knowing that i did it with all that hard work feels even better#but on the other hand now I'm just too scared I'm going to lose it all if I eat a cookie after lunch#i think I'm too deep into this#is it bad that I like the feeling of bones under my skin?#am I becoming delusional?#that's what a menstrual cycle does to a emotionally unstable woman#it makes me feel angry that out of four weeks in a month i get like max two weeks when I feel good and normal#all of that for nothing#anyway maybe it's time to stop myself..
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httpiastri · 10 months
as happy as i am for lissie and marcus (even though I knew they were already together because I literally watched them make out with my own two eyes) it was honestly my last straw. I’m so tired of seeing everybody on my social feeds happy and in relationships when I’ve just had the worst week of my life and have basically given up on falling in love because if I can’t even drive how am I going to go to places where I’ll meet people?!?!? i have spent every Valentine’s Day alone while my friends go on elaborate dates and I’m just so so tired
not the make out sesh 😩 oh to see them with my own two eyes irl... what a pretty sight it would be
this got quite personal and hit a little too close to home so im putting a lil keep reading thing
love :(( i’m truly sorry you feel this way... but god i felt this ask so much... first of all, i'm really sorry about you having a bad week. it's completely fine to feel the way you're feeling, it must really suck, but i'm sure you'll get the license and you'll be driving shortly!! i am keeping my fingers crossed for you ❤️
i’ve always been very calm about relationships and love, very much “i’m not in a rush” and “it’ll come when it’s time”. i’ve always been a hopeless romantic but i haven’t been stressed about it – i’ve always been so busy that i haven’t really had time for love, and i've been okay with hearing about friends and their great love lives while i've spent pretty much every weekend and holiday alone at home. but… eventually, it becomes exhausting, you know? when falling in love for real just seems so far away and like something so hard to achieve in some way....
i also kind of feel you on the driving part... i decided not to get my license for a bunch of reasons, and idk how i'll get around without driving... but also as i am still living with my parents, it just seems impossible to meet someone, because where would i bring them? home to meet my snooping parents?? no way
i think we just gotta hold on to the hope that when it is the right time, it will happen. i don't believe in the whole "don't rush it" thing, i think that we're all allowed to seek and chase love if we want to, but i also think it's okay to take a step back and just breathe and be okay with the situation. unfortunately, our current day society is so formed around relationships, soft launches and hard launches and dinner date pics on insta and public proposal videos, that i feel like the pressure easily gets overwhelming. there's also something in the way that people think other people's love lives is any of their business, like friends and relatives asking me why i don't have a boyfriend, as if a partner is something i need to live my life? surely it would make it better, but i don't need to be reminded and hurt yet again over the fact that i'm alone, when i'm just trying to move on in life...
i'm trying to stay patient, open to any opportunity, and remembering that social media is merely a highlight reel and not reality. i hope you too can find peace in remembering that things will get better, we just have to work through this first. we will get through it and come out stronger on the other side. darling, if you ever need something from me, want to rant, or anything else, know that my messages and inbox are always open 💗
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salsflore · 2 years
i’m allowed to be silly once a month. now look away
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my friend just said “i have never seen you this delusional before” AND THEY ARE SO RIGHT. like damn… it’s never been like this
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the-acid-pear · 2 years
I am normal again rn but it's annoying how big my fear of disappointing people is. Obviously just a side effect of getting punished for even the smallest stupidest of things but y'know. Even bled into my fucking religious trauma which IS kind of funny.
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