#i am incapable of drawing cute things
defaultbyproxy · 2 years
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A pair of young Seablings enjoying the ocean ( ´▽`)
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starpros-sunshine · 1 year
Guy who produces exactly One (1) genre of drawings (sleepytired cuddles)
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ultrone · 9 months
I’m up late so here are some HC’s I have of the girlies
- You get her one of those “back off, I love my gf” shirts as a joke, expecting her to never put it on and she wears it RELIGIOUSLY. She is so proud to wear that shit
- (If you’re lucky enough to have a positive male figure, a grandfather or father in your life) one time overhears Nat talking about her home life and now that male figure is determined to make her feel safe and happy. He’ll insist that you both join him for fishing and while you’re apprehensive, Nat is 100% down.
-She never has water or lunch because she forgets/chooses to not take care of herself so you drop it off to her at practice everyday
- She sleeps with a stuffed animal but will not let ANYONE know
- Early riser, even when sleeping w you but she will just happily lay next to you, holding your hand, admiring you while you sleep just taking you in for a few extra moments.
- she has a scrapbook of everything you guys have done (movie tickets, Polaroids, etc), and she also keeps all the flowers you’ve ever gotten her in there after they’ve dried and withered
- She loves stargazing, she knows astronomy and can and will point out the constellations to you
- Reading to or with each other is common and probably a love language, especially reading the other to sleep
- Surprisingly very good at all the fine arts; she can draw well, she definitely can play the piano bc her rich parents paid for her to have lessons, etc
- Blanket stealer; she insists on having the AC CRANKED at night, then steals the blankets while you both are sleeping and you wake up with hypothermia while she’s snuggled up in all your blankets
- She wasn’t allowed to have a pet so you buy her a single goldfish once and she loves it so much, she let you name it (you named it something stupid but she still calls it what you want) it dies in like 2 days because as intelligent as she is she is incapable of taking care of another living thing and she is inconsolable for days. You got her a succulent to make her feel better
- Clingy (derogatory) sure it’s cute of her at first until she’s waking up at 5 am for her morning practices and wakes you up too so you both can “brush your teeth together”
- She will always ask for your old marked up books to read and she makes small notes in the margins in a different color before giving them back (She has reading glasses too, and she looks gorgeous in them)
- She asks you to help her stretch, or roll out her muscles before practice but she doesn’t need help she just wants to get you flustered and have your hands all over her
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nat would wear that shirt 24/7 istg 😭 especially as her pjs, and omg i love the idea of your male parental figure inviting nat to everything as well 🥹 even if it’s just something simple like going out for brunch, it’d make her feel way better and more welcomed. and her forgetting to bring lunch everyday is SO REAL 😭 then she’ll prolly buy a bag of chips and a soda as her first meal of the day and then complain about having a stomach ache 🙄 GIRL… also for sure, i bet her plushy is a little white bunny with long ears that was given to her as a toddler.
shauna has always given me the vibe that she wakes up at 9am idk but yeah she’d def just lay there looking at you 😭😭 and the scrapbook thing is SO TRUE, i bet she also adds entries of everything you do together 🫣 since she loves stargazing you got her one of those custom star maps of your anniversary day and she LOVED IT 🥹 and she for sure loves reading to you and hearing you read her favourite books to her
i def see lottie being good at drawing and playing the piano 😌 i also bet she’s especially good at painting landscapes and stuff like that. whenever u complain about her taking the blankets, she’ll just tell you to snuggle up to her to get warmer instead of actually sharing her blanket with you 🙄🙄 but if you’re the one stealing the blankets she’ll pout and whine for hours until you share them with her… the AUDACITY 😒 my girl came back from school on a random day and realized the goldfish wasn’t there anymore, she got concerned and asked the domestic helper what had happened, and she told her that the fish died like two weeks ago ☠️☠️ when i tell u lottie was SHOCKED… she was so embarrassed that she told you that it got a weird disease and died from natural causes LMFAOO
jackie waking you up so you can brush your teeth together is so real 😭😭 my girl doesn’t get the concept of having “alone time.” i just know it takes jackie an hour to read 3 pages, i bet she spends half of that time drawing silly little doodles all over the margins ☠️ and for sure, she also asks u to rub sunscreen on her body even though she could do it herself, she just wants to feel your touch 🫣
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Favorite current ship in regards to marble hornets and why you ship it? I'm curious 👀
Also have you watched any other slenderverse series other than mh?
Okay, I'm answering this as an excuse to talk about fun stuff, but like, you seem to go after people for drawing nsfw art of Tim?? Because he's like, canonically ace or whatever? So god knows why you're asking me about my favourite ships and shit, given what I write and post about. But I like yapping so I'm gonna yap anyway. But yeah, dude, ace people can fuck.
I am an ace person who fucks. And I have some crazy ass kinks.
Anyway, so, my favourite ship is weird, because I like to THINK that my favourite ship is Jam, but I'm just so very wrong about that and my actual favourite ship is Jaylex. It's my actual favourite ship purely because of sorry it's locked, honestly. I got to make them SO fucked up together, and that's just my favourite thing to write, incredibly fucked up characters being toxic and fucked up to each other, and to me Jaylex are so perfect for that. Neither of them are good people, neither of them are monsters, they both just incredibly fucked up people who don't know how to ask for help/think they can fix themselves without getting help or doing any of the work for it. And Jay being a character who I see as like, almost completely incapable of being vulnerable except through sex and kink is just so fun for me. I love exploring characters and their issues and stuff through smut fics, it's so fun to do "character studies through sex".
Thats how I see them anyway lol. Sorry it's locked has completely warped my sense of what's canon and what's not, like, I completely forget that sorry it's locked stuff isn't canon to MH sometimes 💀 (I'm trying SO hard not to go off on another rant about sorry it's locked and Jaylex. I love them so fucking much. They're so fucking toxic 🥰)
As for other slenderverse series I've watched, I watched and loved EMH, it's still one of my favourite series even though i only really write fics about it when they're vent fics (Vinny and Evan are just soooooooo easy to project onto, y'know?). I tried watching tribe twelve but just couldn't get into it (the observer/kevin is so cute tho) and my boyfriend and i recently watched most of Whispered Faith, but mostly just ended up sticking it out for Lexx, because she's fucking gorgeous.
Oh yeah I also watched mlanderson and I really liked that. AND [My movie 14] which was super cool and a newer one. These two are my favourites behind MH and EMH.
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avocadoraisin · 2 months
I love your drawings for vamp mark and werewolf Peter but I'm curious
Is there an origin of how they become monsters or there's non?
i feel like they were both probably turned some time ago & have no further relation to whoever turned them. cuz I wanna emphasize how alone in this city they feel. lonely enough for natural enemies to find companionship (and eventually love) in each other, even though they have completely different needs and challenges per their species.
they simply try to make it work even though Hoffman needs blood to survive, and Strahm needs to be, like, shackled to pipes in the basement sometimes
so, nothing too different from canon really
because i am physically incapable of rambling even more: while Strahm is strongest in his werewolf form, Hoffman is weakest in bat form. It's more inconspicuous, but he's susceptible to things such as: natural predators, pest-control, being squished, etc.
Sharing it with Strahm, even though he relentlessly teases him for being so tiny and fuzzy and round, is a symbol of trust.
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choixiii · 2 years
s/o having a hard time | txt
type: hurt to comfort, light angst, fluff 
tw: eating disorder (Taehyun)
note: fighting if you’re struggling lately, I hope everyone will be fine asap. Regarding e/d, I am sorry but I don't feel comfortable doing it in a way when reader eats a lot, I hope you understand. I mean no offense to anyone. 
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Yeonjun would notice quickly that you were a bit down. You probably tend to turn him down when he offers to do something and prefer to stay at home. The fact that you tend to isolate yourself a bit more or cry easily - or at all. You two didn’t really hide things to each other, once one found out or realized, they usually went to the other. That’s exactly what Yeonjun did. He’ll go on with your mood swings, not taking it personally if you’re suddenly angry at him without apparent reasons. 
As you were quietly reading on your phone, he lay behind you and held you close to his chest, your back resting against it. You didn’t really pay attention since he’s doing this a lot, so you didn’t let go of your phone and just appreciate the feeling of his fingers slowly drawing on your belly. 
“Are you okay ?” The question caught you off guard, not really wanting to talk about it. You just nod, brushing it away quickly. That’s what you thought. Yeonjun behind you sighs with a done look on his face and skilfully takes your phone out of your hand. Turning you around before you could complain to him, he was now caging you in his arms. Resting his nose in your hair and his hands now stroking your back, the man asked something else. “Do you wanna talk about it ?” 
“Not really…” you answered again, muffed in his shirt this time.
“You'll have to one day.” His words were a bit straight forward but he was right. Yet, he must be happy that his hug was making you feel better and safe or you probably would have told him to fck off. Instead your hands were grabbing his shirt, nuzzling yourself even more onto his chest. 
“I know…" A sigh leaves Yeonjun's lips. 
“At least let me be there for you, okay ?” mumble your boyfriend in your hair, making your heart skip a beat. You don’t let people come inside easily, but with him maybe it will be easier. 
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Soobin is the type to try having information regarding your state with cute, little, harmless questions. He’s tilting his head to the side and asking if you want to eat or watch a movie with him. He’s trying to cheer you up in fact, because he always feels sad when you are too. Being his empathic self, he’s easy to talk to and his aura makes you feel at ease when you have to talk to him. 
You finding a way in his arms while he was playing wasn’t something uncommon, yet this time Soobin felt like he had to stop playing and pay attention to you. Finishing his round quickly, he left the controller to the side to hug you properly against him. Pulling the blanket next to the sofa to you two, he was inviting you to speak up now that you had everything to comfort you. 
“You have a minute ?” you still asked, as if he hadn't just stopped everything he was doing to be there with you. 
“I have all the time in the world for you,” he answered, kissing your hair. Thanks to that and his arms around you, you started to tell him all the things that didn’t go as well as you wanted and how people make you feel horrible about yourself. Some harsh words left your lips as your anger got the best of you, but that didn’t bother him. He wasn’t there to judge you or to watch your language, just to listen to you vent so you can stop bottling your emotions. 
Even if, in the end, you’re usually a crying mess in his arms. He prefers you to be there than alone in your bed, keeping saying to yourself that you’re useless or incapable of doing anything. Having you close makes it easier to make you keep in mind how much he loves you. Soon whipping your tears with his big hands, he lets them cup your face before leaving a quick peck on your lips. 
“Thank you, for speaking to me about it,” he said with a sweet smile, leaning his forehead against yours. “I love you.” 
The fact that he just listened to you without having the urge to solve your problems makes you hug him closer. That wasn’t what you needed and, as always, he understood it so well that you couldn’t help but fall deeper in love. 
“I love you too.” 
Beomgyu will think he’s the problem. The fact that you push people away when you’re not doing good makes him doubt himself if he’s the right man for you. If this situation lasts a bit, it can push him into it too. He’s gonna overthink the situation and maybe even think it’s his fault. Yet, he still tried his best to make you feel better and be there for you when you need/accept it. 
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When you finally let him cuddle up against you one night, Beomgyu thought he would cry. He was worried to the core, scared that you’ll leave him because he couldn’t help you well and that’s why you didn’t want to see him. But your half-asleep self leans into his touch, putting your hand above his, resting on your belly. 
“So we’re okay ?” he whispered, his head buried into your back. His eyes closed, he was patiently waiting for your answer as he held you close. You hummed in response. 
“Sorry for worrying you Beomgyu, I’m just a bit down lately…” you confessed in your not so conscient state, but you didn’t mind. That was when you were the most honest.
“I noticed that but I feel like I can’t help you…” Beomgyu felt like crying while admitting that; He loved you to death but wasn’t even able to help you going through a little slump ? What kind of boyfriend was he ? You turned around at his words. Your brain awakened a bit now, and the fog wasn’t as blurry as before. His arms never left your waist but your hands got to his face, cupping it before leaving a sweet kiss on it. 
“You’re here for me and respect my space, that’s more than enough,” you assured him, stroking his cheek. “It would be even worse without you I think.” You might seem like the one comforting him, but this has to be done for him to know that you love him and that the simple fact that he does too helps. 
Beomgyu always made you feel better about yourself, and you’ll never thank him enough for making you feel like you deserve to be loved. 
Taehyun notices something is wrong/ going bad again when you have trouble eating. He knows you’ve been through some shitty things regarding eating and he paid a lot of attention to it because of that. So, generally when you’re down or a bit weak mentally, it touches your eating habits as well. You might start to pay more attention to the calories or think hard if you can eat something or not. He makes sure to be there to help you without triggering you more. 
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Taehyun got home a bit late this night and was a bit worried about you. You didn’t answer his messages yet and, as much as you can just be captivated by your series, you can also be gloomy alone in your bed. First option was the good one though, since the TV was the first thing he heard while coming home. 
“Hi baby,” he saluted you with a kiss on the cheek, catching you off guard but still making you smile. “Have you eaten yet ?” 
“Have you ?” you asked, trying to change the subject. Taehyun realized it though and came up with the fact that no, you haven’t. He wasn’t really surprised, you hated cooking lately, and started to eat less again. 
“No, not yet.” as you were about to get up to cook something, he pushed you down onto the sofa. “I’m gonna do something for both of us, you can stay here.” 
You nod, not feeling the urge to protest since you really didn’t want to either cook or eat. But since he was doing it, you couldn’t turn him down. 
Minutes later, Taehyun came back with a pot filled with ramen and some eggs in another one. It seems really good, Taehyun is great at doing ramen but you still felt bad about it. Swallowing hard, you took some on your plate - more than you could eat - and started eating while watching your drama to distract you. Not failing to thank him too. But soon, you couldn't eat anymore but felt bad about leaving some on your plate. Biting your lips, you were about to take another bite when Taehyun took your plate. 
“You don’t have to eat more if you’re full, don’t worry,” he reassured while finishing your food for you. You hummed at his words, kinda feeling better to know that he would never force you - even if you already know it. 
“You ate already, and I’m proud of you,” he kindly added while patting your head, making your heart flutter. Your eyes widened at his words and you quietly took place between his legs - making sure not to bother him as he’s still eating. You just wanted to be near him to thank you silently. 
Huening Kai is broken too when you’re down. The fact that it’s hard to see you smile and hear your laugh affects him a lot since he loves it so much. However, he tries his best to get you out of this state, even if that means pushing you a bit. He knows you're gonna like to go outside at a café or play with him in the end. But there's some times where it doesn't help and he just has to comfort you. 
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School was harsh with you lately, and he couldn’t get you out of your apartment to do anything. He wasn’t blaming you, he knows how hard it can get, but you seemed to get glomier with time and he was pretty much sure that going out for little things could help. 
“Hey, wanna go to the convenience store with me ?” Kai suddenly asked, sitting next to you on the bed. He got you out of your head for a second, turning to him with lost eyes as you didn’t hear him the first time. 
“Wanna go to the convenience store?” he asked again with a little smile. With his jacket already in his hand, you thought he was kinda in a rush.
“No I'm fine, thank you.”
“Oh please ? We can get ice cream and that pink lemonade drink you love sooo much !” 
His lips formed a pout, trying to convince you to come with him. Kai didn’t want to leave you alone, too scared that he’ll find you crying when he comes back. He just wants to spend time with you. So you agreed, getting up and ready pretty quickly. You have to admit that it sounds good, and going out for something other than your classes won’t hurt you. Plus it won’t last long. 
You have to admit that taking some fresh air helps clear your mind a little. It’s been a while since the last time you got out for little groceries with Kai and it makes you feel better. His smile is contagious and he just makes you feel safe all the time - even if you hate being outside lately. With him it’s okay you guessed. He’s just so careful with you, you almost forget how much you hate it. 
Getting out of the store, he opened your drink for you before you could stop him. You’re not gonna drink while walking because you wear a mask and don’t want to take it off.
“You don’t have to drink, don’t worry. I just wanted to do it for you,” he kindly says, giving you your drink. You thank him a lot, smiling behind your mask as you take the cold drink between your hands half covered by his hoodie’s sleeves. 
It didn’t last long, but you were feeling a bit better now thanks to him. Sitting between his legs as you two get home, you lay your back against his chest to seek comfort. Kai couldn’t help but smile and hug you lightly. 
“Thank you, Huening.”
“No problem baby.” 
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the-monkey-ruler · 1 year
starting to think novel fans should chill out about inaccuracies in lmk like it’s doing its own thing like china, japan, and others have. it gets weirder when they use a shield like ‘protecting chinese culture’ like i understand with smth like the disney adaption, but not with a show that’s popular with chinese kids.
I mean… I think it is less with how inaccurate it is and more than it kinda getting the message of the novel is being spread as something that it is not. There are a lot of Westerners for whom this is their first introduction to Xiyouji and, yes, there is a lot of misinformation going around because of the creative liberties but I don't think it's coming from a place of "Oh it's different and it's bad," but more "People that are watching this cartoon should understand that this is a reimagining of the world and shouldn't take it so seriously when they try to critic Xiyouji despite never reading it."
Let me start that taking a new twist on Xiyouji media is nothing new. Like I get doing new things is fun and interesting and draws in a new audience and Xiyouji fans are NOT unused to having different Xiyouji re-tellings that range from horribly inaccurate but something being the most beloved things to be very accurate and being mid.
But that is because of how the characters are driven and what I think is the biggest issue that LMK has had with its storytelling. They have been making a lot of character choices that I think really undermine what Xiyouji is about and how it kinda is disrespectful to use something so deeply ingrained with Chinese culture and almost sweep away any reference it has to Daoism or Buddism and make it very… one-sided in that regard.
Like for what LMK is… it's fine. REALLY. It's a cute cartoon. A lot of Chinese people enjoy it and no one is trying to say that isn't true.
But what is true is that a lot of Westerns are being introduced into Chinese culture and folklore and there have been many cases of… insensitivity to say the least to blatant racism to say the most.
But I think a lot of fans of Xiyouji understand that there have been centuries of misrepresentation of Chinese, and other Eastern cultures, in Western societies and the response to wanting to correct inaccuracies comes from simply wanting to be represented in a good light. I would think that if Flying Bark was to take a new spin on other media without so much cultural significance they can do amazing but I can see where a lot of misinterpretation of the source material in Western fans is leading to high tensions.
The issue I've seen is how Western fans have really taken things like LMK or Overly Sarcastic Production, both Western adaptions of the novel, and taken that as pure fact. Again I'm not trying to say they are bad, I am saying they are interpretations all on their own and shouldn't be considered 'canon.'
I think fans trying to correct these inaccuracies in the fandoms as a way to try to say "Hey this culturally important piece of literature actually has a lot more meaning and ingrained messages that cannot be separated from the source material and shouldn't be interpreted as such by Western standards." and most cases being blown off for trying to correct these takes in Western fan bases.
Personally, I think that there has been lack of Wukong or his journeymates' perspectives has caused more confusion than anything else. Also with the depictions of heaven as well. And trust me this would not be the first time that Heaven was seen as 'the bad guy' in Xiyouji media but…. they just make it so clear that Wukong in this series has nothing working for him and it's because this creates a lot of discourse.
I do genuinely do enjoy LMK Sun Wukong, he isn't a fav but he is a delight, but I think the narrative that he is incompetent, incapable, illiterate, and a one-noted character has been taken too far at this point. I know this is not his story but, it's Xiaotian's, but it really feels like the studio is so insecure that Xiaotian can be a good hero on his own that they need to make Wukong seem more incompetent to make Xiaotian the one to fix his mistakes.
It is a very unbalanced dichotomy that I feel Flying Bark is not handling well personally, always pushing aside Wukong's point of view in favor of villains for the sake of "drama" and suspense and while that can be interesting… the balance just makes it feel too one-sided.
I also feel the crew of LMK has gotten too involved with Fandom culture. Reminds me a bit too much of Legends of Voltron fandom and how that kind of fan to Creator communication can be… dangerous to say the least.
I can't say I can agree with you anon with the amount of disrespect I've seen from some fans in the LMK fandom with its treatment of Eastern regions, customs, and even the language itself. I think that LMK fans trying to dissuade these attitudes are trying to stop the wave of disrespect by using the book but really reducing such a culturally important piece of media to just 'silly little legos' does reflect in reducing Chinese culture that is ingrained and cannot be separated from the original source material into something like an aesthetic really does damage.
Chinese films that play around with the idea of Sun Wukong can do so successfully because the established idles of Xiyouji are never changed while I feel that so many LMK fans taking the show too seriously in their interpretation of the novel and even Buddism, Daoist, and Chinese folks lore can be damaging.
Lego Monkie Kid as a show is fine. It's not the most groundbreaking or even the biggest Xiyouji media I've seen here but it's a fine show.
But I think some fans are trying to dissuade Western fans from reducing Chinese culture to something 'otherly worldly’ just being of the colonialism connections that the West has had with taking Eastern media and reducing it to products.
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jynxeddraca · 7 months
BG3 Drabble - Astarion/Tav Moonridge
Wrote this up one day because I had absolute fluff on the brain and was impatient to get to the romance part of the fanfiction I'm writing. It's just a short, cute, fluffy thing about Astarion and my Tav - post confession - where she wants help sleeping and Astarion is privately suspicious of what her "real" intent is. All my original posts about Baldur's Gate 3 are located here: [Link] If you just want the AO3 link, that's here: [Link]
Astarion was a little skeptical of Tav’s motives when she asked him to lay on her when they went to bed.  The excuse she’d given him was because she’d been having troubles falling asleep and said it would help.  While she had assured him, multiple times, that she really was fine not having sex until he was ready, there was still a paranoia in the far back of his mind that it wasn’t true.  That she was far less okay with it than she claimed.  That this was some kind of manipulation to entice him.  That part of his brain had him all but convinced this was a scheme.
“I promise it’s nothing nefarious I just…sleeping with you on me is comforting.”  Tav had admitted, sounding embarrassed and face flushing.  “No sex, I swear.”
Hesitating only a little bit, he’d agreed – as of late he found himself incapable of telling her ‘no’, especially not to any kind of bedroom activity.  Once Tav laid back on his bedroll, Astarion stretched out over her before carefully lowering down.  Placing his head over her chest, he slowly put his weight on her.  Waist resting between her legs, arms bracketing her torso before sliding up under her shoulders, so his hands were by the pillow.  Her heart steadily thumping under his ear as he settled.
“Comfortable?”  Tav asked uncertainly.  Her hands lifted and moved around him. One hand found his hair and slowly, gently, she carded her fingers through it, nails gingerly scratching his scalp as she did so.  The other hand gently rested on his shoulder, running her thumb idly up and down soothingly.  However, he made a face when he felt her legs shift – certain they were about to wrap around him.  Instead, they both simply bent at the knee, one a bit more than the other, and went still.  It took him longer than he would ever admit to realize that she was just shifting to be more comfortable.  Same way she did every time she’d fallen asleep under him.
“I am.”  Astarion said softly.  He wasn’t lying.  Physically, this was comfortable for him.  Emotionally though, it was far less comfortable.  They had gone to bed like this before, more than once, but it had always been after a vigorous round of sex when both of them had been too lazy to move apart from each other.  Any other time he rested on top of someone like this had been for the same reasons.  Even his body knew this and, despite still having clothes on and not wanting to do anything, there was a twitch in his groin anticipating something more energetic to come.  As he felt the twitch, Astarion was relieved that he was taller than her, from his position her pelvis was just under his stomach, no where near close enough to have felt the involuntary reaction.
“See?  It’s not so bad.”  She teased lightly.
He only gave a humorous chuckle in response.  Part of him waited on edge though, expecting her to initiate something.  Expecting any moment to feel her hips tilt or her body arch up against him.  Instead, she simply laid quietly, humming softly in the dark, drawing her fingers through his hair.  Absently, her tail took up it’s usual spot, draping and curling around his lower leg.  Slowly, her humming faded, her fingers in his hair slowed before resting on his neck, her breathing evened out, and the hand resting on his shoulder went limp, sliding down.
Astarion blinked.  ‘She’s…asleep?’ The sound of her heart slowing to it’s nightly rhythm under his ear confirmed it.  Staring off to the side, head cradled on her chest, he once again felt his world crack and reorganize around him.  Which it seemed to do that more often than he liked with her.
Tav had genuinely meant it. Tav wasn’t initiating sex, or coercing him into something they agreed not to.  All she wanted was to feel his weight on her because she was having trouble falling asleep.
The urge to push himself up and stare at her was strong.  He probably would have if the feeling of her hand resting on his neck, fingers twitching softly as she started to dream, hadn’t been so damn soothing.  Instead he closed his eyes and tightened his arms around her.  ‘Damn woman.’ He thought nearly laughing.  ‘You have no idea what you do to me do you?’
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spittyfishy · 1 year
For the character list: everyone’s favorite seesaw man
Favourite thing about them:
I am absolutely incapable of explaining why I like Kiyo lol, I used to be neutral to disinterested in him and then one day it was just like poof! Bonked with the blorbo beam, and here we are.
Least favourite thing about them:
Unsurprisingly, it’s all the unpleasantness they added to his back story for no reason. It’s entirely the writers being gross and Kiyo deserves better
As I mentioned in the post about Kaede, I love the idea of her and Kiyo being besties lol. But I also think Kiyo and Kaito being friends is really funny bc Kaito is so freaked out by ghosts and stuff and Kiyo is inherently spooky.
I don’t really have any tbh lol, I’ve seen some kinda cute stuff with Shuichi, but I think Kiyo needs a lot of character development before it’s a good idea for him to be in a relationship.
The grossness goes without saying, so other then that I think I’ve seen some stuff with him and Tenko before which is just yikes lol
Random headcanon:
At one point Kiyo and Syo both ran into each other while disposing of bodies and just kinda,,, made awkward eye contact and slowly went on with what they’d been doing.
Unpopular opinion:
Idk if it’s unpopular, but Kiyos outfit design has a lot of problematic elements so now when I draw him I don’t add his hat, armband, and tbh I just don’t put him in the uniform at all when I can.
Song I associate with them:
I wish I had more songs to go with Kiyo, as it stands I don’t think I really have any that are specifically for him.
Favourite picture of them:
This spoopy season one!
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spaghetticat3899 · 8 months
The Sona Selection
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This post is just gonna be me rambling about my sonas and shite, if you’re interested, look under the cut. Some in the image above are no longer used, I just am too lazy to make a new drawing of them all. Toyhouse pages are linked of you’re also curious enough to look at those for some reason, lol.
Skullcandy (she/her)
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The edgelord herself. As can be obviously deduced (probably), I made her when I was 12-ish, and for whatever reason I’ve never been able to get unattached to her, no matter how many times I’ve tried to replace her. I guess she’s here to stay, lol.
She’s an “irradiated raptor”, which is some sort of radioactive creature that might’ve been a ferret at one point. Her head was based off a ball python’s, just because I find their faces cute. The rest was made up on the fly. In earlier designs, she used to have tiny crystal wings for some reason, but they’re no longer in use. She’s incapable of dying via physical injury, a blessing or curse depending on who you ask (mostly just an excuse for gore art).
Loid Bimac (he/they)
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This little octo dude I can’t stop drawing. Sleep-deprived, always moving, might be a little feral. I made him sometime in 2022, originally starting out as a xeno design I scribbled down once in class. Eventually I redrew it and started using him regularly. Before his creation, I used Hachikō in place of myself a lot. He’s a California two-spot octopus, having little eyespots on his shoulders he’s kinda insecure about. His earlier design had more suction cups on his hair which I got rid of for ease and simplicity, which is why some older art of him has five suckers on his front tentacles instead of three. The finger color gradient is completely optional and I add it whenever I feel like it, it’s never consistent. His beak is weird because my teeth are kinda like that (albeit, a lot less noticeably.
Kid (any/it)
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This weird goat chimera that took way too long to finalize a design for. They’re a bizarre thing, usually around a little jackalope by the name of Kit (a friend’s sona I designed for them). Their scales and horns are iridescent, based off an emerald jewel wasp. Their arms can become bat-like wings for absolutely no reason other than I said so. The innermost toe can twist back and forth and behave like a foot-thumb, the two other toes forming a hoof. The maw is based off thylacoleo, just because the teeth are funky. The tail has a stinger hidden in the fluff just because. Honestly a lot of their design is “just because”.
Saturn (she/they/he)
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I wish I had a higher quality image of them because this is from an Aggie/magma canvas so it’s very fuzzy. Just a little hyena sona vaguely based off the planet, Saturn. Nothing much to them.
Dani (she/her)
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A sona I made sophomore year of high school I use every once in awhile. She’s an opossum, not a rat. Not much behind her either, she’s just here, lol.
Alright, that’s all, here’s a picture of Sunny my sister took awhile ago.
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antimony-medusa · 1 year
While I am posting it is perfectly fine to have a crush on a streamer, and you're not inherently creepy to want to draw their name in love hearts, people have had celebrity crushes from time immemorial. These are good looking and funny people who we have talk to us for hours. Hell yeah you're gonna get a little crush-y sometimes.
The important part is that you know that they don't actually don't know you and never will, and so you talk about them in your group chat, and you don't go around obsessing over their IRL partners or any hint that they might be abusive (what), or asking them inappropriate things to their face.
You have a little crush. That's fine. If you're on the a-spectrum it's often the case that you are mostly drawn to things like humour, so like, this is ground zero for finding people attractive. Go ahead and make a fancam or something. Celbrity crushes are like, so normal they're boring. Do you know how many married couples have a joking list of people their partner gets a pass to cheat with cause they're just so cute. It's an actual trope. It's FINE. It's what you DO with the fact that you want to decorate the inside of your locker with their face that is important, and that involves respecting that they don't know you, and respecting that you feel a little not normal about them. Just like. Enjoy the fact that their face gives your seretonin and don't go around telling people that your guy is "incapable of love" because he broke up with someone (what) and you're sad that he's never gonna pick you.
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professor-rye · 2 years
PLEASE tell me about "hustlecat???"
Oh man. I am so excited about the Hustlecat AU So the shortest answer is that Hustlecat is a really cute little dating sim where you start working at a cat cafe, and you can date your coworkers. This AU is a Hustlecat x Mighty Nein crossover The long answer is that this is a Modern with secret magic slow burn Shadowgast Cat Cafe AU, where early campaign Caleb and Nott are homeless up until they get a job at this very strange and mysterious cat cafe owned by a handsome drow :D I'll be honest though, the premise may be sweet and soft, but I am apparently incapable of not writing angst, so there will also be elements of tragic backstories, mysteries, and magical danger! Ho boy... picking a snip for this one is proving difficult. There are lots of good options. I'm trying to write out the entire thing before posting it, but I've been posting snippets in the Aeor Is For Lovers Discord Server
~(‾▿‾)~ ~(‾▿‾)~ ~(‾▿‾)~ ~(‾▿‾)~ ~(‾▿‾)~ ~(‾▿‾)~ ~(‾▿‾)~ ~(‾▿‾)~
Caleb smirked and shook his head while Nott just shrugged. Then, they entered the cafe. The door opened with a jingle of a bell, and the black cat that had been sitting there darted off.
Inside was a veritable cat paradise in minimalistic but fashionable designs. Counters lined the edges of the room with plush stools tucked underneath, while several traditional cafe tables sat near the side windows. Walkways were built into the walls, one even spanning the front window, and a spiraling cat tree formed a pillar of support for a balcony style second floor. Paintings and photos of cats covered the walls and cat toys could be seen tucked into corners everywhere. A large, circular couch sat in the very center, with no less than three cats lounging on its cushions.
Everything was in shades of black, white or gray, save the occasional pop of bright orange wood or deep purple fabric. It looked modern, fancy, and clean, and Caleb suddenly felt very out of place.
“Oh wow,” Nott murmured as they looked around the massive room. Caleb was trying to find some word of agreement, when suddenly, someone called from up above.
“I’ll be right with you!” a warm southern drawl called, drawing their eyes to the second floor where a tall half-orc was standing up from where he had been sitting with a well dressed drow.
It was the strangest relief, seeing a half orc and drow, and Caleb couldn’t help but glance down at Nott to see if she felt the same. Her reusable cloth medical mask was still pulled up, and her ears tucked in, so her race wasn’t immediately obvious, but if there was a possibility that she would be accepted here…
“Hello there,” the half-orc said, now on the same floor as them. He was tall and lanky, with mottled skin and stark black hair swept back from his face. He was also very attractive.
“Welcome to The Cat’s Tower. Are you here for some of our delicious food, or would you like to learn about the cats?”
Caleb blinked. “Ah, is both an option?”
The half-orc smiled, a handsome and charming thing before he motioned them over to one of the tables. “Of course! We have our menu right here. I can place your order and then tell you about our shelter while you eat.”
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feastfic · 2 years
Ok. So. Hear me out.
Lord X gets thrown into an unknown world, everything is mostly the same, although his powers are a little wonky right now. He wanders around for a moment until: He encounters someone who speaks and acts just like he does, except they look like Knuckles and he highkey kinda falls head over heels
(Yes this is me spreading soknuckles propaganda but in exe form, watch me do it in shock and awe)
-shepard anon
I am hearing you out and I hear you loud and clear 👀
Well wasn't this an interesting situation. And just mildly frustrating. It seems that the Lord's powers are — for lack of a better term — effectively useless. Different surroundings, too. This world was similar, but it didn't carry the same air of upcoming death and cyclic torture as his. He'd make this world his, if he could.
If only he could come to reason why he was incapable of doing much. But alas, his intuition seemed to inform him that that reason was a long way coming.
• He wouldn't see much of anything that was alive, save for any plantlife scattered about. And for a hot second he'd think somehow he was thrown into an empty world; something of a sandbox of sorts. Where he could do anything (or well, anything where he couldn't use his abilities. How frustrating that was.)
He'd travel a good distance, regarding this emptiness with a kind of contempt. All of this, and he couldn't do exactly what he wanted with it.
• And that's when he'd feel eyes on his back. What an interesting feeling, being the watched instead of the watcher. It was new, but hardly unsettling. Lord X would think it's actually quite funny, really. Someone really believes they could stalk him like he had to hundreds of thousands? How cute.
• He'd be greeted by Knuckles, a Knuckles at least. One who didn't immediately interrogate him; who he was, how he got here.
Something in his eyes was deeply malevolent, delightfully twisted. It reminded X of himself. This was no ordinary echidna. Those were the eyes of someone ruthless for fun, for the thrill and to draw out the pain of others for his own enjoyment.
How wonderful to meet someone so similar.
The echidna smiled, muzzle stretching wider than what should be possible. Rows of teeth, discolored, glinted sharply.
How wonderful indeed.
• It was like an unspoken understanding, of kinship. They both knew what the other was like, and almost what the other's name was as well.
• Like two devilish souls meeting perhaps by fate of the stars, the two would bond over their similar drives, motives, and capabilities. The Lord had finally met a King worthy enough to see as an equal.
And with time, that King would become a friend. A good friend, even; one whom Lord X could converse with about things that the universe itself seemed to reject hearing.
But what would someone mocking God be if he weren't also indestructible? Every protest the stars made only pushed X to saying something even more twisted. And he was encouraged to, too. Finally someone understood why, and it was that echidna.
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soleilthedeity · 2 months
We on that youngest child with a slightly estranged and far older sister shit
CW: Body negativity (because why not), depressing rants, self hatred, heavy comparisons, I dunno it's just depressing and long
I'd like to think myself a writer, and a good one at that. I write, and I write, and I continue to write until my head is empty. I write until I cannot think of another idea at that moment, and when those ideas come back, I write some more. My passions all seem to stem from the imagination we as a species all seem to share. Still, I find my talent to be lacking. I have drawn for years, and yet I couldn't even compare to my mother, a wonderful artist skilled in oils, acrylics, charcoal, and more. I write consistently but it never comes close to the novels my mom, mimi, and uncle all penned before me. I try video and image editing but my mother's skills with photoshop will always outdo me, even if she's incapable of improving anymore. My sister is a skilled tattoo artist, my uncle design characters for games and his book series, and my mother was a jack of all trades. She did jewelry making, cake decorating, painting, drawing, digital editing, digital art, writing, poetry, animation, woodworking, carpentry, sewing, embroidery, beading, pottery, ceramics painting, everything. That woman did everything and I can barely do anything. I cannot sing as well as she did. I cannot compare to her jokes and her humor. I'm not skilled in any art the world has to offer, and no matter how many times I've tried, I only faily to become great. It doesn't help much knowing that my so-called talents are all I have going for me. I am, at surface level, ugly. I am fat, with disgusting blobs and layers of meaty flesh covering my body, lined with stretch marks around the sagging cow udders I call breasts and the plump legs and stomach I simply cannot rid myself of. My face is too small for my large head, and the only hairstyle I can bear having only make me look uglier. I am awful to look at, and on my best days I can only look “cute”, never handsome or attractive. I want to be pretty, is that too much to ask? My skin is so pale it's sickly looking, and perpetually red in the spots blood pools at. I don't even look like a white person, I just look disgusting. It's sickening, really. Everything about me is sickening. I live in a family of people far prettier and more talented than I am, and I can’t help but cry realizing it. I will never be as beautiful as my favorite cousin, who is skinny, attractive, and smart. I will never be athletic like my other cousin, because he is so good at soccer I'm pretty sure he got a scholarship for it. I will never be bold like my sister, who is known in our family for being a “black sheep”.
I will never be my mother.
I look like her, I have the same interests as her, I've started to talk like her, I even have the same problems as her. I am my mother's second daughter and only son, but I am not my mom. No matter how hard I try to surpass her, I never will. No matter how many times I fail to be her, they never learn. That realization only pushes me closer to joining her in hell.
Do you know how it feels to listen to your boyfriend talk about what he finds attractive, and the only thing you can think of is, “You would like my sister more.”? It's an awful feeling. If my sister wasn't so much older than him and I, I'd be worried about it too. Not because I think she'd actually consider being with him, but because he might actually consider her a better option. Some days I wonder if he still loves me. Some days I wonder why he loves me. He's so talented, I can't help but wish I wrote like him. I'm scared of marrying him, and having a child with him, because I feel bad for any child that could come out looking like me. I wouldn't wish this feeling on any child in the world. I don't want a kid to be as ugly as me, because even though I'd love them with all my heart, I doubt the world would be so kind. I just wish I was talented, or at the very least, pretty. I could get by if I was pretty. Who needs talent when boys actually like you?
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asheneclipse · 1 year
Sometimes I think about all the things I'd like to do, but don't.
Part of me thinks it would be fun to get involved with a local theater company. I remember enjoying being part of plays in high school - not being on stage (I'm not good enough at acting for that, at least atm, though I am good at memorizing lines) but doing things like set painting and backstage work and helping with makeup.
I'd like to cosplay, but the learning curve to know how to sew is wow. Added to that is the fact that I would have to draft my own patterns because of my size. (And, lets be honest, fat cosplayers get extra judgment.) (Also where would I wear things?? There are so many people at cons that I get anxiety. Exposure therapy would probably help, I know, but...)
And then, back to sewing, if I knew how to sew I could make me cute items and bras that actually fit my dumb chest.
Or make a romance visual novel. With choices and different love interests and fun scenes and cute graphics. But I can't draw, so while I could do the writing and the coding and mash together UI elements from free resources in a pretty way.... I don't have the money to pay an artist for the character art.
And I'm trying to figure out all of the barriers I have for these issues and then I'm just like... OOOOr I could not, because just thinking about this makes me tired.
(This COULD be the combination sleep apnea and depression talking. Like I am LEGIT tired all. the. time. I need to figure out a way to wear my mask, but just thinking about my cpap mask sends me into anxiety and wearing it makes me feel like I can't breath and....)
AND THEN I look at all this and think 'I need to get over myself. These issues are minor and I should just deal with them like an adult and its easy, you incapable dummy.'
It's very hard to be compassionate to myself. But if it WAS 'easy' for me, I would have done it by now.
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mycreativepractice · 2 years
My Day Today
So, I woke up today not feeling so hot. I had a pretty sore throat and just generally felt lethargic and not ready to start my day of work. I was supposed to go to the gym this morning, but I’ve skipped every day this week. I’m a bit of a perfectionist in my daily life. I have no problem getting things done, but when I feel that I am incapable of doing things perfectly I often just avoid doing the thing. That’s how I feel about the gym. I’m not great at lifting weights and feel pretty incompetent compared to the other people at the gym, so I find myself skipping out of fear of failure. Anyway, that’s what happened this morning. I woke up slowly and made myself a coffee, then proceeded to drown out the taste of the coffee with creamer. I used to think caffeine didn’t affect me, but there’s something about the ritual of drinking coffee itself that I enjoy, it helps me wake up and start my day. This is especially the case on days where I am not feeling 100%. 
Once I finished my coffee (took me about an hour). I finally got up out of bed and got dressed for work. I sometimes wear makeup, usually on days that I head onto campus for class. But today I had a full day of teaching so I just put on clothes and brushed my hair/teeth to get ready. I headed out for my first class at about 10:00 am. My first class went really well, I was teaching a lesson about a ram. The kids were not huge fans at first, but it actually ended up being the most successful lesson I’ve had with this class. A lot of kids finished. A lot of my kids who aren’t the happiest drawing did a super good job today which was great.
I had a lunch break and ate a gigantic salad that I had prepped for by chopping vegetables earlier this week. I ate my salad slowly while watching videos on my phone. I paired the salad with a sweet tea. My salad had tons of chickpeas, lettuce, peppers, tomatoes, red onions, a very large helping of mozzarella cheese, olive oil, lemon juice, salt, and pepper on it.
I headed out to my second class where we were doing a very cute drawing of an Axolotl. This has been all my classes’ favorite drawing. The kids were super enthusiastic and were actually generally well-behaved today (this was out of character for this group of kids). One boy who had lost his drawing last week got reunited with his drawing and he was so happy! Made me feel really happy that he was so excited about his artwork. I also returned another drawing to a different girl who had forgotten hers last week. She was equally excited. I really love my students and working with them brings me so much joy and fulfillment. By the end of my day today I am feeling a lot better than I was this morning, my students were a big factor in making me feel better. 
5:01 pm
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