#i am not good at trivia
tiffanyachings · 8 months
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Matching T-Shirts for You and Your Weirdly Codependent Cousin
based on this excellent post by @casgirl
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hellenhighwater · 1 year
huge shoutout to rejection sensitive dysphoria and the attorney who mentioned that I'd misspelled "forfeiture" in my notes, ensuring that I will literally never misspell that word ever again. Thanks, it's just what I needed. I would have rather been shot, but this works also.
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herleaf · 1 month
sometimes you’re staring out a window imagining your own melodramatic music video and then remember that during lockdown your in-laws made the funniest trivia group name and you will probably never top it: five jews in a zoom bitching. it was for theater trivia.
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swiftbell · 1 year
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First ever gif I made, and of course it's angst >=)
Click on the images for best resolution
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if you have some, do you have any headcannons for barnaby?
honestly! not really! i don't have hcs for any of the neighbors!
#the way i interact w/ welcome home is uh... slightly differently than how i interact with more mainstream / company-produced media#like if you compare how i talk about the neighbors/wh to how i talk about characters on say... my dc blog#there's probably gonna be a notable Difference!#with mainstream/company stuff i go Hog Wild with hcs and aus and i form my own version of everything in my head#(while still understanding & respecting canon as the true source)#but wh is Different! i can't really do that!#it isnt some big production created by a team & mass released#where the actions of some fans just fuckin around and having fun won't directly affect anyone or even reach the ears of the creators#and where upon releasing it everyone Knows that its gonna be dissected & torn to shreds & played with like barbies#wh is more... personal? there is one main creator. these are His characters. its Their story.#i can't in good conscience make headcanons and honestly? id much rather stick to canon trivia & facts than create my own#theyre not my facts to create or believe in!!#sometimes ill make a post saying 'hey this would be cute / neat'#but as soon as i post im tossing that thought away. i dont let them stick or become hcs#(NOTE THAT I AM NOT BASHING ANYONE WHO MAKES HCS. THIS IS ALL MY PERSONAL OPINION!!! MY OWN PERSONAL INTERNAL RULES!!! FOR ME!)#rambles from the bog#like even with the lights out au im being careful with it. im trying to be faithful & respect the characters and the source#its an... exploration i think#ive never approached making an au this way bc usually im just flinging characters around and treating canon as a chew toy - scrap for parts#but i cant do that here! im Not Complaining At All im simply stating! i cant!#sorry you probs weren't expecting a lil mini rant in tags my b <3#this has just been in my head since i first discovered welcome home#i remember feeling myself start getting really attached & interested#and i recall telling myself 'ok. we cant approach this the way we would other things'#and i have done my best to Stick To That. ive relaxed a lil since then but im still standing by my one rule#Be A Little More Normal About This Than I Would If It Were Mainstream / A Company-Made Production
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mail-forwarding · 1 year
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(Sunrise Christmas — Ded's dialogue if MC's yet to meet him)
"Ho ho ho! I am Ded Moroz, headmaster of the Santa School. Thought you may know me better as Santa Claus." "And I know all about you! I know every child on the nice list, MC."
I don't often take choice-dependent dialogue into consideration, because the MC in those mini-scenes tend to be characterized by player choice and not by baseline canon, and thus the reactions by other characters tend to shift away from that baseline.
Dialogue options for meeting a new character or greeting a returning one are somewhat different, because while they may say nothing about MC, they often do provide information about the characters or the world.
This particular line, however, I found highly interesting because of what it says about MC, regardless of whether LW intended for such a reading. This implies that no matter what sort of MC you are given the choice to play (agreeable, irritable, insatiable), fundamentally, MC represents good. Even their relentless "harassment" (put in quotes because it's 50/50 whether the characters are receptive, and dubious what the motivation even is for writing a canonical God of Sex Appeal as a sex pest) is not enough to detract from that goodness; one could, if one squinted, possibly make the argument that this behaviour is positive for other characters, perhaps because it is flattering to be wanted by someone as desirable and/or widely desired as MC.
I mean, of course this plays into the whole Lovable Sex Maniac and/or Jerk with Heart of Gold trope(s); of course the protagonist of a game like this would be classified as good. Of course all relationships MC can have with other characters are understood as a vehicle for those characters to grow and change for the better, regardless of how they actually interact. I'd say this is actually pretty typical for the genre since FEH and FGO do this too.
But what this line also implies (which I don't think LW intended to do) is that those two other MCs —the grumpy and the insatiable, who are mostly* optional, because their dialogue lines must be selected and the results are not usually acknowledged in subsequent scenes— must now be explicitly understood as still different aspects of the core MC, even if they're mostly* non-canonical. It's not that MC is good despite the dubiousness. The canonical MC, after all, goes so far beyond simply good. The way the text treats MC, even when they're being dubious, they are still being good.
*I call a trait/portrayal non-canon if it has to be specifically chosen by the player and makes no appearance if that option is not chosen.
Outside some select scenes, horny MC is usually non-canon. There are a few instances where the game forces you to be thirsty (though IIRC, those instances are not explicitly horny, and most are not implicitly so either), and I think a couple characters call MC out for their problematic behaviour in a way that alludes to promiscuity or sexual availability. But since nothing in the rest of the game addresses this in any way, unlike their noted tendency to be a problem child (because they keep getting caught up in bullshit, sometimes that they themself instigated), I tend to read this as MC being a "regular" "person" during puberty, who at least experiences aesthetic attraction, and may have said some things regardless of whether they've engaged in any such relations/acts.
Same goes for mean options: there is actual explicit textual evidence of MC being mean/insensitive/impatient/irritable, and quite of a lot of it at that, but this is portrayed as exceptions to MC's general temperament.
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gen15gg · 4 months
as a history nerd i am honestly living for the little accurate queer history details here n there
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prototypelq · 6 months
this speech is a must-listen for any 'father figure Dante' trope fan
(why you should listen: a daughter of a rockstar roasts her dad at his own award receiving ceremony about him not wearing any shirts when he was picking her up from middle-school)
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the-clay-quarters · 1 year
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Jumping on this bandwagon because I decided I needed something dumb to do today and then spent Way too long on these. Random things of note:
Despite this being ooc, the fonts for the first section are meant to be their handwriting. I couldn't figure out what else to put in the lil squares so have some small details instead.
Silverstein has fuck all empathy but is better with sympathy. He also doesn't get a title or job bcus I have no idea what he's doing yet and neither does he lol.
Pembroke's was surprisingly hard to condense a character with two very different public personas into one sheet.
Neither particularly value family bcus they dont really have any oops (Silverstein never had any, Pembroke disowned them/was disowned)
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jonsaremembers · 3 months
I am so fucking irritated this morning
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windor-truffle · 10 days
soooo despite playing lots i am HORRIBLY behind on posting about my playthrough, and unfortunately i may never actually end up covering some parts of the game despite my many thoughts about it 😓 but!!!! i wanted to drop a couple interesting meta observations i found along the way:
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we all know and love the very sweet side quest involving Richard's time-skip letter to Asbel that he left at Lhant Hill 💜💜 I just found it kinda funny that he attached a large sum of glad as a reward, considering he was mortified when Asbel turned down the gift of his ring the first time. i can't tell if Richard just genuinely wanted Asbel to have a little spending money or if he was trying to pspspsp his old friend into hanging out with him again 😂 bribery makes friendships stronger?
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some weapon flavor text I found amusing, assuming they're canon: Malik's bladerang returns to his hand because of magic, not physics like an actual boomerang, but that's not surprising because I don't think actual physics would allow a bladerang to function the way it does in game 😅 the wryness of the text is amusing, though.
also, apparently Graces is set in the same universe as us??? or there's a DIFFERENT planet called Earth, who knows how many galaxies over it could be. anyway I believe this makes all modern AUs and various other real-life based fan works slightly closer to canon than they might originally seem 😅
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here's one that I was super excited to figure out: I'd been wondering about the inclusion of lilies (at least, I ASSUME these are lilies 😅) in various official artworks for graces like this one and this one considering they're not a mandatory plot symbol like sopherias are, yet remain prevalent alongside them. But this random dualizing flavor text answered it for me: they're the national flower of Windor! lilies typically represent purity and innocence but also sometimes love, grief, and femininity (which is why i thought at first that they were associated with Fodra). neat :)
lastly, a small meta detail that I THINK I've figured out the source of but I'm not 100 percent sure? I've been trying to have everyone eat lots of their favorite foods so they'll unlock their respective titles (just recently confirmed that eleth mixer-produced foods count which is excellent, that's much cheaper and less time consuming). I recently obtained Asbel's title and equipped it to him, then immediately after I saw this in the post-battle text:
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this may not seem like much, but that's not the normal text for eleth-mixer dishes, nor is curry normally eaten AFTER battle (unless dualized and consumed from the menu) since its effect is a one-time recovery from KO. below is the normal eleth mixer text for both curry and after-battle dishes:
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So my tentative conclusion is that when a character has their food-loving title equipped, there's some percent chance that the party will eat it after battle, with effects that carry over into the next. It definitely doesn't trigger after every battle, Cheria and Hubert weren't giving out helpings of grilled chicken or omurice when they were mastering their titles, but of course Asbel IMMEDIATELY made everyone eat his beloved dish for the millionth time 😂 now I'm working on making crablettes for Sophie so she can spread the love too 😁
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HI. HEY. HEY D UDE I FEEL LIKE I'VE HAHA FUNNEY JOKED ABOUT WILLIAM GETTING A GUN BEFORE BUT I DID NOT FUCKING THINK HE WOULD ACTUALLY GET A GUN???? LOSING MY SHIT OVER THIS. literally fucking wild maybe its because its 1am but i am COMPLETELY taken off guard oh my fucking god. please tell me william wisp chainsaws a man at some point in this fucking show. how am i supposed to take this.am i supposed to be normal when william wisp has a fucking shotgun now. angel with a shotgun starts playing. hello. coming to u about this because youre my insane wiwi feelings companion i assume u had a similar reaction LMAOO
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^ literally my face at the last five minutes of 29.
I feel like now is an awesome time for me to give you williams updated season 2 reference art. technically you're not supposed to get this until a few episodes from now but u can have it early. as a treat
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yeah remember how when we were talking about soul eater and i was like "yeah I can't decide whether I want william to have an axe or a chainsaw" THIS IS WHY. my boy he is literally in a survival horror game. he's literally in a slasher movie (<<this is on purpose. I'll send u the trivia in a minute hehe)
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sketchystalker · 4 months
'That Should Be Me Up There' Says Woman Who Could Not Win Jeopardy
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bleh1bleh2 · 2 months
Idk why i'm getting into so many long form pieces of media. First of all i am reading superhero comics (from the beginning, most of the time). I've gone through the new teen titans and superboy, and now am trying to get through like 80 issues of batman (late in dicks robin run through jasons death) so i can read tims robin run. So i can read huntress then the outsiders then teen titans 03 then a billion other team-ups. And also steph/cass as batgirl and babs as oracle. And dick grayson nightwing. (And probably a lot more that i am forgetting right now) and i am reading the 80s wonder woman run. I'm also considering getting into Green Lantern and/or the Flash. Also i want to know so much more about Kara supergirl ever since i read Woman Of Tomorrow (i love and adore her). Then with marvel i want to get into spiderman/fantastic 4/daredevil, plus possibly the xmen. I have been reading comics so much this past year and have so much to read before i even get close to my goals of being knowledgeable.
Then i went "yeah, i will start one piece"
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thefandomcassandra · 10 months
Mame, Girl, Are You Good?
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basiltonpitch · 7 months
2024 is the year i realized i am a cider bitch and idk if i can ever go back to any other kind of alcohol
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