#i am here to ruin fandoms uwu
polyamoryprincess · 1 year
I’m kinda thinkin about how G**d O*ens season 2 tried so hard to veer into homosexuality land but just kind of didn’t slow down, hit a few gays, and still ended up at the compulsory heterosexuality mega mall and I just…
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flower-boi16 · 4 months
I commented on stolitz critical video by explaining why it didn't works because how shallow Stella was and that she was written that way to make Stolas looked good which ended up with a bunch of shippers told me why did it matter since Stella was an asshole and abusive relasionship could be as simple as that. Hell fucking no, my aunt's husband often beat the shit out of her yet he appeared like a decent man in front of everyone. I never knew this until they divorced and it was being revealed later. My cousin turned out to be extremely violence and short tempered especially with his sibling. Fuck people who think domestic abuse is as simple as saturday morning cartoon villains.
I think the people screaming at you missed the point of why Stella being made abusive was a bad writting decison.
Stella was only made abusive as a way to artificially make Stolas look more sympathetic, as a way to absolve him of all his flaws displayed in season 1 and make him into an "uwu soft boy". That's something Helluva Boss fans always miss; people are not upset at Stella being abusive because it "breaks their headcanons" or some shit. People dislike the writting decision because it removes all potiential to make Stella interesting and turns her into a one-dimensional bitch, and also ruined Stoals as a character by removing everything that made him interesting in season 1.
Viv didn't really want to tell an story about a victim breaking from his abuser. Viv made Stella abusive so she could make Stolas more sympathetic, as a way to fit this new direction for Stolas as a character in season 2. Stella would have been a better written abuser if she actually displayed real tacticts that real life abusers use, she would have been a far more interesting abuser if she was written that way, but no, Stella isn't given any depth as a character, she only exists now to make Stolas sympathetic. That's it.
Viv wasn't concerned with making Stella an interesting and three dimensional abuser. That was not the goal when writting her character. The goal was to make Stolas more sympathetic.
And THAT'S the actual issue here, and I'm sick of the HB fandom pretending that people dislike Stella's characterization in season 2 for headcanon reasons when there's more to it than just that.
Then again Viv's fans don't know why people critisize these shows so why am I surprised.
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pleasantspark · 3 days
My partner literally defends this show a lot and in VC he tries to "dispute it" so here's the full list of issues wrong with this show, you ALL have the fucking excuse as "no creative control", "endgame and slowburn", "You watch spliced up clips.", "It's Hell!"
No Creative Control: ViziePops characters would have IMMEDIATELY been changed COMPLETELY if that were the case.
Endgame and Slowburn: A ship being fucking depicted as going through a crisis every fucking minute and taking over an episode that was meant for two other characters? While also ruining a Parent Child bond? "Endgame" my ass, also lets not forget a character sexually harassed another character and was not depicted as calling that character out, "Couple Goals" my ass too. Slowburn is non-existent in this world.
You watched spliced up clips: HONEY the only clips I watch are those that ACTUALLY are relevant to my fucking point, Are we even watching the same damn thing? Also edits are beyond that.
It's Hell: Ah yes, so it's hell, no it's fucking downtown Los Angelos thats DISGUISED as Hell, Hell would be more "chaotic" and more "consequencal" most of the demons there are LIVING IT UP, and continiuing their lives much as they were alive. There's nothing different from when they are alive. It seems like Hell is LITERALLY Heaven. The only consequence is that demons seemed to get harassed or at the minimal killed, so next time I stab someone in Jail, I can go and say "IT'S JAIL!"
I feel as though people who compare ViziePops Harassment to Rebecca Sugar's harassment is completely stupid af.
Rebecca was harassed because someone decided to make a 1 hour long video trashing her show and indirectly called her a neo-nazi which caused other people to parrot the accusations as well, Rebecca was harassed by her fans just for standing up for a fan who was getting sent death threats over a FUCKING art style.
Afaik, Viv's harassments is just criticism of how she handled the pilot actors (And apparently Cherri Bomb's pilot VA had lost her Husband due to a medical ailment and she was trying to raise money to help fund the expenses that were left behind and fucking Viv said, Nuh uh, and shut that shit down. KNOWING PEOPLE PAID FOR THAT SHIT, I mean can Viv LEGALLY take down VA who impersonate her characters? Sure it's her IP but it doesn't mean that the VA for the original CB is her.), how she drew something I am not about to get into because quite frankly it's not my business (And I mean MOST of the creators, Rebecca included, had drawn some fucked up shit in the past.). She also apparently mistreats her workers. And afaik Sugar never did any of that.
You can scream "Oh but Viv has a LOT of struggles and [Rebecca Sugar] is just like her!!" all you want, but THERE'S nothing similar to her and Rebecca and the only thing similar is they make tv shows with diversity and are both females.
Don't get me wrong, I love HelluvaHazbin but people needlessly finding excuses for poorly written shows and bad pacing/decisions while also holding Viv on a pedestal infuriates me, and the worse part is, allegedly she never received criticism in her college years.
I ain't gonna sugar coat it, the LGBTQ+ Rep in this show is completely for the fujoshi and as a Trans Male whose Gay, I am HIGHLY disturbed about how most of the Gay characters are depicted as "Uwu Soft boys who could do no wrong"
Like for FUCKS sake, we're NORMAL PEOPLE, we don't get treated any differently by a standard hetrosexual, the only time we get treated differently is by angry Facebook Prudes and edgy fuckers who think being scared of homes is the new norm.
I am surprised most of the fandom (On tumblr) don't call out the problematic shit, when THE LGBTQ+ is prominent here! The more you continue to agree and like these "rep ships" the more you're giving these people the okay to continue to drive the show WHICH WAS BASED OFF OF "Assassinations" now turned into "Arguements between a same sex couple that has one victim and one gaslighter"
A little tidbit for those who stand with Stolas.
An Abuse Victim can be a Abuser.
It's not that difficult. Jfc. Anyways, this is my reason why I made Biblically Inaccurate to begin with.
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marnz · 5 months
since i'm one of those people who watched tsn in 2023 (i was 12 when tsn was broadcasted) so it gave me this weird mixed feeling whenever i read markwardo fanfic because knowing how bad these people actually are irl and not some uwu precious baby but i can't blame fanfic writers in 2010-2011 for thinking zuckerberg and saverin were cool because during that time facebook was indeed cool and the internet was younger at that time too, the fic are good i admit but sometimes i need a moment to rethink why am i reading irl capitalists fanfic, it's so hard to distinguish between tsn and irl material most of the time too and not to mention tsn was just a story written based on irl saverin pov of fb and he was also an asshole. The only fun time to enjoy tsn was probably 2010-2011 because fb was cool, the cast was close and now even the cast of this film probably don't even contact each other anymore despite being so closed in 2010, sorry for rambling i just think it's amazing that people who enjoy tsn in 2010 still post about it in 2024!
well anon. Like I said. You had to be there. Look I love context and you said you were 12 in 2010 so here is some context: yes the internet was younger and yes fb/meta had not destroyed democracy yet but I also think there was more of a sense of hope related to technology, as opposed to dread. A lot of tech and social mainstays had not happened yet, politics were drastically different, Chris Hughes (cofounder of fb & communications guy) helped Obama get elected, people didn’t think global warming was real, society was MUCH more conservative and homophobic, etc., and the internet was the place to be.
when you say the internet was younger I’m interpreting this to mean that FB had not come into its final form yet, which is true, but also it & the internet was such a radically different experience. It felt limitless. You weren’t corralled in as much. You could go anywhere, you could find anything, you could make your own websites very easily, you were not assaulted by pop ups and apps were not mainstream because Apple didn’t launch the App Store until 2008. It was so easy to learn how to code. The operating systems between Apple and Android were SO distinct. Twitter launched in 2008/2009 but wasn’t quite so relevant until idk 2014? Fandom had just migrated from LJ to Tumblr but Tumblr was also hotter with the aesthetic girlies and porn blogs. “The algorithm” didn’t run the world. Yesterday I tried to find an article by searching for it and both Google and DuckDuckGo completely disregarded my request and did not turn up anything relevant. I can assure you that would not have happened in 2011. So there was SUCH a sense of optimism because the internet felt like a social good instead of an obligation that is increasingly privatized, surveilled, constrained, and decayed.
Which is why TSN got made and why there was an interest. It was a source of profound social change. But anyway. FB/Meta has ruined lives and it and all other social media apps that elevate divisive opinions to prompt as much engagement as possible (have you heard of the awful Isabel Fall twitter scandal? I recommend this article) are awful! And yet there’s an expectation of being online because a lot of communities now organize online, a lot of services require being online, etc., fandom has become less centralized/less unified, which is its own post.
Out of curiosity, what led you to watch the film? I do find it fascinating that there’s been a resurgence of TSN fandom. If this article had not been written I would not be posting about it but there’s still a lot of fic being written and fanvids being made to Taylor Swift songs. But it’s fandom devoid of all this context. So it is very strange, because you know what FB and all these people in it will become. I think I would have the exact cognitive dissonance you described if I watched it for the first time last year and tried to read fic. It is SO deeply fictionalized, so much of it is radically untrue, but you as the reader carry the truth in your mind. Which is why I cannot and do not engage with these days. And why I hold TSN in my mind curtained off. I spoke with many ppl from the original fandom yesterday and trust me, no one wants this.
I think, realistically, whatever movie Sorkin wants to make will probably be very good. It’s probably a good story to tell & explore. But I won’t be watching it. I lived that shit
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rudimentaryflair · 7 months
And if Yoshida doesn't side with Denji and still sides with public safety, will you accept he's not a "uwu baby" then?
So this is clearly bait, but because I am in a Yoshida-posting mood right now I'm going to pretend that you sent this ask in good faith.
First, nobody is calling Yoshida an "uwu baby". Chainsaw Man is not, in fact, an "uwu" manga.
Second, I'm not doing anything crazy by believing that Yoshida isn't a bad person. Fujimoto's been dropping hints about him since the start of Part 2 and all I'm doing is... not ignoring those. There's way too much effort being put into the ambiguity of his character just for him to be another Makima, and I think it's an oversight as a reader to disregard that.
I think most people who hate Yoshida actually just hate the exaggeratedly vile fanon version of him that's resulted from poor literature analysis and the fandom's infatuation with horny Denji whump. Canon!Yoshida hasn't done much except be unsettling and do (re: fail at) his job, which he's been implied several times to be conflicted about. Sure, he's served as a minor antagonist to Asa and Denji in some chapters, but he's also expressed remorse each time, and it's basically been spelled out that he's being strong-armed by Public Safety to do most of this.
But hey, anon, maybe you're right. Maybe after all the dithering he's still going to choose Public Safety. Fujimoto would definitely be the type to pull some dark shit like that.
But honestly, who cares? Liking a fictional character doesn't mean you 100% endorse and agree with their actions and morals. I enjoy reading Chainsaw Man because of its morally dubious characters. I like Yoshida because he's complex and interesting to me, and he will likely still be those things regardless of what side he ends up on. Obviously, I'll be disappointed if he opposes Deniji/Asa/Nayuta, but if the writing's consistent and his motives make sense then it's not going to ruin my enjoyment of his character in the story.
That being said, none of this has to have any bearing on you. Keep hating him if you want, I'm not here to police your fandom experience. But it's silly to barge into my inbox and condescend me when all I'm doing is paying attention to the text.
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archived-yiptsu · 11 months
Hey, here's a chance for you to ramble ;)
About who because I have way too much to say all at once
Like for fucking starters the way the fandom took Dreamtale (which quite frankly didn't belong in the UnderTale Multiverse in the first place and I'm 90% sure Joku just wanted to insert her[?] OCs and story somewhere she[?] knew it would get attention) and turned it into something fantastic was absolutely incredible to watch pan out in real-time. Second of all there is nobody in this world who is more in love with Nightmare's design than I am at this point 'cuz there has not been a single day in the last five years I have not thought about him (/srs) good LORD there is way too much to talk about there and I promised someone I wouldn't be un-sfw on here just know I'm on my knees barking for him begging him for a chance a SINGLE chance and that I would pay for.. certain artwork.. of him if given that opportunity..
Anyway I think the fandom's version of Dreamtale both ruins and improves the overall story because quite frankly I have never been happy with how Passive!Nightmare straightup dies but maybe that's just the angst brain y'know I think that Nightmare living but holding a deep hatred and/or jealousy for Dream would have been a better route there but also I understand that the AU doesn't only revolve around them and has to involve other characters and having Passive die is probably one of the easiest ways of doing that. But also if Nightmare killed his own mom how much extra angst potential would there be, right? 'Cuz then we'd also get angst with Dream trying to move on from it and forgive him and that is a whole other topic and I'm tryna stay on track here.
Speaking of Dream I personally think that the way the fandom used to (and still does sometimes) treat him was foul.. absolutely slanderous. UwU little soft boi Dream.. bleh. I think I could understand that take on Dream if it was when he was younger or had just directly come out of statue form but the people who used to write him as just some guy who lived solely to fix his brother and not think about anything else was certainly something. I mean I think you could technically write a perspective like that but it would take such a large amount of effort to fit properly within literally any sort of canon that it just wouldn't be worth it at all unless you're really that dedicated to it. Anyway, I think I'm just glad that the fandom has largely moved past the entire pathetically weak Dream saga that happened. I really fucking love Dream who is still grieving over the loss of his brother but can also accept that he's gone and is focusing on saving the Multiverse instead of trying to get his brother back at any cost I'm so in love with that version of Dream but nobody writes him like that on Wattpad so whenever I'm reading a fic about him it's HORRIBLE.
Y'know what I'm taking the chance to talk about how I don't think there's enough religious content surrounding Dream and Nightmare because I'd like to remind everyone that they are Guardians, which is pretty similar to Gods depending on who you ask. You CANNOT tell me that, whilst Nightmare is out causing havoc and spreading negativity to the AUs and such, not a SINGLE person would start thinking of him as a deity-like figure. Take it a step further and have them praying to him and giving him offerings like that is a banger concept if done correctly.
Take it ANOTHER step further and have it be done with Dream. Sure Nightmare's the Guardian of Negativity so not many people are likely to support him and such but Dream is the Guardian of Positivity, people would 100% worship him. There are so many things you could do with this concept, have him running around trying to keep his supporters happy whilst also protecting the Multiverse from Nightmare, have him be overwhelmed have him be fearful of the way people view him because it reminds him of the times before the Apple Incident oh my God please can someone do anything with this concept
Also side note I am in love with the bad sanses poly ship like that's also something not explored enough within fics I'll get around to writing something about it eventually but LORD the things I would do to read a 150k word fic about their adventures and their love for each other and their arguments and their miscommunications and their flaws and how they love each other's flaws and how they accept each other for who they are without having to drastically change anything about themselves and how they've finally found comfort in other people like them and how they never thought they would so they're super happy and AAAAAAAAAA dude. The things I'd do to read something like that.
Also. Listen to me. Error. I don't think I have to say much else because the large majority of people are already agreeing just based on Error alone but.. Error.
I am a VERY big fan of how his redesign is VERY similar to Geno's design except in negative form with some slight variations and I don't know if anything I'm about to talk about was on purpose or not but we're going into it anyway. First of all I love the idea of a Sans somehow glitching his way practically out of existence and becoming a fucked up piece of code like Error, but God the way his design looks will never get old to me. Never. The way he's all black because it's the negative of white and y'know in computer viruses and crashes they usually portray it as turning into negative colours when something has gone wrong BUT the way that Error's design only uses the primary colours (red, yellow, blue) WOOF that gets me GOINNNNNGGG like YES we've gone back to the basics no more complex colours no more special little colour palettes nothing like that he is basic and he is simple. He is UNPREDICTABLE like a virus he does not have any set opinions or personality traits at least not set in stone he is unhinged he has nothing to properly define him other than the term 'manbaby' and it is SO good because he isn't Sans he isn't even considered one or at least he shouldn't be because yes technically he is one if you look into it even the slightest but he has basically zero similarities because his personality is negative his personality is flipped his personality is FUCKED everything about him is FUCKED and he is INSANE. He is not patient like Sans he is not mysterious like Sans he is not harmless unless heavily, heavily aggravated like Sans he is the opposite he is a FOOL. A JESTER. Can someone draw him in a jester's outfit I think that would be funny anyway I love him he's my little meow meow my little guy my little non-friendly pal ALSO his fucking birthday is a 404 joke and his strings are a joke too for strings of code and it took me FOUR YEARS to figure that out because I'm a dummy but once it clicked?? Wowza it was like a new world opened because I could actually finally understand what his strings were all about.
I don't really have much to say about Killer if I'm being honest with you.. I'm just obsessed with him because he's a crazy extrovert who stabs people to death and also his design fucks hard though I do somehow keep forgetting his Soul whenever I draw him.. which isn't often I really need to start drawing him more he's SO fun his little drippy eye sockets are SO much fun to draw I cannot lie to you guys I would most definitely do a full piece of art of him if it meant I got to draw his eyes.
Fuck it I think Killer and Nightmare's possible relationship dynamics go CRAZY and I will need there to be more content of them. It does not matter if it's ship or not I just need them being them. I need Killer annoying Nightmare but Nightmare putting up with it because he finds it really cute how Killer likes being near him even if it's only to annoy him. I need Killer being patient and listening to Nightmare struggling to explain his own emotions (I also need Nightmare who can process everyone else's emotions besides his own) and Nightmare being so so grateful that he can confide in Killer about it. I need Killer following Nightmare's every word and demand because he wants to please him and when Nightmare compliments him it's all worth it. I need awkward Nightmare and Killer where Killer keeps trying to befriend Nightmare but Nightmare can't figure out what he's trying to do so he's just like "???" until Killer has to outright ask him to be friends. I need not awkward Killer and Nightmare where Nightmare knows full well that Killer wants to be friends but he is afraid of what would happen and he's afraid of putting their team in danger because what if he says something bad and Killer decides to leave ?? What would happen to the rest of his team then ??
I need Nightmare and Killer content where Nightmare is willing to take the risk of befriending him if it means being closer with him. And then I need Nightmare and Killer content which evolves into Killermare content which then evolves into bad sans poly.
I need Nightmare and Killer. Just in general now I just need them no further context.
WHEW the things I could say about Blueberror.. man I only started getting into him like a week ago because of a Wattpad request but I completely forgot how in love with his design I am. I can't really comment on it the same way as Error because, well, nothing tops Error but his design is so so so fun I love it I love how he still resembles his old self I love how not much changed other than he, again, became a sort of negative-like version of himself. I fucking love the stars on his face too I think face markings have gotta be the best thing to ever happen with OC creation in general things just feel incomplete if they don't have something there to draw on their faces
Wait is that the link? Is that what I've been missing???? Blueberror has stars Error has lines, Killer has his drippy eyesockets and Nightmare has his one singular covered drippy eyesocket oh fuck they all have some sort of identifiable feature on their faces God damn it
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dragonsfromthemoon · 2 years
Am I the only one who finds it weird that Alicent stans mostly blame Viserys and Rhaenyra for Alicent’s suffering but rarely blame Otto, who is the one who made her go to Viserys in the first place? Viserys definitely is to blame as well, but he never would have looked at Alicent in a romantic way if Otto hadn’t made her go to him when Viserys was vulnerable and grieving after Aemma’s death. Otto is the main instigator of most of this entire mess, and yet I hear Alicent stans actually praising him for his schemes and excusing him by saying “He just acted the way most medieval noblemen would with their daughters.” Like, what? Otto is the #1 person who ruined Alicent’s life, but most Alicent stans I’ve seen do whatever they can to excuse him.
Anon, you are not alone on this! I find it very weird as well.
Well, one could rightfully argue that Viserys also had some part of the blame. He did allow his daughter's friend to approach him in that manner. Nevermind that had the writing been better, Alicent's honour would be no more and her virtue put into question and the source of gossip, for no maid would be on the king's chamber without being spotted and suffering the consequences of it. Alicent stans love to claim that Rhaenyra never bears brunt of her actions, but who was clearly protected by the narrative and by bad writing here, huh? But let us forget que quality of the writing for a while. Viserys did not take into consideration Alicent's feelings and desires; he simply married her and bedded her as he saw fit. Given the show material and parting from a somewhat Watsonian perspective, I will not excuse him. This man was the king. Had he been wiser, he would have noticed the ploy behind Alicent's visits and her unwillingness on it.
I cringe writing this, because the show strays so much from the book canon. And I hate with a passion the changes made to Alicent's characters, that only served to weaken it.
But, yeah, show-wise, Viserys is not the only to blame for Alicent's suffering. Otto is right there. He had no problem to prompt his daughter to visit the king and make use of his grief and guilt over Aemma's death. He had no care for her, nor her feelings. Alicent was, in this sense, his pawn. And how I hate it, because book Alicent was very out-spoken on her ambition and articulated her own party of supporters. Otto was one of them, but have no doubt that in the beginning, the Greens' head and mastermind was Alicent.
Could show Alicent have disobeyed her father? Thought of a way out of her predicament? Those are interesting questions to ponder over. Either way, her character had no agency (as in the writers did not give her choices to consider and an inner conflict over her circumstances) and she bided by her father's wishes.
Now this brings me to show Rhaenyra. How is she to blame for any of what happened to Alicent? She certainly did not want her best friend marrying to her father. She was surprised by it. Even felt betrayed. Show Rhaenyra did not command Alicent to go to Viserys's quarters, be married to him and bear his children. In fact, what we have is Alicent, for jealousy or envy or zealotry, participating in Rhaenyra's suffering. Not the other way around. And let's not forget Rhaenyra was also lowkey obliged to marry as her father wished.
Back to Otto, they can make excuses for him because it fits way better their narrative of "bad Targaryens!" to put all the blame on Viserys's and Rhaenyra's shoulders. Otto is no Targaryen (and we know this fandom can be passionate about hating the Targaryens), so there lies the double standard. The cherry on top was that uwu poor Alicent had no allies, thus her father was needed. She was uwu sad when he was sent away. This will sound gross, but if Otto can be excused on the basis of being a medieval noblemen and that's how they act towards their daughters, so can Viserys. Viserys can be excused, because that was the way most medieval men acted towards their wives. Yet Alicent stans don't even realize the hypocrisy of their argument.
This much to say I pretty much agree Otto was the he #1 person who ruined Alicent’s life.
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rosethreeart · 11 months
13 (give me your spiciest opinion on aph russia) 14, 19, 22, 23. i am rubbing my hands together like an insect
Thou hast open the flood gates LMAO.
13. I hate/dislike a good 90% of the fandom and canons characterizations of him. No he's not some uwu secretly a nice guy cinnamon roll who just looks mean and no he's not the devil incarnate. He's just some weird ass guy who wants to be left alone in the woods and is kinda a prick. People either villainize him way too much are are way too lenient with him there's no in between.
14./19. Yall are way too fucking performative. Not to soapbox again but yall are all so fucking concerned with saving your own asses you refuse to support people that call out issues like racism. Which is a huge ass fucking problem. Especially here in hetalia. People are WAY too comfortable with sending hate or getting their followers to gang up on people. Some of you bitches, especially you historical hetalia bitches are way too high on your fucking horses; no you are not better than anyone else cause you know some niche history fact, stop looking down on others. This fandom also has a huge ass issue with not supporting creators that aren't already popular; it's almost impossible to get any sort of likes let alone reblogs for characters that aren't England, Canada, Lithuanian, Russia, or America. It's extremely clique-y here. If you're a writer? Good fucking luck, this fandom treats its writers like shit. Everyone's too busy trying to bite each other in the ass or act as if they're holy than thou to actually come together to support one another or tackle any of the ACTUAL issues that are prevalent in this fandom.
22. North Italy. Fandom ruined him for me.
23. Netherlands!!! Does Abby count? LMAO.
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cafeleningrad · 2 years
For the ask game: Fire and Blood, Rhaenicent, and Daemon Targaryen and Dalton Greyjoy :)
Send me fandoms... characters... or ships... 📩 Thank you so much for this picnic basket of question! They were such fun to answer. :D Preface: I haven't watched the show, only learnt about it via gif and meta tumblr osmosis. The answers are entirely based on Fire and Blood alone, additional to my interpretations of the events.
001 | Send me a fandom and I will tell you....[Fire and Blood]
Favorite character: Nettles
Least Favorite character: Unwyne Pike
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon): (oh boy here we go...) Visenya Targaryen x Sharra Arryn, Rhaena Targaryen x Alyssa Farman, the Riverland lads (including Aly Blackwood) x being the most metal 5eva), Johanna Lannister x Dalton Greyjoy
Character I find most attractive: Kermit Tully (I played enough Fire Emblem to know what war criminal is good dating material and this one has red hair too!)
Character I would marry: Kermit Tully
Character I would be best friends with: Tyland Lannister (have I mentioned how much I love, love, love realpolitics? But also he was so understanding and kind to Aegon III, Aegon staiyng with Lord Tyland was a sign of their quiet bond of trust)
a random thought: This book convinced me to a 100% that Mirri Maz Duur and Bobby B. did the world a favour by guaranteeing the Targaryen dynasty would end with Dany. (Nothing personal, Dany.)
An unpopular opinion: I don't get the Jaehaerys hateboner the fandom has for him. At least not the intensitiy. Maybe I'm too much of a law nerd to dislike a character who creates a codified law system and long term benefit infrastructure to scorn someone who's your regular run-off-the-mill misogynist in Westeros. (Personally, I take more offense with his aggressive Targaryen supremacy propaganda efforts...)
My Canon OTP: Alys Rivers x Aemond Targaryen
My Non-canon OTP: Mushroom x a book deal
Most Badass Character: Benjicot Blackwood closely, tied to Roddy the Ruin
Most Epic Villain: (in the limits of what qualifies as a villain in this universe) Maegor the Cruel, a mama's boy who couldn't function without Visenya direction his every action.
Pairing I am not a fan of: Daemon Targaryen x Laena Velaryon
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): Hmm, Martin wrote this book as barely anything more than fleshed out bullet points with the purpose of narrating a semi historic account. Obviously in this format details and characterisation would be left less detailed and left for speculation. Yet I think Tess could've been given more than just a few lines.
Favourite Friendship: Rhaena Targaryen and Maegor Towers, Tyland Lannister and Aegon III Targaryen
Character I most identify with: Lyman Beesbury
Character I wish I could be: Alyssa Farman
002 | Send me a ship and I will tell you: (Preface: This is the only category for which I will base my answers on the showverse. Their ship is based on a dynamic that couldn't exist in the book verse due to their ages in the book.) - When I started shipping them: Actually I didn't, the concept seems intriguing though if I wasn't sideeyeing the writer's competence in writing fleshed out female characters with agency. - My thoughts: no great ones, except I'm really happy that a F/F pairing made it into the ranks of most popular ships in the fandom - and the girls remain interesting without watered down pastelcoloured uwu-fication (at least from I can gather from my mututals). - What makes me happy about them: The actresses for all time periods having put so much thought in the dynamic that the tension in the Dance of Dragons isn't "just" based in misogynistic sentiments and aspiration of power in a misogynistic system - but also in deeply personal tragedy. The original script didn't even consider Alicent's misgivings with her former friend beyond, let's call it unceremoniously, slutshaming and religious righteousness. The queer character of their relationship carved out by all four actresses enriched their conflict in it's core. - What makes me sad about them: Maybe misogyny cages them both yet Rhaenyra can live so many liberties with her father's blessing. Alicent will always remain an outsider, deprived of any Targaryen privileges, any sense of agency, her anger at Rhaenyra's arrogance is so palatable. - Things done in fanfic that annoys me: haven't read fanfic about them so far. -Things I look for in fanfic: Smut, Alicent on top, religious guild as zesty topping for dirty talk. :P - My wishlist: The Catch 22 of women in media is that any agency can easily lead to demonisation and ignorance to what the story wants to tell about a woman's fate by a larger fandom. Chanving off a lot of the agency, the men remaining the only villians behind the unfolding conflict, Alicent and Rhaenyra are stripped of agency, therefore undermining the theme of misogyny in the Dance of Dragons in a weird way. I don't know if such a story about the fallout of a queer lovestory and the bitter remains held by female characters would be given the grace by a format intended for mass consumption... Yet, in the books there was such a loud untertone of Alicent exercicing power through the men around her in contrast through Rhaenyra's direct action. Alicent found a way to cheat the system she upheld, the conflict felt so much more personal. The show defanged them and it's theme in a round about way. It would've been interesting to see how Alicent's resentment, fear, and actual anger could've become an action that would've added to the thematic depiction of women navigating their limited range in an overlooked way. (C'mon, HBO, how could you pull off Livia Soprano 25 years earlier but Alicent is damned into motionlessness from minute 1?) -Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: Alicent should've had the Lavender wedding with Laenor and found company in Laena. Rhaenyra could've had Daemon if she wanted, but anyone of her choosing would've been fine too. -My happily ever after for them: Rhaenyra would've ascendet the throne with Alicent's belssing, they both would've raised their kids better so they would've grown up as siblings, both had a lavender weddings, while Alicent warms Rhaenyra's bed.
003 | Give me a character & I will tell you: [Daemon Targaryen]
How I feel about this character: Until his meeting with Nettles where he appears to have had a change of heart I didn't care much of him, even absolutely understood why Viserys I exiling him repeatedly.
Any/all the people I ship romantically with this character: "Sir, please step away from that teenage girl." If it has to be someone, Corlys Velaryion then...
My favorite non-romantic relationship for this character: Caraxes.
My unpopular opinion about this character: As dubious I think his motives to turn towards Nettles are, not out of a change of heart against the war atroscities commited in Rhaenyra's name, at the end of his life he seems to have reflected on his past deeds, shown resignation.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: During his journey in the free cities, he would've found a medicinal remedy which could serve as Essosi equivalent to a chill pill.
Favorite friendship for this character: Corlys Velaryion
My crossover ship: God forgive me for the crassness but an evil thought crossed my mind: Since Daemon is so darn set on dragons, violence, and fornicating with any sexually avaible female character... wouldn't that make him an ideal partner for Angelus in Drakengard?
003 | Give me a character & I will tell you [Dalton Greyjoy]
How I feel about this character: Full of himself, arrogant, cruel! He's the absolute worst! Obviously, I love him.
Any/all the people I ship romantically with this character: Johanna Lannister
My favorite non-romantic relationship for this character: His crew. No seriously, his voice barely stopped breaking, he leads an entire fleet against an army of dragon. Dalton must've earned some absolute loyalty for a good reason.
My unpopular opinion about this character: I really hope he becomes the fandom's new hyper problematic sexy man. There's nothing redemptive about anything he ever did and yet I already have visions of bodice-ripper-themed x reader fanfics with him.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: I would be curious if there's a fanwork/plans for the showadaption detailing his pillaging through Tess' eyes. Not only do I think she desperately needs a voice, it would be a good perspective on the civilian casualties during the conflict. Sometimes the spectacle around the political characters overshines the explicit anti war elements.
Favorite friendship for this character: ?
My crossover ship: An introduction course for 101 feminism "Women are people too".
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Hey, I saw something that really pissed me off today so I just wanted to say that, if you:
Like ANY of the Cherubs
Like any of them enough to have one of them as your icon
Harass people over OCs and/or shipping
Harass people over OCs and/or shipping in this fandom while having one of the Cherubs as your icon
Attempt an "apology" to the person you harassed along the lines "im sowwy i was 'rude' 2 u earlier but i thot u was a filthy proshitter n dat would b gross if u were good thing ur not! UWU" and actually say that to someone while having one of the cherubs as your icon
Say/do all of this to a fandom merchant on a completely unrelated post of them just trying to give updates and show off a new product they're hopefully going to be shipping out to their patient costumers soon, but right now, your needless harassment in their comment section is the only kind of engagement that they're getting and you're just there, completely ruining the vibe for anyone else to engage with a post about merch they maybe actually brought, with all your needless harassment of a poor merchant and a goddamn fucking Cherub as your icon ...
Then, I'm here to be that bitch and tell you that you're not only a horrible person in general, but that you also have the most horrible, worst taste in characters imaginable and I want you to know that the rest of the fandom that doesn't have bad, obnoxious, mediocre taste probably hates you and is laughing at you. I know I am. :)
0 notes
kookie-doughs · 4 years
If it is striked it isn’t published yet :) Do take note that I am very bad at writing and be warned. So you wouldn’t be surprised of my… synopsis My story my rules
I hope you’ll refer to my pinned post in case of tagging or requesting :)
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A multi-fandom one shot collection I write. I’m not sure if they’re good but I really want to try writing one-shots aight lezgo
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A collection of my OC fics probably going to be xReaders. I hope you’ll enjoy them and IDK. Meet them Here and Here !!!
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Beta Tester
Haikyuu!! Fanfiction Kozume Kenma X Reader Social Media AU; Written -Y/N L/N is a popular mangaka.
Status: Completed;
Published On: January 14, 2021 - April 25, 2021
My setter
Haikyuu Fanfiction Kenma Kozume X Reader Social Media AU; Written -Initially published in Wattpad as: Red Flag Y/N’s life revolved in volleyball with her being related to some of the biggest volleyball players. Not only that but, everyone she’s related with happens to be setters. Unfortunately she wasn’t blessed with a setter’s precision… but with a spiker’s power.
Status: Draft; Uploads: Unknown
Published On: Not Yet;
Let Me Try Acting
Haikyuu Fanfiction Lev Haiba X Reader Social Media AU; Written -Actress Y/N L/N seen out with model Lev Haiba!
Status: Completed;
Published On: January 26, 2021 - July 1, 2021;
Can I Meet Her?
Haikyuu Fanfiction Kuroo Tetsuro X Reader Social Media AU; Written -The biggest faceless streamer SandOnMyToes finally plays with Kodzuken.
Status: Draft; Uploads: Unknown
Published On: Not Yet;
Your Voice
Haikyuu Fanfiction Oikawa Tooru X Reader Social Media AU; Written; Soulmate AU -In a world where only a few people has a soulmate, and they are burdened with a disability until they meet their other half.
Status: Completed;
Published On: July 11, 2021 - March 11, 2023;
Happy Meal
Boku No Hero Fanfiction Hawks / Keigo Takami X Reader Written; Social Media AU;
-As a young mother Y/N had no idea what to do when the number 2 hero had taken the last happy meal that her son so desperately want.
Status: Completed;
Published On: May 9, 2021 - July 10, 2023;
Maybe Hero
Boku No Hero Fanfiction Hawks / Keigo Takami X Reader Social Media AU; Written -Y/N L/N a UA’s 1st year Department of Support was mistaken by the No. 2 hero as a hero.
Warning: Age-gap UwU
Status: On going; Uploads: Wednesday;
Published On: Oct 18, 2023
Boku No Hero Fanfiction Shota Aizawa X Reader Social Media AU; Soulmate AU; Written -When either of the couple reach the age of 18 you receive a soulmate indicator, and to your family’s surprise you get yours at the age of 4.
Warning: Age-gap UwU
Status: Draft; Uploads: Unknown
Published On: Not Yet;
Boku No Hero Fanfiction Shigaraki Tomura X Reader Written; Social Media AU; -Working at the cafe meant you had to interact with a lot of people. Which made controlling your quirk harder.
Status: Draft; Uploads: Unknown
Published On: Not Yet;
Boku No Hero Fanfiction Katsuki Bakugou X Reader X Eijiro Kirishima Social Media AU; ABO AU; Written -A dangerous power had been given to Y/N L/N. The power to control all there is to control in the secondary genders.
Warning: Poly; Sexual Themes(?) UwU
Status: Draft; Uploads: Unknown
Published On: Not Yet;
Attack On Titan Fanfiction Levi Ackerman X Reader ABO AU; Soulmate AU(?); Written -The whole world went in panic when THE Levi Ackerman, the most renowned alpha was marked by an unknown omega.
Warning: Sexual Themes(?) UwU
Status: Draft; Uploads: Unknown
Published On: Not Yet;
A Fight Worth Dying For
Attack On Titan Fanfiction Levi Ackerman X Reader Written -Scouting Legion had always risked their lives for Eren the moment he came to being “Humanity’s hope”. Everyone. Everyone but one person.
Status: Draft; Uploads: Unknown
Published On: Not Yet;
Hospital Visit
One Piece Fanfiction Tralfagar D Water Law X Reader Modern AU; Social Media AU; Written -Having been severely injured Y/N had to visit the hospital.
Status: Draft; Uploads: Unknown
Published On: Not Yet;
Again And Again
One Piece Fanfiction Portgas D Ace X Reader Written; -Amatsuki Y/N decided to stay in the future without her sister upon meeting a friend’s son.
Status: Completed
Published On: August 4, 2023 - December 9, 2023
Beauty And The Beast
One Piece Fanfiction Charlotte Katakuri X Reader Written; -Aspiring to be part of the WCI 31, Y/N pursued her dreams
Uploads: Unknown
Published On: Not Yet;
One Piece Fanfiction Dracule Mihawk X Reader Written; -Your evermore with Mihawk is a story to be told
Status: Ongoing; Uploads: Friday
Published On: January 26, 2024;
Daddy Cupid
One Piece Fanfiction Various Male X Reader Modern AU; Written; -When your father grows weary of your single life, he takes it upon himself to play matchmaker. With him knowing the entire city, he embarks on a mission to find you the perfect match.
Status: Ongoing; Uploads: Monday
Published On: October 9, 2023;
That One Pirate
One Piece Fanfiction Supernova Trio (Monkey D Luffy; Trafalgar D Water Law; Eustass Kid) X Reader Written -It was known that Big Mom marries her children for deals.
Warning: Poly UwU
Status: Draft; Uploads: Unknown
Published On: Not Yet;
His Haven
Death Note Fanfiction L Lawliet X Reader Written; Soulmate AU; -She was his haven. She was the only one. His only one. The one person to carry his name.
Status: Draft; Uploads: Unknown
Published On: Not Yet;
One Punch Man Fanfiction Flashy Flash X Zombie Man X Watchdog Man X Reader Written; Social Media AU;
-A warning came. That a 22 year old unemployed woman from Z-City would cause the first God Disaster Level.
Status: Draft; Uploads: Unknown
Published On: Not Yet;
Who Are You?
Jujutsu Kaisen Fanfiction Fushiguro Megumi X Reader Social Media AU; Written -Wasuke Itadori had adopted a child. YN LN was Yuuji’s aunt… despite him being only a year younger.
Status: Draft; Uploads: Unknown
Published On: Not Yet;
Jujutsu Kaisen Fanfiction Ryomen Sukuna X Reader Written; Social Media AU -With the curses awakening due to Sukuna’s revival, something else had awoken.
Status: Draft; Uploads: Unknown
Published On: Not Yet;
The Rumored Shaman
Jujutsu Kaisen Fanfiction Gojo Satoru X Reader Written; Social Media AU -Rumor has it that there’s a powerful special grade sorcerer, second only to Gojo Satoru. Y/N, no one knows much about her, except one person, her dear husband who happens to be Gojo Satoru. But no one needs to know that.
Status: Draft; Uploads: Unknown
Published On: Not Yet;
Look At Me
Jujutsu Kaisen Fanfiction Gojo Satoru X Reader Soulmate AU; Written; Social Media AU;
-You can’t see the color of whatever your soulmate’s eyes’ color is until you’ve locked eyes. And you’ve never had the chance to appreciate the beauty of skies and sea.
Status: Draft; Uploads: Unknown
Published On: Not Yet;
Buy One Take One
Mairimashita! Iruma-Kun Fanfiction Alice Asmodeus X Reader Written; Social Media AU -Suzuki Iruma and his sister was sold to a demon… Well Iruma was, Sukzuki YN, his sister, just couldn’t leave his disaster of a brother alone. So the lucky demon got a buy-one-take-one promo.
Status: Draft; Uploads: Unknown
Published On: Not Yet;
Not So Bad
Ore Monogatari Fanfiction Sunakawa Makoto X Reader Written; Social Media AU -Y/N L/N tends to like people who others call “ugly” and Gouda Takeo fits right in her types.
Status: Draft; Uploads: Unknown
Published On: Not Yet;
My Hero
Solo Leveling Fanfiction Sung Jin-Woo X Reader Written; Social Media AU -Hunter Sung Jin-Woo saved a girl. She fell in love with him.
Status: Draft; Uploads: Unknown
Published On: Not Yet;
The Beginning After The End Fanfiction Arthur Leywin X Reader Written; -Arthur knew her the moment he saw her. He knew it was her, his late wife in the past life. It was N/N, But that wasn’t… right. She wasn’t her, she was Y/N.
Status: Draft; Uploads: Unknown
Published On: Not Yet;
Well Then I’m Superman
Marvel Fanfiction Peter Parker X Reader Written -Peter Parker mistakenly confessed he was Spiderman only to be made fun of. Now he wants to subtly prove it.
Status: Draft; Uploads: Unknown
Published On: Not Yet;
Who’s Who?
Harry Potter Fanfiction George Weasley X Reader X Fred Weasley Written -Y/N L/N accidentally confesses to the wrong Weasley twin.
Warning: Poly UwU
Status: Draft; Uploads: Unknown
Published On: Not Yet;
My Bad
Harry Potter Fanfiction George Weasley X Reader Written -In which Y/N L/N mistakenly called George “Fred” and never had she gotten away from it.
Status: Draft; Uploads: Unknown
Published On: Not Yet;
Harry Potter Fanfiction Draco Malfoy X Reader Written -Y/N L/N is a muggle-born. And a certain bleach-blond baby decided their father deserves to hear about you.
Status: Draft; Uploads: Unknown
Published On: Not Yet;
Dear Diary
Harry Potter Fanfiction Tom Riddle X Reader Written -A family heirloom passed down to your family comes to you. Entasked to protect and never open, curiosity has bested the cat.
Status: Draft; Uploads: Unknown
Published On: Not Yet;
What’s Wrong With The Slytherins?
Harry Potter Fanfiction Slytherin Gang (Mattheo Riddle, Tom Riddle, Draco Malfoy, Lorenzo Beckshire, Theodore Nott, Pansy Parkinson, Blaise Zabini) X Reader Social Media AU; Written -Y/N L/N accidentally gets invited in a group chat.
Warning: Poly UwU
Status: Draft; Uploads: Unknown
Published On: Not Yet;
The Attention
Harry Potter Fanfiction Slytherin Gang (Mattheo Riddle, Tom Riddle, Regulus Black, Serverus Snape) X Reader Written -What is.it about you that garners their attention. 
Warning: Possibly Poly UwU
Status: Draft; Uploads: Unknown
Published On: Not Yet;
Eyes Of The Heir
Harry Potter Fanfiction Riddles Brothers (Mattheo Riddle, Tom Riddle) X Reader Written -One is feared the other adored. Yet neither of them can seem to get your attention.
Warning: Possibly Poly UwU
Status: Draft; Uploads: Unknown
Published On: Not Yet;
Y/N L/N And The Halfbloods
Percy Jackson Fanfiction Percy Jackson X Reader Written
Book 1;
Published On: January 13, 2021 - June 27, 2021;
Book 2;
Published on: July 10, 2022
Book 3; Book 4; Book 5
-Initially published in Wattpad: Y/N L/N And The Halfbloods I lost the other books and I only have book 3, 4 and 5 left :) At the age of 12 Y/N L/N’s life changed drastically.
Status: Ongoing; Uploads: No Specific Schedule :(
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If anyone wants to request uhm… you should do the thing in my dash… yeah. I could publish them if requested. But if not I would finish the ones I currently have first before publishing another…
96 notes · View notes
arodabi · 3 years
I kno all this ship talk is getting annoying but i just wanted to make a post explaining why the way alloros treat aro characters bugs me specifically. And then I’ll shut up, maybe
I want to make it clear that i do not care if a couple assholes online write fanfic where aro character kisses ppl or is in romantic relationships. Y’all are right, some fanfics here and headcanons there don’t matter. I’ve been in fandoms where small groups of fans got mad that a character was a lesbian and started blogs just to post about how actually she was 100% straight. That’s still bad and I’m not here excusing those ppls homophobia, but it was also like a small drop in the bucket compared to how much fan content existed portraying her as a lesbian and canon enforcing it as well. At the end of the day it didn’t change her identity.
And i haven’t seen this as much but i have seen some ppl declare Todd bojackhorseman (one of the most prominent asexual characters) to actually be allosexual bc they hate ace ppl or something. I also honestly don’t give a shit about that. Not only do most people know that Todd is canonically ace, he has multiple plot lines in the show about being ace. Saying he’s not is just factually untrue.
But when a character doesn’t have those plotlines, when they never say asexual or aromantic, when all the in canon confirmation we have is “it’s just not my thing” or “I’d rather have a dog than children” or “I’m not x identity I’m nothing” or even just an external tweet from the creative team confirming it, it’s a lot easier to erase their identity. Fuck, I’ve seen a character say “i am incapable of feeling romantic attraction, i never have and i never will” and ppl still not only deny that they’re aro, it’s not even questioned that they’re alloromantic. Every time i post offhandedly about peridot from Steven universe being canonically aroace, i still have aspec ppl every time comment about how they never knew she was canonically aro bc the entire fandom continues to deny and erase her canon identity.
Ppl say “uhhh one fanfic isn’t gonna change a characters canon identity sweaty :)” “one persons headcanons don’t negate canon :))))” but when Everyone does that it does erase their identity! When nobody acknowledges it then a bunch of aspec ppl don’t even know they’re being represented! Fandoms will take scraps of tweets or one line references to enforce and prove their ship or head canon is actually canon, but when writers say “this character has never been in love” or “this character cares deeply about others but would never dream of dating or marrying anyone” then it’s “uwu but that doesn’t prove anything! U don’t have to be a heartless aro to not be a fan of dating uwu”
When the only confirmation we have is a line or two and everyone wants to steamroll over that bc their ship is more important to the point where PEOPLE LITERALLY DONT EVEN KNOW THAT CHARACTER IS SUPPOSED TO BE AROMANTIC then i have a problem! That is erasure! You are taking away our representation! You literally are doing that! And not to get into speculation but if a bunch of creators see that people fucking hate when a character is canonically aspec, they might not want to give us rep if the whole fandom turns and says “fuck you for doing that, you’re ruining my experience” i’ve seen at least one creator say “I’m not gonna confirm this characters identity because it will piss people off” when that character was previously known to be aromantic. So thanks for that i guess. I’m glad at least that there was backlash to ppl erasing yelenas identity, enough backlash to get aromantic to #2 trending which i have never seen before. At least now people are aware of her identity, at least aspec people know that she shares our identity, and when it inevitably gets erased in the MCU, at least we’ll know to be pissed about it. But for many others, ppl just don’t know, because everyone chooses knowingly or unknowingly to cut that characters identity away from them, bc idk they think someone being aspec is boring or smthn
My final conclusion i suppose is just, if a aspec representation falls in the forest and nobody ever acknowledges it, does it benefit the people it’s representing
960 notes · View notes
potatogoats1blog · 2 years
Hi, welcome to my blog!
Im Alex, you can call me Soap/Moss(or both), Neko, Goat/Potato, or anything you like!
I speak Russian/Ukrainian, Italian, and English. No war or russiaphobia mentions, i chose stay on the neutral side and I'm glad if you get that.
My pronouns are he/they/it. You may use "she" only if we're close and im comfy with you
Im genderfluid!
This blog is Drama-free! That means i will not support or enter any gender/sexuality drama in the UT/DR fandom or any fandom in general.
KFC gang and many other characters canonically use They/Them pronouns. That doesn't give you the right to envade personal space of someone who thinks otherwise or makes AU's with ANY of them using different pronouns. Keep your believes and headcanons(and the urge to spread canons) to yourself.
Warning list:
Ban list:
@lovesupportbot (for being cringe, homophobic and pushing me(and other ppl) to blackwash my characters)
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DNI undercut
Do not(or try not to) interact if you're:
· Racist, Homophobic, transphobic, anti-feminist or an asshole in general
· Pedofilia supporter (including such ship as Frans. I know there's some version of Frans that is NOT pedofilia or where both characters dont have a huge age gap, but please, still do your best to not interact with me if you ship those
Upd 4.1.23: Such ships as Chans, Chariel, and any other type of incest/pedophilia(/big age gap ships), are in the list too! )
· Art tracer. Fuck you i will spit on you and slap you
· Hi! There was a black/white-washing and making characters trans/nb part of the DNI. I wrote it when i was the person who misgendered KFC and other nb characters and i absolutely didnt remember it was there, when i was updating my DNI list. I am sorry if you ever saw that. I am deleting this part because i do not think about these things anymore. Everyone is free to do their HC's how they like them as long as they dont disrespect any other authors or the canons of the characters. Peace <33
And the usual!
Now what you may see in my blog? <3
CHARISK! - It's my comfort ship, so yeah, you may see it alot here!
My Chara and Frisk are absolutely not canon. My Chara uses she/they and My Frisk uses all(she/he/they/it!! No neo)pronouns. Please do not misgender them.
T.H.D - which stands for "The hero disappeared", which is.. My Deltarune AU! You may ask more about it, but im currently working on an animatic for it!!
THD TRIGGER WARNING: Minor smoke, drugs, death, sh/su1c1de, homophobia and violence. Also injuries and blood and many non kid-friendly things
NONAMETALE - it has no name, but it's my AU, check it uwu
And also other au's, fanarts, reblogs and sh!tposts.
IM OK WITH MINORS ON MY BLOG, but my blog contains GORE, BLOOD, SH/SU1C1DE, AND MANY OTHER NOT KID-FRIENDLY THINGS. So it's going to be YOUR responsibility if you get traumatized. I warned you.
To get an anonim ask write "/Anon". I will not answer the ask directly from the askbox and i will not look at your blog. I'll post the question in a regular post and answer it
Being a child with special needs doesn't free you from your responsibilities! So be careful of what you write.
Important info: i have 4 sonas, all of them use the same pronouns as me and all of them are genderfluid. I have suicidal intentions, SH problems, and should get therapy but can't afford that. I seek happiness in my comfort characters and i may change them to stay even more comfy. Its my happy space, do not ruin it and I'll be respectful in your space.
[Upd 23/09/2022]
[Upd 20/12/2022]
Read this.
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thehollowprince · 2 years
Witnesses to the Hicksville incident show that Depp was the one who was abuse. Heard said the trailer was trashed but one thing was broken. Depp was so afraid of Heard and it was clear to see according to the witnesses. Jennifer Howell has testified that Heard hurt both Whitney Heard AND Depp. You want to believe a proven abuser hm? Someone who was seen with no bruises the day after she clajms Depp hit her? The woman who went on James Corden with no marks? a woman who admitted on tape she started the abuse and called Depp a coward for running away from her?
Why hello anonymous asshole.
I've never had to deal with someone like you before.
(Insert sarcasm here)
I would like to point out that, in this post HERE, which is what this ask is in response to, I never said anything in condemnation of either party. I was simply making a statement on how many fans can't seem to differentiate between fiction and reality based on their responses to the trial, and lo and behold, there you are, mere minutes after I made that post, in my inbox to prove my point.
Congratulations! That was quick even by the standards that I'm used to.
You, and those like you lurking in the tags on this website, those profiting off of it on TikTok and YouTube, the trolls of Twitter and Instagram, down to the Jack Sparrow cosplayers and fans that drove hours to stand outside the courthouse for a man they've never met, are all treating this entire thing like it's the latest season of your favorite legal drama. All the way down to how you all perceive Depp and Heard and then portray them.
Depp is your uwu baby who can do no wrong ever (despite the corroborated evidence presented during this trial) and Heard is the evil gold-digging whore who pulled a Gone Girl and ruined this man's life. And yet, Depp has been smiling and laughing the entire time, enjoying talking to his fans outside in his Jack Sparrow voice and even saying he made them all waffles.
Could you imagine if the roles were reversed?
If Amber Heard had joked with her fans outside the courthouse a d flirted with her lawyers, y'all would have crucified her, even more so than you do now.
I've seen so many posts and tweets and tiktoks about her association with this actor and that person, and how that's evidence that she's a horrible person, but the same isn't true for Depp, despite his praise for (and working with) Roman Polanski, or his long friendship with Marilyn Manson.
The double-standards are straight out of the fandom play book. You don't view them as people - you can't! You don't know them - you view them as characters.
I'm not going to respond to all of the stuff you listed there, because I, like you, am not a lawyer. Nor am I on the jury, so my opinion on the guilt or innocence of either is irrelevant.
I will take this opportunity to point out that this isn't a trial to determine whether either are guilty of abuse. This is a defamation trial. The entire purpose of this was to determine whether or not Amber's op-ed from 2018 during the height of #MeToo movement was done intentionally and maliciously to ruin Depp's career and had a effect on him recieving work. Which, given that Depp is already rumored to be in talks to star in two new movies, and the fact that the man owns his own island, I'm gonna go out on a limb and say that he's not hurting financially.
I'll close this out by saying that all this trial has done so far is show how many people who say things like "always believe women" will immediately throw out that sentiment the moment it becomes inconvenient for your fandom experience.
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androgynousblackbox · 3 years
Oh, I just saw a post that now was saying that “non Latine Encanto fandom is missing the point of the film by obssesing over LGBT headcanons uwu” and I am like WHAT LATINE IS MAD ABOUT THIS? Whoever that is, I wouldn’t trust on that person for shit if they think queer headcanon are on itself so fucking bad.  Like holy fucking shit, first it was silly and anti-intellectual to create shippy fancontent about Squid Game because it was such a High IQ property, and now it’s offensive to say that the shapeshifter could be genderfluid because “it’s missing the point of the movie”, like... Did you all find out what fandom is just today? God forbid that even if you did, some latines genderqueer or genderfluid will like to project on the shapeshifter, the almost universally desired power by every non binary person I have ever met.  Seriously, I smell FOUL with your attempts at gatekeeping the fandom so “non latines can’t ruin it uwuw” and you don’t talk about people mispelling the names of the characters or don’t even bothering to learn it, you don’t talk about people saying that their culturally appropiate clothing is ugly, you don’t talk about people saying that Mirabel should have abandoned her family by the end, you don’t talk about people insisting to demonize all characters in the movie.  You don’t talk about any of that because you are too fucking concern getting “offended” at people creating queer content, when anyone who has been on latine fandom long enough should know already that we have a serious problem with queerphobia in it as it is. The reason why I moved to English Speaking fandom was precisely because the hispanic fandom was full with apologism for why queer content is and should be treated as less than het content, so when I see you all reframing that exact same shit on a new package all my alarms go off.  As far I can see it, if you participate on this gatekeepy nonsense but pretend is okay because “non latine queers”, you are part of the problems that were here before Encanto ever came out, not the solution, and if you don’t realize that then you clearly have no clue of what you are doing.
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charmustdie · 3 years
hot takes on some of the fanon versions of the haikyuu boys bc i hate this fandom /lh
ok so i made a post before abt how i absolutely despise fanon characters bc most of the time it absolutely ruins them (looking at you, deathnote fandom, i see what you did to L and i hate you for it)
SO like the salty haikyuu obsessed bitch i am, i thought id give my two cents on what some of the haikyuu boys SHOULD BE in fanon bc yall did them so dirty
[note: this is just some of the guys that i think the fandom ruined the most, so if ur fave isn’t here, be thankful lmao]
hinata: THIS. MF. IS. NOT. INNOCENT. in the dub he literally calls noya a horny tornado, he KNOWS things. also like,, he’s a teenage boy?? sure he’s excitable and adorable but he’s not innocent. he probably makes deez nuts jokes and daichi falls for them every time
oikawa: i will never forgive y’all for reducing this man to a twink. YES he’s flamboyant but that is in no way his entire personality. he’s a cocky little shit who would probably sell kyoutani to the mafia for a slice of cheese
sugawara: istg if i see “sugamama” one more time i’m gonna call the authorities. THIS MAN WOULD COMMIT ARSON IF YOU ASKED HIM NICELY. obviously he takes care of the first years n it’s a really sweet dynamic but don’t act like he wouldn’t throw them off a bridge if provoked
kenma: listen, i know y’all want ur uwu gamer boy fantasy but this mf probably doesn’t shower. he’s a stinky gremlin who bullies children on roblox and club penguin. trust me, as a kenma kinnie, he’s not what ur imagining him to be lmao
kuroo: the way y’all saw an attractive douche with emo hair and dubbed him a sex god, like THIS MF IS A CHEMISTRY NERD. he can probably sing the periodic table song off by heart, he’s not the suave guy you think he is. mf probably reminds the chemistry teacher abt homework, he’s annoying asf (i promise i love him but like he’s ANNOYING)
yamaguchi: ok i’m not gonna say i hate the “yamaguchi soft boy” agenda, like i love that hc but y’all gotta remember that he’s just as much of a twat as tsukki in the beginning. like they’re the same level of asshole, yams is just more anxious. but dw i know he gets nicer as the story progresses n i love that for him, he has a special place in my heart.
tsukishima: SPEAKING OF THIS ASSHOLE (all out of love don’t come for me), wtf are some of y’all DOING with the “tsukki is racist and homophobic” bullshit?? like??????? mans is probably the gayest one in karasuno????? he’s not a bigot, he’s just an asshole, like calm downnnnn
asahi: tbh y’all didn’t do him too dirty but the whole jesus thing is so annoying like he’s not a saint, have y’all SEEN that scene where he’s jealous of suga bc kiyoko touched his hand?? yes he’s timid and a gentle giant but he’s not jesus
ushijima: honestly he isn’t that bad i’m just here to spread my autistic ushijima agenda. why do u THINK he doesn’t pick up on social cues. also don’t think i haven’t noticed that the traits some of y’all hate about him are also common traits shown in autism =_= 
feel free to add to this if u feel like i missed anyone, this was just off the top of my head :]
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